Accumulation of activity in the Congress. Note the contrast between Nancy’s pressers versus President Trump pressers. Nancy signing ceremony on impeachment, passing out pens, versus Trump signing an historic China Trade Deal.
Compare and Contrast:

Nancy’s signing ceremony will be placed here when available:
Never forget what we saw today. One side building, another bent on destruction:

What, did she transport them via sedan chair?
Are they are on a satin pillow all rolled up with a red bow? Seriously.
Or they could do this.
Seems like they needed some kazoo’s
Here you go.
I just read that.
Handing out pens? Bic ball points would be appropriate for the occasion. Cheap, disposable, and liable to leak with enough heat applied.
It was unreal
The salami roll ups at our last party weren’t plated that nicely.
After solimaini imma giving salami the side eye
And we paid for it, and continue to pay for it. Its why people are so angry, but not out for literal blood. If nothing really goes down to stop this and prosecute, apathy will grow exponentially again. Results on this side must occur, no matter how the economy does.
I so agree, Gil00. Our domestic enemies are getting more and more insane without the limit of justice applied.
“…If nothing really goes down to stop this and prosecute, apathy will grow exponentially again…..”
I really do not think so.
People are now aware of the MASSIVE corruption.
They are aware that our ‘Ruling Class’ views us with contempt.
They are aware that they are essentially SLAVES.
They are aware the CABAL wants to MAKE THEM REAL SLAVES.
And with the latest Veritas videos that these people who want to rule us are INSANE.
Awareness needs accountability though. And the younger generation is watching. If in all the awareness highly visible prosecutions are not shown the younger ones will become jaded. Weve waited and waited and waited, getting better at info gathering and discussing but people like Mr Gil say “I’ll believe it when I see it.”. They need to “see” it. Researching it isnt enough for those types. They have to see the prosecutions and hear the evidence, like Nuremberg.
Participation trophies
That’s one way to look at it.
I want one.
Especially with the misspelling. That is the democrats in essence
Yeah, we get the point with the visual. Too bad the pink lady’s paperwork has absolutely no standing and would be better used as firestarter.
She needs a better fitting bra.
You can only do so much with that at a certain size. I speak from decades of experience.
So does Nadler.
Think he just tucks his in under that ridiculously high waistline…
And dentures.
And she was smiling the entire time….truly disgusting.
That was the dentures taking their cue from Justin’s eyebrows. Gotta get off this train wreck
What is infuriating is the NASTY SMIRK on Pelosi’s face as she signs.
And what’s with all the pens?
You’d think she was “practicing” that part of her dream where she’s removed both POTUS and VP Pence, so she’d be Interim President — so she can sign the EO’s nullifying EVERYTHING that POTUS worked so hard to get done for WE, THE PEOPLE.
That’s exactly what she’s doing. It’s amusing and sad in a way. She’s not going to get to do it for real.
Is this connected? What’s going on here?
Wowwwwwwwww, that is him.
It looks like him . It’s a pretty good camera shot, not blurred.
Also there’s this. Really interesting
No kidding it’s interesting. It’s like a whole lot of 64 dollar questions.
This is more on this from dawsonsfield
Good read ozzy.
Looked like him to me too.
I mean, if he was trying to keep it on the lowdown he would have lost the walrus mo
I’m getting attuned to Potus. Whenever something bright and shiny occurs/is happening I wonder what he’s distracting us from
“We have it all.”
What ozzytrumpster said at 18:44. Just sayin’ …
That’s him, I know his walk it’s what I do, i notice things like this lol I know its pretty but i am a people observer and that’s Boltons walk.
I though he walked lik him too . Also not really keen on being seen
Impeachment is WHAT PELOSI OWES CHINA for helping Hillary beat Bernie in the California primary in June 2016 (follow PAUL PELOSI TO CHINA).
What’s the over/under on how many shots Nervous Nancy did before this rambling speech?
TWO-DOOR FORD now says she was assaulted by Rudy Giuliani!
Rudy has better taste than that.
So do most homeless schitzos
And the 9 month old male pup with no manners (but lots of hormones)
Agreed! Two-Door has BROKEN WINDOWS all over her!
Not to mention…somehow I wouldn’t want to go where that car has been.
There’s less pomp and circumstance at most university graduations.
I hope the Dems all rot in HE** for this.
Dante’s Ninth Circle that is reserved for Betrayers!
That witch……….. timed perfectly to step all over the China Deal.
FOX News leads with Nancy delivering articles to the Senate.
THAT was the lead for this evening’s newscast.
NOT the China Trade Deal.
This was CHINA’S PLAN.
You expect anything less?
We have litigators………. but no crime.
As opposed to dem run cities where there are crimes and no ligitators
good point, Ozzy.
Or like with the so-called ‘whistle blower’, where there are allegations but no alligators.
Kind of reminds me of the lamebrain thinking of House Democrats.

Just for the record, I am not related to “chimpeachment”.
To quote Daughn, “We love you, Chimpy!”
CNN stopped drinking the cool aid?
Even CNN knows when the ‘OPTICS’ are really really BAD.
All this did was make sure CULT 45 is going to do EVERYTHING they can to rip ALL power from the CommieRats.
I think WolfBlattzer et al were upset that the pens didn’t have the CNN logo on them.
It’s what the Dems do. Turn everything solemn into politics. Like they did Wellstone’s funeral. They know they’re lying through their teeth – but it’s so difficult for them to keep up the act.
Legitimizing this pile of crap labeled “articles of impeachment” by the Senate puts the future of the country at risk.
The Senate, will full pomp and ceremony (accompanied by proper long winded speeches of explanation) should treat this excrement as it deserves….refuse to dirty the political process with it and explain why to the American people.
Even the President deserves due process if we are to remain a country governed by a Constitutional rule of law.
The “forever impeachment” needs to be ceremoniously dumped right back on the Democrats heads.
CBS interrupted their programing to show the procession of the managers…I had to laugh…But not before I switched channels really really quick…
Laughing so hard until I’m sick is one thing…but seeing that processions was making me sick==it was like they were describing an honor guard going over to WH
More like a dishonor guard…
Can’t believe it took me so long to find my controller LOL
The pens.
Mafiosi Piglosi – Speaker of the Souse…
I for one……
Am PISSED!!! /s
Hank Johnson was NOT named as a “Manager”
Guess when Guam did NOT tip over……
His credibility was shot
I should have saved this for here!
This is the NASTY SURPRISE that Nasty Nan had lined up for President Trump today of all days:
This is from this site:
1/14/20 5:34pm Lev Parnas Document Dump Is Insane: A*s*s*as*sination Plot, Rudy’s Handwritten Notes And More
Lev Parnas’ provided more incriminating evidence to the House than probably any other witness – and it all just got sent over to the Senate
These vile pieces of filth sent the information over to the Compost Heap so they could be published in all their glory and ECLIPSE the news cycle for DAYS!
This ‘plot’ is so over the top, it looks like something a BAD fiction writer would come up with — Ben Rhodes?
Another stupid plot by the dumbasses involved in the coup. Now we know why that ugly witch Yovanovitch was asking for an investigation about her being spied on while in Ukraine.
These people have to be desperate.
Hyde, the Republican challenger for a Connecticut seat ” appear to be tracking her movements, with Hyde giving real time updates on her security, electronic access, etc…..”
Who do they think Hyde is? Agent 007?
And the newest from Politico:
Republicans break with Robert Hyde, latest player in Ukraine drama
House leaders say they don’t support the Connecticut candidate, who’s wrapped up with an indicted associate of Rudy Giuliani.
Well that sure PROVES Robert Hyde is NOT SWAMP!
Washed-up COMPOST, after-the-bell input, and ridiculous accusations…
Ben-dover Rhodes and his elementary-school beginning fiction class, no doubt…
I think it’s time to light up those phones in Washington D.C. (Demonically Corrupt)…
Give the swampians NO REST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alexander Hamilton
Federalist #65
In part:
The delicacy and magnitude of a trust which so deeply concerns the political reputation and existence of every man engaged in the administration of public affairs, speak for themselves. The difficulty of placing it rightly, in a government resting entirely on the basis of periodical elections, will as readily be perceived, when it is considered that the most conspicuous characters in it will, from that circumstance, be too often the leaders or the tools of the most cunning or the most numerous faction, and on this account, can hardly be expected to possess the requisite neutrality towards those whose conduct may be the subject of scrutiny.
This SHAMpeachment should be declared Null and VOID.
ZERO…. I said: ZERO Republicans voted to Hold the “impeachment”…
or…. to send them to the SINate.
Partisan Politics…..
Not “Rule of Law”
She’s a grinning and giggling.
She’s drunk
More likely expecting a couple million from her Chinese pay masters for making President Trump ‘lose face’ today of all days.
I really really want to see JUSTICE SOON
As I’ve said many times before, to WHOM does she pray???
Not GOD.
She prays to Moloch. She is of the same beings as Hill-the-BEAST. She is EVIL.
Learn. Turn. Or BURN.
Your Choice, Your Eternity, Ms. Pelosi.
Choose wisely, for you only have ONCE.
“WHOM does she pray???”
As I’ve said many times before, to WHOM does she pray???
Not GOD.
She prays to Moloch. She is of the same beings as Hill-the-BEAST. She is EVIL.”
She claims to be catholic?
She’s just pissed that a “priest” didn’t diddle her…..
She is a girl of course.
rayzor, that’s unbecoming. I’m Catholic, and even if I wasn’t, no need to smear all clergy.
Leave it that Pelosi is a nasty person.
It seems Southern Baptists are for open borders……
I was raised SB…
I left the SB because of their SINS.
I suggest you might consider doing the same.
YOUR (catholic) “priests” have a LOT to REPENT of.
Yet, They just cover it up.
And the “pope”?
You might consider yourself, before casting stones at others…
consider myself?
What are you talking about?
I know you follow the news…
You are very intelligent as shown in your comments.
I know that YOU know….
The catholic “church” is renowned for their pedophile “priesthood”.
I do realize that MOST people here are catholics….
So I expect lots of kickback.
But….. the TRUTH remains.
Rayzor, don’t preach. I’m simply telling you, your remark was uncalled for. No need to be nasty about what people accept or don’t.
There are valid reasons to attend organized religious services, and valid reasons why people leave them beyond. It isn’t for me or you to say who should do what. Vote your conscience in faith, life, and politics.
Not being a cradle Catholic, I don’t see them the way others might. Catholic nuns and priests saved my life when a child. You’re barking at the wrong people when you paint them all with a broad brush.
Same is true for all the established churches – Catholic or otherwise.
If you’re angry at organized religion, that’s understandable, but the good people here don’t deserve any hits on them for their beliefs. We’re here because of love of country, solidified in our belief in our President to keep this country going in the most outstanding human experiment in the history of mankind.
This country was founded on Judeo-Christian tenets – no one is perfect, but we should spend our lives trying to improve ourselves – at least to the point where we can let go of anger. It’s destructive. Besides, it interferes with our ability to support each other.
Agree….. Thanks for your insight.
My apology to all of you catholics….
God wins in the end…
HE… will show you (and me) the way.
Believe me, rayzor, there are things we agree on and some we don’t. BTW, I CANNOT stand this Pope, and I look for the day he is gone. but I try not to let the imperfectness of man get in the way of the good that I can experience from perosnal my faith experience, and how I live my life.
Fair enough.
But after much study in many “religions”……
I have issues with Many of them.
I now rely ONLY on Jesus (the Christ)…
His WORD …..
as revealed by HIS…. Holy Spirit.
I think that I MUST expose ERROR where I find it.
The Lord will do as HE will.
Some may rethink their beliefs…. (I did)
‘my personal faith experience’
When I type in the small “bell” window, it’s harder to fix changes and typos.
I get what you mean…
and respect it.:)
“Don’t Preach”?
Why are we here (on earth)?
I am COMMANDED to “testify” about what the Lord has done… and taught me.
Consider MY comments in that regard.
YOU…. believe what you will.
The fact that the homosexuals are the root of the problem never seems to surface with those who aren’t following the Bergoglio follies and the defense of Pope Benedict XVI.
Pelosi comes from some the blackest hands in the country. No priest would have messed with that even if he was interested in women, and I know quite a number who are hetero.
The Church was deliberately infiltrated (IMO) by communists and homosexuals bent on destruction. I was friends with an orthodox Catholic writer/journalist in the 70’s (and beyond) who knew everybody and everything about the Church, and there is no doubt the infiltration of the Church is one of the greatest unreported stories of the last century.
Part of the planned destruction of Western Civilization so they could usher in their world wide totalitarian dictatorship.
The infiltration is DOCUMENTED from multiple sources as having started in the 1920s. The men who were seeded were smart, slick and could live double lives. That was a WRITTEN criterion for inclusion in the program.
She’s giddy, but it reminds me of a sinking ship. They have a tiny inkling about their doom but can’t accept it and are going through the motions of their journey because that’s all they have. Today was a way to celebrate what they have *accomplished*, so they’re doing that, but to me they’re like the walking dead on the road to perdition.
TT, I hope you’re right, about them on the road to perdition. I wished them there, and all my faith beliefs go against that – but they’re just EVIL.
I was hyperventilating. That’s hilarious.
Twatter took the page away — error message of “Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!” appears.
Caleb Hull’s twitter page has ALREADY been wiped and so has the picture…
I hope someone got screen shots!
Probably made in Chyyyyynnnna, just like the shampeachment…
That fits perfectly with what I wrote about a sinking ship, above. I guess that was “United States” on the pens? United States House?
We’ve got to get a pic.
Untied States House, LOL
Untied? (the tangled web)…hmm…
@sean_spicier: “I watched them taking the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate only because I didn’t think Jerry Nadler could make the walk”
Snuff porn on msm. Whoops missed out
I need a nap
close up
Is it just me that thinks the gold tips are made to look like cartridges? Did she take her precious bracelet apart for these?
The one on her bracelet is a spent cartridge iirc…
Agree that the tips of the pens were deliberately made to look like bullets
Their symbolism will be the end of them…
They look like foil-wrapped turds to me…
I’m only a turd,
in a gilded pen…
She has her NAME on those pens, the arrogant bitcjh!
Blow this up and look closely
Looks like she’s fixing for a new “Nick”name… hollowpoint Pelosi… fits with her Gambino background…
More like hollow head, or hollow leg, considering her drinking proclivities…
Wonder how much those ego shafts cost the taxpayers????? Maybe her son cut a special deal in China for them….
If you call within the next five minutes you can get TWO “Nancy Pelosi Deluxe Impeachment Pens for the price of one (separate S&H charged)”
DemonicRats are now the:
Klueless Klutz Klan
There is a word I despise…a really ugly word that I hate to see used anywhere that refers to an unsavory female….she has earned it with a Capital
I was in a small group of women when they were angered by a woman who was like Pelosi.
One girlfriend replied, “Cee You Next Tuesday”
I didn’t get it, went right over my head and said, “What are we doing next Tuesday?”
I know that word … ‘ex-wife’
Hope she works on her fellow TN Senator while she’s at it. Don’t trust him as far as I could throw a RINO
Why are they allowed to be a part of the jury? Should they not be required to recuse themselves?
One would think so. I hope Sen Blackburn hangs on to this like a bulldog with a bone
Hope so…
Sorry if this has been covered here…haven’t been able to read much here today and yesterdY.
WHAT IS GOING ON with some guy named Parnas. One of my kids just emailed me asking.
Thank you Vol. Just forwarded link to my DiL.
You are welcome. Have fun watching the left hyperventilate *again* before the Trump boomerang hits them in the head *again*
Wish I could have seen madcow
Ewwwwww why?? I can barely tolerate the short clips. LOL
U R correct.
Plain Jane here is a vid on the subject:
X22 Report: Senate Was The Key, Patriots Turn, It’s All About To Be Exposed
TY Gail.
Great explanation Gail. Almost finished watching it. Sent it out to my peeps.
He’s the latest installment of “we have really, truly, honestly got him now”. Gave an interview to Madcow and sent the left into an orgasmic state of planning for President Pelosi
Bwahahah. Thanks Vol.
Pelosi got herself so deep in the swamp in 2008 that I do believe that she now believes she has nothing to lose…(oh yea I’ve been exploring in my archives a bit)
Pelosi Supplied Altered Obama Records To The 2008 Congressional Election Commission
House Whore Nancy Pelosi – Obama Eligibility: Caught In Conspiracy And Treason – Supplying Altered Congressional Records To The Election Commission!
Pelosi Certified Obama
I hope I live to see:
– Pelosi’s Scam-peachment totally invalidated and thrown out FOREVER!
– Øbastard’s whole tenure declared invalid.
– Øbama and Hillrotten arrested and tried for treason.
– Hillrotten and Øbama either exiled and stipped of citizenship, life imprison incommunicado or HBTNUD.
*stripped of citizenship AND assets*
Hubby and I were just discussing
“– Øbastard’s whole tenure declared invalid.”
Obama exposed is the part I would love to see.
Truly believe he was groomed for the jobs and was a Manchurian candidate.
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