- RSBN Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppa09lz4XRY
- Golden State Times Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWXPkK02j6MHW-4xCJzgMuw/featured
- FOX 10 Phoenix Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJg9wBPyKMNA5sRDnvzmkdg
- Tune into OANN for full coverage of that rally at 8 p.m. EST.
“It’s cooler near the lake.”, is the motto for Milwaukee. Wanna go to a MAGA Rally in Milwaukee? President Trump is going to need all our help in this state, tough crowd. We could stay a while. Gosh, we could eat our way across the Midwest, from Toledo to Milwaukee. The food is wonderful.

This time, our Master Troll President is hosting a Rally on the same night as the boring Dem Debates. Great strategy.
- Local Scoop and topics we’re likely to hear about:
- A Federal Judge just ordered 209K voters removed from Wisconsin registered voter list.
- The Dem Legislature ordered no local funding of police protection for Presidential Candidates one day before the President arrives in Milwaukee. (This is a recurring objection which is pure propaganda. It stems from the highly misleading “survey” released before the Greensboro Rally, which suggests President Trump doesn’t pay his bills for local police. Designed to cleave LEO support for the President. Recall the report was far more damning to Hillary/Obama/Bernie and there is no vehicle for Secret Service to pay local police.) Objection/issue started primarily from a local police chief in Tuscon (?) where interstates were blocked by protesters and an approx 500K bill was presented to Trump campaign. Local sheriff made a big stink about it but the problem was caused by him.
- Operation Relentless Pursuit, announced by AG Bill Barr, is a federal operation to flood the zone in high crime cities……. like Milwaukee. (+ Kansas City, Memphis, Cleveland, Baltimore… 7 cities in total but Milwaukee is one of them.)
- And a local crime which is being used for politics of the worst kind. Clifton Blackwell allegedly threw acid in Mahud Villalaz’s face after telling the U.S. citizen to go back to his country. Of course, the left is blaming President Trump.
- FoxConn manufacturing facility. Is it a go or not? I’m still not sure.
- The Dem Convention will be held in Milwaukee.
Milwaukee has a STRONG German and Polish influence. It’s the land of great cheeses, beer (Pabst + Miller + Sprecher ) great meats and especially brats, Milwaukee Tools, and Harley Davidson. A city with a highly skilled labor force which leans Democrat…. even Socialist. Milwaukee elected three mayors who ran on the ticket of the Socialist Party: Emil Seidel (1910–1912), Daniel Hoan (1916–1940), and Frank Zeidler (1948–1960). Often referred to as “Sewer Socialists“, the Milwaukee Socialists were characterized by their practical approach to government and labor.
We’ll see you at the rally!
From our dearest, Flep
The reason I joined twitter…to fight for POTUS!!

This is going to be so, so, so, so, so LIT!!!! Wisconsin thinks they’re oh, so blue.
I came trotting over to post about these “Front Row Joes” and already Q-Treepers are aware!
Hope Sheriff David Clark Jr. shows.
Maybe this one…
Bad ass dude in a bad ass uniform.
(wouldn’t mind seeing him as FBI director)
Same here!
LONG line already!!!
I agree!!!!
Am going to try to finish the child’s beanie I’m working on and start a baby one. It will be gray. Skull cap beanie, or slouchie, and should it have a fold up brim.
My hands have to be busy while I’m “watching” just about anything.
outside the Dem Debate!

Really Good Point!!! Popcorn Please….
This just never gets old!
Political tension is ratcheting up a notch. Have you noticed?
Gheez, Bernie campaign staffers promising to burn down Milwaukee?
And it’s been trending all day long.
Do you suppose Kyle Jurek received participation trophies and was never disciplined as a child?
Just sayin’……… something wrong with that guy.
Kyle is insane(typical off the cliff socialist
Ohhhh no, if I didn’t know better, I would think someone was sabotaging Boeing Airlines.
Sounds like an angry Panda, perhaps, or a deranged dragon….
(I don’t think Airbus would pull a stunt like that as they’ve got plenty of problems already)…
I was just recalling today how CHYYYNNAA sabotaged our processes to make their off-shoring solutions default into being the only answers “shallow state” management could rationally accept.
Very interesting how they did it. A nice, shiny nuke, which makes Suspicious Cat purr.
Very patient. They took YEARS to set it up.
I think that’s one of the big differences between Oriental and Occidental thinking. The Orientals (I’m including Arabs and Indians in that) don’t bat an eye at waiting years, decades, or generations in pursuit of their goals.
We Westerners, on the other hand, want everything now, if not yesterday (or even sooner
I worked at a company that was so focused on quarterly goals and planning, that it eventually ruined them, being finally bought out (and parted out) by a notorious “heuschrecken” (locust) investment company… Sad… If only they had thought longer term. Back in the 1980s they bought a 3D printing company, ahead of its time and the computing power available in that day. Had they been patient, they’d have been a leader in that field. But, they couldn’t wait (and couldn’t plan), so they gave up.
Slow and steady wins the race… (OK, there are corner conditions, but I’m generalizing)…
You might not be off there, Daughn.
Boeing is a big supplier of aircraft, rotorcraft, satellites and missiles for our military.
Kicking Boeing in the shins = kicking our military in the shins.
The ChiComs are diabolical and would do anything to weaken us.
I am 100% certain it’s ChiComs. What is really fascinating is how much damage the ChiComs can do through Taiwanese and Hong Kong Chinese in American institutions – even those who think they are RIGOROUSLY anti-communist. Those are the easy ones to fool.
Pilot error? Was it a US plane? A California pilot?
I’ve believed for a while that Boeing is being sabotaged. Why is a question that I’d like the answer to.
Because Ethiopia sent the blackbox to France, who subsidizes Airbus……. who whe just won a settlement against for 7 billion dollars…… maybe?
It may have something to do with pulling out of China.
I don’t think the defense assembly has ever left here. I mean, the fighters are still being put together up in Florissant, literally right next to the airport. Maybe the Chinese expected some of that to be done on their mainland and the factories there were only commercial.
Could be any number of things. I just worry about the stock price.
Have to dump fuel if there is a possibility of crashing.
And better than the plane crashing into the school.
I’d love to see the ratings of Trump going head to head against the Dem debate. My guess is it’s no contest.
There is no one in line for the Dem debate just hours away from Debate time – DJT has thousands in line. The Dem base will vote Dem in November, but I think they’ll have a significant number stay home – besides the number who vote for DJT.
I guess they’ll keep up that kind of belief system throughout 2020 – just like 2016, when they said Hillary had a 99% chance of winning. While I know there is a Democrat base who will vote Dem no matter what, nothing that we’re seeing from the Dems comes close to giving them even the numbers Hillary got in 2016.
MSM lies. The Polls lie.
PRESIDENT TRUMP Twitter followers edging toward 71 MILLION….so Twitter starts with its usual tricks.
70,952,796 – 6:19 pm
70,951,790 – 6:25 pm – minus 1006
It’s a packed house:
Pretty good speech from Pence.

The Animals?
From BabylonBee:
Snopes Issues Pre-Approval Of All Statements Made During Tonight’s Democratic Debate.
Hmm…I don’t know why that tweet isn’t showing.
This is what was on it:
( I think the ?s=20 probably killed the display… You’d think that WP’s parser would filter that out…).
Great comments on that thread. The BB also has a helpful facial expression guide:
Hah! Love it!
23000+ on RSBN
48,470 on Fox 10 Phoenix.
OANN is also carrying the rally!
Really?! That’ s awesome!!
Yeah, I actually have it on the TV.
53,677 now!
Apparently they think Tucker is more important on FAUX
That could explain why so many Republican/conservative sorts had no clue that the rally stance was all over the campaign trail the last time. They weren’t exposed to it because they wouldn’t change the channel.
70,883! Wow!
They have an established playlist at the rallies. “House of the Rising Sun” plays at each rally…as does “Time is on My Side” “Beat it” etc.
Love this song……. proud.
Always stirs the patriot’s blood!! Who would have thought back when Lee Greenwood first recorded this that we would have such a patriotic President?
I have a challenge for American songwriters: please, engage the creative juices and come up with some patriot tunes to rival Lee Greenwood. A little variety would be nice.
Kate Smith!
I will never knock Kate Smith, but we need more patriotic tunes. new ones to get people excited.
I agree, just love triggering leftists and it should be smeared in their faces
Green Bay Packers.
over a million manufacturing and construction jobs
focusing on militry
his voice is hoarse ——- too much yelling in New Orleans?
It sounds tired. When one is tired, the voice will go. And if he did have a bug last week, he may not be over it yet.
Yeah, he does sound a little hoarse, doesn’t he.
He looks great, though!
And the crowd is stoked!
Soleimani dead 100% of caliphate #1 terrorist killed him – military precision
He’s zooming again, like he’s on Red Bull!
Sounds like he’s fighting the crud.
OAN, my new “go to” channel
gonna be mine soon………….

CSPAN2 had rally on schedule but didn’t show it. Looks like they moved it to CSPAN1.
I used to try and watch them on Fox, so glad to find out OAN carries it all.
Fox is disappointing for rally coverage. Just ask Rayzor!
beautiful and very expensive Apache helicopters………….
Made by Boeing, btw.
Gotta love a President who KNOWS THE COST of each Apache helo
Better than Tom Cruise? Well, it wouldn’t take much.
crowd loves a protester
Parscale RIPPING away the protesters signs!
Mommy’s Baby in the house?
Crowd not liking it.
Mom voted for Trump……… bwwaahahaaaa
It’s called, Trump Derangement Syndrome
Bernie is surging……….. he’s so funny
Another LOSER Dim….
Get ’em out!
Mom voted for Trump…..and in 10 years when I run again, SHE will vote for Trump too

Speaking of protesters……. have you seen what’s happening in Iran, they went around our flag,
Talking about the Iranians walking around the flags painted on the streets in Tehran.
So glad you host these threads, Daughn, and DPat is such a great contributor (when she’s not whipping out another cute baby hat!).

I hope POTUS isn’t getting sore throat – he seems to have such a string immune system but this is gonna be a long-g-g slog. Keep him in our nightly prayers
Soleimani……. our soldiers, don’t have legs and arms……… because of this son of a bitch.
He said it.
Calls Soleimani an SOB. On live television.
Only Trump could get away with that.
It was awesome!
People’s don’t have legs and arms because of this son of a bitch!
President Obama designated him a terrorist but didn’t do anything about it, as usual.
Lot he didn’t do.
He should have been killed 20yrs ago.
But this is the Dems.
If something happened, they would have said, Why didn’t Trump take him out.
Whatever we do, they say the opposite.
Our debate, the REAL debate.
The wall…Mexico will pay for it, you’ll see.
Hehe – he’s explaining about the Dem Debates, and building the wall.
He’s going to show you how Mexico is paying for it, when the real debates come, the debates people will watch.
You think it’s easy getting money for the wall?
He’s got the money now.
We should be up to over 400 miles by end of year, getting up to a mile a day.
She said, Bernie said, A woman can’t win for President.
He giggled, someone screamed out, “melania for President”
Ha! I couldn’t quite hear it but I wondered if that’s what it was…..or Ivanka. Thanks daughn, no wonder he was laughing. AWESOME!
If you want to keep America safe, vote Republican.
Vote for REAL Republicans!
(Looking at you Dip Schitt Mitt -and others)
Does this mean I have to vote against my one senator when he comes up for re-election?
Josh Hawley?
He is Great!
No. Roy Blunt.
Find someone to Primary him….
If not….. you have to vote for him…..
A “Maybe” Patriot is still better than a TRAITOR Dim
Protester, security.
You alright?
Get ’em out of here.
Do we love law enforcement?
Is there any place better to be than a Trump Rally on some night, some where.
We have a good time but we get things done.
Protesters make such a joke of themselves
Crazy Bernie Sanders (who is surging!) and the rest of the Democrats are outraged that we took out Iranian terrorist Soleimani.
“The Democrats are outraged that we took out this terrorist monster, even though this monster was behind hundreds and hundreds of deaths.”
Jim, Obama’s Nat Sec Advisor, endorsed Trump killing of Soleimani.
“Was the attack imminent”?
He’s laughing, Soleimani was there with head of Hezbollah, you think they were like Hillary talking about weddings and yoga?
Or like Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch, golf and grandchildren?
Golf & grandchildren. Can’t talk about that for 45 minutes with somebody I don’t know.
He never met my grandmother.
OMG………………SUPREME COURT APPOINTMENTS!!!!!!! (vis a vis the tarmac meeting) He went there!
Caught that one – he knows.
Oh yes…………..he does!!!!
Yep, he knows
Yes! Notice how he circles back to things too many folks think he has forgotten. He has forgotten nothing, nor forgiven.
That’s why I have confidence all of this is going to be exposed.
I agree, LP!

Supreme court appointments, whatever… ohhh he’s onto them.
People of Iran are great people, they get it, they’re tired of watching their leaders plunder.
Reagan had it, Iran Contra
Carter, hostages.
Obama had you know, he was just like begging them for everything and gave them 150 billion and cash.
“I’d love to get that money back”
Hmmm does he know something?
Hey folks, sorry I was running a little late
Ooohhhh goody, Michael is here!!!!!!!!!
MICHAEL, My Hero!!!!

Awww damn, already got a #4 (relleno, enchilada, tostada) on the way. I shoulda waited
Stack them up on a Brisket sandwich
Taco Town!
I’ll take two of those, extra Pico de Gallo, and some hot yellow (or Serrano) peppers, and a pitcher of beer
Come and Take it!
Better believe it is.
Talking about the night Iran attacked our bases.
He asked how bad it was.
He asked how many killed, = Nobody, sir.
Cheer goes up
he asked how many hurt = Nobody, sir.
Cheer goes up
He said, they just saved themselves a trillion dollars and a lot of lives.
Implying he was ready for war.
“Should be”…as the crowd chants lock her up
Good yard decor
Awesome….. will sell a Million
He mentions Hillary – in Libya, let’s kill Qaddafi, how is that working out?
Lock her up chant goes up.
And Iraq, they didn’t knock down the World Trade centers in case you’re wondering.
Knock down the World Trade Center….
Huh. Wonder what else is in the queue to be released.
We have it all
WE….. caught ’em ALL!
Fake news doesn’t tell us the right story? Whaaaaa?
Yeah, I stopped on a dime………….
Vote Republican to Keep America Safe!
President @RealDonaldTrump: “Bernie and the radical left cannot protect your family and they cannot protect our country. Nor do they want to.”
“You have no idea the things I have seen”….hmmmmmm
Syria, the border, thousands of people in the middle
called a safe zone, but it’s the most dangerous place.
I took our soldiers out.
If they’re going to fight, let’em fight, like they have for hundreds of years, we’re getting the hell out of there.
I moved our soldiers to the oil areas, and now we control the oil.
Fake News isn’t telling you the story.
We have the oil, and we’ll see what happens with it, we can help the Kurds, but right now, it’s with the US MILITARY
You have no idea, the things and decisions I’ve seen.
Yes. Really rather stunning when you think about it.
Right? It’s……………………kind of thrilling, really.
He says nothing without purpose or meaning. This is getting exciting.
Republicans are gonna win the House.
Lyndon Johnson is looking up. Ha.
We’re going to take the House!
Go back in the history, can you imagine Lyndon Johnson. he’s probably looking down or looking up (laughter).
He’s shocked.
Impeaching the President of the USA over a perfect phone call.
Even LBJ would have thought the call was good
Drillerwife is home with dinner, hope I can talk her into watching ANOTHER Trump rally
Senator Ron Johnson is here.
What a good guy.
Stensinbrenner was fabulous in the House Impeachment hearings.
Reince Priebus? Has he rehabilitated himself?
Not exactly a big cheer
and no Paul Ryan.
LYIN” Ryan is busy….
Well, it’s not like there’s a 12 step program to shed swamp sludge in the veins.
I still think of Dr Carson calling him Rinse Pubis

Sean Duffy quit Congress and hired by CNN, paid him but don’t put him on because he is a conservative.
Trump trolling CNN.
Crowd shoots them the bird.
USA chant goes up.
Didja notice not handshake for ole Rynce P? Bwahahahahan …
But he did, shook the other guy’s hand first though.
Oh, OK. Ole R looked a little sad, thou … wonder where his BFF Pauli was?
Ro Johnson speaking
4 MOAR YEARS!!!!!!!!!!
Glad Paulie Lyin Ryan is no longer eligible to be on stage
We are PAYING…. CONgress to do NOTHING!
And Paying President Trump NOTHING….
Trolling Biden…couldn’t happen to a nicer senile old man.
Maybe not senile…..
is moar like it.
Sometimes I wonder if he’s not sort of like a musician on tour when they’re exhausted and honestly don’t know where they are from one day to the next.
We open in Venice,

We next play Verona,
Then on to Cremona.
Lotsa laughs in Cremona.
Our next jump is Parma,
That dopey, mopey menace,
Then Mantua, then Padua,
Then we open again, where?
Great shot of the crowd:
USA is the envy of the world.
Lowest unemployment.
And in Wisconsin, joking about Biden being in the wrong state.
Sad part about sleepy Joe, you can’t really recover after that. Fake news gives him a pass. Gonna happen to all of us someday, he chuckles.
In Wisconsin, unemployment is lowest in history.
State set a record, we got a lot of help from Scott Walker, cheers go up.
How can anyone do a better job.
Let’s put someone else in? NOooooooo
Best economic numbers.
African American unemployment, lowest in history
Black youth unemployment is lowest in recorded in hisory
Black poverty lowest in history……. WOW
And how are your 401K’s doing?
Fox News Alert and Article by Paul Ryan.

Trump, at Wisconsin rally, says Dems refuse to give credit for killing ‘son of a b—-‘ Soleimani
401ks…well, if it wasn’t for the Boeing stock….
Guessing Boeing is a “buy”. It’ll sky rocket after Max gets back in the air.
Umm…let’s just say I could tell an F-15 from and F-18 when I was a teenager. AV-8s were big for a while…then MAC got bought.
141 records on stock market.
Who the hell can do that?
141 Stock Mkt records!!
141 Stock Market Records!!

If Hillary had been elected, I believe you would be down……… and depressed.
I know I would be…………………………………….
I’d be spending a lot more time in Church than I do now, that’s for sure. And I’m there a lot.
Jumbotron outside:
Who likes Make America great Again?
Who likes Keep America Great? – bigger cheer
Husband — here is why Keep America Great is better ———– HIS SUCCESSOR CAN USE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
I think change it to Keep America Great…… ALWAYS!
So it’s MAGA/KAG – he’s funny.
Our economy is a blue collar BOOM!
Media won’t tell you that, he’s going through the numbers.
Earnings for bottom 10% rise faster than earnings for top 10% proportionally.
he’s right, it has.
Michael Flynn moves to withdraw guilty plea, citing ‘bad faith’ by government
Great news!
Oh Snap!! Yessssss
Chip off the ole block!
300000 jobs lost under Zero
3.5 million returned to work under Trump
Magic wand indeed!!
Abra Cadabra B!+@hes
Ivanka job training by Companies is up to 14million!! Initial goal was 500K
Under Trump Admin, 3.5 MILLION people have come off the sidelines (even disability enrollment is down)
Talking about training from private sector, like we used to do.
She had a goal to train a half million people.
Then she hit 8 million, then 9 million, then 10 million……… now 14 million people retrained and trained by private sector.
It’s a good program.
Close to 160 million working in USA
10 million off of welfare rolls.
REAL median income is highest in history.
Bush 8 years rose $400
8yrs under Obama 945 dollars
Under Trump, household income up 10K
3100 for regulations
2K for tax cuts
2500 for energy
5K for real wage hikes.
And the child tax cuts are a big boon for families.
Real Median Household Income Highest in History!
We’re #! in oil and gas, more pipelines, get them approved quickly.
The regulations were a killer.
brought back the old light bulb – big cheers.
I brought back the old light
Thank you, Mr. President.
US Largest Producer of Oil and LNG in the World!
incandescent bulbs!
New dishwashers that give you enough water to wash the dishes!!
Better dishwashers, MOAR WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!
Every suburban housewife in the world should vote for him because of this.
Washing machines SUCK
Need an old one.
Our new one is top of the line Maytag, but even that isn’t always getting the dishes completely clean.
Dishwashers…yeah, I’ve been having to rinse off lately.
You’re Getting a Dishwasher that WORKS!!!
My daughter wants President Trump to bring back the ‘Republican toilets’ that use enough water to actually flush!!
‘I’m sorry you just bought one of those pieces of…”

Echo dishwashers….
I guess that is why people HAND wash their dishes…..
BEFORE…. putting them in the “dishwasher”?
The low flow shower head…the flow regulator broke inside it…yeah, we need a bigger hot water heater.
Get a Tankless……
Indefinite Hot Water
I don’t know that it will fit in the space between the furnace and the basement wall.
Most fit where the Water Tank….. WAS
The thing about tankless is that they need a BIG energy feed. If you’re on gas, you may have to up the pipe size back to the meter.
3/4″ Gas line needed…..
Electric Tanklesses are not worth doing.
Otherwise….. Awesome system.
The Wife LOVES the ENDLESS Hot Water
We put 6 tankless WH in the back yard.
Fabulous things. Love them.
5 of them were gas powered and 1 was electric.
All were great but the gas ones were better.
Highly recommended.
Hehe — ran a 2″ gas line to the back yard.
No problems.
The shower
I have this beautiful head of hair, I need a lot of water.
True story — San Francisco mandated all this water saving stuff…..but a lot of their sewer system dates back to the 1800’s and works when there’s a lot of water in the effluent. So when they mandated all the water saving stuff, it started to clog. To keep it from clogging, they now have to run millions of gallons of bleach through the system every couple of years, which ends up in the San Francisco Bay.
Crazy, eh?
When I was married to first husband, we saved higher flow toilets before the restriction came in.
They were like gold.
South Korea, I put a tariff on their washing machines and dishwashers, and can you believe it….. they’re building a plant in the USA.
Here we go, he’s talking about dishwashers, refrigerators,
He’s talking about toilets and showers.
Try going to buy a new faucet, no water
He’s right.
I won’t mention toilets ——– bewhwhhahaa
And how about, you go into the shower, AND I HAVE THIS BEAUTIFUL HEAD OF HAIR SO I NEED A LOT OF WATER.
Getting rid of the restrictors.
I LOVE this man.
All this flow-restriction BS is taking California solutions (since California is mostly desert), and imposing them by force nationwide. There is no reason for any state on the Atlantic seaboard to have flow-restricted anything, nor for any state on the Mississippi or Missouri Rivers.
“I have this beautiful head of hair ” OMG, I’m dying

Governor of California has no clue.
Understatement of the century.
You can either take a shower or do a load of laundry, you pick. If you do both, pay $1000/day fine!!
Ugh. The laundry alone would bury us.
Showers with PRESSURE! YES!!!!!!!!
Toilets that FLUSH!
A good Flush beats a FULL House EVERY Time!
Can’t wait for toilets that really do flush.
Make Toilets FLUSH…. Again
Fergusons and all that.
I have ONE shower in the house with old 3/4″ pipes and old faucet head.
We have 13 bathrooms in this house.
Everyone in the family LOVES that one shower.
And then in california, Newsome, sends all the water out to the ocean.
Restricting to 55 gallons a day, then down to 47 and down to 40
55 gallons a day is ONE 22 minute shower —— no laundry.
Gavin Newsom not doing so well – diverting the water
Talking about cars in California. Better cars, less money
Talking about Opportunity zones, 120 in Wisconsin
Folks, this is a HUGE thing in my state. LOTS of development going on.
Wisconsin Opportunity Zones!
Talking about shipping jobs overseas.
No estate tax
If you don’t love your children, if their little brats.
These people ransacked your communities, but defenseless no more, because at long last, you have a President who puts America First!!!!!!!!
Huge Cheers
Long time coming
Long time
We have a President who puts America First!
It’s been a long time.
Immigration and sanctuary cities
Dangerous Dems
You have it right here
Last year, ICE, I love ICE……..
7000 criminal illegal aliens removed
Right here in Wisconsin, Dem leaders releasing them into YOUR cities, to harm YOUR children
Talking about an instance where Dem Milwaukee released, hurt a child, searching all over for him
Another one.
Same illegal alien, arrested 3rd time, sexual assault of a child
I call on your left wing officials to stop the madness and deport him, get him the hell out of our country.
Deport Hell…….
END their LIFE!
No more crime (at least from him)
dems stand for……….
Repubs stand for………..
We made a deal with Guat, Nicaragua, Honduras………… alas, they;re taking them back now.
Hit ’em in the WALLET!
Illegal crossings reduced 7mos in a row thanks to our beautiful wall.
Illegal crossings down 78% since May, seven straight months.
100 miles of new border which was rehabbed in same area. We were blocked by judiciary.
They help a LOT…
to hold up my roof
(And Keep others OUT)
Talking about the drug runners who got stuck on top of the wall who had to be rescued.
It was funny.
Nervous Nancy!
Nervous Nancy’s filthy district, disgusting.
Nancy’s Articles of Impeachment
Nancy’s Prayers
Pelosi being “not nervous”
Pre-existing Physicians!
So long as they haven’t retired. That’s happening more and more.
Pelosi’s district is filthy.
Medicare for all, stripping people of insurance they like.
I don’t like talking about it now. Hitting them too early, I should wait.
Let them say it 5000 times.
We will protect your pre-existing conditions, and pre-existing physicians.
Late term abortion
Every child is a sacred gift from God.
TOP issue for me…..
San Francisco is dIsgusting! She ought to spend more time taking care of her community instead of wasting everybody’s time.
Boy his face was really angry when he said that, he’s had enough of Nasty. Don’t blame him one bit! In the beginning he actually tried to work with her. She’s proven she’s not worth it.
“These people are sick”….
“These people are sick”

Where have we heard that before?
How does this work?
We’re going to raise your taxes
We want open borders
free education
Repubs ———– American Dream.
fighting for citizens from all creeds and races.
We are a big tent, big ideas for the future
African Americans are joining our party like nobody’s business, they love us and we love them.
Just wait til he unveils Andrew Jackson….
and abolishes the Federal Reserve and Central Banks!
Giving reformed prisoners a second lease on life.
This is important, actually.
Obama and Bush couldn’t do it
I did it
Criminal Justice Reform.
We passed it.
187 judges
TRUMP got criminal justice reform. No one else!
Talking about the State Supreme Court in Wisconsin
Daniel Kelly!!! elect him in this cycle
His voice is starting to go. He needs to wrap this up and my idiot sib turned off the sound.
2018 drug overdose deaths down 10%
Drug Overdose Deaths Down in Wisconsin
Michael, you’ve been terrific tonight. Thank you!
Man with a graph and BBQ!!!!!!!!
I love that he told them to vote for that judge…………figuring out which judges to vote for is always hard and SO important!
School choice is important to us.
Milwaukee created the first school choice program.
Israel, Golan Heights, they wanted it for 52yrs.
He did it.
Israel’s true capital and US Embassy- Jerusalem! Golan Heights!
Survival of our nation
Last election was so important,
This one is jsut important
Plant the tree, needs time to grow.
Blessings of next generation.
We must devote everything we have towards victory in 2020.
Drain the Swamp, I;m an expert on the swamp, had no idea how bad it was.
Recognized the Golan Heights!
Have to STOP….
(Looking at you Romney, Collins, Alexander, Lee, Murkowski and your twins.)
Visa lottery
do you think these countries are giving us their finest citizens
Drain the Swamp!
Sounds like a wrap up happening.
Had no idea the swamp was so bad, but we are winning and they aren’t
We will defend Privacy, free speech, religious liberty, the right to keep and bare arms!!

Too cold for
“bare” arms…….
Keep and Bear arms….. Yes!
Lol, I get it wrong AND teased for it every time!
Love you guys!!
Glad you understand it was just teasing…….
You are Loved and appreciated here.
Childhood cancer
Aids epidemic
2nd amendment – huge cheer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! USA USA USA
never stop fighting for sacred values, constitution, we stand for law and order officers, dignity of work and sanctity of life, faith, not bureaucracy, kids to respect the flag
IN GOD WE TRUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Democrats demonstrate their contempt for Americans by supporting sanctuary cities, where dangerous, violent criminal aliens are free to rob, attack, and murder American citizens. #TrumpRally
Green Bay…good luck this weekend.
[football isn’t over yet?]
Ended last night!
Oh… NFL?
Not For Long.
Blues have won 9 in a row at home.
Great for Hockey fans
Greatest nation in the history of the world and we are making it greater than ever before!!!!!!!!!
America is the greatest nation in the history of the world!!
One Glorious Nation Under God

For Marica!!
Returning power to YOU
Keep on fighting
Keep on Winning, winning, winning.
One movement
One people
One family
One glorious nation under God
American is thriving like never before
and ladies and gents of Wisc, the best is yet to come
Proud again
Safe again
Make america Great AGAIN
Thank you Wisconsin!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Best IS Yet To come!!!
^^^ I believe-)
Great rally!
Hope President Trump sore throat heals soon. Two weeks until next rally.
We NEED President Trump!
Hmmmmm, not one single mention of FoxConn.
Someone help me here,
Was it a boondoggle by Paul Ryan?????????
What’s going on here?
Just Googled FocConn Wisconsin. Nothing positive popped. Lots of negative links / article lead ins… Looks like it isn’t delivering on promises.
Quite surprised.
Had also thought Apple was tied into Foxconn.
Dunno real answer. Hope to pursue tomorrow.
gotta move on at the moment.
Thanks for the great thread Daughn
Could it be a chip being used by Chyyyy (oh why, oh why, oh why) nnnaaa ???
Too bad, too, because they make IIRC the bulk of the connectors used in the PC industry (having seen that name plastered all over CPU sockets, cables, etc.) as well as motherboards, OEM stuff, and other manufacturing… Would be a boost to bringing electronics/computer manufacturing back to the USA…
Democrats want to take away 180 million Americans’ private health insurance plans.
President Trump won’t let that happen! #TrumpRally
Hello, everybody!
Just noticed in my comments, etc., above that my brain was going too fast for my fingers — mea culpa!
Watch over the next while, that “comparisons” between Harry and Meghan / Wallis and Edward, will start to surface (sounds sort of like a Neil Simon play, no?
But I bet if these “comparisons” are written, they WON’T mention what I’ve posted on this blog — because I’ve heard the real “backstory” to the Wallis and Edward situation.
Also, not to start a “pity party”, I’m just starting to wrap my head around the diagnosis I got this afternoon — Osteoporosis.
Prayers up right away for you CV…
Oh……………….CV………………..so sorry. Big Hug!!!!!!
Appreciate the information re Harry and the brat vs. Wallis and Edward…….Keep us informed, please!
Another mea culpa —
I posted to the wrong thread. My apologies.
CV, you are allowed 12,437 more mistakes this month…… then….. you have to bring bacon or cookies.
Concerned Virginian,
Sorry to hear about the osteoporosis but at least now they can do something about it.
For what it is worth, studies decades ago in horses showed that ‘concussion’ aka exercise helped build bone.
It is the reason I break my young horses to harness and drive them for a year or two before saddle breaking them. The exercise without the weight on the back builds bone and muscle. The type of ground is very important though. Firm soil is the best, pavement without rubber pads plus shoes is bad and concrete is the worse. I never could understand why anyone would want to run on a paved road or a concrete side walk (SHUDDER)
Principles of Bone Development in Horses
Sometimes the horse literature is a lot more informative because of the horse racing industry drives the research instead of the pharmaceutical industry.
Parmesan…it’s a deal.
You asked for it, you got it
Sorry to have missed Rally tonight! You guys did great!!!!

Awwww Michael!!! Rare date with Mr. M!!!! LOVES………..Dis Puppy!!!

LOL yessir and now I have to pay the piper … some kids to put to bed!
You…da Best DAD!!!!!!

Smoochers Marica!

Smuchas……….Back atcha Butterfly!!!

FOX 10 PHOENIX will be replaying the rally !!!
Thanks GA!!!!!

You are so welcome!!! :8-)
Holy crap!!!!!!!!
Flynn just withdrew his guilty plea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Uh….. filed a MOTION….
to withdraw the plea.
Don’t know yet if the judge accepts it.
All this and good news from a number of fronts at home. Works for me.
Oh my, there’s NO tripletz emoji VG!!!

And each one appreciated
Thanks Ray!
The camera man did a 180 and there is NO ONE! And hardly any cars.
Daughn, and everyone who participated, thanks again for a terrific rally thread. Rather be here than anywhere else for a rally! You do such a fun thing with the information about the rally locations………..I just love it! Smoochas!
You’re fabulous, Miss Sylvia!!!!!!!
Smuchas, daughn!

Thank you!
Cheering crowd outside, despite being out in the cold:
Watching the Dim “debate” now….
(Ducks and hides)
Reminds me of Arnold Horeshack from welcome back carter fame…
(Hands raised)…. OOhhhh Ohhhh Ohhhh
Dumb Masses!
Grab your wallet!
no kidding????
Rayzorback gets a gold star!
Just taking one for the team
About the Peach Mint …..
If the RINO’s won’t dismiss without “witnesses”…..
After the Dims “prosecute”….
Trump Calls: Giuliani >>> Expose Bidens, Kerry’s, Romney’s, Pelosi’s and others involved.
Call AG Barr >>> Declass and EXPOSE EVERYTHING on Live YV.
Hee Hee Hee!!!

Feds arrest Avenatti during California Bar Association hearing
OMG, I would have bought tickets to see it.
WAIT until I tell Big T.
Hey Daughn, how’d Big T’s new hair-do turn out ?

OMG, He came home and fluffed in front of the mirror like a 16yr old girl.
I gave him grief.
Bottom line, I like it……. but it looks exactly the same to me (don’t tell him, though).
MAGA MANY thanks to all who participated.
You guys make rally nights special.