If you’re a fast reader, you have THREE DAYS to check out an author copy of an e-book/paperback on SPYGATE, free of charge, before deciding if you want to buy it.
This book is the work of this site’s frequent denizen, prognosticatasaurusrex, or P-rex as I call him for short.
Here is his message, LINK HERE: https://wqth.wordpress.com/2020/01/05/dear-kmag-20200105-open-topic/comment-page-2/#comment-355751
Ok everyone, as promised, I am posting my book in its ENTIRITY on my blog for three days only. I welcome comments, suggestions, critiques, etc/. I feel NOW is the time that we should be spreading the word. It is why I am doing this.
All I ask is that you NOT copy it. If you like it, spread the link, if you LOVE it either buy it or spread the book link which I will post on top of the article.
There you have it. ENJOY!!!
Thank you for posting this, Wolfie. I also received it and have started reading, though have not yet gotten far. Appreciate P.Rex so much, especially learning about the servers and the Ukraine connections, Etc. Also posting something else here for your consideration and that of our wise q-tree members. Hillary Clinton’s super secret email @fb.com found – American Intelligence Media
Zoe, I had to delete all the text because too much of it was proprietary facebook code and not actual text. If you copy again and “paste as plain text” it might work, but I can’t let all that facebook code print – it’s just pages and pages of the stuff! -wolf
(It went into moderation automatically – that’s why I saw it had to be edited!)
I think I might’ve taken care of it Wolf (see below).
((( SA )))

Thank you, Wolfmoon. Totally understand and did not realize that would happen and will have to learn How to copy it to plain text. Apologies. Have been reading P.Rex’s book–appreciate him so much. So glad you posted about the book.
Hi Zoe!
I’m going to post the link to the Aim4Truth page with all of the info on it.
Hope this helps!
Thank you!!! <3
Nor’Easter, thank you for doing that for me and for benefit of all. Just saw this–had a long sleep as did not sleep much last night. Thanks again.
You’re very welcome Zoe!

And it’s good to “see” you!
PS: I’d like to extend an invitation to Maricas Place.
Link (there is also a link on the side bar of The Q- Tree):
There is a daily thread there, and I believe that you probably know most of the people there already.
My observation is that there is generally somebody there between 7 AM and sometime after midnight (sometimes it goes all night!)
I am positive that they would love to see you there!
Drop by when you have a chance!
Thank you–I will do that. Good seeing you, too, and Marica is very dear.
YW Zoe. Enjoy the read!
Can’t read right now – but much prefer the Red cover to the Black one. The subtitle needs to be a little bit bigger though.
Am sure it’s a good book from reading Rex’s comments on WQTH and am so glad someone has written about Øbama’s spying. Will try to read when things calm down on my end.
GA, for some reason, the kindle version has a black cover, while the paperback has the intended red one. Mrs Rex designed the cover! Hope you enjoy it!
Really makes the title stand out!
She did a great job, notice too that List is an acronym for Lies Innuendo, Sedition, and Treason. As true today as it was when I wrote it last Christmas through March. Even more so now with shampeachment!
I plan on buying a hard copy.
OMG – I missed the PAPERBACK option! Yes! Will update.
There is also an option for large print. It is also available in Japanese, German, Italian, French, and I think even Farsi…too late for Solemani though. Thanks so much for the whole article, I am so flattered, I thought you would only post the link. I appreciate it greatly, I hope you and others enjoy! For some reason, the kindle version has a black cover, while the paperback as intended has a red cover. FYI Mrs Rex designed the cover!
Wish you could have an audio version. Great book.
Dear Zoe,
Forgive my ignorance on the subject, but how do you “read” on this blog (do you have some type of adaptive technology like text to audio?)?
A quick search turned up something that may help you, at the link below:
Perhaps there’s something here that can help you.
I do use screen readers. I appreciate the info as am always wanting to learn about free ones. Still, much pleasanter to listen to a book read by a human rather than synthetic speech. Also, then one can download a book and onto a portable reading device. I don’t use a smart phone.
Thank you for that explanation (I know so little about tech in general).
Are you capable of “seeing” images (do you have something that gives a description of the images)?
In other words, posters frequently post images and memes. Can your tech interpret them into a form which you can understand?
Thanks CM! It is available in large print as well as regular. I hope you enjoy it!
Ordered it this afternoon!
Wow! I just read the first 3 chapters on Hillary and I’m hooked. Gottagit this book!
Thanks TIM. I hope you enjoy it. The first three chapters were the “setup” the MEAT comes in the middle with a NICE desert at the end.
I’ve gone to his blog several times.
Fascinating read.
Thank you P-Rex!
You are welcome, this book with my blog explains my thought processes on the entire scheme, and as you can see, my theories have evolved a little, but the basic premise remains the same.
Wolfie, and thank you
P-Rex! I am a fast reader and I’m starting now………….
YW enjoy!
Thank you, PRex. Very generous of you. Your comments here are very much appreciated.
YW, enjoy and thank you for the appreciation, the feeling to everyone here is mutual!
P-Rex – Thank You!
Through Chapter 10. Great read. Easy read. Confirms much I/we know, AND much I either forgot or didn’t know.
Lurk here awhile, then pick up with CH 11.
Fully anticipate completing the read within the three days.
That said, just ordered paperback from Amazon.
Fully appreciate your skills assembling this book AND making it available to QTree folks for three days.
ALWAYS, look forward to your posts P-Rex;-)
(Posted in two threads)
YW Kal, I hope you enjoy it!. While I have not checked, all of my research should be linked via hyperlink to articles that prove my suppositions and theories. I believe there are @ 200. They are all referenced in the index works cited. Notice I did not just use fox or conservative sites, I used numerous left wing publications OWN articles like Huff Post, Politico, The Hill, WAPO, and even the NY Times!