This Night before Daughn Thursday 20200116 Open Thread is Open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both MAGA and KAG! You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.
Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.
However, we have a new policy. Starting 20191110. Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. We have a new board – actually a new SITE – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation. NOT HERE. This board will remain a REFUGE for those who need civility, either some or all of the time.
They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM. Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.

Also remember Wheatie’s Rules: •1.No food fights. •2.No running with scissors. •3.If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone .
Well the Desperate and Decisive Democrats have sent their biased and partisan Articles of Impeachment for the trial of President Donald J. Trump in the Senate expected to begin next Tuesday.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell laid out guidelines for how Senators are to conduct themselves.
- Senators should plan to be in attendance at all times during the proceedings.
- Upon the announcement of the arrival of the Chief Justice, Senators should all silently rise at their desks and remain standing until the Chief Justice (Chief Justice John Roberts) takes his seat. Similarly, when the Chief Justice departs, Senators should rise and remain standing until he has exited the chamber.
- Senators will only have the opportunity for limited speech at the trial. Members should refrain from speaking to neighboring Senators while the case is being presented.
- Reading materials should be confined to only those readings which pertain to the matter before the Senate.
- No use of phones or electronic devices will be allowed in the Chamber. All electronics should be left in the Cloakroom in the storage provided.
I am sure you all have seen Pelosi’s chosen Democratic Impeachment Managers.
Except for the fact that this farce is tearing our Republic apart I’m looking forward to the Destruction of the Democratic Party.

We know what happens in the end. God wins. Many times, Q has asked us to pray. He’s quoted the famous Biblical lines of Ephesians 6:12, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” We’re living through monumental times. It’s comforting that Q believes that if we work together, God wins.
excerpt H/T
Great open thread! I’m with you on this SCAM impeachment. GOODBYE DEMOCRATS!!!
Ta taa,cherio and all that crap to the party of the DONKEY.
Totally agree. However, I don’t really think it’s tearing the country apart. An awful lot of people think the whole thing is ridiculous and the dems have way overreached. They’re trying to tear Trump supporters away from him, but it’s having the opposite effect. POTUS is no Richard Nixon. And no one trusts the media these days. It’s going to be brutal – for the dems, not our POTUS.
They have a Kavanaugh-style surprise coming.
WAIT FOR IT, and then MAKE IT BACKFIRE so badly that Democrats go into hiding.
I don’t interact with dims much except at large family gatherings but, never seen such vitriol and division in just my family. That being said I hope you’re right.
Dark to Light…
God’s got this…
Enjoy the show and grab MOAR popcorn.
Night and God bless y’all, I sleep a whole lot better knowing God is working thru Donald J Trump to make the World a better place for all mankind.
Yeah I said Mankind,sue me, I hear Avanti is lookin for clients.
Good night and GOD BLESS!!!
Thanks Wolf,sorry I been a stranger,we lost power for a week and just now got it back.
I can’t get QTreehouse to load for some reason and am really needing some news.
Here’s another example of subtle propaganda. They made Judge Judy look like RBG.

I realize how absurd that sounds, but read the articles about her makeover. They’re all quick to mention the RBG connection (with bonus Ellen Degeneres reference).
Maybe they want to very subtly remind people every day that the Supreme Court is on the line with upcoming election. Or…wild theory incoming…maybe this is is some occult ritual where getting millions of people every day to watch an RBG double rule over a courtroom somehow influences reality in their favor.
Definitely a psy-op!!!
I was wondering why she looked so odd all of a sudden. But I knew it was because of a Supreme Court seat
I prefer this:
MAGritte’s The Great War on Facades
Certainly not RGB.
Wife of MAGritte’s Son of Man?
Must be the white hat, and the red tie, white shirt, and overcoat…
Here’s the thread on that.
I like Cates, maybe because he thinks like I do. POTUS is a VSG…
Thread reader too. How POTUS handles the “impeachment.”
Nasty little boat.
Should have do not anoy on side
“Senators should plan to be in attendance at all times during the proceedings.”
Good way to keep Bernie and Warren off the campaign trail right before Iowa and New Hampshire votes. Somewhere Hillary is plotting her way back into the race.
Or Nancy is trying to help Biden.
Either way it’s dirty politics. Use dirty politics to engage in dirty politics. Really? WOW.
I’m so glad not to have to hear Warren for two weeks. She a weirdo. Hyper, jumpy. Makes me think she on drugs.
PDJT hinted that Warren is under a psychiatrist’s care – and it shows.
Yes, I think I remember that. IMO, stimulants are what she’s taking. Look at her eyes, pinpoint all the time. Weirdo eyes, dancing around – abnormal nervous energy for her age.
The idea that not only did she, but HARVARD got away with what they did is telling – ie, how degraded the culture of honesty and decency is.
Or the wookie is going To run. Or lumber along like a Mac truck with flat tyres
Either way, I don’t think any of the current candidates is going to be the eventual nominee.
No. Brokered convention. Bernie already proved he can be brought off if the price is right
I still think Moochelle might run…or maybe the correct word is “drafted”. that’s what they do with linebackers, isn’t it?
“lumber along like a Mac truck with flat tyres” . . . pulling a double-wide trailer.
In oz shed have to have a wide load sign on her ass
Hillary has too much baggage. They ‘might’ use her to take the loss (fall guy) in 2020, but she’s more unelectable now than she was in 2016. Bill Clintons Epstein issues are going to surface, and Hillary’s corruption, interference in the 2016 election, and spying on POTUS will all be exposed.
President Trump has only to say the word. He has the knowledge and the evidence.
I agree, but I don’t think that will stop her or the more delusional parts of the DNC.
Dark to Light
By News Division / January 11, 2020
Sorry, here’s the pic of Russell Moore. He’s the guy on the left that looks like a sleezy trial attorney.
That Soros lackey cleaned up a little too well for my friend Suspicious Cat!
Yep. He has TONS of these smiley PR photos out on teh interwebz. A LOT of reputation and image management going on with him for years.
January 9, 2020
SBC Press Outlet Publishes Demonstrably False Information About Entity Head’s Ties to George Soros
Posted by Jeff Maples
It’s snowing in Saudi Arabia.
The camels don’t seem to mind it.
No, camels won’t mind.
Student found dead after viral video of him leading protest against ‘drag queen’ event for kids
21-year-old Wilson Gavin was a devout traditional Catholic.
Mon Jan 13, 2020 – 12:11 pm EST
“While most of the immediate reporting out of Australia suggests that Wilson Gavin’s untimely death is the result of suicide, some friends of the devout traditional Catholic continue to speculate that this may have been murder in retaliation for his involvement in the library protest.”
Yep…I suspected as much when the initial reports were calling it a “suicide”.
The forces of evil who are behind these abominations, have no qualms about killing people who oppose them.
I agree – this does NOT pass the sniff test.
I reported this yesterday.
Here is another ‘Suicide’ in the USA I reported at the same time.
RIP Andrew Dodson: A Brother in Arms Driven to Suicide by the Leftist Mob
Logan Smith has made it his mission to Dox people. “He hunts down and doxes anyone who questions the party line on under the Twitter handle @YesYoureRacist.”
(The site is far-right and not one I approve of but the guy did not deserve to be hounded to death.)
Well, I would tell people – do not get into battle with either communists or Nazis (or any other brand of socialists) unless you’re willing to hit back AS HARD OR HARDER. You don’t have to do it all the time, but you have to do it when you have to do it.
There were a lot of dupes who got sucked into Charlottesville by both the left and the fake right. The commies needed NUMBERS, and they dragged in hundreds if not thousands of SUCKERS on both sides. Exactly like Trump stated. There WERE good people on both sides – all of them fighting semi-imaginary dragons that the leftists whipped up in another one of their BOGUS DIVISION CONTROVERSIES.
Anybody who would even CONSIDER suicide needs to be OUT OF THE FIGHT. We can handle it. I am going to assume that ANYTHING which happens to anybody on this blog is MURDER.
Right or wrong, I will agree with the writer on one thing. We need to offer support to those the left target.
What was done to this guy was straight out of the Rules For Radicals.
“13. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.“ Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.”
The counter is a support network.
Long rant on dealing with “victims”. Bear with the grizzled, scarred old Wolf on this one…..
I agree that all victims of the left need support, but the nature of that support may vary from hugs and kisses to “getting them into police custody where they can’t harm themselves”.
People need to be smart, and I’ll be blunt – most people don’t have enough scars to be smart. The left knows exactly how to create TRAPS using victims.
I love to use this analogy. We’re driving down the road in post-leftist-communist-holocaust San Francisco, and we see a poor young innocent girl – good-looking, of course – sitting wounded in the middle of the road. What do we do?
Well, I won’t describe it exactly, but when THE WOLF is driving that vehicle, before he stops to help this poor victim, every ambushing communist within 500 yards of her is DEAD, DYING, or ON THE RUN.
THEN he helps her.
That is, if she has not high-tailed her conspiratorial ASS out of there with the rest of her commie buds. And she had better, because when THE WOLF gets within 6 feet of her, he’ll know the truth.
I’ve seen it all, Gail. I’ve seen every possible betrayer, liar, informant, saboteur, and con artist this world has to offer – that is, except the NEXT ONE to come into my radar.
I don’t always peg them right away, but thanks to Q, I’ve pegged damn near every one eventually.
Let’s talk about Charlottesville. The whole thing was a TRAP. Some of our “friends” at CTH were actually HELPING the other side. That was a doozy. ROLCON. Outed some slick players, it did. Very useful information.
Now this guy who killed himself – Dodson – I’d lay odds he was indeed mostly a victim. But the primary support he needed was not sympathy, because that’s just part of the trap. It was LIGHT UP THE BRUSH AROUND HIM. I won’t go into too many details on that, because when it’s time for Wolf to LIGHT ‘EM UP with truth bombs, I want there to be some shock and awe. But what this guy needed was somebody to take down his attackers. He didn’t need sympathy. He didn’t even necessarily need allies. He needed TRUTH BOMBS FALLING on the other side.
Now – the thing which is important to realize about this Stormer article is that the authors – who are either real Nazis or the even more despicable fake Nazis used to gin up the real ones – are basically just “using a dupe” the same way that KESSLER did – they’re just using him the other way. I mean, it IS sad that this poor schmuck Dodson was a PAWN of both sides. He was a pawn in life, and now he’s a pawn in death.
The Stormer Nazis want to use him now – DEAD – as a way to grow their movement and boost morale. And because the leftists on the other side actually WANT THAT, I would ALMOST suggest that this could be more evidence that Anglin is what a lot of people think he is – a Judas goat who is used by the left and the feds to gin up meatheads into a credible opposition for the commies. He’s basically capitalizing on the death of this guy Dodson to not only EXTEND THE SYMPATHY TRAP, but to add credibility to the Nazis.
You see where I’m going here? The SAME fallacious logic that undergirds “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”, likewise applies to “the victim of my enemy deserves sympathy”.
Truth-bombing the enemy is never out of style, and never a faux pas of strategy.
Now all of that said, there is a reason why I always hope that the bad actors in D-ville DO NOT reach for that gun on the nightstand. If we oppose suicide for ANYBODY, then we oppose suicide for EVERYBODY. Even our enemies. God wants his shot at them. OUR crisis is HIS opportunity for salvation. ALL of us.
And one last think. Don’t mistake my apparent callousness in how I handle such victims with a lack of sympathy. Maybe I UNDERSTAND this situation from Mr. Dodson’s viewpoint, too. My scars had to come from somewhere, right?
I was SET UP. I was USED. I was a DISPOSABLE ASSET to those fucking CIA traitors in CA3. Just like Dodson, only with interesting differences. But they didn’t kill me. And there is NOTHING like a WISED UP DUPE to take these fuckers down.
Here’s another post on the same story:
Young Christian Man Found Dead After Protesting Children’s Drag Queen Event
I realize this is a story about a tragic death, but what is it with the trannies and all the pearls and sequins? Is that what they think being female is all about or are they talentless Karaoke lounge singers in desperate need of a stage?
Guys, when it comes to pearls, a little goes a long way.
May God rest this brave young man’s soul for taking on the bullies who want to usurp women’s roles in society without having the equipment to do so.
“are they talentless Karaoke lounge singers in desperate need of a stage?” . . . yes, but much, much more evil than your average talentless Karaoke lounge singer.
IDK, I saw a trannie at a local Karaoke bar, and he was pretty good. No lying about what he was, though.
“As it was in the days of Noah”…
And then I Timothy 4 comes to mind… can’t go anywhere without being forced to buy, or at least think Vegan….
Text of tweet:
Attorney @SidneyPowell1
Taking Down @GenFlynn Was Their Path To #PresidentTrump
The 302 States Flynn Did NOT LIE Which Is Why It’s Missing
The Prosecutor KNOWINGLY Tried To Force Flynn To LIE
If That’s Not Subornation Of Perjury I Don’t Know What Is
Dr. Robert Lopez, the outspoken Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary who was terminated, is not silent about structural leadership problems in the SBC.
Baptist seminary president gets everything wrong about the SBC’s crisis
Enemies Within The Church Sneak Peek
“Enemies Within: The Church” is going to produce the evidence, expose the false teachers and the underlying agenda to undermine the influence of Christ across the world.
Wish I were more proficient at multi tasking and manipulating on here. I would offer a link to a man who wrote and broadcast a very similar message in 1965. Paul Harvey was a Journalist extraordinaire. From his office in Chicago, he employed 95 people and would never own a computer. (1913- 2009) His 1965 message can be accessed on youtube under the title, Paul Harvey – If I Were The Devil: Warning For A Nation. It’s worth tracking down. (remember that was 1965)
Don’t feel bad. All of us wish we could do so much more than we can. We’re human and we all have limits. Find the hill that you can charge and GO TAKE IT!
Methodist conference sues SMU over university’s steps to redefine its relationship with the church/
The move is related to the church’s February vote to uphold a plan that strengthened its ban on gay marriage and LGBTQ clergy.
By Loyd Brumfield and LaVendrick Smith
7:59 PM on Dec 7, 2019
JUST LIKE EPISCOPAL CHURCH vast assets were STOLEN by leftist parasites moving in and taking over – so are the United Methodist Church’s vast assets being stolen by the same nasty depraved homo/bi/trans/pedo-sexualists!!!!
And if they can’t steal it outright, they’re going to litigate over it to tie them up in time and money as much as possible.
And if they still lose they’ll just destroy as much as possible in the process.
If they can’t take it, they’re going to make sure those they oppose get at little as possible.
Petty? Vindictive? Yes. Strategic? Definitely.
Remember the Project Veritas videos the last couple of days? Yup…
Also be careful of the media framing on this: They’ll call it a split between the “gay-friendly” and “traditionalist” factions, not a split between the Bible-believers and the Bible-deniers. The media has been self-programmed for decades to use the “traditionalist” trope painting people as angry, reactionary, unhinged – and never reporting on the shocking bad behavior the leftists engage in.
Yes, this exactly. It is happening all over. True believers are being marginalized and the churches infiltrated. That movie above looks great. Are you familiar with “The Truth Project”. We watched it years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. Things have moved a lot further along since then thats for sure.
I’ve heard of it but haven’t had a chance to watch it. Yes it has moved further – the church was busy talking about “post-modernism” but had no awareness that they were being taken over by a virulent strain of NeoMarxism. It was a near total failure of apologetic discernment! Some did see and tried to warn others, but Hmm. Somehow those voices were suspiciously marginalized.
I have dear friends that have forgotten more verses than I will ever learn and they have bought into the “sjw theology” and just don’t see the light. It is so sad how they rationalize it and sound so sanctimonious. And their ancestors fled communism. Each generation is on its own. I don’t get how they can’t see what they are falling into is cultural marxism. But… as it gets worse and is on their doorstep, now it is getting easier for them to see a crack of light. I never thought it would come to where we had to be careful what we said to friends with similar belief systems but that is where we are. Its like Germany before the war. Yes, marginalized or kicked out, or shunned. No discernment or bought off(pastorate not a calling but 9-5 job). I really appreciate your comments on this subject.
I understand your frustration. We are in a battle, spiritual warfare. I’ve had friends that were great lovers of Christ, went away to a seminary because they wanted to have an intellectual “challenge” – but just like the Rob Drere piece I posted on another comment they didn’t realized how RADICALIZED they were – it was NOT about an intellectual challenge.
For my part, I didn’t attend seminary – I went to a SECULAR University where there was NO pretension about it being a “Christian” school, and frankly where every class outside the STEM disciplines was increasingly the leftist version of hand to hand combat. So I don’t have a lot of respect for ppl going to a leftist seminary just to have their beliefs challenged.
Anyway I keep my friends on social media. Sometimes I have to restrict them from seeing/commenting on my page b/c they can’t help but spew all over themselves (they really are sanctimonious JERKS). But I monitor their pages and the groups they are in, and use that to gather intel. I still don’t really know what makes them decide to go down that path – I think they’re afraid to share that, because it would expose the weakness of their fraudulent view. They keep that deep. If you are able to ask in a friendly way, try to get them to recommend an author, a speaker, some books, some articles that they think you should read. Sometimes (not often) if they think you are interested they’ll cough up a nugget that exposes their thinking. Most of my old “friends” aren’t on good speaking terms with me and know that anything they recommend to me I’ll just dig into and dissect. They prefer to keep their influences hidden.
MAN… these people whine about “worldview” studies being too identified with “the philosophy of Hegel”… They’re the ones who have imbibed so deeply on Hegel, Marx, Engels, and the philosophy that they don’t know which way is up anymore. Literally.
My best recommendation? Keep posting here. Be proactive about shifting the conversation. When you see something, say something – talk about it. Talking about what people are doing and saying in a public forum puts it in sunlight – a great disinfectant. If you reply to one of my comments I’ll see it. If you have a weird linguistic or theological puzzle, I’ll be happy to help pull it apart. I’ve had at a lot of experience doing it, you get good at it when you have to do it to survive. If people see what’s happening we have a chance to be able to fight back against it, and win
The Great Awakening is coming! It can’t be stopped.
Amen! It is and He does. I totally see it the same way, kinda a detective looking for the week spot and how to introduce the truth or not, this time. Thank you for this. I always appreciate your Godly wisdom and how you break things down into manageable pieces that see the pattern of where it is going. God bless you and your sweet family, michaelh.
GA/FL – I posted something over on Marica’s blog that I thought you might like to read:
Heheh…Daughn is going to love this guy.
**Language Warning** There are cusswords.
Text of tweet:
Jonathan Pie (love this guy)…. after Prince Andrews fiasco of a life… Now Harry & his future ex, I think Brits are starting to get a bit ‘twisted off’ over the Royal Family.
Now THAT is my idea of a HOT MIC!!!
LOL. Well I mean if they don’t cut off Harry and the future ex from the money
eeek! I had hoped I had heard the last about Gwyneth Paltrow’s vajajay, but I guess not—-it lives on in infamy or something.
Pretty funny video! Reminds me of that episode of The Wire where they investigated a crime scene and the only word they used during the whole thing was the F* bomb.
Had to watch that one several times
LMAO…you owe me a new keyboard…this one’s drenched.
This is guy I could share a pint with!
JANUARY 13, 2020
The Battle for St. Anselm College
Same thing happened at Notre Dame and every other school that allowed a lay board.
You’d think the orders would learn. Catholic identity is not simply proclaimed. I’ll have to find the word in Latin, but permission is given from the Curia to teach theology. I dated a guy who had this designation. You have to be orthodox. Laity doesn’t always care about that.
That being said, the eastern Benedictines are okay as far as that goes.
Mandatum is the word I was looking for. Some of the leftists from the 1960s, 70s and 80s famously had theirs pulled by Pope John Paul II.
Seminary Confidential
JULY 1, 2019|4:11 AM
“This is going to have to come from the laity, and from those priests, pastors, and bishops who can read the signs of the times, and aren’t too afraid or lukewarm to act on them.”
Bishop Fulton Sheen said that every 400 years or so the laity saves the Church. I think we’re there. It’s not just the sheer number of alt-media blogs and news outlets popping up getting word out about how bad the seminaries are and the war for the Curia, but the number of people participating in more than just Mass that’s an indication. Most of it is private devotion related, but where the bishops are allowing traditional Latin Mass, where Eucharistic Adoration is available – people are going. Honestly.
There’s more hope than people know, but it’s not reported, and all the hand wringing is really unbecoming for a Faith that grows by setting an example. The laity have to take that mantle because the spirit of the 70s clergy have no clue what hospitality and the boundries of social discourse are in a lot of cases. Not all, and some are better at it than others, but I can tell stories….
Just a note that I’m continuing to have interesting issues which I get out of in even more interesting ways.
STAYING STRONG. I will be here for SHAM IMPEACHMENT. one way or another!!!
Stay Strong! Be fast and nimble! Be wise to their traps!
Remember: The Great Awakening!!!
k…but if you try to alter your appearance by wearing a man bun, I will out you…those things are disgusting and only pussies wear them.
that being said, stay low, stay safe, and stay true.
There are limits to what measures I’m willing to employ.
lol…good to know!
You are witnessing the self-destruction of the Democrat Party, and the dismantling of the old guard.
Just sit back and watch and don’t worry too much.
Wow…that was close!
A couple of pedestrians walk past an old building which collapses just seconds afterward, onto the sidewalk where they had just passed by.
A Fire Truck just happened to be passing by at the same time, on their way back to their base, and stopped to help at the scene.
I’d call that a structural fail.
Major conservative groups revealed to be “selling out” to big money liberal groups.
January 15, 2020
[Note: Facebook at CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) with their own booth!]
. . . And that’s just scratching the surface . . .
Heritage foundation – judge recommendations.
I have been saying this for months – appointing judges is great but who is vetting these judges? And how is vetting the vetters?!
I have been concerned that swamp Mitch has been so eager to appoint/confirm judges.
consider me “concerned” which I know is a bad term but President Trump can not personally see to everything and there is still Plenty of swamp on both sides!
IIRC the recommendations have been coming in large part from the Federalist Society.
It’s called infiltration and compromise.
So this would explain where some of that “DEMONETIZATION” money that leftist social media has taken from the right is going.
They “demonetize” grassroots conservative activists, and instead re-route the money to LIMIT conservatism.
Today, from Elizabeth Johnston – Activist Mommy…
I just love and admire her. She’s a ordinary gal with a passle of kiddos that she homeschools and she steps out in faith and calls out the lies! She is a force!!
“Relish the opportunity to be an outsider. The more that a broken system tells you that you’re wrong, the more certain you should be you must keep pushing ahead. You must keep pushing forward.”
Text of meme:
Dear Iran,
Since we took out your number 3 in charge, we will graciously offer you our number 3.
Her name is Nancy Pelosi.
63 million Americans
Too funny
I’m thinking the next time Nanzi takes a military transport overseas, we need a “fake” emergency recall of all the military planes and leave her stranded somewhere…maybe Greta can get her a ride on a whaling boat or something…
Sorry it didn’t post
For wolf
An article on possibly one of the greatest snipers in history, with over 500 kills. A Finn from WWII, who only used a Mosin Nagant with regular sights, and never a scope because he feared reflection. The lack of technology made it a different game. Today one thermal imager and his first kill would have been his last, to say nothing of drones with FLIR.
“White Death”, personified. Enough of a farm boy that before and after the shot he was indistinguishable from the landscape…..the only change during the shot was that an invading Russian soldier died. An amazing man whose story deserves to be more widely known.
The inscription reads, “Home – Religion – Fatherland”.
Amazing accuracy
The National Security Agency has discovered a major security flaw in Microsoft’s Windows 10 operating system that could allow hackers to intercept seemingly secure communications, but rather than exploit the flaw for its own intelligence needs, the NSA tipped off Microsoft so that it can fix the system for everyone. In other words, somebody else had discovered it as well.
I shouldn’t laugh but this is the lamest excuse ever
Illegal Immigrant Charged In Fatal Sex Attack on 92-Year-Old Woman Says His “Belt Broke, Pants Fell Down & His Penis Fell Into Her Vagina”
New York City defied a deportation request from ICE last year and released an illegal immigrant into the community — and now he stands accused of killing a 92-year-old woman beloved by her community.
What kind of a feral, depraved creature would do such a thing!

You know the kind…….the kind the Dims are falling all over themselves to bring here and provide a panoply of services for. Disgusting.
And the dirty Donkeys have the nerve to say “No one is above the law”…when they are the ones who give sanctuary to these feral creatures.
I’m so sick and tired of them–there are no rules or laws for them unless it’s something they can conveniently pull out to use to suit them. Crazed, power mad, and evil.
I can hardly wait for it all to explode.
As soon as I read that the victim was 92 years old, I had a thought, must be a Mozzie.
Scrolled down, the perp’s name: Khan.
Whadda surprise…not.
And when that’s done, put one at the northern border, and another around Kalifornistan, and maybe one around New Damndamndamn (aka New York)…
The kind Potus and ice are trying to get rid of
The kind who vote democrat
There’s a massive zero-day on most browsers, but seemingly only under Windows — . If you’re still running windows, you should patch immediately and consider running Linux.
Which eye should I patch?
Which is also a thorough indictment of Lennon’s post-Beatles work.
I read that Lennon was obsessed with violent porn and snuff porn in his later years. This info has been ruthlessly suppressed
This is a Windows 10 flaw and most computers have already automatically been patched by this weeks Monthly ‘Patch Tuesday’, which is turned on by default.
Interesting timing, considering that Win7 has just be 86’d. From the article, “Other versions of Windows are unaffected.”…
Another disturbing fact, though not explicitly mentioned in the article, is that almost ALL browsers, including Brave, Firefox, and M$’s Edge, use a Chrome Engine as the codebase for their browser. Which means Gargle’s got its gubby paws in everything (and gee, they just came up with new T&Cs, at least over here)…
Part of this is due to certificate issues, where Gargle pretty much decided to dictate how that will be handled (I don’t have the details to hand, but it broke Brave big time last year). Looks like Gargle broke their own browser. Maybe on purpose???
Someone is going to have to stand up to the “tech giants”, and take them to task for their political skulduggery, their coding sloppiness, and their monopoly (ies) over what should be a free market of innovation, expertise, and excellence. We need more competition, fewer foreign coders (I’m looking at you, India and China), far fewer H1Bs, and little to no outsourcing.
And *x is not without issues… Seems there are only two OS’s now, where once there were 20 or more. Time to get more competition out there, and maybe a few new architectures too; not just alternatives to X86/64, of which there are a few, but also to von Neumann, which has more or less been “guiding” hardware design for around 70 years…
Firefox uses its own engine. IIRC Brave and Vivaldi audit the blink engine code. Trouble is that Apple stopped caring about Webkit and basically gave it to Google. I’m still torqd at Apple for stealing KHTML from KDE in the first place. I was a big fan of KDE before it was cool and before the haters started Gnome.
Germany To Cut 400,000 Auto Jobs In Next Decade As Car Production Crashes
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) January 15, 2020
Merkel and micron woke up this morning and found horses heads in their beds
Probably in Merkel’s case, it was a Horse’s head, and a greasy, oily Mercedes short block… Diesel…
The manufacturers over here are pi$$ed. Many are saying that Merde-Kuh and the Greens (and Die Linke, and the SPD and FDP) are hell-bent on de-industrializing Germany.
Smells like Satan Soros looking to pick up some more cash, property, and people on the cheap…
Possibly with fraudulent diesel emissions certification
Actually those engines were running “to spec”. These so-called standards were discussed back in 2011-2012, when Euro6 was on the drawing board. The manufacturers were adamant in telling the EU dorks that EU6 was impossible with current technology, and likely wouldn’t be even in the 2017-2018 timeframe. It was in all the motor and car club (ADAC, like the AA or AAA) mags over here, and I discussed it with my wife’s nephew, who’s a design and test engineer for Porsche. He and I laughed at how clueless about tech the bEUreaucrats were. Little did we know back then that they’d go on and implement it.
It all boils down to politics, and trying to destroy the Diesel, which Merde-Kuh had been pushing as the most energy-efficient and least-polluting of the fuel types. LPG, Hydrogen, and, of course, Lithium all have their problems. Benzine/gasoline don’t have the energy density of Diesel, and are a bit more flammable (sounds ironic, I know).
Not surprisingly, the whole “scandal” came from Øblowhole’s EPA (Economic Paralysis Agency), as did the 25µm (.25?) particulates crap. Funny how they’re not banning cigarettes and vaping due to particulates. Nor are they banning fir/pine/conifer trees and their pollen… Hmmm. Seems like it’s only an agenda to destroy industry. Maybe the ornamentals are behind this one, too…
They want the peasants back in the stone age
Yep. On the one hand, we have the Greens, taking all of our technology, and energy, and manufacturing away from us, as well and mining and drilling (what little of the latter is done here), and anything else that is useful or productive to us, forcing us back to stone age tech, or, say fifth- or sixth-century tech.
Then, on the other hand, we have the invading Moslem hordes, robbers-n-rapists-r-us (hey, thanks Hildabeast, taking out Khadaffi really helped us there…not) attacking anyone and anything they can get their claws on, taking any freebies they can scam/grab, and, in general, with their lawless and intolerant behaviour, taking us back to the sixth century on a social and societal level.
And the ‘leets are loving it.
Until the animals come for them…..
They have bolt holes. But Potus is closing them done and cutting off the gravy train. I posted some stuff from dawsonsfield . This is a big swamp but it’s taking hits
Destroying automobiles has been a favorite progressive cause since the Warsaw pact. Besides controlling the ppl you also constrict the manufacturing base so it can’t be ramped up like the US did in WWII. They can’t win unless they CHEAT.
My kind of thinking
I hope President Trump gets one of those Nancy Pelosi impeachment pens, and uses it to sign every bill the Republican House sends him during his second term.
Hitting it out of the park.
That was so awesome I might just read it again!
Wait…what?! Now we are suppose to think that Pence is the power behind President Trump? And if President Trump is removed by the Senate it is ok because Pence will then *really* do something? How long and how many negative events will be told to be patient because this is ok & it is all part of a plan & the real deal is about to happen?! President Trump’s removal just makes way for Pence…really? seriously?
NOPE – No way should we just be patient and sit back and watch a “show” if President Trump is removed and Pence is now POTUS. NOPE, NOPE and NOPE
No way is that part of a “plan”.
I like this web site and really like associating and “hanging out” here esp after being kicked out of the OT for being too positive (Never Q, Just Positive and upbeat) & already being on a watch list due to following PHC and posting OT when he passed.
However, if the next step is to be patient and trust its all part of 3d chess to see President Trump removed….I can’t go that far. Red line in the sand to be politically active at a whole new level, being more vocal and political active than ever.
the thread said he wouldn’t be removed but really began playing Pence up. I am now the big “c” word…”Concerned”
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! agreed
Read these from dawsonsfield. This is a big swamp but there are being attacked relentlessly
The swamp is bleeding out with more hits incoming every day
No I don’t think that was his point(that’s Thomas Wictor writing in case anyone didn’t know and remembers him before he wss banned). His point is that leftists are idiots and don’t know the consequences of their actions. They don’t even know wbo would be President if Trump we’re removed. He also is saying Pence plays an important part in this Presidency.He said the Senate Trial will destroy the Dems. In earlier threads he used to talk about Pence being insurance against Trump impeachment because he was a Christian Conservative who the Left loathe.
I think Carlos/Wictor is just making a point I have been making to leftists for a couple of years now:
Be careful what you wish for.
These people really are STUPID. Half of them actually BELIEVE that if Trump is impeached, Hillary is President. When I explain about Pence, the idiots really do turn pale.
I think as some others do that Pence was “insurance” for Trump, because the left really, really, really doesn’t want him in office. Because of his unshakeable, fundamental Christian beliefs. He is the Old Testament, Biblical destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, by any means necessary kind of guy. No social liberal tendency AT ALL. He would NUKE liberalism. It would be OVER THE TOP.
I don’t think Wictor is preparing us for Trump to be removed. I think he is reminding the idiot left what they get if the actually were to succeed.
No. I think Carlos was saying that pence is not a straw man. That he’s more silent assassin type. He and Potus are totally in tune on all Potus doings. Potus is the front guy
No. I think Potus is the man but pence has totally go5 his back and agenda. They both know it’s not just their lives on the line but their families and all the deplorables.
The ds could have got lucky and taken Potus out( whidby island missile). We needed a deep bench, just in case. And if anything did happen to Potus pence would have gone all avenging righteous wrath of god
Threadreader isn’t opening right on my old computer….so here’s the Twitter version:
Heheh…love it!

This meme was posted in one of the replies:
It’s a picture of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, with a stern face.
Text on the picture:
The Chief Justice is too busy for this circus, so he sent me over to preside over this Impeachment.
Nice to see you all again!
Actually it’s the tune “Yakety Sax”, by Boots Randolph… was a big hit a long, long time ago…
Fits really well to this; sort of an anti-pomp-and-circumstance… Zonked and full-of-booze…
Have you seen this?

Greg Gutfeld loses it and goes off on the media and the Donks.
It’s righteous.
The replies are really good too.
And more red pilling in action. That was one heck of an elevator speech. Short, to the point, and every word chosen for maximum impact.
GOP Chairwoman’s thread on the Impeachment Managers:
I hope they’re doing deep dives into these “managers” and their backgrounds, votes and character…impugn everyone…no one leaves this process unscathed.
Verse of the Day
“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.”
Matthew 22:37 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Thursday Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Good Morning Duchess!
Have a Blessed Day!
You, too, Pat! Stay warm and dry – Mkay?
God Bless You today and always!!!
yes I will…looks like today will be snow squalls–the crap starts this weekend…
you stay warm and dry too!!
Forecast here the same – stay strong!
Angels watching over you!!!
SO – it’s The White House vs Congress Partisan Scam-peachment with no crimes featuring Pelosi’s marching managers.
Here’s the White House legal defense team:
•White House counsel Pat Cipollone
•Personal attorney Jay Sekulow
•Pat Philbin (Cipollone’s deputy)
•Mike Purpura (Cipollone’s deputy)
Rumors are, Guiliani wants to be part of this team.
Rudy might be better as a Witness.
He’s done that deep dive into the Ukraine mess and could testify about a lot of corruption, bribery and stolen aid money.
true, but don’t the Dems now have all that damning evidence about Rudy? (s)
they probably can’t wait to get him on the stand and try to bully him…
Bully Rudy? Ffs he took down the New York mob
Hope that’s the plan then.
We believe in The Plan, don’t we?
(wink, wink, snicker)
I sure do!
I’m furious about the President’s team, but what do I know?
To me, the President’s team are NOT highly skilled politicians. They’re treating this like it is a trial – but we have no crime.
It’s not a trial, they need skilled debaters and those who can drop bombs.
Yet, the President knows best.
I trust Sekelow, he’s one smart dude. He’s argued before the SC and The Hague. Plus he’s up on all things POTUS, including politics. AND he’s Jewish, Blessed, and Highly Favored.
And he’s terrific at arguing a legit legal case in a high court.
That’s not what this is.
This really IS THE CIRCUS, and we need ringmasters.
Experts in hyperbole and clever jingles, we need the guy who can come up with the chants “if the glove doesn’t fit, you must acquit”
Know your audience.
I get it. But, I have this feeling that somehow, this thing is not gonna go anything like any of us have predicted. Trump has made his living out of blind-siding his opponents. Only he knows what is actually coming. Of course, IMHO only.
Had no idea Jay was Jewish. Goes to show how open-minded in his conservatism – he fights for religious freedom for everyone.
Love that, “Blessed, and Highly Favored.”
God is Good, All the Time.
And All the Time, God is Good…
(ref is the movie “GOD’s not dead”… pastor White and the other pastor always have that exchange…).
AND AND he got POTUS successfully through the Mueller debacle. I’ve been watching him both on TBN and his own show for the past 10 years. He’s super sharp and has been on top of this shampeachment nonsense all along!!
Got him through the Mueller trial, sure, but we did waste 2 1/2 yrs on a sham, and effectively have had no justice for our side.
And here we go again.
Tired of playing nice, bring on the killers.
I think Sekelow is a Killer. We also need assists from the likes of Jordan, Ratcliffe, Collins, and possibly Gaetz. Mike Turner was pretty no nonsense too.
This is easy.
Sekulow stands up and states, “Please point out in the criminal code where ‘Obstruction of Congress’ (aka a VETO) is a high crime or misdemeanor.” No? CASE DISMISSED!
Obstruction of Congress is a complete joke.
Agreed, should take the vote on that article asap.
Dems are screaming about Bolton testifying but they never subpoenaed Bolton.
OMG, it’s insane.
Rome wasn’t burnt in a day and it takes a while to root out and burn the deep state. Someone posted a reminder re ww2 the gap between the start and d day. It takes time to root out entrenched ds, gather intelligence and evidence. There’s only one shot at this and it has to be done right with no loopholes.
Ben Garrison posted this yesterday:
It shows Pres Trump dressed as a cowboy, who has roped and is riding a red Dragon.
He’s holding a ten gallon hat in one hand which has “Better Trade Deals” on it.
On the Dragon, are the words:
Patent and Copywrite Infringement
Currency Manipulation
Xenophobic Markets
Stolen Technology
What is it in Chinese culture that makes them think they are entitled to do this?
I’m not at all a student of eastern cultures, but it just seems that somewhere along the line, what we consider property theft is considered community property there. When and under who in that culture did that happen?
It was one of the most astonishing things for me to learn when I began doing biz in India and China.
They have no judeo-christian work ethic, no puritan value system.
The idea is to screw YOU before you can do it to them. If they “put one over on you” that makes them better/more clever/and highly admired in social circles.
It’s bizarre and ineffective as a societal model, but that’s the way it is.
Well, it’s partly from their communist outlook…
But it is also a part of their ‘us versus them’ outlook…and stealing from us Americans is considered fair game.
They are expected to be predatory towards us.
With no shame.
I think this goes back millennia. Communism may have spurred it, but China was known to be corrupt for centuries before that sort of system ever came about.
Yep, absolutely.
JUST A REMINDER – Øbama was impeachable from the first month – for abuse of power, weaponizing agencies of government against political opponents and many other offenses which he carried on throughout his shameful tenure in office.
List of Obama administration abuses of power and lawbreaking – LINK
Timeline of Sedition and Treason: LINK
Then there was Øbominable’s warrantless surveilance aka spying.
Obama’s Illegal warrantless surveillance was not limited to the Trump campaign, or the press, or congress.
There was a dramatic rise in warrantless surveillance during the O years – so much that it alarmed even the leftist ACLU:
Obama changed the law twice (2013 & 2017) to make it easier to conduct warrantless data gathering:
85% of Obama’s warrantless surveillance searches were illegal: P 82 –
Adam Schiff was an answer on ‘Jeopardy!’ and none of the contestants knew who he was
© Greg Nash
On Wednesday night’s episode of “Jeopardy!”, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) was an answer, but no one buzzed in.
Schiff was an answer in a category titled “U.S. Representatives.” The prompt included a photo of Schiff and read: “One-fifty-third of California’s House delegation is this House Intelligence Committee chairman.”
No one buzzed in.
Adam Schiff was an answer on Jeopardy today.
Not a single person knew who he was.
— David Hookstead (@dhookstead) January 16, 2020
Who is Adam Schiff………
for brains.
i really wanted someone to answer who is Pencil Neck?
Saw that article. LOL moment. Hopefully, before POTUS’ terms are over, Schiffty will be known – as an arrested and indicted Congress critter.
POTUS has called him shifty and a liar.
fighting back using the left’s tactics…sanctuary cities for the UNBORN!
A growing number of cities in Texas are voting in favor of becoming ‘sanctuary cities for the unborn.’ The city councils of Big Spring and Colorado City voted on Tuesday in support of a new ordinance, which will prohibit abortions from being performed within city limits.
The city of Rusk became the eighth city in Texas to approve the measure, which is part of a pro-life movement spearheaded by the Right to Life Organization.
The Vatican’s Alliance with China: More Evil Than We Thought
cool story about Vaughn and the troops…
Smith at one point notes that Sergeant First Class Bince Vattaglia responded to his original post on FB that, “all other celebrities decline to come to our area because its hazardous. Vince Vaughn and his manager(she) were the first and only who [accepted] the challenge to come visit soldiers that had so little entertainment.”
“He was perfect,” Colby went on to explain, noting how he lifted them all at a time they so desperately needed it. “He smiled, he was happy. One of the guys in the unit made a sign that read, ‘if you can dodge an IED, you can dodge a ball.’ He [Vaughn] thought it was great, so he was running around with the sign.”
“He figured out where the medic station was,” he added “[Vaughn] said, ‘I wanted to come see you guys.’ And he just hung out. He didn’t ask questions.”
May this SCAM-peachment trial wreak HELL on the guilty – the guilt of Pelosi, Biden, Kerry and Romney AND THEIR SONS – in selling US influence for BIG unearned $$$!!!
May the SCAM-peachment expose Øbominable and Hillrotten as well!!!
I love this.
It seems that George Zimmerman could have used a video like this in his defense – you know about lethal force being used when someone is pounding one’s head against a concrete sidewalk. All it takes it blunt force trauma to the brain, even one time – as in this case – to kill a person. A shove down the stairs…
article contains info on the House managers…
Longtime Trump-hunters were joined by far less familiar faces, including a former police chief, a former judge, and a former Army Ranger, as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi named impeachment managers.
The House managers appointed Wednesday will act as prosecutors, making the case to remove President Donald Trump from office during the Senate impeachment trial expected to begin next week.
1. Rep. Adam Schiff
Schiff, D-Calif., is a former federal prosecutor in California. This marks the third time he has been a manager in a Senate impeachment trial. In 2009 and 2010, he helped lead two bipartisan cases against federal judges.
Schiff, 59, pushed the “Russia collusion” narrative in the House, first as the ranking member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and then as the chairman after Democrats won the House majority in the 2018 elections.
Schiff first was elected in 2000, interestingly by running against the incumbent Republican, Rep. James Rogan, over his role as an impeachment manager in the 1998 Senate trial of President Bill Clinton.
Schiff came under scrutiny during his committee’s first hearing focused on Trump’s July 25 call to Zelenskyy, when he mischaracterized what the president said as captured by an official White House transcript.
When Republican lawmakers and others called him on it, Schiff said his summary of Trump’s words was a “parody.”
Schiff also didn’t tell the truth when he initially said that neither he nor his staff had previous contact with the whistleblower who brought the Trump-Zelenskyy call to public attention.
The Washington Post’s fact-checker gave him “four Pinocchios,” PolitiFact ranked the claim as “false,” and said Schiff was “wrong.”
2. Rep. Jerry Nadler
Nadler, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, was among those on that committee who spoke out loudly against impeaching Clinton in 1998.
The New York Democrat called the Clinton impeachment a “coup d’etat” and said: “Members of Congress have no power, indeed they have no rights, to arrogate to themselves the power to nullify an election absent such a compelling threat.”
Nadler, 72, first was elected to the House in a special election in 1993. Before that, he was a member of the New York State Assembly, where he clashed with then-real estate mogul Donald Trump over a Manhattan development project.
3. Rep. Zoe Lofgren
Lofgren, a California Democrat, was among the 69 lawmakers who boycotted Trump’s inauguration.
First elected to the House in 1994, she previously was a staffer for the House Judiciary Committee during the impeachment inquiry targeting President Richard Nixon in 1974.
A former immigration lawyer, Lofgren, 72, also has clashed with the Trump administration as chairwoman of the Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee on immigration and citizenship.
4. Rep. Hakeem Jeffries
Jeffries, D-N.Y., chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, first was elected to the House in 2012.
He previously was a member of the New York State Assembly from 2006 to 2012.
Jeffries, 49, was part of the law firm of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison. He later worked as a corporate counsel for Viacom and CBS.
In a House floor speech on June 12, 2017, he drew a connection between Trump and racism, saying:
Why were so many people who worship at the altar of white supremacy drawn to Donald Trump’s campaign? What was it about this individual that so many folks dripping in hatred flocked to his candidacy?
That’s not to say that every American who voted for Donald Trump is a racist. We do know that every racist in America voted for Donald Trump. That’s a problem. But this president has a responsibility to address the rise in hate crimes that have taken place on his watch, whether or not his election is directly connected to it.
5. Rep. Val Demings
Although most of the House impeachment managers are lawyers, Demings, a Florida Democrat, comes to the case with a 27-year career in law enforcement that culminated in becoming the first female police chief in Orlando, Florida.
Demings, 62, first was elected to her seat in 2016. She is married to Jerry Demings, mayor of Orange County, Florida.
6. Rep. Jason Crow
Crow, of Colorado, was elected as part of the Democrat wave of 2018.
A lawyer, he was formerly an Army Ranger who served in both Afghanistan and Iraq. He was awarded a Bronze Star.
Crow, 40, defeated the Republican incumbent, Rep. Mike Coffman, and became the first Democrat to hold the Colorado seat.
7. Rep. Sylvia Garcia
Garcia, also a freshman House member, previously served as a Houston Municipal Court judge, appointed by that city’s mayor and reappointed by a subsequent mayor.
Garcia, 69, was elected as Houston city controller in the late 1990s.
In 2013, she won a special election for a Texas state Senate seat, and held it until being elected to Congress.
Thanks for their Bio’s
you’re welcome
Ooooooooh – Zoe Lofgren! I smell DIAPER!!!
First elected to the House in 1994, she previously was a staffer for the House Judiciary Committee during the impeachment inquiry targeting President Richard Nixon in 1974.
Oh, that sounds a LOT like RED CANKLES!!!
Reinforcing observation, and remember they were in the freezing COLD, waiting for hours to see POTUS.
DO NOT believe the gaslighting fake polls they’ll be putting from now until election day. If they were all GOP attendees then one could say maybe POTUS is only reaching the choir of his base. THAT is obviously not true.
Better question, why was the State Dept spending taxpayer dollars by the order of Marie Yovanovitch, to monitor private American citizens and journalists in Ukraine AND the USA?
There’s about a dozen of them.
Marie is a dirty girl……
wow, I misunderstood the conditions. I thought if they vote yes to witnesses, everyone gets their witnesses. I did not know that there could be a condition set in the Senate, that EACH witness has to be approved by a 51 vote majority. If that’s the case, the President may not get to call the witnesses he wants (if they are not approved)
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said that each witness will have to be approved by a majority of 51 senators — something unlikely to work in Trump’s favor. This had lead to Sen. Paul raising an alarm that only those who hate the president will obtain the necessary majority vote.
Sen. Paul explained that if there does end up being a vote for each individual witness, which could potentially be dozens, he believes that only the ones who are antagonistic to the president will get through. This means that “Hunter Biden, Joe Biden and the whistleblower may not pass a majority vote.” He said that if this is how witnesses are decided, the senate will end up with a situation like the House did — a lopsided witness list that would be mostly people hostile to the president.
When asked if he had any other specific witnesses in mind that he was looking to hear, besides Hunter Biden and the whistleblower, Sen. Paul said that “if they end up approving witnesses like Bolton, who I think are harmful, I will insist on a motion that says the president should get to call all witnesses that he or his team deem to be necessary to his defense.”
Here’s the problem with the WHOLE THING.
The President is on trial.
The President is entitled to a full-throated defense, whatever/wherever/whomever that may include.
This is NOT about the House or the Senate.
This is about what the President did or did not do during his “non” crime.
Absolutely. Voting on witnesses is inherently POLITICAL. The whole point of the Senate, as McConnell has repeatedly proclaimed, is that it is ABOVE volatile politics. Thus, the more truth, the better. The more like a TRIAL, the better. The more CONSTITUTIONAL, including all CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTIONS, the better.
Obama appointed judge overrules voter id (altho the issue was approved by voters and free IDS provided)
“What Judge Loretta Biggs has done,” he states, “is simply erased the vote of millions of North Carolinians who want to have photo ID to protect the integrity of the vote here in this state. And one federal judge says, ‘No, no, I know better than all of you.'”
Biggs was nominated to the federal bench in 2014 by then-President Barack Obama, whose attorney general at the time was Eric Holder. Voting rights was, and continues to be, an urgent concern for the former AG. But Creech contends the ruling sends an unintentional message that he says is racist in itself.
“Many minorities voted for the [state’s] photo ID constitutional amendment,” the League’s executive director points out, “and they found it quite disparaging, a ruling that implies that they’re not smart enough, they’re not industrious enough, they don’t care enough … to get an ID.”
Creech, Mark (CAL)Creech also notes the amendment provided for free IDs and was especially careful to assist minority communities in obtaining them.
Is this being appealed?
can’t say for sure, but i would hope so!
graphic warning: the story contains a photo of the doll’s genitalia…which begs thew question: when in the blazes did dolls start HAVING genitalia??? who are these dolls for??? a female head/ male genitalia–first trans doll–IN RUSSIA!!
A transgender children’s doll – believed to be the world’s first – has gone on sale in Russia .
The doll – pictured with a penis and wearing a dress – sparked debate after being spotted in a Siberian toyshop.
Pictures of the doll at the Planeta Igrushek (Planet Of Toys) shop in the city of Novosibirsk went viral after being posted online.
The images show the doll with long blonde hair and an apparently female face.
It is shown wearing a red dress with what appears to be male genitalia underneath.
Very important to remember that the communist parties of RUSSIA and UKRAINE are both completely legal, have the same goals that they always did. They both have more in common with SOVIET DEMOCRATS than with anybody else.
Only SOVIET FAKE NEWS tries to make modern Russia and Ukraine seem like the coherent simplistic good or bad guys that they most decidedly ARE NOT.
Did they name it Moochelle? Or Wookie?
LOL…hardly…doll is blonde hair and maybe even blue eyes…not the Big Mike look…even the “offending digit” is too small for Big Mike…
How very sad.
CANTERBURY, England ( – Britain’s pre-eminent advocate of abortion, responsible for killing 70,000 babies in 2019, has been awarded a doctorate at a ceremony hosted by the mother church of the global Anglican Communion.
Dean of Canterbury Robert Willis, responsible for hosting the ceremony, is refusing to address the morality of the event, while Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby is claiming a lack of “consensus about precisely when life begins in the womb.”
Church of England is fully apostate.
They have embraced all the evils of this day – homo/bi/pan/sexuality, syncretism, abortion….and global warming too.
They’re politicians, not Prelates, sad to say.
Same thing over here. The EKD is a travesty. They don’t want theologians and preachers, they want pretty-boys and pretty-girls who say all the “right”, worldly, politically-correct, LGBTWXYZ-rainbow-approved things.
No wonder the “mainline” churches are empty, with people leaving in droves for the independent, Bible-believing churches (e.g. Frei Evangelisch). The Catholic Church here is not better; with radicals at the top (at least on the admin things). Ironically one of the big troublemakers is named Marx… [Benedict elevated him to Cardinal…what was he thinking????? ]
Great one!
Thank God!
I don’t know if Sen. Marsha Blackburn has the true sense of what the Senate / McTurtle is going to do, but just now on Fox & Friends she said in the Senate is not going to have witnesses in their Impeachment Trial . . . in effect, that the Senate’s job is to pass legal judgement (guilty or not guilty) on what the House has submitted in their Articles of Impeachment, not to present and retry the basis for those articles.
That’s not what other senators are saying.
Maybe Marsha is out of the loop?
She has only been in the Senate for a year now…and she has ‘misspoke’ on things a few times before.
Very well could be . . .
This is a delightful interview with John Mappin at his Camelot Castle.
So much of the news right now is either maddening, sickening or disgusting.
If you haven’t seen it, I recommend it for a nice break from the crapfest that’s going on.
At about the 58:20 mark, Mappin starts telling about how he was at a private dinner at the Trump Hotel in DC, and sitting beside someone who was “very, very high up” in the administration.
He had read about Q at that time, but hadn’t been really following it…so he asked this fellow:
“Is it absolute bunkum or is there something to it?”
“And he said to me, not only is there something to it…there is a lot more to it, than anyone could possibly imagine. Don’t discount it.”
The interview is not just about Q, though.
It’s a very positive interview…and Mappin talks about Pres Trump and how he has brought faith and prayer to the White House…and how our President has helped to strengthen his own faith.
Butterfly mentioned upthread that Jay Sekelow was “Blessed, and Highly Favored” (by God) – I immediately thought of POTUS – DJT is Blessed, and Highly Favored by God.
People finding that their own faith is being strengthened by knowing POTUS, or being around, or affected by him – which includes many of us… well, I think that same experience – faith renewal is happening to us as individuals, and expect to see it happen to the Country!
POTUS is a leader who touches peoples’ lives – history will long remember him as one of the greatest presidents, leaders of the 21st Century.
I really enjoyed this, Wheatie. Thank you.
Still experiencing extreme difficulties administering this site. Even getting this comment to you took about half an hour. It’s getting ridiculous.
My reckoning is that this is about IMPEACHMENT. They do NOT want a rapid and effective response for their “Kavanaugh” attack – whatever that is going to be.
I think that WordPress themselves may be involved here.
Sorry to hear this, boss.
This is just so bizarre.
I am in a moment of unusually reasonable speed (relative to recent conditions), thus responding. Yes – it is bizarre. Not sure why this is happening. I have some evasions I may begin.
Is it time for us to move to GAB, at least for faster communication? Or is there something else we should do?
Before Gab took their big hit in functionality moving to their new platform, I might have considered it, but not right now. We would need a new group on Gab with the current setup, and I’m not confident that functionality is better than what we have here.
The main priority is simply having daily open threads that work reasonably well for sharing information. As long as that is unaffected, and I can still do basic administrative functions to keep the place running, I think staying on WordPress is reasonable.
But I am going to start looking strongly at alternatives.
I’m sorry. Please, let us know if we can help further.
I would just encourage all the authors to make as many articles as they can. I will likely be mostly restricted to commenting, which seems to escape the problems. It is going into WordPress administrative mode – which includes the creation of new articles – which causes me the most problems. So bear with me on spam not getting debucketed, and generic Tuesday open threads, which I will schedule when I have a “good day”.
I’m probably one of the more free people authoring. Do you need me to pick up Tuesdays for the daily? I can come up with another schtick.
Creativity and all that.
That would be awesome! That would be REALLY helpful! That will allow me to not only hit the spam bucket more often, but I can even have time to (1) take evasive computer actions (unspecified) that are needed now, and (2) sneak in a few battle posts during the impeachment.
Okee dokey.
Wolf are you sure it is not your Internet provider who is giving you problems?
For us since our provider issue has been cleaned up everything works smoothly. We too thought it was our computer or we had malware but we have good security and could not figure it out.
Our computers were slow and we got cut off I wrote about that.
I pray you are able to figure out what the computer problem is.
I’m working on things! I appreciate the suggestion!
If a federal judge was being impeached in the Senate, and a sitting Senator was under consideration for the position, said Senator would be recused from the “jury of the Senate”.
How is it any different if the position is the Presidency?
The four Dem Senators who have campaigned on impeachment are already conflicted and should be banished from proceedings in the Senate.
Why don’t the GOP senators simply speak up?
That’s what the DIMs did wrt Jeff Sessions… no vote, just spoke out saying such and such.
Timid. They live inside the bubble of DC.
It’s pure intimidation.
So sad, but you’re right… they better grow some.
It would be great if those who had the means (email, phone, snail-mail, whatever) would prod the congress critters into doing the right thing, not (just) the politically expedient thing.
They need a HUUUUUGGEEE dose of Growacet…
Remember the parable of the widow and the judge…
Marsha Blackburn is making this point. I hope she holds firmly to her stance and keeps pushing this.
This one makes my day.
Sooooooo, an Imam in Uganda got married in December but allegedly didn’t have sex with his new bride because it was “that time of the month” for TWO WEEKS”…….. she was a lovely young woman who spoke softly.
But the bride was arrested when she was caught stealing a tv and clothing from a next door neighbor.
When the female police officer who booked and searched her learned…….. the bride was a man.
Damn, that’s funny!
Love the top comment:
easy to make the mistake I guess.
I needed this is a way you have no idea I needed it. SAD bad today – and the sun is shining. What is wrong with me?????????
It is hilarious.
Gotta admit
This certainly makes the argument that HEAVY PETTING is DUE DILIGENCE!
If you can’t kick the tires, at least check the tread!
How could he not know?
He must have Never checked.
An Imam’s ma’am’s a man, for a’that…
) )…
(dodges flying tomes of Burns, sacks of peat, and hideously off-key Bagpipes (oh wait, aren’t they all
This reminds me of the movie ‘The crying game’
(Tom?) Freeman, just now on Fox’s America’s News asked the question concerning the DemonRats “Doesn’t anyone want to be President?”
A practical answer for the DemonRats is “No”. None of the remaining DemonRat candidates want to go through the process only to have their ass handed to them by PTrump.
No one wants to be a Mondale or a Dukakis.
since the Dems want to halt the judicial nominees and appointment during the impeachment, I think Roberts needs to recuse himself from the Impeachment as well due to the FISC scandal and reform and investigation…tit for tat
It’s not the DIMs… it’s the impeachment process itself that halts all other Senate business. And the process requires that the Chief Justice of SCOTUS preside.
I thought Heels Up Harris said the process should be suspended while there’s an impeachment…let me find it
Toes Up Harris did say halt the process. I think it was in refernce to ominating. Guessing that is not a Senate move, but Executive. AND, IF the Senate Rs can do anything legally to move judge confirmation along, betting they’ll do it.
Judges are about the only thing Rs get right. Largely a pathetic lot, they are. thankfully not as bad as Ds.
it was on Flep’s new roundup…
Another SYNTHETIC FAKE BLACK COMMIE inflicted on America just like the last one – BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA.
More importantly, someone needs to explain to the public why MANY of the Chairs of House Committees will be tied up in the Senate trial.
They’ve spent MONTHS on this, employed what is equal to a mini-DOJ in the House, at taxpayer expense, and they’ve delivered NOTHING to public in this Congress.
Now, we will waste another few months?
Who will do oversight in the House?
Who will handle the House Judiciary?
Who will handle the Intel Committee?
What are they ignoring while pursuing a political vendetta.
I know in the “rules” McConnell wants everyone to leave their phones outside chambers–do you think Schiff will abide that? i think not…he’s there to grandstand and leak…
He’ll bring a burner or a staffer phone.
Is it just me, or is Q getting ready for a coming-out party?
President Trump has been re-Tweeting Q accounts for the last month or so. Then there’s the American Thinker article about Q:
Now ZeroHedge has picked it up:
Are we about to go mainstream? Are we all ready to answer questions from the normies?
Tomorrow is the Q day of January….just saying….
small point of order…I consider US to be the normies and the rest to be the slow ones…LOL
I don’t know that a “come out” party is in the works, but the red pills have been put in an IV drip.
I was thinking, DP, maybe we should all wear POTUS’ impeachment along with him.
Call us, the “Impeached Deplorables” – after all, the Dems are really impeaching the People, along with POTUS.
I may just get my Longaberger basket purse out for the duration.
Think about it, half the country mimics the opinions of Hollyweird celebs like Cardi B, hip hop stars, or burned out D list actors
Yet, they are adamant and often violent in their demands we ignore Q, all of 4chan and 8Chan, the guys who invented memes, trolled the left and won the election of 2016….
…. because WE’RE supposed to be the “Cult”?
It defies logic.
SOVIET FAKE NEWS creates its own cult of FAKE NORMIES who drink the Kool-Aid of FAKE NORMAL.
Backwards Liberal Think – it is what they do!
Important historical lesson right there.
Donald J. Trump Retweeted
Well, there’s Lamar Alexander’s vote.
I think he is still iffy…hope Marsha Blackburn can pull him to our side
While the Lefties (Dems) were saying how bad the farmers were being hurt by the tariffs, they conveniently forgot that POTUS had set aside that tariff money to give aid to the farmers.
John Solomon tweets:
Just announced the creation of a brand new news outlet called Just the News. We’ll be getting started over the next few weeks. Follow us @JTNReports or visit
Whoa, remember the response from Susan Collins yesterday, “they didn’t do a very good job in the house, did they?”
And today, we get Martha McSally?
YES! These and a couple moar little noticed comments bode well for us and President Trump. Hopeful.
The past week, maybe two, coordination between Senate and President on impeachment about zero. Prior to that turtle telegraphed Senate and President aligned. Huge out cry…gotta be impartial. such hypocrisy after listening to D-Rats three year impeachment drive.
As truly pissed off about impeachment, corrupt MCM and socialist D-Rats hating America, I am hopeful Seante will dispose of impeachment in short order…no witnesses…..acquittal.
Ukrainian officials condemned Lev Parnas and say he is lying!
What Parnas said IS A COMPLETE LIE!
Benjamin Goldman at Pen Media reported:
Serhiy Shefir, the first aid to Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, revealed that Democrat witness Lev Parnas lied about a meeting where he claimed he threatened to withhold military aid.
Parnas told the New York Times last week that he and Shefir discussed withholding $400 million in aid form Ukraine unless they investigated the Bidens. Shefir, however, doesn’t remember it that way.
Serhiy Shefir told Kyiv Post, an English language Ukrainian newspaper, that his meeting with Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman was “neither long nor informative”.
According to him, the only thing that Parnas and Fruman discussed was trying to set up a meeting between President Zelensky and Rudy, something they apparently didn’t even take seriously.
“We said that we will gladly meet with him, but only officially, after the inauguration, and that there can be no meeting now.”
Shefir said that Fruman and Parnas told him the point of the meeting was “they want to help this country” since they are Ukrainians themselves. Shefir, however, was not convinced.
“The meeting took place before we started at the job, and we didn’t get very deep into what their ‘help’ would be. These were general words said over a cup of tea.”
Serhiy Shefir also said that he didn’t really give any weight to either Lev Parnas or Igor Fruman, saying they didn’t consider them representatives of President Trump.
What don’t the DEMONicRATS understand about DUE DILIGENCE!!!!! (OK, I know, they don’t understand anything). Seems like they must’ve been advising HP on Autonomy…
I am not an attorney, but I don’t think you have to be to be alarmed at the legitimizing of a railroaded, partisan set of lies and accusations which would form the basis for such wickedness to be allowed as the basis for impeachment.
This comment from OT brings up things I am unsure of but find completely unsettling….it also rekindles my fury at those on our side who are “purists” and vote for the Democrat or third party candidate with no chance of winning in order to teach our side a lesson.:
Mike Robinson says:
January 16, 2020 at 8:52 am
If the Senate accepts this trial, then a Bill of Attainder is now legal – §1.9.3 and §1.10.1 notwithstanding – and anyone is guilty of anything that the Congress declares him or her to be, with whatever penalty, including death, that the Congress may choose to mete out. You don’t have to be guilty of, nor even accused of, any violation of the United States Code: “high crimes” are not required. Presidents and Justices serve at the pleasure of the Congress. And, as our Founders feared, tyranny is the result.
That’s Lawfare, Inc.’s well-laid trap for the US Senate. They’ve already ensnared the House.
have you been skimming OT lately? Mike Robinson has been trying to sell his bill of attainder for months now and a lot of others have been fighting back against it. I am not a legal expert, but ristvan has never agreed with this statement.
is this impeachment the weakest, thinnest of all possible efforts? indisputably. I don’t believe the House has been ensnared…the Dem majority was all in since POTUS was elected. Not a single Repub voted for these articles…
BUT…and here’s the IMPORTANT part for me…POTUS knew it too…since he was elected, he knew these clowns would bring impeachment–they’re that stupid and single minded.
who are you gonna bet on? POTUS, his savvy legal team and millions of supporters?
or a clown car full of, well, clowns?
these will not be secret hearings in a basement…
and oh yeah…the IC IG’s testimony WILL BE HEARD!
I don’t read much there….just check in from time to time to see if things have changed or to try to wade through SD take on certain current events, which I often still find valuable.
It’s about as close as I can bring myself to get to opposition research.
i do not read many of the posts, but Mike has been insistent on his opinion about the bill or writ of attainder—it’s been mentioned for months–so when i see it when i skim, i look to see if others agree or not and if ristvan responded…he has not.
it’s natural for us to be afraid of treachery inCongress…they haven’t always proven themselves to be POTUS’s side…but his approval rate continues to climb. i think most Congress critters might feel that this is not the hill to die on.
I was looking for Ristivan last night, also.

People there were missing him.
Someone said that he had had trouble with SD.
Phoenix said that he is at Marica’s site because of his wife’s illness (she is on their prayer wall) and may not be posting much because of that.
For both situations, my heart goes out to all concerned.
I will add him and his wife to my prayers!
Ristvan mentioned. It’s been awhile since he was quoted here from OT post. Perhaps I missed it. Hope Ristvan wasn’t bounced for speaking factually and with sound analysis. SD and the OT manipulators take a dim view of honest discussion. Ristvan always a wealth of insight and logic. AND, for me, educational. Me thinks.
I recall Ristvan was “censured” OT for going after someone, according to a moderator.
Seemed silly and blindsided Ristvan.
Wow. I can’t imagine Ristvan going after anyone. And I’ve followed his comments for years, first on climate sites, and then at the “other plaice”. Would that there were more like him: reasoned, well-educated and informed, polite, and informative, giving understandable comments on often complex subjects… prayers up for him and his wife.
THAT is scary. Thanks for posting.
This was regarding the Robinson comment from OT, and hope it is incorrect, too.
This is BS from DS!!!
POTUS did NOT withhold aid, he PAUSED it. Big difference.
GAO says Trump administration broke law by withholding Ukraine aid
This is really hilarious.
Mick Mulvaney was head of the agency, wasn’t he?
They checked and withheld, paused aid, for all kinds of reasons.
ALL President’s have.
And here is my bigger question.
How can new evidence be introduced, considered, when it’s tantamount to new articles of impeachment which HAVE NOT been voted on by the House?
This makes no sense whatsoever.
zero hedge? GAO says Ukraine funds illegally withheld…
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that the Trump administration violated the Impoundment Control Act (ICA), which “does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law,” according to a Thursday report.
Of note, the GAO has reached similar conclusions against both Bush administrations and the Clinton administration. In December of 2018, the agency concluded that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) withheld $95 million from the Coast Guard – funds which were eventually released.
Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) who requested the GAO report, tweeted on Thursday: “This bombshell legal opinion from the independent @USGAO demonstrates, without a doubt, that the Trump Administration illegally withheld assistance from Ukraine and the public evidence shows that the president himself ordered this illegal act.”
note: the Senator who REQUESTED the report
Van Hollen is only in that job because in 2003 he couldn’t beat Connie Morella for the 8th district in Maryland so the lines for that district were redrawn so he could win. The voters have not been able to get rid of him since and redrawing the lines went through the court system. He is sleazy – Ill gotten gains.
They have been at for at least 80 years….
This is good!
Dora, ^^^ was fun. Thanks for posting
Guy on the E♭ (soprano) Clarinet was pretty good, t-bone too… feel-happy music!
LMAO…according to GAO, OBAMA violated the law with the whole Bergdahl deal too…
WASHINGTON—The Obama administration violated the law when it failed to give Congress adequate notice about the transfer of five detainees from Guantanamo Bay as part of a swap for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the investigative arm of Congress said Thursday.
Sgt. Bergdahl was released after nearly five years of captivity in Afghanistan as part of a May 31 exchange for five Taliban detainees held at a U.S. military base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
“The Department of Defense violated section 8111 of the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2014 when it transferred five individuals detained at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to the nation of Qatar without providing at least 30-days notice to certain congressional committees,” the Government Accountability Office said in response to a letter from Republican lawmakers, including Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell, the minority leader, and Alabama Sen. Richard Shelby.
That provision prohibits the Defense Department from using government funds to transfer individuals from Guantanamo unless it notifies Congress at least 30 days in advance.
The department also violated another law that prohibits federal employees from spending money not authorized by Congress. “DOD should report its Antideficiency Act violation as required by law,” the GAO said.
Øbominable had no respect for US or its laws.
He abused power from day one.
President is going to Davos!
Hot Damn!
Making all the minions squirm.
Another good one to make your day.
John Solomon started another outlet called Just the News, as we read upthread.
Did you know Lee Smith is also on board at Just The News.
Bring the POWER!!
This is great!
Short clip of McSally telling off CNN’s Manu Raju.

Jesse keeps getting better and better.
Nancy Pelosi cost the country 65 billion dollars and 175K jobs this year in her delay of passage of USMCA.
Pelosi doesn’t help Americans, she hurts us.
but she raised $87 million for Dems
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) raised more than $87 million for Democratic candidates in 2019, her office announced Thursday morning.
The record figure represents a $37.6 million increase from the $49.5 million she raised in 2017, it noted, adding that the fundraising haul included $75 million raised directly for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
Pelosi’s office said she held 181 fundraising events in 54 cities.
“Speaker Pelosi’s significant record-breaking fundraising haul for 2019 is a direct reflection of voters’ rising enthusiasm to expand our House Democratic Majority that’s been delivering meaningful progress #ForThePeople, take back the Senate and elect a Democratic President,” Jorge Aguilar, executive director for Nancy Pelosi for Congress, tweeted Thursday morning.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) raised more than $87 million for Demon candidates in 2019, her office announced Thursday morning….
If truth were told…
Voting NO
Booker (D-NJ)
Gillibrand (D-NY)
Harris (D-CA)
Markey (D-MA)
Reed (D-RI)
Sanders (I-VT)
Schatz (D-HI)
Schumer (D-NY)
Toomey (R-PA)
Whitehouse (D-RI)
Did NOT vote
Inhofe (R-OK)
In Pennsylvania???????
The Republican????????
What was he thinking?
That he wants to retire real bad, but his wife won’t let him?
Nancy Pelosi announced another potential article of impeachment this morning….. but again, she has a problem with her latest ploy – Obama did far worse.
GAO head, Eugene Louis Dodaro, who became Comptroller General on December 22, 2010, has concluded President Trump “broke the law” by using appropriated funds to promote his own policies…. which assumes a fact not in evidence.
We all know funds were released on September 11th, and the Trump Admin had until September 15th to notify Congress if there was a reason to withhold funds from Ukraine.
In fact, appropriated funds have been withheld for various reasons by every President.
And Clinton, Bush, Obama, are all “guilty” according to the GAO.
Here is a list of 4 times the GAO found Obama broke the law.
When Obama sent 5 GITMO detainees to trade for Bergdahl.
Obama Admin broke the law by giving health insurance companies taxpayer money in order to bail out Obamacare.
Obama Admin broke the law in order to boost support for its Waters of the United States rule.
Obama Admin broke the law when it sidestepped rules on pricing and national security to help a uranium company.
this Minute Order is pretty much what Powell asked for in her Motion to Withdraw guilty plea… correct?
how many reasons does he need?
Interesting. Maybe some of the truth will come out now.
Trial has not even begun and DIM senators are saying they will vote for conviction…
Wish we could let him stay at SC for arguments and Justice Thomas could take his place in the Senate show trial
Ain’t that the truth… 2nd that wish!
Praying hard for PDJT today. The evil is thick
Yes Vol, have also been praying hard.
Reminiscent of melting the Temple gold and silver to make into idols…
And I would not be surprised if McConnell was not making an oblique reference to that…
intriguing thought Cuppa…
So in other words George Conway is now not just NeverTrump, but NeverNixon, NeverReagan, NeverBush, and NeverGWBush.
I could not live with the wimp… don’t know how Kellyanne does… particularly at this point. It’s not just what he says about President Trump, it is about what he is doing to destroy our Republic by pushing for removal of a sitting president. For that alone, he would be out of the house yesterday.
I wondered when he was going to resurface. It’s like clockwork, Flynn thing takes a turn, George Conway appears, deplorables end up flustered and raising cain.
Silly GAO, assumes Pres withheld funds for his own interest when another explanation is entirely plausible….. he was worried about corruption, wanted EU to pay more, and wanted answers on 2016.
Twee from Rand Paul:
KEK: Rand Paul: An anonymous “wistleblower” informs us that this was found in a hotel room that QRepAdamSchiff recently checked out of. Hmmm
We need more of this.
Would have been even more accurate if it was on The Standard Hotel stationery…
Not only is he a liberal hack he is part of the Coup to remove President Donald J. Trump.
Why even post this nonsense? It only implies legitimacy to what they are doing. Along with a ruling from the Senate Trial, I hope the Senate seek damages and are able to send a bill to the voting house democrats as part of the judgement.
With that neck?
Tweedle-Dumb and Tweedle-Dumber…
Or, that’s the thick and the thin of it…
Jack Sprat and his wife.
Wolfie, TIM or Bakocarl… any author actually…
I respectfully request someone put up a Prayer THREAD … so that we may offer prayers today for our President and for our Republic. Prayer is much needed in the next days.
We pray for strength, for faith that President Donald J. Trump will withstand this latest assault on him and our Republic, as our enemies attempt to convict our President of false Articles of Impeachment.
Be with us Lord as we deal with our fears, our conflicted thoughts, false and even fake news.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
I’m not so good at this but will start one asap!
Good idea.
Thanks… T3 put one up for us … I don’t even recall why, but it had to do with POTUS’ safety.
Doesn’t even need much of a heading…
Ukraine Opens Probe of Possible Surveillance of Marie Yovanovitch
KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukrainian police say they have opened an investigation into the possibility that the former U.S. ambassador came under illegal surveillance before she was recalled from her post.
Chris Wallace is so excited he s almost going to pee himself.
That’s visual I’m not sure any of us needed.
Reminder of Q’s last message to us:
The “Silent” War Continues
29 Dec 2019 – 1:06:19 PM
If Russia didn’t [hack] the DNC (insider breach)…..
& US INTEL supported Russia [breach] claim……
What does that tell you?
[Mueller][impeachment] all meant to ‘slowdelayprevent’ the exposure [& prosecution] of their crimes.
Will new articles of impeachment be ‘continually’ drafted in effort to hold as ammunition to prevent Senate hearings re: [D] party corruption?
Moves & countermoves.
The ‘silent’ war continues.
Prayer Time comin’ up at 3:00 pm EST @ Marica’s
If you are interested, please join us… wherever you are: putzing in the garden or having afternoon tea… you need not be on your keyboard.
We have a community Prayer Wall
where the names of those needing prayers are listed, along with prayers to choose from… offered only as suggestions, of course.
Pray as you are led by the Holy Spirit…
at Marica’s Prayer Wall or @ Marica’s Daily Thread, or wherever you are…
Again, times are:
3:00 PM (1500) Eastern time
2:00 PM (1400) Central time
1:00 PM (1300) Mountain time
12:00 PM (1200) Pacific time
Something is up with this lady….watch her reactions when men/women/dem/rep take the pen from her. She visibly recoils…
And they all used the same pen, too.
Another win.
Thread reader for the entire thread.
You know this is a good point. Trump plays the long game. In his book ‘art of the deal’ he talks about buy items or waiting a long time to move on a sale. He bought ‘air space’ asap. So yes I think Trump really does go for the long term and not short term.
Why else was he called teflon don
Interesting part of that, in re: the stupid GAO accusation:
Interesting that China let the Dems walk into this.
… a HazMat team was called in for fears both the articles and Pelosi might spontaneously combust…
I’m wondering if he’s traveling to the Senate via Wonka-vader.
Get an iPad (IOS) and use Safari to access the QTree to avoid DS screwing with your desktop setup. Just a thought.
This is an interesting twist on something I was considering, so thank you for this thought.
Prayer thread for our President, his family, admin, and for our own sanity, it up and running.
Thank you so much Daughn…
Pelosi has marginalized impeachment to the point, it will never be taken seriously again – though it will be used as a political weapon. Unless there is a mass upheaval in the Democrat party where they return to pro-American positions.
What we’re seeing isn’t just about Donald Trump, it’s about America as we know it. Free and independent.
So, for reasons I cannot explain because I don’t read minds. C-SPAN was just turned off. The hosts were taking calls from the fruited plain, and, man are some homebound sorts stuck in the MSM echo chamber.
Because the Senate has recessed until Tuesday, when it will preside as a Court of Impeachment?
Can one of our talented meme makers please make a meme of this with our President as Thomas Crown?
( H/T to Brian Cates for his meme of the faceless man in the bowler hat, Pientka.)
See Lady P comment and post
Here’s a quickie with PDJT in the Magritte painting…
HA !!
I went back and moved the apple down just a tiny bit to reveal PDJT’s other eye…it works better…
That’s cute. I like it. Thank you.
How do we get his face over Pierce Brosnan’s? Any ideas?
Sorry, Mary…that’s above my head…I think you need instagram or editing apps for your phone to do that type of thing…
Carlos has a THREAD… click time stamp
I like Carlos’ tweet strings but this one cannot pass unchallenged.
Where did he get the idea that Pence is the way he described him? Certainly not from his record as Indiana gov.
Bland is his personality and bland is his record. The one time when he could have turned an attack on him into a counterstrike slaughter, he blew it (no pun intended).
The Queer Gestapo threatened to boycott Indiana unless a law just passed (that was deemed to be mean to fruiters) was rescinded.
What happened?
Pence threw his political weight behind rescission. The law went bye bye.
There was no reason to do that except FEAR. Pence was afraid of what the queers could do to HIM over the issue.
So he caved. In a word, he knelt before HIS new masters.
Carlos’ bromance with Mike Pence is mostly based on imagination.
pgroup I am honest I feel uneasy with Pence. I am also aware that KA Conway has worked for him. I am uneasy about the connection specially that her husband is so out of line.
I admit it could be just me my own fears but I cannot get over the uneasiness.
Might nothing to it and just my uneasiness. I am sorry if I am so wrong I do pray that I am wrong.
trollin’ trollin’ trollin’
What is PERFECT?
Complete; finished; executed ; enforceable.
Read about it in Black’s Law Dictionary
Daughn… maybe Thomas will comment on POTUS’ tweet?
Perfectly executed. I wonder if POTUS didn’t set a trap – Ukraine – and perfectly execute some plan…
VSG our POTUS… who knows Lady P.,
Of course he did.
That’s what a VSG deal making guy from Queens would do.
CNN only likes certain Ukrainians, you know, the ones who fit the narrative.
wolf puppies fetch! surprises researchers…way to go Wolf! relatives of yours? lol
A team of researchers put 13 8-week-old wolf puppies from three different litters through a series of tests usually used to assess dog-puppy behavior. In an unforeseen twist, three of the pups were interested in playing fetch with a stranger, which included bringing a ball back when encouraged to.
The team published a study on the fetching phenomenon in the Cell Press journal iScience on Thursday.
With the exception of “God is Dead”, global warming > climate change > climate crisis caused by human production of CO2 is the largest and most expensive hoax and fraud perpetrated on the world in our entire history. It has enabled corrupt politicians all over the world opportunities to cash in on untold billions of dollars and provided them another pathway to enable their dream of world control.
Schumer resides at the very bottom of the cesspool, in good company with the rest of the climate hoax hucksters.
And Sheldon Whitehouse is right there with him.
What an unfortunate name… Nuthouse would have been more appropriate…
The Senate has passed President Trump’s USMCA trade accord that revamps the 1994 NAFTA agreement.
This can’t be shared enough… in layman’s terms, so anyone can understand what a scam it is
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai
EXPOSING the BOGUS Paris Accords.
Excellent….Thank You!
Yw Hoofy
They are still trying to interfere.
EU says it is ‘IMPOSSIBLE’ to strike a full post-Brexit trade deal with the UK by the end of 2020 as Brussels tells Boris Johnson it is ‘unwise’ to set a firm deadline on the negotiations
The EU can just sod off…
Every time I think of all those bureaucrats sitting in the bowels of Brussels, churning out thousands of pages of useless, stifling, business-killing rules and regulations, turning our advanced civilization back into the dark (and even darker) ages, yet getting paid €200.000,00 per year, TAX FREE for doing it, I could SCREAM!!!!!!!!!
Yep, they get €100K salary, and another €100K Spesen (per diem) to go along with it. All paid for by us, the downtrodden taxpayers of the EU member states, who have to endure the rampant idiocy of an unelected, self-sustaining idiocracy. Hmmm. Sustaining. Maybe that’s why they’re such huge fans of “sustainability”…..
And, their Black Mass of self-adoration, elitism, and orgies of power will start next week in Davos. Satan Soros will no doubt be in attendance, with his spawn and other assorted demons…
Maybe they should look at what happened to Herod…
Those EU wankers can just sod off . . . never miss an opportunity to throw in a wanker or two . . . one of the best Brit insults around!
They are vile hypocrites and they don’t care. ATM they are insulated from any consequences for their actions. But consequences have a way of educating…
Good list
Nolte: The China Trade Deal and 22 Other Times Trump Made Fools of the ‘Experts’
Too good not to share some interesting remarks by Cates. Of course, I’m with him.
Thread reader available.
There I was earlier today, wonder something along the lines of Cates, albeit devoid of strategy, and ignorant of the impeachment process. Something BIG IS about to be revealed. The snare has been set and will be tripped. AND, there is nothing D-Rats can do to stop the show they gleefully demanded, on a national stage.

President Trump, “I caught them all”. “IF you new what I know, it would scare the hell out of you”. Rudy talked about having documents and statements from Ukraine.
With impeachment, President Trump doesn’t have to hope corrupt DOJ acts with honor. Nor does President Trump have to hope dysfunctional Congress acts with honor. Neither commonly acts with honor.
Guessing OFFENSE time for President Trump. Limited offense, but IN THEIR FACES offense
So, President Trump’s lawyers will respond to House Manager’s presenting the articles. I assume, President Trump lawyers will have an opening statement.
^^^ At one of these opportunities, President Trump OBLITERATES D-Rats shampeachment, slaying D-Rats along the way.
What a great opportunity to present “everything” Rudy and others have uncovered regrading Ukraine corruption, burisma, Quid Pro Joe, Where’s Hunter, Ketchup dude’s step son, Mittens kin folk, Crowdstrike, DNC, Ambassador yankybitch, O-5 vindictive…, crooked ICIG Atkinson, Schitty, Schitty staff… Toss in bank records, email, text…from legal warrants and FISAs…
Present facts with evidence. Goes on the record. Public information. National audience. Turns impeachment upside down. TOTALLY TURNS the narrative against D-rats.
Ya, I know it isn’t a court of law, which I know nothing about. But I have watched Perry Mason and Matlock reruns. We’ll see how impeachment plays out. Very optimistic, I am.
At some later point, the rest of the coup traitors from DOJ, FIB, IC, key criminals like Comey, McCabe, priestap, Baker, RR, LL, Holder, Strokz, Page, Brennan, Clapper…up to and including hildabeast AND hussein.
The entire cabal needs to come tumbling down. It will. I believe.
I’d forgotten that, “If you knew what I know, it would scare the hell out of you.” Potent.
“I have watched Perry Mason and Matlock reruns” on TV while staying at a Holiday Inn Express!!!
You got ’em!
I have some really, really good news.
You all know how much I loath “the media” writ large.
Well, the enemedia is beginning to turn on itself, and it’s first fratricide seems to be CNN. Check out this article from Rolling Stone (of all places!)…
CNN’s Debate Performance Was Villainous and Shameful:
The 24-hour network combines a naked political hit with a cynical ploy for ratings
“This time, the whole network tossed the mud. Over a 24-hour period before, during, and after the debate, CNN bid farewell to what remained of its reputation as a nonpolitical actor via a remarkable stretch of factually dubious reporting, bent commentary, and heavy-handed messaging.
. . . .
“Although Lee said she based the story on “the accounts of four people,” they were “two people Warren spoke with directly soon after the encounter,” and “two people familiar with the meeting.” There were only two people in the room, Sanders and Warren. Lee’s “four people” actually relied on just one source, Warren.
If this sounds familiar, it’s because it’s the same construction that’s driven countless other shaky stories in the past, from WMD reports to Russiagate speculations. An unconfirmable hearsay story is conveyed by one source, who gives the reporter the numbers of two or three other people in the office who’ve heard the same tale from the same place. Voilà: A one-source pony is now factual “according to several people familiar with the matter.”
After the debate, Trump fans online were in full schadenfreude mode, crowing about how “the left” finally understood that CNN really is fake news. Overall, #CNNisgarbage trended and #fuckCNN wasn’t far behind.
We’ll find out in Iowa and New Hampshire what Democratic Party voters believe about that Warren-Sanders meeting, but that grimy story pales in comparison to the bigger picture,..
Episodes like this are why people hate the media.“
Bin please

Last call until after midnight. This is guaranteed to hose my box!
Thank you!!
It turned out to be less of a problem than I thought! Not saying why, but it was!
Hose your box?!!?!
Lol, I can’t even go there!
“Geeks say the darndest things!”
That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it!
This! too funny
Replying to @drawandstrike
“No way man. No way Trump does _____. No politician, no President, would EVER do _____. Why would you even say it’s remotely POSSIBLE Trump would do _____?! Wassamattawiyooo?!”
FOUR YEARS of watching this guy since he descended that escalator, I have people telling me this.
Watched this on OANN.
Towards the end, the presstitutes were acting up.
After he thanked them all and stopped taking questions (as they no longer had anything to do with the event), OANNs camera was focused on PDJTs face, while the media was getting booted out of the room.
He looked PISSED.
I was too.
Soviet Fake News was being very nasty. One of them was YELLING. Very cringeworthy.
While cleaning up some old stuff on my blog I had reason to look up this article (which may have disappeared from its original site). This is such important material & relevant to our current cultural conflicts…
This looks familiar and I’m sure I have read it least excerpts from this article. Good insight Valerie and definitely relevant.
Thank you for this.
I thought this was a fat suit… well someone made if to the buffet line before michael moore did
SCOTUS blog wrote about how Chief Justice Roberts will balance his Supreme Court duties with the impeachment trial. In short, the Supreme Court hearings happen in the mornings and the impeachment trial stuff happens in the afternoon.
Good. I’m glad he will still hear the arguments and do his SCOTUS work.
The Blue Pill is powerful indeed.
While quite funny, this is sort of a shocker.
Now putting the shoe on the other foot I actually did have to go Duck Duck Alex Trebec to one see if he is still alive, and two to see if he is still the host of Jeopardy. But then again this from a guy who hasn’t ever seen a complete Star Wars Movie.
Surprised me, but reinforces just how small that political bubble really is. It’s also why the MSM is effective in their propaganda and outright lies. They’re the filter and set the narrative that the general population picks up on the go, like fast food.
Well, I suppose ya gotta start somewhere. Let the dominoes fall!
Sorry but at this point I see investigations as a sign of hope not victory.
I see the big promises of a “fair trail” as slightly encouraging but barely hopeful. There should not even be a trail! I want a promise of corruption being revealed, truth coming out, declass & then others charged, prosecuted, convicted and jailed.
A “fair trail” that ends in a conviction is nothing. “Fair Trail” is not my desire and no comfort to me
We haven’t got the victory….yet
Do you have any idea how much my Mom loved this story!!!!
They are nuts!!
Ok I was eating an apple just as I was watching that. Big mistake. I laughed so hard. LOL
made me smile too Kea
Seriously?? Does he think he is believable?? Sounds like he is regurgitating the same scripted BS they have tried over and over and over and….
There is so much misinformation that I had a dream last night to warn me that persons try to influence me to think like them.
True everywhere I look is misinformation and this guy Parnas is one of them. He is a liar and deceiver very bad person a corrupt soul.
I expect there will be a lot more misinfo as this all plays out.
The story about Comey and being investigated for leaks of classified is bigger than folks might think or that the MSM is going to lead people to believe. Damage control per Cates.
There is nothing bigger than what they are doing to President Trump in the Senate. I am totally horrified and yet mesmerized at what is happening … almost surreal that it is really happening
After my initial distress, I now see POTUS as being able to wear this like a badge of honor. We can join him as “Impeached Deplorables” – Nancy has cheapened, but also weakened the value of “impeachment.” President Trump said he would take the slings and arrows for us – he’s has the goods on the Dems…should be interesting.
When have we ever seen this happen??
I’m not going to post the tweet because I don’t need to see MM french kiss someone but Katie Hopkins said it best.
The only thing Royal about #MeghanMarkle is that she is a Royal Pain in the Ass.
This isn’t related to the QTree but I’m going to repost a comment I posted on another blog, in the event it is helpful for someone.
Congratulations, and good luck!
Cybersecurity projects are tough to manage. I do Cybersecurity myself, making all the systems work as designed, operationalizing the security tools, managing the vulnerability lifecycle, compliance audits – sometimes it’s like moving mountains and there’s lots of resistance. The people kind of problems are significant, but also very thorny technical problems that resist simple solutions. Sometimes the only way to solve a problem is with an expensive tool – but then you find there is no budget. Cybersecurity is often the 21st century version of castle-building – heavy laborious work.
The important thing to remember is that Cybersecurity is nothing but spiritual warfare being fought in another domain. The threats you face from hacktivists, criminal gangs, nation states, and insider threats are real and tangible expressions of human sin.
Still it was God’s favor that brought me into this career path, recovering from a spiritually abusive church, and two abusive workplaces. While on the security team at one position, and being in a prime spot for promotion (I had actually been recruited by one of the leads in the security team for a role on their team) suddenly I found myself (and others) targeted by the newly minted VP of Security who was determined to set me and the team up for failure to build a fiefdom. During one dark day I sat in the break room, almost in tears about the damage that was being done to me and my family, when a Christian co-worker talked with me, prayed with me, and told me directly: “I believe what you are facing is spiritual warfare. The enemy is now attacking you in your ability to provide for your family.” That conversation made all the difference. Four months of extreme drama later, including the unjust firing of the other team lead, God provided a new position at another company – that gave me both the work I needed and the rest from unnecessary abusive politics. The story of what happened at that company is still playing out and maybe someday it can be told.
I think sometimes that we don’t connect the dots between the abuse we receive from the church and their attacks on our reputations, and those of the workplace, and those committed by our own families. As soon as I joined another company and could take a breath on the work front, the enemy sowed a major division in our family. It was like dominoes falling between the church abuse, workplace abuse, and major family problems.
Despite all this, God shines favor upon us, and sometimes gives us favor in unexpected places – knowing that God delights in us and is blessing us despite the plans of men to destroy or defame us gives those of us who trust God and seek His face and righteousness the confidence and security to live righteously even when the enemy’s worst arrows are coming at us. The enemy archers are no match for God’s mighty hand
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