Welcome to the OPEN THREAD!!!!!!!! January shall be known as “Expose the Sham in SHAMUARY!” Let the truth bombs fall. Expose the hypocrisy of the press, malinent of politicos, bureaucracy, and NGOs.
Here are a few examples:
- The press and Dems insist our President was out of bounds for an “Assassination”. Well, it wasn’t an assassination when Holder and Obama did it.
2. For the past 3 days, the press and Dems have foamed at the mouth about curbing the President’s Power with a War Powers Resolution. They passed it. The media covered it. It means nothing. It’s toothless. All a big act for the media and to mislead the people. Besides that, most people think the War Powers Act is unconstitutional.
#3. The word of the day has been “Crossfire”, intended to mislead the public to believe a Ukrainian Airliner was shot down, with 176 dead, because of something the USA did. No.
Expose them all!!!!!!!!!!! They’re STONE COLD BUSTED!
Cuz you know what happens right?
Now for the housekeeping.
We don’t believe in political correctness at QTree. You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on. Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it. Important Guidelines are outlined here in the January 1st open thread, with an addendum on 20191110. In other words, please keep it SOMEWHAT civil. We have a new board – actually a new SITE – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation. NOT HERE. This board will remain a REFUGE for those who need civility, either some or all of the time.
And remember….. it is time to drain the swamp in DC and LOCALLY. Please make a commitment in the new year to attend a LOCAL board meeting for your town or municipality or school board. Get involved and make your presence known. Put your local officials phone numbers in your cell phone and call them once a week (or more often).

“Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People.”
Candidate Donald J Trump
Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Ahh! Sanity. I’ve been trapped with the choir at wine and cheese. There’s really only one other red pilled person. Honestly, those people are crazy.
I feel your pain. I have come here for the same reasons. Hoping to calm down before bed.

I made the mistake of peeking OT a few minutes ago.
I’m pretty sure that my normally extremely low blood pressure has risen past normal levels.
Gateway Pundit didn’t help.
GP has been weird for a while now, I give them the 24 hour smell test on most stuff, Joel Hoft is usually pretty on it. This story gets a 72 hrs smell test.
I usually like Christina’s work but this story I am not diggin and it’s from the Washington Compost.
Information was pretty old, but upsetting.
I know to wait, but saving the rally thread for before bed treat and made the mistake of reading OT to see if they had one, too.
That was when I read the Huber thread there (some of it…at least I had enough sense not to finish it or read the comments)
Sometimes I just have to roll my eyes when I see GP’s headlines.
Brian Cates has a thread on this very subject:
Amen Linda
I avoid OT and GP. No, tonight I was with people who are opting not to sing in a concert/oratorio performance because the piece is distasteful to them. Well, I have one of the big solo parts, and I’ve known that for months. It’s part of being a professional, even if you are a volunteer – you do what is put in front of you. So the thing is not high art literature in music. So what? The music is such that it will make people better musicians. That’s never a bad thing.
This is a wonderful place, but at times like these I can’t help thinking about how lovely it would be to hear your voice, to sample Daughn’s cooking, and to have had the chance to hold the hand of PHC before he left us.
So many amazing people are here. The comfort we extend to one another and the blessings of the friendships we share seem tangible..
Though they be virtual…I am sending hugs.
I’m right here with ya’, LM.
AMEN! <3
Regarding the other site, there’s a concerted effort to DISCOURAGE going on about the Huber story. There may one or two sane voices per page. The rest are impersonators or people who are paid to be there.
The wine and cheese would have helped. Taken in immoderation
Be very careful about consuming too much cheese, though!
Yeah. Don’t cheese and drive
I am peeing my pants! From laughter.
You have kids too?
Pelvic floor muscles adios
Well, I had some cheese. It was raining big time last night and the SUV is going in for repairs after a fender bender as it is. I didn’t want to make it worse.
Pity. It would have eased the pain
Oh, well, there was a bottle of Jamie waiting for me here when I got home.
I wish Monty Python were still together. What a wonderful sketch:politics, choir practice and wine! Que the Holy Hand Grenade.’
No, no politics. Just a big name defense lawyer who used to sit as a judge telling stories at his wife’s prompting. Put one beer in her and….
Kimi nailed Bobby Fuller on the 3rd note and said hmmmmm mysterious death…
Oh wow Wolfie… WE ARE OVER THE TARGET!!!
SBC is trying to EXPLAIN AWAY getting money from Soros and their role taking bribe money to promote illegal “immegration” (illegal alien invasion)!!!
EXPLAINER: ERLC, George Soros and Evangelical Immigration Table
by BP Explainer, posted Thursday, January 09, 2020
ERLC screams out “All Stations! Damage Control!!!”
That could have been one of my examples above!!
Wow, Wolf… this SBC news is extra spicy… from Will McRaney
Corruption in the leadership of the SBC is coming under some serious sunlight!
Whatever you think is the authentic me
Whoa, did Rod Dreher take the red pill?
Is US Orthodoxy Going Pro-Gay?
JANUARY 1, 2020|10:39 PM
Yes Rod, welcome to the NeoMarxist culture wars’ march through the institutions. Thanks for waking up.
If there is one thing that can be expected from true Christians, it is the sincere attempt to resolve conflict and strife.
Sadly, not only do others take advantage of this CHRISTIAN trait, but Christians themselves don’t really know how to draw a line in the sand and say “No. No further.” And the former use the latter to drive a wedge into Christ’s church.
So sad.
Forgiveness is another biggie. And hating the sin not the sinner
The other weapon is NGOs….
On to the subject of “legitimacy” the reason behind the use of the Delphi technique. There is also another technique used to give government the mantle of “legitimacy” and that is the use of NGOs. Just like the Delphied Public Meeting, NGOs are all about controlling the message too.
Cornell Law Library: NGO Legitimacy: Reassessing Democracy, Accountability and Transparency
As one person noted and as I verified it is the large foundations pouring money into a NGO that actually controls it. The leaders are not about to tick off old money bags who pays their salary now are they?
World Trade Organization Director-General Pascal Lamy, in a speech at the Bocconi University in Milan
Ownership is now developed through NGOs who supposedly represent “The People”
Dry much so.follow the money. There are very lucrative careers in “charity “
Part of the problem with homosexuality, though, and this was all but confirmed after an exchange with a cousin over the weekend…I honestly believe that a lot of times it’s a bizarre manifestation of Oedipus Complex with a traumatic event thrown in. The bullies and aggressive sorts take advantage of the vulnerable.
In that case, who is the sinner? The predator or the person looking for acceptance who goes where they find it.
Homosexuals are over represented in the paedo stakes and I think a lot is learned behaviour
A truely indispensable man
From my old notes:
This technique is rather common I am afraid. It is the method used to give “legitimacy” to pre-determined out comes. In group settings, the Delphi Technique is an unethical method of achieving consensus on controversial topics.
The Delphi Technique. Have you ever been Delphied?
An example here in the USA
There is even a paper on using the technique out of the University of Virgina where Mikey Mann taught.
This follows the Alinsky model of community organizing.
We started a new thing at our house. Big T goes to the alderman meetings and I go to school board meetings. Problem is, they ask me, “Why are you here?”
I say I am a concerned citizen.
They don’t believe me.
“Why are you here?” To see my government at work!
“Why are you here?”
Same thing happens around here when the private school people go to school board meetings. Just because we finance public schools, it seems we have no say if we don’t send our kids there. Yet another reason why there are so many private school people in this end of the muni.
Timothy Kallistos Ware, an Orthodox Archbishop (?) was mewling compromising phrases (like Francis) about poor widdle homos.
The Church is SICK to death – all across the board. That’s what the atheist communists and supremacist Islamists want.
The United Methodist Church is splitting, as have the Anglican/Episcopalians, and other denominations over homosex – which science, statistics and Scripture show is a dangerous lifestyle.
GOD FORBIDS and warns against same sex sex, marriage, etc. out of love and desire for our best life.
CLARIFICATION – Timothy Kallistos Ware, an Orthodox Archbishop (?) was mewling compromising phrases (like Francis) about poor widdle homos – way back in 2003-4 during the Episcopal/Anglican ‘gay’ bishop crisis.
Propaganda says they are victims and must live their ‘sexual identity’ ‘sexual orientation’ which is a bunch of made up propaganda ‘hypothetical construct’ crap!
Yes the manipulative stories are part of the larger PsyOps. Anything they can do to undermine and destroy the morale and resolve of good people to stand up against this is part of what they do.
It is across the board. There is no church – NONE – that isn’t being ACTIVELY TARGETED.
Wolf also mentioned another part of their strategy – “Let’s you and him fight”. The Left actively seeks out wedge issues to distract and divide people from unifying against their anti-Christ schemes.
The Left knows that if Christians unify on major cultural issues – especially pro-life issues – that they ware powerless to resist. So they attack Christian unity.
Unfortunately – just like Rod Dreher shocked that this could happen in the Orthodox church – there are too many people who put up blinders that “It can’t happen in my church!” or “It can’t happen in my denomination”. Every time I’ve seen this in the last decade+ these people were very sadly WRONG.
(Sadly, I’ve had more than my fair share of run-ins with the Young and Restless Orthodox, typically single young men who were converts from some nutter group… they had a zeal and anger that could have been channeled productively but they felt that they needed to go to war against “Romanists” and “Protestants”. It was always destructive and counter-productive. No matter how hard I would try there just was no be-friending them – the anger was too strong and they were too infected by the virus of divisiveness. Like immaturity, sometimes that disease just has to run its course.)
I’ve seen so much and so many church horrors thoughout my life that it’s hard to trust and put my weight down, to try to enter in and belong….but that is equally the consequence of my childhood events, experiences and other family horrors.
I agree. I think it’s hard for people who haven’t been on the receiving end of spiritually abusive churches of all types to appreciate why people who have act and think the way they do. Betrayal of trust is a severe emotional violation you don’t just heal quickly from.
Pope Francis has also been equivocating about homosexuality. ‘I won’t judge’ he says. There are many homosexuals and ephebophiles among the Catholic clergy.
Look out Catholics!
Traditionalist Catholics know this. The mechanism for refuge is already in place.
That’s good to hear. There needs to a reserve plan for the church militant to preserve the faith for future generations. Though, to be honest I’m not sure how traditionalist Catholics are working to structure this.
There’s no formal structure, by any means, but there’s a critical mass of people willing to preserve the Faith that it will survive.
There is gonna be one hell of a battle over this, WTF were they thinkin?
Um yeah, no one is taking my weed whacker!
Never surrender Daughn
One year, for Mother’s Day, Big T rented me a Bobcat!
It’s exactly what I wanted. What a thrill!
Oh yeah love operating skidders.
When I lived for many years in Liberal Hell, I mean Boston, one of the annual events to raise money for local charities was called “Touch a Truck”. The local PD, PD and every contractor would bring their equipment to a big parking lot and let the kids climb over it as well as giving rides. In retrospect, aside from the kids who had a blast, it was a great identifier of (a) likely gay boys,(b) likely gay girls (c) demented helicopter moms and (d) hen-pecked husbands of helicopter moms. Such events just don’t happen here in Real America where a “Prius” is used as a golf cart and a small car is a basic pick-up.
The ‘basic pick-up’ in my neighborhood.
I live down the street from a weekly mud race.
PrEYE-us as a golf cart? [big sigh] Yeah, the people here who frequent the golf courses tend to have far more gas guzzling vehicles.
Way-ul, bless your heart! My you do just luh-ve the stereotype! I was being just a bit met-a-FOE-rickle with that allusion. Personally, I luh-ve golf courses and guzzle my car does not. But I have maintained a 4 handicap in the recent past – which most will agree makes me economical with my strokes.
How cool for the kids.
First husband owned a construction company, so Gunner grew up with heavy equipment. Bob the Builder was a popular show when he was a small fry. We had a friend who farmed about 17K acres and had millions of dollars in heavy equip, who was one of his godfathers. I would pick G up from pre-school and take him out to the farm at lunchtime when the guys would come back in from the fields.
THEY would take Gunner back out in the big Case/Deere equipment and often his afternoon nap would come in the cab of a combine. Every day, for years. He cried when it rained and could not go.
When I was buying furniture for the house, I often had to drag my stepson with me to local auctions. One large auction was held quarterly a large Nat Guard Armory, which was run by a guy known to us as “Sarg”. Well, my 9yr old was far more interested in the tanks/trucks outside than French Bombe chests inside and Gray developed a special affection for Sarg. One Sunday, I bought a LOT of stuff and was working on tickets with auctioneer and loading when we all realized one of the tanks was MOVING…. up and back, left and right, turrets turning. We watched in fascination. Sure enough, pretty soon, Sarg and my stepson popped the top and came out. It was a BIG DAY for him.
And yes, would have never happened if we lived in Manhattan.
I’ve been fascinated over the years by glass harmonica and water glass instruments, but this takes the cake. Oh, this is so cool.
Glass harmonica? That sounds cool DP
I like the actually glass goblets(?) better. I’m guessing they are much more difficult to “play” than this.
Goblets and brandy snifters. I get the idea that they are about equal to play. The fingertips have to be wet, I know that. That’s how you get the glass to sing. Keeping the glasses in tune is another matter.
It’s amazing, isn’t it?
At least I think it is.
Yes. It is. And tonight I was accused of being sharp in the midst of a rain storm which usually pulls humans flat.
BTW, IIRC, and this is a fuzzy memory, the glass harmonica is a Ben Franklin thing.
Yes, the glass harmonica is an American instrument invented by Ben Franklin.
On a roll DP
Wow ya sure ain’t puttin that thing in your mouth, how cool is that thank you for sharing.
Night n God bless DP
Wow, like it was meant to be.
Hey, Daughn, check this out.
Just an amazing piece of music, and adaptable to so many equally astonishing arrangements/instruments.
One of my favorite movies is La Dolce Vita, which in part touches on the emptiness left behind when Jesus is left behind. One of the characters (Singer?) who later commits suicide plays this piece on the organ, and you can see and understand how deeply it touches him and permits him to see the surrounding emptiness.
A piece written in South America in the 1500’s (I think) but which is anonymous has the same effect on me as D minor. It is called La Folia, and also can be played in many equally astonishing arrangements/instruments. (I made a cd for myself of about a dozen quite distinct but equally moving versions of La Folia, and can listen to it all day). Anyway, in looking for an example, I found this one which is done Spanish style, with castanets no less. The Spanish aspect makes it sound more jazzy than it is usually played, but I loved this version, too.
Beautiful! It gives the piece a different aura of mystery.
That. Is. Amazing!

Beautiful, Sugar Plum Fairy. And yes, fascinating glass harmonics. Thanks DP;-)
Power, it’s all about the power.
That bill is weird.
Totally agree Churchmouse
Government IS the problem!
To much Gov in our lives, I think President Trump is working on that.
Great strides thus far. Moar coming.
President Trump, a businessman AND builder KNOWS the tyranny of government, regulations AND politicians.
He has been making a list and checking it twice for over 35 years, President knows alot Moar than we know about after all he WAS one of them.
I sleep well knowing Trump has God working thru him to possibly fix this.
People…PDJT supporters!…are actually calling Matt Gaetz a “traitor”.
to be
Gaetz voted for the Democrat War Powers bill.
Okay, kids. It’s been real. Turning into a pumpkin. ‘Night y’all.

Good night, DP!
Chick-fil-A CEO Regrets ‘Inadvertently’ Discrediting ‘Outstanding’ Groups Like the Salvation Army
. . . More . . .
I have zero empathy for the people at Chick-fil-A. They had the full support of Christians everywhere, and their business was on top of the world. Every Chick-fil-A I passed had long lines in multiple lanes. Why mess with success?
So with their new focus on hunger, homelessness and education, they “inadvertently discredited several outstanding organizations that have effectively served communities for years.” Sorry, not buying it. The Salvation Army is synonymous with serving the hungry.
There must have been countless ways to “restructure” their charitable giving, but they chose a certain path and have tried to sugar-coat it ever since. Every time Dan Cathy tries to explain, he makes it worse.
Minimizing opportunity for THE LEFT to intervene in any way is the FIRST RULE OF SECURITY.
Many (most likely most) on our side still do not “get” how brilliant leftists are in achieving their sadistic nihilism. We rightly think they are people with stupid ideas, and often even go so far as to commend them for the “idealism” of their stupid ideas.
But people have not truly absorbed the 100% accurate point of 1984: the communists or whatever they are calling themselves today, have zero principles other than achieving power over YOU and making YOU suffer. This goes for nomenclatura and apparatchiki alike. (The few self-aware ones let the useful idiots “share” in the thrill of inflicting suffering).
One of the favorite forms of sadism is to destroy deeply held beliefs, cherished traditions, shared values, ancient definitions, even scientific facts like sex.
It is all so stupid, but YES! inflicting stupidity brilliantly is THE game. And it IS done brilliantly.
In their world, 2 + 2 equals anything they sadistically make you agree to, and if they make you agree to it without realizing the abject stupidity of it all, so much of a bigger thrill!
Like criminals, who “realize” the indisputable truth that you can get things for free if you steal them, and think this is a brilliant insight, communists understand that every human situation can be manipulated and destroyed.
I thought I was fully awakened, but – NOPE. NEED MORE COVFEFE.
Oh my goodness, you are the most woke person alive (in the best way)! Other than VSG, but he has certain advantages.
But I actually can understand why some folks at Chik-Fil-A are being totally manipulated when they ought to be resisting and foreclos
You nailed it Wolf.
If Chick-Fil-A felt that badly about it, then they’d resume donations to the Salvation Army.
The only charities we give to is the Salvation Army. (Hubby, an atheist, really likes the Salvation Army.)
This is gonna BLOW YOUR MINDS
“And remember….. it is time to drain the swamp in DC and LOCALLY.”
An oldie, but goody (meme-wise):
LOL! Love the DOWNTURN “H”!!!
is that what that is? i thought it was a flaccid….never mind
Interesting. Don’t know if you are following Ghosn but he appears to be making subtle threats to the Obamas/swamp. He will be epstiened
Talk about playing with matches!
Check it out – NEVERTRUMP has a new home!!!
“The Lincoln Project”
Now I’m kinda seeing the SIGNALS, TWEAKS and BURNS that our VSG was sending tonight!!!
People are catching on to Twitter’s ALGO games.
Look at this CHEATING. Open. PLANNED. Not stupid. EVIL.
Leftist Democrat leaders and their enablers are like a swarm of locusts that wreck havoc wherever they show up. The stuff of sci-fi movies.
Also reminds me of the Bidens, and other grabbers of illegal money that serve their appetites
Yup. A PLAGUE upon humanity!
Every once in a while, I like to say TOLDJASO!!!
They wanted HORIZONTAL!!!
who was talking about Tom Brady Nancy?????
Good GRIEF, the SWAMP is DEEP!
and GREEDY…don’t forget greedy!
LINK: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/477516-march-for-our-lives-co-founder-endorses-yang
Fellow Q-Followers:
This right here is the entrance to some of the best “10,000-foot” look-backs on Q drops I have ever seen.
Very worth your time just to look at the FIRST infographic! ***THREAD***
I realize this is too much to ask, but I am confessing inability here.
A lot of times with these decodes, the print is too small, and when it is not too small, it is too confusing.
I would LOVE for someone somewhere to create a blog where a plain English translation is given for these elaborate (to me) arrow pointings. Call it Decodes for Dummies.
That Amajinahad did a “180” (for instance) is very intriguing and interesting, but the details are totally obscure to me.
Surely there must be someone out there who can summarize these amazing discoveries in coherent paragraphs for the slow-on-the-uptake.
And I love Lisa, Serran and Praying Medic, but none of them do what I am suggesting. I am convinced this is a niche where some blogger could make an impact. Neon Revolt does to a certain extent, but not thoroughly, and he might be out if I understand him correctly.
Neon Revolt is the closest, IMO.
If I had a spare Wolf, I might lend him to the task, but there are far too many things needing done first.
However, it may happen for some critical case in the future. You’ve identified a real need.
I was throwing it out there. As it is, it is really extraordinary how much you, daughn, Flep and several others accomplish in one day. I work in low gear, which has its few advantages and many very distinct disadvantages.
I may be the only one who has this problem, anyway, and it is not a big deal because it is mostly about satisfying my curiosity and not about anything critical.
I do get what you’re saying, because I think that VERBALIZING some of the ideas that are loosely incorporated in these infographics and meme-threads could be very helpful to see certain logical connections.
No, you’re not alone. I pretty much take folks’ word for what these messages are communicating, but code tends to make my eyes glaze over, and the little print is difficult. If I get the gist of the posts, all is well.
Good to know I am not alone! Often people’s responses will clarify things, but often they do not, especially the specific details.
My eyesight is also not the best.
I found that Praying medic does a pretty good job of explaining and I like his voice. You can then go on to the ‘higher level’ Q decoders.
I used to operate in high gear, then I had kids
Wouldn’t trade them tho!
Praying Medic is my go to, and I think other’s go to to decipher Q posts. Patiently walks through each line with simplicity and clarity. Slow guys like me need it.
Wish I could HT the person here that showed me, many of us I suspect, PM as a source. That was actually a couple years ago OT. That person is thankfully here QTree.
I do read PM, but he does not cover all the decodes I see. But PM is very good and helpful.
Yes, Praying Medic is good.
He explains things clearly and concisely. He also admits when he doesn’t know something.
Neon Revolt is good at researching deep into the weeds (in a very wordy manner), but he doesn’t always decipher every Q drop, and he will sometimes whine when Q repeats earlier drops or just posts things without new “meat.” IMO, there is no room for complaining in the foxhole.
Verse of the Day
“I thank my God upon every remembrance of you…”
Philippians 1:3 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Friday Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Good Morning Duchess!
Have a Blessed Day (and continue to take care of yourself!)
Hey, Pat! Hope some of that snow is beginning to melt – although – I am not sure you want a new swimming pool just yet – or a water slide down the driveway – praying for a slow melt – in this brief, billowing January melt – we cannot win –
Stay warm and dry – Mkay?
Have a Blessed Weekend!
we have freezing rain here this morning…usually we have this typically at the beginning of the season and the end with the rest being snow. hubby can navigate the snow as well as anyone, but the icy stuff scares the crap out of me…
Will that freezing rain be turning to rain with rising temps today or tomorrow?
Hubby needs a luge – no bout a doubt it!
it’s supposed to. should be near 60* tomorrow so we’re prepping for some flooding…the pond is still mostly frozen, but the waterfall portion isn’t so any runoff from the mountain, could overwhelm the outfall pipes…we’ll have to see…
Yikes!!! That is too much of a swing in temps – there goes the skating rink!
Sending the Flood Angels – the Sanding Angels – the Packers and the Stackers – to quell the onslaught – Comfort Angels – and Repair Angels – they are all coming!!!
Have faith – God’s Got I!!!
thanks Duchess–you put a smile on my face this morning!
yesterday while i was shoveling off the deck, I heard the woodpeckers having at a tree, then heard a screeching. turned and saw a bluejay sitting on the satellite dish. so i reached into my pocket and brought out a peanut for him and left it on the railing and returned to my shoveling.
we repeated this process till I was out of peanuts…lol…can’t put them out without having a jay around or the squirrels will snatch them all up… little pleasures from God…
Amen goes right there, Pat!
Re the Harry and Meghan debacle, unlike some here thinking it is a plot to downsize the monarchy, everyone in Britain reads it for what it is: self-centeredness from two thirty-somethings who have been given so much and have given so little in return.
If the Queen wanted to downsize the Royals further, she would just go ahead and do it, because she started the downsizing years ago. She doesn’t need to engineer a drama starring Harry and Meghan. Ditto if it’s Chazza doing it as a deputy for his mother.
Furthermore, the Royal Family are unlikely to put something into play — an engineered drama — that is going to pee off their supporters in Britain.
This is likely to be as it appears: two ingrates rejecting working for The Firm.
The Queen told Harry some weeks ago that if he wants to cut loose to clear everything with Prince Charles before talking with her. Charles had told Harry to come up with a solid plan of leaving the UK to build his own future. Harry didn’t do that. The Queen, it is said, did not know about the Sussexes’ announcement until it was made public. Allegedly, Harry told his father and Prince William 20 minutes or so before the announcement appeared.
This is a really good article charting not only what is happening at the Palace now but also the timeline of Harry and Meghan’s relationship and their many pronouncements over the past couple of years:
As to getting everything done ‘at pace’ now, my take is that the Queen is quietly furious, so she will want them gone ASAP with reasonable plans (e.g. security) put in place for them.
These tweets are from ITV’s Royal Editor:
I think you’re right about ungrateful youth, but really, it goes back to Harry being such a libertine, and thinking William had all the “duty” covered, so he could play around, marry without concern, and everybody would just have fun everafter. Then his bride can’t hack it, gets depressed, and what’s he going to do?
Answer – no change – wife before crown. Some may view it as feckless, but on the other hand, a man who puts his wife first, no matter her issues, is going to win points with most of us dutiful husbands. In America, that plays VERY well to the crowd.
I still think, though, that this is smart. There’s no reason that a crisis cannot become a great opportunity, and that is how to cover the downside here. What better way to cover the risks of Brexit than to throw a grappling hook like Harry and Meghan over the rail into America?
Okay, I admit, I’ve been following this story.
Problem is, they want to merchandise the monarchy.
Which cheapens the entire monarchy, forevermore.
Too good to open a convalescent center in Aberdeen.
Imagine, HRH bathmats, soap, sheets, baby food, slippers, et als.
This is coming from Megan’s friends and Hollywood PR types using strongest possible persuasion to make a buck. The Clooneys, Oprah, Gail King, etc, think HRH should use their titles for impose “Woke” politics on the minions.
They see $100K speaking gigs and $10million/yr paychecks as ambassadors for Google or Apple….. and summers in Lake Como, Italy. Book deals are also being discussed.
Estimates calculate the pair could easily be worth a billion in 10yrs.
Commercializing the monarchy cannot be allowed.
The idea of “stepping back” for privacy is absolutely NOT what is happening.
They want to be more public than ever….. and LOUD, and only talk to friendly press.
Meghan is being coddled by a clique of super-progressives. She is the “victim” and it’s being portrayed as “the royals are just jealous of her popularity”.
And yes, she has spoken to Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton visited them at Frogmore Cottage.
Wow. So it is definitely ON. That’s too much cash. No way this turns around anywhere from where it’s going.
Greedy, selfish, entitled…..that’s all I can say about Meghan…. maybe Harry isn’t much better.
Still wondering if she did a surrogate pregnancy – was too vain to risk her figure and quit her yoga routine.
Don’t forget the sweet layout in the press when Meg did YOGA with Oprah.
Sad thing is that the royals have been used for commercialization for a long time.
I can see MM being persuaded as you describe. What a dope.
And, seriously, she’s hardly anyone’s favorite royal. Other than a few of the men, I can name a few others I’d rather share a cup of tea with.
Interesting on The Five, Geraldo and Lawrence Jones were defending the couple along the same lines (not explicit, but implied, being loyal to your spouse if essential). The others were no so sympathetic, and Geraldo remarked: “Look at this, the Purto Rican and the black guy sticking up for the married couple”
OT: Geraldo seems to be a very rare media person who has actually gotten better over time, in the sense of being more thoughtful and more objective..
What is it about British Princes and American divorcées?
Oh my word: little Archie might still be in Canada. WTH?!? What sort of parents do THAT?
Meghan has flown back to Canada now. You can’t make this stuff up:
‘… Meghan, 38, flew back to the North American country, multiple outlets reported Thursday.
‘Harry, 35, meanwhile, remained in England to continue the discussion with the palace about the big move, ITV royal editor Chris Ship tweeted …’
She’s clinically depressed, IMO. A journo got evidence that convinced me by just asking her the right questions.
So how does one play a crisis for royal opportunity?
Two centuries ago in an alternate universe, they would be going back to HER royal family, to live in HER country, wherever, and leverage the insertion of Harry. In this age, they send them off to Hollywood and Canada.
I think Harry is smart to do this. Tavistock all over this, IMO. They’re sending a royal right into Hollywood. Subversive as hell, but as a watcher of this sort of intrigue, I have to give these royals some credit for being Rothschild-level cunning.
But no – it’s a “disaster”! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Now if only they can start an “abdication controversy” they’ll be able to match Trump’s win on “impeachment”!
They’ll have Americans giddy standing up for poor sweet Harry!
Ah, the price of Brexit! Royals in America!
Call me cynical. What the heck. I always grab the People mags with the royals when I’m in a waiting room. NEED MORE DRAMA. Now we have it.
maybe the plan is for Harry to become so popular in Canada that he unseats Justin who is a horror, but Harry is kind of a lateral move–imo….
Good point. This WILL have effects on Canada, and they’re not bad ones, either.
Whether or not anybody is consciously planning it, the “Anglosphere” is retreating from EU craziness and globalist errors. There will be some stabilizing amongst the players.
They both need a big fat red pill.
Harry was the happy go lucky type, all of his life. Now, he says his “mental health will be harmed if he’s not allowed to move to Canada and make millions on the cocktail circuit”
I’m just overjoyed that I’m not holding the MOST cynical view of this – only the SECOND most!
I think he’s saying Crazy Megs will drive him bonkers if he doesn’t get her away from the Queen pronto!!! CONCUR!!!
Yep. It is clear who steers the yacht in this family. And Harry understands what so many husbands understand, the wife is always right, never not right. Next lesson: be patient, pick your battles carefully, and get to genuine equality, which is mutual love.
Pffttt, which is exactly why she needs to be stepped on by an older, wise, and more powerful female, as in THE QUEEN!
First to admit the Royals did not handle Diana well. Okay fine. But “look what you did to my mum” is no excuse to let Harry and Megan cheapen the Monarchy.
If anyone is going to TRADEMARK a bar of soap, as in ROYAL SOAP, it sure as he// doesn’t need to be an American D-list actress.
They’ve already copyrighted about 100 items.
What the fresh he//?
Is this Windsor Amazon???????????????
LOL ….
He also lost his mother in tragic circumstances at a young age, after a bitter divorce.
Guess I am a kill joy.
Looking forward to the world getting bored with harry and MeAgain. They represent, to me anyway, most everything I loath about uber entitled, self absorbed, well, simply pompous assholes. Time to FLUSH’m.
Because the queen decides custody
I read that only applies through to the grandchildren, not the great-grandchildren.
But, yes, who knows for sure?
I remember reading Diana’s mom was not allowed to take her children out of England when she moved on from the Earl. I think Meghan has been groomed by the progressives for years, has powerful people behind her orchestrating this now and is a narcissist , acting in a movie. She is very dangerous.
I share those concerns.
New psychedelic drug is showing up in Irish prisons that triggers instant crazy, delusional behavior. That could be an MK Ultra test of something they might dump in the drinking water if things get bad enough. A sort of instant zombie apocalypse overnight.
One writer speculates that Hillary and Obama created a program to ship “art” between US Embassies with reduced red tape so they could traffic children. Could even be other things. One thing you know is they were too busy with evil to have ever done anything just as a humanitarian gesture. Everything will have either enriched themselves, or enriched Cabal, and all at other people’s expense.
From anonymous conservative
60 Minutes did Epstein’s death here. Had a pic of Epstein’s corpse:
I’ve choked a lot of guys unconscious, and been choked unconscious myself a lot of times, very often with cloth, sometimes a lapel, sometimes even the end of a martial arts belt. There are techniques which, when really dug in from the right relative position, can cinch up the cloth with leverage as much, if not a lot more than the 180 lbs of weight Epstein would have maximally put on his neck with hanging, especially when it is a young guy who lifts weights and wrestles in college doing it. I have never seen anything like what was on Epstein’s neck, ever. And the people getting those chokes done to them were actively resisting violently, trying to twist and roll out of it, trying to spin around, trying to scoot out below. I cannot remember ever even seeing a mark on anyone’s neck from any of that. What you see there on Epstein’s neck is either Hollywood makeup laid beneath a latex “Epstein mask” laid on top of another corpse at the morgue (that line under his ear running down toward his shoulder is strange), or he was garroted with something like piano wire or an electrical cord, and whoever did it was told it better not end like the first time they tried. There is something about loose cloth that applies pressure at the center, and then feathers the pressure off as it hits the margins which will protect skin and not give a mark like that. It is sort of like trying to cut through a pineapple with a piece of cloth, as opposed to using a piece of piano wire. You just can’t do that kind of damage with cloth.
There was a lot in the video, but if you don’t have time to watch, this is most of it, in no particular order. Epstein was taken off suicide watch, they moved his cell mate out against regs, they guards were both sleeping and surfing the internet during it, his cell was filled with what looked like seven or eight bed sheets strewn around, there were multiple nooses crafted out of the bed sheets laying around, he had a ball point pen which he used to write a note which said only that he had been locked in a shower for one hour, his food was burned, there were insects running around, and it was “not fun,” and there were multiple electrical cords lying around attached to various electrical devices. The noose the coroner photographed had no blood on it, and was pristine, and most interestingly, when Bill Barr said he had seen the surveillance camera footage showing nobody went into Epstein’s cell, he actually had only seen the footage of the door to Epstein’s cell block. The footage from the camera on Epstein’s door, and all the doors in the cell block, was mysteriously corrupted. From outside, somebody could have popped the door to another cell, and Epstein’s cell door open, and one of those other prisoners could have gone into Epstein’s cell, killed Epstein, and then shut the door behind him, and returned to his own cell and shut the door, and nobody would have known. And of course, in violation of procedures, rather than the suicide scene being immediately treated as a crime scene and photographed, Epstein was scooped up and hustled to a hospital, even though he had been dead for two hours by that time. They also covered all three parts of the hyoid bone being fractured, and that the ligature mark was straight back on his neck, as if he was garroted, rather than angled up along the underside of the jaw, as it is in hangings, when the noose is pulled up at the back. The extra online in-depth segment says he had petechia, which is more common to strangulations than hangings, and he had a bruise on his back that is unaccounted for. Also, the official story was Epstein was cut down, but the noose they photographed had a hemmed edge at the end, and was obviously not cut.
‘Punishment’ for Harry and Meghan. Bring it on:
‘Senior courtiers have warned that “Harry and Meghan will be punished for this”…
‘It is understood that the focus of their new lives in North America is likely to be southern California, so that Meghan can spend time with her mother Doria Ragland, as well as Canada …
‘Another member of the royal household told the Standard: “This hasn’t been properly thought through.
‘”It is an incredibly self-indulgent and the way they made this announcement showed little or no respect to the Queen or the Prince of Wales who have been given a lifetime of service to the Crown. It is shocking, just shocking behaviour.”’
Their readers’ poll in the article shows that **70% disapprove** of the couple’s actions.
Thanks for that, Wolf!
Not surprising!
I’m waiting for news that GS is somehow involved in all of this. That would not come as a surprise, either.
Which one, or BOTH???!!! (George Soros / Goldman Sachs)
After Goldman Sachs refused to finance drilling in Alaska, they went onto my “Enemies of America” list. Right up there with Soros. Would not be surprised if either had some hand in ANY chaos.
Hadn’t thought of Goldman Sachs!
Meghan and Harry “refuse” a lot.
They refused to say where they were going on honeymoon.
Refused to give details of birth of Archie, including godparents.
Refuse to socialize with Harry’s old buddies.
Refuse to socialize with Megan’s extended family.
Refused to do all kinds of things.
Yet, Meghan grabs the microphone for gender equality, raises money for a charity cookbook and donates proceeds to a mosque tied to terrorists………. discusses raising Archie gender neutral, only having two kids because the EARTH can’t stand anymore children, and don’t get me started on the climate change hypocrisy.
So they WANT to be in the spotlight, but whine like snowflakes when questioned.
They are the world’s biggest snowflakes.
Destroyed by bad politics.
My hair is on fire over this one ——– because the left is seeking to destroy another institution.
I’m officially tired of Harry & Megan. There is nothing to admire or emulate there.
Just compare the bunch to President Trump’s children…
Anoyher, ^^^ BINGO!
^^^ Bingo.
When I was a kid, that would have been science fiction.
That gun has been around since 2015. I knew it was deployed on our ships but, never seen it used by our Army in land based operation.
check this out
Amazing. …And very cool.
Is that an energy beam?
Or are those bullets.
I think they’re bullets, or possibly proximity explosives of some kind (basically grenades). Amazing stuff. Some of the most brilliant anti-aircraft tech I’ve ever seen. Shooting down MISSILES. They’re clearly damaging the missiles into missing their targets completely, both guidance and propulsion, and probably even disarming them.
Full details here. Naval and land-based systems use different projectiles.
20MM rounds. Phalanx CWIS has been around for decades. US military is excellent at adapting weapons to expanded roles. Including between Services. Cycle rate is something like 3,000 rounds per minute. In application, it fires in bursts. Track, aim, fire…at where target is projected to be. Track aim fire…
The daughter of Jeff Fort (aka Abdul Malik Ka’bah), who is spending the rest of his life in prison for domestic terrorism charges, is running for Congress in Illinois. Ameena Matthews is a Democratic candidate for U.S. House of Representatives in Illinois’ 1st Congressional District.
According to reports, “Her father is Jeff Fort, a co-founder of the Black P. Stones gang and founder of El Rukn. He is serving 168 years in prison for agreeing to commit domestic terrorism in exchange for $2.5 million from Libya. Matthews, too, was a gang member.
Not only is Mathews’ father a gangster and terrorist, but Matthews’ herself was a gang member. She has said publicly that her children and her Muslim faith pulled her off the streets and guided her toward her peace work.”
Matthews will face Incumbent Bobby Rush, Robert Emmons Jr. and Sarah Gad in the Democratic primary election on March 17, 2020.
This is insane. Time for a NEW VERSION OF McCarran-Warner!
Something that effectively keeps any Muslim with ties to this crap OUT OF OFFICE.
I’m blocked from seeing CTH tweets, so what is this one?
Report: John Huber Completes Review of Clinton Foundation and Uranium One, Finds Nothing… http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/01/09/report-john-huber-completes-review-of-clinton-foundation-and-uranium-one-finds-nothing/ …
Ok, I see it. Interesting. It’s also possible investigation and issues connected to Uranium 1 are tied to other ongoing investigations.
I need MOAR coffee before I read anything from OT–too depressing…however, I saw the opening salvo from Sum Dude mocking Q believers…
but it’s supposedly based on “ANONYMOUS OFFICIALS” and the like…so maybe the 48 hour rule is best…
Caught through Larry Schweikart’s twitter feed, who doesn’t have any use for The Plan. Funny thing though, since there are no official statements why would one go with “some people familiar with” or “sources say”?
We KNOW there was corruption involved in selling our Uranium, and also know that POTUS knows that. Why – because America’s Uranium should never have been sold. Simple. It goes against our National Security interests, so anything done to weaken our natural resources is a crime against America.
DJT has mentioned this Uranium 1 a number of times over the past several years… I expect there’s still going to be an accounting.
We’ll need to ignore the MSM – including the FOX garbage poll saying POTUS is behind in Wisconsin from his 2016 numbers. 2020 is going to be 24/7 continuous lies.
That’s what Brian Cates said. Remember how WaPo and Slimes said that Comey had won before Horowitz came through?
Don’t jump for the bait!
“Report” without any confirmation or attribution could well mean someone is feeding SD a line of BS.
It’s not easy to break the habit, but it might be in the best interest of mental health to walk away from the juggernaut of TCTH now that it’s been infiltrated.
Oh, I didn’t visit the article, but the person who sides with SD is Larry Schweikart, an historian – wrote “The Patriot’s History of the United States” – I pretty much agree with him on most things, but he’s toetapping on AG Barr and indictments. He doesn’t believe in The Plan…
Confession, I never really thought Huber was doing anything, anyway.
Lost faith in him a long time ago.
And the Q Anons did a deep dive on the “100K sealed indictments” being misleading (it includes traffic tickets which are challenged) long before Wolfie started Q Tree, which was about 20 months ago.
I knew that the sealed court actions weren’t all indictments some time ago. It’s a data point. The real stuff is still sitting within the chaf. After the election, I expect to see more action on that front. Timing is everything.
Part of my personality includes being able to look at things that don’t effect me directly from 40K feet and without emotion. It was noticed by a teacher when I was in college. I’m watching this all go by rather than investing in it other than knowing who all the players are and watching their reactions which tells you far more than the news reports and their actual words do.
Plain and simple we have ZERO idea of what is really going on behind the scenes because the colander that was the swamp leak machine has been plugged with the occasional canary trap sprung on the layers of swamp creatures embedded in the government.
What’s getting to me this morning is that, reports like the one SD broadcast yesterday result in the same sort of hyperventilation from the red pilled as the MSM echo chamber news reports yield in blue pilled people choosing music that emphasizes peace on earth.
Relax, people. VSG has this.
Agree, DP. We don’t know what we don’t know, and the only people I believe when they speak are POTUS, and AG Barr, and likely Durham – who won’t be speaking but sending forth indictments. Everything else is pure speculation, and has been for several years.
As you said, VSG has got this.
I never believed in Huber either, other than a red herring. I do believe in Barr and Durham.
Good Prosecutors do not have loose lips. However we do have this.
CLINTON INVESTIGATORS: FBI & IRS Packed 757 Jet with Boxes of Clinton Foundation Evidence in Arkansas (Video)
the “100K sealed indictments” is in comparison to the NORMAL NUMBER which is ~1,400 IIRC
Of course there is going to be a lot of chaff. I never thought otherwise.
FG&C Last night lambasted people who disliked Matt Gaetz signing on with the Democats War Powers Resolution. I think he was way out of line and this is why.
First take a look at the War Powers Resolution LAW:
This section acknowledges the Presidents CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS as Commander-in-Chief specifically in the time of crisis:
Congressional involvement:
Actual Reporting Requirement:
So that is the situation as it now stands. The President can act in an emergency only and only for 48 hours without Congressional involvement.
This is the House & Senate Joint Resolution:
Senate version introduced by Hillary’s VP pick Kaine:
THIS RE-INSTATES OBAMA’S RULES OF ENGAGEMENT that got not only our military killed by civilians targeted by Iranian proxies in not only the Middle East but in the USA via acts of terrorism or drugs.
GACK I only meant to put up the URL and not the entire document!
To continue…
Given Bush and Obama’s use of Military Forces, it is interesting what has happened under President Trump:
Rep. Khanna, Ro [D-CA-17] (Introduced 02/26/2019)
H.Res.152 – Calling for a formal end of the Korean war. – (in limbo)
Rep. Gabbard, Tulsi [D-HI-2] (Introduced 11/21/2019)
H.Con.Res.77 – Directing the President pursuant to section 5(c) of the War Powers Resolution to remove United States Armed Forces from hostilities in the Syrian Arab Republic that have not been authorized by Congress. – (passed)
Rep. Perlmutter, Ed [D-CO-7] (Introduced 12/03/2019)
H.Res.739 – Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2534) to amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to prohibit certain securities trading and related communications by those who possess material, nonpublic information, and relating to consideration of the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 77) directing the President pursuant to section 5(c) of the War Powers Resolution to remove United States Armed Forces from hostilities in the Syrian Arab Republic that have not been authorized by Congress. – (Passed)
Sen. Sanders,
S.J.Res.54 – A joint resolution to direct the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities in the Republic of Yemen that have not been authorized by Congress. – (Passed)
So as I said Earlier WHERE WAS MATT GAETZ DURING OBAMA when his rules of engagement got so many soldiers crippled and killed?
His signing of this piece of Bull Schiff says POINT BLANK he does not trust President Trump’s plan to get the USA out of the Middle East AND that he wants to return to the Obama Rules of Engagement. Therefore he deserves all the flack he is getting!
(Note if WE understand what President Trump’s plan is then Gaetz should too.)
War Powers Resolution is not all it appears to be.
This is a HUGE discussion dating back to Nixon and how unconstitutional it is.
In legal circles, the issue is one of those golden items like “naturalized citizen”, something which remains unresolved by SCOTUS.
I mentioned it to Big T and he damn near came undone.
It’s a big deal.
Sooooo, I thought it might be just Big T, hyper-focused on an inane legal issue.
I was listening to War Room by Steve Bannon, and they are all over it as well. DEEP divides. Frankly, they thought the President should welcome a BIG discussion of War Powers, take it all the way to SCOTUS (for good measure and beyond the issue of Soleimani) and to finally STOP the Chicken-$hit Congress from hiding behind resolution from 2002.
I’m out of my league on this discussion. Over my head.
But one more tidbit.
There was a bit of a kerfuffle when Obama took out Anwar Al Awlaki, the American in Yemen. The Obama Admin produced a heavily detailed case as to Awlaki’s choice to lead the org, and potential for future action to justify killing him. Congress nodded and moved on.
THAT white paper is the precise justification for Soleimani.
I knew there had to be more to it than what the surface projects. Gaetz wouldn’t just oppose a presidential stance without reason. He’s too smart for that. The thing is, the law may be unconstitutional, but without a challenge in court, it’s still law, and VSG can use it to his advantage.
I’ll have to look up that War Room episode when I don’t have someone yammering at me.
Episode #104 from yesterday.
It has everyone divided.
Take a look up top at the thread I posted today. John Bolton came out with a tweet talking about the WPA and how it was unconstitutional. THEN, President Trump replied to John Bolton and AGREED.
Strange timing, eh?
But they agree on the issue.
Then this is something that needs to be righted.
Will grab a crochet project later today and have a listen. Thanks.
Thanks Daughn,
So there may be some method behind Matt’s Madness since he is a lawyer.
(I thought that war power’s act Stunk of Progressive Skunk.)
The discussion is at about the 30 minute mark after the break. I’ll put this on the next page as well.
More like Trump undid our sham failed appeasment deal with Iran!!!
lol “you didn’t build that”!
Woah…this is something.
Rod Rosenstein led an operation to Spy on Sharyl Attkisson.
There is a post about this over at CitizenFreePress:
————— Excerpt:
“We have just filed a new complaint which I hope satisfies one of the issues a judge had that we’ve not been able to name the actual names of the government agents involved in the intrusion,” Attkisson announced in her video. “Of course we argued we could not name the names because the government and courts would not permit us discovery to learn the names!”
She added: “We did some additional detective work. We have five names to present to the court—names based on our information that were directly involved in the surveillance of my computers. One of them is Rod Rosenstein, then U.S. Attorney in Baltimore, a former Department of Justice official.”
Besides Rosenstein, the other defendants named in the complaint are Shawn Henry, Sean Wesley Bridges, Robert Clarke, and Ryan White.
In 2010, then FBI Director Robert Mueller named Shawn Henry as the executive assistant director (EAD) of the Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch (CCRSB).
Henry left the FBI in 2012 and now is president of CrowdStrike Services, the cybersecurity firm hired by Democratic National Committee to examine its computer network in 2016 after it had been hacked. Crowdstrike ultimately determined Russia had hacked the DNC emails.
No wonder the Dems freak out whenever someone brings up “CrowdStrike”.
And remember…CrowdStrike was funded by Google/Eric Schmidt and was Schmidt’s dark ops cyber snooping operation.
HAHAHA. This is fucking huge.
Thanks for this! New article up!
Chauncy Lump? interesting name…now claims (like George Lopez) it was all a joke…
Agent Lucas White wrote that shortly after Trump announced last week that a U.S. airstrike had killed Qassem Soleimani in Iraq in retaliation for plotting numerous terrorist attacks, Lump, under the name “BlackMan vs. America,” began livestreaming a seven-minute video on Facebook.
During that video, agents say Lump made several threats against the president – who was staying at his Mar-a-Lago club, less than an hour away – while periodically displaying a loaded AK-47 semi-automatic rifle.
Lump had white cream on his face, a towel wrapped like a turban on his head, an apparent shower curtain over his body and Middle Eastern music playing in the background, White wrote of the video that Facebook reported to the authorities on Friday.
Lump made several threats against the president, including: “He killed my leader, please tell me where is Donald Trump?” and “I need to find the Donald because if I don’t find him, I am going to have to blow up Broward County,” White wrote.
The affidavit does not say where Lump works as a security guard, but it says he has a concealed weapons permit.
You couldn’t make it up.
Truth is stranger than fiction.

here’s what’s wrong with our country :
these are great smiley!!!
2 coyote attacks recently in Chicago. they are protected in Illinois unless they attack people…well, folks they ARE attacking people…
Coyotes are protected in Illinois, and wildlife officials won’t remove them from an area unless they attack people, Gandurski said. If the coyotes are found, they’ll be tranquilized and released outside of the area.
“The line crossed here is the fact that it attacked a child,” she said. “It’s not acting like a coyote. It was brazen enough to interact with a child.”
Chicago animal control, police and Cook County Animal and Rabies Control have been scouring the Lincoln Park area where the coyotes were reported. Officials haven’t confirmed whether the residents are reporting the same coyote.
>>>>> she said. “It’s not acting like a coyote. It was brazen enough to interact with a child.”<<<<<<
A friend, a deputy in the Boston area ,was sitting on a log in his back yard when a coyote came up behind and grabbed his daughter by the arm and drug her away. Since the child's weight kept the coyote from moving fast he was able to get his daughter back.
Another friend has scars on his leg from when a coyote pack chased him up a tree. After he shot the leader (and several others) they finally gave up and left so he could get down. The pack was taken out. There were FIFTY TWO COYOTES IN THAT PACK (This was not a reported attack BTW)
A Canadian singer, Taylor Mitchell, was killed by coyotes while hiking….
There have been 142 reported incidents of coyote attacks resulting in 159 victims in the USA and Canada.
Listing of SOME of the coyote attacks.
This is what was done by the coyotes that ‘don’t attack humans’
February 1997 South Lake Tahoe, CA – Four-year-old Lauren Bridges suffered multiple wounds to her face, of which 16 required stitches, when attacked by a coyote in the yard of a South Lake Tahoe, California residence in.
Police shot to death a coyote they believe attacked four children, including a 3-year-old who was hospitalized with bites to his neck, face, head and ear, authorities said Monday.
It’s amazing to see the same talking points being thrown around today.
Wow — great find.
Charles Lindbergh, the famous aviator, was a member of America First and was friends with certain Third Reich luminaries. He and his wife visited Germany during the 1930s on more than one occasion and almost settled in a suburb of Berlin.
Interestingly, this was during the height of his popularity in the US.
He was completely against Roosevelt and said he thought that Pearl Harbor was Roosevelt’s way of getting into a war through the back door. It got so personal that Lindbergh was not allowed to enlist in the Second World War.
Instead, he became a civilian contractor for Ford Motor Company and United Aircraft Corporation (later United Technologies Corporation). By 1944, he was able to fly 50 missions as a ‘technician’ and an ‘observer’ for the latter.
He got loads of awards during his lifetime and worked as a consultant to the DOD and Pan-Am Airways.
He was also planning on running for president when the Lindbergh baby kidnapping and killing occurred.
Yep, good point.
There it is:
Thank you. Will bookmark.
Someone in Toledo put up some gigantic banners.
Maybe it’s just me…but the message on the banners sounds a lot like Q:
“Good vs Evil”
“Light vs Dark”
“God wins”
you’re right…very Q-esque
Here we go again.
Timely access to military information so it can be passed to the enemy WHILE CONGRESS HOLDS UP ACTION DURING DEBATES!
And this says there are LEAKERS within the military!
I guess we need to go back to OH!Bummer’s method of letting Iran run right over the USA.
PHILIP HANEY DHS ordered me to scrub records of Muslims with terror ties
The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook:
An ambitious U.S. task force targeting Hezbollah’s billion-dollar criminal enterprise ran headlong into the White House’s desire for a nuclear deal with Iran.
This is what IRAN/Hezbollah China and Mexico has done to the USA…
“In 2013, an estimated 24.6 million Americans aged 12 or older—9.4 percent of the population—had used an illicit drug in the past month.”
” Overdose deaths from opioids, including prescription opioids, heroin, and synthetic opioids (like fentanyl) have increased almost six times since 1999.2 Overdoses involving opioids killed more than 47,000 people in 2017, and 36% of those deaths involved prescription opioids.”
If you have a group/gang of patriots and want Philip Haney to come speak to y’all, drop me an email with his name in the subject line:
pgroup at blarg dot net
Iranian Collusion at it finest! Obviously a FISA warrant surveillance is needed. These people are sick.
Since Iran is considered a terrorist state and it’s military arm labeled a terrorist organization, and the US has declared war on terrorism and it’s participants, would not this be defined as a classic case of Treason for these POS’s!
Since I’m a Q-decoder and Trusty Planners kind of guy, maybe our VSG Potus knows all about these treasonous bastards which helped provide such accurate intel on getting Gen. Salami!
Too bad PDJT couldn’t wait until Mr. Heinz Ketchup was attending the airport meeting! According to reports, the area where Salami was smeared looked like a ketchup truck was demolished…..never did like salami and ketchup anyways….
[…] LINK: https://wqth.wordpress.com/2020/01/10/dear-kmag-20200110-open-thread/comment-page-1/#comment-360654 […]
Sharyl Attkisson nails RADIUM ROD! (h/t wheatietoo)
Donald J. Trump Retweeted
Oh gag me. Cory Gardner … barely bothers to cover his RINO resistance. Would turn CO over to illegals in a heartbeat. Except he has a Dem competitor in 2020 – Hickenlooper – and Gardner now needs Trump’s support.
I think we will lose this Senate seat to Dems. Hickenlooper was Gov and has huge backing in a (sadly) now-blue state.
It’s shills like Gardner who make it VERY hard to lift a finger to help state GOP candidates.
Hmmm, thx for the info. Everyday is a lesson
Ooh TIsMine, I hope you don’t think I was dissing you in my comment !!
I’m just pissed that CO GOP is just about as blue as the Californicates who have infiltrated our once-conservative state.
Dissing? Not at all, I stay uh… irritated ( yeah pissed! ) some days all day
Donald J. Trump Retweeted
great catch phrase…send it or end it!
Reminds me of “if the glove fits….”
yup…easy to chant too!
Lady Liberty had a great tweet here.
Disgusting. I bet their radical professors would be proud.
cool! bet it shoots out hit after hit!!
It does not qualify as an ‘assault’ guitar since it does not have a detachable magazine…….

(…another electronic device that I don’t know how to use, but try anyway!)
More royal news.
Royal Family source says there is ‘a lot of hurt’ about the Sussexes. In any event, things will move very quickly now. Personally, I think this means the Queen is really pee-o-ed — and upset:
“The Queen, the Prince of Wales, and the Duke of Cambridge have directed their teams to work at pace with governments and the Sussexes’s office to find workable solutions and this is expected to take days, not weeks,” a royal source tells PEOPLE.
‘It’s clear that the monarch, 93, wants to get to a conclusion quickly …
‘“There is a lot of hurt about this,” one royal source tells PEOPLE.’
It seems the Sussexes have a ‘friend’ in ITV reporter Tom Bradby, who interviewed them last year:
Here’s another tweet about Bradby, who says that they feel they are being forced out. My heavens, talk about PROJECTION. It was their decision.
This is going to grow legs very quickly, especially with the Sunday papers:
‘Beyond tensions surrounding the media and a monarchy that is focusing on direct heirs Prince William, Prince Charles and Prince George, the rest of the reason behind the couple’s bombshell decision to step back from royal life “is just really bad personal splits — that’s the honest truth,” said Bradby on a Thursday evening broadcast in the U.K. “There’ve been a lot of fallouts; a lot of harsh things were said around the time of the wedding. And it’s gone a bit too far. And certainly the rest of the family find Harry and Meghan very difficult and, from Harry and Meghan’s point of view, they’re just being driven out as they see it. And it’s sad.”
‘Bradby, speaking on ITV news as a reporter, added, “There are going to be so many complications, so many controversies. There needs to be a peace deal really soon because this is so toxic, there’s so much anger and, to be honest with you at the moment it looks like it might get worse, not better.”’
You know how….. sometimes…… a vegan will want the entire menu changed for a party to suit their tastes?
That’s Meghan.
How apposite, especially since she eats very little meat (allegedly).
Couldn’t agree more.
No one should be surprised at Meghan. Her past is a predictor of the future. Sh’e ditched her family her first husband without warning sh seems to be spoiled. She urned her back on her father who did everything for her. That girl in a woman’s body has led her life with me myself agenda.
I feel sorry for the baby not for Harry he invited chaos into his life. He used to have a real nice girlfriend he ditched what a (…)
Apparently that girlfriend’s father had ties with Robert Mugabe, and it is thought that’s why Harry had to look elsewhere.
Who? Plus didn’t the girl say thanks but no thanks
Oh, yes. I forgot about her.
Also she too long in the tooth. Past her use by date to make it big in hollywierd no matter who she screwed
Bradby is just pouring fuel on the flames.
Harry should have married a woman with respect and love for his country and his family. Meghan has little to none of that. She’s a child of a split family, just like Harry. I’m wondering if their marriage will last – statistically speaking due to their childhoods – it’s liable to fail.
Well, we all know who “wears both pairs of pants” in the Sussex family — it’s Meghan.
This crisis should ALSO, in my opinion, lay to rest once and for all, those persistent rumors that Prince Harry’s real father was that polo-player friend of Princess Diana — Prince Harry is showing BIG TIME that recessive Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha before 1917) gene of COWARDICE / SELFISHNESS that appeared in Edward VII (extreme infidelity) and Edward VIII (abdicated in 1936 to marry another schemer, Wallis Simpson).
What a terrible example t\he Sussexes are giving their young son.
James Hewitt’s name has popped up in a few everyday tweets already. Some of these people think Harry should have a DNA test, which, they think would sort out the paternity issue and possibly help the Royals arrive at a decision about him in the present circumstances.
Agree that, given his parents, I shudder to think what sort of adult Archie will become.
They know exactly who to target! Look at the list of Globalist, faithless GOP RINOs!
However, that isn’t enough. do they think if they get this many they can then get more?
Well, that’s your list of potential turncoat “Yea” votes to convict POTUS if the Fake Impeachment goes to trial in the Senate.
Add MIKE LEE, SUSAN COLLINS, THOM TILLIS to the list. There may be more hiding in the background.
I say Mitt Romney is the ringleader — personal revenge on POTUS for not getting that Cabinet job he wanted.
Don’t forget all that Soros money …
Meghan’s going to pick up Archie in Canada and return to the UK. From ITV’s Royal Editor Chris Ship:
The visit to Canada House in London (lovely looking building on the exterior) probably involved getting a visa:
Then, there’s a Sun journalist, Dan Wooton, who wrote about them. I’ll get to him later. Thank goodness Parliament isn’t sitting today. So much to read, so little time. For now, this is in reply to Chris Ship’s tweet:
Oprah’s take. (I won’t be clicking on the article.)
BS – all over Fox BIZ Channel this morning is Oprah’s statement on Meg and Harry.
Of course, it’s sympathetic to the couple.
Poor babies.
Yet, no mention of the documentary Oprah produced with Harry about Mental Health.
I swear, they have Harry convinced he has a mental illness.
Oprah rakes in the big bucks for her production company and casually mentions…….. we would like to work with Harry and Meg so much more…….
Oprah is the pimp, with a beautiful new whore, the Sussexs.
They need a new set of friends, honorable people whom they have known since childhood and those who will not benefit directly.
This is HIGHLY orchestrated.
Meg and Harry brought in top notch PR firms from Hollywood and NY while they were in Vancouver to game it all out.
They’ve been talking about this since last spring, since before Archie was born.
Harry has been manipulated and isolated. He needs an intervention, but they also need to secure the little baby in a neutral place. I think markel is only attached to him for the cash. Having only known her a few months before being engaged was a yuge mistake, considering his status.
The money — and the status.
‘… honorable people whom they have known since childhood’. Meghan made him dump his childhood friends. Some weren’t even at the wedding. The poor guy is going to end up isolated.
Thanks for the update on Oprah. My word, this gets worse with every passing hour. I wasn’t so worried about it 24 hours ago, but I am now.
Please pray for the Queen and Prince Philip.
I feel so badly for the Queen.
It’s so wrong.
It really is.
Thanks, Daughn — much appreciated.
churchmouse it is not unusual for a wife to force a man to give up his friends. My son had the nicest friends who were best men at his wedding and right after the wedding he was ask to leave his friends. After
the first baby it got worse and she began isolating him from his sister who was the godmother of the first child. Soon we were on the chopping block after the third baby.
When one loves the child one lets them go with blessing.
Harry the family has to decide to .let him go make his life with his wife and baby. The prodigal son is an example how to love the way God Loves us.
LOT of my girlfriends do this to their husbands and it gives me the willies.
Control issue. Never understood it. People were always welcome in our house.
Sure, when a man gets married he is not expected to dote on mom/dad, naturally.
Yet, husband’s friends were always welcome and encouraged. More the merrier at our house, always enough for an extra plate of spaghetti.
Or, let them go for an evening, weekend, or on a trip. Never phased me. Life is too short for jealousy, real or imagined. If he can find better, go for it. I’m feeling pretty good about my chances.
I do not know this jalousie either. My husband and I never functioned this way. I am not a competitive person and leave that to others. I never knew this type of behavior until I came to the US and thought this is the way here. In Germany we embrace family from both sides. I am finding more and more people who experiencing the same. All I want is people to be happy and if it takes that I am not in their life then that is the best gift I can give. Daughn Love is the key to let go .
The Royal family in the end is just family and they are not spared selfishness and egotistical people except is plays out in public. I am sure the public family affair must be more painful for all and so much is at stake beside little family problems.
I can’t imagine moving overseas, getting married, taking residence there and expecting one’s spouse from that country and culture to give up lifelong friends.
Most probably she fears they would be able to see through her.
That could be the root of your DIL’s issues, too.
My commiserations to your son, you and your daughter. That’s not good for him — or nice to experience (from yours and your daughter’s perspective).
I recall that photo of O offering that young actress to Harvey.
But yeah they should have seen this coming. But this is getting good. I need popcorn. But yeah poor baby Archie bunker
One…question…Oprah? People still watch her?
The reason I mentioned GS earlier is that this Sussex development is provoking all manner of republicanism (the opposite of royalism). I will be really irked if GS, through a set of intermediaries, invisibly helped to set up the Meghan-Harry union. We would probably have to wait five or ten years to find out, but look where this is leading.
We have always had a heavy amount of republicanism in the UK and the Commonwealth, but I think the Queen will find this deeply upsetting, given her grandson and granddaughter-in-law started it all.
Sure, it is probably only temporary but it does not help:
1/ ex-footballer (soccer player) Gary Lineker who advertises a popular brand of potato crisp in the UK. He’s a household name and everyone loves him:
2/ Australia:
I’m old enough to remember the Duke and Duchess of Windsor and always thought of them as exiles, deportees, wandering from host to host without a real home.
I remember the stories of her elegant requirements (fresh pillowcases every time she lay down) and all the fuss and bother whenever they appeared…then the end of her life when her jewels were sold at auction…. just like Elizabeth Taylor’s grand collection.
Harry and Meghan just don’t have the star power or the social conscience to combat land mines, visit Mother Theresa that Diana did. H&M are going to push their leftist agendas and hoaxes such as ‘climate change’ ‘multiple genders’ ‘Chris-lam’ ‘Palestine’ etc.
Thanks for sharing your recollections about the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. My late mother said the same things with regard to their living like exiles.
I was shocked, therefore, to come to the UK and find out they rented for a small sum a beautiful residence (owned by the City of Paris) in a very exclusive part of the French capital. They lived there for years. After the Duke died, she stayed there until her death. There, too, she was quite demanding:
I was equally surprised a few years later to read they also had a country estate just outside of Paris:
What Americans don’t know — myself included — is that the Duke was paid regularly from the Royal coffers so that he and Wallis could live appropriately. They had a lot of money.
You are so right about Meghan and Harry. They will also be money hungry. I do not think they will be allowed to market their titles, despite their efforts thus far, but time will tell.
If they are money hungry, they will always be looking for more. After-dinner speeches and global conferences won’t cut it.
That leaves a nice gap for a ‘benevolent’ third party to step in. I sincerely hope I am wrong about this.
She will never be satisfied. She is as father hungry as Harry is mother hungry. Yet their hunger is also anger-based, so there is the element of rebellion too.
Both the money hunger and the rebellion make them perfect targets for certain powerful people who can pay them to say and do certain things.
They would fall for it, too. Harry’s not the brightest button in the box.
$0r0$ will certainly try to get his agenda pushed through them….a Netflix series contract, perhaps?
Yep. He could get the Obamas to liaise with the Sussexes.
Easy peasy. Sheep to the slaughter.
Isn’t it just!
They have already trademarked Royalsussex for all sorts of merchandise
How can they do that?
Since June last year. This has been a while in the making. They will make mega bucks same as Obama’s, book deals, Netflix and all that merch. The kardashians Mark 2
It’s unseemly.
Cannot be allowed by a member of the Royal Family.
Yes, I am aware of that. The Queen should put her foot down. Chazza, too. Royal titles are not for merchandising. Egregious.
When one goes to Buck House for a tour, the merchandise is branded Buckingham Palace, not with titles.
They set to make oodles and set a pup a rival ,progressive, woke court with more $ than the real royals who are constrained by tradition and ethics
I do not think their plan will come to fruition, despite all their preparation.
Not bright enough even with the likes of sorts and Oprah etc.
someone should have told them to choose their enemies wisely
I also remember Georgia…
As for those with their panties in a wad thinking the Monarchy is about to fall…
Get over it… Tony Blair’s wife Cheerie (known professionally as Cherie Booth) tried very hard while her hubby was PM no less to bring about the fall… to no avail. If Ms Cherie could not accomplish the feat, I do not believe the Sussexes won’t be able to either.
The Brits LOVE their Monarchy…
Yes, agree, but at the same time, there could be a pincer movement of actions and events that could cause quite a crisis in the months to come.
Yes Churchmouse … there are certainly enough peeps assisting the rebel Sussexes, but do you think it fits the Cabal’s agenda? I would think it does not, so they will fight it, while at the same time, push the mischief that H&M will create. Who knows though, right?
I’m thinking of an elderly, wealthy man who has played so many tricks and schemed so much in his life. He enjoys chaos. He said so himself in interviews. He always seems to win, leaving a swathe of destruction for everyone else.
What is left for him now? What crazy plan could he set in motion — or facilitate? What hasn’t he tried? Attempting to collapse the House of Windsor?
Hope I’m wrong!
One can never know with him… part of the Cabal for sure…
What do you think about the couple’s stated move to NA … do they mean Canada and Trudeau’s handlers?
Yes, apparently, for part of the year. I also read a report that said they are looking at Southern California, where the MIL lives. They’d probably like a house in both countries.
Their wants know NO bounds apparently… and for NO Royal duties in return. How modern of them… “Keep the allowance flowing”
The million Pounds spent to refurbish the cottage in UK… was that the farm where Archie was born?
Yes, it was.
Fully agree with your first point. Two spongers.
This does sound like something he would do. He hates the UK so why not. Wasn’t it said she had connections to him via an uncle? Look at her connections.
But look how the USA media is pushing pro M&H.
They would, wouldn’t they?
They promoted Wallis Simpson in 1936, too.
One learns something new every day.
FYI one article had a comment that said something along the lines of ‘a black woman never had a chance in the royal house hold.’ So. There’s the PR push right there
Yes. Expect more of the same over the weekend.
Stay strong!
Will do!
Thanks very much for the support!
There’s another older man who also plays to win. And he’s in a position of great power and seems to has QEII s back
Death match for the ages
How true!
And he don’t take shit from jumped up wannabe retards who slighted him on his recent visit to the uk.
The slutexxes bet on the wrong horse
I do think is a orchestrated plot and a very clever one. This has all been well thought out before it happened by powerful people. I think it is to take down the monarchy. Yes, Brits love it but they are dying off, younger Brits don’t care and there is so many Muslims now that dislike them and how much money they get. Its pure communism to get rid of their history and cohesiveness. When you think England you think the Queen. When she’s gone, then what? Charles has very little star power…
Well this might explain why the open boards society was pushing the Muslims into the UK.
The fabulous jewels that Wallis Simson Windsor accumulated came from various sources — purchased by Edward VIII (as the Duke of Windsor, then as King); gifted by Royal jewelers or wealthy individuals; purchased by Simpson-Windsor herself.
The gifting of Royal jewels/jewelry and/or using Royal funds to purchase jewelry by Edward VIII (Duke of Windsor) is the reason behind why Queen Elizabeth II just forbade Meghan Sussex to use or borrow from the Royal collection. HM knows that Meghan Sussex is a schemer, just like Wallis Simpson. And HM now knows, sadly, that Prince Harry is an empty suit, easily led — just like her uncle was.
I thi k she was scheming from the first date. No way shes done this on her own.
Absolutely. Thank you.
I think Harry and Meghan are trying to keep from getting completely kicked out/ disown by the Queen.
Obama had a big influence on Harry and maybe Meghan? One says “”tell me who your friends are and I tell you who you are”.
They made their bed. They can now lie in it.
I hope the Queen reins them in and spoils their scheme.
They is doing it wrong
Candace has a few words………………
long, almost complete selection of the story—apologies but I found it interesting. the foundation for the Eeyores proclaiming Huber found nothing is the WaPo…bastion of truth that they are…LOL…
It has long seemed obvious to me that Huber was actually doing nothing real on this “investigation;” thus, this report comes as no real surprise. But this is the Washington Post, after all, filing yet another foundation-devoid report based on nothing but “sources” who refuse to be named. As we have seen time after time over the last four years, this sort of report has well over a 50% chance of being a completely false story, nothing more than an attempt by someone who might be a target of the “investigation” to set a favorable narrative in advance of the issuance of whatever findings Huber may decide to produce. We have seen this tactic time after time after time, as corrupt media outlets like the WaPo work hard to provide cover for their Deep State benefactors.
So, it is always wise to wait a few days to see what else might pop up.
It is interesting to note that this story is chock-full of all sorts of qualifiers and weasel words, which indicates the reporter(s) who worked on it are attempting to spin a yarn and want to be able to claim ignorance should future revelations prove it to have been inaccurate. Here are some examples:
The very first paragraph says the investigation “has effectively ended with no tangible results, and current and former law enforcement officials said they never expected the effort to produce much of anything.” What that sentence really says is that the investigation hasn’t ended at all and the “sources” on whom the reporter is relying aren’t really sure of what they are telling the reporter.
This confirmed in paragraph 3, which says, in part: “Current and former officials said that Huber has largely finished and found nothing worth pursuing — though the assignment has not formally ended and no official notice has been sent to the Justice Department or to lawmakers, these people said.” Oh. Ok.
Paragraph 4 reinforces that the investigation is not actually closed with this opening: “The effective conclusion of his investigation…” An “effective” conclusion is not a conclusion.
Thus, we see the early paragraphs of the story completely contradict the headline. This investigation – to the extent it is a real investigation – is not closed at all, and someone in the Deep State is worried about that fact.
The next part of any good Deep State cover story is to glorify the bad actors at the DOJ who are most likely also the people leaking this information to the WaPo’s reporter.
Paragraph 11 takes care of that task with this: “But from the start, senior officials inside the Justice Department viewed Huber’s task as unlikely to lead to anything of significance…” That would be “senior officials” like Peter Strzok and Andrew McCabe and James Comey and Lisa Page. You know – all those “senior officials” who no longer work at the DOJ.
There is much, much more of this kind of nonsense in this story, including three paragraphs later on that are designed to create sympathy for poor, poor Hillary Clinton, but you get the point: This is just another Deep State narrative creation story dutifully rolled out by the sympathetic corrupt reporters and editors who infest the WaPo and our national fake news media.
Thanks for this.
you’re welcome
pat – good report. Now I have one question for you;
Does this qualify you as, (please pick one):
A) Q-decoders
B) Trusty Planners
C) All of the above
This twice Banned Brother rarely visits Eeyores United and the Big Uglys anymore!
I guess they misplaced that Zippo of theirs.
Any how, after your comment I read that piece and agree with your review. Tiresome drivel.
I cannot take credit for the report…altho I tend to agree with it.
I found the article (linked at the bottom there) on whatfinger…
I think there is so much happening–pretty much aligning with what Q has said was gonna happen…and OT can’t stand it–hence the mocking of Q-decoders.
I haven’t see the zippo in forever…LOL
Flep found the Zippo on January of last year

THREAD – click a tweet
10 mInute heads up.
Mnuchin and Pompeo speaking to Media.
Here come the sanctions
Mnuchin: Construction, mining, textiles, etc.,
Steel and iron manufacturers
any vessel involved in transfer
ANY individual involved.
Specific members of the regime involved in lobbing missiles to us.
Pompeo up now
8 individuals within the Iranian leadership have been sanctioned
People close to ayatollah
those who train militias in the “arts of domestic repression”
Iran revenue is down by 80%
cannot access foreign assets 90% (which is part of the 150 billion)
came to post Pompeo live now
should have known Daughnworks24/7 would already be on top of it!
Love me some Mnuchin, but don’t always agree with him.
Oh of course. He wants YOU to pay! Even after they passed new taxes abd bonds in the city SPECIFICALLY for homeless. And lets not get started on the .75 million dollar homeless housing units. No. No credit card. Go out and do the work with the money you already took, you worthless crook.
“Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti has formally asked the Trump administration for federal funding to help address the city’s homelessness crisis.
In a letter sent on Thursday, obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Garcetti said the following to President Trump and Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson.
“I write to request federal assistance that would aid Los Angeles with the urgent work that our City is doing to move our unhoused neighbors into shelter, build permanent housing, and supply the services they need to stay housed for good.”
Carson acknowledged the request and signaled a new spirit of cooperation with the city of Los Angeles by tweeting, “The homelessness crisis in California has been an entrenched problem for a longtime. Per the request of @MayorOfLA & @kathrynbarger we look forward to a new partnership that will benefit our fellow citizens.”
so, they’re gonna institutionalize the homeless–provide them shelter, food, all the services they need—and then what? to what end? that will only increase dependency on the government for everything–which will in turn require more funding as more “homeless” show up for their easy COMMUNIST life.
Betcha if Bernie didn’t have 3 houses already, he’d be in line for his free condo in the sun!
Dr Carson is always polite. Hopefully he also has a backbone. He certainly is aware that the main problem is CORRUPTION.
I hope so. All theyve done is blame POTUS and beg for money….but they passed bonds, taxes, and supposedly have surpluses…beyond the fact they are corrupt and incompetent.
We had specific information on threats to our embassies and those threats were imminent.
Broad large scale attack on US interests, including embassies and military bases throughout the region.
That is it, stop, end of discussion.
“journalist” asks why they won’t give a bigger response since Iran *Meant* to kill Americans. So now they are egging a bigger response? Are they sad President Trump didn’t attack? Hypocrites.
You’re damned if you don’t
And damned if you do
Whichever you choose
Dimms know better than you
When Obama took office the market dropped 500 pts (or near that amount), and again plunged when he won reelection, though not as “bad” – 300 pts.
After DJT won, the market went up over 250 pts. near historic highs.
Excerpt from above article… I chose because when DJT was elected the market broke it’s historic trend of dropping post-election day.
“U.S. stocks have lost an average of 0.9 percent on the day after presidential elections since 1984, according to Bespoke. And while today’s market tumble exceeds the average losses, they’re not as bad as the day after the president’s election in 2008, when the Dow Jones fell 5 percent on the day after, its worst post-election day performance since 1900.”
It took Obama’s 8 yrs for my family’s finances to recover from his initial financial policies’ destruction. Fortunately, we were able to hang on to most of our investments, but it took that long to get back what we’d lost.
To go from the financial destruction of Obama to the growth, benefits, stability, optimism, solid foundation, and fulfillment of POTUS’ promises to the American people has been incredible.
The great thing about having more because of DJT’s policies – we’re able to do more for others. Our charitable giving is greater than it’s ever been before – I’m sure POTUS knows that this would happen. Being able to do so is a great Blessing.
Good for you! Late Hubby and I lost a small fortune during zero’s crime spree… I insisted we pull out fearing we would lose even more. Who knows, we may in time have recovered, but I wasn’t willing to risk it.
Understood, phoenix. We were fortunate that the kids were just finishing school and so the drain slowed significantly. I’m even grateful that the kids got through college BEFORE the government took over the loans – which inflated the costs to astronomical, unaffordable numbers.

When Obama did what he did, we battened down the hatches and didn’t spend a penny we didn’t have to – too many rainy days during his time in office. Grateful to have made it through. I grew up poor, so I think living like a little churchmouse is kind of my thing anyway.
Phoenix, you have riches far beyond what a bank account states, and I’m so glad you share them here at Q-Tree.
Thank you so much for your wise and kind words Lady P…
Never worry about $$$ because I have been blessed with so many other ‘riches’ in the way of family and experiences. And of course we all have been blessed with Donald J. Trump.
As for the loss… I got over it quickly… thankful that it went no further. Was able to get granddaughter through Seminary and grandsons partially through college, they are doing the rest. Hubby passed shortly after the financial disaster, but he left me provided for. I too grew up poor, but didn’t know it ’til I was grown
God Bless you and yours Lady…
We lost everything. Came very close to having our farm foreclosed. So now we are on Social Security only and have a large mortgage. Bummer….
My heart goes out to you Gail… hopefully the help POTUS is sending farmers like you will be an aid to reducing that mortgage.
Thank you, phoenix. Your words and thoughts are beautiful, and indeed, we’re all rich without it being about $$$. As long as I’m not cold, hungry or worried about having a roof over my head – all is good. Growing up with those worries, makes anything beyond those needs being met – is like frosting on a cake.
I wish my dad had liquidated under Bush, but he didn’t. Even with the tax hit, it would have been a substantial amount more than they have now. Fortunately…and this is going to sound awful…but thanks to Prince’s untimely death, and his estate going pretty much to the state of Minnesota, my dad saw reason on a few things.
Some of the rest of us are going to work for the rest of our lives.
Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything…. I was only trying to express my gratitude and give an example of the reality of life under Donald J Trump vs what it was like under Barack Obama. We all suffered pain during those years, and nothing is ever certain, but I’m just glad things are better. My kids are employed and two of them weren’t during some of Obama’s terms – Obama destroyed everything he touched.
I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. ~ Joel 2:25
Excellent article about sex trafficking. A lot I didn’t know. Highly recommend it.
At the end he states,
“Epstein was tip of the iceberg. Epstein was a minion. Wait until you see what comes out this year—the people above him, the people he answered to, the people who pulled his strings
Very interesting…..thanks for sharing.
Just a Reminder…
The first full moon of the year rises today (Jan. 10) bringing with it the first lunar eclipse of 2020 and you can watch the event live online.
As eclipses of the moon go, today’s Wolf Moon lunar eclipse will be a relatively minor one. The moon will pass behind the Earth, with respect to the sun, dipping through the outermost edge of our planet’s shadow in what scientists call a penumbral lunar eclipse.
The eclipse will be visible primarily from the Eastern Hemisphere, with countries in Europe, Africa and much of Asia in prime viewing position. It will begin at 12:07 p.m. EST (1707 GMT), peak at 2:10 p.m. EST (1910 GMT) and end at 4:12 p.m. EST (2112 GMT).
If you don’t live in the visibility area, there are several webcasts available from the Slooh online observatory, Virtual Telescope Project and night sky site CosmoSapiens for you to choose from. You’ll be able to watch some webcasts live on Space.com here.
Last night at dusk just as the clouds started rolling in the Wolf Moon was rising in the east and the Sun was setting in the west.. Transfixed by that huge moon as wisps of clouds floated by it’s light it was surreal and sooo beautiful.
Advantage of going old… uh
Discussion of the 150 billion and the 1.8 billion in cash:
I recall in the 80’s when I was in finance circles, the general number attached to Iranian assets, globally, which had been frozen by Carter in 1979 was “as high as” 20 billionUSD. MOST was located in the USA. Yet, the funds were in different locations, Hong Kong, European banks, and America, so an finite number is impossible to calculate.
In finance and geopolitical circles there are often winsome discussions of huge pots of money all over the globe which remained untouched for generations because of some mystical intrigue. For instance, the Germans finally made restitution to the USA in 1971 for WW2. In another one, the Chinese finally paid the Brits back the money owed from WW2 before the Brits signed the deal for Hong Kong.
Worth noting, I’ve pounded MANY beers in such discussions over the 700 MILLION dollars in gold bullion we LENT to the Chinese during WW2, which was never paid back to the USA. ((The brits resolved their debt with China over Hong Kong, but we have yet to collect))
The Iranian assets which were frozen in 1979 is one of those pots of money which leads to wild speculation.
The gov’t of Iran took the USA to court at the Hague, and “won” in a strange lawsuit. Won’t get into details here, but here is the main problem. r
The Obama Administration clearly wanted to release the funds to Iran and the position taken was bizarre.
Obama Admin, Sec Kerry argued the funds were accruing interest, generating billions, and therefore, using twisted logic, it was better to give the Iranians the money NOW, rather than paying them more in interest….. but they didn’t have access…. it made no sense.
#1. Interest on principle should never even been in the discussion.
#2. Funds should never have been released to a terrorist state.
#3. The idea that the USA would be forced to pay, (or what is the Hague going to do?), is absurd.
And finally,
#4. The USA never made any kind of counterclaim, which is crazy. The funds could have been used to repay soldiers in Iraq, those who suffered under hezbollah, hamas, yemen. Indeed, any kind of claim against Iran, and their activism of terror, would have significant merit. NONE of these arguments were ever considered by the USA.
No, the funds should never have been released, and certainly never released with interest.
On the pallets of cash which was sent to Iran – the 1.3-1.8 billion dollars:
Iran, under the Shah, had purchased American military equipment for 400 million dollars. They never took delivery because of the Revolution. Therefore, the USA, under Obama, decided to refund the money…. again, with interest. Here’s the question; WHO got the money in 1979? Was it Boeing? Raytheon? Why wouldn’t the companies be forced to return the money in a settlement? Answer = because the companies would never agree to return the funds with interest. Therefore, the Obama Admin decided to use USA taxpayer money to absolve the military manufacturer from the debt AND give MORE money to Iran.
It’s horrible negotiating, full bendover position by the USA, total capitulation.
With the discovery of Robert Malley details earlier this week, it all begins to make sense.
The Obama Admin intentionally worked to favor Iran.
For sources, please refer to Daily Wire. Ben Shapiro has been writing on this subject.
Given all this…Iran is bigger than we think in the DS scheme of things. It’s not just assets known and strategic location. There’s something else out there.
Will have to revisit Q drops on Iran.
Yep. It’s all tied together. And it goes back decades. Was BO the face of the operation, and VJ the operative to pry Iranian assets loose?
How did NK and Iran Get Uranium
2 Nov 2017 – 2:06:58 PM
How did NK obtain Uranium?
How did Iran obtain Uranium?
Why did BO send billions (in cash and wire) to Iran?
Why the cash component?
Was the hostage component a cover?
For what?
Could any of the cash component be handed off to other people?
How many planes carried the cash into Iran?
Did all land in Iran?
Did all land in the same location?
Why is this relevant?
Who controls NK?
Who really controls NK?
Don’t think of a single person.
Think of a powerful entity.
Why is this important?
Why are wars so important?
Who benefits?
What does hostage refer to?
Who can be held hostage and controlled by NK having miniaturized nuclear weapons?
Where is BO TODAY?
Where is VJ?
Alice & Wonderland.
Shapiro is a nevertrumper. He owes bigly for that perfidy. This might be a small start.
Otherwise, he can go pound sand.
This is the War Room episode from yesterday that talks about what was going on with the War Powers Act that set off Matt Gaetz. Discussion begins around half way through.
I still do not see it.
In the current law the President is given 48 hours to deal with a problem (emergency) using the US military.
Take Benghazi… Do we REALLY want the President to have to go to Congress and ASK for permission, have a discussion and then pass a resolution??
Heritage has a decent discussion of the argument.
Note that either side of the argument agrees that “the Executive the power to repel sudden attacks.” And these Resolutions seem to be intent on curbing that power of the Executive.
The biggest problem that I see is the fact that the USA has ‘interests’ spread all over the world so in that case what constitutes ‘an invasion’ Aside from the one coming across our southern border.
No Founder would argue that a President must wait for the invasion if he has reliable knowledge of an “imminent” invasion. Further, in the modern world, with assets and militia dispersed across the world, the President is fully empowered to protect and defend all US interests and “invasion” is not a limiting predicate to defending human and physical assets. Otherwise, the Founders would have debated a philosophy of required isolationism. I interpret any limit on the President’s war power more as part of the three competing branches and a check on executive power. I also think anything that Congress does that restricts the Executive Branch further than the Constitution is per se illegal. Thus, the resolution today and the War Powers Act are unconstitutional.
‘Loony Left’ sounds too cutesy. They are vicious, deceitful and diabolical!
how about Lawless Left?
That will fit the description too.
How about DemonRat Left?
Broadcaster and television presenter Eamonn Holmes rarely has a bad thing to say about anyone … yet:
yes, I agree…I never liked the looks of her…phony, deceptive, all-about-me kind of vapid female.
Yes, you can see instantly her air of ‘It’s all about M£!’
I meant to type an ‘E’ there, but my finger slipped. The typo resonates better.
well she’s soooooo special ( in her own mind anyway…lol)
I hate to go all baseline but since day one…what has been her and every press write-up about her ‘special-ness’ ? She’s pretty..no. She was an actress..no..Her racial makeup. She’s bi-racial but like obama ditched the white half and capitalizes on being “a woman of color”.
It’s been her crutch and her weapon of choice in every battle. If press is mean..it’s because she’s black. If she’s promoting her causes she always throws in that she’s black.
get out? she’s black?
I never pay attention to this stuff…but WOW…knock me over with a feather…LOL
it all makes sense now…she’s a victim, but she’s also a survivor…she’s needing reparations…a crown, a throne, an audience…she Eliza Dolittle….taking on the world!
gimme a break…
Yep she’s the new Eliza DoLITTLE. It’s too hard to adapt to the royal life and make a mark..much better to tear down the institution…ya know it’s all systemic racism and colonialism anyway (but let them have the trappings, title and riches that the nasty monarchy can pack in their travel bags)
She doesn’t even look half black. Ffs if it weren’t for the whites of her eyes her mum would be invisible at 2 feet on a dark night
I never understood why the Queen let this happen.
I mean I knew she was bad news the second I saw her but come on people.
Another whiff of republicanism, this time from Labour MP Clive Lewis, who is one of the candidates running to replace Jeremy Corbyn as leader:
Clive does not have a countenance to encourage confidence.
In fact, his countenance encourages contempt. His demeanor demands disdain. His smirk suggests simpleton and his cravat cries cheap.
Well spotted.
He’ll never make the leadership, that’s for sure — even without this.
Criticism of M is turning pathological. Second tweet, though, has the link to Thomas Markle Jr’s (M’s half-brother) two-page letter to Harry telling him not to marry her. It’s a must-read. At the time, a lot of Britons, myself included, thought it was sour grapes. Now we know better:
Aaaaah! Sorry if I should have known this by now. We have a BRITISH Church Mouse in the House…errrr…Q-Tree.
No worries. I lived part of my life in the US.
Wow. Have you seen the MSM here in the USA? All pro M! Saying the royals are anti black and that Harry is such a good father and husband for standing by her…
Oh churchmouse. How do you think this will end?
Kea, this is what concerns me.
I have not had time to follow the American media on this except if something they say gets retweeted here in the UK.
This is a fake narrative put out by the Left, which makes me think there could well be funding behind some of the grassroots movements — should they arise. I think this is one of the reasons the Queen wants this dealt with quickly.
M has been shown every reasonable accommodation by the Royal Family, especially the Queen.
Now the fact that H&M overreached — e.g. asked for an apartment in Windsor Castle itself — is not Her Majesty’s fault. It’s theirs. She lent them Frogmore Cottage instead, which is the size of a mansion.
As for negative tabloid publicity, nearly every Royal has had bad press.
Princess Anne was criticised endlessly in the 1970s when she told someone to ‘naff off’, a polite version of what we hear today. She ignored it and soldiered on to become the Royal patron of Scotland’s rugby team and do much good work for charity, especially overseas, without supplementary television crews and newspaper interviews.
Princess Anne’s first husband was known for years by the media as Foggy (i.e. dimwit), so much so that I have forgotten his real name.
Fergie got a lot of bad press.
Diana got a lot of bad press.
Camilla and Charles got bad press nearly 30 years ago, especially when they were seeing each other and a transcript of correspondence or a telephone call was leaked. He allegedly said he wanted to be one of her tampons and be inside her. Seriously. It made the newspapers for a week.
There are other examples, but M is not the only Royal to be hounded by the tabloids.
Unfortunately, there is a younger generation now that has never known about past media harassment of Royals and thinks it’s all new.
It is not.
Yet, this is why I am concerned. ‘Oh, this is all new’ will resonate around the world. And there will be many on hand to fuel the flames in the media. They’re also too young to know — or too old and disingenuous to admit — the past.
Ultimately, I think the monarchy will survive. However, the Queen is likely to be concerned about Prince Philip’s health (he’s her best friend) and about Prince Andrew. She does not need the Sussexes churning the waters further.
I remember that it took some time in 1997 for the furore to die down following Diana’s death. Tony Blair had to step in and calm the nation down. The Queen had to give a nationally televised address on the matter.
That week was horrible. A few of my then-colleagues — all women — were wailing the Monday after her death in Paris. (News of her death was broadcast the day before, early Sunday morning.) ‘The Queen did it! Hold the Royal Family responsible!’ My manager kindly informed me not to get into any discussion about Diana, just get on with work and keep a low profile.
The television news reports had dozens of similarly tearful women crying and railing against the Royal Family. They were really emotional, on the brink of violence. That’s why Blair had to step in mid-week and speak with the Queen. It was awful, especially working in London and taking public transport. Head down, no reading anything about Di on the Tube. Purchase newspaper and save for reading at home.
That was the longest week in my career and in the UK. I can’t tell you what a relief it was a week later on Saturday, when the funeral was held. It brought everything to a close.
Very informative thank you. I will say this the USA msm if you go to yahoo I ended up with 3 articles being pro M. Also Bing news has a round up and it’s very pro M.
Thanks, kea. I’m sure it is.
Again, it’s the Wallis Simpson factor. Americans didn’t really care in 1936 about Edward VIII’s abdication, which shook Britain to the core, just about her personal happiness with him. The same template is being used today.
This is why one asks people who are living there what it’s really like.
Yeah I think most Americans really don’t care for what happens in the Royal house hold. BB top comment on this story was ‘slow news day’ to ‘ i should care why’.
Im sick of h&m. I always side eyed his friendship with zero.
Me, too.
I think he’s a bit like his Uncle Andrew. Gets dazzled by the wrong prominent Americans who, in reality, have little to offer.
Piers Morgan has been on a roll about H&M the past two days. These are his latest tweets:
Piers had better up his security or go into hiding.
Piers should rethink his position on the Right to bear arms.
Respect to Piers…seems to be one of the very few in the media that are truly honorable.
I think he will continue. He co-hosts ITV’s breakfast show Good Morning Britain, which most Brexiteers who watch morning TV tune into.
He’s got mettle and is the sort of person one loves or loathes. I’m a bit in the middle about him, but he is pro-Trump from having won Celebrity Apprentice one season.
He won’t be giving up this fight.
Years ago I was curious about why Islamic nations were constantly at war with one another as well as with us.
An internet search provided a wealth of information (then) which revealed controversy between Shia and
Sunni based on the Shia belief in the 12th Imam vs the Sunni belief (in my understanding) in an elected spiritual leader.
Most of Iran is Shia and believe in the coming arrival of a divinely appointed 12th Imam. This Imam will need to be obeyed without question. Apparently, he also arrives in the midst of Chaos and restores peace to the earth. He will be a global ruler.
My understanding of some of this could be completely wrong so I urge (and beg)you to read the following 2 articles as well as conducting your own research into this because I believe that understanding of these issues is critical to understanding global issues of our time.
I have asked myself why the left, intent on global government and control of global wealth (in order to more easily loot it), would be so eager to join forces with a movement that wishes to establish global rule (caliphate) for religious purposes.
And I have concluded that having a like minded individual (one not adverse to enriching himself and his cronies at others expense) who would welcome worship and the opportunity to rule the world would enable control with a minimum of military enforcement….especially if there were a fervent global following of believers who were willing to eliminate all opposition, particularly if they thought that in doing so they were following the foundational principles of their religion.
Would people with global ambitions then be favorable to Iran? I think so.
(So do you think that ties to Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, and a willing hand in the global till might have been a requirement for hiring and advancement in certain governments in the not too distant past?)
This, at the time, grabbed my attention. Recent events and revelations have rekindled my interest:
It is quite possible that OH!Bummer saw himself as the the 12th Imam. He certainly expected to be the head of the UN.
Beauty Break
oops… forgot to say:
Isaac Newton’s Apple Tree Still Grows at His Family’s Estate: LINCOLNSHIRE, ENGLAND.
Still producing apples? They’d be worth more than 10 Meghan Markles
gosh I love this—so UPLIFTING!
how can you not dance around with the beat?
Now that was weird Dora, got a message : this media could not be played and after i posted it again Your original played the video…
MilOps Monkey says some things don’t add up about the Iranian jet crash/shooting…. the wreckage doesn’t look right….
He’s right… they don’t add up.
You know PDJT and his intel people know this too. What do you think?
Yes… Pompeo let drop earlier that there’s a possibility crash due to “mechanical failure”
it’s a complex situation as you know… and as always we can’t just twiddle our thumbs and think POTUS will ‘handle’ … normies need to get the info … I don’t know how POTUS keeps all these balls in the air… I would be pulling out my hair!
Bullets can cause ‘mechanical failure’ fer shore!!
Pompeo is smooooooth
I saw this earlier and debated posting it here.
Really, there’s so much front loading on the bad news coming, it’s getting pretty obvious that there’s massive panic going on.
You said it DP
Someone posted a couple of days ago the theory that Ms P was hoping to tag the downed jet onto her articles, blaming PDJT. Since that whole thing didn’t turn out quite like they expected….she is ready now to proceed?
Yes, that was me. I think the raid on the embassy + 2nd Strike was a TRAP set by Kerry, Piglosi and the Iranians. Since they STILL think President Trump is an idiot, they expected him to retaliate with military force against Iran.
The plane shot down was an Albatross they wanted to hang around President Trump’s neck for Propaganda optics while Piglosi went after him for violating the War Powers Act.
Trump side stepped the issue and took out one of their major assets instead.
[Note Lee and Rand hyping the Leftist line about horrible War monger Trump not giving Congress a decent breifing. BTW]
Also notice the Tweets where President Trump said the Military wanted to DELAY sending help until the next day and he Kicked their Butts to get them to act NOW!
(Think 48 hr before notification rule in the War powers Act.)
Yes they were convinced this would be his Benghazi….and tried to make it so.
He’s pretty good with that magic wand and boomerang
y’all listening ? “They had the technology” (bbuuutttt it’s all a conspiracy theory! Yeah, right ….)
Yeah that struck me too. A lot of capabilities and breakthroughs that have been developed only for… nothing
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. trade regulators on Friday said they will investigate wearable monitoring devices, including those made by Fitbit Inc and Garmin Ltd, following a complaint by Koninklijke Philips and its North America unit.
The U.S. International Trade Commission, in a statement, said the probe would also look at devices by made by California-based Ingram Micro Inc as well as China-based Maintek Computer Co Ltd and Inventec Appliances.
DP COMMENT: This appears to be a follow up to this:
It’s been a little over a month since Alphabet (NASDAQ:GOOG) (NASDAQ:GOOGL) subsidiary Google said it would buy Fitbit (NYSE:FIT) in a $2.1 billion deal. Regulators in the European Union have already expressed concerns about the acquisition, primarily regarding user data, as Europe has far stronger data protections for consumers following the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) last year. “In general we have a concern if companies merge because of data,” Europe’s chief antitrust enforcer, Margrethe Vestager, said last month.
Regulators in the U.S. are now eyeing the deal, too.
Gaetz looks to be trying to clarify his position.
OUCH Matt was taken to the wood shed by the commenters. (There were not nasty like the Leftest would be.)
….and he did so with class, eloquence, and panache.
We are very fortunate to have such a MAGA warrior fighting for us inside Congress.
This comment was supposed to be a reply to DP.
Please and thanks.
I’m glad to see the explanation of what he was thinking….and that he is clearing up the muddy water
It’s going to take lime and more to make that H2O crystal clear.
Agreed, but it is a start
I disagree.
The knee jerk reactions to his vote, which was PURELY symbolic, were disgusting and betrayed a distinct lack of character in all the commenters, most of whom seem to be operating from a mentality of “what have you done for me lately”.
Faced with actual kinetic combat, I would ban and kick each and every one of them out of my foxhole. They have the the character of dirt under one’s fingernails.
I’m not going to disagree that the reactions were ill-informed and complaining of purity, but Gaetz could lay it out a little better.
Supposing this won’t be featured on MCM like Khashoggi was….
To all my Q Tree Friends.
If you want to have some fun this afternoon and evening, write a post – a short one is fine – that is sympathetic to or takes the side of HRH Megan. Tag my beloved in it and watch the fireworks fly. I’m here in Storm Central, where we are receiving warnings of imminent Armageddon, and the real storm is here in my house. Miss D is over the top totally angry, dishing throwing mad, at HRH and HRH for this stunt. It’s the kind of mad where, if I suggest the color yellow is rather nice, I can expect to be told that it is a putrid color because HRH once wore it to an event where she upstaged some crippled kid with some publicity stunt and, besides, “she was always a miserable bitch anyway”. (You lovely ladies know what i mean).
Go ahead, it will be fun!
LOL…my brother-in-law (God rest his soul) used to try to entice me to engage my sister when she was in a dish throwing mood too, and while I was born in the morning, I wasn’t born THIS morning…LOL
some advice…after you lob a zinger…you’re gonna wanna zig zag as you run away…much harder to hit…
keep low…
What the heck, I am a fiction writer.
Lemme see…since Miss D is the author of this post, she’ll see this in the notifications so, here it goes:
Oh, that poor girl. She’s being treated like a brood mare. Seriously. How dare the Queen think that she has dominion over her great-grandchild just because she wears the crown. Honestly, it’s not like the old bat is going to nurse little Archie. And really, poor Harry is being treated like a red headed step child when he is just as royal as his older brother. So what if his older brother’s wife exudes class and keeps her mouth shut like she’s supposed to. Poor Miss Meg is being treated like, well, a subject not the member of the family who has earned curtsies. And why can’t she borrow a tiara or two from the royal jewelry vault. It’s not like she’s asking for Queen Victoria’s little crown that’s on the plush purple velvet pillow in the Jewel house at the Tower that turns round and round and round as the crowds are rushed passed on a conveyor belt. Oh, and making money off of the family name and fame…well, Princess Beatrix has been doing it with her hats forever. So what if she gives all the money to charity. She’s still making it. Oh, and this is too much for a glamorous American to bear…Camilla and Charles…do they really have to be in the same pictures? I mean, his ears and her…well, everything….
Well, Big T, how’s that? Personally, the brats can find a deserted island and enjoy getting sunburned. I feel bad for the baby, though.
If they would just GO AWAY, that would be fine.
If they really wanted privacy and to be out of the limelight, great.
But that’s not it at all.
They’re lying.
No one who wants to be private and live a peaceful life plots and plans for an effing YEAR to label their “brand”, copyright 100 items for sale, and hires THREE PR firms…….. and only the best PR firms.
Oh no.
They’re going to be everywhere.
Pasted on everything.
Selling out the monarchy.
You remember that song by Eric Clapton, “I shot the Sheriff”?
I only had an AM radio back then. First song I ever got SICK of hearing.
That’s Meghan and Harry…..
….. and I’m sick of them already.
And forget the gossip stuff, it’s all about the progressives and bad politics going after another institution, another tradition, like boy scouts, girl scouts, the churches, the flag. It’s the same thing. Watch the bad actors move into position. Classic power play. Only NOW can we see it in action, familiar with how the communists work. Dear Lord, I do want to throw things.
God Save The Queen.
Well, Big T warned us.
Babe, you need a Bourbon and a s’more. Put your feet up. Remember, this is a shiny red ball to keep you riled, and rock on…but not to Styx. Even Beavis & Butthead knew better.
Make that a double.
LOL daughn I”m getting a kick out of your comments. So is my Mom. Rant away.
I enjoy reading them later on once I catch the puppy. She’s on a toilet paper roll stealing spree. The roll never had a chance.
An awesome troll by a true professional! Miss D confessed she needed to take a breath halfway through. Please come visit you two will be thick as thieves.
Please, tell me she was laughing. I mean, problems with the monarchy aside, the Queen is a badass in a lot of ways. I’d like to hear about her sons giving birth at home without anesthesia. She did it.
You know how when someone is totally pissed but gradually sees the humor as they calm down? Yep. BTW, I won’t say the name, but rather will use HRH despite it’s non-gender specific appearance. You guys can figure out who I mean.
He’s right, I am truly seething angry at Harry and Markle.
I would NEVER do this to my grandmother.
The insolence is breathtaking.
If I was GrandMaMa, They would be given ONE warning Cut the Crap or BE DISOWNED!
And that means ZERO INCOME, No Private security….
Even Andrew has better manners.
Remember the queen’s uncle, Prince Edward VIII, was forced to abdicate the crown although he was not fully cut off.
I hope you have a comfy couch to sleep on… probably in another house!
It’s not that bad. She does know that I’m not the one “stepping back” . .lol!
THREAD – click tweet
Sadie, looks like hrc has caught “those eyes”!
thanks for this.
Funny how this coincides (timing) with a WaPo article (used by Sundunce to ridicule QAnon) that claims Huber has wrapped up all investigation of Clinton with no finding of criminality.
@RichLowry: “Is the new standard really that a president of the United States can’t defend against attacks on U.S. personnel by a terror regime because the regime might accidentally shoot down an airliner taking off from one of its own airports?”
(H/T @ScottAdamsSays RT )
Wut?? New standard??
According to who??
If dims, then LOL
Why in Hades do you think the people criticizing Matt Gaetz went ballistic?
And who ever said it DID NOT CRITICIZE PRESIDENT TRUMP was full of SCHIFF!
This is the House & Senate Joint Resolution:
Senate version introduced by Hillary’s VP pick Kaine:
(8)Department of Defense officials have been warning for more than a year that the Trump Administration ‘‘maximum pressure campaign’’ against Iran, which has included economic, diplomatic and military pressure, is raising the risk of retaliation against United States troops and personnel. The cycle of escalating back-and-forth violence between Iran and its proxies and the United States and its allies have proven their warnings correct. <— [Maybe why briefing was not up to snuff; more sabotage?]
(9) The question of whether United States forces should be engaged in armed conflict against Iran should only be made following a full briefing to Congress and the American public of the issues at stake, a public debate in Congress, and a congressional vote as contemplated by the Constitution. The absence of such a deliberative approach is deeply unfair to members of the United States Armed Forces and other Americans whose lives are at risk in the event of hostilities between the United States and Iran….
Where were these people when Obama indiscriminately killed people in many countries including Libya?
Paul, Goetz and the other guy from Utah where were they?
Goetz is my deepest disappointment.
You can’t even spell his name correctly, much less carry his weight, his eloquence, or his class.
You are right and I am happy
Singingsoul is not a native English speaker. I wish I could write in HER language as well as she does in mine.
Despite three years of French and two of German plus a year in Germany, I can butcher both languages with the best of them!
Oh, for God’s sake. She is not a native English speller, and makes a great effort here, often correcting her own spelling. Don’t be rude. You can defend Gaetz if you want without that.
You can’t even spell his name correctly, much less carry his weight, his eloquence, or his class.”
Why turn to someone who has been fighting in the trenches WITH us, for a long time now, and just blast them?
What purpose does that serve?
What’s the objective?
Is it to silence people with whom you disagree?
And if so, is that a smart strategy?
1. People went ballistic over a symbolic vote that has zero effect or meaning.
2. They did so without waits to hear his reasons for doing so.
3. The overwhelming majority of comments were vile (such as your wondering “if the deep state owns his balls”.
4. None of the commenters (both here and on Twatter) have done more for PDJT and the MAGA movement than Gaetz.
5. Because of #4, Gaetz has EARNED the right to vote however he likes on a insignificant and meaningless symbolic vote.
^^^ Five is out to lunch.
Save flaming reply for another time. OR, flame away.
“1. People went ballistic over a symbolic vote that has zero effect or meaning.”
By definition, symbolism has meaning, or it wouldn’t be… uh… symbolic.
“5. Because of #4, Gaetz has EARNED the right to vote however he likes on a insignificant and meaningless symbolic vote.”
He has the right to vote however he likes, on anything that is brought up for a vote, doesn’t he?
Just like we have the right to criticize or object to his vote if we disagree with him, right?
….such theories when dealing with individuals who claim to want change is called “harm reduction”. You have to rob a bank to support your drug habit so if your drugs are given to you, it won’t be necessary to rob banks……….It does not work!!
I publicly broke off my love affair with Matt Gaetz today on Twitter.
I hated to do it that way, but he doesn’t answer my calls!
Soviet Iran-Co-Conspirator Democrats need 10 embassies threatened before they care.
Appears Some Dude has done it again…
Brian has a THREAD – click a tweet
Some dude is locked into his own narrative and hubris. Big fall coming
My sweet Momma used to say “Pride cometh before the fall”
I have a good idea what we can do with that WaPo article.
Good idea. But stay where you are. Come here to oz brandishing that about and you might get lynched
lol so true!
Above Brian says Carlos is NOT Thomas Wictor… I agree. Look at profile for Carlos.
Thomas Wictor is at *https://social.quodverum.com/@ThomasWic Be sure to remove *
I just clicked his addy and he ‘boosted’ an acc’t that says:
“.@IlhanMN@twitter.com hates this picture and she hates when people Retweet it
Let’s piss her off. RT”
Wow, that is a serious case of turban-head.
Pretty sure that’s a dude now.
If that’s what wearing a turban did to his hair, imagine what it’s doing to his brain?
You know, Democrats are always stealing MAGA hats from Trump supporters.
Why hasn’t someone yanked that towel off Mullah Omar’s head in public?
Don’t steal it (that would be wrong), just hand it back to her.
And compliment her hair
Sorry, his hair.
It’s going to take a few minutes to adjust to Omar’s probable tranny status.
It’s really sad, but that is what wearing those things on your head does to your hair… and it’s difficult to get the hair back to a healthy state, impossible if allowed to go to far… which appears to be IIhad’s case…
The Sundunce article in question is nothing more than a Sundunce exercise in ridiculing QAnon people…
…and Sundunce uses a WaPo article(!) to do it.
Weak, pathetic, and sad.
Without reading one word of any article, Washington Post being used as a source is a deal-breaker. No one knows the truth about anything yet…
Wow, who didn’t see that coming? There are 13 candidates left:
Sen. Michael Bennet of Colorado
Former Vice President Joe Biden
Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg
Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey
Former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg
Former Rep. John Delaney of Maryland
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii
Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota
Former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick
Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont
Billionaire Tom Steyer
Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts
Tech entrepreneur Andrew Yang
Oops, wrong link. https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/how-many-candidates-are-left-in-the-2020-democratic-primary-race
Pelosi: ‘McConnell Has Been Engaged in Tactics of Delay;’ Senate to Get Impeachment Articles Next Week
Pelosi began her letter by accusing McConnell of being the one who has been delaying the impeachment process:
“For weeks now, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell has been engaged in tactics of delay in presenting transparency, disregard for the American people’s interest for a fair trial and dismissal of the facts.”
Standard Alinsky tactic….accuse others of doing what you are guilty of doing.
You’re hitting every ball that comes across the plate, today, FG&C.
More like everyone is throwing perfect pitches, Daughn.
“bUt DRuMpf iz DeEP sTAte cUZ NOthing iz haBBeninG!!!”
Have an underhand TOSS over the plate!
My post just went to the bin ! HELP!
i gotcha!
Thank you ma’m … photo prob did it
Lock him up.
The enemy within
We The People’s House is full of snakes brought in by Ozero.
God help us all
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic@social.quodverum.com
Now BIDEN is campaigning in California.
The Democrats are in massive trouble.
California is in play.
Joe Biden Visits Long Beach and Irvine
Former Vice President Joe Biden will return to Southern California Thursday in his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, touring the Gerald Desmond…
NBC Los Angeles
“Now BIDEN is campaigning in California.”

If he has to campaign in commiefournya…
Music to my ears!
Funny how this coincides (timing) with a WaPo article (used by Sundunce to ridicule QAnon) that claims Huber has wrapped up all investigation of Clinton with no finding of criminality.
Harry may also have to give up rank in Royal Marines.
What a mess.
….but not the first man, nor the last, to be ruined by a cheap piece of ass.
Total soy-boy beta male.
If anything, the “royal” family should be delighted and celebrating his leaving. Imagine the Queen putting out a public statement to that effect….
Good riddance and don’t let the door hit ya in your backside, sonny boy!
You nailed it FG&C, I believe she was put in there to do exactly what shes accomplished.
Please, tell us how you REALLY feel.
Yes, like Henry VIII, he fell for a cheap…well, a woman not worthy of the name. Imagine how it makes the rest of us look.
And I’m still of the opinion that a DNA test will prove that Prince Harry’s ONLY Royal blood comes from his mother, Princess Diana — who was descended from illegitimate sons of Charles II and James II.
….and whose baby is that? Maybe OB referred them to elite branch of Rent-a-Kid. Worked for him and big Mike.
“What a mess.”
If he had any real friends, they’d mock some sense into him.
That’s one of things friends are good for.
They wouldn’t let some Jenny-from-the-block tie a shoelace around his nuts and lead him around like a show poodle.
If he had friends, they would save him from that kind of humiliation.
And THIS, right here, is perfect proof of why I have and will continue to say that Gov. Abbott should be the next President (46) after PDJT finishes his two terms in office.
When I saw that item, I thought of you, and the fact that you would sing Abbott’s praises (as you should)… so, I didn’t bother to
But I will say that Gov Abbott is a great leader… and we need more like him.
Very kind of you to say so, PR. And you’re right, we can never have too many like him.
Doesn’t it blow your mind that we all agree that Abbot is a great leader because he rejects the idea of refugee pollution and other common sense things. Things that pre Obamination most of the country (and also most of the pols, including Dims) would have agreed also
Luv my Gov!!
May Gov. Abbott pay Mike Parsons a visit. MP is only governor because Greitens got run out of Jeff City on a rail. May he be primaried.
Echoing Pelosi’s belief …will the Dems make some more rules ? Please do let us all know how many are worth consequences?
Kerry is a traitor, has been a traitor, and always will be a traitor to the USA.
Hemp makes good rope,I say let Kerry be a test dummy for its strength.
He is also a psychopath who enjoys trashing the US military.
Ironic that I just read Kerry and his wife (mainly his wife!!) have about1 Billion In assets. Just as the very wealthy get cancer and die (thinking Steve Jobs here) like a poor man…all the Kerry’s wealth may not keep him from being arrested and tried for high crimes against our nation.
All this talk from Kerry to Matt Gaetz and in between is simply paving the road for the next Iranian attack, while at the same time attempting to restrain the President from acting reciprocally.
Good luck with that. One of our President’s great strengths is his ability to act reciprocally and the Constitution supports him.
They better hurry deciding how many is enough….
…but I noticed no Americans on the passenger list for the Ukrainian Jet they shot down. And Justin can’t get his pussy hat on straight enough to be able to pay his NATO bill and expect anyone to support him. What’s he going to do…..slap the Iranians knuckles with plastic straws????????
Why do people STILL wait in line for 24 hours to see Trump speak in year 3 of his presidency?
For the same reasons the Greatest Generation stood in recruitment lines to go fight the Germans and a Japanese…
Plus, it’s fun…you just never know what he’s going to say next…9” Pencil Neck…LOL!
Ain’t that the truth?! It’s tiring to read or hear facts twisted or omitted 24/7. The projection is expected by now but I hate it.
This latest situation..the media has orchestrated the complete revision of what happened. Demoncrats have become pathological in their lying. They don’t even seem to have their own thoughts anymore. Party line all the way. Even when they speak…they usually surround themselves with others in lockstep..they take turns all saying the same thing.
I think there is more to it than what the people get from the rally. It’s the only way we have to GIVE BACK.
Think about it. We love Trump rallies, true, but camping out in the rain for days? In the bitter cold? Brutal.
We all know that if attendance falls off, the media will pounce. So thousands and thousands of people show up, to SUPPORT our VSG. It’s a small thing, but we know HE knows WWG1WGA.
Yesterday, a lady said that people go to Trump rallies to thank him and that she heard people saying Thanks to POTUS during the rally. I think that’s wonderful.
It is wonderful.
He does so much for us and DC is a rathole. We’re not there to protect him.
I think she’s starting a new arm of the party on the down low. I read she is raising and funnelling money to players that would take out existing elected dems.
This seems like a perfect spot to repost this…
Flush with cash from the CNN settlement.
Proof positive he got Nick and his parents to settle so he could get paid RATHER than go to trial to destroy CNN in a can’t lose lawsuit.
iirc, this was pro bono
I don’t think that is correct but I could be wrong.
I have done a little diggin’… # 1 Robert Barnes offered to represent other Covington boys pro bono, and is representing them. (that may be where I heard pro bono)
# 2 So far, I am reading Nick Sandmann’s parents HIRED LL Wood with Covington to get justice for their son. Can find nowhere so far that Wood worked pro bono. Wood is known to be good, and known to ask for extremely high amounts for clients. He did so for Sandmann, and that may be why his parents ‘hired’ someone immediately rather than go with some of those who like Barnes offered to do the work pro bono. Barnes is also referring to his clients as Covington Boys, refusing to release their names, saying that suing for invasion of privacy etc. means protection of their privacy while suing. Which makes complete sense.
Bottom line, I misspoke in stating Sandmann case was pro bono. Your memory is correct
I guess Kerpen was one of the Covington lawyers working with LL Wood. Most cases of this kind, if they win, the lawyers get 1/3 of settlement. There are exceptions of course. If they lose, they get nothing. There are exceptions to this also.
There are still others being sued by Sandman.
CNN doesn’t want discovery. The last thing they want is a smart lawyer reading through their files. The amount requested in the lawsuit was excessive and was bound to be brought down. Any good lawyer knows to take a deal that’s reasonable. What was offered was reasonable, and cheap for CNN to pay out and keep their paperwork out of the hands of a lawyer who would know what to do with it.
It is what it is.
and it sets precedence for other similar claims.
You’ll want to ck out the list
Portland should be interesting. Looking forward to his tweets about it. Thank goodness he’s so tall.
If I was Gov. Abbott I’d hire him as my personal body guard.
The man shot a MOVING gunman in the HEAD from 20 yds away with just 1 shot. Bang. Over. Done.
Even Navy SEALS would like to be able to brag about possessing such skill, proven and tested in actual combat.
….and I failed to mention…..with a pistol…..at 20 yards
Phenomenal skill.
Any word on what weapon he was using?
Only appropriate that this full Wolf moon photo was taken by a man named William Moon!
Sort of looks like a ‘Q’.
Moon? There’s a moon out there? Really? We’ve had enough rain to make the Meramec a traffic hazard again. And it’s only January.
Just bc I bet there’s people who like music here.
Neil Peart, the drummer from RUSH just died. Brain cancer.

I am destroyed to get this news.
Rarely does anyone achieve such success and fame yet remain so gentle, humble, generous, and genuinely nice.
The world just lost the man who was arguably the greatest rock ‘n roll drummer of all time.
Lots of tributes going on. Mr Gil says he feels like crying. One of his top 10 babds. Apparently he had cancer fir 4 years and this is really why they retired.
Tell Mr. Gil that Mr. FG&C is right there with him in sentiment and spirit.
This is a horrible loss.
I will. Its going to be happening much more in the next decade.
At least he was alive for the rock n roll hall of fame induction.
Amen. Neil was the best in the industry.
I had never really paid attention to this story in song…..
until I saw this video.
A lot of my friends posted about their sorrow over this.
80 million dollar lottery player
One of the suicide terrorists hired by Soleimani’s daughter?
It occurs to me that Matt Gaetz might have gotten hoodwinked into signing that resolution. Was this a Psyops to take away his supporters???
We KNOW they have played sleight-of-hand before and we also know the Congress Critters generally do not actually read the bills. That is why they have staff.
I find it very… interesting… that I could not find the actual HOUSE VERSION and only the Senate version although I spent a lot of time on both Duck-Duck and Bing looking.
LOOK at what Matt Gaetz wrote:
NOTHING GOOD can come of Gaetz’ vote…
– NOT for Gaetz.
– NOT for President Trump.
– NOT for Republicans.
– NOT for America.
D-Rat Resolution is PURE political theater to promote D-Rats AND SLAM President Trump.
Yea, I know the resolution is NOT binding and legally meaningless.
BUT, the resolution IS MOAR D-RAT EVIL that three Rs signed onto. MCM and D-Rats lapping up getting one over on Gaetz and two other Rs. WTF?
If he’s worried about when Democrats take the Presidency he should not be. That should it come, is the signal for Civil War and a whole new era to follow.
Almighty God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ; Creator of heaven and earth; Maker of all creatures; Protector of the innocent; Defender of the falsely accused:
We come now to beseech Thee, in Thy Mercy, to grant to the members of the United States Senate the wisdom and courage to acquit DONALD JOHN TRUMP, President of the United States, of the false accusations brought against him by those who would destroy him and his work through Impeachment.
We come now to beseech Thee to grant to those appointed to defend DONALD JOHN TRUMP in the Impeachment trial, wisdom and courage to so vigorously present the proofs of his innocence, that there is no doubt that he will be acquitted.
We come now to beseech Thee to unleash the sword of St. Michael the Archangel upon those who would destroy DONALD JOHN TRUMP, his Presidency, and his good work.
We ask in the Name of Thy Son, Jesus Christ, and Thy Will be done. Amen.
Here’s Dan Wooton, executive editor of The Sun, whom I mentioned up-thread. He said he gave H&M 10 days to comment on his article before he published it a few days ago. He said they made their public announcement shortly afterwards.
Good two-minute piece from him to talkRADIO’s Julia Hartley-Brewer:
More to follow on Wooton.
Dan Wooton from The Sun nails it on Harry and Meghan. I totally agree with him:
Two comments follow, which are also 100% spot on:
Look how m treats her dogs. She dumped the one dog and the beagle had two broken back legs and was never seen again. It’s a freaking beagle! Just like mittens look how she treats her pets
Thank you for the information. Wow.
I didn’t know that.
I only follow them when big news breaks.
No prob. So here’s what I know. She heard Ellen d was going to a pet shelter and Meg’s run to meet her and bump into her and Ellen asked if she’s getting a dog. So she got one. She dumped that older aka 7 year old dog and left it in canada. Aka it was a mutt so who cares. the beagle named guy ended up with two broken back legs somehow? This is a hound so who knows what happened. She supposedly took him with her to the uk but he was never seen again.
Good heavens. That is awful.
Thank you for the details, kea — much appreciated.
No problem.
Dan Wootton from The Sun also wrote about vegans. I’ve included a comment to his tweet showing what goes on here now in the UK in January with regard to veg diets:
OMg the militant vegans
I thought about the comment you made up-thread about vegans expecting hosts to change their menus just for them.
Churchmouse, I wish I could buy you a pint this evening.
One good note: The President of USA was interviewed by Laura Ingraham and was extremely gracious to the Queen, said he admired her so much, and “she doesn’t deserve this”. He stayed out of everything else.
I’m totally with the Queen on this one!
She’s the best!
And what mother ever would leave her child in another country!!!!!!!!??????
Thank you, friend. Make mine a gin and tonic, please.
Thank you for the update from PDJT on Laura Ingraham. He is so right.
I had 3..various degrees of vegan during Christmas . By New Years I was sick to death of the “oh I don’t eat that now” business. One of them was trying to explain and actually for real mentioned car farts..by then I just laid the feast and didn’t even attempt to make dishes without cheese, without butter or eggs but no eggs for that one.
But lemme say..all 3 of them would eat cookies made with the forbidden items and maybe “just a bite of cheesecake” lol…whatever.
Vegan terrorists!
supposed to be Cow farts..not car farts
Okay, now I’m really laughing.
Was wondering what food, in particular, produced car farts.
hahah..hey in the world of perpetual angst there probably is a tie in to car exhaust !
I think when I had made tempura shrimp I almost about had a stroke…the most difficult one of all says..oh wow, these are so good..I may go pescadarian..lol..why the hell can’t they be normal ???
Exactly, Molly.
No issue with anyone who as a REAL medical problem, but let’s be honest. MOST of these people merely want the world to revolve around them, menu changes and accommodations made to their whims.
Defies proper etiquette if someone is kind enough to make you a meal.
Had a step-daughter who suddenly decided to become vegan at the dinner table for Thanksgiving.
She whined about what she could eat.
I threw her a roll.
Wouldn’t let her have any butter.
Wouldn’t let her leave the table.
That was the end of her veganism.
Car farts are evil.
When I was a kid, my sister would let out these monstrous, disgusting farts in the car. In the winter, when it was too cold to crank down a window.
I could have died, because I never had a gas mask. They were that bad.
Bwwhwhhaaa, I’m calling your sister and telling on you, Aubergine!
You all handled those people so well. Ugh I hate that. What about when they push it onto their pets. It’s a dog not a cow. They eat meat
Keep this article and the ACSH bookmarked…
Why I Am Not a Vegetarian
I’ve never completely understood what drives people to militant veganism, but I do have my theories…
* The slippery slope from “health benefits” to prescriptive nannying busybodies
* The strong internal desire not just to favor vegetable consumption, but to actively DISFAVOR or protest the consumption of animal foods. Militant veganism is demonstrably dishonest in this vein.
* Pantheistic Paganism and/or animism is often a motivating factor, as is occultism
* Occult Mystics of the major religions, same. Christian Mystics, Jewish Kaballah, Muslim Sufi’s
* An attraction to all things oriental (ie, “orientalism”) – for example, Indian religious practices, Buddhism, etc. Particularly so in the context of academia and strong undercurrents of anti-americanism and contempt for all things Western or American
* Environmental reasons, ie AOC’s “cow farts” (but for some reason we let Eric Swalwell get away with it?)
* Nutritional deficiency, especially choline and DHA/Omega3s (impaired neurochemical function)
* CONTROL of the Deplorable’s diets, for its own sake. This is in line with Bloomberg’s dictates on what everyone else should be eating “for their own good”.
* Gail mentions reduction in the population’s strength to fight or be mentally fit – worth remembering
* Urban Trendy Virtue Signalling amplified by a weak moral self-concept
* An expression of an immature childish need to be morally superior to others
* A desire to make food tasteless and unfun. Vegetarian dishes do not need to be tasteless, but many insist on doing so. There is an entire food nuttery that says people overeat because food tastes too good, rather than due to availability… God gave us taste to enjoy the pleasure of His good creation and have fellowship, he tells us to come “sup” and “dine” with him but there are those who feel it is necessary to remove the pleasure and fellowship of food which were created to enrich our lives.
* NeoMarxist Critical Theory applied to food politics: See Carol Adams, “The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory”. Folks, you can’t make this up. Academics really are this nuts. This is only one title of MANY.
* Reiterating the NeoMarxist critical theory point: NeoMarxists tie themselves in knots to draw a connection between what they call “animal oppression” (I know, “oppression” of “animals” is a favorite of the HSUS types who like to make fake exposes that are always proven to be staged, they injure and hurt the animals more the in the fake video production than any slaughterhouse) and “human oppression” (you know, like slavery in the United States, because every Marxist knows no other civilization owned slaves). They imagine a world of mistreated animals and human rights abuses – but they’re strangely silent about the Soviet Union’s maltreatment of both…
* They hate the Bible, which repeatedly requires in the law for the eating of meat, and in the histories where Patriarchs (oh that “Patriarchy” again!) were wealthy in large animal herds, where the Jewish people were great ranchers, into the New Testament where Jesus practiced the passover and gave his disciples and followers meat to eat on several occasions, where Peter had his vision of the sheet, and Paul and other Apostles wrote in the epistles warning against those who said to abstain from eating meat. “Indeed according to the law almost everything was purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.” – Hebrews 9:22 NET
I don’t think their parents loved them, still seeking attention.
Wow, could be… I think they’d be so much happier if they just added fish oil twice a day to their diets…
SO TRUE — all of it.
Thank you kindly, Michael.
Have just bookmarked the article and the website for future reference.
Amazing to see that the article was written 23 years ago! I’ll now enjoy reading it with morning coffee.
You’re welcome – I originally stumbled onto it through Quackwatch years ago. Mostly I saw it as relatively harmless silly-making – but when I realized the real dangers of veganism on preborns, infants, and children the whole thing took on a new moral seriousness with me. It’s one thing for a late-twenties grad student to go radical vegan with everyone in their department, but when children’s development and livelihood is involved we’ve crossed the line from self-discipline to potential child abuse.
Anyway, you’re in luck I have some of my notes handy and can do some searching:
I got this book recently during a promotion through the Cornwall Alliance:
“What Would Jesus Really Eat? The Biblical Case for Eating Meat”
More assorted links…
Pregnant vegetarians are three times more likely to have kids who abuse drugs and alcohol, study finds
New study finds vegetarians twice as likely to be depressed than meat-eaters
The Baffling Connection Between Vegetarianism and Depression
Why I Am Not A Vegetarian: The China Study
Does being veggie leave you hungry for love? Meat eaters ‘have more sex than vegetarians’ (but that’s according to a meat company!)
The China Study Fallacy (And Why I Stopped Being a Vegetarian)
The China Study Myth
Of course, Quackwatch… one article of interest:
Vegetarianism: Healthful but Unnecessary
The Center for Consumer Freedom
Often counter some of the idiot attention-grabbing public relations campaigns of the lobbying front group “Center for Science in the Public Interest”.
…More on the intersectionality of opressed veganism and ecofeminism:
‘BY WOMEN, FOR WOMEN’ Vegan cafe charges male customers 18 percent ‘man tax’ and seats women first in bid to address gender pay gap
Food privilege: The unfortunate truths of veganism
Swiss town denies passport to Dutch vegan because she is ‘too annoying’
Vegans protesting against restaurant are horrified at owner’s revenge – and there’s video
Thank you very much for the links, Michael.
I greatly appreciate them and have duly bookmarked.
Acts 10 will always stay ingrained upon my brain.
9 The next day, as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the housetop about the sixth hour[b] to pray. 10 And he became hungry and wanted something to eat, but while they were preparing it, he fell into a trance 11 and saw the heavens opened and something like a great sheet descending, being let down by its four corners upon the earth. 12 In it were all kinds of animals and reptiles and birds of the air. 13 And there came a voice to him: “Rise, Peter; kill and eat.” 14 But Peter said, “By no means, Lord; for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean.” 15 And the voice came to him again a second time, “What God has made clean, do not call common.” 16 This happened three times, and the thing was taken up at once to heaven.
Anyone seen this? Worth sharing regarding sources and what’s being said about Hillary Clinton investigation closed or open. Remember the source, Washington Post, Devlin Barrett, and DOJ said “No Comment”
Click on the time stamp for the entire tweet thread, or use the reader thread app link.
Yes, this has been posted, but some time ago.
Someone here said today (or possibly yesterday) to apply the 48-hour rule on this.
OR, until Barr and Durham weigh in with indictments.
Have really only paid attention to IGs the past three years or so.
IGs are notorious for NOT recommending indictments.
– IGs ARE company people.
– Protect the institution.
– AND, cannot investigate outside their agency.
IG investigative hands ARE EFFECTIVELY TIED. DOOMED to NOT be effective.
Agree 110%.
I don’t hold out much hope for any of the names mentioned or the IGs.
Case in point: Barr wanted to be kept informed about Epstein; now we find out that the security tape of his final hours no longer exists.
Well, knock me down with a feather.
What is Barr’s response to that?
I have been busy with other things and might have missed it, but, surely, if he’d had a response to that, someone would have posted it here.
Speaking personally, these people are useless until they actually start DOING something useful. I don’t care what they say. Lindsey Graham says something interesting quite a lot. Does he act on it? Does he …
I agree with you. Until indictments start, I’m not going to be cheerleading any of these guys.
Agree. Personally remain optimistic justice will go our way.
Epstein aside, AND I’m not minimizing that fiasco.
I have faith in Barr, Durham. AND, ABSOLUTELY believe President Trump is watching & managing justice pursuing the attempted coup and moar.
Yes. Conservative twitter toe tappers were up in arms about the Washington Post article, but Miz Donna does a good disection – AND reminds us of the source – not just the WaPo, but Devlin Barrett, the Lefties go to guy for writing or massaging false narratives.
Yes, his name raised a flag, for sure.
Greg Jarrett and Sara Carter were on Hannity saying that Huber investigating Clinton was a scam, he never did anything, didn’t even interview U1 whistleblower. Their track record is pretty accurate. Victoria Toensig said same about not interviewing her client a while back. Also Huber never responded to Mark Meadows investigation/hearing with the financial WB’s that had to transmit doc to Huber 3 times. Jus sayin….Hoping for the best, Maybe someone else was assigned?
I’ve never thought Huber was anything but a red herring. There are issues that concern me, but right now, until we hear from Barr or POTUS, I think we’re stuck. Lots of commentary out there, but what the truth is – I don’t think we know for sure at this moment. Going to wait until the dust settles.
POTUS KNOWS that the criminality and corruption of not only the last administration, but decades of the Swamp in this country must be cleaned up – or his time in office was nothing more than a respite to be followed by the final collapse. That’s how bad things are, and I believe POTUS is aware.
The Sun’s Dan Wootton on Meghan’s commercial ideas on marketing the Sussex titles. Appalling:
‘Meghan is understood to be using her array of fashion industry contacts in a bid to cash in on her worldwide fame — potentially making millions in the process.
‘The sources say French fashion house Givenchy is included in the discussions.
‘But the new has infuriated royal courtiers — who are shocked by her underhand efforts to rake in a fortune before the couple had even discussed their plans with the Queen, Prince Charles or other senior figures.
‘A source said: “Meghan is very connected in the fashion industry and there are a lot of major labels who would like to partner with her on projects.
‘“There have already been active discussions with Givenchy. Some of these deals could be worth millions of pounds.
‘“I’m sure she is going to link some of the initiatives to their foundation.”’
There is also info about their staff, who are now in limbo, so to speak:
‘Their backdoor dealings have further angered many household staff who now fear for their jobs — amid mounting pressure for Harry and Meghan to give up the funding for running their office and make their teams redundant.
‘As civil war steps up among major figures in the royal machine, a senior royal insider explained: “We cannot be expected to keep funding their staff in the UK now they’ve gone rogue and have essentially quit.
‘“In the current climate, it is going to be impossible for Meghan and Harry to continue to have an office in Buckingham palace hiring all these staff.
‘“They’ve said they are stepping back. Well, sorry, there are consequences connected to that.
‘“It’s particularly cruel to these young and loyal staff members.
‘“They’ve devoted their lives and many of them have quit successful other careers.
‘“But there’s no guarantee any of them will keep their jobs. What would they do? Move to Canada with them?
‘“For big roles like the private secretary, the debate is about who pays for it.”’
marketing the Sussex titles. Appalling!!!!!!!!!!!
See there!
We’re gonna have the “Queen Soap on a Rope” before it’s over.
There will be no end to this nonsense.
And how can they control pirate/counterfeit merchandise?
“marketing the Sussex titles. Appalling!!!!!!!!!!!”
Meghan is into the trashing of traditions. Similar to the profaning of the sacred.
Ah yes..trample the aristocracy but toy with Givenchy or other haute couture to be feted by the aristocracy. She can hawk vegan purses and “sustainable” clothing and destroy the high fashion industry too.
When it was reported that they modeled their new adventure on the Obamas they were right. Pretend it’s for self growth, humanity but it’s really for self aggrandizing and the almighty $$$.
I am heartily sick of Meghan and Harry. I’m sorry for the trouble for the royal family and Britain as well. My main concern is that everyone is getting into the weeds when there might be a bigger picture we are missing. Is someone paying/financing them, someone they’ll have to answer to? We don’t need more liberal globalist celebrity influence in America; yet that looks like exactly what we’re going to get. Whom does that benefit? And whom does chaos in Britain benefit? And what stories are M&H taking attention from? I can’t help but feel that someone is pulling the strings.
Someone like gs
Yes, I mentioned the same thing upthread (first page, IIRC).
Theirs is such a bad move. Someone could well be behind it. Money talks, and I don’t mean their planned merchandising.
It’s about time Melania was given some recognition!
More Dan Wootton. He says staff must agree with everything the Sussexes say or be ostracised. Yet they parade themselves as paragons of morality:
It’s Michelle Obama on steroids with an extra helping of Hillary.
And she LOOKs like AOC!!!!!
Oh, the similarities.
“It’s Michelle Obama on steroids…”
Pretty sure Big Mike *is* on steroids.
Hormone treatments, at least.
Dan Wootton on M, although it applies to H, too. H should know better:
Kind of like having a requirement being a natural born citizen. Divided loyalties cause division.
OMG – I need a REAL man.
She stripes him of his underwear but covers him up……. then shakes her finger at him.
I can’t STOP watching it.
“WTF did I just watch…”
“Squirrels Gone Wild”
Final Score —– Shirts ….. 8, Skins …. 4
Feral humans? That’s a Katie Hopkins term. I’m not sure if she reserves it for terrorists, but it seems appropriate for that bunch.
CNN and the NYT are criticising The Sun’s Dan Wootton for prematurely publishing article on Sussexes which he gave them 10 days to review beforehand:
Good points follow in the comments:
No conception of what the Royal Rota system is, we Americans need a better explanation.
But TEN DAYS???????
No one gets a ten day hold on a story like this one.
Royal Rota is their official schedule, like PDJT’s daily diary of appointments.
Re ten days, yes, agree. Most reporters just file the copy. End of.
Holy crap. Cheers of “Revolution” in Paris – someone better wake up fast.
According to Valentine Low from The Times, Prince Harry’s and Prince Charles’s correspondence with each other on a changing role started out normally, in a friendly manner.
Unfortunately, the article is behind a paywall, but this is just to say that it was not originally as hostile as it’s made out to be:
The UK’s Press Gazette (excellent weekly for journalists) discusses Dan Wootton and the H&M story:
“They have wanted to feel like they are under attack from the British press and a lot of the time they actually haven’t been,” Sun executive editor Dan Wootton told Press Gazette.
It comes as the Sun defended its coverage of the duchess against claims of racism, saying in a leader column today that it is “sick” of “woke morons crying racism over press criticism”.
Wootton, former showbiz editor at the Sun, said Harry and Meghan were given ten days’ notice about the paper’s royal split scoop, having first gone to the couple’s spokesperson on 28 December …
‘“I would say the fact we had given them ten days’ notice is actually a very lengthy time – people are lucky to get ten hours these days with how quickly news breaks,” said Wootton.’
“2. For the past 3 days, the press and Dems have foamed at the mouth about curbing the President’s Power with a War Powers Resolution. They passed it. The media covered it. It means nothing.”
I wouldn’t even know about the media’s propaganda narrative, if I hadn’t read it here.
That is the beauty of ‘cutting the cord’ and having no cable TV, therefore no MSM propaganda conduit plugged directly into my cerebral cortex.
Standing back from it, it’s like watching a tempest in a teapot. Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Like a theater show on Potemkin Avenue, in a shadow box — with sock puppets.
That’s what it has always been, it’s just much more obvious when you disconnect from it.
Imagine if everyone did that.
If everyone just turned their back on the lying, treasonous, corrupt MSM, rendering them not just powerless, but (for them) even worse — irrelevant.
In a way I guess it’s good that I learn what traitor-press is up to, by secondary sources, on any given day. But isn’t paying attention to them just enabling them… sort of like Ann Coulter relentlessly raging at the NYT, therefore ensuring the NYT remains relevant to Ann’s audience?
Wouldn’t it be better if she completely ignored the NYT, allowing it to die from neglect?
If we all stopped watching and reading MSM, it would become very costly for the treason cabal to maintain their iron grip on the ‘narrative’ de jour. The insane Left would still watch (remember when the ‘promise’ of paying for ‘cable’ was TV without the need for commercials? uh-huh…), but without US, half (or more) of their audience vanishes.
The MSM is already heavily subsidized by various Cabal entities in order to stay afloat… imagine… how much more would it cost the enemy if we weren’t helping them by watching their ‘shows’ and generating their ad revenue for them?
Imagine how much more heavily they would have to subsidize MSM, how much money they would have to inject to keep their propaganda flotilla afloat, if NPCs were their only audience?
They are at all-out war with us, against our country and our families — not to mention at war with God.
If we ever got around to going to war with them, they would lose almost instantly. The only way they’re even in the fight is because we DON’T fight.
Just turning them OFF would be an act so severe that it would cripple the enemy.
We can at least do that much… can’t we?
If not, why not?
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Well, it wasn’t the Empire, exactly. Strictly speaking, as someone on Free Republic pointed out years ago, it was the Grand Moff Tarkin who made the call. Even Darth Vader didn’t stop him.
“Journalists Caution Against Blaming Empire For Blowing Up Alderaan”
And a more subtle dig at journalists.
Journalists don’t ‘caution’, that would be an editorial function, not a function of reportage.
Not that any journalism skule graduate today would know the difference.
A very good thread by Carlos Osweda, but in particular I like these remarks, re: DJT
Click on the date stamp to get the other nuggets. It’s a good reminder that POTUS is WINNING, and thus, we are winning. Don’t let the lies from the MSM, the Dems, pundits, and even folks from our side dissuade from that viewpoint.
“He’s absolutely ruthless.”
And they still think he’s stupid. He is winning despite the greatest opposition any president has ever faced, IMO, and they still don’t understand that there’s a reason why he wins. They refuse to acknowledge who he really is. This is to our advantage.
Ruthless is good. Glad he is on our side.
I wish that the Supreme Court was “Ruthless”
Yes. I’ve been saying all along that they forget or have never accepted the fact that he has a genius level IQ, combined with an incredible personality, affiliation, and understanding of the human race – their mistake, and our good fortune.
But, LP, it was Obama who was the genius…”so easily bored because of it” ..after all, Valerie J, told us so!
I think it was Duchess who mentioned just wants to know the truth about Obama for solving a mystery’s sake. I’m like that too. He’ll never go to jail or be prosecuted, but I’d like to know who is was, and how they did it.
Okay, this is interesting. I hadn’t heard this about the other airliners who flew out of Iran before the one that was shot down:
Well that’s interesting. It’s also interesting that someone was filming at the exact vantage point at the exact time to see it happen
^^^ Very interesting it is.
MOAR information on passengers on that aircraft. Come out it will.
If that plane had defecting Generals and families (or one MIA General/family) on it
Crazy mullahs may have intentionally brought plane down “while it was in their controlled airspace”
They can then control the clean up
If any traitor made it to Ukraine.. whole new set of problems..
About time!
Iran admits it ‘unintentionally’ shot down Ukrainian jetliner, according to state TV

Version 1- it didn’t happen, it was mechanical
Version 2- it wasn’t Iran
Version 3- OK it was, but we didn’t mean to
I find it fascinating it was a Ukraine plane….all the other places in this big old world….
Yeah, that’s kind of like a Deep State Symbolism thing they have going on there, like Deep State wanted to write Karma in the sky. Definitely adds juice to the story they wanted and it would of gave them a perverse delight in being able to rub Trumps nose into a story about Ukraine. Hell, the media and democrats are using the story any way trying to say it was Trumps fault.
Waiting for version 4. Okay we did mean too so we could help the Americans get rid of their President. Followed by version 5. Okay, yeah we had some outside help planning all of this.
Let anyone talk about 4 or 5 and it will be the last we hear the MSM talk about this.
I thought I read somewhere the flight was delayed an hour. Wonders if that was delayed from boarding or delayed from take off.
Meanwhile Carlos Owsenda is claiming 6 flights flew the same path just before the Ukrainian jet was blown out of the sky. My guess would be they were gaming our response to be somewhere with in that one hour window if the flight was delayed from take off.
Homeland Security officials announce milestone in southern border wall construction
Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf provided an update on the construction of the U.S. border wall on Friday. While speaking in Yuma, Arizona, Wolf marked a milestone for the Trump administration by announcing 100 new miles of southern border wall have been completed.
“It’s ok … this is a man who is deeply upset…”
Not going to go well for her – if she can even make it out of the primaries