Dear KMAG: 20200104 Open Topic


Welcome! The door is open, come on inside!


This Back to the Fortress Q Tree Saturday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KMAG/KAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil.
Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

With the Storm upon us…please remember to Pray for our President.


Wheatie’s Rules:

    1. No food fights.
    2. No running with scissors.
    3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition from James Paget, titled ‘Look To The Skies’:



Visual Descriptions for our dear Zoe, and for anyone else who may find them helpful:
Header and First Image: Is an enormous Tree standing alone in a clearing with a giant door built into the base of the trunk. A lone figure is approaching the doorway. There are patches of moss and small leafy branches emerging up and down the gnarled trunk.
Second Image: Is an interior room with vaulted ceilings and arched throughways. There is a sturdy-looking couch with throw pillows and nearby armchairs. Behind the couch is a table and chairs…and there are additional seating groups in the adjacent spaces.
Third Image: President Trump is walking outdoors and giving a short wave, with his arm out shoulder high. He has a solemn look of resolve on his face.


Well we’ve hit the ground running in 2020, starting the year off with a Bang. I would like to take a moment to salute the Dirty Dems who illegally impeached our President:


They’re not going anywhere with it and it’s going to keep hitting them over the head:


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I’m exhausted from winning!


Please, please! No more winning!




I am fearful that their devastation is from following the California protocol — have the hubris to believe humans should manage the environment; mismanage the environment; cause utter devastation in a landscape evolved to rebound from hardship.

Gail Combs

That is classic Commie.
Pass the laws creating the disaster. Get voted out of office… FINALLY
Then when the fruit of the poisonous seed they planted flowers, BLAME CONSERVATIVES.
Unfortunately it works EVERY DARN TIME and the dimwitted voters vote the evil ones back into power. 🙄

Gail Combs

You MUST clear underbush and fire breaks and do controlled burns.
Jo Nova had a very good article on how the Aborigines ‘managed’ the Australian landscape for centuries… WITHOUT MAJOR FIRES!
Aboriginals didn’t need a water bomber God to save them from Government nurtured firestorms
“There is no lake, no dam large enough to put out the firestorms we have created
Like some kind of cargo cult, modern inhabitants pray to the sky for enough water bombers to keep things they love safe. They fret that the season for safe burning is too short, while they leave the litter to burn at the most dangerous time possible. The quest for perfect forests, perfect air, and perfect centralized planning is the perfect recipe for a catastrophe. Utopia burns again.
This is a great article by Viv Forbes describing how radically different fire “management” was in ancient times. Management being almost like non stop arson. The main rule, apparently, was to light often and always, and never extinguish. — Jo”


Prayers for down under 🙏

Gail Combs

Pray they can KEEP the Commies from getting back into office and the Conservative can REPEAL all the idiotic GREEN LAWS prohibiting clearing of land near homes repealed!
Jo Nova has an article explaining the situation. Fire policy shift: Government says “hazard reduction” to stop fires. Labor says “Carbon market”

Suddenly, many people are taking “hazard reduction”. If only it weren’t too late.
Meanwhile the Labor Party still hope to reduce bushfires with an international carbon market.
Good luck with that. A carbon market is form of carbon tax that sends money overseas and will make their friends at the UN and Goldman Sachs happy, but probably won’t impress the workers the Labor party used to serve. The only way it will stop fires is if people clearfell old growth forest to plant palm trees or corn for biofuel, to to make way for a solar “farm”. Otherwise, carbon storage = fuel for fires…..

Over the years Jo has written 35 articles on the Greens causing the major Australian fires.


So forest management has gone to he!! along with California…

Gail Combs

Yes, SAME idiotic Greenie, No Clear, No Burn rules with the Eucalyptus Fire Bomb trees waiting to help.
THIS IS A MUST READ ARTICLE about California as well as Australia.

….the eucalyptus oil that gives the trees their characteristic spicy fragrance is a flammable oil: This oil, combined with leaf litter and peeling bark during periods of dry, windy weather, can turn a small ground fire into a terrifying, explosive firestorm in a matter of minutes. That’s why eucalyptus trees — especially the blue gums (Eucalyptus globulus) that are common throughout New South Wales — are sometimes referred to wryly as “gasoline trees.”
And after a bushfire sweeps through an area, the eucalyptus trees have an advantage over other plants. Their seed capsules open up when burned, and the seedlings thrive in freshly burned, ash-rich soils…

OH, and they are BIOENGINEERING eucalyptus to GROW FURTHER NORTH!
The tree of choice for carbon credits is an aggressive invasive plant you Aussies are well acquainted with the Eucalyptus.

Genetically Modified Eucalyptus Trees Ignite Controversy
Eucalyptus trees are good for making paper. They are terrible for just about everything else – soil, insects, plants, and water.
A paper company teamed up with ArborGen, a biotechnology organization, to genetically modify the trees to withstand freezing temperatures. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has just approved ArborGen’s request to plant various test forests across seven southern states.
Nicknamed “America’s Largest Weed,” it comes as no surprise that communities are worried about introducing the eucalyptus into new environments, which include 300 acres of test sites in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and Texas.
…… Worse, they create toxic conditions in the soil and their canopies block out sunlight for underlying plants. They hog water and yet easily catch fire, relying on fire to spread their seeds …..

And not even a goat will eat it!
DesertYote mentioned a science fair project he helped with. In the USA the only species that did well (as in thrived) under the gum trees was Toxicodendron diversilobum, western poison oak. It is even worse than poison ivy…..


.comment image


Well darn…. *goes to unpack my bag*
Love it!!!


I love that fluffy tree, it has pretty flowers 🌺 🌸🌼 Makes me wanna climb, no, FLY up and smell em!🥰🦋🥰
Love the Dem wave too, PURRRFECT! 😻😻


wheatie always has cool trees!




Plain old group prayer! Imagine they think any church service with responsive readings and the congregation praying together ‘Our Father, which art in heaven…’ is cult-like.


Mike Pence has a whole thread on all the atrocities of Soleimani. This is the first tweet:

Here is the Thread Reader version:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


Saw some ugly videos on twitter. His Head was 2feet away from his body, one leg, one arm gone, the hand with the ring was off to the side. Another half of a guy, arms and legs gone. The scene was very gruesome. They found zero remnants of another guy. Did NOT want to post. 🤭😬

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

U Tree is for that stuff. I’m curious, and it will remove thoughts of Wictor’s theory being correct.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Did see it just now on Twitter! Yikes.


Wictor’s theory?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wictor thinks Suleimani died in 2015, and that Iran HID THE FACT. This allowed us to “take him out” in a staged operation and force the Iranian regime to (1) admit he was dead, (2) do so in a highly embarassing and discrediting way, (3) etc.
I’m not a believer in this, but I can’t really disprove it, although I suspect that others might be able to do so – maybe with just a photo.


The ring on the dead hand is not the same (two different) rings with reddish stones as seen in earlier photos of Soleimani alive. However, he may have owned/worn several different rings.


Plus, as I recall, Soleimani had long thin fingers.


Ring is on a different finger in before and after photos.

Harry Lime

not sure I want to see that video…comment image


awww Harry…made me spit all over my keyboard!!


Ok that was a good one. But how far did he run! 😉 To an airport?


Why they should never retire the A10


Brrrrt! Brrrrt!


Ha ha ha! Little Miss Wannabe Terrorist is really getting excoriated on Twitter for her ridiculous tweets.


snicker, snicker!!


Will have to twit that☺️


Or tweet.😆


Sounds like Bloomie is trying to buy the Democrat nomination. He doesn’t have a chance. He may be a horrible nag, but he’s just not crazy enough.


LOL!!! PLEASE BUY TV ADS!!! You are an idiot and throwing your money away.
TV ads are extremely expensive and not very effective. It’s also a 1990s strategy. He’s playing checkers. Trump had big data on his side and targeted internet+mobile ads – 3d chess.

Deplorable Patriot

The system is rigged for political ads on television to be cheaper to purchase than regular commercial level ones.
Truth be told, the strategy is more 1960s, and technology is advanced to the point that the producers can use b-roll, stock footage, and stills with a voice over which is much less expensive than studio or on location filming for effective spots.
The thing is…not many people are watching any more in the places where the ads would be placed.

Concerned Virginian

BLOOMBERG is buying TV ads to target “people of a certain age” in an attempt to get them to vote for him, instead of voting for Biden, Sanders or Warren.
My opinion on Blomberg running: it’s a toxic mix of
his hubris + vanity, both the size of Montana;
thinks he’s the “Ross Perot” of the DemocratCommunist party;
he wants to foment a brokered DemComm convention with himself as “kingmaker”;
may be possible personal animus against POTUS (grudge, etc.).
Here’s the other side of the coin: If HILLARY CLINTON decides that SHE wants the 2020 DemComm nomination, even Bloomberg’s $$millions won’t mean a thing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love your inspirational music, Wheatie!
Helped me cool down after reading OT and getting really angry.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, not sure what’s up.
He’s making a good point about how the Dems are going to use the extraneously (illegally) collected Mueller stuff for the election, and that it’s all going to be run through Weissmann’s outfit, but it’s just so END OF THE WORLD.


Wolfie says sometimes BB and Director Blue articles trigger WP moderation. I had it happen OT a few times. WP would not allow anything critical of Rubio at one point.


Trying again….
REMEMBER 2018 – During the 2018 election season – there were at least 639 documented media and politician approved/incited acts of violence and harassment against Trump/family/staff/supporters and other conservatives. They are organized and trained agitators, escalators, instigators of conflict and violence!
639 acts of Democrat and media-approved violence and harrassment – LINK
Speaking of which – the Antifa/Occupy/BLM/BAMN/Øbominable/Hillrotten provocateur crowd have been awfully quiet lately.


Nolte and BB did some great work during the 2018 election.
On top of the list above, they did these articles exposing the media:
and this….
4 Massive Media Hoaxes in 1st three weeks of 2019 –


Not knowing what’s going on, I feel like we have to prepare ourselves that OT is either compromised or in a dark place of hopelessness with the same psychological effect.
I don’t want to tell you what to do, but you might consider rethinking about what is making you angry and start outlining your next attack post. I wouldn’t mention anything specific about OT in the post – generalize it, depersonalize it – but then you can hit HARD on what your concerns are. MOAB it.
I realized that my anger is often the cognitive dissonance of coming up against an incoherent and illogical worldview. Coming up against irrationality and arrogance disguised as superior analytic thought. Gaslighting and crazy-making as forms of abuse. Info Ops, co-int ops, psy-ops. When I feel like the world is crazy or it is making me angry – I realize I am facing something with the quality of spiritual oppression or spiritual warfare. I realize that I need to ground myself in the TRUTH, what I KNOW, rally to a stronghold, and prepare to ATTACK the LIES. Whether the battle is in my mind or in the office or in my church or in the news cycle – whatever the domain in which the battle expresses itself, convert from DEFENSE to OFFENSE.
The more a broken system tells you to quit, the more you know you must press on harder against it and overcome it.
This is it. 2020 is NOW. We need the MAGA and KAG and KMAG voices NOW. This is the moment where the strength and future of the nation rises or falls. It isn’t about this week or next week or this court case or that leak. Everything else is a stage play, a made for TV courtroom farce. Nope. Everything rises or falls on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. D-DAY. Every race, every house member, every senate seat, every governorship, every attorney general, every sheriff race, every city council seat, every judge and clerk race.
We just clocked down to under eleven months to go.
We’ve been told and we’ve been warned that it’s going to be bad and it’s going to get worse. Embrace the ferocity of the storm; laugh in its face as the waves crash over the rocks and bows. Cry out to the storm – do your worst! For I shall certainly do mine.
Don’t be discouraged by the voices that don’t remain true in the coming months. Push through and stay focused and on target. Never wander and never deviate. Now is the time to rush and engage the enemy with our full cavalry charge. Pray that your sword will not break as you strike.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I need to read this a few times.
I’m not sure what it is that’s ultimately angering me, but I suspect it’s the wait for ANYBODY to be indicted.
I just want JUSTICE. I’m tired of the LIES winning. Knowing that they’re using the Mueller ILLEGAL evidence (like the Stormy junk) just burns me up. Or that guy trying to tip off Suleimani. I’m – just – OMG – jaw dropped – mouth open – horrified by the treasonous Dems.

Deplorable Patriot

Patience. It sucks, but you can’t rush what’s going on behind the scenes or you’re going to get more of the NYT person tipping off the cabal assets. Q said it last week, they’re finding the sleepers everywhere. Working around that has to be a minefield of nightmare proportions.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Had a bogus Iranian “scout” show up on my radar today. Extremely amateur. The PUS is being DRAWN OUT.

Deplorable Patriot

i was in a Southern Illinois corn field…well, it’s more diary country. Anyway, I do think things are coming to a head.


comment image


Wolfie, I think we all have a constant uneasy feeling that translates as anger. We know Lawfare, global cabal, and evil doers will not stop. The ‘what’s next’ is always there. Unfortunately POTUS can’t drone them, and WE understand all that he has withstood and want it to be over, not just for us, but for HIM.
I am saving Michael’s comment. He has done an excellent job of showing us what WE must do, just as POTUS is doing what HE must do.
In addition to squelching the impeachment charade, we need a vindicating win in another country – finalizing Brexit; Iranian citizens taking back their country, full disclosure on Ukraine, etc. It is STILL Trump against the world, and a tangible win somewhere else is vital.


well unfortunately you can’t count on Canada for a tangible win…I am still so disappointed in my fellow Canadians…can’t believe that they voted Trudope back in…


Yeah, that sucks. Without our Electoral College, we’d likely be in your predicament. Urban voters slay rural votes in state elections 😔


COPIED/SAVED to read, re-read PRN – need it as much for coping with my own and family issues as with the heightened, crazy-making battles of 2020.


Excellent, Michael! This needs to be read and re-read.


Not sure why SD sees everything Through one lens – what’s being left out are variables which most of us fully expect to see in 2020.
IOW, nothing is going to happen in a vacuum, POTUS has some serious cards to be played, and since I believe POTUS is a VSG – too many people continue to underestimate him – the cards he’s holding are going to trump whatever strategies the dirtbags have planned.


REMEMBER – PDJT learned to play cards with professionals – heck – he owned casinos.
He’s also an intel, military, political, media strategy and PR messaging veteran and genius.
50 years of deal making in the toughest markets around the world.
He also has no fear.


AND President Trump has LOTS of back-up – Secret Service + many security and intel resources we don’t know about. Keith Schiller may still be involved.

Gail Combs

“Keith Schiller may still be involved…..”
Oh yeah, I pretty darn sure of that.


BTW Gail – the ant bed is gone today after rain last night. There were tiny fire ants and big red ants living together in the big mound.
I spent a lot of time hitting the bed with every recommended home treatment substance I had on hand:
– diatomaceous earth
– boric acid
– pyrethrin
– washing soda
– corn meal
– ground orange peel
– coffee grounds
– Dawn
– hot water
– Hot Shot ant spray (2 forms of pyrethrin)
I may have just aggravated them into leaving – but don’t see another mound anywhere nearby.
Still think you could treat pastures with a gas cooker on wheels and pipe spray head to deliver boiling hot water and steam deep into and around beds – a pressure spray would be best.

Gail Combs

If I could I would use boiling water or steam on the fire ants. Near the house I used boiling water. I had to hit them twice and dig out the mound but it seems to have worked. I just do not have a good way to get steam out to my pastures.


Something a bit smaller than this with a gas heater and a water tank, a pressure pump that you could pull behind a tractor….comment image
you might even make some money treating other horse and cattle properties….or designing and selling ‘ant cookers’!


There are also hot water pressure washers like this one:comment image
That’s the latest greatest thing around my region for house/driveway cleaning companies.


Honda motor on this one….comment image


You could also go with a Thomas Wictor Model™ Flame Thrower!

Gail Combs

Thanks GA/FL,
Might work well on poison ivy too for the people who want no herbicides.
My neighbor across the street has a lawn care/landscaping business and maybe we could 🤣 up a business model. cook 🤣 up a business model.


If anyone can – it’s you! If you do – please keep us posted!


Right! Fear paralyzes one. It’s still puzzling that anyone would give more than a passing thought to doldrum thinking when it comes POTUS and how things are going. Logic itself indicates that POTUS has the upper hand when push comes to shove.


Sometimes one needs to WalkAway.


but thanks to you Wolf (tipping my hat) I can read without believing every word. I can sort the OPINION from the fact. I can see the path the writer wants me to take BUT choose MY path myself.
I confess I do skim that site every day…but I am not enchanted any more. thank you.
it’s like looking at a wonderful painting–seeing a multitude of colors–together it’s breathtaking, but if you look closely, there’s baby-shit-mustard yellow in the mix…


REMEMBER 2018 – During the 2018 election season – there were at least 639 documented media and politician approved/incited acts of violence and harassment against Trump/family/staff/supporters and other conservatives. They are organized and trained agitators, escalators, instigators of conflict and violence!
639 acts of Democrat and media-approved violence and harrassment –
Speaking of which – the Antifa/Occupy/BLM/BAMN/Øbominable/Hillrotten provocateur crowd have been awfully quiet lately.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Speaking of which – the Antifa/Occupy/BLM/BAMN/Øbominable/Hillrotten provocateur crowd have been awfully quiet lately.”
I think OUR people have figured out which FOREIGN organizations/states and “fake-naturalized”/DIAPER individuals are responsible. Once our white hats get FOREIGN on the cases – and I am thinking that happened much quicker and more accurately than when LAWFARE GANGSTER James Baker was in charge of that step – they can have a look. AT THAT POINT the foreign pros know the heat is on – probably from Treasonous Democrats leaking to them, as well as their own tradecraft. They are no longer in a position to “organize our communities”.


Well, during the Mike Brown fiaco, ISIS was claiming to be involved. The Ferguson Market was owned by Islamists who may have sponsored terrorist groups.


Something happened to Sundance when he said he was really close to something. I remember it. He was going to deep dive into something, and he came out of it changed. I wish I could recall enough info to find the posts. Maybe if I get some time I can go back and find it.
Something really bad happened. They do something to people. Drudge, Napolitano, Sundance. How many others?
I think we just have to let him go. Even if some of his points are good, everything is tainted there now.


Yes he got scared. My point then was, as a patriot with a strong audience, if it was serious, why not expose it and ask for help?

Gail Combs

Tough to do that with a knife to your throat or a loved one’s throat.
It would not surprise me to find he is being ‘babysat’


SD’s biggest mistake IMO was posting that he was in FL AND the photo of the back of his house using rental equipment. Too easy to track down.


TBH the Dems will play dirty. Nothing new there. And Trump knows they play dirty. Again nothing new.
I know people like to read SD but that site has become nothing but negativity to bring people down.
SD or whoever it is no longer Trusts in Trump or even Q. I’m not telling you what to do but my advice is sometimes one has to say ‘if I read this and waste my time and energy on this might I not be doing something else better for MAGA and 2020 instead’. AKA walkway?
Don’t let SD get you done. You’ve got a lot of smart people on this site which makes it a breath of fresh air.

Sylvia Avery

Can I make you a cup of tea, Wolfie? Or something stronger? Take care, Warrior. We need you.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A good night’s sleep, and coffee in the morning and I’ll be all better! Thanks for the offer, though! Appreciated! 😀

Sylvia Avery

Goodnight wolfie. 😊


Could SD be trying to boost his #s by creating fear, tension, posing as the ‘only source’ of real truth, knowledge, clarity of what is ‘really’ going on.
Is that why SD & Co. get so snippy and bans anyone who disagrees, differs with their output?
Most people get banned for violating the unwritten rules OT rather than the written ones.
We all know what those are.


Ever since I visited OT last and liked an article, my older 2010 laptop has not functioned correctly on WP. Therefore, I’m not going back to even read. I don’t know if it’s possible to put a WP bad rating on an account so that will occur. There is a vindictiveness and spitefulness, so if possible, I believe they would do that. They ban people for posting here or even mildly criticizing anything about their site.
OT, there is no sense of community, camaraderie, collegiality and no sense of acceptance, value, encouragement.
I know I have many faults, am annoying, irritating to some folks, and due to mental/family stresses, spent too way much time OT as I do here. I repeated my views too candidly, so became unwelcome, no longer valued. Worse, I disagreed to strongly with some of the mods. I own my part.


Others have theorized that SD was blackmailed/intimidated by nefarious individuals or government agencies and changed.
Another theory is that he is either part of the See Eye Aye or paid to produce a narrative – even SD might have a price by $ or threats.
SD tends have feuds (Draw and Strike, et al) and suspicions (Sara Carter, Gorka, et al) but most people have conflicts at times….


My timeline of OT weirdness. This is backwards in time.
Getting too close, in my opinion:
The Q debacle:
This is the SAME DAY as the Q post, VERY weird:
One day earlier, he OUTS Matthew Whitaker as the SOURCE of White Hat leaks:
This link is embedded in the above article, stating exactly who SD was coyly referencing in his post, but it was a photo caption, and I think a lot of people missed it:
Going back to this has clarified something to me, which MAY explain the WHOLE THING.
What if Sundance got a call, not from the BLACK HATS, but from the WHITE HATS (Q)? Not, hey, you’re doing a great job, but hey, STFU! From what I know of him, his ego would be CRUSHED. Or what if, even worse for him, the Q-team hit him with some sort of cease-and-desist on Whitaker, etc.? He just couldn’t resist the siren call of (maybe) figuring out where the good information was coming from, and blurted it out like an amateur. He got called out on it, and lashed back by denouncing Q, and of course, banning all of us.
Maybe Q humiliated him, and that is how the whole thing came down.


Interesting theory.
1) Read the response from Kerry On to SD’s post at your second link. It is directly below SD’s post. It is very good.
2) Reading SD’s post at the second link, his reasoning is far from persuasive. He regarded Q as harmless fake fun, but decided it was now dangerous because it implicated Trump in coordinating efforts to prosecute the DS criminals. I don’t think anybody then or now thought of VSG as coordinating actual prosecutions, in the sense of directing anybody to prosecute anybody. VSG was and is totally AWARE of what is going on, but his awareness can come from many sources in many ways not implicating his actual, active participation.
3) BTW, there would be NOTHING wrong with VSG actively engaging with the prosecutions. His official distance is, as they say, about “optics,” and wisely so. But VSG and the Q team knew this from the very beginning and I am certain made arrangements to address the dilemma while allowing VSG to operate politically from a position of knowledge.
4) It was very interesting in Smith’s book how Nunes is reported (I am sure accurately) to have 100% refrained from even bringing up the subject of the coup attempt with VSG. They talked about subjects like agricultural policy. Very smart. And yet the President understood what was going on. We will never know how, but it was arranged intelligently and ethically, I am sure.
5) Kerry On in his reply post alludes to the fact that Q gave hope to those following the details of the DS corruption. That is certainly one of my motivations in following Q. If you think about it, without Q we would all be mightily challenged to bear up with the daily corruption and hateful nonsense, especially given the soviet media’s relentless role in perpetrating the destruction of America.
6) Wolf has called Q a psy-op, although I am not aware that Wolf has ever fully explained what he means. But I totally agree it is a psy-op, among other things. Part of the psy-op (IMO) is to reach out to people like us who not only face the soviet media but also the Eeyores and Sundances.
7) The real danger with Q are posts like the one which seemed to promise indictments in December. I am quite willing to live in suspended animation if that is what it takes, or to tolerate helpful disinformation. But the lack of direct action demands fortitude. “All’s well that ends well” is so true. But things have to end well for all to be well.
8) NY Guy and I discuss this topic in detail, the topic of things ending well. Neither of us have given up an ounce of hope and optimism. But it is very comforting to have someone to discuss the topic realistically. We keep on coming back to: “you’d be in jail.” To many, many millions, especially including those who had dropped out, those words were just as important as “build the wall,” probably more-so. Maybe not literally the serial murderer herself, but her ilk. And what gives the most hope of all is the certainty that the President knows this.


Great post and Happy New Year to you and your wife, Tona.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very interesting theory. Will consider further before commenting (have chores!)


It reminds me of Judge Napolitano and his reversal after being denied the Supreme Court. Offended his ego, so he took his ball and went to the dark side.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If that was Nap’s reason, it was dumb, but I can see it. Judge Nap on SCOTUS would be one of Trump’s FINAL appointments, if ever, for purely tactical reasons, EVEN if Trump was dying to put him there. Doesn’t Nap GET that? Jeez! Ego!
Trump would need huge cover to make that appointment – far better LATE, when Trump’s credibility is so overwhelming, and the press so beaten, that people just go along with it, and admit to themselves that it’s a good idea.
Once you go TV, you BURN CRED. Nap has to know that. Jeez! 😀


Yes, cutting off his nose to spite his face. Dumb.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

People are saying they’ve seen this before – as long as 4 years ago.
I think somebody is trying to boost his Twitter numbers.


That appeared to be an A10 Gatling gun (or KC130)…it has been reported to have been a drone strike. Even if it was one of the newer inertial weapons, that would exclude the obvious staccato of a Gatling firing that is seen in the vid.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN!!! <3


I second that Amen!


Couldn’t say it any better than that.



Rodney Short

I love how you start your threads with majestic trees Wheatie it really is a calming thing for me.

Rodney Short

Night and God bless Wheatie.
Night n God bless everyone, pray for world peace it is possible.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Cabal Street Journal
The WSJ has truly been taken over by communists like Fusion GPS members and – WELL – Demmunists. This guy could be diaper, too, for all we know, but I assume they’re just Demmunists until I know that there’s a stinky diaper.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. But it’s an easy message that pleases “management”!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is coming from the “concerned” antiwar “Trump left” crowd that includes a lot of actual Russian assets (I might do a post about that sometime, although I prefer not to spook all the exemplars I follow) – and they’re all on a ledge right now – they are predictable as all get out, and easily manipulated by EVERYBODY – but still – this is just hilarious.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here is a typical tweet from that world. This gal is rock solid on 2A and most other issues, but totally against any involvement in the ME – just GTFO!
This is a significant part of the base that the left and Iran are TRYING to wedge away. What Trump did here was a very artful JAMMING OF THEIR GUN. But how it plays out from here matters, just like when we get a perp gun jam.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You make a final great point there!!! 😀


I think drawing them out is a big part of the plan. When the enemy gets overconfident they start making mistakes – mistakes that create intel that can be acted upon.
When Trump says he wants to bring the troops home and that he plans to do so, it’s true.
But He owns the timeline and the actions to get us to the desired end-state. So a true statement to the American people also serves as an enemy head-fake.

Sadie Slays

The Iran stuff is a tough sell right now even among my super red-pilled loved ones who listen to me.
And you know what? I can’t blame them. America has been dragged into questionable foreign quagmires since before I was even born, so I don’t blame anyone for being skeptical. I really don’t. If it wasn’t for Q’s crumbs on the subject resonating with me literal years ago, then I’d probably be part for this “fuck the warpigs” crowd, too.

Sadie Slays

I personally believe POTUS when he said that he took these actions to avoid war. But good luck selling that to anyone on either side who is hardcore “America needs to stop fighting everyone’s wars. Full stop.” Even Ben Garrison is complaining (and I don’t blame him).


^^^ Agree Wheatie. An exit strategy…on a LARGE SCALE. Middle East will ALWAYS be at war. War with each other OK by me. Leave US out.
Fundamentally we are witnessing President Trump…
– Minimizing American losses.
– AND, minimize losses by Iraqi’s, Syrians…
– While DESTROYING bad guys selectively.
– Had to destroy ISIS militarily and territory reclaimed. Lots of lives lost.
– Deny bad guys financial ability to rebuild fighting machine…fighters, equipment, logistics…
– – Sanction on governments such as Iran, Syria…
– – Deny oil to remnants and sympathizers to ISIS. (OIL)
– Terrorists heads need to be taken out. Leadership. Centers of power. Bad Daddy, his #2, Salami and the host of shitheads the past couple days.
– – Key leadership utterly destroyed, remaining have less experience, deficient strategy experience, minimal leadership…WILL make huge mistakes and can be taken out.
Centers of power must be incapacitated and decapitated. Military (includes terrorists), financial, territory…
We have not physically targeted Iran’s rulers themselves. Salami aside, he was literally “in the fight” and needed to be taken out. The mullah’s and fanatical religious types running Iran.
^^^ This is for Iranians to deal with. Iranians MUST choose their future. We can’t impose the solution.
^^^ Same is true for Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Kurds… They must choose their future. Sadly, IMO, it’ll always be war in Middle East.
Off the wall perspective…
TW from President Trump, VP Pence, Esper others transmit US policy and key actions to folks everywhere, including Iranians, Iraqis, Syrians…
– The US is NOT targeting the citizens.
– The US IS targeting bad guys, terrorist, the OPPRESSORS of common folks.
^^^ Me thinks common folks embrace this. AND, it is emboldening common folks that have been oppressed and mightily abused by ME governments.
YES, President Trump’s goal is get the hell out of the Middle East. AND he will succeed.
IF, the Iraqi government asks the US to leave, good by me.
– America First.
– President Trump has diminished the terrorist capabilities, destroyed ISIS and helped set the stage for self determination in Iran, Iraq…
Me 100% thinks, President Trump IS BRILLIANT.

Gail Combs

I posted Wictor’s comments on this page and on the next.
He SHOWS what President Trump’s exit strategy is.
Note President Trump’s FIRST visit was Saudi Arabia. THAT WAS KEY to getting the heck out of doge.
The Method Behind Trump’s “Madness”
How the Islamic State Was Defeated in Iraq and Syria.
From 2015 to 2019.
This is why the SECOND car bombings were NOT AMERICAN.


Great stuff. deception…smoke and mirrors. Bad guys can’t fully understand the forces they are against to try to gain intel on good guys coming for them.
AND, so much of the heavy lifting on the ground shifted to regional “allies”. Well, allies in this fight anyway.
Appreciate all the links.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. I trust Trump, but there is a part of me that says we may just have to go COLD TURKEY on war.
However, I really think the Dems and their Iranian buddies – and particularly Suleimani, had a plan that relied on us NOT REACTING. And that plan involved a lot of dead people. So I think Trump is correct, and still pursuing peace, but in an optimal way – not a perfect way which is (probably highly) non-optimal.
But yeah – I don’t blame anybody for being skeptical!!!
The Iranians need to know that Trump will minimize the number of people he has to kill.
That should scare the HELL out of the Iranian leadership.

Gail Combs

Remember what Carlos/Wictor said about ‘American’ troops in Syria a while back. This could easily be the same type of OP.

Deplorable Patriot

We can’t simply walk away. Not with the cabal assets still functioning. That’s what going after the world’s terrorists is all about. We are destroying their “let’s make an American enemy” machine.

Gail Combs

We are not walking away, we are turning it over to the Saudis and Isrealis. THAT is what Carlos/Wictor was showing was happening in Syria.
It is THEIR problem and it is time they stepped up to the plate if they want to move from ‘hated barbarian goat herders’ to the 21st Century. The Saudi Prince UNDERSTANDS THIS and that has the Cabal terrified.
THIS is the article I am referring to:
Here is another one:
From 2016:
Analysis of Hezbollah
This sort explains what I am talking about


It is NOT a US problem to solve.
There are no hearts and minds to win over.
It IS an ENDLESS WAR with no upside for America.
The region must solve the problems, or try to while each countries citizens determine their future.
Hands down, the US can and does win skirmishes and battles. BUT, there is NO war to win.
US Military is NOT the solution.
Regional powers must step in, Saudi, Israel Jordan… AND also allow self determination.
IF the USG (President Trump) does NOT play the game the cabal wishes, the cabal loses. Short of endless war, cabal has nothing. Short of destroying American wealth (energy, jobs, manufacturing, FREEDOM), the cabal has nothing.
NEW RULES. We Win. Cabal loses. President Trump delivers winning EVERY DAY.


Great post.
President Trump is looking for the cold turkey solution. Me thinks cold turkey is the ONLY solution. President Trump KNOWS this…COLD TURKEY ONLY SOLUTION.
Cold turkey solution will be at the request of Iraq government… Latter needs to be cautious of what they demand and act outraged over.
^^^ President Trump will pull US out of Iraq. After all, Iraq, a sovereign government rolled up the welcome mat AND demanded US exit.
– Brilliant, me thinks.
– – America First.
– – American lives no longer lost in Iraq.
– – American military forces and equipment better positioned and maintained.
^^^ AND, sets the stage for US getting out of Syria…
Simply brilliant, President Trump is BRILLIANT. ALL IMO.


The problem with a COLD TURKEY approach is the level of CRISIS manipulation going on. Withdrawal of force also plays into their plans (cf. Obama’s foreign policy).
US out of Iraq (public timetable) > Manipulation > ISIS
Part of their tactic is to create a constant sticky crisis (tar baby).
Trump knows this well and has already planned around it. Assign responsibility – the people who keep creating this tar baby – and neutralize the threat, and not just relying on kinetic means (for example, use economic means to undermine their capabilities).
The key is to recognize when NOT taking action or withdrawing is part of the trap that has been set.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well said. The Cabal weaponizes DUMB PEACE as greatly as they weaponize DUMB WAR.


The key difference is understanding the Art of War.
Every time the U.S. has been drawn into an intervention since the 1960s we have let the enemy set the stage and plan for engagement.
The Art of War, and U.S. military doctrine, is you don’t play by the enemy’s rules on the enemy’s turf in the enemy’s way.
In terms of basketball, they are trying to draw a foul. If they can get the U.S. to commit a foul they can use that as justification and confuse the moral clarity of the situation.
That’s where what Trump is doing is fundamentally different. He isn’t being drawn by their fouls. He waits until the time is right and responds strategically and decisively.
There’s the reflexively anti-war pacifist crowd. They set the anchor for the Overton window and create the false dichotomy between “hawks” and “doves”. The “doves” have so little intellectual heft in their worldview that the alternative, “hawk” seems much more realistic and real-politick. But it’s a game, the most radical “hawks” need the “doves” to set the stage. You can’t have a real war push in the political sphere unless you have a peacenik counterpoint that looks ridiculous and absurd. It’s a framing game played on the American people and it has worked very well for generations. People have forgotten their history, the MCM has pushed the new framing on people for so long, it took root decades ago and now we’re living with the fruit of an all-or-nothing war or peace dualistic worldview. The “hawks” can have their endless war machine and all the legalized war-profiteering that comes with it.
[I am not opposed to war profiteering, but there’s a difference between rewarding people who help in time of national emergency versus lobbying Washington for an endless cash cow. 1930s Germany made the mistake of not allowing war profiteering – FDR was opposed to war profiteering but at some point realized if we didn’t do it we wouldn’t have the material force to win the war. I give him credit for pulling his head out of his nether regions if only briefly – the U.S. ramped up faster than anyone in recorded history. But the MIC we all talk about originates from this WWII necessity that was not properly wound down. The Soviet threat guaranteed the MIC survival.]
Trump comes in and creates plausible space between the desired end state of peace (peace and freedom) and the current state of endless war. He does this by breaking the script of being “drawn” into conflict seeing kinetic force as the primary or only means of coercing change. Kinetic force is not used as a blunt force but as a strategic instrument – replacing the sledgehammer with a rock hammer. The end goal, peace, is the strategic end to which all action is placed. In short, he has created the logical space in the public perception that joins the ideals of the “doves” with the real politick necessity of the “hawks” into a coherent vision while stubbornly refusing to be drawn to one extreme or the other (and tempting disaster).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump is just SO exposing the Democrats for that they are.


Well, yeah. Because . . . because . . . because . . . well, trump!
P.S. Orange Man Bad!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nuke the Climate Commies!!!

Gail Combs

Tony has two of them. He some times posts pictures.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just say NO to blue helmets!!!


Most of us had no idea how evil all that globalist gobbledy gook was at the time…or the UN for that matter.
Now, we have been rudely awakened.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Beware when Soviets invite you to the party as the guest of honor. It’s more likely that you’re the dinner, or you are expected to pick up the tab.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks, Wolf, for the Jim Hoft tweet about Soleimani and Benghazi. Most informative.
PDJT knows so much about so many people.
I disagree with the main tweet about Dems having any regrets that they ‘jumped on this’. That won’t happen. The main leftist parties in Britain — Labour and Lib Dems — also jumped on it.
Therefore, for all those who support PDJT but are having a hard time processing the reason for the air strike, e.g. the cartoonist Garrison, they should think about the fact that the Left opposes the action.
If the Left opposed it — as they do all things Trump — then it was probably the right thing to do.

Gail Combs

Since when is killing a MURDEROUS PSYCOPATHIC ENEMY COMMANDER a bad thing?
Congress passed the War resolution and never rescinded it. That is why we have troops in Afghanistan and all over the middle east.


Indeed. I hope it happens before PDJT leaves office in January 2024.
As to your first paragraph, the Left has brainwashed Westerners so thoroughly over the past 50 years that this is what many people think. Their lieutenants in the media have also helped in this regard. There has been no discussion in the news about what sort of man he was. Such an omission leads the poorly informed — the majority of people — to make a martyr out of him.


I will never go to Disney again…what I have learned about so many individuals involved with them is disgusting.


it would have to for someone not to put a stop to this filth.


yeah…wonder if that was the real reason to open disneyland…lure young children


The mother and father do have a lot of blame. Im sure they have guilt. But how f ing STUPID just STUPID are you to let you kid go off overnight with other adults. They wanted the money bc the dad lost his job? The kid knew his parents needed money so he went and suffered. I didnt realize the extent of the female abuse either. Chris Pratt is damaged goods to me, bigly. That the agents just used his house to do what they wanted strikes a familiarity thats scary….ie not the first time. You wonder then the real reason he divorced Anna Faris. Shes a very “attentive” mom. She better be a hawk when that kid hits puberty.


Bloomberg will be in CA this weekend. The dimms keep visiting the IE, inland empire, specifically Riverside. Its always been conservative except Hilkary visited and since then they all go to Riverside. Not sure what or who Bloomberg wants to buy. Illegals? Anchor babies? Cartels? Riverside is dirty and crime ridden since it started going total blue. Interesting that the dimms make a point to stop there though.


If i hear anything ill post it.


Thanks for that, wheatie.
Then there are headlines such as this: ‘thousands mourn Iranian general’ —


Those mourners are all Hashed al-Shaabi and Kataeb Hizbollah militias, so it makes sense that they are unhappy with their big guy having been removed from action. Meanwhile, other Iranians and Iraqis are quite happy that the man responsible for so many deaths isn’t around to order more of them.


Yet, the media never explain that.


I have to confess that when I first heard of Richard Grenell, I was rolling my eyes and thinking, “yet another ‘affirmative action for gay guys’ appointment”. Since then, he has been consistently out-f’in’-standing. I really think he is the best man for the job and all the gay noise was flak trying to discredit him through effusive praise of his lifestyle over his actual abilities and talents. We have dispatches from Cuppa Covfefe and others showing us how the German view of the US has been distorted by globalists, and Grenell has been bringing MAGA heat to them in ways great and small since he took up his station. In addition, Germany is a lynchpin of NATO and the EU. I’m glad he’s on our team.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I think guys like him are going to help rebuild all the bridges that Obama and Hillary burned to try to take out Trump with the “gaystapo draft” (wherein all gays had to be against Trump or they were excommunicated from the lifestyle).


Thanks for that. The first tweet below is interesting, too, and leads to a Lee Smith article from 2015:

The article is about Obo (excerpted):
‘Obama made his preference for Iran and its allies clear—in Lebanon, Syria, and most obviously in Iraq where the White House ordered air strikes on ISIS positions that allowed various Iranian-backed outfits, under the leadership of Qassem Suleimani, to take Tikrit.
‘Obama likes Suleimani, and admires his work. As the president reportedly told a group of Arab officials in May, the Arabs “need to learn from Iran’s example.”’
‘The administration argues that Tehran will spend most of the money from sanctions relief on rescuing the economy, or fixing street lamps and potholes, and not so much on terrorism and other foreign adventures. But there can be no similar argument about buying and selling and smuggling arms since ending the embargo can only help the hardliners. Combining the two—tens of billions of dollars in immediate sanctions relief and an end to the embargo—is like loading a gun and handing it over to Qassem Suleimani. And that’s precisely what Obama intended: The way he sees it, he’s arming an American ally.’

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Found some great stuff on vaccines.

I think it’s extremely telling to watch a DISINFORMATION ASSET enter the thread of Collum’s thinking and try to prejudice him against Shiva. This looks like NAKED CIA or Cabal action, IMO.
Somebody else takes a more reasoned debate……

Sadie Slays

Many of the same people who go out of their way to avoid eating garbage like “polysorbate 80” and “monosodium glutamate” (MSG) and “sucrose” are the same ones insisting we inject this garbage by force into our children. Go ahead and read the vaccine ingredients on the CDC’s own website. Those are literally the top ingredients in several vaccines. (Not targeted at you, Wolfmoon, just saying this as a general rant).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – this is the point that I made to Collum, albeit in “fake science” mode, and only about adjuvants. Once my point is understood, people will see that it extends to even excipients, although to a much lesser extent.
Collum is a heavy hitter in Fake Science. That’s why he drew talk-back on Shiva so fast – his account is monitored. That’s why Twitter unfollowed me from his account. They don’t want some Cornell prof getting any more unapproved ideas than he may already have.
Frankly, Collum may never see my tweets. If the Cabal is smart, he never will. Oh, I’ll be watching this. I have the Cabal CAUGHT grooming history here through fucking Jack Dorsey.
An important point is that my scientific argument, which is rigorous and relies on the holy grail of THEIR SIDE (evolution), is actually the KEYSTONE of the Natural News side, only THEY call it “nature” and “natural” – which is an evolved intelligent system. Note that SHIVA SAYS THIS briefly when talking about the learning of the innate system. This proves that Shiva has a deep understanding of intelligence – more than what the Cabal allows humans to know. That’s why they send that Collum follower in and call Shiva flakey.
That little thread right there is a POWDERKEG under the Cabal’s shitwagon.

Gail Combs

My big problem is they are vaccinating DAY OLD BABIES!!!
Humans mature much more slowly than farm animals. If you want to vaccinate ‘early in a baby’s life — VACCINATE THE MOTHER!
Colostrum definition: A sticky white or yellow fluid secreted by the mammary glands after giving birth, rich in antibodies. The antibodies absorbed by the newborn protect against systemic invasion by pathogens while antibodies that are not absorbed play an important role in protection against intestinal disease.
The small intestine is lined with immature cells which are capable of absorbing macromolecules.
Immunoglobulins ( antibodies) can not transmission across the placenta of the mother to the fetus. Instead the Immunoglobulins in the Colostrum is absorbed in the small intestine and thereafter transported to the blood. “The absorption of immunoglobulins has dropped to a relatively low level after 24-36 hours.”The importance of colostral immunoglobulins and their absorption from the intestine of the newborn animalsfrom the National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine
Vacination: Kid goats that had passive immunity from immunized dams, don’t get their CD/T vaccination until 8 weeks and again at 11-12 weeks. My vet doesn’t recommend doing it earlier. HOWEVER If the kid didn’t receive its mom’s colostrum or if the doe didn’t get vaccination a month or so before birth, you should vaccinate the kid at the age of 1 to 3 weeks and again three to four weeks later. (And PRAY)
Notice it is NOT AT BIRTH!
Sheep 201: Flock vaccinations written by Susan Schoenian, Sheep & Goat Specialist at the University of Maryland’s Western Maryland Research & Education Center in Keedysville, Maryland.

Passive immunity
Vaccines are not very successful in young lambs, 1-2 months of age. For this reason, vaccination strategies recommend vaccinating pregant ewe to confer passive immunity to the lambs through the colostrum (dam’s first milk). Ewes should be vaccinated with the CDT toxoid approximately 4 weeks prior to lambing. Ewes lambing for the first time will need to be vaccinated twice in late pregnancy, four weeks apart. Maternal antibodies will protect lambs for six to eight weeks so long as lambs consumed adequate amounts of colostrum. It is recommended that a lamb consume 10 percent of its body weight in colostrum.
Lambs should receive their first clostridal vaccination when they are approximately 6 to 8 weeks of age, followed by a booster 4 weeks later. If pastured animals are later brought into confinement or dry lot for concentrate feeding, a third vaccination should be given. Some experts recommended giving artifically-reared lambs multiple vaccinations.
Lambs whose dams were not vaccinated for C and D can be vaccinated with some success at two to three days of age and again in two weeks. However, later vaccinations will likely be more effective, as colostral antibodies usually interfere with vaccinations at very young ages. The lamb’s immature immune system may also not be able to respond to vaccination at such a young age.

Lambs and goats are usually weaned at 2 to 3 months, horses at 4 to 6 months. Lambs and goats live to mid teens, horses into there 20s and 30s. Human babies who are weaned naturally sometime between 2 and 4 years of age. Humans live into their 70s and 80s.
Vaccinate the Mother and not the baby.
Make sure the baby gets adequate amounts of colostrum.
Vaccinating the very young mammal is next to USELESS!
Isolating the baby (NO DAYCARE!!!) until his immune system has matured is the best protection for the child.At that point REASONABLE vaccination makes sense. (We only vaccinate for diseases KNOWN to be in the area in our horses.)

Gail Combs

Sorry, my bold did not close at the beginning.
I also want to point out that my vet is AGAINST the 6 or 7 or 8 way combined vaccines. He doesn’t like more than 2 or 3 combined because he says they multiple ways just don’t work as well.
There is a LOT more knowledge about vaccines out there that is not passed on.

Gail Combs

I switched to decaf tea and a new computer — BAD combination.🤣

Sadie Slays

Veterinary healthcare is better than human healthcare in many ways. Another way it’s more advanced is that vets are first to investigate food, digestion, and parasite problems when a mystery ailment shows up. Humans are simply handed a prescription treating the symptoms.


I used to think that vaccines were an unalloyed clear benefit until I realized how much influence government had in their development. Now I wonder how much CDC-mandated garbage is being introduced to one’s system along with whatever good is listed on the label. Note, also, that the CDC doesn’t improve their credibility by their continued attempts to move into gun control.
So, let’s see, flu vaccine. Do I trust it in the US (CDC)…, no. How ’bout if I do the EU version? …….that would be “NO” again. Are there any sufficiently medically advanced jurisdictions that could produce an effective vaccine that have sufficient rule-of-law that the vaccine would do what it’s supposed to do, while not being so compromised by Malthusian BS that government interference was minimized……..y’know, I wish I knew.
If you get an annual flu shot, how would you know it didn’t also include a fertility suppressant? The government seems to favor immigrants over citizens. Wouldn’t it be in their interest to subsidize fertility suppression?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. In a dishonest system, one simply can’t trust.
I believe your posited connection to fertility suppression is why they killed that Clinton Foundation vaccination and HIV specialist – she was onto some key point that would have stopped or “fixed” fertility suppression or some other “side effect” that was actually “progress” that the Clinton Foundation was making.
Although I’m likely the most paranoid person here, I still get the flu shot every year, because (1) I’ve never gotten the flu since I’ve gotten it, so it seems to work, (2) the side effects seem to be apparent to me, and are acceptable, (3) I’m not in the fertility game any more, and (4) there is as much risk of “good” sneaky second purposes as “bad” sneaky second purposes, IMO. Yes, it’s a bit like human experimentation, but bear with me a bit….
“Good” sneaky purposes?
I subscribe to the idea that humans were created by accelerated evolution under “higher being” control, under the authority of God and intermediary intelligences, in that DNA has achieved self-understanding of purpose and design (pro-life, Godly view of “good exo”).
For this reason, I am somewhat trusting that the good side may ALSO be intervening with things in the physical world for our presumed benefit. And that could even include monkeying with vaccines to “help” us.
I don’t assume all intervention has to be bad. BUUUUT I think there is definitely some bad stuff out there.
BUUUUUT it’s all speculation in the middle. Complicated business!!! 😀


your comment made me laugh. sorry…i never got the flu shot, then my doc convinced to get one that year–guess what? that’s the ONLY year I got the flu. never got another flu shot.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fascinating how many “never vaxxed” are also “never flu”!!!


I did follow one recommendation from the doctor tho that I do not regret. both hubby and I got the pneumonia vaccine.
that vaccine seemed to target a known illness…flu shots are only a “guess” at which strain/s of flu MAY be prevalent in the upcoming year…too iffy for me.

Gail Combs

I have NEVER had a flu shot (egg allergy) and have not had the flu in over forty years DESPITE always being around stranger kids many of whom are illegals.
On the other hand I try to make sure my immune system gets what it needs, wash my hands frequently AND never touch my face without first washing my hands. (Major allergies teach you NEVER to rub your eyes.)
I also use a bit of Vaseline® around my eyes to trap pollen and dirt before it can irritate my eyes. I wonder if that also helps trap what ever is carrying the virus?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – you just proved it. They’re right! The moms who said it was too many vaccines at the same time are RIGHT!!! Scientifically – logically. They HAVE TO BE RIGHT.
The combination of what you said and what Dr. Shiva said in that video I posted, along with what I learned as a programmer, PROVES what is going on.
This is a COMMON ERROR IN PROGRAMMING. I cannot tell you how many nasty bugs turned out to be exactly what is happening here. It’s PROGRAMMING.
Too many vaccines at the same time is forcing PROGRAMMING ERRORS.
The immune system is an evolved programming system – very “ad hoc”. Ad hoc programs always over-rely on global variables and environment variables because it’s a simple way to quickly hack something that works. It takes time for evolution to SPLIT a shared variable to finesse the solution.
That’s it. It’s done. OVER. Proven. And that’s what they need to look for in research, and I guarantee they will find it. Probably MANY instances of levels of biochemicals “stepping” on each other – OUT OF PHASE – too early – too late…..
OMG – this is perfect. If I was still in fake science I would have a paper out immediately on this theory.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m signing off on a high note!
Anyway, it is imperative that the vaccine schedule be broadened. Until scientists actually know which vaccines are safe to coadminister, spreading each one out to complete immunity “programming” and return to a “normal” state before the next one is the SAFEST WAY. Moms need to REFUSE coadministration until there is DATA that proves which combinations are the ones that are causing problems, and which can let their “programming” run safely at the same time.


Our initial plan was a slower vaccination plan, with only 1 per visit, and only “green” vaccinations and only when child was showing No other signs of illness.
The more we learned the more we began to move towards the No Vaccinations camp. From where did we learn? Pharma’s own studies, warnings and results.
A) the mechanism by which vaccinations v. inoculations work is still being studied. The science is still developing so we don’t want to be part of the study group!
B) the other ingredients are as problematic as the vaccinations themselves – many other ingredients.
C) the dosages for small children…inappropriate
D) the frequency between shots – to close
E) the simultaneous introduction of multiple virus when one receives multiple vaccinations at once – major problem!
F) the lack of studies is Appalling! One change in the formula can change the effect how it works and yet often new studies are not required. Very few studies are required to follow up – the study post vaccination is Short not focusing on or account for long term effects. Studies are not required for the combined effects.
My husband’s medical and science background made him both very hard for me to reach re vaccines initially, an absolute skeptic of any criticism of vaccines but also very shocked at what he found when he began to dig with an open mind & the more he learned the more open his mind became on the subject. When one comes from a background of what pharma must do to introduce a new medicine to the market, the studies, the rigor of standards, etc., and compares that to what is required for a vaccine to be introduced…shocking!
+ we are all made differently. What works for some will not work for all. We have genetic differences – for some Strawberries are a wonderful sources of vitamins and antioxidants, etc. For others, strawberries are a killer. For some of us, our bodies deal with the metals and other ingredients in the vaccinations just fine. For others, we do not shed these properly and our bodies are overloaded causing damage. Example is the MTHFR genetic mutations – can make a huge difference in how things are processed in one’s body.
Its a serious decision to vaccination and an equally serious decision not to vaccinate.
Consider each viruses potential side affects – can they be mitigated by modern medicine? Most side affects are dehydration which is easily addressed here in the US. Other issues of virus for which we vaccinate are secondary infections – again, easily addressed here in the US.
We might choose to vaccinate for something if we did not live in the US with our current standards of cleanliness, clean water, access to medical care for secondary issues and general proper nutritional foods. But we do live in the US.
We take Very Seriously our responsibility to maintain overall healthiness so that when our bodies do have to deal with a virus or serious illness we have overall good health to start with.
The yearly flu shot may seem fine now but it may have a cumulative affect. Please, dig deeper and learn more. eat heal fully (at least most of the time! ha) and take care of yourself, have home remedies on hand to help (they aren’t magic, but herbal teas, Essential Oils, other home remedies do Help) for when needed and seriously consider not taking the flu shot. Risks either way.
When we cared for my grandfather he always got the flu shot. He was for it, he was in his 90s and he thought it was a miracle. At that point, not our call to make and he was old enough that his risk profile was different than ours – long term flu vaccination effects weren’t going to make a difference and 1 bought of the flu might be his downfall. Everyone must weigh their own set of pros/cons and decide for themselves.
they are from the gov and here to help us…always remain cautious and remember that a gov leader may have a different set of standards for the gen. population than you have for your own self and you own family

Gail Combs

To add
QUARANTINE!!! Do not allow strangers from third world countries into the country without a month in quarantine. This is what used to be done with humans AND ANIMALS.
Now we have diseases we erraticated in this country showing back up and NEW Diseases entering.


With any medication, vaccine, chemical, even food – it is possible to overload/crowd the metabolic pathways and create/increase risk of adverse reactions and interactions.
Same with STDs or any other diseases/conditions – multiple diseases have multiple primary and secondary, etc. symptoms – and create a syndemic effect wherein treating one disease can exacerbate other disease/s or condition/s.


Same with STDs or any other diseases/conditions – multiple concurrent diseases will have multiple primary and secondary, etc. symptoms – and thus increase likelihood of a syndemic effect – wherein treating one disease can exacerbate other disease/s and/or each of their symptoms.
This has been heartbreaking for doctors, especially one in my family who is a Family Practice faculty and tends to patients in our local hospital outpatient clinic. He says the homosexuals with multiple STDs are very hard to treat for the above reasons.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

How they can push multiple simultaneous vaccinations knowing what they know is almost CRIMINAL.


Not a response Wolf more of a comment.
The more I see on the vax stuff the more confident I am that the whole thing is being manipulated as a disinfo campaign. Information on both sides is being cooked and manipulated. Achieving both/and outcomes – weakening our populating in advance of invasion, and creating conditions for more centralized power and government control. Dividing people’s relationship and trust of doctors/medicine while pushing them toward more govt intervention. Which of the two outcomes is more important/end goal is kind of a meaningless debate, TPTB will make their queen sacrifice at some point to whichever end enhances their outcomes. Vax or anti-vax is a false dichotomy.
But it takes real evil to manipulate people writ large via controlled medicine. Like 1930s Germany evil incarnated.comment image


I agree. Also the fact in some states you must have a flu shot to work proves the case for me. I honestly can’t believe by law you have to put something unknown into your bloodstream to be employed in your profession.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great point. We used to be sensible on vaccines. They were not a trust issue. Those who didn’t trust them, didn’t have to get them. They were pushed as a CONTROL issue for sure!


And, BTW, fertility suppression is just easy to point at……what about suppression of ability to concentrate? What might a government want to inject into its subjects?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They already have STATINS!!!


That! Is why I stopped taking statins…memory suppression, constant lethargic and feelings of being off balance. These are all symptoms you would attribute to “just getting old”. They all went away when I stopped taking a statin.


I’m glad you stopped the Statins. Too many folks take them – despite not really tolerating them – but “believe” what the doc tells them. The doctors are treating numbers…
Hubby couldn’t tolerate statins – more than flu-like symptoms, basically it was drug intolerance.
Oh, BTW, they did a study – hypothesis that statins would help Parkinson’s! No! No! Discovered after the fact, that people developed Parkinson’s symptoms 2 1/2 years after they stopped the statins. My household is convinced statins played a part in his Parkinson’s.Whenever he tried a new, latest and greatest statin – at the behest of the doc – his Parkinson’s worsened.
IMO, someday they’re going to find out just harmful statins were… along with cell phones and brain cancers. Of course, you’ll have to get the drug companies and tech companies to admit. Imagine the liability!!!

Gail Combs

That is why I changed my diet to control my blood pressure first instead of going to the doctor for statins.
There are a lot of alternatives available that can help.


so that as the child ages, he shows signs of ADHD? so he’ll need more drugs?


Yes, this! And its very “normal” for active wiggly lil boys who aren’t made to sit quietly in a classroom for 6 hours to be diagnosis by a newby teacher that they have ADHD. Scary.

Gail Combs

VERY SCARY since most seem to be white boys and they start at 4 and 5 years of age!
1. Children given Ritalin to control hyperactivity could be permanently brain damaged, it was claimed yesterday. Research suggests the controversial ‘chemical cosh’ drug raises the risk of depression and anxiety in adulthood.Ritalin alters the brain’s chemical composition so that it has a lasting effect on mental health, US scientists believe. Because these changes take place while a child’s brain is growing, they could cause irreversible damage….
2. In 1996, 10 percent to 12 percent of all American schoolboys were taking the addictive Ritalin.
3. The 700% increase in psychostimulant use that occurred in the 1990s justifies concern about potential overdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment of child behavior problems… from the early to mid-1990s the rate of ADHD treatment (i.e., school-administered Ritalin) among white boys in Baltimore County elementary schools was over 15%….

…. there are now over 5 million school kids in America on psychotropic drugs, most of which are prescribed and administered by the schools themselves. ….December 1996, there are four million kids on Ritalin alone, one of the most powerful of the drugs now being given routinely to children in American schools.
What is most disturbing, however, is the growing awareness that the increased violence among school children may have more to do with the drugs than with the guns they use to carry out their violence.

School Shootings Linked to Psychotropic Drugs Such as Ritalin: *
One parent of a teenage murderer [16-year-old son, Jared] and those who knew him reported major personality changes after taking Ritalin….
…in 1973, psychiatrists were giving amphetamines to volunteers in order to observe their reactions. The reactions frightened researchers, who noted that several of the subjects expressed “a desire to kill” or to do something “bad or destructive.”


Thank you, great research! I think in years to come it will be looked on the same as the gender mutilation. Such a mistake. One little boy I knew of was a smart boy and healthy with a inexperienced teacher. Of course he was bored and chatty and instead of challenging him academically they thought to drug him. Mom was a health professional and that stopped that. But there was other boys who were hitting kids, uncontrollable and not white and that was never suggested.( It was just said he had a poor home situation and to look the other way.) Unbelievable!! You are right on the money!

Deplorable Patriot

Cancer viruses. I have a cousin who is one of a group of middle aged men who are getting these weird cancers that doctors can’t quite figure out. It’s along the lines of lymphoma, but not really. You should see the scar on his neck from where the tumor was removed. He’s a dozen years older than me, but still…where is this all coming from? It’s not strictly environmental.


In the ‘things are not always as they appear to be’ department:
“True patriotism sometimes requires of men to act exactly contrary, at one period, to that which it does at another, and the motive which impels them the desire to do right is precisely the same.”
– Robert E. Lee


I wonder if Lee was aware of Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War”. This fits in with that.


Verse of the Day

“…I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works.”
Psalms 9:1 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Saturday Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Good Morning Duchess!
feeling any better??


Hi, Pat! Somewhat, yes – run out of gas quickly – need sleep – Thanks!


I had no idea.
Thanks, wheatie!


Nothing is deleted – ‘We have it all!’ – Q

Gail Combs

There are also articles…
I mentioned this to Hubby yesterday.
12/11/2015 Breitbart: Exclusive–DHS Whistleblower Philip Haney: P.C. Killed Investigation That Might Have Stopped San Bernardino Attack
02/05/16 The Hill: DHS ordered me to scrub records of Muslims with terror ties BY PHILIP HANEY
Obama lies through his teeth and blames DHS for NOT stopping the Christmas Day attack…

….Most Americans were unaware of the enormous damage to morale at the Department of Homeland Security, where I worked, his condemnation caused. His words infuriated many of us because we knew his administration had been engaged in a bureaucratic effort to destroy the raw material—the actual intelligence we had collected for years, and erase those dots. The dots constitute the intelligence needed to keep Americans safe, and the Obama administration was ordering they be wiped away.
After leaving my 15 year career at DHS, I can no longer be silent about the dangerous state of America’s counter-terror strategy, our leaders’ willingness to compromise the security of citizens for the ideological rigidity of political correctness—and, consequently, our vulnerability to devastating, mass-casualty attack.
Just before that Christmas Day attack, in early November 2009, I was ordered by my superiors at the Department of Homeland Security to delete or modify several hundred records of individuals tied to designated Islamist terror groups like Hamas from the important federal database, the Treasury Enforcement Communications System (TECS). These types of records are the basis for any ability to “connect dots.” Every day, DHS Customs and Border Protection officers watch entering and exiting many individuals associated with known terrorist affiliations, then look for patterns. Enforcing a political scrubbing of records of Muslims greatly affected our ability to do that. Even worse, going forward, my colleagues and I were prohibited from entering pertinent information into the database.
A few weeks later, in my office at the Port of Atlanta, the television hummed with the inevitable Congressional hearings that follow any terrorist attack. While members of Congress grilled Obama administration officials, demanding why their subordinates were still failing to understand the intelligence they had gathered, I was being forced to delete and scrub the records. And I was well aware that, as a result, it was going to be vastly more difficult to “connect the dots” in the future—especially beforean attack occurs….

I REALLY REALLY WANT OH!Bummer up on charges of TREASON!!!
Remember there WAS A Congressionally DECLARED WAR ON TERROR link all the time he was AIDING ATTACKS on American Homeland.
Don’t forget Obama allowed Hezbollah to traffick cocaine INTO THE USA and launder the money through used cars sales to finance its expansion by completely shutting down the 2008 Project Cassandra.
POLITICO The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook
An ambitious U.S. task force targeting Hezbollah’s billion-dollar criminal enterprise ran headlong into the White House’s desire for a nuclear deal with Iran.

Being Politico they do not mention the Jihadists…
Jul 19th, 2010 Hezbollah Terrorists On Our Southern Border

….Hezbollah is seeking an operational base in the Americas. Nasr was no ordinary tourist or would-be immigrant. He is a made member of the Lebanese-based terror group, Hezbollah.
Mexican authorities have released few details about his arrest…

Another article…

….A jihadist cell in Mexico was recently found to have a weapons cache of 100 M-16 assault rifles, 100 AR-15 rifles, 2,500 hand grenades, C4 explosives and antitank munitions. The weapons, it turned out, had been smuggled by Muslims from Iraq. According to this report, “obvious concerns have arisen concerning Hezbollah’s presence in Mexico and possible ties to Mexican drug trafficking organizations (DTO’s) operating along the U.S.—Mexico border.”
As far back as 2005, an article entitled “Islam is gaining a Foothold in Chiapas” showcased the inroads of Islam in Mexico…
In addition, according to counterterrorism experts in this report, Islamic terrorists blend in better with Mexicans than with Europeans, thereby enabling them to sneak into the U.S. across the southwest border. This Muslim cleric, for example, discusses how easy it is to smuggle a briefcase containing anthrax from Mexico into America, thereby killing at least some 330,000 Americans in a single hour….


“REALLY REALLY WANT OH!Bummer up on charges of TREASON!!!”
That goes double for me.

Gail Combs

When you put everything together, it certainly looks like a case could be made. ESPECIALLY if his records are unsealed and it shows he went to college as a FOREIGN STUDENT.


* Never let a crisis go to waste
* Make sure you have an ample supply of crises


Happy Saturday QTreepers!comment image


They should teach that in schools.
That plaque describes how many of us were raised (so last century).


‘Bizarrely’ is not quite the word I’d use.
Bizarrely decorated home owned by Dr. Phil trust hits the market
A dozen guns adorn the dining room wall. Bizarre figurines of bears and rabbits eye you from every living space. L.A. has gobs of outlandish estates, but this Beverly Crest home owned by Dr. Phil’s family trust— which just hit the market for $5.75 million — is as unusual as they come.


* Waves at Wheatie from afar * * This Pursuity Truth is for you! *
Vase2Vase – In Pursuit of Truth Presents – 1.4.20


Getting there, Wheatie – Thanks!
Have a Blessed Day!!!


Along with this is a narrative about ‘global powers’ warning the air strike was dangerous:

Few people believing MSM will bother to read the AP article, which shows that most Western countries believe Iran is in the wrong. So much for ‘global powers’, namely Russia, Syria and France. On the other hand, Germany, Canada, the UK and Brazil believe that Iran asked for it:


yeah, not me either…

Deplorable Patriot

And…who’s army is going to stop us?


Wrong – Suleimani became a US enemy combatant by being present and coordinating the US embassy attack in Iraq.
International law only proscribes regime change by killing heads of state, as I recall.


The UN is intentionally interfering and is overstepping….as a result, the UN will find itself unfunded and unwelcome in the USA.


That is, when there is talk about international law, what is meant is globalist law. Try similar replacements in other contexts and see how they work out.


The dirt is coming out.

Gail Combs

LadyPenguin said:
“the cards he’s [President Trump’s] holding are going to trump whatever strategies the dirtbags have planned.”
What are the cards President Trump is holding?
Those are a hell of a lot of cards!
Child Sex Trafficking
Drug Trafficking
Human [slave labor] Trafficking
Human [private army aka MS13 & Jihadist] Trafficking
Money Laundering
Accessory to murder
Torture of minors
TREASONcomment image


I remember in particular “Crimes against children” identified on Weiner’s laptop re: Hillary’s emails compliments of Huma Abedin.
POTUS looks stronger daily. I don’t know why anyone would wring their hands regarding his ability to do what he said he is going to do.
If all else fails, he can reveal everything they know about the fake Obama, Hillary’s crimes – which I believe includes homicide – and just about every other Swamp creature in DC, and across the country.


#KAG2020 #Obama #MEGA


Which of these stories coming from California will get more airtime? I reckon the one about the Republican, even though the Dem one has more damning allegations involved.
1/ The Democrat:

‘The California Democratic Party announced Friday that it reached settlements in a trio of lawsuits that alleged its former chair engaged in a pattern of misconduct, discrimination and unwanted sexual advances.
‘The settlements with several former party staffers and a Democratic activist closed a chapter in an embarrassing scandal for state Democrats that centered on the behavior of former party leader Eric Bauman, a sometimes brusque figure with roots in New York City. He resigned in 2018 amid allegations he drank on the job and sexually harassed and abused staff.
‘A three-sentence statement released by the party did not acknowledge any specific wrongdoing by Bauman but said the party reached “equitable settlements” with several former staffers and an activist.
‘One case involving three of the plaintiffs, — former party spokesman John Vigna, former operations director Tina McKinnor and activist Spencer Dayton — was settled for over $1 million, said a person with knowledge of the matter who was not authorized to speak publicly about the financial payments …’
2/ The Republican:

‘Hunter pleaded guilty to a single corruption charge on Dec. 3. He and his wife were initially charged with 60 criminal counts, accused of spending about $250,000 in campaign funds on family vacations to Italy and Hawaii, private school tuition for their children, airline tickets for their family’s pet rabbit and other items.
‘The congressman acknowledged in a plea agreement that he and his wife dipped into election funds more than 30 times between 2010 and 2016 and falsely reported expenses as campaign-related from their daughter’s birthday party at the posh Hotel Del Coronado to an outing with friends at a French bistro.
‘Congress reconvenes Tuesday after its winter break.
‘Last month, House leaders wrote Hunter urging him not to vote in the chamber following his guilty plea, citing legislative rules. An early supporter of Trump’s 2016 campaign, Hunter was one of only three members who didn’t cast a vote on the president’s impeachment …’


Oh its Duncan hunter. Though i have seen the other, but buried.


Thanks for the update from California — much appreciated.


Ilhan Omar committed worse – gave over 100K to her paramour and nobody’s questioning her.





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oooooohhhhh yeah!


He sure was!


hysterical, if true…bwahahahaha
The Russian pranksters famous for tricking House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) into seeking nude pictures of President Donald Trump are claiming that they just got Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) — for a second time.
YouTubers Vladimir Kuznetsov and Alexey Stolyarov, who go by the names Vovan and Lexus, recently called Waters’s office and, with the help of a female colleague, pretended to be teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg, TIME‘s “Person of the Year” for 2019, and her father, claiming to have a taped confession from Trump admitting to the exact charges in House Democrats’ articles of impeachment which passed in late December.

Gail Combs
Deplorable Patriot

There’s something to this. And it isn’t just outward beauty. There are days I wonder what some men see in the women they married. Honestly, some of the most put together, truly good, and wife material women I know never married. Why? It wasn’t just because there weren’t enough men to go around.


My cat never did that. Never scratched furniture either. Didnt try to hide in everything. But he did make sure he could sit on me if I was sitting or laying down. 😊


Oh my. Spider cats everywhere! Lol.


Kitties would also be destroyers of raw silk, straw and fabric wall coverings. They loved to claw our herculon (rough nylon) sofa and love seat.


My kids found a very pregnant cat. She eventual had nine kittens I had to tube feed. We kept them three had long fur and the rest had short fur.
Thank God we lived in a very big house and the cats dispersed into the tree children rooms. hey used to log curtains to climb up on. We put up shutters on most windows we liked better anyway.
The kittens were the most lovable cats one can imagine. U used 25 LB cat litter every week and changed 10 little boxes every day. They ate from one big plate of food and that was the only time they all clustered together. No one believed that we had as many cats when they came into the house.
They also had an outdoor run they could go from the basement window into. I grew catnip around the run and they helped themselves. Most all reached age 18-20 before they past.
Ask my kids love animals and all have cats and two have both cats and dog.


Pets can bring so much joy, and they are such blessings! Work, yes, but great companions. The outdoor run sounds interesting. A place for them to be outside but still enclosed?


Yes they are inclosed. In our now home we have an outdoor cage it is 6 feet high and has an wow floor and has wirer and a solid roof. They can go out the basement window sit outside clime and purge high up or just sun themselves. I grow catnip outside close to the enclosure. They can go out anytime and come anytime without being in danger to be run over by a car or other animals. We have only three cat now and the run is not large. Cat run has to have a floor so if it rains does not get wet and a roof part of it for shade.
I also have an enclosed front porch they have a large cat tree chairs and a sofa and can go in and out through a window. They also have heat. They watch the birds who have their feeders out there.
My cats can go anywhere in the house but they really like the front porch and basement and outdoor run and one guest bedroom.


I love your cat enclosure ideas that protect the cats while providing what they enjoy! They are blessed to be in your home.


We are blessed to have them. All my pets are rescues and they give so much.



Who’s next?


Now, we are perplexed.
We KNOW three cars were hit in the town of Tajil just north of Baghdad last night.
Six people are dead and three are wounded.
The USA did not do the attack.
Iraqi military says they did not do it.
So, who did it?


My best guesses – Saudis, Israel or Iraq (if they are now capable).



Gail Combs

We KNOW three cars were hit in the town of Tajil….
The USA did not do the attack.
Iraqi military says they did not do it.
So, who did it?

Wictor answered the question a while back.
The Method Behind Trump’s “Madness”
As I said on the other page, President Trump is turning the problem over to the people who have REAL SKIN IN THE GAME.
How the Islamic State Was Defeated in Iraq and Syria From 2015 to 2019.


Maybe the Kurds or the Saudis or Israel?
These people made so many enemies that anyone could have even Russians? We might never find out.


Gulf Corporation Council?


That’s the first thing I thought, Eilert.
Have you heard anything else about it?
NO ONE is talking about that raid.


hmmm….gonna bet that is photoshopped for what its worth…don’t believe he ever met face to face (or face to top of head) with any of the mullahs or Ahtollallas or whatever they are


You’re right. I should have checked it out



Suleimani was the Democrats’ go-to guy. They likely colluded with QS to attack the embassy.
There was (past tense) likely a mole in the State/CIA/WH and THAT’S how the NYT happened to know and published the online article warning the Iranian General.


The mole could also have been in the military at some level.


Posted yesterday….
The NYSlimes article was written by a guy who was on Obama’s National Security Counsel (NSC) our-bloated staff of 400+…..same as Lt. Col. Alex “Traitor” Vindman was.
It is highly likely an Obama holdover inside PDJT’s NSC team leaked to this guy, who then penned the piece for the NYSlimes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. This is my thinking, too.


The timing of the article was a tad late which makes me wonder if our guys now know who the mole is.

Gail Combs

It would not surprise me to find out the info was given to a suspected traitor too late and then tracked.


Well then do something about it immediately, damn it! I’m really tired of the ever so cautious reaction to stuff like this.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, that is good thinking! HOWEVER, compare the ACTUAL time it went out to Trump approval time, and it’s NOT GOOD.comment image
The Zero Hedge article is WRONG on the timing.
Somebody SAW and TWEETED the article at roughly 9:30 AM EST on the morning of 01/02 (Thursday), so it was up pretty fast, IMO. Trump approved THAT MORNING.

Cuppa Covfefe

Could be like that famous Steinbeck novel, and the place in Monterey, CA. …..
Canary Row…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Democrats blow hot and cold without principle – just party politics.


Pompeo is very very smart and smooth. #1 at West Point, tank commander, aerospace business entrepreneur, got to know CIA as director prior to being Secretary of State. Probably interviewed and named his CIA successor.
State and CIA are siamese twins.


Oh yeah – and in between all that – Pompeo found time to get a Harvard Law degree….. snicker.


GA/FL – do you know why Pompeo/Esper and Milley are getting slammed over on the OT as being untrustworthy and sneaky? I was surprised to read all the digs at them, but maybe they know something I don’t. I have always been impressed with Pompeo. Don’t know the others as well.


I do not read over there. I was banned twice OT.


Hmmm. So interesting. I don’t understand the sudden turn against these men at all, but I don’t read OT as much as I used to either, so I am probably out of the loop. I’m with you, though. I am fine with them until they do something I don’t like. I think Pompeo has been an outstanding SS…


I would avoid reading OT for the most part. It is very negative, and Sundance seems to have decided that Trump is being fooled and/or manipulated by seemingly everyone.


Aub – I have noticed that. When did this change with SD occur? I don’t follow that closely, so I was somewhat surprised to see the change in support. Why would he think that Trump would surround himself with people that can’t be trusted? Sure, there were a few missteps at first, but these folks didn’t last long and have been replaced by real patriots who support Trump’s agenda, it seems to me. I am still really grateful for my early years on the OT and all the education I received there, however. Some friends still there as well. I guess “read with caution” is now appropriate, eh?


I think it happened beginning in about November 2018. I went back yesterday in response to another post and found the thread of events I thought might have led to it. I included the links. You can find it here if you want to read it:
It was all very strange. I was among the original “banned” who were so lucky to end up here with Wolfman and company.
I would definitely be cautious OT.


How did you know you were banned? What led to it? I have seen several posters here mentioning the same thing and I don’t really know what happened. If you can’t answer, that’s fine…


Well, it started out that I couldn’t like or post. The page would just refresh to the top. I didn’t know why, I naively thought it was WordPress, so I emailed. Then I could comment again for a couple of weeks. But then, the “Big Purge” happened, after this post:
Q followers were OUT! I was one of them, although I had been reasonably quiet about it. I was not particularly “impressed” by Sundance all the time, and sometimes I expresses opinions contrary to his. That may have contributed.
All I know is, I am SO GRATEFUL Wolfmoon made this site, I found it, and I am not OT any more! It’s so negative, divisive, and manipulative.


Wow! Thanks for the explanation. I missed Flep so much that I went digging and somehow got referred to Wolfie’s site as well. I had no idea of the purge, but I do now. Thanks, kiddo! I love the Q Tree. All my favorites are here now anyway.


Mine, too!


Checked out your links and have a better understanding of things now. Gosh, who knew! I was certainly in the dark on most of this stuff. Thank you…




As for Pompeo, Esper and Milley – so far, they are doing better by far than their predecessors. If they don’t work out, PDJT will replace them. Just my opinion.


My opinion (which is not worth much since I haven’t read over there in a couple of years): Anyone who is close to Pres. Trump and is doing good work is subject to intense criticism. I believe it’s a backhanded slap at Pres. Trump’s choices and decisions because direct criticism is not warranted. The modus operandi OT seems to be to undermine confidence in the president. Great doubt used to be expressed about Kellyanne Conway and some others who have proven loyal and effective. IMO, it makes the author seem to know more than Pres. Trump and encourages people to blindly follow him.


Thanks, TT – good comments and food for thought as well.


That’s what I think, too, Wheatie. POTUS put the onus on regions to police their own. Prince Salman appears to be (at least) better than many ME leaders at recognizing the responsibility to stop the chaos rests with them.


Te headquarters of the Orb Network is in Saudi Arabia. No doubt in my mind that MBS used it the same way we used it – as a tracking device.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Saudis have to be full partners in the data. I’ll bet all the “trusted” Sunni states are in on it. Designed to thwart Iran and their Dem, Russian, Chinese allies from the beginning.


“ I think our guys are probably working closely with Prince MBS’s guys over there, as part of our VSG’s exit strategy.”
Correct me if I’m wrong but Thomas Wictor has been saying this for several years now.


Mes Amis! Check out the @realDonaldTrump followers over the last couple of days/minutes!
68,154,705 – 9:15 am – 1/2/20
68,370,3775 – 10:45 am – 1/3/20
68,662,126 – 10:20 am – 1/4/20
68,662,421 – 10:22 am


Twitter blocked the comment. What did they say?

Concerned Virginian

From other comments on the twitter feed, it appears that “lana_palooza29” is calling for the assassination of POTUS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

THIS is the insidious effect of SOVIET ANTI-AMERICAN PRESIDENT OBAMA as a “virtue signal”.

Concerned Virginian

From the twitter comments, it seems that several people did alert the Secret Service.


[VIDEO] Nun Says Pope is ‘Globalist Devil’ Working to Indoctrinate Children and Destroy Traditional Values
This Nun has had it with the Progressive Pope and she’s calling him out as a “globalist devil”


Cuppa Covfefe

Also pray for wise land and forest management… something the Aborigines did/do, and they didn’t need a PH.D. in environmental studies to know what to do…

Gail Combs

All it took was COMMON SENSE!
(I linked to some of the info Jo Nova put up on their methods on page one.)
The Indians here in the USA did the same BTW

American Indians intentionally set fires to stimulate plant growth on grasslands and keep forest areas open to produce food such as blueberries. Early European settlers used fires for hundreds of years to keep pastures open and healthy. Prescribed burning is still used by some farmers and by other land managers such as the Department of Natural Resources and U.S. Forest Service as a safe, cost-effective
way to revitalize pastures, prairies and brushlands….
…prescribed burning has become less common over the past 40 years. As a result, populations of grassland and brushland wildlife species that once thrived in Minnesota are dramatically declining. And landowners are missing opportunities to use this cost-effective management tool…

Cuppa Covfefe

Pierre Gosselin and Kirye have a great article on this over at notrickszone:
Back when I was in Scouts (a long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away), I did projects for various merit badges and Star, Life, and Eagle projects for the CDF and US FS. Back then, in the time BC (before Carter), logic and proper land management strategies ruled the day (I’m purposely avoiding the word “sustainable” as it’s lost all semblance of its true meaning [no]thanks to the SJW snowflakes and St. Greta the Green(back)hearted). We did all sorts of work, and study, and one HUGE topic was forest floor management, i.e. get the underbrush and potential forest-fire-fuel out of the way. Reduces fuel load, disease vectors, and, properly done, helps in erosion control (i.e. keep a little bit of the good stuff).
None of this “it’ll ruin the habitat for the critters” crap. Even the critters aren’t THAT stupid (although the greens are…).
The horrific fires in the Oakland hills were also fueled by Eucalyptus (gasoline in the form of a tree) and, I think, Manzanita, which, if anything, is worse. Makes great tea, but lousy ground cover… Just like current-day Australia, the residents were basically forbidden to CLEAR THEIR OWN LAND!!!!!
IIRC, Moonbeam was mayor of Oakland in that time period…
The irony of it all is stifling. The elite, nose-stuck-in-the-air libtards, for who the American Indians and the Australian Aborigines are just “noise” in the human spectrum, have no clue about the environment, nor do they actually care (“hush – there’s money to be made here”…). The dirt poor “indigenous peoples”, whom the elites deign to honor instead of Columbus, on the other hand, knew ALL about land and forest management, having actual HANDS-ON experience.
Hands-on, to the elite, and Joe Biden, their doddery white hope, has a rather different meaning… something about young’uns…

Cuppa Covfefe

Gail, here’s a song you might remember from M4GW via WUWT (and now Larry Ledwick via chiefio) 🙂
(not just Happy Holidays, but Merry Christmas and Happy, Happy, Happy New Year! ):

Gail Combs

Oh My Yes I remember this song. Mikey Mann had hissy fits about it and they had to change the image of his face.


Happy New Year, Wheatie !!💥🇺🇸💖
I love the spring-time-promising green of today’s tree, and the interior looks like we are going UPSCALE for today’s Qper rendezvous. Almost made me think we hijacked an Iranian palace or something 🤣
Let’s all celebrate our Commander-in-Chief. And pray for his protection. God Bless our USA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Iran/Hezbollah are a serious menace in Lebanon!


Øbama’s tool Samantha Power gets told.


And of course Sam you are seen as a liar right here in the good ole US of A.

JW in Germany

I replied to Ambassador Grennel’s reply to Samantha.


Great, James!!! Richard Grenell is one of President Trump’s best assets. I wish we could clone him.

Cuppa Covfefe

Brilliant response, JW…
“A flag is not a strategy.” ….
Hey toots, you don’t like our (USA) flag? Then get the hell out of the USA, and DOO let the door hit you in the butt on the way out.
Here’s your word for the day, Pøwer: TRAITOR. As in “YOU ARE A TRAITOR; SAMANTHA POWER”.
Hope you like Orange. You can be reunited with your traitor-in-chief, the Øbozo, in your new home and “resort”, Gitmo. Great place to hang out, they say…


“Øbama’s tool Samantha Power gets told.”
I read that as ” Obama’s stool Samatha Power…”
Gotta slow down…. 🙂


Oh look!
One of Obama’s sycophants throwing large rocks inside her glass house located at #1 Hypocrite Street.


Hmmm – bet PDJT has known this since 9/11/01 or soon thereafter.


Hmmm 2…..


I love Arthur Schwartz !


Iran mouthing off Gaza/Palestinian style.


Awwww – you can see the fire in his eyes.


Photo caption:
“I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass…and I’m all out of bubble gum.”

Gail Combs

That is the PERFECT caption for that photo.


For G&C – Brilliant! I love it!


Sorry to be posting non-stop – but this is interesting.
One of the few journalists to get praise from the Trumps….David Martosko is leaving the Daily Mail – won’t yet say where he’s going next.


Don’t ever apologize for posting non-stop as you call it…
I see you as “ON A ROLL”

Gail Combs

We depend on each other to bring great news to this site. Each of us has an area of interest and expertise so it is important that we all contribute.


It’s not like the page will run out of space. Comment away, ’til your heart’s content. 🙂


ain’t that the truth pgroup… plenty of broadband here, right?




Eric Metaxes was there too. 🙂

Sadie Slays

Rods from God spotted in Iraq:


“Rods from God” don’t exist, but photoshopping does.

Sadie Slays

Here’s the video (part of the same tweet thread). Is it really that much of a stretch to assume that classified military tech is in use over Iraq right now?


Not at all.
What is a stretch is to openly state as fact that said tech is the unworkable, hypothetical “Rods of God” weapon system….
….which is precisely and exactly what you did.

Sadie Slays

I’m simply using the common term in Ufology to describe this phenomenon.
BTW, this is from a 2004 “Popular Science” article:
“If so-called “Rods from God”–an informal nickname of untraceable origin–ever do materialize, it won’t be for at least 15 years.”
They nailed the timing on that.

Barb Meier

@CarolineTWilli2 replied: “DEWS=Direct Energy Weapons Systems”

Barb Meier

Here’s another interesting possibility from BAE System website: Digital Electronic Warfare System:


No to dirty mind, sneaky hands, traitor Biden – never, ever!!!

Gail Combs

comment image

Gail Combs

For others who are having trouble keeping track…

Kata’ib Hezbollah or Hezbollah Brigades is an Iraqi Shia paramilitary group which is part of the Popular Mobilization Forces that is supported by Iran. It has been active in the Iraqi Civil War and the Syrian Civil War. During the Iraq War, the group fought against coalition occupation forces. The group was commanded by Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis until he was killed by a US airstrike in Baghdad on 3 January 2020.

Interesting that they use TWITTER TO COMMUNICATE!


3h3 hours ago
Replying to @Imamofpeace @DonatellaU
They now publish the attack on Twitter? Great strategy.

This is the TWEET:
That the Iman of Peace translated and yes google translate says the same.
العراق: كتائب حزب الله: على الأجهزة الأمنية الابتعاد عن القواعد الأميركية لمسافة لا تقل عن ألف متر بدءاً من مساء الأحد
Google Translate:
Iraq: Hezbollah Brigades: The security services must move away from American bases by a distance of no less than a thousand meters, starting from Sunday evening


So, is this a “request” or a “demand” or a warning? Where do they get off making this call?


Pray for and plan to defend our Churches too…..

Gail Combs

I hope like crazy that members with Concealed Carry permits contact their churches who DO NOT ALLOW GUNS for an OK from the church to provide security even if it is just outside on the grounds.


Good idea!


I hope members with CC permits ignore the rules and carry their guns to church anyway.


AU – Yes! Absolutely!


Start carrying, people….especially in church.



Echoing “Please remain calm” from above…

Gail Combs

“Please remain calm” Does NOT mean to not take reasonable precautions.
Until President Trump has this under control, I would keep travel and shopping to a minimum. It should be only for a few days.
We KNOW that OH!Bummer seeded the USA with Mussie Rap-u-gees from coast to coast.
Iraqi Refugees:comment image

Gov’t Confirms US Jihadi Cult Under Investigation
A U.S. government agency confirmed in a letter to the Clarion Project that an investigation into a terror-linked Islamist cult named Muslims of America (MOA) is ongoing. The group is known for its “Islamic villages” in North America, with its “Islamberg” headquarters receiving the most attention…
Muslims of America (MOA) used to be known as Jamaat ul-Fuqra when it carried out a series of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil from the 1970s to the early 1990s. The group is led by a radical cleric in Pakistan and claims to have 22 “villages” in the U.S., some of which are known to have been used for basic military-type training….

comment image


Thank you Gail…

Gail Combs

Your Welcome.
We need to keep a balance between oblivious and calm but aware. I think women pay a bit more attention. I for one NEVER go out after dark if I can help it.
At this point I know the feed store with the guy in the back who conceal carries, I know the local convenience store where the entire group is armed. Those are the place I will go if I need anything.
The convenience store also has an incredible butcher shop too. A bit short on the fresh veggies but you won’t starve.


I agree…


Wyoming looks nice!


Wyoming is beautiful but windy for the most part. The area around Yellowstone/Jackson Hole is spectacular. Really cold winters in some parts. How did they get to be so lucky with the no-refugee policy, I wonder? I love my state of Utah, but the LDS Church here is a sucker for refugees and our current Governor seems to think that we need more of them because they integrate so beautifully into our society. I hate him. We are being over run and it breaks my heart.


Another wonderful illustration of why I live in Montana!


Aub – You are so lucky! I absolutely love and adore Montana and if I had any family members living there, I would move immediately. Lucky, lucky!

JW in Germany


A great meme. I’m corroded with envy!

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. Get them all in one place and….
I think those who are still supporting the Iranian Satanic Mullahs (I’m looking at YOU Merde-Kuh and your Coudenhove-Kalergi globalist fiend friends) (Cloven-Hoof Kalergi) are aiding and abetting terrorism, and should be dealt with as such.
The World Economic Forum is coming up later this month in Davos, Switzerland (so I expect it will be snowing here that week…hmmmm). Time to rattle them and their cage(s). Their site is , if you want to see what they have planned for us this year/decade. Lots of papers, etc. there too, if you can stomach it…
Hmmm. White papers…. RRRRaaaayyyyyccciiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssssssssss….. or reverse cultural appropriation…. but not approbation…



Another Alphabet Agenda Atrocity…..


Hildabeast still doesn’t have her shoe. Bwhahahah!!!!


I think it is high time she is fitted for her orange jumpsuit complete with a pair of cheap sandals, wiser – don’t you?


Good riddance, Suleimani!!!

Betcha Ø, H> and Ketchup won’t be going to the Middle East and standing out in the open, day or night, any time soon.


Oh my goodness. The Bills are in a playoff game in 15 minutes. Can it get any more exciting?
Well, several years ago I did a big favor for a colleague. He offered, but I asked for nothing in return. I was genuinely happy to help him (and it was significant help, few people could have done).
Anyway, and totally coincidentally, this guy is a Republican committeeman (that is NOT why I helped him). He has contacts whose names you would recognize.
Can things get more exciting? Yes! I just had a package delivered to my door. Inside was a picture of the President with a note written in gold ink, quote: “[My name]- Thank you for everything you did for [my colleague’s name] and thank you for your support. God bless you and God bless America! Best wishes [the most famous signature on the planet]”
I got a personalized picture, personalized note, and personal autograph from the President!
Wow! Wow! Wow!


Be sure to use an acid-free mat when you frame it and use UV protectant glass!


ALSO – make sure the back cardboard or foam board behind the photo is acid free.
I learned all this the hard way – through costly errors.


Fsmily heirloom !!!! What a belated Christmas gift.


This is getting handed down!


Wonderful story. President Trump’s signature AND, personalized to you. Fantastic keepsake to treasure!


Tonawanda well deserved I am sure 🙂
What a treasure to receive a gift from POTUS.


WTG Tonawanda!


I like ketchup on my steak too. 🙂

Gail Combs

If I am going to put anything on my steak it is a few drops of this (before cooking)comment image
The T-bones I have Teed Up for tonite get nothing but a bit of pepper and KCl salt.
ketchup belongs on hamburgers and fries. 😋


agree, but POTUS can eat his however he likes!

Gail Combs

Oh Yes, just as long as I do not have to watch….


Oh that looks good.


I think it’s a New York City thing. Grew up the same way – New Yorkers put ketchup on everything – scrambled eggs too.
I love ketchup on my steak!


Not a “New York City” thing (for steak), but it might become a trend now!
Ketchup on eggs is fairly common (I prefer hot sauce- “I put that s#!t on everything!” 😉 )
A lot of people put ketchup on hotdogs too (I prefer mustard).
Several different steak sauces are available and popular, but grilled steak on its own, with or without seasoning, is the most popular, in my experience.
I’m pretty sure that the base ingredients for many steak sauces like A-1 is similar or possibly even identical to ketchup.
PS: I know a few people, myself included, who refuse to buy Heinz products because of the Kerry connection! 😉

Deplorable Patriot

Out here we put horseradish on steak.


We have a horseradish sauce which is excellent.
Home made (or in restaurants), you can find it now in the “condiments” section of the grocery store. It was sold by a company called Woebers; now others have jumped on the bandwagon.

Deplorable Patriot

You have to understand, my family farmed horseradish for over 100 years. A couple cousins still grind it. You have to let it cool off for a couple weeks, but there’s nothing like straight horseradish on beef, maybe in a sour cream sauce. Not fond of the commercial stuff.


Oh Yeah!
That’s excellent… But I’m certain I never had the fresh stuff that you have, just the stuff from the jar (Golds?).

Deplorable Patriot

There’s one we can get here out of Milwaukee, I think, that begins with an H that’s okay. But, really the fresh stuff is better.


Lea & Perrins for me.
I only like ketchup on salmon patties.
Not on fries, definitely not on burgers – just mayo, lettuce tomato and dill chips on my burgers.
Mustard and slaw and dill relish on hot dogs.
Everybody has their favorite way to dress good old American comfort foods.


How cute!!!


The increase of nwq @realDonaldTrump followers has been amazing. Bet there are a lot from Iraq and Iran.
68,154,705 – 9:15 am – 1/2/20
68,370,3775 – 10:45 am – 1/3/20
68,662,126 – 10:20 am – 1/4/20
68,662,421 – 10:22 am
67,719,742 – 4:44 pm


*NEW* followers – though some may be Q folks! :8-)


.comment image


comment image


Just look at the shirt the one in the middle is wearing. So yeah idiots.

Cuppa Covfefe

Like most (all?) “progressives”, can’t tell if it’s a guy or a gal.
Coyote Ugly either way…


Ok I have my genders confused….is that a guy or a girl?


Look at that dirty, filthy hair. Disgusting. It looks like something you would shave off a poor abandoned dog that got brought in to the vet. I mean, exactly the same!


People should be able to live where they choose. Wow! What a unique idea! (Sarc)


Excellent! We are always having to push back against *progressivism*.


Time for some precision-guided payback!!!

A 75-year-old restaurant owner in Philadelphia had nearly all the windows of his business destroyed early on New Year’s Day in an attack he blames on antifa.
“They’re terrorists. They just knocked out $20,000 worth of glass,” says restaurant owner Jack Gillespie. He says the vandalism this week is the culmination of weeks of targeted harassment by left-wing activists and antifa groups angry that members of two right-wing organizations were allowed to patronize the Millcreek Tavern.
Very coincidental that the brand new police chief for Philidelphia is Danielle Outlaw from Portland….she was antifa’s best ally there



Gail Combs

😡I will not be vulgar… I will not be vulgar… I will not be vulgar… I will not be vulgar… 😤


Go for it. Let it out. Mom’s still ranting about it.

Cuppa Covfefe

Pity those poor soldiers. Maas suicide… I’m sure the Mullahs are shaking in their sh!t-encrusted shoes…
Of course, if they’re using German weapons (guns, boats, planes, choppers, etc.), the rug-riders are in no danger, as our kit doesn’t work. There is also a HUGE shortage of winter clothing (I guess Merde-Kuh wants to emulate her hero’s “Russian Adventure”, too).
But, but, but…. the good news is that there’s plenty of maternity apparel for expecting infantry-women…
Hmmmm. Sounds like von der Leyen and Merde-Kuh would be offering the ragheads a “two-fer” (two for the price of one) with that. Bonus points for the Mozzies when they take out an expectant mother and pre-born child… (yep, that’s true)…
And, of course, Göbbels v2.0 (Merde-Kuh’s AgitProp department, aka our MCM/YSM) are spewing and regurgitating the sewage flowing from the likes of the Washed-Poo, the “Old Gay Lady (NYT)”, the Washed-Up Journal, Communist-News-Network, and the rest of the American yellow rags… Lügenpresse and Lückenpresse….
But they’re doing the same to the AfD, too… We all need to pray that the Devil and his works (including the DEMONicRATS) are confounded and defeated, and that peoples’ eyes and minds are opened to see what is really going on; and that GOD shines HIS Light on this global(ist) mess so that it can be cleaned up…


Cuppa I always show my Mom your updates and it shocks her ever single time. Stay safe. I hope Germany will one day wake up and kick out the globalist.

Cuppa Covfefe

Have a look at this:
and this:
and a (sad) blast from the past (thanks to the Mozzies):
and finally, “Fridays for the Hubraum” (Fridays for the displacement):
Seems like even the Green Kretschmann in Baden-Württemberg is pushing back against those who would ban cars, or impose idiotic speed limits…
Perople are getting “woke”, and the AfD are growing faster than just about any new party ever has done, but it still takes time. Right now it’s a question of who could really lead when Merde-Kuh’s out, especially as she’s eliminated all her competition… it appears Soder (CSU) doesn’t want to do it (or was forced not to)… Funny thing, I hear the reason VSGPDJT’s (great)grandfather left Germany was that he didn’t file the changes to his Wohnsitz in time… bureaucrats yet again….


Wow thanks for the links.
That was my question who comes after?
I think its amazing that the AfD is growing but is still shocks me that I have relatives who don’t want to see it.
LOL I did not know that about his great grandfather.
Question how was New Years? Any issues? I know Katie Hopkins posted a video of Berlin with fireworks and guns!!!!


Gail listen ti kea let it out 🙂
You are not the only one. Germany as always is on the wrong site they do not seem to get it right no matter how many generations.


Here’s one that will make your head spin~~~
Brooklyn: Muslim Community Patrol rejects peace agreement with Bloods gang
Where is the NYPD? Or would interfering in this be “Islamophobic”? Are the streets outside the Masjid Taqwa in Brooklyn going to feature open warfare between the Muslim Community Patrol and the Bloods? The MCP (and the Bloods) shouldn’t even exist, and one law should be enforced for everyone. But those days have long gone.
Christian Action Network Exclusive. Radical Islamic cleric Siraj Wahhaj has reportedly rejected a tentative peace agreement between a lieutenant of his Muslim Community Patrol & Services (MCP&S) and a notorious Bloods gang member.
Had the peace deal been accepted, MCP&S would have agreed to stop patrolling Gates Avenue and Marcus Boulevard in Brooklyn, N.Y., home to a notorious faction of the Bloods gang. In exchange, the Bloods would have agreed to inflicting no further violence on members of Imam Wahhaj’s Masjid Taqwa in Brooklyn, which is largely seen as controlling MCP&S.
The feud between the two groups began the evening of Dec. 10 when an MCP&S “patrolman” threw a teenage boy against a fence for allegedly disrespecting a Muslim woman at the Masjid Taqwa. The boy happened to be the son of an “Original Gangster” of the Bloods.
A few days later a Muslim man was severely beaten outside the mosque, home to Siraj Wahhaj, in what was understood to be a retaliatory attack.


This ^^^^^^^ is the problem… They are circumventing our laws, imposing Sharia Law….
Ridiculous ! Those elected by US citizens are NOT doing their job! They want to see the US destroyed.

Gail Combs

DeBlasio will reap what he has sown. Open warfare between the two groups.
And at this point I DO NOT CARE even though I have relatives still living in NYC area.

Concerned Virginian

The head of the MCP&S, Imam Wahhaj, rejected the offer by the Bloods and ordered that the Masjid mosque member who roughed up the teenage son of the Bloods “capo” have his address given to the Bloods — presumably for the Bloods to “deal” with the man.
The purposes of the MCP&S are:
First, to intimidate and create fear in the kuffar populations of Bedford-Stuyvesant. That’s for a start.
Second, the MCP&S are ALREADY starting to force Sharia Law on the kuffar there.
Third, the MCP&S are INFILTRATING the 72nd Precinct of the NYPD, since the officers of this precinct TRAIN the MCP&S “patrol” members.


Snake Pliskin says just build a wall around New York and keep the President out of the airspace.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. It was hotter 100 years ago, and the warmunistas (aka Climate Alarmists and scammers) have been adjusting the temperatures to make it look like it’s the hottest evah… nope…

It could be the year the general finally “cement[s] his reputation as the Machiavelli of the Middle East – or prove that even the smartest operators can suffer hubris.”

Cuppa Covfefe

Well you could say (as we do in the IT world) that he got, erm, bricked…


I’ll take that 😉






kea, no tech here…is there a way such tweets can get to WH?


I have no idea…? Maybe someone could post them on the Q board? Or tweet them to his campaign manager? Or Don jr? Or tweet them at others who Trump follows.



You know what vote us out. That way we can leave.Take care of your own country for once!!!
Iraqi Parliament to Hold Emergency Session – Will Vote on Whether to Expel US Forces from Country


kea we should leave Germany also and establish our new base in Poland.


Very true. I forgot about that.
I mean ever since Trump is POTUS the family I have left in Germany have ‘cut us off’ and hardly talk to us anymore. Not that we need them but still. Telling. There loss.


kea my family does the same. I have nothing incoming sadly to say because my one brother a pastor is a communist always was.
I do not know his kids and I do not care. They will know whee I am when they need something that is always the case.
Stay strong 🙂


Sorry to hear that. I have cousins I’ve never met and their kids have no idea we live in the USA or who we are.
But truth be told I think I’ve over it. I;m sure if they want something they’ll recall those people living in the USA.
A had a good friend who once said you can pick your friends but not you family. So very true.
Will do. You do the same. 🙂


So the President is held to blame for every aggression of Iran, while Iran gets a free pass no matter what it does,
This from the people who couldn’t handle North Korea, who wouldn’t defend or protect Americans or our embassy in Benghazi, who lied about who was responsible for the attacks, and who set the Middle East on fire and created Isis.
They are either the most stupid, incompetent, ignorant people on the planet or they are something else.
One would almost think these people were our enemies.


Hi guys!
Could you please rescue my post from the moderation bin.
I somehow typed an extra letter in my name.
Offering embarrassed apologies.


I’m glad our man Flep took a day off today!
He posted News Round Ups on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day!
We need to make sure to support and post lots of comments on his threads!


He’s in Vegas on vacation I think and God knows he could use some time off. I hope he’s back soon and you’re right, need to show some appreciation for all he does.


He must think he’s special just because he does a great job.

Gail Combs

Felice IS SPECIAL! (And yes I saw the /s 😁)
This is where I get all my news since I do not have TV nor do I read the Fake Newspapers or listen to the Fake Radio.


Gail,me too…Felice is how I found this wunnerful site: I am forever indebted to him.


He must think he’s special just because he does a great job /s
He is special 🙂

Rodney Short

I miss Flep.


Yes, me too. He does such an amazing job! I can look all over the sites and find the latest news and then come here and find out he has it all already and more. We are just so blessed !


This Is It! The Beginning of the Endgame!


All we have to do, is stand up… and it’s game over.


Yes – that is part of it – we don’t have to put up with their nonsense anymore – what they fear the most is an awakened public!
Enough is enough – Q – You have what you need – what has changed – them – not us – we no longer buy what they are selling – and they know it – they know they cannot beat PT – and we will not let them!
Impeachment did nothing but, fill his coffers and bring more people to his side.
Two rallies this month – more to come – the venues will be getting bigger – and so will the crowds – yes – STAND!!!

Barb Meier

A non-stop ad for silver on the visuals and anti-Israeli commentary? Rothschilds?


The reality that precious metals will be more valuable in the future than fiat money – the reality of the ‘Real’ Jews versus the ‘Fake’ Jews – remember the Deep State resides in every country in the world – it is that faction we fight on a daily basis to preserve the Israel of the Bible.
What family is responsible for the misery around the world that has been caused by a fiat-based debt system of their creation?




Iran’s leaders would be wise to heed the Presidents warning.


True but I don’t think this are wise people.
Anyone else feel like Iran might be free before the end of 2020?

Sadie Slays

They might be free by the end of the month at this rate.

Cuppa Covfefe

Anyone remember the old saying back when Iran held the people in our Embassy hostage, and then President Reagan was elected?
Q: What’s covered with sand and glows in the dark?
A: Iran, if they do anything to the hostages…
Maniac Mohammedans won’t listen to reason: they only understand “My stick is bigger than your stick”. I think the time to stick it to them has come (the Mullahs, not the people who want to be free).
Gonna be a lot of heartbroken and just plain broke corrupt congress critters, and Klintoonians…
Too bad, I say. Time to pay the piper, Hill-the-BEAST and all your cronies. And he doesn’t accept fake cash or fake news…




Sounds like a plan to me. Enough bs. We dont cower or back down. A red line is a red line and when you hit an enemy after they attack you put them down.


I fear for the people who rise up and and attempt to break the yoke of the ayatollahs and there religious police who brutally enforce their radical Islamic teachings with torture and death to those that defies them.
It would be a bloody mess


Soleimani and his forces have already killed many protesters and imprisoned thousands…Funny how the UN and NBC reports this last month but this month the guy leading the crackdown is a hero?
U.S. says Iran may have killed up to 1,000 protesters
U.N. human rights chief says video footage shows Iranian security forces “shooting to kill.”
The U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet said on Friday her office had information that suggested at least 208 people were killed in the protests and had received video footage that appeared to show security forces shooting at unarmed civilians as they ran away.
“Verified video footage indicates severe violence was used against protesters, including armed members of security forces shooting from the roof of a justice department building in one city, and from helicopters in another,” Bachelet said in a statement. “We have also received footage which appears to show security forces shooting unarmed demonstrators from behind while they were running away, and shooting others directly in the face and vital organs – in other words shooting to kill.”
Hook said that in addition to the hundreds allegedly killed and thousands injured, at least 7,000 protesters had been detained in Iran’s prisons.
Hook said the U.S. officials had received videos of the incident after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made a public request for protesters to share accounts of what was happening with the U.S. through secure channels.


What’s amazing is the people keep rising up demonstrating against that brutal regime knowing that they face death!


Noticed they are open celebrating the death of Soleimani right out in the streets.
I think the regime is about to fall.


This might be more accurate than you think:comment image


h/t kyblue

Gail Combs

Look at the map of Iran… And think smuggling… Like Fast and Furious.comment image


Did PDJT say this? Please give a link.


Well – neve rmind! It was posted at the same time I asked!


Like a BOSS!!!!!!

Gail Combs

Yes he did see above.
Also he sent notification to Congress.
The House was to busy playing with their butts to rescind this.
Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists

(a) IN GENERAL.—That the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons HE DETERMINES planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons.
(1) SPECIFIC STATUTORY AUTHORIZATION.—Consistent with section 8(a)(1) of the War Powers Resolution, the Congress declares that this section is intended to constitute specific statutory authorization within the meaning of section 5(b) of the War Powers Resolution.….

(I added bold and capitalization)



We have got us some ALPHA MALES in charge of our country now!
Thanks be to GOD for strong, protective, fatherly males who govern with wisdom, equity, measured responses and without apology.


You said it. That’s OUR POTUS!!!!!!!!
I have no idea how to post gifs so here:

Deplorable Patriot

Catching up. Big family funeral today. Said goodbye to probably the best man in the family. Really. Sad day.


So sorry for your loss – may his life be an inspiration to the men who remain! Hugs!

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, it is. One of my mother’s cousins (DVM and pilot) gave a eulogy and cried straight through it. The deceased was his brother in law, and was a patient, kind, wonderful man who took “husbands love your wives” seriously. I mean that. His widow and children have no clue how good they had it.


As the old song goes, ‘A good man is hard to find…”

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, and somehow this cousin hit the jackpot, and I mean that sincerely.


I am so sorry to hear that DP. My deepest condolences. *Hugs*


So sorry for your loss DP🙏🏼

Sadie Slays

Sorry for your loss.

Concerned Virginian

I’m sorry for your loss. He sounds like a good man, husband, and father.
Respect to you for being there to support your loved ones.

Deplorable Patriot

Not that we wouldn’t have gone anyway, but my mother issued an order to me and my two siblings left in town: GO!


DPat, I am sorry to hear of your family’s loss. Hopefully he made enough of a mark to influence a few family & friends. We never really know the impact one person can have. Thank you for sharing this 💖

Rodney Short

Prayers, DP.


I am so sorry for your loss. We are really never ready to be apart from loved ones. You will see him eventually but always sad for us to adjust and live on without a loved one. Prayers and hugs


Condolences DP…


So – the Iraqi Parliament is voting on whether to ask the US to leave.
Well, the USA can still hit Iran if they try anything against our military and our people.


Beware Of The Upcoming MSM Lies – Media Scared To Death Of Voters Making Their Own Electoral Decisions
January 4, 2020
by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline
If the liberal establishment media was to be believed, politicians started lying while campaigning when President Trump entered the race, and/or only Republican candidates actually “lie,” while the MSM attempts to justify or excuse outright lies from Democrat politicians.
If the liberal establishment media was to be believed, the reason that the general public distrusts them is because President Trump calls them “fake news,” and routinely criticizes them.
And…… if the liberal establishment media was to be believed, they are the last bastion of integrity to provide “checks and balances” against those horrible, nasty and corrupt Republican or conservative politicians.comment image
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…

Gail Combs

Gallop changed HOW they report so the trust in media ‘looks’ better several years ago. The have 5 categories and combined the Fair Amount of Trust with Great Deal of Trust to bring the numbers back up. Also Gallop normally does not make their polls available for free which indicates they are worried.
Americans’ Trust in Mass Media Edges Down

Gallup first measured trust in the mass media in a 1972 survey when 68% of Americans said they trusted it. Similar levels were recorded in 1974 (69%) and 1976 (72%), but two decades later, when Gallup next asked the question, trust had fallen to 53%….
Currently, 13% have a great deal of trust, 28% a fair amount, 30% not very much and 28% none at all….
Between 2015 and 2016, Republican trust in the mass media fell 18 points to its historical low of 14%, where it remained in 2017. Following a seven-point boost last year, it has returned to 15%. For their part, Democrats have consistently been more trusting of the media than Republicans but rallied around the press and became even more trusting when Trump took office in 2017.
The latest data show that in the last year, trust has declined slightly among all partisan groups, but still remains sharply polarized….


They tweak these polls – and they lie – so what are they telling us – the media might have suffered a setback – but, people are still watching – I am not buying any of this BS.
When people go to rallies – and PT stands there and tells the truth – people are thinking – hmmm – that is not what the Media said – and PT comes right out and tells them what they said is not true. Who ever heard of such a thing? Nobody ever questions what they report – only President Trump

Gail Combs

I am well aware they tweak the polls. So if, even with tweaking all they could get was “Currently, 13% have a great deal of trust,” that tells you just how much the public’s confidence in the media has been eroded.
This is supper good news for our side since it means the gaslighting is no longer working.

…69% of Democrats say they have trust and confidence in it, while 15% of Republicans and 36% of independents agree….

Remember they are combining the Fair Amount of Trust with Great Deal of Trust to bring the numbers back up. So that means the 36% of independents is a really poor number. That means 64% of the independents have little to NO TRUST in the media. And THAT is the BEST number they could get!


I hear you – just do not trust their numbers – and they do not qualify these groups – are we looking at any over-sampling of Dims and Indeps – and under-sampling of Reps? I used to think Gallup was credible before 2016 – seems with the election of PT – they have fallen short in too many aspects – I forget which poll was so skewed – I quit looking at anything they posted – Thanks for your explanation – I understand.


“… supper good news …”
In other words, news delicious enough to eat. 🙂




Nature has planted in our minds an insatiable longing to see the truth.
~ Marcus Tullius Cicerocomment image



And God has recorded it in His Word!!!

Gail Combs

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Nice thread on OT . . . “If Iran Strikes any Americans” We Have 52 Response Targets Identified…
All Positive!

Gail Combs

Well it is ABOUT TIME!!!


Imagine the chatter among them without their braintrust making the decisions. Should we or shouldn’t we? Am I one of the targets?
Allah snackbar


heh…when I first read that I thought you were talking about SD and the posters OT 😉


hahah..I missed the OT reference! I forget that means CTH



Gail Combs

Actually that has been around for a bit. I do not understand why she has not been arrested unless she is being watched.


DoJ is still rotten

Gail Combs

There is that…


And wouldn’t that condition make for a perfect cover? Nobody expecting her to be investigated because the dept is dirty and the whole time they are putting together a case on her (without interference).
That’s one of the things that happened to a whole bunch of kiddie porn perverts just recently. (h/t J. Sessions)

Cuppa Covfefe

Speaking of paedos, pervs, and the like, here’s a rather disturbing article about Disney and Hollyweird. Seems that “grooming” there has nothing to do with hair, presentation, or clothes (except, perhaps, the lack thereof…).



tweet is part of a new THREAD

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


It’s going to be tough believing RR is dirty – means others that we’ve trusted are too. I don’t see how they don’t connect.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Define “dirty”. What if Rod’s provable contributions to the conspiracy were all completely “legal”?
I see two ways out of this. Notice how they are almost indistinguishable. That is how SMART the LAWFARE is.
ONE – Rosey was lied to by McCabe and Comey, and worked with Sessions and others very carefully ON THE RECORD to bring them in by playing along and giving them everything they wanted.
TWO – Rosey’s function in the conspiracy was to do nothing – to help the conspiracy by playing along and giving them everything they wanted.
If the indictments depend on Rosey having let them do what they did, then it basically shows it was the first. But if not, then it is likely the second.
That’s where I am right now. I just don’t know.


I saw your tweet on twitter, and had that familiar dismay. Couldn’t see what SD was saying until you posted it here. I’m with you, although I do believe he was lied to – he said in the hearings what he signed isn’t what they’re showing…
It’s a dilemma for sure. Rosey’s status is important because IMO, it can’t be separated from AG Barr, and even Sessions. Logic tells me (and my Unified Theory of these men) that it’s bridge too far to believe they’re in on the Conspiracy to take out not only DJT, but the country. This is really about America, no one man – Donald Trump.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is your error right there. You are not seeing how the law is BENT by lawfare. Part of its strategy is that it is bent through people who behave predictably, based on both the law and their personal inclinations.
Lawfare is about getting the word of the law to spit in the face of the spirit of the law.
Rosey stayed legal – as much as his weak spine would allow. Why he did it ultimately doesn’t matter.
NOT OPPOSING SOMETHING where there is both LEGAL and POLITICAL COVER to NOT OPPOSE IT is exactly what the lawfare calculated when it tried to continue through Rosey, after Treasonous Yates was taken out.
McCabe, Comey, and Brennan BENT the law to degrees which will be provably criminal. Rosey, less so. I suspect he will walk. He will end up a gray hat, IMO.
Also, you have to remember there are DEGREES OF CRIMINALITY. Very important.
The person who slows down to the speed limit every time they look at the speedometer and the person who does the EXACT same thing but almost never looks at the speedometer because that way they never have to slow down are NOT THE SAME, even though technically they can say the EXACT SAME THING IN COURT. However, I can split them with the RIGHT QUESTIONS beyond that.
There are TESTING FACTS about Rosey that we do NOT KNOW. So it is not warranted to make a condition that Sessions and Barr are the same as Rosey.
DOJ is living law – or lawfare. They are real people who differ on how things should be done. Sessions, Barr, Whitaker, and Rosey all differ on interpretation of law and duty.
Lawfare bends the law through the not-so-black boxes of PEOPLE.


I did skim through a post at CTH – the one where SD points out the enormous amount of oppositional material Mueller’s thug group gathered during their 2 year “investigation.” SD also indicates their efforts in the DC Court to get the grand jury testimony is part of this – looking for a legal way to use the data mined.
If this is true, and yes, it’s clear Lawfare certainly would now have huge information banks to use in 2020, then I wonder why POTUS didn’t shut them down. If he shut them down he could have revealed the bad guys, and what they had on them. The entire network could have been exposed – based on my belief that POTUS knows everything.
Since he didn’t I’m holding onto hope that he is going to get them all, and “Never Again” will be the outcome. At least not for a couple of decades.
This Iran thing looks like it could be a serious additional puzzle piece in the criminal acts done by Obama and gang.
Wolfie, your take on SD’s post regarding Lawfare’s plans…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not worried – ANGRY – but calming down. Now I realize – THAT is why Trump isn’t worried.
Think about it. At this point, the DOWN SIDE is taking care of itself. The FAKE NEWS is utterly naked. Every projectile they launch FALLS BACK ON THEM.
So what should we do? We USE THEM AGAINST THEMSELVES. SD is helping – our mission is to stay positive while redirecting scurrilous FAKE NEWS attacks to destroy the FAKE NEWS.


Thanks for your reply. I wondered what you thought when reading his post. It’s probably one of the more negative projections out there.
“That is why Trump isn’t worried” – that trumps everything else in my book. He knows so many things we don’t know…


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Cuppa Covfefe

He’s probably lost his appetite for Burger King (“Frame Broired”) too…


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Wictor’s latest…


I think me and Phoenix…………Twinsed!!!! Life is good!!!!


why yes we did 😉






Aw..Knew..You would… all..Love it~!!!!!! How’ Wheatie?!!!! I … you!!!


Doing…..Good…. I Miss…being with you guys…every.….but….I know…I’m called.. to be where i am…However—I’ll….be BACK!!!!…ya know that!!!!💖💖💖


Not..going.. to U tree…So….Deal….LOL!!! I love ya’ll… so much…I have a special sista..🤣🤣🤣–Yo..Ozzy!


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Deplorable Patriot

quick test

Deplorable Patriot

This gentleman was married to a cousin, but was probably the prize man of the clan on that side. Really, a good guy. Great dad to his kids. Desperately in love with his wife after 56 years. No one ever saw or heard them actually fight. And yet, you knew where you stood with him.
I will say this, that side of the family really does know how to clean up despite preferring to be outdoors and in shorts. Everyone was dressed the way we’re supposed to be. My grandparents’ generation would be turning in their graves if anything else would have happened.

Deplorable Patriot

Thanks. 🥰


Just curious.
Has Ristvan posted anything since they started moderating him? I’m inclined to think he’s not the type to put up with that kind of nonsense. I’ve stayed away from CTH, but Ristvan’s analysis was always helpful.
BTW, for those who remember I asked about Keln and being able to order his Les Deplorables mugs. I’ve exchanged emails with him, and it was a mother-son pair that went into business on those items. High quality. Looks like they’re no longer in business as the domain name has been released. Too bad.
Keln sent me a high resolution image to use if I find another source for making them. Since I’m not tech oriented don’t know what that involves.
So, if you own anything of Keln’s great artwork items – consider them collector’s items. Rare indeed. 🙂