Dear KMAG: 20200114 Open Topic

This JOYOUS JANUARY [0114] Q’PER TUESDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both MAGA and KAG!).

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.

Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.

However, we have a new policy. Starting 20191110. Keep it SOMEWHAT civil.

We have a new board – actually a new SITE – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation. NOT HERE.

This board will remain a REFUGE for those who need civility, either some or all of the time.

Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.






Our movement

Is about replacing

A failed


Political establishment

With a new government controlled

By you, the American People.

Candidate Donald J. Trump

Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Oh, this guy is one amazing POS. He is a GIFT if the DEMONCRATS give him to us, and we just handle him correctly.

Even the MEXICANS got fed up with Nanny, who is the PRECURSOR TO COMMUNISM.


I’m actually hoping that NANNY is the guy they run. Repudiation of NANNY will destroy SO MUCH on the left, we won’t have enough MAGA folks to fill all the abandoned Dem offices.

All of the possible Democrat nominees would make OUR VSG look great, but NANNY has special properties which nuke SO MUCH of PROGRESSIVISM. He may seem like the most Republican of the possible opponents, but he is a GIFT if played correctly.

And that’s all before we get to Gun Control. Seriously – the way to go after Nanny is to not even talk about Gun Control. Everything else about the guy makes the NUTTIEST GUN NUT YOU KNOW look marvelously SANE.

Oh, but it gets better. NANNY was the Wall Street Socialist WARM-UP for the utter Brooklyn Communist insanity of DE BLASIO. Check this out.

Nanny outlawed private food donations to the homeless because they could not be checked for nutritional content.

NANNY can be safely called “pre-De-Blasio”, and the entire FAILURE of WALL STREET SOCIALISM dumped squarely on his shoulders.

And that’s before we even BEGIN to bring in CHYYYNNAA.


Come on, Nanny! You can do it!

Trust me – NANNY is a gift. Here’s a toast to his crazy campaign.


Oh Nanny Boy, the soda pops are calling….

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Those of us on the West Coast still have 3 hours of 1/13 left. Haha!

Rodney Short

Good one Rodney !



🎶🎶🎵 Oh Nanny Boy 🎶 😂😂😂 You so dang funny Wolfie 😘😘 And fiendishly SMART 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸





Good collection of bloomberg issues.
Styer also still hanging on. If he begins to gain we need to go back to the post from last march (almost a year ago … time sure does move quickly!)


I am sooo going to enjoy watching both Mini Mike and Styer
mindlessly piss their $$$$$$ away



Here’s a quarter, buy a clue.
How to know when the end is near.


This is stunning! Glory to God, Who moves the hearts of mankind toward Him.


Wonderful. To think our media could do the same thing…..

Sylvia Avery

Wouldn’t that be AWESOME????????


LSU wins, what a great game it was.
Glad our POTUS and FLOTUS were there.
Bourbon St will be rockin’ tonight.


Nancy Pelosi will be 80 in March. Will she retire this year, thinking that Pres. Trump will be defeated, or will she run again, hanging on to “save” the country from him?
Time to say goodbye, Nance.


One of my favorite duets ever. Beautiful.

Sylvia Avery

Tom Fitton was a guest on Lou Dobbs Tonight. The discussion was the FISA Court/FBI investigation has been turned over to an anti Trump activist. Fitton suggests one thing PDJT could do is appoint right now, today, a Special Counsel to investigate the FBI’s abuses to the FISA Court. He has the authority, he can pick someone decent. Interesting……………
Go to 27:19 on the video and watch from there.

Sylvia Avery

And then there’s this:
“North Carolina Congressman Mark Meadows told “The Sara Carter Show” Monday that he – along with other senior Republican lawmakers – will send a letter to the presiding Judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court demanding that FBI apologist David Kris be removed from overseeing bureau reforms demanded by the secret court. Kris, who openly criticized Republican lawmakers and defended the bureau’s spying of short-term Trump campaign advisor Carter Page, is coming under heavy scrutiny for his online posts and blogs targeting Republican lawmakers investigations that uncovered malfeasance at the bureau…..”


I’d love to see a panel of Americas absolute best, mouth frothing constitutional prosecutors on a SC
my guess is , most of the leads have already been explored
DOJ needs to fear itself first


DOJ IS the problem.
FIB IS the problem.
^^^ VALUE and PROTECT their institutions. NOT THE CONSTITUTION. Will NEVER impliment REQUIRED corrective action.
^^^ Both, DOJ AND FIB are SELF LICKING ICE CREAM CONES…loving themselves endlessly 🙁


Agreed..apt description.
The result of an apathetic public, complacent with years of unchecked, bureaucratic largesse .
Attorney General is the one person responsible for both.
Anymore ,I’m in the “field amputations may be necessary” camp .
As it appears to me the patient is already in septic shock .
Allow the Barr swing the ax, those with enough merit, will swim up for air and survive .
System is bloated with Lawyers anyway, let’em learn to code.

Sylvia Avery

A convicted sex offender in Grand Rapids has a very peculiar defense: He’s not a convicted sex offender in Grand Rapids.
He can’t be, you see, because elementary schoolchildren can’t be convicted of his crimes. And he’s not even a He.
As per WZZM13, Joseph Gobrick was sentenced to at least a decade behind bars after investigators found illegal images on his computer. The photos depicted children under 5 — and as young as infancy — being sexually assaulted.
The pictures were discovered in 2018 after a 17-year-old who’d been reported missing was found at Joseph’s home.
During his trial in November, he made an interesting call: The 45-year-old fired his court-appointed lawyer and told the judge he didn’t download “real child pornography.”
“I did not have sex with children to create child pornography. We made those ourselves using GIMP, the GNU image-manipulating program.”
According to Joseph, the images were protected by the First Amendment.
Yet — horribly — from ABC13:
[P]olice said eight child victims were identified in the pornography recovered from Gobrick’s computer.
As for his defense, here’s the corker…at his sentencing, Joseph dropped a bomb.
The court was given a revelation:
“I’ve always been an 8-year-old girl. And even my drawings and fantasies, I am always an 8-year-old girl.’’
Makes quite the difference………….”
Read the rest here:


Batshit crazy. Needs to be in a federal pen without protection


Crazy or Crazy-making. Sounds like intentionally gaslighting the court. Maybe he hopes he’ll get a sympathetic jury.


Kate steins jury let her illegal with and illegal weapon off. So…..stranger things have happened


I am confident housing these animals in any # of our country’s luxurious hi-capacity prisons, ‘general population’ will cure them….though it may take repeated stays…

Sadie Slays

#RefundWarren is trending on Twitter, and Twitter people are claiming that ActBlue is experiencing “higher than normal volume” from refund requests. Meanwhile, the rest of the DNC threw Bernie Sanders under the bus yesterday in anticipation of today’s Project Veritas drop. I complained the other day about how this primary season seemed sleepy given that we’re less than a month away from elections, and the universe responded.comment image

Sadie Slays
Sadie Slays


Sadie Slays

There’s a Democratic debate tonight, too. LOL.
(WordPress cut my original comment off.)


No body cares. OTOH, Hell conservatives would watch it if Ricky Gervais moderated it.




The words “want to be helpful” sound ominous.


what about HIPPA laws?
don’t I have to give permission for non medical personnel to view my info???


Easy peasy. Just declare all your Google employees to be trained medical workers.
Bam, problem solved.
There’s a few little legal documents you need. That’s super easy. You give the employees a HIPAA training module they have to pass (5 questions multiple choice). You have them sign the internal HIPAA Information Handling Agreement and keep it on file. Then you complete a information security vetting questionnaire – which goes to InfoSec and Legal for a week. Check, Done.
Yes this is how it works. In the past I’ve supported multiple healthcare vertical clients and had “access” to databases and records.
Also, you can do anything you want with PHI records as long as the PII and MRNs are “scrubbed”.
The problems with HIPAA are well-known to industry insiders.
HIPAA is a HUGE improvement on the prior state of affairs. There are strong patient protections so don’t make a mistake about this. But it was written to protect MEDICAL RECORDS, written by lawyers who wanted to protect files from being photocopied – in 1996. Some “computer files” on essentially desktop computers were in mind – but nothing like the internet, cloud storage, electronic health records, and certainly no Google-style Big Data companies. It’s not just Google folks. Cambridge Analytica was in the news for LIFELOG. There are a phalanx of hi-tech healthcare vertical big data startups ready and willing to partner with anyone and everyone.
Big Healthcare Data is like kudzu – it’s everyone, it’s spreading, and no one can stop it without an army of goats.
There were attempts at “modernizing” HIPAA such as the HITECH act, and industry efforts such as HITRUST. (Make no bones about it, HITRUST is parasitic, but implementing it will improve data security.) But these still fall short of the patient protections we need. Lobbyists going to lobby – Big Medicine, Big Pharma, and Big Data all have DEEP DEEP pockets.
But also understand in the information security world, “information security” and “privacy” are two totally different things. “Privacy” is really not a part of information security – “confidentiality” is. “Privacy” requires an advocate to act on the behalf of the affected parties. But most businesses think as long as they’ve kept things “confidential” they can do whatever they want with the data they have. Don’t let someone fool you into thinking “confidentiality” is “privacy” – they love to play this shell game “oh we’re maintaining confidentiality”. They’re so good at it that even your ordinarily trained medical professionals don’t understand the difference – don’t expect your nurse or even your doctor to understand the distinction, so don’t get mad at them when they mess it up.


“Big Healthcare Data is like kudzu – it’s everywhere, it’s spreading, and no one can stop it without an army of goats.”
Sorry, small correction there…

Deplorable Patriot

No thanks.


Verse of the Day

“Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:”
John 11:25 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Good Morning Dear!
have a Blessed Day!


You, too, Pat! Angels watching over you!




Tuesday Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


send a 104 year old Vet a card for Valentine’s Day!
Major Bill White earned a Purple Heart in World War II and served this nation honorably for 30 years in uniform. That he has lived to a seasoned age of 104 years and is still active and has a hobby that he loves is an incredible blessing for him and all those that he hangs with.
Here is the Major’s address…
Operation Valentine
ATTN: Hold for Maj Bill White, USMC (Ret)
The Oaks at Inglewood
6725 Inglewood Ave.
Stockton, CA 95207
How about if we all take a moment on a non-designated day for remembrance of soldiers and send one of America’s finest a lotta love on Valentine’s Day.
Your heart and his will be better for it.


Will be done when stores and post office open in a few hours out west;-)




NY IS INSANE! bank robber released on no bail law–robs 5th bank…
On January 2, 2020, New York passed a law that permitted for immediate bail of people committed of certain crimes. Under the new bail reform law, most non-violent felonies — including bank robberies carried out without a weapon — are no longer bail eligible, meaning no judge can order them to be held pending trial.
Taking full advantage of the new reform, one career criminal has already committed his fifth bank robbery after being bailed out four times already for the same crime, New York Post writes: “He’s laughing all the way to the next bank.”
Sprung on Thursday, Gerod Woodberry promptly robbed a fifth bank, in Brooklyn, on Friday, law enforcement sources told The Post.
So cops spent Saturday hunting once again for fugitive Woodberry, who allegedly pulled four heists at Chase banks in Chelsea, the Upper West Side and the West Village between Dec. 30 and Jan. 8.
Because Woodberry allegedly robbed using a note, rather than a gun, no New York jail can currently hold him, no matter how many times he strikes.
His alleged grand larcenies are classified as non-violent felonies. Therefore under the bail reform law, most non-violent felonies — including bank robberies carried out without a weapon — are no longer bail eligible, meaning no judge can order him held pending trial.
“I can’t believe they let me out,” Woodberry marveled as he retrieved his vouchered property at One Police Plaza in lower Manhattan, sources told The Post. “What were they thinking?”


The way to stop this is so simple NY banks should be ashamed of themselves.
The tellers should be trained to say, ‘show me a weapon. I can’t give you any money unless you show me a weapon’.


The Left is all about creating chaos and lawlessness, as well as endangering the public and keeping us from being able to defend ourselves. They want us to be slaves to the government, which will decide if/when to help, as well as who it wants to allow to live. The criminals are their pawns.


It’s one degree above freezing nearly 24 hours before the #TrumpRally in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
There’s already people lined up to see @realdonaldtrump
“You meet a lot of cool people,” said Erica Smith. “Donald Trump brings us all together.”

Deplorable Patriot

We experienced that here during the big floods. You meet all kinds of like minded people sandbagging and doing the like. Trump bringing people together in that way should be no surprise. It’s amazing how diverse the backgrounds are in the coalition.


This was Hillary’s campaign manager. Creepy.


And then there is his pedophilic art collection…

.comment image
Podesta should be in jail!



Deplorable Patriot

His brother’s “art” collection was far more creepy.


Look at the kid hanging in chains and compare to Anderson coopercomment image& image%3Fw%3D300%26h%3D400%26crop%3D1&


Vince Vaughn is still trending on twitter.
Tweet text:
Take a second and just think about how screwed up this is…
The political climate is so toxic that a Hollywood Celebrity being friendly to the President of the United States trends Worldwide.


wow…I can’t imagine the choices these people have to have made to wrack up this much college debt! (the article shows results of some students using the Cancel my Debt Calculator—gotta see some of these numbers!
But socialists are not average – both in their (lack of) understanding of economics, and their career choices. Warren released a “Cancel My Student Debt” calculator so voters could calculate how much they would save at the American taxpayers expense under her plan, and many leftists were quick to seize on it as yet another reason to oppose her. Ironically, I agree for the exact opposite reason that they do!
A post from one Sanders supporter showed how “only” 43k of her debt would be cancelled, leaving a remaining $206k she’ll probably never pay back.


And will her pointless degree ever allow her to earn nough to repay that?


according to the article, some one racked up over 500,000 in student debt—that’s a perpetual student who can’t face getting a job and growing up imo


Even the reporters on the local news this morning sounded aggravated, accusing Benedict of breaking his silence. As if the poor man is supposed to sit in a room by himself for the rest of his life.

Deplorable Patriot

Talk about a move that exposed the big left vs. tradition in the Church. This is it.There’s even some who are TLM attendees who are on the left/modernist side of this argument. Most of the loudest well known voices are converts, which is interesting. As if a few hundred years of palace intrigue was not in their RCIA classes.
If this does nothing else, it’s going to make the two sides crystal clear and make room for a St. Athanasius like figure to emerge maybe. And get the bloggers to write on the heresies that led to the closing of the Canon of the Bible, which is, really, why it was closed in the first place.


Yes, that’s what being a prisoner entails


Tweet text:
Catturd says:
Good morning to everyone especially @realDonaldTrump who received a huge roaring standing ovation at the national championship football game, yesterday.
Fake News can’t hide how much President Trump is loved all around our country.


Tweet text:
These children avoid walking over the US & Israel flags. Supposedly, this is a generation which was taught to hate America & Israel, but it is the opposite!
Iranians seek freedom, peace & a dignified life unlike the oppressive Iranian regime.


Wheatie, can I just tell you something? You are genuinely one of the kindest people I have ever known, even though I don’t really know you.
You never forget. You pick up on ideas that help people, and you just do it, every time. Zoe can’t see the pictures, you describe them. Her computer won’t read Tweets, you transcribe them. E.V.E.R.Y. time.
You are an example to us all. Thanks for being you.


Aww…Thanks, Aubergine.
*blushes* 😌
I’m just trying to live up to the example that our wonderful President sets for us.


Echoing Aubergine…
LOVE that you do THAT (you know what I mean) !


Gelato Populism:
The Rise of Matteo Salvini
Having shown that a hardline stance against migrants can be implemented quickly and successfully and having won Italians over to the idea of a Europe of sovereign nations, the leader of Italy’s Lega Party has positioned himself to complete the task of “making Italians” that began a century and a half ago.

Deplorable Patriot

After having visited Italy a number of times…good luck with that.
Although, with enough street vendor aprons and t-shirts, they just might manage it.



An excellent introduction to Q on American Thinker.
We are going main stream:
An Introduction to Q
By Deborah Franklin


By the way the Hawaii Missile alert was 2 years ago yesterday.


thanks I bookmarked to keep handy!


This was really funny today Wolf. Bloomberg and Steyer are running a lot of regular ads on tv here. I couldnt care less if they spend all their money in CA. They are incredibly unappealing even in the ads.


I laugh at their ads–what is left for them to fix? POTUS has Promises made, promises KEPT…
what can they possibly promise to turn around? LOL


^^^ Precisely 😉
President trump owns the spectrum of issues that Americans care about. HAS delivered fabulously.
Yes, applies to “Promises Made. Promises Kept. AND stuff he didn’t run on, AND delivered on. right to choose. VA choice…
D-Rats have nothing positive.
– Open borders.
– No wall.
– No punishment for illegals.
– Free medical for all.
– Ban private insurance.
– Hate police.
– Ban ICE.
– GUILTY until PROVEN innocent.
– Embrace socialism.
– There’s moar 🙁


Bloombergs is “mike can get it done!” Major fail for the above reasons. He isnt liked here. Neither is steyer. Enthusiasm is for Bernie.

Gail Combs

Why are they bothering with running ads in Californicate? Are they afraid of Bernie and Liawatha?


Liawatha cant will here. Bernie made a LOT of inroads in 2016 in socal. The anchor babies love him, and the hippie stoners.

Gail Combs

Wholey Schiff Batman!!!
The Iran deal was never meant to stop Iran from building a bomb—it was supposed to delay it until disaster happened on someone else’s watch

By Lee Smith
January 13, 2020

….the Democrats are not pro-terrorist. They’re simply intent on protecting the historic agreement that legalized the nuclear weapons program of a terror state.
The JCPOA was the instrument Obama used to secure the administration’s ultimate goal—realigning U.S. interests with those of Iran. For the U.S. to be able to minimize its footprint in the Middle East, the Obama White House needed a proxy force—much like the Iranians use proxies to advance their interests. Soleimani managed Iranian proxies and Obama, who praised the late commander, believed he was capable of stabilizing the region on behalf of America.
In 2015, when the JCPOA went into effect, Soleimani was removed from the U.N. sanctions list, a provision that, according to press reports at the time, the Iranians saw as “nonnegotiable.” That’s how Obama wanted it, too.
As I explained in Tablet last week, Obama had subscribed to the myth that U.S. policymakers had built up around Iran over 40 years—that the third-world obscurantist regime was in fact a formidable power that the U.S. dare not challenge lest it risk an apocalyptic war….
Former Bush administration Senior Director for the Middle East Michael Doran said on Twitter he had knowledge of messages from the Obama administration to Soleimani. “We don’t know the subject matter of the messages,” Doran told Tablet, “but given the tenor of Obama’s letters to [Supreme Leader Ali] Khamenei, it is a reasonable assumption that the administration wrote to Soleimani to court him rather than to deter him.” A senior U.S. official confirmed to Tablet the existence of the messages from the Obama administration to Soleimani….
The nuclear program, the regime’s crown jewel, is controlled not by the imaginary moderates who want rapprochement with the Great Satan. It is rather in the hands of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and the expeditionary unit Soleimani led, the Quds Force, which have been waging war on the U.S. and its allies for four decades. This is why the previous White House did not stand with the Iranian protesters who filled the streets in 2010. The Iranian security forces shooting civilians in the streets were the same people with whom Obama needed to make a deal. Taking sides against them would have made that harder; likely impossible.
Trump, by contrast, says he is not that interested in making a deal. “I couldn’t care less if they negotiate,” he tweeted Sunday about Iranian leadership. “Will be totally up to them but, no nuclear weapons and ‘don’t kill your protesters.’”
……The world’s most famous dealmaker appears not to be angling for a deal, and for good reason—there’s no deal to be had because there’s nothing left to negotiate. Obama set it up that way. The JCPOA guaranteed that the Iranians would all but have a bomb within 10 years—or by the end of the second term of Obama’s successor.
In 2023, the U.N. ban on assistance to Iran’s ballistic missile program will end. The ban on the manufacture of advanced centrifuges will begin to expire, shortening the amount of time it will take to build a bomb. Perhaps most importantly, in 2025, the U.N. snapback mechanism allowing the U.S. to reimpose sanctions will expire, meaning that we would need to persuade Russia and China to restore international sanctions on Iran. The effect is that there is nothing short of military action to stop the Iranians from marching toward the bomb. It was Obama who said that by years 13, 14, or 15 of the deal Iran would be within a hairbreadth of a nuclear bomb By 2031 with all nuclear restrictions lifted, the Islamic Republic will have a full-scale nuclear weapons program…..


The Iran deal was never meant to stop Iran from building a bomb—it was supposed to delay it until disaster happened on someone else’s watch
^^^ THIS has always been the BIGGEST problem with Obama’s BS nuke deal. FIXED NOTHING. Typical Uniparty. INCLUDES Uniparty – D-Rats AND RepubliCONS. Same BS as NK. NOTHING was ever fixed, or intendedto be fixed.
TOSS IN, 1) the secrets in the deal, NO ONE could be allowed to see. And, 2) the money paid via electronic payment and cash. Latter, how much, when, to who…?


Have you seen this…? Goldberg’s tweet is part of a THREAD… click


Thanks for the link…



Gail Combs

I found the above article quite interesting because it supports my SWAG (Silly wild A$$ guess) that the Elite were planning on a nuclear war to wipe out much of the human population in the northern hemisphere.
1. Ted Turner, founder of CNN and the UN Foundation said:
“A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.” – Source: The book You Don’t Say, by Fred Gielow, 1999, page 189.
2. Dr. Peter Vincent Pry is Executive Director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security and Director of the U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum, both Congressional Advisory Boards, and served on the Congressional EMP Commission, the Congressional Strategic Posture Commission, the House Armed Services Committee, and the CIA. In other words this man knows his stuff.
“The Congressional Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack assessed that Russia, China, and North Korea (with help from Russia) have probably developed nuclear weapons of special design that produce a low explosive yield and high gamma ray output in order to generate an extraordinarily powerful EMP field. The Russians term these “Super-EMP” weapons….
Natural EMP from a geomagnetic super-storm like the 1859 Carrington Event or the 1921 Railroad Storm, a nuclear EMP attack from terrorists or rogue states as practiced by North Korea during the nuclear crisis of 2013 are both existential threats that could kill 9 of 10 Americans through starvation, disease, and societal collapse.
A natural EMP catastrophe or nuclear EMP attack could black out the National electric grid for months or years and collapse all the other critical infrastructures, communications, transportation, banking and finance, food and water, necessary to sustain modern society and the lives of 310 million Americans. Passage of the SHIELD Act to protect the National electric grid….”

President Obama denied that North Korea could deliver on these threats, claiming that North Korea does not yet have nuclear armed missiles AND BLOCKED PASSAGE OF THE BILL TO HARDEN THE US ELECTRICAL GRID!
3. NEW ZEALAND…. New Zealand is ideally situated to be the least affected in a nuclear war in the northern hemisphere due to the pattern of the Ocean currents.
5. Seed vaults and animal and plant cloning. Not only plant but animal and Human DNA has been preserved. Also the Human Genome Project looked at PERSONALITY TRAITS…
6. Pentagon Officials Furious After Clinton Announces US Response Time for Nuclear Launch During Debate
“…“Secretary Clinton proved tonight she is unfit to be commander-in-chief,” a top-ranking DOD intelligence source said. “What she did compromises our national security. She is cavalier and reckless and in my opinion should be detained and questioned so we can unravel why she did what she did.””

Gail Combs

Hope first part of my SWAG shows up….
Second part is on why the Elite are NOT afraid of a nuclear war.
Remember the US government did a LOT of secret radiation testing on human subjects. (For example they burned the crap out of my mother with an ‘accident’ when they treated her for breast cancer.)
Ten ther were all the above ground nuclear tests,
The major problems with nuclear is the FAST DECAY.

Doug Badgero says:
March 31, 2011 at 10:11 am
I have worked in nuclear power all of my life. Spent fuel produces heat but NOT due to fission. The heat is produced due to the radioactive decay of products of fission………the fission fragments. When a U-235 atom fissions it splits in two, this results in two atoms with smaller atomic numbers and masses. The decay of these elements and their daughters is what results in the “decay heat” after shutdown. Two of the elements in this decay chain are Cs-137 and I-131 they are typically the elements that cause the problems when a Fukishima or Chernobyl occur. This decay heat is produced whether a moderator is present or not.

So according to this guy (and others) Iodine-131 and Cesium-137 are the problem Daughters.
Iodine-131, following a nuclear disaster, disappears within months, because of its 8 days radioactive half-life. This is why IODINE PILLS are given to people who have been exposed AND why sea life is ‘a problem’ (Fish/Kelp… is high in iodine.) How ever at this point that problem is long passed.
Cesium-137 is more of a problem because it is ‘intermediate’ with a radioactive half-life of 30 years.
Just for the record…
There were over 900 atmospheric and underground nuclear test in the USA alone. There were 12 high-altitude nuclear tests during the late 1950′s and early 1960′s off the coast of California at Johnston Island.
From 1945 until 2008, there have been over 2,000 nuclear tests conducted worldwide.

From: *
From that article:

…In the natural environment, caesium is far less mobile than iodine for instance. Attached to minerals, it tends to stay on the ground and is particularly abundant on the forest floor, after having been intercepted by the vegetation. The mycelium, the name given to the vegetative part of fungi and mushrooms that grow within a few centimeters of the ground, traps caesium in the same way as it (unintentionally) traps pesticides. The isotope can concentrate in the food chain: in the flesh of fish or game, for instance.
Once absorbed by a human body, caesium spreads through the muscles until, after the 100 days of its biological lifespan, it disappears. This comparatively quick elimination means that only one nucleus out of 160 will decay inside the human body….

So again the ‘Danger’ from Fukushima is being hyped aka DISINFO. We got more exposure from living in the USA and Europe from the late 50s and on but no one ever mentions that.
All of this information should scare the crap out of you. The elite now have or are close to having the tools to create the perfect servant race. They also know what nuclear strikes will do and how long it takes to recover.,-nagasaki,-and-subsequent-weapons-testin.aspx

Gail Combs

test.. My comments are not showing up…

Gail Combs

I really do hate Word-Unimpressed. NOW my comments show…. And yes I refreshed a couple of times.


Sorry you are having problems with WP…
I found this just now…thought you might be interested…


It’s a THREAD of course… I failed to mention that…
TONS of info……………

Gail Combs

It would be UNBELIEVABLE without all the other information we have that proves to be true.
Now it is in the Maybe it’s real category or a fictionalized version of reality.


Thanks so much Nor’easter…




Busted = radical leftist and author Stephen King.
He says his vote for Oscar nominations was based on “quality” in “art” and says it “would be wrong” to judge Oscar nominations based on a goal of diversity.
Yet, people like Stephen King demand diversity in college admittance, hiring practices for corporations as well as their board of directors, and elected leaders.
His entire political party rejects “merit based promotions” because of diversity.
Imagine not hiring “quality” police, firemen, chemists, researchers, ……….. or denying the highest qualified entry to college……… because of “diversity”.
Imagine not electing the BEST President because of “diversity”.
Hypocrisy is on display today.


well, he wouldn’t want diversity in “art”…LOL…he considers what he does art and he’s an old white man…HYPOCRITE!!!!!


Bet he doesn’t consider “diversity” when he hires his household help or his security detail. He’d want the best, and it might not include the affirmative action diversity quotas he likes to pretend he supports – for everyone else, but not him.
If the ARTS played by diversity, his own books and films might have to be passed over. See how that works, Mr. King?


Yep, totally true!


which part?


That king is a typical artistic hypocrite. Do as i say not as i do.



these people are NUTS!!!!!


Daughn is working on this and posted on her website and has some moar

Deplorable Patriot



78, 68……whatevah, that’s ancient history for these losers


This 2:19 video is a teaser for the video to be release by Lames O’Keefe today at noon.


uh James, not Lames😁

Deplorable Patriot

I know exactly what it is. One of the speakers said 1978. I assume the person meant 1968 since 1978 was not an election year.
I’ll be interested in seeing this one from O’Keefe. I mean, the other side never seems to learn not to talk out of school.

Gail Combs

Actually 1968 (That is why it is corrected in the captions)
Timeline: The events of the 1968 Democratic National Convention
“In that year Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy were assassinated, and anti-Vietnam war protests reached a fever pitch…. The Democratic National Convention, held in Chicago in 1968, would become a testing ground for differing approaches to anti-war demonstration and activism.”

Deplorable Patriot

I was being a smart a$$. I know what happened in 1968.

Gail Combs

Doesn’t hurt to have the info posted though. 🙃


Following the theme, though this should get less attention or then again, it is from a medical journal!
Bottom line this guy Boyd, chosen by Lancet to do a review on a book combating racism comes to the conclusion that the problem is not racism, but whiteness and that is what needs to be eliminated.
Of course it doesn’t say how whiteness will be eliminated. I assume he considers his job done now that he’s identified the problem and will leave it to others like the Bernie people or their above or their Islamic come up with a final solution.
BTW the book is stupid.

Gail Combs

What he is REALLY saying
” ….the problem is not racism, but whiteness [people] and that is what needs to be eliminated….” AKA also known as genocide.



Apologies if already posted. Rushing out the door to work! Enjoy …
An Introduction to Q
**Deborah Franklin is the pen name of a writer who fears professional retribution.**



heard 2 Dad jokes…
What goes tick tick woof woof???
a watch dog
what do you call a cow with a twitch?
beef jerky


Dear Lord help me.
Husband is getting his hair cut today.
He’s decided to go for the Steve Bannon haircut…… but afraid he might end up looking more like Byron York.
He’s having fun, and if it is a total disaster, it will grow out……. eventually.


I thought the Steve Bannon or Bryon York look was a combination of not washing your hair AND not getting a hair cut?
….just say’n 😉

Deplorable Patriot

Byron York is really more of the “college professor” variety. Steve Bannon is “I use my hair’s own oil as product.” Either that or he gels it.
Neither bothers me. The look that does bother me is overly blown dry and heat damage. All those split ends.


Just asking… do you really need a barber for a Steve Bannon haircut?


Yeah, IKR, definitely not the high and tight haircut from the past


I used to cut my own hair–not that I was trained or anything, but I felt like–it was hair–hair grows!
(I shaved off my “widow’s peak” in high school–it grew back…lol…)
I think we take ourselves too seriously sometimes…and tie our value to others into our looks. I applaud your hubby’s decision! it’ll be okay…

Gail Combs

I haven’t had a hairdresser touch my hair in 25 years. I am perfectly capable of cutting off my split ends. I have also cut the hair of both Hubby #1 and Hubby #2.
….And the sheep and the horses and the ponies and the cats…
Don’t let me near the electric shears or scissors. 😱 😁


I do hubby’s too…but then it’s becoming less and less time consuming…LOL…


There you go dawn. If Gail can handle sheep and goats. Tell hubby she’s artisan


I hope you never get confused and shear your husband’s coat and give a razor cut to the sheep.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hair today, gone tomorrow? 😀

Deplorable Patriot

Does he have natural curl in his hair? That’s the only way to get the Byron York to work. I have mine layered at the bottom to take advantage of the curls. Of course the modern fashionistas tell me it looks better when it’s 2nd or 3rd day and the curls have hung out. Idiots. Flat hair doesn’t work for me. At least it isn’t heat damaged like theirs.
Turning off the inner cat now.
Steve Bannon requires product and/or using natural oil for that purpose which can be hard to control after 3 days.

Cuppa Covfefe

Brylcreem? 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

Oh please, not Byron’s longish waves. He looks like an academic soy boy. Surely Big T can do better ‘n that 😱😱😱😱


Whoa! GOP does not have 51 votes to dismiss?
How imbecilic are those Republicans trying to make a name for themselves by supporting the unconstitutional Schiff/Pelosi articles of impeachment?
Beyond polite description.
Susan Collins, Rob Portman, probably the self-serving Mitt Romney, are each trying to be the biggest monkey wrenches in an already ridiculous endeavor to remove President Trump from office.


Susan Collins- always been a Dem
Rob Portman- corrupt DS
Mitt Romney- Corrupt DS (has to protect corrupt son)


A couple of well-timed Rudy tweets about Rmoney’s kid should ensure compliance.
“Vee haf vays to make you conform your behavior.”


i was a little dismayed when i saw that too!

Deplorable Patriot

Lamar Alexander also.


I don’t believe it. Sometimes, things are said for attention or misdirection. Collins is up for reelection – impeachment has no support. Mitch knows where all (or most) of the bodies are buried.
Mitch McConnell knows what he is about and knows his caucus. In fact, he sent a dart Romney’s way today when Romney was trying to get Bolton as a witness… McConnell basically told Romney careful what you wish for.


John Roberts may be leading the Senate impeachment trial, but this woman is shaping it
Elizabeth MacDonough, the first female Senate parliamentarian, will be advising the chief justice on how to address arcane procedural questions.


This may be as much about Meghan and Harry getting into radical leftist politics as it is about show business ambition, especially now that the Øbominables, Netflix and $0r0$ are involved.




Gail Combs

Note the front hoof raised….
When they paw or stomp they are ANGRY. Even my ewe sheep will do that.


MY FIRST DAY AS PRESIDENTcomment image?_nc_cat=100&_nc_ohc=srsv9RMwq9QAQkbLSiqS7LqqcnVc2IQnc7JyrN_iJirL-Coo8ghw-AjkQ&_nc_ht=scontent-mia3-1.xx&oh=7491b936076279ef6b573d2c19a0efb2&oe=5E99E64A


comment image


comment image


Those faces look so silly that they cracked me up. Thanks for the laugh. 🙂


comment image


I’m surprised no one has mentioned Suleimani’s likeness to Sean Connery. I saw it right away, but poor taste to mention it in the early days after Suleimani’s demise.


The truth has a way of bringing out evil in people. This is an ugly attack on Pope Benedict by the Vatican.
I thank Raymond Arroyo for defending him.

Deplorable Patriot

This is interesting. It looks like some sort of explosion may be building. Time will tell.
Top Vaticanista: Opposition to Bergoglio in the Roman Curia is at 100%
Rome: January 14, 2020: While Catholics round the world stand in total shock at the apparent eclipse of the Catholic Church on account of the outrageous heresies, blasphemies and political shenanigans of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a word of great consolation was reported to The From Rome Blog, this Sunday:
Opposition to Bergoglio in the Roman Curia is at 100%. They want him out!
This comes from one of the top Vaticanistas of Rome who has served in the Eternal City for decades. He has deep and widespread network of informants through the Vatican and Curial Departments. He hears the same thing from all of them. No one wants the Argentine. They are counting the days!


It’s good to know that so many in the Curia are opposed to Francis. But what will they do next? What CAN they do? That is the question.
Thanks for posting this article. I will be counting the days too.


‘Believe half of what you see, and none of what you hear.’


I like how you use his real name…
…just as we should with Barry Soetoro (aka Barrack Hussein Obama)


WHOA ! Look what American Thinker is talking about…

H/t Marica


From the article, it looks like the President has stepped up the number of Q related retweets. The author also echoes my own opinion of Q,,,that it is a genius way to get around the fake news (and get people looking into things and thinking for themselves)… of course, I loved it.
I peeked to see if it had had any effect on people OT. No, not that I could find.
Why would I care? Well, aside from totally agreeing that “they want us divided” and the Biblical warning that a house divided cannot stand Mark 3:25, Matthew 12:22-32, and Abraham Lincoln), I have increasingly heard CTH quoted by nationally known radio hosts such as Howie Carr and Rush Limbaugh.
So, to some extent, that site represents all of us.
And sadly, it seems to me like commenters OT have gotten increasingly negative and critical.
For example: They pretty much seem to hate Barr and were highly critical of his Pensacola speech, whereas I took that speech as an encouraging sign of open and plain speaking of truth rather than the previous terror supporting PC double talk that referred to such events as “workplace violence”.
The tolerance for bellyachers OT over proTrump people who happen to read Q is dismaying.
I’m not sure what can be done other than having the President recommend Q openly, but that might be asking for trouble right now.


Except for seeking out Ristvan’s informative comments, I found the commenters much too negative.
I don’t think Ristvan is posting there anymore since they began moderating his comments (pinged for negativity towards fellow commenters) – and since he is absent (I think) – no need to go and read.
We simply have opinions and perspectives that differ from OT the negativity isn’t my cup of tea. I still believe in VSG POTUS and AG Barr. Agree about his Pensacola speech – took it as an encouraging sign. Barr doesn’t strike me as someone who would compromise his integrity.


A founder in common with Crowdstrike……… I would have bet money.
Wonder if it is Alperovitch or the the FBI guy?

Gail Combs

Oh great here we go again…
[Crowdstike] ==> New York Times ===> Schmuck & Shifty. 🙄
They really do think we are STUPID!

Cuppa Covfefe

1337 is “leet”, i.e. “elite” in the vernacular. Sort of like a script-kiddie bragging that he/she got into a site (probably one with no password, or a simple one).
Cute. $1337. Next up, “My Little Pwny”… watch out for that purple hair…


The communist bartender gets even more brazen…


this was in the replies…comment image


k…I don’t see it…just a square…but it says your donation to the PAC, will be equally divided between the PAC AND AOC…nice split, huh?


It’s always about the Benjamins… and the power!


she’s ALL about the money!!!


This was AOC’s excuse for NOT paying her DNC ‘dues’ ……………………


what’s her excuse for funding campaigns of rivals to her colleagues? that’s back-stabbing 101

Cuppa Covfefe

Do they allow negative donations ? 😀




“We are pushing the envelope in DC by rewarding those who reject lobbyist money,….”
It appears you are exchanging one bribe for another- not exactly an appeal to principle.



Cuppa Covfefe

Pushing the envelope, or passing it?
Remember that fellow (and agenda) behind her. She’s poision, as is the rest of “the squad”.



Veritas video full drop

This guy is full out crazy + he discussed the Clintons, says “they” will make the Clintons off themselves
I am going to the first to say that Kyle Jurek didn’t kill himself.
Guy claims Bernie Sanders is a bad judge of character…and this guy is himself an prime example of Sanders lack of judgement and discernment…or does Sanders agree with him at heart?

Gail Combs

Notice Kyle Jurek has the crazy Sanpaku eyes.

Cuppa Covfefe

MK robot, or one of Creamer’s goons?



Comment (reply to Phoenix) in bin?


Thank you for help❣️



They GOT nothing! So they keep repeating their lies…
What was that Goebbels said ?


“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”
— Joseph Goebbels



Deplorable Patriot

And today’s version of “getting ahead of the story”:


Did the Bidens, Kerry, Obama, Clintons, Boxers, and Pelosis register as agents of a foreign country?
Where are the people on our side demanding their tax returns, bank records, and real estate transactions?
Have we generated a list of the lies of the liars accusing our President And published it?
Why not?


Following up on Deb’s post, I’m jumping up and down.
We’re all wide awake.
We can see this coming from the horizon line.
The founder of Area 1 Security was also an original founder to Crowdstrike.
He’s practically donating his service to about half the Dem candidates running in 2020.
Company services only cost $133\7 dollars and he donates and equal amount to the campaign.
Smells bad.
Smells like the biggest fattest rat we’ve seen since Susan Rice tried to sell a viral youtube video as an excuse for Benghazi.


If they believe this why do they go to such heroic lengths to bring foreigners (even the most lethal sort) illegally into our country and then register them to vote? !

Deplorable Patriot

What I find very encouraging with this is that the people out on the fruited plain are recognizing when seeds are being planted and when there is an attempt to get ahead of a story. That alone is a triumph among a population that had been trained to swallow a message and then just regurgitate it.


Hey Schift: I thought the official Dem position is, We cannot allow the American people decide this election!
Get it straight you guys!


response in the thread replies…comment image

Deplorable Patriot

That one has been floating around for a while, but here it is appropriate.

Cuppa Covfefe

Whoa! That’ll be a lot of Schiff to clean up…


she pleads guilty and gets 0-6 months? releasing banking info to Mueller and Congressional committees?
The SARs related to the wire transfers by Paul Manafort and other figures found in former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation including campaign official Richard Gates, Maria Butina and the Russian Embassy.
Once law enforcement found out about Edwards’ actions, prosecutors have found her guilty of not only keeping confidential SARs, she was also responsible for keeping “highly sensitive materials” that are related to Russia, Iran and even the terrorist group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant. In the same article, prosecutors stated “Edwards is not known to be involved in any official FinCEN project or task bearing these file titles or code names.”
In court, Edwards stated “I am sorry for what I have done and I apologize to you, your honor and the court.” However, she defends her actions when she said,
You know, if I can’t trust the government officials to handle this, I think I can trust the media to handle this and to bring to the attention of the American People.”
This was what she said to her lawyer, Marc Agnifilo who came to her defense. She admits that she actually agreed to disclose the SARs, adding that she was no allowed under the law to disclose it. Agnifilo illustrates it as how “one’s subjective motivations really do not serve as a defense.” He also believes that prosecutors view Edwards’ actions as a politically motivated one rather than that of a conception for the good of the republic. He disclosed Edwards being in contact with congressional subcommittees and others who worked in the government. However, he believes that these people did not deal with the information that Edwards offered as adequately as they should have.
BuzzFeed News reported all of Edwards’ information. One of the articles headlined “GOP Operative Made ‘Suspicious’ Cash Withdrawals During Pursuit of Clinton emails” and during the Mueller investigation, the article “These 13 Wire Transfers Are A Focus of the FBI Probe into Paul Manafort.” The evidences include photographs of these SARs and sending them through encrypted applications. A pen register and trap-and-trace order for Edwards’ cellphone proved these to which she later confessed of doing so. The other things she did included sending and describing internal government emails of correspondence related to the reports, investigative memos and intelligence assessment that were published by the agency’s intelligence division. Her defense was that she did not know the regulation.
Though conspiracy charge carries a potential penalty of up to five years in prison, Edwards signed a guilty plea, escaping with a prison sentence of zero to six months.


SD was right about this one.
Same as James Wolfe for SSCI.


so hubby must be back by now–how’s his new do look?


right about what?


Laird, the female acting director of something at treasury dept, who walked away with thousands of documents, confidential financial docs, and leaked 10 times to 7 different reporters, resulting in press about Michael Cohen, Manafort, and others.
SD wondered if the leaking had something to do with Senate Intel Committee, and if leaking may have actually come thru Senate Intel. He cautioned to watch the sentencing phase and see if she received the same kid gloves as James Wolfe did.
SD was right. She did.


first time offense?


Her attorney, in arguing for leniency, said Laird now feels comfortable that these issues will be addressed by the courts and media.
No remorse, she feels justified.


can’t explain it.


Makes sense actually. She accepted a guilty plea in exchange for leniency. Similar to what Flynn was offered. Is there something I don’t know?


(Happened early this a.m.)
Pence swears in Air Force Gen. John Raymond as the first chief of space operations for the U.S. Space Force, Jan. 14 2020.


phoenix, thanks for posting this so people can easily watch…
this installation ceremony was really nice.
tidy little presentation: National Anthem, prayer, not over the top…just factual. orderly, and dignified.


Yw Piper


Here he is………..


I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for confirming.
I knew the minute I heard this story it was bs.

Gail Combs

RIT is/was run by the CIA…

Rumors of ties between RIT’s faculty, administration, and students and the CIA have long circulated but until recently have remained relatively minor or largely unsubstantiated.
A CIA memorandum dated October 16, 1975, revealed that the Agency had established “certain relationships [with RIT] which might be categorized as ‘special’ or ‘particular.'”5 Other documents showed that the College of Graphic Arts and Photography received about $200,000 from the CIA in grants from 1966 to 1975.6 In 1985 it was reported that “30 RIT … students have gone to work just for the National Security Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency.”7 Most of the students were from computer science, math, engineering and imaging science programs.
Controversy also occurred at RIT in 1987 when Robert C. “Bud” McFarlane, Rose’s longtime personal friend, was paid more than $70,000 to give three lectures as the Kern Professor of Communications at RIT. These talks occurred during the Iran-contra scandal when the former national security adviser was under investigation and attempted suicide. McFarlane continues his affiliation with RIT.
RIT had other influential friends who helped provide the kind of research and facilities the CIA needed. In 1985, when the new Imaging Science building was dedicated, the CIA deputy director attended and RIT awarded Senator Alfonse D’Amato (R-NY) an honorary degree. D’Amato had been influential in obtaining large amounts of federal monies to subsidize the facility as well as an earlier building to house the microelectronics program.8 This funding was criticized in the Chronicle of Higher Education because there was no peer review of any proposal. The Senate Appropriations Committee had also criticized lack of competitive bidding in awarding contracts to universities.9
Faculty members wrote letters to the editor denouncing the policies on grants and honorary degrees.10 When D’Amato and McFarlane came to RIT, they were met with protests.
The current controversy which began over Rose’s “sabbatical” at Langley is shedding light on some of the obscure funding sources and arrangements that have helped support CIA activities at RIT. During Rose’s 12-year presidency, RIT and its subsidiary, the RIT Research Corporation (RITRC)11 have received millions of dollars of CIA money.12 The total is not public information despite Rose’s assurances that “it is my policy [regarding CIA involvement at RIT] to use every line of communication available to this community to assure that all our members are informed of what is happening all the time.”13
Also clouding the issue is the relationship between RIT and RITRC through which much of the Agency’s work is funneled. This for-profit subsidiary of the university, situated yards from the RIT campus proper, is private and thus less liable to public disclosure of funding sources and expenditures than is RIT itself. What is clear, however, is the rapid growth in CIA presence, influence, and funding under President Rose. The major build-up has occurred since the mid-1980s and now amounts to at least $2 million a year.14…..




Maybe he forgot that he said it. 🙂


Supernatural Saturday January 11, 2020 – Be Still


I hope they do it! 🙂


If you ever questioned the notion that humans are primarily a social species let the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers forever put that doubt to flight.



I wonder what’s up with POTUS? Not a tweet out of him in 20 hours

Deplorable Patriot

He’s busy saving the world.


From the way he sounded tonight, maybe fighting the crud?


Now this may cause a riot


Well someone has to pay for burner phones and gift cards for criminals. Hey you in the mirror, I am talkin’ ta you.


It’s because Gov Cuomo and the state legislature overspent on their expanded Medicaid program. They wound up with a massive budget shortfall. Essentially this is the fallout from Obamacare for NYS.

Gail Combs

Gov Cuomo was expecting to STEAL the $$$ from the US treasury. Remember Romneycare??? Romney and Ted Kennedy STOLE the funding from the US government to make it LOOK like Romneycare actually worked.
Obamacare Architect: Ted Kennedy ‘Ripped Off’ Medicaid

….“We had a pretty powerful senator you may have heard of named Ted Kennedy,” Gruber said during an event at Simmons College in February. “Ted Kennedy had managed to figure out a way to rip off the federal Medicaid program to the tune of about $500 million a year through a series of strange manipulations.
“Here was Mitt Romney’s dirty little secret that we don’t like to talk about in Massachusetts, which is the way we passed our law is the federal government paid for it.
“George Bush said why am I sending this Democrat $500 million a year, I’m taking it back,” Gruber explained, adding “Mitt Romney to his credit went to George Bush and said, look, can we keep the money if we use it for universal coverage. And Bush to his credit said yes.”


It’s really bad in this state Gail. I may move.


Reminds me of 1776 and the tea tax…. heh!!!

Deplorable Patriot

8kun /qresearch/ is “baking” it’s 10,000 th “bread” !


I’m fond of Senator McConnell. 🙂


Carlos has a THREAD – click either tweet

Harry Lime

Brian has a THREAD – click a tweet

Deplorable Patriot

My swamp creature senator. Thoughts?


“Long Knives” comes to mind…


Hasn’t had a chance to make his case??


Makes sense. If they stood with the Iranian people, then they’d have to cave on the Iran deal and motives for same.


Deplorable Patriot

I know there are those here who avoid social media platforms for various reasons, but the more “they” do this, the more people notice and the shenanigans gets exposed.

Deplorable Patriot

Okay, Greta. Here’s a trick for you to try.




Get to the end of the line senator. No favorites.


Tim Kaine asks…”Is there another door, that’s uh, like a members’ door that I might be able to go?”
He doesn’t want to stand in line with all those ‘little people’.
They might ask him questions!



Cuppa Covfefe

Basement hearing indeed. One might say Tales from the SC(h)IF(f)…

Elizabeth Carter

Text from tweet:
An undated note from a guy indicted on multiple federal charges of fraud and conspiracy who’s already fabricated evidence in a desperate attempt to get an immunity deal from Schiff and Pelosi so he can avoid prison? That’s the new smoking gun? LOL.
Text from embedded tweet:
Among the evidence just produced by the House Intelligence Committee – a note from Parnas saying “get Zalensky to Announce that the Biden case will be investigated”

The handwritten Note:comment image
The Note is on Ritz Carlton Vienna stationery.


Text from tweet:
The person who shared a video of Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 being struck by an Iranian missile last week HAS BEEN ARRESTED by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps.


Text from tweet:
A new video shows that two missiles struck Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752, which crashed shortly after taking off from the airport in Tehran early last Wednesday.



Ooops…I should’ve refreshed page!


Worth seeing again


Text of tweet from James O’Keefe:
Outside the #DemDebate Anderson Cooper is asked by @allidoisowen if he will comment on the
@PVeritas_Action #Expose2020 tape and the calls for political violence by @BernieSanders staffer Kyle Jurek.
Cooper refused to comment.


Text of tweet from Ryan Fournier:
Justin Trudeau has offered to pay Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s $850,000 security bill,
Meanwhile they are telling Canadian Veterans that “they are asking for more than the federal government can afford.”

Gail Combs

Ran into this comment @JamesOKeefeIII
“One hour… #Expose2020

Wojtek Wysocki

12h12 hours ago
Replying to @JamesOKeefeIII
Only Molotov remained? Symbolic as a Bernie’s father had to run away from Poland being Bolshevik sympathizer and quite likely a spy.

The guys twitter:

I think he may know what he is talking about. Certainly explains Bernie’s red diaper


Text of tweet:
BREAKING: General Flynn has moved to withdraw his guilty plea because the government breached the agreement!



No surprise. It’s his only recourse. The way it is now, Swamp judge Sullivan will give him jail time, and I’m not sure that he’d be able to appeal that since he pled guilty.
A jury trial allows an appeal if convicted by the Lefties in DC. A jury trial also opens up his defense team having more grounds to force the government to give up exculpatory evidence.
First thing Powell should do is move for Change of Venue – he can’t get a fair trial from a judge who has already called him a traitor. Tainted judge. DC – tainted jurors.






It does look pretty good!


Text of Sidney Powell’s tweet:
We just filed a Motion to Withdraw the plea of @GenFlynn because the government acted in bad faith, with vindictiveness, and breached the plea agreement pursuant to which he has cooperated fully at great personal expense and “held back nothing” according to #prosecuters until

Text of her second tweet:
@GenFlynn refused to LIE on demand from #prosecutors in EDVA in Rafiekian case. Van Grack exploded–now his new sentencing memo seeks to send #Flynn to prison


Sidney is on Hannity’s show right now, elaborating on this.
There should be video of it, out soon.



Good for Congressman Mast!


That’s really cool, isn’t it!
Various pics of this have shown up in my tree searches.



Text of Praying Medic’s tweet:
Michael Avenatti Arrested On Criminal Charges During Procedural Hearing For His Disbarment.


Text of Brad Parscale’s tweet:
Democrats want control over every aspect of your life. #SocialismSucks
They’re not the party of Freedom. They are the party of Control.


Pres Trump tweets…
Former National Security Adviser for President Obama said “President Trump was absolutely correct” in taking out terroristist leader Soleimani. Thank you General Jones!

Republicans are fighting for citizens from every background, & from every race, religion, color & creed. We are a movement for ALL AMERICANS who believe in fairness & justice, equality & dignity, opportunity & safety. We are a big tent, & a big party, w/ BIG IDEAS for the future!

Democrats are now the party of high taxes, high crime, open borders, late-term abortion, socialism, and blatant corruption. The Republican Party is the party of the American Worker, the American Family, and the American Dream! #TrumpMilwaukeeRally


I don’t know if this is part of his prophecy or if he just hoping….

Gail Combs

I thought most of President Trump’s kids had foreign mothers who had not been naturalized at the time of their birth except for Barron and maybe Tiffany.


Don Jr, Eric, and Ivanka are with #1 Ivana. Not sure on citizen status. Tiffany is with Marla Maples…don’t think she was foreign. Then Barron who should be OK as Melanie was naturalized, not sure if it was before or after their wedding but definitely before Barron’s birth


Nope. Melania naturalized AFTER Barron was born. Tiffany is the only eligible child.


She is the least visible of all the kids, even Barron. But I don’t think she would meet the age requirement for quite a few years….Jared?


Per Wiki….I know 🙄 but it was quick….
….In 2001, Knavs became a permanent resident of the United States. She married Donald Trump in 2005 and obtained U.S. citizenship in 2006……
Barron was born in March 2006, so not much window of opportunity to have naturalized before he was born


That is correct.


From the Dem Debate…
Text of tweet from Trump War Room:
Bernie Sanders just admitted he wants to raise taxes on Americans making $29,000 a year.
The average family would pay $1,200 more in taxes every year to cover the cost of Sanders’ “Medicare for All” system giving free health care to illegal aliens. #DemDebate


This is good!
Text of Praying Medic’s tweet:
A Federal judge has ordered the DOJ to explain why Imran Awan documents are being kept secret.
Spoiler Alert:
Matters of National Security.


In Bernie’s own words…
Text of tweet from Trump War Room:
In 1987, @BernieSanders admitted that a single-payer health care system like the one he is proposing would cost an “astronomical” amount of money and “bankrupt the nation.”


This is good, from Robert Davi…
My message to you all watching @IngrahamAngle
– why the GOP is wavering ? Remember ROSS PEROT ? They are all in CAHOOTS ALL AFRAID OF

He recalls how Ross Perot said that he wouldn’t know how bad it was in DC until he got “under the hood” and looked.
He talks about the Globalist corruption that goes deep in our government.
“There is so much rot and corruption under the hood in our government, that both parties are running scared, because Donald Trump the outsider, if he is unleashed, will uncover the corruption. The corruption, the payola, I’ve known about it for years…”


Remember when Pres Trump mentioned in the rally last week…an old friend of his, who will not call him “Donald” now.
He said that old friend calls him “Mr. President” now.
The old friend, who has been calling him “Donald” for years…refuses to do that now, and will only call him “Mr. President”.
I wonder if that ‘old friend’ is Robert Davi?
I’m thinking that it probably is…because I can see Robert Davi doing that.


Hmm…interesting timing on this.
Text of Ivanka Trump’s tweet:
Today I visited 2 Atlanta safe havens for human trafficking survivors.
The warrior women I met today represent resilience and strength on a level few of us will ever know.
The Trump Administration sees and hears you. We are committed to ending the evil of modern slavery.


Just tweeted by President Trump…
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, @BorisJohnson, stated, “We should replace the Iran deal with the Trump deal.” I agree!