Are we up now? Out of post-holiday hibernation mode on this hump day in the darkest time of the year? If not, here’s some inspirational music.
Okay, so here’s the deal. This is the open thread. This is where we all come to get the news that other Q tree inhabitants think is worth knowing and sharing. Please, post links to any “news” stories quoted, and ask for help if you are stumped as to how to do that. We’re a friendly lot. Someone will be with you shortly, and there is no reason to have to press one for English.
Free speech, and the open exchange and hashing out of ideas is not only allowed, but encouraged. If we all don’t use it, we’re going to lose it. There are, however, limits to civility, and those limits are strictly observed here. We are all on the same team. No personal threats, baiting, name calling and other behavior you would not want someone else to do to you is allowed. I mean, this could happen.
There is absolutely no reason for infighting to result in burning down the tree, house up in the branches and all. Yes, it can be rough to temper speech. However, those who would like to slog it out from the comfort of the seat behind your keyboard, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. Please, take it there.
And now for some house keeping:
There are a few rules here in the branches of the Q Tree. Our host, Wolfm00n, outlined them in a post on New Years Day 2019. Please, review these rules from time to time, say when in line during the post holiday clearance sales.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
Steve suggests – to be accurate – no shooting at the nuclear weapons, but to be safe about it, don’t event point firearms toward them. I, Deplorable Patriot, bossy chick that I am, request no teasing the animals, pets and wildlife alike. FG&C asks that you wash your hands, wipe down all non in-home surfaces, and take some vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, and get plenty of rest.
And this week we have a new one: please, pretty please with sugar on top, no celebratory gunfire…at least not indoors.
Teasing and trolling the lefties and their bastions, on the other hand is a moral imperative.

One of today’s antiphons from the Prophet Isaiah, Chapter 9:
The people that walked in darkness, have seen a great light: to them that dwelt in the region of the shadow of death, light is risen. [3] Thou hast multiplied the nation, and hast not increased the joy. They shall rejoice before thee, as they that rejoice in the harvest, as conquerors rejoice after taking a prey, when they divide the spoils. [4] For the yoke of their burden, and the rod of their shoulder, and the sceptre of their oppressor thou hast overcome, as in the day of Median. [5] For every violent taking of spoils, with tumult, and garment mingled with blood, shall be burnt, and be fuel for the fire.
[6] For a CHILD IS BORN to us, and a son is given to us, and the government is upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called, Wonderful, Counsellor, God the Mighty, the Father of the world to come, the Prince of Peace. [7] His empire shall be multiplied, and there shall be no end of peace: he shall sit upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom; to establish it and strengthen it with judgment and with justice, from henceforth and for ever: the zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this. [8] The Lord sent a word into Jacob, and it hath lighted upon Israel. [9] And all the people of Ephraim shall know, and the inhabitants of Samaria that say in the pride and haughtiness of their heart: [10] The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with square stones: they have cut down the sycamores, but we will change them for cedars.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

Back to the real world.

Wednesday surely has our attention… Iraq/Iran, wherever else Iran and proxies may engage. Senate moving to trash impeachment. Rally tomorrow;-)
As Ross or one of the financial gurus said, I’m having the time of my life. AND, It IS A Wonderful Life!
Oh yea, DP, love the call to reveille;-) Which brings on taps, for me…
G’nite all. 2020 has been awesome AND getting better every day;-)
Isn’t KLOVE neat…always playing the songs one needs at just the right moment
Good morning and good night everyone. Been awake since 315 am..time to try to sleep!
Jesus was a mason, that’s what I was always told.
So nice that Americas foundation is becoming stronger every day under a President who care and genuinely loves all mankind.
God works thru President.
I don’t know who told you Jesus was a Mason, but they weren’t founded for at least 1500 years after He walked on Earth.
A building mason not a freemason,you know part of the construction trade.
So, in the decidedly TMI department. I have Obstructive Sleep Apnea — OSA — where the muscles that hold my windpipe open while I am awake go completely flaccid when I’m sleeping……which closes off my windpipe so that I’m effectively strangled. This was diagnosed about 17 years ago and I was put on CPAP therapy (technically BiPAP because the pressures are large and the machines are tricky).
I had one machine utterly fail, and got a replacement. I had my next machine for years, until I became suspicious that the machine was topping out before its benefit to me was fully realized (its max was 20). I got a new machine that went up to 25 and used it ever since.
Until I thought to check its filters in December. You’re supposed to change them every few months, but it’s ok if that stretches for a bit. Things have been hectic and I hadn’t changed them for a while, but the first part of that was to look at ’em — and they had been bumped loose and were gone. Worse yet, the pipe that lead into the bowels of the device was thickly layered with dust.
So, y’know, it’s out of warranty anyway — I take the entire thing apart and find that it’s infested with dust bunnies. I used Qtips, TP squares, canned air, and the like to get all the crud cleaned out of it, then I put it back together and went to sleep with it…….and it was horrible. I was half-asleep, it was late at night, I didn’t want to disturb the fiancee……so I broke out the old BiPAP machine and used it. That was before Christmas.
Since then, my sleep scheduling has gone to hell in a handbasket, I had one night I got about 3 hours sleep, I’ve zonked out at 6:00pm, been up at 5:00am, but I’ve been able to keep up with things — it’s just been annoying. I’ve been seeing symptoms from when I was undiagnosed and things got really weird, however.
And, this afternoon, I finally got around to hacking my preferred BiPAP. BiPAP is supposed to increase pressure while you’re inhaling and decrease it while you’re exhaling in order to make the pressure more tolerable. I actually could see where it was doing 15 on inhales and 17 for exhales — which is the “horrible” that had me take it out of service. There was this weird rubber thingy that looked like it didn’t seat properly that I re-routed……and then the pressures changed properly. I also hacked into service mode where I could see what pressures went to what conditions.
Anyhoo — appy polly oggies if my recent weirdness has annoyed anyone. I’m hoping that tonight will be a solid good night’s sleep. And, BTW, if anyone has any questions about OSA, I would be happy to help.
Hope you get the problem solved…I know I can get really miserable if sleep deprived and knowing about the “gunk” in the tubes would really bother me. I see ads for the automatic cleaners…would that help?
OMG I can’t stand that commercial where the blonde British lady says “Hi I’m Bob”!!
I think it’s a subliminal message pushing trans acceptance.
The air inlet is only about one inch by two inches — I could rig up some fancy filter of my own design and plug it in there…..but then I’d wake up, take off the mask, and be breathing normal levels of dust anyway. Now that the innards have been cleaned, it should be fine.
We also have a whole-house electrostatic precipitator, which I highly recommend.
It seems to have worked, BTW — I slept through the night with it. Now that I’ve hacked into the service menu, I may up the pressure by one. It’ll take a few days to see if the secondary effects go away.
Here’s to 40 winks for you. Hope you get plenty of rest.
You need to buy a new machine.
Think cumulative brain damage.
Maintenance is mandatory
Dain Bramage?!?!? Moi?!?!?
I wasn’t diagnosed until I was 40. In my first sleep study, I clocked 90 episodes in an hour where I stopped breathing for more than 30 seconds, and my O2 level dropped so low at one point that I would have had paramedics administering oxygen if I were an accident victim.
As far as buying a spare…..I can’t. In the US, the machines are prescription only, and they’re only leased month-to-month. The leases amortize over a year at some horrific rate of interest (21%?), and they never buy out. My insurance company paid something like $3000 for the machine I have as a backup, despite the cash price for one being about $500 fifteen years ago (when you could still buy one outright). Durable Medical Equipment (DME) is a scheming hive of villainy in the US — and was that way even before Obamacare. I may end up trying to buy one in Canada sometime.
Buy one on eBay from Australia. We buy them outright. My hubby’s one cost $2000 and it is state of the art
Are you 110?
Noooo…. not quite
110VAC. I was under the impression that Oz was 220.
Oh, I see
I should also note that ebay in the US will not allow anyone to list a CPAP machine.
Hmm , at last revenge for all that “doesn’t ship to Australia “ shit
You may have a friend in Australia who could buy it for you
Glad you have the expertise to fix your machines!
Hope you had a wonderful night’s sleep.
I’m wondering if there is a consumer review website that posts reliability ratings and maintenance videos of CPAP machines!
In this case it’s a matter of life, death and brain health!!!
Puerto Rico was hit with 52 earthquakes yesterday, including a 6.4 whopper. Just another 52 to add to the mix.
Bonus 666 in the link.
Great opening DP but I would so get another bed.
Love the camel.
FYI NewsBreaking on twitter got there account suspended
Sorry to read that.
Breaking911 is still there, though. (Wish they’d include links to the sources for their news. After all, they name them.)
Wow Nancy was worried I see…
Nancy Pelosi Dodged Mike Pence Phone Call Notifying Her of Iranian Missile Attack: ‘Tell Him I’ll Call Him Back’
Pence voicemail:
“No need, Nancy. It wasn’t that important. Don’t worry your pretty little head about it. Good night.”
Enjoy yout wine…
Jack or Jim. She don’t touch anything under proof
Air horn? Now that would have been funny.
Kind of like “Where were you when the 3 a.m. call came?” This one can be assigned to the failure column. Yes, people have private lives, but I would think an evening call from the VP would merit an answer.
True. She was doing this: Pelosi Is Partying at Danny Meyer’s Maialino Mare Restaurant as Iran Bombs US Troops in Iraq
To be fair, the first round or so of cocktails had probably just started and official business most likely requires slamming 7 or 8 drinks..
Sounds like she, erm, culled out the Navy…
(howdy, Sailor)…
The comments.
Just read it for the comments. LOL I know I shouldn’t laugh but some of those were really funny.
Iran State TV says Ukrainian Airplane Crashes Near Tehran
Interesting thought:
Ohhhh good point.
Hammer of God?
Fox reporting 15 missiles. 4 malfunctioned, 1 at Erbil, 10 at Al-Asad
Don’t judge me for not knowing the answer to this..lol…are they really a formidable enemy, do they have the kind of weapons and jets and all it takes to go up against the US ?
Not a chance. Compared to our military, they’re a gnat, even with all the money zero gave them.
Thanks a lot for the reply. I didn’t feel like they could be ..everything about them always seems like a brag or a threat. All of them over there seem literally crazy. All they ever appear to do is fight and kill each other and if they’re at “peace” they’re beating up on women or kids out of “love”
Beating up women and kids and civilians who are in gun free spaces. Also arson
LOL you all are too much!!!
Mahyar Tousi is an Iranian born British citizen – very much in favour of Brexit, and does daily youtube (Mon-Friday) on the Brexit situation in Britain. I had been watching his videos prior to the recent British election.
Here is his take on the situation with Iran and the United States (note this video was posted on Jan 5),
Thanks for that, Wolf.
This one is on the same subject:
Ukrainian passenger plane became a fire fall before it crashed near Tehran. H/T iotwreport.com
p.s. I would sure hate to be one of the Boeing crash investigator who has to investigate this.
Another link:
Judge threatens Harvey Weinstein with jail for texting in court
I want him to go to the jail Epstein didn’t kill himself at
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
For @HeshmatAlavi
I predict no military retaliation from Trump. We’ve seen the end of hostilities between Iran and the US.
Regime change is nearing the end.
I’d like you to think about a John Frankenheimer movie called “Seconds.”
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
It’s about a secret organization that gives middle-aged men a second chance at life.
The client’s death is faked, he’s given a new face, and he’s eased into a new career that appears to have already existed.
There’s a great scene in which Hamilton is addressed by Wilson, the owner of the company.
Charlie had encouraged Hamilton to get in touch with the company.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
I’m positive that the US is secretly talking to elements of the Iranian regime.
It would go something like this.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Wilson: I have a message from Charlie. He wanted me to tell you that rebirth is painful.
Isn’t it easier to go forward when you know you can’t go back?
Hamilton: I can never go back?
Wilson: Fact is, you really don’t want to go back. Sakes, boy, you owe yourself this thing. Rebirth. Life again Begin again, all new, all different. The way you always wanted it. You’ve got another chance. Heck, nobody’s gonna miss you, are they?
Hamilton: My wife.
Wilson: What are you to her now?
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Hamilton: We get along.
Wilson: What does that mean?
Hamilton: There’s my daughter. We don’t see much of her, actually. She lives out west with her husband. She writes now and then… to let us…
Wilson: What are you to her now? Excuse an old fool prying, son, but what does it all mean? It can’t mean anything now, anymore. There’s nothing anymore, is there? Anything at all?
Hamilton: I expect to be president of the bank before too long. And I have my boat in the summer. We have friends.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Wilson: Anything at all?
Hamilton: I guess I never thought much about it before. I leave Emily pretty much alone to do what she… We get along, as I said. We hardly ever quarrel. Not that that’s any measure of our lives. Frankly, during the last few years, we hardly ever… ever… l… I don’t know why I’m telling you this.
Wilson: Because you want to. Go on.
Hamilton: Ever… ever… show much affection. But as I said… Boat. And…
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Wilson: So this is what happens to the dreams of youth. Go on, son. Let it out. Nothing to be ashamed of. Let it out.
Time for a change. They don’t need you, and you don’t need them. You just can’t help each other anymore.
Now, look, son. You know what I’m saying is true. There’s nothing anymore.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
(Back to me.)
THAT is how Trump convinces people to not be our enemies anymore.
He shows them that they have nothing, but they can have anything.
Tonight was STAGED.
The current situation is the most stunningly brilliant military deception in human history.
There’s no doubt that the IRGC could’ve scored direct hits on the bases.
But they didn’t.
Different people were in control when they hit Saudi Arabia.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
I didn’t see any of this coming.
It just goes to show that there’s limit to the intelligence and creativity of the people working to free Iran.
Regime change already happened. Announcing the death of Soleimani was the end, not the beginning.
If Trump announces no retaliation tomorrow, it means I’m right, and tonight was staged.
You know Iranians, of course, so you know better than I do how a stealth regime change would be carried out.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Soleimani built up what seemed to be a network of savagery that couldn’t be defeated except with massive violence.
Therefore that network was vulnerable to thoughts.
The right argument.
One thing Trump can do is convince.
We learned from video that he speaks and understands Korean.
TWICE he reacted before the translation.
Thomas Wictor
I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump speaks Persian.
So today was momentous.
If Trump announces no retaliation, it means that this was all prearranged.
Jan 08, 2020, 17:51 · Web · 10 · 23
Snicklefritz @KenLarkin
A hunting we will go…

Remember, no bag limit.
does Soleimani remind anyone else of Sean Connery–Hunt for Red October?
In a word…NO. Marco Ramius is much better looking.
As a purely artistic observation, yes, there are similarities. I had noted it earlier. It is a curse of mine to see that kind of thing.
Oh that is hilarious!
“I wonder if ABC has any stock video left of that Kentucky bombing to show the damage of the Iranian attack?”
Q told us this would happen:
Trump now: “We followed [Soleimani] for three days, we HEARD WHAT HE WAS TALKING, it was bad.”
Dimms better develope a hat tolerance. They’re going to have to eat a lot of them.
Starting tomorrow.
Notice the message between the lines to the asshats in Teheran: We are LISTENING to you.
They can’t hide.
Saul M. Montes-Bradley II @Debradelai
I really can’t decide what’s funnier.
1. The mullahs stomping around in an apoplectic paroxysm of impotence making an impersonation of Achmed: I kill ya!
2. Khamenei crying like a baby.
3. Democrats defending terrorists.
4. Khamenei crying like a baby.
5. Morons trying to dodge an imaginary draft.
6. Khamenei crying like a baby.
7. Talking heads trying to look serious while spouting absurdities.
8. Khamenei crying like a baby.
This has been a most wonderful day.
What’s wrong with my feet?? Don’t touch me!!
DON’T TOUCH ME!!!!!!!!!!
Will you post it again, Butterfly? I have looked for it and can’t find it! Thanks!
Ok, so it’s….

What the Hell happened to my feet???
Stop Touching Meeeee!!
Dubai News is saying that Iran took down that Ukrainian airliner:
Who was on that plane?
maybe the Iranians got their missile guidance systems from China…
You owe me a new keyboard for that one…

but i doubt you can find one you can trust…lol
Maybe they were hacked. Did you see the Thomas wictor video where every single missile veered to the side and slammed into the ground?
USDOJ Office of the Inspector General
Federal Court in Savannah, Georgia, Enters Permanent Injunction Against Tax Return Preparer | OPA | Department of Justice
Three Defendants Plead Guilty to Conspiring to Fraudulently Sell Imported Jewelry From the Philippines As Native American-Made | OPA | Department of Justice
hey, is that the Liz Warren line of jewelry? the beads are fake and the gemstones are only 1/1024 real…
That’s what they get for buying from “Honest Indjun Distributors”…
Greate from Brian
Thanks for that.
Two Lee Smith articles are linked (first two tweets).
Google going to get one in the goolies
Ukranian Whistleblower Reveals MH-17 Tragedy Was Orchestrated By Poroshenko And British Secret Service
Interesting timing with recent events.
General Tata just explained the cultural sites as information warfare. Iran has tried to hide their nuclear locations by calling them cultural sites. POTUS bringing it up says “we know what you’re doing”. VSG indeed!
Reminds me of Flight 800
TWA 800: The Crash, the Cover-Up, and the Conspiracy by Jack Cashill
Love it! Far more effective than shaming the Hollyweirdos for flying on private jets!
Just rent a storage locker and clear the house of all the oil-based goodies.
Don’t forget to make sure the kiddies HAND WASH the dishes AND CLOTHES….
Oh they will so love every minute they are devoting to climate change!
Hah…that figures.
all he wanted to do was sit around and talk politics…so of course he’s in Congress…no work, just flapping his gums…
And he’s a commiecrat who loves raking in lots of money, too.
money he doesn’t have to work for…lol
Of Course…
Don’t work just STEAL. That is why they commies love Islam.
….really are out to kill you?
Oh Yeah!
Obama’s Friend Ayers: Kill 25 Million Americans
Verse of the Day
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:”
2 Timothy 4:7 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Wednesday Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Good Morning Duchess!
feeling better??
Hi, Pat! Getting there – Thanks!
Have a Happy, Blessed Day!
glad to hear it!
you have a Blessed and restful day!!
Thanks! Hugs!
Wonderful verse!
Amen goes right there, Tonawanda!
Good morning, DP and QTreepers!
Love the Camel in the snow header photo!
Makes me think of this:
BTW – @realDonaldTrump followers hit 70 MILLION overnight and it’s still cranking out new followers at about 1K per minute! I can hardly keep up.
I’m suspecting a lot of the increase are people the world over who wish he was their President too!!!
And EX-Democrats who are disgusted with the radical socialists and fakers in the Democrat party!
Will post the figures on the News Round Up later!!!
Heheh…shoveling is hard for a little guy.
LOL … impossible these days to find any kids wanting to make money by shoveling snow. But this little guy keeps on keeping on!
OMG that is priceless!!
watched it 5 times and cracked up every time!!!!
Gotta teach ’em young when they are full of enthusiasm.

Hey, love the Snow Camel for hump day!
And the eject-a-bed gif. Haaa.
Nice job on the open thread.
Thanks. i went looking for an obnoxious alarm clock and got lucky.
Yikes. This is disgusting.

It said in the replies underneath, that this was in India.
How come the pigtailed puppet doesn’t go to India and lecture them?
or China? 2 of the biggest polluters and the climate charade agreement gives them till 2035 to make reductions…
Pretty cool time-lapse footage showing a dusting of snow happen, then melt away.
Watch the direction of the clouds:
LOVE the image of St. Michael the Archangel slaying the devil dragon!!!

Here is the medieval depiction with shining armor:
A huge sculpture outdoors!
In Bayeux cathedral!
Stained glass window!
Here is a modern version:
May the timeless immortal angels continue to guide, guard, keep us in the Way and Will of the LORD!!!
Well – in all my enthusiasm – I think I mistook St. George the English hero for St. Michael in the first image. There are medieval St. Michael images in armor…SORRY!.
Yes, in art St. Michael always has wings.
I realize that now…. blush!
DP, when I saw the first painting, all I thought of was our great President!
wingless, yes, yet victorious.
If given the chance, what would Hillary do?
She was answering what she would do if Iran nuclear attacked Israel not that she would attack Iran in general. I would have liked to have used this clip to counter on social media but considering the question she was answering I think the US striking back would be common sense. this is not the same as taking out a terrorist, etc. she would not have had that much of a spin
Another reason to be happy that Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn is not Britain’s Prime Minister:
Tblisi is in the Republic of Georgia – still a Christian country despite Islamist’s attempts to infiltrate and dominate.
Georgia has another beloved saint – St. Nino.
It’s a beautiful country – and at one time – Georgia had the most longevity – many lived to be over 100 in good health.
Flag of the Republic of Georgia is pretty close to the Jerusalem Cross!
That longevity maybe from SHEEP MILK/CHEESE!
Georgians LOVE their Sheep cheese!
Health Benefits of Sheep Milk/Cheese.
It is interesting that when Linda and Larry Faillace imported MILKING EWES from Europe and the USDA went after them. Manufactured FALSE CHARGES about a NONEXISTENT DISEASE and DESTROYED the ENTIRE HERD!
General Flynn is just the latest INNOCENT PERSON to get run over by the malevolent US bureaucracy.
I always heard GA longevity was from low calorie diets.
Notice the diet listed in the first link.
“…No Georgian feast would ever be complete without a good portion of Georgian cheese, be it fresh and soft such as Sulguni and Imeruli or Gouda – a hard mountain cheese made with sheep’s milk, traditionally aged in sheepskin. Most Georgians would admit, that while they can easily omit meat from their diet – as they often do during the lent observed by many Georgians these days – going off cheese tends to be much harder. A simple fare of Georgian salad and Lobio – bean stew, typically a poor man’s meal, may not be much in itself, but add Sulguni – a full fat, calcium-rich cheese soaked in milky brine – and you’ve got a Georgian feast….”
They want us on a low calorie vegan diet because it promotes less growth of the brain in childhood AND Lethargy in adults so they DO NOT REVOLT!
Wonder how the average male Georgian compares with the tall muscular beef-fed US soldier that some countries look upon with wonder.
Latest on investigation into the Labour Party’s anti-Semitism. London’s Metropolitan Police Commissioner is taking action. CPS is Crown Prosecution Service:
Nick Sandmann latest:
Fr. Z on his blog, mentions the CNN settlement and lists the entities Nick Sandmann is also suing; comments on his post on this are interesting…
Look for most of them to settle. The issue may well be that the networks don’t want discovery and other lawyers going through their files.
Thanks for the link. Will have a read.
More on anti-Semitism in New Jersey. Wow:
Photos of one of the men who was attacked in Monsey, New York, late in December. Horrifying. Family hopes he will wake from his coma. Doctors much less sure. How horrible:
Anti-Semitic attack in New York during evening rush hour. Victim afraid to report it because of change in discovery laws, apparently. Gratuitous violence, but, fortunately, the victim was able to walk away:
Moar reason to carry.
To bad New York destroyed Second Amendment for New Yorkers and folks visiting.
Fully agree with both points.
Thank you for posting this. People do not understand how virulent anti-semitism actually is.
You’re welcome, NYGuy54.
I was appalled to see the extent of it recently.
I will never be able to understand the hate involved.
The attackers are sick, objectifying good people as targets to be destroyed. It’s as if they were playing a video game. Words escape me.
I have to admit – the woman has energy.
nah…energy is running a country all week, then flying in Air Force 1 to greet our troops and spend Thanksgiving, then come back and have rallies and speak for an hour and a half.
if that was dancing, Liz needs more lessons…I move more when I’m vacuuming.
Now, now, I didn’t say it was dancing.
true…maybe her underwear is in a bunch up her tight butt…
Maybe she is trying to prove she is not The Walking Dead like Hitlery
She is a runner, so she uses muscles that people like Hillary, for example, do not. Warren appears to be in good shape for her age. For example, while I think a Hillary presidency would involve aides carrying out a lot of things they shouldn’t, I think Warren would be able to fulfill her duties as she tried to turn America into a socialist h3ll-hole.
Can we get her to run off a cliff?
A big march against anti-Semitism took place in NYC (starting point) and Brooklyn (finish) on Jan. 5:
BUT … New York’s bail law has been relaxed, so there could be more attacks ahead, unfortunately:
Also, the NYPD won’t hand over more detailed records relating to anti-Semitic attacks:
I very much appreciate you bringing this up.
You’re most welcome.
Do you think these attacks will continue?
yes…it never stops. Just doesn’t always gets noticed.
How very sad.
Thank you kindly for the response.
My hypothesis is that it is a left-wing act of hate. I personally have not yet met a conservative who is anti-Semitic.
good guess…it is almost always them.
Turns out at least some of the Australian arsonists are MUSLIMS
I wonder how many more there are? One of the young arson jihadists, Fadi Zraika, was laughing as he left the courtroom with the other arson jihadist, his brother Abraham.
we are watching the Blacklist dvds we got for Christmas and in the gag reel of one (season 5 iirc) the head of the secret FBI task force has to call his superior–he picks up the phone and says get me McCabe…oh he’s not there anymore?
everyone in the scene broke out laughing…
Luv me some Blacklist!!
yeah we don’t watch it live–I HATE commercials…but we are getting caught up…we just started season 6…so still one season behind.
It is reported that 63 Canadians were on the crashed Ukrainian flight. ….
These two paragraphs should raise questions.
“Hassan Razaeifar, Iranian head of air crash investigation committee, said it appeared the pilot couldn’t communicate with air-traffic controllers in Tehran in the last moments of the flight. He did not elaborate.
Qassem Biniaz, a spokesperson for Iran’s Road and Transportation Ministry, said it appeared a fire struck one of its engines. The pilot of the aircraft then lost control of the plane, sending it crashing into the ground, Biniaz said, according to the state-run IRNA news agency.”
Why would a fire in the engine effect communications? We all saw the tweet with the vid of the plane going down and you just have to know the plane was up there long enough to be declaring an emergency, possibly more before it crashed.
horrific, may they R.I.P.
There’s a flight manifest. If they were Canadian, they were likely dual citizens, or refugees taken in by Canada. As I heard one person say today, not a whole lot of Canucks named Ahmadi. And I saw a Canadian Imam in here, too.
This is a pretty big deal…because of the Precedent it sets.
I mean, CNN has basically pled guilty to LYING about Nick Sandmann.
So…the vaunted MSM can be held accountable for their Lies, after all.
They didn’t get away with it by claiming they “misspoke” or by hiding behind the 1st Amendment.
Also…might be mixing up hate groups..but wasn’t the Monsey stabber somehow connected to this trash that did this to Nick Sandmann ?
If it was, cnn possibly agreed to settle to avoid the optics if it started making the rounds on “alt” media ?
Yes it was the same hate group, Black Hebrew Israelites.
NOT good optics to be siding with a group who assaults NYC Jews.
Now this is what I call election interference.
WORLD AT WARIraqi Militia Leader Threatens to Target American Citizens if They Re-Elect Trump
I do not think he wants to go making that type of declaration of war….
Happy Birthday to Elvis, Steven Hawking, David Bowie, Gypsy Rose Lee and my mom!!

Happy Birthday to your Mom, Pat. What a sweet tribute!
G’morning to you.
thanks PR…Good Morning to you too!!
Mom loved Elvis–we grew up going to the drive in movies to watch all his films!
One of my favorite bits of David Bowie trivia is that he used to perform under a variant of his birth name, but had to change it when he got a recording contract because there was already a performer using that name.
That performer was Davy Jones of the Monkees.
really? I didn’t know that!
I was in love with Micky Dolenz myself…lol
Me too.
Old article with some interesting info.
EXPOSED: Peter Strzok Grew Up In Iran, Worked As Obama and Brennan’s Envoy To Iranian Regime
A former co-worker of Peter Strzok tells Big League Politics about Strzok’s extensive background in the intelligence community, including the fact that he grew up in Iran. Many intelligence officers like Strzok are complete ghosts with questionable history and gaps in their life story. But now we have some insight.
OK Miss Wheatie – how about this one?
Reminds me of Hillrotten Havisham’s Hell of a Hissy Fit™ on Nov 8, 2016.
Haaa…I love it!

Sol comes up with some hilarious stuff, doesn’t she.
Sol is a she?!!!
Well…yeah, she has a female avatar.
She doesn’t correct people when they say “she” or “her”.
Since her avatar changes from time to time, but is always different versions of the same girl…I have thought that it’s actually pictures of herself.
Dogs of War!!!!
Avenging wounded Conan and other canine heroes!!!
that’s funny
GA/FL, what a thing of beauty!
Brian Cates and Thomas Wicter are saying what I have been thinking for the last week or so.
President Trump is playing Magician.
Do you know how ‘Magic’ works?
One hand/person makes flamboyant gestures capturing the eye while the other hand/person does the REAL WORK.
This is what is happening. President Trump is making the flamboyant gestures while the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf does the REAL WORK.
Any bets that Iran will have a ‘Regime Change’ in the near future where the protesters miraculously overthrow the Mullahs?
We’ve speculated on how much of that CASH that was given to Iran, was kicked back to Barky & Co.

It would be great if Iranian officials gave us some evidence of those kickbacks.
That would be devastating to the traitors!
“….It would be great if Iranian officials gave us some evidence of those kickbacks…..”
Papers stolen in a daring Israeli raid on Tehran archive reveal the extent of Iran’s past weapons research
I suppose it is time for a Persian Spring.
I realize she’s Dick Cheney’s kid, but YOU GO GIRL!
Saw her the other day and was mind blown – she went full tilt MAGA
I’m thinking Miss Liz is mad, and this time, it’s personal.
The Dems have gone too far!
Also, she’s intelligent. She sees which way the wind is blowing. She sees where Republican voters are going ………………………………. straight to POTUS. The path of least resistance is always a straight line.
Finders Part 2 Dystopian Theme Park
What if …
… the military already had approval to take out Soleimani BEFORE Iran downed our drone?
… the drone was a fake, with no valuable/classified equipment inside?
… we flew the drone near enough to make it an irresistible target?
… we wanted the Pentagon “response plans” to be severe attacks on Iranian targets so that DJT could nix them (and leak that decision) due to “unacceptable human casualties” for an unmanned drone?
… thus setting the standard (in the minds of Iranian leaders) that if there were no human deaths of Americans, then US would not retaliate?
… we were planning on Iran striking back after we took out Soleimani but with well-placed missile strikes that caused no deaths or injuries?
… we had already showed them that DJT would not retaliate if no humans were harmed by means of the drone incident?
If this is correct, then DJT is even more of a genius than we thought AND he proved that he can control outcomes beyond any normal human being’s imagination.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Game theory. Explains it all.
There is a post up for the President’s Address to the Nation with the FOX 10 Phoenix link – if interested.
Busy day, folks, busy day.
Complicated business.
The bag of Dem cash is a nice touch.
#Starlink #UFO #Bible
SPACE WEB WARS – The Technocratic Battle for the Mind Control Grid!
We are watching a movie.
Disrespectful to the family members, disrespectful to our military, and anti-American propaganda. IMO, it borders on aiding and abetting the enemy. Journalistic malpractice, for sure. Maybe we need a commission overseeing the media and penalizing them for false stories. How far does freedom of the press go? Does it mean they can willfully lie?
Perhaps some of those wives/parents of servicemen who are in Iraq should SUE THE PANTS OFF the Fake News!
Brian has a THREAD while we wait for POTUS to speak at 11:00 – click a tweet
from Brian’s THREAD –
“By firing a missile from a drone and blowing Soleimani into more than a dozen pieces, Trump just changed the game.
What did this cause the Iranians to do?
They’ve dropped the pretense.
Trump stopped pretending, so THEY stopped pretending.”
~ Brian Cates
One of the main take-aways from my psychology courses… once one CONFRONTS, the head game is over. Unlike those presidents from Carter (including Reagan) trough Obama, President Donald J. Trump CONFRONTED, did away with the game, the pretense. As he has done all his life, and continues to do. And it is THIS that is so hated. TRUTH.
Mark Meadows- Dems need to take their “Hug a Terrorist” bumper stickers of their cars.
I’m a St. Vincent of Lerins gal – “What was believed always, everywhere and by all.”
No more – no less! That goes for dogma, theology and tradition.
Bedrock foundation – Jesus is LORD, Christ, King.
…Savior, Propitiation for our sins, Word, Creator of all that is….
Principles remain true and are guideposts. That’s why Dems want to change the Constitution; they don’t like its principles.
Think Martha would wear a mantilla to Mass?
what an ass she is…doesn’t surprise me in the least.
She could at LEAST have the courtesy to cover her miserable traitorous face .. dang, where’s the muzzle when you need one, sheesh

Right Nikki, if she’s gonna kiss arse, she should have worn a hijab

So much of her hair is showing that she is making a mockery of the whole business, insulting both sides, IMO.
She needs to wear a bag over her head, Duck tape over her mouth and walk two steps behind her OWNER.
Good one, Gail!
The official, who was not authorized to speak publicly, added that early-warning systems gave U.S. forces advance knowledge that missiles had been launched.
The warnings allowed troops and other personnel to scramble into hardened bunkers for safety. U.S. and coalition personnel in Iraq on the mission to combat ISIS have been practicing drills for missile attacks for some time, the official said.
“The early warning system worked,” the official said.
Bwwhahhahaaa, who’s ready for a MAGA/KAG Rally????????
We have one tomorrow night in Toledo, Ohio.
I’m working on the post right now.
All suggestions welcome!
Pack a light sweater, could be chilly on the road……. but we’re headed to the land of the Toledo Mud Hens!!!!
love your rally threads!!
Won’t it be GLORIOUS Daughn…
We have even MOAR to CELEBRATE !
Winnin’ Winnin’ Winnin’
H/T Gail Combs (who else… have you seen the stash she has archived at Daughns Meme thread? WOW!)
And I am not finished yet…
We can depend on that, I know
Thank you, Gail, you’re the best!
Will have to miss it. Sorry.
Rehearsal followed by wine and dessert. It’s the way of the world.
“I’m working on the post right now.
All suggestions welcome!”
Maybe fertile ground in exploring the “Holy Toledo” saying?
Good one, itswoot!!!!!!!!!!
Also, maybe worth considering was the dispute between Ohio and Michigan over a border area that was known as the Toledo Strip. It nearly came to war between the two states. Andrew Jackson intervened to help resolve the dispute. One outcome was that Michigan was given most of the Upper Peninsula as compensation in the settlement.
Added and done!
How about a song?
You saved the day, Cuppa!
I was looking for a song!
Thank you!
You’re welcome! Toledo is part of my life because of Owens-Illinois, and many family members and friends who’ve worked for them.
Funny thing is, the folks in Toldeo LOVE that song, and sang along when John Denver did it (in Toledo he apparently used it to close out the show). In the comments someone said “YEP, that’s us”… I kind of like “Forest Lawn” too… though my favorite is “Country Roads”… West-by-God Virginia DNA going back generations…
(No springs, honest weight….OK, I still don’t like what it shows
wow…didn’t know THIS was a part of the ridiculous no bail law…defendants can find out where witnesses live?
And as disturbing as the bail changes seem, worse is on the way: Revisions in discovery procedure mean that defendants now free on no-bail will be told where key witnesses against them live; it takes little imagination to see where that will lead: Look for witness shortages, one way or another.
see also
De Blasio intervened in prosecution of accused anti-Semitic attacker
For certain, none of this is going to make for safer streets. Quite the contrary, and especially not in largely minority neighborhoods, where most violent crime occurs and where most victims live. This is ironic, given that the premise of the reform was to buffer minority New Yorkers against a supposedly unfair justice system.
Ridiculous law isn’t it Pat? And………………… the offender gets a cell phone and numerous other perks, to motivate them to do the same crap over and over again.
When your children misbehaved, did you shake your finger and say “naughty, naughty” and give them a cookie? (didn’t think so)
Ha! my kids were angels, doncha know?
I always carried out my threats. My daughter loved to storm up the stairs and slam her door when we punished her, and I’d had enough. told her I would take her door off if she did it one more time. she thought i wouldn’t (I was the stepmom)…she slammed it, I took the pegs out of the hinges and hid them. when hubby got home she ran crying to him and said I took her door! hubby said did she warn you? well, THAT made her made and she had no door to slam…LOL…
my son was always taking my spoons…I could never catch him in the act and i thought he was just throwing them in the trash instead of washing them. but i told him I ever find another one missing, it was coming out of his allowance…and I deducted quite a few. turns out he and the neighbor were using them in the garage trying to mix up rocket fuel for a rocket they tried to build. when they were done for the day, they tossed it in the neighbor’s pond…sigh…
you bees my kind of Mama !
I wasn’t always popular, but I wasn’t trying to be either.

Two phrases I tried to remember when parenting: “This is NOT a popularity contest” and “I’m not her girlfriend, I’m MAMA”
My hubby used to run off with my spoons and sometimes other utensils. Finally when I had to buy a new set (on sale), I asked him about the first spoon that went missing. ” I need it for feeding the cats.” “You can buy all sorts of utensils from the Goodwill.” That pretty much ended that.
It’s a gun grab trick.
What’s the biggest LEGAL argument against gun control?
Gun owners are law-abiding persons who have Second and Fourth Amendments protections against searches & seizures.
How to workaround that (for the leftist thugs)?
Create conditions that make it more risky to obey gun laws about carrying weapons than to break the law in order to protect via concealed carry.
Unauthorized conceal carry is a crime, therefore can be arrested. FYI, Jews in NYC are already violating conceal carry laws so that they can protect themselves from thugs.
It sure was a heaping spoonful of serendipity that Nanzi was at a swank event that just so happened to be at the exact time of the “movie” we all were watching last night. The oh so elite egotist performed like would be expected..dismissive to VP Pence because she’s so important and all.
Connect the dots…

BOY, is this a weird rabbit hole!!
FLynn’s sentencing is delayed and delayed and delayed….
General Flynn knows where the bodies are buried… AND MAY HAVE PROOF! Is one of those bodies that of Ambassador Christopher Stevens who was killed in the 2012 attack???
Maybe even PAID FOR IT via USAid???
Remember Obama LIKED Soleimani and was HELPING Hezbollah.
Soleimani And the RED CRESCENT
A Red Cross emergency medical team is now working as part of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
World Health Organization
Iranian Red Crescent Society — WIKI
They are asking for the maximum sentence because that is what they should do. They had a deal with Flynn. He backed away from it. The judge rejected his attorney’s arguments. This is how it goes when you do that and lose.
The peanut gallery has spoken, I see.
you are uninformed I see.
The whole purpose of sending Stevens to Libya was so he could be kidnapped and his ransom was to be the blind sheik (now worm food). Blind sheik was in STATE prison so beyond jurisdiction of Zerobama. If the MB had a hostage, VA could be convinced to “pardon” the sheik and turn him over to the feds to be swapped.
The plan was to have Stevens kidnapped so there was no reason for Zerobama or Hildabeast to worry or try to save him. Nobody ever thought four Americans would disobey orders and try to rescue.
And of course, Granny Greta

Acosta made a strange reference last night. The tweets explain it. Terrorist supporters all the way @ cnn
I discovered this account at Julian Rum’s twitter stream…
Julian has this tweet from January now pinned at top of his stream – it’s part of a THREAD, so click
I thought you might like Ms Daughn…
Intriguing. Not buying into this. Need moar information beyond a TW or two.
It may well be one or moar Qud betrayed Salami travel plans. Spilled beans to Iraqi’s, Israeli’s, US…
– May be true. May be some leakers, traitors in Qud ranks. No surprise. May have even leaked Salami travel plans.
We have cracked Iraqi communications and knew of his travels. Including on his fateful travels, as I understood him be be in various ME countries with his final destination Baghdad.
– For now, I believe ^^^.
But, yea, some Quds arrested. ayatollah want blood. Doesn’t care much whose blood.
Shortly after Salami was dispatched to hell, I read Salami rarely traveled outside of Iran.
BUT, Salami got careless and traveled outside of Iran having multiple stops on his last travels. Syria and somewhere else before Baghdad. IIRC.
That was the most effective speech Pres Trump has ever made today. Probably will change the landscape across the globe. America First baby. Deal with it.
Such a wonderful change and contrast to the previous anti-American, anti-Judeo-Christianity, Islamofacist tyrant.
All cloture votes… will be voting on confirmation at 5:00 pm ET
Ah yes…the sneaky back stabber move…we could’ve bombed them into rubble but didn’t.
Lawmakers of the Islamic Consultative Assembly on Tuesday have labeled the Pentagon and its affiliates as terrorist entities under a new law, according to Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA).
Iran’s new legislation was overwhelmingly approved by 223 lawmakers, according to IRNA. The law comes in response to the US’ assassination of top Iranian general Qasim Suleimani last Friday.
The law states, “all members of the Pentagon, all affiliated companies, institutions, agents and commanders,” are now considered terrorist organizations in the eyes of Iran.
This means, all those Silicon Valley technology companies that have contracts with the Pentagon, are now all classified as terrorist organizations and could be targeted if war broke out. –
Psychologists call this ‘projection’
We’ve seen it from the leftists, and alphabet activists – projecting their own motives and character traits onto others.
Islam is a sick, sick ideology.
Islam is conditioned sociopathy.
whiny little bastards
No bully likes to be on the receiving end
Fans of Skull & Bones will recognize 223 as 322, backwards… Y’ale come back now, y’hear… (eh Lurch?…)…
Everything American is hated by Iran…Death To America.
Will NEVER change, short of mullahs and ayatollah meeting Salami’s fate. They won’t go voluntarily. Iranians have to toss them, after they are so weakened the masses rise up.
Did you guys see this? They effectively just resigned from the monarchy. The Trump effect.
So Meghan just wants the celebrity lifestyle without the responsibility
Yup, the word “progressive” says it all for me
I would not be surprised if there were bootmarks in their hineys matching the footwear of the Queen.
Meghan Marxist and Randy the Red(head) are basically poison… And actually far from senior members of the royal family, as there are five in line for the throne in front of them…
Yep. Every sprog Kate punches out sends them further down the line.
Meghan. C grade actress from hollywierd.
Andrews bad enough. She’s more toxic than him by a magnitude of 200
Don’t forget the $$$$&!
Now they can vacay with the Obama’s…or at least visit Barry at Gitmo.
They ain’t supposed to make $ off their royal connections. Apparently Andy missed that memo.
But then he’s spent his whole life in a writhing ball of jealousy and resentment. Personally imma surprised that Charlie didn’t have a hunting accident. Now, it’s too late. Unless your name is Clinton. THEN you can leave a wake of death and carnage , no questions asked
But but the $$$$$$
Snore zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Go for it…perfect timing..just when people are waking up to the pompous narcissism that the American entertainers wallow in.
excellent characterization of them.
LOL…they really are something..I’m still amazed that they actually believe that it was a true noble sacrifice that Jaquin Phoenix boldly decreed that he will only wear his Stella McCartney tux…*gasp* throughout the entire awards season..ohmylord..the same one, every time…bravo! Save the planet!
They’re nutz
Actually, wearing the same outfit over and over again is a blow to the designers who get a fair amount of free publicity out of starlets modeling their wares.
Sounds to me that they’ve been cut off and/or told to tone it down, and are actually going to have to find a way to finance their lifestyle themselves. I mean, last year was a PR nightmare for the royals. Somehow I don’t know that the stuffy ones were happy with that.
go get a job Harry, you entitled Nazi sympathizer.
Katie Hopkins has been extremely critical of Meghan since the beginning.
She must be great in bed. Harry is used to other people doing it for him.
Beating the proverbial dead horse about her but the arm chair psych in me says he got all hot n bothered by a succubus and him being the black sheep randy andy the second wanted to shock and awe the family with her.
beat all you like…that was funny
You forgot the “w”, Molly… on whorse….
He could have had all that he wanted from others… didn’t have to marry her.
No, I vote with Molly… the ginger wanted to soc it to his grandma, shock the UK… no Royal Wedding, his first born was born on a pig farm and doesn’t have a ‘royal name’ but a surname like ordinary folk … Windsor (fronted with Mountbatten, as in Mountbatten-Windsor)… and removed from Royal Quarters (where even Andrew’s ex is allowed to live) to a ‘cottage’ ….
I read she thought she was entitled to some of the Royal jewelry (could be just gossip, of course) and was quite upset when the Queen set her straight.
I doubt if Harry ever has to “work”…inherited a vast fortune from his mother, and I’m also quite certain they will be wined and dined the rest of their lives…free, of course. Reminds me of the Duke of Windsor who gave up the throne for his divorced American wife. (And spent the rest of their lives free-loading on wealthy friends who were delight to rub elbows with Royalty.)
I hope this works out well for Harry, whom I see as being manipulated into some sort of yet unrevealed scheme (my guess would be environmental.) I actually feel a bit sorry for the poor dupe.
Harry is as thick as two planks
We don’t need them in North America!!
That was my thought as well. Keep them out of the USA. But wait they can’t use titles here so.
She is such a #########itch
AND, me thinks harry is no better than the bitch.
SPIT, SPIt, SPIT on both of those self absorbed, self entitled douches.
Oh, is that how you spell “duchess”?
For me anyway, yes, in the case of MeAgain.
But then I don’t subscribe to the whole royal thing. Another of my shortcomings i suppose.
ahh hahahaha. They are completely irrelevant. They may be better suited to become door greeters at Walmart.
NYGuy, they will likely set up a Foundation to assist their financial independence.
they can ask hrc for tips.
https://gellerreport.com/2020/01/iran-bribed-officials.html/ H/T iotwreport.com
Oh please do
That was my first thought also. LOL
That’s not a threat, it’s a favor.
Yes and yes again.
He makes her sound so mean!
Apparently she has some superb skills in certain areas …
anchor baby making skills…the tie that will make her ‘royal’ forever…him…he’s along for the ride
I’m not sure she made that baby…
And the fairy Tinkerbama flying around with “her” magic wand (heyyyy, she has one, after all), saying “Me-again Marxist, YOU didn’t build that”…
According to the Crazy Days and Nights dude, she also has expensive taste in drugs.
She traveled in a lot of circles..there’s a pic of her at one of the avant-garde cannibal parties
I believe that one turned out to not be her.
Really?? I’ll take your word for it. I haven’t seen it in ages so it probably was debunked when I wasnt watching. Thanks
Which is why announcement today … the Queen is not lookin’ for another Prince Andrews mess
Harry liked to party. Cutting them off before he becomes prince andrew redux. Hes a fool. I expect they will move to l.a. after all for a few years, she will do movies and then dramatically leave him. She’ll want the kid for the income and notoriety not necessarily to care for him. Or, they could live quietly while he works as a pilot on a decent non excessive income. Cough cough cough… I also dont buy that they decided. It was an ultimatum.
Gil, apologies in advance….nothing personal at ya. Just CA as a whole… I do feel bad for folks in CA that can’t get away, for whatever reason.
Harry and MeAgain are perfect for LA, CA…
I’ll screw this up. feel free to educate me… Wonder if the baby stays in Buckingham Palace. A post or something months ago indicated the baby’s legal custody is royal or something… NOT parents legal custody. IF true, incredibly ODD to me and stoopid. Admittedly I know near nothing about royals and good with that status.
I dont know about custody but it seems odd that he wouldnt belong to his parents. She did give up her US citizenship if I remember right, so that’s why Im seeing that theyre looking at Canada. They also are really wanting to keep everything with the title but not the work. This is all her.
Agree, custody thing is odd. But I do recall reading it. Came up as MeAgain was American. Did not know MeAgain gave up her citizenship. Singular, stoopid if she did.
Believe there is a comment that the Queen has custody. Dunno. It is ODD. Canucks can have them both.
I think she had to give u p citizenship to be a royal.
They can’t take the kid from the uk without the queen’s permission
Yes, remember when Diana’s parents split, her mom had to leave her children in the UK. (I think she hooked up with someone in South America). Her dad was an Earl.
I predict a divorce within 5yrs.
I’ll second that…
Y’all are too young to even know, much less remember, but Elizabeth ostracized her sister, Princess Margaret, when she married a womanizer…
I remember (maybe being ‘alf English has something to do wif’ it)…
Note that the nickname Meg (for Margaret) is not far removed from Meghan…. seems the royals have always had “issues”. And I don’t know why the (town and country) article didn’t mention it, but Edward VIII abdicated when he decided to marry a “commoner” (also divorced)… so Margaret wasn’t the first to go for a non-aristocratic spouse…
I have to say, though, I REALLY don’t like Chuckles…
Neither do I like Chuckles… Cuppa I think what Charles did to Diana was as bad as Andrew’s scandal. He virtually ‘used’ her for stud, to get new blood into the line, whilst he slept with Horseface right under her hubby’s nose. ymmv
Yep. Something many people don’t remember, too, is that Chuckles was almost as randy as Andy (which might be the background of the supposed threats of “reveals” being made from that side). The Queen had to basically step in and tell Chuckles to get a move on…
I think Lady Di was better than Chuckles deserved, but her, erm, associations late in her life were unfortunate, in my opinion, at least…
(I can hear echoes in my ‘ead of Eliza Doolittle saying “them’s the ones that done ‘er in”…).
I ‘hear’ ya… like Jackie Kennedy I think she needed someone who could protect her, iirc she wrote in her diary that Chuckles planned to #### her after the 2nd child was born. (Have I been reading too many tabloids – well news back then was already pretty yellow. I yield to your take.
I’d be more sympathetic toward Diana if she would have taken the high ground on her life, but she didn’t. She was addicted to fame in the end. Not that I’m fond of Charles at all, but there’s bound to be more to all of it than the public knows. The one I felt for in all of it is Camilla who is reportedly very shy, and had to watch the man she loved marry someone else.
Camilla was already married. She and Charles had been in a relationship BEFORE she was married. Queen said new blood needed, can’t marry Camilla…
I guess I’m not compassionate enough… Diana was very young and Charles never hid what he was doing, not from Diana, not from Camilla’s husband, and not from the world. It’s that “entitlement” thing… going back to the days of
Droit du seigneur (‘lord’s right’), also known as jus primae noctis (‘right of the first night’), and prima nocta, was a supposed legal right in medieval Europe, allowing feudal lords to have sexual relations with subordinate women, in particular, on their wedding nights.
I’m just ranting… will stop… you’re the writer, obviously see something I’m missing
The whole thing was sold as a fairy tale and the truth was Diana and Charles were spoiled brats who did not have good role models for a successful marriage.
If anything, it should be a cautionary tale of marrying outside of one’s own age group and for your parents’ purposes.
Thanks Dep Pat.
Or a fast ,late night trip through paris
Wow 5 years my Mom was only giving them 3. LOL
Calling themselves senior royal family members is the closest thing to truth she’s spoken. There are, “has beens, never was, and wannabes”. They are a special mixture of all the above.
Sharp eye there you have, to catch that
You’re so right… a ‘special’ mixture
Looking at the photo…but, will she love him when he’s bald?
meow! (
the Devil made me do it)
Living proof here, there is life after becoming bald;-) All in fun;-)
But, in answer, no she won’t. MeAgain is typical material hollywierd…glitz and self absorbed importance. What some call a pretty face, will in time wear, and not well…she is in for a reality check.
He forgot ditched her dogs.
Yeah, but Piers, she can suck a golf ball through a garden hose.
Shits getting real in France too
Too bad it’s Macaroon that they ought to be investigating…
More potential data points in this thread. Thoughts?
Dang this woman is SMART… !!!!
Her comments work for me…
Lindsey’s words were a message… perhaps even a h/t to a soon-to-com GO!
Great find Dep Pat
I was thinking of the newly formed Virginia Militia…
Dec 18, 2019 https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/as-militia-formed-by-police-veterans-in-virginia-explodes-so-are-others-across-america/
Great news as always Gail !
Full flight manifest from downed Ukraine plane
Very interesting!
I think the Ardalan Hamidi is the correct person, but I think the other guy, Mahdi Tajik, is different than the one listed in this tweet.
I found a passenger list which gives year of birth for the passengers:
I found Hamidi on LinkedIn:
His college experience would match up with the birth year given for him – 1971.
The Tajik named in the tweet was born in 1981, but the manifest gives his birth year as 1999.
I found a listing for a Mahdi Tajik in Sweden (matches the manifest as residence), who is 20 years old:
I can’t find anything else about him, so he seems to be just an average person.
Are you sitting down?????
We’ve had a good day, sure.
Here’s the cherry on top.
Does this sound strangely like Anthony Weiner to you?
It wasn’t me texting that leather clad 15yr old, I was hacked!!!!!!!!!!
Quick, let’s blame #QAnon.
I can’t wait until Wolfie sees this……….
just when I thought the day could not get any better !
better ck my BP
When did Krugman start believing in and publicly sharing these conspiracy theories?
He agrees…
“No one normal would tweet this. They’d call law enforcement and handle quietly.”
Great point. Why raise suspicions in people’s minds?
Wow I go do stuff for the day and miss all this good stuff.
But ummmm yeah. This so reminds me of the scene in ‘the girl with the dragon tattoo’ Swedish version FYI
Krugman is letting loose with the famous “Oscar Denier” Weiner Whistle…
WTF does “to Qanon me” mean ?????
What a maroon. Apparently a pervert maroon !!!
So he’s saying someone is using his IP address to download porn for themselves. I don’t know how such things work, but would it show up on their computer as well as his?
It sounds exactly like the standard excuse. And he made it worse by invoking a “conspiracy” name (Qanon). Went a little too far.
He certainly made it clear he knows ZERO about Q!
What’s the over/under that it’s NOT Krugman?
He may need to give Crowdstrike a call.
Hmmm. Does he have a fixed IP? With the IPv4 namespace running out, the odds that he does are slim to none. And if he’s a professional journo, he should be using a VPN at the very least, if not more layers of encryption, etc.
Hmmm. Probably the imposter is named Paul Krugman, as well… Nick’d Danger, as it were…
This QAnon stuff has got them paranoid, weirded out, freaked….. they be scared!!!
OMG Daughn, are you reading the replies to his tweet? I cannot stop laughing.
2020 is a very good year
Ohhh, Alison, I was crying I was laughing so hard.
My stomach muscles hurt.
I feel like I woke up in Bizarro World !!!
So does this explain why there have been no Q drops this year? Asking for an enemy.
Francis is woke!
This circus presents itself as “the European response to ‘Cirque du Soleil.’” Its show proposes defending the environment. The artists tell the story of a mermaid and a man under the sea who fight against contamination of the ocean.
Jorge is such an embarrassment.
Francis is an interesting as harry and MeAgain. SMH.
Is that mess going on in a church? Like that South American fertility goddess thing someone threw in the river?
Bergoglio is just following all those years of liberals and the giant puppet liturgies….or was that the Episcopal church?
Come to think of it, Mardi Gras is pretty damn weird – it’s a bacchanal for sure….but it isn’t in a church.
That’s in the audience hall.
This guy………. this Hunter Biden guy….. if he was my kid, we would go to the woodshed.
Shame on him.
He wants no custody of his child in Arkansas.
What a jerk.
Well, not that the kid is set with an erotic dancer for a mother, but I guess I’d bet on her being a better parent (with a chunk of change in the settlement) than Hunted
Not willing to cast off the mother. Her employment may not meet some folks druthers. She kept the baby.
Have known many a gal that worked their way to a better life. GOOD people they are. We, at least I, know nothing of her past.
I would think he would want someone to visit him prison.
Absolutely despise parents that throw away their children. Despicable asshole.
Not a parent. A drugged up sperm donor.
Yes, referring to where’s Hunter.
He’s included in my thoughts. Baby’s don’t ask to join the world. Two folks do that and are 100% responsible for their actions. That was my point. But, yea, where’s hunter is a loathsome individual that ONLY too slow joe could love.
Exactly. The kid is better off being with his/her mother and an adopted father, one who will actually be there.
Poor little baby.
The baby is much better off WITHOUT Hunter who is a drugged up F..K-up.
I agree that the baby would be better off without Hunter, especially if the mother marries and the child can have a father. But the child will have to deal with the fact that the bio-dad wanted nothing to do with him/her.
He/she wouldn’t be the first. I have a cousin who told his biological father, aunt and grandmother to take a hike.
If ever there was an argument for retro-active birth control, Hunter Biden would be exhibit A.
Literally, God is behind our President
Seems like it’s not just Mars Bars that are getting battered up there anymore
OMGosh, the Paul Krugman stuff is trending on Twitter…………
I’m crying I’m laughing so hard.
This is hilarious.
He probably goes online as “Paul Thugman”…
Kinda like “Danger” and “Delicto”…
Don’t Q-anon me, bro!
Somehow I see an (un)common core math problem in there (if they can still read)..
Two rockets fall in Baghdad, one lands near [the] US Embassy. If one of them is traveling seven times the speed of sound, and the other is traveling only twice the speed of sound, how long until they collide?
AlGoreBonusPoint: If they’re both going faster than the speed of sound, will anyone hear them?
Grundlebot Greta Bonus Point: If they land in a Rain Forest and no one’s there, will anyone hear them?
Do rockets fall? Like, outta the sky??
uh oh..somebody not obeying the grand poobah..he said it’s over
So, my sibling is watching Fox, and Sen. Mike Lee is going off on the briefing the senators got today. WT-? He and Rand Paul are not happy with the justification of taking out the terrorist.
Is this just for show, fodder for the masses, or are these two just not on the same team as the rest?
Aren’t they both frequently dissenting nay sayers?
I can see no problem with taking out Soleimani – he was there organizing the attack on our embassy.
His dirty work has maimed and lamed many US soldiers. He did not need to be allowed to continue his heinous terrorist career.
He was a frikkin Designated Terrorist since 2005!!!! A Military Target!! They just need to STOP!!!
Terrorists don’t get treated under regular criminal statutes, what a buffoon!!!
Judge Nap was on earlier saying it was illegal.
Thanks for TOTALLY clearing that up Miss Butterfly!
YW… POTUS is CinC, if he says go, they go. Plus he’s got WH and Military lawyers double and triple checking the legalities. So tired of the demons!!!
Rand is a PRO Chinese wildcard. He was all for the Trans-Pacific Partnership…
The New American: Rand Paul to Obama: “Prioritize” Passage of Trans-Pacific Partnership
Los Angles Times: Rand Paul drops the mic on Donald Trump over China’s participation in trade deal
The Rand Paul. IF he had actually read that damn treaty should have know it is very easy to ADD another country and the ‘No China” gambit was the exact same chess move Clinton played to get the World Trade Organization treaty ratified. Then Clinton worked his rump off to get China added a few years later.
Is Rand really that dumb? Or is he FOR CHINA
So yeah, it looks like Rand is FOR CHINA.
This is paragraph is straight out of the Progressive play book on Interdependence one of Al Gore’s favorite issues.
Rand is libertarian, not conservative. Basically his political philosophy is a mirror of the Koch Bros so this position is not surprising. China controlled? Maybe, maybe not – doesn’t much matter if he votes like he is regardless :-/
Just when I think my dislike is at peak level something comes along to get the meter in red…
They look like junior high kids, and I have no doubt Sheila Jackson Lee would be mightily displeased if she could see them not standing at attention while she speaks.
To me the ones behind her looked as though they were mentally rehearsing their lines in the script.
Communist Islamist Kleptocrats with no moral compass.
Rod Rosenstein went to work with Sally Yates
That’s about his speed. His wife going to work there too?
More time to line up their FISA signature stories.
OK, go over to that other tree and see what SD has posted re: Paul Krugman.
Qanon him? No. An unaskwd about oersonal twit re child p o r n is sort of trying to get agead of something else. “These arent my pants. ” ssys Krugman.
There are also NO US FLAGS at any of the stupid Democrat debates.
The leftists are anti-American and anti-Judeo-Christian!!!
Gail… here’s another !
Piglosi needs to wear this and duck tape over the mouth.
*raising hand* to second that emotion
Off the wall comment, again. initially positive
Sad the world can’t see her. Me thinks.
Pass the eye bleach.
Guessing the gal ^^^ under that veil and garb is, beautiful. Yea I stereo type a lot. But dang
Usually I see gals in veils and garb that are akin to hildabest in disguise
But, 100%, Nanzi needs to be muzzled and covered in a bag of sorts.
Certainly is…
Happy dance, even though I cant dance I sure am right now.
Could be a false flag.
Or FAKE NEWS……………….
That’s what I was thinking, been busy with the dogs and haven’t had time to look into it.
Fake News was working overtime last night… I don’t know what to think anymore about the news.
How’s your Mom doing Rodney?
she is doing better thanks for asking Phoenix, mom really try’s hard to keep me out of the loop so I get my info from my baby brother since he takes her to her appts and goes in the room with her.
She can no longer blow smoke up our arse anymore about her health.
Please excuse my language.
Lang no prob… Glad she is doing better.
MLAR Phoenix your always in our prayers.
Appreciate that Rodney. You and yours are always in mine. (((Rodney)))
Made me blush.
Heard it on OANN. Didn’t hit anything, started fires which were immediately put out.
Someone’s gonna get Iran pulverized.
Was it Iran? This will not go over well for them u less they told President Trump they were gonna shoot off another dud to show they were upset with his speech today.
I don’t think Mullahs have control of all of their militias.
Me either I think their powerless Bflyjesusgrl
Don’t know how we missed this yesterday … a lunar eclipse too…
oops, forgot to remove after ?
My namesake!
Never go full Wolf Moon…… UNLESS YOU ARE WOLF MOON!!!
thought you would like Wolfie…
You betcha!!!
We haven’t missed it!
From the article, which also contains links for local info:
These next few nights – January 9 and 10, 2020 – watch for the full-looking moon, our nocturnal sun, to light up the nighttime from dusk until dawn. And if you live in the world’s Eastern Hemisphere, you might – or might not – detect Earth’s faint penumbral shadow on the full moon’s face on the night of January 10-11 (Friday night or Saturday morning).
Your best chance of detecting the slight darkening on the full moon’s face will come at or near maximum eclipse (January 10, 2020, at 19:10 UTC; translate UTC to your time).
We in the Americas will enjoy seeing the full moon, but we’ll miss this eclipse. Although the full moon occurs at the same instant worldwide, the clock reads differently by time zone. Here, in the mainland United states, the moon turns full on January 10 at 2:21 p.m. Eastern, 1:11 p.m. Central, 12:11 p.m. Mountain and 11:11 a.m. Pacific. So, here in the United States, the full moon will come during our daylight hours, when the moon is still beneath our horizon.
And, by the way, in North America, we sometimes use the name Wolf Moon for the January full moon. Other full moon names for January include the Old Moon, or the Moon After Yule.
These truths, I must have misread… thank you for catching me on that. I need to give my ol’ brain a rest (there’s too much going on! can’t miss it!)
Thanks for letting us know about it!
Yw !
Awwwww the puppy has learned to knock over every trash can in the house. She hits them so hard like ‘yeah I’m the boss’. They go flying and make a laugh sound and then she just trots away.
I bet your Mom enjoys the puppy Kea………..
Mom adores her!
Uhh…yeah, you want to be sure they are empty before you go to bed. Our lab was the queen of the late night trash can raid. You’d hear a noise, come downstairs and she’d be standing in a pile of rubble.
Turtle keeping on turtling
Sen Mike Lee must have just gotten his monthly check from the Deep State…
And note that of the three tweets on the briefing, Chad chose Lee TWICE.
where’s Suspicious Cat when needed.
Thanks Butterfly…
Bad guys’ masks are slipping, aren’t they. Good to know who is who.
As Q says so often “They won’t be able to walk the streets” … he better watch his step when he goes home this weekend… folks don’t like traitors.
I don’t know what’s up with Mike Lee. I know that Dan Bongino has called him his friend, and that Bongino even thought Lee would be a good SCOTUS pick. I enjoy Bongino’s perspective as a former law enforcement officer, and I will be interested in what, if anything, he has to say about this. I believe his audience would erupt if he defended Lee over Pres. Trump. I also think Bongino needs to wake up in this instance.
The left loves Lee and Romney… why don’t they just announce they
are joining the Demonrat party?
Lee and Romney…both Mormons, who are either lax on border security or for open borders. And I imagine it goes much deeper and reaches much farther. I think they mask their plans under a family-oriented veneer. Why would they oppose Pres. Trump on key conservative issues?
Why would they oppose Pres. Trump on key conservative issues?
^^^ Guessing…AND, betting I figured it out…$$$$$.
Thanks TIM …
Good grief, the President has EVERY RIGHT to DEMAND his party back him when on the brink of a possible WAR!
Don’t these Dipshits understand that seeing the Demonrats and Rinos ‘Blast Trump’ IN PUBLIC only makes them BOLDER and more inclined to kill Americans???
If Lee or Romney or Piglosi have a problem then tell the President IN PRIVATE. Don’t air the Country’s dirty linen in public.
Every Manager should have learned as lesson #!
Praise in Public, Discipline in Private.
Discipline in public is called shaming. It’s not what good leaders do.
It is, however, what egotistical political whores do.
Wonder if Sen Lee is compromised…
Nanzi soaking in moar wine as Rs and some Ds demanding to pass the articles to seante.
AND, Turtle rightly telling Nanzi to pound sand.
2020 has been spectacular, every day!!!
AND, a rally tomorrow.
Be still my heart!
In other news…Shangri La – (CA). /s
California law loophole leads to car theft crisis that leaves tourists in the crosshairs
Law enforcement is stymied by a state law that says it only counts as a felony burglary if the car doors were locked, according to the Los Angeles Police Department.
According to a tracker published by the San Francisco Chronicle, an average of 66 “smash-and-grab” car thefts were reported each day in San Francisco in December. Many more go unreported.
Wiener stressed that many of the victims of car theft are tourists who have no way of returning to testify that their car doors were, in fact, locked.
According to the LAPD, theft statewide has multiplied to 243,000 recorded in 2018, above the annual average from the previous eight years with 223,000. The department discovered a trend.
“Just ask anybody. You know it. We feel it. Crime is really out of control,” says City Journal contributor Erica Sandberg, who lives in San Francisco and has reported extensively on the city. “Whether it’s property crime or even violent crime, it’s scary.”
I guess CA will be off tourists’ lists…
I can’t believe they get ANY tourists with streets full of poo.
Good thread:
Yeah, sure, and there is a unicorn living in the park around the corner.
The ‘like’ is for your reply… not her lie…
Hmm. Looks like the posturing for the cameras was just that.
Thanks for finding this Dep Pat…
It popped up in the feed.
Ooohhh. Jussie getting dry humped
Chicago Tribune
A judge has ordered Google to turn over a full year of Jussie Smollett’s emails, photos, location data and private messages as part of the investigation into the purported attack on the actor last year.
Opponents argue Cook County “State’s Attorney Kim Foxx should be disqualified from seeking reelection because she doesn’t have enough valid nominating signatures”
“Israel unveils breakthrough laser to intercept missiles, aerial threats”
Technology expected to take down a variety of aerial threats including rockets, drones, anti-tank missiles.
As Part Of Settlement With Nick Sandmann, CNN Hosts Must Wear MAGA Hats During All Broadcasts https://babylonbee.com/news/as-part-of-settlement-with-nick-sandmann-cnn-hosts-must-wear-maga-hats-while-on-the-air via @TheBabylonBee
If only…..!
Wouldn’t it be fun?
Too early to say, but I suspect Paul Krugman may being a lot of trouble.
It’s most unlikely that child pornography was planted on his computer.
His theories on economics are not that good either… never have understood why he is so revered…
He’s cabals chosen mouthpiece
thanks Ozzy… I don’t think I ever even thought that…
Never liked him!
But yes bring them down. Bring them ALL down.
Bet this a talking point at Toledo, OH rally tomorrow
Ford, GM promote 1,500 temporary auto workers to full-time employees
More than 1,500 temporary auto workers were promoted to full-time status, the United Auto Workers announced Wednesday.
The promotions included 930 General Motors employees from 30 facilities and 592 Ford employees, according to the union. More promotions are on the way for temporary workers at both companies and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, union officials said.
This is important in my opinion:
Do we have enough room for an outdoor grill at Qtreehouse?
And a swimming pool??
I wonder what that giant mound of white stuff was, that he plopped down in the center grill?
Was that some sort of potato salad?
His videos are all in Turkish! I watched some, and kept wondering what was all that stuff? Whatever it was, it sure did look good!
Fox – Canadians claiming they have Intel that there was an engine fire on Ukraine plane. How in TH would they know??? Justin cozying up to Iran to hurt POTUS?? Demon pile on!!!
That whole thread is good. Add this.
Apart from the human tragedy, just from a logistical perspective, it seems to me that, if Iran hit a passenger plane with a missile by mistake while trying to send a message of toughness to the U.S., that is a humiliating failure of monumental proportions.
That “humiliating failure of monumental proportions” goes right along with the stupid decision not to close your airspace to private and commercial aviation after having launched missiles at enemy bases, when expecting incoming hostile aircraft, and after having launched your own fighter aircraft. S-T-U-P-I-D !
Ya, Iranians ARE INCOMPETENT AND STUPID as Iran didn’t do what is commonly done in war zones.
FAA via NOTAMS Notice to Airmen commonly close air space to US commercial air carriers, US registered aircraft, etc. when imminent danger could effect the aircraft.
FAA did close Iraq, Iran, Gulf of Oman and other areas right after Iran started shooting yesterday.
Side note. Wondering IF, WHEN US may release launch data showing Iranian missile launch site and trajectory coinciding with impacting the Ukraine aircraft. Don’t know for a fact it exists. But would heavily bet it does. Satellites, AWACS were lurking… Not privy to capabilities, and if I was, could never divulge.
AND, those reports Iranians purposely missed American targets are BS. Looking at some of the satellite pics, AND knowing the warheads were 1,000 to 2000 variety, significant damage. Thankfully no lives. A few Iraqi injuries of which extent of injuries I have not read of. But, significant equipment and facility damage. Me thinks.
I believe some of you have already gone with this theory and so am I. It’s the likely theory that the plane was brought down at a time when the US should of been in Iranian airspace engaging targets. It assumes some one was trying to out think the US short order response to their missile attack that was to provoke the US to respond. Then when the smoke clears, this planes destruction could be blamed on the United States along with what ever other damage and destruction was caused. That destruction then would be compared to the Iranian missile attack showing that the Iranian’s hadn’t meant much by it contrasted by the total havoc caused by the U.S. and this plane being brought down would be the icing on the cake used to condemn the United States. With all the chaos it would be nearly impossible to isolate this planes destruction from all the other destruction and the narrative that the U.S shot down an unarmed passenger jet would easily carry the day in the media and would be used to condemn the President.
Because we did not take the bait, and did not violate their airspace the plane going down becomes something clearly not the fault of the U.S.
It does seem like their were multiple efforts by Iran and our media to goad us into conducting a counter strike in this short time span. Indeed we did have planes in the air and were responding, but we did not cross the Rubicon so to speak but because of the tight timing and likely their ability to only commit this one plane to what would be a faux media event they took the plane down under assumption that we would be in their airspace close enough to the time the plane went down making it our fault.
As a btw, this theory does not presuppose the actor. Likely Iranian but also possibly deep state, or Iranian with a deep state connection. It might even go as far as to explain Pelosi’s bizarre behavior, but of course that would be a leap without factual basis, one though I’d certainly not rule it out.
As a note. This tweet best demonstrates that the plane was indeed on fire well before the crash/explosion as at about the six to seven second time in the vid you can clearly see the plane trailing bits of fire that fall behind the plane. It would be nice if this guys words were interpreted but I can’t seem to find that.
Also following bflyjesusgrl’s post you will find multiple other evidence that this was likely a missile attack.
Another thing to consider is in a country that strongly controls citizen’s ability to use the internet, the double likely-hood of this vid being taken and it’s quick dissemination onto the internet. Maybe nothing but something to also consider.
Looks like moar great news coming to light. The whole U1 issue has been BS from the onset. 63 Canucks on that Ukraine aircraft certainly a WTF news flash.
Hope some smart sleuths are searching for related details.
Looks like a new day crept up…
I decided not to bump the pressure on my CPAP, based on how well I was doing over at the u tree.