Dear KMAG: 20200120 Open Topic

This Merry Warrior Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KMAG/KAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

Yes, it’s Monday…again.


But it’s okay! We’ll get through it.

Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil.
Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

With the Storm upon us…please remember to Pray for our President.


Wheatie’s Rules:

    1. No food fights.
    2. No running with scissors.
    3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition from Chris Davey, titled ‘Running In Dreams’:



Wheatie’s Word of the Day:


Spatchcock can be used as a noun or a verb. It is often used in cooking, referring to a preparation of chicken.

As a noun, spatchcock refers to “a rushed effort”. As a verb, it can mean “to prepare in haste”.

Used in a sentence: The Dirty Dems spatchcocked an illegal impeachment.


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comment image
Found out about it here:
Qmap doesn’t have it ….. yet. 🙂
Jan 19, 2020 11:24:46 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 19b538 No. 7859207
10m ago
8kun qresearch


Beep beep! Another.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 19b538 No.7859294  
Jan 19 2020 23:36:23 (EST) NEW
Anonymous ID: c9a3b1 No.7859255  
Jan 19 2020 23:32:47 (EST) NEW572.png


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“Shot” heard around the world”?


So pub mentions q did this in summer also. Either a big shot at opening of scampeachment or something upon the cabal. Not literal.


We’ll see.


It’s a re-drop. From 2 years ago.


Future proves Past?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. Some of this stuff is simply too uncanny. I’m not ruling out some of the stranger explanations.


Picture from 3776comment image


It’s about time, Q.
Tired of checking each day, only to see “The ‘silent’ war continues”!
It’s only ‘silent’ because Q wants it to be.
I certainly don’t want it to be…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Q is definitely hinting that they’re not just going off and playing cards waiting for stuff. They are surely very busy, but not talking. SILENT WAR.


“Q is definitely hinting that they’re not just going off and playing cards waiting for stuff. They are surely very busy, but not talking. SILENT WAR.”
I’m sure they’re busy.
The issue is that they have decided to keep the whole thing “Spy vs. Spy”, the ‘silent war’, everything behind a curtain, where the black-hat spy has every advantage, and the white-hat spy has none.
LIGHT exposes DARK.
If Q wanted to end the war in victory TODAY, he could do so by turning the FLOODLIGHTS on the corruption.
It could NOT withstand the light of day.
Not to mention the overwhelming LEVERAGE the white-hats would have, with roughly SEVEN BILLION PEOPLE having their eyes opened to the truth.
All the B.S. could end.
The TRUTH would set EVERYONE free — except the bad guys, for whom the TRUTH would DESTROY.
But instead, Q wants to keep everything in the dark — where the black-hats have the advantage, and enabling the public to sleep right through the war, and PREVENTING “us” from participating in the process.
Suppose ‘we’ (the white-hats) ‘win’?
A secret victory, won in the dark, that nobody knows about, or could even verify.
When We the People don’t have skin in the game, when we have NO CHOICE but to be SPECTATORS to our own fate, and when the PUBLIC isn’t even aware that a war is taking place — what LESSONS could possibly be learned from such a victory, and how will ANYONE be able to appreciate it?
We the People are being CHEATED out of our right to participate in a way that has never happened before in the history of the world.


Just remember, this is a war. The Commanders did not disclose the battle plans to the public, nor even to the soldiers, before the action.


Indeed, Q do not want to commit to a spatchcock. Action will begin when good and ready and not before then.
Starting a hot war is easy enough, what is not so obviusly easy is to determine how to continue on living afterwards. After the noisy part of the war is over, and the dust has settled, there has to be someone left able to carry on living in a meaningful way. Hence the importance of an exit strategy.
I don’t remember where I saw it first, but there is this idea that a war should ideally be won at some time before the first fight, then after that the battles and destruction is merely affirming the victory. And what has been visible of build-up, so far indicates that things havent reached this stage.
So to me, all this quiet just suggets that something is being done but no-one is telling, and all I can do is to trust that the right things are being done by whoever. «Trust the plan» as Q has been saying. Additionally, since everyone can read everything, it is not hard to guess that nothing posted anywhere about this will be the full and unabridged truth. There will be desinformation and noise all over the place.
And now Q has dropped a couple more messages, re-iterating previous messages. This looks like a signal that someone, somewhere, have to make themselves ready for something. They know who they are; to remote viewers like me it is more of a spectator’s event. No immediate personal affect: the sun is shining, the winter weather is still unusually mild; my broken arm is healing and hurting ever less… bills are waiting to be paid and so on.
Looks like there is a kind of confluence now, like several waves happen to hit in-phase so as to add up their amplitude. The planned rally in Virginia which could turn out a little too spicy… there is the curious cases of FBI wanting a lot of night-vision equipment while the Navy is doing some kind of exercise off the Atlantic coast where GPS is being jammed. Meanwhile, President Trump goes off to the conference in Davos, Switzerland, so he will be physically remote from any domestic US action. And the Senate will start looking at the inedible scampi peach mint business. These are the most obvious items anyways.

Gail Combs

30 Powerful Sun Tzu Quotes About The Art Of War
Scott, remember The Art of War is President Trump’s favorite book.comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image
ALL are well worth reading. The website also has information about Sun Tzu.


This swamp makes the pacific look small and shallow

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you folks for coming through with the Q Drops!!! I’ve been fighting the good fight to get back online and stay online, and I appreciate DP taking the Tuesday Open Thread tomorrow.
I don’t want to say what measures I’ve been taking, but they’re serious. I think a lot of it’s being done by WoCommie YouTube, but also Twatter. Keeping their junk out of my bits may be necessary.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s now scheduled. I hesitate to do Wednesday’s before the SHTF in the next 24 hours.


Yeah, talk about being on pins and needles.

Deplorable Patriot

I mean, I have a prayer service tonight that I really need to attend, but once VSGPDJT is wheels up on AF1, all bets are off.

Gail Combs

From Q MAP


The Shot Heard Around the World

19 Jan 2020 – 11:36:23 PM
19 Jan 2020 – 11:32:47 PM

I do not think it is going to be ‘one-sided’ folks.


Because the DemonCrap swamp dwellers are about to make their best yet, but ultimately ineffective and self-destructive, attempt to tarnish President Trump with their putrid slime, here’s a look at what I’ve imagined a view of his decision to run for President might have been:
Trump’s Choice
The ways diverged on my life’s long road,
And I looked to see where each would lead.
I must make a choice and so I slowed
To think about what each way would bode,
And decide upon which way to proceed.
The left way was my accustomed way,
The steps familiar, the details clear,
Having been my path day after day;
A path I would take and likely stay,
Month after month and year after year.
The right way led to an odd, strange place,
But a place where I thought I might go
If the need was great, not commonplace.
It was a challenge that I must face
To repay a debt I so dearly owed.
I owe everything to our fair land:
Its freedoms and opportunities,
And people and laws make my life grand.
My heartfelt thanks I give as I stand,
And thanks to God on my bended knee.
But now I look to see the dark days,
Freedoms and opportunities lost,
People depressed, laws taken away,
Anarchists run free, police at bay,
Our faith suppressed – a terrible cost.
I’ve been successful in what I do;
I can repair our weakened nation.
I’ve been prepping for this job, I knew,
With the strength and vision to push through,
And I chose to serve without hesitation.
The need was great, my calling was clear
To stand in the gap and build the wall,
To restore those things that we hold dear,
To take away the spirit of fear,
And let our people again stand tall.
This path is long with mud, rocks and holes,
But must be trod if we’re to succeed,
To restore freedoms that others stole,
To enforce the laws that give control,
And let our opportunities be freed.
I’ve taken that path, it’s time to attend
With others to strive together to save
This country, and begin work to mend
And restore our land to be again
The land of the free and home of the brave.
As I review my decision that day,
I’ll never regret the choice I made;
My family, too, pays the price I pay.
And for our great land to God I pray
That freedom’s bright torch will never fade.


Very good heading into this week. Ty sir as usual!


A new scan? I like it!


Here’s another!
New: Title TBD
19 Jan 2020 – 10:36:23 PM
19 Jan 2020 – 10:32:47 PM


comment image


I couldnt get the image up either…


Qmap has them now.


Ding ding!



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This stuff is either LookingGlass, the best friggin’ psy-op in the world, the most massive CONTROL in forever, or ALL OF THE ABOVE.


Barbara Flynn-Redgate: The Latest Developments on the General Flynn Legal Front

Sadie Slays

Whatever plans they had for violence in Virginia (if those plans ever existed at all and this wasn’t just one giant demoralization op) have probably been scrubbed by now due to the extreme amount of attention on this rally.


Theyll still try. Eyes back on scampeachment, davos, and THEM.


I would hope that several dozen plain clothes / undercover federal marshals or agents are assigned to be on site to assure the rights to assembly, petition and free speech . . . and for other contingencies as required.

Sadie Slays

Agreed. We all know darn well that the white hats/Q team/Trump Administration is watching this as closely as we are, and that’s why I have faith this won’t be the tragedy most are expecting.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If they have LookingGlass and it was correct on this, they had the bads beat two years ago. The question is HOW. Consider all the options.

Sadie Slays

It doesn’t even need to go that “out there.” Even elected officials and mainstream media (Fox News-level) are openly questioning the set up. They’re not going to take that risk of waking everyone else up.


Sure hope so!


Used in a sentence: Sylvia hit them with her long-handled Spatchcock.




Double….. lol.


And then scooped them into the pit with her shovel While Whacking them some more cuz the Damn Dirty Dems Deserve it!! 😜
I sure do 💜 Miss Sylvia❣️❣️


Me too, Bfly 💖💖💖💋💋🌺🌺🇺🇸🇺🇸

Sylvia Avery

And I ❤❤❤ you back, bfly!!!!

Sylvia Avery

Alison! You bad girl! I know you were just dying to use spatchcock in a sentence! Me too!!!!! What a great word! Kinda rolls off the tongue…..😉😁


comment image
Spatchcock chicken.


Sorta what I hope happens to pantifa today in VA –
Booed, screwed and barbequed . . . then sued.




Yumm.. looking good Carl ..even for breakfast


Not Antifa. Hell, maggots would turn up theirs noes at them

Gail Combs





Sylvia, Patrick made me do it 🤭🤷‍♀️


The (opening post) dog that wanted the sled for himself, LOL! That was so cute!



Sylvia Avery

SO cute!

Sylvia Avery

I know……………………adorbs!!!!
I had a dog that would have done exactly that!!!


Wonderful early morning laugh!

Gail Combs

I love the little goats. They look just like that bouncing around my backyard.
Last night I thought my goats had gotten out into the back paddock but upon a closer look there were EIGHT or more deer grazing back there. It was at dusk and so hard to see just how many.




15 foot drifts in Newfoundland. Dang!


Woble Glarming! We’re doomed!


I though I’d give meme-making a try. Special thanks to wolfmoon for giving a friendly nudge in this direction by providing step-by-step instructions in the 2020 Meme War Thread.
.comment imagecomment imagecomment image


Any advice on getting these to show up at regular size would be most welcome.


Thanks for the effort 🙂
Someone here will surely help.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Take out the “2/” in the middle of the URL and they show up big. What you have there are previews or thumbnails. The original sizes have the same URLs, only without a “2” between slashes in the middle. You likely got the URLs by right-clicking on the thumbnails, which is a similar problem to right-clicking on images in Google or DDG image search before you see the full image.
Here are the full images by my simply editing the three URLs I get from yours:comment imagecomment imagecomment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

HA! I love ’em! Easy to read now!


“You likely got the URLs by right-clicking on the thumbnails…”
Yup. That was what I did. With the second try I clicked on the thumbnails of each meme, and then on the full image that showed up.
Thanks for the effort in helping.


These are terrific.


Thank you, Daughn!


Didn’t Q have a post that President Trump would be safe aboard AF1 when TSHTF?
He’s leaving tomorrow at 6:30 pm ET for Davos.


Okay, I think I’ve got it fingered out. One more time …comment imagecomment imagecomment image


Much obliged, wheatie!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I just did them up above, too, before I got down here! 😀 Good that you’ve got it!


these are great!!! kudos!!!!


Thank you muchly! I hope to refine the memes as I go along to be less basic.


don’t be so hard on yourself! I post a lot of memes–these are every bit as good as any other I’ve seen!


Tomorrow will be something else, I think. I pray the tyrannical governor blinks…and backs down.
He won’t win, either way.


I wish he would, but I don’t expect it. I think it’s like Kavanaugh, Russiagate, and impeachment; Dems will not stop because they are desperate. I pray that nothing bad happens and that we prevail.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They also won’t stop because they really do think they have “commonsense” on their side. To oppose it as we do, we are at best stupid (so they just need to yell louder until we pull our heads out of our asses) or we do see it but pretend not to, so we’re evil.


Am I the only one who keeps saying to himself: “Virginia? Virginia?”
Where has the nobility gone?

Deplorable Patriot

To destroy any one entity or nation, etc., you destroy its strongest part first. In the Church, that was France, the Jesuits and the priesthood. In the USA, if you want to get rid of the second amendment, start with Virginia. Symbolically, it’s a prime target all the way around. One of the original states, where so much of the fighting in the Revolution and the Civil War happened, highly patriotic native population. It’s also small. The bigger states in the west are too spread out to make such a demonstration effective.
The target was picked for a reason.

Gail Combs

It is also close to DC
Some of the violence ‘planned’ to spill over?


He’s coming across as another George Wallace type…willing to fall on the sword at this point.


Anything to retain power. He should’ve been gone when the racist stuff was uncovered, but the Left will EXCUSE anything when their man will DO anything to further their goals.

Gail Combs

Remember Northam served as an Army doctor, and was a pediatric neurologist.
What is a pediatric neurologist

A child neurologist, or pediatric neurologist, is a doctor who treats children who have problems with their nervous system. Problems in the nervous system can start in the brain, spine, nerves, or muscles. These can lead to problems such as seizures, headaches, or developmental delays…

Any bets that Northam ‘helped’ more than one child meet its maker so as to ‘unburden’ the parents?
Any bets THAT is what the Deep State has as blackmail material?
(2 minutes video.
Listen carefully at 40 seconds where he says decisions should be made by phsicians & parents and at 1:05 where he talks of deformities…


It’s Bloomberg…….. money, money, money.


Be safe out here!
Stay Strong! Be fast and nimble! Be wise to their traps! Remember: The Great Awakening!!!
The Storm will be BIBLICAL
I’m going to pull the whole thing down.
I’m going to bring down the whole fuckin’ diseased corrupt temple down on your head.
It’s going to be BIBILICAL.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I’m psyched! I think I’m ready for this week in a big way. 😎


I just have to say that our great President would be powerless without millions upon millions of us patriots to vote for him and back him up.
We have a covenant with our VSG. Nothing can break it because there is a great cloud of witnesses in heaven with us, and the chariots of fire are thundering in the skies.
God bless President Trump and God keep us strong and faithful to the ideals of this magnificent country. Amen.


Puerto Ricocomment image
In the aftermath of the 6.4 Puerto Rico earthquake, a warehouse filled with 100 semi truck loads of emergency supplies dating from Hurricane Maria in 2017 is discovered undistributed – and more questions are waiting to be answered. Officials have been fired and an investigation is now ongoing.
I spoke with my contact in USACE. He had heard so many stories about the corruption it was horrible, sickening – he didn’t even know where to start. It took $100 to get a $1 worth of anything done. Power would be out and workers would find every possible way to goof off and not do any work. Hospitals would not have power and people would not be able to have life support machines or dialysis and these workers acted like, meh that’s someone else’s problem. They’d have to send the Army in to get any work done. But wasn’t that the point? They didn’t want to do the work and were waiting for the U.S. Feds to come in and fix everything for them?
What’s the angle with the churches in all this? Hopefully we’ll know more soon, stay tuned. Mission waste from the SBC in Puerto Rico is a huge story, maybe it will finally break soon…
You are the news now!


What you describe sounds exactly like communists not letting a crisis go to waste. To save the village you must destroy the village.

Gail Combs

From what I heard yesterday it was not just ONE warehouse but SEVERAL!

David Begnaud
I just had a revealing interview with the head of the Puerto Rico national guard, Major Genera Jose Reyes, who has also been tasked by the governor with overseeing the emergency management division on the island. In this interview, he talks about the number of warehouses with aid…


David Begnaud is a CBS reporter with a penchant for Puerto Rico.
Understand, Begnaud is gay, and he and his partner appear on New Year’s Eve specials with their dog. In other words, David is one of the “big club”, a favored son.
If David is asking questions about recently discovered and undistributed aid, full warehouses of it, then it’s a big deal.


Ohio MassResistance parents force middle school to back down on LGBT agenda
Following radical “gay” speaker and intrusive survey – without parents’ knowledge!
Parents organize and successfully fight back!
January 19, 2019 image

LGBT activists and their allies among school officials are targeting young schoolchildren like never before with their aggressive agenda. Most of it happens without any parental knowledge. But when parents are organized and guided they can successfully fight back!
Kettering, Ohio, a suburb of Dayton, is a relatively conservative community where parents had not expected to have to deal with radical LGBT ideology in their middle school. But in fact, conservative areas are now being aggressively targeted throughout the country.
. . . At Van Buren Middle School, according to reports, the student assembly with Pancholy turned into a “Coming Out” promotion, with the actor telling kids, “Don’t be afraid to embrace being gay if that’s how you feel” and that “it’s OK to be gay.”
. . . When one of the parents, Julie, found out from her son what had happened at his school, she contacted MassResistance. We helped guide her to get the word out to inform and organize parents to take action against the school and the district to stop this LGBT promotion from happening again.
She began by passing out flyers to parents picking up their children from the school at the end of the day:comment image
She then emailed a “call to action” to parents at the middle school and across town, and encouraged them to join her local MassResistance group.

. . . Continued . . .

The Superintendent agreed to all the demands brought up by the parents! He obviously could see that these parents were backed by many more across the community.
. . . when MassResistance got involved, parents worked together to confront the school district over this. Under pressure from our team, the school district leadership backed off and agreed to change their direction.


The mission is not yet completed. Everyone who has fingerprints on this charade needs to be voted out or fired.
That’s when the job will be done.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen! Knowing who was behind the sneaky plan is very important.
OMG, I wish this organization had been around when I was dealing with grade school stuff.


Almost forgot. Queer boy needs to be told to keep his personal problems to himself. He needs to be warned that if he shows his face at any other school in the area, he will be charged with child molestation.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks for this news! Quite awesome. This sneaking past parents has to stop.


Just amazing to me that getting the government completely out of running public education is never, ever on the list of people’s priorities.


There’s a HUGE homeschool movement in this country. That does not include the growth of private schools. Totally under-reported. Hasn’t stopped the left from doing everything they can to destroy it. But homeschool moms networks and organizations are more vibrant and active than the churches in many areas.


I recently went to a meat raffle (for the first time in my life) at and for a private Christian grammar school, and there were 540 people present. Had so much fun absorbing the GREAT vibes. It was an eye-opener to see all the people and feel all the energy.


OK… breaking for now. Not enough time, need more sleep, and still a lot of family needs 😉
Keep up the good fight!
“Aggressive fighting for the right is the noblest sport the world affords.”
– Theodore Roosevelt


Your posts are uniformly excellent and highly appreciated.


One more… For Texans!!!
Dwayne Stovall is a primary challenger to RINO John Cornyn. This is our chance to get rid a major GOP Establishment RINO long deep in the pockets of Tom Donahue and the CoC. Spread the word, get every vote in Texas to vote for Stovall in the Republican Primary!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good deal. A strong primary showing will be useful even if Cornyn pulls it out. Watch the “complicated business” on this one…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – looks like I have what I need for a strong week of fighting back – beginning tomorrow.


Let it start in earnest now!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Tomorrow meaning TODAY!!! 😀

Sylvia Avery

If you’re ready, I’m ready.


Go Wolf!
Yesterday I watched both games, 13 Hours, and American Sniper, flipping back and forth.
And I was thinking, how does Wolf do it?
I know Milton said, they also serve who only stand and wait. But that probably does not apply to sitting on one’s posterior watching TV.
And the answer I kept thinking about is, extraordinary people can do extraordinary things.


Today is Martin Luther King day.
This is the speech that got him killed – particularly these passages:
“Somehow, we’ve lived with it at its best and been able to look into the face of our most violent opponent and say we will match your capacity to inflict suffering with our capacity to endure suffering. We will meet your physical force with soul force. Do to us what you will and we will still love you. We cannot in all good conscience obey your unjust laws because non-cooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good so throw us in jail and we will still love you. Threaten our children and bomb our churches and our homes and, as difficult as it is, we will still love you. Send your hooded perpetrators of violence into our communities at the midnight hour and drag us out on some wayside road and beat us and leave us half dead and we will still love you. But be assured we will wear you down with all the lashings that we suffer. One day we will win our freedom. We will not only win freedom for ourselves, we will so appeal to your heart and your conscience that we will win you in the process. And our victory will be a double victory.
This is what the non-violent method says at its best. It has brought us a long, long way and it will help those of us who have been on the oppressed end of the old order to go into the new order with the right attitude. Not with bitterness, not with the desire to retaliate, not with the desire to get even with those inflicted injustice upon us all of these years, but with a desire to forgive and forget and move on to a moral balance. We will not seek to substitute one tyranny for another, thereby subverting justice. We will not seek to rise from a position of disadvantage to one of advantage.
This is why I say that a doctrine of black supremacy is as dangerous as a doctrine of white supremacy. God is not interested merely in the freedom of black men and brown men and yellow men, but God is interested in the freedom of the whole human race and the creation of a society where all men will live together as brothers. And every man will respect the dignity and worth of human personality. And so that is the need to stand up, that is the need for all people of goodwill in this nation to become involved participants.”
MLKJr wasn’t a saint, but his admonition ‘not to judge someone by the color of their skin, but by their character’ was the most effective thing he ever said.
In the same speech, MLKJr touts the Swedish socialist system:
“I was in Sweden and Norway some months ago. As we journeyed around Scandinavia we saw no poverty. We saw no one in need of health care who couldn’t get it, medical care who couldn’t get it. We saw no slums. We saw no lack of quality education. And I said to myself if these small countries in our world can solve these problems, certainly the United States with a national gross product this year of more than $700 billion can solve the problems so that nobody will have to live with poverty.”
Unfortunately, MLKJr didn’t know and couldn’t see where Sweden and socialist secular liberal policies (+mass migration) would lead – high crime, rape, abortion, social chaos, national debt.


As he traveled around Scandinavia he saw no poverty, as well as many other things.


Will this be part of the Democrat Scam-peach-mint complaints?


At one point when I was working on all the Ukraine stuff, I had 6 cases on my desk that Marie Yovanovitch wanted dismissed.
And that was just the ones I found.
She went way beyond dismissing the tracking of big $$’s.
She was trying to run the country, in favor of “friends” and definitely in favor of Soros.
Recall the one time a housing authority was in question. Come to find out the guys mother was living there illegally. Oligarch ended up with the apartment houses and it was PUBLIC housing.
Marie sided with the oligarch.
Now, tell me please, why in the heck US Ambassador should wade into a local fight like that? It does not concern the USA. Yet, there was Marie, demanding Lutsenko drop the charges on the oligarch.
What’s it to her?


It was about her retirement $$$ from US politicians and their sons…of course.


Anyone else notice all the band aids on the left hands of Yavonivich and pals during the hearings??

Cuppa Covfefe

Were they on the middle fingers?
Remember Paedosta and his cult/spirit cooking…


Thank you for teaching me a new word and it’s uses.
I’ve never heard the word Spatchcock before.
I think I like it. 🙂


me either!
this is a good word to keep in my holster for when I need to baffle my liberal children…LOL
thanks wheatie!


I’ve heard the term in my cooking adventures, but always was under the impression it meant a “pounded” or flattened chicken…now I’ll have to revisit Spatchcocking! LOL
Wheatie, you are helping us stimulate the old brain cells…a good thing! 😁


yesterday we watched car chases–probably saw 4 dozen vehicles crashed and crunched–not a single driver died. there was no gore in the movie, sex was alluded to but not the focal point at all and there was even a bar fight–without being graphic. we watched Smokey and The Bandit 1 and 2…it was a HOOT and a half!!comment image


But what about Bernie?


Bernie is not a vagino-American.


giggle…never ever heard us called THAT…


I think that is from Saturday Night Live back when they were occasionally funny.


yeah, probably can’t say that now–it’s not trans inclusive…


So true! Wow, doesn’t that say a lot?


we’re kinda being vagina-shamed.



Cuppa Covfefe

Especially in this enlightened episode 🙂


Hilarious, and would not be permitted today.



Democrats just don’t know it….they are so blind…


Die Hard, A$$-H0L3$!!!


Hope they time this bombshell exposé JUST RIGHT….


yup…it’s not about the proof, says Pelosi, it’s about the ALLEGATIONS…Schiff needs to resign immediately.


Note the flag behind him..


Very telling – and nowadays the LBGTQ also includes P




Emergency eye leach administration required

Cuppa Covfefe

Looks like the Schiff has hit the shoals…
What’s that about your “hands-on” experience with daycare massage, Herr Schiff…
You’d think you’d be Biden your time a little more carefully, eh?

Cuppa Covfefe

And his non-standard hotel (or tastes thereof). It’s the Standard Hotel. Which is anything but standard.
I’m thinking of new words for Al Stewart’s “Broadway Hotel” for that… though unaltered it sort of works, too…
You told the man in the Standard Hotel
Nothing was stranger than being yourself
And he replied, with a tear in his eye
Love was a rollaway
Just a cajole away
Mist on a summer’s day
Nothing was clear
Love was a smile away
Just a defile away
I sought it every way
No one came near.
You asked the man for a room with a view
Nothing was said as he stared at his shoe
Then he replied as he gave you the key
Love was a rollaway
Just an unfold away
That’s all there is to say
No one came near.
Alone in your room you hide
As the night rolls by
In the street outside
And you feel over the words he said
Till they turn to rain all around your head
You’re seeking a hideaway
Where the light of day
Doesn’t touch your face
And a door-sign keeps the world away
Behind the shades
Of your silent day.

Seems like the subject of that song had something to hide, too… (assume it was a woman, the one mentioned in “Sand In Your Shoes”… (criminy, now I’m getting flashbacks of Uni and my friends from then)…


and stupid–don’t forget stupid!


I agree with Christine. It was a bad idea!


That last Q post has me bursting with hope. Two years ago?!?!?!
Does anybody remember the post in the shape of a gun in 1440?
“Boom, boom, boom, boom. A week to remember. Dark to light. Blackout necessary.”
Just taking a shot in the dark here.

Gail Combs

From Qmaps…
Dark to Light Marker
3 Jun 2018 – 3:58:29 PM


ICE handing out lists of fugitive illegals to reporters in NY
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on Friday increased the pressure on New York City’s sanctuary policies — putting out a list of illegal immigrant fugitives who have been released into the city despite requests from ICE to hand them over for deportation.
Acting ICE Director Matthew Albence presented the list to reporters at a press conference in New York where he spoke of the dangers of sanctuary cities — in which jurisdictions ignore detainers issued by ICE for arrested illegal immigrants.
Those detainers are requests that ICE be informed of an illegal immigrant’s pending release from custody so they can be transferred to deportation proceedings. While the Trump administration has been warning of the dangers of such policies for months, it’s a fight that has been brought into the spotlight by the murder of a 92-year-old woman, allegedly by an illegal immigrant sprung from custody in November after New York ignored an ICE detainer.
“Make no mistake – it is this city’s sanctuary policies that are the sole reason this criminal was allowed to roam the streets freely and end an innocent woman’s life,” Albence said.


New Hampshire bill plots to derail National Popular Vote…by not releasing popular vote results on election night…
New Hampshire, she said, is trying to throw a wrench in the works.
“What if a state such as New Hampshire simply refused to release its popular vote totals, as has been proposed? Or what if states were to release totals for winning candidates, but didn’t report any total for the losing candidates? National Popular Vote proponents will claim that such proposals violate federal reporting requirements, but they don’t. Those federal laws cannot require a state to turn in popular vote totals.”
There are other suggestions to foil the NPV, she said.
“What if a state were to change its election system altogether? In Texas, for example, voters currently cast one ballot for an entire slate of 38 presidential electors. What if each potential elector were listed on the ballot instead? Every Texan would be given 38 votes and asked to vote for 38 individual electors. Texans could vote for Republican electors, Democratic electors, independent electors—or even some of each. The 38 individuals with the highest vote totals would represent Texas in the Electoral College.”
“How would National Popular Vote states pinpoint a national tally with so much information missing?”


Voting for electors – I like that as a counter measure



Throughout the centuries, many, many Catholic priests and nuns have made the world a better place and inspired many, many more to see Who Jesus is.

Deplorable Patriot

And a whole lot of them have died when they ran afoul of civil authorities who wanted the Church’s money and/or property, or for a government system that sought to eliminate them. It’s been going on for about 2,000 years.


Surprising to see in the American Thinker, but a very moving article by George Zimmerman:



but antifa like to cover their faces like the pussies they are…if they do, they will be outed–real Patriots DON”T HIDE, if they don’t, they will publicly outed and their identities posted on social media…


Shhh….. I have a feeling these idiots don’t realize this 🙂

Gail Combs

Someone on that thread is claiming it was a edited photoshop from this article:
However it does not mean Anntie-Fa did not do a retread also.


Verse of the Day

“Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”
Hebrews 13:5 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Good Morning Duchess!


Hi, Pat! Hope and pray you are warm and toasty – and the snow is at a minimum –
Have a Very Blessed and Happy Day!!!


we got a little more overnight…but hubby didn’t feel the need to plow…so there’s that…lol
hope you have a Blessed Day too!


Thanks! Snowed both days of the weekend – Thank God – the wind was minor – so the white-outs were few and far between –
God Bless You both Real Good and keep you safe and warm – in the name of Jesus – I pray – Amen


Amen…thank you from the bottom of my warmed heart!


* Smiling *


God Loves Us – HE Will Not, Will Not, Will Not Leave Us, Assuredly Not!!
My Favorite Verse Duchess!!! 😘😍🤗
“Let your character or moral disposition be free from love of money [including greed, avarice, lust, and craving for earthly possessions] and be satisfied with your present [circumstances and with what you have]; for He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax My hold on you)! [Assuredly not!] [Josh. 1:5.]”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭13:5‬ ‭AMPC‬‬


A Big Amen goes right there, Butterfly!


warning: reference to OT and an article by SD
SD has an article about NSC Peek who was escorted out of the WH and how it relates (possibly) to Schiff…good read…didn’t bother with the comments.
Apparently Peek was associated with General Allen and therefore probably an Obama holdover. Put into the WH as a mole he guesses–but he ties it into Schiff’s latest complaint about the NSC withholding documents.
He surmises Peek was caught trying to access things he should not have been and trying to feed them to Schiff via Mary McCord possibly…
here’s Schiff’s statement:
Schiff: “The Intelligence Community is beginning to withhold documents from Congress on the issue of Ukraine. They appear to be succumbing to pressure from the administration. The NSA in particular is withholding what are potentially relevant documents to our oversight.” Via ABC
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) January 19, 2020
not linking the article but it’s a good read.


The Intel agencies DO NOT REPORT to Congress, they report to the EXECUTIVE Branch – POTUS!!
So tired of the Demwits acting like they’re entitled to everything they demand, and crying illegality or coverup when they don’t receive it. They’re not in charge!! Not how our government works!! Our side needs to improve messaging on Executive rights and privilege. Grrrr!!!😬😬😬


go get ’em Butterfly!!!
I nominate you as the one to inform them!


I had no idea that there are butterflies with stingers. Learn something new every day.


Float like a 🦋, sting like a 🐝!!! 🤩🤩🤩

Gail Combs

Beautiful ‘butterflies with stingers’comment image
(We have a lot of these around the farm.)comment imagecomment imagecomment image


He has already lost his mind and now he is losing his money.


I found this site by accident. I’ll just leave it here.

This looks big if true – FBI declares eminent domain over civilian-owned Gen III night vision intensifier tubes at the distributor and seizes them, entire national inventory predicted to go empty in days as a result. Makes you think back to all the military training they were doing on fighting in underground tunnels. Might that be about to be put to use

CM in TN

They are still available on amazon, but they are expensive…

Gail Combs

I went into this on Wolfie’s B*o*m*b — rant page.
It is base on ONE distributor who failed to deliver to a retailer. It is probably because of a prior commitment to the FBI and most likely because of Just-in-Time planning to decrease warehousing to nil. (I HATED JiT as a QC Engineer since it forced the use of off spec raw material.) Probably because the factory was not anticipating an increase in demand or was not tooled up for the demand.
Military (Trump increased spending)

Cuppa Covfefe

Not to mention increased enforcement at the border and “middle eastern ‘expertise’ ” coming up from down south (read: across from Africa)…
If it helps at the border I’m all for it. And I would be surprised if the US Military didn’t have something a few generations better… might need to shut off the supply (of commercially available stuff) to the bad guys’n’gals…


should it have been Emperor Shithole?


Run shithole countries, win shithole names.


If you thought you couldn’t love Donald Trump any more, take a read of this WaPo piece describing the time Mattis and Tillerson took Trump to the Pentagon to lecture him for hours on how he needed to be a globalist internationalist, spend a trillion a year on unwinnable forever wars, let NATO keep ripping us off, keep paying to protect other countries, and do whatever his Generals told him as they kept throwing our military into a meatgrinder wherever the Military Industrial Complex wanted to, because this was an invaluable mechanism to produce stability. One passage from the article which sums it up – Bannon thought to himself, “Not good. Trump is not going to like that one bit.” The internationalist language Mattis was using was a trigger for Trump.
“Oh, baby, this is going to be f—ing wild,” Bannon thought. I love Trump, but if this is even partly accurate, actually seeing him in action fighting against the waste, the foreigners using us and our stealing resources, the forever wars, the callous attitudes tearing young warriors from their families and putting them in harm’s way, as he’s fighting for the interests of the people who elected him – as much as WaPo tried to make it sound like Trump was out of control, it only made me love him even more. It is also interesting how small minds think they can gain supremacy through massive study of minutia unrelated to their task, while the big thinkers are the ones who focus on stripping away the unessential, and grasping the underlying themes that need to be addressed. I could almost feel how not only would Trump be irritated by the presentation of endless meaningless facts, he’d be more irritated to have to contend with the types of lesser intellects who could not perceive how that minutia was irrelevant. I’d fear finding out how many guys we would lose in a major war with lesser minds like that, certain of their own superiority, running things. Intelligence is paramount in all matters of war, but so is the ability to discern what is important and disregard the rest.


do you have a link to the Wapo piece?

CM in TN

Related, from Zero Hedge…Sic Semper Tyrannis Blog…


thanks ozzy!!

Deplorable Patriot

From the Washington Compost, it could be a signal, wishful thinking, or any number of things if Bannon is quoted.


Husband read the WaPost piece to me, aloud, with……. let’s say,…….. he added emphasis in an incessant stream of four letter words.
Phil Rucker…… well, husband has doubts as to his ancestry….. and that’s being kind.
It is a must read.


Get Big T on video next time!! 😁


You have a colourful husband too?


I sincerely hope that this is not true.


article is in German…

Cuppa Covfefe



thanks…the only swedish i know is those yummy little red fish they have 😉


There was an English translation, but it’s not there any longer.


didn’t think you’d expect us to know German!
but my high school German is toooooo long ago for me to remember too much.


That settles that.
“Julian Assange dead 2020” : WikiLeaks founder killed by internet death hoax


Dear Lord, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist. May I be centered and encircled by your truth, dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness. Please protect my vital organs and my inner man. Cover my integrity, my spirit, my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life. Please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news and on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ, the solid rock. All other ground is sinking sand. I pray that I will not slip or fall but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, Jesus. I choose to stand on you so that the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the Rock of Ages. I receive your peace now, Jesus, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, or emotionally. Every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my family, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive and arrest ill intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others or distract me from your will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of Christ and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you, Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, the command center for the rest of my body, to be saturated with the mind of Christ.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the word of God. I pray this offensive weapon into my hand and ask that your word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God spoken in season and out of season to inflict pain against the enemy. May the enemy and his team flee from me upon hearing the word of Godspoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you Lord as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your armor, I walk away from this prayer covered and ready to face my day as you go before me and protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world.
Thank you, Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. No weapon formed against me shall prosper and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. Thank you, Father, that I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus.
AMEN!comment image








Praying for safety and WISDOM + discernment for all of those in attendance.
Hope for Many cameras – before, during and after, buses coming/going – identify groups so we can research them and their funding, for example.
Hope for Many white hats in law enforcement
Hope for silent, cold resolve v. hot headed exchanges, high emotions, escalating tensions and impulsive actions.
They can stand, they can protest, in silence and stillness – Powerful! Ignore the taunting opposition.
Send a message to the law makers by silent protest, by being there.
Fighting with antifa just gives the MSM sound bits and does nothing but hurt our message/side with law makers.


the supposed plan is to have 2 distinct groups of antifa: one posing as pro 2A & MAGA, while the second poses as Dems protesting 2A. then the pro 2A group will attack the Dem group–in turn giving the real pro 2A group a black eye. they need a guaranteed response–which cool headed pro @A people won’t give them.
so yes, see who arrives oh which bus–can you see their faces? determine their true identities?


The only solution to this that I can see is arrests.
Arrest ALL who are fighting, attacking, causing harm. Investigate the background of every one of them. Expose them. If they are antifa wearing MAGA gear, that needs to be seen by every American. Their Facebook posts, where they came from, how they got to VA, who paid for it, etc. It all needs to come out. Some actual Trump people will be arrested, so there needs to be VIDEO running everywhere, all the time, to prove their innocence.
Maybe this is the Great Awakening. For the world to see the deception the left is willing to sink to, completely exposed.


good plan


Well Said Patriot!!!




Cuppa Covfefe

It’s also for business leaders and globalists (read: Illuminati).
Carly Fiorina (HUGE Hegel fan) LOVED to be seen there.
Oddly enough, it always seems to snow the week of Davos. We’re prepared. snow shovels at hand 🙂
(Sylvia, do you have any with insulated/heated handles? )…

Deplorable Patriot
Cuppa Covfefe

Good time to buy energy futures, especially now that the Watermelon Greens (green on the outside, RED on the inside) have caused energy prices (at least in Europe) to go up, and up, and up…


Good video – love the comments on pop culture


Always LOVE the Hodge Twins!!!!!



Svetlana Lohkova has continued where she left off yesterday (that’s three days in a row now she’s spilling the beans on Halper) and is still going:


Good guy….well spoken, cool headed and gets the point across. Won’t see this reported on the MSM breathless coverage


Deplorable Patriot

Do you happen to know if there are any estimates of crowd size available?


The only thing I have seen are the whiny ones complaining about “thousands” of ” white $6pr3mac!$+$”…..🙄
I would love to see an estimate. Posobiec had a short video listing all the state’s represented and there were several.


Just found this….

Deplorable Patriot



President Trump nixes Obama deal for China to control Port of Long Beach
The Port of Long Beach, California is the second-busiest port in the United States and one of the world’s busiest seaports, a leading gateway for trade between the United States and Asia. It supports more than 2.6 million jobs nationally and generates billions of dollars in economic activity each year.

Deplorable Patriot

This is another red pill item that Q followers knew about long ago. It wasn’t reported much at the time, that I remember.
Wonder why FOTM is publishing this now?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I thought this was an interesting question, so I dug in a bit. Looks like Judicial Watch published late, in October 2019, and then FOTM picked THAT up from a tip more recently. Kinda thinking Dr. Eowyn isn’t a Q follower – so just learning late and spreading the news.

Gail Combs

Now we need to get Port Canaveral back from the Saddam Hussein’s nuclear scientist Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar and his company, Gulftainer.
Gulftainer was given “….Port Canaveral with a 35-year container terminal lease through a secret operation known as ‘Project Pelican’ “
“President Barack Hussein Obama and his administration awarded Saddam Hussein’s rogue nuclear mastermind access to Florida’s Port Canaveral cargo container terminal, a U.S. port of entry that gives Russia and its Axis of Evil client states unfettered access to the entire United States.”
Think shipping all those Obama ‘Cash for Clunkers’ with their trunks full of drug money shipped to Africa and the middle east to fund ISIS and Jihad.
How else do you think the Jihadists got their hands on used American vehicles? How else do you think Hezbollah’s billion-dollar criminal enterprise shipped all that money to the middle east?

Valerie Curren

I thought there was some port in California that the Clinton’s gave to the Chinese, allowing them to bring goods into our land & somehow bypass customs. I think it was actually a naval base if I recall correctly…

Deplorable Patriot

The combined irony and hubris of this has always cracked me up.


Its like all the of the stuff you can’t recycle anymore and they tell you ‘well don’t buy it’.

Deplorable Patriot

What can’t be recycled? Or is it not cost effective, so they tell you not to buy it?
That’s usually what’s going on.


It’s mostly plastic type bags. But what’s funny is this issue was brought up at a recycle site and the sites suggestion is to not buy these items.

Deplorable Patriot

The shrink wrap stuff. Yes. Don’t pay any attention. They will degrade fine in a landfill. Plastic grocery bags and all that – bag ’em up and take them to either Schnucks or Dierbergs and let them sort it out.


Walmart also collects them and I think target and kohls as well, but yup that’s what I do as well

Cuppa Covfefe

If it can be synthesized, it can be reduced back to its components. Only a matter of time, temperature, and, occasionally, location. In addition to that, there are scores of bacteria that just LOVE to eat plastic. But the Greens deny it. Fancy that. They’re deniers, as in denying science and biology (figures: they deny that there are only two sexes as well).
Gail probably has a ton of info on this, but consider the fact that there are deep undersea vents where sludge (extremely crude crude oil) comes up, and is greeted by hungry, often anaerobic bacteria. Seems they have no problem digesting the stuff (side note: maybe oil comes from the Earth’s mantle instead of dead dinos, after all)…
It’s important to remember one of Carly’s favorite phrases: “Perception is reality”…
NO, perception is perception, no matter how wrong, how jaundiced, and how misconstrued. REALITY IS REALITY. POINT.
Nothing like having a marketing idiot at the head of a technology company. Killed (ing) HP, IBM, GM, and coming to a tech firm near you (aided and abetted by the likes of Heuschrecken like KKR)…
I’m still angry about not being able to use R12 anymore as a refrigerant, with the replacements being more expensive, less efficient, EXTREMELY flammable/explosive, and toxic, to boot…


Very true. Just like those stupid energy bulbs!




I’ve been sayin’ the Cabal is supporting Ms Amy… y’all watch her… she’s bad news…
They called it a “significant break with convention.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Angry Amy is big trouble.
Angry Amy of the Perpetual Smiling Sneer



Wow, I interviewed with an almost went to work for Baker & Hostetler, LLP, back in 1990.
Here, David Rivkin, Senior Partner, is interviewed by Steve Bannon.
Around 19-20 minutes in, they discuss the fact that no investigation has ever been done on UKRAINE interference in the election of 2016 —- yet we’ve had years of investigation into Russian interference. Okay fine, good point.
This argument goes to the “Abuse of Power” assertion of Dems on Impeachment Article #1.
Let’s get rid of Impeachment Article #2, Obstruction of Congress and dismiss it quickly.
This one is easy.
More importantly, once the 2nd Article is dismissed
At 20-22 minutes, they discuss the 2nd article of impeachment regarding Exec Privilege and Immunity from testifying for those closest to the President.
Rivkin brings up the common assertion by the press and Dems, referring back to the 9-0 decision in the Nixon case. Wallace then asserts – surely, the decision would be similar in the Trump case and therefore Mulvaney/Bolton, etc. would have to testify.
HUGE MISTAKE and fake news.
Rivkin claims Wallace should have known better.
A first year law student would know better.
Rivkin, the senior partner from Baker Hostetler, takes us through the NIXON assertion that EVERYTHING Nixon did or said should be granted immunity. The court ruled, NO, and in instances involving criminal acts, privilege should be waved (as in the break in at the Watergate hotel and following cover-up).
That’s NOT what President Trump and his attys are claiming in appellate court now. Trump lawyers claim his closest advisers should be granted immunity when advising him on matters of National Security.
That’s it.
Such a decision has never been ruled upon in SCOTUS.
In fact, such a decision has never been ruled upon in an appellate court.
Because such a decision is STUPID on it’s face. A President’s authority to conduct foreign policy has never been challenged because of constitutional authority.
And yeah……. a first year law student should be able to figure it out.
Should be a massive win for the President and a strong rebuke to the Dems.


Mitch and the Senate better be very careful here. Executive privilege disputes with Congress go to the SC to be settled. They’ll be setting a dangerous new precedent if they allow “impeachment to Senate vote” to be the new procedure. Dems don’t get any witnesses they want (because Senate approves) AND be able to charge and Impeach the President for it! That’s some serious unfair BS right there!!!
The more I think about it, these Unconstitutional Articles need to be smacked down immediately and not allowed to go forward. New precedents should NOT be set on illegal processes/procedures brought forth by insane, desperate Democrats!!! Precedents carry a ton of weight in current and future interpretation of laws.

Gail Combs

I certainly agree SMACK DOWN the Shan-peach-mint FIRST.
THEN investigate the corruption in the Ukraine/USA including interfering in the 2016 election.
A two stage process is the real win-win for the Constitution, the USA and the President.


am not sure the Senate has authority to vote on a dispute between the legislative and exec branch.


normally, Senate cannot settle that dispute, only SC. But if Dems are allowed to call Bolton, Mulvaney, Pompeo, etc., because of negotiated rules for the trial, then the net effect is the same. Don’t ever need to go to court when we can Impeach and get our witnesses approved and compelled through Senate trial rule negotiations. BAD PRECEDENT. They’ll be doing it all the time. The Republicans have to hold the line here and not allow the witnesses Dems want. The only protection POTUS would have is if witnesses that are forced to testify uphold Executive privilege. Mulvaney and Pompeo likely will, but Bolton is a wild card at this point and any ex WH DS staff would likely backstab.


Problem is the SENATE does not get to dictate Presidential Privilege.
And frankly, no President should wave priv for his nat sec advisor.


No one the Dems want will testify. I’m beginning to think the same on the Trump side too.


Uh, Wolf – you there?
Totally fake science will soon be MANDATORY instruction in California public schools
January 20, 2020
by Ethan Huff, Natural News
New legislation put forth in California would make it a requirement for public school teachers to indoctrinate their students into the Cult of Climate Change, just like fake medicine (vaccines) are also mandatory.
Assembly Bill 1922, authored by Assemblymember (sic) Luz Rivas (D-Arleta), dictates that “climate change education will be a coursework requirement for students in grades 1 through 6, and a graduation requirement for students in grades 7 through 12, starting in 2025.”
However, if passed, AB 1922 would require that schools adopt the new climate change coursework no later than the 2021-22 school year, as well as create new duties for school districts. It would also create a state-mandated local program for pushing global warming doctrines on children.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…


They’ve been working on this for years.
About 7-8yrs ago, Gunner came out of private school and was advanced a year in public school curriculum. So, 9th grade, he was in a 10th grade bio Honors Class.
Couple of his buddies had a hard time with the teacher.
They would come home and complain about her favoritism to the girls in the class.
Come to find out, she was the cheerleader sponsor.
Now, we always raised kids to respect the teachers, and took teachers side in arguments. Yet, I learned she had no Biology degree, and in fact was previously a corp spox for sustainable energy – and almost everything she did had a “Climate Change” bent to it.
So, why was she teaching Honors Biology in our school system?
I raised the roof and her contract was not continued.


Whoa, Daughn! Kudos for you! Wow!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You have just unveiled THE HONORS SCAM.
I saw this same weird phenomenon in high school. The honors class would end up being almost like a demotion, instead of special. The quality normal teachers would take the normal classes, almost overloaded, while the honors class would be “different” in a lot of bad ways – usually a “different” teacher who might indeed be less qualified but more fraternizing with the kids. I had a buddy in all the honors classes who used to catalog all the “anti-honors” stuff he observed, as he felt cheated by the system.

Deplorable Patriot

At the ONE AND ONLY public school system I attended, there was a program called “gifted and talented” that matches your description.
In my HS, all girls Catholic, the classes weren’t called honors, but the competition to stay in the A section (that was literally what it was called) was fierce. Only 16 of us in my class made it to calculus. I can’t say about advanced composition, but none of them are writers. I am. And in science, everybody took biology and chemistry. The calc class took physics, others took Anatomy (which I actually think all of us should have taken).
It depends on where you are as to what “honors” means. I don’t know enough about public schools to speak to it, but in the private high schools my siblings and I attended, we took classes for college credit. Around here, it’s not AP, but through Saint Louis University. That’s a story in and of itself. And the teachers were NO JOKE. Seriously, one of my brothers was in honors calculus, and walked in the house from the SAT and said, “I missed one on the math.” Sure enough, 770 when his scores came.

Deplorable Patriot

I will say this about attending an all girls Catholic HS, though. Religious should not be allowed to teach “health.” I mean, they have no…caution signals. Over Christmas we were at the old stomping grounds, up in the new physics and chemistry lab (it is BEAUTIFUL with a pro level hood and all that), and a few of the girls started telling stories about religious teaching “health.”
[fanning self]
The nurses of the group, and one is a licensed midwife now, were telling stories that are not suitable for a PG audience. A nun and a priest were actually allow to teach this, and…um…yeah. Just don’t go there. They have no clue what “beyond the pale” means.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



A lot of school districts, due to teacher shortage, give “ life experience” (military, corporate, accountants, etc) credit allow them to teach in the classroom without education classes or even specific degrees in the field.
As with everything…pros and cons.


I recall taking many honors classes and really they were just classes where you did nothing really. I understand why people home school nowadays.
They either try and push an agenda or teach nothing. You see the kids coming out of school nowadays they know nothing.
Only thing I liked in my elementary school was we had a civil war buff come to class and they had a rifle with them. It was do cool to see how hard to was to shoot one of those.
Sadly I also had an elementary school teacher who hated me because my family was German and she was Jewish. What that had to do with anything well…. but to let it out on a kid is just sad.
Luckily don’t mess with my Mama.

Deplorable Patriot

Even in all girls schools, female teachers play favorites. When the girls from my HS class get together we B!+(# about it for hours. The chorus/music teacher didn’t like me because my voice was prettier than hers, and I took voice from someone else.

Deplorable Patriot

I should qualify that by saying that our softball catcher who had a scholarship to college and was all-state, etc., has the biggest ax to grind. She was benched as a senior by the gym teacher for a “bad attitude.”
Good thing there were select teams and the separate leagues.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

California is bad news. Climate Commies in Control!


Well – Q said watch CA – wonder why – their entire agenda is Anti-American – eventually – they are going to run out of other people’s money – then what?

Gail Combs

Place California in RECEIVERSHIP since it is OBVIOUS they do not know how to handle money.

A court order whereby all the property subject to dispute in a legal action is placed under the dominion and control of an independent person known as a receiver.


In law, receivership is a situation in which an institution or enterprise is held by a receiver—a person “placed in the custodial responsibility for the property of others, including tangible and intangible assets and rights”—especially in cases where a company cannot meet financial obligations or enters bankruptcy.

Actually I am only kidding but I certainly wish it could be done.


Puerto Rico too – put them on a no work – no eat diet.


Oh, My – I wonder how much property in CA is already in ‘receivership’ – and to whom

Cuppa Covfefe

I’m betting lots of it… and to China… per plan…
And this snowflake envirocrap in Kalifornistan is nothing new. We had it back when I was in elementary school in the late 1950s/early 1960s… along with “duck and cover”…
Each of us had to plant a tree on our new school grounds, and we had to learn how the UN was going to save the future of mankind (at least you could say “mankind” back then and people understood you were using an inclusive noun). SIgh…
CA has been poison since Earl Warren’s time as governor. First he ruined CA, then he went on to ruin the US Supreme Court. It’s really a pity, as there are plenty of GOOD people in California. It just seems that they are all pushed aside, blindsided, and cheated by all the crooks; Cranston, Feinstein, Boxer, Piglosi… the list goes on, and on, and on…..


At one time, I suspected there was a land sale to China – but, I cannot recall who did it or why – thot maybe it was BC – then – there was the question of the port he literally ‘gave’ to them – to cover our debt – I wonder – I also read CA was being set aside for the elite – so driving out the common man was in the cards – there is no middle class there – so that appeared to be true as well – one simply cannot afford to live there – and now – with new rules and new taxes – it is becoming near impossible – so what is up with that?
When PT pointed out the slums in areas represented by prominent Dims – they could care less – after all – it is not profitable to serve the people – more can be made through globalist ventures – America First is not in their vocabulary, either – nor is the Constitution revered by these people – so who are they really representing?
Why are they so upset PT won the election in 2016 – because they knew their honey pots would come to an abrupt end – prosperity for all – not just for them – not on their agenda at all.
The last good governor of CA was Reagan – the rest – no so much – so now what? Why are they so bent on destroying a fruitful state? Why are they burning out so much land to make it uninhabitable? PT is right – they hate us!

Cuppa Covfefe

Look up “rewilding”. , , and probablly a host of others.
They want to push everyone into cities, and make flyover country “wild again”. So the elite can have their playgrounds. Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and, in Africa (of all places) Agenda 2060 (!!!!!).
Have a look at , the site of the World Economic Forum, meeting in Davos this week. There are certainly already position papers up on what they plan this year for the proletariat (erm, that would be us) and what they have planned for themselves (more and more and more expensive and polluting junkets to exotic destinations).
On has to wonder if Epstein Island was ever one of these destinations, or if “The Lolita Express” was ever used by them for transport…
Entertainment, indeed…..


Deplorable Patriot

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And at noon today…there’s one year to go in PDJT’s first term–366 days (it’s a leap year).


Hoping I don’t miss a day of it

Deplorable Patriot

Peaceful non-violence at the Virginia event:
According to the VCDL’s FAQ page: “Monday, January 20, is VCDL’s Lobby Day. It is not VCDL’s Protest Day. … VCDL Lobby Day is a peaceful event about gun rights and NOTHING ELSE. We are NOT there to have arguments with the other side. They lobby, we lobby, and never the two shall meet. Just ignore them. And we are not there to push any other agenda. Our total focus is on protecting our right to keep and bear arms. Period. This is not about flags, statues, history, etc. Just guns. If you somehow find yourself being harassed by the other side, don’t engage them. They could well be baiting you and recording what you do for propaganda purposes. If necessary, go find a police officer and let them take care of the person causing the disturbance. Otherwise, just ignore them and go about your business.”
Article here:


Deplorable Patriot

Turning the tables?


Deplorable Patriot

Has anyone seen over head visuals of the size of the crowd in Richmond?


they got their phones out…recording…smart…preserve whatever you can!


Yes… and that’s more at stake here than guns. Gov of VA is getting his term extended to 8 years + other idiotic crappola…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hope the autists come up with something on that one!!!


So there is a team in socal that does their version of To Catch A Predator. Its fantastic. Videos are posted, info is gathered, and unknown if arrests are made. A bust was done at a mall and THE MALL MGMT is furious….at the group for outing the predator, who brought his 4 YEAR OLD TO MEET THE “VICTIM”.
The mall mgmt is so out of line with the big picture its unreal. This is good work by these guys and they need support.
This is the video.
“EJ Twyman, the southwest Riverside County man who entices what he says are sexual predators in online applications and then records them in vigilante-style sting operations, says he has received a cease and desist letter pertaining to a video of a subject he met at the Promenade Mall. 
The letter, provided by Twyman to Valley News, appears to have been sent by the law offices of Fabozzi & Miller, APV, Attorneys at Law, and indicates that the office represents “Temecula Towne Center Associates, LLC, dba The Promenade Mall.”
The letter focused on Episode 5, which includes video footage shot inside “common areas of the mall, inside Macy’s and in the Mall parking lot,” according to the letter prepared by Attorney Ashley R. Wedding. 
“The Mall did not consent to the recording and the recording was done contrary to posted signs at the Mall which prohibit such activity,” Wedding writes. “Effective immediately, you are hereby ordered to cease and desist from making any video recordings inside the Mall, inside Mall stores and in the Mall parking lot. Any additional footage of the Mall, Mall stores and Mall patrons must be immediately deleted.”
In the letter, Wedding demands that Episode 5 be taken down and if Twyman refuses, the law firm would “contact the authorities.”
Fabozzi & Miller did not return a request for comment on this story.
When reached for comment, Promenade Mall General Manager Jeff Kurtz provided a statement. 
“Promenade Temecula was inappropriately used as an unauthorized location by Gotcha Predators as a meetup location with unwelcomed individuals and/or criminal suspects,” the statement read. “The unauthorized invitation was not organized with local law enforcement or the onsite Sheriff’s Department.” image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, this is very interesting. I can see where all parties are coming from. Important to read the whole article, because there is important info at the end.
The “unknown if arrests are made” part is troubling. It sounds like they are NOT. It sounds like this guy has an antagonistic relationship with LE.
Let me start off by saying that this guy Twyman gave everybody (perp’s school employer and LE) the chat logs, and apparently they’re enough that the school is going to take some action against the perp, but the cops are not so thrilled.
That tells me this is PROBABLY a good enough bust to make the school want to get the perp out, because they know he’s at least potential trouble, but the evidence (chat logs) may not be kosher enough to file good charges, and THAT is a problem.
This is all about amateurs running possible illegal entrapments.
The mall is worried that some wrongly baited person is going to sue their ass for a bad bust. THAT is what working with *HONEST* LE will prevent, and why the mall and their lawyers use that dodge.
Working with LE doesn’t guarantee that a sting will be on the up-and-up, but it sure helps.
HOWEVER, California LE is so heavily politicized from the top, by child-trafficking leftist politicians and cartel-corrupted bureaucrats, that any operation against child predators is going to have much better success against the really nasty ones by not being tied to controlled LE, which can be ordered to drop investigation of whoever the pols want protected.
That is how ED BUCK survived so long, free and in the clear.
HOWEVER – one thing which is potentially problematic is that there is a fine line between catching a predator legitimately and *illegally* entrapping an otherwise innocent person who is *literally* led into temptation by slow and methodical psychological conditioning, which may even be consciously unknown to the person running the entrapment. Worse still, the person running a sting who is not properly reading intent (and people misread online responses all the time) could be walking into a MINEFIELD if they don’t give the “perp” the benefit of the doubt to SOME DEGREE.
Stings are always ALMOST BORDERLINE ILLEGAL, and without lawyers in the mix, can be very dangerous.
Motive? THE BUST. THE CLICKS. THE STORY. All this guy has to do is get greedy on one case where he over-reads the “perp’s” responses in those chats, and he could have a world of hurt falling down on his head.
I am constantly brought back to when DS attempted to run a pedo entrapment on me. I have NO idea where that came from, so it’s very likely that the motivation behind it was in bad faith. The fact is, if I ever found out who was behind it, and there was evidence of bad motivation or other legal problems, it would probably be an easy moneymaker.
The fact that this guy Twyman shows VERY LITTLE of his chat logs in the videos is not encouraging. For the actual pedos who he catches, they aren’t going to want those being seen, so I get that. Both good and bad LE actually depend on that embarrassment, to a certain extent, in multiple ways.
HOWEVER, if Twyman screws up and meets up with an innocent person (and he may very well have done so, and chosen NOT to show the embarrassing confrontation footage), then that is where the mall gets into trouble. We have no idea if this guy has had “bad busts” before – and he may not have been honest to LE about them. If there are a bunch of chat logs showing him using provocative language to get joking responses (full context – that’s what shows the entrapment) and then running with those to get footage rather than justice, he is walking deep into areas where he can be sued to hell and back.
It’s ALL ABOUT THE CHAT LOGS. Everything – nothing left out. I will bet he says things that nix a legal sting.
I really hate that in California, so much of law enforcement cannot be trusted, because it is so heavily controlled by communists. I sense that is where the problem is here. Imagine Twyman catches a politically connected pedo – VERY likely in CA. LE would HAVE TO protect that person.


Theres really a lot of whos gonna sue whom first concern here. The major issue is its SO EASY to find these guys, and local pd and sheriff do these chat logs just like this but not for yt clicks. Really, there needs to be far more police activity so people wouldnt find it necessary to take such action.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. But law enforcement can’t do it when government is on the pedos’ side, protecting them.
My suspicion is there is little or no budget or management support for going after pedos in CA blue zones like this. Remember thst really blatant gang killing of an off-duty cop? Same area.

Deplorable Patriot

In going through the Twitter feed on the rally in Virginia, this appeared. Please, take it to heart, and commit NOW to voting in November. Take the day off if you have to.


Why none of these people voted despite seeing how POTUS has to fight for us is sad. They got what they DIDNT bother to vote for. Best not to ignore their duty as a citizen anymore(but dang get educated before you vote on what youre voting for).

Gail Combs

I can not understand why ANY American would not vote. I have voted in all 23 elections that I was eligible to NO MATTER WHAT! Now with mail-in it is a lot easier than standing in line in the cold and dark in New England like I did decades ago.


A lot of people barely function day to day and frankly arent able to comprehend basic govt operations like voting. Ive voted every election since I turned 18.


Almost like a great awakening. Sit back and do nothing equal consequences


Just tried to post an important one. Dang into the spam bin.
Now ill do snippets.
Important work on a socal version of to catch a predator.
This mall is mad bc it was does at their property. Mot at the predator being outed, who brought his 4 year old along.
The group who does this needs support.
“EJ Twyman, the southwest Riverside County man who entices what he says are sexual predators in online applications and then records them in vigilante-style sting operations, says he has received a cease and desist letter pertaining to a video of a subject he met at the Promenade Mall. 
The letter, provided by Twyman to Valley News, appears to have been sent by the law offices of Fabozzi & Miller, APV, Attorneys at Law, and indicates that the office represents “Temecula Towne Center Associates, LLC, dba The Promenade Mall.”
The letter focused on Episode 5, which includes video footage shot inside “common areas of the mall, inside Macy’s and in the Mall parking lot,” according to the letter prepared by Attorney Ashley R. Wedding. 
“The Mall did not consent to the recording and the recording was done contrary to posted signs at the Mall which prohibit such activity,” Wedding writes. “Effective immediately, you are hereby ordered to cease and desist from making any video recordings inside the Mall, inside Mall stores and in the Mall parking lot. Any additional footage of the Mall, Mall stores and Mall patrons must be immediately deleted.”
In the letter, Wedding demands that Episode 5 be taken down and if Twyman refuses, the law firm would “contact the authorities.”
Fabozzi & Miller did not return a request for comment on this story.”comment image


Great undercover work! We need more of this. I understand that the mall has policies, and I would not like someone to be able to video me at a mall. But they need to find a work-around. These issues affect the safety of their mall patrons.


If you go to theur youtube there are a bunch of videos, and their other links. This is good professional stuff.



Living in a leftist state has given me a certain amount of insight into the prevailing mindsets of Democrats.
Generally, these people are ill informed (though they feel they are the opposite…..just would never read or listen to anything ut MSM) and only accept conventional sources of news (like NPR) as legitimate.
Oddly, they also generally hate the same politicians they have elected and rail against the restrictions and controls enacted by these politicians. However, they consider that the other side would be no better and at least the ones they have put into office are more friendly to the “little people”.
For me, pointing out how these same policies line the pockets of the leftist politicians who enact them has made a bit of a difference in the people I have discussed this with. It hits home.
It was especially impactful with the issue of climate change as I also brought up global controls which could be enacted against private land use and ownership as well as the allocation of resources and the threats of globalist restrictions on manufacturing processes and energy use. People could see how this would seriously damage private home ownership, jobs, and construction well beyond the challenges they already face due to environmental policies.
It might be good for our side to have and to post how leftist policies have benefited those who advocate them. For example, who has made money on climate change and how as well as who is also exempt from the policies put into place. Who, and which organizations stand to benefit and have already….
This might also help with churches advocating open immigration with no borders or walls, which goes against Biblical teaching (entire book of Nehemiah) and also brings “money changers into the temple”. In other words, a chart with statements of leaders and pastors speaking on behalf of the left that also shows the money pocketed by the organizations these people represent from the leftist groups and policies they advocate.


This vid is excellent for redpilling… for showing why Paris Accords is a Con, a sham for making money for the Cabal


Thank you Phoenix.
It is sad that Dr. Shiva has been somewhat marginalized by both sides in the political process.
Massachusetts Republicans are not to be trusted so I get that he felt that he had to run as a third party candidate against Warren, but I also felt that if benefited her to have him run that way and he could not seem to arrive at a more creative solution. He seemed a bit inflexible regarding the bigger picture.
His abilities are impressive. Perhaps he could develop more of these videos and also succinct factual information flowcharts to benefit the national red pilling dialogue.


That’s what the Uniparty does LM…


Y. But we need to elect Republicans over Democrats if we cannot primary the Rinos.
We have to trust that the President still has a greater margin of safety if Republicans Control both houses and also state offices. The greatest danger is an empowered left.
Exposing the lies and fraud, even of our side, is a wonderful tactic in that even if bad guys are eliminated from our side we have a greater chance to make things right through friendly appointments that hold things in place until we the people can make things right at the voting booth.
Third party candidates can take those choices away from us. They generally serve to usher in an Otherwise unelectable mainstream candidate.

Gail Combs

I suggest you read E. M. Smith’s very enlightening Comment on <“Evil Socialism” vs “Evil Capitalism” and link
E.M. (Chiefio) is a trained economist and worked in computers for years. His family owned a restaurant so he understands small business.
Most of the lefty’s I know are FOR small business and ANTI-Megacorporations.


Thank you, I will look into this.
It has not been my experience, sadly, that pointing out the links between the left and globalists has led to enlightenment without mentioning the financial benefits line the pockets of the elites.
I guess the red pill goes down better with a large dose of reeality.

Gail Combs

EM shows how the Megacorporations use politicians to write regulations SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSE of putting the small guy out of business. Then the EPA or OSHA or USDA or FDA target the small guy who does not have the lawyers or $$$ to fight and leaves the big guys alone.
It is only after whistleblowers scream bloody murder or someone dies that one of the Big Guys FINALLY gets tagged.
This goes on with our FOOD. The following shows how the big corporations screw not only the little guy but INCREASE the risk of food poisoning. Good Ole’ Senator Burr enshrined the BAD PRACTICES into law by supporting the Food Safety Modernization Act where the food inspectors now inspect corporate paperwork instead of our food supply.
This is from when Farmers were fighting to safe ‘The best food system in the world’ (We lost)
Shielding the Giant – Government Accountability Project
USDA’s “Don’t Look, Don’t Know” Policy

In other words folks, what Edgar Salsbury, a former state food inspector, said rings more true today than ever before. At our first meeting I asked him, “Which part of the law applied to food processing?”  He replied, “The part that screws the little guy and lets the big guys get away with murder.”  *
Stan Painter’s Testimony before congress
Stanley Painter was Chairman of:
National Joint Council of Food Inspection Local Unions,
American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO

….the agency summoned me to come here to Washington, DC where agency officials subjected me to several hours of interrogation including wanting me to identify which of my members were blowing the whistle on the SRM removal violations. I refused to do so.
I was then placed on disciplinary investigation status.
The agency even contacted the USDA Office of Inspector General to explore criminal charges being filed against me. Those charges were never filed. Because all of this was occurring during the time that USDA was trying to re- open beef trade with Japan, I found out that the disciplinary investigation and the possible criminal investigation into my allegations were the subject of a posting on the website of the U.S. Embassy in Japan. Both my union AFGE and the consumer group Public Citizen filed separate Freedom of Information Act requests in December 2004 for any non-compliance records in the FSIS data base that would support my allegations.
It was not until August 2005 that over 1000 non-compliance reports – weighing some 16 pounds — were turned over to both AFGE and Public Citizen that proved that what my members were telling me was correct – that some beef slaughter facilities were not complying with the SRM removal regulations. Coincidentally, on the same day that those records were released, I received written notification from the agency that they were dropping their disciplinary investigation into my actions – some eight months after their “investigation” began….
While I was completely exonerated in this incident, it has caused a chilling effect on others within my bargaining unit to come forward and stand up when agency management is wrong….

It did not end there. The USDA ‘looked into’ the above testimony and called Stan Painter a LIAR about a year later.

Valerie Curren

“where the food inspectors now inspect corporate paperwork instead of our food supply.”
This sounds similar to what another (Q?) Treeper said about the ISO processes, where the paperwork & procedures replaced actual quality control.
Are both of these examples of the UN or other globalist entities making things worse purposely while giving a veneer of “improving” things…could apply w/ fed education mandates, etc…

Gail Combs
Gail Combs

Good grief, I just did a search on
conagra contamination
And got multiple hits.
Dec 13, 2016 ConAgra Grocery Products LLC, a subsidiary of ConAgra Foods Inc., today pleaded guilty to a criminal misdemeanor charge alleging the shipment of contaminated peanut butter linked to a 2006 through 2007 nationwide outbreak of salmonellosis, or salmonella poisoning
ConAgra faces lawsuit over salmonella contamination. recall of salmonella-contaminated pot pie products. The latest case, which comes in the same year as the massive salmonella contamination of ConAgra’s Peter Pan peanut butter,
Jul 26, 2002 ConAgra, the second-biggest supplier of food and meat after Kraft Foods Inc.., launched the second-biggest U.S. recall of ground beef after the U.S. Agriculture Department said the meat might be contaminated by E.coli bacteria.
July 6, 2016 – ConAgra Foods, a Russellville, Ark. establishment, is recalling approximately 3,806 pounds of frozen chicken and beef entrée products that may be contaminated with extraneous materials, specifically metal, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced today. The metal fragments range in size between 2 and 9 millimeters (mm) in diameter, and are curled, malleable and shiny.
Conagra Brands Inc., in Russellville, AR, has recalled approximately 2,094,186 pounds of frozen entrees due to misbranding and an undeclared allergen, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS).

Deplorable Patriot



Wrong, as usual Mr. King.
What put the goat in goatee is G.O.A.T. – Greatest Of All Time.
Mr. Cruz was too much of a gentleman to praise himself with that comment. But I’m not that much of a gentleman and you sure aren’t so I don’t feel bad about saying that Mr. Cruz has more G.O.A.T. than you will ever hope to have.


So anyone watching the “news” heard about the massive women’s march in DC. NOT!
“Three years ago, the Women’s March brought a million anti-Trump protesters to Washington D.C.
This year, 25,000 people signed up online. That was unrealistically optimistic because organizers had only obtained a permit for up to 10,000 protesters. And they only ended up with thousands.”
…”But it was hard to cover up the fact that the Women’s March in D.C. had gone to the Commies and the dogs, and could barely manage to turn out a fraction of the million activists it had once unleashed.”
More truth bombs at the link:


This is a good sign, that they’re not as enthused about the fight. They either think the marches will do no good, or they’re resigned to the fact that Dems are not going to remove Pres. Trump from office. Or maybe some of them realize he’s not so bad.


I’m actually hoping some are finally seeing the movement and in particular Planned Parenthood for what it really is.




I think the selling of baby parts really got to some women…it’s one thing to sell abortion as the disposal of cells–it’s another thing to see that they’re selling arms, legs, brains…that proves it’s NOT a clump of cells…

Deplorable Patriot

Well…it’s a clump of cells, but the cells are identifiable. That’s what was not specified with the “clump of cells” rhetoric.



Brave patriots. They are holding the line for all of us.


His Dream is Now Our Dream

Gail Combs

UK Daily Mail 10/29/2017 EXCLUSIVE: US left wing groups travelled to Germany for the G20 Summit last July to meet with Al qaeda and ISIS leaders and plot the destruction of President Trump, secret FBI investigation reveals

✒️ Klein makes the shocking revelation that an FBI investigation discovered collusion between American anarchists and ISIS and Al-Qaeda
✒️ ‘This is the greatest challenge to law enforcement since the Weather Underground and the Black Panther Party,’ the FBI report declared
✒️ It reveals the FBI sent a task force to Germany to report on radical groups that planned to protest President Trump’s attendance at this year’s G20 Summit
✒️ The investigation determined that U.S.-backed anarchist/radical groups had traveled to Germany and took part in the violence
✒️There was also evidence that three key leaders of an Oakland group met in Hamburg with a leader of the Al-Qaeda
✒️ The foreign terrorists were helping them acquire the weapons they are seeking, primarily bomb-making equipment and toxic chemicals and gasses

And President Trump just took out the head planner of ISIS

Cuppa Covfefe

Black Panthers, anyone?



Gail Combs

Well that should convince the DemonRats they DON’T WANT WITNESSES!
The Gossip Monger errr excuse me Witless blower….
Adam Shifty Shitt
Adam’s traitorous staff that were formerly in the EX branch….

Deplorable Patriot


CM in TN

Watching David Knight right now. Should be some updates from on the ground coming up…


Thank you CM…………….


#arms #Virginia #Richmond
Virginia gun rights rally


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Thanks for the * Giggles * Pat!!!


you’re welcome…
so glad that the sites generally space them out–from Fridays to Mondays!


* Smile *


Thank you, Pat !!!!! 😂😁


any time!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, those are all hilarious! Great stuff!!! 😀

Gail Combs

Bernie forgot to add a word. He meant to say FREE CHICKEN POOP for everyone!
Because Bernie is certainly a master at shoveling the chicken shiff.





Very interesting tweet because of who this is



Lin Wood, calling out @Jack (Dorsey):

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What is really fascinating to me is how people like this – very effective speakers for gun rights – were targeted as a VERY high priority by the Clintons and the Deep State.


Not surprised – it is all about power and control – and they have no control over the citizens with firearms – oooooo – all of those videos about what happened under communist regimes who disarmed the populace made me sick – this is what they want for us – I find it very hard to even look at these people.


Watch Live – Virginia 2nd Amendment Pro-Gun Rally In Richmond…(Pix and Videos)
Posted by Kane on January 20, 2020 11:35 am






Watch Live – Virginia 2nd Amendment Pro-Gun Rally In Richmond…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m sorry, Duchess, but I can no longer get into the spam bucket without going to extraordinary measures.
Posts that go into spam are very likely not going to be released the same day, because I can only use the “extraordinary measures” occasionally.
It’s WAR. We are under fire.


That is ok – as long as people go to Citizen Free Press – they will be able to see the pix and the videos – NBD – now I know what to do – just reference where it is – so please leave it there – NP – Thanks!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You can also try that trick with an asterisk and see if that works:


Oh, yes – I noticed that – now I know why some posters do that – Thanks!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup – it works. Then people can just highlight and go.

Gail Combs

Yes, That is why I so often use [*] before URLs. WordUnImpressed doesn’t kick my comments into the ether as often.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




Jan Jekielek
🔴PREMIERE at 8:30pm ET:
“The youngest child we’ve rescued…was 2 years old. 34 men raped that 2-year-old over a 36-day period.”
@BooyensJaco breaks down the alarming realities of child sex trafficking in America on American Thought Leaders🇺🇸

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Absolutely horrifying! Why are ANY OF THOSE MEN still walking the street?


too many words in your last question…you can leave off the “the street”…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, a little AIR DANCING by these perps would do the world some good.


i don’t think CHEMICAL castration would be enough for these guys…
maybe Ginzu makes a suitable instrument for this task…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If Ginzu is coming out for the eggs, then gotta have sausage for a complete breakfast.
THEN A GOOD LEGAL HANGING after that last meal!
Wolf ain’t takin’ no chances. These vampires come back, it’ll be without the troublemaker parts.
Seriously, anybody who rapes a 2-year old ain’t fit to live.


these are foul beasts who deserve to put down like the animals they are…
that poor child…just a baby really…brings me to tears imaging her horror and pain.


I have a dull, rusty, pocket knife that I was going to give to my son to sharpen, but…..🤷🤔


i was thinking about a rusty pair of hedge clippers we got in the basement…might work well too…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A cheese grate.
Though it’s much more work and messier. Wear ear plugs.






Some of them are probably our “newcomers” who get no bail, tap on the wrists, etc….remember that poor toddler only a couple a months ago who was borrowed by a group of men to get in the country..she was torn apart by those animals


I listened to this interview last week, ozzy – it broke my heart to hear him say as many as 500K children are trafficked every year – the cost of therapy for survivors is astronomical – and even then – there is no guarantee these children will ever be made whole again – their childhood has literally been stolen from them – and I believe the baby will never be physically normal again, either – suffer the little children…
He also said it begins with porn – and escalates – and porn is peddled to boys as young as 8 years old.
Why I pray for the unborn and born children every day – this is pure evil.

Gail Combs

WORSE it is the ‘safe’ middle class kids that are targeted and groomed over the internet.
Remember how Alex Jones went BALLISTIC when he found out his son was talking to some guy on the phone in the middle of the night?


True – and – unfortunately, some parents are participating in trafficking their own children for profit.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I now have mixed feelings about all the threats from the left and our advice to people to not show up.
I will bet it would have been THREE TIMES BIGGER – maybe more – had there been no threats of leftist violence, and no calls to therefore stay away.


Maybe so – but, it looks like ANTIFA in its MAGA gear decided not to go as well – so it is all good – imho


That is probably true, however I believe that all the buzz on social media outed the bad guys plans, and likely saved lives. Also, we would be dealing with the Trump-hating media having a field day with such an outcome, with the sham-peachment starting tomorrow.
I started out thinking show up no matter what, and ended up where you did, with don’t go. You made the right call, I’m sure of it.


We’ve heard rumors that there was a pic of Schiff with Ed Buck. Now there are reports that a senior House Republican has given it to Red State. At this link, you can see the 11/8/19 letter to the National Republican Congressional Committee from the research firm that found the info on Schiff. Now it appears that a Repub has given the pic to the media (Red State), the day before the impeachment trial begins. 🍿


wonder if there was a “fourth” present (who took the photo) or was it more like a blackmail?Epstein hidden camera type thing…


Good question. If there were hidden cameras, there should be a lot more evidence that I want to come out but would rather not see.


if there was a fourth, there might be WITNESS testimony that Schiff will find harder to dispute


The lack of violence is an argument we can use from now on.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – a good trade-off for reduced crowd size.


That is gonna be a YUGE deal


A guy who attendet the demonstration called into Levin tonight and said “7 thousand entered the Governor
encampment without guns and voiced their 1 amendment and the rest stood guard outside with weapons.
He seemed satisfied the way it went.
This all makes sense why Antifa would not show up seeing weapons plus police who supported the second amendment among demonstrators.
I am sure there were scouts when they saw all the guns they called their team off. Winning through strength in this case.


So….like a Trump rally with no protestors 😎


About the size of a Trump Rally !!!!


Any word about where the good Governor was during the rally?

Gail Combs

Rounding up dust bunnies.

Cuppa Covfefe

More like licking them up off the floor…
Sorry for the “image”, but Northam is a SLIME, and a disgrace to the great state of Virginia, indeed, a disgrace to humanity in general…


Working on his ‘tan’?


I had heard he was going to NC, then heard he stayed at Gov Mansion nearby.IDK where he was, but I hope he got the message those patriots sent


Ya know why there was no trouble, no evidence of Antifa ?
Thousands of ARMED Patriots were there.
Antifa thugs are first of all FASCISTS… NOT antifa ! They attack the defenseless… seniors, esp.those in wheelchairs … bullies and cowards don’t mess with armed Patriots…


Antifa thugs are first of all cowards.


Agitator Tries To Incite Violence – Fails Miserably – CFP


Be a shame if somebody were to “I’d” this attempted trouble maker.


It is possible they already have – dunno

Gail Combs

There were cameras out every where so leave it to our great Autists to track down exactly who this idiot is.
Weaponized Autism Leads To Arrest Of Bike Lock Attacker
“Let it be known to all who would do anonymous violence against peaceful people just exercising their God given right to speak. /pol/ is watching. They will identify you, and you will be held accountable for your crimes.”


Interesting, Gail! Thanks!




Very inspiring! Whoever is doing these is right on target!


That is AWESOME!!
Needs to be a Superbowl commercial.

Valerie Curren

That was also my thought…great minds!


Donald J Trump
President of the United States of America



Valerie Curren

Thank you so much for sharing this. I wasn’t planning to watch for I’m not so big on videos but am so glad I did. It ended up inspiring me to do this post to pass along this uplifting message. Blessings!


God bless you Valerie…

Valerie Curren

God Bless you too!


bookmarked! thanks!!


comment image




Biggest Hoax ever attempted in History…..


Sadly, Coleman died two years ago today…



Looks like an agenda to me.


Iow they’d better get their shit sorted or Potus will do it for them


Trump Tribute version!


Heshmat Alavi on rocket attacks in Baghdad:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow! So “continuous impeachment and harassment” is their plan.
Vote them out. Vote them ALL OUT and LET TRUMP FIX THIS ****!!!


They are sick traitors!


These people are nuts. Those that yell the loudest
Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter Leaks Details of Donald Trump Documentary Shoot to Washington Post Reporters
Of course, she does…. maybe take care of your drunk & nuts Mother instead.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Label the little governmedia tramp a security risk now. LEAKER. No longer allowed in government facilities without permission, ennhanced scrutiny at all times. NOT allowed in the White House.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I was thinking about what you had posted about her a few weeks ago. Very true

Deplorable Patriot

Alright, back from another wild goose chase with my sister (although I was successful in my mission) to IKEA.
What’d I miss?


LOL did you at least have a good time?!?!? I SOOOOO need to go to IKEA again!!!


Yeah no I think we’re good.
Davos: United States and China Should Try to be More Like Sweden
The World Economic Forum released its first “Global Social Mobility Index,” which analyzed 82 countries and suggests that governments should ensure a level playing field not just because it is the right thing to do, but it can benefit their economies.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Lying communist globalists are really lying globalist communists.


LOL you forgot to add idiots

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Well I would have added a few other words but this is a family site and well wheatie might send that owl after me so…. 😉


Lying communist globalists gonna lying globalist communist.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



The Epoch Times has an informative article about the Senate trial that starts tomorrow.
Length – 2-8 weeks
Pres. Trump was charged 12/18/19 with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
Chief Justice John Roberts was sworn in on Thursday. His rulings can be overruled by 51 Senators.
The Senators are the jurors.
“Senators will hear from Trump’s team and House impeachment managers as soon as Tuesday before submitting written questions to both sides. According to the GOP majority, the matter of whether to call witnesses will be decided after both sides present their cases and the questions are answered.”
“The Senate holds enormous power during the proceedings, having the ability to dismiss the charges with a simple majority vote or to convict the president, removing him from office, with a 67-vote supermajority.”
“Currently held by Republicans with a 53-47 majority, it’s widely considered unlikely that Trump will be convicted.”
“A majority vote is required to call witnesses during the Senate trial.”
“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has said the matter of witnesses won’t be included in the vote on initial trial guidelines, citing the Senate rules set out in President Clinton’s 1999 impeachment trial.”
“The senators themselves, in their roles as jurors, will have the opportunity to submit questions in writing. Under the rules, senators can even be called as witnesses in the trial.”



I’m trusting we all still remember the other Epstein. Not so good news.

More here.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I’m very relieved about the rally in VA today. It looks like the word got out. None of the pictures/footage showed anyone wearing anything resembling a uniform except for some supporting sheriffs who are entitled to wear their uniforms, and the police, of course. People dressed warmly, kept their cool, and some cooler, older heads looked to be defusing some few a very appropriate manner. People picked up after themselves and others.


This really should not surprise anyone.
Thousands of armed people gathered together for a singular purpose?
Yeah, people are gonna keep their cool.


Well, I’m a bit of a worry-wart. I was more worried that cabal types might try to instigate a ff.


Ooh. Now this is scary shit.
Lin Wood
Good morning, @jack. My followers on @Twitter increase & then decrease. Retweets disappear. Was it something I said? Or maybe you do not like The Beatles? Your agenda against conservatives & @realDonaldTrump? Maybe we should speak directly to discuss? I can arrange that meeting.
12:57 AM – Jan 21, 2020


Here’s the problem…..
I don’t know if the story is true or not, and it would not surprise me if it was true.
Even if it’s a spoof, it made my day.
Can’t wait until you guys “see” this.
Petro Poroshenko was the President of Ukraine.
“Butt” (intentional misspelling) according to this article he had other talents as an actor, playing a prison guard in low budget port movies from ’97-2004.
The Head of Ukraine’s IRS and a News Channel Director were blackmailing Poroshenko with the tapes.
So…. those two were arrested.
And…. bwwhahaha…….. ordered not to discuss the case in the media, “FAT” chance.
No, I will not search for the tapes. Don’t want the evidence in my computer and sure as heck don’t want Google thinking I want the tapes in my computer.
It’s too funny.


the “t” in “port” is really an “n”.


Oh we figured that out

Cuppa Covfefe

A Schiff in every, erm, port…


The pictures included in the article were MORE that sufficient!!


ewwww! YUCK – link contains pictures.
Plus – middle aged and fat.
After I stopped gagging…are these fake/photoshopped?
Hate to fall for photo shopped and then if real stuff comes out of others such pictures already have a bad reputation for being fakes


I don’t know if they’re real, and that’s the problem.
Cant tell what’s real or fake coming out of Ukraine lately, let alone OUR news.


Cuppa Covfefe

Nan Francisco has had a homeless problem since 1849… and has been a party town since then, too. It’s just that as the population grew, the homeless hordes grew in proportion, and the likes of Feinstein (no Einstein) and Gruesome-not-so-Newsom only exacerbated the problem, inviting drugs, detritus, excrement, and crime to join the homeless on the streets of San Francisco…
A little ditty from awhile back:
Many, MANY years ago, it was a nice place, always a little wild, though (bawdy days from the old 49ers, the Gold Rush. Herb Caen called it “Baghdad by the Bay”. Now it’s just Sodom by the Bay. I miss the way it used to be… even the sports teams…
How did that song go? Oh yeah,
The decadence of Paris is here and sadly gay
The practices of Rome have settled here to stay
I’ve been terribly alone and must down some more Manhattans
I’m going home to my city by the Bay
I left my trash in San Francisco
High on a hill, it stinks to me
To be where Colin Kaepernick is acting like a twit,
The morning fog will choke my air, I don’t care
My crud waits there in San Francisco
Above the green and fetid sea
When I come home to you, San Francisco
Your football team will cease to be
Oh, wait… They’re in Santa Clara now. In the heart of Silicon valley. Could be the yuppies there are at the root of this Marxist madness…
(Apolgies to Tony Bennett and the remaining good folks in San Francisco – the downfall of that city breaks my heart)
(Looks like the team has improved, by chucking Kaepernick and moving south, even if only 40 miles or so)…


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow. They wanted NO CHANCE it would not go to the Senate.


Potus has everything riding on this senate trial. Think Judas goats

Gail Combs

Think Trump’s nuclear option….
Remember he has been planing this for DECADES.
He was a non drinker at elite parties
He owns high class hotels,
He owns Elite playgrounds — clubs, golf courses & casinos
He has the top intel company in the country.


The trial is going to be the moabs. All that don’t throw me in the briar patch. He baited the drunken fool and her shitty sidekick into the biggest own goal in history



The media IS the democrats.
There is absolutely not a single whisker of difference between the communists in Congress and the Communists on TV and in print.




All eyes on the Middle East tonight.
Libya oil field shut down.
3 Iraqi protesters shot in Baghdad.
Rejection of nomination of New Prime Minister for Iraq.
The protesters are burning tires and vow they won’t quit.
Iran had an explosion at a police station, well known comic openly mocking Soleimani, and multiple protests.
And Lebanon is on fire.
US journalist imprisoned.


Love me some Doranimated.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Anybody remember Bani Sadr, the guy BEFORE the mullahs and ayatollahs?


From wiki:
“He was the first President of Iran after the 1979 Iranian Revolution abolished the monarchy, serving from 4 February 1980 until he was impeached by parliament on 20 June 1981. Prior to his presidency, he was the minister of foreign affairs in the interim government. He has resided for many years in France where he co-founded the National Council of Resistance of Iran. At age 86, Banisadr is currently the oldest living former Iranian President.”

Cuppa Covfefe

Wow…. just as I was reading the above paragraph, that name popped into my head … wonder if he’ll be doing a dance away from exile and back to Iran.. (I came, I saw, Iran)…
(I have to admit, the similarity to “solder” has made that name stick in my head for all these years…).


Full blown DAVOS post out first thing after midnight eastern time.
Love it when we get to travel overseas with the President.
+ full econ rundown.
Americans, kicking A$$ forevermore.



Seriously now, Democrats don’t care about fairness. The way they figure is once they can steal back the power of the Presidency they’ll rig it so that power is theirs forever more.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. WE THE PEOPLE have one shot at beating these monsters.


Peacefully, anyway.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




Lets see if all the limo libs like this new communist tax proposal. A tax for CEO earnings. Newsom would sign it.
LOS ANGELES, CA — It’s not the size of the salary that matters. It’s the pay gap between CEOs and worker bees that has caught the attention of California lawmakers, who are kicking the beehive with a bill that would impose higher taxes on companies with big pay gaps.
California has several of the highest paid chief executive officers in the nation including Tesla’s Elon Musk, Oracle’s Safra Catz, Disney’s Robert Iger, Qualcomm’s Steve MollenKopf, Cisco Systems’ Charles Robbins and, of course, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg. Not only do they all earn tens of billions in compensation, their earnings dwarf that of their average employee. And if one California lawmaker gets her way, those outsized CEO salaries will become a tax liability for those companies. If the bill passes, California would be the largest state to tie tax rates to executive pay.
Sen. Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) proposed a law that would impose higher taxes on large California companies with high pay gaps between the CEOs and employees. Her bill, SB 37, was approved by its first committee hearing on Wednesday and appears headed for a Senate vote. The size of the tax increase would depend upon the size of the pay gap. It would only apply to large companies that post at least $10 million of taxable income from business conducted in the state. There are thousands of companies that fall into that category. If it passes, it could raise more than $4 billion in taxes, according to state officials. However, the bill has stiff opposition.
Opponents of the legislation contend that it would cost jobs by driving major companies out of the state. Supporters argue that it would provide companies with an incentive not to pay CEOs outrageous salaries at the expense of the average worker’s pay.
The bill has, at least, one unlikely proponent. Disney heiress Abigail Disney, Walt Disney’s grandniece and granddaughter of Disney co-founder of Roy Disney, lobbied state lawmakers on behalf of the bill.
“At the happiest place on Earth, they are paid so poorly that they rely on food banks, sleep in cars or live so close to the bone that even a small problem could send them into a death spiral,” she told state lawmakers, according to the Los Angeles Times.
Disney would be directly impacted if the bill becomes law because it’s one of many companies where the CEO earns more than 1,000 times the average worker. In 2018, Iger earned more than $65 million while many Disney employees earn minimum wage.
“Corporate CEOs in California and throughout the country pocket big bucks while American workers struggle to make ends meet,” said Skinner, the bill’s author, said in a written statement. “SB 37 will incentivize large corporations to stop overpaying their CEOs and give workers a fair share.”
Skinner cited a 2019 report by the Economic Policy Institute, which found that CEO compensation has soared 940% during the last four decades, while the pay of the average worker has remained flat. In the late 1970s, U.S. CEOs were paid only 30 times more than the average employee. Today, CEO compensation is hundreds, sometimes thousands, of times higher, she said.
The bill would specifically penalize large companies where executive pay is more than a few hundred times that of the workers. According to CBS News, such businesses could see their tax rates jump from 8.84% to 14.84%. That has industry groups putting up a fight.
Rob Lapsley, president of the California Business Roundtable told lawmakers it would make companies think twice before coming to California.
“I’m not here today to defend CEO pay. What I am here today to do is to defend jobs,” he told state lawmakers, according to CBS News. “Take the CEO pay out of it. What (the bill) is sending is a broader signal that the Legislature is intending to be able to regulate every aspect of free enterprise in this state.”


Looks like California is hard at work trying to de-industrialize itself.


Yes indeed. Like that utopia pic SD always posts. Windmills and teepees outside the wall of the industrialized wealthy area.


The giant corporations are comparable to Marie Antoinette, but these same corporations are supporting all the liberal, communistic policies. It’s a strange dynamic. The local governments see big bucks, and figure that those big companies need to share more of their monies with the local governments. They want a bigger piece of the pie. Of course, there’s no real intention to do anything constructive with more money, it will just end up in various politicians or their relatives pockets.
So the big corporations figure they’ll just move. Sooner or later they’ll run out of places to move to because they support the commies in the government, donate lots to their campaigns, and then can’t figure out why the local or state governments want more money.


Isn’t it strange how their signalli g now will hurt them? You are right, eventually theres no where to go.


I am sure Gov Abbott of Texas will make a commercial supporting the bill.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


A very strong possibility.


That was the first thought I had, when I heard about this guy.


When you have some spare time, if you like sappy movies, free on youtube
Journey Back to Christmas
WWII, time travel, dogs, children, happily every afters…
set at Christmas time but not overly focused on Christmas so ok to watch when not Christmas


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, now THAT is hilariously karmic!!!


Wonder what part Devin Nunes will have….cause you just KNOW he has one


Only reason he’s not there… He is NOT a lawyer.


That makes sense


YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, AND YES!!!!!!!🔥💥👍💪🇺🇸

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gail Combs

The banks own the press, or at least a large portion of it. My 2012 comment

World Bank Carbon Finance Report for 2007
The carbon economy is the fastest growing industry globally with US$84 billion of carbon trading conducted in 2007, doubling to $116 billion in 2008, and expected to reach over $200 billion by 2012 and over $2,000 billion by 2020

Copenhagen climate summit in disarray after ‘Danish text’ leak: Developing countries react furiously to leaked draft agreement…
The draft hands effective control of climate change finance to the World Bank; would abandon the Kyoto protocol – the only legally binding treaty that the world has on emissions reductions; and would make any money to help poor countries adapt to climate change dependent on them taking a range of actions.
The document was described last night by one senior diplomat as “a very dangerous document for developing countries. It is a fundamental reworking of the UN balance of obligations. It is to be superimposed without discussion on the talks”….

WUWT comment

oebele bruinsma says: @ January 26, 2014 at 6:57 am
“Anyway, what do you think, when did Global Warming begin?”
In 1972 I heard during a UNEP meeting in Nairobi a discussion on CO2 as a pollutant. I found it remarkable that several of the discussing team were bankers. Therefore 1972 is the date for me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s way past time to disempower the banksters.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The vote-shifting by corrupt and politicized social media is WAY bigger than that of Ukraine or Russia.
PS – this guy’s wife didn’t kill herself.



“hands full of cash” . . . AHA!!! Impeachment Article 3! Bribes received at Davos for as yet unspecified favorable treatment in future actions! Clear! And bribery is a CRIME!!!

“House impeachment managers will have just two days to prosecute their case against President Donald Trump according to a resolution circulated by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, in a move meant to accelerates the timetable for a trial Republicans intend to end in a speedy acquittal. President Trump’s team will also have two days to present their arguments and then senators will have a chance to ask questions and consider subpoenas of witnesses.”
more at link


According to this article, the two days that each side has for arguments = 24 hours for each side = 12 hours/day, and Dems are complaining.
Also, “On the process for amendments Tuesday, Democrats say they expect to offer several amendments. The rule would allow two hours of debate on each amendment with each side controlling one hour of debate. Democrats stress that they are not aiming to delay the trial; the amendments will be targeted at calling for witnesses and potentially changing the rules McConnell has proposed.”
Looks as if tomorrow will be spent with meaningless droning on about amendments and process. Repub arguments might be interesting, though. The best part is that Repubs are in control. No more Schiff saying, “The gentle lady is not recognized.”


…Repubs are in control! Thank goodness!

Gail Combs

Ed Buck isn’t Shiffty Shitt’s only problem:
Adam’s good friend Dr. Bruce Hensel asked for sex picts from a 9 year old who was a daughter of a friend. Therefore he KNEW her age.
I did not realize just how WEIRD the Standard hotel is!comment image
Hall way totally normal.comment image
Pool side totally normal
Info from:

Cuppa Covfefe

Kind of non-standard, there…
Shades of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, where the “wares” are on display (at least were, though I’ve never been in that area) (dangerous as well as depraved).
Isn’t Schiffty also involved in some sort of kiddie-massage outfit, too?
Makes one wonder what the helicopter “exercise” a year or two ago in downtown LA was all about…



One of my daughters is somewhat of a snowflake, but these women are 10 times worse than she is. They really are encased in a hard shelled bubble.


I tried to directly link to this article, but WP seems to have ate my post. So I’ll try a tweet with the article linked.


Seeing all these gun posts well:





As I watch my social media, I don’t think the MSM or the Democrats have any idea of the number of NEW voters DJT is going to have in 2020. There are huge numbers of not your typical Republicans who not only are showing up for rallies, but they’re showing up at conferences, meetings, events, etc. and these are being broadcast across social media. In 2016, I saw a lot of Diamond and Silk, now it’s like the flood gates have opened – and we really are seeing the cross-section of America – Americans who want Donald J Trump to be president.
The polls are manipulated, and everyone must remember that. Neither should we be complacent – but I don’t think complacency is even a factor in this election. It’s going to be EXPLOSIVE for us.
People will want to vote for Trump – just for their piece of history.
The MSM and Dems will be shocked again, because they refused to believe that there are millions of people, the majority of this country, who can’t stand the elitist class who sold our country out, gave away our jobs, and robbed the people of their pride and self-respect.
President Trump has been restoring our pride in our country, by restoring pride in ourselves. It’s a Sea Change.
PS: I do believe there are major variables, re: Spygate, corruption, criminality in the gov. agencies, etc. that are yet to be revealed, but will further increase the success of DJT in 2020. IMO, it’s going to be extraordinary.


In a nutshell….


It’s good to see the spring in his step as he navigates stairs.


Happy Inauguration Anniversary!! Best 3 years of America’s life!!💓

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

How about FIVE MORE???!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


Or 13 🤔😄

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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