20200125: Coronavirus

The details of the Coronavirus are sketchy and unreliable, which is why I avoided posting a thread. None of us want to spread bad information, and we don’t want to OVERreact and spread hysteria. The problem with this issue is, that as fast as the disease is spreading, so is the bad information. Thus, this thread. Perhaps we can sort fact from fiction within this forum.

Most of the reporting refers to various provinces of China (like our states). This map might be helpful as a reference.

World Health Organization Link: https://www.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus

American CDC Link: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/index.html

The South China Morning Post is an outlet many of us follow. They are tracking the story closely. I counted a total of 25 stories about Coronavirus on their main page this morning. Here is their link: https://www.scmp.com/news/china

We know the US Senate has been briefed on the virus. Here is the President’s latest tweet:

This video is from a BBC reporter crossing a checkpoint in Henan (on the interior). He had his temperature checked before crossing the border.

Dr Eric Feigl-Ding, Harvard PhD in Epidemiology, and youngest dual PhD from Harvard SPH, has a thread which explains the contagen and the virality of spread, which scientists characerize as an RO factor. What is the typical R0 attack rate for the seasonal flu in most years? It’s around an R0=1.28. The 2009 flu pandemic? R0=1.48. The 1918 Spanish Flu? 1.80. This new #WuhanCoronavirus reproductive value again? R0=3.8 Reference for the typical spread rate of seasonal flu is found here: https://bmcinfectdis.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1471-2334-14-480 and the model for the Coronavirus is found here: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.01.23.20018549v1 Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding is alarmed by the high rate of spread for this virus.


PLEASE understand, the above thread is alarming………..!!!!!!! Kyle Bass, the hedge fund guy who has specialized in China for decades responds to the info posted by Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding (above) as follows:

If we think of the Coronavirus as a super version of a common cold, then we should make sure to wash hands, doorknobs, switchplates, cover mouth and nose when sneezing, ……. and don’t eat partially cooked bat soup from China. NOTE: The CDC in the USA has changed their position and is specifically NOT confirming the source of the disease as the Wet Animal Market in Wuhan. The CDC has yet to determine the source of this disease.

Within this thread, please dump your comments and theories, videos and links. Perhaps together, we can all get closer to the truth.

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THANK YOU for posting the separate thread for this….a very good idea.
…especiallywhen trying to determine the actual source of this thing…
so…maybe it didn’t start at the Wunan “fish” market, after all ?
hmmm…could it have started, say, in a lab somewhere ??


Like perhaps the virology lab that’s a couple of miles from the live animal market….?? Oh, and the US patented a coronavirus vaccine in 2015…

Barb Meier

Someone on twitter explained that patented coronavirus from 2015 is different than the one today. There’s apparently several of them.


That might be so. However it’s still impossible for a reptile corona virus to cross infect humans. It simply doesn’t happen. Their physiology is too different.


Therefore it is in fact a manufactured virus, regardless.


Daughn – Wolfie posted this tweet and map with a running # of cases and deaths in each country.



The number of cases has not changed from 1354 since around 3 am ET this morning.


QTree reporting at its finest!! 🥰🥰


I should have posted only the map.

Barb Meier

Search Wikipedia for “Basic reproduction number R0” or see @Turnbolt11 https://twitter.com/turnbolt11/status/1220955274623815680. The highest R0 on a Wikipedia chart is for Measles with an R0 of 12-18.

Barb Meier

Wikipedia on Dr. Ding mentions connection to Soros. “Eric L. Feigl-Ding is an American public health scientist who has received awards for his work in epidemiology, nutrition, and health economics. He is a faculty member at the Harvard School of Public Health and Chief Health Economist and Senior Vice President with Microclinic International. He is a Paul and Daisy Soros Fellow, and a WEF Global Shaper. He was also a 2018 Democratic candidate for Congress from Pennsylvania’s 10th congressional district, as an advocate for public …”


this person has lot of questions (note the story references numbers available as of Friday)…
Today it was reported that a healthy 36-year-old man was among the dead. Up until this point, the deaths had all been people between 48-89 with pre-existing health conditions “including cirrhosis, diabetes, high blood pressure or coronary heart disease, China’s National Health Commission said.”


Gail Combs

Remember President Trump was just in contact with the Chines at the signing of phase one and with leaders from around the world in Davos. Now President Trump will be at a New Jersey rally with thousands of people with a possible case just 150 miles away.
This Pandemic is ‘Nicely staged’ to disrupt President Trump’s rally schedules isn’t it?

Gail Combs

I already posted this on Bill Gates:
BuzzFeed, the bottom Feeder has this headline: ‘QAnon Supporters And Anti-Vaxxers Are Spreading A Hoax That Bill Gates Created The Coronavirus’ but there are some interesting bits (Remember Canada gave China some Nasty viruses like Ebola to play with)

….While the World Health Organization has so far stressed that this isn’t a global emergency, online rumors and lies have run fast… [GEE, let’s sit back and do nothing until it is TOO late and millions are dead….]
The crux of Sather’s conspiracy hinges on a 2015 patent filed by the Pirbright Institute in Surrey, England, which covers the development of a weakened form of a [avian] coronavirus that could potentially be used as a vaccine to prevent respiratory diseases in birds and other animals. [This is the same Pirbright that was responsible for the Foot and Mouth Disease fiasco that devastated the UK while the WTO was pushing National Animal ID so I really really trust them….]
Paranoid social media users found Google search results that connect the Pirbright Institute to a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation grant to study livestock antibodies — and latched on to it….

So I think Sather’s maybe a bit warped but lets take a look at the information available. However do not forget ANIMALS are used as a way of studying diseases in HUMANS. All drug testing first goes through animal testing.
Bill Gates
msn newspowered by Microsoft News: Bill Gates ‘predicted’ Chinese coronavirus a year ago and warned it could kill over 30 million people

…..In 2018, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates gave an ominous warning that the next virus outbreak, like swine-flu, ebola, a bioterror attack or an unknown pathogen, could go global and result in the deaths of over 30 million.
What’s scarier, he produced a scientific simulation that showed that it was possible that these deaths could occur in just six months….
Speaking to delegates at an event hosted by the Massachusetts Medical Society in 2018, the billionaire business explained how in contrast to what people might see on TV or the movies, the frameworks many countries have in place to deal with diseases are sadly lacking.
‘In the real-world the health infrastructure we have for normal times breaks down very rapidly during major infectious disease outbreaks,’ he said.

Jan 23, 2020, Business Insider A coalition backed by Bill Gates is funding biotechs that are scrambling to develop vaccines for the deadly Wuhan coronaviruscomment image
Jan 23, 2020, Business Insider A coalition backed by Bill Gates is funding biotechs that are scrambling to develop vaccines for the deadly Wuhan coronaviruscomment image


How, specifically, is Bill Gates effectively different from George Soros, as far as affiliations, long-term goals, political ideology, etc., are concerned?
I trust Bill Gates just like I trust the Rothschilds.
In other words, a LOT.

Gail Combs

We know the ChiComs are hand in glove with the Clintons, Biden & DiFi the China Spy at minimum….
We know that China would LOVE to get back to the globalist/DemonRat plan of having COMMUNIST China as the world’s Super power….
so yeah, this is really really suspect.
Democrats get to present THEIR case for three days….
Chinese Coronavirus sucks up all the Fake News time AND ATTENTION of viewers during the Republicans rebuttal.
President Trump’s SUPER WEAPON, his rallies, are nullified for AT LEAST 6 months or more during the election season.
The virus is the PERFECT weapon for taking out the POTUS and VP.

Coincidink??? I do not think so…
Remember the Chinese have ZERO regard for human life and a major culling, given:
the loss of food via the African Swine flu
Trump economic pressure killing manufacturing & GDP growth
Rebellion in Hong Kong
An aging population with no method of caring for them. Remember Ancestor worship is big in China.
Yeah, I can see an epidemic might look ‘attractive’ if you already had a vaccine to protect Party Members.
Was The Corona virus developed in Canada and stolen by China?

….A researcher with ties to China was recently escorted out of the National Microbiology Lab (NML) in Winnipeg amid an RCMP investigation into what’s being described as a possible “policy breach.”
Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband Keding Cheng and an unknown number of her students from China were removed from Canada’s only level-4 lab on July 5, CBC News has learned…..

Canadian lab’s shipment of Ebola, Henipah viruses to China raises questions

Shipment may be part of RCMP investigation into researchers evicted from National Microbiology Lab
Scientists at the National Microbiology Lab sent live Ebola and Henipah viruses to Beijing on an Air Canada flight March 31, and while the Public Health Agency of Canada says all federal policies were followed, there are questions about whether that shipment is part of an ongoing RCMP investigation.
Ebola and Henipah are Level 4 pathogens, meaning they’re some of the deadliest viruses in the world. They must be contained in a lab with the highest level of biosafety control, such as the one in Winnipeg.
Two months after that shipment, on May 24, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) referred an “administrative matter” to RCMP that resulted in the removal of two Chinese research scientists — Xiangguo Qiu and Keding Cheng — and several international students on July 5…..



as you say…look at the timing…I was just thinking the same thing yesterday…not to be tin foil about it but…
….could this be any more “coincidental” ??

Gail Combs

Smiley if you look at the time line it is even MORE suspect! First reported case is on the LEFT COAST???
The news reports could have been held until AFTER the DemonRats had presented their case. Yet now within a few days we get reports from all over the USA.


“DiFi the China Spy.” LOL


“Scientists at the National Microbiology Lab sent live Ebola and Henipah viruses to Beijing on an Air Canada flight March 31, and while the Public Health Agency of Canada says all federal policies were followed, there are questions about whether that shipment is part of an ongoing RCMP investigation.
Ebola and Henipah are Level 4 pathogens, meaning they’re some of the deadliest viruses in the world.
They must be contained in a lab with the highest level of biosafety control, such as the one in Winnipeg.”
Or, you know, sitting in a styrofoam cooler, with a seat-belt, in first class.
What could go wrong?
I’m sure it’ll be fine.
Policy, schmolicy.
And really, if you’re the Canadian government, why wouldn’t you ship biological warfare materials to totalitarian dictators in China who are indistinguishable from Stalin or Hitler or Mao, except for their Western public image?
Seems perfectly normal.
If they’re both on the same side that is, i.e., against humanity in general and Western Civilization in particular.
What do we do, if it turns out the Canadian government is conspiring with the Chinese government to implement Soros / Georgia Guidestones type worldwide depopulation event?
And if the Canadian government is involved in such a conspiracy, they certainly aren’t alone… how many other governments of our “allies” are in on the plan?

Gail Combs

Doesn’t China LOOK like A GOOD BOY?
May 24, 2019 — Shipment of Level 4 pathogens from Canada to China
July 5, 2019 — Chinese scientists Removal
October 2019 — World Economic Forum, and Gates Foundation presentation features a new CORONA VIRUS that leads to a global pandemic.
December 8, 2019 — First known illness
December 31, 2019 — cluster of illnesses was initially reported to the WHO China Country Office.
January 1, 2020 — China’s Wet market was closed
7 January 2020 — The Chinese authorities identified & isolated a new type of coronavirus (novel coronavirus, nCoV)
January 11 — China shared the genetic sequence of the novel coronavirus on 12 January, which will be of great importance for other countries to use in developing specific diagnostic kits.
January 12th, WHO statement

….WHO is reassured of the quality of the ongoing investigations and the response measures implemented in Wuhan, and the commitment to share information regularly.
Symptom onset of the 41 confirmed nCoV cases ranges from 8 December 2019 to 2 January 2020….
The clinical signs and symptoms reported are mainly fever, with a few cases having difficulty in breathing, and chest radiographs showing invasive pneumonic infiltrates in both lungs. National authorities report that patients have been isolated and are receiving treatment in Wuhan medical institutions.
According to the preliminary epidemiological investigation, most cases worked at or were handlers and frequent visitors to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market. The government reports that there is no clear evidence that the virus passes easily from person to person.
Currently, no case with infection of this novel coronavirus has been reported elsewhere other than Wuhan.

Gail Combs

I forgot to add this:
January 24 2020 Virus-hit Wuhan has two laboratories linked to Chinese bio-warfare program
“Virology institute there has China’s only secure lab for studying deadly virus

The deadly animal virus epidemic spreading globally may have originated in a Wuhan laboratory linked to China’s covert biological weapons program, according to an Israeli biological warfare expert.
Radio Free Asia this week rebroadcast a local Wuhan television report from 2015 showing China’s most advanced virus research laboratory known the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Radio Free Asia reported.
The laboratory is the only declared site in China capable of working with deadly viruses.
Dany Shoham, a former Israeli military intelligence officer who has studied Chinese bio warfare, said the institute is linked to Beijing’s covert biological weapons program.
“Certain laboratories in the institute have probably been engaged, in terms of research and development, in Chinese [biological weapons], at least collaterally, yet not as a principal facility of the Chinese BW alignment,” Mr. Shoham told The Washington Times.
Work on biological weapons is conducted as part of a dual civilian-military research and is “definitely covert,” he said in an email….
Mr. Shoham holds a doctorate in medical microbiology. From 1970 to 1991 he was a senior analyst with Israeli military intelligence for biological and chemical warfare in the Middle East and worldwide…


“….WHO is reassured of the quality of the ongoing investigations and the response measures implemented in Wuhan, and the commitment to share information regularly.…”
Nice to know that WHO is reassured…
I’m sure they’re completely trustworthy, not a corrupt globalist in the whole bunch.
Who is WHO?
WHO’s on first?


I don’t give a damn.
Oh, he’s our shortstop.


It’s all fun and games, until a billion+ people die.
It’s seems like we’re well past the point where we need a Union and a Contract.
The Union would consist of We the People of Earth, specifically excluding the Globo-Fascists, who would be named and photographed, with addresses, on a worldwide database, open-source and updated continually. We the People should know where these people are, at all times.
The Contract would be for the elimination of the Globo-Fascists, at the first sign that they have initiated a depopulation event against the Union.
This would serve at least three important purposes.
One, it would unite the People of the World in common cause against the Globo-Fascists
Two, it would put the Globo-Fascists on notice (they’re VERY big on ‘notice’, so they would be impressed).
And Three, it would suddenly make it very much in the Globo-Fascists’ self-interest to make sure nobody gets sick, ever again.


We are no longer in a position where the ‘people’ of one country are a threat to the “people” of another country.
The current and future threat is the Globo-Fascist umbrella ‘shadow government’, which is against the “People” of EVERY country.


I’m getting two dates on that Gates Conference. One has it happening 18 Oct 2019. The other one saying in 2018 is coming from MSN news and was dated 23 Jan 2020. Might of been two separate conferences? See me below here.
Wonders if it would help to include the Iran events in any time lines dealing with the Corona virus.
July 5th 2019 https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/chinese-researcher-escorted-from-infectious-disease-lab-amid-rcmp-investigation-1.5211567
18 Oct 2019 Event Presented by Bill Gates Where the Cornona Virus takes center stage. (note recent MSN story conflicts dates as this happening in 2018 however this 2019 date is also here: http://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/about ) May of happened twice?

Late Dec 2019 First known spread of the Corona Virus said to happen
3-8 Jan 2020 Failed Mideast Entanglement with Iran after US kills Iran general Qassem Suleimani who was said to be possibly threatening other American Embassies finally ends with Iranian Civilian Passenger Plane being shot down by in Iran (8 Jan 2020)
19-20 Jan 2020 Public becomes aware of possible Pandemic
Assumption being made is that failing to tar the President with Med East Events it then became China’s turn. In the early stages the possible pandemic could have been thwarted but eventually was allowed to spiral out of control. Throughout these periods Impeachment dates were calculable all while impeachment itself is likely to be known as a failure, thus the Mid East project and the China project were green lighted in succession given the early likelihood that the President will be soon lowing the hammer.


ah ha….”…can only be solved by GLOBAL BUSINESSES AND COMMUNITIES working together..”

finances for the GLOBAL needs…
the UN has worldwide footprints ?
redistribution of wealth ??
an agenda to this.
“…an international mechanism…” will be needed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They couldn’t LIE about climate, so they use REAL DISEASES.
(After the nice, legal, NUREMBERG-STYLE trials for their BIOWARFARE GENOCIDE “unification” plot, of course.)

Cuppa Covfefe

Pickle them in their own juices…
In a vat of lime…

Cuppa Covfefe

Have to wonder what sort of white papers (other than those on a roll) are coming out of Davos and the WEF. I rather expect that this is some sort of a backup plan to “muh climate”…
Also useful to note that illnesses and diseases spiked during the “Little Ice Age” and other cold periods.
Maybe Babykiller Junior Gates (his Dad was BIG in Planned unParenthood early on) has some misbegotten malthusian Misanthropoic hopes of being one of the four horsemen – the pale one…
Seems he’s quite familar with bugs… which other people get to test…
(YEP, I’m STILL pi$$ed that TechNet went away…).


thank you, Dora…I am reposting that Event 201 video, below…






this article has a secondary article below it that has a ton of information (can’t vouch for it tho) about the virus, symptoms, treatments, etc…lots there to read thru…


F&F as of 7am CT
US confirmed cases = 2, Everett, WA and Chicago, IL
63 currently being tested across 22 States
China – 41 dead, 1200+ infected
This link has a real-time Global tracking map of Virus from Johns Hopkins. Slide around and zoom for stats in different countries.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmmm. Everett…. Boeing…


I have noted that in one tracking map that showed 26 deaths, it showed 36 “recovered” patients…


so let’s redistribute our wealth…into all the global communities…right?
could that be the agenda with this ??
another hideous …and deadly…power grab scheme by the wretched Globalists…while killing off millions in the process, as well !

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The time to start talking NUREMBERG TRIALS is now.

Cuppa Covfefe

Give Satan Soros a few more wrinkles…


It is the 3rd world and its ideologies practices that produce and spread these diseases.
China’s barbaric dietary practices produced MERS, SARS and this Coronavirus.
Africa’s dietary and Islam’s religious practices produce and spread Ebola.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is the perfect time to TEACH CHINA what the consequences are for its IRRESPONSIBLE and AGGRESSIVE ***RESEARCH CRIMES*** are going to be.
Cut off TRADE.
Cut off TRAVEL.
Cut off INFORMATION that helps them build weapons.
Plenty of “cooperation” in stopping the plague.
Plenty of CONSEQUENCES that make a next time not happen.


Send all their students home !!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No complaints here!

Cuppa Covfefe

Not to mention a host of genetic diseases due to “consanguineous procreation”… inbreeding…


Worth noting in regard to the theory of planned targeting is that the vast majority of President Trumps support is among the older generations. The virus could have a major impact on who shows up at the voting booths in November.
And I would guess that the average age of those of us who hang out here at the Qtree would be mid-60’s.

Cuppa Covfefe

I read a couple of weeks ago that the Chinese were working on genetically-modified virii that targeted NON-CHINESE (e.g. American and European) races/clutures/peoples.
Could this be some sort of Karmic Comeuppance? Any word of the ethnicity of the victims? Any breakdown of how quickly the virus incubates and reaches its “end goal”?
Also might be worth looking at recent trips of DEMONicRATS and RINOS to see where they’ve been and with whom they’ve been in contact… Sounds like “special” FISA could be helpful there, especially as a pandemic of any sort is a national security risk…


um…anybody know where these Americans are being evacuated to ?
US To Evacuate Citizens From Wuhan…Amid Coronavirus Epidemic
Jan 25, 2020
a charter Boeing 767 flight is scheduled out of Wuhan, China on Sunday (tomorrow) , evacuating American citizens and diplomats from that area…
the plane can hold only around 230 ppl…but as many as an estimated 1,000 Americans need to be evacuated..
article doesn’t say where they are being evacuated to…nor anything about any quarantines
here’s another article/link…same story…with a Comments section..FWIW..
one hot mess of a cluster.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Buses are the fastest and most reliable way out when there are massive national travel screw-ups on RAIL or AIRLINES. Always go for the buses is my advice. Why do the French know this? Because unscheduled national strikes of rail and air transportation are commonplace.

Concerned Virginian

OK, watched the linked video. The 2 presenters read and speak Chinese; they used to live and work there and still have friends / former clients there. They are both married to Chinese nationals; one spouse is an MD. One of the presenters taught English to Chinese MD’s. These MD’s are contacting him now with the “on the ground” truth.
**The “official” numbers infected by the Wuhan Coronavirus in China are MUCH LOWER than the actual numbers being seen by the MD’s there.
**The Chinese MD’s do NOT have the proper PPE (personal protective equipment) for themselves. The MINIMUM protective face mask is the N-95. These are unavailable for them to use. Apparently N-95 masks are sold out on Amazon. NO soap is available / used in hospitals or public restrooms. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer is available only in top level Western hotels, etc.
**The presenters, who both read and speak Chinese, have cross-checked the videos of infected people collapsing in the street / in hallways of hospitals, etc. They say these videos are REAL..
**The Chinese central government is blaming ITS OWN lack of early response to the FIRST reports of infected people instead on the government of Wuhan.
**People are finding ways to escape from Wuhan and Hubei Province even though there is a quarantine. Many of these people are INFECTED with the virus. Bribing is being done at the checkpoints to get people out. They are literally bragging about their escapes — there’s even one cross-checked posting on a Chinese social media account from a person who shows their medical report confirming the symptoms of Wuhan Coronavirus, but who got out and was traveling.
**It appears that AT LEAST one of the people in FRANCE who is infected is a woman who escaped the quarantine and managed to get into France EVEN THOUGH she was showing symptoms. She was tracked down by the authorities through her social media postings that bragged about her going to French restaurants.
**People in China are already starting to blame the UNITED STATES for “bringing the virus to China”.
**Beijing is clamping down on the release of any REAL information and is arresting people who post REAL information on social media / email, as “spreading rumors”.
**Chinese MD’s are having to release infected people back to their HOMES because there aren’t enough separate quarantine facilities.
**Chinese MD’s are terrified of their own safety due to unavailable / insufficient medical supplies and PPE. They are ALSO terrified that THEY themselves will be arrested for posing the truth on social media and be charged with “spreading rumors”. They would lose their jobs.


There is some interesting details about how corona- and some other varieties of virus work, here:
Corona-viruses are killed or incapacitated by using alcohol-based sanitizers, and they spread via our hands mostly. Useful to know that.


Dr. Feigl-Ding?
Dr. Feigl-Ding?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting and likely relevant.


I have little respect for any “scientist” who embellishes a point with multiple exclamation marks. Brings to mind Billy Nye “the science guy.”

Cuppa Covfefe

Feigl is a German name. “Ding” means “thing” in German, though I’ve not heard it as a surname.
I used to work in a department where there were people with, erm, interesting names. Buzzard, Catfish, Woodpecker, Gruesome, brown leather, dark hedge, and a few others I can’t remember (all of these names being the German equivalent).
My wife asked me one day if I was working at HP or at a zoo….
To be honest (especially during Y2K), some days I couldn’t tell 😎


this has now spread to Austrailia …and Europe…


(plse ignore typo)


Novel Coronavirus in Hubei Province, China
link to site…
originally posted Jan 23, 2020
latest update Jan 24, 2020


In looking at Wikipedia, it says that Feigl-Ding did not complete medical school and that he was a George and Daisy Soros Fellow. There is also a Wikipedia entry for Andrea Feigl, whose international activities give me “brain cramps”. Not sure that these two are connected. But, I wonder!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Links appreciated.

Concerned Virginian

94.5 WCMS (Outer Banks NC)
A person with a suspected case of the Wuhan Coronavirus arrived at Raleigh-Durham International Airport on Thursday, Jan. 23. The person arrived on a flight from Chia.
The person presented at RDU wearing a mask and with “mild respiratory symptoms”, and was immediately taken to Duke University Hospital to an isolation unit. The person is in “good condition” and tests are being performed by the CDC.
The person traveled through WUHAN CITY before leaving for the U.S. The person DID NOT visit the seafood and animal market that was linked to early cases of the virus.


USA…East Coast..


A high school in Washington DC area had transfer students meant to come and visit this past week (from Wuhan)- and didn’t tell the entire school – so the kids were in classes and the parents got all up in arms, so the school banned them and the powers that be sent the transfer students to TOUR THE DC area this past Tuesday (For the record the students weren’t ‘ill’ when they arrived).

Concerned Virginian

The incubation period for the Wuhan Coronavirus is about 14 days. These kids may have been exposed to the virus before traveling to the U.S.
Also —
FTA — “On Friday, the Chinese authorities said they had seen cases that did not meet the usual description. In these patients, the first symptoms WERE GASTROINTESTINAL, including DIARRHEA.” (emphases mine)
This fits in with symptoms of the Coronaviruses MERS and SARS.
Based on the culture of the Chinese government to clamp down on the release of information, one may assume that for them to make this statement means that there are MANY people presenting with gastrointestinal symptoms of the Wuhan Virus.


WoW thanks concerned Virginian


new leak about what’s happening in China (unconfirmed…Twitter)…
(and just saw where China has shut down all internet and social media…?
to prevent the truth about the number of deaths from getting out..)


I want to see the Babylon Bee article…
“Expert Medical researchers alarmed by viral spread of pandemic misinformation”
“In 40 years of monitoring, never have we seen viral misinformation spread this rapidly. It’s off the charts – completely unprecedented!”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The perfect timing of this to hit the Republican rebuttal is absolute nastiness. When this is over, cut off trade with China no matter what – whether information or disinformation. Teach them one way or the other. And teach the globos that they go to hell on their schemes, whether REAL of FAKE.

Concerned Virginian

It is worth noting that the Chinese culture for centuries has operated — and STILL operates — on the principle that human life is CHEAP.
**The Chinese for centuries “exposed” (left out to die) millions of newborn females and malformed / not perfectly functioning newborns of either sex — as these babies were deemed “useless mouths” to the family or government.
**Then there were the decades of “one child per family” resulting in forced abortions of fetuses and the killing of healthy newborns if their existence added more children to a family.
**Then there is the Chinese history of the monarchy / central government killing off MILLIONS of the population (the Cultural Revolution for example).
I maintain that for whatever reason the Wuhan Coronavirus has arrived, the Chinese government will of course make a show of dealing with it, to put on an appearance of “compassion” AND to avoid adverse reaction by Western governments.
But I can also morally guarantee that since the Chinese central government operates on a LONG-VIEW CYCLE (decades into the future), this entire Wuhan situation is part of that view.
That could mean draining more financial and other resources from Western governments.
That could mean setting in motion a long-stage view of undermining POTUS to get a Democrat in the White House in January 2021..
That could mean “punishing” the West (via the U.S) for losing tons of money because of POTUS’ checkmating them at their game of solidifying “financial hegemony” over the West (including the U.S.).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. This is why the TRUMP DOCTRINE of ASSIGNED RESPONSIBILITY needs to rule over EVERY aspect of the response.


Winner, winner, chicken dinner!
“That could mean “punishing” the West (via the U.S) for losing tons of money because of POTUS’ checkmating them at their game of solidifying “financial hegemony” over the West (including the U.S.).”
Add to the above, China still lumps the US with British for the scourge of the Opium Wars (the British intentionally using addiction to debilitate the Chinese populace.


I’m going back to read this thread now, but just want to say, after this morning’s presentation in the Senate, I expect the Corona numbers to increase….distraction needed desperately

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, the timing on the INFORMATION RELEASE is 100% intentional.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is why the COUNTERPUNCH needs to be 100% Trumpian.
Make the globos cry in their white wine. Make the ChiComs cry in their BAT FUCKING SOUP.

Gail Combs

ALL incoming flights, Passengers go IMMEDIATELY to quarantine for one week.
Better to take an economic hit than to have thousands dying in a month or two.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP. It’s so easy to spin this BACK AT ‘EM in a way that will make them RUE THE DAY.


H/T Dora…above…her earlier post here made at 08:19…
Event 201
I’m reposting that video b/c it sums up what might be behind this coronavirus scare…
imo…everybody should watch…and listen carefully to what is being suggested and promoted…

redistribution of (our) wealth…a globalist agenda …using this coronavirus epidemic to scare us into compliance…while also killing off ppl at the same time…
something to ponder… moving forward ….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No matter what, the GLOBOS will attempt to LEVERAGE.
This is why the response needs to make the GLOBOS CRY, no matter what.


turn the searchlights and headlights on bright …over them and at them head-on..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Hit them with lights and POKE ‘EM WITH BAYONETS.


I could be wrong…this could be a serious pandemic….however, watching the narrative being built has been eerily similar to the narrative building that occurred with the Ebola outbreak that we were told would kill over a million people in a matter of weeks….
Once countries declared their treasuries open to providing millions and millions of dollars to the countries dealing with the Ebola ‘crisis’, miraculously, the Ebola crisis disappeared and the final tally of the dead was a little over a thousand people….
I’m of a thought process that this is a media campaign along the same line used with Ebola and Zika and Gate’s African Malaria campaign. Wealth distribution by any other name….


Morning daughn. If the biotech firm was already working on a vaccine then this ‘virus’ is a known and not something that has omg omg omg just emerged which, once again, supports my belief that the recent spate of hysteria is a manufactured narrative.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. This is why heavily punitive counterpunching is necessary. Play it just like we do with Panda/Dragon. Smiles and helpful, glowing friendly statements in public. BREAK THEIR FUCKING LEGS under the table. All of them. Globos – Chinazis – weakling CanadaComs who helped it along – Soros orgs that touch this in any way, UN globos who smell a new Climate Hoax.
BACKFIRE THEIR PLOT in the biggest freaking way. Make sure it never happens again.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The ChiComs should be VERY HAPPY they are only dealing with the TRUMP DOCTRINE. 😉


If they’re playing games they’d better be careful they don’t walk smack into a Barr…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Don’t wait for BARR. There must be prices paid from the moment this starts. ChiComs need to get ill at the mere mention of viruses in the future. Globos need to break out in cold sweats at the thought of any pandemic that might be linked to them, real or not.
Globos need to think that PANDEMICS HURT THEM. ChiComs need to think that biowarfare labs are a liability, not a salvation of any kind.

Cuppa Covfefe

Just read in another thread that there’s been a vaccine since 2013 or so.
Could be that the virus, like most, mutates so that any vaccine would need to be modified along the way. I still wonder about the report that China was working on a virus to infect NON-CHINESE… Maybe the wrong culture (as it were) leaked???


Why give a day’s notice? If it’s that deadly, should the “response” not be immediate?


Sure…protect the Central Party. Screw the hinterlands. Sound familiar?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

All ChiComs OUT of any kind of dangerous research.

Gail Combs



It’s China…..

Concerned Virginian

OK, so let’s say the Wuhan research facility is a BSL-3 or BSL-4 facility. Let’s examine some other issues:
**1st — the building materials, construction, and maintenance of the facility:
Historically, the Chinese culture DOES NOT really concern itself with the types of cleanliness that is routine in Western countries. As noted above in my posting after watching the Western presenters of the youtube video (both of whom read and speak Chinese, lived and worked in China, and are married to Chinese nationals) —SOAP is unavailable / not used in Chinese HOSPITALS. Hand-washing in the GENERAL population is a relatively recent learned skill. Can the janitorial staff be trusted to truly keep the place not only clean, but STERILE-CLEAN?
And about the research building itself: how solid is the construction? How safe are the labs in terms of pathogens escaping?
**2nd — This lab received “federal accreditation” as a BSL-4 lab. What does “federal” mean? — from Beijing? From the United States? From the EU?
**3rd — This has to do with the Chinese government’s clamping down on the sharing, let alone release, of true and relevant information on all subjects, which would include biomedical research. The control of information (therefore, the control of PEOPLE) has been a feature of Chinese governance for CENTURIES. It is ENTIRELY possible that Chinese government spies have been embedded into this research facility — who would transmit “sensitive information” to Beijing for vetting as to whether the information would become “classified”.


Excellent points – need to have and hold international standards.

Gail Combs

comment image



Cuppa Covfefe

Georgia Guidestones…
Satan’s 10 Commandments…
Wonder if Ted Turner is the anonymous donor that made the “Guidestones” possible???
What a vile, soulless, wretch of a man…


treatment options…
For the third time in 20 years, a coronavirus has made the jump from animals to humans, and scientists are drawing on past experience to determine the best way to handle the deadly, rapidly spreading disease.
There’s no specific treatment for coronaviruses – a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to pneumonia. With time, most people will recover on their own, doctors say.
The best way to treat symptoms is to take pain and fever medications, use a room humidifier or take a hot shower to help ease a sore throat and cough, drink plenty of liquids, and rest, the CDC says. That typically includes taking Tylenol, aspirin or decongestant, said Jay Cook, Chief Medical Officer at Providence Regional Medical Center in Washington, which received the first U.S. case of the Wuhan virus.
Treatment “is really supportive care,” Cook said. “It’s pretty miserable for a while, but the virus typically runs its course.”
However, should the virus cause a secondary bacterial infection, doctors would prescribe antibiotics, Cook said. Sometimes a ventilator may be necessary.
Scientists are also investigating alternative approaches to treating the Wuhan coronavirus – including some antiviral medications and convalescent plasma treatments – but none have been FDA-approved. A vaccine, meanwhile, is still months or possibly years away.


Antibiotics DO NOT WORK on this Virus.
There is NO CURE!


Elderberry. See article link below. Pharm wants you to think no cure, just comfort. No money in “cures”.


And DO NOT combine it with zinc. Regardless of what those studies show on zinc being effective on viruses, it somehow binds to elderberry, making it less effective. We are still working on how this happens.


i think the antibiotics are for the secondary infections that may present…

Gail Combs

The TIME NEEDED to get the little buggers to reproduce in enough numbers that you have the raw material for vaccine manufacture is not going to vary much just as it takes 5 months to produce a lamb, 9 months to produce a human baby and 11 months to produce a horse foal. You just can not ‘hurry-up’ Mother Nature past a certain point.
2009 TIME: How Fast Could a Swine Flu Vaccine Be Produced?

….Dr. Richard Besser, acting director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said the agency has begun cultivating the seed stock of virus needed for a swine flu vaccine. (The current seasonal flu vaccine would not be effective against the swine flu.) “We’re moving forward aggressively so that if a decision is made that we need to rev up production to make that vaccine, we would be ready to do so,”….
But even if the CDC’s seed stock of virus were to be released to vaccine makers today, it would take the companies anywhere from four to six months before the first inoculation could be ready for public use. That’s because flu-vaccine production — whether for swine or seasonal flu — is time-consuming and laborious, requiring vaccine makers to grow millions of copies of the flu virus in chicken eggs, then purify those bugs into a ready-to-inject formula safe for patients. “We are moving things around to accommodate this and getting our raw materials ready and having our scientists ready. We are on alert, waiting on the CDC. We’re in daily contact with them,” says Donna Cary, spokeswoman for Sanofi Pasteur, which currently makes 50 million doses of the seasonal flu vaccine used in the U.S. each year….


Fox reporting 16 China provinces now on lockdown, 50 million people banned from traveling. 1400+ cases. Increasing new mobile hospital build to 2, housing 2,000 beds….Not enough if thousands are ill


Just an observation about all the temperature taking. It is pointless optics. By the time temp elevates in most “flu”, the illness has been active, and communicable, for the previous 24-48 hours. Keep that in mind as we watch this.

Gail Combs

That is why I said QUARANTINE for a week. They are saying the incubation period is a week.


Up to 14 day incubation period.

Gail Combs

AGAIN look at the time line versus the time needed to produce a bunch of vaccine.
“…even if the CDC’s seed stock of virus were to be released to vaccine makers today, it would take the companies anywhere from four to six months before the first inoculation could be ready for public use…”
May 24 to December 8 is SIX MONTHS!!!

May 24, 2019 — Shipment of Level 4 pathogens from Canada to China
July 5, 2019 — Chinese scientists Removal
October 2019 — World Economic Forum, and Gates Foundation presentation features a new CORONA VIRUS that leads to a global pandemic.
December 8, 2019 — First known illness
December 31, 2019 — cluster of illnesses was initially reported to the WHO China Country Office.
January 1, 2020 — China’s Wet market was closed
7 January 2020 — The Chinese authorities identified & isolated a new type of coronavirus (novel coronavirus, nCoV)
January 11 — China shared the genetic sequence of the novel coronavirus on 12 January, which will be of great importance for other countries to use in developing specific diagnostic kits.


“….from four to six months before the first inoculation could be ready for public use…”
for PUBLIC use

Gail Combs

At the beginning I was talking about vaccine for all the good little Communist party members so you are talking tens of millions.
Dec 19, 2015 Membership in the Communist Party of China: Who is Being Admitted and How?

In China, the Communist Party’s 87.7 million members, or 1 in 16 Chinese, hold nearly every top position in government, military, education, state-owned enterprises, health care, and banking. “If you are not in the party, there is definitely a glass ceiling,” Dickson says….
Thanks to a trove of statistics recently released by the CPC’s Organization Department, we’re learning more about members, like Lin, who make up China’s elite class. They are overwhelmingly male (75 percent), have at least a junior college education (43 percent), and are made up of farmers, herdsmen, and fishermen (30 percent), white-collar workers (25 percent), retirees (18 percent), and government employees (8 percent)….


Problem with viruses – they morph! By the time a vaccine is developed for one strain – there is a new one.
They say this new Chinese coronavirus morphs rapidly. Which makes development of a vaccine nearly impossible.
That is what happened with HIV. De Gaze could not restrain themselves, so driven were they to indulge themselves, they were not willing to be abstinent or to comply with directions for taking their medicine. Each time a treatment was developed, the gays had created another one that the medicine didn’t control.
Same with super-gonorrhea – created by licentious sex-obsessed individuals. Many of the same-sex folks have multiple STDs, which makes treatment nigh unto impossible.


This is an RNA self-correcting virus. Doesn’t mutate the way most others do.


So where are they being evacuated to? And will they be quarantined? In a real health crisis, that would seem to be necessary

Gail Combs

I can not find anything now on the Web to support this….
Back in the late 1970s I worked with another chemist who was part of an experimental study at college.
It was found that a certain level of Alcohol (can’t remeber actual level) KILLED the flu and cold virus IN THE BLOOD STREAM IF TAKEN WITHIN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS OF CONTACT.
Most Doctors have an alcoholic cocktail when they arrive home. (At least those I baby sat for did.)
My suggestion is you ‘indulge’ after you are out in public. Just remember alcohol destroys vitamins so you will have to replace them.


Alcohol also destroys brain cells.

Gail Combs

I realize that.
So you keep your shopping trips to an absolute minimum (once or twice a month) take major precautions, alcohol wipes, mask, clothes in the washer… and a hot toddy when you get home.
I really dislike alcohol but if it will keep me from getting sick with this crap, I will use it.
ALSO many Walmarts are open 24 hours a day so plan to shop between 2 am & 4 am if this looks like it is going to be a major pandemic.


Sooo, wipe your furniture down with Original Listerine (26%), instead of rum! 🙂


Is THAT why NyQuil cough medicine works…. and hot toddys for that matter? Tee hee

Gail Combs

Quite possibly. If nothing else it lets you sleep.
Another trick is to artificially ELEVATE your temperature with a hot bath if you think you are coming down with something before the little buggers get a good hold.


That is a good trick to have in the back pocket!!!


That must mean that Pelosi knew it was coming, just not when.

Gail Combs

A Random thought.
If this coronavirus came from that Canadian Lab. MATCH SAMPLES!!!! Twist Twinkle-toes arm until they cough up a sample so it can be compared to the coronavirus retrieved from the guy in Washington and others.
I very much doubt it has mutated enough in six months to make it hard to match.


Thanks for starting all of this Daughn! I haven’t seen any conversations about this in Switzerland. But in chatting with my family in the US – they are heightened, especially those near cities or with children. I’ll take a look around and post what I find.



Elderberry nigra (not canadiasis), and it is susecptable to alcohol sanitizers.

Gail Combs

Exactly WHAT is this going to do to California’s feces riddled, flea infested cities? What about places like Baltimore and NYC and Chicago?
Do not forget China’s birth tourism et al.
2014 LA Times: Chinese tourism and investment in Southern California surges

JUNE 6, 2014 5 AM
The number of Chinese travelers passing through the Sheraton Gateway Los Angeles Hotel has swelled 15% since the property was purchased in November by a Chinese real estate developer….
It’s just one example of a surge in Chinese tourism and investment in Southern California. Tourism from China into Los Angeles nearly quadrupled last year to 570,000 visitors, up from 158,000 in 2009, according to a new report from the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corp. The LAEDC thinks the county could see as many as 2 million Chinese tourists annually by 2020.….

Using the 2014 numbers that is 1600/day. That is 78,000 Chinese have visited LA alone since December 8 and that does not include Americans or other cities.


Main thing to remember, the virus can live in surface droplets 24-48 hours, but can live in surface mucous (outside the body) 17 days. Also, people are contagious the 5-7 day incubation time, before the fever starts. We are using elderberry twice daily for prevention, and it is recommended to use it hourly for a couple days if actively sick. Should shorten illness to 2-3 days, rather than 7-10 days.


Homemade recipie. BE sure to smash the berries; the active component is in the lining of the berry. You can find dried at most health food shoos, Frontier, Mountain Rose, etc.


Preparedness/guidance for prevention, home care, etc.




wow…yr right…a LOT of good info there ab all kinds of current topics…good link !
here’s one such item…pertaining to the coronavirus/China..
China Deploys Military To Fight Coronavirus As Confirmed Infections Approach 1,000
Jan 24, 2020
China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to deploy to Wuhan..
excerpt FTA…
” For this outbreak, the Communist Party has insisted that it has been diligent and transparent in combatting the public health threat and identifying …and sharing the genome sequence with the global governments…”
and that’s so reassuring, isn’t it.


Yep. Makes me feel all warm and cuddly…….not


Been one of my fav sites for awhile.verywidespread topics


Smiley2 – The number of reported cases doubled overnight yesterday. I think we can safely assume that if they are now reporting 1000 active cases, the real number is probably closer to 4 or 5K.




Thanks, Smiley – I will check it out…

Gail Combs

Decent comment from WUWT, (my bold:)

William Astley January 24, 2020 at 3:09 pm
It sounds like it might be serious.
The virus starts with a mild fever, for those who have symptoms.
Some Chinese had been taking anti fever medicine, to fool airport fever sensors. as they were told that this virus could not be spread by humans and stopping people with a fever from traveling was only a precaution.
A key concern is this virus has a long incubation period, 7 to 10 days, before people get very sick.
How severe are the symptoms?
It seems to start with a fever, followed by a dry cough and then, after a week, leads to shortness of breath and some patients needing hospital treatment.
Around one-in-four cases are thought to be severe.
How deadly is it?
Twenty-six people are known to have died from the virus – 3-4% of the known cases, but this figure is unreliable.
But the infection seems to take a while to kill, so more of those patients may yet die.
And it is unclear how many unreported cases there are.
….We have a crucial new piece of information – people with no symptoms of infection may be able to spread the virus.
Scientists in China have published detailed information, in the Lancet medical journal, on the first cases in the country.
It includes information on a child with no outward symptoms, but a clear coronavirus infection in their lungs.

Prof Kwok-Yung Yuen from the University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital said “asymptomatic infection appears possible”.
How often or easily this happens is far from clear, but it could make the virus far harder to contain.
Prof Yuen said if this was the case, then controlling the epidemic would rely on isolating patients and quarantining anyone they came into contact with “as early as possible”.
Researchers also said the new virus was closely related to one found in Chinese horseshoe bats.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Cut off travel, cut off trade. It’s the only responsible thing to do.


Imagine having to screen all products from the inbound container ships and flights from China.
What happens to GLOBAL TRADE during a CHINA-TRADE EMBARGO?
… Recognizing how China has ENTANGLED itself into every Supply Chain?
… Noting how many entire Supply Chains have EXITED to China?
If and as CoronaVirus spreads to China’s neighboring SE Asian countries
… where manufacturers fleeing China have set up shop
… how do we accept imports from THEM?
If we shut down USA Imports, what happens to USA Exports to all of the above?
Who wants to send their ships and aircraft to China
• For possibly-infected Chinese workers to unload?
• Only to dead-head back to the USA without cargo?
How does China feed their people without USA (and other) Ag imports?
How does China consume their own Ag products?
… With labor-intensive farming?
… And labor-intensive processing?


Screening/treating imports from Asia with those UV lights I posted on this thread (Think jobs, jobs, jobs!!!) might be the answer!


The costs could rival the Tariffs
… all of which to be borne by China
… unless manufacturers RTU Return-to-USA.


That temperature checker guy… he sure gets close with that checker… I wonder how many peoples’ foreheads he has accidentally touched with that thing today.
And of that number, I wonder how many were infected (whether showing a fever yet or not).
And then how many people he touched that temperature-checker with after he touched the infected people.
Seems like a great way to spread the coronavirus… or anything else people might be sick with.


So….. What about Trump Rallies?
Do you think they will they cancel as a precaution?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ending travel from China FIRST is logical.
This isn’t the Obama administration, where we do useless PC crap to pretend to fight things downstream for worthless media tokens. We have to GET AHEAD of the epidemic and fight things upstream.


Guess this means POTUS won’t be traveling to Beijing to sign the trade agreement! (Or, vice versa)
Truthfully, like others here who have spent time in China, this brings me no joy whatsoever because I know that even the healthy, educated citizens in China are going to suffer severely with the cessation of tourism and business travel. I think of the numbers of workers that served us while traveling throughout China, both directly and indirectly, who will no longer have jobs (or tips), and it’s heartbreaking.

Cuppa Covfefe

Beats being dead by virtue of irresponsible lack of quarantine and controls…


And eating bat soup. Come on, folks – that’s just gross!


“And eating bat soup. Come on, folks – that’s just gross!”
Not to mention MONKEY brains!


Bleh!!!! No Thank You – Not Now, Not Ever!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Imagine the future under Obama, Hillary, or Tim Caine, where they worry about China First and there are 5% of American kids DEAD in every school in America. Higher in the preschools and kindergartens.
The epidemic needs to be localized at ALL LEVELS. People staying HOME is how to do it. BURN IT OUT by preventing spread.
In fact, cutting off escape routes for Chinese will help them begin to comply with government orders to hunker down and get control of the epidemic.


Wolfie – did you see where the U.S. is sending a 230 seater airplane over to bring back U.S. Citizens who can afford to pay for it? Why shouldn’t these people be under the same restrictions as the Chinese? Just because they are Americans doesn’t make them immune. I thought this was so odd.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’ll be quarantined – even on the flight (just saw this on OAN). This is how you begin to show people that there will be restrictions – ON YOUR OWN PEOPLE.


Gosh, I hope so!


Daughn, my info was from the Fox news website. Pretty close to yours except for plane size – extracting diplomats and their families first and anyone else who can pay if they can afford the price because it will be higher than a regular commercial ticket. Wuhan province.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If we properly quarantine the people upon return (because carriers can be asymptomatic), then we DEMONSTRATE WITH FACTS what is going on. That gets past all the disinformation.
People will be watching how we handle these returning people. If a bunch of carriers are simply let go without a thorough exam or some kind of quarantine process, and they spread the disease here in America, then those responsible for the flight will go down in history as INFAMOUS. On the other hand, if they quarantine properly or otherwise assure that no carrier slips through, they become heroes.


It will be interesting and yes, I will watch and see. Apparently, they are removing diplomats and their families first.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

At some point, people need to be logical. Even if we go past that point (where we keep the disease out completely), the sooner we do the right thing, the better.
Right now, it may be better to keep channels of communication open. However, at some point, we have to do the right thing, or pay the price of NOT doing it.


Communicating with my Japanese friends today that tell me there is a Japanese Honda facility plus several other Japanese-own large business in Wahun. I would guess many other nations have citizens on site, as well.
Read earlier today even areas of Beijing are being closed.
If this is an election year-impeachment false flag it seems to be doing a pretty good job.

Gail Combs

Another decent WUWT comment. I am reading through them and grabbing any comments that look interesting.

jtom January 24, 2020 at 4:14 pm
What WHO was reporting yesterday:
“Symptoms in infected people have ranged from mild to severe. Around a quarter of confirmed cases are severe, according to the WHO. So far, the fatality rate is around 4 percent, though that could change as the outbreak progresses.”
From what I have gleaned, the mortality rate of the flu in the US is 0.1%. It was 2.5% in the 1918 pandemic. If you multiply the number of influenza deaths in the US last year, 56,300, by the higher mortality rate of this virus, you get two and a quarter million deaths. The only assumption is that the infectious rates are about the same.
The hospitals would be severely over capacity, but don’t know how badly that would affect the numbers.
It doesn’t take much for nature to devastate mankind.

Gail Combs

Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding…
American public health scientist who has received awards for his work in epidemiology, nutrition, and health economics. He is a visiting scientist at the Harvard School of Public Health and Chief Health Economist and Senior Vice President with Microclinic International.
28, 1983, Shanghai, China
Lives in Arlington, Virginia
He is also an expert advisor to the World Health Organization. His work focuses on the intersection of health economics and public policy.
Chinese? ☑️
HAAAaavard? ☑️
UN-WHO? ☑️
Sounds like a Commie globalist.
Some where I read he was wrong the last time he looked at a flu. So I would place my opinion as GUARDED.
It is quite possible he is trying to stampede the USA in to make a wrong move.
If the president closes the borders and it is a false alarm it is going to ROYALLY PISS OFF VOTERS and business people.

Gail Combs

MOAR on Eric Feigl-Ding
He is EU, Soros and Bill Gates connected…
Paul Soros, the Soros in this article, was the older brother of George Soros.

….He is founder and Principal Investigator of several randomized trials of health interventions in the U.S. and abroad. Altogether, his competitively awarded projects as PI/CEO/Director have received over $10 million in funding.
A World Economic Forum Global Shaper, he has worked with the European Commission, as a judge for the VH1 Do Something Awards, judge for the Soros Fellowship, and member of the Gates-funded Global Burden of Disease Project and US Disease Burden Collaboration….

Interesting twitter…


If we ASSUME his compilations of flu and prior pandemic R values are CORRECT,
There’s still only ONE BIG ISSUE:
How the hell can he assert any ACCURACY to a CoronaVirus R value with a week’s initial “data”?


Who the hell can trust data from CHINA on ANYTHING?

Gail Combs

As usual very good info. (Face mask is not recommended.)

Rud Istvan January 24, 2020 at 3:41 pm
I know a fair bit about this as former decade long CEO of a topical antimicrobial company effective agains both bacteria and viruses, so will offer some facts followed by speculations.
The common cold is actually symptomatic of a viral infection from three different viral families: rhinovirus, adenovirus, coronavirus, stated in order of prevelance. There are in total over 120 different cold causing human adapted viruses, which is why having a cold does not confer immunity. The next cold is just a different virus. And they morph, so immune memory of any specific birus is years, not decades. Same reason the annual flu shot is formulated for what docs think the next years three most common strains might be. They never get it right, so in a good year the flu vaccine might be 70% effective.
Corona viruses are enveloped (they have a part human/part viral outer envelope membrane that is acquired during budding). For this reason, an alcohol hand sanitizer is reasonably effective against corona and adeno induced colds (it denatures the envelope membrane rendering the virus unable to infect a cell).
Most common cold transmission route is hands (flu is inhalation why more revalent in winter (indoors dry air keeps exhaled droplets afloat longer since they dry down). But alcohol sanitizers still don’t generally work against colds (proven in outcomes studies in 2007), because about 60% of colds are rhinovirus based, a naked virus with no envelope membrane to denature.
SARS was a civet corona virus that jumped species to humans in a Chinese wet market. Moderately infective to humans. MERS was a camel corona that jumped species in Saudi Arabia camel markets.
Not very human infective. Wuhan corona also jumped species in a Wuhan wet market, but we don’t know yet from which reservoir species.
It must be more infective than reported, or the Chinese would not have imposed the draconian Hubei province quarantine. Human to human transmission is proven, a big problem. Its virulence (mortality) is unknown, except perhaps to Chinese. Reported is 2%, while SARS was about 10%. The 1918-19 ‘Spanish’ flu pandemic was ‘only’ about 5% mortality but killed over 40 million in 18 months. (It wasn’t Spanish. It was an avian (wild duck) H1N1 that jumped to humans thru pig intermediaries after the fall midwest duck migration in Kansas, then spread globally by US WW1 troops.)
The Chinese face masks are ineffective. First, main corona transmission is not via aspiration, it is by touch. infected person wipes nose, touches a stair rail, then you touch the rail, then you touch nose or eyes (most people touch those several times an hour). Second, breathing thru the mask wets it, and any entrained aspirated virons have an opportunity to enter the nose or mouth, either way reaching their preferred mucosal membrane environment for infection.
Is serious, but no need to panic yet as this real bad internet stuff isn’t (yet) verifiable.

Deplorable Patriot

This is helpful, but the question does need to be asked how to prevent infection from a rhinovirus if alcohol based sanitizing is not going to kill one.

Gail Combs

How about Betadine scrub…
“Betadine® Veterinary Microbicides are not for use on food-producing animals. Povidone-iodine, the active ingredient in Betadine®, is active against a broad spectrum of pathogens in vitro.1”
Unfortunately since iodine can be used to make bombs it is no longer available over the counter.
I use a betadine shampoo on my ponies first thing in the spring to kill off the fungus that causes itchy skin from rain rot, girth itch, scratches, sweet itch….


“SARS was a civet corona virus that jumped species to humans in a Chinese wet market. Moderately infective to humans. MERS was a camel corona that jumped species in Saudi Arabia camel markets.
Not very human infective. Wuhan corona also jumped species in a Wuhan wet market, but we don’t know yet from which reservoir species.”
I’m already tired of this term ‘wet market’, sounds like a third-world abattoir.
How’s multiculturalism working out for everybody?
Wet market: A live animal market, a common sight in many areas of the world and a source of influenza viruses and other infectious disease agents for human beings. SARS outbreaks have been traced to wet markets in southern China.
Wet markets sell live poultry, fish, reptiles, and mammals of every kind. Animals may stay from days to weeks. Daily introduction of new animals provides optimum conditions for the development of disease agents such as influenza. Add the daily human contacts (including children) with the live animals, and conditions are optimal for the transfer and evolution of infectious disease agents.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m beginning to doubt the SARS story, too. If the Chinese were using mail smuggling of research samples as a general solution in chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, material science, and other places in academia, this may have happened before. They tried to use that wet-market excuse again, and it fell flatter this time because of the bust in Canada.


“Not very human infective. Wuhan corona also jumped species in a Wuhan wet market, but we don’t know yet from which reservoir species.”
Try the ‘human species’ located at Level-4 Bio-lab, on China Ave., Wuhan District.
You can’t miss it.
It’s right next to the big incinerator.


Where in the world is St. Greta of Thuneberg when we need her?!?
She could just SCOLD the coronavirus into submission.


If she really WANTED to…


how daaayuh you !


or scowl it into submission….


Diagnoses of viral pneumonia and nosocomial pneumonia may be masking the real numbers….Zerohedge article

Gail Combs

Someone sugests: “FluTrackers.com provides by far the best coverage of this ongoing health disaster.”

Gail Combs

This might be worth looking into…

Goldrider January 25, 2020 at 8:20 am
Given what people who’ve been to China confided in several posts above about the relative lack of modern sanitation protocols there, I suspect that this virus is probably best spread under those conditions–zoonotic exposures, unsanitary eating and dishwashing practices and filthy toilets not to mention the sheer density of these urban populations. Just washing one’s hands might make a resounding difference.
BTW, if you’d like to boost your immunity to every passing bug, the single best thing you can do besides hand-washing is to banish SUGAR from your diet. The amount of sugar contained in just one soft drink suppresses the action of your T-cells down to almost nothing for 6 full hours after consumption. Might want to re-think that Big Gulp!

Gail Combs

And to add some laughter to a serious subject.

Tom in Florida January 25, 2020 at 7:33 am
I think there should be a U S Congressional delegation sent there to get the real facts. Schiff, Nadler, Waters and Pelosi would be good candidates for that.

Deplorable Patriot

I agree! The fate of the nation is at stake.


Gail – Yes, with a one way ticket, please…


Medical Definition of Wet market
Medical Author: William C. Shiel Jr., MD, FACP, FACR
Wet market: A live animal market, a common sight in many areas of the world and a source of influenza viruses and other infectious disease agents for human beings. SARS outbreaks have been traced to wet markets in southern China.
Wet markets sell live poultry, fish, reptiles, and mammals of every kind. Animals may stay from days to weeks. Daily introduction of new animals provides optimum conditions for the development of disease agents such as influenza. Add the daily human contacts (including children) with the live animals, and conditions are optimal for the transfer and evolution of infectious disease agents. – https://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=26193

Deplorable Patriot

Not far from where I live, we have what amounts to “Chinatown.” There are a couple supermarkets that cater to these people. They do have live fish, but I don’t think the rest.
I notice there’s no mention of lobster. Most full service grocers here have live lobster tanks.


And, Omg, wet markets are the primary source of food in so many of these counties…definitely China!
You point to a fish you want, it’s pulled out of the tank (ho knows the health conditions), it’s slapped on a dirty block, chopped with a dirty cleaver, handled by dirty hands, and then most likely taken into a dirty kitchen to prepare to eat. In Thailand the fish might be pulled from a filthy river in Bangkok and prepared on an open fire on the river bank..where the dishes are washed and the garbage thrown into attract more fish.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m calling BS on the “wet market” stuff.
This is due to SMUGGLING of research samples through the mail, UNMARKED.


Wolfie – Styxx shares your suspicions. Research project gone bad….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Smuggling is ALWAYS the weak link in protective technology. Frigging parrots wrapped in tape and stuffed in sofas. Salmonella-coated turtles awash with turtle poop and water in food shipments. Smugglers are ALWAYS reckless. Even a careful researcher who sends hundreds of samples is going to become casual and mess up once or twice. If not from the beginning.
Anybody who has packed or unpacked chemicals and other shipped research materials knows that there is LOGIC behind how it is done and one does not compromise. Least of all on MARKING!!!
The problem is that smuggled research samples lose ALL THE BENEFITS of marking. ALL OF THEM. That means if you are sending UNMARKED dangerous goods, there needs to be a NEW PARADIGM for sending stuff – one that is HIGHER than the normal technology. Only professional spy agencies (see “Q”) understand that there need to be new and higher precautions to prevent accidents. What does that mean? It may mean camouflaging the samples as “properly packed but improperly marked” something ELSE.
Would some normal PhD. researcher think like that? Would they think like a spy agency smuggling expert who creates some near-perfect hidden compartment that exceeds normal government shipping standards – BY A LOT – because the container is unmarked?
NO WAY. These guys were amateurs, and they were being run by dodgy hubris-filled imitators of OUR PEOPLE (cough, Wolf is being nice to them for once).
These people assumed that regular shipping protocols for MARKED samples were sufficient for UNMARKED.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It all makes too much sense. We have the exemplar. It’s all we need. Even if this guy didn’t do it, he proves the rule.
Why do I say that?
Spy agencies double or triple up. This guy could have had a COWORKER sending stuff, too, and would have never known it. One gets busted, the other keeps right on functioning.


“HIS specialty was coronavirus.”
Oh… yet <b<another coincidence.
It would be slapstick funny if it wasn’t so tragic.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What do you want to bet that researchers who SEND SAMPLES are getting PAID BY THE SAMPLE???


Could also have found its way outside of the lab and into the wet market where it found many ideal targets to infect. Chinese bio-lab security may not be equal to CDC/US standards.


flashback…remember this sinister character….he died, fortunately, in 2015…comment image
…that was Maurice Strong…the father of the globallst “eco-control” movement (UN)….
he said things like…comment image
here’s an article about him …
…and depopulating the earth
article link…
from December 2015
…and as a refresher…here’s an article about how…
The World and The UN Must Reduce Population Growth
Sept 10, 2019
The UN’s Sustainable Developmemt Goals…
“…to end poverty…”
“…to protect the planet..”
“…to ensure prosperity for all…”
…by reducing the world population .
seems timely to mention the above.


(plse excuse typos)


Can’t be reminded of this demon too often.


What if millions of regular people were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from lunatic Soros-type Globo-Fascists?
In order to save the planet, the regular people decides: Isn’t the only hope for mankind that the Globo-Fascists are eliminated?
Nothing personal, it’s just self defense.

Gail Combs

That’s called MOB Rule the French perfected it just ask Marie Antoinette.


“That’s called MOB Rule the French perfected it just ask Marie Antoinette.”
Okay, then what is it called when Maurice ‘Globo-Fascist’ Strong says it?
Maurice Strong: “What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? In order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse?
Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”
If it’s us or them, I vote ‘us’.
Anybody else?

Gail Combs

“….what is it called when Maurice ‘Globo-Fascist’ Strong says it?”


Then we should stop genocide.
It isn’t just going to stop itself, someone (a lot of someones) are going to have to stop it.
This is the thing that frustrates me to distraction.
There is no happy middle ground where we do nothing and everything just turns out roses.
Marquess of Queensberry isn’t running the show, Hannibal Lecter is.
I don’t know if it’s a ‘woman’ thing or what the problem is.
But I’m pretty sure it’s a ‘woman’ thing.
Because my grandfather’s generation would have already killed all these *&^%$*#@.
That was before Helen Reddy roared and an entire nation was emasculated by communist subversion.


Marie ain’t talking; she’s out of breath.

Gail Combs

Dante’s ninth circle is Maurice Strong’s new home. I am sure he and David Rockefeller gave Qasem Soleimani a 🔥 WARM WELCOME.🔥

Concerned Virginian

So —
Might be time to stock up on respirator filtration masks.
On alcohol-based hand sanitizers.
On close-fitting disposable exam gloves.
On Borax and white vinegar.
On food and other supplies for 30 days.
From what my late husband told me of his experiences in the Flu Pandemic of 1918-1920 (he was 8 to 10 years old at that time) — NOT telling anybody how to live their lives in today’s world —
People washed their clothes in boiling water with Borax or white vinegar and hung them in the basement to dry. Might be a good idea to figure out how your washing machine could also do this (hot water setting / make sure the machine can deal with white vinegar).
People who had telephones in their homes during that Pandemic arranged to be the “social network” for those who did not. Might be good to check on your own social network just in case.
People “kept their distance” from anybody who was sick except in the case of a family member cared for at home.
People kept their children at home during the worst part of the Pandemic. Might be time to discuss how this could be done in the family if the situation arises.
People relied on themselves, their family and friends, rather than on the government.
Granted, these are ideas from 100 YEARS AGO. But following them religiously did save lives.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Almost all will be totally unnecessary if we do the right things early. 😎
Doing the right things early also lets people know what won’t work to get our goat, or inflict their bullshit on us.

Gail Combs

I always add Borax to my wash. So that is not a problem. The white vinegar would be a problem because it will eat the plumbing.

Concerned Virginian

Gail Combs
Back in 1918, most people washed clothes in enameled tubs, so my guess is that Borax or white vinegar added to the boiling wash water would be OK. Apparently one stirred the laundry in the tub with a heavy stick or pole, then took out pieces to rinse and wring. My grandmother had a “mangle” which was a hand-operated clothes wringer with a tub to catch the water.
It should have occurred to me that modern plumbing and white vinegar might not be a good fit.

Gail Combs

A separate cycle with good old Clorox & hot water allowing it to sit should work well. Just use close you don’t care about for going to the market.
You should see my methods for handling poison ivy. Two sets of clothes.
Wash rubber boots outside
Strip cloth gloves off pop in washer
Strip off coveralls pop in washer.
Strip off outer pair of socks pop in washer.
SCRUB latex gloves
Remove inner clothes and socks pop in washer.
SCRUB latex gloves
Remove gloves.
I am VERY allergic to poison ivy but I do not get it.


When I grew up in Germany all people boiled clothe and hung it on the wash-line. The sun kills much germs so does frost. I remember taking wash of the line in winter. The wash was stiff and so were my hands.
People did not wear the clothe or shoes they wore on the street at home, I still keep that habit. Street shoe the shoes were whipped off and the soles washed with soap and water.
hand washing was every time one came into the house and anytime before touching food and after the bathroom. My kids were raised like that and soon it became a habit.
My son who works with viruses tells me soap and water are the best disinfectants. Clean the kitchen with hot water and soap and it is clean same the bathroom.
I wash fruit and vegetable in baking soda or white vinegar. I fill a stainless steel bole with water and add Tsp of baking soda and let it sit for 15 minutes then rinse. Astounding how much dirt comes off fruit and vegetables. Sometimes I use salt for cauliflower.
Now with this new virus I am putting painter gloves they are latex in the car. When I go shopping will put them on before touching the card and turn the insight out from my hands and discard them. I do not care what people think.
I will go back to my mother’s habit washing shoes and leave them outdoor not bring them into the house.
All I personally can do is to be vigilant practice good high-gene from my ancestors .
In the end though all is in God’s Hands because I have no control.
Funny people worry about nukes, climate change and all kind of this and then comes along this little bug virus that brings humanity to it’s knees. Priorities we build up defense reach into space and forget about unethical people who play with biological warfare. It is true China is the enemy of humanity because they do not value their own peoples life therefore no life..
We need to fight for life because if we do not then all life looses value.
God Bless President Trump.
God Bless all of you and the United States of America.


singing, nice post…good ol’ common sense.
but it has to be applied, yes.


Those wringers were HELL on HANDS!


How interesting to have a second-hand account, close to the source, of that pandemic of over a hundred years ago. All the common sense measures still apply. Stocking up on food and supplies is important because, even if you don’t get sick, supply chains might be broken and store shelves might be bare (even if you wanted to venture out).


My grandmothers washtub was big and wood fired. The basin was out of coper that kills germs. The water was brought to a boil and all white wash was cooked. Then the was wash taken out with a stick to cool and other wash was put into the basin. This was a whole day affair. One could hirer a wash woman to do the wash in your home.
We have it easy today .
Now I do wish I had bought a wash machine that sanitizes my daughter has one. Oh well maybe next time.


“We have it easy today.”
Yes! Every now and then something happens to remind me of that. I guess that, throughout history, if one was not wealthy enough to have servants or hired help, life was consumed with survival tasks of growing and hunting food, preparing it, work, and the cleanup involved with all of that. No soy boys or pink-hat-wearing women!


This might work…


About 15 years ago I was traveling to Thailand with a stop in Tokyo. We were not allowed to deplane and a crew in Hazmat suits came aboard to “fog” the floors of our plane. Looked just like the photo of Shanghai. Since it was my first trip to the region, I just thought it a standard practice. In fact, the next trip to Japan I was surprised when it didn’t happen again.


Wow… Makes one wonder…


It might be a good idea to stock up ahead of time on disposable, stretchy medical exam gloves for use while out in public. They can be bought in bulk by the hundreds and come in different hand sizes. The clear ones might be a better choice for not looking so conspicuous. They will have latex in them. Food service gloves are usually a looser fit and make for more difficulty in handling small items. Also, carry a small zip lock bag with you to put the gloves in when done with them. If not there are often trash cams outside public places.
Roll them up a little at the cuff to make taking them off easier and avoiding skin contact with a potentially infected glove. The vast majority are made in China. Shouldn’t be a problem with stock currently in the U.S. If you buy at a place like eBay, be careful with where it is being shipped from. Many items at eBay are shipped directly to you from China. If there photos of the box that holds the gloves, try to zoom in on the different photos to confirm where they were made.
I use them quite often for painting projects, or when I’m working on my vehicle when it involves handling greasy and oily parts. Also good for handling items with black mold.


I buy bleachable Atlas 620 gloves by the dozen to use for heavy cleaning, dishwashing, yard work.comment image
They last for years. To wash when they are lightly soiled, wash like you were washing your hands and hang to dry on a skirt hanger. When the inside gets sweaty, smelly and dirty, such as after heavy yard or house work, I soak them in diluted bleach and Dawn detergent, rinse well, hang upside down on skirt hangers to air dry. I wash a dozen at a time, hang on a door hook, putting a towel under the gloves to catch drips. I can’t do without these gloves and would proudly wear them for driving and shopping if under threat from bio-warfare. Heck, I’d wear the wrap around glasses and bio filter masks too.


My last post isn’t showing up. Retry.
It might be a good idea to stock up ahead of time on disposable, stretchy medical exam gloves for use while out in public. They can be bought in bulk by the hundreds and come in different hand sizes. The clear ones might be a better choice for not looking so conspicuous. They will have latex in them. Food service gloves are usually a looser fit and make for more difficulty in handling small items. Also, carry a small zip lock bag with you to put the gloves in when done with them. If not there are often trash cams outside public places.
Roll them up a little at the cuff to make taking them off easier and avoiding skin contact with a potentially infected glove. The vast majority are made in China. Shouldn’t be a problem with stock currently in the U.S. If you buy at a place like eBay, be careful with where it is being shipped from. Many items at eBay are shipped directly to you from China. If there photos of the box that holds the gloves, try to zoom in on the different photos to confirm where they were made.
I use them quite often for painting projects, or when I’m working on my vehicle when it involves handling greasy and oily parts. Also good for handling items with black mold.


I forgot to mention that when you pull the stretchy gloves off they will turn inside out, which makes them safe to handle.


You can get latex free ones. Chemist have them by the box load. The latex gloves are NOT impermeable to everything. Ie chemo drugs. These molecules would be a hellavalot bigger than viruses. Go for the purple or orange nitrile gloves

Gail Combs

good point.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

WHAT molecules are a helluvalot bigger than viruses?
Surely none other than (other) DNA or RNA strands, or maybe certain proteins.
The typical drug is not a protein–if you know otherwise give me an example.
Lisinopril, for instance, is shown here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisinopril and that is MUCH smaller than any DNA or RNA molecule…which is what a virus is.


No. I meant rna is way smaller than drug molecules

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

What is ma?
If it’s the virus, you’re wrong.


I didn’t capitalise RNA

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, and I have a tiny screen.
OK, you’re claiming that RNA molecules are smaller than drug molecules.
And I call bullshit, unless you can cite a specific drug I can go look up. It had better have tens of thousands, preferably more than that, of atoms in its molecule.
RNA codes proteins, proteins are made up of amino acids, often hundreds of them. An amino acid can have up to a hundred atoms or so (eyeball estimate).
To code for an amino acid–just one, of the hundreds in a protein molecule, you need three “rungs” of DNA, or three half rungs of RNA. Those three rungs, plus the phosphate backbone, are MORE complicated than the amino acid they code for. The average half rung is about 35 atoms.
A virus has to code for many hundreds of amino acids, or it can’t cause the cell it infects to create proteins, particularly the protein shell that covers the virus..
The smallest known animal infecting virus has 1759 base pairs in it, so the genetic material in it alone is 60,000 atoms or so…and this does NOT include the protein coat.
That’s the SMALLEST virus that can infect an animal. I have no info on the coronavirus, I don’t know if it’s 66000, or much, much more.
How many atoms are in the largest drug molecule? Is that molecule an outlier (five times larger than the next largest, say)?
I looked up some of the drugs I have been prescribed, and though I didn’t count them, it was obvious from the diagrams that they’re all well under a thousand atoms.
So…unless you can name a drug with a huge molecule (it would almost certainly be a protein) you’re just flat-out wrong. And if you can…you’re right about just that one drug.
Typical drugs, no fricking way.


Je me rends.


Mea culpa. I am wrong. I think I was thinking prions but no matter. You are right. Me wrong

Concerned Virginian

OK. so if what this RN says is anywhere near the case, the Wuhan Coronavirus has already mutated to 2nd “generation” in about a month.
This may be linked to what is (I believe it’s this one) in the New York Times article about the authorities already seeing new and different onset symptoms of infection including diarrhea and gastrointestinal distress.


Wonders if it would help to include the Iran events in any time lines dealing with the Corona virus. Reason why on bottom (star on links because you’ve seen them before).
July 5th 2019 *https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/chinese-researcher-escorted-from-infectious-disease-lab-amid-rcmp-investigation-1.5211567
18 Oct 2019 Event Presented by Bill Gates Where the Cornona Virus takes center stage. (note recent 23 Jan 2020 MSN story that’s (spelled Micro Soft News) conflicts dates as with this happening in 2018 however this 2019 date is here: *http://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/about and shows
Friday, October 18, 2019
8:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
The Pierre hotel
New York, NY
May of happened twice? Or is Bill trying to cover up?
Mid Dec 2019 First known spread of the Corona Virus said to happen.
3-8 Jan 2020 Failed Mideast Entanglement with Iran after US kills Iran general Qassem Suleimani who was said to be possibly threatening other American Embassies finally ends with Iranian Civilian Passenger Plane being shot down by in Iran (8 Jan 2020).
19-20 Jan 2020 Public becomes aware of possible Pandemic.
Assumption being made is that failing to tar the President with Mid East events it then became China’s turn. In the early stages the possible pandemic could have been thwarted, thus the overlap in dates, but eventually was allowed to spiral out of control. Throughout these periods Impeachment dates were calculable all while knowing it will fail, thus the Mid East project to spur impeachment and then the China project were green lighted given the early likelihood that the President will be soon lowering the boom.

Sadie Slays

I’ve also considered the Iran connection to this. China first reported “pneumonia of unknown cause” on December 31st to the WHO, which is the same day as the Iraq embassy attack (and two days after the strange New Zealand-connected synagogue/church false flags). Kind of weird how the cabal attempted to kick off so much stuff in those last few days of 2019.


Interesting in that the China project if true would mean they know they’ve lost the impeachment battle and are now moving on to either something simple like total distraction or are simply taking off the gloves. In such a scenario one might think they are willing to do what ever it takes to keep from being dethroned.
Even without this theory, China is now in a very precarious position where their subjects are likely to get quite angry with them. Tienanmen Square type angry.
Then back to the theory, Chinese powers involved might be a bit angry with their American counterparts like the venerable Shifty Schiff for failing in the impeachment mission and thus may have earned themselves some punishments. Okay, wishful thinking as I search for a the silver lining.

Gail Combs

Actual first case was December 8th but it was not reported until December 12th.


A husband and wife Chinese spy team were recently removed from a Level 4 Infectious Disease facility in Canada for sending pathogens to the Wuhan facility. The husband specialized in coronavirus research.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think we have our culprit. The bat soup stuff is disinformation.
Assume they sent samples IMPROPERLY. Assume they sent samples REGULARLY.
UNMARKED. That is KEY. No special precautions taken by postal or courier personnel.
This sort of thing happens all the time in the mail. People who don’t follow regulations don’t understand the dangers. Lithium batteries, oxidizers, flammables, etc. They are too dangerous to include in bulk air mail, but when people try to get around the regulations, it’s even worse.
If one of many virus samples being routinely sent was accidentally damaged in a mailing facility – something which happens routinely to normal, unmarked packages – then a postal employee who cleans up the package or handles it could get the virus.


Diamonds used to be sent in the old camera film canisters. So common and inoculos. No need for special insurance to draw attention to them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. It’s just like drugs in the mail, which is a serious problem.
People send a lot of crap through the mail that is NOT supposed to go through the mail unless they’re labeled and go by ground shipping.
Lithium batteries are strong reducing agents, and normal batteries contain strong oxidizers. BAD COMBINATION. Sometimes lithium batteries catch on fire for no reason. Many things are flammable as hell and will soak paper to burn hot – even perfume, booze and certain solvents.
But people – just regular people – not spies – send this crap ALL THE TIME.
Imagine some half-crushed box of “something” that also contained virus samples. Or the spy who sent them didn’t pressure seal the samples inside multiple layers of airtight protection, so that there were AIR LEAKS from JUST ONE SAMPLE.
That’s all it takes to start an epidemic.
Chinese SPY ORGS screwed up here. Pure and simple. Their spying is so pervasive and over the top, they actually had AMATEURS trying to do JAMES BOND capers.


It kinda defeats your gig as a spy if you label and insure dangerous biological shit you illicitly sending in the mail.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG!!! LMAO!!!


I’m surprised the post office accepted a package marked ‘fireworks’.
IIRC, even regular ammo, which has to be more inherently stable than Blackcat bottle rockets and firecrackers, when sent through the mail, is marked “Ord-D” (ordinance) and requires heavy packaging (judging by packages I may or may not have received, which if I did receive, may have been lost in a fishing accident).


Couple suggested tweaks to the above. Also learned the new DOT regulation when I Googled ORM-D and ammunition shipping.
NEW DOT shipping for small arms ammunition.
– As of January 1, 2014 you will no longer be allowed to ship ammunition via ORM-D it has been replaced by Limited Qty Diamond Label.
– Types of ammunition this applies to IS the same as previous ORM-D for ammunition. Details below in ORM-D section.
– “Sturdy packaging” required.
PREVIOUS labeling requirement, also addressed above.
– ORM-D (Otherwsie Regulated Material – For Domsetic Use).
– To qualify as “Cartridges, small arms ORM-D” or limited quantity, ammunition must be: Ammunition that does not exceed 12.7 mm (50 caliber or 0.5 inch) for rifle or pistol cartridges or 8 gauge for shotgun shells; or. Ammunition with inert projectiles or blank ammunition.
AND, COINCIDENCE IT IS, AS WITH SCOTT ABOVE, “(judging by packages I may or may not have received, which if I did receive, may have been lost in a fishing accident).”
AND YES, I may or may not have seen those “Limited Qty Diamond Label”, on one or moar or zero shipments. 😉 🙂 😉


Thank you for the correction, my memory (if I had cause to have any such memory) about ‘ORD-D’ was clearly mistaken, and should have been ‘ORM-D’, for “Otherwsie Regulated Material – For Domsetic Use”. 👍


These people would have been able to pick the best weopanizable or weaponised ones. Als what could pass as an accidental species jump

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, yeah. And I will bet that these researchers were NOT just sending one or two samples.
WHY? Because you have to think like a competing org trying to compete. Say there are 10 lines of interest in a SINGLE study. You don’t send one sample in one study to get ahead – you send ALL OF THEM. The amount of WORK SAVED and the amount of GET-AHEAD that you need absolutely dictate that you send as much as you can.
Oh, we have the culprit. You send a LOT of samples, and it means one or two of them are going to leak.
It’s all you need.
And none of them are marked. They get THROWN AROUND during transit.
Most people don’t pack stuff worth crap. I’m a MANIAC PACKER. When I pack my wife’s precious gifts to her friends, I can THROW THE PACKAGE AGAINST THE WALL.
Those ChiCom spies were NOT packing to WOLF STANDARDS – trust me. I spent too much time around lazy ass, corrupt arrogant Chi-spies. Only their MILITARY PROS were the kind who would likely pack a coronavirus sample properly. The civilian scientists included a lot of goldbricks and mediocre fuck-ups who caused all kinds of trouble in their cover jobs just by their normal air-headed screw-ups.

Gail Combs

Also correct packing might alert authorities.
I used to have to send chemical samples. BOY what a PAIN. Everything triple packed to prevent spills.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly! And if you mark – EVEN AS SOMETHING ELSE – it draws attention.
So if they send the stuff as batteries, and the package gets X-rayed and the batteries LOOK WRONG – well, there you go. Program BLOWN.
So they almost surely went with unmarked. And THIS is the result.


Plus proper packaging raises flags

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, there is no way these spy programs could label shipments properly. EXHIBIT FUCKING A at their spy trials.


“If one of many virus samples being routinely sent was accidentally damaged in a mailing facility – something which happens routinely to normal, unmarked packages – then a postal employee who cleans up the package or handles it could get the virus.
Which is why smuggling such hazardous materials should be a death penalty offense.
You’re caught, you’re dead.


here’s some more info on that story…
Questions Surround Canadian Shipment of Deadly Viruses To China
Aug 9, 2019
the same Winnipeg lab that sent Ebola and Henipah viruses to Beijing recently removed a number of researchers for an “administrative issue”…
…including Xiangguo Qui and her colleague-husband Keding Cheng
“…many suspicions from experts in biochemical warfare who say they think China may use the pathogens to develop offensive biological agents.
a lot more at the link incl more details about the “administrative issue” .
national security risks there !

Gail Combs

Also at that site: Excess of Immune Cells Found in Brains of People with Autism

An accumulation of T cells and astrocytes in postmortem brain tissue hints at possible autoimmune origins for many cases of autism…..
examining slices of postmortem brain tissue from an individual with autism under a microscope when he noticed something extremely odd: T cells swarming around a narrow space between blood vessels and neural tissue. The cells were somehow getting through the blood-brain barrier, a wall of cells that separates circulating blood from extracellular fluid, neurons, and other cell types in the central nervous system, explains Anderson, who works at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. “I just have seen so many brains that I know that this is not normal.”
He soon identified more T-cell swarms, called lymphocytic cuffs, in a few other postmortem brains of people who had been diagnosed with autism. Not long after that, he started to detect another oddity in the brain tissue—tiny bubbles, or blebs. “I’d never seen them in any other brain tissue that I’ve looked at for many, many different diseases,” he says. Anderson began to wonder whether the neurological features he was observing were specific to autism…..

Could this accumulation of T-cells be CAUSED by vaccinations too early and too frequently? Is this the link between Autism and vaccination.
Remember a vaccination is designed to stimulate T-cells.


good question…
but…way beyond my pay scale. 😀

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Recall Maple Castro, friend of Winnie The Pooh!!!


…and I think you can add Toronto to the list.


Toronto…1 “presumptive” case reported…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Canada is going to be filled with these people.


These with the exception of China are all very minute changes of one or two with Thailand actually going down.by 3 when I look back at this site which finally after being stalled all day has now updated. https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 It says it updates every 2 hrs but I was beginning to think they mean two hours before the markets open.


China is bleeding out
Whoa… from DJT. Iran wants to negotiate.

Gail Combs

I am going to repost this timeline I did on the first page.
May 24, 2019 — Shipment of Level 4 pathogens from Canada to China
July 5, 2019 — Chinese scientists Removal
October 2019 — World Economic Forum, and Gates Foundation presentation features a new CORONA VIRUS that leads to a global pandemic.
December 31, 2019 — cluster of illnesses was initially reported to the WHO China Country Office.
January 1, 2020 — China’s Wet market was closed
7 January 2020 — The Chinese authorities identified & isolated a new type of coronavirus (novel coronavirus, nCoV)
January 11 — China shared the genetic sequence of the novel coronavirus on 12 January, which will be of great importance for other countries to use in developing specific diagnostic kits.
It takes ~ 4 to 6 months to go from virus to vaccine for a lot of people.
“In China, the Communist Party’s 87.7 million members, or 1 in 16 Chinese, hold nearly every top position in government, military, education, state-owned enterprises, health care, and banking.”


“Presumably” translating to May-to-July timeframe for Vaccine.


Communist Cover-Up…Nurse Treating Coronavirus in China Claims 90,000 Infected (VIDEO)
Jan 25, 2020

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent link!

Gail Combs

Unfortunately President Trump needs to make a decision on this virus ASAP. (Close down international flights & seaports or quarantine or ??? REALLY CLOSE the Mexican border…)
He may be waiting on the return of the Embassy staff to get a first hand account before making that decision.


Critical points you made. USG employees AND Americans need to be evacuated. REQUIRES China cooperate with charter flights in / out of quarantine.
THEN, consider, our allies will want to piggy back on our effort.
Wuhan to Andersen AFB, Guam 2,275 miles. Also a huge AFB, great infrastructure and superb surge capacity. Naval hospital.
AND, IF we want our chartered AC to land in a third country, US must play nice. Help that country evacuate its citizens. Not a big deal in this drill. NOT overwhelming numbers to evacuate.
Okinawa is under 900 miles to Okinawa. Kadena AB is HUGE. Great infrastructure, surge capability. Naval hospital.


How do they protect the president? If it’s that contagious, I don’t see how he could meet with anyone coming from China. Of course, he could just receive reports or meet with embassy staff remotely, but I don’t see how he can be protected in general, with all the people he deals with and all the places he goes.


WH is sterile fortress in many ways. Staff can be limited. Nonessential sent home.
In this case, with the incubation period, surely nothing face to face. Conference call would be my guess.
Incubation period I have read five days and moar recently eight to ten days. Dunno reality.


Surely cables are sent from the Consulate to DoS, Pompeo. They may get routed through the Embassy in Beijing for protocol reasons. Let the Ambassador see them first.
Moar likely, me thinks a cable From Wuhan Consulate TO DoS Pompeo, INFO Embassy in Beijing and a host of other DoS schmucks. Military works this way when information IS TIME SENSITIVE, as seems the case here.
AND direct calls, conference calls Wuhan Consulate to DoS Pompeo, WH, Embassy Beijing…
BUT, priority IS get US citizens out of Wuhan. For that matter China. Wonder how many USG employees in China? How many American expats in China? Latter a big number. Yea, I can’t define big number in this case 😉

Gail Combs

WIKI: An estimate published in 2018 counted 600,000 people of other nations living in China, with 12% of those from the US; that means approximately 72,000 Americans living in China. Based on data collected in 1999, when 64,602 Americans resided in China, most resided in Hong Kong (48,220 in 1999),
So ~20,000 Americans or so outside of Hong Kong.


Wow. Big numbers for sure. Outside of Hong Kong, 20,000 passengers. IF the problem is what is being surmised, wonder how many already departed? No way to know.
IF it gets to a full evacuation, doable.
~ Forty flights of 747s or like AC. Distances are short, so, multiple flights per day for each AC used.
– Fuel is NOT an issue. Probably have medical embarked on all flights in. Logistics puzzle, but doable.
– At first destination, screen AND wait out incubation period. Then move them to US or wherever they need to go.
– AND, I only addressed outside of Hong Kong. It’s simply a bigger number to manage. Same concept.
– Quick search shows 747 varying capacity.
The 747-400 can carry 416 passengers in a typical three-class layout, 524 passengers in a typical two-class layout, or 660 passengers in a high–density one-class configuration.
Think I’ll quit what iffing for now.
FWIW, logistics plans are what I did for many a year for the Navy.


C-5A and C-17 carry a lot. You could drive bus loads onto either one and fly away. With the buses.


Assuming comment is serious, AF would NEVER do that. Cargo bays of C-5 and C-17 can be configured for passengers.
– Rather sure commercfial AC cost to fly per hour and maintain is less than AF AC.
– Parts and maintenance for commercial AC moar readily available.
Commercial aircraft better suited for massive movements of passengers.
AND, it is a permissive environment – no shooting.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. We need good information. Don’t overreact, but DO NOT underreact!!! I think the idea that we are NOT going to provide an “escape magnet” is a strong assist to Chinese authorities. People need to shelter in place – not flee.


Ok, seems like a LOT of hair on fire here, which unusual for this group.
Yes, it seems this is likely an intentionally released virus,
HOWEVER, it is very manageable. Are a lot of people likely to catch this, potentially, the answer is yes. HOWEVER, is anyone here NOT going to treat this? No.
ELDERBERRY SYRUP (Sambucus nigra) is a great anti-viral, and also has some anti-bacterial properties. There are a plethra of available studies, and it is approved by Germany’s Commisdion E. (Butterflygrl, antibiotics work on bacteria, anti-virals work on viruses.)
You MAY get sick, may have to use ELDERBERRY SYRUP, FEVER CONTROL, fluids, and possibly steroids. If nCORv has a secondary infection like bacterial pneumonia, there are anti-biotics that can be added, and other anti-virals. If it follows SARS, then a respirator may be needed. Catching cornona virus is NOT instant death.
The point is, if you catch this, TREAT IT! I agree, first option is prevention, but this is very treatable, esp in the US. The media is trying to induce panic and control the narrative. Influenza and coronavirus have been around a long time. They still haven’t publicly released what strain of nCORv this is.
You guys are one of the most rational, reasonable, diverse, thoughtful group I’ve found on the internet so far, but this page seems to be filled with stress today. It is ok to be concerned, and pissed, but don’t let their narrative keep you up all night.
Prevent catching the flu, or any virus, when you can, TREAT it if you can’t prevent it.
This article helps explain elderberry. There are many reputable brands, Sambucol, Nature’s Way, Nature’s Answer. There are also recipies if you want to make your own syrup. If a secondary broncitis starts, these companies also carry a “Kids” product, which is elderberry and usually echinacea p.and echinacea a.. Elderberry syrup can be used daily, but echinacea needs to be paused after 6 weeks of use, and can be re-started after a 2 week break.
Hopefully, this helps ease any worries. Yes, corona has a higher mortality rate than flu A or B, but so does anything left untreated, even stepping on a rusty nail.


Another great and cheap anti viral is high dose Vitamin C. Look up Andrew W. Saul at DoctorYourself.com and Vitamin C. I have used this myself and stopped the common cold virus. You have to use high doses for it to work.


Kym…best diagnostic general Practitioner I’ve ever known (and I’ve worked with hundreds) told me this close to 40 years ago. I’ve never forgotten it and have used that advice ever since…as you say, high doses…every hour until your body stops using it and you just pee it away.


When you reach bowel tolerance, you reduce the dosage of the vitamin C and continue at that dosage until all symptoms are gone. Last year I got the real flu for the first time in my life. It was brutal for a couple of days. I had nothing to take, as I was ignorant about high dose vitamin C and the usual otc med I take were out of stock everywhere, including Amazon. I use Oscillococcimum to reduce the severity and duration of flu symptoms such as body aches and fever. Its homeopathic. I have been using it for colds and fever viruses for over 10 years. Great for adults and children over the age of 2.


I retract my “hair on fire”, and apologize. After re-reading the thread, the stressors are coming from the news stories and twts, not the posters. Plank removed. Mea culpa.


Thank you for being so gracious!


From Smiley2 post above.
“Communist Cover-Up…Nurse Treating Coronavirus in China Claims 90,000 Infected (VIDEO)”
IF, IF, IF, 90,000 accurate in Hubei Province (Wuhan located in that province), AND the US has a Consulate in Wuhan, then surely the USG knows this.
AND, USG has NOT told Americans about this HUGE number, as opposed to the 1,500 number in the public domain a couple days ago.
AND, USG DOS employees in Wuhan have NOT sounded this alarming number, 90,000.
AND, no other government has reported such a number…Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Canada, UK…
AND, the EXPAT community has NOT been howling loudly…AND they’d know…AND THEY WOULD HOWL big time.
SO, based on the above, I am NOT buying into this 90,000 number.
– Wait 24-48 hours. VERIFY the outrageous…way out there claims.
Me thinks 😉


appreciate yr post…who knows…
90,000 sounds alarmingly high….but I’d think nurses & doctors, in the thick of it, would be likely to know, perhaps, a lot sooner than others…
and many other reports saying the communists are trying to keep a lid on the full truth getting out…no secret, no surprise there..
and, frankly, I don’t think it’s necessarily “outrageous”…or “way out there”…


Agree. IF the report IS roughly accurate. Simply tossing caution that verification IS reasonable.
AND, I 100% don’t believe the Chinese government. ZERO doubt in my mind the 1,500 number of a couple days ago was way low.

Gail Combs

As I said I think POTUS will want a debriefing ASAP of the US gov’t people coming back from China.
We should know more in a couple of days.
In the mean time stocking supplies will not hurt.


AND, tomorrow I will be augmenting my normal stockpile of food, water, medical stuff and misc stuff, with items tailored to what this drill looks it could evolve into.


It’s good to be cautious, Kalbo.🙂
Here’s the thing, though…this has been going on over there for a couple of months now.
While it’s ‘news’ to us, it’s been going on for awhile.
So, I dunno…given that the ChiComs lie about everything, that 90K number might be closer to the truth.
I hope our VSG shuts down all travel to China soon.
Seems like it’s warranted at this point.


OH, I agree. Simply surprised we have not heard about the huge significance of the problem – numbers infected from sources beyond a “masked nurse.”
Logic tells me we should have ALSO heard moar from one or moar of the following:
– USG DOS employees in Wuhan, OR throughout China.
– Other countries that have consulates in Wuhan, OR throughout China.
– EXPATS in Wuhan OR throughout China raising hell.
^^^ This IS significant! Me thinks.
AND, AND, AND, this has been going on for months…AND only trickling out now?
I really have no problem quarantining ALL of China. Shut down flights, ports of all types…
Reality is I’d prefer we did zero business with China. BUT, Nixon screwed that up royally.

Gail Combs

And then Clinton compounded it by a million % when he gave China most favored nation status AND our nukes AND our guidance system AND our factories….


How do we know she is really a nurse and that her location is anywhere close to the outbreak?

Gail Combs

Lots of dis-information out there.


We don’t. Which is what drove my, why have we not heard from other sources…USG, other governments, EXPATS…
Nor do we know the translation is anything near what the text said.
24-48 hour rule in effect by me.




This was my first thought about it this morning after sleeping on it overnight.


Everything I see on the “trending” thread at TWT seems to be random, no name accounts. Hard to tell what is real and what is narrative/agenda building


That crossed my mind…lord, I hate to be so cynical! The part that gave her statement authenticity for me was the Chinese New Years reference…this is their main holiday of the entire year and even if you do not see your family at any other time, this is a very important occasion….perhaps the only gift exchange holiday. Other Asian countries, as well. So, for her to beg people to stay inside and not go to the family celebrations gave it credence for me.


Was pondering that “nurse” video a couple hours ago. Besides we don’t know if she is a real nurse, in China, in Hubei Province, in Wuhan OR if the translation is accurate.
Reason I was pondering that video is, she speaks very monotone. ZERO emotion. No urgency noticeable.
Have been in at least six Asian countries. Absolutely, while I could not speak the languages, I could tell emotion, or at least serious emphasis was spoke. Seemingly missing in that video. ODD. Me thinks.
Not trying to downplay the potential serious health crisis that may be looming.
Related. Read earlier, ONLY CDC can verify Coronavirus. Single point of failure not a good thing. IMO
We surely need moar facts AND a steady flow of information.


I read from the CDC site and posted a link somewhere that the CDC will assist with and instruct in obtaining, storing, and TRANSPORTING suspicious samples for diagnostics. Made my eyebrows shoot straight up, almost as high as Nanzi’s


Can you please check the bin?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Maybe later. My access to the bin is limited until I nuke everybody who is potentially fucking with my access.


Re-typing, think the last post is binned.
OK, seems like a LOT of hair on fire, which is unusual for this group.
Yes, it seems like this is an intentionally released virus.
HOWEVER, it is very manageable. Are a lot of people going to catch this?
Potentially, the answer is “yes”. HOWEVER, is anyone NOT going to treat this? No.
ELDERBERRY SYRUP (Sambucus nigra) is a great anti-viral, and also has some anti-bacterial properties. There are a plethra of available studies. (Butterflygrl, antibiotics work on bacteria, anti-virals work on viruses.)
You MAY get sick, may have to use Eldetberry syrup, fever control, fluids, and possibly steroids. If nCORv has a secondary infection like bacterial pneumonia, there are antibiotics that can be added, and other anti-virals. If it worsens, then a respirator may be needed. Point is, treatments are available. Catching corona virus is NOT instant death.
The point is, if you catch this, TREAT IT! I agree, first option is prevention, but this is very treatable, esp in the US. The media is trying to induce panic and control the narrative. Influenza and coronavirus have been around a long time. They still haven’t publucally released what strain of corona this is.
You guys are one of the most rational, reasonable, diverse, thoughtful group I’ve found on the internet, so far, but this page seems to be filled with stress today. It is ok to be concerned, and pissed, but don’t let their narrative keep you up all night.
Prevent catching the fly, or any virus, when you can. TREAT it if you can’t prevent it.
This article helps explain elderberry. There are many reputable brands. Sambucol, Nature’s Way, Nature’s Answer. There are also recipues if you want to make your own syrup. If a secondary bronchitis starts, these companies also carry a “kids” product, which is elderberry n. and usually echinacea p. and echinacea a.. Elderberry syrup can be used daily, but echinacea needs to ve paused after 6 weeks of use, and can be restarted after a 2 week break.
Hopefully this helps ease any worries. Yes, corona has a highet mortality rate tha flu A or flu B, but so does most anything left untreated, even stepping on a rusty nail. Don’t let the bastards get you down!


Oh, crazy Cali wants to label Tylenol as a carcenogen? Right when folks may need fever control? But, nothing to see here. And sorry for all the typos above!

Gail Combs

I think most of the concern is because it could be an escaped Bio-Weapon AND because the Chinese are notorious liars as is the media.
Having Dr Eric Feigl-Ding fan the flames doesn’t help.
I am P.O.d because basic common sense (quarantine) has been tossed due to BUSINESS INTERESTS and thus we have a lot of old diseases and new showing up in our domestic livestock that could EASILY have been prevented by quarantine before importing.
Also BUSINESS INTERESTS have tied the USA tightly to international trade, and an illegal and H1b work force and again promoted disease. This is just the latest example.
My biggest problem is the ‘opportunity’ this give the President’s enemies.

Gail Combs

I should add, I expect President Trump to make a statement about this VERY SOON.
He has that Rally in Wildwood, NJ on January 28, two days away and people will be starting to line up.
If he needs to cancel because of the disease risk he needs to do that Monday morning at the latest.


What if the plan is to make a Trump rally an infection vector? Sure would screw up the campaign.

Gail Combs

Yeah, that was one of my thoughts too esp with a possible case ~150 miles away. (3-4 hrs)


legitimate concerns over a possible pandemic
legitimate concerns over under-reporting
legitimate concerns as to what might be next , if anything
legitimate concerns about how this got started , and by whom… and why…
legitimate concerns about the spectre of biowarfare
…just a few points of interest that make for a compelling discussion, imo.
…and…I’m not seeing anybody’s “hair on fire” here.
just a healthy intelligent robust discussion.


I apologize, and retract the “hair on fire”. After re-reading the entire thread, the stressors are more coming from the news stories and twts being posted, NOT the posters themselves. My bad. Thank you, Smiley, for organizing that thought. Will go soak in the gulf…..


And leave my brandy at home!


soak but don’t sulk ! 😀
we’re good.


I agree that the virus seems like something that can be treated and recovered from, for the most part. I don’t think anyone here is panicking.
Probably everyone knows someone with a compromised or weaker immune system (the ill, the elderly, etc.) who shouldn’t be exposed to something like this. Those are the people who end up in the hospital and have a higher mortality rate.
But there are many layers of interest to this situation: the international and business aspect that affects decision-making, the personal desire to keep onself and loved ones healthy, the element of the unknown (whether reports are true, whether it’s mutating, whether travel will be stopped and our lives will be affected, etc.), and the human interest aspect that is as gripping as a movie like Contagion. To be living through a possible pandemic not seen in 100 years is both concerning and fascinating. All of that generates discussion.

Gail Combs

I think the discussion is healthy.
We haul out all the bits of information, inspect it, see how it fits together, reject the pieces that are outlandish. That is the ‘political aspect’
There is also the pro-active discussion.
Alcohol, elderberry, chlorox, borax, stocking food, minimizing contact and routes of infection…
Many of us are not young and have health issues so minimizing risk is prudent esp. since hospitals are a great place to pick up infections and should be avoided if possible.


“I think the discussion is healthy.”
I agree. Different perspectives provide food for thought and information that can be very useful, now and in the future. And that information is not just about health remedies.


Oh, I agree, there has been healthy discussion here! Gail and Wheetie pointing out the timeline shows the media spin. This is an older virus, which has been noticable dince early Dec, but just now being reported on. The media says “49 dead”, etc, and mis-leads the public into thinking 49 dead in the last 2 days. Also, media says “no cure”, very misleading as corona is “treatable”.
Pro-active is key. We are the news means being able to put many pieces on the table to see the big picture, that would otherwise be too time consuming to track down. This page is a blessing! The idea that we the people can see how they are trying to orchestrate a potential black swan, and prepare for it, cope with it, push back, is awesome!


Confirmed case in Orange County, CA


“Some scientists outside China worry about pathogens escaping, and the addition of a biological dimension to geopolitical tensions between China and other nations. But Chinese microbiologists are celebrating their entrance to the elite cadre empowered to wrestle with the world’s greatest biological threats.”


This virus could be used as a bio-weapon
– at rallies.
– against Trump supporters.
– against Bernie supporters.
– against whomever the cabal considers ‘undesirables’…..


– drone delivery to strong Trump support territories near election day.


Viewing this from a geo-political standpoint, this is the final nail in the China coffin. John Hinderaker, the best of a fine group (less Mirengoff) at Powerline, drives that nail with sledgehammer in this excellent piece. Also, however, he gives excellent historical perspective to the left’s dishonesty and dissidence which, as media controllers, gave them free reign to perpetuate China myths and falsehoods as for their own anti-American hate.


Excellent article.
I did chuckle at the eat your brussel sprouts remark in it as my husband had a similiar experience as a child, but he replied that the offending food item should be shipped over to China. His remark was not appreciated.


UV Residential Commercial lights
– Lights to install in home/business heating/cooling systems to sanitize air.
– Available in small units to use like hand washing, cleaning cell phones and car keys.


Let me guess … “Made in China”


Probably not. The US has some tech capability, after all.




The words “Pandemic” and “panic” from the common Greek root “pan” meaning “common to all people or things.” In this simple word root we can find comfort and hope for our society in whatever this disease may bring. We, as a people whose espouse common Judeo-Christian values and interests, are NOT China. We are the polar opposite of China. As black is to white, up is to down, as wet is to dry, our national DNA will most assuredly allow us to confront this virus in a united way, just as we banded together to defeat another pandemic – WWII. This disease will devastate China because it is bad AND because their national DNA is so different. Their people are trained NOT to think, not to be independent but only to look to earthly government for safety and solace. And they will panic – for those very reasons and they will do things in utter disregard of the greater good – like escape Hunan, go to France and brag about going to restaurants. We will not panic. We will deal – with whatever it is and whatever it takes. Come what may.


From the Daily Thread:
New China virus, Swine Flu hoax, history matters
by Jon Rappoport
January 25, 2020
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but…history matters.
When you see a new story on the horizon, and it looks a lot like an old story you know was a hoax, you have to dig up that history and report it.
This is beginning to look like a possible ELECTION YEAR Manufactured Useful Crisis.
China has motive not to want Trump re-elected and so do the Democraps who have exhausted every other of their usual tricks.
Remember when Sharyl Atkisson exposed the Zika virus hype/hoax?


PS – WP won’t let me link to Sharyl A’s article. I have tried multiple times and the comments just disappear – poof!


Well, … you should pay your WP bill. Sheeesh.
/s 🙂


If China … or Globalists … manufactured this sucker, they’re staring at Economic Suicide.
[See below]
Imagine how rapidly the Return-to-USA movement can ACCELERATE
… whipped by our Mendaciously-Marauding Media
… from CHINA and OTHER infected countries

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great point. CHUCK THE COMMIE SCUMMER is now pushing for action. SOMETHING STINKS.


You can purchase elderberry jelly in the form of a preserve from this site:
It’s pricey. Hover over the item with the cursor and click on “learn more”.
They’ve been in business here in northern Michigan for about 30 years, and offer many other ‘from the wild’ products. High quality and high integrity in what they make.
The page with elderberry:


thanks !


You are welcome, smiley.


smiley, elderberry jam and elderberry wine are NOT effective. I will try to find the article. Was bummer to learn wine won’t work 😉


The component needed to fight viruses is damaged in both elderberry jam and elderberry wine, so neither of those is a good choice for flu-fighters. Wish it wasn’t so. I will try to find the article.


for those not averse to Amazon (yeah, I know), they have ab 15 different elderberry syrups, plus gummies/capsules, many very well described in all the important ways.


MEGA ISSUES for CoronaVirus:
• How to feed China?
• Where can Chinese risk working alongside peers?
• How interdependent are quarantined & non-quarantined cities & provinces?
• How much have infected people mingled with others for Lunar New Year?
• How many have traveled to other Countries?
• How many foreigners interacted with exposed Chinese inside & outside China?
When will Countries begin to QUARANTINE China itself?
When will Countries EXPEL Chinese for self-preservation?
Will other Countries REJECT IMPORTS from China?
Will China’s Belt & Road TAKEOVERS of other countries be TERMINATED?
• Can countries afford the EXPOSURE?
• Can China continue the “INVESTMENT”?
ALERT: China’s stock market dropped 2.75% on Thursday, January 23rd.
• It’s CLOSED from Friday January 24th through Thursday the 30th.
• IMAGINE the Pent-up CoronaVirus PANIC as media Flogs the Fear!
• CHINA-MARKET EXODUS on the 31st before another weekend?


Potential Pandemic Multipliers:
• Cities with Teeming Populations in VERY close quarters
• Massive dependence on “mingling movement” (Public Transport, Biking & Walking)
• Labor-Intensive Handling in every part of the Economy and Food Production


Is this what is at the bottom of the globalist movement to “encourage” movement of people to large cities?


BlackKnight….so good to see you actively posting again! You always add so much to the conversation.


I think a worse case scenario could have a similar effect on China’s economy of a mega-neutron bomb detonated high over the southeast part of their country.


The prospect of the Chinese ECONOMY DETONATING
… makes President Trump’s recent mollifying remarks CRITICAL
… because a China facing extinction would take the world down with them!


The big Q is what the CCP might do when “rejected” … take the world down with them?


BKR, it’s SO nice to have your input…glad to see you…


You too!


Wonder what the protocol for SHIPMENT of specimens is?? From CDC…..
Q: How do you test a person for 2019-nCoV?
A: At this time, diagnostic testing for 2019-nCoV can be conducted only at CDC.
State and local health departments who have identified a person under investigation (PUI) should immediately notify CDC’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) at 770-488-7100 to report the PUI and determine whether testing for 2019-nCoV at CDC is indicated. The EOC will assist local/state health departments to collect, store, and ship specimens appropriately to CDC, including during afterhours or on weekends/holidays.



The TRUTH About Caronavirus & Our Fragile Civilization

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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[…] January 25th, Our first thread:  https://wqth.wordpress.com/2020/01/25/20200125-coronavirus/ […]

[…] January 25th, Our first thread:  https://wqth.wordpress.com/2020/01/25/20200125-coronavirus/ […]

[…] January 25th, Our first thread:  https://wqth.wordpress.com/2020/01/25/20200125-coronavirus/ […]

[…] January 25th, Our first thread:  https://wqth.wordpress.com/2020/01/25/20200125-coronavirus/ […]

[…] January 25th, Our first thread:  https://wqth.wordpress.com/2020/01/25/20200125-coronavirus/ […]

[…] January 25th, Our first thread:  https://wqth.wordpress.com/2020/01/25/20200125-coronavirus/ […]

[…] January 25th, Our first thread:  https://wqth.wordpress.com/2020/01/25/20200125-coronavirus/ […]

[…] January 25th, Our first thread:  https://wqth.wordpress.com/2020/01/25/20200125-coronavirus/ […]

[…] January 25th, Our first thread:  https://wqth.wordpress.com/2020/01/25/20200125-coronavirus/ […]

[…] January 25th, Our first thread:  https://wqth.wordpress.com/2020/01/25/20200125-coronavirus/ […]

[…] January 25th, Our first thread:  https://wqth.wordpress.com/2020/01/25/20200125-coronavirus/ […]

[…] January 25th, Our first thread:  https://wqth.wordpress.com/2020/01/25/20200125-coronavirus/ […]

[…] January 25th, Our first thread:  https://wqth.wordpress.com/2020/01/25/20200125-coronavirus/ […]