Dear KAG!: 20200109 Open Thread

 This Night before Daughn Thursday 20200109 Open Thread is Open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both MAGA and KAG! You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.

Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.

However, we have a new policy. Starting 20191110. Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. We have a new board – actually a new SITE – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation. NOT HERE. This board will remain a REFUGE for those who need civility, either some or all of the time.

They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM. Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.


God is hearing those prayers

Also remember Wheatie’s Rules: •1.No food fights. •2.No running with scissors. •3.If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone .

WOW! 9 days into 2020 and I’m hanging on as the Trump Train just keeps getting faster!

Rally tonight in Toledo, Ohio! Just what we need and Darlin’ Daughn will have us covered.


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Rodney Short

Love it, Keep calm all is well.
So true considering we have a President who will protect All Americans.


Liking the Trump Train Anthem.
“All Is Well”.
^^^ Perfect message. Perfectly timed. Broke into a grin when I saw that in President Trump’s TW last night.

Rodney Short

Amen Kal


Me thinks Thomas and Potus connect

Harry Lime

Somewhere in the bowels of Iran…comment image




Interesting take. Even for dems and never trumpers
Don Suber: The Wizard of Mar-a-Lago pulled it off


Been…worrying about you Ozzy!!! Prayers….for…Australia! heart!


Ffs we don’t want the humanitarian aid just dropped on iran


John Cardillo tweeted:
In 100% of the child porn cases I came across where the perp claimed somebody planted the CP on their computer, forensics proved them to be lying.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Kinda thinking Paul Krugman merely got scammed by Indian robocallers, and turned their typical bogus claims of CP / virus / hacker / Trojan / APT / whatever on his computer into an international incident.

Cuppa Covfefe

I got called by one of those Indian scammers one time, and gave him a beyond-his-ken analysis of system and file system internals, best-programming-practices, and how a call center should be run (as his boss was listening in). Then I asked him “where did you get my number?)….
There are a TON of hilarious YouTubes out there of the scammers getting larned, one of them where not one, but TWO levels of supervisors were called in, at the end cussing and swearing at their no-longer-victim…
If Krugman was actually scammed by “Fake Support”, maybe something good will come out of this…
(OK, I know… I’ve heard “we will do the needful” too many times in my career to believe that…)…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I don’t even expect the Wicked Times to use this to educate, when they can LIE and turn it all into a QAnon bash-fest.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hard to believe (almost) that Krugman would be so computer-illiterate. Did he do all of his econ modelling on an abacus???
(Might have come up with better answers, though…hmmm)…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Many scientists are, in practice, computer-phobic – even in the most hardcore parts of STEM. They don’t want to think about unnecessary things – and computer assists are something that somebody else worries about. They’re not even apparatus. They’re “support”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Now slow guy is confused. I’ll wait 24 – 48 hours to sort it out. Or not;-)


Swearing Is Actually a Sign of More Intelligence – Not Less – Say Scientists
So…. I’m not JUST incandescent

Gail Combs

Swearing Is Actually a Sign of More Intelligence….
That means you are logical and intelligent enough to realize the propaganda media is blowing smoke up your butt to distract you from the thieving politicians stealing your wallet. ===> Lots of nasty descriptive words for both sets of low-lifes
Of course the foul mouthed leftards think it refers to them…


Oh well…….no one has ever accused me of being a leftist


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These were wonderful. Thank you for posting. This one had me laughing for 5 minutes. The mental picture. LOL


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I love this person!!!


If someone from the 1950s suddenly appeared today, what would be the most difficult thing to explain?
I possess a device, in my pocket, that is capable of accessing the entirety of information known to man.
I use it to look at pictures of cats and get in arguments with strangers.


Why we needed to remodel all the bathrooms.

Deplorable Patriot

Age. Seriously, I was in one over the weekend that needs updating in the worst way. Since it was in a rectory, I doubt it’s going to happen any time soon.

Cuppa Covfefe

Took out all the bookshelves and magazine racks 😎 ?
(and installed USB charging points? )…

Cuppa Covfefe

Did any of them end up like this? 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Or this?comment image


Good statement on how POTUS is getting things done, and there’s a thread reader!

Several great thoughts in his thread, but I particularly like these two.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Hows that gonna work for ranches and big property, esp with fire clearances and need for power, speed, and efficiency? It wont. The people who run the cities and state gov are trying to one up each other in their idiocracy.

Gail Combs

Angie’s ListRent a Goat to Clear Brush and Maintain Your Lawn

Get quotes from up to3 pros!
Enter a zip below and get matched to top-rated pros near you.

And for trees you have Mexicans and two man saws.comment image

Harry Lime

How are they gonna power wash all of the sh*t off of the streets?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is the point – THEY DON’T CARE!!!
They don’t care. They are so desperate to make the Climate Hoax work, they will do or say anything, no matter how illogical.


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Reza Aslan is a prick. Griffin, Navarro and arrogant entitled and probably wont respond. Warren will be interesting to see what she does.

Deplorable Patriot

Maybe this time discovery will reveal the depths of these people’s corruption.


God Said, “LET THERE BE LIGHT,” And There Was Light. — Marty Leeds


A U.S. federal appeals court on Wednesday put on hold a lower court ruling that blocked President Donald Trump’s administration from using $3.6 billion in military construction funds to build a wall on the country’s border with Mexico.
The New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals granted a stay pending the Trump administration’s appeal of a Dec. 10 decision by a federal judge that barred the funding transfer.


Wheeee! More wall please.


Who hired thiscomment image


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Tom Hanks’ face said it all: Social media erupts with hilarious memes after Ricky Gervais roasts ‘woke Hollywood hypocrites’ imagecomment image


Apologies. This was supposed to be an OP


Ricky keeps hitting them out of the park. This guy . Zero fucks given. Afraid of no one


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Cuppa Covfefe

Probably a Samsung Fridge… Their washers have been know to throw their drums, too…
Then again, Dahmer and Krugman think they’re a cut above the rest, so to speak… Griffin (Gryphon?) too…


Excellent read

Deplorable Patriot

If I read that correctly, even Iran’s DS assets are no longer theirs.


Yep. The mullah, they screwed

Cuppa Covfefe

They’re probably, erm, mullah-ing over what to do and where to go… seems like Ukraine is probably not on their list…
Have to wonder whose list it WAS on… despite media (Canadian media, at that) protestations to the contratry… It’ll be a year before that gets sorted IFF the Iranisans give the appropriate authorities access to the black boxes and the site/debris… Have to wonder who/what was on that plane…. also, why was it flying in what they KNEW was a war zone… sounds a tad reminiscent to that Polish plane a while back…
And then the eco-loons are talking about electric planes… maybe they mean the model ones… seems they can’t comprehend the concept of pilot plants and scale… or “scalability”, as M$’s faux word represents it…


Interior Reduces Wildfire Risks on More Than 1.4 Million Acres of Federal Land in 2019 | U.S. Department of the Interior


Joint Chiefs Chairman: Defensive Measures Prevented Casualties in Iranian Attack > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Story


Florida Businessman Sentenced to 48 Months in Prison for Role in Venezuela Bribery Scheme | OPA | Department of Justice


Former Supervisory Correctional Officer Sentenced to 24 Months in Federal Prison for Civil Rights Violation | OPA | Department of Justice


Owner of Tax Return Preparation Business Sentenced to Prison | OPA | Department of Justice


The austere religious publication that recently explained (lectured) to all evangelical deplorables that Trump needed to be impeached is back to talk to you about your so-called “conspiracy theory”:
Jesus Cares About Your Conspiracy Theory
By understanding the world of Scripture, we can understand how to approach conspiracies today.
NOVEMBER 22, 2019 image
Apparently the editors at Christianity Today felt it was necessary to run cover for Jeffrey Epstein. (No joke!)
In other FAKE EVANGELICAL NEWS, they also want to make sure that you know that evangelicals in the states wants refugees:
States to Trump: We Want Refugees
With evangelical support, most governors agree to confusing new requirements.
Oh (a little magician handcraft) Look everyone! We have a new editor now! Everything here is FINE…comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Dear Soviet Dupe Clergy,
The Body of Christ cares about your politically plastic Jesus.


“Jesus Cares About Your Conspiracy Theory”
IMO, pretending to know the mind of God for the purpose of promoting an agenda is blasphemy.


The fake pope and the leftists at Christianity Today go hand in hand.


Doctor Who Conspired with Internet Pharmacy Organization to Unlawfully Sell Prescription Drugs Pleads Guilty | OPA | Department of Justice


Florida Man Pleads Guilty to Trafficking in CITES-Protected Water Monitor Lizards | OPA | Department of Justice


Remember the bald eaglets last winter in San Bernardino? One died from the cold, the other is out on its own. Mom n Dad are starting egg watch 2020. 1 in the nest. Hopefully 2 successful hatchings in a few weeks.


Until the owls come and steal the eaglets for a quick meal.

Deplorable Patriot

We must think positive thoughts when it comes to wildlife…even if it’s a cruel world for them.


When I first saw a video of an owl swooping on eagles in the middle of the night, I couldn’t figure out why owls would do that. Then I saw the eaglets and I knew the answer.
I have a mixture of anger that the babies are really just food and admiration for the owls figuring out that they can get away with it because they can see in the dark.


Former Correctional Officer Pleads Guilty to Providing the FBI with False Information About the In-Custody Death of a Woman | OPA | Department of Justice

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Twice-deported Belizean national with 3 prior felony convictions indicted for illegally reentering the US | ICE


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@rising_serpent: “In a bid to cut costs and save time, Iran has announced that its 24/7 state propaganda station will be replaced with an MSNBC broadcast.”


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In a very humanitarian move, Trump dropped these MREs all across Iran today.comment image




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Bill Clinton denies ever being involved with Jeffrey Epstein’s underage girls, but I guess he forgot he took a picture with Chauntae Davies, referred to as a “sex slave” for Epstein by The Sun.
There is also a picture of Clinton getting ready to board the Lolita Express with Epstein pimp, Ghislaine Maxwell.
Who are you going to believe?
Can you believe Bill Clinton – or your lying eyes?


“…federal judges decided 67,406 requests for asylum. Of that number, judges found 46,735 claims were illegitimate and that those asylum-seekers had not suffered or were not in fear of persecution for race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. That denial rate has quadrupled from less than 10,000 in fiscal 2014. The fiscal year runs from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30.“


Brian had a very good thread yesterday. Worth sharing again. Abortion.

My input:


Lady P!!! FABULOUS…post!


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What the fiscal death of a state looks like:

Deplorable Patriot

A number of my relatives have moved to this side of the river. Another one is moving over here this spring. Yeah, we have property taxes in Missouri, but it’s cheaper to live over here.


Yep, higher and higher on a diminishing base.


Orange Man Lobs One at Tesla
Bravo: President Trump Puts the Kibosh on $7,500 Taxpayer-Funded Kickback to Electric Car Buyers


3 years overdue but better late than never!

Gail Combs

I think President Trump was dealing with nastier alligators in the swamp first.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


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Harry Lime

Not sure if this was posted yet…if so, well, here it is again.
Branco not holding anything back. I guess that’s one way to get Iran to disarm.comment image


“Disarm…”. I saw what you did there, Harry!


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is AWESOME.


What I like about this clip is that Nunez is showing a new sense of confidence and certainty that he has not demonstrated in the past.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Once that IG report came out, it was clear that there was abuse of the system – no way out. And as bad as it was, under questioning, Horowitz had to actually FOLD FURTHER that it was worse.
Nunes has both the Mueller report AND the Horowitz report to say he was right and these criminals were LYING.
All of this because of Sessions resigning and Barr taking over. Weissmann the criminal and his endless abuse of DOJ had to fold up and go to his new horrible private gig.
Love the way Barr is just slow-bulldozing the Democrat defenses. NO ESCAPE.


When I first realized what Barr is probably doing, I thought of this movie scene. Your slow-dozing comment reminded me to put it here.


If you don’t know Not to put this shit in your body…Don’t worry, evolution has already decided for you.


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Gail Combs

That needs red flags with the hammer and sickle on the Jack Ass side of the board….


John Kerry is missing.
RBG cured of cancer for the 50th time.
Obama quiet as a church mouse.
New photos of Bill the rapist Clinton show up on Lolita Express.
WW3 Cancelled.
And it’s just January 9th.


training for a crisis….ensuring that places of Christian worship are safe…


PPS: Like mother substitute, like daughters. In June 2019, the Obama girls traveled to the South of France. Not being hyper-critical, but surprised for the talk of fashion in this family, to see this included in their wardrobe for this location:comment image

Sylvia Avery

I have better clothing in my bag to donate to the charity thrift store. And is it just me, or do both of these gals appear to have a mustache?


They are gals? Oh my.

Sylvia Avery



Maybe they transitioning. Like mother substitute

Sylvia Avery

Nothing in this cuckoo world would surprise me.


monkey see, monkey do

Sylvia Avery


Deplorable Patriot

Oh, where to start with this.


Imma ink in oho with burnings in. Whole new light. Likthe only solution would to be to put a match to those walking piles of trash


Wait…… Wut?
You mean we’ve been doing this wrong all these years?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not for me! Yeah, they open up – great for the recycle – but creates a MESS for serving. NO.

Deplorable Patriot

Well, that explains a lot.

Cuppa Covfefe

Khameni will probably get a HUGE bill from the left luggage deptartment…


Hey, what’s going on in Vietnam?




Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


her 15 minutes of fame are up…why won’t she go away!


Saint Greta was one of the dumbest most naive things the the greens have promoted. MCM sucked right in on queue. Spit.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


from the replies to that..comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Needed some humor. OK, science humor, BUTT STILL…..


shake that HONEYmaker…LOL

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



times like this, I miss Patrick…he was good with funny stingers…

Cuppa Covfefe

Shake that honey-maker, white bee…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Needed some “FEELS GOOD, MAN”, too……


Congressman Bill Hurd, usually a never-trumper and one who has already announced his resignation, has been red-pilled in a BIG WAY.


Hurd was a CIA field agent in another life, specializing in ME affairs & assigned over there. I’m sure Sulamaini’s boys whacked some of his friends and he remembers the gory details.
Conclusion – he’s going to tell truth about the IRGC slime no matter what.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Whoa, this was the front page of Bild – biggest daily in Germany

Cuppa Covfefe

Bild, although a Boulevard-paper, tends conservative. I’d forgetten about them. Another thing about them is that they write very (OK, relatively) simple German, so it’s very popular with language students and furriners getting a grip on the *cough* wonderful German language… there are more and more folks here getting red-pilled all the time, and going for the AfD. St. Greta the greenhearted is getting skewered on a lot of fora here…
Seems some of the Dailies actually look at what’s happening rather than trusting the NY slimes…
(sad to say/see, it looks like “Die Welt” is moving behind a paywall….sigh…)


Thank you for weighing in Cuppa, I was hoping you would.

Cuppa Covfefe

I was just talking to my wife about it (yep, she gets up REALLY early sometimes), and she said that Bild is about the only major daily that’s still conservative, and tends to hoe their own row, which is a reflection on the founder and staff thereof. (Was over on your great rally thread… great to see middle America coming back… where I grew up in CA there was a Steel Mill nearby (Union City, CA) and all the various factories associated with that, pipe companies, water heater companies (A.O. Smith), Campbell Chain company, and other heavy manufacturing.
All gone, because of China… and that was in the 70s (Nixon should NEVER have sucked up to China). WIth the political environment in Kalifornistan, I don’t know if they ever can get back to what they once were… but then again, never say never…
Plus, the red-pilling continues apace (even in her women’s Bible study group 🙂 )… Still have a few libs in the extended family, one of whom was part of the swamp (yikes), but a younger member, so there’s hope yet (another transplanted American). Kinda weird, there’s like an enclave of Americans and Scots nearby… can’t figure out why… (maybe they’re all spying on me 🙂 )…


Husband was RAILING about this last night.
Admittedly, it’s a little over my head, but he sure was mad at Nancy.


Good Morning, TrumpIsMine!
You’re right.
They’ve done nothing.


Appeals court lifts block on $3.6 billion for Trump border wall plan
A divided panel of the 5th Circuit ruled in the administration’s favor on the use of military construction funds.


so it’s starting? the i-identify-as-a…defense strategy…
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — A convicted sex offender who says he identifies as an eight-year-old girl will spend at least a decade in prison for dozens of images of child pornography found on his home computer.
Joseph Gobrick, 45, claims the images were computer-animated and protected under the First Amendment.
“I’ve always been an 8-year-old girl,’’ Gobrick said at sentencing. “And even my drawings and fantasies, I am always an 8-year-old girl.’


Ruthie is “cancer free” AGAIN…
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is opening the new decade with a positive health prognosis.
The 86-year-old justice and four-time cancer survivor told CNN that she is “cancer free” during a Tuesday interview in her chambers, which the outlet published Wednesday afternoon.


The rule is – must be in remission 5 years before one can make that declaration!
She can only say she has no detected sign of malignancy today – right at the moment.


everyone was saying how her “last” bout with cancer would be her LAST bout with cancer–but she’s like the little whack-a-mole that just never stops…
I don’t wish her to die, but if they have figured out how to prolong this lady’s life–why aren’t they sharing that with everyone who has cancer?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If what they’re reporting on treatment is actually true, then I think she’s just getting top-of-the-line therapy and “early detection” to try to make it past 2020, hoping they get anybody but Trump in (that would include Pence – remember – these are evil people, allied to Iran). She likely won’t make it through another 4 years of Trump.
They probably think that they can do a super-Kavanaugh job on Pence and make him fold on a top-tier Trump judge for SCOTUS – ANY Trump judge – to get an “acceptable” replacement – somebody with a hand up his back like Roberts.
Interesting times.


just reading on another site about it…she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2009? and she beat that? and now had it again? cancer is not like the flu…

Gail Combs

The woman is RIDDLED with cancer. You don’t have three different types of cancer with out it having spread from the original.
Sep 18, 1999 — Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 66, underwent surgery for colon cancer yesterday at Washington Hospital Center.
Feb 13, 2009 – Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Pancreatic Cancer Found Early. Ginsburg, 75, had her spleen and part of her pancreas removed on Feb. 5 after a routine CAT scan showed a lesion, measuring about 1 centimeter across, in the center of her pancreas.
Dec 21, 2018 – Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had surgery for early stage lung cancer at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
Aug 26, 2019 – Ruth Bader Ginsburg Being Treated for Pancreatic Cancer AGAIN!

Sue Mcdonald

I have had 3 different cancers,none of them originated from an original cancer. Dr. has told me I am a very fortunate lady to have survived 2 of them. What really irritates me is why is there cancer cures for the elites and we have no access.


Where is the cure for the rest of the people!


Well, she thinks that it worked for HIV so let’s try it with cancer.
What worked, you ask.
The idiocy scheme of conflating causation with correlation. The spiel that says that drugs that knock HIV down to undetectable in the bloodstream also means that an individual isn’t infectious any longer. But is not cured.
Does that line work for measles? Nevermind.


Verse of the Day

“I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
Acts 20:35 (KJV)


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Thursday Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Good Morning Duchess!
we received about 5 inches of snow yesterday…sigh…and yest Saturday should be near 60*…strange weather.
are you rested? warm and feeling better??


Gooder, Pat! We got snow, too – the fluffy picturesque kind – tho’ icy underneath – weather advisory – rumor has it we could get warmer this weekend, too – Angels playing with the snow machine?
Have a Blessed Day! Bake some ‘Happy Cakes’ for the warmup – Mkay?


actually today it’s apple pie!comment image




This should be good.


Say what????????
OMG, the left will explode again!

Gail Combs

Aren’t the DemonRats ALWAYS exploding?
Typical Leftist…comment image


Ohhhhhh, this is good.


hmmm…the Ring is hackable, user data has been compromised, and some neighborhoods aren’t safer using it—who would have thought allowing strangers access to your home could go wrong?
“Americans who make the choice to install Ring products in and outside their homes do so under the assumption that they are — as your website proclaims — ‘making the neighborhood safer.’ As such, the American people have a right to know who else is looking at the data they provide to Ring, and if that data is secure from hackers,” the November 19 letter reads.
The letter was written and sent to the company prior to a string of Ring hacks that caused many customers to question the security of their Ring doorbells.
Last month, a man was able to hack a Ring camera located in a little girl’s bedroom and talk to her through the device’s speaker. In another instance last month, a California woman said her in-home Amazon Ring camera was hacked and inappropriate comments were made toward her.
Also last month, Buzzfeed reported that more than 3,000 Ring cameras had been compromised, potentially exposing the login credentials of users and possibly enabling hackers easy access to all kinds of information.
Ring announced updates to its security at CES on Monday, including a new Control Center that enables Ring users to opt out of receiving video requests from local police, as well as easier access and control over privacy and security settings within the Ring app.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I laugh at all this modern “convenience and insecurity as security”. It’s all built on REVERSO MIND-FUCK of our IT world, that allows people to make MOAR MONEY through MOAR TECH, when the real answer is the exact opposite.
I offer you TWO HOMES.
One has security accessible locally (punch in a code, key-fob, etc.) AND over the internet.
One has security accessible only locally.
This is not hard.


White House releases picture of Donald Trump in the Situation Room after Iran launches missiles at U.S. forces in Iraqcomment image


Looks like POTUS was working hard for hours, not like the impostor Obama who they had to roust from some party to show up for the photo op.

Deplorable Patriot

And he is at the head of the table, not hunched over in a bystander position.


Right. Clearly involved 200%. Obama was an afterthought at the time Benghazi went down. Didn’t they have to squeeze him on a low chair in the corner?
Dear Lord, I pray for the day the truth gets out about Obama and his thug gang.


Can’t recall the WH ever reporting or showing where hussein was during Benghazi. MIA as best I can tell. Couldn’t be bothered. Maybe there was a basketball game on or some shitheads from hollywierd were serenading hussein and BM.


Oh, maybe it was when they took out Bin Laden that he was in the Situation Room – showed up as an afterthought!


Yes, I do recall hussein was on a side couch during Bin Laden raid. Not at the head of the table monitoring. ValJar had that role I suppose.



A divided federal appeals court has lifted a lower court’s order blocking $3.6 billion in military construction funds that President Donald Trump planned to use to finance an expanded and improved border wall.
The New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals issued a brief order on Wednesday granting the Trump administration’s request to stay the injunction that U.S. District Court Judge David Briones, based in El Paso, Texas, issued last month.
The three-judge appeals court panel split along ideological lines, with two Republican appointees voting to temporarily set aside the injunction and the sole Democratic appointee dissenting.
The 5th Circuit panel’s majority did not provide a detailed explanation for its action, but noted that last July the Supreme Court stayed a similar injunction issued by a federal judge in Oakland, Calif.
Judges Edith Jones, an appointee of President Ronald Reagan, and Andrew Oldham, a Trump appointee, also said there was a “substantial likelihood” that the plaintiffs in the Texas-based suit — the City of El Paso and the Border Network for Human Rights — lacked legal standing to pursue their claims that Trump’s planned spending violated appropriations limits imposed by Congress.

Gail Combs

This is a mind blowing thread by Thomas Wictor (Carlos Osweda)

…..One of the reasons Biden is polling so high among Democrats is that he’s made a deal with people like Bumenthal and Dore.
If Biden is elected, he’ll make Obama and Hillary and @TulsiGabbard seem like Republicans.
How many of you knew THIS?
Three weeks after 9/11.
“‘Seems to me this would be a good time to send, no strings attached, a check for $200 million to Iran,’ Biden declares.”

mentions Why IRAN?
Nobody in the intelligence community knew at the time that Iran facilitated the 9/11 attacks.
Biden obviously did

The treason just gets more and more UnF..ckingBelievable!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This answers a lot of questions on Khobar Towers – how the Clinton administration could plausibly go after Iran instead of AQ and leave AQ with operational freedom.
Beelzebubba through his FBI stooge (Freeh) used XOR logic to deceive us from the PRIMARY danger on 9/11 (AQ) by taking an AND logic reality (AQ + Iranian enabling) and pushing the smaller side (Iran) to loom large in the Khobar Towers stuff, which was pursued against IRAN and NOT AQ by COMEY AND MUELLER.
I suspect they were all in on it, to varying degrees.


They are behaving more like La Cosa Nostra than the Catholic Church.

Deplorable Patriot

Our archdiocese put all assets in a trust back in 2002. Why others didn’t is a mystery. Previously, everything was under the name of the archbishop which is why the lawyers were emboldened.
Money is not going to solve this problem. Not at all. Plain speaking on the infiltration in the seminaries in the 1920s and the damage done to both the priesthood and the Mass since then will be a good start.
BUT, the people at the top who have seen the books will most likely be facing civil charges if a lot of what happened gets out. That’s why they’re keeping McCarrick under wraps. He knows enough to put a number of them in jail I am quite sure.


OK. I may have something out of context here. Please, someone do educate me where I am out to lunch.
Absolutely nuts, I figured out the pedo BS by priests when I was a naive twelve or thirteen. A long time ago. Nothing has apparently changed. There is no defense for it all. Yet the church hides it all. NO defense for hiding pedo BS either. IMO.
Church takes defensive action to protect its wealth. Immense as I understand. Don’t give a crap to validate. WRONG focal point for the Church.
Church keeps some dude, McCarrick under wraps so he won’t “talk”, I guess. Which, guessing, would put some shithead pedophiles, and or shitheads protecting pedophiles from prison. I may have gotten the implication wrong. Guessing I am correct.
Wondering. IF McCarrick is key. IF McCarrick has intact morals, ethics, values, whatevers. IF McCarrick has information needed for justice, to help, why doesn’t he simply come from under wraps? MAYBE, McCarrick IS part of the problem. Just as those keeping him under wraps is wrong.
Sick. Sick. Sick.
But, gotta protect the $$$$$.
100%, I never heard of McCarrick until this morning and may have my perspective 100% wrong. BUT, I am disgusted the pedo BS continues in the church. As indicated in the first line, IF I am out to lunch, someone please do educate me.

Deplorable Patriot

McCarrick is the worst of the lot living as far as we know. He’ll turn just to save his own skin. That’s why he’s being kept in isolation, essentially. He actually had been pulled out of ministry while an investigation was going on pre-Francis, and Francis reinstated him until his actions were too much to keep the Vatican out of the PR nightmare. McCarrick’s victims were not CHILDREN, but young men in seminary, and post 18 years of age. He and Joseph Bernardin (Archbishop of Chicago, died 1996) have been materially accused of some really awful stuff against young men. They were two of the ringleaders of the Lavender Mafia here in the states. In my archdiocese, we never had one of their minions which is part of the reason we’re in better shape than other places. It’s not perfect, but we’re in better shape despite all attempts to instill suspicion in the minds of the laity.
One of the things that does not seem to penetrate is that each bishop is the boss in his own diocese. Where you have a good bishop, this crap stops because he puts a stop to it. As for the assets, most is tied up in real estate. Some of that real estate is very valuable due to where it is. That’s what’s being placed off limits when it goes into a trust. Some bishops are better at managing money than others. One of the conservatives leading the charge against the heresies of Francis spent us into oblivion, and hardly any of it was payoffs to Scandal victims. It’s just the way things are. Some of these guys are terrible administrators.
But, what doesn’t change is that the priesthood was targeted for destruction a hundred years ago, and the seminaries were seeded with homosexual progressives who could live a double life until they were old enough to be in positions of power. That was accomplished by the 1950s, and after Vatican II, solidly orthodox candidates for the priesthood were rejected for “rigidity.” That word came up again recently. The reality is that Pope John Paul II did his level best to right the problem via attrition, and the people behind Francis and the St. Gallen mafia are trying to restore their path of destruction before the lot of them die.
In the meantime, the lack of Catechesis and teaching of the true Faith since the 1970s is taking its toll. Given that the Dominicans, both friars and nuns, are the orders that are thriving at this time, there will be another Renaissance, but it’s not going to look at all like anything the modernists desire.


La Cosa Nostra, a polite description.



Looks like a lovely place to visit and be free to talk Trump and Q!!!


Most definitely, GA/FL!



He should have had a talk with Carlos Danger before trying this excuse.


He looks like what he’s claiming isn’t true…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am almost positive that Krugman got scammed by one of those Indian IT scam jobs. They survive (by statistics) on dupes who believe them when they robocall right at the moment somebody has trouble with their computer and the desperate person picks up the phone. Somewhat surprised they used CP, but that may work better in some zip codes where people are viewing more porn and are worried that they accidentally viewed underage stuff. Either that or the scammers just get more impact with CP than with viruses, trojans, hackers, and the other stuff they have been using as the excuse up until now.
There is no way that a professional computer service who found CP would go to this guy BEFORE the cops.
His later tweet that it was a scam is the tip-off. Sadly, our side just wants to reap big on the idea that he’s a child diddler, when the lesser truth that he’s a dopey doufus promoted by the left, far above his level of competence, is the real take here.


Ok, I’ll give him a pass, but Woflie, he’s been a jerk to no end with his ignorant economic nonsense and takes money to peddle Leftist economic lies. Can that count? 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The man is an idiot, and this incident, fully reported, would prove it, so it will be covered up. Expect maximum distortion.
Krugman is like every other brain-dead politically privileged coworker in the reality of Dilbert America, and had to call in to work to get himself out of rudimentary trouble. Oh, the irony.

Deplorable Patriot

Matt Gaetz is a national treasure. I’m dying.

Deplorable Patriot

Well, what do you know.


Pres Trump tweeted about WinRed – the Rs fundraising arm – today.

This is WinRed and it is doing incredible. Take a look.


Former President Barack Obama granted amnesty to Iranian terrorist mastermind Gen. Qassem Soleimani as part of the 2015 Iran Deal, according to newly surfaced reports.


comment image


Wow..!! fuse blown



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well that would certainly explain why Obama and Jarrett are so quiet.


AND, ketchap boy.


IF true…
^^^ An aspect of the secret portions of the Iran deal…NO ONE COULD ACCESS?
BETTIN, there was, IS moar behind President Trump saying, “he’d never forgive hussein. Originally, in reference to our depleted military. Iran deal fraud beyond the billions. NK…
The day hussein is fully exposed, will be beyond epic on a global scale!


comment image
Are Democrats coordinating with the “Iran Lobby”
January 9, 2020Frank Gaffney, Jr.

After the latest Iranian attack against American military personnel in Iraq, from which they fortunately emerged unscathed, President Trump imposed additional economic sanctions on the mullahs’ regime, rather than violent punishment.
His Democratic opponents nonetheless continued their criticism of his Iran policy that is often indistinguishable from Iranian propaganda. At a minimum, the not-very-Loyal Opposition’s party-line is being seized upon by Tehran’s mouthpieces to support theirs. So will congressional votes to restrict presidential action on Iran.
The question occurs: Are Democrats actually coordinating with Iran? The Washington Free Beacon reports that some – including Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren – are working with the National American Iranian Council, an organization founded by Trita Parsi, whom the ayatollahs’ own media have called part of the “Iran Lobby.”
Keep that in mind the next time you hear Iranian propaganda coming from Democratic leaders, and vice-versa.


Frankly? We know they WERE aligned… for all of zero’s crime spree…
If they choose to sally forth with it, they will assure their destruction as a political party and as any kind of political force! The Stupid expands…


Gotta admit, we always thought their motivations were suspect. Yet, after I finished the piece on Obama and Robert Malley, I was sad.
The depth of deception knows no bounds.
The Obama Admin promoted Iran at the expense of Israel, Saudi, and America.

Deplorable Patriot

The depth is there because the swamp creatures were allowed to multiply in geometric progression unchecked for years. They’re everywhere, and it looks like there was a bench for the worker bees if not public faces of congress critters.


Valarie Jarrett is her name.
Her name is Valarie Jarrett.
This name should be spoken anytime anything having to do with Iran is discussed.
Valarie Jarrett is who Iran controlled throughout Obama’s failed presidency.comment image


Did you mean Valerie Jarrett? I think you meant Valerie Jarrett. Just so everyone knows we’re talking about Valerie Jarrett.


Yup. That’s the one. Valarie Jarrett. With two “r”s and two “t”s.


Yes! Greatest POTUS ever!


Lou — “Devin Nunes…what he did was the greatest national service, of any congressman in recent memory.”


Smith’s book had a couple of striking and somewhat surprising assessments. First, Rosenstein was portrayed as a highly intimidated bureaucrat, not a white hat or black hat, but a scaredy cat. Second, the President was portrayed as too trusting in the early days, which goes against my assumption that he knew exactly what was being done to him. But IIRC VSG has said he was taken aback by the viciousness he found and compared it unfavorably to the denizens of the NYC real estate market.


Not just the viciousness but the deception and evilness. I remember POTUS commenting it was something he was surprised by and not initially prepared for in his early days of the Presidency. He, like many of us, assumed Congress and the federal government were actually working FOR the people.


I love it! 🙂


sum humr… 😀
Linguistics Joke
The EU commissioners have announced that agreement has been reached to adopt English as the preferred language for European communications, rather than German which was the other possibility.
As part of the negotiations, Her Majesty’s Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement , and has accepted a five year phased plan for what will be known as EuroEnglish (Euro for short).
In the first year, “s” will be used instead of the soft “c”. Sertainly, sivil servants will reseive this news with joy. Also, the hard “c” will be replaced with “k”. Not only will this klear up konfusion but typewriters kan have one less letter.
There will be publik enthusiasm in the sekond year when the troublesome “ph” will be replaced by “f”. This will mak words like “fotograf” 20 per sent shorter.
In the third year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possibl. Governments will enkourage the removal of double letters which have ben a deterent to akurate speling. Also al wil agre that the horibl mes of silent “e”s in the language is disgrasful, and they would go.
By th fourth year, peopl wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing “th” with “z” and “W” with “V”.
During ze fifz year, ze unesesary “o” kan be dropd from vords kontaining “ou”, and similar changes vud of kors be aplid to ozer kombinations of leters. After zis fifz year, ve vil hav a reli sensibl riten styl. Zer vil b no mor trubls or difikultis and evrivon vil find it ezi tu undrstand ech ozer.
Ze drem vil finali kum tru.
mor of zis typ of humr and joks, her…
chrs !


Oy Vey

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



McConnell can compel Pelosi & Schiffty to release those transcripts.
This is probably why she is stalling.

Gail Combs

I put this on Felices thread but I am going to also put it here:
The Urinalist who BROADCAST the Iranian Propaganda about US military deaths IS IRANIAN!!!!
NBC NEWS Jan 25, 2004
An Iranian Homecoming after 26 years away
“Ali Arouzi, an Iranian-born NBC News producer, describes going back to Iran to cover the earthquake that killed an estimated 41,000 people a month ago after </b.more than two decades out of the country."
SEE: The Problem with Iran is Obama and Robert Malley.
Don’t miss Wolfie’s comment HERE


This is turning into quite a presser.


Maybe it’s just me…but the press curs seemed to be better behaved.
Perhaps they were grateful to be let back indoors?


Baby, it IS cold outside!

Concerned Virginian

Hey, friends, here’s your daily report on GEORGE SOROS / Open Society:
“Charlottesville residents advocate for control of war memorials at state Capitol”
This misleading headline is really about two buses of Charlottesville “activists” who went to Richmond yesterday to lobby the Virginia state legislature (BOTH houses now controlled by DemocratCommunists) to repeal the current state that protects war memorials and monuments, and to put that control to the local level.
Bus tickets cost $20 each — but you could get a ticket FREE if you had an “economic issue” ( ad)
Who paid for the FREE bus tickets for the Richmond trip? — a group called “Monumental Justice Virginia”.
The group “Monumental Justice Virginia” (part of a national organization, “Monumental Justice”) wants to remove / tear down / destroy, ALL Civil War / Confederate memorials and monuments in Virginia.
Monumental Justice Virginia is sponsored by:
“Take ‘Em All Down”, another national group whose aim is to remove / destroy ALL civil war / Confederate memorials and monuments NATIONWIDE, and was behind the removal of Civil War memorials in NEW ORLEANS.
“Take ‘Em All Down” is part of:
COLOR OF CHANGE, funded by Open Society (yep, GEORGE SOROS).
So you see how Georg Soros does it — create embedded groups within, or sponsored by, Open Society — thereby obscuring the connection to his funding money.
George Soros is on record vowing to destroy the united States — the country that gave him and his family asylum and freedom.
George Soros is a smart man, who has used, and is using, his intelligence, his money, and the paid aides who flesh out his ideas, to try and destroy WE, THE PEOPLE, because of his pathological hatred.


We need people infiltrating these Soros groups, a la James O’Keefe, and getting info out ahead of time so these actions can be countered.

Gail Combs

PURE COMMUNISM — Destroy history.
If you missed it the first time (yesterday)




There was a reality TV program a number of years ago where a family agreed to live without modern conveniences. I can’t remember details, but I know it was a lot of hard work and they lost a lot of weight. California should just mandate something like that if they really think gas, lawnmowers, planes, and the like are going to kill us. Just make everyone live as if it were 1850 or so. That includes the governor, Pelosi, Schiff, Feinstein, etc. Let’s see how committed they are to “climate change.” They could set a stellar example.

Deplorable Patriot

That show was about colonial life. They actually lived as if they were in 17th century New England. Then there was one called Manor House about life in Regency England. All I remember is the girls sitting around moaning about their time of the month without modern sanitary equipment.


I’ll never forget………
A few years after we bought the B&B, a girlfriend talked me into joining a gym with her.
(She had a weekly maid and a lawnman – whereas I was the maid and the lawnman at our house).
But I agreed to go with her.
We got a tour of the gym, bottle of water, and “counseling” session.
First thing they did was put me on a stairmaster.
I damn near slapped the counselor.
They wanted ME to pay THEM to FAKE climb stairs, at $125/month?
I have NINE sets of stairs in this house.
In fact, we used to laugh at the big strong construction workers who were breathless after climbing all our stairs. We were used to it. THEY were not.
Why would I pay someone else to climb stairs?


Your post reminded me of, at my gym, witnessing people taking the elevator up to the second floor to attend their stair stepping class.
Am not kidding. Really happens…


Is that crazy or what????


OMG – just put me out of my misery now.
This guy………


Take arsonists, combine them with flammable compounds, matches, and bad intentions and you get unparalleled bushfires…. its not complicated.

Gail Combs

Beat me to it but I was going to say EcoNut policies building up flammable compounds…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s GLOBAL KINDLING – not global warming.


What wars? What wars have we been engaged since Pres. Trump took office?


Distraction from his own treachery.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Climate commies may actually deserve the firing squad for killing independent rational science.


Today is Law Enforcement Appreciation Day.


Wow, no denying that boy, Bernard’s son looks JUST LIKE him.


Not gonna lie. That video about the officer saving the boy brought tears to my eyes.
Every human has a handful of moments in their life that really, truly matter. Make your’s count.


Wow…that’s cool. Every little bit helps!



Sooooooo, if you vote for a Dem in Pennsylvania, you can expect your own Congressman to vote on behalf of the constituents of San Francisco……… and not PA……. because no one crosses Pelosi.


Sounds as if Nanzi carried the mafia MOs into the HOUSE…
That’s what you get when the daughter of the Godfather gets elected. Thirty years so far?


Nailed it.

Concerned Virginian

The Mafia NEVER forgives and NEVER forgets.


I wish someone would report on Sen. Josh Hawley’s proposal to change the Senate rules to give the House 25 days to send over the articles of impeachment, or the Senate could nullify them. Some conservatives are talking as if those rules are in effect, but I imagine it would require a vote in the Senate, and I’ve seen no news about it. Where are the reporters?


Sundance is right on this one…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The destruction of the grand jury is a holy grail to MOBBY DEAREST.


A clip from the presser that happened a little while ago:



Ooops…I meant to post this one:


It’s an act.
Every single dim knows that Nancy is holding onto the articles of impeachment in order to bolster their legal argument in a DC court that they need access to the Mueller SC Grand Jury evidence, which by law they are not allowed to have access to.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




Deplorable Patriot

Any indication of where they are from? We heard some city guys from here went.


I saw some tweets a couple of days ago that said “California firefighters”…but I don’t know if this group is the same one.


Did you just feel the earth tilt a little bit???????


I felt a disturbance in the Force… if millions of voices cried out in happiness.


So when is Brexit happening?


January 31.
My policy is: no wishing any of my fellow countrymen ‘Merry Brexmas’ until it happens. 😉


Hope it happens smoothly!!


Thanks! Me, too.


Thanks for keeping up with this, Daughn!
I saw the vote yesterday on BBC Parliament: a joy — and a relief — to watch.
Thank goodness for the Conservatives’ majority of 80 MPs which is able to outvote the opposition’s suggested amendments to the Withdrawal Agreement.
The legislation goes to the House of Lords next week. 🙂


Developing…proof is emerging that Iran did shoot down the Ukrainian airliner.
And it was done with Russian-made rockets.

Hat tip: CitizenFreePress


note to self…Never fly a commercial flight a couple hours after missiles have been launched. Air space all clear…oh wait…my bad



Chanel Rion is proof that stunning intellect and stunning good looks CAN go together.
She’s my favorite TV hottie. Yeah, I admit it – I’m a male chauvinist pig. So what?


Who was fleeing the Iranian regime after the death of Hamn’rye with Salami, and what secrets were they carrying??


Read one report of an Iranian (Nuclear?) scientist on board…not sure of the significance.




Harry and Meghan are out of style, out of favor like Prince Andrew?


Boy Howdy – Harry and Meghan sure are out of favor in the UK!!!
Several stories here!!!


Only with half the population, though, according to a survey. Kinda like Brexit. :/
One thing is for sure: they are definitely out of favour with the Royal Family!
The Queen now wants a quick resolution to this mess of theirs. She is one person I would not want to p— off. Harry should know better than to cross his grandmother.


Meghan isn’t the public servant, serve anyone type. She wants to ‘market’ her position.


Totally agree.
That was why I was against the wedding from the get go. Actresses do not make good public servants — at all.


Poor Harry – he wants a mother.
Poor Baby Archie – his needs, training instilling values, won’t come first.


This x 1000!!


Its her and he doesn’t want to see how its destructive to himself and his son.


They’ve moved their waxworks to another part of the museum.


The Story:
This was known before the Queen’s annual Christmas message – because – there was no photo of Harry and Meghan on the table beside the Queen.


Unlike the Sussexes (H and M), I didn’t read much into that, because I thought the Queen wanted to direct us to the next generations: Chas, Wills and Kate. Besides, the Queen must have a ton of photographs. She can’t show everyone every year.
Besides, H and M weren’t even with the Queen for Christmas. The news that they were going to Canada was out by the time she taped her broadcast. If they were offended by that, they well deserved it.


Thought H and M were to spend Christmas in California with her mother.


Maybe she flew up there.


“OK doctor, hurry up and make sure this person dies quick, we have our scalpels & rib cutters in hand. Ready, set….go”!


This is part of the reason we are Very hesitant to mark ourselves as organ donors but have told each other and given each other authority to maybe donate. If we are clearly braindead and there is no cost to our family…maybe. But until the uninjured person is certain the doctors and medical staff are to have no motivation or inkling that a donation is possible. We are Very uncomfortable with being rushed on the decision to “pull the plug” and really do think that even if only on a subconscious level it does make a difference, even if slight, as to judgments and recommendations. However, we intend to probably donate if the situation is right…just will notify medical staff in our own timing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Smart. This also removes you from any “secret” living donor bank for DEMOCRATS, GLOBALISTS, ELITE and OTHERS, where the needed person has an unfortunate accident. This also allows AUTOPSY in case there is foul play.
“The Island” was a great movie, but it is pure DISTRACTO. Everything needed for that system was already in existence long ago.
All they need is the donor data, a NANNY BLOOMBERG government keeping you healthy, and a crew of EVENT PEOPLE operating under all suspicion to make sure the right people die at the right time.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Too bad elite-tied GOOGLE has all that DNA data. COUGH, COUGH. I guess China and the rest of the globalist scum has it, too.


Could this be why there is such a push going on to get our DNA?
For…organ matching?
They are trying to make out like it’s something ‘cool’…that all the cool people are doing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I never trusted these DNA outfits. Our socialists are as nasty as the ChiComs – just hidden and sneakier. Do the math.
I trust them even less, realizing that they had everything they needed for this decades ago.
Most people have not experienced the outlier actions I have, that are needed to fill in the blanks on this story.
Screw Soros/Greta organ replacement. Family can make the call. Slightest suspicion on the death, NO, NO, NO.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve suspected that there is a DNA bank being built for a while. Organ harvesting is one thing that can be done with that information.


I’m tissue typed because my nephew has had leukaemia. If all else failed bone marrow transplant was the final option. Fortunately hasn’t come to that yet.


I have read a recent study / theory that seems to indicated that the brain can go into a shutdown mode post injury. This can take a week till it restarts. The sort of injury is lack of oxygen and global rather than site specific or massive bleed./ trauma.
That being said , in Oz, 2 neurologists must agree to brain death. Many patents are kept on life support to a certain this .
Also ,here, organs aren’t taken from cancer sufferers due to the risk of introducing a metastatic lesion in an organ. So…. what are these people who are choosing euthanasia suffering from? Depression? Treatable. Organ donors need to be healthy which really cuts down the donor pool. To get so many from people choosing to die who don’t have terminal illnesses seems ….strange


@Matt_VanDyke: “That #Iran didn’t close its airspace to commercial flights after it launched missiles and put its air defense on high alert is yet another example of how extraordinarily incompetent these authoritarian regimes are. #UkrainianPlaneCrash”
#Iran #Tehran #Ukraine #shootdown

(H/T @JackPosobiec RT )


We were talking about this earlier.
I swear I saw the announcement of the FAA shutting down airspace over Iran and Iraq.
I was surprised, because I didn’t think the FAA had any power to do that over a foreign country.
Didn’t know that.
Question is, WHEN did the FAA shut down the airspace?


That area was already ‘restricted’…with no flight paths below 20,000 feet.
But the new shutdown was pretty much immediate, after the missiles started.
The FAA has jurisdiction over all aircraft that are flying under US registration, with an N-number on them.
A lot of foreign-based aircraft register their aircraft under our registry system with the FAA.
They do this for several reasons:
— Preserves the resale value, because we have stricter maintenance rules.
— Easier to get hull insurance.
— The aircraft slip under the protective wing of the US when they are US-registered.




….and the previous restriction was 26,000’, not 20,000


Hey, I was close.
The point is, that that airspace was already restricted…for safety reasons.
The new NOTAM was issued a few hours after the missile attack…which for the FAA, is pretty fast.


Too late I think.
Just from consequences


Yeah, unfortunately.


Still think there was someone or something on that plane that had to disappear forever

Gail Combs

We Q-treepers have suspicious minds.comment image


There was.
One missile fired is Possibly an accident.
Two missiles (or more) is intentional.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think the money from Iran was going through Ukraine. Logistically, it’s the smartest way – to dump the money into a pre-existing system. So the money had to make it to the energy sector in Ukraine. From there it just commingles with Ukraine money and helps cover things up.


It is common to launch a couple rounds at a target. Ensure it is taken out. IF one round failed, the second ensures the take down.


Logic for the win.
Plus wtf was a plane flying in there after an attack? Before anti aircraft were stood down?


Unless they meant it that way which was likely the plan. You can well imagine how Pelosi et al would be condemning and hounding the President right now if we had been in their air space responding to their attack, when that plane went down and you can bet too we were meant to be in that airspace when they blew their own unarmed passenger jet out air.


Yep. I think it could have been a mistimed trap


To Police everywhere – with sincere gratitude.
(With special recognition to Peace Officers who may be perched on the branches surrounding our QTree.)
Police Appreciation & Gratitude
Polish your badge and see the shine,
Put on your blues one more time,
Check your weapon double, through and through.
“See you soon” to those you love,
A quick prayer to God above,
To serve and protect . . . there’s so much to do.
You are there for when they call,
You are there throughout it all,
Every single time they need you, you appear.
They spit on you and curse you,
And scream aloud to kill you,
But do your job you will, your duty’s clear.
And they say it to your face,
You’re a pig and a disgrace;
You stay the course, though the streets be mean.
Millions support what you have done,
My deepest thanks, though I’m just one,
You’re braver and better men than most have been.


Very nicely said, Carl.
Thank you!


We owe our law enforcement SO MUCH!!! They are the thin blue line that stands between us and chaos and corruption, violence and depravity.comment image


U.S. officials have intercepted chatter and received confirmation that terrorist leaders in Iraq have been fleeing the region and have gone into hiding fearing United States intelligence capabilities after the successful airstrike that killed Iranian Quds Force leader Qassem Soleimani. *** In other words the opposite of war ***


Thomas Wictor has another POSITIVE, FEEL GOOD, Thread – click a tweet


Hmmmm, large explosion and fire at a refinery in Ukhta, Russia.


The International Olympic Committee has banned any kneeling or any other type of ‘protest’ during the games.

————– From the article:
The International Olympic Committee announced its rules for political protest for the upcoming 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, and some popular forms of athlete protest have been banned, according to The Hill.
While athletes will be allowed to say what they want during interview and news conferences outside the Olympic Village, and on social media, they won’t be able to protest in the village, on the field of play, or during medal ceremonies.
The IOC defined political protest as “displaying any political messaging, including signs or armbands and gestures of a political nature, like a hand gesture or kneeling.”
That prohibits some popular forms of public political protest by athletes, such as kneeling during the national anthem or making some sort of gesture during the medal ceremony.
The IOC ban on demonstrations also includes “religious or racial propaganda.”
Kudos to the IOC for having the spinal fortitude to make a stand on this!

Sadie Slays

They’re doing it to appease China.


I wondered about that…since it will be in Tokyo.

Sadie Slays

Can’t risk any pro-Hong Kong demonstrations when China is the only one still willing to pay for the Olympic Committee’s ridiculous requirements. The 2022 Winter Olympics are being held in Beijing (previous host to the SUMMER Olympics) because China and Kazakhstan were the only countries bidding for it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good call!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Now why do I believe this.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Now THAT is a BOOM.
Lord, I hate these fake-news-media-backed DEM SHILLS.


That would require John Roberts to actually be a conservative judge who isn’t being blackmailed by the political left.

Gail Combs

The Rulechange by Sen. Josh Hawley’s to give the House 25 days to send over the articles of impeachment.
The Title:
Amending the Rules of Procedure and Practice in the Senate When Sitting on Impeachment Trials.
(There have been several by that name BTW)
You can follow the progress HERE:
So Far:
“Monday, January 6, 2020
In response to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s unprecedented attempt to prevent an impeachment trial in the U.S. Senate, Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) today introduced a resolution to update Senate rules to allow a motion to dismiss articles of impeachment for lack of prosecution…..”

It has not been assigned a number.


She is a spoiled little bit*h and he is no better than a wimp. They are behaving like selfish brats, not caring who they hurt. They have me feeling very sorry for the Queen.
Queen’s crisis talks with Harry: Duke of Sussex has been locked in four-way call with Her Majesty in Sandringham and Prince Charles in Scotland as they try to avert all out royal war after he and Meghan Markle announced they want to quit public life


I understand there is plenty of inherited money from his mother’s estate. But, my hope is that the provided security, use of Royal transportation and housing, secretaries, valets, etc, immediately cease along with their “duties.” In other words, no more free goodies unless you work for them… it should be.
I think the Queen is pretty level-headed about those things and won’t put up with overt rebellion. IMO, the happy couple has every right to “opt out” of the Royal circle, but it should be a clean break with no expectations. Meghan apparently calls the shots and truthfully I thought loved the limelight but wanted it under her terms.
Ah well, a little fluff in the news is a good thing. 😂


She is a spoiled little bit*h and he is no better than a wimp. They are behaving like selfish brats, not caring who they hurt.
^^^ Initially thought a blast at Nanzi and D-rats in general.


Why can’t it apply to BOTH couples?


It does. Didn’t intend to detract from Slamming any of these fools.
I simply made the leap to Nanzi. Equally applies to harry and MeAgain.



Another traitor committing treason… goodness she is OLD… 86 … well past her retirement age… 28 yrs in D.C.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

China’s little body-finding heroine in Moscone-Milk Theater.


John has a THREAD – click a tweet – wrt DIM selection


I’ve seen several articles about Congress demanding to see evidence and intel that prompted the terrorist being killed. They cannot be trusted anymore. It’s as simple and sad as that.
Brennan rears his traitorous head with the same demand and the following tweet proves WHY they deserve to be in the dark…


Under the “gang of eight” system, the executive branch of the United States discloses highly sensitive intelligence information to the following members of Congress:[6]
United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence:
Adam Schiff (D-CA-28), Chair
Devin Nunes (R-CA-22), Ranking Member
United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence:
Richard Burr (R-NC), Chair
Mark Warner (D-VA), Vice Chair
Leadership in the United States House of Representatives:
Nancy Pelosi (D-CA-12), Speaker of the House
Kevin McCarthy (R-CA-23), Minority Leader
Leadership in the United States Senate:
Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Majority Leader
Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Minority Leader

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Dem traitors are traitors.
This is fascinating. It is the DEATH OF FAKE NEWS that is making Iran fundamentally different from Vietnam, in this round against THEM.
With Vietnam, Nixon knew that the DEMS were working with the USSR, China and Vietnam against America, but he could not prove it. Nixon then mistakenly fell into a HALPER TRAP where he became the bad guy for a CIA set-up, and the SOVIET DEMOCRAT FAKE NEWS pinned it all on Nixon. Nixon REACTED AS EXPECTED to every trap, and was brought down.
Nixon’s pleadings of “I am not a crook” meant nothing to the CROOKED MEDIA.
THIS TIME, Trump proved to a majority of Americans that both the Democrats and their Fake News Media are crooked players, and that the FBI and CIA were/are also filled with crooked players.
We see that Dirty Dems coddle our enemies on FOREIGN CUES, and are – as we always knew – aligned with INTERNATIONAL SOCIALISM.


*clappin’ my hands and cheering”


Gonna have to remember that phrase, “incandescent with rage”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m good with all of this, as something of a fan of the royals as an institution (less so of their climate craziness go-along).
Harry and William will change the monarchy as needed. Piers has to know what is going on, IMO, and if so is playing along in outrage theater.
Harry is actually good cop, doting on his clinically massively depressed wife. My read is that she almost needs hospitalization. Divorce is too scandalous for the family, whether the queen realizes it or not, and I think Harry truly loves Markle. Harry’s rather smart ploy is to play bad cop and take her to America, which is an ultra-Tavistock move – putting a favored royal right into America’s media-pampered Hollywood elite. If the queen is actually part of this plot, my hat’s off to her – she’s got the world fooled. Harry is a bit of a climate dupe, like all of them, but he’s basically a good guy, IMO. He has massive Epstein / CIA / sex problems – America is where he needs to be when it all drops. He’ll make Andrew look like a VIRGINAL STIFF next to what Harry did before he met Megs! Prepare for the juicy drops! Although who knows – maybe nobody cares by then.
William is the guy who has the backbone to uphold the conservative side of “moving forward”. He’s actually bad cop enough for the tough job, but plays good cop well, because he’s also a good guy with a checkered social history, but kept under better wraps.
Oh, my – Hollywood won’t know what to do with the royal drugs they’ll be on!


Great news by me.


Very convenient that Pelosi was nearby in Jordan around the same time…
Qassem Soleimani Met With Militias In October to Plan Attacks on Americans in Iraq: Report

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. Very interesting.
This article shows that OUR VSG made the right moves!!!


I’m not sure which thought the Good Lord will call me on the carpet for, but God Knows Nancy Pelosi is despicable. Of course, she’s right up there with RBG, who they say is “cancer free” – so she lives a little longer to make sure thousands more babies are aborted.
Add in Hillary, and we have some of the sickest women in America who are treated like royalty by the worshiping malignant MSM, and their sheeple – Morally Bankrupt!


This…this right here.👇
Unpacking this so that the embedded video will play here:


What went through PDJT heads in the moment?
A: “This young marine private’s hat has blown off his head, but he is so disciplined he will not move from his post to recover it. Lemme get that for you, son. America is proud of you and I thank you on behalf of the nation for your excellent service.”
I would bet $10,000 to your $10 that marine would crawl over shattered glass for PDJT after that moment.


President Trump not only retrieved the Marine’s cover. Placed the cover on the Marine’s head.
AND, AND patted the Marine on the shoulder. Reassuring the Marine he is appreciated and respected.


click reddit to get full image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

SAVED for 1000 replays!!!


Thanks Wolfie…


Many MAGA friends here are moving or considering and I just read this article about retirement costs.
Cars and homes arent cheap so is the difference made up in taxes and groceries? What about healthcare? And how many end up actually not retiring but working to make ends meet? This articles parameters seem for most people, almost unattainable .comment image
“Depending on what state you choose to retire in, you could need anywhere from $666,000 to upward of $2 million saved. And that’s outside of what you get from your Social Security checks.
Those figures are according to an analysis released Thursday by personal finance site GoBankingRates, which estimated how much money you’ll need to save to retire in every state in America. To determine this, the site looked at the estimated average annual expenditures of a typical retired person in each state and then subtracted that from the average annual Social Security check. It assumed retirees would be drawing down savings by 4% each year and the money would last 26 years.
The cheapest state to retire in, according to their calculations, was Mississippi, where you’ll need about $667,000 to retire. That’s thanks, in part, to low housing and transportation costs. That’s followed by Oklahoma and Arkansas.
Meanwhile, Hawaii will set you back the most, upward of $2 million — as costs there on everything from food to utilities to transportation to health care are high, the analysis found. California, Oregon and New York were also very pricey.”


South Carolina estimate is inflated, unless you plan to live at Hilton Head of IoP ………..

Gail Combs

So is North Carolina. We have NOTHING BUT Social Security (and our MORTGAGED farm)


I cant imagine that people can possibly have that much. Even if you save this is more than people can do…


Ok. About how much do you think?


All of the expensive States are Democrat run.


comment image

Gail Combs

This might be something important. Look at how the time lines ‘converge’
(Wolfie’s AND Logic in play?)
“…did they really think they would get away with this?” Referring to blaming the USA for the UKRAINIAN plane shot down in Iran. A theory from Para59er
The Deep State hoped to spook President Trump into retaliating against Iran. THEN they would blame the downed UKRAINIAN CIVILIAN PLANE on Trump. THIS IS THE REASON Ali Arouzi, an Iranian-born NBC Tehran bureau chief, relayed an Iranian state media report saying Iranian rocket attacks had killed 30 American soldiers hoping to spark retaliation.
2018 Kerry acting as Liaison to Iran.
…Remember Kerry’s close ties to Robert Malley and therefore the Crisis Group.
Feb 28, 2019 – DoD certified Ukraine reforms in a letter to Congress for FIRST trench of $125-million
April 18, 2019 – Redacted version of Mueller Report publicly released by DOJ
May 8, 2019, President Trump used a “protective assertion” of executive privilege to block the subpoena by the House of Representatives of Mueller grand-jury information.
Nadler sent Mueller a letter requesting testimony before the House Judiciary Committee no later than May 23, 2019
May 23, 2019 — DIANNE FEINSTEIN (D-CALIF.) had dinner with IRANIAN FOREIGN MINISTER JAVAD ZARIF when he was in the United States a few weeks ago, several sources told us
May 23, 2019 — DoD certified Ukraine reforms in a letter to Congress for second trench of $125-million
….(first trench of $125 million was already spent on Ukraine before the July 25 phone call with Zelensky)
July 24, 2019, Mueller testified before the House Judiciary Committee after being subpoenaed.
July 25, 2019 Trump — Zelensky Phone call
Aug. 12: Whistle blower files complaint with Michael Atkinson backdating form in September to make Hearsay ‘evidence’
Aug. 15: Coats, Gordon exit, Maguire steps in as acting DNI and gets blindsided.

Gail Combs

Is the Iranian set-up of President Trump the reason Piglosi has been hanging on to the Articles of impeachment? Was she planning on adding the ILLEGAL ATTACK** on Iran, downing a Civilian Plane to President Trump’s list of ‘High Crimes’? And while emotions ran high, pushing it thru the Senate for a Conviction?
**Illegal Attack without Congressional Approval. Remember those stories were ALREADY WRITTEN and whipped out during the Crisis. All the over the top theater by the Dims and Media can be explained if the moves were already mapped out but President Trump forgot to play the assigned role.


George Conway is despicable…and is a rabid nevertrumper.
He has formed his own Trump-hater PAC and put out a video.
It’s horrible.
I don’t want to post it here…but Kane has it up on CitizenFreePress, if you want to see it:
Why does Kellyanne stay married to this guy?
She is sleeping with the enemy!
It puts our President in an awkward position, to have one of his close advisors compromised like this.


Not only would I not stay married to him, he’d know if he opened his big mouth one more time, I’d castrate him (probably figuratively, but maybe not). My exes feared my temper, with good reason. I’m the greatest companion in the world until you piss me off, but when you do, look out.
If Momma ain’t happy….


LOL, Aubergine…I’ve always said I can be your best friend or your worse enemy…but I’ve mellowed in my old age! Now, I really don’t care! Are you a Leo, per chance? 😉


Sagittarius. Full of piss and vinegar.


Every man can choose to be happy or or right. In Conway case he choose to be right his right not reality. To bad I hope Kelly Ann makes him miserable.
I could not live with a man who has so little respect for me. Kelly Ann does not respect herself otherwise she would not put up with a guy that.


I agree. I feel bad for her, but if she were a friend of mine, we’d be having a talk.


It’s cleverly put together with a lot of very short clips taken out of context. I have seen enough of those clips to KNOW they were out of context. They are trying to portray him as a self aggrandizing man craving “worship” from the populace.
In the middle of that video, there’s a couple of clips about the pope, right in the middle. They were from pieces about Trump questioning the pope’s attitudes. Now that makes me wonder even more about George Conway. He may be a Catholic, but what kind of Catholic is he? I’m thinking more and more that he has something to hide.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m thinking that he’s part of the show to run cover for whatever is really going on. His outbursts have curious timing.


I don’t know. It was almost vile, the way it was put together.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s just it, you can’t really be sure. It’s meant to send confusion to the people watching.


Wait, what? Matt??!




He’s getting roasted in the replies, by Trump supporters.
The Dems are loving it, though…and gloating.

Gail Combs

So Where the Heck was Rep. Matt Gaetz when OBAMA and HITLERY were HELPING our enemies kill US Soldiers??
Gaetz is ‘buying into the Trump is Crazy and can’t be trusted Bull Shiff’ I thought he had more brains than that… Or does the Deep State OWN his Balls???


Something IS grossly wrong here.
Hope Gaetz gets interviewed very directly on this…paging Hannity, Lou…


The DAY Seantors AND Congress fools STOP getting in President Trump’s way as he tries to END ENDLESS WAYS, then this sort of thing can be OK.
BUT, Senators and Congress fools continually get in President Trump’s way of withdrawing from ENDLESS WARS.
MADNESS, that President Trump has to deal with Rs on both side of this nonsense.


Well, that’s the end of that.
What a dumb thing to do.


I used to respect Goetz but no longer. He is mixing apples and oranges. He cannot even stand with POTUS who is working for peace. Goetz has become a clown .


I’m ashamed of our people’s responses to this.
There is not a single poster here in the QTree, including me…nor most if not all on Twatter…that has done more for President Trump and the MAGA movement than Matt Gaetz has.
Not one.
Gaetz can’t vote his conscience on a resolution that is PURELY RHETORICAL, after being an absolute standout and bedrock supporter of the President and the MAGA agenda??
No, whatever excuse one may choose to condemn this good patriot doesn’t justify throwing him under the bus. We are better than liberals, and Gaetz has MORE than earned the right to vote his conscience on an insignificant and ultimately meaningless resolution like this.
What is sad and pathetic is not Gaetz’s vote, it is people’s reaction to his vote. I am saddened that so many have proven themselves to be no better than leftists in this regard.


People’s reactions, shock, disbelief, etc are PRECISELY BECAUSE Matt has been a steadfast and staunch supporter. This was out of left field and out of character for how him in light of the support he has shown. I’m sure he has his reasons for voting this way. Not condemning or throwing him under the bus AT ALL. I still want him in our corner. And yes, we ARE better than the leftists, but you must admit this was a shocker.
You will just have to forgive those of us who were taken aback. Not everyone is perfect. 🙄


“Not condemning or throwing him under the bus AT ALL.”
Are you F’n kidding me?!?
You “liked” this comment from singingsoul1 just above….
“I used to respect Goetz but no longer. He is mixing apples and oranges. He cannot even stand with POTUS who is working for peace. Goetz has become a clown.”
And no, I don’t have to forgive anything, especially total jackass comments like this one, or Gail’s suggestion that “the Deep State owns his balls”.
It’s quite obvious that there are a few here who have no idea what the meaning of loyalty truly is, and moreover they are much more like leftist scumbags than they or anyone else would care to admit.
Matt Gaetz is an American Patriot through and through and he doesn’t deserve to have his good name dragged through the mud like some here are QUITE OBVIOUSLY doing.
And no, your poor attempt to deflect from this well deserved and merited criticism falls flat on it’s ridiculous face.
Shame on all of you.

Deplorable Patriot

Thank you. I needed that tonight after the defection of people I thought had more character than to skip out on…well, doesn’t matter. Every now and then asserting a difference is not going to be a big deal.


Most welcome. The bile that rose up in my throat after reading comments both here and on Twatter deserved an outlet. I was and remain disgusted with some people’s response to this giant nothingburger.


Here’s a news flash for ya… If I share something and someone comments, I try to “like” it as acknowledgement that I have seen it.
Your condescending attitude toward others’ opinions is much more like the leftist behavior I have seen than anyone’s knee jerk reaction to something unexpected.
You can stay on your high horse or get over yourself, irrelevant to me. I’m done here.


My condescending attitude is BORN from the knee jerk opinions of others. Moreover, I can hardly be blamed for making the quite natural assumption that a “like” signals approval of a given comment.
YOU are the one attempting to minimize the JACKASS reactions to this stupid, insignificant issue. And yes, you are most definitely “done here”.


Well, well, well……. it’s not an assassination for Eric Holder.


These people must think we communicate by smoke signals…
There are records of what they say every day… SMH


Well, yes. Dimms everywhere agree.
And it’s not an assassination and it’s perfectly legal, because . . . well . . . Obama.
And it is an assassination and it’s obviously illegal, because . . . well . . . Trump.






Gail Combs

OH, While looking for something else I ran across this.
Seems Ron Paul Institute SUPPORTS IRAN.
Aside from that there are some very interesting tidbits that go to Para59er theory that the whole Iran Crisis was a SET-UP Between IRAN AND THE DemonRats. Remember NOTHING so far has been able to dent President Trump’s popularity. I think the Iran Crisis, if it went as planned, was the MOAB that was to tear supporters from President Trump.
Ron Paul Institute
⬇️⬇️⬇️ Note the date… Right in the middle of the impeachment set-up but before we knew about it.
August 5, 2019 Iran’s Zarif drives Trump to insanity by melkulangara bhadrakumar

At a time when the Trump administration has no problem negotiating with the secretary of the Russian national security council Nikolai Patrushev, who is technically under US sanctions since April 2018, the cut and thrust of Washington’s move to sanction Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif needs to be understood properly.
How did US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo try to explain the dispatch of Zarif to perdition? Pompeo’s statement on Wednesday attributed to Zarif a singular sin:
a) Zarif “acted on behalf of the Supreme Leader”;
b) Zarif took “direction from the Supreme Leader and his office”; c
) Zarif was “a key enabler of Ayatollah Khamenei’s policies throughout the region and around the world”;
d) and, Zarif has been “a senior regime official and apologist” of Iranian government and has “for years now been complicit in these (Iran’s) malign activities”.
Basically, Pompeo’s grouse narrows down to this: Zarif is a disciplined dutiful, loyal Iranian public servant who abided by the Iranian system of government founded in the concept of velāyat-e faqīh (‘guardianship of the Islamic jurist’.)
Does that become a sin? ….Pompeo has no pretensions that he is holding the job entirely at the pleasure and discretion of his supreme leader President Trump….
Simply put, Zarif per se is the problem. The Trump administration is desperately keen to put an end to Zarif’s contacts with the American elite. Zarif lived and worked for several years in America from the age of 17 — as a high school student, university student, and career diplomat, ending up as Iran’s representative at the UN from 2002 to 2007. He also kept closely in touch with the US academia and intellectual circles in his capacity as a professor and editor of scholarly journals in Tehran who has written copiously on disarmament, human rights, international law, and regional conflicts.
Indeed, what rankles the Trump administration is that Zarif has extensively networked with American intellectuals, politicians, think tankers and media persons — figures as diverse as Joseph Biden, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Hagel, Nicholas Kristof, Thomas Pickering, James Dobbins and Christian Amanpour.
Zarif took his job seriously and being a fluent English speaker, he could tweet and debate and spar with any American with delectable ease. Zarif outclassed the mediocre American foreign and security policy team.
Zarif’s periodical visits to New York (ostensibly to attend the UN events) increasingly became a nightmare for the Trump administration as he cast his net wide and ably put across Iran’s narrative. Trump singled out more than once that Zarif had meetings with Kerry….
By imposing sanctions on Zarif, US can deny visa to him and render unlawful (and liable to prosecution under law) any contact between him and any American national. Effectively, Trump instructed Pompeo to make sure that Zarif doesn’t come to New York between now and the 2020 November election so that his detractors and critics cannot hear from the horse’s mouth the Iranian narrative.
Trump feels exasperated that Iran is winning the information war. And he is worried that between now and November 2020, his re-election campaign may get booby-trapped.


I ‘liked’ that you supplied the info…
The article is disrespectful and …. whatever

Gail Combs

My Jaw dropped as I read this. I VOTED for the guy! I thought he was pro-American.
Of course it maybe that his Institute got taken over by Progressives just like most NGOs, charities and everything else.
What is interesting is how it OUTS the Iran-Liberal connection.
Then there is from page 2.

Very convenient that Pelosi was nearby in Jordan around the same time…
Qassem Soleimani Met With Militias In October to Plan Attacks on Americans in Iraq: Report

Oct 20, 2019 — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) led an unannounced congressional visit to Afghanistan and Jordan over the weekend,

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) led an unannounced congressional visit to Afghanistan and Jordan over the weekend, highlighting her sharp disagreement with President Trump over his abrupt removal of U.S. troops from northern Syria and Turkey’s subsequent attacks on Kurdish enclaves…
After meeting with King Abdullah II and senior Jordanian officials Saturday night, Pelosi said: “With the deepening crisis in Syria after Turkey’s incursion, our delegation has engaged in vital discussions about the impact to regional stability, increased flow of refugees, and the dangerous opening that has been provided to ISIS, Iran and Russia.”
Neither country released details of the talks before the delegation departed for the United States on Sunday morning. The trip came as a hastily brokered five-day cease-fire in Syria was struggling to take hold entering its third day.

We already know there are Iranian-backed groups in Jordan making ‘undetected’ communication possible.


Ron Paul has always had some messed-up ideas about foreign policy.
But ^^this^^ is just over the cliff.


The author of the article, melkulangara bhadrakumar, an Indian, is really adept at employing pretzel logic.


Cool…”Sir Donald J Trump”.
This fellow, John Mappin, did this back before PDJT won the election.
Video was posted in Feb 2016.


The Boss is on the ground in Ohio.



Euthanasia goes hand-in-hand with Govt Healthcare.
Palin was right about those ‘death panels’.


There’s a big ole moon coming up tonight.
It really looks full…even though they’re saying the Wolf Full Moon is tomorrow.

Deplorable Patriot

A moon would be nice this evening. As it is we’re at the start of getting a month’s worth of rain in four days.

Sadie Slays

Vigilant Citizen finally called out this Ricky Gervais praise, and I’m glad someone finally said it.
“The net result: Nearly nobody actually gives a crap about the Golden Globes. The only way to obtain a shred of relevancy is to have a court jester say the things that the real people think. But without doing actual damage. Nobody was actually called out and no real accusations were made.
On a wider scale, Gervais was actually playing his part in the elite’s plans. Indeed, these controlled accusations act like a vaccine. Through controlled revelations, people are being immunized to Hollywood corruption with small doses of truth. However, the real, dark, disturbing truth is still under wraps.”

Sadie Slays

– Box office revenue is down in 2019
– Widespread criticism about Hollywood pushing politics and agendas leads to several big box office bombs
– “Oh crap, we’re losing money and the propaganda is losing its effectiveness. What do we do?”
– “I know! Let’s make a big spectacle lecturing Hollywood for being “too woke” and then try to convince everyone that things are changing in Hollywood.”


Nice strawman you put up here.
Lead of with some truth (slapping Hollywood elites), then stand up your strawman about convincing everyone things are changing in Hollywood.
I guess you believe no one here has any critical thinking skills so you can pull this off?

Sadie Slays

“try to convince everyone that things are changing in Hollywood.”
I never claimed they were successful.


That may be, but I still think he slung a few slings and arrows, and many people heard things that hadn’t been allowed in the public purview.
However slight the exposure, every little bit counts. I don’t care about Gervais, never heard of him, but his dart game was right on that night, and Hollywood knows it.
It’s only a matter of time before the rot gets fully exposed.


Ricky Gervais starred in Ghost Town. Very funny. I recommend it!
Other than that, I’ve never seen him anywhere else.

Sadie Slays

Fun fact: Ricky Gervais created the sitcom “The Office.”


He did play his part but I dont think he was out to desensitize for normalization. He didnt hit as hard as he could bc he still wants to work. He just didnt give a FF about being a host.


Don’t forget most of us no longer watch things like this. So only the libs watch the award shows and maybe some got red pilled. So I’m sure they are ignoring this hard. And of course, the media ignores it as well.
I just hope hollywood goes down. I mean remakes and reboots. I’ve heard many fans were upset by the ending of Frozen 2. IN fact, people were happy disney lost a GG and a small movie like ‘missing link’ won.


Pathetic article.

Deplorable Patriot

Gervais’s words act like a vaccine?
Talk about words that confirm confirmation bias. Maybe for the Hollywood sorts, but for the masses they were the honey/sugar coating on the first dose of red pill.


Well put!! 👍



Tweet by: TakingHayekSeriously
Back in the day the only way to read the 1978 UCLA interviews with Hayek was to take a van to UCLA and read them down in the basement of the UCLA research library or you could set down the text & pop a VCR tape in an old industrial VCR machine and watch them.
For years I was one of the few people with a copy of the eye-opening interviews.
You can now download and read the interviews in a half-dozen formats here:

Gail Combs

Thanks ozzy, I added it to my Mises folder
This one is interesting: — Friedrich A. Hayek
The attack on the principles of the Rule of Law was part of the general movement away from liberalism which began about 1870. It came almost entirely from the intellectual leaders of the socialist movement.


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This is good though…a courageous Nurse and a Mother challenge the use of puberty-blocking drugs:


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Wolf or anyone quick WP question. As you know I’m having WP issues but now when I go to my site it just flashes for a second and goes to a blank page? Any ideas?
I can get it to come up on my ipad. Do you think I need to update my software? This is just so annoying. Thanks


I will happily eat crow if RR proves to have been on Team Trump, but I still believe he was cabal the whole time.


Carlos has another THREAD… click a tweet


Here we go with all the armchair aviation experts, again.
I personally believe that Iran intentionally shot down that airliner…on the basis that one missile could be accidental but two or more proves intent.
That said…
1. Transponders can break and not work correctly, and
2. They can be switched off and/or set incorrectly.
FACT: Transponders do not give altitude and heading information…they simply identify a radar target with a pre-assigned code (ex: “0231”). Said code can be matched with a specific flight plan for a specific aircraft.
It is common practice to turn off the transponder when on the ground. It is usually turned back on just before taking off, but this can be missed if this step is NOT on a before-takeoff checklist (and THAT is a matter of discretion on the part of the aircraft operator (ie. the company operating the aircraft)). Some list the transponder on a before takeoff checklist, some don’t. There is no regulation or law requiring it, either in the USA (governed by the US Federal Air Regulations (FARs) or by ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization).
The above all said…
It is fascinating to watch people who really DON’T know what the FUCK they are talking about opine about something having to do with aviation when something like this happens. Like listening to all the non-pilot experts blather on and on about the 737 Max.
It really is pathetic and stupid, and people really show their idiocy in this regard.


Like you not knowing who Carlos is and his knowledge of aircraft, military equipment, and the situation in the Middle East.


Bull caca.
It is actually possible that Iran could have accidentally shot down that airliner, as I explained quite clearly. Osweda is wrong about his conclusions.
Prove to me that the transponder was:
1. Working properly
2. Set properly
Without the black box, which is in the possession of the Iranians, no one can say definitively if the transponder was on and set properly…as your “expert” Osweda maintains in his definitive statement.
As I said, I personally believe that the Iranians intentionally shut down the aircraft given that they fired multiple missiles at it. You’ll note my comment has nothing to do with the transponder at all, unlike Osweda, who takes it for granted that the transponder was both on AND set properly.
All of which is demonstrative of my contention re: armchair pilots who really DON’T know what they fuck they are talking about.
Thanks for playing.


You were an arrogant know it all dick OT, then you mellowed a little after getting beat up a lot. Nice to see you are back in regular form.
I made it a regular habit to skip any of your posts just because of your arrogance. Thanks for confirming. Once a dick head, always a dick head.


Like I said, I dislike armchair pilots who love to pretend they know what they are talking about when it can be demonstrated…as I just did….that they DON’T know what they are talking about. That’s not arrogance.
As for you…
“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”
– Socrates


The Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) transponder on the aircraft will respond to an IFF interrogation from a radar unit, the result then displayed on the radar screen. If the missile battery does not send an interrogation signal or does not have an interrogation unit, then the aircraft IFF will not respond.
I believe that’s how it works.


Thanks Carl…


Praying Medic has an article
The Real Agenda Behind Nancy’s Impeachment Articles


Can anyone clarify this? Tonight, sites are reporting that Mitch McConnell has “signed on” to Josh Hawley’s proposal to change the Senate rules to require that articles of impeachment be delivered by 25 days. This article says it takes a 2/3 vote in the Senate to change the rules, or else they have to use the nuclear option. . So if that’s the case, what is the significance of McConnell “signing on” to it, or being a cosponsor? He can’t change the rules by himself. (The reporting on this story has been abysmal.)