Hey y’all!
RSBN Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Waiv97AJzQ0&feature=youtu.be
FOX 10, Phoenix Live Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzxhd9Pwx40
Golden State Times Link:
The Do’s and Don’ts of attending a MAGA Rally in Tupelo, MS, as explained by Secret Service.
Welcome to MY STATE!!! This will be the President’s second trip to Tupelo! He’s here to rally for our big Governor’s Race and state-wide seats. Mississippi is a deep red state, and chances are Tate Reeves will be our new Governor (He’s running against Jim Hood, the famous trial lawyer who led the landmark Tobacco case). Personally, I find Reeves kind of squishy. He’s known to be incredible competent and powerful in the state, but man-o-man is he boring. He’s no Donald Trump, but then, who is? Reeves can’t drive turnout, obviously, and Jim Hood oozes charisma, thus the reason for Trump’s visit = drive the turnout. And in the end, we dance with the guy who brought us. This is Tate Reeves, you will certainly see him this evening:

Mississippi is legendary for powerful politicians. Haley Barbour was former Governor and now runs one of the most powerful lobbying firms in DC. Thad Cochran, the powerful Senate Chair of Ways and Means, ran against Chris McDaniel (Tea Party) in 2014. Recall that race was particularly brutal and opened many eyes to the ways of the RINO in DC. In the 90’s, Senator Trent Lott was Majority Leader of the Senate. Before Lott, Senator John C. Stennis, a Dem/Dixiecrat, was also President Pro-tempore of the Senate and and served for 41yrs. Our Space Center on the Coast is named for him. Every one of those men has been in our house, at least once. In Mississippi, politics is a preferred pastime. Of course, that was long after Jefferson Davis, President, and the Head of the Confederacy being located in Mississippi.
But enough about politics!!! We’re so happy you are here, we have to show you around our state. Let’s get you oriented, because many of you are new to our state. This thread does get a little bit long, because I HAD SO MUCH TO TELL. If you want to, just skip to the rally thread and we won’t mind a bit!

Mississippi is 340 miles long and 170 miles wide. It takes me about 5 hours to travel from just south of Memphis, TN, to New Orleans. A total of 48,430 sq miles of natural resources, a population just under 3 million people with a median income of $43,529, as of 2016, dead last in the union. GDP runs a little over 95 Billion, 37th in the country. (Wiki is the source for basic stats)
Mississippi includes everything from the south, which is really just a big suburb of New Orleans or Mobile. It’s only about a 100 mile shoreline on the Gulf, so the coastal towns tend to blend together. On the western border is the Mighty Mississippi River offering the birthplace of the blues to plantation after plantation and miles of farmland and hunting. The east is where we find vast forests, to the north which is more characterized by the industry of Memphis. The food is fabulous, people are friendly, and as long as you understand the education dynamic within the state, it’s a perfect place to raise children or retire.
Race Demographics
Can’t mention the state name without discussing “racism”, and wow, do we have a chip on our shoulder about the subject. It was a label that stuck.
Once you understand the racial makeup of Mississippi, everything else starts to make sense. Our GDP, education, culture, the food and music, everything is influenced by race. Mississippi is different because our black population is so high as a percentage of total population. I have a hard time explaining this to visitors because they go by their own experience of their home. In fact, 37.9% of our state are black citizens, highest in the country. Therefore, if anyone wanted to truly study/solve anything to do with race, the state of Mississippi would be a perfect incubator for any social experiment or a new proposed idea…… if “they” wanted to really fix the problem….. or if there really was a problem?
Little Bit of History
Before the Civil War broke out, the colonies (new states) on the eastern seaboard were connected to the new LA Purchase (1803) territory by the land of what is now the states of Tennessee and Kentucky. The land which was MS and AL, was inhabited by Indians (Chickasaw/Choctaw in the south which beget the Trail of Tears) and Tecumseh (+others) in the upper midwest (IN, IL, MI, Minnesota which beget the war of 1812) when the Brits sided with Tecumseh. These lands did not belong to the USA…yet.
When the Civil War broke out, Mississippi was 55% black. The wealthiest cities in our fledgling country at the time were New Bedford, Massachusetts (whaling and industry), and Natchez, MS (cotton and foreign +domestic trade). The south, via New Orleans was more influenced/loyal/trading partners to the French (Lafayette, Barataria, Acadians, 1812 war with England) and the north, particularly Boston, was more loyal the the English (Puritans, etc.), but the USA declared war on England, conscription of soldiers, to capture the midwest (remember Tecumseh?) In other words, they didn’t really like each other BEFORE the Civil War, particularly when it came to trade, culture, and most of all …….. money.
The Civil War was personal to the south, fought in our front yard. As a kid, I grew up in the north and we learned very little about the Civil War. In the south, we talk about great-granddaddy…. who fought and died…… around the corner. My town was burned by Grant’s soldiers on his way to Vicksburg, save one home across from the firehouse, which had a Mason’s symbol above the door. Our state is one big battlefield and the study of military history is a pursued past time. Probably why Mississippi citizens of all races and backgrounds will NEVER give up their guns.
At the beginning of the war, only 3% of the population owned “slaves”. At the end of the war, 2/3 of the farmland in “the Delta” was owned by blacks, but falling cotton prices caused many farms to be lost. During reconstruction, many blacks held local office, until Governor Vardaman was elected. Vardaman began the red shirts and black voter suppression in the 1890’s.
Remember the PA judge who finally died and lifted the voter suppression penalty on the south, just a couple of years ago? By 1900, the state was still majority black population but the boll weevil hit the cotton crop. Then came the great flood of 1927, followed by the Great Depression, and the migration to Chicago and Detroit began. “When the Levee Breaks” was a song originally by Memphis Minnie, about the Great Flood of ’27.
Today, Mississippi, demographically, is 37% black, 59% white, and almost no Hispanics or Native Americans. We are a black and white state. In other states, like NY (14.4% black), Illinois (14.1), MA (about 8%), California (only 6.5%) or Vermont (1%), people think of “blacks” living in a community, which is far away from “them”. If you notice, there aren’t too many black people in Joliet, Westchester, or Palo Alto. I had a liberal girlfriend in upstate NY who confessed she had never MET a black person, but of course, she “knew all about it”. Note it was “it” and not “them”. Weird.
It’s not like that here. There are no places where “black people” do not exist. They represent almost 40% of our population! Our communities are mixed all up and down the state. Our families have known each other’s families for generations. We cheer for each other’s kids during high school sports and chat in the grocery store. Our kids go to school together. AND when we have hurricanes, tornadoes or ice storms, we figure it out……. together. When I travel to other states, I often say, “Where are all the black people?”, because to me, coming from here, it’s a noticeable absence. Even when I travel to other southern states, LA and AL (about 26%), it’s odd, because statewide, the communities are more disparate. If I go home to Iowa, to visit extended family…. there are almost no black people at all….., anywhere…. and the food is bland.
As a result of the demographics in Mississippi, our cultures mix. It’s how the Blues was born in Clarksdale, MS. It’s how Elvis came to prominence and American Rock and Roll changed the world. It’s how the world was blessed with “comfort food”. Dear Lord, the food is extraordinary. I also believe I could make a legal case on behalf of black grandmothers. They should interrogate all witnesses for the FBI – we would be better off as a nation. As a subset of humanity, elder black women are the most pragmatic people on the planet and can sniff out a lie faster than a good dream disappears in the morning. I have trembled in the face of their wrath and been blessed to call them friends. More than any other demo, elder black women represent the moral fiber, the core, of the state. THEY are responsible for the Steel Magnolias, the strong southern women and well behaved men. And we WILL go to church on Sunday! 83% of the state identifies as Christian.
Our race demographics are also why our state was targeted in the 1960’s. Our black population is so high, if the seeds of discord could be sown here, the animosity would travel like a dandelion on the wind.
My grandparents moved south from Iowa in 1961. Grandpa was part of a three man team who opened the largest factory in town. He wanted to hire black workers (cuz they were 40% of the people who lived here – made sense) and met with opposition from the town leaders. Grandpa wasn’t the kind of guy to back down. It didn’t go well. The guy who used to own my house was a town leader, powerful man, Senators, Cattlemen and the St. Louis FED used to meet at our house…. all the time. He tangled with Grandpa quite often.
The Integration of Ole Miss – Fascinating Story of Meddling by Politicians
By 1962, James Meredith decided to enroll at Ole Miss. Whether he decided himself or it was planned, we will never know. Meredith was an air force veteran, good scores at another college. If he had been white, he would have been a perfect candidate for Ole Miss… but Ole Miss was segregated at the time (as were most other schools all over the country). The Kennedy Administration decided to make their stand in Mississippi and made it a political stunt when it didn’t need to be. Here, it was seen as the 100yr replay of Massachusetts trying to tell Mississippi what to do. Civil War all over again.
Kennedy deployed 500 Marshals and a Combat Battalion out of Ft Campbell to accompany Meredith to registration, when the Governor already agreed to do it. In fact, Meredith had already moved into his dorm! The press was coordinated perfectly (one French journalist died in the riots-bullet to the back – how do you get French press all the way to Ole Miss without coordination). Locals were alarmed by the massive show of force, TROOPS, Army on our own land! People were mortified and James Meredith immediately became an incidental issue. Several hundred were injured in the riots/protests which ensued…. but the media played it perfectly, all about RACE.
Within 24 hours of the television coverage, the entire world thought everyone in the state of Mississippi was a racist. The false label stuck.
The story is fascinating (I have girlfriends who were students there at the time and Ole Miss is my Alma Mater) and a perfect lesson in how politics created a problem where there was no problem. Kennedy Admin and Governor Barnett’s Admin agreed on a discreet enrollment. Meredith was resting comfortably in his dorm room when Kennedy brought troops onto the campus. Here it is, directly from LEFT-LEANING Wikipedia:
In accordance with Barnett and Kennedy’s plan, on Sunday evening, September 30, the day before the anticipated showdown, Meredith was flown to Oxford. He was quietly escorted by Mississippi Highway Patrol as he moved into a dorm room.
The federal marshals assembled on campus, supported by the 70th Army Engineer Combat Battalion from Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Responding to the federal presence, a crowd of a thousand, mostly students–led by Edwin Walker–quickly crowded onto campus…… (Walker was an agitator, not from Mississippi, and Bobby Kennedy had him arrested and sent to a mental institution for 90 days – he was let go after 5 days, as soon as the media left town.)
As the scene grew more out of control, the highway patrol initially helped hold off the crowds but, despite Barnett’s renewed commitment, those police were withdrawn by State Senator George Yarbrough starting at about 7:25 p.m. local time.[7][8] The student demonstration, joined by an increasing number of other agitators, started to break out into a full riot on the Oxford campus. (Betrayed by Kennedy Admin) At 7:30 p.m., Barnett announced on radio that Meredith had been brought to Mississippi by force. After signing his enrollment, Barnett said to the Federal troops:
“Gentlemen, you are trampling on the sovereignty of this great state and depriving it of every vestige of honor and respect as a member of the United States. You are destroying the Constitution of the United States. May God have mercy on your souls.[5] ” (So, locals were primarily protesting what appeared to be an invasion by the US government AND the admission of Meredith, but portrayed as racist on national television and in print media)
The crowd eventually swelled to about three thousand. As its behavior turned increasingly violent, including the death of a journalist, the marshals ran out of tear gas defending the officials in the Lyceum. President Kennedy reluctantly decided to call in reinforcements in the middle of the night under the command of Brigadier General Charles Billingslea, Commanding general, 2nd Infantry Division. He ordered in U.S. Army military police from the 503rd and 716th Military Police Battalions, which had previously been readied for deployment under cover of the nuclear war Exercise Spade Fork, plus the U.S. Border Patrol and the federalized Mississippi National Guard. U.S. Navy medical personnel (physicians and hospital corpsmen) attached to the U.S. Naval Hospital in Millington, Tennessee, were also sent to the university.
Before they arrived, white rioters roaming the campus discovered Meredith was in Baxter Hall and started to assault it. Early in the morning, as Gen. Billingslea’s party entered the university gate, a white mob attacked his staff car and set it on fire. Billingslea, the Deputy Commanding General John Corley, and aide, Capt Harold Lyon, were trapped inside the burning car, but they forced the door open, then crawled 200 yards under gunfire from the mob to the University Lyceum Building (The same Lyceum which was occupied by Grant’s Army and used as a Union Hospital which treated both Union and Confederate soldiers wounded in the battle of Shiloh – only reason Ole Miss wasn’t burned. The same Lyceum where I registered for classes). The army did not return this fire.
To keep control, Gen Billingslea had established a series of escalating secret code words for issuing ammunition down to the platoons, a second one for issuing it to squads, and the third one for loading, none of which could take place without the General confirming the secret codes.
By the end, one-third of the US Marshals, a total of 166 men, were injured in the melee, and 40 soldiers and National Guardsmen were wounded.[9][6]
Finally, on October 1, 1962, Meredith became the first African-American student to be enrolled at the University of Mississippi,[13] and attended his first class, in American History.[1] Meredith graduated from the university on August 18, 1963 with a degree in political science.[14] At that time, there were still hundreds of troops guarding him 24 hours a day although, in order to appease the local sensitivities, 4,000 Black soldiers were removed from the Federal troops under Robert Kennedy’s secret orders.[15][6] (In other words, caused further segregation…. smh)
Governor Barnett was fined $10,000 and sentenced to jail for contempt. The charges were later dismissed by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals.[16]

It all happened about 30 minutes from here. It lit the flame. From that moment on, Mississippi became the staged battleground for Civil Rights. 1964 made worse.
Schools in Mississippi are horrible, often ranked at or near the bottom of all states, or so I thought, but statistics are sneaky things. The perception of lack of good schools presented a problem in recruiting executives/skilled labor/corporate headquarters from other parts of the country. Education became my primary interest. Good schools lead to more opportunity, better employees, attract more business, leads to stronger communities, and better families. For YEARS, I battled/advocated /screamed loudly to improve the results of students who were educated in MS. It wasn’t until my son was in high school that I figured out what the real problem was.
Because of one of my son’s extracurriculars, I ended up as a Scholarship Chair for thousands of the region’s highest performing students, who were being recruited by top colleges. Along with resumes, SAT/ACT scores were key. I started investigating, poking around, running numbers, comparing studies, and the results of kids across states and even down to various zip codes. Couldn’t believe what I was finding, but we can’t argue with hard data.
I learned the “average” black student scored an 18 on the ACT, Hispanic about a 20, white student about a 22.4, and an Asian student about a 23.6-24. Of course, there were outliers who performed incredibly well despite all kinds of odds. I could, however, compare an “average” black student in Palo Alto, Lake Forest, Wellesley (rich zip codes) to an average black student in rural Mississippi (poor zip code), and the scores were the same, no discernible difference. Same with Hispanics/Whites/Asians. There could be a hundred reasons for the discrepancy among races, but clearly, $$’s spent per pupil was NOT a reason. Flabbergasted. I cross checked dozens, and then hundreds, of different zip codes, same results. I ran into zip codes which spent 3X’s the amount per pupil, no difference in ACT scores.
Therefore, since our state had a higher demo of black students (almost 40%), the lower test scores were bringing down the average of the state, but easily addressed, right? Politically, if we extrapolated the problem across the region of high demo black population states, it explains the stigma of the “dumb southerner”, which hastens division of Americans, and becomes Exhibit A on “How to Lie With Statistics”. Massive legal/illegal immigration into CA could explain the downturn in numbers for California.
It’s not possible to explain “why” there is a difference among races for test scores (above my paygrade – but if lil’ ole me found it, then SURELY someone else has noticed before me). Yet, common sense tells us, if we worked on ACT prep classes with black students we could increase overall averages, improve the state’s reputation for education, recruit more execs, more biz, and increase prosperity. If we had success with one subset for ACT, even in a single zip code, we could duplicate results across the state, right? And then work down across grade levels, right? I gave it to Governors, Senators, Congressmen, even local Superintendents. No one wanted to touch it….. because they would be accused of being racist if they admitted “average” differences in test scores. Thus, the black community suffers…. and we’re all worse off…. which is actually “racist”.
My own school Superintendent alluded to the fact that he already knew what I was telling him…… but the idea was poison to him. Sticking his head in the sand was more politically convenient. Political correctness is therefore racist, and in this case harms all our of fellow citizens. “Systemic Racism” = There it is, a real definition, and it would be so easy to turn around.
It’s a shame. If we can’t talk about a problem, we can’t fix the problem.
Mississippi is a right-to-work state and Nissan and Toyota have enormous plants in the state. We also have shipyards and many military bases here. Mississippi citizens are the highest percentage of those in the military.

With President Trump in office, the shipyards are so busy, the closest Junior College is running welding tech, structural welding, welding info systems, ANYTHING welding classes 3 shifts a day, and another one on weekends, to train welders. It’s amazing.

Of course, Mississippi will always be the land of beautiful women (more Miss Americas than any other state). Ole Miss has a saying….., as opposed to a football team, “We red-shirt Miss Americas”.

Tailgating is an art-form in our state and the men and women dress to impress. The town of Oxford, only has about 30K residents, but on Football Weekends, it swells to about 180-250K. People bring pool tables, satellite dishes, and all their friends.

So, plan to stay for a while. You’re always welcome in Mississippi.
Now, onto the rally thread!
Check this out….. Glenn “May” be back inline…..?
Part 2
Part 3
I am now more informed about your beautiful state, Daughn……but do you get to go?
No, we’ve had something of a family emergency here at home. Long story, rather not talk about, traumatic but nothing I can do about it. Anyway, we will watch from afar.
Thoughts and prayers for all concerned….may our GOD of Love and Mercy intervene and bring His best outcome.
My condolences, and I hope your family emergency works out. Things actually happen in the real world, as opposed to Political-Land where you can keep pushing BS around in circles for years.
Prayers for you and your family.
Daughn…… I am soooooo sorry.
I thought this was the “Open Thread”.
Please forgive me for changing the subject of YOUR thread.
Totally okay, no worries.
Hey, I had no idea 3rd segment was out already.
I am Just trying to do my “Fair Share”
(By adding some useful content)
Great intro to Mississippi and the rally. Always enjoy Elvis singing the Battle Hymms. Shit pie clip, simply hilarious;-)
Daughn,I pray there comes a day that I get to cook cracker food for you.
I am thinkin,snook fingers,tater salad and zucchini bread over French vanilla ice cream.
Can I come too?
Everyone is welcome,I have to admit the secret to my tater salad is my grandfather’s recipe for zucchini relish
OOOOhhhh that sounds divine!
Hey, Rod – How are you doing? Up and cooking already? Prolly not – just wondering how you fared in ‘Procedures # 1 and # 2 – when is the next invasion?
God Bless you and keep you Healing!!!
I had to cancel my procedure for today because I can hardly walk. They did 2 procedures on my right leg and I have had a charlie horse in my call ever since lol.
Thank you for asking Duchess and thank you for your prayers.
Oh, sorry to hear about that, Rod – are there 2 procedures on your left leg, too? Have they rescheduled you? This whole thing must be so agonizing – waiting and hoping and praying – only to be delayed.
We will continue to pray for God to make you whole, again. In the meantime, we will wait on the Lord – all in His timing – Hugs!!!
Yes I have 2 procedures on my left leg next and I really am not looking forward to it at all.
God bless you Duchess
Is it just the left leg with the problem? I thought you had procedures on both? Oh, you poor dear – so much poking and prodding – would make me goofy – but, you are a real trooper – taking it as it comes – * Sigh *
They were gonna do a procedure on both legs at my last appt but after the dr seen the condition of my right calf they decided to do 2 procedures on my right leg because the wound had been open and infected for 9 months.
Hopefully now the swelling will go away and they will do a skin graft over my calf.
Oh, my – that is intense, Rod – it is like they are putting you back together in pieces – you are so brave – this must be excruciating – even with anesthetics – when they wear off – the pain is often unbearable – we will fast and pray – for total healing of both legs – sending Comfort Angels to hold you up – Warring Angels to combat the pain – and Healing Angels to pour healing oils on both legs –
Keep the Faith, Rod – Jesus is with you all of the way – and He can fix anything – heard some powerful testimonies this AM – so I know it is not only possible – it happens!!!
I didn’t get anesthetics because I would not go to the hospital for the 2nd procedure,they made me sign a waiver and did it in office.
Prayers are helping me get thru this test and a very high tolerance to pain.
Oh, wow! You ARE brave – Well – we will certainly keep up our prayers for you until God makes you whole, again – We are hanging in there with you, Rod!!!
Thank you Duchess
Most welcome, Rod – it is our pleasure to pray you through this!!!
Where’s that?
Near… One below.
(Old Richard Pryor Mudbone joke)
Southerners and beekeepers know that “Tupelo” is a kind of tree that grows well in swamps. Beekeepers there will actually float the hives on pontoons or barges to put them close to tupelo trees.
And there’s even songs about what the bees make:
Go just a little bit farther out…..
This is what I meant by saying, “plus your body of work to date”.
What do we have here now? Who is it? What is it? Where is it? How did it get like this during the When? continuum of time? Nor do you neglect, “Follow the money”, “What others have said about it”, and “cherchez la femme”.
Thank you, Zorro.
Racism is a funny, funny thing…..
Some years ago, I was in Atlanta, at a convention, and my belt broke. We had a rental car, so I could easily go get a new one……but every major city (and Atlanta certainly qualifies) has “good parts” and “bad parts”, and wandering into the bad parts might even get you killed. I decided, to be safe, that I would go to an enclosed mall nearby. Further, I would go to one that had a Macy’s, because that was likely to be a smidge upscale (as opposed to one that has a Target, which would be a smidge downscale…..or one that had a Needless Markup, that was likely to be entirely *too* upscale….)
Shuffling around on the computer, I quickly located one and drove there. The side where I initially drove up had some carnival/street fair thing in the parking lot [with a very Rastafarian color scheme, which didn’t register at the time], so I drove around the mall to a quieter place in the back, parked, and went in. Mind you, I was a bit nervous and distracted because I had to worry about keeping my pants up. So I went in and found a mall directory. I was, of course, on the entirely wrong side of the mall for the Macy’s. Fine. I started schlepping across the mall with purpose.
The great majority of the mall looked like every other slightly upscale mall I’ve ever been in — the requisite Foot Locker shoe store, food court, Victoria’s Secret….but things were beginning to creep into my consciousness. I passed a tux rental place — that’s normal — but there were tuxes in purple and sky blue. Not cummerbunds, full tuxes.
About 2/3 of the way across the mall, my path intersected with that of a pair of young ladies heading toward my 8 o’clock. I slowed to let them pass, then resumed charging toward the Macy’s with my belt…..only to stop in my tracks when I realized that they were the only two caucasians I had seen since I had driven there. I looked around. Mall full of shoppers at stores I recognized. Caucasians: 3 — two receding in the distance and me.
I resumed my charge across the mall, got to the Macy’s, found the men’s accessories, explained to a clerk how I needed to take a belt into the changing room, try it on, and — if it worked — pay for it without taking it off. [I sometimes wonder if God’s plan for me is to amuse the heck out of others while I’m trying to accomplish things in a straightforward and logical manner.]
First one I tried worked (I have only a vague idea of the sizes of clothing that I wear, and I hadn’t thought to check the size of the broken belt before I set-out for its replacement). So I came out, paid (I suspect that the clerk and her companion had been laughing while I was in the changing room, which is fine with me — I was doing something “outside the usual rules” and they were very pleasant and helpful).
And, then, I got to walk back. Because I no longer had to concentrate on keeping my pants up, and had already discovered The Big Weird that I was going to be the only Caucasian in sight, I noticed more. Although the stores were the same, the product mix was subtly different. Some of the stores weren’t the same — there was a beauty store with a hair straightener. There was a food court, but……well, around here, there’s a major Asian influence — e.g. https://www.kojakitchen.com/ — but there were food places I didn’t recognize. And I got a few glances — nothing overtly hostile and I never felt endangered — but it was a bit weird.
One of the most significant takeaways is that it is easier to feel comfortable and safe among “other people” in places where they, themselves, feel comfortable and safe. A lot of negroes (oh, hell — what’s the current terminology?) I’ve met over the decades in California have had a chip on their shoulder — and, having schlepped across a mall as the only Caucasian, I can see why. But interacting with negroes in my visits to the South has always been smoother and easier, because they’re just people there. In fact, while recalling the situation…..maybe I was getting glances because they were thinking, “what is a confused yankee doing here?”
And, of course, it has bolstered my hatred of “Community Organizing”, Alinskyism, race-baiters like Conyers (glad he’s gone), Sharpton, and Obama.
Excellent backstory on your state Daughn!
Makes me want to retire there some day.
“Here, it was seen as the 100yr replay of Massachusetts trying to tell Mississippi what to do. Civil War all over again.”
This sentence made me think of Big T and Miss Daughn.
Does Massachusetts know not to tell Mississippi what to do?
Is the Civil War now ended or are there occasional outbreaks?
It might go over better if what Massachusetts was telling Mississippi to do made some damned sense, which, lately, it hasn’t.
I actually read a biography of Noah Webster, I believe, that gave me the north tried to tell the south what to do as early as the Colonial Period. That’s what brought us 1861-1865, and it looks like the lesson has not been learned: don’t interfere with other states. When they are ready, they will come looking.
Maybe it’s just because I DETEST unsolicited advice, but, really, it never seems to have the outcome the well meaning meddlers foresee.
Big T here replying to GA/FL . . . Hrummmff. When did MA EVER tell MS what to do? The War of Northern Aggression has never ended as far a everyone here is concerned. The fighting and killing ended long ago but the northern aggression is just as bad as ever. We don’t need a truce in our house as I am more vehemently anti-NE than she is, having bathed in its ooze for over 40 years and seen first-hand its corrosive condescension toward all things not Ivy-elite. I wouldn’t and couldn’t go back there for $16.2M – (and they wouldn’t have me I suspect either.)
I am (and probably always was) a “Live Free or Die”, get outta my face, stay in your bedroom and don’t “flaunt and fluff” at me, libertarian at heart. Miss Daughn has had more iterations of herself than you could imagine but at heart she is a Steel Magnolia with a hint of Chicago Rust, a pinch of MIami Vice and a whole lot of Nawlins Style and Spice. Together our cooking is a combo of Emeril Lagasse (who is a Portuguese native of New Bedford, Mass), Julia Childs (I grew up with her on Channel 2 live in Boston), 5 generations of Midwest and Southern handwritten note cards, a whole lot of instinct and a pinch of talent. We both have unusually sensitive senses of smell and taste – at least we think so ( I KNOW Daughn has good taste – lol) – so we tend to get flavors and spices about right. (If you read the B&B reviews on TripAdvisor it seems our guests agree.)
I love the people of the South and I live in a truly integrated society. How do I know? I do everything in my society with members of my community and I DO NOT see a color in my neighbors. Someone might describe me as “that white guy who lives over yonder in that big house” but they say it the same as “blue eyes or brown hair” – nothing more. (BTW, “yonder” is both a directional and a distance measure – and is accurate to within 3 yards).
As for Ted Kennedy and his slime, don’t get me started. I have a two personal encounters with him – both of which are ugly – and I have always despised him at a distance. His family are no different from Rockefellers or Vanderbilts – they are just Irish and made their illegal fortune on booze.
The Eagle has landed…
Glad you are with us tonight! Also glad you became a Southerner by Choice!
Giggle/snort, loved your comment, Ga/FL.
Let’s just say…….. in our house…….. MA gives MS a mile of rope and MS constantly hangs herself.
The US Coast Guard at one time had an ice breaker and buoy tender by the name of Tupelo (WLB 303). My dad served aboard it during the early 1960’s. It operated out of the port of Toledo, OH.
Itswoot!!!!!!! It’s good to see you, waving!!!!
“It’s not possible to explain “why” there is a difference among races for test scores (above my paygrade – but if lil’ ole me found it, then SURELY someone else has noticed before me).”
My theory is that the problem with black kids test scores is environmental – equal parts home stability/sanity/sanctity and the prevailing culture of the neighborhood.
My reasoning is personal experience. In my childhood there were times when our family was going through stuff, and the adults were at odds, and things were uncertain – those times were traumatic for me – and I had a lot of trouble concentrating in school.
Another example – in her first year of teaching, our daughter-in-law taught First Grade at an inner city school in Jacksonville, FL. First parents night, only one parent showed up, a black granny who was high as a kite. Her students would come to class wearing all their clothes, even in hot weather, and toting as many of their possessions as they could for fear they would be sold by the adults for drugs or not knowing where they would be ‘staying at’ that night or from then on. Those kids had no encouragement to study, heck, they couldn’t. Their homes has lots of yelling, fighting, parents being arrested, messing around in front of them…
Later, our daughter saw much of the same as a young school speech pathologist in Athens, GA.
The ridiculous, mind-bending, illogical, failing Common Core Curriculum was partly a leftist attempt to reach and teach kids like these whose minds are so taken up with survival that they can’t learn logically and partly the usual leftist love for indoctrination and conditioning people for their purposes and ideological agendas.
With all that, it’s a miracle the difference isn’t bigger than it is.
Unless you get the home right, safety and security in place, nothing else works.
It’s like a pyramid.
Has to have a base, first.
… but probably, there are as many “reasons” as there are kids.
My mother used to work in a school district that is just as dysfuntional as one in the inner city. It’s not just the environment for a lot of those kids. There are REALLY smart people in the community, but at the same time, there are some funky genes that keep getting passed down. The stories the special school district teachers told were downright scary sometimes.
And then they’d come to the pool during the summer….
That was from RepublicanNewsWatch.com (says at the end).
And VERY well done.
#WINNING !!!!!!
Thanks for the overview about Mississippi, Daughn. I’ve never been there, but I’ve always had a fascination with the place for reasons I don’t entirely understand.
Sadie you need to come for a visit. We’ll take you to The Delta – you’ll never leave. I recommend highly he NYT bestseller “Dispatches from Pluto” – look it up and you’ll understand.
Yeah, I’ve actually read that book! I wasn’t sure how true to life it is (the author seemed in over his head), but Mississippi seems like a special place with its own unique culture. I really want to visit one day!
You should take minute a read some of the stories my wife, Daughn247 has posted here about our B&B – just the tip of the Mississippi experience.
I love Daughn’s stories!
Careful Sadie, sounds kind of ominous (you know those Yankees):
“We’ll take you to The Delta – you’ll never leave.”
That a B&B or “Hotel California” ?
I’ve actually driven through it on I-55. That year, it was the most pristine stretch of asphalt on the way to New Orleans.
Mississippi Mud is a song that goes back to the 1920s
Dean Martin did a whole album on the south including Mississippi Mud:
Here’s the version that came out during my high school years:
Oathkeepers to serve as security escorts for Trump supporters….in case some Øbominable community organizers try to make trouble.
That would be surprising. Not really needed here.
Stepping up the pace!
Before Kentucky – a rally in Louisiana Nov 6!!!
PDJT was right to choose Ronna as GOP Chairwoman – she is a true warrior!
We will see about that. The proof will come when we see the candidates the GOP has lined up to re-take the House. My issue in the last election cycle was the party did not get money in the hands of individuals fast enough.
thank you for the wonderful thread on your state!
I have one question…which one of those gorgeous young ladies in ball gowns was you?
can’t wait to read all your rally insights later!!!!!!!
(and praying for your family situation, whatever it may be, to work out…)
The one on the far left appears to be you. Had no idea you had ever been there!
LOL…I’m a cross between #68 and #88…
but I have never been there sadly…it sounds like a wonderful place to visit!
What a super write-up of your state, Daughn!

Thanks for taking the time to do this for us.
So much good information…as well as history!
Great job!
I hate to hear that you aren’t going to be able to go to the rally
, was looking forward to your first hand commentary. There is nothing that compares to being there in person, but your account would have been great!!

I hope whatever you are dealing with works out well for your family
Pretty scary. I hope so too. Thank you.
Prayers offered for your situation today, daughn.
Thank you for the tour through MS. Having spent a dozen years in the Arky delta, I understand some of what you speak. Was able to party bus down to Jackson for an Ole Miss/Arkansas rivalry game one year. Had some friends back in the day who were from Tupelo and Baldwin. Lost touch though the years, but remember them as good folks with solid values.
Truths of the War of Northern Aggression are well presented in this story. Much that happened in the “civil rights” era was staged to maintain political control. We all know it even if we do not publicly admit it. Our rights are granted by our Creator as we are all one race – human. If we remove the evil, we remove the divisions. That is achieved through living together, loving God, and loving one another without regard to what politicians and society say.
“The War of Northern Aggression” is exactly how it is referred to here. Never hear it referred to in such a way anywhere else.
Also called that here in western SC.
We call it that or we call it the War Between the States. Wasn’t a “civil war” – South just wanted out. We weren’t trying to take over the fed gov or change the fed gov. It was not a war within the fed gov.
FYI: only 1/3 of Southerners owned slaves and there were Southerners against slavery and there were Southerners who Wanted to phase it out. There were Southerners who had to fight for their state and had to fight the US fed gov attacking them who were not pro slavery or slave owners.
FYI2: I am in a mixed race marriage with mixed race offspring and both of us are college educated in top 10-20 undergrad/grad schools so, readers, don’t start making assumptions.
memo to Pelosi ….
The States That Will Decide the 2020 Election Oppose Impeaching Trump
Nov 1, 2019
“By a plurality of 48-44%, according to the latest poll averages, Americans favor impeaching Trump and removing him from office. But, as we all know, presidential elections are made in the electoral college on a state-by-state basis , and senators are elected in this manner, as well, which is why it is important to look at public opinion by state .”
“…sentiment in the swing states that will determine the winner of the 2020 presidential election differs from the national averages ….voters in these states support an impeachment inquiry . But by a margin of 52 to 44%, they oppose impeachment and removal .
(emphasis added)
more details, state-by-state, in the article.
Pelosi can go suck on swamp muck.
Numbers are my thing.
Several years ago, I sat down and actually tried to compute how many illegals were in our country, using data from as many sources as I could find. I spent hours and hours on it.
I came up with 62-68 million and was flabbergasted.
This skews every poll taken of “Americans”.
I took a poll…..
and found…….
3 out of 10 DemonicRats….
Are just as STUPID as the other 7
The crowd gathering already
more pre-rally stuff
The only way a crowd won’t start gathering a day before a rally starts…is if it is announced with less than a day’s notice.
Or if it’s a Bernie or Beto rally.
Yeah, I was assuming “Trump” rally of course!
Just saw a couple with ‘Trump Capes’ – LOL – at their first rally – they are definitely excited – wife was teacher for 34 years – would like to see teacher salaries raised – protect their 401Ks –
They want Trump to keep America FREE and God First!!! Heartwarming!!!
At 3:00am, Trump supporters started lining up for the Trump Rally in Tupelo.
It was 29 degrees.
Folks, there is NO ONE who could get people to turn out in cold weather other than President Trump.
We DO NOT DO COLD WEATHER in Mississippi.
I still have flip flops out.
update on timing
That’s 5:35 PM EST, NY! How could he be an hour late when it is an hour earlier in MS?
Does the rally start at 7:00 PM CST?
Flight time is approximately 2 hours – so he should be there by 6:30 PM – yes?
Duchess ..all I know is what the Trump page posts….
Oh, I know – not picking on you – just asking you to help me verify – between the time change and the rally time – my head is spinning, Guy!
We’re still on daylight time (EDT, CDT).
It looks like 6:30 or so Central time.
Yes, Steve – correctomundo – I have been up an hour earlier all week – LOL
I’ll admit I *did* have to go look up when it ends this year. (Soon.)
But Some Dunce is constantly writing EST when he should write EDT. (Not encouraging in someone who’s supposed to be a fantastic analyst.) The way to always be safe is to just say “ET” (that works for things like lists of business hours, etc.)
One place I go to has “MST” on their website; I’m thinking of walking in one day and complaining that they were closed when I showed up at 5:45 MST. “Oh did you mean Daylight time?”
Apparently most people don’t realize that the S doesn’t just mean “the time everyone around you is using.”
LOL – It’s all Standard to me, Steve – I do to like this changing back and forth – for an entire week I am off center and wobbling – yup this Saturday – later than usual – for sure!!!
I’m looking forward to an extra hour of unconsciousness this weekend.
Oh, me, too, Steve!!! LOL
Beto’s out. LOL!
Guess we get to keep our guns after all.
[Video] Woman Tells Beto O’Rourke “You’re Not Getting Our Guns; Hell No, You’re Not”
Keep our guns?
No, not until EVERY ONE of those stinking Dems is out. A circumstance that won’t happen until about 9PM on a certain Tuesday in November of next year.
Oooeeeee Miss Daughn (and that’s not ‘Ole’ Miss Daughn; more like Miss America Daughn)
I’ve been waiting for this post, and as usual you’ve raised your own bar for Southern essays!
where I bet the rally tailgating is in full swing.
Such a rich, unique culture of black & white, and I surely appreciate you setting the record straight on the historical civil rights brouha. Politics cannot do much cleanly or for the right reasons. I completely agree with your analysis of test scores, and the way to improve both education & scores for minorities. I keep hoping the next ‘woke’ step for a younger generation of blacks (after realizing they’ve been used by the victim BS) is to demand better education that prepares them for careers & self-sufficiency. This is not an unreachable goal; merely one suppressed b/c ‘racism’ is a politically preferred useful tool.
Thank you so much for another heartfelt love letter to one of our states in all its splendor & foibles.
And it’s almost time for the Tupelo Two Step
Anybody know the capacity of this Arena?
10K – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BancorpSouth_Arena
Oh, my – looks like there will be many outside – Thanks GA/FL
Arena is now full!
WooHoo – Looks like – with the lines – no reason to believe it would not be filled to capacity!!!
Daughn, the commentator just noticed more Black Americans at this rally than in previous rallies – LOL
Considering your commentary above and that she is a Black American – had she read your Introduction above – she would not be surprised at all –
Makes sense.
Largest % of black population of any state in the country.
Good to see.
We joke about Vermont, as lowest black %, as in Black people are too smart to live in all that cold weather.
LOL – could be they are not physically able to live in the North, too – she obviously did not do her homework – or she would have known.
I don’t think I’m able to live in the cold of the north anymore either.
Funny story:
I had lived in the south for a LONG time.. went to Milwaukee for Christmas. I had been asleep in the car, north of Chicago, and woke up in sister-in-law’s driveway.
There was about 3′ of snow when we arrived at midnight.
I was so excited to see the snow, I wanted to take pictures of it…… right now.
Brother-in-law was confused. Why now?
You see, I assumed it would melt and be gone in the morning.
Lived in the the south, not “lied”
LOL – That’s funny!!!
MCM maroon only has D-Rat talking points. MCM has no requirement to research or analyze for truth / reality.
She was working with the RSBN crew, Kal!
Oh. Fairly well disconnected here. Back to observing and enjoying the show. Thanks.
NBD – just wanted you to know from where the context came – she was a Black woman – commenting about how many were in the crowd…
Thanks for information…;-)
Most welcome, Kal.
In the recipes I have from my Grandma, there are a few variants of a Mississippi Mud Cake. Ive never made it but Im wondering about taste and any special tips?
This looks absolutely YUMMY, gil!
OMG, Mississippi Mud Cake is a pure slice of heaven.
Had a lady who made one a week when I was in high school. I know there’s 10lbs extra I had to get rid of just because of that cake.
It’s like a HUGE brownie.
Make all three, see which one you like best. I will be happy to taste test.
I seem to recall we always microwaved the icing, instead of double boiler, just go slowly as not to burn it.
My Grandma was old school north carolina cooking. If she wrote it down its probably pretty good. Ill have to try making it for sure now
Waiting for Air Force 1 at the airport:
This is cool!
Love my President.
AF1 getting close!
Darn it, my earlier kudos to Daughn must be in moderation hell cuz I mistyped my e-addy

I’m looking for those kudos
One last tweet before VSG heads out to the rally?
What’s he going to touch The base on tonight?
There is no cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome – they say – but, we have a cure – WINNING!!!
Fox 10 Phoenix will carry the rally live:
I guess I was wrong….
President Trump Delivers Remarks Upon Departure
We have never had such a fearless President.
Right into the lion’s den he goes, swinging his sword.
Amazing man.
He takes no prisoners – he handles the press with such aplomb – it is astonishing – they cannot get past him – no matter how hard they try – what idiots – someone tried to rile him – he refused to be riled – LOL
No need for a sword in the lion’s den….
The Lord protects him like he did Daniel
On second thought……..
OUR… LION….. Rules the Den.
Anyone else notice the laser-like dot on the right side of his face starting at about 8:50 to 11:50 min? I think it’s a reflection from someone’s camera equipment, but I sure didn’t like to see that. Maybe I’m jumpy.
Yes – it was blinking – but, it wasn’t directly on him – so I believed it was from a camera – understand your concern – pray when you get jumpy – cover him with the Blood of Jesus!
President Trump has landed!
WOOHOO!!! I’m not too late!!!
Here he comes!!!
Looks like a great crowd!
Glad you made it Miss Wheatie!

Thanks, Butterfly!

Another stock market high today!
The best President we;ve ever had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree 100%
Guy in front said.. has The Best President We’ve Ever Had!!
158 judges soon to be 182 judges, thank you for the 142 Obama
Got the #1 terrorist leader!!!!!!!!!!
Worlds Number 1 Terror Leader brought to Justice!
great military!
was depleted
not……… depleted anymore
Where is Al baghdadi ?
Now he’s dead
soulless monster
Big Daddy BAGGED BagDaddy

wretched life
Tell Bin Laden:
I told you to NOT fuck with the USA!
Can’t g up against the righteous might of the USA militry
Mississippi loves the military
While we’re creating jobs and killing terrorists the Dems have gone insane.
Hey, there are no orange lights on him tonight!

Normal color!
Radical left
gone insane
we will never get out of the way
look at all of them back there
it’s like the academy awards ………… before they failed….. and you know why they failed…… cuz they disrespected us
trying to impose their will
Fake news media failed because they disrespected us.
All of the LIES didn’t help them much either!
Nancy Pelosi BOOOOO
Schifty Adam Schiff BOOOO
Russia hoax
18 angry democrats
Nancy Pelosi
Shift Adam Shchiff + media = impeachment witch hunt
Impeachment is a dirty word
which is why we’ve never had greater support
lot of people in this room – (maxx capacity)
lot of people outside.
Trump Rally on Friday night in Mississippi Best place
19min after he took oath of office, WaPo declared campaign to impeach Donald Trump has begun.
Wa post started impeachment 19 minutes after I was inaugurated
But the Repubs are strong and unified
fed up with Dem lies outrageous hoaxes and extremism
Vote them out of office
they’re coming after me cuz I’m with you
they’ve never had anything like this before.
All Green “We have to impeach him because we can’t beat him”
not about me it’s about YOU
The Highly Sophisticated know that they started the impeachment even BEFORE I won
Al Green, he’s another beauty! Can’t beat him in 2020, gotta impeach him.
Want a second opinion?
Only out stupided by Hank Johnson (Guam will tip over)
They actually spied on my campaign, can you believe it?
Draining the Swamp in DC
Nothing terrifies them more
They Spied on my campaign!!!!!!
Can you believe it?
NOTEEEEEEEEEEEEEE —- before I even announced they were spying – I guess they knew we were going to win
Oh no we were just checkin things out…
TRUTH is a force of nature
I love it that he’s being a news broadcaster…not everybody knows the level of detail we here do…
he fills in his audience.
What a patient crowd!!!
NYGuy said he saw some notice the President was an hour behind today – not sure where he saw that notification – NYGuy – you still here?
bfly…I noticed he did not stop this chant tonight!
Back t Hillary
I think he might think Hillary is going to jump back in??????
Why Hillary right now?
Lock her Up chant goes up
33k emails about her working out and her daughter’s wedding
PDJT is setting up Hillary as crooked and crazy!!!
Hillary last week
Tulsi Gabbard is not a Russian agent
Jill Stein – a greeny
that’s okay
BTW we have the cleanest water air since 1969 and the #1 oil and lng producer
But Jill Stein is not a russian agent
Hillary is awful
but the media is worse than all of them
See there? POTUS agrees with me.
Hillary can’t do Hillary….none of the corrupt in DC could do corrupt….without being aided and abetted by the lying, disgustingly vile liberal media.
Maggots on a dead, rotting skunk have more value and class than the MSM.
That’s a tasty visual, maggots on a dead skunk.
Grandpa used the expression, “Maggots on the inside of a German wrestlers jockstrap.
There’s a visual.
LMAO. Oh, yeah. I’m trying to imagine my grandfather saying “jockstrap” let alone maggot. The other one passed away 12 years before I was born, so God only knows what he would have said.
Øbominable is getting BOOOOOed!!!!
“The only time I ever saw Øbama work hard was against Trump….”
Obungler DESERVES…. EVERY last Boo.
Lock HIM up!
And we are kicking their ass!
Obama worked harder at defeating me than anything else. The only time I’ve ever seen him work hard at anything.
riffing on not being a politician
beat the clintons
Barack Hussein Obama dynasty —— lots of boos
an Obama worked harder at beating me than hillary did
only time I saw him work hard
and then they thought they could take me out with the lying spying etc
and I’ll tell you what…….
And now I’m supposed to be afraid of sleepy Joe
hes soooooo sleeepy
lowest rated debates.
He’s so slow, We need to rename him to SLOTHY JOE!
that’s good
There’s Uncle Joe he’s a movin kinda slow…
Beto, did you hear? Oh that poor bassturd, he was pathetic!
“They thought they would defeat us – With the lying, the spying, and the leaking – and we are kicking their A$$!!!”
President Trump
Beto – oh that poor bastard – against oil, guns, and religion – not good in Texas – not good in MS, either – crowd cheers!!!
Ohhh did you hear about Beto
that poor Bastard
so pathetic
he ran against Ted cruz
and the flailing
what the hell is he doing, what the hell is he on
He was born for this – he’s in trouble with that kind of statement
anyone who says hey’re a great salesman is not a good salesman — it’s the queit ones in the back
Like he was born from heaven
made a total fool out of himself
against oil religion and guns
not good in texas
not good in Mississippi
amazing how cold you can get so quickly
Alabama in the house!!
Worried about sleepy Joe…..Tap Tap
So worried he has to call Ukraine for help!
Ukraine would tell him to Buzz off
These people are sick
Sleepy Joe Biden, how do I beat this guy
clinton – she was easy
Obama – he was easy
Bushes – he was easy
So how do I beat Sleepy Joe —– I know, let’s call up Ukraine for help
The media
won’t show the laughter, sarcasm, the fun, because they’re so dishonest
So I’m on the phone, and I know many people are on the phone
brand new president
and I’m suppose to be (begging) please can you help me
and hopefully he will root out corruption
but all these other eu nations, germany and the Uk and all these other nations, why is it always the USA
So I had this wonderful call
perfect, perfect
totally appropriate
“could you call and say hello”
Do you think I would say something improper with all these people on the line??
Sec of State, whoever the hell wants to listen
new president of the Ukraine – he has a lot of people listening too
Do you think???
These people are sick
Ukraine must think we’re nuts
phony deal
attempt to delegitimize the 2016 election and harm the 2020 election
Pretending to be sleepy joe
Didn’t think he had it in him
Talking about Hunter Biden
working for an energy company
he knew less about energy than this young beautiful person in front of me
How old are you?
Anderson cooper and Fredo
Here’s the good news – the people get it – President Trump
I am on the phone with a brand new President – they want me to say – can you please help me – and he is a nice guy – Ukraine has corruption problems – why aren’t other countries doing what they should be doing – why only the United States –
I made this call at the behest of people – will you call and say hello – would I say something improper when I know there are other people listening on the line – the new President of the Ukraine – and there are people listening on his end, too – and this man makes up what I said on the call –
It is all phony deal – this impeachment scam – all to delegitimize the best election we have ever had –
So my phone call was perfect and appropriate – you should look at the behavior of Sleepy Joe – paraphrasing QuidProJoe – words Biden used – by the way – he is dropping like a rock –
The Ukrainian prosecutor that Biden got fired – was the one investigating the energy company for whom Hunter Biden was working – so what is it all about – it is called a PAYOFF!!!
Mentions Anderson Cooper….boooos.
Mentions Fredo…”I call him Fredo.”
Heads exploding at CNN right there, I bet.
Crazy Anderson Cooper – LOL
Beto quit like a dog
Thank you all. Just got back to my computer after a LOOONNNGGG day for me. Will be catching up.
reference to Melania – I told her about Beto
see, people think this is easy
it’s not so easy
Biden claimed not to know the Burisma guy……… but the pic came out in about 10 minutes
CNN interview Anderson –
CNN just turned their lights off
He’s pointing at them
It’s tough for them
when the light is on, you’re live
He checks again, CNN light is off
Anderson Cooper, 3rd rate, CNN lousy ratings. BOOO
Their light just went off!! Look!
We need honesty with our media
NYTImes WaPost
we threw them out of the White House
they came into my office
Where’s Hunter!!!!!???????
We threw WaPo and the failing NYT out of the WH! YAYYY
WaPost I try to decide which is worse
when we got Al Baghdadi – a great religious cleric
WaPo called BagDaddy “great religious cleric”. BOOOO
He should be known as:
Bad Daddy!
Took his kids out with him!
Bad! Bad! Bad!
On the other hand….
The DemonicRats would have never let them be BORN!
Conan the dog got more publicity than me.
Ooooooo – this guy build ISIS – did he say O’s name – talking about that ‘religious cleric’
Big story – massive story
disappeared fast
we did it because it was the right thing to do
If I was a Democrat, they would be talking about it for weeks
Conan the dog got more publicity than me
I’m happy
Conan is coming to the WH
Have you ever seen anyone treated worse than the way Kavanaugh was treated
YOU…. are treated MUCH WORSE!
Hah! He went there…”It’s a payoff.”
Talking about the way the enemedia covers for the Dems.
Have you ever seen any human being treated worse than Kavanaugh??
(Yes we have, you, Mr. President
Second time he mentioned – PAYOFF – wants to remind everyone – about the money
Hunter Biden 1.5 Billion to invest
it’s disgraceful
it’s a shame the way the press covers it
It’s a payoff
How would you like Biden to represent you with China
they’ve had the worst year in 37yrs
tariffs billions and billions
help out the farmers
they targeted our farmers
cuz Trump loves the farmers and farmers loves Trump
They thought the farmers would walk away
they know, we’ve been ripped off for years.
Pretty soon, we will hit 100 billion paid to us via tariffs out of a country that never paid us 10 cents
you think obama, hillary, sleepy joe would do that?
I don’t think so
That’s barely a dent in the 3-5 hundred billion per year for 10 years that they’ve taken from us. We need MOAR TARIFFS!!!
Adam Schiff is a corrupt politician. I was going to sue him(over the phony transcript), but they told me he has immunity.
He He……. Not for long
Barr and Durham will get his ASS!
They want to give illegals more advantages than our own citizens and military!
Taylor Grocery, Taylor, MS.
You really haven’t had fried catfish until you’ve had it at Taylor Grocery. Damn but I miss that place!
Talking about Tate Reeves ———- squish
Phil Bryant, current governor
built the new African American Museum
It’s beautiful
running against Jim Hood —– who fought very hard to elect Obama and Hillary
not the kind of guy we need in Mississippi
supported by Stacey Abrams – talking about Kemp governor of Georgia
wants to give illegal aliens the right to vote, more advantages than our own citizens, our military have
Hood wants to raise your taxes, taxpayer funded abortions
opposed our travel ban, which we won in SCOTUS which is so important to keep the terrorists the hell out of our country
went to the UN and gave a speech against gun rights for Americans
How the hell can this be a competitive race in Mississippi
Tate come on up
I see what you mean, squish is kinda bland, but at least he’s MAGA, we’ll take him!
He goes after these people with guns loaded – every single point hits home – the difference between these two candidates is so obvious – he cannot believe this is a competitive race – no comparison in values –
Introduces his support for Republican candidate – Tate Reeves – MS is Donald J Trump country – MS gave President Trump 60% of the vote – and we can do better –
The radical liberals have disrespected our President and they have disrespected us!
“THEY” have done WAY MORE than “disrespect” Him AND…. US…
“THEY” LIE, Cheat, and LIE some moar!
They sure do – he was being DIRECT – and the people cheered in agreement!
squish squish squish —
He loves Trump though
too dumb to move the microphone so you can’t see his face
talking about liberals – they disrespected us
When liberals tried to stop the President on border security, Hood stood with the extremists
Today, with election only a few days away, I stand with President Trump
time to stand up and be counted
are we going to stand with Trump?
are you going to stand with me on Tuesday
let’s stand up to keep America great
I need your prayers, I need your support, and on Tuesday I need your vote
Thank y’all.
Here we go, here’s a governor – Phil Bryant
Love this man!!!!!
this is great, just great! not commenting because daughnworks has is doing a fantastic job + I am busy Christmas shopping while watching. So many good books to give children, so little time to read them all and too few holidays to give them! fun to imagine the mental adventures as they read the books I am picking out.
Rush Limbaugh’s LIBERTY series maybe?
LOL – Governor is Central Casting!!!
He spoke before the President arrived – so he was already on target, wolf!
Miss Daughn – this is a GREAT happy loud loving Mississippi crowd!!!!
Welllllllllllll I’ll be damned
RINO Roger Wicker is here
Cindy Hyde Smith is here too
Is he not going to call up Wicker????
Cindy is there
shee’s up and she is one of us
SHE is the one who organized women for Kavanaugh and got Kavanaugh over the hump
I LOVE this woman
They might be RINOs, but they’re not dumb. Most of them know whose coat tails to hang on to.
To kill a baby is not a human right
It’s a HUMAN LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go vote on Tuesday
Trump is most impressed with her and SURPRISED
WOW she was good.
Woah…who was that! She was great!
I like this lady.
Cindy Hyde-Smith!! Spitfire!!
Killing an unborn baby is not a human right, it’s a human life!!!
We LOVE Delbert
We LOVE Lynn Fitch
We love sort of Watson
David McRay – don’t know
Chad auditor is a good guy – a Rhodes Scholar —– watch him
Haley Barbour is there – OMG – God is in the room.
Nobody works for the GOP like TRUMP! Absolutely NOBODY! This POTUS is THE BEST!!!
Companies have brought back and put to work ONE TRILLION DOLLARS due to Trump Tax Cuts
6.7 million jobs
african american unemployment
Black youth unemployment lowest ever
55,000 Mississippi residents ou of poverty
wages up 9% in Mississippi
We lost 60K factories (Bush and Obama) but we’ve already added 10K
brought home 1 trillion dollars in repatriation
tax cuts 2K-2500 each family
job killing regulations
ended the way on American energy
#1 in the world
MS lost 40% of manufacturing after WTO and NAFTA
100K wiped away in Mississippi
for Washington disloyalty to the American worker
you finally have a president who is loyal to YOU
We were the sucker country for years and years, NOT ANYMORE!
I’m a fighter for YOU
not happening anymore
we were the sucker country
not anymore
they all know it
We’re replacing NAFTA
If Nancy Pelosi will ever put it up to a vote
She’s nervous, doing other things, having fun
USMCA is a great agreement
Dems need to stop their madness and get busy
TPP was a disaster
Toyota is adding 100 million in Blue Springs Plant in MS
$170million investment, 400 new jobs in Blue Springs. YAYYY Must be in Mississippi
We took care of other countries and not our own
deployed our military to protect other wealthy nations to protect their wealth
We can help you, but you have to pay
He was great, but no one has ever asked before, and now they do.
He’s talking about Saudi
The US is protecting 94 countries. OMG, that’s gotta stop!!!
And some repayment for services rendered would be nice.
We’re protecting 94 countries
Xi protects one, china
Putin protects Russia
We’re protecting so many —— so many they can’t even tell me, I;ve been trying to get an answer for 4 months
How did this happen?
There are 170 US military bases across the planet……………….
We send guns, etc., which get re-routed to CIA, who sell them to mostly terrorist organizations, CIA uses funds to create more black ops…
Been happening like that since at least Iran Contra…
“The Great Sell-Out has ended!”
They ignored your cites, that ended the day I took office
After years of building up other nations, we are finally building up our nation
regime change is being altered with America first
not the policemen of the world
permanent cease fire
without spilling one drop of American blood.
One soldier did step on a nail
please don’t tell the press…………
Permanent ceasefire in Syria without spilling one drop of American blood!
Actually a soldier did step on a nail.
Border between turkey and syria been fighting for a thousand years
but we did keep the oil
we’ll help out the Kurds
it’ll be okay
horrible migration into Europe
We did not fight them over there only to invite them over here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Travel Ban – We did not fight them over there to invite them over here.
He got money for everything except the wall. For the wall, not ten cents.
Wall gets big cheers!
“We are now building a wall…..[drowned out by cheers]”
{Permanent Cease Fire in Syria – without a drop of blood being spilled – we are not the World’s Policemen –
We do not have to defend the borders between Turkey and Syria – but, we did keep the oil – and we will distribute the oil – and maybe take some, too –
I don’t want to fight them over there – only to invite them over here –
Dems open borders, crime drugs sanctuary cities
criminal cartels
Repubs believe in strong borders and safe communities
Build that wall chant goes up
We’re building it
you think that was easy
military helped us out
had to go to court
going up rapidly
I went to the border patrol and asked them what they want
Border patrol and ICE, great people
Steel concrete, rebar
all of it
400-500 miles by the end of next year in all the right areas
that was a tough one
Army corps of Engineers, working their heart out
400, almost 500 miles of wall built by the end of next year by USArmy Corps of Engineers.
We believe in keeping criminals and drug dealers the hell out of our country!
Yes, we do.
27,000 troops on Mexican border on their side? That’s more than the population of some municipalities in the county where I live.
Making it more secure than ever before
Thank you to mexico – 27,000 soldiers
Thank you to President of Mexico
We appreciate it
Dems won’t even help us with loopholes, catch and release, we could end it in 15 minutes, Dems are obstructionists and colluders
Tate Reeves will send a strong signal
Phil O’Bryant banned sanctuary cities.
“They’re obstructionists and colluders…”
Way to go Mississippi!!! Sanctuary Cities are Banned!!,
Somebody say BANNED?
Thank you Daughn for the thread…
AND…. thanks to all Q Treeping commenters!
To Hell with Some Dunce and his band of merry THUGS!
His voice is starting to show swelling on the vocal folds.
And still he keeps going.
Hes got nothingbto apologize for. His agenda is OUR agenda.
Nancy Pelosi go home and fix your district!!
“I’d like to apologize, Crazy Nancy….” (/s)
“Go home and fix your district!”
Now we know what happened!
Same dead eyes in all of them
Or crazy bug eyes.
ICE is a tough job.
Who would do it? Tough guys.
And then I have to defend myself when I call them animals,………. but I didn’t apologize,
Look at Nancy’s district
needles, drugs, illegals.
go home and fix your district, Nancy
If you want a strong governor, big victory, you gotta get out
Si Daughn, you think Reeves win win?
Big T here, resident Mississippi political junkie, County GOP leader and Trump campaign county rep.
Mississippi votes issues not emotion. The Dem candidate Jim Hood is a likable liberal in the same way that Tip O”Neil was – I have experience with both. Hood is a modern Tobacco Millionaire – he made it settling tobacco cases. He has been the only Dem to hold statewide office in MS in the past 12 years as the AG. Of all offices AG is probably the least politically motivated and generally he is considered to have done a good job there.
Hood is also a good party loyalist because, despite his mediocre opponent, he will lose by a minimum of 8 points. Before I get to Huckleberry Reeves, let me discuss MS state demographics and regional voting. First, despite our high black citizenship percentage (see Miss D’s thread above), turnout always significantly favors the GOP candidate. There are two reasons for this. Black voters are generally apathetic in non-urban environments. I have no sociological basis for this next statement. Nonetheless, I believe that the entitlement culture breed voter apathy because, no matter the election result, the dole never dries up. You cast a vote and nothing comes out of the machine. You go to the WIC and you get food. Your welfare EFT shows up every month. There is a correlation.
Y’all saw Huckleberry Reeves last night. He has the magnetism of a negative pole. He is standoffish and impersonal in person. I have stood next to him and shook his hand. I didn’t have a check so he couldn’t be bothered with me. He is a party apparatchik who has risen not through talent but through operation of the system. Because we have a two-term limit it is Huckleberry’s turn. In this case, he is a jerk but he is our GOP jerk and we will elect a jerk before we elect a Democrat.
I will surely miss Gov. Phil Bryant. I first saw him 4 years ago at the GOP state convention where I was our county delegate. He gave the first stem-winder speech I had heard supporting Trump. You didn’t get to see his full speech last night, just his 30 second vignette . Trust me. You missed a true southern soapbox old-style tent speech.
Here is the speech I attended. i didn’t know it was on Youtube. Phil starts at about 6 minutes. hope you enjoy.
As I reread my post above, I left out the second reason why GOP turnout is always so much higher in MS. Second (lol), the Democrat party in MS is non-functional. The interesting reason is why, at least as I see it. I say it is pure and simple: abortion and guns. There is no opposing viewpoint in any demographic anywhere in Mississippi. There are no pro-choice candidates; no gun-regulation candidates. Jim Hood’s television campaign STARTS with “I am pro-life and pro-gun. I am a son of Mississippi .. .” So, with agreement on social issues and Hood being a true tax-it, spend-it Dem, ya gotta vote for the GOP jerk.
Maybe Trump and his people will be good mentors and role models and Reeves will grow into the job.
Trump policies make people winners.
In Ron DeSantis case, he’s personable, but not a fabulous speaker….but he’s got a Melania level gorgeous wife who is well versed in media messaging.
What is Reeves’ wife like?
Correction – Trump policies make politicians winners.
Really? That matters to you?
It matters to all men. A good woman builds her husband up and a bad woman tears him down.
I agree with that statement which seems to be at odds with your earlier comment which had nothing to do with character and everything to do with appearance. How do you reconcile them?
A good woman can’t be gorgeous? I’m telling Daughn!
We will always protect Medicare and pre-existing conditions
Abortion, late term, ripping babies from their mothers wombs
the baby is born and then we talk to the mother, Governor of Virginia
Every child is a sacred gift from God
Every child is a sacred gift from God.
Yes, sir, they are…even my brothers.
At least two of them are God’s children, as my mother puts it.
The Dem party is the party of……….
The repub party is the party of………..
No one has done more for the Black Community than the Repubican party
Abraham Lincoln
100 opportunity zones in MS (it’s really making a difference here)
Tim Scott from SC
VA choice should have happened long ago.
I still think hooking up with the research hospitals of the medical schools would be a great boon to veterans care.
Tim Scott gets a shout-out!
Maybe Tim Scott should run for Ms. Lindsey’s seat in 2020 !
Not sure what your point is, PR…Tim Scott is already a Senator from SC…why would he run for Graham’s seat?
I’m quite sure I’ve read Scott is not going to run again…which makes me think he’s been tapped for Ben Carson’s HUD cabinet position when Ben retires at the end of the year. Probably a good choice…more than VA, IMO.
I was speaking jest, in a moment of dementia… I was confused wrt Scott being Senator (momentary disconnect between synapses, which happen frequently these days. Please forgive me.
I thought I might have been missing your point…no problem!
No prob… internet is like that. You think you’re making a witty comment and then others are totally puzzled as they think you’re serious. I don’t do the emojis either… so…
I learned something from your comment… I was unaware about plans for Scott’s future. That’s great news. Thanks
The great rebuilding of the American Military includes Biloxi, Gulfport, starkville jackson, and other spots
Huge training facilities here.
Wow – the new watchword is moving from SOCIALIST to CORRUPT!!!
What’s the difference?
“What’s the difference?”
All socialists are corrupt, but not all corrupt people are socialists?
I don’t like EITHER one.
LOL! Now THAT’S a good question!!!
For years you watched as you Presidents apologized, now you have president who stands up for the people of Mississippi
We’re not backing down
Stock market is at an all time high
Would have gone down
If they ever succeed, that market will crash like never before.
because they don’t know what they’re doing
leadership, mentally violent, vicious people
always helps when we haven’t done anything wrong
Gotta leave work a little early or go in a little late, I’ll give you a pardon if I have to, I’ll give you a one hour pardon
It my district it would take a lot longer than that.
How do you impeach a President who’s done nothing wrong.
Talking about the impeachment vote, they stick together and they’re vicious
Repubs have great policies, not as vicious, and they drift, they don’t have any Mitt Romneys
Maybe he’ll get better
Not holding my breath…..
Pierre Delecto is the McShame replacement.
WTF Utah?
Made in the USA, Made in America!!
We believe in The right to keep and bare arms. YAYYY
Is it me or is his voice labored?
Yes. He’s pushing air through swollen vocal folds without too much strength from his abs. He needs rest. Badly. And to quit talking.
Oh – that is what I am hearing – poor guy – he works so hard – needs rest – yes – and to stop talking – yes
Voice rest is the only sure fire cure other than steroids, and that’s risking injury. Trust me, it’s not a good thing to not feel your larynx working.
He was definitely struggling – feel so bad for him – maybe, this is God’s way of telling him to rest – and be quiet
It’s him. He needs water and a break. God Bless Him!
This must have been a trying week for him – Thank God the Republicans found their backbones – after all he has done – they never let up on him. PRAY
Fortunately, he’s wrapping it up. No damage done tonight, but sooner or later….
I am hurting for him – you know what that is like – you have to breathe deep and long just to get through a sentence or a musical bar.
Yes…I know exactly what it is like. Hits me about Offertory every Christmas morning when I’m on Mass #3 in less than 16 hours.
Been there – done that – understand perfectly, DP
AIds epidemic end it in 10 years, we will do it.
Who would have thought?
Free speech, religious liberty
2nd amendment
support and defend the constitution
law enforcement
dignity of work and sanctity of life
true american way
children should be taught to love our country honor our history and love the flag
live by the words of out motto – IN God We Trust


Ancestors, hundreds of years of accomplishments
Single greatest nation in the history of the world, now greater than ever before
We’re taking back our country
returning power to the American people
you help devotion drive
we’re going to keep on winning, winning, winning
Mississippi are you getting tired of winning
Our VSG has such great historical perspective! I have learned so much from him!
Myself as well! I think one of the reasons he is so wise is because he is a student of history.
One movement one people
America is striving like never before
The best is yet to come
Together we make America
great again
Thank you Mississippi
Thank you Daughn!

Because they always cut if off, after the first few notes… let it PLAY, and play it LOUD!
Thank you Lord Jesus!
We get what we NEED!
Original 1st issue (1969) ‘Made in England’ mono LP on the Decca record label, with the ‘big ear’ abd ‘ffrr’ logo (full frequency range recording), in Near Mint condition

edit / correction: “…with the ‘big ear’
abdand ‘ffrr’ logo”…If you click on the photos, they do enlarge nicely
Awesome night!
Thank you again Daughn.
(And you to Wolf for having this site)
AND….. My fellow Q Treepers….
It’s gonna be a landslide!!!
Let’s all try to refer to this BS coming from DIMs as the COUP, not impeachment, which it’s not, an illegal “inquiry into impeachment” meant to fool the people into thinking POTUS is being impeached.
God Bless him…I hope he gets some good rest this weekend.
He’s put in a grueling week and then wraps it up with this rousing rally.
I think he got a charge from being with such a great crowd, though.
Which is good!
We love you, Mr. President!
Great job!
Thank you, Miss Daughn, for a great rally and telling us about the food, fun and facts of the great state of Mississippi!!!
Now for some LAUGHTER!
Gonna check in on the DEMONICrats Debate”
(Pray for me)
The Dems are having a debate tonight?
Are they?
My bad….
It’s the Iowa “Liberty and JUST US “Event”…
It’s on C-Span
They call it that….
More like a Socialist Infomercial.
Burny speaking….
as expected…..
Everyone will be EQUAL!
Equally POOR!
EVERYONE sitting on their ASSes…. and or Thumbs.
Sure not a Trump Rally!
Terrific POST… lots of things I did not know about MS… I’m so old though I do recognize the political king makers…
You give so much… commentary was awesome… so glad it was a team effort. That’s what we do at the QTree, WWG1WGA ………..
Blessings on you and yours… We love you…
Great crowd!
Beto flailing his arms…
Sorry I’m a little late, but anyone who’s still here is welcome to some Mississippi Mud Pie…
Yum! That looks scrumptious!

Thank you, QTreepers led by Miss Daughn & Wolfie

An awesome rally. Pray for President Trump’s vocal chords and overall health.

Tell Big T I loved his comment. Perhaps some of us are Northerners by geography but Southern by heart? Just ‘cuz I’d LOVE to sway In a hammock in the breeze on Miss Daughn’s veranda while Big T serves me a … well what does one sip with a homemade slice of Mississippi Mud Pie? Or I’d be perched on a bar stool in Miss Daughn’s kitchen listenin’ to her amazing clan of bosom buddies. …. Choices …
Love & hugs to all
Every Rally, PDJT raises the bar and advances the truth-telling rhetoric a little bit more.
Last night, he called the Democrats corrupt and went after BHO.
Every day, the case against the anti-American marxist-islamonazi-fascists is getting clearer and the endgame is getting nearer.
You can just hear the ratchet going click, click, click and feel the tension mounting….
first stop this morning…reading this awesome thread!!!
thank you Daughn and all the commenters!!!!!!!!
love the beginning with a little history/informational dialogue about the state…then the insights and comments during the rally…
hope things turn out for Daughn’s family and for Rodney!!! will pray for both!!!
For your consideration. This is the unwound thread posted on Twitter by a retired Lt. Colonel who was a superior officer to the posturing worm Vindman. Seems to me that, if true, it is a window into just what a fraud this traitor is. Thought y’all would find this to be interesting.
LTC (R) Jim Hickman
I know LTC Alex Vindman from a Combined US-Russian exercise called Atlas Vision 12 in Grafenwoher, GE. He worked w/the Russian Embassy & I was assigned to the JMTC (Joint Multinational Training Command), w/in USAREUR (US Army Europe). He worked coordination w/the Russian 15th Peacekeeping Brigade, & I was in charge of all Simulations planning, as well as assisting the USAREUR Lead Planner as the Senior Military Planner.
The following account of LTC Vindman’s words & actions are completely accurate to the best of my recollection & have been corroborated by others.
We interacted on several different occasions throughout the planning cycle, but it was during the actual execution of the exercise, that we had an issue relevant to his recent testimony. As stated earlier, Atlas Vision 12 was conducted at JMTC in the VBS2 (Virtual Battle Simulations 2) Classrooms for Simulation.
Vindman, who was a Major at the time, was sitting in one of the classrooms talking to the US & Russian Soldiers, as well as the young Officers & GS Employees about America, Russia, & Obama. He was apologetic of American culture, laughed about Americans not being educated or worldly, & really talked up Obama & globalism to the point of uncomfortable. He would speak w/the Russian Soldiers & laugh as if at the expense of the US personnel.
It was so uncomfortable & unprofessional one of the GS employees came & told me everything above. I walked over & sat w/in earshot of Vindman, & sure enough, all was confirmed. One comment truly struck me as odd, & it was w/respect to American’s falsely thinking they’re exceptional, when he said, “He [Obama] is working on that now.” And he said it w/a snide ‘I know a secret’ look on his face. I honestly don’t know what it meant, it just sounded like an odd thing to say.
Regardless, after hearing him bash America a few times in front of subordinates, Russians, & GS Employees, as well as, hearing an earful about globalization, Obama’s plan, etc…I’d had enough. I tapped him on the shoulder & asked him to step outside. At that point I verbally reprimanded him for his actions, & I’ll leave it at that, so as not to be unprofessional myself. The bottom-line is LTC Vindman was a partisan Democrat at least as far back as 2012. So much so, junior officers & soldiers felt uncomfortable around him. This is not your professional, field-grade officer, who has the character & integrity to do the right thing. Do not let the uniform fool you. He is a political activist in uniform.
I pray our nation will drop this hate, vitriol & division, & unite as our founding fathers intended!
Late to the party, but in light of your comments about integration in the South, I thought I would pass along a little vignette from a recent visit with my niece. Niece and her family moved to NO and spent several years there. She loved it, and having grown up in WI in an area with almost no black people, was amazed at the way people of differing races just blend together. After a few years overseas, family moved to NH for Hubby’s job. One of her big complaints is that she misses the mix; NH has almost no black people.
Anyway, she was at the grocery store wearing a Tulane sweatshirt and this black woman comes rushing up to her and says “Thank God, I found one of my people.” Black woman was from NO, and they became fast friends.