This DECLAS DECEMBER [1210] Q’PER TUESDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both MAGA and KAG!).

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.
Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.
However, we have a new policy. Starting 20191110. Keep it SOMEWHAT civil.
We have a new board – actually a new SITE – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation. NOT HERE.
This board will remain a REFUGE for those who need civility, either some or all of the time.
Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.


Our movement
Is about replacing
A failed
Political establishment
With a new government controlled
By you, the American People.
Candidate Donald J. Trump
Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
Remember this?

Well, guess what….

HERE is the report. RIGHT HERE.
Just look at this CRAP that FBI and DOJ were pulling!
Mollie has an amazing bunch of deeply perceptive tweets that Sidney Powell is retweeting. These two gals are just skunking the coup with each one of them.
And it just goes on forever. There are THOUSANDS of patriots going over the IG report, finding everything wrong with it.
THAT is the power of WE THE PEOPLE and FREE SPEECH.
One of the things you will notice in the following discussion is that the Soviet Fake News – acting just like Russia’s fake news acted in the 1970s – simply turns everything on its head. Even Horowitz is helping a bit, which is sad, but expected from an Obama appointee. Horowitz held his “Trump-limiting” fire for as long as he could, but at the last possible moment in his ability to protect the plot, he did what he could in the way of DAMAGE CONTROL.
Horowitz didn’t lie. What he did was give what I believe is UNREASONABLE benefit of the doubt to Comey and McCabe in assessing their MOTIVE. Why do I say “unreasonable”? Because it’s quite clear that the BIAS against Trump was POLITICAL IN NATURE, and that bias was ACTED UPON.
Communists have TRAINED YOU otherwise, using the FAKE NEWS MEDIA.
The political bias against Trump may not have been PARTY politics, and it might not have been standard Conservative-versus-Liberal politics, but it was POLITICS nonetheless. It was all about the PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION.
If you are an investigator, and you can’t see the bias in FISAgate, you’re either a PISS-POOR investigator, or you are COVERING UP for the bias of the Deep State.
It’s like saying that Ted Bundy wasn’t motivated by sexual sadism because of some technicality of when *exactly* he murdered his victims, or because he didn’t use standard whips of particular dimensions and wear appropriate lady-porn Fifty Shades of Gray sexy suits during the acts.
It’s CRAP.
WHO are you kidding, Horowitz? If this wasn’t about politics, then WHAT WAS THE MOTIVE?
I’ll tell you. It was GLOBALIST versus NATIONALIST politics. The “special hatred” for Donald Trump is that he is completely antithetical to the subtextual political worldview of globalism.
Horowitz is UNREASONABLE in not seeing it and calling it out, even though – very ironically – it MAKES NO DIFFERENCE IN THE CRIMES.
The latter is an important point. The law is the law. Bias means nothing, if we TRULY do not act on it, by OBEYING THE LAW – which is not supposed to be a mind-reader on ACTS. At the end of Obama’s tenure, I thought he was a horrid communist spy and insert, but he was also POTUS. His LIFE and his OFFICE deserved our protection with every last fiber of our being as patriotic Americans. PERIOD.
But THAT doesn’t matter. Love him or hate him, HOW WE ACT is all that matters to the LAW.
Because we are NOT in CHINA.
We ACT either properly or improperly IN SPITE OF ANY BIAS. This was taught when I was a CHILD. Sadly, the DEMOCRAT SCHOOLS no longer teach this.
TRUMP did not get the RESPECT that he deserved from the system. PERIOD.
I’m not the only person who sees how ridiculous this is.
But there are actually FACTUAL REASONS – not subject to debate – that tell us HOROWITZ was OFF THE MARK on this report.
ANYWAY – my take on the IG Report, told in TWEETS, follows.
First of all, you really need to see how HARD the FAKE NEWS MEDIA is pulling to COVER UP.
REMEMBER – Wray is just CITING FACTS here – facts about the report – but the FAKE NEWS is CHOOSING to highlight ONLY those facts.
This is EXACTLY like the SOVIET UNION, for those of us who don’t remember it.
I strongly suggest that you CUT YOUR CABLE if you have not done so already. You can see plenty of “don’t look away” material on the internet without PAYING to produce it.
Look at the BOLSHEVIK FILTH one last time before you CUT THE CABLE.
Check out THIS “Blue Checkist”…. a NEW YORK TIMES Shiece of Pit.
These anti-American pieces of garbage are not our friends. They hate our country – they hate us – and they HATE THE TRUTH.
One more.
They are FAKE NEWS. They will TWIST ANYTHING to give aid and comfort to CRIMINAL SOVIET DEMOCRATS.
Take a cue from even the WEAKEST and most flip-floppy of MAGA.
One of my favorites was NPR being in such a rush to get the propaganda out, that they tweeted a laughable double-negative.

Well what do you know, Fake News. We finally agree about something.
One of the best comments.
But let’s “move on”.
Overall, this was pretty shocking evidence of LIES and DECEIT by the FBI and DOJ, with evidence of CIA treachery leaking in, yet compared to what the “Pizzagate” crowd wanted to happen – well, not so much of a big bust. Was John “Skippy” Podesta even NAMED in this thing? The treacherous James 8. Corney certainly was.
Yeah, Cankles ain’t in jail YET, but what we are seeing now is a lot of SPACE between (A) what we KNOW and which is now PROVEN BY LAW, and (B) what James Comey and his GRIFTER CLUB have been selling us via the FAKE NEWS MEDIA.
Hey – I’m not the only person who is taken aback by the report.
See how different THAT is from what the “Please Let Our Friends Off” FAKE NEWS MEDIA tried to tell us? Trump is right. The FAKE NEWS is not our friend.
So let’s take a look at what DID come out, and what is STILL coming out.
The TREACHERY of the Comey FBI – PROVEN right here.
OH LOOK. Two of the biggest criminals refused to talk AT ALL.
How bad was it? Even HOROWITZ admitted it was bad – before that final RUG SWEEP.
Brad Parscale put things into perspective very nicely. The criminal Soviet Democrats JUST DON’T CARE. Because they’re CRIMINALS.
Don’t worry – a CRIMINAL SOVIET DEMOCRAT HOUSE will never investigate CRIMINAL SOVIET DEMOCRATS. I mean – are you kidding?
This is why NIXON was offed so easily. He simply could not comprehend that the Soviets and Chinese had GOTTEN HIM. On American soil. Using TREASONOUS criminal Soviet Democrats.
There is NO WAY that an investigation going the other way – against the CIA that SET UP NIXON – would ever have been allowed. There is no way that EVIDENCE would ever be admitted.

They were FAKE NEWS then. They are FAKE NEWS now. And the CRIMINAL DEMOCRATS were with them every inch of the way.
Cut the cable. Take away their MONEY. That money you pay them every month – TAKE IT AWAY.
But even more importantly, THIS. Take away YOUR BRAIN CYCLES. Take away THEIR subliminal PROPAGANDA. Fake news works CONSTANTLY on your BRAIN to create a FALSE STATE OF REALITY which I call FAKE NORMAL.
CUT IT OUT. Put on the INTERNAL GLASSES that BLOCK FAKE NEWS to non-threatening levels.

It is going to be a FIGHT and we have to be like Trump and KEEP FIGHTING.
Buckle up, lads and lassies. THIS is the REALITY right here.
I mean, seriously. These DIRTBAGS are gonna be not just proclaiming their innocence, but actually shilling for their own “MUMIA FAN CLUBS” while in PRISON. Get used to it.
Manage your expectations, and you will see that President Trump is RIGHT ON TARGET.
So is it gonna be FIXED SOON? Sure looks that way.
Gonna be blunt, boys and girls. THIS is the difference between a TRUMP SHERIFF and an OBAMA SHERIFF.
Our wonderful new AG, too.
I mean, can you BELIEVE THAT CRAP?
AND notice that all the #Resist SCUM is already MOUTHING OFF about Barr doing the right things.
Check out this WaPo Blue Checkist Bolshevik scum-bucket….
Yeah, take a hike, COMMIE. This guy is a real piece of TDS work.
But look what’s coming….
And things already falling apart for “Curtains” Comey and his well-constructed lies.
You think Trump is gonna be smiling?

If you’ve been following along with the Q CARDS, then you know exactly what is coming.
There is a reason that our VSG always looks relaxed.
It’s because he knows.

Great thread post, boss!

And yeah, the Dems and their enemedia partners are Gaslighting us, bigtime, about what it says in the IG Report.
They’ve pulled out all the stops this time.
It is disgusting and laughable.
Thanks, wheatie!
Yes, this is an all-out war for mindshare, and after today, I think we’re gonna WIN THIS ONE.
Yes but how and when are the questions. And what price does Pres Trump pay…both near term and long term. One of the bravest men in our history. Have no idea how he get excited about his job when all these people want him dead.
And articles of shampeachment tomorrow too. Sick animals.
They’re going for “Abuse of Power” and “Obstruction of Congress” – that’s called “Checks and Balances” – right there in the Constitution.
No matter HOW I think I am onto them and ready for their tricks and expect the worst……..I still find myself SHOCKED

by the nerve these people have and their bald faced lies.
We’re shocked because we’re law-abiding, fair-minded, and have a moral compass embedded in us – the Democrats of today jettisoned all those societal constructs in order to form a new, communist society. What they’re doing is how you take over the country completely, but they’ve been sowing the seeds for decades.
President Trump must WIN…
Praying for all Patriots. The LORD will fight for us! (Ex. 14:14)
We go to war with Him, but always as His troops.
He will!!!
They sure seem to be in hurry to get the schampeachment done. Dropping “bribery”….planning for Tuesday. Self preservation, anyone?
They’re in a hurry because the clock is ticking. After the next election, they’re done and they know it. Across the board.
Hmmm……..I hate to disagree with my President, but I view Bill Hemmer with GREAT SUSPICION. He is NOT trustworthy, honest, or believable IMO……….but I’m still glad Shep is gone.
I remain about 3 suspicious cats on Hemmer!
We’ll keep our eyes on him.

Hemmer will ‘behave’ – IF he wants his ratings to rise.
He’s competing with Tucker and Hannity and Pirro.
Hemmer will get and stay on Trump’s side, if he in any way wants to succeed.
Hemmer’s okay. Shep was outright subversive. Some of the others are more subtle about it. Hemmer is too much of a guy to hide what he’s really all about. He’s a healthy, red blooded American male. And not as dumb as he looks.
Great Opening Wolfie…
Thanks for emphasizing pulling the plug on cable…
I totally agree on all your points , esp. this:
“But even more importantly, THIS. Take away YOUR BRAIN CYCLES. Take away THEIR subliminal PROPAGANDA. Fake news works CONSTANTLY on your BRAIN to create a FALSE STATE OF REALITY which I call FAKE NORMAL.”
And another point: You’re so right about POTUS always smiling!!! He’s not worried, why should we be?
Lots more in your POST that lifts my spirits… gives affirmation that we’ll get through this shamimpeachment… that we are winning… and will win in 2020…
G’night and God bless you Wolfie…
Good night and God Bless, Phoenix!!!
This is NORMANDY! Day 1 was tough, but we are WINNING!!!
We haven’t watched cable for over two years other than the Golf Channel. I finally convinced Hubby we could stream the British shows we’ve been watching WITHOUT cable (he doesn’t understand streaming vs cable) AND that I could find the Gold Channel via streaming.
LOL just kidding.
WE CUT THE CORD last Tuesday!!!!! Your AND logic worked, Wolfie!!!
Next on my list – subscribe to OAN.
OAN! Awesome!!!
We get OAN in the package.
Cable will never be cut in this house due to the sports channels. Plain and simple.
Good for you Alison…
The thing to hold onto, for me anyway, is no matter what……God has this. He put his hand on PDJT and said, “I’ve got a job for you……” so let them do their worst. If God has chosen PDJT to be our leader, he’s going to be our leader no matter what Adam and Nan and James Comey want.
Thing is I forget all the time……………..I have to keep reminding myself.

Don’t worry, Sylvia, you’re not the only one needing self-reminders. The assault, 24/7, on our psyche takes its toll. Since the media controls most of the input to our brains from the outside world, it’s a challenge to prevent incoming.
I wonder if they’re rushing the “peachment” because Barr/Durham are going to be making some moves or revelations.
I do think God telling President Trump at some point, you need to do this, did happen in some form. The details and who is going to jail, etc., I’m content to sit back and wait to watch it unfold. VSG could not do it all alone. He had to have help on the inside. The question is who gave it, and no, I don’t think Congressional Democrats are/were on the team.
Sylvia, good to see you and your shovel !
.. from the last paragraph in Eisenhower’s D-day Invasion force speech to the troops 1944
” I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full Victory!
Good luck! And let us beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking. “
Hi Chris! Good to see you, too, and love the bit of history with Eisenhower’s speech. Thank you for that!

Amen Sylvia… yes !
Just a few loose points here.
The redactions in the IG report are not for national security purposes, at least not directly. The primary reason is to protect upcoming criminal prosecutions and witnesses for those prosecutions.
Nancy has tossed Nadler over the side but former-fat-boy doesn’t even realize it yet. Schiff is in on it by dictating the “terms” of the peach mint articles which will have Nadler’s imprint on them. If they fail, the base will hate Nadler. If they succeed (committee vote), his challenger in the 2020 election will probably win.
After DJT wins a second term, things are going to change drastically in DC. For starters, he will have a GOP House and will push through legislation at warp speed in the first 100 days. Then, Mnuchin et al will roll out the plan for ending CRs AND paying down the fed debt. Many categories of spending will be rolled into autopay similar to SSA payments, making CRs less useful as a “govt shutdown” threat.
Local and state officials will be given one chance to end sanctuary policies – or face fed consent decrees of local cops (civil lawsuits) [thanks to holder] AND fed charges against local officials for putting the policies in place.
AG Barr will order the Flynn prosecutors to turn over everything or be charged with criminal civil rights violations. He will also order them to apologize in person to Gen Flynn. (okay maybe not that last part).
I’ll think of more that don’t really fit in on any thread.
I’m not going to make any predictions on what legislation is coming in a second term or changed in, say, the financial system, but what is perfectly clear is that the Dems and their overlords fear a second term. They just do. One term worth of changes can be undone fairly easily (other than stacking the judiciary). Two terms of undoing all the rat lines, smoking out the DS players left behind to play fox in the hen house…not so much.
Great write-up, Wolfie. I am heartened by Barr & Durham statements that dropped at same time as IG report. They were both quite specific about their disagreements. Don’t see why they’d do so unless further significant action was coming.
Q re Durham – why does DOJ officially designate an investigation as criminal? What extra authorization or significance does that carry? Are there civil investigations that don’t involve subpoenas & grand juries? I’m confused (and of course never paid that much attention before).
Just looked back a year ago in my journal – was writing then how tired I was of the ‘resistCons’ fighting everything Trump does. Here we are one year later, and they are even more aggressive than a year ago. And yet I think about how much POTUS has accomplished in that year.
Please Lord, give us the House and Senate for 4 years under this man. He will move mountains.
Criminal means that they have to file charges against people. It’s like the way when a doctor finds evidence of child abuse – legal stuff just KICKS IN. I think it’s analogous. Durham was investigating the ORIGINS in a potentially EXONERATING way, and found sufficient evidence of CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR that he had to change things to CRIMINAL where his relationships to the people changes and has to be more careful.
Same as when examination of a child’s injuries changes to examination of CRIMINAL INJURIES.
I’ll bet there are lots of EVIDENCE REQUIREMENTS that kick in. Even MIRANDA in terms of talking to people.
Be nice to get Big T’s input on that.
Golf, not Gold!!
Either History or Discovery is the GOLD channel! Either that or HSN!
AIR FORCE wants to declassify black programs to get US public to buy in on SPACE FORCE!!!/
Barrett, Rogers consider declassifying secretive space programs
I agree with other here…GREAT opening post, Wolf!
How many days do you think they wait before the 24/7 Durham bashing begins?
I think they will start tomorrow, but gently. Their controlled opposition whiners will come at us with “Durham ain’t doin’ nuthin’!” as Eeyore juice, while the leftists will mirror that with “Durham can’t find anything b/c it’s not there. But they will be planning to bash as soon as they need to. But not sure how much pre-bashing they will do. Big question to me.
It’s already started. Blue check marks are calling for impeachment of Barr and Kavanaugh.
Some awesome memes on Gab.
Great meme, Wolfie.
This is one of those things that’s easier said than done, IMO. But, it is necessary.
Biggest BOOM yet!
Take note at how pro Israel Augustine is. Interesting tidbit if you let your mind wander.
THIS is the sort of thing we need to see. Brennan is one of the players in this drama whose motivations and position are perfectly clear. However this human male goes down works for me.
That day is coming.
My link didn’t work…
I usually use but they seem to have disappeared. Drats!
I fixed it! You had the image page URL, not the image URL, which is….
Thanks, Wolf!
Something about this IG report is just making people speak up about all this stuff we’ve been saying.
THIS right here is one of the best indictments of cultural Marxism today – and they are pouring out everywhere on Twitter and Gab. People are simply tired of the society-destroying BS.
I totally agree with this. It started out simply–equality. everyone should be on a level playing field…then that wasn’t enough–women needed to be empowered…(translation: feel SUPERIOR not equal). It’s the same playbook that used with everything–blacks, gays, transgenders, Muslims, illegals…
and while we’re at it…gees I really shouldn’t rant before coffee…why is it that gays/trans are such a small part of the population, but they are in practically every tv show or movie? their attempt to normalize gays/trans overstates their portion of the population. and the population would be more accepting if the gay/trans weren’t shoved in our faces every chance they get.
but back to dads…where are the shows depicting fathers raising their children? When i met my second husband he was dropping his child off at the same day care I was dropping mine off. I discovered he was a divorced man, who fought for primary custody of his child, and I thought he was sexy as hell. Where are the shows celebrating THIS kind of man? cuz I got living proof they’re out there….
You probably don’t notice it but there are more Gay/Trans characters than Jewish ones on tv. Even though the Jewish population in America dwarfs that group.
you’re right!
It used to be different but mind control has taken over tv.
they want us to accept THEIR reality as truth…when in fact, it’s not.
We NEED MOAR Mel Brooks!!!! (Melvin Kaminsky)
I really love that guy.
That stuff is gone, Gail. We are more likely to see Melanie Brooks these days.
Same with my daughter’s husband. Fought like hell for custody and won, thank God.
100% don’t watch TV shows. Mostly a benefit of not having cable or satellite TV. Antenna and Internet only, so it is easy to modulate that BS OUT.
Truly horrible messages coming out of Hollywood. Cut Hollywood’s funding – cut the cable – cut off satellite TV.
Cankles TREASON involves SA – just like Q was telling us.
THREAD tying Saudis to Las Vegas
Remember – PDJT said LV was a betrayal.
My jury is out on Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman being a white hat.
I thought the Pensacola guy was only 21 and not even in a plane yet.
Need more information.
You are right –
Our thread writer is wrong. I hate it when those purporting to be in the know are only blowing smoke out of their a$$
Age could have nothing to do with it. Hal Clement was flying planes before he got a drivers licence.
Also they could be brothers or 1/2 brothers or cousins. Remember Osama bin Laden’s father Mohammed bin Laden had 22 wives and 54 children. Osama bin Laden had at least 20 children.
Not only that, but that is the age they are saying he is…
This was going on in the 70’s when we were stationed at Lackland AFB. At that time they were training Iraqi pilots. We called them “camel jocks”. Yes I said it…try not to be offended.

Yes my EX when at OCS (Officers training school) Said they had Israelis on one side of the room and Arabs on the other with Americans in the middle. So it has been going on since the Vietnam era at least.
Rally to night in Hershey PA. I think this is the one Flep, his bro and Scott Pressler are attending. It’s gonna be a barn burner. Cannot wait

WOOHOO!!! Still possible to get tickets!!!
With what dropped today, I suspect it’s gonna be LIT!!!
AMEN. Bet he drops some JUICY BITS, too.
This one is just incredible.
This part about Halper is very important to understand.
Personally, I think he was sold out to Russia, but nobody wants that known now. This is the gal that they tried to make out as a Russian spy. Apparently not, and she’s pissed as hell.
Papadop is PODCASTING now, and I think a lot of his good stuff shows up there FIRST.
wondering if Durham met with Papa’s lawyer in Italy to look at the money Papa was given to see if the serial numbers are marked or whatever and if they can determine if it was indeed a trap…haven’t heard about the money in a long time….
This very interesting compound tweet leads to the Red State URL cited below it. VERY much worth a read, now that McCabe is circling the drain.
This comment at Redstate shows just how much damage has been done to our country. (I would do the exact same thing.)
THIS ^^^^^^^^
An unintended but welcome consequence. Anarchy!
Millions of Americans have the same attitude regarding talking to FIB, DOJ.
As we have witnessed over the past few years, too often it is NOT about Justice. FIB, DOJ simply get vindictive if their panties get in a bunch or they have an agenda. Political motivation. BS Soviet style motivation.
While I never want to talk to FIB or DOJ, IF the day arises, rather sure I’ll insist on some combination of, I want it recoreded on MY DEVICE, a witness of my choosing, potentially a lawyer.
Unless I have missed something, why the hell would I trust FIB, DOJ, IC?
My eyes have truly opened to the tyranny of the Federal Government.
– Politically motivated abuses of Candidate Trump, President Elect Trump, President Trump, Trump family, Trump business associates and supporters.
– FIB paying to get dirt on Gen Flynn. NOT existing known dirt. GO FIND dirt. WTF? That in itself has got to be illegal.
– Expanding out a bit. Oregon. Malheur Refuge fiasco. LaVoy Finecum murder. Bundy arrests along with many others.
– – Moar Oregon. Hammond persecution by Feds. 100% persecution. Simple ranchers targeted by Feds. Dept Wildlife, BLM, and Agencies like that. Terrible abuses. Jailed twice FOR the SAME PROSECUTION. Which the original was and is BS. Notably, uranium and gold reportedly on land BLM “manages”. Hell, BLM managing land is in itself a bad joke of historic proportions. IMO.
– Bundy’s railroaded by BLM and other Federal Agencies. Feds incredibly over bearing and abusive. After years the Federal dogs called off. Charges dropped with prejudice. OH, AND uranium and gold reported on BLM land in question.
Let’s expand the thought to States. NY gunning for President Trump. CA trying to keep President Trump off the ballot.
ALL political BS delivered by over bearing Feds and State governments. Enthusiastically supported by MCM.
Further expanding a bit. RED FLAG laws ARE the EMERGING TYRANNY to be dropped on common every day Americans.
We are living, Warning. Warning, Will Robinson days.
We can insert the Randy Weaver Ruby Ridge fiasco and Branch Davidians ahead of those you mentioned ..
Well, well…. typical DemocRAT.
Verse of the Day
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Ephesians 6:12 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Tuesday Blessing
Morning Duchess! hope you are well!
Hey, Pat! Hanging in there or up there – whichever way works – God Bless You!!!
Have a Blessed Day!!! Ice free day!!!
you have a Blessed Day too
Thanks!!! * Smiling Broadly *
The crime is “Obstruction of Justice”. There are two elements of the crime, just on its face — “obstruction” and “justice”. The Powers That Be like to focus on the obstructive elements, but given recent history, that emphasis is misplaced. There should be an INITIAL finding about actually pursuing justice, before ANY information regarding obstruction is even considered. Obstruction of being jerked around is not a crime.
Virginia Gun Sanctuary Showdown: Words on Paper?
Duchess, Thanks for re-posting from yesterday. Important message, me thinks.
Most welcome, Kal – the tweet was a reminder – fit in perfectly with the subject!
Me thinks a whole lotta Sheriffs will be reelected where they are taking stands against Second Amendment intrusion by States. VA hugely in the news these days. WA, NM, NV to some degree. Rather sure there are other Sheriffs like minded.
Agree, Kal – glad you picked up on this tweet – Patriot Nurse is at the forefront of the fight, too!!! Thanks for chiming in! God Bless You!!!
One of my writing colleagues is in Virginia. He’s on the 2nd amendment thing like white on rice. The generational people of that state are NOT amused at what is being done to it.
Good – glad they are fighting there, DP!
Pat!!! Just for you!!!
H/T citizen817
they look cool!
would they work well on ice? that’s my main concern…
Dunno – would have to research that, pat! However – it is a great idea – yes?
yes it is!
* Smiling *
H/T Lucille
Pete Buttigieg Wants Unlimited Abortions, FDA Slams Him for Putting Women’s Lives at Risk
Homosexuality is a form of misogyny.
Can’t like him, GA/FL!
Especially since Buttigieg has declared himself ‘holy’ – he’s about as holy as Islam which ain’t holy and never was.
The truth will come out, GA/FL – people are awake – I am praying – his lifestyle is against Biblical teaching – God said ‘No’!!!
Islam isn’t holy, it’s wholly.
Wholly bad.
He is evil. I’ve always thought so.
Me, too, Dora – a pox on the poor people who elected him mayor – God help them!!!
Wondering here, as Pete is whacked out LGXY dudette.
Is Pete also demanding guys get unlimited abortions? Is Pete feeling pregnant and not wanting the child? Is Pete feeling the need for an abortion AND the government OWES Pete a freebie? (Yes, 100% sarcasm)
Oh, Kal! Perish the thought!!! Even if you are being sarcastic – many a truth is said in jest!
Well, now there’s a switch, the FDA actually proclaiming anything about abortion is bad for women. It’s bad all the way around, but we aren’t supposed to notice that.
Notice how CNN pictures ‘Queen’ Piglosi in DOMINANT HIGH POSITION and President Trump as the supplicant…. SNARL
Great catch… At least VP Pence is even higher still…
CNN (and the rest of the YSM/MCM) are just plain evil. Massively evil… As are Mafiosi Piglosi, Schumer, Schiffty, Waters, the Klintoons, and all the rest of the DEMONicRATS…
The right to appeal to a judge and quash a subpoena is a necessary and vital part of our system.
A few yrs after Big T was divorced, his ex’s atty issued a subpoena for my personal and biz records for the yrs before we were married.
Big T’s SISTER was the lawyer!!
I was duly……….. offended.
Come to find out, they got together over too much wine, and decided since I had a reputation as “finance chic”, I was hiding millions in the Cayman Islands.
They came after me, using the law as a club, to torment me, because we were happy, and because they were butthurt and miserable.
Sound familiar?
But I was able to quash subpoena – which cost me time and money.
President Trump’s ability to quash subpoena is being denied. He has BROAD exec powers mandated by Constitution. We WANT out President to be able to receive counsel from trusted advisors and for those advisors to be able to speak freely. The relationship MUST be preserved.
It may turn out, in certain instances, a President will be compelled to produce information to the Congress. Yet, it’s absurd on face to impeach a President because the Congress is too “itchy” to wait for the Judiciary’s ruling on the rights of the President.
Thus, Obstruction of Congress is an over reach.
“Abuse of Power” as an impeachment offense, was described by Cass Sunstein, as “too nebulous” to be allowed as an impeachment charge. There is no definition.
Was it “abuse of power” when Biden withheld IMF funds from Ukraine? Perhaps.
Was it “abuse of power” when Obama signed DACA/DAPA because he could not get the legislation through the Congress? Yeah, probably.
When Kennedy tried to invade Cuba?
When Polk bought the northwest territory?
Any President’s actions could be construed as “abuse of power” and maligned by a hyper partisan Congress.
It’s a loser.
Nothing is a loser until John Roberts is outnumbered and neutered
Otherwise known as “Checks and Balances” afforded the 3 branches by our Constitution. The President has the right to use the Executive office’s checks and balance to deal with a corrupt Congress. That’s going to be my mantra going forward. Congress has placed itself above the Law – that cannot stand.
The Dems using these terms are depending on the ignorance of the people to buy it.
i’m looking forward to POTUS revealing the criminality and corruption that they know about “crooked” Schiffty and “NervousNancy.”
Wait, why would your money – real or imagined – have anything to do with them?
It wouldn’t. However they were using LAWFARE, the ability to sue anyone for anything as a revenge vehicle with the added icing of Ex-Wife demanding a slice of the new wife’s supposed wealth if they happened to hit pay dirt.
As if they had any right to it.
They were convinced I had superpowers, a maniacal financial brain, who could not only hide millions of dollars, but also create the wealth to begin with.
Daughn, you are a lot of amazing things, but somehow I get the idea being an alchemist is not one of them.
You will laugh. Their impression of me went altered between a red-headed hussy wearing cheap lingerie and living in a trailer home — to some weird maniacal savant who was also a Pied Piper…… cuz the kids and animals liked me.
Weird people. And it had nothing to do with me at all, just all butthurt on their end, but they nipped at my heels constantly. Strangely similar to how Dems act with President Trump, sit and home, drink and plot over imagined injustices. I was not the one to pursue Big T at all. He pursued me.
Here’s the real killer…..
And it speaks volumes.
During mediation, Big T’s sister brought in a diary she kept from 1981….. which listed all the perceived wrongs done to her by parents, for which she blamed Big T…. and then, me. She just wanted to read it aloud, as if that gave it validity.
No. Not valid.
Wild. Who has the ability to keep a grudge, SILENTLY, for over 20yrs?
She needs help.
Jealousy. People jealous that children liked you, sister jealous of a brother. Hubby has a VERY similar relationship, well, it’s pretty much a non relationship at this point, with his sis. Jealousy falls under the topic coveting, IMHO.
This is one of the best analytical videos they’ve put out.
Putting together the Rally Thread right now.
aren’t you exhausted? you did the hearing thread and a OIG thread which I haven’t even read yet…)
THANKS for all you do!!
Hey, if watching/listening to the rally tonight gets me out of mixing cookie dough, I’m in. I used to love to bake, but since I can’t eat the results anymore, it’s lost its luster.
Well, and the Blues are playing the Sabres tonight. Hopefully, our netminder has a better game.
feeling better, hopefully?
Marginally. I actually slept last night. The big thing that triggered the escalation was spending the night at my sister’s when I had to have her at the airport at 5am. She didn’t have humidifiers going. In the winter, I can’t go without one.
Crossing my fingers yesterday was the worst of it. Fortunately, my voice is not affected, and so far the opera singing muscles are working in my favor coughing. Amazing how having developed abs makes a difference.
we have a wood stove, so we have 2 humidifiers…a large one in the great room and a smaller one in our bedroom…dry heat makes my sinuses hurt. I hope you recover soon!
Thanks. That’s one of the pitfalls of a house built in the 50s, forced air for heat. My sister’s place (built in 1925), I think, originally had radiators, but they’re gone.
every morning I place a hot steamy towel over my face to breathe in the moist air…my sinuses open back up…
Yep, steam shower for me. If I ever get to have a dream bathroom, that’s the one luxury item I want.
short clip of Katie…below in her twitter feed is the entire 25 min speech–really funny but good!
Simple Message……..
weasels gotta be weaselly…
Fusion Co-Founders Glenn Simpson and Jonathan Winer Refused to Talk to IG;
James Comey and Former FBI Attorney James Baker Also Avoided Fully Testifying
Specifically, Comey and Baker refused to get recertified for a classification clearance, thus blocking the IG’s efforts to “refresh their recollection” with classified documents.
“Refreshing a witness’ recollection” by showing him documents is a common thing at trials and in investigations.
But sometimes witnesses lie about events, and sometimes lie about having no recollection of certain critical details. James Comey, for example, has a steel-trap recall as to things he wants to claim to his media and government coconspirators, but has all sorts of convenient memory lapses about stuff that could get him into legal trouble.
So the IG wanted to “refresh his recollection” about this convenient periods of Lost Time by showing him classified documents and notes that would explain exactly who he talked to and when he talked to them and what he said to them.
Rather than agreeing to do this, Comey said, “Nah, I decline to get new clearance to see classified material,” thus preventing the IG from “refreshing his recollection.”
patfrederick ,
hmmm…wondering if this is why much to our bewilderment , So many in the previous admin. were allowed to retain their clearances?? they would have no excuse NOT to recollect after reviewing a summary..
We learn more everyday don’t we ?
yup…come out it will…
what IS it about this county in Florida?
The Broward Sheriff Office has arrested a third teen in the matter of days for making threats to a school.
Late Monday night, the department said a 16-year-old boy was responsible for threatening violence at Cypress Bay High School in Weston Friday and Monday.
On Friday, the Weston high school was placed on lockdown after “employees received texts and emails warning there would be a shooting at the school,” BSO said in a news release.
The school was searched and nothing was found. But BSO said faculty continued to receive threats Monday.
Detectives determined that a Cypress Bay junior was behind the threats that put area schools on lockdown, according to BSO. The teen, who was charged with making a false report concerning the use of a firearm and writing threats to kill, was taken to the Juvenile Assessment Center.
The teen’s arrest comes after another teen and a 12-year-old were charged in separate incidents.
On Sunday, BSO said a 12-year-old girl was arrested after a “death list” of Falcon Cove Middle School students was posted to Snapchat. The girl was charged with two counts of a written threat to kill and false reporting concerning a firearm.
On Thursday, false bomb threats forced two Lauderdale Lakes schools to be on lockdown. That day BSO said a 14-year-old girl was responsible for the threats at Lauderdale Lakes Middle School and Oriole Elementary School.
“This is the third teen arrested since Thursday for making a threat of violence at a school,” BSO said in a release. “All threats are taken very seriously and will be thoroughly investigated.”
From Sundance: Policy and Consequence – Broward County Sheriff Union President Notes “Promise Program” and Consequences…
From Wolfie: “…using MK for murders and getting away clean…” Déjà Woo
As Q said they are ‘expending Ammunition’ that is False Flag mass murders. These look like FF MK-Ultra bombs that fizzled. OR the Cabal was worried that people would catch on if there were too many mass murders within a week or so and opted for threats in these cases.
Remember every one of these people who were ‘groomed assassins’ represent a lot of time and money and there are only so many of them under the Cabal’s control.
The beautiful Ohr family. [snort]
Anytime the snark and cattiness machine gets fired up, you have to wonder if it’s red meat thrown just to distract the public.
wonder if there’s significance to the misspelling in the second tweet…FOWN instead of DOWN…???
That I think is a typo, but I’m interested in his “many more”!
Could be.
POTUS thinking it’s time to fire (FINALLY) Wray?
Notice how POTUS said, “current Director of the FBI” – bet that is a tell Wray isn’t long for the job.
Santa Baby…hurry down my chimney with THAT announcement!! LOL
The entire tweet by POTUS slamming the FBI tells me Wray is going to be gone shortly. POTUS came right out and said with Wray’s attitude he can’t fix the FBI.
Good riddance to Wray, hopefully very soon.
First it’s covfefe. We’re still debating that one.
Now it’s fown. Let the debate over its meaning begin!
In Arabic, Cov‘fe’fe’ literally means “I will stand” or “I will stand up”.
Fown on the other hand is a typo.
“…ACTUAL FACTUAL PREDICATION…” WHAT PROVEN FACTS??? It was Hearsay from a dubious source that the FBI had ALREADY FIRED! And the FIB made NO ATTEMPT to actually verify and validate any of the claims MADE BY A FOREIGN AGENT!
Sure sounds like FOREIGN INTERFERENCE in our Presidential Election!
The morning after Horowitz Hangover
Mind control is not working. People are getting woken up. Starting to filter down to the people who don’t pay attention.
She is so desperate!
wow…her sense of entitlement is debilitating!
Sorry, runners up don’t get to take the title in presidential elections. Only Miss America contests, and Madam Hildebeast ain’t winning one of those any time soon.
they keep bringing up her name in conjunction with a brokered convention…I don’t believe she is physically capable of running a campaign and Mochelle is too lazy to run one. maybe they are waiting for the masses to scream for them to “save” the party…lol
No clue what the story is there, but any thoughts that Hillary is ever going to occupy the White House are schizophrenic halucinations. IMHO, of course.
does Hillary have any other kind of thoughts? lol
TRUMP is not out – and won’t lose this election – despite all Hillrotten and Øbominable have done and can do.
That is just now how this works – Pence would then be POTUS. What the heck is she thinking?
As I understand it, winning a Presidential election is not a requirement for Hillary to become President. She can get there if she is appointed as Speaker of the House after Pelosi was to resign. House Democrats can elect anyone they want to become Speaker while they hold a majority.
Again, as I understand it, the person they choose to elect as Speaker is not required to be a member of congress. If they so desire, they could vote in someone like “Weird Al” Yankovic, or Kathy Griffith as Speaker.
That scenario could only happen if POTUS and VPOTUS were first removed from office by hook or by crook.
We came dangerously close to having Speaker of the House Carl Albert (D-OK) becoming President during the Nixon years. It would have happened during the resignations of Agnew and Nixon. The Democrats actually had a plan in place to do exactly that, but decided against forcing the issue. Maybe because it was still a time where Democrats put the good of the country ahead of politics?
Strike my last line.
Put in its place, “Maybe because it would have been a red line that shouldn’t be crossed.
You’re 99.9% correct, but there’s a minor nit: They’d have to make Hitlary speaker BEFORE removing Trump and Pence.
That’s because the speaker of the house INSTANTLY becomes president if both the POTUS and VPOTUS offices become vacant.
Similarly, VPOTUS instantly becomes president if POTUS becomes vacant.
So we could see (for instance) Pence resigning (or leaving office for some other reason) and Trump being impeached and removed while the vice presidency is still vacant. In fact, I could see a Democrat congress refusing to approve POTUS’s nominee to replace Pence (as was done for Obola’s supreme court nominee) for that very reason.
“They’d have to make Hillary speaker BEFORE removing Trump and Pence.”
I think one exception is if both POTUS and VPOTUS were to die at the same time due to some ‘event’. Pelosi would then become President, followed by Hillary as the new Speaker of the House – then Pelosi would resigns to allow Hillary to be sworn in as President. Technically possible, and maybe also a wet dream of obsession for Hillary. A “Hail Mary” pass into the end zone.
Efforts are underway to impeach Justice Kavanaugh and AG Barr. If successful, I think that would play into that scenario.
Not sure that Hitlary would trust Pelosi to resign! And Pelosi would be sorely tempted not to.
But that’s the way it would have to play out if an ‘event’ were to happen, as opposed to impeachment/removal.
I think Pelosi could be persuaded to resign if a severed horse head showed up in her bed when she woke up!
It creates anxiety in me whenever Trump and Pence show up at the same event when outside of Washington. Tonight’s rally, for example.
I can well understand that!
And I just had another thought, triggered by your horse head thought.
Hitlary is Speaker.
President Nancy reneges.
Who cares? Nancy is a liability by now–just bump her off. There’s no vice president yet.
“The Sum of All Fears”
“…just bump her off.”
Or cause a stroke that incapacitates her. Less messy.
I remember when I first started realizing the addictive, hypnotic nature of television. It was over 2 decades ago.
I started watching my family members as they began the nightly ritual of sitcoms. I observed myself as I obsessively watched CNN during the Gulf War.
I saw the books that weren’t being read and the conversations we weren’t having. It hadn’t yet entered my mind that we were being systematically brainwashed and indoctrinated.
But then Dubya became president. It was so clear that he and the Republicans ran on a platform that they NEVER delivered on. I finally asked myself, “Why?”
That was really my first red pill.
Wolf, if we get nothing else, we’ve got to understand that the press is our mortal enemies. People of the Lie.
We shall know the truth, and the truth will make us FREE.
I tossed my TV in 1976. Think of all the TIME I had to do other things!
At 3 hours a day that is 48180 hrs or more than 2000 days or over FIVE YEARS.
That gives you an idea of just how much of your life is wasted in front of the Boob Tube.
Gail, you’ve been the tip of the spear. Also make some of the smartest comments on this site.
No television equates to brain power.
U.S. trade offensive takes out WTO as global arbiter
By Philip Blenkinsop
BRUSSELS (Reuters) – U.S. disruption of the global economic order reaches a major milestone on Tuesday as the World Trade Organization (WTO) loses its ability to intervene in trade wars, threatening the future of the Geneva-based body.
Two years after starting to block appointments, the United States will finally paralyze the WTO’s Appellate Body, which acts as the supreme court for international trade, as two of three members exit and leave it unable to issue rulings.
Major trade disputes, including the U.S. conflict with China and metal tariffs imposed by U.S. President Donald Trump, will not be resolved by the global trade arbiter.
WHAT WONDERFUL NEWS!!! I hate the WTO! They have been DICTATING US law for years.
Breaking the backs of the cabal continues Trump style.
An insane day on Capitol Hill:
9 am: articles of impeachment of President Trump
10 am: Dem announcement of approval of Trump’s trade deal, USMCA.
I am confused….is there not supposed to be a house vote before they go forward with articles of impeachment? Or have we thrown that away with the clown show??
Dems live now. Nadler saying that they just spent months investigating interference with our elections…????
Abuse of power – powers of his public office to obtain improper personal benefit while ignoring or harming national interest – Ukraine phone call, harming 2020 election. Similar to invitations to interfere with 2016 election.
Then obstruction of congress – familiar pattern, declaring himself above Congress’s power of impeachment, sees himself above the law
Classic communist warfare – accuse the opponent of what you are doing.
It is obvious to anyone and everyone that it is the Democrats, Biden, Pelosi, Kerry and fake Republican Romney who were profiting from Ukraine corruption….through their sons.
They were teaching the next generation.
PLEASE – MR PRESIDENT – have your lawyers take this farce Impeachment straight to SCOTUS !!!!
Judiciary committee will meet later to consider the articles and then vote
It’s snowing in Mississippi!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s really coming down!!!!!!!!
Wow, I’ve never ever seen snow before Christmas!
Make your snowman and photo it quick!
are you ok? Snow has been known to melt the skin of people who never see it.
Hey, I grew up in Chicago. I’m a veteran with bronze Stars from the great snowball wars of my neighborhood.
ok good…no melting skin then. I love when we get a dusting and then it goes away…key part is the last few words.
Although, being in MS…is it the heavy, wet stuff, or good packing snow?
Dep—– I can’t believe it.
It’s still coming down! Not sticking though.
The national radar is showing a freeze line pretty far south. Looks like it’s going right over you.
ANYTHING but ice. No ice.
Agreed on that one.
No ice???
Daughn, you’re starting to sound like a Democrat
and we are getting 45* temps up here in north central PA…goofy, goofy, goofy…
Balmy 21 this morning Northern NV. Warming to 40 or so.
well it started out warm here…and raining. temps are gonna fall throughout they day till everything freezes again…
AND, IIRC, your hill will be S L I C K .
Be safe out there.
watched hubby this morning…he only slid a little but this evening coming up will be a challenge.
Yesterday was 65F in S-OH.
Today is raining on and off. Not cold enough for snow.
Daughn we should have the snow
Stay warm.
Claiming the integrity of the 2020 election is at risk after 2016 already had invitations to interfere.
So they admit that he didn’t collude/conspire but “invited” interference. Is this all about the Russia/email joke? They are hanging all of this on that? Even after Mueller proved there was literally no conspiracy/conspiring/colluding???
Schiff – President Trump solicited Ukraine to investigate his political opponent of 2020 election jeopardizing the integrity of that election. + a baseless conspiracy theory promoted by russia. + obstructing congress
Integrity of the 2020 elections is at risk?
Translation, which is pure speculation on my part:
Orange Man is going to make the case that all of our secret vote counting and the machines that our Lord Soros got the nation to buy that change votes depending on the programming is somehow allowing us to cheat. THE PEASANTS ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO NOTICE THAT. So, before he does that, we’re going to plant the seeds in the national consciousness that Orange Man ALREADY has worked to rig the election in his favor even if he had nothing to do with how the election systems in the various precincts are set up.
Just a guess, but….
Schiff answering why won’t they just wait for the documents and witnesses….because too long
Which = My irrational reasoning supersedes the President’s natural rights as elected leader of the Executive Branch.
Ukraine….”debunked” conspiracy theory
Very focused on foreign interference into our elections by foreign powers
It’s crazy. We have the interview, from the former Forbes writer, where she interviewed Ukraine MP Leschenko, the tall gangly guy. He admitted in the interview he was the one who leaked the fake black box docs to NYTimes……… which led to Manafort leaving the Trump campaign and to Manafort’s subsequent imprisonment.
He admitted his interference in our elections.
He is from Ukraine. .
Just as I thought would happen, The IG report has flushed out Wray. He needs to go
The subtle context of how POTUS worded that tweet is pretty impactful.
Kind of like a brick thrown through a window!
“current” (going to be replaced), and full name, you know the moment when your parents called you by your full name – you knew you were in trouble.
Then POTUS says, “he will never be able to fix the FBI” – that’s a statement of lost trust and no confidence. In the military – it means FIRING.
didn’t read the story (it’s the hill after all) but if you need 40 (!!) “corrective steps” to fix your Agency Mr Wray…best you tear it down and START OVER!
President Trump rightfully owning the narrative.
Wray AND lying James can’t talk about the FBI righteous red, white and blue actions. That ended with the TW from President trump.
Wray has already sent his resume to Lawafre or like scum bucket organization. Maybe a CNN talking head as McCabe may not be at CNN much longer.
Guessing here, Wray won’t over spend this Christmas;-)
They took no questions after they political theater of announcing articles of impeachment
And none were shouted/screamed at them by the hyenas
Okay, THAT is telling.
press is amazingly cooperative with the Dems
It was bizarre
great point…they probably applauded
They took no questions after they announced articles of impeachment
They need to do something fast. One of the geeky things I do is go over the Federal budget. These two outlays are getting enormous.
Budget? what is that? (I mean I know what our household budget is, but does Congress even know the definition of the word?)
When florida switches to drugs from Canada for top recurring diseases, watch the medicare expenditures drop like a stone.
AND do the same with VA and military medicine…switch to lower drug price sources.
I love her. Great person. True patriot.
Yes she is
So they are gonna impeach him and then turn around and pass USMCA? I’m getting whiplash….
and it is a done deal. Pelosi just supported it. Un freaking believable.
Piglosi will grandstand saying she alone stood up to President Trump and fixed USMCA.
MCM will lap it up and TRY to make Piglosi a hero for the working American. Utter BS.
As I said elsewhere the Fast Track Law means Congress ONLY get a yes or no vote.
SPREAD THIS FAR AND WIDE! Don’t let the bitch steal President Trump’s thunder.
NEXT trade deal on the chopping block, WTO;-)
OH I hope so!
scratching my head how they could support USMCA and impeach him at the same time. Makes no sense at all.
The message of the “do nothing Democrats” is polling well for the President. It is a good thing when the Democrats are reacting to rather than manipulating voter opinion. Also it is good news that the President’s twitter strategy of an end-run around the mainstream media is working.
agreed…the dems desperately need something, anything, to present to their constituents over the holiday break to show that they’re been working for the people…something “non partisan”. they will face the heat on impeachment and are hoping to temper that heat with this…
Dims never make sense
Piglosi is CLAIMING USMCA deal is HERS and MUCH better than the deal President Trump negotiated….
However she is FULL OF SCHIFF!
Under a newer treaty law, the President does the negotiating and Congress only got an up down vote WITH NO RIGHT TO CHANGE ANYTHING. It was passed (renewed) in June 2015 so Congress could not change the Trans-Pacific Partnership that had been negotiated.
This law is called Trade Promotion Authority law or Fast Track.
From WIKI:
I really get sick and tired of all the LIES these Commies tell.
Yeah the timing is the weird thing. I guess impreachment is a loser so she is trying to grab the brass ring somehow.
Too bad the brass ring is the one that flushes the loo (don’t pull too hard, Piglosi, the tank might fall)…
Even the Ty-D-Bowl man won’t rescue her…
This photo is so freaking corrupt and treasonous. Now why do I say that?
I don’t know but I am curious…
Half mast flag with the emerging Spring trees in the foreground. CNN is telling us they are sad that they have to take down the President but a new beginning is right in front of us.
A disgusting form of subliminal messaging. Treasonous.
Well, it appears that IG HOROWITZ has issued a “report” that carefully points out some “inconsistencies” and “concerns” about how the FBI/DOJ behaved WHILE THEY SPIED on Donald Trump as a candidate and during his [FIRST] term as President.
But Horowitz “report” ALSO makes sure NOT to blame the FBI/DOJ and the Black Hats for their illegal actions.
** in this way, Horowitz believes he has ensured that HE will not get a visit from “Vince Foster”.
Now the focus shifts to AG Barr and Prosecutor John Durham.
THEY want the full truth to come out. THEY are literally putting their safety at risk.
Please pray for them and for POTUS.
Solemn, prayerful Ms Poli-Grip is all smiles for the camera as she tries to claim the limelight on USMCA. I think when she says she “prays”, she really means “preys”. She is trying to make it sound like the Dims singlehandedly developed USMCA
Dems are getting heat for not getting anything done, so now that they have articles of impeachment drawn up, they can pretend to have been working “for the people” all this time.
Is the next thing a vote on the articles in the full House? And if that passes, Pres. Trump is impeached? A Christmas gift to him and the country, I guess.
Now and then Geraldo surprises me.
He forgot this one: Pres. Trump uses bigger salt and pepper shakers than his guests.
No sparks necessary, apparently.
The Democrats deserve not one ounce of credit for USMCA, not one F’n bit!!! All credit goes to President Donald J Trump!
Un-freaking believable!
Sounds like Chucky is getting worried. I wonder what type of money laundering he had going through Russia?
It appears that Sen. SCHUMER is throwing a tantrum which he thinks will achieve his obvious goal of forcing himself into the PRIVATE meeting that POTUS has scheduled.
Betcha if POTUS tells Schumer to go pound sand, Schumer will try and “insert” a spy into the meeting / listen in somehow, etc.
Friggin’ Schumer is a KKK anti-slavite.
Has anyone asked Horowitz what standards were applied to arrive at his conclusion that there was no political bias involved in the witch hunt?
Did he just give a governmental stamp of approval to manufacturing evidence needed to spy on a political rival by the opposing administration?
AG Barr explained it. Check out the Barr thread & video @
Yes – this is a no-brainer, IMO. The media is wearing media-colored glasses if they don’t see this and agree at 100% levels, having been PROVEN to be willing dupes of the Mueller hoax.
That will be tomorrow. Remember his testimony concerning the last report, it was a lot more damning than what his conclusion in the report was. I expect the same this time.
Like others have stated, there is nothing to compel people he interviews to tell the truth (like testimony under penalty of perjury). So with that I cut him some slight slack on his predicate conclusion
If there is any pretense of justice in this country anymore, then the same standards of “intent “ used to justify “investigations” by the left should be applied to the President…even if you believe that he was investigating Biden because he was a political rival.
and some people refused to be interviewed…I think Simpson and Steele…and Comey and Baker didn’t want to be “fully” interviewed. Comey refused to be re-certified (his security clearance) so that he could look at documents and answer questions about them since they were classified…which means he avoided answering questions to which he would have to lie.
Good Morning Patriots

The Lords work is complete
At 10:52am..
Dad has passed into the Lords Loving Arms..
Sorry for your loss CT.
So sorry David…please extend my condolences to Angie!!!
My condolences and prayers for you and your wife and family.
David – You and Angie were the greatest blessing to your Dad! Nothing can prepare us for the loss of a parent…. May the LORD draw near and comfort you as you pass through this time of loss.
crossthread42 my deepest sympathy to you and your family.
Love and Peace
Heart felt Sympathies and Prayers sent your way Cross-thread
Sympathies to you both. May he finally be at peace.
David and Angie,
So sorry to hear of your loss. It is really tough to lose a parent.
May your Dad enjoy endless days of fishing in the soft eternal spring in Heaven.
My condolences to you and your family on this loss.
They’re never easy.
So sorry to hear of your father-in-law’s passing. He is now at peace. My sincere condolences to you and your wife. Sending both of you Peace, Good Energy, and asking the Almighty God to comfort you.
Deepest condolences for you and your family
I must be so dense…what is this supposed to be?
“Cultural appropriation”? White people doing a form of dance often done by a different culture, and not doing it well, LOL. (Is that Greta?)
OH! is THAT what it was…LOL…
The comments are priceless!
I crashed early last night. Did this pop up on any threads?
Diamond and Silk discussed Pete Boot-Edge-Edge visit to Rev Barbers church.
Life support takes on so many meanings with this poll.
OMG – PUHLEAZE!!! Let the Dems commit to this charlatan as SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!
Actually, as I was thinking about this, they’re going to wait as long as possible to get her into the race. She’s too sick for the rigors of a campaign, so they’ll skip the majority of it. They’ll wait until the last minute, with the REAL choice in the VP slot (someone who will NEVER be elected).
Just a guess, but I would not put it past them at this point.
Yup. She will be the “convention savior”. I think I saw this somewhere – that this will mimic a trick they did in the past.
BTW, Wolf, TOTALLY off topic, but tomorrow’s daily is scheduled. I may crash early again as I’m still under the weather. Can you keep an eye on the bin in the early hours? TY.
No problem!!!
Interesting way to look at it.
And it’s why they want to do away with the Electoral College.
And why the Electoral College exists in the first place. New York and California trying to run the rest of us.
When you look at it like that thank goodness we have the Electoral College!!!
I just opened a whole thread for the new Bill Barr interview, which only finished about 15 minutes ago.
I watched the whole thing and took notes.
It was an earthquake and he slapped the media and FBI all over the place.
We’re going to hear a LOT about it.
I will also add the full transcript and video when it becomes available.
Complete defense of the President……. poor guy who interviewed him was dumbfounded.
Yessss! We needed this today.
Sorry for the double post below , Daughn
..should have known you were already on it lol .
as they should. people are waking up to the fact they we do not have to accept subpar representation in government. The old thoughts and complaints that nothing ever gets done in Washington are being proven false by POTUS–promises made, promises kept. If he can do it, so can the rest of them.
Well said
I’m just hoping the Missouri state legislature decides to ungerrymander a certain MO district. Might be whistling in the wind, but some of us really have not been properly represented for decades. Okay, my whole life, actually.
Reports of active shooter(S) in Jersey City. Police officer shot in head and one other individual shot in chest. 2 Armored Personnel carriers requested on scene.
I read that the gun men pulled up in a UHaul van
Breaking :1:40 pm 12/10/19
Fox News News Alert
WSJ Gerry Baker and US AG William Barr interview..
This is a MUST SEE interview- great context
Per Fox, USMCA has passed!

Way to go POTUS!!!
I think about YMCA when I see USMCA
Fox, 2 shooters down, searching for possible 3rd who may be in school. 4 hostages released.
Male and female suspects taken down. Male suspect in all black on loose, school cleared.
2 shooters, young juveniles, are dead. Still looking for 3rd.
Started in Kosher supermarket, still being watched. 2 officers shot
The two suspects jumped out of a U-Haul van and ran into the corner store, according to scanner transmissions. A man was down inside the store, and someone had put a glass coffee pot in view. Police worried that it could be a “device.” The window in the back was garbage bag taped, police said. The bodega in question was located at Wilkinson Avenue and Martin Luther King Dr. in Jersey City. The specific address was 223 MLK Drive, according to Online records say that’s the address of JC Kosher Supermarket.
Uhaul. Kosher Market…but NY Daily assures us it’s not terror related. How the heck would they know that this early in the deal?
She is some piece of work.
Nancy Pelosi: I Knew Bush Jr Was Lying About WMD To Start War, But Didn’t See It As Impeachable
Incredible. The way she says it many lives lost . Politics is an ugly business with career pols running it
Pelosi has no principles. She claims she does (“the Constitution,” “Catholic faith”), but politics is her god. Life is sacred only under certain conditions. Impeachable offenses are viewed through the filter of politics. For her, the ends justify the means.
Two Democrats whom I’ve seen stand on principle are Jonathan Turley and Alan Dershowitz. Even Geraldo Rivera comes through sometimes. But not Pelosi.
That’s it to a T
I pray that her words are splattered all over the internet.
It damns her as well as Bush.
Lol, Lisa Page suing FBI/DOJ for releasing text messages, calling it illegal.
Sorry chick, anything done on employer devices DOES NOT BELONG TO YOU!
Yep. This is why I never even saved a resume on a work computer. I carried notebooks for personal musings. One place just expected personal and work email to be merged, Hence why I got home from resigning more than one job and promptly changed all my passwords.
It seems it would be wiser for Lisa Page to keep quiet. I don’t know what she thinks she’s gaining. (And she’s a lawyer.) Does she not have her own counsel? Usually they tell people not to talk lest they say even more incriminating things.
Finally, somebody said it.
It’s old but still works….How dare he?????? lol
I LOVE it!!!!
Hilarious vid, and most comments good, too.
A rather telling image amongst them, which Greta, Elon, AlGoreTheClimateWhore and the Climastrologists would rather not talk about:
OMG Cuppa that’s a good one!!!!!
Democrats’ ‘Abuse of Power’ Article Revives Disastrous Johnson Impeachment
I had no idea about the Johnson Impeachment. They really didn’t teach this stuff in school
Wolf my Mom wants to more about this Nixon deal. If you ever want to give her a mini version of the events leading up to it she’d be very grateful.
Biden has no impulse control, no mouth control…..he’s gone loony-tunes.
He went loony tunes a long time ago and it was covered up.
10 democrats floating the idea of censuring the President instead of impeachment. Need 18
We don’t have a direct quote from anyone on this…
true pundit has been known to go out on a limb before …
Exactly. If the Wray FBI wanted to vaccinate against this possibility, True Pundit would be the injection site.
I used to follow him regularly and have forgotten most facts but He has a bad history with the FIB but still had contacts there. He was one of the 1st to report (that I recall) Fist we F Flynn then we F Trump from Mccabe
He has good contacts!
Here is why President Wolf Moon would shutter the FBI.
Seriously, Director Wolf Moon would talk back to President Wolf Moon and propose exactly what he said over a year ago on this site. The ENTIRE ORG would be put on probationary employment status, and READMITTED on a case-by-case basis with ZERO consideration for “diversity”, and ONLY consideration for SECURITY. Every single employee would be interviewed to determine every RISK and BIAS, and then redeployed ONLY to cases where they were neither a RISK or known to be biased. Special compartmentalization procedures – OPEN AND TRANSPARENT – would allow people with skill sets like Chinese language to work SAFELY on cases where there was a risk of infiltration, influence, etc.
Half of the people would not make it back in. When it was all over, Director Wolf Moon would hand over the keys to THE MOST SECURE LEADER – the most untouchable individual – that he found.
The FBI would never again TOUCH a TRASH CASE like this, and it would openly criticize any Marxist university that dared bring a TRASH CASE to its doorstep.
Mr gil just said last night that they should turn investigation over to rank and file who know all the dirt. The cronies and corrupt leaders would be gone instantly.
OMG – THAT is how to do the readmission interviews.
(1) announce investigation program is “beginning”
(2) immediately FIRE a few exemplary, known, air-tight cased, bad guys
(3) begin actual interview program
(4) start from BOTTOM, using underlings of fired bads, work up until more are FIRED, until that entire CHAIN is exposed and fired, CLEANED OUT
(5) offer resignation and buy-out program
(6) allow time (1 week – keep it short) for people to flee – there will be a rush to the doors
(7) begin general program starting from the bottom and work up
Police were searching the cemetery for evidence and have recovered the officer’s vehicle and radio there.
Detectives have witnesses who saw a U-Haul van flee the cemetery, and it is believed to be the same U-Haul was found near the shooting scene.
Authorities say what looks like an inert pipe bomb was spotted in the vehicle, and there is a search going on at a house on Eastern Parkway where another inert pipe bomb was found — though the connection is unclear.;-multiple-dead-inside-grocery-store/5744424/
How can they keep saying “no nexus to terrorism” ? Wouldn’t pipe bombs automatically be terrorism from somebody?
Kosher grocery store (not a “mini mart” or bodega)
Pipe bombs
Suspects dressed in black
Check, check, check, check.
LEO MUST search the social media of the perps to see if there are ANY connections to Islam / Jihad / terrorism.
WHY is it being put about that “there is no connection to terrorism” (Jersey City Mayor Fulop)?
So even IF the initial perps – LEO confrontation was due to a “possible drug deal gone bad” at a “local cemetery”, WHY would the perps then drive ALL THE WAY to the kosher grocery store, kill three Jews, and put up a 3-hour gunfight?
The JC Kosher Market where the 3 Jews died is at the center of a new, HASIDIC COMMUNITY of “fervently religious Jews” who moved there after their former community in Brooklyn was priced out of the market.
The first EMS that showed up at the scene of the killings was the HATZOLAH, a Jewish EMS unit.
“Suspicious Dog Meter” running at 15 on a scale of 1 – 10. Sorry, smells like Jihad to me until otherwise proved.
Just wondering, did they ever find the rest of the perps from Pensacola? And is NJ a sanctuary state? Could these murderers be illegals?
“OMG (breathlessly) – we still need the FBI, don’t we???!!! //////ssssssss
So frigging transparent. Deep Blue Murder Zone? Do I need to ask?
Deep Blue Killing Field? Mafia heaven for sure…
That’s so sad to read.
In 1980, a chap of Irish parentage whom I knew from Jersey City told me that the city — as bad as it was then — would be on the upturn.
He had lived there all his life, had just earned his Bachelors from a good US university and wanted to improve his home town. He was destined for law school, IIRC. He enjoyed being called ‘Jersey’. God bless him and his family. I hope that he and those who love Jersey City will prevail.
Yeah, I posted this on another page somewhere. Still sniggering.
A theory…
Yes. The MEDIA and their IC backers (+++) are IC-level psy-opping BACK at QANON psy-op. That’s why it’s so smart going the other way.
I have to ask this but WHY are we training for ‘nearly 300 Saudi students’?
Not kidding.
Wolf, I’m now thinking that these events like this…are an attempt to destroy the relationship between Pres Trump and Prince MBS.
Like the Khashoggi thing.
And including the Vegas shooting, too.
That happened 4 months after our VSG established the ‘fellowship of the orb’.
Those who are profiting from war and jihad, do not want peace.
The globalist cabal, which includes people like Alwaleed…do not want the reforms that Prince MBS is trying to do.
He is cracking down on “extremists” which is what he calls the radical jihadists.
[They] do not want this.
Think about it.
It fits.
Those were exactly my thoughts.
Israel, Saudi Arabia and the USA all have factions working against world peace and freedom. War is a very very lucrative ‘business’ and that is why the USA has been constantly at war since the Federal Reserve act of 1913. We serfs get to pay back all the money the banksters print and then lend to the US government.
I think the thing that surprises me from Q – but makes TONS of sense – is how the Saudis wormed their way into the top power structure using their wealth, and (IMO) what I would call cultural Islamic treachery. Their culture is extremely treacherous in the power circles – they were VERY ready to deal with European Satanists, Illuminati, banksters, masons, the Vatican, and all the rest of the troublemakers.
I agree completely. That’s one of the reasons I think that Tallweed and Brennan are behind this. Same as the Khashoggi event.
Saudi Arabia was part of the 9/11 plot, but not all of it. AND logic solves everything. It is the manipulation of willing players below the plotters – and KNOWLEDGE of what is coming – INFORMATION – that allows MONEY-MAKING on “events”. And that is the biggest motive for “events” – the money made by “insiders”, who are not a perfectly homogeneous group.
It’s a nasty reality. Complex events with multiple buy-ins by multiple PWNED actor organizations.
Nobody is innocent, but by the same token, nobody is completely guilty. The problem is that the “allowed theories” of guilt are not completely true.
AQ was a TOOL for others. Get ahead of the FUTURE and GET POWER. A cunning game. Banks have always been good at it. Politicians, too. CONTROL the future and CONTROL the distribution of power.
[They] also want to have an ‘excuse’ to do the forced migration of islamists into Western countries.
No conflict…no excuse.
Keep the little wars going, and they have an excuse to keep the invasion going, of islamists into Western countries.
Yup. KEEP THINGS AT A BOIL. It’s evil.
Totally agree. The Orb Network is how Team Trump communicates with white hats around the world AND it is the premier intelligence network. CIA and FBI are legacy, allowed to exist as a distraction so Orb can go about its business quietly. Don’t forget that DJT said he didn’t want daily intell briefings. Who would want to listen to bullshit every morning?
The black hats / deep state know that it’s the force of personalities that powers the Orb network. DJT has always used personal relationships to advance projects and missions. No reason why now should be different.
pgroup,, I agree w/you ab OrbOps. Have talked w/friends ab this for years…since The Visit…the first made by our President.
I for one am glad they are in place.
I accept your reasoning, but isn’t the Orb a bit late after the fact?
Shouldn’t the Orb have prevented this?
LOL saw this headline: Shares of Netflix were downgraded by a Wall Street firm that predicted the streaming video leader could lose 4 million U.S. subscribers next year as competition heats up
Yes ‘competition’
Good deal, as long as the competition is resistant to Obama / Rice / DNC / KGB-CIA / SOV-MOS / UN / PEDO Satanist / ILL / WHATEVS cultural takeover.
Verizon is giving away disney subscriptions right now so I bet thats taking some of the wind from their sails. I dont want any of it. Not missing the extra cable cost. Will cut back again after the current deal is up. Library here has a shared county wide system and I can request 15 titles online.
Yup I’m a Library kind of person as well.
I recall reading the netflix is heavy in debt anyway. So….
I keep getting phone calls offering ‘Specials’ on trips to Disney World. I ask the live schmuck at the other end of the phone call why he thinks I would be interested in a trip to Pedeoville? — Stuttering ensues.
Interesting tidbits in here. We have to borrow money from China to send to Ukraine?
Hmmmm. Only a SOVIET DEMOCRAT with a CHICOM ALLY would think that was a good idea. Oh, wait. Pedo Joe Biden has financial interests in both.
Just an FYI on the typo in this tweet…

Fown = internet slang for ‘fucking owned”.
Love it – “FISA Court was clearly taken for a ride on this”!!!
Our frigging media is so lame, they can’t even see it.
We owe these CREEPS zero respect. ZERO!!!
we LOVE You !
Impeach this!
Indeed…I think he would have.
So Horowitz says they found no documentation or testimony that there was political bias…Ok then
he also says that the ‘Steele dossier’ was crap and the FBI/DOJ knew that is was political opposition research when presented to FISC.
Using a political document to get a warrant to spy on your opponent…..isn’t that ‘documented’ political bias or am I just a dumb rube that worships at the alter of Emperor Orange Man and don’t understand.
He pulled a Comey. Lay out all the damaging facts and them ignore them in your final conclusion.
Exactly. EXACTLY. It’s a PATTERN they’re using.
Notice also the SLEIGHT OF HAND.
“Bias” is not a crime. ACTING on bias is. The communists are GETTING US TO MOVE THE GOALPOSTS.
Exactly. No documentation or testimony that there was political bias – except for all those text messages, which were then DENIED in testimony using plausible excuses that are ONLY BELIEVED FROM DEMOCRATS – never from conservatives, “whites”, “males”, or whatever the Soviet left doesn’t like today.
The bottom line is that there WAS bias, but that is not important. What is important is that it was ACTED ON, and that is the KEY.
During Obama’s second term, I was “biased” against him, BUT I would have never “acted” on it in any way – even a sin of omission. If I had heard about some plot against the Presidency, I would have rung up the FBI so fast, the phone records would have shocked a jury. “Excuse me – where’s your bathroom? That [whatever] literally scares the **** out of me!”
The point is, we have proof of BIAS, and we have proof of ACTS that simply strain credulity without a motive. So SHOW ME A BETTER MOTIVE than politics, or else I default to that very OBVIOUS MOTIVE.
Two more for the Ninth Circus!!!
And I’d gladly stand up next to all y’all and defend her still today

That’s it. The Scooby Doo excuse.
Republicans are learning how to fight.
OK – honest answers here….
Does anybody here think this is right – that McConnell hates Trump for KEEPING the Senate Republican?
I simply can’t go down that rabbit-hole. Just look at the judges thing. The idea that McConnell would rather be in the minority…. just can’t buy it.
Maybe I’m an idiot, but I’ve actually donated to *Mitch’s* re-election fund because of Trump! Many Trump and GOP donation links take you through a bunch of “extra” donation options at the end, and YERTLE is usually one of the very first if not THE first options. I’ve given him attaboys for those judges – I’m sure others have, too. If these guys are on the outs, they have a weird way of showing it!
No, Wolf…you’re Not an idiot.
I think what helped to turn McConnell to the Light, was when he started getting targeted by the Antifa/DirtyDemOperatives.
At his house!
Remember that?
Also in parking lots and at the side entrance of Congress!
Remember that time that both McConnell and his wife, were targeted by the Dem goon squad?
After that…McConnell has seemed to be solid on Team Trump.
As to Sd, I know you still like the guy, boss…but I think he is motivated by the petty need to be an ‘oracle’ and come up with things that feed that image.
Sd fell off that pedestal for me a year ago…and fell hard.
He should’ve welcomed the insights that Q was giving us, but instead he declared it “dangerous” and went on his insane banhammer tirade.
If Sd had been smart about it…he would’ve just remained neutral on Q.
And let people discuss the Q drops, pros and cons.
Yeah, I have to admit, something’s up here.
Totally agree Wheatie.
There has to be a reason that he can’t/won’t tolerate enthusiasm that somehow doesn’t give himself credit for brilliant analysis.
His schitk progressively went from unity and fight to constant negative pessimism . The demoralization gave rise to jeering and mean spirited comments .
I don’t see how a person’s personality changes that radically.
Thinking SD is out to lunch. Click bate feeding Eeyore’s.
Can’t find my post now, but did post on this crap a day or two ago. Reconstructing…
Doubt IF Mitch’s drive for money over rides his ego regarding maximizing conservative Federal Justices / Judges.
– Against heavy head winds Turtle and Grassley did NOT allow Garland to be confirmed. NOT even a hearing in Judiciary.
– Many Federal Judge vacancies as hussein left office. Purely thanks to turtle AND Grassley.
– Stood by Kavanaugh against heavy odds of success.
– Ramrodding Judges through as quickly as the system allows.
– Justice ONLY requires 51 votes now.
– Streamlined Judge confirmations AFTER D-Rat stonewalling.
– Has stated “leave no vacancy behind” moar than once.
– Regarding potential SC vacancy later this year or 2020, an election year, SC nominee WILL be processed. D-Rats WILL raise hell, BUT Turtle doesn’t care.
WHY doesn’t Turtle care AND SD is IMO out to lunch? Turtle EGO and LEGACY.
Federal Judges under President Trump / Turtle 170 and growing. One in four or five! Massive accomplishment given less than three years. Impact felt for decades.
Another thirteen months and we’ll have moar Judges confirmed.
^^^ Incredible impact on the SC and Federal Judges that WILL exist for decades. HISTORY BOOKS?
AND, imagine, another four year term with President Trump and Turtle as Majority Leader.
A few hundred moar Federal Judges confirmed. AND, another term will yield minimum two SC, possibly four. Bunch of them folks getting OLD.
The potential for Turtle be achieve historic gains with pushing through conservation Judges and Justices is far moar valuable to Turtle than money.
AND, NO, I am not suggesting turtle is immune to reeling in money through nefarious BS actions or in-actions.
IN THIS CASE EGO – LEGACY over rides money. He’s rich. filthy rich. Me thinks.
Besides, Minority is a LOSER role. Spoiler role. Can’t make shit happen on his own. Who the hell wants to be second, IF they can be FIRST?
Yup. You have to be right. NO WAY does Yertle want his magic wand taken away. NO WAY.
AND, NOW, SD is dissing Turtle over USMCA. Which Turtle will 100% get passed.
Did see Turtle has dispensing / processing Impeachment as a priority and a couple budget items.
NO BFD by me.
The day President trump signals USMCA is an issue, then I’ll figure it is.
Getting USMCA through the House IS the priority with resist everything AND do nothing D-rats.
I don’t get how helping Mitch get reelected in the Primary helps President Trump? If Mitch looses to a primary challenger or wins over a primary challenger, then yes, reelecting him is 100% helpful to President Trump. Otherwise, any GOP will do and if not Mitch then maybe someone stronger for GOP leadership.
I haven’t forgotten how he was to the tea party. I don’t think he is pure Trump supporter/MAGA by a long shot.
We don’t donate to any but MAGA candidates in the primary and then to GOP in the General even if the GOP is a swamp rat RINO as that is still better than a Dem. But not in the primary. MAGA and challenging the swamp seems best in the primary. Make them earn our MAGA $ and MAGA votes!
Mitch is an amazing strategist. He’s leader for a reason, IMO. I think Trump won him over and now he’s Trump’s personal JUDICIAL CANNON!!!
Ok. I respect your opinion. You have More than earned it with all of the great insights you share! Thoughts on why USMCA not going forward?
I’ll look into USMCA tomorrow – I know that the DEMs held it back, but I think they may have tried to add on some GRAFT and CORRUPTION – kickbacks and mafia money provisions. Especially with Mexico – they will try to weaponize for drug money, etc.
In other words, no good deed has gone unpunished. If Yertle needs to do surgery on what goes through from the evil treason Dems, that makes sense.
Remember how Pelosi operates on “fast action” – only to deceive.
I’ve long wondered if the white hats are whitemailing McConnell into going along with The Plan. “Do what we say or we’ll hit you with the cocaine trafficking charges.”
But conspiracies aside, if McConnell was truly on the other side, then he wouldn’t have put his ass on the line by blocking the Merrick Garland nomination.
Not just blocking Garland, he blocks numerous vacancies during the GOP 2yrs in charge of the Senate, Obama’s last two years. He only let a couple of confirmations through. He has supported and pushed to fill every vacancy in DJT’s administration, including going to the wall for Kavanaugh. McConnell is going to be very happy to have shared in the legacy of DJT, and he realizes this isn’t politics as usual anymore in the SWAMP.
WOW. Yeah. MITCH held the line.
I don’t read SD anymore… there’s no basis for his comment above… except “I believe” … all about his feelings.
It creates a lot of negativity to accuse any Republican of not supporting the President… accusing the MajLdr is irresponsible.
SD blocked me on twitter a long time ago, so I’m glad I wouldn’t have seen such an ugly comment.
I’m sure SD blocked me when I told him I’m glad Trump is POTUS and he’s not….
I walked away from the old tree and have not been back since.
Blocked you on twitter! That’s ridiculous Lady P. I guess he doesn’t engage in disagreement of any kind!
That was the first thing he did once I started showing up here. Then my OT comments went to moderation, and after my celebrating Q-Tree’s birthday here, the divorce was complete.
I was late to CTH, finding them in 2016, but Flep and gang got me through the months before the election. That Monster vote gave me hope – because the MSM was lying through their teeth and the polls were obviously bogus.
Thanks Lady… we’re glad you’re here!
Thank you!
I guess the question would be how was Mitch screwed by keeping the Senate? Business interests?
That was my question. That would mean Mitch is in it only for himself and doesn’t care about the country. While I know there are many politicians like that, I don’t believe he is one of them. He might be somewhat of a neocon, but I don’t think he hates Pres. Trump or wants the Dems to have the Senate.
Hear! Hear!
I disagree!!!
Mitch McConnell is enjoying being on a winning team and attending loud huge loud rallies.
He is enjoying pushing JUDGES by the hundreds!!!
Mitch also enjoying seeing our country prosper and jobs increase.
SD needs a strong laxative.
At his age Mitch is nearing the end of his Senate career – Shaping the US judiciary for decades will be Mitch McConnell’s legacy and bragging rights!!!! (never mind that he couldn’t do it without PDJT)
Yup. I think that Br’er Lion and Br’er Turtle done cooked up a PLAN.
You be so right, Uncle Wolf! ;8->
SD needs a strong laxative.
^^^ Had to take a break to stop chuckling;-)
Sometimes I think SD is more DS than SD…
More and more I feel that way also
Wolfie, I’m just a little
– but that is one of the most bizarre statements I’ve ever seen from someone on our side. Mitch McConnell does not hate POTUS. There is no logic in that kind of statement. I suppose it fits SD’s belief that McConnell is just as happy being a minority leader as majority leader – and that is WRONG!
Why? well on many fronts, including the one on judges. McConnell could have ruined almost everything we needed done during a DJT presidency if he SABOTAGED the judgeships – he didn’t. That tells me all we need to know.
Do you remember the time early on in POTUS’ presidency when McConnell said he was having the best time of his entire political life during DJT”s presidency? I remember it.
Some people live on confirmation bias and seek ways to make it happen. For whatever reason.
But there’s no way anyone could make such a statement with any certainty. In fact, POTUS and Mitch have appeared to get along…
I’ll leave it at that because that entire line of thinking is a bridge too far for me.
Yup – you have some real BONA FIDES there.
I’m PERISHING THE THOUGHT on this stuff!
Mitch McConnell is a survivor of liberal abuse for decades. It’s Battered Conservative Syndrome.
We have a thrift store here in town that benefits a battered women’s shelter, staffed by the women. When they first start working there, they will hardly look you in the eye. They are beaten down, their shoulders slumped, their spines curved. Slowly, over weeks of safely living their lives, not being abused, they straighten, look up, and even will speak to you.
I think McConnell has gradually recovered and feels safe. His actions reflect that. I’m pretty sure Trump probably encouraged him even BEFORE he was elected. They had the polling, Trump KNEW he would win. McConnell doesn’t hate Trump. He MAY disagree with him on some things, but I’ll bet he idolizes the man for helping him cement his incredible judiciary legacy.
Good thoughts and well said!!!
No wolf. I think McConnell likes power and $. Power overrides any hate of Trump he might have. But he’s learning he has to fight and not be a DC swamp guy. I think he can sense a change. Trump as POTUS keeps him in power and $. Also the movement that is Trump is not going away ANY time soon.
I also think Graham was being blackmailed by McCain.
wheatietoo wise lesson never put anyone pedestal and if you do know when to walk away.
Ugh need an edit button. Also look how he held the line against O. NOW that was telling.
That dude at the other place has been compromised, he’s trippin.
Yup. If its even the same SD as before….
I stay away from the poison tree.
I think you just solved part of why THIS image appeared:
I have been there maybe 6 times in the last year, I dont miss the negative shit one bit Kea.
No way. And that tweet — “[McConnell and Graham] are playing their own game against the American people” — is a classic conspiracy theory that makes Pres. Trump look as if he’s being duped. It’s the polar opposite of what Q says: that there is a plan, that they’ve got this, that pain is coming. This kind of thing is counterproductive and demoralizing to our side, exactly what we don’t need. So why is it being promoted?
“So why is it being promoted?”
This is a really good question.
It’s all a bit “Scaramucci”, isn’t it?
Scaramucci was an almost overnight *reversal*. The DEGREE was dramatic. I think that’s the exception. But I think that SD’s “change” was relatively fast, too.
Just an observation. Need to think about this some more.
Shannon has a THREAD… a few facts here
Scott is still scheduling ‘trash’ pickups… going back to Baltimore.
How many of you QTreepers live in a city, where they have trash pick-up? Baltimore refused to rent dumpsters to Scott the first pickup. Why doesn’t City of Baltimore pick up trash in ‘economically depressed’ areas? City also refused to allow porta-pottie rental to Scott. I’m not sure how Scott resolved that, but he did.
So, why are these Democrat controlled cities NOT picking up trash? Property owners pay taxes for that service… but the cities treat people in some areas unfairly.
It’s NOT that these problems have simply manifested out of the air… the problem of homeless, trash, etc. has been CREATED by the DIMs. Take Portland for instance… they actually passed legislation allowing homeless to defecate on the sidewalk !
Insane isn’t it?
They (Demcoms) tried to set race relations back the 1950’s.
They act like women are battling to get the right to vote..1900’s
Their new agenda to grow homelessness and drug addicts and mentally ill is hearkening back to the dark ages with filthy people, unsanitary public spaces.
In SanFran they’re putting the responsibilty of cleaning human waste on the property owner. Property owners don’t usually actually own the sidewalk or curbs and bus stops in front of their homes. All the knowledge of proper handling of bio waste has been thrown out the window. Their city workers have equipment and hazmat suits to deal with it but now…it’s all good if you get your garden hose and rinse it all to the street and then it ends up in the gutter and on to the ocean?
It’s CHINA. It’s a WAR on the United States, under the table.
I guess those tax dollars for clean up are going elsewhere….? /s
I’m going to repeat something that I posted in the Rally Thread…
This Shampeachment = Election Tampering.
I keep waiting for one of our warriors, like Gaetz or Nunes, to make this point.
Hopefully they will soon.
It’s Election Tampering!
I mean…it’s right there…Congressman Green [D-TX] blurted it right out!
“If we don’t impeach him he will get reelected.”
I feel like the little kid who pointed at the naked Emperor and said, “The Emperor has no clothes!”
This Shampeachment is Election Tampering!
The Dems are doing this for no other reason, than to ‘influence the election’!
Isn’t that what they accused the ‘Russians’ of doing?
Aren’t those the words that they used…over and over…for the last two and a half years?
The Dems and their media operatives, are engaging in Election Tampering!
Yep, was just thinking same thing earlier. Not election interference because that’s in November, Election hasn’t happened yet. But it is definitely Campaign interference. I like tampering too, good word choice.
“Election Tampering” covers a lot.
You may be thinking of Vote Tampering…which is what happens in November during the actual election.
Election Tampering is what the Dems/Enemedia has been accusing the Russians of doing…by supposedly ‘hacking’ the DNC computer, etc.
Tampering with the actual Votes…Vote Fraud…falls under the wider heading of ‘Election Tampering’.
What if CHYYYNNAA ordered her to go forward with impeachment, along with their radicals (“The Squad”)?
See my earlier comments RE this:
Oh…I think THEY DID.
Like I’ve been saying…
The Dems big donors have probably been screaming at them, saying:
“Stop him! What are we paying you for!”
“Do whatever you have to!”
And the ChiComs have been big donors to the Dems for quite a while.
Also…to some of the Rinos.
In addition to having the money to throw at politicians…the ChiComs also have tentacles into the media/entertainment world.
Which could ‘punish’ anyone that the ChiComs instruct them to.
That remake movie, ‘Red Dawn’, was already completed and in the can.
It depicted the Chinese invading our West Coast.
The ChiComs had the power to have that movie yanked from it’s scheduled release…and forced to remake it, with the substitution of the Norks as the invaders.
So yeah…I fully believe that the ChiComs are yanking the strings on this Shampeachment show.
Yup. And this is why POTUS is always talking about Hunter Biden getting over a frigging BILLION BUCKS from CHYYYNNAA. How he wishes they were that easy for HIM to deal with.
China says “WE PAY – YOU OWE!”
It might be the ChiComs who are giving out those ‘black eyes’.
Harry Reed was up to something with the Chinese…a land deal, or something.
But I think he failed to deliver on it.
Somebody worked him over.
Remember that?
The ChiComs do not tolerate failure.
Could be. The ChiComs have a lot of very ugly operatives here in the US. You know how I say they’re racists just like the Nazis? The Nazis did not respect borders on their RACIAL OWNERSHIP IDEAS. So they felt like they “owned” Germans everywhere, and also had a right to destroy Jews everywhere.
The ChiComs have a similar thing. They feel that they “own” people who are “racially Chinese” everywhere, and that they have a right to attack the enemies of Communism everywhere.
Thus, their GOONS will threaten, cajole, and otherwise pressure “Chinese” in the US – Chinese citizens or American – to serve CHINA and stay out of churches, or avoid associating with the “wrong” people.
ChiNazis are going to be a huge problem for the world.
@techno_fog is fantastic!!!
He’s been naming and shaming all journalists who gave credibility to the dossier. Timeline is nonstop examples
This is pretty good.
It was a short thread, so I posted the whole thing.
But here is the Thread Reader for it, if you prefer it:
Personally, I think China was the one who was helping the Dems the most…in trying to defeat PTrump.
The ChiComs most definitely did not want PTrump to win.
They have more money to throw around, than Putin does…and they have their fingers in more of our media/entertainment industry than Putin could ever hope to have.
I may go look at CTH posts during that time. What was happening? This was all PRE-Q.
It would’ve been right After PDJT won the primaries and was slated to be the R-nominee.
Yes, and HILLARY was in trouble against Sanders. Go to HERE and go forward in time:
Cankles was running ROUGH from an IG release, AND check this out – CALIFORNIA troubles:
Note the date: MAY 30
Fearing Defeat Hillary Clinton Adds Emergency California Campaign Stops…
So what if he was running to CHINA to get funds for CALIFORNIA?
Notably, Glenn Beck then went nutso….
And that is followed by a lot of BAD NEWS for Hillary because of DEPOSITIONS…
YUP – I think we nailed it!!!
SD said this:
NBC is trying to GASLIGHT the California Electorate
Take heart Bernie supporters. Bernie Sanders WILL WIN in California if an honest election is held. Absent of DNC manipulation Sanders WILL WIN.
How do we know? Because NBC Pollster, and notorious Hillary Clinton sycophant, Mark Murray, is doing everything possible to try and skew data in an effort to call the race close, and prop up Clinton. He, and the media outlets which employ him, have a history of this.
So I think that’s what’s happening. Pelosi needs help from China – maybe CASH – to keep the CANKLES PLOT running.
Of course, money came in through BIDEN’S BOY, TOO.
It’s starting to look more and more like the New Jersey shooting was “some people who did something.”
Mmmmmmm hmmmmmm.
Blackburn can be a firebrand when defending President Trump – TN is Trump country and she specifically ran on supporting President Trump. However, watch her like a hawk watching a field mouse when it comes to many foreign and military polices. Voted for NATO resolution reducing President Trump’s ability to negotiate. Was Very Loudly critical of his NW Syria/PKK/Turkey decisions. Now this….
Yes…this is not good.

Drat. And here I thought that Marsha Blackburn was one of the good guys.
The shit people come up with, I thought this was like the Babalon Bee kinda story but these people are for real,Trippy to say the least.
Any thoughts Wolf?
Super-MK-ULTRA is the real purpose. Mass mind control study.
It looks like they’re past the study part…mass mind control chaos is all the rage.
It never occurred to me how many adderall and ritalin abusers there are but it makes a lot of sense. The years of doping boys for being too boisterous have come of age. They’ve expanded to include gender hormone drugs, legal high potency weed. If people hadn’t started dying from additives in vape oils no telling what future personal windowpane acid vape oil could’ve had.
That is a real eye opener Rodney, thanks.
First thing I thought of when I realized it was a real story and not a parody.
Thank you for verification Wolf.
I will go into this in more detail later. This link was actually very helpful.
Seriously – I just solved a huge question I had about Sidney Gottlieb’s MK ULTRA work which had been nagging me forever, thanks to this link, and will put it in a post later. This is ALL ABOUT MIND CONTROL. All that BS about cures and whatnot is BS.
Awesome Wolf,I cant wait for the story.
This story made me realize just why they want to legalize shrooms and LSD.
I found this .pdf from the CDC listing the ingredients in vaccinations. Dumping it here in case anyone cares.
Fun fact: The top ingredient in most of these vaccinations is formaldehyde.
Please…Pray…For Weeper….
for me xtra hard tonight.
ATTN Friends-
I can’t or reply for obviously reasons…..they are sending me out to the hospital because there is blood coming trough my neuphrostomy tube. Please
Will do!!! <3
Thanks darlin…
Praying for Weeper.
MLAR Marica
I love you Rodney..!!!

Love you to Marica
Back atcha darlin!
This will be fun.

Most common phrase Horowitz spouts at Judiciary hearing, goes something like…
“Ongoing investigation. No further comment.”
Lindsey Graham, South Carolina, Chairman
Chuck Grassley, Iowa
John Cornyn, Texas
Mike Lee, Utah
Ted Cruz, Texas
Ben Sasse, Nebraska
Josh Hawley, Missouri
Thom Tillis, North Carolina
Joni Ernst, Iowa
Mike Crapo, Idaho
John Kennedy, Louisiana
Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee
Dianne Feinstein, California, Ranking Member
Patrick Leahy, Vermont
Dick Durbin, Illinois
Sheldon Whitehouse, Rhode Island
Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota
Chris Coons, Delaware
Richard Blumenthal, Connecticut
Mazie Hirono, Hawaii
Cory Booker, New Jersey
Kamala Harris, California