Dear KMAG: 20200119 Open Topic

Thus says the Lord to you:
‘Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, 
for the battle is not yours, but God’s.
2 Chronicles 20:15

This Superlative Sanctuary Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.

It’s also a place to read, post and discuss news that’s worth knowing and sharing. Please post links to any news stories that you use as sources or quote from.

In the QTree, we’re a friendly and civil lot, unencumbered by political correctness. We encourage free speech and the open exchange and civil discussion of different ideas. Topics aren’t constrained, and sound logic is highly encouraged, all built on a solid foundation of truth and established facts.

We have a policy of mutual respect, shown by civility. Civility encourages discussions, promotes objectivity and rational thought in discourse, and camaraderie in the participants – characteristics we strive toward in our Q Tree community.

Please show respect and consideration for your fellow QTreepers.

Before hitting the “post” button, please proofread your post and make sure you’re addressing the issue only, and not trying to confront another poster.

If you feel the need to bare your fangs, we have a companion site – called The U Tree – where all legal speech is allowed and where you can run wild and free with the Wolfpack.

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But NOT HERE in The Q Tree. Personal attacks, name calling, ridicule, insults, baiting and other conduct for which a penalty flag would be thrown are VERBOTEN.

In The Q Tree, we’re compatriots, sitting around the campfire, roasting hot dogs, making s’mores and discussing, agreeing, and disagreeing about whatever interests us. This board will remain a home for those who seek respectful conversations.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

The Storm is upon us.
Please remember to Pray for our President.

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Our movement is about replacing a failed and CORRUPT political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People.
Candidate Donald J. Trump

Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

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On this day and every day –

God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

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Hopefully, every Sunday, you can find something here that will build you up a little . . . give you a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.

“This day is holy to the Lord your God; do not mourn nor weep.” . . . “Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

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The Battle is Mine

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12
O our God, will You not judge them? For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You. 2 Chronicles 20:12
Thus says the Lord to you: ‘Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.  2 Chronicles 20:15
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds 2 Cor 10:3-4
Then all this assembly shall know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give you into our hands. 1 Samuel 17:47

“The Battle Is Mine”
December 22, 2019 by Charles R. Swindoll
Scriptures: 1 Samuel 17:40–47

The beautiful thing about this story is that it’s a perfect example of how God operates. He magnifies HIS name when we are weak. We don’t have to be eloquent or strong or beautiful or physically fit or handsome. We don’t have to be well-traveled or brilliant or have all the answers to be blessed of God. He honors our faith. All He asks is that we trust Him, that we stand before Him in integrity and faith, and He’ll win the battle. God is just waiting for His moment, waiting for us to trust Him so He can empower us to battle our giants.

Remember, Goliath is still a giant . . . still an imposing presence. David had all the odds against him. There wasn’t a guy in the Philistine camp—or probably the Israelite camp either—who would have bet on David. But David didn’t need their backing. He needed God—none other. After picking up the stones, he approached the gigantic Philistine warrior.

The shepherd boy made the giant smile. What a joke! Just imagine! David stood before this massive creature unintimidated!

Intimidation. That’s our MAJOR battle when we face giants. When they intimidate us, we get tongue-tied. Our thoughts get confused. We forget how to pray. We focus on the odds against us. We forget whom we represent, and we stand there with our knees knocking. I wonder what God must think, when all the while He has promised us, “My power is available. There’s no one on this earth greater. You trust Me.”

Be assured, David’s eyes weren’t on the giant. Intimidation played no part in his life. What a man! His eyes were fixed on God. With invincible confidence in his God, David responded, “that all this assembly may know that the LORD does not deliver by sword or by spear; for the battle is the LORD’s” (17:47). There it is. That’s the secret of David’s life. “The battle is the LORD’s.” Are you trying to do your own battle? Trying to do things your way? Trying to outsmart the enemy, outfox him? You can’t. But God can. And He’s saying to you, “You do it My way and I’ll honor you. You do it your way and you’re doomed to fail. The battle is Mine.”

What about us Deplorables?

What should we do? Should we just “Let go and let God”? Should we all just totally back off in our struggle against the deep state, corrupt politicians, and other manifestations of evil in the world today? Or maybe we should form or join a prayer group to ask God to handle all our concerns (a very good idea, by the way) and then become complete bystanders and onlookers (not so great an idea)?

David didn’t ask Saul to build an alter and sacrifice two dozen bullocks, all the while praying to God that He send down fire from heaven and incinerate every one of the Philistines. David took his sling and some stones and, with full trust in the power of God, went out to meet and defeat the giant Goliath.

While I have absolutely no doubt that God is more than capable of handling (and is) all of the problems in the world that He chooses to address, God works through and uses ordinary people (e.g., Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, David, Solomon, Mary, the 12 Apostles and Saul), at least in part, to accomplish His extraordinary ends. We, President Trump and many, many others may play minor to major roles in carrying out God’s plans.

What we are experiencing is God’s fight. He will win this fight, perhaps using some of us to further His ends. And, in the end, God’s plan, as He has formulated it from eternity past, will be fully accomplished.

The victory has already been won!

The Fight Is On

The fight is on, the trumpet sound is ringing out,
The cry “To arms!” is heard afar and near;
The Lord of hosts is marching on to victory,
The triumph of the Christ will soon appear.

The fight is on, arouse, ye soldiers brave and true!
Jehovah leads, and vict’ry will assure;
Go buckle on the armor God has given you,
And in His strength unto the end endure.

The Lord is leading on to certain victory;
The bow of promise spans the eastern sky;
His glorious Name in every land shall honored be;
The morn will break, the dawn of peace is nigh.

The fight is on, O Christian soldier,
And face to face in stern array,
With armor gleaming, and colors streaming,
The right and wrong engage today!
The fight is on, but be not weary;
Be strong, and in His might hold fast;
If God be for us, His banner o’er us,
We’ll sing the victor’s song at last!

  ~  Lelia N. Morris  1862-1929

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

President Trump has subjected himself to ALL THIS, just to rid us of the SWAMP.
I will support WHATEVER HE NEEDS to drain it. JUST NAME IT!!!


We are PAYING… CONgress to do NOTHING (Stupid stuff at best)…
We are PAYING … President Trump … NOTHING….to do….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well said!!!


some people have an innate sense of right and wrong and challenge it in small ways or big ways wherever they see it. that is POTUS. he saw the corruptness and the degradation of our country long ago, but being the wise and strategic planner that he is, he waited to join the fray…till all the right elements came together and there was no more time to delay.
he was born for THIS fight–this is his moment–his battle–and will be his victory and his legacy.
the right man at the right time.
we are blessed.


goodstuff, carl.
thanks so much for posting these thoughts.


Thank you, Carl. That’s our POTUS. I’m always amazed that so many people, including an awful lot of Christians, don’t see this side of him.


That reminds me of an old story…
“An old man and his dog were walking down a dirt road for quite sometime when they finally came to a beautiful marble wall with a golden gate. The person standing guard was dressed in a white robe and said:
“Welcome to Heaven”. It was then the old man realized he and his dog were dead and traveling down Eternity Trail. They both were hot and very thirsty as they had been walking for a long time. The old man was so happy to be at Heaven’s gate.
He started to enter with his dog following him but the gatekeeper stopped him and said: “I’m sorry, but dogs are not allowed in Heaven so he can’t come in with you”, as he gestured towards the man’s dog.
The old man replied: “But my dog has been my faithful companion all his life. If my dog can’t come in with me, then I will stay out too. I will not desert him now, not even to enter Heaven.”
The gatekeeper replied: “Suit yourself, but I must warn you, the Devil’s on this road and he’ll try to sweet talk you into his area. He will promise you anything to get you to enter. So if you don’t leave your dog now and come in, you will spend eternity on this road hot and thirsty or end up in Hell.”
But the old man still refused to enter and continued walking along the dirt road with his dog.
After walking a long ways further, the man and his dog came upon a rundown fence with no gate. He saw a man dressed in old ragged clothes just on the other side, standing next to a large shady tree. The old man called out to him saying:
“Excuse me Sir. My dog and I have been on this road all day and are very hot and thirsty. Would it be okay if we took a much needed rest under your shady tree?”
“Of course”, the other man replied. “There’s some cold water under the tree too. So please come in and help yourselves.”
The old man asks: “Are you inviting my dog too, because I won’t come in without him. In fact, that’s why I chose not to go to Heaven because I was told dogs are not allowed.”
The man smiled and said, “Welcome to Heaven, and bring your dog!”
The old man exclaimed, “You mean this is Heaven? And dogs are allowed? How come that fellow down the road said they weren’t?”
“That was the Devil and he gets all the souls who are willing to give up a life long companion for a few small comforts. Those who choose that route soon find out their mistake but it’s too late. The dogs always find their way here and the fickle people who abandoned them stay in Hell, for eternity.”
“You see my friend, GOD would never allow dogs to be banned from Heaven. After all, He created them to be man’s companions in life, so He would never separate them in death.”
“If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.”
– Will Rogers


That’s a Keeper !



Deplorable Patriot

That reminds me of an old story…
“An old man and his dog were walking down a dirt road for quite sometime when they finally came to a beautiful marble wall with a golden gate. The person standing guard was dressed in a white robe and said:
“Welcome to Heaven”. It was then the old man realized he and his dog were dead and traveling down Eternity Trail. They both were hot and very thirsty as they had been walking for a long time. The old man was so happy to be at Heaven’s gate.
He started to enter with his dog following him but the gatekeeper stopped him and said: “I’m sorry, but dogs are not allowed in Heaven so he can’t come in with you”, as he gestured towards the man’s dog.
The old man replied: “But my dog has been my faithful companion all his life. If my dog can’t come in with me, then I will stay out too. I will not desert him now, not even to enter Heaven.”
The gatekeeper replied: “Suit yourself, but I must warn you, the Devil’s on this road and he’ll try to sweet talk you into his area. He will promise you anything to get you to enter. So if you don’t leave your dog now and come in, you will spend eternity on this road hot and thirsty or end up in Hell.”
But the old man still refused to enter and continued walking along the dirt road with his dog.
After walking a long ways further, the man and his dog came upon a rundown fence with no gate. He saw a man dressed in old ragged clothes just on the other side, standing next to a large shady tree. The old man called out to him saying:
“Excuse me Sir. My dog and I have been on this road all day and are very hot and thirsty. Would it be okay if we took a much needed rest under your shady tree?”
“Of course”, the other man replied. “There’s some cold water under the tree too. So please come in and help yourselves.”
The old man asks: “Are you inviting my dog too, because I won’t come in without him. In fact, that’s why I chose not to go to Heaven because I was told dogs are not allowed.”
The man smiled and said, “Welcome to Heaven, and bring your dog!”
The old man exclaimed, “You mean this is Heaven? And dogs are allowed? How come that fellow down the road said they weren’t?”
“That was the Devil and he gets all the souls who are willing to give up a life long companion for a few small comforts. Those who choose that route soon find out their mistake but it’s too late. The dogs always find their way here and the fickle people who abandoned them stay in Hell, for eternity.”
“You see my friend, GOD would never allow dogs to be banned from Heaven. After all, He created them to be man’s companions in life, so He would never separate them in death.”
“If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.”
– Will Rogers

Deplorable Patriot

Sorry, the above post is FG&C’s.
Haven’t had my tea yet.

Deplorable Patriot

Copied and pasted anyway. Right below this.
All comments and replies, please direct to FG&C.


Thank you, Carl. You made me cry.
Short story: I once knew an old farmer, solid as a rock. His family was Pennsylvania Dutch. He had a saying he used which has always stuck with me.
When you have something to do, you do it the hard right way.
He knew that the right way is rarely, if ever, easy.


Still my favorite of all your work I have read❤

Valerie Curren

This is so beautiful & profound…thank you so much for sharing. I saved a copy on my blog (w/ some pertinent scripture images) here:
God Bless YOU in your ongoing ministry here!!!




Not fond of Axios, but if true, like this idea.


Axios is very biased. There is no treason, bribery, or any high crime or misdemeanor. There’s NO CRIME, therefore articles should be dismissed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. That is McConnell’s reasoning, and it is sound, IMO.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Do not lower the bar so that obstructing Democrats can always go for bogus impeachments when they need political theater.

Gail Combs

the US LAW that POTUS was OBLIGED to follow!!!
NOTE: the Sec of State is INVOLVED as well as Secretary of Defense!!
PAGE 499 to 500

(c) AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS.—Subsection (c) of such section is amended—
(1) by striking paragraphs (1) and (2) and inserting the following new paragraphs:
‘‘(1) ASSISTANCE FOR UKRAINE.—Not more than $175,000,000 of the funds available for fiscal year 2017 pursuant to subsection (f)(2) may be used for purposes of subsection
(a) until the certification described in paragraph (2) is made.
‘‘(2) CERTIFICATION.—The certification described in this paragraph is a certification by the Secretary of Defense, in coordination with the Secretary of State, that the Government of Ukraine has taken substantial actions to make defense institutional reforms, in such areas as civilian control of the military, cooperation and coordination with Verkhovna Rada efforts to exercise oversight of the Ministry of Defense and military forces, increased transparency and accountability in defense procurement, and improvement in transparency, accountability, and potential opportunities for privatization in the defense industrial sector, for purposes of decreasing corruption, increasing accountability, and sustaining improvements of combat capability enabled by assistance under subsection
(a). The certification shall include an assessment of the substantial actions taken to make such defense institutional reforms and the areas in which additional action is needed.’’;
(2) in paragraph (3), by striking the matter preceding subparagraph (A) and inserting the following:
‘‘(3) OTHER PURPOSES.—If in fiscal year 2017 funds are not available for purposes of subsection (a) by reason of the lack of a certification described in paragraph (2), such funds may be used in that fiscal year for the purposes as follows, with not more than $100,000,000 available for the purposes as follows for any particular country:’’; and
(3) by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
‘‘(4) NOTICE TO CONGRESS.—Not later than 15 days before providing assistance or support under paragraph (3), the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the ongressional defense committees, the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate, and the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives a notification containing the following:…

Major H/T to:
President Trump Never Impounded Even One Dollar from Ukraine Aid
It is well worth the read since it goes into the time line of the release of the funds.

Gail Combs

There is a TREATY….
A Little-Known, Clinton-Approved Treaty Lets Ukraine Help US Investigate Criminal Cases
Joe Biden at a January 2018 appearance at the Council on Foreign Relations, seems to ADMITTED TO A CRIME, therefore President Trump was NOT out of line in requesting HIS AG and the Ukraine take a look to see if there was evidence an actual crime was committed.
Politico: FLASHBACK, 2018: Joe Biden Brags At CFR Meeting About Withholding Aid To Ukraine To Force Firing Of Prosecutor

….The treaty in question is the Treaty with Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, ratified by the U.S. Senate on Oct. 18, 2000.
While lawyers will have to dig into the exact wording of the treaty to tease out its applicability, an initial reading certainly lends itself to Trump’s defense…..

I will Point to this again. It is well worth the read since it goes into the time line of the release of the funds MANDATED BY LAW.
President Trump Never Impounded Even One Dollar from Ukraine Aid


I read someone’s tweet or comment (can’t remember who) that if they dismiss the case, the Dems will use that from now until election day to say that Pres. Trump was running from the charges and therefore guilty. They probably would throw in that he was abusing his power, blah, blah, blah.
Part of the strategy is to not telegraph whether they will hold a trial or dismiss the charges, or whether they would call witnesses. Keeping everyone, especially the Dems, guessing will make it very interesting.


It can only be slapped away if it is shown to be nebulous BS and sufficient contempt shown. Probably the easiest way to do this is to say that these charges are dismissed for showing no crime and any further charges will only be entertained if a citation to the specific crime is included for each count.
I’m not a lawyer, but the logical process involved in criminal proceedings involves the elements of a crime. Manslaughter, for instance, involves: (a) did you do this action? (b) was there no overriding reason you did this action? (c) did you know this could kill the victim? (d) did the victim die from this action? If any of the elements fail, the crime fails — if the guy died of glioblastoma after you stabbed him in the gut, you’re not guilty of manslaughter.
By not stating an actual crime, the House has tossed this piece of garbage to the Senate with no elements. How can the Senate evaluate the elements of a crime that is undefined?
The more time the Senate takes in dealing with this garbage, the more garbage is going to shoveled onto them over the coming DECADES, so it is in the Senate’s interest to be brutal, nasty, and establish a bar for further shenanigans.
The Constitution says “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” The Senate should say, “our first order of business is to establish whether anything delivered by the House is (a) Treason; (b) Bribery; (c) another high Crime; or (d) a Misdemeanor. EVERYTHING ELSE SHOULD BE SUMMARILY AND CONTEMPTUOUSLY DISMISSED. Our second order of business should be to establish the elements of (a)-(d) and determine the truth of such elements. ANYTHING NOT SUPPORTED BY THE TRUTH SHOULD BE SUMMARILY AND CONTEMPTUOUSLY DISMISSED.”
The House is fully capable of authoring any laws they please — indeed, it is their full-time job when they’re not preening for the cameras. That they’ve shoveled two counts of “orange man bad” into the Senate to dirty-up the Senate and the President is, as the saying goes, six fathoms lower than whale snot.


Good points. I hope the whole thing will be slapped down by whatever means they choose, in such a way that they can’t try this again.
I had never heard that saying about the 🐋. 😀


It’s usually a different product of the metabolism of whales that I would have labelled accurately at the other tree.

Gail Combs

Do you mean Whale Shiff?


i totally agree…if you give credence to these “charges” you allow the House to package up more bogus allegations and call them impeachable crimes–a waste of taxpayers’ funds–which in and of itself is criminal.


You are referring to this thread by @Drawandstrike, posted by Nor’easter yesterday afternoon…
“ And you ***just got a crystal clear*** example of how Trump & his team use mixed messages, confusion & chaos to hide their true plans until it’s too late.
Trump keeps saying he wants this witch hunt over with, then says he wants a trial to clear himself.
Graham and McConnell send out mixed messages, sometimes on THE SAME DAY.
Quick dismissal, maybe witnesses, maybe not.
Democrats were LURED IN.


Yes, that’s it. Thank you. Excellent thread.


Ukraine was CF biggest donor.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


When I first read the I thought it said “FISA Hookers”
,,,heh, guess it still applies to her at least


New virus from China spreading to Asia. CDC sending people to NY, LA, and SF airports to screen travelers JIC.


Nothing like a pandemic to keep people from rallying together against corruption in the govts. Ive also never quite understood why China exports so many new viruses.

Gail Combs

“I’ve also never quite understood why China exports so many new viruses.”
Actually it is quite easy to understand. China is a breeding ground and thanks to the NEW WTO rules for agricultural products, traceability replaces quarantine. In other words we let the disease in (Like TB in cows) and then try to trace it back to it’s origin so the originator can be fined. Such a deal out Politicians crafted for us peons.
#1. The Chinese Communists have contempt for human life.

In the eight years since he founded Inscatech, Weinberg identified China as an epicenter of food fraud, where baby formula was laced with melamine and rat meat was sold as lamb. He said: “Statistically we’re uncovering fraud about 70 percent of the time, but in China it’s very close to 100 percent. It’s pervasive, it’s across food groups, and it’s anything you can possibly imagine.”

#2. In the early 20th Century F.H. King cited the use of Human poop on Chinese fields often it was untreated. How do we KNOW this has stopped? China has used Human waste as a fertilizer for CENTURIES so it is a common practice.
#2. ‘Superbugs’ Found In Sewage Plants In China: Can Chlorine-Disinfected Wastewater Kill Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria?
” A team of environmental scientists discovered that two wastewater treatment plants in northern China failed to kill antibiotic-resistant bacteria while also providing a breeding ground for their spread. “

….“We often think about sewage treatment plants as a way to protect us, to get rid of all of these disease-causing constituents in wastewater,” Pedro Alvarez, Ph.D., professor of engineering at Rice University, said in a press release. “But it turns out these microbes are growing. They’re eating sewage, so they proliferate. In one wastewater treatment plant, we had four to five of these superbugs coming out for every one that came in.” The research of Alvarez and his team is newly published in the American Chemical Society journal Environmental Science and Technology Letters….

#3. The USA USED to do it’s OWN inspection of Immigrants. Think Ellis Island. If they were sick they were NOT allowed to enter PERIOD!
That has changed. Now the HEALTH inspection is done by the doctors in the country of origin.
From Wiki a definition of CONSUL

A consul is an official representative of the government of one state in the territory of another, normally acting to assist and protect the citizens of the consul’s own country, and to facilitate trade and friendship between the people of the two countries.

42 CFR § 34.4 – Medical notifications.

§ 34.4 Medical notifications.
(a) Medical examiners shall issue medical notifications of their findings of the presence or absence of Class A or Class B medical conditions. The presence of such condition must have been clearly established.
(b) Class A medical notifications.
(1) The medical examiner shall report his/her findings to the consular officer or DHS by Class A medical notification which lists the specific condition for which the alien may be inadmissible, if an alien is found to have:
(i) A communicable disease of public health significance;
(ii) A lack of documentation, or no waiver, for an alien who seeks admission as an immigrant, or who seeks adjustment of status to one lawfully admitted for permanent residence, of having received vaccination against vaccine-preventable diseases which shall include at least the following diseases:….
(c) Class B medical notifications.
(1) If an alien is found to have a physical or mental abnormality, disease, or disability serious in degree or permanent in nature amounting to a substantial departure from normal well-being, the medical examiner shall report his/her findings to the consular or DHS officer by Class B medical notification which lists the specific conditions found by the medical examiner. Provided, however, that a Class B medical notification shall in no case be issued with respect to an alien having only mental shortcomings due to ignorance, or suffering only from a condition attributable to remediable physical causes or of a temporary nature, caused by a toxin, medically prescribed drug, or DISEASE.….

So a medical examiner is NOT to report a person with a DISEASE if he THINKS the disease is of a temporary nature!!!! You know, like a cold or THE FLU!


Do you think UK’s Mad Cow Disease originated in China?


Mad Cow Disease affects/infects humans it is known as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

Gail Combs

Mad Cow disease originated in the UK as far as I know.
Unfortunately the UK KNEW about it and still EXPORTED bovine products. The USDA and FDA KNEW about it and ALLOWED UK bovine products into the USA. Specifically they allowed bonemeal that was then put into the feed for OUR cows.
Remember the USDA would not let Creekstone test for BSE aka Mad Cow Disease?
Here is some background

After disease detectives in Great Britain determined that mad cow (BSE), was spread by feeding cattle infected meal, British officials banned the practice. But they didn’t ban the export of feed, spreading BSE to continental Europe and Japan… At the height of the BSE epidemic, the UK exported 500,000 tons, including 168,000 metric tons of MBM (meat and bone meal) between 1990 and 1996. It also exported 3.2 million cattle to 36 countries. A Harvard study said that the exact amount sent to the U.S. was unknown, but it noted that at least 69 tons of “mammalian meal and flour” and 334 cattle were shipped here during the period.

“There is a small chance that mad cow disease.. (BSE), is already in this country, according to a risk assessment released today by Harvard University. The risk assessment concluded that even if BSE had entered this country, it wouldn’t become a major public health problem, although human illnesses could occur”.Harvard Risk Assessment 12/3/2001
This is the “scientific basis” behind the USDA ban on 100% BSE testing at Creekstone Farms and mandating “less than 1 percent [40000 per year] of slaughtered cattle to be tested for BSE. The agency contends that more comprehensive testing doesn’t guarantee food safety and may produce a false positive that alarms consumers.”

Of course–if you do not test you will not find the disease.
Also the brains could be tagged and frozen and saved for re-testing by a USDA lab as was done in the case of the Fallice ‘Mad Sheep’ In that case the brains were tested over and over by various labs until FINALLY using a ‘new technique’ at an UNAPPROVED lab the ‘desired’ positive testing result was accomplished and then all the samples were tossed.

Mad Cow: Is America Next?
Apr 10, 2007

….Currently, the U.S. government tests only 1 percent of the roughly 100,000 cattle slaughtered daily while the USDA’s revised plan calls for testing only 0.11 percent. Many European countries and Japan are testing all slaughtered cattle. Additionally, the agency has backed off plans for a mandatory animal-tracking system, which can help identify the source of an infection and other animals at risk, and now says the program will be voluntary….

BSE Lab Closed

News agencies are reporting that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) closed the Pacific Northwest’s only bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) testing laboratory on March 1, 2007. The Washington State University lab opened after the country’s first BSE case was discovered in nearby Yakima Valley in December 2003. Only two other infected cows have been found after testing 759,000 animals, including 45,000 in the Northwest.
USDA spokeswoman Andrea McNally told the Associated Press the lack of additional cases of BSE spurred the agency’s decision to downsize the program and target only 40,000 animals per year. *,Places.html

2009 – 2013 — Even more USDA testing labs are closing

USDA is moving toward supporting fewer labs nationwide, with the remaining labs serving as regional labs and supporting larger geographic areas..” *

Not only does the USA import more beef than we export but we import from countries with disease. Because of “free trade” open borders the USA has imported BSE, tuberculosis, Blue tongue and cattle tick fever.

The USA exports 700,000 tons of quality beef while importing 1,500,000 tons from countries with: Naegleria fowler, Encephalitis, Vesicular Stomatitis viruses, Leptospirosis, Trypanosomiasis (Chagas disease), and foot and mouth disease. The US imports 2.5 million live cattle from Canada with BSE (now found in USA) and from Mexico with tuberculosis (now found in USA), brucellosis (now found in USA) cattle tick fever, (now found in USA) Trypanosoma cruz,, (now found in USA), Bluetongue (now found in USA), and Vesicular stomatitis.(see disease list in references)

From the Texas Animal Health Commission disease challenges are emerging. Some are domestic diseases that are increasing in significance. Others are foreign diseases that may be imported as result of the exponential increases in international importations of animals and animal products. Our industries and our economy are threatened by diseases and pests that heretofore we only read about in disease text books… *

The information is from older articles so may no longer be available.


I knew, as a livestock farmer, you would know the nitty gritty about Mad Cow Disease.
We had a friend, a leader in my hometown died of C-J disease. Very similar progression to Alzheimers/early dementia.

Concerned Virginian

Agreed. I watched a friend die of C-J Disease 20 years ago. Still can see the person in my mind’s eye. Still makes me sick when I think of it. It’s like watching somebody succumb to Alzheimer’s but in WEEKS.


Wow. So many things I had never heard before. Going to share…ugh. TY Gail.


They want to dominate the world, BAMN! Evil. Sad.


My son is a scientist and works with viruses. One has to be very careful because of mutation and that they become resistant.
I assume China is not careless but releases viruses to create confusion and pain.
Viruses are a weapon in the wrong hands and China is unethical in every way. China is a threat in many ways to civilization not global warming.


If you haven’t read President Trump’s answer to the impeachment trial, it is well worth reading. It is very clear and concise without a bunch of legalese and clearly states the problems with the impeachment articles. It’s also fairly short – 7 pages.


Imo, could be interpreted that they’ll ask for dismissal on non Constitutional grounds.

Gail Combs

Very nice and easy to understand.
ThankQ for posting it Linda

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Amazing opening today! Thank you so much.
Thus says the Lord to you:
‘Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude,
for the battle is not yours, but God’s.
2 Chronicles 20:15

Reminds me of this:
Miracle (2004)

Russian style of play, boys.
Fluid, creative.
The forwards are constantly circling.
They don’t so much look for a man as they do a patch of ice.
You get the mismatch. Two on one. Easy goal.
Boris Mikhailov. Captain for the last six years.
He is the best player at his position, and that includes, as we’ve just found out, the NHL.
Vladislav Tretyak. You score on Tretyak, keep the puck. It doesn’t happen often.
Forty-two games in the last three months. Forty-two wins.
Their main weapon is intimidation.
They know they’re gonna win.
And so do their opponents.
Look, I can give you all a load of crap about how how you’re a better team than they are, but that’s exactly what it would be. And everyone in this room knows what people are saying about our chances.
I know it. You know it.
But I also know there is a way to stay with this team.
You don’t defend them — you ATTACK them.

You take their game and you shove it right back in their face. The team that is finally willing to do this is the team that has a chance to put them down.
NHL [National Hockey League] won’t change their game. We will.
Rest of the world is afraid of them.
Boys, we won’t be.
No one has ever worked hard enough to skate with the Soviet team for an entire game.
Gentlemen, we are gonna work hard enough.
NHL won’t change their game. We will.
The rest of the world is afraid of them.
Boys, we won’t be.
No one has ever worked hard enough to skate with the Soviet team for an entire game.
Gentlemen, we are gonna work hard enough.

Cuppa Covfefe

The battle is not ours…
Well said. As the battle belongs to GOD. And HE has already won. I love the book of Esther, and not just because Haman gets his comeuppance (to the land of perpetual tickling, as it were). GOD does things in HIS time, in HIS way, and for HIS Glory.
Forgive me, but from “back in the days before the Jonah debacle”, Veggie Tales not only had great (and funny) stories, they also had wonderful music. I believe Phil Vischer’s wife sang this.
(The Battle Is Not Ours, Reprise, from Esther)


I love Phil Vischer. Had a chance to hear him speak a couple years ago – When God takes your dreams. It was unexpected but very powerful. His Buck Denver videos now are great and he wouldn’t have ever created them if his projects with Veggie Tales hadn’t collapsed. (Under an unfair lawsuit, but he lost it all never-the-less.)

Cuppa Covfefe

Wow. I have his book, “Me, Myself, and Bob” which details a lot of things. We have all of the early Veggie Tales, but few after “Jonah” (nor it). The lawsuit was a tragedy, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a Satanic attack.
Then again, as you say, his new projects have turned out well. It seems there’s such a huge shortage of good Christian video for kids, although PureFlix seems to be one bright spot. Looking back at the vids we bought for our son, going back to the Cedarmont Kids and Veggie Tales, Secret Adventures, Storybook Tree, LIttle Dogs on the Prarie, Hide ’em In Your Heart, Donut Man, and many others, it seems that almost all of them were “three and out”, or some multiple thereof. In a way, Veggie Tales contributed to that, as they steamrolled over just about everything else out there. But still, I think the producers should have tried harder. And Secret Adventures doesn’t exist as Christian videos anymore, as there’s a Sony production with the same name… sigh…


Definitely a problem I’ve seen too. Boz was good for preschool and had several DVDs but shut down in 2007. After searching I have all the releases. Miss Patty Cake is also good for the preschool kids and she’s still producing but I think she’s close to retirement. The other problem is the kids age out of that pretty fast and there’s not a lot on the upper end that’s attention grabbing and quality.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My latest thread on why we have to empower POTUS with “NO HOLDS BARR-ED, ANY WRAY FORWARD, NO WRAY BACK” to clean the swamp with IMPUNITY!!!

First tweet here for those who prefer Twitter itself:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is what I’m talking about!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Yes yes yes.


I was with you until you got to letting Obama skate with just his legacy burning…oh HELL NO!
the man should be impeached, indicted, jailed and his ill gotten gains CONFISCATED!
too big to jail? I am tired of this notion. Hillary needs to be jailed and her assets confiscated too!
we’re creating the elite tier of justice–that’s not American–we are ALL EQUAL–and if they broke laws–they go to jail–like any of us would!
i will get moar coffee now, and calm down…promise.

Gail Combs

I certainly agree! The USA SHOULD NOT HAVE A RULING CLASS that is immune to the law.
Also Obama’s records should be opened and the questions around his citizenship answered.
I do not care about ‘tax records’ that is up to the IRS to deal with, but I certainly care about citizenship of our president.
The fact that Obama sealed his records and Ted Cruz sealed his mother’s records should have made BOTH ineligible for ANY OFFICE!



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

HA! I hear you. But I also warn you, so you won’t be disappointed when that RAT escapes.
Just remember – there are constitutional questions here that AFFECT PRESIDENT TRUMP RIGHT NOW, and there are dozens of the BEST LEGAL MINDS in the country arguing over this stuff. I’m taking the conservative approach and not letting my wishes to see OBAMA GO TO PRISON get in the way of a working Constitution.
The office of POTUS may or may not be too big to go to jail – at least not during office.
The two-tiered argument is likely to be part of the case set before SCOTUS – it’s a good one.


while I agree…there has to be transparency with his records. Imagine the outrage when the country finds out he was not eligible for office…he will not be able to walk the streets…it will come out. maybe not in my lifetime…but the truth will wiggle free.
he is but one in a long line of abusers of this country’s good nature…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, his ineligibility needs to be front-page REAL NEWS.
NEVER FUCKING AGAIN excuse my French. 😉




I am 100% willing to accept WHATEVER IT TAKES to drain the Swamp, as are hundreds of thousands of Americans. I can’t believe that isn’t obvious to President Trump.
Through “grab her by the pussy,” through Fake Media lies, through Russia-Gate and the manipulations of the FBI, he has had our support. Rally after rally, people stand in the rain, cold, snow, heat, to be there. They chant “lock her up,” they hiss and boo the media and the Deep State. I have been one of them.
How could he NOT know?
I therefore MUST believe that he is biding his time for his own reasons. I can’t accept anything else, because if I did, I would give up.


“I therefore MUST believe that he is biding his time for his own reasons.”
I think this may apply in this situation:
“Beware the fury of a patient man”
– Tom Clancy



Valerie Curren

wasn’t Clancy another one of BHO’s hits (like Breitbart, Scalia, gay lovers from Obola’s “church” etc)?


Don’t forget that after the mid-term election, President Trump was slammed for losing the House. He always said that he wasn’t concerned. What mattered was winning the Senate.
He’s always known this was their plan.
He’s got this.


And he wanted Nancy Pants as the speaker if you remember….


He’s got her right where he wanted her. 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s one thing for Trump to know we will support him through thick and thin. It’s another thing for his enemies to know. It is yet another thing for it to be so obvious that everybody knows. And it is still another thing for it to be so obvious that everybody knows that everybody knows – for JUSTICE to haunt the Democrats like OXYGEN.
When WE THE PEOPLE are clamoring for arrests…..
Imagine what changes. Imagine all the subtle ways that the HANDS OF CARDS CHANGE AROUND THE TABLE.
When we all know who has 4 aces – maybe FIVE – the RATS look for NEW EXITS.

Cuppa Covfefe

Matthew 10:26-28:

26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.
28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.


Yes, yes, and yes. Arrests need to be made, including (especially) Weissman. The corruption will not stop until the corrupt haters of America get justice.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Right now the bad guys still believe that GETTING CAUGHT is all that’s wrong, and that there is not much likelihood of things going all the way to prosecution.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting thread of questions and recollections of Benghazi video alibi….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, this is good, people. The pushback on TRANS KIDS has made TAVISTOCK the CRUMPLE ZONE!!!


THIS IS A WORLD-WIDE scheme to create societal chaos – mental and relational chaos, destroy the family and humanity – abortion and the LBGT propaganda hoax were to assist with their evil plot…to destroy our humanity and compassion.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, I think it’s very clear now that they used a combination of “your child is BLAH” and interventionist children’s services to tear apart families – meanwhile seeding churches with gays and pedophiles in the clergy to create a REFUGE for them to increase or at least not decrease numbers.
Same with women pedo teachers, who will create millions of “baby Epsteins” / non-Islamic groomers – hetero pedo men who will prey on young girls 20-30 years from now (finally figured out how THAT works).
The enemy is CUNNING.

Cuppa Covfefe

And don’t forget that they’re FORBIDDING any therapy going in the other direction, i.e. “Normalization” to traditional sex roles, cf. Kalifornistan, among others…
As it was in the days of Noah…
I had a colleague, great guy, who was all set to marry a really nice Christian gal. They made a great pair, everyone like them, and he was very good with children (used to babysit my boss’s children). He grew up in a strong Christian home, and was a strong Christian himself.
Until the Rainbow Mafia got to him.
Over, and over, and over, and over they pushed him, cajoled him , pressured him, threatened him, and pestered him, until he broke, and went “the other way”.
Engagement broken, what probably would have been a wonderful relationship (and future family) destroyed, young woman devasted, and the two ba$tards who turned him jumping for joy.
Sad thing is, about a year later he contracted AIDS. He kept it secret, but eventually it came out because of questions (and massive amounts of web searches) that he made.
He died a few years later. The “recruiters”?`Still alive, and chasing everything they can get. One of them, the “bitchy woman” type, the other, the flaming promiscuous flamingo type.
Meanwhile, a great guy, friend and colleague… DEAD.
And may LB and PB rot in Hell (along with their co-conspirators, as it were)…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow – what a story! Not sure if you know the finer details, but did this person have “issues” (as in some kind of past experiences) and desires that way, that the seducers were able to exploit, or was he “clean” before they got him? Presumably in that case, he perhaps just had “tendencies”.
The reason I’m interested in the question is because I’m interested in the limits of MK (both public and individual surreptitious) to facilitate both same-sex orientation and “TRANS” attraction or dysphoria in normal individuals.
If you read about Sidney Gottlieb of MK ULTRA fame, the man was a real pervert, who constantly wanted to be set up with hookers, and would have sex with an LEO colleague’s wife after the husband passed out (hubs was a bit of a cuck, obviously, and didn’t really care – he wasn’t stupid). Anyway, there is a STRONG sexual component in a lot of MK ULTRA drug and hypnosis work, and thus it is not at all unbelievable where this stuff about “beta kittens” and all that came from. Much of the research used hookers and clients, so there was no holding back on sex as part of MK ULTRA.
There are cases I’ve heard about where people were professionally TARGETED for conversion, and I also know about other cases that seem similar to MK techniques but are amateurish (Bill Cosby stuff, basically – drug-assisted date rape). I believe that some of these techniques leaked or were seeded out to the gay population in general, leading to the subcategory of drug-raping gays. Of course the PC MSM can’t talk about this problem for multiple reasons, not the least of which is that the CIA is presumably behind it.
Bottom line – there may be an intel agency aspect here. Now does the “Gaystapo” make sense? Yeah.


It’s all outlined in that document that was translated from French (Canadian) that DP posted, and I reposted the link to the thread about it at the end of Wolf’s article yesterday.


Plus a whole lot more outlined in that doc.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This thread explains why there ARE / WILL BE Military Tribunals.


Somebody had better save this thread – it’s likely to disappear when Rubini’s twitter feed is suspended soon for exposing Ø and H> and Brennan.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good thinking!!! This is how Twitter HIDES key research!

Deplorable Patriot

And Zbigniew Brzezinski conveniently passed onto his reward just months after VSGPDJT was inaugurated.
Should have known he was behind the foreign policy arm of it all. It makes sense considering he was Carter’s National Security Adviser.
The big brains were obviously gone after he and David Rockefeller died. They left their minions hanging and to hang for their crimes. All over the world.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Passing Zbigniew Brzezinski off as an “anti-communist” was one of the master strokes of FAKE NEWS.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. And there’s more about his death that is worth questioning. Namely why the funeral was not in his archdiocese, but at Cardinal Wuerl’s then Cathedral. NOT the mother ship, as we like to call the Basilica of the National Shrine, the Cathedral of the Washington Archdiocese.
Given that Wuerl was forced out of office, that’s curious.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I know this may sound like a stretch, but could there be some factional thing here, either (1) satanists, or (2) a pro-communist / crypto-liberation-theology faction? Jesuits? Something ideological?
I found this:
Makes me wonder if Wuerl and Brzezinski were “on the same team”. BOTH INFILTRATORS.

Deplorable Patriot

In this case, not Jesuits. They wouldn’t have been involved. Wuerl is plain old diocesan, BUT he is one of Bergoglio’s men. It’s kind of complicated and involves reversing a Pope Benedict XVI decision. Yes, it is Scandal related, but not pedophila. It was STRICTLY homosexual in nature.
Given a few other details, I’d say St. Matthew’s needs to be exorcised for safe measure.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow – so it looks like the GAY AGENDA in the Church – and that’s straight out of commie central, Soviet RUSSIAN / East Bloc communism.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s basically who did the seeding of the seminaries back in the 1920s.

Deplorable Patriot

This also opens a lot of possibilities…and an explanation as to why Henry Kissinger is a friend of the Trump Administration. Was he hung out to dry by the cabal at some point? Is he one of the ones who was betrayed?
Intriguing thoughts.
In short, the CNN contributors are most likely in a mutual cover scenario. Anyone who is not working there is not likely to be part of it.
And Michael Hayden? Oh, that one I’ll believe.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN to all of that!!!

Deplorable Patriot

“the Bush family is deep into this – since 1976.
Um, on this one he’s off by about 60 years. Samuel Prescott Bush was on the War Industries Board during WWI which gave us what Eisenhower dubbed the Military Industrial Complex.

Gail Combs

And who was behind the rise of Samuel Prescott Bush?
Frank Rockefeller, the brother of John D. Rockefeller when he made Bush the manager and then the president of Buckeye Steel Castings Company. This position, held by Bush from 1908 until 1927,allowed him to become one of the top industrialists of his generation. Note how his family became involved in OIL…
Wiki has a pretty good BIO.
Sam rose from the son of an an Episcopal priest in New Jersey, just as Maurice Strong was picked out and groomed by the Rockefellers a couple generations later.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. I think he may just be talking about some particular aspect of it like AQ.


Thinking, hoping US Marshall’s are going to be busy, busy.
Let’s start with…
– Page
– Strok
– McCabe
– RR
– Mueller
– 13 -15 angry d-rats supporting mueller
– Priestap
– Comey
– Wray
– McCabe
– Yates
– LL
– Holder
– bite me biden
– where’s hunter
– step son ketchup man
– son or such of mittens
– Ambassador yankybitch
– 0-5 vindictive
– ICIG Atkinson
– Schitty
– Brennan
– Clapper
– Hayden
– McStain
– ketchup man
– slick willy
– hildbeast
– hussein
Followed by complicit shitheads in
– Clinton Crime Family / Foundation
– McStain Foundation
– Bushies
HOPING we can get arrests SWIFTLY after impeachment is disposed of.
Americans deserve to see JUSTICE FOR ALL.
1. Criminals and traitors arrested, prosecuted, found guilty, jailed or hung AND ALL wealth confiscated.
2. Americans then know, justice for all “classes” exist. Regardless of money or SWAMP social status. Latter a rampant cancer on democracy.

Deplorable Patriot

WHOLE KETCHUP FAMILY. Old man Heinz was an original Bildeberger.

Deplorable Patriot

And you’re not going to start seeing arrests, IMO, for about 367 days or so. January 20, 2021, when the other side can’t do a darn thing about blocking a presidential election.
Timing is everything.


Yea. That is also my belief.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Doesn’t that presume the Dems don’t cheat their way to victory?

Deplorable Patriot

They’ll try that’s for sure.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So…assuming (for the sake of discussion) PDJT does not get re-elected…the arrests do NOT happen?

Deplorable Patriot

Then, I would think the military people executing The Plan will find a way to take over. Just a guess, but that was on the table at one point, I understand.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Rumor had it that was on the table if Hitlary won last time. Whether it’s on the table this time…well, I could see it either way.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

…And there are persistent speculations the Navy was completely rotten.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, I love that list!!! <3

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

On the other hand, some GOOD NEWS!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very worthwhile 2-minute interview clip.
Was everything we were taught about “blacklisting” not just a LIE, but BACKWARDS???

Gail Combs

The Sham-Peach-mint scam and the coming Virginia FF are Deep State/DemonRat defense mechanisms.
The Sham-Peach-mint scam allows the media to say the coming arrests are RETALIATION by the President and not the result of investigations of real crimes.
The Coming Virginia FF is to give the Fake News ‘Meat’ to run with for weeks to months allowing them to ignore the coming arrests.


I have a bad feeling about this FF in Virginia,
Chain Link fencing to hold IN…. Unarmed people.
Fish in a Barrel?


Beautiful words and poetry, BakoCarl!!!
This praise song came to mind…..


John Michael Talbot does an awesome job with the same song.


Got goosebumples listening to this song – Inspiring and Encouraging – Thanks, GA/FL – God Bless You!!!


Verse of the Day

“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”
Hebrews 4:16 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Good Morning Duchess!
did you weather the storm?


Morning, Pat! For now, we got spared – snowed all day yesterday – today – we deal with blowing snow – mild compared to the winds that knocked out power all around us last weekend – so we are good to go!
Hope all is well with you and Hubby in the igloo with the luge driveway and brand new skating rink – Hugs to both of you!
Have a Blessed Day – Keep warm and toasty – don’t forget the sock slippers – nobody likes to crawl in bed with someone with cold feet – lol


don’t worry…in our house…I am the heater…always hot…so hubby snuggles his cold feet next to me…lol
glad you were spared–we only got a couple of inches too…but the winds are wicked.


Agree – winds can be blinding – hope and pray we will weather this winter with GRACE – in the name of Jesus – I pray – Amen


have a Blessed Day Dear!


Gonna try, Pat! God Bless You Real Good!




Thank you for citing Hebrews — one of my favourite books in the Bible.
Although the intended audience was Jewish — recent converts to Christianity — everyone attending a church can find answers in it as to why Jesus Christ is our Saviour and Redeemer. It provides the answers to the question ‘What is so great about Christianity?’
I am doing a series of posts on it — the verses omitted from the three-year Lectionary used in public worship. I’ve just finished Hebrews 10:


This was God’s Gift to you, church! I do not choose the ‘Verse of the Day’ – God does it through someone I do not even know – I am just the messenger –
Thanks for the link to your posts on Hebrews – What a Blessing!!!


You are most welcome.
‘This was God’s gift to you’: agree wholeheartedly on today’s verse.
May He continue to bless you in the week ahead.


Thank You, church! God Bless You Real Good for all you are doing to spread His Word!!!


Thank you, friend, for your support!


You are Spirit-inspired – I will always support you!!! Anxious to share as well – 🙂


Thank you kindly, duchess! 🙂
Please do share the links.


Will do – 🙂

Valerie Curren

I’ve also done a couple posts that feature Hebrews heavily…perhaps we’ll find we’ve been encouraged a bit in the same direction!
I actually expounded on the Entire book of Hebrews in the above post & Hebrews 11 was in focus below:
I’m looking forward to checking out what you shared at your blog–Blessings!


Thank you kindly for the links to your posts.
I haven’t gone as forensically into the Old Testament as you have. Really enjoyed the family trees.
The prosperity gospel has a lot of explaining to do. Their preachers really twist Scripture. Sorry for you and others that The Gospel Coalition didn’t accept comments on their 2016 post; their comments section is still open.
Hope you have a blessed week ahead, Valerie.

Valerie Curren

Thanks ChurchMouse. Those family trees sucked me in too, since I do so enjoy genealogy.
I once found an undisputed (ha) family tree linkage on (the free site, sort of a companion to that allowed me to “confirm” my descendancy from Adam & Eve! Of course I printed it off to share with my family & we got a great laugh about how we are “obviously” descended from so many major biblical figures, Roman leaders, and numerous heads of state across Europe!
Genealogy’s all done now since I’ve hung Adam & Eve on that one branch of the tree!
Thanks for the heads up on the Gospel Coalition, I’ll have to check back into it. Back when I wrote that “prosperity gospel” post I was just so thankful to have encountered someone who did such a balanced treatment of that very toxic arena of gospel distortion…


I can well imagine.
TGC didn’t post any comments at all. More’s the pity.

Valerie Curren

Yes the comments can definitely keep it real & it’s fascinating to get the take from those who choose to respond to something.
God Bless YOU in all your endeavors…& may He cover our President & our land with his Grace, Strength, Guidance, Wisdom, & Truth!


Thank you very much, Valerie! I very much appreciate your kind wishes.
God bless President Trump — and Boris Johnson, too. Even though he has a majority of 80 (therefore, any measure from his government should pass), he still has to negotiate Brexit trade agreements — and more.
In summary, may God bless both our nations.
I think that the special relationship between both the UK and the US will bear fruit once again.

Valerie Curren

Amen. May God guide the process of de-coupling from the European Union & bless our leaders as they work together to clear a new path into a future of increasing freedom for our lands.
I was telling my husband the other day (he’s very into “End Times” theological speculation) that if Brexit actually goes through & Donald Trump gets re-elected it seems to me that the (evil) powers that be plans for worldwide totalitarianism aka globalization may end up being delayed for perhaps a generation. Those forces of darkness will never completely give up but with the Great Awakening that seems to be taking place in the “red-pilling” of so many who are asleep there seems some degree of political hope on the horizon.
Of course our ultimate answers will never come from men but from the Lord. Oh that revival & a return to a reverence for the One True God would sweep our lands–& truly every land!


II heartily agree with both points, Valerie.
Thank you very much for expressing them so beautifully.

Valerie Curren

You’re welcome 🙂

Valerie Curren

I went back to the source item for my “prosperity gospel” post & found this comment of mine still in moderation, fyi…
Valerie Curren
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
AUGUST 29, 2018 AT 7:44 PM
Thank you for sharing this insightful post. I attended a college in the Bible Belt that actively promoted this so-called “prosperity gospel” & spent several years trying to untangle the twisted threads of scriptural distortion. Numerous chapel speakers heavily emphasized “faith” but in a manner as you outlined in your post & they laid a false burden on me & many others that we didn’t actually have Any Faith because we didn’t view faith as a way to manipulate God into doing whatever we fervently prayed for.
Honestly, being forced to sit under such teachings in a mandated setting ended up inflicting a form of “spiritual abuse” on the hearers. Many of us who were biblically minded (& hadn’t grown up in the prosperity gospel environment) were uncomfortable with the focus of the “teachings” but we weren’t mature enough to discern the error overtly in the widespread distortions being propagated among the Believers. Most of the Prosperity Proponents you quoted were regular chapel speakers at my college & their distortions of Truth were quite damaging to me for many years…sadly.
I appreciate how well you outlined some of the basic aspects of the error of this “theology”. If I had encountered such insights 30 years ago that would have been incredibly healing. As it was, the Lord gently lead me (& my husband who grew up under such heresies since he lived out there) away from these errors that I studiously avoided but couldn’t adequately articulate. We both still have minimal tolerance for the teachings of those brothers & sisters in Christ who propagate these errors. Would that God would open their eyes & cause them to repent of “fleecing the flock”…& grant them insight into the second half of Hebrews chapter 11!comment image
Best Regards & God Bless You!


That’s an excellent comment, Valerie, especially because it is also so heartfelt.
You could have gone for the scriptural quotations, but, instead, you described how the prosperity gospel affected you and your husband until you both received the Holy Spirit’s discernment to walk away from a major error.
I’ve never experienced the prosperity gospel, other than seeing the late Rev. Ike on television around 50 years ago: ‘Don’t wait ’til you die before you get your pie in the sky’. I’ve read about Joel Osteen and seen some of his videos (in respect to this error) but have never personally witnessed it.
I am so grateful you and your husband, through divine grace, saw the Light and escaped wrongful Christian teaching.
How anyone can interpret Scripture, especially the New Testament, in that way escapes me.
May God continue to bless you both and may the Holy Spirit continue to guide you as a couple in your Christian walk.

Valerie Curren

Thank you for sharing these beautifully expressed insights. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed!




The lawyers have responded.


very clear, concise and easy to read and understand.


Perfectly written!


Dismissal for Dummies (democrats)?




This lawyer must be punished. He should have known this was coming.


Harvard Admin. have revealed their true colors.

Gail Combs

There is a reason we call it the Peoples Republic of TaxUchusetts.
There is a reason why our card carrying Communist friend had to register as a Republican and work the polls AS A REPUBLICAN in Cambridge MA, home of HAAAaaaavard. In Cambridge there are only two parties. The Democrat Party and the Communist Party.
Alan is now 82 years old (March), I doubt he really cares at this point in his life.


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“A Christian Victory in the Fight Against Transgender Dogma”
It was only a partial victory – at least the father isn’t to be forbidden to or prosecuted for stating his views.
“The Court of Appeal struck out the protection order threatening the father with immediate arrest if he tried to persuade his daughter to abandon testosterone treatment, if he addressed her by her birth name, or if he referred to her as a girl or with female pronouns to her or to anyone, publicly or privately.
The court found that the father is ‘entitled to his views and he is entitled to communicate those views’ to his daughter. ‘[Their] difference of opinion alone cannot justify a finding of family violence.’
Unfortunately, it was not a complete victory as the court also found that ‘the evidence shows that [she] is a mature minor with the capacity to make her own decision about the medical treatment recommended at this stage’. Even with this setback, the court added: ‘Such capacity includes the ability to listen to opposing views.’ Importantly for free speech, the court concluded that disagreement is not violence.”
It’s a world gone mad with leftist dogma all right.


ACNA Anglicans affirm Biblical stand on sexuality:

Valerie Curren

I apologize in advance if this is out of line. I ran across this bizarre (to me) blog from the comments section of a tweet that interested me. Does this time frame correspond to when the Q “entity” went dark etc? Does this mean anything to anyone here? feel free to delete this Wolf if this is inappropriate…
https://glamiscalling (dot) org/2017/08/31/windsor-tower-prepare-for-storm/
“Initiative Q is approved by Glamis and the Upper Chamber. Prepare posts for Winterfylleth 28 on Channel 4”.
https://glamiscalling (dot)

Valerie Curren

For what it’s worth, it appears that some of the archived messages are instructing entities in various world wide governments to take certain actions. The above would likely be directed to England/Britian & potentially the Royal family or perhaps Queen…There were some messages also to “Washington Tower” including references to the election in late 2016 or early 2017…

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

some how that posted before I was done
…Q & “the storm”…

Valerie Curren
This one references the Bilderbergs & has an image of “the all-seeing eye” (of Horus?)…

Gail Combs

Look at the NAME
https://glamiscalling (dot) ….
Glam is Calling
Glam definition
Extravagantly showy glamour.
Flamboyant glamour.

definition from The Craft Wiki
“Glamour: an illusion so real it is to fool an onlooker.” —Rochelle
A glamour is a form of magic that allows the witch to create an illusion, concealing the true form of something.…..

Symbolism will be their downfall.
These people are EVIL.


Glamis is also where the Queen’s mother Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mother, Duchess of York lived as a child. Castle Glamis. Her deceased sister Margaret was born there.
Winterfylleth is Old English for the month of October when the year was divided in two parts Winter and Summer.
Q hadn’t gone dark yet he had not made his first post till the 28th of October 2017 on 4 Chan.
What one is supposed to infer from this post is that Q is a British op. Quick theory on what you have stumbled upon
1. Red herring.
2. Q himself could of planted the post before going hot so as to give some authenticity to himself or draw attention away. Either which he later felt he did not need (card not played but card still playable).

Valerie Curren

Interesting insight. A couple of the archived posts refer to dead persons who died under accusations of witchcraft…


Yes, that July 2017 Lady Douglas stuff confirms Glamis is likely Glamis Castle.
Site is someone having fun, definitely a Q follower and engaged in some pleasant flattery through creative imitation.

Deplorable Patriot

This looks like some sort of order. Begin posting Q the day or day before it happened?
BUT, what I find intriguing is the symbolism on the page. A Fleur-d-Lis – symbol of King Louis IX of France. And the photograph that is the header…I almost think I’ve been in that room. It’s obviously a palace. Versailles maybe? I don’t think it’s in the Louvre, but I didn’t see all that much of it.
Be careful with this one. Just a gut feeling.

Valerie Curren

Yes…it seemed to be associated w/ some type of darkness. There were even a couple posts referencing going after (I think) “Able Wolf” iirc. I just wondered if I’d inadvertently stumbled on a clue that someone on the Q-Tree could use to discover & decipher some of the (presumed) enemy’s moves…

Deplorable Patriot

I’m not going to say anything else here. Nothing against you, or your efforts, but I really don’t like what my gut tells me.

Valerie Curren

Agreed (that’s why I asked Wolf–or whoever–to remove it if it’s out of line)

Deplorable Patriot

I’m not always for deleting things, but on this I agree.

Valerie Curren

Thanks DP…let the wolf pack powers that be make the call…

Gail Combs

It looks like a PsyOps to me.
For the computer types, it would be interesting to see how long that website has been up. Maybe Michealh could do that digging.


If you step through it you’ll see the Site is someone having spooky innocent fun, definitely a Q follower and engaged in some pleasant flattery through creative imitation of Q.

Deplorable Patriot

Be VERY careful with this. It was buried in such a way so as to not be found, IMO.
If it goes dark, we’ll know more.

Valerie Curren

Thanks DP…All I did was look through the archives, wonder, & inquire of the brilliant Q Tree team…I’m listening to worship music & have been prayerful on & off this night…Blessings

Gail Combs

See my comment above about the WITCHCRAFT definition of Glamour.
Glam is defined as a flamboyant/ extravagant form of glamour.
The name of the site is:
Glam is Calling
Symbolism will be their downfall.
These people are EVIL.

Deplorable Patriot

Think honey trap for conspiracy sorts.

Gail Combs

Yes, that was the thought I had but could not articulate correctly.
I notice that it has a bit of Judeo-Christian trappings about it too.


Hi Valerie.
As is my usual instinct, I went straight to the one name I first saw on this site, Somerset Belenoff. She is a dark, perhaps nonexistent person, rumored to be a Queen of the Illuminati, owner or operator of Bohemian Grove, and the mother of a woman who runs a cannibal restaurant in Hollywood.
Run away from this one, and don’t look back.

Gail Combs

Thanks for finding a solid piece of evidence that backs up our ‘uneasy’ aka creepy crawly feeling about that site.


I did not even click onto the site because it did not feel right.

Valerie Curren

Thanks Aubergine…I guess I wondered if this site would be a bit like that “enigma” machine from WWII…ability to de-code but unknown by the enemy or they would change their coding practices…

Valerie Curren

Thanks Carl. There is that old Sundance adage of “Do Not Look Away”. Also, the people loved darkness because their deeds were evil…but we are of the camp of Arise, Shine for The Light has come & the Glory of The Lord is shining down upon you (loosely recalling biblical passages)
It’s so important that we keep shining the Light & it is up to God to scatter the darkness…


At the March for Life THIS YEAR – Sandmann’s experience was 100% different….. because he stood up to the MEDIA bullies!

Deplorable Patriot

I thought the March for Life is on Friday the 24th.


Hmmm – maybe it’s an interview that is scheduled or already taped.

Deplorable Patriot

That would be my guess. My Twitter feed would be lit up of the March for Life had already happened.


It is quite likely PDJT will appear at the MFL in person this year.


The young man has been red-pilled bigly if he understands now that his NBC interview was a mistake.

Deplorable Patriot

so cool!


Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganó comes out of hiding for the first time. He’d better watch himself.

Deplorable Patriot

I get the idea Vigano is well protected. Considering who was in the crowd with him at Marx’s place, he had plenty of defenders around him.

Deplorable Patriot

Ooh. This could be interesting. Pass the good hors d’oeuvres from the 70s, please.


So he will be gone at the beginning of the impeachment trial. Throughout his presidency, Pres. Trump has diligently worked in the midst of the chaos — with excellent results.

Deplorable Patriot

There’s still movement happening on the Q front, it just isn’t what we want or expect. They aren’t quite done cleaning house yet because the swamp has layer after layer after layer embedded. It’s going to take time to get rid of all of them.
From the article:
Morrison testified that the U.S. Ambassador to the EU, Gordon Sondland, had told him there was a quid pro quo in which U.S. aid to Ukraine was conditioned on the country’s government opening an investigation into Joe Biden and his son Hunter.
Morrison’s predecessor in the role, Fiona Hill, also testified as part of the impeachment inquiry.
Peek had been expected to attend the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland next week with Trump and other top aides.
However, he is currently on leave pending a security-related investigation, people familiar with the situation told Axios.


“Peek had been in the NSC role for just two months, after most recently working as a deputy assistant secretary of state with responsibility for Iran and Iraq.”
Think he might be the one who tried to warn Soleimani through the New York Times leak?

Deplorable Patriot

Could be. All I know is that given the college and university level programs where these people are recruited and trained, there’s a lot of them running around, and it’s going to be a while before they are all found.

Concerned Virginian

And it appears that Mr. Peek is a MILITARY INTELLIGENCE officer who served in Afghanistan.


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this site also has pictures of the Australian fires and portraits of Disney characters as the artists sees themcomment imagecomment image


Pat – you are killing me – I am not 80 years old – but, I am having the same trouble – LOL


some of these are really good…

Deplorable Patriot

i tend not to travel into larger cities, but i can honestly say i never saw one of those…

Deplorable Patriot

I haven’t seen them, either, that I recall, and I’ve been in a lot of big cities. I wasn’t looking for them, either. You tend to not pay much attention to public art unless it’s really unusual. Those sculptures are very Greek looking, so they don’t really stand out.
I’ll have to keep an eye out.

Gail Combs

They are part of the Greek Mythology

(Ichthyocentaurs) were a pair of centaurine sea-gods with the upper bodies of men, the lower fore-quarters of horses, and the serpentine tails of fish. Their brows were crowned with a pair of lobster-claw horns.
The fish-centaurs were named Bythos (Sea-Depths) and Aphros (Sea-Foam). They were brothers of the wise kentauros Kheiron (centaur Chiron) and like him were perhaps regarded as wise teachers….

Possibly what the Tweet was about:

Encyclopedia of the Spirit Keeping, Paranormal Collecting…
The Ichthyocentaur is a sexually driven and highly passionate creature that brings about a sense of intense, sexual satisfaction. If you are looking to build your self-confidence, become a better lover, find true satisfaction while engage in sexual activity the Ichthycentaur is a great companion…..

I am NOT including the link to THAT. It is the listing in my Bing search.


This one is at the Missouri state Capitol
building. So whats that mean?
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Deplorable Patriot

IT means I’m not going to Jeff City any time soon, but could explain a lot,.

Gail Combs

That is a Centaur it does not have the tail of a fish but the hind end of a horse. It is fighting a serpent.
Chiron was the wise teacher of many Greek heroes, including Heracles, Achilles, Jason, and Asclepius.
Other Centaurs were wild creatures of the forest.


female, Palestinian Muslim running for DA in Manhattan
Tahanie Aboushi, a Palestinian muslim woman, is running to be the next District Attorney of Manhattan.
Aboushi says she’s running for Manhattan District Attorney to end discriminatory policy and to transform our justice system.
I am running for Manhattan District Attorney to end a history of discriminatory policy and to transform our justice system from one that targets historically marginalized communities into one that uplifts and builds up our neighbors and neighborhoods. She will work every day to decarcerate and invest in our communities, build schools instead of cages, and change the role of the District Attorney to center the communities harmed by the prison-industrial complex. She will make the office transparent, participatory and accountable to the public.
As a lawyer, Aboushi once defended three muslim women who sued NYC after being told to take off their hijabs for mugshots after being arrested. The lawsuit was settled and the women received $180,000.
Aboushi is endorsed Linda Sarsour. In a Facebook post, Sarsour wrote:
What a time to be alive. History unfolding before our very eyes.
When they say it’s not our time, we say it’s always the right time to send a qualified, brilliant, bold woman of color to lead.
Tahanie Aboushi is a Palestinian Muslim American pure New Yorker, an attorney, a litigator, an activist and advocate and she’s running to be Manhattan’s next District Attorney. Yes, you heard that right.
She’s FEARLESS. She’s full of love and commitment. She’s also full of life experiences that makes her a perfect candidate as a daughter whose father was incarcerated for twenty years in a federal prison. She and her nine siblings know firsthand what it feels like when you are far away from a man who loves you and is missing your birthdays, graduations, your joy and your pain. Thankfully her father was released last year and is now witnessing Tahanie announce this historic run.

Gail Combs

Shiria Law coming to a city near you…
Suing over a MUG SHOT???
If you do not like our country LEAVE!!!
From the comments this quote:

“Collectivism holds that the individual has no rights, that his life and work belong to the group . . . and that the group may sacrifice him at its own whim to its own interests. The only way to implement a doctrine of that kind is by means of brute force—and STATISM [the Caliphate] has always been the political corollary of collectivism….Fascism and communism [and Islam] are not [three] opposites, but [three] rival gangs fighting over the same territory . . . [the three] are variants of statism, based on the collectivist principle that man is the rightless slave of the state.” – Ayn Rand


compromising photos of Schiff with Ed Buck? LOL…it’s just a rumor…an ALLEGATION, but according to Pelosi…that’s all the proof you need!! LMAO



“This is a bombshell that unequivocally shows the real collusion was between the FBI and Donald Trump’s opposition – the DNC, Hillary and a Trump-hating British intel officer – to hijack the election, rather than some conspiracy between Putin and Trump,” a knowledgeable source told me.

Deplorable Patriot

There was a proposal out there from a Twitter personality to start a drinking game every time the MSM came out with a “bombshell” revelation.
I’m wondering if this qualifies.


Hill article by John Solomon, IMO he’s pretty reliable.

Gail Combs

Notice the DATE of the article 10/3/2018
John Solomon no longer works for The Hill.
However it is good to be reminded of ‘Crumbs’ we may have missed before in the flood of information.


Note that at the bottom of the article it states it has been updated.

Gail Combs

ThankQ Teagan.
Note there is no DATE for the updating but it seems to detail the time before the 2008 election.
More Information about John Solomon,
The Hill Staffers went after John in January 2018.

….The [Washington] Post’s Erik Wemple, in a January 17 article labeled “Opinion”, reported that The Hill reporters complained to management about Solomon, “Staffers at The Hill press management about the work of John Solomon

A group of newsroom staffers at The Hill have complained to management about stories written by John Solomon, the publication’s executive vice president of digital video. The complaints were launched in December when Solomon and reporter Alison Spann broke a story under this headline: “Exclusive: Prominent lawyer sought donor cash for two Trump accusers.”
The gist of Solomon and Spann’s story: Prominent California lawyer Lisa Bloom worked to secure payments for women who “made or considered making sexual misconduct allegations against Donald Trump during the final months of the 2016 presidential race.” The story cited “documents and interviews,” plus the on-the-record explanations by Bloom herself.
…For months, reporters at the publication have whispered sour somethings among themselves about the trail of Solomon investigations that have appeared under The Hill’s banner. It veers rightward.
…Last summer, for instance, Solomon announced that he was jumping from Circa, a general news site owned by the conservative Sinclair Broadcast Group, to The Hill. “The Hill’s spectacular rise as the leading outlet for political news coverage speaks to a far-reaching vision for digitally-powered growth,” Solomon said in a statement. “Joining The Hill team at this time, when the outlet is seeing just the first fruits of that vision, is an incredibly exciting opportunity. I’m looking forward to working with some of today’s most talented journalists to create a new political genre for the mobile generation, providing unmatched, non-partisan political news and bipartisan shows in the digital formats they love.”
Employees at The Hill would take issue with the “non-partisan” promise. According to sources consulted by this blog, there’s frustration that Solomon appears so tight with Hannity, the prime-time Trump apologist who has admitted straight-up that he’s no journalist. Over the past three months, Solomon has turned in a dozen or so appearances on “Hannity.” The TV hits may be good for traffic at, though the implications for up-and-coming journalists at the publication are less salutary: Their employer comes off as a propaganda mill.”

September 18, 2019
Journalist John Solomon leaves the Hill to start own media outlet
“Journalist John Solomon has rocked the Washington media world by announcing his departure from the Hill newspaper and the Hill.TV brand he created to start his own media firm.”
Looks like we are starting to get NEW more objective news organizations forming❣️ 😁


Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
In Solomon’s case, they were right there behind him, wearing the mask of co-workers.
What Solomon will soon discover is that the rule of love that says, you can’t change your soon-to-be spouse ALSO applies to business hierarchies. If you want something done right, do it yourself. He’s going to wonder why he didn’t do this years ago.

Gail Combs

That is why I have my own little business.
Something to remember: Large International corporations DO NOT GIVE A CRAP about quality or the customer they ONLY CARE ABOUT PROFIT MAXIMIZING. Small businesses HAVE TO care about quality and the customer or they go out of business FAST.
This explanation of “Evil Socialism” vs “Evil Capitalism” by E.M. Smith made the light finally dawn over ‘Marblehead’. It is why Corporations LOVE Socialism as long as they control the ‘socialist’ politicians.


🙁 – My heart hurts – why I pray every day for the unborn – and children held captive





Twitter DS games???
This Mike Meyers acct is basically advocating for people to die in VA on Monday.
Acct looks fake, created Dec 19. Even more disturbing, his tweet DOES NOT appear on his own timeline.
How does that happen??
This whole thing reeks of a setup. Fish in a barrel. DANGER!!


I don’t tweet, so not sure how it works…but shouldn’t the names match somewhat?
Mike Myers @ MikeMye is not the same…


Pat, I don’t tweet either, but I think, from what I’ve seen, the account is actually everything AFTER the @
One can apparently put anything in front of the @
for ex., Brian Cates changes up what goes before the @ all the time… presently reads
RussiaGate Was Fake! SpyGate Is Real!




Yep, the left side is changeable and anything you want it to be @accountname.

Gail Combs

Nice to see that people told him to forget the ‘heroics’ even before they realized he was a fake.
Some powerful advice from Sun Tzu.comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image?resize=800%2C800comment image

Gail Combs

Messed up this one…comment image


Don’t go into the fenced area.
Send one person in with hammer nail and Petition of Grievance and nail it to the door!
Everyone else set up on the fence line.
If there are enough people march around the perimeter. Kettle, fife and drum.
Bring bugles!


Would any of the heathens realize it was a re-doing of the Jericho March?


Kind of hard to miss if you have several thousand circling the place blowing horns while none attempt entry.


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I agree.
Dismissal will simply lead to one (or five) years of hearing the Dems screech that it was fixed, a coverup, or even “chicken!!!”
Acquittal will make it plain to almost everyone that the whole thing was bogus and should have been dismissed. And if done right, could even boomerang destructively on the Dems/Deep State.
Paradoxical but there it is.

Gail Combs

Dismiss the idiotic Sham-peach-ment articles and THEN have hearing on the Bidens and corruption.
As I noted near the top there is a treaty and a Law that torpedo the Sham-peach-ment and it wouldn’t take more than a 1/2 hour to an hour to show the President acted within the law and the treaty.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Sure, it’s an instant toredo–BUT millions of people who would normally not see Trump (or his people) say what they have to say WILL be watching the trial. And those people wouldn’t even *know* about hearings.
Let’s not waste this opportunity.


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phoenix, I love it when you hear someone say, There he IS!!!
and then a bunch of women scream.
He is SO special.
SO nice to know he has these experiences on a routine basis.
I ove our President!




Here is an excellent article about the corruption and futility of the Michelle School Lunch Fiasco and Kickback Scheme. In light of Trump’s ongoing rollback of this cesspool of Obama scandal (“we had no scandals”) and the media nanny-state hysteria masked in “protecting the the children”, this is essential reading.

Gail Combs

This American Thinker article has me rolling on the floor. It points out just how ridiculous the Sham-peach-mint is.
The Trump Grabbed Schrodinger’s Pussy Theory

As you may recall Schrodinger’s cat is a quantum physics paradox in which hypothetically a cat may be both alive and dead at the same time. My online friend “The Infamous Ignatz” offers up, quite rightly in my opinion, there is “The Universal Quantum Trump-Grabbed Schrodinger’s Pussy Theory. He is not only the cause of all known phenomena in the universe but the cause of all potential phenomena as well.”….
The House is supposed to pass such a serious matter upon proof, not wishful thinking by those followers of the Schrodinger’s pussy theory.

So this Sham-peach-mint is based on the Demonrat’s Schrodinger Pussy Theory.

Gail Combs

I want to make sure everyone sees this Sanctuary Counties are going VIRAL!comment image
JANUARY 16, 2020
Davidson County is seventh NC county to adopt Second Amendment resolution
The Deputy Sheriff from that county is the one speaking in the video that has been tweeted. It is near the top of the comments on todays News by Felice.


North Carolinians are going to need their guns!
That’s because law enforcement and/or city/county/state officials are REFUSING TO HONOR ICE DETAINERS, so their streets and homes are NOT SAFE!!!


Sorry – did not mean to open the whole twitter feed!
NC, NY, CA, and others are refusing to honor ICE detainers!

Gail Combs

That is because the Present governor CHEATED to get elected. He was the State AG and refused to defend voter ID laws.
Remember a few counties like Durham were not called until the morning of the next day in 2016. Attorney Chuck Kitchen told me that 20% of the counties in NC had MOAR VOTES than adult living in the county. Many ballots ONLY had Hitlery and NC Governor Roy Cooper(D) marked. Since Roy Cooper had been the State Attorney General, any claims of voter fraud would have to go through HIS OFFICE!
NOW you know why Soros is targeting the State Attorneys General.

Elizabeth Carter
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In Colorado the usual suspects have NOT gone sanctuary: Denver Metro (which includes the City and County of Denver itself and its immediate suburbs to include Boulder) but gratifiyingly NOT including Douglas County…and the mountain counties that tend to be Blue for whatever reason. Plus Pueblo county (which is a Dem stronghold, primarily due to historic union influence–which is ironic because, of course, Trump appeals to that particular demographic). I can’t account for those two rural/agricultural counties all the way on the eastern border of the state; maybe they’ve not had any county commissioner meetings recently enough.


See that – not all actors are morons. Just most of them.
‘Will This Destroy My Career?’ – Actor Laurence Fox comes out as pro-Trump…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And the answer is YES…at least until (and unless) the powers behind the scenes in Hollywood get their asses kicked into orbit (without spacesuits).


He should reach out to Kevin Sorbo and Denzel Washington. I’m sure they can assist him, and will.


Don’t forget Isaiah. Just saw where Isaiah has signed papers to run for Congress in California. 👏👏


This is an important follow-up piece to Lee Smith’s articles last week after the extermination of Soleimani. He is the only writer who understands the real reason he was vaporized. It may, in fact, be the most important step in achieving peace ever and Trump realizes it.


Among the many things you didn’t know (because the media “forgot” to tell you):
“The Obama administration even paid the Iranians when they violated the deal. The Iranians overproduced reactor coolant, (heavy water, a key ingredient in nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons) in violation of the JCPOA, and the administration offered to buy it for $10 million to keep them in compliance. But that wasn’t enough for Tehran—or the White House. In exchange for giving up the nuclear-related material they had promised not to have in the first place—the heavy water—the regime then demanded more nuclear material in exchange. And the American administration agreed: In January 2017, Obama greenlighted the shipment of 130 tons of uranium to Iran.”
“If this all seems unbelievable, it’s because it is—and also because you’re probably still imagining that Obama’s goal was to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. But once you understand the real purpose, these moves become much clearer. To wit: Why did Obama give the regime enough uranium to make 10 nuclear bombs? To pressure the incoming Trump administration to stick with the nuclear deal. If Trump chose to leave the JCPOA, he’d have to deal with the fact that with 130 tons of uranium already on hand Iran had an easier path to the bomb. In effect, the last president handed the Iranians a loaded gun to be pointed at his successor.”

Gail Combs

And all of that plus much much more shows:
1. Obama was a Muslim.
2. Obama hated the USA.


Going to Austin Texas:


Well is GAB jst like everyone else but worse now since they sell all the info or what?


This is old news. Dissenter has claimed to have fixed the issues originally expressed a year ago.
And, find a social media company that doesn’t sell consumer info… they all do. So do all the browsers.
They need to make money somehow.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Glad you posted this. If you read the details, what is REALLY happening is that, because Dissenter is a FORK of Brave, much of the underlying privacy stuff is EXACTLY LIKE BRAVE. Brave is based off of CHROME. Chrome is a Google product. There is MINIMAL reliance of Brave on Google, in the form of information passed back, but it’s not ZERO, so that they can keep security updated. Dissenter is no different.
BRAVE is already way more privacy than most browsers, and they’re not put out by a lying hard-left SJW company which has BACKSTABBED freedom of speech and freedom of thought, like MOZILLA has.
These criticisms are the tech analog of NeverTrump hypocritical hyperpurism. They’re made to look much worse than they are.
I have no problems with either Dissenter or Brave after reading this, and looking at the technical stuff.


Ty , bc I knew you would be able to understand what this is.

Cuppa Covfefe

I can hear it now, Mafiosi Piglosi being romanced by her *cough* man…
“Your teeth are like the stars…
They come out at night…”.


Cuppa – Notice the signature – who would want to put those choppers in his/her mouth – after they have been in hers?

Cuppa Covfefe

Suddenly I feel ill…
“To boldly go, where no other orthdontic appliances have ever gone before”…
Maybe someone could sell them as castanets, or something… probably would keep the border free, after the invaders saw them….
(Mariachi music playing softly, yet out of tune, in the background)…


Oh, you big silly – you are – Cuppa! TeeHee

Elizabeth Carter

President Trump is going to Davos Switzerland to attend the 50th World Economic Forum with the world’s “elite”.
As always, we are praying for him.
The impeachment is the battlefield at home.
Q has given us:
open sources of information to confirm our facts,
historical backup to confirm the open sources foreign and domestic,
told us that we have more than we know,
and given us support and instructions on how to use the information we have.
Now is the time to speak out about and to post these open sources every day and everywhere we can.
When an issue is raised, we need to speak up and to post the truth in so many places that we cannot be stopped or ignored.
We have news articles, public testimony, historical documents and reports, the Congressional record, videos, recordings, memes and court cases that back up our information.
President Trump does not need to declassify anything.
We already have the information and need to spread it far and wide.
Our opposition will have to ban themselves to stop us. They were so certain of their victory that they bragged about what they had done and are doing to us in public forums and in permanent records.
President Trump is our leader and we are the troops.
INFORMATION is our weapon.
NOW is the time.
The TRUTH will prevail.
John 14:6 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Matthew 5:13-16 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. 14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. 15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.


I’m confused…just read a Sunday tweet from POTUS saying he was leaving for Austin, Texas…meeting with ranchers and farmers.
Yet, the Davos conference starts tomorrow, if I have the dates correct. If he is doing both…I’m in awe!

Elizabeth Carter

Davos starts on Tuesday. He will travel on Monday.



Thanks…he’s amazing! The Davos schedule said starting Jan. 20…must mean it’s a arrival day…kind of like all those tours we take that start Day 1 the day you get there, even if it’s 10 pm! LOL
Jet lag must be something else!



Wish they had some on NAdler, as well…his “performance” on the a Sunday talk show was disgusting. He shouldn’t be able to get away with out and out lies. (A little hot under the collar here right now)


Salacious pictures of Nadler would probably put me in the hospital! Gag!


Note the flag.


Incredible opening and wonderful twitter thread from wolfmoon1776!
Stay away from traps in VA but otherwise Charge! Non violent, peaceful but incredibly vocal and active political activism…its time!
We are educated on the issues, understand the bigger picture, have deep knowledge to prepare & encourage us as well as to motivate and united us. Now its time to work.
I sometimes hear Christians reminding each other to “Stand” but let us remember the context…
Having done all… (all – meaning Non violent/peaceful/within our political system)
Ephesians 6:12-18a
12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. 14Stand firm therefore, HAVING GIRDED YOUR LOINS WITH TRUTH, and HAVING PUT ON THE BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, 15and having shod YOUR FEET WITH THE PREPARATION OF THE GOSPEL OF PEACE; 16in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17And take THE HELMET OF SALVATION, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit,
Never let deep knowledge lull us into inaction, into overconfidence, into uselessness. Deep Knowledge should do the Exact opposite! Inspire, motivate, encourage, urge us forward into informed action.
4 yrs ago, I was a voter in the general (always) and an occasional primary voter. That was the full extent of my involvement. I read the news, had started to learn more and be aware, found OT in 2012, etc., but didn’t actually do anything political until President Trump’s candidacy.
Now I am an officer in our local GOP, ensuring that the playing field is level for MAGA candidates (no, I am not tilting it purposefully as then I am swamp but a level playing field is usually all a good MAGA candidate needs!) and doing my part to keep the GOP true and non swampy. We are playing a significant role in country and in our state regarding guarding 2A + other issues. I work hard on social media to educate and to be a voice for the silent majority – counter leftist talking points. The trolls on some of the pages are greatly reduced and on other pages conservatives have begun to speak out more. I see an impact being made.
You all don’t know the “real”/actual me (something to remember when we post on this board!) so I feel comfortable sharing…not bragging. In “real” life I wouldn’t say these things because it would seem like bragging/boasting but I am not. I am Sharing to say that if I can do these things (and there are Many reasons why I had thought I would not be successful or make any actual difference before I started trying – lack of formal education, lack of financial success, introvert personality, no fancy/professional clothes, Significant chronic health issues that include too frequent bouts of bedrest and pain) then Anyone can be helpful to MAGA. As a matter of fact, I would welcome so many more MAGA people being involved that I don’t need to be as involved as I am! 😉
But in this group I Know I am preaching to the choir and you all have probably been involved longer than I and probably already do Much more than I do more effectively to boot. But just in case there are readers here who are not involved…get involved and make a difference!
OK – sorry for the “rant”! 🙂 Meant to just leave a short comment but got on a roll…maybe it will help someone to make that step to volunteer for President Trump, a local/state candidate &/or attend local GOP meetings (which NEED MAGA voices, MAGA volunteers and MAGA leadership!).


MAGA Mom….👍👏👏. People like you are what America is all about!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN! Great post!!


Svetlana Lokhova has picked up where she left off yesterday, and she’s not done yet.
(Yesterday she ended at 61 tweets)
Posting this so you can follow; Will try to post later (when she’s done):



Bernie….always on the wrong side.


Anyone who combs their hair with a balloon, like Bernie does, has no business being POTUS.


He sounds a lot like Jeremy Corbyn, our Labour leader in the UK.
Thank goodness Boris Johnson won the December 12 election.
Can you imagine if Corbyn had won in the UK late last year? That would have given free rein for Sanders to give a hard turn to the Left.
Not saying Bernie would necessarily succeed, but the Project Veritas videos of one of his field campaigners (posted here several times) is thought-provoking enough to consider the possibility of what that reality would have been like.
One wonders if that is what Pelosi and Co. had in mind.


U.S. Movie Ticket Sales Hit Near 25-Year Low
Very good point.
“what if the overall product just wasn’t very good anymore?
Are we really going to sit here and pretend — politics aside — the quality of movies hasn’t diminished over the past couple decades? If it’s not these over-stuffed, predictable, soul-numbing blockbusters, it’s pretentious indies.
We used to be surprised when we came out of a movie disappointed.
Now we’re pleasantly surprised when the movie doesn’t suck.”
Not to mention the so called stars being anti but his above point is very good.

Harry Lime

Yup…I used to go to the movies about twice a month or so depending on what was playing…now?…about twice a year…if that. I do want to see 1917…but once you get into the habit of NOT going to the movie theater it becomes easier and easier to just not go at all…and wait for the BluRay or skip it altogether.
Hollywood emits such a foul stench of corruption, sexism, elitism and hypocrisy, not to mention socialist turds and communists, that I find it a joy not to give them a single nickel of my money. If that hurts the folks making decent entertainment…well, too bad…maybe they should start speaking up against the creeps and loud mouths in their industry.

Gail Combs

I saw the two Ayn Rand films, Atlas Shrugged I & II & III
Dinesh D’Souza’s: Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party
And prior to that it was Ladyhawke in 1985.

Deplorable Patriot

IDK, if any of the local places have Star Wars on for the late show, I might go.
Went to a 10:55 pm showing of “Empire Strikes Back” when all the re-releases happened, and the place was sold out. It was funny watching it when the audience already knew all the secrets.


“… once you get into the habit of NOT going to the movie theater it becomes easier and easier to just not go at all…and wait for the BluRay or skip it altogether.”
^^^^THIS^^^^ right here.
The rest of that post was spot on, too.


I have so many free movie tickets that I still have not used to this day. I just don’t want to go
I want to stay at home and start the movie I want to see when I want to see it. Bathroom break when I decide. More popcorn when I want it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Shallow state used to give the worker bees attaboys and attagrlz in the form of movie tickets, and they did indeed build up. Cynically, now it seems like “you did good work for the state – here – have some tax-free propaganda!”
And as for butter, now we have “movie theater butter” style at home, too.


How to Put On a Tourniquet: Stop the Bleeding


My trick is ground up black pepper. It stops the bleeding ASAP. Good for people on blood thinners.




It’s anti- bacterial and no, does not sting.


Doesn’t sting?

Deplorable Patriot

Really? Will have to keep that in mind.


Yup works like a charm. I’ve had to use it a few times because of the puppy (you know puppy teeth vs skin). Just grab the ground pepper and toss it onto whatever’s bleeding. Stops asap. Works for when you’re on blood thinners. Just keep adding pepper and let it sit.


What the heehaw??
Why have I never heard of this before?!


From the site: If you do not have a clotting agent such as CELOX, you can in fact use simple ground black pepper to stop bleeding quickly for small to medium sized cuts/wounds. Black pepper is naturally antibacterial and it also makes blood coagulate quickly and stop bleeding.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, this is an awesome tip. Standard anticoagulant bandages for stuffing wounds are expensive and expire far too quickly, IMO. Black pepper? Cheap and should stay at full strength for decades in a tightly sealed container. Worth stuffing a bottle into or near every trauma pack, IMO.


Has anyone heard from Ristavan? I was over at the other place a couple of weeks ago when several attacked him and Adrem admonished him for “attacking posters “…which he did not.


Well, sounds like he ran against hall monitors over there. Hope he finds wq
Anyone “know” him via other comment sections or social media?


He knows where to find us.


haven’t seen him, but I know his wife has had on going health concerns…


I did a slow rolling lurker through there not too long ago and there were several posters there asking the same thing.
The responses were that Rivstan was missed, that he posted he would be posting far less OT than in the past, and that his wife was ill and that took much of his time.
All is hearsay, but that’s what was claimed.




Eeeeeeeewwwww…this is disgusting – skip

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – so creepy – CRINGE!!!


Big Time, Wolf!


Noun. simp (plural simps) (slang) A man who foolishly overvalues a woman and puts her on a pedestal. (slang) A simple person lacking common sense; a fool or simpleton.
Just another name for a soy-boy.


True, FG&C! LOL

Cuppa Covfefe

What a Fool Believes (BTDT, sad to say)…


Would his name be Harry?


Sidney Powell (click on Gigi Sims to read her thread-excellent!):


Great thread! 👍

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Creep state communists. SIMPS OF SATAN!!! GRRRRRRRR!


Heshmat Alavi an ongoing protest in Iraq (not in Iran; anti-Iran):
There are also anti-government protests going on in Lebanon.
(disclaimer: NOT A FAN of Al Jazeera):




Call a waambulance. The House and Dems are not used to having no leaks and no insider info. They didn’t cooperate with Repubs at all during House proceedings and now they want to strategize, but oh, well. They had their chance to make their best case, and they blew it.

Deplorable Patriot

And if they are waiting for Trump to make a move, they will be waiting for a while. He’s not going to show his cards.

Gail Combs

Why is Chad wearing purple in his twitter picture? He is married to a woman so not gay.comment image


Subliminal messaging? 🤷 Trey Gowdy has an affinity for purple ties too


So now they own the color purple? F that….
sometimes colors are just colors, we keep giving up the real meaning of things were are we going to end up?


Purple is one of my favorite colors, so is blue, and I like the real meaning of a rainbow. Sometimes it truly is just a color with no other meaning, sometimes not. You are right in that we need to take back the real meaning of things and not let the leftists continue to spoil and degrade everything they touch


I agree. We have to be aware of their symbolism without letting them control how we live. Conservatives can wear purple, enjoy butterflies (symbols of Monarch programming), make the OK hand sign, and use correct pronouns. Otherwise, we give their symbols the meaning they want them to have, and they control us.

Gail Combs

He is in the Media and lives in DC So I was wondering about him (I do not watch TV so had never heard of him before.)
He seems to like purple (or his wife does)
Photo at everipedia
And no I do not have anything against purple, I have several shirts in purple and hubby has a nice purple tie.
Symbolism will be their downfall.
These people are EVIL.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. Purple is purple. I don’t get the problem.

Gail Combs

Zero Hedge has a description: The Clintons And Soros Launch America’s Purple Revolution

….Defeated Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton is not about to «go quietly into that good night». On the morning after her surprising and unanticipated defeat at the hands of Republican Party upstart Donald Trump, Mrs. Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, entered the ball room of the art-deco New Yorker hotel in midtown Manhattan and were both adorned in purple attire. The press immediately noticed the color and asked what it represented….
The Clintons, who both have received millions of dollars in campaign contributions and Clinton Foundation donations from Soros, were, in fact, helping to launch Soros’s «Purple Revolution» in America. The Purple Revolution will resist all efforts by the Trump administration to push back against the globalist policies of the Clintons and soon-to-be ex-President Barack Obama. The Purple Revolution will also seek to make the Trump administration a short one through Soros-style street protests and political disruption.….

More Here:

Deplorable Patriot

I wore purple to cantor at Mass this evening. Does this make me complicit in the Soros revolution? I was just filling in for the guys who are on injured reserve with a concussion and sciatica. (Really, the two gentlemen are out with injuries. They are both in massive pain.)

Gail Combs

De Pat,
It was a QUESTION.
The ANSWER is his WIFE, Carrie Giddins is a Strategist for the Democratic Party.
Q point blank said
Symbolism will be their downfall.
These people are EVIL.

Wife connection?
What is a pattern?
Follow the wives.

Are you saying we should turn a blind eye to the Symbolism they use? Not ask a question when we see what might be a signal?comment image
FBI Pedophile Symbols:

Cuppa Covefe

Maybe he likes Milka chocolate?
I never saw a purple cow,
I never hope to see one.
But if I saw one, anyhow,
I’d rather see than be one…
( -Gelett Burgess – sounds like Ogden Nash, I have to say)…comment image


OMG I love Milka!!!! I have a little purple stuffed cow from Milka even. A little purple cow that the puppy has already dragged under the couch…. twice.


You could be a closet European. 😉




Perhaps he has an artist’s eye… ?

Gail Combs

Or his wife does?
“Chad is married to Carrie Giddins they got married in November 2011. She is a political consultant and professor of political communications.” (He is fifty)
…Wife connection?
What is a pattern?
Follow the wives.

Jul 1, 2007 Carrie Giddins On the C-SPAN Networks: Carrie Giddins is a Strategist for the Democratic Party with one video in the C-SPAN Video Library; the first appearance was a 2008 Call-In .
(I am assuming that it is the same Carrie Giddins.)
Chad Raymond Pergram married Carrie Rachel Giddins in 2011, in New York.


Thanks Gail…

“That’s what happens when you vote for Democrats, they will take your guns away.”


It’s going to be a busy week. Virginia 2A rally on Monday, Pres. Trump at Davos and trial starting Tuesday, Flynn news Friday…


Just a reminder why Schiffshow and the dims will not reveal the WB

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Gail Combs

comment image
You have to remove
And replace with
.jpg (that is [period]jpg)
Sometimes it works and some times it does not BTW




comment image


It works – Thanks, Gail!

Gail Combs

You are very welcome.
I am computer ‘challenged’ so I know how frustrating it can be when the computer ‘has a mind of it’s own’


We all have our moments – I posted a tweet from Ben Garrison – first time – it did not open – dunno why – befuddles me – it does.


This is just one of many reasons why they hate him.


H/T dogsmaw!comment image


Thank you.
Is Dogsmaw still commenting OT?
Wish Dogsmaw would visit us here, at This Place.
Explanation of references in the Houses of Parliament. Each refers to his/her own House as ‘This Place’. A serving member of the Commons would never say ‘the House of Lords’ (while in session). Similarly, the converse is true.
So, we could speak of the Q Tree as This Place. 😉


She is still OT – although she does not post everyday – I look for her posts – because she has her finger on the pulse – many respond to prayers for the unborn and born – as she does. I do not know if she knows of This Place.


Thank you, Duchess, for the update. Greatly appreciated.


Most welcome, church!


They tried so hard to make this be PDJT’s Katrina, all the while holding back massive amounts of aid from their people. This is disgusting. Wonder how much all over the world is treated this way. No wonder our President questions any foreign aid when there is corruption in the local government. And the Dems all went to PR on their vacations not long after the hurricane.



David Begnaud did an excellent job of reporting on Hurricane Maria at the time and on the fraudulent behaviour that went along with it.
Glad to see that he continues to be in the employ of CBS.


I think CBS may be trying to come out of the darkness….aren’t they older than NBC? I just remember “back in the day” all we had was CBS and PBS; NBC came later at my house, but it may have been due to location and reception ability


NBC, founded in 1926 by RCA, is the **oldest** major broadcast network in the United States:



*Disclaimer* I still have Netflix, hate that I do but the wife in not as politically minded as I am and wont give up things they air that she likes just because of their overall political bias, but………..
Occasionally they air something out of “right” field, or at least right/center.
One such series is “Messiah” produced by Mark Burnett and Roma Downey who most notably produced the mini series “The Bible” for the History channel.
This is obviously 180 degrees from whatever the gay Jesus thing was, though I must admit I did not watch it.
I encourage anyone who has access to Netflix to watch it. It is 10 episodes and most definitely leaves open that there will be a second season.
Its very thought provoking, playing out a scenario of what if someone does come along, claiming to be the voice of God? what God? who’s God?
How do people either except or deny, deal with questions and doubt along the way. How does ours and other governments deal with it as it develops.
I don’t want to give up much more than that to give anyone that can watch it the opportunity to watch it


Also FWIW…….I’m fairly non religious, consider myself generally Christian, raised as a Lutheran and dismayed by where that church has gone over the last 30 years.
I fiercely defend everyone’s right to express their religious views as they see fit and that tolerance should be practiced by those that disagree or don’t have the same beliefs, not stifle peoples beliefs.
I tell everyone this just as some background on why I found this so interesting and thought provoking.


Here is the trailer

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! I have often though about what an ARTISTIC depiction of the Gospels in modern times might look like. Obviously, many compromises have to be made to adapt the story to a different world. Many CHOICES are thus made, and they reflect the dispositions of the writers and their employers.
I will always be very, very suspicious of Netflix. That said, I’m also interested in artistic ponderings of the Gospels – for example, “The Last Temptation of Christ” – a novel and movie which is (IMO) simply an artistic expression of a set of standpoints on several theological questions.
I fully GET that TLTOC is not ACTUALLY Gospel – worse that it’s not even analogous but SPECULATIVE. Yet all that said, I find that the entire exercise is faith-deepening, because it shows the self-consistency of both the gospels AND the standard theology of them, within themselves and with each other, making assumptions commonly made in Christian theology.
I would myself (only me, not talking about others, or recommending any course of action) not watch this Netflix series without first reading a review from somebody I trusted to be able to discern theological danger. GARBAGE IN, GARBAGE OUT. Is it garbage, or is it garbage-free art? I’d need to know that, but that’s my choice.

Valerie Curren

I believe Focus on the Family has something called “Plugged In” that gives a pretty detailed analysis of current cultural offerings…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

You’re welcome 🙂


This will leave you questioning one way then the other whether this man is legit. Their are some theorizing this could be about the antichrist, though no overt hints at that are made in this 1st season.
Maybe if others end up watching it we could have a discussion thread about it on U tree…..just a thought



Gail Combs

Considering they have been getting away with the same stunt for years, yeah I think they would continue the same playbook.
I really think the brains have died and they are just following the script written several years ago with little deviation.

Gail Combs

I should also add, there is ZERO DOWN SIDE. The Fake News will not report it and the cops/FIBs are under thecontrol of the DemonRats who WANT the violence. Therefore the ANTIFA crowd can be as brazen as they wish.



This is an anazi g video of a man being questioned by VA state police…but he gives them a heck of a Patriotis lecture.



VA state police wanted to question this guy…like soviet Russia..they got a very patriotic response.

Gail Combs

What I got out of it is they are USING FACIAL RECOGNITION SOFTWARE to ID PEOPLE!
How else did they figure out who the guy was? Did they ‘follow’ him and get his license plate? The only other way to ID him.


It is unlikely they were using facial recognition software.
If you listen to the video you know that the cops said there are MANY people who have been observed “checking out” the capitol bldg and were surveilled by video camera. It is far more likely that they got the license plate from his car when he returned to it to drive back home.


Um, I do NOT put it past our government to use facial recognition software.
OR, pay a private company to use facial recognition software. Same concept as license plate readers operated by private companies and various governments pay for their services.
Face it, the government spies on everyday citizens, everyday…


Just cops doing their job.
It costs nothing to have a short, friendly conversation with cops to show them you are level-headed, calm, and no threat to anyone. Cops are on our side. Let the left hate them and be rude to them.
This is a perfect example of how NOT to handle a situation like this. Be polite, friendly, respectful, and even try to show some humor.
To stand there and equate these officers with Nazis is fucking crazy!


I give the guy some leeway dt the situation. They drove 100 miles to question the guy without a phone call first. They werent nazis true but the “credible tip” thing is a ruse. There were multiple people videoing and taking pics but they chose this guy, who apparently is a regular rally participant. He sounds like a vocal participant too, so easier target.


Uh, me thinks an innocent citizen was harassed. AND, he is pissed about it. To me, the mere thought the cops drove 100 miles and spouted the BS about touching a pillar because he was “sensing density”…IS PURE BS and tantamount to accusing the guy of casing the place for criminal behavior.
IF the citizen was truly observed and all that, why not interview him on the spot? Wait days? Drive 100 miles? The basic comments from the cops is simply BS…an innocent citizen…touched a “pillar” that the citizen described as a tree plastered over. Simply can’t make this shit up.
I absolutely support the police, verbally let them know it, wave when they are in the neighborhood, blue stripe flag on my truck… But that doesn’t imply I’ll take harassment…because I took some damn pictures or touched a pillar. Give me a fricken break!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am absolutely unable to watch this or any other YouTube video.
I sense TROUBLE.


Yup. VA state government is going off the deep end. AND, MCM is perpetuating the problem with negative characterization of gun owners, whites, nationalists…
LE, which I do strongly support, needs to embrace the Constitution AND their oath. As does ALL of VA state government.
Hoping tomorrow works out OK.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m back online and working fine, but I’m leery of YouTube and Twitter at this point. I think SV is facilitating the attacks on me.

Deplorable Patriot

It helps with local LEOs if you are on a first name basis with some of the detectives. You can meet them anywhere, but I knew our local guys from Church and the pool when I was a lifeguard at the local municipal pool. Several of the cops I knew than are still part of the local force. One of them was the lead detective when my car was vandalized along with several others on the street where I live. Great guy, the detective in charge. I’ve known him for 30+ years.
Cops are like everyone else. “How’re ya doin'” goes a long way. They’re trained to take in information quickly and make a judgement. If nothing is alarming to them, they will walk on. If not, expect a longer conversation. But, then, I’m from a metro region where the city and the county are fluent to a certain point. I’ve always been able to navigate with police and fire on the line.
Trying to explain this can be painful when those hearing the explanation are suspicious.


This just made me laugh:
Walmart with a Crown On’: Thomas Markle Attacks Megxit as ‘Cheapening’ Royal Family
And this:
Delingpole: #Megxit! Ex-Prince Harry Got Woke, Now He’s Broke…


Harry may as well be neutered.

Gail Combs

I wonder how long it will be before he wakes up.
With the $$$ and titles cut MeMeMe-again is NOT going to be happy and will suddenly revert to her true self.


Harry selling MCdd’s soon?!?!!?
I see Netflix is coming after them. Me-again is going to go for it all.
FGAC yup. The poor baby they have.

Deplorable Patriot

No need to be gross about it.


Oh yea. That fool is in for some rough lessons IF he was truly cut off by the royals. I suspect there will always be a lifeline. After all, the royals don’t need moar scandals and BS behavior.


He is . She has a hostage called Archie


Harry and Meghan who?
Queen Elizabeth II has Sophie and her darling daughter Lady Louise…much higher class more patriotic people than M for sure.comment image
Lady Louise:
Sophie with the Queencomment image


Sorry – got my links out of order! Maybe you can figure it out.


ALSO – one of Me-me-me-gan’s get rich schemes may not work out! They may not be able to use the Sussex Royal™ brand scheme – not being royals any more!


comment image


@GPollowitz: “Future tweet: 800lb opioid vending machine stolen
>@Newsweek: ‘Vancouver introduces world’s first opioid vending machine in attempt to curb overdose deaths'”


LOL ok that’s a good one


@JohnLyonTweets: “Welcome to Twitter. A person who does not understand humor will contact you shortly.”



comment image
Jan 19, 2020 11:24:46 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 19b538 No. 7859207
10m ago
8kun qresearch


Oh my. Right at the beginning of the week.


Hoping for MOAR!


We will see. Scampeachment, VA rally, POTUS out of the country…never ending material.


Found out about it here:
Qmap doesn’t have it ….. yet. 🙂


You were fast. I went on q board 1 reply, it refreshed with over 300…lol.


I have the the Qalerts app


Gonna get interesting this week methinks. 🙏💃🤞


Without a doubt!


New one sounds a little ominous….


All the events planned this week, and Q, too!


I KNEW Q would post this week. I felt it in my bones


Good Bones!


I think Jerry Nadless is an OOMPA LOOMPA!


Jabba’s less than stellar sidekick Jerry (the pizza) hut.




Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 19b538 No.7859294 📁
Jan 19 2020 23:36:23 (EST) NEW
Anonymous ID: c9a3b1 No.7859255 📁
Jan 19 2020 23:32:47 (EST) NEWcomment image


comment image
redwhitebluedude @redwhitebluedude
So the warehouse stock full of relief supplies were there in Puerto Rico?