We’ve developed quite a taste for the bodacious seafood in Louisiana and need to go back at least once a week with the President. While we’re there, we can have a MAGA RALLY!

Fox 10 Phoenix – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmrDMmjXDG4
RSBN – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEjV4y0clXY
Golden State Times – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GElktyROLrs
George – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZvvOWKZdHw
CSPAN – https://www.c-span.org/video/?466321-1/president-trump-holds-rally-bossier-city-louisiana
Today we’re going to Shreveport/Bossier City, Louisiana. They’re twin cities which straddle the Red River, kind of like Minneapolis/St. Paul do up north. The area is “up and coming” more influenced by Dallas than New Orleans, and sits in a tri-state area of Arkansas-Texas-Louisiana. Shreveport Bossier has cyber corridors, large facilities for AT&T, Chase, Capitol One, SWEPCO, GE, and used to be the headquarters for Standard Oil, until it was absorbed by Exxon. City itself has a population of about 200K with the metro at just under a half million. Younger population, more families, more restaurants, museums, art, theatre, with a lot of BBQ and Seafood.

Just outside the cities, is the location of Barksdale Air Force Base… which completely kicks a$$ and where President Bush flew into on 9/11 to organize our government while we were under attack. It was a tense day for all Americans, but for those on the ground in Shreveport, we were defending our very government amid the fog of war.

Great story about the base and the power of locals/state/Feds working together – The federal gov’t was looking for a major interior air base and NE Texas was chosen as the spot. Town forefathers in Shreveport wanted the base on the LA side, so they bought land from 800 private citizens, including a 20K acre cotton plantation with a 1.5 million dollar bond. Then, they gifted the land to the Feds. Barksdale AFB was born, continues to grow and dominate, and we are so proud.

I don’t know if you guys know this or not, but Louisiana has “Blue Laws” which stem from old Napoleonic Code, quite different from other states, which is why lawyers from out of state have a hard time licensing in LA. Additionally, Governor Huey Long was the next thing to a socialist in the 1930’s, enormously popular, and almost won nomination for Dem President. Therefore, many of the tax laws and procedural contracts in LA are contrary to effective business.
If Louisiana had a businessman as Governor, Eddie Rispone, a Republican, backed up by a President like Trump, the area of Shreveport/Bossier City would take off like a rocket. Which is why we’re here to RALLY for Rispone! The latest poll showed a 49.2% for John Bel Edwards and 48.6% for Rispone. With the race this tight, we need turnout. Therefore, we need President Trump to drive turnout!
The Dems are worried and pouring MILLIONS into Louisiana at the last minute.
Shreveport is the 113th largest city in the country. The land price, labor pool, access to inexpensive utility/energy, new shale and LNG discovery, lifestyle, local breweries, great food, a Sci-Port, universities, cyber corridor, mild weather, low home cost, gorgeous new boardwalk, film industry, and proximity to a major AFB puts Shreveport in a perfect position for MASSIVE economic expansion. Just takes the right leadership to light the fire and a few tweaks to the tax code.

So much potential……

We were always taught that Huey Long was a POPULIST, and thus PROOF that POPULISM was dangerous and no good!
And if he was nearly a socialist – that’s probably WHY!!!
Daughn, that Po-Boy! I need me one of them sammiches! Got that ‘gut’ feeling that today is gonna be a great day!
Love Po-boys……………
Love a RALLY……………
YEEAAAAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wherever do you find the energy, dear lady. for all these threads?
thanks for the rally thread–can’t wait to “virtually” be there later!!
SOOO excited for another Louisiana Rally!!! Louisiana is in a mess with a Democrat governor preceded by an establishment Republican Jindall. Dismal schools, dismal infrastructure, dismal insurance situation, longterm tradition of graft and corruption….dirty politics going back to or maybe before Huey P. Long.
I was born in Louisiana – and as an Army kid whose Dad was stationed at Camp Polk, I lived in Leesville, which is pretty close to Shreveport as a child.
Leesville was a tiny hospitable Southern town near the base, and the locals put up with the army transients pretty well. Schools, scouts, churches and neighborhoods welcomed us nicely. Shreveport was the nearest destination for special purchases, fancy dress clothes, etc. My first (and only) fancy Madame Alexander doll came from Shreveport. There, after many memorable mishaps, I learned to ride a bicycle without training wheels….and alarmed my family when I decided not to ride the bus, but walk home and look for violets along the roadway one February after school. Hunting wild violets has been a lifelong pursuit everywhere I have lived.
Po-Boys!!! Oh Man!!!
My favorites are Oyster and Roast Beef. My folks used to drive to a place outside Thibodaux, LA for their Po Boys.
A roast beef po-boy piled high with garlicky beef and sautéed onions….oh so heavenly.
Oyster Po-Boys are in a league of their own. Fried oysters, special sauce, it’s like a masterwork.
One must have beer to go with a Po-Boy to get all the aromas balanced and mutually enhanced..
The food is truly magical.
Dad bought a motorcycle when I was in high school. Grandparents were worried because he was the straight laced conservative guy. Ended up being Pres of his bike club and traveling widely.
When I would come home from a date, he was always waiting up for me.
When the weather was good, we would ride down to the Reisling factory downtown, when they took the fresh French Bread out of the oven……
Loaded with fresh churned butter and it was heaven.
Couple of cups of strong chicory coffee and we were set.
But that wasn’t the best part.
Late at night…..
quiet streets
all the stillness of the city
riding on the back of a bike with Dad…..
Dear God, it was perfect.
Now, that’s a ‘DAD’ !
Lucky gal you were…
Such great bonding…
He done good rearing you Sweet Lady…
Ahhh, my kingdom for one more ride with Dad.
He sounds like such a special man!! I am also remembering your post where his advice to you when that deal went sour was to “take your lumps and get on with it”. Lots of wisdom there and it seems the apple didn’t fall far from the tree!!!!
When I was 16-17 my rathe used to pick me up from a date or if I was at a party.
I remember him picking me up at midnight from a birthday party with his BMW motorcycle . I had a tight skirt on unable to get on the bike. My dad lifted me up unto the bike and my skirt rode up. Thank God it was late and dark and we were riding home through small towns. At home he lifted me off the bike.
I am with you Daughn it is special riding with dad and the trust that they knew how to control the bike.
My dad was about 6/5 and the BMW was a big heavy machine.
In honor of my Louisiana genes/heritage – I’m making Pain Perdu for breakfast – cinnamon raisin whole wheat bread slices laid flat in a jellyroll pan – poured over with eggs, sugar, salt, lots more cinnamon!
Bake the slices in the oven until the eggs are done, cut the slices apart. Alternately, cook in a skillet or pancake pan in butter. If no one is here but me, I freeze most of it in sandwich bags to reheat for a quick breakfast.
Can also slice the french toast into french toast sticks after baking.
NEVER put syrup on cinnamon french toast! Butter or another sprinkle of cinnamon sugar is OK, but not needed.
NEVER EVER put yankee maple syrup on a Southern Dish!!!
Cane syrup only – maybe cane molasses – Only buy the kind that is made from home grown sugar cane, boiled in a huge iron kettle on a farm with the Farmer’s Name printed on the label.
Makin me hungry here Georgia !
For a company casserole, make layers or sandwiches with white bread and cheese, plus any combination of diced ham, bacon, chopped green onion, chopped fresh spinach, broccoli, mushrooms, peppers, etc. Place in greased deeper pan or glass casserole, pour beaten eggs and milk over the top and sprinkle with grated cheese and bake until eggs are set and casserole is lightly browned.
Or you can make it with layers of raisin bread, thinly sliced apples, extra raisins (marscapone or fresh mozzarella, cream cheese optional) pour eggs beaten with milk, salt, sugar and cinnamon. Raisin pecan bread if you can find it at a fancy bakery is fabulous for this.
GeorgiaFlower, years back I saved a bottle of cane syrup from my mother’s estate sale. Label says “Winters, West Green, GA”. Perfect pancake syrup, dark but lighter in taste than molasses. Ahhh. I apportion it out to meself on special breakfast days. Mmm. No barcodes on the bottle, this syrup has lived at room temperature for, my goodness , 50 or 60 years.
I don’t plan on leaving it to the grandkids, either.
Ahh, what a precious bottle…
In S GA, cane syrup only has two syllables, one syllable per word. Cane has a long ay sound and syrup is pronounced surrp.
There were once a lot of cane syrup makers. It was a fall thing like harvest, canning vegetables and hog killing.
On my letters home to the folks during Basic Training and AIT, I’d write the return address as “Ft Puke, Lousyanna”. Yep, great humorist even as a lad. Actually, I loved it. I even liked my drill sergeant.
I have been to Louisiana many times. Good food but nothing beats a Philly cheesesteak. Haha.
Go Eddie, beat John Bel Edwards. Worst violent crime governor in the USA.
Eddie Rispone’s website
Election day is this Saturday!!!
i do love steak sandwiches…(hold the cheese for me tho)
Well this is bad.
Dem Mayor in Shreveport issues stand down order at Trump Rally
One of the worst mayors in the country. He just lets people kill each other in his city. Disgusts me. Politics over people.
I was doing laundry one day and ran across a show I streamed. It was a black guy, a detective in Shreveport. I selected it because it was about Louisiana, but the GUY was fabulous!!!!!!
I had no idea, until recently, how bad the murder rate was in Shreveport.
This is however, the Mayor of a neighboring city.
Not the Mayor of Bossier City.
Dem mayors are the worst. They prefer social justice over real justice.
No, Ed
Sadly they prefer corruption/power/money over people
The word ‘Sociopath’ comes to mind.
This is most interesting, bosses of unions and Dem Mayors are trying to suppress the firemen, police, EMT’s, in Bossier City. Must mean the election is really close for antics like this to come to the surface.
TWITTER is suppressing early news of rally crowds again – just like last week.
Wow, they started setting up 48 hours in advance.
From the enemy camp. John Edwards thinks he is going to win. Dem operatives crawling all over the state.
Remember when President Trump said it was 110degrees at the Monroe Rally?
It was because the Dem Mayor of Monroe turned off the air conditioning.
Leftists are such spiteful little snits who put politics and ideology over humanity and national loyalty.
Mayor of Shreveport looks like a down low effete black muslim supremacist – just like Øbominable.
Leftists like Islamists have to bully, smear, lie, cheat, steal, kill to achieve their agendas.
Leftists always turn cities, states and nations into 3rd world sh-tholes.
Like Nancy and Maxine Waters and Cummings districts.
The NEW clone lost weight and wrinkles…
Looks like tonight’s rally is going to be GOOD!
At the risk of repeating myself, this rally should be EPIC !!!

Not in the context of how many show up or the much-needed boost to propel the Good Guy, Eddie Rispone, over the finish line, but more to hear what new nuclear nuggets our VSGPDJT drops tonight.
He will DEEP FRY Adam Shiffe and stuff him in a Po’ Boy smothered with Awesome Sauce
Terrific post, Daughn, for stirring up the rally juices!! You rock
Ackkk I’m in moderation cuz of my typo “Alisom”

Help ! Get me out in time for the rally
I did. No problem.
CenturyLink arena has a 14,000 seat capacity. Hopefully, the rain won’t cut the crowd attendance….or the voting on Saturday!
It’s solid clouds all across the south. N FL is expecting as much as an inch of rain tonight….earlier prediction was 2 inches.
Great – the rain has moved away from NW Louisiana!
OMGosh it’s HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!
MAGA RALLY Tonight in Shreveport/Bossier City, LA to elect Eddie Rispone for Governor of Louisiana.
!!!!!!!!! LOOK AT ALL THE PEOPLE !!!!!!!!!!!!
President Trump needs us, and we’re there for him!
Folks are getting inside the arena now….
Hmmmmm, The President had a long meeting with Bill Barr this afternoon prior to attending the MAGA RALLY in Louisiana. No questions at the chopper presser.
And I have to go spend and hour and a half with a bunch of liberals. Good thing they are nice people.
Me thinks He’s gonna be ON FIRE TONITE~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BIG CROWD – quite a line!
47 photos of the crowd!
Hey Rally team! Guess who is all together IN REAL LIFE to watch the Rally tonight? Kal & Bren and Big Mama Tea!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a feeling they will pop in!!!!

That is awesome, Marica !! They’ll be whooping it up BIGLY

Hey Marica, won’t this be Reese’s first rally?!? Even if she snoozes through it
IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She’s MY “secret” ………….Q baby!!!!

I KNOW!!!!!!!!! to be dat fly!!!!!!!!!!!
Eunuch Lindsey!!!!
“Hours after meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and U.S. President Donald Trump at the White House, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Wednesday blocked a resolution that would have condemned the Armenian genocide of 1915.
Graham stated he blocked the resolution because he did not want the Senate to “sugarcoat history or try to rewrite it.” Whatever its other merits or drawbacks might be, condemning the Armenian genocide would seem to be the opposite of sugarcoating history. Graham’s office did not respond to a request from Fox News for elaboration of the senator’s thinking.”
Oh, crap! Wrong page!!!! Please move!
Anyone have links to sites to watch…
Here you go: live now
Thanks NF ……………………
RSBN link is up top
I must have overlooked… thanks Daughn…
we got Q drop on daily thread… Realsauce … few mins ago
word from Schiff is going to impeach POTUS for bribery
Federal Investigation of Rudy ” -for-possible-campaign-finance-violations-and-failing-to-register-as-a-foreign-agent/” (souce: Gateway… always suspect)
yer right about GP! So we went from collusion, to quid pro quo, to bribery….DIM Book!
Fox 10 Phoenix –
Golden State Times –
George – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZvvOWKZdHw
CSPAN – https://www.c-span.org/video/?466321-1/president-trump-holds-rally-bossier-city-louisiana
Thanks Georgia…
Good find Tim!!!! hopefully it starts on time!!!
FYI………..There’s new………..Q!
Butterfly is HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Huggles, Smooches Sweet Marica
I’m proud to be an American
POTUS in Da Howse!!!!
Hello Louisiana
American citizens who believe in God, family and country!
Hello Louisiana!!!!
hardworking citizens who believe in God Family Country!
Dems are CRAZY!!!!
Send a message to corrupt Dems in Washington
Don’t let them destroy our country
After you come back from duck hunting on Sat, go vote
After duck hunting…
They Almost got me on that one?
Season opens on Saturday, he didn’t forget
I’m still working on Daily Thread for tomorrow. Will be back in a few. Love to all. Don’t want to fall asleep on it.
Oooooo, he just mentioned Barksdale!!!!!!!!
Our country is respected again!
We are defeating ISIS
Al Bagdadhdi is dead
USA USA USA!!!!!!!
Our enemies dont stand a chance against or military
We are respected AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS!
BadDaddy dead
Rebuilt our military
Our country is respected again
A bunch of bad people………
the absolutely crazed left and their media partners standing back there!
Are pudhing deranged impeachment hoax
Crazed lunatics, Dems, radical left and media partners pushing Witch Hunt
Do nothing Dems
Their lies will be exposed just like last time
They’ve already failed as far as I’m concerned
He pulls out paper….New remarks from Ukraine Minister says US ambassador didn’t link assistance to investigation
Like we need help to defeat Sleepy Joe??
Once again their lies will be exposed and are unraveling
they always do…
As I’m getting out of AF1
New remarks from top Ukrainian official—Nothing there!
Partnership made in hell–dems and media
We need help to beat Sleepy Joe Biden?
We took down the Bush Dynasty
We took down the Clinton Dynasty
And the very crooked Obama group
We took down Bush dynasty, Clinton dynasty and Crooked Obama group
We took down the Clinton dynasty, Obama group….
Where’s Hunter???
Where’s Hunter?
He made more $ than anyone in History who know so little
PHC just posted goodnight….
He’s taking his meds early and
calling it a day.
thank you!!!

LOL—Amwicks MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know………….I DIED………………

Asks Fake News to report Ukraine statement
if Pelosi were honest–which she;s not
and little shifty schiff with pencil neck
What size is your necksize Adam?
Shifty Schiff, Adam Shifty Schiff

He’s a thief, he’s a crook, he’s corrupt, he should be prosecuted
He’s a thief and a crook!–Schifty
and he has immunity!
R’s have stuck together
beautiful thing to see!
Republicans sticking together, it’s a beautiful sight to see
Poll numbers – We’re going up, they’re going down
Republican leaders happy their poll numbers are finally going up. Want to keep Witch Hunt going, POTUS doesn’t
Evangelicals- Leaders say Church has never been more energized!!
President Trump is mad as all get out tonight!!! You can tell….the tone of voice, the look on his face….he’s really mad.
It’s because they are going after his family!!!
I hope I’m wrong, it it’s probably related to Horowitz’s executive summary of the IG report and what Barr is willing (and unwilling) to declassify.
POTUS can always overrule Barr… if it comes to that. Some classification issues may revolve around the pending indictments or ongoing investigations. If Barr and Durham have only recently come into possession of evidence, and are just now pulling those threads – which may connect to earlier finds regarding the spying on POTUS, and other criminal deeds, it may be a problem to reveal everything.
Not sure, but ultimately, if POTUS thinks it needs to be declassified, I think he’ll do it.
Hopefully fueled by meeting with AG Barr… Hope it bodes well for good guys…indictments for bad guys, IG Report truly devastating for D-Rats, FIB, DOJ, IC…
Maybe, we get IG Report Friday, as in tomorrow…
Nope. Too soon. Maybe week of Thanksgiving, but most likely week after.
Yep, that is the rumor, party line. Perhaps tied to mandatory review timeline.
Maybe we can get some leaks in our favor…bastards that will be indicted…
You wanna see corruption? Watch video of Creepy Joe
Hunter gots a China PROBLEM TOO!!!!
100% of the CALIPHATE – *** GONE *** !!!
The “Great Religious Leader”!!!
Hunter, AF2, picked up $1.5 BILLION from China
I was with Wall Street guys, who love us btw, setting records. Can you do this? Virtually impossible.
Will become campaign issue
We kill al bagdahdi defeated the caliphate 100%
The Media–64% bad publicity—
WAPO–Great Religious Leader
WE are more determined than ever to DRAIN THE SWAMP!
Received 64% bad publicity on killing BadDaddy. WTF??
Crying Chuck, I saw him crying in a speech, never seen that before, CRYING CHUCK
POTUS brought Bevin up a lot
Gotta make up for BEVIN!
Gave a great talk of KY GOV–He didn’t win…but he was down by 19 points and only lost by a few thousand votes..
Gotta protect Louisiana ENERGY!!!
We want Rispone!!
A tool of that guy Adam Schifty Schiff!!!!!
Don’t be THAT GUY!!!
Edwards is a tool of Nancy, of Chuck, probably a tool of that guy Shifty Schiff
A vote for Dem guys is a vote for a guy that hates your values…..
Radical leftists despise your values, want to crush your beliefs
And we all KNOW IT, TOO!!!
Edwards watch—LA has highest murder rate in the country.!!!!!
Number one in MURDERS
Gotta vote for EDDIE RISPONE!!!
Damn, Louisiana has a lot of problems, mostly created by Edwards. High Taxes, car insurance, Murders. He’s one ugly dude.
Scary what ONE DEMOCRAT can do!!!
Eddie Rispone is coming up to talk!
Okay I am back
POTUS helped Tigers beat Bama
FIRE John Bel Edwards
What kind of idiot do you have to be to attack oil and gas as a Louisiana Governor.
BOOOOOooooooooooo trial lawyers.
Gotta send a message to these liberals.
Send a message.
Make LA #1 for jobs and opportunity!
For our children and grandchildren so they can stay here, and make LA home.
Need your help, have to get out the vote
This is ALLLLLLLLLLLL about turnout!!!!!!!
Raise arms in victory. Good pic.
Great businessman.
They’ve known each other for a while.
Here we go…….
We get great Senators from LA
Bill Cassidy
They’ve been flying on Air Force One with Trump
And here comes John Kennedy, OMGosh they love him.
Great Businessman, that’s what you need.
Y’all Imagine what this country could do and be if that’s all we elected??
I know, Butterfly

Scalise is here this time.
Going to be a late night for him.
tHIS GUY Has a great name–Sen John Kennedy!
Cutest story on Steve Scalise at the baseball game!!
You know, President said he was going to teach repubicans how to win.
THIS is how you do it.
They all need to support each other and stick together.
Lead by example.
That can’t happen until the Republicans get rid of corrupt people like Mitt Romney, John Cornyn, and other RINOS and sellouts….including Mitch McConnell.
Roy Blunt. Counting the days until I can vote against him in a primary.
“They all need to support each other and stick together.”
They have stuck together in the past. They stuck together against the Tea Party, they stuck together against the obvious will of the American People, they stuck together even when we gave them the House AND the Senate, and did NOTHING to stop Hussein’s radical Leftist agenda.
They stick together just fine, the problem is that they have been together with the Globalists, Chinese, CoC, etc.
Until or unless unlimited money is removed from conduits like foundations, CoC, ‘charities’, etc., and the politicians’ major source of funds is from the People again, they are always going to respond and support whoever is paying their way.
Either Main Street (American People) or corporate and international funding.
How do we ever get control back until our political class is no longer for sale to the highest international/multinational enemy bidder?
I went to hospital with FLOTUS ande Steve your wife loves you cuz she was crying!
Where can I go to order (1) Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House in 2020?
Please and thanks.
Wow, he is such a man’s man.
So comfortable with the fellas.
Here goes Kennedy. This is like old home week.
Media having a cow.
Kennedy is great.
JOHN Kennedy
I stand before you tonight as a proud Deplorable!!
“I stand before you tonight as a Proud Deplorable!”
Haaa…love Sen Kennedy!
I love when John Kennedy talks!!! Cutest accent..eveh!
Ah stand before you tonight as a proud Deplorable!
LOL!!!! Did he jus say soy milk drinin avocado toast eatin elitist snobs of DC!!!!!
Unless you are happy with crappy!!!!LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
And what delightful colloquialisms!!!!
Loved that when he said it, “unless your happy with crappy”
Lol!!! AYE!!! so so funny!

Hey, I eat avocados!
LOL! #metoo!! Hi there DP!!!!! You joined Twit world I see!!! Thanks for the follow!
You’re welcome. I actually opened that account a year ago, but have been on the down low. I’m really using it at this point to keep up with faith related stuff.
Follow grandmaintexas…FOR sure! and Michael H (is he the same guy as michael h from here)
Also–Fr. Frank Pavone and of course Lady Penguin
Fr. Frank Pavone is actually following me.
ME too!!! He’s a ROCK!
I don;t know where Trump gets his white shirts, but look at his shirt compared to all the other men.
It’s Brilliant WHITE
Maybe his own brand.
Boys are having fun now.
I see a poker game in their future.
God bless America!!!!!
God Bless our President!!!!
and God Bless Louisiana!!
2nd amendment.
Unless you’re happy with crappy, vote for Eddie!
Talking about goats milk drinking, avocado toast eating Liberal DC elites…excellent riff
Crowd shouting Trump.
Turnout is mandatory this time. We need to hit social media BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!
Ralph Abraham is a heck of a guy.
Expect to see more of him.
President likes him
He came down on Air Force One. He’s a Congressman.
USMCA – he’s complaining about Pelosi.
Smart guy.
Horse Manure.
Pelosi and Schiff up to neck in manure
Theme song – I heard it through the Grapevine.
A new song for Adam schiff—“i heard it thru the grapevine.”
President has our backs but Pelosi won’t let us vote on USMCA
New theme song for Schiff, MG’s Heard it Thru the Grapevine
I have no idea what a throuple is!!!! LOL He went there!
Last in jobs, econ development, and highest in murders.
It because of Dem politicians and bad tax code.
Gotta change.
Abraham is right, if the local govt got out of the damn way, LA would rival any state.
Who was the guy in the lighter blue — handsome fella.
4 MOAR YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!
Would you rather be anyplace else than a Trump Rally?
Wow, he prefers Friday night rallies, but is having them on Thursdays in order not to interrupt Friday night football. So considerate
6.7 million new jobs
unemployment lowest in 50yrs
Black unemployment
Asian — lowest in history
Black poverty lowest in history
2.5 million out of poverty
# of americans quitting one job to take another is highest
wages and income rising at faster rate
9% for unsupervisory
400$ under Bush
900$ under Obama
$5,000 in 2 1/2yrs under Trump
$5000 in tax cuts, regulations, and utility costs
Huge number there. HUGE.
My utility bill is down an average of $91/month.
But the left wants to abolish oil and LNG
Left wants to RAISE taxes – who does that????
American Energy Independence!
Beto was against guns, religion and auto!
(How’d that work out for him?) LOL!
“No form of energy acceptable to the left.”
OMG – that is SUCH a good strategy. He has them NAILED there!
The rise of china…They had no idea what they were doing!
End decades of ruinous trade policy
plunder our jobs
steal the crown jewels of your economy
We are fighting for our community, our family and our great American Dream
If we could only get Pelosi to do it.
She’s too busy doing other things.
USMCA–Nancy won’t put it up for a vote!
They need to stop their ridiculous Witch hunts!
We were the piggy bank
decimated American manufacturing
used our military
American blood and treasure
President of the USA not President of the World
He is talking too fast again
They spent our money on Globalist projects
rebuilding USA
America Firsst
Past leaders transformed faraway nations into chaos and then insisted we welcome them here
Travel Ban
Poured precious American Blood and Treasure into the Middle East
and left our own cities crumble
Terrorists the hell out of our country
Betrayed you on immigration
Drugs vicious gangs
to pour into your state
arrested criminal aliens, murder, malicious, …….. child abuse
criminal illegal aliens
get them out by the thousands
Want to thank our border patrol
and LAw Enforcement
My wife clapped out of the blue for:
“I was elected to be President of the United States – not President of the world.”
“keep violent extremists out of our country”
“and that includes MS-13”
Wolfie! High Five her from me!!!!
Will do!!!
More claps:
“And we are building the wall faster than anyone thought possible!”
(I love that pre-existing physicians, too!!!)
found that for Mrs. Wolfie!!!!

Radical Agenda allows vicious gangs and illegal drugs …
We are getting them out by the 1000’s
Thank Border Patrol
and LEO’s
Brand new broder numbers today
reduced 70% since MAY
Ended catch and release
BUILDING THE WALL faster than anyone else
The Wall is National Security
Had to fight for every inch for the border wall
help from the military
Don’t try to get into the USA
yeah buddy, those 27K Mexican soldiers and the deal he struck with Obrador was a brilliant stroke
Planned govt control of heathcare
protect preexisting condition
pre existing Physicians
Late term abortion
ripping babies from the womb
I just don’t understand why people don’t get that about late term. A c-section takes less than an hour. Doing one of those dismemberment abortions takes days. At that point, it’s not about the life of the mother.
Most people (except in Va) DO GET IT…we just get suppressed!
Pre existing Physicians!!
there’s that term again!
hight taxs
open borders
late term abortion
can’t type that fast
Me neither darlin!!!!
flipped the 2nd district this week.
Rebuilt the military – all built in the USA
our of Iran Deal
Israel – jerusalem.
Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh!!!!!!!!!!!
Every child is sacred gift from God
President who is standing up for America and the people of La!
Golan heights
for years, you watched as politicians apologized for America
We are standing up for LA
Your vote on Saturday!!!!!!
You will not allow your state to be demolished cuz that is what they would do
We can see it now.
Republican Congress – get rid of the maniacs
Made in the USA New trade deals
Maniacs OUT OUT OUT!!!
He’s really pushing Eddie…NOT gonna let KY happen again!!!!!
Your country will be demolished if they get in, you’ve already got a head start with that lousy Governor
science and Medicine
end the AIDS epidemic
free speech
religious liberty
2nd amendment
new breakthroughs in cures for childhood cancer and HIV!
Support protect and defend
respect our flag
Wife loved that!
WE BELIEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We live by the words!
Wife cheered for AMERICAN FLAG!!!
We are returning power to the people
Winning winning winning
Returning power to the American people, that’s what this is about
The best is yet to come
Make America Great Again!!!!!!!
Thank you Louisiana
His Red Bull kicked in

Is it my imagination or was that a short rally???? I didn’t look
at the time but it seemed really short.
Shorter than usual…Yeah!
Over an hour, I think.
~ 72 Minutes
Something is up. That thing with Barr before Trump flew to Louisiana is significant.
It HAS to be.
Think it might have anything to do with this? I mean, this is one of the accounts that’s been a port in the storm, and at least the, what, second or third to be neutralized.
That’s what I am wondering, too…………………
Agree! and he had WH counsel there too!!
I am betting MCCABE and Comey 1st!
Tomorrow IS Friday. Perp walks for a weekend in the pokey for those guys sounds great to me!
wondered about POTUS reference to Friday….He said he love to do but didn’t want to mess with sports schedules… TBH…I don’t remember him ever doing a Rally on Friday…
Daughn would know…
There have been a small number held on Friday, including one in October in Louisiana. So mentioning “Friday” and “not interfering” seems like it means something. Good catch!
Thanks for the research darlin!!!! I am sending Prayers up for a FRIDAY FU COMEY DAY! ( and I’m Not talkin bought fancy underwear)

Ya, me thinks a bit shorter than most, by ten or fifteen minutes. Great rally though!
Oh yes, it was good! But yes, shorter than normal. Hmmm……..spidey senses……..
Ya. Two things come to mind.
– President Trump’s comments on hard on family. May be the normal BS. Hope nothing moar.
– AND, AG Barr meeting that went long. Really want this to be an indicators DOJ has a can of whoop ass to unleash on the traitors.
Need to go search around for indicators…
I hope so, too!!!!
Hi there kalbo!!! Good to see you!!!!
Great to be back. AND, in the company of so many wonderful folks;-)
awesome rally!!!!!!!

Wealthy, safe and great all got claps from my wife!!! Strong finish!!!
That’s our President!
Had to post this! ROFLMAO!!

Dat’s…………………..Hysterical!!!!! Thanks Butterfly!!!
Great Rally!

Thanks to all who gave running commentary!
He started talking faster and I don’t know how you kept up!
(I didnt)

Me neither!

This is what POTUS was talking about
Thanks Butterfly!!!
No longer able to ‘like’ posts here, testing for text…
Nevermind, WP just decided to log me out for no reason (and for the first time in a year?)
Scott I had the same problems for a couple of days . I have to log into for no reason because they cut me off.
Thank you for the reply singingsoul, if it wasn’t just happening to me, then it’s probably something WP is doing and not anything to be concerned about
On my old computer I was knocked out of WP again and need to sign in this morning. I am ok on my new computer and iPad.
I see you scott!!! How ya doin!!!
I’m good Marica, how are you today?
I like your new avatar
Thanks!!!! I’ll take the arrows!!!!! Honey Badger don’t give a ………….

Marica, I looked. Are those arrows or big porcupine quills?
Sure, a nice little animal might go pluck the thorn out of a lion’s paw, … that could happen.
Honey Badger … buddy, you’re on yer own. Good luck with the arrows.
Come on….YUP…Zorro…Why we Fight!!!
Wow!… Why… da Hate? I really …don’t get it? I really…DON”T!!!

Think Zorro just is curious…
Thanks T3!!! I… read it wrong?
I also… need to gives you…Smuchas!!!! You will always…be 1 of my favs!!!!
Zorro……I read this wrong… I got this!!! Ima Strong!!!!!

You making me laugh OL. Of course I’d pull a thorn out of YOUR paw, Marica. Unless you really are a honey badger. Then I give you some distance!
Thank you all. Had to sit this one out. Was in the choir loft fighting sympathetic shoulder breathing after being handed a stack of new music. I LOVE Christmas, I LOVE Christmas, I LOVE Christmas.
Excellent Rally. Great crew subbing for Daughn at the top. Thanks all.
Hiya t3…You know…you one of my favs!!!! I miss you…serious.
thanks Daughn and all the commenters!
you have me wondering about the connection between the shortness of the rally and his meeting with Barr…fingers crossed, POTUS didn’t want to have the rally today because a house is about to drop on some Dems…lol