This ACTION NOVEMBER [05] [ELECTION DAY] TUESDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both MAGA and KAG!).

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.
Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.
Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.
Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.


Our movement
Is about replacing
A failed
Political establishment
With a new government controlled
By you, the American People.
Candidate Donald J. Trump
Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
TODAY IS THE DAY – the first day for some real ACTION in ACTION NOVEMBER.
After HOT AUGUST, LIGHT IN SEPTEMBER, and ROCKTOBER, we arrive at what has been called several things by us, but the ones I remember are NUCLEAR NOVEMBER (because that was mine, and WHO KNOWS, with Project Veritas in the mix) and ACTION NOVEMBER, which I think is going to be THE ONE.
THANKFUL NOVEMBER is always appropriate, and maybe there are others. Let’s hear them! What was the one I forgot? Was it HOLY NOVEMBER? Never forget the Holy Spirit – that quiet force that is always with us – that binding energy of TRUTH that we can TRUST.

And don’t forget to TAKE YOUR WINNAMINS!

And don’t forget to PRAY!
Where We Go One, We Go All.

Found the party! Let’s dance in the streets!
I think this qualifies as an embarrassment of riches.
Enjoy the imperfection of this blog!
I’m thoroughly confused. Now we get TWO open threads per day?
My head hurts.
No need for OCD-preventative pharmaceuticals when we have Wolf’s Lazy Bones!
Wow…proving the old adage…people don’t like change! LOL
Buckle up, QTree….we can handle it.
Wow that’s a lot of hair.
What a beautiful baby girl … isn’t she lovely

Marica! That girl done growing fast. Only two days old? Looks like two weeks! LOL
Wow Marica the baby is already so attentive and seems to respond. She looks very bright and she is so beautiful.
Blessing to the whole family
I intend to slip it into EVERY conversation at the Thanksgiving table…after grace of course…
what’s thanksgiving without a food fight?
hopefully no one burns the crescent rolls–they can take an eye out!
Oh my yes … just be sure not to engage the hearty free spirited food slinger … better where your best holiday rain poncho … bwahahahahahah
i’m little I can hide under the table…
{{{whispering}}} done it before…
every year at Christmas “someone” starts a wrapping paper war…
HA! … that tickles me pat … you’re a family holiday autist

… my sons did the uber taping on Dad’s gift once or twice … they were brave but they lucked out .. oh all that wrapping paper! And it goes into the recycler … 
… the wrapping paper war sounds awesome .. 

it all started so innocently…a little wad thrown at my sister…only once did we have to replace a broken lamp…lol
… oh my I love that … I can relate 

… bwahahahahahah …
wonder if I could write it in the whipped cream on the pumpkin pie? LOL
Bwahahahahahah … yes
… I say make those memories … 

… just be sure no one sees you

I’m going to buy plain glass pie plates and PAINT that on the bottom so when the pie is eaten, the message appears…..bwahahahahaha
Oh oh oh my my I sooooo admire you .. whoo-hoo … bwahahahahahah ..

You’re my role model going forward .. bwahahahahahah
hell…I’m baking 2 pies…TRUMP 2020 is going on the other one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At our house Holidays are mostly quiet. My husband was an only child and his parents have passed. My family is in Europe.
My kids the closes lives 6 hour from us. He has no children and they come sometimes for Thanksgiving or Christmas.
My one sone has family and his wife wants to spend Holidays with her family because they always have and it is a big family. WeI gave my blessing because our son’s happy home life is more important to us than for us to be an agent for an unhappy life.
My daughter lives in CT and one time they were stranded because of weather we agreed with her to stay home. They have a busy life and little time. They use Holidays to rest
I did not grow up with Thanksgiving and my husbands parents did not make a big deal because they had no family except the one child. I am ok as it is and am thankful everyone is happy and healthy.
Christmas focus for us is the birth of Christ. I am content to be home and reflect a quiet Christmas with husband and my furies.
our children live 4 hrs away…but my son and his fiance come up here for Thanksgiving–he works on Christmas (giving co workers with kids a chance to be home then) so our family Christmas with him and our daughter’s family is usually earlier in December since we are the ones that travel…so our Christmas is just the two of us, our tree and a cozy fire…
but I have fond memories of wrapping paper strewn everywhere…toys and boxes piled high and stepping on legos…
I have those family memories also when our children grew up.
Many families find themselves in a situation where adult children who live further away cannot come for extended family events. We do understand and at peace
I wish you were my neighbor.
if I HAD neighbors–we’re in the boonies–I would install spotlights that focused on my TRUMP 2020 signs and randomly blast Hail to the Chief!!!
Martin Geddes makes an excellent point there.
Excusing criminal behavior by saying “they’re born that way” is an insidious fallacy.
It’s toxic and demoralizing an will lead to chaos.
If they truly *are* born that way…then they are a mutant monster that must be culled from our gene pool.
Flipping hardware and software is a central part of their attack. I need to do a post on this. It’s a kind of attack on truth which abuses our sympathies by flipping truths about what we CAN and CANNOT do with information.
I originally thought that the movie “The Imitation Game” got certain things wrong accidentally, but now I think it was intentional.
Actually, I just realized something. This is a military disinformation strategy (as in PENCILNECK). It’s actually driving a lot of the CLUNKIER transhumanism stuff – because we’re dumbed down into thinking HARDWARE rules when the lesson of Turing is really that SOFTWARE rules.
That attack is SO SMART.
TRANSHUMANISM which is too emphatic on hardware and DEHUMANIZATION is probably a kind of dead end / Fake Science like bogus climate hoaxing and other lies. It’s meant to confuse us and keep us down on the farm.
Epigenetics baby! It’s always epigenetics.
Saying it’s genetic is like saying a badly coded library function is the problem when the event causing that function to be erroneously called is really where you need to look.
Yes, that point of his is really profound.
We have free will to say yes or no.
Pedos need to use free will to say no because it is against God’s norm for us and society and cultural norm. Giving in to animal instincts is against all laws.
Excusing behavior has been going on for a very long time…”he was raised without a father so…”. “Came from a disadvantaged neighborhood…” “father was abusive and passed it on…”, etc etc.
Excuse makers don’t want to hear about success stories like Ben Carson or professional baseball players that learned to play with a homemade bat, etc.
On the other hand…are great artist born with that ability…or musicians….mathematical geniuses? We all marvel at young prodigies who perform complex pieces on the piano at 8 years old or who are in college at 11. One might say they are born that way. So, if you accept that premise then you might also have to consider the other.
Truthfully, I have no idea!
DNA is a fascinating thing and far beyond my ability to understand the finite possibilities of one or two significant cells determining our life path.
using that logic…it’s NOT transgenderism…it’s SEXUAL APPROPRIATION.
Gotta admit, that is EXACTLY what we see in WOMEN’S SPORTS. Appropriation of the whole damn sports. It’s sick, bizarre, and ANTI-HUMAN. And very intentional. It’s a kind of cyberattack on humanity.
Well … then why not insert the Hanson brothers into a woman’s sport covertly on defense for the women being mussed up by the perps …

… payback is ……
However, in some ways the other “true” women athletes are enablers in this entire farce, IMO.
If they would show up for an event and see a transgender participating…and then refuse to participate, then i bet it would stop very quickly. What would be the point?
Sponsors, schools, governing sports committees would be forced to make a choice…abandon the sport totally or make some strict rules about who is eligible.
Hopefully this comment lines up…tablet operating wierd today.
Female athletes are the only ones that can stop the absolute ignorance of guys competing in women sports.
IF women refuse to participate, it’s ALL STOP. That is until common sense returns. Then women’s sports carries on.
Ding ding ding, we have a winner!
* Hi Michael * you were missed at the rally thread … good to see you.
lol yes I missed me too!!!
I’m working extra long hours right now – missing my family, missing you guys, and missing WINNING WITH TRUMP!!!
Monroe, LA
Wednesday, November 6
Pardon if already posted.
Two rallies in a week!

We ARE blessed!!!
THREE, actually!!!
(1st, 4th, 6th)
Yup…CNN is evil and they did that on purpose.
On the other hand, they said “saved the day by shooting one of the intruders with an automatic rifle”…which is admitting that the ‘automatic’ rifle saved the day.
MOST validation ARs have valid use.
We read of them every few weeks.
Surely numerous never reported. Including where a weapon was used, but not fired.
And right on cue…the leftists are trying to punish this guy for putting on a MAGA hat.
The left is engaging into Chinese tactics punish a person who does not agree with the ruling communist class. What made liberals so dumb?
THIS is the reason for my comment a few days ago about being happy not to hear “ISIL” used instead of “ISIS.” Link in above Tweet:
“It was not a coincidence that when ISIS was created, Obama made a big deal about correcting us ignorant Americans as to the correct translation of the last S in ISIS. Obama through out his term called it ISIL. The L stood for the Levant, which historically meant the whole area East of the Mediterranean, larger than just Syria and that included other nations such as Israel and Lebanon. What could be in the head of a US president so invested in dissecting the meaning and geographical scope of yet another Islamic terror group name?”
Whatever it is…I hope it’s explosive!
I guess we’ll know in a few hours.
Is that Podesta?
Kinda looks like Cankles, but that guy looked too tall to be Podesta.
Thank you to all who participated in the rally thread last night.
Please remind everyone across media, friends, neighbors, to please VOTE TODAY in Virginia, Kentucky, and Mississippi.
And Texas too…they’ve got an important “Prop4” to vote on.
It will determine whether TX gets an income tax!
“Vote *for* Prop4″…is what Gov Abbott is saying, to keep TX free of a state income tax.
And Thank You, Daughn, for another great rally thread!
Wow, that’s deceptive. Just like they do in Kalifornistan. They invert the question, so you have to vote YES to avoid a tax…
Typical passive-aggressive SJW snowflake socialist Hegelian tactics…
They can stuff their “third way” and all the rest…
Actually Prop4 passing makes it harder for the lawmakers to pass a state income tax law — from a simple majority to a 2/3 vote.
daughn, there hasn’t been a place which seemed appropriate for me to thank you for including Secretariat’s Belmont win in your intro to Kentucky, but I say a big THANKS.
I have his Triple Crown races in a folder, and when I am a bit down, I watch them.
That Belmont was one for the Ages.
What a nice surprise that was!
Ah, Secretariat! The absolutely best ever! I was working on the NE racing circuit at the time and watched the race in the shed row at AKSARBEN. One of the horses I groomed at the time, Stumpy the Boy (I know – stupid name) was the spitting image of him. He was raised by a woman and hated men. He also hated it when anyone stood in front of his stall and watched him – he would flatten his ears and rush the webbing with bared teeth – had to put up a gate on his stall. I visited Secretariat’s grave in Kentucky back in 2012 and bought a decorative plate with a picture of him. I re-watch the Secretariat, Ruffian, Seabiscuit, and Phar Lap movies all the time, as well as In Pursuit of Honor. Also War Horse – great movie.
Did you know that Secretariat’s first baby was out of an Appaloosa mare? Too bad he was kind of a disappointment in the breeding shed. Not many top-level flat racers but a BUNCH of steeplechasers and such.
Nebraska…I did not follow up on his breeding outcomes, so thanks for info.
from your earlier comment; How exciting ou got to see this race!
I just finished the rally thread, and am heading out to vote right now, but before I do, let’s revisit one of PDJT’s best quotes from KY:
Before my election, our leaders used the great American middle class as a piggy bank to fund their delusional global projects. They decimated American manufacturing to promote economic growth in foreign countries.
So true
President Trump MOAR and MOAR is slamming politicos for selling out America.
Rather sure he’ll continue doing so in rallies, pressers, interviews…
Forces the message through MCM to Americans…
Outstanding rally thread Daughn … thank you so very much, …

Here’s that embedded tweet…so that it will play here.
What don’t they want us to see?
The DeepLeft thought that killing Epstein would kill the whole story and they would be home free.
Well it’s backfiring on them.
AS does EVERY scheme they try.
They want it to go away, like they made pizzagate disappear. Too many big names are going to go down if the entire Epstein closet full of skeletons gets opened. We’re not talking worms, or even a can full of snakes. The media is in cover up mode at this point, and trying to just get us to whistle while walking past the graveyard.
It isn’t working this time.
Interesting – found this thread in the comments – couldn’t find an unroll – sorry:
Bushes, Clinton and Øbnoxious brought enough barbarian jihadis into the US to do what they are doing in Sweden and Europe (bombings, burning cars, raping women and children) ….only difference – we have guns.
How do we organize against this? No it is not suffrage, or something along those lines, but men pretending to be women are making a mockery of any gains females have made in the sports world. I’m not an athlete, and have my issues with all of it, to be honest, but men and women are put together differently, and it is not fair for men who need an ego boost to get it competing with women where women stand no chance against them.
The women athletes themselves, are going to have to stand up to it.
If they all start refusing to play against these men-masquerading-as-women…then there will be no events.
It’s so absurd!
We’re supposed to ignore the basic visible differences between men and women?!
And the enemedia is gaslighting us about it, by acting like it’s ‘okay’…and there is something wrong with us if we don’t agree!
Thankfully, some of these young women are standing up against it and filing lawsuits – at least one I have read about. However, I agree – they ALL need to refuse to participate.
Most efficient fix AND most effective fix AND lowest cost fix..
Women refuse to participate is the dumbing down of women sports a mockery of women athletes.
Events stopped, sponsors evaporate, venues not making money…
Absolutely BS that society has allowed this travesty.
Women control the destiny of women sports.
That’s exactly what I said last week when this crap about “trans” woman winning an award for racing real females hit the media.
I blame it on the women for playing along. Before I am swarmed for being a blame-the-victim misogynist, let me point out that I cannot identify any female contributor to this website blog who would go along with this, if any of you were youth trackstars. Every single one of you would boycott such a charade and be noisy about it.
So do we have a strange unusual group of females here? Or do we have the upper level of normal American females?
I wouldn’t say that we are a cross section of society but we sure are a cross section of traditional normal America.
And filing lawsuits is an admission that they have lost the battle before the fight even begins. By filing a lawsuit, the plaintiff ADMITS that there is a GENUINE CONFLICT between the parties (since that is the only basis to be in court). Track events are NOT compulsory; all the females CHOSE to accept this bullshit premise.
If this idiocy is assigned a value of “genuine” by the “victim”, then it’s not any different than that old George Bernard Shaw line about haggling over the price, madam.
AGAIN, THESE GIRLS ARE NOT FORCED TO DO ANYTHING. They must begin to behave like genuine valid female athletes, which they are, and genuine female athletes do not compete against males. And they certainly don’t participate in fake competitions (which degrades the sport as well as the females).
You know, I will bet there ARE women who are standing up, and the FAKE NEWS MEDIA is hiding them.
This just proves that it was never about women gaining equality, but the decadent, depraved taking power in the normal world. Giving over to the transgender defeats every gain women have made. It also violates Title lX which I assume has pasted constitutional muster, so therefore violating Title lX is violating the Constitution.
Title lX funds should be withheld from every school allowing this travesty.
BUT until the women themselves refuse to compete in these sports where transgenders are competing – nothing will stop them.
Homosexuals better watch out – their special status is going to be given away to the transgenders.
I know you know this, but adds anyway its more than just an ego trip. These boys are being allowed to take scholarships and endorsements away from woman who would have otherwise achieved them as well as recognition and prestige.
Good Morning Patriots!
MeanWhile just south of the US/Mexican border..
Mormons going too a wedding..
Just very terrible news..
Could this be considered a *ACT of WAR* ??
9 Americans, including 2,, 7 month old twins, Slaughtered in a Ambush by “Drug Cartels”
At least nine Americans killed in Mexican highway ambush
The dead included 8-month-old twins, said Kendra Lee Miller, who is related to many of the victims. There were at least eight survivors.
Americans should avoid Mexico as much as Iraq, Syria and Pakistan.
Heck – I would not go to Dearborn, MI or Somalistan, Minnesota either.
They lived in Mexico: “Kendra Lee Miller said a 13-year-old, Devin Langford, escaped uninjured and then walked for about 14 miles to La Mora, where the family lived, for help after hiding his wounded siblings in bushes and covering them with branches.”
Video link..….
whoops.. sry..
An American family LIVING in Mexico!
That must be why the DJT is tweeting this morning about being ready, willing and able to help the President of Mexico battle the Cartel Army. POTUS basically offered military assistance. Said an army is needed to defeat an army.
I feel a ton of sympathy for the children but NOT for the adults. This is a choice they made to LIVE in Mexico and you cannot tell me they were completely unaware of the cartel activity. NO WAY!!!!
And yet, I have an acquaintance here in town, a single woman who has already had one stroke while traveling overseas…I just learned is moving to Mexico…with at least one horse. Blows my mind! What are people thinking?
Clearly, they AREN’T thinking!
thanks, lady
I just heard on my newsfeed (radio, SRN), that the President is offering to help Mexico defeat the cartels.
Anyone know ab this?
Nor’easter, thanks.
After very public request by Mexico. Intel, precision bombing…
Cartels will strike in US.
It is all inevitable, me thinks.
We gotta deal with the cancerous cartels. They have footholds in the US that cannot be allowed to grow or even remain in US.
100% in US interest.
Tough call.
So much corruption in Mexico, might have to go old-school conventional, with lots of “collateral damage”.
Good with that.
I don’t listen to faux MCM, D-Rats lying or other nonsense.
Right there with you, brother!
Let God sort ’em out.
Methinks he is testing the SNAKE, COBRADOR.
Works for me!
Wolf, can you fetch me from the bed when you get a chance?
Thanks in advance!
BIN, not bed.
I was thinking that I have no way to make your phone alarm go off!!!
And thanks!
Just checked the bin – NOTHING!!! Not in Trash or Moderation, either. It was VANISHED (which WP does, sometimes).
It’s out.
I’m guessing T3 got me out?
Must be!
IH8 Islam with the heat of ten trillion suns.
They’ll get theirs GA/FL … and it will be ETERNAL ….

The Brit Leftists have already been bad-mouthing US chickens because of bleach.
WE aren’t the ones with mad cow disease or swine fever.
Leftist/socialist/communist/Islamist countries’ food and medicine, even dog food is big risk.
Corbyn is a RAT MAGGOT, and a flaming Anti-Semite.
He should be tossed into the dustbin of history; the sooner, the better…
There it is. The President just recommended American Special Ops to destroy another Deep State funding arm. The Dems will be in an uproar.
Exactly. The CRIMINAL SOVIET DEMOCRATS will try to kill anything that cuts their RATLINES.
Sorry but I do not agree with this. They CHOSE to live in Mexico – live with the results of your choices. No different than those who choose to go hiking in Iran, for pete’s sake!
I know I sound hard-hearted but I am sick to death of this shit!!!! CHOOSING to place yourselves in danger, contrary to all common sense, and then when you get in trouble due to your CHOICES, you want to trade on your US citizenship??!!?? NO!!!!
And, being from Utah, I would bet a month’s SS that they are Mormons, who want wide-open borders! How is that working out for you, fools??!!??
When the Mormon church denounced polygamy, a number of Mormons moved down to Mexico and started a colony there.
They did that so that they could continue to practice polygamy.
Romney’s grandparents were a part of that colony…and his father was born in Mexico.
So I wonder if this family is a part of those polygamist Mormons.
Most likely…..sick, sick, sick!
I wondered the same thing.
It is being reported that they are part of a fundamentalist Mormon group. Some were LDS, and others were the fundamentalist polygamists. I don’t care what the official position of the LDS church is, they all tolerate polygamy.
While the lost Americans are incredibly sad, the adults made an ignorant choice where to live.
My focus is destroying the cartels. Cartels = threat to US.
I agree; however, that should NOT include our troops on Mexican soil. JMO, of course.
Dropping this here:
Okay, I’d need a score card for that one. Seemed accusations are going in different directions. Did I just witness some one intimidating people to shut up about conspiracy theories or we’ll get you tossed in jail and then toss you down the stairs at your prison?
Unfortunately too much going on to chase this one down.
Leader McConnell >>> Field McConnell
So jumped down the hole a bit because this is the Able Danger guy and has lots of followers and we’ve seen his videos before. Found this, a short 10 sec vid. Comments should be read.
Wait, another link from the people who did the first video.
We’ll likely see more about this.
That might be a mistake “people who did the first video”
Akkk! I told you I might need a score card for this one.
I’m not too sure myself.
Being Broward county doesn’t help.
Yes, anything happening near Broward county should be suspect. I think that might be deep states retirement community when they’re finished working in DC and living in the Hamptons.
Funny you should say that-the “snowbird” thing is real.
Many wealthy homeowners from affluent areas on Long Island have places in Florida where they spend their winters, then return for the summers, and many wind up “retiring” in Florida.
“It is being reported that the video below is what got Field in trouble.”
Yeah, IMO that doesn’t seem to qualify as a threat unless there are judges in those state who actually identify as pedophile judges.
The video of the long stair case and giving out his prisoner number seems more of a threat than that.
I’m thinking the same thing.
But NOTHING is making sense!
The whole Sawman thing?
Three felony counts in Broward County (Florida was not mentioned in the video)?
Maybe Field McConnell needs “Discovery” (his allegations we’re not investigated/ supressed)?
Talk about rabbit holes…
The next step in ‘The Great Replacement’?
That’s disturbing.
Some cans of spray paint would fix those signs right up.
Giving the people on the poster a “bit of a tan” would do the trick…
Sounds like a Khan artist(e) put up the poster…
They can’t even spell! “crowed”
Those black burkha people look like a scary murder of crows when I see them.
A conspiracy of ravens.
I continue to be amazed at how many liberty-loving and freedom-loving people speak of Epstein as if every tale about him has been proven.
He had one conviction, and I must have missed the article where the victim in that case came forward and told his/her story.
Epstein did not commit suicide. I have seen no substantial evidence that he is deceased.
Regardless of what he did or didn’t do, I am convinced we are being scammed because there is no real reason to keep poking our emotions using the details of the accusations. The details are bad enough. I lived through McMartin preschool insanity in California and was stunned at the preposterous accusations that were made by adults against the McMartins.
The Epstein saga reminds me a lot of McMartin.
Some of us have done ALOT of homework… he’s more than a pedophile… he’s a drug/gun runner…
Actually I’m left with the idea that for some going to the island (or other location) is a required step in getting the keys to the executive wash room on the international scale (pay to play). In other words, if you want to play we need to see you do some dirty deeds.
If this twit had a genuine story AND wanted it out in the public eye, me thinks there are venues available beyond ABC.
Not doubting Epstein a bile creature, the reporter somewhere between disingenuous and inept.
New account to follow, a great patriot working hard in Northern Virginia for #MAGA
James O’Keefe Activates “Deadman Switch” Before Release of Epstein Cover-Up Footage
OK – video on PV FB page – Amy Robac/ABC on hot mic admitting they deep-sixed report on Epstein. And she was pissed they wouldn’t let her do the story.
If that is all they’ve got – this was over-hyped, IMO. Like we didn’t already know this????
OK, maybe it is more important that I was thinking – I forget about all those people out there who know absolutely nothing about all this.
oh you are being a little tough. Not everyone is as plugged in as you…news has to percolate.
Yes, I realized my mistake shortly after posting.
it’s ok…I know you want action.
I think what frustrates me the most is the people who just casually go through life lapping up without question the detritus put out by the MSM. Yes, I want action but I do realize it is a VERY complicated “dance” and all pieces of the puzzle need to be lined up first.
It is happening. Slowly but it is happening. Just look what Trump has done to the media. Now they don’t even try to hide their animus. They just post lies.
True – I have never been very patient – I am learning.
It’s affirmation that POTUS’ charge of FAKE NEWS is RIGHT!
It’s affirmation that FAKE NEWS decides what we should hear.
It’s affirmation that Epstein did NOT kill himself… that it was covered.
IT’s affirmation that the trial SHOULD be moving forward.
Agree – we don’t need it but there a whole lot of people who are not as informed as those of us who have been following this for so long.
Speaking about a whole lot of people, I think the size of this paedo swamp is larger, deeper, and wider than we think. Big enough to the point that large numbers of “gubmint” people are going to be hauled off. And to the point that some functions/departments/etc. might be VERY shorthanded or maybe cease to function for a while (yep, I know, who’d notice the change).
Paedo is a HUGE problem, and has been since the days of Noah, if not before. It probably got Breitbart killed, along with others who pursued it. It also, via the deep state, has caused problems for reporters, news sites, indepenent media, and HONEST law enforcement (e.g. the many NYPD officers who “mysteriously” commited suicide or came to untimely ends). But the truth WILL come out, and justice will be served, either in this world or the next.
We deplorables need to keep pushing and praying, though, as the DEMONicRATS care not a fig about the unborn, and recently-born children, let alone older children. Let us be the children’s voices and advocates…
The lower-level people are simply drones, doing what they are told. The vast majority are lazy and simply sucking the government teat. I saw this first-hand when I was stationed at the Pentagon. During the last few months, I was training incoming civilian secretaries and it about drove me nuts.
oops… I clicked link, and it’s STILL experiencing glitches… patience!
Somehow a song from “Annie” popped into my head…
“Gomorrah, Gomorrah,
I love ya, Gomorrah,
You’re always a gay a-way”…
This is a LUCKY and fortuitously fabulous open thread Wolf and I thank you … lots and lots

…. this is a two scoop Tuesday … 

…. go buy that scratch off ticket
The new Project Veritas video is a reminder to me just how jaded we’ve become. Like many here, my first reaction was “is that all there is?” We’re so used to hearing about the media’s corruption, we’re barely phased by this.
I believe Brendan Dilley has nailed it.
You just defined my reaction to a T! Then I realized all the millions of people out there who aren’t “woke” to all this crap so yeah, it is bigger than I initially thought.
What is horrifying? I say it’s Amy dear keeping her mouth shut instead of going public. Her job was more important than getting the story out.
So spare me the adjectives and the angst. There are all kinds of demons and they don’t all get along with each other. And spare me with treating gossip as truth. Epstein has been convicted by gossip; not due process.
Legally speaking, it may well be at “gossip” level, but these tales are coming from enough diverse sources that there has to be something to them.
And when it comes to publishing a story, if the editor says it’s a no go, it’s a no go. Same with the people farther up the food chain at the network. Frankly, I don’t blame her for being pissed off. I would be, too, with expose level material and the editors pull the plug.
Well, then so has Hil de beast, Bill Clinton, Zero, Strzok, McCabe….
I could go on and on…
Anyone you have ever criticized…
Ms Amy apparently has seen evidence of what she speaks, with regard to Epstein. After ABC told her no story, she could have gone elsewhere with it… where? The Cabal controls the media, the megaphone. She not only would have lost her job (probably will very soon), her family may have been threatened. And you have criticized her. (So have I)
James’ expose is just that… what we see in his tweets. Suppose ABC had gone with Amy’s story. That still would not have been “due process” …
Frankly, I don’t understand what you’re upset about.
I’m not upset about anything EXCEPT people complaining about what they VOLUNTARILY accepted. This prima donna gets her face on TV every day. Yet when her bosses say no to her, she shuts up like a good little serf.
Three years later she whines to fellow employees about being smothered. Not about the other victims of Epstein. No admission that she was spineless to cave to the demand to stand down.
As far as options go, Fox News regularly scoops up other networks’ discarded talent. OANN probably also. But no, she might have to take a pay cut.
And the ultimate horror of all horrors, she would have had to work around and with conservatives.
Note well: I do not accept the lynch mob attitude about Epstein and the island. All of the evidence is circumstantial and long past the time of the alleged mistreatment. For example, the current PV story has Amy R relating that the witness she interviewed had remained silent for 12 years in fear for her life. So why did she come forward now (2016)? Nothing had changed as far as we can see yet she decides to talk to a reporter and spill the whole thing.
Sorry brothers and sisters that dog don’t hunt. Terrified hiding victims do not suddenly get over it and start blabbing to strangers. Well, without her credibility there is nothing to support all the negative statements about Epstein. This constant trumpeting of ‘he’s a pedophile’ and ‘Maxwell’s his procurer’ are nothing but unhinged propaganda intended to inflame and distract from truth.
If the truth is on your side, you do not need to pump up people’s emotions. Amy is part of fake news and her secret witness is a story teller no different in my view than Kavanaugh’s accusers. Maybe it’s truth but I see no truth yet. Just a story.
I dissent.
Another airhead disingenuous MCM douche.
Not down playing Epstein was evil.
MCM is equally evil with their cover ups and lack of pursuing truth.
Yep. That’s true. And it’s not as if Epstein didn’t kill himself,
My opinion is that this quote is the reason they want him gone
“Before my election, our leaders used the great American middle class as a piggy bank to fund their delusional global projects.”
“They decimated American manufacturing to promote economic growth in foreign countries. Tell me, how is that good?” –
Bango! I posted this same quote a few hours ago. Money quote right there.
great minds think alike
Or Kavanaugh, or Smollet, or Nick Sandmann, etc. etc. etc.
Kind of surprised I haven’t seen the PV video on OANN yet this morning…..
Well, apparently my speculation was correct:
“The victims belonged to the LeBarón family, members of a Mormon community who settled in northern Mexico in the 1920s and separated from the mainstream church when it abandoned polygamous marriages.”
“A group known as the Hymn Society has released a collection titled Songs for the Holy Other: Hymns Affirming the LGBTQIA2S+ Community for liturgical use in the United States and Canada.
Among the nearly 50 “queer hymns” featured in the collection are: “God of Queer Transgressive Spaces,” “Lovely, Needy People,” “Quirky Queer and Wonderful” and “The Kingdom of God is the Queerest of Nations.”
The ecumenical, non-profit Hymn Society released the hymnal in July but it was publicized just last week by Anglican Journal, the publication of the Anglican Church of Canada, which praised the work for offering “further potential for music as a source of affirmation and inclusion.”
That is blasphemy…..of course.
But it’s not the first time the LBGT tried to bend Christianity and the Bible to their purposes.
They have claimed Ruth and Naomi, David and Jonathan and Jesus and St. John were members of their perverted cult.
They have a typo on the cover. Wonder how it ever got past the *cough* editors.
It should have been: “Songs for the UnHoly Other”
Hi all. It’s 12:35 PM in Columbus, OH on Nov. 5, 2019, and Epstein didn’t kill himself.
Lol. Its 951 in southern California and in spite of wildfires, pelosi, kamala harris about to roll up her campaign, and newsom getting a recall, he Epstein REALLY REALLY didnt kill himself.
How dare you, sir?
He simply didn’t kill himself, and I take issue with you saying he “REALLY REALLY” didn’t kill himself. After all, he didn’t kill himself. And, I might remind you, he didn’t kill himself. So there’s that.
Bottom line: Epstein didn’t kill himself. Ok?
Has Newsom been recalled? If so, that’s wonderful news… I have not heard.
No but its on its way. Signatures being collected for the primary in March.
Well, nine Americans murdered by a cartel in Mexico prompt DJT to offer our military to help Mexico wipe out the cartels. Via a tweet.
Amlo responds in a tweet that he appreciates the offer but no thanks.
Translation: US Special Ops are going on a mission inside Mexico to take out the cartel(s) leadership. Just like BagDaddy. And we will never know about it except the Mexican police will recover the bodies of the leadership hanging from bridges.
Do we hang bodies from bridges? Only if we are trying to misdirect attention, in order to stay anonymous.
Keep watch for the next couple of weeks.
If anyone could do it it would be US Special Ops and Epstein didn’t kill himself.
There were stories about the Union officials connected to Metropolitan Correctional Center where Epstein was held as possibly being behind it. Motive, mobbed up in the way most unions are. Access, Oh yeah. Able to keep people quiet, certainly.
I forgot who ran the stories but they claimed one high up union boss had recently acquired a home in Shanghi. and the MCC union boss recently acquired an apartment in Hong Kong (might have cities wrong, doing it from memory). Could be nothing or could be something, but has never seen any follow up. Also Hillary posed for a picture with the higher up.
Mexican police are mostly bought and paid for.
If our men go in – NOBODY had better know about it!!!!
Cartel IS the gov’t of Mexico…
I’m thinking The WALL, at least a thousand miles of The WALL, is necessary to be able to defeat the Mexican cartels efficiently and in full. With The WALL as an anvil in the center, the two armies of USA and Mexico can hammer the cartels completely into oblivion, and absolutely stop all smuggling of people, drugs, and and other salable products.
Of course, Mexico would have to agree to transform into a Mexico that gives up its attachment to corruption. They deserve a chance at it.
Without The WALL, even a complete invasion and occupation by US Military could not beat the cartels.
When the President of the USA highlights the death on foreign soil of innocent American citizens, and then puts forward a plan to do something about it, “no thanks” is not the right response.
I was under the impression the family has been there since 1920s… I don’t think they are American, but they are Mexican citizens.
Portions of the family live in Mexico. I believe the dead Americans were visiting for a wedding.
thanks for the clarity…
Trump world keeps voting for Sean Spicer on Dancing With The Stars and the left is enraged. Best tweet:
“How can we possibly win in 2020 if we can’t even eliminate Sean Spicer from DWTS?”
Btw, coincidentally, Jeffery Epstein didn’t kill himself.
Hey, I found this chick from an agency called ABC who said the same thing!
You’re having fun with this, aren’t you
[Me too!]
And Epstein didn’t kill himself…
They asked him “whose side are you on, then?”
He replied, “the Arkancide”…
and he didn’t kill himself…
‘the Arkancide’ ………… you’re a hoot Cuppa!
From Potus. Things might go hot in Mexico
Oh boy…………………..
don’t ya know… the Cabal really loves that tweet!
They is having a continence failure
LUV that ozzy!!!!
That’s the polite way of saying it. See …surprised ya
That would be a big ol bug up the ass of the Cabal’s drug, money laundering, and child trafficking operations AND revenue. streams now wouldn’t it.
You got it!…………………..
An Australian commentator once said of two squabbling politicians that x emptied his colostomy bag over y
Oxy continence…
Bwahahahahaha …

It will take a war to end the cartels.
The fools have no fear and are nothing less than terrorist.
I suspect that this is black hat CIA closing out its own.
They are in to deep,I look for Mexico to explode in cartel violence.
Macho. No brains though and no tactics
Posted elsewhere, me thinks cartels have military training and skills on par with ISIS.
Alot of them have been trained in the middle east I really think it is why they have no fear.
Shit the cartels just assassinated 14 police officers like it was no big deal.
True. ISIS did much the same for awhile. ISIS was once revered by some.
Precision air and coordination on the ground will take out cartels, largely.
Corrupt Mexican government another problem.
Cartels in US , yet a subset of the problem.
While the cartels taking out the cops was stunning, there are solutions to that crap.
I think we are about to see, I am kinda thinking President Trump is going to sanction the shit out of Mexico to clean up their shit or we got this.
I would really like to see the cartels and mozzie training grounds here in America obliterated to hell and back.
Ya, we really need to clean house internally.
Believe this is on President Trump plan…timing is everything.
Exactly,it’s all in the timing.

I was thinking more of Kevin Bacon in Animal House…”Remain CALM…All is well….ALL IS WELLLLL!!.”
Wow. Talk about incontinence…
Fake News is fake news.
Also, if he takes the 5th. One question, how can Schiff NOT be made to testify. He will either do it in Congress, or before John Durham…If I were him I’d do it in Congress…because Epstein didn’t kill himself, but Adam sure would before Durham…
Piglosi is probably drinking the Fifth… and everything else in sight…
toasting Epstein, who didn’t kill himself…
we’re having TOO MUCH fun !!!!!!!!!!!
Refresh Your Memory.
Brian has a THREAD
Presidential harassment case is heading to the Supreme Court:
New conspiracy theory for California without power……
It’s not related to the fires.
It’s about the wind turbines.
California is now uber dependent on wind power…….. and they can’t have power…….
….. when it’s too windy………. cuz the wind turbines have to shut down…….. when it’s too windy.
I’m really having trouble not typing NUKE CHINA.
Havent heard that. Ours in socal are in the desert and do a lot of tortoise and bird killing, besides making the landscape fugly. I really dont know hiw much is generated by wind and who uses it.
Giloo, I can understand the danger to birds but how do wind turbines kill turtles?
The turtles are up there flying with the pigs.
They put the turbines in their habitat. The govt doesnt care about endangered species if theres money they can make or get that bribe. The tortoises, burrowing owls, kangaroo rats are endangered due to bad land management, bribes, and sprawl.
Feinstein and friends. Dimms tout solar but LOVE LOVE LOVE them some cash from corrupt energy cons.
The wind turbines are HUGE. When you see hundreds or a few thousand covering what was open space and said habitat, you understand how fugly and dangerous they are.
“Further investigation of causes that underlie road and wind turbine effects, such as ground vibrations, sound emission and traffic volume could help provide a better understanding of wildlife responses to wind energy development.”
it would seem that it is not the wind turbines specifically but the development of the area. Some seem to think of it as undeveloped since there are no humans living there, buildings, neighborhoods, businesses. but the installations of even dirt roads, higher traffic volume and all of the turbines are a development in the wilderness and do affect the ground animals behavior.
+ more study needs to be done of the wind turbines themselves emitting energy – both felt and unfelt, heard and unheard on the wild life’s behavior and health in general.
Like the wildfires, not an either/or situation. The development, a lot of it, came with the turbines, their maintenance, etc.
LOL. Sounds like the same level of idiocy involved with one of towns burning down. They shut off electricity due to wind. So when the fire approached the town firefighters had no water to fight it because…the water pumps use electricity! WHY are These people sooo stupid???
If windmills are not designed to get power at PEAK POWER INPUT, then what good are they?
Avian depopulation
is it a bunch of hot air?
If US would put the cables under ground and do away with outdated poles there would not be firer.
Most of Europe has cables under ground and get their electricity that way.
I believe we need to rethink about modernizing US utilities and not rebuild other countries.
In our town we have outdated water lines that always break. We had down power lines from ice storm before.
Maybe that would be to exspencive but sure not as much as the flaky green fantasy by AOC?
I used to think underground was the way to go.
Know exactly how you feel.
UNTIL —- our little town got the estimate + the maintenance cost of keeping an underground system.
It’s a nightmare.
many in one way was lucky that it was destroyed they were able to rebuild a new modern infrastructure. I can see it to be a problem here.
The gas company laid all new pipes several years ago because the existing pipes had holes and water seep in. They had to redo the whole what used to be a park . It was a mess because it is hilly here and houses has been build 1920.
Might work better in a city.
Large expanses make it incredibly expensive.
Yes it would so is rebuilding other countries.
The country in Germany also has cable under ground but the Germany is a fraction of the size of US. You are most likely right US is to big to put cable to the country.
I believe Australia has posts also and it is a big country.
It’s still expensive in a city to put power underground. In this county, the county jail, police and hospitals benefit from underground power lines. But the rest of us are held hostage sometimes by the weather, and yeah, it’s because of expense.
One year, ice took down the main lines southwest of where I live, and three interstates had to be closed on a Sunday morning to put them back up.
My parents bit the bullet and took out a tree that kept losing limbs and knocking out the block.
You get used to it to an extent, but still…we either need to spend the cash and put the lines underground or keep a whole lot of survivor gear around. There’s no other way around it.
Certainly not apples to apples.
Electricity 200 miles north, northwest of Manila (boondocks), moar reliably available than Comifornia.
The odd ball things that have me SMH.
Terrence Williams on Varney and Co. He’s a hoot.
Think about this psy-op, folks. Black hat CIA closes out its liabilities in Mexico as we close in on Brennan. But the payback is psychological support for interventionism. A typical CIA TWOFER.
Don’t fall for it. This STINKS.
I am starting to see you believe nothing is random. And I agree.
Sadly, my first thought when I heard that story was “child trafficking ring cover-up.” Especially with that Arizona trafficking scandal brewing. I don’t believe for one second that a group of American Mormons were randomly targeted by cartel. There’s something more to this story.
I have to run, but there’s also info floating around on Twitter that the attack was in three locations.
Something’s fishy about this, that’s for sure.
The reporting on this seems less than coherent. Story from the Sun has “The vehicles were ambushed eight miles apart after setting off in a convoy from Bavispe, about 70 miles south of the US border.” Apparently one of the three vehicles had stopped to fix a flat tire. All the vehicles however were ambushed. Would be nice if they tightened up these stories.
Yes indeed Wolfie, you’re on point here… absolutely!
Just came here to post this.
Things that make you go hmm.
First immediate thought…she certainly doesn’t look like a typical Mormon woman (hair and strapless dress are pretty much of a red flag here)……but, this photo could be years old. Forty-eight hour rule might well be applied here.
Yup. Let it all shake out.
My approach is always get ALL the theories out FAST so people know what to look for, but don’t settle until we have a winner!
For a MASS MURDER / “TERRORISM” event, I have a 90 day rule, extensible to 180 or 360 in the event of nuclear, bio, chemical.
Never again will I be herded like 9/11.
Would wiping out the cartels be harder than we think…..maybe we need to use some of those advanced weapons Wictor talks about.
I’m starting to think that black hat CIA is what has empowered these fuckers.
I have believed that for a long time…
Who gave them all their weapons? “Fast and Furious” ?
From a simple view…somebody had to be empowering the US drug cartel expansion by allowing them to travel nationwide, killing rivals and very little arrests and conviction until the last couple of yrs.
They weren’t getting this protection for free that’s for sure. Somebody (s)s getting a share of the booming market profits.
Somewhere along the line they joined forces, maybe from the get-go ?Chicken/egg thing
Holder sending them guns to destabilize MX and then threaten the US makes all kinds of evil sense now. has a few stories from south of the border and going thru the comments as I always do I have to say false flag 100%
These cartels are beyond terrorist.
It’s almost no different than having isis operating in mx and here. They’re as violent. They’re as committed. They have foreign (US, China) aid. It’s actually worse than isis because they’re so strong with no real threat. Mx is corrupt and afraid of them and here they operate at will it seems.
CNJG I think it is,they have a new leader who just came back from Syria fighting for ISIS.
Guessing here…comparing military training and skills…Cartels = ISIS.

Kill himself, Epstein did not.
– Yoda
Quite a Ride!
A German general saw all the planes, and was astounded at the sheer number of them.
He probably knew at that moment Germany was finished…just a matter of time.
For what it’s worth, in the can’t have that department:
That’s called a hollywood jump. No equipment, no weapons and done during the day. Very tame, not typical.
Still tame but you get a better idea.
Para, could I ask what outfit you were in? My father was 82nd 505th 2 battalion and ….Airborne! All the way.
Blue sky’s and soft landings.
1-508th, 1-505th twice, 3/505th, HHC 82nd Div (Div Hq G3 Div Tactical Command Post NCOIC, w/Petraus ) Korea every time in between with 2nd Inf Div 2 twice and Eight Army NCO Academy twice except last two, was 4th Rgn ROTC IG, and BDE S3 for a Tng Support Bn
Whoops fat fingered that to a post. Was going to add, I only stayed in because I loved the cheeseburgers at the mess hall. Also I’m not Gunny from OT and attitudinaly Infantry Airborne is about the closest thing as you can get to being a civilian in the army, minus having to find joy in suffering. Oh, and all those 505’s are in the 3rd Bde, while 2/505 is in either the 1st or 2nd Bde for some strange reason.
Thank You for your service!
Forgot to ask, but when did your father serve?
WWII. Made all 4 combat jumps and was trucked into the Bulge. Pathfinder Normandy. Miracle he made it home alive when so many didn’t.
I finally saw Band of Brothers this year. They got that one right! Same attitudes exist there to this day, or did when I left, I trust they’ll maintain.
He has a point.
4th time in 2 weeks my comments go directly to spam. 3 Wolfie posts, 1 DePat post
This is an interesting tie in to the pedos:
I just saw the same thing.
Mormon community tied to the NVixm folks in upstate NY?
Just when it cannot get more weird……..
After watching the polygamy shows and documentaries it looks to me like that entire ‘lifestyle’ is little more that female breeding farms. The young men are fairly useless to the cults unless they step up as the newest svengali and the girls..chattel basically.
Another mindblower that any of them can with a straight face say the wives and underling wives and potential wives are strong and independent women.
It’s almost got that 72 virgin feel to the big prize in heaven for the man if he has umpteen wives and herds of children
I saw an interesting deep dive on money laundering within the cult. Wish I hadn’t lost that link.
IMO I think that President Trump is using this cartel killing to completely take down the USMCA and return us to Pre NAFTA.
Canada is done. Dems won’t vote on USMCA in time.
Not taking down the cartels is a violation of Mexico’s agreement with us so they are no longer in USMCA
We will shut down all of our borders and Keep America Great.
President Trump has already secured our ports on both coasts.
The Globalists have nothing at all to offer us. They only take. We can’t negotiate if they have nothing to offer.
The UN will no longer be funded by us and will be removed from NY.
President Trump is already removing us from the Paris Climate Accord.
He has taken us out of the “forever wars”.
The Central Bank will be killed entirely.
We will no longer be spied on by the Godless Communist Social Media of Google, Microsoft, Facebook, etal. They will be broken up or taken over in the USA. The rest of the world can keep them. I am sure we already have the system in place for this takeover.
Our Fake News Media is currently being taken down and has no credibility left.
I believe that President Trump is leaving NYC and DC so that he and his family are in FL at Mar a Lago while all of this happens. It is a safe place and well protected. It was set up to be the Summer White House. We need President Trump to lead us and to be kept safe from assassination.
The ground work is done. The Storm is upon us and it will happen very quickly. This will not be a long, drawn out process.
I am interested in your comment about the Central Bank, and in particular how we are going to get rid of it now that we have one.
In particular, if we are to change to a world where currencies only increases as and to the extent that the wealth of the issuing party increases, we are going to need to wring the excess money from the system we have now. And this, in turn, means massive amounts of what today passes for money is going to have to be destroyed.
This article puts forward the hypothesis that Deutche Bank is in a death spiral, due primarily to its exposure to losses within the trillions it has invested in derivative financial instruments. The author speculates that the demise of Deutsche Bank could trigger the financial collapse of Europe, another world wide great depression and a reprise of WWII.
I think a whole lot of these exotic financial instruments are enabled by the creation of excessive money supplies – money created by financial institutions (or governments) without adequate backing in the form of real assets. And if I am right on this, then the fact that holders of these exotic financial transactions may soon experience huge losses is not a bad thing. Rather, it is the right answer. And perhaps part of the plan.
A Fortiori,
One of the primary heroes of President Donald J. Trump is President Andrew Jackson who ” killed the bank”.
Search ” Andrew Jackson killed the bank so will trump”. There are a lot of articles about it. The bank was brought back in 1913 and has continued to be a nightmare for the USA. The Fed takes the USA money and spreads it all around the globe.
I do not pretend to understand all of the ramifications of how President Trump will accomplish this but I totally believe he does. As Sundance has so often pointed out, President Trump has separated the Wall Street economy from the Main Street economy. This is necessary to keep the USA functioning while the world economy collapses. I am not concerned about that part. We have been supporting the world for over 100 years. I know that we have and that we can support ourselves.
A lot of people are saying that our economy will be tied to gold. I personally do not think that will happen. Gold is Mammon and as a Christian nation that would be the last thing we should need or care about.
Scripture actually says that gold will be worthless. What matters is food, goods, services and taking care of ourselves and each other. I know that we can, have and will do that. We can trade, give away and do whatever we want to with the surplus.
Gold is of so little use in Scripture that it is actually used to pave the streets. God made this world for His children and has provided all that we will ever need without harming anyone else. He has given us plenty to spare and to share. We do not need wars, theft or deception.
I have been amazed at how President Trump has brought us this far and kept us out of civil war and global war.
It seems that if we quit supporting our enemies, they have no resources of their own.
God creates and Satan destroys. I think we are down to the final battle. It is between Satan and God. God wins.
I am honored to get to witness this culmination of the battle between good and evil.
Can tell you’ve given this serious thought, Elizabeth, and it’s very interesting. ..and hopefully prophetic.
Teagan, I have lived most of my life submitting to God’s guidance. I used to try to “do it myself” and found that there is so much happening in the world that I would never and could never anticipate that I finally turned my life over to God and I let Him handle it.
Sometimes I wonder what He has planned for me and what I am supposed to do. I try to take charge and find that my timing and understanding are off base. Then He does what He had planned for me and everything falls into place. He actually has to clean up the mess I made when I thought I was supposed to be in charge.
Mostly, I have learned to see ahead by looking at where I have been and what He has been teaching me in the process. He has taken me to places and put me in positions that I never expected or anticipated.
When Donald Trump came down the escalator, I had never paid any attention to him. That day I started praying for him and paying close attention to his words and actions. It has been since June 2015 and I am still praying almost constantly for him and for us.
I am not a prophet as much as I am an observer. Everything I see happening makes it clearer to me that what I wrote above about the future is where we are headed. God has intervened and we are headed toward a glorious future that is beyond our ability to ask or think.
Ephesians 3:20-21 King James Version (KJV)
20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.
Best one yet.
WHEN are people going to wake up? 900 ?
So Mr Gil’s dad had been having a crap ton of trouble with his mobile phone. Glitch after glitch. Carrier is VERIZON. Hes an engineer. Did research for a week. Discovered that currently, VERIZON is INTENTIONALLY sabotaging the technology for specific phones still in use that were manufactured several years ago. They are doing this to force you to get on the new tech and ease their switch to 5G.
THEY ARE NOT TELLING THEIR CUSTOMERS. In fact, when confronted they tried to deny it, then as FIL gave them the evidence they gave him 3 new phones, gratis.
The phones are being sent into vapor lock dt the shenanigans and then are basically dying, if the customer waits.
Something tells me this is NOT the only instance of this.
Wolfie, this is right into your tech alley. What do you tbink?
I’m not Wolf, but I can’t wait to get my Librem 5. Totally open source phone, with no “hooks” installed by your phone company.
Ours are old too. Just cant afford to plop 1000 bucks for phones.
Big question in my mind is whether the cellular companies will DEPLATFORM such phones.
It’ll be interesting to see what they do, that’s for sure.
The same company has, by the way, set up something called “Librem One” which includes a social network. I’ve not done anything with it at all (even less than I’ve done with Gab and Parler).
Thank you.
Very interesting option.
Looks like their social is in the mastadon federation.
If anybody finds a site platform like WordPress that allows posters to put each other on IGNORE, I want it badly. We don’t really have free speech here if we can’t shut out people who we don’t want to listen to.
Beer at the Parade RT’d this THREAD……………
I see Bette Midler in there… no wonder she (was) screaming so much……………….
I live in a red town in a very blue state but…
Just saw a truck with AZ plates and a nice lil Trump 2020 sticker. I highly doubt AZ is voting socialist.
Wasn’t a lot to vote on today, BUT there’s a person running for sheriff, and he doesn’t say he’s MAGA (in a blue county), but he makes all the right remarks. He started campaigning early, and is trying to oust the incumbent, so I’m hopeful he gets elected.
Yes – I am finding that the MAGA candidates use a kind of code in terms of issues they push. We have a very smart pair that I’m watching and hoping make it.
Still wondering why Clapper and Brennan haven’t been charged yet? CIA is tied to EVERYTHING.
From the comment section of Tiffany’s tweet: article is from Dec 2017
Ikes! This makes NIXVM seem tame by comparison.
The thing is an organization but it isn’t a church. Probably a front for trafficking.
“Still wondering why Clapper and Brennan haven’t been charged yet? CIA is tied to EVERYTHING.”
My guess: every time something is investigated, evidence of yet another crime pops up.
That’s what I was trying to say DP…. I’m less clear every day it appears.
Thank you…
This is completely out of the blue (I know), but does anyone here know where online there would be a stash of pics of a RED (yes, it has to be red) 1966 Shelby Cobra? The specific model doesn’t matter given the audience, but I sort of need one.
Or a vintage red sports car type convertible that could be driven from Miami to Seattle.
Need a cover image.
Thank you. Those are pretty much the same ones I found on Bing. I think I found the one I’m going to use. (Okay, I admit it, I’ve watched The Gumball Rally one too many times.)
Self publishing is just so much fun.
Or this one
That’s a possibility.
I’m pretty sure that’s a kit car, modeled after the original Shelby Cobra (AC Bristol). Notice the wheel well flares in the front – that’s because they needed enough room to stuff a Ford 427 c.i.d between them.
Shelby started stuffing Ford V-8s into British sports cars with the 1963 Sunbeam Alpine. He called it a Tiger and the company allowed him to divert a certain number of Alpines off the assembly line to make into Tigers which they gave Sunbeam serial numbers so that Shelby wouldn’t have to go through regulatory hell as a UK manufacturer.
An offshoot of Shelby’s craziness (the British POV) was a Rover sedan with a Buick aluminum V-8. I don’t think Shelby was involved with that, though. I imagine the head of Rover was teased mercilessly by his peers for “polluting” such a revered British marquee with American engines.
Anyway, be prepared for howls of anguish from the purists denouncing your use of an American copy of a British sports car.
there you go
Mustang? I don’t think I put one of those in this novel….
Now we’re talking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How ’bout everyone do that …………
Crowder interviews O’Keefe…excellent interview…O’Keefe says that there is more to come regarding the Epstein cover up.