The Problem with Iran is Obama and Robert Malley.

Yesterday, we did a rehash of ME history highlighting major events over the last 30+ years. We’re trying to get an objective view of what happened, what we did, where we screwed up, and what we could have done differently through various administrations. It was time for a reassessment. Not sure if anyone accurately explained the Obama Doctrine of “appeasement” of Iran. Did you get that message? Could any of us passed a test on Obama Doctrine in the Middle East? Well, Robert Malley knew what it was, he wrote it.

Wait until you see what we found today.

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The JCPOA ensured a path to nuclear weapons for Iran. Bottom line, we knew some things would never work and Iran should never have a nuclear weapon, which is why Trump ripped up the JCPOA.

But what to do? Once Team Trump decided to identify Iran as an enemy, act like Iran is an enemy, and TREAT Iran as an enemy, and actually act like our military was a REAL military, we thought we were in the clear, right? Sure, we wanted to get rid of ISIS, get out of Syria and Afghanistan, and we’re working on it. Yes, the QUDS forces killed some of ISIS because ISIS was also in Iran’s way. Yet, Team Trump had everyone heading in the same direction, clearly defined good guys and bad guys. Sounds easy, right?

Iran = the bad guys.

At the end of yesterday’s post, we talked a little bit about “The Crisis Group”. They bugged me, like a snake lurking in the weeds. Made me want to throw a yellow caution flag. Robert Malley is the CEO, head of the Crisis Group. This is the internal enemy, the behind the scenes opposition. It’s the people who are too narcissistic to admit failure and would rather drive the world off a cliff than admit they were wrong. It’s leftover Obama Administration fellows who are clogging up the works.

Keep in mind, I’m a mere bumbling middle-aged lady in a flyover state who makes blueberry muffins. I’m no one special, but I stumbled across Robert Malley yesterday and lil’ ole me stopped on a dime.

Thus, when I woke up this morning and saw a reposted article from Tony Badran on Robert Malley in Tablet, I started looking over my shoulder. Pretty weird, eh? Imagine my surprise. How is it possible we can all be thinking about the same thing? The same person/group? At roughly the same time? And if I can see the problem “from my kitchen window”, why is everyone in the chattering inter-agency assessment community so damn blind? Or, more likely, intentionally avoiding the conversation?

Again, here is the link to the Crisis Group. It’s an NGO, receive funds from grants (read as US Taxpayer dollars), various countries, and private donations. It’s a who’s who of progressives and similar to the Atlantic Council. In the case of Crisis Group, their goal is to push favor towards Iran, whereas Atlantic Council’s goal is to do anything to oppose Russia. It’s a nest of vipers, former high ranking officials with media execs to push a narrative anywhere on the planet they wish. Take a look at the Board of Directors.

Robert Malley was born in ’63, served in the National Security Council under Obama from ’14- January of 2017. He’s a “global conflicts resolution” lawyer/specialist and immediately flew the coup when Trump was inaugurated, returning to the Crisis Group. He went to Yale/Oxford/Harvard. Gee whiz, he must be really smart. But note his resume, Malley worked at Crisis Group BEFORE he went into the NSC under Obama. AND the Crisis Group has been pro-Iran since the 90’s. Why was Malley picked for the NSC during the JCPOA negotiations? Interesting choice. Cue the suspicious cat or dog…..

From his Wikipedia bio, obviously carefully curated, “Malley is considered an expert on the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and has written extensively on this subject advocating rapprochement with Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood.”

And then we find the golden nugget: “In 2015, the Obama administration appointed Rob Malley as its “point man” on the Middle East, leading the Middle East desk of the National Security Council.[4] In November 2015, Malley was named as President Obama’s new special ISIS advisor.[5]

Malley was the Obama point man for ISIS? What? Have any of you guys ever seen Malley’s picture before today? So, when James Foley was beheaded, it would have been a “policy failure” by Malley? When the Jordanian pilot was burned alive in a cage, would that have been another policy mistake by Malley? How about the Yazidi women/children sold as sex slaves? Don’t tell me that was approved policy. Or the million + immigrants into Europe?

Why haven’t we done a thorough probe of Malley? He’s at the center with blood on his hands…… and he LOVED the Muslim Brotherhood. In researching this piece, several experts have described the “Arab Spring” as the Muslim Brotherhood’s coming out party, as opposed to independent citizens who wanted to throw off old and repressive dictators. Interesting…..

Then we get to the history of Robert Malley. Check his Wiki Bio, he could have been Obama’s brother. His mother — “worked for the United Nations delegation of the Algerian National Liberation Front (FNL), and her husband, Simon Malley (1923–2006), an Egyptian-born Jewish journalist who grew up in Egypt and worked as a foreign correspondent for Al Gomhuria. A communist sympathizer, the elder Malley spent time in New York, writing about international affairs, particularly about nationalist, anti-imperial movements in Africa.

It gets better. I’m the same age as Malley. When my dad moved me to Chicago in ’69 to build skyscrapers and roll around in American Capitalism, Malley’s father moved him to France to open a leftist magazine called Africasia. Malley’s dad, Simon Malley, was so far left, he was thrown out of France in 1980 when “then French president Valéry Giscard d’Estaing briefly expelled Simon Malley from the country to New York, due to his hostility towards the Western world and Israel.[6]

What????? Malley’s dad was too far left for France…….. so New York state took him?

Naturally, young Robert Malley went to Yale, then Oxford for a PhD in political philosophy (just like Chelsea Clinton), and he wrote about “third worldism” and the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Yet, Malley was so smart, he decided to pick up a JD at Harvard……… where his classmate was one……… Barack Obama……. What are the chances?

Why didn’t we see that one coming?

See this picture below? Robert Malley is at the end, on the left. Followed by the short humpty-dumpty Napoleon guy, next to John Kerry…… who consistently meddles in the ME subverting President Trump’s policies. At the end is the white-haired Cruella deVille – Wendy Sherman, the latest star pundit at MSNBC. She’s the one who screwed up DPRK in the 90s, giving North Korea nuclear weapons during the Clinton Administration. These are the people who have been wrong for decades.

THIS is the JCPOA negotiating team.

But let’s get into the Badran article from Tablet which beautifully explains the problem. Here is the link to the full article.

The Tony Badran article begins by discussing another article written by Malley for Foreign Affairs (( ))) . Save yourself the time. I read Malley’s original article and I wanted to throw tomatoes at him. His arrogance is inescapable. This is the kind of guy who is so caught up in personal pride, he would be easily compromised by two Vegas hookers in about 30 minutes. Suddenly Epstein’s modus operandi is making a lot of sense to me. Robert Malley is a deeply ideological communist and he does not like the USA and he hates Israel. His logic is flawed and he is a dangerous man.

Yet, the Malley essay is a lackluster defense of Obama’s foreign policy. Malley seems depressed, desperate, wildly partisan, as Obama’s legacy of the JCPOA is in tatters. Malley insists the only way forward for us all, for us to save the WORLD, is more diplomacy and negotiation……. the kind of stuff only smart guys like Malley can do.

And the folks in the agencies take their cues from Malley, as he was Obama’s right hand in the Middle East. It was Malley’s push which netted the recent block on more weapons to Saudi for the Yemen war.

No, there is another option, brought forth by President Trump. Treat Iran like an enemy and hit them over the head. Thugs respect strength and sometimes you need a bigger StrongMan with a bigger gun. Establish a deterrent, a consequence for their actions…. like the death of Soleimani. Iran has been unchecked for a decade.

Clearly, Malley wants to run away from the Middle East, “avoid the tinderbox” and blame allies like Saudi and Israel. He describes Saudi’s war with Yemen as “reckless”, and shames Israel for actions in Lebanon and Syria. “How dare they object to Iranian presence”, seems to be the mantra. Funny, I had a salesman in Yemen when the Houthis started the war with Saudi. His brother was the manager of the port. The Saudis didn’t start anything. Iran funded the Houthis to bug Saudi at their southern border. And somehow Israel should stand down while Iran runs Hezbollah, Hamas, and Syria? Nah…… I can’t see the Jewish people ignoring all the rockets…. suicide bombers…. burning crops… you know…. terrorists.

It’s true though, the strategy from Obama/Malley was to strengthen Iran in order to balance the power of Israel and Saudi. Strike a balance for peace and harmony in the region (I’m looking for white doves to be released and the seas to be parted by Obama). In effect, the Obama Admin sided with Iran, against our allies……. for some “greater good”…. according to smart guys from Yale/Harvard/Oxford.

In other words, if our allies are strong, then America should seek to weaken them until “balance” is achieved, which will help bring about more “peace.” If Iran were stronger, and Israel and Saudi Arabia were weaker, then peace would therefore be more likely. American policy, in the present moment at least, should therefore be to strengthen Iran at the expense of Israel and the Saudis. 

Indeed, this odd syllogism, which anchors the essay, is hardly Malley’s own; it simply reiterates Obama’s core vision for the region. The goal of achieving “balance” in America’s posture in the Middle East is how Obama presented his strategy of realigning American interests with Iran. For Obama, it was not in America’s interest to lead a regional alliance system which stands in opposition to Iran, and which therefore threatens to move the U.S. closer to war. Rebalancing away from traditional allies means moving closer to Iran, and away from the security architecture in which America had formerly been invested.

Gobsmacked. We had suspicions Obama was a sell-out to Iran but here it is in black and white. My poor little flyover state brain can’t handle it, but here it is. Common knowledge amongst the bureaucracy.

How did it happen? Who thought it was a good idea to turn Iran loose and throw Israel and Saudi under the bus? Guess that explains why Obama left Netanyahu waiting, cooling his heels for over an hour, outside the Oval Office. Yet, it’s clear, that was Obama’s policy and Malley was merely aligned in thinking. Such a reversal was dramatic, however, what caused it? Because make no mistake, the policy was malicious and intentional.

Answer can be found in the rejection of Bush policy, nation building, endless war, and the utter disaster of Iraq and Afghanistan. Elections have consequences and the Obama team seized the opportunity. Reading further in the article, when the Obama admin came in, they reassessed and took an opposite approach = hands off Iran. Let Iran and Saudi share the region. Coddle Iran to the detriment of Saudi and especially Israel.

Both Malley and Badran freely admit the “interagency consensus” is now tilted against Israel and Saudi and loyal to Obama policy = cozy up to Iran. Well, that explains why they had such a fit when Khashoggi was killed. It also explains why they had a fit when Trump visited Saudi Arabia for his first foreign visit. And why the Deep State thinks Trump is dumb……… because he does not agree with “them”.

“I think there was a comfort with a United States that was comfortable with an existing order and the existing alignments, and was an implacable foe of Iran,” Obama said in 2014, referring to Gulf Arab states. “What I’ve been saying to our partners in the region is, ‘We’ve got to respond and adapt to change.’”

In other words, it was Obama’s “new normal” for the Middle East.

Malley was/is far more concerned about Sunni tribal divisions than the problem of Iran and points again to MBS killing of Khashoggi, isolating Qatar, war in Yemen, and the “kidnapping of Lebanon’s foreign minister” (he was stopped at the border to save his life – Saudi learned about the assassination plot)….. which also explains the extended stay at the Ritz Carlton for the Saudi Princes.

Malley and his disciples are sprinkled through the Dem candidates running for President and their influence is real. Malley prefers Bernie Sanders the fellow communist sympathizer, personally, but there are other members of the team interspersed in Butteigeg and Warren campaigns as well as others. Malley thinks if President Trump is a one term President, the old Obama policy will “snap back” (which is why Kerry is running around the middle east) and Iran will again be in good graces, with Israel and Saudi on the outs.

And not only that: What is perhaps more surprising, and more significant, about Malley’s essay is the extent to which it serves as a blueprint for understanding the larger foreign policy consensus in Washington—one that is embraced by both Democrats and Republicans, whether wittingly or not.

As an architect of the Obama administration’s highly deliberate and disciplined Middle East policy, and as a representative of the new Democratic Party foreign policy elite, Malley’s thoughts are worth studying carefully

Other articles in my research for this article mention Malley over and over again as a possible National Security Advisor for a Dem Administration if they win in November.

Get your head around the idea.

Official Dem policy is to embrace Iran.

In 2020, vote like your life depends on it.

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TY Daughworks—-
Maybe this will work—this meme does say a lot…
*FB image failed to show*


Moderators delete both if neither works SORRY.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m going to leave it so that we can let people know – FACEBOOK images don’t show here!


for some reason I can see the second one on here—the first was missing the first “h” in “http”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I could not see it, after I added the “h”. I guess some people can.


I can see it just fine.
It’s not showing up for you?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nope. It’s OK. Probably my security settings. It’s good. I don’t want FB stuff working.


Daughn.. This is terrific info. It’s as good or even better than some of the well known MAGA researcher faves. I hope it gets some far reaching shares. Proud of ya !

Gail Combs

Did you note the title of Badran article?
Malley in Wonderland ====> Qanon’s BLOODY WONDERLAND???
White Rabbits is the Name for the Human Traffickers
31 Aug 2018 – 11:33:08 PM
HRC = Alice
SA = Wonderland
Re_read drops re: SA
Have faith.
For God & Country.
Hillary and Alice in Wonderland Connection (Major Q Proof)
31 Aug 2018 – 10:56:56 PM
How could we know?📁


The board has some amazing names on it.
Robert O’Malley
Wendy Sherman
George Soros
Lawrence Summers
Jake Sullivan (HRC”s senior advisor) and
Frank Giustra..the guy at the heart of the Uranium One scandal.
OMG we had the worst people in the world essentially running our country.


This commercial is currently running…Don’t know about others but it’s a real jaw dropper for me.


This in response to Gail’s comment re: White Rabbit


That’s “White Rabbit” for those not familiar with Jefferson Airplane’s song accompanying the vid. (Listen to the lyrics …all about mind altering drugs [psychedelics])

Cuppa Covfefe

Hope the young boy there at the beginning was that man’s son, and the woman the mother/wife… lotta messages in that video… none of them good…

Rodney Short

Daughn if I could I would be honored to buy you a beer, you never cease to amaze.


I think it’s that daiquiri bar she’s keen on


Just the smoke here.many times hazardous level. Even nz 2000 miles away are getting chocking smoke and as all over their pretty white glaciers.
Naturally the are winging.
OTOH firefighters from Canada and us have arrived to help and nz and Singapore have sent choppers.
My places currently safe

Rodney Short

Ewwww yeah I like it


Drive through. It’s calling me

Rodney Short

I hear ya Ozzy.


A little help here? Can’t find the Iran vs USA match on Sportsbet

Rodney Short


Rodney Short

Awww thank you Daughn you just made my day.


“Official Dem policy is to embrace Iran.”
And Trump is exposing it.
First of all, let’s break this down a little bit.

if our allies are strong, then America should seek to weaken them until “balance” is achieved, which will help bring about more “peace.”

Let’s understand the Marxist foreign policy worldview that is behind this assessment. Or more properly, Critical Theory, the nutter theory of academia created to support every left wing cause, including supporting Saddam during the invasion of Kuwait.
The first key to understanding this is to set everything you know about reality aside, and stop using logic.
Literally. Logic is a Western hegemonic system to enforce imperialism. (I can’t make this stuff up.) It is bad because it is power and that’s why Westerners use it. That’s why they are brainwashed, because they keep using logic as power. Really, the leftist believes, they should be using rhetoric to sway the masses, because only when they rise up in anger and moral authority can the revolution be realized. (Definitely don’t teach logic, and don’t let anyone use it. If they do, accuse them of abusing power – racism, sexism, homophobia, islamaphobia, etc.)
Next, understand that in the Critical Theory worldview, everything is about POWER: Who has it, who doesn’t, how do they use it, how are people oppressed by it, and how is our beliefs about reality and the words we use instruments of power.
Remember the leftist saying “Everything is political”? Who needs metaphysics when you have language (Linguistics)? Is it any wonder the most nutty leftists like Lakhoff and Chomsky are crazy leftists?
Everything is about POWER in critical theory. Who has the most power? Why, the United States of course, coincidentally enough. They have all the power. How? Obviously, because they stole it: Colonial oppression. You remember the rampant colonization that the United States has perpetuated through North America and around the globe?! (Yeah, not me either.) The entire problem of world poverty, all those poor 3rd world nations in Africa, the ME, India, and everywhere else is because the U.S. and European powers came in with their military might, conquered the local peoples, took their power, stole their money, and keep them down through their capitalist system to maintain – what again? – oh yes of course, POWER.
We know its true. It just feels right. Besides, Zinn told us so.
So erase everything your corrupted Western mind with your sick and self-serving immoral western values thinks it knows. You hypocrite, you just parrot Western values because you have a self-interest in it, you have no feeling for the goodness of your fellow man! If only we had more equity in society and the world, everyone would finally stop hating each other, mankind could love each other, without want or need or hunger or pain, everyone would have what they needed, wouldn’t need to fight, and we could all finally just be HAPPY…
Johnny-boy tells us “Don’t just listen to this song, you need to feel it –” (Whatever you do, Leftists don’t want you to use your brain.)
[Public Service Announcement: The man with the circle rim glasses is NOT Steve Jobs.]
Now from the basis of the need for equality – radical egalitarianism (a supposed “equality” enforced through the barrel of a gun, which is in fact “theft” and a violation of the Ten Commandments) – we come back to the POWER of militaries.
To the useful idiot leftist, or the cynical commie propagandist, the problem with all wars and capitalistic exploitation in the world can be summed up entirely in the inequity of POWER in the world.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union (our leftist friends bow their heads and say a prayer to Lenin) the United States was the only remaining super-power. A Hyper-Power, as they called it, a hegemonic military power against which no power in the world, even combined, could challenge. This allowed the United States, that corrupt capitalist society, to run ragged exploiting the world and having a monopoly on all the means of production to the expense and oppression of all the world. ALL THE WORLD… ALL OF IT. It’s the U.S. versus the oppressed globe. I.E., Globalism. (I’m serious, you can’t make this up.) Either the world unites together against the great Satan of the United States and capitalism or the U.S. will rule everything and all the communists will experience everlasting sadness.
To the entrenched bureaucrat buried in the bowels of the State Department, with no real world experience, but one of the finest educations money can buy turning his head into mush (thank you Ivy League), and surrounded by like-minded parrots who only repeat each other and are impressed by each others inane “brilliance”, there is nothing that challenges or destabilizes their worldview. Hermetically sealed Marxist Critical Theory is the defining worldview by which reality must be understood.
From within this irrational faith-based worldview festers the notion that all problems in the world – war, conflict, genocide, economic deprivation, starvation – all of it can be solved by correcting the mistake of the colonialist and imperial past, and ensuring that POWER around the world is distributed equitably. How very communist of them.
Who has the most power is the villain, the winner of the colonialist era.
Whoever has less power or is the most angry is the victim, the oppressed of the colonialist era. Africa and the ME are ripe with people who need the leftists to ride in as saviors of.
In this worldview, the U.S. is the aggressor-bully, and other nations – Iraq, Syria, Iran – they are all the victims of Western imperialism.
The Critical Theory Marxist rejects the world of appearances as deceiving. (That’s not really a cliff, I really can walk on air, stop using your logic to oppress me!) If Iran appears to be the bully, Critical Theory is always there like a warm blanket to remind us that we should always side with the powerless(?!) against the powerful.
Critical Theory structures a prejudice against Western nations who are permanently the aggressors and oppressors in the grand narrative of world history. Them, and them alone (no other explanations allowed or no soup for you!) are permanently guilt of transgressing All the peoples of the world, globally. (I know, I can’t make this stuff up.)
In their worldview, the only way to establishing peace and harmony is to “re-balance” the power system of the world. Iran would be much happier if only the Western nations were not oppressing them so. Give them money and military power and respect – they’ll happily join the WORLD (Globalist) community.
A large number of actions taken by the prior administration have much clearer intents when seen through the fakery of Critical Theory.
But that does NOT explain all of it.
Critical Theory is great for the useful idiot, the “True Beilever” to use Eric Hoffer’s terminology.
But what about the cynical propagandist?
Or what about the opportunistic (corrupt) politician?
Remember the movie “Diamonds are Forever”? Blofeld uses an orbital laser to selectively destroy nuclear installations in America, Russia, and China, holding the world to ransom in an international auction, with nuclear supremacy going to the highest bidder.
If you have a large amount of power at your disposal, you can make a killing selling it off.comment image
The Critical Theory Marxist infested State Department will cheer you along every step of the way.
But this degree of metastasized infection is hardly surprising, when you consider the FDR State Department had been 100% infiltrated and controlled by the KGB.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – that PICTURE!!!
NOTORIOUS COMMUNIST anti-Zionist Robert Malley
Vietnam Soviet Propaganda veteran John “LURCH” Kerry
Emily’s List Manager-Turned-Diplomat (who slept at Holiday Inn Express) Wendy Sherman
Actual picture details:
From left, U.S. National Security Council Senior Director for Iran, Iraq, Syria and the Gulf States Robert Malley, U.S. Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, and U.S. Undersecretary for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman attend the Iran nuclear talks in Vienna on June 30, 2015(Photo: POOL/Siamek Ebrahimi/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)
OMG. An Israel-hating Soviet communist was setting up Iran to take out Israel. HOLY FRACK. No wonder everybody was freaking out.
Now THIS article will REALLY freak you out. image
You have GOT to read this.
Wendy Sherman (on a trip featuring decadent 5-star digs and eats) CRYING when the top Iranian negotiator backtracks and makes demands to open a closed topic. Then patting herself on the back about it in a Twitter thread, when he backs off, somewhat stunned.
This is, again, a beautiful example of AUBERGINE’S RAZOR.
Wendy Sherman’s absolute leftist true believer useful idiot ineptitude is 100% on display, while REAL COMMIE Robert Malley is obviously driving the actual policy that gives Iran everything it needs to nuke Israel.



Chris Moritz

Awesome post michaelh
First thing I recognized when seeing that picture
That’s a table of true believers, every last one of them
Imagine stepping into a room and finding that group..
They all sell Bullshit.Bullshit salesman.
Great gig if you can get it, beats having to work for a living ,
and plenty of work available tearing down exceptionalism ,passing the pieces around to Third- Worlders.. .


Hehe the muse hit me… I could’ve posted it on a separate post, but it’s good here 😉


Daughn, knew nothing about any of this, including Malley. Thank you so much–also thanks to Michaelh, Gail, Wolfie and all who contributed to this valuable thread. Wow. Incredible.

Gail Combs

The SJW Snowflakes, thanks to Progressive Education, actually do live in an alternate universe at least when it comes to their method of reasoning.

The Philosophy Of Karl Marx
The philosophical bases of Marx’s thought were laid early and remained unchanged throughout his life. As a student, Marx accepted the philosophy of Hegel as the only sound and adequate explanation of the universe. According to this philosophy, “the only immutable thing is the abstraction of movement.” The one universal phenomenon is change, and the only universal form of this phenomenon is its complete abstraction. Thus, Hegel accepted as real only that which existed in the mind. Objective phenomena and events were of no consequence; only the conceptions of them possessed by human minds were real. Ideas, not objects, were the stuff of which the universe was made.
In the Hegelian philosophy no idea could exist without an opposite…. Struggle or conflict was the en-evitable fact in such a universe—conflict of the thesis with its antithesis. In this struggle thesis and antithesis acted and reacted on each other, and a new phenomenon—synthesis—was created. All action or change occurring in the universe was, under the Hegelian philosophy, the product of thesis, antithesis, and resulting synthesis—all in the realm of ideas, since objective reality could exist only in that sphere. Since this process was universal and never ending, it offered a complete explanation of the causal processes creating all phenomena within the universe….

Read that again —
☭ ☭ ☭ ☭ ☭ ☭ ☭ ☭ ☭ ☭ ☭ ☭
Objective phenomena and events were of no consequence; only the conceptions of them possessed by human minds were real. Ideas, not objects, were the stuff of which the universe was made.
☭ ☭ ☭ ☭ ☭ ☭ ☭ ☭ ☭ ☭ ☭ ☭
I had some idiot Prof. try to sell that crap to me at a week long seminar for foreman and front line supervisors.
I told him if he really believed that to go lay on the R/R tracks out side the classroom and wait for the noon train. But before hand he could hand me his car keys, house keys and sign a new holographic will leaving me his worldly goods….
Funny thing…. He didn’t take me up on the challenge and slunk out of the classroom with a red face as the ‘country hicks’ laughed at him.


Funny thing…. He didn’t take me up on the challenge and slunk out of the classroom with a red face as the ‘country hicks’ laughed at him.

…But he didn’t correct his irrational reasoning, and tried again with a fresh crop of students the next semester.
They don’t have to convert them all; they just need a few true believers.


and to continue the thinking:
The only hope lies in the possibility that your control of his worldly possessions will result in possibility of a greater good within the realm of inevitable, infinite, and universal change.
The following links to an iconic parable that illustrates the thinking that Gale has posted above:comment image
The Story of the Pool, by Rem Koolhaas; It was written in his undergraduate days while a student at the only ivy with an undergraduate school of architecture, while Killian and Rostow’s colleague was dean. This version was published by Architectural Digest in 1977. (My copy is published in the appendix of Delirious New York (1994) and is subtly, yet significantly different; similar to the ending of Animal Farm.)
The final illustration in Delirious New York, before the appendix, is a grey scale rendering of Gilmore Clarke’s (another dean of the same institution) 1964 Worlds Fair Unisphere, with the caption: “… ‘The Globe is 120 feet in diameter with an open grid of latitudes and longitudes supporting the land masses…It dramatizes the interrelation of the peoples in the world and their yearning for ‘peace through understanding’…”comment image&
Rem describes the illustration, as his final vignette in Delirious New York, before the appendix:
World’s Fair, 1964.
Theme Exhibit: the Unisphere.
The Globe again, but ghostlike and transparent, with no contents.
Like charred pork chops, the continents cling desperately to the carcass of Manhattanism.”…

Steve in Lewes

Great comment!
You wrote: “the Marxist foreign policy worldview” after the quoted sentence above it, “if our allies are strong, then America should seek to weaken them”.
Well, it’s no different than their economic worldview;
weaken the successful to somehow strengthen the poor…neither will achieve their desired result except make all entities mediocre….
Human nature will not let that happen since strong allies/successful people will always find ways to overcome any obstacles put in front of them, including Marxist policies!


That’s right, in their minds foreign policy, military might, economic strength, as well as moral, intellectual, and religious strength are all part of the same (in their minds) system of power and oppression.
PHEW. Too much of this stuff is disheartening.
But several people have shown us the way out.
Václav Havel, “The Power of the Powerless”
Fairly short read, but powerful, worth revisiting from time to time.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow – this explains everything.
Obama’s “national security adviser” Ben Rhodes was the FACE of FAILURE and STUPIDITY that they WANTED US TO SEE.
Rhodes Scholar (like Susan Rice, Butt-Gig, Corey Booker, and more) Robert Malley is the REAL national security adviser, giving FELLOW SOVIET OBAMA exactly what he wants to hear – the current SOVIET thinking.
Again – the FACE OF STUPIDITY is intentional. It is VERY EASY to find pictures of Obama with Ben Rhodes.
The FACE OF GUILE AND MALICE IS HIDDEN. It is VERY HARD to find pictures of Obama with Robert Malley.
Ben Rhodes was WALLPAPER. And remember how they blamed Ben Rhodes as the guy who weaponized the transition? BULLSHIT! My money is on THE CRISIS GROUP. I believe THEY worked with the LAWFARE group to help weaponize the transition. LAWFARE on DOMESTIC, CRISIS GROUP on FOREIGN.
Now – Daughn – THIS is another GEM to add to your collection.
WHY (not ISIS) did Obama “reach out” to Malley?
It’s in here – a deep dive from THE OTHER SIDE which I archived:
It was because of BIBI’S SPEECH TO CONGRESS!!!!comment image

Three days after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress, President Barack Obama delivered a stinging response to the latest in a series of Netanyahu diplomatic insults.
The President chose Robert Malley (right) as Special Assistant to the President and White House Coordinator for the Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf Region.
Special Assistant Malley will begin his new assignment April 6.
The news of the Malley promotion raised hardly a ripple in U.S. mainstream and cable news media, currently obsessing over Hillary Clinton’s email servers.
Pro-Israel media outlets, however, rushed to sound the alarm. The word went out to Israel’s staunch U.S. backers, “Obama has struck back with the dangerous Malley”.
National Security Adviser Susan E. Rice, made the announcement on March 6:
“Philip Gordon, Special Assistant to the President and White House Coordinator for the Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf Region will be stepping down, and will be succeeded by Rob Malley, currently NSC Senior Director for Iran, Iraq, Syria and the Gulf States. Dr. Malley will assume his new position on April 6, 2015.”

Finally, you and michaelh MUST check out the bio of the author. CHICAGO PROTESTANT COMMIE/DUPE.
Things are making sense all over the place.


There’s a reason the UMC is going through a major split, as leftists are driving the SBC off a cliff. Nothing is a coincidence.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Even if the Russian meddling was 50 years ago and Russia now disavows it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. The ROGER STONE of OBAMA. Too wild for the show. But after Bibi goes to Congress and brings down the roof, Obi-wan Stalin gets scared and calls him in.

Gail Combs

If Robert Malley went to school with OH!Bummer, he also may have had a bit of blackmail on OH!Bummer since he might have been aware that OH!Bummer was an INDONESIAN FOREIGN STUDENT thanks to his adoptive father Lolo Soetoro. Notice how Barry Soetoro’s name changed BACK to Obama?


As a PS. to my post related to the Hegelian worldview and Rem Koolhaas’ Story of the Pool, that hasn’t appeared yet (in the bin?):
Rem and OH!Bummer have something in common…parents on the ground in Indonesia in the early 1960’s. Rem father worked for STICUSA.

Deplorable Patriot

Obama is/was a puppet. He was the public face used to get the regime into place. The team behind Trump did the same thing. He’s the public face of the operation.


I’m just sitting here and shaking my head….. You really have an eye for those sketchy details, Daughn.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The media misleads by creating our fake normal. Note in the one link that the leftist Malley *fanboi* snickers that the media was chasing Hillary emails and did not report the “great news” of Obama upgrading Malley as tit-for-tat for Bibi’s speech.
This is why they hit us with “sucker scandals”, or sometimes with real but sacrifice scandals. The left knows that they are leading us barking dogs AWAY from the scene of the crime with RED MEAT.


It’s a great catch, Daughn.
So glad you noticed this guy!
And thanks for digging into him!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Another interesting article about Malley – STILL MEDDLING.

Robert Malley met with Iran’s Foreign Minister in NYC
Jacob Kornbluh
July 23, 2019

NEW YORK — Robert Malley, a former Obama administration national security official, met with Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif during the Iranian diplomat’s visit to New York last week, Jewish Insider has learned.
Malley is currently the President and CEO of the International Crisis Group in Washington, D.C. He served as the Obama administration point man on the Middle East at the National Security Council (NSC) from 2015.
A spokesperson for the Crisis Group confirmed the meeting, and insisted that the meeting was part of the group’s “regular contacts with all parties, whether it be Iran, the US, Gulf states or European countries.”
Zarif visited New York to attend the annual session of the UN Economic and Social Council (UNOSOC). The State Department granted the Iranian diplomat a visa but limited his movement.
In May, President Trump accused former Secretary of State John Kerry of encouraging the Iranians to rebuff his overtures to negotiate a new nuclear deal.
Trump has said in recent weeks that he prefers talks with Tehran over military action. But on Monday, Trump indicated his patience is running thin. “It’s getting harder for me to make a deal with Iran,” Trump told reporters.

click for more:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, I’m just BACKING UP into evidence! Skeletons and stolen goods just popping up out of the ground. Malley is the most target rich environment I’ve seen since BILL AYERS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think it’s Soviet. Their purpose it to create “crisis” while pretending to STOP crisis. It’s the perfect REVERSO operation. It gives them complete plausibility to meddle in crisis events and set them up to be worse while pretending to try to fix them, or absent that, then to fashion an outcome according to Soviet desires. Which is why Obama always seemed to be doing what the old Soviet Union would have wanted.
Note also that Malley is almost subconsciously fluent in the idea of “plausibility” (he uses the term in his article in a very subtle way).
Oh, we missed this guy because they wanted us to miss him.
Guess what is happening in 1992, while this guy is palling around Barack Obama? That Russian gal is telling Tom Fife IN RUSSIA that Obama is going to be President.
The reason you don’t see Russian hands here is because the KGB used American hands.
DIAPER.comment image

Cuppa Covfefe


A spokesperson for the Crisis Group confirmed the meeting, and insisted that the meeting was part of the group’s “regular contacts with all parties, whether it be Iran, the US, Gulf states or European countries.”

Isn’t that, by definition, a violation of the Logan Act?
WHY IS FOREIGN POLICY BEING ATTEMPTED BY “NGØs” (Nefarious Goons of Øbama) ???!!!!
Lurch, in particular, should be sent on a swift boat to Gitmo…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here is Malley himself – the thinking he was selling PUBLICLY – on the day after we took out Soleimani.

A perilous turning point in the US – Iran confrontation

By Robert Malley
The killing by the U.S. of Qasem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Quds Force, marks a dramatic turning point. Soleimani had been in Washington’s crosshairs for many years, and successive U.S. presidents could likely have ordered his assassination in the past. That they chose not to do so suggests that they worried the costs would outweigh the benefits.
With his decision, President Donald Trump is making clear that he abides by a different calculus: that, given the vast power imbalance, Iran has far more to fear from war than does the U.S. The strike that killed the Iranian general along with others – notably Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, a senior commander of the pro-Iranian Iraqi Shiite militia – was, in accordance with this view, meant as a deterrent to further Iranian attacks.
It is almost certain to be anything but. Iran may fear U.S. retaliation, but it fears projecting that fear even more. From its perspective, it cannot allow what it views as a declaration of war to remain unanswered. It will respond and now must decide whether its reaction will be direct or through the array of proxies and allied forces Soleimani helped build; immediate or deferred; in Iraq or elsewhere – in the Gulf, Syria or beyond.
The U.S. presence in Iraq, already shaky after the 29 December strike that killed two dozen members of a pro-Iranian Iraqi militia, is now hanging by a thread; the Trump administration may decide to depart preemptively rather than be forced to leave on Baghdad’s orders. The truce in Yemen between Saudi Arabia and Iran-backed Huthi fighters also is in greater jeopardy.
Watch in particular for Iran’s announcement of its next steps on the nuclear front, taken in response to Washington’s violation of the 2015 deal. A serious step on 6 January had been predicted; in all likelihood, it just got far more serious.

Something doesn’t seem right about his “predictions” Is he dumping CHAFF???


Ricky being Ricky

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This could mean different things. I’d love to know which was the ACTUAL explanation.


There’s always the benign/stupid public face and the malevolent behind the scenes puppet masters.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Makes me wonder what in the heck Joe Biden was – SECRETLY – in high school!
Seriously, the Obama administration was more chock full of red diaper than any administration since FDR.

Cuppa Covfefe

More likely under the bleachers, staring up… ——shooting… Once a perv, always a perv. Has to be one of the creepiest guys I’ve ever seen; sort of like the doctor in “Cannonball Run”…comment image


All incubated in a swill of hatred for the us, western civilisation and jews

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – what a SCREAM!!!
She may have arrived under the very tail end of Bush 1, but she would have benefited from Clinton policies for YEARS.
Omar was born in Mogadishu, Somalia on October 4, 1982,[15][16] and spent her early years in Baidoa, Somalia.[17][18] She was the youngest of seven siblings, including sister Sahra Noor. Her father, Nur Omar Mohamed, an ethnic Somali from the Majeerteen clan of Northeastern Somalia,[19] worked as a teacher trainer.[20] Her mother, Fadhuma Abukar Haji Hussein, a Benadiri (a community of partial Yemeni descent), died when Ilhan was two.[21][22][23][24] She was raised by her father and grandfather thereafter.[25] Her grandfather Abukar was the director of Somalia’s National Marine Transport, and some of Omar’s uncles and aunts also worked as civil servants and educators.[20] She and her family fled Somalia to escape the war and spent four years in a Dadaab refugee camp in Garissa County, Kenya, near the Somali border.[26][27][28]
After first arriving in New York in 1992,[29] Omar’s family finally secured asylum in the U.S. in 1995 and lived for a time in Arlington, Virginia,[23] before moving to and settling in Minneapolis,[23] where her father worked first as a taxi driver and later for the post office.[23] Her father and grandfather emphasized the importance of democracy during her upbringing, and at age 14 she accompanied her grandfather to caucus meetings, serving as his interpreter.[25][30] She has spoken about school bullying she endured during her time in Virginia, stimulated by her distinctive Somali appearance and wearing of the hijab. She recalls gum being pressed into her hijab, being pushed down stairs, and physical taunts while she was changing for gym class.[23] Omar remembers her father’s reaction to these incidents: “They are doing something to you because they feel threatened in some way by your existence.”[23] Omar became a U.S. citizen in 2000 when she was 17 years old.[31][23]
Omar attended Edison High School and volunteered there as a student organizer.[32] She graduated from North Dakota State University in 2011 with a bachelor’s degree, majoring in political science and international studies.[33][30] Omar was a Policy Fellow at the University of Minnesota’s Humphrey School of Public Affairs.[34][35][36]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So he would have coordinated the policy that let Ilhan Omar’s parents get asylum in 1995.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – read ’em and weep. We never knew this stuff.
Malley attended Yale University, and was a 1984 Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University, where he earned a Ph.D. in political philosophy. There he wrote his doctoral thesis about Third-worldism and its decline. Malley continued writing about foreign policy, including extended commentary about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He earned a J.D. at Harvard Law School, where he met his future wife, Caroline Brown.[7] Another fellow law school student was Barack Obama.[8] In 1991–1992, Malley clerked for Supreme Court Justice Byron White, while Brown clerked for Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. As of 2010, the couple has two sons, Miles and Blaise, and one daughter, Frances.[7]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gotta be her. Holder and Trisha B. Anderson were there, too. OMG. Hilarious.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These RHODES SCHOLARS are fucking poison to America. POISON. There are a few good ones – Bobby Jindal comes to mind. Larry Sabato. I think that some, possibly just through reasonable personal security habits, escape the “mind-fuck”. But the LONG, LONG list of COUP and CABAL creatures, as well as Dem POTUS candidates, who are Rhodes Scholars, is just WEIRD AS HELL.
All of the “left-useful” ones seem weirdly mentally disordered in some way or another, too. I suspect that ALL of them – ALL of them – were MKed during their time over there.
Look at this list:
Bill Clinton – rapist, narcissist
Susan Rice – pathological liar, minion complex
Corey Booker – closet gay, liar, anger issues
Rachel Maddow – hoaxer, mood, gender issues
Pete Buttigieg – gay, “blinky”, anger, doctrinaire
Chrystia Freeland – contradictory personality disorder, minion complex
George Stephanopoulos – short (j/k – mebbe not), minion complex
Naomi Wolf – progtard feminazi and America-hater, fragile, OCD
The list goes on. None of them except the rapist, ironically, would ever be safe near the red button.


According to her LinkedIn profile, she left Covington & Burlington in October of 2018 to co-found Brown and Peisch, PLLC.
“Brown & Peisch PLLC represents clients in litigation and regulatory matters relating to federally funded health and benefit programs, including Medicaid, Medicare, the Affordable Care Act, Title IV (TANF, Child Support Enforcement, Foster Care and Adoption Assistance), and food security (SNAP and WIC).”
You’ll never guess who she clerked for on the Supreme Court. Ruth Bader Ginsburg and then Sandra Day O’Connor.
This article, about a lawsuit for which Brown & Peisch were hired by the State of West Virginia to handle a foster care suit, states that they were the most expensive bid, but were hired anyway:
“The state received five bids:
Barnes and Thornburg LLP (offices in Indianapolis) $645, $675, $495 per hour from member attorneys; $225 to $395 per hour for paralegal support and associate attorneys.
Brown and Peisch PLLC (Washington, D.C.) $575 per hour.
Bailey & Wyant PLLC (Charleston) $200 per hour.
Pullin, Fowler, Flanagan, Brown and Poe PLLC (Beckley, Charleston, Morgantown, Martinsburg) $225 per hour.
Hissam, Forman, Donovan and Ritchie PLLC (Charleston) $260 per hour.”
The article further states that this was based on the firms “track record.” What track record? One year after their founding?
The co-founder, Phil Peisch, was at Covington and Burlington for seven years prior to founding the firm, according to LinkedIn. In 2005-6, he was the Deputy Press Secretary for Jim Jeffords. He was the healthcare and social program specialist of the pair, I guess.
These people are political parasites. They go from one Washington, D.C. position to another, all the while never leaving the political arena. They are “bubble people,” and have no connection to the real American citizenry. I have no doubt they are Socialist/Communist/Marxist, because anything else would be unthinkable for them. Everyone should be “equal” except them, because they are “special.”
Every time I look into these people, I feel like I need a shower.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amazing dig – thanks for this!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Gail has written a few times about Cecil Rhodes and his Roundtable, and the “Rhodes Collars”… I think here, too… lots of dirty deeds done by these malevolent misanthropes…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. “Rhodes Collars” – OMG – THAT IS IT!!!


Wasn’t that about the time that Cuba emptied out their prisons and put their criminals on boats…aimed at Florida?
I don’t remember which year that was.
But I think it was in the Clinton years.


That far back?
Okay, thanks!
I was way off. 😬🥴

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, it gets better…..
Absolutely cannot make this shit up!
“Malley’s parents were rabidly anti-Israel and counted Yasir Arafat as a personal friend.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Obama was such a sneak. SUCH a sneak.
Now, I want to bring this up again. There were RUMORS that the deal Kerry and Sherman made was just window dressing – that the REAL DEAL was made earlier by VALERIE JARRETT on secret flights to IRAN, during the early Obama years, before there was even TALK of an “Iran deal”.
Supposedly the ISRAELIS monitored her travel and proved she was going to Iran to meet about a deal, and completed a deal BEFORE there was any pretense of a deal being started publicly.
Now that we know about GRAFT and KICKBACKS, I’m betting all THAT was set up on the SECRET FLIGHTS.
So that means SHE set up the Iranian “demands” for CASH.


About that CASH…
You know, the evidence of Who got a Big Cut of that Cash, would be a bargaining chip for the Iranian senior officials.
Our VSG would like to have the proof of those kickbacks to Barky & Co.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The cash was always a risk to them. When Trump and Rudy got CLOSE TO IT in Ukraine, the DEMS and CIA got nervous as hell.
Wait a sec. I will bet that the CIA and DNC connections to the Iran money went through Ukraine – and that would be enough reason to bring down a plane with the right people on it under an accident scenario.
We need to see who died in that plane crash.
Yes – Ukraine allows all the old Soviets to still have control from Russia. Many of them in Ukraine, too. All corrupt as hell.


There were 82 Iranians on that flight.
You can read the rest of the passenger breakdown here in this comment:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks. An awful lot of Canadians. Sounds like a sports team or something similar.


Or maybe some of Trudeau’s Iranian Canadians.
He’s been giving citizenship to a lot of muslim immigrants.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. There you go!


what a scumbag

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The intersection of Malley and Obama is of extreme interest. HERE is a great biography of Obama which doesn’t admit many things we know, but which has much other missing information about his girlfriends, etc.
Interesting tidbits about sex, drugs, and when he decided to become politically ambitious, and dump his “whitish” (Amerasian) girlfriend for Michelle, back in Chicago. Was Malley around then?
It seems like Obama needed to get into Harvard Law after THAT. And THAT is when the commies did their pincer moves on Harvard and Harvard Law to get him in as President of Law Review.


What great finds! Thank you for the links.
These are must-reads.
First article is particularly intriguing. One of his ex-girlfriends — the last before he met Michelle — says that O was really concerned in the late 1980s about his racial identity. This woman, who is half-Dutch and half-Japanese, asked him why he couldn’t identify as mixed race. He said that one had to choose. Plus, he met an Illinois state senator around that time who told him that having a ‘white’ wife (ignoring the Japanese half) would harm any potential political career. Hence, Michelle. I’m still reading the article, and that’s where I am at the moment.
The second, Jack Cashill’s, says that O only became Harvard Law Review editor because there was a racial dispute going on at Harvard over admitting a black faculty member around the same time. There were protests and a lot of anger. That helped propel O to the editorship. Cashill also notes that, normally, Harvard Law Review editors go on to stellar legal careers (e.g. Supreme Court Justice). But, curiously, O didn’t want that.


Well, the article says he never published anything in Harvard Law Review as editor.
Incredible that Harvard Law School allowed such sloth.


Sorry churchmouse, but it is remarkably typical of Harvard, My dad was an adjunct on the law school faculty teaching trial practice. Later, I was on the BC Law national mock trial team. Trial practice and mock trial were considered declasse at Hahvud. The students who took my dad’s course were in it for an easy “B” and I don’t think in 20 years he had a student who became a notable trial attorney later. BC had all the good trial attorneys – I’m not braggin’ – just a fact. Harvard has always been a two-tiered school: 20% pure genius and 80% run-of-the-mill totally connected climbers who paid full-boat tuition and then were granted access to SCOTUS and App. Ct. clerkships. They wouldn’t condescend to USDC jobs like I had after law school and every one I met in practice was either a screaming richard cranium or a border-line Aspergers genius.


Wow, thank you for the wealth of information. Fascinating.
Happy New Year to you.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He looks FAMILIAR AS HELL. But I don’t think he’s connected to SpyGate. Something, though – I have seen that mug somewhere.
Take a look at the rest of their lineup.
There is something very weird about them. I cannot put my finger on it. They just all seen kind of odd. Nobody stands out – nobody famous enough that I know of them.
Are they a CIA front?


“He looks FAMILIAR AS HELL. But I don’t think he’s connected to SpyGate. Something, though – I have seen that mug somewhere.”
yea.., looks NOTHING like cia -ma-hah-ala..
Like aliens .. the greys maybe ?
My lunch money says that whole line-up you posted is on the clown/ CFR payroll

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

CFR. Forget all about them. YUP.


daughn: brilliant post! Wonderful research, analysis and insight (and entertaining, too!) which sparked an amazing thread. michael’s response was brilliant and significant as were Wolf’s lightening bolts.
You generated something which far surpasses the pablum found on so many “Big Name” sites, and by that I am excluding nobody, even on our side. TY for all you do.



wow…excellent research…I can only find one misstep you made…one glaring error…this paragraph right here…
Keep in mind, I’m a mere bumbling middle-aged lady in a flyover state who makes blueberry muffins. I’m no one special, but I stumbled across Robert Malley yesterday and lil’ ole me stopped on a dime.
you aren’t a “mere” anything…and you are someone REALLY special!
thanks for all these informative threads Daughn!!!!


you never cease to amaze me Daughn!


REMEMBER – Øbominable saw our space program only as a way to ‘encourage muslims’
Øbhorrent saw the US as a threat to Islam and wanted to even the playing field – that’s why he fed our soldiers to the demon god of Islam with horrific rules of engagement.
In 8 years – the only true words out of Øbastard’s mouth were: “I’m good at killing.”
From abortion to rules of engagement to ignoring terrorist threats and the invasion of drugs, human traffickers and illegals and terrorists…. that is certainly TRUE.
H8 Ø and his ways and cabal – including Malley – more every single day!!!


SO – Wolfie – here’s an example of your RED/GREEN axis – and my RED/GREEN/BLACK axis!!!×180.jpg

Cuppa Covfefe

Ironically, those are the colors of our (current) ruling coalition: Red (and I mean RED) (SPD), Black (CDU/CSU) and Green (watermelon green, Green on the outside, RED on the inside)…


Thank you very much, Daughn, for this most excellent post — and to everyone else for the additional links.
I agree with Pat’s assessment: ‘you aren’t a “mere” anything…and you are someone REALLY special!’


Cent the link to this article to both Doug Ross @ Director Blue and Bad Blue.
However, looks like they are closely allied with YKW and may have been told we are all Q crazy conspiracy theorists and not to post any WQTH articles no matter how good they are.


Sent – not Cent…. need more coffee!


Bet YKW wished he had written this article.
The Qtreeper comments are also very enlightening!


Put another way – don’t settle for mediocrity just to appease some donor or editor’s prejudice.


Iran won’t give the black box from the Ukrainian airline to Boeing.
h/t – Bad Blue


Nobody stands out except the board of trustees. [GS] is there as is Trump hater & basher fmr Admiral Wm. McRaven. I’m sure some of the others are interesting.


Alexander Downer, Stephen Hadley…


Lots of Jew haters on the board. One of the biggest: Nasser al-Kidwa..chairman of the Yasser Arafat Foundation (I guess all the money Arafat stole earned him a foundation).


holy shit…I just realized the Palestinians had a direct connection to Obama.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. These guys were way beyond your average Pal-pals. The Soviets deniably created the PLO (in my opinion), and they were just placing their bets on a new shade of green here.


and probably a connection to the UN… the way Arafat is al-Kidawa’s uncle.

Gail Combs

Why is it all these bad actors end up living in the USA?
“Al Qudwa currently lives in New York City….
Al Qudwa was born in 1953. He attended Cairo University, graduating with a degree in dentistry in 1979.[2] Then became an executive member of the Palestinian Red Crescent shortly after…”

Lots of UN connections.


Frank Giustra is a huge name.


Great stuff, daughn. Thank you. We may have missed him, but I assure you PDT and his patriots have not.
What I still do not get is the disconnect the younger generations have for God and country. I hope that is turning around. Communists/Satanists do not play around. They will use you up and then kill you off. It is imperative that we somehow get through to them that there is a war going on for their distracted minds and hearts that has eternal implications.They will not find answers, peace and joy in the screen of cell phones or the banter on social media.
Prayer and witness like there will be no tomorrow.

Cuppa Covfefe

Because without prayer and witness, there will be no tomorrow…

CM in TN

Posted a link to Parler and Gab. Great dig!



latest !


Sorry Daughn..just digging in right now. Great work. Wonder if this connects back to the UN.

Gail Combs

Yes it does.
Nasser Al-Kidwa or Nasser Al Qudwa
Now live in NYC (probably do to his work with the UN)
“…Qudwa represented his uncle Yasser Arafat and the Palestine Liberation Organization as an unofficial observer in the United Nations in 1987, then as a permanent observer in 1991.[2] In 2005, he was succeeded by Riyad H. Mansour, when he became Foreign Affairs Minister in the Palestinian Authority Government of February 2005. Nasser served as United Nations Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Afghanistan in the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA).[5] Al Qudwa was appointed deputy to Kofi Annan, then special envoy to Syria for the U.N. and Arab League in March 2012.[6] He was responsible for the contacts with Syrian opposition groups.[7] In 2014, Al Qudwa resigned from his position as U.N. Deputy Mediator on Syria….” — WIKI


Reblogged this on RedLegLeader Blog and commented:
As Daughn says, “In 2020, vote like your life depends on it.”

Plain Jane

I’ve been blown away! Great dive into the international swamp DNW. Have to come back to read the comments tomorrow when painter is here, work people here today.


Interesting research. Plus bonus connections to Uranium One and Spygate (Crisis Group board members)
Thank you, Daughn.