This Merry Warrior Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KMAG/KAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
Yes, it’s Monday…again.
But it’s okay! We’ll get through it.
Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil.
Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.
With the Storm upon us…please remember to Pray for our President.
Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition from Marcus Warner, titled ‘A Matter Of Time’:
Wheatie’s Word of the Day:
‘Fix’ is a hard-working word that wears several hats. In it’s several forms, it acts as a verb, a noun, an adverb and an adjective.
A ‘Fix’ can refer to a repair, a correction, a dose of something or a corruption…as in, “the fix is in for him to win”.
‘Fixed’ can refer to something that has been repaired…but it also can refer to an animal that has been neutered.
fix·ed·ly [fik-sid-lee, fikst-lee] , adverb
fix·ed·ness, noun
I don’t think I’ve ever used the words ‘fixedly’ or ‘fixedness’…but they are, in fact, words that are available for us to use.
“Fixing to”…did you ever wonder where that came from?
‘Fixing to’ is a shortened form of…”fixing my gaze on the task of”, which is an Old English phrase that survived in rural Appalachia and the South, but has spread to the rest of the country.
Thanks for the info on fix! I love words and learning about them.
You are most welcome, Jam.

Glad you liked it!
Wondered where “fixing to” came from. I only knew it as a Southern figure of speech. Thanks!
Fix can also refer to attaching something, as “he fixed the cornice into its final position”, or to a problem, “he broke the beam for the cornice, now he’s really in a bit of a fix”. It can be used like set, in the case of “he’s fixed all his hopes on doing it correctly”, and of course, “he’s such a bad handyman because he’s fixed in his ways”…
And one that always seems to haunt me with cars, “the [insert part name here] is (too) securely fixed to its mount….
And a Redneck/Hillbilly usage
Q: What do a divorce in Southern West Virginia, a tornado in Kansas, and a hurricane in Florida have in common?
A: Somebody’s fixin’ to lose themse’f a trailer!
This is a potentially important article, but the copy here is full of formatting garbage from the source, and people are not going to read it, so I am taking the liberty of cleaning it up. THEN I have a few words after it.
Betrayed, by Advisors, Trump Will Be Livid When He Learns the USMCA Takes Our Sovereignty! –
Betrayed, by Advisors, Trump Will Be Livid When He Learns the USMCA Takes Our Sovereignty!
By Rich Loudenback
Trump-loving Americans want to believe he can do no wrong. Not a perfect man, he is thought of as the perfect man for our times, complete with some imperfections like everyone else.
However, our beloved President can’t possibly know everything all the time about all on his own. He must rely on advisors.
He’s trusting that his Chief Economic Advisor, Larry Kudlow would tell him no wrong.
Kudlow says our Chief Trade Negotiator, Robert E. Lighthizer is the best we have and the perfect man to negotiate the USMCA trade deal to replace NAFTA, which Trump acknowledges as a bad deal for America. Trump also acknowledged that the proposed TPP was so bad for America he cancelled it immediately upon taking office.
But all three programs are designed ultimately to erode our national sovereignty driving us into a regional partnership (North American Union) then on to becoming a member state of a global government.
“A side-by-side comparison of the USMCA and the TPP shows extensive overlap. Virtually all of the problems inherent in the TPP are likewise contained in the USMCA, such as the erosion of national sovereignty, submission to a new global governance authority, the unrestricted movement of foreign nationals, workers’ rights to collective bargaining, and regional measures to combat climate change.” – Quote from Christian Gomez in his New American Magazine special report ‘USMCA – A TPP Redux?’
Guess who was the chief negotiator in both NAFTA and TPP?
Answer: Robert E. Lighthizer, who is also a member of the globalists’ Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
And Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haas said “The USMCA looks to be the trade pact formerly known as NAFTA plus 10-20%. Hope it becomes a precedent for TPP. I suggest the US-Pacific Trade Agreement (USPTA),” Haass said on Twitter, adding, “What matters is that the US joins it; doing so would bolster our strategic position visa-vis China and our economy.” The next day, Haass again took to Twitter, where he reiterated his renewed hope of the United States rejoining TPP. Haass tweeted: “USMCA is NAFTA plus TPP plus a few tweaks.”
The USMCA — the NAFTA replacement — represents the next globalist step toward the economic integration of the United States, Mexico, and Canada into an EU-style North American Union.
Again quoting from Gomez’s extensive in depth report:
“It runs for 1,809 pages — 1,572 pages for the treaty chapters, 214 pages for additional annexes, and 23 pages of side letters. Obviously, the mammoth size of the agreement should set off alarm bells that much more is involved than “free trade,” which should mean the absence of government intervention.
“The pact is even worse than NAFTA regarding undermining American sovereignty and self-determination, in favor of North American integration extending beyond trade to include labor and environmental policies. It is, in fact, so bad that the globalists who had lambasted Trump for renegotiating NAFTA praised him afterward. (See the article on page 1.)
“The only major differences between the TPP and the USMCA are its geographic scope and accession chapter. Unlike the TPP, which allowed for the accession of new member countries — requiring only the approval of the TPP Commission, rather than the governments of each country deciding — the USMCA does not appear to include a provision for adding new members to the agreement.
“In addition to Lighthizer, another of Trump’s negotiators was his son-in-law Jared Kushner, who has had business ties with the Deep State, including Goldman Sachs and George Soros. In addition to Lighthizer and Kushner, many of the negotiators working within both the State Department and USTR office are career diplomats and employees, having also worked in the Obama administration.
“‘MIGRATION ROADMAP’ – Chapter 23 of the USMCA could also serve as a beachhead for a cross-border migration invasion similar to that experienced in the European Union. In language that is virtually identical to that found in the TPP, Article 17.5 of Chapter 17 of the USMCA states: “No party shall adopt or maintain … a measure that … imposes a limitation on … the total number of natural persons that may be employed in a particular financial service sector or that a financial institution or cross-border service supplier may employ … in the form of numerical quotas or the requirement of an economic needs test.” This opens the door for Mexico and its incoming radical socialist government or for a Mexican, a Canadian, or even a U.S.-based company to sue the U.S. government for restricting the number of employees that such a company would want to bring across the border into the United States. As well, provisions from USMCA’s Chapters 17 and 23 have the potential to undermine President Trump’s border security measures and further open our nation’s borders. Article 23.8 on “Migrant Workers” requires each country to “ensure that migrant workers are protected under its labor laws, whether they are nationals or non-nationals” of the country they are residing in. (Emphasis added.)
“Such provisions could also further serve to help Democratic lawmakers retain President Obama’s unconstitutional executive action for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, commonly known as DACA. In fact, any adjudication on this matter could very well fall under the judicial jurisdiction of a USMCA bi-national panel for dispute resolution, rather than under the legal control of the United States.
“’FREE TRADE COMMISSION,’ Chapter 30 of the USMCA establishes the creation of a “Free Trade Commission,” which is broader in scope and power than the original 1994 NAFTA Free Trade Commission. According to Article 30.2, the USMCA reads, “The Commission shall”:
(a) consider matters relating to the implementation or operation of this Agreement;
(b) consider proposals to amend or modify this Agreement;
(c) supervise the work of committees, working groups, and other subsidiary bodies established under this Agreement;
(d) consider ways to further enhance trade and investment between the Parties;
(e) adopt and update the Rules of Procedure and Code of conduct; and
(f) review the roster established under Article 31.8 (Roster and Qualifications of Panelists) every three years and, when appropriate, constitute a new roster.
“In other words, the USMCA’s Chapter 30 “Free Trade Commission” can make changes to the agreement itself, implement changes to the agreement, change the rules by which it operates, approve who serves on its lower subordinate committees, and oversee the work of those committees like an international bureaucracy or government — all without the consent or approval of Congress.
“The Free Trade Commission will also oversee committees on Agricultural Trade, Rules of Origin and Origin Procedures, Textile and Apparel Trade Matters, Customs and Trade Facilitation, Technical Barriers to Trade, Government Procurement, Transportation Services, Financial Services, Telecommunications, Intellectual Property Rights, State-Owned Enterprises and Designated Monopolies, the Environment, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Issues, North American Competitiveness, Good Regulatory Practices, and Private Commercial Disputes. The committees will meet regularly or on an annual basis, depending on the committee, and like the Free Trade Commission, unelected government representatives from each of the three countries will comprise them. Committees can propose changes or revisions to the chapter in the agreement that corresponds to their area. All of the committees’ work, discussions, findings, and recommendations are to be submitted to the Free Trade Commission for further consideration. And much like the TPP Commission, the Free Trade Commission can make changes to the agreement without the consent of Congress. In fact, the agreement completely undermines Congress’ constitutional Article I, Section 8 power to regulate trade with foreign nations, such as Mexico and Canada, and to impose tariffs on them should the need arise, as in the case of national security. Tariffs to remedy problems would be out of U.S. hands. Steel and aluminum tariffs
“Longtime State Department official Lincoln Bloomfield argued that global government could be brought about via regionalism. In the plan, he proposed that “ever larger units evolve through customs unions, confederation, regionalism, etc., until ultimately the larger units coalesce under a global umbrella.” – Unquote Christian Gomez
Americans who understand what our great Republic and our capitalist system of government are about can’t say enough about how we appreciate our incredible fighting President.
President Trump needs help in many ways and that includes help from patriotic ‘trusted’ advisors. But he is not getting the truth. He is being betrayed!
What we need is for one good American who has his ear to reveal the facts contained in this most nefarious of trade pacts. The USMCA is a an artful tool that deviously makes us a member state of at first a regional government to be morphed gradually into a global government run by unelected, unaccountable global elitists from the CFR and UN who know best about everything for everybody all the time.
We tried to convey the sovereignty destroying facts to Idaho US Senator James Risch at the Coeur d’Alene Lincoln Day Dinner, and to our dismay, his rote answer was ‘How can I vote against the President?’ Right! He wouldn’t listen to us.
All we need is one good patriotic American hero to help save our nation by opening our driven President’s eyes. That’s all we need, I believe.
Because I believe in President Trump. And he just needs to know the truth. I also am of the opinion that Gomez’s eye opening report is the perfect information for President Trump to read.
Seen this story earlier, I am gonna give it 72 hrs to pass the smell test.
Personally, if there is any credibility to the idea that they stuck TPP sovereignty-undermining garbage into USMCA, then I hope it stirs up a hornet’s nest.
I can find no credibility to the source: Richard Loudenback (Google has 2 refs., both go back to the article)
the site: appears to be one pony horseshow… this article…
I would never have posted it myself.
Robert E. Lighthizer opposed globalism before it was ‘chic’ to oppose globalism.
Article is suspect in my opinion. FAKE NEWS
PR, I got it from AmericanPolicy.Org, Tom Deweese’s organization. I have spoken to Tom before, and he has been fighting agenda 21-2030 for years.
On another note Zoe…
Your posts to Wolfie with regard to tech stuff brings to my attention something I had never realized. While I am aware your computer software can’t describe pictures to you, it never occurred to me to consider tweets as images that you are unable to read. Am I correct? 90% of what I post is tweets ! So, I should copy/paste the text, otherwise you don’t get the message. Am I correct? Is there an upgrade on your software that can convert… no, otherwise Twitter would be doing that? You don’t read memes either of course. We have to do something about this. You can’t read a huge percent of the QTree, can you?
Please take a minute or two to describe to us what you are able to read here and what we can do to facilitate your software bringing you more of our comments.
Wolfie, perhaps we need a separate THREAD on this… one that can go on the sidebar. I’m sure this must be an issue for many Trump supporters. Feedback from QTreepers? What do you know about this issue?
Well, PR, I can’t read tweets, but at least if there is an indication what it is about, that helps. Thank you for being concerned. Very kind, PR.
If the text within the tweet is copied and pasted your software would read it.
I will attempt to remember to do that in the future. Ol’ memory is fadin’ so may need reminding. I read where Wheatie did a few tweets that way this a.m. Good for Wheatie.
I understand your concern about the UN and its Agenda 21… my BP simply can’t withstand constant conflict with regard to info. At this point in my life I believe POTUS intends to do everything possible to restore our Republic. There is no factual info to support the theory set forth in the article that I can find. We each have to find our own path, our own dots to connect. I will never overlook anything that comes to light to change my mind, but for now, that is where I stand. I respect your stand, even though it is different.
And what a hornet’s nest it will be.
Thanks for the heads-up on this, Zoe.

This is sobering.
I hope Pres Trump goes through the USMCA with a fine-toothed comb!
Wheatie, thank you. I hope and pray so, too. I’ve been worried about this for a while but only just learned how to post articles. Just hope all here who love our President will give careful consideration to this info. Hi, Rodney. Hope you are doing well.
Zoe – how are you copying this information – *exactly*? I can advise you on how to do it without copying in all that control and formatting junk that is messing it up.
You may want to consider JUST copying the URL and a few paragraphs.
Here is the URL:
People can just click to see the whole thing.
If your system has a “copy” or “paste” AS PLAIN TEXT option, definitely pick THAT, and you won’t get all the control and formatting junk copying.
Wolfie, thank you for this info, but I really only know the three copy and past commands. I don’t know how to highlight or anything, so I appreciate your help cleaning this up as it’s so important. Also, my computer filters out all that code. I will eventually try to learn what you are telling me.
In that case, please just copy THE LINK and we will do the rest to copy out pieces of text and discuss.
I’ll try that. I posted another article about this from American Policy Center on Sunday’s daily thread. Wonder if it was also full of code junk.
Now that I think about it, I don’t know hhow to copy a link without copying other things with it like other things that show up in a search or my emails. Well, I will try to find out how to do it in plain text, which hopefully will solve it–otherwise, I won’t post an article often at all, and you may delete if necessary. Thank you for the help on this one, wolfie.
Yeah, not knowing what your system is like, I can’t really advise. But whatever is SMALL and close to JUST LINKS is probably the best. I don’t know if you have the equivalent of Control-C (copy) and Control-V (paste), but that may have different behavior than whatever you are using. Just play around and try different things.
Wolfie, the only thing I know is cntrl a, then cntrl c and then cntrl v. Is there a plain text command you know of, and if so, where in the sequence might I put it? Thank you kindly.
A “plain text” copy or paste will be a menu choice. Control C and V will just default to whatever the system prefers to do. This feature may be in an “Edit” menu, or a “right-click” context menu.
If you don’t see it there, it’s probably not available.
Thank you Zoe I am doing much better,my skin is actually almost healed and no more swelling.
I keep you in my prayers and hope your doing better as well.
Night n God bless
Thank you, Rodney. So glad you are better.
great news Rodney!!!
Thank you Pat
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered! Yippie, Rod! Great News!!!
Thank you Duchess, now all I have to do is 3 more surguries. One is to replace the rotator cup in my left arm and 2 on my left leg.
I had to cancel all my appts due to our rig breaking down and snow over the mountain passes.
With you in prayer, Rod – hopefully it will not be long before you are beautifully bionic –
Thank you Duchess and God bless you
God Bless You, too, Rod!
Seriously. Uh, really. Granted I did not read above closely, or even much of it, nor references. Breezed through it and caught the gist.
Quite interesting that after USMCA was initially signed by twinkle sox, AMLO or the previous Mexico president and President Trump about one year ago.
– Little, if any of the above has come out.
– IF it were true, WHY have we NOT heard much from folks afflicted with TDS…D-Rats, MCM, Wall Street, CoC,
– As much as Nanzi, cry’n chuck, and all those communists hate President Trump, they’d be all over this, IF it were true. Me thinks.
– Everything I have read USMCA is wildly good for USA. Even requires Mexico to pay better wages. Latter, I’m guessing helps US labor, higher it is,moar competitive.
– Canada by all reports brought to the table kicking and screaming like a spoiled kid, wanting their way. AND, Canada NOT getting its way.
NOT looking back on this in the 24 – 48 hour window to let the dust settle. Simply not buying it.
But, being the slow guy, I may order up a double helping of crow. Betting latter won’t happen.
Personally, I am sticking with President Trump on USMCA.
Kalb, the reason they aren’t all over it is that they are all globalists. Of course they are not going to oppose it. We know who they are. I love my president, too, but I don’t want our country’s sovereignty sacrificed, and I don’t want to be under the United Nations. These articles are carefully researched and written. These issues are too vitally important not to study them carefully. Do have a great Monday, Kalb.
Agree with Kal……………… see my comment above.
Yes. Appreciate your angle. We’ll see how this goes. We’ll know soon enough.
But the terms I’ve read are good by me.
As is January and 2020. Me does think 2020 has been AND will be a fantastic year for all of us Singular Zoe
Great day to ya!
China under NAFTA has been massively screwing the US with raw materials, parts and components flowing into Canada AND Mexico. Largely duty free me thinks. Then finished products flows into USA duty free or nearly so. Canada AND Mexico a huge plus. USA massively taken advantage of.
So, at a minimum, it does cut out China, and anyone else who wanted to import raw material and parts through Canada AND Mexico. Massively Opens up markets in Canada AND Mexico.
Canada is too stoopid to get out of its own “green” madness and foreign natural resources to be a serious competitor at much of anything. Without cheap material imported and components, me thinks Mexico will be stymied. Along with Mexico’s corruption.
There is certainly a North American angle to USMCA…starting with the name
America appears to me to be on a level play field with USMCA. Logistics a huge plus.
AND, as the wall goes up, illegals are turned back to other countries, illegals ARE returned to other countries, AND illegals simply stop arriving in massive numbers, US employers will have to hire documented folks. Yes, some will argue this will increase labor, not having illegals.
USMCA, by my thinking is a huge step forward. Direct comparisons to EU are a bit dire, to say the least. Don’t think we are going anywhere near EU globalist nonsense. AND, the UN has nothing in USMCA that I know of. With UN in mind, spit. UN IS evil.
And thanks, Monday is off to a great start
Even if correct, it is an agreement. Not a treaty. An agreement can be altered at any time or abrogated completely if needed. Every one of those deficiencies can be over-rode by DJT if necessary. A four year term should be more than enough time to find and correct the bad parts. Having a GOP House & Senate would be a big help.
Question #1:
Does anyone here believe that PDJT has NOT been burned by fine print changed at the last minute in a commercial NYC real estate deal he did in the past??
Question #2:
Do you REALLY think he trusts anyone in the House or Senate such that he, Lighthouse and Ross WOULDN’T go through the USMCA with a fine tooth comb before he signs it into law??
Question #3
Who the heck is Rich Loudenback and why should I listen to him? “Resident Trump hasn’t got a clue”??
Please people…
…let’s all use our critical thinking skills before we freak out over some clickbait bullshit.
Please and thanks.
“Resident” should be “President”
&$#@ auto-spell
Ahhh auto correct you kick in when I don’t need you. But in his ‘art of the deal’ book he talks about deals and getting things done thanks to the fine print. So I’m sure he had done read the fine print. And for all we know he did the same
Agree completely. President Trump’s hobby is READING CONTRACTS! Does anyone think he would not read this very hard fought for treaty?
What I find interesting here is the SOURCE. Almost every article on this site is vigorously anti-USMCA. They are DEFINITELY worth checking out.
The format of the landing page is interesting. ALL of the top articles are strongly ANTI-USMCA. BELOW them are many other articles that seem very MAGA and typical of Trump supporters. Those are all “bona fides” – but the top stuff is all “Trump got duped by [fill in the blank]”.
I do not know what to make of that yet.
Next question. Who is behind it?
It turns out that this site is basically an aggregator, and it looks to me that these articles on USMCA are all being promoted to the top because the head of the site thinks it’s an emergency.
There are FOUR authors primarily responsible for calling out “USMCA = TPP”.
Those authors are listed at the END of the article.
Rich Loudenback – author of this article – officer in JBS (John Birch Society)
Christian Gomez – LatAm expert at TheNewAmerican – did a deep dive on USMCA vs. TPP
Kristin Kenowski – author on globalism and agenda 21 – may work for JBS
Alex Newman – another author at The New American
All of them refer repeatedly to this poison tweet by the head of the CFR.
See this discussion in the New American, which is a slightly more credible venue:
Do I think the CFR would snake us?
I certainly would not discount the possibility. I remember what they did to us with TPP.
And they are fucking with my new configuration. So I’m thinking we are still at war here.
That’s me as well, Wolfie…I don’t know what to make of it.
Given the level of treachery that abounds in the Swamp, it’s good to be extremely careful.
When I read that yesterday, I thought something wasn’t right with it. Too much “protesting” I guess. I’m not sure I believe VSG would fall for a trade agreement that was just recycled garbage.
I don’t track with these guys. Everything they post gets the suspicious cat from me.
IIRC NA is a JBS pub. If not 100% very aligned with.
JBS is not MAGA. There’s always been a lot of angst around them, some people treat them like they’re radioactive. But they were still tolerated b/c of their anti-com stance. Which was at hysteria levels most of the time. (Com controlled oppo prop?? Just sayin’, follow the data. Few have done more to de-legitimize the notion of a Marxist Com infil than they. Keep putting forward theories that don’t lend toward predictive conclusions. Much just points back to their theories to “prove” their presumptions, not put ppl on a course toward logical thinking and strategic action. If you talk about Com subversion now, the prop is so strong ppl dismiss you as a JBS nutter. Great way to throw a blanket over the works and keep ppl in the dark.)
Like so many FAKE-cons and never-Trumpers their unfair critiques of Trump IMO have further exposed them.
IIRC they were at odds with the Gipper’s politicies too.
Reminds me of the opposite side of the coin of SD. Or a slightly more paranoid version of the Koch bros.
Also telling: NOBODY wanted it. Mex did not want. Can did not want. Dems did not want. GOP did not want. CoC did not want. Tea Party – some wanted but were divided due to CoC prop. The TPPers DEFINITELY DO NOT WANT. It was not a winning issue except for thirty year Ross Perot holdouts which could be counted using fingers on both hands.
Trump Charging Bull didn’t care and relentlessly attacked it anyway.
Trump has been waiting DECADES to overthrow the tables of the international trade racket. It’s his centerpiece mission. Watch him with the wolverines – he is 100% in control. He won’t let them make moves unless he’s approved it. By example remember how he made sure China knew that HE, not his lieutenants, was in control of the deal. He’s probably read USMCA dozens of times since it was in early draft. He is patient, strategic, eyes on the big prize – he’s not going to drop the ball on this.
Great post! This stuff hitting now has all the feel of controlled opposition sowing doubt about Trump.
We don’t want government by Unelected commissions and committees. My state of Illinois is already lost to regional governing bodies, which is the United Nations plan. There is really no way out for my state, and it is all tied in with grant money and huge bureaucracies where elelected officials become window dressing.
Yeah, I’d wait the 72hrs on this. Did notice they mentioned “USMCA IS ANTI-THETICAL TO THE WALL”. Didn’t focus on what they were saying though but of course we know walls have gates to promote things like trade. Trump never said he wasn’t going to let people in, just wants to know who they are and told us he needs people to come in to fill jobs, so I doubt he’s too surprised. Not to mention there’s something about all these jobs here, companies moving here etc… pulling up stakes in foreign countries and what not… stock market sure seems to agree with that so it seems like this is the same as NAFTA I’m having a problem with my ears. No sucking sound. Yeah, I’ll come back and read this latter. Finds it amusing first pass though.
so ‘if’ it seems….
I am wondering if the democrats because they made changes to USMCA basterdized he regional document POTUS approved?
I remember Pelosi saying that she would not advance USMCA until they made changes.
Somehow I cannot imagine that any one of POTUS trusted team would stab him in the back. The reason I say it things will not work out well stating POTUS in the back.
At this time with the push to get POTUS out of the WH anything is possible not from his team but those who used to claim to be supporting Trump.
I guess I am tired of pretenders and have more respect for the who say they do not like POTUS than those who pretend and when it counts they show their true self.
I pray that someone close to POTUS goes through the USMCA contract to make sure specially since democrats had their fingers in it.
Fast Track or Trade Promotion Authority:
Congressional Research Service (29 pages)
Wow thank you Gail. I need to reread this later when I have more time. Thank you for the information
Fixin to, that’s southern.
That owl tripped me out Wheatie I thought it was a dog at first and then it moved.
Tomorrow is going to be a doozie I do believe we will hear something from the Huber investigation to set the Washington Compost aBlaze.
Night and God bless y’all.
Yeah, many people think that “fixin to” is just a made-up, hillbilly colloquialism.

But it’s origin is actually Old English.
G’night and God bless, Rodney.
Actually, in real southern it isn’t “fixin to”…that’s just how it’s spelled. Spelling and actual pronunciation are two different things.
As everyone down here in the south country knows it’s actually pronounced “fiddin’ to”
Spoken: “Ahhm fiddin’ t’go saht in mah new deer rifle.”
Written: “I’m fixin’ to go sight in my new deer rifle.”
Well, I’m finally fixin’, or fiddin, to go to bed for the night. Thanks to all for the responses to the article, one of many available.
And don’t forget the cultural modifications – “Finna”. You finna go to the sto? He be finna go.

Thanks Wheatie, great open as always!!!!
Thanks, Syl.

I’m so glad you like it!
Ya! Was going to add, fixin. Use fixin commonly
Wheatie, really like the “fix” stuff.
And, always the polar bear brings a smile and a fitting start to Monday.
Thanks, Kalbo.

I’m glad to know you like it.
Liked the owl too
I think Owls get a bad rap.

Personally, I like Owls because they help keep the rodent population down.
I like them too. And yeah they put the fear into rodents
Owls are the only bird with silent flight. And yes, they love rodents. Silent assassins of rodents.
Interesting that Jeff Sessions also has silent flight (investigations) and he loves rodents (black hats). And his nickname is The Silent Assassin.
Conclusion: Jeff Sessions is a Great Horned Owl.
maybe, but I truly love his alter ego—the Keebler Elf…I can totally see him making cookies in the tree!!
you see him as silent and deadly and I see him as kindly and astute.
guess it depends on which side of justice you’re on…
Oh, noes – I am ‘elfin’ confused!
wheatie, many years ago, I taught Outdoor Education in the Santa Cruz Mtns (CA) to 6th Graders.
Part of what we did with them was night hikes.
One night, as I knew skunks picked through out incinerator sight, I pointed a 5 D-cell flashlight on the dump from across the Meadow. 5-6 skunks having fun.
A few seconds later, a Great Horned Owl silently swooped into the skunk party, landed on a skunk, cracked it’s spine, and flew off, skunk dangling.
I’ll never forget it. Skunk just went limp.
Impressed the kids too!
Days later, when telling an Old-Timer this story, he told me Great Horn Owl nests could be found by their smell…turns out skunks are a favorite of theirs.
rodent control indeed.
Ex Hubby went in to the chicken coop to collect the eggs as a youngun’ and ran into a Great Horned that was as big as he was….
They have a 4 to 5 foot wing span, and the diameter of the talon is measured at 4 to 8 inches.
Wolfmoon, I thank you for your trouble. I was afraid there could be junk in it, but it didn’t show on my end. Thank you again. I think it’s so important.
thanks for posting the article Zoe…
I didn’t know how to post stuff either when i came here, but so many helpful souls here!!!
gonna include questions about the USMCA in my email to POTUS…I won’t get answers, but if enough of us ask, maybe he’ll investigate or tweet out a reassurance–which ever is warranted.
Pat, thank you for contacting our pres on this. It’s so important to do that. I just had to post due to the importance.
if enough of us ask…he’ll say something–or at least let us know somehow–by further endorsing it or something!
I think some of us are too paranoid. For instance, the constant drumbeat of “we’re surrendering our sovereignty to [fill in the blank]”.
We cannot surrender our sovereignty. The constitution prohibits it; ergo anything that could be viewed as surrendering is unconstitutional. Bonus is that the federal govt cannot force any state to surrender its sovereignty. The fed govt exists ONLY because 13 sovereign states (nations) banded together and ceded powers to create a fed govt.
If the UN is doing anything, it is influencing local govts to copy its theories and policies. Agenda 21 and agenda 2030 are examples. There are many more. We need to direct our attention & power to those idiot public servants who want to implement these things. Ranting about a UN takeover are a waste of our precious resources.
PGroup, in theory I totally agree about the Constitution, but it has already been so utterly trampled, ignored and violated. The globalists don’t respect or regard it. My state is lost to agenda 21-30 and regional governance.
Nobody takes sovereignty all at once. They take small pieces that others give up for “good reasons”.
THEN the argument by the left is that “de facto practice makes it constitutional”.
We’ve seen how the progs and the commies do this. Stop being idiots [addressed to all of us].
“BUT MUH CONSTITUTION! They can’t do that! It’s unconstitutional!”
They do it all the time, and if you don’t catch it BEFORE it’s law, it’s 10 times harder to get rid of later.
Point taken … BUT …
isn’t that one of the main reasons for the Trump Judge Program? I heard that already he has appointed more than 25% of the federal district court judiciary and flipped over half of the appeals courts. Someone (can’t remember who) said that at the rate he’s going, by the end of his second term 75% of ALL federal judges will be Trump appointees (all approved by Mr. Leo at the Heritage Foundation).
That looks like there won’t be any “de facto” precedent that escapes scrutiny.
This is my big hope – that the backstop of judges will make all the difference!
I guess “Shall NOT be infringed”…..
doesn’t mean what I thought it did.
…..“Shall NOT be infringed”…..
Yeah, just like our RIGHT to bare arms now has RED FLAG LAWS in several states and the number is growing…
Agree. UN has made in roads with Agenda 21-30. Papa bush opened the door, if I recall correctly.
States, county and local governments fall for some of the crap.
As for in roads into hacking away at the Constitution. It’s been happening. Search. Seizure. Gun bans, limits… Speech. And surely, soon enough, religious infringements coming. Robot should be screeching, Warning Will Robinson. Warning Will Robinson.
The UN posting jobs for whatever their force is, IS a clear warning sign. Am I worried about that initiative. Itself no, they are not a threat. The next level increases. The entire initiative must be stopped. It is one thing to have the local goofs in New York assisting citizens. They might be called Guardian Angels or like name. But, UN ANYTHING operating in US IS UNACCEPTABLE.
Yet another reason for people to vote for Pres Trump!
OMG – The CIA just nuked England with the M Bomb.
This woman is the most amazing prog embarrassment YET!!!
The self-destructive nature of TDS just RIGHT THERE for the world to see.
she has the phoniest smile in that photo…yuck!
Who is Wolf referring to–Megan Markle?
Yes…Megan Markle says she doesn’t want to move back to the US until Pres Trump is out of office.
yes…she doesn’t want to move back to the US while Trump is POTUS…
as if WE care about what SHE thinks…we don’t have a “royal” family here…she might be deified in Hollyweird, but not in the heartland…
If she was deified in Hollywood, she either would not have been attracted to the royalty or her sycophants would have kept her from making that move.
Trust me but she is B-grade Hollywood at best and this is her chosen stepping stone up. Don’t agree about B-grade? Name something she is known for starring in. Without Google.
no argument from me…I honestly didn’t know she did anything before–I would call her D-grade for ditz…
The ONLY thing MeAgain is known for is Palace intrigue, trashing her family AND embracing socialist hollyweird. Unless I missed something. Latter likely.
We don’t want her here—guess Canada can have her.
well she does share a motto with the Mounties–she always gets her man…LOL
Heh…well, maaaybe.

We don’t know how many guys turned and ran away from her!
The smart ones probably saw her coming and avoided that mess.
true…but some think with their “other brain” (to be diplomatic) and she might appeal to the dumber ones…LOL
MeAgain entirely too high maintenance for normal guys. Self absorbed uber rich spoiled folks like harry, too naive to realize the trash MeAgain is. When the hollyweird fools tire of them, obamites have no use for them, MeAgain and harry will crash and burn.
I love that moniker! your creation??
Na. Rarely have an original thought. Read it somewhere, I am sure
well it’s a good one!
A good guy with a gun, saves the day.
————– From the article:
TONOPAH, ARIZONA — A state trooper was shot by a random suspect as he was trying to help a woman who had just had her vehicle roll over on the highway.
Described as an ambush-style attack, the trooper was attempting to block lanes of the highway when a man came up and shot him in the chest. A fight between the two then began on the ground.
A driver saw what was happening and tried to come to the aid of the trooper, who was asking for help. The suspect ignored the man’s commands to stop the attack, at which time the man went to his vehicle to retrieve his firearm.
He ran back to the scene, shooting and killing the suspect.
The trooper, a 27-year veteran of the force, was taken to the hospital in stable condition and will undergo surgery.
After shooting the suspect, the armed citizen used the trooper’s radio to call for help. That audio can be heard in the video below.
According to the video, the trooper is in stable condition and expected to recover.
glad to hear the officer will recover!!!
That is a new video of the original We Build The Wall project #1 – a half mile is all WBTW has completed so far.
They have started project #2 – but a butterfly group stopped them with a court order. I think they won the case and will resume.
“… a butterfly group…”

(Apologies Bfly)
Butterflies can easily fly over the wall or in between the bollards!
No one is even talking about Trump’s poll numbers in red states…which means those numbers are high!
LOVE that sign!!!
Yes. It’s a keeper.
Kitties cannot resist boxes.
thanks for posting these!!! sooooo cute—i think best buds is my favorite tho!
Heheh…love that one too.
But I think the sled dog one is my favorite.
i can see me and that dog playing for hours going up and down that hill!
I think the owl with the leaf on its head will vote for POTUS in 2020.
Owl did a pretty good job in channeling POTUS’ look.
Iranian govt is cracking down on the protesters.
Iran. Not all helpless protesters
This last one was particularly interesting, talking about organized medical aid.that’s rather concealed.
Happy Monday, Miss Wheatie!
Have you ever heard of ‘Fixings’?
That is a Southern colloquialism and it’s very important down here. When we ‘go to’ prepare a meal or anything else – we know we can’t do it very well – unless we have the ‘fixings’
The dictionary calls it the accompaniments or side dishes, condiments, etc. – – but in our family, it also included the ingredients needed for the dishes.
Oh yes!

Of course…”fixings”.
As in, a chicken dinner with all the fixings.
“As in, a chicken dinner with all the fixings.”
Reminds me of this:
“All I ever wanted was a Virginia farm, no end of cream and fresh butter and fried chicken – not one fried chicken, or two, but unlimited fried chicken.”
– Robert E. Lee
yup…eons ago when I worked at a Roy rogers restaurant (in my youth) they had a fixin’s bar. you got your hamburger basically plain–(with the cheese or bacon) but you took it then to the fixin’s bar where you put your own fixins on it–lettuce, pickles, onions, peppers, etc…and they allowed you to “create” a small salad effectively right there on your sandwich wrapper if you chose to.
Remember my old mass shooter meme? The one where they all look similar?

Well, David Hogg’s new makeover eerily fits right in. David Hogg himself has become the mass shooter meme.
This is legit creeping me out. I’ve always wondered about the name “Hogg”…
Interesting creepy same-same there.
I *STRONGLY* suspect this is a genetic complex operating here. Not a full syndrome or disease, but a genetic phenomenon producing a number of related traits, which includes high mental susceptibility to suggestion.
It would be like a minor, hidden, analog of Marfan’s syndrome, microcephalism (“pinhead”), Down’s syndrome, etc. That secret knowledge would be extremely useful to THEM.
It is very easy to understand that medicine more advanced than what is known to the public could genetically study high-MK-susceptibility individuals – high-TRANS-susceptibility individuals – etc. – and then use that information to FIND THE GENETIC LINK – then target people. Likewise susceptibility to Gottlieb chemicals.
Seriously – if they DID find a “gay gene” – which is really a “gay-susceptibility” gene – it may be smarter for THEM to HIDE that information and then USE IT COVERTLY.
Another reason why there is such a big push to get us to do DNA testing?
They’re even giving away “Free DNA tests” with Jenny Craig, now.
You know…the dieting company?
And there are ads for discount prices now with ‘Twenty-Three And Me’.
Yup. The CARNIVAL SOCIALIST STATE gets US to hand over everything not just willingly, but happily.
The idea is to get the people to buy in rather than having it forced on them. Sort of like the way artificial birth control was pushed.
DP. this reminds me of the young people in Sweden ASKING for available microchipping for convenience sake…checking out in lines, travel, etc…
Wonder how much DNA test results information is “shared with” HHS / DHS, by 23 And Me, JennyCraig, etc.
And there’s the incremental expansion of collecting DNA for things like minor traffic violations (not related to DUI), etc.
Wonder if the ink used in fingerprinting now has properties in it that can “lift out” trace deposits of the person’s DNA for testing?
The distressing part is the number of people who are duped into handing over their DNA.
Delete the Undesirables –
Duchess, thank you for posting this. This is where it’s leading, and designer babies.
Unfortunately, yes, zoe – unless we do something to stop them! Sad!!!
And the disposal of the “ imperfect”
October 2004: Why is Royal Society hosting pro-eugenics conference?
Bloodlines are important to them – the inter-breeding produced some anomalies?
The brain is incredibly plastic. The right stimulation cab steer it in a desired direction..
REMEMBER USA and UK Hospitals take DNA from ALL newborns!
The telegraph 2010: “DNA database created from babies’ blood samples
Millions of newborn babies have had their DNA stored by hospitals without the proper consent of their parents, it has been revealed.” —
From the Guardian 2017: “Routine DNA tests will put NHS at the ‘forefront of medicine'”
Very interesting!!!
What happens to your brain when you worship another god – no big bang here – Zero
1 John 2:4
“He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.”
King James Version (KJV)
Lotta anger with greens here. Had a family who took 2 1/2 years to get permission to clear around their property.
‘fix-ins’ ..plural..additional things that might go on a Hot-dog, Burger , or Dagwood sandwich
In no particular order
hot sauce
horse radish
bbq sauce
it’s not unusual to make over a dozen trips into the fridge
to gather all the fixins when making a Dagwood
I should have scrolled down–I said the same thing above–Roy Rogers restaurants had a fixin’s bar with the stuff you mention.
Oh, I loved Roy and Dale. And Trigger.
we HAD to say “Happy Trails” to each customer as they left the counter or the restaurant…and we wore these cowboy hats…lol
“More hay, Trigger?”
“No thanks, Roy, I’m stuffed”…
” Roy Rogers horse Trigger was a Saddlebred as were the horses that appeared in My Friend Flicka, National Velvet, Fury, Giant, and other movies. Famous people who have owned Saddlebred horses are Clark Gable, Will Rogers, and William Shatner.”
We thank William Shatner for promoting Western classes for Saddlebreds. Given a choice of riding my Quarter horse (cement mixer) or my Saddlebreds at a ‘sitting trot’ in a western saddle, my saddlebreds WIN. I could easily sit my Saddlebred mare at a 14 mph extended trot while my Quarter horse made my teeth rattle doing 6 mph!
Both breeds are very smart and sensible but I found the saddlebred to be much more ‘people friendly’
British military officers are not pleased with Harry.
————– From the article:
One of the Army’s most senior former officers urged the Duke of Sussex to “put Queen and country first”, as a former officer in the Royal Marines, of which the Duke is Captain General, said he would not raise a toast to him.
The retired military chief urged the 35-year-old Duke to honour his pledge of allegiance to the Queen, while a decorated war hero described his decision to stand down from the Royal family as “disgusting”.
Head of the marines and they haven’t seen him in months. Also didn’t have to complete the course. When Charles became head of whatever unit ?( commandos) he had to complete the jumps and the whole thing
Europe is preparing to destroy itself. Brexit is SMART!
Population cold,in dark and hungry. Lucky for politicians they don’t have guns. Still not going to end well
Remember, it costs approx. $.33.kilowatt in Germany and approx $.13/kilowatt in the USA.
It’s all about Cost of Goods.
Thank goodness people are seeing the INSANITY of this.
I say now just get rid of FISA. These truds cannot manage it.
What can be done about this?
Can AG Barr petition Chief Justice Roberts to appoint someone more appropriate?
I will not state my wishes.
It is way past time to throw WHEAT-CHAFF SORTERS AT THEM ALL.
If Trump FIRED….
Anybody who touched USMCA
Why, somebody might get a message.
Every day, I’m becoming more like this guy.
Every day, I feel a little bit more like we’re all getting taken for a ride.
But, whatever. If they screw us too badly, the system cleans itself in an exciting way.
I am not kidding. If these people think they can either shake Trump with swamp cleanup UNDONE, or neuter him so that nothing happens, then THEY DESERVE THEIR FUTURE.
Popcorn. I have plenty of popcorn.
Lemme just say…
In December of 1941 the USA went to war against the Axis powers. But it wasn’t until June of 1944…two and a half years later…that the Allies were finally, at long last, ready to begin the battle for Europe and undertake the biggest invasion assault ever recorded in human history.
PDJT’s 1st term has been about preparing for the invasion to come. (See: Judiciary & judges)
PDJT’s 2nd term…after he is handed a unmistakable and obvious voter mandate in a landslide election…will be all about the invasion and offensive launched against the Deep State.
Here is Sun Tzu…
“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.
If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him.
If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him.
Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest.
If his forces are united, separate them.
Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.
Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.
to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.
*** Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.***
POTUS himself said, “caught the Swamp” “caught them all” –
I still believe that he is working toward the massive destruction of the Deep State.
Absolutely onboard with, “caught them all.” Feeding some moar rope as facts AND evidence assembled.
While I want justice now, moar, and moar, it appears we have to wait until Wednesday, November 4th. To NAIL them ALL, I can wait less than ten moar months. Year of the popcorn, anyone?
That’s a little disappointing – only because of the interim nonsense we have to put up with. Still, I believe if necessary – reelection concerns – POTUS will set in motion whatever he needs to.
Election fraud is a worry, but even there – POTUS has tools to deal with that – including refusal to accept fraudulent votes!
FWIW, it seems more and more likely that nothing will happen before the election. It’s not just the Demokkkrats doing a good job at tying things up (and they are going a great job at that).
There is now a genuine question whether it is wise both politically and legally to go forward with prosecutions in this period before the election. I really don’t know the answer to those questions, but it has to be something which is considered when the issue is discussed.
When Barr said “late spring, early summer” my brain instantly translated that as “Not before the election.” My brain is often wrong, but it sometimes gets things right.
I fell in love with Barr’s speech and a couple of his interviews, and in those he seemed to be explicitly siding with us. But this may be a case where the beauty of what was said doesn’t mean anything more.
What Bannon said about postponing the SOTU until after impeachment makes a LOT of sense, but the same sort of considerations may apply to prosecutions in 2020 with the election. Prosecutions may actually get in the way of the leftsts self-destructing.
It sounds like rationalization, and it is. Does not change my vote, though, or my faith in VSG.
I’ve been thinking many of the same thoughts! There is real logic there.
Giving them enough rope
Eww…this is creepy.
I had not seen this before:
I do believe that is a very young Demi Moore

I knew she liked them young…but that is just creepy.
That kid is not even old enough to be shaving!
Library Deletes Pics of Drag Queen Inappropriately Touching Kids
That is so creepy and disgusting!
Volcano erupting in the Philippines:
Wonder if this increases risk or lessens risk to Hawaii, Alaska and California?
Lots of seismic activity lately, such as Puerto Rico and Iran.
Earthquakes –
Volcanoes –
There is also a live map at this site.
If this continues, it could cause a worsening of the predicted upcoming global cooling from the super grand minimum. Ref 1816, the year without a summer caused by the massive eruption of mount Tambora.
Wow! Thank you for the information.
Possible correlation between solar and volcanic activity in a long-term scale
I have nine pages but this is the last I will post unless asked for more info.
Another good paper (in full not just abstract):
Some think Volcanic & Earthquake activity INCREASES during Grand Solar Minimums.
From my old Notes:
Connections have been found to solar minimums
Possible correlation between solar and volcanic activity in a long-term scale (Full paper)
The Role of Explosive Volcanism During the Cool Maunder Minimum
Sun / dust correlations and volcanic interference (includes list of other papers)
Study of Dust in Ice Cores Shows Volcanic Eruptions Interfere with the Effect of Sunspots on Global Climate
I recently read that there may have be a new solar cycle beginning, and that the severe minimum they expected may not occur. New sunspots have appeared.
“Though scientists won’t have enough data for another six months to declare the start of a new sunspot cycle, “This seems to indicate that SC25 is gradually shaping up and that we are [at] or have passed the solar cycle minimum,” Janssens said.”
Anything that disrupts the earth’s nominal magnetic field can result in small but significant changes in the core geology. It’s not much different than if you left a water balloon outside and it froze overnight – though the differences would not be as dramatic of a swing.
The lahar, as it is called locally – ash is devastating. At least it was and still is to some degree in the Philippines from Pinatubo. Pinatubo erupted June 1992 as i recall. Hopefully Taal will NOT blow to the degree Pinatubo did.
Is that the one which buried Clark Air Field under 6′ of ash?
Yes. Clark never reopened.
Subic Bay complex was temporarily shut down. Navy and Marines stayed. Families evacuated. Returned about four months later.
Volcano in June. When I transferred in November, the home we moved into, had 2′ lahar everywhere, except the walk way to the door. Lahar, very gritty, very heavy, sand like stuff.
Very interesting times back then.
Verse of the Day
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
John 1:1 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Monday Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Good Morning Duchess!
glad to see you’re on line–hope everything’s fixed and you’re feeling in the pink!
Hey, Pat! Oh, me, too – Hoping all is well with you – and the ground is firm and dry for you –
Have a Blessed Day!
it’s all good so far!
you have one as well Duchess!
Yippie!!! Ready for a * Happy Dance * – I am
oh me too…as soon as it’s light out, I’m gonna dance all over the deck and frighten as many animals as I can…LOL…
Good thing the neighbors are not near enough to see you – lol
I know!!
they might send an ambulance thinking I was having convulsions!
Or worse – LOL
music moves me–it just moves me ugly…LOL
the Osborn Brothers have this song–Stay a Little Longer–where they do this guitar riff—OMG!!! whenever I hear it my head and body move along with the beat–I blast it and have a ball. first time hubby saw it was when we were in the truck…he pulled over immediately and thought I was having a fit. no lie.
* Giggling *
Hmm…we’re getting a clearer picture of ‘Who’ was on that plane.
Yeah, that was not a random shoot down.
Funny how there has been no passenger manifest made public.
I saw a passenger list posted on twitter.
It was probably released by Ukrainian Airline.
But I had no way of knowing ‘who’ those people were, in the scope of things.
And yeah…that was not a random shoot down.
I had a manifest and posted on a main thread.
Didn’t recognize any names but that doesn’t mean anything, I wouldn’t know who to look for.
FWIW, here is the manifest. I don’t know if it will be helpful.
Detroit Evergreen II – In Pursuit of Truth Presents – 1.13.20
Something to look forward to this week:
Another connotation of FIX in my childhood family was “Mama’s going to fix you good!” – meaning – You had better straighten up and fly right or Mama’s going to fix you good!!!
‘Fixing you good’ involved pain from a switch, belt or paddle. Same thing as a ‘trip to the woodshed’
Something Snowflakes missed during their youth unfortunately…
great open wheatie—love the word of the day!!
Thanks, Pat.

I’m so glad you like it.
Been trying to think of a way to use the word “fixedly”…but so far, I got nothing.
how about: the cat stared fixedly at the mouse, till it sprung at the prey…
Hey, there ya go.

The story in this song is based on a true event. It happened on Lake Superior.
one of my absolute favorites Dora–thanks for posting!
Mine too!
One of my favorites. Sent me off to read up on Gordon Lightfoot. – a wonderful songwriter and singer with hundreds of songs to his credit. “Sundown” (1974) was another favorite.
Reading the lyrics while listening to Edmund Fitzgerald song is interesting – there’s a whole history of a time gone by in those words, not just about the shipwreck itself, (Nov. 1975) but a time gone by; places, activities, a lifestyle too many people are unaware of today.
Folk songs are a great record of events and history.
Sundown featured heavily in this epic scene from the show Blacklist & it was amazing to see during the watching of that episode…
Will have to look up the show, never heard of it – don’t watch any current shows. I am very fond of the song, would like to know why they chose it for that scene.
I believe Blacklist might still be on TV but it has like 6 or 7 seasons available on Netflix. At the time it struck me as the best scene/song match up that I could ever recall. The very complicated character of Raymond Reddington has made me (& my husband) really appreciate James Spader’s acting…
Beautiful song and beautiful poetry.
“Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours”
Then there is Christian comedian Tim Hawkins’ abbreviated version (no disrespect to the original haunting work by Gordon Lightfoot intended)!
bored? then maybe take a trip to BIZARRO world with NBC…”oh the horror of men and their menstral periods!” WOE IS ME!
NBC has won the wacky insane transgender headline of the week with this doozy:
For transgender men, pain of menstruation is more than just physical.
— NBC News (@NBCNews) January 12, 2020
Uh… what?!? Now I tried to wade through this thing so that I could give you the highlights, and boy is it bizarre.
Basically, they are talking about persons who were born as females, are “transitioning” to males, and they’re upset about having to deal with their natural menstruation. Because.. biologically, they’re females.
Also because our dimension makes zero sense.
The latest commotion at the Vatican – Benedict wants to write a book. Some don’t want that to happen.
The book is done. He wrote it with Cardinal Sarah (pronounced sa-RAH) who is one of the few truly orthodox cardinals left inside the Curia. It’s due to be released shortly, and the modernists are desperately trying to downplay the significance.
The big controversy that’s popped up around it is not the book or its contents, but the Pope Benedict XVI did not resign the office vs. the yes he did and Francis is the pope crowd.
I admit that I’m part of the Benedict is still Pope crowd.
Can’t help it.
Given the justification for the claim that I have seen, plus some other empirical evidence, I’m coming down on the Benedict side also.
So am I based on what I read at the time.
I don’t know enough to have an informed opinion, but I know what side my heart’s on.
short video of Regan telling Soviet jokes…
Only a rabid leftist would see this as a ‘bad thing’.
OMG, what a tragedy! /sarc
Great job on the thread today, Wheatie! I don’t always mention how great they are, but I ALWAYS notice!
Thanks, Aubergine!

I am so glad you like them.
Wow, some historical insights that might inform our understanding of German & Turkish/Islamic actions then & now…from:
‘ Morgenthau and the 1914 Proclamation of Holy War
Henry Morgenthau, the US ambassador to Constantinople (and the grandfather of the historian Barbara Tuchman), described in detail the Armenian genocide, the persecution of the Albanians, Jews, and Greeks that followed the 1914 call for jihad. He wrote that “the great massacres and persecutions of the Armenian race” were to be kept secret in order to complete the annihilation of the Armenians before the Allies could intervene to stop it.
Morgenthau based his opinion that Germany was the architect behind this holy war’on several meetings he held with Baron von Wangenheim, the German ambassador to Constantinople. Morgenthau became convinced that Germany’s objective was to unleash millions of Muslims against the English and French worldwide through a steady campaign of assassination and terror and that this ultimately would be the quickest means of forcing England to sue for peace.
Morgenthau describes one such meeting where Wangenheim explained Germany’s rationale for forcing Turkey into World War I:
“Sitting in his office, puffing away at his big black German cigar, he [Wangenheim] unlolded Germany’s scheme to arouse the whole fanatical Moslem world against the Christians. Germany had planned a real “holy war” as one means of destroying English and French influence in the world. Turkey herself is not the really important matter, her army is a small one, and we do not expect it to do very much. For the most part it will act on the defensive. But the big thing is the Moslem world. If we can stir the Mohammedans up against the English and Russians, we can force them to make peace.” ‘
language from the 1914 jihad fatwah;
‘ They wished you to become infidels as they are infidels and that ye should be like them. Therefore, take no friends from among them until they flee their country in the path of Allah.
And if they turn back, take them and kill them wherever you find them, and do not take from them any friend or helper except those who are allied with one of your peoples by covenant between you and them, or those who come to you, their hearts forbidding them either to fight you or to fight their own people; if Allah pleased, he would have made them rule over you, and they would have fought you; but if they depart from you, and do not fight against you and offer you peace.
Allah doth desire to enter into confidence with you, and to preserve the confidence of their people, as often as they return to sedition they shall be subverted therein, and if they do not depart from you and offer you peace and restrain their hands, take them and kill them where-so-ever ye find them. Over these we have granted you manifest power.” ‘
a secret pamphlet as described by Morganthau:
‘ “This paper was not read in the mosques [in Constantinople]; it was distributed stealthily in all Mohammedan countries–India, Egypt, Morocco, Syria, and many others; and it was significantly printed in Arabic, the language of the Koran. It was a lengthy document–the English translation contains 10,000 words–full of quotations from the Koran, and its style was frenzied in its appeal to racial and religious hatred. It described a detailed plan of operations for the assassination and extermination of all Christians–except those of German nationality.” ‘
“The pamphlet called for a war against Christians and Jews in Muslim lands worldwide and included instructions for starvation, mass expulsions, massacres, and the confiscation of property. The pamphlet provided the ideological justification for acts of murder as well as a detailed plan of execution.”
“Image 9: The actual Turkish government proclamation of the confiscation of all Armenian property prior to their deportation to concentration camps. This identical strategy and tactics were used 15 years later by the Germans against the Jews in Europe. It is worth noting that as a teenager, George Soros used to hand deliver similar deportation and properly confiscation notices to the Jews of Budapest on behalf of his father. Tivadar Soros was a ranking civil servant in the Hungarian administrator who worked closely with SS commander Kurt Becher”
“To highlight the extent of this premeditated and systematic extermination campaign, let us point out that prior to the the 1914 jihad, there were close to 2 million Armenians in the Ottoman Empire but by 1923 when the massacres ended, over 1.5 million of Turkey’s Armenians were dead. It is poignant that even today it is still illegal in Turkey to talk about what happened to Armenians and Greeks during World War I.”
“What in 1915 started as a cynical German exercise in realpolitik reflecting their belief that they could leverage the Turkish call for holy war, ended up unleashing a worldwide jihad Jin that resulted in the murder of millions of people in the Armenian Genocide, the Assyrian Genocide and of the Greek Genocide, with the consequence that we are still paying the butcher’s bill 100 years later.
So, in retrospect it seems that instead of Turkey being manipulated by Germany to enter the war, Turkey in fact manipulated Germany to provide it with military training, economic and military support, and a diplomatic umbrella so it could cleanse its empire once and for all from unwanted ethnic elements like the Armenians, Greeks, Jews, and other minorities. And in the process created the prototype of the modern political jihad.”
“So, the next time a Muslim Brotherhood operative like Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Keith Ellison, or the Turkish president Erdogan talks about waging jihad, rest assured they are not using a figure of speech or metaphor. Today’s most violent Islamic groups such as ISIS, Islamic Jihad, Hamas, and Hezbollah use the same exact fatwas and operational templates. They are talking about doing to you and your family exactly what they have done to millions of minorities during WWI and they are counting on the fact that now, just as then, they will get away with murder.
The fact is that the Turkish recipe for waging jihad has not changed in the past 300 years. It continues to use the same mixture of political and religious elements to be served today to perpetuate attacks against the west including those used on 9/11. Despite the MSM working overtime in an attempt to rehabilitate Turkey and whitewash it as a moderate western country, it is not. Turkey and its axis of influence is no more extremist nor radicalized than the one that executed the latest Armenian and Greek genocides. They are just doing their job in the best way they know how using an age old proven formula for playing one power against another, targeting minorities, and killing the infidels via the same traditional 1914 methods that include:
1. Personal terror action using lone wolf targeted attacks
2. Bands of murderers like in international terror cell operations
3. Large organized armies such as in ISIS/ISIL and their ability to wage a widescale war”
He provides the entire translated text of the 1915 jihad pamphlet that was declassified in 1961. There is also a detailed table thus described:
“Sampling Statistics of 2019 Jihad Related Death
Sampling of the last 30 days of jihadi attacks world-wide. The total for 2019 is 12,288 killed and 15,277 injured. The site is a the source for these figures and also contains attack stats that go back to 2001.”
The stats he shares are from 11-19-19 to 12-18-19…
This is a long post by the amazing author of The Mechanics of Deception, Ya’acov Apelbaum!
Valerie, this is so extremely important. Thank you for posting.
There has been an average of 5-6 DEADLY Islamic jihad attacks around the world since 9/11/01.

Islam is the furthest thing from peace of any ideology.
Deadly Islamic terrorist attacks since 9/11/01….
Thanks for sharing this info. Here is further supporting info–I saved this video a while back, I think found originally at CTH…
Here are my notes to assist navigation:
This scholar provides mounting evidence, insight, & analysis of the destructiveness of Islam on the world in ancient times…the graphic around time 14 minutes into the video reveals the march of Islam in the Mediterranean region in the dark ages & then around 49 minutes there is a corresponding display juxtaposing the Crusade battles…This is compelling & fascinating material from…here are some quotes…
“Over 19,000 jihad attacks since 9-11” is discussed around the 36 minute mark.
Only 12 decades in Islam’s 1400 year history of bloodshed are jihad free–at 40:51.
“Islam is 91% violence, 9% peace” from a graphic also at the 40:51 minute mark.
“Islam has a doctrine of jihad that produces the effect of the collapse of civilization” around 41:30 in the video. Also “over 270, 000,000 dead in 1400 years”…
“After 1400 years of jihad, brutality, enslavement, theft, deception, rape, annihilation and insults the Kafir mind has become identical to that of an abused victim” around 44 minutes into the video.
I have further info at my post here:
Excellent resources! Thank you!
Excellent instruction. Should be posted periodically.
Wow thanks. It impacted me so much the first time I encountered it that I had to save it as a blog post so I could find it again when needed.
As a btw on this vid. I looked through Bill Warner’s site via link to his youtube vid. He had a book store on it and this particular book was featured:
(not sure how that link will work, maybe shorten it or do separate search. However if one ever seeks a much earlier perspective on how Islam has been viewed in the past this 1923 book is quite the eye opener if you can push past the older prose, which isn’t too difficult. Actual title should read more like the “Psychology of the Musulman” It’s one of those books Islam does not want you to read and has practically been chased to the corners of the internet and such. Anyway, figure I’d leave you with that. Fits that Vid quite well.
Thanks for that. I wonder what the Un-abridged version might contain? Assuming one could ever unearth such a rarity…
A recent pronouncement by Muslims here in the USA aka creeping Sharia.
“What Amazon doesn’t understand is that they must make accommodations for us and comparing us to other religions are wrong. Islam unlike other religions hasn’t changed over time to accommodate for culture which shows discipline and true faith which means we do not compromise. It is what it is and we have the right to demand it that is why my people have filed the lawsuits against Amazon in 2017, 2018 and again in Seattle two months ago. It’s not work-halal compliant because it does not make accommodations for people of Islamic faith.” — Minnesota Muslims Hold-Annual Amazon-Work/Halal Protest-to demand Islamic work environment
Note that Christians have had THEIR symbols removed… Notre Dame Univ even covered up symbols because they were offensive to Obama when he visited.
Yes the Deep State Muslimg tearing down the US in every possible way, not least of which was Hussein’s heavy elevation of the Muslim Brotherhood types (also Hillary w/Huma, etc.) to positions of high power. Will the horrific Obamanation of his usurpation ever dissipate???
Who appointed said corrupt FISA judge after the sudden resignation of Collyer???
Check the link here on GP
Yes, to shutting down the FISA Court, but more importantly, I’d like to see Chief Justice Roberts removed – too many negatives regarding his rulings and actions. His credibility is shot, and IMO, he’s compromised.
Wonder if POTUS knows the details…
I’ve wondered what the DS has on Justice Roberts. Some have speculated it;s about his adopted children?
I’ve heard that too, but IMO, ’cause I’m forgiving, it seems like that shouldn’t be enough to cost him his integrity. OTOH, maybe he’d couldn’t give up the SC seat, forget honor and integrity.
Given all the info on human trafficking that is comming out, I think connections to that is more likely.
Remember Epstein was insisting his $ex $lave produce a baby that she gave up ALL right to.
Could Robert’s adopted children have been produced by Epstein $ex Slaves? Remember Epstein was active in the UK too. HOW did those Irish mothers afford to travel to South American and stay for the end of their pregnancies?
(Some Airlines are no restrictions.)
Aww…what a good boy.
i was looking at the replies to see the name of the toy–very clever–then someone mentioned it’s like giving your kid a computer so you don’t have to interact with him. two sided coin. someone who CAN’T physically play with his dog would love this, but otherwise, are we all getting lazier?
the dog LOVES it tho…
Some people might abuse it that way…but at least the doggie would be getting some exercise.

On the other hand, it would be a good way to keep them entertained when you had to be at work.
all true!
our granddaughter’s dog is not a puppy anymore and is well behaved–except when it comes to her things. he still steals her socks and stuffed animals when he wants her attention–when he wants her to chase him and play.
she can’t play soccer or basketball without him chasing down the ball and absconding with it—chase me, chase me…lol…
i wonder if this would soothe him?? lol
No human can spend endless hours with their pets – at least while said human has a full time job, children/parents for whom to care, other hobbies and involvements (church, politics, for examples). Some dogs are happy after an hour or two of play. However, many dogs want to play Endlessly or for hours on end.
i agree—just playing devil’s advocate. some people love dogs when they’re puppies only to shove them outdoors in cages when they’re bigger…some people want children, then park them in front of tv sets or computers…so they can have some “me” time.
life has a lot of demands and you have choices to make is all I’m saying.
LOL…that would be a RIOT!!!
An aspect of, “caught them all”?
The wisdom of Catturd:
spit coffee all over the darned keyboard again!!!
doesn’t break my heart…
According to Planned Parenthood’s new annual report:
During the fiscal year ending June 2019:
Planned Parenthood lost 400,000 donors.
Donations dropped $39,500,000
A 27% decrease in just one year
Support for PP is declining dramatically
— Lila Rose (@LilaGraceRose) January 8, 2020
“well, hi…” cat talks video…LOL
Ooops, I should’ve refreshed page!
“Mini Mike”

Haaa…that’s going to stick!
Text of Pres Trump’s tweets…for Zoe:
“Mini Mike Bloomberg is spending a lot of money on False Advertising. I was the person who saved Pre-Existing Conditions in your Healthcare, you have it now, while at the same time winning the fight to rid you of the expensive, unfair and very unpopular Individual Mandate…..”
“….and, if Republicans win in court and take back the House of Represenatives, your healthcare, that I have now brought to the best place in many years, will become the best ever, by far. I will always protect your Pre-Existing Conditions, the Dems will not!”
Donald J. Trump Retweeted
Oh wow…he re-tweeted that one with the gruesome photo of the dead body draped across the barbed wire!
With the question:
“Who in America supports this mullahs’ crime?”
I’m glad he did, though.
The Dems should have to answer for their support for those monsters.
AND, why doesn’t MCM blatantly ask Nanzi directly about these murders in her regular pressers? AND, the likes of George Staphinfection when Nanzi is on his propaganda show?
They are all complicit in the hate trump, destroy America themes they promote. NOTHNG American about these assholes.
Twit deleted it. Does anybody have a copy that could be posted to Utree?
It is still on Pres Trump’s twitter stream.

I took the image off of that tweet…here it is with an asterisk to prevent it from showing:
You can post that without the asterisk over at UTree.
This is the link to the image, unshortened for use on WP, in it’s original form.
You can click on this to see it:
Here is the text of the tweet:
مترسک @Scarecr0_w
Question: Who in America supports this mullahs’ crime?
Answer : Nancy Pelosi
The photo of Nancy and Chuck dressed up with head-wraps is like a firestorm on Twitter.
And #NancyIsFakeNews was trending all morning.
It’s why we love him.
“Do not fix that which is not broken.”
A pet peeve of mine.
Progressives are notorious for doing this very thing. They are addicted meddlers.
I prefer the less classy version of that phrase…
(while shrugging) if it ain’t broke…
Learn something new everyday.
Had no idea Jamie Dupree was a NeverTrumper. Always thought he was reasonable in his reports from the Hill. Hannity still have Dupree on his radio show?
I don’t tweet, but I am so proud of the tweeters here who call out others and their hypocrisy!!
you go!!
Sometimes, it’s just a bridge too far with these people who have a microphone – but then they’re dishonest in what they’re telling the public.
has anyone heard from Daughn after the tornadoes that went thru Mississippi???
I think so…do you mean the Sunday night tornadoes?
Yeah, Daughn said they lost power for awhile…but they’re okay.
I’m here.
Not allowed to discuss the Meghan/Harry debacle in my house any longer.
Still mad about it, seething mad about it.
We had two tornado warnings in our county. One bad one went through the town of LOVE, Mississippi, which has the greatest volunteer fire dept and VFW hall. Two churches destroyed and about 20 homes. Tore up a mile wide path. Awful. No electricity until Wednesday at the earliest. Locals swinging into action, everyone on a generator as the cleanup begins.
We’re fine. Our house is the tallest in town, surrounded by oaks, so it’s a little dicey with high winds.
thanks for checking in (again…I missed the first time).
we used to do that where we lived–we had a decent sized generator (still do) and we would take it around the neighborhood so others could use it for a few hours to keep freezers going, etc…in return, the first snowstorm that season, a neighbor we let use it, plowed our driveway out before hubby went to work…it was nice–neighbors helping neighbors!
You were the “good” neighbor.
and the link…
I love POTUS painting that target circle. Many of the cartoonists from our side do a delightful sketching of President Trump. Love how they do his hair.
Great to have lived in the time of “Trump”!
agreed…these are exciting times!
I laughed so hard at the last one I scared the puppy dog.
Hah…good turnout!

great reply to that tweet…
Wow! That hits ya between the eyes!!
wow! the look on Harry’s face!
Wow…check out the look on Harry’s face.

He didn’t know what to do there.
Totally humiliated.
The Queen saw right through her:
Not sure what happened there, but thank you for describing how Harry looked, Wheatie.
Harry was talking to a group of guys in suits.
Megan was by his side…and she was looking a bit peevish, like she didn’t appreciate being left out, or something.
Then Megan jumps in front of Harry and interrupts him…and starts introducing herself.
She then takes over the conversation.
She becomes the center of attention.
Harry stands there behind her.
His face just falls…and he purses his lips together with the corners of his mouth downturned.
He looks totally flummoxed and embarrassed by what has just happened.
And yet big Liz (lol) allowed it? Shrugs
But that video is telling and very cringe. Harry’s look like wow dude grow a pair.
when they eventually migrate to L.A. (MEGXIT !), they can be like….
what a royal PINTA
The video explains why Markel wants to live in North America in the UK her husband the Prince is center so is his brother and his wife.
Here in North America the title does not mean anything and she can railroad over her husband.
She needs to learn that she is not the center of attention.
Don’t poke at the ‘shiny ball’ …………………………… stay focused on Prince Andrew and “Epstein didn’t …”
If the queen cuts them off who knows what they might spill about that.
Easy to fix…it’s all about $$$. So, it should be perfectly clear, every time they (especially SHE) speaks out on -X Y. Or Z….a certain (large) amount will be withheld from their Royal Allowance. Their choice….
Strip of all titles, privelages and monies.
But…….then they forced to prostitute themselves for $
Andrew not “defrocked”yet. But no conviction yet. Innocent till proven guilty is a foundation of British law
THREAD – I don’t tweet so can’t activate the ‘reader app’ …. maybe someone else will and post ?
Thomas recommended this acc’t some time ago… been following her… she digs, I like her
Trash talking trash.
did you read the THREAD?
that is the first tweet… doesn’t define the thread
Didn’t notice it was a thread. Will go back and read.
Does Scaramuchi have Mafia connection? If there ever was a turncoat he is it. Was he a faker when he worked for 10 days in the WH ?
I don’t know Singingsoul…
Maybe he wasn’t a turncoat. Maybe he was known for what he really is, was just briefly used and tossed out with the rest of the trash.
Is possible !
Our VSG is tweeting up a storm!
Haaa…”Mini Mike”.
Text of tweets:
“Wow! The wonderful Iranian protesters refused to step on, or in any way denigrate, our Great American Flag. It was put on the street in order for them to trample it, and they walked around it instead. Big progress!”
“The Democrats and the Fake News are trying to make terrorist Soleimani into a wonderful guy, only because I did what should have been done for 20 years. Anything I do, whether it’s the economy, military, or anything else, will be scorned by the Rafical Left, Do Nothing Democrats!”
“The Fake News Media and their Democrat Partners are working hard to determine whether or not the future attack by terrorist Soleimani was “eminent” or not, & was my team in agreement. The answer to both is a strong YES., but it doesn’t really matter because of his horrible past!”
“Bernie Sander’s volunteers are trashing Elizabeth “Pocahontus” Warren. Everybody knows her campaign is dead and want her potential voters. Mini Mike B is also trying, but getting tiny crowds which are all leaving fast. Elizabeth is very angry at Bernie. Do I see a feud brewing?”
“was “eminent” or not” . . . another “intentional” misspelling by PTrump just loaded with secret code for something!
Ummmm . . . let’s see now . . . “Eminent” should be “imminent”.
We have to take away the first “e” from “eminent” then and add the “im” to make “imminent”.
“i” is the 9th letter of the alphabet, so we add “i” = +9.
“m” is the 13th letter of the alphabet, so we add “m” = +13.
9 + 13 = 22.
“e” is the 5th letter of the alphabet, so we take away “e” = -5.
22 – 5 = 17.
Ohhh. Look, look, look. It’s 17! It’s Q!
There are no coincidences! Future proves past! This is sensational! This means that . . . um, well . . . that, that . . . ummm . . . . . . . .
that was the most impressive baffle ’em with bullshit that I’ve seen in a while!
you win the internet today!!!
You missed rafical.
So what about the word ‘Rafical’?
A gift for you Wheatie ! I didn’t know how to remove the embedded gif from her tweet…
Heheh…”Mini Mike”.

I knew that was going to stick!
Bloomberg will forever be called ‘Mini Mike’ now.
And he will hate it, too!
Cates is RT gif… going viril !
De Plane, De Plane…
Interesting some of the spellings. “Eminent” as opposed to imminent, “Pocahontus” instead of Pocahontas. Sort of steganography going on there…
Eminent, imminent, and immanent are homophones.
Definition of eminent. 1 : exhibiting eminence especially in standing above others in some quality or position : prominent. 2 : standing out so as to be readily perceived or noted : conspicuous. 3 : jutting out : projecting.
Definition of imminent: 1. about to happen … “they were in imminent danger of being swept away”
Definition of immanent: 1. existing or operating within; inherent. “the protection of liberties is immanent in constitutional arrangements”
POTUS’ tweets matter because we are supposed to examine them carefully.
Actually POTUS is saying a lot with the (shiny ball) word choice.
Trump tweet text:
“Really Big Breaking News (Kidding): Booker, who was in zero polling territory, just dropped out of the Democrat Presidential Primary Race. Now I can rest easy tonight. I was sooo concerned that I would someday have to go head to head with him!”
Not a very big crowd for Mayo Pete.
But what struck me…is that Pete’s campaign has embraced the way Pres Trump says:
“Boot Edge Edge”
They’ve put it up in giant blue letters here:
Could we shorten BootEdgeEdge to Boy Booty?
POTUS has a huge number of gay supporters, as well as a few gays in his Administration…
Ric Grenell, Ambassador to Germany comes to mind.
Don’t think we need to attack people because of a no-nothing gay Mayor who is running for president.
There’s a world of difference between Richard Grenell and Buttigieg.
I got no problem with anyone’s sexuality unless they continuously use it as some kind of political or moral crowbar.
Buttigieg uses his sexual proclivities AND religion to preach his version of morality to me. His attacks on me are just more subtle than me calling him a name.
ALL LBGT – and P – are always promoting, trying to normalize, win acceptance and approval, recruit others into their lifestyle choice.
dumbass me…I thought everyone was saying it like that because that’s how Mayo Pete wanted it said…snicker, snicker…
Corey Booker is out.
“Sen. Cory Booker announced Monday that he will end his campaign after failing to qualify for the Democratic debate planned for Tuesday in Iowa.
“It was a difficult decision to make, but I got in this race to win, and I’ve always said I wouldn’t continue if there was no longer a path to victory,” Booker said in an email to supporters Monday.
The New Jersey Democrat’s announcement came a day before six presidential candidates will participate in the CNN/Des Moines Register’s debate in Des Moines, Iowa. He did not qualify for the event. It also came as the Senate gears up for the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump.”
Looks like they kicked everyone out of the building after they voted to ban firearms…and then made them come back in through metal detectors…?

Eeesh…I’ll bet criminals are laughing their heads off at this.
well, I’m not a criminal but I’m laughing at the morons just the same…
Photos of the long lines that got cut off:

Long lines of people standing in line outside of govt building, waiting to get in.
Looks like a couple of hundred, mostly women.
i agree with other replies to the pictures…too bad it’s not raining!
Way to boost productivity. Shaking my head…
Reposting this here, with apologies, because I posted it on New Roundup by mistake. I had both tabs open.
The left, I believe, has embraced most beliefs and institutions which supersede our constitution i.e. the UN and Islam. These people elevate those who serve a “higher loyalty” than support of our Constitution would allow..
The globalist elites seem to serve only themselves and employ anything which aids that agenda against the masses.
Therefore, I don’t think our Constitution, especially as it is now enforced, is adequate defense against their time tactics. Think of what the globalists have accomplished since the election of BIll Clinton.
Under the control of the left, much of the public has embraced the murder of infants, open borders (and thus open doors to our enemies), illegal voting and privilege above citizens’, sexual mutilation of children, and gun control as healthy, compassion, and anti”hate”
I have wondered why it does not occur to so many of the controlled public that the very people advocating gun control are themselves employing armed gunmen as bodyguards? The people who advocate open borders and allow criminals to walk the streets live in secured, walled, estates? The people administering indoctrination and forbidding security and discipline in public schools send their children to private, well protected educational facilities?
Would these same despicable globalist elites exploit a people’s belief in a religious leader whose entrance into world leadership must be ushered in through chaos and the submission and elimination of all other religions be willing to exploit those beliefs to subdue and control nations?
I think so.
In fact, looking at Iran and the 12ers as well as Obama’s outreach to Islamic countries and his touted ability to control oceans as well as his requirement that our government agencies be staffed with members of the Muslim Brotherhood, and that islamic governments not hostile to the US be overthrown in the Arab Spring, leads me to conclude that this is more likely than not.
I think it does not matter whether I am right or wrong about these things so much as it matters that we have the courage to find out and set things right—which would include safeguarding our constitutional rights and warning the public against such threats to the future of our country.
The truth of these things underscores the enormity of the task and of the vital need to re-elect President Trump.
Honestly, this is worth reading:
Schiff —>>>> McCord—–>>>> ICIG Atkinson and back again.
All part of the same soft coup.
Students at Kurdistan university refuse to step on the giant American Flag that has been painted up and down the entrance stairs of a building there.
You can see them balancing on top of the concrete sidewalls on either side of the stairs…to avoid stepping on the US Flag.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott @GovAbbott presents the Governor’s Medal of Courage to Jack Wilson, the armed security guard who stopped an active shooter in a church in White Settlement, TX.
A side by side comparison of the fire devastation on Kangaroo Island, Australia.
On one side is a lush green landscape with thick vegetation…so thick you cannot see the ground.
On the other side, after the fires, there is nothing but the remains of blackened bare tree trunks.
The ground is bare and desolate looking.
It is very sad.
Gonna separate the wheat from the chaff ?
Will any Republicans vote against the Resolution?
Peter Gaynor channel 10 interview
Yeah…NO, we don’t.
I want him to point to that specific passage in the Constitution…
Hey rich soy boi – how about YOU provide the housing for illegal alien criminals. Show us peons how generous you are with your own money.
Filthy vermin!
Like x 1000
with all he’s wasting on a pointless campaign he could provide housing for many…
Hey Tom Steyer, BITE ME.
here’s more CA insanity…buying million dollar rental units, evicting the current tenants and put homeless people in them…
So, what’s Cali up to now? Well, in Sonoma County, a controversial plan is brewing to “solve” the homeless crisis and it has many people very angry.
Officials plan to spend millions of dollars buying three properties that would be used to house the homeless.
But there’s a problem…
All three of those units are currently occupied by paying tenants who will be getting booted out – and thus – become homeless.
You can watch the video below:
Now that’s interesting …………..
I hope that his “V” indicates that the reports of his deteriorating physical condition were greatly exaggerated.
He looks pretty good, actually
Very interesting.
There’s something there….. we need it to come out.
Has Judge Kennisaw Mountain Landis returned from the dead? I mean, I thought everybody stole signs. I’m no fan of the Astros, but this is a little excessive unless someone can explain what sort of system they were running.
Astros’ AJ Hinch, Jeff Luhnow Suspended 1 Season; More Penalties for Cheating
Houston Astros general manager Jeff Luhnow and manager AJ Hinch have each been suspended for one year as part of Major League Baseball’s ruling in the team’s sign-stealing controversy.
The league announced the decision Monday, per Mark Feinsand of Jeff Passan of ESPN first reported the news.
The organization has also been fined $5 million and will forfeit its first- and second-round draft picks in 2020 and 2021, according to Ken Rosenthal and Evan Drellich of The Athletic.
Former Astros assistant GM Brandon Taubman, who the team fired in October after an outburst at female reporters, has also been placed on baseball’s ineligible list.
Yeah. This is totally ridiculous. SJWs have already ruined most of the other sports, so now they’re working on baseball.
When I read what they had done, it sounded like the players were do what players do and watching for the signs, but they took it a step further with a monitor in the dugout that showed just the video feed from the center field camera. So all they were picking up was the pitch selection. HOWEVER, they were communicating via beaten trash can…that’s a little out of bounds. It’s one thing to watch for tells from the pitcher, and play telephone in the dugout. Video is a step above.
I still think the punishment handed down is a bit much.
DepplePat and songbirds, I thought of you yesterday… Our choir wuz busting some fine moves (lotsa strong basses and baritones and then some wimmen too perchance) and then it hit me; ” ^ Descant ^ ”
yeah, dat’s da word! So right then I prayed,
“Lord bless all the people who ^ Descant ^ today and give them gladness and your good harvest in life.”
Yeah…yesterday the song selection included Cat Stevens and Dave Brubeck. Did get to sing some high descants, though.
Not buying into this.
Fix FISA AND other KNOWN Federal abuses of our Rights.
How’d that probable cause thing work out for Flynn, Page, PapaD, president Trump AND EVERYONE of their families and associates.
DOJ, FIB and IC have much house cleaning to do…and the house cleaning must be public information.
No reason to trust the Feds.
Paging John McAfee…
Better quality video than the one upthread:
Border Wall System update:
101 miles completed
133 miles under construction
342 miles in pre-construction
There’s a 2nd bonus in the 205,000 cu yds of concrete. Making cement releases large amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. So . . . in your faces, globull warmists!!!
I wish now I would of wore a dust mask/respirator when I was doing concrete and masonry, the dust settles in the lungs and forget about nose hairs. After 35 years of the trades my lungs are toast all I can do is enjoy what time God gives me here on Mother Earth.
Queen Elizabeth makes a very gracious statement in regard to Harry and Meghan…
The Queen said: ‘Today my family had very constructive discussions on the future of my grandson and his family.
‘My family and I are entirely supportive of Harry and Meghan’s desire to create a new life as a young family.
‘Although we would have preferred them to remain full-time working members of the Royal Family, we respect and understand their wish to live a more independent life as a family while remaining a valued part of my family.
‘Harry and Meghan have made clear that they do not want to be reliant on public funds in their new lives.
‘It has therefore been agreed that there will be a period of transition in which the Sussexes will spend time in Canada and the UK.
‘These are complex matters for my family to resolve, and there is some more work to be done, but I have asked for final decisions to be reached in the coming days.’
This statement was the result of several intense meetings. After the last meeting – Charles, William and Harry left the palace in separate vehicles.
HOWEVER – this statement – “‘Harry and Meghan have made clear that they do not want to be reliant on public funds in their new lives.” – may have a hidden meaning – NO MORE PUBLIC FUNDS for the two of you.
Because Harry and Meghan do not want to continue with the responsibility of Royal Family public engagements – so no public taxpayer funds will be going to them.
H&M do not need the public funds of the royal family. They will probably be sponsored by Leftists as tools to promote gloslism and to take down America. They will have celebrity speaking engagements and endorsements. The opportunities for them are endless, especially since they are climate-change liberals.
Hmm… TheseTruths, I see them more in the situation of Mr. and Mrs. Wallis… never allowed on British soil again, doomed to roam the world living on a stipend, at the mercy of friends for champagne and caviar.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are now toxic, having denounced the Queen and the Royal Family.
Just my two pence.
Let’s see what offers come pouring their way.
You might be right. I cynically believe they are already being groomed and sponsored (if only with a wink) by globalists. So I don’t think they will be pariahs. I think Trump-haters and America-haters will welcome them with open arms. They are living with some person who is connected with the Clintons, and I read that they have gotten advice from the Obamas.
Sounds as if Queen has ruled out already their coming to US… statement said between Canada and UK iirc. I believe Justin would welcome them. I also believe you are correct about ‘grooming’ – Harry was downright rude to FLOTUS at whatever function that was in her first year in the WH.
Guess we’ll have to see how things go with the Queen’s coming comments about money.
Good! I’d rather not have them here.
Me too…
All the Royal money is PUBLIC money, correct?
The Queen has some private money, property. Don’t know about Charles or Philip…
I guess these two bums think Daddy or Granddaddy will cough up an allowance? Dream on kiddos.
One has only to review the financial settlement of the Duke of Windsor to see where this is going.
The Duke virtually divorced, or was divorced from the Royal Family…
The money Prince Harry receives comes from an allowance, correct? which comes from PUBLIC funds.
So, if they don’t want PUBLIC funds……………………….. where the heck did they think any other funds
would come from? Meghan is rumored to have about 2M… I seriously doubt that…
Gave that ‘shiny ball’ 90 secs… slow news day ! Got no more time. Bottom line… Ms Meghan has got
herself in a cardboard box under the bridge, and is too stupid to know it.
I remember this ugly crash. I never heard this

story. A real hero …
First Lady Melania Trump Welcomes Elementary Students to the White House
Those 200+ ‘arsonists’ were paid by someone…
Pray for Australia……………… for her people, her wildlife, for her Country.
seems like quite a lot of arsonists had the same idea at the same time…do they have a club? or just the same benefactor?
Thank you Pat… I’m a drive-by poster you know… see something y’all can chew on, post it here usually with no comment. And hopefully someone, you or Duchess or Georgia or Gail, will put some flesh on it.
we value YOUR insights too phoenix!!
RALLY – Tomorrow Night – Milwaukee, WI!!!
Panther Arena seats 12,700 ––Milwaukee_Panther_Arena
oh boy!!!!!!!
Milwaukee?!?!?!?!? Squeeee!!!!!! This is going to be LIT!!!!
Nice little road trip into the deep blue…..
“More viral clips confirming the Dem front-runner’s actual record after attacks on Bernie…”
President getting ready to take off for the football game, College Championship, LSU versus Clemson, IN MY DADDY’S SUPERDOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We’re obviously rooting for LSU this evening.
Instead of money, I’m betting in chocolate chip cookies………. any takers?
LSU Fighting Tigers vs Clemson Fighting Tigers
Tooth and Claw!!!
May get rough!!!
Late Hubby was CLEMSON Tiger!
President and First Lady heading to Louisiana for the National College Football Championship game!!!
Do you think they got a heads up that Jussie’s day is comin’
Too bad the donkey party ain’t smart enough to keep her in the race. She’s the only good looking one that was running.
How to vote for POTUS? Figure out which face you won’t mind looking at for the next 4 years.
I’m not sure why this popped up in my feed today (D&S may be lending a helping hand to the red pill efforts). However, this exchange from beginning to end is vital for so many people to hear. Vital.
I suspect what is going on is the gathering of the clans, so to speak, and a push for red pilling on a number of topics, this being one of them, Who is doing the organizing if there is any is a good question. BUT, that doesn’t change the fact that social media manipulation is REAL and that the powers that be at the levers on various platforms use persuasion to their advantage when it comes to voter manipulation. The trending boxes and search suggestions are a huge part of it.
The video was from last July, just as a way of clarification.
Bryan has a thread (click to read):
Threadreader, if you please…
This is true!
Horrible…but I do like my reusable grocery bags.
Seems like Mitch is going straight to dismissal.
A great sign by me. No crime. So, can’t have a trial in my simple mind.
AND, it’ll infuriate the D-Rats and their lap dog MCM;-)
We WIN again.
‘This Strange Gambit Achieved Absolutely Nothing’ – McConnell Excoriates Pelosi Days Before Impeachment Trial Begins
The Senate “was never going to allow the Speaker to dictate” how to handle a trial. “The Senate will not be sucked into this precedent-breaking path,” McConnell said touting the separation of powers between the two chambers of congress.
Propaganda for the masses in Iran. AND, to get under the skin of anyone who will listen AND believe. The latter, I don’t, believe. Secret Service has this.
That said, I commonly pray for President Trump. Much of the world is evil. Including D-Rats, MCM…
President Trump Delivers Remarks Upon Departure
SENATE FLOOR REMARKS: Mitch McConnell (R-KY) agrees with recent administration moves
Give me a break!! These people are deranged and need help. If you have a period, you are a female
Gender neutral…well, such products are not plugs, okay. There are alternatives, but apparently that just isn’t what the guys are looking for.
(Good thing they aren’t asking for the cup things that some of my fellow ladies…yeah, they’ve been rejected, and that’s all I’m going to say about flowing over.)
I wonder if the PROGRESSIVE insurance spokesperson named FLO had a hidden meaning. Now I know – it’s because of “progressive” gender-switching.
Double entendres are fun.
Are sound effects necessary?
Heck Dep Pat…………………………. go with some music…………………………..!
Hang on. YT deleted my channel. ARGH!
I wish I could get this in a ringtone for when my sister calls.
Rattling dentures qualify as sound effects…;-)
OK who has local officials being sworn in today?
No swearing in that I know of, but the city’s top attorney is suing the police department for racial discrimination. Of course, the police chief is black, but that’s beside the point.
That’s like your left arm suing your right arm because you’re right-handed.
I did not know this…. AND I REALLY LOOKED for this info too! But I could not find anything more recent than last year’s meetings.
More on JA
Watching PDJT on the field at the opening of this game….he looks so relaxed, and the crowd was ROARING. Sure didn’t hear any booing
We saw the same thing!!!
My daughter said “he’s there?!” Bout that time they showed them coming out of the tunnel
I knew he was going to be there. POTUS and the First Lady had a great reception. The stadium is filled with patriots.
I knew, but she was pleasantly surprised
I implored the one with the remotes to turn up the sound on that TV rather than the Blues game on the other, but….
At football game, my sibling is quite sure the Tigers are going to win.
Well, one set of them will
I had my surround sound on just for the crowd reaction to PDJT and I was not disappointed
Yeah, we just have two TVs side by side. Comes in handy at times like this, New Years, NCAA Tournament time, and during NASCAR season when my dad is home.
Gives new meaning to split screen watching LOL
We call it the sports bar.
Just watched the President and First Lady enter the stadium, stood with the honor guard and then the National Anthem.
The crowd went wild! “USA!” “USA!”
Someone caught that the crowd was chanting, “This is America!”
Steve Scalise sitting in the box with him!! Has his Mardi Gras beads on
Teams have just entered. I love that many of them kneel in prayer.
That’s the way it should be: kneel in prayer, and stand for the National Anthem…
May Almighty GOD Renew and Restore this country!
God bless Potus & Flotus at NCAA Championship Game! Go all you Tigers!
Clemson players on their knees….in prayer….refreshing!!
Quote from my sibling watching the football and hockey games at the same time…”The tigers are rolling down the field.”
Then Alexander Steen scored a fabulous goal.
This collection of headlines is called “getting ahead of something”:
– President Trump’s Reelection Campaign Deems Bernie Sanders the Frontrunner for the Dems
– “He Needs To Stop”: Democrats Freaking Out After Sanders Says Trump Will Smoke Biden
– Warren says Sanders disagreed about woman being able to win presidency in private meeting
– “F*cking Cities will Burn’ if Trump Gets Reelected” – WATCH – O’Keefe Releases Teaser of First 2020 Bombshell with Hints of Crazy Bernie and Soviet Dissident Solzhenitsyn
Bernie’s getting thrown under the bus tomorrow.
Baby kitty is determined to tackle that tail.
Chocolate Lab — those ‘otter tails’ are killers!
They are also a distinctive breed feature.
It’s cute how the Lab just ignores the little kitty.
Like…’Oh don’t mind him, he does that.’
Iranian journalists quit their jobs and apologize to the people for lying to them.
———- From the article:
At least two Iranian journalists at a state-owned media outlet reportedly resigned from their jobs, and another left a while back, apologizing for “the 13 years I told you lies” to her supporters as Tehran grapples with the fallout from protests stemming from a cover-up of its accidental downing of a Ukrainian airliner.
Gelare Jabbari posted an apology on an Instagram that appears to have been deleted.
“It was very hard for me to believe that our people have been killed,” the post read, according to The Guardian. “Forgive me that I got to know this late. And forgive me for the 13 years I told you lies.”
Spinning early….something’s coming
It doesn’t seem fair that our side fights with principles and integrity (when it actually does fight), while the Left (Dems + media) lie all day and get away with it, get paid for it, and destroy our culture and country. We are fighting by means of the internet, social media, memes, conservative talkers, etc., but I’d like to see major BOOMs that have the Dems scrambling; things that leftist media would have no choice but to report.
I’m still hopeful that we will
Schitty needs to shit some facts… Verified lying flaming asshole schitty has no credibility.
Hollywood and the left will ostracized him in 3…2….1….
Well they are predictable and consistent LOL….already trending….
Interesting…AND good news.
James Taylor: Record Farm Yields Contradict Climate Doomsayers’ Claims
U.S. and global crop production continue to set new records, even as climate activists ramp up a campaign to convince people that climate change is decimating crop production and forcing farmers out of business.
It might be interesting with Diamond and Silk there….
Looks like a fourth rally scheduled this month…

Milwaukee, WI
Tue, January 14, 2020
07:00 pm (CST)
^^^ Same night as D-Rat debate
Wildwood, NJ
Tue, January 28, 2020
07:00 pm (EST)
Des Moines, IA
Thu, January 30, 2020
07:00 pm (CST)
^^^ This one ought to rattle some D-rats as IA caucus is Monday, February 3rd.
OMG I saw a massive truck with a Trump 2020 license plate!!! I was so shocked and happy to see one.