Dear KAG!: 20191031 Open Topic

This Night before Daughn Happy Hollowween THURSDAY 20191031 Open Thread is very open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both MAGA and KAG!).

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.

Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.

Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.

Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways.

Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible. Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.



I love this pic so I’ll ask of you all to remember Vice President Pence in your prayers!

So, as we head down the path to our branch in the Q Tree please be kind to each other.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics:

  • No food fights.
  • No running with scissors.
  • If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Now we don’t know what’s going to be revealed today and tomorrow but, hang on to your hat!


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Such an appropriate post! So many things going on the surface and under the surface. I know that people are looking forward to Qanon’s return, but we have many citizen journalists that have stepped up BIGLY!! Just look at our own little Treehouse. If it wasn’t for Wolf, there wouldn’t be a place for many varied pieces of information to be collated in one place, collected by the many contributors. I for one really appreciate all the varied information and opinions offered. I may not agree with all, but as it has been said, “variety is the spice of life”. Thank you to one and all!


Totally agree, Jamcooker. I only have to read each day’s open thread and Flep’s news report each day to be better informed than most of the country. You all do a GREAT job!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN! This NEWS NEXUS is gonna help us WIN BIGLY!!!


CommieCrats and DemonRats, that’s their names;
To subjugate the people, that’s their game.
They lie, cheat and steal – all to get their way,
Claim “everything’s free, but we’re gonna pay.
Free food and housing, that’s part of their scheme
To trap the people in their Marxist dream.
They want nothing less than to rule the world,
They give us some shells, but keep all the pearls.
They’ll give out goodies ‘til we look to them,
Can no longer stand on our own, and then,
They’ll take our guns “to protect us from harm”,
Then when they’re in charge, we’ll work on their farms.
They’ll be little princes and princesses, too,
Living life large, telling us what to do.
Freedom will be gone, and justice no more;
The rich elite prosper, while we live poor.
These days are, indeed, quite perilous times,
When most politicians have turned to crime.
They lie, cheat and steal to have their own way.
Honor means nothing; they have to be paid.
They’re not servants who give, they have to get.
They spend all our money, then put us in debt.
They’re not here to make America great,
But to line their pockets and, of course, dictate.
We must return to honest, simpler ways,
To citizen leaders who work for less pay,
Who think it an honor to lead this land,
Who respect our country as their homeland.
We, the people, need revival, too.
To turn to the God our country once knew.
To turn to the ways of hard work for pay,
Each pulling his weight, like back in the day.
No free home and food, no government perks;
If we expect to eat, then we must work.
When we produce, then we respect our wage
Throughout life’s book, ‘til we turn our last page.
So, where do we go from where we are?
Realize Dimms for the evil they are.
Be vocal, stand up and fight for our lives,
For our way of life, for husbands and wives.
Put God first and walk only in His ways;
Praise Him, thank Him and, above all, pray.
Give our love to God and our neighbors, too;
For God’s peace and joy, that’s what we must do.


Carl, I read everyone’s admiring comments about your poetic prowess, but have you considered a Rap career. I am too old to be a Rap aficionado but it is quite popular and such talent can be monetized. Think about it. If you are not performance oriented you can be the lyricist.


I’m just a little older than dirt myself . . . and I don’t think it’s my age that’s preventing me from appreciating rap. How do I dislike rap . . . let me count the ways . . .
If I were to compare Karen Carpenter’s voice with rap, well . . .
I hope you enjoy these ditties. That’s all I need . . . or want.


(C)rap = “poetry” to a beat.


Well done, Carl…and, Amen!


Just wanted to point this out. GA/FL posted the tweet below on yesterdays thread. Wanted to point something out.
Earlier today some one posted the training of dog and part of the dogs training was to scale a very high fence and walk atop of it. Well guess what? Look very carefully at GA/FL’s post and I do believe the dark dot that is atop the wall to the right where Delta is about to breach is the dog. At the very end you can see it moving a few steps on all fours.


There is something moving on the fence. I’ve wondered about how they handle dogs in these situations. If al-Baghdadi was running down a dead-end corridor, and if he was being chased by the dog, it seems the dog might have been gravely injured when he blew himself up. So it seems the dog would have been restrained in some way. Or maybe the dog was instrumental in getting Bag-daddy to run but wasn’t allowed to follow him down the corridor. Maybe we’ll learn more in time.


And moving on all fours. And you can bet Delta would give their dog lots of specialized training. Notice how the dog keeps the same separation from the breech point as the operators do prior to blowing the hole in the wall. Yes, it was likely also trained that once it cornered its prey it would take a stand off position much like other hunting dogs do. Not surprised that PDJT wants to have Conan brought to the WH.


“Not surprised that PDJT wants to have Conan brought to the WH. ”
If he does have Conan brought to the WH, DJT absolutely MUST reenact the meme by putting a medal on the dog… and do it EXACTLY like the meme pic, LOL!
Then purge ALL the meme photos from the interwebs, and when the Left loses their minds over Trump copying the meme, ask them “What meme are you crazy people talking about?”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Maybe THIS MEME!!! 😀comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From here:


HA! Love it! .. 😜👍❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️


A “Purple Heart” medal seems appropriate to me since the dog was injured in “Combat”.


Truths…I just saw a Military report on The Dog.
Officer said The Dog was injured by electrical equipment in the tunnel, but is now back on duty.


This will give you an idea of what this breed does … 🤨👍❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️

.. 🇺🇸 ..


Wow! What a breed.


WOW! I knew they were bad ass, but that freaking dog climber up 20′ in a TREE and grabbed a guy on a 12′ roof. Now I simply HAVE to see one of these chase down old Barry, Nan, and Shifty. Please let it happen…MUST see TV.


You could make a ton of money putting that on pay per view … it’d be worth it too ..


thanks, nikki, just breathtaking!


They are awesome and that’s why this breed should be paired with someone just as awesome .. 😉👍❤️


Great catch para


It feels as if we have two individuals controlling Washington and the country: the “whistleblower,” a known Dem operative who brought false charges against Pres. Trump, and Schiffty Schiff, who has complete control of the impeachment “proceedings,” or whatever they are.
I know they are being given rope to hang themselves, but the amount of damage individuals can do is maddening.😡🔥😡🔥😡🔥😡🔥😡🔥😡🔥😡🔥😡🔥😡🔥😡🔥
I have read that Pelosi is walking back the “impeachment” vote for tomorrow, but then I’ve read that it will proceed. I’m sick and tired of waiting for info to trickle out from Pelosi and Shiffty. This is a travesty of what this country is about.
I keep telling myself that “we have it all.” I know that there are ongoing investigations and reports that will out. At the same time, the things that are happening now — blocking Republicans out of hearings, fake accusations against the President by obviously politically biased individuals, lies to all of us) should not be allowed to stand. This is a coup against Pres. Trump (another one), and it needs to be stopped, now, IMO. A letter to the Ethics Committee (thank you, Matt Gaetz) is not going to do it. There should be some mechanism to halt the entire thing. Lying, deceiving, traitorous swamp dwellers are operating at will. My concerns are not about Russiagate/Ukrainegate/etc.; they are that this kind of thing cannot be allowed to happen in America.


DIMs fail, time after time, day after day…
Friday is coming…
We haven’t even been up to bat …
Patience Grasshopper.


I tried, but possibly failed, to make it clear that this is not about waiting for all the info to come out. Nor is it about doubts that things are happening. What I’m saying is that the process playing out now with Schiffty in the House, should have been (able to be) stopped within about five minutes of its genesis. The moment he set out rules barring Republican House committee members from attending, questioning witnesses, etc., a halt should have been (able to be) called. That is not how we do things in America, and it cannot stand.
So yes, maybe something will happen to derail the entire fake impeachment process. If so, great. But what has already happened should never have been allowed to happen for even a few moments. It needs to be stopped, now, and measures should be in place to guarantee its never happening again.


Gee Phoenix, wouldn’t TOMORROW be a GREAT day to for Horowitz to release his report. All Saints day. ONE day after 232 dems in the House EXPOSED themselves to sedition, conspiracy, abuse of power, TREASON and a coup. Oh when the saints go marchin’ in…oh when the saints go marchinnnninnnnnn’ in . I want to be in that number…when the saints go marchin’ in!


YES! that’s why I mentioned Friday Rex… totally agree. Had not thought about All Saints day…
I’m singing right along with you!


They thought they had Flynn, too.
Now it looks like Flynn is going to smash a huge, gaping hole in the Mueller SC.
As PR said….patience is required.
We know everything.
FISA works both ways.
The people are stupid.
They won’t be able to walk the streets in safety.


See my further explanation, above. I’m saying that what Schiffty is doing in the House should never be allowed for even a few minutes. We, the American people, have Congressional representatives who have a right to be involved in the proceedings — especially those who on the pertinent committees — but they are being denied by one man. Our system of government is not set up to allow one person to be able to orchestrate a “whistleblower” complaint, keep that person’s identity secret, try to impeach the President, and keep OUR representatives out of the process.
I imagine that the whistleblower business is all going to be revealed — that’s already starting to happen — and so will Schiffty’s part in it. As I said above, great. But one person does not have the power to keep the elected representatives of the American people from taking part in such proceedings. That’s tantamount to denying us our representation. That’s what I’m talking about.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nothing can stop what’s coming. Nothing can stop the JUSTICE that’s coming.


But what is happening NOW cannot be stopped, either. We let things go TOO FAR, and the fact that Schiffty Schiff CAN get away with this injustice now is the PRICE WE PAY for things which we let happen in the past.
Maddening, yes, but it is the PRICE WE PAY.
58 people MURDERED in Las Vegas to stop Trump is a PRICE WE PAID.
There may even be worse coming, but we will survive it, and we will WIN, and WIN BIGLY.
The bad that WILL HAPPEN is a PRICE WE WILL PAY to restore GOOD, and to RESTORE GOD.
We have to STAND. That is all.


I agree 100% Wolf. It also demonstrates what happens when the media turns its back on political corruption. The media is intended to be the light bulb in every political back room. When the bulb is on the room is awash with light and all can be seen. When it is intentionally turned off the darkness hides every deed both good and bad. I understand that citizen journalism developed to combat this but it is still only a candle. The media is a WWII searchlight that can turn night into day. It is useless until it is turned on. The media has direct access to 95% or more of the homes of American citizens. That brings tremendous influence to these people. America sees whatever message they decide to show. Presently they have joined the coup and are material enemies of this nation. That is a primary reason why the patriot counter offensive has taken years instead of the weeks required to turn the nation against Nixon. The patriots do not have the luxury of impatience. Perseverance is the virtue to cultivate in this fight.


I agree with you, and I do trust. It’s just that these particular goings on in Congress are a direct, in-your-face assault on our very foundation as a republic. There needs to be a monumental shakeup and comeuppance to fix this. IMO, this is the most blatant attack on the very soul of our country yet. With mass shootings, as horrible as they are, we never know exactly what caused them. We have a very good idea, but we can’t prove it. With this, it’s in our faces. I have not heard of it waking up people on the Left because the rabid ones don’t care what happens to our country. It’s “get Trump” and win at all costs, principles be d___ed.
The price we pay is very steep. This one is hard to swallow for me. It’s “he can’t DO that,” and then he does. I just want people to wake up — not people here; they are “woke” — but other patriots out there. If they don’t, we are lost.


it plays a part imo.
The unfairness of it is making the majority of people PISSED OFF–we don’t do things like that in the USA. But the Democrats ARE DOING things like that in the USA. If the repubs had simply “stopped” it which I’m not even sure they could with the rules of the House presently, the public would not really see the depths to which the left has sunk would they?
there wouldn’t be the outrage—there might not be the determination to vote out the left from the House come 2020.
It was like when Harry Reid got the nuclear vote thing going in the Senate–you lose the majority–you suffer the consequences. (But we DID manage to turn that around on them, didn’t we Mitch? lol)

A Fortiori

TT, I speculated the other day that perhaps PDJT wants an impeachment trial in the Senate. It would arrest the attention of the entire nation, and would enable the revelation of a whole bunch of things we know, but only perhaps a third of our fellow Americans accept as true.
In we think not in terms of arresting and convicting miscreants, but rather about getting 2/3 or more of our fellow citizens to call for their arrest and the upheaval it would entail, there is still a lot to be done.


Wyatt’s thread in latest article, courtesy of Wof and Ozzy, outstanding read.
Well worth the time to read, ponder and smile…knowing things are well in hand. Everyone’s patience warranted.
Personally, much of baby Bush years I was frustrated to say the least. The hussein tears, absolutely beside myself watching America implode through hussein’s destructive actions against America.
As I have posted a number of times over the months, President Trump has pulled America from the precipice of falling into oblivion…from America as we were raised and knew it to be.

Sadie Slays

I’ve made jokes in the past about how every time I check Twitter, I see some LGBT holiday is trending. Well, it turns out that my observations were somewhat accurate. Look at this calendar. I cross-referenced it with the Wikipedia page for “LGBT Awareness Periods”*** and the calendar appears to be accurate. Why does ANY group need this many holidays? How can people not see that this LGBT agenda is being forced?
*** Notice how they go out of their way to avoid the word “holidays.” The Left hates religion so much they won’t even say the word “holiday” because the word’s true meaning is “Holy-Day.” And for that reason, it’s a blessing in disguise that they refuse to associate their degenerate globalist agenda with holiness.
Wikipedia: image

Sadie Slays

I didn’t realize that the actual Wikipedia link says “holidays.” The actual page is titled “Awareness Periods.”


“Why does ANY group need this many holidays? How can people not see that this LGBT agenda is being forced?”
And how does a sexual orientation qualify for having a holiday?!
They demanded ‘tolerance’…and it was given.
But once gained, that was not enough!
Now they are demanding that homosexuality be ‘celebrated’.
And they are forcing it by declaring these holidays.
I think it’s a part of their intent to recruit children.
They want to give the impression that LGBT is a huge powerful group…a big ‘club’.
“Join us! Join us and you can be powerful too. We make people do what we want!”

Sadie Slays

Notice how the “awareness periods” line up well with the typical American school calendar. August is quiet (no school). December is quiet (lots of time off school). The only exception is June. Pride MUST happen during the sixth month of the year for Satanic purposes, however, so they added an entire SECOND month during the school year to make sure the school children are indoctrinated into the LGBT cult.comment image
I’m genuinely surprised that minority groups aren’t more pissed about this. Blacks are given the shortest month of the year, but LGBT gets not one, but TWO ENTIRE MONTHS?


It’s disgusting, isn’t it.
People can say what they will about Putin.
But I give him kudos for passing a Law against the homosexual recruitment of children.

Sadie Slays

The Chinese government is hardcore against it to the point where the state censors don’t even allow LGBT stuff on TV or in movies. They know the deleterious effect it has on society.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Putin’s refusal to allow minorities to have ANY special rights lets him into a very exclusive club of my heroes – along with Martin Luther King, Jr. TRUE EQUALITY is not possible with “special rights”. Just give people WHAT THEY ARE DUE. TRUE EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY – REAL CIVIL RIGHTS.


That is so abominable … these children are innocent and these creeps are corrupting them … 🤬🤚‼️‼️

Cuppa Covfefe

And October is their “Advent” month, leading to their high Satanic holiday, Samhain, the “highest” holiday of the Satanic calendar. It’s no accident that they chose October… Samhain requires human sacrifice, btw…

Sadie Slays

Good catch!


Right now – with the removal of DADT – every soldier in the military has to wear a rainbow ribbon – thanks to Øbominable’s activism.
Right now – sexual assaults by males against males outnumbers males against female assaults.
Right now – LBGT – the BGT part have a higher incidence of all STDs, violence, murders, cancers, addictions and suicides. The L part has higher incidence of violence and addictions.
Science, statistics and Scripture stand against these lifestyles and behaviors.
I have links to CDC data and research that backs this up.
I was banned you know where for posting these facts.


Clarification – Right now – *with the removal of DADT in the military* – sexual assaults by males against males outnumbers males against female assaults.

Sadie Slays

I was banned from 4chan for all places for calling the drag children trend “child grooming” and posting a picture from Instagram of a half-naked adult man with a drag child to make my point.


The Bible talks about people who won’t hear the truth….but 4 chan, that’s strange.


This is a very good find.
Every good leftist movement worth it’s salt has to replace the cultural symbols and memories with its own meanings. That’s what it’s about.
I remember back in 2009 watching a brilliant video by PJMedia showing how the Obama campaign had cleverly used iconic American symbols to appeal to its voters. But at the same time, they showed those same symbols fading, or their colors blending with the Democrat BLUE (reminds me of the Nazi Fascist RED). It was shocking how carefully how intentionally they had twisted and morphed every single symbol toward this idea of fading. Even the American eagle was depicted with its wings ready for take off and turned away – it was preparing to fly away. The eagle wasn’t going to be our national symbol any more. The Obama “O” logo was superimposed; it was our future now.
With the LGBT the symbology has been obvious for a long time. The use of the rainbow is meant to be a mockery of the deluge myth and the religious iconography of the rainbow. It is so far advanced in people’s minds that leftists were triggered when Ken Ham painted his Ark with rainbow lights that somehow he was making a homophobic statement! The LGBT rainbow has been very effective for subversion, like 1930s Germany requiring people to salute a certain way when they greeted one another, you have to bend to the flag, or risk incurring the wrath and public scorn of Herr Zeller.
I’ve stated before that statistically the radical elements of the LGBT are a small minority of the entire LGBT population in the U.S. … But that small percentage that punches above their weight is marked by radical activism, leftist politics, and opposition to religion. This is hardly surprising, since Herbert Marcuse (and a bunch of other radicals from Freud to Kinsey to Heffner to Sanger and others) saw human sexuality as a means of undermining and destroying religion. Get the kids interested in sex, not God, and you could control them. “Make love not war”. The idea of using sex to undermine religion is very old after all – the enlightenment era thinker de Sade famously wrote of his sick notions of corrupting priests whom he believed were hypocritical by overwhelming them with an irresistible appeal to human base sexual desires – Marcuse didn’t invent it but he did successfully weaponize it at the advent of the American “sexual revolution”.
Holidays serve as times for pausing and remembering the past or calling us to act in the present. The left hates the past and anything that is good that is worth recalling or memorializing. Leftism is a jealous god that has no place for anything but itself. The Soviets created their own holidays for the workers and tried to supplant all the old religious and national holidays in the past, as was done in the French Revolution and every other Marxist revolution since. Only their views, their values, their interpretations of history are valid and worth remembering – the narrative of Marxism is the only one that can be tolerated. All cathedrals and temples must be made to worship and glorify Marx. There is no room for religious rivalry or co-existence.
So when we see a whole calendar that is full of replacement holidays, we know we aren’t dealing with a “live or let live” libertarian view of human sexuality, but a cultic political supremacism with an intent on totalitarian control of the core values of the culture. Those values are reflected in the new holidays, and what they are used to replace.
Symbolism will be their downfall.

Sadie Slays

Excellent comment.


Romans 1:18-32 outlines the Road to Perdition step by step….starting with the refusal to worship GOD the creator, refusal to learn by the patterns and lessons of the creation (God created male and female, etc.) and culminating in same sex attraction and approving it. The rest of the book of Romans outlines the Road to Redemption.
GOD is able to save and restore all souls to the uttermost, able to heal the deception, pain and trauma behind homosexual proclivity and make this and all sins into an aversion and horror. Hebrews 7:25, I Peter 4:1-11


GA, this passage of Scripture also comments on the intentional suppression of righteousness, AND not only proclaiming these evils, but promoting them.
Some things never change.


Big Mike warned us…


… well …. HE CHANGED .. didn’t he⁉️⁉️🤣🤚‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️


He’s a one trick pony .. bwahahahahaha


I will never forget the “halo” behind Obama’s head literally at every opportunity! Made me sick but also more aware of how subtle symbolism and power of suggestion through subliminal methods were used. Trouble is, as we know…there is a very large group of non-thinking zombies out there targeted…and it works.
I think Obama’s lofty nose in the air pose was supposed to be some sort of symbolism, as well, but truthfully I never concluded what. Was this is “I’m above it all…no drama” persona? Any ideas?

Sue Mcdonald

His nose in the air was a condescending f**k you to all of us worthless eaters. He loathed the very thought of being within 100 miles of us,” the people of walmart” I loathed that man with every inch of my tv was off for 8 years so I wouldn’t ever have to see that smug condescending face. Now all I desire is the justice of seeing that smug prig shackelled and going to Gitmo,never to be heard or seen again.all mention of him will be in hushed tones of horror at what he brought upon not just our country but the world. Erase this blight from our memories and thoughts. I put him on the list with Stalin,Pol pot,hitler,edi amien ,Mugabe among others .


it’s become a religion unto itself


Is there anything funnier than outtakes from one of the funniest movies ever made??
…”exactly what is it you do do?” Man, this movie is filled with so many great lines that still are used today! Thanks for the 😆 ForGodandCountry!!


comment image


It’s happening…comment image


It’s happening…comment image


Sic ’em!


Woah…I think this is ‘notable’.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“We must engage China as it is, not as we wish it to be.”


And Pompeo is calling out the ChiComs for their “hostility to the US and our values”.
Pompeo is ripping off the smiling Panda mask.
I think this is notable.
Pompeo spent a year as head of the C_A.
We don’t know what he did there during that time…but I’m thinking that is was significant.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think you’re right.
CIA would have had control over what I think was the “big deal”.
Bottom line – I think the “bones of contention” are WAY ABOVE top secret, and are as important or MORE, compared to all the economic stuff.


Oh really, Nancy?


Here’s that embeded tweet so that the video will play here.


.. that ‘cuz your heinie is grass …. bwahahahahaha bwahahahahaha bwahahahahaha
… shut up and immigrate to China 🇨🇳 where you belong …


A whistleblower has no ‘right’ to anonymity.
This is a false narrative that the Dems have just recently made up!
It allows them to call their leakers “whistleblowers”…and allows them to put forth any lies that they want to, with no way for us to question those leakers.


absolutely! they have a right to PROTECTION yes, anonymity NO!


IF the whistle blower is a true whistle blower…protection OK.
Otherwise, prosecute the bastard IF laws were broken…including lying.
Piss on them. NO free passes for bad actors.


Ciaramella is already being guarded “for his own protection” funded by US taxpayer dollars.


lots of articles stating he is “probably” the whistleblower…like this one
Federal documents reveal that the whistleblower, Eric Ciaramella, previously worked in the Obama administration with former Vice President Joe Biden and former CIA Director John Brennan. RealClear reports that Ciaramella remained there into the Trump administration, and headed the Ukraine desk at the National Security Council, eventually transitioning into the West Wing, until June 2017.
He then “left his National Security Council posting in the White House’s West Wing in mid-2017 amid concerns about negative leaks to the media. He has since returned to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia,” RealClearInvestigations reported. Ciaramella is a Yale graduate who reportedly speaks Russian, Ukrainian, and Arabic.
Officials told RealClear that Ciaramella strongly opposed Trump’s foreign policy.
“He didn’t exactly hide his passion with respect to what he thought was the right thing to do with Ukraine and Russia, and his views were at odds with the president’s policies,” a former senior White House official said.


Ohhh, it’s him alright.
He was Biden’s point man on Ukraine during the slime from 2015-2016
He also signed onto the IMF loans.
Cairamella is so deep into this he SHOULD be scared for his life.


Disgusting .. 🤬


Just as we have the fake news media we also have the fake House of Representatives. Fake rules, fake laws fake truth etc. Fake, Fake, Fake


Verse of the Day

“For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous; lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity.”
Psalms 125:3 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Thursday Blessingscomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Good Morning Duchess!
got a warm mug of coffee for you….


Oh – Thanks, pat – right on time – you are!
God Bless You Real Good!!! Have a Blessed Day!!!


and you as well!


Thanks!!! * Smile *




Good morning once again, Jesus!
Sorry I put too much Kahlua in your coffee yesterday.
Hope you didn’t have to drive anywhere.


This is demonic!
This is vile and disgusting…and disturbing.
WARNING — You may not want to watch this.
I am posting it to show that pure evil is walking among us.


Here it is:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’re right – demonic. Not sure if that’s a drag queen, a trannie, of whatever, but it’s definitely demonic.
Cultural Marxism. Pure and simple.


wow I made it all of 2 seconds before I exited…


Or as Hellary calls it, a typical Saturday night.


Love ya wheatie …


Isaiah 14:12-15
The Fall of Lucifer
12 “How you are fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground,
You who weakened the nations!
13 For you have said in your heart:
‘I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
On the farthest sides of the north;
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High.’
15 Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol,
To the lowest depths of the Pit.
Ezekiel 28:11-19
Lamentation for the King of Tyre
11 Moreover the word of the Lord came to me, saying, 12 “Son of man, take up a lamentation for the king of Tyre, and say to him, ‘Thus says the Lord God:
“You were the seal of perfection,
Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
13 You were in Eden, the garden of God;
Every precious stone was your covering:
The sardius, topaz, and diamond,
Beryl, onyx, and jasper,
Sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with gold.
The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes
Was prepared for you on the day you were created.
14 “You were the anointed cherub who covers;
I established you;
You were on the holy mountain of God;
You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones.
15 You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created,
Till iniquity was found in you.
16 “By the abundance of your trading
You became filled with violence within,
And you sinned;
Therefore I cast you as a profane thing
Out of the mountain of God;
And I destroyed you, O covering cherub,
From the midst of the fiery stones.
17 “Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty;
You corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor;
I cast you to the ground,
I laid you before kings,
That they might gaze at you.
18 “You defiled your sanctuaries
By the multitude of your iniquities,
By the iniquity of your trading;
Therefore I brought fire from your midst;
It devoured you,
And I turned you to ashes upon the earth
In the sight of all who saw you.
19 All who knew you among the peoples are astonished at you;
You have become a horror,
And shall be no more forever.” ’ ”


You little devil you.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Andrew Torba on the decision by Twitter to stop all political advertising (and muzzle Trump Tweets, while giving free reign to fake news accounts):


Lyin’ Purple People Cheater
It came ridin’ a broom, right out of the sky.
It had one long horn, and one crazy eye.
It was talkin’ and lyin’ for all to see.
It looked like a Purple People Cheater to me.
It was a crazy-eyed, pillow-thighed, lyin’ Purple People Cheater,
Trash-talkin’, wobble-walkin’, lyin’ Purple People Cheater,
Bondo-faced, basket-case, lyin’ Purple People Cheater.
Sure looked strange to me.
Well she spouted some words, just lyin’ was she,
I said Purple People Cheater, don’t cheat me.
I heard her say in a voice so gruff
“I hafta cheat you ‘cause I’ve not cheated enough.”
It was a silly-grin, double-chin, lyin’ Purple People Cheater,
Poorly-dressed, over-stressed, lyin’ Purple People Cheater,
Vacant-eyed, vodka-plied, lyin’ Purple People Cheater.
Sure looks like Hillary.
I said Purple People Cheater, “What’s your line?”
She said “It’s cheatin’ people all of the time.
But that’s not the reason that I have planned.
I wanna get a job that’s leadin’ this land.”
It was a bobble-head, overfed, lyin’ Purple People Cheater,
Cackle laugh, cankle-calf, lyin’ Purple People Cheater,
Broken-down, evil-clown, lyin’ Purple People Cheater.
Poor old Hillary.
She got off her broom, but fell on the ground,
Then started to wobble, really rockin’ around.
She was a crazy witch, lookin’ like a loon;
All dried out and resemblin’ a prune.
It was a medicated, overweighted, lyin’ Purple People Cheater,
Fly-on-face, lack-of-grace, lyin’ Purple People Cheater,
Pay-for-play, quite decayed, lyin’ Purple People Cheater.
Dried up Hillary.
Then she went on her way, and what do ya know
I saw her last night on a debate show.
She was evadin’ the truth, usin’ mirrors instead,
And blowin’ thick smoke through the horn in her head.
It was an overheated, secret-treated, lyin’ Purple People Cheater,
Have-a-drink, wha-cha-think?, lyin’ Purple People Cheater,
My-name’s-Hill, wife-of-Bill, lyin’ Purple People Cheater.
Do nothing Hillary.


Terrific! I’m still laughing. 🙂


Could’ve included . . .
Arkancide, guess who died, lyin’ Purple People Cheater


This is my favorite one yet! LOLOLOL!!!!

Sadie Slays

Israel just held a mass casualty drill involving a stadium. The video for this includes the quote, “The goal of the mass casualty event is to make order out of chaos.” The phrase “order out of chaos” is repeatedly several times after. Starts at 0:55 in the video.

Bonus: Israeli embassies are closed worldwide.


Sadie, Do you think the ‘strike’ is a fake – an excuse to close the embassies?

Sadie Slays

It’s awfully suspicious timing that this strike happens right after the big ISIS raid and before the predicted Seattle 11/3 false flag.


Doubly so….. hmmmm.

A Fortiori

Yes. I now think it is part of a secure in place protocol. I think Israel expects to be attacked, and soon.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll just say this. America is SICK OF HOAXES. Any kind of false flag or hoaxing right now is not a good look for anybody.

Sadie Slays

There’s a ton of predictive programming pointing to Seattle, November 3rd, and a football game scheduled for that day (hence the Israeli stadium drill). If they actually try this BS, we’ve got 9/11-levels of evidence that this was planned.


Christopher Wray has a thousand active cases working at the FBI on Chinese companies engaging in espionage.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A thousand active cases. YUP. And that’s just what they know about.


I’m hoping we hear more about those Chinese “spy chips” that they mentioned last year.
It was mentioned…and then no other mention of it.
We need more companies to leave China and come back home for their manufacturing.
Public opinion of the ChiComs has to be turned around…it is still way too favorable.
The way to do it is to expose what the ChiComs have really been doing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed – they may just have to do that. But I really suspect that some of it is HUGELY above top secret.


Agree. As has been referenced previously…how many Chinese spy chips have been installed in Red China manufactured consumer goods and what are the implications but far more critical is the issue of spy chips in DOD applications.

A Fortiori

We won’t hear about it until the threat is neutralized. It would involve massive financial panic and likely bankrupt several US multinationals.


1000 individual cases don’t matter. There are 1,499,999,000 to take their place.
It’s the CCP which must be punished.
Have to go after CHINA itself, the government. The people are fine, focus on the CCP.


was it you who pointed out China is funding the LAWFARE impeachment push? or did I read that elsewhere?


They contribute heavily to Brookings.
Indirectly, the Chinese are funding the impeachment process.
Additionally, some of their top people also invest/sit on the board for — several Chinese sovereign wealth funds.
It’s all about the money.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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ghoulish !


I’m somewhat curious about Israel abruptly closing all of its embassies. Due to the suddenness and timing, one has to wonder whether this involves the Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi raid and information seized therein…..
On the one hand, we can imagine neo-Nazis claiming that Israel funded ISIS. On the other, one might imagine that there were ISIS plans to commit terrorism at Israeli embassies around the world. A more reasonable world-view might see the events as tangential at best, or merely coincidental in their timing. But the official press release is generally unhelpful and incredible.
24-hour rule, 48-hour rule, and all that…..but it does seem odd.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I do think these things are linked. Not sure how. I am open to possibilities. I will wait for FACTS to come in, while actively SPECULATING in the meanwhile.
My timeline is longer than 48 hours – it’s 90 days. That is how long a NUKE would take to sort out suspicions. That would have been enough time to not be hasty on 9/11, and bring the right people under suspicion.
My support for Israel is not dependent on whether there are elements in Israel who are misbehaving and need correction. Saying that what CIA does or what the DNC does IS exactly what America does is simply not true. I don’t blame all of Israel for what some do. Israelis, including the horrible Haaretz, supported ANTIFA creator Vysotsky. I don’t blame all of Israel for that.
It’s time for us all to be smart. BLAME PRECISELY – WITH LASER FOCUS. That will begin to repair the damage by the PROGS and other troublemakers who HIDE BEHIND LARGER GROUPS.

Sadie Slays

The knew Israel could/would wipe them out in an hour.
So could the USA – but not under Øbnoxious.


hussein was ISIS’ biggest supporter.


along with Hillrotten, McCain and McMullin.


Maybe, Ms Lindsey in a supporting role to McStain.

Deplorable Patriot

Ahh…thank you. More data points. 😁

Sue Mcdonald

ISIS = Israeli secret intelligence service. Watched a short vid on this earlier. So makes perfect sense why there was an apology. I think we may have hit on the origin of ISIS.

Deplorable Patriot

When faced with Israeli activity that is puzzling, keep this in mind:
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 88957f No.613229
Mar 10 2018 13:04:36 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 436341 No.613193
Mar 10 2018 13:02:22 (EST)
What about Awan.
Is Israel involved?
We are saving Israel for last.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.

Deplorable Patriot

Here’s the graphic that didn’t come through.comment image



HAPPY HALOWEENIE !comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image
BATS & CRAY-CRAY !comment image


Those are funny. 🙂


Why, did you get a divorce from her?
(ducking for cover)


ok Cadmius…you better duck b/c this is comin atcha….ready ???comment image
😀 <3


Here’s the rest of the meme…..
Husband gets up and calls his mistress for a late night booty call.


hope he doesn’t forget to hit send !


Thanks Obama.


Round them all up…send them back to Somalia!


These are the kids born here, for the most part. You’d have to strip their citizenship which I don’t think has even been done for over 100 years or something.


Now is a Great time to start.




I wonder, if it can be proven that the parents were given refugee status and/or citizenship based on false documents, if the kids’ citizenship can also be revoked?


They probably ALL “Married” their own Brothers and Sisters….


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Breaking the Administrative State
There can only be one winner in the struggle between the president and the permanent bureaucracy if America has any hope of the republic surviving.
Everyone who knows American history understands that what we are experiencing today was almost inevitable. The Russia-collusion hoax, Ukraine-gate, Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation circus, all of the non-stop, relentless attacks on Donald Trump and his administration from the day he was sworn in were bound to happen.
The political moment we are living through is not the usual one. This is more than the corporate leftist media and Democratic attacks to which we’ve become accustomed against any Republican, including the usual tripe about how Bush or (pick a name) is a Nazi and the election of said Republican signals the end of days. This with Trump is about so much more.


This is a great article and shows why I call it The UniParty.


This question occurred to me yesterday.
What is preventing POTUS/DOJ from appointing a Special Counsel to investigate the Ukraine Hoax?


Isn’t that what Horowitz/Huber/Durham are already doing?


Yes, and a Special Counsel is not necessary since the crimes are clear and those persons are all in their positions because they were demonstrated to have the special trust and confidence in the patriotism, valor, and fidelity in enough people on both sides of the aisle to have attained and maintained their positions.


Americans know the D-Rats lied. Along with the faux whistle blower.
President Trump, AG Barr have the Ukraine fiasco under control.


A small attaboy for Jeff Sessions. He pushed for the crackdown of drug and sex trafficking. Here’s a small sample of the results (80+ slimeballs nailed).


40 groups file an ethics complaint against Pelosi…
A coalition of conservative groups has filed an ethics complaint against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D.-Calif., alleging she has “hypocritically usurped” the authority of the president and “weaponized” impeachment proceedings.
“In launching her ‘official’ impeachment inquiry without benefit of a vote of the full House of Representatives and without indicating anything remotely qualifying as ‘treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors’ that is the subject of the inquiry, Speaker Pelosi has weaponized impeachment,” reads the complaint, led by Tea Party Patriots Action’s Jenny Beth Martin and signed by 40 different groups.
The complaint adds that Thursday’s scheduled vote on a resolution codifying the impeachment inquiry is “inadequate at this stage” and says Pelosi’s “one-person decision” is in violation of historical precedent. In previous cases, the House has launched an official impeachment inquiry into a president by holding a vote of all the members.
“If she now understands that before going any further, the full House of Representatives must make its impeachment inquiry legitimate by the casting of votes, she is tacitly admitting that what came before is illegitimate,” the complaint states. “Consequently, all ‘evidence’ gleaned during this portion of the ‘investigation’ must be discarded for the sake of fairness.”


Another fire. Yikes!


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these are cool short videos showing feather starfish…which i never knew existed either…


i learned something new again…tactical vests are a fashion statement…Greenville shooting suspect…
Both Bowen and Gonzales’ brother insisted they arrested the wrong person for the shooting. Bowen said Gonzales wore a tactical vest to the party for fashion, but said it did not have bullet shielding plates in it.


family claims the man is innocent…but they really shouldn’t make comments like “stop at nothing” to get him out…
A protest is set for 7 p.m. Saturday at the Hunt County Sheriff’s Office to demand Gonzales’ release from jail, but protest organizer Jeff Hood said he hopes the protest doesn’t happen.
“I hope that Brandon Gonzales is with his family by that point,” said Hood, an activist and minister. “I hope that he is out and with his family.”
Hood said he has been in touch with the family, who will “stop at nothing” to get Gonzales freed from jail. Hood said he believes the 23-year-old is innocent.




Oh Great.
Democrat Alcee Hastings, Who Was Impeached and Removed, Makes Impeachment Rules


I used to live in Miami. Hastings should NEVER be allowed in a position of leadership ever again.


I love this show – it’s one of the few on TV where humor is still funny. Joe Machi is my favorite for laughs.
Does this mean they’ve knocked Judge Jeanine out of her long standing 1st place position?


hey something else POTUS and I have in common…I APPROVE THIS MESSAGE TOO!!!


I will always wonder if Øbominable set up our troops for that ambush in Shok valley where Matthew Williams and other special forces, including several other Medal of Honor recipients, served so courageously.
Were they betrayed by the traitorous scum in DC – as was likely done to SEAL Team Six?


“I will never forgive Øbama for what he did to our military.” – President Donald J. Trump
That can have double, triple or more meanings.


Now for a laugh – here’s Beta boy!




POTUS is very light on his feet! lol




Fires everywhere in CA. My FIL is in an evac area where a dew houses have burned down. Fires starting in the middle if the night not bc of power lines….ie homeless or firebugs. Mr Gil hasnt gotten hold of his dad yet.
Seems per usual, so much is going on its amazing you all can keep on top of it.
It will be interestingbto see if they cancel this vote or not.


hope your fil is SAFE!!!!


Mr gil will let me know. He could be out of state right now too. Not sure


k…will say a prayer for him and everyone in the fires paths

Deplorable Patriot

Alright, at the risk of hacking off a whole lot of well minded people, I have an idea about how to deal with the LBGTQ, TBGQL, whatever people hell bent on getting attention to the point that they are doing all kinds of outrageous stuff and then posting it on the internet just to get a rise out of all the straight, moral people who do not approve of their actions:
What these people crave more than anything is attention. This is why some guy dressed up as a women without undergarments and let a whole lot of kids see his equipment. ATTENTION. A weirdo dresses in white with a fake pregnancy belly and then pretends to pull a baby from a womb, and then somebody posts a video on the internet. ATTENTION.
That’s what these people want. They don’t care so much about recruitment as they are performers in need of a stage. They want the attention, and the unwholesome crap they do is strictly to get it…and to get a rise out of the rest of us.
It’s really a form of bait, and not all that creative as far as antics are concerned.
Ignore it.
I’ve seen so much of it spread online just because of the shock value. That’s the goal for them, and they are succeeding.
I also think the reason we see some of these videos go viral is because they are not the norm, and are out of the ordinary. A lot of them are one offs. From people who are most likely in need of psychiatric help for depression, bi-polar or borderline personality. I know gay people who just as turned off by it as we are.


It’s a hard call. In many ways I agree with you…”don’t feed the trolls” as it were.
On the other hand, if we ignore it we can’t expose it and wake up the sheeple to what is going on. Speaking for myself, I’ve had a massive wake up call to many things I used to let go by. It’s not fun, but I’d rather know than be kept in the dark.
This is why I’m a Gemini…I can have a complete argument on both sides all by myself. LOL!


I have mixed feelings about this, DP. I, personally, do not need nor want to know…but I do think it’s important for parents and grandparents to be aware of what their little ones might encounter at “Story Time” at the local library, etc.
Parents in Austin need to know what that school board UNANIMOUSLY voted on this week about perverted sex education….and hopefully will be outraged enough to get these people removed.

Deplorable Patriot

School boards are different thing, and telling about the antics is not sharing the videos and giving them attention.


Ignoring it is only a short term strategy.
What do you do if the two year old won’t stop?
Even after you ignore the two year old for a whole day?
Or a whole week?
Or a whole year?
Because these two-year olds won’t stop. Many of them are likely paid subversives like the paid trolls, and they will not stop until both the money (paid subversion or subversion for hire) and the intentional manipulation of social media by Goog/FB/Twitt is stopped.
If an army of two-year olds are kicking sand in your face, all day long, 24/7/365, sooner or later you have to physically stop them and remand them to their proper guardians.
Because if you don’t, you will be buried in the sand.
And that’s what is and has been happening to EVERYTHING having to do with American culture, values and tradition.
It’s getting buried in the sand by two-year olds.
Except they’re not really two-year olds.
They are Communist subversives, well-financed, working a longterm plan.


They are making me sick! This has to be illegal! Can nobody stop them?


Dora when I see he face of Pelosi and Schiff I see the face of the Mafia-Evil.


Pelosi continually wraps herself in the Constitution and the words of the Founding Fathers while taking a sledgehammer to what they envisioned for this country. She twists American principles to excuse her anti-American agenda. Both she and Schiff are consummate liars. I know this has to play out and that a lot will be revealed, but watching those two, and others, is like watching the destruction of America in real time. I continue to hope that justice will be done. I don’t think Pres. Trump would allow this if they didn’t know what was coming. While I don’t know what precise legal remedies he would have at the moment, I think there have to be measures that could be taken to shine a spotlight on the injustice of it. We are getting tweets and Congressional speeches and interviews, but it is being allowed to continue. I trust that the patriots know what they’re doing, but it’s hard to watch.


Dora, take heart. ALL these fools just signed their own doom. NOW Horowitz can RELEASE revealing the scheme, just as planned. Trump WANTED them on the record…ALL of them. There will soon be ALL part and parcel to a COUP. In essence, they JUST signed their own indictment.
Tell me what happens when Horowitz release his report..oh say ..TOMORROW. Just after these fools aligned themselves with TWO of the biggest seditious, TRAITORS. HOW do they spin THAT. They CAN’T. IF they say we had NO idea, they are STUPID, ignorance of the LAW is NOT an excuse.They still face JUSTICE for NOT doing due diligence (dereliction of duty)
If they say they were deceived or ill informed, that makes them WEAK, feckless, and kiss themselves bye bye in 2020.
If they try and play the “shocked” card and back away, the American people WILL see through that..they JUST voted to DENY the US President DUE process…a STAR chamber, WHY did you do that even IF you were “lied to” by Schiff. They have NO defense for that, backing away will NOT save them in court or 2020.
In essence, THIS is ans always HAS been part of the plan…to get them ON the record in an ILLEGAL, UN AMERICAN, and UN CONSTITUTIONAL ACT. Abuse of POWER, deselection of duty, failure to uphold the LAW of the land AND the Constitution they SWORE to uphold.
In all aspects they are FOOKED…Now Horowitz plays Toto, pulls back the curtain on the Cabal and the seditious, TREASONOUS coup. Then, Durham gets to indict based on Horowitz. NO dem in the House will then be able to say ANYTHING about something bein “political”…the JIG is up…all they will be able to do…quietly…is gulp, and TURN on the heads of this for their OWN self preservation.
Those dems in the Senate will SEE the shit storm befalling the House…and softly whistle past the graveyard, KNOWING that their time in the breech is coming..right Chuck? Right Marc?. The RINOS will QUICKLY pull their MAGA masks back on, and ROUNDLY condemn it save THEIR worthless necks…right Mitt? Right Richard (Burr).
They still think they have a chance at winning, they don’t realize that today’s act just made that chance ZERO.


This is where my money is.
MCM will try to deflect, protect the criminal D-Rats.
Americans will see right through the MCM & D-RATS BS.
Seeing RED, as Red October closes out in the States.
In the Philippines, Nuclear November arrived six hours ago.
Looking forward to MCM, D-Rats and criminals getting NUKED into oblivion.
Now, off to BLAST my Socialist dumrats senators, Catherine and Jacky. Back in a bit.


Dora they are evil depraved … 💩😐🤚
It’s frustrating and aggravating … but … ☝️😐 …. justice is coming and she’s bringing hell with her … continued prayers grease the wheels of justice which grind slow but very very .. f i n e …
Hehheh .. 😐👍❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️


for patfrederick ….and anyone else who can relate
from 1935…



thanks smiley!
so many bad puns coming to mind…must stop myself from posting…
Love at first FRIGHT…
explosive love scenes…


IKR… Halloween is never over !


or…..comment image


I like mine with scream and sugar


I’ve got some vampire puns, too, but they suck




I like IRISH coffee…grin


I’ll take mine with Kahlua, thank you.

Deplorable Patriot

I have some question for some astute observers here . . .
First, a comment. I see, what I’m assuming to be our guys, lining up against the wall surrounding the compound. Then, at about 0:08 into the video, you see what appears to be a dog on top of the wall start to move to the left. Then, at about 0:16, just before the bombs hit, a dog leaves the group by the wall and starts circling around toward the right.
At about 0:17, the bombs start exploding, not just in the compound, but what appears to be among the men by the wall and right in front of the dog that started circling around to the right.
The questions: Were those bombs off target that seemed to be exploding among our guys by the base of the wall? Wouldn’t some of our guys be injured? Wouldn’t the dog be injured or killed by the bomb blowing up right in front of him? I wonder how big those bombs were . . . or maybe they were rockets (really need precision guidance here, though) coming down at a very steep angle.
Anyway . . . thoughts?


I had the same questions.


The soldiers were blasting a hole in the wall


They are experts in explosive and know how to set and direct an explosion.
Watch SEAL Team sometime.


Sorry – I thought it was the same footage I had seen earlier. We don’t know the timing of the footage. It may be the air strafing came later.


Only observation is that the team knew of the incoming danger close and clustered at the wall. The dog moved in with them but likely heard the rockets coming in and thus spooked, then spooked further with the first detonation. Meanwhile has no idea why the rockets accept the team knew they were coming in (amended this below). Further the wall that took the most hits appears to be the exterior wall given the rough terrain seen outside of it. Possible reason for the rockets might have been used to ex filtrate creating a breach in wall so they could exit quickly. Either there were more than one compound taken down or this was the last team to leave the objective before it was bombed with the heavy ordinance. Says this because the team appears to not have any passengers nor extraneous baggage.
Normally raids are conducted with an extreme amount of violence, shock and speed. Task org for a raid is security teams to secure the objective placed away from the objective to stop anything coming into or leaving the objective area (likely used rangers for this). Support team that can lay down direct fire upon the objective, normally done from the ground but these guys got gun ships so likely used both or just the gun ships, the third team is the assault team, they go into the objective as teams with each team capable of splitting up for required tasks needed to accomplish the mission. Tasks would be Demo, POW & Search, Aid and Litter, and this team also had a dog team.
My guess would be the rocket run was done because of unknown or dangerous conditions out side or even inside the perimeter. Thus they blow a new hole in the wall and leave that way rather than be compromised by using the same way everyone else left since they provided the cover for them to leave but now needed to have their own way out. Possible that they were worried about anyone coming up from a non found tunnel or hide out or part of the unfriendlies were beginning or could be suspected to surface between the security forces and the objective.
Considering the way they grouped at the wall it may be assumed this was part of the plan to leave the objective. Also the gun ship can not be trusted to deliver accurate enough fire, thus the huddle at the inner wall.
Anyway that all is just a guess.


Adds on the last actions at the objective are to demo it and have support rake the objective to ensure that anyone missed in the assault can not conduct a counter assault which normally occurs as soon as pressure is released on the objective (last teams leaving the objective). The final ordnance dropped on the compound ensured both of these.


Smiley will like this.


anybody watching the impeachment hearing? saw it’s supposed to be live somewhere…


Just on FOX before I leave. Only pieces. Of course chrus wallace is completely defending the dimms.


yeah I like our only tv too much to watch that travesty unfortunately…just wondering if anyone had the stomach to do so…
but thanks!


I can only watch Repubs who stand for what is right. The Dems are stomach-churning, I agree.


love the flats!!!!
and her trick or treating dress? oh the colors!!


I love John Binder’s photography. He always does her justice, never any ‘gotcha’ shots with John. And kudos to Karen Pence for being brave enough to stand next to Melania!


Karen Pence looks very nice, too, and represents our country well in her appearance. I wish there was more coverage of what she does, but I don’t remember there being coverage of second ladies in the past.


Well, the FAKE NEWS doesn’t give our FIRST Lady coverage, (well they do give NEGATIVE coverage!) so not surprised they don’t give 2nd Lady any coverage.
Agree with your comment on Karen Pence. Actually she’s obviously been workin’ out a bit… she’s LOOKING GOOD! Smokin’ is the word I think! She’s smart enough and kind enough to know that her role is 2nd and she never tries to compete with Melania. In the past I don’t think there was very much coverage of second ladies.

Concerned Virginian

Again, FLOTUS does a master stroke in what she wears.
The Coach trench coat — SUPPORTING THE TROOPS.
The Michael Kors “patchwork” coat at the White House Halloween party — CAMO.
FLOTUS knows that what’s going on with the entire “impeachment” hoax is WAR.
And she telegraphs these things without saying a word.


I dearly admire FLOTUS, but this was not a good look, IMO. Posture was awful!
I wish she’d get over the trench coat obsession…very much like Michelle’s boob belts and sweater shrugs.
Mrs. Pence’s tailored pants suit was more suited for the occasion, and FLOTUS looks great in them.
Signed…WH fashion expert 😼


Check out the picture posted in the article’s comments … bwahahahahaha …. 🤣🤚‼️‼️‼️‼️comment image
……. 😳🤚😫 ….


Well, in defense, Michael has a “bit” of a gender, build, genitalia, attitude, and looks. It has to be HARD to find a suitable skirt in size 36 and a pump in 15EEE, not to mention a blouse in 46 long. There is only so much even the most skilled makeup artist can do when putting lipstick on a pig or trying to make a man appear like a woman.


That Dump Truck?…..
Think it needs a new Peterbuilt

Cuppa Covfefe

But, but, butt…
That truck is a MAN:comment image


That’s the reason for a NEW PETER BUILT.


Nah … peterbuilt is too good for that mess … dump truck is spot on .. 😉👍❤️‼️


Well… HAT “TRUCK” needs to go TO the Dump then.




Dump = Salvage Yard


Happy Halloween everyone. Hope it is a fun night for all.


Happy Halloween also to you 🙂
Good seeing you here and hope all is well?


In a great stretch…thanks for your kind words. Same to you.


Tried to post a pic but Have a fun Halloween!


When I see Kamala, race never enters my mind. It is jarring to me when it is mentioned. These politicians have no idea how insulting they are being.


When I see kamal toes, all I see is a ho that sleeps her way to get ahead. Empty head, race baiting POS.


comment image
christian living
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Oct 30, 2019
end times & the secret of the mahdi christs return trust evangelism
Just like the disciples, most of us would like to know the exact day and time of Christ’s return. Jesus, however, said that no one, not even He, knew this information. He did, however, tell us how we should live up until His return. We are to abide in Him and trust Him for the future. We are not to worry or become fretful. God is sovereign, and, even when it seems as though our world is coming apart, He is still in control.comment image
We can look at the signs of our age and know His return is drawing near:
The political unrest in the Middle East continues to be front-page news. Each day we hear and read of growing strife in the region.
The economic future of the modern world is tied up in the Middle East. The unrest there will not end until Jesus returns and until God has established His throne.
There is an alarming increase of interest in Satanism around the world. Many believers turn a deaf ear to this subject and no longer pray against the enemy’s power on earth.
The entertainment industry is including more and more occult language and anti-God situations in movies and television programs. Our minds are being bombarded with material that is in direct opposition to God’s Truth and principles.
Are you ready for Christ’s return? Most of us would answer yes! But have you taken time to tell someone else about God’s saving grace? Jesus told His disciples to take what they had learned from Him and teach it to the entire world. God is preparing a place for us, but He also is continuing to draw men and women to Himself. Your life is a testimony to His eternal love and forgiveness. Let your prayer be to share His love with as many as possible before His return.
Prayer: Lord, give me an eternal perspective so that my life on earth will bring You much glory. Help me make use of every opportunity to share the Good News of Christ. May Your will be done! I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
“Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb” (Revelation 7:10).

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Rich Mullins Killed in Crash | Christianity Today
Anonymous View
Oct 27, 1997 … Contemporary Christian singer Rich Mullins, 41, was killed in a traffic accident September 19 near Lostant, Illinois, en route to a benefit concert …




Wow 😮🤚 …..


Wonder if they sought her out or she looked elsewhere to leave FOX. Surely after 23 years she was making plenty of money and had a close group of colleagues. Suspicious cat says there is probably a story there somewhere.

Deplorable Patriot

Huh. My guess is there’s a lot of layers to this. CBS trying to avoid CNN, NBC and a few other fake news outlets reputation?


CBS has their share of Fake News shrills too. Was thinking this might give her an opportunity to do investigations for 60minutes?? That would be step up for her career.


I have ALWAYS said that when it looked like the storm was here ONE of the MSM WOULD turn on the others and attempt to “LOOK” normal, if for nothing else than to BURY the competition ($$). Is THIS a small start?

Deplorable Patriot

Could be.


Herridge is one of the last of the “Investigative reporters”…..
Not an “Opinion” type….
Maybe CBS will be 1st to make the Right hand turn?


Catherine Herridge at CBS is akin to a square peg in a round hole.
Will be interesting to see if she can maintain her integrity. Or, if CBS $$$ prevail.



…. I’ll be ….comment image
.. 😜👍❤️ ..


.. till then, God bless you all ❤️


and you too!


Thank you Pat .. 😜🤚❤️‼️ … I’m back and going through trumpismine’ s open thread … I’m always behind, 😞 … I’m slower than molasses in winter .. 😐🤚 .. hehheh ..


Stay safe Nikki………….. God bless you.




where are you going…??


Oh I had errands to do and I just had to get them done. I was out in the rain 🌧 … the temperature is okay but the rain is steady and miserable .. ☹️☔️💦💦 .. I’m back and now I’m all run out .. 😞🤚❤️❤️❤️


oh….errands…LOL…here I thought you were leaving us for a long vacation or something…


… oh I wish, I’d like that 😃🤚❤️‼️ …. dh and I are trying to get to a vacation but busy time for him at work .. I love to be in the gulf area of Florida or The Atlantic side January to March and avoid the freezing cold temperatures up here .. 🥶👍 … but not quite there yet …

comment image


all ass wipes…imocomment image


That’s why the Democrat mascot is a jackass.


LMAO…excellent point!


Can’t take credit – it was the title on that image at another site.


Ahhhhhhhhh 🤣🤚‼️ … perfect ‼️‼️


where’s POMPOUS ASS ?


you get to pick the photo to go with the name…LOL
whom do you choose?


this wretched moralizing hypocrite…comment image


wel if you’re venturing into Hollyweird…you got a TON of Pompous Asses to choose from…LOL…DeNiro, Fonda, Whoopi, Rosie, Midler…


Ahhhhhhhhhh … creepy really old old spice …… ahhhhhhhhh 😫🤚


I would re-use “Candy Ass”


Bwahahahahaha …. 😈👍 .. bwahahahahaha
.. 🧐🤚 … seriously creepy laugh 🤭….


Absolutely my favorite person to follow on twitter. Very sharp. You see him on FNC a lot. Too many twitter stars self promote but this guy is straight ahead.


I like Jim Hanson also. He is very honest a rear characteristic these days media.


More Jim Hanson


Here is a better version of his point


HA…if Hillary struggles to compete RBG’s workout routine (who’s 86) does she really have the stamina needed to be President?
Bill and Hillary Clinton told Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg that they struggled to complete the “RBG workout,” laid out in a book by her trainer Bryant Johnson.
The couple both said in a group interview at Georgetown University Wednesday that it was not easy to finish her exercise routine, The Washington Post reported. Hillary Clinton said she provided her husband with Johnson’s book.
“It was a problem” completing the workout, Bill Clinton said. “It was a real struggle.”
The former secretary of State told Ginsburg she finished the routine, “but without cameras” to record how she did, according to the Post.
Bill Clinton nominated Ginsburg in 1993, during his first term as president, saying at the event that he knew within 10 minutes of her interview that he would nominate her, the Post reported.
The justice acknowledged there were concerns about nominating her because of her age. Ginsburg, now 86, has started her 27th year on the court.
She told an audience at Berkeley Law last week that her recent cancer diagnosis does not stop her from completing her workout.


Give me a break, LOL! A workout set out in a book is not necessarily the exact same thing that RBG does. Especially because the Lefts lies, all day, every day, 24/7.
Why is this coming up now? Why the attention on RBG, or on Hillary “working out,” which I’ll believe when I see it. Yoga, my….you know.


curious isn’t it?


Dead men tell no tales …


I think she’s dead and this is a ruse …. 😐 …. and I also think a lot of other stuff too … heh-heh .. 😣🤚


The New York City Council has banned the sale of foie gras, saying it involves animal cruelty; ducks are force-fed to ensure fattened livers. It joins California in making the sale illegal.
Carlina Rivera sponsored the legislation in New York. She says her legislation “tackles the most inhumane process”; she also called it “one of the most violent practices.”
In January, she celebrated a new law making New York City the first city to set aside funds strictly for abortion: the money pays for the transportation expenses of women coming to New York from other states to abort their children. She bragged how “This fund is just another signal, another example of how New York State and New York City has to be the leader on this issue.”


What is bad for the goose is apparently not bad for the fetus.


Exactly right.


Go Debbie Lesko!


Rep. Lesko isn’t AWESOME 🤨👍❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️‼️‼️

Cue to 2:24 for the growl …
Get them Rep. Lesko … tear them UP‼️‼️😉👍


…. 😞 … IS … awesome … 😐


A bunch of dummiescomment image


One small correction…change FOR to BY and you have it locked up!



Perfectly stated! She makes a mockery of our founiding documents and principles.


This totally bereft of morals, conscience … functioning mind ….. hmmmmmmm there’s SO much I could gon on like forever … 😖🤚


… well … 🧐😖 … go .. on … 😑


OR Hilary talk about sobriety, or Schiff talk about integrity or Soros talk of heritage, or Obama talk of Christianity.




Dismissal is the ONLY answer in the Senate.
We’ll see how the Senate RepubliCONs perform.
Hell of a day for Ms Lindsey to publicly throw in the towel on any hope the Senate Judiciary may be proactive. McStain 2.0, simply a POS.


wouldn’t it be lovely if, after this sham impeachment thing gets blown out of the water, some judge somewhere imposes on the Dems the same punishment they imposed on Repubs–about not being able to challenge election results for say 50 years–since they clearly have not and cannot accept the 2016 results.


Pat, so sorry, I scanned the thread, but totally missed you bringing Larry’s tweet series. Funny thing, like minds, we Both Brought all of them. 😂


not a problem at all!




So many wildfires in California this year. Gotta be some arsons.


This turned into a bit of a rant.
SURPRISE!!! CA fires are an annual event.
Combination of weather, arson, CA government FAILING to ensure a safer environment ( removing dead trees / brush), property owners some culpability I am sure, tree huggers obstructing clean ups, CA Gov giving PG&E legal cover, corrupt PG&E, millions tax payer dollars meant to clean up trees / brush channeled elsewhere, condition and quantity of CALFIRE equipment including aircraft …
100% CA fires devastating. Terrible.
100%, annual CA FIRES will continue until CA citizens revolt against corruption in CA government AND tree hugging asshole organizations are told to fuck off.
Until then, CA will burn every year, homeless problem will expand, drug use increase, sanctuary state/city nonsense increase, medical for all…
Depressing outlook? An honest one by me. CA is in death spiral. CA citizens can revolt, if they want. Perhaps Fefs can use CA to correct their self destructive ways.
Yes, we have a number of wonderful folks in CA. Truly feel terrible for them. Many of us spent years, decades in CA.
Hell, I have brothers and sisters in CA…dumbasses support the lunacy in CA AND hate President Trump. It’s all UFB to me. Black sheep here, they think. So glad I joined the Navy in 1975 and got the fuck outa CA. Been back a few times for work, but then left CA.


I read something recently that they caught someone trying to set a fire in CA.

Cuppa Covfefe

Name was, erm, old, no, many, no, NEWSOM….that’s it…


2 or 3 near riverside are suspucious too. Ive noticed several started in middle of night not near power lines. Telling you…vagrants cooking meth, being care less, and firebugs. They caught a firebug during an attempt in Corona a week or 2 ago. Female ON PROBATION for another fire!


speaks again to the out of control homeless who are mentally ill…and that can cover those that are unstable due to drug addiction. Also while I’m rambling…the drug addicts that we see with our own eyes on twitter…what is it about the addicts of today compared to all the years before?
Why do they act so nuts?


The drugs are much stronger now and they cut this crap with so much OTHER crap, sometimes it is the item they used to cut it that kills people.


On top of that, years ago, the mentally ill were housed in institutions. Now they are out on the streets joining the “simple” drug addicts.


Totally agree on both points. In my other life, lol…I’ve known addicts of various drugs..none of them were this crazy acting.
I wish the US could literally decimate the Mx labs where they receive (from China) and prepare the drugs for distribution. In my mind it’s war


I realize that the above ^^ wouldn’t get rid of the homegrown meth labs but it would sure make a huge dent in things


Different strengths of drugs, lots of mental illness not being treated, far more pharmaceutical use changing neural pathways and the addition of abuse. Many things. No more culling for prevention.
Just saw one fire was started by recent parolees in a stolen car who had warrants. The burst their tires but drove on rims into a field and started the fire.


Wow. Wish this type of info would get out into the public at large instead of the drum beat disinfo about the climate crap

Cuppa Covfefe

Look up the San Bruno gas main explosion… wiped out an ENTIRE NEIGHBORHOOD.
The gas main in question was laid in 1956 IIRC, and had been inspected but rarely since then. Some minor repairs were done, but not correctl (probably by illegals, no less)…
Pacific Graft and Extortion have been going down the drain since the 1970s…
I can remember when electricity was between 2 and 3 CENTS per kilowatt-hour, and they were trying to get us to use MORE electricity, with tiered pricing set up so the big users paid a lot less per kWh…


Gorgeous landscape!!!


Ronna said it!


“Pelosi said impeachment must have ‘overwhelming and bipartisan’ support.” . . . The thing of it is, this is not impeachment. It’s the Dimms “official impeachment inquiry”, which is simply a made up title to try to make the total fraud they’re perpetrating look like it has some semblance of officialdom.


Larry Schweikart has a VERY insightful observation:


Conan Battle Dog – Heroic veteran of 50 combat missions!



Deplorable Patriot

Now, it’s a he again.

Cuppa Covfefe

Oh, goodness. Hope she doesn’t bark both ways…


Sorry – Conan is a trained combat operative – a War Dog.

Concerned Virginian

This farce going on in the DC Swamp is the
Everything the DemocratCommunists are trying to do is based on “feelings” / “I think” / “opinions” / “concerns”.
NOTHING is supported by solid evidence that would hold up in a court of law.


Great comment! May I repeat it?


Search and Rescue Kitties!!!


I love it! Just like a cat to do that. Not sure how miuch they “helped,” but they provided companionship and camaraderie.


Surprised they wanted to go along for the ride. It’s loud in those flying machines!


I thought they were awfully tame, then saw that the mom cat was the mascot at the air station. Maybe they got used to the sounds; I don’t know.


note the “do” instead of the correct “due” ………….. on purpose of course.
So, what is POTUS telegraphing?


. . . that he was thinking “due” but his fingers typed “do”. Very deep, deep thoughts!


Carl, do you follow Q ?


POTUS’ typos, etc. are always with a purpose…


I read (past tense) and will read Q’s posts with interest.
However, I don’t care too much for the Nostradamus-type mystique that shrouds his musings. If the man has something concrete to communicate, he should do so. And not in a manner that is intentionally obscure, can have many specific meanings, and is the source for endless speculation on when and if a certain proclamation applies to a given instance.
I also think that PTrump is the greatest modern day President by a wide margin. But I don’t believe that every single utterance, vocal or written, that he makes that may appear to be a minor mistake, is a brilliant, craftily planned event.


I respect that.


In reading my answer to you, I would sprinkle in a couple of “I think” and “I prefer” statements so my response would appear less judgmental.


Comms online are difficult… heck, they’re hard in real life. I’m often guilty of failing to say “I think” etc. 😉 No probs… we’re buds !

Cuppa Covfefe

I was thinking, “do what, to whom”???
Seems a bit Chile out there…


Honestly – I think do is correct. He may have left out the word the… as in ‘do the signing’

Cuppa Covfefe

The fact that there is what appears to be an error in the tweet, intentional or not, will insure that it is retweeted endlessly by the YSM(MCM, and not vanish into the ether due to Dorkey Jack’s Presstitute Pecadillos…
Tsar, Minaret, Pecadillo…


Sue Mcdonald

I will not only crawl over broken glass to vote for our vsg POTUS I will crawl through burning coals, sheets of ice, a hurricane ,a field of tornado debris to cast my vote for the most brilliant man to ever hold the office in my life time! He fights for all of us ,he takes the slings and arrows for us ,he breaks the minds of liberals,and does it all with God at his side and the people who love our country right behind him. God bless you Sir!❤

JW in Germany

President Trump is being interviewed by Nigel Farage!



New post up if interested.
“It All Comes Back to the Ukraine”


Thank YOU 🙂


In Chile. When you dont have to do good things, but your humanity and compassion compel you anyways.





Trumpismine … thank you for today’s AWESOME (‼️) open thread, it’s wonderful, well done 🤨👍❤️ .. kudos


Oh my you’re welcome I look forward to your open thread. … 😃🤚❤️🤗


… I’m headed over to Flep’s news roundup in a bit .. 🙂🤚❤️‼️


Deplorable Patriot

Yep, the second cash hits my account and I can get to the computer, it’s transferred out. Unfortunately, I don’t have much of a choice in how I’m paid.


in the next Congress. Lindsay is giving back the Judicial Committee to Grassley…that’s what I read…

Deplorable Patriot


I wonder what happened? Is Lindsey compromised?


Hell YES Lint Seed Gramnesty (McShames Butt Buddy) IS… compromised.


hey both went to Ukraine and Lindsey will know where the bodies are buried ?
He is torn between loyalty to no name and POTUS ? Stuff might come out or the CIA has something on him? Maybe Lindsey will do the right thing and spill the beans what he know.
Oh I know he had to recuse himself because he is knee deep in kaka 🙂


He is Full of kaka too 🙂


maybe just gutless…whereas Grassley wants things done…


He SO needs to retire! All talk, no action, reminds me of another SC Congressman, Gowdy!
He is facing a primary which I think explains his publicly walking back his criticism of President Trump’s actions in Syria and his show during the Kavanaugh hearings.
Don’t even begin to trust him – hard right for reelection and then whatever from 2020-2024.
Just like Tillis in NC who is a COC RINO creature through and through. Criticized President Trump openly and loudly, 2015-18, esp. on immigration/SW border. Now hard right for primary.
Really hoping primary voters in NC & SC remember longer than 18 months ago and vote them OUT!


This is how far society has fallen …Satan is are many in this bar. Entertainment…killing babies..end of days worthy


in a bar…not a paid venue…drunk idiots, acting like drunk idiots cheering on another asshole clamoring for attention.
u tube was –maybe still is– filled with people who do stupid or outrageous stuff to get attention…


I saw it yesterday. I….didnt want to post it. Its sick. And the audience liked lit.


That trans is deprived. How inhumane can one be a mother carrying a baby would not be able to do that.
The moral of the story is, one can change pretend to be the oposit gender but not the soul of that of a mother.


ristvan’s take on today’s sham
ristvan says:
October 31, 2019 at 4:22 pm
Both press conferences per expected politics.
Pelosi cannot remove the inherent and obvious unfairness of her process, because Dems have no grounds for Ukraine impeachment with transcript released, and she has to hide that fact hoping Schiff will eventually come up with some other flimsy reason—like obstruction of groundless impeachment. But PDJT knows that obstruction playbook and beat Weissmann’s use of it.
IF not, huge embarrassment and the DO NOTHING brand is permanent. IF Nadler eventually does return some shoddy excuse for Articles, she has to call the vote on them and that is likely worse, costing Dems the House in 2020.
In chess, never play a gambit that has only bad outcomes. She just did, again.

A Fortiori

This may turn out to be interesting. I believe that there is a constitutional prohibition on arresting a member of Congress while Congress is in session. I don’t know if this is to be applied separately to the House and to the Senate, but if so, the House is no longer in session:


Thats quite the skilled parent to make those.


I would say so, yes, gil!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Forget coffee grounds…just go for the hot sauce.
Australian police find $210M worth of meth hidden inside sriracha bottles
Police in Australia have arrested four men in connection with $210 million worth of methylamphetamine found hidden inside hundreds of bottles of sriracha in a cargo container imported from the United States.
A 45-year-old man was arrested Thursday morning just outside a home in Edensor Park, a suburb of Sydney, after task force agents with the NSW Police Force linked him to three other suspects arrested earlier this month in connection with a cargo shipment filled with 768 bottles of sriracha that contained meth, law enforcement said in news release.
The initial bust happened on Oct. 15 after Australian Border Force officials were suspicious of an air cargo consignment that had recently arrived at a Sydney freight depot from the U.S. While searching the container, they discovered hundreds of bottles of the popular chili sauce but were tipped off when agents began to notice “inconsistencies.”


Hillary Specials – purse size!

Cuppa Covfefe

Talk about Ultimate Insanity Sauce 😀comment image


Hes got no protection now.needs to “retire”.


He’s another “contributor” Fox News should get rid of, IMO.



What a ❤️ lovely 🌹lady!!!


Candace, an informed insightful fireball.
Always enjoy Candace’ perspective.


Apparently Lady Graham is giving up the Senate Judiciary Committee Chair and giving it back to Grassley:


I want to know what his reason is.


Linkage to McStain, Ukraine….filthy $$$$. Me thinks.

Cuppa Covfefe

Methinks battle resources are being lined up…


Yes, 2020 after the election.
Ms Lindsey deftly obstructs any progress the Senate Judiciary could take to support President Trump, expose the deep state, cabal…
Ms Lindsey… spit.

Sadie Slays

More Seattle 11/3 false flag predictive programming. The Alice pic is from the infamous 2015 Economist cover.comment image

Sadie Slays

The “random” digits on the last Seattle false flag thread on 4chan ended in 11319. 11/3/19. Mods deleted the thread shortly after.comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

The Illuminist, erm, Economist has one every year. Wonder what this year’s cover portends?
(Off to look at VC to see if they have it)…
And then to check their predictions, er, plan…

Sadie Slays

4chan thinks the four horsemen on 2019 cover might be related to the Seattle stuff:comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s VC’s take on it:
No conclusions reached, except that the Rothschilds and Bilderbergers are up to their tricks again…

Sadie Slays

comment image

Sadie Slays

comment image


I liked that one comment saying he must have gotten the idea from watching Democrats use little kids for political advantage.


Why do all cazies have these strange eyes? They look like they are on something or hypnotized?

Sadie Slays

MKULTRA. Q claims members of the military (the missing Canadian man linked above is military) are targeted for brainwashing.


The tent is up and now we’re just waiting for it to get dark so The Tent Monster can inhabit it with his variety of squirt guns and super soakers.comment image


I’m not goin’ in there!


Why, are you chicken or somethin’? 🙂comment image


The rest of these Halloween pics I won’t add the .jpg so they don’t take up so much space here.
Monster’s squirt guns….

Super Soakers for the big teenagers….

Bush Monsters…

Entry to front door…


We have a southerner as President!!!!
Trump just moved to Florida!


Because of all the nasty, unethical things NY has tried to do to him? Sounds serious.


I’m thinking more like a clerical footnote.
Too difficult for him to return to Trump Tower with all the limousines and Secret Service.
Plus, he is getting older and Florida has no state estate tax. Makes sense.


Or 2029 if he’s interested.
To make up for the 4 years the lunatic Left has stolen.
Plenty of time for a one-time exception Amendment to be ratified, which it would be easily, considering he should be at about 95% approval rate by the end of his second term.


Sad for NYC to loose him as his name as been almost synonymous with NYC for several decades. He gave his all to that city and for a brief little while, between he and Giuliani, I thought it would make a full comeback. Sadly, looks like that is not to be.
Delighted to welcome him to the South and am glad that his Presidential library etc. won’t be in NYC so I don’t have to ever go there.



Undercover Huber has a THREAD

Deplorable Patriot

Cold, clear evening. Limited clientele this evening resulting in quite a bit of surplus candy.


Harry Lime

Check this thing out. The Airlander 10 is the largest aircraft in the world at 143 ft wide and 302 ft long. Four 350-hp turbocharged V8 engines can power it to speeds as high as 92 mph. It can land on almost any surface including sand, ice, and water. Its propellers can adjust to any angle making it as maneuverable as a helicopter while also being able to fly like a plane. It uses 70% less fuel than a large airplane, can remain in the sky for 21 days at a time without refuelling and can carry a load of up to 10 metric tons.
It was built for the U.S. military for providing intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance support…but may also be used for non-military uses such as search-and-rescue missions, heavy haulage in remote regions, or even luxury travel.


I found this interesting. Obama for 22 seconds… preparing folks for what’s going to come out about him.


That was my EXACT thought when I saw this


Wow. I see NO reason for O to be talking about those things. Very fishy.


I think the tweeter’s observation is correct. I’ve watched it a couple of times. It seems like Obama already knows what’s going to come out, and his part in it is going to be revealed. He’s trying to play the obscure, unsure card. And then of course, if a person has done good works that should outweigh the bad. Those were several takeaways.


Ugly, miserable liberal gets thrown off plane, with her hubby, for harassing young Trump supporter.


Well, it was from two years ago, but Laura retweeted it. Still, interesting to see how Libs function in the world. Entitled and so full of anger.


And the husband is just a passenger in his own life.
She’s in charge, and she’s driving both of them into the ditch.
Hope they enjoyed WALKING home.
All that time for reflection, lol! 😁


If the husband had his wits about him, he would have said “I don’t know this woman, I’ve never met her. I’m staying on the plane and going home.”


Catturd made Newsweek, Ann’s Senator Tulsi gaffe…(farting sound) 😎


Excellent. Fact-check her.



Copied from Praying Medic’s twitter feed..
Quote Tweet
Brenden Dilley
· 1h
Today might be Halloween but the real house of horrors starts tomorrow for Democrats…
Treason will not be tolerated by President Trump.


‘Soon’, anyway 😉
It’s gotta be! 😁


I like the sound of that, “Treason will not be tolerated by President Trump.” It really brings us back to the most serious aspect of everything that’s been going down. Not just since DJT’s candidacy, but during the Obama years and before that.
Treason destabilizes the country. This isn’t about politics, it’s about the destruction of America.


Does Brenden Dilley have reputable sources of inside info or does he just hear voices in his head? Good info or just speculation?


PM RT’d him…………………………….. PM features him on his twitter acc’t since Jack suspended him so often…


I don’t know. I went to Praying Medic for relief because I read SD’s latest post.
The idea that the country and our politicians are tolerating the tyrannical process going on in the house right now is sickening enough without reading a post which implies the President and his attorneys have been outsmarted by the left and we should abandon all hope.
Maybe I misread, but that is the impression I got. I couldn’t bear to read the whole thing,
Between the two of them, I will take PM. At least that way I have some chance of sleeping tonight.


Odd, but that’s how I ended up at Praying Medic’s. Although, I never made it very far into SD’s post before escaping so the black cloud wouldn’t totally envelop me. Ugh!


That’s one reason I never go over there anymore. For me, any potential positives do not outweigh the negatives and the way things have been done. He was wrong about Kellyanne Conway, about inserting something into a speech Dan Bongino made that Bongino didn’t say (I listened to it twice), about a theory about Hillary’s eye problems during the campaign, etc.


Linda, we’re in the same boat. I wandered over to OT, looking for available Ristvan input. Read that post, and it’s was just too much for me. Does SD want POTUS to fail??? I find it impossible to believe that these lefties are going to succeed. Not with the criminality and the information POTUS has.
President Trump isn’t going to let this country go down. I have a hard time understanding people who think they know more than the President and his trusted team. Or know more than Barr, or Durham, or whomever they have working for them. I won’t wander there anymore. It’s time to stop being psyched out.


Consider if any in us could get turned into LE, tried and convicted, due to the unverified testimony of someone who could not prove their accusations.
Think if we had to go to court under those circumstances and could not bring a defense or even question the accuser.
It is so antiAmerican that you would think that even those on the left would rise up against it.
SD implying that there is a legal means to perpetuate it as part of our governing process and ensure its success in this instance is more than I can take. At least that was was my impression.
I am sleep deprived and not at my best, and maybe SD meant it as a warning for the President, but I think it would not help to rally his supporters with the fact that he is defending righteousness (and our pursuit of it) in this country against the basest of liars and thieves. Therefore he has God on His side and we can take heart from that and our prayers and support will mean something.


Good grief!!
(Pray I sleep tonight)


“Linda, we’re in the same boat. I wandered over to OT, looking for available Ristvan input. Read that post, and it’s was just too much for me. Does SD want POTUS to fail???”
It’s a strange game being played over there.
For a long time it has seemed like some kind of psychological abuse, which is strange, considering that SD is the one who pointed out ‘battered conservative syndrome’ to everyone.
It seems like he takes the worst possible outlook to any news development (except the economy), and drags everyone down into the pit of despair and/or outrage. Then fan the flames.
And when things get really bad, and utter hopelessness sets in for some while others are enraged, THAT’S when the “cold anger” anecdote comes out, to talk everyone down from the ledge.
Rinse and repeat.
“President Trump isn’t going to let this country go down. I have a hard time understanding people who think they know more than the President and his trusted team.”
It’s sometimes hard to remember, because we’re usually so focused on the outrage de minute, but if we pull back just a little, there are some comforting things to keep in mind.
A) if there has been even a single instance where DJT appeared to be flustered or surprised or unsure of what to do next, I don’t remember it. Which is pretty extraordinary, considering everything he is dealing with. He really does seem to be completely in control.
B) what the Democrats and the Cabal have done, and ARE doing, is so far out of bounds that there’s just no way DJT lets them get away with it.
C) the Dems and the Cabal are engaged in blatant utter lawlessness, which means DJT has the moral high ground, whenever he decides to drop the hammer.
D) DJT has all the evidence to prove the criminality of the Dems and the Cabal, so it won’t be “he said, she said”, the evidence will be incontrovertible and overwhelming
E) even if all else fails, DJT has the ultimate ‘Trump’ card (no pun intended), which is the military — and considering what the Left / Cabal has done and continues to do, DJT would be absolutely justified in using the military to save the Republic, if need be.
So DJT has the power and the ability to stop all the madness at any time.
If he had to stop it TONIGHT, if the Republic and the Constitution were in grave danger, he could stop it, right now.
But so long as the Republic is NOT in imminent danger, he is going to wait for the perfect moment to strike.
The bad guys know it’s coming, but like us, they can’t know when.
When it happens, it will be swift and devastating.
And I’m really looking forward to it 😁


Thanks, Scott. You’re a balm for my sore heart. Your breakdown analysis makes sense, it’s what logic tells me too. POTUS isn’t showing one bit of stress – he’s got the goods, and he can any time unleash the storm – but it’s smarter to wait until all positions are optimal.
Going to try and sleep, again!


You’re very welcome. 🙂
Goodnight, see you tomorrow, Lord willing and the creek don’t rise 😁


I did read one useful piece of information, which Ristvan agreed with.
Alan Reasin says:October 31, 2019 at 4:54 pm
“As I wrote in another post’s comments, the House rules changed under this resolution will not permit exculpatory evidence from being given to the POTUS team.. Rep. Lesko pf AZ tried to amend the resolution and it was rejected 
That is unconstitutional under the Brady Ruling revised in 1972:  The Representatives I called did not know of the extension of the 1963 Brady ruling to include impeachments. In Giglio v. United States, 405 U.S. 150, 153 (U.S. 1972) the Supreme Court extended the prosecution’s obligations under Brady for disclosure of exculpatory IMPEACHMENT evidence.
The Supreme Court clarified that all impeachment evidence, even if not a prior statement by a witness falls within the Brady rule.
Time for a very public law suit and and an emergency stay of hearings until all exculpatory evidence is released at least to the President’s team.”
Like you, LM, if anyone can manufacture and make up any story they want, call it a crime, and one is prosecuted for it, we’ve regressed to Stalin, Hitler, Mao, etc. era of totalitarianism. I have a hard time believing the Supreme Court and other any other honest judges left in this country are blind to this.


This new ad is good!


Wolfie, my posts are all going into the bin! They are at Marica’s also… Might their be something wrong with my WP account ?
Rudy G has posted an excellent tweet!


Just got my last bit of Halloween decor up and operating — video projector.
Halloween is really the Fiancee’s “thing”, so I spend most of the day staying out of her way and doing enabling things. Only when she is done (and we’ve had dinner), can I sprinkle little bits of additional stuff in.


Saying goodnight with accompanying hugs.


My posts are going into the bin… here and at Marica’s
I can post to reply in notification section, but not on the thread !?


I hope everyone had a good Halloween.
We just finished Trick or Treating and there were 5-10x the kids this year than last! Lots of people watching football in their garages and passing out candy.
I swear kiddo probably got close to 2 costco bags full.
Off to bath and bed.
Being little is fun on Halloween!comment image