Dear KAG: 20200115 Open Thread

Today, I thought we could go in a different direction. Something more of the Great Awakening variety. In the last week, President Trump told the world of the horrors the Iranian people have seen at the hand of their own government in the wake of the Soleimani assassination, and in return, the Iranian people are joining those in Hong Kong, France and other locations protesting against brutal and oppressive regimes.

And then this resurfaced from last July. Please, watch it to the end and share where you can.

The red pilling has been kicked up a notch. With that in mind, we who have followed the need for red pilling know what is ahead. Our friends who remain blue pilled don’t. So, how will the medicine be administered? (I could post a certain Mary Poppins song here, but will refrain due to the tooth aches it will produce. Skipping the Bon Jovi Bad Medicine, too.) We’ll find out.

In the meantime, this at least is safe.

Okay, so here’s the deal. This is the open thread. This is where we all come to get the news that other Q tree inhabitants think is worth knowing and sharing. Please, post links to any “news” stories quoted, and ask for help if you are stumped as to how to do that. We’re a friendly lot. Someone will be with you shortly, and there is no reason to have to press one for English.

Free speech, and the open exchange and hashing out of ideas is not only allowed, but encouraged. If we all don’t use it, we’re going to lose it. There are, however, limits to civility, and those limits are strictly observed here. We are all on the same team. No personal threats, baiting, name calling and other behavior you would not want someone else to do to you is allowed. I mean, this could happen.

There is absolutely no reason for infighting to result in burning down the tree, house up in the branches and all. Yes, it can be rough to temper speech. However, those who would like to slog it out from the comfort of the seat behind your keyboard, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. Please, take it there.

And now for some house keeping:

There are a few rules here in the branches of the Q Tree. Our host, Wolfm00n, outlined them in a post on New Years Day 2019. Please, review these rules from time to time, say when in line during the post holiday clearance sales.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Steve suggests – to be accurate – no shooting at the nuclear weapons, but to be safe about it, don’t event point firearms toward them. I, Deplorable Patriot, bossy chick that I am, request no teasing the animals, pets and wildlife alike. FG&C asks that you wash your hands, wipe down all non in-home surfaces, and take some vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, and get plenty of rest.

And please, pretty please with sugar on top, no celebratory gunfire…at least not indoors.

Teasing and trolling the lefties and their bastions, on the other hand is a moral imperative.


From this week’s readings, the Canticle of Anna, 1 Samuel, Chapter 2:

My heart hath rejoiced in the Lord, and my horn is exalted in my God: my mouth is enlarged over my enemies: because I have joyed in thy salvation. [2] There is none holy as the Lord is: for there is no other beside thee, and there is none strong like our God. [3] Do not multiply to speak lofty things, boasting: let old matters depart from your mouth: for the Lord is a God of all knowledge, and to him are thoughts prepared. [4] The bow of the mighty is overcome, and the weak are girt with strength. [5] They that were full before have hired out themselves for bread: and the hungry are filled, so that the barren hath borne many: and she that had many children is weakened.

[6] The Lord killeth and maketh alive, he bringeth down to hell and bringeth back again. [7] The Lord maketh poor and maketh rich, he humbleth and he exalteth. [8] He raiseth up the needy from the dust, and lifteth up the poor from the dunghill: that he may sit with princes, and hold the throne of glory. For the poles of the earth are the Lord’s, and upon them he hath set the world. [9] He will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness, because no man shall prevail by his own strength. [10] The adversaries of the Lord shall fear him: and upon them shall he thunder in the heavens. The Lord shall judge the ends of the earth, and he shall give empire to his king, and shall exalt the horn of his Christ.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

Back to the real world.

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DJT sure hinted that there’s a lot of juicy dirt to come out. I think Rmoney better re-think his little trick to play moderate at the impeachment trial. He’s got a kid that can really get screwed if someone was so inclined.
I loved that ‘momma voted for Trump’ insult.


IF dismissal is not going to happen, ALL of the crooked politicians NEED to be nuked… AND crooked DOJ, FBI, IC, AND private entities… F’m ALL. Yea, I know it won’t happen, yet.
BUT, there needs to be some payback, revenge for the shampeachment and faux theater by Schitty, NoNads, Nanzi…


Again….F#%K, that!!, NO DEALS, All crooked players in the DS need to be NUKED


If there is no dismissal, then it should be balls to the wall.
I want 7 Ukranians and Zelinsky called, Mary McCord, ICIG Atkinson, Whistleblowers, and Schiff staff……… but please let me cross examine Vindman myself.
That squirmy little snot, I want him.


F#%K, that!!, NO DEALS, if he and his son are involved hopefully they know it and that’s why they are acting as they are…

Deplorable Patriot

If it yields evidence to reel in bigger fish….
Maybe I’ve watched way too many detective serials.


Ok, agreed, I just mean know deals for a instant acquittal in Senate in exchange for Ukraine to be swept under the rug

Deplorable Patriot

That’s a deal I would definitely not accept.


meant to say DISMISSAL not acquittal


The red pilling does seem to have picked up steam, doesn’t it? Several hints in the rally delivery, too. Continued prayers for PDJT, his family, staff, and USA.


Did you notice the outfit that FL Melania wore to the playoff game on Monday night?
It has been haunting me.
I couldn’t figure out ‘why’ she would wear an outfit like that, to that particular event.
She often communicates with us through her wardrobe choices, right?
Well…check out the outfit that Trinity is wearing in the Red Pill video!
Could that be it?
Was Melania wearing a Red Pill outfit?


Well that’s an interesting thought!! Similar in style, too, to the one Morpheus has on…..hmmmmmmm


For reference, here is a clip from Monday night:

Deplorable Patriot


Sylvia Avery

Wow, Wheatie, I’d say that is really a distinct possibility. Good eye…………..and good dot connecting!!!!!! 😮😮😮


Thanks, Syl.
I’ve been puzzled by her wearing that, since Monday night.
I mean…why wear a ‘raincoat’ type leather trenchcoat, in a domed stadium?

But seeing the Trinity outfit in the Matrix clip…it dawned on me.
Black leather trenchcoat & black boots.
Definitely a Matrix ‘look’.

Sylvia Avery

It was striking, eye catching, but it definitely seemed to me to be a raincoat, also, and like you I wondered why……………….
She’s subtle and she’s deep and you always have to ask why, because if you aren’t paying attention…………..a lot can slip right by. We know this about her by now, right?
So it’s like she got our attention, and made us look and wonder. Sort of like how Q does. And we are NOT making this up!!!!! Melania watchers know this about her.
I don’t know if yours is the right answer to the question, but it sure wouldn’t surprise me. ESPECIALLY after listening to the rally speech tonight with all the little “previews of coming attractions” slipped in here and there. Red pills…….
I don’t know, Wheatie, but I’m almost convinced you’ve nailed it. Good job!!!!!

Gail Combs

I still remember the ‘pussy bow’ blouse Melania wore after the Bush ‘smear tapes’ came out.


I loved those little tidbits, reminders, riffs popping up in his speech

Sylvia Avery

Yes………he tells us right out in the open. We know. Justice is coming. (AND I”M IMPATIENT!!!!)


Hmmm, let’s follow this logic.
Melania in the shiny black trench = Trinity.
Trinity falls in love with Neo. Neo is “the One.” She knew Neo was the One even before he knew himself.
The One is the only human who ultimately can fight the system, the aliens who control the world. Neo was “called” by Morpheus, who was a “rebel” leader of a greater resistance. Is this ‘Q’ ?
In the end, Neo realizes his true powers, that the system isn’t “real,” but a sham that can be overcome with the knowledge that it is fake. We are being led to that understanding now, by Q.
Neo wins, by dodging all their bullets. The aliens are too slow to kill Neo. We win, because Trump is Neo.
Qwel, very qwel.

Deplorable Patriot

I thought about it last night while trying to fall into the arms of Morpheus, and it occurred to me at the time I saw it that it wasn’t something she would normally wear. That was enough to make me take notice.


I wondered why she was wearing a trench/raincoat… She always wears clothes that make a statement. Strong statement on her part last night.

Deplorable Patriot

And the funny thing is, I came up with the red pill concept last week before that game was played.
Happy accident.

Deplorable Patriot

Okay, if we’re good, I will see you all in the am.


G’night, DePat.
Sweet dreams!


And this guy Epstein’s wife died mysteriously…
Was that a ‘warning’ to any other whistleblowers?


Forgive me, please, but I am still in mourning over the loss of the man I consider the greatest drummer of all time…the incomparable Neil Peart. Knowing this band will never play together again in this life causes me no small amount of anguish.
In his honor, another selection from the prolific music catalogue of Rush…one of the band’s most beloved songs….YYZ.
This one is super fun both because this Brazil audience really gets into this performance and there are some iconic shots of Peart in this video.


You are not alone in feeling the loss. Even when he pulled back from touring, there was the hope that The Professor might still teach and inspire. And now, what we have is what we have……there will be no more.
With the progress of the ages, someday there will likely be someone more masterful on the kit……but the chances are infinitesimal that I will live to see it.


Yes… but remember even in death what he accomplished in life inspires so many people, including those who cannot hope to have his artistic mastery, but still will go on to carve out their own masterwork performances. Many are following in his footsteps – it gives me hope 🙂


…..and it’s not like we have nothing. There are hours of video, and we have his books. For those of us of little talent, it’s like drinking from a firehose. But it is obvious that there was more that he took to his grave. Salute to a life well-lived, and regrets that he couldn’t be with us forever.


FG & C, a friend of mine posted this article on FB about Neil, and I thought of you. It was an interview from 2018, and it is really lovely. Neil comes across as a cool human. I’m sure he was.


Cool picture!

Sadie Slays

#CNNisTrash is trending on Twitter because Bernie fans feel Bernie was treated unfairly at the debate. In their defense, it probably wasn’t a fair debate because CNN is indeed trash. Remember when they rigged the debate for Hillary?

Sadie Slays

Wow, no wonder the Bernie fans are upset. This is bad even by CNN standards.

Sylvia Avery

@Wolfie…………… Thought this might interest you. And others………..
How Communist Ideology Infiltrated America’s Security Agencies Diana West. H/T WSB.

Gail Combs

Here is the Jan Jekielek’s interview of Diana West


Van Jones was not happy about what he saw at the Dem Debate…
Text of Trump War Room’s tweet:
Van Jones says that as a Democrat, “Tonight for me was dispiriting. Democrats are going to have to do better than what we saw tonight. There was [nobody] I saw tonight that would be able to take Donald Trump out.” #DemDebate

Lizzie Warren wouldn’t even shake Bernie’s hand when he extended it.
You can see that at the 0:08 mark.


Well she can kiss the BernBots buh bye.comment image


you know, I’m in a mood this morning, so sorry–but words matter. we all need to tone it down a bit (not you wheatie warrior!)…but look at Van Jones statement. he doesn’t want a candidate who can beat Trump, he wants one who will “take him out”…that sounds violent and over the top to me.
I now promise to get coffee and a grip in that order…


President Trump retweeted this…
Text of tweet by Tana Goertz, with the Trump campaign:
“Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane!
no it’s a massive @realDonaldTrump banner at the #DemocraticDebate #KAG
The banner said:

Hah. Brilliant move!


Tweets from President Trump…
I agree with him on this, 100%. But why would anyone vote Democrat? We are setting all time records with the economy!
Tom Steyer: Democrats are going to destroy the economy in 15 minutes if they get in control.

Now up to 187 Federal Judges, and two great new Supreme Court Justices. We are in major record territory. Hope EVERYONE is happy!


Hmm…187 is the law enforcement code for ‘murder’.
But there are probably more judges that will get confirmed soon, right?
So this is just a momentary point in time, that the total is 187.


wow, your spidey senses are tingling this morning!
that’s kinda creepy….


Once the Senate trial begins, confirmation of any nominee for anything will cease.


Ooops, another Trump tweet…I missed this one.
Steyer is running low on cash. Nobody knows him. Made his money on coal. So funny!
Text from GOP tweet that Trump is remarking on:
Tom Steyer claims climate change to be one of his top issues, but his past business dealings prove him to be hypocritical.
Steyer’s campaign is pushing to end fossil fuels, but the hedge fund he started heavily invested in coal mining AND fossil fuel projects.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve been waiting for somebody to call Steyer out on this.


I don’t remember if it was coal or oil but it was in former east bloc nations… or russia itself. Been so long since we read through that. Wonders if any one has it… ahhhh never mind. Steyer’s not even a contender at this point. If it comes to it we can hunt it down.


Your Sidney Powell bedtime story about chasing the monsters out from under the bed:


Our dear friend Sidney Powell continues to impress. Sullivan’s got to be feeling like he’s in a smaller-and-smaller box of “no pain” with no safe way of going forward. Sidney is making it a clear case of “rule of law” or “buy into Deep State BS” with no way of muddling or dissembling a steaming bunch of process that leaves Flynn screwed.
I hope she totally eviscerates the corrupt slime that have pursued this for so many months. I hope they’re bankrupted, disbarred, and renowned for the evil excrement that has consumed their lives.


You should consider being less nuanced. Tell us how you REALLY feel. 🙂


Well, that’s MY feelings, too! 😆


I feel bad for General Flynn. He is getting terrible representation from Powell. Powell is making matters far worse for him with her inept legal tactics.


You should elaborate, if you think so.


As Powell says in her motion, she is legally obligated to make a motion to withdraw at this point because of the government’s change from the plea agreement, now asking for incarceration instead of no incarceration.
A good lawyer gets the best result for a client. That is a very intense personal as well as legal obligation. In Flynn’s case, the best result would be no incarceration, and a record which would have permitted VSG to pardon Flynn.
No incarceration and pardon are still possible, but highly unlikely, and the reason is Powell. As an appellate lawyer, she should have been aware that dismissing the case had close to a zero chance of succeeding. Sullivan relied on the body of law governing Brady questions, and he applied that law accurately and PREDICATABLY to the facts of Flynn’s case.
(Side note: the wheels of justice grind exceedingly fine. When non-lawyers and even lawyers who are unfamiliar with the numerous nuances of Brady law look at Powell’s allegations, they mistakenly apply the Grand Principle and not the nuances. As an appellate lawyer, Powell 100% should have known the nuances. But interestingly, she never addressed them as she should have. Instead, she addressed the Stevens case, which was a TOTALLY IRRELEVANT Brady case, but a case which just happened to be a part of the book she is constantly selling).
And as a criminal defense attorney, she should have been aware that her futile legal tactics would re-open the question of incarceration, and make a pardon far less defensible. In effect, Powell’s tactics have made Flynn look like a dishonorable liar. A liar because he pleaded guilty under oath, but Powell now has him saying in effect “I lied under oath.” And dishonorable, because Flynn pleaded guilty to spare his son, but Powell now has him forswearing the plea which was nobly motivated by paternal love.
And in the process she has made accusations against specific government officials which were serious accusations of wrongdoing. PUT ASIDE whether the accusations were correct or not, that is beside the point. Were the accusations in the best interests of her client?
Yet in her present motion Powell doubles down on the stupid. She makes unflattering and pointless personal characterizations against the very people who control so much of what happens in this case. Does that make sense? Again, forget about whether the accusations are true or not, and I assume they ARE true. Is it in your client’s best interests to get into unflattering accusations?
And her whining about working on Christmas? Who is going to give a rat’s ass about that? And again, I assume the government did that on purpose BECAUSE THEY COULD, and they did it because of the grandstanding waste of time Powell has made them go through, and because she accused them of wrongdoing. Of course it was petty revenge. But SO WHAT? Is your whining in the best interests of your client?
Another consideration: Sullivan and the government KNOW that what Powell has been doing is totally contrary to her client’s best interests. They know she knows that the grandstanding would go nowhere, and would only hurt Flynn. But IMO this does NOT gain sympathy for Flynn, it makes them hold Flynn in contempt for allowing it to happen; see above about looking like a dishonorable liar.
To me, Powell’s motion reads as very dishonest, just as her original documents did. She is trying to take the spotlight off her own bad advice, and to put it on the government. This plays very well with people who have no stake in Flynn’s actual fate. Powell knows the virtue signaling will overcome all, and in fact her failures will be very helpful to her, personally. But in the meanwhile, what about the interests of her client?


The government changing the deal, changed the “Contract” – Flynn made a plea agreement with the government, and that included no jail time. Not only has the government reneged on that, they’re trying to assert what has already been thrown out in another court, and that’s the FARA issues in the other case.
Government breaks the contract, then Flynn has the right to have his lawyer note that the terms have changed. He still gets to say that he pled under duress.
The other part to this, and it’s independent of whether one likes Powell or not, is that 3/4 of the known players/investigators on Flynn’s case, have been dismissed from government service for basically conduct unbecoming – and that’s being charitable.
I consider EVERY case that McCabe, Strozac, Page, (and include Comey et al) to be suspect and tainted. Horowitz referred his entire IG Report = findings to the DOJ for criminal investigation. Flynn’s investigators are now being investigated.
I reserve judgement on Powell – I’m not a lawyer. But I think Sullivan’s behavior toward Flynn should have automatically disqualified him from any sentencing. Even prosecutors said, “Whoa” to Sullivan. Flynn not a traitor, even if they get him on perjury – and that Judge making such a statement for all of history to record – should be taken off the case.


We shall see. Regardless of all the circumstances it is amazing to me that people cannot see that Flynn’s guilty plea was a rational act and a legal act. As an appellate attorney, Powell ought to know (and IMO DOES know) that you cannot square the circle. But she is now proclaiming she will square the circle, so we shall see.
With respect to all the corruption in the case, that is why we elected VSG, and even VSG has been forced to deal with an extremely intractable organization called the Deep State, with layers on layers, and years of experience gaming the system very minutely. A lawyer with the client’s best interests in mind deals with that, however distasteful.


She is an Appeals lawyer, correct? I worried about her in the beginning. She’s NOT a criminal lawyer, am I correct?

Deplorable Patriot

Is it possible that this is all a shiny red ball to keep the attention of the red pilled so that other things can get done?


I don’t know… iirc Flynn is needed to testify for the White Hats… “he knows where all the bodies are buried”
same situation as Assange, iirc


No. This is total failure to represent a client’s best interests.


I am going to say something about that in response to Aubergine later on.


thank you Tonawanda…


It appears to me that she has made this topic too toxic for Pres Trump to do anything. That ship has sailed. Wonder if Sullivan accepts the withdrawal.


The withdrawal will in all likelihood be denied, and that may be the best thing to happen to Flynn. Powell has opened the door to additional charges, and who does not believe the government can come up with additional charges. Powell is virtually inviting the government to charge Flynn with other things, and opening him up to very serious periods of incarceration.
Remorse is a central consideration in pardons. As the government has alleged, Powell took remorse off the table.


The media is crying crocodile tears that they wouldn’t have access to the Senators during the Impeachment trial. So that they will not be able to spin the evidence.
The Senators are jurors in this trial and like in any other trail jurors may not talk to the press while the trail is going on:


That, of course, is a typical head fake by the media. All the media know that all their Senate news will come thru the Senators’ chiefs-of-staff or some other designated staff members. They have too much at stake to let jury secrecy get in the way.


Van Jones says that as a Democrat, “Tonight for me was dispiriting. Democrats are going to have to do better than what we saw tonight. There was [nobody] I saw tonight that would be able to take Donald Trump out.”
And he’s just noticing that now?!?
Welcome to the end of the thought process, Van.
Glad you could make it…
What would you have any of them do, sprout a new head and run on a freak-show platform?
There is NOBODY in the political-class who has any real accomplishments that could hold a candle to Trump.
There’s not even a distant second place.
There is Trump, and then there is the void.
That’s what you’re dealing with, Van.
Trump is holding a Straight Flush, and you don’t even have a pair of two’s.
And if you’re playing Joker’s Wild, then Trump is holding five of a kind.
And they’re all Aces.
You got nuthin’.
And you’re not going to have anything, because there is no one — in the ‘race’ OR currently on the sidelines — who could even relate to regular Americans, much less inspire them.
You’re a bad joke, Van — as is the political-class.


I also liked it when he said:
“You’re looking at this thing…an you say, d-did…are ANY of these people prepared for what Donald Trump is going to do to us!”


Their problem, at the core, is that the political-class today consists of people who hate America. They are completely detached from what it even means to be an American, or why anybody would even want to be a patriot.
They think that’s for suckers, for rubes, and that’s what they think we are. They hate us. They’re also mostly psychopaths and sociopaths, either by nature or nurture.
The political-class is so thoroughly corrupt that it is indistinguishable from a traditional organized crime syndicate, except that historically, even members of the mob were patriots, whereas today the professional political-class criminals are proud to be traitors.
So this is the ‘pool’ from which Van Jones is searching for a Leftist ‘savior’, some criminal he can prop up in front of the American Public and sell to us, and he can’t ‘see’ anyone in the political-class’ ‘stable’ of criminals who can play the role.
That’s because there is nobody, because they have so completely separated themselves from the American People (whom they hate), that there is no one left who can even credibly ‘fake’ being one of us.
They might as well be space aliens.
Or devils.
They have more in common with either one, than they do with any of us.
And Van, that’s not a problem you’re going to solve between now and November.
And after November, it’s all over for you.


This is something that our MSM is *not* talking about…
Text of tweet from CJTruth:
Iraqi journalists ‘assassinated’ in their car after reporting on anti-government protests in Basra.
And this is just the ones we know about.
The same leftist media hacks that were so quick to blame President Trump for Kashoggi’s death, are being silent about these deaths.
Instead, they are siding with the Iranian regime that killed them.

Deplorable Patriot

They deserve our prayers.


Verse of the Day

“Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.”
Mark 9:23 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Wednesday Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Good Morning Duchess!
hope you’re feeling really well today…we got major weather crap moving into our area soon…


Hi, Pat! Guess it is back to winter – January Thaw has ended – now – we ‘Sprint to Spring’ – hope and pray you stay safe and warm –
Have a Blessed Day! Angels watching over you!


you have a Blessed Day too!
I’m gonna head out later to get my milk and bread while the driveway is still navigable…lol


Take care and be safe, dear!


I will and thanks!!

Sadie Slays

comment imagecomment image


The latest in the saga of Benedict and his book. Thank you Father Fessio. (Ignatius Press)


So this is what happened. I knew Francis had to be involved.

Deplorable Patriot

According to the mystics…Our Lord and Savior is not going to be happy with this.

Deplorable Patriot

And another detail:

Deplorable Patriot

I think Church Militant does great work, and they are important in the fight of getting the progressives out or neutralized at least as the Spirit of the 70s guys are cycled out, but that headline is inaccurate. It’s the German hierarchy that’s leading the charge.
And…they might ask their sources if Francis can win a popularity contest among the clergy and theologians rather than a brainwashed laity.

Deplorable Patriot

Another tweet with an article worth reading. This one has a timeline.


couldn’t happen to a nicer guy…Avenatti arrested during disciplinary hearing…LOL
Former Stormy Daniels lawyer Michael Avenatti, 48, was arrested abruptly in southern California by federal agents on Tuesday night during a disciplinary hearing involving the California State Bar.
While on break during the hearing, the agents placed him under arrest on the grounds of violating the terms of his pretrial release, according to ABC News. However, they are unable to specifically list how because the documents are “under seal.”


“…Michael Avenatti, 48, was arrested abruptly in southern California by federal agents…”
YAY! The good guys are on the move.




I love that story. 🙂


forcing taxpayers to pay for transgender surgeries…smh
“Health care is a right, not a privilege, and I’m committed to ensuring our LGBTQ community and all Illinoisans have access to that right,” Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D-Ill.) said in a statement in April.
“Expanding Medicaid to cover gender affirming surgeries is cost effective, helps avoid long-term health consequences, and most importantly is the right thing to do. With continued attacks coming from Washington, this administration will always stand with our transgender community and their right to lead safe and healthy lives.”
Almost everything in this statement was dead wrong. Health care should not be considered a “right,” because it involves the hard work of doctors and nurses, who deserved to be compensated for their work. Perhaps most importantly, however, the idea that “gender-affirming” surgeries help “avoid long-term health consquences” is false, as is the idea that covering these surgeries is necessarily “the right thing to do.”
Transgender activists have pushed this narrative based on the idea that the only way to curb the high rate of suicide among people who identify themselves as transgender is to force society to accept transgender identity. Te thinking goes like this: When transgender people have surgery to “affirm” their identity as the opposite sex, they will be less likely to commit suicide. Therefore, transgender surgery is essential to their health, and the government paying for it actually saves money in the long run.
The evidence actually suggests the opposite. While there are few long-term studies on transgender health available, the most thorough follow-up study involving transgender people — extending over 30 years and conducted in Sweden, where there is a strong pro-transgender culture — found that transgender surgery does not paper over mental unrest. Ten to fifteen years after surgical reassignment, the suicide rate of those who had undergone the surgery rose to 20 times that of their peers!


This is a PILE OF PUTRID PC PROPAGANDA PIG POOP!!! – libertine lunacy and spiritual blindness – across the board from the psychiatrists to the psychologists to the politicians to the police!!!

Gail Combs

⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️THIS ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️
“Health care is a right, not a privilege…”
SO get them PSYCHIATRIC CARE! Or put them in a mental institution!




Sexual identity confusion/dissatisfaction with one’s sex at birth is a mental illness – usually conditioned by parents – not another normal alternate identity or ‘gender’ – all that sexual ‘orientation’ ‘identity’ ‘gender’ crap is propaganda!!!


I agree. I am at a elementary school weekly. It astounds me how the children are dressed, how long the boys hair is, how everything is rainbow and how all of the t-shirts have the latest “cute”sayings on them that is being marketed by the cabal.I honestly lots of time can’t tell female from male. It is conditioning from the parents, the new “in” thing. Horrible.


“Health care is a right, not a privilege…”
The people who came to America and become pioneers by settling westwards would be absolutely dumbfounded by this kind of attitude. They risked it all. They were for the most part self-reliant, and without the need to make that kind of demand. What was gained came to them by their own hard work and sacrifice.
On a lighter note, que the fife music:
(1:09 in length)


[b]became[/b], not become.

Gail Combs

One of the funniest series ever!


I agree. Perfect casting and great script writing. Got the first two seasons on DVD.

Deplorable Patriot

Transgender is unnecessary surgery, therefore no one should be on the hook for it but the recipient. There’s any number of cosmetic and minor surgeries that can be argued as unnecessary (breast reduction, ear pinning, etc.), but are in the best interest of the patient. Transgender really does not qualify.
Just MHO.


agreed—if an anorexic wanted lap band surgery because she sees herself as huge—would THAT be covered? it’s her image of herself that matters?

Deplorable Patriot

Precisely. In that case, it is NOT in the best interest of the patient and no responsible health care provider should entertain fulfilling the request.

Gail Combs

I had to have ‘plastic surgery’ done on a severed nerve as a child (it worked) However since the word ‘plastic’ was used, the insurance would not cover it and my parents had to pay out of pocket.
ANY ‘elective’ surgery or treatments should not be covered. They do not cover replacement of teeth, eye glasses or vision corrective eye surgery, hearing aids….
So WHY should I have to pay for my teeth, eyes and ears and STILL have to pay because some loonie wants his privates wacked off?

Deplorable Patriot

Insurance does cover cataract surgery, and then a corrective lens in the other eye. My grandmother’s hearing aid was covered. It depends on the insurance provider and the policy.

Gail Combs

But not laser surgery to correct vision unless you BUY extra coverage. It is not covered by basic GOVERNMENT PAID medicare/medicaid.
What these Commies are claiming is WE, the tax payer, have to provide FREE sex change surgery with GOVERNMENT PAID medicare/medicaid.
If parents or people want to BUY special insurance, fine but that is not what is being said.
Your Grandmother would have one of the high end Medigap plans that she would pay for.
(I just tried to check on line and got ZERO info on what is actually covered by the different plans… GRRrrrr)


I had to have several times eye laser surgery and insurance paid for it. I also get injections in my eye about every 12 weeks and the cost is over $2000 and my insurance pays.
I guess it depends on insurance. I have subliminal insurance through my husbands state teachers insurance.
Concerning transgender I cannot imagine having surgery to change gender because so much can go wrong and one cannot go and correct it if it does not work out. Why is anyone so obsessed with gender instead of accepting oneself as God has created?


Gail is correct…I’ve had cataract surgery …basic is insurance covered (Medicare) but laser is not. And corrective is not. I had to pay quite a bit extra to have laser on my “reading” eye ( think it was about $1000 over and above the cataract surgery, if I remember correctly. It was enough that I opted out of having both eyes done.


it covered a little of hubby and my cataract surgeries but definitely not all…2 years ago we spent $12K on both our surgeries on both of our eyes. and they only cover a basic lens (you can either choose near vision or far–if you want a lens that totally corrects your vision, you pay for the surgery AND the lens–it’s considered cosmetic).


I have friends, primarily long-time tennis players, that eventually get a lot of varicose veins from the pounding on the courts. From their conversations, it’s extremely difficult to get insurance to pay for the treatment because it’s considered “vanity” rather than necessary, unless you jump through the hoops and declare severe pain, etc.
And here’s one for you…as I’ve written…going through a bunch of tests to hopefully discover what causes the severe hives. Almost NONE of the blood tests, etc, are covered by insurance. If I decided to have the blood test for 186 most common allergy triggers…it’s $250…no insurance.
I’m having a test done at the hospital outpatient lab next week to see if I have calcium in my heart arteries…not covered by insurance! ( and, I have very good insurance coverage).
So, needless to say I’m not terribly supportive of a transgender freebie!


Same as abortion. It is all elective.


WOW…those terrorists in Jersey involved in the deli shootout had explosive materials that could’ve caused damage–5 football fields wide!!
In a statement by the U.S. attorney in New Jersey and the head of the local FBI, they confirmed Monday that the explosive discovered in the vehicle of suspected domestic terrorists Francine Graham and David Anderson could have killed or mutilated people up to five football fields away.
The duo also noted that the materials found within the van were of enough quantity to manufacture a second explosive.


It was 9 years ago that Hubby and I visited Lindisfarne. There are not many more peaceful places on this earth, I’m sure.


That is one place I would love to visit….
A tour of early Christian sites would be a dream.
I’ve been to Israel and that trip was just amazing.
If England, Scotland, Ireland, Greece, Italy and Spain had not gone Islamist, I’d go there.
Now Poland and the other migration resistant eastern European countries seem like a much safer and happier place to tour.


have been looking for confirmation of this story on other sites, but so far nothing…SD has an article that provides factual proof that Schiff transmitted “new evidence” to Nadler—info from Lev Parnas (Guiliani’s associate).
reading the official letter from Schiff there’s a lot of supposition in it and “translations” done by others –cuz some of the info was in Russian dontcha know…and hand written “notes” by Parnas on hotel stationary–(could have made that crap up out of thin air…)
anyway…it’s all in an effort, along with the Russian hacking Burisma gambit, to get ahead of the Senate trial on impeachment…it’s an interesting read. not providing a link, it’s OT…top of the threads…


sorry…it’s the bottom of the day’s thread…sorry


thanks CM!

CM in TN

Had just read it before I saw your comment!


And, those notes on the hotel stationary weren’t even date…maybe not even signed. I’m amazed the so-called attorney managers for the Dims even have the nerve to present this as more evidence.


I’ve never even heard of a turtle sundae. Apparently it is a temptation our VP can’t resist. 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

[DP swoons]
Vanilla ice cream, carmel and hot fudge sauce topped with whipped cream, walnuts and a cherry. At the oldest…well, Crown Candy Kitchen on the north side in a neighborhood a lot of people won’t frequent, they call it a Crown Sundae to avoid a lawsuit.
Great stuff.


comment image
Culver’s is amazing. If you have an opportunity to go, DO.
We live about 20-30 minutes from the closest one to us – so with the kids it’s like a multi-hour commitment to go. Yet we still keep doing it.
The frozen custard is incredible – but don’t underrate the ButterBurgers WITH CHEESE and the cheese curds.
It’s a Wisconsin chain so you have to order everything with cheese.
2013 map of Culver’s locations: image imagecomment image

Deplorable Patriot

Every now and then SD finds an acorn. Here’s one.


Curious why Ingraham would do that?

Deplorable Patriot

The comments somewhere in there claim she was instructed to. Can’t let the real truth come out live on national television, you know.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m trying not to enjoy this.

Deplorable Patriot

Another name and face to get to know.

Gail Combs

From Paul Joseph Watson
A student who was the victim of a media demonization campaign after he protested against a ‘Drag Queen Storytime’ event in Brisbane, Australia has committed suicide.


You can almost bet he was the victim of one of those predators early in his life.
Usually the story goes like this:
– dysfunctional family, anger, contempt between parents
– abusive/abandoning/apathetic father
– overbearing or overly emotionally dependent mother
– vulnerable child falls victim to grooming by predator
– such parents don’t usually believe child who reports abuse
– damage is done multiple times and ways
– child grows up with many psychological problems


Part II – Statistics show the abused child often grows up to be a second generation abuser, a co-dependent enabler or commit suicide….depending on the severity, timing and duration of the abuse.


Maybe the ‘suicide’ wasn’t voluntary…?
Leftist goons are getting more violent.
That’s who started those deadly fires down in Australia.
It drives them crazy when someone speaks out against their Leftist doctrine.

Gail Combs

I think this young man was hounded to his death and it had nothing to do with previous sexual abuse.
From the article.

…21-year-old Gavin can be seen on videos of the protest shouting “drag queens are not for kids.”
In a Facebook post after the protest, he said that the demonstration was a show of support for Queensland Opposition Leader Deb Frecklington, who had criticized unisex toilets, and a stand against “politically correct rubbish.”
The protest was roundly condemned by the media, Federal MPs and celebrities, including The Veronicas star Jessica Origliasso. After the event, Gavin faced personal harassment and ridicule.

Wilson Gavin, a young conservative who recently lead a protest against a so-called “Drag Queen Story Hour” at an Australian library faced a massive media campaign of hatred against him, laballing him as a “bigot”.
Today, he committed suicide…

Large news outlets like ABC characterized the demonstration as an attack on the children, rather than a defense of their innocence, demonizing Gavin in the process.
Police were called out to an incident on Monday morning just after 7 am and Gavin was found found with critical injuries having taken his own life…..

My question is was he DRIVEN to suicide or was he ‘suicided’
He was only 21 and as we know from what has been done here in the USA the Left WILL DRIVE a target OUT OF JOB AFTER JOB. The harassers here in the USA laughed about following one conservative that was DOXED all over the USA and harassing his employer until he was fired and they did it again and again driving him from job after job.
Was the same thing done to this young man?

Gail Combs

Here is a similar story and the writer does a much much better job of expressing himself than I.

[Kleenex at the ready is advised.]
RIP Andrew Dodson: A Brother in Arms Driven to Suicide by the Leftist Mob

…I don’t know much about Andrew Dodson, guys. And I guess I never will.
He’s dead now, suicide at the age of 34…..
He was a young man from Arkansas who was doxed after attending Charlottesville and then harassed to the point of losing it.
Most men kill themselves out of a feeling of hopelessness or guilt. I guess that it was a mixture of both that got Dodson.
But I wonder why no one reached out to him before he killed himself?
…..Pretty much everyone had that post-red pill suicidal period. Most of us struggled past it alone.
But no one should have to go through a doxing all alone.
Shit can get really bad really fast. At this point we all know how it generally goes: a lot of Westerners no longer hold family sacred, and will instead disown their children – sacrifice them to the gods of multikulit to appease the kikes and polite society. Then employers and universities get involved. All of them collaborate to ruin young White men’s lives for becoming nationalists.
Our guys need support and help during these periods. Both emotional and material.
Some need a place to lay low for awhile. A helping hand to get a job. Someone to vent to. These things are very important – especially when you feel like the walls are closing in on you
As for the implications of this suicide…
Well, is this what normal people want to be associated with? Is hounding a political dissident to his death by getting the system to grind him down and spit him out considered cool and rebellious?

Cuppa Covfefe

Aside from the terrible, needless death, the most tragic and discomfiting, indeed enraging thing is that a young man, advocating traditional normalcy and family values, must be referred to as a “political dissident”.
Marx, Engels, and their ilk must be celbrating with Satan in hell. And Bill Ayers must be jumping up and down in hope of joining them.
“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” Appears we’re headed that way (whether or not Orwell really said it)…

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. Wonder if they blamed it on VSGPDJT 🙂
(How’s THAT for collusion, Mafiosi Piglosi? Oh, wait, it’s you lot, DEMONicRATS, influencing the Russians)…


“A fool and his money are soon parted….”


Or he’s got some really dirty laundry.


also, a small foot and a big ego 😉

Deplorable Patriot

Gird your loins.


Heheh…I found this in one of the replies to O’Keefe’s tweet:comment image
It’s a picture of frowning Bernie with the caption:
Greed, Guns and Prisons are what’s wrong with America.
Now give me 90% of your income, or I will send men with guns after you and send you to prison.


Terrible picture. He looks like he doesn’t have his teeth in.


he’s a communist…they all share a set of teeth and one brain…must not be his day to have either…



Nanzi is mumbling, stuttering and choking her way through the announcement



Strictly for those who can stomach her. Personally I can’t

Harry Lime

Gee, I don’t think all of the food groups are equally represented here. No Asians? How many of these people are gay? Is there a transgender among them? No Native Americans? How about fake Native Americans at least? Three white guys? Really? Democrats are racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic…intellectual phobic…

Gail Combs

So Shifty Shitt is a Manager, does that mean he can not be called as a witlessness?



Heheh…love Karli’s laugh.
I don’t know if Pelosi was drunk, though.
It might be dementia…or some other condition that is causing her slurred speech, confusion and rambling.
Whatever her problem is, she is not fit to be Speaker and 3rd in line to the Presidency!


if you think she’s scary, check this out. No way can this man be President!!!

Gail Combs

Think about it.
WHAT do the DemonRats have?
Dianne Feinstein turning 87
Nancy Pelosi, a year younger
Hillary @ 73 with visible health problems
Bernie Sanders @ 79
Joe Biden, a year younger @ 78
Michael Bloomberg also @ 78
George Soros @ 90
You also have
Chuck Schumer @ 69
Jerry Nadler @ 73 who is comical
and Adam Schiff @ 60 but he never made it passed being a Rep.
Their top bench is OLD and the Squad does not have broad appeal and are too young and green.
The Republicans on the other hand have several rising stars.



I believe that the stain of a partisan impeachment will forever rest on the Democrats, who had to resort to lies read aloud and admitted as evidence by their leader, one sided accusations by third hand “witnesses”admitted as evidence, and denial of any defense witnesses whatsoever…much of which was presided over by a drooling, somnolent chairperson.
it seems to me that any of the above would result in a mistrial in a fair and proper administration of justice.
They should wear this vindictive, petty, loser defining albatross around their spineless, ugly necks forever.
Let it define them. They deserve it.




(just got back from shopping so I will find the actual story and link it)
a judge had to let an illegal alien go after he murdered a woman because the case was made that the police illegally obtained his DNA. The police formally requested a DNA sample to correct the matter, but the judge denied them. The DNA illegally obtained PROVED the man murdered the woman–and they let him go…

Cuppa Covfefe

I’m wondering if history will look back at this travesty fakepeachment, and the DEMONicRAT lies, unconstitutional law-twisting, and unabashed fabrications, and say, wait a minute; it looks like Nixon was framed and cheated by many of the same methods, if not the same people. It’s as if the only thing the DEMONicRATS can do as the losing side is to foment impeachment… the truth is not in them.
Then, looking at the tatters of the disbanded (and punished sedtitionists and traitors) of the DEMONicRAT “party”, history will say, good riddance to bad rubbisn…

Cuppa Covfefe

Ooops (WurstPress spell chucker)…
Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish… buh-bye, DEMONicRATS…


These dumb fucks are literally too stupid to realize that in all likelihood, there will never be another UN-IMPEACHED President, thanks to the ridiculous precedent they have set. Don’t like that your side lost? IMPEACH!


Exactly. Except I really think they would like to get in and then never have another election. Perish the thought!!





Let’s hope the Senate is stable….




Ya’ know, sometime, I do an extra article for QTree which is a big topic of the day.
Okay fine, it helps to organize our comment section and save the comments in one place for future reference.
I’m at a loss, today.
There are at least a dozen topics which normally require a special thread.
It’s a news fire-hose day.

Gail Combs

Amen to that Daughn!
And just think, it is only going to get worse as we head into the 2020 elections.🙃

Deplorable Patriot

Are there any other sources on this? I mean, this is BIG NEWS if it is true.

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s in the YSM/MCM over here, too… with the typical muh Russia muh Russia overtones…
Only a libturd urinalist could hold two equally dishonest and false positions at the same time, and not see a problem…..


China US trade Deal post and link is up, please comment there if interested.
Getting ready to start soon.


I hope they help PDJT suck the O2 out of the room when he signs the China deal


Is an impeachment generated solely by political rivals and arrived at without due process really an impeachment?


Not really, but they think it’s gonna last forever….I hope the shame of it DOES last forever, for THEM

Concerned Virginian

710WOR, New York:
Pelosi named NADLER and SCHIFF among the 7 House DemComms who will be the Impeachment Managers (the ones who will function as “prosecutors” of POTUS!!

Gail Combs

Larry, Curly and Crow?comment imagecomment imagecomment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Sounds like Big Pharma. They don’t want to cure you, they just want to keep you sick forever so they can make money off of you (and everyone else)…
I have a feeling The Great Physician will take them to task for that; and it’ll be hell to pay for them…

Deplorable Patriot



🔥💥 57.9% of rally attendees in Milwaukee were not Republican💥🔥


Amazing data!


Another crazed rabid commie for Bernie.
Text of Andy Ngo’s tweet:
This man was a delegate for Sanders at the DNC. McKelvey works on progressive campaigns but also lead the protest-turned-riots in Portland against the ‘16 presidential election results. He is closely allied w/antifa & was once arrested for allegedly kidnapping an underage girl.


Parting thought:
We are often labeled as people who do not ca4e about the environment, which I would wager is generally not true.
However, I believe that most of us want our countries’ environmental challenges solved by our own country, and not by some UN Globalist entity which would, based on global environmental concerns administer and enforce (For example) land acquisition and use, allocation of resources, and control of our manufacturing processes and agriculture.
Such a scenario is nightmarish to me and would, imo, be also to many on the left.
In addition to framing the narrative in a way which truthfully informs the public of these issues, it might be nice to have some sort of visual which displayed what the President has actually done about environmental issues vs. what the left has said and in fact have accomplished.


Yes you’re on the right track. Everything we know about the “environment” from the left is designed to Chicken Little “The sky is falling” us in accepting anything the left can offer to “save the planet”, no matter what poison pill it is.


Here’s a ‘blast’ from the past………….. I didn’t see this when created this past December……….. perhaps you missed it also – THREAD – click a tweet
THREAD – click tweet time stamp

Cuppa Covfefe

He was busy thinking about other stimuli…
Canadian Club(s),
Sassoon /why’d ya haveta leave Sassoon),
Hannah Montana,
but he’ll have to watch out for
“Fairy Tales Repel” shampoo…
I think they’re on to him…


Rappin Hoe says she might break the rules at the Olympics and kneel anyway. hope they kick here and the entire team out and everyone hates her and she never sells another thing…whew…sorry. nasty rant for a nasty piece of work.
Soccer star Megan Rapinoe suggested on Instagram this week she may defy Olympic rules and kneel or otherwise protest at this summer’s games in Tokyo, despite a ban by the International Olympic Committee on using the games to make political statements.
Her reasoning: “We will not be silenced.”
It’s interesting how she says she’s being silenced. You certainly couldn’t tell, given the kind of reporting a simple statement on social media generated.
Among her other statements was the decision to not participate in the national anthem during Women’s World Cup games — a move which seemed oddly self-defeating given the fact she would spend the next 90 minutes on the pitch wearing the uniform of the national team.
She’d started kneeling for the anthem in in 2016 to support Colin Kaepernick, saying “it is because of my utmost respect for the flag and the promise it represents that I have chosen to demonstrate in this way.” [Western Journal]


She’s always looking for the camera… merely stating she may defy the rules should be grounds for eliminating her participation.
Another byotch.


I think if she does, they need to kick her off the team meaning if the rest wins, no gold for her!


Oh I think they would kick her off… I would prefer she not be allowed to participate PERIOD.


she’s an ass

Gail Combs

She needs a good BOOT in the Ass straight off the team.
If the team manager had a backbone they would tell her to LEAVE!



Cuppa Covfefe

How fitting for the MeAgain generation… always online, always “checking in”, always blasting photos hither and yon… look at me, look at me, look at me… again, and again, and again…
And her name fits, too…
Almost MeAgain Rappin’ Ho…


Love the way you think Cuppa !


“We will not be silenced.” ~ Megan Rapinoe
She should be kicked off the team for vowing to break the IOC’s new rules.
She cannot be trusted now, to *not* break those rules.
And…no one is ‘silencing’ her!
What a crock!
She has no right to USE the Olympic Games as her personal platform to express her political views!
She is high-jacking an audience…an audience that came there to see the games, *not* her little protest.

Deplorable Patriot

Frankly, Megan, you can be replaced.


Just released!
New Part II of James O’Keefe’s #Expose2020 project:

Harry Lime

I’m curious to see if this sees the light of day in the Lame Stream Press. This one just might because the Left has been trying to find a way to take out Bernie, who has been rising in the polls, and prop up Sloppy Joe, who has been falling. But at the same time if they do they will be giving attention and a certain amount of legitimacy to Project Veritas, and you know they would never want to do that…oh, what to do…what to do.


Isn’t it essential to have President Zelensky as a witness at the impeachment trial? Wouldn’t Zelensky alone clarify everything and make all other witnesses unnecessary?


I’ve been following this twitter acc’t that Thomas (Big T not Wictor) recommended recently.
Please, check her out over the past 15 hrs or so… she is on fire with reminders from Q as well as her own thoughts.

Remember to remove *
Prayer warriors will find info enlightening also…

Concerned Virginian

Why is Mitch McConnell talking about “both sides would be able to call witnesses if it comes to that” in the Senate trial?
Wasn’t it Romney who said that there were enough “Republican” Senators who could vote to call witnesses?


Carlos has another long THREAD – click timestamp on either tweet


Kyle Jurek was arrested in Iowa?
This is the guy featured in James O’Keefe’s video…in 2nd tweet.
.comment imagecomment image


You should check out the info I found about him and his family on the thread from yesterday. This guy comes from a troubled family, for sure.
It’s here, there are several comments as I found more stuff. He was actually arrested TWICE for DUI in IOWA, once in Sept of 2019, and then this year. And there;s more.


Thanks, Aubergine.
Good digging!
At least this guy is not a good spokesman for communism.
His ramblings sound insane to anyone with a working brain.
I mean…he calls himself a “communist libertarian”!?
Those two things are polar opposites!


Yes, what a nut! And the addictive personality runs in the family, all too common.


I certainly hope Nancy doesn’t pull a Smolliet and say she got mugged on the way to walking over the Impeachment Nonsense…


Love your wit Pat !


she’s drunk and stumbling normally…if she has to physically walk those article over to Senate, no telling what could happen!
they could be STOLEN! {{GASP}} and there’d be another delay!
they could be blown away (by even the smallest breeze–they are nothingburgers anyway)
they could spontaneously combust! (lies tend to do that to some)
but I imagine Nan will want to make a grand entrance and delivery…


Ohhh no… if she delivers as Lady Godiva I’ll need bleach for my eyes… A nakid Nan !

Gail Combs

So will the poor horse!

Cuppa Covfefe

On top of that, the poor horse will have to be checked for infectious diseases…


LOL you all rock


Interesting data from last night’s rally.


That’s why I refer to us as Trump Supporters… NOT Republicans…
With all the walk-away movements, the political party ground is shifting.
Not only is the Democrat Party being destroyed, the Republican Party is being restructured. The ol’ GOP hasn’t cared about appealing to the American people for a looonnnggg time, otherwise, Dubya would never have been nominated.
jes my two cents.


“…Trump Supporters… NOT Republicans…”
The republican party has been hijacked.
Until we take it back, THIS is how it HAS TO BE…


No, you’re right. Dole and Bush ll definitely weren’t of “the People” – still, I loved the number who weren’t “GOP” – and we need the 4,000+ to vote for Trump AND the GOP ticket in November. Just getting a few thousand more people to LOCALLY can make a difference in the Congressional/Senate races. Dems have been doing just that – with DJT at the head of the ticket, we should be able to pull it off.


You know, Id like to see good comparison s between the Reagan coalition and Trump voters, for both elections. Course we dont want a 2024 version of pappy bush being elected after President Trump!


Sorry if I’ve missed it, but can anyone provide numbers data for the Dims debate last night? I haven’t seen any information about how many attended, how many viewed it on TV, etc.
I’ve read how utterly boring and disastrous it was….even from Dims. Heh heh


Good point, but I have no idea. I do know just hours before the debate, no one was in line. Does that help? 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

I haven’t seen any either. I assume it was negligible or we would have seen headlines.

Cuppa Covfefe

Couple of good comments on that, too:

An old politician hack who failed repeatedly on his own, a communist, a socialist who fakes her minority status, a mayor of a university town, a billionaire who doesn’t know what to do with his money, and a Senator with no real life accomplishments, does not make for a compelling President or ratings success.


Yet Monday night 25 million people watched the LSU/Clemson game and saw president Trump come out on the field and receive thunderous applause from 80,000 people! They even started chanting ‘USA’! It was a tremendous ovation and the media couldn’t cover it up or spin it.

Concerned Virginian

710WOR, New York:
Mark Steyn again in for Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh has the flu.
Steyn appears to be implying that Pelosi’s FAKE impeachment strategy is to do in the Senate EXACTLY what happened in the House — by going into the Senate trial with the PLANNED OUTCOME of a conviction.
This is of course, in addition to making QUITE sure that POTUS’ name and ALL the MAGA agenda are tarnished by having POTUS impeached.
Pelosi et al aren’t at all interested in “protecting the Constitution” or “the rule of law”.


I haven’t seen this topic discussed . . .
Since the Senate proceedings are a trial, then will the Federal Rules of Evidence be applied? They should.
If those rules are applied, then all of the hearsay evidence will not be allowed to be presented, nor would conjecture or intimation be permitted.
That would certainly suck a bunch of wind out of the DemonRats’ sails.


Pelosi is a puppet… Q & POTUS have said so.
Pelosi’s handlers are proving to NOT be the sharpest tools in the box.
Some of us have been saying that POTUS wants the Senate trial so that he, POTUS can testify.
We have been beaten down with all manner of ‘that is not safe, that is not smart’ …
Yeah, I know… POTUS is not very bright, is he?
He made another dumb move today – got the Chinese to sign Phase 1 of the Trade Agreement…
Yeah, I know… we just have to suffer with his foolish mistakes.

Gail Combs

“… going into the Senate trial with the PLANNED OUTCOME of a conviction…….”
There is a wee bit of a problem with that. The DemonRat Commies have NOT been able to kill President Trump’s popularity. Remember they managed to get Nixon’s to drop to a ?-30%-? approval rating.
INSTEAD you now have CULT 45, a VERY ENTHUSIASTIC and MASSIVE support group for the President and a group who KNOWS the whole mess is nothing but BULLSHIFF.
I do believe they planned on a conviction but it was to be based on President Trump attacking Iran IN IRAN. Now they have hauled out the next plan, MUH! Russia 2.0 but it is NOT going to WORK for the simple reason that NO ONE BELIEVES PROVEN LIARS.
When Adam the shiffty Shitt read into the congressional record a ‘President Trump phone transcript’ that was a COMPLETE LIE they lost ALL credibility.
Do I think our ‘Rebooblican Senators’ are dirty enough to Convict an innocent man? Of Course, but I am not sure they want to risk a M A S S I V E – A*R*M*E*D – U P R I S I N G. I certainly hope they are not that stupid.


Hopefully, they won’t be able to find 21 traitor RINOs to go along with them.


This is what happens with socialized, government-controlled Healthcare.
Medicare For All?
Over 1,000 Doctors in France Quit Due to Shortages & Lack of Funding.
Doctors are shown taking off their white coats and throwing them into a growing, big pile.


That’s the same ploy the lawyers used.


Here in Canada, I can’t find a doctor that is taking patients ….my doctor is retiring, and all doctors that I have phoned have closed their waiting lists and are not taking any more patients…
And Trudope is ‘consulting’ on euthanasia….kill the elderly, infirm and fetuses… we have pretty well lost our Christian nation.


I don’t believe Canada is lost. God will intervene, and he may do it through the United States.


thank you michaeIh… also don’t think Canada is lost …but we are in for a very rough time in the meantime


Yes God is going to some humbling of the elites in your nation. Stay strong! We will overcome. Americans are the allies of all true Canadians.


this morning on the radio I heard a disturbing story–the local police departments in NY are being forced to sign agreements NOT to share any illegal alien data with the federal gov’t or they will lose their access to NY DMV database!
The federal government is using this data to determine citizenship and NY doesn’t want to tip off the feds –so that the “illegal immigrants” in NY will feel SAFER…


Check this out…
In his avatar photo, Kyle Jurek is holding up a sign that says:
“The Time is right for Fighting in the Streets.” …with a picture of a Molotov cocktail.comment image


And he has plenty of support to do this so openly.


Cates gives his almost daily reminder that the Dems have cooked their own goose.

It’s a thread, so click on the time/date stamp.


Are we sure George Soros is not Iranian???
We have been warned.


Ohhhh, it’s a purple kiss.


Cates’ THREAD on latest wrt Gen Flynn – click on time stamp


I would think this fact alone, by itself, would make everything those criminal FBI agents have touched tainted, and thereby, null and void. Just think of the appeals…

Couldn’t resist posting some of the characters Brian named. Here is the Thread Reader link. Very good thread.


Thank you Lady P. for posting the Thread Reader… I must say I’m totally flummoxed with the Flynn business. Hope it is resolved to his favor soon.


Flynn has grounds for withdrawal of his plea. His plea deal was a contract with the government – the government has changed the terms of the contract. Essentially it’s now null, but Flynn has to get the Judge to void it. If Sullivan doesn’t do it, Flynn will get it done on appeal.
Extraordinary that 3/4 of the KNOWN agents who worked on Flynn’s case are all criminals themselves. How does that compute?
When the Flynn story is finally told, it should make for good reading.


When the Flynn story is finally told, it should make for good reading.
AND, ^^^ will make for a multi million dollar suit against DOJ AND FIB, by Flynn;-)


I don’t care what people are saying regarding Flynn and his plea – all I have to look at is the investigators, the FBI/DOJ characters who participated in setting him – no Miranda, entrapment – and know that they’re being investigated for criminal behavior, and have been fired – including the guy who was head of the FBI – Comey at the time this happened – it tells me all I need to know.
Flynn’s case is tainted six ways to Sunday.

Mary Morse

Amazing thread, Lady P. Thanks for posting, and your excerpts. Can you add Cate’s Son of Man meme? I’m not sure how. Note the colors of Magritte’s shirt and tie in the painting…
Attempts to withdraw pleas can result in threats of additional charges. See FBI v. director of T C Affair

Mary Morse

Magritte on the painting, from the wiki above:
“At least it hides the face partly well, so you have the apparent face, the apple, hiding the visible but hidden, the face of the person. It’s something that happens constantly. Everything we see hides another thing, we always want to see what is hidden by what we see. There is an interest in that which is hidden and which the visible does not show us. This interest can take the form of a quite intense feeling, a sort of conflict, one might say, between the visible that is hidden and the visible that is present.[3]”


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Mary Morse

Can you link to the part of the Cates thread that memes Pientka as a faceless man in a bowler hat? Thanks. The thread is a must read. Thanks again.

Mary Morse

Thanks. Magritte’s Son of Man.
Here’s the Brian Cate’s meme that blew my mind:

Did you know only ONE of these four people who played such an instrumental role in inventing this bogus perjury charge against Flynn is still employed at the FBI? I have a picture of him right here!— RussiaGate Was Fake! SpyGate Is Real! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ (@drawandstrike) January 15, 2020
Here’s another Magritte painting titled The Great War on Facades:
Reminds me of this:


I loved that Cates’ thread. It’s why I think Flynn has a case, him and hundreds of others Comey, McCabe, Page, Strozac worked on. Tainted. All their work is suspect.

Mary Morse

I agree. A Flynn trial will sign light on the entire plot, and put the conspirators under oath in full daylight.
Do you know what the FBI did to the director of the 1999 version of the Thomas Crown Affair?


What a story, and yes, it sounds like the kind of FBI we’ve had running amok for several decades. Mueller et al has had people wrongfully imprisoned and then they die in prison.
I don’t believe that the FBI, or any law-enforcement agency or agent should be able to call someone up out of the blue – without Miranda warnings, and available defense, question someone. Due process was denied McTiernan. No dissimilar to Flynn’s case where he had no Miranda warnings of being under investigation – entrapment.
One major legal issue that must change – all interviews with the FBI and associated LE must be recorded. No more of these little casual “chats” and then the FBI guy writes up a 302 to suit the FBI’s purpose.
BTW, I believe there was a conflict of interest with that prosecutor, Saunders. Sick justice.

Mary Morse

Thank you for taking time to read, and thoughtfully comment, Lady P.


I appreciate your sharing it.


Worse, makes me concerned for Flynn. Looks like the FBI/DOJ could add new charges just because they seem to be able to make things up.
Ugly situation all around, but I think the fact that the FBI agents in Flynn’s case are under investigation might help mitigate what further damage they could do. Especially if it can be proven that the FBI/DOJ manufactured the 302 to produce false evidence.

Mary Morse

Can someone make this into a meme with our President as Thomas Crown?



The Power of Free Thought
12 Mar 2019 – 2:55:14 PM
>Decide for yourself (be free from outside opinion).
>Decide for yourself (be objective in your conclusions).
>Decide for yourself (be true in your own beliefs).
>Decide for yourself (be open to following the facts).
>Decide for yourself (be strong in defending your beliefs).
>Decide for yourself (be resistant to blindly accepting fact-less statements).
>Decide for yourself (be free)
Those who attack you.
Those who mock you.
Those who cull you.
Those who control you.
Those who label you.
Do they represent you?
Or, do they represent themselves (in some form)?
Mental Enslavement.
The Great Awakening (‘Freedom of Thought’), was designed and created not only as a backchannel to the public (away from the longstanding ‘mind’ control of the corrupt & heavily biased media) to endure future events through transparency and regeneration of individual thought (breaking the chains of ‘group-think’), but, more importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle (a ‘ship’) that provides the scattered (‘free thinkers’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment).
When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or the stable.
When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’.
“Free thought” is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.
When you are awake, you are able to clearly see.
The choice is yours, and yours alone.
Trust and put faith in yourself.
You are not alone and you are not in the minority.
Difficult truths will soon see the light of day.


Sucks when you lock down your Twitter feed, but James O’Keefe captured it already.


Elizabeth Carter

I am wondering if anyone else is feeling it. I was not alone when Trump came down the escalator and I know I am not alone now.


No pressure now. Been amazed that much of what DJT has accomplished wasn’t even on my radar of expectations. I was just desperate to keep the country out of the hands of the fascist Left, and stop the hemorrhaging started by Obama’s reign of Terror.
OTOH, as POTUS keeps bringing up names and events, long since pushed on the back burner – like last night, when he brought up the tarmac meeting between Lynch and Clinton, and mentioned Supreme Court Justices – I see that he has forgotten nothing, and that we’ll yet see Justice!
But to that pressure you mentioned, felt something similar right after Pelosi pulled off her impeachment gig – always at Christmas with the Dems for their dirty work – I did feel angst.
Not anymore. No angst. POTUS is going to wear that “impeachment” like a of badge of honor. We just have to make sure we write the history books. Whoever wins writes those books. 🙂

Sadie Slays

I’m having a weird day, but not in a good way. Something’s different, indeed.

CM in TN

I have that anticipation anxiety, that feeling when all the hairs on your arm stand up and the “stuff” is about to hit the fan in a big way. The battle is at hand and it’s about to get real…like we need to seize that beachhead…


I posted over on Marica’s blog last night about being in God’s favor…
Definitely feel like something is breaking.


Who is this person and what have they done with Susan Collina?
Isn’t she supposed to be one of the Republicans Mittens said would vote against dismissal?
Mitch said few days ago that if they voted for dismissal, it would have to win by 2/3 majority… no simple majority.
Does he expect to get some DIM votes for dismissal?
Was he giving out ‘disinformation’ ?
Does POTUS really want a trial?
Inquiring minds want to know…………………


Scuse me?????????
What part of “shall not be infringed” does he not understand?


Big T is about to lose his mind.


me too!


I keep finding it and losing it again . . .

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, Gov blackface baby killer ought to leave matters that require leadership to experienced leaders..
He can save his hysterics for hurricane season flood events and random tornado power outages..
He will show up and speak right!? .


DP, for those who may be interested, has a good look see at what is planned by folks who plan on attending the event/actions on Monday…a sensible bunch…focused but sensible.


“Fear” trumps constitutional rights in the Dimms’ minds.
I fear violence . . . ban guns.
I fear an unruly mob . . . ban gatherings.
I fear incitive speech . . . ban rallies.
I fear the truth . . . spread lies.
i fear PTrump . . . impeach him.
And so ad infinitum.


Funny how the easiest way to control a Dem is to make them fear something. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Deplorable Patriot

Without security mags that the crowd would have to pass through, how would the authorities know if the people concealed properly?
This is really getting to be ridiculous.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a set-up. This is EXACTLY what McAuliffe did before Charlottesville.
This is a set-up. Girl Grimly is 100% right. This is a DANGEROUS SET-UP.

One Epstein victim tried to escape island after being allegedly forced to engage in sex acts with one of his co-conspirators…


Well I guess the disloyal Royals aren’t going to change the narrative wrt Prince Andrew……
He’s back in the spotlight again……………………


Well that’s good.
I guess the Queen didn’t cut off the two idiots either. Shame.


Regarding why Flynn asked the Court for withdrawing his plea, and why I believe he’ll get the decision, even if on appeal. Some folks believe he can’t get it withdrawn…




She disgusts me when she quotes founding fathers and historical documents to supposedly support her lawless, lying agenda. She tries to make them relevant by saying it’s about “time marking history.” Well, duh. History is all about dates and time and what happened when, to whom, and why.
She sounds a little out of breath, and of course the slurring is present throughout. What is wrong with Nancy, besides “Trump broke her”? 😂


She’ll be 80 years old in March. She is cognitively impaired. Speech is slurred, has trouble with thought retrieval.
I’m looking forward to the day she and her gang are exposed for the grifters they’ve been for decades.


AND, Nanzi IS commonly drunk…simply, a sloppy, drunken, bitch.


Combining alcohol and psychotropic drugs (prescribed neuro drugs) is a dangerous combination.


t i m e
nanzi t I m e


I have NEVER liked her: Shut up Claire. Your TDS is showing.
McCaskill: Trump Will Be Known as a President That Was Impeached for the Rest of His Career


Except that the DIMs have politicized ‘impeachment’ and it will be meaningless that POTUS has it in his resume 😉 Just as the Nobel Prize or an Oscar or an Emmy no long have any value, meaning.
Heck, zero got a Nobel Peace Prize at the BEGINNING of his presidency. For What? So POTUS will have been impeached… so what? Means nothing.

Deplorable Patriot

Blondie is just trying to regain relevance since she got bounced out of office.


And thank goodness she was kicked out.


That is a very good point!!!


That’s all they’ve got. Four years, starting during his candidacy, of lying, ridiculing, and trying to bring him down, and all they got was a lousy t-shirt that says “impeachment is forever.” Pelosi said it, too. It’s pathetic.


Royals Feared Meghan Markle Would Brand Family ‘Racist and Sexist’
So they got played. Of course, they did.


That’s our POTUS
Donald Trump Plans Trip to Mount Rushmore for Return of July 4th Fireworks


Mount Rushmore puts on a fantastic sunset ceremony. Attended summer 2016.
– 30-35 minutes patriotic music as a primer.
– “Ranger Rick” (dunno his name, gave a superb 20 minute chat about how Mount Rushmore came to be, including why the four President’s chosen.
– Then, timed with sunset, every veteran is encouraged to assemble on the stage. Ranger Rick approached each veteran, asked him or her to introduce themselves and their service. Ranger Rick personally saluted every veteran and thanked them for their service!!! Easily 100+ veterans on stage;-)
– Finally, coinciding with sunset, veterans lowered our Flag and folded our Flag properly.
Incredibly moving and an honor to attend. Had no idea what Mount Rushmore sunset ceremony entailed. Absolutely wonderful.
Hope the tradition continues and folks have the opportunity to attend.


I didn’t know this tradition…lovely!
Remember when Obama closed access to all the parks and monuments in his little cute trick of “punishing” us? I remember Rushmore being in the news about at the time.


Bernie Sanders Says Congresswoman Cardi B Would Be Great for America
I had no idea who Cardi B is but “The rapper and former stripper”….(insert your own joke)
“The singer also recently applied for Nigerian citizenship” go for it leave!!!! Also does she even know where that is?


New thread up on impeachment antics from Nancy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I remain dumbfounded that our side still hasn’t A) created a Twitter alternate and B) hasn’t coordinated a massive movement of prominent, conservative voices to same.
To allow the enemy to choose and control the battlefield is historical folly.


Virginia just DECLARED an emergency ban on ALL GUNS. They cant do that.
Virginia declares emergency ban on all guns and weapons after ‘serious threats’ from militia groups ahead of gun rally – as Governor vows to prevent same violence as Charlottesville
Virginia has declared an emergency ban on all guns and weapons following ‘serious threats’ from militia and hate groups ahead of a major gun-rights demonstration that is expected to draw thousands of people. 
Governor Ralph Northam, who is leading the push for stronger gun laws in his state, said on Wednesday he was enforcing the temporary ban on all weapons around the state capitol building in Richmond this weekend. 
He said law enforcement had received ‘credible intelligence’ that the militia and hate groups were planning to storm the capitol building during a planned rally on Monday. 
Gun-rights advocates, including the militia groups and ultraconservative activists, have planned a ‘Lobby Day’ rally as they seek to block the gun control legislation backed by Northam.


Btw, even if its limited in scope, an “emergency ” ban is a ruse.


West Virginia lawmakers introduced legislation to invite persecuted pro Second Amendment Counties to join their state.

Gail Combs

(Remember this will be the SECOND time for Virginia-West Virginia.)

Cuppa Covfefe

They should rename it from West Virginia to “Best Virginia”…
(or West-by-God Virginia, as Virginia has basically gone to Hell)…


Make Virginia Great Again
Make Virginia Whole Again


And I just farted.
Both will have the same affect on people’s 2nd Amendment rights.
It is a bedrock of jurisprudence and prior precedent….Color of law cannot usurp one’s Constitutional rights.


They’re hoping to establish legal precedent to do more later. They probably already have the test case ready for file and did their judge shopping in advance.


I think youre right.


Small prayer please.
Weather here in our state has been rough.
Learned of friends close by who lost their barn in the tornadoes, 4 horses killed and 13 injured. They are devastated.
In another part of the state, 150 miles away, we’re looking a dam failure, evacuation of homes, etc.
It’s still raining….. and unseasonably warm. We’ve had the house open all day long.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m sorry to hear this. It looks like it’s going to be a wild week for a lot of the nation.


Prayers for your close friends — so sad about the horses killed and injured!😢
Praying that the dam in another part of the state will hold, but that evacuation will go smoothly just in case and prayers that the storms going through will not cause any more damage.

Gail Combs

So terribly sad Daughn.

Gail Combs

💣 💣 💣 💣 EXPLOSIVE 💣 💣 💣 💣
This is really really NASTY! I think this is what Nasty Nan was waiting for so she could drop it on President Trump as he was signing his signature China deal.
And so much for the DemonRats not talking to the press.🙄
Lev Parnas Document Dump Is Insane: A s*s*a*s*sination Plot, Rudy’s Handwritten Notes And More
“Lev Parnas’ provided more incriminating evidence to the House than probably any other witness – and it all just got sent over to the Senate”

I am rarely shocked by things the Trump administration and his loyalists do – that is what three years covering this administration will do to you. But I think we have finally reached the point where I can say I AM SHOCKED.
The Democrats were just given a trove of documents, notes, texts and other evidence from Lev Parnas, buddy of Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani — and it is shocking. The Washington Post published 38 slides of information, including handwritten notes from Rudy Giuliani, passports, letters from Rudy to Zelensky and texts. And of all the things in the trove published SO FAR the texts are the most shocking.
Because it appears they are discussing an a*s*s*as*sination plot against AMBASSADOR MARIE YOVANOVITCH in Ukraine. And who is on these conversations? Lev Parnas and Robert Hyde (Congressional GOP candidate from Connecticut!). Not only are they discussing killing her, but Hyde tells Parnas, “They are willing to help if you would like a price” and then, “Guess you can do anything in the Ukraine with money…what I was told.”
And during this time period they also appear to be tracking her movements, with Hyde giving real time updates on her security, electronic access, etc. Mobster behavior. Traitorous behavior. Criminal behavior….


Par as reminds me of Michael Cohen. Willing to say anything to help Dems in order for them to excuse his crimes.
This news was already reported in The New York Times back in November!
And Rush Limbaugh called it — Predicting in November that Democrats would come back and use Lev Parnas in their attacks on President Trump.
The legendary conservative radio host predicted on November 11th that indicted Ukrainian Lev Parnas will be the Democrats’ Great Ukrainian Hope.
His information has been trumped,” so to speak, “by Lev Parnas.” The New York Times… Look, folks, when the New York Times is in a story, you can guarantee the whole thing is a manufactured event when the Times reporting on it as though it’s a legitimate news story that they have ferreted out, which is not the case here. They have simply been used, willingly, as they have been throughout this last three years.
The story in the Times “concedes that the other two people at the meeting — Fruman and the aide to Zelensky — say the conversation didn’t happen, as Parnas is alleging it happened.” So again to review: Parnas fires his lawyer — Trump’s original defense lawyer, John Dowd — and hires some guy that works in the cannabis business named Joseph Bondy.
The New York Times is reporting that Lev Parnas says Rudy told him in May of ’19 to tell the president of Ukraine, Zelensky, that “his aid would not be forthcoming if he didn’t investigate the Bidens” and Pence wouldn’t show up at Zelensky’s swearing-in ceremony.
It should be noted that refusing US aid to Ukraine is still not an impeachable offense.

Deplorable Patriot

Thankfully, I just pulled the pork roast out of the oven.


Oh noes!

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve done that before grilling, although I was playing Tetris.

Gail Combs

I keep an egg timer next to my computer. Saves having to buy new tea kettles. 😁


Ive burned a couple things but my big oops has been too much sauce or water. Then yuck…

Deplorable Patriot

Caption Maxine Waters.

Oh, look, “I got one!”


MadMax:.$$$.I have a friend in the pen business ,got a great deal$$$..only had to wait 4 weeks for these..

Deplorable Patriot

So pretty!!! I loved it when the airplane we were flying flew on by and the clouds parted perfectly and one could see it. Its amazing the plane didn’t tip over since everyone was on one side taking photos. LOL


FYI great opening DP! Thank you

Deplorable Patriot

You are quite welcome. Now…what do I do next week. Decisions, decisions.

Deplorable Patriot




He traveled to his various offices on his private jet and in his Maserati
He needs a trip on a tumbril


IRGC boarded vessel.
It was a fishing vessel. Gheez these guys are a little tense.

Deplorable Patriot

This is how international incidents happen.


I have to laugh at people who indirectly call Gen. Flynn an idiot…
,.,,which is precisely what some do when they accuse Sidney Powell of mucking up his defense. There is one poster here, in particular, who enjoys projectile vomiting all over Ms. Powell yet who cannot answer two very simple questions. Namely…
…if Powell was/is so awful, why did one of the most intelligent and well connected men in Washington DC (ie. Gen. Flynn) choose Powell from among the thousands of $1,000/hr lawyers in DC or around the country??
Moreover, how does this poster know beyond doubt that Powell…and not Gen. Flynn…is calling the shots re: his defense?
A: He/she does not know.
To claim Powell is incompetent (which is what this poster alleges) is to indirectly claim Gen. Flynn…a man who has spent decades exercising incredibly good judgement…is actually an idiot!
Which, of course, he is not.
What, then, is more likely….? That Gen. Flynn is an idiot, or said poster is?
We all know the answer to that.
Funny how this know it all poster isn’t Gen. Flynn’s attorney instead of Powell. I’m guessing that’s because said poster has nothing even remotely close to Ms. Powell’s professional record and reputation, otherwise he/she would be representing Gen. Flynn and not Sidney Powell.
All of which makes said poster’s opinion worth little more than a pile of dog shit (if that).

Deplorable Patriot

I’m not sure I would compare said participant’s opinions to dog excrement, but that individual and one other do seem to not take into account that there are all sorts of shiny red balls in the air and the possibility that the General Flynn affair could well be one of them. In fact, that suggestion was dismissed out of hand earlier today. In addition, none of us know what has been going on behind the scenes, what negotiations have occurred, and how many of us are actually knowledgeable in the law to the point that we really understand the maneuvering? Big T, yes, is, but so far, I’ve haven’t seen a legal mind – at least one that claims to be a legal mind – chime in.
Until then, the General Flynn Affair is part of the show, IMHO.
Pass the chips and dip.


9 PM Pacific time… a friend just texted me that Sidney is on Dobbs…could someone post, I have no TV.


Bin please (sigh)

Deplorable Patriot

Just a minute.

Deplorable Patriot



Many thanks, DP. As ever.

Deplorable Patriot

Your posts do seem to be bin magnets. 😎

Deplorable Patriot

IDK about my polling place.

Deplorable Patriot

Hopefully, the firefighters will get some help and not just lightning.


I just noticed that’s a carrot and not fire stick in its paw. LOL


Wait a minute, was his name Awan?????


I wish.

Elizabeth Carter

This has literally left me speechless. It is unreal how Polly ties it all together. The passenger manifest was so strange with so many Iranian science students on it but it seems like they were going to do an Operation Paperclip in Canada….. Thank you, Elizabeth for bringing this over.


This is…strange.
John Bolton spotted walking alone, down an empty street in Qatar.

In a reply tweet, Joyce Karam says:
“Politico’s @dlippman reporting that Bolton was indeed in Qatar on a “personal business” trip.”
Still, it’s strange that he would be walking down a street alone like that.
Why not take a car?
And what kind of ‘personal business’ would Bolton have in Qatar?
Hat tip: Citizen Free Press.

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe he’s looking at becoming a Used Qatar dealer?
(multilevel pun, sorry, it’s late here)…
Have to wonder what’s going on with the recent changes at the top in Qatar…


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I didn’t know that handlers were called “advisors”.


Hey phoenix, did you listen to the Amazing Polly up above? It will knock your socks off!


Pope Clone, Moon Landing Lies & the Sin of Pride w/ Bart Sibrel


Dems celebrating over the Lev Parnas interview by Maddow.
Problem is, Lev’s timeline doesn’t work.
He claimed Ukrainians were worried that Trump was serious when Pence cancelled his trip.
Well, Pence canceled trip in May, long before discussion of releasing funds in July.
So now, the left thinks Pence knew all along, and they can impeach Pence and Trump……. and President Pelosi is trending on Twitter.
They’re crazy.


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Someone told me I was delusional. I almost fell off my unicorn.


Love it Michael…


Daughn, you’re gonna make Rachel Maddow cry again.


And another one,
Lev claims Bill Barr was in on it all from the very beginning, HE THINKS.
Of course, the left is reacting, “Boom”, “Checkmate”, “We got Barr too!”, and “Throw them all out”
In the end, Lev claimed he didn’t know much.
Gonna have to do a big post on this one. I can feel it coming.


PANIC mode.
People awake is their greatest fear.


Yes, another big post.
Because if there’s one thing these people can’t stand, it’s facts. Cold, hard, facts.

Cuppa Covfefe

Somewhere I read this Lev stuff was covered and debunked(!) by the NYT back in November. Seems Lev and his “crew” have a lot of dirty laundry to explain, and this is projection to cover their dirty deeds.
Now if only I could find the ref/link/post….sigh… that’ll teach me to not save the link…


And just like that, the bots have stopped. President Pelosi has already fallen from the Twitter Trending list of honor 🙄


Cates has another THREAD on Senate trial – click time stamp


“Now usual suspects here on the Right’s Fake News Media are going to try to get you to PANIC because Trump is an incompetent blowhard doofus who doesn’t know what he’s doing.”


Aubergine –
Thank you, so much, for your post (and link to article) in reply to mine re: the remarkable and amazing Neil Peart. I enjoyed it immensely and recommend all of his books to you.


You’re welcome!


Cuppa Covfefe

Great pic of Trudope from the comments, kind of shows hiw “true colours” 🙂comment image


Ohh my… heehee


I must read a sad little group of comments OT about Ristivan. It seems like he hasn’t been around for awhile and it could be due to a dust up with SD.
People there are missing him. Here, too.
I cannot understand SD.
In light of what the President is enduring for us, it looks like we could come together for him.
I hope people OT occasionally read over here.


Ristvan’s Significant Other is on Marica’s Prayer Wall…
Real life issues may be the reason Ristvan has been absent.


Thank you Phoenix.
I am sorry to hear this, but happy to know that he is among friends.