Dear KMAG: 20200103 Open Thread

Welcome to the OPEN THREAD!!!!!!!! January shall be known as “Expose the Sham in SHAMUARY!” Let the truth bombs fall. Expose the hypocrisy of the press, malinent of politicos, bureaucracy, and NGOs. OUR President has become the leader of those who are tired of inept leaders/bureaucracies all over the world. It’s up to us to support him. Let the memes fly, ……… and call your Congress Critter.

When you get tired or frustrated, think of the decent people all over the world who look to America to lead. Those in Hong Kong, DPRK, England, Italy, Hungary, Chile, depend on us for inspiration. If President Trump loses in 2020, the globalists win….. and we may never get another Donald Trump.

It’s a battle of good over evil, and the winners will control the world. It’s a culture war, a political war, a war of family versus the state, independence versus dependence and morale crushing oppression. It’s a battle of the will of the people versus a few snots in DC and their never ending quest for control over the population. They’ve spent us into oblivion, mismanaged our country, been responsible for the death of fellow countrymen, and they’ve lied about their complicity.

We’re the Americans. It’s our job to lead.

And today, we’re at peace because the threat has been removed from the battlefield. Soleimani is dead.

We don’t believe in political correctness at QTree. You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on. Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it. Important Guidelines are outlined here in the January 1st open thread, with an addendum on 20191110. In other words, please keep it SOMEWHAT civil. We have a new board – actually a new SITE – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation. NOT HERE. This board will remain a REFUGE for those who need civility, either some or all of the time.


And remember….. it is time to drain the swamp in DC and LOCALLY. Please make a commitment in the new year to attend a LOCAL board meeting for your town or municipality or school board. Get involved and make your presence known. Put your local officials phone numbers in your cell phone and call them once a week (or more often).

No more silent majority.

“Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People.”

Candidate Donald J Trump

Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Figure out where your local Congress Critter has an office and drop by. Write a letter or send a postcard. Email and put them on your notifications for Twitter or Facebook. Stay in touch. They need to see you, and hear you.

The “Townhall . com” project is a PROGRESSIVE website where you can type in your zip code and see all town halls within your region. No reason we can’t use the same website, right?

It’s time for us to show up and be counted!

And here is the list of the “Dirty Thirty”, those freshmen Congressmen who promised to be different and support the will of their constituents………. but who voted with Pelosi for impeachment. They won in historically Republican Districts. Call them.

It’s time for a few patriots to make a trip, virtually or in person, to talk to our Congressmen. The old system of $$’s from the US Chamber and Club for Growth are no longer needed if they have the voter’s support.

It’s gonna take COURAGE!

Is there anyone left with COURAGE?


We have nothing to lose. We’re playing for all the marbles in 2020. Get ready.

President Trump’s famous, “Never Give Up” speech.

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The QTree
Down in the glen, a bit east of the brook
In a small clearing, nestled in its nook
Stands a lone tree, stout with strong limbs
With dense green leaves and small nests built in
This tree stands out as different from most
From strong, deep roots to the troop it hosts
Birds of different feathers flock together
Bonding tight in these days’ stormy weather
Our land is threatened as rarely before
By an evil presence now at its core
Trying with lies, then more lies again
To overthrow liberty from within
We firmly believe God has blessed our land
And that we prosper by God’s own hand
Those that fight us, well, they fight God, too
Promoting, instead, their corrupt world views
They ignored laws to benefit their ends
Drugs, crime and kickbacks became their dear friends
They let invaders cross into our lands
All to keep power clutched tight in their hands
Deeply embedded with money and power
With no care at all who they must devour
To force us into their Marxist ways
Their corrupt schemes and their pay to play
They’ve made billions stealing foreign aid
Through foundations and trusts we’re betrayed
Families entwined in get rich crime
Diversions and kickbacks, grand scale, big time
We meet in our tree to assess this foe
To cut through the lies and media show
To rally others to join our fight
For freedom and justice and all that’s right
We’re Deplorables and we wear it proud
Fighting our fight amongst the storm clouds
What’s at stake is our nation, no less
And we fight the Dimms, the traitors and press
PTrump has brought us roaring back
Secure borders, jobs, and smart trade pacts
Fair judges, strong defense, lower cost pills,
And energy surplus with drill, baby, drill
We support President Trump and his team
To break through the lies, the coup and the schemes
And bring hard justice to one and to all
Who plot and scheme for America’s fall
We hold our country high, next to none
And pray to God that His will be done
To bring back freedom and justice once more
To hear patriots sing and see eagles soar.
P.S. Some of those eagles were certainly soaring today!


Excellent, Carl…nicely done and well said!
Thank you!

Sylvia Avery

carl…………just wonderful.



giggle, snort…


Well this seems like a good thing.👇
Some say it’s better to have a full ‘trial’ in the Senate…which would create the opportunity to expose the Dems’ lies and treachery.
But I don’t know…
Seems like dismissing it might be a good thing…because it was an Illegal impeachment.
Doing a full ‘trial’ would legitimize it, wouldn’t it?

Harry Lime

I’m guessing that there are better ways to expose the Dems’ lies and treachery than to have to go through an impeachment…but this is all above my pay grade…I put my faith in President trump to do what is necessary.

Sylvia Avery

Same here, Harry. I agree with Wheatie, and with you. I have wondered if PDJT’s attitude that he wants a Senate trial and he wants witnesses, and he wants to have his side of the story heard………….might than not be a bit of showmanship? Just to drive the Dims nuts? I wonder……………either way, however this goes, I trust PDJT has got this.


I would guess they plan for both. Either way the “silent war” continues.


I think PDJT can go either way on this.

Sylvia Avery

I’m with you………….!!!
Good night, again.



Sylvia Avery



If they dismiss the charges, doesn’t that just embolden the dems to try to “strengthen” their claims and resubmit? perhaps POTUS would rather be ACQUITTED…meaning the charges were looked at and he was found not guilty…dunno


It was an illegitimate and illegal impeachment.
The Dems broke the rules and rammed it through.
Personally…I would like to see it go down in history as “an illegal impeachment that was dismissed”.
Rather than an impeachment that was treated as legitimate and litigated in the Senate.


i think we better win back the House or more of the garbage will be forthcoming.


Win back the “House”……
Arrest the TRAITORS………
House back to Rep control!


That is always a possibility. Pat – however, they already know their case it weak – why they did not submit it to the Senate – AND – have plans to add what they think is some muscle to it – more charges – stemming from ‘personal finances’, Trump lawyer Don McGahn’s testimony, and the grand jury testimony from the Mueller Report.
IMHO – this is all grasping at straws – I agree with Wheatie – Give no credence to this obnoxious unconstitutional treasonous party line attack on a sitting president –
‘Dismiss this Mess’ – ILLEGITIMATE AND ILLEGAL – Period –


DISMISS the “shampeachment” post haste!
Then…… Hold “Hearings” (Investigations)….
of the TRAITORS (DemonicRats and RINO’s)
Indict…. then….


go get ’em Daughn!!


Point is moot……
Soleimani is DEAD!


Thank you Daughn for the motivational speech!


damn straight!


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Trump 4 EVER!!!!!!!


awesome michael!!!

Deplorable Patriot

IDK who did the Mount Rushmore meme, but Jefferson was a Democrat. It was an early version of the party, but he was.

Deplorable Patriot

History keeps saying he was a Republican, but the Republican Party wasn’t founded until the 1850s.

Gail Combs


The Democratic-Republican Party (known at the time as the Republican Party and various other names)[a] was an American political party founded by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in the early 1790s that championed republicanism, political equality, and expansionism. The Democratic-Republicans became increasingly dominant after the 1800 elections as the opposing Federalist Party collapsed….
Democratic-Republicans were deeply committed to the principles of republicanism, which they feared were threatened by the supposed monarchical tendencies of the Federalists….
In the 1790s, political parties were new in the United States and people were not accustomed to having formal names for them. There was no single official name for the Democratic-Republican Party, but party members generally called themselves Republicans and voted for what they called the “Republican party”, “republican ticket” or “republican interest”…,_1825%E2%80%931829


Rudy doesn’t sound like he wants a full Senate trial:


I hope josh hawley’s plan pays off.


never show them your hand…


Well this is odd…
FYI I love that Matteo Salvini mocked him with this.


That was weird. If it were an actor playing that part in a comedy I’d be laughing.
All I can say is whatever you do don’t let Joe Biden near Francis…


I think that would be comedy gold. But who would win?

Sylvia Avery


Sylvia Avery



Commie fraud. Another poser inserted into high places. They think we are stupid.


My ass!


The Pope may have arthritis or an injured hand.


Does the ward nurse know he’s out again?


Joe Biden is an idiot about most everything…but he excels at idiotic foreign policy positions.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OOOOOOH! Natasha Korecki! My favorite POLISH SOCIALIST and mouthpiece for DAVID AXELROD!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Never trust someone who eats their own boogers:comment image



Cuppa Covfefe

Everybody’s doin’ it, doin’ it, doin’ it,
Pickin’ it, chewin’ it, chewin’ it, chewin’ it…
(from Looooooonnnnng ago)…


You may think it’s funny, but it’s snot.


Curdled Snot!


comment image


No wonder he gets upset when somebody touches the the BUGGER-PICKIN’-‘N-EATIN’ HAND!

Sylvia Avery



I’m thinking he slapped that woman because she was beginning an exorcism.


So that’s why he pulls away from handshakes.

Cuppa Covfefe

But he doesn’t get too far 😮




Is that really Kanye’s ranch…or is he speaking metaphorically here.


Yes I believe it’s his ranch and It’s supposed to be huge, thousands+ aces. He’s quite the entrepreneur and IIRC he’s relocating some of his businesses back to USA from overseas. He may be growing wool for his clothing line??
He’s already got a state of the art music studio there And may produce all his shoes and clothing there too. I actually expect him to be a big employer and source community growth in the area,
The worth of all his companies total multi-billions$$. He’s probably a billionaire or close to it in his own right.

Sadie Slays

No wonder they tried to false flag us into a race war over the weekend. They probably knew what was coming with Iran. It was either a desperate attempt to stop us (“you can’t start a new Middle East conflict is having race riots!”) or a preemptive strike (“we’ll commit terrorism if you don’t leave us alone”).comment image

Sadie Slays

* “you can’t start a new Middle Eastern conflict if you’re country is having race riots!”


The constant waving of her arm is even more distracting than her ongoing muttering.
Unbelievable that we have such senile people in charge of our country…




She really sounds drunk!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Good EYE Wolf!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It was either RadGeekpartduex or whoever that user got it from, but I gave them a hat tip. Saw it here. People didn’t realize how significant this was. The NYT warning a terror target? OFF THE CHARTS.
This is where we can get the rats at the NYT ratting out each other.


Can you retweet or gab it with a
#QANON (hashtag) so the autists and diggers can have a go at it?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


WTG Wolf!
One “like” and one r”etweet” at 8:27 AM.
“They” must be shittin’ bricks!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Got it on Gab, too, but forgot the QANON hashtag!


Nice work !
And now… We wait…!comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Looks like the anons are already on it!


OK I guess they are shadow-banning you both heavily.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s why I copy my tweets here – to get AROUND the shadowbans. My tweets go nowhere on Twitter.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am totally up for this. SOMEBODY at the New York Times tried to warn Suleimani this morning. It went into print either through the author or an editor, or somebody who could edit the article.
The information about an attack on Suleimani had to originate with the chain of command, or the chain by which the information came in.
The NYT created “chatter” for the Iranians. It was INTENTIONAL.


This wouldn’t be the first time that the NYSlimes engaged in treasonous activity.
But it’s probably the worst.
Oh yeah, we need Indictments!


Very curious…almost seems like it may have been a low level person. A person that didn’t have networking in the top tier so he/she spills it to NYT ? Or the author received an unverified “tip” and spins out the article asap?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My suspicion is that the NYT had to be in on the plot at some level due to the TIMING of the article. Timing is controlled by the publisher. It’s possible that the author schmoozed them into publishing immediately, but that would seem unusual to me.
If the author is innocent, then an editor could have added it to an article in the queue.
It could be somebody ELSE with access to the system, but I tend to doubt it.
Whoever leaked it to the Times was trying to warn Suleimani. Very likely somebody who had developed a relationship with him during the Obama “negotiations”. It could also be somebody who is compromised by kickbacks and payoffs.
This is big stuff. This is top secret leakage after Obama. This is huge.


These folks haven’t learned that projection and karma don’t play nice together

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is no way the Failing New York Times gets out of #TraitorGate.


Carpe Donktum has done a thread on the ‘reactions’ of the wankeratti to Pres Trump’s flag tweet.
Heheh. It’s pretty funny.😄

Click on a tweet to see the whole thing…or you can use the Thread Reader:


Completely irretrievably DEMENTED!!
And very much on target.



Sadie Slays

“All King James Bibles published before 1666 included the Apocrypha,[41] though separately to denote them as not equal to Scripture proper, as noted by Jerome in the Vulgate, to which he gave the name, “The Apocrypha.”

Sadie Slays

“In 1826,[43] the National Bible Society of Scotland petitioned the British and Foreign Bible Society not to print the Apocrypha,[44] resulting in a decision that no BFBS funds were to pay for printing any Apocryphal books anywhere. They reasoned that not printing the Apocrypha within the Bible would prove to be less costly to produce.[45][46] Since that time most modern editions of the Bible and reprintings of the King James Bible omit the Apocrypha section. Modern non-Catholic reprintings of the Clementine Vulgate commonly omit the Apocrypha section. Many reprintings of older versions of the Bible now omit the apocrypha and many newer translations and revisions have never included them at all.”

Deplorable Patriot

Just get a Douay-Rheims. It’s the oldest English translation in continuous use.

Deplorable Patriot

St. Jerome never said that in the Vulgate. Where do they get this stuff? The Apocrypha are the books that didn’t make it into the New Testament.


There are many other books besides the ‘Apocrypha’ that didn’t make it into the NT – like the gospel of Thomas. Some have used those for political agenda purposes…claiming Jesus had a baby by Mary Magdalene, and other such trash.

Deplorable Patriot

For Catholics, the Apocrypha is the 22 books that were considered for the New Testament and were not included. The seven books of the Helenistic Canon of the Old Testament were only questioned because by that time, the Jerusalem Jews had removed them.
And…if you read the books of Wisdom and Sirach, some of what Christ taught is in there almost verbatim. he knew those books which is why the Church uses the ancient Old Testament rather than the one that was whittled out of it.


Well – I love the story of Susannah and the elders – really speaks to evil church hierarchy – both protestant and catholic.


Boris’s top adviser Dominic Cummings (always portrayed negatively in the media) wants problem solvers who think outside the box — ‘weirdos’. This can only be a good thing:

He has a blog post about it and is very specific about the types of individuals he wants to shake up the Civil Service in Whitehall.
This went way over my head, as I am a humanities major, but some of the brainboxes reading here may be able to tell me about the authors he speaks of. Thank you in advance:


Sounds like a man with a plan.
I did a quick scan of his blog post…and it looks to me like he’s just applying some good common sense principles to the mess.
Of course, he’s using some fancy verbiage to describe and justify what he wants.
But it all boils down to some much needed common sense.
For example, he wants to rotate people around from department to department.
This will keep people from forming their little comfy fiefdoms…which is what happens in bureaucracies and results is lower productivity.
His focus on math, computer tech and data crunching, suggests that he may be wanting to foster the growth of ‘silicon valley’ type businesses in the UK.
His interest in media, digital comms and advertising campaigns, suggests that he sees the need to put forth a clear message for what they will be doing…and wants to bypass the Enemedia.
It looks like it will all be good for the people of the UK.
Anyway…that’s my take on it, Churchmouse.


we should certainly do more rotating in our government…they HAVE formed their own, what did you call them? fiefdoms!


Thanks, Wheatie. I understood that, too. 🙂
A good summary for those who don’t have time to read his blog post, though.
It’s the egg-headed detail, including science, I wanted more info on.


yeah, i’m somewhat fuzzy on the whole gotta notify Congress BS. POTUS is Commander in Chief of the Military. He didn’t start a war, he responded to threats against American personnel overseas. He took out an enemy–not civilians–not cities–an enemy. why did he need to notify anyone? did Obama notify them when they got Bin Laden? Does the FBI notify them when they kill terrorists? sounds like they expect to approve POTUS’s moves–not their function…EQUAL branches, no?


The President is Commander in Chief of our armed services.
So in that regard…the POTUS has a power that the other two branches do not have.
One of his duties is to protect our troops…as well as our diplomatic corps.
The Pentagon’s statement was clear, about why the President did this.
Here are a couple of nuggets from that statement:
“General Soleimani was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region.”
“This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans. The United States will continue to take all necessary action to protect our people and our interests wherever they are around the world.”
So yeah, this noise that the Dems & Enemedia are making about “notify Congress”, is bullshit.


this House in particular seems to think they are ABOVE the President and not equal to him…smh

Cuppa Covfefe

Didn’t “Speaker of the House” rank far lower in the Presidency Succession list for most of this country’s existence? Probably would be a good time to move it back down (once we retake the House).
Another thought: Pickled Piglosi could well be a prime example of 25th Amendment incompetency/removal, according to the DEMONicRATS interpretation of it… Maybe surround her with smokers and she’ll eventually go up… or lend her one of Hill-the-BEAST’S brooms…


so you think they wanted to be pre-informed of the raids/ attempts to take him/them out so they could warn him? those pallets of cash can’t ALL be gone yet…

Gail Combs

The War act gives the president 48 hrs to deal with a situation BEFORE he has to tell the traitorous people in the Congress and Senate.
ALSO the War on Terror is an OFFICAL war by resolution of Congress and IS STILL ONGOING (Think Afghanistan)
Schumer is full of Shiff. He is PISSED their treasonous plans were foiled.


thanks Gail…it just gets me pissed when Congress acts like the President has no authority to do anything without their consent!


thanks Daughn…just saw you have a whole thread about it!


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well said



clean up the voter rolls!!!
Judicial Watch announced today it is continuing its efforts to force states and counties across the nation to comply with the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA), by sending notice-of-violation letters to 19 large counties in five states that it intends to sue unless the jurisdictions take steps to comply with the law and remove ineligible voter registrations within 90 days. Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act requires jurisdictions to take reasonable efforts to remove ineligible registrations from its rolls.
Despite successful litigation by Judicial Watch to bring counties and states into compliance with the National Voter Registration Act, voter registration lists across the country remain significantly out of date. According to Judicial Watch’s analysis of data released by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) this year, there are 378 counties nationwide that have more voter registrations than citizens living there and old enough to vote, i.e., counties where registration rates exceed 100%. These 378 counties combined had about 2.5 million registrations over the 100%-registered mark, which is a drop of about one million from Judicial Watch’s previous analysis of voter registration data. Although San Diego County removed 500,000 inactive names from voter rolls following Judicial Watch’s settlement with Los Angeles County, San Diego still has a registration rate of 117% and has one of the highest registration rates in the county.


Haaa…yep, think of how long it must have taken to create that.


i couldn’t have dreamed that up!



seeing the headlines about Hill getting a new job and Wolf mentioned yesterday that it gave her a continuous reason to be on flights out of the country…what if she’s setting up a faked death scenario? traveling in planes…over water…the plane goes down in the ocean. everyone thinks she died…but she didn’t…just everyone else on the plane does…
in a few months after an exhaustive search…some bodies will be discovered…but not all…and Hill gets to live out the rest of her miserable life somewhere…no jail time.
made for TV movie? or just weird enough to be true?


Sec Pompeo is a smooth dude.


Those Dumb Masses in NY will probably elect her…..
Think Aoc…. Dumblaio…. KuMo…..Etc.


Heh…those people probably wondered what happened to their bin.

Cuppa Covfefe

Talk about a “has bin”, they’ve “bin and gone”… (OK, I lifted that last one from the comments 🙂 )…


English teacher caught on camera defecating in public park—almost daily—WTH???
Hough says he believed Churchwell’s actions to be politically motivated.
“He had grievances with the government was our understanding,” he said.
We went to Churchwell’s home to get his side of the story, but he didn’t answer the door.
The report states Churchwell conducted his daily “business” on his way to work at Milton High School where he was an English teacher.
The day after he was caught, Churchwell sent the deputy an apology email, saying he let his “self indulgent pride and ego” get the best of him.
Hough says, as a teacher, he should have known better.
“We would hope that people would focus on their education endeavors and not actually taking it out on our park system when you have a grievance with the federal state or local government,” he said.


affluenza teen arrested again…
Ethan Couch, known for his “affluenza” defense in his deadly drunk driving case, was arrested Thursday in Texas, accused of violating his probation again, officials said.
Couch, 22, is accused of testing positive for THC on a drug patch, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported, citing court records. THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the primary psychoactive component of the cannabis plant.
Couch first made headlines as a teenager when he was sentenced in 2013 to 10 years of probation for a drunken driving crash that killed four people and seriously injured two others.
Prosecutors in that case sought 20 years in prison, but Couch received no prison time after a psychologist testified that Couch was a victim of “affluenza,” a product of wealthy, privileged parents who never set limits for him.
The decision by the juvenile court judge to put him on probation outraged victims’ families and anti-drunk driving advocates.


Yep…the people over there are happy this monster is gone.


Verse of the Day

“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”
Galatians 2:20 (KJV)


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Good Morning Duchess!
Hope you are feeling better?


* Waves at Pat in her home with the luge path driveway * – wish I could say I am in tippy top form – but, alas – I am not – won’t be long now – I think I have been through the worst – prayers appreciated – holding me together – along with two ‘beautiful angels’ – God Bless You for caring!


please take care of yourself!
I am sending you some hot chicken soup!!comment image


How sweet!!! Just what I need – homemade chicken soup – Thanks!


you’re most welcome…too bad I can’t deliver it IRL…take care!!


Trying – just me, myself, and I today holding down the Homefront – don’t tell anyone – Mkay?


not a soul


* Smile *




Friday Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image




No matter where he goes, there they are. During his papal visit to Japan in late November, in a country where Catholics make up only .05% of the population, Pope Francis was, once again, met along his motorcade route by survivors of clergy sexual abuse carrying signs of protest.


I suspect one can say the same about any place to which he travels – and frankly – I do not think he gives a damn – a selfish man living in a world of his own creation – worshipping a god I do not know – kissing a holy book not worthy of adoration – telling us we all worship the same god – thinking he will unite the world under one world religion – while leaving the victims alongside the road to their own misery – this man is no leader.
Nothing new under the sun, Dora.


The thing that’s new here is the willingness of the Japanese survivors to break the code of silence which is part of their culture. That’s a good sign. At least I think it is.


I agree, Dora – however – am wondering if this openness somehow dishonors the family – after all so much of what happens in this world is an attack on the family –
Healing comes from within through God – no man – definitely not that one – can change that – we know this scourge is worldwide – and has happened throughout history – my point – a man in a position to do something about it – relieve the suffering – care for the victims – could care less – and yet – another man half way around the world does care – and is determined to do something about it.


Watched the movie Spotlight yesterday, about Boston Globe investigating and first publishing abuse in 2002. Shocked at the end to see 3 packed screens listing US cities in the states where abuse was uncovered followed by 2 packed screens listing cities in Foreign countries. It’s horrendous!!






The President has started the above retweets. Statement coming?




Hmm…I think our VSG is saying that Iran is dishonest.


Instead of Death to America! at every opportunity maybe Iran should have negotiated when they had a chance. Trump did warn them.



And the thing is…we’ve already been in a war with Iran.
It’s been going on for years!
Just like the ‘trade war’ with China…China has been waging a trade war against us for decades.
The war with Iran has been a sort of ankle-biter type of war, that flares up from time to time.
But they’ve been taking our people hostage and taking potshots at us for years.
What are they going to do to us?
We could destroy them…in a day.
And Pres Trump is the kind of leader who would do it, too…to put the whole thing at an end.
He doesn’t start wars.
He finishes them.


“He doesn’t start wars.
He finishes them.’

Now ^^^^^ THAT ^^^^^ “NEEDSTA” have a meme !

Gail Combs

AND that is what they are AFRAID OF!
The Cabal MAKES MONEY supporting BOTH SIDES in a war. The Rothschilds have been doing it for CENTURIES!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A Trump war could BANKRUPT THE CABAL.
How do you short-sell the short-sellers and long-sell the long-sellers, both into oblivion?

Gail Combs

comment imagecomment image


Lindsey Graham was on Fox, a phone-in…and was talking about Iran’s refineries.
I think he was dropping hints that if Iran tries anything, their refineries are vulnerable targets.
And the loss of those refineries would be really bad for their economy.

Gail Combs

🤢 BARF…🤮
The comments are completely idiotic blathering.


HA…Opie gets schooled on twitter following his “opinion” about POTUS…the replies are great!
Good ol’ Opie may think twice before he tries to lecture Americans on the so-called “egomaniac” President Trump. Especially since he was once chummy with Trump.
Now that President Trump is a politician, suddenly Hollywood elites hate him..and they expect me and you to view him the same way they do.
“In the entertainment industry many who have known/worked w/ Trump think that while his reality show was fun and ran a long time, he’s a self-serving, dishonest,morally bankrupt ego maniac who doesn’t care about anything or anyone but his Fame & bank account & is hustling the US” (Howard’s comment)


I don’t think Opie was expecting the kind of pushback he’s been getting.


Andy would’ve taken him out to the shed for a whoopin!


I am so sick of these Hollywood wankers using our President to virtue-signal to their little friends!
It’s like a Trump-hater club.
And they repeat the same little litany of lies to each other, like it’s a club motto or something.


almost like they’ve been…brain washed?
and the lies have been scripted??

Gail Combs

➡️ the lies have been scripted ⬅️


““In the entertainment industry many who have known/worked w/ Trump think that while his reality show was fun and ran a long time, he’s a self-serving, dishonest,morally bankrupt ego maniac who doesn’t care about anything or anyone but his Fame & bank account & is hustling the US” (Howard’s comment)”
Let me help you with your statement Ron. I think it needs a little editing.
“The entertainment industry [is] a [collection of] self-serving, dishonest,morally bankrupt ego maniac[s] [who don’t] care about anything or anyone but Fame & [their] bank account[s] & [are] hustling the US[.]”







Interesting article I saw someone bring up on a twitter thread. Obama paved the way….Dems condemn him or just condemn President Trump for doing what they allowed Obama to do?

Deplorable Patriot



[double snort]


We should have this in the Daily Thread, let’s celebrate the way the Peshwa warriors did.


video unavailable,..eros music blocked it


Click on the YouTube link in the notice, takes you to the YT video.


Twinz 👯‍♀️ Miss Wheatie!! 😍 Pretty cool to see Iranians doing a Happy Dance! 💃 😊


Ah, but you added a lot more of his tweets…so not exactly twinzies.
And yes! It’s cool to see them celebrating that this monster is gone.
I hope they don’t get ID’d from the video, though.
Iran punishes people for things like this.


My goodness…for a moment I thought I was looking into my late (Italian) in-laws’ home where literally EVERYTHING that didn’t move was incased in plastic, including the candles in the sconces on the wall, the original wrappers on the lamp shades and (my favorite)…sofa pillows wrapped in plastic dry cleaning bags. There was even a plastic runner on the carpet. And, of course… mustn’t forget the plastic flowers in the vases!
When we visited I kept sliding off the sofa.

Deplorable Patriot

Was there a throw rug on the plastic runner? Can’t let the plastic runner get dirty you know.



Indeed, Obama trying to appease the ayatolla and his revolutionary gauard


Absolutely, our billions supported corruption in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan…
AND, Biden’s brother (contractor). As well as many well connected folks…MIC pays well. As does Department of State.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, yeah. It’s all coming out now.

Gail Combs

That is why the DemonRats are SCREAMING. 😭
ANOTHER illegal laundering operation is about to get exposed. 😁




Another Dem traitor.

.comment image
NIAC = National Iranian American Council
I wonder if some of that cash from those pallets, made it’s way into Chris Murphy’s coffers.


As always…follow the $$$$.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




Pompeo also emphasized during the Fox segment, “We don’t seek war with Iran.”



That’s a big Q Flag! …Impressive!


This is an interesting fellow!
He’s an avid Q peep and Trump supporter…who apparently lives in this Castle, which is also a Hotel.

This is the website that’s on his twitter page:


Thanks for sharing, Wheatie – and for picking up the ball


Hey, thank YOU, Duchess…for posting a tweet from this guy.
I was not aware of him.
He seems like a great guy.


A bell went off in my head when I found his tweet – but, my brain was malfunctioning due to flu-ness – and his history did not register – so it is great you investigated – and helped me to rememberize – Thanks!




For a quick education on Dimm idiots, click on the tweet and read a bunch of the negative comments. This type of people, I don’t believe, have any chance of listening to reason and making a rational decision. For all practical purposes, they are in bed with the enemy.

Gail Combs

Brainwashed unthinking two year olds in adult bodies or BOTS.


Twitter always puts the negative and/or left vitriol comments 1st!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This tweet never gets old.



Hope you’re feeling better Duchess… take care.


Thanks, PR – it has not been a fun week – think the worst is over – just need some soup and sleep – thanks for caring


Grandson was sick over Christmas… not fun…
Prayers and hugs comin your way!


Thanks, sweetheart – nursed others back to health – then, wham – so be careful – neighbor went back to work – one of the girls came in for her last day and retirement party – left in an ambulance – strangles the lungs – makes breathing difficult – it is frightening.


Thanks for the headsup… Grandson stayed upstairs, and when downstairs used latex gloves… he worried a lot about me… and I was mostly in the studio, chewing on Vit C tabs and lots of fluids…
thank you for telling me about the breathing… bronchial issues are my Achilles heel… so I will be extra careful. Do take care Duchess, praying for you.


Thanks – sharing is caring!!! Hugs!!!

Gail Combs

Do not forget the ZINC and the D3!
Do not take Zinc and Vit C within a 1/2 hour of each other.
I take ZiCams at the first sign of a tickle in the throat of ear ache.
Zinc for colds: The final word? – Mayo Clinic

Zinc may work by preventing the rhinovirus from multiplying. It may also stop the rhinovirus from lodging in the mucous membranes of the throat and nose.
Zinc may be more effective when taken in lozenge or syrup form, which allows the substance to stay in the throat and come in contact with the rhinovirus.
But the recent analysis stopped short of recommending zinc. None of the studies analyzed had enough participants to meet a high standard of proof…

Zinc in Human Health: Effect of Zinc on Immune Cells

Although the essentiality of zinc for plants and animals has been known for many decades, the essentiality of zinc for humans was recognized only 40 years ago in the Middle East. The zinc-deficient patients had severe immune dysfunctions, inasmuch as they died of intercurrent infections by the time they were 25 years of age.
In our studies in an experimental human model of zinc deficiency, we documented decreased serum testosterone level, oligospermia, severe immune dysfunctions mainly affecting T helper cells, hyperammonemia, neurosensory disorders, and decreased lean body mass. It appears that zinc deficiency is prevalent in the developing world and as many as two billion subjects may be growth retarded due to zinc deficiency.
Besides growth retardation and immune dysfunctions, cognitive impairment due to zinc deficiency also has been reported recently. Our studies in the cell culture models showed that the activation of many zinc-dependent enzymes and transcription factors were adversely affected due to zinc deficiency….


Thanks Gail… how do I buy zinc… tabs? dosage? D3?

Gail Combs

ZiCam is an over the counter medicine.
You do not eat before or after for at least 10 minutes and you place under your tongue and allow to dissolve slowly. Directions are on the container. I use 1/2 hour before and after.


Thanks very much Gail… have made a note.


Get well soon and prayer for you.
I have been under the weather for the past two weeks but each day I feel better. The cough seems to linger but that too is subsiding. Rest drink much take vitamins and eat healthily. Yes home made chicken soup with homemade bone broth is a healing potion.
Seems everyone around here even my daughter and family in CT were sick. This is nasty stuff.


It must be highly contagious, too, sing – yes – it has a two-week shelf life – lol – doing all you have said is helpful – agree – that cough hangs on – bummer – keep honey by bedside – take teaspoon to curb coughing – especially when you want to sleep – and elevate the head – chicken soup is God’s Gift – makes everything feel better.
Read somewhere – as many as 1 million got it over the holidays – not counting those with whom they shared! Dunno where they got that number – Yes – very nasty!!!


I got it without leaving home. A person who installed a new dishwasher must have brought it into the house with him.
I am careful out and wash my ands often. I should wear gloves going out and no taking hands 🙂
I take honey love honey.


I can say I got it from caring for others – I could have been in body armor – and it would not have mattered – God allows things to happen to work patience – whenever I need a fresh shot of patience – I can almost guarantee something will happen that will require more patience than I have available – I am a little tike – and I had to care for a big brute of a guy – stubborn as they come – wanted to punch his lights out – he is the kind of guy who wants to go to the store and stock up on all sorts of junk – the more the merrier – then – he will come to me as a last resort for help – after he has wasted his money on ‘masking’ pills from the drug store – I had to get him back on his feet quickly so he could get back to work – where there were many out sick – it is how God works.


Yep and unless we have a monster anti dimm vote harvesting will take more the next time.


I think all of this has been recorded and addressed – we just might be surprised what happens when they pull their tricks in 2020.


Oh, I agree Duchess.


I hope so….i really do.


Have faith – God is in charge – Look at what He is revealing through PT!!!


“Tehran Rose” is getting brutalized in the replies and RIGHTLY SO!!! What a moron!


“We are being held hostage by a terrorist regime. We do not know how to escape.”
Here is what you do Rose.
1. Go on the internet to
2. Choose a place (anywhere on earth with an airport).
3. Buy a ticket to your selected destination.
4. Go to the airport on the specified day.
5. Board the plane.
6. Have your agent sell any property in the US and forward the proceeds.
7. You don’t need to come back. No one will come looking for you.
I am sure you are more familiar with 12 step solutions but this one was easy to fit into seven.

CM in TN

That agent stands by to help for all your relocation needs. Good CM.


If they don’t like it here then leave!! I’m sure a legal immigrant would LOVE to take your place



“flowery” — save that adjective for describing happy spring scenes, lovely dresses and descriptions of pleasant introductions filled with complements. NYTs – beyond just “leftist”, treasonous and anti American.
I write as I am “torturing” my son with spelling – the drama we have had over spelling….he might need a daily dose of reality of what other children in the world go through! Homeschooling – the hard part is one is parenting all day, every day.


Like Bunny Watson in Desk Set, I associate many things with many other things…spelling was one of them. i made small tricks to remember spelling words (like “separate” for example. you want to get a way from “a rat” so I never misspelled the word.) a few of my classmates asked how I always aced my spelling tests so I began to share my tricks. we formed a large study group and soon it branched out to other subjects. I’ll never forget chemistry class–gold was a toughie till someone pointed at his watch and said A, U stole my watch!!! it was silly, but I remember it to this day…


These are called “Mnemonic Devices” (try to spell that one! 😉 ).
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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For other uses, see Mnemonic (disambiguation).
Not to be confused with a memory device in the computer hardware sense.
Knuckle mnemonic for the number of days in each month of the Gregorian Calendar. Each knuckle represents a 31-day month.
A mnemonic (/nəˈmɒnɪk/,[1] the first “m” is not pronounced) device, or memory device, is any learning technique that aids information retention or retrieval (remembering) in the human memory. “


we were taught to use them later to memorize a long list by picturing each item in a spot in the room–like a clock and work around the room…it actually works.


Had a tough time figuring one out for “mnemonic” (seemed to automatically default to “P” as in “pneumonia”!.
Neither of which make any sense to me!


mn + almost demonic…lol






One of my daughters is dyslexic. (Various members of my husband’s family are also.) I tried a lot of strategies to help her cope. Some were successful, and some not, but then spell check came along.

Deplorable Patriot

As a person of mixed dominance which yields learning disabilities (one of the indicators is not being able to spell) please encourage him to use spell check and if he is not sure of spelling to consult a dictionary.
I can’t tell you the number of times I was belittled for what some people considered “easy” spelling mistakes, when it made zero sense to me. I got perfect scores in grammar and arithmetic, but spelling, no.
Charts like this are why people who are not native English speakers consider it a ridiculously illogical language.


Having one daughter who’s dyslexic, and myself being a good speller, I worked hard with her to find ways to improve her spelling. One thing I discovered as we tried many things, was that she’s able to correctly spell most words verbally. So we used strategies to use verbalization to reinforce spelling correctly. One of the fun things we tried was playing a lot of Sierra games where directions were typed in. She would be playing, and “Mom, how do you spell ______?” I would reply,”How do you spell it?” She’d spell it correctly orally, but if she was typing it, then looking at it and it was incorrect, she couldn’t see that it was incorrect. Now she uses spell correct.

Deplorable Patriot

And don’t get me started on “i before e except after c.” Weird science, anyone? Weight, eight, freight, etc. I saw a coffee mug with this long sentence of all the exceptions, and died laughing.


Its wonderful that you Homeschool!!! The only way to do it now a days.


No one can resist those salt and pepper arching eyebrows. As Seinfeld said, “It disgusts me yet I can’t look away.”


Seinfeld… you made me laugh with that Socaristobo…


Dear Ms McGowan (And Ron Howard, Michael Moore, Alyssa Milano, Rosie,
Cher, etc),
Cheer up! You are mistaken! You are not being held captive!
In fact, I and many others I am sure, want to encourage you to test this out for yourselves.
Please fly, at the earliest opportunity, to Iran and make your supplications to your friends there in person. In fact, please take up residence there and enjoy their hospitality!!!
We want you in to live in your preferred environment!
And you know, I think that the Iranian government would value your “wisdom” way more than we do.


more from Josh…updating the Senate rules…???



that is some dark humor…but kind of funny in that it reminds us all the traitorous actions and associations of Obama et al

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. No wonder he was such friends with the liberals – he was always ready for a handout…
Still have to wonder what the recent “Kerry-boat diplomacy” was all about…


Excellent opener, Daughn. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain with President Trump calling out the worldwide corruption and deliberate chaos.

Gail Combs

GEE, So Obama was correct. Soleimani WAS an ‘American’ Alley… That is if you want to call Obama an American.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

SO – the Paris tip-offs and the NYT tip-off are PART OF AN OBAMA PATTERN.


Praying for it Daughn…


Hey Guys, wonderful news…
(Sort of)Liberal grandson just came to me and said “Grandma, I don’t want to get political so early in the morning, but just wanted to say I think the right decision was made last night”
Y’all have no idea how happy that makes me… his eyes are maybe opening some (fingers crossed)…




Makes my heart smile Nor’easter ….


… As well it should!
(mine too!)
“Ya’ done good !”


Tryin’ Nor’easter, tryin’ 😉


((( PR )))
You’re doin’ GREAT!


Thanks… 😉



Oh that’s right! (Smacking my forehead) I remember when he did that!


Geraldo and his brother, were kicked out of Oklahoma back in 1995…after the Murrah Bldg bombing.
They were caught in the morgue, taking pictures of bodies and body parts.
I know…ewww.


He was absolutely disgusting on F&F this morning, liked how it was done, but hated that we did it. All 3 hosts were even calling him out on his stupid view. Love my DVR, can silence the idiots w/press of a button!


It may have been Afghanistan where Geraldo gave away US positions, intentions…
Either way, Geraldo is a douche.




Douche is a complement to Geraldo. Surely you can do better than that!!!


THREAD here – click tweet


You can bet Ø, H> and Ketchup are very very nervous right now….


….Brennan too.


I’ll second that Georgia 😉




So if there is a stronger, behind the scenes appointment being made they are keeping quiet about it for fear of……?
Let’s see what happens.


Qassim was a mastermind and like 3-4 Cabinet members all in one. I don’t think they have anyone that can replace him, they’re screwed and they know it, but gotta keep up the BS propaganda.
I mean seriously, why is everyone so scared of fake Boogeyman Iran?? We can crush them easily!! POTUS has gotten almost $4TRILLION in military spending for 3years. No other country in the world can touch that, not even China.


Right now it seems that Iran is the designated boogeyman that the global war machine needs in place for threats of war. Assad used to be it.The Dems tried hard to make Putin it. They need it..not local war lords that cause trouble…war lovers always have to have the biggie lurking around the corner.
If Soleimani and his crew had not been killed the baby steps of proxy war would’ve begun. Like some demented dance they do…innocents slaughtered, troops blown up..the usual nail biting by Dems…the pretend pearl clutching over military conflict but in the must be done…and off we go to another 5,10 years of kabuki war.
my 2 cents

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed. Trump just queened a pawn that nobody was watching.


maybe the Ayatollah don’t like him…remember what POTUS tweeted after he killed bagdadi? they don’t want to name the next guy in line…lol


I’m actually wondering if he’s pro-American


Let’s hope that Mnuchin has had some of his best money-trackers on that.
Even though those Swiss accounts likely only have numbers on them…they can do a lot with tracking the trail of wire transfers.



IH8 Ø more every day.


The more we learn of what they all did – the worse we feel, GA/FL – Execute that EO, Mr. President, seize their assets, freeze their bank accounts, and take their coats – leave them with what they came into this world – their birthday suits covered in an orange jumpsuits.


AMEN goes right there! ;8->


It’s…interesting…that there is a “q” sitting there by itself in that 2nd tweet.


says page doesn’t exist…that can’t be right…


Looks like those tweets have been deleted…and new revised ones have been posted.


thanks wheatie!
wonder if they took the lone “q” out of there…


Yes they did.
I will post the text of it below.


so only sharp eyed people will know it was there!!!


Deleted tweets:
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Christopher Bedford, The Federalist Senior Editor. “There is NOTHING NEW in these Emails at all that’s been discovered. It’s exactly what we knew before, which is that the White House & political figures wanted to cut off aid, Trump wanted to question aid to a number of….
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
….different places that he thought were wasteful, and the career staff, as they always do, pushed back, and nade s million excuses as to why they could not possibly stop spending U.S.taxpayer money. There was a back & forth over the legal arguments, & the W.H. decision was….q
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
….followed, and then it was withdrawn. The Democrats argument for impeachment has not gotten stronger over the last few weeks. As Senator Josh Hawley just said, he’s going to enter a Motion to Dismiss the Impeachment Trial because it’s never actually been brought to trial.”


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Watch what doesn’t happen.
Iran lost its sneaky backstabber in chief. They either make the mistake of a front stab, the mistake of a poorly executed backstab, or the correct action of a stand-down.

Gail Combs

From Jack Posobiec thread:comment image
WHY NOT SAUDI ARABIA since most of the 9/11 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia? Why the ENEMIES of Saudi Arabia?comment image


Not a big fan of Wesley……probably my least favorite supplanting W. Crusher


Wesley Clark is from Arkansas and is a Clinton toady.
I do not trust anything that he says.

Gail Combs

However the ‘plan’ was pretty much followed. Remember that is supposedly from 2007.
Before and after Hitlarycomment image


They (Neocons) are still attempting to follow…



well…..secondarily responsible after HRC and Obama




Interesting lady…


This one is on John Mappin’s twitter stream:




McConnell says there will be a briefing for key Senate staffers on the drone strike today and he is working to schedule an administration briefing for senators next week. He asks senators to withhold judgment about the raid
In his flr remarks, McConnell has pivoted from the drone strike to where we stand with a potential impeachment trial. So far, he’s criticizing the House process saying the House “rushed through a slap-dash” impecahment
McConnell on the House not sending impeachment articles to the Senate for a trial: The prosecutors began to develop cold feet. They flinched..they decided it could wait indefinitely while they check the political winds and find some new talking points
McConnell says it’s a “non-starter” for the Speaker “to hand design” the Senate trial
Colleague Jason Donner rpts Senate Intel Cmte Vice Chair Mark Warner is currently on the phone being briefed about Soleimani by CIA Director Gina Haspel
McConnell on the House & impeachment: Their turn is over. They’ve done enough damage. It’s the Senate’s turn to render sober judgment..but we can’t hold a trial without the articles..the Senate’s own rules don’t provide for that.
With no articles of impeachment from the House, McConnell goes about teeing up other business, including confirmations of administration nominees.
GOP UT Sen Lee: The death of Qasem Soleimani is a big victory for the safety of the American people. As always, I am anxious to learn about the legal justification for this action, and look forward to being briefed by the Pentagon and the White House.
McConnell announces that the Senate formally received the resignation of fmr GOP GA Sen Isakson.
[Schumer now taking the floor, and I don’t care what he says, if you want to know, go to Chad’s TL – pR]


These POTUS tweets replace the earlier 3 tweets that were deleted:


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Soviet Fake News used up its credibility trying to take out Trump.




Schumer is on Senate floor whining about not having rules yet for Senate trial, as well as condemning POTUS for not notifying Congress and/or asking permission from same…
Meanwhile, Mitch is working along with senators, to continue making America great, while the House is still on vacay…

winnin’ winnin’ winnin’

Deplorable Patriot

Cryin’ Chuck can stick a sock in it. Loose lips sink ships, and give away plans. We all know his aren’t sealed.


Exactly Dep Pat…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


yeah nothing is preventing her from leaving here.
we need to start a go fund me to buy them one way tickets

Gail Combs

I have wanted to do that for YEARS!


Amen on that! Do any of these maroons ever actually look at the Iranian people’s situation? Have they not seen the pictures of life before the mullahs and now?
Isn’t she one of the original #metoo women? None of them dare to look at the life Iranian women are FORCED to lead but have the nerve to advocate for the current regime there….too much hollywood mutual ass kissing and sparkly water produces the dumbest ppl around


Sing it Sista !!!
Iranian women were dressing, following fashion of the West…
What happened to the lifestyle of the Iranians is horrific. I was 40 years old, living in America. It would have been like suddenly I was required to change into a hijab, give up driving and/or moving about in public. It was not a slow, gradual change! An 80 y/o Iranian woman lived the first half of her life as a free woman. I can’t even wrap my mind around it. IIhan makes me SICK! btw… what man or woman wants to live under Sharia law?


More from this lady about the General and regional reaction to his demise. I agree with Molly, she omits emotion and opinion, and presents facts, just like a real JOURNALIST.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gail Combs

Oh Brother,
Here is a response to The_War_Economy

Replying to @The_War_Economy @themarketswork
You are the two poles of spin prevailing this morning.
Dismissing him as a mere terrorist misses most of the point as well. He was a national hero who far transcended specific attacks and was a figure of national liberation, like it or not.

What type of koolaid have these people been drinking?

Deplorable Patriot

“What type of koolaid have these people been drinking?”


Gorgeous and big but….
“The plant has no roots or leaves — it’s parasitic. The rafflesia feeds on a host plant to live, drinking its water and nutrients.
It’s only visible when it bursts through the host plant to reveal its flowers.
The flower’s menacing open mouth emits a foul odor similar to rotting meat, earning it the nickname “corpse flower.” That stench attracts the insects that pollinate it.”
The Rafflesia should be the national flower of Islam, Communism and also the Democrat party – which are all parasitic ideologies of death and destruction.


Trying to get the pic to show.


I’ve seen that flower before…it’s called holl lee wood…(it’s parasitic, open mouth emits a foul odor, stench attracts insects like the media)


You are sooooo funny! Love it ! Good day Pat!


and to you my good woman!

Deplorable Patriot

Please don’t confuse this plant with the other sort of “corpse flower” that honestly smells like a dead body. Here is one of two owned by the botanical garden here that emits the odor at 2-3 am, and tickets are sold to smell it when it does.


I recall when it opened one year. Longline to see/smell it in the middle of the night. LOL

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, yeah. The guy across the street from us was like, Hey, have you guys made it to the Garden yet? He had a t-shirt and everything. I somewhat think this is an off year for them, but we’ll see. If the darn thing didn’t bloom in August, iirc, I’d probably go down there for it. I mean, we’ve been members for decades.


Oh wow. Always a great place to visit.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Twitter says no to bashing Sleepy Joe


And then…This Tweet is unavailable.


Thx plumnelly

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I told you Geraldo was nucking futs this morning! Glad Bongino is following up.


He was our friend??? Gerald seriously needs help!!!


Geraldo calling someone else arrogant…
Pot. Black.


Jerry Rivers is and has been Anti-American since I first heard his FAKE name.


That idiot is one reason that I gave up altogether on cable news.


InstaMUTE when I see that ‘Stash.


Just scrolled through comments catching up from about 2 hrs ago. saw encouragement re homeschooling. I am weak – it was a delightful surprise and appreciated!
Not needed for patience and kindness through a learning issues but through an occasional teen attitude issue. He is gifted and with that comes its own pros/cons. We focused on phonics for yr after yr when he was younger until reading clicked and after it clicked it took off! Haven’t done much phonics/spelling since as he is well read (for his age) and read well above level and rarely misspells a word. He is gifted in that way. But I wanted to spend a little time over the next several weeks reviewing and going over some advanced phonics/spelling just to double check for gaps in that area of knowledge. And my young Prince deems it unnecessary. …. Parenting 24/7. A privilege, a responsibility & a joy…most of the time. ha!
Yes, spelling can be Hard

OK – back to the news!


I sure miss Lucy and Desi. That was hysterical.
I hope you don’t mind if I steal it. 🙂


MagaMom: My daughter is also a homeschooling mom. It’s exhausting and never-ending. She feels such responsibility for getting it right. I’m so glad you received some affirmation yesterday. You, my daughter and all the other home-schooling parents are blessing your children and blessing our Country. I’m very thankful for you and I pray everyday for you all; for wisdom, guidance, strength, and blessings! Thank you for doing it.


“I love Lucy” was always good for a laugh. Or is it “laff”?


The face in the fire: Dairy farmer claims to have spotted the DEVIL lurking in bushfire clouds in Victoria
The devil’s face has apparently appeared in the bushfire smoke out of regional Victoria, according to a dairy farmer.
Craig Calvert shared the photo showing the face coming from the smoke of the fires in East Gippsland.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Whoah! Very interesting.


I thought so…


Hope he has VERY good SECURITY if this gets out…..
Futhermuckin’ Sumbitches!


Yeah…I love these Marines


POTUS doesn’t mess around, he sends the very best!
(No offense meant to any other branch… love all of you!)


Give me a break!
CNN Anchor Compares Iranian Terror Boss to French Resistance Leader
CNN anchor Anderson Cooper compared Qassem Soleimani, the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps killed in an American airstrike on Thursday, to French president Charles de Gaulle, a leader of the French resistance against Nazi occupation during World War II.


Perspective….Anderson Cooper…revered “news” anchor icon also talking about big cocks on national television on New Years…paid monkey saying whatever he’s handed…the penis convo..his own thoughts and words


I bet anderson supports the Booty Judge too.


Friendly reminder here… Anderson Cooper is C_A … and if it were not already capitalized, I would do so.
His mama was CIA also…
Iran is a CIA black ops iirc…………………………………………….. has been from the get-go of the installation of the Ayatollah…


CNN is C_A…….


Probably. I don’t watch TV, so don’t know any of the folks who work there, the owners of CNN are controlled by CIA imho… Anderson is CIA Agent though…


Report: Obama Administration Stopped Israel From Assassinating Soleimani in 2015

When President Donald Trump gave the order to kill Iran’s Quds Force leader Qasem Soleimani, he not only made an arguably proportionate response to the invasion of the U.S. Embassy this week but he also reversed a policy of the Obama administration. According to a report from 2018, Israel was “on the verge” of assassinating Soleimani in 2015, but Obama’s officials foiled the plan. In fact, they reached out to Iran with news of Israel’s plans.
The Trump administration, on the other hand, gave Israel a green light to assassinate Soleimani, according to a January 1, 2018 report from the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida. The paper quoted a source in Jerusalem as saying that “there is an American-Israeli agreement” that Soleimani is a “threat to the two countries’ interests in the region.” According to Haaretz, Al-Jarida is generally assumed to be a platform for the Israeli government to disseminate its message to other Middle Eastern governments.
According to the report, the agreement between Israel and the U.S. came three years after Washington thwarted an Israeli attempt to kill the Iranian general.
“The report says Israel was ‘on the verge’ of assassinating Soleimani three years ago, near Damascus, but the United States warned the Iranian leadership of the plan, revealing that Israel was closely tracking the Iranian general,” Haaretz reported.
The incident “sparked a sharp disagreement between the Israeli and American security and intelligence apparatuses regarding the issue.” That sounds like an understatement.


Now do Soros.


And make sure to plant evidence showing he paid Iran to conduct terror operations.


What makes you think it needs to be planted?


Plant Evidence?
Are you for real?
No “Planting” necessary…….
Just EXPOSE it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Planters of evidence need to be shot. Well, perhaps only under President Wolf Moon. 😉


VP Rayzorbak will defend you until the death!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good! And we can both wear our AR-15s to pressers with the FAKE NEWS!!! For DOUBLE THE TRIGGERING!!!


lol…… 5:5


I wonder if has occurred to our Justice Dept. that American entities – Congress critters, MSM – siding with our enemy, ie. Iran are acting in a treasonous manner. Worse, it likely will be found that they’ve benefited financially from either American aid dollars being given to Iraq, which went to Iran, and then returned as kickbacks to Congress critters, or direct theft of those dollars from Iraq’s factions sympathetic to Iran.
Regardless, a line has been crossed. When does POTUS make his move in the interests of National Security? We’re talking treason and collaborating with the enemy. People like John Kerry, Pelosi, Senator Chris Murphy, et al. A whole bunch of them are involved.

Gail Combs

I think he is letting the Fake News and DemonRats rant on and on about how AWFUL it was to Kill this ‘Great and Noble revered General’ for a while so Americans can truly SEE just what traitors they are BEFORE he lowers the boom.

Deplorable Patriot

There’s something to this. The only people I’m seeing on social media actually falling for the MSM line are people in that line of work, and other over educated SJW who will need the red pill in an IV drip to get them to wake up.


Even that won’t work……
These DemonicRats are WAY past redemption.


Yes because notice Trump posts the US flag and goes off to bed. Meanwhile, all the MSM and the idiot in Iran keep yelling. One looks cool under preasure the other looks panicked.


Yep, and then drop the MOAB on them that we had intel that Soleimani was in the midst of planning a major attack on Americans…whoops..too late, he ALREADY did that. Trump is two MILES, not steps ahead of all these fools. He LETS them open mouth and insert foot.


He will move when these traitors have been neutralized…
They have resources, lethal resources… think satellites, think rogue military… THINK! this is no small group of people sucking on the American sugar teat for a few administrations… this is a group that has had control for centuries, is entrenched across the globe. Money, rat lines, have to be cut… other nations have to be freed up (Iran, NK, Afghanistan) otherwise they will remain tools of Cabal.
Read q’s questions… this swamp covers the globe and it’s deep in insidious…
Think Gen Flynn’s problem… judge recently recusing (blackmailed? threatened? paid off?)
Think Nanzi and her ‘holding’ fake articles… ’til the Cabal can furnish enough money to pay enough of the GOP senators off?

Deplorable Patriot

“They have resources, lethal resources… think satellites, think rogue military… THINK! this is no small group of people sucking on the American sugar teat for a few administrations… this is a group that has had control for centuries, is entrenched across the globe. Money, rat lines, have to be cut… other nations have to be freed up (Iran, NK, Afghanistan) otherwise they will remain tools of Cabal.”
This is what does not seem to be penetrating. I share your frustration on this. So many want to concentrate simply on the people and entities that have harmed this nation and her people solely. That’s a zit, or at best a dilated pore of Winer, on the back of the cabal serpent. There is so much more, and it has to be rooted out, chopped up, burned and the ashes scattered at sea or in outer space just to be sure it doesn’t surface for another hundred years or so.


YES! Agree…

Gail Combs

They knew they had a FOUR YEAR WINDOW in which to move and the Cabal knows it too. That is why they are tossing everything they can at POTUS to slow him down.
I do not think the move to elect President Trump would have been made before the extent of the network was KNOWN and the methods for neutralizing it were all planned out.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Take note! Lawfare Gang has a commie rename exit strategy!!!


eh…nothing new…
The subtitle of the article is, There was “clear direction” from Trump to freeze aid to Ukraine, a White House budget official wrote in one of the emails obtained by Just Security. That’s it, and we know that. So what? He wanted to freeze the aid because Ukraine is corrupt. He had no faith that the new president, a stand up comic by trade, was going to do a thing about it.
“The newly-revealed unredacted emails are a devastating blow to Sen. McConnell’s push to have a trial without the documents and witnesses we’ve requested. These emails further expose the serious concerns raised by Trump administration officials about the propriety and legality of the president’s decision to cut off aid to Ukraine to benefit himself,” Schumer said.
The emails say nothing about the Bidens, which is the crux of the impeachment argument. Therefore, it’s not a ‘devastating blow.’
The article further claims, “The emails also showcase the growing tensions between the White House and the Department of Defense over the hold on the Ukraine funds…”
However, the OMB denies there was an issue. An OMB spokesperson said in a statement that, “There was agreement every step of the way between DOD and OMB lawyers, who were responsible for working out the details of the hold, in line with the President’s priorities.”
CNN has a couple of anonymous people who say something different, but they’re anonymous. They could be janitors in the building for all we know.
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., said that the emails “undermine any claim that the hold on military aid was ordered by the President for some unknown but legitimate reason.”
No, they don’t. The President said he wanted the military aid held back. That’s all they got, and we’ve known that since the beginning. Anything else is conjecture.
Then Nancy Pelosi lied. She claims he hid the emails. The President didn’t hide anything. He went to court to ask for judicial review, which is well within his constitutional right.


They freeze aid to different countries for various reasons all the time. It is not illegal. He released it before the deadline, still not illegal. In the past few years, POTUS has cut off aid to Pakistan and the triangle countries. That wasn’t illegal either.


Ah – but Pakistan and the Triangle Countries no es IMPORTANTE’ –
However – because it is Ukraine – it fits the scenario – so drop the former and run with the latter –
There is always a reason aid is withheld – in this case – corruption – no matter – Orange Man Bad
Question: Who died and left Congress to decide whether or not the President’s judgement is good or bad?
Seems to me – he must get permission from Congress to brush his teeth!!!




See, this is the problem… Normies don’t know what’s legal, smelagal… In the past we could depend on the Media to tell us… that ship has sailed. So the people have to do so… tweet, tweet, put it out there…
POTUS, Q, and even Adam what’s his name are educating people about politics, in different/same ways, others too. No if we could just get the schools to teach critical thinking (she says knowing hell will probably freeze over first)


True. And also, the less inquisitive or informed portion of the Normies, when they read “POTUS did such and such without informing Pelosi or Schumer”, they think there must have been a requirement to inform (or get permission from) Pelosi or Schumer.
I believe the condition of most of those people is permanent.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, the condition of these people is permanent. They might get perfect spelling scores, and be technically proficient and their jobs, but sometimes common sense and awareness just aren’t there.
And they don’t care. If it doesn’t effect their lives directly, there is absolutely no interest.


What? “In the past we could depend on the Media to tell us…” – must have been long before I was born!


In the days of my youth… you could hear it… ever so faintly 😉


A little girl I know was literally in love with Peter Jennings – I think – used to get so excited when he came on TV – it did not matter what he said – she was enthralled – and – if she heard anything on any topic – she would remember what he said – and either correct or agree with that person – based on what he said – lol – as for me – I lost interest quickly – when I discovered the shared script from station to station – why would they do that – now we know

Deplorable Patriot

Once you learn to let go of things you can’t control unless your team is in a game of a league championship, life gets so much easier.

Deplorable Patriot

I meant to say game seven of a league championship.

Cuppa Covfefe

Almost sounds like the warmunistas (Gore-bull warming alarmists) “precautionary principle”.
Charles R. Hobbs (time management expert) wrote this in his “Time Power” book, as well as covering it in his lectures

There are five distinguishable categories of anticipated events:
• events you think you cannot control, and you can’t
• events you think you cannot control, but you can
• events you think you can control, but you can’t
• events you think you can control, but you don’t
• events you think you can control and you can. And do. (p. 9-10)


When you are faced with an event that you think you cannot control and you’ve tested and checked in every way to see if you might control it and conclude that you can’t, you must adapt. Adaptability is the most appropriate action. (p. 10)


Some Dunce is past his Expire date.


haHaHa. He called them the Demons that they are?😂😂 Sly 🐢

Deplorable Patriot

At the very least, McConnell is sticking to his guns on the articles. At this point, his great achievement of getting judiciary appointments through alone speaks to his commitment to MAGA.
What he does with the articles when they get to the Senate…we just restocked the bar, and I can make snacks.


Bless you Daughn… always at the ready! We do appreciate you so much!

Deplorable Patriot

At my house, it is now possible to get tanked on Tanquerray.


Will he pursue josh hawley’s plan you think?

Deplorable Patriot

You know, maybe. Hawley being a lawyer – and a good one at that – might have been assigned the task.


True. I’ve been impressed with him I must say. So glad MO put him into office.

CM in TN

It would be a good feather in his cap too!


McConnell did say…… “for now”?


Senate Majority Leader McConnell is much smarter than we have often given him credit for being.


….and more principled and patriotic.


I believe you and I are on the same page about McConnell, GA. My Unified Theory of Mitch McConnell has evolved from years ago… Everything I’ve seen – yes, since he stopped Merrick Garland, and almost all of Obama’s judicial nominees once we regained the Senate (2014) tells me he was on the side of America.
McConnell is a “process man” and believes in regular order, but nothing I’ve seen indicates that he is anything but a supporter of America. His work to restore jurists who follow the Constitution tells us what we need to know.


And, don’t forget he’s “seasoned”…not his first rodeo and knows how to play the game. Orrin Hatch was a similar sort…Chuck Grassley, too.


Yep – they’ve got a long game perspective and aren’t easily intimidated.


As I have repeatedly tried to tell people here.


Turtle is doing just fine. Telling D-Rats to send articles or shove it.
AND, now back to business….moar Judges and finally,I hope USMCA.



Deplorable Patriot

IDK…one stiff wind and it’s pretty well cured fire wood….

Deplorable Patriot

We had structures like that on the family farm. One was made of cinder blocks, but the other two weren’t. We were always up to no good in those buildings, climbing on the tractors and the riding lawn mower. FOrtunately, none of us knew where the keys were.

Gail Combs

Actually we have one on our property. Build just after the Civil War. The roof is tin. However the chimney and fireplace and porch were removed when it was converted to a tobacco storage shed.
Looks sort of like this but without the chimneys.comment image
I hate seeing these old houses vanish. This one is in GA but we have several in a similar shape to her. Grand old ‘Painted Ladys’ that are just too expensive to repair and up date and are then left to rot.comment image


For some reason, I want hot soup and bread when I see that. Maybe a cup of tea as well. LOL


For me – it depends upon how long I am staying – warm under and outer clothing – sleeping bag and blankets – dog and hubby – hearty beef stew with bread – hope there is a wood stove inside – firewood and lanterns – did I forget anything, kea?

Gail Combs

Takes me back to my younger days when as cavers we stayed in many ‘caving shacks’ that looked like that.
Most were in the mountains and had wonderful views off the front porch.
It was actually a good deal for the farmers since we would keep the building in good shape and keep the vagrants from squatting.


Makes for good memories – those were the days – where have I heard that before?


We were back packers and occasional ran across these luxurious accommodations, ironically a lot in Montana. It was a nice upgrade from trying to find a piece of level ground to pitch a tent.


Ohhhhh duchess now that does sound good. Sign me up!!


Okey, Dokey, Kea!


What a great photo!


Agree, Tea! Quite special


Deplorable Patriot

They celebrate with food. I love it.

Deplorable Patriot

Are they gluten free? 😉


So do I. It looks really good.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Deplorable Patriot


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Bacon, Bacon and Bacon sandwich.
Bacon-wrapped bacon.
The possibilities are endless!!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, they are. Bacon wrapped pork roast.

CM in TN

Had bacon wrapped fillet mignons with a glaze of sweet baby ray’s a couple weeks ago…

Deplorable Patriot


Cuppa Covfefe

Then there’s Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, eggs, bacon, and Spam 🙂
The pizzas look good (almost like RoundTable, but I doubt they’re in Iraq – though they are in the M.E.)…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

+1 for the Python reference…but spam ain’t bacon.

Cuppa Covfefe

Not by a long shot, I know. Fried Spam just doesn’t do it… forgot to bold the Spam… (then there’s the menu – that’s not got much Spam innit, but a number of the meals have, OK some, bacon in them):comment image



Good for him… two scoops I hope!


Well, CNN, I dined on ice cream, too, while I didn’t watch CNN.

Deplorable Patriot

Anyone hear from Brennan, Clapper, Coates, Susan Rice or the rest of the gang today? Valerie Jarrett?


Mike Morrell is a MORON!
Hope he gets caught up too.

Deplorable Patriot

Paleo chili in the Crock Pot. It’s Friday, and I shouldn’t, but need the nutrients.

Deplorable Patriot

Can’t decide if this is a helper account, somebody with A LOT of inside access, or one of the most creative minds to be a part of this whole show.


I think I’m caught up for today! Loved the post Daughn! I would love to go and harass my rep. and Senators, but the chicken shits that they are only hold telephone meetings which I figured out early on are scripted. They are only going to let those people that have comments or questions they approve on the forum.

Deplorable Patriot

If you haven’t heard VSGPDJT’s 4 minute statement, please, take the time. It’s worth it.


Thanks for this!!!


Amazing how treasonous Jack has Algo created Bots at the top of comment section to anything POTUS says.
It is so obviously not a carbon-based unit…
I used to get upset, but no longer… just scroll past.


From OT . . .
Art of War! PDJT style! says:
January 3, 2020 at 4:13 pm
Take that No Name. Take that Deep State. Take that all you traitors and Coup participants (but then I repeat myself).
Trust the plan.
Trust President Donald J Trump.
Liked by 14 people
Trust the plan!!! 14 likes. Take that Somedunce!


Time for some reflection, on the events of last night… time for some gratitude…
Lord, we humbly come, to praise you, to thank you for guiding and protecting our President Donald J. Trump and all who participated in the events of yesterday. We pray for continued protection, especially of our military and all civilians in harm’s way. “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12). In the name of Jesus, we pray Thy will be done, Amen.comment image

Deplorable Patriot

He’s probably still on the high from last night.


LIVE on Fox 10 Phoenix!!! Just said, “America will never be a socialist country…ever.”


Sorry… I tried.
I can’t listen to BULLSHIT!


It was 3/4 over by the time I posted – then it went to some event with a black Democrat congress critter.


I’m sure there is a video of the event on YouTube or the WH site.


Choose LIFE!
Yes…. a Woman has a right to “choose”…. HER…. destiny…
But NOT!… that of HER…. CHILD!
Don’t want a child?
Aspirin is the cure for it.
Place an aspirin between your knees….
and do NOT let it hit the floor!


We’re so fortunate to have this man holding the reins of power of our Nation.
Holding my head up PROUD OF PRESIDENT TRUMP!

Deplorable Patriot



Perhaps ALL MAGA business is coming due…think Godfather 3.

Deplorable Patriot

And a walk down memory lane.

Deplorable Patriot

The article cited has a lot of background info.

Gail Combs

LONG thread by VP Mike Pence naming Soleimani’s many atrocities….

Sadie Slays
Sadie Slays


Gail Combs

How in Hades did they know what President Trump was eating? Do they have a camera on him 24-7?
It was a pre-dawn strike and there is a 4 hour time difference. (It is 2:34 PM in Iraq while it is 6:34 EST) So it would have been mid morning in Washington when the Strike went off.
2 scoups of ice cream was what President Trump was eating when the Syrian strikes happened while dining with Xi at Mar-a-Lago

Sadie Slays

“As news broke that the US struck and killed Qasem Soleimani, President Trump was dining at his Mar-a-Lago club, surrounded by old friends and others like House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.
As meatloaf and ice cream were served, the Pentagon confirmed that the US was behind the strikes, the only statement from the administration throughout the night. “


With Xi, it was chocolate cake, Michael brought us all some last night to celebrate. 😍


Seriously? What the hey is wrong with them? Was that before or after his golf game?

Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot

Give it 15 minutes and I’ll start looking.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m not seeing it yet.


She gave him a NEVER GIVE UP plaque. 🥰

Deplorable Patriot

Swamp Guardian Chrissy has spoken:

Wallace said, “Both President Obama and President Bush had the options at several points to take out Soleimani, and they decided as much as they hated him, not to do that because they were worried how the Iranians would respond to that. That is the concern. They talked about harsh retaliation, what form will not take? Will there be military strikes? Will there be terror attacks? Iran has a very sophisticated cyber capability. Could they be cyber attacks on the U.S. homeland? If this is the kind of strike that finally gets Tehran’s attention and they pulled back, that’s a great message for the U.S. On the other hand, if they simply escalate and respond to our escalation with another one of their own, people will have to decide how far we want to take this.”


Joke’s on them – turns out the majority of Iranians and Iraqis hated Soleimani
But then….neither Bush nor Øbominable were all that keen on winning and putting America First.
Here’s GWB in 2011:
“President Bush broke his self-imposed silence in January 2011, in a speech at Southern Methodist University. The only problem was, he wasn’t attacking Obama, but conservatives. Addressing the immigration debate, he said: “If you study history, there are some ‘isms’ that occasionally pop up … One is isolationism and its evil twin protectionism and its evil triplet nativism.”
Thus GWB told us who he really is and who all the Bushes are.


Old news…..
Bushies are SATANISTS!
Skull and Bones SATANISTS!


They are Fabian socialist globalists – wolves in sheep’s clothing.


Chrissy Wall ASS…… You’re NEXT!
Futher mucking Globalist piece of Schiff!


After Hours: Kimberly Klacik (MD-07 Race)


Carlos has a THREAD – click tweet


WH Press statement:


Good response, Ms Grisham. Fight!
PDJT is teaching others how to stand and fight. Love it.


Carlos has a 2nd THREAD – (he’s on a roll) click a tweet

Deplorable Patriot

Honestly, if my glass wasn’t empty, there’d be Jameson all over the keyboard.comment image


Franklin Graham:

Gail Combs

I hope that includes the Virginia National Guard.


Save the troops……
Drop a NUKE!
Then ask….
Who’s next?



POTUS Press makes a rare statement:



I guess the terrorists haven’t figured out their phones and autos can be tracked anywhere, anytime…


Well now the people who support them see that it’s a path to an early grave.



The crooked tyrannical Mullahs days are numbered….

Sorry Jimmy Carter. Not!


What is so satisfying is that it’s a decisive win. When you eliminate one or more of the sworn enemies of the U.S., that is a victory that has a ripple effect. I think many of us long for a decisive victory over the Dems, the media, and Congress. Not death, of course, but something that would stop them in their tracks, impede their progress, make them think twice before launching any more ill-advised attacks, and shut them down for good so we can move forward to MAGA. I’m so sick of them and want their every evil thought thwarted to the point that they have to stop plotting against us because they are running scared.

Gail Combs

NOTE DATES:comment imagecomment image
Worth reading the case.


I’ll say “Worth reading the case”
what a find Gail!


Gail….. YOU…. are such an AWESOME resource!
Thank YOU…. Thank YOU again 🙂


MANY Iranian connections throughout the Øbominable administration!

Sadie Slays

Wouldn’t surprise me if the “first indictment” Q keeps referring to is related to this Iran mess.


I love it. They wanted Pres. Trump to beg for their permission, but they will have to await his pleasure to get a briefing — no doubt in part because the mission is ongoing and they can’t be trusted. Too bad, so sad.


Ditto TheseTruths…


Deplorable Patriot

Can’t argue with this.





Hmmm. Q did say that FISA works both ways. Who’s to say that Kerry’s phone isn’t already tapped?


Yep – kept letting him run around doing his dirty work … and they caught them all



“Grim” Reaper drone. I long for this same level of decisive action against our enemies within (not injury or death, of course, but to stop them in their tracks from harming our country).


You can run….
But WE will KILL your ASSES!


Daughn, here’s another clip if needed for new THREAD


Don’t Phuck with us.
Do you not hear us Northam of Virginia?


Multiculturalism, or Cultural Appropriation?
Progressives need to decide between one or the other.
Matthew Stewart
January 3, 2020

The progressive concept of “cultural appropriation” has become an increasingly mainstream idea. Do a Google search on, say, “yoga is cultural appropriation,” and you’ll see for yourself. What does cultural appropriation mean, though? According to law professor Susan Scafaldi, author of Who Owns Culture? Appropriation and Authenticity in American Law, cultural appropriation consists of “taking intellectual property, traditional knowledge, cultural expressions, or artifacts from someone else’s culture without permission. This can include unauthorized use of another culture’s dance, dress, music, language, folklore, cuisine, traditional medicine, religious symbols, etc. It’s most likely to be harmful when the source community is a minority group that has been oppressed or exploited in other ways.”
Even if one takes this dubious definition seriously, though—what would constitute “unauthorized use?”—policing cultural appropriation quickly falls apart when applied to actual human behavior. . . .
. . . As with other definitions of cultural appropriation, the PEM statement does not offer any guidelines on how to know when “appreciation becomes theft” or when “exchange is one-sided.” The best it can offer is a statement from Jezebel founder Anna Holmes: “You can’t always prove appropriation. But you usually know it when you see it.”
. . . Another puzzling aspect of the cultural-appropriation focus is that it seems clearly to clash with another progressive imperative: the need to nurture multicultural appreciation. Multiculturalism has been a prominent cause among progressives for more than a generation, but today, admiration for other cultures apparently comes with a warning sign: look, but don’t adopt, lest you face accusations of “theft” or insensitivity.
Most reasonable people have no trouble understanding that to adopt an artifact or practice doesn’t diminish the culture from which it originates. “You can’t steal a culture,” as Columbia University linguist John McWhorter has observed. Cultural exchange is enriching, not impoverishing, and imitation remains, as in the old formulation, the sincerest form of flattery. It’s time for progressives to decide between embracing multiculturalism or policing “cultural appropriation.” They can’t have it both ways.


“They can’t have it both ways.”
Oh, but they will try. Guaranteed.


It’s another way to divide us and to keep us from expecting other cultures to assimilate. Can’t expect them to commit “cultural appropriation.” (This is the opposite of a melting pot). I’m still waiting for someone to explain how Michelle O’s and Oprah’s hairdos are not cultural appropriation.
“They can’t have it both ways.” But they try. You can’t be for women’s rights while making them compete against biological men. You are not helping the unemployed poor when you import illegals who take their jobs. Progressive ideas always conflict because they are not based on principle.


Brits are such wimps……………………………..


You’re welcome.


Boris…. Get RID of that dumb mass mayor of london.


Could be true, but probably fake propaganda. Either way I could care less what the Brits think.

Gail Combs

After what Steele did, the Brit politicians can stick their opinions where the sun don’t shine. (I consider them ENEMIES until proven otherwise.)


I caution that we must be careful in our discernment.
I refuse to call conservative Brits who support PDJT, or their likeminded politicians, our enemies. They are not.
The same holds true, for example, for Iranians who loath the tyrannical regime that rules over them and do not consider the USA an enemy.
We have allies in every nation on earth. I refuse to forget them or paint them with the same brush which I use to identify a true enemy to our Republic.
Being “American” is far more about a particular state of mind, belief, and attitude vs. being born on American soil (see: Hong Kong protestors). I know many people who are not US citizens but are far more “American” than a great many US citizens.
Just my .02


I was wrong in my statement above. I should have said I could care less what enemies to our Republic think.
Please and thanks.

Gail Combs

I specifically said POLITICIANS until they PROVE otherwise. After what we have been through in the last 50 years and what politicians have done to the UK, I see ZERO reason to change that statement.


We’re good. No worries!


FG&C, I had my first taste of this…our having “allies” everywhere…the evening of the 2016 Election.
I saw Numerous Videos of people ALL over the world, praying that Trump would win the election…it was very moving.
Vids started in Israel, where many thousands were gathered, praying from a podium, taking turns.
But many such events were recorded…in S Korea, Australia, even England, Africa, and E Europe…very large gatherings in many instances.
Watching these gave me a new perspective, reminded me of our great blessing as Americans, helped me have a certain hope ab Our Lion being an inspiration to many,
And since The Election, people from all quarters of the world have responded, France, Iran. HK, Venezuela and Central American Countries, and more.
Partial sight nearly always leads to an interest in actual sight.
I do so hope and pray that people’s yearning for freedom will result in freedom’s advance this new Decade.
Such will not be easy, yet I think the trajectory is headed in the right direction.
We are so fortunate to have a Leader who acts righteously, and has the fortitude to ignore outside influence, one who cares deeply for our great Country and it’s Citizens.
God bless President Trump.



Unjust Deserts
Cities move to ban dollar stores, blaming them for residents’ poor diets.
Steven Malanga
January 3, 2020

About 20 years ago, academic researchers began describing poor urban neighborhoods without supermarkets as “food deserts.” The term captured the attention of elected officials, activists, and the media. They mapped these nutritional wastelands, blamed them on the rise of suburban shopping centers and the decline of mass transit, linked them to chronic health problems suffered by the poor, and encouraged government subsidies to lure food stores to these communities. Despite these efforts, which led to hundreds of new stores opening around the country, community health outcomes haven’t changed significantly, and activists think that they know why. The culprits, they say, are the dollar-discount stores in poor neighborhoods that—or so they claim—drive out supermarkets and sell junk food. Never mind that compelling research suggests a lack of supermarkets isn’t the problem—let alone the popularity of discount stores.
. . . Such claims are like salty potato chips for reporters starved for a good angle on how big businesses exploit the poor. A Washington Post headline described how these stores “storm” into cities. A banner in Fast Company declared, “Why dollar stores are bad business for the neighborhoods they open in.” An Atlanta Journal-Constitution article on the stores highlighted a quote from a local official: “We don’t need them on every corner.”
The idea that dollar stores are invaders ignores the fact that these retailers are expanding in neighborhoods that want them. And the notion that the stores lower the quality of retailers in an area overlooks how they’ve become popular in prosperous neighborhoods, too.
. . . Recent research undermines the argument that a lack of fresh, healthy food is to blame for unhealthy diets. . . . “In the modern economy, stores have become amazingly good at selling us exactly the kinds of things we want to buy,” the researchers write. In other words, “lower demand for healthy food is what causes the lack of supply.

I know, we’re all shocked, shocked!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

President Trump is a consummate businessman.
Certain customers in the Middle East are demanding a smacking, and he’s supplying it!

Concerned Virginian

Well, at the Dollar General down the road here, one can purchase any number of brand-name items at MUCH cheaper prices than at the local Kroger, Food Lion, and for sure the Harris Teeter:
Paper products
Bathroom essentials (soap / shampoo / hair conditioner)
Pet food and other pet items (toys / treats / piddle pads)
Over-the-counter remedies / vitamins
Greeting cards
You get the picture. It’s NOT ALL ABOUT FOOD.
By the way, LOTS of senior citizens frequent the Dollar General to purchase these items AND things like canned food / bread / pantry staples / ground coffee — the prices help stretch out the monthly Social Security check.
Take away the Dollar General’s / Dollar Tree’s, and force senior citizens to buy the items above at the MORE EXPENSIVE grocery store prices — and the inevitable result WILL BE that more old people will eat less / get sicker more frequently since their immune systems will duffer / pass away sooner.
And maybe that’s the REAL goal of the “stamp out Dollar General” crowd — if you back them into a corner and confront them on this, you’ll likely find out that they consider old people to be “useless mouths to feed”.
Wonder where we’ve heard THAT phrase before?


Ouch! Logic! Be careful where you point that!

Concerned Virginian

Typo, sorry: should read “…since their immune systems will suffer”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well many of them are duffers, so your typo at least made me smile.


Certainly correct about the non-food items…greeting cards, party items, gift bags, etc. I buy Xmas “angel” gift items for several elderly people and do a lot of the buying there…bath powders, shampoo, lotion, etc.
I remember a lack of inner city grocery stores was one of Michelle O’s big issues, but it quickly died. The stealing is so massive in the these stores they can’t stay in business.


CV, this is absurd.
Our $$$ Store is one bus stop from an Albertson’s.
Bus stops both places.
And I agree ab sundries, and…school supplies and wrapping stuff, paper and ribbon.!
Way cheaper than even at Walgreens, also across the street.
These people who write this caca work in some agency which hires folks w/useless College degrees.
maybe it’s rigged, ha!

Deplorable Patriot

Actually, if the residents would quit stealing the grocers blind, they’d stick around. But, we’re not supposed to say that.


We dont have 24hr walmarts and other stores dt theft, and the laws about needing to be more than $950 to be arrested.

Deplorable Patriot

Actually, it was a local grocery chain that claimed the reason they were pulling out of a couple neighborhoods was theft.


As I understand it, this is common in many larger cities in crap neighborhoods. Supermarkets pull out due to theft. AND, CA compounds the problem by, IMO condoning theft under $950.

Deplorable Patriot

There’s no threshold of theft in these parts that I know of.


Understand. The $950 threshold is a CA display of ignorance.
Supermarkets pulling out of neighborhoods due to theft, happens in many large cities across the states.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Alternatively, they raise the prices in those crappy neighborhoods to cover the theft…which just makes the local residents even more likely to shoplift.


Dollar stores are right up there with Walmart and Home Depot…my “go to” shops for what I need at reasonable prices.

Gail Combs

What crap. People on a restricted income shop at dollar stores because they are CHEAP! I provide transportation to such a person and given a choice of places she picks the dollar stores. ALDI is a second choice. She HATES Walmart.
This is what is usually offered at the local food pantry:
Rice $0.20 to $0.35 per pound
Dried beans $1.00 to $1.42 per pound
Potatoes $2 – $5 for a 10 lb bag
Onions & Carrots $1 – $2 a pound
Canned Tomatoes $0.91 per pound.
(fresh tomatoes $1.29 to $3.48 per pound)
Other canned veggies, fruits and soups.
Fresh or frozen veggies are going to be more expensive. eg
Lettuce ~ $2 a pound
Fresh green beans $2.14, frozen $1.67
If you are trying to fill stomachs CHEAP you are going to go for rice, beans, and potatoes.


Suspicions by me: Dollar General is a company based in Nashville TN (headquarters just north of Nash). Who do they give $ to and what causes to they support?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Another dead cockroach!
This is like watching Darwin (my pet bearded dragon) at feeding time!
Is ANYONE out there tired of this winning?
(listens for a pin dropping)

Deplorable Patriot

“Another dead cockroach!”
As if we threw a box of borax on him.
No, really, the box wasn’t open yet and I threw it on the scout. It died.


GA/FL, we need that meme you posted yesterday… you know the one, about winnin’

Gail Combs

Phoenix will this do?comment image


works fine!


Yes, there is.
Anyone who is losing, which is everyone on the political left and allied to same.


I weep for every wounded and PTSD military man & woman we sent to ‘war’ in the Middle East who were betrayed by our former CICs and greedy politicians. If there is a measure of comfort in these drone strikes, may it go to them and their families.
God Bless our American warriors.


Amen, Alison.


Adios 3 amigos!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Talk smack….get smacked.


Went plinking in desert, returned to the awesome news six moar bad guys sent to hell.
Understand, two of three vehicles destroyed. Wondering IF the third vehicle was intentionally “nearly hit” and allowed to get away… Monitor it’s travels, communications…
Looking forward to moar of these asshats being picked off.
AND, looking forward to Iraq government position in the coming days. Actually wish they’d ask us to leave. I’m really tired of American blood and wealth being wasted in ME. BUT, I do enjoy the shitheads being sent to hell;-)


Carlos has a 3rd THREAD – click a tweet


Who do they think they are? I guess they were on the inside of power for so long (eight years, plus) that they think they are in charge. They can’t stand it when they aren’t provided leaked info they can pass on in order to orchestrate things. It’s a beautiful thing to see.


Trump has Obama supporters calling OBL’s killing (one of Obama’s self-described “key achievements”) as a “nothingburger”.
Of course, that’s not what this nasty bitch was saying at the time, which makes it all the more hilarious!


Master Troll our POTUS is… I will never forget FLOTUS’ gift to Big Mike on the day of the Inauguration… silver photo “frame” … bet the haven’t had a good night’s sleep since that day.


So I guess it worked so well in 1979 that they decided to try it again in 2019.


Ohh, it’s a template… they have been using it in other countries since 1979.



Heh heh.
Savage truth!

Gail Combs

I would LOVE to see President Trump tell Piglosi:
“I didn’t tell Congress because you are the ENEMY of the American people and you would have AGAIN DELIBERATELY leaked secret military plans to the enemy as you have been doing for years. ”
Actually I wouldn’t put it past him to do that.

Deplorable Patriot

Somebody watched a certain episode of M*A*S*H one too many times. IIRC. I was a little kid when my mother was watching that.


.comment image


If I remember correctly, Obama did that very thing with ISIS.

Gail Combs

That is why I am rolling. It is such a nice bit of snark.


Y’all remember I posted zH’s article upthread, as asked if NYT’s had leaked?


This is the interesting part….
“Simon, Obama’s former senior director for the Middle East and North Africa on the National Security Council, wrote of his assassination literally hours before it happened, where he suggested it might happen.“
There is another former member of the NSC.


are they actually “former” or do they retain clearances to that they can receive intel/leaks?
SO glad this is receiving the spotlight it deserves. Will it receive the ACTION/investigation + prosecution it deserves?

Gail Combs

Remember a clearance doesn’t mean diddly WITHOUT NEED TO KNOW! He has no need to know.


CORRECT. Clearance is NOT a blanket tool, and just because you have an “active” clearance, it is NOT active for a new job or even a new job role. In short, if you are a journalist, your “active” clearance from your prior life is meaningless.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If it was President Wolf Moon, that bastard would be a former member of the human race.




comment image


PERFECT photo reaction of POTUS! LOL


LOL I need a new computer with all the Trump Memes I have stored!


have you put some on the THREAD Daughn created? Permanently located on Wolfie’s Sidebar


I’ve been having WP issues still but that’s a good idea. So many good ones!!!!




^^^ That’s funny ! ! !


Good one


Damn it!
Obungler has less people to BOW to now!



You can bet PDJT knows this full well.


Theres a big thread. Lots of familiar names.


There’s a book called ‘TWA 800: The Crash, the Cover-Up, and the Conspiracy by Jack Cashill’ which happened under the Clintons and it makes you when you read about the cover up.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Getting real tired of these people not being in prison.


That and I’m real tired of the same names coming up. Again. And Again. For all the same kinds of crap. Defending the same kinds of people.


Or…. HELL!

Gail Combs

Remember any crap bills from the DemonRats in Congress have to make it past the Turtle to make it to the Senate floor and then get voted on and then get President Trump’s signature…. AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN!
They are just playing to their asswipe SJ snowflakes as usual.


Moar go nowhere draft legislation. Never get Turtle’s OK to proceed. AND, guaranteed veto IF it ever got to President Trump.


Looking for sjw Brownie points i believe but still true to commie roots. And he teamed up with CA dimm to get some more primary votes here.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Democrats are evil.


That is why I call them:


Bullshit Bernie. If he wanted to limit the power of President to prevent rogue and unlawful military action why hasn’t he done jack diddly about it after all his years in the Senate? Because he didn’t and like always he only grandstanding for the election season.


’bout time for the DemonicRat… I mean…
Domestic part to kick in.


’bout darn time! this is past due by far
Go some momentum in dealing with our enemies, or is it just my imagination?


Considering the terror attack in Florida is still fresh this is a good move.


Great time to leave Iraq as we level Iran terrorist leadership and their puppets. Let Iraq determine their future.


Fully agree.
Because us being there (Bush had to finish his daddy’s war isn’t that what they say) totally flipped the region. Time to pack up and leave.


Sounds like a replay of “blue on green”




Should be:
ALL… Muzzies!


Guessing the tanks are on transport trucks…AND easily tracked as they transit highways and shitheads report numbers, location, direction, times…
But, yes, presstitutes should never report force composition and movement details.
Will be interesting to watch this play out in the coming days and weeks.


Interesting. Tucker’s favorite General McGregor 🙄 was on saying the Iraqi Parliament is meeting tomorrow to vote to tell the US to leave their country. Now why would they be doing that at the same time allowing 4K American troops in?? I think he’s FoS.


WH aware of tomorrow’s vote. O’Brien Cited Iranians celebrating last night, good will, and positive things we’re doing for Iraq, expecting the best. Not a whole lot of info in this press call.


Can’t find the clip, but Tucker was a looser on POTUS’ actions. Said he killed the terrorist for “fun.” I’ve said before that Tucker isn’t all that.
Frankly, don’t care for him.




Me either. I get that he’s anti-war, but he really turned me off when he nastily attacked Bolton last year. At the time he was still in the WH. Tucker went to far, he still does, he did It again tonight, attacking Bolton’s tweet. I get Bolton is a warmonger, but he does have a lot of experience/knowledge AND he’s also a human being. I can’t stomach Tucker’s viciousness and disrespect. I DVR him JIC, but usually wind up deleting his show without watching.

Sylvia Avery

I didn’t like it either when he tore into Bolton. I like John Bolton. He believes in American strength. So do I. His is a point of view I’d want in my circle of advisors, although I’d want others for balance, too. Tucker disappointed me over Bolton, and last night watching him talking about killing this guy………..well, he’s just wrong and being stupid. WAY off base.


You see what I see – a guy who likes his showmanship, and projects how “smart” he is – not my cup of tea. I like reasoned, serious analysis, and staying out of the entertainment genre. IMO, Tucker lacks credibility – I can’t state exactly why I see him that way – more of an overall perception.

Sylvia Avery

“Been reading SD”
Oh……………that explains a lot!
🤣 He needs to stop that, right away.

Sylvia Avery

I like Tucker quite a lot, but he is dead wrong on this. I know he is anti war but his segment last night (Let’s hope it isn’t another Franz Ferdinand moment) was just plain stupid. I shook my head in disgust.


“T” needs to be an “F” lately…..
Trish Reagan on Fox Business is much better IMHO.


Hell, while waiting for peace, I’m praying for moar leadership being thinned from bad guys inventory.


Pray for Peace…… AFTER…..


Last night I came here to post about a book I am reading and instead of a quick post and then back to rest and reading, I was caught up in the news for several hours and posting positive on social media.
Tonight, I came to post about the great book I am reading and see More Winning and More STRONG actions against our enemies by President Trump.
Well, no time for a detailed post but will mention that I am reading Doug Wead’s new book and it is excellent. paid Retail for it! (v. waiting a little while and buying it used at a steep discount). Also bought Triggered by Don Jr. Haven’t gotten to it yet.
Enjoying thoroughly. Rarely read for pleasure since son was born. Figured that would be the case so read John Adams by David McCullough toward the end of the pregnancy as a last harraugh. Had NO idea I would be homeschooling. Thought the time intense years would only be until he entered school. Anyway, really fun to read for fun + history (adult books – have read numerous children’s and teen history and historical fiction) + politics + President Trump.
Have been a fan of Doug Wead for Years and he does not disappoint.
The Trump Children are Amazing and Impressive – esp. Ivanka, even while I don’t agree with all of her politics.
Well share more another time.
Now, back to the breaking news…


Looking forward to your thoughts on Doug Wead’s book. Thoroughly enjoyed the couple interviews I’ve seen where Doug discussed interviewing President Trump and others.

Sylvia Avery

Same here………interesting interviews. Sounds like Wead got a LOT of access.

Sylvia Avery

Thanks, MM……..I thought Doug Wead’s book sounded really good. I’d like to read that myself!


“John Adams by David McCullough”
An incredible book. Simply 1st rate.
If you liked that one, McCullough wrote a book about the Wright brothers that is just as good. Sure, they are known for being the 1st to achieve manned, powered flight, but it is what they did to accomplish that feat which is the real story that most don’t know. They both were true geniuses.


My Dad really enjoyed that book. He loved anything aviation!!!
I feel the need to reread james clavell book ‘whirlwind’ set in Iran in early 1979.


Okay… any of you interested in the ‘Looking Glass’ Technology Q has spoken about…
You may want to ck out this THREAD – click the tweet – there’s a video within


That is one very packed vid. We could do several threads on it and not begin to scratch it.


I’ll second that!


Saw this meme earlier…PDJT in the world’s most interesting man pose…..
I don’t often have jihadists storm my country’s embassies…..but when I do, they learn quickly Im not HRC.



Okay, I confess…I need an “interpretation “ of this one.


Ohhh, that’s even better. Our allies are capitalizing, piggy backing…YESSS!!! The ME killing their own terrorists, that was his 1st speech in SA. 👏👏👏


She is one sick lady!


This is just BS DRAMA I read the article. The House attorney mentioned sending the Sergeant at Arms over with his gun, a practice that was abandoned 100 years ago, but said that was not a good option. The judge agreed. Geez Some Dude, SERIOUSLY???? Nothing else at all to write about???

Sylvia Avery

Consider the source, Cartwheels. When I think I used to hang on his every word. Gag.


I know, same here. Dude has really devolved. I still want my money back!!!
Good to see you Miss Sylvia!! 😍😘💗

Sylvia Avery

Smuchas, GF! He really SHOULD offer refunds, lol!


Okay…totally off political topics and on to cooking. I’m cooking a whole beef filet tomorrow. (7 lb) …planning to do the 500 degrees and then leave in unopened oven…very much like the famous roast some did for Xmas.
I normally do not cook that much beef at one time…in fact I almost always avoid beef for a dinner party, so this is a stretch for me. LOOKING FOR ANY SUGGESTIONS OR TIPS !
Have the 5 lb of carrots peeled and sliced for the Killer Carrots, the onions sliced for the onion bread pudding and the asparagus prepped for roasting.
Mushrooms stuffed with crab, goat cheese topped with caviar in tiny crackers, and prosciutto wrapped scallops are ready to go.
Didn’t want to fool with making dessert so am picking up preordered individual fruit tarts and cheesecake bites from bakery tomorrow.
After this dinner the China, crystal, silver, etc can go back into their comfortable cabinets shelves remaining undisturbed for another several months! LOL


Sounds delish…except this filet is probably 2 1/2’ …no way I could ever get it in a skillet or a covered casserole. I’ll be lucky to fit it on a large roasting pan grill. I’m making both au jus and horseradish sauce.
Think I’ll copy the recipe to use with filet mignon steaks for a much smaller group…has all the things I like in it. Right now I don’t even have port in the house.


You know I’m stealing this, right?comment image


Pos VA guv REALLY thinks he’s going to goose step all over citizens rights?

Harry Lime

28? He gonna need a lot more than 28.


(directed at said POS)



And that will go exactly nowhere. Who do they think they are?


They are idiots BUT it shows you the Dems aren’t for the USA that’s for sure.


Here are some facts about the new water laws without the above erroneous hype –


Qewt. 😍


Sorry it’s all blurring together. Wasn’t it here upthread that someone posted the 4/18 drop about the day we won Iran. Is this why??? We got their gold?


Response to CNN’s ice cream story 😂😂



Any idea what this means?
(pic related):


Is Solumeni (sp) #1
>1500 the number of protesters recently killed?


I don’t know. It looks like the hashtag symbol people on Twitter use to highlightI names, words, and phrases.


Ohhh… I don’t tweet, so don’t know.


Thanks PR !