Notice of Limited Ability To Publish and Administer the Site Due to Probable Browser Hack and Computer Compromise

Welcome. This post is extremely enjoyable, because I’m using a different setup, quite suddenly, and I can actually type. I have created a “window of opportunity” to talk to you.

This will also serve as notice for whatever future endeavors may depend on this information (I think that’s about as cagey as I can put it).

I expect to have a limited time-frame to compose this post – and maybe a few more – before whoever has gotten onto my computer is able to reconfigure their connections, and begin slowing me down once again, through this new and heretofore unexpected configuration. We could be talking minutes, hours, days or weeks. But in any case, I expect that whoever was slowing me down before, and making WordPress posting extremely difficult, will have their capabilities back soon, one way or another.

Until then I will be taking various evasive actions which will, sadly, cramp my style just as much as NOT taking those actions has allowed various inconveniences to build up, to persist, and to thereby slow me down. In other words, expect my getting away from my “visitors” to be just as infringing on my ability to run this site as putting up with them. I will be inconvenienced, and that inconvenience may cascade a bit.

Today was intolerable. I could not even get to the spam bucket to empty it. WordPress has a fairly clunky administration function, and it is made even nastier by my “guests” taking an extreme interest in moving data whenever I enter the WordPress administrative functions. But today was just outrageous. NOPE. I’m no longer going to put up with behavior which prevents the most basic functions of running this site.

As I can’t be sure who exactly is causing the problems, my best retaliatory moves are nuclear against everybody who could possibly be causing my issues. In other words, nuke China and let everybody else deal with the fallout and radiation. I’m bound to get the right people, one way or another.

However, I’d rather not go there yet, so I thus give fair warning, in case I’m simply dealing with white hats who are not “sending their best” in terms of malware. Maybe “not persisting” would be a good idea.

Now – where does that leave things?

(1) The spam bucket is going to get less and less frequent attention. Staying out of there is now YOUR responsibility. How do you do that?

  • Don’t publish exactly the same post on multiple sites. Change them up a bit. This is particularly true if you are posting to other WORDPRESS sites.
  • Avoid too many links. TEN is automatically moderated, but even less LOOKS like spam.
  • Avoid WORDS and IMAGES that always throw you into spam.
  • Avoid posting things you’ve posted before. Again, CHANGING some of the text in your cross-posted content might be a good idea.
  • Avoid posting things from places that WordPress doesn’t seem to like.
  • Try using URL shorteners to cover up URLs from places that WordPress doesn’t like.
  • Try publishing on Twitter, and THEN use a Twitter URL. Twitter URLs don’t go to spam.
  • Try multiple shorter joined comments, instead of one long one, using REPLY to keep the posts together.
  • Because I will take a “spam relief vacation”, you will see very quickly which things are going into spam, and this will teach you what to avoid.

(2) I am looking for a TUESDAY author for the TUESDAY daily thread. I will continue doing Tuesday, but these will be placeholders, unless my new configuration works wildly well for a long time. The latter is DOUBTFUL.

Let me know if you are interested.

(3) I will most likely be delivering more of “what would be articles” as LONG COMMENTS. It is simply easier for me to do comments than articles / posts. These will be on the open threads.

(4) If my new configuration holds out, then I will need some time to make it more permanent. Thus, no matter what happens, I expect to take a bit of a hit in terms of productivity.

(5) Thinks will only get worse as the election approaches. Other authors will likely face similar issues.

(6) I will share more information as it is needed, as it becomes possible, and as it is advisable.

(6) I do have one article coming soon – it’s about half-done, and I will try to finish it under the new configuration.

Thank you for your understanding!


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Valerie Curren

Well, I’ve finally pretty much caught up with the posts here at Q-Tree just in time for you to have technical gremlins. Sorry for your extreme “inconvenience” & thanks for your amazing & refreshing site. May God continue to bless you in All of your missions!!!

Valerie Curren

It would be amazing for things to stay so stress-free as the election (& impeachment?) season heats up. You have an amazing team to back you up here however whenever needed. The wolf pack runs wild, free, & seemingly tirelessly (& sleeplessly)!comment image
Hopefully you’ll see this beautiful image from Isaiah 11:6 where the Wolf dwells with The Lamb!!!


thanks for posting this wolfie! Sorry to hear about your troubles. Do we still have the backup plan at GAB in place if this all goes to smoke here w/ WP? Not sure if plans have changed…


It’s me!!!!!!!!!!1
I’ve known Valerie from various on-line groups for about 10yrs!!
Good to see you here!

Valerie Curren

Thanks, honored, & blushing…has it been about a decade??? Yikes!
Thanks for All the amazing work & glorious stories you share here Daughn. You provide a lot of that wind beneath those angels’ wings (sorry to be so cliche)…
Hopefully you’ll see a lovely applicable scripture here…Blessings!


Valerie, I’m so glad Daughn told us this, and I know it is praise well deserved. Appreciate and admire you very much. Blessings from a sister in Christ.

Valerie Curren

Thanks Zoe–That faith encouragement is a huge shot in the arm here! In a strange way you guys are a lot like my church family (even if I’m mostly a lurker or hanging out on the back pew cracking jokes with my husband). God Bless You too!

Sylvia Avery

Valerie, I’m go glad to see you here in real time instead of just ghostly likes on posts from the distant past! 🤗🤗🤗

Valerie Curren

I’m the ghost of Christmas (Q) Tree Past 🙂

Sylvia Avery

*smiling* Welcome to the present! ❤❤❤

Valerie Curren

Sweet…but being genealogically minded & in a family who loves history there’s no way I’ll ever keep up with all of you current event gurus! 🙂 (my only “working” emoji)

Sylvia Avery

LOL………there is no keeping up! I gave up on that awhile ago! And it is good to have balance in your life. Hugs, Valerie!

Valerie Curren

Our family, being on the autism spectrum, likes movie quoting as a communication language. If you might recall the zany TV show “Malcolm in the Middle” the young son Dewey came up with a perpetual family gem oft quoted here in the midst of twinsanity…”I expect nothing & still I’m disappointed”. Thankfully God’s got this, & us, Always! Blessingscomment image


I don’t know how you caught up!
The posters and comments here are prolific…
Between lots of work travel, caring for an infant, working overtime hours for an extended period, and juggling family needs with the youngest now at the tail end of the crawling stage ready to start walking any day now, total CHAOS has been the norm for my life for a while 😉

Valerie Curren

Yikes you are definitely in that young kids chaos stage of life! I’ve basically blocked out some of the trauma of the early years when we had just the 3 boys (2 year old & infant twins) then 2 years later our daughter. It seems like I had 3 in diapers for nearly 4 years…not to mention heart surgery, therapies, multiple hospitalizations, & lesser surgeries for our special needs son…
For that catch-up reading I only consistently read the posts & sometimes the comments sections. Oh there were also some posts I’d open in another tab to read later…& we had a computer meltdown so those other tabs were “lost”…so I have Not read the Q-Tree cover to cover (unfortunately) for I still have a bit of an outside life & even a minimal sleep schedule.
Well God Bless you & your family. Those crazy kid chaos years do eventually fly by even though when you’re living through them if feels as if they’ll never end. We look at old photos & can’t believe how quickly time has flown now that all of our kids are in their 20’s!


Let me know if you need us to do anything Wolfie.
We love you. Sorry for your exasperation with computer stuff. It is awful.


Wolf hope your troubles subside and whoever is creating problems gets a kick…… 🙂
We had troubles also but was created outside our computer.
The technical help told us that outside line was connected on the other site of town. How did this happen?
One day a guy came to or house told us he had been ask to check our line , not by us. After that we were off for two weeks. Then a fellow came and told us someone messed up our connection and connected us.
Now we find out we are also routed to Athens KY? What..!!!
The new guy cut us off from Athens rerouted us back to Portsmouth OH and connected us to cable on our street.
All is working no slowing computer no kicking us off. We thought it was our computer it was sabotage from somone claiming to be cable company.
Maybe an ex disgruntled University student of my husbands who knows or a democrat 🙂


I cannot believe how fast our Internet is even my 12 year old McBookPro has new life.
Hope your troubles will subside soon.


Wolfmoon, so sorry you are being harrassed this way. It does make me think about S. Attkisson and what happened to her. I read her book, Stonewalled. Need to get her other one. I know our wolfpack will stick by you and protect one another. Prayers for you.


Thoughts of a techno-phobe (senior citizen/college art/major) near-paranoid about computer hacking/spying.
Can you clean out files, cookies, etc. (see*** below) ? Is that impossible for a blog owner/operator?
Is there a safe-non-hackable browser or OS nowadays? I’ve heard comments that Brave and Linux are somewhat safe, but don’t know for sure.
Could you confer with some other blog owners that you trust (and are not jealous/vindictive types)? (We could ask an Israeli trained by Mossad – haha)
Possible suspects in no particular order….
A. Is it possible that a vindictive jealous ‘competitor’ is trying to punish you? As I have mentioned before, a onetime visit to a certain blog wherein I liked an article caused my WP functions to be limited on my older Mac. I cannot like an article here now, and I have to go to reader to access my likes/messages.
B. Could be WP itself. WP is so leftist they have a woman in a head turban (aka Omar) on their sign up page.
C. Outside opposition – Owning/running a very conservative blog and allowing us freedom to speak freely on even the left’s forbidden (no dissent without punishment/persecution/loss of job/life) topics may have made you a target.
You are likely far more tech savvy than most of us….I’m sure you will get this figured out – and you’ve been preparing for this for a long time.
*** My experiences…
MAC – On my 2010 Mac laptop – Safari gets wonky if it gets overloaded with stuff so I clean out cookies manually several times a day. I keep NO passwords on my computer and never use auto fill or auto correct either.
My 2011 Mac with the new OS – Safari doesn’t keep strange cookies/files out – they just appear even if I don’t visit those sites but just WQTH and NOAA. Can’t block 3rd party cookies/files.
I want/need a better, more secure browser for both computers that will severely stop trespassing cookies/files.
PC – Never again!
– Got a ransom/crypto virus on a HP All in One and was too angry and too stubborn to pay up.
– All 3 Dell PC laptops crashed due to viruses or vindictive spies/hacks (see A. above) despite having good Norton security.
– My last fancy PC Dell laptop had the dancing cursor affliction and their tech guys couldn’t fix it.
– My disabled daughter’s PC horribly slow due to her computer habits – she never cleans out files/cookies and keeps lots of shortcuts on her computer screen, and stores music and all sorts of stuff on the Hard Drive. It’s really scary because she’s a big Amazon customer and keeps signed in all the time. IMO – she’s a ‘prime’ target for a hacking.


PS – Forgot to add – re: WP – Is it possible that WP is designed to bother/police/punish conservatives with the kind of stuff you are experiencing and the stuff I experienced after visiting the ØT?


Great thoughts and comments GA/FL.. ALL of them !!
I’m not ashamed to admit I understand very little of how the digital info world works or where to look for penetration points. ..not my field of expertise
It is clear to me, as MSM becomes less effective in their influence control of /over us, ((they)) would re-allocate , re-direct resources to target where that traffic went.. to demoralize and weaken it
to diminish where their traffic went ,
It is a TECHNO assault on FREE Speech any way you look at it .
My laptop mouse cursor function became inop on this site yesterday evening, then it locked up completely
using( PC- matic ) as security had to do a hard shut-down to get things back.


I’ve had the mouse to freeze on both laptops – a hard shutdown is the only cure….which I always follow with cleaning out cookies/files and signing back into WQTH all over again.


Ping me on this later today when I have more time…


I don’t know how to ping.


LOL yes “ping” is IT slang for “reach out and touch someone” 😉 Probably a better wording would have been “Remind about this later”… sorry for the confusion.


I don’t understand half of what you wrote–configurations et al–but I feel safe knowing YOU DO.
they always say you take the most flak when you’re over the target…stay safe, stay low, stay true…God will take it from there!


happy wolf= happy wolfpack!

Brave and Free

Good luck Wolf in your battle with gremlins…. will be keeping you and others here in prayer.


W – Never forget: WWG1WGA!!
God Bless …

CM in TN

This old post may be of help to people who get stuck in the spam bin from time to time. It is linked on the main page…

CM in TN

Hate that this is happening, but like they say, “Improvise, adapt, overcome”.


Wolf, thank you for persevering against the assholes that be!
I wonder what would happen if you typed out your posts in Word or something, and sent them to somebody fairly insignificant and under the radar (like me, for example) to post for you? I am not entirely sure I am following the problem you are having, but if it’s that the functions for posting just aren’t working, this might be a work around.
I fully expect that this site will be a large target for the next year. Let me know what I can do to help, if anything.


Related tangent. Hmmm, redundant, I suppose. Please pardon the below well meaning rant of sorts. Two part post follows.
“I fully expect that this site will be a large target for the next year.”
^^^ Bank on it! To the point of, bet the farm on it. Me thinks.
AND, every social media site that aligns with America – The Constitution – MAGA – Freedom.
Unfettered communication WILL get worse as election nears.
– Protects & promotes faux news.
– Protects & promotes Deep State.
– Protects & promotes Globalism.
– Collectively, intentionally or not, Protects AND promotes socialism, communism…drive to consume – conquer America.
We know Google, FB, TW and the like are managing information to fit their narrative. AS WELL AS WP. Betting tools sort of like WP that facilitate posts on these blogs are also being infiltrated by bad guys.
– Me, tech illiterate, but have read such software, tools exist. Simplicity, I do WP as best I can. Sadly for me, and speaks to my tech ignorance, a challenge at times:-(
VA is experiencing huge misinformation AND news blackouts as D-Rats IMPOSE gun control. THE VA government IS doing this. Some VA local media. TW in the news doing so today. HUGE PROBLEM FOR FREEDOM.
Banking on Wolf sorting this crap out here at QTree. Yes, I have no right to do so as. But, at times, I do lean on folks smarter than I. QTree absolutely my primary go to site. Moar and moar, I do bookmark sites authors and posters share as resources. Simply too many to follow regularly. Most align incredibly well with our central focus.


Wherever we get our news and share information, perspectives, the next ten months, through election on Tuesday, November 3rd, are pivotal…critical America gets this right
– AND will be a challenge to gain facts and assess information.
– The “assess for 24 – 48 hour concept”, very real to maintain accurate outlook. WILL become moar critical.
As emotions are triggered. The WTF is triggered. The bombshell report explodes on our screens triggers us…
– Me thinks, we gotta have the presence of mind, self control to sit back a bit, gather information, let the “dust settle” a bit.
– Seek truth and validate the truth. Expose the BS.
The squalls and storms foisted on us in the 2016 election were primers. Toss in the concerted AND endless assaults on America by Uniparty (YES, Rs are too often in on the BS) assaulting America – President Trump increased intensity.
The assaults OVERT AND COVERT on America – The Constitution – MAGA – Freedom WILL INCREASE.
Mental stamina AND FOCUS critical. Emotions in check, as we validate with our brains. Patiently sharing with friends, including friends online that we have never personally met.


FREE AND OPEN communication WILL be hidden AND trashed as election nears.
– Protects & promotes faux news.
– Protects & promotes Deep State.
– Protects & promotes Globalism.
– Collectively, intentionally or not, Protects AND promotes socialism, communism…drive to consume – conquer America.


Great news!


I read that the Iranians were making unprecedented hacking attacks lately, to businesses and governments…


Yep…I saw that too.
Something like 10,000 hits per minute!


Yep. I have a relative working for a large telecom company and they actually blocked all traffic coming from there.


I hate it that you’re having troubles, boss!
I had experienced some similar slow-downs, page-jumpings and freezings, while here in Author mode…but it stopped when hubby added to the firewall setting on this ‘puter.
I’ve noticed that we’re getting some Russian-language spam in the Spam bin lately.
Is that fairly new?
It may have been happening all along…and I didn’t notice.
Let us know if there is something we can do to help!


Test for post on new configuration.


Hey Wolf, if you need something let me know. I’d tell you to give me a call if you need something, but I know how you operate 😉
It’s ok… best way to ring the bell is “like” a really old post and then comment on it.

Valerie Curren

Based on my first comment above this makes me look/feel like an accidental tech genius…which I am Not!


For about 8wks now I have been unable to comment on any of your Qtree posts. Everything goes to the bin. I did some testing on iPad/iPhone/PC and discovered that WP is blocking comments made using my home IP address. Weirdly, It does not stop me from liking.
If I use my cell and disable WiFi, and use my carrier’s IP, only then will my comment appear. Here I am. 😊
FYI, Week one, it originally started on a DP post, then yours. Week two was able to comment on DP. Still can on all authors but you.
Also, can comment on your Utree posts, so my problem is Qtree specific.
What does this hindrance accomplish? Since the cell screen is so small and difficult to navigate, I am less likely to comment on Tuesdays or any other posts. When people’s comments repeatedly do not post, they get discouraged and blog participation diminishes, thereby silencing Conservative voices. 👿
Like this post, If something is super important, I will make the extra effort to chime in. But generally you won’t see me on Tuesdays or other posts. 😞😔😢😡
I’m wondering if the saboteurs are also making site admin changes with your credentials that could be affecting me and others. Could you please check this setting? TIA
Blocking IP Addresses
On occasion, we are asked to block an IP address if someone is posting unpleasant comments and/or is generally being annoying to you or other bloggers. Please note that we do not block IP addresses as it may inadvertently prevent other people from using
However, you can choose to blacklist an individual’s IP address from Settings -> Discussion in your blog’s dashboard. This will send all comments from that individual directly into your spam queue.
Even if u don’t see me, know that I Luv ya Wolfie!!!💞


H3LL twitter is zapping conservative accounts right and left. Yes I will say that some conservatives have lost it, but it has never been close to what the liberals say and post.
Mean while accounts of people are actually threatening Trump stay up. George Lopez is the latest…If this had been the first time Lopez threatened Trump, then just maybe I could take it as a joke. However, that last tweet was like the 3rd or 4th time Lopez tweeted threats to Trump.
Just be careful out there guys.


Bfly, Nasty business. I wondered why you were here less. Does this affect you at Marica’s or only specifically the Wolfmoon ??
Good thinking on access through phone carrier to test the wifi IP.


Only Wolfie’s…so far. 🤗Allison🤗


For about 8wks now I have been unable to comment on any of your Qtree posts. Everything goes to the bin. I did some testing on iPad/iPhone/PC and discovered that WP is blocking comments made using my home IP address. Weirdly, It does not stop me from liking.
If I use my cell and disable WiFi, and use my carrier’s IP, only then will my comment appear. Here I am. 😊
FYI, Week one, it originally started on a DP post, then yours. Week two was able to comment on DP. Still can on all authors but you.
Also, can comment on your Utree posts, so my problem is Qtree specific.
What does this hindrance accomplish? Since the cell screen is so small and difficult to navigate, I am less likely to comment on Tuesdays or any other posts. When people’s comments repeatedly do not post, they get discouraged and blog participation diminishes, thereby silencing Conservative voices. 👿
Like this post, If something is super important, I will make the extra effort to chime in. But generally you won’t see me on Tuesdays or other posts. 😞😔😢😡
I’m wondering if the saboteurs are also making site admin changes with your credentials that could be affecting me and others. Could you please check this setting? TIA
Blocking IP Addresses
On occasion, we are asked to block an IP address if someone is posting unpleasant comments and/or is generally being annoying to you or other bloggers. Please note that we do not block IP addresses as it may inadvertently prevent other people from using
However, you can choose to blacklist an individual’s IP address from Settings -> Discussion in your blog’s dashboard. This will send all comments from that individual directly into your spam queue.
Even if u don’t see me, know that I Luv ya Wolfie!!!💞😍

Deplorable Patriot

Hmm. Well, keep us updated. Not sure what the difference is for me. Other than the local provider signal dropping, I’ve been okay


Its beginning to look more and more like 2008….
You should have seen the number of forums that got hacked, and zapped with viruses. Any site that had the goods on Obama or printed what was actually going on got often hacked zapped , and had to often lock themselves down with really strict rules and virus protectors,
To this day there are some people who really go close to Obama truths that one cannot even go near due to virus that seem to come from their sites & spread to one’s own personal computer. The birther lawyers were the ones most often hit the hardest..Weird questions about Obama’s BC has become a current issue again.
Too bad I didn’t understand screen shots back then, and the need for them. Right after people discover some sites that were supporting Obama, they either disappear or got really cleaned up. Two sites I remember distinctly was the Black Panthers and Wright’s church. The creed that was on Wright’s Church site was so anti-America & white that it was not even funny, but it got changed quickly. On the Black Panther site there had been all kids of pictures of Obama with members & notes of support from many members. Guess Obama realized it was not good for his campaign for those disappeared all too quickly too.
Wolfie, take care and be careful…Remember there are people in high places that do NOT want Trump to continue as president or win in 2020. These people have access to technology we probably have never heard of. With what is happening out there I would not put it past them to take the time to put pro-Trump people out of business, especially the people who have found the truth & are very vocal about it .


Keep your back and the forum covered for I do believe it is going to get even nastier this year


I haven’t been able to like in forever and quit posting before the move, as well as no longer responding on twitter. Although I continue to read.


Wow===hey in 2008 i had to pay $100 to get a horrid virus taken care of and get my hard drive back.


Have you considered leaving WP and having your own website?


You have my email, feel free to contact me. Would prefer to keep the news free flowing, esp over the next year.


VPN s? I looked at them a while ago, and some of them look okay, but others apparently are not very good at hiding one’s ip address or are situated in a sketchy geographic area.
After getting a WP account, I quit using my tablet to comment on. The operating system is android and I’m not very impressed with the security of it as pertains to spying on what I do. I keep tape over the microphone, and the camera on the front, and usually cover the back camera when I’m online with it. I’ve never used it to purchase anything with either. I just surf the web, as in look only, download books occasionally from the Gutenberg site and use it as a camera.


I know that’s not what Wolf needs, but maybe it might help blyjesusgirl.


The VPN, that is.


I just hope I haven’t tracked any shit into the treehouse.
We must expect this. We are talking truth and growing. Time for the enemy to apply some roundup to the tree.
Hope we can beat it


Your biggest sources of malware are emails and your browser. Your easiest way to stay out of trouble is to use a different computer for emails and general browsing, and use separate computers for site administration, banking, and other “secure” uses. I use Raspberry Pis.
When you first heat up a Raspberry Pi, it won’t have a firewall and it has a default user of “pi” with a password of “raspberry”. The first things you have to do after the OS installs are: (1) create a new user; (2) put the new users in all the same groups as pi; (3) make sure the new user can sudo; (4) log in as the new user; (5) nuke the user “pi” [you won’t be able to if the new user can’t sudo]; [the next steps 6-9 are best done quickly] (6) plug in your internet; (7) update/upgrade; (8) install ufw; (9) enable ufw. After that, time is no longer critical.
If your home router has the factory admin password and/or the original version of its firmware, there is a good chance it has been corrupted. Corrupted routers can be a serious pain to debug. You can usually VPN through them, however.
Make sure to specify where you get your DNS. Google has and; CloudFlare has . If you don’t specify one, your router will give you one during DHCP, which it will likely have gotten from your ISP when it DHCP’d (or it will give you a corrupt one if it has been corrupted).

Rodney Short

I wish we could get our new router to work, is it possible to set up a router from a tablet? I can’t get past the security password BS and have lost patience to be honest and rely on our old router.


You can’t lay hands on a laptop to get the router running???

Rodney Short

We dont have a laptop anymore the screen got smashed. I can call in the tribal internet guy and have him do it maybe because he troubleshoots everything to do with the internet.


I should, once again, mention the possibilities inherent in a Raspberry Pi. The current rev, the Pi 4, is quite a capable machine for $35 and can sit-in for a desktop to get a router going. It requires a power supply (about $5), a micro SD card (I like to use 32G class 10 or better, about $8), a USB mouse (about $3 at a junk store), a USB keyboard (about $3 at a junk store), and a cable to something HDMI (flatscreen TVs are fine, about $10 for the cable). It’ll use a standard RJ45 for wired routers and speaks 802.11n for wireless. In my household, I can scrounge all the components and sometimes remember where I borrowed them from when I’m done.

Rodney Short

Fried Spam sammiches with all the fixxins???
I hope you are able to stay online Wolf, this site scares the shit outta the other side.

Sadie Slays

I haven’t been able to easily view WordPress notifications ever since I switched to the Brave browser. I don’t have that problem with other browsers I’ve tried.
Sending positive thoughts your way, Wolfmoon.


“In other words, nuke China and let everybody else deal with the fallout and radiation. I’m bound to get the right people, one way or another.”
Don’t hesitate to blow up the ship if that’s what it comes to, we can all meet up at Gab, and Gab should be impervious to attack under their new configuration. 👍


“#China’s Tewoo Group has defaulted on dollar denominated bonds, the largest default by a state-owned company in two decades. #Economists believe this may be the beginning of a long string of defaults by state owned enterprises. #tradewar #economy”


This is BIZARRE.
Remember, Giustra is the Clinton middleman in Uranium 1. The U1 kickbacks to the Clinton Foundation – and then to Clintons -were likely routed through Giustra’s Canadian Foundation as ‘donations’.
In Canada, ‘donors’ to charities don’t have to reveal their identities. Even foreign ones.
Money laundering.
What on earth is Prince Harry doing? And why are the Clintons so interested in Markle?
‘Billionaire Clinton donor’ let Harry and Meghan stay in his mansion
Forget Markle. Someone needs to get Prince Harry out of this disaster.
Because it WILL be a disaster.
If I am correct, we may well soon learn more from the DOJ about their Clinton investigations.
Giustra will be caught up in it.
As things stand, Harry will ALSO be right in the middle of it. And tarred with the Clinton brush.
There must be HUGE concern in London.
But how do they get Harry out?
It seems that the Prince is being very badly advised. By people outside Buckingham Palace.
There’s just no way the Royal Family would sign off on this, on Giustra, or on the disrespectful (and tacky) trademarking of ‘Sussex Royal’.
I wonder if POTUS may share some Intel with Boris Johnson, so that he can brief the Queen on the latest intelligence regarding the Clintons & Giustra.
Let’s see what happens.
The end.


SPECULATION: Harry has traveled with Epstein.
Clintons know.
Clintons control.


Having their uranium one guy pulling dim witted cunt struck Harry’s puppet strings is bad news. Trying to destabilise Britain at brexit and bilateral with us

Gail Combs

Check with the Techies at Chiefio. *
Or better yet Tony Heller @ *
He gave up with Word-Unimpressed and went with an entirely different ???? Sorry I can not find the article, but Tony became frustrated and either built his own or found a better method than WordUnimpressed.
This is one of his frustrations:


Sorry. Pussy whipped


Unlike European “sophisticates”, we don’t have to pretend not to understand plainspeech.