This SUPERLATIVE SUNDAY Open Thread is a place to read, post and discuss news that is worth knowing and sharing. Please post links to any news stories that you use as sources or quote from.
In the QTree, we’re a friendly and civil lot. We encourage free speech and the open exchange and civil discussion of different ideas. Topics aren’t constrained, and sound logic is highly encouraged, all built on a solid foundation of truth and established facts.
We have a policy of mutual respect, shown by civility. Civility encourages discussions, promotes objectivity and rational thought in discourse, and camaraderie in the participants – characteristics we strive toward in our Q Tree community.
Please show respect and consideration for your fellow QTreepers.
Before hitting the “post” button, please proofread your post and make sure you’re addressing the issue only, and not trying to confront the poster.
If you feel the need to bare your fangs, we have a companion site – called The U Tree – where you can run wild and free with the Wolfpack where all legal free speech is allowed.

But NOT HERE in The Q Tree. Personal attacks, name calling, ridicule, insults, baiting and other conduct for which a penalty flag would be thrown are VERBOTEN.
In The Q Tree, we’re compatriots, sitting around the campfire, roasting hot dogs, making s’mores and discussing, agreeing, and disagreeing about whatever interests us. This board will remain an abode for those who seek respectful conversations.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.
Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:


Our movement is about replacing a failed and CORRUPT political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People. ~ Candidate Donald J. Trump
Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
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On this day and every day –
God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up
Joy – Our Choice
Remember, we are not of this world . . . (John 17)
I am a poor wayfaring stranger
Travelling through this world alone
There is no sickness, toil nor danger
In that fair land to which I go
I know dark clouds will hover o’er me
I know my pathway is rough and steep
But golden fields lie out before me
Where weary eyes no more will weep
I’ll soon be free from every trial
This form shall rest beneath the sod
I’ll drop the cross of self-denial
And enter in that home with God
I’m goin’ home to see my Savior
I’m goin’ home, no more to roam
I’m just a-goin’ over Jordan
I am just a-goin’ home
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Hopefully, every Sunday, you can find something here that will build you up a little . . . give you a smile . . . and add some joy, much needed in all our lives.

“This day is holy to the Lord your God; do not mourn nor weep.” . . . “Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
The joy of the Lord is our strength . . .
A key to experiencing joy in our lives is our perspective. If we focus on the things of this world, the troublesome parts of life will intrude on us everywhere we look. Lies, violence, corruption, sordid schemes, murders, drugs, perversions and evil of all stripes surround us. We can’t escape them, yet we long to be free of them.
We, as Christians, are not of this world. Our lives here are short and transient. Our real lives, our eternal lives, start when our lives on earth end. “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no heart has imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him.” With faith, we have much to look forward to . . . an existence that completely eclipses our present life, in unimaginable ways.
Our joy is not based on circumstances. Our joy is a pervasive sense of happiness in what God has done, what He is doing and what He will do. Joy is a fruit of God’s Spirit within us and is a grace given to us by God.
When we look at what God has done for us, we naturally respond with thanksgiving and joy. When we look at the difficult circumstances or the frustrations of life, we are troubled. We can’t completely ignore the difficulties of this life, but we can work our way through them while recognizing that God is in full control and that He loves us.
Colossians 3:1-4 If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.
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Choosing Joy by Charles R. Swindoll
Scriptures: Philippians 4
I have discovered that a joyful countenance has nothing to do with one’s age or one’s occupation (or lack of it) or one’s geography or education or marital status or good looks or circumstances. Joy is a choice!
Joy is a matter of attitude that stems from one’s confidence in God—that He is at work, that He is in full control, that He is in the midst of whatever has happened, is happening, and will happen. Either we fix our minds on that and determine to laugh again, or we wail and whine our way through life, complaining that we never got a fair shake. We are the ones who consciously determine which way we shall go. To paraphrase the poet:
One ship sails east
One ship sails west
Regardless of how the winds blow.
It is the set of the sail
And not the gale
That determines the way we go.
(Ella Wheeler Wilcox)
Regardless of how severely the winds of adversity may blow, we set our sails toward joy.
Joy is an attitude that stems from our confidence that God is in full control.
— Charles R. Swindoll

Psalm 100
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all you lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before His presence with singing. Know that the Lord is God: it is He that has made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting; and His truth endures to all generations.
“A sure way to a happy day”
Happiness is something we create in our mind,
it’s not something you search for and seldom find.
It’s just waking up and beginning the day,
by counting our blessings and kneeling to pray.
It’s giving up thoughts that breed discontent,
and accepting what comes as a gift “heaven-sent”.
It’s giving up whining for things we have not
and making the best of whatever we’ve got.
It’s knowing that life is determined for us,
and pursuing our tasks without fret, fume or fuss.
For it’s by completing what God gives us to do,
that we find real contentment, and happiness too.
~ Helen Steiner Rice
And finally, for our struggles as Deplorables, a quote from Abraham Lincoln:
“Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God’s side, for God is always right.”
Congrats, bakocarl, on an inspiring and worthy Sunday post!
Thanks. I had to dance with it for a while, and give it some good solid thought, but frankly, I enjoyed the preps and the iterations.
You ROCKED it darlin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bakocarl!!!! Ya Baked it GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and yeah….God is MOST Certainly…………….In Control!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(You had MOAR than pretty poems in you!) WOOT!
Thanks M. And please let NF know that she was very appreciated and now is missed by a whole raft of people here. It’s really too bad, what happened.
She’s seeing all the love from here!!! and she’s…adjusting…My weird little site will help her…And she will Help US!!! Wolfie…He’s got this!!!! HE KNOWS what he’s doing…And I feel safe knowing…HE’s BATMAN…and has ALL our backs!!!! Wolfie=Trump…. of blogs!

I am thrilled you have a post nite!!!! T3 is missed–no doubt..But somehow I feel like the digital ARMY of GOD…is expanding!!!!
“But somehow I feel like the digital ARMY of GOD…is expanding!!!!”
I Love you Wolfie!!!! ya got US!!!! Thank you!!!
I hope T3 keeps popping in. His posts are always spot on!
I see T3 still lovin on us here!!!! Ch…ch…changes!!!! All life.. keeps on keepin on!
Yes, they are!
And I’m so glad to see you stepped up carl. Thank you for doing that. God bless you. Enjoyed your opening.
Excellent post. My heart is warmed that the Q Tree got an UPGRADE for Sundays!
Good stuff going on in the kitchen here. Thank you.
Please say hello to nf for me. .i always found he interesting, intelligent and courteous. Like I said I would have lost money betting on the contestants. Having said that sometimes we need to step away, take a deep breath and say yep , someone disagrees with me, in fact I’m offended but it’s schoolyard shit
Hi Marica.
Please let Nebraska know that I valued her input here, and miss it.
I have some things in common with her, and I know what a blow it is to open up too fast and do harm to myself I didn’t mean to. I am too trusting sometimes, too. What was done to her here by someone I don’t like very much was wrong, and I am sad about it.
Hi darlin! will definitely let her know! Hugs to you my favorite eggplant!!!

Hugs back!!!
I’m glad NF is adjusting and healing. Give her my love and best wishes!
Totally agree. And please let her know that people are praying for her.
Will do Linda!!!!!!

Do let her know she is missed.
We will miss her, but Wolf did what he had to do. We are all within a covert totalitarian “social credit” system like the overt one in China. Until we can reclaim The Constitution, we must let our minds rule our hearts.
Wow……so well said! And I think you hit the nail on the head.
Don’t let them divide us. We have a common enemy
Sadly, that is a “heart” response. We have to press forward on meaningful tactical objectives within a strategic framework before we get there. Otherwise, they just tighten their grip.
Efforts to divide MAGA are like swinging a sword at air.
Yeah, it works, technically, for a while.
Tbh we need our Andy’s. They challenge us and make us defend our ideas. The left if going to get super dirty. The only was to toughen up is train. And he was funny
Bako, your poem made me tear up and made me realize that deep within, I long to go home.
Yes, exactly. “Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord. For we live by faith, not by sight. We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord.”
Yep! and Amen.
You ROCKED the QTreehouse Carl,God bless you and yours….
Thanks. I honestly enjoyed the time spent . . . and perhaps profited from it, too.
Thank you, Carl, for carrying on T3’s tradition of uplifting Sunday posts, with your own special touch. Rodney’s choice of song just adds to the joy of knowing God has it all in his control.
BTW, your image referenced at * img src=”” alt=”” * throws a “This image was hotlinked” error.
I don’t know what that means. I just copied the image and pasted it into the thread. ???
It doesn’t display right if you’re reading it “out here”. You can copy the image to some image hosting site, (or here, if Wolf’s got a designated spot), and link to it there and it will resolve the issue. The site is probably being pi**y. You can also try direct-linking to ben garrison’s version and see if that works — ben seems to appreciate the attention.
A couple of clarifications — you didn’t copy the image, you copied a link to the image. Browsers try to treat both as the same thing for what they show you, but there is a difference. And linking directly to Ben’s link will probably resolve the issue…..but may not. For people who post things, it’s frequently handy to compose and post on one computer, then use a totally different computer (or cellphone), to look at it in a browser as a final check.
I’ll give that a try . . . thanks.
Yes! That works for some things and not for others. Some images can be hotlinked, like we often do in comments, just including a URL for the image, like h t t p : / / s o m e t h i n g . c o m / p i c . j p g and it will show up. Some sites prevent hotlinking, and the alternative is to download the image and then upload to WordPress, which authors can do to bring in new images. But if it’s an image you’ve already seen here, then it is very likely in the media and can be searched when writing a post an adding an image.
OK, obviously bakocarl called in the big guns…..I’ll just slither away…..
Good to see you, Wolf. Have a happy and blessed Sunday!
Thanks! And please don’t slither away! Hearing all the solutions on images is a good thing. We are filling up our bucket here fast (39% full), so we need to use hotlinking, image hosting, and external linking of all kinds whenever possible.
Garrison’s own image store is on WordPress, and hot-linking THOSE will not only not work (b/c comment goes to the spam bucket) – it will label the comment-maker as a SPAMMER in Akismet!
How many Gs in your bucket, how much does a G cost, and where’s your PayPal link?
HA! Appreciated, but not necessary.
No money. That is how I keep this site pure and untouchable. We have 3 Gigs, then we start over fresh on a new free WordPress site, and begin Volume II.
Learning from God, I accept that our greatest power also is IN THE PRESENT. Our old site – this site – will become part of our evolutionary history.
Also . . . thanks.
I wonder if this works —
Is this the right image?
No, but it’s a good swampy one!
Wonderful job bakocarl and so nice to use into the Sabbath with your offering.
Thank you
TY. I tried to make it Sabbath friendly all the way.
You succeeded. Thank you my friend.
Small point here….
The “Sabbath” is still on Saturday.
Sunday is the Lords day.
Trying not to pic nits,,,,,
Just clarifying…
True Sabbath begins for me Friday evening.
You are right Sunday is Lords day.
My bad thank you for correcting
Your INTENT was pure (as always)
Just pointed it out for accuracy.
No problem my mistake
We ALL makes “mistakes”……
We love you and thank you for your comments.
I would have pointed it out no matter Wolf himself had said it
Thank you for your kindness.
Bakocarl….congratulations on your new Sunday adventures…may it be an enriching experience for you. Thanking you in advance for the efforts you share with all the residents on QTree.
TY. You nailed it with “adventure” . . . and it is already enriching!!! Even before it got posted.
I really wanted to keep Sunday upbeat, but toward the end of yesterday’s Open Thread, DP posted that a UC Berkeley philosophy instructor, Jackson Kernion, calls rural Americans ‘bad people’ who deserve ‘uncomfortable’ lives.
Rural America is not only the Heartland, but its people are the heart and soul of this country. Cuppa nailed it with –
Cuppa Covfefe Nov 16, 2019 at 22:52
If we didn’t have country folk, we wouldn’t have a country…
So, I just wanted to add:
The Oldest Profession
In the beginning, God made heaven and earth,
So wonderful to see in their vast array.
God planted a garden, east, in Eden,
Then He made a farmer on the 6th day.
The garden had all that Adam needed,
And through the garden a river flowed.
God took the man and put him in Eden
To work and care for the garden he sowed.
God made a farmer to work all the land,
To make his way by the sweat of his brow.
And so it continues, up to this day,
The farmer breaks land with shovel and plow.
Life on a farm is like going to school,
You must learn what, when, where, how and why
Planning, plowing, planting on time,
Fertilizing, too, or your crops will die.
You learn about hard work, and patience, too,
You work most every day through the year.
And you must wait, crops don’t grow in a day,
And while you wait, to trust and not fear.
You learn from God as you wait for His rain,
And thank Him after, seeing His rainbow.
And it’s His sun that provides heat and light;
You see His hand as crops ripen and grow.
Now you may think that the crop is the goal,
But all of this is by God’s perfect plan.
Though the farmer’s goal is raising the crop,
God’s higher goal is perfecting the man.
This country was built by working the land,
By those who broke sod with backbreaking toil.
Tilling the ground is the start of all things;
May God bless the farmers who work the soil.
Thank you, Carl, for that wonderful poem blessing the farmers.

Well put and nicely said!
And Congrats on your first thread post!
You did great!
Thanks, Wheats! I’ve got lots and lots of great posters here to be inspired by.
I might be a city girl, but two generations back, part of the family lived off the land. I have all respect for farmers, and those who have not given into the corporate food system.
Excellent post !!! Thank you, Bakocarl! Such an important reminder!!!
Thanks Fox. It reminded me, too, when I wrote it.
I had thought to refer to your handle as ‘fgm’, but then realized that’s not such a good idea!
Lol, some people call me foxy :). Also I’d like to tell you I have enjoyed your poems for years. They are so great, I don’t know how you do it !!!
I did it for the lulz
The QAnon Conspiracy Theory: Mistrust and Mass Appeal
When mistrust of government transforms into paranoia about the “Deep State.”
Posted Nov 04, 2019
“QAnon” is an increasingly familiar term that refers to both a political conspiracy theory and the group of people who believe it. Here’s the full transcript of an interview I gave for an article about this phenomenon in SkyNews called, “QAnon: The far-right conspiracy movement gaining prominence in Donald Trump’s America.”
How would you describe QAnon and its impact?
Briefly summarized, QAnon is a conspiracy theory that claims that the Trump administration is engaged in a kind of behind-the-scenes battle against the so-called “Deep State,” with the fate of the U.S. and the world at large hanging in its balance. The theory started a few years ago based on the online postings of an individual going by the name of “Q” who claimed to have access to top-secret information supporting a wide variety of conspiratorial claims including those implicating the Democrats, the Clintons, and the likes of the FBI in orchestrating a coup against President Trump as well as running an international child sex trafficking ring.
The scope of QAnon’s impact is unclear, but the conspiracy theory has breached broad awareness, with coverage in the mainstream news media and supporters holding up “Q” signs at President Trump’s rallies. More concerningly, QAnon conspiracy theories have inspired a few individuals to commit acts of violence. As a result, the FBI has recently identified QAnon and other related conspiracy theories as a domestic terrorist threat.
How does it differ from “conspiracy theories” we have seen in the past? Is there anything comparable in history?
In many ways, the QAnon phenomenon isn’t new at all. Conspiracy theories and groups of people believing in them are longstanding cultural phenomena that have been around for centuries. For example, conspiracy theories involving the premise that “The Illuminati” are conspiring to create a “New World Order” arose in Europe in the 1700s. Such theories made their way to the U.S. by the 1800s and became entwined with the Anti-Masonic Movement and antisemitism. So in a sense, QAnon can be thought of as a modern interpretation of this longstanding conspiracy theory.
What seems novel about QAnon is that at least parts of its sprawling theories have been endorsed not only by the likes of anti-government extremists, but also media celebrities and politicians such as Alex Jones, Sean Hannity, or President Trump. Therefore, there’s a sense that QAnon, as a growing movement, has become a kind of non-trivial minority of right-wing politics in the U.S. today.
What drives a willingness to follow or believe in the ideas of something like QAnon?
Psychology research over the past decade or so has attempted to determine why some people are drawn to conspiracy theories. This research has revealed that a number of “cognitive quirks” tend to be over-represented among those who believe in conspiracy theories such as the greater need for control, certainty, and “cognitive closure” (the desire to have an explanation for events when explanations are lacking) or the desire to be unique. Some studies have found that those who believe in conspiracy theories are more likely to have a cognitive bias called “hypersensitive agency detection” or “teleological thinking” whereby events are over-attributed to hidden forces, purposes, and motives.
Other studies have found that lack of analytic thinking and something called “bullshit receptivity,” the tendency to be duped by superficially profound statements that are in reality meaningless, may underlie the willingness to believe in conspiracy theories. It has also been argued that “conspiracist ideation” may represent a general tendency to be attracted to narratives that attribute events to hidden forces embroiled in moral struggles between good and evil.
I like to think of conspiracy theories as arising from a two-part process of mistrust and exposure to misinformation. Once we mistrust official or authoritative accounts of events, we become vulnerable to filling the resulting informational void with other opposing claims that we encounter when falling down the misinformation rabbit hole that is the Internet. With QAnon, the conspiracy theories are fundamentally rooted in mistrust of the U.S. government; from that starting point, it’s easy to find counter-narratives that appeal to this mistrust and align with other political beliefs.
Have you been surprised by the extent to which it has attracted followers and broken through into mainstream discussion? How much is the political climate feeding the growth of QAnon?
I’m not particularly surprised that QAnon has breached mainstream awareness. Surveys suggest that about half of the U.S. population believes in at least one conspiracy theory.
Contrary to claims that conspiracist ideation is an exclusively right-wing phenomenon, conspiracy theories that match different political alignments are endorsed by those on the right and the left. However, there is evidence that conspiracy theories have particular appeal within populist movements.
For many, whether a true believer or someone who is “just asking questions,” the appeal of QAnon is that it parallels the more general populist and nationalist concerns that got President Trump elected — the idea, for example, that we need to “drain the swamp” of corrupt Washington officials or that “elites” and “globalists” are trying to bring about the downfall of America’s greatness. QAnon is a byproduct of that larger political movement, one that started at the fringe but has become more entwined with American conservatism’s new center.
Heh. Looks like they’re just as sure Q is an individual as they are that Epstein killed himself….
“Heh. Looks like they’re just as sure Q is an individual as they are that Epstein killed himself….”

Just so you know…
The QAnon Conspiracy Theory: Mistrust and Mass Appeal
When mistrust of government transforms into paranoia about the “Deep State.
That reads like some Elite soyboy is trying to convince his fellows that QAnon is fake and his followers are a delusional fringe minority.
Interesting that this fellow says “….the FBI has recently identified QAnon and other related conspiracy theories as a domestic terrorist threat…” BUT La Raza, who DEMANDS the removal of 1/3 of the USA from US government control, and ANTIFA, which has links to the old Weather Underground and has done multiple acts of violence, are NOT domestic terrorist threats. Go figure.
Seems the Author missed the repeated Rasmussen polls over decades that show the American people’s trust in Congress is sliding towards single digits and that MOST AMERICANS believe their Congress Critters are CORRUPT.
The Author also says “…I like to think of conspiracy theories as arising from a two-part process of mistrust and exposure to misinformation. Once we mistrust official or authoritative accounts of events, …”
Well he has got that correct. However he fails to mention that it is the Bought and Paid for MEDIA that is presenting the misinformation and not the new independent media. He also fails to mention that once a person SEES the corruption in the government and that the US government REPEATEDLY makes decisions that are the WORST POSSIBLE for ordinary citizens but funnel massive amounts of wealth into the pockets of the chosen, it is kind of hard not to unsee it.
I’m still trying to wrap my head around:
-> “There is no ‘Deep State’ – it’s just a paranoid conspiracy theory”
-> “The Deep State published an OpEd in the New York Times.”
It takes some very contorted reasoning in these people’s minds for both statements to be true. To me it suggests a lack of analytic thinking and certain degree of “bullshit receptivity.”
And yet more of the campaign to paint those who see what’s going on with the brush of cra-cray. Decades of ridicule and still they don’t get that their propaganda just confirms what they don’t want the rest of us to see.
I was thinking about this while trying to get back to sleep. The problem, as seen from the other side, is that We the People are refusing to just watch the boob tube and digest the information spoon fed us by the talking heads.
Here at the QTree, we know that, and so do countless others out there.
What’s interesting is that this appears in a pop psychology publication that seeks to give simple explanations to those who depend on “expert” analysis for what and how to think and for talking points.
I wonder if it is an indication they know they are losing control.
At some point I think we successfully defined “conspiracy theory” as any explanation or facts that run counter to the official MCM narrative programming
IIRC We also determined that “conspiracy theory” has no basis in law, whereas “criminal conspiracy” is well defined. I think this came out when Devin Nunes filed a lawsuit against Twitter for violations of its own terms of service.
So that leaves “conspiracy theory” as some combination of the following logical fallacies:
* Cavalier Dismissal
* Poisoning the well
* ad hominem abusive – specifically, name-calling
* Psychogenetic Fallacy – as in the case above
The study…. BY….. Psychos
Very happy to comment on bakocarl’s first post, and to offer my public thanks to God that bakocarl stepped up at this time! Sometimes God answers our prayers before we even pray them!!! OK, scratch “sometimes”!!!
I want to copy and PASTE!!! All da time Wolfie!!!

Wolfie the Wise! Much love to you. I haven’t forgot it was just a year ago when I ran away from OT in the night and ended up here and you took me in. Forever grateful.

Happy that you’re here – which you are always, even when it doesn’t seem that way! <3
Right you are, Wolfie. I’m here when I’m not needed elsewhere. And I’m always, always here in spirit!
Nice to see/hear/read you.
I particularly appreciated the Abraham Lincoln quote at the end. All the flag-wavers and sign-carriers love to talk about God being on their side. But look at the prayer:
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever.
“Thy will be done.” At various times, it has been God’s will that horrible fates come to His people. Standing among the pain and the wreckage, it is frequently beyond our ken as to how this advances God’s purposes…..and, then, there’s Job 38 — “Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding. Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof….” God’s Purposes are not our purposes; They encompass the beginning and end of all things.
Working with the intent of God will fill our sails and move us effortlessly towards success; Efforts against the intent of God are doomed to failure. Rather than claiming God for our side, it is best to discern the intent of God and pledge our efforts to such intent.
“I particularly appreciated the Abraham Lincoln quote at the end. All the flag-wavers and sign-carriers love to talk about God being on their side.”
‘God on our side’ has always sounded dubious, not even counting Bob Dylan’s “With God on Our Side“.
As if Man has done some thing, or is about to do some thing, and Man declares that God is on his side, to justify Man’s actions.
How does Man KNOW that God is on his side?
What evidence does Man have?
I’m not suggesting that Man has ever been wrong about anything before…
It just always seems like it’s better and far safer to find out what side God is on.
And then be on God’s side.
Be on Gods side….
He Planned and Created EVERYTHING and changes not.
God does not sit around waiting on US to so this or that.
HE… is Perfect, Righteous, Holy and True.
WE…… not so much
‘Thy Will Be Done’ . . . a great theme for a future Sunday opening! Thanks!
The Lord’s prayer is seemingly simple, but it is so much more. There is a lot of depth in this prayer. For me, the phrase, And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors, led to a lot of soul searching and realization of how hurtful to myself and others not forgiving can be. I am getting better about it, but sometimes it has been a struggle.
I am soooooooooooo tempted…..
Do it. Under cover of darkness if necessary in californistan
they left out rides in a cool car—the batmobile versus The BEAST!
Though Potus did say that he liked his rolley better
I hope y’all enjoy this little snippet of commentary from OT.
luke says:
November 17, 2019 at 12:24 am
Hey SD maybe it’s time to shift us into another gear. I’m tired of this shit as I suspect most of us our. We can’t do anything until the die is cast. You have an ability to reach out. Start thinking of plan B.
sundance says:
November 17, 2019 at 12:41 am
What exactly is it you want me to do?
RightAroundTheBlock says:
November 17, 2019 at 1:44 am
Well, in your spare time, I think he wants you to talk to Vice President Pence over a soft drink, maybe convince him, in the event all hell heads south, and the Senate turns on us, that upon assuming the office of Presidency, very loyal Pence adds Trump Jr as his VP.
Then, while you have his attention, sipping soda, please convince very loyal VP Pence, as our future new President Pence, that in the best interest of our country, he voluntarily steps down so Trump Jr may assume the role of President.
By that time, you will already have spoken to our closest ally across the pond. With little doubt, the Queen will honor your request. Churchill’s chair will summarily be sent and placed aside the desk chair in the oval office.
Then, President Trump Jr will hold a press conference, naming his father, a VSG, his “chief of staff” and invite his father into the oval office and show him his new seat.
President Trump Jr will then appoint the loyal, and former President Pence, to the Vice Presidency.
reportedly preparing to submit court filings to take over private land on the U.S.-Mexico border, allowing border wall construction to move forward.
Lawyers for the Department of Defense and the Justice Department have prepared rights of entry letters, which will inform affected land owners that the U.S. government will be entering their property to asses the area, which will include soil testing and land surveys.
Some private landowners, even one with riverfront property on the Rio Grande, have invited We Build The Wall to build a wall on their property.
Seems like they were tired of criminal gangs and trafficking using their land and endangering their families.
They started on Veterans Day and are continuing with site prep despite the objections of some butterfly protection group.
Video updates:
thanks GA/FL for providing the updates on the wall!
Stunning video shows a F-16 jet flying through another aircraft’s contrails during military training over Hawaii
Video was filmed by US Air National Guard Technical Sergeant Phillip Cowen
It shows the moment when a 138th Fighter Wing Tulsa F-16 Viper clears through another aircraft’s contrail
In the footage, the jet manages to fly in and out of the vapor stream
The jet was flying over the Pacific Missile Range Facility on the island of Kauai, Hawaii
The silent executionerat work again
The man who KILLED my wife by driving 104mph in the rain, in the dark, in a 6500 lb 13-year-old truck into her faces at most 6 months in jail.
Roger Stone faces 50 years.
I shit on this sham justice system.
The American ‘just us’ system isn’t worthy of the defecation.
Yeah, we’re at war with these bastards. Obama judge or Clinton judge. Commie inserts.
MegaThread on POTUS and Gen. Flynn:
QEII has lead an immaculate public life for 70 years. Her son Charles has wandered through life sniffing the daisies and turning up in the right uniform on time for his first wedding day. Continuing his affaire with his sweetheart Camilla through the honeymoon (with Diana)and dives deep as he wants to be a tampon he tells her over the taped phone. Suddenly Diana dies in a Paris car crash along with her Arabian lover soon-to-be-fiancé. And now we come to train wreck 2 – Andrew (aka Randy Andy)
Marie Green @MarieGreen
Andrew has lived the life of a dashing young man with monogrammed condoms with an ex-wife living with him and their two girls. Safety in numbers? His decades of being a willing sexual gay blade with his pal Epstein, who was incarcerated, should have ceased a decade before now. But Andy is above such paltry considerations. As is his pal and their many playmates. Until a very hard, loud footstep was planted on the head of the vile beast.
Marie Green @MarieGreen
The vile beast knew the game was up. He rewarded himself with death. Many sent up cheers nervously unsure but hoping that would be the end of it. Now the major loser will not be Clinton et al but the House of Windsor. Queen Elizabeth II will need to do some fancy footwork to slip Wills and Kate into the hot seat. I think Harry and Meghan see the horizon and are moving on. Good luck to them as they are a very real couple above the antics of the current regal crop.
Dan @Mipsel
Not to forget, Prince Charles hat his own pedophile sidekick in Jimmy Savile for many years. At the very least, the Queen looked the other way.
Marie Green @MarieGreen
@Mipsel I am not much good with gossip. Don’t know anything about Saville and Charles other than public coordination for children’s charities.
Saville is a bottomless pit, every bit as evil as Epstein, if not worse, and he was hiding in plain sight. He was left alone with children in hospitals, given access to morgues, all kinds of horrible things. And the BBC and the Palace knew about it and kept it going, for decades.
Queen Elizabeth II is a great public figure, but I`m not sure how she is going to look once the whole story is told.
Is that Millie and Vanilli?
Oh, and just in case anyone might have forgotten,
Not only that, but apparently the guy I copied that from didn’t spell NIƎ⊥SԀƎ right, either.
The only way to get it through the tech overloads watch
And I’m pretty sure Jessie’s wandering about looking for a cue to start howling maga attacked me
What a F…King WASTE of tax payer money. (We need to see WHO gets it.)
Carbon Capture is a complete waste of time and resource since the world is in Carbon Dioxide Starvation mode.
I want to see CO2 up to, at minimum 1500 ppm! You might say humans burning coal is God’s way of returning much needed CO2 to the atmosphere!
Carbon starvation in glacial trees recovered from the La Brea tar pits, southern California
This is the study that was originally used to lower the level C3 plants starve at by relying on the ‘New’ Ice Core data derived from air bubbles within the ice cores.
“…The CO2 concentration found in air bubble and in secondary air cavities of deep Vostok and Bryd cores range from 178 and 296 ppm…
According to Barnola et al (1987) the level of CO2 in the global atmosphere during many tens of thousands of years spanning 30,000 to110,000 BP were below 200ppm. If this were true then the growth of C3 plants should be limited at the global scale because their net Photosynthesis is depressed as CO2 concentration in air decreases to less than about 250ubar (less than about 250ppmv)(McKay et al 1991) This would lead to the extinction of C3plant species . This has however not been recorded by paleobotanists (Manum 1991).
The ice core analysis method switched from an analysis of the WHOLE SAMPLE to analysis of the CO2 left in the air bubble. This newer method gives much lower CO2 numbers. that do not agree with the older numbers or with the plant stomata data. SEE: LINK
Stomata data by Wagner, Aaby and Visscher prove conclusively that the ice core data is seriously in error. The ice core data can be corrected using J.J.Drake’s correlation, the profile does not change but the ppm values do so the analysis is still valid.
In general the stomata research totally destroys the ice core data
Over a decade ago when I first comment on this there was a Peer-reviewed paper saying C3 plants starve below 200 ppm. It was of course removed from the internet.
So then we have to go to the people who know and depend on the truth – FARMERS (Farmers overwhelmingly think CAGW is organic fertilizer. Iowa State Univ polled nearly 5,000 farmers. 66 % believed climate change is occurring, but only 41 percent believed humans bore any part of the blame for global warming, thus 75% rejected CAGW. Other studies show numbers over 80% reject CAGW.)
Hydroponic Shop
Remember if the ClimAstrologists (and more importantly Henry’s law ) are correct, when the oceans cool down going forward the CO2 levels will fall. The ClimAstrologists are saying glacial CO2 is ~180 ppm to 200+ ppm.
A piece of less obvious evidence is while C3 plants maybe able to just barely survive at ~200 ppm THEY CAN NOT GROW MUCH OR PRODUCE SEED! Also the less CO2 the slower the growth and the longer to maturity. During Little Ice Ages or true glaciation this means plants bump up against
#1. Lower CO2 due to colder oceans and Henry’s law.
#2. Last frost/first frost problems as the season shortens.
#3. More stomata and thus more water loss under the drier conditions and greatly expanded deserts during glaciation.
And the CAGW types never mention…
Great discussion with a lot more info @ Tony Heller’s old blog:
HMMMmmmm My long comment got kicked into the spam bucket….
It explains why I would prefer CO2 @ 1500 PPM (or at least 1200 ppm)
LOTS of good info from Tony Heller and his crew who were debating a CAGW warrior.
Fact plants need co2 to live. Fact current levels of co2 are subsistence for plants. Fact as more co2 is released into the atmosphere the planet is greening with crop records even where there is no fertiliser used.
C3 plants are more drought resistant at higher CO2 levels because they do not have to have their stomata wide open to get enough CO2.
C3 are our FOOD plants in most cases
(Has a nice explanation of C3, C4 and CAM chemistry)
Animals have major problems consuming C4 plants. Johnsongrass and other grasses as well as white clover (C3 legume) can be toxic to livestock if stressed. Johnsongrass and its other toxic relatives in the Sorghum genus are C4.
It’s been posited that we don’t cultivate the grasses. They cultivate us to propagate them in their many varieties
Fuck off frankie
This man is a tool of evil and should be run out of the church – any church.
Burnt at the stake as a heretic?
SERIOUSLY – The parishioners who are truly spiritual should remove this monster impostor as soon as possible. He’s going to degrade, destroy, drain everything of value.
All we in the pews can do is roll along. We’ve had bad popes before. This is nothing new. The difference is 24/7 news media with satellite communications. Every unAmerican and frankly unCatholic thing he says gets magnified.
What gets me is that he seems to think that Americans don’t know that the UN was supposed to be a tool of American foreign policy and that a critical mass of us are ready for President Trump to invoke eminent domain and kick them all out of the country after the Senate revokes the charter.
I mean, I’ve met people overseas who think they know the USA and Americans, but they don’t any more than Americans know other nations and their people without having spent time in those countries. Frankie doesn’t know crap when it comes to this – and among the faithful, he’s driving a lot of us into traditional practices of the faith just to keep sane.
Parishioners in FL took matters into their own hands (I know some of them) and got rid of a bad sicko Archbishop who had a young gay priest harem and a sex enhancement drug business, and they got rid of two bishops who were engaging in sexual misbehavior.
The church is sick from the top down. It’s up to you. It’s fatalistic to ‘wait them out’ – cause they ain’t gonna police themselves.
It’s up to y’all. You will get the church and churchmen that you are willing to tolerate.
Oh, believe me. We know this. I’m blessed to live in a place where the bishops cleaned us up and have kept us cleaned up for about 40 years. It was never that bad here, but Archbishop May, God rest him, did NOT tolerate any of the crap. I remember one guy who is now dead going to prison in the 80s.
It really depends and depended on who had control in any one place. And there’s no crossing diocesan lines. One BIG NAME conservative that the trads LOVE got shipped out of the country for interference in the governance of other dioceses. There’s a reason he’ll never be a sitting archbishop again.
The question is recovery now that a lot of the rot has been identified and rooted out. Not everywhere, yet, but when this group of bishops ages out, what’s coming up behind them is not lavender to the core. At least not here.
Speaking of clean up guys. Cardinal George pell has been given permission to appeal to the high court. Like your sc. as in they have accepted his case. He started the cleanup in oz then went to the Vatican and was in charge of finances and was uncovering a real rats nest of corruption. He was fitted up.
Yes, we in the States are following the case.
The case against him was so flimsy, sooutof character, and so legally flawed.the high court, hopefully going kick ass on this one and there will then be ramifications downstream legally. The whole things going to look like a Mack truck hit a flock of sheep. Roadkill as far as the eye can see.
Works for me
My husband says yeah. Long bay or super max?. That makes them turn tail and run
And I’m going to stfu now
Absolutely great lineup of interesting news articles!
Thanks. Merely appropriated and dropped here
My goodness, Ozzy!
Looks like STEAMING Gimp of Cankles is about to be served! Bon Apetit!
Q’s Message to Traitor James Comey?
16 Nov 2019 – 1:13:56 PM
The Harvest [crop] has been prepared and soon will be delivered to the public for consumption.
A Higher Loyalty [Y].
Hunters become the Hunted.
How do you remove a liability?
Six o’ clock can be dangerous.
Family proud?
At this point…I think every single one of the coup plotters has got to be wondering if they are a ‘liability’…and thus, expendable.
They’ve got to be wondering if they are going to be Epstein’d.
Even Hussein and ValJar.
It’s the puppet masters at the top of their food chain who are calling the shots.
Great point!
I was going to say that sooner or later, one of them will figure out that getting LOUD with THE TRUTH offers some excellent protection (they have more difficulty killing people once they start talking). All that can happen at THAT POINT is an Obama Judge™ slapping a gag order on you.
But then I was thinking, one is BETTER OFF speaking, DESPITE THE GAG ORDER, than taking the UNJUST SENTENCE from the OBAMA JUDGE™ and the OBAMA JURY™ sucking their DC OJ™ through a MONEY STRAW.
Stone could have taken month after month of contempt sentences to avoid his “STFU” sentence from the OBAMA JUDGE™.
Remember…it takes 2 witnesses for a treason conviction.
Hunters become the hunted.
All we can do at this point is watch.
Oh . . . ummmm . . . and eat popcorn!
Here is a little look at the fifties for those who don’t remember those days. For those who do, it’s a trip down memory lane.
Rare Vintage Photos of What Life Was Like in the ’50s
Verse of the Day
“For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Romans 8:38 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Sunday Blessing
Romans is a book of Roads or paths….and very applicable and important message for our current day as is all of the Bible.
Romans chapter 1 outlines the path to perdition step by step – beginning with refusal to worship/surrender to GOD’s authority, then rebellion against GOD and rejection of His design illustrated in nature….soon the sexes are burning in passion for deviant acts with their same sex. There is a warning at the end of that chapter against approving of these sinful activities and attitudes.
The rest of Romans describes the road to redemption and regeneration and reunion with GOD.
Amen goes right there, GA/FL! God Bless You!!!
Watching this brought back so many memories and filled my eyes with tears. It’s wonderful to see. And it was in Washington!
I was watching/listening yesterday. Best new Mass setting we’ve had in decades. I’ll have to get a score. I mean, it was a balm.
At Mass today in my parish the “music” was piano, tambourine and sousaphone. Not kidding. And of course the “hymns” were the tuneless insipid drivel written by Catholics for Catholics post Vatican II. If they had to ditch Gregorian chant, they could have simply adopted the Protestant hymnal- at least that would be recognizably music.
In the beginning, I understand they did until the folk music filled the void.
We did a couple of new ones today. One was fine, the other not so much. It depends on who owns the copyrights a lot of the time.
I found an article on that Mass setting from last year.
Now that I think about it, that church was built not that long ago. Wiki says opened in 1959. This was never a familiar sight there despite the high altar and Sanctuary being built for it.

I think so too.
DemonicRats want to keep their hands in the public purses – and cover up their corruption – as long as possible.
yeah, they concentrated on the highest positions in state governments…to thwart POTUS wherever SOROS thought they could…
I wish someone would declare him Public Enemy #1…
40k more votes than Republican Atty Gen……no, not suspicious in the least
Yes, and notice those votes came in @ the 11th hour —- Once the DemonRats KNEW how many votes they needed to STEAL the election.
We had the same pattern here in NC in 2016. ONLY the Dem ocrat for governor and Hitlery were marked on the last minute ballot. Also many counties had MORE VOTES that adults living in the county.
Here is the elephant in the room:
MORE VOTES that adults living…..
Now….. Who is going to do a Damn thing about this?
On second thought…….
ANOTHER…. Trump Trap?
Didn’t Trump and/or Q say something about getting VOTER ID?
There are Q posts concerning election fraud after the 2018 election. Lets hope that these two Gubutorial races the past week are the final sacrificial pawns to expose the reality of fraud before 2020
Strange, this website was created for the discussion of Q, Q is posting again and yet we aren’t discussing his posts.
Yes, I noticed that last night. Fresh Q and we’re not talking about it.
I’ve been a bit busy lately. That was not unintended by the other side. But I learned a lot, too. And you can bet that our recent difficulties, timed to impeachment, were driven to occur now.
The other side is working very hard to derail us. That actually works – in one of the larger dimensions – in two ways. One way is to keep us overly focused on Q (too Q) when we need to be moving independently. The other is to make us NOT Q when we need to be ON Q.
Amplifying Q right now would be great. COUGH, COUGH.
Here is a hard truth for everybody. When Assange-separated Wikileaks (i.e., not to be trusted Wikileaks) called out Q as a “base pacification hoax”, that was a bit of a STING because of the truth in it. Q, like everything else that’s smart, has multiple purposes, and every one of those has multiple downsides.
The fake news and Democrat cyber-forces have worked very hard to malevolently manipulate Trump’s base. Doing what Q does to “pacify” the base is actually a very smart idea. But it has downsides, and the other side plays them. “Too pacified” leads to a state where the other side can re-engage in distractions and manipulations.
The bottom line is that this site depends on people stepping up. I would rather see Q posts being copied and displayed in comments 5 times or 50 times than 0 times.
I DO NOT care about duplicate posts FOR A REASON. So if you see nobody discussing Q drops, feel free to post them, and if anybody gets snippy about “I already posted that” or “she already posted that”, you tell them WOLF got all snarly and said that he’d love see 100 duplicates of a Q post, so that no matter which page of the open thread people were on, the latest Q post was there.
Like this one:
Bad Actors Using Video Game Platforms for Communications
16 Nov 2019 – 2:41:22 PM
How do ‘select’ bad actors attempt comms w/o SIGINT collection?
Rebellion or Empire?
Private [invite only] faction(s)?
Dark > Light
I find that extremely interesting. Microsoft, Apple and Google running the platforms. REALLY! Let’s not be too obvious, Silicone Valley!
At one time I read a lot of WWII fiction that obviously had some truth in the stories of the “old fashion” signals and codes used by not only the Military spies, the Resistance but also by ordinary citizens that might help in a very minor way….women hanging clothes in the line to dry in a certain pattern, messages delivered by children, Items placed in a window, messages hidden in newspaper ads, etc. It was quite fascinating at the time to read. Remember the carrier pigeons? The late night Morse Code lights?
Well, I have to say these Star Wars games, the cryptic photos and twitters remind me of those old novels. The 4 am media talking points mimicking few seconds of using Morse Code to relay enemy movements, the “symbolism” of the child trafficking on clothes and jewelry, etc.
And, of course, the Q posts are bundled right in that, as well….and code words and phrases even with POTUS.
Sometimes, stepping back from all of it…you really wonder if we’ve actually come that far …the toys and coded messages are just delivered in a different format today.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.453
Nov 11 2018 13:36:43 (EST)
1-Election + D party officials filled out many thousands of blank ballots?
2-Election + D party officials removed and destroyed ‘legal’ ballots?
3-Election + D party officials deliberately organized non-citizen voting?
4-Election + D party officials in [XX] locations across the US [under lock & key] stored many thousands of ‘blank’ ballots for purposes of ‘altering the vote total’?
Who safeguards ‘blank’ ballots?
Who issues ‘blank’ ballots?
Who controls ‘blank’ ballots?
How many ‘blank’ ballots are generated vs. total county pop?
Why did the same counties [under dispute today] REFUSE to turn over voter registration information upon request to the Voter Fraud Commission?
Why was the Voter Fraud Commission disbanded and turned over to DHS?
What vested auth does DHS have compared to a commission body?
Enemy @ the Front Door.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.466
Nov 12 2018 23:50:47 (EST)
R Gov won by 328,000 votes.
D Sen is winning by 32,000 votes.
R Gov won Maricopa County by 325,000 votes.
D Sen winning Maricopa by 32,000 votes?
[350,000] vote swing to D Sen?
Nov 16 2019 13:13:56 (EST) !!mG7VJxZNCI Q ID: 000000
The Harvest [crop] has been prepared and soon will be delivered to the public for consumption.
A Higher Loyalty [Y].
Hunters become the Hunted.
How do you remove a liability?
Six o’ clock can be dangerous.
Family proud?
From Anon on /qresearch/ (General):
“I notice the tweet from Grassley from Nov 9 2019 “Harvest continues #cornwatch @ New Hartford, Iowa” (small town, population about 500). Could the choice of this Iowa town be a reference to a different kind of harvest in Connecticut?
For example Q3599 “The Harvest [crop] has been prepared and soon will be delivered to the public for consumption.” A DOJ statement about Durham’s work says he supervises work at three offices in Connecticut, including a Hartford office. So if the harvest refers to Durham’s work, Q3599 implies that the Storm has been prepared and Durham’s work will be revealed to the public.”
Maybe this corn harvester is a metaphor for what it will be like for the Deep State when The Storm breaks- God help them!
God will not help THEM!
From Anon, /qresearch/ (General); Re: Hunter Bidens pay (Ledger):
“Did you notice what’s on one of the other ledgers? At the very bottom of pic attached. NARDELLO AND CO. Guess who works for them? Bill Priestap’s wife!
“Priestap is married to Sabina Menschel, who heads a Washington private investigative agency and is a former special adviser to the FBI, according to her biography. Her father is Richard Menschel, Goldman Sachs investment banker, philanthropist, and a donor to the Democratic Party.”
Well, I think water is wet and the sun rises in the east.
Q. What if they had an election and the donkeys didn’t cheat?
A. You would know that you were dreaming.
It came in from Orleans Parish. That looks very fishy. Another big city voting issue. How many do we have to have?
DIMs ALWAYS cheat… only way ‘she’ didn’t win was VOTER TURNOUT
I agree. We will have to work hard for 2020.
Perhaps we’re missing a step or two in our thinking. POTUS is a businessman, common sense is his objective. He ran on the Republican ticket bc he felt GOP was the LEAST corrupt. (Uniparty has been running the Country for a long time.) Many Trump supporters had never voted before 2016, they saw the Uniparty at work (Ross told them so in the 80s, right?), and figured “No use” … Move down ticket, and these first time voters, and many others I might add, see no difference at the State and local level.
Result: they don’t vote in State elections. Now, the reality is politics IS local. DIMs know that… Conservatives don’t.
Local GOP very often doesn’t even bother to fill a vacant slot on the ballot. Or they deal with the DIM party. I saw that happen the year Nikki Haley was elected Gov of S. C. State DIM Party (covertly of course) agreed with State GOP NOT to campaign against her, in exchange for some other favors to DIMs. (This goes on all the time state-wide)
We need more Scott Preslers ……………. we need to be organized. We’re not… we depend on the GOPe … we need to take it over, remake it entirely.
Good thinking. There are some places with a strong, sensible state and local GOP.
Other places…… PPPPFFFFFTTTTT.
Great opening post Carl – love it. You are made for this slot, it seems.
For those that read my “calendar” post of some 3 months ago, I have posted the follow up at the U Tree.
Being provocative, I thought it best to put it there …
How to turn a Mt Everest upside down, thermally speaking. Make snow in the Sahara, in summer.
Oh man! Most of that is WAY over my head, gonna have to read it a couple more times. I think there may be some really good nuggets in there that I can understand
Really? If true, the whole thing should be tossed, and if it were up to me the judge would be paying Daleiden’s legal bills.
Daleiden said, “Planned Parenthood, very intentionally and very strategically and with a lot of gamesmanship, filed this case specifically to get it in San Francisco in front of Judge William Orrick, who is an Obama appointee, who was a bundler for the Obama campaign for hundreds of thousands of dollars, is best friends with Tom Steyer — who’s currently running for president, now — and Judge Orrick is actually the founder of a Planned Parenthood of Northern California clinic in San Francisco.”
The whole thing is so outrageous.
Oh yeah it should be tossed.
And Daleiden’s legal bills should all be paid by PP and the corrupt Judge Orrick!
He’s got to appeal it.
They want you to be outraged.
I urge patience. There will be appeal, and it will get overturned. POTUS hasn’t spent all this time appointing judges for nothing.
Good chance this judge gets in hot water, too. Clearly should have recused from the case.
he’s trying to deflect blame from himself…lol…as so correctly pointed out–he started it!
In other words…LIE…like he did.
Say whatever it takes to get elected.
Then once in office…do whatever you want to.
The only thing he told the truth about, was when he talked about “fundamentally changing” this country.
so right!!
Who is that guy? I do not recognize him – was he the guy who throws a baseball like a girl?
No, he doesn’t throw a baseball like a girl. He’s that posturing putz that wishes he could throw a baseball as good as a girl!
LOL – Good One, Carl!!!
No, that’s not how this repugnant liar works.
What he means is…
“Don’t tell people how radical and extremist you intend to be in office. Lie and claim to be more moderate than you really are.”
You nailed it.
Vaccine ingredient warning: Ethyl mercury in vaccines 50 times more toxic than methyl mercury in fish
November 17, 2019
by S.D. Wells, Natural News
Did you know that mercury in vaccines is not the same as the mercury in fish? While both are toxic to humans, the mainstream medical establishment would have us all believe that the ethyl mercury in vaccines is no big deal when it is actually 50 times more toxic than the methyl mercury found in fish.
Yes, the medical community engages in lies and deception, and if your doctor or nurse is repeating this same old fraudulent statement, they’re either heartless crooks or they are ignorant of the truth. Either way, you wind up a victim of the sick care system, so for you, the end result is the same, whether your doctor or nurse even understands what they’re regurgitating.
You see, Big Pharma owns and runs nearly all medical schools, indirectly. They are huge donors and have massive influence, sway and pull in what is studied, and more importantly to them, what is not studied in medical college – namely nutrition and lack thereof. This goes for how heavy metal toxins, not only in food, but also in medicine, can literally cripple the central nervous system, leading to autism, brain damage, and physiological disorders (think mental illness and mental retardation).
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
“… namely nutrition and lack thereof….”
At a party a few years ago, I was talking to a doctor who works at UNC. I asked him about Co-Q-10 and the heart. He said yes it does help the heart but you will never ever see any studies because Co-Q-10 can not be patented and therefore there is no money for the studies. (He was from India BTW)
Because it is a vitamin that has positive effects – and ruins their narrative – doctors are forbidden to recommend vitamins –
What would happen to their business if we were all healthy and not in need of medical care – the pharmaceutical industry would go bankrupt – and doctors would go back to doing annual physicals – the doctors work with the pharmaceutical industry to sell their poison – makes me cranky, Gail!
Oh Yes!
I have had trouble with high blood pressure. One of the people on the Q-tree gave me the KEY!
My body is very sensitive to Sodium salt vs Potassium salt.
I noticed that when I went to the emergency for an asthma/pneumonia combo I got an antibiotic & Prednisone. During the time I was on those medications I switched from black tea to water and a Potassium salt bouillon. My blood pressure went the lowest I have had in years. 122/75. When I went off the Prednisone and my asthma kicked in again I started drinking black tea. (Caffeine helps asthma) My BP went back to 130-140/80-90 range….
THEN a lovely person on Q-Tree mentioned diuretics cause a loss of potassium!
Research turned up:
Coffee-induced Hypokalaemia
So after MOAR diet changes my last BP was 124/69 and heart rate of 66. Not bad for a little old lady with ‘high blood pressure’
The changes were to decaf Blk tea except one cup in the morning.
A couple cups of the potassium salt bouillon or a couple of bananas.
The bananas seem to work better for moving the potassium into the blood stream.
NO sodium salt – This means no eating out except for a fresh salad and my own oil/vinegar dressing.
Amazing what you can do with dietary changes.
Amen goes right there, Gail! So thankful for all I have learned from the wonderful people who congregate here! The experience, the knowledge, and the willingness to help is unmatched on other blogs – Thank God they were here for you!!!!
There are studies re: CoQ10. I know this because my daughter with Friedreich’s ataxia has taken it for about 20 years now. Cardiomyopathy is prevalent with this disease.
A recent study showed CoQ10 was helpful in sepsis –
Her longterm ingestion of CoQ10 may have saved her life two ways when she went into sepsis, possibly from food aspiration – heart protection as well as sepsis resistance!!!
Amen goes right there, GA/FL!!!
Thanks for the info and I am very glad it helped your daughter.
Co-Q-10 also seems to scale hot flashes back to reasonable. However it takes a couple of weeks for the benefit to kick in. If I forget to take it for a few days I am right back to sweating like a race horse after the Derby.
LOL – now, there is a visual, Gail!!! You funny gal!!!
J Appl Toxicol. 2013 Aug;33(8):700-11. doi: 10.1002/jat.2855. Epub 2013 Feb 11.
Toxicity of ethylmercury (and Thimerosal): a comparison with methyl mercury.
From the CDC
Lethal concentration data:” shows HgC4H10 (diethyl mercury) for Rats @ 258 mg/m^3 “
Oh, my, Gail!!! That is awful – Thanks for the info – we are most grateful to have you back – we missed you!!!
November 16, 2019
by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins
The classic Hollywood pitch is to present material mocking God, Jesus and the Bible, followed by humor and laughing to deflect the blasphemy of what you just watched. Happens all the time. That way, it’s all just comedy, right? Just a ‘little humor’ so lighten up, right? Wrong, this is an attack on our Christian faith, an attack on our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, but it doesn’t stop there. It is an attack on our children as well. Back in 2010, Will Ferrell made a video called Original Child Clown Outlet, and it has been viewed over 1.6 million times on YouTube. That’s pretty popular, eh? It’s also pretty sick when you see what the video is all about. It is a comedy sketch about putting children in cages, forcing them to be clowns, and abusing them when they cry to be released. This is satanism, folks, pure and unadulterated satanism presented as something to make you laugh.
Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Spot on!
I’ve never liked Will Farrell.
Gee – wonder why, Wheatie – NOT!!!
Me either wheatie! Never found him funny at all.
29% effectiveness? imagine if condoms had that rate…why are they pushing the shots?
ST. LOUIS – A recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention pointed to only a 29% effectiveness of last season`s flu vaccine overall; the second lowest since 2014. According to the CDC, the effectiveness of the flu vaccine varies from season to season.
Because poisoning you and making you sick is their agenda, pat! They want us dependent upon them!
CDC – is a criminal organization organized to promote and sell pharmaceutical products – irrelevant – imho
Funny, we had a discussion about this in the choir loft last Sunday. I’m very much in the minority when it comes to this. I pointed out that annually, the vaccine is full of the best guess at what flu strains are going to hit. It’s essentially Russian roulette. It’s take a chance or submit to having a neurotoxin injected into your body.
That didn’t elicit cheers.
BTW, I’ve had the flu twice in the last 20 years. The first time I was under a lot of stress, and caught everything that came my way. Once I was out of the stressful situation, it all cleared up and I felt great. The second…full time job, both symphony chorus and Cathedral choir, exhausted…right in the age group for swine flu. I was down for the count.
My old internist, unfortunately retired now, was the best diagnostic doctor I ever knew (and I worked with over 1000 on the hospital medical staff). He was a CURIOUS person…constantly reading and researching, open to new ideas…and always treated you as a partner instead of a patient. He bucked traditional medicine and was often scorned by other doctors…one told a friend of mine he would not see her as a patient if she went to Dr X.
My point….he told me years ago to avoid the flu shots for the very reason stated in Pat’s post from the CDC. Why inject things into your system, not absolutely necessary.
However, it’s the very first question asked when you see a doctor today….and I’m sure many here have flu shots for their own good reasons. Bottom line, I think we need to question a lot of these things and attempt to become an educated partner in our own health management.
BTW, I may have found another “medical partner” and am excited about it. A cardiologist who came to the conclusion many of the heart patients he saw had medical issues that could have been treated before they slipped into serious heart problems…so, a few years ago he started a wellness practice in addition to still being an interventionist cardiologist. I had a 6 vial blood panel drawing last week and about a 45 minute talk with him and will return in about 3 weeks to map my personal plan.
Sadly, as talked about here….much of it comes out of pocket because the reasons we all know…$$$$.
Gail, I drink a lot of black tea and take 2 diuretics so will be eager to see my potassium results. In the meantime, I’m going to get some of your bouillon…thanks for the info!
Rut Roh
Not only did he do this for fighters, he “goes there” re Manning and Bergdahl! Love this man!
Ha! Carl took over for T3 and is absolutely superlative in the slot.
I still believe one of the objectives of 9-11 was to get the American war machine jump started. Follow the money.
They already had the ‘Patriot Act’ on the shelf… passed it right away.
[See how ‘insidious’ the Cabal is… Patriot indeed… the opposite, right? Then there’s the war on another NOUN… like the ‘War on Drugs’ … mind control is for the masses, not simply a few…]
Ok, I happened to follow a link to CTH, and read SD’s very good post regarding the Coup, Vindman’s part, his testimony etc. etc. Of course there is the usual POTUS doesn’t know this stuff, and he is surrounded. While there may be a little of that, my impression of DJT is that he’s been tracking this for some time. His “calm before the storm” tweet a couple of years ago, and his more recent, “we caught the Swamp” “We caught them all.” Oh, and of course, POTUS’ “Never Again” – I take him at his word. Interesting, I see Ristvan is incorporating AG Barr’s recent remarks in his analysis…
The article is worth reading. and I came across Ristvan’s take. He made several remarks, but this is the big one:
ristvan says:
November 16, 2019 at 6:55 pm
“I am much more sanguine than Sundance that the coup is not only only soft, but abjectly failing. Once PDJT was elected despite the spying on his campaign, the coup was always only about impeachment and conviction. Pelosi cannot get either. She is hosed. There are several independent lines of bigger picture reasoning. JMHO.
1. The original plan was the Russia collusion ‘insurance policy’ as we know from FBI text messages. It got handed from FBI to SC Mueller by RR because of Sessions recusal, and after two years it failed abjectly. Nothing to impeach on, let alone convict. New AG Barr shut it down, and in doing so also destroyed all of Weissman’s novel obstruction attempts in part two. Then Mueller embarrassed himself publicly about the whole mess. Granted, there was collateral damage like Stone and Manafort. Attempted Coups are never pleasant.
2. The hastily improvised backup plan was Ukraine quid pro quo. (Russia recycled). That is where insubordinate LtC Vindman comes in. BUT, Vindman probably admitted committing the felony 18USC§798 by leaking to his buds. Ciaramella is already disgraced by hearsay. And the PDJT transcript release blows both their concerns and lies up, after which Schiff committed the ‘parody call‘ own goal error. The backup plan was irretrievably damaged worse than Shuttle Challenger before it launched. They got nothing. Yet continue digging a deeper ‘lies’ hole. O’Brien has said is just rotating Vindman out as part of NSC staff reduction from 250 to 100. This is smart, avoids the ‘political retribution’ accusation, just like not charging Comey over IG leak referral. Vindman is MUCH less important than nailing the ‘insurance policy’ perps linked directly to Obama.
3. Pelosi focus groups showed ‘quid pro quo’ doesn’t work for ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’. There is another reason as well. POTUS conducts foreign policy and that is always all about quid pro quos. Look at NoKo. Look at China trade. So she changed the accusation to bribes. Except PDJT hasn’t accepted any, which is what the Constitution requires. Flail upon flail.
4. AG Barr’s speech yesterday must be read in light of PDJT’s Bossier LA rally claim about the swamp. ‘We caught em all’. I hear that in ‘never again’ context as PDJT confirming that Durham WILL indict them all. We already know about the Nunes criminal referrals for FISA and EC predicate conspiracies (18USC§241 and/or 242). We know the IG report is about to drop on FISA, trapping Comey and Yates and maybe others on 18USC§1018 false attestation. And we know Barr and Durham have been on the EC predicate with two trips to Italy (Mifsud And his UK cell phone sim cards) and apparently one to Australia (Downer).
Barr’s speech yesterday laid out the constitutional background for what is about to go down. Brilliant, setting a historical legal context. Read it again, very carefully. ‘Sabotage the Executive’. Those are fighting words. The fight begins.”
A thousand likes…. ThankQ LadyP for bringing Ristvan’s posts to our site, I still peruse OT and wade into the swamp of despair that is the comment section(s) in hopes of finding his posts, but I don’t last long.
I really believe he/she? at least follows Q and just keeps it to himself… can one not and have an open mind such as his/hers and not be WQKE?
Also, just so I don’t have to do that again……Dude or Dudette? Wanna get the personal pronouns right
You are welcome. I got kind of down and out about OT. Besides the eeyores, then I got completely banned from commenting. I don’t go there anymore. This article was linked from CFP, and SD does map out the story fairly well. It’s the conclusions, and implications we likely disagree on.
Ristvan does a good job of staying away from calling out the folks for their eeyorism.
I agree with his analysis, and I believe it is realistic. POTUS said “Never Again” and “We got them all” – how else would one interpret that. AG Barr gave some interesting information in his speech the other day.
So, it’s still wait and see, but I do believe it is SOON!
Well he has come over a few times in the past to post here, so I’d assume he’s not totally Q adverse.
I did not know that…Queul!
Ristvan = Rud Istvan from Tony Heller’s blog and he is male. (I suggested he comment at OT)
My opinion is that Vindman is a Russian operative. Who is handling him? Ciaramella?
My hubby would like to know what an )% is doing on the National Security Council???
traitors within us
Make that an “05” – Vindman is a Lt. Colonel a rank not normally seen on those high levels. The NSC is supposed to be concentrating our foreign enemies.
Bet you’re right, NYGuy. Someone planted him and has been running him for decades.
Great work LP,
Anyone who has been keeping up and watched the Friday Barr speech could see the large puzzle pieces being moved in Ristvans comment .
Virtue signalling at its worst. Thats not selling me something to drink.
Sick SICK SICK!!!!
The Coca Cola company is playing to the 1% and joining the godless leftist cabal
You know, Coke sold its products to ISIS for the R&R centers for ISIS fighters.
I’ll never buy another Coke product.
Just a reminder here………………………………
Corporations ARE GLOBALISTS… part and parcel of the CABAL…
I am so glad to have NO television, NO cable….haven’t had since 2002.
I looked at NBC online and the shows are garbage…..seriously weird immoral trash.
Agree Georgia… first thing I do when I enter doc’s office is ask TV be turned down or off.
The people of this house are most distressed. My brother(s) now need to find something else to dilute their rum.
“Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.”
– C.S. Lewis
It is interesting to note that C.S Lewis died on the same day in 1963 as John F. Kennedy.
C.S. Lewis, John F. Kennedy, and Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) all died on the same day, November 22, 1963.
As Q has said, “Do you believe in coincidences?”
Thousands of souls leave this planet every day… expect a few on any given day are infamous or famous

ITSWOOT !!! So happy to see you… have missed you.
Hiya, phoenix!
I feel like someone just handed me a $100 out of the blue with no strings attached! Good to see you too.
Kreeft wrote a book imagining their conversation on the other side…
Between Heaven and Hell: A Dialog Somewhere Beyond Death with John F. Kennedy, C. S. Lewis & Aldous Huxley
Military truism: For any obstacle to be effective it must be covered by fire. It appears that the protesters took that literally, Good on them.
I have a question. It has always been said that Christopher Steele hated DJT. Why? Any ideas???
Because Epstein didn’t kill himself.
Trump would not accept Brit-Comm conditioning! That is my reasoning for Steele’s emotional response.
“Upstart Yank!”
Seriously, I read it somewhere, and forgot, but even THAT HATRED I’m not sure about.
What if Steele’s alleged “hatred of Trump” was part of his COVER to keep the UK from taking a HIT? That would sure makes sense to me. He had a job, and his hatred of Trump was the fall-back if they got caught.
Steele is part of the globalist cabal that thinks they deserve power because they are superior to the rest of us and that has been successfully working toward a global government in which they get to be elites. These people worship their global government utopia as a religion.
PDJT does not adhere to their religion, rejected this vision, and indeed promised to reverse course.
Good post BakoCarl. You have the right uplifting mojo for Sunday.
Carl taking over for T3 in the Sunday slot was an absolute no-brainer which is, coincidentally, precisely why it occurred to me to suggest it as soon as T3 announced he was giving it up. Here’s another idea….
T3 does Spring/Summer and Carl does Fall/Winter. That way we can get the best of both and Epstein didn’t kill himself.
Now aren’t you the diplomat! Love the idea…
Thats not what i tried to share…even though its yummy.
Take 2.
Perspective on LA.
So, just too many stupid people live there?
They used stock photos from Kenya.
He claims that Obama endorsed him too?
We try to keep the ‘Stupid’ out in Carolina… esp. those running for president.
Similar to Kentucky I suppose.
“Louisiana Voting Machine Logged Votes Before Poll Opened…”
To paraphrase a quote by Senator Everett Dirksen (R):
“A thousand here, a thousand there, pretty soon, you’re talking real voter fraud”
Are these the same machines Soros’ company sells?
Asking for Epstein.
I seem to remember several years ago a Soros project was getting their SOS choices elected. This keeps happening over and over again, is poo pood, and nothing changes. Voter id is the only non violent answer.
That was another project. Voting machines was the first one.
Voter ID will NOT solve fraud from voting machines or from ballot stuffing.
Voter id with microchip like on credit cards? And thumb print? Voting machines are bad news, always have been.
Solutions have already been developed. The fellow who brought them to light took massive hits from the resistance when it was brought out.
I can’t find the video now, but while looking this interesting site showed up in the search…
My guess is yes. As I understand it, he’s pretty much got a monopoly on it.
Breitbart article is from November 8, 2016.
Carl has rendered a terrific inaugural post, one which contained the following words.
“Open Thread is a place to read, post and discuss news that is worth knowing and sharing. Please post links to any news stories that you use as sources or quote from.
In the QTree, we’re a friendly and civil lot. We encourage free speech and the open exchange and civil discussion of different ideas. Topics aren’t constrained, and sound logic is highly encouraged, all built on a solid foundation of truth and established facts.
We have a policy of mutual respect, shown by civility. Civility encourages discussions, promotes objectivity and rational thought in discourse, and camaraderie in the participants – characteristics we strive toward in our Q Tree community.
Please show respect and consideration for your fellow QTreepers.
Before hitting the “post” button, please proofread your post and make sure you’re addressing the issue only, and not trying to confront the poster.”
These are Carl’s words of course, ones which I feel make a good start toward a definition of civility for the Board, a
draft, so to speak, but of course not final, because as Board Owner, that is your prerogative. It is my hope that in the
days to come, we will have a definitive template as part of the Open Thread POST, to be used by all authors.
For those reading who may feel they don’t have a clue what I am talking about, I direct you to this POST written by
Wofie :
Don’t misconstrue what I say here.

Very lofty and wordy statement by Carl. However, it sounds too similar to what the average “intellectual” lefty says. The only things missing are “inclusive’ and ‘diversity’.
It could be said much simpler. Like, … behave yourselves properly or else! Q-tree standards are traditional American standards. If anybody doesn’t know what those are, do some research. Search engines are free – use them.
Duels are not permitted here. Take them over to U-tree.
I OKed Carl’s posting, but I also told him that using Free but Civil speech, we would ALL work out what civility means on Q Tree. That may take a few weeks. I’m in NO HURRY.
I’m going to take the same approach that I’ve taken lately to battling complex plots both here and in my own personal space where they’ve snuck up and tried to pin me down – PATIENCE. The left is bombarding us, and hoping to pin us against our own rules so that they have an immobilized target.
This election is going to be very interesting. How many times HARDER than 2016 is unknown.
These people are no good. EVIL. And they know how to use GOOD against itself.
People need to LEVEL UP to the next level of trickery, because it is HERE. 2020 will not be easy.
I need to be doing battle posts. That’s why they keep me on personnel issues.
I will be rolling out some dropping nukes soon. PATIENCE.
Sorry, not intent on pushing you, actually on the contrary, won’t to make sure verbage in today’s POST was coming from you. That’s all. Not sure everyone is clear about that… hopefully your reply here will clarify that point.
Exactly. Glad you asked. Carl gets what I’m doing – reacting to controlled opposition, which in a way is all of us. Having one blog where civility provides advantages but gets pinned down and another where freedom of speech provides advantages but gets pinned down allows easier firing from the blog of our choice, and easy drawing of enemy fire to expose their positions to the other site.
But like I said, they can divide AIR all they want. We’re still coming to get them from all sides.
Fun times.
With the arrival of flu/cold season I’d like to take a moment and encourage everyone to begin habituating yourselves to keeping your immune system in peak condition. Only you know what works best for you, but we all share some things like taking Vitamin C on a daily basis.
Also, ALWAYS be aware of where you put your hands AND the things you pick up/handle. Be ESPECIALLY cautious of door knobs, hand rails, water faucet handles, etc. If you go shopping, be mindful of what you touch! Wear gloves.
For anyone flying somewhere, please please PLEASE take some sani-wipes and DO NOT TOUCH your seat belt buckles, the armrests, the tray table (and catch to same), AND the overhead light button/flight attendant call button/air gasper BEFORE thoroughly wiping them down. <—- Reread that.
Remember, it takes 3 weeks of daily effort and constant awareness to form a habit. If you have to, write yourself a note and stick it someplace you are sure to see it reminding you of all these things. Some smart phone have a reminder you can set to remind you everyday and throughout the day. USE IT!! Not only will this help you to remember these important things but it goes without saying that Epstein didn’t kill himself.
Wishing everyone a safe and illness-free winter!! Other helpful suggestions most welcome. Tell us what works!
Please and thanks.
Excellent POST FG&C …
Grandson came home from work with flu-like symptoms, and here at home we have been extra careful. Doc
negated the flu, said cold, but even so, this ol’ lady doesn’t need a cold. So, he’s barred from the kitchen…and I
carry a sani-wipe everywhere throughout the house.
Have you seen…? Airports have installed handle-less water faucets to cut down on transmitting illness through touch. Just hold your hands under the faucet and the water flows, then wave your hand in front of the paper towel dispenser to get some fresh paper.
Now if we can get everyone to wipe down their arm rests, seat buckles, tray tables, and overheads.
I have suggested to my employer that we should have the flight attendants hand out individual wipes to passengers during the boarding process but you can that brick flew about as well with the penny-pinching grinches as the idea that Epstein actually did kill himself.
Better than stale peanuts !
It would be nice, but they dont care about that much.
Heck, my pilates instructor wouldn’t let us out of the studio until we wiped down all of the equipment, and if we were sick, we weren’t to come. Even traveling make-up consultants won’t demonstrate on you if you’re sick.
You’d think this would be a no brainer. I picked up a wretched head cold flying overseas before a concert series. Fortunately, I didn’t lose my voice until after the concerts, but still, I was in Venice, Italy, and spent two days in bed with a fever.
And dont touch your face!!!! Thats a hard one esp for kids.
That’s one reason Asians wear those little surgical masks….not only for air born germs/virus but also so they do not unconsciously touch their faces.
Also….RAILINGS are a huge source of germs. Picking up your suitcase from the luggage carrousel, etc.
Restaurant menus! Concert programs! Money! We tend to forget those things that have been handled by many others before being placed in your hands.
I play a fair amount of bridge and at this time year we generally have hand sanitizer right there because of handling the cards so much.
And when in the choir loft DO NOT shake hands at the Sign of Peace. That’s an actual rule.
It’s worth it, IMO, to carry a small package of anti-bacterial wipes for when the stores either don’t have them for carts, or have run out. Even in the summer, we do the wipe thing on cart handles here in the Midwest.
Also, try to keep nasal membranes clean and moist. If you aren’t into nasal irrigation with a neti-pot or the battery operated device, nasal saline is available just about everywhere. Especially after having been in crowds.
Otherwise, avoid sugar, but we should all do that anyway.
We use plastic gloves when pumping gas. Buy them in boxes at costco. Disposable.
I use lavender EO hand sanitizer spray and remember to spay it on gear shift, steering wheel, seat belt and radio for all of the times I forget to hand sand when I get back in the car from doing errands in public. Post offices, gas stations, banks, grocery stores, public libraries, and doctor’s offices – all Many germs!
PS> don’t spray steering wheel in when air on! ha Have done too many times, blows right back in my face. Always spit first to see which way the wind is blowing, right? Life lessons! ha
Please don’t publish or please fix my OT screen name….I know about secret message and evidence and deleting as a favor but fingers cross this is a different situation…??? I value both and don’t want to be banned…
Hope it is ok to ask. or just don’t publish at all.
I will stop posting as evidently too busy and too tired or both to keep it straight. Sorry for extra work and bothering you
fingers cross and if you don’t publish me…BIG Thank you.
#1 germ magnet for nearly everyone is their cell phone!
For those that do not tolerate anti-bacterial soaps there are essential oil versions of hand sanitizer sprays.
This is repulsive!
Not only repulsive but an abomination.
YouTube censors conservatives, but puts this trash on….as well as pedo-pervert and pedo-predator trash. I’m going to quit using the word pedophile because pedo-pervert and pedo-predator fit better. These monsters are not ‘philes’ – friends or beneficial to children at all.
Interesting how “neutral, clinical” language was used to replace the common understanding as a first step.
“interesting” isn’t the word….try “vile”
And “vile” is an understatement when it comes to rejecting the way God made you.
There are no benefits to any of it.
Pencilneck priorities.
Trump War Room has a THREAD – click tweet, or go to site
Totally off topic, but with regard to the photo above…
I find the color of drapes in the Oval Office to be a huge mistake, and did I mention… (no need for further critique.)
Those drapes are now gone. FLOTUS redid the walls, too. The image is distorted a bit, but this is the new look.
I know Kind Lady, I was being ‘catty’ … the old look was hideous, imo, of course
Thanks for the photo, improvement highly visible.
Oval Office decor:
Reagan’s rug
Clinton’s drapes
Bush II end tables, coffee table and lamps
Bush II sofas
Obama fabric on Duncan Phyfe side chairs that date back to FDR
PDJT choices:
Newly recovered Martha Washington chairs in front of the fireplace
New desk chair or that may be his Trump Tower office desk chair or one very similar.
New damask design two-toned beige and white wallpaper picked out by President Trump
Flags of all branches of service that he serves as Commander in Chief
Portrait of Andrew Jackson and other portraits
So Carl is doing this gig too? Nice job Carl. Hope you had fun prepping it.
Thanks. Fun? Yes. And interest, and learning involved, and concentration. A whole bunch of positives involved here!!!
I’m FG&C, I approve that POTUS approves this message, and Epstein approves it too.
HA! He tweeted this again
Hilarious. This is how we win.
He definitely has a sense of humor
This is painful to look at!
While I the intense style and the blue language do not appeal to me I found the message in these videos informative and thought provoking:
Again, language warning…
full disclosure: I actually enjoy some abstracts with colors, play with light, etc. and enjoy various nature art, painting for in abstract myself for my own fun and pleasure and even like Jackson Pollock … but I would never mistake this for high art/fine art, real talented art. think about it…if so many people can do it (see pinterest) is it fine art or universal art for fun and then Real Art/Fine Art ought to be something so much more, something most of us can only admire?
Yes, there is beauty in even some children’s paintings and in many fun abstracts…but is there talent? Can we enjoy art, do art, express ourselves via artistic mediums but we ought not confuse this with fine art. We Enjoy, find pleasure in creating and doing art. Enjoy doing art and yet still maintain Art Appreciation for the Masters and for current artists with excellent talent v. “expressing themselves”. Food for thought…
And, yes, back to modern building design…most – yuck! Depressing and dumbing down our sense of place, taste, mind sets
Maga Mom,
I post Paul Watson frequently on political topics, don’t find his language offensive.
Today’s language is much saltier than other times… words are after all, simply labels necessary for communication. It’s words strung together in a violent, attacking way that I find offensive, whether they be soothing to the ear or not.
I prefer a salty, yay even a bawdy discussion of issues, based on facts, than one of pristine language with fallacious premises meant to destroy someone’s character.
POTUS giving Ms. Lindsey a prod… ???
parts of Morrison’s testimony that were NOT leaked…IMPORTANT parts!!
Morrison contradicted Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the Democrats’ star witness in the closed-door hearings, who reported to Morrison directly. Morrison testified that while he admired his subordinate’s patriotism, he was irritated that Vindman failed to report concerns about the call directly to him. He said Vindman never raised concerns that something illegal had happened. He also said he accepted all of Vindman’s proposed edits to the call record, contrary to Vindman’s testimony. And while he did not think that Vindman was a leaker, he testified: “I had concerns that he did not exercise appropriate judgment as to whom he would say what.” He said that Vindman’s sloppy practices were partly the result of his own predecessor at the NSC, Dr. Fiona Hill — another one of the Democrats’ star witnesses, who, like Morrison, is due to testify publicly this week.
Morrison testified that other foreign aid being offered by the U.S. at the time was reportedly under review — not just to Ukraine. And he confirmed earlier testimony that the aid being held up did not include the essential Javelin anti-tank missiles, which were being delivered to Ukraine through a separate procurement process.
Morrison testified that he had no concerns that President Trump asked President Zelensky, during the July 25 phone call, to meet with his personal attorney, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
Morrison kept NSC lawyers informed about what was going on — not because he was concerned Trump had done anything wrong, but because he wanted “to protect the president” from whatever Sondland was doing.
So after reading tweets which challenged the ability of anyone to hear what was said over a cellphone in a restaurant, now the tale gets after-the-fact cleanup. The tale now is that the reason it was possible for DJT’s statements over the phone to be heard was because DJT was talking so loud Sondland moved the phone away from his ear. (Somebody should ask Kellyanne if DJT talks too loud when talking on the phone)
Gotta love this. When a kid tells a story to his/her parents, and mom/dad catches an inconvenient contradiction, the story immediately changes and embellishes.
Q is right; these people are stupid. They really think the average American is stupid enough to fall for their bullshit. We are being led (instead of being served) by very large children/toddlers.
“We are being led (instead of being served) by very large children/toddlers.”
Moral midgets?
“Moral midgets?”
More like moral gnats. When it comes to morals for these people it is just gnat there.
I saw a tweet the other day that said something like…they’re at the Julie Swetnik stage of their sham
OMG, Julie “Hey, fat media guy, I’m just dying to have sex with you – especially with multiple guys – don’t worry if I want to save it on film for my own enjoyment” Swetnik. The only person who could possibly out-do Creepy Porn Lawyer!
“They really think the average American is stupid enough to fall for their bullshit.“
I don’t know about the avg. American, but yes there are tens of millions who ARE stupid enough to fall for their bullshit. Coincidentally, they also believe Epstein killed himself,
GOD is in control – as the beautiful banner says.
GOD’s sovereignty is complete, His throne, His power and omnipotence is completely secure and peaceful, without threat or danger of ever being overthrown and His commandments, judgments, laws will never be repealed or altered.
GOD’s creation is infinite, intricate, in size, detail, variation – both micro and macro – the end and limits of the universe has never been discovered or explored.
GOD is Love, Truth, Life, Joy, Mercy, Hope….the ultimate good…. everything we really want and need….honesty and humility about our own limits and failures will lead us to seek GOD’s wisdom and worship the Holy True GOD.
This is a great video about this topic…. the greatness of GOD.
Everything we would consider “incredible”, “amazing”, or “great” about God falls so short of the mark as to be amusing.
Our mortal brains literally cannot conceive nor grasp the full truth of Him and his goodness…
….a truth so totally awesome it brings tears to my eyes.
Even words, like “great”, are insufficient to describe him.
Good Afternoon Patriots!
Nor’Easter off the beach today, winds are Howling 35 mph plus..
So, I keep hearing the IG report is about too “drop”..
Thank the Lord..
TRUMP is still OUR President!
Exposing & draining Da SWAMP..
On a more Solemn note
Ya’ll know Angie & I,, lost Our (My MIL ) a few months back, Last Spring.. Cancer..
Well, more devastating news..
Angie’s Dad, (MY FIL), had to be “moved in” with Us… He is NOW battling Cancer himself..
Stage 4.. NO Chemo, (He kept quite about it not even letting US know)… Hospice care,, Stat.. He got moved into Our home.. He had nowhere else to go… He got “removed” from His rented place, as He cannot take care of Himself..
A type of,, Adenocarcinoma~Gastric Cancer..
We finally got wind & talked with His Dr’s, He has Week(s) to Month(s) ? to live..
Please say a prayer..
His name is Donald Casteen.. At least for comfort.. And not a lot of Pain..
I’ll report back when I can..
Sincerely, David & Angie..
Oh, David, I’m sorry. Last week, we heard the devastating news of a dear friend whose ovarian cancer moved to the brain. This is the first case the doctors at one of the big cancer centers have ever seen of that.
There really is no preparing for it. I hope the hospice people can keep him comfortable. At this point, that is paramount.
Man, you guys are having a tough go of it.
I’ll keep praying for you.
Hang in there, brother.
Trying not to giggle. It’s not working.
She can walk hom e from there.
Soapbox Alert! ymmv … please refrain from attacking (personally) the messenger…………..
Observation leads me to think we have many posters here who are parents. Some may be familiar with the time-out method used in disciplining children. Ideally, it serves as a period of reflection for actions and consequences, involving choices. Grounding is a similar tactic parents use. In both these tools, it is important that BOTH parents stand united.
In my view, Wolfie is THE parent here, as he is the BO and what he says goes, or you leave (if you don’t like his rules). Case in point, his recent banning of TWO individuals. For those unaware, banning means you can no longer express your view on this Board. Some have circumvented that ban by bringing forth the expressions of one of the banned, and have expressed their intention to continue to do so.
Well now, if you had done that OT, the ‘ban’ would have extended to the bearer of the banned expressions. Perhaps Wolfie’s hand on the ‘ban button’ is much lighter than some dude’s………………….. but that’s NOT THE POINT. The point is the same as one parent breaking the 2-parent pact for rules. In simple terms, it ain’t kosher!
Never mind all the hand wringing by some that “shouldn’t have happened” …………………. fact is, the action of the banned party, the PM, is the reason for the banning of two people in the first place. Entiendo? Bottom line, our BO is being overruled. No, the REAL bottom line is ………………. this sanctuary was put at risk. That’s Wolfie’s bottom line, always has been.
Moreover, if you go to the POST Wolfie made (ck sidebar) with regard to the banning, you will see that WITHOUT the PM, the banning would not have happened. And in my opinion, the two would have continued triggering each other, and others. and gone from the ‘victim’ in the QTree to Agent Provocateur in the U-Tree. Having been housebound the last two years, one might conclude I don’t really have a life… I spend an inordinate amount of time online, particularly this website. My thoughts, expressions in this Post in particular come from having read most of the posts of others here and at U-Tree. Both parties are trigger-happy, exercise virtually no self-control, especially since the advent of the U-Tree.
I not only respect Wolfie’s decision, I agree with it.
As I said in the beginning, ymmv… still our BO is owed and deserves RESPECT.
ristvan’s view on POTUS’s tax return lawsuits…
ristvan says:
November 17, 2019 at 1:30 pm
Lurking Lawyer here.
There are three separate PDJT tax cases on their way two SCOTUS. in my opinion he will win both,
The first is the effort by NY state DA to get PDJT federal returns as part of a ‘criminal investigation’ into the Stormy Danials payment. Remember Cohen pled guilty to this non-crime. The issue raised is whether a sitting president can be criminally investigated at all except via A2§4 impeachment. Although the Constitution is silent on the question, the implicit answer is no for two separate reasons:
1. A1§6.1 immunizes Congressmen and Senators while sitting in the Capital in session, but not otherwise. POTUS is ‘in session’ continuously, so the purpose of A1§6.1 applies.
2. A2§4 expressly says POTUS can only be criminally charged and convicted AFTER removal from office after impeachment and conviction. NY state politically motivated over reach.
Second case is House Ways and means trying to use the new NY state law about handing over state tax returns upon request. PDJT lawsuit was rejected by federal DC court on grounds lacked jurisdiction. Will be refiled in New York. Reason PDJT will eventually prevail is the NY law is an expressly prohibited by A1§9.3 Bill of Attainder. These were, post civil war, broadened by SCOTUS to anything reasonably construable as ‘punitive’ including state laws.The §9.3 was extended to state legislation by 14A. In its most recent ruling, Nixon v Admin 433US425 (1977) SCUTUS held NOT punitive if ‘can reasonably be said to further some nonpunative legislative purpose’. There isn’t one.
Third case is ways and Means trying to get last 6 years of PDJT federal returns under 26USC§6103(f) ,IRS shall furnish upon [legitimate] request’. This language was added in 1977 in response to Nixon and Agnew, in addition to a requirement that all P and VP returns undergo a special annual audit. It also must be read in light of a long series of SCOTUS opinions that legislative demands (subpoenas) MUST be pursuant to some legitimate legislative purpose. PDJT has two lines of argument, each individually determinative:
1. If the legislative purpose is to oversee the IRS special POTUS audit, then they should not have asked for the 4 years prior to his inauguration.
2. If the legislative purpose was to examine real estate developer returns, then they should have asked for other big developers also.
Since neither of those are true, the request is illegitimate. SCOTUS Watkins v US (1957) “ Congress has no general authority to expose the private affairs of individuals without justification…it must be related to and in furtherance of a legitimate legislative task.
PM has a THREAD on “Suspensions”
Bruno has a THREAD – click tweet
OMG, the plainspoken truth of this man is AWESOME!!!
Wolf, I think you missed it but I submitted an OP for your review/approval specifically about this speech.
Let me go take a look! Didn’t appear in my notifications, or flew by!
Just went out:
AG Barr: Left is Shredding Norms and Undermining the Rule of Law
Barr got it now I wish everyone would get what he is sayin specially the opposition and doubters .
I just finished listening to this speech….he lays it out in pretty simple terms….will be glad to see it backed up with actions!!
If you have 2 hours……
I highly suggest this video.
(You can ignore it if you don’t like …. ME)
The combine is one field over today. They’ve begun to harvest on our road.
Of note, this family has been farming this land since it was granted to them as script for fighting in the Revolution.
Something to be very proud of today and fortunate to have interested family to continue. Amazing the land wasn’t seized for super highways, interchanges…or even shopping malls. (Must be in a terrible location! LOL). What is being harvested?
Kudos to that family. What an amazing legacy. THAT is America!
Absolutely, and there are several similar farm families that are our neighbors.
Mary, you must be in a very warm clime…
Here in South Carolina, corn was harvested in late July
Even second crops here would have already been harvested…
The sounds of harvest machinery in nearby fields this time of year reminds us of work and activity during spring and summer . There is a rush to get the crops harvested before moist weather sets in.
Then the steady hum of the Silo augers and blowers will begin.
It’s harvest time, final push of the growing season to gather the fruits of the cycle . work hard and give thanks for our bounties.
Same as they ever were. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Thankful for this blog, contributors and thank you, Very Much to the moderators and authors!
Not sure this ad is real… says Atlanta area, BUT there’s no way to check where the ‘ad’ came from…
Note use of word “blessed” ……………………….. in ref to google. Insidious.
Hope the patriot side sneaks a few honest eyes into this stuff. Google will be taking down good stuff using TRAINED SNOPESEY LEFTIST OPERATIVES.
Seems there are countermeasures already being developed (H/T Larry Ledwick over at Chiefio’s):
This could get interesting… on the other hand, the censorship should just go away…
I’m hoping that someone who does a much better job keeping track and cataloging articles can help me out. I am looking for a link to an article that I read, sometime within the last few weeks, that analogized what we are watching are two separate “movies”, one pro and one anti President Trump.
I seem to recall that it was on zerohedge, as well as one or two other places
I’ve looked to try and find it again and unfortunately cannot. Many thanks in advance for your assistance!
Hi Ex……….

Q Drop on 11/11/2019 refers to Project Looking Glass… much discussed on this site that day… and perhaps (?) the next.
Before I moved to OPERA, I had a feature on my browser for ‘searching key words’ called
“Find” ____________ . No longer have it, or I’m too old or low tech to see it
Anyway, suggest you search the Daily Thread on the 11th for ‘Project Looking Glass’
8kun Routes Through DoD Server
11 Nov 2019 – 7:49:10 PM
Project Looking Glass?
Going Forward in Order to Look Back.
Thank you, I will!
[anyone know? is there a similar feature on Opera that I’m missing?]
Ex ……………..
a tweet you may be interested in………………
Boring for them, infuriating to us.
Flep has posted on the winding gulf between the parties re: voter enthusiasm. Democrats are killing theirs with all the lies and fake crap. Let’s hope they are determined to continue.
D-Rats won’t drop the impeachment hoax. That would be admitting it is 100% BS.
Rather D-Rats will have a faux press conference and put the impeachment hoax on “hybernate” as D-Rats pursue facts offline….
Impeachment hoax will be rejuvinated in time for the 2020 elections. An “October Surprise” of sorts. Me thinks.
News from Iran……………Praying Medic’s fav go-to Heshmat has a THREAD
and more tweets … from others
And Americans can’t even gather on the streets to protest the illegal attempt to impeach the greatest president the US ever had … might mean they would exceed their comfort level.
Not true, PR. We are smart enough to know that we can hurt our cause with massive demonstrations. We are showing up for POTUS in the most important ways….at his rallies and on-line forums. And lest you think otherwise…
…if POTUS called for us to take to the streets, we would do so in ways never seen in this nation before.
The day mass demonstrations are called for, DC and in the states, I’ll be on the streets in Carson.
Don’t think it will get to that, but, 100% ready.
Perhaps our numbers at Rallies, our increased $$ on these days of a hoax faux impeachment (COUP),
our memes and our tweets…………………….
say more in protest than lining up at CNN or the Capitol ?
As soon as I see the smoke signal I am headed east,let’s get it on like DONKEY KONG….
Hi Rodney… hope you’re well.
I am doing best I can Phoenix, I hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
That’s all we can do Rodney… Yes, I’m well, thank you.
If you’ve never heard this before, buckle up buttercup. One of the greatest preachers ever to speak the Word.
…….That pretty much says it all !!!!!!!!!!!
Whoa. Lefty got btfo.
just read over at The_Donald that Jon Voight will be receiving the National medal of Arts soon.
bless his heart.
Splodey heads already.
Not sure why you posted that as a reply (no biggie really) but this news deserves it’s own OP so no one misses the most excellent and well-deserved news.
I could not be more pleased and glad to know this GREAT American patriot and MAGA warrior is getting recognized in this way.
Speaking of, I really miss James Woods and Epstein didn’t kill himself.
FG&C, I’m no so sophisticated ab posting, and wasn’t sure where to put this news…so I looked for a place where there was a break in topic comments…
yeah, I have listened to several of Voight’s little commentaries, and am also glad he is getting recognition.
Also, seems as if the President has been made aware of Voight’s contributions.
The message from social media giants is clear: independent and alternative voices are not welcome.
“It’s an open secret. The deep state is working hand in hand with Silicon Valley social media giants like Twitter, Facebook and Google to control the flow of information. That includes suppressing, censoring and sometimes outright purging dissenting voices – all under the guise of fighting fake news and Russian propaganda.
Most recently, it was revealed that Twitter’s senior editorial executive for Europe, the Middle East and Africa is an active officer in the British Army’s 77th Brigade, a unit dedicated to online warfare and psychological operations.
In other words: he specializes in disseminating propaganda.
The news left many wondering how a member of the British Armed Forces secured such an influential job in the media.
The bombshell that one of the world’s most influential social networks is controlled in part by an active psychological warfare officer was not covered at all in the New York Times, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC or Fox News, who appear to have found the news unremarkable.
But for those paying attention and for those who have been following ’MintPress News’ extensive coverage of social media censorship, this revelation was merely another example of the increasing closeness between the deep state and the fourth estate.”
more at link
Infuriating and I cannot fathom why POTUS and our reps aren’t saying more about this!
At the rally on Nov 1 (?) POTUS said “We have a forum now…. ” and some including myself, thought he was referring to 8KUN. Now, even some of the anons are saying Q is dropping from 8KUN and soon after, 8KUN shuts down again. So, one thought is they are making sure that 8KUN cannot be shut down before they open it and keep it open. I don’t know what other forum he could be referencing…??? I agree that some-thing needs to be done about social media, and I have to TRUST that it is… we can’t be made aware YET because then the opposition would be aware, before they’re ready.
So now comes the expensive litigation to appeal and fight. They want to break him until he’s broken.
I know there are Texans among us here. Please, be vigilant.
Texas ..Hold The Line !
We have and we will continue to do so. Gov. Abbott and TX AG Ken Paxton are all over illegal voting like white on rice. Don’t forget Texas has Voter ID laws now, thanks to Gov. Abbott, and TX has prosecuted a great many voting fraud cases since 2016.
We are very well aware of what the putrid, vile marxist left is attempting to do here.
DACA all come here to be fine upstanding citizens
Ehh! Chooks coming home to roost. Shits getting real for the bushes
Isn’t Neil the security expert in the family ?
He owns more guns than me.
Sorry. Thought you were referring to my other half
You’re a hoot!
That’s a typical circular mess ..he was paid 300,000 to attend a meeting because he was on the board (sounds familiar) of a Chi energy co …but then his atty says he was not on the board….so why would they pay him that money to attend?
“New documents allege millions went to Biden’s and Kerry’s firm”
Here is the final flip map for the 2019 LA House of Representatives elections.
R’s flipped 9 seats, Democrats flipped 2, so R’s gained 7 seats this year. Not enough for a supermajority.”
Republicans have officially created a supermajority in the Louisiana State Senate after successfully defending SD-16, which went to a runoff. Here’s the final flip map for the 2019 LA State Senate elections: GOP flipped 3 districts.”
People have go to stop giving the homeless on city streets money. They’re doing nothing but enabling the local drug dealers and cartels to continue to deal drugs in our communities.
“In Seattle, prosecutors and law enforcement recently estimated that the majority of the region’s homeless population is hooked on opioids, including heroin and fentanyl.
the City of Seattle’s homeless-outreach team estimates that 80 percent of the unsheltered population has a substance-abuse disorder”
None of these addicts are working so the only way to get money to support their habit is from stealing, begging, or selling drugs to our kids at schools.
“According to the Office of National Drug Control Policy, the average heavy-opioid user consumes $1,834 in drugs per month”
forgot prostitution……………..
Food. Buy them a meal.
We will hand out boxes of raisins or lara bars or dried meat bars.
thats it. And that only to the worse cases.
We have know that there Many organizations Wanting and waiting to help these people get back on their feet. being homeless can happen to people due to economic & health hardships but living on the streets as a lifestyle/chronically is a sign of a bigger issue.
$ goes to drugs and some are scammers. One local young woman affected physical disabilities but was busted as being healthy, leaving her post in a wealthy area, walking to her car and driving to her house. Just her way of earning money.
Are Doctors and Nurses the New Secret Police? The Unholy Alliance with DCS
Nice exchange
I have peace like a river.
I’m guessing you never ran the Colorado!…
You might have been nervous but the river was totally at peace with it.
Giuliani states he has 5 witnesses willing to testify under oath about Yovanovitch
Witnesses state she instructed the Prosecutor General of Ukraine to dismiss 4 cases
2 cases involved collusion with Dems to help HRC!
One case involved Soros owned company.Rudy Giuliani speaks with OAN about Yovanovitch’s testimony
Guilly warned them, didn’t he Ozzy?
He’s trolling them.
Yes, I agree. And POTUS didn’t use the word “Perfect” in the familiar manner… but in the legal term, meaning all the ts crossed and all the is dotted, and tied up in a bow, with the brief containing a draft for the judge to write his order. This is not Guilly’s first rodeo… iirc he cleaned up a powerful group in NYC with RICO, and of course POTUS has seen more than his share of rodeos. My money’s on Rudy.
There’s strong argument that Potus was Rudy’s undercover guy during that
Yes, I’ve seen that, and others have said DJT was an informant for FIB for years. I can see it.
Whyatt asking questions about Epsteins brother
Unseen on the impeachment derailment
I have an uncanny feeling that this upcoming week is going to be interesting. I am going to offer extra prayers for PDJT….especially as we near the anniversary of one of the darkest days in our nation’s history. Can’t help but remember that one of the first thing he did was declass and release a lot of JFK stuff, and wondering how that ties in with where we are now…”future proves past” and “no coincidences”. The evil is going to ramp up and I pray that it is defeated swiftly and righteously
Thanks for the reminder Volgarian,
Sound advice.
By all means, pray and often!
But have confidence! There can be no doubt that PDJT has the Lord’s favor and protection. Moreover, and never forget…
These people are stupid.
FISA works both ways.
We know everything.
There will be no deals.
These people won’t be able to walk the streets in safety.
Enjoy the show.
Epstein didn’t kill himself.
Ok ok…..Q has not said Epstein didn’t kill himself, but Epstein didn’t kill himself, and furthermore he didn’t commit suicide either. So there’s that, too.
I agree with each and everyone of those statements and I do have confidence and trust that God has got PDJT’s back…..a few extra prayers certainly can’t hurt though!
HO-LY CR-AP!!!!!!!!!! I can’t believe this.
Congress is going after ABC on Epstein (who didn’t kill himself)!
Congress? The same Congress running the impeachment scam?
Brian Cates spin…..Basically McCarthy shining a light on it as best he can
Let us all pray (for real) that there is an investigation of this.
AG Barr would do well to announce and open a DOJ investigation into this matter. If ABC did withhold this information, then they could be charged as accessories to felony crimes.
Libera – From a Distance
Refreshing! Thank you!
Most welcome, Think*3
Still Creepy and Weird
I haven’t watched it all yet, but I do agree with him that what people are calling aliens are fallen angels. And for any part of our government to be involved with them is scary as hell.
So much of this is connected to technology – it is as if taking a short cut is a good thing – what is scary is they could be anywhere – in any form – in anyone – what if a world leader is really a fallen angel? Not just our government – but – governments worldwide – from where do we think all of this evil has come – all they have to do is to find a weakness – any vice – and they are in – that is what is really scary, Linda.
Went to Catturd for a laugh, and found a great putdown for people who think opinions are facts
Ed Henry is a jackass.
But was there anything in it?
I hardly think it matters if NOTHING was in it. It’s gone.
Its interesting that they are burning the banks.
Seems Georgie, Porgie, has stepped ovah the line……………………
Conway even looks like Flounder.
Quite a bit like him!
Well duh!!
Schiff may as well be trying to claim Epstein killed himself.
Someone said they felt like we needed to pray…
Trump is not going to be impeached. And that’s just for starters.
Snatched this comment from OT. It is a good opinion about the ‘why’ of the sham hearings. It also harmonizes well with Barr’s speech on separation of powers.
Beyond the concealment of criminal activities, the larger systemic motive for anti-Trump resistance within the beltway is the fear Trump will sweepingly act to modernize the agencies, DOS and CIA in particular, to gut the institutional bloat and cull the infiltrating sprawl of thousands of added positions rogue interests have created or caused to be created in other federal agencies as part of the official (and clandestine) agenda to permanently install governing “interagency” fiat usurpation of the federal government, protected from Executive Branch control by cohort political and syndicate interests that have infiltrated or otherwise formed within Congress. This seems to be the chess game being acted out now.
The creation of these “interagency” governance structures is inherently malignant as they consolidate power in the vanities of the unelected and their non-executive branch sponsors. They encourage rogue action and invite the very type of sedition and corruption now unfolding before us.
Excellent comment.
That is precisely what has been happening and how.
Snatched this comment from Breitbart. Very clever stuff.
Allen M. Ease said:
To Congressman Paul Gosar:
Although the Democrats continue to try to
divide the people of this great nation,
all American patriots will keep helping to
make America great again.
Socialist Democrats in the congress
continue to perpetrate their fake
hearing with a Soviet-style
inquiry that is totally
forfeit of any merit and is
fit only for a Banana Republic.
However ludicrous their clown-car
attempts to conduct their impeachment
sham, they continue to defy all reason.
Someone who never actually witnessed anything and only
heard something from someone who,
in turn, heard something from someone else,
turns out to be someone no one is allowed to identify.
Forget all past protocol,
or any actual due process (which is
reserved only for Democrats).
But more and more democrats are starting to
realize that these charades will lose them the House
and I guarantee that
in the election that takes place
next November, Trump is going to win a
second term in a huge landslide!
And Epstein didn’t kiII himself.
We stood up for chikfila for years. Weve made them top dog. Now those who want to expand their own incomes via expanding the company are turning away from the core.
Repeat this chikfila…go woke go broke.
“Chick-fil-A Will Stop Donating to Salvation Army, Christian Athletes Following LGBT Pressure”