Confirmed, Soleimani is Dead.

We have confirmation from BBC in Iran, WaPost in Beirut, and even Brookings. Two SUVs were on the way to the Airport in Baghdad, and four rockets were fired killing as many as 8 people in the two cars. We’re still sorting out who was in the cars. Many Iranian/Iraqi sources confirming the death of both the Quds Force chief Qassem Soleimani and the #PMU Deputy Abu Mahdi al-Mohandes by the attacks on the convoy near #Baghdad airport.

What it means is a month of ass-wipe “journalists” mourning over the loss of another “austere religious scholar”. To the parents of thousands of dead Americans and every soldier who was deployed to Iraq, it’s long overdue!

We will update as info flows. Please add to the post at will. Thank you for your help.

Update #1: Looks like we got all three of them, traveling together.
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Excellent coverage Daughn… real journalism !
Wonderful news for the world… POTUS is the very best…

Harry Lime

It’s already on Wikipedia…that was fast (not that anyone should go to Wikipedia any time soon).


They’ve probably been busy writing “just-in-case” stuff for a while now!

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. So, hey brother-lover and the rest of your slimy “team”: like, er, something happened…
Maybe you can now see the difference between LEADERSHIP and HOLDING ONE’S WORD and all the trashy diatribe you lot spew…
Go back to the burger joints… the minimum wage is up…
Then again, y’all would probably ruin a burger before it had a chance to be served… probably would burn water if you tried to cook it…


Paging hussein…
Your thoughts hussein…are you sad or happy face today hussein?
Hint, real Americans ARE happy.


See his pic below 😃

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WAR PIG HUSSEIN didn’t get the war he wanted (US vs. North Korea).
WAR PIG HUSSEIN got the military action he deserved (his war pig ally in Iran sent to HELL).


Off to visit U Tree shortly.


barak obama war pig article was superb. One of my favorites.
Great refresher.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! That was one of my “cold case” conundrums that just had to get posted when it all finally made sense!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Mess with the Lion, you’re gonna get mauled…
Iran, and you idiot mullahs, quit while you’re behind.
There aren’t enough inexperienced camels for the lot of you…


Guess they don’t have to worry about their sanctions anymore😃

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

How they got these guys to expose themselves has to be one amazing story.


Daughn, did you see BKR POSTED over on fleps round-up?!!
(AFAIK, he only “Liked” yesterday)


That is a very good point.
Feels like the movie: ‘Eye in the Sky’ Only better because its Trump!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think they must have been getting disinformation. QUALITY American military disinformation.


Reminiscent of the 26 Navy Seals who were “commanded” from high up to abandon their protocols and to travel in the same helo returning from an assignment. The helo was shot down claiming all lives.


It must suck to show up at the wrong country’s airport.

Harry Lime

Another austere religious scholar bites the dust? Boo hoo WaPo!

Harry Lime



And what else is that Wacompost is saying… “… death is sure to send tensions soaring…”
well, there are no Patriots at that yellow rag.


The Mourners were early!

Cuppa Covfefe

Oh, what a beautiful mourning,
Oh, what a beautiful day,
I’ve got a wonderful feeling,
(The) Mullahs are dying away…
There’s a black smoky fog on the sand dunes,
There’s a black smoky fog everywhere,
The pyres are so high as an elephant’s eye,
And it looks like it’s climbing clear up to the sky…


If you can do “Surrey With the Fringe on Top” I will spit my drink all over my keyboard 😛

Cuppa Covfefe

Cheers 🙂
When I take you out tonight complete,
Mozzie, here’s the way it’s gonna be
You will duck beneath a mass of white-hot rockets
In the biggest blast you’ll ever see
Cars and trucks and fleets better scurry
When I take out you and your scurvy
When I take you out just like scurvy with the singe on top
Watch that singe and see how it’s smoking
Y’all thought we’d just be laughing and joking
Crazy blokes will peek through their shutters and they all will pop!
The wheels are melted, the upholstery’s gone
The dashboard’s been blown all to bits
With broken glass curtains you can’t roll at all,
Looks like we won’t get to Biarritz
Tracking equipment sits there winkin’ and blinkin’
Won’t be here long way that I’m thinkin’
You can keep yer rig if yer thinkin’ that I’d keer to swap
Fer that melted little scurvy with the singe on the top


Wow that is EPIC!
You totally owe me a new keyboard now! 😛

Cuppa Covfefe

How’s this for a keyboard?
(Nothing like a Fender Rhodes, though I don’t remember there being an escape key 🙂 )…
(They really do have a unique sound, and are fun to play)…


Cuppa ! Dang that’s TERRIFIC ! I’m fallin’ out the chair laughing
“singe on top”

Sylvia Avery

Cuppa…………..I was in tears, and then someone told me I had to read this, so I did. Now I’m *literally* rolling on the floor laughing. So darned funny! Thanks for the laughs, my friend!

Cuppa Covfefe

Thanks, too. And Happy New Year! Here’s to shovels full of laughs, health, and happiness!

Sylvia Avery

😍😍😍 Happy New Year to you, too, Cuppa! 🤗

Deplorable Patriot

That’s hilarious.


Move over, BakoCarl – we got TWO Poet Laureates now at WQTH!!!!


Burka With The Fringe On Top?


Brilliant WSB !


Actualy, Burka With A Singe On The Top works nicely, too! 😉


yes, you sly gal, works too 😉



Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s a few to get you started (with a singe on the top 🙂 )…


You’ve got talent Cuppa… and you’re a mess… quick wit… always make me smile/laugh

Sylvia Avery

You and me both!


Hi Cuppa…………………………………
Love your rendition…
What a glorious day, right ?


And so quick, too! Now we need to find someone to sing it on a UTube video.


Made me laugh out loud. There’s a scripture and a song for everything!


Cuppa!!!!!!!!!!!! You Owe….erbody…..a freaking keyboard!!!!!! Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

michaelh had the idea and I thought, hmm, singe on the top… now I’ve got all different show tunes going through my head, like “Pick a little”/Good Night Ladies (Mullahs?) from “The Music Man”…
and Happy New Year to everyone (a little late to the party, I know). It’ll be interesting to see what the headlines here are tomorrow morning…. (I was in a hotel near Paris the day after Reagan bombed Libya… waiter asked, “good morning Monsieur … (I was a “regular” there), “would you like coffee or tea?” I replied “Coffee, thank you”…
The entire room, as one, turned to look at me… and that was in the mid-1980s. France has been under invasion since the 1960s, as has the UK…
Thank GOD we have a REAL President now… wish we could get a “clone” (Trumpf?) for Germany…


Cuppa Covfefe

In other words, “we got ourselves a convoy”, as in, we got ’em ………


Breaker one nine …



Cuppa Covfefe

Rubbed-out Ducky…


The swamp is global !


The Globalist’s swamp is draining fast… places to hide are shrinking


Absolutely… they can run, but they can’t hide!


Can the Marines arrest anyone…especially foreigners?



Harry Lime

Meanwhile…comment image

Gail Combs

comment image


Gail !
Super meme! just super…

Gail Combs

I stole it from the Dan Bongino thread. I thought it belonged here. 😉


Of course it does !

Harry Lime

2020 opens with a BANG!


Boy howdy, Harry, as my West Virgina friends say…followed by yah boy. Somehow that just seemed appropriate here. 😉☄️🔥


LUV it Harry, and you know he’s doing just that…

Harry Lime

…and ValJarJar right there with him.


Askin if he likes orange?


ValJar hardest hit…


Well, that didn’t last long.
““Iran Annihilates Any Aggresseror and the US Is Aware of This” – Commander of Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps Threatens US”
From the article:
The leader of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps threatened the United States on Thursday. This followed Tuesday and Wednesday’s Iranian-backed proxy groups’ attacks on the US Embassy in Baghdad.
Major General Hossein Salami warned the US, “Iran annihilates any aggressor.”
Salami added that Iran is not afraid of any war.




……. for his reunion with McShame.

Cuppa Covfefe

Sounds like the Salami got sliced and diced…
Gonna end up as part of a $#!+ sandwich…




Maybe some journalists will cease asking STUPID questions… (she says with a straight face)
“What’s your exit strategy for Iran if war does break out?”
There are so many levels of stupidity in that question, I don’t know where to begin… could probably write a thesis and get a Ph.D. on it.


I read this to Hoofy and we both thought you totally could, lol.


well, I was exaggerating a ‘tad’ … I’m amazed at how stupid they can be for ‘journalists’ … certainly not what we had decades ago, right?


Literary license, m’dear!! Gosh, so true! Kids in elementary school could do better some times!


comment imagecomment image


The stone and setting look the same, but the band looks different.


Those photos are weird.
He is wearing the ring on different fingers in every one.


Did any one see that the reports said that three “Katyusha” rockets landed at the airport? Curious to me, since Katyusha is an extremely well-known Russian folk song.



Cuppa Covfefe

Just brought to mind John McCormack singing Maclusha…
I don’t think the Iranians will be singing at the moment… and the Vulgar Boatmen, aka Swift Boat Kerry et. al., are probably dealing with massive indigestion, fear, and loathing…
[btw., McCormack’s rendition of that work is a prime example of some of the most extraordinary breath control I’ve ever heard in a tenor, or, indeed, a vocalist, ever]…

Deplorable Patriot

Aww. Somebody’s butt is hurting. Put some ice on it Benny.


Ben is getting destroyed in the replies.
I like this one the best:
“Ben, this was cheaper than sending a pallet of cash. Plus, we avoid those banker fees, which really leave a mark.”


She’s urging caution to everyone, says we need verification, it could’ve been others.


“…did America just assassinate, without any congressional authorization, the second most powerful person in Iran, knowingly setting off a massive regional war?”
Why yes. Yes, we did.
1. The President did not declare war.
2. No Congressional approval was needed.
3. Congress can’t get their heads out of….impeachment….and are a joke. Many of them will do anything to thwart Pres. Trump’s efforts to MAGA and to get reelected. They are on the wrong side. The media and Dems will be screaming because it’s another victory for America that is solely to Pres. Trump’s credit, and there’s nothing they can do about it.

Cuppa Covfefe

Somehow I remember the Ø saying he could take out anyone, anywhere…. and Hill-the-BEAST spoke often of “droning” someone….
Yet, from the Urinalist MCM “media”, nary a word…
“Balanced” anyone? “Tolerant” anyone?`
Oh, wait, don’t you lot say “no news is good news”, and “if it bleeds, it leads”???
You could qualify as apprentices on “My Weakly Reader” from long ago (spelling intentional)…


Cuppa: You are on a roll tonight! 😁😁😁👍


No wood pallet is going to stop or help with that!!!
That’s going to leave a mark!


Chaffetz confirmed he talked to Hannity whose sources say POTUS immediately made the call after targets were identified in consultation w/ Intel, military, and SD leaders. So there!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Don’t attack an American Embassy. Simple!
The Commie Contagion and its Satanic Muslim alliance is no longer dealing with DUPE Jimmy Carter and PLANT Barack Obama.
This is what Iran KNEW Reagan would do.


Rally Remembrances:
“Get him OUT. Get him OUTTA HERE.”


Hi BKR👋 Soo good to see you! 😻

Deplorable Patriot

Gail Combs

>i>”Unfortunately Western media misses the point by glorifying Soleimani…..”
Amazing how the US Fifth Column MSM IDOLIZES TERRORISTS who are hated in their OWN countries.


Very informative.
I know there’s someone who Flep always posts about but I can’t recall the twitter account sadly.


kea, are you maybe thinking of @HeshmatAlavi ?


YES that is the one thank you!!!!


kea…thought so…I’ve been following him for several years. An Assyrian friend first told me of Heshmat…iirc, KSA was smuggling in satellite phones, and Heshmat had one.


I thought I had his twitter saved but I guess not. You know how it goes. But I like his posts. Very good info there.


yes, he’s consistent too…@HeshmatAlavi


I’ve made sure to really save it this time!!! 🙂



Harry Lime

The DeepState/Left = Treason. There is so much going on…Kerry belongs in a deep dark cell for life…along with a lot of other treasonous filth (Obama, Jarrett, Hillary, Holoder…etc.)

Deplorable Patriot


Queue “Blame Pompeo” Knee Jerk in THREE… TWO… ONE…




“Yes General? One second…”
Leans over “Hey Lindsey, check this out…”
“Yes General? Strike authorized.”
“So you ready to putt out?”


LOL you all ROCK!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Looks like the Mullahs ran into a sand trap…


LMAO NOW I get it. Ok I blame the wine!!! And the fact that I don’t golf.

Cuppa Covfefe

Prosit 🙂 und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!


🙂 Thank you!!! The same to you!!!


Wow Mom asked that I pull up the for her so she could write a message to our POTUS!!! 🙂



Dems, DS, MSM… all that evil.


As I recall, the congressional anti-tango defense authorization is STILL in effect.
You’re welcome.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



It’s almost like Iraq needed liberated… AGAIN…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We shouldn’t be allowed to have this much fun…
…but here goes!!!comment image


Oh, man – I love this – just as much as I love my diet coke!! So funny!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


“revered leader”…???? What a bunch of silly asses! Really, what bunch of traitorous, damaging idiots

Deplorable Patriot

That was one of my thoughts. The DS had no clue.




like this

prayers for our nation and our military personnel.
Mostly, prayers for President Trump’s discernment and wisdom.


Winter, bro… should’ve braced yourself


SD’s response – he seems a little conflicted as 2 different approaches

All part of dealing with the Embassy attack?


Iran didn’t learn that lesson the first time in 1979; they were overdue for some medicine.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These guys (Iranian leadership) are on the thinnest fucking ice on the planet, trust me. ONE. WRONG. MOVE. And they are DEAD. DEAD. DEAD.


Iran didn’t learn a lesson from 1979 because Carter was a pansy, rolled over and didn’t teach them a lesson! Look at Obama – How could iran have learned any lesson from our past leaders other than our leaders would not stand up to them? Now, they are learning President Trump’s lessons!


Iranian takeover of our Embassy for 444 days was a dark time for us in the Military. Carter dithered and wussed.
Thankfully as President Reagan was sworn in, hostages were released.
Me thinks, Iran will be bitch slapped a few moar times as they muster up courage to do stoopid things against America.


scrollin’ on past some dude


A legend in his own mind


Twinz 👯‍♀️ MQ!!! 😊

Cuppa Covfefe

For anyone into numbers, that’s 22222… 9+12+1 (13), 2,2,2
Mullah’s got their bell rung. 40 years after the first time. Time to put they away forever, and put Persia back online. Not perfect, but it once was a relatively “western” country.
And like all the rest of the Mozzies (indeed, the Arab world), the only thing the Mullahs and Mohammedans understand is “my stick’s bigger than your stick”…
Øblowhole was always playing with toothpicks; VSGPDJT is tossing out rods from God (though the quake could well have been a Rod from GOD)…


Anyone else feel like Chocolate Cake??? 😋🎂😋
Trump orders attack that kills Iranian Gen. Qassim Soleimani, other military officials in Baghdad, Pentagon says


I brought some to sharecomment image


Aww, God Bless You Michael!!! 😍 You’re always on it. You’re the Best Rule#3 Commander General!! 😋💖😋


Bigger… it needs to be bigger! 😉

Cuppa Covfefe

And this is one time we can be happy it all ends up in tiers 🙂
(ducks flying forks, forbidden straws, plates, empty Duncan Hines boxes, and Wilton piping tools)…


“An official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said al-Muhandis had arrived to the airport in a convoy to receive Soleimani whose plane had arrived from either Lebanon or Syria. The airstrike occurred as soon as he descended from the plane to be greeted by al-Muhandis and his companions, killing them all.“


Isn’t that just like a businessman? Maximizing ROI….


Good Evening General, Welcome to Ira….HELL!! 🔥🔥🔥


Approval was given by POTUS this morning
Seems to be related to the Embassy attack and to his plans to escalate attacks on US bases and personnel throughout the region.


We’re going to build a wall around Iraq, and Iran is going to pay for it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I say build the wall with BLUE HELMETS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, it that’s true, then President Wolf Moon would have already begun bombing Tehran.
Good thing they’re dealing with peacenik Trump.


SD getting dragged for saying that regardless of how we got here, we are now “here” and time to rally around the flag, support President Trump and our troops (that is what I get from the tweet). He has been very critical and concerned about President Trump being deceived/lead into war/military action and made that plain via multiple articles.


“There comes a time when it doesn’t matter how we got here folks; WE’RE HERE.”
Always the snarky attitude that places doubt on Pres. Trump and fails to give him credit. Always the holding back to *prove* that SD somehow knows more than Pres. Trump and his entire team. A backhanded call to support Pres. Trump now that he *finds himself* in this situation. 😡

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

SD understands a lot of stuff, but military strategy not so much. I’m a bit surprised.


I think it’s more than military strategy he doesn’t understand…


I don’t think President Trump appreciated the embassy attack. Not only did he make sure it failed he is punishing those who were behind it and who had plans to attack US forces around the region. Tweet being brought up from 1.5 yrs ago – he tried to tell them!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Simple advice to bad guys everywhere.
If you EVER get an “ALL CAPS” tweet from Trump, it means you are fenced in with invisible red lines. Step over one and you will be BROUGHT DOWN LIKE A GUILLOTINE. Staring up at the sky wondering WHY, WHY WHY is everything spinning.


Yup! That’s my El Presidente’!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What was it? Tweet is gone

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think this was it. He deletes and re-posts a lot of tweets for trivial reasons.


Ah ok thank you


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a BRILLIANT MOVE. Trump let them step over an undebatable red line and decapitated their military.


comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This SMALLER LEANER NSC is bringing back the magic.


Some People Did Something.


Wow, wow wow wow!!!!
So I just opened a bottle of bubbly!!!! That’s OUR POTUS!!!!


Thank you, Kea. Always bring tears to my eyes and heart.


🙂 Its such a good song. Very appropriate for what happened today.




Looks like it was quite a precision attack.


Looks like the same ring:comment imagecomment image


Ooops…second photo should’ve been this:comment image


Wheatie – Do you think that hand is attached to a body or is it a stand alone appendage? What say you?


And pompeo has addressed that Kerry etc. were talking with Iran against US policy….wonder if we will see more fall out re Obama admin + shadow Obama admin/state department trips that took place after 1/17.
Guess Kerry has Zero credibility left with foreign powers.


They ALL should take notice…the shadow admin is the same old talk. Pandering to egos, making false impotent promises. Pelosi isn’t the president, nor Kerry nor the Mighty Ozero AND they failed at their mission to unseat the real Donald Trump POTUS


Yeah, KJU better re-think his little pony ride😉


Update 3: The Pentagon has confirmed that Soleimani was killed at the direction of President Trump in what it termed a “defensive action” as per the following statement:comment image?itok=vqpesW8h


comment image

Ummmm yeah I trust the ‘NYT’ sure. How about what the people of Iran think??!?!?!?


Posted at the same time!!! twins!!! 🙂


I wouldn’t do that if I were them as President Trump does not like war but when he does take action he is not there to play. there will be no long, drawn out wars/”actions” with rules of engagement. There will be targeted actions against leader after leader, key targets like their refineries and he will bring them to their knees quickly. Period.


Dems kept out of the loop? That explains why they were so successful and no leaks to the press or the enemy occurred
PS: husband heard me raspberry/laugh and when I told him what the tweet said re Dems/Schummer he immediately said exactly what I was typing…that is why they were successful! 🙂


LOL True.


Laughter was my first response, too, but then I thought that sabotage was exactly what Schumer would have done. I thought of all his contacts — all the Dems, Hillary, O, Kerry, etc. — all the people who hate Pres. Trump. I have no doubt they would have done anything to keep him from having success. Not to mention that they really are on the side of Iran vs. America. Pres. Trump knows who our enemies are, and it’s gratifying to see the tears of Chucky, CNN, and the like.


Hahaha…..he should have communicated w/ Nancy who would have spoken to her nephew who spoke with his buddy who visited with a guy in a bar on Market St whose girlfriend said that her cousin was sure that Trump won’t put up with the slaughter of Americans. So maybe Chuckie should be impeached.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Cuppa Covfefe

Bent Rhodes, the fudge-tunnel flamingo… you should be stutting your plumage down in Gitmo… Orange you lovely… not…
Actually, your color is yellow; the yellow of a traitor. Perhaps you’ll be a Rhodes collar after all…


@ Ben Rhodes…..what legal precedence who you like?


Ben found hid ball sack…


Weird WP I know I typed in found! Ben found his ball sack!


WOW! Forgot about this.


I had sort of suspected Soleimani was going to be payback, but I figured by himself, with one of those single-car blade projectiles. Him and the crew greeting him at the airport is overachieving.
But I’m lovin’ it!


Would have been good to have him turned into sushi nut mince will do

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Going where and why? Or still unknown?


Iranians Thank President Trump for Killing Soleimani Using Hashtag #TnxPOTUS4Soleimani
There are lots of Iranian tweets on Twitter using that hashtag.


Oh Wow!!! Look at the comments!!


Wonder if that ring made its way to the black market, pawn shop…;-)


Strike approved this morning and not one syllable was leaked to the media. That is how you run a war.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That NSC downsizing is sure working.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, this was double-brilliant.



what a stupid statement from IIhan … my jaw is dropping…
what a pompous arrogant twit… a freshman congress critter threatening the president of the US…


Can we throw her out of the USA? Please? Anyone!?!??!


phoenix, a freshman congresscritter elected no doubt by majority if somali non-citizens, to boot!


Yes Piper… I was shocked when I saw the numbers… don’t recall atm, but there were several in the primary, in addition to the incumbent.
zero moved concentrated numbers of refugees into blue areas where they were sure to vote in a block for one of theirs. ggrrrr


phoenix, yep, that’s exactly right.
my Brother, out in boonies W of Boise, says “they” are being moved in w/o Government permission.
Their new Gov is now putting the ok on this.
folks are furious…elections have consequences.


So hope it can be ‘undone’ …


Maybe he was


That was a stunning blow to Iran. Very important figure in the regime. This is not the end of this.


OK everybody!
BKR just “liked” my comments to him, so he should have the link here now!


He posted here last week. Glad to see him.😄


I didn’t see his post… Just a couple of “Likes”… Till today.
Definitely a welcome sight!
(wonder if he still posts OT, got banned, or walked away)


BKR post last week was superb. Great at connecting the dots.
BKR posts are great by me. Well thought out, insightful and commonly out of the box. Well, out of the box my mind operates in.


Me and you both!
Missed his post last week… Late to the party (again!).



Excellent! That is so close to home it stings.
I have been wondering who was arriving at the airport? Who were so many evil VIPs gathering to great? Who was coming to the airport that was worth so many VIPs gather in one spot? Or were they just this arrogant? And they were blatantly at the embassy, brazenly leading the “protestors”/invaders/attackers. They thought the US/President Trump would not act. They chose poorly.


Good questions and I’ll add one….had they gotten complacent relying on black hat intel that has been cut off?


Oooh the burn!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is no lie. And if the Iranian leadership acts against another American embassy, the escalation will not be learned by them, because they will be dead.


No shi**. Some bad actors suddenly realized that there is a price to pay when you attack American interests. That message was sent around the world.



Am I ‘hearing’ that there may have been an assassination plot against POTUS involving Iranians?


Thanks for clearing that up wrt “plot” … and I bet they had zero and kerry backing ’em up…
Karma and justice is comin’


Now it makes sense why the Kurds thanked POTUS too. 💡


An Iranian COUP in Iraq would explain Sulei’s arrogance in convoy travel at the Baghdad Airport.


Good to see you BKR


Back at ya.


For once the DIMs can read the attitude of the American people… they are joyful, finally, a US PRESIDENT has stood up for our DEFENSE… the DIMs are dead in the water if they criticize POTUS on this…
notify Congress? and have several of them alert Iran? Yeah, right…


It has got to piss them off that Iranians are thrilled and thanking Trump. LOL


Sounds like the same statement Schumer made 😉


And, tell them the date, hour and location…just like Obama did.


I don’t feel the need for any explanation whatsoever. Bad guys who have been threatening the region and us for years were just killed. Our president and military are carefully monitoring the situation to keep everyone safe. What more do we need to know?


Did the noise wake you up Joe?


And a pic of Biden after he heard the newscomment image


LOL true!!!


Dems think they should be running the country. They can’t accept that Pres. Trump won, and they see everything through the filter of politics. Any victory for the country and for freedom is seen as a slight to them. They are pathetic partisans.


I would bust out laughing if the drones in Colorado were being used as practice for precision sequence for this hit


I was just thinking the same thing.


I have no idea if this is what Q meant, but on 12/27/19, Q 3756 says:
Something BIG is coming.
It was in response to someone asking when the media would “ask the question.” But maybe Q wasn’t referring to the media asking the Q question. Maybe he meant that something else really big would happen that would take everyone’s attention.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think you’re right. This was it.


That oughta ‘smart’ – take that DIMs… bet they thought they would have an opportunity to stand at a podium and comment (well, they probably will, but without a crowd of people applauding!)


Their faces are hilarious! It’s like election night all over again.


I was sort of musing, and it occurred to me that Soleimani was sort of the Che Guevara of Iran.


Soleimani was designated as a terrorist by us in 2005. Nuff said.


Best part is twitter is trending World War 3 LOL


kea…like they just replay their tweets from the KIM way-back machine.
it’s amazing how they reveal their desire.





Good one!


That has been making the rounds in our news here, too. Not Omar specifically, but Democrats in general: legal authority questionable, must explain to Congress.


The President has complete authority to do this…and more.
As usual, the Dems and Enemedia have ‘convenient’ amnesia.
HusseinO waged war on Libya without ‘congressional approval’.
And his adoring media thralls applauded him for it!


Absolutely! Fully agree!


Dear Ilhan – You will do nothing, bitch…


Why thank you, thank you very much….



I am late to the party, but as I understand it Soleimani targeted and was threatening American embassies and Americans around the world,
The President provided a measured and targeted response to deal with the threat.
Everyone in our country should be thanking the President and rally to the cause. Thank God SD seems to be coming around.
Just whose side, really…are these other people on?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Democrats are also Americans? Not all of them.


President Trump now has demoncrats and presstitutes defending Iranian terrorists.
He’s simply amazing!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Dinesh D’Souza – Thug Lifecomment image


Oh, Snap! Good one, Dinesh!


Titularily. Not in their hearts


No wonder the mourners were there, for their revered military leader and austere religious scholar. They were tipping him off. Apparently memo not received. Pain should be coming soon for the NYT.


Then you greet him at the airport. FU Deep State!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



That is so very specific…Horrific! Absolutely treasonous. I hope this leak can be traced and fully prosecute!`

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m tweeting this around to get investigation going.


U.S. Military Doctrine:
✔️ Seize the Initiative
✔️ Act Decisively
✔️ Minimize Losses
Check, check, and CHECK.


Foreign Policy Specialists??? Shouldn’t that be Fake Propaganda Spokespersons?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Iranians have to know that we OWN THEM now. If the next guy even begins to follow in Suleimani’s footsteps, he’s a dead man.
Why? NSC DOWNSIZING IS REMOVING TRAITOROUS LEAKS. Whatever we have that PWNS these jokers is gonna STAY pwned.
Seriously, think about it. WHAT IT WORTH MORE in terms of value – a MEDIA LEAK or a FOREIGN INTEL LEAK?
It’s a no-brainer. Leaking to foreign intelligence was worth more than leaking to the media, and there is less risk of getting caught.
What this means is that the massive NSC leaking to the media and Democrats was LESS than what was leaking to adversaries. THIS is why “shadow diplocunt Obama, mouthy Kerry, and Marie “Orange Sparrow” Yovanovich were so COCKY and ARROGANT. They knew that THEY were still running American foreign policy.


intel leakers … 0


hahhaha Orange sparrow


DEVELOPING: U.S. Marines have captured and arrested the following outside Baghdad:
Qais Khazali (Leader of Asaib Ahl al-Haq)
Hadi al-Amiri (Head of Badr Organization)
— Alex Salvi (@alexsalvinews) January 3, 2020

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. The CLEANSE is coming.


Appreciate your posts!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! Glad you’re posting here. Just avoid talking about Q, CTH, or Sundance *AT ALL* if you want to post in both places. Otherwise you risk being banned there. I would avoid even responding or liking this reply. No problem. Understood. Don’t like any posts bashing or even talking about “OT” (over there).


It’s like a colonic with a fire hose

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is more where it came from.
Leaving Israel and America alone would be an excellent idea.
Spend the money on the Iranian people. This is a no-brainer, Iran.


OAN reporter says they are celebrating the death of Suleimani:


Interesting! Thanks, Wheatie!
In the UK we are being told that he had ‘folk hero status in Iran’.


The guy was a monster!
The Iranian people hated him.


They’ll spread any narrative that opposes PDJT. Sick.


Britons are getting the same line: ‘no authority’.



Restart Iran!


Oops sorry ^^^^^ wrong one. This one

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Come on you can do it!!!!!


They want to bring in the Swiss? Did I miss something?


maybe they can ask the Swiss Envoy to check out why Soleimani was there.
According to the article Butterfly linked below he wasn’t allowed to travel out of Iran
“As recently as 2015, a travel ban and United Nations Security Council resolutions had barred Soleimani from leaving Iran.”


Are the Swiss harsh? Lol, schitzo Dude can’t make up his mind!
Iran vows ‘harsh retaliation’ after US airstrike kills Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani


LOL NO clue. But the comments about the Swiss are too funny.
I see a lot of big words coming from them and that’s about it.
Its like cockroaches when you spray stuff on them they run everywhere.

Cuppa Covfefe

They needed a big cheese, but their last one had too many holes in him…



“40 years doing to our country what strippers did to Hunter” Bwhahahah! Best line of the new year, for sure!


For every I.E.D our Troops had to endure.
On behalf of a grateful Nation ,Thank You Mr President
Get some.


Good thread on Regional reaction


Very informative without emotion one way or the other..


I thought so. Looking forward to more of her reports.

Gail Combs

Dimmi are NOT ALLOWED to retaliate against ANYTHING a muslim chooses to do to them….


While I was driving home in late afternoon yesterday, I saw an A-10 Warthog doing practice runs and making steep banking turns. I was nearby to the Camp Grayling (Michigan) training/bombing ranges. I watched it for about 15 minutes as I drove along. The last time I saw the A-10 was when it flew nearly overhead in the direction I was going and then made a steep bank to the left.
It was a beautiful sight to see. Made me proud of our Air Force. A fitting tribute/celebration, I thought, of the successful air strike against Iranian military aggression half-way around the world.


All glory to President Trump, who rescued the A-10 from Obama’s ash heap of history.


Iran “retaliates” against the USA.
POTUS involves NATO Defense
… Requiring ALL of NATO to TERMINATE any economic interaction with Iran.
… Extending to Sanctions on Russia and China for ANY further interactions with Iran
… Reversing their Joint Military Collaboration.
[… Not to mention NO DEAL for China or EXPULSION from our Markets]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love this scenario!!!


BKR, gosh it’s nice to see you again.


POTUS would convert any domestic retaliation to MASSIVE WINS:
• Immediate Border Wall
• Immediate Alien Deportations
• Immediate National IDs to prevent Election Interference via Licenses-for-Illegals.


Announce it all at the SOTU.


Congress declares POTUS is starting a WAR
… POTUS announces there won’t be a War unless CONGRESS DECLARES IT.
Congress declares POTUS is putting our troops AT RISK
… POTUS announces he’s withdrawing from Afghanistan to keep our troops SAFE.

Gail Combs

… AND POTUS places those troops on the Mexican border to prevent retaliation any Iranian retaliation on American Soil.
POTUS forces Congress to pass an ENDING RESOLUTION on the War on Terror thereby REMOVING the reason for the Patriot act. 😁


As predicted above, Congress is now complaining POTUS has put our troops AT RISK! … Wait for it … 🤣


BKR – Hallelujah you finally found the QTree in Wolfie’s Den 🤓 We’ve all been chattering about how to reach you forevah 😄 Your analysis is always thought-provoking and informative. You + Wolfie are truly a Force Multiplier.



Sadie Slays

Excuse the French, but Iran just found out that you don’t f**k with Pres Trump. Warfighters around the world just opened their eyes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What Trump is doing is so genius I can’t talk about all of it, because the Iranians have not figured it out. Nor the Evil Democrats.


That was like ripping the heart out of their bravado. The go-to guy of the regime.


Bingo Wolfe. The ONLY things the mullahs understand id FORCE. Bribery gets us NOWHERE. Iran has been quietly, thanks to our weak MSM for YEARS against the US and our allies. From the shit in Syria to the shit in Yemen (threatening Saudi Arabia) to the oil field drone attacks on Saudi oil refineries, to the taking of ships in the Gulf at the straits of Hormuz.
I guess people in the Dems and MSM just FORGOT that Iran JUST ATTACKED our embassy in Iraq, and had to have US military to take it BACK. These were NOT “morners” these were MILITIA, organized by Soleimani, why the hell do people THINK he was IN Iraq in the FIRST place?
He was FLEEING back to a “safer” haven when we “got” him and the #2. He was OBVIOUSLY the one that ORGANIZED the attack on US SOVERIGN SOIL, that my friend is an act of WAR. So, Trump, showed what SHOULD have been done in Benghazi, and TOOK OUT the planners of the attack, in LESS than 48 hours, DAMN impressive.
Believe me, this was MORE than a retaliation for the Embassy attack, this was a C L E A R warning to Iran, NK, AlQueda, ISIS, the Taliban, and ANY other terrorist threat, THIS could be YOU. You are NOT safe! ANY further bullshit by YOU or forces YOU control, WILL result in “similar” repercussions.
ANY one can get “got” at ANY time. Are you listening Kim? Are you listening Khomeini? NO more GAMES. When you SCREW with the bull, you get the HORNS. THIS is how we SHOULD have responding for DECADES against aggression, taking out the LEADERS instead of getting involved in foreign quagmires, that WILL, intentionally be bogged down and panned by OUR MSM.
This type of response WILL prove fruitful. as the ONE thing the leaders VALUE above ALL else is THEIR lives. Trump just drew a REAL red line. The message was received LOUD and CLEAR.
Now Khomeini and Kim and any other foreign bad guy had BETTER heed THAT message, and totally DISCOUNT what Kerry, Obama, and their proxies are telling them. ALSO, this serves as a TACIT warning to Obama, Kerry, and those proxies, better STOP monkeying around with US foreign policy, or YOU will ALSO be held to account, maybe not a missile, but the US Military will come for YOU, to arrest, and try YOU. Also, ya know, funny thing, some of that cheap, Chinese tech STILL exists in our equipment, it’d be a SHAM if it “accidentally” hit someone that was with the bad guys, and not a target, wouldn’t it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, the beauty of destroying Dem traitor credibility is AWESOME. Obama and Kerry and all their political manipulations behind the scenes just went into the TOILET.


Icing on the cake!

Deplorable Patriot

If there’s enough evidence via the surveillance means – remember Q says they have it all – there’s a good chance the DS stupid idiots may well have provided enough evidence for their prosecutors to have slam dunk cases.


Bet on it!. Hell, just like Pelosi and Schiff gave away Baghdadi’s location, getting him killed, who wants to bet they found Soleimani by tracking Kerry, Obama, or one of their proxies to him? Beuler? Beuler?


KaPow!!!! I agree. We are DONE sending our pawns to fight with your pawns. Fooled by Bush. Fucked by Obama. Our troops FINALLY have a CIC who cares about them 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump is even fixing CARTER’S mistakes.


Wait until a rabbit attacks Pres Trump. Then you can say that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, Carter!

Deplorable Patriot

Carter…yeah, the schadenfreude that the old geezer is still alive and lucid when this happened is just a bit too much to bear.


Carter’s last speech was a defense of Islam. So much for his spiritual discernment.
No one who is truly born again, John 3:3, will validate Islam as a path to salvation.


They can want war all they want. But they’re getting Trump. Big difference 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Shoulda been careful what they asked for.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Thomas wictor take. It works
Thomas Wictor
For @HeshmatAlavi
What I like about you is that you put up with my theories without feeling the need to agree or disagree.
So here’s a doozy:
As you know, I believe that Qassem Suleimani was killed in November of 2015.
Jan 03, 2020, 18:56 · Web · 3 · 10
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
I based my theory on two things:
One, this information.
“According to reports from inside the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), Qassem Suleimani, the notorious commander of the terrorist Qods Force, has suffered severe shrapnel wounds, including in the head, while at Aleppo’s southern front two weeks ago.”
IRAN: Qods Force’s Qassem Soleimani severely injured in Syria
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Other sources said that he was wounded.
Iran General Soleimani Lightly Wounded in Syria
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
The second reason I thought he was dead was his lack of public appearances, and his lack of commentary on Trump.
I know there’s one video of him saying that Trump speaks like a casino or bar owner, but there are lots of ways that could’ve been faked.
The regime hid his death because they knew he was indispensable.
The regime armed forces are totally centralized. When the commanders die, the units can’t function.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Two tweets convinced me that I’m right: Suleimani was killed in 2015, and the regime hid it.
So why did Trump say we killed him today?
One, we get to blame Iran for attempting a coup in Iraq.
Steven nabil on Twitter
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Here’s an even MORE interesting tweet:
Suleimani was killed in the best possible way.
*squiggle 🙃😠😉 on Twitter
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Trump takes the credit, so nobody can blame the Saudis or Israelis.
But check THIS out:
Therefore we set them up.
We got to accuse them of a plan to forcibly take over Iraq, and we got to finally “out” him as being dead.
Like everything Trump does, this actions serves multiple purposes.
The Iraqis get to say, “Enough.”
There were mass arrests of Iran-backed militia leaders tonight. By Americans.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Also, the regime finally has to admit that Suleimani is dead.
Trump said, “WE KILLED HIM.”
What was the regime going to say?
The reason the regime HID his death was that they knew it would rob them of most of the power.
Who’s left? Salami?
He looks like a bum.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
The final factor is that just like clockwork, all the Democrats are chiming in with “This was a terrible thing to do!”
Well, I can PROMISE you that Trump did this only after he coordinated with our regional allies.
Remember that when Mike Pompeo was head of the CIA, he secretly went to Pyonyang, AND IT DIDN’T LEAK?
We’re talking to Iranians. Guaranteed.
So what we saw was strategic deception that put the regime in a corner from which it can’t escape.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Dead men don’t talk.
Suleimani can’t deny anything, and the regime can’t admit that it was hiding Suleimani’s death.
Trump “killing” Suleimani was such a bold move that the whole Middle East will now see him in a new light.
And now there isn’t a religious component to Suleimani’s death.
What I mean is, there’s no war against Jewish people or Sunni Muslims.
And the Iraqis get to say, “WE KNOW NOTHING!”
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
This took place with no warning.
And nobody anticipated it.
THAT is how Iran will be freed.
In a way that nobody anticipated.
If I’m right, it means that the people working to free Iran are the smartest, most skilled people alive.
And they’re doing it CAREFULLY. They won’t go to war with Iran, because they cherish human life.
This is the Third Revolution in Military Affairs. Brainpower hooked up to firepower.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
So that’s my theory, and I’m stickin’ with it!
I thought for a long time that the regime might sya that Suleimani was “martyred” by jihadists in Syria, but there’s actually no real ground combat taking place.
The LAST THING they wanted was for the US to kill Suleimani.
Like me, the regime had no idea that Trump would pull something so brilliant and audacious.
So of course that’s why Trump did it.

Sadie Slays

The NYT saw it coming.comment image


And the Iranians trusted the shadow govt that they were secure. Ie obumma and Kerry etc

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Either way – if the WICTOR THEORY is right, then we basically just fooled the treasonous Times and whoever was trying to leak to Iran into PRISON. If Wictor is not right, then it’s even worse – they actually tried to save Soleimani from a real operation.

Gail Combs

AND the LEAKS can be traced…
Maybe I WILL get my wish!
comment imagecomment image


Suleimani was literally vaporized, leaving only his shirt.comment image


Thomas Wictor
I have NO IDEA what kind of munition did this.
But it’s clear that the most destructive munition possible was used. There’s fragmentation damage everywhere, and the car was turned inside out.
This was done for the photos. Trump wanted the world to see that when necessary, he shreds people into tiny pieces.


Breaking out the “jaws of life” ain’t gonna help this one….

Cuppa Covfefe

Was it a Tesla…
Darned high-energy-density electric cars… due for a recharge, no doubt…


And once they catch on fire they won’t stay out. Keep reigniting

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Did anybody SEE THIS GUY on the plane from Beirut to Baghdad?


1. This is the problem, you see.
Obama had infants running the NSC. Cowardly, weak fools who were played by the world’s crooks.
Such as Kelly Magdalen. Read this panic-stricken tweet and try to picture this person in an emergency.
‘OMG! Like, Trump is literally a Nazi. It’s all so TERRIFYING. Like, I am SO shaking with fear right now.’
Pathetic stuff.
2. Here’s another one.
‘OMFG. Like, they may close the Straits of Hormuz. That would be, like, SOOOO bad.’
No, fool.
If the mullahs do that, they will get another hammering.
It only gets worse for them.
Because ADULTS are in charge.
3. Reminder: THIS is what these idiots gave us.
The US Navy’s greatest HUMILIATION since WW2.
So as far as I’m concerned, all these empty-headed clowns can go take a hike.
Trump just showed the mullahs who is boss. I predict regime officials will now start to flee.
The end.comment image


The Dems and their Enemedia partners are ignoring the Pentagon’s statement.

This statement clearly explains the reasoning…and the justification…for the action that our President authorized and ordered.


interesting. Still no comment from her father.


Here is how the Iranian media reported it. This was a very big deal. Massive.


THREE days of mourning.


Next time…….THINK
before you do some dumb stuff.


And lastly, does anyone remember this tweet? Very prescient.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump’s ALL-CAPS tweets mean absolute business. RED LINES everywhere, unannounced. These people were idiots.
Trump hates war. So he decapitated their evil, demented military. These people have no idea what he’ll do next. If they escalate in any way, they are utter fools.
Trump bombs make people dance in the streets. Think about THAT.
Trump is changing everything. These mullahs don’t have a clue.
If they do ANYTHING out of line, Trump may literally end the regime overnight.


I’ll bet Rouhani has been having a bad case of the shivering grunties, trying to figure out what to do next.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They should give up. There is NO BENEFIT for Iran in any further attacks on Israel or America.
They won’t DO IT, but there is no benefit.
They will “choose poorly”, IMO. And then the Iranian people will be free.


Amen and Selah!!!


Someone needs to make up a a flyer with a picture of the broken embassy window with “Soleimani is our leader” spray-painted under it, and the text: “Congratulations on signing Soleimani’s death warrant. Please bring this flyer and proof that you wrote the slogan to a local police station to receive your 30 pieces of silver.”

Cuppa Covfefe

30 pieces of lead would do 🙂


Wow…what an arrogant threatening message!
Was Soleimani referring to his friendlies in Obominable’s shadow group?
Deep State?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. I think that’s it. I think our treasonous Dems told the Iranians not to worry – that they had “friends” in the NSC.
And I think we may have had a good idea which of these Obama assets were the ones leaking.


I hope that when Q says…”We have it all”…that it includes the traitorous activities of these HusseinO-assets.


Øbastard and Ketchup need to be arrested for treason!!!!


100% confident that Trump+team knew ‘xactly what was going on in NSC and who was doing it. It takes time to catch a traitor.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This would explain why the NYT tip got exposed so fast, too. Bet the Treasoncrats have been doing this for a long time and nobody noticed until FISA was put on their rotten domestic asses.


Do you think we are ready at our embassy



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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One droney boi…….. DID….. Win 🙂


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Gail Combs

comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Interesting. Here is what Khamenei said 1 day before the strike
“1st: You can’t do anything,” he wrote. “2nd: If you were logical — which you’re not — you’d see that your crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan … have made nations hate you.
“If the Islamic Republic decides to challenge & fight, it will do so unequivocally, We’re not after wars, but we strongly defend the Iranian nation’s interests, dignity, & glory. If anyone threatens that, we will unhesitatingly confront & strike them.”
and here is what he posted after the General was killed.
“All friends—& enemies—know that Jihad of Resistance will continue with more motivation & definite victory awaits the fighters on this blessed path. The loss of our dear General is bitter. The continuing fight & ultimate victory will be more bitter for the murderers & criminals.”
Is it me or does he sound oddly subdued?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not just you. He’s trying to keep options open is my reading. Trump has spun them around and they don’t know which way is up. This has shaken them up for sure.
The Iranians don’t even know which or how many red lines Trump let them step over. They could BACK INTO another one and take another hit.
Anybody sane in their leadership has to hope that they develop inertia and don’t make any sudden moves, because if they do anything stupid, more shocking surprises await.

Gail Combs

Wolfie, Do not forget the average IQ is ~85 just the right window for MAXIMUM VIOLENCE!
A lot of those young male mussies were imported into the USA by Bush and OH!Bummer. I think the chances of them ‘going off’ WITHOUT orders is great especially with the no bail rule now in effect in NY and that woman getting away with attacking Jews with the REWARD of $$$ and a cell phone each time.
NOT a good time to be a Jew (or an American) in NYC.


Khameini: You will pay for this….we will continue jihad attacks
Trump: Go ahead, make my day. I will hit back 10 times harder each time until you and your regime are totally obliterated, a dirty shameful smear in the history books.
Khameini: Um….



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gail Combs

You forgot putting over a barrel, CHINA and NATO countries AND Russia, Wolfie.
Just like wild boars into a TRAP!comment image


We need a few million of them

Gail Combs

I wonder if they would work on rabbits too?


Fake ass asylum seekers?


No I think it’s the same tit for tat that the taliban are getting. See game theory


Gold. Absolute gold


I know your “why” is rhetoric 😃🤩🙌

Gail Combs

comment image
BOAR HOG entering trap….


Terrible year for austere scholars and revered leaders.

Gail Combs

Ben Rhodes: “Trump may have just started a war with no congressional debate.”
Translation: President Trump did not tell the TRAITORS in Congress what his plans were so those plans could be leaked to the enemies of the USA!
He is also DEAD WRONG. President Trump DID NOT START A WAR, he is just finishing an existing war.

The War Powers Resolution requires the President to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, with a further 30-day withdrawal period, without a Congressional authorization for use of military force (AUMF) or a declaration of war by the United States. —WIKI

The war has already been declared!
Congress Declared War [on terrorism] on Sept. 14, 2001

On Sept. 14, 2001, the U.S. Congress in effect declared war when it passed the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) as a joint resolution….
What matters is that the resolution authorizes military operations of broad scope, in ways to be determined by the President. What matters is that this resolution exists at all.
The existence of the war on terror is prior to the conduct of the war. The conduct is malleable and can take many forms. As long as the resolution exists, the war will be conducted somehow. The conduct is important primarily as it may influence the public’s opinion and the opinion of the Congress that such a war should exist at all, for there is no way to end this war without passing a resolution that ends it. In other words, if the conduct is such that the costs are seen to be vastly outweighing the benefits, then the chances of ending the resolution rise.
One may argue about the constitutionality of the resolution, but if it were ever tested the odds are overwhelming that the resolution’s constitutionality would be upheld. It is inconceivable that a Supreme Court would overturn the power to declare war that is vested in the Congress.
….This resolution exists legally because Congress has the power to declare war. There may be no manual that describes what a war declaration should look like or that defines what a war is, but those uncertainties are also not central to the existence of this resolution. Under the U.S. Constitution, Congress has the power to declare war, however ill-defined it may be and however ill-defined the enemy is. That’s the fact that will not go away, no matter what debates concerning the war’s conduct occur. Specifically, the substitution of drones for ground forces is not disallowed under the AUMF. If the President identifies Americans as terrorists, the AUMF suspends their rights. They can be assassinated…..

From the State Department:
The Global War on Terrorism: The First 100 Days

Gail Combs

One of these years, I will close the blockquotes correctly.


I have long suspected that Øbama, the Øbhorrent Øbominable Øbastard, used our US Drones to wipe out moderate US friendly Islamists, not enemies of the USA.


The Dems are upset that Iran didn’t take us out… Looking forward to the day some of them can be charged with Treason, and collaborating with the Enemy. I believe that’s what is hidden in all the classified information POTUS has.
In the meantime…


I have been bothered by that photo of Soleimani’s hand with the ring on a different finger all night long, but now I think I can explain it. The photo was staged.
I would imagine the ring was found not on his hand, but blown off in the blast. They put it back on him, but didn’t know which finger he usually wore it on. Or, if Wictor is correct, he’s been dead for years, so they used a ring like his to stage the photo.
Either way, that has to be it. People don’t usually wear the same ring on different fingers.


That may not have even been his hand.
From the looks of the wreckage…he was probably blown to bits.
So I agree, the ring photo was likely staged — for confirmation.
Wictor is correct about a lot of things…but I’m not sure he is this time.

Deplorable Patriot

And it’s the same hand. My grandpa’s hands were unique like that.


In some photos, it is on his middle finger.


Q recently said something BIG is coming. Could BIG = Bomb Iranian General?

Gail Combs

Remember Kerry meeting with the Iranians in France… (And elsewhere?)
Listen conversations from a distance without anyone to notice you with surveillance directional microphone X64ACS
“X64ACS is a handheld long range highly directional microphone surveillance system…. This technology allows receiving conversation to 150 meters. Range exceeds 200 meters if there is no strong presence of ambient noise…
X64ACS is ordinary everyday laptop case … with a surveillance directional microphone inside… “

If that is available to the public…

….Kerry subsequently admitted that he met with Javad Zarif ‘three or four times’ after President Obama left office, it cannot be proven that the person in this particular photo is John Kerry….
It was reported last week that former Secretary of State John Kerry had been meeting with various diplomats to ensure former President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran remained intact.
In what the Boston Globe described as “shadow diplomacy,” it was reported that Kerry had met with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif in New York city, in addition to German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and French President Emmanuel Macron. The Globe’s report came after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed Iran was breaking most of the terms of the nuclear deal….

Jason Osborne
…So John Kerry just left a meeting @ L’Avenue in Paris w/3 Iranians. A friend was sitting next to their table and heard JK blasting @realDonaldTrump….

comment image

Just got pictures of the 3 Iranians who met with John Kerry yesterday. They are entering their hotel the “Prince De Galles”. Anyone know who they are?
M. Hanif Jazayeri
‏ Replying to @_JasonOsborne @jihadwatchRS and 5 others
The one in front is certainly Kamal Kharazi (#Iran regime’s FM from 1997-2005). The one behind the door looks very similar to Abolghassem Delfi (current Ambassador to France). See photos for comparison. Please bear in mind these ppl aren’t diplomats. They’re diplomat-terrorists.

The thread is interesting. LOTS of info:

comment image


forgot about this. Pres Trump knows.

Gail Combs

This was a guy in President Trump’s Campaign and he mentions a FRIEND overheard John Kerry….
It takes TWO witnesses for a charge of treason….


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comment image


More people celebrating Soleimani’s death


And…..Khameini pays his respects to the widow. Or somebody dressed in all black.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A perfect occasion to celebrate…with BACON!!!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Or coat with a pancake, for added enjoyment (and to soak up more maple syrup and butter 🙂 )…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, those ZeroHedge comments are SO toxic. I just marvel at them sometimes. Nothing related to the topic. Just fighting and insults. WOW.


I know… it’s like a ‘Fight Club’ …


[…] via Confirmed, Soleimani is Dead. — The Q Tree […]

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This isn’t what I had in mind when I said maybe this will be the year of justice…but it’s justice, nonetheless. MOAR!!!


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