WELCOME to the Daily Thread!!
Today is ALL Saints Day in New Orleans. The town was settled by the French/Spanish and is dominated by rowdy Catholics to this day. Therefore, we always had the day after Halloween off of school and work. Everyone heads to the cemetery with flowers for the dead, clean up the graves, and of course, food and liquor is required. Those Catholics, I tell ya’, they have the holidays worked out well! My friends allowed me to be a pseudo Catholic for the day…… Presbyterians don’t get holidays.

We’re leaving Rocktober October and we landed in ACTION November!! Can’t wait to see what happens. We’re ready for some Batman Super-Power!

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.
Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.
Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.
Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven. Wolfie would be upset.


Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
In honor of tonight’s rally in Tupelo, MS, I’ll leave you with the King, in Tupelo. It’s Elvis Presley live from the Mississippi/Alabama Fair and Dairy Show, September 29, 1956. LOOK at all the people. Wow, that’s a Donald Trump size crowd.
And if that doesn’t work for you, this might.
Reposting because it is such a good one….
Always timely.
I’m glad I clicked on that. Excellent Ad!
Great intro to Action November. Mississippi Queen a not pick me up mix day in Philippines.
Hoping we see lots of action by the good guys…devils, release docs, indictments, arrests…letting truth and transparency reign…
AND, it’s a Trump Rally Day;-). A grand start to Action November!
declas above. Not devils. Auto spell and my por proof reading nails me all too often.
Thanks for the correction. I was scratching my head over that one.
The deep state needs to be bedeviled.
How about a LIVE version?
Yes. Better half commonly plays the Elvis Live From Aloha. Great stuff;-)
Being a former Band member… I prefer LIVE Music….
But now I m a member of this AWESOME live BANNED
Dan Scavino has been busy…this one is even better
Ahhhh the ..
… Democrats … just the usual fother muckers … (
Mississippi Queen,mmmmm sweet dreams.
Night n God bless y’all
God Bless you Rodney…
Night and sweet dreams…
Thank you P R
Night n God bless
Love that song! Good night and God bless!
Here is the HISTORICAL “Action of 5 November 1813”
Posts are still going to bin !
Here is more from POTUS on moving his permanent residence to Florida:
I think this is the message here. In casual conversation with a financial guy I know, I heard that all the private equity funds in Connecticut have moved to Florida as a result of tax reform.
POTUS has support and good personal and political friends in FL!
PLUS – FLORIDA has no state income tax!!!
Estate tax in NYC is 16.5%, everything over 5.5 million, on total assets. For a multi-billionaire it makes sense to leave. Why give Dems more hard earned family money, which has already been taxed.
If you own a house in NYC and paid for it over your life, it’s not hard to hit the maximum.
It’s why there are so many New Yorkers in Florida.
PLUS, in NYC there is city tax + state income tax, and no such taxes in Florida.
Sorry for the repeat, guys.
We have friends/neighbors who made FL their official residence just for tax purposes, but, really, they LIVE here.
Honestly, where my brother lives, the cost of living and local taxes makes up the difference between where they are and here.
No matter how you feel about TPUSA, this is worth knowing. KNOW THE RISKS.
I get confused about the use of “hotep” because there are different meanings and uses of the word.
But what is all this hating on TPUSA and Charlie Kirk lately?
What did Charlie Kirk do?
bomber + flak = over target
Charlie throws bombs at all the right people. He may have gotten a little bit off his game with comments about the USS Liberty. I haven’t seen the comments so I don’t know what he said.
My wife is a friend of his and I told her to ask him. Will relay the answer when available.
Oh, I like this. INTEL!!!
Potential intel. It is my wife, who is not always on the same wavelength as me. Meaning she might not get around to it if she doesn’t think it’s urgent. We have stuff in boxes from when we moved here nine years ago (but I’m guilty as well) but …
I like Charlie. I wonder if maybe he’s getting “steered” by someone.
Apparently there are RINOs giving them lists of what they can talk about AND who they can associate with. So, give up his gig or tow the line. Awkward.
Oh, and when those not towing the line crashed their party, the TPUSA response was to SMEAR those questioning their positions as “white nationalists” AND say they should lose their accounts on Twitter!
It’s a tricky world out there. He had best keep his side-eye turned up to 11.
Twitter hoteps are a subculture of black conservatives who are extremely red-pilled. They tend to be super-wary of any form of leftism, liberalism, “help” from white America, or soft-pedaling of any kind of socially suspect thing which weakens black society. Thus, they tend toward extreme social conservatism – but at the same time, not paying homage to white conservative cultural values. It’s a bit like the Pepe crowd. Very culturally astute, yet not having any desire to be part of a cultural elite. Deplorables who shun the blinding problems of power totally get these guys.
It looks to me like they are seeing signs of RINO squishiness and CoC influence oozing into TPUSA. To call establishment Republicans Mensheviks is a bit harsh, but DAYUM, when I found out about Bill Kristol’s REAL Menshevik roots – DAYUM. I missed that totally. For DECADES. I’d be a piss-poor hotep for not having seen his pink diaper back in the 80’s or 90’s.
The thing is, maybe a year ago, when Candace Owens was still a rising star at TPUSA, some of the hoteps were starting to see signs of this stuff and commenting on it. I was a bit taken aback, but like I say, these folks take suspicion and observation to the next level. Thus, when Candace cut back on her commitments at TPUSA to concentrate more fully on Prager, I half suspected she had been worrying along the same lines.
This is not like calling TPUSA out as NeverTrump or anything that severe. But the hoteps are *very* sensitive to “disturbances in the MAGA force”. They do not hold back. They are about three levels of meta on everything – very deep (some would say cynical).
Like I say, they’re worth watching for their criticisms. Nobody will pick up sketchy shit faster than hoteps. Maybe people on the chans, but that is a minefield of disinfo.
Thanks…very interesting.
I was just doing a little checking, and yeah, Candice Owens hasn’t even mentioned TPUSA in a long time.
Her new hubby was/is a big part of the UK branch of TPUSA…called TPUK.
That’s how they met.
I wonder if he still is involved with TPUK now.
Hard so say. Candace is pretty Trumpian – which means “don’t run – kill the dragon and turn it’s scales into armor”. Which may mean you look like you’re running when you’re not, or you look like you’re staying to fight when you’re not.
You have to pick your battles, even if you think like Trump, but lots of options of shaping the battlefield by CHANGING REALITIES open up. It’s very Sun Tzu, because it opens an infinitude of ways to “win without battle”.
For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.
Candace is like Trump. She knows how to win and stay true, but others may not see it.
I watched a video about this just yesterday from Paul Joseph Watson. It does sound like the TPUSA group is getting clique-ish if you know what I mean. And in the end, it hurts Free Speech (at least this was PJW’s take on it). If I find it again I’ll try to link it with this note.
Oh, this is a GREAT video, and I urge people to watch it.
I am very blunt about the following:
The way to make “holocaust deniers” – almost ALL of whom are SECONDARY FOLLOWERS – go away, is absolutely NOT to ostracize and attack them, which gives the PRIMARY DENIERS (who are very few) validity. The way to deal with them is to CALMLY, POLITELY, and RESPECTFULLY educate them with FACTS – not PROPAGANDA – and to invite them into the ADVANCED DISCUSSION of the REALITIES of World War II and Nazi-era Europe.
Win the argument with the TRUTH. Don’t appeal to authority or PC propaganda rules.
When I was a kid, holocaust deniers were rare as hen’s teeth. The facts – from the US military, American military historians, and objective scholars of WWII – were sound, trustworthy, and convincing. There was NO political payload on any of it. But in the 1970’s, that changed. The subject of Nazi killings and genocide – which was TABOO to fictionalize – began to be both fictionalized and politicized. Hollywood was itching to do a Holocaust movie or series, and it finally happened.
Many of us who cared about preventing Nazism were very worried that the fictional made-for-television series “Holocaust” was a BAD IDEA. In retrospect, I now believe that we were RIGHT. It started a kind of brainwashing which began to create the CRACKS in American society that the SOCIALISTS needed.
Many of us were very worried that if the Holocaust became “all about the Jews”, it would actually make a RETURN of Nazis more likely. The NUMBERS THEMSELVES were not “all about the Jews”, even though Jews were the “biggest minority of victims” AND were also at the ABSOLUTE BOTTOM of Hitler’s “racial scale”. The diversity of Nazi victims showed that it was a DANGEROUS IDEOLOGY – not that it was purely driven by antisemitism, which it was not.
I really need to do a post on this stuff. Right now is the time to do the RIGHT THINGS to bring back the old American sensibility which PREVENTED Nazi-type antisemitism from finding ANY fertile ground in this country.
“The way to deal with them is to CALMLY, POLITELY, and RESPECTFULLY educate them with FACTS” – hasn’t that always been the right way to talk to those who seem like they have lost their way?
Thanks for your insight, I never thought about Holocaust Deniers in this way. Honestly, who would take these people seriously since there is A LOT of factual evidence. And yes, I remember a history friend of mine once told me that, yes, although roughly 6 million Jews were killed, over 10 million Christians were also killed (these were mainly from Russia) in total, mainly from Russia.
It’s sad to think that people don’t want to remember certain atrocities of man kind. If we erase these things from our memories, we risk the chance to repeat them.
From what I have gathered, it appears that TPUSA fully embraces all the gender madness and mass immigration, among other non-MAGA things.
When called out on this, since there is no way to defend these positions, they call their critics names.
That’s not going to work for them.
That’s the Left’s playbook.
Paul Joseph Watson did a video and it seems fair and balanced and yeah, they have a “squish” problem.
I strongly recommend the Paul Joseph Watson video. It’s the most balanced explanation of the Turning Point scandal that I’ve seen yet.
Excellent – thanks for that!
Thanks – this is AWESOME – amazingly good stuff, and important for future positioning.
” But what is all this hating on TPUSA and Charlie Kirk lately? ”
from where I sit , it resembles an AstroTurf wedge .
Tea Party Part 2.
TPUSA is enlightening and attracting the next generation with their “Socialism Sucks” mantra.
They must be damaged. I hope they survive and thrive and crush those that are trying to break them.
Yup. TPUSA is dangerous to the left.
They need a different approach with the Nick Fuentes types.
First of all, Holocaust doubters should not be treated as TOXIC, because that gives validity to the poison with which they were infected. Make the poison harmless by proving it’s WRONG.
Treat them as misled, deceived, ignorant of scholarly literature and military stats, etc., but don’t simply DECLARE IT – engage them in a war of truth and WIN.
Negating them by authoritarian means only validates their end-stage authoritarianism. Show they are WRONG with DATA and NUMBERS and SIMPLISTIC THINKING.
That “cookie math” Auschwitz stuff used by deniers is ridiculous. HOWEVER – and this is very important – there have always been left-leaning elements and “virtue grifters” who have tried to push holocaust death numbers higher than the evidence showed. ROOT THAT STUFF OUT. The real numbers are always all the more shocking in their REALITY.
Now is the time for EDUCATING on the Nazis. Trust me – a lot of the “Groypers” will walk away from denial stuff, back to a much healthier and realistic view of history.
BTW – the holocaust denial and flat earth stuff comes from the SAME STRANGE CLUB. Whoever is behind it, they don’t want the best for America.
Very interesting.
I had no idea about ANY of this controversy, or even heard of TPUSA, until a couple days ago.
I had seen the name Charlie Kirk, probably on Tweets posted either here or at Neon Revolt, but it just hasn’t been on my radar at all.
I watched a video this evening of a recent TPUSA event where Charlie Kirk and (apparently) a gay black guy took questions from the audience, and I think TPUSA is in big trouble, lol!
It was a disaster.
Charlie and the other guy looked like they belonged with the RINO / UniParty establishment.
Then I learned that TPUSA is apparently funded by the Koch Brother(s) and a couple other billionaires (Sheldon Adelson, maybe?) who appear to be the primary motivators behind TPUSA’s pro-immigration positions.
After reading multiple posts at Neon Revolt on TPUSA, and Andrew Torba’s article (here: https://news.gab.com/2019/10/30/the-america-first-right-vs-the-gatekeeper-right/ ), this appears to be a very one-sided battle, and TPUSA isn’t going to win it.
It doesn’t look like TPUSA has a leg to stand on.
Thank you for this! VERY helpful.
I’m not taking sides but hasn’t anyone heard our president talking about immigration and how he thinks it’s the cat’s meow. Maybe it’s all a fake because current US immigration policy does not seem too welcoming of immigrants. Charlie could be parroting what he sees and hears from our president.
As far as gender crap, somebody probably told him it was a good idea to team up with a black queer so he did. Got in over his head and couldn’t see the sky (surfer nightmare). Queers are way too egotistical and preening – I avoid ’em and I sure as hell won’t team with ’em. Too much drama for these old bones.
Plus, Charlie’s a young ‘un. Gotta take that into the mix.
Those are all reasonable points that could explain it away, but I think their corporate sponsorship (and the political track record of their corporate sponsorship) is going to be impossible to explain away.
It seems a lot of well-meaning conservatives get roped into supporting all the LGBTQ-LMNOP stuff because if they don’t, they are called the most vicious names the Left can think of, marginalized, and de-platformed or de-monetized (in every sense of the word).
Once your values and principles are tied to an enterprise that pays your bills… and you GOTTA pay your bills… principles and values can start changing.
This is why the independents are able to so freely speak their minds and stick to principle, while those who are attached to organizations (money) are always being compromised.
For whatever reason, the big money people are ALL either on the Left, or with the UniParty CoC.
If there is any ultra-rich political conservative (or traditionalist, which is a term some people are using to distance themselves from the modern establishment ‘conservative’ movement) who stands on Christian values and principles, I don’t know who that would be. Is there even a single one?
Meanwhile, the enemy has sponsors and donors lining up around the block.
Every ‘new’ organization on the right is ripe for being co-opted once they ‘break through’ and start having success, because the ‘big money’ people can just sit back and wait to see who emerges from the scrum, and then offer to sponsor them.
Once that first ‘hook’ is in, more hooks are certain to follow.
This is probably why every historically conservative organization I can think of eventually totally abandons its original ‘mission’ and becomes practically indistinguishable from the Left, in deed if not in word.
It’s the independents (by which I mean conservatives or traditionalists who are not attached to any larger organization employing them, e.g., primarily on youtube or blogs) and those who are decentralized (e.g., alt-right generally, 4-chan and 8-chan, etc.), or even us here, who can easily maintain conviction and principle, because there is no pressure from an employer to do otherwise.
It’s the people in the MIDDLE, or in TRANSITION from ‘independent’ status to ‘big money/organization’ status who are getting caught in the crossfire.
Hypocrisy is deadly to the Independents, because their audience will turn on them and devour them (or abandon them) very quickly if their audience senses hypocrisy.
But those who have already successfully transitioned into more ‘mainstream’ organizations are no longer beholden to their audience, they are beholden to their ‘big money’ employer, and that path usually (always?) leads to the same place — compromising values and principles.
Apparently Candace Owens is now distancing herself from TPUSA, where (apparently) she was once more closely associated with them.
She has to make a choice.
Either go full ‘establishment GOPe / UniParty’ gravy train, or stay true to conviction and principle with the grassroots / base.
Can’t do both!
I don’t think the big money people are all on the left. I think there are people with big money who believe it would be unethical to bribe others to adopt their views. And I believe there are big money people who honestly believe this is ineffective because anyone you influence is unlikely to remain loyal.
“I don’t think the big money people are all on the left. I think there are people with big money who believe it would be unethical to bribe others to adopt their views.”
It takes money to be in the game. You don’t get a seat at the table without having ante.
The Left has millionaires and billionaires lining up as far as the eye can see to support their team.
The right?
Unless it’s the Koch Brother(s) and similar who are not on the Right at all, they’re just UniParty CoC sellouts.
That leaves NOBODY to support and defend either God’s Word or the Constitution and the rule of Law.
“And I believe there are big money people who honestly believe this is ineffective because anyone you influence is unlikely to remain loyal.”
But if it was ineffective, then why is it so effective for the Left?
Why is it so effective for Georgie Boy Soros?
They manipulate and control the culture through money, and they are able to do so without any opponent of like or similar kind, like a Super Bowl Champion caliber team playing against nobody, marching up and down the field lackadaisically, because why not? There’s no hurry for the quarterback to get his pass off, when there is no defensive line on the field to rush.
It’s a completely one-sided game, because only one side takes the field.
And that side isn’t our side.
” I think there are people with big money who believe it would be unethical to bribe others to adopt their views.”
But that sounds like the MOACO.
The Mother of All Cop Outs.
Does the military not get paid?
Is the military bribed to do their job?
Why would there be any need to bribe anyone?
If you fight for what you believe in, and your cause is righteous, won’t others follow because they believe in the cause?
Isn’t that what the Left does? Look at all the NPCs and the Eco-idiots, are they not true believers? They weren’t bribed, they guzzled the purple Kool-Aid like it was going out of style.
Imagine what would happen if anybody with the financial resources to do so, actually stood up for what is good and right and true, as opposed to all the degeneracy and mind-numbing idiocy the Left does?
People need money. The principles of work and being paid for work are well established in Scripture, as is hiring people to do labor.
How would it be wrong or unethical to actually fight for our country by opposing every last thing the enemies of our country are doing, and enlisting (and paying) those on our side who are willing to fight?
It’s not like we have to reinvent the wheel, either.
Imagine what someone with Soros’ wealth could do, for the cause of truth, for what is good, even if all he or she did was MIRROR the bad guys, observing whatever tactics the bad guys are using, and set up an opposing presence in the same combat theater.
A counterpoint to the CoC.
A counterpoint to Leftist online paid trolls.
A counterpoint to Twitter that is not controlled by Leftists traitors (Gab is working on that).
A counterpoint to youtube that is not controlled by Leftist traitors
A counterpoint to Facebook that is not controlled by Leftist traitors.
A counterpoint to Amazon and eBay that is not controlled by Leftist traitors.
A counterpoint to the NYT and WaPo that is not controlled by Leftist traitors (Epoch Times is working on it, but they’re tiny)
A counterpoint to Hollyweird that is not controlled by Leftist traitors.
A counterpoint to Lawfare Blog that is not controlled by Leftist traitors.
A counterpoint to SPLC and the ACLU and every other corrupt Leftist traitor organization.
A counterpoint to The Black Caucus and the Hispanic Caucus and every other protected class, in the name of ACTUAL EQUALITY, as opposed to the ridiculous racial and sexual deviance protection racket caste system we have today.
A counterpoint to CBS/NBC/ABC/NPR/CNN/MSLSD/Fraud News (OANN is working on it, but again, they are tiny).
A counterpoint to the U.N.!!!
A counterpoint to the wholly corrupt American Bar Association.
A counterpoint to the unions, organizations that actually represent membership instead of the Leftist Democrat Party.
A counterpoint to the corrupt Red Cross and all the other bogus and corrupt ‘charities’ that appear to be little more than human trafficking and money laundering conduits.
This is just a short list.
As you can see, even in the few places where we have a toe-hold, it’s only clinging to life against overwhelming opposition.
Why is that?
Why is EVERYTHING against the American People, against our culture, against our heritage, against our traditions, against our values and ideals, against the Constitution, against God and Christ?
It’s because the enemy spends VAST amounts of money, putting pressure on EVERY front, ALL the time.
What is unethical about fighting back?
If there are actually uber-wealthy people on our side, on the side of truth, on the side of the Constitution, on the side of America, are they too ethical to fight?
Or is it just an excuse?
The thing about people with money, depending on their moral code, their goal is to maintain and grow their wealth. Many of them will choose political sides based on that. Not all, but more than one person I know of, or had contact with sometime in the past, switched parties or went independent based on that.
“The thing about people with money, depending on their moral code, their goal is to maintain and grow their wealth. Many of them will choose political sides based on that.”
No Christians, then?
There should be at least a few… maybe not many, but a few.
Joseph of Arimethea was one.
“When the even was come, there came a rich man of Arimathaea, named Joseph, who also himself was Jesus’ disciple:” (Matthew 27:57)
This an unforced error on the part of TPUSA.
Embracing social liberalism (seeing LBGTXYZ as good, normalizing it) is a big mistake and wrong as hell.
Boy Scouts, churches, etc. have been taken in by the LBGTXYZ (we are victims, born that way, can’t help it) indoctrination propaganda. So have the people in charge OT.
You can be sure that Scott Pressler is motivated equally or more so to justify and glorify his orientation than by concern for the people living in the trash piles of Democrat run cities.
Same with the other ‘gay patriots’ and ‘ gayconservatives.’
The gay is good ideology is evil – and creepy as all get out – and opens the door to drag story hours for children, pedophilia as an orientation and all sorts of evil.
Hopefully, Trump sees and understands the scientific, statistical, spiritual and Scriptural truth about these lifestyles/behaviors.
I think that Trump is aiming square at the eventual optimal spot with his decriminalization approach.
As we have seen – the alphabet activists don’t stop at decriminalization or tolerance/live/let live.
They want to be approved, celebrated with national holidays, making every soldier wear a rainbow ribbon and access to children’s minds and bodies.
I know whereof I speak – having grown up in a family that embraced Kinsey and all of his tenets and sick agenda.
It seems to be a replay of the rise and fall of Ben Stein, Jonah Goldberg, Matt Drudge or half the staff of National Review. It appears it is very difficult for these young political commentators to resist the siren call of power and playing in the big pool. It gives me a greater appreciation for the steadfastness of Limbaugh and a few others. It is almost as though these young folk need mentors who will give them advice about avoiding the rocks and shoals of elitism. Also points out the singular character of our President.
Of course I meant Ben Shapiro not Ben Stein. It shows how fast I forget their names when they run aground.
Another aspect of this TPUSA thing is that it’s exposed a lot of “conservative” blue checkmarks for the phonies that they are. I’m deeply skeptical of e-celebs and controlled opposition, but some of the names I’ve seen calling for de-platforming and generally acting ugly shocked even me. Here are some lowlights:
Conservatism is “preserving liberalism” according to the Ben Shapiro crowd:
Sebastian Gorka exposed as a hypocrite for the umpteenth time (remember when Q called out his phony MAGA foundation earlier this summer?):
The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft complains about “conspiracy theories” and then links to a Leftist blog post supporting de-platforming. Sad. I expected better from The Gateway Pundit.
Hate tweet round-up:
Yeah, I had to jump in there. Deniers are not my favorite people, but I have to defend his free speech.
This is the most devastating video I’ve seen on Charlie Kirk yet:
That’s firing me up. On the thread…..
Dayum … marionettes on parade …

Idjits … lippy idjits ..
This is interesting:
It’s more than interesting IMO.
I’d say invigorating. Or maybe intoxicating. Or both.
I wonder if they are actually testilying, or pleading the 5th.
…. ummmmm … hot and ready …
Ha! I just read over at the GatewayPundit that President Trump is considering reading the full transcript of the Ukraine phone call in a fireside chat to the American people. Can you imagine the splodey heads?
I’d LOVE to hear Sebastian Gorka read the Ukrainian president’s parts.
Exploding heads indeed.
Well, if Liddle Adam Schitt can do a fake “reenactment” on the floor of the House, then we should be able to have actors “perform” the call from the actual transcript.
“Action November” <– Love it…we need some action for the good guys.

Love that picture of the Ospreys and Marine One over NYC.
Awesome picture!
And love me some 'Mississippi Queen'!
Thanks, Daughn.
Check out THIS VERSION!!!
Some great guitar riffs while still staying faithful to the original.
that’s gotta sting….bwahahahahahahaha
… rookies is grass … ohhhh yeah …

…. TOOKIS ….

… bane as a curative on WP …
… hmmm … wp auto correct … need Wolf‘s
1 n poisonous Eurasian perennial herb with broad rounded leaves and yellow flowers and fibrous rootstock
Usage Examples
All SourcesFictionArts / CultureNewsBusinessSportsScience / MedTechnology
He chewed on the wolfbane powder until it mixed with the saliva of his mouth, then he swallowed.
Locke, Robert Donald
And for wolfbane and hellbore and all other hideous herbs that witches brew in their caldrons.
Obama was shaking down Ukraine, Durham knows.
Over the Target
And we know why Obama said this:
“It sounds like @BarackObama is telling people don’t be surprised when it comes out that he was in charge of the coup against @realDonaldTrump.”
Don’t worry, Hussein.
I won’t be surprised.
Any last words?
I’m surprised.
Surprised he’d own up to it.
He’s just cracking under the pressure, trying to soften the blow against himself, trying to prepare his NPCs for sympathy instead of anger.
My dad is an 0bola worshiper, as is my niece. I don’t expect her to ever change but my dad can sometimes see reason. I wonder what he’ll think as all this goes down?
Yup. He had the FAKE NEWS and the DEEP STATE with their FAKE NORMAL and FAKE REALITY to protect him.
Funny how that ain’t working no more.
#SovietObama #ScrewYouJonah #TheCommiesWillAnswer #AllTheWayToJFK
Minor problem with all those names….
James Comey did not start at the FBI until 2013.
Michael Morrell was higher up on the food chain than Brennan at the time at CIA.
Also, no mention of Valerie Jarrett.
Brennan, I am sure was involved, but the details need to be kept straight.
Mississippi Queen…more cow bell
Haven’t heard that song in decades, Funny how the lyrics flashed through my mind as I read the title. Music gets in your soul and stays with you forever. We used to have the Very best ROCK music back in the day, what happened??

All hail our very own Mississippi Queen, Luv ya Miss Daughn!!
Yeah, I was gonna say – CODE NAME ASSIGNED!!!

“We used to have the Very best ROCK music back in the day, what happened?”
“Video killed the radio star” was the first song/video ever played on MTV, and they weren’t kidding.
Music is fundamentally about hearing.
You can watch a video with the sound turned off.
But you can’t listen to your stereo with the sound turned off
With video, the emphasis, by default, is on the EYES, not the ears.
The eye is also much easier to fool than the ear.
And the advent of computerized music / synthesizers / drum machines changed the very sound of popular music. I remember when it was happening, and it was jarring. I couldn’t stand it.
It used to be that the people who ‘made it’ in music did it the hard way, spending years in obscurity, playing small venues and bars, while learning their instrument(s) and their craft, before they ever broke through.
With MTV, all that changed.
Put on a weird flamboyant outfit, get some drum machines and synthesizers going, bounce around the stage like you’re recording an aerobic exercise routine, and you could go from nobody to worldwide pop-star overnight.
No real musicianship required.
How do we know this is more or less true?
Much of the music before MTV has stood the test of time.
Most of the music from the MTV era, has not.
That doesn’t mean people can’t or shouldn’t like MTV era music, if that was what you listened to when you were young, that nostalgia will always be there, it’s part of your ‘life soundtrack’.
But the MTV era music doesn’t seem to appeal nearly as broadly as the music that came before it.
Actually, it was the Monkeys TV show that made music videos popular. And they put into place the business model that began the decline of rock music. Because the Monkeys were created to populate the TV show, most of their songs were created by others. And because of the demands of filming the TV show, they spent little time in the recording studio, doing primarily vocals. This created a model whereby the producers could obtain far more control over the creative aspects of music, and led to a gradual decline in the importance of collective efforts by groups of musicians. That decline accelerated dramatically when US laws changed to allow the consolidation of ownership of radio stations across the US, because at that point control over both production and distribution of music became possible.
Another major component of the decline of rock music is the widespread use of “quantization.” Quantization is the use of digital tools to smooth out the rough edges in musical recordings. Hence, quantization is the reason why so much “rock” music is now produced without the need for drummers and with the harmonization of vocals done digitally as opposed to having groups of singers working together.
Here’s an excellent explanation of quantization:
Oh man… this is horrible, much worse than I even knew about.
I used to spend a lot of time on the Steve Hoffman website, he is a mastering engineer who specialized in mostly classic rock (but also Jazz and other genres) reissues.
He was (and is) very ‘sensitive’ to the ‘loudness wars’ and ‘brickwall filtering’ and ‘compression’ and all the other digital tricks that suck the LIFE out of music.
The earliest digital transfers to CD of 60s and 70s classic rock music that were done in the early 1980s were basically straight transfers, often from the tape that was equalized for LP, without messing around with anything, because the digital tools (like ‘Pro Tools’) didn’t exist yet.
This is why so many of the original CD issues of 60s and 70s classic rock on CD from the early 1980s sound so much more ‘natural’ than remastered reissues of the same music from the 1990s and 2000s.
What Steve Hoffman did (and does) is AVOID all of the digital processing that makes music sound digital and lifeless, AND he does everything possible to acquire the original Master Tape, as opposed to the copy tapes (second or third generation, which each successive generation losing fidelity) that are normally used… because big corporations DON’T CARE ABOUT THE MUSIC, so they use whatever tape is most convenient.
So for example, Hoffman was commissioned to remaster Jethro Tull’s ‘Aqualung’ in the early or mid 1990s for the DCC reissue label, which Hoffman worked for and/or partly owned. They released their reissues on 24K gold plated CDs, like Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs (MFSL) did.
But Hoffman wouldn’t do the work until he had the actual original Master Tape. It took several years to get it. The studio kept sending him different copy tapes, and he kept sending them back. Eventually the original was found in Ian Anderson’s (lead singer for Jethro Tull) possession, IIRC. Anderson agreed to send the original master tape to Hoffman.
Hoffman has the old playback machines for mastering, I think “Studer” is one of the equipment names, all-tube electronics, with the equalization curves and other adjustments set to what they were originally in the 1960s and 1970s, before everything was transistorized.
So he has the original master tape, and he is playing it back on vintage tube equipment, and ‘mastering’ the music to sound as it sounded originally, as the artist intended. If he is doing an LP reissue, he equalizes for LP, and if he is doing a CD reissue, he equalizes for digital, but he uses NO artificial compression, unless compression was used in the original recording. He uses NO brickwall filters. And the music ‘breathes’ and causes no listening fatigue, because the dynamic range was left INTACT, instead of having everything at the same volume level, so the softest parts are lower in volume, and the loudest parts are louder in volume, as real music is, but UNLIKE most digitally mastered music today, which is squashed and compressed so that every note and transient is the same volume level.
I’m sure I’m not describing some of this with technical accuracy, and I may not be using all of the correct terminology, I’m not a mastering engineer and I have never used the digital manipulation tools, but I spent a lot of time on the music forums learning about what was ‘wrong’ with the sound of modern music and most modern reissues of classic rock music, for the purpose of seeking out the best ‘sounding’ versions of my favorite music.
Most if not all of Hoffman’s remasters are long out of print now, so you have to find them on places like eBay, where they might cost anywhere from $30 to $200 depending on the title. To get the kind of control he needed to ‘do it right’, they would have to negotiate and buy the rights upfront, for a specific quantity of CDs (or occasionally LPs) produced, usually 5,000 units or less. Then they would recoup their investment from the sales. So by its nature, it was always a ‘limited edition’ scenario, but the results were usually worth it, because most of Hoffman’s remasters sound better than any other digital version. There are some SACDs and other hi-rez reissues that occasionally beat Hoffman’s efforts, and there are some original Japan or West German CD pressings (first commercial CD pressing plants in the world) from 1981-1982 that are as good or slightly better, but you can hardly ever go wrong with a Steve Hoffman mastered reissue/remaster.
Steve Hoffman was one of the few who loved the music from the 60s and 70s enough to want to do it right, and because he was essentially an ‘independent’, he could do it RIGHT without corporate higher-ups calling the shots, which is what usually happens to even the best mastering engineers in the business besides Hoffman.
But brickwall filtering and compression issues are bad enough. What the guy in the video you posted is talking about is a complete manipulation of the music itself. It is purposely removing the HUMAN ELEMENT, the very lack of human imprecision that imparts ‘feeling’ and ‘life’, the sense of a real musician playing in a real space, and replaces it with digital ‘perfection’ that removes the human element.
It’s BORG music!
Practically muzak!
And now I understand the term ‘flying in’ that was referenced in your video. That term was used a lot on the Steve Hoffman music forum years ago when I used to spend a lot of time there, but I didn’t really understand it until now.
The way they record a chorus ONCE, and then just DUPLICATE it digitally for every other place in the song is like assembly-line manufacturing of music, which isn’t music at all, it’s a facsimile at best.
For example, in ‘real’ music, each chorus that is sung SOUNDS unique — maybe a little louder with more emphasis on the last chorus than the first, for example — because each chorus was sung as part of a musical WHOLE, and real human beings don’t perfectly and exactly duplicate the chorus each time, the way the computerized / digitized music does.
One of the things that MAKES music enjoyable is the sense of ‘liveness’, even the in-studio recordings, because real people — warts and all — are singing and performing. That’s why they would do MULTIPLE takes, sometimes even 20 or 30, or more, before they got the one that everybody said “that’s IT!”.
On many of the deluxe box set reissues of class albums coming out in recent years, they include multiple takes, which are fascinating to listen to, to see how the song developed, as they worked on it, or changed one thing or the other, and how they arrived at ‘the one’.
And most of the time, they did choose the best ‘take’ that ended up on the official album. You can hear the difference between the extra ‘something’ in the best take, and the comparatively ‘flat’ or uninspired takes.
But digitizing everything and digitally ‘fixing’ everything so that it is mathematically ‘perfect’ but devoid of the HUMAN element is… it’s a desecration of the art form.
This video explained a lot, thanks very much for posting it
edit / correction: “It is purposely removing the HUMAN ELEMENT, the very lack of human
imprecisionperfection that imparts ‘feeling’ and ‘life’,”edit / correction: “On many of the deluxe box set reissues of
classclassic albums coming out in recent years…”You should dig into Rick Beato’s stuff. I think you would like it.
Oh, and by the way, my original Aqualung LP is in excellent condition. And I have MFSL LP of Songs From the Wood, which is my favorite Tull album.
Almost like it was planned…
Videos were a sales tool.
And truthfully, the big decline started about 5 years after MTV, IMO. By that time, a lot of the really good groups had broken up, and the corporate people were insisting on little to no creativity.
Hey Wolfie and crew!!!! Just a quick note of Praise to God!!!! Daughter had her baby tonite!!!! Lil Reese was born 11/1 –3 minutes after midnite!!! Momma and baby are GREAT!!! MIMI is Ecstatic! #Lovineveryminuteofit!!!

Hallelujah!! Congratulations MIMI!!! How exciting!! More babies to love, play with, and enjoy, then send back home to Mom. Best time of life! Luv ya Marica!!!

Bren… posted this song…and yeah this happened tonite!!! I got no words!!!
(wouldn’t want you to run out)
OZZY! You are a………….darlin!!!!

I Love you t3!!! thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tonite!!! GOD ROCKED …MY WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ya made my might T3!!!!!
You got to see a miracle. That should make anyone’s night!
Congratulations, Marica!

And to the proud parents as well!
Grandbabies are such a blessing!
And…So amazing…to see LIFE!!
WONDERFUL news!!!! Glad all are doing well!
God!! is SO GOOD!!! I am humbled!!…
Big congratulations! <3 <3 <3
Praise God indeed!
I cannot..tell ya’ll how…it takes…my breath..away!!!
You have waited patiently, Now its time to hold that soft new Baby !
My granddaughter is named Reese, and her birthday is today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How crazy is that?
Congratulations Marcia … God bless Momma and new baby girl Reese … fresh from heaven into her family’s loving embrace …

3 minutes after midnight is VERY GOOD…
It is tough to be a Halloween baby!
Many, multiple congratulations, but you gotta explain something to me.
How did you get to be a grandma at 25?
Awwww thanks Steve!

Very happy for you and your family, Marica!
Be sure to show your appreciation to your congress critters during their visits “home.”
Yeah, I’m up late. Got a week off from squeaky-early mornings.
This is what MAGA looks like.
Said the Governor with the 72% approval rating, Ron De Santis!
1st Reply

How about an entire new state govt. Seriously…
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
The Obamas’ mansion is retarded.
Currently the craze for the über-wealthy is pure-white interiors.
The kitchen looks like a sarcastic art installation, a morgue-church.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
What a lovely view of the breakwater.
And the lawn mowed with a steamroller.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
God almighty.
A $15-million monument to tackiness.
A Swiss chalet wicked-witch castle.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
More of the steamrollered lawn.
Look at all the wasted space inside the house.
High ceilings are for primitive people with no taste.
They’re like the land-diving towers of New Guineans. The higher the ceiling-tower, the more significant the person.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
That’s nice. A backwards fireplace for heating the entire outdoors.
And it’s made of crappy imitation paving stones.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
A seawater swimming pool with undergrowth scratching against your shoulders when you sit on the chaise lounges.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
This place will require round-the-clock maintenance.
Trees next to the pool means leaves in the water every day, and the shingle roof will have to be repaired yearly.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Look at the CABLES with turnbuckles, like in the engine room of a freighter.
And everything that isn’t glaring white is the exact color or cement or Asiago cheese.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
If this table were filled, nobody could hear anybody else.
And at nighttime, all the windows would be reflecting back at you.
It would be like being in a funhouse, except without the fun.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
An Asiago-cheese pool table.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Ugliest ceiling ever built.
Totally institutionalized, like in a mental hospital.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Again, nobody could hear anyone if they sat in these chairs.
Everyone would have to scream.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Nobody could sleep a wink in this horrifying master bedroom.
Freezing-cold floor, like a paved road, and demented angle to the ceiling.
It would be like being outside and inside simultaneously, in a dystopian city from a Joker movie.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Sure. You’re going to sit in these chairs in your master bedroom and read or talk.
No. You’re going to spend the least amount of time as possible in this place.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
This Asiago-cheese color would drive anyone insane.
You’d start smelling cheese everywhere you went in the mansion.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
This entire area would need refinishing every year.
You’d have workmen and women at your house every single day, all year round.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
A lovely torture cell for the kiddies.
Lying in there at night, this is what you’d hear.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
The party room!
Nothing like cement-gray to put guests in a festive mood.
Thomas Wictor
And a final glimpse of the steamrolled lawn.
The Obamas got SCREWED.
Funniest thing I ever saw.
Parvenu: a person of obscure origin who has gained wealth, influence, or celebrity.
HGTV on steroids.
It’s not everyone’s taste, I am sure, but I do like the master bath and the kitchen. A few color pops would help it.
where there pictures? i wanna see this monstrosity!
The pictures are in moderation
can’t wait!!!!!!
HERE – https://social.quodverum.com/@ThomasWic/103060837465738148
ozzy – please give us live links.
LOL…this is hysterical…hopefully this is the “real estate agent’s” pictures–and they have personalized the home. I mean when you sell, don’t you try to keep everything in neutral tones, so you can picture your own colors and such?
I like white walls myself because I love to display loads of pix. paintings etc…but it really is a bizarre home.
in the comments, someone said they loved the dunk tank (one person jacuzzi?) LOL
I’ll tell you one thing, all those tile floors (master bedroom with a tile floor!?!) are gonna SUCK when it’s 25 degrees in January.
Maggie @MaggieMoore
Oh, this is funny!
My (much smaller) childhood home was in a similar location but along the Long Island shore.
1. First full moon high tide, the lawn is dead.
2. First good hurricane, they’ll have an indoor pool.
3. First evening spent outside, they’ll be eaten alive by mosquitoes.
4. First walk to the beach, they’ll contract Lyme Disease (it’s a Lyme-endemic area).
5. First year maintenance cost: more than the house is worth.
Knowing it’s the Obama’s: priceless
Watched the new movie, Harriet this past evening.
Very moving portayal of a woman of courage, conviction and intense spirituality.
Tracks beautifully with what Candace Owens is saying here.
Candace, kids cannot learn when their homes are dangerous war/crime/battle zones with a lot of drugs/sex/loud music/hateful bad ideas and bad role models.
I like to remind gun grabbers that even Harriet Tubman needed a gun to do her job. It breaks the programming.
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John Minford, #SunTzu 9: 30 “Words of peace, but no treaty, are a sign of a plot.”
In his hope and change campaign, Obama offered all of us words of peace, but there was no treaty. When he promised us we could keep our plan or doctor if we liked them, these were words of peace but followed by no treaty.There’s another word for all this: lies. Promises broken.
Today, Warren tells us we need Major Structural Change. She too is attempting to cover her raw socialism in words of peace – no one should be without healthcare insurance – but you may be assured there will be no treaty to follow. I am sad today, and I’ll explain.
Countless times I’ve expressed the evil power of the Communist Manifesto over the history of the world since its 1848 publication. We do not have a Democrat Party in America anymore. We have a Communist Party rising. Sure, Socialism. Those are words of peace without a treaty.
Once elected, should she be so, can you assure me Warren will not enforce her will over our Second Amendment, and surround your home with her federal police, coming to take your weapons away? How long will it take her to destroy, to outlaw all private health insurance?
What about the Executive Pen? How long will it take her to write crippling requirements decimating our economy? If you don’t see that she may instigate the 2nd Civil War, you’re not looking carefully enough. Tom Paine, in 1776 told us that these are the times the try men’s souls.
Are you ready? I’m not. I have not protected my home against a shutdown of electricity. I do not have survival skills. I do not have a stock pile of canned food and gold or bullets to be exchanged. I am not a warrior with a weapon in my hands. I am not ready.
I live in a gated community. I am not ready for the gate to be overwhelmed, and neither are my gatekeepers. They’re wonderful people, but they depend upon the police. If a President Warren turned our police against us, what would we old timers in our gated community do?
We don’t know how to provide ourselves with water, food, or healthcare. President Warren need but threaten our prescriptions and will we meekly comply…or die? I mean that with question with 100% literalness. Am I ready to die rather than to comply? I wish I knew I was.
Thank Heaven, we’re not quite there yet. We do still enjoy a President Trump and have time to assess our weaknesses and strengths. We still have time to address our Republican Senate and assure them, they dare NOT betray us, or they will absolutely face our wrath.
Think it through, carefully. Have you actually faced the fact that Socialism is offering words of peace with us – as the thin varnish on the face of Communism – and that this is the direction of the Democrat Party, and of its Media collaborators? Have you faced that?
I beg you, please, let go of all denial or resistance. Even as we took comfort from Reagan’s leadership – and then followed with complacency through HW, Clinton, W, and Obama – we let them steel America’s greatness. Now, we are ready to reap the harvest unless we rise up.
Perhaps election 2020, when we re-elect Trump and provide him with an ironclad House and Senate, we’ll save the day. But if we allow the Republican Senators to drop the line, to turn on us, to vote to oust our President, then we will have lost America in that moment.
There’s no peace treaty coming, friends. Only the show of force at our doors demanding first our guns, and then our persons for internment camps since we resist the new order. It is that serious.
If there’s a single action to take right now, it is to reach out directly to your Republican Senator (I don’t have one, here in Virginia). Let each and every Republican Senator know that holy hellfire and brimstone will fall upon him if he abandons us now.
And if you haven’t yet, read our Constitution. Read Tom Paine’s Common Sense. And yes, read my book, too:
But most of all, beyond all else, please: DO NOT BELIEVE in the words of peace. There will be no treaty to follow. Don’t buy their lies. Know that the only way forward is reclaim the entire Constitution for ourselves, and to vote upon its basis
I’m enjoying this dude immensely. Especially as he applies sun tzu to maga and Potus. I hesitate to clog up all the posts though. Heavens know I post enough stuff already
You CANNOT post too much strategy on these pages!!!
He explains so much re old fashioned weopnary and human nature
Ozzy , can you provide source link please ?
Thank you Ozzy for keeping everyone focused on what is really important.
The sobering reality we face IF we don’t light a fire under our Representatives in Congress.
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Pasquale “Pat” Scopelliti
Sep 26th 2019, 30 tweets, 18 min read Read on Twitter
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John Minford, #SunTzu 9: 28 “Strong words, coupled with an aggressive advance, are a sign of impending retreat.”
As I write, today is 26 September 2019, the Democrats are set to commence Impeachment formally with a vote. If they do, @realDonaldTrump will enter that short list of American Presidents ever to suffer the process. Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton preceded.
mentions Have you read the transcription of the Ukraine conversation? I have. And, I’ve discussed it with my Democrat friends. It amazes me how subjective it has all become. To them, he’s just a crook, a liar, a cheater and a scumbag. To me, he’s a hero. There you have the divide.
mentions They here the drumbeat of his criminal action and accept it at face value. And, until I tell them, they know absolutely nothing about Joe or Hunter Biden’s activities, and really don’t care after I tell them. There again, you have the divide.
mentions And this brings us to the question of the MAGA movement. The same question really, as was faced by the Tea Party movement before us, that paved our path for us. Can we defeat the swamp? Which is to say, can we defeat the Republican portion of the swamp?
mentions We are allowed to reject Democrat leadership all day long. They’re nothing to us. We must NOT reject, however, our fellow Democrat patriot Americans. They are our brothers and sisters. Neither leadership – who are evil – or Democrat Americans – who are NOT evil – are our problem.
mentions No, our only real problem is Republican leadership. Will they stand behind @POTUS? Will they stand behind us? Or, will they, like the evil John McCain flashing his vile, happy thumbs down vote, betray us once again? That is OUR question. We MUST ask it.
mentions Not only is this impeachment a thing of NO threat whatsoever for us, from the Democrats, it comes close to assuring Trump’s victory, as long as the Republican leadership stands with us, something they only rarely do. If the Republicans are united, we win.
mentions We defeat the Impeachment, we win back the House, we increase our position in the Senate to a 60+ supermajority and we get a 2nd term for our President. In the 2nd term, we lay the true foundation for the MAGA movement forward for decades to come.
mentions But I can tell you, if I was a NeverTrumper, I would absolutely join the Democrats against Trump. I’d anoint a new President Pence and I would care one whit if was elected in 2020 or if Elizabeth Warren was. Why not? Why not? The answer is easy.
mentions VP Pence is someone that I – in my scenario self as a NeverTrumper – can do business with. And, ANY Democrat President can also work just fine, no problem, we’re good. My globalist dreams can return, and all will be well. Besides, Americans have dominated too long, anyway.
mentions All this bluster and aggression. It simply hinges 100% on whether or not our majority in the Senate will hold with loyalty to us. And why is this? It is simple and clear. The Democrats have understood, there is NO OTHER WAY to defeat @POTUS. Period.
mentions Oh yes, these are strong words, coupled with a very aggressive advance indeed. But if for once the Republican leadership stood with us, we’d soon see the Democrat’s complete retreat. They don’t have a single candidate in Trump’s league. Not one.
mentions The Democrats have essentially already lost the election in 2020 and are extorting their only political – NOT LEGAL – strategy to wrest victory from the jaws of defeat by way of their Republican counterparts’ complicity and betrayal. Now, let’s get down to the real power.
mentions When I speak with my Democrat friends, I am mighty. I don’t fight where they have no open thoughts. Where they do, I don’t fight too hard. But I never surrender to their certainty, their attempt at certainty. We both laugh a lot. We laugh at ourselves. We laugh at each other.
mentions I am mighty because my Democrat friends leave the conversation a bit less scared about the future, knowing they have a friend on the other side who respects them. I am mighty. I have power. And so do you. You must NOT allow anyone to take away your joy and faith.
mentions I saw a headline this very morning about a “subdued” President moping about the White House. Do you believe that? I do not. Not for one moment. An enraged President fuming about the White House I would accept and support as well. Subdued? Malarkey.
mentions I can tell you this, I won’t be subdued, and I demand that you not be subdued either. These strong words and aggressive advances must be rejected, repulsed, laughed at, and countered with confidence, boldness, and readiness to face the reality whatever it turns out to be.
mentions We have no enemies among the Democrats, other than the leadership who are everyone’s enemies. No, the only enemies that matter are Republican turncoats, traitors to their districts, responsibilities, and turncoats to America Herself.
mentions Can we learn from the Tea Party’s weaknesses? I hope so. But if not, and if MAGA fails, another Common Sense American Party will arise in the wake of our failure. We’ve progressed since 2010. The future is ours if we win it. I say, let’s win it.
mentions And I say, beware ye Republican Senators. Should you betray us, your constituents, you will face an American Wrath you cannot imagine. Your Democrat and globalist friends will no longer be able to, nor care to defend or protect you from our righteous indignation.
mentions No one stands behind those who betray their calling. The joy of corrupt inducement is momentary. The Wrath of America Herself will last forever if you betray us yet again. Beware. Beware. Beware.
mentions One by one, slowly so slowly, we will build a new force in America, dedicated to the sole mission of living up to the MAGA mission that @realDonaldTrump created for us. One team at a time, with Master Sun’s guidance, we will create #100kMAGATeams, with #100kMAGALeaders.
mentions Go ahead, you Republican Traitor Senators, Impeach our President with your Democrat Globalist brothers and sisters in arms against America. Go for it. Perhaps that is what we Americans need to come, at last, fully awake. If so, so be it. Or…
mentions Or… you may join us, your American constituents, we who give you power on our behalf, you may join with us and together we may laugh at the defeat that our internal enemies’ demise, together. Their strong words and aggressive advances seen for what they are.
mentions Friends, fellow Master Sun followers, I say this to you, now. Let the Republican leaders do what they may. They’ll either stand with us or against us. That’s their choice. Our choice is to self-organize and build true MAGA teams in either case. We’ll be needed, no matter what.
mentions Impeachment of our beloved @POTUS? I laugh it off. I laugh until I rage, as it is impossible unless we suffer a Republican leadership betrayal. And in that case, my laughter will end. In that case, my war against the Republican leadership will enter a very different phase.
mentions Be absolutely clear, my friends. We’ve already won, unless Republican leaders betray us. To the degree you can, you may want to let them know, if they betray us, they will suffer. If they stand firm, we will reward them with our gratitude and support.
mentions The temporary choice is theirs. The ultimate choice is ours. And that, my friends, I say again, is precisely what Master Sun is attempting to teach us. Please heed his lesson.
And trust me – if we are betrayed, we can STILL WIN, and we will have ALL OF THEIR HEADS ON PIKES – EVERY ONE OF THEM.
Without firing a shot.
THAT should scare the holy hell out of any traitors with a “R” near their names.
The Flynn saga should be coming to an end soon.
Let this man and his family be released from the torture.
Amazing we see all the problems in NSC and the left’s first pelt was our NSA Advisor, Mike Flynn. It’s why Flynn was targeted first.
The way I see it, cracking/exposing the Flynn case in detail , is the keystone, the blueprint for methods, the corrupt deep state system has been using to facilitate, intimidate, hide/cover massive corruption .
..and to subdue a free people.
We all know that instinctively .
Once it falls, it ALL falls .
As schmucky put it..’six ways to Sunday’..
We are now at the flashing yellow lite intersection of Powell- Durham-Barr- Horowitz and complete Exposure.
Patriots will carry the day ..one way or another ..decision time.
Keep that powder dry and wit sharp.
Sharyl Attkisson nails it in just a few words.
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Pasquale “Pat” Scopelliti
Oct 1st 2019, 24 tweets, 5 min read Read on Twitter
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John Minford, #SunTzu 9: 33 “Soldiers standing bent on their spears indicate great hunger.”
Have you ever fought so hard, and so long, with so little to eat that, bent over, you needed anything at hand to help you even move at all? Have you felt hunger pain so fierce your body couldn’t function without a morsel of something to eat? Can you picture it?
I have, and I know the look of famished exhaustion when I see it. Think of the tears that flowed the early morning of 9 November 2016 at the Clinton Victory Party, and on every news show of the MSM that horrible night for them. We starved them, stole their certain victory.
As I watched them weeping, I had an instant reaction. They’d known, for months, just as I had, that their candidate was beyond terrible, and ours was beyond great. They’d simply suppressed their knowledge, starving their own minds, hearts and souls of truth.
As food is to the body, truth is to the mind. A mind starved of truth can only push forward so far, until the agonizing pain of undeniable consequences wrenches it from its fantasy-driven false faith. Hillary? Defeat Donald? What were you thinking? It was never going to happen.
In that moment the fantasy collapsed, and the beginnings of the reality commenced. Of course, they all had spears to throw, and started doing so immediately. Russia Hoax. Mueller Investigation. And now ridiculous Impeachment, equally doomed to failure.
Want to see a soldier standing, bent on his spear from hunger? Look at Pelosi, look at the House Democrats attempting to Impeach WITHOUT a vote on the floor. They’re bent over their spears in famished agony right now, yet again. Minds starved of truth.
A spear is a fearsome thing. I’ve attempted spear work, and it demands a level of fitness I have never had, so far. Maybe one day. We longswordsmen combine both spear and shield into a single weapon. Both hands on the sword, it is our defense and offense at once.
Unlike a spear, a longsword cannot be used as either a cane or a staff. Can you feel the inversion in Master Sun’s image? This fierce weapon of offense has been converted into a mere stave of self-support in walking. A single misstep, and collapse ensues. Famished exhaustion.
Look at the entire Democrat field of Presidential Contenders. They’re all, each and every one of them, bent over their spears in hunger. One Biden falls down, now, due to Ukrainian corruption, and Warren rises due to her apparent energy in campaigning. Apparent?
The spear she’s bent on, in exhausted emaciation of thought, is “big, structural change.” This is the now too soon released “end game” where Communism finally destroys our Constitutional Freedoms, and Communism-lite – Socialism – takes over America.
A recent commentator called this a “sugar high.” I wish I remember who it was. He was absolutely correct. Maybe, out of the truth-starved crew, Warren can heft her spear at them. Should she win the nomination, Trump’s power will overwhelm her utterly. Famished exhaustion ensues.
Here’s a spear your Democrat friends are bent on, right now. It is the Ukraine conversation, leading to Impeachment. I’m NOT talking about Democrat leadership here. Rank and file. They have been false programmed to believe Trump is a crook and will be removed.
Starved of truth, they look at their own crew of leaders and despair, as they rightly should. They know what a complete bad joke HRC was, and they’re not seeing anyone who can even be a good joke, let alone defeat Trump. So, their starvation leads them to hope of Impeachment.
Have you seen the stories about President Pelosi? These fantasies call for BOTH Trump and Pence to be removed in disgrace, somehow, some magical how. Then, Pelosi is our man in the Oval Office. How about that? Starved emaciation epitomized. Your Democrat friends suffer this.
You’ve likely seen it in your own family, too, like the prodigal son in the New Testament. The one who attacks the family with a spear of judgment, must bend on that staff, limping back, hoping for help in later years, skinny and wan, and hoping for a little food.
I’m not now, but I was once a famished prodigal son, myself. I hung my head in shame and asked to return, and to garner help. I dreamed my family would “kill the fatted calf” for me, as in the parable. Alas, it was not meant to be, but that truly is another story for another day.
Last for today, look at all the House Representatives in 2018 resigning their seats, and more now in advance of 2020. Look at the Never-Trump contingency of Swamp Republicans. Look at the side-with-the-Democrats against Trump crew like Mitt Romney and John McCain.
See John McCain limping towards death with his Trump opposition as his “honored” last stand. He campaigned against Obamacare with the best of the lying, conniving, swamp-rat Republicans. and then, bent on his spear, thumbs down. A former Republican Presidential nominee.
See Romney collapsing under the combined attack of Candy Crowley and Obama in the 2nd debate in 2012. He’d first attacked about Benghazi and then, collapsing, was instantly silenced, and bent over his Benghazi spear, he hung his head in shameful silence. Our Republican nominee.
And now, his mind starved of truth precisely as his Democrat swamp friends minds are, he waits to pounce on each and every flicker of false hope that Trump will be taken down. He shows up on any show that will have him, ready to spew his anti-Trump lies, his starved opposition.
I have to offer one final spear used as a physical support for a starving mind. My head explodes when I hear these idiot Republicans say that they don’t approve of what Trump said to the President of Ukraine, ethically, but that it was not illegal. That’s a perfect way to lose.
Truth, the nutrition of the mind. Don’t leave home without a truth breakfast each day. Don’t be like idiots who pretend to lead, but wouldn’t know a truth meal from inches away, and would ask for some nice lies to eat, please. And always watch the falling spears becoming staves.
Let’s talk about the REAL Benghazi story.
mentions The Obama administration said there was a protest over video trailer.
This is a lie.
mentions The Obama administration said that al-Qaeda was not involved.
Another lie.
mentions “Three Congressional investigations and a State Department inquiry are now examining the attack, which American officials said included participants from Ansar al-Shariah, Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and the Muhammad Jamal network, a militant group in Egypt.”
No Specific Warnings in Benghazi Attack
Interviews suggest that though the State Department received many warnings about the deteriorating situation in Benghazi, none focused on the diplomatic compound that was attacked.
mentions The consulate knew they were in danger.
“The US version of events compared with those of witnesses and the facts on the ground. The two do not tally. And so, a year later, there remain pressing questions about what happened that night – and what the Americans say happened.”
US consulate attack in Benghazi: a challenge to official version of events
A year after the first US ambassador in 33 years was killed on duty, Chris Stephen, one of the first western reporters on the scene in Benghazi, pieces together what really happened from witness acco…
mentions This was one of the largest al-Qaeda attacks ever carried out.
“It began around nightfall on Sept. 11 with around 150 bearded gunmen, some wearing the Afghan-style tunics favored by Islamic militants, sealing off the streets leading to the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.”
mentions “They set up roadblocks with pick-up trucks mounted with heavy machine guns, according to witnesses.”
Witnesses in Libya saw many gunmen
It began around nightfall on Sept. 11 with around 150 bearded gunmen, some wearing the Afghan-style tunics favored by Islamic militants, sealing off the streets leading to the U.S. Consulate in Bengh…
mentions “The 5-hour attack on the unmarked mission and nearby annex with rocket-propelled grenades, hand grenades, AK-47 and FN F2000 NATO assault rifles, gun trucks and mortars…”
mentions “Killed Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith and private security employees and former U.S. Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods.”
U.S. studying Benghazi security cam videos
U.S. agents are studying security videos from the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi for clues to the attack that killed four Americans, a U.S. senator in Libya said.
mentions Why weren’t reinforcements sent to Benghazi?
Leon Panetta said that there wasn’t time.
Another lie.
mentions The US Armed Forces are divided into geographical and functional Unified Combatant Commands (UCCs).
Each geographical UCC has a Combatant Commander’s in-Extremis Force (CIF).
mentions The CIF of EUCOM was about 40 men of Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group (C1/10).
CIF C1/10 was at Slunj in Croatia.
Here’s what could’ve been done:
mentions CIF C1/10 could’ve been alerted and flown by Chinook CH47 helicopters to Zagreb.
It would’ve taken 15 minutes.
mentions A CIF keeps its equipment on a C-17 Globemaster, ready to go.
The Globemaster would’ve brought the CIF to Benghazi in one hour and 50 minutes.
The two attacks last eight hours in total.
mentions Panetta said that we don’t send troops into unknown situations.
That’s a lie.
The very point of the CIF is to use it in unknown situations. They go into battle not knowing what’s happening.
Hence the term “in extremis.” It means “as a last resort.”
mentions Instead of boarding the C-17 at Zagreb, CIF C1/10 unloaded its gear and put it on a C-130 Hercules.
The C-130 flew to Signorella, Italy, which was serving as a “staging area.”
CIFs aren’t supposed to have staging areas.
mentions Panetta said he ordered CIF C1/10 to be deployed.
Another lie.
In time-sensitive missions, Special Operations Command allows forward-deployed special operations forces to carry out TACTICAL missions on their own authority.
mentions What happened is that Panetta ordered CIF C1/10 to DETOUR to Signorella.
It took 22 hours to arrive by C-130.
And finally, the inarguable evidence that Obama let the Benghazi attack continue without interference:
mentions Only the president can give cross-border authority (CBA).
No American military unit will enter another nation on a combat mission without that country’s permission unless the president gives a verbal and written CBA.
mentions Obama issued no CBA for Libya.
Therefore he never intended to save our people.
That wasn’t finished… Obama left the sit room to spend the remainder of the night with Reggie after having been appraised of the situation, which amounted to a tacit no to crossing the border.
Wyatt putting the cat amongst the pigeons
Most people who have been closely following this story since 9/11 know that the real Osama bin Laden disappeared from the scene at the end of 2001-2003. There is not one confirmed sighting of the man after this time – I do believe that Laden was not killed during the Obama Admin.
The military industrial complex always needs a “boogeyman” to keep it running and to have the masses in a constant state of fear and obedience. Essentially Barack Obama did the raid on Osama Bin Laden on May 2, the same day as the Correspondents Dinner.
He was already wiretapping Donald Trump and his inner circle due to his belief that Donald Trump was going to run for the Presidency in 2012 and be a major political opponent.
This is the reason why Barack Obama attended the Correspondents Dinner on the exact same day, and why he invited Donald Trump there on purpose – essentially to humiliate him for a whole bunch of hours to try and convince Donald Trump not to run. Horrible miscalculation.
But it was still done through ‘incidental collection’ and there was a shifting in NSA rules in 2011 done by Barack Obama in order to accomplish this as well, but it was lighter than the rule shift he did in 2015 / 2017.
I’d rather wait for PresTrump to confirm this directly tho
Bashing President Trump on the same day and raiding Bin Laden. Seriously? Make potential opposition candidate look awful, make yourself look great by getting Bin Laden… almost as if they were saving this for a certain date
There is no evidence to suggest that was bin Laden and the burial at sea makes zero sense to anyone with a scintilla of brain power. I also find it funny that the announcement of killing bin laden was interrupted by the season finale of celebrity apprentice. What a sick fuck.
I can’t believe that so many people don’t question the outrageously fortuitous coincidence that Bin Laden was killed during Obama’s second election campaign cycle, & there was absolutely no supporting evidence and just take it as fact – as if these people would NEVER lie to you.
There is a zero percent chance that the official story is true. Bin Laden was public enemy #1 and they kill him in the middle of the night, don’t capture him or any of the associated for questioning, take no pictures (at least none shown publicly), and dump him in the water.
They paraded Saddam through the streets. but Bin Laden just gets thrown away? Trial of Laden would have been biggest event and an enormous PR boost for Obama, but they didn’t want that? Bin Laden just happened to be living within a few miles of Pakistan’s largest air force base?
U.S files on Bin Laden raid were purged from Pentagon computers for secrecy: DoD could not locate any photographs, or video taken during the raid. Pentagon said it could not find any death certificate, autopsy report, DNA identification for OBL, or any pre-raid materials.
See, it all started in 1961. Al-Qaeda’s messiah was born in a small African village. We must get this baby into the White House!, they said. So, first thing they did was plant a fake story in Hawaii about a baby named Barack Hussein Obama, being born in Honolulu. (Like McLovin)
When the baby was a young boy, they moved him to a secret school in Indonesia where he learned about Is!am and became a fighter. As a teenager, they moved him into the United States where he would learn about America.
In the late 1990s their first dream was realized!
He was elected to the Illinois State Legislature! Take that America, they thought, we have a sleeper agent in a State Legislature. However, they realized that wasn’t enough so they had him run for US Senate and then president.
Everything was lining up!
However, the president’s approval rating was falling. Sacrifices were needed. The messiah must kill the leader. So, with great reservations, he killed the leader, his approval bounced up to 50%, & their sleeper agent remained president to continue the destructive state agenda.
This makes a LOT of sense. It makes a LOT of sense. The DS has been WARY OF TRUMP forever. That is why the Oprahs and the Ellens were always asking the question.
Without a death penalty…the prisoner can be Pardoned later.

Ack…I put this in the wrong place.
Should be below.
OMG – Trump KNEW that UBL death was FAKE – but he kept it on the down-low. And he knew the NEWS was all FAKE. He knew they REALLY WERE FAKE NEWS.
It was SOVIET. It was fucking SOVIET manipulation of the American People.
OMG. This is HUGE.
Trump gets the REAL GUY.
Obama got a FAKE. And gave STEALTH CHOPPERS to the ChiComs in the operation.
OMG – They ALL knew Trump knew the BHO take-down of UBL was FAKE. They KNEW how much Trump KNEW was fake.
THIS is why they were ALL so scared of Trump. Everybody who knew the REAL STORIES knew that TRUMP ALSO KNEW.
I do recall very early on seeing a picture of two soldiers at Gitmo escorting a VERY tall individual with his head (including the face) covered up. OBL was very tall, it has made me wonder ever since then.
Yes. I remember this.
But the whole scenario laid out bu Wyatt is suspicious af
The Democrat approach to the DP was CP – CLOWARD-PIVEN!!!!! That’s IT!!!
Brilliant! I had not seen that – but thanks to BARR, I can see it now.
With no death penalty…the prisoner can be pardoned later.
I think the penalty for Treason is still death, even though no one has been executed for it in decades.
“It’s engraved in marble in the lobby” and people fall for that? Is he kidding whoever he is?
They use convoluted logic and stands norms on their head: “the Intelligent Community does not make or institute policy.” Yeah… now whats all this other talk about how the IC has an obligation to act.
News flash for the jerk, ——you use your channels of communication to speak the so called truth (protect the corruption in this case) and give your opinions (on protecting the corruption). Then get out of the way. It’s not up to you and your precious institutions to work out side of those established channels when the decisions don’t go your way or else you are attempting to make and institute policy which amounts to a coup.
So basically these guys are saying they sent the whistle blower. Pretty clear case of sedition and since it involves the attempted ouster of the President, treason too.
There was more on the Elliot tweet…
Verse of the Day
“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;”
Romans 3:23 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Friday Blessings
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Good Morning!
sorry I’m late this morning…we just got our power restored…but coffee’s hot now…want some?
Morning, pat! We are blessed to have power this morning – how long it will last – no idea – we got drenched yesterday – and today – the wind is fierce and threatening – so am not sure how long we will have power.
Would appreciate a nice, hot cup – Yes – Thank You! It is chilly here this AM – quite a shock from the warm temps we enjoyed yesterday in spite of the pounding rain!
Have a Blessed Day!!! God has blessed you already with restoration of your power!!! However, that does not mean He will not bless you, again –
I agree about the power–we attended our personal routines quickly (with a well, no power=no water) but we have a wood burning stove we use to heat for the most part and plenty of firewood. then we filled the bathtubs…put on the coffee and fired up the computers…priorities…but have a cup while the power’s still on!
May God Bless you too!
Crazy weather pattern for sure -you do what you have to do to keep going – I am glad you made it here – hot coffee is sure a blessing – and we thank God!
Oh, you bet He already has! Wow! God is Good!!!
getting SNOWFLAKES here already…but hopefully warming up to 45*…

not ready for snow…
Eeeewwww…SNOW!!! No…no…no – Snow – snow – go away – come back again on Christmas Day! Mkay?
i agree!!!! Christmas Eve is okay too…but no sooner!!!!
Amen goes right there, pat!
Pasquale “Pat” Scopelliti

Sep 22nd 2019, 22 tweets, 5 min read Read on Twitter
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John Minford, #SunTzu 9: 23 “Dust high and peaking is a sign of chariots approaching.”
I think most of us today have essentially no sense whatsoever of the awesome, fearsome power of a chariot. You get a sense, somewhat, if you watch the movie Ben Hur. But even still, our modern minds must stretch to perceive the horrifying fear they inspired in times past.
I might try to make the comparison to a Sherman tank or today, an Abrams, but most of us civilians still won’t be able to feel the pure, earth shaking terror of facing such a vehicle rolling toward you in anger. Considering that difficulty, how do we feel the terror of a chariot?
Try this. You’re a heavily armored horseman, with a great lance. You have a side sword as well. Now, here rolls a chariot toward you, light, but well armored, it can turn on a dime. Two great horses pulling it. An armored driver and an armored bowman with a supply spears as well.
Or, you’re a lightly armed horseman, awesome with your bow. Thing is, the chariot has protection you do not, and the archer in the chariot is standing on both his feet, whereas you’re riding your horse. Who has the advantage? Now add an entire formation of chariots.
The commentators tell us that the reason the dust is rising high and peaking is two-fold. One, chariots are of course heavier than infantry marching. Two, they create ruts which the following chariots also drive in, concentrating the rising dust.
What is the most fearsome weapon the liberal left holds against America Herself? There can be no question for me, it is a teacher in a classroom, molding our children’s minds and values. I’ll give a recent example. My 15-year old granddaughter is, shockingly, a Trump supporter.
Yet at dinner the other night, the topic of gender confusion came up, and she happily explained that it was an emotional thing. A person simply feels something – emotionally – other than the gender they were born. I asked why? And her only answer was just they feel it.
For what it’s worth, my granddaughter has no such confusion, and is very interested in boys. But she has more than just empathy for those who feel gender confusion, that emotional condition is one she accepts without the slightest question. That’s the power of the classroom.
By the way, I have not the slightest hesitation going on record as 100% against this theory of emotional confusion. If it exists – and it likely does – it is NOT a natural condition. Even the ancient function of hermaphrodites in society was not based on confusion.
Rather, the condition of confusion was taught, programmed, by a culture at war with itself. A culture in which values are topsy-turvy and archer-like teachers drive the chariots of their classrooms toward the destruction of America Herself, blithely, morally in the own opinion.
Want to know how fearsome is their might? Read up on the Child’s Revolution in China, 1966-1967. Its reverberations are felt in China now. How far is it from a million children marching against climate change in New York City to turning the children against their families?
The dust rising high and peaking was visible during Obama’s reign, when he nationalized – which is to say socialized – the entire college debt industry. It rose high and peaked again during Sanders 2016 run, when socialism suddenly became a desirable thing for our youth.
Now, not only do we have AOC + 3 and her Green New Deal, we have every single Democrat candidate for President signing on to free healthcare for illegal aliens, and some version of Medicare For All, or single payer healthcare, wiping out private health insurance completely.
Forget the million children protesting, who knows how much they know or care. After all, how fun! Far more insidious is the blatant turning of the children against their parents. We are guilty for ruining the earth’s climate. And, irresponsibly, we’ve left it to them to fix it.
Forget the million children protesting, who knows how much they know or care. After all, how fun! Far more insidious is the blatant turning of the children against their parents. We are guilty for ruining the earth’s climate. And, irresponsibly, we’ve left it to them to fix it.
This again is the power of the classroom. We may not have the answer to the problem, yet, lacking a serious battle plan at all. But at least, we MUST recognize the dust rising high and peaking, indicating the educational chariot formation is barreling toward us.
I don’t know if I’ll have any more grandchildren or not. But if I do, part of my conversation with my children over their children will be this. What if I offer to pay for and run some form of home schooling for the new little ones? Pay for? Yeah, I couldn’t do it full time.
We’d have to have the right classroom and procure a teacher who’d teach to our values and beliefs under the philosophy of the MAGA movement, and of America’s long tradition of true greatness, our entire history leading up to and following our Constitution.
You have to fight a chariot with a chariot. Here’s another such strategy, as opposed to homeschooling. Fight for the curriculum at the local public school. If I have the joy of another grandchild, I assure you, I’d be ready to bring a chariot to that battle, and I’d win.
Tell me what you think. Is there dust rising high and peaking that you see, indicating the vast power of chariots approaching in other areas than education? Please share.
And be ready to bring your own chariot in response.
Please give us live links for these long threads. I like to read on Twitter.
Does this help?
Yes, thank you!!!
TY Ozzy .
I’m tech spastic
I can’t find a presser scheduled for Barr. Does anybody know when/where?

Sep 23rd 2019, 22 tweets, 6 min read Read on Twitter
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John Minford, #SunTzu 9: 24 “Dust low and spreading is a sign of infantry approaching.”
If you’re a faithful reader of Giles commentary, you find him, everyone once in a while, a bit condescending. I don’t mean to his enemy translator, Calthrop, against whom he NEVER misses an opportunity of attack. I mean to the ancient Chinese tradition.
In these verses, for instance, he poo-poos the fine distinctions of types of dust rising into the heavens. I suspect, however, we’re seeing a bit of British jingoism poking through. The modern Chinese were, to them, barbarians to be squeezed.
The world was simply divided by the Victorian empire, into British, and everyone else. Both a wonderful translator and historian, his work has truly stood the test of time. But, he’s wrong to disrespect Master Sun’s typology of various forms of dust rising.
Take yesterday’s high and peaking, as opposed to today’s low and spreading. Surely you see the immediate use – again! – of the yin/yang. High vs low. Peaking vs spreading. They’re perfect opposites. Did you catch that? If so, give yourself a bonus point!
The commentators tell us that the infantry marches in ranks and are far lighter in weight than chariots. As we saw yesterday, chariots being much heavier, create ruts, and other chariots follow in those ruts. High dust peaking makes sense, therefore.
Perhaps we have made some progress intellectually, in our studies of the past in the century since Giles did his wonderful work. Perhaps we’ve learned to bring a bit more respect, a bit less of a ‘we’re so superior to them now’ mindset.
Besides, who among us today has ever seen a chariot formation rolling off to war, and been able to compare its dust rising to that of an infantry marching off to war? I’d say we might want to trust the ancients on this one, wouldn’t you?
Due to my 2016 experience fighting for the power of rallies, as compared to traditional get out the vote (GOTV) efforts, I often sound negative about them. This is not an accurate reflection of what I really feel. It’s a bit more nuanced. I certainly saw the power of rallies.
And the GOTV men were often naysaying about that rally power, so I fought them, a lot. But I NEVER failed to see the other side. Traditional GOTV is an awesome thing, mighty and powerful, and it is, without question or doubt, the true infantry of campaigns.
Its dust is easy to follow. Drive through any neighborhood and count the signs on lawns. Count the bumper stickers on cars. Tally the question results from door-knocking campaigners. Political infantry does absolutely set up a low and spreading dust, easily observed.
Protests are yet another form of political infantry. Also, motorcycle brigades, roaring into town on their massive Harleys. So also, celebrations, such as 4th of July and its massive fireworks just after darkness falls. I adore marching bands and a capella choirs.
Infantry doesn’t have to be military brigade in size, though. Picture yourself and 8 other parents showing up together to a town hall meeting, all walking in together at once. Believe me, you’d get some attention. They’d see your dust rising low and spreading.
What percentage of your local government’s budget goes to schools? If you and eight other parents show up, fully informed about that budge, prepared with intelligent comment to offer, you will be heard. Who coordinates such things, eh? That’s infantry, and it’s awesome.
It’s not a common thing, but have you ever been ambushed by a group of people all at once? If so, were you caught by surprise? Or, did you see their dust rising low in the sky, so you knew they were coming? Most of us are so oblivious, we miss these things.
Another point from a previous verse applies here. Master Sun always tells us to encamp high on the hill, far above the lowlands below. Part of the reason for this counsel, I ascertain, is to be able to observe the dust when it rises. How careful he is in his guidance.
My political technology hero, @parscale, tells us he’s building an army of 2 million trained volunteers to get out the vote in 2020, a larger force than ever fielded before, and all coordinated with the greatest database ever built. Imagine the information at hand.
mentions You are walking down the sidewalk. Your GPS informs Brad’s computers of the coming house. It accesses the public record of votes, and a series of scripts, talking points, is offered on your iPhone before you get to the driveway, tailored for that house, specifically.
mentions Who knows how deep the intelligence goes? I can tell you this. If Brad’s numbers are right – and I bet they are! – That’s virtually 4,600 volunteers per each of the 435 Congressional districts. Imagine the dust that crew will march up into the political heavens.
mentions If I have my math right, that’s 1 volunteer for every 175 citizens in America. Now that’s an infantry. And if that infantry is led by better data than ever before, the Democrats have some fearing to do as the observe our low and spreading dust rising upward in 2020.
mentions Last thought. Imagine you have the superior force in numbers, capability, discipline, etc. You might even command your force to stomp up dust, just in order to terrify your encamped enemy. How fun, no? Or even with fewer men, make more dust in order to deceive.
Hummmm …. Daughn, Wolfe, others? Wonder if this might have some tie in to TPUSA? I have no idea. I don’t venture OT much anymore, so I am guessing this has to do with commenters.
Oh, and Happy All Saints Day!!
interesting…but haven’t we all noticed the Eeyores are not discouraged there…
Just check the original tweet, i.e. CASmith’s, then the ones surrounding it.
SD, apparently, offered a theory about Miss Lindsey:
Wonder what this means?
Pasquale “Pat” Scopelliti

Sep 23rd 2019, 21 tweets, 5 min read Read on Twitter
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John Minford, #SunTzu 9: 25 “Dust in scattered strands is a sign of firewood’s being collected.”
I’m trying to picture it. Where would firewood be, such that various soldiers collecting it would send up “scattered strands” of dust? The commentators give little help. Various men sent, dust rises in different spot, etc. Still not really seeing it.
I think this may be what I need. First, trees, forests grow where there’s water so it’s hard for me to picture both firewood and dust. But I’m obviously wrong! Perhaps some naturalist might help me out. Where are there trees for firewood, but also ready, dry earth for dust?
Let me try to suss it out with yin/yang logic. You encamp higher up on the hill than your enemy does, because you get there first. Down below, not in the lush valley, but on the dry hillside there are trees, fallen branches, firewood, yet dry, stony, dusty land. So, there it is!
Perhaps what Master Sun is telling us is, if the strands of dust rising are scattered, it means that troops, or chariots, are NOT forming against you. It’s just your enemy collecting wood, no threat to you at all for the moment. Also, even if you did attack, you’d not gain much.
If I’ve got this right, then let them have the firewood for their evening fires. Let them cook their dinners and heat their soup or tea water. None of that threatens you. And that brings me back, yet again, to perhaps the most important verse of all, 1: 2. Have you memorized it?
The Five Fundamentals:
1) The Way
2) Heaven
3) Earth
4) Command
5) Discipline
If you have The Way on your side then you must look to Heaven for timing. Timing for both when to fight AND when NOT to fight. Scattered strands of dust rising to Heaven don’t indicate fight.
I wonder. How far is the nearest Unitarian church from your house? I assure you, they are gathering the firewood of progressivism in that church every last Sunday of the world. Don’t go. Don’t start a fight there. It will do no good. Heaven’s will does NOT support that fight.
Let’s say you’re rich, everyone wants you to come to their fundraising this or that event. You might be tempted to go and make some futile conservative point at a liberal party, for laughs and giggles. Don’t do it. They’re just collecting firewood, and there’s no fight to win.
Let’s go back to verse 1: 2. The Way indicates that you’re fighting for a righteous reason, and in fact, you’re always ready to win without fighting, at all. We don’t fight to fight, we fight to win, and then, we’d far rather win without fighting if we could. That’s The Way.
These four verses we’re studying right now are all about dust rising into Heaven. We know that Heaven is where we look to determine when to fight, when not to fight. You don’t use archers at night. Snipers, with night vision goggles, sure. Archers? No. Do you see?
If archers are the main mode of your attack, you don’t start your fight at 8:30 pm in September. You time your attack by the place of the Sun in Heaven, for its light. Your attack can never overcome failure to monitor Heaven. It’s always on the Earth, but always guided by Heaven.
You don’t need to attend small meetings of the local PTA organized by rich, liberal women, who will never comprehend The Way you follow as guided by MAGA. They’re just gathering the firewood of gossip, or at best, support for what they believe in.
You must realize that there is, and absolutely, an anti-American Way in our nation, and it has a vast army of supporters. Men, who feel that they are actually women, must be allowed to spend their nights in shelters for abused women. There is an enemy army.
There are paid protesters bussed in to stir violence. Those show up with high, peaking dust rising to the Heavens, as they are the equivalent of chariots rolling in. Bad things will happen. Serious strategy must be employed. That’s a totally different case.
The scattered dust of firewood gathering shows up everywhere as the assumptions the other side supposes everyone agrees with. Of course you can’t discriminate against a homeless person, they must be allowed to sleep on the street.
If your city council is Democrat, what point is there in fighting that fight? Let it go, for now. Rather, go find a place where The Way and Heaven’s signals indicate a battle worth fighting and winning. Wait, with patience. Lure with bait. Have a plan. And win.
Well, maybe don’t let it go. Put together a small group. Lease some space. Hire some guards. Provide real shelter, for just one or two souls, or whatever you can cover with your group. Do it by your rules. Support transformation with clothing to rental help for them to leave.
But don’t fight fights you know you can’t win. Take action as indicated by scattered strands of dust rising to Heaven. Follow The Way and perform Heaven’s will upon the Earth. Do you see? Master Sun gives us every bit of guidance we need for victory.
Solomon, about 400 or more years before Master Sun, tells us there is a time for everything under the sun. Isn’t that interesting? The sun is the Lord of Heaven. Could Master Sun have studied King Solomon? Who knows? Master Sun tells us the same. There is always the right moment.
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Pasquale “Pat” Scopelliti
Sep 24th 2019, 23 tweets, 12 min read Read on Twitter
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John Minford, #SunTzu 9: 26 “Dust in drifting pockets is a sign of an army encamping.”
Our wonderful commentators explain, before an army encamps, it sends out light horse to scout out the location. Dust drifting up in drifting pockets is the sign that indicates this activity. Light horse – unarmored – can move quickly, lightly, across the land.
We can see precisely such pockets today in the Democrat’s build up for the 2020 election. Here are their drifting pockets of dust. Climate change, and the Green New Deal, which clearly states that Capitalism Is Killing The Planet. Note that. Capitalism is the bad guy.
Two, they’ve decided it is time to socialize healthcare. They destroyed the healthcare market in their first punch, Obamacare – following decades of corruption in D.C. in that industry. Now, they believe America will fall for their second punch in wiping it all out.
A nationalized healthcare in America is only the first step towards Communism, NOT Socialism. Calling it Socialism, as we have now suddenly accepted (‘suddenly’ covering about 50 years or so) is merely the first step toward a resurrected Communist America.
Resurrected? I’m not sure the vision ever really died, but it certainly lost its cache as the name of a dream. What we’re really discussing is Red Communist America, now, with its own Red Army, and NOT Red as in Republican. Red as in cycle and hammer.
Right now, these are mere pockets of dust, drifting in the media. But they show us precisely where the Democrats plan to encamp. We have more pockets to consider. The next one is this or that candidate. Clearly, Obama chose against both Joe and Bernie, they now have no chance.
We’ll come back to candidate selection. Impeachment is the largest of the currently drifting dust pockets. The Mueller Report having utterly failed, Impeachment has become the drum they beat the loudest. Camp here, oh ye Democrats, camp here.
Who remembers the Access Hollywood tape? It was released on 7 September 2016, and to my eye – by my data – it collapsed 15 September. That was when I made my final call for Trump’s electoral victory. They needed a two-month wave. They got a one-week nudge.
They certainly enjoyed Discipline and Command. They failed on the Earth, did NOT enjoy Heaven’s will, and they have no idea whatsoever of The Way. Not one of those conditions has shifted. They are releasing Socialism vastly too early, and with vastly too little disguise.
Why? Because they know we have already won. What does the law say? I don’t know. What if you impeached a President just before an election? Would that mean he would be disbarred from running? If not, their impeachment would assure his victory.
Everyone says, you can’t get an impeachment through the Senate. Do you trust that? I don’t. I don’t trust the Republican Senate as far as I can throw it. What I trust is America Herself, awakening. I trust that America Herself, patriotic America, embraces MAGA.
What is MAGA, exactly? My wife @KateScopelliti and I wrote a book on topic, one worthy of your consideration and purchase. In it, we outline @POTUS’ 10 Principles which follow below. Here is the link:
mentions MAGA IS:
1. Remember The Forgotten Americans
2. Rule Of Law
3. American Jobs
4. Quality Of Life For Every American
5. Heal Our Cities
6. Build The Wall
7. Make America Wealthy Again
8. Make America Strong Again
9. Make America Safe Again
10. Make America Great Again
mentions So back to candidates. Joe is too old, as is Bernie. Joe is too corrupt. Bernie is too obviously Communist. He figured out that Socialism sells better, but in a campaign against Trump he’d be blown out of the water. The Democrats know that, their published polls be damned.
mentions Back to Joe. He becomes a third of the triumvirate, Obama-HRC-Joe. This brings up all of Obama’s crimes. It brings up all of HRC’s crimes. And who knew? Joe is now a billionaire. Yeah, doesn’t look so good. Not to mention gaffes. And again, too old.
mentions So, wipe out Joe, let Bernie be taken out by Warren and who do we have? Fresh face, properly painted with war lines from her Cherokee past, Pocahontas. And she’s the most Socialist of the non-Communist candidates. Alas. She may whip up the Bernie base, but alas. She’s their gal.
mentions Thus, their biggest pocket of dust is Impeachment. They have to dirty Trump so much that, to some electoral majority of American voters, Warren is the more “moral” choice. Right now, I don’t think they can pull it all off, and here’s why.
mentions We have The Way, the American Way. We can see the Heaven just as clearly as they, and we all know the date and time of contest. We are stronger on the Earth than they are, thanks to @realDonaldTrump and @parscale. I still don’t think we have their Command and Discipline.
mentions Three out of five fundamentals, and the top three is enough for me to call for us. But, it’s NOT, it’s NOWHERE near enough for me to be happy. For that…we must address Command and Discipline also. And for that, I call for…
#100kMAGALeaders of
mentions What does that mean, numerically? It means that we require 230 such teams in EACH of our 435 House districts across America. These are small, targeted, high-performance, self-organized teams. But let’s let go of the full complement, and start small.
mentions In each of the 435 House districts, having but a SINGLE such team would be an AWESOME beginning. You can populate the high ground, as Master Sun would have you do. And if you can see the pockets of drifting dust where the other side is encamping, you have the advantage already.
A Quick Burn – A Failed Trump 2020 Campaign Ad – IPOT Presents – 11.1.19
This guy, Nick Fuentes, is a holocaust denier.
Nick Fuentes is the one who has been railing against Charlie Kirk of TPUSA.
More about it here:
Here’s that tweet that didn’t display:
Spygate Scandal: Will We See Indictments of Obama-era officials?
#DustinNemos #StopBitBurning #WWG1WGA
Interview with Tiffany Fitzhenry – This Fallen World is Being Cleansed
#DustinNemos #StopBitBurning #WWG1WGA
10 31 19 Impeachment Implosion & More
not sure how to post music selections yet…but I would offer “Wind of Change” November as my suggestion for November…(by the Scorpions)
we’re suffering near hurricane force winds last night and today..lost our power around 1:30 this morning and it’s howling out there!
but it’s back now…
If it’s a Youtube video, Pat…do a right-click on the video screen itself, then click on “Copy embed code”.
Then simply paste that into your comment.
k, thanks! i will have to give that a try!
That is plain old Islamist appeasement.
wow…read a comment OT…person wrote when they get a little too full of the “HOPE PORN” (my emphasis)…they come to Con/Treehouse for a REALITY CHECK.
wow…that’s about as ASS BACKWARDS as it gets…
in other words, when I think things are going good, I go to the Last Refuge to get depressed.
THIS is what I have been railing about all along!
Gimme a break! “Hope porn?” Good grief, you might as well say “religion blight.” Talk about oxymoronic!
Hopelessness is a tool of ALL dictatorships and cults everywhere. Sheesh!
I am still thankful every day that “Dear Leader” saw fit to kick me out of his dictatorship.
Baloney. Here’s why.
You know what the left feeds on? Outrage pr0n. Get people emotionally angry and outraged enough that they will act out.
To be effective, the right has be countered. You can’t counter the right on logic, because they are generally on the side of truth vis a vis the left. But what you do have is PsyOps – Psychological warfare operations. Propaganda.
What do they want the right to feel? Hopelessness. Despair. Futility. Fatalism.
Just throw in the towel boys, the left already won. Resistance is futile.
You know what else? Hopelessness sells. Doom and gloom is a great way to sell books and get donations. People will pay you to tell them what they already believe and want to hear!
On the night of the election I emailed to my friend w/ animated clips of the Matrix:
Agent Smith: Inevitability, Mr. Anderson. That is the sound of an HRC Presidency. That is the sound of your doom.
See that commentator has the wrong notion of HOPE. He thinks that HOPE is just wishful thinking. No, hope is trusting in promises that are true.
In 1940s Germany, when people were sent to camps, people who had no hope died. The survivors were the ones who had hope.
Hopelessness is not realism but self-fulfilling prophecy. It is the creed of failure, of surrender, of capitulation. It is the fatalism whispering in our ears that we shouldn’t bother to change anything, that nothing can ever be fixed, that it is useless to knock on doors, to call our friends, to run for city office, or even to vote in the primaries. If you believe it is hopeless, you won’t ever be surprised when you are proven right.
Hope is not anti-realism but the steadfast and unwavering belief, faith, and conviction that however dark our present circumstancing, however terrible things may seem, no matter how dire our situation or realities facing us, that our actions, however small and seemingly insignificant, have a REAL and MEASURABLE impact upon Reality, that we are not fated to the whims of the gods, but that we are Men who are Free, the soveriegn captains of our own destinies.
Hope is almost always in short supply. Few are the virtuous men within whom the light of hope burns brightly! Most men see only dimly through the darkness, but when one man brings the light of hope, and holds it high so all the camp can see, men rally around the light of hope: strengthened and emboldended in their determination to stand and if necessary to fight, with the belief that their actions ARE important, ARE significant, that the present circumstances and reality are not all there is, that they can as man DARE to HOPE and DREAM and STAND for a world and a reality that IS different, a world in which their actions have a part in making and shaping.
Today that man whose hope shines brightly is our President Donald John Trump. He is drawing men with the light of hope.
Today is St. Crispen’s day my friends.
Yesterday is St. Crispen’s day.
Tomorrow is St. Crispen’s day.
Every Day from now on is St. Crispen’s day!!!
Never let them take away your hope. You would be better dead than a man without hope.
I do not care if you are follow of Christ, a non-believer, or a pagan, but no matter what you believe or who you follow…
Hear, hear!!!
Good Morning Patriots
TGIF &..
Happy Freaky Friday to all..
Sittin’ on the dock……
this your view?
it’s lovely!!!!
In which the Deep State goes all out brazen……
More deep state chutzpah.
… arrogant old fool …
…… bwahahahahaha …. some like it hot .. bwahahahahaha
…. B U T T W I P E S …… clueless treasonous Bturds … bwahahahahaha …
great find GA,
…catch Brennan grinning at deep state beginning of clip?? ..telling
Mclaughlin:. well ‘ think about it a minute ..with all the people that knew what was going on here..
..it took an intelligence “operat”..er..officer to step forward and say something about it …oops
Freudian slip ??
Mclaughlin : Now why does that happen ??
..I’ll tell the American people, why that happens is, This is the institution in the US govmt that ,
..with all of it’s flaws, and it makes mistakes ..is ‘institutionally’ committed to objectivity and to telling the truth(sic)
..it’s whole job is to speak the truth ,it’s engraved in marble in the lobby ‘..
..Ohh…well then if it’s engraved in marble.. it must be true/S …
What a collection of BS
There were implied threats spoken by these smug over-confident traitors.
Followed by Adam Schiff’s trial for lying to Congress (and the American people), obstruction (fake ethics complaint against Nunes, witness tampering (“Nonononono, you can’t answer that question.” to Vindman in a non-classified basement deposition) and SEDITION against the President of the USA!
My favorite Saint is Vincent of Lerins – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincent_of_Lérins
“Moreover, in the Catholic Church itself, all possible care must be taken, that we hold that faith which has been believed everywhere, always, by all.”
All else is extraneous and questionable and fuel for disunity.
Take that back…. It’s St. Martin of Wittenberg!
Funny, the transcripts from the inquiry maintained by the Vatican tell a completely different story.
I’m sure they don’t read the same. No doubt Vatican recollections of their actions against the Waldensians differed from those of the opposing side.
It’s more like a transcription, as I understand it. The gist is that ML couldn’t answer the questions posed, and left with the inquiry unfinished. I don’t have time today to really search for more, but that’s my understanding.
Too bad you took that back, GA/FL.
You could have spent time in Cannes, my favourite holiday spot, and taken the ferry to the Lerins Islands! (I haven’t been, by the way.)
Now that you’ve gone for Martin Luther, you’ll have to settle for beer and sausages.
Until TSA stops feeling everybody and limiting shampoo bottles, and nail nippers, I’m not going anywhere….except in my own minivan.
Until TSA stops feeling everybody and limiting shampoo bottles, and nail nippers, I’m not going anywhere….except in my own minivan.
I am beginning to think like you concerning flying and TSA.
We normally did fly to our daughter in CT this fall we decided to drive and take an overnight stop.
The drive was delightful and it semens less hassle than flying.
I can’t blame you for that.
Today’s Gospel:
MT 5:1-12A
When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up the mountain,
and after he had sat down, his disciples came to him.
He began to teach them, saying:
“Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the land.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the clean of heart,
for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you
and utter every kind of evil against you falsely because of me.
Rejoice and be glad,
for your reward will be great in heaven.”
I don’t see any SNOW in those pix, pat! LOL
and that’s how it SHOULD be, right?
Yes, it is Fall after All – no snow until Christmas – Mkay?
… bwahahahahaha …
…. mums the word turkey lurkey … we got your six, … um until .. uh …. 
Love it Pat …

that’s a duck for the next few weeks at least…lol
.. bwahahahahaha
I’m surprised that Fredo asked such a question.
Re-Tweeted by President Trump
yeah, was gonna ask how THAT leaked out? not gonna make Schiff happy…
Maybe, he just felt like sharing? Too bad – Schiff for Brains can go back in his hidey hole! Sick of seeing him in the news – like he is come kind of celebrity – YUKKY BUG EYES!!!
Schiff sharing something that was not helpful to his evil plot? surely you jest…LOL
No – the witness felt like sharing – not Bug Eyes – everything quoted was Morrison’s words – Bug Eyes probably had a hissy fit!
You being naughty, pat?
no…as in I understand what you’re saying…
Oooooooooh, okaaaaaay!
The Nutritional Approach To Thyroid Health
I gotta come back to this one duchess01 … it strikes a chord …

Oh, nikki? Good girl – do your learning today – Mkay?

… I have a to do list and I must adhere to it, we’re putting on the ritz tonight .. who-hop

… and I have to behave myself and play nice tonight … 

Ok – You Go Girl!! God Bless You!!!
thank you duchess01 … you are a sweetheart .. 

God bless you also …

* Smile *
Heart warming generosity!
thanks for sharing!!!!!
awesome! just awesome!
Totally awesome and just beautiful …

I buy needy women drinks at a bar and I never get a hug…so there’s that. I’m jealous.
maybe it’s the groceries that triggers it…or the 5 needy children? lol
picky picky
you’re a wonderful guy…surely someone will see that!!!!
i have been wondering for a while now, and hopefully someone here can enlighten me…
since the testimony in the sham impeachment hearings is not classified, what prevents Repubs who hear it from holdings press conferences and saying what they heard?
maybe they cannot “quote” passages, as they cannot tape testimony (guess that’s why it’s being held in the SCIF despite it not being classified) but they could still release what they’ve heard…
and when the selected leaks appear in the press, they can refute them or at least challenge them…???
are they afraid of censure? what does they entail? removal from the committee? what exactly?
Pat, I don’t have any linked sources, but I do remember hearing interviews by a few repubs that the rules established by the commiecrats was that if they the repubs reveal anything that they heard in these hearings, they will face censure and possible ethics violations which would put them out of commission for some time. They would not be able to participate in any hearings at all. Very similar to what they did to Devin Nunes back in 2017.
I believe Nunes was out for almost 9 months. Now you might wonder, at that time the Repubs had the majority so how can a minority member at the time; that be Schiff, do this…..well the answer is very simple and it boils down to two words………………Paul Ryan.
Pauly was speaker at the time and was the republican traitor who silenced his own IC Committee chairman.
I firmly believe Pauly was in on the coup and didn’t want any of this to come out. He was after all on the IC gang of 8.
Pelosi is not gonna agree to do anything like that against any of her members. She couldn’t even bring herself to condemn Omar for antisemitism.
Hope that helps!
thanks it does.
so the ethics violations filed against Omar & Schiff will go nowhere…not even sidelining them till the investigation is completed?
Need a majority vote and the commiecrats have the majority….so apparently they are above the law (rules, in this case).
And they preached all day yesterday about the Constitution and their cult goes right along!
Or condemn Katie Hill for her nude photos, drugs and sexual violations….if I read correctly, called her “darling Katie”.
New baby delivered…..
a new submarine that is!
Announcing future USS Delaware delivered to US Navy
Between now and April – this submarine will be taken out on sea trials, looking for bugs/problems that need to be fixed, training personnel, etc.
I hope they boil then fry his perogies ..

Hamtramck spot boasts 39 flavors of pierogi – Detroit Free Press
Anonymous View
Apr 7, 2017 … Rodney Srodek’s grandparents came to Hamtramck from Poland in 1980. In 1981 they opened up a mom-and-pop shop selling Polish …
make my own perogies…never heard of some of the varieties they make…but yes, Polish recipe…they are quite tasty!
hmmm…but now i will be thinking of frying someone’s perogies when i eat mine…lol…
I love perogies, and angel wings .. ummmm
what are angel wings??????
next time I make them–I make about 200 hundred at a time–I’ll invite you over!
Road trip

It’s a pastry polish I think ..
Polish Chrusciki – Angel Wings
My Polish mother, Zosia, taught me to make these delicate Christmas cookies. She called them chrustki but others call them chrusciki, faworki, or angel wings. They’re very delicate and crumble easily so don’t wear your fancy black sweater! – Jenny Jones
Polish Chrusciki – Angel Wings – Jenny Can Cook
Anonymous View
She called them chrustki but others call them chrusciki, faworki, or angel wings. … The yield of the recipe was only 15 decent sized pastries, which tasted good …
my Aunt made these–she called them German Pretzels!!!!! so light and airy!!! YUM
Yeah baby
…. just don’t wear dark colors, sit real close to the platter they’re on … ummmm good .. 
HAMTRAMCK has been a Muslim-dominated city for over a decade.
The Muslim Call to Prayer was approved to be broadcast since 2004.
This is the guy that set up a Bernie Rally for Bernie that Bernie attended, then Bernie had that heart attack on the same day that Bernie found out that guy who set up his Bernie event was just out on bail for this the very same day as the Bernie event.
I’ve seen these stories on the History Channel. Never in the history books.
I posted this yesterday evening in the Daily Tread. It’s worth making sure everyone sees it. It’s worth the 22 sec of Obama – sounds like a guilty man trying to soften what’s going to come out about him.
Me me me I I I I….he was saying his version of somebody did something twice removed.
Some good news…Thank you, President Trump!
I’ve been hearing, and reading, tidbits here and there…about quid pro quo. And most “regular” people feel like there SHOULD BE some quid pro quo when we dole out taxpayer monies.
I mean we are hard working Americans–that money the government collects from us is supposed to go towards our country and it’s interests.
If we’re just handing it out to other countries without anything to show for it–like cooperation in military missions, or cooperation in corruption investigations–why are we handing it out? even humanitarian aid should come with some agreement that it’s spent on actual aid–not administrative fees.
We are not the world’s piggy bank.
disclaimer: I am not suggesting there WAS any quid pro quo…
Quid pro quo is merely the giving of something that has value in exchange for something else that has value. It happens legally all the time in government and politics.
If you support my bill for X, I will support your bill for Y.
If I give you $X in aid, I expect you to work toward freedom of speech in your country or work harder to root out corruption in your government or investigate to show me where last year’s aid suddenly disappeared to,
Where quid pro quo is not legal, the transaction breaks the law.
If I hire you, I expect a few trips with you to the local Motel 6.
If I sign this contract with you, I expect some donations to my foundation or a big wad of high denomination currency in an envelope or you to hire my son for a cushy job at an exorbitant wage.
The Dimms, of course, will try to make it look like any quid pro quo by PTrump is illegal.
PTrump should always demand some type of legal quid pro quo in the interest of the U.S. every time he doles out funds for aid or support of other actions in foreign countries.
thanks carl!
I just saw on OANN that the US is working with India for closer cooperation against Iran – they had damned well better NOT give them all those 100’s of thousands of visas that Mike Lee is pushing as a quid pro quo!!!!
“According to Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), elements of quid pro quo when it comes to dealing with foreign governments that receive aid from the United States should be the rule and not the exception nor considered untoward.
During an appearance on Huntsville, AL radio WVNN’s “The Jeff Poor Show” earlier this week, Brooks, who was fresh off participating in the so-called storming of the House Intelligence Committee hearings on impeachment, said when things given to other governments, there should be an expectation from the United States.
He said it was not limited to investigations pertaining to corruption, as is what is alleged by House Democrats and the basis of their “impeachment inquiry.”
Every contract, every conversation, is quid pro quo.
If you’re not getting something out of it, why do it?
I am thrilled we have a Trump Admin who reviews the aid packages before they go out.
We’re reviewing one right now for Lebanon = 105 million.
It’s our taxpayer dollars.
I sleep better at night knowing President and his staff are looking at ur return on investment and seriously question leadership on the other side who are the recipients.
There is NOTHING wrong about it.
In fact, it’s Trump’s job.
In this case with Ukraine, it’s especially urgent. Over 7 billion of IMG money has evaporated from Ukraine. Where did it go? Their people asked for help on tracking funds from our DOJ, that’s why we have the Treaty with Ukraine in 1998.
Yet, we keep hearing rumors of a large Dem donor who spirited 700 million dollars out of Ukraine.
Is that why the Dems want to shut down the investigation?
When monies are ordered disbursed from the US Treasury, it must be for the interests of the USA. If there is not a overt quid pro quo, then there must be an expected eventual outcome for the funds. That expected outcome should be in writing signed by both countries’ reps.
If the person authorizing the disbursement cannot describe in specificity what it is that the funds are purchasing, then I posit that the disbursement is unconstitutional. Again, if there is a personal aspect/benefit to the quid pro quo, a conflict of interest exists between the office and the person occupying that office. Conflicts must be declared publicly and waived by the valid authority over that office (in the Biden Ukraine case, that would be Zero himself).
Money cannot be disbursed from the Treasury unless it is to further the legitimate interests of the USA.
And as Mulvaney explained, legally, the Admin had until end of Sept to review it.
If they deemed the expenditure should not be made, it would g against appropriation made by Congress, and they needed a damn good reason who the money should not flow.
It was always going to be spent.
It’s just Trump, going through the punch list before he writes the check = best time to get the contractor to finish as promised = before the final payment is made.
It’s like these people have never been in business before.
They adjusted the September number upward as well.. Factoring in the GM strike, the number was pretty hot. Wages up $0.06 or the 24th straight month private wages have gone up.
We just need business investment to tick back up. That is what is holding the economy back right now. The consumer end of things seems pretty good.
POTUS forgot to mention that Black male unemployment is the lowest in history. No better president for African-Americans and now it is documented.
Oh, it has been that way for a while now and he has brought it up many, many times. But now it is even lower!!!!

What gets me…is that Jackboot Jack and his crew, get to decide ‘What is a political ad’.
Whatcha bet they decide that the Democrat political ads are not political ads.
They have probably met with their Dimm buddies to discuss what the Dimms can get away with on Twitter. Each case will be a judgment call and the Deplorables will lose every time.
It would be easy.
Ad created every day and disseminated via ShareBlue, then put onto bot accounts.
Well, then the Republicans just need to copy those ads with a few word substitutions and see what happens!
Theory is that Jack did this while Fakebook was seated in front of congress to put pressure on Fakebook to do the same thing in the understanding that Trump’s success moving toward the election is partly dependent on social media. They will not stop.
Did we get to some one Trade Marking “Fake News” yet so Trump can’t say it.. Ackkk! still stuck back here, moving to the top of thread at a crawl.
The numbers are staggering. We would cripple this country if somehow Sanders or Warren became president.
… forgive me,
… they are -sshats …
Some Knucklehead will do the math (AOC, I’m looking at you) and add the two together, and say, “Lookie here, we can have them BOTH [you get a CHOICE then], and still have MONEY LEFT OVER! SIX TRILLION DOLLARS, NO LESS”…..
Then again, she’d probably subtract 32 from 52, say the total outlay was 20, and say we’d have 70 Trillion left over… it’s the new, progressive math, doncha know…
We would have to gut the military. No room left for social security. Probably go into default because we couldn’t pay the debt service. But we would all have health care!
Not after the doctors go bankrupt…..
Compensation to a Doc from Medicare comes out to about $14/visit.
Who would want to go through all the schooling, training, residency, to become a physician?
Who could afford to?
It was foretold by Alexis de Tocqueville…
wow! how accurate was that???
Verrry accurate…amazing, isn’t it.
cloward piven stuff.
Tocqueville’s commentary on the U.S. is always timely…
AdT was a very smart, insightful man.
And in 1789, a smart group of Founders passed the Bill of Rights which included an amendment or two to counter this transgression…Don’t ever relinquish, and by all means prepare to use your 1st and 2nd Amendment rights….you’ll never know when you’ll need them. It is your God given right. Use them or you will lose them!
This, my friends, is why twitter feels so comfortable banning “political” ads. They know that politics is downstream from culture, and so they will concentrate their fire on culture, knowing that to the extent they succeed in eroding public morals, political consequences will follow.
I love this. Imagine how the media would react if POTUS were a Democrat? Well perhaps you don’t have to imagine.
Ooops…I’ll bet he deletes this one:
Yep…that one is gone now, which is good.
What am I missing?
That third tweet…it’s gone from PDJT’s twitter stream now.
But you can still read what it said, from the text that remains in my comment.
He mistakenly mentioned that that he’d be in Louisiana tonight…instead of Mississippi.
Rally is in Tupelo, MS.
wheatie, seems like a good place to insert this (forgive me if posted, I looked, and have not seen it):
Saw this Great Video last night on T_D, and hafta share it…
’bout the best I’ve seen for a while!
This was great! Thank you for sharing it! Now I feel PUMPED for the RALLY!!
yeh, I am hoping it’s an upper for everyone!!!
True Worship
NOVEMBER 01, 2019
Exodus 20:1-7 Then God spoke all these words, saying, 2 I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. 3 You shall have no other gods before Me. 4 You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. 5 You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate Me, 6 but showing lovingkindness to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments. 7 You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not leave him unpunished who takes His name in vain.
Most of us go to church on Sundays to worship God, but is worship truly what we are doing? Often we associate the word with music in a service, but its meaning involves much more than that. An adequate definition may be difficult to express concisely, but think of worship this way: When one’s mind is occupied with thoughts of God, the heart overflows in an outpouring of awe, adoration, and praise to Him.
It’s helpful to notice the order so that our expressions of worship may be most pleasing to God—starting in the mind, moving to the heart, and working itself out in words and action. Therefore, the accuracy of our perception of God determines the validity of our response.
In other words, it’s essential to pay attention to what God has revealed about Himself. And that’s why the Lord spoke to the Israelites shortly after delivering them from Egyptian bondage—they needed to understand who He was so they could worship Him appropriately.
Today we have more revelation about God than they did, because He’s given us His inspired Word and His Son Jesus. Yet even an entire lifetime spent studying the Scriptures would give us only a glimpse of our infinite, transcendent, eternal, all-powerful Father. However, the more we seek to understand and know Him, the deeper and more meaningful our worship will be.
We all need to grow in this area, and the best way to begin is in our private time with the Lord. Each time you read a Bible passage about Him, let it take root in your mind, overflow to your heart, and pour out in worship.
Dr. Charles Stanley
Nice little thread on Vindman. Pretty informative actually. He is what you think he is.
I am terrible at this. Out of practice. Here is the beginning part.
Thanks, I just read through it…and yeah, Vindman is a sniveling crapweasel who is in love with HusseinO!

Sounds like he doesn’t even like the US very much, either.
Geo Webb has a ton of info on him… it’s worse than you think alright…
Fabian Socialist.
Here is the unrolled thread:
Sorry wheatie! Shoulda – Coulda – Woulda Looked!
News roundup has been posted if interested.
Incredibly good news today.
Funny thing. Last I checked, trees are a renewable resource.
You checked?
I could’ve checked the International Encyclopedia of Botany but instead I checked Winnie the Pooh’s My First Encyclopedia of Plants and Animals.
In a jungle. Whoodathunk?
Sounds like someone wants to take control of the Amazon away from the people who live there (and rightfully own it)….
GLOBALISM write large, as they say…
Seems they picked a real plum (erm, lemon) from which to garner a quote. From Wackypedia:
More fake news, as the so-called burns are in areas already cleared… Climate Audit has written about that.
Sounds like a real stand up guy – eh, Cuppa? Or not…
If I had a say, I think it is time for the Senate Foreign Relations committee to hold a hearing—two witnesses, Eric “Charlie” Ciaramella and LTC Vindman!
Think of the reaction this would cause (which is a part of the purpose), especially in regards to WB Ciaramella!!! Just to smoke them out! This would put Schitt on the defensive, force his hand—his total outrage would reveal the truth even without a hearing!
The exhumation didn’t have the result the left expected. I can hardly wait until the election on November 10th.
Franco’s exhumation backfires on Pedro Sanchez, Spanish far-left
Can a dead man — even a dead dictator whose legacy remains fiercely contested to this day — break the paralyzing gridlock in one of Europe’s key countries? An exhumation intended to boost the fortunes of Spain’s leftist parties may be having the opposite effect.
Joe Biden having trouble here remembering stuff. This guy has early signs of dementia imo.
NYGuy—has Biden ever had a “full” deck??!! Lol!
Playing solitaire till dawn with a deck of 51 …
Incredible thread of another Lt Col who has personal experience with Vindaman
Did Obama Admin put out a recruiting call for everyone who hates America?
Yep…Vindman is a sniveling, throne-sniffing crapweasel, whose loyalties are with HusseinO and not our country.
Which was made abundantly clear when he shows up to Schiff’s circus in dress uniform. Idiot
I’ll have to read this later. Lost hours this morning with vet stuff. All dogs healing, but it’s going to take a while.
Good information for us, from March 2019. Unseen has just retweeted the thread.
Way more complicated than just that. GOP needs strong candidates, money in their hands early. Prevent voter fraud.
and how are retiring that we need to retain…
Unfortunately, that isn’t happening in too many places.
Watch crime go way down in Oklahoma now.
We could headline it as—“The Come to Jesus Meeting”!
Oops!!! Wrong place! Lol.
Anyway, most of us Oklahomans carry already—this just cuts through the bullshit. Our last Republican governor (Mary Fallin) refused to sign it for no good reason!
Not directly related to your comment but here is the list of deadliest cities in America (i.e. 2018 murder rates per 100,000).
1. St Louis
2. Baltimore
3. Detroit
4. New Orleans
5. Baton Rouge
6. Memphis
7. Dayton
8. Shreveport
9. West Palm Beach
10. Washington, DC
11. Richmond
12. San Bernardino
13. North Charleston
14. Philadelphia
14. Buffalo
16. Chicago
17. Little Rock
18. Peoria
19. Akron
20. Cincinnati
We need a new governor in Louisiana. 3 cities in the top 10. Very unacceptable.
Wow, Little Rock? How often do the Clintons visit, anyway!!??
No NYC? Thanks for the list, NYGuy!!!
Notice – there are no cities in TX – major gun population of USA.
Doesn’t Trevor know that he’s not supposed to ask Hillary those kind of questions? He’s in trouble now!
I’m guessing that that was planned and cleared in advance. I doubt Noah Brains isn’t allowed to ask any questions that haven’t been given to him before hand. This is like the government’s camouflage tactic that they have used for decades with UFOs. Put some information out there…information that is already heavily trafficked…but make it sound like anyone who believes in it is insane.
sorry: I doubt Noah Brains “is” allowed to ask any questions not given to him in advance.
——– From the article:
The library deployed the goat squadron during the spring in order to munch their way through around 13 acres of scrubland around the library that could’ve provided tinder-like fuel to a wildfire.
“We actually worked with the Ventura county fire department in May and they bring out hundreds of goats to our property,” Melissa Giller, a spokeswoman for the library, told ABC. “The goats eat all of the brush around the entire property, creating a fire perimeter.”
I wish theyd do this everywhere. Talk about a “green climate initiative “.
PG&E could employ goats to chew down the brush under the high tension power lines. It’d be cheaper than the resultant lawsuits from the wildfires.
But, but, but . . . the goats . . . they fart . . . and, and CO2 . . . and, and we’re doomed!!!
Whatever works.
Good catch.
I wonder if the boy is Christopher Wray’s son?
Tough guy in Spokane feels the bite.
***Warning! NSFW due to language***
Good doggy!
Good reply.
Really and truly, Mike Pence should be doing some of this … it constantly falls to Don Jr and Eric (sometimes even Ivanka) to be the “junkyard dog” that protects POTUS. I’ve lived through tons of administrations, and this has always been the job of the VP… not so with Pence. He rarely defends… sure he cheerleads, but that’s NOT the same thing.
I still don’t trust Pence. It’s a gut thing. Not exactly sure why, but something about him just doesn’t work for me.
I know what you’re talking about. Same here.
Thank you Daughn … great open thread … love the puppies … and

Love and God bless you sweetie ..
I’m NOT eating bugs.
Will put this on the Daily News Roundup as well, but THIS is a mixed bag of good news and bad news. China is desperate for American meat after the African swine bug has killed half of their livestock. They are so desperate, that they are willing to renegotiate chicken imports, which my source (REALLY, REALLY high up) in the poultry industry assures those who know this person have been suspended for years.
While exporting without importing meat is good news, it’s also going to put a crimp on supply. Just FYI.
Pig Plague Starts Rippling Through American Meat Markets
(Bloomberg) — U.S. meat markets had so far been shielded from the effects of a deadly pig disease wiping out Asian herds. That’s starting to change.
As pork supplies plummet in China, the world’s top consumer is desperate for meat and is ramping up imports. As a result, it’s becoming harder to set longer-term protein contracts amid concerns over market volatility and changing trade flows, according to Jayson Penn, chief executive officer of Pilgrim’s Pride Corp., the No. 2 U.S. chicken producer.
“The contracting season is moving somewhat slower this year” for chicken, Penn said on a conference call with analysts following the release of third-quarter earnings. While major fast food restaurant chains are looking for beef contracts, “there are not many sellers willing to forward price,” he said.
American markets have so far been protected from the impact from African swine fever, which kills most infected pigs in 10 days. That’s largely due to trade barriers that were either in place — the case for chicken — or imposed as retaliation to President Donald Trump’s trade war with China. But expectations of rising prices are now affecting the U.S. market.
Meat exports from the U.S. have lagged behind levels many in the market expected following the swine fever scourge. Archer-Daniels-Midland Co., one of the world’s largest agricultural commodity traders, said protein producers have been slow to boost production outside China. The company now only expects tailwinds from the disease next year, CEO Juan Luciano said.
“We thought acceleration of growth production outside China was going to be faster,” he said on an earnings call with analysts.
On the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, hog futures for December settlement fell 9.1% this month, the biggest drop among major agricultural commodities. The slump underscores the challenges for U.S. farmers who have increased production. China has bought U.S. pork in stops and starts, contributing to elevated volatility in hog futures.
Pilgrim’s Pride said it’s “cautiously optimistic” that chicken prices will be higher in the next 30 to 60 days. If China lifts a ban on U.S. poultry, American shipments to the Asian nation may top 2014 levels, said Penn, whose company shipped 200 million pounds (about 90,700 metric tons) to China five years ago.
While chicken feet are the major cut exported to China, demand for leg quarters and breasts may also gain because of depressed prices, he said.
Declines in China’s pig population have peaked and surging prices are giving an incentive for producers to “think about how to rebuild the herd,” ADM’s Luciano said. About a third of the Chinese producers affected by the disease have switched to poultry, while many are looking to increase animal weights before slaughter, he said.
Didn’t that bird flu cut quite a swath in their chicken production as well? And then there was the sale of Smithfield Farms…..ostensibly, to increase pork exports to China. One of my half-brothers works for Smithfield – needless to say, this is a BIG point of contention between us.
“Smithfield Farms, Inc., was purchased by Chinese food producer Shuanghui International, according to an October 25, 2013, article by UPI that said the acquisition “has left many Americans feeling concerned about the future of food safety.”
The Smithfield transaction was the largest purchase of a U.S. company by a Chinese investor, “a deal valued at $7 billion, including $4 billion in cash.”
The article said that the concerns over the food safety were raised from the recent news of Chinese tainted dog treats resulting in the deaths of hundreds of pets “from a mystery illness.” A Smithfield spokesperson told reporters that the objective of the deal was “to increase the export of U.S. pork to China.”
The eRumor alleged poor sanitary conditions of farm raised tilapia from China. TruthOrFiction.com has findings posted, which can be read by clicking this link.”
My source in poultry said it would be two years just to recover the laying hens at the time.
That’s what I thought.
And we lost a million cattle this summer in the floods and thundersnow
Tell me about it…..
46 million turkeys will be eaten this Thanksgiving once again.
Well Elvis is semi-topical today:
Until the GOP-controlled Senate gets to play, that is…
“Until the GOP-controlled Senate gets to play, that is…”
Phoenix – keep trying to post. Yeah, it’s throwing you into spam and regular moderation after I liberated you from spam.
Did you change your email or your name (phoenixrising37) recently? That may be impacting things.
You ARE registered, too – right? Seems strange that you would go into spam, but it does happen to some others with certain posts.
Last night I couldn’t post here or at Marica’s unless I did so through notifications, which is how I am responding to you now. Then this a.m. I ran the upgrade on Opera, rebooted and I was able and still am able to get onto Marica’s site… BUT, I still can’t get on at QTree. I haven’t changed anything, but grandson thinks it is Opera creating the problem.
Yup. Probably a WordPress (third party) cookie thing!
Oh. that’s what place I didn’t ck – 3rd party cookies… will look
Your saved WP password is in a cookie for WordPress in the browser’s files, and WQTH needs to grab it.
my last two posts went thru, or did you pull them out?
I think they went through OK!
They did… I’m HOME AGAIN!
I think it’s working now Wolfie…
Did an upgrade to Java and now it’s fine. Too low-tech to understand what that has to do with anything. But happy I CAN POST!
Thanks for listening to my problems
Nice little article on the Democrat/Media tantrum of fear…
Well written. If you play on Twister you might want to follow the author: “Fletch Daniels blogs at deplorabletouchdown.com and can be found on Twitter at @fletchdaniels “
Fortunately I don’t currently Twitter, but thanks…hopefully those Treepers who do will take a look.
The DOJ has filed a response to Sidney’s brief, but it just seems to be saying that the Brady material she is asking for would nave made no real difference in the first place…….?
Correct. Because the client said he was guilty. Not sure Powell will get what she wants here. The Judge could possibly vacate the plea and send the case to trial. That would be a terrible outcome. He could suspend sentencing pending new facts but does Powell want a longer delay?
I suspect that Judge Sullivan will let us know by November 7th.
Sullivan ordered the DOJ to file within 48hrs, meaning the close of business today. They had to file something, but it is an incredibly weak response to Powell’s latest. Sullivan knows the Mueller SC attorneys are crooked and corrupt. Also, he does not have to vacate Flynn’s plea in order to dismiss the case for prosecutorial misconduct. He knows the plea was coerced from Flynn, and how, because Powell speeded it all out with supporting documentation.
I suspect that Both Durham and Horowitz are waiting for Sullivan to drop the hammer on the Mueller attorneys, which with blow open a giant pathway to “investigate the investigators”. But guess what, THAT has already been done.
Step 1 – Sullivan dismisses Flynn case for prosecutorial misconduct
Step 2 – Horowitz IG report is released
Step 3 – Durham indictments, including those who were involved with Flynn investigation
Step 4 – Democrat impeachment falls to pieces
FG&C, Tracking with all your thoughts…really ought to play out that way..
Me thinks the criminal D-Rats without an ethical thought in their heads WILL full speed ahead play impeachment BS. MCM will play the D-Rats BS line.
PIGLOSY smear rolls on… BUT, Americans see through it HE PIGLOSY BS.
President Trump will prevail. Americans will prevail.
We win. EVIL loses;-)
I hope so!!!
It has never been entirely clear to me what Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying about….
If is was remembering something different than an altered 302 it seems like it would be horribly unfair to keep the plea.
When the left refers to General Flynn, they add the phrase, “a convicted felon” right after his name.
I would love to see that description applied to Weismann, Mueller, and the entire insurance coup group.
Excellent post… you have made my day.
I have read most of your points, been following Sidney… but ol’ brain can’t pull things together like I used to be able to… Thanks for putting them in the 4 steps… I remember Q saying had to be freed up before Horowitz IG report is released.
I have been very positive, then about 36 hrs ago felt some fear… all gone now… it’s clear in my head.
Thanks a million.
I wonder if that will happen. I suspect he will go back to the original guilty plea and ignore the subsequent information because the client pleaded guilty knowing all the facts pertaining to him directly. I mean, the one person who knew the truth was Flynn and yet he pleaded guilty anyways.
I am steeling myself for that outcome. All the other stuff could wind up being excitement porn.
Finally makes it to the top of the thread. Thinks I’ll take a nap now but leaves you with this since I didn’t see it on the way up.
It was invented by Washington Post, originally.
Strange Legal Maneuver.
Haters of free speech gonna hate. President Trump and his supporters would just come up with a new term to bash them over the head with…but unlikely this will go anywhere.
It won’t and the reluctantly admit such in the article.
“This must be America’s wake-up call,” DeVos said. “We cannot abide these poor results any longer. We can neither excuse them away nor simply throw more money at the problem.”
The dip doesn’t seem to be without cause, either. By 2015, most states had implemented some form of Common Core standards, according to the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Studies have linked Common Core to declining test scores and generally poor student performance.”
Common Core + Immigration
Here is a YouTube: Elisey Mysin (8) at his first solo concert. Tchaikovsky, Russian Dance
(all these Russians colluding…
And here he is playing a Church Organ (though I think the pedals may be a bit much, maybe they have extensions). Seems to be quite talented indeed.
Thanks, Cuppa – a talented little gentleman for sure!
That is REALLY impressive. Just keep him away from sequins, feather boas and candelabra…unless he’s in Tosca.
Just attended an orchestra concert tonight that featured 12 and 14 year old piano competition winners, both lovely young girls. Part of their prize was playing with the orchestra tonight and they did amazingly well…such poise!
Agree – discipline and dedication – uncommon in the young today – so we are taken aback when we see it – I think
Imagine how many American babies would be available for adoption without the abortions???
“The criminal case spans three years and involves some 75 adoptions, authorities said, with about 30 adoptions pending in three states.
Petersen is accused of illegally paying women from the Marshall Islands to have their babies in the United States and give them up for adoption. The women were crammed into homes owned or rented by Petersen, sometimes with little to no prenatal care, court documents say.
Petersen charged families $25,000 to $40,000 per adoption, prosecutors said.
Petersen completed a mission in the Marshall Islands, a collection of atolls and islands in the eastern Pacific, for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He later worked in the islands and the U.S. on behalf of an international adoption agency before going to law school and becoming an adoption attorney.”
Catholic Charities had a good system for adoption, protected their own.
Yes, they did. I know more than one birth family reunited with a child given up to GREAT, GREAT joy. The birth parents were simply too young to raise a child of their own. In one case, the birth parents actually later married, and had more children. Their oldest daughter was walked down the aisle by her adopted father, but her birth parents were in the front pew the day she got married. And the girl’s kids have three sets of grandparents.
Mark Zuckerberg vs. Jack Dorsey is the most interesting battle in Silicon Valley
Steve Kovach
* Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey announced Wednesday that the company would no longer accept political ads.
* Even though Dorsey didn’t name Mark Zuckerberg, it was a clear swipe at the CEO’s position on running false political ads on Facebook.
* Dorsey has been increasingly criticizing Facebook, even though both companies face similar problems policing content on their platforms.
Too early to start the Thanksgiving Recipe Thread?
Just asking…..
Never too early!
Here ya go . . . pizza with gravy –
Eeeeeewwww…not my cup of tea at all, carl! People really eat that?
Or how about pickled herring with a cream cheese frosting for dessert?
Oh, carl – just thinking about that turns my stomach – i hope I can hold my dinner down – YUK!
There was a place, years ago, in SF called “Clown Alley” up by Tower Records. They had an, erm, interesting menu which had, among other things, a Hamburger Sundae.
Yep. Burger, ice cream, ketchup, fries, and whatever other toppings you want…
Worked great as a “gross-out” contest item…
Well, I had an uncle, Texas rancher, that always put beef gravy on his apple pie! First saw it when I was about 8 years old and have never forgotten!
Gravy on bread would not be unusual – although i would not mix it with ‘red sauce’ – however – on apple pie – no way
I understand biscuits and gravy are a favorite in the south – is that true?
How did the haunted tent go last night??
No, not at all, but I have a new recipe for paleo crock pot chili that’s REALLY good.
If it doesn’t have jalapeños, it’s not good.
Jus’ sayin’
That can be arranged.
DP, speaking of chili…I had lunch at a fine dining club today and since it was the first cold day of the season decided to try the venison chili. The thing that made it very unique…it had pie cherries in it!
Actually, surprisingly good…gave me some great ideas.
Huh…there’s a thought.
This recipe…no beans, but A LOT of sweet bell peppers and the spices were perfect. Six hours in the crock pot and it was sooooooo good.
“Then this morning Nigel Farage — with a little help from his American chum Donald — dropped his bombshell. The Brexit Party isn’t going to go down without a fight; it isn’t going to concede the field to the Conservatives; no, what Boris is promising definitely isn’t Brexit — so unless he changes his Withdrawal Agreement and forms some kind of loose alliance then the Brexit Party is going to contend every seat in the coming election, potentially splitting the Leave vote and exposing Britain to the double horror of No Brexit and Jeremy Corbyn Prime Minister.
It’s big, it’s bold, and I like it!”
“First, timing: it follows on from his incredible scoop on his LBC radio show yesterday evening — possibly the greatest scoop any talk radio show has managed ever — when the President of the USA just happened to drop by as his phone-in guest.
Not only that — big favours, I imagine, were being called in here — but President Trump made it clear that his preference was for some kind of Boris Johnson/Nigel Farage pact…
…and that furthermore, in his [Trump’s] opinion, the Withdrawal Agreement now being promoted by Boris Johnson is not conducive that the very special trade deal that President Trump has been promising his British chums.”
Boris had better get with the program or else? Yikes!!!
Dunno if smiley has posted this video or not – but, Pastor Marty does a wonderful job on this topic –
#OWN #Blackwomen #Trump
Black Women Blame Trump for Weight Gain
Check out Pelosi dodge questions about Impeachment…worried much Nancy?
From the Dan Bongino show: watch from the 3:30 mark to see Scaredy Pants Nancy and continue on to about 9:50 for some context. Be sure to watch Congressman Doug Collins statement…he does not seem at all worried about the Schiff Charade. Good stuff.
OHHHHHHHHHHHHH happy DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beto is OUTTTTTTTTTTT and has left the race.
He needs to go home and learn how to be a better dad and husband.
[Video] Woman Tells Beto O’Rourke “You’re Not Getting Our Guns; Hell No, You’re Not”
Can you imagine the police going door-to-door to confiscate people’s guns? Lol. After a hundred dead LEO’s, I’m sure they would pretty much decide to pass on the idea! Their family’s mean more to them than Joe’s legally acquired guns. Most departments would probably tell the federal government to shove it!
There are not any sharp pencils on the Dem’s desk—did they misplace their pencil sharpener!!??
I want Beto to come take them—Molon Labe dickhead!!!
Imagine Kamaltoe Harris is not too far behind Beto! She’ll pack it in—something she knows how to do!
I think you will like this article:
I’d venture a guess here and think that Beto will pop back up to challenge Cornyn for his senate seat in Texas. Because its a Presidential election he will loose handily with everyone turning out, however Beto will be counting on Impeachment having an effect. It also doesn’t help with Cornyn being a bit swampy in the past though he’s doing all he can now to correct for such.
Too late to challenge Cornyn
Buh-bye, Beto…I mean Robert Francis.
Well he is right about upstate NY. I am contemplating moving back to the Philly area.
Don’t blame you. Closest I ever got to NY City was Jersey City just off route 1 where I broke down. Scary couple hours right before dark waiting for a tow truck. Close enough for me.
“Great leaders would work”….such as my son, Donald, Jr.
I was at my Aldi store (Mom was puppy sitting) and I saw a ‘female’ version of michael moore… only a little smaller. And of course she had on an Impeach Trump hat.
Sometimes you just want to comment but in the end what’s the point with these idiots.
I agree.
Robert Francis O’Rourke quit the race. Good riddance.
This is good news. But will anyone even notice?
President Trump did.
… well … I’m all gussied up and waiting lift off … T-minus 7 minutes and counting … heh heh …

Cue to 1:35 minutes

Canine Heroes: Training combat dogs
I’ve known a number of people who have had dogs who flunked out of various training programs, mostly support dogs. One flunked out of police dog school, but still retained her drug training habits, and she provided the key piece of evidence breaking up a drug ring when her owner went to the police and told them she was indicating a specific car was giving off a drug odor. The judge believed the dog and issued a search warrant. Lots ‘o marijuana in that car.
Not all graduate from training but, retain what they learn – each has his/her own talent – just have to discover what it is – I guess – what a fabulous story!
Well, this dog was a poodle, and a friend who is a poodle breeder said they like hobbies, not jobs. Although, one of her products was the first female poodle to win some sort of a field competition with retrieving ducks. Hers are more about sporting activities, but she was excited to hear about this dog catching drug dealers, that’s for sure.
Would never even consider a poodle – hobbies – lol – unusual – I think of German Shepherds trained for these kinds of ‘jobs’ – noticed the military chooses them for training – not sure why they are so exceptional in these activities – any ideas?
Intelligence. They use labrador retrievers as well for non-combat detection of trip wires and IEDs. Special forces pretty much uses Belgian Malinois for their range in climbing and ferocity. Other breeds could be used. The original dog of WWI was a mutt, actually. It pretty much boils down to intelligence and being able to adapt.
Poodles..,my only reservation is the coat. Our current breed is one of Bichons which comes off the poodle, and you talk about non-shedding, but HAIR, HAIR and more HAIR. I’m constantly trimming around the feet and pulling stuff out of their ears.
Did not know that about special forces – then perhaps – other branches of the military use Shepherds – so what you are saying is – the right dog for the job – might vary dependent upon what they are being asked to do – interesting
Yes. Cadaver searching is almost exclusively bloodhounds, even under water they can find them, although life jackets are recommended for that breed. Labs can sniff out cancer (and I think should be the first line of screening some are so accurate without radiation or invasiveness). Terriers were bred to hunt varmints. Dogs breeds each had their purpose.
Wow!!! Quite a variety of skill sets – my neighbor has a black lab – and he can sense the presence of another animal – and take you right to it – these are wild animals who wander near his yard – there is a wire fence – but animals such as raccoons can drop in from trees – needless to say – they do not stay long.
Our yellow lab’s sire was a finished field champion. She could flush and finish just about anything. Birds in the spiaria bushes…dead.
Amazing what God created for a specific purpose – little did we know what they could do.
The colors…..
Yes – striking and stunning while subdued – lovely
Okay, this is getting little play anywhere. This guy is another Ed Buck like Gay porn king pin with Epstein like ambitions.
However please do read down the story or at least skip to pervert Bean’s political donations and then see the photo at the bottom of the article to see just how invasive this is.
This is utter nonsense. The flooding in my area was not caused by climate change. I cannot believe my governor would say something that stupid. He knows it is false.
Dumbest statement I ever heard… uninformed, uneducated person.
One of the worst hurricanes EVAH hit Galveston TX in 1900 … over 100 years ago.
“The Great Galveston Storm came ashore the night of Sept 8, 1900, with an estimated strength of a Category 4. It remains the deadliest natural disaster and the worst hurricane in U.S. history. From 6,000 to 12,000 people died on Galveston Island and the mainland. Texas’ most advanced city was nearly destroyed.”
ADL: It’s not okay to be white.
UPDATE from 8chan!
That’s great news, Wheatie! I was about to give up on them. It’s been 2 months.
This is Socialism…ain’t it grand?
Turning into a pumpkin a day late. Tomorrow…no vet appointments, no Mass to sing (surprisingly decently attended despite the lateness of the hour), no blog posts to write…who knows. I might be around a bit more.
‘night, y’all.
‘Night, DePat…sweet dreams.

Could our POTUS possibly be referring to 8chan???
This is related…to 8chan/8kun.
To state-level and planetary-level creators of mass shooters and mass-murder events and their sycophants in Fake News and Fake Entertainment:
You should not accuse peaceful truth-tellers of your own violence and mass murder, lest there be Biblical enforcement.
Attempts to further frame us in this regard will be met with pants-pissing karma per design.
You are already significantly in arrears.
You were warned.