President Trump Addresses the Nation

Apparently, in about an hour, the President will address the nation about the Iranian attacks on our bases last night. Transcript is located below.

Here is the live link from FOX 10 in Phoenix.

Golden State Times Link:

Going to be a busy day, folks. QTree will add info as it becomes available. God Bless our Troops and love to all.

Golden State Times does not have a live feed link up for the President’s Address. Yet, here is his presser from yesterday with the Greek PM.

Remember, there is a MAGA/KAG rally in Toledo, Ohio tomorrow.


THE PRESIDENT: As long as I am President of the United States, Iran will never be allowed to have a nuclear weapon.

Good morning. I’m pleased to inform you: The American people should be extremely grateful and happy no Americans were harmed in last night’s attack by the Iranian regime. We suffered no casualties, all of our soldiers are safe, and only minimal damage was sustained at our military bases.

Our great American forces are prepared for anything. Iran appears to be standing down, which is a good thing for all parties concerned and a very good thing for the world.

No American or Iraqi lives were lost because of the precautions taken, the dispersal of forces, and an early warning system that worked very well. I salute the incredible skill and courage of America’s men and women in uniform.

For far too long — all the way back to 1979, to be exact — nations have tolerated Iran’s destructive and destabilizing behavior in the Middle East and beyond. Those days are over. Iran has been the leading sponsor of terrorism, and their pursuit of nuclear weapons threatens the civilized world. We will never let that happen.

Last week, we took decisive action to stop a ruthless terrorist from threatening American lives. At my direction, the United States military eliminated the world’s top terrorist, Qasem Soleimani. As the head of the Quds Force, Soleimani was personally responsible for some of the absolutely worst atrocities.

He trained terrorist armies, including Hezbollah, launching terrorist strikes against civilian targets. He fueled bloody civil wars all across the region. He viciously wounded and murdered thousands of U.S. troops, including the planting of roadside bombs that maim and dismember their victims.

Soleimani directed the recent attacks on U.S. personnel in Iraq that badly wounded four service members and killed one American, and he orchestrated the violent assault on the U.S. embassy in Baghdad. In recent days, he was planning new attacks on American targets, but we stopped him.

Soleimani’s hands were drenched in both American and Iranian blood. He should have been terminated long ago. By removing Soleimani, we have sent a powerful message to terrorists: If you value your own life, you will not threaten the lives of our people.

As we continue to evaluate options in response to Iranian aggression, the United States will immediately impose additional punishing economic sanctions on the Iranian regime. These powerful sanctions will remain until Iran changes its behavior.

In recent months alone, Iran has seized ships in international waters, fired an unprovoked strike on Saudi Arabia, and shot down two U.S. drones.

Iran’s hostilities substantially increased after the foolish Iran nuclear deal was signed in 2013, and they were given $150 billion, not to mention $1.8 billion in cash. Instead of saying “thank you” to the United States, they chanted “death to America.” In fact, they chanted “death to America” the day the agreement was signed.

Then, Iran went on a terror spree, funded by the money from the deal, and created hell in Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and Iraq. The missiles fired last night at us and our allies were paid for with the funds made available by the last administration. The regime also greatly tightened the reins on their own country, even recently killing 1,500 people at the many protests that are taking place all throughout Iran.

The very defective JCPOA expires shortly anyway, and gives Iran a clear and quick path to nuclear breakout. Iran must abandon its nuclear ambitions and end its support for terrorism. The time has come for the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Russia, and China to recognize this reality.

They must now break away from the remnants of the Iran deal -– or JCPOA –- and we must all work together toward making a deal with Iran that makes the world a safer and more peaceful place. We must also make a deal that allows Iran to thrive and prosper, and take advantage of its enormous untapped potential. Iran can be a great country.

Peace and stability cannot prevail in the Middle East as long as Iran continues to foment violence, unrest, hatred, and war. The civilized world must send a clear and unified message to the Iranian regime: Your campaign of terror, murder, mayhem will not be tolerated any longer. It will not be allowed to go forward.

Today, I am going to ask NATO to become much more involved in the Middle East process. Over the last three years, under my leadership, our economy is stronger than ever before and America has achieved energy independence. These historic accomplishments changed our strategic priorities. These are accomplishments that nobody thought were possible. And options in the Middle East became available. We are now the number-one producer of oil and natural gas anywhere in the world. We are independent, and we do not need Middle East oil.

The American military has been completely rebuilt under my administration, at a cost of $2.5 trillion. U.S. Armed Forces are stronger than ever before. Our missiles are big, powerful, accurate, lethal, and fast. Under construction are many hypersonic missiles.

The fact that we have this great military and equipment, however, does not mean we have to use it. We do not want to use it. American strength, both military and economic, is the best deterrent.

Three months ago, after destroying 100 percent of ISIS and its territorial caliphate, we killed the savage leader of ISIS, al-Baghdadi, who was responsible for so much death, including the mass beheadings of Christians, Muslims, and all who stood in his way. He was a monster. Al-Baghdadi was trying again to rebuild the ISIS caliphate, and failed.

Tens of thousands of ISIS fighters have been killed or captured during my administration. ISIS is a natural enemy of Iran. The destruction of ISIS is good for Iran, and we should work together on this and other shared priorities.

Finally, to the people and leaders of Iran: We want you to have a future and a great future — one that you deserve, one of prosperity at home, and harmony with the nations of the world. The United States is ready to embrace peace with all who seek it.

I want to thank you, and God bless America. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you.

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Thanks for the THREAD and the link Ms Daughn… we are so fortunate to have Donald J. Trump as President. The man is extraordinary to say the least. Looking forward to his speech.


bet he has…!


best President in my lifetime.


As tired as I am, I wont miss it. Thanks Miss D.


Ill have to later, even for 20 minutes. Havent slept well or much for a week. It happens but this stuff is too important to miss.


Amen and Amen.


Steady hand at the helm.
Master of…
“Sit tight in the boat…
Give them enough line until they wear themselves out
Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves..”


I was on pins and needles last night when the word went out POTUS would be addressing the American people that I immediately calmed down and fell a sleep.
Good news coming at 11:00? I think so


Butterfly posted on Daily just now that speech will be at 11:00 ?
So, it has moved up an hour?


Perhaps a polite consideration for those in the ME.
They were polite enough to have their “war” in time for the evening news/ prime time in the USA yesterday.


What a polite ‘war’ 😉
I actually thought it might be to give Nanzi another hour to recover from her hangover. 😉


LOL !!!
(you may be right!)


Sober up


Thats what fox just said.

Deplorable Patriot

11 what? Eastern?


Correct… EST

Deplorable Patriot

So much for trying to get some work done today. I’m finally over the bug, slept decently, and I’m going to be glued to the computer. Will need to go to the store at some point, though.


I know… have chores, but ain’t going away from the monitor… waiting for our VSG POTUS to speak to us.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve been changing the washer, but given having been sick and my parents out of the house and the halls halfway de-decked, there’s just a lot to do.
Plus, I have to finish cleaning up my next book. I really need to get it published.


Dep Pat… you get so much done! Good for you.

Deplorable Patriot

TBH, I’m single and work from home. I have no children and am on the green side of a lot of middle age stuff. Now, if my brother would quit yammering at me, and pacing, life would be good.




Book? Music singing technique book, church or politics?

Deplorable Patriot

Fiction. Clean romance.


“The Blue Castle” is a memorable classic in that vein.


That is so cool that you do that DP!!! 🙂
See ‘we are family’… 🙂


Home delivery





from Brian’s most recent THREAD –
“By firing a missile from a drone and blowing Soleimani into more than a dozen pieces, Trump just changed the game.
What did this cause the Iranians to do?
They’ve dropped the pretense.
Trump stopped pretending, so THEY stopped pretending.”
~ Brian Cates
One of the main take-aways from my college psychology courses… once one CONFRONTS, the head game is over. Unlike those presidents from Carter (including Reagan) trough Obama, President Donald J. Trump CONFRONTED, did away with the game, the pretense ————- as he has done all his life, and continues to do. And it is THIS that is so hated. TRUTH.

Gail Combs

Remember Sundance said that President Trump ASSIGNS BLAME to the correct party doing away with all the ‘Proxy War’ crap.
In this he was correct.


he’s good at stating the obvious… we all know (well some of us) about the proxy war crap. Once in a new moon sd gives credit to POTUS for having a good thought.


thanks for thread, but can I be honest?
I hate that photo of POTUS…it really makes me think of Hitler…that half wave thing…just me I know, but made me shudder….


no, please don’t waste your time…it’s just me!


thank you…you’re the best!


We were in DC several weeks ago. Presidential motorcade went by. We were frozen and shocked and then waved like crazy for several seconds. Wonderful to get an acknowledgement although of course he is not going to cheerfully wave like a party in those few seconds.


and I get that…it just made me cringe when I saw it…just being silly i guess


From the White House To my Inbox:
‘President Trump to Address the Nation on Iran Attacks
President Donald J. Trump will speak on the Iran crisis at 11 a.m. this morning, “after Iran attacked two military bases in Iraq that house American troops,” David Jackson reports for USA Today.
Last night, the President announced on Twitter that “All is well,” adding that “missiles launched from Iran at two military bases located in Iraq. Assessment of casualties & damages taking place now. So far, so good! We have the most powerful and well equipped military anywhere in the world, by far!”
Click here to read more.
Watch: President Trump address the nation live at 11 a.m. ET
While the Iranian regime portrays Qasem Soleimani as a hero, “ordinary Iranians and many others in the region know him as a murderous and brutal killer responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands in Iran and across the region.” In the wake of his death, “Iranians on social media have been thanking President Trump by posting photos and videos,” Raman Ghavami writes in the Washington Examiner.
“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made it official Tuesday: He’s calling House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s bluff, and refusing to guarantee impeachment trial procedures of her choosing.” Speaker Pelosi’s stall tactics reveal “the blatant, politically driven contradiction between her rush to a House vote on impeachment and her subsequent delay of any Senate trial,” the New York Post editorial board writes.
Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump delivered a keynote address yesterday at the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, touting innovation as an engine for American job growth, James Rogers and Stephanie Bennett report for Fox News.”


Sound is on at the Golden State link – crowd is loud.


You’re a pearl Daughn 😉

Deplorable Patriot

Man, it got quiet all of a sudden.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ll just keep crocheting. Who knows, this beanie might get finished today.


Iran buckled. POTUS’ tweets scared the daylights out of them.


I guess they know now he means what he says Ed ………………


He is going to change the world. We are the luckiest people on the planet to have him as our leader.


I’ll second that!


Morning’s the world of Trump now, isn’t it (see my profile pic)?

Deplorable Patriot

They must be proofreading.
That crowd has been quiet for a long time given the people in it.


Think we have some late breaking developments delaying the President’s speech?


They just put the speech on the podium….


Fox 10 Phoenix is about 20 seconds ahead of GST and higher definition. GST is closer.


VP Pence up, POTUS on his way.

Deplorable Patriot

Hey, there’s a gathering of power.


Leaders from VP to Sec of Defense lined up and ready to back up PDJT!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Sounds like the man has a pretty nasty head cold.


As long as I am President of the United States, Iran will never be allowed to have a nuclear weapon.


MAN – this is a speech for the AGES!!!
We must publish the transcript ASAP!!!



Deplorable Patriot

My brother the retired Marine said he doubted they hit anything last night, according to his womb-mate.


Additional sanctions. That’s our Prez! No bomb back like Rubio and Graham were pushing.

Deplorable Patriot

The attack was made possible by the pallets of cash.
Part of the red pilling?

Deplorable Patriot

Calling on the western nations to abandon the Iran deal.


Missiles were paid for with the $ from the previous administration…..


Telling Russia, China, France, Germany to break away. JCPOA expires soon anyway.

Deplorable Patriot

Calling on NATO to become more involved in Middle East process.


Asking NATO to get more involved.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m so glad to have you all since my sibling won’t shut up.


Loaf of bread/mouth. Or duct tape


We should be telling the networks to “Delete” themselves.




There has to be a way to deal with MSM – who have shown themselves to be traitors under the protection of 1st Amendment. Protecting treason and sedition harms America.


I wanna see the gore crow wives disposed of.

Deplorable Patriot

We want Iran to have a great future with prosperity and harmony.


The US is ready to embrace peace with all who seek it.

Deplorable Patriot

What do you want to bet the DS assets in Iran are gone.


Also, rogue C_A black ops is CUT as Q has related


Maybe some went down in that plane crash?


Not taking questions!!!


POTUS was clear…
Any questions the presstitutes might have had would be redundant or feeble-minded, right Georgia?


Fox 10 replaying speech.


Wow. He called them out on it. The missiles used in the attack were funded by money given by the last administration.
I LOVE my President!


Yes and in a national address. Speaking of that, is he giving a SOTU soon?


Nanzi invited him, after passing Articles of Impeachment … (invitation affirms the hoax ‘peachment)
for February something (I can’t recall)… I guess changing the date is a face-saver for her?


SOTU is Tuesday, February 4.


Thank you Aubergine !


Itll be a doozy.


I loved that nailed Obama for paying the Dangeld, initially demanded by the Danish, and paid for by the English, to keep the Danes from attacking – didn’t work anyway.
Bribery never works – eventually the oppressed peoples have nothing left to give and end up being a conquered people.
President Trump isn’t going allow us to be conquered, but Obama certainly was intentionally working towards ending our sovereignty, and destroying America’s power. Obama’s intent was much more than to reduce our standing in the world – it was to allow rape and pillage of this country – it doesn’t always take weapons to achieve this outcome.
It will be day to celebrate when the Evil Obama did is exposed.


I agree!
I believe with all my heart that Obama was working to achieve the world-wide Caliphate. What better way than from the inside of the greatest country (and therefore greatest opponent) in the world?
I also am sure his true evil will be exposed for all to see.

Deplorable Patriot

Seriously, I think the administration is beginning the red pill process.

Cuppa Covfefe

There shouldn’t be a “deal” at all. Doesn’t Rubio know about Taqiyyah???
The only “deal” should be that the Müllahs stand down and go away. Or be vaporized (don’t care by whom).
The Persians deserve their freedom, and a restored country.
The Müllahs and their deep-state enablers, on the other hand, deserve to end up in the In-Sink-Erator of history… Let them become Null-ahs…

Deplorable Patriot

You miss my point. The revelations about the treachery of the previous administration have begun. And they’re starting with the Iran deal.
What’s done is done. There is no should, could, should have or could have. It’s the hand this administration picked up when they walked in the door.
And now that they are righting the furniture, the people are going to find out how they were betrayed.


wowwww…..POTUS flexed our muscles. No more apologies for who we are.


I am SO proud to be an American… so very proud of President Trump.


Dow went from 48@start of speech up to 142 afterwards. Oil up 6.


Sorry, oil DOWN.


Dow Up 191. I bet we set a new record today!!


S&P new record!


The President has offered the olive branch of a path to peace.
Pray Iran drops their sword.


Khamenei is a nutjob so who knows.


The Iranian people may turn out to be his greatest enemy.


I think you are right.


Haven’t they always been? It was the C_A that put Khamenei in power in 1979… not the people.
It was the C_A that empowered Khamenei to change the culture of Muslims in Iran…
Without the C_A Iran would have remained Persia… I was 40 years old, I remember what the SOBs did.


Do you think Ed, that since last night’s ‘rockets’ were face-saver, that the regime has been severely weakened? He’s definitely a nutjob, so he didn’t vote for what happened last night. I hope he is ousted SOON.


Trumpismine is likely correct imo.


It may have been kabuki. It may just be managing the optics of regime change now


Who knows right?

Gail Combs

Pray the Arab Gulf Cooperation Council can ‘persuade’ Iran towards the Path of Peace.


SHORT, HIGHLY DIGNIFIED, TO THE POINT… words to the American people from the Commander-in-Chied, surrounded by VP and military and appropriate cabinet…
HAIL TO THE CHIEF… (no music necessary)


This speech is a SOLID CONDEMNATION of Øbastard and Kerry!!!!




POTUS reached all the way back to Carter – maybe some folks went scurrying to figure out who was president what DJT was referencing.



Fox 10 replaying the speech a 3rd time!!!


Hmmm…that was a “don’t fu** with US, you weak sissies” speech. Brief and to the point.
Love the digs on the previous administration and across the globe.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Daughn’s thoughts yesterday – that there was a “one last chance” option, were correct.
These jokers in Iran had better appreciate that we are not counting areas of devastation up to 52 today.


oh and make no mistake about it..the targets will be things that Khamenei values or depends upon greatly.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Surprise is a sign of information.
Information is a sign of intelligence.
Intelligence is a sign of spirit.
And all of them are a sign of our VSG! <3



A great speech – bare-boned, hopeful and honest! I listened all 3 times Fox 10 Phoenix replayed it.


Barack Obama : IRAN
President Donald J. Trump : I DIDN’T
TRUMP 2020 !


Also revealed how much of a lunatic Khamenei is. Diminished Iran’s stature in the world. Trump just humiliated them. And the great thing is that there is not much Iran can do about it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The only thing the Iranian leadership can do now is FUCK UP – and they had best not.


FINANCIAL MARKETS soar to record highs following PDJT’s pledge for higher sanctions (Iran) !
article here…


Glad to see she’s better. She was all worried last night that POTUS was going to listen to Rubio, Graham and other warmongers and strike back.


I NEVAH cease to be amazed at Trump supporters who get their undies in wad thinking DONALD TRUMP is going to be influenced by opinions CONTRARY to the Art of the Deal.


She’s usually so on the money. Last night was sad to watch, she’d given up on POTUS sticking with Sun Zu and was convinced he caved to Grubio. I almost tweeted her but didn’t – After years and successful proof of POTUS’ handling of the situation, you believe he’s changed his mind after watching a night of Fox News??


It’s the programming… Cabal has conditioned us to think ‘the sky is fallin’ … hard to breakaway from it, which is why I haven’t watched TV for eons now (so long ago, I can’t recall when I watched daily)
This ^^^^ is what POTUS is fighting against… and why a reveal won’t come any time soon… imho of course

Gail Combs

Staying away from the Boob Tube really helps.


comment image&


Love it Ozzy…

Cuppa Covfefe

Somehow it didn’t show up over here (BDD). Is this it?comment image


Yep. There are a lot of cartoons on this subject

Gail Combs

Here it is Ozzy…comment image


This little gem is floating all over FB today…
What happened to the Democrats who used to at least pretend they cared about America & Americans.
Joe Biden 1996: If Iran Attacked A USA Facility It Is An Act Of War And ANY Retaliation Is Warranted (Video)


The Two Pillars of Progressive Liberalism :

Cuppa Covfefe

If they didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards at all…


Iran was their laundromat …………………..


I do wonder or actually believe that Iran has been funneling quite a bit of the monies Obama gave to them back to Obama and probably others in the Obama group



Ehhh. Potus has morphed with Ricky.


What a combo.
Ps. I asked Rodney but you might know
Can’t find the Iran vs USA match on Sportsbet

Rodney Short

Iran has egg on their face today Ozzy and now they have to xplain downing a Ukrainian jet,I have read multiple reports some say jet was full of Iranians others I have read say Canadian and Iranian.
I sure would like to see who was on that plane.
I would love to see John Kerry and maybe Valerie Jarrett.


I wonder if it was incriminating evidence from the Ukraine. Like a certain server or business documents that people will kill to have them never see the light of day


Thank you Daughn and Wolfpack!!! I had to be offline early last night until just now, and I guess I missed the whole war !! What a year 2020 is turning out to be 😂🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Gail Combs

THAT needs this in reply!


Hilarious 🤓🤣😍 What a wild roller coaster we’re on.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I just saw this now.


He is Batman!

Rodney Short

So he says…


Obama and the Dems just built up their economy…Leaving Americans a bigger enemy to fight.


We know the Vikings were regular “visitors” to Scotland. Who knows…


Ok now we got Boris Johnson to come along on the ride. Amazing how a strong leader attracts followers


Heard that Meghan and Harry are stepping down from their royal duties and want to become financially independent. Considering Meghan’s lavish life style, this should be interesting.


Ummm…Iran is bombing us again. Khamenei wants to die.


Thanks for the write-up!!!! Reading it now.


On FB there is a Meme going around of a girl holding a sign…the sign says
Dear Iran,


Sorry hate when that happens
Signs says
“Dear Iran,
Since we took out your #3 in Charge,
We will graciously offer you our #3 in Charge.
Her Name is Nancy Pelosi
63 Million Americans.