RSBN Link:
FOX10 Phoenix Link:
Golden State Times Link:

When you have to get home to Toledo, any excuse will do.

Corporal Klinger dreamed of Tony Packo’s corner cafe when he served in the Army in Korea but Packo’s is still there, still serving their famous pickles and peppers for hot dogs.

But this time, we get to travel with the President to Toledo, Ohio, for a MAGA/KAG Rally and seriously kick off the 2020 Presidential campaign season. Toledo has changed dramatically since the Korean War and even more since MASH ended.

Also, maybe worth considering was the dispute between Ohio and Michigan over a border area that was known as the Toledo Strip. It nearly came to war between the two states. Andrew Jackson intervened to help resolve the dispute. One outcome was that Michigan was given most of the Upper Peninsula as compensation in the settlement. (Hat tip to ItsWoot)
Toledo was founded in 1833, re-founded in 1837 at the conclusion of the Toledo War, but expanded rapidly when the Erie and Miami (connected Cincinnati to Lake Erie) Canals were finished. Since Toledo is located on the manufacturing beltway between Chicago and New York, the glass manufacturers arrived in 1880’s and Toledo’s nickname became “Glass City”. To this day, Owens Corning and Libby Glass are still big employers in Toledo.

The Great Depression hit hard in Toledo and many WPA projects were completed at the time, an amphitheater, aquarium, zoo, and Museum of Art. In the 80’s, the downtown of Toledo was in recession/depression as the suburbs grew. Yet, recent hockey rinks and ballparks have brought people back to the downtown area.
The population of Toledo as of the 2010 Census was 287,128 making it the 71st-largest city in the United States. The 2018 population estimate is 274,975. Population is going down in Toledo. It hit a high in 1970 of 383,818, shrunk by 1/3 since the onset of NAFTA. Amazing what the destruction of manufacturing can do to a city. Housing and rents are inexpensive in Toledo and many old gems still exist.

Outstanding Statistic for Toledo is their location. Toledo is within 250 miles of 7 metro areas – each of them containing greater than a 2 million population, Detroit, Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, Indianapolis, and Chicago. It makes Toledo a perfect business location.
The Toledo economy is bustling and picking up in a Trump economy. Look at the top 40 places to work, GM, Solar, Libby, Grain Elevators and AgriBusiness, Dana Manf, Owens Corning, Healthcare, Banking, etc.
Toledo has a perfect port location on west end of Lake Erie, just south of Detroit. The town is split by the Maumee River and ideally located for shipping and transport logistics.

Michael, our dearest QTreeper usually in charge of food for our MAGA Rally threads is going to have a good time in Toledo. This is a town which has a rare mix of outstanding Mediterranean to Hungarian food + the best hot dogs in the world + an overabundance of local breweries + the normal Chinese/Japanese/Mexican/SteakHouse etc. It’s a food-gasm in Toledo.

Ahhhh, would give anything to spend the afternoon with this guy in his bakery, learning how to make ciabattas and meat pies. LOOK at those pans!!!!!

The hot dogs/Polish sausages are legendary in Toledo. Rudy’s, Central Hot Dog, and Tony Packo’s are the local haunts. Even Obama made it to Rudy’s for a hot dog, so President Trump would probably go to Tony Packo’s.

That said, the Trump Supporters are gearing up for Toledo!!!!!!!!
And courtesy of Cuppa, we have John Denver, singing about Toledo, Ohio.
This one is pretty, a holiday tune about Toledo. Beautiful voice.
When I was in Toledo decades ago you could find Walleye sammiches on alot of menu’s, when I lived with my Grandparents in Wayne county we would go to Kings Island, Geauga Lake,Cedar Point and Sea World and Gramps would always stop in Toledo for his chicken dinners and my Walleye sammich.
Crazy thing how Buckeyes in the Northeast love their chicken.
Cedar Point !!! That’s what I was trying to remember!! Lots of Mich families went there. Not mine
I always wanted to go 
Dad & Uncles used to catch walleye and bluegills in MI. Yum !! Except bluegills had all those tiny little bones – we had to have a slice of bread & butter handy in case one got caught in our throat! Delucioys flavor…those fish.
Oh yeah
I used to filet my bluegill they fry up into nice nuggets
The legendary Tony Packo’s chili dog

And of course another Ohio tradition…
Thanks for the shout out Daughn – you gave me a big smile!
You da’ man, Michael.
OMG! A straw!
You should be ashamed of yourself over the turtle you’re going to kill with that hideous thing.
Where’s Bloomberg when we need him?
My husband just informed me with a big grin on his face, that he ate a hot dog at Tony Packo’s, He said they are really good
Well, there ya’ go!!!!!!!!!!
All the endorsement we need!
Thank you, Singing Soul!
Hugs and kisses to your hubby!
On your OH map we are in Portsmouth OH the oposittion from Toledo. We go through Toledo when we visit our son in Ann Arbor. I will have a hot dog this summer when go trough Toledo.
Love it!
I heard the french fries are terrific too.
Haven’t seen that in pert near forever… there should be a law against that

And one against coleslaw on Chili Dawgs… at least Stewart’s stands firm against that (slaw makes the dog(s) soggy)…
The one item that IN-N-OUT Burger won’t do (on their secret menus) is fries in a burger… that’s a DIY option.. but popular, nonetheless…
(have to ask, are the fries THAT bad that they need chocolate hep? I mean Clown Allley in San Francisco had a Hamburger Sundae, but in SF you’d expect that kind of thing
Heyyyy, michaelh, I hope you’re having a great time there, and have a dawg or two for me!
Oh-hi-a and West-by-God are special to me and my kinfolk, and Toledo (and Owens) and C&O too…
That is not newsworthy any more.
LOL!!! right?!!!!!
There’s our Trump Supporters, good to see them!
Lovin…Rallies…Moar.. and Moar!!!
I grew up in Toledo and now I live just over the border of Michigan but 5 minutes away from Toledo. I work at the Jeep Plant and have been there for almost 35 years come June. Jeep is now called FCA but I still call it Toledo Jeep. We build the Wrangler there and also the new Wrangler Truck.
I wish I could go to the rally tomorrow night but I was unable to get off work. The last time President Trump was here in Toledo during his campaign I was able to go and I loved every minute of it.
I look forward to hearing all the fun Michael will have,
COOTZ!!!!!!!!! Wonderful to have a Trump Supporter with superior knowledge on the ground!
All our love to Toledo!
Thanks Daughn
you probably made my Jeep!!! I love my little girl–thank you!!!!
I’m sure I did unless of course your Jeep is older than 35 years!!
nope, she was born in 2006! less than 60,000 miles and just a tiny scar on her flank…gives her character!!
you did a hell of a job, thanks!!!
Great to hear from you, Cootz !!! I’m born-and-raised former Michigander, but from the lower west side of the mitten. Glad to hear you are hanging tough in auto nation, and sorry you can’t make the rally. Hearing from folks like you is such a morale booster

Thanks Alison, I don’t post often but I’m hear every night when I get off work in the wee hours!!!
I’ve started a new thing on Twitter in the past 6 months or so.
When I put together the rally thread, I go onto Twitter and type in the search bar the following: a #, then the name of the city, then “Trump”.
A whole series of tweets comes up.
For those who are protesting or “triggered” about the President, I will leave some snappy retort, OR report them to Twitter.
It takes about 6-12 hour for a report to Twit to come back, but I’ve been successful at knocking off about 25-30 of the worst accounts each time, and often, these are the accounts organizing protests against the President and his supporters ……. people like us!
There’s more than one way to skin a cat!
On the good side, we can then follow those who speak positively about the Pres and the city, and might be going to the rally!
So our Mississippi Queen is a huntress and a tactician.
IKR? and she says she’s a mere muffin maker…
It’s good to be underestimated, as our VSG always says!!!!
One day, I will tell the story about the line, “Well, I don’t know, I just make blueberry muffins for a living….. but…. seems to me……..”
I use it about once a year.
Husband knows my game, now, and rolls his eyes when he hears it. He knows something big is coming next.
It works, though. Worked for 30yrs.
Never underestimate a woman and her muffins!
can’t wait!!!
LOL, Daughn!

#@DigitalWarrior247 !

There used to be a restaurant overlooking the Maumee river, called Frank Unkles – that served great food and a fantastic dessert called the French Strawberry Puff – a huge cream puff stuffed with ice cream, topped with fresh sliced strawberries and a mountain of whipped cream. It was soooo good!
I loved Frank Uncles!!! You’re right the food was great!!! Boy does that bring up the memories!!!
IT’S A GOOD THING our President Trump held strong and the ‘war’ was resolved, because I think he would have cancelled this rally if Americans were being attacked by Iran!
thank you Daughn for the wonderful info on Toledo…
Klinger!! the Mud Hens! I didn’t remember till you posted it…but he made Toledo sound like a little slice of heaven…lol I can’t believe Packo’s is still there!!
Link to keep up with Trump rallies and events –
President Trump quotes to warm us up!
“I can keep moving, stay the course, because I can sense the Power of the Almighty, the presence of the prayers and the support of the people like a powerful wind propelling me forward . . . ”
I will be your champion!
I will be your voice!
I will fight for you!
I will win for you!
I will not let you down!
I will never lie to you!
I will be the best jobs President that God ever made!
Together, we will make America strong again,
We will make America wealthy again
We will make America proud again
We will make America safe again
And we will make America great again,
Greater than ever before!
I love you all!”
President has a strange way of making anyone feel like he is talking directly to them.
Indeed, he has that gift
cootz – I have a family members that did the same thing. They lived in Toledo and now live on the Michigan side because of work. They told me yesterday that MAGA patriots began camping out in line yesterday for the event. It is going to be great crowd. PDT is going landslide Ohio and easily take Michigan.
I try as much as I can to give them food for thought and hope and pray that they’ll see the truth.
I moved to the Michigan side for the school system for my kids. I still do my shopping in Toledo and of course my job is in Toledo. There are a lot of people that I work with that support our President and are patriots, that’s not to say that some people I work with still fall for the propaganda from the media
This is a hardcore Liberal area (the 9th congressional district) that hasn’t voted for a Republican presidential candidate in a long time. Brad Parscale will be collecting some interesting data
86.02% urban
13.98% rural
Population (2016) 706,201
Median income $43,182
73.04% white
17.03% black
1.51% Asian
11.31% Hispanic
0.23% Native American
This district has been gerrymandered heavily so it has a weird look to it.
Governor Mike DeWine (R)
Senator Sherrod Brown (D)
Senator Rob Portman (R)
Rep Marcy Kaptur (D)
2016 Results
Clinton 58.7%
Trump 36.5%
Toledo has many similarities to my hometown of Rochester, NY. In fact, their lone representative, Marcy Kaptur, has been in office since 1983, much like Rochester as well.
I would suspect it is a bastion for pussy hat wearers. The rally should be helpful.
Hey, hey, my first husband went to RIT.
Gosh, it is beautiful country, IN THE SUMMER.
oh god….in the summer, she says. And it’s January.
I went to high school in Rochester NY. We lived near the Dean of Engineering of Rochester Univ who was a good friend, and I worked down the street from RIT. Heck I even took some courses at RIT.
I went to Irondequoit HS
My wife graduated from Mercy HS. We lived in Irondequoit for a while and I loved going to the golden Fox for a fish sandwich and there was a dive bar called Hitchcock’s that had amazing hot wings. And who could forget a garbage plate
It is gorgeous countryside from what I remember.
My relatives all ended up in Rochester when getting off the boat or coming down from Canada. All my friends are near the Fingerlakes…talk about beautiful country!
You are right, Grandma – lush country, almost! I always thought I’d visit again – the ’80s were awhile ago! – but the choices of where to travel are too vast to do all.
I know. America is vast, let alone the rest of the globe.
The wine trails that wind around the Fingerlakes are so much fun on a summer afternoon…sigh.
Is the New York Chautauqua near Finger Lakes? I need to pull out my atlas.

There are so many of them!! I visited Keuka, Seneca, Canandaigua and one more. Oh yes, Cayuga! Chautauqua sounds very familiar.
We were based in Cazenovia. Smaller finger lake.
We were near Watkins Glen (think Nascar), and I think Keuka was the lake closest to there, but it’s been years. I need to take a little vacation next summer.
Hey Daughn— that’s where I went too! Loved Rochester— nothing like a ‘Garbage Plate’ from Nick Tahoe’s at 2am….LOL I don’t think my stomach could handle it with out that college metabolism now
Kaptur! Don’t get me started!
Thanks for the info Ed
Toledo has a Demoncrat Mayor.

So…we should probably be bracing ourselves to see some Antifa goons there, trying to cause trouble.
It will only reflect badly on the Dems, though.
They are apparently too stupid to realize this.
You know Wheatie, I used to worry so much about Antifa during that last year of Obama’s reign because every cop force had standdown orders. I feared for our country. Now I don’t even bat an eye. They are paid cowards behind masks. Pull the mask off and they disappear. .
Baby it’s cold outside!
But Trump supporters don’t mind!
TRUMP 2020!!!
One excited Trump fan – and cool Trump store – inside an RV!!!
Daughn, you make EVERYWHERE somewhere I want to visit

America the Beautiful through Daughn’s magic research, text and visuals. Wouldn’t it be fun if the campaign team screened Daughn’s rally posts like they did Keln’s Deplorables video that one time? Giving the rally-goers even MOAR pride in their cities and states.

Hey, I’m in the car if we’re going to the grocery store!
Everywhere can be fun! All about your point of view.
I learned that lesson from a young man a long time ago.
Gunner had a buddy from school whose family barely scraped by. I didn’t care, made no difference to me. But one day, I had a doc appointment and the boys were playing at our house. I called the mom and asked if it was okay if I took both boys with me. She said yes.
And something magical happened.
We have a family doc who has an office in Arkansas. It’s an hour to his office but I’ve never waited more than 10 minutes in his office…. and the drive, OMG, the drive is spectacular……
Wide open fields, a sky that is limitless, we cross a HUGE Mississippi River Bridge, and end up a little town. We often see herd of deer and enormous flocks of migrating birds. Drop anyone’s blood pressure at least 10 points.
Well, the boys settled into the back seat for the trip with snacks and we rode with the windows down. Complete change in attitude. They felt….. free.
As a special treat, on the way back, I talked my way into the Mississippi River Barge Authority Station. The guys there embraced the boys and let them talk to the boat pilots on the river……. they LOVED it.
Then, we went down to the Mississippi River and let them splash around in the water a little bit. Whole thing was about a 2 hour diversion + lunch at a super cool roadside honky tonk.
I dropped Gunner’s buddy off to his mom when we came home and he was so excited to tell him mom what we did…….. and then I almost cried.
He told his mom he had been on “summer vacation”………
He and his family had obviously never been on a real vacation, but to him, we were on a vacation. What a sweet kid he was.
Anywhere can be an adventure, just depends on your point of view.
Wow. “Daycation.” Humbling!
We sometimes take our blessings for granted. Good to get a check on that every now and then.
Please don’t take being able to splash in the Mississippi River for granted. Up here, south of the confluence with the Missouri, yeah, no. Especially in flood years.
Such a sweet day in that young boy’s life. You made a real difference, and it stayed in your memory too. I love taking back roads, meandering rides, country drives. The opportunities are disappearing in urban sprawl, but we even find interest in seeking older neighborhoods in small towns and walking those blocks.
There is always something to pique our awe, inspiration or gratitude. Thanks for the smiles,
Wowie! look at all the Trumpers!!!!!
That is so awesome to see!!!
They let ’em in early! A REAL TRUMP RALLY!!!
Letting them in early because of the cold:
LIVE: President Donald Trump Holds a Rally in Toledo, OH 1-9-20
Some Q-peeps!
This was taken very soon after people were admitted!!! HARDCORES!!!
Hah…this meme is for that dreadful Rashida Tlaib creature:
President Trump’s travel schedule…. the 2:00 intelligence briefing may have run over. No report that he is aboard Marine One yet.
4:15 PM Depart the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews – South Lawn/Marine One
4:25 PM Arrive at Joint Base Andrews – Washington, D.C.
4:35 PM Depart Washington, D.C., en route to Swanton, OH – Air Force One
6:00 PM Arrive at Toledo Express Airport – Swanton, OH
6:10 PM Depart Swanton, OH, en route to Toledo, OH – Motorcade
6:35 PM Arrive at Huntington Center – Toledo, OH
7:00 PM Deliver remarks at a Keep America Great Rally [Live Stream]
8:30 PM Depart Toledo, OH, en route to Swanton, OH – Motorcade
8:55 PM Arrive at Toledo Express Airport – Swanton, OH
9:05 PM Depart Swanton, OH, en route to Washington, D.C. – Air Force One
10:20 PM Arrive at Joint Base Andrews – Washington, D.C.
10:30 PM Depart Joint Base Andrews en route to the White House – Marine One
10:40 PM Arrive at the White House – South Lawn
WP won’t allow me to post the President’s schedule – so here’s the link:
He seems to be running late – 2pm intelligence briefing may have run into overtime.
PDJT is on board Marine One – did not stop for questions!
Now aboard AF! – let the tweeting begin!
He needs a nap.
Long days!
Does he have a cold?
Time to make chicken soup……
Yesterday it sounded like he has a cold.
Love this KIDDO!!
This is so sweet!! Thanks Daughn for the Rally Thread…
RSBN is live.
That’s IT!
We’re ready to declare war on Iran.
The Iranians BOMBED SYLVIA’S SHOVEL!!!!!!!!!!!
Damage assessment = The Iranians took out 1 rescue helo, 9 tents, and some gardening tools.
“They got one rescue helo and nine canvas shelters,” said the source, who has direct knowledge of the after-action battle damage assessment. “And that’s it. For them, it was a pretty skimpy outcome.”
An assortment of ground tools, such as rakes and shovels, might also have been wiped out, a European officer said. “We can’t really tell what they used to be,” said the officer, who is stationed at one of the targeted sites, Erbil air base in northern Iraq. “But they look like they might have been gardening tools.”
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We’re gonna have to pitch in and Get Sylvia a new one!!! RODNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
An attack on Sylvia is an attack on us all!

My peeps! You make my heart sing! You make me want to grab my shovel and GO TO WORK! Where did that pencil neck go???????
Here – have TWO SCOOPS!!!

Barbecue guns…………………..strictly for show. But real purty……..

Sounds like the ragheads are, erm, digging their own graves, to call a spade a spade…
They can go (pitch)fork themselves… They’re just a bunch of tools for Satan Soros anyway…
I’ll rain hell on them myself!!!!!
Now they dun went and pissed me off, I guarandamntee ya when I am sun fixxin Miss Sylvia’s shovel it will knock King Kong’s head off and not give an inch.
35 years ago we used ta sell palm tree’s to a nursery who supplied Disneyworld and Bush Gardens with their palms. I designed a shovel and a buddie built it, it weighed 40 pounds and we called it Iron Man.
I could dig a minimum of 40 trees a day and the boom truck would load em on a flat bed.
King Kong ain’t got shit on me, cause my french.
Sir Rodney, you da MAN!!!!!

Much Love and Respect Miss Sylvia

PDJT – on AF1!
Great footage of the crowd!
This was probably taken before they started letting people inside.
THIS ARENA holds 8000 seated and maybe another 500 on the floor…this looks like another overflow crowd!
It’s going to be brutally cold for an overflow crowd outside.

I hope they have a way of staying warm!
“WOW”!!! I’m loving it!!!
Wolfie, here’s the 2020 #MAGA roller coaster
That was cool but you wouldn’t find me in that car!!!
The data from tonight will be extremely encouraging, because the weather is going to make the crowd MORE LOCAL.
Right… looking forward to getting the data
That was precious (and a cool accent, too, close to WV).
The comments on the tweet by the leftards show that they are opposed to honesty, purity virtue, integrity, and GOD himself. We need to pray and keep praying (just like that announcer said a covering prayer over that young boy). Lotta good folks in Ohio and the Midwest (aka flyover country). Without them, we’d have no country…
(The boy’s probably a Steelers fan – tough for a (OLD) Raiders and Niners fan here, but good on him! )…
Enjoyed your comment Cuppa… so glad you’re here
Wish I was there in person…some day I hope to be able to visit WV again, with my wife and son this time… “Country Roads” is really special to me… and without Owens, my sis and I wouldn’t be here (at least as us…)… (And yep, O-I is another company that KKR ruined)…
Appreciate any snow and cold y’all can send – we need the fruit to set over here, and it’s about 10° too warm… (now watch it go below zero tomorrow…..).
This is gonna be AWESOME!!!
Trying to get ahead of the voting machine programming, I would imagine.
Hacking works both ways – look at The Cuckoo’s Egg by Cliff Stoll. The White Hats can add instrumentation that the leftards of Soros either don’t expect, or can’t counter…
Better still would be paper ballots, with a scan and a receipts, but it’s probably too late to change that for this election. We need to pray that GOD stops the deceivers and crooks in their tracks…
Pence on stage!!! We gonna start on time!!!!!!!!
Here we go! Pence is on OAN!!!
The 4-more-years chant is YUGE!!!
How ’bout EIGHT MORE YEARS, since the DEMONicRATS stole these four!!!
4 MOAR YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CHANTING!!!!
USA USA USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PENCE is a great stump speaker and very good extemporaneous speaker too. Excellent in a debate!
3 years of action Results and Promises made promises Kept!
THe Last Admin sent Pallets of CASH to Iran….BOO!
!st Air strike against iranian backed militias in 10 years!!
Soulamin is GONE!! WILD CHEERS
The US is always ready to embrace peace with those who seek it—PDJT
Wife is cheering! “Peace Through Strength”
Give her an All American hug from us

USA USA USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marica – Hub actually pointed something out today and said, “That fits your Create Chaos theory.” I about fell on the floor

Slowly but surely he’s beginning to recognize things that make us go Huh?!?
2020–THe year of the Hubby Great Awakening!!!

They might deserve new lingerie

I can hook you up, Alison. Color?
LOL I’m waiting till Hub swallows a little more of his red pill. That lingerie is a Lotta work

Geesh, I was worried you were thinking of the HUBS in lingerie…
(and for Lederhosen, it’d probably take a whole cow
Fortunately they don’t make it in my size
(OK, I’m exaggerating….)….
BUILD THAT WALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pence…I we are building that wall!!!
My wife (former PP supporter) clapped for this!!! Take note!
Phenomenal. We are seeing evil as it exists. No more fakery.
Meanwhile, in FAKE EVANGELICAL NEWS, Joe Carter whines that Trump is not the most pro-life in history…
American Economy is BOOOMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7 million good paying jobs!!!!!!!!!
We’ve made America Great Again!!!!
He believes in you and fights for you every single day!
Okay…………….. You plan to leave anything for POTUS to say
12 mins is ’nuff
We want POTUS on Stage !!!
LOL Phoenix!!!
Remember, remember, the 3rd of November
Democrat treason and plot
There is no reason that Democrat treason
Should ever be forgot!!!
(paraphrase Guy Fawkes Day poem)
LOVE that GA/FL !!!

Brava Georgia………..
Last Great Hope of earth..
With GOD – ALL things are possible!!!
POTUS is HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hear or here we go! This going to be GOOD!
Every time Trump enters a rally, I thank God for the blessing of sending him to us.
Aaaaannndddd, I counted ’em…
Man……….I’m Proud………….To be…AN AMERICAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, I can watch for a bit, but will have to bug out in about a half hour.
Toledo!!!! 2016 I was here alot!!!! Proud to have 1st Rally of 2020 right here in OHIO!!!
Trump is STRONG and full of ENERGY!!!
Musta had Daughn’s chicken soup!
I’m coming – just trying to finish up the daily thread for tomorrow.
Remember We talked about great trade deals…
GO BUY LARGER TRACTORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here they come!!!
LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big ASS…John Deer!!! Dats…a lotta Green paint!!!

“Go buy larger tractors!”
My wife gave up YUGE CLAPPING for jobs in Ohio!!!
Wolf, I can’t believe she is watching!!! Good job

Manufacturing Companies coming back to OHIO!
Ohio had best economic numbers in history!!!!
SPACE FORCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In the history of the state!!! Jobs Jobs Jobs!!!

Space Force!!

Makes me think of the old days of “Tom Corbett, Space Cadet”…..
(I had that lunchbox, too)…
Okay ———– ready to go
FIRE hose SNOTS in the VA who treat our vets poorly!
VA!! Accountability and CHOICE!!!
What a difference it’s made!
BOOOOOOoooooooooooo we have a protester.
OMG listen to the crowd.
Holy TOLEDO!!!!!!
They are yelling at the protester like crazy
USA USA USA huge reaction
We gooa Heckler…………….USA CHANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POTUS says nothing and waits it out….
Is there a disruptor?
Must be.
Get ’em out!
Take care of that protester – send them back to mommy’s basement!!!
OMG WOLFIE!!!!!!!!!!!! SCARY!!!!

SLIDES INTO the Thread…. Made it. What I’d miss?!?!?!
Hi Kea!!!!! Glad your’re here!!!
THey are goin home to mommy!!! Thank you security
Home to mommy
Thank you security
Do we love law enforcement?
DO we love law enforcement?
[giant cheer]
Back to the VA story about getting choice approved after 48yrs.
Funny story
he thought it was a brilliant idea.
but they had been trying to get it done for 48yrs.
He got it approved.
I would like to see the medical schools help out as well. I mean, why couldn’t residents staff a clinic for vets?
You harm our citizens….you do so at your own grave peril!!!!
Al Bag Daddy is DEAd!!!!!!!!!
Our Military got rid of all the old planes!
Al Bagdahddi is dead!
Isis califphate is destroyed!
NOBODY HAS EVER DONE WHAT WE”VE DONE IN 3 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Killed thousands of ISIS fighters
thousands more locked up
no one has done what we did in three years
Here we gooooooo
Delivered AMERICAN JUSTICE and you know what I’m talking about
The Face of American Justice!
The Anti-Benghazi
we got there very quickly
We did the opposite of Benghazi
All they saw were burning embers.
The anti-Benghazi.
Solomani!!! Killing and wounding ours service members—Ordered the violent assault on our Embassy—ANTI BENGHAZI!!!!!!!!!
We were either going to have 100’s of dead bodies or hostages!–NOT ON MY WATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If they had broken through the glass
hundreds of dead or hostages
Called up my generals
they said we can have them there tomorrow
I said NO – NOW
and they got there right away
Damn straight!!!!
We stopped him quickly and stopped him COLD!!!!!
He was not just looking at our embasy in Baghdad.
And we stopped him COLDDDDDDDDDDDDD
He’s no longer a terrorist
he;s dead
Dems expressing outrage over the killing of this savage terrorists!!!
He was king of the roadside bomb. Now he’s gone.
And now the Dems are upset
BOoooooooo goes the crowd
You know, he was the king of the roadside bomb
When you see our great warriors, without an arm or a leg, most likely it was cause by Soleimani
Now, he’s gone
He’s dead.
THAT cannot be refuted. Powerful statement
My gosh, is he looking younger ??? #PromisesMadePromisesKept
And now He’s gone!!!
Nancy Pelosi—(now theres a real genius)!!!
I’m laughing
He’s pretending to be Congress
How DARE YOU kill Soleimani
you should call us and ask permission
Hes pointing at the cameras – “That’s a lot of corruption back there folks”
Huge ROAR!!!
Tell Congress–so they can call the FAKE NEWS…(points) that’s back there…and they can Leak IT!
Crowd goes WILD over fake news!!!
Nancy was not operating with a full deck…well, she was bombed herself.
I added the bombed part.
Nancy who is not operating with a full deck!
Could you imagine calling crooked Adam Schiff!!! Schifty!!
YOU little PENCIL NECK!!!!
Smallest neck in a shirt you can get.
And even still, for a PENCIL-neck, he’s not very sharp at all…
His neck size is probably a negative number… or i (sqrt (-1))…
As I like to call her: MOBBY DEAREST!!!
Refrito Gambino…
A few cards short of a deck!
He buys the smallest shirt collar—and it’s loose!!! LOL!
N, we didn’t have time to call up Nancy who is not operating with a full deck.
Or Crooked Schiff
We need to have you come over here so we can discuss his execution
can you imagine his response
we gotta meet fast
Schiff – no I can’t make it now cuz I’m trying to impeach you.
They’re so pathetic.
schiff is a big leaker – he leaks to CNN – pointing at their camera
He might want to see a doctor about that problem
Schiff leaks to CNN!!
HE KNOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG – pretending to be Adam Schiff riffing on his leaking to CNN
corrupt media
Wife laughing at “corrupt media”!
They want us to tell THEM…so they can leak it to their friends in the corrupt media.
*Crowd boos*
We have 1 good one (AON!!!)!!!
He looks out at the media — ohhh, a lot of bad ones
ONE good one.
They write things they know are wrong
They get Pulitzers, but they’re wrong
Doesn’t mean anything anymore.
He’s right. They don’t. And Joseph Pulitzer’s pride and joy is on life support.
Nobel Peace Prize
I saved a country, saved a big war
the leader of that country is getting the prize
Didn’t I have something to do with it
Doesn’t matter, as long as we know.
Stephen Miller sure does use parallel construction effectively.
I saved a country NOrth Korea–and I assume Kim Jong Un Gets the Nobel Peace Prize?!!!! Oh..dear GAWD!!!
Alright, have to step away. Will catch up later.
There’s never been a Movement like this.
(he’s right!)
There’s thousands of people outside that couldn’t get in.
Completed more promises than I made
(I love that line – drives the media crazy)
Look at those beautiful red hats
Space Force
Many things we’ve done we never talked about in the campaign we’ve delivered
Right To Try
Right to try!!!!! Many people are getting saved!!!
He’s telling stories now
Old friend
Called him Donald now it’s Mr President
What you’ve done, I’ve never seen anything like it.
It’s a long way to the election
10 months
This is my first stop of the year
Doing a POLL – Is there any place more fun that a trump rally?
I wonder who he was talking about…that old friend who calls him “Mr. President” now.
RUSH? I could see that!!
I believe he’s talking about David Friedman US Ambassador to Israel
(tells the story about refurbishing the embassy)
Knows him many years in New York.
Military is rebuilt
Economic Numbers Great
Mentions Stock price hitting another high today!
Can’t really say Make America Great Again
Military rebuilt
Factories moving back in
We did get there
Now it’s a new theme
Keep America Great!
I’m a loyal guy and I like Make America Great Again
crooked Hillary – you should lock her up —- she spent 3-4 times what we did for advice on slogans.
Do I want to change the greatest theme in political history?
Taking a poll
Applause poll
MAGA vs. KAG!!!
We’re gonna use BOTH!
Hey, good to see you!!!
Thanks Wolfie – have been doing holiday travels – lurking here – on Gab a ton, reading more and going down the rabbit holes lol…… am still here in the background and moving my way to the frontline again!
Good to be here again too!
Keep America Great wins
USA USA USA USA chant goes up
See there, this is like a free poll.
They ask 200 people
I’ve done this at least 10 times
KAG wins every time
But we’re going to use both.
We’re selling those hats!
He’s always disappointed that MAGA doesn’t win!!! LOL!!!!
He’s superstitious he said
Hitting Obama on the 150 billion and the 1.8 billion in CASHHHHHHHHHHH
I love how our President speaks to us just like we speak to each other.

He shares little anecdotes and makes jokes.
Love him!
I heard a little more of his Queens accent tonight than I have in the past
They will NOT have nuclear weapons.
eading the world down the road of war
We are restoring peace through strength
We are sanctioning the hell out of Iran
16 missile
How many died
None, I said
Pretty good warning system
How many were hurt
They will NOT have nuclear weapons!
Sanctions the heck out of Iran!
!6 Rockets–How many–NONE–we have a great warning system.
How many were hurt–NONE!!!
Then Jim Jordan – huge CHEER
Many members of Congress asked, Sir,do you want us to come with you
NOPE, I said stay right where you are = voting!
More introductions.
Ohio loves Jim Jordan
Ohio for Jim Jordan!
Faux brings on Marie BARF?
Judy French!!!
And a great friend! JANE TIMKEN!!!
I love this Bob story!!!
These stories are just a hoot…..because you know he is a serious negotiator at the table, strong businessman behind the scenes, yet is a magnanimous lion hearted person, jovial at the front end. He’s ‘LOYAL’ as he stated earlier. Love it.
Hi kswiss

Hello Alison !!!! Nice to see you
95% and TWO SCOOPS!!!
He’s telling stories about Kasich ——- “punking out”
it was funny.
Sir, you just went up 3 points
In Repubs, I have a 95% approval rating with Repubs
Reagan 87%
Poll Trump versus Abraham Lincoln – I said Abraham Lincoln??????
We won against 53 to 47% – in a poll
he told Melania
I just beat Honest Abraham Lincoln
We have a lot of support because our country is doing so well.
Trump or Abraham Lincoln?
I picked ABE!
First Lady–I just beat Abraham Lincoln in a Poll!!!
I can beat any of them except Abraham Lincoln in the HAT!!! LOL!!!!
I try to watch the Dem debates but it’s like watching DEATH
you are braver than I. Stinks to high heaven and it’s just plain irritating listening to horrible sales people drone on and on with a smug smirk.
duh, you were also quoting… ….
President Trump’s shirts are so white they glow!
I remember especially with his gleaming white tux shirt at the New Years party.
“Ancient Chinese Secret” !!!


‘Ancient Chinese Secret’ hu?

It’s my job to watch the dem debates–it’s my job..
But it’s lick watching …DEATH!!!!
Crazy Bernie…
Pocahontas is slipping and Bernie is rising
Biden doesn’t know the difference between Iran and Iraq.
Making fun of Biden
Where’s Hunter?
He’s hilarious
His first name is now Where’s
Where’s Hunter?
Going after the Biden boys!!
Crazy Bernie
Sleepy Joe Biden
Where’s Hunter
Boot Edge Edge / Mayor Pete / Alfred E. Neuman / Howdy Doody
Booty Judge
from South Bend Over….. Indiana
Boot edge edge
OMG – this is so much fun.
It’s too easy but it’s still so funny and so true!!!
Where’s Hunter—Where the hell is hunter?!!!
I hope its Joe–He will hear “Where’s Hunter–9 times in a debate!!!
America is respected again!
Like never before.
America Is Respected!! As Never Before!!!
Went to UN and said ” you gotta pay your bills!!!!”
They say—“We like Obama better”
Faux now thinks Tucker is more important than OUR VSG!
Dumb Masses are gonna lose their audience.
Thank God for OAN (and RSBN and others) LIVE streaming
Talking about Nato and Trump
You’re delinquent
Pay up!
They liked Obama better
they should have
carbon footprint
he flies to hawaii to play golf
If I drive 20 minutes it’s a problem
IF EVery STATE– is like Tennessee –With butoon s and hats and T shirts and flags!! We will win big in 2016!
The crowds today are even bigger now!!!!
Right about Pocahontas!
“We are gonna do so great!”
Liz Warren
She of great Indian Heritage
The lies deceit and fraud……
We’re going to do great.
The evangelicals called him today
Never been anything like this in the church like we see today for this president
Billy Graham voted for Trump
Billy Graham voted for Trump!
Evangelical Leaders rif
Franklin Graham told President Trump that Billy Graham voted for him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unemployment stats
Wages rising
Biggest % increase is for blue collar workers
40 million Americans are benefiting from child tax credit – it really helps
America lost 60,000 factories
And the fake news has never corrected me
they went to Mexico, China
they gutted America
They’re coming back – it takes a while
We’ve added 12K factories
#1 reason I’m running….Under Obama—We lost 60K factories!!!!
(How nuts is this????/
THEY are all coming back!!!!!
Big cheers from the wife for 60,000 companies and they’re COMING BACK!!!
(meant factories)
Tax cuts
add it all together
its $10K per family
$975 under Obama
Bush $450
Trump 10K per family
And frankly, he’s not adding the burden of Obama regulations to that number
Thanks..I missed a bit…
And remember:
The reason it was $450 under Bush was due to the Dem architected bank crisis!
And the reason it was $975 under Obama? Because that was from the “bounce” of the so-called “economic recover” under Obama!
Sick sick sick.
Clean Coal
#1 energy producer
It really is amazing
Every Dem running has promised to kill oil and gas.
How he hell does that work?
Vanity Fair
that made me guffaw too…HAHA
Wolfie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best!!!!!!!!!!!! DED!!!!

Ouch… like Vanity Unfair or Vanity Fairie…
Sleezebag Magazine!
Germany biz pays $.33/ kilowatt hour
The USA biz pays $.13/ kilowatt hour
Do you have any idea what a difference that makes in production costs?????//
We’re paying that now (in Germany) and it’s probably going to go up… the businesses get a rebate (which, of course, we pay for). And as that rebate goes away (along with stable power, and gas, and coal and nukes, not to mention a fair regulatory environment), businesses are moving out of Germany the same as they are moving out of Kalifornistan…
The car industry is FROTHING MAD!!!
The Aluminum industry is dead here, btw…
And we gather old metal (Steel, etc.) to recycle it, send it to China, and get cheap Chinese $hit in return, for more than they gave us for the scrap… Merde-Kuh and the Greens, Die Linke, and the SPD have to go…. as far away as possible, and then some…
Pain is coming – She’s going to PAY… pay pay pay.
Our Air and Our water..Is cleaner as it’s been is 40 years!!
And I took us out of Paris Accord!
Put in to hurt us!!!!
How are the Yellow Vests………….Working out!!!
Ya…Da KING Michael!!!!

However—Wolfie..gave ya run for the money!!!!

People know and people get it
Because they are tired are being ripped off by the rest of the world!!!!
President Trump can engage at a high level of detail and energy for a long time. WOW. People are going to SCHOOL tonight (but it’s fun)
MA SWISS is in the HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have missed you!
-cue Back in Black by ACDC-
Welcome Back……. AC/DC Rocks
Thanks Rayzorbak….. and they so do ROCK!
Paris Accord
he gave us details of Russias deal and chinas deal and France (How are the yellow vests working out)
I knew I was going to get killed for this one
But I was congratulated
The people get it
and they’re tired of being ripped off by other countries
The TPP was a setup for the USA to get fleeced.
in Toledo!!!!!!!
Also, I notice his delivery is using more of the ‘whisper’ tone…..just an observation. (but it’s fun)
Argh!!! I was trying to listen in the car. I turned it waaay up cuz I couldn’t hear him. Then he’d talk into the mic and my eardrums would blow out!! Turn it back down. Rinse, Repeat. Didn’t care. was determined to hear my POTUS!!
Trade deficit is coming DOWN (and it is)
Steel mills are coming back to life
500 million
85 million
mills that were idled are roaring back to life
13 BILLION dollars in new investment in our steel biz
they weren’t investing 10 cents
but we are finally putting America FIRST!!
Move while it’s HOT!!!
Crazy witch hunts!
WHO DA HELL WOULDA taken that?—-Can I get some credit for that?—–LOL!! (New Yorker accent)
While we are building our country and killing terrorists……. the Dems……….
bugging him, since he came down the escalator
who could have taken such abuse?
in the corner with a thumb in their mouths
do I get credit for that?
We are full speed ahead!
most guys would have been in the corner with their thumb in their mouth, crying ‘mommy mommy, take me home’
he is bringing it….
Open border Dems
He’s killing them in this speech
OMG – he is on fire this evening
Iranci Pelosi protecting them!
Iranci Pelosi…….

That stat about thousands of MS-13 being removed by ICE per year – that is a MOAB on the DEMS.
I called them ANIMALS and she said no, Nancy Pelosi
LOOK at her district
what’s happening to her district
and she lives in this beautiful house
they kill our people with machetes, because it’s more painful than a gun
if they HOLD them, they will be sent to jail or sent the HELL BACK HOME.
San Francisco–Her District!!! –and she lives ina big beautiful house!!
MS 13 use machetes instead of guns cuz it hurts more!
Riffing on San Fran SICKO!
Talking about MS13 in Ohio.
Ut oh – Trump Supporter medical problem
These people have been waiting for three days
Illegal crossings are down 75% since May!!!
Catch and Release–That’s CRAP!!!!
We have ended the catch and release!!!!
Republicans stand for law order and justice
dems stand for
a lot of things are happening
Illegal crossings are down 75% since May
catch and release has ended
what kind of crap is that
he is so funny
but we ALLLLLLLLLLLll understand it
how bout the visa lottery?
I will not use names because they will accuse me of something
someone yelled “Shitholes”
If ya don’t take em back…We are gonna put tarrifs on everything you want to sell us!!! LOL!!!!
Catch and Release.
We take their name and release them. What kind of Crap is THAT?
He’s talking about the threat of tariffs on mexico to get them to cooperate.
It worked
He’s gutsy
Mexico has been good very cooperative
We pay them a lot of money 500 million
So I said, you know, about the money
and now they take them back
Rif on Gautamala and Honduras and El salvador—You don’t get $$$ if you don’t treat us right… Now they treat us right!!!
And today in the 5th circuit
the big beautiful lawsuit
we approved the 4 billion for the WALL
Border wall
Already have 100 miles
gosh it has been tough
You can now fund the rest of the wall
I said thank you very much
YOU CAN NOW FUND…The rest of the WALL!!! We won the court case!!!
Can you hear the Queens accent coming through? He’s even more relaxed than last campaign.
I do Alison!!!!! My Alabama Hubby–trying to explain–it’s his accent that you don’t get!!!!
You gotta KNOW New Yorkers to ‘get’ his persona.

Music to MY ears!

1,000 %

one of my favorite ways to ID an east coaster – exaggeration
Dems–stick together together–but they are horrible people!!!!
You know, as I’m saying this stuff, and all we’ve accomplished, now I understand why they hate me so much.
They stick together and they are vicious.
Now, we stick together.
Isnt she a nice woman
they’re really the leaders of the party
Pelosi beats them but she shakes and quivers
YOU’RE the leader of YOUR party!
I believe of all the things I have the most gratitude towards Donald Trump, and there are so many it’s difficult to chose, but the one about NAFTA – and bringing back manufacturing to our country – letting our men and women go back to work – that stands out as one of the most critical.
Americans have an innate nature/desire to work, and when they shut our factories and emptied our towns, and left the people hopeless – that’s unforgivable.
POTUS exposing the big scheme of how our politicians sold America out to the globalists is something we should all be grateful for.
This is only the beginning. I believe we’re going to continue to be amazed at the greatness he is going to restore for America. And it won’t be at the expense of other countries – his methods will be used by other countries to make their countries great. It’s win, win for everyone. But America has to stop being sold down the river, this man, in this time, was meant for the task God set for him.
And for that, I thank Almighty God.
Amen, Lady P.
Amen. I read somewhere that you can take many, many things away from a man. But if you really want to utterly crush him, take away his ability to work for a living.
That goes clear down into the soul… (remember Paul saying, if a man does not work, he shall not eat)…
And that “taking away” was done by Øblowhole, when he said “those jobs aren’t coming back”…
Time that he goes away… to Gitmo…
Cuppa, that is one of the most ugly moments I believe, among many from obozo, that literally made me hate him. I know one shouldn’t hate, but anyone who is the leader of their country, and is blase/indifferent to the fact that people had lost their jobs, their homes, their means of survival… well, that’s when I knew EVIL had come to the White House.
While he’s there he can explore a new career
Green New Deal!!! You can no longer fly planes, or have cows in a pasture…LOL!!! Good rif!!!
Don’t want to hit them too early
green New Deal – it should be debated
We’re not going to talk badly about it
Then, about 2 weeks before the election ========= I’ll let you know the facts.
NOTE::::::: He is telegraphing our strategy for the campaign!!!!!!!!!!!
That’s exactly what I got out of that……
Trolling D-Rats.
Driving D-Rats crazy, every day;-)
He knows it can’t be beat
Hmm… the Green New deal…
Great stuff! Love the idea of letting the Dems dump out all the crazy early!!!
Radical Democrats are the party of Infanticide/genocide. Period.
and…… They stand up for TERRORISTS!
Prohibit Late term abortion because every child is a girt from GOD!!!!
Party of the American Dream!!!!!!!!!!!
187 federal judges to interpret the Constitution as written
Wonderful tag line!!!
Loud and clear
Mitch helped A LOT on the judges
They’re working together now like never before.
Mitch is having the time of his life.
187 !!!

Mitch Helped………ALOT! IRT -Judges!!!!
Drug deaths fell in Ohio–22%
I love his sarcasm voice “Thank you very much President Obama!’
D A I L Y digs directly at hussein, bite me biden are LOLF.
AND, crickets from hussein and bite me biden.
Yes seriously they are super quiet!
Tanks RIF!!!
]China–can we have 200 tanks?
No–cuz we’re gonna kick your ass!!!! LOL!!!!
Get your Army tanks in LIMA!!!
Quick story about tanks in LIMA!
You can’t close this plant.
I looked at the Abrams tanks
If you close this where are you going to build them?
What are we going to do, call china?
No, we have to make our own tanks
So, I did something based on my own instinct
I looked at the hydraulics
I looked at the turrets the metal,
You can’t do this anyplace else
Who the hell is going to make our tanks
Is anyone here from Lima
CHEERS go up
I said no, you can’t close this plant
Can’t get those tolerances and that kind of manuf expertise anywhere else in the world
now 500 tanks a year.
Opened the American Embassy in Israel!!!
Now yoou have a President who is stanind up for America!!!
Survival of the AMERICAN NATION!!!!
His story about the tanks being made at the JEEP plant in Lima…….Wow. How many other factories like that were closed in the last twenty years?
Jerusalem capital
Standing up for Ohio
Devote everything to victory in 2020
All these things we’ve done can be undone
and the country will go to hell very very fast.
That dirty rotten swamp in DC
Disgusting crooked people
“We have to win!” Wife loved that!
wow this Rally is almost 2 hours!
Winding up
Childhood cancers
AIDS epidemic ending in 10yrs
could have done it before.
2nd amendment
stand with heroes of law enforcement
dignity of work and sanctity of life
faith and family not bureaucracy
children should be taught to respect the flag
Sounds like he is wrapping it up though!
Ohio is a GREAT state – magnificent contribution to our country.
Aviators and Astronauts!!!!!—Ohio—Annie Oakley, Wright Brothers, John Glenn , Neil Armstrong………..
Retuning power to the American people
With your help your devotion
your drive
we’re going to keep on
One people, one family one glorious nation under God
And the best is yet to come
We Will Make AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and Great Again
Huge clapping from my wife!!!
Big hugs and kisses to Mrs Wolf!!!!!!!!!
That was a perfect speech.
Perfect tone
right amount of curse words
telegraphed strategy to the base
took a victory lap on Soleimani
annihilated the press and the Dems
Yes, he was FIRED UP. STRONG.
Oh, those Dems are in TROUBLE, and it’s GREAT!!!
Fast talkin Queens guy was hard to keep up with!!!! Great job daughn!!! So fun…AS always!!!!

He was really fired up!
It’s like a marathon!
Those people were just thrilled. The real working men and women of America were there – God Bless them.
Thank you Daughn! Another GREAT Rally Thread!!!
Luv ya’ both!
Did you see the Latino man who realized the camera was on him at the end of the speech, and he took his hat off and placed it over his heart. Brought tears to my eyes.
Those people just loved POTUS.
We gotta get that picture!!!
Heartfelt and respectful gesture. Patriot.
I teared up as I watched him. He had tears. Beautiful. It’s at the end, when POTUS has stepped off and to see the people behind him, back is to the camera. The man is stage right from center looking at the audience.
I noticed after the speech, one person about 4 rows up behind him (short hair…couldn’t tell what gender) kept blowing him heart-felt kisses!
I never did get a crowd count…anyone know?
Hubby kept commenting how he speaks to the common man..the ones that stand in line in cold temperatures for hours to be there. That’s his genius.
yeah we do need a crowd count
Had read the facility was rated 8,000 + 500 floor. Dunno if that is accurate. No idea outside. Typically a few thousand.
Fox 10 Phoenix is doing a REPLAY right now!!!
OHIO! Just got put in the win for 2020! KAG!
And think about it – he didn’t just go to some EASY RED part of Ohio, either.
Yeah, someone posted Hillary won this 9th district by about 20 points.
We were anxious to see the data gathered by Brad Parscale.
Who posted that?
Want to give attribution when due.
I keep thinking how so many of the Dems don’t realize this isn’t 2016 anymore, and even if Hillary was on the ticket, they’re in bad shape. DJT is not just more popular than in 2016, but he is STRONGER than in 2016. He has cemented his base which propelled him to office. Now he is picking up the others who may have stood on the sidelines, or who literally are looking for another party and remain American.
And his “political” skills are better. Like public speaking. He has so much natural ability. He gets better with every rally.
And he must love what he’s doing. He looks younger not older. He is an amazing man and I am so grateful to God for him I am overwhelmed by God’s grace every time I stop and think about it.
Trump used to garner a $100K speaking fee in the 90s.
I imagine he did……..but his stump speeches keep getting better, in my opinion. His ability to leave the script and do a riff and jump back into the teleprompter is pretty amazing. They’re clearer, sharper, even funnier and I always thought he was funny!!! He’s amazing!!!!
And can you imagine what he could charge for speeches after he leaves office? If he decides to do that!
My ex husbands secretary a forever democrat used to post negative memes of POTUS on her face book she stopped. Husband says no more negative postings from her to send around to on face book. I wonder what happened? She retired from the university and her husband a High school teacher is retired.
They traveled per car for a month after retirement. I am wondering if they encountered the real deplorables and got red pilled
We never say anything at the University only when people say something to us.
The crowed tonight was really charged good vibes. POTUS looked good and was in good form.
Amazing how POTUS can focus and shake stuff off what goes on in DC. What a evil place DC is and what deep dirty slime lives there.
hmmmmm,something happened
If those people, who are the backbone of that city, get out en masse and vote, they can deliver the city to a win for POTUS.
My camp is 36 miles from Toledo and It’s got a long history of Demoncrat destruction.
Local TV carried the rally live so hopefully the poor and impoverished people will see a better way.
I’ll pray for your people there in Toledo, Trumpismine. I’m glad the local station carried it.
Correct me if I am wrong…..
I think it wa yesterday
Jared Kushner is working on a Repub 10yr plan to take back the cities.
Is there anything Kushner can’t do? Wow.
I wanted him to say…”THE BEST IS YET TO COME”!!
God BLESS PRESIDENT DONALD J.TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marica! He did say it! Right at the end. Said, something about Ohio (or Toledo) so excited, can’t remember, but he named the place and said, “THE BEST IS YET TO COME!” Heartfelt.
Oh…………Thanks Lady P!!!!! I missed!!! Got doggie distracted at the end!!!

Goosebumps. Wow
He talks about WE and not ME
I know…….like when he said AOC, Tlaib, and Omar were the head of the Dims, but he said we were the ones running the Republican party. He has such a way of saying things like that………very matter of fact. He doesn’t like how the elite dogs us.
daughn, you always have such a terrific rally thread! Thanks for making it fun and interesting!

There you are!!!!
Did you see the first page??????
Made a HUGE COMMENT about you!
We were ready to declare full blown war on Iran — on YOUR behalf!
Because when they attack Sylvia, they attack us all.
Bottom line, we got the damage assessment from Iraqi bases
The Iranians took out one helo, 9 tents, and gardening equipment, shovels, etc.
THE Iranians attacked Sylvia’s SHOVEL!!!!!!!!!!!!
That’s worth a war declaration!
I saw that……………… funny, daughn!!!!

The puppy was so good at times and at other times she kept stealing potatoes. Don’t ask. At least 10 of them have little teeth marks in them now. LOL
I love that dog!
LOL thanks!!!!! We love her too.
Puppy. Potatoes…
Would you call that dog a “tater tot”?
(actually could be a bilingual pun with täter … OK, gotta add the umlaut)… Or tater täter tot…
hehe – the umlaut man strikes again
Haaaa…they’re selling these t-shirts at the Trump store:
Fantastic Rally and many thanks for hosting/posting Daughn and crew! Glad to be back…

Thanks to jet lag I was able to stay up, but my coach is turning back into a pumpkin and it’s off to sleep for me! Will be back in the mix tomorrow with you fine people! Stay positive!
Happy New Year, MA_kswiss!
Good to see you!
Thanks churchmouse! Bon Année!
Merci beaucoup!
A+, j’espere.
Personal aside.
I LOVE that we have an angry President – about a few things.
The way he tossed out about Hillary, “they really should lock her up”
The way he sneered at the corrupt and disgusting swamp in DC, “that I’ve seen better than anyone”
the way he spoke about Adam Schiff, through his teeth, “you little pencil neck”
riffed on Adam Schiff as a leaker…..
AOC, TLAIB, Bernie, AOC,
We have a President who is running on a stellar record, for re-election.
And now,
he has some scores to settle.
And for a man who wrote an entire chapter on revenge, my money is on President Trump.
HOLY……………..FREAKIN……………………COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Patriots………………ROCK!!!!
What a GREAT thread!!! Thanks to Daughn, all the commenters, and “hi!” to KSwiss who has been MIA for a while.
Caught the beginning and end, but did get my hubby tuned in. Will catch the middle a little later. Hubby said the same thing you all did – I could hear him laughing, crying, and cheering during the speech, What a president!
There you are, Jamcooker!
I still want to buy Greenland! 2020!
We should buy Cuba too!