Dear KMAG: 20191202 Open Topic

This Merry Warrior Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KMAG/KAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

Yes, it’s Monday…again.


But it’s okay! We’ll get through it.

Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil.
Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

With the Storm upon us…please remember to Pray for our President.


Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


For your listening enjoyment, I offer this version of ‘Carol of the Bells’ by L’Orchestra Cinematique:




First, we were a Basket of Deplorables…and now we are a Cult!


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Great start to the week Wheatie! Thanks.
Polar bear! Reelect 45. Cult 45. Laughing lion…
Do nothing D-Rats doing nothing productive. Shitty and No Nads competing for buffoon of the week. Nitwit Nan talking global warming crap with Globalists. Cry’n Chuck no where to be found.
AND, President Trump working everyday for America!
G’nite all.


I agree, Wheatie! Great way to rocket us into another Cult 45 week !


Cryin’ Chuck sure has been quiet, hasn’t he? Hmmm…wonder what that’s all about?


I think he’s slightly more cunning in self-preservation than some of the others.


POTUS in London…



Thanks for the schedule…I was wonder when they were scheduled to leave…thought it might be a night flight to get there in time for a full day of meetings.
Gosh, it’s a lot of money, advanced security detail, etc for such a brief time there.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Anybody think the Royals are going to try to cut a deal of some kind? Maybe the FBI are riding in the back seat for a secret interview……


Hehehe. Hope they are sweating. I must say QE has presided over the worst bunch of royals in centuries.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I, mean NOT FUCKING THE KIDS isn’t exactly HARD. Excuse my French!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sorry. Sometimes I just get pissed off at these damnable pedophiles. Christie on a bicycle! Zip it up and go after something with REAL BOOBS, YA MORONS!!!


i hope that these types of people make close personal friends with LARGE UNFORGIVING MEN/WOMEN who teach them what it’s like to be vulnerable, overpowered, and brutalized.


in prison…

Sylvia Avery



Holy Shmoly!!!!!!!!!!
We’re going to London this morning!
Forgot all about it.
Q TREE better break out the TWEED and pack up!


Remember when Michelle wore sleeveless in cold months on official visit to London….big investment in those “fabulous toned arms” had to be on display. No tweed for her!
On the other hand I hope our lovely Melania will leave her trench coats at home, especially indoor appearances.

Deplorable Patriot

Tweed…well, it was Coco Chanel’s favorite fabric for jackets. I could go for that. Of course, mine is a Kimono cut.

Harry Lime

Love Love Love Cult 45!
That’s awesome!


Great POST as usual Wheatie………………. love the speeding car/boat!



Is Adam Schiff above the law?


oh nice! throw their words back at them! that would make an awesome ad…clips of all the Dems saying…He’s not above the law…then show Schiff’s face!


Hammer it.
“President Trump fully understands no one is above the law”….
…. that’s why he asked Ukraine for help investigating…
… and insisted on transparency!
Which infers what Biden did was illegal

Gail Combs

“Is Adam Schiff above the law?” Only in DemonRatLand aka Congress.
Don’t forget there is the SENATE… hehehe


Only illegal aliens are above the law!


…and Democrats ….and muslims…. and a few other protected sectors.


Piper Aerostar 602Pcomment image
According to Wheatie (and I have no reason to doubt it) this is the type of plane Epstein’s doctor was flying.
This is a “hot” little plane….very fast for a “twin piston” airplane. If I remember correctly it has a cruise speed close to 250 mph. And the faster a plane goes the more experienced the pilot needs to be because things start happening REAL quick at 4+ miles per minute (250/60). Btw, the “P” in 602P stands for “pressurized”…meaning it has a pressurized cabin for flying up in the flight levels (ie. above 18,000 ft).
Here’s a true story….
Wayyyyyy back in the day when I was a flight instructor I had a client who owned one of these planes. He hadn’t been flying all summer, partly because the engines had been getting overhauled. So he and I went to take his Aerostar out for a test flight as well as to conduct a biannual flight review for his license currency. The pre-flight went perfectly…all systems were fine and the engines were purring like kittens with all parameters and pressures right where they should be. Everything checked out fine.
Now…take a look at the picture. See that rod sticking out at the top of the vertical stabilizer (tail)? That is the pitot tube which measures air speed as displayed on the airspeed indicator (ASI)….verrrrrrrry important on any plane.
Now, ASI’s don’t normally begin registering airspeed until around 40 knots or so….well below the stall speed of most aircraft. This is important, because there is no way to test an ASI prior to flight….and if you don’t know what your airspeed is, you don’t know how close to a stall you are at any given time….especially when landing (ie.slowing down to land).
So on takeoffs it’s REALLY important to check and see that the ASI is measuring accurately and functioning properly.
Well, so….we get cleared to takeoff and chucklehead shoves the throttles forward and, given it’s an Aerostar, we start hauling ass down the runway. Now, as a flight instructor I am looking at him, then the instruments, then at him, then at the instruments, then at him….I’m looking to A) judge the airworthiness and performance of the plane and B) looking to see if he is too.
Except he’s not.
At 50 knots the ASI was showing 10….at 70 knots it was showing 30…and stayed right there at 30 despite our acceleration. While this is happening, I start saying “airspeed”….”airspeed”…over and over again except Chuckles isn’t responding to that in any way. All he’s doing is staring down the runway keeping the plane on the centerline, not checking his instruments. The reader here should realize that it’s taking me far longer to tell you this story than it did for all of this to take place.
Now, when I am saying “airspeed”, repeatedly….a two syllable word….that is a signal to the flying pilot to CHECK YOUR FUCKING AIRSPEED!!
Let’s recap here.
1. Plane hasn’t flown all summer.
2. Neither has chucklehead.
3. We’re hauling ass down a runway on takeoff and going faster every second…rapidly running out of usable runway.
4. I’m repeating “airspeed” over and over again.
5. Chuckles isn’t responding.
So what happens?
At 85 knots I see he is going to go fly and I scream “MY FLIGHT CONTROLS” at the same time I retard both throttles, push the yoke full forward (increases down pressure on nosewheel), and stand on the brakes as hard as I think I can without skidding (because small planes like this don’t have ABS) and radioing the tower we are rejecting the takeoff.
Thank god he didn’t try to fight me on the controls of the plane.
Even so, we came to a stop with about 40 yards of runway left….and I still berate myself for taking so long to take over to this day!
Anyway, cutting off the rest of the story….about my berating the crap outta this hotdog for being an idiot trying to kill us….we got back to the ramp ok and shut everything down. He was still in a “WTH?” mindset but I already suspected what the problem was.
Sure enough….
…after getting a forklift with a pallet to raise me up to the height of the pitot tube, I could see what the problem was.
A mud dauber had built a nest inside the pitot tube, restricting the airflow!
I was hugely lucky on that day and it was a valuable lesson learned.
Point is…
…it’s rarely the big things than can kill you in aviation but usually the small overlooked things…
….like checking your fuel after a refill to make sure some jackass didn’t put Jet A in your piston twin, even though you know all about the Hoover nozzle and the restrictor ring that is installed, by law, on your plane.
So yeah….technically speaking…
….Epstein’s doctor could’ve killed himself, but intentionally filling your own plane with the wrong fuel is a super weird way to go about doing it.
Btw….one last thing…
They put dye in aviation fuel so you can visually check to see if you have the right kind in your fuel tanks.comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you! Very helpful! And I’m still not believing that EITHER Epstein or Doctor Pilot killed themselves!!!


The doc killed himself AND Epstein did not???
Hey, Wolfie, don’t shake your fur at me; you taught us AND logic 🙈😂
Loved the snippet FG&C – great writing. I knew the outcome (you weren’t dead) but still had my heart beating faster. I have enough anxiety flying without learning which instruments I should worry about when pilots don’t pay attention ! 🤓

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, non-functioning speedometer when that can get you killed is not a good idea.


Great Post FG&C. Informative and layman’s English so we can all understand.
Thank you!


thank goodness you didn’t panic!!

Deplorable Patriot

Holy crap. Unfortunately, I can believe that a hot dog would do such a thing.
As for foreign stuff interfering with planes, word in my house back in the 70s was that the clip of the crash used in the 6 Million Dollar Man intro was actually a fighter that crashed at Lambert Airport. According to my dad, a mechanic left a wrench in the engine, and it jammed it. The pilot (who will remain nameless for this story, but who’s kids were a$$holes and dumb as their mother is/was bottle blonde) did eject, and legend has it he walked up to the seat which was in a trash pile and kicked it later in the day.
I can’t imagine the quick thinking it takes to make such life and death decision. Yeah, around pools we do, but we have the luxury of a few more seconds to make up our minds.


Wheatie, please check the bin for a lost post from me,

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I got ’em!

Rodney Short

Gonna enjoy this Cult45.
Night and God bless y’all.


Ni Ni Rodney, Blessings to you too!!

Deplorable Patriot

I’d take it on a coffee/tea mug, but the household collection is going to move us out one of these days.

Gail Combs

I need a new tea mug. I hope they make print it on an oversized (2 cup) mug.


Thank you, Wheatie, for another great kickoff to a new week.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WITNESS! I love it!

Gail Combs

Notice who is NOT very visible… CIA agent Carter Page. The only one who was NOT indicted yet the one who started the FISA warrants…

A Fortiori

Page is actually seeking the limelight again.
He filed this three days ago, essentially seeking an opportunity to review the Horowitz report before it becomes public, and has threatened to seek an injunction, with today as proposed filing date for a motion in favor of an injunction, against the release of the report:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




The Spirit of America 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Gorgeous! I can’t wait to see more videos of the WH decorations 💖🤓


For those who would prefer YouTube versions of videos, there’s

— note that this was not put on a line by itself so as not to generate a preview.

Sylvia Avery

TY cthulhu, wonderful!


The domino ornament next to the BeBest Scrabble ornament is an 11/6 domino. I wonder if there is any sort of a special meaning to the number 17……..


Hard-pressed to believe that’s a coincidence!
Wonder about the use of dominoes themselves, as in the dominoes will fall?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – you’re RIGHT!!!comment image


Melania and POTUS are masters in the use of symbolism.


Just as a reminder, I think that Q is Melania. Alternatively, if there is a group that is Q, I believe that Melania manages that group. Like many true immigrants, she is fiercely American. She grew up in a police state, so she knows how to keep cover and is generally inscrutable. And, for all her involvement in fluff and style, she’s brilliant.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I will agree with this much:
FLOTUS has more insight into the actual identity of Q than almost anybody except POTUS. Any proper theory of Q will account for this fact.


The more I think about their use of dominoes, the more exciting this gets. Really, why would they decorate a tree with dominoes? 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It was just for us. Too cool.


Cards, dominoes, Scrabble… taking “games” to a whole new level.
Just think how the Lefties are going crazy trying to figure out what’s going to happen.


Families with children used to play a lot of board games by the fireside at Christmas.
One year, we played Racko until none of us could ever stand the game again!


let the games begin!


Eibert posts a link to that over on Fleps News Round up. Something about their being no 11 in domino’s now I know what he refers to 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

11/6 was also the date of the mid-term election.


Now if you like. In the very very most first part of the video above you have 1 2 3 visible top windows with the 7 her arm 9 in the below windows, no numbers between (strange sequence?). Next visible as Melania’s arm clears the picture is the 8 as the arm obstructs the 7. Leaving you with 1 2 3 in the top… presto … 8 9 equaling 17.
Does that mean Q is going to reveal self?
Okay, over the top… meanwhile most wonderful decorations this year. Quite magical. Still loved the red martyr trees from last year. Not to be forgotten. Most special always.

Deplorable Patriot

I think Q is going to be more along the lines of “deep throat” for a number of years. Whoever he/she/the team is will put a big target on their backs with admission.

Gail Combs

The Q team has a lot more work to do. The posts at 8 chan/Kun were just a tiny part of it.

Sylvia Avery

Oh beautiful, bfly! Thank you!


This seems to be last year…I remember the same white ensemble and pose.


You’re right. Here is the one indicating 2019. Has more color this year. Dominoes are in there.


Teagan, they’re both the same. At least the tweet ones from FLOTUS. I haven’t looked at the other links.


Be Best was on pencils last year, was also hard to read as it was written in cursive on the tree ornaments. I like it on the dominos this year.

Deplorable Patriot

I like this year’s decorations. There was one year, the red trees….



Seen this? Clint Eastwood is savage in real life

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The battle when this **** hits it going to be epic. These turds think they did nothing wrong.


Rationalisation. Justifying the indefensible.makes them more comfy in their own heads


When you think about it, Lisa Page is the one who likely ends up having been screwed, by Stozac, and the FBI/DOJ. It’s every man or woman for themselves. Pathetic way to be known in history.
Of course, we have to be sure we write the history books.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Rumor is that McCabe was in her mix as well. JUST SAYIN’….


There was a time, not all that long ago, when her children would have been distraught going to school – all the kids would have teased them about their mother…


Hell, wild horses wouldn’t have dragged her kids to school


Well, seems, Lisa enjoyed the rapid rise in her career path, personally assisted by Peter and McCabe rising to the occasion when mutually convenient. Sort of like…
Heels up Harris’ career path, working the Willy isn’t unique.
Some would think it was mutually satisfying.


This is not going to end well for Page…she got suckered into a move that is going to make her look even worse.


Tbh, even with turning states she’s still going to do time. There is no happy ending for this skank


yeah, the arrogance is strong with these people…


Clint Eastwood is hilarious!


Victor Davis Hanson: How America’s Students Need to Get ‘Woke’
Today’s students are the most unaware, naïve—and unwoke—generation in our nation’s history. They pose as all-knowing and all-caring. But they are proving unwoken to the full dimensions of those who have channeled them into a decade or more of crushing debt, left them with unmarketable degrees…and called it all success.


Put all your kids in a Dave Ramsey financial management course between high school and college.
Debt – credit card debt – even college tuition debt – is your enemy!!!
Kids without money used to work (collaborative education) during and alternating quarters to pay for college – then when they graduated, they had a great work resumé and references as well.
Parents and students do not need to go into debt for college.

Deplorable Patriot

And as children, their parents have them programmed to the point, that they aren’t learning soft skills that are needed to get along in life. Watching what is being done to my nephews on this score is painful.


This is the best argument for prepping and guns I’ve read done by the mathematics. Also the rich have read the signs according to this article
I started reading this article tongue-in-cheek. But if you can do math, it’s actually a serious analysis, done with just the right amount of dark humor. Worth the whole read, especially if you’ve ever wondered “why does anyone think they need an AR-15?”


GREAT read!
Logical AND easy read.
Article absolutely confirms, or reaffirms the logic in “being prepared”.
The NEED to prep is OBVIOUS. Well, me thinks obvious.
Elites (wealthy, techies, hollywierd…) and EVERYDAY FOLKS KNOW prepping is simply, LOGICAL. All to likely, a matter of SURVIVAL.
Scenario to prep for, is an individual determination, including personal capability. There is no one, correct answer beyond, DO SOMETHING.
ARs rifles are a great tool. Versatile. Reliable. Common parts. Affordable. Invaluable in numerous prep scenarios.


comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s pretty much the size of things.


President Jimmy Carter pardoned a pedophile:
A 14-yo girl and her 17-yo sister went to Peter Yarrow’s hotel room in DC in 1970 seeking an autograph from the famous member of Peter Paul & Mary. Yarrow, then 32, answered the door naked. He made sexual advances that stopped short of intercourse.
Yarrow served 3 months of a 1- to 3-year prison sentence after pleading guilty to taking “indecent liberties’’ with her.
In 1981, the singer was pardoned by then-President Carter on his last day in office.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Communist pedophile protected by a Soviet dupe. I can believe it.


Read my link on the NATO thread to miles mattis

Deplorable Patriot

Remember, these are the people who sang “Puff, The Magic Dragon.” Heaven only knows what was going on in that hotel room before the kids arrived.


I like itcomment image


comment image


so cool!!!!!


comment image

Gail Combs

When I lived in Germany houses had murals and artists would go from town to town painting the walls of family homes.
It was very clean and people would WALK on the weekends enjoying the neighborhoods. There were even organized walks. Some of those I went on with other Army personnel.


comment image


love these!


More available at beauty of planet site




Morning, Miss Wheatie! Merry Christmas to All!
Love the Cult#45 gear!
Looks like the MSM has gone all out today.
Lisa Page has come out of the closet.
Wonder why the MSM wants us to all be focused on her.
And why today?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good question.


Before Pres. Trump it was about the what. Now it’s the why.


isn’t she the one who made the edits to the 302’s? pull that string…it all starts to unravel quickly…


Pos about the London trip is coming up asap. Give me a little while.
Can’t believe they’re doing impeachment crap while President is out of country.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – outrageous!!!


that’s when they do their worst…when they think he is distracted…silly Congress…he is NEVER unfocused! he always has 100 balls in the air!

Deplorable Patriot

Daughn, these people have no shame.


Verse of the Day

“But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.”
Isaiah 53:5 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Monday Blessingcomment image


Good Morning Duchess! Hope you are safe and warm…we got 6 inches of snow and COUNTING!!


Top of the Morning to you, Pat! Freezing rain yesterday caused some slip/sliding away – snow overnight – NBD – ~ 3″ tapering off later today – keeping warm – Thanks!
Have a Blessed, Warm Day! God keep you safe – and bless you throughout the day! Hugs!!!


that’s good news…we got 6 inches overnight and expecting 1-4 more today…and ours started with an icy mix too…
have a Blessed Day too!!!


Thanks! Struggled to turn from rain to snow – I guess – hope and pray hubby will be able to clear the driveway quickly – roads will be slick here until temps rise – plows were out early – praying for those who must travel to work – God bless and keep you both safe and warm.


thanks, hubby had a doc appt later today but the office is closed today…luckily he had already taken the day off… he will try to plow later…till then it’s hot coffee, snuggling, and watching the snow fall…


Oh, good – was concerned about him – sounds perfect to me – 🙂


me too!!


Gnarwhal II – In Pursuit of Truth Presents – 12.2.19


The Myth of Voter Suppression


just saw my first Steyer campaign ad…saying POTUS filed for bankruptcy…yada, yada, yada…how HE built a company from the ground and is gonna SAVE the country…hmmm…that’s been done bucko…


He sets off Katie’s Creep-o-Meter. Bigly!


yeah…if i had to guess, he has no plans for America, only hopes to get voted in by disparaging POTUS and then riding the economic coattails of his predecessor…


Putz Steyer started 20 second spots on Pandora here northern NV. Whines like D-Rats without substance AND without solutions.
idiot may not know NV GOP has already determined no primary or caucus 2020 in NV. So much for Steyer administrative abilities. Putz.


if he can’t run a proper campaign, how’s he’s gonna run the country?




The last several administrations were not protecting our nation’s economy or jobs…or sovereignty….or stability….or NATIONAL SECURITY.
Bush I, II and Jeb were/are globalists. Open borders, run USA into the ground in as many ways as possible kind of globalists.
“President Bush broke his self-imposed silence in January 2011, in a speech at Southern Methodist University. The only problem was, he wasn’t attacking Obama, but conservatives. Addressing the immigration debate, he said: “If you study history, there are some ‘isms’ that occasionally pop up … One is isolationism and its evil twin protectionism and its evil triplet nativism.”
Thank you again, Mr. President!!!
@realDonaldTrump followers hit 67 million on the night of the 25th:
66,927,880 – 4:52 pm – 11/25/19
67,040,821 – 3:24 pm – 11/26/19
67,205,107 – 6:22 am 12/2/19




Hot Dog! Wonderful news!!!!!!!


I believe Poles are famous for sausage…lol


Notice it’s Poland giving the award NOT UK. Poland honors its citizens and God.


as I stated above to Duchess, we’ve gotten 6 inches of snow with more predicted today–and it started with an icy mixture.
{{hold on…gotta get that tinfoil hat on tightly…}} what if this bad weather across the country was orchestrated to really put a damper on Black Friday/holiday shopping kickoff season? try to put a damper on sales?
altho with the resiliency of the American people, we just shopped on line and stayed home anyway…


N FL is getting our first spotty frost tonight after a storm front passed through yesterday.
Maybe a little late this year – average 1st frost here is November 9th.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s cyber Monday. Who needs to go to an actual store? 😁


yeah I hear that…I get my shopping done EARLY cuz i hate crowds…

Deplorable Patriot

It’s not the crowds I have so much of a problem with as it is the parking lots where the developers paint the stripes for compact cars, and the suburbanites park their big SUVs in spots that don’t allow for getting out of the vehicle.

A Fortiori

I don’t think this is the developers. They know millions of people will not shop retail if they cannot find adequate parking, so it would not be in their interest to force parking spaces that drive away retail customers. This is coming from elsewhere, probably government regulation. And it is not just shopping malls; it is happening with all new construction in the area in which I live.
I think this is part of the larger war against driving – make parking more difficult and people are less likely to drive.

Deplorable Patriot

Well…see, the three big shopping developments I’m thinking of are all in the same municipality and have different parking set ups. I’m thinking it’s the developers/property owners.

Deplorable Patriot

And the other thing about these particular shopping developments…they are right at the intersection of the innerbelt and one of the main interstate arteries. I doubt trying to get people to quit driving there is in play in this particular case.

Deplorable Patriot

Well, if that was potentially a goal, it backfired big time.


Deplorable Patriot

I’m not sure I would trust Amazon as an investigative reporting source.


more Clinton emails “found”. I think they had them all, but didn’t want to release them in one big reveal—that would have cemented public outcry that something was illegal and Hillary needed to be prosecuted for it. They reveal them in dribs and drabs…while we are focused on other things…hoping interest and expectations will wane.
“It is astonishing news that the FBI mysteriously found more Clinton emails. Were they on Anthony Weiner’s laptop? At James Comey’s house? Or on Peter Strzok’s cell phone?” asked Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “This disturbing development further highlights how the fix was in on the Clinton email scandal and why a criminal investigation needs to be reopened by Attorney General Barr.”
In separate Judicial Watch FOIA litigation, a federal court will soon rule on whether Hillary Clinton and her top aide can be questioned under oath by Judicial Watch lawyers about the email and Benghazi controversies. The court has already granted additional discovery to Judicial Watch.
The court ordered discovery into three specific areas: whether Secretary Clinton’s use of a private email server was intended to stymie FOIA; whether the State Department’s intent to settle this case in late 2014 and early 2015 amounted to bad faith; and whether the State Department has adequately searched for records responsive to Judicial Watch’s request. The court specifically ordered Obama administration senior State Department officials, lawyers and Clinton aides to be deposed or answer written questions under oath. The court ruled that the Clinton email system was “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency.” (This Judicial Watch FOIA lawsuit led directly to the disclosure of the Clinton email system in 2015.)


fingers crossed!!!

Gail Combs

I think the targeting of the Drug Cartels (Terrorist designation) is the opening salvo.
Most Americans have no love for the bloody barbaric Mexican Drug Cartels and when the $$$ lead back to US politicians it will not be seen as a political hit by President Trump’s admin.

Deplorable Patriot

“Most Americans have no love for the bloody barbaric Mexican Drug Cartels and when the $$$ lead back to US politicians it will not be seen as a political hit by President Trump’s admin.”
Now there’s a thought. Even liberals have no love for the Drug Cartels.


Agree with you Ms Gail…………….

Deplorable Patriot

Worth taking into consideration, but I think there’s strategy at work on a number of levels. To defeat an enemy, you attack its strongest component first. For the west, it looks like the NATO alliance would be it. For the Church, it definitely was the Jesuits for at least their first two centuries of existence. The ideals of western civilization as formed by the tenets of Christianity are what stood between the would be overlords and control. That had to be neutralized. The power of Christianity had been slowly whittled for the past 500 years, and we’re seeing the attempt to just toss what’s left in the fire.
As an aside, a bishop died over the weekend at the ripe age of 59. I need to read up some more on that one, but at least one of the good guys inside the Church has ended up dead after challenging the cabal plants.

A Fortiori

I think the federal reserve and the banking industry are the strongest component in the West.

Deplorable Patriot

Putting this here because I will need it later.

Deplorable Patriot


Almost every youtube video I bookmarked HAS BEEN REMOVED by youtube…………..


Deplorable Patriot

What did I miss over the weekend?


Gail Combs

They already lost the public’s interest. The Shitty Shiff Show saw to that.
Now the Nadlless Show has to compete with the holidays….
I rather go SHOPPING! And I HATE shopping.
If they do articles of impeachment it gets kicked to the Senate and then the fun begins!
Shiffty Shitt gets called and forced to answer questions or take the 5th.
The Bidens get called.
Shiffty’s STAFF gets called
Eric Cinderella gets called
Michael K. Atkinson,acting Inspector General of the Intelligence Community gets called and GRILLED about the changes he made to the whistleblower requirements.
Can you say SLAUGHTER???



Post is up on NATO – if anyone is interested.
Found the link to the 30 docs where we promised Russia would would never expand beyond the border of Germany.
Explains everything. Had no idea Putin was in East Germany from 1985 to 1990.
Also – calling on Churchmouse, Cuppa and JW in Germany for a few contributions, pretty please.
A foreign take would be helpful over the next 3-4 days.
Thanks, guys.


thanks Daughn!!


So it is true. Upon graduation from law school lawyers are given sewing kits to make ass covers.


You owe me a keyboard plumnelly.. spit coffee everywhere !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




you win the internet today!




Upon graduation from law school lawyers are given sewing kits to make ass covers.
Lucky for me i had just put my coffe cup down, then read…^^^


this makes real sense to me…those of us who know the facts, probably won’t pay much attention to this–sour grapes you know–but the left will want to read every word…


hope so……………..


I hope she never gets her life back.
She should spend every day miserable… the way her illegal machinations interfered in America’s elections, tried to harm the sitting President, and negate 63+ million voters votes caused harm to our country.
Conspiracy, sedition, treason are serious crimes – certainly the American people had a reasonable expectation that their FBI/DOJ etc. were NOT commie fascists.


Agree Lady P.
Some are concerned about Americans trusting the FBI and DoJ if these people are tried and sentenced… I am concerned if they are NOT tried and sentenced, there will be no trust in the FBI or the DoJ…

Gail Combs

Very True Phoenixrising,
At this point I would not walk across the street to put out the fire if it was burning a C_A or FIB agent.
They have a LOOOOoooong way to go before I would EVER feel even neutral towards them.
Prominent agents NEED to go to jail for the MAXIMUM sentence allowed and a lot more need to be booted out of the government.
The rules and laws protecting government bureauRats who are criminals, commies and deadwood need to be removed and the UNIONS OUTLAWED!
How about running our government like a BUSINESS instead of an Ole’ Boys club?


I second that emotion !


I am concerned if they are NOT tried and sentenced, there will be no trust in the FBI or the DoJ…
^^^ That is where I am today and will stay until key FIB, DOJ and IC are prosecuted AND jailed AND lose whatever wealth they may have. Most everything I hear or read about FIB, DOJ and IC, my default position is they are lying and or covering up criminal behavior. AND it is a “prove me wrong attitude. Fuck them assholes.
That said, for now I am trusting Huber AND Horowitz. Wary, NOT.
Me thinks AG Barr is Patriot.


“They won’t be able to walk the streets..”
Tell me, anyone commuting to work in DC wearing a MAGA hat?



I so agree with this. I sometimes cringe when I am in church and hear the sing-song jingles which have replaced the sacred music I remember.
We must save our finest music before it’s too late

Deplorable Patriot

Don’t fret so much about it. 🙂 Currently in the English speaking world we are being held hostage musically speaking by two publishers. Each has its own staff of…composers (more like adapters, but that’s a story for another day). Frankly, they are all aging hippies cashing in on copyrights. I mean, the day Owen Alstott is no longer on the board at Oregon Catholic Press, all cantors will rejoice. There’s a decent chance we might get a new set of psalms. Right now, the set they peddle is his from 1977 with a copyright renewal in 1990.
Out in the real world where the rubber hits the road in the choirs, the people doing the directing are working to expand the repertoires with material that’s more along the lines of literature. It’s not everywhere, but here there is a critical mass of directors who are trying at least. The fight, truth be told, is against the 70s priests (who are aging out, YEA!) who were never taught what the good stuff is, and who see the OCP Breaking Bread as one stop shopping for hymnal and missallette rolled into one. Their tastes run to show tunes and pop, folk, etc., and, being creatures of the 70s, they just don’t care if their tastes are not what the congregations and the choir people want, and most of them certainly aren’t willing to pay for singers who know what they are doing.
The other issue is that with the demise of the Sisters of St. Joseph, specifically, music education among the masses is pathetically zilch. It simply is not being taught, and tastes are reflecting that. I have a friend who was the music director at the seminary here who did what she could to train a number of classes…and then our current Archbishop made some moves and she left. A small group of parish choirs in my part of town have been doing annual Lenten concerts, and one of the pastors requested music that was less high brow for the next one. Trust me, we haven’t done anything truly “high brow” yet.
And then there is the matter of getting choir members to actually commit. But that’s another issue altogether. And it’s another place where the SJW mentality of people who have no children want moms to do the work, not realizing that mothers, frankly, don’t have the time and are sick more often. Honestly, my pastor wants that.
There is a way to fix this, but it’s going to take time and money. That’s something the 70’s priests just aren’t willing to spend.


The only way I have to help rid my state of this man is to vote. He seems to have taken care of that now too.


Bloomberg plans…God laughs.

Gail Combs

That sure is an arrogant statement if I ever heard one!




🐧 happy. Looks like I had a good tweet.
Page is going for the victimhood defense. Bet the IG Report excoriates her, and then think about the indictments to follow. 🙂


Lisa is all about posturing…along with all assholes cited in the IG, provided a verbal rebuttal and now yammering to the press.


They gave her a makeover for the hearings, but apparently nothing can fix a demented mindset.

Gail Combs

Question for a lawyer:
If President Trump is ‘under impeachment’ does that mean the states can take him off the ballot? Is that what this is about?


Not a lawyer, BUT always have an opinion;-)
Probably missing something. Me thinks, until AND IF Senate convicts, then there are no grounds to preclude President Trump from being on ballots.
Looking forward to Big t or another legal smart person chiming in.


Similar thoughts. Any effort to do otherwise by the states would end up as emergency hearing by SCOTUS. Future elections would be destroyed simply by someone trying to impeach an elected President.
Also note, SCOTUS would have a vested interest in making sure politics doesn’t destroy this country – using impeachment as a political tool (judges can be impeached too) is ammunition not to be used lightly.
Democrats would impeach a ham sandwich, a President or a SCOTUS Justice…


At work, didn’t/cant listen to the clip, but……..
Damn, I would hope so….and out of morbid curiosity I’d like to know what the last IG report was that could possibly trump this?
Was there an IG report on Benedict Arnold? /s




me too Pat !





Brenden has an update and a comment or two on NatSecLisa (some irony there in that handle, right?)


just found a missed gem on the U Tree…a truly funny thread about turnips and rutabagas…written by Thomas–I laughed all the way thru…if you need a laugh or wanna read a good story…check it out…not sure why it’s on u tree and not here…??


I saw it yesterday Pat, don’t know who Thomas is either……………..


i thought it was very funny…


I’ll read in a bit…
if you think it’s funny, it must be !




Is it Big T?? MQ was hunting for a turnip recipe after all. 🥰


Yep, that’s him😉


Yes, I think so… thought he was spelling that Tomas…


Thomas. Big T. Turnips. Recipe.
IIRC, Thanksgiving morning Daughn commented something like. “surveying the kitchen, husband has been shopping, bag on the counter. What am I going to do with turnips?
Dunno why I remember that post and my memory is the pits;-)


Yep, and she went with Teagen’s AuGratin recipe. You can almost make anything taste good smothered in AuGratin…ALMOST!! 😜
So MQ, how we’re the turnips?? ☺️☺️

Gail Combs

I think Thomas is Big T.
AND according to Hubby (also of Boston) rutabagas ARE a type of turnip.
(I rather eat a parsnip.)
Well he almost got it right…

Rutabaga is a hybrid of cabbage and turnip and is commonly called yellow turnip because of its yellow flesh. Both are root vegetables and turnip is colloquially called white turnip because its skin and flesh are both white.

Both rutabagas and turnip are members of the cabbage family, Brassica.


Thanks Gail……………… grew up eating turnips and rutabagas… pepper vinegar gives ’em a whole new meaning!


He’s mine.


you are as lucky as he is!
I thought that thread was a hoot and a half!


It’s on Utree because rutabagas are sometimes used in perverted ways.


no! do tell…on the u tree…lol


I didn’t even know he was running.


oh THAT’S who he is…LOL


Guessing he had bills to pay and “running for President” generates free money.


Gail Combs

““When the law enforcers turn out to be the law breakers,…” You have what is called a Banana Republic.




Shoutout to Prayer Warriors to pray for our POTUS and FLOTUS that God will protect and keep them safe while
they are out of the country next few days.



Hoping IG report drops today while POTUS is out of town, an early Christmas surprise would be so nice. 😊


yes ma’m

Gail Combs

Hope the Mexican Cartels are designated Terrorist organizations and they start rounding up people INCLUDING POLITICIANS!
Remember a Congress member can not be arrested IN CONGRESS but they can be arrested when out side of congress.


Anyone remember roadside crowds ever doing this for previous Presidents? Obama…the Chosen O


Sorry…was supposed to go under video of POTUS entering into Palm Beach.


I guess we can start looking for sleeping cots to be set up on the floors of the House and Senate! LOL



The only thing that the Dimms are consistent with is their inconsistency.
The Dimms maintain that it really doesn’t matter if you intended to insult an SJW, or even if, in plain English, the words don’t show insult, or that your tone is not insulting . . . what matters is that the SJW felt insulted . . . and now you have to address and remedy that situation.
And so it is with the PTrump frame-up. It doesn’t matter that first-hand witnesses say there was no pressure and no quid pro quo, or that the transcripts show, in plain English, there was no pressure and no quid pro quo. Nor does it matter that logically, we should attach democratic actions, including fighting corruption, to out gift of foreign aid to countries. Nor does it matter that the Biden Boys as well as a bunch of Dimms were participants in that corruption. All that matters is that certain Dimms feel that PTrumps actions, as well as ‘Orange Man Bad, warrant the charges of malfeasance in office and impeachement.
Actually, that’s a fairy tale and we all know it. The Dimms know there was no pressure and no quid pro quo. This smear attempt is just one of many unfounded smear attempts that Dimms have in their corrupt bag of tricks that they are willing to use in an attempt to avoid their upcoming political annilhilation, well-earned from decades of treasonous corruption.


Excellent point Carl…………….. excellent.


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Pat, I really wanna thank you for all the memes. I save a lot of them to my iPhone and text them to people to cheer them up. Keep em coming!! 😘🤗😍


We found Wolfie’s pet parrot.


LOLOLOL!!! 😂😂😂




That was sooooo good😝😜😰



Not a complete solution – people need to know this won’t work 100% – and won’t cure or prevent HPV, Hepatitis, Herpes, SuperGonorrhea, Syphilis, etc….
Better to abstain from high risk behaviors.


There are DOZENS of STDs Many are incurable. Multiple concurrent diseases make any treatment near impossible…more painful, longer lasting.


So you managed to take a nice thing and turn it into “hey but it doesn’t do this, this and this?”
Sorry, but it’s a nice thing, period.


Maybe….depends on efficacy….and if people get false assurance/hopes and take more risks.
Sorry – but I fought a decade against the LBGT propaganda and saw the division of the Episcopal and United Methodist churches….and the physicians in my family have seen such tragedies among the LBGT population.


What a grouch. Just accept it for the nice thing it is. Leave the counseling to the people who administer the drug.
Yet another thing POTUS does on behalf of our country.


Not a grouch – a realist – it’s a tragedy.
Viruses like HIV easily morph and become resistant and that’s why the BEST and only real drug is ABSTINENCE.

NYGuy54 are totally being a grouch. The President is not trying to change behavior patterns. It is obvious that has to be done at the point of contact.


I’m not in a grouchy mood at all….I’m just being a realist. Love you NY Guy!


Yes – it’s a good thing – but the obsessive/compulsive behaviors in that community make the victories short-lived… just wait and watch. Soon the drug won’t be effective because the virus has morphed/become resistant. Same with the new untreatable super-gonorrhea.


I wait for the day where you have morphed into expressing kindness and gratitude for every thing the President does for us.
The guy is an absolute mensch. That is all I am expressing.


He’s a mensch and a maven and I’m not a mumza!


Just so you understand, I was raised in an orthodox Jewish background. Male on male sex is expressly forbidden. No ambiguity about it. I don’t like seeing what our society has become.
That being said, I have compassion for the care of others who need it. IF this can help people, and obviously his advisers think that it can, then he is a great guy for making it happen.
That’s it. I am not arguing on moral grounds nor am I arguing that it is a panacea.


I agree with you totally. I’ve just seen so much false hopes re: treatments and drugs due to 35 years dealing daughter’s progressive neurodegenerative disease and other medical situations.


Again you are deflecting from the thrust of my comment. The fact that President Trump thinks enough to take steps like these shows you the depth of his humanity and compassion for others.


True. He is trying to lower drug prices for everyone.


We have also read about STD outbreaks amongst permissive heterosexuals, young teens (12-16) in Conyers GA and seniors at a super ritzy FL retirement community.
No one is immune to these diseases and risk increases when people go wild and crazy…. hook-ups, one night stands.


That has nothing to do with the focus of my comment.


It is merely a statement….about STD outbreaks and populations in which they occurred (teens in Conyers, GA and seniors at the Villages in FL)


Just let it go. Try to find the positive in all of this.


President Trump hopes to end AIDS/HIV in 10 years. They will have to change behaviors/compulsions first. It was brought here through malevolent twisted people venturing out of the US to prey upon children in 3rd world countries.


You can’t be serious.
I understand the propaganda / PR on these drugs is that they prevent. What I want to know is who were in both the control group and the active group who were given either placebos or the active drug AND then deliberately infected with HIV in order to test the efficacy of the drug.
Since we know that such testing didn’t occur, these “prophylactic” drugs are members of the “we hope” class of treatments available. But they have NOT been shown to be effective by any scientific standard.
I personally wish that DJT would stop saying anything about AIDS which is not a public health epidemic and never has been.


That is such nonsense by you, All I am saying is that this is another thing the President does for this country. Just accept that and you can argue the efficacy with the professionals who administer it.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m afraid you are correct. This is akin to putting women on the pill and hoping no fertilization holds at menstruation time.


We have had free hiv meds and a very proactive contact engagement since aids started. Have one of worlds lowest rates of transmission


What about the incidence of other STDs.

Gail Combs

It is GOOD PR for President Trump TO THE GAY COMMUNITY.
No it won’t stop problems. We know it and they SHOULD know it. Afterall isn’t that WHY we have sex education in public schools? (Don’t answer that)


Snort! Ok – you have a point about the PR – but the LBGT are only 1-2% of the population.


This is also another win for African Americans. Could be wrong, but I think after the gays, they are the next largest infected group and many are uninsured.


Also under control. Lots of counselling and ads ie for condoms – if it’s not on, it’s not on.
Indigenous communities and gay communities remain highest rates.


Anal heterosexual intercourse is used for birth control in third word countries. Yet nobody talks about how that enhances transmission of HIV — only homosexual male on male. Plus released prisoners are somewhat accustomed to anal intercourse (for obvious reasons) and they continue that behavior when outside prison, regardless of their partner’s gender.


Plus prisons are rife with STDs. They give stuff to their WAGs

Deplorable Patriot

Best prevention: don’t do IV drugs with friends, and limit sex to a spouse. Avoid swapping blood and other bodily fluids with other humans. There’s no other way to say it. This is false courage in a much smaller bottle and will encourage risky behavior no matter what the intentions are.



trumpismine, sometimes when I watch Marine One or AF1 take off, I think ab the enormous responsibility the Pilots have…transporting our Great President, both domestically and internationally.
Can’t help but be aware they understand the uniqueness of their charge…and am thankful every day for their many skills, vigilance, and attention to detail…and, I am certain, their great respect for their “cargo”.
Yet another competent group of men caring for our President on a daily basis for us to Thank and pray for daily.




And the ground crew. Not loading the wrong fuel is a good start


ozzy….oh, yes: those guys too…the prep is all important!


Do you remember poster Pam on the OT who always shared video of the take off and landings? I always enjoyed watching that part of the Presidency, and then she disappeared from the website and I’ve not seen any posts from her since. Too bad…missed!


Teagan, yes, I do remember.
the other day I reminded folks of Marine One tilting it’s rotors and spraying the “Press” w/snow!
I think it was Pam who posted this.
it was super!


Hmmmmm. 3 weeks. I wonder if they disposed of any trash, wastewater or sewage over the side during that time???


I’m sure Greta has a plan to turn their waste into Christmas ornaments or something


She better watch herself.


I don’t know about you, but I’m thinking that Lady Victoria Hervey is showing some obvious signs of a deep depression that might lead to tendencies toward suicide.


Not smart to threaten anyone connected to Clintons or Epstein or Royals.

Gail Combs

If you are going to rat on them, wait until you are in a court room. DON’T BROADCAST IT unless you have a death wish.


Really? I thought so too.
I guess we will have to see what happens.



Uh yea. Faux isn’t doing it for the money or ratings. An outright betrayal. The least faux should do is be “fair and balanced”. These days much of faux is simply MCM BS…intentional lying and ignoring critical thinking.


Looking forward to new Froglegs!! 🤩🤩


oh me too!!!


Ms Amy has Cabal money behind her…………… watch out for her movement up the chain of candidates


Wheatie, did you get resolution with your wifi issues? I hope so…


I know what you mean 😉


She’s another not likable or personable woman candidate. The woman who her abuses her staffers. Amy is a gross person.


I agree…

CM in TN

Isn’t she the one that ate her salad with a comb and then had a staffer clean it for her? Gag!


Yep, nasty. Also asks staffers to shave her legs. 🤢🤮🤢




I LOVE the “I plead the SECOND” one!!!!!

Rodney Short

Q said these people are sick, I hope this video plays it is a insider telling a story about gravy and not the kind of gravy you eat. Hollywood is satan’s land.
There is some strong language,just warnin y’all.


Can someone explain what they’re referencing in the use of 23?



That’s our POTUS… taking a few mins to give a shoutout to young aspiring artist!


that was fantastic


Oh WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marica and Bfly and who knows which other Qpers retweeted this to Pres. Trump 😊😊😊😊😊


“Meet the Depressed”
It’s already trending on Twitter


Ohhh my gosh ……………….. that is such awesome BRANDING… they’ll never live it down !

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy





Rush has been saying that for at least ten years. BTW, twitter is nowhere near as big as it’s portrayed to be.
22% of the population have twitter accounts.


Yes, but how many more read Twitter?
I don’t have a Twitter account but I read it all the time.
Readership is what matters.


Trump Campaign just banned Bloomberg News —– duplicity


Clint Eastwood’s Twitter acct suspended for his reply to Lisa Page (shown on page 1 of today’s OP) tweet declaring she won’t be silent any longer…
“It’s easy to talk when your mouth isn’t full.
Btw, where is Peter Strzok these days?”


Mamma always said…lay with a dog, wake up with fleas…


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is about SETH RICH, for anybody who is wondering. This guy Matt Crouch is the primary person keeping heat on the Seth Rich issue, so if you’re adamant about that, then this guy is your man.




I don’t know if this guy is a white hat or a black hat but what I do know is that his attorney(s) is not doing his/her job. The party calling for the deposition has a responsibility to not burden the deponent with excessive costs. IIRC the attorneys calling the deposition should be traveling to where the deponent is. If they fail to do this, then a motion to the court should be made so they can be ordered to do it right.
Any money donated to this gofundme is wasted or is for another purpose.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s what a lawyer friend of mine does: travels to where the person being deposed is.




LOL, he’s watching America’s Newsroom on AF1. I’m watching it on DVR, both these guys were just on.

Deplorable Patriot

These pieces of trivia are very helpful for building arguments as we exchange information with liberals. Really, what’s in NAFTA could be a category at a Trivia Night…. Hmm.


Take away their coats too.

Rodney Short

Lock them in a closet with their coats, ozero did.


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Rodney Short

Thank you Phoenix


Well, remember Hillary had them “roped off” During small town parades and hidden in a crowded, hot tent when making an appearance on Martha’s Vineyard….and Obama wouldn’t allow the press or LED within so many feet of the planes when he landed. And…nary a peep about the treatment from the slobbering media,


First Q post on Q’s new board ProjectDcomm
31b⋯.jpg (96.59 KB, 651×1200, 217:400, DzxUUNUWwAAqoyy.jpg) (h) (u)
▶ 18 U.S. Code § 2385 Anonymous 12/02/19 (Mon) 19:50:31 No.20[Reply][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
18 U.S. Code § 2385. Advocating overthrow of Government.
Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or
Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or
Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.
If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.
As used in this section, the terms “organizes” and “organize”, with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons.
▶Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 12/02/19 (Mon) 19:55:59 No.21


POTUS last tweet at the same time as Q’s post.


and confirmed by Q’s next post:
▶Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 12/02/19 (Mon) 19:58:58 No.22



Q’s confirming Anons 0 Delta:
▶Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 12/02/19 (Mon) 20:07:32 No.23
File (hide): 3b7c77b388ff3e7⋯.jpg (71 KB, 1131×368, 1131:368, 3b7c77b388ff3e752bb9c90f80….jpg) (h) (u)

Gail Combs

Q said there would be confirmation so we would know he was not an impostor.

Rodney Short

I dont see any new Q drops mine is still at 3636

Rodney Short

Oh bummer I cant link to it and really need a Q fix, I was really hoping to see a Q drop on Thanksgiving but didn’t see one.

Rodney Short

Thank you very much Wheatie, you rock.

Gail Combs

“….If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction…..”
WHY would you allow someone who attempted to overthrow the US Government anywhere NEAR a government job??
That law needs up dating BADLY!


So this means qmap dot pub is no longer valid? Because when I saw this in the comments, I went there and it was the same as it’s been since 11/25/19.
Maybe include a link for us lesser pedes.

Deplorable Patriot

It looks like Q switched boards. If so, as I understand it and I am really not up to speed with how the software works, it looks like the various aggregator boards need to change the scraping criteria.


Great idea Wheatie…………….



Ohhhhhh, wow.
Child Support Hearing in Arkansas will demand 3yrs of Hunter Biden’s tax returns.


ooops…can’t let them see his tax returns….


14% is required in MS – at least.
We know he made at least a million a year.

Gail Combs

1. I hope she takes him to the cleaners.
2. The judge demands a drug test right then and there.
And when it comes back positive denies Hunter any access to the child.


Hunter Biden is in a place where he has sown to the wind, and is now reaping the whirlwind.
“They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind”
Hosea 8:7 (NIV)


Must be pretty bad to get fired in a Democrat city by a Democrat mayor…..


He stepped on too many ingrown toenails during the Smollet hoax?


🙂comment image

Gail Combs

It could easily be real. Depends on who put in the lettering and their sense of humor.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hmmmmm. Wonder if “we have it all”!!!


I believe we do…

Deplorable Patriot

“We Have It All”
Title of a romance novel based around the pillow talk and romantic escapades of a wannabe spy and his lady lawyer friend.
That gives me an idea.

Deplorable Patriot

Subtitle: “SHH! Don’t Let the Wife Find Out!”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Please borrow “liberally” from TRUMP TWEETS as a plot device!!! 😉

Deplorable Patriot

I’m not sure given the principals it would sell, though. Making Peter Strzok a sex object…I’m nor sure I have that sort of talent. 🤔

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You could make him a rogue conservative and would-be Republican who’s only into the Democrat cover for “the benefits”. Leaving him to be brought to his senses by the right heroine, of course! 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The humor possibilities are endless!


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Questions Answered – FBI Resistance Lawyer Lisa Page Takes Center Stage to Play Victim Cardcomment image
On November 8th of this year Lawfare founder Benjamin Wittes sent a rather curious tweet proclaiming his undying devotion to former FBI lawyer Lisa Page. At the time it seemed rather odd and out of no-where; but today it makes sense…..
Sundance has an article up explaining how Lisa Page is being rolled out by the LAWFARE GANG!!! Expecting to see more of MUH HONEY LISA PAGE!!! <3

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Lawfare Gang is just dripping with pure chutzpah! TAR AND FEATHERS, and extra heat for the TAR.

Gail Combs

Don’t forget to make the feathers turkey vulture feathers. We have PLENTY of turkey vultures around here.

Deplorable Patriot

“Let’s Do it For Our Country”
Title of a song from Grease II, a movie that should never have been made.
Man, I haven’t thought about that one in decades.


Rush thinks she is in the clear, I disagree. Her testimony ALONE is damning. I think this is CLASSIC trying to put on a happy face spin on the coming IG report. Lawfare is putting HER out because 1 she is integral to the plot, and two, she’s female. They ALWAYS play the gender card, thinking it will garner them sympathy, and it almost ALWAYS boomerangs. Remember, this woman cheated on her husband with Strzok, they BOTH have kids. Most women DO NOT like “home wreckers”. The sympathy card will backfire BIGLY.
Also worth remembering, the advance reports DO indicate there WILL be criminal referrals. Lastly, do not panic, Durham and Barr do not NEED referrals from Horowitz, all they need is the HINT of a crime, and they have way more than that. So, if the dems are thinking this report, even IF down played by Horowitz will save them, they are SADLY mistaken.
Rush, made a BIG mistake today, he said that unmasking is NOT in the US code, and that the Cabal will say it was an abuse of power but NOT a crime. Wrong on both counts, ever hear of the 4th and 6th amendments? I’d call that a BIG crime, and unmasking in the commission of a crime using a BOGUS request or warrant IS a crime…failure to VERIFY the application, fraud on a FISA court, and invasion of privacy and violation of rights to unreasonable searches and seizures.
Sorry Rush, now only 99.6% accurate.

Deplorable Patriot

Until there’s video and/or descriptive erotica from either Page or Strzok, I still think that the “affair” was more of a spiritual/mutual support kind of thing. It happens a lot, especially when people are not happy in their marriages. At this point, we really don’t know enough about the details of the relationship other than innuendo and snide comments from a number of quarters to get a decent judgement.
I mean, Peter Strzok is a lot of things. Casanova ain’t one of them.


well, there was the report that first news of texts came from Strzok’s wife ………………….
over a year ago George Webb believed they were NOT lovers… and that the texts were going to a ‘drop’
(that was picked up by others)
now we learn from POTUS in a tweet today that the texts have all been scrubbed (after PS was removed
from Mueller SC)
Frankly, I’m flummoxed … totally agree about the Casanova bit


Page is no great beauty either. Plus as we have just found out, it was Strzok’s wife that turned them in, NOT the FBI or anyone else. There were tens of thousands of texts that were wiped out, no telling what was in them.

Deplorable Patriot

I somewhat figured she was a decoy of some variety.


Our encouraging President!

Deplorable Patriot

The kid is talented. I will never say he isn’t. Artists would give their eye teeth and a pint of blood for this sort of publicity. I hope someone with the means to send this young man to one of the bog art schools is watching. To do THAT with ballpoint is rather stunning.


The US Treasury should hire him before he starts making counterfeit money.

Deplorable Patriot

You have a legit point.


Are you sitting down????????
Reports are out that Adam Schiff is considering a run for President.


…..and that is proof positive there is something to the notion the democrats think if they are running for president it some how insulates or inoculates them from being prosecuted


I was about to say that locks up the pedo vote but upon further reflection, given the Democrat interest in such things and its widespread practice, I am not sure that its as locked as I first supposed.


Bbbbbut what about Nanzi…she already thinks she’s President … Schifty Shiff ..ridiculous

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, Daughn, thank you. I needed to LMAO today. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Just when I thought I had heard it all…..

Deplorable Patriot

Is that from Eastern to Western Europe or somewhere else? I am having trouble identifying land masses.


Looks like this map – birds coming from eastern Europe to the tip of Spain.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s what I’m thinking. The one land mass looks like the Iberian Peninsula.


That’s what I thought.
Regardless, that is cooler than a brain freeze.

Gail Combs

This article shows they were getting worried over Miss Lindsey’s calls for full declassification.

September 4, 2019
…..Horowitz is reportedly preparing to release a report on what the frothy right calls “FISA abuse.” but given the content of a Lindsey Graham letter calling for declassification of its underlying materials, it’s seems likely that that report, too, is scoped narrowly, focusing just on Carter Page (and any other Trump officials targeted under FISA). There’s no request for backup materials on the other investigation predicated off of hostile opposition research, the investigation into the Clinton Foundation…..
Note: I have or had a legal relationship with attorneys involved in these cases, though not when writing the underlying posts.


Ya know thinking about Lisa Page’s sudden case of being offended, and more on what Rush was saying, I think it is important for us ALL to remember, which miss Page has conveniently FORGOTTEN in her recent op ed, that it was SHE that edited the James Comey statement form “gross negligent” to “extreme carelessness” She is NO innocent by stander here, she is a fully vested co-conspirator in this scheme to protect Hillary and frame Trump. She testified UNDER OATH, that it was she who edited it. She also may have been involved in the Michael Flynn 302 edits. She is NO angel.
I think Lawfare, erroneously again, is assuming that since she is female, she will get “sympathy”. It did not work for Yovanovich, and it WON’T work here. Crying won’t save you now Lisa. Even IF Horowitz tries to give you a pass, which I doubt, Huber and Barr will NOT be as forgiving.
We KNOW, thanks to q, that she was in LONDON sometime in 2016 when this scheme was being ran on Trump, we HAVE the photo. I am QUITE sure that Durham has WAY more than Horowitz, Horowitz may just be the set up act, Durham and Barr are the CLOSERS.
Miss Page and these other Cabal committed TREASON, not just an “abuse of power”. There WILL be proof outed. There WILL be indictments, and I am pretty sure that Miss Page’s name is on that naughty list. My bet is that someone (as Q stated) has it ALL, including those deleted 50000 texts, those were on the grid, and NOTHING on the grid ever truly totally disappears.
Peter’s Strzok’s wife reported the affair, she saw that, one wonders just what ELSE she may have SAW or better yet, COPIED. The hubris of these people makes me sick, and as I have stated many times before, the time for honoring themselves will SOON be at an end. Horrowitz is but the BEGINNING, and the fact that they are trying DESPERATELY to spin and get ahead of it, shows you just how BAD it really is and it is probably WORSE than they think. Tic toc Lisa, I feel sorry for your and Strzok’s spouses and children.
Besides Trump, THEY are the ONLY victims here, most certainly it is NOT you.


“…one wonders just what ELSE she may have SAW or better yet, COPIED. “
^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^


comment image


That’s exactly what I was thinking when I replied!


This article came out on Nov. 12:
“A new report declared Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz has reached a “critical final step” before releasing his findings on alleged Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuses.
Horowitz invited people interviewed in his investigation and their lawyers to review a draft of the report, according to the Associated Press. This process, which will allow these individuals one final chance to offer input, will take place over the next two weeks.
It was reported last week that a public copy was expected to be released by about Thanksgiving or later. Horowitz provided an update to Congress on Oct. 24, saying a classification review by the Justice Department and the FBI was “nearing completion.”
Pelosi announced the impeachment investigation on Sept. 24.
This article about Pelosi’s reluctance to impeach was printed on Sept. 23, the day before:
On Sept. 22, there was this:
“As of Friday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was steadfast in her commitment not to impeach the president, informing NPR that she was not prepared to bring forth proceedings, but was open to changing the law to allow for “future presidents” to be indicted while in office if they commit “a wrongdoing.””
What happened between Sept. 22 and Sept. 24? Well, according to our magnificent Flep, Rudy Giuliani was on fire about Ukraine:
Maybe his investigation was all that was needed to set it off.


Not just “any” old attorney
McDaniel is the former Atty Gen of Arkansas
big dog
brought in on a child support case??????
And he quit?


can’t get cooperation from his client
it would be like Teddy not showing up for an indictment on Mary Joe
and the lawyer……… who was obviously hired to protect you…….. quits


AWK Dec. 2 News: FLOTUS destroys [DS} with #Christmas @Whitehouse Patriotism exhibit.

Gail Combs

Once you accept the Globalists/ Deep State would kill a person, then it is easy to see just how many ‘inconvenient’ people have conveniently died.
People who would kill an innocent 9 month fetus or newborn are not going to hesitate when it comes to killing someone who might threaten them.


Did not like this guy when he 1st started, had spidey sense about him, refused to watch. POTUS has been retweeting and praising him lately, and I have been biting my tongue. This attack on Rudy is very uncalled for.


It appears as if Paul Ryan is manifesting his new found powers here.

Concerned Virginian

106.1FM Talk Radio, Raleigh, 3PM news reports:
One — MAYOR PETE brought his campaign to a local Black church yesterday. Buttigieg attended the Sunday worship service, then made a speech to the congregation about INCOME EQUALITY.
Two — NANCY PELOSI, at the “Climate Summit”, told reporters that THE UNITED STATES WILL STAY WITH THE U.N. CLIMATE CHANGE AGREEMENT. “We’re staying with it, in spite of what President Trump says.”
So Pelosi now thinks that SHE is ALREADY the “Interim President” of the United States? Is she THAT confident that POTUS will be removed from office, then ALSO VP Pence, paving the way for her to take over since she’s 3rd in the line of succession?


Her family is one of the four mafia families in CA
She ‘thinks’ she’s all that and a bag of chips…
But, what she ‘thinks’ or ‘says’ doesn’t mean anything as far as Paris Accord or whatever goes… We’re OUT of
it …………. it’s a scam… a REAL SCAM !


She needs to be put in her place once and for all


Molly maybe Nancy will come back with an black left Eye (S


Thanks for that, Wheatie!
I am going to write about that interview on my site and appreciate having highlight tweets to post for those who don’t have time to watch the full video.


Thank you Wheatie…
Wolfie has some Q links posted in the sidebar… do you think he might post this new link there also ?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just did it!


AND, NOT one MCM liar will quote above transportation fleet and homes, asking WTF he yammers about climate change, we should take a bus, while he burns obscene quantities of fuel. Fuck him and all climate change assholes.


These people are jokes…
…and so are the sheeple who support them.

Concerned Virginian

Well, it appears that the Virginia Giuffre interview about PRINCE ANDREW and her sexual relationship with him via Jeffrey Epstein, is being aired on the BBC.
If I read the BBC article correctly, Ghislaine Maxwell told Giuffre to “do the same things to him that she does for Jeffrey”.
Giuffre asks the British people to “stand with her”.


Faces aren’t the only things that will pucker.


He’s either playing the senile ‘mob boss’ role in a futile attempt to avoid prosecution, or he has really lost his mind.
Either way, he can’t speak a coherent sentence. And when he tries, he ends up talking about really weird things that he should never have done, much less talk about publicly.
Other than that, the campaign appears to be firing on all cylinders. 👍 😁


The Bathrobe Mob Boss Defense. It’s 0 for 1 but maybe Slow Joe can pull it off.


“The Bathrobe Mob Boss Defense.”
The bad guys must hate that Mob boss and curse his name, about two seconds later, after every time this idea occurs to them.
It’s a great plan, but once it has been done, you can’t keep going back to that well.
He ruined it for everybody. 😁


You hit the nail Wheatie..that’s 50x worse when illustrated. There’s something really off about him


Clone is glitching… and the new one isn’t ready yet… will be a little longer…


What was that thing about cockroaches he just tossed in there, in the middle of his reverie about making kids rub his hairy legs down?
It’s all just so weird and cringe-worthy, and yet his wife and his campaign staff appear to be oblivious.
Next time maybe he’ll bite his wife’s finger clean off.
Just chew it up and swallow it, right there on stage.
It would be hard for her to pretend to be oblivious to that.
Though it would be hilarious to watch her try…
It would go about like this:
Jill: Ouch! Son-of-a… Joe!
Joe: Mmm… good!
Jill: Joe, give it back, I need to get to the hospital right away, to see if they can re-attach the end of my finger. Joe?!?
Joe: (makes the Hannibal Lecter ‘slurping’ noise while he flicks his bloody tongue out)
Jill: Joe, I need my finger back… right now!
Joe: (starts chewing, sounds of bones crunching, a little blood running down the corner of his mouth)
Jill: JOE! Don’t you dare chew my finger up and swallow it! I need that BACK!
Joe: opens mouth wide and sticks out tongue to show it’s all gone… makes satisfied “Ahhh….” sound, and then… BIG smile 😁


JOE Malarkey


No, that’s “Juicy Smollyea”…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wow, Mr Kellyanne Conway, George, is stooopid. Guessing he likes sleeping on the couch. And going without;-(
George TW back to Kellyanne, eleven minutes after Kellyanne TW something about Ukraine.
George Conway hate-tweeted over his wife eleven minutes later, “Your boss apparently thought so.”
Guessing KellyAnne is enroute UK. IF so, Mr Kellyanne Conway, George, is also a coward.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m still thinking George is part of the show. Either that or his wife has one heck of a sense of humor.


Interesting. I’m thinking it’s a seriously disfunctional and co-dependent relationship.
Change my mind.

Deplorable Patriot

I don’t know that I can change your mind. I’m not privy to what happens inside that marriage, BUT, it’s just a little too convenient that Georgie pops off at opportune times, and KA hasn’t said anything in public to counter him. Even Mary Matalin would push back against James Carville when the situation warranted.


James Carville never embarrassed Matalin… they were on opposite sides, but respected each other.
Geo doesn’t respect his wife publicly… if he did, he would not bash Trump… be against issues yes, but

Deplorable Patriot

Like I said, I think he is part of the show.


Post Script (PS)-
Like I said, in aviation it’s the small things that most often get a person killed, and this is especially true in “General Aviation” (GA) vs. commercial aviation (where professionals get paid to be detail oriented).
I’m mentioning this because of my prior post on the Piper Aerostar. See this?comment image
This is a pitot tube cover that prevents anything from getting inside the pitot tube and static system…the system that give you things like airspeed indication (among other things)…this goes on the pitot tube when the plane is not being used….
….because insects like mud daubers just LOVE pitot tubes, among other critters.
See this? Remember where I told you the pitot tube is on this plane?comment image
Here’s the thing…
If I had asked Chuckles “do you keep a cover on your pitot tube when the plane is not in use?” I would have learned that he didn’t because of the difficulty in putting one on and off on this particular plane, so we would have included in the pre-flight briefing that we would be carefully watching the airspeed on takeoff because of how long the plane had been sitting without a pitot cover.
Here’s another thing….notice how I’m blaming myself for this incident and not the aircraft owner?? Yeah, that’s how you stay alive in this business…blaming others is an immediate sign of a piss poor and deadly attitude in a pilot.
Point is….
– Failing to put a pitot cover on the pitot tube (A)
– Can lead to a bad pilot to missing erroneous airspeed indication (B)
– So he takes off instead of rejecting the takeoff (C)
– Then gets killed on a final approach to land because he stalls the plane without having
the altitude to recover from the stall (D)
It’s ALWAYS a chain….the “accident chain”…of events that lead to a crash.
This is how easy it is to get killed flying airplanes…all because someone forgot to put the pitot cover on the pitot tube (or claimed it was too hard to do so) and a mud dauber took up residence in the static system, setting off an accident chain.
This is why we say that every word in the Federal Air Regulations (FARs) is written in someone’s blood.
Such a small, seemingly inconsequential thing….a pitot tube cover…
….much less putting the wrong kind of fuel in the airplane because Epstein sure as hell didn’t kill himself.

Deplorable Patriot

A friend’s husband was killed on take-off from one of the local commuter airports. He was flying a small plane. I wonder if missing something like this was in play. Given what he did for a living, some of us were curious as to him being offed, as it were. Now, I wonder.


Give me details….name, date, type of plane, location of in incident…and I can look up what the NTSB determined was the cause of the accident.

Deplorable Patriot

Here is the NTSB summary….
…”improper fuel management” following a 5 and 1/2 hour flight…killed just short of the landing runway.
Here are before and after photos…

He was flying a Beech Bonanza. My first job after flight instructing was flying a cargo version of this plane (rear seats removed) single pilot at night carrying biopsies to a medical testing facility and cancelled bank checks to banking hubs.
Sadly, this kind of accident was/is very common. Non-professional pilots can get what we call “get-there-itis” and will risk not stopping for more fuel if they think they can make the intended destination runway after a long flight rather than landing to get fuel then taking off again for their destination.
This poor guy killed himself because he wanted to save 30-45 minutes of his time instead of being certain sure he would not run out of fuel and it cost him his life.
If I had $1 for every time this has happened through aviation history throughout the world I’d be a very wealthy man indeed.
I’m sorry for your friends loss.

Deplorable Patriot

My friend, his widow, is okay with all of it 2 years later. She’s an artist and VERY religious. I just feel bad about it all. I mean, they were teenagers in love for their whole lives. She taught me a lot when it came to galas, etc. They were/are amazingly generous people.
I’m just sorry Jim wasn’t more cautious.
Thank you again.


I used to teach my students what I was taught…the #1 rule of aviation is “the plane and anyone who touches it is trying to kill you every single minute you are in it.” Live, learn, and love this attitude and it will save your life.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, being a child of the aerospace industry, I would agree with that. Same with water, to an extent. I passed Red Cross “Swimmer” as a twelve year old, and never looked back. All these years later…my sister and I were on a minor river with our nephews in August in an aluminum canoe. A thunderstorm popped up with lightning, so, we found a beach and got off the river. 25 minutes, hail, and more later, we were grateful for that training.


There was a reserve tank on the moped I had when I was a kid. Came in real handy, just about all the time.
I would regularly ride it until the engine began to sputter, then reach down to flip the lever, releasing enough reserve gas to go maybe another 5 miles, and head for a gas station. Or home first to get the 2-cycle engine oil to mix with the gas, and then to a gas station.
Saved me from walking or pedaling the moped when it ran out of gas many times.
If it was that useful in a moped (and it was), I can only imagine how helpful it would be to have a reserve tank in a situation where your life is in danger if you run out of gas.
Even if it’s only enough gas to give you 10 more minutes of flight time, that’s still enough to look for a road or other substitute runway, to set the plane down in an emergency.


Federal regulations already address this.
He was on a IFR (instrument flight rules) flight plan….meaning he was required by law to land with AT LEAST 45 minutes worth of reserve fuel at his ALTERNATE (ie. Secondary) landing point….meaning he should have landed at his destination with A) enough fuel to fly to his alternate airport and B) 45 minutes of extra reserve fuel on top of that.
It’s a sad tale that happens several times a year just here in the US.


“Federal regulations already address this.”
Maybe so, but federal regulations won’t keep an engine running when it’s starved for gas.
Human beings are what they are. You can’t ‘regulate’ that away, certainly not entirely.
Which everybody BESIDES ‘regulators’ already knows.
If this type of incident happens several times a year in the U.S. alone, resulting in loss of life and millions of dollars in lost planes, why NOT have a reserve tank for just such an emergency?
What’s the DOWN side?
Considering all the redundant systems that should be part of an airplane, it just seems like having a little extra gas in a reserve tank should go without saying.
I’m guessing there are back-up electronics systems, back-up hydraulic systems, back-up battery system… but no back-up guzzeline?
Just sayin’, if I was a pilot, I would want the planes I flew to have at least a small reserve tank.
Or I wouldn’t fly them.
I learned the value of reserve tanks on ground vehicles — where the worst thing that happens if you run out of gas is that you have to walk.
I can’t imagine FLYING without one.
Part of that whole ‘the plane is trying to kill you‘ philosophy you mentioned. 😁


I keep clicking ‘Like’ on this comment of yours, Scott.
But after a few seconds, it disappears!”
I see it, Wheatie, it’s working now! 👍 😁

Deplorable Patriot

Per the boss’s request, I just threw a grenade into our sea of tranquility. Wolf, don’t forget you asked for it. 😉
New post up:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I am looking for input as to the best way to spend the time that I have to MAGA. Get info out to others, for example…but how? Influencing opinion…how?


Am thinking about this as I now have some extra MAGA time on my hands


Take a look at the 40+ articles on the coming 2nd American revolution and what our part to play must be. I’m sure there are some good food for thought in there for you MAGA Mom.


Volunteer for POTUS’s re-election campaign. They will give you plenty to do.


Good! Yes, I will absolutely do that.
Online activities? Most effective support of MAGA in “new” comments sections, twitter, Facebook, posting original content…
Yes, supporting this web site and getting info out…but do we just preach to the choir here? Do we extend our impact beyond fiercely loyal and deeply informed existing MAGA/Trump supporters? I retreat here. I learn here. Do I make a make a difference for MAGA here? After being recharged and informed how to we go forth and conquer? Make a difference in the bigger picture?

Gail Combs

Strike up conversations (carefully) when you are out and about. Places like cash register lines.
I have found this question to be useful:
We teach our kids to run when a stranger offers them candy. Why don’t we run, or at least look for the trap, when a stranger offers us ‘Free Stuff’?
It is amazing the startled then thoughtful looks you get with that question.


Have a list of prog sites that take comments. Could be twitter handles, blog or news sites and then casually cast doubt and dispersion in their midst.
Join the frey where the posters are mixed. Add your two cents.
Then come back here for a refresh 🙂
I don’t do it often enough and am a bit handicapped by my name in the prog places as you would be even more so! 🙂
Anyway, just one thought.


Good – can easily change my screen name or go by something different on the other sites. Not attached to the name. this particular screen name is more of a goal than a description anyway.


MAGA Mom, it appears that only liberals write Letters to the Editors in our local newspaper and are “feelings” rather than facts…tossing out anti-Trump insults without any evidence. You are a good writer and have a good grasp of logical research to back your comments. How about sending in some letters to red pill the readers…especially in reply to other letters, correcting their misconceptions.
Call in talk shows for quick points.
Volunteer to give a guest presentation to schools about several civics topics…various amendments, American history…things not taught in most schools now but important for student to learn.


All good input but Teagan, this is Golden!! Letters to the editor…LIKE, LIKE, LIKE!

Deplorable Patriot



How dare you, madam!



UTI, aspiration and pneumonia are very high risk conditions for someone as old as Jimmy Carter.
All of these can go into sepsis if not treated aggressively.


The antibiotics they use might be hard on the kidneys – especially at his age.


I have wondered about this since his last hospital stay….not much news about him after that

Concerned Virginian

And there’s another potential issue with a UTI in a very elderly person (although this can also happen AT ANY AGE with a UTI):
Either the infection itself — OR some of the IV antibiotic used to treat the infection — OR BOTH — can enter the patient’s bloodstream and wind up IN THE BRAIN. The result is Infection Induced Brain Damage, which includes delirium, extreme disorientation, aggression from the patient, and can lead to death.
The condition can resolve itself over time, but in other cases is does not.
How do I know this? — It happened to my late husband. The brain damage resolved itself — but he was discharged into Hospice care and died four months later because his physical body never recovered from the UTI.

Sylvia Avery



IIRC, Jimmy, second worst US President just had brain surgery a week or two ago. released a few days ago, I think.



Yes, they helpfully pointed out on NeonRevolt that there is no such thing as a domino with 17 dots…
It would have to be specially made.
And then placed on the tree, for the wife of the President of the United States to include a close-up of the domino in her video Tweet to millions of Americans.
I’m sure it’s nothing… 😁


Games like Mexican Train and Chicken Foot use a set of dominoes that goes up to a double 12, so that domino came from a set like that. But how interesting that 17 was chosen.


Someone gave me a free copy of the WSJ. Mom’s reading it at the moment and she just keeps laughing. People pay for this crap?


AND Mom just yelled at the paper and scared the puppy. LOL I think the puppy gets to have fun shredding a paper later on.

Gail Combs

Only shredding?
Not peeing on it?


The puppy is already housebroken so that’s why….otherwise I would do that!!!
FYI the puppy is having to much fun shredding the paper.

Gail Combs

DARN! Ah well shredding is almost as good.


Hey its better than on my carpets. LOL but yes she’s having a blast. She tore Nancy in two. LOL

Deplorable Patriot

That coat is gorgeous.


New Q Posts – # 3637 to # 3643


New: Title TBD
2 Dec 2019 – 6:45:47 PM
comment image
Be ready, Anons.
Public awakening coming.

Gail Combs

OH MY!!!
(to add to my SWAG earlier — One of the vids mentioned US Naval ships are positioned off Mexico…)


Did they indicate Gulf of Mexico or Pacific? Types of ships? Amphibs?


Since Lisa is going to be vocal, a coming out of sorts, wonder if she has a comment about the picture above? AND, who is she with? Peter? McCabe? Both of them? Wondering?


I would still like to know why everyone (including SD) stopped using the terrible photo of her all at once, and everyone began using her brand new glamor shot.
The PR/image change was subtle like bomb.
I understand why the MSM went along with it, she’s on their team and vice-versa.
But I never understood why SD played along.


edit / correction: “The PR/image change was subtle like a bomb.”
Clearly she was very sensitive to (and unhappy about) the early photo / media image, so why help her out with the makeover, as opposed to keeping the pressure on and using it whenever she was in the news?
Are we in the business of making the coup plotters LOOK good, or feel better about themselves?
Is SD?


New: Title TBD
2 Dec 2019 – 3:29:13 PM
comment image
Why are the largest media co’s in the world constantly attacking this so-called ‘conspiracy’?
People awake = greatest fear.
Information Warfare.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

He hopes she will help impeach President Trump??
I am getting really sick and tired of all the outright TRAITORS we have in office.


Regardless of any GOP-e like her or others, Mitch McConnell is going to hold the line. He isn’t going to let his GOP president be impeached on his watch. I am not concerned as regards impeachment.
Hopefully, she isn’t another Susan Collins or Lisa Murkowski.


Gail who told POTUS to support the Kemp character? Was it the Turtle? I do not trust the Senate and Romney.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m reading a variety of things that make this less bad than some are trying to push it. Sounds like she might be a Nikki Haley, not a Susan Collins.


I’m holding my fire but I’m keeping my aim up.
This has “WTF?” written all over it in red lettering.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Absolutely. At best, she invests in a half-assed manner. Perhaps supporting Romney in 2012 was throwing away money, but it was better than supporting the alternative. And it’s almost impossible to invest in sports now and not run into cultural Marxist BS on their boards. But still – EYES ON.


I’ve been following for three weeks… She ain’t no Nikki Haley… not even close.
Trump Admin wanted Kemp to appoint Doug Collins… so he could help in the Senate with the shampeachment…
Collins has said he will primary her next year……………….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

Hope Doug wins!


Apparently Doug Collins is going to primary her if she gets the pick. Meanwhile our side of the electorate are no longer ready to take any one with a whiff of RINO on them, so she best be squeaky clean if she’s gets the seat and plans on keeping it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Apparently the Cabal has the goods on him…………….
He took a long time to sign the pro-life legislation after it passed the GA Legislature…


Because they’re having an affair is the most obvious and banal reason.


New: Title TBD
2 Dec 2019 – 1:54:27 PM


New: Title TBD
2 Dec 2019 – 1:31:36 PM
comment image


New: Title TBD
2 Dec 2019 – 1:07:32 PMcomment image


not sure why it didnt post the first timecomment image


Lemme try:comment image




New: Title TBD
2 Dec 2019 – 12:58:58 PM



New: Title TBD
2 Dec 2019 – 12:55:59 PM


New: Title TBD
2 Dec 2019 – 6:55:23 PM
Anons, why would we provide the date of the FISA release?
Logical thinking.
Ammunition is finite.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – help me out here, people. Did the Trump DOJ provide the date of the FISA release? And if so, what was the date?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If so, then I see the logic now.


Best I could do:
From November 20, 2019 (The Hill):
Graham: Report on alleged surveillance abuse in 2016 to be released Dec. 9
Tal Axelrod11/20/19 11:02 PM EST
From November 21, 2019 (Sean Hannity):
IT’S OFFICIAL: Lindsey Graham Says DOJ Report on FISA Abuse Will be Released Dec. 9th
posted by Hannity Staff – 11.21.19

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you! That seals it! DEPLOYED!!!


BUT… Is it DIS-info???
Stated by Lindsey Graham- WHO TOLD HIM???


So used to waiting, only to have another delay.
Wouldn’t mind seeing this…SOONER!


I’ve been on the EDGE OF MY SEAT since…

Deplorable Patriot

I kind of read that as the date being a decoy. Except that one of the drops – DEC 9, 2017 – is a DoJ marker.
Then, we hear Jimmuh Carter is in the hospital.
IDK, boss, this is starting to look like a D5 move all over again.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed. I’m right there with you. Are the time bandits and the time cops going to duke it out again using another former POTUS?comment image

“Where Are They Lisa?”: Trump Blasts Former FBI ‘Lovebird’ Over Scrubbed Texts After Puff-Piece Interview
“Why were the lovers text messages scrubbed…”


We have it all – Q


Can someone please find a reply I gave to DP in the bin?


Thank you!


So … I finally saw the domino that others have been saying shouldn’t have an 11.
That is a Mexican Train Domino – a fun game (and dominoes go up to one with a double 12 on it).
So, the 17 is still … interesting … AND the domino is real.

Deplorable Patriot

Im not sure what the exact answer is but it includes “to screw our enemies” and I’m good with that.

Deplorable Patriot

Works for me.

Gail Combs

Connects Lisa to Steele….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – I never thought that she might be an MI6 asset!!!

Gail Combs

I haven’t finished it but
shows how very closely everyone is tied. (Don’t forget Stefan Halper)comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, that is a great graphic, and a great article, which has stood the test of time.

Sylvia Avery

flapping her gums…………………………..
dying laughing Wheatie!!!!!

Sylvia Avery

Thanks Wheatie! 🤗😍❤

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very interesting. Will wait for it to percolate away from horrid MSN. 😉


WaPo covered it (I won’t link)=FAKE NEWS!


Diamond and Silk on Chit Chat Live discussing the news of the week and scratching the “ITCH”


Mar 14 2019 14:34:50 (EST) !!mG7VJxZNCI Q ID: ea9d5c

What did we learn this week?
>OHR cooperating witness
>PAGE cooperating witness
>STRZOK cooperating witness


#ElonMusk #Owl #Symbolism
Why Did Elon Musk Tweet This OWL?!

Deplorable Patriot

No, it is not fair to owls. Not at all. Since they’ve moved into the ‘hood along with hawks, our rodent issues have diminished.

Harry Lime

I don’t know if she could’ve flipped…but if she could’ve, she should’ve…
Hard times ahead for her.


So, Gina Haspel (CIA IIRC) was there at the London meeting with McStain, Peter, Lisa?
Gina should be able to nail some of these traitors.
Gonna remember this nugget that Gina was at the meeting. Been banking on Gina being a good guy.


We will never know the true white hats until they had out the programs (indictments). Until then it’s all guessing.




Questions: For those who have been banned for OT, do you get any kind of message when you try to post or do you post as normal and then the post just never shows up on the blog in the comments? Also, one banned I suppose that is it? I don’t suppose some “bans” are just time outs?


I didn’t figure there was but just seemed so weird and so abrupt


We all went through the same grief.
However … the QTree is a great healer.


It happened to me several years ago (before Q), and my posts just didn’t show up. I emailed to find out my status but never got a reply. No one told me I was banned; I just couldn’t post anymore.


No message. Can’t “Like” a post, or if you type a comment, it won’t post, just disappears.


No message telling me I had been bad.
New posts vaporized.
AND, my WP CTH session was reset to the top of the article / thread, as if I had just logged in.
Quite neighborly of CTH admin weenies, me thinks. Pure sarcasm;-)


As dictatorial, petty, vengeful and spiteful as any leftists…. more like Ø and H> than Trump for sure!


Well, looks like I am now part of the merry band of the banned.

Sylvia Avery

Sorry, MAGA Mom………..truly…………but at least you’re in good company with the rest of us.


The merry band of the banned is a very distinguished group, indeed!
I have been mulling and mulling why and the pattern of reasons/”persons” being banned and who the pattern of who remains. Interesting to analyze.
I thought the keys were not mentioning Q or this website. I thought PHC was banned because he posted his web site which then lead to this web site which was off limits. But No mention of PHC is now allowed, not even a post mentioning his passing with no mention of other websites.
Many other websites are linked…that is one of the features of the comments section. Almost like its a news aggregate that focuses on MAGA/US politics and Presidential politics/issues. So, its not linking to most websites.
Who remains? Why? Who benefits from those who remain? What are the patterns?
There are some who post here and there and have not been banned to this day.
Trying to figure it out – not because I will try to slip in another way but just to understand SD/OT and the purpose.
I have some ideas but not sure yet…would rather hear from you all first


Looks like they’re still monitoring us.


I mentioned praying for PHC – didn’t mention Q at all, and was put in moderation. I think I am now banned, though I have not recently tried to comment. I read OT, but do not comment – it’s sad really. I got it that they did not want any mention of Q, and I respected that…but putting me in moderation just because I mentioned I was praying for PHC really stung.


gc, it wasn’t only about “Q” – because I never said anything about Q either. It was association with Wolfie’s blog. It was association with PHC’s blog which he set up for his hospice journey. PHC was banned right after he set up his blog – people who visited his blog found other CTH refugees. That’s why he was banned. I got moderated, then banned more recently.
Probably,”PHC” is a flag in the mgmt. of the blog.
Only disappointed, because I think the community OT could use more positive, logical thinkers.


I am disappointed too…


I noticed that too, MMOM. Curious why.


Prayers appreciated as my family and I are praying and deciding how for me to spend my time, energy and focus. Some very good discussions about our focus – national or local? Local and a website blogging so its a how to and encourages others? Never take the presidency and 2020 for granted though so we can’t just walk about from thinking about that….
I can have big ideas right now but health issues make me unreliable physically so internet/computer is best.
Some ways, I feel free and excited about opportunities. I am who I am today, esp. in some areas of life, because of the treehouse – what I learned from both SD and the commenters (many of whom are you all). And I felt a certain loyalty..but that string has been cut and not by me so free with options to morph and change and refocus…kind of fun and exciting.
I don’t have that much time that will be rearranged but there is time now available and mental space.
We are praying, thinking of ideas, deciding focus and then how to be effective. Prayers, please! thanks!


There’s that left eye covered up again. I really wonder how Carter got mixed up with the Cabal. He was once a Sunday school teacher. He constantly mentioned that he was a Christian when he was running for President. If so, how does a Christian get hooked up with the Cabal? They are so obviously Satanists.

Deplorable Patriot

There’s legends in the Secret Service about how he managed their use of the tennis court at the WHite House. He was not popular with them at all.

Harry Lime

Susan Sarandon came out against Hillary in the last election… she supported Bernie Sanders. Here is a recent picture of her.comment image

Harry Lime

IKR…and they almost always seem to be perfect black eyes, too….not a partial black eye or a bruise near the eye or a black eye with surrounding injuries…but a full on dead center black eye. Some kind of satanic ritual or punishment is my guess.
I played organised sports for many years when I was younger, all through my school years…football, wrestling, baseball…not to mention all of the crazy pick up games and various other rough housing we did as teenagers… plus two older brothers who enjoyed bouncing me off walls and tossing me down stairs…and never once did I get a black eye. And yet Hollywood and the Democrat party are full of them…grown adults with dead centre black eyes. Very strange.


Hers is too perfect, probably makeup for a scene in Ray Donovan.


My response to Nor’easter posting of the video where POTUS says he caught the swamp. That’s why I’m not worrying about the IG Report… which conveniently, our side is having a meltdown about today – saying Horowitz whitewashed it, Barr disagrees, etc. etc.
I don’t doubt that Barr and POTUS had significant discussions about the Report. POTUS is not acting concerned or worried. Barr has been speaking strongly. The leaks of weakness are coming from Lefty news’ sources. Or maybe misinformation for our side, but POTUS said they caught them all.
Caught them all at what? Criminal activity. The Lefties wouldn’t be running to the press if they weren’t worried. Impeachment wouldn’t be failing if they had reason to think they’re winning.
I noticed some on our side don’t believe POTUS has a plan or that he even has all the information. I find that hard to believe.
Just more hand-wringing. I’m sure POTUS has a plan… he knows these people cannot ever be able to do this again. Today he’s asking Page about missing texts, then there’s Hillary’s missing emails. He wouldn’t bring up tidbits if there wasn’t a purpose to it.

Harry Lime

I agree, LP, but the suspense is killing me.


I was getting upset at the eeyores on our side. Until the Report is OUT, no one can say what it says in its entity. In fact, if the real thing had been leaked, I would expect the release to happen almost immediately and not a week from now.


100% LP.
Me thinks, Barr was BADLY STUNG by his “friend” Mueller when Mueller’s report was delivered.
– Pages were not marked with classification.
– Mueller wouldn’t make a determination there was obstruction. Exoneration is NOT a DOJ function. It is prosecute IF there is a case. IF NO case, STFU. not rocket science.
– Mueller report ridiculously long…to give D-rats in House something to pursue impeachment.
Barr won’t get stung again.
IF Horowitz had briefed Barr regarding the rumors we read these days, FBI was good to go with FISA, Barr would have had a very direct give and take with Horowitz discussing facts and logic. Barr KNOWS DOJ, FIB and IC have conspired against President Trump, Flynn AND many others.
IF Horowitz needed some support for his spine, BARR surely would provide it.
President Trump has been crystal clear, DOJ has the evidence to nail the traitors.
AND damn sure President Trump won’t sit still for watering down criminal behavior.


Good, glad you’re thinking like this. Twitter conservatives (the toe-tappers and doubters of POTUS being smart with a plan…) were going crazy with their confirmation bias today. They think the report will fail us, so they’re running to confirm that. POTUS doesn’t appear bothered by the pending report. I’ve watched Matt Whittaker’s interviews, he’s not watering down expectations. Several people in the know say it will be historic, and something else strongly worded. People don’t use those words without basis.
Another point about Mueller’s garbage report – Barr would have learned that Mueller knew very early on – almost from day one, that POTUS hadn’t been involved in any Russian collusion – therefore Barr would have realized that Mueller kept a two year black cloud over POTUS going just to try and trap POTUS on an obstruction charge to the special counsel investigation. Barr would also have known early on about the corruption of the participating DOJ lawyers who worked on that investigation. He’d know their dirty deeds and efforts. Barr’s no fool.
A very dishonorable move by Mueller, and not acceptable to the kind of man Barr is.


^^^ It’s been a long ride. But, we are winning, AND WILL WIN.
We WILL have moar BS posts and MCM reports saying IG report will fall short… We NEED to take a deep breath and recall facts as we know them and BELIEVE.
Playing Eeyore will accomplish nothing and is not logical.
the pace of events and news is quickening AND it feels GOOD;-)


I think we forgot to warn ourselves that there’d be gaslighting just before the report came out.
If the Report whitewashed the entire spygate situation, then the Dems would have moved ahead with a vote on impeachment – they’d have nothing to worry about. Instead, they’re dancing around and struggling not to destroy themselves over their own craziness. Despite their rhetoric, they lack confidence of how much they can snooker the American people. A weak IG report without criminal indictments (to follow) would have given them a boost – but it hasn’t. They’re still flailing and failing.
The Dems (Obama’s gang) are going to be seriously dirtied in that report. That’s my belief.

Sylvia Avery

I’m with you, Lady P.!!!!!!

Harry Lime

I didn’t create this one but stumbled across it and it made me chuckle…comment image


Praying Medic’s thread on Q posts today (41 posts in length as of now):

He thinks the IG report could come earlier or later than Dec. 9th.


Yes, I agree.


I agree with PM about report could come earlier or later, but NOT 12
Objective being to get CABAL to use up ALL their ammunition


During this decade EU and UK were growing more and more decadent and depraved….then came the invasion of the barbarians – Just like in the Bible – Every time the Children of Israel sinned, they were attacked and/or taken captive.
See Isaiah 10:5, 26:3, 30:15 and 31:8-9…… same old story.

Deplorable Patriot

Playground equipment, actually. Stuff like this is popping up in the parks here.


Ok, and here is Cates, the DOJ has said wait and read it for ourselves. He has a thread, click on the tweet. He’s basically saying what I have – why do we fall into the trap of letting the Left make us believe we’re losing…



Frikkin Freaky!! 👽👿👽


beanz has more.

And I didn’t know this…


And there’s that word “predicate” from Whittaker.


Opps, Whitaker has one “t” – and with that I’m off to bed. I think there are enough reality checks for us that we don’t have to fall for the MSM spin. POTUS, Barr et al have got this.