Dear KMAG: 20191116 Open Topic


Welcome! The door is open, come on inside!

This Fortress Q Tree Saturday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KMAG/KAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil.
Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

With the Storm upon us…please remember to Pray for our President.


Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition by Infraction, titled ‘Cinematic Epic Trailer Music’:



Visual Descriptions for our dear Zoe, and for anyone else who may find them helpful:
Header and First Image: Is an enormous Tree standing alone in a clearing with a giant door built into the base of the trunk. A lone figure is approaching the doorway. There are patches of moss and small leafy branches emerging up and down the gnarled trunk.
Second Image: Is an interior room with vaulted ceilings and arched throughways. There is a sturdy-looking couch with throw pillows and nearby armchairs. Behind the couch is a table and chairs…and there are additional seating groups in the adjacent spaces.
Third Image: President Trump is walking outdoors and giving a short wave, with his arm out shoulder high. He has a solemn look of resolve on his face.


Lately, I have been craving Coconut Custard Pie.

It’s a favorite of mine.

My childhood was totally devoid of Coconut Custard Pie. In fact, I didn’t even know it existed until I went to college, where I discovered it at a diner nearby.

I realize that this is not very big favorite with most people. It doesn’t even merit a mention in the ‘Most Favorite Pie’ category.

But that’s okay…I love pie. Pie makes me smile. It would be hard for me to pick just one that is my ‘favorite’. But I will ask you a very tough question…

What is your favorite kind of Pie?


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Now THAT featured image TREE is the BEST TREE so far!
I’ll take some of the pumpkin pie, thanks.


Yes, please, whipped cream on a slice of key lime pie;-)
AND, cup of black coffee to start the day.
Thanks Wheatie. Perfect start to our Saturday.


Two Scoops!
Thank you very much!!!


I must say I agree, Best tree yet!
Keep thinking Wheatie will have to recycle,trees, but so far… no.


I agree T3!!!!!!!!!!! #FavoriteTree Wheatie!!!!!!!!! Music is also superb!!!😘😘💖💖


I always always LOVE your trees!!!!!!!!!! With the holidays around the corner…Pies–we ALL need recipes!!!! Great Idea!!! and who doesnt like……….Pi! I bet Prof. Steve will even weigh in!!!


I agree! great tree–and the inside is lovely!!!
I like apple…


Oh Wheatie,
Beautiful warm and cozy tree…
So GREEN and lush…
I’ll have that comfy chair by the fire……………….
and oh, are you serving pie?
Favorite used to be pecan…
Now though, Key Lime (real FLorida Key Lime)
Thank you for asking.


Favorite pie…………..Chess Pie!!!!! Sugar, Butter, Yum……….And My Mommas Derby Pie! which is Pecan Pie with Bourbon and chocolate chops!
She had huge Derby Parties and we started making and freezing them in February! 300 pies every year!


CHESS PIE …the BEST ever!
If we ever have a meet up..chess pie has to be there!


You got it Mollie!!!! (high five)!!!


Agree wholeheartedly about mom’s pies. Your momma and mine had something in common, Mom would bake all day when we were kids and there would be pies every where in the kitchen. The aroma was intoxicating!
I liked all the pies but her apple was too good!
Mom’s apple piecomment image


i love apple and so does hubby–but he prefers a crumb topping and i prefer mine with a double crust…how ’bout you?


Dear wife makes an upside down apple pie….


boy that looks interesting!


creme brulee😋


I love Derby pie also — it was a staple at any food event when I lived in KY. My all-time favorite though is Coconut Cream!!


Those are my choices, too…but the pecan pie has to be loaded with the nuts, not just tokens.
Growing up in the PNW, we never heard of Key Lime Pie but I certainly learned to love it after being introduced when in Florida. Lemon meringue was always a special treat because it was the only one with a wonderful candy-like topping.
But, surrounded by fruit orchards and berry fields, our specialties were every type of fruit combination you can think of including the delicious rhubarb and strawberry pie/cobbler. There was a time I would make a dozen fruit pies at a time and out them in the freezer, unbaked, to be used throughout the winter. I had a marble counter just for making pie crusts.
Heck, I’ve decided there’s almost no pie I do not like, including the real, old-fashion minced meat (after all, deer season was a way of life there.)
BUT…a huge caveat with pies is the CRUST! It has to be thick, flaky and tasty to compliment the filling, no matter what it is. A good pie crust is magic!
Thanks for the memories, Wheatie! Ahh, longing for the days when weight, blood sugar, cholesterol, etc weren’t such guilt trips! LOL


Just don’t overwork the dough….although there are many ways to make pie crust, the one I found to be the best for me was the “cold” variety…thus the marble work top…starting with cold ingredients and.handling the dough as little as possible. That’s what makes it “flaky” and melts in your mouth.
Wheatie…know lots of readers and posters will scroll right by these shared memories because they are more interested in the hearings, etc…but it’s been a delightful break and I thank you for the respite.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m and apple fan myself, crumb topping, but have to avoid it like the plague since going gluten free. 🙁

Rodney Short

Chocolate pie with flour crust not that gram cracker stuff.
My Granny was a pie Baker but she always had Gramps go out to the Amish to get chocolate pie.
Love the big tree in the header Wheatie, I live amongst the giant redwoods.


Amish Chocolate! lovely, and yes, definitely with the flour crust.
The giant redwoods! How grand that must be… my woods are all pine and scrub oak, here in Sand Hills of Carolina

Rodney Short

Carolina is beautiful.
Night and God bless Phoenix


Night and God Bless you Rodney…


have you ever had Amish Shoofly pie? wonderful with molasses and a crumb topping…

Rodney Short

Yes I have but it was over 40 years ago, I think Shisler`s Cheese House might offer Amish made Shoofly pie in their online site.


if you were close enough, I would make you one fresh! they are so good!!!

Rodney Short

I just tipped my head back and clicked my heels 3 times and for some reason I am still in California.


and for THAT reason…you deserve so much more than just a pie!

Rodney Short

God bless you.


Agree 100%… Chocolate!
Funny thing about the filling….
Put it in a Pie crust……you get chocolate PIE.
Put it in a bowl…… Chocolate PUDDING.
Pour it over biscuits……. Viola!… Chocolate GRAVY.
It’s a thing in the south 🙂

Rodney Short

Chocolate gravy is the best hangover remedy ever, I make mine with butter,flour,milk and Hershey’s Coco.


Jello pudding mix works fine 🙂

Harry Lime

New Haven style. This little beauty is from Modern Apizza.

Harry Lime

Oops…so sorry. I left that Pee Wee video in my copy&paste. That obviously isn’t a little beaty…

Harry Lime

That’s better. Mmmmmm….New Have style pie is the best!comment image


There is a franchise called “Mod Pizza” around here where you can build your own for a fixed price (which is just less than $10). There are tradeoffs, but it’s not much more than a burger.
My usual build is:
Standard Mod size (11″)
1 + 1/2 ladles red sauce
LIGHT (each bite [about 2″ x 2″) should have 0, 1, or 2 of, about 1/3 of each)
Regular amount of mozzarella cheese (1 scoop)
PAVE that bad boy with pepperoni (no overlap, just touching)
Three slices of salami
Regular amount of spicy sausage
LIGHT black olives
COOKED, then finished with
LIGHT pesto drizzle.
It never gets old because each bite can be different.


Don’t know if it was just a local thing, but as a teenager going out for pizza with family, our favorite was one called fireside pizza. I haven’t seen it in pizza places since but it’s how I prepare ours at home.
Now you have to remember, this was in Oregon several decades ago where “real” Italian food was quite a new experience…so the NE true and tried Italian food critics here might turn up their noses at a “fireside.” But, as we used to say…don’t knock it until you try it.” LOL
SIMPLY… after your hot, bubbling pizza pie comes out of the oven you put a layer of very cold, thinly sliced fresh tomatoes on top. Biting through the cold tomatoes into the hot toppings and cheese is “magnifico.” (Kissing my fingers and throwing them up!). Even my Italian husband likes this very much…however, I do have to carefully keep the black olives on my portion, only!


I grew up in edge country, where you could drive two miles out of town and point to a distance where there wouldn’t be a soul for 400 miles.
But we had our Chi-chi’s pizza — .
Chi-chi’s was radically different from most pizza. It was sliced in strips. The cheese was different [ Insert Queen song lyric: “You call me sweet like I’m some kind of cheese.” —

]. It wasn’t NY style, it wasn’t Chicago style, it wasn’t generic US style, it wasn’t Neapolitan style. But it was tasty.
And I haven’t seen it anywhere else.


You had me at Basil. Sluuuuurrrrpp.


I love Coconut Creme pie… I think that is my favoritestcomment image


Oh man… buttermilk pie… that has to be my favorite


That was my sis-in-laws favorite pie. She would request that on her birthday instead of cake! At her funeral, I brought one (pies were brought it), and found out from her sisters that it was a family favorite. They were very appreciative that I had done that.


It’s surprising how many people I’ve known that had happy memories of buttermilk pie – considering that we so rarely see it anymore. My wife made it one year at Thanksgiving using the recipe I got from my great aunt, my father in law doesn’t say much but he sure enjoyed that pie!


I’d never eaten it before that time, but I had known that it was her favorite pie. It’s kind of a delicately flavored pie.


For you Wheatie – >
~ ~ ~
Buttermilk Pie
Edna Dyer, Ardmore OK
1/2 c. butter
1 c. buttermilk (powdered works well too)
2 eggs
2 c. sugar
2 Tbsp. flour
1 tsp. vanilla
Mix flour and sugar. Add melted butter; blend. Beat eggs slightly. Add buttermilk and vanilla. Beat well. Pour into unbaked pie shell. Bake 45 minutes at 300F.
(Oven time/temp may need tweaking. Should have a golden brown surface.)
~ ~ ~


I’m a friend of Zorro’s, just dropped in.. I don’t know Edna D but I have been in Ardmore OK many times. Please tell old Z that a friend came by, copied the buttermilk pie recipe.


Zorro is a stealthy character, achieves his goals in the dark of night while no one is watching…
Zorro would totally steal a buttermilk pie recipe 😛


Wheatie – we have a local restaurant here that makes Buttermilk pie, and believe me, it is delicious. Do you want the recipe?


They serve it here with a fresh raspberry jam and a little whipped cream. It’s so yum!


It’s very Southern–Buttermilk pie…and Delicious!!!!
Wheatie—Please tell Michael to stop with the pics! I’m getting super hungry!😜🤣🤣
Waving to Michael!!!!! I actually ALWAYS LOVE yer PICS!!!!!💖💖💖


Love that one, too…and so easy to make, Michael. Perhaps these days I make it the most often.


Whoa look out… chocolate chess pie… my favoritest EVAH…comment image


Banana creme pie has to be my all time favorite…comment image


Oh oh oh – Chocolate coconut cream pie is simply the BEST…comment image


Old fashioned sugar cream pie!!!
I can feel the calories loading on!!!comment image


Look it’s Mincemeat Pie!!!
And it’s not even a rally thread!comment image


Cherry Cheesecake pie… now THAT is my favorite!comment image


Michael – I LOVE a good cherry cheesecake as well as a regular plain cheescake, but my favorite pie is a delicious cherry pie with a streusel topping? Am I right???


Everything’s better with streusel!


You’ve got that right!!!


Chocolate Peanut Butter pie!!! To die for!comment image


Funny story about PB Pie…Middle Son worked at a restaurant that made homemade PB Pies..And if there was any leftovers–he would bring them home to us. Hubby is a builder and had a crazy gutter/siding guy who called us at the last minute to go to a Kenny Chesney concert–had tickets for all of us! We forgot to say anything to middle kid….Well–A LIMO picked up a family of 4 and we went and had a great time…
Meanwhile…Back at Mommas…Middle son came home with PB Pie for all!!!! But…We were NOT there…and ALL our cars ………..were! poor kid went through the entire house wielding a knife!
(hmmmm no wonder he rarely comes home)


I think you have a lot of favorite pies!!! LOL!!!

Deplorable Patriot

My grandmother was a coconut cream pie fan. And, you know, I don’t ever remember having it until she was gone. I think I was in Memphis the first time I had it.


comment image


Very interesting GIF to drop on here.
Disney had a series of cartoons roughly in the 30s called “Silly Symphonies” in which he advanced the art of animation, bit by bit, by having each expression of a technical advancement finance the next technical advance. In this series, Disney produced “The Skeleton Dance” in 1929 [

] — and my first thought was that this GIF was an excerpt. But I couldn’t find the specific actions and….quite telling….the background to the Disney work is always substantially simpler.
Looking through other skeleton animations, I found “Skeleton Frolic” of 1937 —

— which was much closer. Where Disney liked to have specific bones in the feet of their skeletons, Columbia had them dancing in slippers. Where Disney had a pronounced difference in size between the cranium and jaws of their skeletons, Columbia melded them into a construct that looked more like the mask of a skeleton. Where Disney had more realistic depictions of knee joints, Columbia just had two balls where the legs bend. But the backgrounds were very much more evocative in the Columbia version.
This is particularly amusing because the Disney cartoon was “drawn by” a guy with a very distinctive name: Ub Iwerks. Oddly enough, the Columbia cartoon was “directed by”……..Ub Iwerks. What could have happened between 1929 and 1937? Oh, yeah, The Great Depression.
Well, this meant that people trying to run and grow a business were under a great deal of stress, as were the people who worked for such businesses… 1930, Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks had a major falling-out. Mind you, Ub had been with Disney from the beginning in Missouri and had come to California with him. Ub was the guy who designed both Mickey Mouse and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit — — but these were stressful times.
If you want to skip to the end…..Ub rejoined Disney in 1940. While away, he helped Chuck Jones get his start in the animation business and advanced Robert Clampett’s career.
So, I’m thinking this GIF was from Ub Iwerks between 1930 and 1940, but not part of “Skeleton Frolic” from 1937.


As another little aside — the early Disney crew were a bunch of technology nuts and racked-up a bunch of patents. Several of them had personal miniature steam locomotives, which require a certain level of precision manufacture and maintenance and deep understanding to run.
Two outstanding inventions were the multiplane animation camera and the omnimover.
If you watch cheap Hanna-Barbera cartoons, you’ll frequently see a character making the same set of motions repetitively while a background scrolls behind him. That’s the way things started. The characters are drawn on “cels” (originally made of celluloid), and merely laid on a painted backdrop. Snap a frame, change the cell, move the backdrop; snap a frame, change the cell, move the backdrop; snap a frame, change the cell, move the backdrop…..
In Disney feature films from the same era, you’ll see much more sophisticated “motion”. There will be things moving in the foreground; there will be things moving in the background; the camera will zoom in closer and dodge an obstacle, after which more backdrop will be revealed. This is done with a two-story high device where the camera can be positioned nearly twenty feet from the main character animation layer….or lowered to within inches. Each layer can be raised, lowered, lit differently, or have its cels or background moved independently of all the others. The reason that Disney animation was so far above all others was not just imagination and storytelling, but because Disney had a bunch of jackleg machinists on staff.
The omnimover ride system is another machinist’s wonder. If you ever ride the Haunted Mansion at any theme park, you are enclosed in a shell that rotates, tilts, and rocks backwards and forwards throughout the ride. That’s because there is a system of tracks with mechanical arms that extends as far below the base of the ride as the shell extends above. A simplified version is seen in their patent —

Besides the obvious (it’s just like The Little Mermaid: Ariel’s Undersea Adventure), the same ride system is used in Buzz Lightyear and Roger Rabbit — just less constrained.

Deplorable Patriot

The Skeleton Dance was one of the videos that brought my one nephew out of his shell at the age of five. We used to watch it over and over again.

Sylvia Avery

Cozy tree! And PIE! What a fabulous idea…….like michael, I have a hard time deciding. I eat pie maybe once a year, if that, so these are memories but oh what sweet memories! Pumpkin pie, coconut cream pie, my moms/aunt’s/grandma’s apple pie, pecan pie, blackberry pie, cherry pie, lemon meringue………..yeah, I’ll just have a slice of each!!!!! Lol………………..
Thanks for the happy memories!

Sylvia Avery

The world would be a better place with regular pie and coffee breaks!


Sylvia – totally agree! I love pie for breakfast! Why not – right? If you are going to eat it, eat it early in the day so you have a chance to burn those calories off!

Sylvia Avery

Yes! What a way to start the day! Beats oatmeal all to pieces!


You’ve got that right! My Dad always used to give me the “crow eye” when he saw me do this, but I think he was just jealous and wanted my pie!

Sylvia Avery

Ha ha, same here! How funny!


OW21..even pizza pie for breakfast for me!


Oh, yeah!!!

Harry Lime

Rhubarb didn’t even make the list. I have fond memories of Rhubarb…although I haven’t had one in years.


I have a really great strawberry-rhubarb pie recipe. My nine-year-old grandson made it for the county fair this year, and won Reserve Grand Champion!
The “secret ingredient?” A teaspoon of balsamic vinegar. In anything made with rhubarb.


Secret ingredient…balsamic vinegar. …heck, growing up In rural Oregon we didn’t have a clue what balsamic vinegar was! LOL I’ll tuck that prize-winning tip in my memory bank, Aubergine.
How wonderful your grandson is so interested. My county fair entries at that age were always muffins….I don’t even know why.
Now, living in the Eastern part of the country, you are fortunate to find some little (expensive!) bundles of fresh rhubarb very, very occasionally in the grocery department.


When I bought my house after getting divorced, I inherited a rhubarb plant that is probably 75 years old or older. The house was built in 1893. I had never had ANYTHING made with rhubarb that I liked, at all! But it was free food, and my Scottish ancestry would not allow me to waste it! In my search for some way to make rhubarb palatable I found a tip to use vinegar in a very old cookbook. The only vinegar I had on hand was balsamic, and the rest, as they say, is history.




That is brilliant! I love good balsamic vinegar.


Hey Wheats,
Do I have a responsibility on the Sunday thread to fish people out of the ever-voracious bin?
If so, I don’t know how to do that.
Also, fairly shortly after midnight eastern time, I’m compelled to hit the rack for a few hours. I can normally be up and on the QTree for a very good portion of the day up to midnight eastern.
If I’m to help with the bin, would you give me the secret key to the bin locker . . . or is that Wolf’s function?


Thanks. I’ve made the Sunday post . . . and I’ve scheduled it to publish as 2 minutes past midnight tomorrow.
I tried your instructions and see a comment by realgaryseven in the bin right now. Can you scroll down through what’s in the bin? I can’t seem to scroll down?


When I click on a comment in the comment section of the editor screen, I get “Oops! You don’t have permission to manage comments. If you think you should, contact this site’s administrator.” So, maybe there’s a hangup there??? Or maybe I have to wait to access my own thread after I publish?


Thanks. I guess I gots me some larnin’ to do after I post!


Alison Nov 15, 2019 at 01:30
It gives me abundant daily strength and peace
to constantly stay in touch with our Lord.
Surrounded by evil, we make our way
Looking for some peace, amongst all the fray
Searching for joy, too; looking for a smile
But not finding much but troubles and trials
So we fill our days with worry and fret
We can’t get ahead, we’re too deep in debt
Our pols are corrupt, the media lies
Honor has left us, but not schemes and guise
Our thoughts turn dark, our senses say “Beware!”
We need help. We turn to God in prayer.
Pray without ceasing is what we’re to do
Share our troubles with God; He’ll pull us through.
As we go forward, we are more aware
Of God’s presence and His merciful care
He’s always near us, walking by our side
Showing us the way, our personal Guide
We learn to make prayers of all our thoughts
For God has the power, where we do not
We draw our strength directly from Him
And He fills us with peace, full to the brim
With His strength we strive, with His peace we live
And then add His joy, which He has to give
The Kingdom of God is ours on this day
Abounding in hope, it’s for this we pray
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. Romans 15:13
For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Romans 14:17


Amen goes right there, carl! Beautifully expressed! God Bless You Real Good!!!


Very much appreciated, Carl. 💖💖


My husband LOVES coconut pie, whether it’s custard, cream or banana cream coconut, and it’s okay if there’s chocolate in it too!
As for me, I like pie. By the way, I like cake too! 😋


Jam! My Hubby..SAME Coconut cream, custard, etc….


Spent some delightful time in Jamaica several years ago staying with friends who had a native housekeeper/cook. She made the best (!) coconut pies and cakes with fresh coconut she grated herself. Talk about heavenly!


Oh wow, Wheatie. That coconut custard pie sounds fabulous! I’ve never had one and now I’m craving a piece just to try it out. 🙂 Normally, though, peach pie is my favorite. My mom always made me one for my birthday (and still does once in awhile).


Wheatie – are you going to share the recipe to the coconut custard pie? I would love that!!!


Thank You So Much!!!! Can’t wait to try it! How long does it bake and at what temp??


Thanks! I will keep you posted on my success!


Just thinking about pies got me to remembering a place in Northern Ca that we stopped at when we were on our way to watch our son graduate from Marine boot camp in San Diego. (Long time ago.) It was a place that specialized in apricots. The pie was so good that we bought a whole pie, and it was stuffed, and I mean stuffed, with apricots.


hey jam! Never had apricot pie…but a huge fan of dried apricots!!! Son was stationed in SD for a year or two!


Y’all have me gaining pounds already just looking at the photos!
Thanksgiving is 2 weeks away. I’ll have more to say on that day, but it’s one of my favorite holidays because it’s not that commercialized. Try as they might, the day is about family, friends, staying home, and giving thanks to almighty God.
Having said that (and speculating that prayers may have gotten me kicked out of CTH, I’ll never know.) I offer the following prayer:
Eternal God, heavenly Father, I pray for your undeserved mercy on our country and our people; I pray that you continue to bless our President; guide, protect and defend him; confound his enemies; and restore our nation so that we may serve as witnesses to Thy most holy Name;
In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Redeemer, and Savior, who lives and reigns in the unity of Thy most Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever
[p.s. to admins, not God: if prayers are not allowed here, please let me know. Still trying to figure out why CTH kicked me out…slowly accepting that I will never know.]




Yup. 👋🏼




Wolf made a comment quite a while ago that he decided to let religious comments be included with the posts, because religion used to be intertwined in every day life, and he felt that it still needs to be part of everyday life.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! The eviction of religion from daily life was one of the things that got America into trouble, and the sequestering of religion on CTH got that site into trouble, too, IMO.



Deplorable Patriot

Yes, it did. And trying to get back to some of it, invites all sorts of social pressures to give it up. From people who call themselves religious, and I’m not referring to anyone on this site, either.




Great tree 🌳, and now I want pie 🥧.
I found this interesting from the Dan Bongino interview of Pres. Trump. At about 12:14, Pres. Trump says that “all hell broke loose” among Dems when he released the transcript of the call. Pres. Trump said he had heard that Pelosi blasted the Dems, saying, “You can’t impeach a man on this call.” But she had already gone public with impeachment after reading the whistleblower report.
I thought it was a good interview. Bongino let him talk.


I thought so too TheseTruths…


Paging Hannity and Ingraham. THIS is how you conduct an interview…ask the question, then hush up and let your guest answer.
Bongino did a great job and President Trump obviously appreciates Dan, too.


Wheatie, this is just what we needed after the emotional roller coaster today. (It’s still Friday here.) There is nothing like good old comfort food to settle one down, even if it is pictures and comments. Thank you so much!


The Holy Spirit just knows…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN! I’m slouching in one of the chairs in that wonderful atrium up top! 😀

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I was going to say that I LOVE all kinds of pie, but the VERY BESTEST KIND is TWO PI – meaning a WHOLE PIE!!!comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

Shades of Soupy Sales, an honorary West Virginian, having attended Huntington HS and Marshall U. The master (OK, target) of a zillion pies 🙂
(And, of course, the Frisbee company, cf “Back To The Future”)…


Where did you find this clock? I want one!
I have clocks as decoration — including clocks that run backwards (typically displayed against mirrors — you can either deal with the works being backwards or the printed numbers being backwards in the reflection).


Hiya darlin!!!! Tough week!!!! Your Branches are ….still OK!!! You GOT STRONG ROOTS!!!!😘🙏

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! And thank God!




Q team! Bill Barr’s SPEECH! IS THE BELL RINGER…..(change my mind😜)


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Barbara K. Olson Memorial Lecture.
‘Nuff said.




Right in the introduction we learn something very key in my mind…

It is an honor to be here this evening delivering the 19th Annual Barbara K. Olson Memorial Lecture.
I had the privilege of knowing Barbara and had deep affection for her. I miss her brilliance and ebullient spirit. It is a privilege for me to participate in this series, which honors her.

Deplorable Patriot

Saving for later…like when I’m actually awake.


It is Powerful! DP!

Deplorable Patriot

So far, this is the most effective passage:
The fact of the matter is that, in waging a scorched earth, no-holds-barred war of “Resistance” against this Administration, it is the Left that is engaged in the systematic shredding of norms and the undermining of the rule of law. This highlights a basic disadvantage that conservatives have always had in contesting the political issues of the day. It was adverted to by the old, curmudgeonly Federalist, Fisher Ames, in an essay during the early years of the Republic.
In any age, the so-called progressives treat politics as their religion. Their holy mission is to use the coercive power of the State to remake man and society in their own image, according to an abstract ideal of perfection. Whatever means they use are therefore justified because, by definition, they are a virtuous people pursing a deific end. They are willing to use any means necessary to gain momentary advantage in achieving their end, regardless of collateral consequences and the systemic implications. They never ask whether the actions they take could be justified as a general rule of conduct, equally applicable to all sides.
Conservatives, on the other hand, do not seek an earthly paradise. We are interested in preserving over the long run the proper balance of freedom and order necessary for healthy development of natural civil society and individual human flourishing. This means that we naturally test the propriety and wisdom of action under a “rule of law” standard. The essence of this standard is to ask what the overall impact on society over the long run if the action we are taking, or principle we are applying, in a given circumstance was universalized – that is, would it be good for society over the long haul if this was done in all like circumstances?
For these reasons, conservatives tend to have more scruple over their political tactics and rarely feel that the ends justify the means. And this is as it should be, but there is no getting around the fact that this puts conservatives at a disadvantage when facing progressive holy far, especially when doing so under the weight of a hyper-partisan media.


Something off in transcript in last sentence there?
“progressive holy far”?

Deplorable Patriot

Not sure.


Explains the Yayawitch perfectly. She was a resistor who had every attention of sitting on her hands and doing nothing for the President and like the two clowns yesterday would not promote the notion that Spy Gate and Biden corruption were real and deserved serious attention. That’s why she was fired. Jordan started to scratch her up on that today, but it IMO it should of started much earlier. It’s the message that needs to be pounded home.


I am so close………….to grabbing Sylvia’s extra Shovel… and drivin to DC!!!! It’s so freakin rididulous!!!!! THIS IS OUR COUNTRY!!!!


There certainly going to have a hard time blaming no budget on the President this time around.

A Fortiori

I watched Barr’s speech last night and want to underline his comment that the SCt’s decision in Boumediene, that enemy combatants may access US courts so as to allow a judicial review of their detention is “insane.” Hussein and his ilk supported this notion specifically so as to hamstring our military and weaken our defenses. This ruling must be overturned.
In much of what passes for news today, the notion that citizens have rights that limit the actions of our government, whereas non-citizens do not, is often obscured (purposely in my view). And so it falls on each of us to think clearly about this subject.
Enemy combatants may not access our courts so as to limit the activities of our military personnel in protecting our country. Illegal aliens may not access our courts so as to limit the activities of our Homeland Security personnel in defending our border. Citizens may use US courts to limit the actions of our government; others may not.


Wheatie…..Benghazi….Broke my heart. Not lyin…I broke off friendships with Any lib…from that date forward…
They blamed it on a video! and O went to a fundraiser!!!! T3 needs to post another …………..Breath song!!!! 😥🤔


“What difference, at this point, does it make”?


Imma thinking the double supersized humble pie the msm is going to have to eat. Them and the fools withtds


Ozzy!!!! Humble pie is excellent!!! Have had it!!!! LOL Its the Crow pie they gotta choke down…🤣🤣🤣


Mmmm, Crow pie…second helping for House’s resistance. Rinos included.


Anyone ready for a little refreshing?


I dearly needed this T3!!!! Marica….is now…………..REFRESHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!💖💖💖💖


Think*3 to the rescue – God Bless You, Think*3!!!


I’ll just listen…Again!!!! Love ya T3!!!




Okay, fellow QTree occupants….and especially Wheatie who started this delicious posting….it’s in the middle of the night here and I’m STARVING after all these great photos of my favorite foods. Honestly, if I had pie, sweet or pizza, in the house I’d be in the kitchen this very minute! ( I’m so weak!)


And no one has mentioned QUICHE PIE… with extra BACON!!!


With the best of pies they cause me to involuntarily close my eyes and concentrate on savoring the taste. The two types of pies most likely to do that are:
1) Wild blueberry pie. The difference in taste with wild versus farm raised is like night and day. Pure maple syrup used as the sweetener also helps with the taste.
2) A combined wild blackberry and rhubarb pie. Same comparison with the use of wild berries.
I remember reading of a guy who alternated his mincemeat pie eating with bites from a hunk of cheese. The cheese reset his taste buds. The first bite or two always seem to be the best part of the pie experience.


I love wild blackberries – and – mincemeat pie!!


I woot…the problem with wild blueberries…they are tiny little things and it takes a heck of a lot to make anything! LOL.
Plus, at least in the PNW, you had to fight the local black bears for them.
I remember after the first moon landing there was a grand White House dinner feting the astronauts and others to celebrate the achievement. The menu featured foods and courses from throughout the USA, with each state contributing to the menu. Wild blueberries were Oregon’s contribution, if I recall, and one weekend hundreds of families scoured the mountains picking them for the dessert. There was such pride in being able to participate in history.
That was in the days when…..


Pumpkin for moi please. That coconut creme pie looks inviting!

Cuppa Covfefe

Nothing like a good pumpkin pie with whipped cream!!! … though there are TONS of good ones here to try, too… I’ve gained 10 pounds just looking 🙂 Mince pie is nice, too (especially when, erm, upgraded with lots of Brandy) but hard to find here.. have to make do with imporged Plum pudding and hard sauce…
I used to visit my Mom when I was in college, and we’d have a coconut-, banana-, or chocolate-cream pie. We’d slice it in four or more slices, and pretty much alternate until the pie had mysteriously disappeared. Then one day, she took out the pie, cut it in half, and we laughed, she asked, “which half do you want?”…
Ahhh, those were the days… (OK the pie was only an 8” one, but still…).


Deep south girl here – born in NOLA – lived most of my life in GA a few miles from the FL line.
Favorite pie – hand picked wild blackberry pie – picked along the roadsides and fence lines. Also preserves made from the same on hot buttermilk biscuits!!!
We used to go out as a family in the heat of the summer to pick wild blackberries by the buckets full.
We were taught as small kids to always be looking out for, making lots of noise and beating the ground to scare away the rattlesnakes, who also seem to love and hang out around wild berries or the mice, squirrels, coons, etc. that eat them.
Wild blackberries have finer seeds than domestic farm raised blackberries, which have to be removed to cook with them. The flavor is far better too!!! Families made double crust, single crust and/or biscuit crust cobblers out of wild blackberries. No need for ice cream or whipped cream…. they are wonderful as is!


Yep – I know what you mean about the snakes – we spent most of our summers barefoot, growing hard calloused soles on the bottom of our feet, picking out splinters from the dock or putting bandaids on stubbed toes from the roots of live oak trees.


Blackberry cobbler 💓, peach cobbler is good too!!
How bout Blackberry dumplings🍴


Oh, Lord —
According to the latest partisan garbage, if I listen to the SPLC, then listen to a native Russian, then listen to a Ukrainian, then listen to a Democrat, talk to a Pakistani while in the supermarket checkout line, then listen to a German, then listen to a Republican, and read some excerpts from the British tabloids, check out the US media, then read some blogs……come to my well-informed conclusions and write a letter to my congressman.
I’m not some well-educated person exercising my First Amendment rights to petition the government…..I’m a foreign agent violating FARA regulations. And providing an “in-kind” donation to whoever I don’t label a dumbass in violation of FEC rules.
That’s the state of play.


DO NOT MISS this Josh Blackman thread summarizing AG William Barr’s address to the Federalist Society:

Here is the text of the speech:

William Barr is the antidote to Øbominable’s Holder/Lynch travesties, violations, illegalities and bastardizations of justice.


….likewise AG Jefferson Beauregard Sessions – who was also a restorer of the rule of law and true justice!!!


PS – I really miss Howie. I liked him a lot – both his humor and legal analysis. I always suspected he was JAG or the Army or Air Force equivalent.


I suspect Howie got banned, as Steve in Colorado and I did, for disagreeing with YKW and/or one or more of the moderators….off topic posts also got folks banned OT.


If I remember right Howie was in the Merchant Marines. I miss him too


He knew a lot about CENTCOM and the Tampa recreational haunts of those personnel.


I miss Howie too — loved his wit!


Do you all prefer we post the thread reader version?
Since it doesn’t ID the author and topic, I tend to prefer the twitter version.


I go to the Thread reader if I want to copy and save parts or the whole thing.
Thread reader is nice to avoid the leftist troll replies too! But then you miss some wonderful right wing memes among the comments that way!


Verse of the Day

“For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”
Psalms 30:5 (KJV)


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Good Saturday Morning Duchess…hope you are well, safe and warm!


Hey, pat! Another chilly night where anything that momentarily thawed hardened to ice – the trees and bushes are bowed under the weight of the ice and snow – but, God is Good – he keeps us warm with thoughts of friends near and far and prayers answered.
Have a Blessed, Warm Day! God Bless you for caring!


Have a Blessed Day too!!!!


Thanks, sweet lady – Hey, Wheatie needs help with the pie orders – Mkay?


I’m on it…LOL
love to make pies!!!


There ya go, Wheatie – we are off the hook for the baking – * Smiling *


my apron is one of my favorite pieces of clothing…lol


Who knew? We did!!!


Great post wheatie except I almost passed out from all those pie pics.
1 moar though my dad used to make from scratch.
Pie or cake?comment image


Indeed and made with real custard….
Does this qualify as pie?


creme brulee😋


Yes, it’s sweet. need a way to brown the top


I’ll shoot you a vid later of the recipe.
Got to run for a bit🚘


Here you go wheatie


Oh yeah – a little goes a long way


Lived in Venezuela many years ago and it was practically the national dessert there…not always with the caramelized topping. I’ve loved it since then…great food for someone who is ill with little appetite but needing nutrition…goes down so easily.


Is it also called Flan?


I have a recipe for “impossible” coconut pie–no crust…some pies are better that way. and since my son has trouble with gluten, i make pumpkin without a crust too…


I never really liked Roger Stone, but here I am defending him. Nobody should be treated this way.


Let’s do a prisoner exchange – swap ol’ Hillrotten for Roger! She’s more guilty of serious stuff than Roger ever was.


A local hometown restaurant used to make an Almond Cream Pie that was out of this world. It was so good, our local Methodist church hired the cook to do their Wednesday night suppers and we had that pie often.
Here is a similar recipe –
I love almonds and almond flavor – almond macaroons, marzipan, meringues, cakes, coffee cake, pies, etc.


am I the only one who finds it odd that we haven’t had any updates about Jimmy Carter’s condition?
no…he’s fine and resting…no he had the surgery and is in critical but stable condition…none of that…

Deplorable Patriot

You have a point. I don’t like where my head it going on that.


No, you’re not Pat. I’ve even looked on Twit to see if there are any updates. It’s eerily quiet.
Me thinks there’s a lot of planning going on behind the scenes.


He’s dead, on ice backstage somewhere, waiting for his “cue.”


it is bizarre…no details on his condition…spookier still is no one else seems curious (and I don’t mean MSM, I mean actual journalists)


It is very weird, for sure.
Like they already know something, right?


yeah…I mean this is a former President, you’d think OAN at least would be updating everyone on his condition…nope, not a peep…

Deplorable Patriot

Octopi are smart and they are sneaky. There was one in an aquarium, a big one like Monterrey or something, that got out of the tank and escaped to freedom through a drain.


I heard a story of someone that brought a smaller one home and put it in one of their aquariums. After missing fish in other tanks they staked it out one night and witnessed the octopus leaving it’s home tank to snitch fish out of other tanks and then return to it’s own tank afterwards.
Who says we don’t have alien life on our planet?


I think maybe they took it back to the ocean where they found it.


great tree wheatie…and LOVE the pies!!!!!


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That impossible burger meme is beyond creepy!
FOR THE RECORD, I vigorously and categorically REJECT even the HINT of normalizing cannibalism ANYWHERE in the world at ANYTIME.



Cuppa Covfefe

That scene with the people trying to get the box spring into the car happens just about every day at IKEA… spatial awareness and judgement seems to be a lost art…
(I hate to think what they probably did after that – tie it to the car with ropes (or twine) going through the windows… not even a roof rack…).
Station wagons (and even pickups) that would hold a whole 4×8 or mattress/box spring are, sadly, a thing of the past…
Stores over here are all over the “impossible” meat… AlGore has a big, erm, stake in that company… but their meat is just as impossible as his Gore-Bull warming theories… I Timothy 4 was right on about VEGAN and all that madness…

4:1: Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

Cuppa Covfefe

The immortal Carnak… 🙂 And the Hundred-and-three-Trillion Tour…
Pencilneck Schiffty looks like Murph Dunne from Blues Brothers… probably sings like him too…




Is that a REAL tree, Wheatie? If so, we could all fit comfortably in that mighty fortress – the interior pic is like the ground floor entrance where we pick up our keys and check into our rooms – Thank you for the visuals.
Pies? Great idea – although not something I would be craving for breakfast – and yet – an American staple for our Thanksgiving feast – of all the things we consider and critique – one might wonder – but, certainly not catalogue – lol
Every Saturday, we are blessed to enjoy treehouses of all shapes and sizes – interior designs – and inspiring music – you are certainly a treasure as much as the imaginings you bring forth for us to savor.
God Bless You abundantly for all you do here to make us feel comfortable and loved. We are most grateful!!!


Quiche IS breakfast/brunch PIE!
Man is it good – lots of cheese, green onion and many variations of vegetables, sausage, bacon, ham, etc.!!!!!


Yum – Got a recipe, GA/FL? That looks scrumptious!!!


No I don’t have a quiche recipe on my computer…..I’m a person who cooks by taste…. I’d just beat eggs, add milk, cheese of choice, and the rest by preference of the day! Use a pre-baked crust, pour in the egg mixture and bake until the eggs are set.
Lots of recipes out there.


Thanks, GA/FL! I cook by taste and smell – but, I cannot taste or smell without a recipe – have learned so much from others, tho’ – and that helps immensely.
When my mom wanted to teach me to cook – I wanted to play baseball, basketball, and football with my brothers – so I was always MIA – lol


Here’s the recipe from the picture –
I’d double the bacon and use swiss.


Thanks, GA/FL!!! You are sweet to help!!!


You are so welcome. I make an easy corn oil crust that always flakes and never gets bitter like crisco crust can.
Double crust:
2 cups white flour
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp wheat germ optional
whisk together in bowl
In 2 cup measure, whisk together 1/2 to 2/3 cup oil and 1/3 cup cold water.
Stir together in bowl until all flour is moistened.
Divide and roll between 2 sheets of plastic wrap or parchment.
Line pie plate,
A. pierce and bake for cream filling….
B. add fruit filling top with second crust. Slit crust, sprinkle lightly with sugar, brush with milk or cream for a shiny crust.
Bake filled pie as directed.


Wow! Thanks, GA/FL:!!!
You know what? I have found ‘southern cooks’ are uncanny and unmatched!!!
This really helps me understand how it is done! Most grateful!!!


You are so sweet to say that….have cooked a lot over the years, made big messes – and failed a lot too.
Now, at my age, most of my big deal cooking days are over and mostly cook from memory – only get out a recipe every 6 months to a year.


Most ‘seasoned cooks’ cook from memory – I think – they just ‘know’ what to do
My neighbor was making chili – and asked me if I wanted to learn – she put her spices in so fast – made my head spin – when I asked her how much of each – she said – she just knows – what? How am I going to know? It was delicious – but, I was at a loss to make it myself.
I wanted to learn how to make homemade bread – so I referred to one of my numerous cook books – it came out awful – it was bland and tasteless – when I asked a ‘seasoned cook’ what I had done wrong – she asked me if I added honey – I said no – why? She said it gives the bread flavor. Oh? Mistakes? I am sure I got you beat there, GA/FL!

Cuppa Covfefe

(Since I can’t get the margins right…). Another cheese that’s really good is Gruyere (Greyezer) which is also used in Fondue… add a splash of Kirschwasser (cherry schnapps) and yer good to go for a, erm, warm morning 🙂


One of the cakes I have made a lot is Schwartzwalder Kirsch torte – Black forest cake. Dark chocolate layers – saturated with Kirsch, with whipped cream and dark sweet cherries between the layers, frosted with whipped cream and covered with shaved chocolate curls! Luscious!!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. I love that too, especially the Kirschwasser…. sometimes I even make the cake 😀
(Kind of like my Mom’s recipes for fruitcake and plum pudding… wrap them in cheesecloth and pour Brandy over it… have a glass, them more Brandy…. amazing they didn’t spontaneously combust… but boy howdy, were they good!)

Deplorable Patriot

Quiche is one of those recipes you can put anything in: mushrooms, broccoli, bacon, cheese, spinach, etc.
What makes the quiche is pricking the crust with a fork, all over, and popping it into the oven (425) for ten minutes before layering the veggies and meat, if desired, and the actual egg filling. Pro tip on meat, and broccoi and cauliflower – cook it first. Onions, spinach and mushrooms cook much faster, so it isn’t necessary for those. Best cheese to use is either really good cheddar or baby Swiss. Grown up Swiss doesn’t melt as well.
This is the best egg filling I’ve ever found from the Blue Owl Restaurant (this place is a local landmark) in Kimmswick, Missouri, down the Mississippi River a bit.
4 eggs, slightly beaten
2 cups whipping cream
3/4 tsp. salt (I use sea salt, something that is pure, not additive)
1/4 tsp. sugar
That’s it.
Bake at 425 for 15 minutes then reduce heat to 300 for 35-40 minutes until a cake tester comes out clean. Let it set up for about 10 minutes before cutting.

Deplorable Patriot

The cheese should be grated on a medium grater for best melting consistency.


Wow, DP!!! That sounds great! Thanks for the tip on the cheese – I would not have known that – but, hey – my experience is in sports – not cooking –
Thanks for chiming in – saved this and shared with a cook who will appreciate it, too – you the best, DP!!!

Deplorable Patriot

You’re quite welcome. Quiche is a big favorite in this house. And it’s so easy.
Now, I have to learn to make it without a flour crust for myself. My guess is that thoroughly greasing the pie plate is the first step.


Oh, why no crust? Oh, yes – greasing is very important – ask me – I know what happens when you skip that step – lol

Deplorable Patriot

I’m very much gluten free. Soy free. Legume free. Sugar in small amounts. Practically paleo. It’s the only way to keep the hormones balanced.


Oh, DP – that must be a challenge for you!

Deplorable Patriot

Somewhat. Although, I’m learning a lot of new ways to cook, that’s for sure.


And – more ways to share, too – I would imagine there are others who are like you.

Cuppa Covfefe

DP, would you be able to use a corn flour/masa-based crust? That would work well with the cheese, not sure if it would fit with your diet. I have a colleague here who was gluten-intolerant (as is her husband), and I only learned that after talking about Mexican food – seems that they used corn and sometimes rice flour for everything…
A huge problem over here is that the “discount bakeries” use some sort of enzyme accerlants to speed up the dough “curing” before making it into crusts/loafs/etc. Pizzas are the most difficult, as they require a high-gluten crust…
(Side note – when all the tumult about trans fats started, RoundTable began to look for alternatives for their crusts, to the point that they elisted their customers in the search for and testing thereof. It seems that losing trans fats all but ruined pizza crusts, in general…who knew…).


Hope DP catches this – since you sent it to me – 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Oops, sorry Duchess… I’ve fallen victim to the left-margin-limit again…sigh…
(Of all the things I’ve lost, I miss my mind the most…).


LOL – no problem – hopefully, she will see it – when she returns later – methinks she is off singing her heart out – I sure hope you find it – do you know where you left it last?

Cuppa Covfefe

Probably in the bottle labeled “Abby Normal”… almost new, never used 😀
(as I say when making stir fry, “Wok This Way”…).


You are too funny, Cuppa – like a breath of fresh air!


Basic quiche recipe:
Two cups half and half
Three eggs
A pinch of nutmeg (trust me on this, it is key)
Beat the above together.
Make and pre-bake a pie crust (trust me on the pre-baking, too). Bake crust about 15 minutes at 425, lined with foil with pie weights. Take the pie weights out, bake five more minutes. Brush the crust with an egg yolk beaten with a pinch of salt. Bake two minutes more. This protects the crust from moisture, and makes the flakiest crust under a quiche you have ever had.
Cover the bottom of the crust with cheese of choice, depending on filling, whatever you want to add – bacon, ham, spinach, onion, etc. Put any or all of this over cheese. Pour the egg mixture into the crust.
Bake at 375 for about 40 minutes. Center will jiggle a little still; by the time it cools it will be perfect. Cool about ten minutes. It gives you time to prepare yourself for pure quiche heaven.


Thanks, Aubergine! My Recipe Book is filling up with great recipes – you girls are the best!!! God Bless You!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Another one of those quiche-and-tell recipies 😀
Looks REALLY good!
Onion cake (actually kind of a quiche) is really good too – they have it over here with “green” wine (Federweißer or New Wine – names differ by region) which is freshly-pressed and just starting to ferment, about 4% alcohol… could make for a very cheerful breakfast 🙂 Heyyy JW, be sure to bring some Ebbelwoi…
For the savory to go with the sweet, there’s always FRITO PIE and Tamale Pie… and, what’s even good cold, for breakfast the day after, RoundTable Pizza (the last honest pizza). 10% cheddar, 80% Mozzarella, and 10% Provolne (I like 20-60-20) cheese makes it special, plus the crust…
Goes really well with strong covfefe in the morning…


Sounds awesome!!!!


Oh, I see – the night crew gets hungry – a warm piece of pie with a spot of tea – just the right combo before turning in for the night – better call pat in case you need help with the pies – I understand she is quite the baker – I would help – but, I do not want to blow up my kitchen – not a baker am I – * Sigh *


Most welcome, Wheatie! Glad to help – this is a wonderfully, warm place to visit – so many talented, smart people here – I missed youse guys – I thank God He brought me here.


Kanye’s conversion is having a big impact.


Kanye is part of the solution.
We want to set the prisoners free from excessive imprisonment.
But first let’s hook them up with the One who can lead them out of their inner prison.


Now he thinks he is God.


What is ‘ecological sin against the common home’, Dora?
Judges 10:14
“Go and cry unto the gods which ye have chosen; let them deliver you in the time of your tribulation.”
King James Version (KJV)


I don’t know what it is duchess. He is making it up as he goes along, so we will have to wait until it’s written down someplace. Maybe he will make it a sin to use a plastic straw. 🙂
The man has flipped out. How power has gone to his head.


His power


I hear you – but, I do not think this is something that just ‘happened’ to him in his old age – he was carefully taught in a theology that is not ‘Catholic’ – nor is it universal – even though that i what he wants it to be.
There are nuts in every denomination – and people who ignorantly follow them – I believe the churches have been infiltrated by satan and his minions – where was Jesus ostracized – in the Temple – a good man’s holiness shines through – but, a fallen man makes nonsense – imho
I would like to think he ‘makes it up as he goes along’ but, I do not – when in the history of the Catholic Church has a pope been ‘retired’? There had to be some reason this happened – what did Benedict do to deserve to be ‘cast aside’? There is something nefarious going on here – something that was planned long ago to bring down not only the Catholic Church – but, other churches as well –
Look at the divisions that have arisen over the gay agenda – I know of a flourishing Catholic Church that was instrumental in caring for the homeless, helpless, and many more – somehow – they put up a woman priest – and all h3ll broke loose – then – the gay agenda hit hard – this wealthy, community church literally split in half – the ‘gay’ church and the ‘straight’ church – their community outreach was not only diminished – it was destroyed – so you see – the divisions are everywhere – and I blame satan for that – after all – he comes to kill, steal, and destroy all of God’s creation – and that includes us!

Deplorable Patriot

Francis is the tale end of a group of prelates who have been plotting this for decades. Honestly, he’s making such a mess of the effort, that the serious people in the pews are pretty much ignoring him.


Really? I was wondering what Catholics thought of him – I already know what others think – lol

Deplorable Patriot

It depends on whether or not you’re part of the SJW crowd or not. The SJW groups, pretty much still bamboozled by Jesuit kumbya leftovers, are fans. The rest of us…no.


Oh – that is good to know – Thanks!

Deplorable Patriot

Nobody knows what an “ecological sin” is and that is the point. Most of us are wondering what happened to the sins that have been part of the DO NOT DO list for a couple thousand years. Don’t pollute unnecessarily, yes, is on the list, but it doesn’t rank up there with some of the others.


When then – now I do not feel so stupid, DP – Thanks!!!


If you have a great regard for the Creator, you naturally are concerned for the care of the creation. If he would stick with deepening people’s regard for the Holy Trinity, the rest can follow as a matter of course.


duchess, Perfect Scripture!


Most welcome, piper!

Cuppa Covfefe

Exactly. Looks like Francis the talking fool got stuck even before Genesis 1:1…. If he’s ever read the Bible at all… Looks like he doesn’t understand that “dominion” implicity specifies responsibility for and conservation of the earth and its creatures, as well as mankind. Francis is more at home with his idols and pagan gods/goddesses: he should either repent, or return to them and GOD’S wrath… Can’t have it both ways, and, as a leader misleading his flock, he will effectively have HELL to pay…
Genesis 1:26-31 says:

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.
31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

Cuppa Covfefe

Drat. Goofed up the close bold…sorry…

Cuppa Covfefe

Thanks, Wheatie! I think all these pies have got my thumbs (like Little Jack Horner) telling me what to do 🙂


If he can change the Lord’s Prayer – I am sure he can re-write the Bible – and people are buying this nonsense?


Wheatie: Just for you (and others who might enjoy Sir Patrick)
Q Anon/News – It’s a Trap! – In Pursuit of Truth Presents – 11.16.19


Thought so – * Grinning *


So while the shampeachment is live in CONGRESS, all of the witnesses are seeing in the news that Roger Stone is GOING TO JAIL for lying to CONGRESS.
I wonder how that influenced their answers???


‘Unhinged’ means dangerous.
Trump Hater Tom Arnold’s Veiled Threat: Roger Stone “Died in Prison”
Unhinged actor in yet another bizarre outburst aimed at Mike Cernovich.


time to haul his butt in for a mental health check up…a MANDATORY one!


hmmmm…Vindman’s testifying this Tuesday (?) so perhaps that’s another reason POTUS released the transcript of the April call…seems Vindman overplayed his hand again…
Vindman is the top Ukraine official on the White House National Security Council. On Friday, the White House released a rough transcript of the call that conflicts with a separate summary of the call sent to reporters in April.
The April summary of the call said that Trump “underscored the unwavering support of the United States for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity – within its internationally recognized borders – and expressed his commitment to work together with President-elect Zelensky and the Ukrainian people to implement reforms that strengthen democracy, increase prosperity, and root out corruption.”
The rough transcript of the phone call documents Trump congratulating Zelensky on his election victory and pledging to send a “very, very high level representative” to attend Zelensky’s inauguration. However, it does not include Trump explicitly promising to work with Zelensky to “strengthen democracy, increase prosperity, and root out corruption” in Ukraine.
In response to questions from reporters, the White House said in a Friday statement that “the NSC’s Ukraine expert” prepared the April summary.


Oh, Whoopie!!! Another Dud!!! Maybe, this testimony will get him butted out of the DOD – isn’t that where he went after getting canned at NSC?


So is Vindman the one that wrote the April summary that omitted the part about rooting out corruption? That means he is on the record throwing shade on the President.


Vindman wrote the April summary yes, but his version was the one that said:
The April summary of the call said that Trump “underscored the unwavering support of the United States for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity – within its internationally recognized borders – and expressed his commitment to work together with President-elect Zelensky and the Ukrainian people to implement reforms that strengthen democracy, increase prosperity, and root out corruption.”
the actual call didn’t mention that–that was Vindman projecting his desires for Ukraine…


Oh, okay. I had it backwards! Thanks for the correction.


Well done, patriot! One of the replies under this tweet is someone who made a QR code that links to Joe’s video and printed it on cards to leave around. (For those who don’t know, a QR code is those square boxes with random black and white marks. You scan it with an app on your cell phone)
So imagine having a business card laying around that just says “Have you seen the Plan to Save the World?” And the QR code which then directs people to Joe M’s video. That’s brilliant!


Lemon Angel Pie is a southern favorite!
It’s a Meringue crust baked and cooled, filled with cooked lemon cream filling cooled, topped with whipped cream, garnished with lemon peel or thin slices.
Amazingly fabulously delicious!!!


About the time I was a senior in high school – this recipe came out – and was served at all the spring bridal showers!!! Lots of girls got married right out of high school in our small home town.
Fresh Strawberry Pie!


I’ve done this with fresh raspberries or blueberries too.

Gail Combs

I have made that several times.
A key is to add WILD strawberries to increase the strawberry taste. I use strawberry jello made with some crushed strawberries. Place halved fresh strawberries in a baked pie shell. Cover with the gelling jello and place in the frig. Once the jello has set, top with REAL home made whipped cream.
(You can use non-sugar sweetener BTW and the strawberries make it so no one will know the difference)
H/T to my college roomie’s Mom who taught me this recipe on a spring break at their farm.


I NEVER use cool whip – only like REAL whipped cream!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

I imagine Al Borland would call it “fool whip” 🙂 [Does everybody know what time it is?]
Same here… when I was a wee bairn, I was whipping some cream, and wanted to do it “extra special”, so I kept going, and going, and going… My Dad, who had grown up on a farm, reminded me, “son, if you keep on, you’ll end up with butter”…
Hmmm. Come to think of it, there were flecks of butter in there… nothing like REAL whipped cream (sad to say, in Kalifornistan, “pasturized processed cheese” can be called REAL, in their warped world)…
A touch of vanilla (NOT vanillin), and awayyyyyyy you go…


Your strawberry pie sounds perfect. Copying and saving the technique!


that looks fantastic. we are gluten free and mostly grain free. never head of this kind of crust before! Would love the recipe that you recommend – link?


Pavlova is a popular Australian dessert that is somewhat similar. We were introduced to it by a family that was here on an exchange program.


Here’s the recipe:
4 egg whites
pinch of salt
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 cup sugar
6 egg yolks
3/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup plus 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
grated rind of 2 lemons (wash lemons well in soap and water, rinse well, then soak lemons in hot water and dry before grating)
1 pint heavy cream, divided use
sugar to taste (about 2 tablespoons)
vanilla to taste
For Crust: Heat oven to 275 degrees. Beat egg whites until soft peaks form. Add salt, cream of tartar and sugar a little at a time. Beat until stiff but not dry. Spread mixture in buttered 9 inch pie plate, forming a crust shape (not too high on sides). Bake for 25 minutes, then increase heat to 300 and continue baking 25 minutes more. This will puff up high, but will settle and crack when cooled.
For Filling: Beat egg yolks; stir in sugar, lemon juice and rind. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly until slightly thickened (it will thicken more as it cools. Cool very well, at least 1 hour, at room temperature. For Topping: Whip 1 1/2 cups cream until thick. Fold this slowly into cooled lemon filling. Beat remaining 1/2 cup, adding sugar and vanilla to taste. Pour lemon filling into cooled merangue crust.
Spread sweetened whipped cream on top. Refrigerate overnight, if possible
Note: I do not frost my pie with the whipped cream, but wait and use it to top each serving.
Garnish with 2 tbsp lemonade powder, 1 tbsp finely grated lemon peel, mixed with 1/2 cup coarse crystal sugar in a sugar or spice shaker and/or top with thin 1/2 slice of lemon.


ga/fl….going to have guests for a baked ham dinner soon…this dessert is a great compliment…thanks.

Barb Meier

Wow! My mom’s homemade coconut meringue and chocolate meringue pies were famous back home. She would have tried out a meringue crust in a minute, but none of us ever thought of such a thing. It looks wonderful!! We did sometimes make meringue cookies and those are best warm right out of the oven.

Deplorable Patriot

I just thought about it…I make a really good trifle with real custard and whipped cream. It’s laced with cream sherry.




Barry is back. Giving advice with an air of self importance. As always.
“Even as we push the envelope and we are bold in our vision we also have to be rooted in reality. The average American doesn’t think we have to completely tear down the system and remake it.”
Said Barack Obama, “speaking before a room of wealthy liberal donors,” quoted in the NYT, which calls his speech “an extraordinary entrance into the primary contest by the former president.” It’s “extraordinary,” because, until now, he “has been careful to avoid even the appearance of influencing the direction of the race.” So bland as his advice may sound, he must think it’s awfully important.


Hello Dolly!
[VIDEO] Dolly Parton Brings Wholesome Christian Values Back to ‘Woke’ Country Music Awards
So, it’s very nice when an old school Christian country music star like Dolly Parton stands up for traditional moral values and vows to bring a message of faith back front and center.
And that’s precisely what she did.

Gail Combs

A friend provided donkeys, camels and sheep for a live Nativity for Dolly a few years back. He said she was really great to work for ‘and took very good care of us’


I just love Dolly Parton. She is one of my personal heroes.


She is awesome!! When she comes “home” it is a celebration for the whole town


like that they made one, but boy i just can’t equate cowgirls, horses and rap music…


Benedict XVI Publishes Prayer: “Faith Endangered”
Benedict XVI resumes, “Lord, help us in this hour to be and remain truly Catholic.”

Deplorable Patriot

Bookmarking for later. Thank you.


Found something seriously weird last night…..
The USA is controlling Ukraine like it’s a colony.
And the US Ambassador was the one in charge.
Maria Zhartovskaya is the author of the article who did big interview of Lutsenko, Prosecutor General in Ukraine. That article was the source article used by WSJ, WaPost, NYTimes, to “claim” Lutsenko “retracted” his statement about Marie Yovanovich having a do not prosecute list.
It was a lie. She did give him a list of names, VERBALLY. He rebuffed her and threw her out of his office. Thus the media claimed there was never an actual physical “list” which she handed to him. See there??
Well, in the whole article, Maria the author, keeps asking Lutsenko “How does the US feel about that” or “Does the US approve” or “Did the US recommend that….” It was weird. Why does the USA have to approve everything. In fact, at one point, Lutsenko complains that Ukrainians should be running Ukraine, not the US Embassy.
Well, I thought that was pretty strange. Before closing out last night, I went through some of Maria’s other articles with various cabinet ministers, the new SPOX for Zelinsky, etc. And the same thing happened, absolute deference to the USA……specifically the US Embassy (which is nicknamed “The Tank”)……. like an overlord.
What the heck is going on?


Funny you should mention that. I thought it might be the case. She was born and bred in NYC. Thought it might be just her perspective.
I started checking links within the articles and found same deference by other authors. It’s “a thing”.
Weird, huh?
No wonder Yovanovich did not want to leave Ukraine, she was the queen.


you may be onto something there…she does resemble the Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland

Steve in Lewes

Apparently Ukraine is where the Swamp does it’s overseas “foreign aid’ laundry.
It’s like putting a pair of socks in the dryer, when you take them out to fold and put away, you somehow lost one!
What was it some $8B went to Burisma and poof, lost in dryer limbo!
I’m sure that’s why the Swamp went apoplectic over PDJT holding up aid!


Drying up their funds is a quick way to create PANIC and PAIN.


Well, you know the DNC is in big debt. They were counting on getting the American tax payer money back from Ukraine to run the 2020 campaign.
They sure as hell aren’t getting many actual donations.



Kevin McAleenan was given his first set of wheels under the Obama years so it was with jaundice eye we watched him drive for Trump and are now glad he’s been made to park the car and get out. Another bureaucratic deep stater wanting things to be the way he thought they should be just like the yaya witch that roosted in Ukraine getting left behind in the rear view mirror.


One last recipe – 1952 coconut pie recipe:
Macaroon Pie
4 egg whites
1/4/ tsp salt
1 c sugar
1 c graham cracker crumbs
1/2 cup coconut
1/2 cup chopped pecans
1 tsp baking powder
Add salt to egg whites, beat until foamy, not stiff. Add all the other ingredients.
Pour into a greased pie plate, bake 325 for 35 minutes.
Cool, cut into wedges, top with whipped cream or ice cream and serve.
Other variations of this pie in my mother’s and aunt’s Sunday School cookbook were made with saltine or ritz cracker crumbs, finely chopped dates instead of coconut.


During his years as mayor, he was never this hateful. Bloomie seems to be suffering from a serious case of TDS.


No, Bloombergy was a closet something or other. He spoke at my son’s graduation from George Washington University (masters) and it was clear then that he had an agenda. His speech was all about homosexual equality and marriage…Guess he got what he wanted.



Check the damn hotels! They come in from out of state and try to hit as many polling places as they can. Willing to bet occupancy is way up.


Wonder if there were several people with camera stationed in front of hotels, especially if “buses” load up, if it would make out of state “voters” hesitate about being recorded.
And, then someone assigned to follow the buses to the polling places and alerting poll watchers.
Especially important in heavily populated areas where voter fraud is so common….more bang for the buck, so to speak.
It’s going to take serious counter actions to stop it as much as possible….critical in the Bloomberg-paid for targeted states.


surprising sparse information about the recent school shooter, even tho his name has been known for days…no social media presence? no friends. neighbors, family to interview? wth?


oh…headlines say he died already


Pie – It can change your life.
Dad swore he married mom because of her strawberry rhubarb pie. He was right, it was divine.
Years later, I met Big T. His sister was “hosting” Thanksgiving and ………. she does not cook. She was going to cater the meal. I frowned at Big T and started to shake, “CATER Thanksgiving?” I couldn’t imagine such a thing. Big T looked confused – they “always catered Thanksgiving”…….. my eyes went wide with fear! I was gasping. That would not do. I offered to host the meal. No, she was dead set, had to be at her house. I offered to bring the food. Immediately, she accepted my offer. Beyond everything else, dessert was two pies.
One was a pumpkin chiffon pie, with fresh whipped cream laced with maple and amaretto, sprinkled with sugared pecans. The other was a pecan pie, from OUR pecan trees. I handed the stainless steel bowl to my brother-in-law with a whip, to do the cream. By the time I turned around, he had his fingers all in the whipped cream, saying, “What is this magical stuff??????”
I’ll never forget the look on Big T’s DAD’s face. He had two full pieces of each for dessert. He backed away from the table after finishing and said, “First time I’ve had home made pie in 35yrs.” After that, I could do no wrong in his eyes.
Best way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.


as a family, we show love through food…and our Thanksgivings always had several choices for dessert. we also had 2 kinds of potatoes, veggies galore, and 2 different gravies—my mom made a wonderful mouth watering gravy from the drippings, but my siblings preferred gravy {{gasp}} FROM A JAR–so she heated that up too…lol…
I could never understand how anyone could love gravy from a jar–till I met my hubby. Our first dinner with his parents I discovered why–his mom couldn’t make gravy from scratch…LOL…it was tasteless and lumpy and looked like mud…

Cuppa Covfefe

Ohhh, that’s sad. Take the bits left over from cooking the roast/turkey/whatever from the pan, add some Brandy (or wine) and cream, maybe a little roux too, (they call it loeschen here) and make gravy out of it… me Mum could make Yorkshire pudding in a few minutes like that…
Then again, in a pinch, hamburger-helper stuffing mix and the like are better than nothing…


IKR? I make gravy from scratch, (and my family loves it) but hubby prefers jar gravy…still…lol
except when i make a roast beef–he loves that…ah well… i cook to his taste…


Daughn in German we say “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”
If it is said in both US and Germany it must be true 🙂
My husband is happiest who I am in the kitchen because he knows something good will be for dinner 🙂
My doctor son is the cook in his family his wife also a doctor cannot even scramble an egg. My son loves to eat and therefore loves to cook specially mom’s old recipes. He teaches his kids to cook also.
My other son is the main cook in one also. My daughter and her husband share cooking but my daughter is the baker.


Big effect on kids too. Think Big Mike knew what it was doing when it tried to starve young impressionable minds with its fascistic uneatable school lunch program? That alone has certainly had an effect on all the mushy thinking with today’s liberals. Another early forerunner of resist designed to fill hearts with hate and envy. It attempted to make the same inroads on taking away my two cheeseburgers and fries at the mess hall too but luckily that didn’t fare as well as the officers got an earful and then told their wives they didn’t want to get fragged. Food is a serious business with far reaching consequences. Some one should start promoting patriot meals where common sense rules.

Gail Combs

I think you are onto something. GenerationZ is VERY Conservative. I think Big Mike’s school ‘Cooking’ may have left a lasting impression! (Snicker) Nothing like tasting what a ‘socialist’ government is really like at lunch every day.


He dun nit agin’!






did you see in Hamburg, Germany 4000 tractors (complete with farmers…lol) showed up and tied up traffic? protesting new Green Deal type restrictions that farmers there say will kill farming…sure we could get farmers here to show up and tie up DC traffic…LOL


and bikers and the Cajun Navy could clog the waterways…lol

Cuppa Covfefe

They’ve been doing that in Holland, too.
I think we “Normies” have had enough. Indeed, MORE THAN ENOUGH.
Kind of funny, back before 1992 and the disaster known as the European (Monetary(!)) Union came into being, France was especially entertaining, as they would have a general strike just about every two weeks or so. I’d be travelling on business, only to find out everything was clogged up, or nothing could be done because everyhing was on strike.
The funniest time was one time when the railroads (SNCF) were one strike. I needed to cross a grade crossing in order to get to my hotel, which I could see from the crossing. It was night, pitch black, raining furiously, and I’d already tried to get around the crossing up a steep, narrow, windy street, only to find it a dead-end, and having to back down, very slowly and carefully (in total fright, as it was VERY NARROW), back to the grade crossing. Fortunately (I thought), there was a telephone at the crossing gate, with a little roof over it so I wouldn’t get soaked.
So, I gathered up my best memories of high-school and college French, picked up the handset, and proceeded to ask the person on the other end (who, sadly for him, wasn’t on strike) what was going on.
It went on a bit like “Who’s On First”.
I asked why the crossing gates were down.
“We’re on strike, so we must make sure that the crossings are safe”.
I responded, “but if you’re on strike, there are no trains running, or?”
“Yes monsieur, there are no trains running”.
“But why are the crossing gates down?”
“Because there might be a train…”
“Didn’t you just say there was a strike, and there are no trains running???!!!” (it was raining ever harder)
“Yes, monsieur, but there might be trains running, and we must make it safe”…
This went on for about another 10 minutes, the SNCF person, of course realized the irony, but was, like the officer in “Herbie Goes To Paris”, completely unable to do anything…
I eventually went back, to another hotel that I knew, and had a(n understanding) laugh with them over my plight…
The French, back then, really understood that a general strike is the best, and perhaps ONLY means of getting an incompetent, recalcitrant gpvernment to do ANYTHING, let alone something useful…
Oh, for the days that a “change agent” was someone you met at the border at a “Bureau du Change” to change your money into (or from) Francs…
When France, and sometimes Germany or Austria went on strike; the WHOLE COUNTRY CAME TO A STOP. And they had to DO SOMETHING. Nowadays, there is less backbone shown. If only…..


wheatie…gettin’ close to time…


not a fan of cats myself, but kittens??? I’m a sucker for kittens…


I love kittens and cats. Mine are rescue and they appreciate their home.

Gail Combs

I finally talked Hubby into a new kitten (6 mos old now) She had her shots, been spayed and is now an outside ‘barn cat’ My old fixed tom has really taken to her since my old female died this summer (@ 20yrs) He never really liked my old queen but he lets this little princess eat out of his food dish. She in turn brings him mice to eat. (Yuck)
She follows me when I go feed the ponies and sheep and goats. We also just added a HUMUNGUS Ram. This fellow is an Ag college experimental cross and weighs well over 200 pounds and is as big as one of my ponies — a good 4 inches taller than the rest of my sheep. He is a dual purpose wool and meat animal.


Thank you for sharing this sweet story 🙂



comment image


good for you!!!!!


comment image?w=720&auto=format


You’re a genius sweetie wheatie


comment image


comment image?


when I post memes and photos…I remove everything after the jpg to make it post…


I’m still a babe in the woods


any time…someone else had to tell me how to do it too…
wrote down the directions for making my own memes…haven’t found the time to try that yet…but soon…we are all learning!!


The question mark (?) GOT TO GO!comment image


saw a theory in a comment section about Ambassador Marie’s testimony. (have to wait for transcript to confirm cuz I didn’t watch it) but he said the Ambassador stated the investigation into Burisma is still OPEN and then it was being used to leverage Burisma.
if true, leveraged for what purpose…is that blackmail?


I give up😢


yup…then you’ll be posting pictures, meme, cartoons…whatever, uncontrollably like me! LOL


“When you hit a wall find ways to go under and over, but never give up.”
Donald Trump


I put that in my Eulogy for my Mom… she was that… never accepted ‘can’t’


“The apple never falls far from the tree.”
God bless you and your mother.
PS we got Q drops!!!


Thank you Nor’easter… blessings always needed !
realSauce has it !


What about “OUR GIRL”???


Posted HER ! (I think I did)




Thanks Nor’easter… it ain’t Q if she doesn’t shout it out ! 😉 (not really, but…)


Just wouldn’t be the same without her!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Like this?comment image


That’s the one,,, the ONE-AND-ONLY!


looking at this photo of Ambassador Marie…is that a band-aid on her palm? did she have to sign a contract in blood before she testified?comment image


Glen is back and he explains a lot about what’s going on.


I just finished watching this, started it the other day when JW in Germany posted it. Been watching it in bits for 3 days. He really nails the Soros and Open Society Institute. Even though he’s not exactly pro Trump, he’s following the money, and the links.


Looks like a war zone. But it’s Paris.


I’ll just put this here.


Wheatie,I’m behind schedule and on the run. just stopping in to comment todays tree is the
YUUUgest yet.. Awesome job ! ..and remember
‘ PIE fixes everything !! ”
Have a great day and carry on !


So sad.

Cuppa Covfefe

Tragic. Two of the most charming, picturesque, romantic cities in the world, Paris and San Francisco, destroyed by the liberals, globalists, and perverts straining and striving to reach their demonic ends…
The old song, “The Poor People Of Paris” takes on a whole new, sad, meaning in these times, (no) thanks to Macaroon, the Mozzies, and the misanthropes…


Barry and ValJar is my guess.


Wheatie, I saw a report/ story, can’t say where but like a Dim I know I read it and it was a careful source, that Hunter’s monthly pay was $83.333.33. In other words, four cents less that a million per year. (Maybe the contract was for $250,000 per quarter and the cents always round down to 33.)
News reporters indict themselves of short-sighted tunnel-vision every time they type a report. I guess their thoughts are, “What’s the important message of this dollar amount? I know – $83000 per month! No, no, it’s More Than $83000!” Sheesh. What is written in the ledger, mister journalist?

Cuppa Covfefe

I wonder if anyone is AUDITING HIS TAX RETURNS???????!!!!!!!


OMGoodness, Wheatie, that tree is PERFECT for the many storms raging inside and outside the QTree!!!!! Mighty, unyielding, fortress and refuge. I love it (and you).
I was surprised to see the high number of comments and chuckled to find out it’s all about THE PIE 😂
I’m more if a cake fan than pie, but I NEVER say no to coconut creme pie – it’s the best!
Mom used to sing a song about shoo fly pie and apple pan dowdy. I’m guessing you or Daughn can tell me what that is 😘


you had me at cake…LOL I have been so hungry for carrot cake!!!comment image


i think i gained 5 pounds just being on this thread today!comment image


LOL. You ladies are bad. I don’t eat sweets at all. And what do I see …full threads about cake and pie. Maybe I will post stuff another day.


wow! not at all? you’re a hero!!!
they are my weakness….


now put spicy foods in front of me…….love it


k…you can have all my spicy food and you slip me your dessert…deal?




Ever tried this?
Stops a head cold dead in it’s tracks!
https://firecider.comcomment image


the newest g/f is all over apple cider vinegar so I will show her this. Thank you.


Includes habenero, but for some it’s mild enough a taste that someone I know commented that it would make a nice salad dressing!

Cuppa Covfefe

Now about that Carolina Reaper Pumpkin Pie… 🙂


YUM – traditional early american recipes!!!


Thank you! The photos are awesome – I’m trying to remember what molasses tastes like… syrupy but not as sweet as sugar. I’m going to look up what molasses is made from.
Man, I am hungry. My stomach is even growling.




Alison, your post about liking cake more than pie made me chuckle. Baking was one of my greatest pleasures and I made cake after cakes….have a very thick file just for cake recipes.
DH and I have been married nearly 45 years and a couple of years ago he commented that he really like pies better than cakes! I was dumbfounded and asked …”We’ve been married over 40 years and you are just now sharing that with me?”


hubby likes cookies and I prefer cakes–so I make batches of cookies and freeze them in portions, and I bake a layer cake for me…then slice it and flash freeze to harden the icing, then freeze individual slices so i can have cake whenever i want. That way I don’t feel obligated to eat the whole cake either…


LOL you mean you couldn’t read his mind, Teagan ?!?
A cake in his mouth is worth two pies in his mind 😂😂😂


“Couldn’t read his mind.” I’ve come to the conclusion it’s probably a good thing! 😉

Deplorable Patriot

Here’s a family favorite that’s actually a WWII recipe.
Red Devil Chocolate Cake
½ c butter
2 c sugar
2 eggs
4 oz. bitter chocolate (melted)
1 ½ teas vanilla
2/3 c sour milk or buttermilk
1 ½ teas baking soda
1 teas salt
2 c flour
1 c boiling water
1. Cream butter & sugar.
2. Add vanilla.
3. Add eggs one at a time and cream thoroughly.
4. Add melted chocolate and cream thoroughly.
5. Sift together dry ingredients together.
6. Add dry ingredients to batter alternately with sour milk/buttermilk.
7. Add boiling water last.
8. Pour into greased and floured 8 inch pans.
Bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 min. Cake will be peaked in the center.
666 or Mocha Fudge Frosting
1 pound box of powdered sugar
6 Tbs. Hershey’s cocoa
6 Tbs. melted butter
6 Tbs. cold coffee
1. Mix the sugar and cocoa
2. Add butter and coffee and beat until smooth and glossy.
• Place flat side of one layer on the plate.
• Slice off the top of the layer to make a flat surface. Set the slice aside for everyone to nibble.
• Frost the top surface of this layer.
• Add top layer and frost the sides and then the top of the cake.

Cuppa Covfefe

Apple pan dowdy is a sort of apple upside-down-cake (note: CAKE :)). Used to have it all the time growing up. Can even make it with Bisquick (and lots of apples and cinammon and brown sugar)…. Great stuff…


I am not sure that people are still commenting on the “tolerance” thread so I will put this here.
I finally read who the banned posters are, though the page kept disappearing before I could read all if it, and saw part of one of the posts responsible.
The whole thing, as well as the division between the 2 trees, is very sad.
For the record, the female who can no longer post here was an example to me of strength and grace through heartbreaking, terrible life experiences that some of us would have been felled by. I hope somehow she sees this and realizes that she is respected and treasured by many of us.
On top of deeply painful challenges of the human condition, many here deal with hardship and personal attacks from the outside simply because of our Christian, Conservative beliefs.
While we constantly see vitriol aimed at the President and the rest of us in the media, many come here—thinking ourselves among friends—to gain information and encouragement in carrying out our God given assignments in being the salt that will help preserve the country.
I think it should not be hard to retain a certain amount of professionalism in realizing that what we post reflects who we are not only to each other, but to others who may read this site, and who—while not being satisfied with the behavior of the left—might justify their continued support of it because they see no better here.
Knowing the depth of kindness and the goodness of character of most who post here, I think I am probably preaching to the choir. Still, it doesn’t hurt to remind ourselves of the call most of us have accepted to love one another, bear one another’s burdens, and overlook one another’s faults.
A person’s wisdom yields patience; it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense.
Proverbs 19:11


Thanks LM!!!!!!!!!! NF wanted you to know just how powerful your post was and how very much she appreciated!!!! you are a jewel!!!😘😘😘 We are looking out for her….no worries! Reason for everything.
TRUST……….The PLAN!!!!


Thank you Marica.
Made me cry.
Hugs to all.


Will do!😘😘


Ha! Thought I’d get left in moderation having never been to your place before. Left some for Nebraska there if you get a chance to break it out.
Posts here too since its stuck there.
Not sure how these things work out Nebraska but your being out leaves a big hole in the tree that will only ever be repaired with your return. Meanwhile I’m clueless about what happened and the cryptic excuses didn’t help any in explaining it. If LM and Marica hadn’t left those messages in today’s daily I wouldn’t of ever thought it was you. Meanwhile I’m assuming pink hat is Andy and there’s no loss there since he took back in rile sarcasm as much as he gave in informative posts. Anyone whose read your posts long enough should know your well meaning, insightful a great contributor, reporter and someone with a story.
Anyway, personal talk like this is not my custom. Hopes this is just a suspension as stated, action taken, time served and then we see you soon. Missed always till then.


Thanks para!!! i think you are out now!!!!😘😘


Getting to read down now on the daily thread. See’s you have great support from many of your friends 🙂


MAGA peeps are the BEST!!!


Oh, sorry Marica thought that was Nebraska. Wondering if Wolf might take all these comments and include them as part of letter of exoneration for the legal file as he contemplates Nebraska’s return. Just an idea, not trying to be pushy.


I’ll pop over and bring her funnies and her love! There is a reason for everything…and a connection between all of us! HUGE PLAN! One day…… will all be revealed!!!😘😘🥰💖


Not sure, but I believe her POSTS are suspended… whether under her handle or someone else’s.


I will just bring general words…


She’s been on my mind and in my prayers. Thank you for the update.

Cuppa Covfefe

Marica, give NF my best, and my prayers. All the best to her and hers, and you and yours… I’m sad to see that it turned out this way…


Will do Cuppa…Things will settle and work out the way it’s supposed to! HUGS!


Me too.


Oh no..she’s gone? OMG..I feel responsible. She did it in reply to me.


Ed..NF said to tell you IT is 100% her own fault. No blame at all on you…
She was meant to come over…IMO–she blurted out Amen after our prayer went up and said that’s the first time she has ever done that! So………how’s that for a God moment!😘😘


OK I found her Marica. I hope she sees my post on your prayer wall.


I will tell her to look darlin!!!!😘😘😘


NF treasures the friendship! Me thinks.


gees…LM if I hadn’t read your post, I never would have known….thanks for drawing attention to it.
I agree with your assessment of the female involved…and I admit, I will miss her posts.
The male in the equation has been (IMO) baiting a few posters here for a while…
There will always be people that get on our last nerves–and once we let that happen, they will be unrelentless about it.
Sad, in my estimation…our differing viewpoints can offer invaluable insights…like all the flavors combining to make a delicious stew…


It’s a pattern that he’s displayed several times, but this was the cruelest stalking I’ve seen him do.


Thank you Pat,
I am so grateful for the insights, information, and support offered on this site. You are right, we each benefit from one another.
PS.I have to leave for a bit.
I will carry these lovely comments with me in my heart.
They are helping.


be safe…be well!


Baiting ..Seems almost benign in comparison to the street fight here.
Was it satisfying I wonder to break a woman who chose to scrap with him? Was it fulfilling to seek out nuggets to bludgeon her with? Was it exciting to wait to see if the latest zinger would hit that sweet spot and elicit a response to keep it going?
One thing this situation has done..cement the fact that the internet is forever and no matter how much we think we know a group, revealing anything personal is a gamble that can come back to cause tremendous harm.


Take solace in this:
One cannot break THAT Fillys Spirit.


Satisfying . . . fulfilling . . . exciting . . . to a troubled mind, yes, they could be. To a reasonably well adjusted person, however, abhorrent things to do.


sigh…you’re right. I was trying to be polite.

Deplorable Patriot

Some of us, though, can recognize the lessons learned and file them away for later. In my case, starting a new project. Nothing to do with here, but something I have to do.
I’m sorry it came to this.


Yes. Great appreciation and respect for NF. Over came so much adversity. Enjoyed her posts.
Wish her well!


I feel awful(sick), but thinking about what I will make for Turkey day, its my pumpkin honey pie and lemon cream cheese pie both with fresh whipped cream.


gees…are you under the weather?
hope you feel better soon!


I took kiddo to an area known for Apple season tourism and I caught something. He actually didnt this time. Just a lousy cold but bad headaches and really tired. Hopefully ill be over it by Tuesday.
Im making a double batch of this recipe for the 1st graders then:
Pumpkin Gooey Butter Cake


hope you feel better soon!!!


Yes you know it!


Wolf, I have submitted an OP for your review.


Opinion Piece?


Fabulous quote sent to me…
America does not need to see the tax returns of a billionaire who became a public servant.”
America needs to see the tax returns of public servants who became millionaires while being public servants”

Deplorable Patriot



Love it!


The Harvest [crop] has been prepared and soon will be delivered to the public for consumption.
A Higher Loyalty [Y].
Hunters become the Hunted.
How do you remove a liability?
Six o’ clock can be dangerous.
Family proud?


“Hunter” and hunters become the hunted


good catch!


I can’t say what was meant but six o’clock is directly behind you in military terms. That is what is meant when someone says, “I got your six.”


comment image




I love that kid!!!!


Yep. Q posts are not official until we get that kid. And now we have that kid!


That was 3599 posting from my ph


New: Title TBD
16 Nov 2019 – 1:13:56 PM
The Harvest [crop] has been prepared and soon will be delivered to the public for consumption.
A Higher Loyalty [Y].
Hunters become the Hunted.
How do you remove a liability?
Six o’ clock can be dangerous.
Family proud?
New: Title TBD
16 Nov 2019 – 1:21:10 PM
For those who decide to save the taxpayers some money.
There is no escaping God.


Is Q referring to the drop about ‘corn harvesting’ … Comey?




“Harvest” = the thousands of seal indictments sitting at the DOJ




I know that was curious…a vague reference to Thanksgiving being “THE” time for reveal?


Vaguely remembering some comment from PDJT maybe last year(?) about how long it takes to cook a perfect turkey


that does sound familiar now that you mention that…


Wish I could find it….

Deplorable Patriot

Every time I see “harvest” unfortunately I think of a bad Jesuit tune.
One of the downsides of being a musician. So many phrases just trigger that sort of recall.


For those who decide to save the taxpayers some money.
There is no escaping God.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. This. Don’t worry about temporal escape. God will take care of these people for all eternity.


For those who decide to save the taxpayers some money.
There is no escaping God.

Deplorable Patriot

Not just suicide, but “suicide” and ending extraordinary measures and life extending treatments. They all have the same effect.


OK – one more pie – a prize winning recipe – and a great one for Thanksgiving!
1 un-baked 9 inch pie shell,
For the sweet potato bottom layer:
1 cup sugar,
¼ teaspoon of cinnamon,
1½ cups cooked and mashed fresh sweet potatoes,
½ cup evaporated milk,
½ teaspoon salt,
2 eggs,
½ stick solid butter (4 tablespoons),
1 tablespoon of vanilla.
For the pecan top layer:
1 tablespoon butter (melted),
½ cup sugar,
½ cup white corn syrup,
1 extra large egg (beaten),
1 teaspoon vanilla,
1/8 teaspoon of salt,
1 rounded cup of chopped pecans
1. Place all sweet potato ingredients in mixer bowl and blend for about one minute. Don’t put sweet potato pie filling in pie shell until the pecan filling is prepared.
2. In medium bowl, mix butter, sugar, syrup and egg together (by hand). Add all other ingredients and stir until blended. Stir in pecans and mix well.
3. Spread sweet potato filling evenly on bottom of 9 inch pie shell.
4. Carefully spoon pecan filling over top of sweet potato filling.
5. Bake in pre-heated oven at 350 degrees for 45 to 55 minutes until filling is set.
Serve with whipped cream or ice cream if desired.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m thinking of copying all of these desserts and doing a Kindle book.


Good piece on the housing scam in Ca. Coming soon to all Left run areas..~~~
California’s Boondoggle Archipelago
Political patronage to the well connected builders who are generous with their campaign donations





Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No.7356305
Nov 16 2019 14:11:27 (EST)
Many who ‘represent’ us, do not love us.


dusty in here too….sniff


See too.


Correction: through tears I accidentally pushed the wrong key.
Above is supposed to read
Me too !!!!!

Concerned Virginian

Very nice and appropriate that he thanked POTUS and asked the rest of the country to help him do that too.
Sending Peace and Good Energy to Lt. Lorance and his family as he resumes his life with them.


There is not a pit in the depths of hell deep enough for Barack Obama.
What he did to our military is beyond redemption.


Yes, him and everyone who helped & supported him.


PM has a THREAD on Q drops so far …

coosmama twit page is reporting Iranian cell/internet shut off at 6pm. Iranian uprising getting hot, gas prices tripled, plus rationing. The bank building has been set on fire.


thanks coosmama


may have satellite connection if disconnected.
just checked, and he does have video up.
He’s a good ‘un.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No.7356331
Nov 16 2019 14:41:22 (EST)
How do ‘select’ bad actors attempt comms w/o SIGINT collection?
Rebellion or Empire?
Private [invite only] faction(s)?
Dark > Light


Looks like communication through playing games with the chat feature…. again. Just not cards or casino games this time.


That’s what I’d guess. A game like that is one where they can “invite” certain people to play. If you are playing over a private lan ( a lan not necessarily hooked up to the web), the players still need to be invited to join. Players can ask to join a particular group on the internet, and the person “hosting” the game will offer an invite to the requesting party. They may have a regular time that everyone knows about to meet, and maybe set meeting dates while “game playing”. Dummies.


Communicating through X-box? Used to communicate through online casino games?
Like penny poker? Where did we hear that before?
Must have been when we were in Mandalay Bay. That was a helluva a time, right?


Remember Q posted a picture of Noname playing some card game?

A Fortiori

Yeah, and we have probably been tuned into Nellie Ohr’s ham radio for a while too.


That was a shiny object IMO.
“Look! Squirrel!”


Got some chores to do, looks like an active drop day, handing off the reposts

Deplorable Patriot

I’m back from IKEA (don’t ask), but nothing yet.

Cuppa Covfefe

In search of Billy (the bookshelf? )
First there was the Rat Pack (Sinartra, Martin, Davis Jr., Lawford, Bishop).
Then, there was the Flat Pack… Kamprad… 🙂
[looking for a cheap and cheerful desk here for a laptop – can seem to find both in the same piece of furniture – lots of cheap, not much cheerful – hope your shopping tour went better…]


LOL you called! 😉


Found this on r/the_donald


Well, let’s try again. It’s a post which says as of 6pm in Iran, the cell towers all shut off amidst the uprising over there.


iirc, Iran is a Black Ops run by C_A …


The source is, their twit page. Sorry I couldn’t get the pic to post.


And Q is talking about that inviting gun on the nightstand!


We All have hurts and damage to our hearts and souls – childhoods that were damaging beyond the norm (no perfect parents so there are Always hurts from childhood!), from family, from friends, work situation, current life, choices our children have made, spouses, some of our own choices…
I learned something completely new to me from Magnolia magazine by the Gaines which had an article in issue #12 that talks about the practice of repairing pottery/china with gold. It is broken and then restored but the restoration is not with the goal of making it like the original but better than the original. The gold in the break lines/repair lines is precious gold, increases its literal worth and brings new designs and new beauty. Lovely.
I pray that our hearts, repaired with the precious love of God will be more beautiful and stronger repaired than it would have been had it never been hurt and damaged by various events and people throughout our lives. We All need this, some more than others – but won’t the ones who have the most damage just be the most precious and the most beautiful as they will receive the Most repair and attention for Him?
information about Kintsugi here:
Beautiful examples here:
More beautiful examples here:
(not endorsing particular websites – just locations I found lovely pictures)
We all need wholeness for peace, Spiritual growth and maturity, for our Earthly journey to our Heavenly destination and to be Effective in All areas of our lives while here on earth – relationships at work, with our neighbors, in our communities (including online), in our families, with our God and in our civic duties.
Prayers for peace, healing and restoration to our treehouse, to our fellow treehouse commenters and to so many being damaged in the political fight of our lives for our Nation.


Scripture is full of references to pottery. The most important one being that a human must be broken in order to be able to be rebuilt by God. This is why there are a disproportionate number of born-again convicts in prison. They sure are broken and most of them want to be rebuilt.


Personally I am grateful for all the pain I have gone through because it made me the person I am today.
Also my thinking is we go through situations for a purpose not only for ourself but also for others.
To be understanding by knowing and to hand a listening ear to persons who go through the same pain .
I always say “I weep with those who weep.” So true because I can feel the pain and the Holy Spirit intervenes and brings healing to the person.
In my life I confront pain and embrace it and in love let it go. I do not hang on to pain. It takes love to let it go not hate , not fear not getting even.
I am Blessed that way.
I guess we all come to peace our own way.


While I agree wholeheartedly with all you have said, it is much easier to “say” than it is “to do”. My experience has been in knowing that support is there,but silent, until I ask. While the hurst is in my driveway, the last thing I hear (or am interested in hearing) is how someone else handles similar tragedy. I initiate input at the proper time for me and appreciate those who do understand and not the religious friends of Job.


I agree listening is golden.


MAGA Mom, what a truly lovely post.
Thank You so much.


Oil on troubled waters.
Encouragement to all – regardless of reason


Mom, yes.
much appreciated.

Gail Combs

Mincemeat closely followed by Pecan and Cherry.
I have not seen a mincemeat pie in YEARS!!!


Yes, what wheatietoo says. Hopefully your return is to stay and comes with a story or two, but we’ll be patient.

Gail Combs

With my computer down for so long, google seems to have ‘lost’ my IP address so I can now actually post on Hubby’s computer. I tried several months ago and could not.
The good news is Hubby has finally ordered a new computer. GRIN! So I will no longer have to get up at 2 & 3 in the morning to read the Q-tree. I have been reading but though I could not comment here (on Google Chrome)
With luck we can get my old dinosaur up and running long enough to recover all my files. (fingers crossed)


That’s what everyone suspected. But you were gone so long people began to worry. Glad your back or near to back. Hopefully all your files stay intact.


There are accessories that allow a hard drive to be hooked up to another computer so that it seems to be a USB flashdrive.
Physically remove the harddrive from dead machine, stick one of the above-described accessories on harddrive, and plug it into working computer. From there, you can read all the files and copy them into a separate folder on working computer.
I use this trick all the time to backup data files.


[Nothing is ever truly deleted].
Welcome back!
(Missed you and was worried)


Another option is physically remove old hard drive. Purchase HD/SATA cables ($25), plug one end to hard drive and other USB end into working computer. Copy data. Easy peasy!

Deplorable Patriot

I understand good mincemeat is hard to find if you don’t make it yourself. One of my grandmother’s aunts used to make mincemeat pie just for my dad, he loves it.

Rodney Short

I remember when I was a very young child my mom and grandmother used to make mince meat. I love mince meat pastries.


Look in Major grocery stores during Thanksgiving and Xmas….and then immediately afterwards when they put it all out on sale! I load up then. I also buy it on line.


Fairly common here, Gail. In fact we are having baked sweet potatoes tonight with minced meat as a topping. Should go nicely with the roasted lamb loin.
I would say the vast majority of people under 50-60 (?) have never tasted minced meat pies.


I dug out my recipe, well one of them, for mincemeat. This is pared down, the original made 7 – 8 qts. I quartered the recipe and did a little adaptation. Mincemeat can also be made with green tomatoes.
So here goes:
1/2 lb lean ground beef
2 1/2 c chopped, peeled apples
3 3/4 oz EACH raisins and currants (or about) , so about 1/4 of a 15 oz box each or you can just use half a box of raisins and forget about the currants
1/2 c sorghum I use molasses instead, can never find sorghum
1 c sugar
1/4 c vinegar – I like cider vinegar
3/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp EACH cloves, allspice and nutmeg
2 oz apple jelly I have used currant, blackberry, or whatever else I have, as I make almost all my own jam.
Brown hamburger, and add everything to a pot, slowly bringing to a boil, then turning down and let simmer for about 40 minutes, until apples are tender. I put it in containers, enough for 1 pie each and freeze it. Sometimes I put a plastic bag around the container – this stuff is sticky. Add your booze of choice to the thawed out mincemeat before putting it into a pie shell and bake as usual.


Jamcooker, one question about your recipe….how much do you consider sufficient for a typical 9” pie…one quart?
Thanks for sharing the recipe…I’m thinking this might be a fun Xmas gift for some of my friends.


3 or 4 cups, depending on how much you want to put in the pie. If the filling seems a little short, you can cut up an extra apple or two to stretch the mincemeat, that’s something my mom would do. I think the commercial mincemeat comes in 3 cup jars. If you want a fuller pie, but are using only 3 c., put it in an 8″ pie pan rather than the usual 9″ pie pan.
Some people add other things to mincemeat, but this is a good basic recipe. I used orange marmalade one time in place of the jelly and that was pretty good too.


And be sure to stir it frequently when cooking!


Makes my heart smile that the re-make is falling on its butt…………………………..


Watch..the Hooters’ girls will go away too.


Well, this dinosaur likes Hooters’ girls, Hooters and their spicy chicken sandwiches…
But, yea, they are fading away. Business model no longer working, has not been updated.

Cuppa Covfefe

More like Charlie’s STRANGEls…
Whatever happened to creativity???
Funny how they all bang on about being “progressive”, yet they never make any progress in creating anything new… just rehash, recycle, remake, or “prequel” or sequel…
Could it be the Chinese don’t want to fund any risks?


So….what was the fake pic depicting?


Bruno Barking has a THREAD – click the tweet


Go to 11:34


Always bringing the right stuff! Wouldn’t miss a minute of this one.


Wray is a stonewall? Then how ’bout Barr? Is he also?


Heck Phoenix, We don’t know all the black hats from white hats and miss direction from coded truth and we gotta be in the third act by now!! What a Show!!
At least we have faith in the outcome…….ENJOY!
FWIW….I do believe both Wray and Barr are good guys, I think Rudy has to send chaff, just like Q and a lot of the other players 😉


Hope you’re right… Rudy’s not the only one talking about resistance from the FIB… so were Ukrainian folks (GOOD not ex ones) …
I’m ALWAYS hopeful of the outcome… You’re right realsauce, guess I’m to attentive to the ‘middle of the movie’ 😉



Like I said, the hammer is about to drop. Barr’s speech was the confirming signal. Schiff will run out of time.


imo, of course


I like your opinion – and hope you are right!


Don’t mean to sound negative… just keeping my expections LOW, so that I’m not disappointed again. If it happens, it happens.

Cuppa Covfefe

Remember misinformation and obfuscation are also a tactic of the WHITE HATS, necessary in these times… MAGA!!!


Thank you for the reminder Cuppa 😉




Someone should break that out so it can be used as a meme. See’s were going to have lots of opportunity to use it.

Concerned Virginian

Bagpipers don’t care what people think.
AG BARR is a skilled bagpiper. You cannot fake playing the bagpipes or just learning one song to show off with.
AG BARR doesn’t care what the DeepState / lying MSM think.


He’s also BOSS over director of FIB…Wray


Now that you mention it, skirts and all. Good point!

Concerned Virginian

Yes, except that AG BARR didn’t wear a kilt when he played his bagpipes with the NY Police Department Pipes and Drums corps. I do believe however he was playing HIS OWN set of bagpipes — not only was there a white cord on his pipes (the NYC PD’s are green cords), but it’s difficult to “borrow” a set of pipes to play like maybe one could do in borrowing, say, a flute. Each set of bagpipes has its own “temperament” that the player has to discover and manage. (I went to a college that has bagpipers in the marching band — you can actually study the bagpipes there!)


POTUS at Walter Reed Hospital today for his annual physical.

Sylvia Avery

Hi Ed, I’m delivering a message to you from Nebraska Filly:
“Someone please tell NYGuy this was in NO WAY his fault!!! I did this to myself and nobody else!!!”
Her heart is hurting, but she is doing well, really! She’s going to be just fine.
We’re kind of excited today because we had our first IRL meetup of some of Marica’s bloggers: BigMAMATea, Kal and Bren, and Just Stevie. They have had a blast and they just all jumped on the blog at once to talk about it.
Love to you, Ed, and Tonawanda if you see him about, and all the rest of you here! I’ll check in tonight if I can. Waving at wheatietoo! Ready for mower pie! Dutch Apple, please!


Thanks Sylvia. I tracked her down. You guys won’t be seeing Tonawanda for a while now. He is working on something that is pretty important. Very admirable. He is a high integrity guy.

Sylvia Avery

Thanks for the update, Ed. If you talk to Tonawanda let him know he’s missed and I hope for every success for him on his project.



Damn! He looks like James Cromwell’s twin.


Just pulled up all my summer bedding plants and turned in manure, garden soil, etc. and planted my pansies and violas.comment image
Then I mulched them with fresh long leaf pine straw! Pine straw smells so nice. It’s a pretty auburn rust color like red headed children and orange kitties!

Sylvia Avery

gorgeous GA/FL!


Really lovely!


the enemy from within.

Concerned Virginian

OK, so according to Wikipedia (I know, may not be completely reliable), there are about 3 AND A HALF MILLION Muslims in the United States.
So since EACH member of the U.S. House represents about 650,000 U.S. citizens, that works out to ONLY 6 Muslims House members, tops — NOT the 30 that CAIR wants. And in realistic terms, NO justice member of the Supreme Court, let alone the 2 that CAIR wants.
This pronouncement by CAIR’s Awad is, at best, projection — or at worst, a literal declaration of the REAL goal of CAIR and of Islam — to subjugate the United States to Allah.
In any case, DO NOT dismiss what CAIR is telegraphing here.
And by the way, I didn’t read in the CAIR news conference ANY reference to the behavior of ILHAN “OMAR” ELMI. Unless she got an earful from her local Imam (which I doubt since she’s too valuable as a high-profile “asset” to CAIR for the time being), they gave her a pass.

Cuppa Covfefe

Good points. Those CAIR candidates need to be identified, and then actively opposed by those in their districts (or wherever).
The Moslems work very slowly and patiently, almost invisibly, until they get around five percent of the population. Even if it takes GENERATIONS!
Then they start rabble rousing and demonstrating, demanding “equal rights”, “religious freedom”, and things like separation of pork from other meats (Halal versus Haram). I’ve seen it over here; and many, MANY grocery chains have knuckled under to them.
Over in the UK, there are many Subway restaurants that no longer serve ham or other pork products! Here, it’s all but impossible to get PORK Pepperoni on a pizza – it’s either beef, or (YUCK!) turkey pepperoni or salami… And “die Italianer” (the Italian pizza shop on the corner) are being run out of business by the Kebap Shop and “Dönerbuden”, the little holes-in-the-wall that serve (sometimes rancid) meat roasted on a spit…
Well, SPIT on that…
Don’t let it happen to the USA. Keep creeping Sharia out – let them creep back from whence they came!!!


After US bishops debate downplaying abortion, Bp. Strickland leads rosary outside
BALTIMORE, Maryland, November 14, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — Outside the hotel where the U.S. bishops convened for their annual fall meeting, Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas led a group of more than two dozen pro-life Catholics in praying the rosary.
As a cold, damp wind blew off the harbor just a few steps away, Bishop Strickland knelt on the brick pavement, remaining on his knees the entire time as he sought God’s intervention to renew the Church.


D.P. what would you do if your local bishop was one of those downplaying the importance of defending the unborn?

Deplorable Patriot

I would be very surprised. I mean, he kicked the Girl Scouts out of the archdiocesan schools. The thing is…he’s very mild mannered and not prone to dramatic acts. I cannot see him NOT defending the unborn and those who are unable to speak for themselves. He’s a pretty serious type II Diabetic and cancer survivor.
It’s the others I’ve known…Sheridan, Naumann, etc., that I’m just sitting here wondering where the heck they are. I mean I attended their elevation ceremony. Stika in Knoxville is the other one I knew in the past. He’s ill, so he didn’t travel, but even he’s not finding his spine on some things.
As usual, it’s going to be the laity that fixes it.

Deplorable Patriot

We so need more of the Stricklands. I know 3-4 bishops who were there, saw a picture of one I’ve known since I was a little kid, before he went to Rome for the theology degrees. I’m VERY disappointed in them.


iirc, most past presidents have replaced most or all US Ambassadors upon occupying the Oval Office
If the role of the ambassador is to represent the president’s foreign policy, then replacement is not only legal, but prudent.


The 17 car, you say? I wonder if Q knows about this.



No such thing as “routine emergency surgery” – she likely has a blockage, caused by tumor. Her ability to withstand more surgery, or for enough healthy tissue to be resected is doubtful. I know, shouldn’t feel this way about her – but I consider her having made evil decisions on the Court. Not just against the sanctity of life – for all human beings – but against the country itself. She violated her Oath of Office – to defend the Constitution of the United States. Ginsberg has made rulings from the bench which has allowed our enemies to harm the USA.
Unforgivable. Ginsberg is one of those people AG Barr is actually talking about. The insidious, activist judiciary.


I have searched ABC’s and Karma Allen’s twit feed and can’t find this. I think we’re being set up.


Same here – I looked everywhere – it may be fake.


I do not think so, Ginsber DID miss opening arguments. This may be a “leak” that we were NOT supposed to see. The MSM WILL have a gag order on ANY bad news regarding Ginsberg.
We will ALL know soon, as I say below, Trump has people watching…they will NOT be able to hide it for long.


Sorry, just found that out. They must have had wishful thinking.
Still, she is ill, her stamina will be decreasing. Surgical options decrease. Her diagnosis is dire.


Nothing in my eyes. I’m not surprised.


NOW does the rush to “impeachment” and this “inquiry” make sense. You bet your hat it does! Ol Ruthie must be about to go to her infernal “reward” and they did this with this SHAM to try and keep Trump from naming a THIRD Justice. I will bet my gopher suit on it. They are BANKING on a show sham “impeachment” to be able to STOP or delegitimization of the NEXT nominee Amiee Coney Barret.
They KNOW they can’s stop her by “Kavavanaughing” her ( even though she is a Republican nominee, she is STILL a woman, and they DARE not go there, and from ALL reports she is HIGHLY qualified, AND clean as driven snow. ), so they hope to STOP Trump from nominating her because he is “impeached” and therefore not legitimate, completely IGNORING that he JUST LIKE BILL CLINTON, will NOT be removed. Bill Clinton nominated Ginsberg AFTER he was impeached. It would also serve to “delegitimize Barrett” in their eyes.
They THINK that they can “intimidate Trump and or McConnell into NOT getting Barret confirmed. THIS is their play. Their REAL play. They and we ALL know there was ZERO chance of removing Trump in this farce. This is ALL about stopping Barrett, and hoping to weaken Trump enough that he would lose in 2020 so a leftist loon could take over Ginsberg’s seat. They THINK they will be either able to weaken Trump enough to lose, or they plan to CHEAT MASSIVELY to beat him.
ALL to save Ginsberg’s “seat” Now the urgency ALL makes sense, the “secrecy makes sense, the FARCE trials make sense. They WILL vote to “impeach Trump, KNOWING he will NOT be removed. This is ALL about saving that seat. It WILL happen BEFORE Christmas. It HAS TOO. My bet, Ginsberg will NOT see the new year, thus the URGENCY and FARCE in a hurry DESPITE TONSE of exculpatory evidence.
THIS is why Schiff had to be “appointed” to do the railroad. Nadler is too weak and INCOMPETANT, he would take too much time, and NOT do the railroad “properly”. What a shit storm.
Hey Adam and Nancy, nice TRY. I am on to you, which means OTHERS are or soon will be. You scheme will FAIL. See you put your eggs in the basket that 1. Ruth would even MAKE it to the new year, and 2. That you will not be exposed.
Q told us ALL months ago. He told us of the Storm, he told us of Ginsberg, he told us of your EVIL, and he told us of the Great Awakening. In the END God and therefore WE win, which means YOU and EVIL LOSE.
You will be wrong on BOTH counts. The Lord sets the hour of people’s death, and my bet is he has plans for Ruth that WILL crush yours. You will NOT be able to HIDE it when she passes, though you WILL try, you CAN’T. Trump has “watchers” and they WILL out it.
Secondly, Barr JUST gave the “signal’ Horowitz on deck, my bet NEXT WEEK. Then IMMEDIATELY followed by Durham and Barr INDICTING the first coup perpetrators. See, Adam and Nancy, even if you DON’T get indicted then, your gave is OVER. Know why? BOTH of you are Gang of 8 members, you KNEW, and you not only did NOTHING to stop it, you ENABLED the first coup, ESPECIALLY you Adam. When the first coup is revealed, BOTH of you, and this BOGUS farce of an inquiry HAVE TO GO, or, IT WILL BE OBVIOUS that this is TREASON. In other words, you BOTH are F*CKED.
You will LOSE your SCOTUS seat. You will LOSE your first coup friends. You will be EXPOSED. You will LOSE your current FARCE coup attempt. You will then LOSE your power. Your party will LOSE the House. You have NO chance at the Senate. You have NO chance at the Presidency, Trump WILL win in a landslide.
Then, Finally, sometime in 2020, you WILL be indicted, you WILL lose your Congressional seats, you WILL go to prison, you MAY even meet the business end of a 6′ rope over that ominous 8′ sudden drop, you SHOULD, but you may just be “allowed” to live out your remaining time on Earth KNOWING that it was YOU and YOUR party, and YOUR actions that DESTROYED the Democratic Party forever, lost a super majority in the House and Senate, and lost a GENERATION of Circuit, Appeals, and SCOTUS judiciary.
IT may be better to let you live to see the great resurgence of America brought about by the man that you tried to destroy, but who will instead go down as the GREATEST President in US History. May you live forever in that ignominy.
Tic tock BWAHAHAHAHAHAA!. Show time !


I’ve heard this info is wrong, or at least not backed up. Still, the woman has a grave diagnosis, and poor prognosis. IT IS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME – a short time with that diagnosis and her recent stent surgery.


Oh, it’s RIGHT. It all makes sense now, right down to the Yovanovich “testimony” and the “breathless” reporting, “crying” mean tweet intimidation, and standing ovation at the end. It was ALL scripted. If this had been another snoozefest like Wed, THE news would have been Ginsberg having a “procedure” (known and scheduled my bet) BANK on it.
This was a SCRIPTED event, right down to the crying. Schiff KNEW Trump would live tweet it, he ALWAYS does, therefore he interjected a “drama” so the MSM had SOMETHING else to report.
I see the game, and if you step back, you will too. Think, WHY is this happening? It has ZERO chance of success. It is ONLY making Trump STRONGER. Even IF it succeeded (it WON’T) Pence would be there.
NO, Lady, THIS is ALL about Ginsberg. WATCH. she will NOT make the ball drop. Then the objective will be CLEAR to everyone.


Thanks, Rex. The tweet did enable me to do some thinking on this – and it leads exactly to what you said – it is about RBG. I knew back in August that she’s on a 3-6 month max. They can’t go in and do another stent, though I guess they could try… No matter what she is in the end stage, it’s simply a matter of how long one spends in that stage.
While giving sympathy for her suffering, nothing else about RBG is acceptable – she has caused much harm in her rulings.
She violated her Oath of Office – and substituted her political ideology for sound Constitutional rulings. She lied to get on the Court.
The Left will go crazy. But they’re doing that now, and POTUS AND McConnell are going to seat another Justice on the SC.


YEP. It is the only thing that makes sense!


Regarding the “procedure” RBG reportedly had a few days ago. Do we know where the procedure was done, if she is currently hospitalized or at home?
Did some searches. If above information is out there, it is IMO, well hidden from the public.


…she will NOT make the ball drop.
😉 Another Justice, Amy, shifts the Court moar Right.




…Barr JUST gave the “signal’ …
^^^ Barr has not only signaled he is on to the D-Rat / Deep State coup attempts. Barr’s signal ^^^ shows he is not taking this illegal behavior lightly.
Maximum pain “justice” is appropriate and will be delivered.


We’ve been waiting – now Barr is dropping the bar on Democrats.
What do you know? Another day, another Democrat in deep trouble – and Barr’s making him pay!


Harry Limer

I used to watch a ton of youtube content…now I hardly go there. Faketube.

Harry Lime

Sorry Wolf…I can’t seem to spell my own name.


Lol I’m a simpleton. Innocent typos crack me up. Thanks for the laugh Harry Limer. 🙂


Adam Schiff Whistleblower Impeachment Based on a Tweet from Poland?
Look at the date in the above screen-shot. Read the summary again after you pick yourself up from off the floor.
Adam Schiff and the Democratic Party are basing an impeachment of the President of the United States on…wait for it….a tweet?
This particular tweet happened one day after the phone call between Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelenskiy. So, quick question- how does a Ukrainian in Poland know about the one particular in the phone call any of the news outlets didn’t know until late September?


Me too Wheatie… about what time do you think we will be hearing any results?


Very moving video from Senator Guillory.
God Bless him.


Would be nice if the Trump Team saw this and TW it…


As we probably all know by now, POTUS did part of his annual physical today at Walter Reed.
CBS reported, other than a weight gain of 4 lb. he was in good physical health.
Another source write he experienced chest pains while there. Is this part of the “unfit condition” being pushed by the MSM?
They don’t seem to be a bit concerned about Justice Ginsberg’s health.
Isn’t it crazy?


THREAD – PM RT’s Hashmat frequently… excellent reporting on Iran
Tons of tweets and info


Protesters seem intent on removing the regime.


wow, hats off to catturd!
nice crisp little summary.
seriously, ha!


Also to give legitimacy to violence toward the yellow vests… Antifa needs to be abolished everywhere but the top that funds them remains free to do so

[…] tip to a post on the Q tree from Ladypenguin quoting a tweet from ABC and  M. Joseph […]



With sports becoming so political these days, is there anything better than this? After the game, Notre Dame and Navy players unite together

Deplorable Patriot

Songs sung to Our Lady are always special.


Border collies – Neat!!!


wheatie, link on this twitter to LA election results (no returns posted as yet):


@ 10:15 Rispone is ahead


phoenix, let’s hope people voted > the football game!


So the REP Sec. of State has a 22% lead but the Gov’s race is only 20,000 votes apart… how can this happen???


T3, it’s what happened was it in Kentucky?


Yes. And the explanation there was that REP candidate was unpopular. Kinda sketchy to me anyway.
I checked the numbers here and the diff. in number of votes for Sec of State race wasn’t that many less than Gov race. Suspicious to me.


T3, ok…gotcha.

Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot

I’m a city girl, but even I know better than this. Not everyone is meant to live in the same manner.
UC Berkeley instructor calls rural Americans ‘bad people’ who deserve ‘uncomfortable’ lives
A UC Berkeley graduate student and instructor took to Twitter to shame “rural Americans” and those who aren’t “pro-city.”
Jackson Kernion, who has reportedly taught at least 11 philosophy courses at the California university, made the comments last Wednesday.
“I unironically embrace the bashing of rural Americans,” Kernion wrote in a now-deleted tweet. “They, as a group, are bad people who have made bad life decisions…and we should shame people who aren’t pro-city.”
Kernion started going after rural citizens, saying they should have higher health care, pay more in taxes and be forced to live an “uncomfortable” life for rejecting “efficient” city life, Campus Reform reported.

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe all the “bad” country folk should stop supplying the SJW snowflake city slickers (slackers?), and let them starve to death… We’ll see who’s making bad life decisions and being efficient then…
Stupid snowflake probably can’t even cook a pan of water for himself…
Shows that the left is REALLY serious about Agenda 21 and 2030… even if it’s later taken down, they’re putting this stuff out there to get it into the low-info-libtard-voter’s minds…


This ^^^^^^^^^^^


Low growl…..
I may live just barely in a rural zoned area, but I”m a country gal at heart.

Cuppa Covfefe

Amen. If we didn’t have country folk, we wouldn’t have a country…
Let the city folk eat soy… most of the soyboys and girls probably couldn’t even lift a shovel, rake, or pitchfork, let alone use one. They think milk comes from a factory, meat (should they deign to eat it) comes from a packaging plant, and the only thing green that comes out of the ground is for smoking (hemp)…
If it’s a grad student, he/she’s probably an RA or a TA… hmmm… letters add up to RAT… just like DEMONicRATS…



Birds of a feather, flock together.


Did you see the expanded picture? Good ole Lindsey is right there too. They were busy trying to whip up a war with Russia (Feb 2017) video at link
A video has surfaced online in which warmongers John McCain and Lindsey Graham are caught meeting with the Ukraine military, encouraging them to launch an offensive against Russia and restart hostilities, all the while describing Russia as the “aggressor” that must “pay a heavier price.”
Lindsey Graham delivers an incendiary speech in the video, egging on the Ukranian troops to re-start hostilities with Russia.
“Your fight is our fight, 2017 will be the year of offense. All of us will go back to Washington and we will push the case against Russia. Enough of a Russian aggression. It is time for them to pay a heavier price.”
John McCain was no less provocative:
“I believe you will win. I am convinced you will win and we will do everything we can to provide you with what you need to win.”




That was back in the heady days when the Uniparty was certain that DJT would be toppled within weeks ..Russia Russia Russia..and oh goody war. They’d all get more contracts, more payola, more more $$$$ and the great war hero and his sidekick buddy would be in the limelight again.
I’m guessing they were counting on Pence?
It makes me bust into a grin every time I see how PDJT has screwed them at their traitorous game


ok so word coming out that POTUS is at Walter Reed because of chest pains. Can anyone confirm?


What! from where? Link?


Nope. Stephanie Grisham was just on w/Judge Janine and said today was a slow day so he went and got his annual done to get it out of the way. They’ve got a really busy schedule coming up.


oh it came from a lefty source so I was a bit skeptical.


Fake News is trying to create drama.


Praying Medic Retweeted
CBS News
Donald Trump’s surprise physical exam reveals he is “healthy and energetic without complaints”


He was there for an annual physical.
Have not read further below.

A Fortiori

Folks, if PDJT had chest pains he would go directly to GW hospital. Even with the Secret Service clearing the streets, it is an extra twenty to thirty minutes to get to Walter Reed.


And Rispone loses. John Bel Edwards re-elected Governor of Louisiana.


What the hell is wrong with people? I know Louisiana is backwards, but good grief.


Vote shows Louisiana is OK with “crappy”.


Ballot box stuffing comes to mind.
We must deal with the voter fraud!!!


Check out the graphical vote tallies from LA sec of state…
Seems something is very wrong here…


The democrats are setting up for 2020. What machines did they use what ballot stuffing are they using?
Who is voting and how many time? I cannot believe this POTUS does so much for this country and people tread him like crap.
A spoiled child comes to mind the more one does for them the more they feel entitled.
I am disappointed nut one cannot change foolishness. We do not seem to have the firer in the belly as democrats do. One needs to look at the republican machine in Louisianan.
Just like KY they have a right to choose their way of life for whom they choose .


You know what is just driving me nuts? There’s not a friggin thing I, or you, or any of us here can do about voter fraud. That has to come from our government. And if they don’t get that shit handled pretty quick, next year we are screwed.


Your frustration is well-founded. And the fact Q has been pointing it out is a positive indication that this needs a whole lot more sunshine on it.


Website shows they’ve still got over 200 parishes to count. But he is down by 7k.


So that’s an average of only 35 votes per parish to pick up. Maybe???


They called it with over 100 parishes outstanding. They must be low population. Rispone down by 20k. Looks like the big city areas of New Orleans and Baton Rouge are Dems. State has 1.2M registered Dems, 900k registered Republicans and 791k Other to begin with.


Looking just now:
REP Sec of State candidate gets 849,422 votes but REP Gov candidate only gets 720,032 votes?
So 129,390 (9%) of voters switched from REP to DEM … only in the Gov race? Huh???


I know. This ticket splitting stuff does not make sense. It is so different when we look down ballot that it makes me think there is cheating.


Governor seat has ~39K more votes than Sec of State.
Edwards leads by ~31K votes.
So, not an iron clad thought at all, but 39K folks voted gov and not down ballot? Odd, me thinks.
Smells. But I can’t back up with data that proves much of anything.


flipped in an hour…. unbelievable! Same #’s ….


Looks like the GOP didn’t turn out? Or are GOP fewer in LA than Dem?
Democratic 1,258,770 42.3%
Republican 924,485 31.1%
Other 791,931 26.6%
Total 2,975,186 100%


Read elsewhere, can’t recall to get link, Ds far out number Rs.
Louisiana is happy with crappy. No ned to defend and promote energy jobs. Sanctuary OK. High ins premiums OK. Crime OK. SMDH.


Maybe POTUS going there energized the dems?
I know where I live they do not like outsiders to tell them what to do or whom to vote for.
Did GOP spend money there? Maye big cities bring home the count.


Q Anon/News – 6 O’Clock – In Pursuit of Truth Presents – 11.17.19


I’m borrowing posters voter analysis from GWP with this post to put things in possible prospective. Not sure if its right or wrong. Still looks like they are stealing another one based on the two statewide election side by side comparison.
“With 98.5% of the vote in, Edwards got 17% more votes than he did in 2015 when he won with 56% of the vote, while Rispone got 43% more votes than Vitter did in 2015, yet it still wasn’t enough. Without Trump’s appearances, it wouldn’t have been even close.”


Coconut Custard Pie my wheatietoo this sounds really good!!!


I like fruit tarts with fresh fruit or cheese cake made with quark and apple strudel
I do not care for pies and do not like the crust
Most things are just to sweet for my taste buds


That sounds wonderful singingsoul! Can I ask where do you find quark?
I know Aldi has some nice German cakes I always stock up on.
My family never liked pumpkin pie.


Kea quark I get at times at Whole Foods and Trader Joes. They do not always have it so when they do 🙂
Ricotta cheese blended with quark in a blender cuts how much quack I need because it can be expensive.
I have made the cake before with all ricotta.


singingsoul thank you so much for the tip!!!! I don’t shop at Whole Foods but at Trader Joes so I will have to keep an eye out for that next time.
Nice tip on the Ricotta cheese. Thank you!!!! 🙂