20191115: Dear KMAG Open Thread

Welcome to the Open Thread!!!!!! Open Thread is very open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both MAGA and KAG!).

I know, I know, it’s not even Thanksgiving yet, but the WH Official Christmas Ornament is out and it’s a copy of Marine One! Completely different than anything else. Love it.

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.

Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.

Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.

Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways.

Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible. Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.



Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics:

  • No food fights.
  • No running with scissors.
  • If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
  • Aubergine’s Razor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brad Parscale is our beloved Campaign Manager and he is rewriting the rules.

So, Good Morning to all, I wish you bacon, coffee, and pancakes, all together. Sure wish I would have known about this one when the kids were little.

We still have to get through Thanksgiving, silly hearings in the House, The OIG REPORT (hopefully) and a lot of relatives. Here’s some soothing music.

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Harry Lime

Happy Friday!comment image


He just realized he’s been wanting some of these for a very long time…comment image?w=405

Harry Lime

Might have to give this a try.
With some nice Vermont maple syrup, of course.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Home squeezed cane syrup* for folks way down South!
*pronounced surrp


Cook the bacon in the oven but sprinkle maple sugar on it first… will have that flavor baked right in.
I might try these to see if kiddo will eat.


Butter too?
Ah. why not!


Yum! sounds sooo good but did that fireman do ok?
Sound brutal, poor guy is a hero I bet.

Deplorable Patriot

And I thought candied bacon was addictive.


Great one Harry !
Smiling Friday !
I’m going for the Bacon pancakes,and a coffee.
.. looks like Daughn is going to be busy today.


Like a souped up roadster at NASCAR – VROOOOOM-VRRRRROOOM!!!!!


What I wouldn’t give to watch YOU do it Daughn 🙂

Harry Lime

Dan Bongino is starting a new weekly interview program separate from his usual show starting tomorrow…his first guest?…President Donald J.Trump! Congratulations Dan! This should be a good one…Dan is closely familiar with the nitty gritty details of this Democrat/Media coup attempt.
Unfortunately I’ve been unable to pin down the time of the interview or where it can be found. He mentioned it at the beginning of yesterdays show but I can find no mention of it on his website.comment image


Yesterday Bongino said it would air in the afternoon, but he didn’t give a time. He said his normal podcast would happen as usual, or maybe a little earlier. I expect it to be shown on his Youtube channel, or found on his internet site. Not sure. Hannity mentioned that he will play part of the interview on his show Friday night.

Harry Lime

Cool, thanks. I’m sure it’ll be posted on youtube at some point…I’ll keep an eye out for it.


Simpler Times
We’re all surrounded by tangled webs,
The media, Pols, our assorted celebs
All spouting nonsense from twisted minds,
But goodness and truth they just can’t find.
Our days turn dark, foggy and drear;
Our minds cluttered with doubts and fears.
What’s right is called wrong, and wrong called right,
Our country thrives, but still plagued with blight.
Many of us yearn for simpler times
With much less strife and much less crime.
The line of truth was sharp, not blurred,
And your handshake meant you gave your word.
We walked to school, was only a mile,
And white socks and blue jeans passed for style.
We didn’t lock our doors at night,
And the days went by and felt so right.
But worldly things just kept creeping in,
‘Til God and country were both has beens.
Sanctity of life, now taken away,
While nonsense and lies rule our days.
Such is the life the world will bring
When we stop thinking of heavenly things;
As our thoughts stray from God above,
From peace and joy and grace and love.
For me and mine, our choice is clear:
God is with us – He’s always near.
We will rejoice and be glad today,
For this is the day the Lord has made.

Harry Lime

Well done! Cheers!comment image


Heh. Cheers with a $4/6-pack Trader Joe’s beer. Just had one myself about 5 minutes ago — I use ’em as “spacers” between IPAs and specialty brews.

Harry Lime

My usual “spacer” is Yuengling…a name that just rolls off the tongue. Oh, and the occasional PBR.


I like Yuengling as well — I like the way the name rolls oof the tongue too!

Harry Lime

You can go ahead and stop playing with your mashed potatoes…comment image


In Close Encounters, the recurring motif is D – E – C – C [octave down] – G [between the C’s]. That wouldn’t fit the message “Epstein didn’t kill himself”.
But it would fit, “Epstein isn’t dead”. And with the lack of DNA testing in the autopsy……


good one!!


Ooohhh I love the Marine One chopper ornament, Daughn!! Will look great ‘hovering’ on a Christmas Tree branch. Now I’m salivating in anticipation of Melania’s decorations for Christmas. The White House has been the scene of beauty and patriotism during her tenure as First Lady.


I agree…I think I will get one!!

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, and if it’s a numbered collector’s edition, you want to get it now and save the documentation.


Save the original box too and make your heirs rich!


i would like to get one — what is the website to use to order it?


I found the website (sorry I haven’t had first cup of coffee yet and wasn’t thinking clearly)!


Does anyone find it strange that the drawing (see PM tweet) has a note at the middle of bottom that references “Vegas Casino Type” cameras???

Harry Lime

Interesting. Las vegas is a Wonderland. The killer(s) shot through mirrored glass windows. Are Vegas casino type security cameras any different from other security cameras? That is odd.comment imagecomment image


I dunno, it looks like the sort of stuff I used to sketch in High School……and what they based the Half-Life game franchise on.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I will check this out, but FIRST, I need to know something.
Can anybody here see Tweet number (1) in this series? Here is number 2, which interestingly shows a 1 in the tab text.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, I can see the numbers. Always can, but it might be that I’m actually on the site, not on reader. I doubt it’s the browser or that I have a Twitter account.


No, it says, “tweet unavailable” when I actually go to the twitter feed. Tweet 2) is what shows.


First in thread…


Didn’t show in the twister thread for me either.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s weird as hell. Twister’s algorithms decide not to show it to us for some reason ON TWITTER, but they dump it HERE via a different algorithm that doesn’t restrict us.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think it’s blocked from me because of the Q post link. He has a link to https://qposts.online/ in there, and I think Twitter may be blocking those for some or all people. But the public WordPress algorithm shows that the tweet is still there and working.


Yeah…it says “This Tweet is unavailable”.
Not ‘This Tweet does not exist’ like it does when a tweet has been deleted.
Isn’t that an admission that that they are blocking it?

Deplorable Patriot

This is at least the third of these accounts to be messed with wither directly or things happening offline to make them go down. BurnedSpy34 was doxxed. EyetheSpy claims to be the subject of a DoJ investigation on child porn that he claims is bogus as he was collecting information on an internet child pron ring. And now this.
Methinks the tactics from the deep state have shifted.


The 1st tweet shows up in the Thread Reader.
So that means that it still exists.


I’ll go with that theory.


Grand finale!!!




He’s still going! Oh my!!!


As an innocuous side note that you can assuredly avoid, the Sumerian picture is of Inanna goddess of love and war. Of whom there are many mythical writings/poems of. Shares one from Enheduanna, written appox 2300BC it being rather dramatic: http://www.gatewaystobabylon.com/myths/texts/inanna/inannaebih.htm (note-picture at top of the page is in dispute. Some say that is Lililth a separate minor figure in Sumerian literature. So don’t get too alarmed about the pair of owls.)


I might have to get the chopper for my hubby. I like this ornament too.


That’s beautiful, jamcooker. Something interesting on that page is this: “This passage inscribed in the middle panel is commonly read by the United States military before going to battle.” That might explain why Q has repeatedly posted that passage.


Oh, my…..my understanding of Qdrops 3593 and 3594 has now been enhanced….


That is a lovely ornament, jamcooker, I love the spiritual power that comes from the Full Armor of God verses.
I bought an Armor of God coin (similar to military coins) for my teen grandson last Christmas. Teens can be difficult to ‘read’ and ‘reach’, and I always want Jack to understand he is never alone if he chooses to lean on our Holy Spirit. It gives me abundant daily strength and Peace to constantly stay in touch with our Lord.


Ok, I just did an impulsive buy. Ordered the Armor of God ornament. I’ve always like that idea – putting on the armor of God.


Some years ago I bought a set of 10 small, clear plastic hearts with a praying angel inside. I gave them out to my family and close friends to carry with them as their Guardian Angel when they are traveling.



I like this attitude better than many others…

Deplorable Patriot

I’m afraid this account is on the short list for some sort of deep state shenanigans.


Interesting. So we take every one of these with a healthy dose of DISCERNMENT.


Bfly – that is spot on! Need to punch it out there on Twitter!


bfly, someone with the skills PLEASE send this to the WH!! ???
the President needs to know ab this level of enthusiasm for him and all he does!


Just sent the link on the WH comment page.


Nebraska…I do so hope it gives the screeners a good laugh, and they forward it to the President!

Harry Lime

Oh, that is GOOD!


Anyone have a youtube link? I don’t see Twitter videos.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m sorry. I meant to reply to you and it nested at the end of the discussion.
This is the channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChan6a8eq5-GINr-WcTEtCg/videos
It’s called “Something Wicked” and that video doesn’t seem to be on it.


I think it might be a PowerTie video.


Nope…just checked and it’s not on PowerTie’s channel either.

Deplorable Patriot

I saw the logo on the lower right corner. Maybe I got the wrong one.



Deplorable Patriot

This is the channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChan6a8eq5-GINr-WcTEtCg/videos
It’s called “Something Wicked” and that video doesn’t seem to be on it.



Since taking office, President Trump has been steadily undoing what Øbominable (and Bush and Clinton) did to our military!
“I will never forgive Øbama for what he did to our military.” – PDJT


I’m curious . . . do you know why “Ø” and not “O”?


That’s just my affectation – partly because of Øbama’s signature which features the O struck through and partly because the Ø symbol is less than or not zero.


Thank you.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Null. As in Null and VOID…
Øbozo was void because he’s not an American, either in fact or intent…
(And in between the cobwebs of my mind, the Swedish Chef is going Børk Børk Børk )…


“decried by some military justice experts for what they see as a subversion of the legal process.”
Naturally, PTrump’s possible future action is being set up by the WP as a subversion of the military’s legal process when, in fact, the legal process probabably worked as it should (but perhaps not), resulting in a determination that military procedures, orders or law were broken and a penalty assessed.
PTrump is saying, in effect, not necessarily that the military reached the wrong decision, but that the facts of the case show the President that clemency or pardon is warranted.


Military Justice, IMO, is commonly anything but, a reflection of Justice.


More thoughts on Project Looking Glass.


TY, T3


In computer science we call a term that is used to refer to multiple things “overloaded.” Seems that Project Looking Glass is a HEAVILY overloaded term.


Apropos of nothing in particular, I completed my November CPE for my CPA earlier tonight. I have two more hours in December, and then on into 2020. The worst bit was yet another set of rules for Variable Interest Entities — in other words, “Enron accounting”. I’ve had to learn the rules under FIN 46R, ASU 2014-07, and now ASU 2018-17. I now know three separate sets of rules for garbage, only one of which is current. And this last set smells so bad that I suspect it will be replaced in short order.
Mind you, the normal reaction when someone starts talking about Enron-style accounting is to run in the other direction. I have never had to deal with any of this effluent, and would strongly consider resignation before I would.
This third method has a full chapter on what degrees of consanguity merit application of various rules. “Ambiguity exists in instances in which other family members own more than 50% of two entities. For example, an uncle may own 100% of Company A and that uncle’s niece or nephew owns 100% of Company B. Or, a grandfather owns 100% of Company A and the grandson owns 100% of Company B. In these instances, EITF 02-5 offers no guidance.”
FIN 46R was issued in 2003. We are now at the THIRD bite at this particular poisonous apple, and it very much seems that The Powers That Be (like the Bourbons) have “learned nothing and forgotten nothing.”


wow…I went to school to be an accountant–loved the tax accounting and cost accounting but never pursued my CPA–thank goodness!
LOL…congrats to you!!

Deplorable Patriot

Hats off to you. Actual coded accounting was one of the contributing factors to me walking away from the office world.


Interesting, but probably just self serving subterfuge – whether its to discredit or to obscure something else, who knows


If it were only true!


i think that’s a sure thing–maybe take bets and who makes her cry and how soon…LOL
thanks for the thread–it will be good to see Repubs take her to bits


..my money says without a full-blown professional , controlled waterboarding session , we won’t see a cry .
..she will do her best not to expose her dogma
we won’t see much more than the fake (for TV) 6 yr old 2-door ford cry/ whimper.. if that .
she’s a true believer in her indoctrination. probably schooled/ trained to evade since childhood .
It will take a Pro, and shifty will be banging his gavel for SILENCE !!.. at her first sign of a tremble.


so you think we’ll see a lip tremble…maybe a slight hitch in her speech? all theatrics of course…so they can portray her as a courageous in the face of Repub bullies…


..yes theatrics , tremble ? doubt it. I think she’s a hard-core believer ,believes DS will give her cover of consequence… , so never mind the unmasking’s back in the states .
Just part of her job .
She may FAKE the revelation what she did was wrong ,illegal , but they ALL do that . Mamet vs Aubergines razor .
Radcliffe will be the one to lay bare her guile .jmho.
shiffty’s gavel fire select lever will be on full auto , before the smoke clears HE may start to cry. .


LOL…I would PAY MONEY to see Schiff cry–preferably in handcuff…lol


Let’s make it a game and count how many times the new Democrat Shampeachment word ‘Bribery’ comes up.


Love the little Marine One ornament, Daughn!
So cute!
It even has a little wreath on the nose. 😄
Pancake Coated Bacon Strips <— Brilliant!
Yum. 😋🤤
Gonna have to make some of those.


This really is un-f’ing-believable. Wolfie’s thread yesterday was a real eye opener. All these years of suppressing US exploration & use of oil & clean coal with massive taxpayer subsidies to faux greenie wind mills & solar while the corruptocrats facilitate the energy production in Ukraine?
Something stinks and it ain’t the cow farts.
How Dare They !!


Alison, did you read the very long (over 160, 71 minute reading time) Twitter thread from T. Benjamin about Tesla vis-a-vis POTUS and his uncle? If not, I highly recommend it – very technical with a lot of pics. I thought it was fascinating. POTUS’ uncle was Tesla’s assistant and organized his papers after Tesla died. Bush = Scherff (Nazis)



oooops…out of order…here’s the first part of that tweet


Trollin…trollin…trollin….like his dad…



wow…I just posted the article about this from CFP, but WP ate it…LOL


thanks NF!


SMH – missed the CFP – sorry.


it’s fine…the info is there!


Senate Committee–Homeland Security–showing some spine. looking at the Bidens, Schiff, Ciaramella in an oversight capacity–getting ahead of impeachment in the Senate…going on offense?
Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) opened the door on Thursday to subpoenaing a cadre of top Republican targets as part of his panel’s oversight work.
Pressed if he would issue subpoenas for House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), former Vice President Biden or his son Hunter Biden or the whistleblower at the center of the impeachment inquiry, Johnson stressed that he was still trying to collect information.
“I don’t really want to make news on your program because I’m working with Senator Grassley’s staff, but we’re having meetings in terms of what our next steps are,” Johnson told WSAU, a Wisconsin radio station on Thursday.
“I’m not going to get out ahead of my skis here. …In order to bring in witnesses for questioning you want to lay the groundwork,” Johnson continued. “[A] subpoena is the last step in the process, you go through a multiple step process.”
Asked by the talk radio host if he was willing to say that the Bidens, the whistleblower and Schiff would be subpoenaed “once he got to the bottom of all this,” Johnson added “unless they cooperate willingly, and that may happen.”
“If not, yeah I have that subpoena power and I’m not afraid to use it,” he said.
Asked if he was willing to say he would use it, Johnson added: “I will use it.”


You never know what you might find.


Verse of the Day

“For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.”
2 Corinthians 5:21 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Friday Blessingcomment image


Morning Duchess…
should be warmer today!
still, I’m cleaning out the wood stove, hauling in firewood…
we didn’t seem to have much of a spring, now not much of a fall either…
hope you are well!


Morning, pat! Doing better – warmer temps took care of the ice – still clearing, tho’
God Bless You!!! Have a Blessed, Warm Day!!!


This is an interesting Q friendly twitter feed.


comment image



Albertus Magnus?

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. One and the same.


Thank you!


Levin separates the wheat from the chaff…….


New President Realised Her Dream: Bolivia Free of “Satanic Pachamama Rites”
Senator Jeanine Áñez who was installed the interim presidency of Bolivia came to the seat of government with a voluminous copy of the Gospels in her hands.
She solemnly proclaiming that “the Bible has returned to the Palace.


WOW – Jeanine Áñes is more qualified to be Pope than the current occupant of the Vatican throne.


She is the female version of Salvini!


impeachment witnesses makes me think of minions, so in that spiritcomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


To add to your offerings:comment image


House Ethics Committee statement on Alcee Hastings:




Wasn’t Maxine Waters under ethics investigation years ago…what ever happened to that?
It’s kind of like the naughty deeds slush fund for Congress…lots of talk about exposure and termination but never any follow up.
They think we are stupid.


North Korea scathing about Joe Biden. Great stuff:


A keeper, for sure!


I think it’s a coded message from Lil Kim to DJT. What it means is anybody’s guess.


Conservative Party urges Electoral Commission to investigate Soros re interference in Remain campaign. This is important as our election is on December 12 and will largely revolve around the future of Brexit:

From the Daily Mail article that Neon Nettle cited:
‘The billionaire financier known as “the man who broke the Bank of England” is facing a possible investigation into nearly £3 million that his foundation channelled into a campaign aimed at bringing down Boris Johnson.
‘Tories have called for an urgent Electoral Commission probe into George Soros’s American organisation after The Mail on Sunday discovered that it funnelled money into a campaign trying to block Brexit at the ballot box.
‘His New York-based Open Society Foundation sent the money to the pro-EU Best for Britain group via a London outpost, circumventing a ban on foreign donations to political organisations.
‘Best for Britain (BfB) has designed a website telling people how to vote tactically for Remain-backing candidates, which, if successful, would wipe out Mr Johnson’s hopes of a majority.
‘The development comes after Liberal Democrats, the Green Party and Plaid Cymru formed a “Unite To Remain” pact not to stand against each other in 60 seats, to give the best chance of a Remain candidate getting in.
‘BfB describes itself as a ‘fellow traveller’ with the alliance, which is expected to utilise its data …
‘Since 2017, BfB has received £2.7 million from Mr Soros’s foundation. The sums have been revealed in the accounts of the foundation’s London branch, which shares an office building in Westminster with other anti-Brexit organisations, including Open Britain and the European Movement.
‘Both of these groups have played a critical role in the People’s Vote campaign for a second referendum …
‘BfB’s tactical voting tool, GetVoting.org, predicts that if 30 per cent of pro-Remain voters use their vote in this way, it will prevent the Conservatives winning a majority, based on seat-by-seat analysis of 46,000 people across the UK …’


I would not be surprised to see the following headline in 2020: “Breaking: DOJ announces investigation of Soros’ Open Society Foundation”


Sooner rather than later would be helpful.


Wonderful History behind the 2019 Eisenhower White House Commemorative ornament:


Michelle is a patriot.

Deplorable Patriot

Dead men tell no tales, so the saying goes.



Pure Evil!

Deplorable Patriot

Just horrific.


how do they sleep at night?


Easy . . . they’re evil . . . no conscience!


I guess…smh…I just can’t fathom it


I totally agree . . . and here’s the detailed explanation:
And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Though they know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.


thanks Carl!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Romans 1:28-32… 17-27 is good too, in particular v.22: “22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools”… could well be said of Schiff, Pelosi, and their crowd…


It’s a sign of a failed, overpopulated country that didn’t voluntarily control its population and now has to resort to extreme measures to reduce the numbers of people. And the fact that culture is very heartless and frequently inhuman only adds to the misery there.
There have been countless LiveLeak videos showing pedestrians getting run over and laying in the middle of a street as other pedestrians and motorists just travel right past without giving it a second thought. And then there’s their propensity to eat dogs as well as skin them alive for their fur tells me they are pretty much all monsters and not humans.


Deplorable Patriot

For those following the Venice floods.


reports that POTUS released the transcript of the first (April) call with President of Ukraine…searching for pdf…


thank you!



omg…my son posted just “Epstein didn’t kill himself” on Facebook. He never posts anything like that. Totally out of character.
This thing resonates with the twentysomethings


bad grammar but you get the point


my son is a liberal…I know, I know, but even he posted a picture of Niagara Falls–someone wrote Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself in the snow…I was aghast!

Cuppa Covfefe

Sort of the new “Frodo Lives”…
(too bad Epstein wasn’t called Fredo…then it would have been “Fredo Lives”…).




PRIVATE_MESSAGE_TO_WOLF I would like to ask that you remove my very long post where I so foolishly bared my soul. If possible, I would also like the pic of my Mother’s painting removed, as well as the pic of my daughter on the beach – in fact, ANY pics I have posted of a personal nature. If the slug-who-is-lower-than-whale-shit starts his vile comments against my daughter? Well, it would not be pretty. I just might be tempted to make a trip to Oregon with my 380! (/s)
Silly me! I got too comfortable here and trusted when I shouldn’t have. I am naive in that respect; I take people at face value and trust too easily – this has bitten me in the ass before. I have to keep in the forefront of my mind that this is a public forum.
Thank you, Wolfie, and thank you for all you do in providing this forum and keeping us informed.


these are great!


This must have been written by a Florida native or some team from the SEC.
Georgia became the 4th state on January 2nd, 1788, and its citizens commemorate this day each year by shooting British people with muskets.
Contrary to popular myth, not everyone who lives in Georgia is a redneck. There’s plenty of toothless, moonshine-swilling hillbillies, too.
Coca-Cola was invented in Columbus, Georgia, in 1886. The original formula has changed since then, and the drink no longer contains actual cocaine or the blood of virgins.
“Georgia” is a Cherokee Indian word meaning, “Are those rednecks or hillbillies?”
Despite the way natives pronounce the state’s name, “Jawjah” is NOT spelled with a W.
Unlike the word “dawg”.
Since it almost never snows in Georgia, children there spend winters having cotton ball fights.
While having a cotton ball fight, it’s considered cheating to stuff a peach pit in the cotton.
In Georgia, everything is made out of cotton. Except the peaches, which are made out of okra.
Atlanta, Georgia, has the worst traffic of any city in the US, since every street in the city is named “Peachtree Road”.
The last time it snowed in Georgia, the confused natives thought it was ash from the Yankees burning Atlanta again.
The state motto of Georgia is “Wisdom, Justice, Moderation.”, which replaced the old motto of “Whiskey, Hookers, NASCAR.”
In Georgia, every soft drink is referred to as “Coke”. Except for Pepsi, which is referred to as “Damn Yankee Poison”.
After Jimmy Carter left the presidency in 1981, he returned to his home town of Plains, Georgia, and went on a bloody shooting rampage.
Wait… I meant to type “worked for Habitat for Humanity”. Stupid autocorrect.
The only way to get to Florida from Georgia is by sea, since the Georgia-Florida border is heavily defended by landmines and alligators.
The Georgia Music Hall of Fame in Macon, Georgia, celebrates the careers of all the talented musicians who were born in Georgia, and is currently empty.
They WERE going to put in a Ray Charles exhibit, but they figured there was no point, since he wouldn’t see it anyway.
Saint Marys, Georgia, is the second-oldest city in the US, and will soon be moving to Florida to retire.
If it can make it past the landmines and alligators, that is.
The state fish of Georgia is the largemouth bass, which shouldn’t be confused with the much more common loudmouth drunk.
The name of Georgia’s largest swamp, the Okefenokee, comes from a Shawnee Indian word meaning “I’d rather live in a swamp than eat okra”.
Georgia was originally populated by settlers from England and drunk people from Alabama who couldn’t find their way home.
The Governor’s mansion in Georgia is the only quadruple-wide trailer in America.
Some people are offended by the fact that three Confederate leaders are carved into the side of Georgia’s Stone Mountain. Other people figure it’s ok, since the back ends of the horses point north.
In Georgia, it’s considered ungentlemanly to stare at a woman’s breasts while talking to her.
Unless she’s REALLY hot.
In the year 2227, Dr. Leonard McCoy will be born in Atlanta, Georgia and will go on to become Chief Medical Officer of the USS Enterprise. If you already knew this, then you’re a pathetic nerd who will never kiss a girl.
The most common cause of death in Georgia is getting murdered in a fight over the proper way to pronounce the word “pecan”.
Georgia is the state most likely to be invaded by Jane Fonda and have its peanut oil stolen to power her tour bus.
The official state prepared food of Georgia is grits, which consists of coarsely ground bits of corn and shouldn’t be confused with hog slop, which is made from coarsely ground bits of corn.
Although Georgia is already America’s #1 grower of peanuts, farmers there are working to develop a “super-peanut” which will be twice as large and shoot laser beams out of its eyes.
They hope to use it to stop Jane Fonda.



BREAKING: Senator Johnson plans to subpoena Hunter and Joe Biden, Adam Schiff, and CIA operative Eric Ciaramella…
Posted by Kane on November 15, 2019 11:21 am


Citizen Free Press article dumped in the bin
BREAKING: Senator Johnson plans to subpoena Hunter and Joe Biden, Adam Schiff, and CIA operative Eric Ciaramella…
Posted by Kane on November 15, 2019 11:21 am



That is awesome… it’s so obviously true that it shouldn’t even require saying, but thanks to the psychopathy / pathocracies that have taken over most of the world’s governments, it needs to be said.
And America is the one to do it, and the Trump administration could not be more correct in doing so.
It’s not even political, that’s the sham the Left wants people to fall into, that it’s just a matter of political opinion and therefore any opinion is valid.
That’s flat out wrong.
Some ideas (and opinions) are better than others.
Leftists can’t handle that, because they’re intellectual wrecks, and others because it exposes their intentional efforts at subversion.


OANN reporting Roger Stone guilty on ALL counts.


GP reporting too


Obama appointed
U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson


DC Court… says all you want to know



POTUS will pardon him…


WOW!! False Prophet ushering in end times?? When’s he gonna push for everyone to get their implant/mark of the beast??


Wow…there it is.
Commie Pope just outed himself, bigtime.

Deplorable Patriot

And this week, his papal nuncio came down like a ton of bricks on the USCCB when they didn’t go along with Frankie’s agenda.

Deplorable Patriot

There’s more to this than is in the headlines. It’s a long story, but US v the St. Gallen Group is in the making.


I searched “St. Gallen Group.” The results page said things like “St. Gallen Mafia” and that they were responsible for getting this pope elected, but I don’t know anything about them.
Given the chance, many human beings will put power and politics over humble obedience and doing the right thing.


“This pope is a disgrace.” – Donald J Trump




Wow that Pope is a lunatic sorry Catholic friends.
As a Protestant the man means nothing to me to me he is like any other man who seems misguided. Only my opinion.
I think he has a nerve that he thinks he speaks for me or about me who is American. He wants to control the people of the world wonder if that what he was promised.

Cuppa Covfefe

His “theology” is “Liberation Theology”, which is neither liberating, nor theology, and certainly nothing to do with either GOD or Jesus.
It yokes the flock to Communism/Marxism, while eliminating ALL elements of the church. In other words, the EXACT opposite of Salvation, where we shall be FREE INDEED.
Yet another Soros puppet, brought out of nowhere to lead us TO nowhere, i.e. ruin…


Cuppa, I think he was mined…he was found in the back alleys of Argentina, no?
maybe just another marxist street-organizer?
tailor made.
I look upon his defection from The Faith as an opportunity for true believers to locate non-compliant Parishes.
Protestants are going through the same divisions…some Protestant denominations and congregations have bowed to become mere meeting houses for the SJW tribe…little if any of The Gospel.
I believe people are linin’ up, which I consider a good thing.


Have no idea why anyone would support or follow Francis’ lead. Baboon, Francis is.


While baboon is OK, buffoon, was the intended thought.

Cuppa Covfefe

Sir Francis Baboon?
(dodges flying texts, tomes, and drafts of something that looks suspiciously like Macbeth)…


Our Coasties do one heck of a great job.




jes scroll on by if you don’t pray


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Radio Free Babylon! LOL!

Cuppa Covfefe

Makes me think of Rapture Ready Radio…


You are kidding, yes Cuppa?

Cuppa Covfefe

There really is a station (OK, internet station/blog) of that name. Ran across it years ago looking at Paul Proctors or Steve Challies’s blog (don’t remember which one). At least back then it was pretty good. I’d all but forgotten about it, except for the alliterative name…


Interesting, Cuppa

Cuppa Covfefe

Their site is at http://www.rapturereadyradio.com and is available as a podcast or at various streaming services.
They have links to sites like OAN and WND… interesting that WND’s newsletter is called “Whistleblower”. Maybe someone could give shiffty a gift subscription… would do him some good, no doubt.


I wasn’t expecting this until this afternoon, and haven’t listened to it yet.
Bongino just posted the link to his interview with POTUS! It’s about 30 mins.


Bruno has a Thread – click either tweet


Wow, this is eye-opening! I’m going to have to retrain myself to look for the symbolism….and they talk about the Masons! LOL (of course, I have to know what all the symbolism means!)
But, of course, symbolism has been a major part of world history, social traditions and rituals and daily life for centuries, not all of it bad or even recognized.
Of all the symbols mentioned above, the one I find most interesting is the Monopoly card at the end of the table.

Concerned Virginian

Does the card on the desk with Sinema say “”Pennsylvania Avenue”?
If this card does say Pennsylvania Avenue: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is the WHITE HOUSE. President Trump.
If this card does say Pennsylvania Avenue: Perhaps this card is a SIGNAL that Sinema is working the Senate to corral Yes votes if the “impeachment” comes to trial there?
If this card does say Pennsylvania Avenue: Perhaps this card is a SIGNAL that Sinema is “available” to be a VP pick for the DemocratCommunists for 2020?
Nothing would surprise me.


Ohh CV,
I like the way you decode !


“Does the card on the desk with Sinema say “”Pennsylvania Avenue”?”
I don’t even take her name seriously.
Seriously, I would be surprised if that was her real last name, instead of her C_A cover name.
A Leftist named ‘Sinema’ (a play on ‘sin’ and ‘cinema’) is as subtle as Louis Cypher in Angel Heart.


That’s not a paperclip – it’s a safety pin or a diaper pin.




oops, sorry for double post… apparently I didn’t clear buffer, meant to post this:
Yovanovitch testified in private on Oct. 11 that she felt she was recalled following a “concerted campaign” by President Trump and Rudy Giuliani.
Tons of comments here too………………..peeps are waking up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Gubmint perps should have to live under “hire at will” just like all of the rest of us. Ambassadors serve at the will of and the discretion of the President.
If they don’t like it: tough. In this environment, if they have any use ability(ies), they’ll find a new job in days. Of course, these professional trough-feeders have no usefule abilities, hence their outright fear…


You’re so right Cuppa… Senate in the beginning stalled on new ambassador appointments… guess we know why now.


many people –not just gov’t workers get into positions (with unions, for example) where they can’t be fired…and they change–they care less, they try less, they get cocky.
we desperately need term limits for Congress but since they vote their own raises (APPALLING) and decide on laws for these things, they won’t ever vote to do that. they become career politicians and there’s nothing worse imo.



Ty Daughn


comment image
D’s Walking Into a Trap?
15 Nov 2019 – 1:38:28 PM
What advantages might exist when you know the other sides playbook?
Enjoy the show!
New: Title TBD
15 Nov 2019 – 2:30:05 PM
Do you believe in coincidences?
Mathematically impossible?
Date ‘public’ became aware?
Date ‘anons’ became aware?
Do you think we are targeted and attacked by the largest media co’s in the world because we’re a LARP?
Logical thinking.



Q Informed Anons About Whistleblower Traps Back in March-2018 (Q Proof)
15 Nov 2019 – 3:04:34 PM
“Whistle Blower Traps”
[Mar 4 2018]
‘Trap’ keyword select provided…..
Whole or (parts) – break/break
You have more than you know.
Future proves past.


Seems they took the tweet down…


Go to 11:35
Knew I had heard that in a Rudy interview, took forever to find

Deplorable Patriot

Cross posting


is that her MOM behind her in that pic?

Cuppa Covfefe

Could it be both of her parents? Look at the man at the right (her left)…


Looks like Mom, and maybe Dad, too.
What kind of professional woman brings their parents with them to testify before Congress? What is she, like eight years old?


The Rules
1. The Female always makes the rules.
2. The Rules are subject to change at any time without prior notification.
3. No Male can possibly know ALL the Rules.
4. If the Female suspects the Male knows all the rules, she must immediately change some or all of the Rules.
5. The Female is NEVER wrong!
6. If the Female is wrong, it is because of a flagrant misunderstanding which was a direct result of something the Male did or said wrong.
7. If Rule 6, applies, the Male must apologize immediately for causing the misunderstanding.
8. The Female can change her mind at any given point in time.
9. The Male must never change his mind without written consent from the Female.
10. The Female has every right to be angry or upset at any time.
11. The Male must remain calm at all times, unless the Female wants him to be angry or upset.
12. The Female must under NO CIRCUMSTANCES let the Male know whether or not she wants him to be angry.
13. An attempt to document these rules could result in bodily harm.


I could see that happening. I hope President Trump gives him a pardon, but I doubt he would do that until after the 2020 election.


Hubby just said that a minute ago.
That will feel like a very long time to Roger Stone.


Yeah, a lifetime huh? That would be the longest 9 or 10 months a man could spend in prison. Sleeping with one eye open is very hard to do.


Well, this sucks……can they appeal?
“SAN FRANCISCO, California, November 15, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress undercover investigators have been found guilty of multiple crimes and must pay millions in damages to Planned Parenthood for the work they did in exposing organ harvesting on aborted babies.
The jury of nine men and one woman released its verdict Friday afternoon after deliberating less than two days, even though the landmark civil trial took six weeks.
The exact amount the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) investigators must pay in the civil suit has not yet been determined. ”


Galling. If it had been an expose on being mean to animals at the dog pound or a mortuary improperly disposing of corpses it would’ve been 100% outrage but human fetuses and babies..off with their heads


San Francisco is not just the land of fruits and nuts, it’s also the land of the brain dead.


“…can they appeal?”
Yes, I would think so.
Can’t imagine why they wouldn’t be able to.

Deplorable Patriot



Do you think the DS paid off the jury?
This is atrocious!


MIC judge

Deplorable Patriot

Could be.


FTA: “The case was heard by San Francisco’s U.S. District Court Judge William Orrick III, who has ties to Planned Parenthood, but refused to disqualify himself when defense requested him to do so.”

Deplorable Patriot

That would explain a lot.


Grounds for appeal?


I would certainly think so!


First find a direct money connection from judge to Planned Butcherhood AND as many evidentiary rulings as possible that were unfavorable to the defense.
Then it is possible to overturn the jury verdict. We don’t know how many constitutional challenges were made by the defense but I would think there had to be at least half a dozen. Any one of them could sustain a reversal on appeal. But if they weren’t made, it is really hard to make them for the first time at the appellate level.
At least it’s a federal court so POTUS has the final word.


Soros and Gates $$$
Bill Gates father was President of PP Butchery.


thanks for that info Georgia…


PR, it’s horrible. Can’t imagine a jury in this country doing that.


To call this outrageous would be an understatement.
This amounts to a criminal enterprise suing someone for…exposing their criminal enterprise!




From Christian school in So. Africa: “One former student, 2011 head boy (student representative) Sinjon Moffett, critiqued the works at greater length in an open letter on the subject.
“Why was it deemed appropriate to publicly deface, misrepresent and mock the figure who many within the Grantleigh family, as well as millions of people globally, worship as their God?” Moffett asked, noting that tolerating the display on “artistic expression” grounds is inconsistent with the school’s ban on “racist and homophobic” expression: “Disregarding the religious controversy that the artworks present, they are objectively violent and graphic in nature.”


Holy war erupts at a Chicagoland high school: Muslim students go all ISIS on Emos for disrespecting Islamic holy book – Andrew High School in Tinley Park- “These emo kids stepping on the Quran so we then up.”-Yousef B


comment image


While the Schitty Schiff Show was going on…the Dow ended the week with a New Record High of 28,004.89.
And our VSG is causing splodey heads within the Healthcare system’s bloodsuckers, by announcing his new initiative for Transparency in Pricing!
This is a big f’n deal.


Exploiting Transgenders Part 1: Manufacturing an Industry
November 15, 2019
by Corey Lynn, Corey’s Digs
How do you build an industry? How do you market it and provide support backing up your marketing? How do you exploit a community, while creating a glamorized trend throughout society, stemming from chaos and confusion? How do you grow your margins and take it all the way to the bank? How do you do all of this, and still sleep at night? The exploitation and manufacturing of the transgender “industry” kicked off in the 1950s with a mix of social and medical engineering, with a moving target on children. The manufacturing of this industry goes far beyond anyone’s wildest imagination, and if you dare question it, it is discrimination. The real discriminators are those exploiting a community who truly suffer from trauma, depression, and an attempted suicide rate of 40 percent. They are the ones who should be angrier than anyone about the atrocities these people have committed. They are now exploiting your children, and they have taken this to dangerous extremes.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…


This is the most evil thing the alphabet activists have ever done.
They are deviants and they are after your children, grandchildren, great grandchildren.
They must be stopped.


Strongly agree, GA/FL – sick of it!


Get this shit! Do NOT use Amazon!
“Amazon is touting a new children’s book narrating the birth of Jesus Christ as its “#1 New Release in Children’s Christian Holiday Fiction.”
The book The First Christmas, by Breitbart Rome Bureau Chief Thomas D. Williams, is an illustrated children’s poem describing the nativity of Jesus in anapestic tetrameter, the same poetic meter used in Clement Clarke Moore’s classic Christmas poem, A Visit from Saint Nicholas.
Unlike A Visit from Saint Nicholas and other “holiday” poems, however, Williams’s book actually tells the Nativity story exactly as recounted in the gospels of Saints Luke and Matthew, without the addition of fictional embellishments.
By calling the work “Holiday Fiction,” therefore, Amazon would seem to suggest it believes that the birth of Jesus as recounted in the Christian Bible is simply an imaginative fabrication.”


We order from Amazon frequently. I wouldn’t let a minor thing like that stop me from saving a lot of money and time.


What is wrong with this picture????comment image


Google Has Its Eyes On Our Health and Banking Data — Project Nightingale and Project Cache
November 15, 2019
by Aaron Kesel, Activist Post
There has been serious backlash against Google for hoarding health data of 50 million Americans through Project Nightingale. The once social media giant is now shifting focus from just a search engine and video platform with its subsidiary YouTube, to a megalithic corporation seeking to monopolize our daily lives in not only health and technology but banking as well, CNBC reported.
Whistleblower: Google Wants To Enter Healthcare
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…


Re Uranium 1
Interesting……right before this sale went through, how many know that the Malheur valley in Oregon and Nevada had just been discovered, via satellite imagery, to be rich in uranium?? Does this give you a clue as to why the Obama administration wanted the ranchers out of that valley??comment image


Yep. This has been reported a few times during the Feds persecuting the Hammond’s and during the Malheur siege.
AND, uranium reports where the Bundy’s in NV work their herds…
AND, while I don’t recall Uranium being linked in, prior to Lavoy going to Malheur, the Feds were constantly trying to seize his AZ land over some sort of BS. Details escape me at the moment.
There is linkage between all of this.


I think there are other valuable minerals there.


My wife and I run Tacoma Narrows Tea Party. We’ve hosted Jeanette Finecum twice and we’ll probably have her back again. She has been making a movie about LaVoy. IIRC, the title is Dean Man Speaking.
Of course the govt is still fucking with her and her family over her land. I think DJT’s second term is going to include a lot of “little people” individual justice. She and her family are beyond deserving of some mercy.


Dead Man Speaking.
I hate Chinese keyboards.




Nebraska…many of us up here know a LOT ab this little issue.
I have mentioned it here before.
From our DOJ murdering a man who fought (on video), to imprisoning another, to the v strong suspicion that GHWBush was involved in the desire to acquire the Oregon land. Property in dispute was wanted for mining…had been in one Family for two generations.
a HUGE bitterness remains out in the boonies due to this egregious overstep of OUR Government.
Right up there with Ruby Ridge and the Branch Davidian Compound disaster.
would Love to see This come out.
oh, boy.


THIS IS IT! THIS is What They’re HIDING!! [Pt. 1] — Justen Faull


Dennis Prager on How Colleges Indoctrinate Students With Contempt for America, & No Safe Spaces Film


This is so sad – what he expresses in the video above is frightening, too. How did this happen?
Maybe, it was always there – we just did not know about it?






Qanon November 15, 2019 – Follow the Family


Yovanovitch testified in private on Oct. 11 that she felt she was recalled following a “concerted campaign” by President Trump and Rudy Giuliani.
over 3,000 comments… think they’re going to crash the site?


State’s diplomatic lifers are old hands at coups. Now they’re at it at home, right here in the USA…


👏 👏 👏
Trump grants clemency to 2 Army officers accused of war crimes, restores rank to Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher


Apologize Butterfly, I should have refreshed !


No worries PR, good news should be repeated!! We twinsed!!! 👯‍♀️😍


1sr reply in bin….
No worries PR, good news should be repeated!! We twinzed!! 👯‍♀️😍


Right? Ty







Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s Bombard’s take on Jim Jordan versus ambassador Taylor..pretty interesting…

JW in Germany

If the President pardons Stone before the election, the seditious traitors will claim that he only did because Stone has the goods on him.
Although I believe my current company here at the QTree already know what I am about to say…sometimes it is important to rehash.
First General Flynn set up for process crimes, then they tried to set up Carter Page for process crimes, then they set up George Papodopolous for process crimes, then Manafort, now Stone…starting from a hoax investigation of Russian collusion. Notice that NOBODY was found guilty for colluding with Russians.
Remember Scooter Libbey convicted of process crimes in an investigation of who outed Valerie Plame…the man who actually did out her, Clintonite Richard Armitage never saw a day behind bars.
Now we have the Fake Impeachment Hoax.
The process above is designed to prevent another post-Trump populist uprising against the Fabian Socialists now attempting to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. The process is a beware to those who even think about taking on the Deep State. We are in a very dark time.
We better hope that Q is right…also pray that Barr and Durham are on our team.
I believe Cheeto-Face Beck has hit the nail on the head, Fabian Socialists are not only attempting to take control of governments like Ukraine, Macedonia, Chile, Egypt, Libya, etc….they are attempting to go after Our Constitutional Republic…STATE BY STATE. California already gone? NY? Virginia? Working hard on Texas? Florida?
In case you have doubted it in the past…WE ARE AT WAR.


Is this a joke? At least two years ago there were complaints… none followed up


This is very strange – apparently, the parents did not know, pr – a little more information here –




Wolf, now that the subject of board discipline has come to the fore I would like to know if you have been provided any guidelines to protect your own interests when caught in the middle of a third party dispute? We all know that we live in a litigious society where minding your own business is not a sufficient legal defense. It is not just legal jeopardy but expensive legal jeopardy. If I ever stray to the edge of that fence (inconceivable) do not hesitate to caution me. It is one of those areas where self interest is not selfish. Plus you will be doing me a favor whether I appreciate it or not.


Wolf, if you see this, put the comment above on the right thread. You know where it goes. My mistake.


Comments can’t be moved from one location to another. However, you can copy your comment and re-post where you’d like it to be seen. 🙂

Harry Lime

She is almost as repulsive as her father was. What a disgusting human being.
I don’t know how to post Tweet droppings so I’ll just type what it says:
Rot in hell, Roger Stone.
^^^^^ (This was from Meghan McCain)


I don’t want to go to her Twitter to copy the tweet. It’s disgusting!
On a tweet, in the upper right corner there is a small down arrow. Hold your cursor over it, and it says “More.” Click on that, and click “Copy link to tweet.” Then you can paste that link here and the tweet will show up.

Harry Lime

Thanks, TT.
That will only work if I have a twitter account, correct? Or can anyone do that?
I don’t have a Twitter account.


You’re welcome. I don’t have a Twitter account, either. You can read tweets and do the procedure I mentioned without an account.


This is an older video – but, it is an eye-opener
Deception, Espionage & Totalitarianism—The Communist China Threat to US National Security—Bill Gertz


A great tweet from Pres. Trump.


The Inconvenient Truth & Disturbing Facts About Slavery Democrats & The MSM Pushing ‘Divide & Conquer’ Don’t Want You To Know!
November 15, 2019
by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline