Dear KMAG: 20200107 Open Topic

This JOVIAN JANUARY [0107] SUPER TROOPER Q’PER TUESDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both MAGA and KAG!).

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.

Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.

However, we have a new policy. Starting 20191110. Keep it SOMEWHAT civil.

We have a new board – actually a new SITE – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation. NOT HERE.

This board will remain a REFUGE for those who need civility, either some or all of the time.

Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.

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Our movement

Is about replacing

A failed


Political establishment

With a new government controlled

By you, the American People.

Candidate Donald J. Trump

Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Once again, I need to remind US ALL that – well – it’s a COMPLICATED BUSINESS!

The media minions are going to haz many sadz….


If you happen to be “white”, whatever RACIST COMMUNIST reduction of your heritage that happens to be, and you love your country, then rejoice in the truth that unless you happen to belong to some LEFTIST, RACE-OBSESSED group that accuses people of being “white nationalists”, you are NOT A RACE-MONGERING COMMUNIST. Instead, you are a “proud, retro-cultural AMERICAN”!

On the other hand, if you are beautiful like this….

and you are ALSO accused of being a “white nationalist” (hmmm, maybe it’s THE DRESS), then you, too, are a “proud, retro-cultural AMERICAN”!

You see, it’s not about what’s happening in SPACE…..

It’s about what’s happening in TIME….

Sometimes, you just have to say ENOUGH is ENOUGH….

And it may take a TITAN to pull that off….

But we’ve got just the man for the job!

So just SAY A PRAYER….

POTUS meme

Because you’re not alone….

U.S. President Donald Trump prays during the National Prayer Breakfast event in Washington, D.C., on Feb. 2, 2017. Photo courtesy of Retuers/Carlos Barria







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LET’S ROCK!comment image




You a genius 🤓🤓🙏


It’s not flattery n I hate flattery to you show courage to say something right about communism killing machine it’s great I red v few post about communism n you not red my posts I wrote different topics but my focus on Marxist propaganda ya english not my mothertung so anyway don’t jump on conclusions so fast.🙃🙃🤔🤔🤔




Welcome, nitinsingh. You’re in good company here in Wolfmoon’s Den 🙋‍♀️🤓



Rodney Short

Welcome to the QTreehouse I hope you enjoy.


If you want peace, prepare for meme war!comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


Amen to that!


Ozzy or anybody know the point with these arsonists? Pyromaniacs simultaneously decide to devastate their country for kicks? Or suspected domestic/foreign terrorism? Deliberate chaos is opportunistic, and lack of proper forest management makes places like Oz and CA ripe for action. Sadly.


Just read today that one of those arrested is a Muslim who laughed about it in court.


Hah…and of course it would be little Jimmy Acosta who is whining about there being “no briefing”.
I love it.
They loved being in a comfy briefing room…where they could get some on-camera time.
It was a platform for them to do their ‘resistance’ virtue signaling to their fellow travelers.
It was a brilliant move on our President’s part, to do away with those ridiculous briefings!

Gail Combs

AND Little Jimmy Accosted-her gets to freeze his fanny off. (He doesn’t have any balls.)
I think Little Jim is realizing he is going to be standing out side for the rest of the winter. 😁comment image

Sylvia Avery

It was brilliant, and I get way more out of them since I can seldom hear the presstitutes…….the best part if PDJT’s answer, anyway. Love that man.



Rodney Short

Amen Wheatie


they thought they were gonna be mailmen-neither wind nor rain nor…whatever…would keep them from getting their stories…but POTUS turned them into faceless drones…deliver their questions without recognition and POTUS walks away when he’s had enough…

Deplorable Patriot

I agree. The reality is they cannot complain about lack of access as there is more than there was before. Trump is a meeting on your feet kind of boss. He conducts those encounters that way and addresses the issues of the day. The media has graduated seating and platforms for the booms and the cameras so that the shots are clear. They probably aren’t there more than 30 minutes. Acosta’s biggest complaint is more or less that there’s no way for the talking heads to get their mugs on TV.


Plus, POTUS tells them directly it was a stupid question, they are fake news, etc whereas the Press Secretary was more or less forced to be polite! Thinking of poor Sarah that endured such hostility.


Ummmmm Dear Diary, a traditional WH briefing would mean you fawn all over your Soros-installed Manchurian President and throw softball questions at the Press Sec, ignore any scandals or excessive Presidential reach, allow Eric Holder’s mobs to murder LEOs, and get your talking points from folks like ‘echo chamber’ Ben Rhodes.
“THAT” kind of traditional press briefing? Yeah, that’s kaputsky.


Remember those “elections have consequences” words that were so blithely thrown out by the media and Obama’s WH…well, back at youse guys! Heh heh
Haven’t seen Little Pouting Jim nor The delightful, it’s always about race, April in a long time….guess they weren’t as important as they thought they were.


isn’t meme war too much like me me me? Asking for a casual acquaintance.


That earns my biggest LIKE ever.
If the evil bastard top echelon didn’t have the minion rats like Ben Rhodes to do their dirty work, they couldn’t stay in power. Shills like Rhodes are almost as guilty – by their decisions & actions – as the Iranian Guards. They might not have their fingers on the weapons, but the blood is on their hands.

Gail Combs

You lost your job to a green cardholder –THANK OBAMA
Your house go foreclosed on –THANK OBAMA
Your car got repo-ed –THANK OBAMA
Your new poor paying job’s health insurance costs the earth and SUCKS –THANK OBAMA
You have to rent in a neighborhood filled with illegals –THANK OBAMA
Your Son died of an opioid overdose –THANK OBAMA
Your daughter was gang raped –THANK OBAMA
Your home is broken into regularly and the police shrug their shoulders –THANK OBAMA


This thing is an amazing little tool, Wolfie.comment imagecomment image
It’s $18 Canadian for the stainless steel version, a bit more for brass or titanium.
What a great gift idea.
And great Open Thread post, boss!


Uh oh…those pics didn’t show up.
The links were a mess so I tried to clean them up, so I obviously did it wrong.comment image?ixlib=rb-2.1.0&w=680&fit=max&v=1448299924&auto=format&gif-q=50&q=92&s=760cdeac7a77938acdfa62df9cb3d14bcomment image?ixlib=rb-2.1.0&w=680&fit=max&v=1447717209&auto=format&gif-q=50&q=92&s=852023249ea5942d7db94012dc1667b1


Thank you for doing that!


It’s okay to be white.
It’s okay to be a nationalist.
But the Left puts them together and tries to make it something bad if you’re white and also a nationalist.
Grrrr. 😠🤬


Oh yeah it’s evil.
It is racially profiling and demonizing people for the color of their skin!
If it’s wrong to do that to any other color than white…then it’s just as wrong (and evil) to do it to white people.


That’s right.
That’s always their end goal.
And Socialism is always achieved by falsely demonizing a group of people…so that socialism is held up as ‘the solution’ to defeating that group.


Bottle opener and beard comb !?!?!? Ok I had to snicker at first because of Amy Klobuchar combing her hair with her salad fork 🤣🤣🤣
Nice find, Le Loup 🤓 Aaawwwwwwwwooooooooooooo 🐺🐺🐺🐺

Gail Combs

beard comb !?…
I was thinking it looked more like a W .E. A. P. O. N


Don’t forget fingernail cleaner…scalp scratcher….


Here we go…
Are they really going to be stupid enough to test Pres Trump’s resolve?


As we say in the Deep South – “Iran is cruising for a bruising!”

Rodney Short

President Trump will bury em like a cat buries a turd, that’s a lil swampjumper talk right there.

Gail Combs

One commenter says…
“USAF’s undetectable twenty B-2 bombers in total can carry 320 B83 1.2mt nuclear bombs = 25,600 Hiroshimas.”comment image


Gail, that there is one fine photo.

Sadie Slays

Reminder that there was a bunch of petty terrorist incidents at Walmarts across the country around the whole El Paso/Dayton stuff. It was mostly people tampering with food, but then it turned into a few attempted mass shootings. With the Iran stuff heating up and the double false flag from two weeks ago, they might be “relaunching” this particular terrorist campaign. Keep an eye out for weird Walmart news over the next week in case this is more than an isolated incident.
“Police: Bedbugs released in men’s fitting room at Pennsylvania Walmart”


Let’s assume that this was a deliberate release of bedbugs (as opposed to some homeless bum hanging out) for the purpose of asymmetrical warfare. What are we doing in that area of small or micro-sized devices designed to infiltrate/spy on adversaries?
We spend millions on design work (think DARPA) while they have to spend virtually nothing. Yet we both achieve the same level of intrusion, plus their level of intrusion is inherently effective as a weapon while ours is only useful as an info system.
We SHOULD be tasking DARPA to weaponize our micro robots to carry computer viruses or biological agents.

Gail Combs

Muslims have been known to adulterate food.
“…Chobani is derived from the Turkish word shepherd. Chobani is one of the most popular Greek yogurt brands in the U.S. for its extreme thickness and rich taste…..”
Chobani founder stands by hiring refugees
“The minute they get a job…they stop being a refugee” says Chobani yogurt billionaire who has been criticized for hiring refugees
Time to stock up on food that keeps well if you have not already.


Jim Jordan…”The Democrats don’t care about the facts.”


I’ve been surprised more than once by comments from Jeh Johnson…not necessarily defending POTUS, but the office and the power of the Presidency.


Muslim baby food in the UK…it’s “British Halal Certified”.
I don’t think we have official ‘US Halal Certified’ foods here in the US…do we?


Yeah, it creeped me out.


It’s grooming…grooming them from birth to accept the idea of being molested, as something that is ‘normal’ that they must submit to.
It is twisted and creepy.


Here in the USA, under Ø, we had the BLM, BAMN, Black Muslims and CBC/NAACP (which now stands for communist party) – it’s been a 3 way Black, Red, Green axis.comment image

Sylvia Avery


Deplorable Patriot

And why can’t they get a baby food grinder, food processor or blender and just make it themselves?

Gail Combs

Heck, I DO NOT FEED FORMULA to my newborn lambs or goat kids. They get homemade ‘Zoo Formula’
Milk Replacers Kill Baby Goats!!- Milk Replacers KILL Baby Goats!!! MILK REPLACERS KILL BABY GOATS!!!!!

And she is absolutely correct as I found out to my sorrow. Luckily I got good advice (and the formula) from a friend after my first mistakes.


Keep on keeping on. Think outside the box of conventional wisdom. Dare to be different.comment image


Ask away! 🙂


Disgusting muslim pervert!

He’s here illegally…thanks to HusseinO!
It’s a shame we can’t just castrate him and then deport him back to Somalia.
What…too harsh?
Sorry, not sorry.


it’s a shame he won’t be put in prison where his crimes will be discovered and his real punishment can begin.

Gail Combs

Livestock farmers have the answer….comment image


It’s good to see this happening.


This happened in the hometown of Salami-man…Kerman.
There was a ‘stampede’ and people were killed.
And of course…they are blaming the US and Israel.


Islamists are known for their deadly stampeded – they happen at every big gathering in Mecca, at soccer matches, etc.
Just like shootings and stabbings at Detroit and Chicago backyard BBQs and birthday parties.


2nd Amendment rally


An Earthquake measuring 6.6 happened a few hours ago off the southern coast Puerto Rico.
This follows on other quakes that hit there yesterday, a 5.6 and a 5.8..and although they are off the coast, the island is getting some damage.

comment image image


They could blame the hurricane on climate change and Trump. I don’t know how they’ll blame the earthquake on Trump but I’m sure they’ll find a way.


No, they’ll wait and blame POTUS For not sending lots of $$$ (unaccounted for, of course) and emergency supplies that will be discovered unused in a dockside warehouse.


I had no idea what she was doing under her skirt.

Gail Combs

LMAO!!!comment imagecomment image


Lord, that second gun was a monster!


Cool…that’s impressive!

Deplorable Patriot

This woman is ready for a drive through East St. Louis.


A veteran’s view on Soleimani:


Verse of the Day

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
Philippians 4:13 (KJV)


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Tuesday Blessingcomment image?2


Tuesday Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Good Morning Duchess!
hope you got some rest and are feeling better?


Hi, Pat! Little by little – yes – Thanks for caring! Have a Blessed Day!


you do the same!!


What the Enemedia doesn’t want us to see:


Twitter is trying to prevent this lady’s tweet from being seen or shared:

I hope the video plays embeded in this tweet.


This is the big story on local news this morning. Cuomo the hero! To me it’s fishy. It feels so set up.
Video: Cuomo Rescues Man Trapped In Crashed Van On BQE
NEW YORK CITY — Gov. Andrew Cuomo rescued a man trapped inside a catering van that crashed on the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway Monday, his office confirmed.
Video shows the Democratic governor pulling the stunned man out of a white van that slammed into a BQE divider about 1:15 p.m., according to a spokesperson and the FDNY.


You mean it may have been…staged?
The Dems wouldn’t do that, would they?
Here is a video from that article:

The “stunned man” didn’t look very “trapped” to me.
It looked like he was waiting inside that vehicle for Cuomo to come over and ‘rescue’ him.


Good find. 🙂


Remember the story of Cory Booker going into a burning building to “rescue people” when he was (the absent) Mayor of Newark?


sounds staged…Cuomo can’t even pull his own head out of his ass…


That’s one way to get mom’s attention.


that had me laughing!!



comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


February 11, Iran’s Revolution Day, marks estimated revenge timeline for Soleimani’s death
Targets on Netanyahu, Macron, Merkel and Trump


my ad blocker is preventing me from reading the story, but Solemani’s daughter is an American citizen living here???
apparently she’s threatening American soldiers…


pat, I read yesterday she is recruiting suicide bombers…sorta defines the labor pool….


Was she one of the free citizenships Obama gave away?


probably…he was giving citizenship to Iranian “officials”






Giuliani must be heart broken to see the streets he helped clean up became criminally infested again…
The NYPD announced that homicides jumped eight percent in 2019, and that is before the enactment of most of the pro-criminal laws. This comes on the heels of other data showing violent crime on the rise in parts of the city and on subways. That is very significant, given that murder rates fell every year since the Giuliani era in the early 1990s until the past few years. The great miracle of New York’s reduction in crime is being eaten away before our eyes, yet the politicians are focusing on making it tougher for police and prosecutors.
What can New York expect this year? Well, given that most crimes are committed by repeat offenders, and the repeat offenders will now roam the streets, it doesn’t take a Ph.D. to foresee the results. While many of those released without bail under the new law have just committed terrible crimes, what is often overlooked is that many are repeat offenders who have committed much worse crimes in the past.
For example, last Thursday, Tyquan Rivera of Rochester was released from jail after he was arrested on drug charges. The political system now treats drug trafficking as a minor crime, but the reality is that many people picked up for drugs had prior convictions for violent crimes. Locking them up on “lower”-level crimes is how we’ve kept the violent crime rate down for over two decades. Rivera is no different. In 2009, he was convicted of shooting Rochester police officer Anthony DiPonzio in the back of the head. Thanks to weak sentencing, he was out on the streets in 2016 to commit more crimes. Now that he has been picked up on drug charges, the new anti-bail law doesn’t take into account his serious criminal record. He will remain free indefinitely.
“Courts have been stripped of much of their discretion in determining whether a defendant should be held pending disposition of his/her case,” said Monroe County District Attorney Sandra Doorley in a statement to CR. “Rather, the court now looks to a structure of Qualifying vs. Non-Qualifying offenses where dangerousness or threat to public safety cannot be considered. If a defendant is accused of a ‘non-qualifying’ offense, the court must release the defendant on his/her own recognizance or set non-monetary conditions of release.” Thus, in the case of Rivera, even though he was previously convicted for attempted murder of a cop and was arrested this time for allegedly selling fentanyl to undercover officers on two separate occasions, he walked out of the courtroom back to the streets.
Last Friday, Governor Andrew Cuomo freed Monica Szlekovics, a woman who was convicted of a brutal murder in 1996. He pardoned her 23 years before she was even eligible for parole, citing her “extreme, ongoing physical and psychological abuse from her husband” as an excuse for her violent past, which include helping her husband with several kidnappings and murder. But the problem with liberals in states like California and New York is that they want to have it both ways with the plea of mental illness. They want to say criminals can’t be held culpable for their heinous crimes because they are incorrigibly ill, but at the same time they want to abolish confinement in psychiatric hospitals. They want them released on the streets to commit more crimes that they supposedly just can’t help committing.


Communism/socialism always becomes a decadent lawless oligarchical kleptocracy.


State of the city and law enforcement – thanks to communist DeBlasio…

Gail Combs

“…Monica Szlekovics, 43, and her husband kidnapped a man and then murdered him in the basement of their Rochester home on Nov. 2, 1996.
Szlekovics was convicted of second-degree murder, first-degree kidnapping, first-degree assault, and first-degree burglary after she and her husband, Angel Luis Mateo, kidnapped and killed Juan Rodriguez-Matos, 20.
….he was shot in the head. Mateo and Szlekovics drank beer and smoked marijuana upstairs while an unconscious Rodriguez-Matos choked on vomit after a plastic bag was placed over his head.….”
She sure doesn’t sound like she was being ABUSED by her husband and forced to help!


Uh oh…I hope Pete Hegseth doesn’t get sent to Fox’s reeducation camp for speaking too much truth like this:


they absolutely would!

Gail Combs

They ALREADY DID! Think about how they keep trying to build a ground Zero Masque on the Twin Towers site. And how they are taking over christian churches and turning them into Mosques.


Big Blue States losing seats?
Yes, please.
I wish it could happen this year…in time for the election.




omg hahahahahahaha!!!!!!


Salvation Army Today – 01.07.2019 – Disaster Response in Australia


good summary report and analysis of the IG report vs the Mueller report…
Shortly after the release of the special counsel report last year, I posited that Robert Mueller’s failure to investigate whether Russia interfered with the 2016 presidential election by feeding dossier author Christopher Steele disinformation established that Mueller was either incompetent or a political hack. Now, with the release of the inspector general’s report on FISA abuse, we know the answer: He was both.
The IG’s report on the U.S. Department of Justice and FBI’s handling of the Carter Page surveillance applications established 17 significant inaccuracies and omissions in the FISA application and renewals. (Eighteen if you include the one the IG missed). The 400-page report also established that the special counsel’s office was complicit in the FISA abuse, the probe was a witch hunt, and Mueller’s report was a cover-up for systematic government malfeasance.


This is the first I’ve heard of this:


Can’t find anything significant on it


yeah, it seems I’m out of give-a-damns this morning…





And…John Kerry’s son in law is Iranian.comment image


I recently posted that Huma Abedin was of Iranian descent. I was in error. She is of Indian descent and spent most of her youth living in Saudi Arabia.

Deplorable Patriot

Stashing this here for later.


DOJ and DHS need to bring a suit before SCOTUS asking for a definitive rulings on
1. 14th Amendment – anchor babies
2. Natural Born Citizen requirement for POTUS/VP – and unsealing Øbastard’s school, birth, etc. records!!!


I’m not knowledgable enough on this … I want SCOTUS ruling on whether laws passed by Congress are Constitutional as opposed to SCOTUS making law. Are there laws already in place to be litigated in front of SCOTUS? Don’t we want our elected Congress to make the laws (which, of course they don’t).
I would like these issues settled as well, but I want appropriate branches returning to their Constitutional powers, and those branch boundaries have been breached so often in the decades of do-nothing Congresses and activist judges.
How do we get this accomplished ??

Gail Combs

First get a SOLIDLY conservative Supreme Court and then look at all the ruling that eroded the constitution.
1. RIGHT to a jury trial
2. RIGHT for a jury to NULLIFY A BAD LAW.
3. Bureaucrats MAKING LAWS. (Thank FDR)
4. REDEFINE the Commerce Clause BACK to restricting the Federal Government
5. ANCHOR BABIES. (This has been ruled on twice AGAINST anchor babies but the DemonRats ignore it.)
Those are just five off the top of my head where the Constitution HAS NOT been upheld by the Supreme Court.


Thanks, Gail. Nothing feels ‘right’ about our governmental processes or separation of powers anymore. Maybe it never did, and our non-urban lives used to be unaffected.

Deplorable Patriot

Not that I advocate walking around naked, but….


i can’t understand so many women agreeing to this…I would not choose to wear a bikini–but I have that choice. I can wear pants every day, skirts if i choose…why would they want to be in that hot, head to toe covering?

Deplorable Patriot

Under threat of a beating, you’d be surprised what women will agree to.

Gail Combs

Hot oil and Acid are also favorites. Amazing how that info has been scrubbed from google-foo & Duck Duck
but I get this from Bing:
And the photos missing from Google-foo [They are horrifying]
Instead Duck/google showed me pretty women in ‘nice looking’ clothing with head covers…. GRRRrrr

Cuppa Covfefe

The bottom pics are France 🙁 Seems it’s not nice in Nice anymore…


Remember Q asking about “P”? Well, this is “P”
Martin Geddes RT’d


Nice work PR !


Good mornin’ Nor’easter… Martin’s work really… 😉


Maybe Martins work… but YOU brought it to our attention!


Yes, I brung it !!! Interesting, isn’t it… ValJar was president… an Iranian. No wonder hil de beast no longer wants to be first woman… she would only be second.


Who in their right mind would allow that?
(Linu-of-succession-strong chance of Arkansas !)




someone in the replies states what I was thinking…the Pope only has one-eye in that picture…one eyed pictures are symbols of…

Deplorable Patriot

Another video surfaced of him pushing away (kind term) the hand of a woman, this time a nun. That’s at least three videos of him doing that to women. I’ve NEVER seen a prelate do that to women even if there was an issue. They’ve always been pastoral in nature.

Cuppa Covfefe

Kind of makes one wonder, who else (i.e. what other group) pushes away women?
Could he be a closet Moslem???
(un)Holy Taqiyyah,
Gee it’s good to see ya’
Doin’ the Mohammed rag…
(apologies to Tom Lehrer and everyone else in the known and unknown universe)…

Deplorable Patriot

I couldn’t say on that topic, but all is not what the Vatican is projecting it to be.

Gail Combs

Well the pope sure is chummy with the Mussies.
Do not forget that Maurice Strong was trying to form a One World Religion at his Baca Ranch
New World Religion: Part 1 – Crestone/Baca, Maurice Strong, and New World Religion?
The Commies realized they blew it by pushing atheism so they came up with the idea of a NEW religion. Think Gaia and the New Age crap/


Maybe it’s time for another Reformation – giving the parishioner’s more power of oversight.
The hierarchy has failed to screen and discipline its ranks.


The joy of the Lord really shines in him, doesn’t it?

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, my.


“The idea that this many errors approved by that many officials was accidental is preposterous…”
Authored by Lorraine Silvetz via,
The inspector general’s findings seem to confirm what many have suspected all along: The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) request made during the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation doesn’t pass the sniff test.
In total, there were 17 errors submitted four times. The level of incompetence required to make these errors in four separate court submissions is nigh inconceivable, leaving two questions that must be answered: Was this flub – or felony? And if the latter, how far does the corruption extend?
Frank Watt, a 1983 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and a 22-year veteran of the FBI, believes that these errors would have been career-ending felonies in any other situation. He explained in an article for American Thinker:
con’t at Link


How do we know these were felonies and not “errors”?
A: Simple.
Because not a single error…not one…was in favor of the President and his team.


like your measuring stick …


17 “honest errors”…and not a single one favorable to the President?
The mathematical probabilities for this outcome are astronomically against.


didn’t they threaten this once before???
ran’s Foreign Minister Threatens to Expose Western Diplomats Who Took Bribes to Create the Iran Nuclear Deal
— Politically Stripped ™️ 🇺🇸🗽 (@politstrip) January 3, 2020
Anyone else beginning to understand why there is so much propaganda being spread surrounding these airstrikes. There are a lot of people in powerful places that the Iranians likely have dirt on.
Of course, this is the chance that the Iranians are bluffing but I’m not sure why they would when it does nothing to hurt the Trump Administration.
The Palmieri Report is a Pro-America News Outlet founded by Jacob Palmieri two years ago at the age of 19. Since its founding, it has gotten over 300k pages views and over 20k followers. The Palmieri Report is dedicated to debunking the lies spread by the left-wing Mainstream Media.


What is the downside to their releasing names of crooks who took bribes? Just do it.


Makes sense. If they out them, they lose leverage over them.


“They’ll never release en masse. They’ll out one or two of them to stoke fear in the rest and maintain strategy.”
True. As long as Mullahs remain in power… 🤔
But if a popular revolution were to suddenly unseat them… 😏
It could be like a car bombing in a pillow factory for those trying to stuff all the goose down safely back into the pillow cases! 😱😳🙏
😁😁😁 😎


Maybe the threat is to keep the crooks in the tank for protection and public relations ? They need the continual sympathetic press as well as the seemingly inexplicable defense by pols. Maybe also it goes deeper..they’re warning that they want intel about the PTrump admin’s plans ?

Gail Combs

Oh, they very much want Intel on POTUS military strategy. Unfortunately for them THAT was taken care of.
AWAN brothers —> GONE
Top FIB officials —-> GONE
C_A —> neutralized
National Security Council —> neutralized
LEAKERS —> neutralized
Jul 27, 2017 · McMaster Removes Flynn Pick Derek Harvey From National Security Council. And Derrick goes to work for Devin Nunes, while his co-worker Ezra Cohen-Watnick joined the Department of Justice as a national security adviser to Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

U.S. Army Col. Derek Harvey was the key figure when it came to the Middle East. He was against the Iran Deal and the funding of Palestinian Authority terror. He called out Islamic Jihad. He tried to force out the Obama holdovers running our foreign policy, Frontpage Magazine reported.
McMaster has purged all of General Flynn’s appointees. Obama’s holdovers are now running the National Security Council….
He was also General Petraeus’s “favorite intelligence officer”. The Colonel was praised by Republicans and Democrats alike for his independent and brilliant thinking.

The Left is HORRIFIED by Derrick!
It is worth the read for the laughs… OH MY GOODNESS!

…It’s hard to imagine two more polar opposites than Alexander Vindman and Derek Harvey. Vindman is a patriot committed to the security of the US and working within the system while Harvey is willing to sell out US security to whatever wingnut is willing to pay him and to bypass every safeguard built into the system.

Yeah a ‘wingnut’ like the PRESIDENT OF THE USA!


FISA works both ways.
We know it all.
There will be no deals.
Nothing can stop what is coming.
These people won’t be able to walk the streets in safety.

Deplorable Patriot

That group probably thinks handing him a breath mint will help that cloud.


Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Regrettable.
For the Mullahs…
(or, with a tad of German, Müllahs …. Müll means trash or waste headed for the incinerator or the dump)…


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WordPress site admins
Can anyone help Felice straighten out his site (NOT WQTH News Roundup)?
If you go to the link, you will see that the page is showing the News round up from October 5, 2019. When you scroll past it, you get to the rest of them in descending order, starting with the most current.
He needs to fix it so that the current round up is at the top of the page.
If anybody KNOWS how to fix it, kindly post on the news Roundup, or on
(been trying to educate some people I know who are not ready for Q or this blog. They need “REAL NEWS” !)


He’s acknowledged my tweet from Nor’easter. I sent him this too.


Thanks Wolf!
I copied and paste this and posted it as a reply I am fleps news roundup.


I sent him a tweet 4 u.


Thanks butterfly!


Check your Twitter account too!:
6 minutes
I sent him a tweet 4 u.


Flep says thx a million both to NE and WM for alert & instructions. Updated. NE, flep says Happy to share his ID/PW if u want to edit.




On the ID/PW,
Thanks, but no thanks!
Wouldn’t know what to do with it!
(I’m so “not-a-tech-guy”!)


One or two alternative “admins” are critically important to have.
Few people have advance warning of the date when they will meet God. It’s an avoidable mess simply by making sure there are alternative admins who can TCB.
You’re welcome. 🙂


Thank you to all who contributed!



Deplorable Patriot

New thread from Brian. Still reading.

Gail Combs

Very good read and confirms my thinking which I am not going to broadcast.


Gail…you TEASE! Not even a little hint?


Something came to me…with all that has been exposed about the web of iranians or those with family ties and now we understand better DJT’s tweet from 2018 about 2500 being given citizenship by Ozero….it gives new meaning behind the over the top outrage when Roseanne made a joke about ValJar.
The reaction was on a par of insulting mohammed or something.

Gail Combs

So the Judge has convicted him and all that is left is the sentencing?
Well so much for the Rule of Law in this country!!!
What ever happened to fruit of the poisoned tree and ENTRAPMENT?


Let’s see what Sydney does. She’s super sharp! Pray for her and Flynn.

Gail Combs

Yes, there is still an appeal possible.


Or withdrawal of plea, unknown if judge would allow that.


Appeal is her FORTE, right?


I invoke the 24-48 hr rule and remind that this is the DOJ, not Sullivan.
Also, rumor has it that Sullivan has been bribed by a Soros related entity.
Let’s wait and see what happens. One thing we know for sure is that POTUS is as loyal as the day is long and he isn’t about to forget Gen. Flynn.



Concerned Virginian

Well, it appears to me that one can assume that Sens. CASSIDY and TOOMEY are UNDEPENDABLE regarding voting Yea to dismiss POTUS’ impeachment.


Agree CV


They must be ready to retire….because GOP voters will take their revenge.

Deplorable Patriot

This is one time I wish we could DM. This is for Dora.
Since New Year’s, there’s been a hot and heavy discussion online about George Weigel’s plea that Catholics only read certain sources for news about the Church. Of course, they are all establishment and they pay him. The alternate Catholic media took him to task as it’s the alt media that’s doing all the heavy lifting (and it would be nice if Michael Voris would name the other sites he credits rather than just saying “and like minded”).
One of Weigel’s “trusted” sources is National Catholic Register which is owned by EWTN which itself went soft after Mother Angelica was incapacitated. Anyway, the EWTN News President, an establishment guy who only reported what he had to when it comes to the Scandal, is GONE. This is kind of big.

Deplorable Patriot

CRAP! This is the story I meant to put with that post.
Teaches me to rush.


Wow! That’s shocking! At least 3 anchors have already left the evening news, including Laura Ashburn. And now Dan Burke! It makes me wonder who will be left to keep the station running.
Since Wilton Gregory became the new arch bishop, the EWTN headquarters has been moved from Alabama to Washington. I don’t know if that has anything to do with the disruption at the network. It might.

Deplorable Patriot

I bet it does.

Deplorable Patriot


saw a cool t-shirt…
picture of the outline of VA and inside it an AR-15…slogan?
Don’t California my Virginia

Cuppa Covfefe

Øblowhole is still looking for his 72 Virginias…



Gail Combs

YEAH!!!comment image

Deplorable Patriot

I posted that and the meme below it on the meme thread.
I would think the false predictions would wake some people up. Hope so, anyway.

Gail Combs

Well, they’re not ALL imaginary… the Cabal is for real, and so are it’s minions.

Gail Combs

The Cabal are the ones doing the menacing in order to control us.


It actually shocks me that the Amerikan Pravda and DemComs have taken over every outlet to deify Soleimani and in turn present Iran as a wonderful peaceful country.
The links regarding this would take up an entire page here.
It’s far beyond opinion pieces..this is State run level propaganda. We’re at the bottom of that slippery hill

Gail Combs

Well, there is now ZERO doubt that the Amerikan Pravda and DemComs are ANTI-AMERICAN TRAITORS!

Article III
Section 3.
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.


True .


Is there not still one hostage left in Iran? He was not released with others. I do not remember his name.


I think you’re right , seems like it was in news last year or so?


Robert Levinson
“Robert Alan Levinson (born March 10, 1948) is an American former Drug Enforcement Administration and Federal Bureau of Investigation agent who disappeared mysteriously on March 9, 2007 in Kish Island, Iran while on a mission for the CIA. Levinson’s family received $2.5 million annuity from the CIA in order to stop a lawsuit revealing details of his work in Iran and to forestall any revelation of details regarding the arrangement between Levinson and the agency[3] He may be held captive by the government of Iran.[4][5] On November 26, 2013, Levinson, if he is still alive, became the longest-held American in history, surpassing Terry A. Anderson.[6] According to his family, he suffers from type 1 diabetes, gout, and hypertension.[7] His passport has never shown up in any other country.[8]”


Thank you Nor’easter.
So sad what happened to Robert Levinson.



Gail Combs

“…suffers from type 1 diabetes, gout, and hypertension….”
I very much doubt he has gotten the type of medical care needed to keep him alive. He would be ~71
“…The investigators found that men with type 1 diabetes had an average life expectancy of about 66 years,…..”
You are also looking at loss of limbs and blindness. (I have a Sister-in-law who is going blind from diabetes.)


Dead or alive, he’s still a bargaining chip…


So his own family sold him out.


I’m guessing that when the CIA makes an offer, you don’t really have much of a choice.


This is heart wrenching – and so many arrests!

Cuppa Covfefe

The Greens are setting fires to “save the planet” (cf Shades of “Earth First”. They worship the creature, NOT the CREATOR. And they would just as soon we all DIE (of course, not them) so that their beloved animals and the “environment” could survive…
Yet they consider the Aborigines and the American Indians as ignorant fools.
Yet they, the Greens, are the fools (and tools, of Satan Soros, AlGoreTheClimateWhore, and all the rest).
There’s a great episode of “Sue Thomas, F.B.I Eye which covers an enviro-terrorist group, modelled after “Earth First”. One of the stars of that episode is a young man who had his face burned off by the actions of these eco-terrorists…
These eco-loons are Satanic. They do not care about anyone (else), or anything other than their “cause”…
When you take GOD out of society and public discourse, you’ll have HELL to pay…

Deplorable Patriot

Paul Joseph Watson hits another home run. IMO, of course.

Cuppa Covfefe

They used to say “I Hate Quantas”; now they say, “I Hate Al Gore”…
The libtards use babies, children, animals, anyone and anything at hand to further their agenda of Satanic Earth- (GAIA) and Self-Worship…


Ømar needs to be put out of the country along with all her kin folks, ex-husbands, boyfriends, etc.!!!!!


Some people have repeatedly said that the MB/CAIR and all other muslim orgs are the ones pulling Pelosi’s strings via Omar and Tlaib demands.
I never gave it full belief until now.


CAIR is the PR arm of the Muslim Brotherhood.


PR = as in Propaganda!


Well, Georgia, just be careful folks here don’t confuse with me 😉
They’re all tools of the Cabal, right?
POTUS sure has his plate full… the Swamp is deep and the Swamp is wide…


Oops – sorry – no didn’t mean you – of course not!!!


Just playin’ w/you 😉

Gail Combs

Here is the Article:
A comment on President Trump and his Blind Trust:
Sundance had a video up right after the election of President-Elect Trump signing a 2 foot high stack of legal papers dealing with his business interest and signing them over to his children. He had a lawyer explain what the papers were all about. Unfortunately I can not find it.
So as usual the Demonic Left is full of Schiff.


Let’s all take a deep breath. The fat lady has not yet sung….
…and I am reliably informed that she IS warming up.

Deplorable Patriot

“CNN agreed Tuesday to settle a lawsuit with Covington Catholic student Nick Sandmann,” Fox 19 reported. “The amount of the settlement was not made public during a hearing at the federal courthouse in Covington.”


I came here to post about it, and KNEW it had already been posted.
Any word on the amount, yet?
I know, I know, it’s supposed to be sealed but we need to know!

Deplorable Patriot

I haven’t seen any word, but really, if it was settled out of court, until the paperwork is filed, it’s between them, IMO.


Carpe D says $25 million. My post is in bin.


Fucking lawyers.
Convinced him to take the money when a public statement needed to be made so they (lawyers) could get paid.
Even if he got $50M it was not enough to allow CNN to settle.
CNN just bought Sandmann’s silence.

Gail Combs

Just remember LEGALLY a minor CAN NOT SIGN A CONTRACT. Once he is 18 he is free to talk ofr RE-SUE!

Deplorable Patriot

That’s one way to look at it.
Another is to take the sure thing rather than chance a jury or a judge finding in favor against you. I was on a jury that found a man I thought was unfairly dragged into a trial guilty for helping a friend. It was probate, so we didn’t need a unanimous vote, but still. To this day, I regret that charge.
If $25 mil was all the award was…I don’t like the settlement, but I’m not the one whose life is on hold while the lawsuits are being dragged out.

CM in TN

The lawsuits against the Washington Compost and the others are still pending court dates his lawyer said earlier.

Concerned Virginian

OK, from doing several searches online, it appears that the number of people arrested for starting the fires in Australia, especially in New South Wales, is anywhere from 24 (the most recent arrests) to over 200 (for the year 2019 plus the current fires).
Nowhere can I find a list of NAMES of any of the people arrested, including the 24 most recent perps.

Gail Combs

If you cannot find NAMES then they are Juveniles OR Mussies OR both.
If they were white European you can bet the names would be out there.



McConnell: GOP will start impeachment trial, delay witnesses
The trial could start as soon as this week if House Speaker Nancy Pelosi releases the articles of impeachment.


We are getting reports of rockets at a US base.


He’s Happy.

Cuppa Covfefe

Darn. For a minute there, I thought it was a straitjacket…

Cuppa Covfefe

Piglosi seems to think that VSGPDJT reports to Congress.
Seems she slept through civics classes. Guess the Boone’s Farm and Wild Turkey were too much for her. Now, after a 70-year bender, she’s more pickled than a barrel of Sauerkraut…


Pelosi farts in Congress…
…which is the exact same thing as her “introducing legislation” to limit the President’s lawful and Constitutional powers.

Cuppa Covfefe

Gives a whole new meaning to Green House Gas…..

Deplorable Patriot

If my mother’s uncles, their sons, and my brothers weren’t a part of my life….

Gail Combs

Nasty the Pig is just playing to her audience. The House is NOT CONGRESS so she would have to get her bill past the Senate. Meanwhile the situation will probably be resolved before she and her buddies can get the bill written and handed to the Senate and the Senate can get it voted out of committee.
Declarations of War and Authorizations for the Use of Military Force: Historical Background and Legal Implications

The Bush and Obama Administrations relied on P.L. 107-243’s authorities to maintain the presence of U.S. armed forces and to conduct military operations in Iraq until the withdrawal of U.S. armed forces in December 2011. After initial invasion operations and the removal of the Saddam Hussein regime from power, U.S. military operations in Iraq continued under P.L. 107-243 authority. Both the Bush and Obama Administrations considered Iraq a continuing threat to U.S. national security interests; in addition, U.S. armed forces were enforcing relevant U.N. Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq. Relevant U.N. resolutions included the creation in 2003 of the Multinational Force in Iraq (MNF-I), of which U.S. armed forces made up the significant majority. The United Nations Security Council ultimately terminated the MNF-I on December 1, 2008.49 Beginning January 1, 2009, U.S. armed forces remained in Iraq pursuant to an agreement between Iraq and the United States that set the date for withdrawal of such forces on December 31, 2011.50 At the time of the U.S.-Iraq agreement, it was argued that the end of the U.N. mandate required a new authorization for continued U.S. military presence in Iraq, and that the agreement itself needed congressional approval either by submission to the Senate as a treaty for advice and consent, or by general legislative approval.51 Congress continued to provide funds for military operations in Iraq, however, and legislative efforts to repeal P.L. 107-243 or otherwise bring about an end to the U.S. military presence in Iraq did not succeed.52….

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. I was just being a little lazy there, I’m aware of the distinction, although I’m not so sure Piglosi Gambino is…
The leftards are relying on “the great unwashed” having little to no clue about how gubmint works, and what the Constitution and the Bill of Rights really entail. And I rather expect that that was the reason the schools were destroyed by Dewey and his cronies way back when: an uneducated populace is very easy to fool; a misinformed or deceived one even more so…
Sad that all this has been going on for more than 100 years (say, since 1913); Emerson C. Fosdick and the Rockefellers did the same thing to mainstream Protestantism…
What the heck was going on at the turn of the century? Did all the strange chemicals from all those “medicine shows” addle the brains of everyone???
(OK, at least over here they were going from kingdoms and fiefdoms to (barely) homogenized countries…
Plato always advocated a “Philosopher King” (i.e. him), whereas Isaac Asimov was fully in support of “Scientism”.
Sometimes I think that maybe Douglas Adams had it right:

“The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them.
To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it.
To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.”


Darn it!

Cuppa Covfefe

TWC are flaming leftard warmunistas…. The Climastrologist equivalent of Jim Acosta…
I’d have a look at Joe Bastardi ( or Ryan Maue to see a more balanced, scientific picture of what’s going on, and where the forecasts are going. WUWT ( and NTZ ( have saner coverage…
Climate Audit is also a very good site. Gail probably has a bunch of other links as well…..


Gail has more links than the average length of chain.

Gail Combs

Joe Bastardi is good but he does general forecasts and not specific area forecasts. Hubby has weather underground up and I use the radar maps to figure out what we can expect. The weather Underground forecasts are usually only good for a couple of days.
I do not have the my old book marks on this new computer, however the jetstream maps are also helpful.
That has this map for the USA. (Note the loop of cold air. You get storms where that loop hits the warmer air.)

Gail Combs

Tornadoes can do so much damage and many people in the south are in trailers that are not the place to be during bad weather. I have been too close to more than one tornado.


Nazis gonna Nazi

Cuppa Covfefe

Kurz isn’t a Nazi… it appears that Satan Soros and Satan Soros’s Satanic Spawn had something to do with Kurz losing his mandate in the last (but one) election, and “warned” him not to repeat his mistakes…
If true (and I’m not convinced), this is bad news. But not beyond repair. “Flyover” Europe is about ready to turn the Greens out on their ears….
N.B. Poland has no love lost for Austria…


I thought he was a very conservative, anti-immigration person…what happened? Groan…another one caves.

Cuppa Covfefe

I think they have something on him.
Look at what happened to Haider… Kind of like “Fast and Furious”…
Sudden, unexpected acceleration, in the middle of a residential area, doing around 100 or more mph?
(to quote Macgyver) “Nah, didn’t think so”…
Austria, sadly, has a relatively dark history for the last 200 years or so… Thule and Weishaupt are probably lookup up proudly from the depths of Hell… They’re all just a bunch of Fuggers (as the Augsburgers might say)…


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I miss Chris Farley.


Keep pulling on that thread!


Wow…. its all connected!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s an article from VC (Vigilant Citizen) which shows where a lot of this is grounded, and where it’s headed:
Hill-the-BEAST and Piglosi Gambino mounting brooms and sailing off into Satan’s sunset is no longer a hidden fantasy or endeavour: it is now revealed to be part of the DEMONicRATS goals…
In the end, all of the feminazi and other attacks on “patriarchy” are really attacks against GOD.
And they will FAIL. UTTERLY. Doubt it not.


Warning – explicit descriptions of child abuse, etc. Disturbing. I don’t usually read this kind of stuff so not used to it. I thought it was going to be more about the human connections v. descriptions of … ugh. had to stop reading. hope its not true


comment image


I liked Wolf’s reaction when he saw this for the first time….
“A WALKER!?!?!”

Gail Combs

Hey, I like to lean on a grocery cart for support (I am 69) That does not mean I can not run, pick up 50 pound feed sacks, toss hay bales and catch goats and sheep.
But yeah, the dude is certainly playing the sympathy card.

Deplorable Patriot

I thought the same given the way he was leaning on the appliance.


Wheelchair next week as new charges have been laid

Cuppa Covfefe

Johnny Walker…


OMG can we please throw her out or in jail or something!!! This just drives my Mom nuts!!!
ENEMY WITHIN: Ilhan Omar to Trump: Divest from Hotels – You May Face “Worldwide” Attacks on Properties

Gail Combs

ISLAM is a POLITICAL SYSTEM and a Muslim CAN NOT swear allegiance to our Constitution and remain a Muslim, PERIOD. It is IMPOSSIBLE to serve both masters since they are diametrically opposite in nature. For Muslims, Islam and Shari Law will trump our Constitution.
Political Islam, a Totalitarian Doctrine

Totalitarianism is a political system of absolute power where the state has no limit to its authority and regulates every aspect of public and private life.
The most common assumption about Islam is that it is a religion based on the Koran. However, the religious aspect is only a small part of Islam. It is not possible to know how to pray or do any other practice of the religion with what is found in the Koran.
Allah is found in the Koran and Mohammed is found in two texts, his biography, the Sira, which is a detailed life history and his traditions, or Hadith, are events that occurred in Mohammed’s life…
Therefore, the totality of Islam is found in three books—Koran, Sira and the Hadith. Most people would be surprised to learn that the amount of words devoted to Mohammed is more than 6 times the size of the Koran, the words of Allah.
Another common assumption is that to know Islam, you must learn about it from a Muslim. This is not so. Islam is Allah and Mohammed. If you read the Koran (and it has now been made understandable) and know Mohammed, you know Islam. It is critical to understand the importance of this. Whatever is in the Koran and in the Sunna, it is Islam. If something is not based on the Koran and the Sunna, no matter who says it, is not Islam. The only Muslim who is an absolute and total authority on Islam is Mohammed. Once you know Mohammed, you know the only Muslim who matters….
So all of the doctrine is found in three books—Koran, Sira and Hadith, the Islamic Trilogy. If you read the Trilogy, something remarkable becomes obvious, you find that most of the doctrine is not about how to be a Muslim, but refers to the non-Muslim. The Arabic word for the non-Muslim is Kafir, sometimes translated as infidel or unbeliever.
In Islamic doctrine there is nothing positive about the Kafir. Allah hates Kafirs and plots against them. Muslims claim that Christians and Jews are accepted under Islam and are called people of the book. But the doctrine goes further and states that the only “real” Christians are those who accept Mohammed as the final prophet, agree that the Gospels are in error, and reject the divine nature of Jesus. The real Jews are those who accept Mohammed as the final prophet and consider the Torah corrupt. If a Christian or Jew does not accept this, then they are Kafirs. Pagans, polytheists, agnostics, atheists, and all others are Kafirs as well. It is important to note that Islam claims to be the final judge of all religions. This is part of its totalitarian nature.
It is very instructive to see what portion of each of the Trilogy texts is about the Kafir.
More than half of Islamic doctrine concerns itself with the Kafir. The Kafir is outside of the religion of Islam, and yet is part of Islamic doctrine. This doctrinal relationship is political, not religious or cultural. Political Islam is defined as the Islamic doctrine of the Kafir; the largest part of Islam is political. Only Muslims are concerned by religious Islam, but all of humanity is affected by Political Islam.
Islam is not a religion, but a complete civilization. Islam has a position or rule for every aspect of life. It is a religion, culture and political system, a complete way of life. If Islam were only a religion, it would be of no concern.
As an example, Buddhism is a religion, how much media and political space is concerned about Buddhism? Buddhism makes no demands on a civilization. Islam makes demands on every facet of society.….


Cuppa Covfefe

Same thing with Skull and Bones, and the various cults (e.g. Scientology, EST, and the Morons).
Anyone that prefers “Jabulon” to GOD (Providence, as some of the more timid Founding Fathers put it) and the US Constitution has no place in the USA, nor its government.
(One might term them “Foundling Fathers”, as it were)…


OMG WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had no idea. Now I’m ticked off!!!!

Gail Combs

YUP, this is how the BASTARDS plan to destroy the USA by allowing Muslims into government AND importing large numbers. Add the SJW Snowflakes who will vote for a mussie just to virtue signal and you have a complete disaster in the making.
Wikileaks: Obama Sought Muslims for Top White House Jobs

The newest batch of John Podesta emails from WikiLeaks shows President Barack Obama’s transition team kept lists of Muslim and Asian candidates for administration jobs.
The 2008 emails show Podesta was sent lists of Muslims and Asians to be considered for White House jobs, with Arab Christians excluded or relegated to a separate list.
In the email exchange, an aide wrote, “In the candidates for top jobs, I excluded those with some Arab American background but who are not Muslim (e.g., George Mitchell). Many Lebanese Americans, for example, are Christian. In the last list (of outside boards/commissions), most who are listed appear to be Muslim American, except that a handful (where noted) may be Arab American but of uncertain religion (esp. Christian).”
Also notable, there was concern that some of the Muslims suggested would not survive media scrutiny, with one aide writing, “High-profile Muslim Americans tend to be the subject of a fair amount of blogger criticism, and so the individuals on this list would need to be ESPECIALLY carefully vetted.”

Old Notes: Threads are gone CURSE YOU JACKBOOT! 😡
We know that Iran (Hezbollah) was running a money laundering scheme ‘selling’ and then ‘exporting’ cars (stuffed with money from car sales & drug sales – mainly cocaine) from the USA to Africa, the money then being directed to Lebanon.
I’ve told you how the Obama administration colluded with terrorists… how Obama allowed Muslim Brotherhood operatives into the White House, the State Department and even Homeland Security…. reference to Hezbollah’s criminal activities in North Carolina, California and South of the Border.

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe have her do a science experiment.
Test (by doing) if -½gt² is correct for “objects” “descending” from the top of a building, e.g. a hotel…
Might be, erm, depressing, but hey, Taqiyyah makes it all right, eh???


Muslim Teen Accused of Starting Aussie Grass Fire Laughs As He Leaves Court on Tuesday


Starting fires is a common Islamist terror tactic – they did it to the beautiful forests of Germany.
Islam is a mendacious malevolent menace.

Cuppa Covfefe

There is a deep, dark connection between the “Green” movement, the old (pre-Christian) Germanic/Nordic/whatever cultures, Satanists, and the various flavors of communism (as “dedicated” by Saul Alinsky, Karl Marx, Huxley, and Darwin and his forebears).
This probably goes back to Nimrod and the Tower of Babel, if not further. The fact that the two (twinned) headquarters buildings of the EU are modelled after the incomplete Tower of Babel (anticipating the completion thereof, complete with an “all-seeing eye” when looking down at the atrium(a)) is no accident.
These people and their movement come from the pit of Hell. It is a spiritual battle as well as a political one. Ephesians 6:10-18 desribes it, in part… and shows what we need to do to protect ourselves…
(On a side note, it seems that the AfD are starting to dig in to fight harder; here’s hoping and praying that they succeed) (and the Gilets Jaune, too)…


Dawson’s field. Offshore$ coming back

Deplorable Patriot

This is one I am interested in seeing the raw transcripts. None of these SD Eeyore filters needed.


We have a confirmed attack


Confirming 3 US soldiers, dead.


Many doubting confirmation……
Let’s wait a while longer.






IT’S ON ! ! !


Light them up!!!!!!!


Fyi, Duncan Hunter resigning as of this coming Monday. His competition last cycle was a CAIR sponsored Muslim. I dont know if that seat will stay red.


loved him


Sadie Slays

I can make an educated guess the contents of today’s 4 am memo…
“Daily Beast Posts Weird Article Fantasizing About Iranian Attack on President’s “Beloved” Trump Tower”
“ENEMY WITHIN: Ilhan Omar to Trump: Divest from Hotels – You May Face “Worldwide” Attacks on Properties”


It is Al Asad being attacked


Reliable source? Not sure.

Deplorable Patriot

Al Asad…man, am I glad my brother is retired from the Marine Corps.


Sadie Slays

There’s good coverage of the US base attacks in Iran on Zero Hedge right now:

Sadie Slays

* Iraq, not Iran.


Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. And operation “Glaze the Müllahs” has melted the Moslimes…


Thank you both……
This could get interesting.


You think we need a new one?
Okay, you go for it this time. I will follow you.


Posted at the same time!!! LOL Twins!


Confirmation – it is Iran.

So we’re going to get leeks now! LOL


LOL ok when I posted it and it send I saw I had typed it wrong. I was hoping you’d miss that. LOL Yeah kea is a bad speller. LOL 😀


Lol…. eeesss hokay.


LOL But it made me laugh. And I didn’t ‘leek’ at least like nutty nancy! 😉


Report – Multiple US bases under attack by Iran.



“Some reports claim casualties” yes lets wait and see on that one.


Estimate flight time from Diego Garcia about 4 hours. Bring the pain.comment image


Now that’s a photo!


B-52s are slow and vulnerable to SAMs.
First get the SAM sites.


I’m seeing reports of over 20 dead americans.
Everyone sitting on edge.


I’d wait and see…


Its a fake photo according to this:
This is image is from Gaza


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Kea!


No issue!!!! 🙂 @HeshmatAlavi is really good to follow IMO


Love me some Heshmat!


He’s very good.


After confirmation . . . when the time is right . . .comment image


Being launched.


Just learned this is an OLDDDDDDDDDD photo.
Not from this evening. Do not share!!!!!!


Cuppa Covfefe

I think a few “Rods from God” would get the Müllahs to STFU…
Then again, their Taqiyyah means that they are merely legends in their own minds…
Neocons, derp state, and Piglosi Gambino (but I repeat myself) are just itching for a war…
May they sleep with the bedbugs that their “Kulturelle Bereicherung” brought with them…..



Good news – 52 targets about to be flattened


I’d round it to an even 60 but….
Light them up. Free Iran once and for all.


Round to an even 100


100 is really, really close to 1,000, y’know.


Sam sites…….
Where to start?


light ’em up. Been going on for 40+ yrs


so many choices so little time….can’t we just get them ALL…YEP. I HOPE the ayatollah’s palace is on the list.


Trump can then say:
I uh Told You so…. (ayatollah)


Should read:
I uh told ya……

Cuppa Covfefe

Especially for large values of 100 🙂
How about another couple of orders of magnitude 😎 ?
I think the Müllahs are about to find out what “Mine’s Bigger” is all about…




Worth noting, US warplanes launch from Incerlik daily.
Optics, training, exercises, psyops, combat missions…lookie here…
US has the ability to attack in many dimensions and directions.
Whatever the Iranians and their proxies do, have done, they’ll rue the day they have challenged the US under President Trump.
President Trump and the US military have this.
NO worries by me.


Missile sights vaporizing in 3..2…1….followed closely by #1-10 targets on the list of 52.


!!!!!!!!! Been missing you!
Happy New Year!


Current time in Tehran 3:35 am


Thanx for the time update

Cuppa Covfefe

3:36 has been cancelled… i.e. obliterated…




I assume/imagine refineries will be hit. Iranians will wake up to a different country that they had when they went to sleep – hopefully with the evil forces in less power




Time airburst a Neutron bomb?


EMP over tehran?



Gail Combs

The F-35 lightning is this bad baby.comment image
Top 5 F-35 Fighter Jet Facts
The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II fighter jet is America’s fifth generation fighting aircraft. The production of it is a few years behind and full of controversy and scandals, but this brand new super jet is definitely the future of stealth aircrafts.
WatchMojo takes a look at the versatility of this ground take-off aircraft, the cost to build it, other expenses, the worldwide reach of the X35 air force project and much more in this aviation focused installment


Moar info on the news update thread……….
Someone please start an NEW thread about these happenings tonight.


Well if Rods from God exist, they will surely be used in the coming ours in the fog of our counterstrike wiping out the Iranian nuke program.
….On a side not the X-37B returned to earth on October 27th on its fifth “clandestine” “test”. …Wonder if its a Rod re load delivery vehicle?……. I hope so


…used in the coming hours


Mullahs’ nuts roasting on an open fire
Big booms as all 52 targets blow
The Revolutionary Guard are expired
And all Iran’s military is hosed


Bottom Line Up Front – BLUF.
– President Trump means what he says.
– President Trump 100% plays to win.
– President Trump has clear objectives.
– President Trump will not allow a “ground war”.
– Iran government, including holy people (I have no reverence for Iranian hollies – they are evil), and military will lose.
52 was a nice number in reference to 1979. That said, no need to be constrained when dealing with Iran. Me thinks active target list will be a multiple of 52:-)
IF half of what we are reading here is true, Iranian government and military will realize an absolutely NON proportionate response…at a time and locations they’ll least enjoy.
Wherever our aircraft launch from, those bases and countries they reside in, will be Iranian targets in short order. Me thinks, the local governments for supporting the US.
Random thoughts.
– Mullahs and ayatollah schmuck prime targets. Too damn bad if they are sheltering in historic sites. This is a war, on terrorism. Piss on them, the MCM, D-Rats, hollywierd…UN, EU,…
– Bunker busing penetrators directly in Iranian nuke sites a MUST, me thinks. ALL of their nuke sites. Iran nuclear program prominent in President Trump TW and statements.
– When, IF, the environment is permissive enough, a few well placed MOABs, would be pun intended, earth shaking warnings, along with massive devastation to infrastructure and military. Unless the base, target is fairly remote, don’t think MOABs in play.
– Tomahawks commonly used. Surface and sub launched. Dozens can be onboard CGs and DDGs. SSBN nearly two dozen potential. SSGN, up to 154. (Public generic information) Lots of well placed ordnance, in short order, without hazarding launch crews.
– Special Forces surely in play;-)

Cuppa Covfefe

Slayed bells ring
Are you listening
Müllahs crisped
Burnt and gristling
A beautiful sight
They’re no more tonight
Burning in a Moslem pile of sand…


You sure know the “score”!


bakocarl, you are a modern-day Joyce Kilmer !


US missile defense in action.


GREAT news!



Call off the troops?
What troops?
Look Up Dumb Masses!


Planes coming out of the UAE…..
We forget, the UAE was formed when wealthy Iranians took the money, ran, and started a new country. That’s how Dubai and Jebel Ali began.
Could be really interesting.
Gosh, I bet that damn orb is glowing tonight in Saudi Arabia.

Cuppa Covfefe

Not anywhere near as bright as those 52 (and more) targets will be glowing…
The Müllahs will be given a brief but very IMPRESSIVE (and probably depressing) lesson in Physics, in particular that of Tungsten (Wolfram) under high acceleration…


Last thing in the world we want to see is a war with Iran or anyone.
That said, President Trump CANNOT leave those nuclear reactors in Iran to a possible Dem President in January 2021.
This is a tough one.
And there is no one better we would trust than President Trump.
Okay, here we go.
Got my 5′ wide map of the Middle East moved down here from the office.
Two clocks set up, one on Baghdad time and one on DC time.
Need some Red Bull and cigarettes and we could run the war from Mississippi.


The full moon arrives in three days (10th). The wolf moon.
Not the best timing for air attacks by the U.S. Maybe the Iranians planned for this in their timing. Cloud cover, or lack of it, also plays a role.

Gail Combs

Moon FAKE … little “G” god


Interesting. Didn’t know that. I also learned from the article that they called one of their their deity’s, “Moon-god Sin”.
Very strange.

Concerned Virginian

Case of Red Bull on the way.


There is NOTHING Daughn CAN’T DO !
(they are in BIG trouble now!)


MQ, You the BOSS!! 🤩🤩🤩


Don’t we have at least one carrier group in or near the Persian gulf? Lotsa cruise missiles there . . .


Nuke tipped subs?


So many choices ….
Both in WEAPONS….


AND, launch platforms.

Cuppa Covfefe

Methinks there are *cough* earthquakes in the Müllahs’ future…



WE are the news now.

Sylvia Avery

God bless you, Wolfie………TY.



Iranian “Fighter” jets?

Cuppa Covfefe

More like goodbye planes…
Crispy critters…
Iranian insanium…




next time they make contact with the ground hope they are hitting the ground v. landing

Cuppa Covfefe

They’ll discover the real meaning of the religion of pieces…



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Priceless! Babylon Bee fires back.
CNN Attacks Babylon Bee: ‘The Internet Is Only Big Enough For One Fake News Site’


“BREAKING – Ukrainian Boeing 737 carrying 180 people crashes near Tehran airport moments after take-off”
The plane had “technical problems,” and no word on casualities yet.


@DunceBiden: “Nancy is meeting with her chief of staff, Jack Daniels, at this very moment.”


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1) THERE WAS NEVER GOING TO BE A PRESS CONFERENCE LMFAO Alright, yep. The jig is up. I see exactly what happened.
2) Iran, Democrats like John Kerry, and the MSM coordinated together and attempted to manufacture a crisis to bait Trump into a war with Iran…


“All is well,” President Trump TW this evening.
CENTCOM, Pentagon, President Trump knew nearly immediately the hyped reporting was BS. Had to let the dust settle a bit, faux news expose itself, D-Rats wet themselves…
Interesting for me, hussein and baby bushie remain eerily quiet today and past weeks, maybe months.
We are blessed to have President Trump leading America.


@rising_serpent: “Nancy Pelosi tweets that she’s ‘closely monitoring’ the situation when in fact she’s attending a restaurant/pub opening. Check out the time stamps.”


Hopefully that pub is as close as nerous Nanzi can get to real time intelligence reporting. 100% NOT to be trusted.


Imma hoping it’s near Baghdad airport


Interesting fun fact I learned today: Global Warming causes Arsonists.


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Worth 2:39 of folks time. State Department spokeswoman absolutely slams as FAUX CNN international try to beat on America.
State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus shut down a far-left CNN International anchor with three brutally efficient fact checks about Iran on Monday.

Sadie Slays
Sadie Slays

Oops.comment image


Off on an oddball tangent. Wondering about that ship’s type, beyond generic cargo / container. Appears to be anchored.