This Mighty Warrior Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KMAG/KAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
Yes, it’s Monday…again.
But it’s okay! We’ll get through it.
Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil.
Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.
With the Storm upon us…please remember to Pray for our President.
Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition from Michal Cielecki of Immortal Music, titled ‘Aurora XV 54’:
The Storm is here…but we’ve been waiting for it. We’ll get through it together.
Wheatie’s Trees
Wheatie’s trees are magnificent things
Massive, majestic, mansions for kings
Gracious dwellings from a time long ago
Peaceful havens in the sun’s golden glow
Rocky paths lead to ancient wood doors
Twining vines grace windows by the score
Soft, glowing lights expose figures inside
Where magical, mystical beings reside
Spacious suites all appointed with care
Stone hearths, cushioned chairs, nooks here and there
Long oaken tables, steaming platters of food
Delectable, bountiful, setting the mood
Expansive vistas from balconied rooms
Reveal valleys and fields strewn with blooms
Rivers, rocky crags, resting in light haze
Snow covered peaks form giants’ stairways
Dark, gnarled forests steeped in woodland lore
Elusive figures first glimpsed, then, no more
A taste of the mystic and magic as well
Bestow wonder and awe to timber and dell
Heroes canter by with mounts’ flowing manes
A warrior maiden graces fields of wheat grain
Both speak of an age of chivalry now gone
Of castles with knights riding forth at dawn
In our mind’s eye, a dreamy reverie
Entranced in time, our spirits free
A place to linger, in willing thrall
To hear and heed the siren’s sweet call
Oh wow, Carl…thank you so much!

Amen to that Wheatie.
That is very beautiful, and especially so for the kind linkage to our dear Wheatie. She has the best trees, and you have the best poems.
And Scott reworks lyrics of songs the best. (Next time not Barry fucking manilow, please)
YAY for Wheatie’s trees!
Absolutely beautiful Carl ..
Heartwarming Welcome for 1LT Clint Lorance!
Isn’t that just the best? Not only are families healed and made whole again, entire communities that have suffered with them are granted peace in their hearts. God Bless President Trump and Lt. Lorance and his family. We are with you.
For what it’s worth……. (Maybe nothing)
In reference to my Joel Osteen/Kanye West comment where I commented as to NOT being a “fan” of Osteen’s “Prosperity Gospel”…..Phoenixrising37 said:
You know Razor… YOU don’t have to be a ‘fan’ of anyone.
Different strokes for different folks…. as far as religion goes.
I stand WITH and FOR the Word of GOD…. Jesus… THE Christ.
Is “Islam” a “Religion” that YOU think is ok? “Different strokes”?
Choose you this day…… Whose side are you….. REALLY….. on?
He that has an ear… let him hear:
I don’t know what “37” has to do with anything……
But, Be VERY careful with whom you Identify…. And/or use as an Avatar/Screen name.
The “Phoenix” bird…. And/or…. “Phoenix Rising”….
…Phoenix Bird. Listen to the explanation given by a radical feminist, Barbara Walker, in her occult book, Now Is The Dawning , p. 281. Egyptians believed that the Phoenix was the representative of a god who “rose to heaven in the form of a morning star, like Lucifer, after his fire-immolation of death and rebirth …”
Wow! In one sweet, short, and simple sentence, we have conclusive proof that the Phoenix bird is a symbol of Lucifer !
Listen now to the testimony of another former witch, William Schnoebelen, in his book, Satan’s Door Revisited , p. 4. “The Phoenix, of Bunnu is believed to be a divine bird going back to Egypt … This Phoenix destroys itself in flames and then rises from the ashes. Most occultists believe that the Phoenix is a symbol of Lucifer who was cast down in flames and who … will one day rise triumphant. This [belief] also relates to the raising of Hiram Abiff, the Masonic ‘christ’.”
To prevent most people from associating the Masonic Eagle with the ancient Phoenix, Freemasons changed the Phoenix to an Eagle, and began to refer to it as an Eagle. However, two Masonic authors blow the lid off that change in symbolism.
Manly P. Hall, in his book, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry , states, “These were the immortals to whom the term ‘phoenix’ was applied, and their symbol was the mysterious two-headed bird, now called an eagle , a familiar and little understood Masonic emblem .” [p. 108; Emphasis added]
Albert Pike, in Magnum Opus, writes, “… the Eagle was the living Symbol of Egyptian God Mendes … and the representative of the Sun …” [p. xviii]
In one sentence, we see the admission that the Phoenix Bird of Ancient Satanic Egypt was changed into the Masonic Eagle and then Pike admits that the Eagle is the Symbol of the Sun God and of the God of Mendes, both symbols being common Satanic symbols of Satan/Lucifer !
It’s all about the money,there’s alot of money to be made off GOD.
When I got saved I was listening to Keneth Copeland(excuse my spellin)Jesse Duplantis(excuse my spellin again)Olsteen and John Hagee and the thing that struck me was the money involved.
When I needed someone to talk to(a preacher man)he turned his back to me.
I believe in God and I believe Jesus died for me,I dont believe in preachers or the better than thou crowd that frequent churches.
Night and God bless you all.
G’night and God Bless Rodney.
Night n God bless Phoenix
Inside info:
GOD… saved you….. Not the “words” of some “Pastor” or “Priest”… YOU did NOT need to “confess” anything to a HUMAN… only to GOD. And the reason that YOU BELIEVED (Then Confessed that you like me… are a sinner)… Is that it was GOD’s PLAN from before the beginning of the world.
(IMHO of course)
I totally agree,it was all between me and God.
I had to submit or be broken shall I say before the power of God could come into my life.
I am working on being a better person and have a long row to hoe.
Compared to God standards and Christ’s perfect example, we all have rows of infinite length to hoe!
Amen Carl
Research “Election” in the BIBLE…..
Too many verses to post…
(I will if you insist)
Anyway… realize the GOD SAVED YOU….
It is NOT of (Your or MY) works…. Eph 2:8-9
You “submitted” because it was HIS will.
YOU.. Or ME… didn’t change his mind…
It was predetermined……
He “Saved” YOU…. Just as he did Saul/Paul….
Sauld did NOT do anything but KILL Christians…
Then GOD changed him….
Just as he does for YOU…. Me…. and ANYONE else that HE has “Elected” to be “Saved”.
It was all God,the night this happened is was drinking hard and ate 46 darvons.I wrote a letter to my mom telling her I was sorry for being a failure and crashed. The next day I went to work not knowing what I had done and my mother came to my apartment and had it unlocked looking for my body.
When I got home from work I was surprised mom was in my driveway with my brothers and after a long talk I was Baker acted for 72 hrs.
When I went in and they did a blood test I was sposed to be dead,God saved me.
I still battle the demons inside me,I was born an alcoholic and still fight that demon today.I am not sober,that is my doing but I still crave God in my life,damn I wish he could fix me once and for all I guess it’s my free will to be fucked up.
Sorry for ranting and I will probably regret the things I have said to y’all but it is who I am,I need fixed.
You have to start by being truthful with yourself and others. It’s like a ladder rung five feet in the air — an immense effort before you have any actual results. But once you have accomplished it, there are other things to do.
You came here and witnessed the Truth. That Truth will set you free. You have my love, sympathy, and prayers. Congratulations!
Oh, Lord, I call on you — not for myself but for my brother, who I know as Rodney Short. You have saved his body in his hour of need, but his soul is yet troubled. Let his temptations be slaked, his worries be smoothed; and may he feel the Grace you have granted him as a comforting blanket. Within it, may he be granted strength in both body and resolve, to find healing.
Amen, Coothie.

God bless you Cthulhu
He is so powerful and so loving.
Amazing that your blood tested for poison but you were alive and kicking! A true miracle to continue on. He loves you and has a purpose for your life.
We all have our faults and carry guilt. Only you can forgive yourself and stop tormenting yourself. If you truely believe god forgives you follow his example
Amen ozzy
I understand Rodney….. Prayers for ya.
Prayers brother and God bless
Uh, no. If all were elect, then elect would have no meaning. Only some are elect.
And do not be deceived; Christ was sent to retrieve the lost tribes and reconcile all of them back to their rightful place as God’s chosen people. It wasn’t until Christ had been sacrificed (crucified) that the world’s sin debt was paid in full. thus allowing salvation to be available to the Gentiles (non-Hebrews).
The gift of free will means that one comes to Christ voluntarily without force or coercion. To be saved is an act of human will, accepting the offer of free salvation and a ticket home. No one goes to the lake of fire involuntarily.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow. And drain the swamp.
Who said “All” were “Elect”?
GOD does NOT “Love” everyone…..
Romans 9:13
As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.
Take your “Free Will” and tell God what he is going to do with you?
I apologize. I conflated two different “conversations” I recently had – yours and one with a rather cranky person. I could blame it on a number of factors but there’s no whining in blog commenting.
The salient point with which I disagreed was the implication that it was up to God who comes to Him. It was up to Christ as He hung on the cross. And He decided to simply forgive everyone, which freed any person to be saved simply by claiming Christ as his/her savior (and believing that God raised Him from the dead). Whether that was part of The Plan when He came to earth, I don’t know. I just know that is when it became real – on the cross.
The choice to be saved is entirely the choice of the human being, not God. He wants all to make heaven their home but only if they want it. No force, no coercion. In short, it’s a contract offer.
Again, please accept my apology for my dumb error.
Lots of TRUTH in this song.
Amen brother
Since we are sharing…husband and I saved via television ministers. We weren’t Christian so why would we be in church to be saved through an invitation there? We weren’t anti Christian. Didn’t go out of our way to harass or ridicule or argue etc. (in other words, back then I would have just scrolled past the Christian messages/posts on this blog but would have never even thought to harass or make fun of, etc.) Just weren’t Christians so why would be in a church?
I had an injury and we put in cable for the first time as we had never been big TV watchers until I was bedridden 24/7 for a while. TV helped keep my mind off of the pain and helped pass the time. So, I was slowed down long enough to actually listen to the Word! God used that opportunity!
TV preachers – started with Joyce Meyers then Kenneth Copeland and Jesse Duplantis. Creflo Dollar, too. We learned a lot. Started “tithing” before we were Christians – gave to charity 10% back when we really couldn’t afford it. And we saw our finances blessed significantly.
We were around successful businessmen at the time, my husband’s job. They were Christians and recommended books and preachers and Christian. They were tithes and recommended more info to us.
Witnesses just living their life and being an influence, lay ministers, as they went about their normal work/business life. Changed our life and our children’s life when we were saved many years ago.
I remember a series by Creflo Dollar that was so impactful – Fruits of the Spirit. But we let him go as things just weren’t adding up in certain areas of his ministry. Copeland lost us in ’16 with the Cruz endorsement – not just the endorsement but things that he said re politics. (still Know I could Learn Much from him but too distracted to listen due to politics) But Jesse is still on in our house almost every week. Tradition to listen to him while we eat our Sunday breakfast before church. He does good work and is a blessing to us. His humor connects and yet there is always such a good message there. They are imperfect humans that God has used to teach, reach and touch many people that might otherwise not have been reached for Him.
They ALL (of the ones I listed) talk and preach about so Much More than Biblical finance management. Tithing and giving to charities has been a real blessing to us, an opportunity v. a requirement, and all of our needs are met. But we learned about so much more than just $ from these preachers.
Many people are reached by the tv preachers that would otherwise not be reached by other methods.
Plus, always remember that just living your life in a Christian way is a witness to others and helps draw them in.
I don’t watch Joel Olsteen or other ministers or go to church. God has space and time so I talk to him and to Jesus directly to give them thanks and pray for our President and his family. I hear you about religion becoming a money-making business. Another way at looking at Olsteen, who I have watched a couple of snippets of is that he seemed to give positive encouragement to people who might not think they can achieve a lot in challenging times. That part seemed good to me but I do not know his whole story or motives. In my personal faith, I believe God wants us to use all the gifts he has given us to leave things better than we found them here. Bless you all and have a great week!
God bless you
Not sure what these issues are about because I tend to scroll past remarks that are bound to set up reactions. BUT, in empathy to understanding everyone’s different points of view of faith, religion, faith practices, etc. I certainly can add myself to the mix.
I’m Catholic, go to Mass, and I dislike this Pope immensely. Hubby and I talk about the fact that the Pope is a Communist, and he certainly doesn’t appear to be following the True Tenets of our Faith. Believe me – in the Catholic Church that’s a quandary.
OTOH, I’ve always been a bit eclectic in my views of life, and tend to take what’s useful, and discard what isn’t. What this Pope has to say isn’t useful to me. If he spent even half his energy making sure the Bishops and Priests were doing their jobs, including denying communion to these so-called Catholic politicians who state they’re Catholic, and take Communion, but they’re haven’t seen an unborn child yet that they don’t want to kill… well, when I see that, I’ll reconsider what he has to say.
Until then, I think the Pope is a bad person, and a bad Pope.
You know when I see the Pope I see an evil man,literally.
I know one thing – one can’t be a communist and a Christian. The Pope’s Marxism is simply the stage before total communism. Communists by definition are atheists.
Skanderbeg flew double eagles.
Things get entwined. Again and again and again. Who owns what?
If the Hebrews owned khole you can likely trace it back earlier even past the Egyptians to Mesopotamia.
The left steals our memes all the time. I suspect nothing new under the sun has happened here.
Excellent point.
And Sanctuary Cities!
. . . and former traitor Presidents and his chief and lesser minions.
We could make a long list, couldn’t we Carl?
Fact: there are Thousands of sealed indictments sitting at the DOJ
Yes, and most of Washington would be on it. Then we could move on to our state governments and local governments. Let’s face it – there is corruption everywhere you look. How did it get this bad????
Yes Linda…
People entitling themselves.
Governmental power attracts the already corrupt, and often corrupts the not-yet-corrupt. Even those not directly wielding the power are corrupted by it; they will use it to their advantage rather than surviving by producing value–or be forced to lobby and seek influence in self defense against those already doing so.
Getting government out of as many things as possible is the ONLY long term solution.
AG Barr is absolutely correct:
Can’t be posted too much though it has been posted several times already.
Sorry….. must have missed them
No worries! Can’t be posted enough. Very important message every American should hear.
John Adams said: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
I believe that this describes precisely the same thing Barr described in his definition of a “rule of law” standard: “The essence of this standard is to ask what the overall impact on society over the long run if the action we are taking, or principle we are applying, in a given circumstance was universalized – that is, would it be good for society over the long haul if this was done in all like circumstances?” Barr’s subsequent discussion of how conservatives are at a disadvantage because they embrace this notion obscures the larger point.
The larger point is this: The idea that the rule of law is an impediment to some larger goal is inconsistent with citizenship in our Republic.
Locks only keep out Honest people….
Borders only keep out Honest people
Crooks will be crooks no matter what the Law.
We have millions of “resistance” people in this country who think themselves honest upstanding citizens.
Barr was saying they are not.
And Barr is correct!
Terrific POST for another Monday…
Love the plane/glider, whatever ! Got me at the end, wasn’t ready for it!
Thanks, PhoenixR.

I’m so glad you like it.
Y’know, I wouldn’t mind living next door to the flag guy…..
…..even with the occasional knocked-over mailbox and tire tracks on my lawn.
I love him! I want to be him! Next life, perhaps!!!
Reminds me of Uncle Ted…..Nugent, that is. He’s got cat’s scratch fever, ya know.
Wheatie – I just have to say that Mt. Rushmore ain’t got nuthin’ on the pic you posted of our El Presidente’ on top of whatever mountain range that may be. Wish it were real. Maybe some day!!!
I like the graphic.
But a carving like that would eventually fall off the face of the mountain (like the “Old man in the mountain” did in New Hampshire, though that was not a man made carving). His chin needs to be supported!
I posted this article primarily for the cartoon that is part of the article. It was just too good not to share. There are times when I feel just like Bob.
And another hollywood movie bites the dust.
Box Office: ‘Ford v Ferrari’ Speeds to No. 1; ‘Charlie’s Angels’ Bombs
So it seems the Hollywood box office is still down this year (YES!!!) . “We need ‘Frozen’ to thaw out this box office.” is what they said. Yeah I don’t think so. I am done with Disney. I liked Frozen but when I read what they did in Frozen 2 no thanks.
Also “Joker.” passed $1 billion worldwide. So its nice to see things tanking. I admit I was going to see a few movies this year (I had free tickets) but I don’t want to sit there and be lectured to and know these people hate me and are anti MAGA so I’ve been happy ever since.
lol…last movie we saw in the theater was Runaway Bride…LOL…
I’ve lost track of what I saw as well. Nothing worth seeing. But I did read that POTUS had a screen of “Joker.” so that will trigger the libs. (when are they NOT triggered)
yeah that NOT triggered list would be far shorter…
I figured that was going to happen with Ford v Ferrari. It’s more up American alleys than the others.
I must be getting into the deep senior moment territory, hubby and I had free movie tickets and went to the movie theater but for the life of me I can’t remember what we watched.i remember only one trailer “the long knives” other than that I was dumping my popcorn,and marvelling at the reclining seats. I find most movies boring and bland, and I get annoyed the minute the lecturing starts so I tune out.and I find the convos I have in my head are much more interesting anyways.
LOL I know what you mean Sue!!! And 100% agree!!!!
Always talk to the smartest person in the room. En if ou get the side eye for muttering to yourself
Lol ,at times being old can have some not hearing well either and that can make for funny conversations.besides most of the time I am the smartest dolt in the room!at least the most informed.
Thanks Wheatie for that awesome score.
Trying hard to not be too emotional tonight. Been kind of teary eyed today. And choked up thinking about it.
Friends, it is really happening. We really are getting our country back. Things are starting to come together and picking up momentum in a way that is unstoppable.
If you had told me a few years ago that Kanye West would be visiting prisons and holding revival meetings I would NEVER have believed you.
This is our time to rise up, to stand. Their time is over and they are being removed shortly.
I was talking with my son, and he’s still kind of young to know about certain things. At the dentists office on TV there had been a video talking about the polar bears, the usual propaganda line… so later that evening, when I took him with me to run an errand I talked with him more about it on the way home. We talked about how the stories of the polar bears are wrong, and how they are trying to get rid of our energy supplies and our cars (that made him mad – he loves his Hot Wheels and racing games) and airplanes and everything else. I asked him a bunch of questions too. He thought we should do something drastic to stop bad things from happening – I told him that’s not how things worked here. We have elections, and we vote, and if we vote for the wrong person we get bad consequences, but if we have the right person to vote for we have many blessings…
We talked about this for a while and about the Democrats and what they stood for. He asked me if all the people who voted for Democrats were bad, and I told him no many of them have been lied to or believe wrong things. He asked if they are going to vote Democrat again, and then it hit me….
No son, not all of them… many of them are waking up…
It’s one thing to talk about it here, but talking there with my son driving back home it hit with such a force and impact. I was all choked up…. “they’re waking up”… it was all I could do to maintain my composure and get the words out without crying. A few simple words but the size and epochal impact of their weight hit me with overwhelming force. It’s like all of Felice’s statistics, all the videos of people talking about the women’s vote and the black vote and the Hispanic vote… all of the videos of people getting out and saying they aren’t afraid to be a minority and vote for Trump, they aren’t going to be controlled by people anymore, that women support Trump, all the people thanking Trump and all the good he has done for our veterans, and our wrongly imprisoned soldiers…
In that moment it just hit me: My God, it really is happening!
An unstoppable movement. We were born for this. It is time to seize our birthright and our destiny as Americans. We are going to take our country back and we will be a burning light of freedom to the world!
Each one of us has a place in this movement. Each one us is being prepared and trained and strengthened for our part in the battle.
The stage is being set, and soon the victory will be ours. Yes I see VICTORY, I have more confidence in our sure triumph now than ever. It will be ours, if we stand up and seize this moment.
“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31 KJV
Thanks for this, Michael.

Yes…it really is happening.
And I am glad you liked the music.
thanks for sharing… lovely…
speaking out loud often helps… esp. with children, they are so innocent……….. they speak with such purity.
Wolfs and Wheatie, would you consider running michaelh’s post as a standalone article? How can we expand this piece to other venues, with other readers?
Excellent post. So encouraging and uplifting. Great way to end the day. Thanks for taking the time to share
Yes, it really, truly is happening. What are the two strongest signs of so many?
1. Democrat desperation and panic. They know, same as we do.
2. Attorney General Barr’s last 2 speeches. He states plainly that 1) Democrats are making war on America and 2) Christianity is under attack as well.
Barr isn’t making those speeches to gauge reactions….he’s making them as explanatory primers for what is coming. The fundamental “whys”.
Yes, it IS happening.
Praise God and pass the winnamins!!
Here’s the question, does he have any more of these speeches scheduled? The last one was quite the history lesson in addition to the core message.
Thanks FG&C, for nailing it on the head. Barr has not only given us the “why” but two places where we can point people to go to learn when the shit hits the fan.
So many people don’t understand our government, our Constitution, and how it is all supposed to work.
This woman shouldn’t even be a Senator.
Apparently the Chinese are spiking the dog food with saw dust and toxic metals and the liberals are eating it up.
Oh it’s very believable, considering the comment’s source.
The left hates our military. Always has, always will.
I know this is somewhat crosswise, but…..
Each Day’s Dear KMAG post is at 8 bells of the First watch. “Eight Bells and All Is Well.”
And I am keenly aware that we currently have a couple of posts per day.
But maybe we should be looking to fill the watches, with appropriate scheduled publication times.
The comments!!!!
Prince Andrew’s Publicist Quits Over Disastrous BBC Interview About Jeffrey Epstein
Also I read he’s the Queens fav son…!?!? Did not know that.
Yes. That’s why he’s got away with so much and his daughters by the Ferguson skank were made princesses.
Prince Charles has been to Epsteins island
Who knew the prize of the Queen’s kids would be Edward.
He may be forced to fall on his sword or die of a conveniently timed heart attack
A long-time, well known Royal watcher and columnist publicly stated (I paraphrase):
“That interview was a jumbo jet carrying nuclear weapons crashing into a giant fuel truck under the fragile cooling lines of a nuclear reactor stuck on full power.”
And the pilot Was smoking
Steve Hilton gives some details about the Ukraine mess that I hadn’t heard before.
Slam Slam Slam Slam and they kept coming. Home run smashed right out of the park by Hilton!
Hillary’s escape pod?
Epstein….coming back to testify. He didn’t kill himself, you know. Word from the universe is he’s pissed off and naming names.
Ahh… so that why Andy’s shovelling bullshit like his life depends on it………oh wait. It probably does. Read he was retiring from most public duties due to heart trouble. Preemptive? Wouldnt be a surprise if his heart stopped for whatever reason
Ithinotus is prepping to make a move on homelessness and California in particular
That was I think potus
Trump team ousts top homelessness official just as the administration plan a crackdown on the streets of California
Matthew Doherty, executive director of the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness, said he had left his post at the Trump administration’s request
Doherty, a holdover from the Obama administration, was seen as an obstacle by the regime as it ‘explores options for a crackdown on homelessness’
right there…that word…INTERAGENCY…Vindman used it…we need to get rid of the size of the gov’t…do we need interagencies to deal with agencies? how much damned government do we really need? it’s CRAZY!!! BLOATED!!! and costing us too much money!!!!!
k…gonna have some coffee and calm down…
They say there is no perpetual energy machine. Pat just outlined that we do have a perpetual energy machine…Government! “Get em out!”
if we have so many agencies that we need interagencies to deal with them and each other…we need a DIET!!!!
It’s the unelected public “servant” mandarins that really run the world. Elected governments are just passing irritants to them
I really hate when some pencil necked pundit punk refers to PDJT administration as a regime…. Trying to get yet another dig in on our president
Regime is the routine you going to have in jail, punk
Bill Maher says he is going to tone down Trump jokes, because he fears we are heading to a civil war. Then he proceeds to insult Trump throughout the rest of his show. But it did feel like something precipitated his initial sentiment, like maybe the Storm is closing in. Especially since both he and Obama are now trying to quiet the talk of revolution. Those are the 4Am talking points. It is possible they know what has been going on the with citizenry and personal intrusions, and they are thinking that might get publicized now, and they don’t want the idea of violent revolution too normalized at that particular moment in history. It also may mean they are afraid the lights will be turned out on the surveillance state, because so long as that is up and running, and people don’t know, real revolution is a non-starter.
Ever seen what a loudmouth does when he sees he’s about to get CLOBBERED by someone bigger than he is?
They call it crawfishin’ here in the south country.
Never heard that expression but this from sun tzu. SunTzu 9: 28 “Strong words, coupled with an aggressive advance, are a sign of impending retreat.”
seems they want to don a cloak of reason when they themselves fanned the flames of insurrection!
Nothing can save that deviant now
After all…Bill Maher is one of the Red Shoes gang. Is he thinking about toning things down while he’s on the verge of being outed for the world to see…
I expect Bill is beginning to realize that what he is seeing on TV by citizens of France, Iran, and Hong Kong could soon be happening down the street from his studio. I bet it gives him pause to ponder.
Not in New York . It couldn’t happen here.
Probably what the bourbons thought
Whistleblower sends a new 5G light to a technician who disassembles it, and says it is different tech than they say, it is so powerful it should be called a weapons system, and it has tech onboard which will allow it to be used to scan nearby people’s homes. Bear in mind these things are going to be installed every 30-100 feet or so on the poles. I assume these things are going to be like the hack which allows WiFi to be used like thru-wall radar to watch people in their homes. Mark my words, your file will contain your favorite sexual positions with your wife, and probably thru-wall scanner video files of you two en flagrante delicto. And there are people in the Secret Society who think that is just dandy, and are happy to help bring it about, and watch each night, because the secret means it is normal. Very, very weird and creepy. Even worse, I will bet nobody really knows what the health consequences of this will be, and worse than that, I will bet it is engineered to be weaponized using constructive interference, which may even be the primary function of the scanner – positional targeting . Watch for the increase in cancers.
Prince Andrew claimed that he could not have had sex with a teenage girl in the London home of British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell because he was at home after attending a children’s party at Pizza Express in Woking. An anon on 4Chan noted, “Pizza Express in Woking” is an anagram for “Exposes Pizza Ring, (Wink).” Maybe, but the whole pizza party for children thing feels like a coded message. What Royal is attending children’s pizza parties? That feels like a threat to expose children pizzas.
I think you are dead on, it was a coded message. Get me out of this, or I will expose you all.
There is photographic evidence of Andrew with the girl. Gimme a break. He knows he can’t get out of it unless TPTB rescue him. And he is threatening them, make no mistake.
He may be dead by “suicide” soon. I don’t think the Queen will allow the destruction of the monarchy, even for him. She is more ruthless and pragmatic than people assume.
She’s her mother. Hitler called her mother the most dangerous woman in Europe
NO – Dan Rather – it’s just relief that a politician and President finally identifies with America, cares about needs of US citizens – for jobs, national security, law and order.
We were freaked and disgusted about Øbominable’s lawlessness, anti-American Islamo-fascist-socialism..
And besides, Dan… You are one of the progenitors of Fake News.
I can’t resist asking “Kenneth, what is the frequency?”
Dan Rather spoke far too frequently.
This…..from a proven and disgraced liar and fraud?
Uh, Danny, cults will follow their leaders off a cliff if requested. Neither the president nor the rest of us are about to off ourselves.
More likely to off him
Remember Alinski’s rules: accuse the other side of what you are doing.
The “cult” was around Obama. The actions of people during his campaigns, election, and both terms prove the case. There are many examples. The “thrill” up the leg, the crying and “worship,” the droning on of the same key phrases over and over. Not to mention the faked photos with the “halo.”
That IS a cult.
But without his handlers and teleprompter’s he’s just an sock puppet with no ones hand up his ass
Now this sucks
How interesting that phony victim Christine Ballsey Ford was courageous enough to fly down from the Bay area to L.A. to accept some bullshit ACLU award.
I guess her fear of flying has been conveniently cured.
I remember when Senate Democrats were oh-so concerned about her flight a year ago from the left coast to DC to testify against Kavanaugh.
i remember…what a liar
Unfortunately it wasn’t an Oscar it was from an u or some such lefty front
Jeff Sessions says that Republicans can dominate electorally for generations if they stick to what President Trump campaigned on in 2016 when it comes to immigration and trade.
Ooh. Pass the popcorn
This is an excellent example of why Bill Maher is seemingly toning his rhetoric down.
If things turn kinetic, the left is going to have it’s collective ass handed to it, just like last time in the 1860s.
Heads on pikes might be better
I don’t disagree.
Yeah the spectacle of the DC mall lined with heads on pikes would seem barbaric…but after all, barbarism (as seen from the bottom layers of society) is what they had planned for us.
It’s also very effective deterrent wise
Last time in the 1860s?
That was a long and brutal time, and it wasn’t at all clear until 1864 or so that the right side was about to be handed its ass.
I don’t think it will be that long, this time around, though it may initially be pretty damned brutal.
Good questions
Dar ul Harb
“1. Will ABC News provide Congress with the interview Ms. Robach conducted with the victim?
2. What did ABC News learn about Jeffrey Epstein after Ms. Robach first presented her story to executives?
3. Who was involved in deciding this story was not of public interest, and what were their reasons for deciding so? …
Dar ul Harb
4. Can Ms. Robach expand on the “outside forces” she mentioned as potentially responsible for the story not running?
5. Was ABC News ever presented with additional evidence on Mr. Epstein from the time Ms. Robach first brought her investigation to the network and when he was ultimately arrested?
6. Were authorities alerted at any time after Ms. Robach presented ABC News executives with her reporting? If so, when and what was provided?”
@ABC #Epstein #EpsteinCoverup
Haley defending Stefanik:
“Liberals are pro women until we say or think something they don’t like then the name calling begins. @RepStefanik, keep up the great fight. We have your back”
I trust Haley as much as I do Pelosi. Haley is bad news.
That is why Haley is starting her 2024 Presidential campaign now. She has to win over a lot of skeptical Trump voters and she will need to show the President that she has reformed. She only has five years, she better get crackin.
You may be deplorable but you ain’t amnesiac
She is one cunning snake.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
We MAY be seeing the beginning of the overthrow of the mullahs.
Over 95 percent of the Internet in Iran is down, with over 300 networks disrupted.
There’s no reason for the mullahs to take such a drastic step. Previous protests were much bigger.
Also, this level of shutdown leaves the mullahs themselves unable to see what’s happening.
Of course I could be wrong. We’ll find out soon enough.
Heshmat Alavi @HeshmatAlavi
#Iran’s regime loses nearly $370 million each day the internet is shut down.
Heshmat Alavi @HeshmatAlavi
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says we have no source of revenue other than selling oil, increasing taxes & decreasing subsidies.
“Our oil sales are facing restrictions & we can only increase taxes to some extent,” he explained.
My take:
This regime is in crisis mode.
I guess too many people didn’t understand the distinction between ignorance and stupidity.
The way to highlight it, of course, is to fix the ignorance. If the previously-ignorant person is still a custardhead, it MUST then be stupidity, or at the very least a lack of critical faculty.
It’s interests too. If you not interested in a subject well might as well talk to a pot plant. Think really smart, often they are autistic spectrum ie interested in a particular area. An expert is some one who knows an enormous amount about very little
Kamala in Finnish
Ginsburg Misses Oral
Now that’s quite a headline!
Should be on u tree?
Airport Revenues Soar After Allowing Travelers To Pay To Turn Off CNN
Airports around the world are reporting record revenues after introducing a long-awaited feature: the ability to turn off CNN on television sets in their terminals.
For just one quarter, you can turn off CNN for a full fifteen minutes while you’re waiting for your flight, leaving you with the “far superior” experience of just staring at a blank screen.
I’ve just been in contact with the assistant to the assistant gardener at a posh southeast coast estate where rehearsals are underway for a special outdoor event in honor of Hillary Clinton. She will be there in person, and not on TV.
My source also reports that a song has been created for the occasion by the “Ready for Hillary 2020 Committee” as an appeal to Mrs. Clinton to be their champion.
The assistant gardener was able to eavesdrop on the choir by clipping a nearby hedge. They report two oft-repeated key lines of the song as follows:
“Our hearts will always bleeeeeeeeeeed for you,
Out of our crying neeeeeeeeeeed for you.”
After choir members finished with rehearsal, they gathered in small groups to consult their Ouija boards on the prospects for their success.
Verse of the Day
“For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.”
Psalms 91:11 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Monday Blessing
Good Morning Duchess…hope you have a Blessed Day!
You, too, pat! God Bless You!!!
thank you!
This is going to be some Advent, that’s for sure.
I hope so DP. But we’ve been expecting the IG report to come out for at least a year now. I will wait and see. And hope.
It will be an Advent-ure.
Please, stop.
Same old Al…..
Is the tide turning against drama queen Kaepernick?
The silicon chip inside his head has switched to overload.
No seriously,this attention whore is desperate for an audience/adulation
. He wants to be a martyr for a cause
metal debris…she must have dropped her secret appliances on the tarmac!
Metal debris = broken cell phones and Hard drives.
So much alcohol at her parties that even the phones get hammered.
(My apologies to anyone who has heard that one before, but it’s a freakin’ classic.)
She’s been moved to the liability column.
Real quick, because I’m in the middle of something else, but this is pretty funny. Back when I was in grade school, before we knew what morbidly obese was, there was a mom in the parish who was. She was the Girl Scout leader, and pretty rough and tumble. I mean, it was known, you did not cross her. Anyway, she used to do this when we went ice skating at the local rink on Friday afternoons. She stood smack dab in the middle of intersections and dared cars to go through her – and the cars around were, for the most part, the boats Detroit used to put out.
I didn’t know he was so talented.
Harpo Marx – ‘Autumn’ late 1950’s
My Christmas present to all of you.
A lot of sick people out there.
I’m glad this is being noticed even if it isn’t the MSM doing the reporting.
Interesting thread from Beck
Is this the same Glenn Beck who said “Obama made me a better man” before he crawled back into his hole after the 2016 election? Maybe he’s going through Cheetos withdrawal.
One and the same…. He saw Ozero for what he was and got on the Trump train. Not that trust him 100% but he got back to analyzing things and returned to what he was good at.
His white board analysis.
things and
Neil Bush in a Green Mao Hat.
This should be fun to watch. Not!
so sweet…
Myles insisted that he and Tanner were the exact same: same eyes and same hair.
Tankersley wasn’t sure if Tanner wanted to participate in Twin Day with Myles but Myles kept insisting it had to be done.
After searching through Facebook and sending messages, Tankersley was able to get ahold of Tanner’s mother and Tanner’s mother gave Tankersley Tanner’s clothing size.
Tankersley went to Walmart in Foley at 9:00 p.m. to buy the boys matching outfits for Twin Day.
The next morning, Myles’ teacher sent Tankersley a picture of her son and Tanner dressed up as twins.
Myles’ mother was brought to tears seeing the picture of her son and Tanner standing side by side.
“My heart melted,” said Tankersley. “Obviously two very different children, but Myles didn’t see that.”
trying again
This is a fairly dated story but a terrific one that warns the heart and could be shared daily! “Through the eyes of children”…right? If I remember correctly, there were follow up stories of the two mothers getting together …hope the friendships endure.
thanks…I didn’t even check the date…oh well…feels good anyway…
sorry Dora…not sure why my post is a reply to yours….
Franklin Graham is on Fox & Friends talking about what a wonderful thing this is, what Kanye is doing.
Just watched the 11am 20 minute talk. Kanye has had a true Genuine spiritual awakening. He grew up with his parents taking him to Church then strayed into the devil’s world with the idea that the commercialization of sin was the only way to prosperity. He had a breakthrough in the hospital after his mental breakdown. The Lord told him to start a Church in Calabasas. He’s married 5yrs with 4children now and doesn’t want his kids to be indoctrinated by the media(cognizant of the subliminal msgs),wants to raise em right. He’s recruited and converted the best producers, artists, others in the music profession and plans to continue.
Now enjoying the concert 2:30. Rather enjoyable so far. Mostly Gospel, choir, praise and worship. Very little hippity hop thus far, thank goodness, not my favorite. They’ve also reworked lyrics to Stevie Wonder, Destiny’s Child, and Tears for Fears tunes, singing some LW & Israel Haughton favs. I wonder if he had to get permission 1st? After seeing this I’m more inclined to buy his album.
Lakewood acoustics are phenomenal!!! Before the Church, it was the Summit, where the Rockets played, but also where majority of concerts were held, I’ve been to countless! After LW remodel, they’re even better!
Kim and the 2 oldest kids are there. North 6, is on stage dancing or sitting next to Dad at keyboards singing..
Kanye also made 2 performances at County jail on Friday for the men and women. Videos online of him bringing the inmates crying and coming to Christ. Later the West family was spotted shopping and ice skating at the Galleria mall. Fans were thrilled, more videos.
I’m feeling uncomfortable with this. It all feels a bit cultish. Especially associating with the “Prosperity Gospel” people.
I’m feeling uncomfortable with this. It all feels a bit cultish. Especially associating with the “Prosperity Gospel” people.
I know nothing about Prosperity Gospel people but I thought sharing the meaning of prosperity might be interesting..
From a book I am reading by Emmet Fox, “The Sermon on the Mount.”
Prosperity, In the Scripture sense “prosperity? and “prosper” is more than acqyiqering material possessions.
They really mean success in prayer. From the point of view of success of the soul in prayer is the only prosperity worth having.
When one has prosperity in prayer then naturally we have prosperity.
To an extent, I agree, but this at least keeps people out of Islam, and can be a stepping stone to other branches of Christianity.
Trolling, trolling, trolling,
Keep that Twitter rolling,
PoliGrip’s not holding….
Great ride!!
I think we will be safe as long as we have DJT as president. He will never let this pass. Eventually though, these people will be successful. They’ve been pushing this for years.
It’s an attempt to discredit blacks who are moving off the DIM plantation… when the GOP opposes this manipulative gambit by the DIMs, they (DIMs) will howl “see, they’re racists”
It will NEVAH pass…
Maybe in 2065 after 200 years after the debate over reparations was first proposed by William Tecumseh Sherman the Democrats will finally give up on this fantasy?
Reparations for slavery is a proposal that some type of compensation should be provided to the descendants of slaves from the Atlantic slave trade.
This idea has been recurring in the politics of the United States, from the 1865 Special Field Orders No. 15 (“Forty acres and a mule”) to the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries.[1] This compensation has been proposed in a variety of forms, from individual monetary payments to land-based compensation related to independence. The idea remains highly controversial and no broad consensus exists as to how it could be implemented. There have been similar calls for reparations from some Caribbean countries[2] and elsewhere in the African diaspora, and some African countries have called for reparations to their states for the loss of their population.[3][4]
“….some type of compensation should be provided to the descendants of slaves from the Atlantic slave trade….”
How about the privilege of living the the USA? If that is not ‘good enough’ we can provide them with a one way ticket back to the African country of their choice.
I talked to an African neighbor who came to the USA. She thought US blacks were spoilt brats. Her brother came here and studied to be a doctor and then worked to put her through school to be a nurse. She in turn was working to put her younger brother through to be a pharmacist. She was a very interesting woman to talk to.
Read that the Irish had far higher numbers in slavery in North America than African American. They’ll be pleased to get the that they’ll be compensated…… the Scottish also. Perhaps we should make a list ….
Read a comment saying …”great, now let’s include all the white Union soldiers that died to free the blacks.”
Maria Yovanovitch is worth 6.4 million?
certainly not fashion modeling or escort services—she must have prostituted herself in OTHER ways…
Me thinks she may have played heals up harris card a time or two.
Over the years, she discovered moar lucrative to skim off of channeling USAID and like sources. Posts in Somalia, Ukraine…quite beneficial.
Investment in the stock market casino with some friendly advice would do the trick.
Burisma stock. Or the OTHER corrupt Ukraine energy company owned by the OTHER Ukrainian “oligarch”
Find out what she was worth BEFORE becoming ambassador………….. actually before you dig for that info, find out how much she donated to zero’s campaign. It’s been common practice (Red Pill coming up) for decades, probably 100 years, for donors to “buy ambassadorships” … happened in my small town back in Nixon’s first administration, 70s…………………… I was serving in elected office myself, extremely active in the party, when a local (well he ‘wintered’ here, with his horses) who was a big donor, was appointed an ambassador. My political mentor explained to me that “it happens all the time” …………………
[You don’t really think peeps give big bucks without expectation of something in return, do you? That’s how Politics works, right?]
Ambassadors live like kings… ever checked out some of our embassies? Bigger than McMansions for sure, huge staff… huge budget… entertainment galore. Who said US doesn’t have royalty?
Remember the DIM uproar when Trump Administration announced they were recalling many US Ambassadors?
Recall our super Ambassador to Germany, Ric Grenall, who has been underbudget since he was appointed, has actually done his job, has actually supported POTUS’ agenda?
“[You don’t really think peeps give big bucks without expectation of something in return, do you? That’s how Politics works, right?]”
Gee, Phoenix, wouldn’t that be a quid pro quo. LOL
I love quid pro quo served with cocktail sauce- I think it’s the horseradish that works the magic!
I Knew it, I knew should could not resist the temptation. I’m on her like white on rice. It all needs to come out. Sunshine, sunshine!
Glenn Beck had a lengthy interview with an Ukrainian official where he states that Yovanovitch was merely a puppet (undoubtedly a well-paid one , if reports are correct about her worth) for Kent. He told her what to do and she did it.
Absolutely LOVE Mt. Trumpmore, Wheatie!!
Been saying all along he deserves his own mountain instead of sharing Rushmore
I love it too, Vol.

Found it over on the Qresearch board last year and immediately stole it.
And yeah, our President deserves his own mountain!
Most definitely.
This will never pass. There is too much money to be made from the killing.
Ohio Bill Would Ban Abortions, Declare Unborn Babies Human Beings Under Law
Locally, there is a lot of rancor about this sort of move. National Right to Life, and Missouri Right to Life are avoiding such bills as they would not pass. Well, grass roots groups are pushing it, and talking to legislators, and the legislators are asking the organized Right to Life groups what the heck is going on, and why are the efforts contradicting each other.
I know a few of the people involved. Their hearts are in the right place, but at this point the fight needs to be not just the legality of the procedure, but changing hearts and minds regarding the necessity of it, and using killing the children in the womb as birth control, or a convenience, especially when a couple really does not want to kill their child, but feels they have to due to circumstances. There are plenty of services to help those families, and that needs to be published far more than it is.
There’s so many facets to the whole movement, going to the legislators is not the only course of action.
“Child Protective Services, the foster care system, and the family courts are not too big to Fail.”
It can be a ready-made obstruction of justice trap for anyone who tries to interfere with a Court order giving the State custody of children. The legal setup gives them god-like power, which is too often abused.
News roundup has been posted if interested.
Thank you, Fle!
Of course we’re interested!
Emails: Open Society Kept Alleged ‘Whistleblower’ Eric Ciaramella Updated on George Soros’s Personal Ukraine Activities
Eric Ciaramella, whom Real Clear Investigations suggests is the likely so-called whistleblower, received emails about Ukraine policy from a top director at George Soros’s Open Society Foundations.
Was just going to post this, ha!
Stone will go to jail for trying to stop a coup against the President of the USA.
Objecting to “Muh Russia” narrative which we all learned was bogus.
I’m seriously hoping the president finds his pardon pen soon.
Evelyn Farkas is running for Congress?!
Crazy Eyes for Congress!
Dear Lord. The EYES, The leftwing mindset. The arrogance.
Evelyn Farkas and ADAM SCHIFF — “separated at birth”?
“The most common cause of bulging eyes is hyperthyroidism, or an overactive thyroid gland. Your thyroid gland is located in the front of your neck. … An autoimmune disorder called Graves’ disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism and bulging eyes.”
Understood. Other causes include leukemia.
I worked years ago with a singer who had Grave’s Disease with the resultant eye bulging. It was kept well under control with medications and special eye drops.
So maybe Farkas and Schiff should be evaluated by an ophthalmologist to find a cause for their situations?
Unless theirs is caused by some issue connected to their emotions or some other non-physical matter.
Agree CV …
Maybe they should be evaluated by an exorcist.
This is Nita Lowey’s district covering the area around the Tappan Zee bridge. Hardcore Democrat territory. She could win that seat. Here’s a recap of NY17
It’s so great having you doing your wonderful posts again… makes my heart smile to know you are feelin’ better!
ConservativeMom thanks Q…and is honored that he mentioned her tweet.
Bruno has another THREAD… really explosive, altho Qanon
Research covered the revelation regarding zero over a year ago…
Peeps have short attention spans though – click tweet
Ohh, and note… POTUS was at Walter Reed on Saturday, Nov. 16th
Glad to see patriots defiantly reposting this video!
I’m REALLY ready to learn all about it.
We need some red meat.
My expectation is that there will be more shootings and violence in Europe and the Middle East as the Deep State tries to flood the zone on POTUS. Probably more in the US as well.
Smear him in Congress, challenge our social norms, attack 2A, and upend his foreign policy. Pretty obvious they are trying to find weakness by going after the farmers. President Trump is going to have a plateful.
I think there is a sense of panic about what Barr will do. Seems like a race against time.
Read Kanye’s words……………….. he’s talking about the Cabal (hope he has LOTS of protection) …………..
Lots of comments attached to tweet…
Shifty getting scared?
This is how desperate DS is getting. Outright fraud.
‘The Hill’ is not our friend.
I’ve said this before.
They pretend to be middle-of-the-road.
But it is a ruse…they are NOT.
We are over the target now. It’s coming.
BINGO. One thing though, the Cabal don’t know what to do, who to trust, where to go, and they KNOW they can’t escape or stop what is coming. Their desperation WILL get worse, as will their flailing. We are about to watch HISTORY. The destruction of the Cabal, the swamp, the democratic party, AND their MSM enablers.
Download everything and do it now.
Cached copy.
Solomon has the real story.
Just like Luke Rosniak had the story on Awan Brothers.
We are NOT being served by this justice dept.
Solomon has parted ways with The Hill. Not sure if he started his own publication or went in with an existing one.
I think even HusseinO has mentioned ‘deepfakes’, some time back.
They’re like guilty dogs, barking.
There must be some really damaging videos out there, that they are terrified of being shown.
So they’re stroking this narrative of ‘deepfakes’ in advance.
Thing is…video experts have already said that deepfake videos are easily detected upon examination.
If a video really IS a deepfake, then it can be determined as such.
So what’s the big deal.
Trying to muddy the water
Perhaps part of the panic is that they have no idea how much evidence really is out there, how much is known to POTUS and his administration… many of them are hostage to the CI_ , Cabal… that’s how the Cabal exists really, through blackmail, gifts, etc., right?
Let me clarify my comment above: They know they have a record of immoral and/or illegal actions… they simply don’t know how much of that is documented. Bet they’re not getting much sleep – they’re absent a conscious, that’s not what’s keeping them awake. For those at the top of the pyramid, It’s not knowing when the indictment is coming.
For others, many of the less infamous, they fear the breaking down of the door and the ‘disappearing’ ……
or, if RICO is applied, they never know when their plastic will be denied, their ass(ets) frozen and/or seized by the government…………………………….
BINGO!. They will TRY and fail to claim it is a fake, even having their own “owned” firms like Crowdstrike to examine and “swear to it” It WON’T work. These videos will NOT be able to be suppressed, they will NOT be tried in a court, only the court of public opinion, and they will LOSE.
Someone needs to remind him, like FISA, it goes BOTH ways!
Oh yes…he knows there are very damaging videos out there against him….I’m rather amazed we don’t see dark circles beneath those bulging eyes….he can’t be getting much sleep these days.
This partisan approach from the chairman needs to be widely publicized…
FTA…”We will send that Charlatan in the White House back to his golden throne”
I read and share tweets, but hopefully this makes it’s way to Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, and Mark Meadows, maybe Doug Collins too…
Julian has THREAD on Project Looking Glass – click tweet
I’ve been reading about this and it’s very far out for me…but, to be truthful, I still have difficulty with the concept of pressing a button and instantly being able to see and talk to my friends in Japan!
Even my more scientific-oriented spouse just shakes his head of “looking forward to look back”….but, it’s probably an age thing. After all, he still has a flip phone!
A true story….when I was in high school, about 100 years ago, I was active in FHA (Future Homemakers of America) on a state and to a lesser degree national level. I liked the leadership/politics of it.
I was responsible for organizing and hosting a big regional conference held at our school. One of the major highlights in the program was introducing this large-size,m marvelous machine (at that time costing $3000) that one day was predicted to be in every kitchen in America. Everyone was in awe as it was demonstrated and just couldn’t fathom it would be something we all would use in our lifetime.
It was the first version of the microwave oven.
So, when I read about such things as the Looking Glass, I think back to that day. Excuse me…time to go microwave something!
Don’t you be casting asparagus at flip phones!
Exactly Teagan… and we know we’ve been lied to about almost EVERYTHING, which also means that they have KEPT things from us. My gr/grandmother lived to see movement from horse and buggy, making her own soap, wood fire outside with galvanized tub filled with water and washboard, (shall I go on?) to the automobile, airplane, TV… she died before computers in the home ………..
Consider if all the inventions IN BETWEEN what she experienced in her teens and up to the airplane had been withheld, undisclosed, how she would have reacted.
Reminds me of the arrival of the Spanish and their horses in ‘the new world’ and how frightened the natives were. I’m inclined to think we’re very much like the Indians and the Cabal like the Spanish.
There is a surprisingly-old rule-of-thumb when it comes to general acceptance of consumer gizmos — they start moving into households when the cost gets to $300.
This was true of VCRs, microwaves, cellphones…..all sorts of things.
Amusingly, because of inflation, $300 has had all sorts of values — I remember when it was the price of an ounce of gold. But, over the years, consumer items have become popular at $300.
And that my dear DP, is WHY these fools will NOT get away with what they did. Trump has basically held the same values, and ideals for DECADES. The ONLY thing he really changed on was his pro life stance…for the BETTER. Did you ever see his 1980 something interview with Rhona Barrett? If not, it is on youtube, and WELL worth the time to view.
This is also why I believe that some of the “black hats” are playing a part. So many of them were betrayed. I honestly think the cabal betrayals were used as a recruiting tool along the way.
Remember, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
That’s a bridge too far for me. I’ll go as far as ‘the enemy of my enemy is my enemy’s enemy’.
How about the enemy of my enemy CAN be my friend.
He can certainly be an ally…for the immediate conflict.
Wyatt has a THREAD – scattered all over his TL – seems to
begin with this tweet ……………. apparently there STILL is a huge
chasm in the Movement (some GOP definitely resisting the same)
Malkin is definitely a TARGET, and Charlie Kirk is more GOPe
than I realized… perhaps the reason left and went out on her own?
See what you make of the THREAD… I have a lot of respect for
Wyatt… POTUS has even tweeted him… some believe he is
Kurt Russell (he and Goldie Hawn have a son named Wyatt)
oops, I made matters worse… Wyatt RT’d Malkin
Here, try this original tweet from Wyatt:
Candace Owens also left TPUSA/Kirk/Benny Johnson didn’t she?
I’m having trouble sorting out who is neo-conservative, never-Trump and who is truly MAGA/Trump.
I only donate to President Trump’s official website –
To donate:
Contributions are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.
Paid for by Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.
Smart imo with regard to donations. Wyatt seems to be separating the wheat from the chaff in his opinion… it’s a long read, and some of the names I have reason to agree with him… it gets complicated, but he gives a heads up wrt folks to watch carefully, which can’t be a bad thing.
“I only donate to President Trump’s official website”
Same here.
^^^ Bingo. My donations only go to President Trump.
I am donating to President Trump, but I am also thinking of making some small donations as a thank you to people Like Devin Nunes, John Ratcliffe, Upstate New York Rep. Elise Stefanik, (I am from there) and a few others.
Doesn’t hurt to let YOUR crappy congresscritter know your political donations are going to a DIFFERENT Congressman who actually represents you. (I really am a vindictive biotch.)
Your parenthetical sentence makes my heart leap with excitement.
If I was younger, …
Targets… schools and Walmarts…
At least 3 killed in shooting at Oklahoma Walmart
More to come, I’m afraid.
More info here:
Sounds like three people were killed, two inside a vehicle…one outside the vehicle.
Victims are two white men and one white woman.
They’re reporting that the shooter is dead.
Duncan is a small town near the Texas border.
That sounds like a domestic gone bad…maybe someone didn’t like the idea of a “throuple”
It’s always safer to ask permission first.
The elites have always hated Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart management better wake up soon or they won’t have a business with which to virtue signal.
Can someone please explain to me, in kindergarten-level terms, what is going on with these groups?
This is what I have gathered, and it might be all wrong:
There is TP USA, which is affiliated with Ben Shapiro, who is a Trump hater and not to be trusted. Charlie Kirk is also affiliated with that group? They are “conservative light:” which is to say, not helpful to our cause. Shapiro is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, IMO.
Then there is a group that opposes them, which Nick Fuentes is part of, but he’s a Holocaust denier? THAT’s not good for us either. If this is true, why was Malkin supporting him?
Any clarification would be appreciated.
*They* are trying to divide us and are doing a good job of it. We shouldn’t have factions like this, and Ben Shapiro should not be anywhere near MAGA. Just shun him and move on. Looks as if Malkin was on the side opposing him, but if they are Holocaust deniers…
If you scroll UP this page, you’ll see my post on Wyatt’s THREAD about this…
Lots of info there…
Thanks. According to Wyatt, it’s “Ben Shapiro and Charlie Kirk bad,” which is what I had thought. Then he also puts Nick Fuentes in that same group, which is what caused my confusion. I thought there were two factions, and that the one opposing the Shapiro group might be the “good guys.” But apparently that isn’t the case.
Wyatt: “This growing movement is quickly learning exactly who these people are (Nick Fuentes, Kirk, Crenshaw, Shapiro & all the rest) and realizing that we don’t need any of them at all. The kids I’m seeing rising up are pushing them all to the side and getting straight to the points.”
So I don’t understand why Michelle Malkin was supportihng Nick Fuentes, especially if he is a Holocaust denier.
Wheatie, the pic of the President with the press is priceless!
That’s a good one isn’t it?
Love how he’s leaning into them, unafraid…and confronting their BS.
I believe the President leans in like that at most WH pressers. We don’t see the view posted above, but it is apprant from watching the pressers. President Trump owns the MCM fools, and they don’t even know it…MCM is managed at the pressers.
I love that they have to stand outside now, deal with the noise of the chopper, the weather and most of all his flat out management of them when they ask something stupid (which is frequently)
He be da BOSS !
It is great that he can either stop and answer questions or just ignore them and walk on by if they are really obnoxious. A press secretary doesn’t have that option.
Exactly Gail ! So very good to see you. You have been sorely missed.
Cnn by way of ktla. I lol at their methods for grand jury testimony. Not going to happen.
“The House of Representatives is now investigating whether President Donald Trump lied to special counsel Robert Mueller in written answers he provided in the Russia investigation, the House’s general counsel said in federal court Monday.
“Did the President lie? Was the President not truthful in his responses to the Mueller investigation?” House general counsel Douglas Letter told the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit said, referring as to why the House now needs access to grand jury material Mueller collected in his investigation.”
This has to stop. I don’t know how that would be accomplished, but they are waging war on our president and our votes and our government. Maybe charges need to be brought, or lawsuits.
Its ridiculous and the arrests of the traitors are overdue.
They just want the grand jury testimony ———- gives them justification for another decade of investigations. same reason they want his taxes.
if we had a fair press, he could release them with no problem.
In this environment, no way.
And if Trump lied to Mueller, then it would have fallen to Special Counsel to prosecute or recommend charges against the Pres.
They didn’t
Its the bs du jour. Radio this am was talking about how people really are sick of Schiff, and busy talking about the saugus and fresno shootings.
well, Cabal is behind the shootings, so however you look at it, they (DIMs) are still
framing the narrative……………….
Don’t lose HOPE … this is going to be a pivotal week… for our side.
This HongKongFreePress account has a long thread, reporting on the events of the last few days.
The Hong Kong police seem to have lost it.
They are waging war on the protestors now.
I looked, but couldn’t find a Thread Reader for this long thread, sorry.
They were talking about this on Varney this morning…
The consensus is that this is very bad for Chairman Xi.
The whole world is watching this…in spite of the ChiComs’ attempt to censor the news coming out.
Business leaders are being reminded of how dangerous it is to be doing business with a totalitarian communist country.
If the inside of that school does control the internet for hk, then china is going to force their way in. That student should be concerned but they must keep fighting. It was smart to ask alumni for help.
OMG that human chain for supplies is amazing.
Thank you so much for posting.
You pay taxes but cant use the public facilities bc of vagrants. So you get a gym membership instead. Except:
Boycott the gym. If a long-term membership has already been paid, sue them.
Looks like they sent this to the gym. Its bad enough they use their taxpayer cash to get a gym membership to use the showers(nothing like community bathing with drug addicts) but now they claim territory in the gym? No, this is just lazy gym mgmt. The threat of a lawsuit by members should be enough, plus the bad publicity.
Just leaving this here.
We HAVE to have Bannon back in the WH to fight this crap.
I understand this position, and I think Bannon is useful to the movement in some ways, but IMO this is more of the same — Bannon being the “savior” of the Trump presidency (and campaign). There is an aspect of his personality that spells trouble for Pres. Trump, IMO.
Steve Bannon declares ‘Trump presidency is over’ after being ousted as White House chief strategist
Steve Bannon Takes Credit for Trump’s Presidential Win in New Sundance Documentary
WAR: Bannon Goes To War With Trump, Calls Trump-Russia Campaign Activities ‘Treasonous’
(Snarky Ben Shapiro, I know)
Trump lawyer seeks to block insider book on White House
Need someone else to draw fire
all reports from FAKE NEWS…
Pres. Trump’s statement is at FOX News:
“Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me or my presidency,” Trump wrote. “When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind. Steve was a staffer who worked for me after I had already won the nomination by defeating seventeen candidates, often described as the most talented field ever assembled in the Republican party.”
“Now that he is on his own, Steve is learning that winning isn’t as easy as I make it look,” Trump said. “Steve had very little to do with our historic victory, which was delivered by the forgotten men and women of this country. Yet Steve had everything to do with the loss of a Senate seat in Alabama held for more than thirty years by Republicans. Steve doesn’t represent my base — he’s only in it for himself.”
“Steve pretends to be at war with the media, which he calls the opposition party, yet he spent his time at the White House leaking false information to the media to make himself seem far more important than he was,” Trump said. “It is the only thing he does well.”
He added, “Steve was rarely in a one-on-one meeting with me and only pretends to have had influence to fool a few people with no access and no clue, whom he helped write phony books.”
They reconciled later, but I do not trust Bannon to be in a position near the President.
I think there is merit to the argument that he is more effective outside that structure. He’s not bound by being a government employee and has more latitude to say what needs to be said.
Wasn’t there a problem between Jared and Bannon, when Bannon was in the WH?
No, a myth pushed by Breitbart
Thanks… sometimes I can’t keep up
A lot of problems stemmed from the Michael Wolff book. Bannon purportedly gave Wolff insider WH info. Bannon is said to have criticized Donald Jr.’s meeting with the Russians as “unpatriotic.” He also said, in this excerpt of a CBS interview, at about 1:00, that as long as Jared and Ivanka’s ideas are balanced by the “Peter Navarros and Steve Millers, I think we’ll be fine.” A backhanded slap if there ever was one.
Bottom line for me: Bannon, while appearing true-blue, sows seeds of discord that undermine Pres. Trump and elevate himself, just as Pres. Trump said. Bannon is talented, but I do not want him in the WH.
That’s right TT !! Goodness I’ve forgotten so much… y’all have to start checking what I say, (or I need to get offline) … I can connect the dots with current stuff, reading threads, etc., but if it happened last year, I’m blank… although Q’s drops help somewhat as they so often refer to past drops [sigh]
No, you’re fine.
I think a lot of people have forgotten what went on with Bannon. And IMO, he is an expert at putting himself forward as the political “savior.” It’s still happening, so I think it is a character trait that’s not going away.
Just remember that we are watching a show. We have no actual idea what is real and what is not when it comes to the in house conflicts that surface in the public. We have no idea what was a trap, what was made up to be a smokescreen, and what really happened.
Maybe when it’s all over we’ll find out, but I’m not even sure about that anymore.
AND, we also need names and total transparency.
One of the best movie ad libs ever.
I think Twitter is messing with Wyatt’s tweets BIG TIME…
Wyatt has at least TWO Threads, he’s cranking ’em out
like hot cakes… One I tried posting (scroll up this page)
is about conservatives and GOP…
The second is about ‘nationalism’ and culture war (and yes,
Twitter is screwing with his TL – suggest you click one of
the tweets below, go to his TL and read, if you’re interested
of course.
Even Dem voters are tired of this and of Congress doing nothing, but Pelosi, Schiff, and company ignore that.
I don’t know whether they are more afraid about what evidence might be released — corruption in Ukraine by Pelosi in addition to the others, FISA abuse, election tampering, attempts to remove a president, etc. — or if it’s about the damage to their agenda by Pres. Trump continuing MAGA. Doubtless it’s both. But IMO we need some clear, unequivocal victories in the form of proof of sedition and charges brought, ASAP.
Dem voters don’t realize the level of criminal behavior by FIB, DOJ, IC, some D-Rats, deep state….
SO, nervous Nancy and shitty Schitt keep the BS going…
Crying chuck muted as irrelevant…can’t tangibly support the hoax and can’t stop it.
Thinking, well hoping D-Rat implosion imminent. Along with indictments.
“Dem voters don’t realize the level of criminal behavior”
I think you’re right. Some are in denial (fed by the media), but some don’t seem to care. I’m hoping and praying for unquestionable proofs that can’t be denied by reasonable people. Already, some Dems are tired of the impeachment circus and want it to stop.
There are TRUE BELIEVERS aka Communists, who believe in “By any means necessary” because THEY have the solution for a ‘PERFECT WORLD’ and therefore the moral high ground. Then there are the grifters and parasites who only care about ‘Free Stuff’ Together they are ~ 15 -20% of the population and ‘Truth’ does not matter to them.
You then have another 15 – 20% who are pretty much clueless.
These make up the hardcore Democrat base of ~35% of the population.
Your independents are already pretty much ‘woke’ at least enough to despise both parties. Many of those are moving towards Trump and MAGA. Add in the Tea Party and Republicans and you are over 50% possible over 60% of the voters. This is why the DemonRats are scared Shiffless. THEY have the data from the REAL POLLS and AOC told us it is BAD.
ANYTHING…to keep the hoax, any hoax alive…D-Rats will ultimately drown in their BS.
More like Robert Mueller lied to POTUS. I’d like to see Robert Mueller in prison.
“EXCLUSIVE – President Trump makes unscheduled stop at military hospital to undergo battery of tests for possible deliberate poisoning of food with “time delayed” chemical agent; food tester gravely ill – White House connected source”
I don’t know what to make of this. Alex Jones is reporting it but I don’t trust him (especially after he said he had talked with Q, LOL.
I was not aware that our president had a food taster.
From the article:
The President’s unscheduled stop at the Walter Reed military hospital on Saturday involved a battery of tests to determine whether the President was exposed to a chemical agent that is suspected of being introduced into his food, says a White House connected source who shared detailed with Alex Jones of
“Medical staff at Walter Reed did not get a staff-wide notice about a presidential visit to the medical center in Bethesda, Maryland, ahead of Trump’s arrival, according to that source,” reports “Typically, Walter Reed’s medical staff would get a general notice about a “VIP” visit to the medical center ahead of a presidential visit, notifying them of certain closures at the facility. That did not happen this time, indicating the visit was a non-routine visit and scheduled last minute.”
This action was initiated by the sudden onset of symptoms experienced by the President’s food tester, who was reported stricken with such severe symptoms that urgent medical tests were conducted on that that person while the President was diverted to Walter Reed for a priority medical examination involving a battery of chemical tests.
“The President’s motorcade drove to the medical center unannounced, with reporters under direction not to report his movement until they arrived Saturday at Walter Reed.,” reports Fox59. “A separate source familiar with the situation described Trump’s visit as ‘abnormal,’ but added that Trump, 73, appeared to be in good health late Friday.”
Fox59 confirms that Trump needed tests which were not available at the White House clinic facility, saying, “Several experts familiar with White House medical procedures said that Trump can get routine labwork done at the White House’s on-site clinic, indicating Trump needed tests that can’t be done there.”
According to the White House connected source who spoke directly with Alex Jones, chemical testing confirmed the presence of a molecular byproduct of a potential toxin, although it is important to note that molecular byproducts can come from many different sources and it’s not always possible to determine the molecular structure of the original molecule from which the byproduct was derived.
The article says the Secret Service who died from a stroke in Scotland was also a food taster. I have no idea what to believe, but I know they will stop at nothing to take down Pres. Trump.
I heard early on that POTUS had a food taster………………… of course the slime media spins it as though no other president did….
Apparently every president since Reagan has had member of SS serve as one… and of course, the WH kitchen chefs serve as tasters, though not ‘official’ they are usually the last to taste before president does. In my opinion it would be irresponsible NOT to have one ……….
A cursory search pulls up this cache, finding that Google has purged so much that can no longer be considered a reliable source for sites….
Walter Scheib, Former White House Chef for Clinton and Bush …
Mar 19, 2013 – Chef to the President of the United States, Walter Scheib (C) followed by … we were all tasters for him, that if the food had been poisoned all of …
Sep 5, 2014 – They might, however, watch as a burger or salad is being made. ….. A US “taster” tested the food being dished up to President Barack Obama at a dinner in a …
This is who the last person is to taste the president’s food …
May 8, 2017 – Secret revealed: White House chef is the ‘presidential taster’ … Primarily, the kitchen works with companies that have undergone background …
Good info. Thanks.
Yikes!! This kind of makes sense.
OK so this is not a political post. A woman I am dating and I are going to a formal event. A fundraiser. Anyways I found what I want to wear in about 5 minutes. She goes through her closet and finds 5 different dresses. She looks gorgeous in all of them. But she says we have to go shopping because she’s worn them all before. Grrrrrrr. Women.
Still love ’em, right?
Yeah. But jeez.
vive la difference !
You’re behind the curve- there are no women anymore, gender is ‘fluid’. Where you been?
Well she identifies as a Trump lady so there’s that!
One difference is that women’s clothing is so varied as opposed to men’s clothing. Also, women tend to notice what other women wear, while most men don’t care as much. This holds true for political candidates as well. Everyone comments on what the women wear and how much they spend on their wardrobes, but not so much about men.
Dead on. Lol. Do you know her?
And SHOES! Come on, when’s the last time you noticed what shoes a man is wearing…For anything? ( Well, except for the unfortunate trend of brown shoes with blue suits started by the obviously color-blind Justin Trudeau.
But, the MSM. obsesses about FLOTUS’s Shoes! Did we ever care what shoes Roselyn Carter wore or Laura Bush? Not for a nanosecond.
You think that is bad?
My wife will try on 5-6 different outfits a day before choosing one, then claim they all need to be washed because she wore them! And it goes without saying that I inevitably get the impossible “do you think this makes me look fat?” question. Naturally, if I say yes she believes me but if I say no she doesn’t believe me.
Actually, the people at the even having seen the dress or outfit before is a legitimate problem. I run into it all the time. No, I am not kidding.
Although, I’m a firm believer that peace in any relationship involves not shopping together. Frankly, I would never do that to a man.
Fascinating how all you ladies got it right away. I don’t mind the shopping part.
The gown that a woman wears to an event is like her armor, Ed.
Wearing one that she’s worn before, would be seen as a weakness by the other women.
It would open her up to passive aggressive sniping, such as…
“It’s nice to see you getting some use out of that gown again, dear.”
Like Daughn, said…you will be the beneficiary of having a gorgeous woman on your arm, beaming confidence in her new full armor.
It’s part of the girls dress code: thou shalt not let people see you in the same outfit twice. Well, at special events, anyway. i mean, one year, you would not believe the number of dresses I got to go to weddings. And then some years I can get one because the people getting married are not from the same circles of life.
I’m a clothes horse and completely understand.
Used to keep a small notebook so I would not wear same outfit to big occasions. Photographed a lot back then and had to keep track.
If she’s not being seen by same people, no big deal, wear the same thing. On the other hand, a new dress tends to do something wonderful to a woman. Smile, you will be the beneficiary.
That is exactly the case Daughn. She doesn’t want to be seen wearing the same dress. I just smiled.
It’s when you refuse to wear the same outfit two years in a row in Christmas morning that things get out of hand.
I keep remembering something…
It takes Two Witnesses to get a conviction of Treason.
That’s two people who will swear that they saw the act(s) of treason, themselves.
This means…inner circle types, who were privy to what went on in the Hussein WH and/or in the State Dept, etc.
There was a lot of Treason that went on in the Hussein crime syndicate.
Stuff that went on before Trump decided to run.
I think this is the ‘prize’…because when it is exposed, then it provides the explanation of the motives to create the Russia Hoax.
They had to stop Trump.
By any means necessary.
And they are still trying, with this ridiculous impeachment drama.
It’s very dangerous to be a witness.
Fear of jail time has to outweigh the fear of being free and in witness protection.
One thing the Epstein death did, was show that you are not safe in prison.
I guess pressure suits will be the standard uniform for space explorers of the future.
Trump to Award Jon Voight with National Medal of Arts
As well as: bluegrass-country singer Allison Krauss, philanthropist Sharon Percy Rockefeller, and The Musicians of the United States Military.
John Roberts just granted a stay for any demands of Trump tax records.
I wonder what PDJT has on him.
Kidding not kidding but kidding only kinda
“I wonder what PDJT has on him.”
I think whatever the Dems had on him.
Old rumor was his adopted kids were adopted in South America from Irish citizen women. It is illegal in Ireland for foreigners to adopt Irish babies….
Now add in the Aussie 60 minutes show where Epstein’s victim said they were DEMANDING she have a baby and sign away her rights….
What if Robert’s kids are via Epstein?
WORSE what if he is the father? (Think surrogate mother)
INFO on the 2000 adoption:
There’s a good article out (sorry can’t recall the source, but it was today) explaining why it wouldn’t be beneficial for the Dumocrats for this to come out right now…think can of worms.
Maybe POTUS has nothing on Roberts but set him free ?
That pic! LOL!
ohh heck Wheatie… please delete my post… I cut and pasted then got distracted………. grrr
I don’t see anything wrong with it, PhoenixR.
it’s a dup of yours! Supreme Court
Oh…well, there’s nothing wrong with that.
It’s good news, and we can’t get too much of that!
ain’t that the truth!
This just about sums it up:
Let’s see if this works:
Thanks Wheatie !
I would think that sailing across the Atlantic at this time of year would be risky business.
I am sure the crew will get a few really good pictures of Greta facing the wrath of Gaia for the sake of humanity. She will surely get the Nobel Prize after this heroic gesture. It reminds me of Lt Dan shaking his fist at God, “You can’t sink this boat.” Who knows, she may even be voted an honorary Heisman trophy.
I hear Heisman Trophy Cups make great bath bags!
. (I’ve been waiting years to use those!}
Damn word press…it’s BARF BAGS,
From what I gather the good ship Lollipop may be running low on barf bags.
Feed the fishies.
She should have taken her environmental cues from Thor Heyerdahl and tried the Kon-Tiki method. It’s much more environmentally sensitive and it’s even named after a false god. Now that’d be impressive!
Gee……that’s a real darn shame. Isn’t it a shame? I think it’s a shame. Hang on… that a tear coming on?? Nope. No tear here. But it’s really a shame. Really.
Well, I hope the crew tells her not to barf into the wind.
If they do, she’ll probably forget.
But then, in an instant, it’ll all come back to her.
Ba da bump.
Saw what you did there…………….
I hope they dont
Well, it raises a bundh of questions:
Did she really say that, or is this the closed captioner’s doing?
What day was that?
What date was she talking about?
Was she not stating that something would happen at 6:00, but rather stating what someone else had said? No context is given.
Is there a video with sound that we can watch?
I think this is old… 6:00 refers to one of Q’s drops last day or two, can’t recall…
But bottom line, it’s about internet, etc. going down in Iran, because of he protests at 6:00 (their time)
which it did… protests are still ongoing, and last I heard, student protesters had taken over a Uni building, and it was thought had something to do with internet servers (?) … ‘fraid I have more questions than info.
I saw that, I think she was talking about his show starting then. Can’t watch him anymore, stinky NeverTrumper, witness intimidation,
Yeah, Epstein didn’t kill himself.
JoJo has made a new video…me likey.
10,000 x 10,000 LIKES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That video rocks! Got my foot tapping and pumped up my energy all over again. Might get off the computer and get the dishes done! ha Seriously, thanks for sharing – really good!
Haaaa…we twins’d.

Sorry …I’m on my phone at the doc. Didn’t see it.
I watched this interview shortly after I had seen pictures on the web of Gaddaff’s beaten and bloody body. I was horrified!
I didn’t even see the pictures, but still was horrified by her behavior. Cackling about killing the leader of a country, one that I wasn’t aware was threatening us anymore… well, that was bizarre on her part. But then she and Obama are birds of a feather in what they do.
Not normal.
hildabitch is evil.
IIRC, she also was thrilled when a rapist was found not guilty. Or something along those lines.
Hoping she determines to save the durmats and run for President in 2020.
How Big Government Hurts Women
Thank you…….makes perfect sense
Most welcome, Hoof!!!
This may be old – but, this is interesting – because most people in America do not know what the word means
What’s Wrong with Socialism?
How’s Socialism Doing in Venezuela?
Video in the bin – please release – thanks
I’ll go look.
Yup, it was in the Spam bin.
Never know what is going to land there, eh Wheatie?
Yep, it makes no sense.
Great message. Interestingly a section in Caracas had a large area known as “the gold district” for purchasing gold jewelry and a huge shopping mall that went on forever that would rival luxury shopping anywhere in the North America. ….before socialism was so fully matured.
So sad, Hoof! Those poor people…
Yes and they were not like that a few short years ago. There is no ability to get assistance directly to them as the corrupt gov’t steals everything.
Even while they are standing in line – I am praying something will happen to turn it around, Hoof
Oh yes,it was incredible….and the widow displays were works of art. The weekends, especially, were devoted to “paseos”….strolling leisurely along looking and being looked at. Somewhat like the early days of the Atlantic City Boardwalk and then Fifth Avenue.
The country of beautiful women, dressed in beautiful fashion. And pearls…ropes and ropes of pearls! Remember the years when Miss Venezuela usually won the miss Universe Pageants?
I taught at one of the Universities in another city and still have a beautiful gold Simon Bolivar coin, made into a necklace, one of my classes presented to me.
I’m not sure I could bear to see all of it now.
I completely understand the reason for taking pride in who and what the people were and are. We stayed at a hotel that hosted a National Beauty Competition with women whose legs never seemed to end. Another event had dinner that seated the Minister of Housing and his wife at our table. I asked him what was the biggest obstacle stopping him from doing all that he wanted to do in Gov’t. He said it was the lack of funds. It didn’t seem to register to him that earlier that day his wife had just returned from a shopping trip IN ROME. That would be Rome, Italy. No WalMarts for those guys.
it means you do well on FB, social media, right? Du’h /s
the stupid, it burns !
Their stupidity will become OUR problem, pr – they go for this – and they will enslave an entire generation – this is scary!!!
Some strange coincidences.
Someone did all those paintings found in Epstein’s mansion.
artist is a female… of most…
Epstein is a surprisingly common name… iirc, one of the gov’t lawyers is named Epstein, no relation.
When I first looked at the picture of the artist, I thought it was Bill Clinton.
Could Bill Clinton be related somehow?
He could be. He never knew who his father was.
These days, nothing would surprise me.
No. His natural father was William Jefferson Blythe Jr.and he does resemble him.
So disturbing the Epstein, who didn’t kill himself.
Doug Collins and Ratcliffe both told Maria yesterday that it’s been changed to 1st week of December.
I just heard on FOX that it will be December 11th.
Horowitz is testifying about report on the 11th which means it comes out some time before then.
The Trumps will be in London for a few days the first week of December…perhaps good timing.
Gail’s 2 posts at the end of the Barr Thread “Left is Shredding Norms” are important. Please take a moment to read, esp. the one about Obama purging our military.
Thanks FG&C.
Published 4 hours agoLast Update 2 hours ago
White House official sues Politico, targets Schiff’s role in impeachment
Howard Kurtz By Howard Kurtz | Fox News
A White House official on Monday sued Politico and one of its reporters over stories and tweets that he says falsely accuse him of “lying, deceit and unethical conduct.”
Kash Patel, the National Security Council’s senior counterterrorism director, is seeking more than $25 million in damages in the suit filed in Virginia. We have reached out to Politico for comment.
The lawsuit also names Natasha Bertrand, a Politico reporter and MSNBC contributor, as well as Politico owner Robert Allbritton. The allegations, which center on what the president was told about the situation in Ukraine, go to the heart of the case for impeachment.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
same guy that Q referenced a year ago
Really? Wow!!!
I watched a video by blessed to teach this morning that has left me in a mind spin and covered in goosebumps.heres the link .
If the timelines converged on Dec 21 2012 and there super computer was spitting the same message to the “elites” and they called in a top military trouble shooter to suss out the problem and he told them that he needed to know what the computer told them ,they said no they wouldn’t tell him,so he did his best and guess what? He told them that first he thought he looking at the end of the world but realized that wasn’t it at all,he was looking a great awakening! Oh my word! He also said that they were now in the dark ,no more probabilities due to the convergence! Q says repeatedly “dark to light”.project looking glass is what the elites were using to predict outcomes and they are in the dark and now panicking!!!!!!
If I recall I think he was called in to find out why the computer was not giving them the answer they wanted back in 2004. Also they shut project looking glass down as there were no more answers .And now I fully believe that the Lord’s hand was and is on all of this.
Even Chick-Fil-A has caved to the Left:
“EXCLUSIVE: Chick-fil-A To Stop Donations To Charities With Anti-LGBT Views”
And by “Charities with Anti-LGBT Views,” they mean The Salvation Army. The Salvation Army! You aren’t even allowed to support The Salvation Army anymore without being accused of bigotry.
Maybe I’m getting stupid and misunderstanding this story. If you go to the home page of the Salvation Army they clearly support the LGBT. Perhaps that is why Chick-fil-A chooses not to donate money to them.
Or is that not allowed in America anymore. You know, freedom to choose. What am I missing?
The Left has been smearing the Salvation Army as “anti-LGBT” for at least 20 years for no other reason than their Christian roots. Besides the standard attack on Christianity, the real reason is because the globalists are trying to destroy all social safety nets that aren’t under government control. This why the Left relentlessly attacks the Salvation Army, but offers no alternatives to the services the Salvation Army provides. It’s all about destruction of everything holding America together.
I agree with your explanation. They should read the SA website.
Their support for that group is right there in black and white. Or rainbow colors. Whatever.
To all the people who are freaking out, I wonder how many buy the chicken sandwiches because they give a rat’s ass who Chick-fil-A donates money to? This cancel culture is insane.
Too bad – that leaves out Bible based charities – since there is not one affirmative verse, only condemnation of homosexuality in the Bible.
Franklin Graham hasn’t caved to the alphabet activists.
Neither have CDC statistics.
I suggest that everyone disappointed by Chick Fil-A’s decision to contact their customer service department.
Incremental leftism. And theyre doing it for wider profit margins in “new markets”. Thats not the chikfila I support.
Chick-fil-A has issued a statement. They note that a couple of years ago, they elected to focus their donations on Education, Hunger, and Homelessness. They had previously made multi-year pledges that are rolling-off in 2019, and their new focus will be fully implemented in 2020.
It appears that the Lame-Stream Media went with the Fake News that Chick-fil-A was abandoning the Salvation Army (which, BTW, supports LGBTQ across all their programs, just as they support every sinner [how many know that Salvation Army is actually a church? Their founder’s fundamental observation was that to save souls you had to associate with the lost.]) in the name of “caving to the LGBTQ”. In the real world, Chick-fil-A is contributing $25,000 to food banks within their service area for every new restaurant opened. Specific Salvation Army projects are welcomed for consideration, but CFA felt that this was a better match for their geographic footprint.
I understand that we’re all gunshy, but CFA is good peeps.
Thanks for the update!
I’ve been quiet and cutting back on my internet time for the past few weeks because I’ve been feeling pretty blackpilled over stuff like the above. I trust POTUS, I trust the Q team, and I’m sure they have good reasons for why The Plan is moving at a glacial pace. I’m not angry at them. However, it’s hard to remain psyched up for The Plan when it involves losing two election years in a row to voter fraud/demographic replacement, getting banned from social media for the sin of naming the CIA fake whistleblower, and the Overton Window continues to shift Left to the point where even Chick Fil-A is too cowardly to support The Salvation Army anymore.
I’m not even sure on what blog I’m supposed to post this anymore.
Q tree or u tree or wherever youre ok. I cannot keep up myself and kinda feel the same. Theres waiting, then theres stalling. I hope its soon, rrally soon.
Sadie, I’m with you.
Love ya’.
Thank you, Daughn.
It’s hard not to get discouraged but they are rounding up a feral, desperate beast of gargantuan proportions.
It’s hard not to get discouraged but they are rounding up a feral, desperate beast of gargantuan proportions.
They want us to be discouraged and I am not doing the enemy the favor. This is when I dig deep maybe my German stuborness.
Sadie I am glad you post here.
At times I step back. I even bought an adult coloring book to just stay centered.
I try to ignore raster where I cannot do a thing about it except pray.
Of course we all need to find our own balance to stay stedfast.
In everything the last time of waiting seems always the longest but now is when we need to be most steadfast.
You buy coloring books…I cook. You aren’t adding calories…I like your stress-coping better! LOL
Speaking of cooking…DP, you inspired me to make a spinach quiche tonight using sour cream instead of whipping cream. And, I’m cooking up a batch of “real” minced meat except I’m going to use it in an entirely different way. So thanks, ladies, for your ideas.
Thanks, Singingsoul. Art can be very therapeutic.
It has been a roller coaster ride for sure, but I am preparing for either scenario. Calm before the Storm is generic.
Scenario 1. Equal Justice and indictments
Scenario 2. SHTF storm
I have an insurance policy of pinto beans and black powder.
Same here.
I just posted this on Marica’s blog and I thought I should share it here, also:
Dear Friends of Patrick,
What an amazing group you are. You understand so much without words being spoken. But the time has come to speak. Patrick didn’t tell me not to, after all.
Yesterday morning, Patrick told me he had had an extremely rough night. He said had little strength left. Sundays are visiting days as you know and he said that he told his family goodbye, and that he must tell me goodbye as well. And then he made his post yesterday with the image of the cowboy lifting his hat. And some of you have noticed he changed his avatar. That was his goodbye to you.
There have been other rough nights, and other goodbyes. Other times when we thought it was the end. And it wasn’t.
I don’t know what the future holds. All I can do is what the Holy Spirit leads me to do which is to continue to pray for his healing. So that is what I MUST do.
Patrick is a man at peace with God and ready to meet his Maker if His plan is to now bring him home.
I know this……he loves every single one of you. He loves this blog. And if he has the strength it wouldn’t surprise me at all if he is lurking. And I’m sure he can feel the love that flows to him from your hearts.
Love, Sylvia
Thanks for this update, Syl.

It chokes me up to think of what he’s been going through.
Patrick has a big heart…and we love him back.
I hate goodbyes, so I am just going to send love and hugs and say…
Till we meet on the other side.
None of us escape death, but few of us live to the end with the dignity, humor, and grace that Patrick has. He’s an inspiration to so many and will never be forgotten.
Thank you for letting us know Sylvia.
You’re welcome.
If this is truly the time when God chooses to take him home, we won’t know for awhile.
I am so sorry that he is faltering. It breaks my heart. I really enjoyed reading what he wrote. Very good mind. As his days on this earth come to an end, his next days in Heaven will be the most joyful.
Dear PHC – Princely Handsome Cowboy – you will always be our own WQTH Cowboy.
So sorry these last miles have been so tough.
Best blessings for you and your Angel lady.
Much love and prayers…..GA/FL
Thank you for update. Sending positive thoughts his way.
Thank you, Sadie.
Sylvia: eternal gratitude for this important update. If you’re able, could you PLEASE let PHC know how much he is loved here?
PHC: I know you’re still out on point … far ahead. I know how rough it gets out there, but be a peace with our Lord. He is and will always be by your side. You are truly our Brother. Peace be with you!
God Bless …
Thank you Sylvia for sharing. Patrick has been in my prayers.
He is loved.
Thank you, singing soul! Yes, he is.
wrapping my arms around you and all here in a prayer Sylvia .
Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.

PHC has my deepest respect and admiration, and is constantly within my thoughts and prayers…..but he has so much joie de vivre that it’s exhausting keeping up with him — even while he’s been in hospice. When the Good Lord takes him to His Celestial Realm, I hope He’s ready to host a party, ’cause PHC will have one.
He’s a remarkable man that I am proud to call my friend. And you’re right about his love of life!
This is bad…the HK police are now using live rounds on the protestors.
In Iran, too – 158 people have been killed – i read
Snipers from the rooftops, too, Wheatie
I thought he was Batman!
OMG, that’s the first thing I thought too.
This is an actual taxpayer-funded advertised from South Dakota.
Time for another internet break. Clown World is wearing me down more than normal today.
Well, that made me laugh out loud. It’s definitely an attention-getter.
Excellent point.
Does anyone know anything about this account?
D Pat
His profile mentions he’s an anon…
Thomas Wictor tweeted him……………
He’s claiming State Dept corrupted up to its ears… not just Ukraine aid, but ALL aid.
I think you can count his as a ‘good’ guy… my 2 cents
Thanks. That was my first instinct, and what he had to say matched some conclusions I had reached without much in the way of evidence.
State has been on a mission to colonize the rest of the world since before Teddy Roosevelt was president. The man who invented destroying nations to rebuild them was an under secretary. Two of his grandsons ended up being canned by JFK. Their last name was Dulles if that tells you anything.
Yes’m … I know of the infamous Dulles brothers… agree with your report on them.
I’m familiar with him, he’s one of us, the good guys!
That is what I figured was going on. Remember BILLIONS of $$$ of USAid is going to an NGO who then hands it out to various countries.
Glen Beck on his chalkboard mentioned Privat bank LOSING Billions of USAid and then links that privately owned bank to Burisma. Burisma ==> to Hunter Biden & Atlantic Council & a lobbying firm ==> US polititans. The Clinton Foundation also gets $$$$ from the Ukraine.
I figure the Ukraine is a template for the way the money laundering of US tax dollars works. WHY else have we sent BILLIONS upon TRILLONS of $$$ to shiff-holes around the world for decades with ZERO progress to show for it?… Except for multi-millionaire Congressman and Senators that is.
That’s as good an explanation as any.
Hard to believe a member of Congress would actually say this!
More possibilities.
Well, it would interfere with the blackmail machine if prostitution was legalized.
Andy, Andy, Andy. You posed for way too many pictures over the years for anyone to buy that you didn’t and don’t have a thing for tender flesh.
Hear, hear!
I mean, ME-OW.
Pull the other leg, ABC………………….
liar, liar, pants on fire…………………….
DOJ 101 questions…
So, I see Horowitz will testify in the Senate 11 December. FISA IG report comes out first week of December.
What are we hearing or understanding about Huber report being completed? It’s not an IG, correct? In theory he is investigating, its become a criminal probe, Grand Jury… So, I guess at some point indictments are unsealed? Do we expect a formal Huber report?
“Do we expect a formal Huber report?”
No. He is a prosecutor not an Inspector General. All you get from Huber (and Durham) are indictments.
You would get a report/press release on DOJ News.
Thanks Gail.
I don’t think we are to expect a Huber report. IG’s issue reports, US Attorneys don’t, they prosecute. I saw a Huber tweet last week announcing a criminal prosecution, too bad it wasn’t for Crooked.
For Kalbo.
Has no one posted it yet?????????
OMG, am I the first to post it?
It might be the first time in a year I get the scoop……….. let me savor it for a second.
OIG Michael Horowitz is testifying to Lindsey Graham’s Judiciary Committee on December 11th.
Happy B-Day to me. Party time for Q Tree.
Are you a 12/11 person DW?
Hey Miss Daughn, you doing a SHAMPeachmentmthread???
It’s up and going. Heck, I slept in too late. Apologies.
Thank you!
A friend sent me an article written by Bradley Blakeman (sorry, no link) stating, in his opinion, the Dumocrats are desperately trying to avoid an actual impeachment vote, knowing full well they will lose. Yet, they cannot suddenly stop without making themselves look worse than they currently are.
He opines their only way out is to Censure POTUS…of course, with no penalty or consequences, but re-enforcing the Bad Orange Man perception. He thinks this is their only face-saving option at this point.
Another article recently read, opined this entire procedure is about Justice Ginsberg’s seat on the SC, and trying to cast as much shade, doubt, etc. on POTUS’s mental and physical state as possible.
Lots of opinions to sift through…some are probably correct!
I doubt at this point I don’t think it really matters. Trump supporters are solidly dug in and the Commies will never get over their butt-hurt. The rest of the Americans are bored to tears.
For example we were out in western NC mountains and stopped to refuel. The store had Yovanovitch lying thru her teeth on some talk show. I made some remark and the young guy mentioned he was sick to death of the crap and was really knowlegeable about what was really going on. It surprised me. GenZ ROCKS!
They won’t get a vote in the House for ‘Censure’ anymore than for impeachment.
Out-of-touch with reality, they are!
Salvation Army issued a statement in response to Chick Fil-A’s decision.
and…Swalwell farts on live TV…loudly. I kid you not. Listen.
maybe it was Chris Matthews. We need to investigate.
ok Swalwell issues a denial. But it’s a great video either way..,
He did it. I smelled it.
Some good news on many fronts This is about renal dialysis
Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 Medicare Fee-For-Service Improper Payment Rate is Lowest Since 2010 while data points to concerns with Medicaid eligibility | HHS.go
Alleged Cryptocurrency Fraudster Extradited From Thailand to Face Charges in Multi-Million Dollar Investment Scheme | OPA | Department of Justice
More carlos
Is that Wictors acct Ozzy?
Seems to be so.
Yes,check it out Rodney, Wictors writing style is unmistakable
Wictor is , I suspect, Carlos osweda
Moar whyatt
Someone who writes a blog somewhere just imied the military and Pompeo are on the team siding with the coup team.
I dont believe that but anyone want to weigh in?
Some military brass for sure as Obama purged the good ones. It is what the rank and file support that matters. Pompeo not so sure. But politicians tend to play the field to their advantage so they will say what is needed at the time.
Can POTUS recall any of the old fired ones into service or is that too political too? That blog person insinuated pompeo is “handling” POTUS. This is too far out there for me to believe.
Why are you believing it? It’s garbage.
Youre right its garbage. I dont believe it, Im just flabbergasted someone it teeing it up.
POTUS be the boss… the CinC …………….
Pompeo is a West Point grad, and was/is a member of the Tea Party…
I agree he is supporting PT. But still a politician so when the wind shifts I expect he will adjust as needed.
He’s tea party. That’s not how they roll. Patriots remain patriots.
Q says “trust Kansas.”
Yes and that has been the view of us so why the sudden lurch I wonder?
WHAT sudden lurch?
Lurch by someone ELSE all of a sudden against Pompeo and the military. Ive not seen that before.
Who lurched where?? Q has always said trust Kansas. Please ‘splain what we are supposed to be seeing?
There’s a bit of chatter on the OT about Pompeo handling PT…usual negative drivel.
Lol. I dont articulate as well as I could. Via the blog post I read which that writer himself proceeded to do the lurching where he accussed the military of working with the abc agency to promote the coup.
I doubt President Trump would move Pompeo from the CIA (one trouble spot) to the State Department (a second big trouble spot) if he did not trust him. He has certainly fired others!
They want to demoralize us. Pompeo seems a good guy he also is a Christian unless I hear see with my own eyes I will not believe internet roomer.
We shouldn’t pay serious attention to some guy that writes a blog and casts his aspersions like a fishing net, hoping to entrap the unwary.
YES one never knows if he is a friend or foe. Time will tell.
Pompeo is tea party. Trustworthy to the max.
I’ve watched too many cabinet meetings where they pray together, have quick side conversations, etc. to have much doubt about Pompeo. Body language says the relationship runs deep.
There is a lot of information out there. They say everything on the internet is true. A problem sometimes arises when a site that is usually trusted prints a satire and it gets passed around as gospel. An example just from today is an article on the pardon of Nidal Hassan by the President. To say that it is incredible is an understatement. It almost becomes necessary to invoke the 48 hour rule before believing anything. The major media has become so unreliable we begin to believe anything is possible and there is no such thing as honor and integrity. It is a failure of accountability and leadership. Believe me, Trump is our only hope for restoring virtue to the public square. I guess I should start calling him President Kanobi.
Hear, Hear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This chik-fil-a move feels like a punch in the gut.
Corporate bottom line is going to be bumped by embracing LBQXYZ ?
All the times conservatives have rallied behind their supposed values, all the times they got slammed and conservatives swamped their stores to spend our money more in a show of support than wanting their chicken nuggets.
Go ahead…git some drag queen servers and by all means open on Sundays now…MEH.
Looks to me like the Salvation Army supports LGBTQXYZ….so Chik-Fil-A is not pulling support from an ANTI LGBTQXYZ organization…
FTA….they are concentrating on homeless, runaways and children who have been trafficked, education, and local food banks, eliminating multiyear commitments. They will evaluate their philanthropic and charitable efforts on an annual basis and make changes as they see the need. Projected to give 9M to the new initiatives.
maybe so but it’s a bit confusing and why bother making an announcement regarding the direction of charitable donations anyway?
Well it’s a CBS news report, so there’s at least a 90% chance that it’s either not true, or grossly exaggerated, or a purposeful hit job.

But if it is true, then they’re done, and they deserve to be done.
I don’t really even feel bad about these things anymore, and learning not to invest myself (intellectually, emotionally, cognitively, whichever) with corporate entities over which I have no control.
Chick is a big business, it may (or may not be) family run, but it’s made up of thousands (maybe 10s of thousands) of people.
If the people in charge don’t care enough about the beliefs they claimed to uphold, why should we care about those people?
We don’t have any control over it, yet it demoralizes us when it feels like they let us down. If we didn’t invest ourselves in their corporate self-interest, it wouldn’t really matter to us one way or the other.
I learned this through pro-football.
I was a die-hard rabid fan all my life. I grew up in a family where people shouted at the TV all game long. Not just one person, everybody. Most of my friends were the same way.
Problem is, the team we cheered for sucked.
Didn’t matter how many 1st round draft picks they had (from sucking the previous year), didn’t matter how many times they changed coaches, didn’t even matter when they changed ownership.
Didn’t matter when they slithered out of town and played in another city. The won super bowls after that.
Didn’t matter when they came back.
They still sucked.
Not when my parents were young, they were great then, I heard all the stories. But my whole life, they mostly sucked. They could get to the divisional championship game once in a while, but they calls always went against them and they would lose by a field goal with seconds to go.
The kind of defeats that will rip your guts out.
Year after year after year after year (after year).
One day it occurred to me that the games are all probably fixed anyway. And even if they aren’t, if the team doesn’t care enough to win, why the &^%$ should I?
Who are these people, anyway?
They’ve been sucking my life spirit dry every Sunday during football season for as long as I have memories.
So like Fraud News, one day I just stopped watching them.
It wasn’t even hard. I didn’t even think about it. Like Fraud News, when I stopped watching, it was almost a relief. Probably really was a relief.
Family members would call and rant about another devastating loss (or more often, blowout), and I would just smile and be grateful that I was no longer a part of that maelstrom.
I’m still glad when I hear that they have won a game, that’s nice, but it doesn’t affect the whole rest of my week when they lose (or win).
I just no longer give them the power to control my emotions.
Because really, after the way they abused their fans for 50+ years by not caring enough to win, they don’t deserve my loyalty or my support. I gave them my time and attention for at least 40 years, and they gave me mostly nothing but heartbreak in return.
It was bad enough when I played team sports, that no matter how well I did personally, anybody on the team could screw up and blow the whole game for us. But at least I had control over my position, and if I did what I was supposed to do, we had a better chance to win.
I don’t have any control over a professional football team, I’m just emotionally invested and screaming support (or anguish) into the void. The thrill of victory (almost never) and the agony of defeat (almost always).
But no control either way.
And the same is true for any big corporation we ‘invest’ ourselves in, for whatever reason.
There are forces involved that we don’t know about, can’t know about, and even if we did know about, we couldn’t do anything about.
Fortunately I had other sports interests that actually cared about winning. My favorite college football team is consistently excellent, across the decades, regularly winning championships, no matter how they rig the rules.
My race driver drove the black #3 car, and he won for a lot of years, some of the most amazing come-from-back-in-the-pack victories that you could ever hope to see, at Daytona and Talladega especially, but he won everywhere they put on a race.
One of his nicknames was ‘Ironhead’. He was old school. Back when bumping other cars out of the way if necessary to win was part of the game. When they started to sissify the sport, he kept driving the same way he always did, and his fans loved it
And the powers that be couldn’t do anything about it, because he had more fans than anybody else, and his fans were more vocal than anybody else’s
He owned the track whenever he was on it, and everybody knew it. A lot of people hated him because he was just that good. But a lot more people loved him for it.
That was a rare thing though.
Sort of like Michael Jordan, or Larry Bird.
You probably won’t ever see another one like him.
And I guess that’s all I have to say about that
I’m always happy when I have enough time to read what you have to say Scott. And sad when I’ve got to scroll by because I just can’t spare the time to enjoy another well crafted post!
Thank you T3, that’s very kind of you to say.

I’m happy if anyone enjoys my comments.
I am also grateful to those who don’t care for my posts… but who allow me to do it anyway.
And I always appreciate those who question or challenge or disagree, because without that feedback, or the contest of words and ideas, without having to defend what we believe and why, this whole thing we do here wouldn’t be nearly so interesting
Sounds like we have a great deal in common. I was a Browns fan when they were winners. Jim Brown, Bobby Mitchell, and Lou Groza. But the Bengals came to town and the disappointments followed. Now my team is the Buckeyes. I can understand why the President likes winners.
What comes to mind when I say Art Modell?
Yep, Browns and Buckeyes.

When I was a little kid, Brian Sipe was the Browns quarterback, Paul Warfield for a year or two (1976-77, apparently he played for the Browns from 1964-69 too), I still remember the TV announcer saying “And there’s the bomb to Warfield!”, and I thought that was funny because of ‘bomb’ and ‘Warfield’.
Ozzie Newsome (no. 82) was the tight end. Bernie Kosar gave us some good years, but the calls never went our way in the championship games.
Woody Hayes was coach and Archie Griffin (2-time Heisman trophy winner) was the running back for the Buckeyes when I was a kid (and his brother Ray). Tom Skladany (No. 1?) was the kicker. I remember Randy Gradishar, Pete Johnson, Jeff Logan, and Rod Gerald (no. 8, I think).
The Cincinnati Reds were winning the World Series back then, with Pete Rose, Johnny Bench, Joe Morgan, Dave Concepcion, George Foster, Caesar Geronimo, and they brought in Tom Seaver for pitching. Along with Johnny Bench and Pete Rose, Concepcion was my favorite because I played short stop
So deep….~~~~~~~
High Profile ‘Kidnapping’, ISIS Leader Arrested In Ukraine Bust, Suspected Links To Yovanovich, Biden, Kerry, Pelosi, And Romney
What’s more curious is that on the date of the “raid” (the end of November 2017), the local residents of the 9-story apartment building where the raid took place told media that the presumed Chechens who lived in the apartment didn’t speak Georgian. That is highly suspect because Russian Born Akhmed Chatayev and Guram Gumashvili, who were deputies to Georgian national Abu Omar Al-Shishani, all spoke fluent Georgian.
The most alarming statement revisiting the Georgian ISIS raid on November 17, 2017, is the one Nino Giorgobiani of the Georgian Security service below.
We know that the U.S. State Department that helps promote Democracy through the USAID program paid the rent of the apartment that these “Chechens” lived in. We have communicated with our American Colleagues to clarify why the apartment rent was paid by an individual named Yovanovich for almost 10 years (Lease prepaid in 2009) from the U.S. Consulate in Armenia.
Georgian Press Conference November 22, 2017 – Giorgobiani
It appears that they finally got around to banning me at CTH.
I’ve always been careful to be respectful and contributory in my reactions there. Accordingly, I can only conclude that I’m being banned not for my behavior, but for my associations. What a sad stain for an otherwise very worthy site to wear.
Banning is the latest fad at social media sites. Think back, have you criticized Charlie Kirk in the last 30 days?
The only social media I am on is blogs. And not on anything Disqus. And my smartphone has essentially unmodified and uninitiated factory apps. My email on Google Play Store is different from my email here, which is different from the email I use in other circumstances, which is different from the email provided by my cellphone carrier.
I had an identity theft incident in 2015, dropped on me from a fellow AoSHQ Moron, that included a keylogger that allowed said Moron to read my Discover account during two weeks I had no functional computers. He also got into my email, which is why I dumped the email I’d used for 20 years.
But I don’t know Charlie Kirk from a hot rock.
Ah you are REALLY Deplorable now arent ya? Itll probably happen to others.
You know youre welcome here!
“I’ve always been careful to be respectful and contributory in my reactions there.”

The only way to be sure to not be banned at CTH is if you never stand up too strongly for what you believe.
Even on another forum.
Think about that.
“Accordingly, I can only conclude that I’m being banned not for my behavior, but for my associations. What a sad stain for an otherwise very worthy site to wear.”
The worst thing about CTH is that you could never go 100%. You could never give it your best effort, you always had to hold something back, couch whatever you were trying to say in way so as not to give the tyrants a reason to ban you.
That means your arguments are never what they should be, and your points are never as effective as they would be, because you’re always fighting with one hand tied behind your back.
And that’s lousy.
Anybody who does that to their own people doesn’t really want to win — and worse, doesn’t want their people to win, either.
I don’t miss that at all.
Look at all the people here who fight every day for what they believe in, who encourage each other and bring our attention to a whole spectrum of topics and ideas and information.
Look at all the people here who author articles on a regular basis.
Look at the guy who made this place possible and keeps it running smoothly.
Good people. Leaders. Exactly the kind of people you WANT on your team, if you want to win.
Those are the kinds of people CTH didn’t want.
Think about that for a second, let that sink in.
Just locked them out one day, one by one, without explanation or cause.
Like they just did to you, apparently.
So welcome to the banned.
If you wind up here, that means you’re doing something right
I’ve been here for a while. I’m even active on the U Tree. But the red line for my participation at CTH was whether I would be banned even if I played by the rules at CTH. If I were a contributor at CTH and a contributor here, and both let me post, then I could respect both by abiding by the rules of each. If I can be banned on CTH for behavior elsewhere, then why should I respect the site at all?
Mind you, I’m reacting to something that has happened over the last few hours. Perhaps it’s just a glitch. Right now it’s not looking good.
“I’ve been here for a while. I’m even active on the U Tree.”
Yep, I know, I read your posts every day
I can ‘like’ posts here, but I haven’t been able to get the ‘like’ button to work over at Utree yet.
“But the red line for my participation at CTH was whether I would be banned even if I played by the rules at CTH.”
I could never figure out what the rules actually were at CTH — not the stated rules, but the rules in practice — because they were arbitrarily enforced.
The nature of knowing there is an ‘out of bounds’ but not knowing where the boundaries actually are due to passive / aggressive (or selective) enforcement causes people to second guess everything they want to say, to walk on eggshells. To self-censor.
The nature of being restricted can’t help but cause pushing back in response, it’s just the nature of containment.
So a lot of people end up being close to the edge or gray area of what may (or may not) be ‘in bounds’ most of the time.
Which makes it easy for TPTB to move the boundary just enough to eject you from the game whenever they want.
That whole environment is all the things CTH is supposed to be against.
It’s supposed to be “The Last Refuge”, a “Rag Tag Bunch of Conservative Misfits”.
But it’s not a refuge, it’s a dictatorship. And it’s not a bunch of misfits — by design, it becomes a bunch of conformists — because if they don’t conform to the dictator’s wishes, they’re banned.
Look at the header at the top of every page, with the Breitbart quotes. I used to quote them to SD, when I knew he was getting pissed about my stand on some subject or another.
Here are a few of them:
Question Political Correctness
Fight the System
Defy the Establishment
Question Liberal Authority
I don’t think those are Breitbart quotes.
Why would we only ‘question’ political correctness?
Shouldn’t we DEFY political correctness, as a matter of course? The very nature of political correctness is coercive mind control, it’s grade school peer pressure used by malicious adults to manipulate people who aren’t in the habit of thinking for themselves.
And what about “Question Liberal Authority”?
Shouldn’t we reject any claimed ‘Liberal Authority’ outright, as a matter of principle?
Given the modern meaning of the word ‘Liberal’, can a ‘Liberal’ even possess legitimate ‘authority’?
I don’t believe so.
I asked SD about this once, shouldn’t we be questioning so-called ‘Conservative’ authority?
If any ‘authority’ is legitimate, why would it have any fear of being questioned?
But if we question ‘conservative’ authority, then we will question SD too, and that is definitely not encouraged at CTH.
The quote with the biggest print of all at the top of every CTH web page is ‘I Want You To Be Andrew Breitbart!‘
Was Andrew Breitbart a timid henpecked little creature who self-censored and kissed ass in order to remain in the good graces of TPTB?
Or would Andrew Breitbart have been kicked out of CTH — just like the rest of us?
Faster, even!
The last thing CTH wants is for anybody there to be like Andrew Breitbart, to ‘defy the establishment’ or question the ‘Authority’.
The truth is, they wouldn’t have even let Andrew Breitbart in.
I am flattered and embarrassed by your kind words. It does strike me as odd that a blog that highlights Andrew Breitbart would engage in groupthink.
Still, we are in the early hours. There is time enough to have things settle so that they might be better read.
“I am flattered and embarrassed by your kind words.”

I was only going for embarrassed.
On a quick scan…..not looking good. It’s also kind-of annoying that I’ve been “de-platformed” without any notification — I’ve had to put an email address in with every comment. Couldn’t I get an email when I’ve been declared a nonperson?
At this point, I’d be looking at gab if I ever twittered. I’d be looking to qtree if I ever CTH’d…..except that I’ve been here for a while.
“Couldn’t I get an email when I’ve been declared a nonperson?”
That would be recognizing your personhood… after declaring you a non-person…
See how that works?
No person — no email necessary
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No.7357790
Nov 19 2019 11:42:46 (EST)
Phones were present.
FISA goes both ways.
Information warfare.
oops…wrong day
Beck getting some Qluv……..
Feel the Qluv!
My heart is aching to bring you this news. It isn’t unexpected, and yet I still needed some time to even comprehend what I was reading.
I received an email from Patrick’s son. It said that he saw his dad for the last time on Sunday, and that he asked him to notify me when the time came. And the time has come.
Patrick passed in his sleep yesterday.
Patrick came to me yesterday in the way that he had. He “zapped” me as he called it. I saw him before me smiling at me and holding out his hands. This was normal for us. We had a happy moment together and then he left, and I was reassured—he was still with us. Now I realize that was him saying his final goodbye.
Thank you for letting us know, Syl.
It breaks my heart.
Sorry for the late reply…I was away.
This is sad news, even though he generously prepared us for it.
I’m glad you had some final moments with him.
Thank you for keeping him company through his ordeal.
Hugs, wheatie. I needed to let you know. I’m grieving. I am so glad I decided to walk with him through this. It lasted much longer than I thought and he and I became much closer than I could have imagined, and I spent way more time with him than I envisioned, but I’d do it all again in a heart beat. I am better for having known him, and being with him was a delight. At least he has no more pain now. Thank God for that mercy. Hugs.
Thank you, Syl.
We are richer for having known him.
And yeah, I was thinking the same thing…it’s a relief to know that he is no longer in pain.
God bless him.
Thank you for being there for him and spending so much time with him.
I’m sure you helped him in unmeasurable ways, to get through his ordeal.
He thought so. He expressed gratitude for my company and he often said I brought his pain levels down by distracting him and relaxing him. But really, I think I got so much more from it. Every minute I spent with him was a gift, truly.
Hmm, Sylvia has turned into a mermaid.
*smiling and swishing my tail*
You noticed!