Dear KAG!: 20200123 Open Thread

 This Special Show A Little LOVE for Our President 20200123 Open Thread is Open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both MAGA and KAG! You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.

Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.

However, we have a new policy. Starting 20191110. Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. We have a new board – actually a new SITE – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation. NOT HERE. This board will remain a REFUGE for those who need civility, either some or all of the time.

They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM. Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.


Also remember Wheatie’s Rules: •1.No food fights. •2.No running with scissors. •3.If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone .

On the subject of LOVE, some time ago while reading comments here someone suggested sending a message of encouragement to President Trump.


Well I did send The President a message of support and encouraged him to fight on because the nation supports him. Surprise! I received a response to my email addressed to me and it is a personal treasure!

So If you have time drop our President a line or two and give him back a little LOVE! Believe me you will not regret it because have no doubt…



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GA/FL January 22, 2020 at 04:59
Pencil neck ain’t all.
Schifty’s got bug eyes,
round baby cheeks,
and aprissy pussy mouth.
from which no truth has ever come.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Buggy Popout Eyes
He’s got a prissy pussy mouth
That’s always spewin’ lies
A pencil neck just like a snake
And buggy popout eyes
He’s got round baby cheeks
That attract his kinda guy
With limp wrists, that special walk
And buggy popout eyes
He’s made of pure Schiff
So attractive to flies
And he’s stuffed very full
Hence the buggy popout eyes
His words are so foolish
He’s the opposite of wise
But a big man on campus
In his own buggy eyes
And he’ll use you and abuse you
All the better just to screw you
An evil, little, corrupt man
Plying the evil, corrupt Dimm plan
He makes a bunch of wild claims
All unsupported by the facts
But echoed gladly by the Dimms
In their likely suicide pact
He lies and then he leaks
Then he claims that you do
Then denies your witnesses
Keeping due process from you
Basement Star Chamber, secret plans
Hidin’ facts, tellin’ tall stories
Lookin’ for his 15 minutes
Just a cockroach seekin’ glory
Dimms plan to make Marxists of you
And twistin’ laws is what they do
An evil, corrupt, lyin’ crew
Pushin’ hard to pull off their coup
Why do they go through all this now?
It’s because, for sure, they all know
They’ve wholly lost 2020
With their sad travelin’ clown show
Perhaps a far bigger reason
Why they rant and they rail
Is that they’re obvious traitors
And all are hell-bound for jail
Bull Durham’s out there with his crew
Gettin’ evidence for the court
Truth and justice will win the day
And Dimms get the Graybar Resort
So patriots, now, hold all your lines
Fight the swampy liberal scum
Come the bright dawn, then we win
‘Cause the very best is yet to come!


A BAKOCARL MASTERPIECE – beyond my wildest imaginings!
Please save it in our Poetry Tree!
Thanks for sharing your gift with us, Carl!!!


♫ Imagine there’s no Shifty
You’ll feel good if you try
No bulging eyes, no pencil neck
No constant stream of lies ♫
♫ Imagine there’s some honor
Left in the House today
Shifty, Nadler, their buds and
Mafiosa Pelosi gone away ♫
♫ Imagine there’s no power lust
That the House Reps work for good
No big perks or salaries
Just respect and brotherhood ♫
♫ Honest Statesmen in the aisles
Patriots, God-fearing, too
All working for the people
And not the traitorous coup ♫
♫ Imagine that our people
All honor flag and God
Rejecting the evil ones
And the paths they trod ♫
♫ You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And so pray “Thy will be done” ♫


Awesome, Carl.

Sylvia Avery

Carl……………..just great!!!!!!!
BOTH of them!


I think our BakoCarl walks, talks, dreams and even snores in rhyme and Iambic Pentameter!!!!


The “No Pressure” message can mean a lot of different things…what you you think it means?


In quotes and all caps … have been trying to remember if he’s posted same phrase before. Also timing – before or after Q’s Castle message today.
Whatever he means, Trump’s got this 🤓🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Will Zelensky be a surprise witness for POTUS in Scampeachment trial???


“Show a little love for our President” . . .
From the 20200122 Open Thread –
January 22, 2020 at 22:10
I’m certain that President Trump is going to go down in our history as the most beloved President since George Washington.
And LP’s got that right . . . in spades!
And we are indeed fortunate to be alive to experience this ! ! !



Good Evening guys — You just know I had to share..


Ingraham breaking news on WB inviting Ukrainians to WH in 2016 to discuss Hunter’s problem. Story squashed by NYT one week after Biden announced. I smell coverup. With Kim Strassel and Lee Smith.
Starts at 31:24


Quite interesting… Shared on twitter



Okay, I’m really slow tonight. Who is WB???




Thank you. 🙂


Took me a few too—That’s why I’m calling it a night


it’s 6 am here and I was wondering the same thing…thanks for asking!

Sylvia Avery



Oh, fuck this “not gonna use his name” crap.
Stop caving to this nonsense. Ciaramella. That’s the name.
He’s not Voldemort.


comment image
From: Nikki Haley
Date: Jan 22, 2020
Subject: From the Oval Office [Dang, must be important…]
Fellow Conservative ––– [The sucker line – “I’m a conservative just like you!”]
I’ll keep this short. [Oh please I hope so!]
Last year, I sat with President Trump in the Oval Office before my last press conference as U.N. Ambassador.
There were two things on my heart that day, two things I wanted to say to him and to the American people. . . [You mean besides “Where’s my pay check” and “Where’s the closest exit door?”]
1. Thank you. It was the honor of a lifetime representing my state as governor and our country as U.N. Ambassador. [Thank Me for being awesome! Oh I’m so great.]
2. I’m not done. I pledged to continue fighting for common sense conservative solutions.
Today, I am writing you this personal note to ask for your help. [I’m not done! It’s not about him, see, it’s about ME!!!]
Please consider giving a donation to Stand For America, so I can let the White House, Congress, and the media know just how many conservatives are invested in this fight.
[YES!!! Please give me money! I’ll tell the White House just where we all stand! Bhawhawha… they don’t know how good they had it while they had me on their team… they were so blessed to have ME on their team – the BEST!. And I’ll be sure to make sure the White House and Trump know just where I stand in 2020!]
By contributing today, you join thousands of committed conservatives who have joined Stand For America to ensure our freedom and liberty are protected.
I promised President Trump that I’m not done fighting [Against him! Lil ole me! Ha! Oh HOW I love this job!]. That is why I launched STAND FOR AMERICA.
And if you’ve been following the insanity in Washington, then you know why it’s so important that we keep fighting. [And you know what “insanity” means right? Yes, targeting Trump with the 25th Ammendment. He’s the insanity.]
Will you join me?
[Can we shake you idiot lemmings down for moar money?]
Show your fellow conservatives you are invested in the future by making a one-time contribution right now. [We’ll add you to our mailing list and keep you permanently on the roll for fundraising appeals, sucker!]
Your commitment will ensure Stand For America has the resources we need to keep fighting for real solutions. Because of your generous support, STAND FOR AMERICA will fight for good policies, combat dangerous liberal ideology and promote conservative ideas in Washington. [You know, conservative ideas meaning OUR IDEAS, of course…]
I need you. President Trump needs you. But most of all, our country needs you. [Yes I need you, to put me first. Trump needs you to save him from himself. But most of all, our country needs you, because we need to put “country over party or person” – you know, what we always say when we need you to throw someone under to bus to achieve our objectives…]
My very best, [Because, well, everyone knows that I am the BEST…]
Nikki RINO Haleycomment image
Nikki says nothing good or positive about President Trump . . .
Nikki only shills for donations to her PAC.
A Sold out GOP Establishment RINO.comment image


She’s running in 2024, watch.


Sadly I won’t have the pleasure of not voting for her

Sylvia Avery

I’ll not vote for her for you!!!!


I shall be forever in your debt


Sigh. ANOTHER one who is not eligible. She’s not a natural born citizen…her parents weren’t US citizens at the time of her birth.
With all these usurpers showing up in the last 12 years, it’s almost as if it’s intentionally behind shoved down our throats.
Must be another one of those ‘coincidences’.


I chucked that in the mail a few weeks ago, the snail mail version that is. Right on cue as some dude predicted would happen.


you make a great interpreter!
few speak RINO as well as you do! LOL

Gail Combs

Is that JOHN BRENNAN she is standing next to???
Does she really think we FORGOT she CAVED TO THE COMMIES and had the Robert E. Lee’s Battle flag removed EMPOWERING THEM to then go after our war monuments??
She and her PAC are just hoping to siphon off $$$ based on President Trump’s popularity just like the scams they pulled on the Tea Party.
How We Killed the Tea Party
“Greedy super PACs drained the movement with endless pleas for money to support “conservative” candidates—while instead using the money to enrich themselves. I should know. I worked for one of them.”
By PAUL H. JOSSEY August 14, 2016


Here’s the link to the article:


Yup, that’s John Brennan, and others (Condoleezza Rice) – she sent out a signalling tweet a while back with the picture about spending the evening with some “great people”. Most likely one of those prove your loyalty moments like they did with Mittens and his anti-Trump op-ed. Since it was a group photo op they staged she can assert some plausible deniability but the signalling is so blatant with her next to Brennan followed up by her tweet of the photo that this explanation is transparently duplicitous. She knows what a photo w/ Brennan represents – and the rest of us Deplorables do too.
Meanwhile her net worth keeps going up, but she needs moar donors to give her more money.
Almost every local Republican club and GOP club mailing has been promoting her book or an upcoming “opportunity” to hear her speak, or attend a fundraising dinner with her. Like clockwork. None of the local tea party groups have any buzz about it at all.
The arrogance of these ppl knows almost no bounds. They think they can just steam-roll this stinky astroturf fertilizer through the GOP good ole boys network (and the Republican Women’s clubs) where they have enough influence to push ppl around, bully them, and make demands if ppl want those plum committee chairs.
That’s the key GROUND REPORT here. I wouldn’t bother drawing too much attn to her but they’re working the pseudo-grass roots network of Republican orgs, and their pushing her HARD. Wine and dine with her for the insider club elite and book signing for the plebs.

Hey give the boys credit, it just might work.
But don’t forget that VSG knows exactly HOW and WHERE to put people to make them their most effective. Haley was U.N. Ambassador to get a specific job done – and for that, she was a bulldozer. A grand-standing, self-important, attention seeking bulldozer, putting on for-show tantrums to get the press attention, but a bulldozer never-the-less. Now she’s stepped aside and well, not surprising, Trump doesn’t exactly have a role for her on the White House team. Go figure.


MichaelH, I just loved this. So well done. Thank you for making my morning.


I disagree. Not impressive, disgusting. No attaboys for his evil. 👿


I can see both sides on this. Yes, “birds of a feather,” “the company you keep,” etc., but sometimes it’s better to just be polite. The rules of the House and Senate do not allow disrespect on the floor. Pres. Trump calls people out ruthlessly, but he is able to compliment and befriend those he believes he can win over. (I’m not saying LIndsey is going to win over Schiffty.)
Like it or not, Schiff is well-spoken. That’s why he is the most dangerous one of them. People who don’t know better will be impressed with him. We have to see things as they are so we know how to fight.
Sometimes people appear friendly when they are spying.
To the extent that Graham, McConnell, and others have turned into leaders of sorts under the influence of Pres. Trump, I’ll take it. It is what I predicted when Trump became president, and it is better than the alternative.
Graham was great on Kavanaugh. McConnell has been great with judges and in this sham-trial. He seems very proud of the work he’s been doing. They need encouragement as well as admonishment to keep going in the right direction. Things are not always black and white, and we can trust but verify and not discount them altogether.


Yes, McConnell has almost completely won me over the way he’s been slamming through those judges. That doesn’t mean I’m not still watching him, though.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m giving Lindsey a pass. The “special, genteel, measured, reasoned, blah blah blah nature” of the Senate is being used by McConnell and Lindsey to hold the pack together on rejecting the slapdash crapfest from the House. I totally see his strategy, and it is sound. I think Lindsey hated that as much as I would, but if Yertle said do it, I would do it with a smile!


Both Linseed and Yertle are up for re election this year.
Timing is everything?
Broken clock?
Blind Squirrel?
GOPe McConnell is STILL….. GOPe
Lindseed is/was McShames #1 Butt Buddy…… Mid East connections?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AHA!!! There’s some leverage RIGHT THERE.
I’m thinking that McShame and Lindy weren’t in exactly the same boat as far as “things treasonous” were concerned. Brainwash was a brainwash. Lindy was more of a tag-along on policy, but doesn’t show up in an actual meeting with ISIS. My feeling is that Lindy got spared the noose for some reason. Dupe of some kind – not a full mind-blow traitor.
Greg Rubini’s thread on the CIA, AQ, SA, and ISIS just makes all kinds of sense now. Very clear where Cankles, Otreason, McShame, Huma, Lindy, Brennan and all the rest fit in.


Noname had FAKE blackmail papers on Lindsey, Trump knows they were FAKED same way they targeted him, Noname is out of the picture, Lindsey is relieved and Trump has the good to exonerate him, meanwhile Lindsey plays insider b/c VSG chess player needs a white hat that is a credible GOP big clubber… can only hope!


I would do it, too!
Short story; yesterday, I needed some to get some information to help a friend. There was only one way to get it, and that was from the source, who’s not a friendly. So I play-acted the “nice, just curious, innocuous girl,” and got what I wanted.
Sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

HA! You sound like my mom – another genealogist! 😀
To her, “mixed parentage” cases were some of the most absolutely fascinating parts of genealogy, but very frequently, relatives didn’t want to talk about it for various reasons. Part of that thinking is well-intended – the kind of unity one sees in MAGA where people reject identity thinking – but part of it is people who really believe racial negatives and do a kind of “reverse Pocahontas”, where they mentally scrub out the [interesting] parentage. Some do it by simple denial, and it’s possible for them to open up. Others rationalize in ways that can throw a researcher off track. Some of the rationalizations are just like Pocahontas, too, about “where stuff came from” – and in a fascinating way, parallels the same kind of mistakes people make in real life, where interesting parentage MIMICS the phenotypes of completely unrelated ethnic groups.
What I find immensely satisfying is where genealogy and DNA analysis are mutually confirming. Logic and science! They WORK! CUZ RESEARCH!! 😉
Technology changes humanity. Humanity changes technology. Change is constant. Yet so is persistence.


Questions: Do you believe we are all genetically related? Altered by forced migration and geographical anomalies? Further delineated by culture and language? Separated by genetic mutation or malfunction?
Do the elite have something to hide because they intermarry? Does bloodline dictate who leads nations?
Just wondering…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I want to answer these questions right here and now, because I could talk about this stuff all day. But rather an answer them here, I’m going to do a post, so we can have some quality discussion.
HANG ON….. 😀


Oh Goodie!!! Thank You so much, Wolf!!!
You the Bestest!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I finished, but I need to sleep a bit, so probably later!!! 😀


NP – sleep is necessary – Thanks!!!


I was over at the 8 kun board, just looking, which I’ve not really done since the 8 chan board went down. It was interesting to note that there’s a lot of “newbies”, still a bunch of shill types BUT there are several posts letting newbies know what to look for to discern shills and to directly point out certain shills. There does not appear to be as much discussion about “discoveries”. I’ve looked once or twice before, and I do believe that the researchers are not posting as much on the board as they were. I think more of them have gone “main stream”, which is good.


Damn Someone needs to do something with Schiff he is a lunatic Seems the Democratic politicians feel they have to totally control the election. They are crazed .
Schiff warns of Russian attack on US mainland, as Day 2 of Trump’s Senate impeachment trial concludes
“The president’s misconduct cannot be decided at the ballot box, for we cannot be assured that the vote will be fairly won,” Schiff remarked. He did not elaborate.


The Dems are actually telling Americans they want to do their own well, and not let Americans have a say in what Americans want.
‘Nancy Pelosi just stated that ‘it is dangerous to let the voters decide Trump’s fate.’
Nancy Pelosi Is Already Attacking the Legitimacy of the 2020 Election


I thought elections were a sacred and prayerful time and that we have to let the people speak. I’m devastated to learn that that was just rhetoric when Pelosi thought a victory for Hillary was a foregone conclusion. /sarc
The masks are dropping as they become more desperate. Things will get more dangerous as we move toward the election with their having failed at most of their goals.


Do believe that when DNC said in 2008 that they did not have to listen to or go by what voters voted for was DNC turning point into treason


I did find this video, which was very heartening to me, being in the PNW. It was a rally by Iranian, Ukrainian and Pakistani Americans in Bellevue, Washington to support President Trump’s actions against the Iranian govt. Cars were honking horns in support, some King county repubs were there as well.
Bellevue is on the east side of Lake Washington, Seattle being on the west side Remove the *s to link to the video.


Well, will try this again. Link to video for support from U.S. Iranians, Ukrainians, and Pakistanis for PDJT, 1/11/20, Bellevue, WA. Bellevue is on the east side of LK Washington, Seattle is on the west side. Very heartening to see this. Please remove the * and __


comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks for handling. This is good stuff. We’re weathering the storm!!!


Q 3783
Jan 23 2020 01:47:46 (EST) NEW📁
Truth and facts will prevail.
The public will learn the truth.


But they have taken the video down.


I was still able to access the video – wasn’t able to view it in Dissenter. I brought the link to Chrome. After opening the tweet, i opened the link to the Fox site, then was able to view it. It’s definitely being throttled or maybe a lot of viewers were on the site and traffic was high. I dunno.
It’s a great clip!

Gail Combs

They took down the twitter account too.
I get:
Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!


Q 3784
Jan 23 2020 01:57:08 (EST) NEW
POTUS > Barr
Barr > Durham
[[F] classified intel provided [FVEY – Non FVEY] as needed]
Does Durham want to hold [freeze] ‘public’ declas due to criminal nature of the probe(s)?
Think GJ material.
When did the investigation begin?
When did the investigation really begin?
Nothing can stop what is coming.
Slow drip > Flood


Q 3785
Anonymous ID: 826c3f No.7884113
Jan 23 2020 02:05:25 (EST) NEW
Looking forward to that flood Sir!!
“What storm, Mr. President?”
“You’ll see!” – POTUS


Crap, crap crap
3 Americans were killed in New South Wales, Australia in a tanker crash while fighting wildfires today:


It’s very sad.


Ha! This is gonna scare the shit outa a lotta people
Maxwell’s emails hacked.
”Maxwell used a secret mail server, and not a major service like Google, which can keep emails out of the hands of authorities, but which increased the risk of them being hacked.”
Sounds familiar doesn’t it.
Oh boy.


If it’s any compensation to the pervy enabler, we’ll be saying “Maxwell didn’t kill herself” when the cabal gets her.

Sylvia Avery

*giggle snort cough*


Nadless is not fat enough but otherwise bwahahaha


Some argue that the Senate impeachment trial will be thrown out fast, followed by a Senate hearing into Ukraine.
I doubt it. A separate Senate Committee hearing can be ignored by FakeNews, but a Senate trial into Trump won’t be.
Plus, a Senate trial forces Senators such as Sanders and Warren, off the campaign trail.
Last, the Dems case is weak as hell. Unbelievable, but they doesn’t seem to realize DJT is ready with a mighty counter-punch.
They’re trapped.
This is how I think it plays out
#1 Senate Trial – exposes full scale of Obama corruption in Ukraine, including Biden, money laundering, misuse of US Aid $ with Soros.
#2 Durham – indictments start to fall in SpyGate and truth revealed about what went on.
#3 DeClass – full declassification in conjunction with #2.
# 4 (possibly pre-election) : Clinton Foundation investigation blows open.
Of course, the combined impact of these 3 events is like a rolling snowball : it opens the door for Iran Deal, China corruption, Clinton Foundation, Awans and lots more AFTER the election.
Many familiar names will be indicted. And many others, less familiar – to normies.
Trump is in total control, but cautious. He won’t move until he’s sure the people back him. He doesn’t want The Republic destroyed.
Another thing.
Not only will General Flynn be vindicated and cleared BEFORE the election.
I think POTUS Trump intends to appoint General Flynn as his NSA, AFTER the election.
With instructions to ‘seek and destroy.’
The ULTIMATE kick in the gonads to Obama, Clinton and their FakeNews apparatchiks.
It makes sense. And it’s EXACTLY the type of thing Trump would do.
Revenge will be very sweet indeed.
The end.


What if Trump is so manipulating his own impeachment such that Sanders, Warren and Klobuchar (who isn’t even close to being the nominee) miss the first few states and Biden gets the nomination.
How much fun would he and we have watching even MORE dirt come out on Hunter and creepy Uncle Joe? It would piss us off bigly but it would be a train wreck of fun


Mmm…I dunno.
I’m starting to wonder if Biden could just be a placeholder…so that either Big Mike or Hillary could be inserted at the last minute, to ‘save the day’.
The powers that be, in the DNC, could go to Joe and say “It’s over” and tell him to step aside.
Without the DNCmedia propping him up & covering for him…he has no chance, and he knows it.
It will be interesting to see how it plays out.


He is bound apon a wheel of fire……..his only chance, and it’s vanishingly slim, is to win the nomination so he can hea off the destruction Of hs family.
He’s looking into the abyss


Very much so. It is desperation time for Sleepy Joe, who is facing the destruction of his entire life and life’s history.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Schweitzer book is devastating. It does for him what Clinton Cash did for Cankles.


and his son,brothers etc

Deplorable Patriot

I’m with you on this one. Hillary is the one I suspect is being resurrected, and the REAL candidate will be the VP pick.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

When the Demmunist side of DNC actually reached out to KGB-Mossad to phone in hoaxes to Jewish community centers to knock out the Muslim (Keith Ellison) so that Cankles’ boy Tom Perez could take control of the DNC Chair, it was pretty clear that CANKLES wanted control, and if she wanted control, then she wanted to run again.




Oooh. Shits getting real all over the place
‘Hate Group’ Lawsuit Clears Hurdle, Judeo-Christian Group Warns SPLC ‘Day of Reckoning’ Is Coming


For our science eggheads
An absolutely amazing and interesting analogy: What We Can Learn About Impeachment From Slime Molds

Gail Combs

Actually I disagree, though I like the DemonRats = Slime Mold, For the lower levels, yeah it works as a model but there is just too much evidence that this has been a CENTURIES LONG PLAN to destroy the USA.
Actually that story is sly Disinformation. It tells us to be satisfied with the arrests of the low and middle levels BUT DON’T LOOK FOR THE PUPPET MASTERS because of course their are none…
Yeah right.


So true, Gail. Agree totally.


But the story of the dems as mindless slime Accreting toform an entity determined on survival rings true

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fuck that


Wolfie, that’s scary.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Trotskyist-led dopes.


I smell IslamoNazi Supremacists.


Aaannd…another one bites the dust
Iranian commander gunned down in front of his own home
Abdolhossein Mojaddami was gunned down by two gunmen on a motorcycle.
Iranian Basij forces commander Abdolhossein Mojaddami was gunned down in front of his own home on Wednesday in the Khuzestan province of Iran, news agency IRNA reported.
The Basij forces, one of the five forces of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp (IRGC), are often used to suppress protests and demonstrations in the Islamic Republic.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Saw this being retweeted…thought I would share.
Good video.👇


Morning wheatie…you doing okay? don’t think I saw you posting much yesterday?


Been a bit under the weather…and also threw my back out.
So I’ve been sorta laid up lately.
Getting better though.
😊🤗 Thanks for asking.


I’ll keep you in my prayers!
hubby’s whole family has a long history of back problems so I know it sometimes doesn’t take much!
please take care of yourself!!! and glad you’re on the mend!


Thank you, Pat!




Prayers for you, Wheatie2. Feel better soon.


Under the weather – not feelin’ good
Our Wheatie’s now laid low.
Her back’s gone astray
Been out all day
But she’ll be up soon, we know


Grass trees already blooming in the wake of the Australian wildfires.


We had a devastating ice storm on October 13, 2006, with many, many trees suffering terribly, but in the years since the trees have grown more vibrant and healthy.


Ice storms are horrible…and can do major damage.
When they happen in the Fall, there can still be leaves on the trees, which adds to the weight when covered in ice.
This has happened here…it’s rare, but it’s always bad.
Ice storms at any time are bad news.
Nothing like listening to the sound of trees exploding in the night, as the ice accumulates to the breaking point.
The only ‘good thing’ to come of an ice storm, is when the city sends out teams to pick up all the broken tree limbs, then runs them through wood chippers, creating mountains of mulch.
We are able to load up as much mulch as we can carry.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Mother Nature’s pruning shears!!!


Yes, that is exactly what happened.


Fun and frivolity.comment image


Wayne Dupree tweets:
Greatest exhibition on how Americans feel about the Dem leader.
Dem Rep Confronted by 91-Year-Old Democrat “I’m Sick of Pelosi…They All Make Me Sick!”
A liberal voter tells a Democrat Rep that he’s sick and tired of the impeachment-crazed Dems.

————— From the article:
The upset and angry elderly man told Rep. Gottheimer that he’s a Democrat and he says the Dems have nothing on President Trump. He said he was sick of Pelosi and what the Dems are doing to the country.
The man went on to say that as a Democrat he was sick and tired of the impeachment-crazed Dems fighting like this
He then asked why the Democrats didn’t build the wall. “Trump said he’d build the wall and now he’s doing. He’s building the wall. Why didn’t Democrats do this?”
“They make me sick and I’m a Democrat. They Make me sick!”
You can see a video clip of it here:


He’s a died in the wool Democrat. He’s not happy that the Dims are not doing what Trump is, begging his rep to do what Trump is doing. He’s not woke enough to vote for a Republican ….. yet.


I guess she had enough.


I must have misunderstood……………..
I thought that ALL SINators had to remain seated and QUIET during the proceedings?


To be doing what they are doing, the Demokkkrats have to be sociopaths, at least. The complete lack of respect for others and the lack of self-awareness are breath-taking. IMO their behavior is “real” in the sense that they do truly believe what they are saying, but it all comes across so much as unreal to normal people that it is understandable why anyone would believe that something else is going on.


I think they’re being forced by their Globalist masters to do this.
It’s political suicide…and they know it.
But they have sold their souls to Globalists and the ChiComs who have been paying them off for years.
This is the Globalists and ChiComs fighting Pres Trump.
The Demonicrats and the RINOs are their puppets, doing their bidding.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. It’s Winnie the Pooh’s Chimpeachment, with a chorus of Eeyores and Piglets.


They know beinstampeded off a cliff.


Where was Roberts? Does he not care about the rules either?

Deplorable Patriot

He was probably just as ready to go home.
The whole thing is just ridiculous.


They should have all stood up and left when Schiff ran over their lunch break.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 8cdd1a No.7884016
Jan 23 2020 01:57:08 (EST) NEW
POTUS > Barr
Barr > Durham
[[F] classified intel provided [FVEY – Non FVEY] as needed]
Does Durham want to hold [freeze] ‘public’ declas due to criminal nature of the probe(s)?
Think GJ material.
When did the investigation begin?
When did the investigation really begin?
Nothing can stop what is coming.
Slow drip > Flood


Oops…didn’t see TheseTruths post…saw 3783


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 8cdd1a No.7884140
Jan 23 2020 02:09:13 (EST) NEW
Anonymous ID: 826c3f No.7884113
Jan 23 2020 02:05:25 (EST) NEW
Looking forward to that flood Sir!!
“What storm, Mr. President?”
“You’ll see!” – POTUS


Diddo above reply

Gail Combs

“It is dangerous to let the voters decide Trump’s fate.” — Nasty Pig-losi
“The president’s misconduct cannot be decided at the ballot box…” — Adam the shiffty Shitt
What they really said:
OH MY G-D!! The American Voter has woken up! We can no longer trust they will be manipulated by our propaganda (Fake News) and brain washing (govmint schools)….


Is this something?
Sounds like this is something.

Well Done Jack ..Schiff gets self owned
WATCH: Adam Schiff Accidentally Exonerated Trump in His Own Report –


time to kick the UN out…good thing we don’t take orders from them!
UN ruled that “climate refugees” cannot be returned back to their home countries. This ruling forces the United States to allow all Central Americans into our country.
Good thing the UN can not tell us what to do. We should kick them out of the country also.
Maybe we should remove the UN from NYC’s multi-billion real estate. If we put them out in the desert, or in Alaska, you’d see how quickly they would move the hell out of our country. The fact that they don’t pay rent, utilities, parking etc., gives them more money to spend on schemes with the globalists. The best way to cut our contribution is to politely urge them to get the hell out of our country NOW! They’re bringing in more tanks and advertising for persons skilled at de-weaponizing. Tweet Trump, we don’t want them in the USA and bar them from bringing in any more weapons. Folks, remember about two months ago, UN people told Americans in Utah trying to get into a meeting, that basically American sovereignty or laws did not apply to them, or the facility they were occupying. Not enough people kicked up a fuss on social media/twitter.
Please share this article wherever you can. It is the only way we can work around their censorship and ensure people receive news about issues that Democrats and the mainstream media suppress.


just gonna leave this here. Karma’s a bitch…don’t mess with children.
On Wednesday, officials with the California Department of Corrections announced that a second convicted child molester beaten with a cane by another inmate at the California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison in Corcoran died on Sunday.
Jonathan Watson, 41, who had served 10 years of a life sentence for first-degree murder and discharging a firearm causing great bodily injury or death, beat the heads of two inmates who were serving life terms for aggravated sexual assault of a child under 14 years old, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. Graham De Luis-Conti, 62, was pronounced dead on Sunday; David Bobb, 48, died en route to the hospital.

Deplorable Patriot

Even among felons there’s zero tolerance for child molesters. In prison, they are targets in general population.


and you know what? i don’t have a problem with that.


finally a cure for cancer?
As The Telegraph reports, “Researchers at Cardiff University were analyzing blood from a bank in Wales, looking for immune cells that could fight bacteria, when they found an entirely new type of T-cell. That new immune cell carries a never-before-seen receptor which acts like a grappling hook, latching on to most human cancers, while ignoring healthy cells.”
What makes this new discovery so exciting is that prior therapies, referred to as CAR-T and TCR-T therapies, which use immune cells to attach to HLA molecules on cancer cells’ surface, fight cancer but are incapable of fighting solid tumors. As The Telegraph points out, HLA molecules vary in people, but the new therapy attaches to a molecule called MR1, which does not vary in humans, which gives it the chance of fighting most cancers and additionally means people could share the treatment, allowing banks of the cells to be stored and thus be offered quickly to people suffering from the disease.
Immune cells from the new treatment have killed lung, skin, blood, colon, breast, bone, prostate, ovarian, kidney and cervical cancer cells. The study stated:
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-independent, T cell-mediated targeting of cancer cells would allow immune destruction of malignancies in all individuals. Here, we use genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 screening to establish that a T cell receptor recognized and killed most human cancer types via the monomorphic MHC class-I related protein, MR1, while remaining inert to noncancerous cells … These finding offer opportunities for HLA-independent, pan-cancer, pan-population immunotherapies.


We “Accidentally”…. found a CURE for Cancer!
Trump Ready To Reveal Hidden Secrets, [DS] Walked Right Into It, There Is No Step 5


and I bet if you’re an elite–say a Supreme Court Justice–you move to the head of the line for trying the treatment…




Horses…having fun and doing silly things.

Gail Combs

A couple of my ponies like to ‘Dance’ to music. The step high with animation and keep the beat.
And yes they do have a sense of humor.


so cool…nice to see their silly side!


What a wonderful president we have!


studies on soybean oil…linking it to depression, obesity…
new study has found that the consumption of soybean oil, one of the most common edible oils in the western diet in recent decades, causes genetic changes that negatively impact how the brain deals with depression and obesity.
According to IFL Science, the increase in popularity of soybean oil “has coincided with an alarming escalation in metabolic conditions like diabetes, insulin resistance, and obesity, and a new study indicates that this may be down to the way that soybean oil causes genetic changes in the brain.”
Writing in the journal Endocrinology, scientists sought to understand how soybean oil impacts the expression of genes in the hypothalamus, the area of the brain that regulates metabolism, inflammation and neurological issues.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ll believe it. Put together with high fructose corn syrup and all the meds that are floating around, and the people have been made sick only to go to medical doctors who cannot counsel outside the box insurance and the AMA have them in, and wealth transfer happens when the people are desperate to get well and/or help their children and other family members be well.
It’s a vicious circle. My family thinks I’m crazy for avoiding soy, but I’m telling you, it’s made a difference.


DP, you are right.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Soy is its own Chinatown heroin soy dealer.

Gail Combs

Soy and Corn (Corn syrup in everything) are GMO
Wheat is modified by ‘chemical mutagenesis’
None of them are the plants humans bodies are accustom to.
Soy and other beans are poisonous if eaten raw.
Slow cookers can be a problem because the temps are not high enough to destroy the toxins. Even green beans are actually mildly toxic when raw. They contain the same toxins and anti-nutrients as mature and dried beans, but in lower concentrations.


I won’t touch it with a ten-foot fork!


Verse of the Day

“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”
Acts 4:12 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Thursday Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Morning Duchess!
hope you are well and have a Blessed Day!


Morning, Pat! Hope and pray you are good to go – Have a Blessed Day!!! Hugs!!!


HUGS back to you sweetie!


* Smiling *



Schiff’s mentor
Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels.


The sick state of Pelosi-land….


Anyone have thoughts on the Castle Clean photo? Very strange picture.

Deplorable Patriot

It appears to be a play on “castling” which is a protective move in Chess.


the one i posted yesterday…
Peek was escorted from the WH Friday…so they “cleaned” it of listening devices (bugs)…
full disclosure though…I did not sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night but I can guess as well as anyone…LOL


I was referring to the black and white photo itself. That is a strange photo, and VSG does not look good there.comment image


dunno…he’s not smiling for sure, but maybe he’s pissed that they tried to bug HIS HOUSE…I would be…and he’s standing behind a military guard?

Cuppa Covfefe

I agree. He looks Royally pi$$ed (and I don’t mean “Brahms and Liszt”).
Daddy’s home, and somebody’s fixin’ to get a whuppin’ …
(sorry about the mixed metaphor, comes with being ‘alf English and half Suthin’ )…


I think his expression fits in with the Tom Clancy quote:
“Beware the fury of a patient man”
Also this:comment image
And this: “…and fill him with a terrible resolve”

Gail Combs

Military Tribunals?
The Military Judiciary is now CLEANED of Oh!Bummer appointees?

The position of military judge was created in 1969 with the implementation of the Military Justice Act of 1968….
The Army Trial Judiciary currently consists of over 20 active Army military trial judges and over 20 Army Reserve military trial judges, all field grade officers and members of the Judge Advocate General’s Corps. All military judges are attorneys who have graduated from an accredited law school and are admitted to practice law in one or more states. They are selected based on their record of service and expertise in criminal law….

From WIKI:

The Judge Advocate General of the United States Army (TJAG)—the commanding general of the Army JAG Corps—is a lieutenant general. All military officers are appointed by the U.S. President subject to the advice and consent of the Senate, but the Judge Advocate General is one of the few positions in the Army explicitly provided for by law in Title 10 of the United States Code, and which requires a distinct appointment.…..

To qualify a civilian attorney must take a course in military law BTW.


one of my favorite movies (much to my hubby’s surprise!)


Interesting…I honestly don’t see it that way. To me, it’s a very resolved, determined look and prepared for what is out there waiting. Reminds me of a soldier preparing to charge into battle…or, a downhill skier ready to tackle the course during the Olympics (!..😁)


“I was referring to the black and white photo itself.”
I’m wondering if the photo was taken at Andrews Air Force Base when President Trump was there to honor soldiers who had died in a conflict, and were returning home in a casket. If so, it would be a very gut-wrenching and solemn time for him.

Cuppa Covfefe

One thing that endears me (and I’m sure many others) to President Trump is that he looks at these returning soldiers (and others) as though they were somehow his own, indeed as a good and loving father would.
He is a great man, a great leader, and (as far as I can tell from way over here 🙂 ), a great father, husband, son, brother, and Christian. Indeed, he is ONE OF US.
And THAT is what separates him, and ennobles him, in comparison to almost every other President we have had since the founding of this country.
May GOD Bless, Strengthen, Empower, Guide, and Keep him, his family, his Administration, and the USA.
And may GOD strike down the efforts of the evil ones, confound their lies and trickery, expose their malfeasance and skulduggery, and turn them now and forevermore from their wicked ways.


^^^ Amen.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Praying Medic has used a variant meme before. Google Images acts like it doesn’t exist, and won’t show earlier variants, which I think has to be an outright LIE.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think the photo is definitely riffing off chess, with the military (Marines, primarily, perhaps?) being the rook.
I believe that the “clean” part means multiple things.
(1) they have cleaned out Obama spies and saboteurs, or a particularly nasty one or group of them
(2) the Trump Presidency has now effectively castled in “4D chess”, and did so using only completely legal means – no Obama-Holder “cheating” involved.
Here is interesting Wikipedia information of castling, and you can see that there are many ways to “castle dirty”, where you cheat and the opponent simply doesn’t see that you broke the rules.

Castling is a move in the game of chess involving a player’s king and either of the player’s original rooks. It is the only move in chess in which a player moves two pieces in the same move, and it is the only move aside from the knight’s move where a piece can be said to “jump over” another.[1]
Castling consists of moving the king two squares towards a rook on the player’s first rank, then moving the rook to the square over which the king crossed.[2] Castling may only be done if the king has never moved, the rook involved has never moved, the squares between the king and the rook involved are unoccupied, the king is not in check, and the king does not cross over or end on a square attacked by an enemy piece. Castling is one of the rules of chess and is technically a king move (Hooper & Whyld 1992:71).

I think that in particular, the idea of castling while not in check is important. Basically, the Democrats have been LYING about Trump being in check. It’s clear now that he NEVER was in check.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Well…… duh!
If we’re looking for the source of the Chinese supervirus, this might be a good place to start.


IKR? what could go wrong?

Deplorable Patriot

Well that might explain a lot.
In the meantime, I’m sucking on zinc lozenges. Well, one last evening, one this morning. It really works!

Gail Combs

I am taking my Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc with vitamin D3 pills. It is supposed to be for healthy bones and teeth but is also good for immune system support.
Don’t forget the BONE broth for making soups. Adding lemon juice or vinegar to the water to acidify it, allows the bone minerals (above) to dissolve into the soup broth. That is probably why chicken soup is good for colds and the flu.
Fruit,esp citrus and/or vitamin C is also a ‘must’
I save the ZiCam tablets for the first sign of a scratchy throat or ear ache.

Deplorable Patriot

I have bone broth frozen, with plans to use some today. Last week, I saw some beautiful soup bones and bought them to freeze, too.
Today, I’ve been looking up how to make egg drop soup. May give it a shot.

Gail Combs

I am currently munching on pea pods, bok choy, water chestnuts, turkey and rice made in chicken broth.
If you use bone broth instead of water when making rice it gives a lovely flavor. Or you can just add the above to your thawed and warmed broth. I do both.


Oh brother…who needs nukes when we have the Chicoms manufacturing death


Talking smack.
It’s about time.


that’s the most polite smack I’ve ever heard…LOL

Gail Combs

OF COURSE a CHILD of 16 knows more about the Climate than say physicist Dr William Happer who is 80 years old…


Good morning, Mr. President! Welcome home!
Well done in Europe, Sir – and – thanks for the USMCA!!!
71,449,088 @realDonaldTrump followers – 8:26 am

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sounds like the CIA is connected to MINI MIKE.

Cuppa Covfefe

Interesting. Mini losses: “The fact is, when Mini losses, he will be spending very little of his money“…

Deplorable Patriot

When the swamp creatures start asking questions like this, the Democrats have stepped in their own excrement.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmmm. So he’s admitting they’ve been diddling the ballot boxes?

“For we cannot be assured that the vote will be fairly won”

Yes, Adam Schitt, you and your ilk have been cheating long enough. Time’s up.


No Penalty for excessive roughness on the dog – it was a clean hit.
Dog recovered the fumble.
Change of possession.
Let’s go to a commercial.

Gail Combs

Looks like a Great Pyrenees. (Livestock guard dog.)

Deplorable Patriot


Wait a minute…..
After Davos, I’ll admit it, I am TIRED.
How does the President do it all?
And he’s going to Florida today?


but this is HIS element! he thrives on this–business, head to head bi lats, solving problems, rallies, winning…
and truth be told–you sounded very much LIKE THIS–when you described events in your life and at your B & B…things going wrong–you solving them–getting everyone involved–that’s YOUR element…


Hehe, thank you Pat, if only I had Air Force One..
I could ‘a been a contender! (not)


I believe it!


Clears throat….
You are NOT too old for politics, Miss Daughn.


MQ for President!!
Endorsed by QTree SuperPAC!!!


If you don’t have Daughn Force One, that means T has fallen down on the job.
He is solely responsible for keeping “the missus” happy & content.


One time, we were working on a big event in town. The local police Chief gave me an official blue light to use for the day on the minivan.
I felt so important.


Good Morning, TrumpIsMine!


I would wager that most Americans did not know Washington was threatened with impeachment. Somehow Trump always seems to turn up in the best company. Weird how that happens.


Thats the very 1st time Ive heard that. Now I need to know why.


I didn’t know either.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m trying not to laugh, because at 4’11” I can totally relate to this picture, but doesn’t this just say it all.


At least a GED
(Good enough Degree)
High School equivalency


Who goes to Davos wearing a sweat suit?

Deplorable Patriot

I wear comfortable clothes on the flight there, but not to whatever the event is.

Gail Combs

Who goes to a job interview wearing a nasty dirty torn sweat suit?
All those new college grads I turned down for a job. I hired the clean cut guy in a shirt, tie and pressed dickies. He was a carpenters apprentice and the best Chemical Lab Tech I ever had!
He took the place of the college grad with a chemistry degree that I fired. Now a days he would not have gotten past HR.

Cuppa Covfefe

HR…. Hinders Real-talent…


someone who’s being sponsored by the sweat suit company?

Mary Morse

Holy cow! You may be right, Pat. LOL


it’s all about the Benjamins…LOL


mary, AND stands on a box with soros’ name on it!


I’ve had more fun with this on Twitter this morning, wading into the reactionaries, waiting for their insults – which are guaranteed, and then reporting them all to Twitter support.
Doing battle in the trenches!


Here’s your slogan….


this tweet includes John Solomon’s video of NEW timeline that exonerates POTUS

Mary Morse

boy VA is just plugging along, screwing the voters and citizens however it can…they want to join to National Popular Vote movement…
A proposed bill by the Democrat-controlled legislature in Virginia is the latest attempt to bypass a key purpose of the Electoral College which was created by America’s Founding Fathers to give all Americans a voice in presidential elections.
The proposed measure known as SB 399 called the “National Popular Vote Compact,” (NPVIC) would place the Commonwealth in an agreement with several other states that would change how electoral votes are awarded to a candidate in a presidential election.
Instead of giving the electoral votes to the candidate who won the popular vote in Virginia, the state would give its votes to the candidate who received the most popular votes across the nation.

Gail Combs

12-1-2012 BYU Law Review: Why the National Popular Vote Compact is Unconstitutional

….To be sure, the Electoral College has long been the target of criticism. Of the 11,000 constitutional amendments proposed in Congress in its history, over 1,000 have dealt with the Electoral College, and many of those have sought to implement a direct popular election of the President. In fact, bills proposing a constitutional amendment to abolish the Electoral College are routinely introduced in every Congress.
Nevertheless, these proposals have all failed to pass Congress. In fact, over forty years have passed since Congress seriously considered a constitutional amendment abolishing the College…..

NATELSON: Why A National Popular Vote Is Unconstitutional
Of Course the DemonRats KNOW it is Unconstitutional but they will use it to push the fact that President Trump (2nd term) is illegitimate.
They will also TRY to get the Supreme Court to AMEND the Constitution WITHOUT the Amendment Process just as they are doing with the Anchor Baby crap. Anchor babies, birthright citizenship, and the 14th Amendment


No orries – it’s unconstitutional.


i know the states can’t enter into compacts without Congressional approval…so what’s the end game here for the Dems?
they think they can win both houses, ratify this and what? overturn President Trump’s reelection?


Matt’s thread on Grassley letter


Love bullet #8. Names names and contract #.


THERE’s Mary Morse!

Mary Morse

Waving back, Daughn.
Not always commenting, but lurking daily to learn what other have found…


Regarding pulmonary fibrosis: modified citrus pectin. There’s some preclinical research showing this supplement can stop scar tissue buildup (AKA fibrosis in various) organs. It’s a safe, well-tolerated supplement, so it may be worth a shot if you’re at risk for the disease. It can interact with certain drugs and supplements, so talk to your doctor or natural health practitioner before adding it to your routine.


Stats on Coronavirus patients….
72% older than 40
64% Male
40% Underlying diseases
571 cases, 17 deaths in China


My suspicious cat wonders if after years of 1child policy which resulted in too many males and not enough females to procreate, resulting in majority aging population, are they using this as a remedy?? Add new Conveniently centered Biolab. Surely China wouldn’t do that!! Too much tin foil??


Just following the bread crumbs


Cabal does and is doing depopulation…

Gail Combs

patfrederick,on the last page mentioned “studies on soybean oil…linking it to depression, obesity…”
I went to add:
Avoid Soy bean (GMO)
Corn (GMO)
Wheat (Chemical/radiation mutated I thought it was also GMO)
And hit an iceberg when I looked into wheat:
We know that GMO has gotten a very bad reputation just like the N*A*Z*I so the puppet masters changed the ‘methods’ but used an old name to cover-up what they were actually doing. Just like they now label National Socialist ‘Far-Right’ although it is just slightly right full blown communism.
It is semantics. We KNOW how the Left loves to alter the meaning of words. In this case it is the words
GMO (genetically modified organism)
Hybridization (a practice as old as farming)

….There IS wheat on the market that is herbicide-resistant. It is not genetically modified but altered through a process called chemical mutagenesis, which sounds pretty scary (and rightfully so).
It involves exposing the seed to a super-poisonous chemical as well as radiation, with the intent of introducing a mutation. This is all unregulated and does not need labeling because it still counts as “traditional breeding methods” or “hybridization” rather than genetic modification, which is more highly regulated. No safety testing is required. Read more here:
Article from:

She points to an article by Dr. William Davis who says the last 40 years “of genetics research, intensive efforts aimed at increasing yield-per-acre” has resulted in a wheat that “has drifted from its ancient origins exceeds the difference between chimpanzees and humans.” So GENETICALLY the wheat we are now eating is far different than the wheat our grandparents ate.
This is an example of the DECEPTIVE PROPAGANDA that is put out to HIDE what has actually happened to wheat. The chemical mutagenesis process is completely ignored and a DIFFERENT POSSIBLE explanation is given.
Is GMO Wheat Causing Increases in Celiac and Gluten Sensitivity?

…To be considered genetically modified, a plant such as wheat needs to have its genome altered through gene splicing in the laboratory. Scientists who genetically engineer crops are looking to introduce a desirable trait into that crop, and they do so by inserting a new gene sequence from another species into the target crop’s genome.3
For example, biotechnology giant Monsanto Co. created its GMO soybeans by introducing a gene sequence from a specific bacterium, Agrobacterium sp. strain CP4, into soy’s genome. This bacterium gene allows the soybeans to resist repeated applications of the herbicide Roundup (also produced by Monsanto).
Monsanto abandoned its efforts to develop Roundup Ready wheat in 2004…..
There have been a few isolated cases of GMO wheat (Roundup Ready wheat) being detected on farms but there has been no evidence that the wheat has entered the food supply.4 That means (contrary to popular belief) that GMO wheat cannot be blamed for increased celiac and gluten sensitivity cases.
Hybridized Wheat May Be to Blame
That doesn’t mean wheat hasn’t changed over the last half-dozen decades, though—it has, as the result of a process called hybridization (which is different from genetic engineering). And some scientists have speculated that those changes could be one cause of an increase in the number of people who have an inability to tolerate gluten.5
In hybridization, scientists don’t tinker directly with the plant’s genome. Instead, they choose particular strains of a plant with desirable characteristics and breed them to reinforce those characteristics….
Studies do show a significant increase in the incidence of celiac disease over the last several decades.1 Anecdotally, gluten sensitivity also appears to be rising, although there haven’t been any studies to confirm that (and some blame the current trendiness of the gluten-free diet for reported increases).
However, it’s not at all clear why the number of people affected by these two conditions might be rising.
Donald D. Kasarda, the U.S. Department of Agriculture scientist who authored the 2013 study on 1920s wheat, wonders whether it’s possible that increased consumption of wheat in recent years—rather than increased gluten in the wheat actually consumed—might be in part to blame for increased incidence of celiac disease. He also says the use of wheat gluten as an ingredient in processed foods might contribute….
However, no one really knows why celiac disease (and possibly gluten sensitivity) might be affecting more people. There’s one thing that’s certain, though: Genetically modified wheat can’t be to blame.


In addition to perverting the genetics of wheat, glyphosate is now increasingly being used as a pre-harvest desiccant…what could go wrong?

Mary Morse

Our acre is surrounded on 3 1/2 sides by the fields of two farmers. One field is certified organic. The other is proudly RoundUp ready.
My Round Up ready neighbors wouldn’t have it any other way. They are excellent farmers and neighbors, and who am I to give them any advice, although we have talked about it, and it’s health risks.
There is no comparison between the productive results, unfortunately. Round Up wins hands down, year after year.
They leave their crop in the fields to naturally dry, hence the December harvest this year. They have not used this technique so far. All of their spraying is very low to the ground, and the size of the field is small enough that they would never dust it.


God bless our small farmers. The informed, independent thinking farmer is one of the greatest protections of our food supply.


Been eating these at least 40yrs, supposedly no chemicals, only natural ingredients, But the last few years, plain triscuits and plain mini-wheats just make me hurt. Something’s wrong.

Deplorable Patriot

I don’t remember exactly where I came by this information, but supposedly American wheat has 10 times the gluten wheat from other parts of the world does. American wheat was hybridized for the mechanized bread making process. I’m not sure what the goal was there, but that’s the bottom line.
There was more having to do with a good percentage of people of European heritage carrying the gene for celiac disease and the little factoid that wheat is one of the crops sprayed with Roundup prior to harvest to increase yield since the plant is dying.
Unfortunately, the MSM-medical-big ag psuop machine did their number on gluten free diets, so this information is almost always dismissed unless somebody gets really sick and goes looking for a solution, tries paleo or keto or just gluten free and finds out it works.

Gail Combs

“…unless somebody gets really sick and goes looking for a solution, tries paleo or keto or just gluten free and finds out it works.”
That was me. Thirty years ago I was getting nightly reflex. I did some reading and went Lo Carb. worked like a charm and I lost 30 pounds to boot.
I noticed the Lo Carb. study that was SUPPOSED to show Lo Carb. had ZERO impact or credibility DEFINED Lo Carb. as 300mg of sugar/carbs a day and not the under 30 mg (27mg) recommended by the Lo Carb. diet I followed.
GEE, Think that might make a difference? 🙄
I really hate the gaslighting and disinformation we have to deal with everyday.



Archbishop of Canterbury – head of Church of England – is unrepentant for giving award to top UK abortionist!
Church of England is officially pro-LBGT as well.
That is why the Anglican Communion split, just as the Episcopal Church did – and as the UMC is doing right now.

Cuppa Covfefe

Same here in Germany, the EKD (essentially the Lutheran Church) is pro-LGTBWXYZ (they’re infested with politicians, anyway), as it the Catholic hierarchy here, sad to say. The Methodist Church here is splitting, as well. No wonder that the “mainline” denominations are losing people left and right, and the “frei-Evangelisch” and conservative (one might say “rebel”) Catholic Churches are growing by leaps and bounds.
Satan Soros’s tentacles are pretty much everywhere. But we all see it now, and many people are fighting it. GOD will clean house, whether the politicos like it or not…


Vile royal!

CM in TN


Rodney Short

Prince Charles will regret that move.


Saw somewhere else that they had had a pre-meeting, that’s why Charles skipped the handshake. Tend to believe it cuz I don’t see the future King of England dissing his #1ally and soon to be largest trading partner. That would be super special kind of stupidity. This may be unnecessary drama.


If they had a previous meeting he still could have shaken his hand or nodded or smiled at him. Something else. Because he has to know it will look like a snub. So yeah it doesn’t look good.

Gail Combs

And yet the Prince was willing to eat sheep eyes, an Arab specialty dish, so as not to offend…. “The things I do for England…”
I can not find a link now, but it was so gross I remembered it.


Sounds like an excuse.


Mrs. Pence didn’t extend her hand, but VP Pence did as Charles passed him, though initially it doesn’t look that way. Even if they had met previously, It was clear Charles was chatting with everyone else – Pence didn’t expect the diss.

Gail Combs

comment image
(Hop I managed to place this correctly)

Concerned Virginian

Behold the next Sovereign of the United Kingdom!
At 0.03, Prince Charles gives the Royal “I don’t know you” look to VP Pence before passing him by without shaking hands, etc. Doesn’t matter if they had a meeting prior.
Charles is telegraphing that VP Pence is “persona non grata” to Charles — and by extension, the Royal Family.
Charles ALSO knows that he couldn’t get away doing this to POTUS.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 57f611 No.7886759 📁
Jan 23 2020 11:32:42 (EST) NEW📁
Congratulations, UK Patriots!
Independence is a beautiful thing!
Globalism dead?


Forgot to include our little gal….comment image

Elizabeth Carter

Vol, Thank you for posting this. I came here to see if it was up yet.
I read this on Qanon 30 minutes ago. Tears are still running down my face. I am so happy that this is happening and it has been done without WW3.
I am so happy for the UK and for all of us. President Trump is doing a wonderful job of changing the world.
Every day there is a major event. These changes have become so frequent we take them for granted.
I have prayed for this for over 60 years. I am so grateful that God has allowed me to live long enough to see it happen.
God has trained President Trump and is using him to lead us through this. We need someone in the flesh with us. This is like Moses leading us out of Egypt.
I knew the world changed on 1-15-2020. I could feel it.
I felt it change when Trump came down the escalator and ran for President. I have never stopped praying for him and for us.
On 1-15-2020, I felt like the mission is accomplished and now our prayers are needed to work through the transition period. Globalism really is dead.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.
For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †


Amen❤ beautiful post


I was looking into a Hollywood producer named Jules Nasso.
The same producer that Anita Busch was investigating when the dead fish appeared on her windshield.
He served a year for charges related to the extortion of actor Steven Seagal. The threat to Anita Busch lead to charges against Hollywood and Clinton PI Anthony Pellicano.
This search lead me to this:
In 2001, Paul Manafort formed a partnership with Jules Nasso, in a film production company named Manhattan Pictures International (MPI).
…”Paul Cohen and Julius Nasso have launched Manhattan Pictures Intl., a Gotham-based motion picture distribution and production company.”…
…”Manhattan board chairman Joseph Amiel will represent the interests of Madison Entertainment Partners, a funding entity that purchased foreign sales company Seagal-Nasso Intl.
The partnership includes Manhattan board members E. Donald Lass, a former newspaper publisher and head of Press Broadcasting; communications, media and political strategist Paul Manafort of international business/financial company Davis Manafort; and actor Danny Aiello. Actor Stephen Baldwin will serve as a consultant with the company.”…
When the FBI searched Manafort’s storage locker during the Mueller Investigation, they seized boxes of records related to “MPI Holdings, LLC”,”MPI”, and “Jules Nasso”.

Why would the FBI be looking at Manafort’s dealings with MPI nearly 2 decades later?
There’s also this:
When Manafort and Stone approached the Trump Campaign, were they working for themselves, or their firms: Black Stone Manafort and Kelly, subsidiary of Burson-Marsteller, subsidiary of UK PR giant WPP?
Anyone hear anything more about the cause of death of Andrew Burkle, Ron Burkle’s son?


Ohhhh, this is fascinating. We knew Manafort kept files/dossiers, soft blackmail and influence on thousands of people. Always had a suspicion the raid on the lockers was to get access to HIS FILES, and when they did he same to STONE, it was a larger clean up effort.
They didn’t want Trump to have the proof?

Mary Morse

I don’t know much about Manafort or Stone, or their influence operations. Clinton and his questionable pals reportedly all fell-out about the time Hillary was seeking the nomination against Obama, and Epstein was under indictment. They all had something in common. Each has connections to Pellicano. Burkle connects to Epstein (Radar) and Clinton, and also the Chandlers (LA Times).
Who hired Pellicano first? I think it was Clinton, although Pellicano will neither confirm, nor deny. Pellicano also worked for Michael Jackson (as did Rob Goldstone).
Start with this, although it’s behind a pay wall:
And this:
…”Burkle told the Times that nothing untoward happened between Clinton and the women on the plane. He noted that his adolescent son was sometimes on board.
“No woman could get within 100 miles of [Bill Clinton] while I was on watch,” Burkle told the Times.”…

Mary Morse

And this:
…”One former Clinton aide told Purdum that Bill’s seedy social circle was, at best, perplexing. “I just think those guys are radioactive,” the aide said. “I stay far away from them.”
Enlarge Image
Bing is a businessman and film producer.
In the run-up to Hillary’s 2008 bid, other aides and associates were alarmed by even more rumors: that Clinton had hooked up with actress Gina Gershon on Burkle’s jet; the sightings with a powerful Canadian businesswoman; the random one-night stands while traveling. Purdum wrote that an executive ran into Clinton, Bing and a gaggle of gorgeous young women in an elevator in Manhattan. He was shocked to see an ex-president in such company. “I don’t know what the guy was doing,” he reportedly said, “but it was so clear that it was just no good.”
By 2010, Bill’s friendship with Burkle was publicly done. Though Bill had made an estimated $15 million while working as Burkle’s pitchman, he’d begun distancing himself in 2007 and formally severed the relationship after Hillary was up for secretary of state.”….


I half expected to see Shifty Schiff slide out from beneath all that skin.


Alan Dershowitz says that impeachment is like a grand jury indictment, and that if Pres. Trump is acquitted, it goes away, contrary to what Pelosi and the Dems are saying. They’re hanging on to “impeachment is forever” so they can have a shred of vindictive victory, but Dersh says that’s not how it works.
“Nancy Pelosi doesn’t understand what impeachment is. What she has said is, even if the president is acquitted, the impeachment stands – No. That’s like saying that, if a person is indicted and the jury acquits 12-0 in five minutes, he’s still indicted. No – the impeachment disappears. The impeachment is only a grand jury presentment.”


Some of us have been shouting this for some time…
but I guess one has to be named “Dersh” or “Turley” to be heard.
Impeachment 101 :
“To impeach” = “To Indict”
and another thing: one has to have a CRIME to indict or IMPEACH…
Pelosi’s faux Articles of Impeachment list NO CRIME… nada, zilch, zero………………………

CM in TN

Technically they are making false statements and purgering themselves by presenting that while under oath…but what do I know, I’m just a dumb mechanic…


exactly CM

Gail Combs

It is ALL about OPTICS for the 2020 election.
By saying President Trump was IMPEACHED it allows the DemonRats to peel off voters AND MORE IMPORTANT to have a ’cause’ (besides voter fraud) for why President Trump LOST, or so they hope.
I am sure they are planing MUCH MORE voter fraud than was done in 2016.


Ohh I understand wrt optics…
What I am saying is Trump Supporters don’t even realize this is not an impeachment… one reason is the OPTICS of the Senate accepting Articles that contain no crime… so that POTUS can speak to America during the ‘trial’ ??? What if that’s not the plan, what if Repubs shut it down next week? what if, what if?
Don’t mind me… just trying to reconcile “If you tell a big enough LIE often enough, people will believe it” with “Americans know impeachment is a hoax”
And no, I don’t think I am smarter than POTUS… just know how stupid some voters are.

Cuppa Covfefe

When you see what’s happened to the miserable mess known as Civics and History education, it shouldn’t be a surprise.
Even back in the very early 1960s, when I was in school in Kalifornistan, what was taught as American History and Civics bore little resemblance to the truth. As did English, Reading, and Composition classes, as compared to those offered in the days of the ORIGINAL McGuffey Readers (yep, they were polluted too, in the early 1900s). My grandmother was a teacher way back then, and she had originals, probably from the 1870s… her forebears were also teachers…


It won’t work. Wait until America sees the huge crowd at the Wildwood NJ rally next Tuesday. Smack in Dem country


University of Kansas Associate Professor accused of working for the Chinese…KANSAS for Pete’s sake…
Associate professor and researcher at the University of Kansas, Feng Tao, has been charged with two counts of wire fraud and one count of program fraud for not disclosing his work with China. He was allegedly involved in a “scheme” to transfer “intellectual property” from American universities to Chinese universities.
The 16-page superseding indictment filed by the U.S. District Court explains that Tao joined the Changjang Professorship in 2018 which is a “talent program sponsored by the PRC Government and the CPC” or Communist Party of China. The People’s Republic of China is offering these “talent plans” to students and professors in the United States to “encourage the transfer of original ideas and intellectual property from U.S. universities to PRC Government institutions.
Although Tao was selected for the Changjang Scholarship and a full-time appointment to Fuzhou University in China, he did not inform KU of this commitment regardless of the Kansas Board of Regents’ policy that the University must be notified of outside employment. The indictment states that Tao “did not disclose any financial award accompanying his selection for the Changjiang Scholarship or salary for his appointment to FZ]
The indictment lists the purposes of the “scheme” as being “to provide the FZU with technical training, scientific expertise, and research capacity,” “to obtain funds to which he was not legitimately entitled, specifically funds derived from his fraudulently maintained second full-time job,” and “to conceal his relationship and agreement with the FZU so that he could maintain his position, access to facilities, and access to the benefits of scientific research at KU.”
The Changjang Contract required Tao “to recruit two to three doctoral students and three to four master’s students per year.” Tao traveled to China to participate as a faculty member at FZU and remained there for about two months from the end of May through the first of August. During that time, the indictment states that “three post-doctoral researchers expressed interest in Tao’s research group at FZU.” The indictment also later states that “Tao sponsored at least four researchers and students visiting KU from the PRC,” and that “at least one of Tao’s researchers at KU joined Tao’s research team at FZU.”


I believe it is getting to the point that “no Chinese need apply.” The Communist Chinese leadership are a devious bunch aren’t they?


they’re devious and these professors et al are GREEDY…

Gail Combs

I think it is time to CANCEL ALL visas/Greencards for ALL Chinese Nationals working in universities or in any technical field. PERIOD!
How much more evidence do we need that these people are HERE TO SPY! Unless the Communist Party has a good strong choke chain on an individual they are not ALLOWED to leave to come to the USA.

Deplorable Patriot

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I would imagine this sort of thing has been going on for decades.
I worked at a major medical center in the library during the 1990s. Trust me, there were Chinese everywhere. And they would complain if the library was closed on holidays. There were a lot of Koreans, too.
What was being sent home…who knows.


well if research is in the library, then isn’t it published and accessible to anyone? this guy was privy to research on campus and as such maybe not published…that seems more egregious to me–stealing intellectual property…
but I don’t know how it all works on campuses tho

Deplorable Patriot

Prior to publication, there’s a lot of intellectual property in the labs. That university owns A LOT of patents on various things. I mean a lot. This was over the years where going online happened. Prior to that….


it sickens me…imagine writing a beautiful song and someone steals it and records it right out from under you…

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah…that’s actually happened.


that’s terrible…I’m so sorry that happened to you!

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, not me. No, I just sing. I don’t compose.


well you write kick ass threads…so it’s an honest mistake…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The ChiCom Schmooze! Surprised it worked on an associate prof, and not some “eternal post-doc”. Or did the ChiComs start on this guy while he was being held back in the slow lane – then stay with him after they helped him advance?


did you see this line?
“The Changjang Contract required Tao “to recruit two to three doctoral students and three to four master’s students per year.”
so it’s not only intellectual theft…it’s a Ponzi scheme…

CM in TN

Criminal conspiracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s a LOT of spies. That is basically the size of a medium graduate research group. Incredible.


The Energy Dept is filled with Chinese nationals. Major failure to get rid of them.


Yesterday Fox reported Over 100,000 ticket requests have been made for President Trump’s New Jersey rally. The venue only holds 7,400. 🙀😻


This is big, really big. So much buzz about the rally from my Philly/Jersey friends

Deplorable Patriot

In this pic she looks like an escapee from a senior living center.




Snort!comment image

Deplorable Patriot

My grandmother actually wore stuff like this.


They are DEFINITELY using a body-double for her some of the time!

Deplorable Patriot

Let’s see if this second tweet pops right. I’d put it with the discussion on the topic above but this bears reading and should not be buried, IMO.

Deplorable Patriot

There’s more:

Cuppa Covfefe

Just as bad (OK, worse) as forcing people to “upgrade” to Windoze 1 0…
“Encourage behavior modification”…
Mengele would be proud…

Deplorable Patriot

Is it real? Hmm.

Gail Combs

Pirbright Institute out of the UK⁉️
Pirbright Institute is the place the foot& mouth disease ‘escaped’ from that devastated UK livestock farming and wiped out much of the rare breed — heritage breeding stock.
I can not find my original links so here are some ‘live URLs’
Local Paper: Foot and mouth: Was spread of virus deliberate?
Guardian:Farmers sue for damages in Pirbright foot-and-mouth outbreak
Government and two laboratories face claim for £1.5m over alleged negligence in last year’s outbreak

Economist: Foot-and-mouth disease
Senseless killing
A hugely expensive cull of livestock may have been unnecessary

Cuppa Covfefe

One wonders about Mad-Cow (BSE) disease, too…
Ruined a lot of farmers/ranchers here, and, no doubt, in the UK too…

Deplorable Patriot

This is a thread from Reuters which is interesting in the overall Chinese good/Chinese bad question. Critical press against the Chinese was hard to find for a while.

Concerned Virginian

1PM Eastern, FoxNews Radio
A passenger arriving at the airport in LOS ANGELES from MEXICO CITY has just been taken to a hospital per the results of testing by CDC and local health department personnel upon arrival.
My opinion:
The Wuhan Coronavirus is now present and active in MEXICO.
CLOSE the border! Just CLOSE it.
Send back foreign arrivals from the airports; if they’re dual U.S. citizens, put them into hospital isolation until they’re certified free of the virus. No exceptions.


This is pretty ominous on a variety of levels. First, why is Pelosi out of town during the impeachment stuff? Makes it seem like it is not important to her. Second, why is she meeting with Netanyahu’s opponent? Third, is there a connection between this and what has been happening to Netanyahu?

Linda K Harrison

On Rush Limbaugh’s show today, someone called in and said she is up for re-election on March 3, 2020 and no one is even talking about it. So to see that she is out of the country is really suspicious.


March 3??
Members of Congress s/b every 2yrs in November


Hi, Ed. Nice to see you on here–hope you are doing well. Yes, very ominous. Does she think she is going to be president very soon?


Hi Zoe. Not sure what she is up to but it makes no sense at all. Her people are trying to impeach the President and she’s out in Israel schmoozing with the guy who is trying to take the Prime Minister down.


CENSORED: Growing Up Deep State —- Edited Re-Upload


Jim Lehrer, PBS NewsHour Anchor And Co-Founder, Dies At 85
Lehrer and Robert MacNeil founded PBS NewsHour in 1975, a product of their 1973 coverage of the Senate Watergate Hearings.


What are you talking about.
I think this is great.
How come no one has considered the possibility that Harry and MM are distancing themselv3s from the Royal family because they know salacious and nasty family secrets (Epstein) are getting ready to come out??
Or have I simply missed that conversation?


I was looking at the bad manners – Prince Charles deliberately ignored the Vice President of the United States, and became chatty with everyone else around.
Simply “not done” in polite circles – regardless of politics. I can’t stand Charles, but it surprised me he’d do this.

Deplorable Patriot

Please see my reply below. As usual there’s a backstory, and Charles had greeted Pence earlier.

Deplorable Patriot

Word is that Charles and Pence had a meeting earlier.
Also, the monarchy has been cozying up to President Trump of late, and the Queen is all in for Brexit.
Meghan is essentially Yoko Ono with better hair.
And the rest…we’ll see just how much sticks.


I have said I think it is possible Meghan realized she had married into a pedophile den, freaked out, and said enough.
I find it impossible to believe that the Queen was unaware of Andrew’s proclivities.
I think the last letter from the Queen was a warning to Meghan that she would be tainted by any “revelations” about the royals:
“I want to thank them for all their dedicated work across this country, the Commonwealth and beyond, and am particularly proud of how Meghan has so quickly become one of the family.
Sounds like a warning to me.


Does it really matter what Prince Charles does. No wonder Harry is so crewed up. Maybe it is time for Americans to ignorer Royalty just as our Founders did.
Just my humble opinion but then I am not connected to UK and they are happy with their Royalty.
By the way Queen Elisabeth has more Royalty and class than her son. No wonder she is not giving up to him.


No, not Charles in particular, but he is representing Great Britain, and on the world stage for the event.
POTUS will find a way to deal with Charles.


Charles is a dirtbag greta like greenie…much like harry. Piss on em…both.
For a “royal”, charles demonstrated very poor judgement, manners…


How very rude of Prince Charles.

Deplorable Patriot

After the whistleblower video I saw yesterday, vaccine hesitance became avoidance at all costs.


Look at today’s society’s morals.
Big Pharma intentionally creates “medicines” that require other medication to control the side-effects, multiplying Big Pharma profits. Big Pharma isn’t investing in finding cures to anything, it invests to discover how to pro-long illnesses it can then sell symptom controlling medicines for.comment image

Deplorable Patriot

This is true.

Gail Combs

NO WAY would I take a RUSHED vaccine!
Research Misconduct Identified by the US Food and Drug Administration: Out of Sight, Out of Mind, Out of the Peer-Reviewed Literature

Fifty-seven published clinical trials were identified for which an FDA inspection of a trial site had found significant evidence of 1 or more of the following problems: falsification or submission of false information, 22 trials (39%); problems with adverse events reporting, 14 trials (25%); protocol violations, 42 trials (74%); inadequate or inaccurate recordkeeping, 35 trials (61%); failure to protect the safety of patients and/or issues with oversight or informed consent, 30 trials (53%); and violations not otherwise categorized, 20 trials (35%). Only 3 of the 78 publications (4%) that resulted from trials in which the FDA found significant violations mentioned the objectionable conditions or practices found during the inspection. No corrections, retractions, expressions of concern, or other comments acknowledging the key issues identified by the inspection were subsequently published.
Conclusions and Relevance
When the FDA finds significant departures from good clinical practice, those findings are seldom reflected in the peer-reviewed literature, even when there is evidence of data fabrication or other forms of research misconduct….

This is from the Swine Flu Scare
Daily Mail UK: The ‘false’ pandemic: Drug firms cashed in on scare over swine flu, claims Euro health chief
Word UnimPress CENSORED this site,
Live Avian Flu Virus Placed in Baxter Vaccine Materials Sent to 18 Countries

The company that released contaminated flu virus material from a plant in Austria confirmed Friday that the experimental product contained live H5N1 avian flu viruses….
On Friday, the company’s director of global bioscience communications confirmed what scientists have suspected. “It was live,” Christopher Bona said in an email.
The contaminated product, which Baxter calls “experimental virus material,” was made at the Orth-Donau research facility. Baxter makes its flu vaccine — including a human H5N1 vaccine for which a licence is expected shortly — at a facility in the Czech Republic.
People familiar with biosecurity rules are dismayed by evidence that human H3N2 and avian H5N1 viruses somehow co-mingled in the Orth-Donau facility. That is a dangerous practice that should not be allowed to happen, a number of experts insisted. Accidental release of a mixture of live H5N1 and H3N2 viruses could have resulted in dire consequences….

Vaccine makers and federal officials will be immune from lawsuits that result from any new swine flu vaccine, under a document signed by Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, government health officials said Friday.

The first doses of swine flu vaccine will be given to the public before full data on its safety and effectiveness become available, doctors confirmed yesterday…..But, unlike seasonal flu vaccine, the pandemic version will be spread over two doses in a higher quantity, and one brand is expected to contain a chemical additive to make it go further, potentially increasing the risk of side-effects.

Gail Combs

If you do not want to take a vaccine it is useful to have the facts explaining WHY so they can not dismiss it as just emotion.
I was horrified to find out I could not JUST get a tetanus booster shot. Now it comes with a lot of other crap like Whooping Cough and Diphtheria vacines. 🙄


Gail my son’s wife got a combination tent shot and got very ill. She found out it triggered an allergy to the vacine.

Gail Combs

Thanks for the heads-up Singingsoul. I hate doing without a tent booster but I am not about to take a combo shot! I had been getting a booster about once a year for years so I am probably fine. (I did not know the booster was once every ten years and I moved a lot.)

Deplorable Patriot

Are you kidding? I was thinking about the number of shots I’ve had in the last 30 years. I can count them on one hand, including one steroid shot after a drug reaction and having my third molars pulled. One was tetanus, and I really could use a booster.
I don’t want the rest.
I guess I won’t be sandbagging in the next flood.


At best, no promotion of health, only disease management.

Gail Combs

I do not know if it is still true today, but the best doctor I ever had told me NUTRITION COURSES ARE ELECTIVE! Chances are YOU know more about good nutrition than your doctor!

Deplorable Patriot

I used to work in a medical library. I can pretty much guarantee it.
Just don’t try to tell them that. They get upset.


Hell, most of the medical personnel I know are overweight, and half of them smoke!


How to build a better community – stuff that makes sense from my home town.
In our town, we have a top-three-in-the-nation adult care mentally challenged facility. It’s private and SUPER expensive. Grandma Della was on the original board and the idea was hatched at her afternoon bridge club in the early 60’s. Generations later, I ended up involved as well. People in the town are familiar with residents and treat them well.
Okay, we also have a jamming Pet Shelter in our town. The dogs needed to be walked, loved, and played with. So, the Pet Shelter teamed up with the Adult facility, and residents walk the dogs.
Everyone is happy. Minimal cost. Makes sense.

Harry Lime

A quick break from the impeachment nonsense. I had to watch this one twice for Murphy’s delayed reaction…dogs are just the best creatures.

Harry Lime

She was away for two years serving her country…that’s why Murphy was so hesitant at first.


He needed to smell her.

Gail Combs

True, smell is the most important sense to a dog.

Deplorable Patriot

Smell is how our male is managing to get around. He has diabetic cataracts. There’s a little vision in one eye, but not the other. However, you get meat out of the fridge, and he’s at your side before you can open the package to let it warm up.

Harry Lime

Yup…as soon as he got a little sniff he was good to go.


Love these!! She also did something very smart. Most dogs don’t like it when people wear hats that shield their eyes. She wisely took her hat off, which helped the pup feel more comfortable. So happy for both of them!
We have an AWESOME mail carrier who loves our pups and brings them treats whenever he delivers a package to the house. But the hat still makes them nervous.


love dogs…god’s gift to us…

Gail Combs

I had my first horse, a Thoroughbred off the track for five years. I went to see him at the place where he was then. He came galloping up to me when I called and wrapped his head and neck around me.
The lady who had him told me she had to bring the entire herd into the barn to be able to lay a hand on him even though she had had him for over a year.
Horses remember…

Harry Lime

My brother started volunteering at a horse rescue farm a few years ago and he’s never been happier. The horses are all he talks about…he absolutely loves it to the point that he often cuts short holiday celebrations with us because he wants to be on the horse farm. Obviously good for the soul.
When my sister and I went out to visit the farm my brother was positively beaming and couldn’t wait to show us all of his horse buddies. Some of those animals are huge! Gentle, but huge!

Gail Combs

Horses do not have the ability to show facial expressions like a dog does. But they can be very loyal and even protective.
I had a Haflinger mare who really liked me. Another mare accidentally stepped on me when I was loading her in the trailer next to this mare. I screamed and that Haflinger lunged over and bit the crap out of the mare who hurt me.
An old cowboy once said to me, the only reason dogs have their reputation for loyalty is because they live with us and horses don’t.
I took a couple of my Saddlebred mares on an over night carriage drive. My older mare actually laid down across the front of the tent, protecting the entrance! When we had her at home she would follow us and stand outside the window of the room we were in.


Many years ago, I moved across country to take a job and left my cat with my mom until I knew what my situation would be. I left in November and didn’t get back until August. Like many cats, when a lot of people enter the house they usually go into a “safe” room. Upon arrival, I was in the LR chatting with several family members, when my cat came running out of a back bedroom and leaped into my lap talking up a storm to me….just recognizing my voice out of all the others in the room.
Cats remember…😻


Teagan, Had a cat when up in the Mtns. Had to leave for work. Could not bear to take kitty to Town…she had been raised in Mtns. She moved down the road to an apple orchard, folks always had liked her.
Years later, I went up to the orchard and called her off and on for 5 minutes…It was SO exciting to see her sweet little body come through the trees, commenting the entire time…right up to me!
Visited with the folks, they said she slept in barn rafters at night. They loved her very much.
yes, cats remember.

Concerned Virginian

Everything changed at 0:16 on the video when the soldier tossed her cap to the side the Murphy let out a “I know you!” howl.

Deplorable Patriot

This is Ying and Yang anytime the nephews come to visit, or when my parents are done snowbirding, or when any of us comes home from vacation. Our lab did the same thing.


The 2016-2017 Democrat calls for impeachment – are PROOF – in my mind that HILLROTTEN CLINTON’s raging, jealous anger are behind it all!!!
HRC will never get over two losses of the office she has wanted and views as her rightful entitlement.


This is a really great thread on how our VSG POTUS is getting Chinese money out of our universities. This is Sun Tzu stuff.


thanks Linda!

Gail Combs

ALSO please read another of his threads on the coming elections…

…. I have reduced the concept of a Chain of Command down to these four elements, as inspired by @jockowillink’s work:
1) Command
2) Senior Leadership
3) Junior Leadership
4) Followers
mentions I condemn us in the middle, doomed to mere followership below. Don’t get me wrong, I worship on the altar of proper followership. But, no entity can withstand the lack of a proper middle. Sure, we’ll win 2020, as Trump will be on the ticket. But, what will we do in 2022? In 2024? ….

He certainly has a point. We can not rely on the old Republican chain of command and unfortunately only 1 out of 100 are leaders and most of them are busy leading their own companies or departments.


Gail, it seems to me the President understands the crucial mature of his successor…Trump has our interests in mind as a Nation.
I cannot believe he will leave the 2024 election up for grabs and just walk away…He has said too much ab the Tree needing to grow.
I believe he will be doing grooming duty during his second term…at the end of which his support will be even stronger so will carry weight with delegates/voters.
Am I being Polyanna?

Deplorable Patriot

That was interesting on a number of levels. Nixon was another president who was a famous teetotaler. BUT, there is a story that he had somebody get a couple drinks in a Chinese official to get some information. He would be one to see the way to defeat the USSR was to partially prop up the mutual enemy.
Interesting. Definitely puts a new light on his ouster.


Unis given the choice: DARPA $ OR Confucius Institute $.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: dce435 No.7889231
Jan 23 2020 15:32:58 (EST) NEWcomment image
Corrupt [D]s fighting for their lives to keep media/gov focused on POTUS.
Don’t worry, it won’t be boring forever.




Zero Delta 🙂


HA! Exactly! Posting duties are yours…trying to get something done for work on the computer so I beast concentrate on that unfortunately..


“beast concentrate” – formerly known as “cramming for finals”

Deplorable Patriot

Just saw these.
I’m fighting something off and had to take a nap,


DP, get better soon. Hope you can fight it off.

Deplorable Patriot

I think I may have actually nipped this one in the bud. I started a drip last night which is how they ALWAYS start. Within 10 minutes did the zinc lozenge. Took a couple naps today.
Feeling less under the weather than I did last night. I’ll take it since choir was cancelled due to snow.


A little story about zinc for colds….several years ago I belonged to a women’s investment club. We all brought suggestions of potential stocks to our meetings to research and possibly purchase. Those was in the days prior to Internet research…we did it the VERY old fashion way of going to the library to look up the stats, using graphs and rather primitive math instruments to chart, etc.
One of our “possibilities” was a new company promoting zinc lozenges for colds. We took a chance and bought a substantial number of stocks (price was right!)…and it turned out to be one of our best investments.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ll tell you, this time, it seems to have worked. I suspect my brother is bringing home stuff and I’m fighting it off. That drip last night stopped in its tracks.
I;ll take it.


Excuse the grammar oops above…blaming it on auto correct. The name of that stock escaped me but all of a sudden I seem to remember Cold Ease…or close to that name. What is the name of the one you are currently taking?
I played bridge this afternoon and used hand sanitizer literally after every game because I’m so prone to bronchitis at this time of year. One of the ladies told me she used to constantly get bronchitis in winter because of frequent airplane trips back and forth to London and her exposure to germs. Someone told her about using saline nasal spray twice a day and she said she rarely had problems once she started doing that morning and evening.

Deplorable Patriot

Cold Ease. or Eese or Eeze or something. If I didn’t stand outside in the falling snow while a neighbor was put into an ambulance after falling, I’m sure it worked. I felt great until then.

Deplorable Patriot



comment image
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: dce435 No.7889231 📁
Jan 23 2020 15:32:58 (EST) NEW
crowdstrike-payments-DNC.pngcomment image
Corrupt [D]s fighting for their lives to keep media/gov focused on POTUS.
Don’t worry, it won’t be boring forever.


Honestly, I am a little bit confused. I need some remedial help.
Seems like witnesses would be a good thing a would be the first time GOP/Trump team could cross examine + first time many witnesses “we”/Trump Team/GOP want will have been called. Always a danger of a mistake and then caught “lying” or actual lying but wouldn’t it be a good thing to get so many corrupt people under oath and so much corruption to come out?
Is GOP so united against as a function of Uniparty and covering their own tracks? This way, President Trump is smeared, innuendo is out there, corruption not revealed and uniparty protected?
I really don’t get it unless its a trick

Gail Combs

It depends…
If President Trump’s team of lawyers can SHOW that President Trump obeyed the laws AS WRITTEN, then it is game, set, match with no need for an actual trial.
As Mitch and others have said, the last thing the Senate OR the country needs or wants is to set a precedence that allows this kind of Bullschiff going forward. So essentially, show it is COMPLETE BULLSCHIFF and then toss it on the dung heap where it belongs with out giving it the dignity of a trial. Hopefully Justice Roberts will add a scathing rebuke as well for wasting his time.
Remember people are SICK and TIRED of the constant UNSUBSTANTIATED attacks on an elected president.


Is the President not innocent in US judicial system and the House has to prove that he is guilty not that the President has to prove he is innocent.
Shiff and Nadler are trying to tun this around and that is dangerous.
True no one is above the law but POTUS is not under the law either. He has rights just as any other citizen of this country.
We need to guard from the misinformation by dems and even some republicans seem to forget that specially the 4 dissenters..


Acquit the President……
Investigate and Convict the CORRUPTION


Be patient. Quit reading over there. Look at the above Q drop.
While all the dims have been focused on the shampeachment, look what happened at Davos. Normally all the dims and media would have been screaming about what just happened there. President Trump and his cabinet have just “owned” the WTO. The only way they can conceive of countering our dearly beloved President and his policies is through this sham-peachment. They will NOT succeed. If you haven’t read Daughn’s post today, go read it now.


I get so tired of peeps bringing OT here… attitude and words

Gail Combs

It is best they do and get their questions answered and doubts addressed. That is our JOB!


Guys – I didn’t get this from OT. I scan there, mainly the headlines. I got this out of my own head from what President Trump keeps saying and from me thinking about having so many people under oath + the ones the Dems call but with the GOP/Trump team now able to question.
President Trump keeps mentioning it …. and I listen to Him!
Been busy being outspoken on social media and noticed blackburn et al are adamant about no witnesses.
I don’t trust the Uniparty after too many years of them failing and betraying me.
So their dedication to no witnesses when President Trump keeps saying he wouldn’t mind and my own thinking about is what lead to my questions above. Listening to President Trump! not sd
Didn’t mean to stir the nest


100% trap…a “rabbit hole” to endlessly continue the D-Rat innuendo and accusation game. Zero facts against President Trump in three years.
INNOCENT, until proven guilty. we just went through two years of muh Russia…accuastions, witnessing, wire taps, documents scrutinuized. NO, there, there.
NO moar.
WE need to end the shampeachment and get on with prosecuting bad guys.
AND, running the country.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 1724b5 No.7889726
Jan 23 2020 16:05:48 (EST) NEW
Correction will be needed: ALL SURV re: POTUS [hops] will be concluded that there was “insufficient predication to establish probable cause.”


Jan 23, 2020 4:09:35 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 1724b5 No. 7889793
Jan 23, 2020 4:05:48 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 1724b5 No. 7889726
Correction will be needed: ALL SURV re: POTUS [hops] will be concluded that there was “insufficient predication to establish probable cause.”
Article lacking source doc.

Deplorable Patriot

Can someone who speak legalese explain that? I’ve got a combination of snow brain and fighting off a new thing messing with my head.


Paging Big T…………
Paging Big T.


Hang on, he’s working on something.
I have put a bug in his ear.


No tonight folks. Need to read it and I have some other things I need to do.



Deplorable Patriot

I love this woman. She’s really a good speaker on these issues.


FISC is slower than a snail…
How many of us KNEW THIS ALREADY… citizen journalists have been shouting it out forever…
FIS Act must be repealed/negated
FISA Court judges charged ……………………..

Deplorable Patriot

Q addressed this this afternoon. We’ve known a long time. The public now gets to find out.


100% trash FISC / FISA!


It looks like things are starting to move.


MOAR!comment image
Jan 23, 2020 5:01:20 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 793617 No. 7890598comment image
When did the public first learn re: FISA warrants re: +3 [non Page]?
If FISA warrants deemed to be illegal [ALL SURV LEAPFROG HOPS] what happens to MUELLER’s case(s)?
How do you invalidate a claim?
Conspiracy to commit….
Rubber bullets sting but do not last.


Is this going to be the nail in the coffin for the case against Flynn??


Hope so.


Powell said next Friday, (tomorrow) a blockbuster will be incoming.


I will believe it when I see it. So far, she’s been a dud.


IF dud is Gen Flynn is still on the hook, OK.
The fact that DOJ and FIB railroaded Gen Flynn and has not been honest or fair, that is a huge challenge to overcome. The judge, Sullivan as I recall has let go a number of opportunities to hold DOJ to deliver documents.
It’s not like the Feds are honest…ANDS NEVER want to admit they have been crooked AND operated outside of the law OR beyond unethical in their fed ways.
We’ll see. I remain hopeful for Gen Flynn.


That’s what I mean Kalbo. Gen Flynn is still in jeopardy. No question he has been railroaded. Sentencing is scheduled for next week.

Deplorable Patriot

Lessons learned by the MSM during the Ferguson fiasco of 2014, these are NOT rubber bullets even if a pile of them were found on the ground where all the shooting happened.comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

I used to use something similar when I worked summers in a glass factory (good money) when in Uni. Not the ugly salmon color, but an uglier bright yellow, made by E.A.R. (cute)…
Helped to preserve my hearing… my sanity, not so much 😎

Deplorable Patriot

We used green ones when I was in Symphony Chorus. “Earplugs in, earplugs out” was in my Fellowship of the Rings score.

Cuppa Covfefe

Gosh, and here I thought “con sordino” was just for my cello 🙂
(along with the Mafiosi Dal Segno and Al Fine 😀 )…

Cuppa Covfefe

Makes me think of “A Young Lutheran’s Guide To The Orchestra” by Garrison Keillor, and his description (especially Mallards dropping from the ceiling) of the brass section:

Let’s be clear about one thing about the brass section. The rest of the orchestra wishes the brass were playing in another room. So does the conductor. His back is toward you so that you can’t see what he’s saying to them but what he’s saying is, “Would you mind taking that thing outside?” The brass section is made up of men who were at one time in the construction trades. They went into music because the hours are better and there’s less dust. They’re heavy dudes and that’s why composers wrote so few notes for them. Because after they play, you can’t hear for a while.
The tuba player is normally a stocky, bearded guy whose hobby is plumbing. The only member of the orchestra who bowls over 250 and gets his deer every year and changes his own oil. In his locker downstairs, he keeps a pair of lederhosen for free-lance jobs. Anyway, there’s only one tuba in the bunch and he’s it.
The trombonist is a humorist, sort of the brother-in-law of the orchestra. He carries a water spray gun to keep his slide moist and often uses it against his neighbors. That’s why they duck down back there. He’s nobody you’d ever want to see become artistic director; you just hope he doesn’t sit right behind you.
The trumpet is the brass instrument you imagine as Christian, thinking of Gideon and Gabriel, and then you meet one in real life, and you realize how driven these people are. They don’t want to wear black tie; they want to wear capes and swords and tassels; they want to play as loud as they can and see mallards drop from the ceiling. Of the people who’ve keeled over dead at orchestra concerts, most of them were killed by a long trumpet passage. And most of them were glad to go.

Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot

One of my cousins put her son on the bus to DC yesterday. A guy I know, his kids were at the changing of the guard at Arlington today. They’ll be marching tomorrow.

Deplorable Patriot

Make that a cousin and at least one friend from HS. This year, anyway.


A Liberal STD?

Deplorable Patriot

Talk about YUCK!

Cuppa Covfefe

Cankles Sores…



Cuppa Covfefe

Aren’t they all???


Good Point!


Cuppa Covfefe

Somehow I don’t think she’s been through 9th-grade math or logic, let alone any physics or chemistry. Taking a year off from school will do that to you, especially when you have Satan Soros, an alcoholic Marxist father, and a Satanist mother telling you everything to think and do…..


She knows nothing she is not told, Cuppa!

Cuppa Covfefe

Her website “authorship” has already been outed – her father and an Indian fellow (I think who “works” at some institute here in German – Potsdam?)…
Ironic, too, considering that India is one of the biggest polluters of all. And “Pachy” Pachauri (also Indian) was head of the UNIPCC for a few years (while he was harassing women, which got him fired)…


SMH – What a waste of energy!

Deplorable Patriot

Somehow, back in the 90s, when Switzerland wasn’t in, you knew it wasn’t going to work.


I thought Switzerland was always neutral – and that is why they never suffered from the mess the ‘unions’ created.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s their official stance so they can play all sides against the middle and maintain the banks.
They were invited and took forever to say so. I want to say it was around 1994, but I’m not sure about that date. I can remember at the time saying to a co-worker, if Switzerland is not in, the EU is not going to last 30 years. I was not nearly as knowledgable then, but it was pretty obvious in the world of finance.


Interesting, DP – was it all about finance?

Deplorable Patriot

No…just a hunch. Switzerland is the most stable of the nations over there. I had an idea they didn’t want to deal with the rest of the hoi polloi any more than they had to.


I believed they set themselves us a neutral country – staying out of world conflicts – and battles (wars) between countries – I thought it was quite clever of them – but, hey – financially, they probably made out better than any other country – where is the mass migration to Switzerland?
How many Americans would be alive today if we had not gotten dragged into endless wars by the war profiteers? I am so grateful PT is working to end our involvement in overseas conflicts.

Deplorable Patriot

Switzerland is fairly famous for not taking refugees.
They’ve been at this game since the 17th century. At this point, it’s a science to them.


Smart move – imho


The Swiss are big on guns and shooting.


They were the bankers for the nazis and I suppose for the commies, too.

Deplorable Patriot

They were bankers for all sorts of things long before the Nazis.


Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. With his odd outfits, seems that he’s a “Wedgie in waiting”… front-first…


He is brain-challenged, too – I hope and pray he gets what he deserves – and disappears like the rest of those worthless Congress-Critters.


#RNCResearch #MAGA
Prof. Turley Nadler Made “Major Blunder” By Insulting Senators


Winning enough yet?
Jan 23, 2020 5:24:26 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 74babb No. 7890949
Worth remembering.
The day the public learned [4] FISAs?
Dec 9, 2019.
[Anons: August 31, 2018]
The day the public learned illegal SURV (targeting) of Page (2)?
January 23, 2020.
Important markers to remember.
Watch the news.
1m ago
8kun qresearch


Dang it!
Here’s a copy/paste:
December 9, 2019
DOJ OIG Releases Review of Four FISA Applications and Other Aspects of the
FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane Investigation
Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz announced today the
release of a Review of Four FISA Applications and Other Aspects of the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane
Investigation. The DOJ Office of the Inspector General’s (OIG) findings are summarized in the
report’s Executive Summary, available at the links below.
During this review, the OIG examined more than one million documents that were in the DOJ’s
and FBI’s possession and conducted over 170 interviews involving more than 100 witnesses.
The scope of the OIG’s review included:
 The decision to open an FBI investigation on July 31, 2016 known as “Crossfire
Hurricane” and four individual cases on current and former members of the Trump
campaign, George Papadopoulos, Carter Page, Paul Manafort, and Michael Flynn; the
early investigative steps taken; and whether the openings and early steps complied with
DOJ and FBI policies (Chapter 3);
 The FBI’s relationship with Christopher Steele, whom the FBI considered to be a
confidential human source (CHS); its receipt, use, and evaluation of electronic reports
from Steele; and its decision to close Steele as an FBI CHS (Chapters 4- 6);
 Four FBI applications filed with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) in 2016
and 2017 to conduct Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) surveillance targeting
Carter Page; and whether these applications complied with DOJ and FBI policies and
satisfied the government’s obligations to the FISC (Chapter 5-8);
 The interactions of DOJ attorney Bruce Ohr with Steele, the FBI, Glenn Simpson of
Fusion GPS, and the State Department; whether work Ohr’s spouse performed for
Fusion GPS implicated ethical rules applicable to Ohr; and Ohr’s interactions with DOJ
attorneys regarding the Manafort criminal case (Chapter 9); and
 The FBI’s use of Undercover Employees (UCEs) and CHSs other than Steele in the
Crossfire Hurricane investigation; whether the FBI placed any CHSs within the Trump
campaign or tasked any CHSs to report on the Trump campaign; whether the use of
CHSs and UCEs complied with DOJ and FBI policies; and the attendance of a Crossfire
Hurricane supervisory agent at counterintelligence briefings given to the 2016
presidential candidates and certain campaign advisors (Chapter 10).
The OIG’s analysis appears in Chapter 11 and the OIG’s conclusions and 9 recommendations to
the DOJ and FBI appear in Chapter 12. The FBI’s response to the OIG’s report is included in the
report as an attachment.
Today’s report is available on the DOJ OIG website

Deplorable Patriot

With these last two drops, are we given to understand that the four Americans illegally spied on were Carter Page, Paul Manafort, General Flynn and George P.? And now Cruz is confirmed?
These were the FISA targets that were surveiled illegally? Or am I missing something?

Deplorable Patriot

I’m in. Y’all?


Dear Nazi sympathizer Soros,comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

He’s not just a sympathizer: he IS a Nazi. He outed hundreds if not thousands of Jews for his father and the SS. And he is proud for having done so.
He is one of the “worshippers in the Synagogue of Satan” as referenced in Revelation 2:9ff and 3:9ff. His real name is Gyorgi Schwartz. A fake Jew (Jewish by birth, Satanist by actions)…

Deplorable Patriot

Holy Smackentire! In “The HILL”? No $#!+.
Somebody go check the thermometer in hell. This global warming deep freeze most of us are experiencing may have caused it to freeze over.


lol…… I ain’t going 🙂
I’ll wait for a report.


Let’s hope so!!

Cuppa Covfefe

No wonder Chuckles was unfriendly to VP Pence. I think there may be something to what Randy Andy is implying about his brother…
Then again, Prince Charles is FAR from being a Christian, and VP Pence is a VERY conservative Christian. I imagine that rattles Chuckles immensely…


Good News! 🙂
Tax relief Phase II (Plan release within 90 days)

Deplorable Patriot

Great! Is this more of the anti-Macron protests?


See the latest Q Drop 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

Okay, today, I really am French. Normandy, Breton and Lorraine was where my French ancestors came from, but French.


Looks like it is….

Deplorable Patriot

I changed my FB profile pic to the one with the French flag.


Another Q Drop……..
Jan 23, 2020 6:18:00 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 6ea91f No. 7891764
Remember when the FAKE NEWS MEDIA told you this was all in relation to a gas tax over a year ago?
Sheep no more!
The Great Awakening!
1m ago
8kun qresearch


Life must not be so nice for Macron and his cougar wife these days. I imagine they have “bug out bags” packed and ready to depart at an instance notice….and bank accounts set up in various locations around the world. Retirement on one of the French colony islands?


A quick thank you to every single one of you sharing the comments and links…it’s so appreciated !


We are the News Now…..
H/T Flep (Our leader)


I’m just glad flep isn’t Dear Leader. 🙂


I’ll be away for a couple hrs……..
Request for Q Drop backup 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

I’m keeping an eye on it, but Q seems to be on dinner break.


NO WONDER there is a deadly virus in China….
(Warning – Do not click while eating or if you have a sensitive stomach)


That’s so gross.


Rudy still has what it takes. Our country is better due in no small part to his willingness to serve.
I hope he makes “rude” comments with every juicy drop he makes.



We’re gonna need a bigger coffee pot!



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Notice how he LEADS OFF with the MEDIA. They’re not an afterthought – they are the LEAD INTO THE CORRUPTION. This is a sign of REAL JUSTICE.


And this right here is why all of a sudden we got people “falling over” with pictures to document it, coming out of one of the most censored countries in the world. I saw one where the person is falling like a tree, but at the last moment reaches out to brace the faceplant fall.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

To quote the great Silk, “Mmmmmmmm hmmmmmmm.”

Gail Combs

Without the Corrupt Fake News gas-lighting us for the last century, we, as a country, would not be teetering on the cliff.
They were SUPPOSED to keep the public informed about the corruption instead of covering it up so our enemies could work under the cover of darkness. Even worse, whenever anyone would pull back the curtain the Fake News would completely SAVAGE THEM. If they were reporters they were fired and black listed, others were also driven from their jobs and ‘broken’ if possible.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE. The most honest assessment of the FAKE NEWS ever.



That’s a zinger … because it is true 👍

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, Obama is concerned – but NOT because he himself is any less of a COMMUNIST than Breadline Bernie.
Obama – SNEAKY STALINIST OBAMA – is afraid that Bernie is going to become exactly what he is going to become – what he is going to offer…..
TOO MUCH SOCIALISM TOO SOON – at which point the country turns away DECISIVELY from the socialism that both Obama and Bernie share.
BERNIE vs. TRUMP is the long-range choice – and the sneaky socialists would prefer that CREEPING SOCIALISM did its stealthy work so that we CANNOT make a different choice.
The Obamanazis would PREFER a sneakier choice like HEELS-UP HARRIS or full-on CIA minion BUDGE-A-JUDGE. Probably now they’re thinking ANGRY AMY with the FROZEN SMILE.


It doesn’t matter who they choose, Trump the terminator will squash them


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 99f210 No.7892407 📁
Jan 23 2020 19:01:43 (EST) NEW📁
Worth following.


On a lighter topic and one I was just about to post before the sudden publication of the FISC decision, This is a fascinating article that should divert y’all – for a little bit – from the turgid theatrics of The Bug-Eyed Drama Queen who reminds me of a rabid ferret.


Fascinating article, T. I chuckled at the term “trumpery” 😊 The history of various business and residential enclaves in Manhattan always interests me. The people-to-people part (Wholesale and retail) of every industry is changing drastically because of the internet. I do wonder about younger generations, fashion trends, etc. Author is right to question what’s next for that gem.


I caught the “trumpery” use also – and was interested as its etymology appears to be the “overuse of gold”!! LOL!


Now THAT is perfect!!! POTUS would get a kick outa that 😍😍

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love their little “Table of Contents” entitled THOU SHALT READ…

Deplorable Patriot

Sorry. A neighbor slipped and fell on the ice and snow and was carted off to the hospital via ambulance. Some things just take precedence. Please, keep her in your prayers. They have three small girls. Like under 5.
New: Title TBD
23 Jan 2020 – 7:01:43 PM

Worth following.

Gail Combs

I hope neighbors are available to take care of the little ones while Dad looks after his wife. Much better if they have a ‘sleep over’ at a friend’s house while all the drama is playing out. It will also ease Mama’s mind.
I hope it is a simple fracture and heals well and quickly.

Deplorable Patriot

I looks to be a knee.
The people behind us, I would imagine, have the girls for now. Their grandmother is not that far away. It just reminds me I need to get them my mobile #. The husband of the woman who fell was in my youngest brother’s wedding. We have to help each other.


Hope she didnt break anything…and they do an mri of her head…broken blood vessels…

Deplorable Patriot

This happened in the last hour. I saw the reflection of reds and blues around the houses and went to investigate, Worst fears realized. When the EMTs brought her around the house on the gurney, she was on her side with the upper knee being wrapped. I’m hoping it’s fairly simple as the echoes sounded like she was pretty lucid.
But still. Their oldest is about 4, and the baby isn’t walking. His mother is widowed and not too far away. Cross your fingers.


This article makes for enjoyable reading – explains why the Senate trial is being run as is, and what to expect.
“Then the defense stands up, and addresses the jury by saying “Don’t believe a word my friend and esteemed colleague, Jack said. “He ain’t got jack.” Then they will set out their defense theory of the case, and list all the weakness of the evidence against their client, the President.
This was ably presented by Pat Cipollone and Jay Sekulow, not only as to the insufficiency of “evidence” found in the indictment, but the legal argument against the prosecutors being able to bring in new evidence at this trial.
About Witnesses and new evidence on the day of trial; even in Jack McCoy’s court in New York, neither party are allowed surprise witnesses or new evidence. Full disclosure and time to prepare is required, and the trial judge can either deny it outright, or postpone the trial until all the discovery has been made. This could be days or weeks, and upsets everyone’s calendar. So, as a rule this generally pisses judges off, even liberal judges, as it’s a personal insult to them for prosecutors to come to trial unprepared. If you’ve watched “Law and Order” you know this, a lot of cranky judges.”
Read the rest here:


Hey, Lady Penguin, will you please check into the March For Life Thread tomorrow.
This is your wheelhouse and hope you have a few minutes, far more eloquent than I could ever be.


Yes, be glad to.


HUsband is drooling. Today is HIS birthday party.

Deplorable Patriot

Great minds think alike.


But what did obummer get?


There’s not a doubt in my mind Obama saw to it he got his share…from Iran, too.


Betting hussein got a pallet or two of cash that was exchanged for gold & silver.
Hell, maybe some of the cash paid his contract with Netflix. Sort of like crooked book deals.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Since Netflix was so involved in Syria with the White Helmets, I’m thinking that had to have been part of the corruption.

Deplorable Patriot

Are we on the precipice waiting for the snow to tip in an avalanche?

Gail Combs
Deplorable Patriot

That was the GIF I had lined up for a daily post. Don’t remember if I used it or not.


Keep it handy… You’re gonna need it !


Definitely a D5


Sure didnt take long for the Chinese coronavirus to get to los angeles. And that nasty chinese woman eati g the bat in daily mail is DISGUSTING. I always tell kiddo just because you can put something in your mouth and eat it doesnt mean you should. Im not getting that image out of my head for a while.

Deplorable Patriot

New: Title TBD
23 Jan 2020 – 7:39:36 PM


Hmmm……Whos gonna Die?

Deplorable Patriot

That was my question.
Still worried about my neighbor who fell. It looked like a knee was the worst of it, but their youngest isn’t crawling yet.


I busted my knee when kiddo was 2.5. Bad injury but I managed and it wasnt easy, no help. But with 3 she needs help.


So sorry to hear that DP! At least she went to the hospital! I wish her all the best!


One can hope.


Got a feeling its not a US citizen, someone oversees, but a BIG name..….


State Funeral?
For a foreigner?


Foreign Countries have State funerals too……(see pic on Wiki link)


True…. but I took it as one Here in the US.
I could be wrong (again) 🙂


Iraq. …leader is seriously ill.




It’s heating up for Quid Pro Joe……never know. Is that something to which a former VP would be entitled? No Name sure got a big party and he was lower on the totum pole.


According to Wiki, state funerals are for the president, former presidents, or a president-elect. Then the president can designate others who can have a state funeral. So I would think a former VP might be entitled, especially since some congresspeople have had one.


That was a VERY strange post by Q! Think someone is already deceased and it’s being hidden?


Ruth Ginsberg? Nancy? Biden? There are to many who it could apply too.


A State funeral?
Shock, then laughter.
We all know darn well every journalist in DC and NYC is following Q
We KNOW they are following Q
Bet they’re having a cow.


LOL Hmmmmm can a Cow have a state funeral?


Are you suggesting that maybe Hillary has died?



Rodney Short

Harry Reid
They need a major distraction,who better than ol Harry…


Who’s next?
Jan 23, 2020 7:39:36 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 685c2a No. 7893008
1m ago
8kun qresearch


Or maybe Jimmuh Cahtuh


Carters been in the news for his health a lot over the past year. I wouldnt be surprised by it.

Gail Combs

Rather RBG since Carter is now harmless while she is not.


So true. Has anyone seen bill Clinton lately?


Ohhhh and I can’t repeat the joke my mom made. LOL


Hows the little miss? Have her first ahroo yet?


Puppy is doing good thanks for asking. No real ahroo yet. She’s pretty quiet for a beagle I had to admit. I mean she whines and tells you she wants something but no ahroo. She just watches the deer outside without braking so far.
Today was a snow day and she had a blast chasing snowballs. 🙂


No such thing as a quiet beagle! Shes just not found a reason to…yet!


LOL true. She goes very vocal when she goes to the vet that’s for sure! I’ll let you know if she does! 🙂


Oh my! Can see it now. RBG toast. Condolences all around. Burial or whatever a few days later. Not trying to be bad. Moar like, realistic and hopeful… RBG has zero business being on the SC. IMO.
Can we please have a SC nomination while Senate is trying to act serious about shampeachment?
Would be absolutely priceless to watch D-rats AND MCM go totally spastic 😉 😉 😉
Couldn’t go as shown above. Impeachment should be over before February 1st. Then we can replace RBG!


ya know Killary would be in good placement if ole Bill died..she could get sympathy AND eliminate the old accusations by “humbly” agreeing he was a diddling ass. Something to think about ?


I’ve thought that every time he had a fall


yea……forgot about Carter

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My money is on Carter. They need as big an info-moderator as an ex-president to stop what is coming – and only for a short while.


If Ginsberg were to go right now would POTUS nominate and have it be approved during the scampeachment?


I bet he would….man talk about splodey heads!! Just for shits and giggles LOL


Theyd go bonkers beyond what weve seen. Theyd fundraise the heck off it for the elections.


Like this!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Could be really ironic, as IIRC, Ginsburg was appointed by Klintoon when he was under impeachment…


Now that would be quite the play.


Can it be more Trumpian than that? VSGPDJT always acts like he’s writing a play. And where would Q be without coincidences?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Where most RUN from associations and coincidences, Trump grabs them like monkey bars and tries out a new move.


Wait we know a former president would get that but what about a justice of the courts?


I’m having a problem, don’t know if its WP or Twitter, but I can’t COPY tweets
Lisa Mei has a THREAD wrt Q’s drops today…
would you post it here? You can find it here… just remove the *


ONLY if President Trump munch on popcorn while staring at thelying sacks of shit 😉


Pay-per-view live streaming.




Deplorable Patriot



Good to go ((( PR ))) !


Thanks Nor’easter… WP not letting me post tweets… will have to get grandson to take a look…


Did you try clearing cookies/caches from Twitter from your browser ?
(just guessing here)


I just did… will try to post. Thanks 😉


Lying public servants recently of the 100% resist persuasion…Comey, McCabe, Brennan…


I hope Rudy is in an undisclosed location with lots of protection….also, isn’t there supposed to be some big news tomorrow in re General Flynn?



Then why isn’t he bringing him up on charges??? That is definitely NOT conduct allowed in the military. Don’t they follow the UCMJ anymore?

Gail Combs

Obama Military. Remember that deserter Bergdahl got off too despite causing the deaths of his mates.



Gail Combs

Unfortunately you CAN NOT fire BureauRats like you can regular employees after a hostile takeover.
That is ONE LAW that really needs to be changed.


Hopefully after Schampeachment there will be a way….😉🤔

Gail Combs

Transferring them or moving whole departments to a different state is about the only option at this time.


Send them to NORTH Alaska to inspect Ice melt.

Gail Combs

To Attu Island Station to refurbish the station in a ‘sustainable manner’ and to pick-up the WWII munitions and other debris as well as keep a close eye on Russia.
“Attu Island is overdue for some spring cleaning. Seventy years after World War II, the island is still littered with shards of old Coke bottles, lead-based batteries, leaking fuel drums and unexploded artillery….”


3 Coats!


Yes there is (are). Downsizing for function change or reassignment to dead-end or undesirable positions are two of the most common.

Gail Combs

Digital computer had ‘The Turkey Farm’


WP is messing with my ability to ‘copy’ tweets!
Also from Robert Barnes:
Increasingly evident why the House didn’t charge any crime, or a violation of any law, in their impeachment charges. Their evidence is so weak that they wanted a jello-on-the-wall style set of charges, always moving, never in one place, but just enough to slime. #ImpeachmentHoax
8:00 PM · Jan 23, 2020


Nervous Nanzi calls it the SMEAR… Circular yammering functions… D-rats say it. MCM reports it. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
Nanzi and other D-Rats saying facts don’t matter. Accusations matter.
^^^ This ignorance UNCHALLENGED BY MCM.


My human nature is begging to be honored Kal… soooo much injustice… I don’t know if it is because I want it to be so, or if tomorrow is going to be different. Rudy says he starts revealing tomorrow… and I think its the Repubs turn at bat tomorrow… and there’s the March and POTUS… please let it be so…


Well, the tide has certainly turned in our favor. The march, Sydney Powell news, Rudy saying something is coming tomorrow…
Have not tuned into the D-rats yammering impeachment. Do beieve they can yammer tomorrow. Hope they STFU.
We are winning. But it is painful waiting for justice to be meted out to the criminal cabal…



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, I think that there is an actual effort to interfere with this site. AUTHORS and MAJOR CONTRIBUTORS need to watch out.
Tactics used against you will include both things to make your life here painful and to attract you elsewhere.
I am having to deal with a lot of interesting stuff, including:
(1) IT subversions of numerous, varied, and unspecified nature
(2) circling small planes which could include those FBI data-snarfing flights
Interesting times.

Gail Combs

We keep getting buzzed by helicopters as of late. The one today was low enough and loud enough to wake the dead. It had the windows vibrating.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s imperative to learn what the NORMAL patterns are, so that ABNORMAL ones stand out. In any case, going out and taking a video will make them go away, guilty or innocent.
The risk of identifying markings getting a looksie by the “planefags” (as they call themselves) will scare off trouble.

Gail Combs

Thanks for the advice Wolfie. We are relatively near Fort Brag so there is no such thing as ‘normal’


well, I ain’t goin’ anywhere Wolfie !

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy





Is matt gaetz in the conservative doghouse riight now?

Gail Combs

Yes he is. He got hoodwinked by the DemonRats and voted for a resolution forbidding US military in IRAN.
Here is Matt’s tweet showing he got blindsided. Whatever he saw did not mention President Trump.

Kaine Files War Powers Resolution To Prevent War With Iran in the Senate. — JOINT Resolution with the House

…(8)Department of Defense officials have been warning for more than a year that the Trump Administration ‘‘maximum pressure campaign’’ against Iran, which has included economic, diplomatic and military pressure, is raising the risk of retaliation against United States troops and personnel. The cycle of escalating back-and-forth violence between Iran and its proxies and the United States and its allies have proven their warnings correct. – [This is UTTER BULL SCHIFF!]
(9) The question of whether United States forces should be engaged in armed conflict against Iran should only be made following a full briefing to Congress and the American public of the issues at stake, a public debate in Congress, and a congressional vote as contemplated by the Constitution. The absence of such a deliberative approach is deeply unfair to members of the United States Armed Forces and other Americans whose lives are at risk in the event of hostilities between the United States and Iran. – [Gee -LET’S MAKE SURE TO TELL OUR ENEMIES OUR EVERY MOVE AND GIVE THEM PLENTY OF TIME TO MAKE PLANS!]


Hes going to need to take it down a couple pegs and get off tv and work harder after that.

Gail Combs

They must have been really scared of him to pull this shiffy trick. He got lambasted on twitter by conservatives.
Note the HOUSE resolution was no where to be found on the web when I went looking. All I could find was that Joint resolution.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, there is no way he is going dark side here – I think he just took his eye off the ball for a bit too long.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll bet he has an “almost NeverTrump” or “former NeverTrump” aide who positioned him on this.
Or HAD such a person.

Gail Combs

Exactly what I thought too Wolfie. There is no way these Congress critters actually read all these bills and resolutions. They depend on their staff to do the copious reading and give them the gist of what is in a particular bill.
So yes, I think he got betrayed by a staff person who I hope is now living on the streets minus his teeth.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll settle for having him sent back to The Bulwark minus any severance!!! 😉

Cuppa Covfefe

Sounds like a new name for “the other plaice” 🙂
(oh, slap)…




I remember that our good friend of the US Post Office, Governor Kasich of Ohio was the Matt Gaetz of the last generation. He was the up and comer in the Repubs. I can remember thinking he would make a fine President. Somewhere along the line he aligned with the dark side and the rest is a sad history of compromise and betrayal. For that very reason I have adopted a wait and see attitude about young Mr. Gaetz.


Thats going to be my approach as well I think.



Deplorable Patriot

[GIGANTIC GASP] As if we weren’t expecting this fake news gaslighting psy-op $@#!+.

Gail Combs

They are really grasping at straws. It just shows how fearful they are of Q.
As I showed elsewhere today, Who in their right mind would take a flu shot after the BAXTER Swine flu vaccine, shipped to several countries, was deadly.
Note as a QC engineer who had to deal with drugs… THERE IS NO WAY that was an accident! You are not even allowed to have penicillin manufacture in the same facility as any other drug and everything has to have two signatures every step of the way.
An experimental LIVE virus should not have been any where NEAR the manufacturing facility PERIOD!
Word Press CENSORED this site, Live Avian Flu Virus Placed in Baxter Vaccine Materials Sent to 18 Countries

The company that released contaminated flu virus material from a plant in Austria confirmed Friday that the experimental product contained live H5N1 avian flu viruses….
On Friday, the company’s director of global bioscience communications confirmed what scientists have suspected. “It was live,” Christopher Bona said in an email.
The contaminated product, which Baxter calls “experimental virus material,” was made at the Orth-Donau research facility. Baxter makes its flu vaccine — including a human H5N1 vaccine for which a licence is expected shortly — at a facility in the Czech Republic.
People familiar with biosecurity rules are dismayed by evidence that human H3N2 and avian H5N1 viruses somehow co-mingled in the Orth-Donau facility. That is a dangerous practice that should not be allowed to happen, a number of experts insisted. Accidental release of a mixture of live H5N1 and H3N2 viruses could have resulted in dire consequences….


Is this a preview of what Powell said is coming tomorrow ???????
Looks like they got their money’s worth?
Stephan Halper, the longtime CIA and FBI operative who conducted espionage on the 2016 Trump campaign, was feeding information to Washington Post reporter David Ignatius through his handler, according to The Federalist, which describes his actions as “more evidence that the intelligence community has co-opted the press to push anti-Trump conspiracy theories.”
According to a court filing by Michael Flynn’s defense team, Halper’s ‘handler’ in the Office of Net Assessment (ONA), Col. James Baker, “regularly lunched with the Washington Post reporter.”
(Also leaking to Ignatius was Christopher Steele)


Sadie Slays

The running theory over at /qresearch/ is that the ridiculous Mr. Peanut marketing stunt from yesterday was code for Jimmy Carter passing away.

Sadie Slays

comment image


Logical…… could be


IF peanut boy is history…
Sorry, I know, NOT LOLF…not funny at all, but…damn, simply can’t make this shit up.
Potentially laying State (or whatever it is called) in the Rotunda, while impeachment is ongoing?
Reality is I don’t believe either Carter or RBG have departed. Dunno who did, IF anyone. Don’t believe this stuff would be shielded from the public.


Nobody has died…….. yet.
But soon will.
Waiting to pull the plug?
Jimmuh GAVE AWAY the Panama Canal……
CHINA…. now controls it!!!!!
I will throw a PARTY when this piece of shit meets his maker.


Ya, Jimmy certainly earned the title, worst President ever. Well, at least until hussein eclipse jimmy taking the title as worst President ever. Jimmy retains consolation prize, second worst President. SPIT, on both of them.
Jimmy also had a hand in cancelling USN ship visits to Taiwan. As a squid in those days,m we were literally a couple days from visiting Keelung, Taiwan. AND, IIRC, Jimmy also played into screwing up our bases in the Philippines.

Deplorable Patriot

The other side has used state funerals to distract before. This would be the time to do it, that’s for sure.



“do not allege President Trump violated the law.” . . . No, it’s much worse than that. He is suspected of thinking about planning to jaywalk some time in the future. Oh, the horror of it all!


Solution. These people are practical folks
“Um, the people of Puerto Rico are carrying a guillotine to the Governor’s mansion right now.”


Phoenix I am going to a have nightmare tonight…….


I’m sorry Singingsoul… next time I’ll give a warning!


🙂 no need to warn ……


no need to warn …… 🙂


Phoenix…that WAS LOLF. needed that.


Buckle up!! 💥🇺🇸🔥💪🙏



Thinking further regarding the “State funeral” post….my guess is that the Q team/White House has been given a heads up that a certain public figure of the “State Funeral status” is gravely ill and has been given a short period to live, and the message from Q is simply passing along the news.
Added to the already suggested list might be King Solomon of SA, as well.


I like the Mr> Peanut Death idea……
Mr. Peanut = Jimmuh Cottuh


Guessing, IF it is a “gravely ill” person, it is stateside. Carter or RBG make sense. Foreigner not such a big deal, locally. Me thinks.


I agree, Kal…don’t think Q would post about it if it weren’t “stateside.”
Now here’s a weird twist….Praying medic has a screen shot of supposedly an “edited” page in Wikileaks stating Hillary Clinton’s funeral in 2020.
This might be the reason for discussion on who is eligible for a “State” funeral. What do you think?


How odd.
I don’t think its Carter because again what has he done. And we know he would get a state funeral anyway. So it has to be someone who usually wouldn’t?
RBG well, that would be something but who knows.


Whoever it is…..
Get the ENVELOPES ready 🙂


PM is one I listen to. That said, not buying into hildabeast either. Believe it would have leaked out.
RBG or Carter IF this rumor is real. My odds would be on RBG. But then I don’t gamble, inspite of living in NV.
Back to the question, IMO hildabeast has NOT earned the honor of the Rotunda.

Gail Combs

RBG has had four cancers so far.
Sep 17, 1999 at 66, underwent surgery for colon cancer
Feb. 13, 2009 — released from Sloan-Kettering after pancreatic cancer surgery earlier this month
Dec. 21, 2018 — removed cancer from lower lobe of her left lung
Aug 23, 2019 radiation treatment and insertion of a stent in Ginsburg’s bile duct for second pancreatic cancer tumor. [She is 86 yrs]
Blocked bile duct: Pancreatic cancer can grow and block your bile duct.
Biliary and pancreatic disease
Predictive factors for survival of patients with inoperable malignant distal biliary strictures: a practical management guideline

Background—Stenting is the treatment of choice for inoperable malignant strictures of the common bile duct. Criteria for the choice of stents (plastic versus metallic) remain controversial because predicting survival is difficult.
Aims—To define prognostic factors in order to improve the cost effectiveness of endoscopic palliation.
Patients—One hundred and one patients were included in a prospective trial. Seven prognostic variables for survival were analysed (age, sex, bilirubinaemia, weight loss, presence of liver metastases, and tumour histology and size). All patients were followed until death or at least one year after inclusion. By the end of the study, 81 (80.2%) patients had died….
The mean follow up after inclusion was 166 (131) days. By the end of the study, 81 patients (80.2%) had died. The global median survival was 143 days (4.7 months). Figure 1 presents the global survival curve; 37.6% of the patients survived less than three months, 30.7% three to six months, and 31.7% more than six months.

comment image


Appreciate the details above.
Absolutely amazing RBG has survived this long. Have never bought into RBG and her supporters “stories” about RBG’ good health, working out… Pure BS as they try to deny President Trump a third SC nomination in his first term.
IMO, RBG has zero business on the SC AND her remaining days are few.

Gail Combs

I think this is what has kept RBG alive so long but at 86 her body may no longer be able to fight off the cancer.

….researchers have gained knowledge of the human immune system through the growth of cancer immunotherapy. One of the most successful being that of CAR-T, better known as a drug made by genetically modifying an individuals T-Cell’s to destroy cancerous regions of the body, as reported by Newsweek.
“CAR-T cells have to be engineered for each patient individually, to take into account the fact that each person’s immune cells have their own molecular ‘signature’—making the therapy very expensive and laboursome,”

Since this depends on a person’s own T-Cell’s, her’s may no longer be of use in this type of therapy because she is just too old.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is also Prince Phillip and BREXIT to be interfered with.


They are really trying to gin and spin this up. They desperately need a distraction from…..something….and it’s not impeachment


OK ….any Jersey people…how close is Hackensack to where PDJT’S rally is scheduled?


Google maps has the rally ~160 miles south of reported sicko.

Gail Combs

That is not good. People can easily travel that far for a Trump rally.
Just what the Demonic Deep state would LOVE. A major outbreak of that Chinese virus directly attributable to a Trump Rally.


That’s not far…..


Great Catch!


That is the first time it has “concerned” me about this new attempt at distraction. I don’t like it, makes my spidey sense go all tingly

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting new Chinese / CIA attack would be this:
(1) Launch a low-lethality virus locally and through designated mules as information chaff
(2) Use a high-lethality variant on the real target as an assassination tool
(3) Blame it on mutation
Remember – CHINAZIS are capable of ANYTHING

Gail Combs

Don’t give me nightmares!
I hope they are extra careful at the NJ Rally.


That’s exactly where I DON’T want to let my thoughts go….😳

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. It’s a tough row to hoe. I don’t like thinking about this stuff, either, but what I have found in life is that covering the downside as strongly and early as possible is the way to make the enemy think twice about “getting away clean”. When they know that sharp eyes and suspicious minds are onto them – THEY THINK TWICE.


I just got a push poll about national service . gov . Not knowing anything about it, I id’ed as “other”, and I don’t know for ALL of the questions. Basically, they were pushing for support of funding for it, and potential support from a presidential candidate. So I looked after I got done pushing the 5 key (was an automated poll), I looked it up. Yup, it is bi-partisan. Barely. All the usual suspects. I’m guessing it might be something that the Trump administration might be looking at axing which is why the survey.


Hope they ax national service. Wasted tax dollars. Plus “volunteers” or whatever they are get benefits. Trash it.



Biden looks like a figure from a wax museum. Sadly he is a shadow of himself. Who is making him run for office?


People are collapsing in the streets in China from the Coronavirus.
Dr. Marc Seigel was on Tucker’s show tonight, talking about this virus.
He said that China is probably not telling the truth about how bad it is there.
(me: …Duh. When does China ever tell the truth.)
China shut down and quarantined two more cities today, in addition to the one they shut down yesterday.
And…they’re doing this because of “2 dead, 600 infected”?
No, it’s likely much worse than they are admitting.


Info on what is known so far about the coronavirus.
— Runny Nose
— Sore Throat
— Headache
— Fever
— Cough
— Feeling of being unwell
.comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


The figures being reported are a joke. If there was “one” case (e.g., Australia, Macau, Taiwan, Japan, etc.), they wouldn’t even report it.
I would conservatively guess the number of confirmed cases is intentionally being under-reported by a factor of at least 100.
In China it’s likely being under-reported by a factor of 1,000 and climbing by the minute.
Nobody lies like government does.


Yep…my hubby just said that if China is saying “25 deaths”, then it is probably more like 2500.
The telling thing is how quickly they are shutting down cities.


Wow. This isn’t going to end well.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Just had a thought……..
Did Matt Gaetz just take one for the team?
To signal wobbly RINO SINators what will happen if they break ranks?

Gail Combs

But it certainly looks like he got played.


If he got played…….
we don’t need him.
It would signal STUPIDITY


Me thinks Gaetz was played big time. Watching Gaetz try to defend his vote on Tucker that day, was charitably pathetic. I do think Gaetz at that point, including now, internally 100% regrets that stoopid vote.
Absolutely zero upside to Gaetz’ vote.

Gail Combs

It actually was a really stupid toss away vote.
#1 the resolution would pass the house – GUARANTEED!
#2 the resolution would NOT pass the Senate – GUARANTEED!
So why bother? It was a really stupid hill to die on.
That is why I think he got very bad advice from an aide who lied about what was actually in the resolution AND how it would be received by his military voters.


Side with DEMONICrats!

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve thought that for a while. He may be destined for a different role as all this goes down.
We don’t know what the script says, and what deals have been made. We just don’t.


Highly respected Constitutional law expert and professor Jonathan Turley ripped the House Democrats on Thursday during an appearance on CBS.
“House is completely unmoored by history and by the law,” Turley said.
“I think that this will go down as one of the greatest historic blunders of a House of Congress,” he added.


Jonathan Turley is a good guy.
He’s a liberal…but he’s a ‘classical liberal’, rather than a rabid leftist.
Turley told the Dems in the House straight up, that if they continued on with their farcical ‘impeachment’, that the “abuse of power” would be theirs.


Yes, Turley is a rare liberal, honest.
Was pleased he is speaking out after the rabid liberals trashed him after testifying in the House a month or so ago.


“Yes, Turley is a rare liberal, honest.”
Except he’s not honest with himself.
If he was, he wouldn’t be a liberal.
The quote attributed to David Mamet isn’t wrong.
I don’t know what Turley’s internal issues are, what kind of psychological influences created his worldview. But I do know that it is not possible to be intellectually honest and be a liberal.
Truth is the first and greatest sacrifice required in order to be a liberal.
Truth about anything.
Everything else about being a liberal flows from the void created by lack of honesty and truth.


I saw Wheatie’s post about being a ‘classical liberal’. I hope so.
The problem is that there isn’t any middle ground for people like Turley to occupy.
When the entire political apparatus is openly engaged in outright treason, you have to pick a side.


“Jonathan Turley is a good guy.
He’s a liberal…but he’s a ‘classical liberal’, rather than a rabid leftist.”
His Wiki page is missing any obvious word-search references to his political views, which can’t be by accident.
Searching the word ‘liberal’ returned this result:
Turley, Jonathan (October 4, 2007). “A liberal’s lament: The NRA might be right after all”. USA Today. Gannett
Might be?
The Founding Fathers “might” be right too then, Johnny.


The only conclusion that a reasonable person can draw about the House is to agree with Q. To wit, “these people are stupid.” It has led me to question a fundamental premise about myself. I have always assumed that the tremors in my hands are due to old age. Now I am faced with the real alternative that the cause of these tremors are my realization that these people are making the laws for this great country.


Update on the numbers that the Chinese authorities are giving out.
Chinese authorities announce 830 confirmed cases of #coronovirus; death toll climbs to 25


Okay, this is creepy.
I pulled this off of a tweet:comment image
When it’s 2020 but you realize that we had massive virus outbreaks in 1720, 1820 and 1920.


IF that waiting room is full of “maybe” coronovirus folks, it IS THE LAST PLACE I would be.


Yep! Absolutely, Kalbo.
I had the same thought.


I find it odd that all of a sudden, from one of the most censored places in the world, we are suddenly getting random live videos of people “falling over”, crowded waiting rooms, and long lines, complete with what is supposed to be health care workers in varying degrees of protective equipment from mask only to full on radioactive resistant suits. I may be completely wrong on this cold/flu virus, and maybe it HAS mutated, I am still in the wait and see mode for what is actually going on. What worries me most is that DS/cabal will use it’s existence as a weapon of convenience to do their evil.


These amateur videos that are leaking out, are probably just a smattering of the ones that are being taken.
The ChiCom government probably cannot censor *all* of them.
But yeah…it’s good to be suspicious these days.
Time will tell.
This thing seems to be spreading quickly around the globe.
We’re learning more about it every day.


The one video of the person falling like a tree….last second before they faceplant, they reach out to brace the fall. I have seen people pass out before….that looked staged. Why was he being videoed in those moments just before he “fell”? It definitely bears watching and may truly be something horrific, but I am still skeptical at this point

Sadie Slays

After watching the SARS, Bird Flu, and Swine Flu hysteria, I’m skeptical as well. Give it another day or two, and conspiracy theories over mass vaccinations will be out in full force in alt media. (Although I fully support vaccine skepticism, I also remember the theories about how the Obama Administration was going to forcibly vaccinate all Americans over Swine Flu. Some of the hysteria comes from “our side,” too.)


Yep, and don’t forget Ebola….🙄

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

China is playing victim on CHIMPEACHMENT.
HA. Not buying it. China must PAY THE PIPER for what they did.


Good thing they built that incinerator in Wuhan, right next door to the Level-4 bio-lab, “just in case”.
The only level-4 bio-lab in China, btw.
Which apparently was only ‘activated’ within the last year or so.
I’m sure it’s a coincidence that the epicenter of the outbreak is Wuhan.
I’m just sure of it.
Not to mention that the Chinese spies caught removing some kind of material at Canada’s Level-4 bio-lab apparently returned to Wuhan.
Sure are a lotta coincidences.
Nothing to see here, folks.
Move along.comment image


Reminds me of the movie contagion or outbreak