20191115: Shampeachment ~ Marie Yovanovich

What’s the over/under on Marie breaking out into tears during testimony? Marie thinks President Trump was mean to her, implies she “feels threatened”. Really, Marie?

From President Zelinsky to President Trump: “……It was great that you were the first one who told me that she was a bad Ambassador because I agree with you 100%. Her attitude towards me was far from the best as she admired the previous President and was on his side. She would not accept me as a new President well enough.

July 25, 2019, Oval office phone call. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/09/25/read-donald-trump-releases-transcript-with-ukranian-president-volodymyr-zelensky/

Background: Yovanovitch was born in 1958, in Canada. Her parents were Russian emmigrees, moved to Connecticut at age 3. Parents were professors, taught Russian. She grew up speaking Russian. Naturalized American citizen at age 18. Graduated Kent School in ’76, went to Princeton, BA in History and Russian Studies, entered foreign service. Posts in Canada, Moscow, London, Mogadishu, and Kyrgyzstan. Deputy Chief of Mission in Kiev, Ukraine from August 2001 to June 2004 (right up to the Orange Revolution). Then appointed Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan, Ambassador to Armenia. Back to State Dept in 2011, helped get rid of missiles in Poland (bad idea-Obama gave it away and got nothing in return). Announced as Amb to Ukraine on May 18, 2016 (note date), approved August 29th of 2016, just in time for US election.

No mention of husband or children.

Link to Yovanovitch prior testimony: https://intelligence.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=757 https://docs.house.gov/meetings/IG/IG00/CPRT-116-IG00-D003.pdf

Our General Complaint

  • Yovanovich got 4 cases dismissed.
  • Passed along info damaging about Trump campaign
  • Used her office as Hillary Clinton headquarters, working with Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS.
  • Yovanovich is also implicated in the Black Ledger docs which magically appeared (implied Manafort was receiving millions in cash payments) and were supplied to the prosecutors in Ukraine along with a simultaneous delivery to the New York Times.
  • May 2019, After Durham’s visit to Ukraine, Yovanovitch was fired and the evident outrage by the left was for good reason. This is where the Atlantic Council, AntAC, but more importantly Nellie Ohr and her mentor’s involvement in #crossfirehurricane, came to light.

Yovanovitch and Sergiy: As an Ambassador to the USA, worked with an MP in Parliament, Sergiy Leshchenko.

Leshchenko is a hard left fascist radical (used to be an investigative journalist) who leaked the Party of Regions docs on Manafort to the NYTimes. He was found GUILTY of the leak, convicted for meddling in a US Election of 2016. The conviction was overturned on “standing of suing party” and “statute of limitations” technicalies. No denying Sergiy did it – he’s proud of it. He doesn’t seem to understand he’s an MP now and not a rag reporter with journalist immunity to smear. Almost 100% consensus the documents were faked, provenance is sketchy, but the trick worked and Manafort was forced to resign the following day. https://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-news-and-politics/229471/ukrainian-mp-manafort-secrets

Yovanovitch and Lutsenko: Chief Prosecutor Yuri Lutsenko claimed Yovanovitch gave him a “do not prosecute” list. State Dept denied it. Lutsenko backed off claim to avoid tension with our State Dept, but Lutsenko’s notes on the meeting specifically mention “do not prosecute list”. https://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/434875-top-ukrainian-justice-official-says-us-ambassador-gave-him-a-do-not-prosecute

Yovanovitch and PRESIDENT Zelinsky: Zelinsky does not like Yovanovitch and implied she told him she preferred the previous President. I believe that’s from the phone call on July 25th – Again:

From President Zelinsky to President Trump: “……It was great that you were he first one who told me that she was a bad Ambassador because I agree with you 100%. Her attitude towards me was far from the best as she admired the previous President and was on his side. She would not accept me as a new President well enough.


Yovanovitch and George Kent: In her testimony, Marie claims she never spoke to George about Burisma or Hunter Biden. Really? George Kent was her Deputy. George Kent complained about the appearance of conflict of interest for Hunter Biden, to the VP’s staff, directly…….. but he never spoke to Marie?

Yovanovitch and Giuliani: Judge for yourself.

Yovanovitch Surveillance of Americans: (Judicial Watch) Judicial Watch has obtained information indicating Yovanovitch may have violated laws and government regulations by ordering subordinates to target certain U.S. persons using State Department resources. Yovanovitch reportedly ordered monitoring keyed to the following search terms: Biden, Giuliani, Soros and Yovanovitch.  Judicial Watch has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the State Department and will continue gathering facts from government sources.

Prior to being recalled as ambassador to Ukraine in the spring Yovanovitch reportedly created a list of individuals who were to be monitored via social media and other means.  Ukraine embassy staff made the request to the Washington D.C. headquarters office of the department’s Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs. After several days, Yovanovitch’s staff was informed that the request was illegal and the monitoring either ceased or was concealed via the State Department Global Engagement Center, which has looser restrictions on collecting information.


“This is not an obscure rule, everyone in public diplomacy or public affairs knows they can’t make lists and monitor U.S. citizens unless there is a major national security reason,” according to a senior State Department official. If the illicit operation occurred, it seems to indicate a clear political bias against the president and his supporters. 

Hidden in the new law – Section 1287 – are the funding and guidelines necessary to establish a Global Engagement Center.  The wording is sufficiently vague enough for the GEC to become a Ministry of Truth.


Section 1287, (a) Establishment, (2) Purpose: The purpose of the Center shall be to lead, synchronize, and coordinate efforts of the Federal Government to recognize, understand, expose, and counter foreign state and non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts aimed at undermining United States national security interests.

From 2017

National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 into law last Friday while Americans were busy making their last minute Christmas preparations. The vote in the Senate on December 8th was 85-13 where its sponsor was John McCain.  Only two Republicans voted against the final version before it was sent to President Obama to sign.  It had passed the House a week earlier by a vote of 375-34 with no more than 5 Republicans voting against it.  Paul Ryan wasn’t one of them.

Hidden in the new law – Section 1287 – are the funding and guidelines necessary to establish a Global Engagement Center. 

Yovanovitch will play the victim.

State Dept has rallied around her

WASHINGTON, DC – JANUARY 20: President-elect Donald Trump (C) and President Barack Obama (R) are greeted by members of the Congressional leadership including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) as they arrive for Trump’s inauguration ceremony at the Capitol on January 20, 2017 in Washington, DC. Trump became the 45th president of the United States. (Photo by J. Scott Applewhite – Pool/Getty Images)

“……“bribery” as defined under the constitution for impeachment speaks to the President receiving cash or value to take an action for the benefit of a foreign power. [Pelosi has the entire thing reversed]…” SD


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When Daugn says 24/7 – she means 24/7!!!!
Can’t wait to read this one!


Wondering what status and how much $$$ Yovanovich was promised by Hillrotten when she was elected.


Also – Wasn’t Øbama putting a leftist-minded Russian in charge of Ukraine an insult to its sovereignty and identity – an intentional insult – the kind Øbastard loved to inflict?


Well – I guess she was in tune/cahoots with the crookedest Ukrainians. The appointment was probably Hillrotten’s preference.


“Shampeachment” is right!
Good word for it. 😕
And yeah…I’d say there’s a 100% chance that Marie will cry on cue today.
Thing is, they are talking about it too much.
It will be anti-climactic…and look staged.


Shades of Blasey-Ford – middle school level drama class acting.


two-door Yugo?


she has the haughty stance of Yoko Ono–am I the only one who sees the resemblance? LOL
anyway…thanks for thread and more importantly for the insight into how our bureaucracy grows itself! hidden in laws are funding and guidelines to establish ANOTHER worthless agency/task force/ taxpayer money funded DRAIN!


I see the resemblance to Yoko — the squarish face and sunglasses (even though they are a different shape).


The CAT has spoken……




So true! The Democrat Party is a total farce comprised of liars, losers and loons.


” The Democrat Party is a total farce comprised of liars, losers and loons.”
^^^ Spot on assessment of D-Rats.
American people are starting to acknowledge this. We’ve known it.
Would be great if some key folks TW above line…or we heard it at a Trump rally…;-)


liars, losers, leeches, and loons


We should just ask our Democrat friends and family to decide:
“Liars, losers, and loons, which one are you?”


Thank you, Daughn! Excellent, well-researched post — as always!


From the Trump people – Get your news straight and true!!!

Other sources:




AND of course – Felice LePore’s proven 1000% true NewsRoundUp!!!!


“……“bribery” as defined under the constitution for impeachment speaks to the President receiving cash or value to take an action for the benefit of a foreign power. [Pelosi has the entire thing reversed]…” SD
Is Pelosi pretending not to know this, or is she really that stupid?

Concerned Virginian

Pelosi is doing classic SAUL ALINSKY here: accuse the innocent person of doing EXACTLY the illegal/unethical things that you yourself are doing/have done.
“A lie told often enough becomes the truth.” (Lenin)
It appears that Nancy Pelosi is also following the tactics of Vladimir Lenin. Since she’s a member of the DemocratCommunist party, that shoe seems to fit.


My favorite take.
singer from REO Speedwagon is going to testify that he
“Heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who
Heard it from another that Trump’s been messing around”


and talk is cheap when the story is good …


And the tales grow taller on down the line…..


Here it is…..


Mine would be Dirty Laundry from Don Henley.
“I make my living off the evening news
Just give me something-something I can use
People love it when you lose,
They love dirty laundry
Well, I coulda been an actor, but I wound up here
I just have to look good, I don’t have to be clear
Come and whisper in my ear
Give us dirty laundry
Kick ’em when they’re up
Kick ’em when they’re down
Kick ’em when they’re up
Kick ’em when they’re down
Kick ’em when they’re up
Kick ’em when they’re down
Kick ’em when they’re up
Kick ’em all around
We got the bubble-headed-bleach-blond
Who comes on at five
She can tell you ’bout the plane crash with a gleam in her eye
It’s interesting when people die
Give us dirty laundry
Can we film the operation?
Is the head dead yet?
You know, the boys in the newsroom got a running bet
Get the widow on the set!
We need dirty laundry
You don’t really need to find out what’s going on
You don’t really want to know just how far it’s gone
Just leave well enough alone
Eat your dirty laundry
Kick ’em when they’re up
Kick ’em when they’re down
Kick ’em when they’re up
Kick ’em when they’re down
Kick ’em when they’re up
Kick ’em when they’re down
Kick ’em when they’re stiff
Kick ’em all around
Kick ’em when they’re up
Kick ’em when they’re down
Kick ’em when they’re up
Kick ’em when they’re down
Kick ’em when they’re up
Kick ’em when they’re down
Kick ’em when they’re stiff
Kick ’em all around
Dirty little secrets
Dirty little lies
We got our dirty little fingers in everybody’s pie
We love to cut you down to size
We love dirty laundry
We can do “The Innuendo”
We can dance and sing
When it’s said and done we haven’t told you a thing
We all know that Kraft is king
Give us dirty laundry!
Kick ’em when they’re up
Kick ’em when they’re down
Kick ’em when they’re up
Kick ’em when they’re down”


Wow. I mean, I expected something of importance, but jeez, this is church-picnic congratulatory verbiage.


LMFAO. Pssst Adam, to quote Diego Montoya from the Princess Bride ” I do not think that means what you think it does”

Deplorable Patriot

I’ll be back to read later. Today’s calendar was already populated before Schiff for brains called this little soiree.


Devin reading newly released transcript by POTUS. 💥💥💥


Shows they agreed to meet without pre-conditions.



Bye bye impeachment “inquiry” There can’t be a quid pro quo, extortion. OR bribery if there were NO preconditions to GET the aid OR another phone call. This just DECIMATED the ENTIRE farce, especially Schiff.
What’s the CRIME Adam? Where is the quid, the pro OR the quo Adam? Where is the extortion? Where is the bribery? You got NOTHING…that makes you GUILTY of an attempted COUP Adam. I DARE you to hold a vote on this, even in the House.
The SECOND that the votes are recorded, send in the Marines, arrest them ALL for Sedition, Treason, and a COUP against a LEGITIMATE duly elected President WITHOUT due process, evidence, or cause. . That’s what this is folks a COUP wrapped in an Impeachment wrapper.
The President has presented ALL the FIRST HAND exculpatory evidence to exonerate HIMSELF…..That means he is INNOCENT Nancy,, and ANY further push by you and your ILK should and WOULD be considered as much.
Were I Trump, I would DARE them to do it, BUT simply have someone state that IF they do this WITHOUT REAL tangible proof, AND the ability for the President or his lawyers to have THEIR say, their attempt WILL be considered a Coup, and ANYONE that voted for it WILL be considered a co-conspirator, and a TRAITOR. They WILL be TREATED as such.


Good grief!! Schiff talking directly to POTUS on camera, delusionally testifying himself, and refusing Stefanik’s and Jordan’s points of order, cutting them off.


Shiff has gone power mad. Time to PHYSICALLY remove him and lock him up. He thinks he IS the LAW. He is delusional, psychotic, and arrogant. Arrest this grandstanding fool already. I will be in that long line that volunteers to pull your lever when the time comes Adam. The Founding Fathers would have had him SHOT, on the spot for this coup. Madison would have done it HIMSELF.


Did she just stagger a little when being sworn in? Is she drugged?


Whining about how HARD diplomatic service is. Oh, play the violins for me, biotch. Your life has been so hard.

Steve in Lewes

I don’t think a HELMET would saved her if she were hit by crossfire


Hey YovanoBitch – talk to us about crossfire when you been dragged DEAD through the streets of Benghazi.


Yeah and Hillary landed under “snipper” fire too.


BOO HOO YOU…Cry me a river….You chose, no one forced you!


One would think she’s the first person to ever lose a job. Her ploy for sympathy is falling on deaf ears. She’s been living high on the public tit for over 30 years and after President Trump was elected, she worked against him. She well deserved to be recalled for her prestigious position overseas. Time for her to get a real job in the private sector. Will she now show up as a “contributor” to CNN or MSDNC?


Trump sent Javelins, Obama sent blankets, and this twat-waffle claims she wants to help Ukraine while slamming Trump.
Only a Democrat. Loser, liar, and loon for this woman.

Deplorable Patriot

He’s getting paid an awful lot of money by the Ukranians for never having been there.


Yeah, but she could still hear President Trump’s phone call, both sides of it even from far away. /s
I’m surprised she didn’t say that. It would fit right in with all the other B.S. the Dems want us to believe.




Sum total of this woman’s statement:
I was awesome, you can’t fire me. How dare you!

Deplorable Patriot

Another one? Is there a clown hazing ritual in how to think like this?



This, and, and, Rudy attacked me!!

Deplorable Patriot

She’s talking about Rudy, too? Wow the swamp is really fixated on him. I wonder how much of a danger he really is to them.


And blaming Fox again today, although she didn’t specifically say Hannity, because he just threatened to sue for lies.


“Sometimes give our lives for this country?”
Well, you can thank Hillary Clinton and Obama for that shit, you bitch!

Deplorable Patriot

Somehow, I don’t think that was where she was going even if it’s true.


She couldn’t have MEANT to go there, surely. But then she actually said Chris Stevens and Glen Dougherty’s names! I think she is delusional.


she took Hillary’s “WE LANDED UNDER SNIPER FIRE” creative writing course..she aced it…



Cuppa Covfefe

MK? Someone upthread said she seems (ed) drugged…
It’s as if the DEMONicRATS all live in a reality distortion field…
(used to be said of Steve Jobs, but in a positive way – D’s are just negative)…


I have to go out for a while. I will come back to read later.
What I have seen so far is enough to make me spit! How do we get these self-entitled pieces of shit in our government?
Something drastic has to change.


once they’re in…they’re like BEDBUGS!!! impossible to get out!


just now


Our President pays very close attention!!!!!


Fights back too🎇


But men aren’t supposed to fight back against women, right? Why it could make them cry crocodile tears.



Theme Song for the Hearings

Cuppa Covfefe

Great one… wormy raisins, at that…

Deplorable Patriot

I like this one.


Cuppa Covfefe

I’m waiting for her to admit “Moose and Squirrel are on to us”… 🙂






Impeachment Inquisition!


Soooo, if you have tried, unsuccessfully, for 30 years to “clean up corruption”, that would be a problem…
Do I have that right??!


Steve in Lewes

“So why is she here then?”
Just another pretty face? Nope, can’t be that!
She’s a lying leftist, commie, anti-American coup participant? Ding, ding, ding; we have a winner!




Fight! Fight! Fight!



The (insert expletives) Democrats have made California a 3rd world hazardous waste dump….human and chemical.


This sounds more like a deposition for wrongful termination. IT DOESNT MATTER!!! POTUS can hire/fire anyone he wants!!!


don’t forget “abuse of power” is probably PLAN F or G…so they’re laying groundwork…lol


Witness tampering will get a trial run too


Right On cue….


YovanoWitch: I’m a tough, successful ambassador who fights international criminals
Also YovanoWitch: He said mean things about me and skeered me…WAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!


Marie’s OWN words…
On October 2, 2008, towards the end of President George W. Bush’s tenure, she was asked while she was U.S. ambassador to Armenia what she would do if the newly elected president would change foreign policy, such as formally calling the Turkish Holocaust of Armenians a “genocide” even though she refused to do so. The ARMINFO News Agency reported,
“[An] Ambassador serves his president and may be recalled anytime and for any reason,” newly appointed U.S. Ambassador to Armenia Marie L. Yovanovitch said in response to [an] ArmInfo question [as to whether] her personal stand on [the] Armenian Genocide will allow her further [to] work at the US Department of State if the new leadership of the White House recognizes Genocide.
“The decision to recall [an] Ambassador fully depends on the president,” the American diplomat said avoiding a direct answer to the question. To recall, the former Ambassador John Evans was recalled from Armenia in 2006 for his statements on recognition of [the] Armenian Genocide.
6. Read No. 5 again: “[An] Ambassador serves his president and may be recalled anytime and for any reason…. The decision to recall [an] Ambassador fully depends on the president.” The words of Marie Yovanovitch.


She’s a typical liberal wonk. This is evidence of hypocrisy just as the video recordings of several Democrats in 1998 who plead to Congress to not impeach Bill Clinton, but now eagerly demand the impeachment of President Trump. Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Nadler, Chuck Schumer and others have been immortalized saying how devastating it would be to impeach the president. And look at them now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She’s fired already? GOOD! Give Trump a MEDAL!!!


ahhhh….LOGIC…not the Dems’ strong point…LOL


Oh no! I must be dead!


crocodile tears…comment image

Deplorable Patriot

I’m moved. I really am. I would like to sponsor her at my hairdresser.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Red Diaper Chrissie defends Red Diaper Sparrovanovitch.
Yeah, I’m moved. Moved to scream ARREST THE BITCH.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Democrat Fake News. After 70 years of it, time to SHUT THAT SHIT DOWN.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Schumer is a left-fascist POS! (Love that category – fits these CLOWNS perfectly.)


Concerned Virginian

This entire Schiff/Pelosi “impeachment hearing” (it’s STILL being called that per ABC and FOXNEWS radio news reports today, instead of “impeachment INQUIRY hearing”) is just for show.
The “committee”, controlled by DemocratCommunists, has already decided to draw up Articles of Impeachment for the House to vote on as soon as possible. Of course it will pass.
So — the ACTUAL focus of attention needs to be on the SENATE — now.
What’s The Turtle’s strategy? Does he have a plan to kill a Senate trial before it starts? Did he really mean it when he stated that if the “whistleblower” doesn’t commit to testify before the Senate, then “impeachment” is DOA? Does he TRULY have a solid bloc of Republican Senators to vote No IF it comes to a Senate trial?


Is he on Mr. Trump’s side at all, or just playing along until he can get a president he likes better?
Always was worried about that turtle.

Concerned Virginian

It bothers the CRAP out of me that the fate of the Presidency of Donald J. Trump has ANY potential to rest on the PERHAPS NOT ROCK-SOLID shoulders of Mitch McConnell.


Trump Trap?


Covadonga I had a realization about the turtle he is from Louisville that is a left wing conclave.
He is straddling the fence one leg in the conservative Trump site the other moderate constituents.
I do not know how he was elected in the first place unless he always has been a moderate with some quirks.
He also is beholden to the puppet masters who pull his strings who support is reelections. He is in a precarious situation.
My emotional reaction to him is that he should be primaries but no republican would win his seat because of the left wing composition of his district. I do not know how many conservative republicans are living there?
Better to keep the evil we know than the evil we do not know or the evil who will be democrat socialist.


Despite my thoughts about Turtle, he may live in Louisville, a democratic area, but as Senator he was elected by the entire state of Kentucky. Looking at the recent election it s clear that Republicans are in control of the majority of the state.


Then maybe they should primary him?

Cuppa Covfefe

His legacy of pushing through Constitutionalist Judges will outlive him and (probably) most of us here today. The Judiciary is the last hope for true justice, and a corrupt judiciary is the only hope for the DEMONicRATS. Now that VSGPDJT and McConnell are returning the Judiciary to its Constitutionalist/Originalist roots, the wicked wiles of the left can be halted there (if not earlier)…


I’m am not concerned about whether he represents himself as a conservative or a moderate. The most important question, for me, is whether he is truly Deep State or truly a Constitutionalist.
He is


He is a Senator, so all voters in the state of Kentucky can vote for him.


i gotta wonder if the theories are true that POTUS welcomes the chance to have the trial in the Senate where his attorneys can call all these treasonous POS to testify…really blow the lid of this thing…you KNOW everyone will be watching and waiting for that…dunno


I’ve suspected that all along. I think that by doing so, it will open the door for military tribunals. Gitmo’s been upgraded and expanded. The only question is what is going to trigger the events that will fill up Gitmo.


“Of course it will pass.”
We don’t know that.


“Nervous Nancy” D’Alessandro might not be up to calling it to a vote.
Her internal polls have got to be telling her it would end Dim majority next year, if she could even whip enough in her caucus into voting for it now.
Speakership is important to her.


Approval rating “back” to 50%….wonder how high it REALLY is…70’s at least I would bet



She’s whining about her job loss – and about the loss of her potential exaltation and enrichment under Hillrotten.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Red Diaper Marie would have had greased skids under Treasonous Cankles!


She probably LOVED the Hillrotten and Kerry tenures as SoS!!!


She wasn’t in on the call or discussions about it or discussions about assistance to Ukraine. Why is she testifying?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Mystery Diplomacy Theatre 3000 – PASS THE POPCORN!


They will have a field day with this….


Very sorry to see that. I assume an appeal is in order?


He has to appeal this.
Obstruction…of what?
There was no crime in the first place!
This just further illustrates that the jury pool in DC is hopelessly tainted and biased against our President, his administration and his friends.
The booing at that game was a big example of the bias for all to see.
This conviction of a non-crime is another.


Helping to shine the light brighter on the scum?


so Hillary gets to walk after mishandling CLASSIFIED information, and destroying devices and deleting emails she was under SUBPOENA to relinquish…but Stone could face 50 years for this? total bullshit


This is why the trials of any swamp members need to be outside the swamp. Very biased pool of swamp water they swim in….


I feel so sorry for his wife. 🙁


Good one from Andy Biggs.



The enemy will dissect and use POTUS twittering against him. I am sure POTUS cleared his twitter speaking of the diplomat with his lawyer ? I am sure he would not shoot himself purposely in his foot? As President he has enough discernment not getting himself in trouble.


Gotta be out for a while this afternoon, will be listening and waiting for Jim Jordan ❤


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m sorry – I know this isn’t the U board – but FUCK THESE PEOPLE!!!


That really ticked me off! Her and her beautiful Fabulous State Department LITERALLY FAILED those people and LET THEM DIE!!!


Indeed, and she failed again today🚾


While the Council is questioning…. Mr Nunes should go get Ms Stefanik’s questions and ask them himself!

Deplorable Patriot

Back from the vet’s office. Did I miss anything?


from the comments above, Marie fancies herself Joan of Ark– dodging bullets and a hail of gunfire while single-handedly saving Ukraine from Russia…it was epic–no doubt a movie of the week coming about it

Deplorable Patriot

Does she hear voices in her head, too?
I mean, I doubt anyone is going to burn Marie at the stake.


LOL…she probably does–mostly praising her I would imagine…


I told you about this woman DP. Not only is she EVIL she is batshit crazy too. She is NECK deep in the black ledger scheme that took down Manafort. My bet, she TOO is on someones payroll, and it AIN’T the United States. I want someone, ANYONE to ask her about the surveillance SHE had put in place on Journalists like John Solomon and Sara Carter. Then ask her about her NOT allowing Visas to Ukrainian diplomats who were trying to give the FBI and State Dept EVIDENCE of the 2016 Ukrainian interference…she NEEDS to explain that before she portrays her self as Marie Yovanovich, super Ambassador.
Then, when she is reeling, and sobbing all her fake tears, ask her just WHY she handed the Ukraine prosecutor a don not prosecute list, and just WHO authored that list and asked her to deliver it.

Deplorable Patriot

So, essentially, we’re reliving the 9-11 hearings when the people who all but made it happen were all on the blue ribbon panel questioning the Bush administration people left holding the flaming bags of poop.
The seats are just switched.


EXACTLY. Projection on a GRAND impeachment level. The foxes are in charge of the hen house. It is EXACTLY what the Founding Fathers sought to PROHIBIT in the Constitution with the 3 co equal branches.
Answer me THIS, and THIS is where I would GO to STOP this farce once and for all.
We are a representative Republic…right?
We ELECT representatives in Congress to fight for OUR rights, and OUR prioities, and OUR objectives. Right?
Well, IF OUR representatives are NOT allowed to speak, they are therefore NOT allowed to REPRESENT US. Right?
That means that not only Trump is being denied his due process, and Constitutional rights, so are WE.
It is OUR representatives that are being stymied and funneled through a SINGLE person and prism, Adam Schiff, and the democrat view,
That makes this ENTIRE exercise not only a FARCE, it makes it UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
Someone should SUE for THAT very reason. That would FORCE, by the THIRD branch, the SCOTUS, to END this illegal farce, and if they want to redo it, they would be FORCED to at least allow OUR representation without FILTER.
Thoughts? I know your hubby is a lawyer, right? What is his opinion on that tactic. We as citizens, without representation, SHOULD have standing, and it would have to be expedited due to the ongoing current harm.

Deplorable Patriot

Me? I’ve never been married. Did you mean this for Daughn?


NO, I meant it for you, but the question still holds for both of you. I apologize for confusing you, working and following here, got confused on who I was replying too. I would LOVE to hear yours, Daughn’s and Wolfe’s thoughts on the question.

Deplorable Patriot

My first comment is be grateful MY representative is not on this committee.
Second, of course it’s unconstitutional.
BUT, that being the case, I would imagine all of this happening leaves Schiff, Pelosi, et al, open to federal prosecution.
You gotta look for a silver lining.


NOT a prosecution, a STOPPAGE of the unconstitutional act, and FORCING to do it RIGHT if they redo it.


Or…. council yield back to Nunes and HE get Ms Stefanick’s questions.


This is a FARCE!
Republicans can’t ask questions?
Only Nunes or council?


there were a few different Reps asking questions on Wednesday…???


Sthit fer brains will NOT let anyone but Nunes or council ask questions in this opening 45 minutes….
Sumpin’r Rotten in DC (as if we didn’t know)


Schiff has implemented Russian communist rules and Nazi tactics.
Be scarred people this is what communism looks like. People in the past have been railroaded like this and worse.
This is not the US I studied about for Citizenship.


You are Correct!
Thank you

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These people are Communists.


he probably knows no one wants to watch hours of this crap and he’s hoping to get all his BOMBSHELL points in there…LOL


I am ANXIOUSLY awaiting Jim Jordan and Mr Ratcliff’s questions (If they will be allowed to)


I am pretty sure that Nunes KNEW that Stephanik would not be allowed to ask her questions at this time. It was all part of the show.


I hope you are right.


ah….. Optics…
Two can play this TV game?

Deplorable Patriot

And they got Schiffy to cut off the young woman.

Deplorable Patriot

If that’s the case, can we just skip to the transcript? I mean, even for a lot of Democrats the whole point of watching is Jordan, Ratcliffe, and Stefanik.
Talk about stacking the deck.
And these people aren’t even worth looking at. Honestly, that scarf hasn’t been in style in 25 years.


I second the gentlewoman’s motion.

Deplorable Patriot

Well, if this is run like Wednesday’s, there will be five minute segments after the 45 minute ones. Schiff changed the rules of engagement and Ratcliffe made a BIG deal about that on Wednesday.


Are we to assume that our ELECTED reps are to be seen and not heard?
I didn’t vote for a “council”.


Yes. They are our REPS. We are not being represented.

Deplorable Patriot

How on earth would she know if the policy was going to remain the same under a new administration.
This chick is just one more swamp creature ticked off a new way of doing things was implemented without anyone listening to her.
Well, babe, get used to it. This is the way the real world works.


They think they shape foreign policy, and they are having to learn the hard way — in front of a national audience — that that’s the president’s job. Which tells me they should not have held their positions in the first place, if they don’t understand the basics of the job.

Deplorable Patriot

Delusions of their own importance.

Deplorable Patriot

The St. Gallen Mafia is a group of prelates who used to meet in St. Gallen, Switzerland, to plot how to “modernize” the church. Their first choice for the papacy was Joseph Bernardin who died in 1996. Most of the original members are dead, but they are pretty much the hard core liberals.

Deplorable Patriot

This was supposed to eb on the open thread. Too many notifications going.


Schiff is pretending that his little irregular, constantly shifting rules, sh-t show inquiry is a court of law. His witnesses are comically completely related to facts, evidence, first-hand knowledge. Now Schiff is accusing Trump of ‘witness tampering’ when the woman is not a witness to anything except her own hurt feelings for being fired.
Harvard law school really failed this time, giving Schiff a law degree.


Maybe Yananovich is really screeching because she’s caught between a rock and a hard place – between two ruthless bosses – Hillrotten and Putin.
AND we know what happens to people who ‘disappoint’ either one of those.


I agree Daugh….. Go take his place….. we could cut to the REAL stuff then.

Deplorable Patriot

Moved…mmm…a lot of people have been moved to the restroom listening to this.


SHE is the one that passed it on the the US MSM. She cannot touch that subject..I HOPE that is the next question…Did you or your staff give or have knowledge of the person who passed the black ledger files TO the US MSM?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These OBAMA RUSSIAN RED DIAPER (compare to Jussie Smollett – highly diluted Red Diaper) lie with an ease that should alarm the hell out of Americans.

Deplorable Patriot


Deplorable Patriot

AS much as she defends the Ukraine, she HAS to on someone there’s payroll. She was there supposedly representing OUR interests, NOT Ukraine’s.


Is that NOT obstruction? HOW?


Right! Part of the “Russian reset was it not? Who authored that farce again..oh yeah, Hillary. Obama ALSO removed our missile shield in Poland at the same time.


Almost forgot, just WHO was Putin’s bitch again…oh yeah it was …Barack ” Tell Vladimir I’ll have more flexibility after the election”, Ill remove the missiles from Poland, give Russia technology to build their OWN Silicon Valley, let Russia “annex” Crimea, and sell 20% of OUR Uranium to Russia, Obama.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The way these Soviet-schooled, opposition-controlling red diaper exemplars FAKE being anti-Russian just makes me want to scream “Wake UP!” at the sheep – and with similar effect.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They have her on bloody PERJURY and they’re not ripping her apart?


Is Shifty not “Leading” the witness?

Deplorable Patriot


Harry Lime

Call in Robert Mueller…he’ll clear up this whole mess in no time at all.comment image

Deplorable Patriot

The man is aging badly. It’s very sad. I find this to be in poor taste.

Harry Lime

I find him participating in a coup against the President I voted for to be in poor taste. Seriously?

Deplorable Patriot

He’s one I’m not sure about. I have a different perspective not shared by many here.


DP – Mueller deserves all manner of disrespect. He was involved in all manner of skullduggery over his career.

Deplorable Patriot

I think there’s more than meets the eye. I’ll just leave it there as there will be nothing I can say that will satisfy the threshold for explanation.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If he’s playing a crook, then being called one is part of the job.


He sucked $45 million out of our U.S. Treasury that could have been spent on useful projects other than a phony investigation of Russia, Russia, Russia that was a total waste of time and money.
Yeah, he deserves all the disrespect he gets here.

Rodney Short

Bad taste would be Mueller eating shit instead of dirt.
I have no good words for the traitor,even if it comes out he is a white hat he is still a piece of shit in my book.

Deplorable Patriot

THIS! This is one of the reasons we put up with this farcical melodrama.

Harry Lime

Wow! That is the look of abject terror on Schiff’s face! He is mortified of having any Republican ask the “wrong” questions. He’s obviously afraid of what Rep. Stefanik has to say. This should go viral ten times over.


I’ve been looking today, but so far can find nothing written up about President Trump’s revelation at last night’s rally that the Ukraine Foreign Minister proclaimed there was absolutely no connection between the U.S. foreign aid to Ukraine and the investigation into Ukrainian influence of the 2016 election.
President Trump specifically asked for that to be reported today, but so far nobody has. Despicable, especially for Fox News. Unless I missed something. Correct me if I did, please.


I guess I missed it. Where did you post it? About what time, for reference sake.


I also posted one near end of rally thread from the Daily Caller.


We no longer have journalists and reporters – we now have partisan propagandists, disinformation disseminators and narrative engineers.

Deplorable Patriot

Who is this HImes dude and who is his speechwriter? Talk about over the top accolades.

Deplorable Patriot

Stepanik is good and I am glad she is on our side :).


daughn, she is turning The_Donald into a bunch of fanboys…her photo’s everywhere.
lots of young ‘uns paying attention.


daughn, yeah, ab 2/3rds of the posts are ab the hearings. it’s quite remarkable.

Deplorable Patriot

The intelligence community has concluded it was the Russians…..
Oh, yeah, like anyone following the details of all this is going to believe that. The IC has no credibility with most of us.

Deplorable Patriot

WHOA! What?! No $#!+!


Dems have no principles and are all about mob rule. If we didn’t have what is left of the Constitution, they would have physically hauled Pres. Trump and VP Pence out of the WH by now and installed Pelosi.


so she can be their poster child. know what she can’t be anymore? the AMBASSADOR TO UKRAINE!!!!! LOL LOL LOL

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The State Department has been a nest of anti-American socialists since BEFORE FDR.
It needs to be cleaned out TO THE DESK. Not a one kept. DECONTAMINATED.

Deplorable Patriot

Georgetown…fertile ground for foreign service recruitment…supposedly Jesuit…not finishing that thought.

Deplorable Patriot

Seriously, what is the fixation with Giuliani?


he’s got these taped interviews and conversations and affidavits…he’s got the goods….they want to discredit him as soon as they can before it comes out

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

THIS. Dems know their TREASON is going to be revealed.

Rodney Short

I always say DC needs an enema but now I believe the only answer is to burn the fucking sewer to the ground,salt the ground and rebuild it as our founding fathers would have DC….
I do not apologize for yelling,I have had enough my family didnt sacrifice blood sweat and tears for this BULLSHIT.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m a private person, and I don’t want to put it all out there, but he fired me, and then told the world what he thought of me.
Get used to it, babe.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. That’s the price one pays for being a PUBLIC SERVANT.
They never seem to understand that word…
The only thing the swamp critters are is Public SERPENTS… which reflects upon their true master… a prime example of which is Adammed Schiffty, the pencil-necked freak…

Deplorable Patriot

Non-partisan? Is she kidding?

Deplorable Patriot

It’s most definitely not a good look for anyone other than the liberal women I know who thrive on snark.

Harry Lime

Someone with good editing skills is going to make an incredible video montage of his behaviour. He’s sabotaging himself in full public view (not that it was necessary). I don’t think I’ve seen anything quite like it.

Deplorable Patriot

These hearings are an exercise in this axiom.


Giuliani was a “Private” citizen like Holbrook

Deplorable Patriot

Patience…we don’t know what the strategy is…just that it’s not the way we would do it.


gees…so many articles this morning and yesterday–thought I read somewhere that Schiff has not released all the testimony transcripts and as such the Repubs aren’t supposed to reference them in any way…gotta find it…


Their testimony was based on secondhand accounts of conversations involving White House officials. Rep. Meadows and Rep. Jordan signaled that would happen again Friday, during the committee’s second public hearing.
“Adam Schiff hasn’t released the real transcripts. Technically, we’re not allowed to use that material in hearings tomorrow,” Rep. Jordan said.
“There’s all kinds of problems with this.”
The former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch is testifying as part of the ongoing impeachment probe Friday. Yovanovitch testified behind closed doors in October, but proved to never having direct knowledge of the President’s phone call with Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky. She left Ukraine in May to teach at Georgetown University.
“Tomorrow, it’s even better than that. The Ambassador who’s coming in wasn’t there during the phone call, wasn’t there when the aid was suspended. You know where she was, she was at Georgetown,” Rep. Meadows said.
Rep. Meadows argued that Amb. Yovanovitch has been one of the harshest critics of the President and slammed him in an earlier op-ed. “It’s America first, not Ukraine first,” Rep. Meadows argued.
“If they want to start directing policy for the hardworking American taxpayer, they need to put their name on a ballot instead of putting their name on a witness list.”


New Q Drop!


New: Title TBD
15 Nov 2019 – 12:38:28 PM
What advantages might exist when you know the other sides playbook?
Enjoy the show!

Deplorable Patriot



Very interesting timing and topic. :8-)


I thought so to.

Deplorable Patriot

These people are stupid…,
Just how many people walked into traps thanks to the hubris instilled during previous administrations?



Deplorable Patriot

Greater interests…okay, question. So, since these people go to school for foreign service, is the “greater interest” taught in the same way economics is? This is how we do it, and out of the box thinking is not allowed?


As Secretary of State, Hillrotten went around bullying 3rd world countries – pushing homosex and abortion on behalf of Øbominable.
It WAS a quid pro quo thing too – no homosex/abortion – no foreign aid!
It was despicable.


comment image
New: Title TBD
15 Nov 2019 – 1:38:28 PM
What advantages might exist when you know the other sides playbook?
Enjoy the show!




Didn’t know thread was up… bringing pertinent posts I made on Daily, over here

Yovanovitch testified in private on Oct. 11 that she felt she was recalled following a “concerted campaign” by President Trump and Rudy Giuliani.
Tons of comments here too………………..peeps are waking up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Okay, now this makes sense.


The Reckoning 💥
Yovanovitch continues to reframe and avoid answering questions because they will reveal her bias.
Yovanovitch has been completely exposed.
1:13 PM – Nov 15, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy
34 people are talking about this
The Reckoning 💥
She is an obvious partisan. #YovanovitchExposed
1:14 PM – Nov 15, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy
See The Reckoning 💥’s other Tweets
The Reckoning 💥
Yovanovitch wasn’t aware that the credibility of the information released against Manafort in 2016 has been called into question?!?
1:15 PM – Nov 15, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy
18 people are talking about this
The Reckoning 💥
She loves minister Ivakov!
This whole thing is devistating to Democrats.
Yovanovitch is exposed as a partisan.
End of story.
1:18 PM – Nov 15, 2019

Deplorable Patriot

Orchestrated character assassination. Good luck proving that.


Minor Repubs disgust me….
“Thank you for this and that……”
WASTING precious time.
ASK the Damn questions already!


That part must be honest then
(No Knowledge)


Cuppa Covfefe
November 15, 2019 at 13:25
Gubmint perps should have to live under “hire at will” just like all of the rest of us. Ambassadors serve at the will of and the discretion of the President.
If they don’t like it: tough. In this environment, if they have any use ability(ies), they’ll find a new job in days. Of course, these professional trough-feeders have no usefule abilities, hence their outright fear…
November 15, 2019 at 13:35
You’re so right Cuppa… Senate in the beginning stalled on new ambassador appointments… guess we know why now.

Deplorable Patriot

In a nutshell.

Cuppa Covfefe

Interesting. In that thread, Rep. Mark Green said,

“In 8 days, the U.S. military runs out of funding…”

Could that be a large part of the DEMONicRATS’ “strategy”? Halt military funding, and indirectly halt the building of the wall??? And set the USA up for foreign aggression (as if we’re not already seeing it from China and the globalists)?
Can’t wait to see all the DEMONicRATS lined up, walked off, and locked up…

Deplorable Patriot

She was a professional….

Deplorable Patriot

OMG, these are Congressional hearings, not your therapist’s couch, Marie.


I agree with Lionel.

Harry Lime

Go Rep. Stefanik!
Politely ignore the irrelevant Amb.Yanvanovitch and point out Schiff’s hypocrisy!

Deplorable Patriot

Stefanik just going to read for five minutes. HA!
Made my day.

Deplorable Patriot



One thing I really like about DirecTV is the ability to pause a channel for half an hour or so, then resume and FF through the crap I don’t want to see. For example, I’ve been FF’ing past all the Demonrat Congress people and only watching the Republican questions. I don’t need to hear or see the lies of the left.


Getting very sick and tired of all the accolades the Republican reps are slathering Amb Yovanovitch with. So she was a public servant for 33 years. So what? She just knew how to play the game is all that says to me. And she was paid highly for her time, too. But she went against President Trump, her boss. And he canned her.
WTH does this have to do with the August phone call?


Harry Lime

I wonder if they’re ever going to get to the part where President Trump did something impeachable. Talk about putting America to sleep. First Russia…now Ukraine… How much American tax payer money can the Democrats possibly flush down the drain? Didn’t the media and Democrats harp relentlessly about how much the Clinton impeachment was costing tax payers?


” Ratcliff’s request for unanimous consent to subpoena ”
answered by shifty with a flurry of gavel smacks and a gentleman’s time has expired


I wonder how much it pays…….
To be the person that has to mop up ALL of the SLOBBER on the floors after the DemonicRats speak?


Another new Q drop!
Will get it soon


New: Title TBD
15 Nov 2019 – 1:30:05 PM

Do you believe in coincidences?
Mathematically impossible?
Date ‘public’ became aware?
Date ‘anons’ became aware?
Do you think we are targeted and attacked by the largest media co’s in the world because we’re a LARP?
Logical thinking.


C’mon Fitton – quit taking up your shirts to show off your chest and biceps. Looks obscene – like you are trolling for qu–rs.

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, the lifting habit is not for the ladies, that’s for sure.

Deplorable Patriot

This again?


Just posting it for posterity 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

Alright, my sister is gone. What did I miss.

Deplorable Patriot


Harry Lime

Oh no. Denny Heck is very angry.
And now he’s praising John Mccain.
Oh dear. He’s offended.
Never heard of Denny heck before. He must be a very effective legislator.


More Proof…… Dems LOVED McShame…..
Because he WAS one of them…
Just like Pierre De’lcto. Collins and Murky



New Q!
New: Title TBD
15 Nov 2019 – 2:30:05 PM
Do you believe in coincidences?
Mathematically impossible?
Date ‘public’ became aware?
Date ‘anons’ became aware?
Do you think we are targeted and attacked by the largest media co’s in the world because we’re a LARP?
Logical thinking.


test 5 min recess 2:38 pm test

Harry Lime

Our government at work. What a disgrace.

Deplorable Patriot

Bottom line.

Deplorable Patriot



Rut Ruh……




Jordan Time!!!

Deplorable Patriot

He’s making mincemeat of her.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Chanel Rion is AWESOME! 😀



Deplorable Patriot

Jordan just dinged Schiff on indulgence that even had my brother cheering.


This TRULY is a Schitt Show

Deplorable Patriot

And not the way he wanted it to be, either. Ha.


Remember the TV commercials by the huckster promoting the magic cleanup cloth called SHAM WOW?
I think we can safely refer to this sham of an “inquiry” as a SHAM WOW….trying desperately to clean up the dirty deeds of the Obama Administrations.

Deplorable Patriot


Deplorable Patriot

This is actually more accurate, but I’m telling you, my brother cheered. And he refuses to watch because he thinks it’s a TOTAL waste of time.


I…. DEMAND!…..
Some SINator denounce this UNAMERICAN bastardisation of JUSTICE!


I wish the Republican reps would stop asking long winded questions, thereby eating up much of their time for answers and other questions.


Andy, I believe it is their way of getting into the official record the lies of the Dems – they’re using their time to make sure the PUBLIC knows what’s been hidden – as much as possible – without Schiff slapping an ethics violation on them. For ex. making sure everyone knows Schiffty won’t release some transcripts. Jordan names who and makes sure everyone knows.
They’re doing reporting during any opportunity to speak publicly. It’s their one chance.

Deplorable Patriot

Welch is comparing this chick to Gens. Kelly and Mattis, and NoName? Good Lord. Talk about pandering to the leftist women with no common sense. Their transgressions aside, this woman in not in Mattis and Kelly’s league.


Two Dems in a row! I thought they were supposed to alternate D’s and R’s.


And now 3 Dems in a row. Is there something I’m missing? Did they run out of Republican members?


Working up the tears?

Deplorable Patriot

Pro tip if onions are not an option…cayenne on the outside corner where the lids meet.


Also….. Pull a nose hair 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

And she thought this was not going to come back to haunt her.
Yeah, these people are stupid.

Deplorable Patriot

Wait, she wanted public support? Lady, you put yourself out in ANY capacity and get let go, support will go with the person paying the paychecks. Been there, done that. No t-shirts given out.

Deplorable Patriot

Demings…the smoker…yeah, really, hon, the cigarettes are not doing your vocal cords any good.


sounds like cocaine abuse to me

Deplorable Patriot

Could be, but I thought that usually manifested in the sinuses.


Sinuses drain down to the vocal cords

Deplorable Patriot

Stunningly enough, as an opera singer, I know that. BUT, point taken. The drip. Got it.
Whatever the case is, there’s something coating that woman’s cords, but permanent damage is not yet done.


Another Q Drop:
New: Title TBD
15 Nov 2019 – 2:04:34 PM
“Whistle Blower Traps”
[Mar 4 2018]
‘Trap’ keyword select provided…..
Whole or (parts) – break/break
You have more than you know.
Future proves past.

Deplorable Patriot

If they have it all…this is interesting.


Didn’t Barack Hussein Obama fire all the Bush appointed ambassadors his first day in office?


Ø and Holder also cleaned out the DOJ and hired their own partisan ideologue lawyers.


I think a lot of these holdovers were left in place to expose themselves.


“FISA works both ways.”

Deplorable Patriot

I think you are exactly right.


Trump Trap!….. Again!


Could be but somehow I recall him firing DA’s. Believe me, it was all planned well-ahead. Too bad POTUS didn’t do the same.


GW Bush was a disaster in this area as well. He left’s Clinton’s prosecutors in place – that’s how they got Senator Stevens.

Harry Lime

Zzzzzzzzzzzz…..I’d better put on another pot of coffee.

Deplorable Patriot

Nunes is getting better at this. Closing comments are great. Ha.


Now…… Off to the Star Chamber.

Deplorable Patriot

Schiff is trying to be so diplomatic and Nunes didn’t bother. That was great.

Deplorable Patriot

Why couldn’t the cat be a dog.


President Trump’s newest catch phrase is:
We did nothing wrong — and they’re doing nothing


Cliff Hanger…….. I want the next episode now…..

Deplorable Patriot

Is it just me, or does Schiff like to hear himself talk?

Deplorable Patriot

What was the applause for? I mean, Schiff ain’t going to be up for an Emmy any time soon.

Cuppa Covfefe

With what he’s done and is doing, he’s more likely to be up for a “Sparky”…


This whole ordeal will be recorded in history as the Schitt Show.

Deplorable Patriot

Cross posting


Okay, I’m shallow….but, I know that if I were going to appear on international TV I absolutely, positively would never appear with frizzy hair. I would absolutely, positively have my hair styled for the occasion. (Hanging my head in shame for being so gosh darn shallow…sorry, just can’t help it🤭)

Deplorable Patriot

Unless, of course, you are recovering from chemo, but I doubt that’s the case here.


The Final Word!




Hypocrisy is the major personality trait of Democrats.


dat true Georgia !



Concerned Virginian

So, exactly WHAT did Yovanoviychskayaovna mean with this “The Trump administration strengthened OUR policy…”?
Did she mean the State Department / Interagency types policy? So all of a sudden, it magically became OK for POTUS to send the Javelins to Ukraine?
Why can’t she say “strengthened U.S. policy”?
I say this woman was truly rattled today. “Somebody” coached her to go the Blasey-Ford route. Didn’t work.


So that’s why she appeared to be a 2-door YUGO.


That’s about it…..


But told a lot of lies, fooled a lot of normies about the narrative………………………………


Democrats are not doing their jobs!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

(shades of Howie’s clapping seals)…


Hmmm….so the objective is to simply smear the President. Maybe they can affect the Louisiana governor’s race. I still doubt Pelosi holds a vote


Me thinks you are correct, no vote. Any time soon that is.
The entire faux impeachment is another version of the nervous Nancy smear.
D-Rats will slander the President daily with complicit MCM reporting impeachable offenses…yet no crime is ever identified.
This shitty shift show will linger well into 2020.
The ONLY thing that will stop the charade is IG reports, declas, docs released, indictments…
At some point the D-Rat party will implode.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. This thing is dragging out so long (I think intentionally by the DEMONicRATS, as they want to cut off funding to the military and the wall, along with sliming President Trump) that it reminds me of that Ketchup commercial (Hunts?) with that Carly Simon song behind it…. sort of like
shamticipation, shamticipation
Is makin’ me late
Is keepin’ me waitin’…

Concerned Virginian

Bingo. One of the subsidiary goals of the SCHITT SHOW is to try and sow just enough doubt about POTUS to keep John Bel Edwards as governor of Louisiana.


Q’s First post today has me hopeful… must watch the BP… 😉


Jim Jordan is THE MAN!


Short clip…..


Daughn…… you.. are smarter than ALL of these idiots.
On Hannity tonight, Sean had the oh so brilliant Ken Starr on. Starr struck poked President Trump in the eye about his tweet looking like intimidating the witness. Is Starr struck really this STUPID? Ya-done-done-it bitch would not have known of the tweet if Schitt fer brains didn’t tell her about it! Damn these people are STUPID!


BTW….. wasn’t George Conway, Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham part of the “Elves” during the Starr impeachment investigation of Bill Clinton?


Nunes tweets.
Key points:
1. she is not a material witness
2. maybe she should be airing her concerns about employment issues in a more appropriate committee setting.

Deplorable Patriot

I completely agree. The woman could use a therapist as well if she is not religious and cannot trust a pastor to help her with some of it.


She looks nervous, inconvenienced at having to be there, and resentful that her partisanship is being exposed. We’ll be seeing a lot of this because they never thought Hillary would lose. And I think she knows her testimony is not helpful to the cause. She can blame her discomfort today on Schiff.

Cuppa Covfefe

And maybe the Klintoons? Are she and the other “witnesses” worried about the possibility of an Arkancide in their future?
On the other hand, Vlad’s bar, grill, and rock-chopping spa awaits…
(Oh, the irony. Parents escape to Canada from Russia, then to the USA, then she is stripped of her US citizenship for sedition/treason, then returned to Russia for, erm, further processing)
(bigger pun in German, as Prozess means “trial” in German)…


Also seems strange or a “poke” at Ukraine to have sent a US ambassador who was Russian in heritage. That wasn’t by accident.

Concerned Virginian

I can almost guar-an-damn-tee you that if Ms. Y. has a “nervous breakdown”, she’ll blame POTUS.


I see a red-diaper operative that has been coached to play the victim against these mean Republican bullies. She is likely tough as nails and knows how to kill if she needs to.


Notice how her eyes look ro the left, right after 1:17 when Nunes says she is not a material fact witness. Looking at Schiff? Enquiring minds want to know.


She looks to the left, then drops her head and swallows hard.
She knows she’s not there for appropriate reasons. I actually see shame. She couldn’t control it.

Cuppa Covfefe

Isn’t there a woman who does body language analysis? Would be interesting to see her take on this day’s “testimony”… She did a lot of stuff around the Kavanaugh hearings, and some of the Whittaker hearings…


Yes, there is a woman, I can’t remember her name. There are others, too. I hope someone takes on analysis of the hearings. That would be fascinating.



Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Thanks T³… I just found her on Gargle… https://bombardsbodylanguage.com.
She’s got Jim Jordan Vs Ambassador Taylor up, but “Natasha Badenov” isn’t there… at least yet. I’d also like to see an analysis of how folks reacted when Elise Stefanik grilled them… not just well done, but downright charred…
It seems like the Republicans (at least the MAGAs) are thinkers; the DEMONicRATS, on the other hand, are stinkers. Thinkers vs. Stinkers in a Kangaroo court… wish we could bill Schiff et. al. back for the wasted time… add a few miles to the wall….


Saved by the school shooting….comment image

Plain Jane

Exactly what I said.


Having been out of the house and watching this off and on and only again catching up is wondering if our reps have been able to convey the notion that Mrs Yavonvich was let go because she did not recognize her duty to look into spy gate and Biden corruption at the proper behest of the president but instead just acted like a normal resistor. considering such absurd, not worth serious consideration and thus became a toad in the road who needed to be squashed or removed?


Okay, finally sees Jordan getting there. Finally someone. Hopes there more.


Ackkk!.. That was the last. IMO more should of been pursuing Jordan’s line of thought in showing the president felt let down by his state dept not sharing his real concerns rather than that Yovanovitch didn’t have anything to add.


Yananovich is the State Department version of DOJ’s Sally Yates.
Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine is this year’s Russia, Russia, Russia.
They are just kicking up a big drama for political purposes.
Impeach, Impeach, Impeach is just to try to influence the 2020 election.