Welcome to DAVOS, Mr. President ~ Day One.

For the Biz Channels and finance geeks, Davos 2020 is the Super Bowl, and it’s the 50th Anniversary! Can’t tell you how excited I am. We will NEVER forget the first time President Trump and our team went to Davos in 2018. They looked like Olympians! We could not have been MOAR proud of our team! This will be a combination Rally Thread for Day One and background, cuz Momma is excited!

Here is the link to the President’s speech at 5:30am Eastern Time, live from Davos.

Remember what it was like in 2018?

Here is the main link to the World Economic Forum website. You can follow @wef on Twitter as well. This year’s focus is on “The Voice of Youth”. It’s a perfect opportunity for President Trump to ignore pigtail Greta, once again. https://www.weforum.org/press/2020/01/inside-davos-50th-annual-meeting-brings-world-s-best-known-digital-media-creators-to-represent-the-voice-of-youth

Where is Davos, you may ask?

Smack dab in the middle of Europe.

The region is known as Davos Klosters, kind of like two cities which run together, like Dallas/Ft.Worth. There is a large convention facility here, 34 meeting rooms, for 3000 attendees (capacity is 5000). Can’t get a hotel room no matter how hard you try or how much you spend…. and what billionaire would stay in a standard twin? If you want to wander through the facility, with a 360 degree view, take a look here: https://www.davoscongress.ch/en/

There are 235 events for the week scheduled around the official meeting from January 21st-January 24th. Can we imagine how many unofficial events will take place? And the dinner tab? Take a look at the tourism division: https://www.davos.ch/en/davos-klosters/events/ With all the ski-swooshing and ice skating, warm brandy and aperitifs, how can they get anything done? Yet, according to ABC, the hot topics will be climate change and income inequality. Yeah,…….. right. The world’s greatest collection of self-centered billionaires is worried about kids, pollution, and poor people? With what? Carbon credits to assuage their guilt? https://abcnews.go.com/Business/climate-change-economic-inequality-loom-large-powerful-descend/story?id=68403303

Billionaires arrive to Davos in jets, helos or luxury vehicles, but the sight of 3 Marine Choppers, escorted by Swiss helos, coming across the snow-tipped Alpine valley was breathtaking in 2018.

Remember the snipers on the roof of the hotel, to protect the leader of the free world?

All those patsy high-brow billionaires holding out cell phones out like they were at a Trump Rally?

And then, President Trump gave his speech……. Here it is. He warned them all.

And billionaires, scalping tickets to get into the Wilbur Ross speech?
Bwwhhahahhaaaa…… Hilarious.

Maria Bartiromo was able to interview our Wilburine in 2018. In fact, the whole Fox Biz crew is already in Davos, setting up for 2020. Maria had to leave the FOX Sunday broadcast about 48 minutes into the hour because she had the flu. Hope she is well enough to travel to Switzerland. It’s so exciting. We’ve turned the tide. America has the momentum.

Yes, 2020 is a little different than 2018. This time, President Trump and team enter the arena having beaten them all. Trump was right and they were wrong. Time for capitulation and groveling from the ruling class. President Trump’s policies were clearly the best choice, if they really cared about the environment, income inequality, and economic freedom for poor people. President Trump has delivered sweeping victories on these issues for America and the free people of the world.
AMERICANS – Kicking A$$

It took the globalists 100years of working in the shadows, 35yrs in earnest, to destroy nations, raid the peoples’ wealth, and bring the USA to it’s knees. The whole “Awakening” merely proves the lies of globalist ideology. Trump turned on the lights and woke us up.
Trump won many battles in 3years, and now we’re ready to win the war.

Do we all truly comprehend the magnitude of Phase One, and the idea of bringing China to heel? President Trump destroyed the 48yr long China public relations campaign.
In three years? We can’t possible fathom how big of a turn it was. Yet, President Trump knew. Trump did it. Despite overwhelming opposition, one world leader was determined. Our guy!
NO ONE thought that was possible.

THEY told us we had to wait. We shouldn’t “go it alone”. We needed consensus with our allies to approach “the China Problem”.


Our “allies” would have dithered like they always do, like they are STILL doing, afraid of the unruly toddler, China, who became an overly-aggressive adolescent. Who has time to wait on leaders with conflicting personal agendas? The CHINA problem was/is obvious. At this point, who would be dumb enough to vote for a Democrat in 2020 who would embrace China, rolling back the progress we’ve made? “Come on, Man”, says Biden, and Bloomberg loves China.

Out in fly-over country, we all knew better because we could see the decay from out front porches. Citizen Trump knew the USA had a problem when Japanese autos were rolling off ships into the port of LA in the 1980s. America has had a “problem” for a long time….., but we were told to get used to it. It was our “new normal”.……… and thus, our factories were idled and rusted. Bruce Springsteen sang songs about factories and idled steel mills. To Don Henley, was it the “End of the Innocence”, or was it merely bad leadership from both right and left?


Yet, let’s look at what the Trump Team did when they came into office. Aggressively and methodically, beginning immediately after inauguration, Team Trump annihilated French subsidies for AirBus at the WTO and then…. annihilated the WTO.
OMG. Did anyone at CNBC see that one coming?
And renegotiating NAFTA – Senate signing USMCA? In the SAME WEEK as Phase One with China????????

They all thought Trump was crazy/stupid/a dotard/orange/…… and they told us THEY were the experts……. because first they make fun of you, and then, they call you a racist……… right?

THEY were wrong.

THEY are back on their heels and scurrying for cover like roaches.

The mask has slipped.

President Trump is the Conor McGregor of nations, trade, finance, and war.

It was a 40 second knock out in Vegas over the weekend, stunning the crowd. (Photo by Josh Hedges/Zuffa LLC/Zuffa LLC via Getty Images)

In an historical perspective, Team Trump turned Word-Wide Trade into the WWE (world-wide economics as opposed to the World Wrestling Enterprise/Foundation). What Trump has done with trade and our economy is the equivalent to a 40 second knockout to the globalists. He proved them all wrong, leaving the pundit class, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, Singapore, Beijing, Brussels, Jebel Ali, all the billionaires, stunned.

Damn straight.

Daddy’s home.
Party is over.
He’s done it all and he does the things that no one else has the courage to do. President Trump is THIS GUY, the fighter, and people all over the world, LOVE IT. From France to Hong Kong, it’s time to let the people be free from the globalists’ sloppy and harmful leadership.

Protesters in Hong Kong carry pics of President Trump as a fighter. Note: it’s not a picture of Macron or Merkel.

And …..not only has President Trump/Team Trump turned around trade and our economy, he’s begun to intentionally remove well-known threats to peace, stability, and economic prosperity for the entire world, and therefore, our economy. We’ve never seen anything like this before. Amazing from a 30K foot view. Most people can understand a military defense, but we’ve never focused on an economic defense before………. Trump.

No one is talking about the overall strategy of Team Trump….. except us.

Team Trump is intentionally and swiftly alleviating the chances of “Black Swan events”. For instance, Iran mining the Straits of Hormuz would normally cause oil prices to spike and throw the American/EU economies into chaos……… but Iran’s threat to the oil economy has been muted……. because the USA is the #1 producer of oil and LNG in the world. Yes, OIL is one of the top three commodities traded by every single country in the world – Top Three. Again, America leads. We’re even exporting energy.

Don’t think it was easy to turn around the Energy sector after Obama. Recall the waste of Solyndra, and the $6,000/gallon biofuel flown to Afghanistan? Remember, we were within a “smidgen” of entering the Paris Accords, which had very little to do with our precious environment and everything to do with redistribution of American wealth. What was it President Trump tweeted to Macron, “How’s that Paris Accord working out for ya’?

For America to lead the world from a strong position, and reduce the “Black Swan” or the idea of being flanked, we had to have an economic defense. Lowering the Corporate Tax Cut was a heavy lift. Tweaking our energy policy took an all out effort on behalf of Team Trump, including new pipelines (Dakota and Keystone) and refineries, and fast-tracking the building of said refineries. We should build a statue in honor of Sec Rick Perry.

Good heavens, we’re exporting energy to EUROPE. GRASP the concept! Did anyone from the WSJ forecast that one when President Trump was elected?

Of course, WE knew what the President was doing because HE TOLD US. He was making America safer, and wealthier, again. We listened, and we were with him the whole way.

What about DPRK? A nuclear bomb in Japan or the western US coast would be the ultimate “Black Swan Event”. Past USA Presidents appeased the North Koreans, but not our guy. The pundits told us President Trump would get us into WWIII. Remember? Did anyone expect the President of the USA to walk into North Korea….. after insulting Kim on twitter? Trash-talking….. trolling…… (just like he’s doing with Iran right now?) Wonder why the pundits aren’t talking about “Little Rocket Man”, anymore? Because it worked. Trump was right. Again, the threat was neutralized. President Trump even made Japan and South Korea “Safer Again“…..

Problems in the Middle East would be a likely Black Swan Event. Yet, Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem, called out the Intel community, reordered NATO, organized and unified the GCC, and wrap your head around it — even Israel and Saudi are working together. The pundits told us President Trump should have gone to Canada or Mexico as his first foreign trip. Remember? They thought he was stupid to go to Saudi, and they made fun of him……. and the power of the ORB.

Amazingly, like cherry-on-top for the foreign policy think tanks, AFTER ISIS was mopped up, President Trump, with all attribution to our intel community and military, removed Soleimani, over the objections of the Dems/media. The MSM told us………. again………. WW3 would break out and Trump was reckless. Shareblue collapsed on Twitter and Hollyweird was ready to move to Canada. Trudeau even blamed TRUMP when Iran shot down the Ukrainian airliner. Again, they were wrong! Now, President Trump is now laser-focused in on Iran.

What’s the over/under on the Mullahs making it to next Christmas?

At the last minute, we received President Trump’s schedule of meetings. Take a look at the highlights. MOAR winning? You think he’s not focused on Iran? Let’s say it out loud….. MAXIMUM PRESSURE.

OUR guy smoked them out, the corrupt rats, the crony politicos who only want jobs for their inept kids, and Team Trump is reworking their bad deals, all over the world.

Get ready though, because our man, Trump, can do two things at one time. The EU is on his horizon, the Allies who have been free-loading for 70yrs. President Trump forced the EU to reveal themselves, gave the people REAL HOPE AND CHANGE. You betcha, Brussels is in trouble and Merkel is looking for an exit. The EU trade deal is next on the agenda, and Britain is on our side. We all know that, right? President Trump is a like a 20 ton boulder dropped in the middle of the EU pond. BOOM!

Let’s not forget those nipping at our heels at home, those who criticize safely from the sidelines after 4 decades of inaction, those who are angry at the possibility of losing their graft or fiefdom. Consider that our President is mildly irked at the Dems impeachment parade in Congress. Once again, the President is on a world stage at Davos and the Dems are doing their best to undermine him and America. Plus, President Trump has to deal with juveniles like Macron, Trudeau, and Merkel, the puppets to the Davos Billionaire Globalists. I’m thinking, their comeuppance will occur forthwith.

Payback is hell…..

Macron knows he’s in trouble and is trying to get ahead.

Does anyone here think the execs at Google, Facebook, and Twitter will intentionally rig the election to stop Trump in 2020? It’s okay, raise your hand. It’s a common fear given the censorship we’ve all endured. Yet, the tech companies CAN’T SCREW OVER PRESIDENT TRUMP. Read the Macron tweet above again – the one about digital taxes. The EU is ready to tax the hell out of our tech companies……. and guess what? TECH NEEDS DADDY TRUMP to help them. President Trump has a hold of them by their billion dollar balls. They cannot escape the EU, and what would obviously lead to every other country in the world taxing them, without a fierce defender like TRUMP. ….. I mean, does anyone think Warren would defend Silicon Valley on a world stage? Make me laugh….

Yeah, Google is screwed. Well played, Mr. President.

Keep in mind, our President specializes in revenge. He has the wind at his back after Congressional approval of USMCA and the Phase One China Deal, President Trump will slay them them in Davos. What a glorious time to be alive! All the efforts to defeat him have failed thus far, and a lesser man would never been able to withstand the pressure. Impeachment will also fail. Fact is, if impeachment was an issue for the finance guys, the market would reflect their concern. Have you noticed? We’re hitting new highs!

“Our economy is the envy of the world.”, President Trump from Battle Creek, Michigan.

Hey, I’m no expert Art Major with a byline at Axios, I just make the blueberry muffins, but I’m thinkin’ payback and a mop-up operation is in the weather forecast for Davos…….

……… along with peace and prosperity.

Note the optics of this week, important for those who don’t follow politics and those few persuadable Independents. LAST WEEK we had Dems impeaching versus President while he delivered on China and USMCA. We had Soleimani and no Iranian war from the week before. THIS WEEK, the President at Davos will take the message of American competence and prosperity to the world.…… versus Dems focusing on impeachment. It’s Trump versus the harpies, and Trump wins on point.

The best is yet to come!

Momma is “virtually” headed to Davos, bring your sweaters and skis.

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if you’re gonna do something…DO IT BIG!



You are most welcome !


Terrific OPENING thread for Davos Daughn…
So much info to unpack…
POTUS is going to ROCK DAVOS !



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

It could be JACK BOOT who did the actual blocking and he could be blocking a LOT of conservatives.
Sort of like a ‘Shadowban’

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great point. I’ve thought that might have happened in the past.
OMG – what if they are using “plausibles” to do it? They WAIT until there is a bit of a huffy comment either way, and then they jump in and PRUNE THE TREE. Both sides think it was organic, when it’s actually a HARD SYSTEM BLOCK. This then brings up the actual architecture of blocking. It may not be what we think it is.


Who did?




I don’t understand either…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Daughn, this is simply one of your BEST THREADS EVER!!!
I urge anybody who skipped down to the comments, to go back and spend a mere 5 minutes that will put you LIGHT YEARS ahead of the Fake News Media, and even MOST REPUBLICANS.
I’m not even sure that everybody who Trump is dragging along to Davos understands this! We are privileged to have this insight.
Daughn has a perspective here that EVERYBODY is missing – even the more competent and MAGA side of the business press. What Trump is doing here is TOTAL Sun Tzu. I’m in awe.
You cannot understand Trump’s REAL position unless you understand the reality of the situation.
NOT ALL OF US are making blueberry muffins and [COUGH, LONG STORY] qualified to actually see the situation. If you don’t get what I just said, GO BACK AND READ!!! You are missing the best insider tip EVER!!! 😀comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Did you see what Q just dropped? (I will post below.) Eisenhower’s farewell / MIC speech, focusing on the MIC part of the speech!
What is the ANSWER to that problem of the military and war? I think somebody knew – ECONOMIC DEFENSE!!! But what is interesting is that when I read the full Eisenhower speech (below), I can see that Eisenhower didn’t have as great an understanding as Trump – he makes a couple of strategic errors in his recommendations RE international diplomacy, which would lead to him not seeing ways for socialism to undermine economic defense of free society. The communists CLEARLY analyzed Eisenhower’s speech and looked for weaknesses to create a strategy for THEIR program to succeed. CLIMATE COMMUNISM (which our VSG will be confronting in Davos) is the outcome of their strategy. Even though Ike saw the conditions that would create climate communism (rise of a technological elite), he didn’t see how his view of world diplomacy (UN-led, improperly weighted and thus exploitable by socialist tactics) could be turned against him to allow climate communism.
I’ll explain more fully below!

Deplorable Patriot

What I don’t get is why this isn’t obvious. I mean, no one can be pushed around if they have F— you money. And in world wide economic terms, we always did. It was just a matter of pulling off the red tape.
We had to believe in ourselves before we could toss off the globalist messaging. That’s one of the gifts President Trump gave the people. The spirit of America is back, and it’s as strong as ever.


Me thinks the cabal, Uniparty, schmucks in power knew economic power was available, they simply sold out America, for their own continued power and $$$. 100% believe Unparty knew it, and simply sold America out. Politicians are like that, including Rs.

Deplorable Patriot

Sold out or suppressed?


Sold out America, Uniparty did. IMO.
– IGNORING USA available energy potential for over priced oil overseas that WAS at the time over whelming economic leverage over America, UNFORGIVABLE.
– – Even this slow guy knew the USA energy policy was RIGGED AGAINST America.
– Toss in the dumbest trade deals with countries. Trade deals that always put the USA at a disadvantage. Tariffs seemingly always penalizing American manufactures. AND, BS climate crap screwing American business and Americans…commonly propping up other countries.
Yea, we were sold out over a number of decades.


I have always loved that photo of our potus wolf

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, it is quite awesome!!!


I gave a slew of friends mugs a yr ago Christmas w/that photo on them.
just a great pic!
fits into most “desk decors”.


Oh wow. That’s a really nice idea.


Love it, as well. Reminds me of my grandparents when at a big family gathering…20 grandchildren and 10 greats running around among happy chaos. They’d have this same look as though thinking..” My gosh, look what I created!”


Excellent article! And the best summary I’ve ever seen of how our POTUS has reconfigured the whole economic landscape of our country in 3 years – and the world as well.


Thank you Daughn for sharing your insights and know how with us. This is a great reporting .Hugs to you !
I am so lucky to be here among all brilliant people who share so selfishly.
I love everyone of you 🙂


Correction : It should read unselfishly not selfishly .




VSG and daughnworks247 are kindred spirits/intellects. If VSG were a blogger, his name would be donworks247.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

donworks247!!! 😀 I love it!!! <3


W – could not agree MOAR. This is one of, if not the best effort our dear Daughn has put forward. The writing is excellent and just naturally flows from point to point.
Oh, and I do really love this: “What’s the over/under on the Mullahs making it to next Christmas?”
Bwahahahahaha … hahaha … just sayin … 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Yeah, that was quite awesome!!!


daughn that was. A great read. That ski gif! LOL
Bring it


Hey WTreepers! This post is timely and fantastic Daughn as the other day I decided on a whim to take the five hour train ride out to Davos today (Jan 21). Though I can’t actually attend any panels I wanted to go into the area and see what the energy was like so I thought – ‘I have the time and the train pass so why not go see it for myself rather than on CNBC like years past in the States’ Plus, I brought my MAGA hat if i have a sighting of PDJT!!
This is the best I can do for a Swiss Rally! Lol
Oh and here’s the link to stream his speech (i will still be on my train listening to it this way)


I felt it! I honestly have no idea what I can get into- but I’m treating this like I did when we went to Cannes Film festival on a whim- see where it all takes me. Is there anything you’d like to know or see?? I’m curious about the layout of the event – I found this map so I at least knew what train stop to map to…


Yes I have saved that! Now if everyone could pray for me to have an Airbnb open up for me tonight to save me the five hour return tonight or two hours to Zurich to stay there- where the closest hotels are available – that would be helpful! (I know, I didn’t plan to go as of the other day, so beggars can’t be choosers! Ha)


Our Reporter on the Ground!!!
MA_kswiss is the News Now!


When all is said and done party at daughn’s house?! Those muffins sound great!


Big T here. Y’all are invited. It’s Davos-cold here this week in North MS so we can have our own World Economic Forum that will be far more pragmatic than the bloviating in Davos. Make your reservations NOW – we will make room for everyone!


Tell Big T Cheers!!! For some reason, I could not reply to him (bad WP)


Awesome – will report what I can find. Send prayers to guide me please! I’ve never actually been to Davos 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Prayers up!!!


Very cool!


From the peanut gallery.
As you have your MAGA hat with you, if you wore it or folks saw the MAGA hat, any reactions? Yea, I can be quite off the wall.
Being Davos at this time, sounds incredibly exciting. Wow!


I didn’t wear it – I lost my gumption.


🙂 Wonderful you have your MAGA hat with you in Davos. Happy you are there. And sharing the excitemnt with QTree folks. Thank you!


Thanks Kalbokalbs….I walked around a ton and just looked around and it appeared that there were a lot of Sponsored hospitality buildings with food and beverages- So I assumed badges or names were needed for access and I didn’t feel the need to be impressed by NBC or Yahoo etc anyways 😉 Plus as a good Swiss, I packed my own lunch. Haha


The hat just might have gotten you a place to stay tonight! LOL


Too funny Teagan! I found a place south- in Zernez- right on the edge of the Switzerland National Park. Was very blessed!


Unbelievable! How far we’ve come – or should I say how far Trump has taken us??
“I just make the blueberry muffins”
There is NOT ONE FREAKING DIMWIT JOURNALIST who could make blueberry muffins and certainly NEVER any as good as you!
You have the sauce. They don’t. NO SAUCE.
They can’t make a single dad blammed blueberry muffin if their latte sipping pinky-extending lives depended on it.
Seriously – F Them 😉
BTW, my wife makes good blueberry muffins. The kids DEVOUR them.
Home EC and Blueberry Muffins = MAIN STREET = Doing the REAL work, way more than 24/7
Latte sippers = WALL STREET = Delusional and self-important parasites who wouldn’t know real work if a pile of it was sitting on their back porch.
Someone has to roll up their damned sleeves and make sure the lights are on and that the family has food to eat.
“Time for capitulation and groveling from the ruling class.”
Not a problem. I’ll just be standing over here waiting for them to come kiss my feet.


comment image
Roll up them sleeves – it’s time to make it DRAIN!!!comment image


Where’s that drain photo even from! That’s our PDJT- not afraid to roll up the (well coiffed) sleeves and show them how it’s done!

Cuppa Covfefe

From the Daily Fail:
“Billionaire Donald ‘Trumps’ his staff and rolls up his sleeves as he becomes hired help in his own hotel”
Have a great time in Davos, and send some snow (it’s freezing here in Germany, but still no snow yet… why am I complaining, though…).


Lol – yes there’s no snow in the French side of Switzerland where I live- but I’m content being able to see it and visit it…. it’s like the ‘aunt/grandparent rule’ with kids! Lol


As a designer myself having done a few events maps – I noted on the key – it lists helicopter pad. A first for me to see that- but understandable since getting around these Alps is time consuming and a security bottleneck.
I’m told that a helicopter ride from Geneva to Davos/Zürich is about 20 min


I am bummed that I missed my first bus by one minute (saw it rolling away) as it set in motion that I was to arrive before his speech but now I arrive a half an hour into it. #WorldEconomicForumFirstWorldProblems 😂


Now I can fully read this post’s content while on the train! Like Wolfie stated- it is jam packed!


Oh yes I can access it all! It’s a great read! Love the amazing photo content to illustrate the message!!


Daughn!!! You get better and better!! This is every bit as awesome as Wolfie says.
I read it very carefully, and I want to tweet it, but first … you have a seriously funny typo in the sentence AFTER the sentence that begins “Do we all truly comprehend the magnitude of Phase One …” Read the second sentence and see if you made a typo or meant the “p” word. 🤣🥰😘🇺🇸💋💋

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, I’m such an idiot – I read right over it!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO!!! Hilarious!!!


LOL I couldn’t decide if you were being intentionally funny. But after the Facebook snafu where President XI got “lost in translation” and called a shithole, I thought I better give you an out 🥰


Mom wants to know if the flotus is there as well? We both guessed that she’s not going.


She may have said something like…” Donald, if it’s going to get bloody, I think I’ll take a pass.”


Mom loved your comment. It made her day. Thanks, daughn. Hugs right back at you!!!


Very brief trip, intense negotiations at a rapid pace. This forum is not a feel-good, sight=seeing one like the summits. For one thing, it’s CEO/business oriented unlike the “G” summits.
I would think POTUS is getting very little sleep as he balances his time between conferring with his advisors and doing the bilateral, not to mention media.


In all fairness, I trust Warren to be a principled person on these matters, depending on how much principle is involved 😉


Ffs. She speaks with forked tongue




So the money disappears into the Bermuda Triangle? Right. That would work

Cuppa Covfefe

Too bad Google didn’t too…
Down the plug ‘ole again…


Oh it’s coming for google. L Lin wood sent them a warning

Deplorable Patriot

This is almost like something out of Harry Potter.


Well – experiencing the internet in the EU zone – when I disconnect my VPN, it is quite a different and more restrictive experience that I KNOW many Americans will not adapt to. Essentially might end up steering users away from using the internet. Just my two cents (and feel free to give change back haha)

Cuppa Covfefe

If you use Brave, and don’t have a VPN, Brave has a Tor Tor Tor (Wunder von Bern) window you can use… (treading lightly there)…
I get geoblocked all the time. Sometimes it’s at a really low level (or poorly-written code… e.g. tacobell.com) (OK, OK, I get homesick once in a while…).


Thanks for the Pro tip! I do use my vpn, and I have Brave but I’ve been leaning on Dissenter a ton now. I’ll have to go back and check Brave too! I love having multiple tools in the toolbox. 🙂


Daughn, you are a good skier. 🙂


i tried skiing once…and I got screwed. I broke my ankle, and needed 2 screws in my bone…had to give up skates, tennis and high heels….so not worth it.


lol…… which one caused the injuries? 🙂


the skiing…well, more specifically, the klutz ON the skis…comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fellow QTreepers:
Q has given us ONE post tonight, as Trump goes to Davos:
Eisenhower Warns Us of the Military Industrial Complex
20 Jan 2020 – 11:18:10 PM

That YouTube video is from Eisenhower’s farewell speech, made famous for the coining of the term “military-industrial complex” or MIC.

The video is NOT the complete speech – it is JUST the MIC part highlighted.
HERE is the complete speech:

For those who prefer, HERE is the complete transcript:
A very important point is that Eisenhower didn’t just warn about the MIC – he also warned about STE, which is ominously like STEM.
STE = scientific technological elite
“But threats, new in kind or degree, constantly arise. I mention two only.”
Yes, there were TWO threats he wanted to talk about. And BOTH of these – the MIC and the STE – are going to be in play at DAVOS.
Here is what Ike said about the MIC:

A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be mighty, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own destruction.
Our military organization today bears little relation to that known by any of my predecessors in peacetime, or indeed by the fighting men of World War II or Korea.
Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security more than the net income of all United States corporations.
This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence — economic, political, even spiritual — is felt in every city, every State house, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

The forces of the MIC were clearly exploited and abused through 9/11, endless war, nation-building, etc. It is obvious that we did not have enough safeguards in place to prevent this abuse. Preventing that abuse is tricky, and bears STRONGLY on how Trump has pushed BACK against those forces though his policy of ECONOMIC DEFENSE. Where Reagan began moving to a DEFENSIVE TRANSITION in the military itself, Trump began moving to ECONOMIC DEFENSE in defense itself. All of this is consistent with Ike’s vision, IMO.
Eisenhower then went on to talk about the STE

Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades.
In this revolution, research has become central; it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government.
Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.
The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present
and is gravely to be regarded. Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.

Exploitation and abuse of the STE is clearly what is behind the phony socially hacked science and horrifying hoax of CLIMATE COMMUNISM. This MUST be confronted and a STAKE PUT THROUGH ITS HEART. If it can be done at DAVOS, all the better.
This is where Eisenhower was a bit weak, and got taken. He could not have envisioned how in 60 years – two generations – a monstrous scam could be foisted on the world through the assumption that nobody would or could actually target and subvert the world’s scientific-technological elite THEMSELVES through that very elitism – that the PROBLEM ITSELF of the STE created exploitable flaws, and that somebody would exploit them.
Climate communism must be destroyed, and healthy, free, protected, independent science raised back in its place.
Eisenhower then talked about dealing with the MIC and the STE internally to the United States.

It is the task of statesmanship to mold, to balance, and to integrate these and other forces, new and old, within the principles of our democratic system — ever aiming toward the supreme goals of our free society.

Ike believed it could be done, and I have no reason to doubt him. TRUMP is proving it possible.
Next, talking about the problem of TIME, Ike actually pointed out an opening that the communists exploited. I am positive that they analyzed this speech deeply to strategize.

Another factor in maintaining balance involves the element of time. As we peer into society’s future, we — you and I, and our government — must avoid the impulse to live only for today, plundering, for our own ease and convenience, the precious resources of tomorrow. We cannot mortgage the material assets of our grandchildren without risking the loss also of their political and spiritual heritage. We want democracy to survive for all generations to come, not to become the insolvent phantom of tomorrow.

This is precisely how the communists began striking seven years later with eco-alarmism – culminating in 10 years in Earth Day, on Lenin’s birthday. It is then clear how the STE was used by them in this fight.
Notice, though, that Ike knew how to stop this. But our FAKE NEWS fell before the tactic. Observe:

Down the long lane of the history yet to be written America knows that this world of ours, ever growing smaller, must avoid becoming a community of dreadful fear and hate, and be instead, a proud confederation of mutual trust and respect.

Yes – Ike knew that fear was deadly, but that is exactly what we allowed the communists to gin up, and our media played along, exploited and stupid.
Combine these two last paragraphs and you can see where wicked little Greta’s prepared screed “there’s no time” came from.
The next statement turned out to be problematic. It sets the stage perfectly for socialist trickery, “leading from behind”….

Such a confederation must be one of equals. The weakest must come to the conference table with the same confidence as do we, protected as we are by our moral, economic, and military strength. That table, though scarred by many past frustrations, cannot be abandoned for the certain agony of the battlefield.

Think General Assembly. Think Obama. Think House of Commies. The wicked left loves to see the honest, the strong, and the leader-class fall before the MORE NUMEROUS corrupted, the weak and the shill.
Clearly our VSG doesn’t fall for this stuff.
Note the most important thing Ike says:
The weakest must come to the conference table with the same confidence as do we, protected as we are by our moral, economic, and military strength.
Right there. See what our VSG is doing? GETTING US BACK TO THE PLAN by fixing our MORAL, ECONOMIC, and MILITARY strengths.
Trust the plan? YOU BETCHA!comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – THAT statement is exactly the equation of balance. MUTUAL TRUST AND RESPECT is how America is strong in many things, including tech and business.
We CANNOT have a state of mutual trust and respect which is not shored up by MORAL, ECONOMIC, and MILITARY strength.
This World Economic Forum is supposed to be about Economic, but the SMART PLAYER (like the VSG) can see that the Climate Commies are trying to use it for moral advancement with their climate religion, while the MicNeoCons will try to tip it toward military fake solutions and non-solutions that fulfill THEIR vision of endless power through endless war.
How he dispatches these SIDE ISSUES will be interesting. It’s clear from his agenda that he’s interested in ALL OF THEM.

Elizabeth Carter

As I read this, I saw that MEME can mean:
President Trump has been educating the USA and the world about how we have been taken over.
Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.
The TRUTH will set us free.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love that!!! <3


our economic defense went flabby, but our moral defense was almost on life support…
abortion, human trafficking, transgenders, and the whole alphabet soup of genders and sexual preferences, pedophilia–all weakening our moral fibers as well.
POTUS is working on all three (moral, economic, military) at the same time

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ike was a friggin’ genius. The limited insight of the John Birchers is apparent right there, in thinking that Ike was a commie. Ridiculous. Ike was smart enough to see right and wrong independent of ideology, and much more. JBS were right on so much, but they could not grasp the next level, where Ike was playing.
As you say, this is one heck of a warning. It’s like Ike predicted everything that brought us to Trump!!!
“…only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry…”
FAKE NEWS let us down. All of us were LULLED.
One can see how the LULL strategy worked. It literally GREW our dependence on an elite, thereby growing the elite.


I wonder if there is anything on the record which tells us what JFK thought of Ike’s speech.


Personally can’t connect the dots. But, thinking there may be linkage between President Eisenhower’s MIC warning and President Kennedy distrust of CIA.


The CIA angle was what made me wonder if JFK had Eisenhower’s speech in mind.
Cyril Robinson in his great book History of the Roman Republic has a powerful section on the aftermath of the Punic Wars, when Rome became an empire and had a powerful military.
I cannot do justice to Robinson’s wonderful writing, but he describes how Rome’s movers and shakers understood immediately how they could make a lot of money from Rome’s “global” hegemony. He goes so far as to say that Rome did not actually seek to become an empire, but slowly were transformed into one through a series of defensive wars, and even wars which were well-intentioned efforts to protect other nations or peoples. But the controlling factor in all the expansion was the Roman Deep State, so to speak, who became experts at making money through manipulation and intrigue, and did not care about the Republic, Roman culture, the rights of the “little” people, or even common decency.


Interesting. As I understand it, many, if not most military leaders are avid readers of history, military… Wonder if Eisenhower pondered some of the same thoughts in your post.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That is a REALLY good question, and is actually central to a lot of other thoughts I’ve had about Kennedy.
One of the reasons I trust Phil Corso’s memoirs is that he confirms many impressions I had about the Ike-Kennedy dynamic, including in general the idea that Kennedy didn’t know ANYTHING about some of the most important issues arising from Ike’s time when he took over, but that those issues and his later desire to address them firmly ended up getting him killed. In other words, the DEEP STATE was firmly established during FDR and Truman, and managed with difficulty by Ike (who spent his whole life understanding bureaucracy), but it simply overwhelmed Kennedy. JFK’s attempts to fight it, without the proper organizational survival skills, led to his demise by that theory.


Thanks for reminding me Wolf. I was planning to go on the offensive again last night but got slammed by cognitive dissonance originating from an ordinarily closely held trusted source. Had to stop and spend some time praying for discernment before I could re-engage. I think you’re right – it’s the JBS layer of checkers that looks at whom is connected to whom, but not the why’s, wherefores, and of course chess master strategy that is at play. A chess master exploits all the pieces on the board – if you just look at them in terms of who’s on team white or team black, or whether the white players are gray or black, you quickly see problems everywhere but have no strategy for solutions, and no pieces to play. And I think putting that mindset into an opponent is also art of war stuff – blinding them to the strategy of play and reducing them to ineffective limited vision of their options so that they always make poor moves. Still trying to figure it out.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. EXACTLY. Looking at Trump maneuvering at times to make sure PELOSI was Speaker – that she was not taken out – think about that – PLAYING THE OTHER SIDE’S PIECES.
Or I always have to remind myself – just because the communists maneuver and proclaim “peace over war” doesn’t make peace itself bad. Just because murderer Stalin and murderer/rapist Beria championed certain ideas doesn’t make THOSE ideas automatically bad.
Complicated business, and the closer we look, the more a player like our VSG is appreciated!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Wolf, with all due respect, there are few details of the MIC that IKE either missed or didn’t know about that indicate the roots of it were put together between the World Wars.
First is the WWI War Industries Board. This was put together in 1916-17. The main player was a man named Bernard Baruch. I found his autobiography in the local library, but have not had a chance to study it. He was the financier along with Robert Brookings, Samuel Prescott Bush and others.
I happen to know via research from years ago, that the man credited with putting together the MIC is none other than Dwight Davis of Davis Cup fame. he did the leg work in the 1920s. I’ll have to find my notes on it, but many of the companies that are BIG players now, started out as something else. Like, Raytheon, IIRC, was originally a battery company. Now they build missiles. There were others, and the aerospace industry needs special attention when it comes to that. What else was transformed into what the MIC needed? And in the heady days of the 1950s is when a lot of that transformation took place.
Various people were found and targeted for help, and sometimes I wonder if they knew what they were really involved it.
Also of note – and this is related to a family story that I cannot share online due to doxxing me and my entire family – is the history of Los Alamos itself. Prior to December 8, 1941, it was an exclusive private, all boys boarding school. The property was appropriated by the government for that group of test facilities for the bomb, and there wasn’t a peep of protest. Was that property scouted long before and held for that purpose?
In the same week in 1941, was the incident I cannot share, BUT I will say this about that: a lot of the big named engineering schools in the big cities, at the time, were commuter schools. MIT was. So was Wash U here, where the new buildings loaded with lab space are shoe horned in anywhere the administration can put them. They were gradually appropriated, and that accelerated after the Bayh-Dole act in 1980 that destroyed the private industry R&D labs.
I mean Bell Labs gave us cell phone technology beginning in the late 1940s, and in the 70s, Xerox had all the neato cool stuff we’re using today.
It hasn’t all just happened in the last 60 years. Yes, IKE warned us about all of it, and it largely went over people’s heads.
As for the environmental stuff…the JFK murder needs to be put in the time line of all of this at Pearl Harbor and 9-11 levels. There’s before, and there’s after. And in each case, we went from comfortable and secure to fearful. Advantage was taken with the various scares. Population control, of course, is the umbrella that goes under.
Alright, I have to get some other things done. I’ll think about doing up a timeline. It would have to be fluid, though, ’cause I keep finding little nuggets.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great insights!!!
Yes, history is an awesome timeline, and the problem is WHICH PARTS TO LEAVE OUT to see it!!! 😉


Another observation is that many American companies were responsible for building Germany’s war machine in the 1930s. A lot of the era’s industrialists had a favorable view of socialism from FDR at home to other nations abroad. Same era that industrialists rebuilt the USSR’s capacity. After WWII a cold war became necessary (manhattan proj) to maintain the construct as suddenly scheduling a war w/ USSR was unfeasible. But Korea opened new vistas of opportunity until 1989 when a new problem had to devised.


Had always heard of the Eisenhour farewell speech warning against MIC. Today heard it for the first time. Powerful message. Necessary message. Proven accurate over the decades. President Trump applying massive course correction.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Am arriving in Zürich now (via my carbon reducing train ride ) at the same time the President is taxing at the airport…. will look to the sky for the helicopters taking him to Davos!

Deplorable Patriot

I actually like the one in Madrid. It’s a big, glass box, all on one floor, really easy to navigate. Much better than Milan which goes on forever and there’s steps everywhere.


Thought the new one in Beijing is largest in the world. Whatever, they make ours look like Third World countries. Same with the architecture in the overseas cities…when was the last outstanding skyscraper in the US built? Landscaping along the roads in the major population areas like you see overseas in supposed developing nations…puts our filthy ones to shame.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image
These goals are worth comments.
1 – No Poverty – sorry, that’s not how reality works. Christ was a far smarter scientist than anybody who thinks that poverty can be eliminated in any kind of system, when he said the poor would always be with us. So NO – looking for ACTUALLY SUSTAINABLE solutions means EMBRACING the reality of poverty but making it MORE LIVABLE and WORTH LIVING. Maybe not worth reproducing, but worth living.
2 – Zero Hunger – again, a false, wrong, misleading, and clearly either ignorant or malicious assumption that hunger can be eliminated. Real systems don’t work this way. They have gradients and boundaries. Stop throwing illogic at us.
3 – Good Health and Well-Being – now we’re talking. Just don’t cramp my FREEDOM to get it.
4 – Quality Education – yeah, I agree, but WE get to define quality
5 – Gender Equality – total, yes – the BALANCE – yes. In every exact stupid WRONG metric that you idiots can construct – NO. Nature’s dimorphism is SMARTER THAN YOU, you pretentious twits, and it will FIGHT BACK if you push it wrongly. Don’t FUCK with the “complementary non-identities” that you ASSHOLES call “inequality”. It ruins the deep solutions you DON’T UNDERSTAND.
6 – Clean Water and Sanitation – absolutely – but it has to be real – and the communists who create unclean and unsanitary conditions like in CHYYYNNAA and Flint, Michigan need to be hounded out of power for creating such conditions as self-preservation.
7 – Affordable and Clean Energy – WE NEED TO TALK – as long as you SCREW UP the world’s thinking with the LIES about climate to gain control, none of this is worth talking about, and we will simply BRING DOWN YOUR CARBON HOAX because that is the fastest path back to sanity.
8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth – YES – just be careful on how growth works, because stupid growth is cancerous to humanity’s future. Decent work is important – looks like Trump’s message is getting through
9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure – all good – people are listening to POTUS!!!
10 – Reduced Inequalities – again, this is a communist lever and we won’t fall for it. Here is the basic problem – actions and choices have consequences, and those consequences need to FALL BACK FAST on their causes in order that THIS PLANET and REALITY respond in a rapid and AGILE manner. Socialism reverses this stuff in a terrible way, forcing the efficient to subsidize the inefficient – it’s NUTS. So NO – inequalities need to be reduced by adoption of successful models – and that includes CULTURE, GOVERNMENT, RELIGION, and many other COMPLEX FRAMEWORKS that provide WORKABLE SOLUTIONS. We will no longer let the inefficiencies of FAILED GLOBALISM demand that they be supported by systems that simply work better. You want a working globalism? Upscale something that works in a SMART MANNER. I can tell you right now that it will be loose, it will allow total sovereignty, and it will provide LOTS OF FREEDOM.
11 – Sustainable cities and communities – Yes – great idea. Now hear this – they don’t have to be built overnight. Let them EVOLVE into place.
12 – Responsible consumption and production – yes – great idea – but I don’t trust you globocrats to determine responsibility in a responsible way. How about CONVINCING us (and we get to talk back) instead of REGULATING us?
13 – Climate Action – FUCK YOU. Is that clear enough? Let me be more clear. I want CLIMATE SCIENCE FREEDOM that means we can FIX the science YOU screwed up, you globalist creeps who really should be in prison, but we’ll probably be nice and not send you there when this is over. Oh, you bastards, I saw what you did to science from the INSIDE and you deserve prison so badly, so why don’t you BACK THE FUCK OFF and count yourselves lucky?
14 – Life Below Water – not sure what you mean, but if you want to make sure that the seas are well taken care of, I’m with you.
15 – Life On Land – same. Life on land is good. Stop telling us how to live it, as you create unlivable cities of socialist decay. Socialism clearly still has no idea what it’s doing.
16 – Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions – yeah, this all sounds great, but look what you fuckers did to our DOJ, and it’s still not fixed. And then our glorious CronyCrats joined up with Ukrainian “ex”-commies to set up a phony anti-corruption organization to promote their own RED DIAPER corruption, so…… we don’t TRUST YOU on this. But yeah, peace is good. Why is TRUMP the guy who is bringing it?
17 – Partnerships For The Goals – hmmmmmm – I think I’ll stick with Q for “17”!!!comment image


And they use that circle (the ‘o’ in Goals) as the symbol for the World Goals. I had to do some design work for my FinServ company that was helping the City of Boston host the International Mayoral Conference in Boston In 2018. They gave them out to attendees as pins to wear. I got one but threw it out (I generally dislike marketing giveaways and especially not liking this thing). Ironically AirBbB was a major sponsor as they were trying to persuade Maaaaahhhhty Walsh on his then upcoming vote to clamp down on Airbnb.


If all the wealth and power and land of the world was divided equally today – in short time…
– some would have made their share grow by wise investment
– some would have used part of their share to fund projects for the sake of the future of their country
– some would have stolen other’s share
– some would have gambled their share away
– some would have lost it through spending, drugs, women, etc.

Cuppa Covfefe

Remember the Parable of the Ten Talents…
What the WEF and the elite don’t realize is that we’re not measured by what we have; rather we are measured by what we do with what we have…
And they can’t see that to save their lives, and eventually (and more important), their souls…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP. And if one regards this process as natural, then the next questions should be whether the natural distribution SHOULD be fought, and if so, then to what degree, and moreover HOW it should be fought.
IMO, natural free processes are the best, but we have to have continuous honest insight into those processes, and government RESOLVING problems of the free processes, rather than HANDLING the processes.


GA/FL: Exactly right. Quite a few years ago, I worked in the court system in downtown San Diego. There was a company who had produced some shiny black jackets. One production went wrong and the jackets looked like they were wet. This company donated the jackets to a homeless shelter, who then gave them out on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
At first, it really was humorous to see all the street people wearing matching jackets. But, shortly, there were fewer and fewer wearing the jackets. Eventually, there were none.


I’m with him👆🏼

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Deplorable Patriot

Can you say communal living and wealth transfer?
yeah, no thanks.


And all those billionaires are probably at DAVOS!😜

Cuppa Covfefe

What happened to that presentation where that fellow had gumballs representing all the peoples of the world, and how moving them around, and paying for them (rich paying for the poor) wouldn’t solve a thing…
It is mathematically impossible to “equalize” the money and resource distribution of the world. Even Jesus said “the poor will always be with us”… HE also said “the first will be last, and the last will be first”, and, finally, remember the parable of the poor man and Lazarus (the rich man). Lazarus could well represent the elites in Davos…

Cuppa Covfefe

Found it
Here’s the blog page describing the new (2010 vs.1996) version. It’s probably time to make a newer version: One point another blogger made was that illegal immigration was not covered in this video. Maybe not, but the result and the desperation and futility increaed immigration of any sort, remains the same…
And here’s the YouTube of it. The Closed Captions give statistics, etc.
Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs – NumbersUSA.com

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

China SAYS it’s banning plastic bags. Not the same thing.


As a kid, to buy baseball cards and Bazooka gum, picked up bottles. Depending on bottle size got 2, 3 or 5 cents.
Great memories;-)


Wealth transfer, old style.


Sitting on my train from Zürich to Davos Dorf- and three Businessmen from Spain just sat in my section of four seats. They have print outs for Davos business…. I feel like I’m on the parking lot tram on my way to a super smart theme park.
Quickly working on my Spanish (I know none) to strike up a conversation without being too nosy …. 👀

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, I wish I was there!!! I can fake not knowing Spanish really well!


I can pluck out what they are saying but cannot talk with them (I am steadily learning French (Switzerland by law requires me to test in A1 level to renew my residency permit) and now am so skewed on what language comes out of my mouth)
They are talking about something environmental and Chile.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, that could be related to lithium.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I could use your help though!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ok I reread your post Wolfie and now get the joke…. hahaha hilarious….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

People say the darndest things when they think we don’t understand! 😀


Oh yes – isn’t it so fascinating?


Ok so I busted out my English and they are from Chile and Italy (living in the EU ) and they are going to go discuss ‘circular economy’ and how to get help for Chile and not to protest but provided a deferent perspective …..
That’s the gist I understood


Ok found out that one is actually a congressman from Chile (‘the politician’) and it looks like two advisors …. this is so fascinating…. they said Chile people are tired and want to regroup too – this gentleman said this sentiment is happening ‘all over the world’ …. I couldn’t help but share the statement I saw here/Gab…. ‘well this is a very important week’
I had a chance to state my support of Trump (in a public forum this is a huge deal for me- but I’m excited I was able to) …. I always wish I had better statements and feel like any of you would have much better things to share. But at least I said I supported Trump. ☺️

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! Good job! MAGA, MCGA, and MEGA!!!


I had a chance to state my support of Trump (in a public forum this is a huge deal for me- but I’m excited I was able to)
^^^ Simply wonderful! 😉 😉 😉 🙂


So my entire take on Davos World Economic Forum has just been altered when I look at this like any other ‘industry conference’ given the real world experience I just had with three conference attendees. The organization hosting it the WEF is setting the tone of the new trend for all to buy into and propagate out into everything they touch, while the unconnected train riding attendee types are trying to pitch/network up to connect for funding, publishing, various contracts with the market players. Do I have that right?


“That’s why were here … the pitch” as Meghan Markle fka Princess Poseur was recently quoted as she & Harry grovel for funds.




She actually said that? She is going to do as well as she did with acting …


Yup – there’s video somewhere – same video where Harry tried to sell Disney head on hiring Mehgan for voiceovers 🙄🙄


So tacky


I guess, now he has to survive prison in Chicom.


Has he not taken the stage yet? Nothing there so far.


I saw this performance st the Fete de vigneron!


I am jealous and so impressed with your courage–engaging forum goers on a train—how cool are you!!!
will check back to get your impressions…stay safe and have fun!!!!


Thanks PatFrederick 🙂




Daughn I can feel your excitement throughout the whole thread! (it’s another RALLY thread–only on a world stage!)


PDJT finished his remarks and I hope I am in the spot where he comes out. I brought my MAGA hat (it’s in my bag – I am brave enough to make it here, but not to wear the hat…. 😞


You go, Girl 😄


oh but i bet if POTUS would see it, he’d come right over to you!


And he is right!


“A Nation’s highest Duty is toward its own citizens.”
Carter through Obama – that was the furthest thing from their minds. LBJ too.


^^^ Folks really need to acknowledge this. ^^^
We were sold out by Carter, papa Bush, Clinton, baby Bush and hussein. Along with most of Congress.


AMEN X 1000!!!!


What a fabulous compilation of news, excitement, and fun, Daughn! We are so blessed here at The Q Tree!!!
Where else can one go to get this magnanimous coverage of events? We are most grateful!
God Bless You Real Good!!!


Really? Who is there?
* Giddy with Glee * we are – lol


Oh, yes – forgot – talked to her (in the middle of her night) trying to help her get to some broadcast here – 6 Hours ahead of us – had no idea where she was – this is great!!!
We have the most incredible President – he knows the games – he detest the globalists as much as we do – told them all off at the UN – lol – he has already met with Macron – who must be scared out of his pants – these people are so funny – they are losing – he is winning – what can they say that will even interest him? Guess we shall see!
As I said – FUN – to watch – Thanks for all you are doing to help us through the maze!


When someone walking by approached me asking ‘who’s everyone waiting for?’ I responded with ‘I’m not sure, but I know that President Trump just finished his remarks’ – she actually got visibly disgusted and was like ‘oh, hmmph’ and eyerolled herself away. PTDS 😎


Sniper guys are off the roof now – so I think that may mean the presidents obligations are elsewhere.


Stand corrected – they are back


Thank you for posting the schedule of PDJT Daughn – even if that guy did block you. (That’s bizarre – wonder why. Otherwise file it under ‘people are strange’ column. 🤷🏻‍♀️


We humbly realize and know that God has a plan for the planet that CANNOT be changed by man. The Bible says so. We also are told to be good stewards and do everything in excellence as if we are working for the Lord. If you’re connected, He gives us wisdom and discernment on how to do that. We TRUST Him. 🙏


beware the POD people (Prophets of Doom)!!!
I’ve seen this movie…LOL
Greta = pod person


Roy at Breitbart has got it figured out…
call me Roy • 5 hours ago
The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consulate at Bergen Norway.
Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone.
Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes.
Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the Gulf Stream still very warm.
Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared.
Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelt which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds.
Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.
* * *
* * * * * *
I must apologize.
I neglected to mention that this report was from November 2, 1922, as reported by the AP and published in The Washington Post – 96 years ago.
This must have been caused by the Model T Ford’s emissions or possibly from horse and cattle flatulence?
Even the left wing SNOPES say’s this is true !!


He has 207 likes and oh yeah mine makes 208


Do you have a link? I would like to forward this, but I know the people I would like to forward this to will expect some documentation. I “googled” call me roy breitbart / and twitter, and had no luck. TY


Should be the first comment


Yeah I got into with a libtard today on Miss Greta. He wanted to know why “we Cons get so triggered over a 16 year old”. I replied… “why do you libs get so triggered over triggers?” 😆


I like the comment, but he does not give enough data for me to find documentation of his comment. It might be that I’m just not experienced enough to go looking for substantiation of his comment.


Keep in mind that Snopes is far left at times and they do verify the article but last paragraph is where they put their twist on it…as usual. Don’t get too lost in the weeds.


Thank you!!! I need to learn how to ask snopes stuff.
I did click on his link to snopes, but all I got was the general query box, which I tried, but my input was not getting me anywhere.


I went to DuckDuckGo and typed in Nov 2 1922 Washington post article on climate change. 😌

Gail Combs

Tony Heller has a lot of that old newspaper stuff on his websites.




Great article


Damn that “hockey stick” 🏒 great article.



POTUS: “I’m looking at you, Greta!” 😉


Thank you so much for all you do…


Daughn…all that missing was the cheer leader and Pom Pom’s! What an uplifting thread…(of course you had lots of great material to work with! Yay!


“They are the heirs of yesterday’s foolish fortune tellers…they predicted an overpopulation crisis in the 1960s, mass starvation in the 70s and the end of oil in the 1990s.”


Daughn, Fantastic article.
President Trump’s speech at Davos, the first one in this article, is the perfect reply to D-Rats, talking heads and MCM when they say, President Trump is a threat. Really? A threat? In three years, President trump has totally turned America around from near total decline to broad based trajectory of success. The envy of the world. Yea, we know it. We say it. Somehow MCM, talking heads and MCM deny it, even ignore absolute success. UFB.
AND, yesterday I was initially thinking, WTF…why delay tariffs on France, EU… Again, it was a brief, WTF? I bounced back to wait 24-48 hours and I’ll better understand President Trump’s decision. Shallow thinker I am, Google, TW, YT, FB are in a virtual headlock to NOT massively shadow ban or blatantly block conservatives in the run up to November 3rd. 😉
^^^ Hopefully I grasp Daughn’s thoughts above. Seemed clear, this this slow guy.


anyone postulated yet that the New York Times endorsement of 2 candidates – very unusual – was really about promoting Amy Klobuchar by using Warren’s current popularity and coattails? How else could Klobuchar be endorsed since she is at the very low end of popular support? Why pick two? How often does the NYTs endorse in a primary? This set the NYTs against Sanders and Biden which may or may not hurt them. But it raised Amy Klobuchar profile. When the top 3 eventually fail for various reasons is Klobuchar being set up to take their place or at least be a contender? And then pick a POC VP from those who ran?
I am watching the leftist (“MSM”) media for clues – who are they protecting? who are they not going after? who are they not asking real/hard questions? Biden seems to be the answer but I don’t think he will get the popular support in the Dem base.
Warren is farther left (now) and so trying to give Klobuchar credibility and transfer some of Warren’s supporters to her thinking Warren won’t make it?
Been thinking about this…not sure the answers but the NTYs primary endorsement is unusual and has given me pause for thought


Amy may be the stealth candidate…just a thought. Word is that she’s a mean SOB.


The Cabal is supporting Amy…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Angry Amy Communist.


Woowee Miss Daughn. I heart this post a lot.


Followed those twitter links to WEF. Couldn’t see reality for all the propaganda. Thanks, Daughn,



THREAD – click time stamp



President Trump Participates in a Bilateral Meeting with the President of the European Commission

Cuppa Covfefe

His expression and his hand gesture is classic…
von der Leyen is a globalist puppet, and an idiot on top of that. Must be difficult to suffer a fool like her…


He is among many globalist fools, Cuppa – poor guy – and he has to be nice to them, too!


Ok… enough Euro’s in pants – where’s Melania? Our beautiful First Lady!


Being Her Best at Home – not a fun place for our First Lady – I do not think – are any other wives there?

Elizabeth Carter

Safe in Mar a Lago.


President Trump Participates in a Bilateral Meeting with the President of the Swiss Federation


Sooo glad Abbot went to DAVOS, good for Texas!! Luv my Gov!!!💖


Oops, 4got….


Yeeaaayyy Gov Abbot !!!



400,000,000 down.
Rinse & Repeat 1,250 times and we’ve hit a trillion. 😬


Given that China does most of the polluting, what say POTUS “assigns” them an annual quota:
• 100 billion trees annually (1 per day per family of 3)
• 10 years to hit the magic trillion
… and charges them our minimum wage of $17 for “enforcement” on each one they fall short!


Chairman of the Board!


If she had any sense she would shut up.


Oops – meant to post on open thread.


Noodles are boiling on the stove for your wet-noodle lashing, GA/FL – let she/he who is without sin lash you with the first wet noodle – 🙂


Everything with you people is a cover-up – because that is what you have been doing for decades – covering up your crimes – go back to the hole from which you climbed out – witches are not welcome here.



What impeachment ! Did zero EVAH get a reception like this ? H3ll NO !



Beautiful, Daughn. Haven’t been able to read until now.
“It took the globalists 100years of working in the shadows, 35yrs in earnest, to destroy nations, raid the peoples’ wealth, and bring the USA to it’s knees. The whole “Awakening” merely proves the lies of globalist ideology. Trump turned on the lights and woke us up.
Trump won many battles in 3years, and now we’re ready to win the war.”
Summed it up perfectly. My husband has long said that giving up our factories and ability to manufacture was just so “unAmerican” – worse, it was a serious national security threat. The inability to make our own weapons, or maintain our industries weakened America, and while we could see the visual evidence in the decrepit, abandoned factories, and empty warehouses, the damaging effects went much deeper. As you said, where America was brought to her knees.
You pointed out, both parties are responsible, though I’d say the Dems under Clinton, but much more so under Obama went straight to all out, masks off, no hold barred, to destroy America.
The amazing, seemingly complex, but not really – it’s SIMPLE when each country deals honestly… is that they all can be nationalistic and successful economically. POTUS has shown how it can be done – where everyone is a winner – well, except for the truly bad people.
Those guys we want to see lose.


We have stunningly now ADDED BACK 12,000 FACTORIES A.T.
… after learning that we’d LOST 60,000 B.T. [Before Trump]
That’s right … we used to use B.C. & A.D.
… until we dropped them in the 20th Century.
Now it’s B.T. & A.T.




Heck, we’ve even got Ryan, Romney and Schiff vying to play JUDAS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



President Trump said in his speech today, we would surpass replacing that 60K very quickly.


President Trump Participates in a Dinner with Global Chief Executive Officers


• Economy
• Trade
• Soccer!



Deplorable Patriot

Futbol is the family sport on the Spanish side. Some relatives were pros. One uncle was the first American (immigrant, but who’s counting) to participate in the World Cup. He was an on field official. Still kind of cool.

Deplorable Patriot

My grandfather (on the Spanish side) and his brothers were the goalkeepers. One played pro in Spain before the revolution. He came home when war broke out and ended up being one of the most respected detectives in the STL metro.
The uncle who was an on field linesman in the 1950 World Cup…BRILLIANT man. He ran the soccer leagues here. In both the National Hall of Fame and STL.
I guess I just don’t have the disdain others do for soccer. Almost all of the Spaniards in the family still play after 100 years in the USA. My one nephew is pretty good, too.

Deplorable Patriot

Berthas (kale soup) with empinada pie, bollinas and more. 😉
They could tell stories. Let me tell you. One of the uncles, I loved that man even if he lived on cigarettes, Coke, beer and peanuts, told of being given a bag lunch on Ellis Island. In it was a banana. They had never seen one in northern Spain. They bit into the banana and thought, THis is TERRIBLE. And then they saw someone peel one.
Te amo, Tio Jovino. I miss him and the others so much.


Oh wow that’s really cool.


No comparison – the difference between the kindergarten kids and the PHD President!
I want someone to slap them silly – it is constant ‘temper tantrums’ with them – so tired of their nonsense –
Question: Can anyone see the impeachment scam is unconstitutional?


Brilliant work, Daughn … a regular tour de force!


At Davos, President Trump laid out his Roadmap to M🇺🇸A🇺🇸G🇺🇸A! 😎
… NONE of them know how to NAVIGATE! 🤣
… and ALL of em are OWNED by Back-Seat Drivers. 😲
It’ll take them a DECADE to fall far enough to WANT to change 😢
… and a GENERATION to find a leader who MIGHT know how. 😭


I wonder if any of their citizens were listening?


The POTUS PATTERN for Davos:
• UK wants to cut a really great post-BREXIT Trade Deal
… as a SEA-LANE CONDUIT to end-run Tariffs on the EU.
… for PRODUCTS that POTUS allows to do so.
… BOOSTING the impact of upcoming Tariffs to force an EU Deal
… ENRICHING them for FIRST-to-EXIT the EU with BREXIT.
• Swiss now want to cut a really great post-BREXIT Trade Deal
… as an AIR-FREIGHT CONDUIT to end-run Tariffs on the EU.
… for PRODUCTS that POTUS allows to do so.
… BOOSTING the impact of upcoming Tariffs to force an EU Deal
… MAXING the pressure for others to EXIT the EU for Reciprocal Trade Deals of their own.
• Pakistan now positioning for a USAPak Trade Deal
… as a competing prod for dithering India to EARN their own Deal
… with opportunities to DISPLACE imports from China as they miss purchase hurdles
… and SAND in the COGS of China’s Belt & Road initiative.


The geopolitical ramifications of a Pakistan Deal could be STUNNING:
• Assigning Pakistan to create the Afghan Solution
• Working a rapprochement between Pakistan and India over Kashmir
• Goosing India to sign a Reciprocal Trade Deal of their own
• Thwarting China while we’re at it.




BKR, has there ever been such a board game called Planet Chess?




“But she refused to play Risk with me.”
… We can see why.


HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! THAT would be a tpugh group!!!
I had a friend in college who was a maniac at Monopoly!!!!


Funny thing is that his team’s now setting the stage for their 2021 Agenda. 😂


BKR The Pakistan/India stuff is fascinating. It gets missed in the brouha over NKorea, China, Iran but it is another crucial source of Constant Chaos that needs to be tamped. Economic leverage is the key, and Trump is only one who seems willing to use it.


Agree. They’re not as bright and shiny an object on the world stage, but the issues there are just as serious, re: between Pakistan and India.
Waving economic benefit to resolving their centuries old animosities would have vast appeal to both those countries. They’re hucksters and traders at heart.


The rest of the “global leaders” are Lilliputians who
• Lack the INGENUITY to leverage economics
• Lack the MOTIVE to do it for their people
• Lack the SELFLESSNESS to do it for international harmony
• Lack the ECONOMIC POWER to pull it off and
• Lack the FREEDOM/FLEXIBILITY to do it under the thumbs/bribes of the Global Cabal.


Daughn, BKR……. note what Khan says wrt POTUS


Is it possible THEY are learning from President Trump?????!!!!!


POTUS is telling the LEADERS to put their people FIRST
… With the roadmap for HOW to do it.
… And WHAT the people should look for them to DELIVER.
No leader in history has ever been able to speak to the PEOPLE of the world like POTUS can.
… At the same time he’s speaking with their LEADERS … on LIVE TV.
… So the PEOPLE can measure up their LEADERS … and whether they DELIVER.

Deplorable Patriot

VSG President DJT has a gift that so many wish they did. COMMUNICATIONS. He knows how to do it. i suspect it was intuitive and honed over decades of being in the public eye.


“You cannot CHEAT”
“So you’ll have to COMPETE”
Since Global Trade transacts in DOLLARS,
What happens when POTUS terminates Currency Manipulation?
Countries have to SELL more to the USA
… to get the $$$ to BUY more from others.
But they have to BUY more from the USA
… to keep trade RECIPROCAL.
The more China, for example, must buy from the USA to rebalance trade,
The less their $$$ can buy from others.
The less others can charge in $$$ to sell elsewhere,
The lower our “Inflation” gets,
The further the Fed must cut Rates to “boost” Inflation.
Good luck with THAT, Fed:
Watch as POTUS Policies & Trade are MULTIPLYING “Overcapacity/Oversupply”
• USA is awash in available capacity & supply
• 22% increase in capacity with 2 pending pipelines, per POTUS
• This with supply bottled up in Iran and Venezuela
• Not to mention issues with Libya and Syria
• Plus the pending Israeli pipeline to the EU
• USA consumers and industry can expect Energy DEFLATION
• Massive spike in USA production pending to meet China Deal Demand
• Add USMCA exports to Canada and Mexico
• Then EU exports to boot.
• Housing boom now beginning
• Workforce Growth will multiply housing supply
• Blue-State Outmigration will deflate housing value
• Deregulation & Tax Cuts now boosting supply
• Domestic Metals Industry now cranking up plant construction
• Forest Maintenance will open massive lands for Timber


Counter-arguments WELCOME!


I’m so glad yer here, Bud!
I’d like to argue that as the cost of any discrete source of energy declines, whatever gets made because of that energy mode will convey more wealth to the people, from first production to whatever lands in the recycle bin after it’s been used up.
Carbon taxes. Tie the hands of the Invisible Hand behind its back, why dontcha?
But I have to wonder? Doesn’t the USA have, by a large percentage, many more trees than in 1500 / 1600 / 1700 / 1800 / 1900 ? Does anyone know how the forests expanded and receded thru the years?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ohio and Kentucky were almost 100% forested with monster trees in revolutionary days. It was possible to walk across Ohio in the shade. There are a few steep river valleys which still show how tall the forests were.


Great thoughts, Zorrorides!
√ Energy Cost-Reduction MULTIPLIER
• Goods production
• Logistics costs
• Private and Public Transport
• Municipal Services
• Utilities
√ Carbon Tax (heh heh)
• POTUS final presser at Davos redirected Greta to go after the Big Polluter Countries
• POTUS will no doubt Tariff those polluting and trashing our OCEANS!
• POTUS will also Tariff those polluting our AIR!
• He would never concede them a Cost Advantage for ZERO Environmental Protections that IMPOSES costs of REMEDIATION on the USA.
• POTUS already has his entire Cabinet deregulating ACCESS to Federal Lands.
• Now he’s ACCELERATING the approval process!


Yee Hah!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow – that right there is history. Right. There.


It’s been much enjoyable, and sanity saving to stay strictly with what’s happening in Davos.
From what I can tell, conservative social media is having a nervous breakdown just experiencing even a glimpse of the depravity, stupidity, filthy lying, arrogance, etc. etc. of the Democrat circus being acted out in the hallowed Senate sanctorum.


Brett Baier has deteriorated over the years, wonder if he’s on meds. Used to think he had some “conservative” principles – I was wrong.
While we know they despise POTUS – and they appear to make it all about DJT – it’s clear that they dropped all pretense of being pro-American. That’s the veil that’s been ripped away from the MSM and their pundits.
“Pundits are not gifted” is being charitable. 🙂


Yes. FOX shocked me then, because we thought we’d be in for a decent, adult run presidential debate – but they never intended to do it right – it was about getting Trump.
Interesting. Wonder if the FOX name is to be found on some of the Spygate documents/plans.