I will fill in details as I can. Let the THREAD RESPONSE BEGIN.
“We do not believe any group of men adequate enough or wise enough to operate without scrutiny or without criticism. We know that the only way to avoid error is to detect it, that the only way to detect it is to be free to inquire. We know that in secrecy error undetected will flourish and subvert.” –J. Robert Oppenheimer ***************** WARNING: NO UNIDENTIFIED AI BULLSHIT IS TO BE POSTED ON THIS SITE UNDER PENALTY OF MODERATION OR SITE BAN
I will fill in details as I can. Let the THREAD RESPONSE BEGIN.
I think that the US response will go after the Republican Guard command and control first along with missile launch facilities. They will probably save the political leaders for later.
Sounds smart.
The Republican Guard command better be in a very deep hole of they may never see another sunrise.
Peace is the Prize
Let’s show the “religion” of PIECES……
May PISS be upon them!
Only cat piss is suitable for the job.
Goats, Pigs or Dogs piss
Peace with freedom for the Iranian people and an end to the mullahs as part of it or bust!
That should be our first target, take out the leaders.
It is ‘Not Allowed” according to the rules of the game… ONLY peons can be targeted… Unless you are Hillary Clinton, then you can target anyone.
I am cool with it lol we need to end this as quick as Iran started it.
They put a 80 million dollar price tag on my President so let the chips fall where they must.
Yep. Drop Hill-the-BEAST on them too, from orbit. Two turds with one stone, as it were…
She can use her broom to zoom… along with choom…
Kerry is probably jumping for joy (or something). Until he finds out that Jabulon won’t help him avoid Hell… but rather will meet him there…
Thanks wolf……
One catch all thread is awesome.
Yes, we need MAX INTEL HERE.
Wish we could get a report from the Iranian people……
Thank you, Wolfie.
Where’s that damn AC/DC cd I have.
Might have to start smoking again.
Bet I smoke enough for BOTH of us tonight.
AC/DC?…… 5:5
This should kick us off to a good start……..
Game on and now for POTUS to bring the PAIN…..
We should quickly rename it, Martyr Stupid Suicidal Müllahs…
Vanquish them. Remember, Vanquish is a thorough toilet cleaner… flush ’em away…
Oh, dear, Cuppa – a little comic relief is refreshing – what happened to the Tidy Bowl Man?
He’s loading up some more missles… with brown tips… (sorry, but it fits the bs of the Müllahs et. al.)…
Oh, I see – busy boy – brown tips – it could get messy if they backfire – lol
Let’s see if this source pans out. If it does, then FOLLOW.
It’s on like DONKEY KONG…
I hope President Trump sends the world a message as to why you dont wanna mess with the USA.
Bye Bye Iran……..
Welcome BACK……. PERSIA
Bring it, baby. Welcome back, Persia.
Like everyone here, those 454 days of hostages……… gosh, it was my whole senior year of high school.
Never forget.
Reassess: Not 52 targets . . . 454 targets!
Methinks that’s gonna be the next number.
Dzhimmi Kharterov!
Dzhimmi the Dhimmi.
444…I’ve heard Rocky Sickmann speak. He came home from the Iranian embassy and married his HS sweetheart after that captivity, and has a daughter who had my mother as a math teacher.
We will NEVER forget.
It was horrible. Shameful. Terrifying.
I’ll never forget it, either.
US war planes already in the air from Turkey and UAE, US and other locations – could have 52 Iranian targets keyed into their systems.
Seriously, from my remarks about if “rods form God” exist…..When can you use them so as not to reveal that you have them? In about and hour during the pitch of our counterstrike.
As PDJT said “Iran will not have nuclear weapons”…seemed pretty certain didn’t he?
Could the elimination of Soleimani been a chess move preparing for a response like tonight laying justification for a massive military checkmate with the elimination of their nuke program as the endgame?
….Rods of God or not actually.
Agreed. This was not stupid. Trump gamed this out a long time ago, IMO. I’m amazed.
Of Course President Trump had this gamed out a long time ago.
Read Thomas Wictor and Brian Cates again. This was President Trump’s FIRST PRIORITY and that is why he visited Saudi Arabia first.
Iran stoopidly fell into their own trap.
Ballistics launches from Iran on Americans. HUGE LEAP that opens the door to US direct attacks on Iran.
Agreed. And if there are no casualties, then it is likely CALCULATED to get Iran back into the “WHO, ME?” backstabber mode. It’s a double temptation. Temptation to STRIKE BACK – temptation to NOT STRIKE BACK.
That’s actually a Soleimani-level move.
So what will Trump do?
Wax ’em. Hit them 10 times harder.
That’s the only thing they understand. My stick is bigger than your stick. They have a tribal mentality (see it here all the time, and in sadly stupid parts of my ex-extended family) that is decidedly lacking in IQ and rationality…
Nonetheless, I hope and pray this can be dealt with (dare I say executed) without harming the true Persian people…
We have to take them out TOGETHER.
Yep. Since Carter, methinks…
Let’s take this to heart! Please update all ultimately fake photos so I can preface them with an explainer.
The Iranian Government is going to learn that believing FAKE NEWS and the Democrat Party was the worst mistake they ever made. Every single nuclear site will be destroyed. I also believe that every oil refinery will be blown up into a million pieces. I would not be at all shocked that the palaces of the Mullahs will be blown away. Anything and everything you could possibly imagine is about to happen.
By the end of this month, the Mullahs will either be dead or run the hell out of Iran by their own people. The response from our President is going to be the match that lights the fuse for the people to overthrow every aspect of the government.
When the dust settles, our oil companies will rebuild the refineries and our President will assure that every dollar spent will be paid back from those refineries.
Welcome BACK……… Persia
Freedom in Iran is the best guarantee for both Iraq and Israel. How to deliver it?
It’s obviously part of THE PLAN.
Incredible surprise was built into this thing.
Just a couple of weeks ago, the Mullahs were using the IRGC (which has already been designated a terrorist organization) to suppress a major countrywide rebellion.
What if they weren’t around to do that? And, incidentally, they have lovely large permanent barracks in various places.
I think (a) gain air supremacy; (b) eliminate IRGC. Nothin’ fancy necessary. No Rods From God or anything. Since the Iranian Air Force decided they’d be safer in the air, I could also see mining all their runways — leaving each pilot to choose between (a) landing on a highway, (b) ditching into some water, or (c) flying to some other country to land.
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!
Pray for POTUS, Pompeo, Esper, the national security team (thank God trimmed down and supportive of POTUS).
Virtual endless supply of Red Bull on its way to the Q Tree.
Prayers, my friends. Our President needs them! The Iranian and Iraqi people need them. WE need them.
I will not direct them. Peace – victory – freedom – safety – end to war – YOUR CALL.
Just pray!
Just to share, I prayed for GOD’S WILL BE DONE, and stopped there. Beyond all our human understanding, let God’s will be done!
Yes, exactly right.
Very wise, Wolfie. We trust to the Lord. I pray for Pres. Trump and our other leaders. Lord have mercy on us all.
Lest we forget in this tumultuous time . . .
The Lord gives victory to his anointed.
He answers him from his heavenly sanctuary
with the victorious power of his right hand.
Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.
They are brought to their knees and fall,
but we rise up and stand firm.
Lord, give victory to the king!
Answer us when we call!
Amen Carl.
Thank you carl.
Okay, I am asking for confirmation on this photo. Cuz if this is really Soleimani, I’m headed to the recruiters office in the morning.
I’ll let you judge:
Close enough for me
I’d like DNA, but the fine points are pretty close.
I would like to see the same ear…
Check out the comparison photo I made below. No ear, but it’s the same man. I’d bet a lot on it.
Don’t forget that ears are one of the two things on humans that never stops growing.
Noses are the other.
NOT the same guy – hair is kinky in young guy photo – not the other.
Hair texture can change dramatically when it greys.

Look at his eyes (specifically his right eye), and his lips. Same man.
snacks, going to be a long night?
How’s this?
On Aubergine… that looks delish… I need the grapes, oranges… Thank you Dear Lady…
Jan. 7, 2020
DOD Statement on Iranian Ballistic Missile Attacks in Iraq
DOD Statement on Iranian Ballistic Missile Attacks in Iraq
JAN. 7, 2020
Statement from Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs Jonathan Hoffman:
At approximately 5:30 p.m. (EST) on January 7, Iran launched more than a dozen ballistic missiles against U.S. military and coalition forces in Iraq. It is clear that these missiles were launched from Iran and targeted at least two Iraqi military bases hosting U.S. military and coalition personnel at Al-Assad and Irbil.
We are working on initial battle damage assessments.
In recent days and in response to Iranian threats and actions, the Department of Defense has taken all appropriate measures to safeguard our personnel and partners. These bases have been on high alert due to indications that the Iranian regime planned to attack our forces and interests in the region.
As we evaluate the situation and our response, we will take all necessary measures to protect and defend U.S. personnel, partners, and allies in the region.
Due to the dynamic nature of the situation, we will continue to provide updates as they become available.
Okay, ready now.
President Trump MAY…. address the AMERICAN PEOPLE…. Tonight.
From Faux News
Fox 10 Phoenix will cover…..holding for White House just in case.
Closing in on 40 years. I was a kid, but still remember.
I watched it. We all did. No one went to church that morning!!!!!!!
Uhh…we did. No missing Mass.
Yup. Starting to think that was the EXACT problem.
Missing Mass? Sorry, but God comes before state.
Wait a second. Now that I think again about it, I had the stomach flu which is why we didn’t go to Reagan’s first inauguration.
Yes, we all did, Daughn. And all our young men we lost in Lebanon.
We’ll never forget Beirut.
Israel Breaking
9m9 minutes ago
URGENT BREAKING: Iran state affiliated media channel Tasnim news reports officials saying that if US retaliates to tonights Iran strikes on US bases, Hezbollah will target Israel by its missiles.
If Iran is stupid enough to target Israel (in addition to the USA), they are in for a WORLD OF HURT!!!!
As bad as this may seem to some, I think we needed to take action before Iran develops nuclear bombs and prepositions them to every square inch of the planet where mosques are not located.
WHEN, Hezbollah launches on Iran, AND THEY WILL, Iran has also passed the golden ticket for Israel to directly attack Iran.
Me thinks, Iran has stoopidly displayed utter ignorance today.
Looking forward to Iran receiving a MASSIVE ass whooping on the global stage.
AND yes, idiot shitheads of Iran descent will do terrorist crap in USA. Folks really, really, need to carry.
BING BING BING – Confirmation that Iran has absolute control authority over Hezbollah.
Whoopsie, ANOTHER mask dropped…I believe Iran IS suicidal. They may think this is waterloo…only problem..THEY are Napoleon.
Iranian government actions and words today, are breathtakingly stoopid…
Yeah that’s the ticket, lets piss off the Israeli’s AND Trump on the SAME night. That won’t end WELL for what will be left of Iran. Remember the ONLY thing holding back Israel at ALL from wiping out Iran is US and Trump. Trump might take off the leash if Iran strikes in Israel.
HEADS UP – President Trump is addressing the nation this evening.
MAY address.
You think the Arab Spring was something?
The Winter of our Discontent is going to eclipse it many fold!
Winter of THEIR discontent, and disintegration
…. winter is coming …..

. bwahahahahahah bwahahahahahah … inhale/hold sides .. bwahahahahahah
Fox reporting NO US casualties so far?
Yeah, on line too.
NO USA Casualties.
We’ll soon see
This is called EMBOLDENING the enemy, and it is TREASON.
I believe that this takes out the Democrats, too. Everything is about to make sense.
ALL MAGA business coming due ala Godfather 3. Someone.(.Q.) .said this…
President Trump HAS been using the word TREASON a lot lately and I do not think he was referring to Spygate. (That is sedition.)
Cower under your desks or any safe space you canfind!
Trump is gonna END the BS…… soon!
May get a twofer out of this…..
Free Persia….. AND….
Free Lebanon?
Traitors mad that Trump is going to expose their schemes and ruin their corrupt dreams forevah
Bottom Line Up Front – BLUF.
– President Trump means what he says.
– President Trump 100% plays to win.
– President Trump has clear objectives.
– President Trump will not allow a “ground war”.
– President Trump WILL destro Iranian nuclear capability.
– Iran government, including holy people (I have no reverence for Iranian hollies – they are evil), and military will lose.
52 was a nice number in reference to 1979. That said, no need to be constrained when dealing with Iran. Me thinks active target list will be a multiple of 52:-)
IF half of what we are reading here is true, Iranian government and military will realize an absolutely NON proportionate response…at a time and locations they’ll least enjoy.
Wherever our aircraft launch from, those bases and countries they reside in, will be Iranian targets in short order. Me thinks, the local governments for supporting the US.
Random thoughts.
– Mullahs and ayatollah schmuck prime targets – LEADING AND FUNDING largest terror network on the earth. GOTTA BE DESTROYED.
Too damn bad if they are sheltering in historic sites. This is a war, on terrorism. Piss on them, the MCM, D-Rats, hollywierd…UN, EU,…
– Bunker busing penetrators directly in Iranian nuke sites a MUST, me thinks. ALL of their nuke sites. Iran nuclear program prominent in President Trump TW and statements.
– When, IF, the environment is permissive enough, a few well placed MOABs, would be pun intended, earth shaking warnings, along with massive devastation to infrastructure and military. Unless the base, target is fairly remote, don’t think MOABs in play.
– Tomahawks commonly used. Surface and sub launched. Dozens can be onboard CGs and DDGs. SSBN nearly two dozen potential. SSGN, up to 154. (Public generic information) Lots of well placed ordnance, in short order, without hazarding launch crews.
– Special Forces surely in play;-)
I think it was a METAPHOR for B52
As expected Trump followers are skyrocketing! Haven’t seen this kind of increase since Election night and Inauguration day!
68,101,235 – 9:33 am – 1/1/20 – only one week ago!
69,458,605 – 6:04 am – 1/7/20 – this morning!
69,618,279 – 8:11 pm
Twitter will have to cut off a lot of real followers. Everybody watch their accounts! Make sure you’re following PDJT on BOTH accounts!!! realDonaldTrump and POTUS
Imma thinking a lot of these new followers are Middle Easterners, Europeans, Asians, other nationalities currently under duress from Islamists….and maybe a bunch of lifelong Democrats disgusted with the party.
69,651,886 – 8:43 pm – increasing a whole average day’s worth in a half hour!
Just might hit 70 MILLION before morning at this rate:
69,700,175 – 9:40 pm
5 Amazing F-35 Fighter Jet Facts
(I like the 360 view helmet)
You know…….
President Trump may give Iran one more chance.
Just to say he did it. He does that sometimes.
That he didn’t ask for war.
That he gave the Iranians every possible chance.
Of course, Iran will slip up……….
And holy hell will rain down.
I believe this would work, but I don’t think it’s going to happen.
Me either.
I do not think so Daughn the attacks was MUCH TOO AGGRESSIVE. You just can’t give an inch to a bully. They just get bolder.
No moar chances for evil to run amuck.
Iran handed President Trump the “E” ticket by launching ballistic missiles from Iran, at Americans.
Time has come to cripple Iran government, IRGC, military in general AND decimate Iranian nuclear capability / ambitions. Latter buried forever in their tunnels and caves.
^^^ This is the right set of actions. ALSO leads to us getting the hell out of the Middle East quagmires.
And Israel can light them all up in one go…
News Flash: MSNBC repeats Iranian Propaganda Talking Points.
In other news water is still wet.
“Based on Iran reports”…
They should know better than to trust the enemy….
Oh, wait…
They are the enemy, too…
Trish regan reporting…..
US has roughly 5200….. yes 5200
US troops in the ME right now?
Personally I like Cernovich but he’s not always right.
At the same time, this “war” feels like a deal with war dog Linda Graham.
Very much agreed on all counts!
I very much doubt President Trump would make any ‘deal’ with Miss Lindsey UNLESS he was ALREADY planning the action in the first place.
Yes. The “deal” would be “you get the early notice, I call the shots”.
Doubt IF Ms Lindsey has or is key to President Trump’s strategy.
Ms Lindsey, IMO, is McStain 2.0 lite. Not to be trusted. But a tool that can be deftly used.
January 7, 2020
‘President Trump Just Opened The Gates Of Hell’ Islamic Journalist Warns Because Iran NEEDS World War 3’s Chaos & Carnage To Bring On Their ‘End Times Mahdi’
By Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die
According to British-Palestinian journalist Abdel Bari Atwan as heard in the 1st video at the bottom of this story, President Trump and America have just ‘opened the gates of hell’ with the recent airstrikes upon Iran-backed militias in Iraq including Iranian General Qassam Soliemani, with Atwan warning that ‘America will soon miss the days of ISIS’ while hinting at massive terror attacks upon America and WW3 ahead.
Reporting that he believes a ‘proxy war’ had already begun and that America had made a huge mistake, Atwan also claimed he believed Iran wouldn’t remain silent, warning American bases in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Kuwait, and Al-Tanf would all become targets in this ‘proxy war’ with Iran recently officially identifying 35 targets that might be struck.
But with ‘all warfare based upon deception’ according to Sun Tzu in his timeless book ‘The Art of War’ and reports of Iran opting for ‘total war against the US’ according to this new story over at Asia Times, even a skeptic might ask if ‘end times are upon us’ with the Islamic Republic of Iran holding an ‘Apocalyptic Islamic’ viewpoint rather than simply a ‘Radical Islamic’ point of view. In other words, Iran, like ISIS, is trying to ‘hasten the arrival’ of the ‘Mahdi’ who they believe can only come about during the ‘End Times’. From this imporant story over at the National Review.:
There is a dramatic shift underway in the Muslim world. The most serious threat we face in the Middle East and North Africa is no longer radical Islam but apocalyptic Islam.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Sounds like PSYOPS fear mongering.
No, Gail – they honestly believe in this End Times Scenario – the Jews await their Messiah – and the Muslims await their Mahdi – empowered by his return – they seek to convert the world – if they refuse – they die.
The Mahdi (the guided one) and the Muslim Jesus
The Mahdi will lead the armies of Islam in the end times struggle against the enemies of Islam. The Shia sect of Islam puts a greater emphasis on the Mahdi as opposed to the Sunni sect of Islam. The Mahdi is not mentioned in the Quran, so almost all understanding of his role comes from Islamic tradition and history. Regarding the Hadiths, he (the Mahdi) is not in the most reliable hadiths such as Bakhari or Sahih Muslim. However, his coming is also sought in the Sunni part of Islam as well.
Narrated AbuSa’id al-Khudri: The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: The Mahdi will be of my stock, and will have a broad forehead a prominent nose. He will fill the earth will equity and justice as it was filled with oppression and tyranny, and he will rule for seven years. Abu Dawud Book 36, Number 4272:
Encyclopedia Britannica writes regarding the Muslim belief in the Mahdi,
Yep. Everything the MCM and dumrats will bellow for the immediate future….the sky is falling… 24 to 48 hours a new narrative.
The radical, idiotic Moslems will visit Hell upon themselves. The GCC is not about to let them get away with it… And their so-called 12th Iman is the Anti-Christ.
They need to clean out their hookahs, and review what they’re smoking. Because they will be the ones getting smoked if they keep this crap up…
And the last person I’d trust on Biblical matters is a Brit-Pali…just sayin’
They believe they will be triumphant in the End Times – the rest of us – not so much
Understand that is what they belief. Evil have many beliefs.
But, yes, we need to vigilant and deal with facts.
Carlos ‘nother THREAD
Another FAKE PHOTO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please keep in mind that Iran may have an ‘ace’ up their sleeve with attacks that can make inside the USA. Something that would give them leverage in a war. This could be a reason why they are so emboldened to blatantly attack us.
What they are doing seems suicidal. Maybe not.
I agree. Soleimani attempted a bombing in Washington near the White House. I think unattributable BACKSTABS are going to start happening.
ALL those Obama seeded terrorist camps….
100%, our homeland is in their cross hairs.
We’ll see what, if anything they can pull off.
Iran doing so, may be, I would absolutely hope, bring on their utter destruction.
But, at this point, me thinks, President Trump is holding a number of “E” tickets, courtesy of stoopid Iran.
Surprise, NOT.
One BIG one that seems to be holding, ballistic missiles launched from Iraq at Americans. AND, Iran stating they’ll unleash hezbollah on Israel.
Largely, MCM spinning wildly as prompted by “reports from Iran, dated pictures and video pushed by Iran, it appears.
But, me thinks, Iran has truly fucked up. How big Iran screw ups are, we’ll see.
PM has a THREAD – click
sorry, click the tweet below for THREAD
Everybody hurts…
Hmmm. TIme for a visit from old pal Tungsten…
Wow, they are all fake.
Have seen every one of these this evening + the video.
Cindy is doing a great job.
Phew, good thing we have Maggie Haberman to leak this to us. We wouldn’t have known.
Actually I would expect President Trump is WAY TOO BUSY to bother with the Fake News Jackals right now.
I meant for this to be a general comment and not a response . . .
As bad as this may seem to some, I think we needed to take action before Iran develops nuclear bombs and prepositions them to every square inch of the planet where mosques are not located.
Perfect opportunity to bury forever, literally, Iranian nuclear capability and ambitions. US has NOTHING to lose and everything to gain.
Timing is everything. Set the scenario…to a crescendo of sorts;-)
Fox reports……. NO Trump address tonight.
“No address” would be brilliant!
1060 West Addison…
the tweet is a THREAD
Uh……. They are US bases in Iraq.
For once I do not agree. But I think the attack by the USA will be cover for the IRANIANS ….
It will also allow Israel to wipe out Hezbollah.
Amazing, right now, Ned Ryun is throwing Saudi and Israel under the bus.
Amazing, considering the post I have scheduled to come out after midnight.
Same mantra from the left and right = run away from iran.
Just a reminder
They must be incredibly stupid if they don’t think these possibilities have been gamed out by not just the USA, but other parties in the region…
Then again, blinded idealogues don’t think logically… just look at the DEMONicRATS…
They have also had the MILITARY BRAINS removed from the top so now you just have followers blinded by HATE.
President Trump Inc has been steadily removing the strategic chess pieces from the board. I think Qassem Suleimani was left until last just because this type of response was expected from the also ran second string players.
Remember BULLIES do not want anyone around who could be a challenge to them. Purges of ‘talent’ is common.
Yep. Sad to say, I’ve worked at companies like that.
Then again, look at what Merde-Kuh has done to the CDU/CSU (indeed, most of the other parties here, either directly or indirectly). She looks like a doddery old cow-frau in public, but behind closed doors she’s a vicious viper, according to other politicians…
This is very interesting!!
Anybody got some Internet sources for Live streaming OANN ?
My feed four watchnewslive.tv is down. It’s working for Fox. Fox sucks.
Foam spewing?
What does Rubio have to do with this?
Face Saving manuever by Iran??????????????????? fake launchings, mostly ????????????????
Just a Message to the Persian people?
SEE….. we fight back?
Husband has been saying this for over 2 hours.
There will be no living with him if he is right
But – we hope he is.
Uh, hoping Iran gets massively bitch slapped. I defer to President Trump’s timing;-)
Carlos has another THREAD – click a tweet
Pelosi is partying this evening.
Idiots. She is not SECOND in line for President, she is THIRD, behind Pence, who is SECOND.
The Urinalists know as little about succession and numeration as they do about everything else. No wonder they couldn’t get a job doing anything useful…
Tehran Nancy….
Can not stand her!!!
(wonder if he knows his name means “box” in German… no wonder a lot of people moved to the USA… Someone at a school near me had a classmate named Ficken… wouldn’t be able to hold my head up in public with that name…)…
LOL I knew someone who’d last name was raw meat.
We had a Ministerpräsident who’s name was Erwin Teufel. A very strong Christian, despite that name.
His original name was probably longer, something like Teufelsschreck or the like… There was a pitcher (Cubs?) with that name, who pronounced it “Too full”… sometimes it’s funny to see the names; funnier still when the people have no clue what their names mean. Probably occurs in other languages, too…
When I moved to a new job down here, I told my wife the names of some of my teammates. She asked me “are you working at a computer comany or a zoo?”… I won’t say the names (don’t want to dox myself) but it was hilarious.
I had two colleagues (not in Germany) named Peter Rabbit. What were their parents thinking?????
(and did they name their other kids Flopsy and Mopsie?)…
LOL Peter Rabbit. LOL
Hannity reporting his DOD source says most if not all Iranian missiles missed their mark, and that would not be an accident.
Reminds me of all the Scuds that were duds, from way back when…
Good to see you on the “front lines” ((( Sylvia ))) !

Couldn’t sit this out!!!
Hope you had a good day.
I’m good… I hope your day was good too!
((( SA )))
“…most if not all Iranian missiles missed their mark, and that would not be an accident.”
^^^ Now that I believe.
Israel Breaking
10m10 minutes ago
BREAKING: Iranian official says all underground missile sites in Iran are on alert and ready to respond to any American retaliation.
Methinks they will be further underground if they try to pull any stunts…
Fox reports……
All quiet in Iraq at the moment.
2 waves of strikes so far.
So Iran’s version of ‘shock and awe’ is actually more like ‘shuck and jive’? A ploy?
Just a personal observation:

CNN was responsible for false report about Trump addressing the nation
ANOTHER…. “Leaker” caught?
One NSC guy told: Trump speaks tonight….
another told: Trump speaks in the morning…
another told: Trump will NOT speak tonight…
another Trump will nor speak until tomorrow evening…
etc. etc….
What report gets out?
BOOM!….. caught ya Futher Mucker!
Like that great John Steinbeck novel (and tourist area)…
Canary Row …
(OK, it’s not spelled that way…).
Shovel is ready Miss Sylvia I hope your doing well.
I want CNN destroyed.
Smoking heap of rubble.
Your Shovel and My Pitch fork?
Seriously Gail, I think we could handle it, don’t you? I like our chances!!!!!
I’m not messing with either of you two!!!! That’s for sure.
Aw, kea……….you’re safe with us! (and FROM us!!!!!)

LOL Thank goodness!!!
Oh yeah, I use the pitch fork in a frontal and you wack them in the rump with your shovel. We’ll FLATTEN EM!
It is a target-rich environment………..so many idiiots, so little time………..Anderson Cooper, Stelter, Don Lemon………oh boy………..We can make short work of them!
Kaitlan Collins was the CNN perp
Cernovich’s wife is Iranian – that explains a lot.
I took an art class from a man married to a ‘Persian’ and man was she fiery….and cold.
This is beautiful – a love letter to aviation.
It’s the story of how they filmed the next Top Gun movie, coming out in summer of 2020.
The photography is amazing!!!!!
My Dad would have loved this film!!!!
Ok back from dinner… what did I miss?!?!?
Iranian generated hoax?
A ploy to get us to relax, at the wrong time.
The latter, me thinks.
Hopefully they’re not going that route..they would regret it
Wishing the worst on Iran.
Have NO empathy for Iran’s government…
John Kerry hoping Trump walks into a trap IMO.
I’d still use Rods from God to stop the nuclear stuff.
Kea, I agree, but let Israel do it.
I like this guy, Dora!
America wins again…..
Huskerheart is here!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, I’m gonna say it.
Marco Rubio is on Hannity right now.
I’m looking at Lil’ Marco, and he is no leader.
Foam boy.
Son of a Cuban mafioso.
Rubio will only become a statesman if PDJT helps and mentors him – and even then – like Omarosa – Rubio may try to stab Trump in the back.
Suggested edit…last line to read:
Rubio WILL stab Trump in the back.
He is not worth the effort. Miss Lindsey at least seems to have some brains.
Puppet Pipsqueak ….stfu
He’s jealous Greta got her pic on cover of TIME
He’s such a twerp. His 15 minutes are long over.
What’s that song, “On The Cover Of The Rolling Stone”…
Hi Cuppa……………….
Glorious night, right? POTUS is da man.
I always think of this guy as “Piglet” from the Winnie-the-Pooh books……and it’s not just his name.
Wish I could get on twitter to troll him with that potty mouth, he does make a good dem but his mom should make him eat a bar of soap, kinda like the lye soap my Granny made me eat a few times she caught me cussin.
I made Gunner do that one time when he was about three. He thought it was funny and giggled. I had to hide the tears.
Lol how funny is that?
Good thing he didn’t grow up with a hankerin for soap or worse yet tide pods
THIS ^^^^^ We should be down on our knees thanking God for this man…
He knows what he is doing… what happened tonight was as Julian said earlier – magic! POTUS gave them an opportunity to save face and they took it…
If the DIMs or the NeoCons had been handling this situation, there would be lots of dead American men and women, and plans for more.
We are winnin’ ……………… please, don’t bring any whining comments from OT over here. Our POTUS has a Plan, God has his back, and I’m going to start enjoying the movie.
Most patient man in the world…..
“everything is okay, go to bed, we’ll talk about it in the morning”
Guessing that they scheduled this Kabuki theater for prime time viewing in the US.
That’s my thought as well.
It’s about as effective as the Dems impeachment bomb…
I don’t mean to make light of it with our military in harms way…but I’m waiting for Iran’s version of Baghdad Bob to start giving us the play by play…maybe Tehran Tom?
Iran doesn’t have to bother – they have Pelosi and CNN doing that job.
So true. Plenty of Tehran Toms all over the place here in the U.S.
Pray for our troops.
But I believe that they are relatively safe this time.
Already got plenty of “Baghdad Bobs” and fake-news fear-mongers out there tonight.
But I also remember “scud duds”, and seeing footage of all the Iraqi regulars surrendering in droves, as they were treated much better as POWs than they were as military personnel in their your own country.
The more things change…!
Iranci Pelosimani cheering her big win tonight from the peanut gallery…
hahahah Iranci !!!!
Looking more and more like:… Eye Candy for domestic consumption by the muzzies.
PTrump, team and DOD know the accuracy of Iran’s best missiles (and all the others, too). They’ll know if very accurate missiles blew up some pitcher’s mounds, 50 yard lines, center circles of soccer fields and old man Mohammad’s north forty camel pasture. We don’t know these things.
We also don’t know the depths of duplicity or secret agreements that may occur during events such as these.
Best thing to do?
1. Pray
2. Trust PTrump
And, I do.
I do 72 hour smell test on almost all the news I see in this case I will do 24 hours because President Trump is going to address the nation.
Trump,Q and Flep that’s the news and of course all the commenters here,we are the news.
Look at the ‘twitter treads’
So no #USA telling
Twitter is a vile communist organ of the anti-national left. They work hard to create #FakeNormal.
Very true.
Remember… share with friends and family, esp after tonight
So…Iran is saying “we missed on purpose”?

And we’re supposed to believe that?
I dunno.
I’m having a little trouble with believing that.
Iran may have missed on purpose.
For me, it’s ALL deception.
Keep our guard up. This is NOT over.
Possible head fake and then strikes within the USA?
Dunno what evil is being ginned up by Iran and their proxies.
Today, appears to be purely for Iranian internal bravado.
Perhaps all Iran can do is “terrorist” stuff, as opposed to overt military action.
Terrorist stuff in In Iraq, countries hosting American military and or support America. If nothing else, new Qud commander needs to demonstrate his brilliance to validate his stature, at others expense.
AND, IF Iran can do so, terrorist crap here is USA. MCM would melt all over it with D-Rats incorrectly deploring bad guy, President Trump. NOT hammering Iran.
But, I do believe a real possibility, Iranian in States will do something here in USA. Probably a shooting of sorts in the name of allah. MCM will lap that crap up also.
I bellieve it Wheatie… they desperately needed a face-saving op… reports gathered by Thomas Wictor claim the fired into open fields a few times…
Give it 24 hrs. and see…
Yeah, why poke the bear?
Ohh, and look what today is… I’ve been reminded a couple of times today…
We are so blessed.
Here’s the Man of the Hour – and Man of the Century!
It’s crazy – LOOK at the new @realDonaldTrump followers:
69,618,279 – 8:11 pm – at the beginning of this thread!
69,760,000 – 10:22
When Iran fired off those missiles at our bases…how did they know that they wouldn’t be killing anybody?
They couldn’t know that.
Not beforehand.
There was a guy on Fox saying that “Iranian missiles are notoriously inaccurate.”
If they had killed some of our people…would they be apologizing?
Would they be saying…’Ooops, we didn’t mean to kill anyone. We were just firing off missiles to save face.’…?
Sorry, I’m just having trouble with buying the “We missed on purpose” thing that is being circulated.
Well, I just saw this on Twitter:
Yes…I’ve seen that too.
If our bases were “emptied” before the missiles hit…how do we know that it wasn’t based on our own intel?
So to deprive us of being able to say ‘We knew you were going to do that, so we evac’d our people ahead of time’…Iran is pushing the line that they told us about the attack in advance.
I dunno.
I’m still having trouble with the claim that Iran ‘warned us’ in advance of firing those missiles.
They are deceivers.
They hate us and want to kill us.
Sounds to me like they are trying to save face for not accomplishing anything with their missile attack.
They’re gonna look very weak/foolish for missing. Their hardliners won’t like that.
I’m doubtful, too, wheatie.
The Iranian Islamists are extremely tricky and deceitful. They helped their Democrat and Soviet allies sucker Reagan into Iran-Contra (and I’m sure the human lawnbag Stefan Halper helped with that one).
The Iranians will primrose-path ANY AND ALL secret negotiations to ultimately SCREW the other side.
LIES, LIES, LIES, LIES, LIES, and MORE LIES. And when they tell the truth, it is in furtherance of some lie or another – probably BOTH.
Possibly with their war wizard d e a d they’re not quite as sneaky right now ?
Well, perhaps, but I don’t think this guy designed Iran-Contra, which shows that they tend to have a surplus of sneaky bastards!
Soleimani seems to have been more of a military tactician than a spymaster.
It could definitely be them trying to save face for failing. It could be anything. Who knows? I am viewing EVERYTHING right now with Suspicious Cat Side-Eye™, and the 48-Hour Rule™ firmly in mind.
I also really want to hear what the President has to say.
Set up beforehand?
OUR… troops not present?
Sounds like Trump to me.
remember….. the Iranian missiles are precise enough to hit the Saudi oil fields?
How do they miss Our troops?
Weeks ago. Oil field shit from drones over head.
Today. We don’t know how close the Iranian missile impact spots were to valued targets…Americans, Iraqi’s, fuel storage, ordnance, aircraft,.. OR perfect bullseyes on open fields – buffer zones.
We simply know very, very little.
The whole thing feels like North Korea again where the deals have already been made, and everything is now is theater to make it public.
It’a possible that the orders for make-believe strikes come from within the US and caution must be exercised to watch that some actual strikes are not made within the US.
So if they hurt/killed an American, unleash the 52.
If not, then
Miss Lindsey says Bye oilfields so does Ollie North. Ollie said add the launch sites too. Knock the snot out of em, then ask if they wanna talk.
Doing nothing is NOT an option. That’s seen as weakness and essentially saying OK to the strikes.
Rods from God?
There was another 5.5 quake in south Iran today.
Make that 2, another 4.9 reported.
There is no such thing.
“Rods from God” do not exist.
Being all knowing must feel really good.
Even if they do!
Not officially, anyways.
Maybe not, but SOME sort of space based weapon that tends to look like a lucky meteor strike exists.
Some very good insights here.
Highly recommend the time to watch.
I’ve said it many times before:
I posted this in the daily thread but thought it might be relevant here since it involves Iran.
“BREAKING – Ukrainian Boeing 737 carrying 180 people crashes near Tehran airport moments after take-off”
The plane had “technical problems,” and no word on casualities yet.
Looked like some kind of ON FIRE situation. Blazing plane in the sky, turns to fireball, then crashes.
A passenger planed downed..now isn’t that curious though..a passenger flight in the air during Tehran’s revenge for Soleimani show ? Really…they didn’t restrict air space beforehand but now the USA will get blamed?
Reports of Ukrainian plane downed near Tehran. Folks are wondering why
Info on that plane crash:
What kind of country allows passenger flights incoming or outgoing during a military operation? That seems insane
Wow. Mustve been really dumb or tryingbto get specific people out. Or, was there someone(s) that wasnt allowed to leave?
I’ve been wondering who was on that plane. It involves both Ukraine and Iran.
Something is up there. And they get the side “benefit” of hitting BOEING.
Denninger is thinking that it’s IFF failure. Iran’s anti-aircraft thought it wasn’t a scheduled passenger plane out of their airport and shot it down. Somewhat problematic for the Mullahs, if accurate.
I don’t remember the exact time line but it was during a time of unrest in Iran when the Iranian media was getting a bit stuffy with the mullahs. Forty Iranian journalists were killed in this crash. Some right wing press here were saying the crash was deliberate at the time. I’d not put it passed the Iranians to do something like that again. Fit their M.O.
I did Tucker for about 20 minutes. Then I was done. Holy shit we need a channel that just takes comments from folks that work in the trades. We would get more sensible responses.
Tucker seems to be terrified his kid will go to war. Eye Roll. As if. We don’t have a draft. Duh. Not likely to, either. I like Tucker, but he has lost all sense of proportion when it comes to foreign policy. Nothing less than hiding under the bed from the boogeyman seems to be acceptable to him.
Hes very panicky on this. That retired general he has on there seems a bit paranoid about the outcomes of this all. Lil too much shooting from the bush era hip and not enough TRUMP trust and mojo.
Correct. Some people on foreign policy need to STFU.
The ANTIFA attacks were designed to affect his psychology. Commies be like that.
This is some cool timing right here.
I posted that on Twitter and got a lot of interest.
Ok this was posted by a lady over on FB…I think she said it very well.
“What’s happening in the world today is real. Living as a military wife for 12 years, this shit is scary. I have friends overseas serving. Some on standby not knowing what will happen. And I know people who just received word they have to deploy within days. The United States did NOT attack first. The U.S. Embassy in Baghdad was attacked. Our President did not start a war, he just isn’t afraid to fight for our country. The mission that killed Soleimani was ordered by our President and completed by our military. Soleimani was a top Iranian general who was considered one of the most revered military leaders in the Islamic Republic and is responsible for many, many American deaths.
Do not post jokes about our President. Do not make light of this situation. Pray for our military men and women who are fighting for all of us!”
However I would not have known about the above post if my daughter had not texted me the following scalding message. Turns out my 90 year old aunt had re-posted the FB post.
“Also I got distracted by Kathy’s propaganda claiming trumps actions are justified and we should not make fun of our president. Are people buying this shit?”
About 20 minutes later she did send a text stating that she did not mean it for me…For now I will just ignore it, but what little bit was left of our relationship just got blasted.
Please know that the World watches intently. POTUS (and Family) battles not only for the US but he represents the last bastion of freedom to the World at large. He is God’s man for these times. Biblical Scholars do note however that there is no mention of North American involvement in events described as the end of the Age, or, the end of the time of Man. This specifically refers to the gathering of forces in the Valley which hosts the final Battle of Armageddon. It’s probably not an oversight or a typo…..Suggest putting God back on the throne of each of our lives.