Dear KMAG: 20200124 Open Thread

Welcome to the Friday OPEN THREAD at the QTree! What a week it has been. Thank you for the Thursday hand-off TrumpIsMine. What would we do without FLEP’s News Roundup to keep up? Thank you, Flep. Hat tip and a hearty thank you to all contributors and the lurkers!

We don’t believe in political correctness at QTree. You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on. Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it. Important Guidelines are outlined here in the January 1st open thread, with an addendum on 20191110. In other words, please keep it SOMEWHAT civil. We have a new board – actually a new SITE – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation. NOT HERE. This board will remain a REFUGE for those who need civility, either some or all of the time. That’s life at QTreehouse as we head into the weekend.

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Are you dizzy from too much winning? Just so we’re all on the same page…. Wednesday we received the biggest Birthday present, ever = effectively annihilating the WTO. Today, the President will speak to 500K people who support LIFE as they march up Constitution Ave (while Schiff is trying to impeach Trump and ignore our vote). The timing is PERFECT. And over the weekend, maybe by Tuesday, the President will release a plan for Peace in the Middle East. Catch your breath!

Pour another cup of coffee. Cuzzzzz, “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet”. We’re on Wolfie’s magic rollercoaster, Remember? Wolfie told us what to expect! Fasten your seat belts and hang on!

Today is the March For Life in DC. We have a separate thread scheduled and hopefully looking for a contribution from Lady Penguin. President Trump will be the first President to attend in person. We know the Trump Admin is strongly pro-life for all the right reasons, but take a look at the politics……. for tomorrow. President Trump will be OUTSIDE speaking to 500K people who are in DC to protest politicians who want to kill babies. Inside, Adam Schiff is trying to impeach the President of the United States for a non-crime…. Amazing

Still raining at our house. Hope you guys are warm and dry!

SPEAK THE FIVE WORDS BOLDLY TO OUR PRESIDENT!, “I AM PRAYING FOR YOU!“ He needs our prayers and help more than ever before!

And remember….. it is time to drain the swamp in DC and LOCALLY. Please make a commitment in the new year to attend a LOCAL board meeting for your town or municipality or school board. Get involved and make your presence known. Put your local officials phone numbers in your cell phone and call them once a week (or more often).

“Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People.”

Candidate Donald J Trump

Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

We have ONE MORE DAY of Democrats for the Shampeachmint and our team takes the field. Put another pot of coffee on, please. We’re busy at the Q Tree!

  • This past Wednesday, the day the President came home from Davos, was the Trump’s 15th wedding Anniversary……. I’m thinking FLOTUS may have received a Swiss Watch with a few diamonds….. (Smile!) He brought us a present too, a rework of the WTO!
  • Yesterday the President was in Florida at the annual winter meeting for Republicans – he wasn’t there last year because of the shut down. The RNC loves President Trump’s record fundraising. Good idea to go, tighten up the donor base going into Shampeachment votes.
  • Today the President speaks at the March For Life and will be the FIRST President to do so. Conservatives will take over DC today, flooding the zone.
  • Next week we have TWO rallies, one in New Jersey (already 100K tickets requested) and one in Iowa.
  • We’re coming off of big wins this week in Davos, and it doesn’t look like the drama in the Senate is hurting the President.
  • There will also be a big ceremony for the passage of USMCA.
  • And just announced, we get a Middle East Peace Plan and Bibi is coming to the White House. Wait…….. WHUT? President Trump is going to solve Peace in the Middle East while Schiff is trying to impeach him?
  • Notice how President Trump just assumed Iran has rolled over, and Trump is moving on.
  • Soleimani isn’t even cold yet, and the ink on China Phase One has barely dried.

President Trump is suffocating the Dem Party, and he is “Takin’ Care of Business”.

All in all, things are looking pretty good.

**** Special thanks to MA_Kswiss who reported LIVE FROM DAVOS, Wolfie’s tremendous Shmpeachment thread, and Flep’s back up on the bi-lats! That was a fun week!

See you all at Wheatie’s Treehouse in the morning!

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Sadie Slays

1) Jimmy Carter – Anons speculate that the Mr. Peanut brouhaha from earlier this week was code for “Jimmy Carter is dead.” Weird language in the official tweet about Mr. Peanut “sacrificing himself to save his friends.”

2) The Queen / UK royal family – The Queen “has a cold” and did not appear at a recent annual event. Her husband is very old. Brexit happens next week. Would a state funeral for a member of the royal family delay it?
3) Dianne Feinstein – Recently left the impeachment trial early because “she was feeling under the weather.” She’s 86 years-old, and has enough skeletons in her closet to fill a cemetery. I’ll admit that she was most likely making a lame excuse, but you never know…
4) RBG. Seems obligatory to add her to the list.


I vote Jimmuh Cottuh (Mr. Peanut)


Don’t feel bad. A LOT of people were bamboozled… Ford was uninspiring. Nixon made everyone feel dirty. But Jimmy Carter was a born-again Christian.
We had no internet. There was no conservative talk radio. There was no Rush. There were no Republicans with clean hands. Total information control. Even the Moral Majority hadn’t found its footing yet.
But no amount of information control could prevent people from seeing four years of stupid. Lecturing to Americans that they don’t have enough confidence in government and a President powerless to stop the malaise… let’s just say that the voters wised up 😉


“Born again”?
His “Fruits”… didn’t reflect that in my opinion.
It takes more than “words”….


Information Control 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Even trying to think about this like a Christian, this doesn’t make any sense to me.
In 1976, how were voters supposed to know he wasn’t a real born again Christian? His “fruits” didin’t become visible until after he was elected.
OK, so now trying to think as myself:
He was an incompetent boob, America was endangered on both the foreign policy/defense front, and the domestic front, by his incompetence, and that’s true no matter what his creed was. Thus, I simply don’t care what his creed was.


Agreed….. My original comment said nothing about his “faith”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The only thing I can figure is that you were thinking of 1980 (when his incompetence was manifest), and not 1976.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, nuclear engineer…they’re pretty bright. And people don’t want a dummy for President. To top that off Ford was portrayed successfully by the (then monopoly) YSM as a bumbling klutz.
There was no real way to know, back then.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. Carter being a ring knocker was a feather in his cap. I heard about it all later.


Yes, I did…I remember saying in conversation…well, he was a nuclear sub commander…he must be…..


Brains maybe,but no commonsense


This was posted yesterday on Wolfie’s thread by JW in Germany. It’s a good short video. When I watched it last night, something caught my attention and has been niggling in my brain. At 5:03 the date 2-17-2020 pops onto the screen. Just wondering the significance, other than the next Q day….

Gail Combs

No EVIDENCE of sex trafficking????


This one just scratches the surface. It needs to be coupled with California’s new state law concerning prostitution as well as the practice of Child Protective Services in various states to include California (subjects we’ve covered here before) to see that there is in all likely hood a state sanctioned child prostitution racket going on in California.
Picking the first article that comes up from the search ‘California’s New Prostitution Law’ I get this article coming up on the top of the search in defense of the law but if you read the article you can see the glaring holes that the State has allowed the system making all this into a shell game. ((YES IT DOES!))
To me it reads if we have to pick up a kid getting pimped we’ll remove them from your sight, cut off the pimp if identified, and then get the kid back out onto the street with a another pimp so none are the wiser.


Yeah. A cult. An old, old, old, old-school cult…..
AS I PASS through my incarnations in every age and race,
I make my proper prostrations to the Gods of the Market Place.
Peering through reverent fingers I watch them flourish and fall,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings, I notice, outlast them all.
We were living in trees when they met us. They showed us each in turn
That Water would certainly wet us, as Fire would certainly burn:
But we found them lacking in Uplift, Vision and Breadth of Mind,
So we left them to teach the Gorillas while we followed the March of Mankind.
We moved as the Spirit listed. They never altered their pace,
Being neither cloud nor wind-borne like the Gods of the Market Place,
But they always caught up with our progress, and presently word would come
That a tribe had been wiped off its icefield, or the lights had gone out in Rome.
With the Hopes that our World is built on they were utterly out of touch,
They denied that the Moon was Stilton; they denied she was even Dutch;
They denied that Wishes were Horses; they denied that a Pig had Wings;
So we worshipped the Gods of the Market Who promised these beautiful things.
When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promised perpetual peace.
They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “Stick to the Devil you know.”
On the first Feminian Sandstones we were promised the Fuller Life
(Which started by loving our neighbour and ended by loving his wife)
Till our women had no more children and the men lost reason and faith,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “The Wages of Sin is Death.”
In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all,
By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul;
But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “If you don’t work you die.”
Then the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew
And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to believe it was true
That All is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two make Four
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more.
As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;
And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!


… Of all them blackfaced crew
The finest man I knew
Was our regimental bhisti, our very own cthulhu


That Kipling poem is prophetic…. and especially today with the gun control and March for Life against abortion.
When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promised perpetual peace.
They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,

And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “Stick to the Devil you know.”
On the first Feminian Sandstones we were promised the Fuller Life
(Which started by loving our neighbour and ended by loving his wife)
Till our women had no more children and the men lost reason and faith,

And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “The Wages of Sin is Death.”


Kipling Society UK –
Kipling needs to be re-emphasized in our schools, IMO.


I’m wondering if we will have an announcement tomorrow, and whether it would delay shampeachment. I don’t mean to be cavalier about anyone’s death, but the passing of a senator right now would definitely cause delays. A former president, VP, first lady, etc., would put a hold on things for a week or so, but the death of a SCOTUS justice would be apocalyptic.
Bob Dole is 96. He served in the House and Senate and was the Republican presidential nominee in 1996. He is a WWII veteran who was wounded by German machine gun fire.

Sadie Slays

I thought Bob Dole died years ago. I didn’t realize until your comment that he’s still alive.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In once sense he basically died in 1996.
He was literally the only potential nominee that couldn’t beat Klinton, but the Rs nominated him because it was his turn.


They nominated Dole because it was “Clinton’s turn.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s the even-more-cynical way to look at it.
The sad thing is, I won’t reject it out of hand like maybe I would have 20 years ago–back then I’d have ascribed it to stupidity.


“2) The Queen / UK royal family – The Queen “has a cold” and did not appear at a recent annual event. Her husband is very old. Brexit happens next week. Would a state funeral for a member of the royal family delay it? ”
Not if I was in charge.
Believe it.
The entire royal family could die in a mysterious canoe accident in the middle of the Thames, and it wouldn’t even give me cause to pause.
I might even move the date up a few days, in loving memory.


I will say that the British Royal Family has suffered quite a few public relations nightmares over the last several decades, with Andrew and Meghan being the latest messes.
Prince William and his Kate will hopefully get the ship righted. Charles is a horrid toad. May his reign be short.


^^^ Yup. Life doesn’t stop or even slow for Enquirer tabloid crap.


Interesting stuff here………

Rodney Short

Awesome job Daughn, I had to ask Kimi if that was Paul from one of the late night shows playing the keyboards on Takin care of business.
When it comes to music Kimi is the local encyclopedia, I cant believe she seen Stevie Ray Vaughn twice when she was 16 damn her parents were awesome lol she seen almost everyone who’s anyone.
Love y’all, Night n God bless.


GOOD…..Night n God bless to you and yours Rodney 🙂

Rodney Short

Night n God bless you my friend I hope you had a blessed day.


I did!
with You…..along with my other Q treeping Friends

Gail Combs

Rodney, see if Kimi can ID this. It is one of Hubby’s favorite piano players.

Rodney Short

I will ask her when she gets home from work.
I hope you have a blessed day Gail


“When it comes to music Kimi is the local encyclopedia, I cant believe she seen Stevie Ray Vaughn twice…”
I play this one more often than any other of his, SRV’s instrumental rendition of Jimi Hendrix’s Little Wing, from the album “The Sky is Crying” (1991, Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs, UDCD 723):
.comment image
All three of these “Little Wing” performances are outstanding — on any given day, one is sure to hit the spot 😁
The original, Jimi Hendrix, from Axis: Bold as Love (December 1967 in UK, January 1968 in U.S.)
Derek and the Dominos (Eric Clapton, with Duane Allman) from Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs (1970)
Stevie Ray Vaughn, from The Sky is Crying (released 1991, recorded in 1984)

Rodney Short

Amazing Scott, kimi breathes Jimi and shes gonna love this.


Yes it is Paul Schafer. He was with Letterman for years, now with Jimmy Fallon. God Bless You Rodney.

Rodney Short

God bless you Bflyjesusgrl

Rodney Short

God bless you Daughn.


Go to the :47 Mark and watch Staphylococcous….😄😉
You scared bruh? Truth gonna HURT



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Staphylococcus! LOL! And look at his wax-figure smile trying to SLEAZE OUT at the end! Hilarious!


University of Kansas Professor Indicted for Working for Communist Party of China


An American university professor… working with the communists?
Who would ever have guessed such a thing could happen?!?


I’m as shocked as you!


“University of Kansas Professor Indicted for Working for Communist Party of China”
Wait… only one?
What about the other 1,463,000+ college professors actively working for the Communists in the U.S.?


Maybe they will sense the wind changing and scuttle off.
Oops Potus is destroying their bolt holes.
Poor cockroaches

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Wait there’s at least one who isn’t.
….Never mind, Edward Rozek (of the University of Colorado) retired long ago, and is most likely dead by now..


“Wait there’s at least one who isn’t.”
I generously allowed for 5% who weren’t, and did not even count all the commie propaganda assistants.
(data from 2011): According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are 1.7 million post-secondary teachers in the US, of whom all are college or university faculty except for 159,700 graduate teaching assistants. Excluding graduate TAs, the number of faculty in the US is therefore 1.54 million.
Bureau of Labor Statistics source:
1,540,000 x 95% = 1,463,000

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Wow, unusually charitable of you. 😀


“Even we’re not nuts enough to dip bats in soup.”
They dip their soup in bats.
Much better.

Cuppa Covfefe

Gives a whole new meaning to batshit crazy…


Also bat outa hell


comment image


You KNOW Vindman’s nickname has to be Flounder.
I’m not sure it’s possible that his nickname isn’t Flounder.
How could you be around someone who looks like Vindman, and NOT call him Flounder?
I don’t think most normal people could do it.comment image


POTUS tweeted this out….
I love your Presidentcomment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Don’t be ridiculous, soy-boy obola wouldn’t have the strength to climb that far then hang from only one hand so the other could use binoculars.
😀 😀 😀


Definitely not strong enough.
But that thing in his left paw is probably a listening device.
If the photo hadn’t been cropped, so we could see the rest of the picture, we would see that Obola is actually being supported by the entire treason-class / DNC apparatus.
And they’re standing on a rickety window-washer’s scaffold.
Designed to support two men… not thousands…
Looks like it’s a long way down, guys…


AND, on more than one occassion, “we’ve caught them all”. Or was it, “I’ve caught them all.”
Hmmm, either way, all the bastards are going down 😉


IRGC commander or a Militia leader has become one of the most dangerous occupations going right now


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See also the Cambrian stanza from Kipling’s The Gods of the Copybook Headings, above:
When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promised perpetual peace.
They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “Stick to the Devil you know.”
«Gun control» should refer to precision in aiming and hitting targets; trigger-finger discipline, and suchlike.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I do my bit for gun control whenever I bring another gun under my control (by purchasing it).


Interesting that this lab is situated in the very same locality where the coronavirus outbreak is said to originate.

Gail Combs

GEE, Thanks Canada…
I really think we are going to need a border wall in the north too.


Yep. Next elections slogan.


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Gail Combs

Ozzy, I would love to see one of those little girls SLUG THE HELL out of that dirty old man. Being a minor she could get away with it too. 😉


Yep. And if it was in a liberal hellhole she’d have no cash bail


Don’t accuse me of defending the old perv but that IS his granddaughter.
Other unrelated minors, well … have at it!


The family that plays together …….. incest adds spice to deviates


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She’s still nacho president. 😁

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Only because we stupidly put her in charge of Mexican food.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Another one of the has beans…


Ha! Awesome. 😎


“ICE says six suspects arrested in Towson killing are in U.S. illegally and MS-13 members”
I’m shocked.
Like Capt. Renault in Casablanca.


Who wooda thunk?


Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Remember how I’ve told you about the Yemeni Republican Guard, trained by Saudi Arabia?
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Here’s ONE Guardsman defeating multiple Iranians and Houthis in hand-to-hand combat.
This is what I’ve been talking about since 2015.

Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
First he takes out the commander.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
The Iranian fires at the wrong place, and he’s hit with some form of explosive that blows off his helmet, but he isn’t killed.
It wasn’t a hand grenade.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
As another Iranian leaps over the wall, the Yemeni Guardsman appears out of thin air (red arrow) and shoots the Iranian in the head.
The Iranian’s helmet flies off, and he collapses.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
The Yemeni and the other Iranian engage in hand-to-hand combat, and the Yemeni prevails.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
The Yemeni used head butts.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Then the Yemeni shot two more men attacking him.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Then the Yemeni retreated to an exit tunnel.
Thomas Wictor
This appears to be the only footage published so far of these new soldiers in action.
It sounds like there was a hell of a firefight in progress.
I don’t have the date or the exact place.
This shows you the state of Iranian training versus Saudi-Yemeni.


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Gail Combs

So far two kills have been successful on Iranian Revolutionary Guard commanders in Iran. I had been thinking these might be Saudi trained gorilla warfare fighters.
Pick off the commanders and the troops are useless.




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The Mexican Natnl Guard surrounded migrants who were on road between Ciudad Hidalgo and Tapachula, in Chiapas.
Illegals were forced back and not allowed any further passage…for now


ozzy, wow… the President must have been VERY persuasive w AMLO!


I think starting up the chainsaw clinched it


THE LAST FULL MEASURE tells the true story of Vietnam War hero William H. Pitsenbarger , a U.S. Air Force Pararescuemen (also known as a PJ) medic who personally saved over sixty men. During a rescue mission on April 11, 1966, he was offered the chance to escape on the last helicopter out of a combat zone heavily under fire, but he stayed behind to save and defend the lives of his fellow soldiers…


Fidget spinners, a stress ball, chewing tobacco and a QUILL PEN: How Republican senators are showing their contempt for Donald Trump’s impeachment trial in the chamber
Adam Schiff rebuked senators who left Donald Trump’s impeachment trial
‘It doesn’t hurt that the morning starts out every day with the sergeant-in-arms warning you that if you don’t, you will be in prison,’ Schiff said
Trump defenders mocked Democrats for being boring


Maximum pressure on the Iranian regime will continue until its behavior changes. Today we imposed sanctions against China, Hong Kong, and UAE-based entities for operating in Iran’s oil and petrochemical sectors. If you facilitate this regime’s activities, you will be sanctioned.


Physician heal thyself
This is a really bad look for the Chinese Communist handling the Corona Virus outbreak. The chief medical consultant for the corona virus is himself infected.


It’s not that bad a look — at least he’s on the scene trying to make a difference instead in an ivory tower trying to command the winds to blow. IIRC, an Ebola doc who had saved hundreds of patients in Africa got it.


Yep. Not leading from the rear. ( where have we heard that before)


I think the original quote was misheard. I think it was actually leading WITH his rear.


How you know he was a bottom?


Ron Coleman
Just left a meeting of Jewish activists on the Upper East Side. Mostly non-religious.
These are people who have spent their lives in the Democratic Party.
That’s over.
I was astonished at what I saw and heard – including bitter condemnation of @RepAdamSchiff
and @NYCMayor
6:45 PM · Jan 22, 2020


“These are people who have spent their lives in the Democratic Party.
That’s over.
I was astonished at what I saw and heard – including bitter condemnation of @RepAdamSchiff and @NYCMayor”
Yeah, but who will they vote for?
It’s one thing to say it.
It’s a whole different thing to actually change life-long behavior.


They don’t have to vote republican. They just have to stay home


“Anti white racism…”
Is there any other kind in America?
In the last 40 years?




Every time I check, whites are the only people in America who aren’t racist.
Everyone else belongs to a protected class, so they can be as racist as they want.


But white guilt. Historical injustices……


“But white guilt.”
What’s that?
It sounds awful.
Glad I don’t have it!


Me neither. But I’ve heard it can be quite debilitating for those already soft in the head


“Historical injustices……”
The anti-white racists have been committing a historical injustice against me for as far back as I can remember.
Who do I see about that?
Some protected-class racist, no doubt.


Look at the fbi crime stats for ever. Whites many more likely to be victims of black on white crime than white on black. Blacks also prey on other blacks


“Look at the fbi crime stats for ever. Whites many more likely to be victims of black on white crime than white on black. Blacks also prey on other blacks”
The Left never allows facts to get in the way of their narrative constructs.
And the fake Right never insists on the facts being established.


Sen. Marsha Blackburn
Vindman’s commanding officer, Army Lt. Col. Jim Hickman: “Do not let the uniform fool you. He is a political activist in uniform.”


“Vindman’s commanding officer, Army Lt. Col. Jim Hickman: “Do not let the uniform fool you. He is a political activist in uniform.”
I found this old photo of Vindman and his commanding officer, Lt. Col. Hickman:comment image&f=1&nofb=1


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“Vindman’s commanding officer, Army Lt. Col. Jim Hickman: “Do not let the uniform fool you. He is a political activist in uniform.”
I found this old photo of Vindman and his commanding officer, Lt. Col. Hickman:comment image


Turning itself into a den of criminals. Just look at how many times these two were arrested and convicted.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, that’s hilarious!


DOJ just responded to McCabe in his wrongful dismissal case It’s 🔥 🔥 🔥


You will seriously be on his shit list


Better than amazon
DOD Agency Offers ‘milDrive’ Desktop-Integrated Cloud Computing > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Story


Former Police Detective and FBI Task Force Officer Indicted for Bribery and Other Offenses | OPA | Department of Justice


Miami-Based Businessman Pleads Guilty to FCPA and Money Laundering Violations in Scheme Involving PetroEcuador Officials | OPA | Department of Justice


BREAKING: DOJ Says Comey Did NOT Have Probable Cause to Start Trump Investigationcomment image


China built a lab to study SARS and Ebola in Wuhan – and US biosafety experts warned in 2017 that a virus could ‘escape’ the facility that’s become key in fighting the outbreak
The Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory is the only lab in China designated for studying dangerous pathogens like SARS and Ebola
Ahead of its January 2018 opening, biosafety experts and scientists from the US expressed concerns that a virus could escape the lab

Imagine being in FBI, and you are followed around, your boss is killed, and you know you can’t do anything because even if you arrested and charged someone, the judge would be Cabal, the prosecutor would be Cabal, the Jury would be Cabal because the clerk is Cabal and would call Cabal jurors – every avenue of legal attack would be closed down, and you can’t even form a network to put together a plan to fight it because you are all under coverage, and there are infiltrators among you. You see why 150,000 sealed indictments, some, or many with multiple people, being unsealed all at once to purge the system, would change everything.


“You see why 150,000 sealed indictments, some, or many with multiple people, being unsealed all at once to purge the system, would change everything.”
So let’s do it already.
Turn D.C. into a ghost town overnight.
It’s not like 150,000 of these traitors are just going to show up for work the next day and volunteer to be arrested.
Or maybe they would, that would be even better.
Either way.
Do it.


They need to be crushed and the earth of their fields salted at the shampeachment

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This explains why they took out Cincinelli. This explains why they took out his sister using the mob. Holy mackerel. BILLIONS of dollars. A 5 million dollar operation to take this guy out – NO PROBLEM.

Former Asia-Pacific Bureau Chief for Forbes Magazine and Tokyo correspondent for the South China Morning Post says his sources are saying the Rothschilds were just purged from Russia and Japan, and one of his weirder sources is saying the Medvedev which Putin had removed in his current takeover was an alien. Don’t ask me, I just find this shit and post it. Though I will say at this point nothing would surprise me, because I know something doesn’t fit in the model of what we are told is our reality.


Good link! The comments after the article had a ton of info too

Cuppa Covfefe

Or maybe :mrgreen:

Cuppa Covfefe

Was it an illegal alien? With prior convictions? 😎

Cuppa Covfefe

Ooops, that should’ve been here…


2nd California child molester dies after beating with cane in prison. A part of me wonders if these were molesters Cabal tasked with targeting specific children at various points, to derail kids who they identified as having potential and were in need of being neutralized – and now they are just loose ends.


i saw this yesterday…I see this as a Karma thing. prey on the weak…then be preyed upon…


Prison justice. ODCs ( ordinary decent criminals) hate kiddie fiddlers


why not ERs? Dem have been known to register plenty at the morgue…


It’s one way to drive your costs down. No treating of illegals . Unless they brought in unconscious


BREAKING: Public school teachers no longer allowed to refer to nonEnglish-speaking pupils as “ESL,” or English as a Second Language. They must now refer to them as “EL,” or English Learners. Shockingly, some 85% of elementary ELs BORN in US, indicating households NOT assimilating


“BREAKING: Public school teachers no longer allowed to refer to nonEnglish-speaking pupils as “ESL,” or English as a Second Language.”
They’re foreigners.
So call them foreigners already.
What the *&^% is wrong with people?

Deplorable Patriot

It takes a couple of generations a lot of times. Some of my Spanish relatives are considered native speakers even though they are/were second generation born here.The language was spoken in the home, and that’s what they learned as children.


My husband learned English on the street as a kid and at home they spoke German.
He was send to speech therapy in grate school and later in University had to take speech classes to get rid of his German accent.
Still today my husband speaks more German at home than I do. My kids used to dream in German but I did not speak much German until they took it in high school and college.
My husband’s mother spoke part German, English and Jewish all mixed up,
I worked very hard to integrate my kids and they are integrated. Funny though my grandkids have a natural ability for German language when they took it in school and have no English accent even though no one at home speaks German to them.


it would be a lot simpler to just add the word “everybody” and stop playing games.


Except for aussies. We add colour


Well of course, but I’m pretty sure Aussies aren’t trying to sneak across the Mexican border, lol!


Stop. Don’t make it a hold my beer thing


And you don’t just add colour, you actually put the ‘u’ in colour 😁


(Shhh… you spell it wrong )


For some reason, this had me picturing the Bridge of the Starship Enterprise. Spock says to Kirk, “Jim, there are reports that you have made love to a Brazilian woman!” Kirk replies, “that may be so, Mr. Spock — how many is a Brazilian?”




funny when I hear Brazilian, I think of waxed fruit.


If this was U-tree, I’d have several smartass responses to that. But here, mum’s the word.


well yeah…but I got the message across, right? giggle

Cuppa Covfefe

I can just see the SJW snowflakes whining:


What would be the downside of this…if he did it?
Rudy Giuliani threatens to go public with Joe Biden corruption allegations!!!


the article I read said he was gonna start naming OTHER DEMS who similarly made their millions bilking the taxpayers too!


Excellent. Go Rudy!
I guess he’s got to talk it up for awhile like this…so that the normies will know what he’s telling us about.


If only the normies cared enough to pay attention.


I wonder if Rudy has any idea how many people have mysteriously died, just before they revealed something extremely damaging to psychopaths in positions of power, and just after they blabbed that they were about to reveal it.
It’s an amazing thing to see how, as a species, people never, ever learn.
A better way to do it would be to post all the information online, on multiple blogs, under an anonymous name, just anonymous blog posts amongst millions of other blogs. Nobody would know about them, or have any reason to read them, or attribute any credibility to them.
Then go public, and blab about it, and before the interview is over — while you’re conveniently still alive, and on camera — mention that all the evidence has ALREADY BEEN POSTED ONLINE, and can be found under my pen-name “Rudy the Lion-hearted”, at any of the dozen blogs on this list (holds up paper to camera with list of website addresses in big letters).
But we’re just not capable of learning — as a species — so we repeat the same mistakes, over and over and over again.
Almost as if there is no new thing under the sun.
Almost as if there is no memory of what has happened before to others, and there will be no memory of things to come, by those who live after those future events, just as we experience in the here and now.
“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. [10] Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us. [11] There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after.” (Ecclesiastes 1:9-11, KJV)


going out for dinner in CA? you can opt to pay more and have it go into a climate change fund…
Prepare to pay a little more for your next meal in California — but only if you want to.
Some restaurants in the state have implemented an optional 1 percent surcharge onto customers’ bills this month as part of an ongoing effort to fight climate change.
The extra money will fund Restore California, a collective of restaurants, farmers and diners managed by nonprofit Zero Foodprint. The new group provides funding to food growers needed to create healthy soil and foster a renewable and efficient food system, according to its mission statement.
Restore California shifts “acres of farmland from extractive to renewable practices” in the same way utility companies improve the grid by funding renewable energy projects,” Karen Leibowitz, executive director of Zero Foodprint, said in a press release.


Sounds like a scam to me.
I’m getting so sick of that phrase 👉 “to fight climate change”.


and why does there need to be a middle man in everything? if I wanted to (gag me is right) donate to climate change, I can do it directly…without someone else skimming off a few bucks…


Nonsense. Everything about CA continues to be, 100% stoopid. Dumb asses they are. AND, folks not only tolerate CA idiocy, they pay for it 🙁


Fuck that. Is there an option to have the stove/ oven left on overnight?


well it’s CA< so pretty sure it's gotta be an option somewhere. they are inclusive, dontcha know


Except when it goes against their sjw eco warrior religion


true, true…lol


Just another organized crime outfit.
None of that money will ever go toward any claimed ‘climate’ efforts.
Overhead and administration will eat 100% of proceeds, as always.


Verse of the Day

“Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.”
2 Timothy 2:19 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Friday Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Good Morning Duchess!


* Waves to Pat from far away *
Have a Blessed and Fun Day!!!


sigh…not likely fun.
we’re expecting a lot of rain, then snow this weekend…so I am reluctantly planning on going out this morning…
time to channel my inner lion…lol…


Rain is good – so run between the raindrops and you will not get wet – Mkay?
Fear not – for I am with you says the Lord! 🙂


the snow hasn’t melted from last weekend, so rain will turn the driveway back into a luge track…
but tomorrow will be worse…
hubby said on his ride to work this morning, he saw a bobcat…I haven’t seen one of those in a long time!


Oh, dear – the temp must be up to support rain – for however long – you need to get out and get your stuff done – how much snow is expected? Hope and pray you have enough time to make haste before the onslaught! Praying…


it shouldn’t start till tomorrow, so I am going out today…driveway is snow covered (hopefully)…
I appreciate your support–I am such a wuss when it comes to snow and ice…


Not a wuss – it is nerve-wracking – experience ridden – not fun – so think good positive thoughts – and God will see you through it – in the name of Jesus – I pray – Amen


thank you Duchess…I appreciate the thoughts and prayers…you are a gem!!


Take care – slow as you go – and be safe – Mkay?


AMEN!!! It’s a horrible thing to see professing Christians and clergy participating in sin and excusing it.


True, GA/FL – they will answer to God for their mistakes – all of the souls they have led astray – Sad


I was wondering about Atkinson’s testimony…it’s classified and not part of the impeachment record…how convenient…
“The reason it hasn’t been released is it’s not helpful to Adam Schiff. It is not helpful to the whistleblower,” said Rep. John Ratcliffe, Texas Republican, who took part in the October interview with Mr. Atkinson. “It raises credibility issues about both of them.”
The potentially exculpatory evidence for Mr. Trump has remained classified and is not part of the record for the impeachment trial.
Because it remains classified, only members of the intelligence committee have seen it and Mr. Trump’s legal team is denied a copy.


Schiff…if his mouth is open, he’s lying…
CLAIM: Former National Security Council official Tim Morrison reported the Ukraine phone call right away because it was political.
VERDICT: FALSE. Morrison saw nothing illegal — or political — about the call.
Lead House impeachment manager Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) claimed during President Donald Trump’s Senate impeachment trial on Thursday that several officials listening to his July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky reported “came forward in real time to report the president’s conduct.”
He specifically noted Morisson, though Morisson testified in the House Intelligence Committee that he saw nothing wrong with the call.
Schiff lied to the Senate about what Morrison testified about his own impressions of the call, playing a selectively-edited video in which Democrats’ counsel used his own words, not Morrison’s, to describe his impression of the call.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Schiff…if his mouth is open, he’s lying…

Don’t underestimate him.
He’s probably figured out how to lie with his mouth closed, too!


EEEEEEEEWWWWWWW….you just forced me to consider what other orifices sounds might come out of that man…lol


how you been???

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not too shabby. Busy, busy, busy.
Still hanging out with the ball and chain?


yup…the sentence was 20 to life…we’re not even close to parole yet 🙂


You’d be out by now in California for murder


lol…you couldn’t pay me enough to go to CA!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

LOL…that does remind me of a joke.
A middle aged-wife wakes up in the middle of the night, noticing her husband is not in the bed next to her. She gets up, and looks around the house for him, finding him in the living room, and it’s obvious he has been crying.
“What’s the matter, Honey?”
“Well remember your pa the county sheriff, what he did when he found us fooling around? He said I’d either have to marry you or go to prison.”
“Today, my sentence would have ended.”




Donald Trump plans a week of showing he IS presidential while his impeachment trial drags on by signing USMCA trade deal, unveiling a Middle East peace deal – and trolling Democrats with a rally in Iowa before caucuses
Donald Trump plans a week of showing his presidential might while his impeachment trial drags on in the Senate.
Next week, when the president’s lawyers will offer Trump’s defense and senators are given a chance to question both sides, the president will be signing his USMCA trade deal and unveiling a Middle East peace plan.
He also plans to troll Democrats with a campaign rally in Iowa ahead of its presidential caucuses and travel to New Jersey for another rally to welcome the latest member of the GOP: Congressman Jeff Van Drew, who switched to the Republican Party during the impeachment inquiry in the House.


show of hands…who’s shocked??
Diversity in hiring is the top priority of most colleges and universities. However, the effort to hire more women, minorities, and LGBT individuals notably lacks one group: ideological diversity. It is well-known that most faculty are composed of an overwhelming majority of liberal and democratic members. However, this view, while generally accepted, is largely anecdotal. Now a new study by Heterodox Academy Director of Research Sean Stevens and Brooklyn College Professor Mitchell Langbert claims to have put hard numbers on that lack of diversity. In reviewing records with the Federal Election Commission, they say that they found that professors gave to Democrats over Republicans by a 95:1 ratio.


Gail Combs

Biden’s CATHOLIC??? And here I thought he belonged to the Church of Molech
Good Article ➡️ ABORTION AND THE GOD MOLECHcomment image

Deplorable Patriot

It should…but he won’t follow the catechesis. Too much time with the modern Jesuits, I guess.



SIMPLE! Hunter BIDEN was Joe Biden’s PROXY.


A swamp family
There are others



I hope you all got to see Rudy’s appearance.
The whole studio was silent when he was talking!
His story was mesmerizing!
He put himself in danger with these accusations and he knows it.
God Bless Rudy!
He is a brave man.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ll find it on video once I’m caught up. I need to get started on a new crochet project anyway. That’s usually what I do when watching that stuff.


Crochet? You sure do have patience. I was born without any. 🙂


Donald J. Trump Retweeted


Wow! That should get out the message!


when you were little, were you particularly fond of connect the dots books? lol
cuz you’re really good at it!


“Ah”, said the democrat pissing into the wind, “It all comes back to me now!”




Donald J. Trump Retweeted





And they should postpone. Dirty scheming Dems argued Schumer amendments wasting time, then picked 3-8hr blocks by design to leave Trump defense on weekend where less people would see.
AND, I’ll wager that they also held the Articles for 33 days in order for their teams to get the case together. NO way they had all those 2” binders, slides, pictures, and recordings ready to go when they voted before Christmas! Evil Mo Foes!! 👿🤬

Six researchers who resigned last month from Florida’s Moffitt Cancer Center admitted to opening secret bank accounts in China to hide millions that they received from China, probably in return for stealing research.


Don’t know. I’m pretty sure it’s endemic to all us Universitys


My son a University researcher told me many years ago that the Chinese in University labs behave like the Chinese Mafia. They have connections all over US Universities and they brain pick. Professors love hem because they work like dogs that most US students and researchers will not.
My son and his German thick headedness worked as hard and more to show he could do better.
For years often US young researchers had little to no chance to compete.
The problem is the Chinese know technics but have no creativity. They cannot salve problems on their own. Thank God my son has a gift not many possess and he had all his life. Not many people possess this gift only two he know have it. One is Russian and works in another University and my son.
For years Chinese pushed American young researchers out of PhD programs and research. There are times I wonder how my son survived except his thick scull and determination. He used to say it was like a war Chinese against him and he was going to win.
My daughter saw the same in Industry with Chinese researchers but she was the boss so a different situation. She said they drove her crazy because they could not think on their own.
Yes Chinese need to steal and they are overrated.


They are everywhere and true do not mingle.
ell your son to be careful they are good in brain picking but will not give any information up in return. Not only that they will take credit for the work of others. Ethics is missing.
Good luck to your son.

Cuppa Covfefe

They are brilliant at imitating, but total failures at innovating.
Been that way for thousands of years.
Yet, to hear the YSM/MCM and all the libtards, you’d think the Chinese had discovered/invented everything…
Funny (not) how no-one EVER mentions any discoveries coming out of ancient Israel… hmmmm…


CC even today Israel is in he forefront of inovation.


The lack of innovative thinking has been around forever. Ie lenses the Chinese discovered the magnifying power of lenses but never applied that to make glasses. Most highly skilled tradesmen/ artist types mature into their art in their 40s. About the time you need glasses for fine work. How much was lost because they lost the power to do intricate work? And gunpowder. A Chinese invention they used for fireworks. It took a western brain to think of the offensive possibilities


Chines killed all their intellect and innovative people. They replaced it with people who do what they are told.

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder if the massive amounts of soy in their diet has anything to do with that – passivity, etc. …


IMO, it’s the cultural environment in which they are raised. The government does not encourage independent thinking and analysis (and this isn’t confined to Asia, BTW….a huge problem in Russia, for example).
It’s also why many governments keep their population on the edge of hunger…if you are occupied with finding enough food for you and your family, you aren’t going to question government policies or have the strength to resist.
I think one of our mistakes is assigning our values to others, and being not only surprised but outraged when they do not share them. Stealing or cheating? ..they look at you and’s YOUR problem, not ours.


These children are being forced to defend their own neighborhoods instead of going to school, where they should be. What a shame.

Mary Morse

This guy Taylor is key, IMO. Look at his history in Afghanistan, and then Iraq. Really big money going off the books. Ukraine was his next assignment and Biden wanted his cut. Vindman was in Iraq at the same time as Taylor, iir. He was slightly injured and shipped out not long after. I’ve looked some for a direct link to Taylor, in a war zone without luck. Vindman and his brother were literally within a couple miles of one of the worlds biggest suppliers of covert arms, Sarkis Soghanalian while undergrads. Raytheon and Lockheed (javelin missiles) actively recruit BU grads. Soghanalian and his brother Zavin were tight with former head of Iragi Intel General Al-Shahwani, and were involved in both Iraq wars.

Mary Morse

There is an interesting account of Al-Shahwani, Soghanalian and others regarding their covert activities in the las Vegas desert. The account can be found in Issikoff and Corn’s (!) 2006 book Hubris.
Not the best link, but best I can do at the moment.


Daughn, I couldn’t be happier for you, me and our country.
I say “Let ‘er Rip, Rudy”

Cuppa Covfefe

Wouldn’t be surprised if they (or one of their staffers) read your timeline…
Y’all ARE the news (you, Flep, Wolf, and all the other great QTreepers)…



«Ukraine conspiracy theories» are so well documented by now, they ought to be called «Ukraine conspiracy practices»


OMG!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
F OFF Gerry Rivers, POS!!! 🤬🤬🤬
On F&F feeling sad for how Rudy has deteriorated…🤬🤬🤬
Because he didn’t go to Ukraine as an official envoy, because he hung around Lev Parnas, who turned out to be a crook and misled him.
Rudy went to Ukraine to investigate and clear his client, Donald Trump, of Russian collusion allegations. Ukraine handed him the Biden corruption evidence because our Corrupt Embassy, SD, DOJ, and FBI blocked and refused to acknowledge.
Guck Feraldo!!!
It’s time for POTUS and everyone else to drop this POS, never acknowledge him again!!


Is it not strange they want to impeach POTUS for what he said in a phone call but want to elect a corrupt VP for president? One POTUS said something while Biden actually committed a crime and cashed in from Ukraine -our taxs money washed through Borisma.
The democrats want a criminal in the WH.
You know what I think? Biden is running because he has proven that one is running for office one is off limits concerning crimes. Hilary was the example.


“Can’t stop the signal, Mal.”
(Firefly, the movie)


Fox is as bad as the rest of the LYING MSM – spit


God bless you for the time and effort you put into looking into things for the rest of us❣️
It looks to me like the deep state is an international criminal cartel enriching themselves unlawfully and on the backs of the little people on a global scale.
The callousness, arrogance, and financial/power hungry greed and gluttony of these people is mind boggling snd incomprehensible.


Hey Qtreepers! Am doing a happy dance right now — I just signed up for and got my Ticket to attend Trump’s rally in New Hampshire on Feb 10th. I just happen to be in the US during that time and fly back the next day! Now to figure out how to get there and back!
Will wonders never cease!


We hereby Deputize you to handle the on-site reporting for the WQTH New England Desk!!!


I’m the roving reporter.. from Davos to New England……it’s my home turf


So happy for you MA_kswiss …..
We’ll be needing another ground report 😉


I have to figure out logistics from Boston- should I drive up at 6am to wait in line? Or stay overnight and wait inline? I have to rent a car. Hmm


Keep in mind that people start lining up and camping out more than 24+ hours in advance. Our BMT went to rally and found the line waay too long on the day of, but fortunately was able to watch Jumbotron from hotel balcony room across the street.


Hmm so start lining up on Sunday? Where do they put their stuff? It says you cannot bring anything inside


Most schlep their stuff back to their cars awhile before the doors open (everyone is friendly enough by that time to hold places in line. At least that’s how we did it in last election’s rallies🤓


That is totally what I was worried about I was thinking of driving up in the morning to be there at 7am…. but I suppose that isn’t enough time …. it appears that SNHU arena holds almost 12k people which is small for his rallies right?


I’m not sure. Don’t know if they leave their stuff in place and collect afterwards(risky) or go in groups and put stuff up while others hold their place in line. Next weeks NJ rally has 100,000 ticket requests, venue holds 7,400. Hate to be there, Overflow crowd will be HUGE!!! Don’t know if they have separate line for ticket holders or not.
Marica has been to a few rallies, she may be able to advise you.


No the tickets really don’t mean anything; they don’t even collect them at the door. The ticket thing is more to build anticipation about how many request them.


I attended a rally – and ladies could take an average size purse… and security screened them as we entered the outdoor site.
Cell phones and digital cameras are ok too. Not sure about umbrellas if needed outside. Make everything you take disposable as possible…food, drinks, tarp, poncho, etc. Maybe even a really cheap folding stool that you can use to sit and rest in line.
The Trump events website might have a guidelist.


Good idea GA/FL…..disposable CHECK, small bag CHECK….it’s the weather that has me a liiiiitle big worried holding a spot all night….

Gail Combs

You used to be able to get a down jacket with snaps around the bottom and an ‘elephant’s foot’ if it is GOOSE DOWN it will scrunch up into a very small bag. (I used it when winter camping without a tent.)
They ARE EXPENSIVE though so you might take the IDEA and come up with something similar. (A warm bag for your feet)
Another option:!/60%C2%B0-Recon-Series-Ghost-Pepper-Topquilt/p/112592042/category=26945437


Here in Western Washington, Home Depot has umbrellas for $5 each right by the door. Don’t know if that’s available across the country but it’s worth checking out.


I recommend going the night before, getting a good night’s sleep in hotel and getting in line at crack of dawn.
It is a very long, physically taxing day just ‘hanging out’. Well worth it, but still taxing.

Gail Combs

Darn if we were still living in the area I give you a ride.


That would be amazing….. (if I still lived in that area I’d be glad to give you a ride too!! )

Gail Combs

I used to live in Salem, near Rockingham Race Track. I even boarded my yearling with one of the breeders up the road from the track.


Those little packages of hand warmers (currently selling for 79 cents in our grocery store) would be great…put inside shoes, as well. Even large trash bags with cut outs for head and arms are good as windbreakers….and disposable. If you are sitting…can pull one up from your feet and keep feet warm, too. Consider bringing some sort of “tie” material…string, rope, bungee to use around your waist with trash bags. Of course, long silk underwear…probably what you use in Switzerland right now…uggs boots, stocking hats and ear warmers.
If it were me, I’d go before and stay because of the traffic, parking situation, timing, etc.
The Wildwood, NJ one will be a nightmare…only one Parkway to get there and then very limited roads from the Parkway going East to the venue.


Doing a happy dance FOR you MA 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼
Travel safe with nose masks & plenty of germ wipes, etc. 🙋‍♀️💖🤓


Sure is, Daughn!


I love the patterns and striations on the boulders 💖




🔥💥💪🇺🇸 !!!!!




UFB our money can be confiscated with ZERO crime alleged. Feds simply stole $82,373 from an American citizen. No crime. No charges. Moar reason to distrust the Feds, TSA, DEA… AND, not fly.
Retiree Sues TSA, DEA for Confiscating Money Without Cause
For years, Rolin followed his parents’ eccentric Depression-era habit of hiding money in the basement of his home, according to the legal complaint. When he relocated to a smaller apartment, he became uncomfortable keeping a large stash of cash at home. So last year when his daughter, Rebecca Brown, visited for a family event, he asked her to take the money—$82,373 in total—and open a new joint bank account that he could use to pay for his ongoing personal needs.


The federal rules are very strict about cash. If you’re depositing 10 K in cash in a year, the feds can come in and take it. The rules came about because of cartel money laundering. Now, I’m not saying it is right, but that’s the way the laws are currently. There was a case a couple of years ago where someone who owned a small restaurant, probably a diner or small take out joint, happened to deposit more than the 10 K in cash during the year and got nailed the same way. Why the restaurant owner didn’t pay a lot of his bills in cash is beyond me.
I knew someone who was going to change banks, but was intending to take out the $ in cash, then put it in the other bank. It was just a hair over the 10K limit, and I said NO NO NO. Do you want to lose it? Had to explain things a couple of times. They got a cashier’s check instead.


What the hell happened to, “INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY “?
Government IS out of control!!!
How citizens manage their funds, cash, paper check, debit, credit, is ZERO BUSINESS of the government. It’s called FREEDOM.
YEA, druggies and criminals need to be busted… But it IS on the government to prove in a court of law. NOT some weenie at TSA, local cop or bureaucrat at DEA.


I agree totally. If I recall, I think it started under GWB, but the cash amount was higher, 20 or 25 K??? Not sure about it, but then it got throttled down to 10 K , all under the guise of trying to control cartels. I think its actual goal is part of the plan to get rid of cash.
Look what India did a year or two ago – they got rid of all the small bills, and forced people to have bank accounts, part of the road to a cashless society.


Understand the nonsense rationale.
As an American, it all remains 100% UNAMERICAN BS.
Getting rid of cash is equally 100% UNAMERICAN BS. Banks, Feds…all of them have zero business how we manage our money.


Jamcooker, with due respect, your facts are not correct. I worked as a bank teller handling deposits and withdrawals.
Banks are required by law, and their computers are programmed to do it automatically, to report a cash deposit or withdrawal that is over the $10k limit. This is an everytime report, not an annual $10k limit. The Feds do not ‘take’ the money. These reports are called SARS Suspicious Activity Report S(can’t remember).
There were many bank customers – liquor stores, pay loan businesses, and even some individuals who routinely had cash transactions above the $10k limit. We simply filed the reports every time. Of course the Feds might investigate some of those, or look for anomolies, but it would be HIGHLY unlikely that your acquaintance would have lost their funds.
BTW Cashiers checks are rarely used anymore and banks are VERY reluctant to accept them for deposit. Why? Because they are one of the most easily counterfeited and widely used in fraudulent financial transactions. Never ever accept a cashier’s check in return for selling something unless you accompany the buyer to his bank and watch him obtain the cashier check directly from his account. YOUR bank will put a hold on it until they can confirm it is not counterfeit.
I don’t know the details of this man and the TSA. I’m sure the TSA has protocols – let’s wait to hear more details!


I appreciate the correction, I had forgotten they are called SARS. But my point about the individual, changing banks (utilizing cash only, and it was only a savings account with no checking), by not having a paper trail or history, that would create a red flag. By requesting a cashier’s check, and taking it the same day to the new bank provides a paper trail.
As far as taking any checks, well unless you are a business with the ability to electronically verify funds or electronically handle the check, that’s generally not a good idea unless you know your clientele. It’s sure not the way business used to be handled.



OoooKKKK……………… above tweet is part of a THREAD – click timestamp
Now, with regard to my inability to post tweets last 24 hrs… I finally asked ‘google’
here’s the answer (Jack’s crew thought it better to move… yeah, right!)


Co-author of Vaccine Bill expresses remorse after his own grandchild is diagnosed with Autism.


Though I listen late at night and fall asleep (hopefully snd usually) before they are done, the Amazing Polly Videos are just that…amazing.
I highly recommend listening to the one about the Vindmans.
It really sounds like the Vindmans (all three brothers) were selected and groomed for positions of influence and power from a very early age. It reminded me of stories I had read about Obama and not immediately taken too seriously. Now I wonder.
If these things are true how is does the selection process work? What is the criteria? Who funds this and how? What is their endgame and what does this mean for the rest of us?
Some people, obviously, are born into positions of prominence and wealth i.e. sons of corruption like Hunter, Pelosi’s son, Anderson Cooper, Kerry kids, or Chelsea.
But now I am wondering how much of our socially prominent influence makers’ rise to the top is organic and what is the true price of admission others pay for entry into the club….


Amazing Polly is great, and I hope people in positions to do something are paying attention to what she uncovers.

Gail Combs

Check out My research on Karl Marx and SxyxS comment — Marx secretary Pieper was at the same time employed the Rothschild. When the Rothschild left Frankfurt they went to Paris (the first place Marx lived in Exile) and London (the second exile home of Marx).
Marx was selected and then trained by Baron Ludwig von Westphalen. He MOVED to Trier for the purpose of training the kid.


Polly has nothing on you!



I think Toensing promised big news today, or am I remembering wrong (thought she said Friday…)


Yes, Powell, Flynn’s lawyer, said there would be big new on Friday (today).


right…sorry forgot her name!


I think the Minute Order from Judge Sullivan posted by Butterfly above is the big news Powell was referring to…………..


I was gonna say, I don’t really get it, then I read Gail’s post below…
now I see why it’s big news…

Gail Combs

Notice the phrase
“… present ALL testimony and evidence….. including testimony from Mr Flynn and OTHER WITNESSESunder oath, subject to cross-examination, to show any “fair and just reason” for this Court to grant his motion to withdraw….”
HMMMmmm does that include Peter Strzok, Joe Pianka, Lisa Page and any others who tampered with the originating 302??? Any witnesses within the FBI who KNOW what happened to that CRITICAL 302?
Is it only the Lawyers who wrote up and agreed to the plea deal.


thanks Gail!


iirc Sidney says she has a witness who saw the 302 (that Bureau seems unable to find)

Cuppa Covfefe

“I can’t Git Mo sadist faction”…
DEMONicRATS going from “blue” to Orange…

Deplorable Patriot

Had to laugh at this one, because “experts” are wrong a lot.


The TITLE of “expert”……
Does NOT necessarily make it so.


Chuckling here…we used to say an “expert” was anyone who lived out of town.
Specifically, I was involved in a Shore medical Center but many of the “top tier” citizens always consulted doctors and had any medical procedures done in the city, located about 50-60 miles away rather than at our medical center…because “experts.” The irony, almost the entire medical staff were from those medical schools in the city, and chose to locate to the Shore because of fishing, sailing and a seashore lifestyle.
If the top tier (many were close friends) went to the medical school hospitals, they were simply a number rather than a recognized name, often seen by interns rather than the “expert” doctor, the facilities were crowded and very utilitarian compared to ours.

Gail Combs

It was actually
3790 not 3791

Rubber Bullets Sting but Do Not Lastcomment image
When did the public first learn re: FISA warrants re: +3 [non Page]?
If FISA warrants deemed to be illegal [ALL SURV LEAPFROG HOPS] what happens to MUELLER’s case(s)?
How do you invalidate a claim?
Conspiracy to commit….

Rubber bullets sting but do not last.

Cuppa Covfefe

This is the part I like:


the disease spreads thru the eyes??
A top medic who contracted Coronavirus says the deadly respiratory disease is so contagious it can be transmitted through the eyes.
Wang Guangfa, who was a leading figure in helping China fight Sars in 2003, himself caught the virus but has since recovered.
Mr Wang says he believes he became infected because he did not have protective eyewear.
The respiratory specialist at Beijing’s Peking University First Hospital had reportedly been ridiculed in some parts of the media after he contracted the disease despite saying it was “preventable and controllable” two weeks ago.

Deplorable Patriot

So, now we need to wear chem lab goggles and a breathing mask??????
It sounds like this bug starts out like the flu or a bad cold. That’s probably how it is spreading. People think they’re okay to go out.
Taking FG&C level precautions is probably a good idea.


this doc said his started as pink eye…

Gail Combs

Quite possible he touched his hand to his eye and never even realized it.
Most people are not aware of just how much they touch their face and eyes. Because I had severe allergies from child hood AND loved animals like dogs and horses, Ihad to train myself NOT to touch my eyes.
For what it is worth, I found smearing vaseline around my eyes, prevents pollen and other stuff from bothering my eyes. Not sure if it would work for airborne disease.


good for Oklahoma!!
Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt, a first-term Republican, issued an executive order banning all non-essential state-funded travel to the state of California. The order makes notable exceptions for college sports competition, business recruiting trips, and public school trips.
“California and its elected officials over the past few years have banned state travel to the State of Oklahoma in an effort to politically threaten and intimidate Oklahomans for their personal values,” Stitt said in a statement. “Enough is enough. If California’s elected officials don’t want public employees traveling to Oklahoma, I am eager to return the gesture on behalf of Oklahoma’s pro-life stance. I am proud to be Governor of a state that fights for the most vulnerable among us, the unborn.”



they gamed it out so the defense takes over on Saturday…when they think less people will watch. but many people sat out the dems boring presentations waiting eagerly to see the defense –for the first time in the stupid process!!!



Gail Combs

DO a one hour introduction and then adjourn until Monday. By this time the Senators have ants-in-their-pants and are NOT interested in sitting for several more hours anyway.
No reason the Senators can’t counter the game playing.

Gail Combs

Saturday, Jan. 18, 2020 – George Herbert Walker III, cousin of 2 presidents, dies

 George Herbert Walker III, cousin of two presidents, a former U.S. ambassador to Hungary [from 2003 to 2006] and a prominent St. Louis businessman and philanthropist, has died.
Walker, 88, died Saturday, according to the church handling his memorial service. The cause of death was not disclosed.
Walker grew up in Connecticut, was a graduate of Yale and earned a law degree from Harvard. After serving two years in the Air Force, he moved to St. Louis in 1958 to work for the financial services company founded by the grandfather he shared with his first cousin, George Bush. [money laundering?] Walker later served as president and CEO for Stifel, Nicolaus & Co…..

Licenced in 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, ” Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated can trace its roots all the way back to 1890, when it was called Altheimer and Rawlings Investment Co. But after Herman Stifel and Henry Nicolaus joined the firm around the turn of the 20th century, it was rebranded as Stifel Investment Company, and eventually became Stifel, Nicolaus Investment Company.”
[money laundering?]

Deplorable Patriot

I hadn’t heard this. I could look him in the eye, he was that short. He was almost always smiling and jovial. Dressed badly for his position.
He was definitely from the banking arm of the group. Can’t say on money laundering, but he sure gave a lot to the cause of fostering entrepreneurship.

Gail Combs

“…gave a lot to the cause of fostering entrepreneurship.”
I will certainly give him a thumbs up for that. I am just at the point I do not trust ANY of the Elite. I was specifically thinking of these other criminal acts BTW…
Sept. 22, 1990 NYT — F.D.I.C. Sues Neil Bush And Others at Silverado
Neil Bush Apologizes for Silverado Scandal

January 5, 2016
(Denver) A third Bush brother resurfaced today mouthing a tearful apology for his part in destroying the lives on many Americans in the hush-hush Silverado Banking scheme of the late 1980s. Neil Bush had been a recluse for the past 25 years….
In the infamous savings and loan debauchery many people lost their entire savings and taxpayers were bilked of an estimated 1.3 billion dollars due to what the FDIC called gross negligence. Federal regulators, crippled by recent deregulation by the Reagan Administration, stopped short of charging fraud in the highly publicized lawsuit that named Neil Mallon Pierce Bush, other directors, officers and lawyers of the defunct Denver savings and loan association.
The suit went on to say that “…in the three years that Mr. Bush was a director of the Silverado Banking, Savings and Loan Association he violated conflict-of-interest regulations and failed to act to stop the institution from making improper, and in some cases illegal loans.”….

And a more recent scandal
November 22, 2019 —Neil Bush and the $300,000 Meeting</b.

Scott is just the latest person to be linked with the Bulgarian scam network. Earlier this week, Scott stated in court that Neil Bush, an American investor and the younger brother of former United States President George W. Bush, was paid about $300,000 to meet with Ruja Ignatova.


POTUS LIVE at March For Life…. OANN, FNC, FBN






Yesterday in the Senate…..

And did you hear all the fawning praise of this smarmy lying leftist ideologue?


BARF…yes I did…


Sign of good things.


That’s our Scott !!!!!!


Rudy has established a website
Click on “Podcast” ………………….. there is only one at present, dated tomorrow…
This lone podcast is titled EP. 1: SINCE NO CRIMES EXIST, IT MUST BE DISMISSED
I haven’t been able to find any other…


Here’s Rudy’s pinned tweet

Gail Combs

This is what Yertle said a few days ago too.


Leftists are threatening and harassing our WH Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham:

Gail Combs

I hope they ALL get a visit from the FEDs. We have already seen that the HATE can escalate to attempted murder with the two attacks on the Republicans. (Baseball & train to retreat.)
If She was a Mussie Woman, the Commie Left would be up and arms DEMANDING prison time for these threats.


that is despicable!


This kind of behavior and language from the “tolerant ones” is despicable, uncalled for, and typical. I think TDS is much more dangerous than corona. I hope she stays strong and is well protected. These people are worse than rabid coyotes

Gail Combs

A least coyotes show some common sense.
The rabid leftists have nothing but HATE that THEIR will has been thwarted. They are irrational 2 year olds in adult bodies. WORSE they want COMPLETE CONTROL over everyone.




Please take note: her cheeckbones are MUCH better looking than Chief Lying Bull’s.


When no one is coming to see your portraits, there is only one thing to do. Take them on the road!
Obama Portraits to Tour the Country in 2021
Portraits of Barack and Michelle Obama will tour the nation from June 2021 through May 2022 so more people can make the “pilgrimage” to see them.comment image


Ebony and Ivey on the road…

Cuppa Covfefe

The Wookie and the Rookie…
The Wook and the Crook…
The “lackage” and the package…


LMAO..good thing I haven’t had coffee yet this morning…it’d be all over the keyboard!


no matter on canvas or real life
lipstick on pigs
they’re both HIDEOUS


And this is being done at taxpayer expense ??????


Gail Combs

BAN TRAVEL FROM CHINA PERIOD!! If you do come into the country FROM China you get to spend a week in quarantine. SHEESH, I ALWAYS quarantine new livestock that I bring onto my property.
How about some freaking COMMON SENSE!
We have the ability to skype so do that if you have to speake ‘face to face’ the commies are going to spy on you anyway.


When I took in rescue animals cat or dog I quarantine them after the Vet looks them over to make sure they do not bring something into the house.

Gail Combs

It only makes good common sense. One of the ponies I bought came down with pneumonia the next day. Thank goodness I had him in quarantine!
He recovered very nicely but I did not need to have another 20 ponies to take care of and possibly my sheep and goats too.
Even my new kitty got quarantined and she came from my next door neighbor!

Deplorable Patriot

The laws of physics don’t exist in the Star Wars movies, so they might be suspended in China. You don’t know.


In a communist country everything works by fiat. I suppose if the laws of physics do not conform they will find themselves in a re-education camp until they do.


Well, they worked here in the good ol’ USA for eight years by FIAT… and far too many of his holdovers are working hard to see that it stays that way…


There are types of concrete with a two hour ‘skin’ time (walk on) and an 8 hour harden time. First time I heard of it was a demonstration in Phoenix showing that a complete house can be built in one day if done by union workers.
It looked like one of those wall construction vids that show a week’s worth of work in three minutes while I was watching it in real time. Full disclosure: a construction worker friend of mine said he wouldn’t live in a house made with that concrete. Of course, China has no issue with minimal quality.

Cuppa Covfefe

IIRC, the faster the set time, with accelerants, etc., the weaker the finished product.
Judging from typical Chinese building/mfg practices, that won’t, erm, slow them down.
Still wonder about the new span of the Oakland-SF Bay Bridge. They’ve had LOTS of problems… I’ll bet in a quake, the new span is far less stable than the old (and not just because of the “self-supporting” design)…
Timing of this outbreak seems to be quite suspect, what with the “Phase I” agreement having just been signed. Some sort of underhanded “leverage” going on from the ChiComs???


Wonders if that should read as “… if not done by union workers”?

Rodney Short

Exactly, we run them union guys into the ground in Florida. With it being a right to work state things actually got done lol.
You wont see a union mason lay 1000 brick a day or 600-700 block a day.
200 block a day that’s what a union mason lays lol bunch of rookies


Tents! Think of war zone hospitals with more permanent facilities under construction, if necessary. Probably more need for crematoriums if this rapid spread continues.

Rodney Short

Hot mud takes less time than normal concrete and oh how I pitty the concrete crew because that concrete will burn you quick like.
I fell backwards into hot mud while I was working an end on a 20ft screet board and it wasn’t a pretty site.
Having the back of your britches full of hot concrete at the beginning of a 270 yard pour really sucks. Blisters in less that 2 minutes.


reading the replies to that tweet…
many are praising China–an amazing effort–they’re an amazing people—blah, blah, blah…
others are suggesting that’s not really a “hospital” per se as much as a containment unit.
since this is a known virus/disease…surely they knew the incubation period. why didn’t China, at the FIRST sign of an outbreak, quarantine travel from China. I would rather a government err on the side of caution towards the rest of the world, then build a dozen hospitals after they allowed travel to continue to other countries.


Without Jamie Farr in a dress, I presume.

Cuppa Covfefe

Send Biden there, if they need a MASHer…


Remember how the US Nurse rebelled against quarantine during the Ebola scare a few years ago?


Reminds me of the movie ‘contagion’


Katie Hopkins on impeachment…she’s funny!!




“so the Sergeant- at-Arms will take me out also” LOL!


comments: did they mean HOT FLASHES? LOL




In the top pic, I see four really hot chicks in the back row.




High school sorority stuff. Isn’t that sweet!




I watched an earlier clip of him discussing the proceedings so far and he stated he wanted a NON PARTISAN entity looking into the Biden situation. a full blown investigation but not by either party. good luck finding someone to investigate who isn’t partisan.




forgot about him…




The whole reason this impeachment is happening is because dims shifted from Mueller SC (which failed) to Ukraine and the “unidentified witness” that dims refuse to bring forward.
In other words, dims are impeaching PDJT for alleged corruption involving Ukraine, so it is entirely appropriate to show REAL corruption in Ukraine vs. the unsupported allegations of a witness whom dims refuse to identify.


I get what both you and Daughn are saying. Interesting – Andrew McCarthy actually notes that Schiff opened the door to this.
McCarthy speaks to the point you’re making FG&C.
“Schiff insists that Trump’s claims in this regard are false. But his mere say-so does not prove falsity, no more than his mere say-so proves that Trump wanted Ukraine to “make up dirt” on Biden. Figuring out who has the better of a factual dispute is what a trial is about. If a litigant does not want to create a dispute, it’s up to the litigant to steer clear of the issue.
Adam Schiff steered his case straight into the Bidens. The Trump team may have their political reasons for highlighting Biden’s involvement. But it was Schiff’s strategy that made the Bidens relevant. If one or both of them ends up in the witness box, they have Schiff to thank.”
Since the Dems – Schiff – are basing their charges against POTUS because supposedly he asked them to investigate Biden before he released aid to Ukraine, then POTUS has the right to prove that wasn’t the case.”
More at the link.
I agree with Daughn that it likely requires a massive, deep dive investigation – follow the money, and this impeachment sham isn’t the place for that – but it looks like bringing the Biden & son situation into the impeachment trial can’t be avoided, nor should it be if it means dismantling Schiffty, and the entire Ukraine Hoax.


Not a quote, my words.
Since the Dems – Schiff – are basing their charges against POTUS because supposedly he asked them to investigate Biden before he released aid to Ukraine, then POTUS has the right to prove that wasn’t the case.


Agree – the Senate is not the place – however – why wouldn’t the DOJ take up the investigation – did Giuliani waste the last two years looking into the corruption in Ukraine? All of that work for nothing?
Where does this belong if not in the DOJ?
Apparently, it belongs in Ukraine right now:


I understand from where you are coming – however – sometimes – these things are connected to an ongoing investigation – so we hear nothing for a while until the connection is made – and all doubt is removed –
This is a big spider web – the DS Swamp is broad and wide – any misstep could blow one case wide open and jeopardize other prosecutions – there is a reason for everything – why some smaller, insignificant information is passed over –
Notice how Giuliani talks – he only provides enough info to wet the whistle – and then – is quiet – he has more than we know about the corruption in Ukraine – I believe he sent his info to the DOJ – but, am not certain – it is not over until the fat lady sings – and she is still taking singing lessons – imho

Deplorable Patriot

That was one of this week’s points from Q. Durham shut down declassification and public release of information based on evidence needed to present to a Grand Jury. Whoever is prosecuting any one case can’t be too careful with that as public disclosure WILL taint jury pools.
There’s a reason some things only come out at trial. I learned that first hand while on a jury.


Agree – learned that from serving on a jury as well – why grand juries are so secretive – those serving cannot even discuss with family members.

Deplorable Patriot

In my case, WHERE the whole thing happened is within walking distance of my house. I had to avoid an entire neighborhood I used to walk through all the time.
If that trial had happened today, I could not have been on the jury, actually. The prosecuting attorney moved back into our parish and is a lector. I talk to him all the time now.


Hmmm…that is very interesting – what are the odds of that happening?

Deplorable Patriot

Arond here, pretty good.




Your comment reads like it was cut and pasted from OT.
Every ‘fact’ you stated has only the MSM for sourcing. For instance, why would Apple admit to providing private subscriber info to DoJ? The stock would crater, plus the twit storm would be a CAT 5. I’m more inclined to believe that Apple gave up the info on the condition that the feds lie about it.
Right now, I would refer you to the results of Brexit. UK is poised to be the number 2 economy in the world and the EU will be destroyed if they play hardball. DJT already told EU that if they taxed the big tech companies, he would tariff them an equal amount.
Big Tech OWES DJT bigly. He knows it, they know it, and we all should know it. From that tariff threat forward, all the SJW horseshit about Big Tech is kabuki theater. DJT owns them and he will cash his chips when it is most beneficial to the American people.
Have faith, my friend. The big guy’s got this.

Gail Combs

Also remember President Trump had one-on-one talks with the Big Tech presidents IIRC.

Deplorable Patriot

Thank you.


YAY!!! This is going to be great – CLASSIC!!!


NO witnesses at impeachment. Vote to flush it.
Bidens must be investigated by DOJ, OR SC appointed by AG Barr.
Senate, like the House is WORTHLESS at investigating anything. They fix nothing.


I thought the Senate was there to listen to the ‘evidence’ from both sides – and vote for dismissal – acquittal – removal – I do not believe it is the job of the Senate to ‘fix’ anything – so I am not sure I understand what you are saying, Kal – please help.


Agree. Listen and vote. I poorly referred to Senate or House hearings where they both accomplish nothing positive or fix anything. The only thing good they can do with this impeachment is, flush it.


I would be surprised if they do not – after all – there is no EVIDENCE!!! So far – this has been a Schiff Show – I hope he had a good time with his 15 minutes (uh, hours) of fame – because he added nothing worthy of consideration – just no doubt the man and his fellow travelers – are idiots!
Seems to me – even if they lose – they will be going back to the drawing board – to find another something or other with which to charge PT – when does this end, Kal?


Apparently, tomorrow is our turn. 3 hrs which will be the equivalent of opening statements – likely telling Schiffy he doesn’t have “jack” and POTUS’ team will prove it.
Monday begins our presentation. While the Dems have spent 4 days repeating the same thing over and over again, insulting the Senate and the People at the same time, on Monday – our folks are going to be attack dogs with evidence.
You could almost see the spring in the step of Sekalow et al today. They’re laughing at the MSM…


Cannot wait, lady – this is the part I am looking forward to watching – the former was just nonsense – however – from what little I have read – the two ‘head’ boys made royal fools of themselves.
It is payback time – FINALLY!!!



TY Duchess
That video was cut off early
‘sharing’ this from some dude


Thanks, Chris – wondered by it stopped there, too – appreciate the link – 🙂


That autocorrect is annoying – putting words in my mouth – can’t like it!


Wow! This is great, Chris!!!



Funny how this virus scare is really getting going….if you will….just as dims are finishing making their case and PDJT’s defense is up next.


And the left/globalists would LOVE to force the markets into a dive in this election year in order to take away a positive talking point from PDJT.


Create or fan a crisis – to use for leftist nefarious purposes…
– create panic > blame Trump,
– cause financial market chaos > sell short
– create pandemic > sell vaccines
It would be very easy to capture and spread an airborne contagious virus via drones or sprays.

Sadie Slays

After having watched the panic over SARs, bird flu, swine flu, and ebola in America, I’m taking this one with another dose of extreme skepticism. By next week, Alex Jones and the fringe parts alt-media will be spreading panic over mass vaccination theories. Calling it now.



Gail Combs

“…..mass vaccination theories.”
I would like to explore that.
#1. We already have MANDATORY vaccination for school children. Day cares have to be government licensed. So a flu vaccination could be added easily for all children. (I remember standing in the gym to get the salk vaccine for polio — no choice.)
#2. Teachers, daycare providers, health practitioners, retirement homes, fire, police, transportation… Again gov’t regulated so it could be mandated.
#3. Food providers are regulated so again, restaurants, groc, fast food.. could have vaccination mandated.
#4. Large corporations especially those with large customer contact could require vaccination as part of continued employment. (Unions would probably agree.)
So no the government would not go house to house… wellllll maybe not*** But ‘they’ have ways to get most people vaccinated.
**Speaking of going house to house… Ask farmers about De-Population or Stamping out, aka killing all animals susceptible within a 10 kilometer radius.
Unfortunately I can not find my old notes but Walter has an amusing parody on using the procedure on DC politicians.

Sadie Slays

I still remember back in 2009 when some websites were claiming that the Obama Administration was going to forcibly vaccinate the entire country for swine flu at any moment now and send all the people who refuse to the local FEMA camp. Meanwhile, you better stock up on that same website’s pandemic preparedness supplies RIGHT NOW before Obama sends his goons to your house!
Yeah, I’m sure there are government contingencies for forcible vaccinations in the same SHTF emergency “just in case” military plan folder along with the plans to invade Canada and survive a Yellowstone caldera eruption. But we’ve been here before several times with these pandemic panics, and I’ve yet to see anything convincing that this isn’t Swine Flu 2: Electric Boogaloo.

Gail Combs

“…the Obama Administration was going to forcibly vaccinate the entire country….”
That was certainly crap. It would at minimum take either Congress passing a law or a declaration of emergency nation wide.
Could it possibly happen? Maybe. but probably mot. (I haven’t checked the emergency laws.)
But there certainly are such laws:
The problem is AIRPLANES. A new disease can get transported anywhere within a day so it is a heck of a lot harder to quarantine than it used to be.

Sadie Slays

Maybe they should shut down the Wuhan airport (assuming this pandemic isn’t a giant hoax).

Sadie Slays

An interesting theory I heard today is that China is using this as an excuse to hide their bad economy. Yes, shutting down everything over a pandemic caused the bad economy, and not the constant winning from the Trump Administration’s new trade policies. Funny how this all really blew up right after the big trade agreement was signed!


Thanks for the report. There is a suspected case in Texas:
This article says, “14 Chinese cities with a combined population of around 33 million people are now off limits as the coronavirus infects over 800 people around the world. In the U.S., 10 possible cases in California, one in Texas and one in Tennessee are in isolation awaiting CDC test results.”
We will need confirmation, yea or nay. To me, the reports that it is “just” flu-like don’t comport with people “dropping like flies.” Also, if 20 have died, they were somewhat congregated in that one hospital that had corpses in the hallway? It doesn’t quite add up, to me.
[Dons tinfoil cap] I keep wondering who did this.


Yeah it’s not adding up. Taking everything with a grain of salt.
Also does this play into the China phase 1 deal…? Oh we can’t follow the rules now because of an outbreak


Despite the implication in your comment, I’m pretty sure there’s no such thing as a live corpse. Just saying.
🙂 🙂 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Is SCOTUS off limits? Or Klintoon Foundation?

Sadie Slays

Yes there is. Live corpses are called “Democratic voters.”

Gail Combs

I am not so sure about there not being ‘live corpses’ imagecomment image


I still think it’s being used to try to create panic and distract from Shampeachment. Nothing like a shiny “new” virus to get the sheep stampeding.
PDJT does not seem worried…

Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot

No need to confuse things with the facts.


Well of course they called the police when someone asked them questions they don’t like.
This is simply an early demonstration on how Bernie & Co. (ie. Communists) would govern if elected.


Bernie – crazy and greedy.

Gail Combs

Actually that IS how Bernie made his money…

….Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) released a decade’s worth of tax returns on Monday, detailing millions in income—2.26 percent of which he donated to charity.
The documents show that over the years, Sanders’ income ranged from $205,617 to $1.1 million, while his charitable giving ranged from less than 1 percent to just over 4 percent depending on the year.
Last year, Sanders’ total income was $566, 421 and he donated $18,950 or 3.35 percent. In 2017, his income was $1.1 million and he gave away $36,300 or 3.15 percent. The year before that he also made more than $1 million but donated $10,600 or less than 1 percent.
His income peaked in 2016 and 2017 due to sales of his book, Our Revolution.


From the hypocrisy bin:
Sometimes the most obvious questions never get asked, like this one.
If it was imperative to investigate PDJT as a candidate, a president-elect, and afterwards as President…
…as the left insists it was…
….then why ISN’T it imperative to investigate Joe Biden??



Deplorable Patriot

The same reason it was no imperative to investigate Obama, and the Clintons.

Sadie Slays

“Netflix deal” via Oprah, “book deals” via the Obamas, interview with Ellen. Well, we’ve reached the “interview with Ellen” part. These morons are so predictable.


You were right … and it confirms a bigger plot to cripple the monarchy I guess ? The 3 yr plan to bring chaos and division. It gobsmacks me that Harry is good with all of it yet he is


No worse then when Edward abdicated for his American honey pot. He is not in line for the throne so it will just be a case off how long he wants to be her little bitch.


Hes the millennials millennial who love him some obummer. All about me and mine. He was protected where he was. The sharks will have a feast.


OH look the big three. The ones who got all the awards. Yeah this is clear she’s going to try and bring them down. It’s by design

Gail Combs

I am going to put this comment on Eric Cinderella here too:
You need one several of Glen Beck’s chalkboards to keep track of all these people.
Paul Sperry of Real Clear Investigations has an amazingly good run down:
MOAR… (This has a nice listing of names)
REVEALED: Ukraine was the Origin of the Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax and It Ran Right Through the Office of Eric Cinderella
Here is another ‘cluster’
Report: Schiff Funneled $60 Million U.S.Tax Dollars to His Ukrainian Friend and ‘Corrupt’ Arms Dealer Igor Pasternak


Deplorable Patriot

I wonder if this is why the National Geospacial Agency is building a new facility.


Starfleet Academy is going to sue for plagiarism.


Didn’t GoT sue because he did something like winter is coming?


This morning I saw a patch from an Officer who is now retired from the AF, a patch he obtained in 1950s iirc, and it had this same symbol on it, the triad part.


You have GOT to be kidding me.
This is the “official” Star Trek Starfleet logo…comment image


I bet they’ll redo it again.


As the saying goes, life imitates art.


New GOP video!


ALABAMA stands with President Trump!!!!!


So pretty! I need to get a patch like that. Reminds me a little of the Star Trek logo


A little?!?
It close to verbatim carbon copy!!

Gail Combs

Those guys were John Campbell (editor) Heinlein, Asimov, Clarke, Hal Clement, Poul Anderson, James Schmidt…..
Star Trek was a Johnny-come-lately.


Don’t forget Jules Verne !


How about E.E, “Doc” Smith?


Yes! The side by side comparison.
This is not good, at all. The left is going to have a field day with this. 🤬


Yeah. And they would embrace this if Obama had done it. But since it was Trump, they will ridicule the hell out of it.


They already mocked the uniforms.
But what other kind of patch would they have made? For all we know Star Trek copied one years ago.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Wish I still had my “Tom Corbett, Space Cadet” lunchbox. I might still have one of his books (somewhere…..). I think he had a similar badge, as well. Notice that VSGPDJT said various branches of the military (leaders), designers, and others (probably would be a copyright lawyer or two amongst them, if not someone from the Roddenberrys and/or “rights holders”).
Going from a fantasy space opera to “the real deal” would probably make the latter two groups happy. And who gives a rip what the left thinks. Let them pound neutrons…


Agreed….But I believe its b design (pun intended)…..


…by design


Some of the comments are quite ingenious. My favorite is to rebuild the FIB and rename it United Network Command for Law and Enforcement.


To me the Space Force designs do not look the same they look similar enough not to be the same.


Maybe the triangular shaped image is some new design that evolved from this?comment image


I NEED A T-SHIRT!!!!!!!!!!

Linda K Harrison

Ted Cruz said if we have questions they now have a mail address: They are going to try to answer at least one question each night. I listened to the three he has done so far, they are good.

Gail Combs

Here is the chart in more readable form.comment image


We have been told by PDJT that in regards to Ukraine, it was a perfect call, but we have been looking at the call as a NOUN.
If we consider the call as a VERB….ie call into play, call the bluff, call the meeting, call to duty, etc…🤔 then it really was THE PERFECT CALL


Yes! I’ve thought all along it isn’t about a perfect conversation, but a perfect plan, trap…
POTUS consistently references that word “Perfect”… He’s messaging us.


Perfect CALL


Trump Administration hard at work!


Yay! Thanks, Dora! Needed a break from all of the nonsense – God Bless You!!!


That’s a wonderful Mozart medley!

Sadie Slays
Sadie Slays

Thanks for the comparison. Kiddo will want something for his birthday.


For Big T – thinking of his fabulous article on diamonds and Manhattan yesterday


Well y’all were right about holding off the defense until Monday. I think itll get good ratings then. And the msm will have to cover it!


Unless… gets postponed for that *ahem* state funeral thing Q mentioned. I can see them doing something to delay the defense so MSM can put those spinning wheels in high gear for a few days. That, or Corona, seems made to order for the left’s benefit 😡


It is GUARANTEED the lamestream, lying, corrupt, dirty, manipulative media will come up with something to distract from the President’s defense.

Gail Combs

BuzzFeed, the bottom Feeder has this headline:
‘QAnon Supporters And Anti-Vaxxers Are Spreading A Hoax That Bill Gates Created The Coronavirus’ but there are some interesting bits (Remember Canada gave China some Nasty viruses like Ebola to play with)

….While the World Health Organization has so far stressed that this isn’t a global emergency, online rumors and lies have run fast… [GEE, let’s sit back and do nothing until it is TOO late and millions are dead….]
The crux of Sather’s conspiracy hinges on a 2015 patent filed by the Pirbright Institute in Surrey, England, which covers the development of a weakened form of a [avian] coronavirus that could potentially be used as a vaccine to prevent respiratory diseases in birds and other animals. [This is the same Pirbright that was responsible for the Foot and Mouth Disease fiasco that devastated the UK while the WTO was pushing National Animal ID so I really, really trust them….]
Paranoid social media users found Google search results that connect the Pirbright Institute to a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation grant to study livestock antibodies — and latched on to it….

So I think Sather’s isa bit warped but lets take a look at the information available.
We know the ChiComs are hand in glove with Biden & DiFi the China Spy at minimum so yeah, this is really, really suspect.
Democrats get to present THEIR case for three days….
Chines Virus sucks up all the Fake News time AND ATTENTION of viewers during the Republicans rebuttal.
Coincidink??? I do not think so…
Remember the Chinese have ZERO regard for human life and a major culling, given the loss of food via the African Swine flu + the Trump economic pressure + rebellion in Hong Kong + an aging population….
Yeah, I can see an epidemic might look ‘attractive’ if you already had a vaccine to protect Party Members.
Things that make you go HMMMmmm
Was The Corona virus developed in Canada and stolen by China?

….A researcher with ties to China was recently escorted out of the National Microbiology Lab (NML) in Winnipeg amid an RCMP investigation into what’s being described as a possible “policy breach.”
Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband Keding Cheng and an unknown number of her students from China were removed from Canada’s only level-4 lab on July 5, CBC News has learned…..

Canadian lab’s shipment of Ebola, Henipah viruses to China raises questions

Gail Combs

Bill Gates
I do not know if there is any connection but I SURE would not trust the SOB.
msn newspowered by Microsoft News: Bill Gates ‘predicted’ Chinese coronavirus a year ago and warned it could kill over 30 million people

…..In 2018, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates gave an ominous warning that the next virus outbreak, like swine-flu, ebola, a bioterror attack or an unknown pathogen, could go global and result in the deaths of over 30 million.
What’s scarier, he produced a scientific simulation that showed that it was possible that these deaths could occur in just six months….
Speaking to delegates at an event hosted by the Massachusetts Medical Society in 2018, the billionaire business explained how in contrast to what people might see on TV or the movies, the frameworks many countries have in place to deal with diseases are sadly lacking.
‘In the real-world the health infrastructure we have for normal times breaks down very rapidly during major infectious disease outbreaks,’ he said.

27 Nov, 2017 South China Morning Post: Bill Gates given one of China’s highest academic honours — Microsoft chief elected to Chinese Academy of Engineering because of work to develop advanced nuclear technology

…Bill Gates, the tech billionaire who co-founded Microsoft, has been given one of China’s highest academic honours – an accolade which is mostly reserved for top scientists and engineers.
Gates was the only non-academic foreigner hand-picked by the Chinese Academy of Engineering for lifetime membership of the 815-member body…
The CAE – which falls under the State Council, China’s top governing body – also has a role advising Beijing on the country’s economic and social development, and its new members need to have “strict political clearance”.….

Jan 23, 2020, Business Insider A coalition backed by Bill Gates is funding biotechs that are scrambling to develop vaccines for the deadly Wuhan coronaviruscomment image


Hmmmm, wonder what they were planning to incinerate?

Cuppa Covfefe

Or whom…

Deplorable Patriot


Wondered if he was there. Good for him, and his school.

Deplorable Patriot

Well, this is certainly interesting given the source.


They were all “afraid” of him….but no followup questions or explanation??


They were all afraid of him because he had collected dirt on them and was blackmailing people, up to and including a former POTUS.


Ding! Ding! we have a winnah!!1
and Ms Cindy was head of a Children’s organization…
Remember the shut down of “Back Page” ???
She was involved with that also.
She is a piece of work, Ms Cindy is.


Clarity needed…
She was involved with Back Page, NOT its shutdown.


Videos won’t play on my windows xp ‘puter any more so all I get is a still pic with no ability to find out who is appearing. Which creates the question: who is the lady with the long legs?

Deplorable Patriot

No idea. I was more concerned with what Cindy McNoname had to say.



Deplorable Patriot

I was on such a high earlier. I’ve never been to the march in Washington, but I have done the walk here from the Cathedral Basilica to the only PP facility in the state that kills children in this way. Unfortunately, due to the cold, etc., and discretion being the better part of valor, I don’t do that anymore. Can’t sing if I’m sick.
This was such a boost, and outside of a couple channels on cable, and the conservative blogosphere, it just got ignored. Only Trump’s speech got any play. Not that it wasn’t a great one, but the organization it takes to pull off that event every year is truly grass roots. If that many people show up after hours on a bus, and peacefully demonstrate…this isn’t news? This isn’t a BIG, F$#@!*& deal?
I realize that this is one of the issues that divides one side from the other, and I guess if the left admitted that the pro-life community is this motivated to pull off a march of hundreds of thousands of people for decades running, they’d have to actually try to defend their indefensible positions, but it’s negligence on a level that even the MSM should be embarrassed about.


They bury their heads in the sand and pretend it didn’t happen if it doesn’t suit their narrative. I’m soooo proud of PDJT for doing this. From what little coverage I have seen it was huge!! And Nick Sandmann went right back to “the spot” to find that there were no angry, drum beating posers…good for him!!!


Deplorable Patriot

It was as big as I’ve ever seen it. The march line was three hours long.


Just a tiny sliver of a fraction of our true numbers.

Deplorable Patriot

This is true. Every year, I know people who go, and a lot just can’t afford it.


“An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 rocked eastern Turkey on Friday, causing some buildings to collapse, killing at least 14 people, injuring more than 300 and leaving several trapped, Turkish officials said. The epicentre of the quake, which struck at 1755 GMT, was in Elazig province, about 340 miles east of the capital, Ankara.”


Year after year, Budweiser always has great Superbowl ads…..


They CRUSHED it in 2014 with this one. I actually bought some Budweiser after I saw this ad, and I hate Budweiser (the actual beer).

Deplorable Patriot

You aren’t alone hating Bud. And I’ll tell you what, hang out in Soulard long enough, and you can tell when Bud is making its way through the brew house. PHEW! Talk about a blech smell.


Yes that was a very good one. Hard to beat the kneeling Clydesdales though


Oh wow. I had forgotten that one. Thank you.

Deplorable Patriot

This one was done before AA Busch, III, sold us all out. And, yeah, that’s what happened.

Gail Combs

Merrimack NH had the Budweiser breeding farm. I used to love to watch the new foals.
That puppy reminds me of the Golden at the barn I boarded my mare at. She would jump up and lick my horse on the nose as I got saddled up and then go with us trail riding every day.

Deplorable Patriot

There was more than one breeding farm. There’s still a hitch at the Brewery, mares and foals out at Grant’s Farm, and there’s another facility close by.
Seriously, these are the most pampered horses in the nation.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ll be honest. This was not one of my favorites. I’ve been watching A-B ads my whole life, and some of the guest lecturers we had in college were from the ad agencies that did some of the “this Bud’s for you” classics. This particular spot is not as good as the one, for example, where a barge broke loose on the river and had to be corralled, or the one about the calf that gets caught in a river current and cowboys rescues it. I mean, those spots grabbed you, like the ones with the Clydesdales which are conspicuous in their absence here.


Good commercial, though I miss the Clydesdales.
If you look closely in the video is the amazing clip of the man who gave the shirtless old fellow on the train the shirt of his back. Went vial on the internet a few years ago. One of the most beautiful moments of humanity I’ve ever seen.


Yes, I love the Clydesdales, especially the kneeling ones. I posted it above

Gail Combs

I had the chance to ride a Clydesdale. I actually traveled all the way to Maryland to give a guy a hand in training his Clydesdale to neck rein. He bought the horse to use in jousting.comment image

Deplorable Patriot

The stable at the Brewery has glass made by Tiffany. No, I am not kidding. And you can eat off the floors, they are that clean. Driving onto the grounds is like being at Willie Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, where to start? Coco Chanel, Yves Saint Laurant, and various other designers have to be rolling in their graves.


Wow. Hideous and fugly.

Deplorable Patriot

Never mind the lack of manliness of the models. At least I think those are men. I mean, they certainly don’t resemble women. Their clothes are what some women wear, though.


No, those aren’t “men”. Those are soy-boys.


They are born males, but none are men. Ick.



The fashion industry has for decades shoved women’s noses in the reality that they can produce a pile of manure and tell women everybody’s wearing it, and those women with the most money will pay anything to be the first to wear it.


Perfectly stated. Some women won’t think for themselves, maybe because of peer pressure.
This is a chaos-creating, society-destroying agenda, to have men dressing as women, to promote the abnormal as desirable, and to promote the unattractive as something to aspire to.

Deplorable Patriot

Just remember that women go to the bathroom in packs.
I love elegant, becoming fashion. What is in those pictures does not qualify.


Yes, it is.
And was foreseen…
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!”
Isaiah 5:20-21

Gail Combs

I could never STAND the ‘fashion industry’ Nothing but a bunch of fairies who hate women. I ended up designing and making my prom dresses (high school and college) and my wedding dress.
They must be in seventh heaven now that they get to design ‘fashion’ for soy boys.


Here is how this Southern woman likes her man to dress….
Sharp wingtips and suit when needed but can wear his work boots and jeans (or Carhartt) or sharp jeans and button down for church…We like a man who can do business and yet work hard
That is what I like about this video – both styles!

Or just jeans and a t….the key is a gentleman, a man’s man in his heart and character, a hard worker whether in the city or the country, a man of God who can handle life

None of this males on the runway or a male who would wear such stuff could handle a real Southern woman…and we wouldn’t want ’em anyway. Cary Grant’s style or John Wayne’s style – either way or a combo of both but not Alan Alda or these “men”!
Who can forget Grant’s entrance in this movie? (7:50 mark) Wouldn’t be the same in one of those idiotic get ups!

OK…I am getting a little wild & I am starting to act like this is one of PHC’s parties! ha
I will Never forget him.


What is the “OK” sign supposed to mean, now? White nationalism or something? We CAN’T let them dictate new rules.
Michael Jackson was a cute kid who would have been an attractive adult if he hadn’t tampered with his appearance.


Found this piece on Real Clear Politics today.
“The FBI Scandal”
By Eli Lake of Bloomberg News
It’s a lengthy piece that goes over all the dirty crap the Cabal did re: “Crossfire Hurricane”…
…and justifies it all.
As the dirt starts to come out for real, the left will be working overtime to pretend it was all no big deal, that it was justified, that folks like Strzok and Page were just doing their jobs, etc, etc, etc, etc.
I encourage you to read this if only to see the ways in which the leftist media will acknowledge the truth without acknowledging the illegalities and crimes of the truth.

Sadie Slays

Found this meme. That’s an awful lot of greenery for winter. Devil’s advocate: The trees might be some sort of evergreen variety that doesn’t lose leaves in the winter. I don’t know. Sharing this so that people can keep an eye out for these details as more pictures come from China.comment image


Crisis actors in China.
Go figure.

Concerned Virginian

9:30PM 680WPTF news report:
First suspected case of the Wuhan Coronavirus in North Carolina: a person who traveled to Wuhan returned yesterday to the Raleigh-Durham International Airport showing symptoms of suspected Wuhan Coronavirus. The individual is now in an isolation unit at Duke University Hospital and is being tested by the CDC.


So if that person has the virus, he/she exposed everyone on the plane and many in the airports. And those people will expose others.
Officials are taking temperatures as people disembark at some airports, but they might not be showing symptoms yet. It seems almost impossible to contain.
I’m not panicking; just find it interesting.


Great! According to CSPAN, it will start at 10 a.m. Eastern.

Deplorable Patriot

See y’all tomorrow!


Good rest, DP. 🙂


Fox reporting 4.6 earthquake in Barstow, California, 114 NE of LA. There was a 3.6 in the area a few days ago.
