Scampeachment, Shampeachment, Damnpeachment, Dimpeachment, Chimpeachment Vent Thread

Good grief, I cannot stand this pencil-necked traitor!

And his BOSSES ain’t gettin’ off the hook either.

OK people. Here it is.

We’ve had the Shampeachment Prayer Thread:

We’ve had the Dem Impeachment Chaos Thread:

We even had a variety of Shampeachment threads last year, including one featuring that handsome Brit, Fiona Androstanova-Trotsky.

(Please don’t clutch her Polonium pearls.)

But that’s not what I need now.

I need a safe space for special terminology like


So on this thread, we are hereby rescinding civility.





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We all are a unified group of cacophonous patriots with the common heritage of Jefferson’s highly educated farmer or Monty Python’s politically-astute peasant (“just because some silly tart in lake tossed you a sword doesn’t make you king”). We know truth and detest sophistry. We despise punks and thugs and revere principled and strong warriors. And this thread will be a unifying anthem of those of us who all call Backwater home, who pay taxes to Flyover County and inhabit Anywhere USA. We are the real America.
So, while we each raise our voices, let us also have a chuckle along the way. We have all ranted ourselves but also be witness to the great rants – on film or even in writing (see the marvelous rant posted above yesterday by Miss D). Put them up on this thread also. And be creative – “rants” can have a broad definition – I think James Earl Jones paeon to baseball in Field of Dream (“Oh yes Ray . . they most certainly will come”) qualifies as a lyrical gentle rant to tell Ray “If you build it, they will come.”
I get to go first. I have chosen the famous Pacino rant in Justice for All. “You’re all out of order.”
Let’s get it ALL out and have some laughs too.


Very well said, Thomas.


Well done, honey bear.
Folks, I’m gonna say it once, he has definitely calmed down from yesterday.

Deplorable Patriot

Speak for yourself on not liking sophistry. If the words are truly wise, I can listen and read all day long.
It’s pontificating bull-schiff I have a problem with.


My dear Dep, you are a contrarian! Let your hair down; have some fun. Not everything in life is a sin that you have to confess. And, btw, “sophistry” is defined a “pontificating bull-schiff”.

Deplorable Patriot

My hair is down, it’s nice and curly today, and my confessions are between me and God.


ALL POINTS BULLETIN: Gone missing in St. Louis, one (1) sense of humor, report all sightings immediately to Q Tree administrators so that it may be returned to its owner


Rumor has it that it was turned in to lost & found at police HQ.


Oh, Thomas! Thank you for that! It did make me laugh very heartily because I know that is how we all feel!!! Very satisfying, indeed…


From a lawyer’s perspective there are only 2 great movies that accurately and completely depict real-life examination and cross-examination of witnesses. The first is Anatomy of a Murder starring Jimmy Stewart, George C. Scott and Lee Remick. The second is My Cousin Vinny. Others like The Verdict or A Few Good Men are Hollywood bastardizations that are completely unrealistic and fake.


A couple of sidelights. You will notice George C. Scott doesn’t even get a mention in the trailer. This was his first major role and the one from which all others sprang. 2. It is directed by Otto Preminger which explains all the subtle aspects and the fast pace. 3. The judge is played by Joe Welsh. Who, you ask? Joe, a highly-regarded Boston trial attorney who had never acted before was very famous at this time. Why, you ask? Watch the video below and you will immediately recognize the most famous phrase which he uttered.


It was good to see John Voelker (Robert Traver) in the trailer talking with Otto Preminger. First time I’ve seen that. Thank you.
I’m a long-time reader of Robert Traver’s (Voelker pen name) books. I think I’ve read them all. If you haven’t gotten ahold of “Laughing Whitefish” yet, it is another one of his trial books that I think comes in as a close second to “Anatomy of a Murder”.
I’ve lost two first edition copies of “Trout Madness” by loaning them out.


As with “Anatomy of a Murder”, “Laughing Whitefish” is also based on an actual court case.


I am not familiar with Voelker/Traver but plan to be immediately.


Just so I am clear, the cross-exam sequences in MCV, when you take out the comedic overlay, are textbook law school trial advocacy. In fact, when I taught a legal skills class at BU Law, we had a “My Cousin Vinny Day” where we all talked LongOyland, but I made it a teaching moment too and showed how good the fundamentals were. I especially love when Vinny uses the pictures to show the witness couldn’t have seen the car and then ends with “I got no more use fuh dis guy.”


Wolfie, with a lead in like that….you’re trying to convince me to read another book…..(where do I get it?) 🙂


Incoming!comment image


Pencil neck ain’t all
Schifty’s got
Bug eyes,
Round baby cheeks,
and a
Prissy pussy mouth.


Can’t wait for Carl’s or Cuppa’s poems!!!


a prissy mouth
from which
no truth has ever come.


Adam Sphincter Mouth
…out of which spews nothing but sh#*


GROSS Malfeasance !comment image


Holy Cow! That picture is funny! Laugh Out Loud Funny!!!


Schitt-peachment….that’s what it is!


I stumbled across a twitter post (they are NOT “tweets”) that is the best mini-rant on Schiff I’ve seen yet – especially the last line.
“In as much as he is so bad at all times, this is his “cream of the crap” moment.
Next you’ll be calling him “Spartacus”.
He displays the intellectual acumen of a doornail, coupled with the charm and rhetorical skill of a syphilitic ferret.”


it shouldn’t be all that amazing…after all, they tried to “warn” us…altho I always took it as a threat…comment image


comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


that one caught my attention too…


Schiffty body language….comment image


must be something in the kool aid….er….water…comment image


Obama used to do the same use his middle finger on the head. Normal people might use two fingers. Maybe he has a headache or he has problems concentrating . Why the middle finger?

Gail Combs

He was saying F…K YOU to Americans was one theory.


Wolf, is it possible that the drugs they administer for MK interfere with the thyroid? Virtually ALL of these people have the bug-eyes, so characteristic of hyperthyroidism.


Hmmm. Sanpaku eyes. That’s scary. I would be very intrigued by your timeline, and any and all medical problems you had in the time frame.
People who are hyperthyroid are definitely more “hair-trigger” than average, in my experience. Anxiety and nervous twitchy moodiness. Quick to anger.
I am SURE you are correct about medicine being screwed with. I think there are CURES for cancer, diabetes, and many chronic illnesses that have been covered up, all in the name of Big Pharma making a killing. It’s sickening. And I think some medicine (over-vaccination of children, for example) is actively designed to harm us.


Aub – I was just going to say that. I had a friend who had this problem and it manifested itself exactly this way, especially when she was under a lot of stress..


here’s another take on Schiff’s eyes…some think meth…lol
The photo in the tweet below is a screenshot from Schiff’s Senate impeachment trial speech on the first day of the hearing. It has not been doctored or edited in any way – and this shocking image has the internet buzzing.
Look at those bags under his eyes. His bags have bags! And the dark circles – oh my…Clearly this man has not been getting any sleep.
Needless to say, Trump supporters chimed in big time and gave their spin on why Schiff looks like such a total wreck!


Schitty thinking of his nightstand option? Sleepless at Standard Hotel?


I don’t think he has the guts to do that.

Gail Combs

More likely a drug OD with a nice Alcoholic cocktail to make it go down.

Cuppa Covfefe

There is no rest for the wicked…


Jay Sekulow….last night…re Nadler’s insulting, divisive remarks…Impeachment Hearing..


Nadler The Poison Dwarf accuses The Senate of a cover-up…Pat Cippollone responded…Impeachment Hearing…


Ommpa Loompas!
There are TWO….. Nadless and Lofgren.
Waddlers both.
following Willy Wonka Schiff.


thanks for the clips Smiley!
I cannot watch these things in real time…so I appreciate when someone posts clips.
that being said…Nadler is a gigantic hose bag!
I am glad these clips exist…the public needs to see these…frequently…lest we ever forget.

Cuppa Covfefe

How No-Nadsler sees himself every morning…

Cuppa Covfefe

Discoverthenetworks also has an interesting article on Nadler.
Seems to be a typical NY DEMONicRAT hood. And that’s the nicest thing that could be said of him… to wit:
[begin excerpt]
After college, Nadler worked as a legal assistant for the Corporation Trust Company in 1970; a clerk for the law firm Morris, Levin & Shein in 1971; a legislative assistant for the New York State Assembly in 1972; a shift manager at the New York City Off-Track Betting Corporation from 1972-76; and a law clerk at Morgan, Finnegan, Pine, Foley & Lee in 1976.
Nadler launched his political career in 1969, when he became District Leader of the New York County Democratic Committee, a post he held until 1971, and again from 1973-77. In 1977 Nadler was elected to the New York State Assembly, where he went on to serve for the next fifteen years. In 1985 he was defeated twice by David Dinkins in the race for Manhattan Borough President—first in the Democratic primary, and then in the general election when Nadler ran on the New York Liberal Party ticket. Four years later, Nadler lost to Kings County District Attorney Elizabeth Holtzman in the Democratic primary for New York City Comptroller.
In 1992, longtime Democratic U.S. Congressman Ted Weiss died one day before his party’s primary election for New York City’s newly redrawn Eighth District. Using a weighted voting system, a convention of nearly 1,000 Democratic county committee members selected Nadler to replace Weiss on the November ballot. Nadler won easily and has had no serious challenge in any of his congressional re-election bids since then.
Upon his election to the House of Representatives, Nadler promptly joined the Congressional Progressive Caucus and became a leader of the Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus.
Throughout his years in politics, Nadler has maintained close ties to socialist organizations. In 1977, for instance, he was a member of the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee (DSOC), and by 1983 he had joined the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which grew out of DSOC. On May 1, 1989, Nadler served on the sponsoring committee for a New York DSA screening of the pro-union film Matewan. That same year, he personally asked New York’s DSA to endorse his candidacy for NYC Comptroller. In 1990, Nadler endorsed the New York mayoral campaign of DSA member David Dinkins. In July 1996, DSA’s Political Action Committee endorsed Nadler for Congress. Each year from 1995-97, Nadler spoke at the DSA’s annual Socialist Scholars Conferences, where he participated in panel discussions with such notables as Stanley Aronowitz, William Kornblum, and Frances Fox Piven. According to DSA’s rival, Social Democrats USA, Nadler remains a DSA member to this day.
[end excerpt]
Note this paragraph in particular. It seems he “backed in” to a congressiional seat, and has never really been challenged since. Have to wonder what he sold out to get the help he apparently did…

In 1992, longtime Democratic U.S. Congressman Ted Weiss died one day before his party’s primary election for New York City’s newly redrawn Eighth District. Using a weighted voting system, a convention of nearly 1,000 Democratic county committee members selected Nadler to replace Weiss on the November ballot. Nadler won easily and has had no serious challenge in any of his congressional re-election bids since then.

He’s as dirty as they come. And the DEMONicRATS have some really dirty ones in New York…


excellent…thanks for posting…I love that site…they always do a great job of connecting dots…good info…the filthy commie.

Valerie Curren

Dan Bongino…yesterday…


desperate = trotting out the 2 biggest LOSERS on the planet : Nadler & Schiff….!
“…dumb as pet rocks…maybe dumber…”


article by Sarah Carter…
John Durham Criminal Probe Gathers Steam Investigating Post-Election Docs
Jan 20, 2020
probe now extends to the Pentagon
… the Office of Net Assessment
Bongino mentions this.
so…the taxes paid by those of us taxpayers who elected Trump were/are also being used to SPY on him…?
just how many of these Leftist scandals are we expected to take ?


Pat Cipollone is the fighter we need. SQUASH THE ASSHOLES!!!


Have yet to hear these points made about a particular argument being made, “why wouldn’t you want to know?”
1) Regarding the witnesses and documents the DemoKKKrats want, their “clincher” pitch is to ask, why wouldn’t you want to know;?
2) The weak argument currently popular on TV is, “you are contradicting yourself because you have stated that your evidence is overwhelming”
3) This is a POOR argument, because wanting to see more evidence DOES NOT “contradict” the fact that there is overwhelming evidence.
4) It is a legal truism that a prosecution is not necessarily restricted from adducing more evidence simply because they have already adduced sufficient evidence, or even overwhelming evidence.
5) But that assumes that the evidence is known and inculpatory.
6) What the DemoKKKrats are saying is, “let’s find out if there is more inculpatory evidence.” THAT is the significant point. Finding inculpatory evidence is strictly part of the investigation, always, otherwise a trial is just as they say a fishing expedition, and fishing expeditions are NEVER permitted at a trial, except during cross examination of a witness.
7) The DemoKKKrats have turned Brady on its head and come up with the bizarre rule announced yesterday that an accused party is obligated to come forward with any evidence proving his guilt. No one seems to have pointed out this poisonous nonsense the DemoKKKrats are advocating.
8) And speaking of Brady, why haven’t the Republicans LOUDLY AND PERSISTENTLY been demanding Brady material from the managers, and accusing them of hiding exculpatory evidence? Why aren’t DemoKKKrats being LOUDLY AND PERSISTENTLY accused of “prosecutorial” misconduct and a cover-up? We know the exculpatory evidence exists.
9) Because the DemoKKKrats are, in effect, charging an “inchoate” crime (a crime based on an intention to commit a crime) VSG’s motivation is a central aspect of the prosecution. VSG’s motivation is critical to the prosecution’s case.
10) In this respect, Hunter Biden’s Burisma role is also critical to the trial. Why wouldn’t anyone want to know what Hunter has to say, or want to know all the Burisma evidence? If there is no evidence of shady dealings, doesn’t that strongly bear on VSG’s motivation? IOW, that it was political, and not motivated by concern for corruption?
11) OTOH, if there IS evidence of shady dealings, doesn’t that at the very least corroborate VSG’s statement to Zelensky on the phone call that corruption was the motivating factor? Why wouldn’t anybody want to know about this? And why aren’t the DemoKKKrats covering-up if they are trying to hide it?
12) Taking the DemoKKKrat’s charges seriously (strictly for the sake of argument), is an “abuse of power” based on an alleged motive to seek political advantage more or less likely if the alleged “abuse” (making a request while withholding aid) is otherwise readily explained by the TRUTH the request is based upon valid concerns about Biden corruption and consequent mis-use of American funds? It is far, far LESS LIKELY.
13) Call WheresHunter. and stop the fishing expedition!



Chief Justice John Roberts steps in


wonder if he knows the difference between a “tax” and a “fee” yet…?
he’s looking a little exhausted , if you ask me…
here’s an article explaining what that was all about, FYI…
Roberts Admonishes Both Sides At Senate Impeachment Trial After Marathon Session Erupts Into Shouting Match
updated 1-22-2020
Poison Dwarf Nadler tried to change the trial rules re the 8th amendment of the day in order to immediately subpoena John Bolton instead of following the Senate’s rules of waiting for new witnesses and documents later on, after opening arguments
Pat Cippollone shut him down (video)..
…so did Jay Sekulow, blasting Nadler and the Dems for “shredding The Constitution”.. (video)
more, at the link.


Roberts did look a little bleary eyed. I guess he’s going to be just a referee now

Deplorable Patriot

Not having his contacts in is a big clue. Usually, contacts wearers only go without them if they are in a hurry or they were in too long the day before…says the reading glasses queen.

Deplorable Patriot

The look on his face…”I can’t believe I have to sit through this shit.”


comment image


so the fucker lied AGAIN????? Schiff and the Parnas “bombshell”…
The issue arose when Schiff (D-Calif.) sent a letter to House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) last week summarizing a trove of evidence from Lev Parnas, an indicted former associate of Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani. In one section of the letter, Schiff claims that Parnas “continued to try to arrange a meeting with President Zelensky,” citing a specific text message exchange where Parnas tells Giuliani: “trying to get us mr Z.” The remainder of the exchange — which was attached to Schiff’s letter — was redacted.
But an unredacted version of the exchange shows that several days later, Parnas sent Giuliani a word document that appears to show notes from an interview with Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma, followed by a text message to Giuliani that states: “mr Z answers my brother.” That suggests Parnas was referring to Zlochevsky not Zelensky.


Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma, who absconded with millions/billions of IMF money from Ukraine, who lived in Monaco, and made a HEALTHY contribution to the Atlantic Council 3 days before Trump’s inauguration, was Hunter Biden’s boss.
Why was Joe Biden in Ukraine Jan’17?


and don’t ignore brother Frank Biden …Hunter’s just the tip of that iceberg..
how the whole Damn Family got rich…


Coup Diary ….oops !….sorry…meant to say…
IMPEACHMENT Diary Day 1 : Battle Lines Drawn
pretty good analysis of the farcical “proceedings”, so far…article…–battle-lines-drawn-n2559911
Jan 22, 2020
“It is the witness question that will determine how long the trial lasts…”
” The 24 accusatory hours will now play out over three days instead of two.”
….more anaylsis, at the link.


do you like my speling ?
if so, let me know by living a tip…comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Plant your corn early…


‘preciate it, lol.


Deplorable Patriot

It’s all about stalling. That’s all it is.


CLUSTER FUCKS…comment image
..his pants are higher than his hopes to impeach Trump !comment image
SHARPIE-GATE !comment image


participation trophies for dummies




love it!


comment image
Fool Speed A Head…comment imagecomment image



Well, thanks for the opportunity to rant! I will for a minute.
These motherf#&%*ers are shredding the Constitution, precedent, the rule of law, and defendants rights, like children making confetti! And what is being done about it? Our supposed “august and refined” Senate is taking it seriously by hearing it!
That’s what is pissing me off. This should not even be ALLOWED on the Senate floor! This is like assigning meaning and gravitas to a two-year-old having a shit-fit.
I have refused to watch any of it. Here, if people post a clip, I will watch, but it has all the meaning for me of bug-shit on my car windshield. I just pull into the nearest gas station and wash it off. All it does is cloud my vision of the road ahead.
My fear, of course, is that our country will never be the same after this corrosive mind-fuck by people(?) who shouldn’t be allowed to manage a convenience store, much less a country. I’m only 55; I’d like to live another 50 years in American greatness, not in a socialist cesspool like these pieces of shit want to create. I am praying for that outcome. I know Trump is giving his all toward that end.
Ahhhh, that felt good. Now back to regularly scheduled lovely day.


wow! bug shit on your windshield? that’s totally awesome!

Gail Combs

I was thinking more of nasty blood sucking lamprey shit in the Mariana Trench.


we’ve got some really creative minds on this thread…LOL

Cuppa Covfefe

This might fit with Nadler and Schiffty…
What’s the last thing that goes through a bug’s mind when it hits your windshield?
His behind….
(sorry, but it fits those two… all butt, no brains…).
(Anyone here who’s driven through Buttonwillow in CA on I-5 in the summer will know what I mean…..).




I want Aubergine on my team.




k…but I don’t wanna end up like bugshit on your windshield!


No, you’re on MY team!


cool! everybody else will be bugshit!

Deplorable Patriot

IDK, I’m kind of enjoying watching the highlights of grown men ripping each other apart verbally and without cuss words. Definitely great lessons in the effectiveness of an extensive vocabulary.
And to hear Roberts say “I must admonish” the combatants as if he was the teacher on recess duty….


I’m actually enjoying watching some of the Crazy witnesses that Schiff has fall apart…Like I said elsewhere, who in the H3LL uses a guy with a court ordered ankle bracelet as a main witness..
By the way, this is not the first witness of Schiff’s to fall apart, and I have a feeling it won’t be the last
Still trying to figure out why it seems that no one is looking into the politicians with family members who just happen to have jobs with Ukraine & China.
Parnas now denies speaking with Trump despite reports he claimed he had

Deplorable Patriot


here’s a pretty good recap of yesterday/night’s performance….and a little humor, to boot.
“I can’t believe Adam Schiff is still talking.”
Impeachmentpalooza ! It Took Until 2 am To Pass the Rules
Jan 22, 2020
FTA (last paragraph)…
“Assuming the GOP majority shouts down the idea of additional evidence and witnesses, it’s just possible that we could see the vote by Monday, February 3rd. Do you know what else happens on February 3rd ?
Yep. That’s the date of the Iowa caucus , and that means that Sanders , Warren and Klobuchar would all be stuck in the Senate chambers as the first primary votes are being cast, leaving Biden and Buttigieg an open field ….”


Called my Socialist dumrat senators cathy Masto and wacky jacket Masto.
Rant absolutely unloaded on schmuck taking calls.
Realize crying chuck minion senators from Nevada don’t care what this voter thinks.
Hell, I don’t feel better either. Gonna call those asshole senators office again.
I’ll be back 😉


wacky jacky Rosen

JW in Germany

Wow! Team Q has some real world class players pumping out videos and memes!


Like I said yesterday, I hope after all their pontificating over muh witnesses and muh documents, that they get buried under an avalanche of documents, released by PDJT and AG BB, that will suffocate them. We know it’s out there….then I want to see a PARADE of witnesses that will once and for all speak the truth about the evil nonsense that has been propagated on this nation. They should be very careful what they wish for because it is going to bite them right in their donkey ASS


comment image

Gail Combs

Pretty please!!!!!




some comic relief…Greg Gutfeld…1-04-2020…


Harry Lime

His name plate says it all…f*cked up standards. He’s taken the lead on fake Russian collusion and now the fake impeachment farce…so the Buck stops with him…and apparently has on several occasions…these people are sick.comment image

Harry Lime

I know it’s not visually clear who is peeking out from behind old Schiff Buckets…so I made another…comment image


these are great Harry…i do appreciate the second one–I needed to see more to recognize Schiff’s Buck Fuddy…

Harry Lime

Buck Fuddy…bwahahahaha!!!

Harry Lime

Thanks, Wolf…I forgot to add the Lime in the coconut…and somehow tapped Enter.

Rodney Short

Ok I gotta say it…..
I wouldn’t piss down a democrats throat if their guts were on fire…
Fuck Schiff,Nadler,Pelosi,Feinstein and especially FUCK the Kenyan goat fucker.
After one night on the town big Mike forgets to shave and presto she has the same beard as a fuckin GOAT!!!!!!!
FUCK EM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!


Bongino fans…
Adam Schiff Gets Busted Again …Lies Lies and More LIES…his latest !
…or those of us who could not sit thru the atrocious “proceedings” of The Sham.


Gail Combs

I vote Marie Yovanovitch should be the Ambassador to Antarctica and her staff should be:
 Eric Cinderella
Sean Misko his bestie
Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman
Michael Atkinson
Andrew Bakaj
Mark Zaid
David Laufman
Mary McCord
I am sure President Trump could find plenty of other personnel who need to be ‘promoted’ to that assignment.comment image
(Vostok Station)


Good idea…but I was thinking of somewhere a little *warmer*, ah hem, for all of them.🔥🔥

Cuppa Covfefe

They’ll get that, eventually…
Many are thawed, but few are frozen…

Cuppa Covfefe

Heyyyyy, don’t forget St. Greta the Greenhearted.
She could start a new movement….
(Disney sues in 3…2…1…)…
(Whirlpool and Carrier countersue in 3…2…1…)…


LIVE Stream….today’s episode…Senate Impeachment….ongoing…


😀 Psycho and Ox as Impeachment Managers 😀

Cuppa Covfefe

Why is it where there are pictures of libturds and DEMONicRATS (but I repeat myself), that the women are more masculine than the men?????
[and enforced veganism (yep, they’re looking at it) will only make it worse]


comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Bill the Cat (from Bloom County)…


THANK YOU…i knew he looked familiar!

Cuppa Covfefe

(I actually have a stuffed Opus…. sshhhh, don’t tell anybody…). 🙂
And also a fan of Steve Dallas… and Milo, and the rest….
“In Space, it’s NEVER Miller Time”….
(OK, I like [the old} Michelob and Schwabenbräu)…


{{your secret’s safe with me and the whole tree!}}

Cuppa Covfefe

I was trying to find a pic of the cartoon that wasn’t in base64….sigh…
Look him up on DDG or Gargle….hilarious….


Kurt Schlichter
Tulsi Gabbard sues Hillary Clinton…
Hardest hit – Tulsi Gabbard’s life insurance company.



Sadie Slays

Tulsi Gabbard didn’t kill herself.


good one !


But she’s recieved a suicide request from Hillary Clinton

Sadie Slays

comment image


psst…Memo To Adam Schiff…
The US Constitution applies to YOU ….you lying pos can’t try to hide behind The Constitution’s protections while not abiding by the Law yourself !
you have ZERO credibility….nobody believes you…
you have even less likeability…nobody likes you…
way to go Democrat Lefties….always be your best…Schiff is the best you got…??
…put the asshole on the witness stand…as a fact witness .


What was saddest about this video is that these people should know that they should look into what is happening and know why they are protesting….So sad that even the older generation is dumbed down.


Scary though…


More of those Jeffrey Epstein memorial scarves…



Cuppa Covfefe

Looks like there was a Golgafrinchan Ark Ship “D”, after all……
(the ones who were too thick to get onto Ark Ship “B”)…



Valerie Curren

Those look like my recollection of the “professors” singing 1968 in the amazing conservative movie “An American Carol”…I couldn’t find a video clip of the song or the lyrics directly but this is from the script from this site:
Your people.
Yep, the students love me.
Love you? They don’t even know you.
You’re unique.
A liberal director
who can’t even get laid
at the University
Peace Studies Department.
– They flock to my movies.
– They flock to slasher movies.
They go to your movies
’cause professors tell them to.
This is where they get information
to support the peace movement.
– It’s called education.
– It’s called indoctrination.
The American flag is a symbol
of oppression all over the world.
July 4th is a despicable celebration.
I know that look.
You’re gonna try to teach me somethin’.
Where we gonna go now, back in time?
We don’t have to. We’re at a university.
[Pitch pipe plays note]
Nothing has changed
We still think the same way
And if you think the way we do
We’ll give you an A
And you get extra credit
If you’re poor, black, or gay
Just be sure not to pray
Yes, everything’s the same
– [Slap]
– Aah!
[Man] Two, three, four.
The president’s stupid,
our soldiers are thugs
The government’s dirty
Our cops are on drugs
But we still like our co-eds
with blond hair and jugs
And America’s to blame
Just like in 1968
– Are you kidding? A musical number?
– 1968
A little entertainment.
We were smart
when we had something to part
What kind of a soldier are you?
Startin’ to understand
the boots and the whip.
1968, things were really great
I used to ovulate
You gotta love 1968
Hey, what are you doin’ with our kids?
… in the moon
And so what if there are facts
That we forget to include?
We’ve already got tenure
So your children are screwed
To a college with half a brain
Nothin’s changed
What do your parents
think you’re doin’ here?
They’re just happy to
have us out of the house.
Wanna hear what you’re
spending your life savings on?
– I gave up an ass lift for this?
– Take a look!
America’s evil, it’s a fascist regime
Take over the world
It’s the American dream
And pay no attention
to the being supreme
[Malone] He doesn’t matter
Just like in 1968
Come on to 19
Let’s keep singin’ it
Read more:


Do believe Pelosi’s ego is too big to resign…
She probably cook another reason such as health to fake a resignation.

Deplorable Patriot

Really, is that a promise?


Does she keep any of her promises


I’m calling «X-files» on this (as in, You don’t believe it until you see it).




Concerned Virginian

What the Sam Hill is this about?
SEAN HANNITY radio show 5 minutes ago:
“I think the President has a good chance to win this [the Fake Impeachment trial].”
Compare to Hannity’s “of course the President will win” of even a few days ago.


If it weren’t for overwrought emotion, we wouldn’t be allowed any emotion at all.


Amen to that…

Harry Lime

CSPAN-2 cuts away from Republicans commenting to cover Goof Bag Hirono (How on Earth does someone like this get elected to office?) and Chuck U Schumer spouting nonsense…Nice going CSPAN…jerks!


it’s all those volcanoes and pineapples…

Cuppa Covfefe

Couldn’t we just clear it and plant more sugar cane and pineapples? Maybe even bananas?
Scrape off some Lava Soap???


I always wondered where that stuff comes from!


And to think they get 24 hours nonstop to spew!!!🙄🤨🤯🤬🤬🤬🤯🤯🤯


I’m not a cursing lady, but what we’re witnessing goes beyond any decent words. These people are despicable, they’re Evil, and I don’t understand why they’re not indicted for corruption, sedition, treason.
Gen Flynn been bankrupted defending himself from malevolent charges, brought by people who themselves are under investigation, and in the meantime, people like Lt. Col. Vindeman, Ambassador Yavonovich, the ICIG himself – free as birds to do their damage.
Rush spent his show going on and on about Schiff and gang and what they’re saying and doing – it’s not a game Rush, it’s serious. From what I can tell the entire government class has basically been corrupted into no longer recognizing right and wrong.
Yes, Barr and Durham are working on Spygate, maybe some of the criminality of Comey, McCabe, Strozac, Page, and Ohr – but where’s the investigation into the Congress critters lying through their teeth every day at the microphone and in the halls of Congress?
I see sedition and treason and subversion of the entire foundation of this country – they talk about ongoing efforts to remove DJT from office – so when is the criminality of what they’re doing going to be recognized by the Justice Department?
This isn’t politics, this is criminal Vindman, Eric, whatever Caramelli, Yavonovich, et al belong in jail. When is that going to be dealt with?


ladypenquin Mark Levin tonight is dressing the topic of impeachment. He hit the nail on the head. I wish he was on the defense team concerning constitution.


TY. I wondered if others were seeing this the same way? This is an enormous hit job on our country, and Jim Jordan, Parscale et al saying we have to win in November – of course, we do, but the BIG PICTURE involved in what’s gone down, what’s going down hasn’t been addressed. We’re talking incredible financial corruption crimes -theft from US taxpayers, pay to play, and the decades long effort by the commie/fascist/globalists to destroy America.
That’s what should be in Court or the well of the Senate – not bizarre human beings making a mockery of all that is good and moral.
The Founding Fathers would be shocked where there’s a nation that doesn’t even recognize it’s own laws – Chief Justice Roberts helped lead the way.


It is all a theater and the Senate is participating because we always did it this way no matter that the House is engaging in a coup under impeachment. The communist have taken over and the Turtle and others in Senate do not see it.
The House has weaken the Presidency and strengthened its power. Now they have taken over the senate
because n one has the bolls to put an end to the charade. Robert is sitting there like a puff boll and letting it happen and the Turtle is padding himself on the back how fair he is. He is so fair that he is unfair to the president and to the voters who voted for POTUS.
This stuff does not happen in the US this happens in a communist country.


Mark Levin ” the left uses our system to destroy our system.”


I have the feeling by the time this whole impeachment theater is over I will be proficient in using a couple of fragrant words. Today the f work flowed of my lips to my husbands surprise. He was smiling.:)

Deplorable Patriot

We’re on storm watch du jour. Something may or may not be coming from the sky this evening in the way of liquid and/or frozen precipitation. It might just going around us again, too. (So long as the ice lake at the end of the driveway melts, I’m good.)
Stepping away for a bit. Depending on all of you for and insult by insult account of the proceedings.


POLITICO Admits Schiff Lied …Pastor Marty ! 😀

latest !


Schiff did a NUMBER TWO? bwahahahaha



WOW! don’t read the replies to “jenn”!!!!!!!
it’s like the freakin twilight zone…Schiff for Prez…Schiff for SCOTUS…he’s wonderful…he deserves a ticker tape parade…awesome lawyer…
I mean how many FAMILY members does he have to have to post all those simpering tweets???


How many replies does [GS] get for a dollar?


well, can’t imagine spelling counts, so probably quite a few…lol


He is disgusting but my ears bleed worse when No Nads is trying to read what somebody else wrote for him. My 3rd grade grandson has a better delivery 🙉


I give anyone who can stomach this crap a lot of credit…


I’m in and out of my car so I hear bits and pieces. I want to hear more when our side gets a turn.


Despite everything we know and hate about Schiffty, he does present well as he speaks. I can see how Dems who don’t know/don’t want to know the truth could be impressed with him. He definitely speaks better than Nadler, Pelosi, or Schumer. But that’s all — he’s a lying, pencil-necked suit that presents his case smoothly. We have to have a compelling counter of truth.
I heard Jay Sekulow point out today that there will be two more days of Dems 🤯 and the Repubs will likely start on Saturday. I don’t know if that means fewer people will see it. Is anyone watching, as it is?


not watching, but the liars are speaking…
Feinstein LEFT last night–said Goodnight and left…LOL…


“…brilliant…none comes close…the tone, the facts ….”
the facts
hahahahahacomment image




dumb as rocks….maybe dumber…


they wouldn’t know a fact if it bit them on the arse…

Rodney Short

I think most of them are bot accounts but since I am banned for life on twitter I cant prove it .


just the facts ,ma’am..



Jan 22, 2020


“slam dunk”


The Democraps’ SCAM-PEACH-MINT is working big time in President Trump’s favor – greatly increasing his numbers in the polls and in the donations!!!




The SCAM-PEACH-MINT is also unifying the Republican Party.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 851078 No.7878541 📁
Jan 22 2020 16:56:13 (EST) NEWcomment image
Castle clean.


I thought it sounded good!!


I’ll take door #1, Alex, for “save our country” … just sayin’ … “these people are stupid” … 😉


Does Q mean that the WH is now clean ? They got all the spies out?


Lets hope so !
Thank you it seems good explanation and often you are on target 🙂

Rodney Short



I sure hope that is what it means!!


On Gab, “Pallas Athena” posted this, Q 992, indicating that “castle clean” might be a signal?
Apr 2 2018 23:18:17 (EST)
Drops will go fast.
WH clean SIG.
Everything is planned.
We Fight.




Sekulow has more rebuttals coming.


As we say in the South – they ain’t got nuthin’


Schiff isn’t sincere – nor is he abiding by legal process – he’s engaging in political shenanigans.



I just ❤ Jim Jordan


That sickens me, but I think you are right.

Gail Combs

That is what I was thinking. Or perhaps a mini-stroke.
The early chemotherapy drugs will do a tap dance on your brain given my Mom’s experience.
Actually her experience
Strong, Sharp, Perfect recall ==> timid, unsure, unable to remember
Seems similar.


It’s like an article published from inverted reality land.
I can hardly get through a sentence without wondering who the source is for just about everything Danny says.
Robert Mueller’s friends think ‘something happened’ to him during Russia investigation:
by Daniel Chaitin
| January 21, 2020
“People close to Robert Mueller believe “something happened” to the former special counsel over the course of his two-year Russia investigation, according to a reporter.”
No names, as always, which is tantamount to saying it’s made up by Danny Chaitin. The news media is filled with liars and traitors. As far as I can tell, professional propagandists stopped quoted a sources around 1995.
Everything they say is attributed to themselves, via the rhetorical device of “unnamed source”.
They’re not reporters, they’re soliloquists.
And most of them aren’t even good at that.
“The Washington Post’s Carol Leonnig, who is the co-author of the new book A Very Stable Genius about President Trump, described on Tuesday how difficult it was for some of Mueller’s close family friends to watch his shaky testimony before Congress last summer.”
Who are Mueller’s ‘close family friends’?
It would certainly have bearing on Mueller’s character, and vice-versa, to KNOW who these people are.
What kind of people are ‘close friends’ with Bob Mueller?
We’ll never find out from Danny “Soliloquist’ Chaitin…
“Phil [Rucker] and I, my co-author, we are not medical professionals, but over and over again, John, we heard from people who are very close to Bob Mueller who found him a different person, a changed person, after two years of this investigation,” Leonnig told CNN host John Berman.”
Translation: Over and over again we heard hearsay, which we’re now repeating to you, so you can report hearsay of our hearsay.
“They don’t know what that’s about,” Leonnig continued. “Some of them do and haven’t shared that with us. But they know that something happened. He’s a different person. He was stumbling over his words. You saw him in July in his testimony before Congress, there were people that I spoke to who are very, very good family friends of his who said, ‘I couldn’t watch the television anymore, I had to turn it off. It wasn’t the Bob I knew.'”
Detailed hearsay. Very good, Danny.
“After a 22-month investigation, Mueller’s team did not find sufficient evidence to establish a criminal conspiracy took place between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. He also declined to make a determination about whether Trump may have obstructed justice but did lay out 10 instances of possible obstruction that Democrats viewed as a road map to continue investigating and possibly seek impeachment. Trump is now facing two articles of impeachment stemming from his dealings with Ukraine.”
Not from anything having to do with the Mueller investigation and report.
Nice insinuation though.
Mueller’s witch-hunt came up with NOTHING, after 2+ years and tens of millions of taxpayer dollars.
“In their book, Leonnig and Rucker wrote that when Attorney General William Barr met Mueller before his report was released, Mueller read from his notes, and his “hands shook as he held the paper. His voice was shaky, too.” Barr and his deputy, Rod Rosenstein, “couldn’t help but worry about Mueller’s health.”
And what was THEIR source, Danny?
The hearsay express motors on… your college professors must be so proud… assuming you actually went to school for journalism, of course.
“The Washington Post reported in July that Mueller’s team denied rumors that the then-74-year-old’s cognitive acuity was wavering, prompting Democrats to compel him to appear publicly. His resulting performance had some Democrats privately questioning whether Mueller was all there mentally.”
The Washington Post? You mean the rogue government L.I.R. (leak interface of record)? And what was THEIR source, Danny?
“It was a painful reminder that age catches up to all of us,” one unnamed House Democrat who questioned Mueller said at the time.”
Wait, is he admitting that ALL House democrats covered up 9/11?
“Here you have this Vietnam hero and this post-Sept. 11 FBI director.”
Who said he was hero? Could you not at least document that part, Danny? It should be a matter of public record.
Follow up question: How long does ‘hero status’ last, if it turns out that you later become a traitor to your country?
“You could tell he was having a hard time hearing, and it was like, ‘Ugh! This is not how I want him to be remembered.”
Yes, poor Mueller.
It’s so sad when people who set out to destroy an innocent man (and our Republic with it) are beset by bad optics.
Cry me a river, Danny.
Some critics, Berman said, believe Mueller just was not up to grappling with the “modern era of political warfare and may have got gamed out by the presidency.”
Oh yeah, no doubt COUP figurehead Bob Mueller is pure as the driven snow, a real Bambi in a viper pit, LOL!
Big war hero turned head of the FIB for what, TWELVE years? But he’s just a babe lost in the political woods… you should be ashamed, Danny.
“Many of our sources felt…”
Whoa, whoa, whoa…. feelings….
(Source: Andy Williams)
“…very strongly that Bob Mueller was playing a 1950s Boy Scout game,” Leonnig said.
You mean he’s a pedophile who molests little boys?
Well why didn’t you say something sooner Danny? Talk about burying the lede…
“He was being an honorable icon and standard-bearer of the Department of Justice,”
Oh yeah, sure, the ‘honorable icon’ leading a COUP against the president of the United States.
After he covered up the MURDER of over THREE THOUSAND Americans from 9/11.
What, did you forget that part, Danny?
I didn’t.
A real image of ‘honor’, Danny…
And since when is it the job of a “standard bearer of the Department of Just Us” to attempt to overthrow the president of the United States?
“In early October, it was announced that Mueller had returned to work at the private law firm WilmerHale.”
Hey Danny, why did you stop there? Isn’t there anything your readers might be interested to know about WilmerHale, e.g., current and former partners and employees, the kind of work they generally do, controversial cases they’ve handled, etc.?


Hey Scott, I think we are witnessing self destruction by mueller. His fail over years and a cost of millions are goingto cost him everything. Not only did he fail the swamp masters, but now he’s in Potus crosshairs. He’d be as comfortable as a dog shitting razor blades

Rodney Short

I dont give a fuck about Muelheads mental anyfuckin thing Danny and you sure wont get a single give a fuck from ANY American Patriots, were back
Justice WILL be served or AMERICA WILL REVOLT!!!!!!!!
Love your post Scott, rockin as always.


You couldn’t make this shit up!
Adam Schiff caught ‘fabricating’ evidence in huge blow to Democrats in Senate Impeachment trial. l
He took a series of text messages about a “Mr Z” and claimed they were talking about setting up a meeting with Zelensky, when later, in a section of text message he redacted, it was clearly stated Mr Z was a completely different Ukrainian. So he lnowingly hid the parts of the texts which showed what he was saying was completely false.


Joe Biden promises to turn the US into a sanctuary nation for drunk-driving illegals. The problem they have, if I am right about them importing assets, is the immigrants they want to keep most will tend to be agents, which are usually low-quality people willing to betray their own. These aren’t natural patriots or principled people. They are either natural traitors, or people who are doing things so bad that their behavior can be used against them to forcibly turn them.

Cuppa Covfefe

As VSGPDJT says (and I think Reagan also said): They aren’t sending their best…..


Hey, sure beats Jeffrey Epstein’s cell!

Cuppa Covfefe

Watch out for dem blankets…


You are bits and pieces. After Hillary, you’ll be toast!


Not true
Qasem Soleimani, Obvious Parody
Jan 16
In other news, I just won a beauty pageant down here. They said nobody else was anywhere near as smoking hot as me.



Cuppa Covfefe

He was beside himself in rage…

Deplorable Patriot

THis is not the week to lay off the booze.

Harry Lime

Good Grief!!! Somebody make it stop!!!comment image

Harry Lime

Somebody needs to pull the plug!comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

So the Wookie found a new job???


She’s becoming. What we don’t know but I suggest killing it before Lays eggs

Cuppa Covfefe

Tie me Wookie-roo down, sport,
Tie me Wookie-roo down…

Cuppa Covfefe

That might, erm, spawn another show…
(50 shades of gay?)…


You’ll be hearing From our fauna’s lawyers


OTOH. Wookie post gitmo fry upcomment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Ouch. Looks like there’s still a lot of underbrush on the ground…
And they say the aborigines are primitive – I think they’ve got it backwards…
(Looking closer at it, what is that? A BB-Roo?)…


Yep. Little one. Couldn’t get over the fence. I’m sorry for it but hope Potus has the whole cabal ring fenced with the paddock on fire


Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) Tweeted:
Only the Brits could make something SO MONUMENTAL read like bad smear test results for your Great Aunt.
This is Britain OFFICIALLY flicking the bird at Merkel and the EU.
We are OUT of the EU. #BREXIT
Great Aunt Merkel!


comment image
remember: $1.99 Sharpie 4 eva


comment image
This would be EPIC.

Cuppa Covfefe

That would be great!
Speaking of guests, it looks like Schumer may have encountered Harvey the Rabbit and “the Shadow” on the way in. Seems he’s spooked (and the people around him are really wondering what’s up)…
H/T Larry Ledwick over at Chiefio… the crazy, it burns… (hope this posts OK, sorry if not)…


that left a little pause for the cause…..had to watch it a dozen times to analyze…when I went to their twitter feed, they posted the original feed clip, and the person next to the blond (Feinstein was also reacting…)
they are all on SOMETHING…..I swear…..between Schiff’s mega bags under his eyes (he looked like absolute crap) Something’s up, beyond the normal weirdness…..

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. It really looks like there are DARK forces (Ephesians 6:10) at work there. And we need to pray that GOD shines HIS light on this, that people see the evil, chicanery, and lies going on, and that HE puts a stop to it and cleans it up!
Ephesians 6:10-18 says what’s really happening, and what we should do, for there are indeed dark forces at work:

10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;


Thank you for posting this- I will pray on this when I eventually go to sleep (the little bit of chocolate I had when I arrived back home from Davos and the overall excitement of the day has kept me up, and reading all of these posts is just too riveting!)


How did you know to connect this specific passage? I’m impressed with your deep knowledge and recall and am in awe. Inspiring!


Schumer sold his soul so long ago, that he now can see his demon handlers.
But the stress on him must be taking it’s toll, for him to talk to them openly like that.


Cry’n chuckster…body language reflects he knows he and the dumrats are losers.
Pleased with their misery.
Hope the Rs are also miserable, and will vote to end this fucking charade after lying dumrats present 24 hours of lies and whining. Followed by President trump’s team verbally flogging dumrats on national TV.
And, i suppose we have an obligatory question period. Hope the Rs are crafting very pointed jabs at schitty, nonads…highlighting dumrats lies…
Then, finally end this shit show.
BTW, wonder if there has been an RBG sighting lately. It would be soooo funny, AND great to have a SC seat open as this shampeachment is shutdown. 😉


The more I hear these idiots drone on about their nothingburger of an impeachment, half-assed based on innuendo and water-cooler gossip among the “interdisciplinary” “big thinkers” of our obviously corrupt intelligence and diplomatic corps, with Schumer’s ELEVEN amendments where the Dem House didn’t do their job and now want the Senate to do it for them, the more I think this thing needs “remanded” back to the House where they can do it right or shove it up their collective asses. And I think this may be the majority position of the Senators as this embarrassment drags on.


I vote for…”or shove it up their collective asses.”
They shouldn’t get a do-over.


They’re going to attempt a do-over, so a flat “do it right or GTFO” will help the Senate keep from getting roped into it over and over and over and over and over. A note about, “we were quietly doing The People’s business, confirming judges, and you interrupted us for this joke?!?!?!?” would help put things on the right footing.


OH PLEASE, NO REMAND. Flush the articles as they are.
Absolutely no encouragement to push the House to justify their BS impeach President Trump.


Someone made a meme of what Q said.
It’s not word for word, but it’s the same thought.comment image


I am ready to see some carnage inflicted on the Dirty Dems!
We were told “It will be Biblical”.
We were told they were going to bring the whole corrupt thing down.
Yes, please.
We want this…we need to see this shit start happening.
I want to see some smiting. I want to see some carnage!
Our guys are being polite and eloquent and reserved.
While the Demonicrats are slithering and lying and arrogantly flaunting their lawlessness.
Make it stop!
These demonic fucktards should all be bursting into flames they are so toxic.
They don’t deserve to be breathing the same air that our righteous President breathes!
Fuck them all with the barbed cock of Satan!


reminder to self..don’t piss off wheatie
..Bring on the flaming barbed PAIN.
shifty knows it’s long overdue.


Yeah … makes me wonder how far they can continue stretching the rubber band. This scampi peach mint thing has already gone past jumping several sharks and over into Monty Python grade exaggeration. As in when you think they’ve reached the apex of absurdity or have no more rabbits to pull out of their hats, a slew of more absurdity or rabbits or whatever is forthcoming, no questions or explanations, until it almost becomes tedious.
Cue Mr Creosote and his wafer-thin mint — that’s probably one of the nastiest, grossest, yet morbidly funny scenes they did. Requiescat in pacem Terry Jones.
But at some time it has to stop, with prejudice so there won’t be a third fabrication project, after the Russia Collusion and the Ukraine Excess. No idea if this is possible or maybe there is some question of precedence, so it remains to be seen. At least there should have been some clear references to the US code for this to be anything other than frivolous or vexatious.


wheatietoo the trap is set but the rats ae not yet in the trap. Give it some time and then thy all enyoy the cheese the trap will spring and it will be ugly. I might even feel sorry for them because their cry will be heard far and wide.


pretty much sums it up…….comment image


Ok, my carriage is turning into a pumpkin. It’s been a wild day- keep up with this Scampeachment Mad as Hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore- Rants! It will be delicious to read with my morning coffefe 😉
Night all from Switzerland!

Deplorable Patriot

Buono Notte, bella!


John Solomon with a report that the Ukrainian government opened an investigation of Burisma in February 2019.
That date is well before the new president Zelensky was even elected.
Point, set, match.


That’s a BIG BOOM!! 💥🔥🇺🇸


Nuclear in fact



LMAO! Good one!


The more this shampeachment continues, the more eager I am for November to arrive…so I can cast my vote and watch the meltdown all over again.
Also, screw anyone who is STILL willing to be blinded by hatred and not accept the fact that the shampeachment is a in-your-face attempt to subvert our effin’ will!


an* (typo monster strikes again)


Ooohhh.dawsons field on Grassley. It’s delicious


This is such a great thread.

