This is a bit of a strange post, and I won’t go into all of the details here and now. Maybe never. However, I am deciding how I’m going to deal with exactly what is in the title, and I want the have maximum information at hand when I do. You folks are a wealth of information. The more good data I have in hand, the more likely I can finesse my way through this little “event bottleneck”.
I am also trying to CHANGE the future by TALKING about it. It’s a neat trick.
Here we go.
I have been invited – in a very voluntary way – to an event in the future which “has my name on it”, so to speak. It’s not about ME, but it’s about something which is important to me. Others know this. It’s a “handle” on me – a manipulator. One that others are well aware of.
If I do NOTHING, I will never end up there. But it would be like Daughn or Big T getting invited to attend a meeting about B&Bs in their town. How can either say no?
I should also say that I AM WORRIED it’s a bit like Barbara Olson getting invited to talk about her book.
Now – even if I DON’T go there, certain bad things can happen ANYWAY. That is partly why I’m making this post. But if I go there, they are more LIKELY to happen, in my opinion. I think that many of you would agree.
I did not put 2 and 2 together when I got this invitation, but I did later. And it was THAT recognition which slightly blew my mind.
You see, this event is being held in the exact same location, at the exact same institution, where 3 days earlier, there will have been “active shooter training” – which even MORE curiously, I have strongly considered attending. It will use said location and said institution – the exact same rooms, I’m sure – for the training.
Most people don’t pay attention to this stuff. But WE DO.

Sorry – I cannot get certain images of ROOMS in New Zealand out of my mind. The ones where we see in videos both obvious training and supposed mass murder.
The institution is a bit of a micro blue zone, by the way. Not as big as New Zealand, but it behaves in a predictable manner, like New Zealand and other blue zones. Nobody would ever question anything.
I was not individually invited to the training, but I did pick up a copy of an invitation to a group I belong to. Because I have taken a variety of first aid and emergency training classes, I thought “Hey, this might be a good thing!”
This institution has never had active shooter training. This will be a first.
Now – more about the “event” which follows the “active shooter training” by 3 days.
There will be a government official there, who works for a governor under extreme media and political pressure on gun control. That official is actually taking part in the program.
It’s a gun-free zone, although there may or may not be any armed security.
It would be a propaganda gold mine for gun control if somebody shot up that event, which I expect would have had low or inadequate security until I just made this post and presumably set off a few alarm bells. #NeverTrump would be clamoring to ban AR-15s, and the governor would HAVE to take action against AR-15s. This event will be loaded with virtue signals to both right and left. Any attack upon these symbols – well, clearly we have to do something about guns.
And then there is the little question of one of the VERY FEW “inconveniently remembering” and extremely detailed, fairly credible witnesses to MK ULTRA interrogation and programming being present.
And we must remember that WITNESSES have been having certain PROBLEMS lately.

But then, if such a witness were to say anything about the whole sketchy thing – such as right now – that witness might be discredited. “Paranoid“, they might say. I mean, it all sounds a bit paranoid to me, too.
And yet, when I asked my dearly departed mother WHY and HOW she managed to live through Hitler, she had a one-word answer. “Paranoia.”
That answer has worked REMARKABLY well for me, too.
Are any of you bothered by this? I need a reality check here.
Something just seems extraordinarily sketchy about all of this. It sets off ALL my alarms and ALL my red flags. After ALL the things that have happened to me – after ALL the things that have happened to WE THE PEOPLE – there just seems to be something wrong here.

I could simply trust in God, but sometimes trusting in GOD really means trusting in OURSELVES, and then trusting in GOD to give us STRENGTH – and that would include the strength to speak up.
So what do you folks think?
Is it time for me to hunker down and just say “Look, kiddo – this is weird – trust your gut – it has saved you a million times – stay the hell away.“
Of should I go to either or both of these events now, and just say “You saw something (in your head), you said something – your duty to warn is done. Go and have a good time. They will NEVER pull any crap now. The white hats know everything. The black hats know you know. There will be adequate security.“
Or should I say “Look, kid – they still have TIME to repair their scheme and figure out a new way to make it work. Some of these white hats ain’t so white. Stay the hell away from this. LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER. And if you won’t listen to her, listen to your friends.“
So here we are, friends.
LAY IT ON ME. Every instance of sketchy training + mass murder / gun control, what you think about my situation, and what the former means for the latter.
I appreciate your thoughts.
PS – I may or may not tell anybody what I eventually do. I need some operational uncertainty.

you have answered your own question .Trust your gut , it’s instinct .
That’s all there really is to it .
I appreciate the fast and clear response!!!
Even paranoias have enemies. Can you go armed?
Just how hard are ceramic glocks to get anyway?
I agree, if it smells (and it does) go with your instinct and trust the paranoia, the Ds are desperate and I expected a red flag event before now, this could be one, also IF something happens do not think “if only I’d been ther I might have been able to prevent it” in other words don’t get the guilts if you decide not to go and something happens. Finallly, with the discussion staged so soon after the “training” it would result in an emotional and therefore uncontrollable and non logical hysteria pervading the event if something were to transpire, wait until the dust settles or if it turns into a non-event then nothing is lost. Just my two Aussie cents worth. Cheers Greg,
Don’t go, boss. Stay the hell away.

Whatever the event is about…you can get the information elsewhere.
And you would be alive to do it.
Trust your instincts.
There is a reason why you’ve trained your spidey senses to pick up on things…it was so you could avoid situations like this!
Stay away from this whatever it is.
That’s 2 for 2. Yeah. Spidey senses. That’s what they are. Not listening to them….. it’s never good. NEVER.
Thanks, Wheatie. I appreciate it.
You’re very welcome.
And I’m serious…do not go.
Whatever may be interesting or tantalizing, that is tempting you to go…don’t be lured in.
You can get the information elsewhere.
It’s actually others that I’m thinking of – others for whom my presence would matter. And THAT is always a real hook for me. Which is why this is the perfect bait, and seems like distantly constructed bait. It’s a “good temptation”, but I still SENSE that it’s a temptation.
To use what might have been an Antifa metaphor this Halloween, don’t take the candy (i.e. the sweet temptation): sugar on the outside, fentanyl on the inside. It’s poison.
Temptation is exactly right. DEMONicRAT temptation, like Satan, with gentle whispers, “But GOD didn’t say that”, twisting the WORD slightly to achieve his unspekably evil goals.
Finally, it’s a contradiction in terms. “How to reponsd to an active shooter” IN A GUN-FREE ZONE! One might as well say “Duck and cover” or, more likely, “roll over and play (stay?) dead”.
IF CC or OC zone (maybe go; still sketchy in my opinion)
GOTO somewhere ELSE (
Or, as in the fabled programming language Babbage,
Your Mom was right. Andy Grove wrote a book about it:
“Only The Paranoid Survive”…
Take care of you and yours FIRST!
And pray without ceasing.
GOD Bless you, Wolf!
[Here’s the book]
Paperback: 240 pages
Publisher: Crown Business; 1st Currency Pbk. Ed edition (March 16, 1999)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0385483821
ISBN-13: 978-0385483827
Sorry, didn’t think the image would be so big… didn’t mean to make an ad (which is why I put the * before the link, as Amazooon seems to expand out)… I liked “The HP Way” best of all. Complete conatrast of cultures (having worked at both; both effective in their own way).
“One might as well say “Duck and cover” ”

Or… as James Coburn would say…
Duck, you sucker!
My 2 cents…..
I’d say stay away since this “event” causes you such concern.
Like Wheatie said…. you can get the “Info” elsewhere.
9-11-01 happened DURING a “Training” event.
Other things have also gone sideways during such “Training” events.
I think that I would not be going given your suspicions. (JMHO)
And having a training event happening dulls people from recognition of a real event superimposed
It is a choice between ego and gut sense.
You mother was right.
Go with the gut. Will do. THANKS!!!
Wolfie, I agree with Wheatie. I’m not particularly well versed on these things, but you would be wise to stay away, and especially when you would be unarmed, but even if that were not the case, I think trusting your instincts is vital, and always listen to your mother. I’d just love to knokw where and/or at least exactly when these events take place.
Thanks! You are now 9 of 9! A good number! I will keep my eye on these events, but at a great distance, and let you know if they pass smoothly now!
Add my voice to the two posted here. STAY HOME. All the way around, discretion is the better part of valor. Listen to your gut, and pay attention to all the red flags.
I don’t think I need to post a gif of Admiral Akabar in Return of the Jedi for you to sense that it sounds a lot like a trap.
HA! No, you can skip him – I have the meme!!!
OK – we’re at 3 for 3. We are entering “fool if I do” territory.
You are no “Fool”….. Never have been…. I suspect that you never WILL be either.
Trust Q….. They have everything.
Everything happens for a reason…your past has prepared you for this.
I would stay away if I were you…because what if…what if in a really mind fucked way YOU are to be the SHOOTER?
I don’t know the levels of all the psycho stuff they did and are capable of, but surely they can make you think you’ve figured them out –only to give you confidence to go–and then the really really really deep stuff kicks in and you’re turned into the weapon they hoped for.
then they have YOU AND all of us by extension…
trust yourself and your instincts.
I appreciate your honesty about that risk, and it IS a risk. Not knowing the capabilities of later white hat stuff (which strikes me as being somewhat corrective or “something”), and also not knowing how successful a FRAME JOB might be – then yes – you’re right – these are RISKS that are most easily simply BYPASSED.
i just got to thinking about other shooters and their propensity for suicide afterwards…(or to be killed). what if that was by design to prevent those who thought they had figured out the MK stuff and beat it from knowing THAT they hadn’t?
what if other shooters also thought they had it figured out, and got sucked into a false sense of security…lured into situations they thought they controlled but didn’t? what if that’s PART OF IT?
Oooooh, that is subtle. But that IS the level of cunning we’re talking about, IMO. So yeah. Acting with a bit of extra caution might not be a bad idea.
And thanks for that! So we’re at 4/4. THAT’S where it gets really dumb not to listen.
it’s not about US–we’d be collateral…but how many boxes do you check off Wolf?
twitter warrior, fierce POTUS supporter, 2A, God fearing/loving, free speech…I could go on and on…you’re everything the left hates
*deep breath*
*lets it out slowly*
Pat, you are so right.
There is real wisdom in what Pat is saying.
Shooting from the hip, so to speak. Pun of sorts..
Me, slower than most here, not as insightful with your situation. Face value from what I see.
So, a few thoughts from an outsider.
– Not fond of blue zones…gun free zones.
– Easily tolerate gun free secure zones such as schools, government buildings, etc. Don’t agree with them. Tolerate them.
– Business type gun free zones wholly dislike.
Consider, if the state allows concealed carry. If yes and the venue says no carrying, what is the issue if found carrying? For example, if I carry in a NV businessthat has a no guns policy, they catch me, ALL they can do is tell me to leave. Misdemeanor if I refuse to leave. Other states more onerous of course.
Concelealed carry brought up here as instincts raise the probability of an active shooter. IF I am in the immediate area of an active shooter, I DAMN well want to be armed. Whether I would engage the shooter is dependent on circumstances at that very moment…
Wondering the value or necessity of placing oneself at a venue one believes his likely to become an active shooter situation. Probably over stated that. Hope the gist of it fits.
BOTTOM LINE. IF instincts says, active shooter likely, STAY AWAY, unless over riding reason / need to be there. AND, ONLY IF ARMED. The latter, self defense capability fundamentally essential. While probably unlikely, being armed part of the solution, if situation dictates so.
Paranoia, good rule of thumb for so many reasons. Somewhat akin to a take away from reading, Untied States of Trump. O’Reilly quoted, President Trump as saying, he trusts no one.
OK, I’m calling this 5/5!!! Without explaining why, but following your logic, and especially with Pat’s advice in mind, it is a NO GO.
Whew! Stay Frosty Wolf….
Give “them” NOTHING. Make “them” WORK for it.
Now at 6/6 against. This is solid.
I like that. My new motto!!!
Thank you!
Stay safe, Wolf.
Thank you! I am gaining strength and solidity on this EVEN NOW!!!

Wolfmoon, Do. Not. Go. To. Either. Event. Please trust your instincts. God had you reach out to us. I see inside. I see signs of black hat activity here and there higher on the management chain and randomly lower too. They are desperate to control us all. Do not let them use you. Stay straight and steady.
7/7. I HEAR YOU!!! <3
That’s good advice, Barb. I like the way you think.
I agree with all the above comments, I’ll just add his one thing. What if they (who ever they my be) are trying to clean up details and your one of them.
Trust what has gotten you to this point, stay safe my friend!
8/8. You’re right. They are cleaning up. Now is a time for HEIGHTENED security – not less. Yup. Thank you!
Yes, heightened personal / family security and awareness.
Perhaps a guiding principle…
Minimize unnecessary personal risk… espeacially when potential personal downside is significant.
I set my alarm clock and always wake up on my own around 4 am. This morning, my elder dog Meg had to pester me to wake up at 6:15. The alarm didn’t work. Things happen for a reason. Normally, I would be awake at 3 am for weeks after we fall back. Perhaps I needed to add my voice to your other friends today. No coincidences. Take care all.
No coincidences! I appreciate it! Take care!
You, too, Barb. I know what you mean about time change.
I kind of like the Babylon Bee’s idea of setting the clock back TWO YEARS (how about three?) so that VSGPDJT can get back the time the DEMONicRATS stole from him and US and the USA…
Call it MAGA Savings Time
or, better, MAGA STANDARD Time…
Your gut, your instinct, is also the voice of God, the Holy Spirit inside of you, talking to you. Listen to HIM!! He knows ALL and is trying to guide and protect you. The one who has saved you a million times.
We all know who the tempter is, he is a LIAR!!
God never tempts us.
Which is the loudest voice?
Don’t do it, but the liar promises you can have or be xyz…
Do it, but the liar is trying to scare you out of it with xyz…
Ask, Seek, Knock.
Which decision brings you peace? Which offers confusion?
Lord, please liberally give Wolfie your Wisdom and Discernment. Lead him, guide him, order his steps and direct his path according to Your will. Send Your Angels to encamp around him and protect him. Give him Your peace, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Thank you!!! <3 <3 <3
And AMEN!!!
I want a custom-made stress squeeze toy with eyes and ears that pop out when you squeeze it and a face that looks like Adam S. I think they might sell well. time to get ready and go to work.
LOL!!! Oh, I imagine a lot of people would like one of those!!!
I have one that’s Dogbert. Wouldn’t need much of a change to be Schifftttttty
Gotcha – these were both in spam!!!
Add my “No Go” to your list — for all of the above well thought-out reasons. We love you Wolfie and need you here with us! Please trust your instincts do not put yourself in jeopardy.
10/10 – Thank you! <3 I *WILL* trust my instincts now, and I am so solid on this, it's not funny!
Short term benefit (which is quite tangible) vs. long term goals. Few have your perspective of the larger picture.
There are many potential pitfalls to your attending, both the ones you can imagine and the ones you can’t.
Few have your perspective or skill set.
They will contrive any scenario which might take you out of the fight either completely OR partially.
Finally, just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you.
Good insights there – very much appreciated. You point about unknown unknowns – yeah. 11/11 now!
Butterfly has a comment for this thread in the Spam bin, boss.
Got it out!!!
I agree! Weighing risks benefits in this case leads to far more unknown risks than benefits. Risks the planners know that you don’t.
You are not in control here; they are. Who has the most to gain if you particpate in their controlled event(s)?
There might be a time more of us take on more risk, but we aren’t there yet.
Wolfmoon, I have trusted God and followed His guidance most of my life. What you are calling paranoia or gut instinct is simply God guiding you.
William Cooper who wrote Behold a Pale Horse was killed in his own home by them. Look up death of William Cooper November 5 2001
There is nothing at all that they could teach you on active shooter training. When things happen, you never really know what your response will be until you are in the real situation. This kind of artificial training is set up to control you. It is not about teaching you to control them. It is about reinforcing what they previously programmed into you and getting your cooperation. Strangely enough, they require your consent.
I got better at recognizing and responding to God’s guidance over the years. I am 78 now and have been in many dangerous situations.
God has your attention. You know that something is wrong. You don’t know exactly what they are planning to do to you. I have learned that I don’t have to know and many times I won’t know until it is over. I just follow His guidance. I keep my mouth shut and do not open it until He opens it for me. Then I say exactly what I am instructed to say and shut up. I am not afraid. I am alert and I let the pressure build until I open my mouth. I don’t know what I will say. Later as I think it over, I realize that the results would have been entirely different if I had said anything else.
Matthew 10:18 Context KJV
15Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city. 16Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. 17But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues; 18And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles. 19But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. 20For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you. 21And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death.
We are praying for you,
Thank you, Elizabeth – that SPIRITUAL counsel is what I needed to be solid on this! 12/12!!!
And thank you for your prayers! <3
W – Do. Not. Go. Like Elizabeth above, when He tells you something through your gut instinct, He means it. In other words, Pay Attention.
God Bless …
Thank you!!! I will listen, and I will understand!!! This feels solid!
Adding my 2 cents about not attending. Good time to do the old pro and con lists…bottom line would be what would you, personally, gain vs the possible risks.
My husband used to love to play baseball and then as an young adult, fast pitch softball. But, he also was in a field where he made his living doing delicate things with his hands. He came to the realization the physical risks outweighed the “pros” on the list.
And, risks might not only be of the physical nature.
Consider intangibles such as photos, associations, attached guilt by approximation, blackmail, Think about all the old photos of famous people standing next to a real scumbag in a rather innocent photo shoot and that “association” being used years later to prove sympathy, if not allegiance, to that scumbag’s cause.
Or, being giving a “prop” to hold in a photo and it later being used against you.
Good intentions and innocence take a great deal of energy (and, in some cases, money) to prove when attacked down the road.
When I was in business, about 100 years ago, I soon learned there were customers you really couldn’t afford to have. I’ve carried that concept into other aspects of my life…relationships, for certain…. but also participation in certain groups, group causes. This might be an event you really can’t afford to have in your life.
Or putting you in a compromising situation, even just by appearance–like with a woman, even if you’ve done nothing wrong.
Exactly. Many times I think that the Mike Pence strategy is smart to protect a marriage, so that evil people cannot create lies to use against him.
I think so.
Great points, all. I have not even examined this situation for the “associative risks”, but they are there – and I get to be “FAKE SCUMBAG”.
Yes, there are 1000 real plot concerns there. These only add more “CON” to the whole thing.
The smart money says don’t fall for it. And also to look for their REAL GOAL. Oh, yeah.
Nope. It’s time for me to CANCEL THE ORDER so the Good Businessman is never questioned. Nobody will understand except you and I, and a few who get it. That’s OK.
Thanks! Very helpful. I had forgotten to SERIOUSLY consider this angle. The other risks seemed more prominent – this one is more like their INSURANCE POLICY.
Absolutely agree with others here and felt that way strongly even before I read any of the comments.

Do not go.
Thank you!!! <3
I echo the others, you seem to already Know the answer.
Thought – careful about issuing warnings. They could be twisted as threats and as proof of pre-thought out/predicated “plans” v. insight, caution and warning. Thinking about, researching this location to possibly head off such an event could be used as proof of researching to create/be the threat of said event/location.
Anyone going into gun free zones has already been warned. EVERYONE going into large crowds in gun free zones has been warned.
Yes, very much agreed. Nope – I can bail on this event strictly for ASSOCIATIVE reasons, thanks to what Teagan just mentioned. No need to warn anybody about anything beyond this post. The White Hats have it all now.
Your instincts are spot on IMO, wolf. Sometimes these events are set up to just observe human behavior, in which case why would you want to contribute to their evil study? It could be a dry run or it could be the real deal.
As a CCP holder, I never go to events or businesses I cannot carry unless there is heavy security I trust and weapons/contraband checkpoints such as football games and such. The Lord provides your instincts and intellect to distinguish safety and danger. Trust them.
Thank you! I have been wondering about this correlation between TRAINING at particular sites and EVENTS being precipitated very shortly thereafter. The idea of STUDYING REACTIONS just makes tons of sense.
I tend to believe that false fronts are used for such things – “good” forces that our minds tell us mean safety.
Nope. I like your policy. Don’t go. Just don’t enter the gun free zone.
Most people would not see any reason not to go. Most people just watch msm and hollywierd and dont have a clue about the state of their own state, let alone the manipulation by alphabets and political forces. But your awareness is heightened. Youve had multiple instances for concern. If curiousity kills the cat, irs always the “just one more time” instance when it happens. Instinct is there for a reason. Interesting and curious it may be but trust yourself first. I lean towards no.
I went last year, but skipped this year’s.
1. RUN
If you can’t RUN, HIDE.
If you can’t RUN or HIDE, then you FIGHT. Improvise weapons and use the element of surprise in your favor.
Dang, aren’t you glad you’ve got me here? I just saved you at least an hour of “training”.
Don’t worry, you’ll get the invoice in the mail.
Good. You just saved me a bunch of time, and gave me a boatload more uncertainty to use against THEM!!!
I attended a CIP (critical incident presentation) last week and one of the critical incidents discussed was an active shooter situation.
Michaelh’s 3 points were made there also. I will add to that.
4. Ask yourself, are you trying to survive or are you trying to win? “Surviving or Winning” will make a difference in the choices you make and the outcomes.
5. A typical statistic that is stated is that 90% of crimes can be avoided with situational awareness; even though I do not know how this can be proven to be true, I follow it always.
6. See something – say something. The uber driver recognized the person had a rifle bag with him when he let him out at the high school. The driver never called 911.
7. Do you and your family members have a “code word” for EXIT now, so if anyone sees or feels something and wants to leave the area without hesitation – everyone leaves together?
8. The body won’t go where the mind hasn’t been. Have a PLAN.
The deputy who presented was one of the deputies that responded to the Sandy Hook incident. One of the students yelled RUN and he and another student ran right past the shooter and survived.
Yup. Good stuff – thanks!!!
I have LONG TIME ADVANTAGE on this hunchy response – gotta get my TIME FRAMES RIGHT. If it feels sketchy 5 seconds before, we act and don’t waste any part of that 5 seconds. If it feels sketchy 5 days or 5 weeks ahead, we have plenty of time to wheedle and whine to ourselves, but it’s just as wrong as dawdling for part of that 5 seconds.
TALK BACK TO THE SKETCHY. Gotta do it. That’s my new code!
Often when we turn to others for counsel, we already have the answer and simply need reaffirmation. Your mom was right, paranoia is a gut instinct that must be trusted. God is the guide; your mom is your angel. Trust your gut, do not walk into their trap.
My mom IS my guardian angel! That is right! So I AM going to trust my gut. Thank you!
Understand your reasons for being vague.
Honestly, I was inclined to be the contrarian, prior to re-reading. I thought you should go, because you may very well be the best prepared for whatever may happen…. almost like a duty to go into the lion’s den. Help others or stop it if you could.
Yet, if the chances for something terrible happening will INCREASE with you there, then no, you must not go. Again…… duty.
Thanks, Daughn! You see the conundrum precisely. My presence INCREASES RISKS – and some of those risks are ones I had completely forgotten about.
Hi Wolf.
I am probably a bit of an echo at this point, but I do have a little to add.
I remember everything you stated to me after I wrote something that might have put me on the radar. This feels a bit like what you described.
I think you know what to do, which is stay home. That said, is there anyone who you know will be attending the event no matter what, who could be your eyes and ears? It might be valuable to know if anything looks “off” even if nothing actually happens (you know, because their “target” stayed home). If there is such a person, I agree with Kalbo that if the laws in your state aren’t very punitive re: concealed carry where it is forbidden, then they should definitely go in armed.
You are not paranoid. I give EVERYTHING the side eye now. I go out of my way to avoid anything that looks even a bit different from the “routine business.” We are at war, this shit is no joke.
Love you. Wolf. Stay frosty.
Aubergine…Wolf could send a drone to be his eyes and ears!

Thanks! Great suggestions! I’m sure I can get a full report, and there are others who would love to sub for me. THAT may happen now.
All kinds of great suggestions – I am now very glad I chose this route of ASKING!
Yes. Most everywhere I go, even routine, gets the “side eye”, suspicious look. Very few forays into Comifornia, but when I must do so, on edge constantly. More locally, always surveying surroundings as I go about daily routine.
We are in troubled times. Incredibly positive with President Trump, MAGA folks…but evil is entrenched and waiting to strike.
And I will chime in with my agreement – don’t do it, Wolfie! One might think that we are all saying this because we are worried about US if we lose you. I think we all “know” each other well enough to know that isn’t the case. Given your presumed current skill set, I can’t imagine there is any need for you to attend this “event.” I would venture a guess that you are already well-trained for any “active shooter” event.
I think you’re absolutely right. There is very likely nothing I’m going to get from training in this case that I don’t already have, and my FOMO (fear of missing out) is driving things.
Keep ’em guessing. Make them work for it. THAT is the way forward.
Thanks for your opinion!!! <3
“It’s a gun-free zone, although there may or may not be any armed security.”
Whoever arranged for the location of the venue of this meeting should not be trusted. Stupidity, or have they sold out?
Innocence. We’re talking sheep. They are good people, protected by THEIR innocence, and now I have to realize that *I* am the trouble walking through the door. It is ME who changes the equation.
Even though these particular sheep are waking up to the smell of the kovfefe, they have not yet drunk it, nor have they all taken their red pills. They are still a target-rich zone for both worldly and not-of-this-worldly manipulations.
Great points!
No, there is a FIX for this – all I need to do is SUBTRACT MYSELF.
Don’t go, Wolfie. Your Mom was a wise woman. Its not so much paranoia as it is intuition, that has been developed at a price. A “hook” that is used often is a desire to help others or our faith. We let down our usual barriers for those things. I remember interview with women who had been raped in office buildings. They ALL felt they shouldn’t get in the elevator because guy was sketchy or whatever but they did it anyway. It is logical with the info you have to sense danger. Please don’t go!
Thank you! This is exactly what I’m experiencing – the “don’t get in the elevator” feeling. It FEELS like social hacking. It’s time to disarm this sucker – the point where the woman at the elevator “forgot her coat”.
Excellent advice! Thanks!
The old if I cross the street to avoid this sketchy looking person I’ll look racist
This stuff is used all the time as social hackery!
Yes. But they are trying to shame us out of listening to our lizard brains. The one picking up on subtle clues.
Also fact. If you are white you are hugely more likely to be robed/assaulted by a black than black by white.
Read a very good book called the gift of fear. In your situation I would read it. Trying to post a link
Or worrying about someone hearing you lock your car when you stop to get gas.
Now law here!
Though where my sister lives on kangaroo island the cops take a more realistic approach. Ie we don’t expect you to lock your cars but please stop leaving the keys in the ignition. Teenagers are impulsive
Trust your gut, and LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER!
Should something happen there, use your talents, connections, and training to enlighten more people.
YES – I hear you!!! Good thinking. And I WILL listen to her!
You are feeling red flags, and so am I, from what you wrote, such as these statements:

“You see, this event is being held in the exact same location, at the exact same institution, where 3 days earlier, there will have been ‘active shooter training.’”
So many active shooter events have occurred after such training.
“And we must remember that WITNESSES have been having certain PROBLEMS lately.”
Problems like dying from strange accidents.
“It would be a propaganda gold mine for gun control if somebody shot up that event, which I expect would have had low or inadequate security until I just made this post and presumably set off a few alarm bells.”
Part of me thinks this is a golden opportunity to be inside and see if there are any “tells” to what might be going on, or to their methods, or to propaganda being put forth, etc. But I think the risk is too high.
All of that to say this: If there is any way to get info, especially insider info, about the event(s), and do it safely (without being present), that could be very useful — somehow obtaining an audio or video recording, for example. Also, you say that, just by your speakig up, a false flag might have already been averted. That’s a good thing (without your attending).
Thanks – very helpful comments there. MINE are not the only eyes and ears. Time to get creative!
?? I’m so lost right now ?? what does it mean ??
… LOL …

just posted at yr blog for the first time…but I’m awaiting moderation LOL
…story of my (blogger) life
Don’t go Wolf

Doesn’t sound good …
I won’t! I am GONE before it ever happens!

… I feel better than James Brown, …
…. Good 

The fixes are already being implemented!
God bless you Wolf
… we all love ya ..

My 2 cents is listen to the Holy Spirit. He’s warning you directly, and the temptations are being presented subtly. TRUST the Holy Spirit. I think that’s what you’ve already decided thankfully.
Yes! Completely agreed! And very good to see it as the Holy Spirit!!! That helps me see how it’s best to do what is right for OTHERS.
Folks around here love their der Voolf. I think ‘if not, then don’t’ decision tree results are clear-eyed common sense. Wolfs, thanks for putting this out there to your commenters/ friends. I feel like I learned something important.
This is related to a first aid/ responder type training session? Or is it another kind of industry/ career conference with the government official in large participation? They have no idea of your attendance because you have not returned the publicly-available enrollment forms? You are not on the radar yet?
Is there a way for Someone Else to send educational warning material to the event venue and the hosting organization? Just a reminder that other shootings have immediately followed the active shooter training… citing names and places, and stating, “I’m not shooting nobody. It aint me.”
Aside from stocking cans of peas and green beens in every room, what else can we do?
Yes – this is early – very low commitment other than expectations. Those can be managed. Not on any real radar yet. This is straightforward.
I will go with common sense here. THANKS!!!
Listen to your spidey senses,well and your WOLF senses.
What ever you decide go with God and you cant go wrong.
Thank you, and I WILL go with GOD!!!
always listen to yr gut feeling …as we get older, some might call it wisdom .

Since you seem to be conflicted between body parts; head and gut, I’ll add another for you to consider.
If the worse were to happen, would it be worth the HEART-ache caused to your loved ones?
I know how I would answer that question…..I think you do as well.
AMEN! I hear you – and I think THAT is important here, too. Maybe much more important than I realized.
No, don’t go.
… perfect ..

Obviously you’ve run down the following in deciding if you should attend the event.
It comes down to what’s the upshot of attendance vs. not attending then weigh concerns about attending.
Do you have a unique point of view that will not be heard if you do not attend?
What is the likelihood of your message being received well if you attend?
Will the format allow you to get out your point of view?
Are there alternatives to getting your point of view out?
Will you be bolstering similar points of view and your attendance can help make your/their view points actionable?
Will there be allies there and will they be needing or providing assistance to your point of view? (too many allies I’d think about not going, too many eggs in a basket sort of thing / next below would be the opposite if you knew it for sure.)
Will there be expected opposition there that should be halted, slowed or persuaded?
If attendance is mostly exploratory or seed planting is there another way to accomplish this?
What does this group loose/gain by you not attending/attending?
Needless to say face to face communication can carry well in selling your ideas if you have it packaged right for the variety of occasions that may present themselves.
This obviously is not an all inclusive list.
If you feel you have a lot of positives that drive you to attending that aren’t just a Barbra Olson ego stroke type of thing you still have to weigh it against your concerns which sound very valid to me especially since your a known quantity and you’ve been acted upon in the past.
Thanks! I just look down that list, and there is no GOOD reason it has to be me. That part is really about EXPECTATIONS – and there are EXCELLENT ALTERNATIVES.
I will deal with working out those alternatives now. Thank you! This really makes me see it all clearly now.
Great list that is applicable to many situations.
Add another “Trust your gut” to the vote tally.
You’ve got a good opportunity to do some digging now before the internet gets scrubbed:
Who is the person running the drill? Do they have any connections to bad actors?
Who is the person running the event? Do they have any connections to bad actors?
Are there any sketchy board members or donors attached to any of these people or the institution hosting them?
Are there any strange symbols or numerology attached to the drill, event, and institution?
Does the date of these events have any kind of occult, historical, or numerological significance?
I’ve long suspected that Las Vegas photo was Photoshopped for the reason highlighted below. Why is there an amorphous green blob blending into the grass?
Do you have a theory of what was removed from the photo?
It doesn’t look amorphous to me, but my color vision is quite a bit stronger than most people. I see individual articles of clothing (T-shirt backs and sides, various shades of darker blues and greens) in a human dogpile, where a bunch of (mostly) men were shielding women by crawling on top of them or curling around them.
The large part that looks like grass is NOT GRASS, but it may have been smoothed and shaded a bit by various aspects of the algorithms of the digital software.
Wolfmoon, Always remember that just because you are paranoid, does not mean they are not really out to get you.
“Smile.” they said, “things could be worse.” So I smiled and sure enough things did get worse.
The most dangerous things I was subject to were not obvious. There I was and I had no idea what was really happening until later. Later, was sometimes years after the event. God would send me someone who was there and knew what was happening to tell me what really was going on so I knew just how protected I was by God.
God has a purpose and a plan for my life. I trust Him to take care of me. I learned it little by little over the years. We are in very dangerous times. God knows exactly what is happening, who is doing it and how to protect me while he accomplishes His goals. If the worst happens, I get to go home to Him. How bad can that be?
His eye is on the sparrow and I know he watches me.
Good thoughts! Thank you!
Sorry, late to the strategy session.
Nice to see how quickly our team worked this out.
The only thing I can think of to add is the observation that if anyone knows how to throw sand in the machine for maximum effectiveness it would be our very own and very appropriately paranoid Wolfmoon QTreeper.
I would call myself and my mother “woke”, except that amateurs have staked their claim on the word, and it’s amateurish to fight over such things.

Oooooh! Another pocket full of sand! Where did THAT come from!
When is this Training taking place?
Where is this Training taking place?
Who is offering this Training?
How do you get to the Training location?
Where do you record your planned attendance?
What can you add/subtract from this Training by your attendance?
Why is this Training taking place in a Gun-Free Zone?
You do not have to answer these questions – was just thinking out loud here
How I see it
T = Training (Lure) R = Real (Imaginary) A = Application (Discomfort) P = Pretense ( Probability)
Training is a LURE for you – in many ways – you have stated this
What is uncertain is whether or not this ‘Training’ is a REAL or an IMAGINARY event
The APPLICATION (simulated mass shooting) itself causes DISCOMFORT – not only for you – but, also for us
The PRETENSE is education – the PROBABILITY of a real event occurring under the guise of training is too HIGH
IMHO – it is a T-R-A-P
You have come here – and – we have gathered here – to assess the situation in which you find yourself
Many have said – right at the gate – Don’t Go – without hesitation – and through no selfishness on their part
Some say – trust your gut – others say – it is okay to be paranoid – many point to the ‘spiritual’ aspect of the decision
We have no idea exactly what your experience has been – but, we are aware it does put you in a precarious position
We are concerned you could be a target or even a pawn – unaware of what might set you off – or cause you to react badly
Only one person has come even close to encouraging you to throw caution to the wind and go – and even she had second thoughts when considering the situation in its totality (no offense intended – you understood)
Everyone is concerned for your safety – as expressed in various different ways – we are not comfortable at all.
It is obvious to me – you are loved – your health and safety is foremost in the minds of all here – if I were you – I would thank God for all of the good friends you have here – and take comfort in knowing how much God loves you!
Amen! Now that I’m on the other side of the question, I can see it all very clearly. God clearly works for the protection of the flock!
This place is a great resource.
Amen goes right there, wolf!!!
The wisdom of crowds
Michael Jr. is comedian from whom my husband and I have learned so much. Several years after we became Christians we heard him talk about the Holy Spirit’s other name…Somethin’. How many times do people say, “Somethin’ was telling me not to/not to….” Sometimes the Holy Spirit is talking and we just don’t label His voice correctly.
I rarely say, even to myself, the Lord told me…or He Holy Spirit is leading me…
I completely lack that confidence and also, it just feels weird to me. And I am often suspicious of people who say it too much/very often. Reminds me of She Who Must Not be Named from back at OT days. Didn’t trust her as too much talk of visions and direct hearing from God makes the person (to me) seem flakey. And she did flake! (I occasionally check her twitter – she still hasn’t woken up.)
But the Holy Spirit Does talk to us and guide us and lead us through a variety of methods.
“The institution is a bit of a micro blue zone, by the way. Not as big as New Zealand, but it behaves in a predictable manner, like New Zealand and other blue zones. Nobody would ever question anything.”
So it sounds like the location is overseas. If it is in another country, I would skip it.
“There will be a government official there, who works for a governor under extreme media and political pressure on gun control. That official is actually taking part in the program.”
Sounds like maybe you’re talking about Puerto Rico or Hawaii.
No comment!!!
Roger that.

5 x 5
The devils in the details eh Scott?
We don’t get much by you
“We don’t get much by you”
I didn’t know you were trying to get much by me… that’s it… you’re on double secret probation
Calling control. My covers blown . May need emergency extraction
“There will be a government official there, who works for a governor under extreme media and political pressure on gun control. That official is actually taking part in the program.”
I never ‘buy’ the political pressure angle. It’s like being pressured to have gay sex. If you’re not gay, it doesn’t matter if the whole planet ‘pressures’ you to have gay sex, it’s just not happening.
Not happening.
Same thing with ‘gun control’. For purposes of this analogy, if you understand the 2nd Amendment and why it exists, then you’re not gay.
So it doesn’t matter if everybody around you wants you to put on a Liberace outfit and lead the next San Fransisco Gay Pride Parade in white leather ass-less chaps. It’s just not happening, and all the people around you know it. So they wouldn’t even bother pressuring you.
So the only way there is ever any actual ‘pressure’ is if the person in question is already gay, and the people around him know it, and he has resisting for some political reason — but if enough people ‘pressure’ him, that can be used to provide ‘cover’, a plausible excuse to jump into the gay orgy scene, which is what he wanted to do all along.
Same thing with gun control.
Nobody in professional politics is on the fence about gun control, just like nobody is on the fence about being gay.
And nobody is going to persuade anybody to become gay, just like nobody is going to persuade anybody who is pro 2nd Amendment to become anti 2nd Amendment.
It’s NOT a tug-of-war.
It’s gay or not gay.
I appreciate your opinion, but I’m not saying a word, because I don’t want this to turn into a debate about LGBT, or whether politics is in digital or analog!
I’m just saying that if someone is NOT gay, is there any amount of political pressure that could make that person engage in a gay sex act?
Whatever the answer to that question is, the same answer applies to whether any amount of political pressure could get that person to change his position from pro 2nd Amendment to anti 2nd Amendment!
Either you are, or you aren’t.
So ‘political pressure’ may be a ruse or a tool, but it can’t make a straight man turn gay!
“#NeverTrump would be clamoring to ban AR-15s, and the governor would HAVE to take action against AR-15s. This event will be loaded with virtue signals to both right and left. Any attack upon these symbols – well, clearly we have to do something about guns.”
I never accept the underlying premise.
Why cede the territory in such a way that if the enemy does ‘x’ (which the enemy can do at any time), then you are obligated to do ‘y’, which is to ‘give up’?
It never makes any sense to me.
The whole ‘perception’ game, the whole concept of “well you just can’t do ___fill in the blank___, because… well, it’s just not done”.
Generally speaking, public perception is controlled by the PC crowd and the media, so if we agree to their premise(s), then we’re playing on their home field.
Why do it?
The next time there is a mass-shooting with an AR15, and the hate-America Left predictably goes on their anti-Constitution tour, be ready.
Don’t calculate how many inches we have to give this time, calculate how many YARDS we can take back.
Roll out PSAs online (Parscale could do it easily) and on TV, 60-second short videos about:
1) history of 2nd Amendment
2) history of worldwide tyranny
3) history of gun’s role in freedom
4) actual statistics on gun violence
5) actual statistics on long rifle violence (incredibly low)
6) actual statistics on AR15 violence (even lower)
7) show how Leftist movements throughout history ALWAYS seek to take guns away, as
8) a precursor to dictatorship
9) explain that laws against guns are not possible, because laws against guns violate the Constitution
10) explain that the Constitution is the Law of the Land (don’t assume NPCs have ever even heard of the Constitution)
USE the tragedy to EDUCATE the people and ATTACK the foundation of the Marxist Left, by pulling the ground out from under them and replacing it with quicksand.
We NEVER “have the conversation”, we NEVER “make the case”, we just automatically backpedal and hope to not lose too much again.
I reject that premise.
Show the American People the truth about guns.
Don’t be afraid to boldly say the REASON for the 2nd Amendment is to protect the American People from a TYRANNICAL GOVERNMENT.
Say it LOUD and say it PROUD!
This isn’t something to be ashamed of, it something that makes us EXCEPTIONAL!
Destroy the Left’s talking points with actual STATISTICAL FACTS.
IIRC, more people are killed with KNIVES than are killed with guns.
Are we going to ban knives?
Of course not.
IIRC, more people are killed with HAMMERS than long rifles.
Are we going to ban hammers?
Of course not.
People being killed with long rifles is WAY down the list of causes of intentional death, so there is ZERO logic to violate the Constitution (which we can’t do anyway) and ‘ban guns’ to stop ‘violence’.
And once people understand that the object of the Left is not to stop violence at all, then people will begin to wonder why DOES the Left want to ban guns?
And when THAT lightbulb goes on over their heads, when they realize the Left wants to ban guns to make it easy to enslave them, then the Left will be running for their LIVES, and it won’t be safe for them to walk the streets.
This is such an easy argument to win.
But our side never even tries!
I haven’t read all the responses but here is my .02

Follow . Your . Gut
From what you have shared of your previous experience, it sounds to me like with this the RISK far outweighs the BENEFIT.
The good thing is, you may now have unique insight and perspective into a possible plan…place, time, etc
Whatever you choose to do, may God protect you!!
AMEN – and THANKS!!!
I’m way late to the party, but am glad to see that everyone else has the same feelings about this that I do. I had big alarm bells going off just reading your post, Wolfie. Do you realize (I’m sure you do) how many false flags happened either after or during one of these training exercises? There were so many exercises going on during 9-11 – both civilian and military – that it was ridiculous overkill. No one knew what was real and what was part of the training. I’ve started feeling like all of these active shooter trainings are completely bogus. They are used to help them figure out the best place to strike next. At any rate, I’m glad you decided not to go. All of us can breathe a sigh of relief.
Yeah, the levels of BULLSHIT are too high. Once FAKE NORMAL is not part of one’s “normal”, all kinds of things look ridiculous. For example, Parkland.
Training in the morning and attack in the afternoon?
I just want to scream FUCK YOU and nuke them all.
I am no longer an IDIOT who believes this insane garbage. I can posit STRONG scientific reasons why they pull this crap in the ways they do, and it has everything to do with MEDIA DECEPTION. This stuff is CRAP designed to HERD us after they DUMBED US DOWN.
To hell with them. BURN IN HELL, ALL YOU FUCKERS.
In fact, it’s time for me to actually say something to “law enforcement” (said in the most MOCKING, CYNICAL, JUDGMENTAL, AND NUKE BABYLON WAY).
You FUCKERS are part of this. You KNOW. You SEE. Many of you KNOW there is something WRONG and DO NOTHING.
And then you have the HORRIFYING SATANIC CHUTZPAH to say “See Something, Say Something”.
How about a VIDEO of a false flag being planned, DUMPED TO THE WEB before you WALK OUT?
How about photocopies of PLANS? How about WARNINGS to people to get PICTURES like they did of Hillary? How about INFORMING to the PUBLIC?
What he said.
“But then, if such a witness were to say anything about the whole sketchy thing – such as right now – that witness might be discredited. “Paranoid“, they might say. I mean, it all sounds a bit paranoid to me, too.”
So your concerns are established publicly, and if nothing bad happens, great. Better safe than sorry.
But if something does happen, then not only were you not ‘paranoid’, you sounded the alarm — see something, say something — and far from being discredited, the credibility of this entire subject matter (spotting potential false flags) would go through the roof.
Which, as you said, might actually serve to change the future by preventing someone’s plans to go through with it.
So it’s a win-win
We’ll see. WE WILL SEE.
This is an odd photo.
First, the man in the lower right hand part of the picture, in what looks like brown shirt and pants/shorts, has his legs casually crossed at the ankles.
Second, the huddle of at least 5 or 6 people (maybe more on the other side of the pile who can’t be seen from this angle) seems very odd. Like they were frozen in the act of administering first aid. If everyone in this photo is supposed to be deceased, how in the world did a group of people fall together in such a manner, and then STAY that way until they expired?
People don’t always (or even often, AFAIK) die ‘instantly’ when shot, unless it’s a head shot, which few (if any) of these were. People who are shot somewhere besides the head generally keep moving, for at least a few seconds to however long it takes to lose consciousness due to blood loss / loss of blood pressure. This would make collapsing in a huddle, everybody face forward like they were diving for a fumbled football, extremely unlikely.
And there is another huddle of people just like it, in the upper right hand part of the grass field in the photo.
Finally, where is all the blood?
Wiki says: “The Clark County Coroner’s Office determined that all 58 victims died as a result of gunshot wounds. Thirty-one of the victims were pronounced dead at the scene, while the rest were pronounced dead at hospitals.
An additional 869 people were injured, 413 of them with gunshot wounds.”
Rifle wounds leave large permanent wound cavities which result in tremendous blood loss if any major arteries or organs are hit.
Where is all the blood?
With 58 people dead from gunshot wounds, and another 413 people who survived gunshot wounds, there should be blood EVERYWHERE.
It should look like a scene from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, not a littered field where people look like they just fell asleep.
AR15 rounds (5.56 or .223) generally tumble and/or fragment, but certainly not always. A hit to the leg or arm would likely penetrate clear through, leaving a large exit wound.
There is lots of white skin in that photo. I don’t see a single exit wound, or any blood, either on the skin or on the clothing.
471 people hit with rifle fire, in a concentrated area.
No blood.
It could be argued that blood would not show up well on the grass, and might seep into the brown dirt.
But what explains the lack of blood on the PEOPLE, or on their light colored clothing?
471 people bleeding from gunshot wounds should leave a LOT of blood behind.
Where is it?
I do have answers to your questions, but they are a huge distraction here, mostly because it will take 5 levels of back and forth, IMO. I did a lot of analysis of the shooting while I was over at CTH – most of it is on Twitter, but some of it is on CTH posts. Some of the best stuff was on Thomas Wictor’s Twitter – now hidden – that was mostly about the bumpfire and the source of the gunfire. I also did an analysis of all 58 autopsies. Some interesting generalities emerged.
I think we need a full post to deal with Vegas, and so the next time the Las Vegas shooting is in the news, I’ll piggyback this stuff into whatever goes up about it.
Assuming you have a concealed carry permit, go armed. If stopped for search or going through a magnetometer, do not try to hide it. If told that this is a gun-free zone, respond by saying isn’t this an active shooter training program. When they say, yes, then you say this is my active shooter protection program. If they deny you access, say, I understand but I’m unwilling to disarm in order to attend. Then turn and walk away.
If they let you in with your piece, then you know that it’s very likely that the event is put on by good (maybe ignorant) people. Doesn’t mean you’re safe because the event itself might have been the trigger for creating a destruction op; just means you’re armed in what might be a bad situation.
Then again, it might be a training op for black hats to learn how to deal with armed citizens. If that is the case, being there means it’s already too late. But that is a level of planning that would be unthinkable, considering the risk of running an op with no obvious political purpose to achieve.
Note: if you can bring guests, invite a couple of trusted LEOs to tag along.
I find it very amusing that such unanimity exists among the “don’t attend” crowd here. Not one treeper suggested that you should go anyway, despite the red flags and the vibes.
The situation whiffs with me, too — I’m not the one who says otherwise.
Yes, it occurred to me that if the question had been phrased such that some other person (someone we don’t know) was in Wolf’s place, the responses might not have been so (understandably) protective in nature

But I agree, especially in this environment, there’s no reason to take an unnecessary chance, especially if your gut instinct is against it.
Who’s watching the Watchers?
If you were really confident that something was going to go down, and you had a team to work with, that would be a whole different ballgame.
You could arrive ahead of time, and stake the whole place out. Rent rooms if possible that provide line-of-sight to the building where the ‘active shooter training drill’ and the event (3 days later) are taking place.
Preferably multiple camera angles on the building where the ‘active shooter drill’ takes place, with quality video cameras and zoom features set up long in advance.
Record and document the entire procedure, i.e., when they arrive, how long it takes to set up, how many people are involved, local vs. state vs. federal participants, how long the training drill lasts, etc.
Then record the event 3 days later the same way, just in case. I’m not suggesting you attend the event itself, just surveil it, along with your team, from multiple positions around the building.
If nothing happens, you still have some interesting data on ‘active shooter training drills’ that has probably never been collected or published before.
And if a false flag DOES happen during the event 3 days later… well, in the words of Andrew Dice Clay (from my youth!), pack up that piece of junk you call a truck and move to Beverly…
Hills, that is… OH!
You would have GOLD STANDARD undercover surveillance video documentation and evidence of a government false flag IN ACTION.
Wait a week or two for the government’s story to be thoroughly established and disseminated by all the usual liars in law enforcement and their propaganda outlets.
Then document all their lies and whatever else you caught on surveillance, and then BOOM, go public and blow the government propaganda story — and the possibility of ever utilizing another ‘false flag’ — completely out of the water, forever.
I mean… it’s just a thought that came to me…
In fact, if I was Project Veritas or a similar organization, the entire trip would be tax deductible as business expense.
If it is published where every ‘active shooter drill’ is being conducted around the country, and you have the funds and manpower to surveil them and then wait a few days in stake-out mode to see if an actual ‘mass shooting’ event to occur (according to the pattern), eventually you would catch one of these ‘active shooter’ events from beginning to end.
And then you’ve got ’em.
Give the government time to do their usual song and dance propaganda routine, which always goes unopposed, because nobody has ever been in a position to call BS on their Potemkin Village.
Then expose the truth about the whole thing, caught live on candid camera.
Game, set, and match.
And tournament.
Citizen journalists could do it.
The fake journalists certainly won’t.
Protective…I think that is a good word to describe how we felt.
I mentioned to be careful about sounding an alarm. I do not mean that if we know something definite we should not speak out.
All I can say is go by your gut instinct. It usually is the right way to go.
Thanks! Appreciate your opinion on this.
My 2 cents…
Are you trying to use your rational mind to talk yourself into attending something your gut says stay away from?
If you asked yourself, “ How would I feel about attending a different training, at a later date?” Is the
gut more relaxed?
If you decided to miss this particular opportunity, could you be okay with that? Would there be another opportunity down the road?
Is taking part in this group activity super important to you? If so, are there others in the group you can get support from?
Is it your job in life to take care of others? Is it your job in life to take care of yourself?
It sounds like you are wrestling within yourself about this decision. Did it help to reach out for advice from people you trust? Did you get any clarity about the decision?
If still wrestling… where is your peaceful place, and can you go there to contemplate your choices? It can be easier if you trust your inner guidance on every decision.
Thanks! Yes, I think I’ve reached the place I need to be. I have already taken steps to deal with it, and it’s working even better than I had hoped.
Just published this on Gab.
Wolf Moon
The “active shooter training” that weirdly precedes MK shoot-em-ups is how they psychologically normalize the soon-to-follow mass murder, which will be (1) a mass psychological trauma event and/or (2) a camouflaged targeted kill.
I believe that the psychological payload of the training psy-op is mostly directed toward TWO audiences – (a) the future witnesses and victims, so that events match expectations, people’s behaviors are documented, and no QUESTIONS are raised in people’s minds, and (b) law enforcement, so that they don’t get any weird ideas that these events are sketchy and have hidden political or homicidal purpose. It’s all a part of #FakeNormal.
Indeed, I believe that it may in fact be dangerous to spend time in locations where mass murder “training” has happened.
The training is not just for us.
Nov 05, 2019, 04:44 · Web · 0 · 0
Important to understand the logic here.
The training is ALWAYS targeting psychology of both civilians and law enforcement.
The training in NOT ALWAYS followed by an active shooter.
Active shooters are commonly preceded by training events which “test” responses.
Active shooters which are truly organic can provide a baseline level of “normal” prior training.
Non-organic active shooters should have significantly higher likelihood of prior training events.
Seeing how they have stealthily created a new Fake Normal that includes this stuff is mind-blowing.
[…] my case: Trump, a US pol, a lower pol, a social media site-owner / WITNESS (moi), and QAnon. LINK:… My current theory is that they wanted a media picture of me with the governor-connected pol at the […]
[…] Seeking QTreeper Counsel on Active Shooter Training and Sketchy Scheduling Thereof […]