Welcome to the Friday OPEN THREAD at the QTree! What a week it has been. What would we do without FLEP’s News Roundup to keep up?
A bit of good news and fair tidings for you all. The quince bush at our house is in full bloom. Time marches on. Spring is around the corner. It’s time for Mardi Gras, Valentine’s Day, and Easter! Who is sleeping with seed catalogs under their pillow? The guys can be grumpy about spring and pastel flowers but the girls love it.

We don’t believe in political correctness at QTree. You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on. Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it. Important Guidelines are outlined here in the January 1st open thread, with an addendum on 20191110. In other words, please keep it SOMEWHAT civil. We have a new board – actually a new SITE – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation. NOT HERE. This board will remain a REFUGE for those who need civility, either some or all of the time. That’s life at QTreehouse.

And remember….. it is time to drain the swamp in DC and LOCALLY. Please make a commitment in the new year to attend a LOCAL board meeting for your town or municipality or school board. Get involved and make your presence known. Put your local officials phone numbers in your cell phone and call them once a week (or more often).
“Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People.”
Candidate Donald J Trump
Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
The Iowa caucuses are around the corner, USMCA and China Phase 1 are complete, the President is heading to Davos, and campaign season will begin in earnest. We can’t wait! Exciting times.
Bring it on!
Love it!
Repeating this Duchess post – it’s hilarious!
For those who visit th e bird this guy is gold
Qasem Soleimani, Obvious Parody
~ daughnworks247–andthensome
In Texas, a concerned citizen tried to run for school board. The school district puts out a bond issue, recruits the teachers to do videos and spends a lot of money promoting the bond. Turns out that the whole thing is being run and bankrolled by developers who are looking for the school district to build all new schools – that the developers can CA$H in on…
She takes them to court for “electioneering” – AND WINS!!!
Daughn you HAVE to read this whole piece – it’ll blow your mind what the stunts they pulled and what they did to her!!!
We are the news now!
Taxpayer Wins Fight to Hold School District Accountable for Illegal Electioneering
Three years after a citizen complained, Texas fines a former Lovejoy ISD superintendent who spent taxpayer dollars to electioneer for a school tax increase.
By Erin Anderson
January 7, 2020
this is amazing
These people are SICK.
Same circumstance repeated all over the country.
We had a fight on our hands for the bond issue for a new school, about the same time. I was against the bond issue, and normally I fight for schools like crazy. Yet, it was just like this incident. We didn’t need the school and the millage was usury.
From phoenixrising37 last night
American Thought Leaders – The Epoch Times
Child sex trafficking: ept.ms/36YOUm8
And now they are trying to get a law passed making Pedophilia PROTECTED just as they did LBGXYZ….
Legalize everything that is EVIL.
Criminalize everything that is GOOD.
2yrs old????
This is a video you need to share with every neighbor or friend that has children!
That is why I brought it over from yesterday’s thread. So it would not get lost.
A two year old?!?! A TWO YEAR old?! How do they get these kids? These people need to be put away forever ( and trust me I would write something different of where I would put/send them)
I don’t think that you could recommend a sentence worse or longer than the place and sentence they’ve willingly signed up for.
I cannot like the sex trafficking. I am so sad for the two year old child to have to suffer by the hands of sick males. These people are not a mens they are animals. Animals who choose not to control themselves and their impulses. If any man had done this to my daughter so help me God he would not live to talk about it. I am not a violent person but this would cross the line and those men do not deserve their male parts.
I think you would have a lot of help. I may not have children but this makes me see red!
Sunlight is shining bright – tough times for those in the SBC who’ve been thick in corruption
Metternich, Discourse & the Southern Baptist Convention’s Balance of Power
Published on : Published by : Capstone Report
Todd Starnes
The Gateway Pundit
Pulpit & Pen
Reformation Charlotte
Enemies Within the Church
Sovereign Nations
Capstone Report
Experimenters Pay Mexican Women to Get Pregnant and Abort
January 16, 2020 10:30 AM
..why does Joseph Mengele immediately come to mind ?
Because the NAZIS were very active in Mexico!
Jose Vasconcelos who died in 1982, is the Nazi Propagandist behind La Raza Mexican nationalism. Like Soros, Jose was on the Nazi German payroll during WWII. La Raza, Spanish Mexicans, with perhaps a dash of Indian is the Mexican equivalent of the Nazi “aryan” Race. La Raza Cosmica is the Mexican equivalent of Hitlers Mein Kemp written during the same time period.
Unfortunately we are STILL dealing with the Nazis in the form of La Raza.
Islamo-fascists are also active in Mexico and S America.
And yet another case where messing with the natural function of fertility is taken outside the US. When they do this sort of thing here, and women start dying, it gets noticed. It’s been happening since the 1960s with the development of the original pill. The trials were shipped to Puerto Rico after a number of heart attacks and strokes. And every time the stories of this stuff surface, the acts of depravity get more and more egregeous and disgusting.
Christopher Tolkien, second greatest expert on Middle Earth, dead at 95.
That is sad. I love those books. Some days I wish I could live in Hobbiton.
Soros-Linked Group Gets Six GOP Governors to Resettle More Refugees
By JOHN BINDER11 Dec 2019
Exposing the Evangelical Immigration Table – the same people the SBC and others (Lutheran Social Services) are cozying up to, and taking money from.
Well, that explains a lot.
Trump builds a wall. Soros works overtime to try to erode it.
Soros wants that population invasion very badly. BAMN. It reeks of desperation to me.
It also somewhat explains why Eric Greitens, the man we in MO actually voted in as governor, was essentially hounded out of office.
Christians Angered by Southern Baptist Leader’s Immigration Smear
By Todd Starnes -November 15, 2019
“An evangelical Christian who despises immigrants” . . . now there is the false label and false premise of the accusation. “evangelicals who support American sovereignty, border security and legal immigration” do not despise immigrants . . . they simply “support American sovereignty, border security and legal immigration”.
Alinsky tactics, liberally applied.
One big advantage is that the Evangelical Elite are humorless. The Alinsky method of using humor and satire as tools of ridicule isn’t something they are prepared to do – they have to maintain a certain “image” for PR (perception) purposes, a certain “credibility” that one might expect from austere religious scholars
So unless they can back up their opinions with facts, their denunciations are paper mache’ that we can tear through easily using that most difficult of tools of resist: Truth and Cold hard facts.
Pro-Amnesty Southern Baptist Convention Is in Damage Control After Pushing Open Borders and Its Ties To Soros Are Exposed
by Alicia Powe January 13, 2020
And down the Rabbit Hole GWP goes . . .
I wish some other websites were as fearless at pursuing this. Talking a big talk about border security but missing how the issue is being manipulated with the voters by skewing the evangelical vote.
THANK YOU PRESIDENT TRUMP – You always deliver clarity!
January 13, 2020
In the Wake of a False Report by Capstone Report, SBC Leader Compares “Discernment Blogs” to “[TANGO’S]”
Posted by Jeff Maples
Coming soon to an oven nearby…
Recipe Thread: How to Cook Prime Rib, and Other Christmas Dishes
r u hungry??????????
YES and I’ve been waiting almost a whole MONTH for it. Family is coming in town – we have the best excuse in the world
perfect for a crowd!!!!!!!!!!!
OH…. DROOOOooool
And all I have in the frig is Turkish Mousaka
Alex Azar, Sec of Health and Human Services is on Shannon Bream, late tonight.
I had no idea what they are doing.
He was brought on to discuss right to Prayer in schools and the EO today which reverses Obama era discrimination against faith based healthcare.
For instance, a nurse was forced to perform an abortion even though she objected.
No more.
Beyond that, the Trump Admin has been working on a coalition of countries, taking on United Nations and World Health Org, removing language such as “guaranteed right to reproductive health”.
Standing for life, not abortion.
They are walking the walk.
There are so many things this administration has done to REVERSE and CORRECT the bad policies of the prior administration – particularly on life issues.
The propagandist never-Trumpers will NEVER give him his due on this – instead they continue to attack his record and present it as if it were merely “ho-hum”. Reagan could not have done more.
The judges issue alone is HUGE and an insurmountable achievement to climb. More judges, in less time – Huge and Unprecedented Judicial Reform in just 2 or 3 years. Hasn’t this been the #1 issue that pro-lifers have identified? Isn’t this the thing that single issue voters have been demanding? Get the right Supreme Court nominations and reform the lower courts?
The never-Trumper dismisses this out of hand. He neglects the number of judicial appointments, flattening and blunting the presentation by intentionally neglecting the enormity of the scope the judicial armada represents. By not reporting all the facts, he can just wave his hand and minimize “judicial appointments” down to a single flat, unelaborated bullet point, and then look back in history, “See, other Presidents did this too – Trump isn’t doing anything special”.
To them, it doesn’t matter the amount of malicious, calculated, and intentional damage that the prior administration wreaked on our nation, on religious liberties, the freedom of conscience, and the right to life.
All that matters is promoting their false propaganda to try to convince their dwindling base of readers that Trump isn’t all that good.
From what I can tell, they aren’t doing too well
Up until this administration, Ronald Reagan was the most pro-life President in American history. If he were here today he would be incredibly proud of the work the Trump administration has accomplished.
And the best is yet to come!
And that’s the real reason the never-Trumpers are AFRAID and telling lies.
Let’s talk about the Impoundment Control Act (ICA) which is where Pelosi says….. the GAO says…. the President broke the law.
Impound Controls have always been a source of contention between the Legislative and Executive Branch, a tussle over how to spend the money.
For instance, President Jefferson argued he was willing to spend $50K on gunships on the Mississippi River, but he wanted to delay the purchase for a year because the newer model was BETTER.
And so the back and forth has raged throughout history.
Same with Abraham Lincoln, Roosevelt, Truman, JFK, Clinton, Gore, Kerry, McCain, all were in favor of Impound Controls – common sense spending of the taxpayers money.
In 1974, with a particularly liberal Congress and a weakened President Nixon, the Impound Control Act was formally passed. This was seen as a power grab by the Legislature, and was intended to reign in Nixon on Vietnam spending. Every single President since Nixon has broken with this Act.
Every President. Obama Admin was in violation 7 times, but he is not unusual. And his violations were far more egregious, using taxpayer dollars to fund health care companies to backstop Obamacare, the 5 Taliban GITMO detainee swap for Bergdahl and others.
Furthermore, the Executive Branch does not answer to the GAO, the GAO has no power over the President.
Be aware.
When we see Nancy Pelosi, holding a presser because the President has “broken a law” and it’s the “Impound Control Act”, it’s prima facie evidence of the weakness of the House case for impeachment.
It’s odd.
If this is all the House has, to prosecute the President, or they are strategically seeking to bolster their case with a violation of Impound Control Act – when Ukraine got the money anyway – The facts of the case are in the President’s favor.
The left is counting on the public NOT knowing about obscure fine points of law and administration of agencies and their purpose is to mislead the pubic.
Start at 34 minutes in this video for full explanation:
Thanks Daughn…this clears it up.
Eminem just released a surprise album called “Music to be Murdered By” featuring a music video based on the Las Vegas attack. I didn’t watch it, and I’m not linking to any of it. All I want to say is that the timing is highly suspicious with the upcoming Virginia rally.
The Swamp Returns: Obama Staffers Host ‘Progressive National Security’ Conference Expecting Dem Presidential Victory
ahhh…the Lunacy Council…
Good name for it.
Ad seeking crisis actors in Virginia:
did you screen shot this?
And they’re cheap about it, too. $50 for travel and no per diem or lodging? Actors would have to be starving. From the ad:
Rate: $250/day ($200 plus $50 for travel). Additional travel/lodging not provided.
Among the many sins committed by the luciferian Democrats.
Because babies will eventually breed more babies.
It’s all about population control.
Verse of the Day
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
John 14:6 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Friday Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Good Morning Duchess!
* Waves to Pat from far away * Angels watching over you!
God Bless You and keep you safe and warm!
wherever you are, I hope you’re warm, dry and happy!!
God provides the warmth, happy, and peace – I trust He will from day to day – for both of us!
Have a Blessed Day!!!
you have a Blessed Day too!!
Area warning to pilots issued by the FAA
Comey under criminal investigation for leaking…
Here’s the money paragraph, hidden down in the story.
The latest investigation involves material that Dutch intelligence operatives siphoned off Russian computers and provided to the United States government. The information included a Russian analysis of what appeared to be an email exchange during the 2016 presidential campaign between Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Democrat of Florida who was also the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee at the time, and Leonard Benardo, an official with the Open Society Foundations, a democracy-promoting organization whose founder, George Soros, has long been a target of the far right.
In the email, Ms. Wasserman Schultz suggested that then-Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch would make sure that Mrs. Clinton would not be prosecuted in the email case. Both Ms. Wasserman Schultz and Mr. Benardo have denied being in contact, suggesting the document was meant to be Russian disinformation.
That document was one of the key factors that drove Mr. Comey to hold a news conference in July 2016 announcing that investigators would recommend no charges against Mrs. Clinton. Typically, senior Justice Department officials would decide how to proceed in such a high-profile case, but Mr. Comey was concerned that if Ms. Lynch played a central role in deciding whether to charge Mrs. Clinton, Russia could leak the email.
Whoa, so strip everything away and what the document says is that Debbie Wasserman Schultz was guaranteeing that Lynch would get Hillary Clinton off.
Sanders silent about firing that crackpot with the gulag fetish…
It raises questions about the whole picture Sanders stands for. Violence has been a part of the Sanders operation for years. Recall that it was a Sanders staffer, James Hodgkinson, who attempted to assassinate GOP congressional leader Steve Scalise and wounded him badly with gunfire. John Hinderaker at Power Line has some excellent observations about that here.
Sanders escaped blame for it on the grounds that any campaign could have a crazy staffer. But the Iowa stuff tells a story of apparently all crazy staffers, hell-bent on gulags, re-education camps, Kulak-targeting, burning cities, murdered resistors, and all the things that really happened in every country that ever became a socialist hellhole.
This is scary stuff, calling for your vote based on a cute grumpy grandpa personality fronting for the sick horrors of socialism. Once in, there are no outs; just ask a Venezuelan. The Democrats are apparently looking for a means of rigging Sanders out, but given that socialist Sanders becomes a “Democrat” only at election time, they never should have let him in to start with. Now he’s the frontrunner, and he’s showing what he’s made of. O’Keefe says Jurek still has his job, and Iowa moves apace. The only thing left is to expose him, and for that, O’Keefe has done a tremendous public service.
What do you bet that the progulag communist, if fired, would have just a whole bunch of provable, stinky muck that he could throw all over crazy Bernie . . . or sell quite profitably to a publisher?
that’s a good bet…he said that Bernie shares his feelings…
Shem does a fantastic job calling out CNN for the Liberal hacks they really are. This is over the fact Senator McSally responded to nasty CNN NPR reporter yesterday – calling him a “liberal hack.” CNN is in meltdown. Our side is cheering.
My contribution.
The bishops have to recognize that the flock is informed enough that their Sorosian maneuvering is getting obvious. If it wasn’t for the Sacraments, and the Faith of 2,000 years, these guys as a whole would be in more trouble than they are. And, really, a lot of them are cleaning up messes left behind.
so Parnas now says he DIDN’T speak to the President directly about Ukraine…so this makes it more third person testimony…LOL
But now, according to the New York Times, Parnas is saying he did NOT talk to Trump about these things…
In the interview with The Times, Mr. Parnas said that although he did not speak with Mr. Trump directly about the efforts, he met with the president on several occasions and was told by Mr. Giuliani that Mr. Trump was kept in the loop.
If he never spoke with Trump directly about Ukraine, then he has no first-hand knowledge of what Trump said or did. Giuliani said in his interview with Fox News last November that Parnas basically took a photo with Trump and that’s all his ‘meeting’ with Trump amounted to. And with all of the other stuff about him trying to work out a deal to his benefit here, it’s even less reason now to trust anything he has to say about this.
Governor “Black Face” of Virginia Bans Firearms….Pastor Marty !
latest !
Culture War : this is a GUN GRAB way down South in the land of Diversity…and ahead of a pro-gun rally…from Friday thru Tuesday eve…
it seems with lots of people reporting on the call for “crisis actors” and whatever, there is a definite planned event coming up.
if the governor can call this emergency…then he should be able to also stipulate no protestors can be MASKED. that way violators or those who set things on fire or whatever can be IDENTIFIED.
separate the wheat from the chaff
you are making way too much sense, friend.
….that Gov, on the other hand, is a yellow-bellied Libtard hypocrite…
yes he is.
wait for it…
“neo nazi hate groups”
“out of state militia types”
“another Charlottesville”
pushing the SCARE TACTICS….knee jerk !
deflect & justify the racist policies of gun control.
yup…they are gonna create an incident and then use it to justify their gun grabbing policy
“…is a yellow-bellied Libtard hypocrite”
…and lower than a snakes belly in a wagon rut. (h/t granny Clampett)
howdy, itswoot.
Did your Congress person send a letter of support to CAIR? find out in this article…
A copy of CAIR’s conference agenda, obtained by the Free Beacon and published here for the first time, includes well over 100 letters from Democratic and Republican members of Congress, all of whom expressed their support for the controversial organization. Democrats issued the majority of the letters, with only two coming from Republican members of Congress.
David Rutz breaks down the most important news about the enemies of freedom, here and around the world, in this comprehensive morning newsletter.
The breadth of congressional support for CAIR is likely to generate concern in the pro-Israel community, which has long been at odds with the advocacy group due to its promotion of anti-Israel activists and causes.
Democratic 2020 presidential contenders Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.), Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D., Minn.), and Tom Steyer all penned letters of support. Prominent Democrats such as Omar, Reps. Adam Schiff (D., Calif.), Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich), and Eric Swalwell (D., Calif.) also lent their support to CAIR’s agenda, according to materials reviewed by the Free Beacon.
Neither Gaetz nor Dunn of N FL signed/supported the CAIR (propaganda arm of Muslim Brotherhood) crap.
another Muslim running for office in California…below are some of her beliefs…
What would you tell Muslims about the importance of voting and why it is important that they play a bigger role in government?
I’m going to get really honest. It has been my experience that too many Muslims will sit around talking and complaining about the actions of government here and all all over the world, and especially about the interference of the American military in other countries.
With hate crimes against Muslims having risen by exorbitant levels, a Muslim ban, a government that is leading endless, profitable wars against Muslim-majority countries and that does not call out the human rights violations of Israel’s occupation, our voices need to be collectively heard to exert any real change. Muslims, if you want to see changes, RISE UP!
this article details the weaknesses with Parnas’ testimony…
Democrats are suddenly obsessed with Lev Parnas, the Rudy Giuliani associate who was indicted on federal campaign charges last fall.
The Ukrainian-born Parnas was a gopher for Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, who wanted to investigate possible leads in preparing a defense against charges of Russia collusion.
Parnas agreed to testify during the House impeachment inquiry, and a federal judge let him hand over documents and text messages last week.
But it is not clear Parnas has anything to offer.
It’s amazing the number of people who don’t know that Mexico was strictly socialist from 1917-1970. The Church was illegal even if the people were largely Catholic.
#Obama #Hillary #TRUMP
Nothing to See Here!/TRUMP WINNING, TDS ON THE RISE! 1.17.2020
ever wonder why, even with funding, some things never get fixed? maybe because the funding is funneled to other areas…take for example Flint and their water situation…while the problem has been corrected, 1/3 of the funding went elsewhere…
Flint, Michigan, received $390 million in state funding for its water crisis, but as much has gone to economic and social development as has gone to safe drinking water, state spending data show.
The funds have paid for free daycare for kids too young to have been impacted by the main crisis, according to state records, and for basketball, according to a book; residents are even being paid $50 to sign up for other government benefits.
Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, a Flint activist, said the money has enabled “the stuff progressives dream about,” and a state budget spokesman said local officials are lobbying to keep services even as the water problem fades.
it’s a lucrative business and they don’t want to give it up. what irritates me is the judge’s opinion that it doesn’t serve “overall public interests” –AND that we should go along like we have been for 40 years—times are changing!!
U.S. District Judge Peter Messitte in Maryland issued a preliminary injunction requested by three national refugee resettlement agencies that sued to challenge the executive order.
In his 31-page ruling, Messitte said the agencies are likely to succeed in showing that the executive order is unlawful because it gives state and local governments veto power over the resettlement of refugees.
President Donald Trump’s administration announced in November that resettlement agencies must get written consent from state and local officials in any jurisdiction where they want to help resettle refugees beyond June 2020.
Agency leaders say the order effectively gives governors and county leaders a veto in the resettlement process. The agencies also argue the order illegally conflicts with the 1980 Refugee Act.
Messitte concluded Trump’s order doesn’t appear to serve the “overall public interest.”
“Refugee resettlement activity should go forward as it developed for the almost 40 years before the (executive order) was announced,” he wrote.
Church World Service, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service and HIAS — a Jewish nonprofit — filed the lawsuit in Greenbelt, Maryland, on Nov. 21. They are three of the nine national organizations agencies that have agreements with the federal government to provide housing and other services for refugees.
The WALL means more than you know.
The FIGHT for the WALL is for so much more.
COOL ARTICLE on Global Warming!!!
More! – http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2019/07/a-real-expert-obliterates-global.html
MUCH MOAR at link – more images/illustrations/texts to obliterate any illusion of climate crisis – it’s all Blarney – a scam to rule the world and steal big $$$ !!!
Oh, based on Don J. Easterbrook,
Yeah he is good, I have read a lot of his stuff online.
Getting warmer and I do not mean the climate – !!!
Did you know the Saudis contributed 36 billion dollars to Operation Desert Storm in 91-92?
Well, President Trump is tapping them again, 500 million worth.
Because he asked………
…… and a biz man watches out for our money.
News roundup has been posted if interested.
” if ” ?
“The GOA got it exactly backwards.”
Now THAT is poetic! He’s talking about the GAO (Government Accountability Office), not the GOA (Gun Owners of America), who is right now concerned about VIRGINIA.
Double message? Interesting…..
this impeachment thing is not about a “crime”…Alan Dershowitz…who has now been added to PDJT’s legal team (YAY)…put it very well…
this is about Trump’s intent….called mens rea ….was it bad intent ? or reasonable intent ?
that is THE issue…
…and the intent…of something that never happened !
so …there you have it : NOT IMPEACHABLE.
which is also why Hunter Biden needs to be called as a witness for the defense…re the reasonableness of what PDJT said in that phone call.
and…the prosecution can NOT dictate who the defense can or can not call as a witness.
Ken Starr and Alan Dershowitz just added to PDJT’s impeachment defense team..

article (MSM)…
$15k ???? We need to IMPEACH Iranci!
I would like to know exactly how much was spent, because it was a misuse of public funds.
file a FOIA?
She has the strangest features for a woman…..
It’s spooky.
Met a lot of women in my life and don’t think I’ve ever seen anything quite like it.
it’s like she’s sucking in her cheeks, trying to accentuate her cheekbones…
it’s like she’s holding her breath b/c he’s so disgusting.
what’s with the sideways 2 finger move?
b/c we see only the BACK of the 2 fingers…unlike the “peace” sign…it means the same as giving the middle finger…the FU salute…
he’s such a loser…
thanks I never knew that—about the fingers..I ALWAYS knew he was a loser…
Democrats are soooooo emotional.
..I long ago gave up trying to figure out
which one’s the boyfriend..
It is real and put on by:
This event is for the UK I did not find one for the USA.
Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT)
Whether Carlos/Wictor is correct that this is a nothingburger or it is a case of ‘Hiding in Plain Sight’ I do not know. It is certainly worth keeping an eye on considering it is INTERNATIONAL and involves the UN and NGOs
Carlos thread:
excellent info.
Some interesting history.
That era also brought us some great music. Fashions too.
LOVE 1910-1920s fashion, architecture and all that. Everything was so well made. Lead pane glass, terra cotta roofs, terraces. Even the chances taken in fashion were elegant.
Maybe it’s just where I grew up where we are surrounded by it, but that era is seriously underappreciated, IMO.
I don’t think the fashions of the 2020s will be looked back on with quite as much nostalgia
The 1920s through 1950s were the best … if you could afford high style. But even the poorest families made an effort when going to Church etc. Dad says one of his most humiliating memories was his siblings and him (12) having to rummage through the giveaway clothes that other families donated. I think it was more a sense of pride than shame of being poor. That certainly influenced the responsible way he managed money, and still does at 94!,
My mother bought a long, light blue cashmere coat to wear to church in colder weather. She still had and wore that coat, in great shape, after 40 years of northern Massachusetts winters and regular church attendance.
That doesn’t surprise me, Carl. Everything from clothes to refrigerators built to last, and not typically discarded because a new model was trendy. Her coat was warm and beautiful, I have no doubt
Starr and Dershowitz know where Epstein buried the bodies. Leverage. Look how Epstein leveraged Starr for his plea deal when Hillary was chasing the nomination. In the same month that Hillary lost the nomination, Epstein took a deal. Before she lost, he was pushing for 0 jail time, and 0 sex offender status.
Any word on the cause of death of Ron Burkle’s son?
I hope everyone else in this winter storm whatever his name is is in for the duration. We’re all but shut down here, and the morning trip for last second provisions…that store usually only looks like that on Christmas Eve. Of course, tomorrow being the Sabbath in that neighborhood added to it all.
Stay safe, y’all.
we’re not due for much till tomorrow and Sunday–but stay safe, warm and dry!!
Staying sober might be the bigger challenge. I’m stuck in the house with my sibling who has no problem keeping me from working.
De Pat give your Sib the alcohol and hope it knocks her out.
Otherwise you should have invested in earplugs.
And, yes it can drive you up the wall when caged with a chatty cathy.
Actually, the sib is a he, I have noise cancelling headphones, and none of that is going to matter.
You’d be amazed what an assigned housework chore can do to make someone disappear or try to be so quiet and occupied you might not notice them! I find cleaning all the baseboards is an excellent choice!
Here on the Western edge of SC, we are having unseasonable warm temperatures (near 70 today)…and it’s confusing the plants and trees. Daffodils are in full bloom in some locations, red bud trees out, rose bushes still blooming and dormant trees that only recently lost their leafs are showing signs of budding. Could be a disaster if we get a freeze down the road.
Without a knowledge of the person involved, all these unsolicited pieces of advice are painful. My only defense is to go to sleep.
Oh, and BTW, while my car is out at the dealer getting the front end redone after someone else wrecked it,
I’m driving a 2020, fully loaded vehicle. I can do without a few of the fancy features, but the built in bun warmer, and heated steering wheel are nice.
Gheez Dep, your weather looks horrible!
Take care and stay safe!
Looks can be deceiving. It hasn’t exactly started just yet. The pavement is wet, but the heavy stuff hasn’t started.
The temps are just under freezing, so the rain is freezing on contact with the pavement.
And there are so many electronic devices going I can’t hear myself think.
Kiddo gets nauseous if i turn on the car heater so I just use the bun warmer and its nice.
I agree with this, except that the defense did NOT get to call any witnesses…
“It is not our job to expand the impeachment,” Senate Judiciary Committee Member Sen. Marsha Blackburn said on “Fox & Friends”. “It is our job to review what they have sent forward, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do. We’re going to do it in an expedient matter. We’re going to be fair to the president, and to the process, and we’re going to get this behind us.”
Appearing on “Fox & Friends” with hosts Steve Doocy, Ainsley Earhardt and Brian Kilmeade, Blackburn said that her constituents in Tennessee and voters across the nation are “sick and tired” of impeachment.
“We will pass a resolution of how we’re going to proceed,” Blackburn stated. “The impeaching process took place in the House. If they wanted to call these witnesses they could have called them.”
“They have taken one of the most serious processes in the Constitution and they are politicizing it, and they have had this as a partisan political impeachment from day one,” Sen. Marsha Blackburn concluded.
trying to understand this…Congress rescinded the appropriations for Ukraine and reappropriated the funds at the end of September 2019…then doesn’t that make the GAO report irrelevant?
Then GAO gives away its argument again. Incredibly, the GAO “Decision” reveals that Congress actually rescinded the appropriation in question.
OMB removed the footnote from the apportionment for the USAI funds on September 12, 2019. OMB Response, at 2. Prior to their expiration, Congress then rescinded and reappropriated the funds. Continuing Appropriations Act, 2020, Pub. L. No. 116-59, div. A, § 124(b), 133 Stat. 1093, 1098 (Sept. 27, 2019).
Because the Ukraine appropriation was rescinded by Congress —legally what happened earlier is largely moot. This undermines the accusations.
This is the US LAW that POTUS was OBLIGED to follow!!!
NOTE: the Sec of State is INVOLVED as well as Secretary of Defense!!
PAGE 499 to 500
Major H/T to:
President Trump Never Impounded Even One Dollar from Ukraine Aid
It is well worth the read since it goes into the time line of the release of the funds.
Don’t worry about the GAO one darn bit!
Head fake.
good to hear from someone I trust…
I like how he leaves off with Sleepy. We didn’t need anymore information after that to know who he was talking about.
He is telling Bernie supporters how they’re being cheated AGAIN…
LOVE this man!!!
I am absolutely rolling on the floor – Educating the masses, one tweet at a time. [poor Tater, no misspellings…:0)]
No wonder DIMs hate his tweets! Right?
AND the info is out there that some of the far-left Bernie supporters want to BURN CITIES DOWN if Bernie is cheated again.
If there is trouble in Milwaukee, the DEMOCRATS WILL OWN IT!
(If I lived in that city I would be putting in for vacation that week!)
One has to wonder about the strategic intelligence of the Democrat party. This is the second time they are scheming to destroy his candidacy. Sanders is not even a Democrat. Why do they allow him to participate in Democrat debates. I suppose they permit this because they need his voters to succeed.
Don’t trust my memory, but iirc, Sanders moved over to DIM party ?
Bernie will be more wealthy in the end. His socialist followers have more Commies in the D party to get all that free stuff promised.
Think “they” will pay off Bernie again?
Didn’t they have something on his wife?
This also splits the demos apart. He also seems to be having fun and isn’t worried
He is entertaining at times
That too!
Of course he is not worried. Remember he got a new vacation home for taking a dive the last time.
According to Ballotpedia
From the DailyBeast:
So there is the ‘BOOK DEAL SCAM’ 2016 — 2017.
Seems Bernie has written ~6 books plus several others he contributed or wrote a forward.
So WHERE is Bernie getting 1/4 to a million + a year from????
IMO he doesn’t really want to win anyway.
He knows better than anyone what happens to the “Head Communist” when the shit hits the fan.
He’s looking for a payoff. Again.
This is worth reading and sharing: http://allnewspipeline.com/Profiles_In_Treason_Schiff_Part_2.php
Interesting tidbit update from OT. burnett044 signing off and going off grid. wonder what differences that will make in the OT threads.
Brunetto44 is someone I have never heard of…..
What impact do you think this departure would make?
i believe this is response to what’s coming in VA…he always makes references to “keeping his powder dry”…
he may be participating or at least monitoring the situation.
Thank you, Pat!
you’re welcome.
I was banned for disagreeing this person and not about forbidden topics such as Q. And the goodby comment lead me to believe that person was reading treehouse related blogs and waiting for an excuse to ban esp after by post sharing that PHC had been assed was deleted
I have had a hard time with the fact that PHC was banned OT…..Very hard for me to get past that.
That alone is enough to tell me that the whole situation needs prayer, and anyone OT reading this should understand that this is lovingly meant.
Having a tender heart of flesh and not a rigid one made of stone is a thing of rare beauty and a treasure to be sought after here on earth. It is God’s desire for us.
Rubbed me the wrong way a few times too (not me personally, just the comments).
Been there a loong time. Many old time people have left. Many illnesses, age, family, and stress/time available.
Add to your list of why the turn over…many of us were banned.
MAHA Mom, OR some had attempts to openly communicate posted, and then mysteriously deleted.
common occurrence.
MAGA Mom, sorry for mangling your name…
Always liked him. He is a disabled Vet if I remember correctly. Miss him, LP1, FofBW, and Bull. All the rest of my fav’s are here…that’s why I migrated over. Found out I was banned too sometime over the last few months…no big loss…
I’m glad you found us, CM.
Sounds like she is courting the California talent. I suppose The View could do a remote broadcast from the Folsom pen.
Thanks for adding that Mary !
Note the 50 mile wide bubble. This happens more often than you might think, but this time, the ice looks like it’s going to actually hit first.
I hear tell Columbia is a slick mess.
I would not be surprised. Stay safe!
DP when I lived for 26 years in St Louise there were times when the street had 1″ of ice on it and the trees looked like glass. My kids put ice skates on to skate on the street.and others . St Louise is known for its extreme weather patterns. There were times when it was colder than Alaska in winter and warm and humid up to 109F in summer. Good times in St Louis loved the Zoo and the Science Museum and Botanical Garden. I miss the cultural benefits of the City.
Stay safe in case the ice storm comes your way
The cultural attractions are still here.
The ice won’t be thick enough to skate on this time, just bad enough to make the overpasses dangerous.
They have that new aquarium in union station. I’ve heard mixed reviews about it. Such as go to the zoo instead.
Yeah, but the aquarium actually has an entrance fee. The others are free by state charter. If money was tight, and you have a choice, the zoo is the obvious place to go…even if the Children’s Zoo is nowhere near as cool as it was when I was little.
No offense intended but I bet you aren’t as cute as you were when you were younger.
Don’t forget the Muny!
St. Louis weather you never know what your going to get!
There were summers I practically lived at the Muny in the free seats.
This was before CATS actually went on tour, and back when the chain link fence still separated the hoi poloi from those who actually paid to be there.
Does that show you how often I’ve been to the Zoo. LOL
But my Mom just laughed at your Muny comment.
What about Les Misérables in 101 degree temps. Everyone was miserable!!!!!!
I would imagine.
I think I’ve seen every Seven Brides production since 1978 when the first one was put on the stage.
As close as we live to the zoo and the art museum, we’re there a lot.
I really hate ice. Had a very bad accident thanks to invisible black ice on an otherwise clear major highway.
Please stay safe everyone.
Pure ice is the most dangerous of all driving conditions. It helps driving to have a bit of snow packed on top. And it also helps to drive more than 2 weeks a year on snow in order to feel a bit more comfortable.
DPat – ugh! Those ice storms can be artistic beauty except they destroy roads, trees, and sometimes power
I hear you’re hunkered in 
Lotsa good music videos posted at Marica’s today if you run out of projects 

I would settle for my brother not hanging out in the same room where I am no matter what I’m doing or where.
Happy 98th Birthday to Betty White!
Awww I always loved her on mamas family and golden girls
i did too…I’m old enough to remember her on Mary Tyler Moore Show too…
I’m old enough to remember her (and hubby) on What’s My Line !
And Password too, Phoenix

Lake Placid, the show that took place in Cleveland that Valerie Bertinelli was on…. Sisterhood of the Traveling Spanx was one episode, and the Betty White character kept saying, “It’s a girdle.”
Seriously, without Betty White, Hot in Cleveland would have been NOTHING.
I never saw it before…
It was pretty funny.
i will have to check it out, thanks!
Hilarious, DPat. Gotta see if this one’s running anywhere. The current ‘comedy’ shows are awful
That’s true. Someone just posted all of Jack Benny’s eps online as well as the golden girls spinoff The Golden Palace. Now back in the day that was comedy!!
There’s whole episodes on youtube.
Bill O’Reilly was talking about the Andrew Johnson impeachment hoax on Rush’s show….I forgot who is standing in today while Rush gets over the flu.
You misspelled ROADS.
Also, she’s more like a pavement princess. (if you don’t know what that is, ask a trucker).
I’d say this is one happy Aussie.
Praise the LORD for all that rain!
BREAKING: Impeachment Goes from Sham to a Farce — Democrat Party’s Latest Great Hope to Take Down Trump Lev Parnas Wears Ankle Monitor to Interviews
bwahahaha…I believe it’s call a Democrat Badge of Honor actually
He’s probably the funniest president we’ve ever had too.
Ha ha ha! I love my president.
Funny because its so true.
I knew some girls my daughters’ ages in the 80s who wore their hair like ‘Karen’ …..seriously.
Southern girls went wild with really BIG hair and lots of spray…..
I need to get out more. I thought big hair & spray was ongoing.
How do good old boys find girlfriends without it? Next you’ll tell me mullets for boys are no more.
Mullets are only for country bar bands.
i almost thought she was gonna cry a couple of times…she was convincing!
Brian has a thread (click to read whole thread):
Brian is the BEST cheerleader EVAH !
VERY sharp guy…
His style reminds me of one of own- Prognosticatasaurusrex (P-Rex is what I call him).
I just found the thread, Nor’easter, and posted several more tweets, along with the reader thread link.
OK thanks LP !
Sadie posted about Crisis Actors… can’t locate post at the moment… apparently the link has been removed…
however, another source is at Reddit……………. for those interested
Yup. Leftist PERPAGANDA.
Do not miss my comment on the crisis actors and the connection to the UK. NGOs and the UN HERE
Thank you! I came here to post about how the ad was removed and yours was the first comment I saw. Thankfully, the advertisement was archived and you can still see it here:
“Carlos” has a thread :
I laugh at how triggered people are over simply pointing out, “Hey, there’s an advertisement for crisis actors in the vicinity of a very controversial event.” What harm can come from having this piece of information? Why are people so offended over an an objective fact?
You never know…
Let me run this by you:
Hostile Environment AwarenessTraining (HEAT)
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 0537d5 No.1794770
Jun 18 2018 01:43:38 (EST)
Morning sun brings heat.
Full moon coming.
Undiscovered stars learned.
Missions forward.
Thoughts ?
It’s certainly possible! We’ll see!
I’m wondering if this “HEAT” thing is similar to what Wolf almost got caught up in not too long ago…
We know they pulled crap at Charlottesville VA the buses were photographed with the actors.
“Louis Gohmert via Fox Business News revealed BLM and KKK got off the same buses in Charlottesville!!! “
Here’s the video via FoxBusiness
“Gohmert’s statement refers to this video clip which circulated immediately after the riot at Charlottesville: EYE WITNESS to KKK/NAZI/ANTIFA/BLM ARRIVING ON SAME BUSES in Charlotte that day “
There’s a pattern of shady buses, crisis actor advertisements, and emergency drills showing up around these riots and false flags. That’s why stuff like crisis actor advertisements goes viral when spotted. It’s not “hysteria” to point this stuff out and ask questions.
I know a number of names have been posted here that ought to be “witnesses” if witnesses are called. I say in quotes ’cause not sure they actually “witnessed” anything of significance since there was no crime. Anyway, what is a good list of witnesses that the President’s Team ought to call to demonstrate this was a hoax/political smear job &/or to testify that there was/is indeed corruption re Bidens/Dems + Dems/fed gov/Obama admin/DNC with Ukrainian gov in 2016?
thanks for help
Want a solid list with good reason for social media and I am not clever enough to put it together … but I can parrot what you smart people put together for me!
Witnesses won’t be called…
Maga Mom
There was ZERO CRIME. All you have to do is look at the LAW and the TREATY.
A Little-Known, Clinton-Approved Treaty Lets Ukraine Help US Investigate Criminal Cases
It was signed by Bill Clinton BTW.
Treaty: https://www.congress.gov/treaty-document/106th-congress/16
The US LAW that POTUS was OBLIGED to follow!!!
NOTE: the Sec of State is INVOLVED as well as Secretary of Defense!!
PAGE 499 to 500
Major H/T to:
President Trump Never Impounded Even One Dollar from Ukraine Aid
It is well worth the read since it goes into the time line of the release of the funds.
Cates’ thread, some juicy tweets, and the thread reader link down below. I’m with Cates on his analysis. Fits the FACT that POTUS is VSG.
Bi-Partisan vote AGAINST Impeachment. 1 Defection
Bi-Partisan Defense —- Dershowitz is a Democrat!!
ladypenguin, just a great thread…thanks for this post.
We’re at the, “You’re a little Rocket Man”, stage of the negotiation with Iran.
I needed this today.
Gum chewing girls

And cud chewing cows
There is a difference
You must allow….
The intelligent look on the face of the cow.
Obozo’s muslim buddy owns Chobani yogurt and Obozo fast-tracked a multi-million dollar contract with Chobani yogurt as a meat replacement in schools. Then the muslim buddy imports just bunches of muslims to work in his yogurt factories.
Good riddance to this program!
UK: Muslim chef with bottle covered in fecal matter in kitchen “didn’t use toilet paper for cultural reasons”
Here is the letter from the State Senator so you can read in full.
That kid is going to need a custom length mattress at this rate. Wow. No tiny house for him.
And he charmingly waved, a bit of personality we didn’t see before.
Quince, Cherry and Japanese Magnolias are in full bloom in N Florida!!!
However, we haven’t had a hard freeze yet! Supposed to get down to 30 a couple of mornings and we had one morning at 31 – or so they said, but it didn’t kill my basil.
Response back…
Look who turned up, full of piss and vinegar. So great to see Sarah in fighting form, defending our president and her own record.
Oh Wow!!!! This has been going on for well over a year from what I recall.
I have rehearsal. Sorry. Can’t be there. And then my sister wants to go to IKEA.
DP, one thing I really like ab the L is their unremitting need to self identify as exactly who they are…
by announcing their “themes” of patriarchy and rape, they define their march, and define their adherents.
Mr. and Mrs. America are not going to me too interested in these “themes”.
The “news” really doesn’t cover many of the Trump admin accomplishments. This video shows just one of President Trump’s many accomplishments – new guidelines for our schools regarding schools & the free exercise of religion.
The time he took with the children and adults regarding the issues they have faced and the problems they experienced is particularly impressive. Wonderful how he listens attentively and lets each have their say, telling their story!
The press begins their questions around the 19 minute mark. Sad that at the end of all of the remarks and the people’s stories the press asked questions almost exclusively on leftist generated smears and allegations.
OANN carried the entire event live.
Later they covered Pence in Kissimmee Florida for the Latinos for Trump rally.
They also cover President Trumps rallies (take note Fox fans-Tucker Carlson is more important to Fox).
Good to see Melania in white!
Love the dress… wish we could see a closeup!
Phonenix, click on the picture, then click on the tweet picture again. It gives a closeup.
Thank you so much Lady P., I am so low-tech!
Hello all my Qtree friends…just want to let everyone know I’m around ,not gabbing much ,this peach mint crap is getting on my last nerve and I had to step back ,go spend time with my animals and grandkids.i have been disheartened by the evil we are fighting against every minute it seems.so grateful for the daily scripture oh so thankful. Love ya all!
Good to hear from you and happy to see you recovering so well from recent heart attack. Take care of yourself. God bless you and your family.
God bless you Phoenix
I actually feel so much better now,I didn’t realize how terrible I was feeling. I just thought it was the new normal from lung removal a few years ago.ive been doing a lot of overdue house work this week finally lol
Big hugs your way, Miss Sue!
Glad to hear you’re feeling better… go easy on the housework… let grandchildren help!
I will take your advice
Yes, the little guy in the thread above is Gunner, no older than 3yrs, in a Harley Davidson Jacket and mad as heck by the pretty flowers.
He whizzed in here tonight after work, now 22yrs old. He’s on a RANT about Virginia gun confiscation. Worried about it. If he had the time, he was ready to go to Virginia.
This might be a bigger deal than we think.
Cute lil’ fella…
grew up to be a smart big fella !
That’s open for debate right now. He’s 22, and sometimes thinks he knows everything.
This too shall pass
He was an absolut doll!!!
“…This might be a bigger deal than we think.”
Agreed Daugh.
As the state senator said this has been planned for YEARS. I think this is to be the US ‘Port Arthur massacre’ that resulted in the strict Australian gun laws.
It was planned to happen under a Hillary Clinton Presidency and with a commie Supreme Court justice taking the place of the conveniently removed Justice Scalia.
Instead of waiting until President Trump is out of office the headless cabal, stuck on automatic, is going ahead with plans worked out years ago.
I am PRAYING that people are very, very careful and keep the blasted hotheads (and agents provocateur) well under control.
I wondered if it was. Yeah, he sure did look mad! I’ve been chuckling over that photo off and on today.
I’m glad he doesn’t have time to go. It looks like a powder keg. Even if no one brings a gun, it looks like the Commies are going to try real hard to stir up trouble.
I’m glad he is not there also, and definitely worried for our brethren.
What a cutie!!
Oh boy!
I’m just hoping the original 302 still exists.
Any takers?
Greg has a THREAD – click time stamp
Here is the thread reader for this:
Thank you Linda
In a message from The White House
So — from WashedUp Post:
The Supreme Court will hear a case regarding whether or not states can punish or replace “faithless” Electoral College voters who do not support the winner of that state’s popular vote.
The case emanates from Washington State, where three of the Electoral College members there refused to vote for Hillary Clinton, the winner of the state’s popular vote, in 2016.
I’ll be interested in seeing the results of this one.
“very serious attack”
Nutjob “journalist” calls the police on a Target sale manager because she refuses to sell him a toothbrush for one cent. And these are the people who have the nerve to call us “crazy.”
Carpe Donktum has started a GoFundMe for this poor woman.
It was up to almost 7000 and he is getting destroyed in the Twitter comments…deservedly so
$8,660 now . . .
For any and all fans of Neil Peart
Check out Amwick!!!!! THis is awesome!!!!
President Trump “Never Give Up!” MOTIVATIONAL VIDEO (ORIGINAL)
Years from now some of them may look back and ask themselves whether they’ve made the right choice… whether they’ve made the most of the opportunities, they’ve been given.
Together we have the same mission.
Over the course of your life you will find that things are not always fair. You will find the things happen to you that you do not deserve and that are not always warranted, but you have to put your head down and fight, fight, fight.
Never, ever, ever, give up!
Don’t give in don’t back down and never stop doing what you know is right.
Nothing worth doing ever, ever, ever came easy and the more righteous your fight the more opposition that you will face.
In your hearts are inscribed the values of service sacrifice and devotion. Now you must go forth into the world and turn your hopes and dreams into action.
America has always been the land of dreams because America is a nation of true believers!
When the pilgrims landed at Plymouth they prayed.
When the founders wrote the Declaration of Independence, they invoked our creator four times, because in America, we don’t worship government, We worship God.
It is why our currency proudly declares “In God We trust”
And it is why we proudly proclaim that we are one nation under God.
The story of America is the story of an adventure that began with deep faith, big dreams, and humble beginnings.
The next generation of American leaders, Never Ever Give Up!
There’ll be times in your life you’ll want to quit, never quit, never stop fighting for what you believe in and for the people who care about you. Carry yourself with dignity and pride. Demand the best from yourself.
The more people tell you it’s not possible, that it can’t be done, the more you should be absolutely determined to prove them wrong!
Treat the word “impossible” as nothing more than motivation!
Relish the opportunity to be an outsider.
The more that a broken system tells you that you’re wrong,
the more certain you should be that you must keep pushing ahead.
You must keep pushing forward.
And always have the courage to be yourself.
America is better when people put their faith into action!
Pray to God
and follow his teachings.
Today each of you begins a new chapter as well.
When your story goes from here it will be defined
by your vision, your perseverance, and your grit!
You will build a future where we have the courage to chase our dreams no matter what the cynics and the doubters have to say.
You will have the confidence to speak the hopes in your heart and to express the love that stirs your soul.
As long as you have pride in your beliefs, courage in your conviction, and Faith in God, then you will not fail.
As long as America remains true to its values, loyal to its citizens, and devoted to its creator…
then our best days are yet to come.
May God bless the class of 2017!
May God bless the United States of America!
…and I just wanted to let you know that God blesses you and I want to just say you are special in every way!
God bless you and God bless America!
Thank you very much.
“Never Give Up!” – President Trump
Howdy Daughn – Is there any chance now that the semester is over that maybe you’d be willing to share Gunner’s paper on steel production in the U.S.? I was telling my nephew in high school the story about it, while talking about how you learn (should learn) how to do research as an undergrad (and why research is always superior to Wikipedia or online sources). I know it’d make a great post!
Let me work on it
Hooray!!! I’m going to share it with my nephews – one in college now 2nd semester, the other getting close to graduating high school. But Gunner’s paper will be HIGHLY EDUCATION for most adults too!