John McCain, Glen Simpson, Mary Jacoby, Oleg Deripaska, Stefan Halper, The FBI (same guys), State Dept (same guys), Paul Manafort, Rick Davis, Putin, Viktor Yanukovych, ….. a Rothschild from London, and all the same players from Russia/Ukraine. Does it sound like we’re talking about “Muh Russia” or “Biden’s Ukraine”? Nope, we’re talking about the 1990’s, 2000’s and the election of 2008.
Every crime must have the elements “means, motive, and opportunity”. The crime in Ukraine which is in our headlines today, is impossible to understand without knowing the “motives” from a few decades ago.
Ever wonder why we are seeing so many long serving bureaucrats come out of the woodwork to disagree/disparage President Trump’s policy on Ukraine? It’s because their precious “institutions” have a LOT to hide. The same bureaucrats were there, complicit, and remember what happened. If the entire story of Ukraine was unwound, it would discredit their life’s work. Bureaucrats today are acting in pure self-interest. And make no mistake, this is a policy argument – as in good versus evil, justice versus corruption, fairness versus oppression…. and on which side the USA stands.
Notice the ages of the various players. It’s important. McCain, now dead, was in his 80’s, some are in their seventies, many in their 60’s, and only a few in their 50’s, those who are at the height of their careers. Remember where they all were 30 years ago and what roles they’ve played for the past 30 years. Dismiss the young bit players but note who has influenced them, they’re merely pawns. It’s no coincidence we just celebrated the 30th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall.
1983: International Republican Institute (IRI) is formed to push democratization efforts and roll back the influence of the Soviet Union. In 1993, John McCain sits on the Board and remains until he dies. IRI helps activists in various countries, largely responsible for the overthrow of Jean Baptiste in Haiti and other countries. Yeah, coups and overthrows don’t seem to happen on their own. ( Philip Agee, “Former CIA Agent Tells How U.S. Infiltrates Civil Society to Overthrow Governments,” Information Clearing House, August 3, 2003. “Tentacles of the InternationalRepublicanInstitute,” People’s Weekly World, March 13, 2004.) They’re on Twitter today, poking around in Tunisia and celebrating. The Atlantic Council has nothing on IRI – it’s the freely functioning wing of the State Dept.
June 12, 1987: It started here. Our generational enemy was Russia. Standing at the Brandenburg Gate, President Reagan called on Gorbachev to “Tear down this wall”.

November 10, 1989: Then, 30yrs ago yesterday, the Berlin Wall fell. We won the Cold War and Peace was supposed to be the prize.

August of 1990 – February of 1991: Operation Desert Storm began and ended. As the Russians were withdrawing from former Soviet Bloc countries, the Desert War served as a punctuation mark to the military leaders in Russia. America was formidable and their equipment worked. Gorbachev faded from power in Russia and Boris Yeltsin rose.

July 10, 1991: Boris Yeltsin becomes the first “President of the Russian Federation”. He remained in power until December 31, 1999. His term in power almost perfectly coincided with that of the American President Bill Clinton, January 20, 1993-January 20, 2001. It was a perfect storm. Yeltsin was popular with the Russian people and notoriously anti-establishment. He had to unwind Russian control over vast territories. Former State run enterprises were up for grabs. Ruthless oligarchs stepped in to fight for control of vast wealth, natural resources, now abandoned by “Mother Russia” which were supposed to be left to naive leadership in former Soviet countries. Clinton’s foreign policy, and the interests of friends to Clinton, helped.
Yeltsin transformed Russia’s state socialist economy into a capitalist market economy by implementing economic shock therapy, market exchange rate of the ruble, nationwide privatization, and lifting of price controls. Economic collapse and inflation ensued. Amid the economic shift, a small number of oligarchs obtained a majority of the national property and wealth,[1] while international monopolies came to dominate the market.[2] During the 1993 Russian constitutional crisis, Yeltsin ordered the unconstitutional dissolution of the Supreme Soviet parliament, which responded by attempting to remove him from office. In October 1993, troops loyal to Yeltsin stopped an armed uprising outside of the parliament building; he then introduced a new constitution. Secessionist sentiment in the Russian Caucasus led to the First Chechen War, War of Dagestan, and Second Chechen War between 1994 and 1999. Internationally, Yeltsin promoted renewed collaboration with Europe and signed arms control agreements with the United States. Amid growing internal pressure, in 1999 he resigned and was succeeded by his chosen successor, former Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.
Standard Wikipedia biography
Interesting to note, Russia/Yeltsin signed multiple Arms Control Agreements, START1, START2, Open Skies, Chemical Weapons Treaty, Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban, Ottawa Treaty, all during Yeltsin’s reign, as he pivoted more towards Europe, and turned a socialist country into a capitalist economy. The indications were all there. Russia wanted to cooperate and open up. If NATO was the answer to a prior Russian threat, why wasn’t NATO disbanded or turned into a “Defense of Europe” and turned over to control and FUNDING by European Nations during the 1990’s? Could it be because the bureaucrats were “trained to guard against an enemy, Russia”? Did having Russia, as the neverending boogeyman serve the bureaucracy, despite the will of the people?
The 1990’s beget the Oligarch Wars, often led by former military leaders skilled in “the arts”, sought to gain control of ports, airports, natural resources, banks, etc. It was a scramble for power and wealth. None was more bloody than The Aluminum Wars, involving Oleg Deripaska, among other key players. We’re only beginning to learn more about what went on in Russia during the 1990’s as various players die, and their estates are settled in western courts. Seems as the years went by, Russian oligarchs sought safe haven for their funds in western nations in an attempt to legitimize.

Deripaska, born in 1968, was 1yrs old when his father died. His mother worked round the clock to support him, and he ended up living with his grandparents. To help the family, he took a job as an electrical tech in a local plant… he was 11yrs old. He excelled in math, physics, and chemistry, but won four Russian medals in literature. Deripaska studied theoretical physics at the Moscow State University, did his military service beginning in 1986 under old KGB rule, and later earned an economics degree from the Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics…. Deripaska, in association with his econ degree, took MANY classes at the London School of Economics…… where he learned about………. money.
Again close to starvation, working for food and lodging, Deripaska took a chance befriending Abramovich, who was buying up Aluminum. As a mid-level manager, Deripaska started buying contracts for a Siberian Aluminum company in 1993. By 1996, he controlled 20%.
As the state began to sell off its resource assets, the size and value of the global market for aluminium, along with the potential for moving money around the globe, attracted such fierce competition that it is estimated 100 people were killed. In the words of Roman Abramovich, who testified recently in his suit over events of that period, “Every three days, someone was being murdered.”
As major systems were breaking down within Russia, Deripaska kept buying assets, airports, airlines, construction companies, agribusiness, mining, industry. By 1999, Deripaska became the general director of the company “Russian Aluminum”, which included Sibneft and Siberian Aluminum. A year later, he started “Basic Element”, which today is the leader in the Russian capital management market. “Basic Element” of Oleg Deripaska is represented in all key industries in Russia and abroad, with over 200K employees. Highlight assets of the industrial group are:
• The largest Russian producer of products “Group GAZ”
• The leader of the Russian insurance market “Ingosstrakh”
• The construction company Glavmosstroy,
• The airport holding company BaselAero,
Boris Yeltsin had two daughters, one named Tatyana, who married the former head of the presidential administration, Valentin Yumasheva, whose business partner was Roman Abramovich (who controlled most of the aluminum in Russia), who introduced Deripaska to, the daughter of Tatyana and Valentin, whose name was Polina…. and who married Oleg Deripaska in 2001.

You see, as Yeltsin left the government, a decree was signed to hold harmless any member of the Yeltsin family ——- ensuring no retribution. So, Oleg Deripaska married Yeltsin’s granddaughter in 2001. Deripaska operates with virtual immunity in Russia, but he has enormous problems as soon as he sets foot outside Russia.
Personally, I could never understand why Deripaska kept trying to get a VISA into the USA. Why was it so important? Well, to list an IPO on the London Exchange, “due diligence” must be done on a company. With the Americans blacklisting Deripaska, he could never bring his company to IPO launch. The problem has haunted Deripaska and “not listing” has cost Deripaska an estimated 10 billion dollars and a way to cash out of his companies. Deripaska’s efforts to ingratiate himself with the USA brings many players into focus.
Deripaska also reached out to a Washington-based intelligence firm, Diligence, chaired by GOP foreign policy hand Richard Burt, McCain’s top foreign policy adviser in 2000 and an adviser in ’08.
The upheaval in the former Soviet Bloc was extraordinary. A few weeks ago, I watched a movie starring Nicholas Cage called “Lord of War“. Fascinating tale of arms dealing, after the fall of the Soviet Empire, based on a true story. I learned over 33 BILLION in arms went missing from Ukraine during the decade after 1991. POOF!
There are two simultaneous conspiracies/corruption/asset grabs going on during the early-mid 2000’s. One involved Montenegro and another involved Ukraine. It’s all the same people. Let’s take Montenegro, first.
2000 – 2001: After the fall of Slobodan Milosevic, Montenegro (one of the 6 republics of Serbia) began to reach out for independence. They hire Bob Dole, former Presidential Candidate, as a lobbyist, paying him over 1.3 million dollars to act on their behalf. (The Nation)
2002: Under pressure from the EU and the USA, referendum for independence was put off for 3 yrs. (The Nation)
Late 2005 until Spring 2006: Referendum on Montenegro independence is coming due in Spring of 2006. Rick Davis lobbies for the campaign work from Djukanovic. Davis hires 3 guys suggested by Manafort, who were then vetted by Montenegro’s Ambassador to Russia. Djukanovic never listed an expense for the firm of Davis/Manafort, which makes people still think the Russians paid for their work.
According to two former senior US diplomats who served in the Balkans, Davis and his lobbying firm, Davis Manafort, received several million dollars to help run Montenegro’s independence referendum campaign of 2006. The terms of the agreement were never disclosed to the public, but top Montenegrin officials told the US diplomats that Davis’s work was underwritten by powerful Russian business interests connected to the Kremlin and operating in Montenegro. Neither Davis nor the McCain campaign responded to repeated requests for comment. (Davis’s extensive lobbying work, especially on behalf of collapsed mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, has already attracted critical media scrutiny.)
And guess who was reporting extensively on it for the WSJ in the USA……. None other than Mary Jacoby and Glen Simpson.
Throughout the campaign for independence, Rick Davis called on help from Deripaska’s contacts. As the election grew near, Serbia announced they would not allow Montenegro children to attend their university for free. At the last minute, Davis called Deripaska for help. Deripaska called the young son of Baron Nathaniel Rothschild who flew in to publicly offer 1 million dollars for students who needed to attend university.

December 1, 2005: Oleg Deripaska snaps up KAP Aluminum plant in Montenegro, for about 100 million Euros total investment. The plant had an enormous capacity, 120K tons of liquid aluminum/yr and their own bauxite mines. During the EU sanctions on Yugoslavia 1997-1999, the KAP plant was limited to 13% capacity, but still responsible for 65% of Montenegro’s exports, during trying times. At full tilt, the plant was responsible for 40% of Montenegro’s GDP. The deal was conducted directly between Oleg Deripaska and the then Prime Minister of Montenegro, Milo Đukanović and it was A STEAL.

December 2005: Deripaska was issued a multi entry US visa, according to the State Department. During his brief stay he signed his World Bank loan, spoke at a Carnegie Endowment meeting and attended a dinner for Harvard University’s Belfer Center, where, thanks to a generous donation, he became a member of its international council.
However, Deripaska’s trip did not end well. Under the visa’s terms, he was forced to endure lengthy FBI questioning. According to the mining-industry newsletter Mineweb, the list of his enemies had grown from jilted former business partners to the heads of powerful US metals companies and government officials unhappy with RusAl’s control of key Third World bauxite mines, which threatened beleaguered US aluminum giants. The interview went badly—according to people who know him, Deripaska had little patience for prying bureaucrats. When he left the country, the visa ban was reinstated. (The Nation)
January 2006: Rick Davis (the partner of Paul Manafort) arranged a private meeting between Oleg Deripaska and John McCain at Davos in Switzerland. The meeting was hosted by Peter Munk, the Canadian Billionaire who showed up in Montenegro to help secure the student vote for Montenegro Independence Referendum. Peter Munk is the CEO of Barrick Gold, the world’s largest gold-mining corporation. He spent “zillions” on his part of the converted Soviet Navy Base into a lux marina to rival that of Cannes, France. He sold his interest in 2016, died in 2018 at the age of 90.

The McCain campaign later claimed that “any contact between Mr. Deripaska and the senator was social and incidental,” but notice this part…..
…..afterward Deripaska thanked Davis for arranging “such an intimate setting.” TheWashington Post reported that Davis was “seeking to do business with the billionaire.” Indeed, Deripaska’s subsequent thank-you letter mentioned his possible investment in a metals company Davis represented through a hedge-fund client.
So we have Rick Davis pimping Senator McCain to Oleg Deripaska, so Deripaska will invest in a metals company where Davis represents the Hedge fund = money for Davis. The introduction may help Deripaska = money for Deripaska. And the whole thing is hosted by Peter Munk of Canada, who ends up with the marina in Montenegro? Help to McCain….. where is the McCain m0ney? We’ll see it later…… we need a middleman named Rothschild, first.
If you’re wondering how Deripaska came to know Davis & Co., the answer lies in Russia’s next-door neighbor Ukraine.
Again, it all comes back to Ukraine.
Now, let’s look at what was going on in Ukraine at the same time.
2004: The Orange Revolution starts, it’s peaceful, in reaction to the election of Yanukovych, pro-Russia. The people think he stole the election.

2005: In the re-vote, Yushchenko won 54% for a majority and governed Ukraine January 23, 2005 – February 25, 2010 …………. He was succeeded again, by Yanukovych… same guy as above. After the “poisoning”, the government opened an investigation, and the big Ukraine oligarch involved, Akhmetov, fled the country to….. where do they all go(?)…… to Monaco.

Rinat Leonidovych Akhmetov is a Ukrainian billionaire businessman, and oligarch. He is the founder and president of System Capital Management, and ranked among the wealthiest men in Ukraine., he was listed as the 272nd richest man in the world with an estimated net worth of US 6.4 billion. He is an ethnic Volga Tatar and a practicing Sunni Muslim born in Donetsk, which is the most eastern part of Ukraine, and in the midst of the Russian skirmishes, invasion into Crimea (2013) where 8000 people died. (Wiki) He made his money in coal and steel.
While Akhmetov was exiled and bored in Monaco, he hired Paul Manafort to rehab the pubic image of his company. One friendship turned into another and soon, Manafort was helping Yanukovych resume power in Ukraine. Akhmetov was the prime donor to the Party of Regions, the party of Yanukovych.

Grasp the hypocrisy. McCain nominated Yushchenko (allegedly pro-western) for a Nobel Peace Prize in 2005, from the offices of the International Republican Institute (which specializes in overthrowing governments), while his Campaign Manager’s firm (Davis Manafort) was campaigning against Yushchenko.
By 2006, same year as the January meeting of McCain and Deripaska at Davos in Switzerland, AND while Davis was working in Montenegro, Manafort helped the Party of Regions sweep the Parliamentary elections in Ukraine, allowing Akhmetov to return to Ukraine…. sans investigation.
The same Spring 2006, Davis wins the Montenegro Independence Referendum.
In April 2006 McCain announced that Montenegro’s independence was the “greatest European democracy project since the end of the cold war.”
By summer of 2006, Nat Rothschild was negotiating for the valuable coastline property and “Porto Montenegro” project, which aims to become the world’s top mega-yacht marina, complete with luxury hotels, shopping and the country’s first eighteen-hole golf course. The property was handed to the Munk-Rothschild-fronted offshore consortium for a pittance, …… Oleg Deripaska’s secretive ownership interest was eventually revealed.

Summer of 2006: McCain and several Senators make a trip to visit Milo Djukanovic in Montenegro. Come to find out, the day before McCain’s arrival, Djukanovic went to visit Putin at his private daccha on the Black Sea, then returned to warmly welcome McCain.

………two years later, in March of this year (2008), Rothschild hosted a high-dollar fundraiser for McCain at London’s posh eighteenth-century Spencer House, which Rothschild donated for the occasion. Given the close relationship between Rothschild and Deripaska, some speculated that Deripaska was the hidden hand behind the event. The conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission, alleging that the fundraiser amounted to an illegal contribution by foreign nationals to McCain’s campaign.
While we forget the details in the campaign of 2008, dozens and dozens of articles were written about Davis and Manafort tying their involvement in former Soviet countries to the McCain campaign. The language is eerily similar to Trump’s “Muh Russia” conspiracy theory peddled by the media. Even the accusations from McCain, against Russia, while his people worked with Russian interests in the background. NOTHING stopped the money and the duplicity, the public pronouncements, and private dealings are laid bare for the world to see in the age of internet.
That should bring us up to the year 2008 and the Presidential election.
Yanukovych was re-elected in 2010, with help from Paul Manafort. The State Dept and Obama Admin took exception to his leadership and began the effort to overthrow Yanukovych. Recall Victoria Nuland passing out cookies to the protesters, McCain speaking to the protesters, along with Chris Murphy, current Senator from Connecticut.
In November of 2013, Viktor Yanukovych rejected the “EU Association Agreement” and instead favored a loan bailout and closer ties to Moscow. Remember when Victoria Nuland said “Fuck the EU!!!!!!!!!” That sparked the second Orange Revolution/EuroMaidan where many people died, and our State Dept and “agencies” were definitely involved. Yanukovych was overthrown, the Parliament was threatening to impeach him and he fled to …… (not Monaco) ………. Russia. The Prime Minister stepped in and was LOVED by our State Dept., “Julia” Yulia Tymoshenko

Within days of Yanukovych leaving for safety in Russia, the Crimea incursion started.
…… it was confronted with a crisis in the autonomous republic of Crimea. Unidentified gunmen, later confirmed to be Russian troops, occupied key sites throughout the peninsula. Over the next two weeks, pro-Russian paramilitary groups solidified their hold on the peninsula and organized a widely criticized independence referendum. On March 18 Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin formally annexed Crimea, a move that precipitated the largest breach between Russia and the West since the end of the Cold War. The following month, unidentified troops carrying Russian weapons and equipment seized government buildings in the Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Luhansk, sparking a conflict that would claim thousands of lives.
Remember who was from Donetsk? Akhmetov, the wealthiest of all the Ukraine oligarchs – close to Manafort. And Poroshenko was from Donetsk, and he was a popular member of Parliament, a wealthy billionaire in his own right, and had been in Cabinet level positions. Poroshenko also helped form the Party of Regions.
But Hottie Julia was convicted of “Abuse of Power”, back when she was Prime Minister in 2009, along with tax evasion and embezzlement. She went on a hunger strike for 19 days – from prison. Julia was succeeded by Oleksandr Turchynov who was an Economist and Baptist Minister, also a former head Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council —- the ones accused of poisoning former President Yushchenko, which disfigured him so badly. That’s who he had lunch with!
June 7, 2014: Petro Poroshenko was sworn in as Ukrainian President on 7 June 2014 and Turchynov became Chairman of the Ukraine Parliament.

Of course, the years passed, Hunter Biden joined Burisma, billions of dollars IMF money disappeared. Milo Zlochevsky, the billionaire owner of Burisma was exiled to where……. where do they go……. Monaco!!!!

But John McCain, once he laid down with the fleas, stayed with the fleas. In 2016, he accused Putin of trying to overthrow Montenegro and for the attempted assassination Milo Djukanovic. McCain desperately pushed for Montenegro to become an EU/NATO member. When Rand Paul objected, McCain became enraged:
“I note the senator from Kentucky leaving the floor without justification or any rationale for the action he has just taken. That is really remarkable, that a senator blocking a treaty that is supported by the overwhelming number, perhaps 98 – at least – of his colleagues would come to the floor and object and walk away. The only conclusion you can draw when he walks away is he has no justification for his objection to having a small nation be part of NATO that is under assault from the Russians. So I repeat again, the senator from Kentucky is now working for Vladimir Putin.”
Gotta have Russia as the boogeyman.
Of course, we already know all the details of Obama Admin/Clinton/DNC involvement in the Ukraine during 2016 US Presidential Election cycle. We know about Ambassador Yovanovitch, the Cruella De Ville of Ukraine. We know about Sytnyk, his work with Soros, who we “think” fabricated the black ledger document to frame Manafort and was convicted in Ukraine of election interference (although overturned on technicality). We know about the audio tape of Sytnyk admitting to helping Hillary in 2016. We know about Chalupa and the whole dirty cabal. Here’s the audio in case you missed it.
We know Deripaska was approached by McCabe for dirt on Trump and laughed and we know Deripaska had contact with Senator Mark Warner via his attorney Adam Waldman. Same people, over and over again. And don’t forget Mary Jacoby at the White House and Glenn Simpson with Fusion GPS.
Jan 25, 2019: And as is typical in Ukraine, another leader in Ukraine was found guilty of………….. something. Imagine that one. Protesters imported from other countries and regions, attacking his police station and government buildings, and Yanukovych tried to maintain order. There is MUCH controversy around the uprising in Maidan as to who was responsible for the protests and deaths. And yet……….. A Ukrainian court has found the former president Viktor Yanukovych guilty of treason for his efforts to crush the 2014 pro-western demonstrations that eventually toppled his government.
It’s just another day in Ukraine!
Can you imagine someone like Elizabeth Warren dealing with these wise guys? How about Pete Boot edge-edge? Should we send in AOC?
Thank GOD we have this guy.

Please see our previous posts for more info on Ukraine here:
“Timeline for 1/1024th of an Impeachment Inquiry”:
“It All Comes Back to Ukraine”:
Thank you for the virtual visit!
Oh boy, now we know what you’ve been up to! This will take a while to digest….. Looks like a great feast!
Very nice work, Daughn, putting things all together in one place. I’ve been vaguely aware of many of the players — enough to go, “ewwww, Ukraine is a corrupt place”; and with the poisoning of Yushchenko, “ewwww, horrible things happen in Ukraine.” But this timeline really lays out a map of the cesspool and starts linking it with US and global politicians.
Terrific research & compilation, Daughn. I’ve missed you the last few days! You & Q drops are a double whammy of The Great Awakening.
It truly is a Big Club, but the same names keep creeping to the top of the stack. John McCain deserves a lot more company in his eternal inferno.
Wow. Excellent research, Daughn!

This is just amazing…thank you for this.
Still trying to digest this…it makes my head spin.
My simplest version is this:
Take away communism, its corruption remains.
Eliminating communism doesn’t fix the human heart.
This is enticing DNW. Have to read tomorrow. Tired brain tonight. Thanks for taking all the time and effort to enlighten us. I have an inkling the info will p*$$ us off also.
I have a friend who is a combat vet from the Vietnam war. He hates NoName more than anything for his part in “closing” the official search for MIAs in VN. As a non-militay civilian, I took awhile to understand that he didn’t just hate him generically; ather he had close friends who were left behind and somehow it was so NoNmae could play war hero. (his nickname for him is Songbird. he’s not mad about him breaking under torture – he’s mad about him lying about it).
So here we have even more reasons to detest that slimeball. I seem to remember he had a part in the Libya disaster, though I don’t remember how much. All I know is that Ghaddafi was going to launch a gold dinar and price Libyan oil in gold. Next thing we know, all hell has broken loose and NATO was pretending to do the bombing but in reality it was all USA.
Lots of people don’t know that George Bush flipped Ghaddafi – got him to give up his nuke program AND allow our teams to do the dismantling. In return, Bush promised to protect him from outside influences and enemies.
Poor guy didn’t think he needed a treaty; he thought the word of a US president was enough. Then he met Zero and Hildabeast. And NoName IIRC.
Anyway, it would not surprise me if we find out that NoName was on a mission from hell to fuck up the ME almost beyond repair. He sure did help ISIS to form a caliphate.
If I strayed too far from the subject line, well … it’s complicated business folks.
Yes, the whole Arab Spring thing played well into sewing chaos in the entire region, McCain playing no small part. Little something for all the players and a big pay off for those bent on spreading the faith when those despots like Gaddafi just grow complacent and just want to keep what they have. Hell, if we shouldn’t call it the Ukraine model.
Glad you brought it up.
Libya needs a deep dive in retrospect.
If I remember correctly, former President Sarkozy of France was convicted of accepting 60 million dollar bribe from Libya.
Wasn’t the bribe paid in gold?
Wow. Suddenly I’m seeing that Cankles-Sarkozy hug again.
Just click on the “broken” image to see it in a new tab. SO MANY PHOTOS.
President Trump invited a group of Viet Nam era bikers – Rolling Thunder – to the White House last week and signed an Executive Order that will allow the POW/MIA flag to hang with the US flag.
With that order – he was honoring our lost servicemen and women – plus giving a YUGE thumbs down to McCain’s increasingly tarnished memory!
HE KNOWS. They were used for BRAINWASH EXPERIMENTS by communists.
I remember, vaguely, about Ghaddafi and the gold. I didn’t think it was a bad idea, but I also wasn’t as knowledgeable about things as I am now. (I was busy…. working, life, etc) The global bankers would not have wanted him to do that. Sell oil for gold, not USD, and issue gold coins? They would no longer have control over him. That may have had a lot to do with how and why we ended up with the Clintons.
All those billions from so many players, all that chaos, its like tossing chum into the water to attract more and more sharks and then the sharks just get more sharkier creating a play ground to apply for more ill gotten billions as they grind the unwitting people in the former satellites down. Then by attracting such a disparate crew of scrambling billionaires, American politicians, and all of their lackeys, it was child’s play to create the coup against our president in such place but now they have to clean it up and fast. So who do they send in!
Didn’t want you to miss this, buried in tonight’s postings courtesy of GA/FA could be important for the time line going forward:
And with Cruise, whom I’m sure has been to Monaco, talking about making a movie in Ukraine, what better way to go in and clean up loose ends, insert spies, work future ops and disrupt investigations.
I hope that smile on Zelensky’s face (trusting that’s Zelensky) is saying “Why you dirty bastard, your trying to give me trouble with Trump”.
Me too.
Zelensky has a choice – hope he will choose wisely.
Must take guts to live in Russia – so much corruption and ruthlessness – it’s become a native custom.
The US leaders who allowed the Russian mob to operate in the USA should be taken down and hung.
If they are already dead, their graves marked with a sign telling of their corruption and disgrace.
Kudos on the homework Daughn. I’m left with one of those last posits…
“Can you imagine someone like Elizabeth Warren dealing with these wise guys? How about Pete Boot edge-edge? Should we send in AOC?” All of these political slobs seem, in the context of all we’re called upon to process by current events, to be inevitable candidates for manipulation by the Cabal.
I can imagine them being in on the take. They’d be like putty in these player’s hands.
Goes without saying, it COULD be that McCain was merely ideologically motivated.
No proof otherwise.
It COULD be that he was only an A$$hole.
Yet, wow, the questions turn from a drip into a monsoon. He was definitely not under the same scrutiny as President Trump.
In fact, the firm “Diligence”, which was similar to Fusion GPS, was purchased by Rothschild. Almost as if McCain had protection.
Wasn’t one of Greg Gutfeld’s regular guests a big guy in Diligence? CIA guy, maybe?
Not sure
this is amazing and I will read and reread several times to digest all the players, motives and subplots…
thank you so much for researching and disseminating all of this for us!!!!!
I second that !
Thank you very much, Daughn, for all your research on this post and for writing about such complex information so clearly!
Good to see you, Churchmouse.
Thanks, friend!
Have been busy tracking the UK’s upcoming election on December 12.
Bookies have an overall Conservative majority as favourite. (That said, it’s early days and things could change. Hope not.)
Brexit Party is standing down 317 candidates as those constituencies were Conservative at the last election in 2017.
They will focus on Labour and other Remain constituencies instead.
Nigel Farage is not standing for MP.
You mucked around in The Nation and didn’t get commie cooties.
This is a valuable summary of recent Russian and Ukrainian history from Reagan to the present – from a business and political corruption perspective.
We also see how McCain continually fomented bloodshed and upheaval for profit – both in the Middle East and Near East.
SD traced some of it here:
You have expanded the picture.
Again – BRAVO!!!
I have sent the link to this post to Doug Ross – but he hasn’t recently posted any of your great articles. Wondering if it is because he does not approve of Q or perhaps YKW, who is a peckish, very competitive and jealous sort of character, may not want DR to highlight this blog.
PS – love the header image of ol’ HB – perfect!!!
My preferred interpretation of the Image: “The Democrats ARE TOAST!”
A lot of people still judge facts and information not by whether they are true, but by how they are presented.
If it doesn’t come from a “reputable” (sic) source with a professional sound booth or a polished set with studio grade video editing they don’t believe it. Gotta love their “programming”.
You could put a terd in a magazine article, and as long as it’s well written and printed on glossy paper or runs through their special news app on their iProg they’ll think it’s legit.
To them “sources” mean which fake journalist outfit is presenting to them, not whether the information is sources from anonymous(cowardly) sources(liars) or people who actually have verifiable information.
DR posted 2 WQTH articles, one by Wolfie and one by Daughn, but not the last 2-3 I have sent. I think either DR doesn’t think Q is valid or YKW is jealous.
I don’t care whether they think Quelle is valid or if they want to go down Marcan priority. The real question should be is the gospel account true?
Jealousy is definitely one of the bigger drivers.
But it’s also the need for recognition. There’s a certain need some people have for reputation, credibility, and recognition…
…to join the journalist Big Club.
That drive a need for polish and “respectability”
At the risk of really going off the rails, I think that’s the real motivation of some dude and why he went nuts.
The moment one stops Being Andrew Brietbart and starts trying to ingratiate their way into a gig with Fox News, the quality of work goes down, and the hidden motivations start becoming visible blemishes tarnishing the work.
No one can serve two masters…
Perhaps there is an agency or group involvement to push a certain narrative.
….working for an agency, a personal political agenda or paid for promulgating a certain narrative.
‘Truth has no agenda’ doesn’t seem to fit somehow.
I’m honored that he decided to link even one article. To choose to “not link” is not seen as a slight, could be because I did not source correctly, length was too long, multitude of reasons why.
Not taking it personally.
It could be anything….
More likely I’m too much of a suspicious cat….
….esp where OT is concerned
Who is DR?
Some guy named Ross who runs a mini-blog similar to Drudge.
Doug Ross
I need a scorecard. I’m getting dizzy from all the names going by…..
The sheer number of diverse sources employed here is most impressive.
Aside from the corruption aspect of it, and all the players who seem to be amassing gold collections, the tidbits about the Russian aluminum guy having the rights to deposits in third world nations is interesting. My guess is in Africa. How much wealth is being stolen from unsuspecting nations whose leaders are paid by foreigners and they live like emporers while their people starve.
And those doing the exploiting don’t give a rat’s behind regarding how they leave the land when they’re done with it.
So many pieces and parts….
Africa is fascinating.
Being raided as we speak.
A LOT of the weapons cash from Ukraine found its way to Africa, again for power/corruption/struggle over mining and natural resources.
I’m thinking there are lots of bits and pieces that may be difficult/impossible to fully chase down… which will make it hard to gather critical information and integrate it into the bigger picture. Money can be tracked but in some locales you have to have boots on the ground to literally/physically chase down leads.
One of my best friends, Managing Director at FEDEX, was selected to do a Masters Degree in International something at Georgetown. Had to take 18 months off. Program involved several overseas trips to do things like meet with Lech Valenza, etc.
Well, he came home from Africa….. and curled my hair with stories of the Chinese operating in the continent. He was ready to send in the Marines, whatever it took, urgently.
You’re right, Michael.
Some things you have to see to believe.
Can’t get full impact otherwise.
And to track down funds, you would have to be on the ground, develop sources, etc.
I haven’t had a chance to read your post in depth, yet, Daughn, but it looks incredible.
This just came across my twitter feed, I believe you had already captured that Zaid had set up the WB lawyer protections. May be some useful info in this thread.
Great find
Oh, good! So glad I could make a small contribution. There is so much information out there, I worry about being repetitive. But I hadn’t seen the details Roscoe offered before, and not only do we see Zaid again, but Tye, Choudhury, and like magic – connected to Soros!
I still don’t know why Soros wasn’t arrested, captured, dismantled, denuked, defused – decades ago. Likely will come out that our power people have been benefiting from Soros money.
This has been a great read, shining a lot of light onto what all these different people’s roles are and have been in this world wide web of corruption, in a particular part of the web. The only “problem” is that now we see even more rocks that need to be turned over.
It is breath taking to imagine the vision and bravery of the Q group undertaking the rampant and powerful corruption that has been and is in place. However, things are starting to crumble, world wide. It’s an amazing time to be alive, for sure!
Great comment Jamcooker.
I found myself trying to think like I was someone in Crimea, during the Russian incursion. With a referendum, they had two choices, stay with Ukraine or go with Russia.
While the heart may have been with Ukraine, the corruption is undeniable. Russia is also corrupt as hell, but usually, they can make the trains run on time.
Wonder how many people cast a ballot for Russia, simply because of the corruption and mess in Ukraine?
It had to be a factor.
Otherwise, why would Zelensky, the comic, win with such an overwhelming margin running on an anti-corruption platform?
Whatever problems Ukraine has or had, they are at least 95%, if not 99%, due to being under Russian and/or Soviet Bolshevik rule for centuries, and/or continuing string-pulling by Putin today, via the Russian “intelligence community”.
Remember the heroic Polish counterintelligence officer who went to the President of Poland, and told him Poland was secretly being ruled from Moscow, via the covert puppet strings of the Russian-controlled Polish intelligence community? And got his buy-in to clean it all up, and make modern Poland truly independent?
Yeah, that whole heroic crew died in the plane crash outside Moscow.
Ukraine had probably 40 times the level of Russian control of Poland, and a fraction of the Western tradition or influence to fight it.
Never romanticize Russia. I doubt the trains run there, either.
Zelensky looks to be backed by this oligarch, Ihor Kolomoyskyi. Just looking at the wiki page on him, he holds citizenship in Ukraine, Israel, and Cyprus. Ukraine prohibits people from having dual citizenship, but apparently not to 3 countries. It’s really a tangle, just looking at his wiki page. He looks to be following the same pattern you outlined in the article concerning the different oligarchs. He is Jewish, and it looks like he might not favor Russia, but it’s hard to say for certain, because it’s wiki, and no telling what his real goals might be anyway.
From what we hear, they’d like to reach an accomodation with Russia. The prisoner exchange was a good start. They feel they’ve been caught in the slipstream of U.S. muh-Russia. (As if they didn’t have enough problems…)
Cyprus ———— OMG, again with Cyprus.
They all seem to come back to Cyprus.
Can’t tell you how many times I ran into Cyprus when doing this post.
We were in Kiev this summer to see my Russki’s newest (!!) grandchild.
They really like and have high hopes for Pres. Zelenskiy. Single issue: anti-corruption.
More optimistic than they’ve been in a very long time. No one deserves a break more than the regular folks of Ukraine.
Great post! I love the way this all pushes back to the Berlin Wall Fall. And interesting about the journalists, because Shailagh Murray and Neil King, also of Fusion/WSJ/WaPo, go back to 90’s reporting in the East Bloc. Something didn’t sniff right about that. And what have we here – MORE OF IT.
Well done!
Off topic, but Daughn, dear, do you have an Impeachment hearings thread queued up for tomorrow? If not, I can do one.
I do not have one queued for tomorrow, go for it and I will be happy to contribute.
Will do.
We will obviously need one. One of the reasons I posted all the testimony before the weekend, give people a chance to peruse it.
That was A TON of info I havent seen discussed in one timeline anywhere. And to think this is just one corner of the world wreaking this havok.
Excellent job, Daughn! Thanks!! I won’t have time to read it all but wow, that’s a lot of data to go through and a lot of new info. You reminded me of this: I saved it and suspect it came from CTH.
This might be important…
Eric, the whistleleaker has a problem…
Please let it be!!!
[…] Ukraine: Same Scandal, Different Decade […]
Gheez, here’s the plan to stop the billion dollar loan
Here’s the big question about George Kent and C_A background of NABU
Here’s the interview with Leshchenko, the MP who suddenly produced the black box docs from Party of Regions which got Manafort kicked off the Trump Campaign.
Leshchenko was later convicted of meddling in a US election during 2016 in Ukraine cour but conviction overturned on “statute of limitations” and “entity bringing suit did not have cause” (a technicality)
Then the bombshell from NYGuy
(@Truthteller1349) June 9, 2019
26m ago
I drank my coffee and I am on a roll. Daughn…did you see this? Among other things, Obama’s ambassador to the Ukraine, William Miller, was a communist sympathizer. But there is way more. This thread has more impact given recent events. If you read all of it, it will open your eyes. Well maybe Daughn knew this but for the rest of you.
Aimen Mir played a key role in the CFIUS panel’s decision to approve the sale of Uranium One to Russia’s Rosatom. He also played a key role in the Treasury Dept’s refusal to investigate the UAE’s Gulftainer 35-year cargo container terminal lease at Port Canaveral.
— Verdad Teller
Here’s the letter from Grassley, asking the DOJ to investigate problems in Ukraine back in 2017
OMG, someone found our picture of our buddy Mykola Zlochevsky, owner of Burisma. Here he is in all his glory.
Look at this, we were on the right track all along!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
We KNEW!!!!!!!!
The latter spent the post-Soviet years fomenting “color revolutions” and attempting to steer its politics toward the west and NATO membership. But when the Ukrainian people elected a pro-Russian president in 2010 and all efforts to bribe and bully him westward failed, Washington instigated, funded and instantaneously recognized an illegal putsch on the streets of Kiev in February 2014.
That blatant, unprovoked assault on a sovereign nation, in turn, set in motion a destructive civil war internally; a dangerous and utterly unnecessary politico-military confrontation with Russia on its own doorstep; and, now, a hysterical campaign by the House Dems and their Deep State allies to impeach a duly-elected American president for the sin of wading into the very cesspool of corruption that the Washington establishment itself foisted upon this hapless, $150 billion sliver of a failed state and crippled economy.
Here’s the sequel to the Oliver Stone video on Ukraine — post 2016
Time for a deep dive into Blue Star Strategies.
This was the firm, a PR firm, hired by Hunter Biden, who was IN UKRAINE the day after Shokin was fired to hand pick the next head of their DOJ.
“The Ukrainian company, owned by tycoon Mykola Zlochevsky, also hired a lobbyist with close ties to then-Secretary of State John Kerry, as well as a consulting group founded by top officials in the Clinton administration that specialized in preparing former Soviet-bloc countries to join NATO (Blue Star Strategies).”
Soon the efforts bore fruit. With the help of a New York-based lawyer, Mr. Zlochevsky’s U.S. consultants argued to Ukrainian prosecutors that criminal cases against the company should be closed because no laws had been broken.
Burisma later became a sponsor of a Washington think tank, the Atlantic Council, whose experts are often cited on energy and security policy in the former Soviet Union.
Nov. 13 (EIRNS) — In an interview which may have made the New York Times very uncomfortable about their role in impeaching President Donald Trump, Ukrainian “oligarch” Igor Kolomoisky said that the impeachment attempt is “a last straw” pushing Ukraine toward resuming its traditional alliance with Russia. Kolomoisky is viewed internationally as President Volodymyr Zelensky’s primary political backer. Six years ago, he became governor of Dnipropetrovsk and funded and armed his own militia to fight pro-Russian activists in the Donbass region. But by now “He has had a change of heart”, the Times admits.
Kolomoisky named prominent State Department witnesses against Trump in the impeachment circus, each as having demanded his removal from influence in Ukraine as a quid pro quo for U.S. aid. These included former senior Russia advisor Fiona Hill; acting ambassador William Taylor, who threatened Zelensky that Kolomoisky’s influence “could cause you to fail”; and senior State official George D. Kent, who told Zelensky that breaking with Kolomoisky was “a litmus test”. The Times noted that the IMF is holding up loans to Ukraine until Kolomoisky is at least hit with very large fines over his previous ownership of Privatbank — which would force him back out of the country.
And the objective of all this, if it were U.S. policy? “War against Russia, to the last Ukrainian,” Kolomoisky said.
Rather, the “oligarch” now wants to improve relations with Russia, possibly even to the extent of a military alliance. “They’re stronger anyway. We have to improve our relations,” he said. “People want peace, a good life, they don’t want to be at war. And you are forcing us to be at war, and not even giving us the money for it.”
As for the investigations of corruption in Ukraine wanted by President Trump, including of the Bidens, Kolomoisky told the Times that if he were Ukraine’s president, he would proceed with them. And if a Democrat then became U.S. President? “If they get smart with us, we’ll go to Russia.”