Dear KAG!: 20191024 Open Topic

This Night before Daughn THURSDAY 20191024 Open Thread is very open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both MAGA and KAG!).

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.

Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.

Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.

Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways.

Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible. Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.



I love this pic so I’ll ask of you all to remember Vice President Pence in your prayers!

So, as we head down the path to our branch in the Q Tree  (some showed up overnight) please be kind to each other.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics:

  • No food fights.
  • No running with scissors.
  • If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

  • So break out your FOUL weather gear.
  • Brave the STORM
  • For we fight for all that’s dear.
  • Brave the STORM
  • And remember in 2020 we get Four Moar Years!


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Peace…. be among US….
Peace …. be to ALL God loving Men and Women.

Chris Moritz


Rodney Short

I think in 2024 we should get 4 MOAR years to make up for the 4 the dems robbed us of.
Love your thread Trumpismine,the bunny rocks.


While we’re at it, can we retrieve the donations from Romney, Bush, and McCain?

Rodney Short

Amen Daughn


I’m really wondering how it’s going to crimp my style as a late-nighter when I’m on East Coast time and next-day threads show up at midnight.


You’ll either go for “three more hours” or you’ll be on a new shift. 🙂


You think you got problems? Be glad you don’t live in WA state, where our guv is so dumb he signed a bill for year-round daylight saving time. Now we are going to have to compute times for anything outside of our time zone.


Yeah, I saw that. Gets you into the same group as Arizona — “let’s be different to be different!!!” IMHO, Government time should stay the same and businesses should change their business hours according to the season…..but that isn’t totalitarian enough for some folks. And, certainly, some would chime in with, “what about the schools????” The classic example for me was the behavior of westbound trains. In order to keep schedule during the shift from daylight savings, they sit idle for an hour in the middle of nowhere.


I wish ALL states would do that……
Spring Forward KILLS me…. EVERY Year.
Takes me until the Fall reset to get back to “Normal” 🙂


It literally kills people every year — the stats for traffic accidents two weeks prior and two weeks after are totally freaking obvious. But, y’know — death cult, people control…..
I’ve worked for a place that said, “winter hours: 9 – 6; summer hours: 8 – 5” and it seemed to work fine without confusion and government compulsion.


Must be a Conservative place……
Thinking OUTSIDE the box 🙂
I like the idea.

Deplorable Patriot

And this getting up in the dark is for the birds.


Nobody should have to get up before the Sun does 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I saw an interesting suggestion one time.
Have the pacific time zone stay on DST all year.
Have the mountain time zone stay on standard time all year.
Have the central time zone stay on DST all year.
Have the eastern time zone stay on standard time all year.
The effect would be to divide the US into two time zones, basically “eastern” and “western” time, separated by two hours. The boundary between the two zones would run through one of the least densely populated parts of the US (the high plains).


NYC and north were the reason they started daylight savings time to begin with – so they would not be happy with Standard time in the cold dark winter.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

But they already HAVE standard time in the cold dark winter.
Like most they do DST in the summer.


Don’t get me confused and discombobulated.


All I know is – Spring forward and being sleepy for months – is the Yankees fault!!


Just so they pick ONE and quit changing twice every year.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

We could do like China.
The whole country is in ONE time zone. So western China has ridiculously early posted hours on offices, and so forth, so that they’re on the same actual time of day they would be if they were allowed to set their clock to something remotely resembling what the sun is doing.
That time zone, by the way, is by far the world’s most populated time zone. Malaysia and Central Indonesia are on it too.


Greetings, neighbor!


did he really?
it’s Law now?


This is our first year in Oregon to be on year round daylight savings time. I like it. No more clock resetting.
As far as traveling to a different time zone, you do that when you drive or fly east or west anyway. Big deal.


As many of you know, I transferred over to Linux in 2015. As a weird consequence of this, the package that updates time zones gets an update whenever anyone changes worldwide……..and it seems like this is being changed monthly of late. It’s ridiculous.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There’s literally a different time zone database entry for EVERY single historically different place. If some county on the border between two time zones switches to the other time zone, it gets its own entry in the database forevermore, because it’s the ONLY county with that precise history of clock setting.

Sue Mcdonald

We voted on it here where it passed over 60%. But when you change the state still has to ratify it, guv sign it, and a bill be approved in the House. So over a year later, nothing has changed!


Was listing to my car’s sd and Roman came on I had almost forgot about her…
For all that need an extra Blessing tonight
TY trumpismine


Oh oh wrong paste Sorry guys it should have been this one


This image stirs me more than any other patriotic art I’ve seen.comment image


TY–IT’s my pinned tweet
A few times a week I blow up twitter with it…Its been my pinned tweet for a month or so. Once in a while i come across a tweet that I think i should pin. Then I look at this and say no.


ALL “Blessings” are GOOD!
(And ONLY come from GOD) 🙂


She has some good talk music on her cd…very soothing

Elizabeth Carter

daughn sent me down this rabbit hole yesterday.
Best Interview on China – Kyle Bass and Robert Spalding.
I have been watching a lot of these videos tonight. I found this one extremely interesting.


Hey, Elizabeth. Sorry about the rabbit hole.
I will check this one out though, looks good!


Can’t wait for fleporeblog’s news forum for today…
I’m still laughing LOL
Trump campaign trolls Biden after buying URL named for his Latino campaign


And this oldie but goodie needs to keep making the rounds.


Dang –Some of you guys are determined to make me typo. Do you realize how hard it is to type when you cant stop laughing…


Wow 😮 wow 😮 … this is fabulous … BWAHAHAHAHAHAH .. 😬👍‼️🇺🇸‼️❤️


You’re in luck, he just posted it!


Ok posting over there too..
Dang if I read it i will start up again…LOL


Mama Parscale didn’t raise no fool….



Elizabeth Carter

That is not the video I meant to post. It is good but this is the one I meant to post.


The top image brings back good memories.
Thank you TrumpIsMine.
comment image


comment image


Yes…great picture!
Looks like a morning shot to me.
Dew on the grass…ground fog.
Nice choice for a Header picture, Trumpismine!


So peaceful…quiet sounds of nature…lovely!


As I was saying might nightly prayers last night….
God impressed on me…
2 ….. More “nuggets” of TRUTH….
1) As I contemplated the “Evolutionists”……
I have heard many people discuss the concept of “Evolution”.
I fall on the side of:
NO “species” have EVER “Jumped” to another….
i.e. Fish > Frogs > Squirrels > Cats > Dogs > Cows > Horses > Apes > Man……
God showed me that:
Grass seeds do NOT produce Weeds…
Nor do Maple Trees produce Oak trees….
Rose seeds do NOT produce Dandelions….
and Flowers do NOT produce Trees.
2) As I contemplated the “Cycles” of Life…..
Be it the “Animal” Kingdom… Male+Female produce CHILDREN after their OWN kind….
Grow….. Reproduce….. over and over again.
The “Plant” kingdom… Seeds sprout > Grow > Pollinate > Drop seeds
(into the dirt… Nourished there > with Water from above)
Rinse and Repeat
Water in the Seas > Evaporate into the sky > Rain/Snow etc……. fall back to the Earth > Nourish the ground (Plants AND Animals) > excess runs off into streams/ creeks/ rivers and Lakes > Back to the Seas.
Rinse and Repeat.
ZERO “Life” would exist without Water….. or… Food…. Or Air.
GOD made ALL of these things for OUR benefit (and LIFE).
All PRAISE be to GOD for his Blessings of CREATION!
HIS…. Life…WORD….Resurrection and SALVATION (of the “Elect” that he chose before the Foundation of the Earth).
HE… Made the Clay (US)…
HE…. is the “potter”….
He will make of each of us as HE sees fit.
“OUR” “Prayers” will NOT change any of HIS Plans….
Let Go…. and Let GOD!


I like your thoughts, Rayzorbak 😊. Sweet dreams!


You too…. My Sister in Christ 🙂


God … is … good … and His creation displays His perfect design …


My favorite book is Ecclesiastes. The overall frame is: you’ve been everywhere and done everything, and it all comes back to God.


Solomon was made wise (By God)…..
Experienced ALL of life’s “Pleasures”…..
After all was said and done….
It is ALL because of GOD.


Our President is still up…and just tweeted this.


If YOU have not seen this…..
I Urge you to.


Remember this…….
WE… are NOT called to be “Moral”….
WE… are called to be “HOLY”.
Though WE can NOT achieve it this side of Heaven…..
We should still strive for this calling.


“Moral” is a HUMAN “term”……
It CHANGES with the wind……
Is a GODLY “term”…..
It is NOT subject to Change.


I found my stash of Andrew Jackson dollar coins recently (while I’m packing to move), and have started urging people about speeches again.
I tip an AJ dollar and say, “it’s yours — but I urge you not to spend it until you have earned it. Read the last four paragraphs of Andrew Jackson’s 1832 Bank Veto Speech. Once you have done so, you may be tempted to keep it in your wallet as a good luck charm. Once you have researched the Bank War — and Wikipedia has a good article on the subject, you’ll probably keep it in your wallet as a good luck charm. Once you see what it means — including the prosperous period between the Second National Bank’s liquidation in 1841 and subsequent revival as the “Federal Reserve” in 1913…..well, you may start handing out dollar coins to people you barely know…….
The last four paragraphs of the Bank Veto Speech go like this:
“It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their selfish purposes. Distinctions in society will always exist under every just government. Equality of talents, of education, or of wealth can not be produced by human institutions. In the full enjoyment of the gifts of Heaven and the fruits of superior industry, economy, and virtue, every man is equally entitled to protection by law; but when the laws undertake to add to these natural and just advantages artificial distinctions, to grant titles, gratuities, and exclusive privileges, to make the rich richer and the potent more powerful, the humble members of society–the farmers, mechanics, and laborers–who have neither the time nor the means of securing like favors to themselves, have a right to complain of the injustice of their Government. There are no necessary evils in government. Its evils exist only in its abuses. If it would confine itself to equal protection, and, as Heaven does its rains, shower its favors alike on the high and the low, the rich and the poor, it would be an unqualified blessing. In the act before me there seems to be a wide and unnecessary departure from these just principles.
Nor is our Government to be maintained or our Union preserved by invasions of the rights and powers of the several States. In thus attempting to make our General Government strong we make it weak. Its true strength consists in leaving individuals and States as much as possible to themselves–in making itself felt, not in its power, but in its beneficence; not in its control, but in its protection; not in binding the States more closely to the center, but leaving each to move unobstructed in its proper orbit.
Experience should teach us wisdom. Most of the difficulties our Government now encounters and most of the dangers which impend over our Union have sprung from an abandonment of the legitimate objects of Government by our national legislation, and the adoption of such principles as are embodied in this act. Many of our rich men have not been content with equal protection and equal benefits, but have besought us to make them richer by act of Congress. By attempting to gratify their desires we have in the results of our legislation arrayed section against section, interest against interest, and man against man, in a fearful commotion which threatens to shake the foundations of our Union. It is time to pause in our career to review our principles, and if possible revive that devoted patriotism and spirit of compromise which distinguished the sages of the Revolution and the fathers of our Union. If we can not at once, in justice to interests vested under improvident legislation, make our Government what it ought to be, we can at least take a stand against all new grants of monopolies and exclusive privileges, against any prostitution of our Government to the advancement of the few at the expense of the many, and in favor of compromise and gradual reform in our code of laws and system of political economy.
I have now done my duty to my country. If sustained by my fellow-citizens, I shall be grateful and happy; if not, I shall find in the motives which impel me ample grounds for contentment and peace. In the difficulties which surround us and the dangers which threaten our institutions there is cause for neither dismay nor alarm. For relief and deliverance let us firmly rely on that kind Providence which I am sure watches with peculiar care over the destinies of our Republic, and on the intelligence and wisdom of our countrymen. Through His abundant goodness and their patriotic devotion our liberty and Union will be preserved.”


GOD Bless you and this “Ministry”…..
GOD works in mysterious ways 🙂


And, now, a short note as to why I have so many Andrew Jackson dollar coins……
You may already know that the US Government has been trying for years to phase out dollar bills in favor of coins — they last longer, and are cheaper to make, while actually being more difficult to counterfeit (in this age of digital printing). The Sacagawea dollar was famously the only change available in overseas PX’s and domestic post offices for a while. They even went for a high-profile presidential series of dollar coins.
When acceptance flagged, they came up with a program where you could purchase dollar coins at cost and have them delivered to you at home.
When that didn’t do the job, you could purchase dollar coins and have them delivered to you at home and they’d pick up the freight (since they were sent via USPS).
Okay, then……they allowed you to purchase dollar coins, at cost; they’d deliver them, for free; and you could put it on your credit card. My ears perked up and I bought $300 on my Discover card, which has 1% cash back. I actually received 300, they charged Discover $300, I got $3 cashback bonus……and FOR SOME REASON, I couldn’t reorder. Which is a touch on the too-bads, because I was prepared to order about 2000 per day — and my neighborhood would be flooded with dollar coins beyond their wildest dreams.
Incidentally, these were US Mint uncirculated rolls. Some day, they’ll even have a coin collector’s premium. But I’ve been giving ’em away when I’m in the mood to do so.


Since you’re so rich and generous with your money, would you have an extra million dollars lying around you don’t need?


Read Ecclesiastes. In the end — it’s how much you’ve helped people, how much you’ve done skillfully, how much you have improved the world………..and your accord with God. Millions of dollars are just vanity.


Sure, but they certainly do make life a lot easier.
President Trump is a millionaire many times over. He and his family have a great life and aren’t ashamed of being rich.


I’m not ashamed of the financial success I’ve experienced, but it has gained no lasting satisfaction. As the Preacher of Ecclesiastes teaches, lesser triumphs are well and good……but only God can be complete.
Andy, you’re fighting so hard. I was once like you. Relax. Open your ears to what is around. It’s ok to doubt — I have my doubts. But rejection is a belief as rigid as acceptance. Don’t just reject.


More spiritual advice from the peanut gallery. Thanks, but no thanks.

Deplorable Patriot

The only way the single is going to be replaced with coin is to do it all at once.
Our light rail system gives change in Sacajeweas, and Susan B. Anthonys and the people HATE them. I mean HATE them. We call them Metrolink tokens. It’s a matter of assimilation and custom, but if the government really wants to shed the dollar bill, they’re going to have to just quit printing them in favor of the coins.


That makes far too much sense for the govt to do it. And you are an optimist for even suggesting it.


I think most people hate them because it is difficult to differentiate them from quarters when one is scrambling through their purse, pockets or wallet. In low light, it is hard to tell the difference, IMO. I have some I am saving for my granddaughter just for historical purposes. Personally, I would prefer not going with coins unless they were made substantially larger.


different sizes and edges for the sight impaired

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Your complaint about being able to distinguish the Suzie B from the quarter is quite valid, in fact the damn thing got the nickname “Carter Quarter.” They at least tried to address it with the newer coin, removing the reeded edge and coloring it gold-ish (and boy is it buttocks-ugly when it tones, like the 20 eurocent).
But, in my opinion the coin is too large already. It should be about the diameter of a nickel (perhaps a bit larger, but LESS than a quarter), thinner, yet still gold colored (and maybe reed the edge too). Or we could go with that bimetallic thing like they did with the Euro. Whatever is needed to make it very visibly distinct.
The reason why is that eventually, we’re going to be looking at $2 and $5 coins replacing those bills as well, and they SHOULD be larger than the $1.
Of course we could avoid all of this by, comma dammit, going back to hard (“real”) money.


And they take up more space, add weight in your pocket.


More late night tweets from our VSG.


Thanks for the new Open Thread, Trumpismine.
Nice work!
Love the bunny pic and the prayer picture…and yes, The Storm is here.
⛈️🌩️⛈️ 😔🙏

Sadie Slays

This whole James Younger case feels “off” to me. Perhaps “manufactured” or “theatre” are better words than “off.” It’s like it was deliberately orchestrated to push as many buttons as possible. You should have seen the reaction on the chans yesterday. Someone actually posted flyers in their neighborhood saying “They hate our boys.” Guides to making bombs and poison were posted along with personal addresses of the people involved in the case. I fully believe that at least part of the reason Governor Abbott tweeted today was to de-escalate the tension.
The thing is…I can’t tell who is orchestrating this. Are white hats trying to help this case to the Supreme Court (and that’s why it happened in Texas of all places where the conservative-friendly state government could be relied upon to step in)? Are black hats AND white hats trying to gauge how far the public can be pushed?
Yeah, I know there are awful parents, awful judges, and awful injustices out there. I get that it’s entirely possible for something like this to happen organically. But I can’t shake the feeling that this particular case feels “off.” So I’m putting this out there in case anyone feels the same way. It’s something I’m keeping in the back of my mind as this case proceeds.


Not much info is known about the Father as far as I know. Why did they go in-vitro with donated eggs? Was it his sperm? BTW, did she actually carry the twins? Haven’t seen that stated anywhere……..


Yep. I’m thinking it’s some kind of trip wire.maybe even take it to the supremes as a form of child abuse.
Who do we know with such a cunning and innovative approach to problems


I was kinda surprised to learn that there are twins…James Younger has a twin brother.
The twin boys are a result of invitro fertilization.
The father’s sperm was used with a “donor egg”…but I haven’t read anywhere whether the ‘mother’ carried them to term, or if they used a surrogate.
So the father is the biological dad of the twin boys.
The ‘mother’ is not the biological mom.
The ‘mother’ is a doctor who is trying to promote herself as a child specialist of some sort.
Why did she single out one of the twin boys to do this to him?
Why not both of them.
There is speculation that this ‘mother’ has had a plan all along to use these twins to promote her own career.


Ack…this was supposed to a Reply to Sadie.

Sadie Slays

WordPress misplaces my replies, too.


I know this is long but please read it all the way through. This is important knowledge for you to know.
I suspect the Texas case is a medical research project, with probably a fantastic amount of money is changing hands.
I’m a retired paralegal. One of the law firms where I worked had a case that blew my mind, even while I was working on it. The father was working a job that took him away from home for weeks at a time (truck driving IIRC). While he was gone, his pregnant wife starting bleeding with heavy cramps/pain. She went to the ER and at some point doctors convinced her that if she didn’t abort the baby she would die.
Despite being a devout Catholic, she agreed and went through the procedure at a local clinic. Husband came home and was not pleased but understanding of the options she faced.
A couple of months later, she was doing jury duty and suddenly had severe cramps that doubled her over. EMTs took her to the emergency room where she was diagnosed as pregnant. She delivered a reasonably healthy full term boy. When she called the clinic, they told her she must have been pregnant with twins and they missed one.
Why she didn’t die was not addressed.
Later, WA state CPS came and took her kid from Childrens Hospital in Seattle where she went for some ailment the kid had. They started a legal action, called a dependency. Then the nightmare really started. Two times different judges removed her children for neglect and terminated parental rights. Two times they went up on appeal and won reversals. The third time the state was successful.
At this point most people would have given up. But the father, with some help from me, went on the hunt to find out what was so important about his kid that the state would spend millions of dollars to keep away from him.
I’ll wind this up by saying the child was supposed to die in vitro via saline poisoning, and then be delivered dead. Something got delivered but she assumed it was a baby which she didn’t really look at because she thought it was such a sin to do an abortion.
There were no twins, which was their cover story. There was no successful abortion but the paperwork showing there was one was all in place. It was a pure fraud but the damn kid lived through the poisoning.
A loose end.
Which was cleaned up with a fraudulent dependency proceeding. Why? Because everything was under Medicaid and the tort liability was huge. The clinic was a favored “feeder” team for dependencies which is where the state gets the kids to adopt out for fed dollars. But this kid was a bonus.
Since almost all unborns who get saline abortion treatments actually die, this one that survived could be studied. But that wasn’t going to happen if any law firm ever did any digging. So cover it with a fake dependency and make tons of money for University of Washington research. We tracked over $20 million (via FOIA and state PDC demands) that went to UW and the chief research doctor.
That’s as far as it went. The parents became impossible to work with (paranoia). and they cut off contact.
The state of Washington stole this kid so they could study him. For icing on the cake, they placed him with lesbian foster parents and made sure the parents knew that. Drove the parents pretty nuts until they numbed.
That is what this bitch in Texas is doing. They are doing a research project and the govt is funding it. Identical twins are the holy grail of genetic control experiments/research.


“Later, WA state CPS came and took her kid from Childrens Hospital in Seattle where she went for some ailment the kid had. They started a legal action, called a dependency.”
On what grounds? They had to have grounds to get the warrant. Without seeing the background info, it leaves me feeling there is something lacking here. How do they KNOW there was not a twin? Seriously? This woman was so naive she didn’t feel the baby moving in her womb and recognize that she was still pregnant? I find that really hard to believe, TBH.


Dependency is a civil action. No warrant is needed, merely the ‘expert’ opinion of a nurse / social worker.
I don’t remember how many months she was pregnant when the saline was given to her. As a paralegal, I didn’t go beyond the issues in the dependency. At the time that my firm came on board, it was long past the time for wondering how the situation began. They had twice succeeded in “proving” that these two parents were mentally unfit due to their anger issues. Twice the court of appeals reversed that finding. Third time was a charm for the state.
I would be happy to send you the seven boxes of documents (I scanned them onto CD) I have on the case. If you even get through one box, I’ll be shocked.
By the way, at the FIRST hearing, the state must prove the facts supporting the dependency.
The attorney assigned to represent the parents can stipulate that there is sufficient evidence, which is what happened in this case.
I’ll let you figure out how many dependency stipulations there are in the legal dependencies filed in WA state versus fact-finding hearings. (The best dependency defense attorney in WA is a friend of mine. It recently took him 15 full days of witness testimony & cross examination to defeat an allegation of dependency.)
Dependency defense attorneys are public defenders and they get paid about $2200 per case (including trial). Parents don’t stand a chance unless they can afford to hire private counsel. Of course, rich people don’t get their kids snatched by the states. Go figure.


Holy crap! Huge kudos to you for your skills and knowledge in this area. I could never begin to make heads or tails of it all. The fact there were allegedly anger issues was the point I was looking for – I was guessing they had to put something up as a defense of the action. IMO, just another facet of the wholesale adulteration of our entire system of jurisprudence! Dear Lord, get us OUT from under this corporate law and back to natural law!


Depending on the position of the placenta the pregnant woman may not feel fetal movements. Rare but true.

Sadie Slays

I had an acquaintance who didn’t realize she was pregnant it until she went to the ER for pain and delivered a fully grown baby. She was overweight, so I guess that covered up the weight gain and lack of periods. I don’t get it, either, but it happens.


Yes, I have heard those stories as well but it was usually someone who was mentally challenged or not familiar with the process. At least she and the baby survived.


Pgroup, that’s an incredible story. Good for you for sticking with it. The kind of case which nags at you. Poor kid.

Sadie Slays

Thanks for sharing. I had something similar in mind when I wrote that comment questioning the James Younger case, especially since the “mother” is a doctor.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The mother….is a mother_____.
Just saying.


Ach! If I had only read ONE more comment – these same questions came to my mind yesterday. There is FAR too much info missing.


“Adam Schiff threatened us…”

I hope they do this again…and again!
They should keep doing it each day that Schifty is doing these star chamber sessions!


I heard the hearings were delayed a good five hours due to the Republican intervention. That day was shot to hell. LOL!


Remember this?
“Give him fake briefings…don’t tell him anything you don’t want to get out.”
This 👆 has new meaning now, in light of what we know now.


Despicable. At the time, I was focused on the fact that Reid would say such ugly lies about the DJT. Blatantly saying DJT was without the smarts, etc. How dare Reid. Now we know all of this was lies. But you’re right, in light of what we now know, his words take on new meaning.
I bet they’re going down big time. No predicate, means criminal activity. Brian tweeted a good thread last night.




Methinks that AG Barr and his team are slowly circling their prey, preparing to close in.


Argh…here’s that embedded tweet, so the video will play here.


Italian Article from the Alantico, 23 Oct (translated). Does a good job of informing the Italians about what they are about to learn about Misfud and Muller’s purposeful dodging of him and what that entailed.
Since they don’t trust conservative media here, recommends this for the American MSM as a detailed wake up call of what’s coming.


Amazing find. Great read.


I’m thinking spooking them. Some fools going to break ranks


This one is good too.

I wonder if the Pelosi-Schiff plan is to keep smearing our President with these fake ‘impeachment hearings’ done in secrecy…
And then bring the case for impeachment up for a vote…and say “You’ll have to vote on it to see what’s in it.”
Nasty Nan did it before with ZeroCare.
So she might try it again.
But it won’t work this time!


“If people scatter out of a room when you walk in & turn on the light” . . . then it is clearly and irrefutably shown that you are dealing with cockroaches.


Cockroaches do that too……

Sadie Slays

A Paid Political Announcement™

Deplorable Patriot

Okay, that one seems to be out of left field.


She likely thinks it’s her path to becoming a justice on the supreme court. She has even adopted her mentor RBG’s ugly hairstyle.


FWIW about China and Daughn’s post re: same…
I have the very good fortune to have a childhood friend of impeccable integrity who was a missionary inside China for 27 years before returning to the US two years ago. He and his wife (they met as missionaries there) raised their four American children in China. All speak fluent Mandarin like natives. That said, some observations…
1) China’s gov’t…it’s regime…should not be confused with it’s people. Hundreds of millions there would oppose a communist gov’t if they could without suffering severe repercussions and persecution, esp. to their families and their jobs.
2) China is on pace to become the largest Christian nation on earth, surpassing the US by 2030. Moreover, the true sories of Chinese Christian perseverance in the face of their hostile, atheist, communist gov’t are mind-boggling. The scripture “you have not yet resisted sin to the point of death” is tested inside China on a daily basis….and has been for decades now.
3) If China is making war on the US (and it is) it is their gov’t and the communists inside same that are doing so, not the Chinese people per se.
4) Chinese students educated in America (ie. exposed to American life) are having a quiet but profound and positive effect inside China that we American don’t know about because the state run media there (and it’s western counterparts) there won’t report on it. Many (most) western news outlets won’t report this for any number of reasons.


Hmmm…your post is making me rethink a couple of things and revising my opinion. Great points! I had always felt that US citizens who chose to proselytize in foreign countries should not expect to be rescued by the US government if they get into trouble (since the US government did not send them there), and the presence of Chinese students here bothered me. I even have cousins in my adopted family who are missionaries in Asia!
I am beginning to see that those preaching in China and other countries are, in actuality, doing a service to the US government, indeed, all of us, if China can be turned!!!! Same for educating the children.
That really is outstanding news!


Remember when Reagan and Pope John Paul worked together?


No – I wasn’t paying any attention back then.


RE: Grassley’s worry regarding the Deep State being able to deep-six Spygate findings. Ristvan’s input.
ristvan says:
October 23, 2019 at 8:07 pm
Grassley is showing his age and hence subsequent ignorance. Lets go over the basics yet again.
PDJT said NEVER AGAIN concerning Spygate. That promise is only kept if there are perp walks and convictions.
PDJT’s chosen instrument is AG Barr. We know that because of his publicly conferred declass power. NOT for us, for Durham grand juries.
We know from Barr congressional testimony that he knows there was spying on PDJT, the only question being whether adequately justified. He is pursuing that question on two tracks:
1. Horowitz FISA abuse, where he already has Nunes criminal referrals. When Horowitz agrees, is done. At least Comey and Yates down.
2. Durham EC predicate. And now we know via Ms. Powell that Barr and Durham went to Italy, got the Mifsud deposition, and got both his cellphones using UK SIM cards. Mifsud was western intelligence, not Russian as Mueller report said. Leads to MI6 leads to improper EC predicate. Game over. t least Brennan and Clapper also down.
This all starts VERY soon. Hence Dem frantic antics.


The Deep State Comes Out Of The Shadows
Two news stories published over the weekend had the same message. The State Department was out to get President Donald Trump after suffering years of “frustration.”
Politico’s 2,000-word story – titled “The Revenge of the State Department” – begins by reporting on the fact that “current and former Foreign Service officers have defied Trump administration orders and trudged to Capitol Hill to testify before House committees investigating whether to impeach the president.”
These officials, the story says, are “furious,” “terrified,” “incredulous,” “disappointed,” “fed up,” “livid,” with a “deep well of resentment,” in an “unbearable” situation.
The AP story is more of the same. Diplomats are fuming because of Trump’s push to cut budgets and staff, and this is “a moment of catharsis.”
So what we have here are career bureaucrats who don’t like the way Trump is conducting foreign policy. There is no question that many of them would be delighted to see Trump removed from office, not because he did anything impeachable, but because they can’t abide by the 2016 election results.
Trump’s critics say that his claims about a deep state are the result of his paranoid delusions. But after what the country has witnessed over the past three years, and now the bragging by State Department officials bent on getting Trump out of Washington, it’s the denial of the deep state that is delusional.“


Good Morning, TrumpIsMine. Hello everyone in Trumpland!
How are we doing today?
Have you seen the moon? Go look at the moon before the sun comes up. It’s gorgeous this morning!


Terrific work on the new “Rules”. With permission, I’m stealing them.


Stolen, thank you, with attribution!!!!!!!!


Something is rotten in Denmark.

Maybe that offer to buy Greenland is starting to look good?


THAT Snake poem/song comes to mind.
Invite serpents in and you will get bit.
The fruit of Islam is the fruit of the flesh: lies, murder, lust, rape, misogyny, pedophilia, slavery, conquest, barbaric violence, war, conquest – is the polar opposite of Christian The Fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Unfortunately – much of the Christian world has fallen back into the fruit of the flesh.


Since were talking the Dutch, Denmark and Islam one should never forget Willie Dillie’s story even if its the kind of thing you want to shut out of your mind. Checked to see if Amy Mek covered it at the time and sure enough.

Meanwhile this Aroud van Doorn remains a member of The Hague City Council for Party of the Unity and is President European Dawah Foundation


So sad for that woman and all the citizens of The Netherlands. First they had to endure an invasion by the Nazis in WWII and now they have been invaded by radical moslems. Always wonder what it will take to wake up people in all countries, including our own, to the threat of radical Islam and do something about it.


The Netherlands was a very early supporter of euthanasia, so to my way of thinking, they were ripe for this. Legalized it for children in 2004!!! This is not to say I am 100% against euthanasia (such a slippery slope, tho) but I can easily see it being used to eliminate all children with Downs, as Iceland (I think) as completely eliminated it via abortion. I have never even heard of a child or person with Downs of being anything other than the most loving, gentle person you could ever want to meet.
From Wiki:
Main article: Euthanasia in the Netherlands
In the 1973 “Postma case” a physician was convicted for having facilitated the death of her mother following repeated explicit requests for euthanasia.[65] While upholding the conviction, the court’s judgment set out criteria when a doctor would not be required to keep a patient alive contrary to their will. This set of criteria was formalized in the course of a number of court cases during the 1980s.
In 2001,[66] the Netherlands passed a law legalizing euthanasia including physician-assisted suicide.[67] This law codifies the twenty-year-old convention of not prosecuting doctors who have committed euthanasia in very specific cases, under very specific circumstances. The Ministry of Public Health, Wellbeing and Sports claims that this practice “allows a person to end their life in dignity after having received every available type of palliative care.”[68] The United Nations has reviewed and commented on the Netherlands euthanasia law.[69]
In September 2004 the Groningen Protocol was developed, which sets out criteria to be met for carrying out child euthanasia without the physician being prosecuted.[70]”


You may change your mind about physician assisted suicide if you ever, heaven forbid, find yourself bedridden with a terminal illness such as cancer with no hope for a cure and in constant pain not even morphine can mask.
Most people don’t hesitate to put animals out of their misery when they are in pain and cannot function. If someone chooses to end their own suffering, why should anyone stand in their way? Once again, it needs to be the patient’s choice, not that of relatives or caretakers.


WADR, andy, I DID say “that is not to say I am 100% against euthanisia.” What I DID say is that it is a slippery slope, with which I think most can agree. I wish my brother had it available to him before he died a few weeks ago. I wish it were available for me if I choose.
But I also see the very many ways it could – and would – be abused. Slippery slope, indeed, when children are brought into the mix.


You know, andy, you and I got off track from the beginning due to what I believe is a misunderstanding on your part of my very sarcastic, blunt humor when I commented that I wouldn’t want to be your neighbor. For pete’s sakes, it was simply a sarcastic, off-the-cuff comment, with no real intent behind it. But, ok, you got offended. So be it.
Had you been paying attention, you would know that my only full sibling JUST died of brain and liver cancer and I was willing to go to any lengths to get him ANYTHING his heart desired. To include breaking Nebraska and Federal law to get him THC-infused CBD oil!!! ANYONE in this position should have ANYTHING they want – PERIOD!!!!
How inordinately crass of you to say such a thing to me!!!


Crass is his native tongue.


GREENLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Forevermore!!!!!!
There’s a deal to be had there.


Alberta might be in play too


More from Amy Mek.


This is sad.
Assange in Court
by Craig Murray
I was deeply shaken while witnessing yesterday’s events in Westminster Magistrates Court. Every decision was railroaded through over the scarcely heard arguments and objections of Assange’s legal team, by a magistrate who barely pretended to be listening.


I posted a comment to the WH comment page – I would suggest as many people as possible do the same. This is just unconscionable, IMO!!!! Surely this can’t be just to cover-up the Seth Rich connection????


Good idea. Thanks.


Trouble heading for Texas? The Gulf of Mexico is still plenty warm enough to crank up a storm.comment image


This is good.
Someone has done this tutorial on the Wrap Up Smear…
Q gave us that little clip about the Wrap Up Smear last year.
I’ve reposted it several times…and so have others.
But I think that some people don’t quite ‘get’ what Nasty Nan is saying there.
It explains What the Dems and their media partners are doing…and they’re doing this all the time!
Right now, this whole Fake Impeachment thing is the Wrap Up Smear on steroids.


comment image


..more plain common sense from Emerald Robinson ,


She’s on point


Thank the Good Lord, this spectacle is almost over. But then what? How will it effect the Church?


Typical Jesuit – Academia kind of stuff. Jesuits are just Academia in vestments – catholicized academics.

Deplorable Patriot

I think it opened a fair number of eyes, TBH, and got at least a couple media outlets to join forces. That’s not nothing.
Also, the theft of Peter’s Pence funds being investigated is starting to break the seal on the crypticness of the financial dealings.


Ancient wisdom. South Americans. Wtf? Cutting hearts of people out whilst still beating? 101 recipes for your defeated enemies?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Cutting hearts out of people was the Aztecs…whose capital was on the site currently occupied by Mexico City. (Which, following your logic…is frightening since that’s the country we have a still-mostly-unwalled border with.)
They had that in common with a lot of other Mesoamerican tribes.
The Inca (from South America) did practice human sacrifice…actually they practiced it enough to become quite good at it…but apparently they used slightly different methods.


Long cultural memories. Not a lot between cartel and aztecs
The physical wall is being built but sessions and Trump have built a legal wall as well


Interesting tweet below Karli Boone’s tweet alleges, with a good bit of detail that, knowingly or not Trump is disrupting millions in illegal drug trafficking cash & kickbacks from Syria; “Deep State” Funding Source Slashed.


Oh, have no doubt, it will be knowingly. He has to choke off all their funding


ACID hobbyist.
You can see some really cool aircraft buzzing around Pease ANG.
Sometimes I can get photos.
Lately a Sentry.
Last year this guy made an emergency landing.
If that doesn’t tip you off to what plane this is, the open canopy shouldcomment image




Yep. I can’t get voat anymore after the New Zealand fiasco. The plane fags brought some interesting stuff to the table


so Burisma is a honeypot of goodies for a lot of Democrats…sour grapes and fear of exposure is all this is…
Taylor’s opening statement indicates that, subsequent to his replacement by erstwhile President Obama as the ambassador to Ukraine, “I have stayed engaged with Ukraine, visiting frequently since 2013 as a board member of a small Ukrainian non-governmental organization supporting good governance and reform.” As Breitbart reports, however, there is more to this story than the promotion of good governance. The small non-governmental organization, the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council, has close ties with an entity called the Atlantic Council, which happens to be funded by everyone’s favorite Ukrainian energy company — Burisma Holdings. Taylor, like Hunter Biden, has been a beneficiary of Burisma largesse:
U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor, who provided key testimony to the Democrats’ controversial impeachment inquiry yesterday, has evidenced a close relationship with the Atlantic Council think tank, even writing Ukraine policy pieces with the organization’s director and analysis articles published by the Council. The Atlantic Council is funded by and works in partnership with Burisma.


Trump DOES know, he knows the “whistle blower” was Bill Taylor. He knows what Schiff is doing..circular corroboration….HEY, I just coined a phase… I need to TM that quick!


Since I heard that the whistleblower was going to stay anonymous due to death threats, I’ve been saying that there is no WB.


confused by this: Rudy is NOT part of the administration, how can a group file a FOIA to get HIS correspondence?
The documents were sought under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by American Oversight, an ethics watchdog that investigates the administration.
“These records concern a matter of immense public importance,” Daniel McGrath, a lawyer for American Oversight, said during arguments in Washington’s federal court. U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper said he agreed.
Cooper encouraged the organization to work with the government to identify which documents can be released because they are not classified or otherwise exempt from disclosure. That could potentially include any correspondence with Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer and a key participant in a backchannel diplomacy effort with Ukraine, since he is not an administration official.
“His emails, text messages—which he showed on TV—are going to be subject to public disclosure with limited redactions,” Austin Evers, the organization’s executive director, told reporters after the hearing. “It’s possible that this administration will jump through some legal hoops to try to withhold them, but we have the court today urging the parties to focus on those communications as top priority.”
Among the records the group asked for are documents related to interactions between Giuliani and Ukraine, as well as documents about the recall of Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch.


That’s a HusseinO judge…that’s how it happened.


getting really sick of those…


No worries, Rudy’s lawyers will handle this.


The docs they want is that the State Dept ASKED Rudy to look into it for them. THEY DID, so no worries. They THINK he does not have them, BUT, if the FOOLS would have simply watched Hannity, they would SEE the docs, hell Rudy pulled them out and SHOWED them LOL. Now I could not read them, but NO WAY Rudy does that without PROOF. These fools FORGET that Giuliani was a LEGENDARY SDNY prosecutor that TOOK on and took DOWN the NY/NJ MOB. That is where he made his “bones” He is MORE than a former Mayor and Presidential Candidate. He is also NOT a defense attorney. But he IS a hell of a RICO prosecutor…now what is RICO…political corruption, racketeering, money laundering, etc.
Now, what is Biden, and the Cabal’s, problems in Ukraine? Oh year…corruption, PFP, etc. RIGHT up Rudy’s alley. I used to be able to read some of Rudy’s cross examination of the NY mob,,,saw it somewhere…lets just say he had the MOB in tears….it was BRUTAL. They CANNOT intimidate him.


Looks like they will have to get through Presidential Privileged Communications and then if they do, face Attorney Client Privilege. Rudy went over there as a private attorney. Good luck getting through either one of those unless it’s something Rudy/Trump wants released when Rudy/Trump wants it released.


that’s what i was thinking too…


They’re not supposed to be able to FOIA private citizens.
It’s why Hillary used Sid Blumenthal and Cody Shearer.
Outside the loop of DC.


Spain begins exhuming late dictator Francisco Franco’s remains
MADRID — Spain on Thursday began exhuming the remains of Spanish dictator Gen. Francisco Franco from his grandiose mausoleum outside Madrid so he can be reburied in a small family crypt elsewhere.
The government-ordered, closed-door operation Thursday satisfies a fulfills a decades-old desire of many in Spain who considered the vainglorious mausoleum that Franco built mausoleum an affront to the tens of thousands who died in Spain’s Civil War and his subsequent regime and to Spain’s standing as a modern democratic state.


They are ghouls!!


Notice how they went after the nuns. They did this too in France and elsewhere dating back to French Revolution and continued from there because they perceived Nuns as upholding the status qou. Morale of the story is there is no limit to what these sort of people will do to achieve their aims.


hmmm…..NOT the lie freely flowing all over the place about Repubs recording and using their phones in the SCIF
Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), a member of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, said that he collected lawmakers’ phones and brought them outside the room in adherence with protocol.
“You certainly want a secure environment, but at the same time I think everybody wants to hear exactly what’s going on,” Meadows told reporters.
A number of House Republicans who entered the SCIF sent tweets from their official accounts while still in the facility, though some later clarified that the tweets were sent by staff.
Rep. Alex Mooney (R-W.Va.) shared audio of a phone call “live from the SCIF,” but he clarified that he was making a call from a secure line inside the facility because lawmakers had to hand over their cellphones.


I heard the paranoid Dems ordered a full electronic bug sweep of the room that ate up two hours of procedural time. LOL!


Verse of the Day

“Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
James 5:16 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Thursday Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Good Morning Duchess!
got a fresh mug of coffee for you…


Oh, Wow! Your timing is impeccable, pat! Thanks!!!
God Bless You Real Good!!! Have a Blessed Day!!!


you have one as well!!


Thanks, sweet lady! * Smile *


right back atcha Dear!!


* Still Smiling *


Hi Jesus!


“Be ye very wary of what faults you confess to one another, lest ye later be stabbed in the back by the phonies”.
My advice


Think Mirror.

Deplorable Patriot

Just leaving this here.
Study: Cookies may be as addictive as cocaine
Researchers at the University of Bordeaux said the combination of ingredients in cookies triggers the same addictive response as drugs.
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Are cookies as addictive as cocaine?
Researchers at the University of Bordeaux said the combination of ingredients in cookies triggers the same addictive response as drugs, according to the study.
Researchers said a cookie may be more rewarding to the brain because of the sugar and salt.
The study shows your cookie craving is a natural human response.


Toll House Cookies with Pecans!!! Oh man.
Forgotten Cookies with Pecans!!! No butter, just egg whites beaten stiff with sugar, Toll house morsels and pecans. Put them in the oven, leave overnight. Oh man.
Cowboy Cookies (Oatmeal cookies made by recipe on the box, add Toll House morsels, raisins and Pecans. Oh man!
Yep – addiction is right.


WOW 😮🤚❤️‼️ … that sound ummmmm ummmm good … wow ❤️


Cookies are addictive..truth !! No study needed .
Wife just made a batch of oatmeal/Craisin/ Toll House butterscotch, w/ light brown sugar .
They sent everyone into orbit ..My bet is Pecans added would be enough fuel to make it to Mars .

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As someone who studied space operations at a master’s level, I can assure you there’s enough delta V in those to get you into the Asteroid Belt. So it’s overkill for Mars.


I can’t say anything about cocaine but I do like a good cookie at any time or place. I can’t believe they think sugar and salt are addictive. Next they will be calling chocolate a harmful, addictive drug. I fear science may be going down the wrong road.


…. 🤫 ….comment image
… ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ….


Secret B&B recipe for tollhouse cookies. Add about 4tbsp of Bailey’s Irish Cream, up the flour by 1/4 cup, double the nuts and chocolate, use 1/2 of butter and 1/2 of crisco for the butter required, and cream the butter/sugar for 10 full minutes.
KILLER cookies.


Ohhhhhhh my 🤤👍❤️ …. wow 😍🤚 … I’m saving this, who-hoo .. yum 😋
.. ty .. ❤️ … Daughn … 😃🤚❤️


When I worked for EDS food service in Troy MI they make peanut butter chocolate chunk cookies, we got to eat any broken ones, it was marvelous … and I never broke any on purpose … seriously I that it wasn’t very nice ..


Are cookies addictive?
Ummmmmmm, yeah.


Modern wheat is extremely high in addictive factors I’ve read. It’s said that processed foods add high gluten wheat to everything to make you crave more. FWIW.


A couple of more Ristvan’s tidbits. In case any of you missed a previous input from him, he gave a little bio of himself. He is someone with 3 degrees from Harvard. To me, that means he has connections… Note his second comment.
ristvan says:
October 23, 2019 at 9:11 pm
If I were Chucky, I would also be very sad now about what he enabled as a Dem RINOe.
But, as my national champion sailing team used to say…Tough. So what.
ristvan says:
October 23, 2019 at 9:04 pm
Nope. I urge Durham and Barr to keep going until even jury annulment isn’t possible. And if they wont, I will. Not a boast, a promise.


God bless ristvan … 🤨👍❤️


What did the skeleton bring to the potluck? Spare ribs!
What do mummies like listening to on Halloween? Wrap music!
What plants like Halloween the most? Bam-Boo!
Why did the police officer ticket the ghost on Halloween? It didn’t have a haunting license!
What a ghost’s favorite ride at the fair? The scary go-round and the roller-ghoster!
Want to know what you’ll find on a haunted beach? A Sand-witch!
Why was the witch late for the party? She lost her witch-watch!
What do you call a vampire that lives in a kitchen? Count Spatula!
How do you mend a jack-o-lantern? With a pumpkin patch!
Why did the ghost go to the bar? To get some boos!
What do you get when you drop a pumpkin? Squash!


What is the skeleton’s funniest bone? The humerus!
How do spiders communicate? Through the word wide web!
What do skeletons learn about in history class? Napoleon Bone-a-part!
What is zombie Shakespeare’s favorite play? Romeo and Ghouliet!
What do you call a haunted chicken? A poultry-geist!
What do you say when you’re having dinner with a skeleton? Bone-appetit!
What did the happy pumpkin say? Life is gourd!
What’s a teenage ghost’s favorite song? “Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun!”
What did the werewolf say to his friend? Howl you doing!
Which fruit is a vampire’s favorite? A neck-tarine!
Where does a ghost go on vacation? Mali-boo!


…. bwahahahahaha … excellent 😂👍‼️‼️❤️

Deplorable Patriot

Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road? Because he didn’t have any guts.
Yes, we in STL are bracing ourselves for the oldies but goodies next Thursday evening.


… lol ‼️ … 😆🤚❤️


Gonna tell these to kiddo. Thanks Pat!


you’re welcome!



I’m speechless…


…. these people are stupid … Q …
.. 😑 ..


Surely he knew this would be exposed. Why would a career diplomat sink his reputation and career, be humiliated on national TV for the lies and coverup…..the money must have been too much to turn down.


….. ahhhhhhhhhh 😫🤚 …. make it go away‼️‼️‼️ … 🤢 ..comment image
… 🎃👍 ..



Deplorable Patriot

BAU (business as usual)


i would say…DUH!

Deplorable Patriot

how cool was that?!


That is so cool‼️ 😎👍❤️


Water is one of the most fascinating substances in creation.
Notice how it remained in almost a gel state, but absorbed a certain amount of sand at impact?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It needs to be banned.
It’s found in every cancerous tumor.
It causes untold billions in property damage every year.
Thousands die from inhaling it every year.
Of course, the case is much more persuasive when you refer to it as DHMO – Dihydrogen Monoxide.


All true!
Remember Wolf’s post on it a while back? I think he had a meme for it.

Deplorable Patriot


REMEMBER AND NEVER FORGET – (insert expletives) Islamist Brennan was responsible for letting the 9/11 terrorists into the USA.
No doubt he befouled the CIA with Islamists of every sordid sort.




All right I have a question. Yesterday afternoon I was responding to Wolfe that Graham could simply subpoena the EXACT witnesses that Schiff is having testify in his star chamber…TODAY. I told him INCLUDING Schiff himself who is a fact witness due to his tampering…I said it would make liberal heads explode.
Son of a B. Gregg Jarrett goes on Hannity last night and says the EXACT same thing. TOO coincidental.
So here is my question….Which one of you here is Gregg Jarrett in disguise? LOL….cmon, come clean…


… 🤨👍 … 😜🤚❤️ ..


Funny, we were saying the same thing here (only Schiff though – your’s is better subpoena them all), and shocked when Jarrett said it………… and then mad when Graham was asked about it and poo-pooed the idea of subpoenas on Schiff.
I mean, why not?


Because it is NOT time yet. Have to get ALL the State dept roaches out in the open before flicking on the light! Lindsey was too cute by HALF in that interview, and Hannity did NOT follow up…he CLAMMED up, RIGHT away, like it was an OOPS was not supposed to say that. Whatch again, and Lindsey QUICKLY changes the subject…after giggling…notice his response also trailed of..I DOUbt it… Like that was NOT supposed to be asked. Now it could be because Lindsey is really the RINO cuc we all think him to be, OR it could be that Lindsey is IN on the grand plan, and is waiting for his cue to be in the spotlight in the BIG SHOW.
I guess we will know soon. This cannot be strung out much longer. We have been locked and loaded for too long, we HAVE to pull the trigger soon, or risk the plan being “discovered” and then useless. Much like Operation Overlord. Operation deep six the deep state has to ‘GO’ soon. The weather has broke…time to “execute”


comment image
life issues
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Oct 24, 2019
obeying our worthy god confidence trust hope
The secret of David’s triumph was his trust in God: “But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. I call out to the Lord, and he answers me from his holy mountain” (Psalm 3:3-4). There can be no triumph unless there is a trial. There can be no testimony unless there is a test. There can be no conquest unless there is a conflict.
Many people want to be used mightily by God, yet they refuse to pay the cost. Are you willing to walk through the valley so that you and God’s Kingdom may grow?comment image
Even in the midst of suffering, David knew that God had already won the battle. His confidence in God allowed him a peaceful sleep the night before the battle. He knew that by handing over his trial to God, God would provide the victory. “I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me. I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side” (Psalm 3:5-6).
The burden that you are carrying can be a blessing if you trust in God. He can turn your burden into victory. He can turn your trials into triumph. We can rest easy at night, knowing that our Father holds our tomorrow in His hands.
Confess your concerns and fears to God. Turn your burdens over to Him. He wants to help you overcome them. He wants to give you a great victory, but first you must put your trust in Him. When we try to face the battle on our own, we are likely to fail. But with God at the heart of our battle plan, we can succeed. Only when our trust is in God, will we find peace and rest during troubled times.
Prayer: Father, thank You for the reminder today that without the trial, there can be no triumph. Help me to trust You like David did, turning my burdens over to You. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
“You have delivered me from all my troubles, and my eyes have looked in triumph on my foes” (Psalm 54:7).


love, Love, LOVE this!!!


Heh heh heh heh heh … 💥 💥 💥 💥 B O O M 💥 💥 💥 💥
… a fool and his teeth are soon parted .. BWAHAHAHAHAHA …

.. 😃🤚❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️‼️


thanks for posting!!


… 😉👍❤️‼️ .. yw .. ❤️ ..


Old guys RULE!


Never forget Nolan Ryan.


Job 4:7-11
7 “Remember now, who ever perished being innocent?
Or where were the upright ever cut off?
8 Even as I have seen,
Those who plow iniquity
And sow trouble reap the same.
9 By the blast of God they perish,
And by the breath of His anger they are consumed.
10 The roaring of the lion,
The voice of the fierce lion,
And the teeth of the young lions are broken.
11 The old lion perishes for lack of prey,
And the cubs of the lioness are scattered.
Job 4:12-21
12 “Now a word was secretly brought to me,
And my ear received a whisper of it.
13 In disquieting thoughts from the visions of the night,
When deep sleep falls on men,
14 Fear came upon me, and trembling,
Which made all my bones shake.
15 Then a spirit passed before my face;
The hair on my body stood up.
16 It stood still,
But I could not discern its appearance.
A form was before my eyes;
There was silence;
Then I heard a voice saying:
17 ‘Can a mortal be more righteous than God?
Can a man be more pure than his Maker?
18 If He puts no trust in His servants,
If He charges His angels with error,
19 How much more those who dwell in houses of clay,
Whose foundation is in the dust,
Who are crushed before a moth?
20 They are broken in pieces from morning till evening;
They perish forever, with no one regarding.
21 Does not their own excellence go away?
They die, even without wisdom.’
Galatians 6:7
7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.


Turkey is our ‘NATO ally’…. really?
Anyway – PDJT knows how to put a choke collar on our NATO allies and other frienemies (pretend friends who would turn on us in a NY minute) who want to trade with the US.

A Fortiori

Yes, prior to the present retrograde leadership and at a time when Turkey appeared to be moving away from its Islamic roots and toward a more pluralistic society, Turkey was admitted to NATO.
The Kurds are not monolithic, but consist of several factions. One of those factions, the PKK, is a militant Marxist group that has engaged in terrorism against the Turks. We have designated the PKK as a terrorist organization, so I doubt it is accurate to imply that we have been supplying them with weapons (although I would not be surprised if the prior administration had done so).


Lebron is ‘showing his hiney’ as we say in the south.


that punk ass needs a manners lesson…{cracking my knuckles}…and school is open!


Hes got his money. Cant buy respect or class or manners.


You can take the punk out of the hood, but you can’t take the hood out of the punk!


So glad he is no longer called “King” James!
It is now: CHAIRMAN James… (as in Chairman Mao)
Either way…. LeBron is an Asshole.


He is nothing more than the court Jester to Xi.


He needs an old fashioned spanking. Sent to his room without dinner if he is going to act like a child.
What’s his mother thinking?


His Dad is the problem iirc………………….


When Ø dies, they are going to have to hide or guard his grave….the line will be so long to defile it.


i don’t know that the likes of him, Hill or Soros will ever be accepted in any cemetery–that’s hallowed ground, no?


Totally understand your point, but, nah. Cemeteries are those places where rotting corpses are slowly eaten by worms . . . a most fitting end!


Thank you for today’s open thread trumpismine … I love the picture of the tree and the road, you can almost feel the dampness in the air, it’s lovely .. and I like …comment image
… ❤️ …
Love and God bless you .. ❤️ ..


I 2nd Nikki’s comment………….. God bless you.
Love the opening photo… beautiful!!
Great POST Trumpismine


… 😊🤚❤️ … you are so very welcome .. ❤️


Deplorable Patriot

I wonder what certain rude hand gestures would cost in social credit.


So the commie UN has figured out a way to exploit the human-trafficking problem…and use it to forward their commie agenda.
What a crock!


Incredibly sweet and noble young man.


Deplorable Patriot

Anyone else seeing the leaves finally turning? The breeze had a bite to it this morning. Have to remind myself today I love the seasons changing. It seemed to come early this year for some reason.


A few trees here are starting to turn…but we haven’t had enough cold temps yet to really trigger it.
Getting a cold front moving in right now, so that should result in more leaves turning.


No leaf changing here in Houston. ☹️
We only have two seasons here: Summer and August.


Too hot. Been in the 90s and high 80s. They are trying though. Supposed to cool a lot next week so, soon.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Under all the snow, perhaps.

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, word is we get that next week. Again, a little early, but it’s not like it hasn’t happened before.

Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot

Oooh…BURN! Although, Dr. Ford’s hair took a professional to get it just right. And a lot of product.

Deplorable Patriot


Why is Gaetz involving himself in this, in this way???

Deplorable Patriot


Me – digging for all those old memes.


Can you imagine the PT Tweets?


Cell block D in GITMO DOES need a new President since all the terrorists were set free by Obama.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Failing that she can be put in charge of Mexican-style snack food.
Nacho President!!


don’t forget, she carries a bottle of hot sauce in her purse at all times! Actually, don’t think I’ve ever seen her carry a purse.


Just like Eva Peron! My adoring fans. When this photo was taken, she absolutely knew she was going to be the next POTUS.


California thinking they’re all that again…


Totally over the line. Arrogance unfettered by the dimms.


right…and CA is trying to negotiate with a foreign car company as well…they think they’re their own country…


It was a hostile takeover with loads of funny business (election fraud). That state is LOADED with resources and easy access along the coastline made it a irresistible target for our sworn (and sneaky) enemy China.
Even if many must move away, those that remain must fight like it’s the American Revolution all over again. Just this time the British were replaced by the Chinese (who learned many tricks from the British).

A Fortiori

CA has been dictating to VW how VW will assist in the transition to electric vehicles as punishment for the diesel engine emissions fiasco for several years now.
Most people don’t know that the push for electric vehicles derives from the desires of CA, the EU and China. The rest of us don’t have a say in the matter. (Oh, and these cars will contain control systems that will enable our betters to limit how and where we use our motor vehicles obviating the need for our betters to have security patrols and fences and whatnot.)


i think the ambassador would remember such important conversations…
Sondland attorney disputes key portions of Taylor testimony: report testified that Sondland told Andriy Yermak, a representative for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, that security assistance would only come when Zelensky committed to a politically charged probe.
Luskin said that Sondland “does not recall” a conversation about assistance cutoff.
Taylor also reportedly testified that National Security Council official Tim Morrison told him about a Sept. 7 conversation between Trump and Sondland in which Trump said Zelensky should “go to a microphone” and commit to “opening investigations of Biden and 2016 election interference.”
Luskin told the Post that Sondland does not remember any such conversation.


Gee, that will go NICELY when Lindsey calls Taylor and Sondland to testify. When Taylor is OUTED, it should be REALLY fun. Are you familiar with PERJURY Mr. Taylor? How about filing a FALSE whistle blower report?
But, those are only the preliminaries, we can quickly move up to conspiracy against the US, Misuse of State dept resources, coercion, witness tampering, sedition and Treason, And, you were arrogant and STUPID enough to put it in WRITING in an opening statement.
I hope orange is your color Mr Taylor. I also hope you are allergic to hemp…nothing like a rash to go with hemp burn..


Thread for Pence China Speech is up if interested.
Thread for “Dear Sweet Elijah” and the DC funeral debacle is also up and running.


duplicate ballots being sent out…
“I thought you might be interested in this information: I went last week to get my enhanced drivers license. I received my ballot to vote in the mail today and received two ballots — one with my name with my middle initial, and one with my name and middle name spelled out. I am assuming that when I got my enhanced license I was double registered. I am going to contact the elections department to find out which ballot I should use. My concern is that everyone who is already registered to vote and gets their enhanced license is going to get two ballots. I am sure there are many people who will not be honest as I am and will vote twice. What are the checks and balances for this? I see this as a large problem since the enhanced licenses are to become mandatory in October 2020, just before the next election. I have emailed the department of elections.”

Deplorable Patriot

That is just sloppy. Registering to vote needs to be uncoupled from driver’s licenses, that’s for sure.


agreed…this voter was honest…how many aren’t?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The DEMONCRATS weaponize EVERY opportunity. Clearly this was anticipated. Oh, my, they are EVIL.


devious…mandate we need real ID…anticipate the requirement will trigger duplicate ballots–knowing honest voters will not abuse it, create a viable excuse for those dems that do—it was system’s fault–reap the rewards…
lather, rinse, repeat

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Evil genius. Cloward-Piven and motor voter – same thing. “What they can get away with” is what counts.


Maybe, if there was a FINE for sloppy bookkeeping – they would reconsider this obnoxious obfuscation?


A family member living in California went to polls for 2012 election and discovered they have been removed from the rolls.



ABC just published a we gotcha article titled “New Testimony on Urkraine Could Be a Game Changer” last night about the DS POS Taylor closed door testimony. They’ll never follow up with the disputes to his testimony already being made. You can read the puke worthy article here

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Soviet Fake News is EVIL.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, my – the bug-eyed communist looks like the bug-eyed communist he is!



A Fortiori

So, when last we saw our hero Mike Flynn —
Apparently transcripts from the Rafiekian trial have just become public (there is some 90 day delay in releasing some of the documents in these trials I do not understand), and a transcript from a former FBI agent who worked for Flynn Investigation Group with both Flynn and Refiekian reveals that shortly after he was hired, FBI guy was assigned to the “Turkey Project.” Refiekian told FBI guy that they would be working for a group of wealthy Turkish businessmen. (The project involved assisting these businessmen in communicating that it was still safe to do business in Turkey in spite of recent news reports of a coup attempt.)
Mueller had this information, and yet charged Flynn with making false statements in the FIG foreign agent registration act (FARA) filing under the theory that the Turkey Project was in fact conducted on behalf of the Turkish government, which Flynn did not disclose. This testimony indicates that Flynn and FIG did not believe the engagement was conducted on behalf of the Turkish government.
There is another obscure and highly technical component to this, which I will attempt to briefly summarize here. Mueller and his team conflated the definition of a spy — a person secretly acting on behalf of a foreign government — with the definition of a person required to file under FARA. In doing so, they vastly expanded the pool of potential spies who could be (and probably were) subject to federal government surveillance. The judge in the Refiekian case wrote a scathing opinion on the reasons why equating these two standards should be rejected. I think we are going to find that this conflation is the mechanism Hussein and company used to justify employing national security assets to spy on a multitude of Americans.
A twitter thread on the transcripts can be found here:


This simply underscores info we already know, such as their calling MIA Maltese professor Joseph Misfud a “Russian asset” when he, in fact, worked directly for western intelligence such as CIA and MI5 (or was it MI6?)….a blatant lie in order to secure the FISA warrant on George Papadopoulos.
This info dovetails nicely with AG Barr and Durham’s visit to Italy, where they listened to Misfud’s tape and secured his cell phones.


Trump Disrupts Millions In Illegal Drug Trafficking Cash & Kickbacks from Syria; “Deep State” Funding Source Slashed
“High-placed federal law enforcement sources dropped a bombshell, claiming the renewed push to impeach the president is rooted, in part, in President Trump’s move to pull the United States out of the conflict in Syria — and stop untold millions in dirty cash from flowing into the deep state’s pockets.
“This isn’t about the Kurds, it’s about the cash,” one FBI source said.
And that cash is no chump change; it’s millions and millions of dollars flowing into the coffers of crooked politicians and deep-state pockets worldwide.
But that profitable network could stop producing its riches for U.S. players if the cease-fire Trump negotiated continues and if Trump’s plan to remove U.S. personnel from Syria commences.
Back here in the U.S., Trump faces a new and angrier wave of angst from DC players and politicians who have launched an even more-rabid push to remove him from the White House.
“There’s panic,” one source said. “There are a lot of connected people making a lot of money through their contacts in Syria and that is going to dry up fast.”
Federal sources paint a dark picture here, alleging crooked politicians and their benefactors are fuming. For years, it is alleged, deep state players have been raking in millions in illicit profits through the manufacturing and distribution of narcotics in Syria.
The byproducts of such anxiety: Crooked U.S. politicians pushing fabricated allegations against Trump to impeach, ISIS prisoners being released by frustrated deep-state players as payback, and even an emergency Middle East road trip by speaker Nancy Pelosi and senior members of Congress to Jordan, which also happens to be a major trafficking route for Syrian drug distribution to Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Iraq — some of the largest markets in the world for Syria’s meth pills.
(Much more is revealed)
Ex: The network, the money and the amount of illegal narcotics coming out of Syria are massive. Syria is supplying the entire Middle East with a very potent pill form of meth called Captagon.
The FBI and DEA have shared frustrations about fighting factions in the State Department 😲 to clamp down on millions of pills being manufactured in Syrian labs. Efforts to track and stop the worldwide distribution have resulted in a tug of war inside D.C. In June, the FBI tipped off Greek authorities about a Captagon shipment the U.S. Feds tracked out of the port of Latakia, Syria. The Greeks intercepted a shipment of lumber shrouding 33 million Captagon pills with a street value of $700 million.
“That’s one shipment worth $600 to $700 million,” one federal source said. “This is a multi-billion dollar operation.”comment image


Map showing Syrian drug distribution throughout the ME and Southern Europecomment image




Link works, WP is blocking. Hmmm…
Notice JORDAN is the closest country receiving shipments.
Wonder why Pelosi’s junket met in Jordan?comment image


Excellent question.
Note that it was unannounced, too.


Captagon keeps users awake for long periods of time.
It also makes users feel energetic and happy – which is why it has been dubbed “chemical courage”.
The drug is said to be used by ISIS fighters in Syria – leading it to be labelled ‘chemical courage’ or the ‘jihadi drug’Credit: Reuters
Addiction to Captagon is rife within the ranks of ISIS in Syria, according to a probe into the “jihadi drug” by the Saudi Pharmaceutical Society.
Suicide bombers, like Manchester terrorist Salman Abedi, are said to be pumped full of drugs before they are sent on a mission, giving them red eyes and a distinctive look of confusion.
The drug turns the terrorists into “unforgiving killing machines”, Arab News reports.


You can see people like this on the streets of American cities as well. Also may be a source of some of the crazy driving/wrecks we are seeing. Giving them a wide berth is advised.


FG&C, THANKS for posting this!
This is Really Encouraging…
Our great President is so many light-years ahead of the dolts in DC it’s sometimes hard to believe.
Cutting off the blood money from these vermin just makes my little heartstrings sing!
…and the anticipation of even MORE splody heads is just delicious.


I had the same reaction as you and the Wolf.


Whoah! This needs to come out into the sunlight big time!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, this makes an ENORMOUS amount of sense. $$$MONEY$$$ as the reason why Deep State was so hooked on Syria.
Military out === CIA / FBI out === DS out === cash flow dries up.


Makes you wonder what was in that installation of ours in Syria that we BOMBED on the way out.


Perhaps, but on the other hand destroying that which might prove militarily useful to an enemy (or undesirable others) is military SOP (standard operating procedure).
For example, the crew of a downed aircraft ( particularly an advanced aircraft or intel gathering plane, like a U2) would destroy it if at all possible. In fact, some had explosives built into the plane for this very purpose. Helicopters too. Abandoned ships were intentionally sunk by our own forces during WWII.
In the case at hand, runways in particular are very, very valuable and very, very expensive to build. Destroying them inhibits their use by an enemy and presents a resource-draining problem for anyone who would seek to reconstitute them. This is an excellent example intentional destruction of important, useful infrastructure. Another example would be Germany regularly destroyed bridges (including their own) during it’s long retreat from both Russia and Western Europe during WWII.
Without more information that would contradict the reasoning here, it is a very safe assumption that this rational is the reason for bombing our own base….simply to make it unusable by anyone who we don’t want using the valuable infrastructure. Instead, it is easy and cheap to destroy it.
Very common tactic throughout human history.


All true and understood. However, I’ve got a gut feeling something was there that was used for evil and it was time to wipe it off the face of the earth. Just a hunch.

A Fortiori

Yes, and I wonder too if this relates to Benghazi? Perhaps the DS discovered this particular gravy train in the process of running guns out of Lybia and into Syria and decided to hop on board.


…or it was the reason they did it to begin with?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hmmmmm. Almost certainly any understanding of smuggling and money laundering between Syria and Libya would have been leveraged to move arms from Libya to Syria, to keep CIA fingerprints off of the operation. Then once ISIS was set up in Syria, various self-funding mechanisms would have been encouraged, so THEY would have gotten into the drug business as well, I’m sure.
Quite an investment, I would think. Obviously going to put the hurt on DS coffers to shut any of it down.
White Helmets – straight out of Netflix / Breaking Bad. Bet they were moving a lot of drugs, too.


Oh yeah….the UN? That’s a high percentage bet!


Wait a minute!!! about the money…sure, probably drugs and kickbacks from aid, etc. But what about the oil fields?!!! POTUS is focused on controlling the oil fields. If he was distracted with other then who would be minding the oil fields and who would control the oil field money?!
plus, if at war, big $ budgeted for that and who audits, traces where it is spent?


Barack and Michelle Obama may soon become Kennedy adjacent because we’ve learned they’re in escrow for a remarkable, mega-expensive, Martha’s Vineyard estate.
Multiple island sources tell us the Obamas are in escrow for the estate owned by Boston Celtics owner, Wyc Grousbeck. The former Prez and First Lady have been renting the house this summer and loved it so much, we’ve learned they made an offer. The property is listed at $14,850,000. Our sources say they’re paying less, but we don’t know how much.comment image
It’s 29 beachfront acres. The main residence is just shy of 6,900 square feet. It has 7 bedrooms, so Sasha and Malia have a place to crash, along with several of their friends. It has the obligatory pool, an outdoor fireplace, a chef’s kitchen, vaulted ceilings and 2 guest wings. It has incredible views, especially while soaking in the second-floor balcony Jacuzzi.
The beachfront is private … and comes with a boathouse.
The estate is listed by the realtors who dominate the area — Tom LeClair and Gerret Conover. They did not return our calls.
The estate is currently in escrow and it’s not a done deal just yet. We’re told there are contingencies so it’s possible it could fall apart, but we’re told so far it’s a go.
Readers should ask themselves a simple question: How did the Obamas, on a Presidential salary of $400,000 a year, manage to afford this $14+ Million estate, years AFTER he departed the Presidency? Did he make a ton of money “on the side” . . . with his war in Syria?
Here is a LINK to the Obama’s federal Income Tax Return for 2015. They sure didn’t have a whole lot of money other than his Presidential Salary heading into his final year in office.
So even if Obama managed to keep each and every cent he earned as President, over eight years that’s only about $4 Million. Where is the $14+ Million coming from to buy this new mega mansion???

Deplorable Patriot

With a house that big, they’d never have to see each other.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Would that we never had to see either of them!


Book Deals and Netflix Deal.
Serving on various boards of corporations and groups.
Plus they get paid enough for speeches and appearances to pay the girls college and graduate schools and then some.


Those book deals are scams – imho – the Netflix affiliation is causing a mass exodus – they are crooks – much of their money is stolen from somewhere, something, and/or someone – imho – fraud, waste, and abuse – on a major scale – plus – I wonder how much he has made through blackmail – and international indiscretions – I hope and pray – someday – they will lose their wealth and join their buddies who have worshipped another god – I do not envy them in the slightest – they will get their just desserts – period.


Their net worth is said to be over 40 mil
Clintons don’t have the corner on the grifter market……………….

JW in Germany

This is very well done! 🤣🤣🤣

JW in Germany

But my link was not.


Don’t think WP allows FB links – I always have to find a non-FB link to post.


I took off the ‘backslash’ from the end of the link – and it took me to his facebook fan page, JW!


OK – reference the non-biological “mother” of James Younger – I just saw a close-up pic of her and the thought crossed my mind……is she transgender? Is this the reason for the donor eggs? From what I have read, trans can get surgery that gives them a uterus but not ovaries (IF she(?) actually carried them)? I could be way off-base and that isn’t possible but……food for thought?


Just released video….
WATCH – James Younger at 3 Years: ‘Mommy Tells Me I’m a Girl’
“James’s mother sought to terminate Younger’s parental rights because James behaved as a boy when he was with his father. Georgulas (non-biological “mother”) also wanted Younger (biological father) to pay for their son’s counseling with a therapist who will affirm his transgender identity and his need for transgender hormonal treatments, which may begin at age eight.
The court prohibited Younger from dressing him as a boy or from sharing faith-based or biologically-based scientific teachings on sexuality, even though family friends who have observed James when he is in his father’s care reportedly affirm he dresses and behaves as a boy by his own choosing.”
TX Senator Ted Cruz is also weighing in on this topic, and TX state rep. Matt Krause, who makes his Christian faith prominent in his Twitter bio, represents HD 93 in the Texas Legislature. He writes on Twitter:
“Absent a special session between now & the 87th Session, I will introduce legislation that prohibits the use of puberty blockers in these situations for children under 18. We missed our opportunity to do so in the 86th Session. We won’t miss the next one.”


I consider the judge and jury in this case complicit in the mental illness of the woman who is “mother” to the child. Unfortunately, there are too many sicko judges out there… but to have a jury determine that custody to someone who wants to destroy a child – in Texas? That’s worse.


I wrote a couple of comments about this on the other thread too.
Doesn’t it make you wonder what the jury would have to say if a truly sick killer was the defendant and told of psycho sexual abuse by his mother. Would they discount it ? Now they would think that it was a loving gesture? Would they hope that psychiatry sessions now could help him see that his humiliation and shame and confusion should be celebrated?
Boys Dressed as Girls Who Became Serial Killers
Some notorious murderers recall a strangely similar childhood memory.
( and I’m not suggesting that little James is destined for this but pointing out the previously held thought that doing this to a child is terribly detrimental)


Wow! Yes. Being brought up in a weird, bizarre manner – opposite of what is considered “normal” in society is a recipe for disaster. Judge just granted the father equal medical authority over the child, but that’s not enough. The woman has been abusing the child for years… Essentially projecting her own mental illness onto the child. This men-hating thing is going to kill society.


You might find this useful.


Sadly..I thing B Bee got this one right


This might be satire – but, many a truth is said in jest!!!


Yep. Flep has her pic up over at the Roundup. Raises more questions. Story seems to be getting stranger.


I went and looked…methinks you might be exactly right. Very interesting


Some say the immorality started in the 1930’s when Anglicans accepted birth control (back then it was just withdrawal and maybe condoms.
Later, in the 1950s they began to use sperm donors for artificial insemination,
Then, in 1973, APA groups succumbed to activists pressure – taking homosexual ideation off of the list of disorders, then under Øbominable’s pressure, taking identity disorder off the list of disorders – then began a slide into depravity and identity confusion.
Now we have frozen fetuses, frozen eggs, surrogate mothers, abortions, selling infant tissue from aborted babies, crazy parents wanting to transgender children, men competing in womens sports, etc.
It’s a horror show…. we have opened Pandora’s Box.


Josef Mengele hoped to create a master Aryan race with his deranged experiments…what exactly is the goal of all of this? Gender chaos. Societal breakdown. It’s some horror show with kids being forcibly altered since trans men can’t reproduce?


More like the door to Hades!


How about those Washington Nationals last night?
12 to 3.
The Texans didn’t know what hit ’em. How a sloppy team like that got to the World Series is beyond me. LOL!


Andy there is no crying in baseball. Wipe that grin off your face. ;>)


I can’t. I was laughing too hard last night, especially in the 8th inning. I’m still laughing at that bunch of bunglers from Houston.


Just another reason I could never live in California again. I left there in 1975 and never looked back.
How terrible for those in the path of the flames.


“Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!”


Good for nothing Chicago police chief says he won’t attend President Trump’s address to the city Monday.
This is the same police chief who was recently found passed out in his squad car when driving home.
He uses the old “I only had two drinks” defense alibi. LOL! Sure. And he blames his “medication”. Meds in a liquor bottle.


I’m still hoping to see the day when Adam Schifty is arrested for corruption and treason.
Patricia McCarthy calls out Schiff as EVIL. Good read.
“To quote Voltaire once again: “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” Indeed. The Clinton-invented Russia hoax was absurd. Schiff is committing an atrocity with his disgraceful star chamber.”


Oh my. Shes so done. And her father was a cop. Wow.



She looks like a fun girl to party with, but certainly not to marry.


Shes never grown up. Shouldve stayed single and sure as heck not be representing 1000s of people in D.C.


True. Now that all this documentation and photography have been published, I wonder how she can face her counterparts in Congress. All the sniggers and whispers as she walks into a room must be disheartening for her.


Shes blaming everyone else for her choices up to now. She needs to quit Congress, be single, and get some therapy for her impulsive sexual behavior and life choices.


Katie Hill is a SICK DEPRAVED person.


She’s in good company in the Dem Congress.


I hate to be a debbie downer but the Dems have a unending threshold for any unethical behavior. I’m still waiting for jihadi Omar to be censured , charged and deported . There’s plenty of evidence, plenty of pictures..but ..nothing has been done


The Katie Hill case involves a staffer, which is an ethics violation, and the staffer has claimed it was an abusive relationship. Hill should have resigned before now. She is only making it worse.


she’ll check herself into Betty Ford and all will be well……………
Texts Reveal Concern About Katie Hill Drinking, Missing Flights


The Congressional Dems, especially including Nancy Pelosi, are scared to death of trying to punish Ilhan Omar in any significant way. They are P.C. cowards.


Since I’m a little obsessed with her…I can’t understand the MB and CAIR. Shouldn’t they be appalled at her non muslim behavior? What she’s done for all the world to see is honor killing worthy yet they say nothing. Talk about hypocrites. Her value is enormous or they’d condemn her.
Infiltrating the US govt is waaaaay more important that their lofty (coff) islamic ideals


Muslims in the US are in the House of War (they are not in control). They are not bound by the edicts of sharia or traditions of Islam.
When they are in the House of Surrender (they are in control), that’s when those rules are enforced … upon everyone.
Google “Truth In Love Shahram Hadian” for an explanation. He’s a good friend and talks all over the country about the real danger these fake refugees pose to us.

Deplorable Patriot

Even growing up where I did and still live, this is just…yeah, no.
I’m wondering, though, why these pics are actually surfacing. Do the higher ups see her as a liability to be shed?


In most states, there are laws against posting Revenge Porn. Watch her play the victim now.


Its the people she us3d and the emotions involved, esp since theyre all overly emotional libs to begin with. Not revenge porn since these were posted a long time ago, 2 yrs at least.


The photos were just posted in The Daily Mail today.
PUBLISHED: 13:47 EDT, 24 October 2019 | UPDATED: 15:12 EDT, 24 October 2019


Another stupid, lying cop who was trigger happy. Hope he’s prosecuted for this death.


Jazz hands? Wouldn’t that be racist?
Oxford University’s student union has decided to replace clapping with jazz hands to prevent students with anxiety from being triggered


It’s a childish loony liberal thing.


Believe it or not…clapping is considered ” haram and copying of kuffar ” = clapping is bad.
Get out that it’s for the anxious nervous nellies……it’s appeasing the barbarians..and with the added bonus of reducing people into obedient robots


“appeasing the barbarians”…
Yeah, this is America. Assimilate or you don’t belong here. It’s not up to us to change our culture. Multiculturalism is not a goal to be desired. Kindness, open borders to legal immigrants who assimilate, yes; but globalism to take down America, NO.


Amazing how much evil has hidden for so many decades in the Catholic Church. One has to wonder if this sickness still pervades the parishes.


It’s everywhere…. Episcopalian here:
The CoE Anglicans have had a number of child predators too.


I know nothing about the Episcopalian Church. Do they have a sacrament of confession like the Catholics do? After all, that’s the gateway to pedophilia for priests.


Never mind. I Googled and found the answer.

Deplorable Patriot

It looks like the kid in Texas may get a chance to be normal. His mother, OTOH, needs some sort of slap upside the head.


Still not enough – the child needs to be removed from this woman and her medical license revoked.


If the say is only what shade pink he gets to wear or which doctor gets to cut it off, thats not a “say”. It needs to stop.

Deplorable Patriot

Not like this couldn’t be seen coming.


If I remember correctly, he has a six month non-compete clause in his Fox News contract. But, he can more than afford a six month vacation.
We’ll see him next Spring spreading his hatred for President Trump at CNN.

Deplorable Patriot

HEAR, HEAR! I’m – and I can’t believe I’m actually saying this – with the cat.


I rather enjoy them. Guess it depends on one’s frame of reference.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No rack. Yawn.


Seen one, you’ve seen ’em all.
Lots of funbags on the internet to view.



Fairly obvious that’s what occurred.

Deplorable Patriot


I wondered how 39 people could die in a semi truck trailer and it turns out it was a reefer. Horrible way to die.
Here’s hoping other illegal aliens will learn from this sad experience.


you might want to add this to your info on Border Wall …
PM has an interesting THREAD – click tweet … be sure to read comment section


Thanks PR!
There is an interactive map here showing what’s going on with the wall in that area:


Bruno has an addenda to PM’s thread,,, here… click tweet



I’m guessing Melania is wearing black because of Elijah Cummings.


New Research Finds MORE Problems With Gene Editing


Seriously afflicted TDS sufferers march and act like bullies. At least they’re out in the open about wanting to overturn the 2016 election and disenfranchise us.


This is not an official US military twister account.


Wouldn’t that be the 2020 election?




I guess I was sleep-reading myself. This is what I read from the tweet: “BREAKING: Justice Department Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz has reportedly told House and Senate lawmakers that the process of finalizing his report into potential FISA abuses ahead of the 2016 presidential election is “nearing completion” – Fox News”
I found that confusing because we are heading into the 2020 election. Of course, if they are thinking FISA was abused BEFORE the 2016 election, then the sentence is correct.
We both need to get more rest or eat more ice cream or both!


RE: Schifty calling State Department people who disagree with POTUS’ foreign policies… and that’s how they’re going to frame the grounds for impeachment. Here is Ristvan’s analysis:
ristvan says:
October 24, 2019 at 5:33 pm
Lurking Lawyer here.
“The Constitutional Convention minutes, the Federalist Papers, and the Virginia ratification debate all bear on this ‘impeachment inquiry’ by uniparty globalists of PDJT’s MAGA policies.
Particularly with respect to the President, the original proposal was Treason, Bribery, or ‘Maladministration’. ‘Maladministration’ was borrowed from the pre-existing Virginia constitution. And it was Virginians who proposed changing to ‘and other High Crimes and Misdemeanors’ because maladministration can become too politicized, as Virginians knew then and as we are seeing now.
‘High Crimes and Misdemeanors’ was borrowed from pre-existing British ‘impeachment’ laws dating back to the Good Parliament Act of 1376. By the time of the Constitutional Convention it had a well understood meaning in Britain:
‘High’ meant that public servants should be held to a higher standard of behavior than private citizens. It mainly applies to Misdemeanors.
‘Crimes’ meant just that. So, for example Clinton Articles of Impeachment included perjury and obstruction of justice. ‘High’ just meant the Senate could ‘convict’ on lesser evidence than a jury.
‘Misdemeanors’ meant grossly inappropriate behavior, not lesser crimes than felonies (legal misdemeanors). That notion was FIRMLY established by the very first impeachment and conviction in 1804, of New Hampshire federal Judge Pickering for being drunk on the bench while his court was in session. Drunkenness in public may or may not be a crime, but for a federal judge in court it sure is a High Misdemeanor.
This Dem impeachment charade cannot come close finding anything adhering to the historically clear constitutional standard. So they cannot be serious despite TDS, and will not eventually dare to vote on Articles that amount to mere political grievances. Just dirty TDS politics to in their TDS view muddy PDJT ‘re-elected unless impeached’ for 2020.
What they don’t see is how angry and motivated to crush them in 2020 this is making Trumplicans.”


Thank you for this.


Ristvan keeps his head when others jump off the cliff like lemmings. I’m the ever optimist. We’re being proved right on taking that tack. What happened last night? Now it’s a formal criminal investigation! POTUS has been waiting years to right the ship.


Bruno has addenda… 2nd THREAD, related to above… click tweet


I apologize… this should have been posted to previous page, after THREAD on POTUS’ comment on wall in CO…
I’m going to repost it there…
Again, doesn’t relate to post above.


Bruno has another thread today…
Great Army video and decode.


YES! Thanks T3,
And Bruno has a 2nd THREAD today, putting together all I posted sloppily above, with more info, more suggestions for interpretation…
This is Third… just click tweet


You think the reference to Colorado has something to do with voting?


Ok, I guess it’s all about a WALL as in protection. The thread discusses NORAD…


Be sure to read comments to these threads, most are from other anons… has collected and archived 100 years of history… it’s ‘behind’ NORAD’s wall…
Q uses ‘Kansas’ to refer to Pompeo, Secretary of State…


I immediately thought of Pompeo when I saw Kansas.


I listened to the audio and heard “COLORADO” – my mind flagged that one immediately


They said this fire began along the edge of the freeway. What do you bet it was a careless ciggie smoker who started it?


Arson. We had a dui start a brushfire last night. About 6 weeks ago someone attempted 4 or 5 fires along the same stretch of fwy within minutes of each other. The Palisades fire that started a few days ago was suspicious and started next to the road. The fire in san berdoo the past few days is looking like arson also, and they have a recent attempt in that area.
Not too far from me in a dense brush area where peopke hike, a biker found a fire that someone had just started. He and a few few other people were able to stop it with h2o bottles and drive back to fire dept who said it loojed like arson.
These fires are being set intentionally. Mentally ill, vagrants, and pathological arsonists, plus maybe some really evil preplanned fires.
Scary stuff.


ever the cynic…imho, most of them are either arson or set deliberately to somehow justify the power blackouts.


Yep. Put on ktla, decent coverage.


In years past I’ve read that the saboteurs who hate our nation wait for these specific conditions (low humidity, desert winds) to start the kinds of fires that maximize damage and expense of resources.


Theres multiple fires going in the state right now. Tick fire, Old fire, new okd in both sides of the 405. Lots of vagrants around that last one. That’s only l.a. More will pop up bc of the santa anas over the next 24hrs.


Was just watching the live news in Canyon Country where the electricity has been shut off all day despite there now being no wind. There is no water pressure as a result and the homeowners want to protect their homes, but cannot because there’s no water due to no electricity. All they can do is watch them catch fire and burn.


People wont tolerate this. I saw employees of pge are getting the ire of customers already.


They just said the fire iff the 405 is bc if vagrant camp down there. Over 300 people and theres a crap ton of propane tanks exploding in the camp. The news anchors actually said they had no idea there was a bunch of “homeless” down there.
Dimm leadership at work!


The Santa Anas are hard today here in SD. I’m constantly smelling the air for smoke..the winds seem to trigger arsonist nutcases.


Not as bad up here, breezy so far. Its tonight thst gets worrisome into tomorrow. Humidity supposed to puck up by sunday. We need a sudden good rainstorm.


5% humidity is bad news during fire season.


85 to 90 degree temps, 40 mph sustained winds, super dry overgrown brush and trees, houses built close together all combine to make it an arsonists’ delight.


Your timing is impeccable!


You mean the fact it took two days to go from, “this needs a thread” to “ok, let’s sit down and write this thing”?
But, truth be told, many of the good parts showed up in twister feeds just today. 😉


The Carol Burnett Show: Shoe Salesman


“The whole world will get overthrown by dummy broads like this…” He was prophetic.


Famous last words – imagine PT saying this to Pelosi

Deplorable Patriot

Im confused.


Corruption junction. Hed probably sell his wife and kids to the right bidder.


So I’m wandering through Bruno’s thread, and sharing a little with hubby. And he mentions this about the Bible:
In the Gospels, while “Q” isn’t mentioned specifically, Biblical scholars/analysts believe that there was an anonymous contributor to the gospels of Mathew and Luke and that “Q” was known to both Mathew and Luke.. Mark’s gospel does not have the “Q” input, and John’s gospel is very different than the other 3 gospels. Apparently there is a Gospel of Q, but that isn’t definite.
Am I the only one late to the party on hearing this. Hubby does a lot of Sunday School teaching, and he said he came across this concept of Q in some of his biblical sources.


The Q theory was advanced by German scholars, I believe, in the mid 20th century as source material for the writers of the Matthew and Luke Gospels. As I understand it, it was called Q because the German word for ‘source’ begins with the letter Q. As far as I know it is still just a theory because written evidence of the Q source has never been discovered.


I got a kick out of “Q” meaning “source.” Kind of connects to “Q” today as being a source.


What socaristobo said. Strange too because I read this article yesterday or else wouldn’t of had a clue.


So it’s happening.
Barr investigation becoming a criminal investigation?


“It’s happening” is right. I’m not surprised; it’s what we’ve all expected. I wonder if Q would be posting “Booms” if he were here. 💣🔥💣


Durham investigation is now a criminal investigation, giving Durham the power to subpoena, empanel a grand jury, and file criminal charges.
This news follows closely on the heels of word that Durham had requested more agents and resources for his investigation follow his trip to Italy with AG Barr where they secured Joseph Misfud’s cell phones and heard his deposition.comment image


Techno has a THREAD – click his tweet that Reckoning RT’d

Bare in mind, slimy Ken is C_A! agent



I hope when this is said and done, we have very accurate and honest historians who write a definitive versions of what has happened. The giant history volume, the college course, the all important lessons for grade school. This is a never forget situation. Kids have to learn about this.


If I were a Senator I would propose legislation that made this a federal law and mandate.


I agree Gil… totally.

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, to be the archivist to organize the papers….
It was a long time ago when I worked in an archives, but, seriously, that’s where real history is preserved.


Thanks, Phoenix. I was kind of tied up when I first saw the headline, and couldn’t investigate further. But I wanted to get it out there so others were aware.


And I bet they’ve known for some time that this was all criminal, but they have to actually have the evidence of violation of criminal statutes vs instinctive or intuitive input.



Seb, Having some fun.


Obummer thinks hes going to hide on marthas vineyard. Hes trying to run to be a private area so none of us peons can get to him when its time. The problem for him is the white hats wont quit til its over.


He better find an island with no extradition. Martha’s doesn’t have that feature. Good thing he’s still in escrow, may need to back out and use that $15mil on attorneys. 😉


I think he already looked…remember the isolated mens vacay in tahiti? Plus elsewhere. I dont think anyone wanted to take him.



And it’s only Thursday!!!


This seem appropriate right about now….a prison scene from Born In East LA….




Well well well
Life is just full of surprises, isn’t it?
Lisa Page, editor, eh?
Pretty sure that’s illegal, or at least HIGHLY unethical.
And CIA agents are lawyering up, too.
The Storm is almost here!!


comment image


Its just getting downright fun!
But, in all seriousness, this is our busiest time – they are cornered and the walls are actually closing in on them. They will now be the most dangerous and we Must be politically active like never before.
We have been prepared and have been preparing for just such a time! We now put our deep knowledge to work and fight the trolls on social media, explaining the facts for others to read and learn. Pressure our elected “leaders” like Never before. Burn up the phones and their social media accounts!
We are the “silent” majority no more!


This ^^^^^^^^^^^
A 1,000x’s this, and then 10,000 more!

Deplorable Patriot

Somebody’s watched Good Morning Vietnam. Yes, it made the soundtrack.


Apparently Trade wars are working… to the dismay of Cabal, I am sure
THREAD – click on tweet

Deplorable Patriot

Better soybeans be exported than have them foisted on us – and my family used to raise them on the farm.



Anons tweets are disappearing wrt extension into criminal investigation………………
Above clip disappeared in mins. from RT


Wow. People have been saying for ages that *they* are scared, but both Clapper and Cooper look genuinely concerned in that clip. And Clapper says the timing is “interesting,” given the impeachment probe. News flash: No matter what the Trump administration does, the timing is considered suspect. That’s one of their main excuses — interfering with a candidate, interfering with a fake impeachment investigation, interfering with their efforts to lynch (yes, I said it!) Pres. Trump.
Clapper also can’t imagine “what any of us has done.” Why does he think this criminal probe has anything to do with him?


Anderson Cooper is C_A Agent…
Talk about dishonesty! They’re both evil scum. There is NO impeachment probe… it’s kubuki theatre.. and these two actors are part of the ongoing coup!


Two things about IG Horowitz’s letter about his report:
1. It says that the final declassification markings have not yet been received from the DOJ and the FBI. Then after that is done, the report has to go through “appropriate reviews for accuracy and comment purposes.” Horowitz doesn’t think that will take a long time. I think it will be a while before we see the report. But I think announcements like this serve a purpose in the drip, drip of PAIN that Q says is coming.
2. Horowitz thinks he can release the report with so few redactions that there will be no need to release an unredacted version. Dems are going to scream about this and demand the unredacted report.

Deplorable Patriot

Bring it.
We’ve been waiting way too long for this.


So far we know Nunes, Grassley, and probably now Horowitz has made criminal referrals.



Jackass thinks leadership is staying IN the tpp and being a the worlds doormat. I wonder why he is to hot to rip on POTUS and his policies?