For those who still have courage, for those who can read beyond a headline, for those who believe in liberty and our rights, this is our time. It’s been a long path. Along the way, we’ve encountered those who have lied, spied, and died. At times, we ‘ve been distracted by skillful opponents, small and carefully crafted skirmishes, intentional disinformation from media, and worst of all, our own naivety. It was inconceivable that Americans would choose to harm America. Yet, truth is patient and eventually revealed. The more we know, the more we are drawn again to Ukraine. The source of all things evil in DC, all the corrupt players from BOTH parties, left their footprints in Ukraine.
For YEARS we’ve said, “It all comes back to Ukraine.”
We were right.
For extensive background, please see our article “Timeline for 1/1024th of an Impeachment Inquiry”, which goes back years, with hundreds of sources, at the link below. Dems and our media would prefer we only focus on a July 25th phone call or the actions of Rudy Giuliani. Yet, it’s impossible to understand what has happened, the depth of the corruption, the overthrow of a country, without knowing the history found within the timeline. Please note: We stopped adding to the timeline in mid-October 2019 because the document became so large and unwieldy. Yet, the problems from Ukraine continue and we MUST talk about them.
The identity of the WhistleBlower, Eric Ciaramella, has been an open secret in Washington, DC, for over a month. Yesterday, Paul Sperry from Real Clear Investigations did a deep dive on Eric Ciaramella (excellent article and a must read).
From the Paul Sperry article:
- Ciaramella was a Yale grad, from Connecticut, and 33yrs old currently.
- Ciaramella was 30yrs old when he was Director of Baltic and Eastern European Affairs, NSC, according to internal email to Victoria Nuland on May 26, 2016.
- Ciaramella worked with DNC Alexandra Chalupa, who dug up dirt on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, inviting her into the White House for meetings….. “He knows her. He had her in the White House,” said one former co-worker, who requested anonymity to discuss the sensitive matter.
- Documents confirm Chalupa in the WH, meeting with Ciaramella in November 2015. Several more meeting confirmations are listed below, confirmed via Gateway Pundit.
- The day after Comey was fired, May 10, 2017, Russian FM Lavrov visited the WH, the Oval Office, with President Trump. Ciaramella was incensed, went “outside of his chain of command” and sent emails across agencies which ended up in the media. Ciaramella claimed Trump boasted to the Russian officials about firing Comey, whom he allegedly called “crazy, a real nut job.” and noted Putin had called President Trump a week earlier. Ciaramella claims created “Putin told Trump to fire Comey”. The media spun the story, and a week later Special Counsel was announced. The emails were noted in the Mueller report.
- Ciaramella was removed from the WH in June of 2017 for suspicions of leaking.
- It appears Ciaramella huddled with Schiff or his staff, old friends from NSC recently hired by Schiff, for “guidance” on how to put forth his WB complaint.
To Glenn Beck’s #2 episode on Ukraine. It’s stunning. Some of his best work yet.
From Glenn Beck we learn many things but here are the highlights from this 2 hour video.
- During 2017, Ukraine prosecuted 4 people for meddling in the US election of 2016, two were convicted in December 2018, Artem Sytnyk Head of the Anti-Corruption Bureau, and Serhiy Leschenko, a Member of Parliament who was an extreme ideologue and terrified Trump foreign policy may help Russia and harm Ukraine. Sytnyk is on audio tape admitting to helping Hillary Clinton (played during Beck’s 1st segment). A few months later the case was overturned on appeal for technical objections (entity who brought suit didn’t have standing, statute of limitations expiration). Case is being retried.
- Ukraine hired an American lawyer and to get boxes of evidence to the DOJ, which was being blocked by Yovanovich, the Obama leftover Ambassador. Finally the info is dumped on the SDNY branch of the DOJ, who did nothing with it.
- November of 2018 – “someone” approached Giuliani and told him about Ukraine. Lev Parnas (one of the two mysteriously arrested for illegal campaign contributions)puts Giuliani in touch with Shokin.
- December of 18-February of ’19 – Giuliani meets with several people and talks to Shokin via Skype in December. In January of ’19, Giuliani meets with Yuriy Lutsenko, CURRENT Chief Prosecutor for Ukraine, in NYC, two times, and again speaks with Shokin on Skype. In February, Giuliani meets Lutsenko again in Warsaw.
- March of 2019 – Lutsenko, Prosecutor General of Ukraine, again opens the Burisma investigation. How can there be a quid pro quo if the investigation is already open in Ukraine BEFORE President Zelinsky is elected and BEFORE the July 25th phone call?
- March 26, 2019 – John Solomon posts an article that Ambassador Yovanovitch has given the Chief prosecutor of Ukraine, Lutsenko, a “do not prosecute” list. The media has a meltdown, claims it’s not true. During the election Late April in Ukraine, Lutsenko recants after extreme pressure from our State Dept.
- March 28, 2019 Giuliani sends the State Dept all the files on what he has learned. How can Giuliani be running a “shadow foreign policy” when he sent all the docs to the State Dept? Included in files are notes of conversations between Lutsenko and Shokin, notes on Biden/Burisma investigation, notes on meeting with Ambassador Yovanovitch…….. which proves, yes, she had a do not prosecute list, and Solomon articles.
- Media and Deep State claim Giuliani/Solomon/Lutsenko/Shokin/Biden/Burisma is all a conspiracy theory.
- April 25th, 2019 – Biden announces run for President. Same night Trump goes on FOX and talks about the documents from Ukraine which have been sent to State Dept. (Trump knew all about it).
- May 6th, 2019 – Ambassador Yovanovitch is fired. Suddenly the Whistleblower begins to become “concerned” about policy in Ukraine.
- June 2019 – Bill Taylor is named temporary Charge d’affaires in Ukraine until permanent Trump nomination makes way through Senate. Taylor is a State Dept loyalist, not a Trump guy.
- July 2019 – Trump puts hold on Ukraine aid, they are checking on things BEFORE the phone call on July 25th. Allegedly, Trump asks for help with Biden investigation from Zelinsky and asks Zelinsky to ANNOUNCE the investigation. Phrase of “Quid Pro Quo” as a “bad thing” was hatched in our media as a disinformation campaign.
- August 2, 2019 – Guiliani travels to Madrid to meet with Andriy Yermak, Chief Aide and Advisor to new President Zelinsky.
- September 9, 2019 – Bill Taylor, Acting Ambassador to Ukraine sends text message to Sondland (EU Ambassador), “This is crazy” why are we withholding aid to Ukraine for a political campaign in 2020? Sondland says, no we’re not doing that, you misunderstood.
- October 2, 2019 – Remember the files Giuliani sent to the State Dept? Well, on October 2nd, the State Dept sent all those files to Congress. ONLY Congressman to attend the briefing was Jamie Raskin, Dem of Maryland, who said… it’s all propaganda…. trust me.
- October 10, 2019 – Lev Parscam and old Igor Soviet guy are arrested for campaign finance violations along with 2 other guys.
- October 22, 2019 – Taylor testifies and claims Giuliani was running back channel operation. Taylor also claims military aid was withheld because of campaign in 2020, ……… but was told that wasn’t true. Media explodes, deems Taylor is credible (state dept) and Sondland is not credible (Trump appointee)
The Dems case for impeachment, point of view, restricting voters to only events from November of 2018 – current, presents a case of Trump/Giuliani guilt. The Dems don’t want anyone to look at the history of corruption in Ukraine. Dem main talking points are neat and tidy for the American people. Rudy and Trump conspired to remove Yovanovitch. They froze 400 million in aid to try to get Ukraine to investigate Bidens. And Trump incriminated himself during the phone call by spelling out the scheme.
Problems in the Dem Talking Points = January of 2019, Rudy Giuliani asked for a travel visa for Shokin, the Head Prosecutor for Ukraine, who was fired at the behest of Biden, “You have 6 hours to fire the prosecutor” or else you don’t get the billion dollars. The State Dept visa was turned down. Strange? Giuliani goes to the WH and asks for a visa and is turned down again. Why? Well, if we think the President and Rudy have bad motive, a personal visit from Shokin to Giuliani might look bad…… but Rudy sent the State Dept all the documents in March. How can Giuliani and Trump be hiding when all documents have been sent to State Dept, and they’re out in the open? Plus, September 11th, military aid was released to Ukraine.
Dems claim quid pro quo. Yet, the Ukraine got the 400 million dollars. Rudy was out in the open with all the files sent to State Dept = no hiding. The Ukraine didn’t have to start an investigation on Biden/Burisma because they already started an investigation in March of 2019, BEFORE Zelinsky was elected and BEFORE the phone call of July 25th.
Where is the quid pro quo?
And, the Ukrainians and Giuliani claim the evidence in those boxes, the evidence they have been trying to get to OUR DOJ, for which certainly Giuliani has made copies, proves the following:
- A. The DNC and Ukrainian officials gathered dirt on Trump (and Manafort).
- B. Ukrainian officials admitted to influencing election (we have the audio).
- C. The misappropriation of the 7 BILLION dollars (DING, DING, DING!)
- D. US Officials interfered in cases within Ukraine (Yovanovitch and her list)
- E. Biden pressured Ukraine to fire Shokin (we’ve seen the video)
- F. Burisma records show Hunter Biden received 3 million dollars. (follow $$’s)
Glenn Beck’s timeline video is excellent work. Highly recommended.
To the paperwork bomb in Gateway Pundit, tracking the connections, the money, and subterfuge of Ciaramella
It’s deep.
We have documents which are impossible to ignore.
We have everything needed for a real trial.
Ciaramella needs to be on trial for treason or the primary witness in the trials of Biden, Brennan, Rice, Nuland, Michael Atkinson, Schiff, et als.
He needs to be brought into protective custody, under the Atty General, asap.
Take a look. The following documents via, Gateway Pundit, connect Ciaramella, Victoria Nuland, Biden, Chalupa, David Kramer, Victor Pinchuk (Hillary’s favorite oligarch), and Olga Bielkova…….. she’s an MP in Ukraine Parliament and in charge of their Energy Dept. Surprised?
Here’s the biggest surprise – the Steele Dossier and the Whistleblower attempt are all linked together. It’s the SAME THING.
And yes, Ciaramella knew all about the IMF transfers THE MONEY transferred to Ukraine. His hands are on MANY emails back and forth. This is just ONE example:
Additionally, we have Ciaramella at Yale, protesting the firing of a professor who was tied to Hamas and Hezbollah. I’m just imagining, just for a moment, what horrendus thing would have to occur for Yale to fire a professor who was tied to terror orgs. Nonetheless, Ciaramella was sympathetic.
Eric Ciaramella, Nuland and Kavelec at State Dept talked all the time about Ukraine.
And Ciaramella was a special guest of Biden’s for luncheon with Italian leader Renzi, along with Rice, Brennan, Clapper, Lynch.
Here’s a terrific laundry list of swamp critters involved in those Ukraine IMF loans:
for the final tasty morsel, it all comes together at……… The Atlantic Council.
To temporarily sum it all up (because there will be more from Ukraine). For years, we have been digging and we will continue to dig. In fact, we’re encouraged. We’ve confirmed we hit a motherload of swamp critters. Eventually, the truth will out. We need to push the truth to help our President, right now, and overall, to help our country. These are the people who need to be held accountable.
Signing off for now…… until next time…… D

Wolf pointed out the paydirt would come from investigating the STAFF of the big dogs.
LOL! I don’t remember the specific instance, but that is so ALWAYS true, I’m sure I said it!
KAVANAUGH!!! Yes, that was one time. I was speculating about the structure of the ChiCom infiltration in FEINSTEIN’S office. I suspected there were MORE brought in by Russ Lowe, including some non-Chi faces.
It was around the time we were seeing Pelosi and gang jet setting and we were also discussing how Podesta went places AND THEN stuff happened. You said, watch the STAFF.
OH YEAH. Yes. Oh, I remember those days. And that makes me all the more certain that PELOSI was how we found Baghdadi.
Excellent work by Daugn, and yes the SES staff are the problem. But here is MY thoughts on what is happening in the Ukraine impeachment. It is yet another Trump set Trap…just like with Baghdadi. Check it out wolfe.
I agree, and this is KEY – it matches what Q said as a form of both information and DISINFORMATION.
Q kept saying “we have the server”.
He never said which server – or even “all”.
The Dems didn’t know. They assumed the Ukraine server was safe. The good guys know what is on the server, and therefore they know who CARES and what they care ABOUT.
So when the DEMS act, our side knows WHY they act.
“5. The day after Comey was fired, May 10, 2016…” – was that date 2017?
REALLY nice work putting all of this together.
It’s complicated….yet as you say, all their criminal activities tie together.
Thank you!
See I knew Daughn couldn’t resist – she’d be posting Any Moment Now…
Seriously though this is AMAZING, so much to dig through will require multiple passes…
Simply the best reporting on this critical subject ANYWHERE.
Have to wonder if Eric Ciaramella is Skull and Bones, which would tie him to the Bush clan, Kerry, and a host of other nefarious characters and globalists…
Extremely important.
Has he ever crossed paths with Stephan Halper? His business plan, at times, leads me to wonder if he was ever paid by halper or someone like him to write papers.
My copy of Antony Sutton’s America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones stops with the Class of 2006, which was post-mortem for Sutton himself. (Suspicious Cat eyeing the circumstances of his death very warily.)
That class, and most of the other most recent classes are marked with an asterisk for “unconfirmed”.
Ciaramello isn’t in the last few classes. In 2006, he would have been 20, a little young to graduate from college. Wish we could have a list that went at least a few more classes.
Isn’t Daughn the best? I will also have to read through multiple times to take it all in.
Looks like the Ukraine is the 2010s version of the California and Yukon Gold Rushes for Democrat wheeler dealers and their foreign corrupt oligarch counterparts.
The Ukraine Holodomor is one of the saddest stories in the world. Most of them were Christians and the Ukraine was the Breadbasket of the Soviet Union. They were deliberately destroyed by starvation with malice aforethought. If you are not familiar with this event, here is an audio presentation.
Learn the history behind the movie Bitter Harvest
Story –
Communists are cruel and inhumane.
We are seeing this with our own socialist/communist/fascist monsters in the USA.
Yes, one of the worst crimes against humanity the world has ever seen, right up there with the Holocaust, Pol Pot’s massacre in Cambodia, and Mao’s Great Famine. And few know of it.
Thank you, Elizabeth. You are right, very important history to understand. I started getting interested when I met a Ukrainian girl at college.
I read the think through, but I’m still fixated on the cocktail ring the Ukranian oligarch is wearing in the featured image.
This will need to sink in for me. Somehow, it’s connected to enough other bits and pieces, that I have a feeling the legal timeline on the dossier is just part of the full puzzle.
Read the thing, the piece, man, it’s a sleepy afternoon here. Sorry, D.
here is a link…@ aprox 3:56:00 Gohmert speaks for the minortiy–it’s 60 minutes long–he paraphrases the Sperry report–discusses the difference between then and now impeachment hearings and throws in some details I hadn’t read before. he hints Vindman broke the law and is using “whistle blower” status as a dodge from Barr’s prosecution (and he alleges other testifiers are as well…) but they won’t outrun prosecution. He names them as co-conspirators with Brennan and I think Comey…
it’s long—but he makes several great points…hopefully shorter clips will be available later.
Wait a minute.
Remember those 27 leaking investigations?
What if the Vindman and Ciaramella are two of the leakers.
In fact, ciaramella was let go from White House due to leaking.
Big deal too.
They COULD certainly be trying to use the WB statutes to escape trial by Barr.
Brailliant thinking.
Gohmert says it MIGHT delay it…but that’s it…
Daughn – these people are misleaders almost by instinct.
The ENTIRE “Muh Russia” plot may have even been DESIGNED by Ciaramella and his CIA friends, in particular to provide MISDIRECTION from UKRAINE, and to FREEZE IN PLACE Obama foreign policy while trying to eliminate Trump.
I think Ciaramella IS a real liability to the other side now. But he’s not “right in the head” enough to come clean. I suspect he will just plead the 5th and obstruct to the greatest extent possible.
Ciaramella = Susan McDougal
I think he’s already coming clean. I think he was caught in a leak trap, knew he was in trouble, and went to his handler, shifty. Shifty says he better get a lawyer, but not to worry, we’ll protect you as a whistleblower, as long as you follow the narrative. Already under investigation for leaking, his every move and communication is tracked, perhaps he was wearing a wire for his conversation with shifty. I suspect that his lawyers may have also been turned from previous misdeeds. It would explain why White Hat Dennis McDonough is a principal at Compass Rose.
Also, there is a video link is this article to Gohmert questioning the former Ukrainian finance minister about Charlie’s meetings. This dual citizen then took a position overseeing Puerto Rico’s loans after the financial system in Ukraine collapsed (her words).
He is in the thick of it all, it seems. Not only at Yale, but also Harvard, about the time Larry Summers was getting canned as president, reportedly related to the Harvard Institute for international development scandal involving Faralon. He ends up at the world bank helping to write a policy paper on next steps in central planning for Russia’s economic development as William Browser is spinning tales about his eviction from Russia and the death of his “lawyer”.
With encouragement, this whistle blower could actually blow the whistle on it all. He certainly needs protection, but who is leaking his identity?
Regarding WB spinning tales, enter david Kramer and the McCain institute.
McDonough was keeping tabs on SPYGATE for Obama. He’s in the Page-Strzok texts saying so. Are you saying he TURNED?
Didn’t he bring the anomaly in the Clinton emails to strozks attention?
Ah – you’re thinking of Charles McCullough from the ICIG.
I don’t know the S/P texts well
Thank you for your correction below. Charles McCullough is correct. I’m a bit off,flying without sources to direct link and working from my sad memory I may be off on world bank as well…may have been IMF, WTO…
Anyway th anks.
No problem – I get it – I have to work off memory, too. Was easier when young – but I knew less!
So, I’ve only scratched the surface on this, but in broad strokes here is my working hypothesis:
I think Hussein and company saw an opportunity to plunder Ukraine and so assisted Yushchenko in his rise to power. The Russians, seeing US meddling in their sandbox, annexed Crimea so as to protect the Black Sea fleet at Sevastopol. Hussein and Biden and various other international grifters, along with a multitude of indigenous criminals, prospered. PDJT appears on the scene, and when it becomes obvious he isn’t interested in “wetting his beak” and doesn’t see war with Russia as advancing US national security, panic ensues.
PDJT limits the ability of the miscreants to influence Ukrainian elections. Ukraine elects a reformer. And suddenly, we learn that in addition to the looting, there was a whole lot of corrupt activity intended to prevent PDJT from getting elected, and/or from being successful thereafter.
SOLD – makes perfect sense – and supplies the reason for the rabid hateful frothing and desperate scramble to impeach Donald J Trump.
I would imagine you dig another layer down, and Ukraine was being used as a storage facility of sorts.
This is the one place where the rumblings of “the server” makes more sense than not.
After the Soviet Union collapse, we know 31 BILLION in weapons disappeared from Ukraine alone. Does not include other Soviet States.
The raiding was well under way when Obama arrived.
I swear………… I expect to see McCain’s footprints the next time we turn around.
We are just beginning to learn the extent to which our ruling class consists used the might and reputation of the US for personal financial gain.
Among the many things that make PDJT perfect for this particular time and place in US history is the fact that because of all the international business deals that PDJT had done, he has a reputation. Various international leaders – Putin to name just one – knew he was not a grifter and that he was not a man to be triffled with. This personal capital is a huge asset for the American people. And oddly enough, it probably will be enhanced as PDJT applies it on our behalf.
Gramnesty’s footprints will be right beside McShames (When you find them).
Sumpin’s up as Lind Seed stepped down from his committee chair (Back to Grassley).
Me Lindsey is looking to slip out the side door. Wondering when MSC Lindsey announces he is retiring from the Senate to focus on blah blah…
“David Kramer (was Chief of Staff to Dianne Feinstein and left to raise money to fund the dossier and continued hit job on Trump with Fusion GPS), ”
My understanding is that Doug Jones was Feinstein’s COS and that David Kramer was associated with McCain.
You’re RIGHT!!!!!!!!!
It was Doug Jones.
Hmmmmm, then who was David Kramer?
Thank you and your sharp eyes for the correction!
David Kramer was the guy that McCain sent to Europe to pick up his ‘copy’ of the dossier so that McCain could then ‘dutifully’ turn it over to the FBI so Comey could continue the circular ‘verifications’.
Kramer worked/works for the McCain Institute. (speaking of footprints all over it)
That’s the guy!
Litenmaus, you need to sit next to me when I’m putting these together.
lol, oh lordy, double trouble….:0)
Kramer was NoName’s henchman. He travelled to get dossier and brought back to his boss. We believe he leaked to Buzzfeed.
Agree about McCain’s footprints, and LG not far behind.
LOT of rumor the IMF money was being used to light the match on other wars.
Create crisis = opportunity.
There’s a LOT more here than we think.
It’s gonna lead to North Korea sooner or later.
And I think a lot of OUR money that was laundered there, for the Klintoons and others, has circled around and come back to the US as “off-the-record and off the books” campaign and “protection” money for DEMONicRAT candidates at every level, from dogcatcher on up…
No one can complain about slush or “black” money floating about if they don’t even know it exists, or?
Who/when did the IMF Pres resign??
I think it’s important to see who let Russia get Crimea back from Ukraine. Remember with Obama – NEVER watch the PURPLE LIPS – watch the MUSLIM-RINGED HANDS.
Obama is, was, and will always be SOVIET, trained to HATE AMERICA.
Secondly, Obama is, was, and will always be CHICAGO CORRUPT, trained to manipulate politics so that his backers make money.
Putin has Obama’s files and experts on his behavior. Putin KNEW that as long as Obama got money out of the deal, he would be happy to let Russia simply take back Crimea. Remember also that Kerry wanted to give back Crimea – he just wanted to put lipstick on the PIG OF LOSS. (Even I think Crimea is Russian, but I think the US could have helped broker a much better deal than what Obama did.
Putin was smart – just take it back. Can’t trust Obama or Hillary.
Just as
-[Czechoslovakia incl. Sudetenland mountains] was much more viable tactically and strategically as an independent nation versus [Germany] in the 1930s
-post-Munich deal (“Peace in our day.” -Neville Chamberlain) [Czechoslovakia minus Sudetenland] was against [Germany with newly salami-sliced Sudetenland],
-[Ukraine incl. Crimea] is much more viable militarily and economically versus [Russia] in the current century
-[Ukraine minus Crimea] is versus [Russia with newly salami-sliced Crimea].
When you consider all the horrors Russians have inflicted on Ukrainians over the years, especially in the Holodomor, and how nicely Ukraine, nevertheless, played ball with us by handing over the world’s 3rd largest stock of nuclear weapons during the Great Renaming, I think we owed it to them to keep their country intact, instead of salami-sliced.
Plus, the things that the Tsars and Stalin both did to make Crimea “Russian” aren’t for the faint of heart to look into, either.
Who is the big bald guy with the big blue ring?
That was my question. And what’s with a guy wearing a cocktail ring. I realize he’s not an American, but….
Mykola Zlochevsky owner of Burisma.
He’s not quite so mobster looking without the ring and mini-beard.
LMAO! I would say “not quite” in a REALLY TINY FONT!!!

One of Hunter Biden’s bosses…… owns Burisma I think.
Awesome Article Daughn…..
Great investigative work!
We are DEFINITELY “The News” now.
What did the Beatles know, and when did they know it?
“The Ukraine girls really knock me out, they leave the West behind! And Moscow girls make me scream and shout—and Georgia’s always on my mind…”
Bongino had an interesting take on Eric C. today—that he was possibly the “Charlie” mentioned in a Stroke-Page text regarding an CI (confidential informant) planted in the WH, and whether to remove or reinsert him. I’ll try to find the text and post below.
Why Charlie? Because of the way Ciaramella is pronounced (Chara-Mella)!
Strzok—“Talking with Bill [Priestap]. Do we want Joe [Pientka] to go with Evanina [William, dir. of Natl. Counterintelligence and Security Center] instead of Charlie for a variety of reasons?”
Page—“Hmm. Not sure. Would it be unusual to have [sic] show up again? Maybe another agent from the team?”
Strzok—“Or, he’s ‘the CI guy.’ Same might make sense. He can assess if there are [sic] any news [sic] Qs, or different demeanor. If Katie’s husband [Katherine Seaman, wife of a former FBI counterintelligence analyst Josh Pitcock, Pence’s chief of staff] is there, he can see if there are people we can develop for potential relationships [spying!].”
“What does this mean? It appears that the FBI was discussing placing a mole at the Trump team briefing and potentially having Pitcock help identify future recruits for its counterintelligence investigation.” (Bongino)
Pence axed Pitcock on June 29, 2017.
Today Bongino argued “CI” could represent “confidential informant” instead of counterintelligence guy. Prior to today, the identity of “Charlie” was unknown—that Charlie could be a reference to Eric Ciaramella. Why? Bongino asks why would Sperry add a pronunciation key in brackets to ciaramella’s last name when that is hardly ever done!
NICE! Oh, this makes sense. THAT is why he’s SO FREAKIN’ OUT!!! This is why they had to concoct Dossier 2.0!!!
This guy’s tweet does a good job:
Yup. It’s very simple – if the Democrats CAN go to impeachment gun, they WILL go to the impeachment gun.
“This can never happen again.”
What does that mean, when spoken by a guy who ALWAYS tells it like it is?
It means that Trump will do whatever is needed – even if it makes him a 1-term president, to END THIS SHIT.
And he knows that if he DOES end this shit, he will be re-elected in a LANDSLIDE, even if he’s a WRITE-IN!!!
No matter what happens, Q is right. Nothing can stop what’s coming.
And Trump goes back in, no matter what. UNDERSTAND HOW THAT HAPPENS.
“And he knows that if he DOES end this shit, he will be re-elected in a LANDSLIDE, even if he’s a WRITE-IN!!!”
But one of the punishments a Senate trial can impose is a lifetime ban on further elective office. They can’t sentence jail time, but they can do that.
Dawnz01 @Dawnz
1) Ex-Trump Adviser Says He Saw Nothing Illegal in Ukraine Call
Ex-Trump Adviser Says he Saw Nothing Illegal in Ukraine Call .A former top White House official testified Thursday in the House impeachment inquiry that he saw nothing illegal in President Donald Trump’s phone call with the Ukrainian president that is at the center of the Democrat-led investigation.
Dawnz01 @Dawnz
2) Tim Morrison, who stepped down from the National Security Council the day before his appearance, is the first White House political appointee to testify and could be central to the effort to remove Trump from office.”I want to be clear, I was not concerned that anything illegal was discussed,” said Tim Morrison, who said he was concerned about how the call might look if it were made public.
Ex-Trump Adviser Says he Saw Nothing Illegal in Ukraine Call.
Dawnz01 @Dawnz
3) He largely confirmed much of what a top diplomat, William Taylor, said in earlier testimony, as the two had multiple phone conversations raising concerns about the Trump administration’s approach toward Ukraine, according to his prepared remarks obtained by The Associated Press.
“I can confirm,” he wrote, that the substance of the diplomat’s testimony, “is accurate.
Dawnz01 @Dawnz
4) “As a national security adviser, Morrison was among those listening to Trump’s call with the Ukrainian leader. He said he had three concerns if the discussion leaked: how it would play out in polarized Washington, how it would affect bipartisan support in Congress for Ukraine and how it would impact U.S.-Ukraine relations.Republican lawmakers portrayed the opening remarks of the longtime GOP policy operative as shifting the debate favorably toward Trump.
Dawnz01 @Dawnz
5) They said Morrison’s opening statement contradicted another key witness, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the Army officer who handled Ukraine issues at the National Security Council. Vindman testified Tuesday that he twice sounded the alarm over the Trump administration actions.
“It’s a very compelling witness today that is giving testimony that contradicts some of the testimony we heard from Mr. Vindman,” said Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C. Morrison’s opening remarks were not publicly released.
Dawnz01 @Dawnz
6) Morrison’s testimony “is very damaging to the Democrat narrative,” Meadows said. “They’ve all of a sudden gotten quiet today because this particular witness is very credible and has given evidence that suggests some of the other witnesses have been less than candid.”Another Republican, Rep. Chip Roy of Texas, said, “When you all see what he had to say, it will be interesting.”A defense hawk well known in GOP policy circles,
7) Morrison was the National Security Council’s top adviser for Russian and European affairs until he stepped down Wednesday. A senior administration official said he had “decided to pursue other opportunities.” The official, who was not authorized to discuss Morrison’s job and spoke only on the condition of anonymity, said Morrison has been considering leaving the administration for “some time
Timeline, article neatly bringing facts to light outstanding. Thanks Daughn.
Daughn. Ages ago(like weeks ) I posted a thread about this guy. He and Brennan have job swapped and I think he’s swampie as all f but he’s kept a very low profile. The article put him as the linkage in all Brennan’s dirty dealings with Iran, Ukraine, the lot. Can’t find the article but here’s his potted bio from. Whitewashapedia.
David S. Cohen (attorney)
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David S. Cohen
David Cohen official CIA portrait.jpg
5th Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
In office
February 9, 2015 – January 20, 2017
President Barack Obama
Preceded by Avril Haines
Succeeded by Gina Haspel
Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence
In office
June 30, 2011 – February 9, 2015
President Barack Obama
Preceded by Stuart A. Levey
Succeeded by Adam Szubin (acting)
Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing
In office
May 1, 2009 – June 30, 2011
President Barack Obama
Preceded by Pat O’Brien
Succeeded by Daniel Glaser
Personal details
Alma mater Cornell University (BA)
Yale Law School (JD)
David S. Cohen (born 1963) is an American attorney who served as Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from 2015 to 2017. Originally from Boston, Cohen previously worked at the U.S. Treasury Department and as an attorney in private practice. At Treasury, among other posts, he served as the Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence.
1 Early life and education
2 Career
3 Personal life
4 References
5 External links
Early life and education[edit]
Cohen is the son of a Boston physician. In high school he became friends with the son of Alan Dershowitz; the elder Dershowitz later recommended Cohen for his first job with Nathan Lewin.[1] He graduated from Cornell University in 1985 and went on to receive a Juris Doctor from Yale Law School in 1989. After graduating from law school, Cohen served as a law clerk for federal judge Norman P. Ramsey for the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland.[1][2][3]
Cohen (left) in Seoul with Republic of Korea First Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Kim Kyou-hyun in 2013
Following his clerkship, Cohen began his law career at the firm Miller, Cassidy, Larroca & Lewin, a “criminal-defense boutique” in Washington, D.C. He specialized in white-collar criminal defense and civil litigation. He was hired by the U.S. Treasury Department in 1999 as an aide to General Counsel Neal S. Wolin and then as Acting Deputy General Counsel. While there he was credited by department officials with “crafting legislation that formed the basis” of Title III of the USA PATRIOT Act, dealing with money laundering. In 2001 he left the government and joined the Washington law firm Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, now known as WilmerHale. He practiced there for seven years, becoming partner in 2004. His practice areas included complex civil litigation, white-collar criminal defense, internal investigations, and anti-money laundering and sanctions compliance.[1][2][4][5][6][7]
In 2009, President Barack Obama nominated Cohen to be Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing in the Treasury Department, and the U.S. Senate confirmed him on May 1, 2009. Variously described by members of the Obama administration as a “financial Batman” and one of the president’s “favorite combatant commanders” he was, two years later, nominated and confirmed as Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence. In that role, he “preside[d] over a 700-person, $200 million-a-year counterterrorism office within Treasury that was created after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks” and includes the Office of Foreign Assets Control, which implements U.S. economic sanctions. During his Senate confirmation hearing, Cohen singled-out the government of Kuwait for rebuke, noting that “we have a real challenge with the Kuwaiti government. Kuwait is the only government in the Gulf Cooperation Council that does not criminalize terrorist financing.” The following year, Cohen appeared as speaker at the annual forum of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies.[3][8][9][10]
In 2015 Cohen was appointed Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. At the time of his appointment, some speculated that Cohen’s selection was due to the Obama administration’s reluctance in picking someone with ties to past incidences of CIA torture and extraordinary rendition. The post of deputy director has traditionally been filled by military officers or intelligence community veterans.[11P
Great deep dive once again Daughn!
None of this surprises me at the least with theses people, all of them just crave $$$ and power. The one saving grace I have is knowing that my God is in control and they all are going to the pit of hell for their actions.The evil they all have done or been complacent on is mind boggling. Truly evil people.
Psalm 37
Do not fret because of evil men………
By: Hyram F. Suddfluffel, PhD, (Political Science)
I have a degree in Political Science, and I am a card-carrying Libertarian. I’ve been studying politics and political history for the past 30 years. My specialty is U.S. Presidents. That said, I hope that the House of Representatives impeaches Trump. Let me tell you what will happen next!
Cdubois @Cdubois
1. The House can pass articles of impeachment over the objections of the Republicans and refer to the Senate for trial.
2. The Senate will conduct a trial. There will be a vote, and the Republicans will vote unanimously, along with a small number of Democrats, to not convict the President. Legally, it will all be over at that point.
Cdubois @Cdubois
3. However, during the trial, and this is what no one is thinking about right now, the President’s attorneys will have the right to subpoena and
question ANYONE THEY WANT! That is different than the special counsel investigation, which was very one-sided.
Cdubois @Cdubois
So, during the impeachment trial, we will be hearing testimony from James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, Glenn Simpson, Donna Brazille, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Christopher Steele, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, James Clapper, and a whole host of other participants in this whole sordid affair and the ensuing coverup activities.
A lot of dirt will be dug up; a lot of truth will be unveiled. Finger pointing will occur. Deals will start being made, and suddenly, a lot of democrats will start being charged and going to prison. All this, because, remember, the President’s team will now, for the first time, have the RIGHT to question all of these people under oath – and they will turn on each other. That is already starting.
Nov 01, 2019, 12:15 · Web · 0 · 0
Cdubois @Cdubois
4. Lastly, one more thing will happen, the Senate will not convict the President. Nothing will happen to Trump. Most Americans are clueless about political processes, the law, and the Constitution. Most Americans believe that being impeached results in removal from office. They don’t understand that phase 2 is a trial in and by the Senate, where he has zero chance of conviction. Remember, the Senate is controlled by Republicans;
Cdubois @Cdubois
they will determine what testimony is allowed — and *everything* will be allowed, including: DNC collusion with the Clinton campaign to fix the election in favor of Hillary, the creation of the Trump dossier, the cover up and destruction of emails that very likely included incriminating information. They will incriminate each other for lying to the FISA court, for spying and wiretapping the Trump campaign, and for colluding with foreign political actors, especially George Soros.
Cdubois @Cdubois
After the Senate declines to convict the President, we will have an election, and Trump will win.It will be a backlash against democrat petulance, temper tantrums, hypocrisy and dishonesty.
Even minorities will vote for Trump, because, for the first time, they will see that democrats have spent 2+ years focused on maintaining their own power, and not doing anything at all about black murders in Chicago, homelessness, opioids, and other important issues that are actually killing people.
Cdubois @Cdubois
And, we will spend the following four years listening to politicians and pundits claim that the whole impeachment was rigged.
So let’s move on to impeachment.
Yup. The idea that people can impeach Trump and win is nuts. The outcome is even better if the Republicans were so foolish as to betray Trump. NEW PARTY forms immediately, taking the best of R and MANY D voters, wins the White House, destroys both halves of the Uniparty.
Set Conan onto him. She’s going to the wh anyway. Might as well be a business trip
Ooohhh scary orange manshit. If you deepstate

Whoa!… Wait!… What?
The Constitution says that 2/3 of the Sinate must be PRESENT……
NOT… that 2/3 needed for the “Vote”?
Any Scholars here wish to chime in on this?
Mark Levin covered this on his radio show last week. Article I, Section 3, Clause 6, as to conviction, states: “…And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.” In this context, “Members present” does not mean those who happen to be around on any given day, rather it means the sitting members of the Senate.
Thank you very much!
Does it mean:
1) no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present. (at the time)?
2)no Person shall be convicted by 2/3 of the sitting members of the Senate?
Not clear to me yet.
Number 2.
Breitbart reported that the representative writing the house rules was himself impeached as a federal judge. His impeachment established a precedent related to this issue, as it went to the SC. Sorry, lost my link to the source. The representative has paid his girlfriend as staff millions, and taxpayers settled a horrendous sexual harassment claim against him by Winsome Packer.
Thanks for the info!
You are Moar PROOF…..
WE… are the news now.
Thanks again Maty.
Excellent work, Daughn. Thank you for putting this together!
Thank God for the Q Tree and the X22 Report(s)………
I can MUTE hannity and read/watch until his GUEST(s) have a chance to say something!
3/4 of his “show” is HIS SHOW….
Same shit over and over and over and over again….
SAME comments and questions to different “Guests”
Damn I hate him more and more.
End Rant/
Ok, can we now all agree that Daughn really does work 24/7?
Great work, D ….
VERY interesting things here……
Daughn, this piece of work by you is phenomenal. Factoring in credit you earn in attracting other commenters to share their high-level facts/analysis, plus your body of work to date, well… , Treehouse Hall Of Patriots Award is appropriate. Well done, Deplorable.
Daughn, I echo every compliment you have received above on this OUTSTANDING, EXCELLENT, STELLAR post.
As with your other investigative pieces here, this must have taken ages to research, make sense of, then write.
I agree !
“…truth is patient…”
well-put, daughn.
excellent work.
New thread from Wyatt:
Moar whyatt
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8 hours ago, 21 tweets, 4 min read
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Nancy Pelosi’s son co-founded an energy company a few years ago that ended up being investigated and shut down by the SEC for being crooked. His business partners were charged, but of course the congresswoman’s son skated away and made around 40 million dollars.
The company Paul Pelosi was on the board of, Viscoil Holdings, wasn’t Ukrainian. It was based in Escondido, CA, even though it it did business in Ukraine. SEC charged with securities fraud in 2014, after learning that two convicted criminals (for fraud) were running business.
2 weeks ago I was snooping around these companies , Paul Pelosi appeared on “Our Team” section of CGI’s website as Executive Director, but now, after he’s entered the corruption radar and people started digging, there is no longer any mention of Paul Pelosi Jr at CGI’s website.
Here is the web archive from Oct 4 (with Pelosi Jr under “Our Team”:…
And here is the current CGI page, where Pelosi Jr no long appears:
Now, I ask:
1- WHY would Paul PELOSI Jr. be involved in a sham of a company with a virtual address, that a guy who has a much simpler reputation to keep, doesn’t even disclose his involvement with, by not listing on his Linkedin his high level, leadership positions at this same
company (CGI) of which Pelosi was “Exec Dir until just 3 weeks ago, and also at other companies connected to same founder?
2- WHY was Paul Pelosi Jr’s photo, name, and position taken away from CGI’s “team” after people started talking about his position in different companies?
Nancy Pelosi’s son. In same family as Gavin Newsom. Right? The lady spearheading the effort to oust the president *because he was trying to uncover corruption in Ukraine energy (& 2016 coup origins!)*…. has a son working for an energy company in the Ukraine.
MEDIA? Of course silent. Kerry’s son worked with Hunter. Pelosi’s kid works for a Ukranian linked US gas company. Romney has ties. Hunter & Kerry’s son have shady dealings in China as well. Dont just follow the money…Follow the calls for impeachment…they are the most guilty..
1 – Send aid to Ukraine to build energy infrastructure to become the biggest supplier to the EU.
2 – Set up kickback/laundering systems like do nothing jobs for relatives
3 – Personally invest in Ukrainian energy
4 – Tear down any opposition by any means possible. Commit coups, fund terrorists, destabilize entire countries. Ukrainian energy must profit in the billions.
5 – Maintain control of US government to keep plan going (oops)
6 – Profit
Who is Victor Pinchuk?
Pinchuk is a Ukrainian billionaire philanthropist who had donated tens of million to the Clinton Foundation between 2009-2013 (conveniently when she was SecState).
Victor Pinchuk married the daughter of Leonid Kuchma, notorious former Ukrainian president,
who has a similar tendency like Hillary to “silence” people about to testify against him. Interestingly enough, Leonid’s daughter, Olena (Elena), has an AIDS/HIV foundation who conveniently partnered with the Clinton Foundation.
March 2015 email from Amitabh Desai, former Director of Foreign Policy for Clinton Foundation (Podesta emails) : “I get the impression that although I keep saying WJC cares about Ukraine, Pinchuk feels like WJC hasn’t taken enough action to demonstrate that”
Pinchuk joins board of Atlantic Council March 2016
Between April 4-12, 2016 (Day after Shokin officially fired, March 3 2016), Ukrainian Parliamentarian Olga Bielkov had meetings with US officials arranged by Doug Schoen. How were these meetings paid for?
Yep, Pinchuk paid Schoen to arrange these meetings to the tune of $40K/month.
Keep in mind Spring 2016 was a critical time for these folks – removing Shokin, organizing Russia collusion hoax, etc.
Ultimately, Ukraine has been largest contributor –
the following is outdated numbers from WSJ, there’s figures indicating Ukraine has dumped $25 million to the Clintons.
So HRC is SecState while donations from Pinchuk are flying in like MOABs.
Melanne Verveer is an important piece as she was US Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women, but also was the go-between for Hillary and Ukrainian officials.
Also keep in mind, Doug Schoen and the Clintons go way back. Schoen worked on Bill Clinton’s reelection campaign in 1996.
Just want to briefly touch on 2014, this was also a critical timeline here.
Ukraine Presidential elections were initially scheduled for March 2014, but due to the Ukrainian revolution, this was pushed to May 25, 2014, where Poroshenko won with 54.7% of votes.
Hunter Biden joins the Burisma board May 13, 2014. Burisma’s chairman, Alan Apter, is quoted as saying “This is totally based on merit”
Sure thing, Alan, you cuck idiot.
In 2014, Biden and Obama met with and spoke with Poroshenko on numerous occasions.
Biden even traveled to Ukraine for new president’s inauguration on June 7.
Attendance: John McStain, Senator (AZ); Ron Johnson, Senator (WI); Chris Murphy, Senator (CT); “Marcy” Kaptur, House (OH-9); Daniel B. Baer, Dept of State rep; Victoria Nuland, Dept of State Asst Sec.
In an ironic juxtoposition, on topic of meetings with Poroshenko while he was in Ukraine, Biden was to discuss fighting corruption. I suppose filthy nepotism, kickbacks, shell companies, and whatever else we dont know about isn’t corruption, eh? Nice. Nothing to see here at all.
This is good stuff!
Sorry about the copy and paste. I’m pretty hopeless tech wise.
My 16 yr old asked me why I even try.
Excellent work Daughn! Great timeline. I think this is ALL known by Trump, I think it was ALL on that Server in Ukraine ( the proof of the $$ corruption, and crimes). I kind of dove tail with your excellent research, but I think that Trump USED that call ONE DAY after Mueller failed, as too cute by half on HIS part. He KNEW they were listening, he KNEW they were concerned about Rudi, Barr, and Durham, and he KNEW they were really worried about Ukraine and that server and New President Zelensky wanting to deal favorably with Trump. He USED that plumb as BAIT, just as I think he did with the Syrian oil fields with Baghdadi.
I posted this on my blog, hope it doves nicely and explains the why we are here. You cover the WHAT they did to get us here, I cover the WHY we are here NOW, and WHAT is coming.
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