Welcome to the new Tuesday open thread where the Classical World’s god of war will be front and center. The day, in fact, in every language is named for him.
And given that our source known as Q has all but said it’s showtime, Mars is front and center. It’s on, and we’d best be ready.

A little mood music is in order.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
A quick word from our Eternal Sponsor via the Prophet Isaiah:
Do you not know? hath it not been heard? hath it not been told you from the beginning? have you not understood the foundations of the earth? [22] It is he that sitteth upon the globe of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as locusts: he that stretcheth out the heavens as nothing, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in. [23] He that bringeth the searchers of secrets to nothing, that hath made the judges of the earth as vanity. [24] And surely their stock was neither planted, nor sown, nor rooted in the earth: suddenly he hath blown upon them, and they are withered, and a whirlwind shall take them away as stubble. [25] And to whom have ye likened me, or made me equal, saith the Holy One?
[26] Lift up your eyes on high, and see who hath created these things: who bringeth out their host by number, and calleth them all by their names: by the greatness of his might, and strength, and power, not one of them was missing. [27] Why sayest thou, O Jacob, and speakest, O Israel: My way is hid from the Lord, and my judgment is passed over from my God? [28] Knowest thou not, or hast thou not heard? the Lord is the everlasting God, who hath created the ends of the earth: he shall not faint, nor labour, neither is there any searching out of his wisdom. [29] It is he that giveth strength to the weary, and increaseth force and might to them that are not. [30] Youths shall faint, and labour, and young men shall fall by infirmity.
[31] But they that hope in the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall take wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.
All’s well?
All’s well! <3
Peaceful nonviolence is a beautiful thing.
Heinlein: “An armed society is a polite society.”
The people outside the pen exemplified it.
No power for a week, what did I miss??? Our internet is hit and miss, just wanted to say howdy.
Hi Rodney !!!! All you missed was MOAR WINNING by our Very Stable Genius President Donald J. Trump.

Oh yeah, and a gun fight at the OK Corral won by the White Hats of Qville, VA
MOAR winning, I love it…
What, you’re not tired of winning yet like everyone else?
Bring on the winning Steve, I will never tire of winning.
Correct answer. MAGA on!
Ah, the Avenger is here…
Had to say hi to you!
(I’ll just sneak in a quick ogle…)
Where the hell are you that you had no power for a week?
Northern Humboldt County California, we live in the middle of the Redwood National Forest on the Yurok Reservation.
Oh, never mind, the People’s Respublik and Aspiring Third World Shithole of Kalifornia.
I should have known.
Yepper, I am a transplant from Florida.
Moved here 10 years ago to be with Kimi and still trying to redpill everyone I meet.
Lots of Luck. Kalifornia believes itself to be special, and immune to the laws of physics because Style over Substance. (That’s the quintessential Hollywood attitude and it corrupted the entire “southland” which which I am (regrettably) most familiar.)
LOL you can always count on SteveInCO to tell it how it is IN STYLE!
I spent two and a half years in that stinking place, back before it got genuinely dirty, but not before the stupid airheaded attitude was in just bout everyone…it was the longest ten years of my life.
On a good day, I figure Kalifornia would be fixed by killing the right 50 percent of the population.
On a bad day, I figure it will take 90 percent.
Good to see you! Well we are Winning so much winning.so nothing new
Thanks Kea,bring on the winning.
You ok? Been concerned
Doin the best I can Ozzy, I try not to let the lil things get to me.
Thank you for asking and I hope your doin ok.
I’m good. Really grateful. Not burnt out or bad storms
Great job, as usual, DPat !!! I love your openers! Very rah rah Winning

Thanks. Now that tomorrow’s is done, I have to think up something for next week.
Decisions, decisions.
A million things will happen bwteen now & then. Prediction: MOAR Winning
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 8ac2bc No.7864137
Jan 20 2020 23:18:10 (EST) NEW
What is this – back to the future?
I watched the Q video linked above and this came up next for me. It is worth watching all of this IMO. It is 15 + minutes.
Agreed! See my comments on the full speech on Daughn’s Davos thread!
Congratulations to Tim Tebow!!
“….bride’s home country of South Africa”
So….. is she now “African American”?
Probably more than most who claim to be
True!……She’s pretty light skinned to be one of the “Oppressed”.
Will she get “Reparations” too (If ever passed)?
She probably wouldn’t even ask for them
She probably wouldn’t…….
Kind of refutes “their” argument that “Blacks” are “deserving” of MY and YOUR …. MONEY!
I think (hope) there are less and less that feel that way as more escape the Dem plantation
This is terrifying. There’s undoubtedly a crop now at just the right age to run for office…………….. Glad POTUS is taking this on.
I had no idea Canada had the same issue.
I’m so glad Pres. Trump is doing something about this, and this is a good first step to making people aware of the issue, but I don’t think babies born here to non-citizen parents should be citizens of the U.S.
They shouldn’t be…and apparently it wasn’t the intent of the drafters of the 14th Amendment. But apparently under current case law, they are, and if the judges continue to interpret the 14th Amendment the way they do, no law passed by congress (much less an executive order) is going to fix that.
HOWEVER The Supreme Court WILL!
They already ruled on Anchor Babies NOT being US citizens because the parents are not. A law can NOT over throw the US Constitution only an Amendment can.
That is pretty DARN CLEAR!
Aaah…good cite, thank you!
You are welcome.
technically neither “case law” nor “regulations” should carry the weight of Actual Law, as in passed by lawmakers & signed by the President, all of whom are subject to voters…
I would tend to agree, but that’s not what actually happens.
So the concept of returning to the rule of law is pretty iffy…
The whole system is and always has been about respecting precedent…even when it’s clearly wrong. It takes a lot to get precedent overturned. That’s how rule of law actually works.
Hopefully such overturning will eventually be the case w/ Roe v Wade etc. It would be great if the SCOTUS hadn’t usurped power that was beyond the scope of its constitutional limits…
I always wondered if there was a good way to put it. This is the most efficient statement I’ve seen.
An exodus of DC crooks will hopefully involve a lack-up facility for many.
another one of yours? it’s great!!
Yes. Thank you!
Awesome Iswoot

Thank you, Alison.
Can we somehow work Fauxcahontas into that one? Especially since she claims to be Cherokee?
Dang! I forgot about Lizzie Boredom.
Love it!
Something else for the time being.
And Mulvaney pulled the plug on that one. Ha.
And sat their ignoring them as, as boss of it , he didn’t answer to the house. Bwahahahah. They were hoist by their own petard…..again
“lack-up” = lock-up
Trail of tears? I vote for a barge down the Potomac, to the Chesapeake at Point Lookout at the end of the western Maryland shore, and on to open Atlantic with an escort from Norfolk.
Maybe one of those garbage barges (garbarges?) going out from New York to be dumped at see… Take out the trash, literally…
(Hmmm. Seems they no longer do it…. maybe they could to a brief reprise, just for Mafiosi Piglosi and Schiff-oh-the-Schumer…).
Then….. set sail for Gitmo Cuba
A nice little bedtime story.
Ni Ni.
This is GRET, BFly

OMG i need coffee “GREAT” !!!
I retweeted this hilarious gem & got a reply that the video had already been taken down. Thankful to have been able to see it in your comment…
Verse of the Day
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”
Matthew 5:16 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Wednesday Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Good Morning Duchess!
Have a Blessed Day!!
Hey, Pat! Hope and pray all is well with you!
Thanks! You have a Blessed Day, too! God Bless you today and always!
thank you!

OMG! Remember Sully? He was such a hero! The whole country looked up to him for his bravery, including me!
He led the news for days in NY after that flight.
And now this? I’m shocked! I feel as if I’ve been hit in the head with a rock. Ouch!
Remember, he had a movie made about him.
He got sucked into Hollyweird. No telling what they got him into, and are now using against him.
Yeah and tom hanks played him. Hes got his own wierdness also.
What a wanker
That’s really sad to hear. I know I had gotten my Dad the book “Highest Duty: My Search for What Really Matters” and he really enjoyed it. I did not like the Hollywood movie.
I know he did the hollywood thing (and something is up with Tom Hanks) Doesn’t he live in CA?
What a shame.
Bernie, Bernie, Bernie…how DID you get so rich???
During Monday’s broadcast of Sean Hannity’s nationally syndicated radio show, author Peter Schweizer explained how 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) funneled what he deemed to be “taxpayer money” and “school money” to members of his family.
While discussing his new book, “Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite,” Schweizer said, “Bernie over the course of his 30-plus years in public office has final huge sums of money to his family. That includes hiring family members even when it was not justified in the Burlington city governments. But more specifically, the 2016 campaign, there was this mysterious media-buying company called Old Town Media that was set up.”
“They funneled $83 million through this media-buying company, which was located in a house on a cul-de-sac in suburban Virginia,” he continued. “Had no website, had no presence whatsoever. That company was run by two of Bernie Sanders’ wife’s friends. When she was asked about her connection or relationship to that firm, she hung up on a local Vermont reporter. So there are various ways taxpayer money, school money other things that have flowed to the family and have made the Sanders family very very wealthy.”
Schweizer is excellent. Along with Bernie and Sleepy, He also outs corruption by Warren and Klobuchar.
Good to see focus on Grifters running for President, can’t wait to hear about others.
For history lovers. A vivid description of a tragic day.
Notes for 2020 – Louis XVI, Saintly King, true Martyr: a Catholic going to death and His Last Will and Testament
On January 20, 1793, the National Convention condemned Louis XVI to death, his execution scheduled for the next day. Louis spent that evening saying goodbye to his wife and children. The following day, January 21, dawned cold and wet. Louis arose at five. At eight o’clock a guard of 1,200 horsemen arrived to escort the former king on a two-hour carriage ride to his place of execution. Accompanying Louis, at his invitation, was a priest, Henry Essex Edgeworth, an Englishman living in France. Edgeworth recorded the event and we join his narrative as he and the fated King enter the carriage to begin their journey:
Talk about a revolution where the people knew not what they did.
interesting article on many fronts…one: it reveals how 4 papers on “gender study issues” were acclaimed and highly regarded even tho it was later revealed they were all HOAX bullshit theories written by the authors to out universities. two: it lists 10 of the most ridiculous courses being offered at major universities this year–good luck interpreting just WHAT is supposedly taught in these classes…
Women’s, gender and feminist studies — which are now in over 700 universities across the country — have faced many accusations of prioritizing the ideological over the academic.
In October 2018, the Hungarian government ended funding for gender studies academic programs, stating they have no business being taught in universities because the field is “an ideology not a science.”
The move prompted the American Association of University Professors to issue a statement to “reiterate the necessity of robust gender studies,” saying: “It is they who are offering ‘gender ideology’ by attempting to override the insights of serious scholars.”
Yet around the same time it was revealed that three scholars successfully published four hoax papers in academic journals with an aim to reveal fields like gender and race studies are “based less upon finding truth and more upon attending to social grievances,” the authors of the hoaxes wrote.
The papers had “passed the highest level of critical assessment in leading peer-reviewed journals for Gender Studies and related fields,” stated the hoaxers, mathematician James Lindsay, Portland State philosopher Peter Boghossian and writer Helen Pluckrose.
Published papers included “The Conceptual Penis As A Social Construct” and “Human Reactions to Rape Culture and Queer Performativity at Urban Dog Parks in Portland, Ore.”
In response to the hoax, Yascha Mounk, a political scientist at Johns Hopkins University, said, “Some of the leading journals in areas like gender studies have failed to distinguish between real scholarship and intellectually vacuous as well as morally troubling bullshit.”
Imagine how daVinci figured out all this information. It’s not a nice thought.
It was illegal at the time, too.
Da Vinci might have assisted surgeons trying to save a baby when the mother was dying….or worked alongside medical students, if they were allowed to do anatomy forensic study on cadavers back then..
Doesn’t have to be an evil thing.
“… if they were allowed to do anatomy forensic study on cadavers back then..”
No… they weren’t.
Dissection was illegal. Had to do with the “resurrection of the body” in the Nicene Creed.
Autopsies. Not legal but that’s how he figured out anatomy. And measurements.
Well, yes. It wasn’t legal, but in art schools it happened all the time. Body snatching was a thing EVERYWHERE.
It was the med schools that really fueled it
Agreed. But, it’s not the autopsy that I was mentioning. It’s the question of, considering that autopsies or any medical research on the body was illegal at that time, how did daVinci obtain the body to do his research?
The answer is obvious.
As already mentioned, grave robbers didn’t just steal valuables. They stole the body for “under ground” medical researchers. Including, most likely, daVinci.
Don’t get me wrong. DaVinci is one of my heroes, myself being a mechanical engineer. But, this shady part of his history is macabre and dark to me.
He wasn’t using body parts for black magic. He was seeking knowledge. Not promethium stuff either. Do you condem medical examiners? Surgeons? Every advance in medicine and many in the detection and punishment of crime have happened by the respectful study of the human body. Yep, grave robbers were disreputable but they served a purpose when science was under severe constraints
Ozzy, take a chill pill.
To answer your questions: I don’t condemn medical researchers or surgeons.
And your subsequent statements regarding advances in medicine and the positive values of grave robbers are all widely understood, including by myself.
All that I was pointing out was that daVinci needed to break the law (of that era) and interact with likely very shady characters in the (likely) dead of the night while transporting dead bodies, still (possibly) covered in grave dirt from a burial likely from only hours prior, to his lab. Just my imagination, but am probably not far from the truth. As I said, macabre and dark.
And, then, once he was finished with his investigation, what did he do with the dissected bodies? Yet another gruesome set of hypotheticals…
And for the record, and to calm all those all too willing to jump down my throat for stating the obvious, I love daVinci and recognize his massive contributions to mankind in many fields, including medical research and biology.
He is truly, IMO, history’s finest example of a renaissance man.
Wow. Never thought that my original post on this topic would elicit such an aggressive set of responses.
So sorry. Didn’t mean to sound aggressive. Yes it was macabre and the question of the eventual disposal is uncomfortable. But for the times not so bad. We are largely insured from death in modern societies. We don’t handle our dead- it’s subbied out to undertakers. People don’t die at home as much or as much full stop. They died of common illnesses, childbirth and endemic wars and violence. There was little by way of law enforcement to catch murderers so they largely went unpunished. Even animals were killed and butchered public ally and at home. Hell, I remember as a young child my uncle beheading a chook for my grandmother and her pulling the feathers out and the guts and cooking it. Needless to say I wouldn’t eat it.
The past is a different country but da Vinci broke out of the mind prison of his times which was remarkable. I, too, admire him.
I know these are just ads, but they had me giggling (except for the AI turbo tax one–that was creepy)
But i do confess I loved the 100 yr anniversary dinner for the NFL…i thought it was funny…
love geeky kitchen gadgets? there are some funny and some insane gadgets here…
Wouldn’t open for me – here’s the article: https://www.pocket-lint.com/gadgets/news/142989-geeky-kitchen-gadgets-that-every-nerd-needs
From a tweet late last night. I want to make sure no one missed this!
“…used to demonize all gun owners, startling details have emerged showing that The Base may in fact be a group run by the feds. Another Base member Yousef O. Barasneh, 22, was arrested …. Court records show that a federal informant had been giving orders to members of the hate group to commit acts of anti-Semitic terror.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported last week that a key leader within “The Base” was a federal informant responsible ordering anti-Semitic terror attacks:”
“This would not be the first time that the federal government has infiltrated extremist right-wing groups and made domestic terrorists into intelligence assets. The FBI infamously paid off Ku Klux Klan leader George Dorsett of Greensboro, NC for years while he was still burning crosses and fomenting the hatred of minorities.”
“Notorious hate monger Hal Turner was on the federal payroll as well while he issued terrorist threats on his radio show and blog page for many years::”
And down the rabbit hole… Continued from first comment on ‘The Base’
Same scenario as in the Ukraine where Soros and the USA supported a neo-nazi group. Remember the Fake News clams ‘The Base’ is also in Europe.
Luboš Motl gets to the heart of it.
November 2014: UN: Ukraine, Canada, and U.S. officially endorse glorification of Nazism
“We are proud when we are called Banderistes,” said Metropolitan Epifaniy, the primate of the new Orthodox Church of Ukraine, during his visit at Lviv National Agrarian University, as part of his pastoral visit in the region.”
Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, (OUN) our good friends Alexandra Chalupa, Crowdstrike and Stepan Bandera, the man the Banderists were named after. Lots more info here:
Obama and Soros—Nazis in Ukraine 2014—
How Obama and Soros Put Actual Nazis in Power in Ukraine
Color revolution collaboration began soon after engineered fall of Soviet Union
Third comment on ‘The Base’ and ‘The Banderists’ Both ‘Far-Right’ groups ‘helped’ by the US government..
Nuland ( former Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs) passing out cookies in the Ukraine.
I can no longer find the recent photo of the Banderists I used a few days ago….
Second source for above information:
Updated: Provenance of Photos Showing Atrocities Questioned
Inhofe Criticizes Ukrainian Group for Providing Misleading Photos
OK I will try to post the first comment in a shorten version.
From a tweet late last night. I want to make sure no one missed this!
“…used to demonize all gun owners, startling details have emerged showing that The Base may in fact be a group run by the feds. Another Base member Yousef O. Barasneh, 22, was arrested …. Court records show that a federal informant had been giving orders to members of the hate group to commit acts of anti-Semitic terror.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported last week that a key leader within “The Base” was a federal informant responsible ordering anti-Semitic terror attacks:”
“This would not be the first time that the federal government has infiltrated extremist right-wing groups and made domestic terrorists into intelligence assets.”
The article then goes on to list other ‘extremist right-wing groups’ that the FIB directed.
Note ‘Extreme Right Wing Groups’ ARE NOT right wing at all they are just slightly right of the International Commies being NATIONAL SOCIALISTS. They were RE-LABELED so the Fabian Progressives could run away from the bad press ust as the DemonRats have used re-labeling to stick republicans with all the racism they supported.
FYI, Twitter users. I just tried to use the embed code for the latest tweet from Project Veritas to post on Facebook, and the embed they gave me TWICE led to a Bernie Sanders campaign site! They are manipulating the embed codes. I tried three times, when the last one went somewhere weird, I just right-clicked on the video, and it posted.
There is some nefarious crap going on at Twitter. They aren’t even hiding it.
of course he did… but we’re stuck with him!
He will make an arse of himself this week… iirc, he has a nephew (or a son) involved in Ukraine crimes…
Don’t think his ‘underwear’ is going to protect him ……………….
Fox reporting Avenatti in solitary in El Chapo’s old cell. So cold at 40degrees they gave him 3 blankets. Poor Baby!

I confess, I am PLEASED!!
Were the blankets from Epstein?
Stats on yesterday’s protest.
, and receiving backlash
22,000 Total attended, 6,000 (unarmed) inside the fence – Those outside open carrying rifles, shotguns – no wonder Antifa skipped out, cowards
70% were from Virginia, the rest from all over US. Big Texas group attended with the Biggest Flag of all, everything’s Bigger here
1 arrest, some foolish woman wore and refused to take off her mask
After hyping up a National emergency, Gov Blackface taking credit for success
No Cville 2.0, Nazis, or White Nationalists, Press looks like idiots and retracting statements out of embarrassment
Oh Crap! She’s running!
Don’t worry, Dora – PDJT has the goods on old Hillrotten.
He can shut her up, shut her out and shut her down very quickly.
I always figured she would do a swoop act with the REAL candidate as VP, and then if by some miracle and/or serious cheating she were to “win” bow out after the inauguration for “health reasons.”
WRT Bernie –
“Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician. It’s all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it.”
WRT Hillrotten –
“Nobody likes her, nobody wants to work with her, she got nothing done. She was a career grifter. It’s all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it.”
Oh that is funny!
“Most Groundbreaking”…
Yep. Gotta bury all those Arkancides…
Watched about three minutes of Schiff at the press conference just now. Had to turn it off. He was dishonest in every aspect of what he said. For instance, Schumer refused to negotiate with McConnell, he was not shut out. ETC ETC The Demokkkrats are just committed to making things up as they go along, and it is nauseating.
You are brave, Tonawanda! I cannot stand that lying weasel – Schmucky is just as bad – YUK!
They are both sick, sick men. And it is truly disgusting how facts and reality have zero to do with their words.
That is what happens when you sell your soul – there is no truth in either of these creatures – men – they are not.
Yes, yes, and yes.
nonono, I vote for McConnell to keep them superglued to their seats.
Don’t let them out of their corner, Mitch!
irritation at length of trial and arguments will weigh on their nerves and make for better television.
We need DESPERATE DEMS!!!!!!!!!
you know who would be a great witness? Zelinsky!!!!!
that would shut their mouths wouldn’t it?
Bidens…now there’s three. Seems gropey Joe’s brother also was up to his neck in taxpayer-funded illegalities…
Corrupt family clear down to the roots…
Not 3……. FIVE
Note from pR: Chad is voicing the frustrations of the DIMs in the following tweets… I have very little patience with the following tweets which to me are redundant, as tho’ he is speaking to children… if y’all want to read them, just click a tweet and help yourself…
Doesn’t sound as tho’ peach mint is very important to anyone, senators have things planned
It’s Mitch’s ballgame now… pencilneck and jubba the Hutt can whine all week…
yeah, they sure don’t want to be inconvenienced any…wth?
Hot off the ether.
SC will NOT take up Obamacare case until AFTER 2020 election.
Appeals court ruling that it’s Unconstitutional stands…Dems lose again
Ha ha ha.
Although, this can be used as a “get out the vote” campaign issue.
His first whine was about not releasing documents, Soo…Where is IG Atkinson’s transcript Shifty???? Why won’t you release it??? What are you hiding??? It’s a Coverup!!!
at the podium
Luv my DVR, was able to skip right through him and Crying Chuck, landing on the good stuff – Turtle
You are great Butterfly… so much energy!
oh yeah…that’s the testimony I wanna see!!!
that’s MY President!!!
bwahahahaha…like pins in a bowling alley!
pin-cil neck geek Schitt, erm, Schiffwreck…
hmmmm….Russian spies or just plumbers? (short article)
Swiss police foiled the beginnings of a suspected Russian spy operation five months before world leaders swarmed Davos, Switzerland, for the World Economic Forum.
Police questioned two Russian men in the secluded Alpine town in August after an unusually long stay at the high-end ski resort hosting the annual conference, according to the Financial Times. The men claimed they were protected by diplomatic status but were not registered as official diplomats with Bern.
“It is true that we checked two Russian citizens in Davos, and they identified themselves with diplomatic passports, but we could not ascertain any reason to detain them. They were allowed to go,” a police spokeswoman said.
Swiss officials and police suspected the pair of being Russian intelligence agents, posing as plumbers, who were there to install surveillance equipment around town to monitor the private conversations of world leaders and wealthy attendees during the forum taking place this week, Zurich’s Tages-Anzeiger newspaper reported.
A spokesman for the Russian embassy in Bern dismissed that the notion that the men were undercover.
“Diplomatic passports are given to high-ranking officials, not to manual laborers,” he told Reuters. “I think this was probably a dumb joke.”
In 2018, Swiss media, citing a confidential intelligence report, claimed that 1 in 4 Russian diplomats based in Switzerland was a spy. The Russian ambassador said those allegations were “based on assumptions.”
Moose and Squirrel are on it (last heard: “Watch me pull a rabbit out of this hat….” “NOT AGAIN….”).
Boris and Natasha were not available for comment. Seems they have another pipeline to work on (Nordstream II )…
bwahahaha…Moose and Squirrel!
O’Keefe is taking em out, one by one.
Just realized I am going to watch these proceedings on mute about 50% of the time. To quote my Beloved Wife: “How stupid do they think we are?” She is inspired to say that several times a day, these days.
AND we have to bear with Chris Wallace? Just put me on a morphine drip to tolerate this hoax.
We call him Prissy Chrissy.
Jim Jordan on Fox as usual is (IMO) the clearest speaker/thinker on impeachment, he simplifies everything but makes the case for dismissal beautifully.
And he talks so blasted fast, several people I know can’t keep up.
I am sorry to hear that. But with his command of the facts I can see how they come out too quickly for some when he is speaking about them.
I have a Jordan prejudice which makes me trust him and listen to him with pre-approval!
Yes, that’s ‘savage’ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can’t stop laughing about that one!
Very below the belt but funny af
RSBN Senate trial link
Nice. But heavy to carry around
illegals getting drivers licenses in Illinois voted…”system glitch” failed to remove them from voting rolls…would would have thought?
Spokesman Matt Dietrich told WCIA on Monday that 574 non-U.S. citizens were inadvertently registered to vote in Illinois, adding, “We do know that some of them voted in 2018.” He surmised that some may have been legal citizens who incorrectly filled out the state form to vote, although it appears much if not all of the problem was that Illinois permits non-citizens to obtain driver’s licenses.
Democrat Secretary of State Jesse White’s office acknowledged the mistake in a letter to the State Board of Elections on December 18. Spokesman Henry Haupt of White’s office stated, “For whatever reason that technological programming error did not properly remove the individuals. The individuals who are applying for driver’s license were inadvertently pooled into the automatic voter registration.” He added, “This was an isolated case that impacted less than one-tenth of one percent of the people registered through automatic voter registration. As soon as the program error was discovered, it was fixed, and the individuals were notified, including the State Board of Elections and the local election authorities.”
The Macon County Sheriff’s race was decided by one vote. The News-Gazette reported in December 2018:
A Decatur man who was told he lost his bid to become Macon County sheriff by one vote is asking a judge to review the election results in hopes he’ll be declared the winner. Republican Jim Root filed suit Wednesday in Macon County Circuit Court against Democrat Tony “Chubby” Brown, the current sheriff, seeking to overturn Brown’s victory …The request for judicial relief comes on the heels of a discovery recount that Root’s local attorney, Jerrold Stocks, believes actually puts Root five votes ahead of Brown instead of one vote behind.
WCIA noted, “Illinois law allows immigrants who are not citizens to get a driver’s license or state identification. Both state and federal law prohibits non-citizens from participating in American elections … Non-citizens who vote in American elections can face swift consequences, including immediate deportation.”
State Representative Tim Butler (R-Springfield) explained, “Non-citizens can have driver’s licenses in the state of Illinois. A driver’s license is a key tool in registering someone to vote. Oftentimes it’s your driver’s license that is one of the two documents that we use to verify that you’re a registered citizen … If that person voted, that’s a huge problem when it comes to the federal government. That’s a deportable offense for this person. And if that’s the case, that’s something that’s on the Secretary of State’s office for allowing that offense to happen.”
Cipillone starting now!
Every sentence out of Schiff’s mouth is a lie.
My brain tells me that dismissal based on the law is the most logical and sensible thing to happen.
But my heart tells me to put on every frigging witness anybody wants, and to have VSG be the very last witness.
^^^ 100% shampeachment needs to be bottom blown…disposed of. Horrible precedent. No crime.
AND, while I would like a treasure trove ofd D-Rat bad actors and others experience a meat grinder of interrogation on the national stage, I, perhaps we, can be patient a bit moar.
I continue to believe President Trump through AG Barr will ensure everything is exposed AND justice will be delivered. Good we are a patient lot. Surely an emerging characteristic for me.
Wow. They want to say Tylenol causes cancer even though really theres zero evidence. All this will do is remove any acetaminophen from the entire CA market, in at least 600 products and create a lawsuit dresm market for scum sucking ambulance chasers. GD govt fools.
“SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — A fight is coming to California over whether to list one of the world’s most common over-the-counter drugs as a carcinogen, echoing recent high-profile battles over things like alcohol and coffee.
The drug is acetaminophen, known outside the U.S. as paracetamol and used to treat pain and fevers. It is the basis for more than 600 prescription and over-the-counter medications for adults and children, found in well-known brands like Tylenol, Excedrin, Sudafed, Robitussin and Theraflu.
Acetaminophen has been available in the U.S. without a prescription since 1955. Concerns about its potential link to cancer come from its relationship to another drug: phenacetin. That drug, once a common treatment for headaches and other ailments, was banned by the FDA in 1983 because it caused cancer.
State regulators have reviewed 133 studies about acetaminophen, all of which were published in peer-reviewed journals. Some studies reported an increased risk of some types of cancers, while others did not. Overall, the review noted acetaminophen has been difficult to examine because it is hard to isolate it from other variables that could contribute to cancer, such as smoking.
A state law known as Proposition 65 says California must warn people of any chemical known to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity. The state’s list has grown to about 900 chemicals, including toxic pesticides and flame retardants, and is more extensive than any in the U.S. Some critics say California regulators have been overzealous, requiring warning labels for countless products that confuse instead of inform consumers when the risk of cancer is disputed.
Supporters of Prop 65 say it protects not only Californians but consumers nationwide by compelling manufacturers to make products safer.
Evidence for acetaminophen’s link to cancer has been weak enough that the International Agency for Research on Cancer declined to list it as a possible carcinogen following reviews in 1990 and 1999. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has warned state officials that labeling acetaminophen as cancer-causing would be “false and misleading” and also illegal under federal law.”
Maybe Kalifornistan should declare air as a carcinogen.
That should solve the problem right quick…
Im sure its coming. Just tax your existence unless youre privileged class like piglosi and gruesome. Then theyll turn us into compost bc we are in the way of their plans.
DHMO (Dihydrogen Monoxide) is found in EVERY cancerous tumor, causes billions of dollars in property damage every year, and thousands die from inhaling it every year.
Ban it, CA. Or get stuffed.
Sounds more like a shake down to fill the coffers. When Trump went into office product recalls dropped off perceptively. If they aren’t going to fork over money under the table then watch for aspirin commercials to start leaning left.
Their greed and stupidity literally knows no bounds….
The whole cancer thing is bogus……but I refuse to have acetaminophen in my house. It has the smallest gap between “minimum clinical dose” (where it can be detected doing good things) and “LD50” (Lethal Dose 50[%] — the dose where it will kill half the people it’s given to) of any over-the-counter drug. In any given year, it is the #1 or #2 cause of acute liver failure in the UK or US, and has been for years. If you have any sort of impaired liver function (like casually drinking alcohol or, I dunno, being sick), it is EXTREMELY dangerous.
And it’s found in many, many, many different compounds. If you take something for menstrual cramps, and a night-time flu medication, and something for your achy bones, you can easily go over the government “safe” level.
I doubt it would be approved for prescriptions if licensed today, and it certainly wouldn’t be over-the-counter. The stuff is just toxic…….but carcinogenic? Nah.
By comparison, ibuprofen is innocuous.
Ibuprofen also is more effective and lasts longer, but its got its issues in re to kidney failure.
It also rips at stomach lining. I have a friend who lost a niece to internal bleeding due to her having taken ibuprofen on an empty stomach for a prolonged period of time.
Plus, pregnant women can’t take it.
Tylenol is rough on the liver.
I avoid it all like the plague.
My son, now 6+ years post liver transplant, is not allowed to take ibuprofen. He can take acetaminophen if needed for fevers or pain. During another post-transplant surgical recovery period he was allowed tylenol w/ codeine. He is also prescribed a baby aspirin daily for some heart conditions.
I recall during my post-partum phase being allowed to layer acetaminophen & ibuprophen (which could go up to 800mg in a dose during times of extreme pain). This would be taking one med & then about half way through the dosage period (2/4 or 3/6 depending) taking the other med. We rarely use that amount of medicine but it’s nice to know that we can help ourselves at home using over the counter meds reasonably.
My son gets regular blood work to check his liver function & so far his liver numbers have remained very strong. He does have low level “chronic kidney disease” & I don’t know how the use of the various meds he takes impact that condition though it’s been there for years & hasn’t seemed to have gotten worse thankfully.
In my son’s case using ibuprofen would be considered dangerous…glad to be in a place w/ freedom of choice unlike so many of the nanny states trying to make sweeping decisions restricting our freedoms & ability to make reasonable choices based on our individual needs/wants/medical requirements, etc…
I’m ready to pull Adam Schiff’s underwear over his head.
He stinks so bad i doubt hed notice.
That’s pay-per-view gold, right there.
Wear gloves, Daughn

I can not repeat what my Mom had to say about him.
((( PR ))) !

We got Q drops !
You in ?
Thanks ((( PR ))) !

Tried to cover got to win the bin so far
Do It Q !

Here we go !

in case not posted already
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: aa5bcf No.7866851
Jan 21 2020 14:06:47 (EST) NEW
[D] party leaders [‘Big 5’]:
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) – Speaker of the House
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) – Chair Intel
Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) – Chair Judiciary
Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) – Senate Minority Leader
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) – Ranking Mem Judiciary
Control over [CA] & [NY] vital to maintain [D] structural integrity?
Leverage (control) dictates how far you rise within the [D] party.
Thanks realsauce !
Thanks. Been busy with another project.
So…NY and CA are key. Hmm. When/if election fraud is addressed, what do want to bet it’s going to be one of those states that gets vivisected in federal court?
It always seems to come down to NY and CA. Voter Fraud. IDs. Laws what laws?
Also notice the link to where the MSM sits.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: aa5bcf No.7866857
Jan 21 2020 14:07:34 (EST) NEW
They are not attempting to remove POTUS from office.
[2/3rd Senate will not vote to convict [no law(s) broken]]
They are attempting to protect themselves from prosecution and prevent the public from discovering the truth.
Well, if THAT’s the case, why do we need witnesses. Just vote to acquit…unless the witnesses will expose them.
I believe the witnesses will indeed expose them, and ONLY an impeachment trial will have enough visibility to do the damage to them that needs done. if the senate just acquits and holds hearings…guess who will NEVER let their customers see anything about the hearings??

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: aa5bcf No.7866867
Jan 21 2020 14:09:27 (EST) NEW
Not surprising, Sekulow is GOOD.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: aa5bcf No.7867006
Jan 21 2020 14:25:16 (EST) NEW
Anonymous ID: 96d735 No.7866980
Jan 21 2020 14:22:36 (EST) NEW
Thank you, Anon.
[SEC] server re-routes create delays.
There we go!
A Wheelchair Didn’t Keep Emily And Chris Norton From Adopting 5 Girls | Huckabee
incredibly uplifting story …. I needed it at this time when Canada is expanding its laws on euthanasia…
Ciplillone is powerful! Wow!
Cipollone is very, very effective.
Cipollone went to Covington Catholic HS! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pat_Cipollone
No kidding………. wow, great snag Ga/Fl
Holy Schiff!
Cipollene is MAD!!!!!!!
This is personal, “awfully hard to sit here and listen to Adam Schiff………”
Yeah, we like this guy Cipollone.
Why in the hell is Schumer issuing a subpoena NOW?
And why are we entertaining said subpoena with a vocal reading on national television.
If they wanted a subpoena, why didn’t the HOUSE do it?
Or fight and pursue objections to subpoena?
They’re stalling. Sooner or later somebody’s going to call out the BS for what it is.
I think it comes down to what Q just said. Trying to stall and trying to hide their crimes.
The target is the Senate. They know they can’t beat Trump so they plan to after the Senators. Slow his progress and then do impeachment when they have the numbers.
Amen to that!
Do you believe in coincidences?
Spill the beans Khalid and maybe they’ll make it quick…
He ALREADY spilled the beans. He claimed that Allah told him his loyalty was shown by enduring 33 waterboardings so he was now free to talk.
OK, for some diversion:
Prince Harry just figured out a way to finance Meghan’s lifestyle now that he’s been cut off from British taxpayer funds:
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle apparently sent letters, via a Canadian attorney, to several British news outlets, threatening to sue photographers from the outlets who are snapping pictures of Meghan in Canada.
The prince, who landed in Canada to join his wife and son Archie, hired the Canadian law firm Schillings to send the letters.
He compared the “harassment” of Meghan to the treatment from the press that his mother, Princess Diana, was subjected to.
Actually, she looks happy in the photos – like she loves the attention.
That’s because she does!
Watch her tell Harry to stop the legal action.
She thrives on it and plays the victim. Mo money mo attention. Now what TRULY DEEPLY concerns me is that baby is fast approaching the time when he will be the one who is more vocal and needs attention. A nanny can only do so much. How far will she go when he “gets in her way”?
Don’t be surprised if she moves to Northern Virginia or New York where abortion after birth is acceptable.
Prince and princess?
Frog Kissers?
Keep her out of the USA. Wait didn’t she give up her US citizenship?
Who really cares?
Certainly not me.
Me either.
These two are Much ado about less than NOTHING
More from Sekulow….
Looked to me like Sekulow was trying to control his anger, and who could blame him after sitting through that Schiffshow!
Carlos has a THREAD – about how out of touch with reality Tucker is – click time stamp on tweet
I quit watching Fucker Carlson long ago….
Trish Regan on Fox Business is MUCH better anyway.
I can get any notable quotes from his show.
Care to share with the class what your objection to Mr. Carlson is?
Just curious, ’cause I quit watching him as well some time ago.
Been so long ago…..
can’t remember the straw that broke the camels back.
I can relate.
Much better info right HERE at the Q Tree.
I’ve never watched… don’t watch TV…
Not even cartoons with the grandkids, PR? Just pulling your good leg – I have no working TV
The woman doesn’t know when to shut up and leave the stage.
GA/FL- Gotta steal that gif !

No ‘stealing’, Nor – Sharing is good, tho’ – Mkay?
Well… I “told” her… And I gave GA/FL the “credit”… When I “shared” it elsewhere…!

(let me know if I was within the “rules of etiquette”!)
I know – the word stealing bothers me – I like sharing, better – that’s all – besides – one kind find these things all over the Internet – no one owns them – and they are frequently shared.
OK, dear Duchess… I will remember that… And try to choose a better word next time !

Not picking on you, Nor – the Bible says – ‘Thou shalt not steal’ – that word just bugs me – you know that now.
I know Duchess…
* Smiling *
duchess, I like the term hijack…has a nice ring to it.
Is it happening???????????
Is this it?????????
Throwing the Iranians out of their country!!!!!!!!
This is sooooooo good.
Good question.
Is that him talking or her? Frankly based on looks, she’s to good for him
COO of the NYC Public Libraries?
Iris Weinshall (born September 5, 1953) is the Chief Operating Officer of The New York Public Library,[1] former vice chancellor at the City University of New York and a former commissioner of the New York City Department of Transportation.[2] Weinshall was appointed Chief Operating Officer by the Library in July 2014, and she began her tenure on September 1, 2014.[1] She is the wife of U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer.
A career of political appointments.
I read through all that and said “OMG – this lady is a *classic* communist librarian”. Then I read the last sentence.
Did you mean this? “Opposed to the installation of a bicycling facility on her own street, Weinshall helped to organize a group calling itself Neighbors for Better Bike Lanes (NBBL) aimed at removing the bike lane.”
Nahhh. She’s just ahead of her times, thinking local and not big picture. It’s typical commie clean up. “Remember all that stuff we promised you if you’d put us in power? Yeah, well we didn’t really mean it.”
What a surprise!
Compare and contrast:
Who is Walter Shaub?
FORMER Ofc of Gov’t Ethics.
OMG – can you imagine?
I was being sarcastic … meaning that the average person could care less that he affirms Brennan… And didn’t Pencilneck get the Ethics Committee to investigate Dunes …
Pencilneck is DEEP Deep State…
Brennan protests too much. At least some of his cohorts know when to keep their mouths shut.
Well, I don’t think any of them talk enough. They need to keep telling the world how they are right and everyone else is wrong. And why.
Why would they do that? Satan’s neatest trick is to avoid the spotlight so that the people forget he exists. You’d think someone like Brennan would understand the strategy. Valerie J. certainly does. And I’m waiting for the dirt on her to see the light of day. I would imagine there’s algae and fungus growing on it at this point.
Those who yell the loudest – have the most to lose – yes?
Well, as Q posted…it’s all about leverage. In this case, there has to be MAJOR leverage against Brennen and he’s like an organ grinder’s monkey that performs on command.
This is precisely why Dr. Epstein is worth killing, shutting up, or discrediting, to Deep State and the Soviet Democrats. A loose hit that takes out either him or his wife became a no-brainer to these horrible monsters.
Dr. Epstein seems more of an Expert Witness as opposed to a Fact Witness having exposed some rather scullery evidence against the Lords of Technology and their client the Hilderbeast. The hit against his wife, if one can assume that is what it was (he certainly doesn’t seem to be in a mood to dissuade people it wasn’t) seems thus more a thing of retribution and warning to others as opposed to a silencing, since he’s already released his information to the public. Any further action against Dr. Epstein may well be just adding the exclamation point to said warning.
What I’d wonder is if Dr. Epstein understood just how badly he’d crossed the Cabal or did he think once he exposed things he’d not be pursed. I’m thinking their may of been some naivety on Dr Epstein’s part though such seems gone now.
Greg has a THREAD on C_A involvement in NYT, Wapo, etc. – click time stamp
I lived through the Church Committee Report hearings, which is why I forget that not everyone knows slime media is propaganda……….. that was 1975……….. how long does it take for peeps to believe something and still they listen every day and quote the crooks… SMH !
It’s subliminal brainwashing, PR – like robots – they are drawn to the TV – the constant hum – habitually – it is sad really – I understand many of the so called ‘reporters’ on these networks are former employees – so the propaganda does not surprise me –
If you listened to Dustin Nemos’ little compilation about what the MSM said of the VA Protests – it is obvious they were spinning a different story – unfortunately – they did not get it – it was as if they were salivating, too!
EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden is ordered to show up at Arkansas court next week and show why he shouldn’t be held in contempt for not turning over his financial records in child support case
He’s going to try to ignore this problem until it bites him in the seat.
True. Hunter’s financial records will raise more questions about Joe and Ukraine (and who knows what else). If they are thinking about Joe’s election chances being affected by this, they don’t appear to have a strategy to fight it.
Two thoughts.
Hope the judge tosses where’s Hunter in solitary until financials are delivered to the court.
AND, wonder if where’s Hunter’s ex has copies of their tax returns. If so, she could provide them.
Not sure how this part ends since the last judge recused himself, for what we have no earthly idea, and thus one might assume some judge shopping has occurred. Hopefully they shopped the wrong judge. Definitely one to watch.
Is there a limit to how many impeachment amendments they can submit? It seems they could make this go on forever. What I’ve seen of Repub lawyers has been good, but I want fireworks.
I want the pic of Schiff with Ed Buck, I want the whistleblower called as a witness, I want O’s real birth certificate, LOL.
I don’t think I have that much alcohol in the house to even try that.
We have our fair share, but I have to be up late.
To the people of America from we in the great state of misery, uh, Missouri – YOU’RE WELCOME!
Josh is going to be a good one! (already is IMO)…..
Good going neighbors to my North
I’d say run him for governor since he would be an improvement over what we’ve got now, but he’s needed in the Senate.
A little something to take your mind off things
A guy walks into a bar in New Orleans and sees that the bartender is a robot.
The robot says,
“What will you have?”
The guy replies, “Whiskey.”
The robot brings back his drink and asks,
“What’s your IQ?”
The guy says, “168.”
The robot proceeds to talk about physics, space exploration, and medical technology.
After the guy leaves and the more he thinks about it, the more curious he gets, so he decides to go back.
The robot asks,
“What’s your drink?”
The guy answers,
The robot returns with his drink and asks,
“What’s your IQ?”
The man replies,
Then the robot talks about NASCAR, Budweiser, the Saints, and LSU.
The man finishes his drink, leaves, but is so interested in his “experiment” that he decides to try again.
He enters the bar and, as usual, the robot asks him what he wants to drink.
The man replies,
The robot brings the drink and asks,
“What’s your IQ?”
The man answers,
The robot leans in real close and asks,
“So . . . do you folks really think you’re going to impeach Donald Trump?”
Great one Ed !!!
She looks like a seal…… a trained seal……….
Sekulow is viciously chainsawing the SchiffShow. It is like a symphony.
check the bin. A gif I sent is locked up.
Hang on, please.
After day one of the Schitt Show in the SINate…….
Adam still can’t figure out what to do with his Football Bat.
#tactical #pewpewlife #2A
Because every gun needs a SAFE SPACE
Trump supporter murdered by “antigovernment” subordinate in Florida. Stabbed to death with a trowel. Bernie bro????
“AFlorida man has been arrested for murdering his Trump-supporting boss in a political argument at a highway construction site and placing an American flag next to the body, deputies say.
Mason Toney, 28, who held anti-government beliefs, allegedly killed his boss William Knight, 28, who was a supporter of Donald Trump, on Monday January 20.
Toney was arrested and charged with first-degree murder for Knight’s killing, according to an arrest affidavit from the Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
A preliminary report revealed the murder weapon was a trowel, a tool used for brick laying.
Mason Toney, 28, allegedly killed his boss William Knight, 28, who was a supporter of Donald Trump, on Monday January 20
Worker found Knight’s body and an American flag draped next to it
They were lifelong friends and worked at the Florida turnpike construction site in metro Orlando at the time of the incident. The murder scene pictured above
Deputies were called to the scene around 10.30am on Monday with people calling in saying Toney killed their boss along the Turnpike near State Road 528
Coworkers told investigators that Toney and Knight were friends outside of work, despite their political differences.
Knight was described as an ‘outspoken American who was ‘pro-Donald Trump’. Toney was described as ‘anti-government’ and ‘very outspoken in his beliefs that the government is bad and out to get him,’ as per the arrest affidavit.
On the day of the murder Knight had picked up Toney for work and they were driving to different job sites when they started to argue, workers at the Florida turnpike construction site in metro Orlando said.
When they arrived at the Turnpike site workers heard Knight yelling for help by an exavator.
Toney was charged with first degree murder and is being held in Orange County without bond
After the stabbing Toney took off in this white pick-up truck before being caught by police
Workers ran over and saw Toney standing over Knight stabbing him with a trowel.
Workers tried to stop Toney by throwing items at him, but he then moved towards them holding what they thought was a knife. He then got into a truck and drove off, calling his coworkers terrorists as he sped off.
Workers found an American flag and the flag’s packaging next to Knight’s body.
Witnesses said that Toney showed up for work that day with a backpack which was highly unusual for him, according to the arrest affidavit.
Deputies were called to the scene around 10.30am on Monday with people calling in saying Toney killed their boss along the Turnpike near State Road 528.
Toney ended up crashing during a brief pursuit in Brevard County. He’s now being held without bond in Orange County.
‘He was a friend of the family. My son went to elementary school with him and to middle school and high school,’ William Knight’s father said to WESH.
The killing comes as a shock to the Knight family who said Toney was a generous and loving friend to Knight.
‘He would give his shirt off his back to anybody, feed anybody,’ he added on his son.”
Psy-op. Betting strongly the killer was an FBI informant.
Pencil neck is WEEAAAK. Hes rather condescending in this also. But, its a schitt show all the way around. Sekulow and the rest of POTUS’ team must be seething.
I am SICK of this nasty, twisting, lying bastard. ARREST HIS ASS!!!
HIs a$$ needs to be exposed – FIGURATIVELY (no one really wants to see that) – first, IMO.
His approach is as smarmy as his fake phone call transcript. He junior league but used to getti g what he wants dt powerful connections. Sack o schiff and the rest deserve only the top o the line reward for treason.
I so wish you guys were all here for this, especially the men.
There is a stream of four letter words coming out of the den right now. This is lawyer heaven for him.
It’s inconceivable to me that he has not run out of adjectives yet, but he is still going.
Wish I had a pay-per-view going.
[snort; giggle]
OMG, it has to be even worse for Big T b/c he understands the travesty deeper. That’s like fake science for me – climate propaganda – it just burns me up!!!
As are PDJT supporters. Listened at intervals in the car today, didn’t think I could be any more tired of Schifty than I already was….but I am. He is sickening. Just got in so I can hopefully see Sekulow at al in action. Seemed every time I had a chance to listen, it was the shit show

When do Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows get a turn?
Good grief, this TURD who CONSPIRED to create the MUH RUSSIA HOAX needs to be dragged off to prison.
Ukrainocrats need to be exposed!
Is it wrong to pray for the complete and utter destruction of the Democrat party?
I’d go for deliverance from it, but that’s just me.
Yes, “deliver us from evil,” and let Him sort it out.
Proverbs 26 (KJV)
27 Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him.
Time to push the Paedo to the metal… floor them… utterly…
I agree. Theyre wasting time on our dime.
It is not wrong to pray for justice – imho – I know it is difficult – but – we must bless those who curse us – pray for our enemies – as Jesus asked us to do – and leave it up to God to determine what they deserve –
I think the dissolution of the D Party is is a ‘project in process’ – they have splintered – as PT has frequently said – they stick together – and now – who is sticking together – the R Party – for the most part – with a few stragglers
I also think the D Party is in the process of destroying itself – as Q said – do not interrupt an enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself.
How about we pray to have them blessed with justice?
We pray we will see justice done – I believe – now – you know – they will not be blessed with justice – justice will be our blessing – not theirs – justice will be their downfall – I think
wolf, NO…our Pastor just finished preaching on imprecatory Psalms…and how it is perfectly legitimate for us to pray for God to deliver justice to the evil ones. David actually did quite bit of this.
go for it!
Thanks! Will research this!!!
Someday – someday – we will see that smarmy criminal Pencilneck in prison garb, and I will yell…..
He’s going to give stripes a bad name.
Someone needs to slip that Schiff/Ed Buck pic into the proceedings.
1 confirmed case in Seattle. Its going to show up sooner than later.
If its in seattle itll be in san fran or l.a. soon.
Hehe he’s wrapped in a giant slinky!
This amount of overkill seems to justify my initial thoughts on this. Trying to start an Ebola like panic.
Coronavirus causes respiratory symptoms….it’s flu season….lots of colds can be a coronavirus.
Not discounting the possible severity in someone with lots of co-morbidities or chronic illness, but I’m taking a wait on see stance on this.
Theyve been trying to panic on flu all season via all media. My kiddo has been sick for weeks but not the flu, thankfully. Just one cold virus back to back. Isolation is good, but im not looking at suiting up yet either!
Hand washing is #1 either soap and water or hand sanitizer, use buggy wipes at the grocery store or wal-mart. Coronavirus is a pretty common respiratory bug….of course they are hyping the mutations and severity….meh…put on a mask and wash your hands
Hope your kiddo gets over it quick. They pass stuff around at school or daycare like the plague
Breathlessly reporting 300 sick! Six are dead!
Wow, I mean every death sucks, but six and it’s a panic? Were they old, very young, immune-compromised?
They need a distraction an VA fell through
Agrees. They used this as the reason for the market decline today and I’m thinking what? And since when do we get video like this out of China?
Meanwhile if someone’s trying to scare the market they forgot to tell the investors in Asia.
Preschool crawl tube!
Reminds me of the movie ‘Contagion’
cross post (with a lot of snot on my rag)..
Folks, I’m down with some serious FLU, AND dealing with the “hole in Muh Leg”..
I’ve been laid up a quite awhile, but feel the need to post..
I’m very weak it hurt’s to type..
if I can get it started
See below..
WATCH: https://www.wect.com/2020/01/21/wilmington-charter-school-suspends-use-seclusion-room-after-illegal-usage/
THIS is the “Charter school” that feels,, They are above the Law..
The One that got ME & the Misses Evicted, with me, beggin for monies.. Withholding our deposits.. (I digress)..
I love you all..
God Bless David & Angie!
Prayers for you, crossthread42. Wish we lived local so I could bring you some soup!
I know the school did you wrong but maybe your location is safer for the next hurricane and so long term what they meant for harm is actually working out for you better…???
Take care of yourselves.
If we’re going to do impeachment for 2 weeks, I need to make cue cards of insulting adjectives. You know, add your own subject + verb and I can supply the insulting adjective.
Would help my darling husband immensely.
How about BINGO cards?
God help me if we start a drinking game and every time husband calls Schiff an a$$hole.
Heyyyyyy, did you hear about the US Forces who took 4 days R&R in Iceland?
They drank the country dry of beer.
6000 troops.
Heck, yeah!
LOVE IT…oh, wait, that’s my Catholic showing.
I’m liking the bingo card idea, Dep, but gheez, I would have to take it to the UTree to use Big T’s adjectives.
And it would probably make them blush.
Yeah, he’s from Boston, all right.
I just had a thought! A BINGO card in symbolic language like this:
$0n 0f a B!+(#
There we go!
Don’t forget hand signals. Lol
There weren’t reply buttons below so…
Years back I was reading Lone Survivor to my 2 oldest sons & was saying All the words so as not to censor the author. Well, we don’t/try not to cuss in our house & hearing me read the words was traumatizing to these guys (they were not yet in High School). I think then I would just say D— rather than dang for damn etc. Some years later after most of our kids were HS age & heard numerous F-bombs in their school every day we lightened up & everyone decided to use D-, H-, A- etc when needed which seemed a decent compromise…
Daughn’s story below reminded me of an incident years ago with one of my husband’s close friends. He was in Russia & had been drinking a lot & wanted to take a cab. When the cabbie found out they were Americans he didn’t want to take them anywhere. So R, who knew some very basic Russian proceeded to attempt to cuss the guy out & it totally cracked up the driver. He ended up saying something about if he wouldn’t drive them “I’m gonna give your mother-in-law a good F-ing”. Well the cabbie thought that was so hilarious that he wanted to take them to his bar & buy them all drinks!
Anyway I agree that there could be a Q Tree version of verbiage that would apply to the Schiff show. I’m thinking something along the lines of Clark Griswold’s rant after learning he’d been gifted the Jelly of the Month Club rather than a substantial check as a Christmas Bonus (from Christmas Vacation)…
daughn my Mom sends her greetings and says that if you need more colorful words well she knows German so….
I can add a few in Spanish. One of the benefits of my grandfather being a native speaker.
Smart mom, we can curse in foreign languages.
I spent a lot of time in Italy about a decade ago. One saying, which I can’t remember now, translated as, “you eat stale fish with three eyes”.
I mean, does it get any better than that?
daughn, I DID!
the kids on The_Donald were like, HEY!!! OUR GUYS!
Carlos has another THREAD – click time stamp – and really ‘hear’ the word FIAT !
I…ave to…talk…with..hard….pauses….buhcus….I think I sound….more seriously …..intelligent….but…I cant….barely….read…what….someone else….wrote…
Jefferies just now.
Soooo…..after they all get done pontificating and demanding muh evidence, muh witnesses, muh documents, I hope they get BURIED in the avalanche of info we know is out there…..need to give them what they want because …….

Sara Carter is reporting on Iranian PM in Kerman Province who offered a bounty on our man, Donald.
That is a direct threat against the President!
What is “molon labe” in Farsi?
“Eat a dick, muslim pigfucker!”
Very good!!
Only two things to do in Iceland.

And “drinking” is the other one.
The other is to go exploring with the mountain guide a la Brendan Fraser’s “Journey to the Center of the Earth” movie!
LOL cheers.
Just wanted to give everyone a heads up. The Trump rally in Wildwood is going to be huge. All my Jersey Shore friends are really pumped up. First time they can remember a Republican candidate going down there. I have been offered tickets already but I can’t go. One of the people down there was thinking of setting up a welcoming booth for all the supporters.
One week from tonight. Daughn you better do your homework on the Jersey Shore. Many Trump supporters there now.
Thats interesting esp since they have such twits as dimms are in the state gov. I hope that POTUS brings some good state leaders into the rally. Ive never seen an R go to NJ. If he ever gets to CA ill be happy.
believe it or not, there is a surge in Trump support in South Jersey. Still outnumbered but Trump is convincing more and more.
Sounds great. I think they said something along the line of 100,000 + ticket requests.
This video just made me laugh:
New amendment, Schiffty droning on, 11:45 on Capitol Hill. I wonder how long they’re planning to go tonight.
Oh, now Philbin is rebutting. The House never took a vote, so it never authorized any of its committees to issue subpoenas. “Legal infirmity in those subpoenas.” Epic fail.
what a bunch of idiots !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well it’s midnight and No Nads is speechifying now….guess he had a nap earlier.
Earlier today I saw on GAB that the impeachment hearing started 17 minutes late. I thought that was cool. Tonight I found it very odd because Chad Pergram (Fox) mentioned that it started 18 minutes late on THREE separate occasions. What is with that?.