Welcome! The door is open, come on inside!
This Back to the Fortress Q Tree Saturday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KMAG/KAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil.
Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.
With the Storm upon us…please remember to Pray for our President.
Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
For your listening enjoyment, I offer this mix of compositions by Fran Soto, titled ‘We Will Prevail’ and ‘Release Your Power’:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAqSWeykXrg&w=640&h=360]
Visual Descriptions for our dear Zoe, and for anyone else who may find them helpful:
Header and First Image: Is an enormous Tree standing alone in a clearing with a giant door built into the base of the trunk. A lone figure is approaching the doorway. There are patches of moss and small leafy branches emerging up and down the gnarled trunk.
Second Image: Is an interior room with vaulted ceilings and arched throughways. There is a sturdy-looking couch with throw pillows and nearby armchairs. Behind the couch is a table and chairs…and there are additional seating groups in the adjacent spaces.
Third Image: Is President Trump walking toward Marine One, on a cloudy, overcast day. He is wearing his long black overcoat and looks lost in thought.
This goes out to the Dirty Dems who illegally impeached our President…and to Governor Coonman, who is violating our Constitution:
They are going to experience epic fail:
OMG – I’m getting dizzy AND laughing my head off at that last GIF image!
She’s lucky she hit her head on the dishes and not the counter! OOF!!! It still hurts just looking at it!
I think she hit her head on both.

I tried to find the original video to see if there was information about her outcome. Could not find that, but was introduced to the entire meme genre of “Scarlett Johansson Falling Down” memes!
^^^ Trump flag flying on a beautiful Friday in northern NV. Will fly everyday. As does, Old Glory.
(Hoping pic shows)
Wheatie, Got a good chuckle with the gals telling off D-rats and Governor black face. AND, D-rat gal spastic crash and burn, so to speak.
Love it, Kalbo.
Thank you for the assist Wheatie
Neighbor, a D-Rat “walk away” visited earlier today. Let me know, “Trump flag looks great”!
Got the flag as a Christmas gift!
Very cool both of you! I got one as well. It’s hanging in my basement!
Those ladies must belong to a FU hat society.
Those ladies aren’t alone…
Only one finger (one hand)?
SMH over below Florida Senate committee…controlled by “Republicans”.
New bill unanimously approved by a republican majority senate committee will be going for a floor vote. Contains:
-Ban on public private gun sales (must go through FFL on property open to public, such as gun shows)
-Requires *notarized* bill of sale nearly identical to a 4473 for private sales done outside of FFL
-Three day waiting period for all gun sales, except for rifles and shotguns to CCW holders who also take hunter’s safety
-Safe storage requirements preventing access to 18 and under
IF above anti-gun bill passes FL legislature AND get to Governor DeSantis’ desk, will be quite telling how DeSantis deals with this anti-gun bill.
That’s nasty!!!
I sure hope. if passed it gets taken all the way up to the Supreme Court.

Tenth Amendment — “all powers not expressly granted to the federal government, and not expressly prohibited to the states, are reserved to the states or the people.”
free movie on youtube. Powerful romance – at least it tore me up,
I don’t understand at the end why her time was limited and the officer removed her from the coffin. Seems like after all of those years they would let her have her time to say goodbye. Guess they have a schedule? or maybe ht widows just won’t stop…??
So the Dirty Democrats brought shiny new pens to do battle with this Great American? Bwahahahaha!!! They really are the Wile E. Coyote’s of modern politics.
Harry………………..PDJT looks surprisingly at home as The Duke. Wow!
He certainly does, Sylvia. He’s got that confident (but kind) American swagger.
Yes, he does! And I love it.
Awesome gifs, Wheatie
I’m tellin’ ya, our side is not only WINNING, we have WAY more fun doing so 

I have been interested in old films lately and ran across one I have never seen called “The House on 92nd Street”.
I found it totally intriguing. A 1945 spy film about Nazis in America secretly sending top secret military weapons data to Germany. The FBI manages to plant their own agent into this group to hinder atomic bomb plans being exposed to the Nazis. Interesting—except for the lead actors, all FBI agents were actual agents. Amazing the techniques the FBI used for counter intel operations BEFORE computers.
Ah…same director, Henry Hathaway, who directed this film…(Fourteen Hours)…
I remember The House On 92nd Street…I think I’ve seen just about every film noir that is available to see. I love those old films.
I have to believe that our FBI has developed much further than the impressive feats in The House on 92nd Street. It gives me hope that above the low-life Comeys and Strzoks of the world…there are thousands of Patriots in the FBI that are behind the take-down of the Deep State.
I sometimes wonder if the FBI is behind the Q movement—it would be a fantastic way for the FBI to start to gain trust from the We the People.
I love them, too. Still have lots to see. Haven’t seen either of these movies……..yet!
Taking a break tonight for some family needs, and a little low on bandwidth.
Hope Q/8kun is open normally, and no Grifter Alliance countermeasures are affecting it.
I have considered the current dearth of Q drops completely normal for this time of year, combined with weeks of heavy news days unusual for the season.* But I was disappointed when transmissions did not resume on Friday, the Qth of the month.
[* My working hypothesis is that Q is a small team, and that its members have day jobs that involve them in public affairs.]
Consider the shampeachment. I think it would be improvident for Q to post just about anything while that’s going on. Nothing should detract from what’s coming from our side OR give the Dimms any sort of clues or cause for distraction. Consider the 2 amendment situation in VA. It’s better that Q’s quiet right now, IMHO.
Great points all, Jam.
I’m glad they got out of DC and went to Mar A Lago for the weekend.
You can skip to the 6:30 mark, to see them exit AF1.
Love Melania’s dress……..also really liked the lavender coat and burgundy boots and bag she left Washington wearing…..
FL Melania also wore the same lovely dress to visit Japan!
Woah…what is that!
especially the “beauty”…that’s an amazing photo!
Wheatie, great tree pics and opening post as usual. Love you, sista.
Thanks, Syl…and love you back.

The leftists will try to turn it into a circus – can McConnell hold that line!!!
The usual same old stuff from Pelosi….
McConnell is not about to let the DemonRats turn the Sham-peach-mint into a Kavanaugh-level sht show AND NEITHER IS SUPREME COURT JUSTICE ROBERTS!
Remember this is a TRIAL and the Judge will not allow a sht show if he wants the Supreme court and himself to keep what shreds of reputation they have.
FAA Declares Airspace Over Richmond, VA “National Defense Airspace” Until After Lobby Day
Here’s the exact order:
The FAA order is only for the 20th, effective from 7 AM until 7 PM (or as it is stated 0700 to 1901).
I don’t know how true this is. It might be exaggerated. But something is going to happen in Virginia this weekend. I’m sure of it.
BREAKING: Democrats conspiring to stage false flag bloodshed on Jan. 20th in Virginia – “Charlottesville 2.0” – in order to ignite a civil war and mass chaos
I think it would be great if no one showed up! Beat them at their own game.
Let the 2nd Amendment group gather at another location without harassment and leave the Antifa-types twiddling their thumbs….masked, of course, because somehow the Governor doesn’t find that dangerous.
I know…totally dreaming here. I worry more about the infiltrators that will start the problems and then quietly disappear. Hope there’s going to be lots of drones surveillance and recording.
“…Hope there’s going to be lots of drones surveillance and recording…..”
The Drone surveillance is NOT considered evidence per VA law and remember the FIB CONFISCATED all the cell phones at Los Vegas.
I have put up a lot of info gathered from here and elsewhere up at:
So all the information is at one place. The IPOT video is very good.
Good info, Gail. May not be legal evidence in the courts but probably valuable for a benchmark…if, in fact, these Antifa types are going from event to event. What I really meant was for the a Good Guys to have the drone videos for reference.
I viewed the IPOT…also, good info. He’s one of the sources I like the most.
One other thought…facts are coming out the Va government is using the very same “corralling” technique they used in Charlottesville…that is, only one exit in and out. Remember the Old West stories of how the Indians used to lead their enemies into a box canyon where they would be sitting ducks? I hope our 2nd Amendment supporters learned from that!
Not surprised – he has been touting his communist BS for years –
You are in for a rude awakening, Breadline Bernie – nobody is buying your ‘commie conquest’ – Nope!
“Breadline Bernie”. That’s a good name. I like it.
* Smile *
“Encourage one another…”
1 Thessalonians 5:11 New International Version (NIV)
11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
More Church Intrigue.
Verse of the Day
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”
Colossians 3:16 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Saturday Butterfly Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Good Morning Duchess!
we’re gonna hunker down here today and tomorrow…maybe 4-8 or higher snowfall coming.
stay warm and safe!!
Hey, Pat! Oh, my – Have not checked our forecast just yet today – thot I saw some of the white stuff in our forecast for the weekend, too – hope you have what you need in the way of supplies – I want to smell the sweets baking from here – have you seen my slipper socks?
Have a Blessed, Warm Day!
you have a Blessed Day too!
(think i saw them by the fire…)
Oh, thanks for finding them –
It’s gonna be another * Hug Your Honey * night tonight – and for days to come here – snow forecast as well – not fun – but God will see us through – of that I am certain – Angels watching over you!
thank you dear…yup, honey and I will keep each other warm!
* Smiling *
* Smiling *
Thanks for the * Giggles * Pat!!!
there were so many this week cuz sooo much happened!!
After all we have been through – it is good to laugh! Thanks!
any time!
Can always count on you to provide the * Giggles * Pat!
LOL too funny!

Someone come up with a ‘No Salt’ low sodium — Potassium Chloride cured bacon!!!
This is headed in the right direction:
Wet noodles in the pot boiling, Pat! Nah – no submissions to the ‘Complaint Department’ – of which I am aware!
Need a pen?
these are GREAT!
Sorry, Dora – Dunno how these posted below your post – Forgive me my Foibles – Please – Thanks!
Oh alright. I’ll forgive you this time.
Tanks! So sweet of you! lol
i apologize wheatie and everybody…but there were just so many funnies today!
I enjoy them a lot, Pat…forward many to people who equally love the chuckles and smiles. We need some lighthearted moments in these times!
some weeks there’s only a few, but with POTUS doing so much and everything else going on, these great people got their giggles on…and i love to share them too!
Funnies are great. I always appreciate the laughs with so many highlighting the lunacy of lefties. Contributes to moar winning and my sanity.
We need humor with the situations that are happening right now.
They’re great, Pat

Thanks for posting them.
gambling on POTUS losing reelection…migrants waiting in Mexico
TAPACUHLA, Mexico — Honduran Katherine Cabrera is among thousands of migrants who didn’t expect to get bottled up in this southern Mexican city, unable to proceed to the American border as planned, because of President Donald Trump’s insistence that Mexico block them with troop deployments and whatever else the Mexicans could come up with.
New Mexican travel restriction rules required that Cabrera either go home with her newborn child or stay here in Tapachula to apply for Mexican asylum and await an outcome perhaps months in the future. Rather than return home as some have, though, Cabrera said she reached a carefully reasoned-out decision. She’ll stay in Mexico and pursue that asylum claim in a calculated gambit: that Donald Trump will lose the November 2020 election and once the Democrats control the White House, they’ll reverse everything Trump did and reopen the U.S. southern border so that she can finally breach it.
“I want Trump out!” Cabrera said. “I’ll wait for that because it would make things easier to get in.”
In this calculus and in their perhaps surprising savvy about national American politics and timing, Cabrera has plenty of company all over Tapachula, where thousands like her have been forced to pool up for long asylum process waits or returns home.
Dozens of politically woke migrants, like Honduran Wilson Valladaras, recently told CIS their decisions to stay in Mexico were predicated on the Trump-defeat gamble. Valladaras said he would wait for his Mexican asylum approval, move to Tijuana “until Trump leaves”, and then cross over the U.S. border when the Democrats undo his policies because “right now, the Americans will throw you back” to Mexico.
They’re going to be camping out for a long time.
Mexico and a Guatemala won’t be as generous with all the freebie handouts as the USA.
This is the actual goal:
another caravan forming in Guatemala…see if they are kept from our border…
GUATEMALA CITY/MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – More than 3,500 Central Americans had poured into Guatemala by Friday in U.S.-bound gatherings known as caravans, officials said, posing a headache for the leaders of Guatemala and Mexico amid fierce U.S. pressure to curb migration.
President Donald Trump has repeatedly urged the region to prevent such groups of migrants reaching Mexico’s border with the United States, and the latest exodus from Honduras that began on Wednesday has been accompanied by U.S. border agents.
The migrants, some travelling in groups as small as a dozen people while others formed caravans of more than 100, said they planned to unite at the Guatemalan border city of Tecun Uman before crossing together into Ciudad Hidalgo, Mexico.
Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said his government was monitoring the situation as the migrants approached, saying there were 4,000 jobs available on the southern border, as well as shelters and medical help.
9th Circuit dismisses climate change lawsuit brought against the government by a group of kids…
The crux of the plaintiffs’ requested remedy is an injunction requiring the government not only to cease permitting, authorizing, and subsidizing fossil fuel use, but also to prepare a plan subject to judicial approval to draw down harmful emissions. The plaintiffs thus seek not only to enjoin the Executive from exercising discretionary authority expressly granted by Congress, see, e.g., 30 U.S.C. § 201 (authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to lease land for coal mining), but also to enjoin Congress from exercising power expressly granted by the Constitution over public lands…
There is much to recommend the adoption of a comprehensive scheme to decrease fossil fuel emissions and combat climate change, both as a policy matter in general and a matter of national survival in particular. But it is beyond the power of an Article III court to order, design, supervise, or implement the plaintiffs’ requested remedial plan. As the opinions of their experts make plain, any effective plan would necessarily require a host of complex policy decisions entrusted, for better or worse, to the wisdom and discretion of the executive and legislative branches.
I can’t think of any scenario where kids should be allowed to file a lawsuit. They lack the maturity, wisdom, and knowledge to understand the issues. They are being used by adults.
They also lack STANDING!
If a US VOTER, Steve Millory, was told they ‘lack STANDING!’ when EPA almost killed or KILLED a girl when using her in a diesel fumes experiment. {MAJOR INTERNATIONAL CRIME} Then these kids ALSO lack standing.
More on that EPA human experiment subject.
I can not find the exact article but this was the case:
FINALLY a lawsuit!
When I went looking I found this article of interest.
Leo Alexander explains why Physicians become Monsters
Donald J. Trump Retweeted
no new info…just another link that has the Amassville calling for crisis actors…
Trump Right on Nuclear Deal As Iran Boasts of Secret ‘Missile Cities’ Which Began 6 Years Ago
Supreme Court To Hear Case On ‘Faithless’ Electors: Report
States want the ability to replace or punish Electoral College members who ignore the popular vote.
the replies are great…the world’s most secure porta potty…
an armored forklift…
Intimidation and they are going to push back, hard. People should show uo, with their guns anyway. They must. If they run bc of northams intimidation tactics, it is a win for the state. If Northam does anything or has whichever leo agency behind those lay hands on people, ESP IF THEY DO IT FIRST, it will be very bad for the dimms in tht state, perhaps nationally, just over this 1 day. Thats a powderkeg situation the dimms are pushing. Maybe they want it but patriots need to stand their ground.
It is called “The Rook” it is on a Caterpillar base and IPOT discusses it.
I have been placing all this Virginia Gun rights stuff starting HERE:
Here is a video of the Rook in action:
Thanks, Gail!
The LEO makes excellent points. Clicking on it in the new window makes all the text, in a series of 3, easy to read which is not always the case.
Very good article on the risks:
I have had replies from this person w/ no follows & no followers several times…& I’m nobody w/ minimal twitter action…what’s up with this?
Since I started to re-tweet some stuff about the pending Richmond rally (pretext for expanding government abuse of power & unconstitutionality)…
I’d block that Jeena account. Joined in Jan, no follows/followers. no tweets Putting you on a list. Devious trolls are out trying to get conservatives banned. Adding you to a list is part of their plan.
I’m real picky about new followers, if they don’t look right, I block immediately.
I know this might be sad, but I’ve never blocked someone before & don’t actually know how…
On their tweet, there’s a little down arrow at top right. Click it and you’ll see block listed. OR if you’re on their profile, you’ll see 3 circles to the left of FOLLOW, same drop down option. Good luck!
Thanks Jesus’ Girl!
What Big Pharma Won’t Tell You: Plant Derived Minerals For Your Health
has anyone seen anything from SteveinCO or Driller lately?
I was wondering about Steve myself, but he’s been known to take a break from time to time. Not sure if it’s work related, but that’s a possibility.
are you still under the storm??
it’s just starting to snow here…
No. It was a big nothingburger here. We had some ice yesterday and then the temps went up overnight coupled with rain and it’s gone. Temps are due to drop tonight to bug killing levels. Thankfully, there’s a stiff wind that’s helping to dry things out without knocking over trees.
I really like your description: bug killing levels…LOL
It’s an actual benefit to sub 10 degree temps.
That is for sure!!!
We pray for a good hard frost to kill the bugs and parasitic worms here in NC. (Prefer WITHOUT a blanket of insulating snow.)
Steve was on the Utree on the 17th. He, like Cthulhu post interesting tidbits about the daily numbered element. I go to the Utree daily. Cthulhu tells jokes along with providing music and information on the daily periodic table element. His jokes are great!
Ddanna, thanks!
I haven’t been to the U tree in ages…
Driller was around last week.
thanks butterfly!
I worry about…well everything
Stop That Miss Pat, it’s bad for you!!
giloo, I worked at that Hospital for many years.
the sign, cleverly altered, does not refer to the patients, but the Staff!!!
Haha….medical staff know who the nuts among them are too…
I used to work on the locked Psych Unit in a local hospital…the running joke of the long time staff was “the only difference between staff & patients is that staff have keys!”
Oh & now Twitter is letting me follow a lot of people…it was previously allowing less than one follow in sometimes several days…is this more of the herding conservatives into that little corral in the twitterverse where we can create our own echo chamber but don’t get seen more widely?
Whoops this was meant to reply to my comment further above regarding strange Twitter stuff…Sorry
Lol. My cousins wife has worked county psych for almost 25 years. Thats true….
Great lyrics from Brian cates
“With all the talk about Hunter Biden these days, one might get the impression that he is the only child of a politician to benefit from his parents’ position and the last name they inherited.
Before Hunter Biden, the son of former Vice President Joseph R. Biden, got his strange but lucrative deal to sit on the board of energy company Burisma Holdings in Ukraine to the tune of $50,000 a month, there was Chelsea Clinton, the only child of former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. She was similarly rewarded with jobs and board positions that had absolutely no relationship with that young woman’s interests, life, education or any perceived expertise.
All of this has racked up to what the New York Post reported back in 2015 was an estimated net worth of $15 million for the then-34-year-old. More recently, Barron’s, the finance newspaper, revealed that Chelsea Clinton has now reaped $9 million from a corporate board position. In 2011, while her mother was still secretary of state, she was appointed to IAC/Interactive, an Internet investment company. She receives an annual $50,000 retainer and $250,000 worth of restricted IAC stock units, according to Barron’s.
Ironically, and something the Clintons would be loathed to admit, they like most other American families benefitted from President Donald Trump’s leadership and correlating economic renaissance.
The Hill reported, “IAC stock has risen 89%, 50% and 36% in 2017, 2018 and 2019, respectively, a far steeper rise in the broader stock market.”
Consequently, Chelsea Clinton reported in December of last year her holdings ballooned to $8.95 million.
In 2017, Chelsea Clinton was also named to travel site Expedia’s Board of Directors. Because she’s a … business genius? A travel genius? An investment prodigy? The Hill reported that position “typically earned $250,000 in 2015. … Both IAC and Expedia are controlled by Barry Diller, the business and television mogul, who is a friend of Hillary Clinton.”
“Bernie Voters Threaten to Sit Out Election if Democrats Steal Primary From Him Again”
So if Bernie is shut out, his supporters will stay home, and if Bernie wins the nomination, they still lose in a landslide. Win/win!
have seen posts from both in last 48 hours
thanks phoenix!
That is so twisted, top-tier Trump Derangement Syndrome. But to me, it’s deadly serious that someone could come up with such an idea. It’s not about Pres. Trump, it’s about us and our freedom. They would take it in a second if they could.
And THAT is why they are targeting our Second Amendment.
This guy defrauded a friend of mine. Sent her and her husband into a spiral. If ever there were justice, this is close. I guess she will never get back the money he stole but oh well….
That is one weird way to report that the son and future in law aided & abetted Collins in the fraud….
odd use of words
It is used so the son and future in law do not get CHARGED AS CO-CONSPIRATORS.
The guy is a liar and has been for years. Unfortunate that he attached himself to the Trump campaign but they are not responsible for his behavior. This is a heavy R district (district 27 is R +11).
Some outstanding candidates are running to secure the R nomination.
Robert Ortt is a longtime military guy that successfully transitioned to politics (would be my favorite)
Beth Parlotto sounds like a hardcore Trump supporter. Supports religious values.
Frank Smiercak is a young guy trying to make a difference (28 years old)
Chris Jacobs is a former SoS for New York currently in the state senate.
They will be running against Nate McMurray who only lost to Collins by about a thousand votes (of of about 285,000 cast) in 2018.
some proofreading needed…lol.
Hope they don’t split the vote to the point the D takes it…..
I doubt it. It is R +11 there. I just want a Trump supporter.
Chris Jacobs is not a PT supporter. Has spoken against PT several times. He will probably get the nomination though as he is the most well known. McMurray will not win. We have one good conservative R district in WNY and that’s the 27th. Would be nice to elect a true conservative republican though.
Hope it is not Jacobs
Senate Republicans’ attempt to define abortion as not health care faces stiff opposition
Republican lawmakers aiming to curb government-subsidized abortions by defining the practice as not health care face a stiff battle from pro-choice proponents in the medical community, who consider the move reprehensible.
Senate Republicans are pushing legislation arguing that the IRS should not categorize abortions as medical care, recognizing the future of government-subsidized abortions depends on whether the practice is defined as a medical procedure or not.
I’m really tired of the “reproductive health” euphemism.
So are a lot of us, including Almighty God.
robbery = my fiscal health
rape = my libido health
grand theft auto = my transportation health
fraud = my reality health
murder = my security health
Interesting petition to the white house…about all elderly people including Pope [emeritus] Benedict XVI
In Canada, we are just mercy killing them, even when they don’t want to die. Trudope’s government is having extensive “consultations”
“In Canada, we are just mercy killing them, even when they don’t want to die.”
That is straight out of the Fabian Playbook.
Fabian co-founder George Bernard Shaw
I gave up after they scrubbed five different articles on this. It first appeared in a Scottish Newspaper IIRC
I knew he was a Fabian, but I’ve never read those comments.
He sounds so cold. Yikes!
Thank you for posting, especially since the articles are so difficult to find.
Looking at George Bernard Shaw’s misanthropy and elitism, it’s interesting to review “Pygmalion” and “My Fair Lady” through the lens of his wicked beliefs. In the musical this was presented in a humorous fashion, but upon closer analysis, (and looking at the rest of the musical/play) it shows the utter disdain for the “working classes”, and just how straified the class structure was in England. Still is, for that matter…
[referring to Eliza Doolittle] (“My Fair Lady”, “Why Can’t The English”)
Henry Higgins: Look at her, a prisoner of the gutter,
Condemned by every syllable she utters
By right she should be taken out and hung,
For the cold-blooded murder of the English tongue.
Eliza Doolittle: Aaoooww!
Henry (imitating her): Aaoooww!
Heavens! What a sound!
This is what the British population,
Calls an elementary education.
Pickering: Oh Come sir, I think you picked a poor example.
Henry: Did I?
Hear them down in Soho Square,
Dropping “h’s” everywhere.
Speaking English anyway they like.
You sir, did you go to school?
Man: Wadaya tike me for, a fool?
Henry: No one taught him ‘take’ instead of ‘tike!
Hear a Yorkshireman, or worse, hear a Cornishman converse. I’d rather hear a choir singing flat.
Chickens, cackling in a barn, just like this one (pointing to Eliza)
Eliza: Gaaarn
Henry (writing, imitating Eliza): Gaaarn..
I ask you Sir, what sort of word is that? (to Pickering)
It’s “aoow” and “gaarn” that keep her in her place
Not her wretched clothes and dirty face
Why can’t the English teach their children how to speak?
This verbal class distinction, by now,
Should be antique. If you spoke as she does, sir,
Instead of the way you do,
Why, you might be selling flowers, too!
Pickering: I beg your pardon!
Henry: An Englishman’s way of speaking absolutely classifies him,
The moment he talks he makes some other
Englishman despise him.
One common language I’m afraid we’ll never get.
Oh, why can’t the English learn to
set a good example to people whose
English is painful to your ears?
The Scotch and the Irish leave you close to tears.
There even are places where English completely
Well, in America, they haven’t used it for years!
Why can’t the English teach their children how to speak?
Norwegians learn Norwegian; the Greeks have taught their Greek. In France every Frenchman knows
his language from “A” to “Zed”
The French never care what they do, actually,
as long as they pronounce it properly.
Arabians learn Arabian with the speed of summer lightning.
And Hebrews learn it backwards,
which is absolutely frightening.
Use proper English you’re regarded as a freak.
Why can’t the English,
Why can’t the English learn to speak?
I searched his name & “unfit to kill” at bing.com & found this gem that in entire quote, fyi:
Ironically, this quote from the gbs article linked in my above comment seems pertinent when considering the current Harry “Windsor” (aka Saxburg-Cog-Gothe iirc) Megan Markle debacle…
“The novelty of any such experiment, however, is only in the scale of it. In one conspicuous case, that of royalty, the State does already select the parents on purely political grounds; and in the peerage, though the heir to a dukedom is legally free to marry a dairymaid, yet the social pressure on him to confine his choice to politically and socially eligible mates is so overwhelming that he is really no more free to marry the dairymaid than George IV was to marry Mrs. Fitzherbert; and such a marriage could only occur as a result of extraordinary strength of character on the part of the dairymaid acting upon extraordinary weakness on the part of the duke. Let those who think the whole concept of intelligent breeding absurd and scandalous ask themselves why George IV was not allowed to choose his own wife whilst any tinker could marry whom he pleased? Simply because it did not matter a rap politically whom the tinker married, whereas it mattered very much whom the king married. The way in which all considerations of the king’s personal rights, of claims of the heart, of the sanctity of the marriage oath, and of romantic morality crumpled up before this political need shows how negligible all these apparently irresistible prejudices are when they come into conflict with the demand for quality in our rulers. We learn the same lesson from the case of the soldier, whose marriage, when it is permitted at all, is despotically controlled with a view solely to military efficiency.”
continuing the above quote…there are frightening implications here:
“Well, nowadays it is not the king that rules, but the tinker. Dynastic wars are no longer feared, dynastic alliances no longer valued. Marriages in royal families are becoming rapidly less political, and more popular, domestic, and romantic. If all the kings in Europe were made as free tomorrow as King Cophetua, nobody but their aunts and chamberlains would feel a moment’s anxiety as to the consequences. On the other hand, a sense of the social importance of the tinker’s marriage has been steadily growing. We have made a public matter of his wife’s health in the month after her confinement. We have taken the minds of his children out of his hands and put them into those of our State schoolmaster. We shall presently make their bodily nourishment independent of him. But they are still riff-raff; and to hand the country over to riff-raff is national suicide since riff-raff can neither govern nor will let anyone else govern except the highest bidder of bread and circuses.
There is no public enthusiast alive of twenty years’ practical democratic experience who believes in the political adequacy of the electorate or of bodies it elects. The overthrow of the aristocrat has created the necessity for the Superman.
Englishmen hate Liberty and Equality too much to understand them. But every Englishman loves and desires a pedigree. And in that he is right. King Demos must be bred like all other kings, and with Must, there can be no arguing. It is idle for the individual writer to carry so great a matter further in a pamphlet. A conference on the subject is the next step needed. It will be attended by men and women who, no longer believing that they can live forever, are seeking for some immortal work into which they can build the best of themselves before their refuse is thrown into that arch dust destructor, the cremation furnace. – George Bernard Shaw
From: The Revolutionist’s Handbook
Chapter X. The Method.
Man and Superman.
Pages 245-249.
First published 1903”
Strange thing, my conservative Christian Brethren church bulletin had a Shaw quote very recently. I am positive they did not know about Shaw’s terrible background. Most do not know about him. I sent an educational email to my Pastor about Shaw.
The Queen must have really been pissed.
Morgan is happy.
S0 . . . they’re just gonna be plain ol’ Mr. & Mrs. Markle, now.
AND forget the Candians picking the security bill.

“CANADA last night appeared to rein back a pledge to pay Harry and Meghan’s £1 million-a-year security bill should they move there.”
“A security expert says protecting Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, while they are living in Canada could cost more than $10-million annually.”
Divorce in
I hope thats true. We here in CA wont pay for them either.
There was a petition going around initiated by the Canadian Taxpayer Federation that said Harry and Megan were welcome here, but no money from Canadian taxpayers should be used to fund their security.
The fact that they are no longer Royals will make Trudope’s decision much easier…unless he gives them money in an underhanded way…he has been know to do that..
They get to keep their titles without the royal part from what Ive read. And they get to KEEP Frogmore but have to pay for the renivations. They should pay Charles back too.
They also have to pay rent on Frogmore Cottage when they are there.
Thats good to know. From what I see, more people dislike their behavior than are sympathetic.
Definitely agree.
The Royal Family and the British public took her to their hearts and, in the end, she didn’t care a jot.
Between them, the Sussexes leave ***200*** public Royal engagements to fill per year. I can imagine that, privately, the other Royals are not best pleased.
I bet. Will they fall back on Andrew or will he stay out? Maybe his daughters? I just saw a DM article with Harry’s speech playing the victim. He is being heavily manipulated but he is an adult. People here in CA in article comments are not sympathetic and generally do not like Markle. I wonder how soon he will become aware of his situation and miss his family.
Soon enough, I hope.
I really want him to be able to spend time with his friends while here in the UK. Whether he has been doing that, I don’t know.
On Andrew, you could be right. He went to church with the Queen for the first time since his BBC interview last year and had a private lunch with his parents on Saturday:
Thank you very much for the update from CA — greatly appreciated. Glad to know they are not on the side of the Duchess.
S0 . . . they’re just gonna be plain ol’ Mr. & Mrs. Markle, now.
^^^ OR, moar commonly known as Mr. & Mrs. Snowflake.
They’ll still be known as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, only without the HRH. Same happened to Princess Diana.
Now cut the money off as well. No free loaders
They’ll still get money from the Duchy of Cornwall (Prince Charles).
Ugh of course they will
On the other hand, I feel rather sorry for Prince Charles. Various news articles from Royal reporters over the past few days have been saying he has warned for several years that his money supply is not infinite. He allegedly said that to both Harry and Wills.
I feel for all three of them. I think that Charles, despite his faults and questionable characteristics, is a decent man and a soft touch.
It also seems, from reports at the weekend, that Wills and Harry have had an uneasy relationship with him since Diana’s death. Ditto their feelings towards Camilla after she wed Charles.
I don’t know if these reports are true. If they are, I will post links. Check out the Daily Mail, if you want more info in the meantime. The stories come from trusted Royal reporters.
Oh wow you learn something new every day. Very interesting! Thank you
You’re most welcome.
It came as news to me, too.
Wow, I just read Megan is seriously looking at a modest-looking house, built in early 1900’s, for $27 million. Killer view but not much else. Question I have…repaying $3 million for home improvements in England, buying a $27 million house in Canada and lavish lifestyle (Meghan is not mopping her own kitchen floors or changing Archie’s nappies)…where is this $$$$ coming from. Harry didn’t inherit THAT much money from his mother!
Yeah this isn’t going to end well. And truth be told I am sick of them in the MSM. Just give me my TDS stories and be done with it.
TIM, will you also post this at Wolfie’s thread
I already posted the screen shots on that page but not that twitter account.
Looks like the word is going out!
Being repeated on twitter by more than a few. Looks like the Senator posted that on her Facebook page yesterday morning.
Stay away from VA on Mon. Many, MANY other ways, other places, other times, other dates to promote and work to protect our 2A.
This is NOT it!
I know people who were in Charlottesville to protest the removal of the statue. NONE had Anything to do with White Nationalism, etc. but were still caught up in the mess.
Just stay away and do not be fodder for a Deep State narrative
And I disagree with SD re POTUS but much is true in this article
Oh come on! That’s not Haggis! Bobby Burns wouldn’t touch that fake stuff!
A Flan’s a Flan for a’ that…
Over here, when the Greens aren’t trying to take away our cars and our mobility, trapping us to within 200km (or LESS) of our homes, destroying business and society, they’re forcing us to embrace pagan/Earth-worshin Veganism and total rejection of animal products and protein. Of course, in the dark (due to the fact that incandescents have been banned, and the only available LED replacements top out at 60w equivalents, barely enough to read by, let alone do useful work, we can’t tell the difference between meat and mush, anyway.
The lumen output at 240v is about 30 percent lower for a given wattage as compared to 120v, due to the necessary changes in geometry and shape and composition of the filament to have the same wattage at the higher voltage without evaporating/burning out too soon. Far be it from them to correct this oversight/profit producer (I’M LOOKING AT YOU, PHILIPS!!!). A 100w incandescent at 230v gives out around 1100-1160 lumen; the US equivalent at 120v gives out over 1700 lumen.
( cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incandescent_light_bulb , table “Comparison of efficacy by power” ).
So, we’re doubly screwed…
I recently went on a long research tangent about light bulbs. Long story short, some claim that LEDs are actively harmful to health because they don’t emit enough red light. I know Mercola is a controversial website, but they’ve had the most coherent explanation of the issue that I’ve found. I’m inclined to believe it because LED lighting looks like plastic to me.
Personally, I’m sticking with 75w halogens for now. I had to order them online because I couldn’t find them offline.
I’m different, I guess – because I loved Fluorescent and Cool White – and now am wild about Daylight LED bulbs. Incandescent bulbs, esp. anything below 100W drives me batty – I can hardly read.
Oh – and I do not like normal halogens at all. I just replaced my can flood lights with LED Daylight. Now I can see!!!!
For me, the one with a visual perception disorder called Irlen Syndrome, it’s incandescents or candles. That’s it. No flickering, no gases, just tungsten and soft light. Otherwise I get a migraine.
I’d buy incandescent bulbs if I could still find them.
Try Home Depot and Lowes. In the work light area. The wattages are not the old 60, 75 and 100, but they are there.
I stockpiled before they were phased out, and still have a few boxes, so I haven’t had to go on the hunt yet. We have lots of 100s.
We have LOTS in our attic…purchased when Obama tried his little trick on us.
I have a friend who bought into a high end continuing care facility in Richmond, made extensive upgrades in her unit…and had to leave within 2 weeks because of the common areas lighting…it literally made her ill.
I’ve got a loved one who can’t go into the certain stores because the lighting triggers migraines.
Halogens probably have more blue light than normal incandescents because they run a lot hotter.
). I put them on dimmers, so they last longer. Even just a 10% drop in voltage increases the bulb’s life substantially. The only problem is with cheap dimmers that do phase-chopping, and they have a pronounced hum. This can be remedied by a filter that can be added on, but it’s easier just to get a better dimmer.
Chiefio (and some other sites) have done deep dives into the color spectra thing. I did a “hamster-kauf” when they started banning them around 10 years ago, so I have enough to go a long, long time (my son’s grandkids (eventually) will probably still have a few left
I bought two LED panels for my son’s room, but after all the stuff came out about blue light, I figured it’s better just to stick them in the kitchen, turn them to the “warm white” setting, and hope for the best. So far the stupid CFL’s I have there refuse to burn out…
Here’s some of Chiefio’s (E.M. Smith) take on the matter. His wife has a real problem with LED (fake) light, so he had to do a deep dive…
The entire thought of much of Europe living without veal and eggs, at the very least, is painful. I mean, what are they putting in sausage? Is there really a plant substitute for pork? Chicken….
What a friggin’ mess.
And, BTW, finding regular incandescents here is not as easy as it sounds. You have to get off wattages at places like Home Depot.
“Rough Duty” and “Industrial” bulbs weren’t covered in the ban, if it’s anything like here. The “longlife” bulbs are actually 130v bulbs running at 110-120 (whatever), so by being undervolted they last longer, at the cost of reduced light output (so 100w is only about 81-90 percent of normal), but still FAR better than fake light. Plus the light’s a little bit “warmer”.
The other “survivor” here is deco bulbs, e.g. globe bulbs for fixtures. We have three 100w globe (4″, 5″ diameter?) in the dining room (OK, kitchen nook), all on a dimmer, so that rather than 300w, the three of them together end up with around 100-150 between them. All the way down, they probably get 60-80w, but that’s too little to do anything useful, but it nice for quiet Fondue evenings (until someone loses a chunk of bread
As far as fake meat, they’re going full on here, so I guess Merde-Kuh has decreed that meatless madness is the order of the day. There’s a brand called “Like Meat” (I think Kerry’s involved with the parent company, and making TONS of money off of it), that probably are barely skirting truth-in-advertising-and-packaging laws, as it appears to be a meat package until you read the fine print. They’ve even gone so far as to call it “plant-based meat” ! I guess they’re a bit unclear on the concept…
All I can say is, I LIKE MEAT and I will NEVER stoop to eating the fake crap (and BUGS, no less) that the left are pushing on us.
I TImothy 4:1-3:
I tried using rough service incandescents, and one of them exploded in one my light fixtures after a few weeks of use. I flipped the switch one day–sparks rained down, loud buzzing noise, “burnt electronics” smell. I can’t put any bulbs in that fixture anymore. Never again.
Have to wonder where it was made…. (if GE then China…). I have one in the upstairs bath, the 100w one that gives off 76w worth of light, and I think it’s lasted around seven years now. If anything, they should be far less likely to shatter (seems the factory must be a tad unclear on the concept of rough service – maybe they though THEY had to treat the bulbs roughly
)… The best ones I’ve found here are bulbs for traffic lights (!) (those that still use incandescents). They have a slightly odd shape, but last forever, and can deal with thermal and physical shock. We have one as our porch light that’s been there forever, and another one waiting to take its place…
Still, I’d rather have cheap 100w bulbs, or even 120w or 150w, and leccy at 3 or 5 cents per kWh. We’re up to 30 cents now, and the Greens are threatening to make it wayyyy higher. Seems they have no problem spending other peoples’ money while destroying the economy (and forests, with their bird-choppers) at the same time…..
Brian has a thread:
Gosh, I hope this is true! Anybody have opinions about Brian (Drawandstrike)?
Thanks for the thread link…made my day!
Brian is also a journalist for the Epoch Times.
IMO, Super sharp guy… Bases his opinions on facts and logic.
He also has a brother named Dwayne who is also pretty sharp.
Tweets by CatesDuane
Hear, Hear… I’ll second that…
Thanks ((( PR ))) !

I’ve followed for a period of time now and have a good opinion..was just curious how others see him. Appears to be grounded.
Svetlana Lokhova thread reader.
She NEVER SAT NEXT TO FLYNN and HALPER WAS NOT THERE because General Flynn would have KNOW who Halper was.
Thank you Gail.
Your Welcome.
Racism is a tool that the left has employed to gain control of voting, through open borders and fraudulent voting schemes as well as promoting and educating leftists to shut out any and all opposition.
Labeling the President and his supporters as racist justifies any and all means used against them including calling them terrorists to justify the use of government force against them.
People who want to be inclusive and not part of any “hate” can over ride their conscience (if they still have one) by latching on to this PC narrative and voting Democrat all the while denying reality. However, even these people burn at the thought of politicians with their hand in the till while they make the “little guys” pay and suffer.
I was able to cause a Democrat to think twice about voting for Bloomberg over President Trump when I explained what it would mean to get a Democrat President who would cooperate with the UN on environmental issues. True horror and shock was the reaction at the realization that what I said was true. Even life long Democrats shudder at the thought of that.
Interesting article from Natural News that’s going viral. It claims that there’s a GPS-jamming exercise in the southeast US over the next few days, and also that the FBI is seizing high-end night vision goggles. I must note, however, that the article is highly biased, I caught at least one inaccuracy in it (it was the Kansas state legislature that was briefed by the military, not Oklahoma), and I haven’t seen anyone else report on the night vision thing.
Gonna have to call out the night vision thing as bunk. I like Mike Adams, but these things are still readily available…if you got $$$…
I look at that earlier this morning, its on wolfies thread.
Here is what I found:
The FBI’s confiscation of ?3rd generation? high-end night vision from distributors.
More information on this from AJ:
Dave Hodges reported Bob Griswold said he had already locked in the purchase of 70 night vision tubes from his distributor. They were invoiced and committed. Supposedly within hours, the FBI claimed ?eminent domain? over the tubes, confiscating them before they could be shipped. (Eminent Domain applies to LAND BTW.)
We reviewed a letter written by the distributor, confirming that the government preempted the order.
DH spoke with BG on the phone to confirm the situation, and he said he thought “No more than 200 high-end night vision devices remaining in the entire country.” This excludes the crappy play toy — gen 1 and gen 2.
All I could find to substantiate this was:
2004 — Roanoke, Va. –
”ITT Industries Night Vision (ITT) recently received a competitive procurement award from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to supply night vision pocketscopes for use in low-light surveillance activity. Awarded as an “Indefinite Delivery/ Indefinite Quantity” (IDIQ) contract, the FBI procurement has a potential for a five-year term and a value of $4.9 million.”
More reasonable possible explanation:
So yes the FBI has ‘dibs’ on these items and this maybe a matter of a government order that came up short because all the Gun owners and Preppers are panicking over the Virginia situation. This placed an unexpected demand on the item and the government having a pre-existing contract would therefore get supplied first.
CM in TN substantiates it was probably just a supply crunch at that particular supplier, probably do to ‘Just-in-Time’* ordering and manufacture.
* As a QC Engineer I HATE ‘Just-in-Time’ or the newest idiocy, central ordering that depends on some idiot in corporate ordering for ALL stores so the store in Podunk spends 90% of the time out of VERY POPULAR item ‘Y’ and when it does come in it gets bought up within a few days.
(I repeatedly buy out all the local supply of trigger snaps for instance.)
Thanks for this.
“Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones; and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace.”
~ Victor Hugo
A post by Dr. Turley:
MACRON PANIC! Armed Guards Evacuate President as Protesters Storm French Theater!!! (Hope the link posts…)
Too bad the Bastille was torn down.
Are the French about to neutralize the king again?
I will not make a joke…. I will not make a joke…. I will not make a joke.
“Rare storms.”
Yep. Typical DEMONicRAT loons.
Can’t stand the border wall that protects us from a TRUE danger from REAL illegal (and worse) invaders, including terrorists from the middle east and elsewhere, YET they want to put up their own wall to “solve” a fake problem based of fake/unreal science supposing a CO²-caused climate disaster (and flood) that doesn’t exist.
The only thing burning is the stupidity. Stupidocracy…
Fighting tears. One of the authors is a local guy, Rocky Sickmann, who will always appear at fundraisers for a good cause. I really like his wife, too, and his daughter was one of my mom’s favorite students.
One learns something new every day!
What we all knew…no Russian Collusion…
FBI Interview Notes With Page And Papadopoulos Are Released
Svetlana Lohkova has a thread:
(mostly on Halper)
(h/t Gail Combs)
Gotta toss the steak under the broiler, but some days the wonders of nature are just what the doctor ordered.
“The Jewish people and their faith are more than a historical curiosity – they are one sign of the credibility of the God of Revelation. If this is so, to be anti-Semitic isn’t just prejudice. It’s to wage war against God Himself.”
Read about it at the link below (if it posts…these links seem awfully long…)
Gen 12:1-3 Now the Lord had said to Abram:
“Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you.
I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing.
I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you;
and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
i·ro·ny1 | ˈīrənē |
noun (plural ironies)
the expression of one’s meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect: “Don’t go overboard with the gratitude,” he rejoined with heavy irony.
• a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result: [with clause] : the irony is that I thought he could help me.
• (also dramatic or tragic irony) a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character’s words or actions are clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character.
From Ezra Levant:
I’m busy saving screen shots. PLEASE READ THIS THREAD
I saved it also, as well as a pdf of the french doc. I’ve been reading it, and have the last 2 sections to go. It is shocking what has been done purposefully. It’s one thing to think that it’s been going on, but it’s another to see it all laid out, planned.
19 Jan date? Date of ????
Here’s my cut and paste from PTrump’s tweet. No 19 January.
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
4:52 PM – 18 Jan 2020
TIM, here is first part of tweet….
President Trump’s official response to the articles of impeachment:
PDF link:
Oh forgot to add wheatie great opening!!! The gifs were too funny.
My Mom looked at the second one and asked ‘what is that idiot trying to do’ lol
Fouetté turns. “Don’t try this at home,” LOL.
I have never particularly cared for ballet, although the graceful, athletic performances of many dancers is truly astonishing.
Yes, and they make it look easy.
That was lovely. And it’s not easy, either. I used to be able to do a few, but 32? Nope. Even counting that many while keeping that leg in the air….
Thanks, Kea.

I’m glad you liked them!
Me like too. Fluffy trees with



I’m so glad you likey too, Butterfly.

IPOT points out that Q has used “The Best Is Yet To Come”, too.
Judge Jeanine slams the Dirty Dems and their Shampeachment.
Please be in prayer for the patriots who will be at the Va. Lobby Day event tomorrow on Lee Jackson King Day, Monday Jan. 2020. Several of my friends will be there from all over the Shenandoah valley. My friends will be there, they need prayer.
Lextard, home of the dead red Commie hen IS NOT A SECOND AMENDMENT SANCTUARY CITY. Lextard City Council did all they could to deny people a chance to speak in favor of second amendment sanctuary status. There are other places who are not sanctuary cities, and a few counties. Not too many though. Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of US would be pissed to know that Charlottsville, and Albemarle Co are not pro-gun. So remember the slimy Mayor of Lextard? He was just as disgusting as ever. If you thought the Commie Red Hen dust up was bad, this was worse.
I will put up a list of Pro-constitution Lextard businesses when that is finalized. Not everything in Lextard is communist.
I have not been on-line too much, now that my 5 year discount with Century Link has expired. Can’t renew it as they discontinued the program.
Glad that nothing awful happened.