Fox 10 Phoenix will carry today’s session –
CSPAN will also carry it live –
It’s time for some OFFENSE! Beginning 10:00AM Eastern time from the Senate. Tune in!

OFFENSE in DEFENSE of the President. Finally, the President will be able to defend himself to the public against these spurious charges. The eight gifted attorneys in the header above will be seen in the Senate. You may see the eight House members below, the Fire-Breathers, drifting all over the media.

Since August 28th, the Politico Article by Natasha Bertrand (which we suspect was planted by Schiff’s staff), the Dems have hammered the President, turning the narrative of funding to Ukraine into a “Trump personal gain for the election of 2020” and therefore scurrilous and impeachable. The Dems impeached the President in 78days, when Clinton and Nixon both took years to resolve (because of all the appeals). The Dems claim they have overwhelming evidence, but need more witnesses, more information, and AN ACTUAL CRIME would help the Dems case. Yet, they cannot wait for proper procedure and appeals on subpoenas…… because the voters may re-elect the President……… and that cannot happen…… according to the Dems.
Yet, after months of conducting secret depositions in the basement and made-for-television hearings in the House, fervently pushed by mass media, the public still does not want the President removed. To be clear, if this was a real trial, it would be as if the Prosecutor was on the field for FIVE MONTHS……. with no telling of the other side of the story…… and the Dems still can’t convince the jury, which is us. The President is entitled to a defense, his side of the story has yet to be told. We can assume the President’s defense will be hefty and persuasive.
Within the movie we are watching, there are a few Senators who are targeted as “moderate”, which the Dems have been trying to harangue. Lisa Murkowski, Collins, Romney, and Lamar Alexander. When Congressman Nadler accused the Repub Senators of a cover up if they did not vote for more witnesses, Susan Collins was so upset she wrote a note to the Chief Justice Roberts. Strike One.
Well, this evening, Schiff lost Murkowski. Schiff made a comment that Repubs in the Senate had been warned if they voted against the President “their head would be on a pike”. Lisa was NOT amused. The Repubs are furious, and the media darling, Schiff, is in big trouble for making a fatal error, over playing his hand. Strike Two.
Barrasso speaking to the cameras, and reported by the New York Times, Emily Cochrane (above) might as well be Strike 3
If you are on Twitter, please follow Congressman Andy Biggs. His twitter feed is extraordinary. He is obsessed with the subject of impeachment (and strongly defending the President). His twitter feed is pushing out info on the impeachment about every 20 minutes to an hour (He’s like I was with Davos).
Here is the transcript to the President’s phone call with President Zelinsky:
Here is the link for the Whistleblower Complaint. Both may come in handy tomorrow:
Jay Sekulow talks about what to expect tomorrow and mentions Nellie Ohr and Fusion GPS.
See you tomorrow! 10:00am Eastern! Don’t be late.
Let’s meet at the old saw mill………. and ride!
……Of the North-Church-tower, as a signal-light,—
Longfellow, of course, The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere
One if by land, and two if by sea;
And I on the opposite shore will be,
Ready to ride and spread the alarm
Through every Middlesex village and farm,
For the country-folk to be up and to arm…..
The Senators are starting to have fun with this
How can I be the first to reply to this one?
That would be lil’ Chucky Schmucky from upstate New Yucky.
Stunning to see??
“… so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.”
Romans 1:28-32
RINO Cornyn not happy
And President Trump’s legal council SMASHED THE HECK out of that claim because EXC Privilege WAS NEVER IN PLAY
^^This right here^^
This needs to be repeated over and over.
And it’s what the Dems always do!
They are constantly accusing others of what they themselves are doing.
What gets me…is that IF Joe Biden is ‘exempt’ from being investigated, because he’s running for president, then…doesn’t that apply to Pres Trump too?
Well … no it doesn’t apply to OrangeManBad. Where did you get such a loony idea?
Dem’s will settle for “mutual no justice” – a.k.a. the status quo ante of uniparty corruption.
We can’t let them get away with it!
Dims photographed arriving for Friday’s Senate hearings…
Episode 1:
It was good
Wish Episode 2 was up already….. and 3 and 4 and 5
Time for some pain
Can’t wait for OUR legal team to “Burn down their safe spaces, kick them square in the teeth and grab them right by the …kitty cat.” Take no prisoners, end this on the battle field!
State of Union is going to be VERY interesting this year! It won’t be the always excellent speech or the special guests or the always stunning and classy First Lady….no, it will be how the immature behavior and attitudes of the Losers in Congress will be on display for the world to see.
Can you imagine?
Thunderstruck sound track running through my head.
ABUSE….. of “Power” = ABUSE……. BY…….. CONgress
Normally the CoC-roach RINO Barrasso is hiding in a corner trying to avoid sunlight, standing behind McTurtle. . .
Not this time! He’s out in front of the cameras.
I don’t know what happened but I’m LOL seeing him catch some limelight!
Daughn…… Thanks for ANOTHER awesome thread!
I Will be here with all of the Q Tree Team tomorrow at 9am.
9am CST……. 10am EST
Jane Raskin, along with her husband Martin Raskin, was part of the Trump Mueller Investigation defense team. They are both former Federal Prosecutors and Supreme Court lawyers.
More about her:
Yes, thank you for background on Raskin.
Apparently, they did a brilliant job during the Mueller investigation.
Raskin and Bobbins?
31 Angles of Bullshit?
Our President’s A Team will put TRUTH to LIES!!!!
I think Schiffty is hiding/protecting something or someone an order or two of magnitude worse than what we expect. His desperation is obvious, to the point of him being physically and mentally unhinged.
What manner of evil and depravity is he concealing? How far will his fall be if (and when) he’s exposed? How wide is his network that will be ruined?
Perhaps he’s on an Arkancide list, and he knows it?
(OK, OK; Cue “The Shadow” theme and “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow Does.”)…
Maybe it’s the 18th witness, the ICIG Michael Atkinson. He will NOT reveal the transcript from the interview/deposition.
nope. Schiff has deemed that testimony “classified” and excluded it from the House record.
but that doesn’t mean the defense can’t call him, does it??? (if it gets to witnesses…)
And we KNOW the ICIG testimony speaks to credibility of the Whistle Blower and compromises Schiff’s case.
Radcliffe revealed this much to a reporter on FOX last night. He was in the room, the basement, when ICIG was interviewed in October.
Rudy has lotsa dirt to disclose. Schiff has too much connection to Ukraine. Based on his character (a lying sack of shit) most of his Ukraine connections are dirty.
We’ll see. I predict he will not run in November 2020, thanks to Rudy.
Thank you TIM, I will put the link above.
Yo are most welcome
This is Diamond and Silk’s channel – should be good and reliable – the YouTube lefties do not want to mess with those two women!!!
thanks for this thread Daughn!
I am anxiously waiting, like many millions of other Americans, to hear from the defense!!!
just to set the record straight…get ALL the FACTS out…
It’s our turn.
yeah Baby!!!!
set the truth FREE…..
It’s like we’ve been in the Twilight Zone for the past week. (Months really

I’m so excited to have the Adults in the room now!!!
there are sharks in the water and the Dems are wearing meat suits…
I’m REALLY hoping this episode, our 24hours, will knock some sense into the DOJ.
And, I do think the audience will be huge…even on a Saturday morning….or at least recorded for later viewing. In fact, it might even be an advantage because of the working week….not to mention crummy weather in much of the country.
POTUS’ comments about “valley of death” probably was a subtle advertisement…a la Trump style!
What comments, Teagan?
POTUS commented that “our” team being forced to start on a Saturday morning was like being in the Valley of Death in TV parlance…in other words, a period when no one watches TV.
Hubby is wondering how Saturday Night Live can top this.
Well, of course…this was the entire purpose…calling into question future elections. After all, if they remove the cemetery voters and the other ineligible…what do the Dims have?
Hmmm. Considering their eternal “projection”, could Schiffty be (unconsciously or unintentionally) admitting that he, as a Soviet agent, is a Russian Success beyond any achieved in the Cold War????!!!!
Inquiring minds want to know…
Is this how the ‘Thought Police’ works?
Bwwhahhahahaa, yes, we would prefer Ron White to be Speaker of the House.
“You can’t fix stupid!”
He had the right….. to remain Silent…….
He just did not have the ABILITY.
And we all know he doesn’t like to be in PUBLICKK!
My vote would be for Foster Brooks (RIP), were he still alive. Even in his most crazy moments (he didn’t drink), he was more cogent and intelligent than Mafiosi Piglosi could ever be…
Fox 10 Phoenix will carry today’s session –
CSPAN will also carry it live –
Thank you Ga/FL I will add the other links above. Appreciate you!
GST and RSBN seem to have opted out on this one. Or weren’t permitted. I bet they have to limit press population inside the capitol and houses of congress.
Diamond and Silk linked above IS RSBN – I’m behind the times.
I’ve avoided RSBN due to many dropped livestreams and their coverage of the inauguration split-screened to show the (insert vile expletives) protests made me mad as a old wet hen! They also yammer constantly with their fundraising. And I hate their sour metal guitar music. End rant.
Our Guy, President Trump, seems somewhat hot under the collar this morning….a wee bit on the angry side, would you say?
Likely, it’s a red hat Saturday.
The head waiter at Mar A Lago said PDJT was usually calm, congenial and cool as a cucumber, but when he wore his red hat, he was mad – then look out – you don’t want to mess with him!
Which means the weirdo Lev was illegally recording the President of the USA at his home.
And the story the left ran with yesterday, the President saying “get rid of her” about Yovanovitch, was the subject of an illegal wiretap
undoubtedly timed to do most damage to President Trump.
well…and iirc, the recording was in 2018 and she wasn’t fired (reassigned) until 2019…and it’s still within the President’s authority to fire any ambassador he wants…
Here we go, prayer and a pledge in the Senate, why is it a problem everywhere else?
John Solomon … significant changes in Burisma Timeline exonerates Trump
Cippilone will be the Master of Ceremonies.
Here we go – the “Table of Contents” portion laying out what we will hear today.
Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye

Not getting sound on Fox 10 or RSBN
Here is CSPAN
Got sound on RSBN –
Cipplilone, true.
Prosecutors spent no time examining the consequences of this action.
Eliminating the choice of the people in 2016 AND removing the President from the ballot in 2020.
Also, something which has never been done before, removing a President with no evidence, no crime.
At least twice, Cipplilone said ‘they did not tell you’ – cannot remember to what he was referring –
“If you were really confident of your case, why would you lock everyone out?”
“For all their talk about election interference, they are here to perpetrate the most massive interference in elections in history” – (paraphrased)
This is good, Cippilone is going after the TRANSCRIPT first, and calling out the lie of the Dems.
With each example of Dems lies, ask yourself, why am I just hearing about this now? After 24hours of Dems talking.

I hope we have more dynamic speakers on deck. I like what he is saying, but he is dull.
I was out for the first hour of all of this, and my sibling was watching and switched to something else.
Now I’ve got it on and this is worse than Russian opera.
Cippilone – just said, they don’t believe their evidence, and HID evidence from you
Cippilone charging the Dems with interference in an election MASSIVE interference.
WHOAAAAAAAAA here we go.
We will finish quickly and efficiently so we can all go and have an election.
When they do this at my own meetings – I get kinda jazzed and usually end up wanting more of the meeting because it was so amazingly informative and quick to boot!
Reminder – Pat Cipplione graduated from Covington High School in Kentucky – the same one that Nick Sandmann attends.
I did not know that! Cool fact, GA/FL.
hope you feel better!
Thanks, much better! Now if I can stay that way…….

Stop – really??? What a connection- side note did you all hear about the Covington charter bus returning from the WAshington,DC March For Life was in a big accident on the highway. A car was driving the wrong way and it was a head on collision. (The car driver died ) but what are the chances? The youths and the bus driver had some minor injuries.
Wonder if the car driver went to sleep on the road…. so sad.
Wow, I was just watching the link at the top of this page, and it jumped off of Trump’s attorney and onto Adam Schiff!
Trump’s lawyer was showing a video of Shifty’s lies.
Aha! Thanks!
Putting points on the screen so the hearing-impaired can follow along – Brilliant!!!
Yes……. Brilliant!
Enter Information into the BRAIN….
By BOTH Visual and Audible means.
Where possible – sight and sound are one’s working senses – yes
I would also submit…..
The SINators sense of SMELL.
There has been so much BULLSHIT spread all over the place during this past week…….
They can NOT help but sense it.
SCORE!! Opening with Schiff’s made up version of the transcript on House floor. THAT IS A LIE!!

Let’s stick with the facts and evidence. ADULTS!!!
If we only had the transcript, it would be enough to disregard the premise of the dems
But that’s not all the evidence we have.
We have soooooooooo much more, from their hand picked witnesses, from their selective leaks, from their staged hearings.
So let’s take a look at what THEIR witnesses said.
“…in a basement bunker” – LOL
We’re going through the transcript, and the fact that Pelosi called for an impeachment inquiry before she saw the transcript of the call.
Where the President took the unprecedented step to declassify it.
President talked about burden sharing immediately, problems with Germany and France and other countries.
Dems made it seem like President Trump was not interested in burden sharing at all – that the Pres was lying.
He was not lying.
Javelin sales were NOT part of the security assistance.
It was a different path method through DOD.
Many people don’t understand this point.
I loved this presentation – it was so freeeking LOGICAL and easy to follow.
In one half hour, they have covered massive ground! Wow!!!
Javelin missile sales were NOT part of aide money that was paused.
Even the Ambassador confirmed this.
Why didn’t Dems tell us that???
Now for the entire 2020 Campaign we will all always use ‘why didn’t the Democrats tell us that??’ … they will always forever be known as shady and hiding things
Going after Vindman – who raised policy concerns, but the president sets the policy not Vindman
Lt General Kellogg attended the call as well
No problem with the call
I had and have no concerns…………
Lt Kernal (Spelling Intentional) Vindictman….
Jose can you see?
(Rush Limbaugh style)
Miss Williams was sooo concerned about the call that she didn’t say anything for 2 months!!

Miss Williams NOW has concerns about the call
But for two months, she had no concerns
didn’t raise her concerns until Pelosi announced impeachment
How come
Morrison, was not concerned about anything illegal said on the call
he disagreed with Vindman
video clip
to back it up
I think I have a Concussion from all the BOOMS going off…… ALREADY… it’s only the first half hour!
Hold on Rayzor, it’s a ROLLERCOASTER of FUN!!!

We’re in TRUMP GRAVITY now!!
This is MOAR fun than I’ve had since Q (and Q+) arrived on the scene
Taylor thought the call went well
Volker was not on the call but thought it went well.
Ukrainians were not even aware of the hold.
Video clip
Wow, now a quote from Zelinsky himself.
Would not Zelinsky be a GREAT witness…..
If we have witnesses?
That was my when POTUS tweeted “NO PRESSURE”.
my thought
I fact……..
How about…..
AFTER opening arguments……
News release about President Zelinsky arriving in the US for…….
The HOUSE KNOWS these things, that the Ukrainians felt no pressure.
So what to do, cuz we have to impeach orange man
They claim to be mind readers, know better what is in the mind of the President of Ukraine.
Or the President of the USA.
Tell me how that helps US foreign policy or our friends (the Ukrainians)
Charged with using leverage of money, to pressure Ukraine to open investigations
But no one knew until the Politico article August 28th (the one we think was planted by Schiff’s staff)
Here we go, we get down to it
I would LOVEEEEEEEEEEE to put Natsha Bertrand on the stand and cross examine her.
Purpura is awesome, sheer logic and cogent presentation. So well done.
I really like him!
He’s pretty easy to listen to, also. The sound of his voice isn’t putting me to sleep. It’s expressive without being theatrical.
NO ONE had any concern about the aid or ANYTHING until Politico framed the aid, contrary to fact, as something the President was doing to benefit himself personally for the 2020 election.
The Politico article changed everything.
As soon as the Ukes learned about the pause, they asked about it – – devastating fact.
As soon as the Politico article hit, suddenly, everyone wants to know about it.
THAT’s when they asked.
Common sense.
They didn’t know before
They knew and started asking questions on August 29th.
*********** NOTE Adam Schiff pushed the article on his twitter feed.
That was the best that they skillfully wove that in—- and I did not know that about your NOTE….

I wonder how many bags Shifty will have under his eyes in the morning on Monday……
Purpura is killing it. He is 100% correct – – the Uke lack of knowledge of the pause is FATAL to the D’kkkrats case.
Wow, he handled that nicely
Dems had one witness from DOD who thought the Ukrainians knew of the hold in July
but her testimony defeated her assumption
first time the Ukrainians asked about it was September 5th.
House Managers told us to check our facts.
We did.
We were right.
The two people who asked the President directly, reported the President was specific and their was no linkage between aid and investigations.
EVERYTHING is coming from the change in perception after the Politico article.
I used to PRESUME adam schifferbrains was ………CORRUPT.
NOW….. I am absolutely POSITIVE that he IS!
Damning testimony against Sondland presuming, assuming, guessing…….. and he never had that opinion before the Politico article
He only second guessed the President’s motives after the politico article.
It’s the Democrat way.
Leak/Seed a story into the MSM, they publish it, and then the oh so not innocent corrupt politicians run with it.
Perfect wrap up smear, like Pelosi told us.
That was just epic…… the splicing of that together is brilliant and well played on OUR part!!

Go Presidential Lawyers!!!!
Roll tape of Sondland’s assumptions and presumptions. Love the disappointed looks on Dems faces at the answers!
Running commentary at QTree
oops, meant to post this to Marica’s blog !

Thanks Butterfly… some days I don’t know UP from DOWN !
Luv Ya PR, We got your 6!!
Bflyjesusgrl – i love your emoticons combo!
emoticon artist
No foul, PR – the link can be used to share with others as well – Thanks!!! God Bless You!!!
Hehe, I love you so much PR!
August 31, 2019
No way, I would never do that! Who told you that?
Reporting in Sir……
Enemy airstrip DESTROYED Mr. President….. (In 1 HOUR)
On to the rest of the Battlefield.
All is well so far Mr. President.
The Ambassador’s mistaken belief does not become true because he repeated it, many times, and to many different people.
It was Politico’s fault entirely – and probably planted by the Schiff team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he did a great job
Yielding to Sekulow
Sekulow at bat………….
I like Sekulow a lot !
I do, too. He’s doing well, too, I think so far!
(Good to see you pR!
You too Syl, hope you are lying down while watching this …. get some rest! We love you
Sekulow is already killing it talking about Crossfire Hurricane and Mueller Report.
Here we go, FISA court
unravel the whole thing
put it all in context
President was treated unfairly
NO PREDICATE to permit spying on Donald J. Trump et al
Sekelow for the WIN, smashing the 2yr, 500 subpoena, $32Million Mueller report. DAMNIT!!!
PAGE 173
Shut up about the Frikkin Russia Collusion for Heaven’s Sakes!!!
FISA material submitted on trust, supposed to be in good faith, ….FBI submitted false info, withheld info and misled the court
I think you covered it Vol !
Ouch, SSMACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he’s killing the FBI
and the FISA court —- this testimony will have long lasting impact on reforming the FISA court
Provided false information to the FISA court
Withheld information
mislead NSD
Misled the FISC
order has been followed up
based in large part to Horowitz report
misstatements and omissions – two docket numbers
there was insufficient predicate to establish Carter page was an agent of a foreign power.
You can ignore it if you want to.
They’re SCREWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BOOM !!!!!!!!!!!!
Home Run !
” insufficient predicate ”
Nah, there was NO PREDICATE…
One can’t be insufficiently PREGNANT… you are, or you aren’t…
PREDICATE either exists or NOT… there is NO such thing as insufficient predicate
Amen phoenixrising37!!!!
Part 2 is totally unexpected BUT brilliant! Linking the Russia hoax to the Uke hoax! This is how you put on a defense at a pretend “trial.”
I think these incidents were planned in advance for the same reasons – get Trump. I don’t even believe there is a whistleblower – just a concocted, manufactured story pushed out as true.
Ought to be felony to manufacture false evidence to take down a sitting President (or a candidate for elected office)…
OMG – is Sekulow going there????????
Is it possible for me to have a birthday TWICE in one week???????????
Here comes UKRAINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
be still my heart!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Daughn!!!!!!!
You caught up to me

Omg happy belated girl!!!!

)… (just don’t tell the DMV…).
(P.S. Here in Germany, they reverse the numbers sometimes, or subtract them, or whatever, so last month I turned 2
I Told you CNN and MSLSD Sucks! and LIES!
The TRUTH will out (Finally)
Quoting Fiona Hill
Again, what the Dems did not tell you.
Ukrainians wanted it to bolster their image in their dealings with Russia, gave them legitimacy.
This case is about the House Managers ability to read someone else’s thoughts, even when the principles insist they are wrong.
Case is not about Pres wrongdoing, it is about Dem thought reading. He’s killing it!!

he really is
Didn’t think it would be this easy
Did you?
And we are just getting started….The best is yet to come!

Schifty lives in an alternate universe… his spleel was based on a fraudulent transcript!!!!
They are creaming him royally, PR – making the fool of him he is – Imma lovin’ it!!!
Me TOO Duchess… !!!!!!!!!!!!
That one line about Merde-Kuh could be true of almost anything!
“Angela Merkel she talks [fill_in_the_blank], but she doesn’t do anything. A lot of the European countries are the same way”…
We’ve got this!
“baffle them with bullshit” is a lawyers mantra
It does not contain the testimony of ICIG Atkinson, which defeats the Whistle blower and Schiff’s narrative.
These guys are BRILLIANT!!!
They are doing the impossible: making lawyers appear honest, forthright, succinct, and so gosh darned likable! (And you KNOW they must all be top notch sharks
in their respective practices !)
The Best of the Best, MA!!!
The Wolverines and the Sharks!
What a TEAM!!! MAGA!!! KAG!!!
All of this is possible because VSG is a scrupulously honest man. His defenders are bursting with righteous confidence.
David Hale, page 84, Foreign Aid in general was in review in general, all countries.
We’ll discuss that more.
Fiona hill, Page 75, there had been a directive for a whole scale review of foreign policy objectives and (aid)
Had been going on already, across the board.
Fiona Hill in her testimony, mentioned President was skeptical about corruption in Ukraine, “because EVERYONE WAS”
I love that he states the freeking PAGE NUMBERS…. he’s doing his job and their job…

That’s So Trump!
Great Job Team!
Keep it up.
I Trust You.
I should go play some Golf?
Commentary will be here for you to read.
Be sure to tell your golfing buds you’ll get them a copy of the TRUTH…
Sorry razorbak… you meant POTUS might go play golf !
I better sit on my hands!
I’ve been telling you……
The call was PERFECT!
PERFECT in Black’s Law definition…
i’s dotted, t’s crossed, all tied up in a bow
ready for a brief !
Hahahahaha nice one rayzorbak!

OMG, June 20, 2017, President met with former Pres of Ukraine in White House, discussed corruption
This defeats Dems premise as well
They claim President Trump was SUDDENLY concerned with corruption is fake, he was concerned with his own re-election.
Selulow looking at all the times President raising corruption issues with Ukrainians – someone even tasked to write a paper on it, tie it to the aid.
Sorry Flep…….
Your gonna be busy after this
I told you Dear……

It will be alright.
We’ve got this
Speaking about relief aid to OTHER countries…”I appreciate your service, but let’s get our facts straight”….looking directly at Crowe. Going on to talk about held or cancelled aid to OTHER countries.
THIS ^^^^ !!!!!
Wow … aid pauses because of corruption was a “thing” by this administration with many countries. Puts the whole thing in perspective. And once again we find out MORE reason to love this administration.
Dems insist the President only asked about the aid to Ukraine, when we supply aid to dozens of other countries
He’s placed hold on aid several times
100 million to Afghanistan – corruption
South Korea – burden sharing
cut or paused 550 million to Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua
109 million to Lebanon-lifted in December depending on continual efforts to further US policy
300 million to Pakistan – not meeting counter-terrorism obligations
You didn’t hear that from the Dems.
David Hale testified to this
Fiona Hill testified to this – stops and starts happen all the time, OMB holds all the time.
Since 2014, only one President has supplied the Ukraine with lethal aid
Points out that some of the house managers did not vote to support Ukraine with lethal aid.
It was cash, so that it could come back to the DIMs…
blankets and cookies my _____________ !
Eliminating corruption in Ukraine was 1 of, if not THE most important goals of US Foreign policy
Damn! You’re good!
USA has imposed heavy sanctions on Russia and President Zelinsky thanked him.
Eliminating corruption was central goal, one of if not the central goal of USA policy in Ukraine – according to Fiona Hill testimony.
Fiona Hill said President stated it publicly, we all had concerns.
Morrison was aware the President thought Ukraine had a corruption problem.
Yet, the Dems say the President wasn’t concerned about corruption in Ukraine at all. Dems say the idea the president was concerned about it was “Laughable”.
The fact establish exactly the opposite.
THIS ^^^^
ahh Daughn, DIMs are not acquainted with that noun… so glad you introduced it.
Schiff said, “perhaps we can learn more from our Ukrainian friends”
Sekulow quoting Zelinsky himself.
Passing torch
Did you Damn Dims REALLY think this would work?
You people are STUPID!
Couple of issues touching on obstruction and due process.
This should be good.
Would take longer than 24hrs to go over all the evidence they DIDN’T show. Not going to keep repeating
Mad Max……..
Peach this!
P foT fi! P foT fi!

Philbin making the great point first made by Sundance (that I am aware) – – the House never voted for a formal impeachment, and thus lacked the authority to issue subpoenas.
Please keep Some Dunce out of this.
LOL …. sorry!
No problem Buddy
Yes, it’s one of the cases progressing to SCOTUS now.
Remember the judge who was an aid under Vermont Senator Leahy, she wore a green military MAO uniform to work – and was then appointed a DC judge by Obama.
Subpoenas were not authorized therefore did not call for the President to exercise Exec Privilege.
There was no vote from the House.
There is SCOTUS precedent.
multi citizen reporters drew attention to this… not just SD
WoW – how did I miss that?! Thanks for folding me in on that….
The legal issue of compulsory process is one of those “justice grinds exceedingly fine” type of issues, and the D’kkkrats rely upon the complexity of the issue to bamboozle people.
OK we need Jay back, this guy has excellent points but doesn’t have the fire in his belly….slip him some Red Bull STAT
This is the appellate lawyer and fine legal points.
Important YES but boring.
Yes he seems like the straight details people (I see it with doctors) I always feel for these guys because they are like supercomputers for brains with knowledge and superhuman processing skills… but were out that day when charm and charisma was handed out. But they are amazing and awesome! And we have him on OUR side!!! He’s still a shark in my book!

Philbin’s argument is absolutely necessary. Not everything can be theatre. For some people in the chamber, this argument will be both fascinating and critical.
A lot is being said about the audience being the US voters. But the true audience is the US Senate, who will be doing the vote that counts. I’ll take boringly competent over entertainingly erroneous any day. And I believe there are people for whom too much “jiuce” would be off-putting. JMHO…
Really fine details sometimes get lost in an “excited” presentation (in my field, operating systems and hardware internals don’t lend themselves to humor, especially when a lot is at stake).
I think VSGPDJT’s defense team is a good mix. And I hope that the truth, the proper procedures, protocols, facts, and functions are conveyed clearly and concisely enough that not only the US Senate, but the folks at home (most of whom are bereft of a proper education in civics and history) can absorb and learn from it.
Red Bull ——> It gives you wings.
Q quick we need some Red Bull delivered to these hearings.
I think this is just his style, he is making some excellent points. Took me a few minutes of listening to him….he is setting the stage with the dynamite for Sekulow to come along and light the fuses…..
Amen Volgarian they cant all have Trumps explosiveness. I cant wait for the fireworks to begin.
^^^ Had I not been on a treadmill, I’d have fallen asleep
But his facts and presentation factual, support President Trump, the Presidency…
And that is the key. Some of the less bombastic senators will “hear” him over the others.
For the archives:
Another reason the dems hurried this trial in Senate is because they think they will LOSE this appeal as it goes up to appeal.
It was absolutely necessary to authorize inquiry by a vote – otherwise subpoenas invalid.
When does the appeal get decided?
You guys see my team at work today?
This is a brilliant legal argument.
Damn, he knows his shit!
I wouldn’t take him to the prom………. but.
This is an actual legal argument … so rare to hear those.
But I bet his parents would splurge for the flashiest limo though….. I befriended many of these types – I was so in awe of their brainpower and they were pretty funny ….
Whoa——— SMMMMMMMACKKK to Pelosi, she did not have the authority, she only held a press conference.
That was the biggest boomerang and the funniest thing to hear …. ‘she only held a press conference’ hahahahaahahaahahah [breathe] hahahaahhaahaahahhahaahahahaa
Only after 5 weeks, when they actually did take a vote, were the subpoenas considered.
We’re now on the point offering the President to participate at the Judiciary Committee.
Nadler characterizes it as “the President refused”
Nadler said Presidential participation is not required but merely a courtesy
Now quoting Nadler;s OWN WORDS during the clinton impeachment, about Presidential rep participation in the process.
Killing him…………!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not pertinent to today’s part of the Defense’s rebuttals, but important wrt where ‘moderate’ Repub Senators stand ?
You may be shocked… (I was)
I’m going to have to watch some MSM tonight……
Just to watch them CRY
Spin machine will NOT be able to handle this.
And we’re just getting started
While “I am NOT from the government”, I AM here to help…
Cut the cable, disconnect DirectTV, Dish… You’ll sleep better. Six years plus, sleeping much better and less crap to debunk or ignore.
Wait until the Sunday Shows….. they will be smoking in place from the force of their spinning
I’m looking for some spontaneous combustion
Mr. Philbin is showing….
This whole damn thing was a SETUP!
The Dims can’t HANDLE the TRUTH!
And Trump supporters will have the entire weekend to rub the normies in it… (well, hopefully, in ‘bless your heart, you were simply snowed by people you thought were lawyers, people who could bring ‘evidence’ … bless your heart)
House says that’s okay, because by the time we got to the third round, after testimony and no cross examination by Pres Counsel, we’re going to allow Presidential rep participatation.
Now we get to the Dem Judiciary stalling and the mock hearing with the professors.
WH – asked will you allow us to call fact witnesses
No response from Nadler.
Dec 4th law professors
Dec 5th Pelosi announced conclusion of process, she was directing articles of impeachment to be drawn
No other plans to hear from fact witnesses
So the Pres was given a choice to participate when articles were predetermined and no chance to call fact witnesses.
Ex Parte record, developed by Schiff, no point in participation.
There was no due process offered to the President.
And don’t forget the rule that allowed the Minority party to have a hearing which Naddles denied.
Lawfare lawyers overlooked leaving that clause in when they rewrote the entire scam plan rules in the fall of 2018. It was ALL planned waay in advance.
Philbin just roasted Nancy! He proved the term Shampeachment.
78 days
Not 48 days as I said above (correcting)
for 71 days the President was locked out.
That’s not due process.
Why would you HAVE a process like that
Cross examination is the greatest process to determine the truth – ask any mom!!!!!!!!!!
That is what I believe the key thing ‘normies’ will most identify with…. the ‘IMAGINE not having any chance to speak on your own behave and ask questions to help tell your side. Not only that but being denied and completely locked out, even though it is your right to do so’
Being allowed participation for 71 of 78 days does not make due process
It’s tragic that this is even necessary…it’s all distraction from President Trump’s countless amazing accomplishments and to try and damage him in 2020. And to hide their own massive corruption. That being said, I think PDJT’s team is doing an astounding job exposing this as the farce that it is. We already knew that…but it is essential for the everyday folks who don’t follow as closely as we do.
I know I’m singing to the choir here (and we have the most beautiful choir)…but…
Public Enemy Number One, globally, is and has been for several decades now, the so called Mainstream Media. Without them none of this would be possible.
They live extremely comfortable lives spewing their lies for the dark side. I would like to think that it takes a toll on them, deep down, over time, but I doubt it. They get paid very well to play mind games for their masters…and for them that is all that matters. Nice clothes, exotic vacations, fancy parties, for them, seems to be enough for selling their souls. They really are some of the worst human beings on the face of the earth. They are the enablers, and participants, for all of the evil we have become aware of in the past several decades.
Can you even imagine what dirty little mental gymnastics that they’re going to have to concoct to respond to what is happening in the Senate right now? I can’t imagine going through life when your job is to straight out lie to millions of people every single day.
Hear Hear!
well, when you get paid millions to lie, some people don’t care…
“Public Enemy Number One, globally, is….the so called Mainstream Media. Without them none of this would be possible.”
As I have been saying over and over, time and time again.
Yellow, partisan “journalism” is a cancer in America.
Yup. The only thing I would add is that it is global. American media spreads everywhere…and the crooked journalism in other countries seems just as bad as we have it here.
As technology advances the mainstream media will become irrelevant.
Broadband will provide choices (al a carte) and the public will be abandoning Hollywood and the networks with huge savings as a byproduct.
Philbin will be added to my playlist at bedtime to ease me into a deep sleep as do Scott Adams and Jordan Peterson. Soothing brain rest from the wise.
OMG, I play Scott Adams to put me to sleep.
There are times that I’m asleep before the simultaneous sip. Just lay my I pad down with just one ear plug in with my other ear nestled into MY PILLOW from Mike and out.
Well done Mr. President….
You have quite the team.
Talking about the ICIG testimony and Schiff hiding the testimony of the 18th witness.
This is about the ICIG concern the WB was biased.
Did WB work with VP Biden on Ukraine matters? (we think so)
In fact, Schiff said we will her from the WB but that changed…………
Schiff said we didn’t need to hear from the WB because we had the transcript, but he said we WOULD hear from the WB on Sept 29th when the transcript was released.
What happened?
They interviewed ICIG———-
Creates a real problem
caught Schiff saying something that wasn’t truthful – got caught – we learned WB did have contact with WB
And so, Schiff shut it down
Schiff was a fact witness at that point
Now Schiff says he knows what is in the president’s mind,
OMGGGGGGGGGGG killing schiff
lying about collusion ranking member of HPSCI, he had evidence that President’s campagin colluded with Russia
contrary to Mueller report
Chairman Schiff has made so much of the House’s case of their interpretation and inferences, THEY know what they actually mean
Well, is Schiff credible in his judgement?
He wasn’t credible on Muh Russia……….
Who’s Next?
Cippilone now banging on Schiff ——– Ken Starr showed up
Why not?
Another good question you should think about
The very best use for bullshit is to harrow it right into the ground where it can’t even be seen.
That’s exactly what’s happening today.
I’m certain POTUS called everyone that spoke today to personal congratulate and thank them. Hope they enjoy a top drawer beverage of choice and take a short period to enjoy a job well-done today before returning to the battle plan.
They deserve 2 scoops and a nice cup of covfefe for dessert
Cippilone talking about “the meeting” with Zelinsky – cuz the dems say this whole thing was about a meeting
Cippilone going over timeline.
Cippilone may not be familiar with the limelight, with being on TV…
But the man speaks to lay people, the man KNOWS what he is talking about…
Yes, he is very good. The Dems/Media must hate him. A wise choice to represent our President.
Yes, I agree.
Well thi is interesting
Dems are contending the WH held off the meeting
yet there are many letters and calls back and forth – no problem with a meeting
President trump WAS scheduled to go to Poland and was scheduled to meet with Zelinsky
Pres canceled at last minute because of hurricane Dorian.
Dems said Zelinsky suggested the meeting in Poland
It was already scheduled.
and VP Pence went and met with Zelinsky
Why are the Dems misleading the people?
“Why are the Dems misleading the people?”
AND, I do wish greater emphasis would be put on the dates regarding “withholding funds”….Stabalow (D, MI) went right out to speak with Cavuto saying this. She needs to be asked when the funds were supposedly due (12th) and then she needs to be asked when the funds were released (8th). And, finally she needs to be asked how that is considered withholding funds.
Make them own their words instead of saying anything they want, knowing that never -Trumper Cavuto will never challenge.!
You ain’t seen nothing YET!
Wait til Next Week!
I am enjoying your posts razorbak… terrific!
Thank you……
Just trying to add some “color commentary” along with ALL of the Great “play by play’s”
President’s lawyers are deeply respectful of the Senators………. unlike the Dem side who accuse the Senators of hiding and want to put their head on a pike.
Yes! They discussed that demeanor issue before hand, IMO. Their tones of voice and body language was perfect!
Guessing we have 53 Rs with acquit with NO witnesses. Probably scoop up a couple Ds to acquit.
Also guessing, acquittal can happen late next week, Saturday.
That heads on pikes statement apparently really pissed Alaska Lisa off! Heh heh
Great, great job by VSG’s defenders!
LOOK OUT folks!
Here comes the SPIN, SPIN, SPIN.
COVER UP COVER UP COVER UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President’s Team did a great job…effective, efficient and TRASHED D-Rats completely.
Very, very good presentation. I usually can not stand watching ‘TV’ for more than 10 to 20 minutes at a time but I sat through all 2 hours without my attention wandering.
The TRUTH is absorbing !
They were dignified, respectful, calm, easy to understand AND DEVASTATING!
Yes, all of that! Loved it…
Same here Gail!!
Watching the SINators leave….
LOTS of BIG Smiles.
Dims coming out….
“Damn! We’re SCREWED!”
Memes. YES!
2 hours – deeply respectful of the time of the Senators.
Well done by our team.
It kills the Sunday shows !!!!!!!!!!!!
Amazing, Daughn, isn’t it? The President’s team presented more accurate information, more succinctly, in two hours regarding Russia and Ukraine than the Democrats and the media has in the last three years. I don’t know how the media will try and spin this…I’m sure they’ll be getting their phone calls later tonight to prepare their endless talking points and buzzwords…just hoping that most Americans were busy doing other things on a Saturday morning. But this was just the brief introduction…much more to come!
Harry, you’re right.
Has anyone checked the MSM and their reaction?
Schiff and Schumer are demanding witnesses, and a FALSE assumption that they don’t need to appeal through the judiciary if the President contests – because they think they can just rule on it right there, and Roberts can decide.
That’s not how the process works.
“Has anyone checked the MSM and their reaction?”
They’re waiting for instructions. They have no will of their own.
They immediately went back to:
We need more WITNESSES……
That was the job of the House of Retards
If…… witnesses are called….
I say call pres Zelensky 1st
It will be interesting how the Sunday fools (Chrissy, Toad, Fredo, Lemon Head, Baghdad Wolf…) try to defend D-Rats AND trash President Trump. They have ALL ignored the facts AND talked up D-rats innuendo and accusations.
Today, D-Rat innuendo and accusation narrative shredded for all to see.
Monday’s testimony will be awesome, I am betting.
AND, guessing President’s Team will rest as Monday closes. They’ll have covered everything essential, plus some bonus facts;-)
Wouldn’t it be grand if President Trump was these to greet them all Monday and walk in with them and have a seat front row. That would be one hell of a way to start off a MAGA week.
Not that I don’t do this every week anyway, but good, I can skip them.
I did not watch the proceedings.
But browsing through the comments here it seems my presumptions about what would happen today are correct…
…the defense team gutted and filleted the dim’s shampeachment arguments like dead fish.
Hammer meet Nail…
Just add NUKES!!!
I predict that the legal performance on Monday will not only be so historic it will be taught in law schools decades from now.
Bet you’re right!!!
Strange take..hardly anyone saw it. Monday will be better
Yeah. IDK about other locales, but Saturday mornings around here…few people just park in front of the TV unless we’ve got snow coming down. If there’s no rain, all the golf courses are crawling with those who are die hards, runners and cyclists are out, all the kids’ leagues are rolling, etc.
I want people to see what a liar Schiff is. As I said, Monday will be better.
I was thrilled with the side swipe today on Schiff.
Two points.
1. Went after him on the credibility = Schiff pretending he can mind read, draw inference, make judgements about the motives of the principals even though they insist that’s not what they were thinking. And then showed the video of Schiff claiming he had info implicating Trump as a Russian source in March of 2017. Devastating.
2. Second one was the video showing Schiff saying we would see the Whistle blower. Then that evaporated. Schiff then claimed we didn’t need the WB because we had the transcript. but the transcript was released on Sept 25th and on Sept 29th he was still saying we would see WB…….. so what happened? Well, we learned that Schiff lied about prior contact with the WB, so Schiff hid the WB along with the 18th witness. Devastating again.
Goes directly to Schiff credibility.
The more people can see him exposed, the better, don’t you think?
AND, the President’s Team correctly assigned “blame” or attribution to d-Rats that intentionally presented misleading information that at times were, charitably, untruthful. Americans call those untruths, LIES. D-rats lied, continuously.
Yes… reasonable people would need nothing further……………………
Yes, but there are so many unreasonable people out there. I expect all but one or two dems to vote to conviict, and of course the huge percentage of our countrymen who still lap up MSM will never see it.
Thanks so much for putting up the THREAD…. and for your excellent commentary… it’s so helpful to have this all together in one place.
I agree!!!
I can’t watch this stuff…but I soooo appreciate those that do and report back!!
I look forward to clips!!
This one was nice and tight.
Not the endless droning and repetition.
actually it’s more of a buffering issue with our satellite internet…
I would watch POTUS’s defense team in a heartbeat if i could…
This was EASY to watch and I hate watching TV and vids.
You can watch it in 20 to 30 minute segments, of one presentation at a time, if a replay is available.
Here is a replay – little over 2 hours – in case you want to take a peek – it was MASTERFUL!!!
It really was MASTERFUL. If you get the figits just watch one lawyer at a time then take a break.
I think that is the first time I have sat riveted for two hours in a long long time. 1/2 hour is my usual max.
I was glued – going back and forth to the comments – I did not watch any of the coverage last week – already knew the script by heart – but, today was the coup de gras – the cherry on my banana split!
These guys were organized and well-prepared – even the ‘educational’ deputy was riveting – because he carefully kept your attention on the subject –
I am not a fan of doctors, lawyers, and Indian chiefs – but – I am a fan of LOGIC and COMMON SENSE – they were very good at showing just how ridiculous this entire case is – how Schiff and Friends twist and turn heresay into what they call ‘evidence’ – I laughed when they made the comparisons – example – Schiff’s Little Joke VS the Actual Transcript – boy, did he look foolish – on national TV!!!
I just enjoyed the entire presentation – each lawyer played the part relegated to him with precision – masterful is the only word I can think of to define their expertise
If this was the ‘Trailer’ as Jay Sekulow called it – I can only imagine what the ‘Movie’ will be like – they are going to ‘clean their clocks’ and leave none of them ticking – Barasso said Schiff looked like the blood had been drained from his face – after his little ‘parody’ was played.
Well – they ain’t seen nuthin’ yet! Flep calls the Trump Team of Advisors – His Killers – I wonder what he would name these Lambasting Lawyers – The Lion’s Den?
I have to say, Gail – I was thrilled with the presentation these guys gave in the Senate this morning – as I am sure PT was, too – after all – he loves ‘smart’ people!
I missed the first part, the introduction. So I went to look at that to see the Shiffty parody vs transcript and got sucked into watching it for FORTY MINUTES! I had to force myself to stop watching it again!
I can’t watch it, either. Too much going on around me. My limit is about seven minutes.
So watch it in 5 to 10 minute bites. You will be glad you did.
PR, if we did this for 8 hours for three days straight, our brains would be mush.
This one wasn’t so bad.
Nice and tight.
Dems Mantra for the next several days…
In other words THEY GOT NOTHING!!!!
What else can they possibly say to rebutt? The President’s lawyers are lying when they point out our lies??
Schumer wants witnesses because it will tie up the Senate for another 2yrs with necessary appeals, also harm the nomination of judges process.
Once again, Schumer/Dems pursuing political vendetta instead of doing the people’s business.
while bludgeoning POTUS’ 2020 campaign….We see
you Cryin!
Daughn, you’ve got it!
It is ALL about the 2020 ELECTIONS!
AND Judges…IF we are lucky, another Justice this year
Who gave Joni Earnst a red pill????????/
For years, she’s been one of the worst neocon RINO Senators.
All of a sudden, Joni Earnst is full tilt, balls to the wall, in defense of the President and annihilating the Dems.
Where has she been all our lives?
She NEEDS President Trump’s support!
Election 2020: Democrat Theresa Greenfield to run against Republican Sen. Joni Ernst
After that presentation she CAN NOT, NOT support President Trump.
Progress ! hopefully Joni chats with Collins, Murkowski, mittens…AND a few “moderate” D-Rats…Manchin…
Her red pill is her need to get re-elected this year.
Frankly, I didn’t recognize her… thought she was a DIM so I scrolled on past the post !
Schiff on on presser claiming the President doesn’t trust his own intel agencies because he trusts Putin more.
He needs to sit down and STFU…he had his turn
Total Twinz MQ!!!

Then Naddles comes on with same story like we just didn’t just witness the past 2 hours!
Their delusion is just off the charts unfathomable!!
And President Trump is SUPPOSED TO TRUST these guys???
Thank you. I needed a good laugh.

Schiff saying Sekelow said POTUS trusts Putin more than his Intel agencies.
This guy needs some Serious HELP!! He is totally insane!
Schiff’s just throwing poo like a monkey in the zoo.
That analogy doesn’t work because Schiff is the monkey’s poo.
Nah, Shifty Shitt is a lamprey afraid he is going to be removed from the American Taxpayer back.
Or maybe his is just the lamprey’s poo sitting at the bottom of the ocean.
Oh the eels (lampreys) are running right now, I cant wait to put some in the smokehouse and grill, yummi indeed.
^^^ Paging the McStain institute…
AND, Ms Lindesy hiding under a desk babbling where’s Hunter is not relevant, leave too slow joe alone…
Kasparov is a Soviet POS and hopefully his role in the deception will be exposed to tarnish his name forever.
Didn’t this Russian Retard LOSE to a computer?…. Years ago?
In any case, he’s playing 0D chess…
Always nice to hear from the next Speaker of the House.
Sorry, but that shirt and that tie together?????
Jordan has never been a sharp-dressed man.
I don’t care if he wears Bermuda shorts and a wife beater with a straw hat.
He’s fine.
You know, I halfway expected some Senators to show up in their footie pajamas for final day of Schiff.
I realize that Jordan is one whose wife is bound to say, “You are NOT wearing that out of the house” but I could not hear what he had to say due to the distraction.
Call me shallow, but, gentlemen, when on the air, solid shirts, please. White is preferred followed by icy blue, pink, light gray and purple. If you have the colorblind genes, find a woman you trust who doesn’t, and let her help you.
There are MANY times I stop Big T from leaving the house. But I am fussy. Want him to look like a million, even if going to the grocery store – at least with a clean shirt on and pants zipped up!
Pants zipped up. [snort] Yes, I live with a dad and brothers.
If I told you about the time my dad and one of my brothers went to a family funeral wearing mismatched socks….
No, really, Big T might know the name Jack Buck. He was Joe Buck’s (of Fox sports fame) dad. BIG TIME sports play by play man. Nationally, this was not known, but he was colorblind and the people behind the scenes would comment on his clothes. His come back was, “Carole is out of town….”
Jordan is a pitbull, you dont put a suit on a pitbull.
If anything you put a wider leather collar on them and kevlar when hunting… Gloves came off, it’s SHOW TIME….
So you would prefer his wrestling gear? I love Jim Jordan he is one of us and I doubt he wears a tie away from work.
WHITE pinpoint, please. It’s not that expensive to dry clean.
Glad I know how to do my own washin and foldin, I also learned to starch lol my momma taught me how to iron but the military taught me how to starch, never failed an inspection.
So few people saw what happened today.
And now Shitty Schiff is on the talk show LYING HIS ASS OFF!
That’s because, like me, they didn’t need to. They know.
Not everyone. Never assume that people are that plugged in. Monday should be better
The ones that count, and vote, did.
Yes they did. I think. lol.
If it should never happen again, Mr. President, then there MUST be ACCOUNTABILITY and PUNISHMENT.
Sending reporters, Congress critters, aides, and DC bureaucrats to prison for lengthy sentences s what is required…
…at a minimum.
He’s not complaining. He’s signalling.
The impeachment trial and the revealing of the LYING of the Democrats come first.
1. Muller report — BOMBS no collusion
2. OIG Report — FBI LIED
3. FISA COURT — FBI LIED, Carter Page surveillence ILLEGAL.
4. The impeachment trial and the revealing of the LYING of the Democrats come next.
5. Duham DROPS BOMBS in the spring.
Re-read the recent Q drops
After DAYS of dims blatantly lying….
:To quote Joe Pesci in ” My cousin Vinny’
“Everything that guy just said was Bullshitt”
The END.
Joe Pesci didn’t say it Vincent Gambini did. And he also said “yute” . . .
Whoa. The WHOLE Ukraine hoax is coming undone.
Ain’t it grand?!

Hey, Wolfie,
Remember President Trump took Miss Lindsey out golfing?
I wonder if Potus laid a bunch of truth bombs on Miss Lindsey and (s)he has been spilling her guts.
Could very well be.
Monday – the Trump legal team will finish off the Sham-peach-mint!
Then the vote.
What will the RINO nasty never-Trumpers do?
These four ….
and Mike Lee and Rand Paul?
Mitt Romney is a lost cause since he has dirty linen in Ukraine.
Rand Paul I am not worried about. He is running again in 2020 and though he has made moves that he wants to run for president again, he is only 55. He is MUCH better off waiting four years and trying to get President Trump to back him.
Lisa Murkowski is not up for re-election until 2022 BUT
Alaska’s GOP Looking To Punish Lisa Murkowski Over Kavanaugh Vote
So she may be a lot less willing to go against Mitch and the Alaska GOP this time.
Susan Collins Officially Running in 2020 was highly insulted by Nadless….
Lamar Alexander is Set to Leave Office so he is a dangerous wild card.
OCTOBER 10, 2019, Sen. Lamar Alexander calls impeachment a ‘mistake’
I imagine he views Shifty Shit with disgust at this point.
Mike Lee is not up for re-election until 2022.
Sen. Mike Lee decries impeachment managers’ ‘theatrics’ as Trump trial opens
Mike Lee is the quiet force to get Trump acquitted – POLITICO
“Dec 24, 2019 — Mike Lee is the quiet force to get Trump acquitted. The conservative GOP senator is coordinating closely with the White House ahead of Trump’s impeachment trial.”
Mike Lee has written several books on the Constitution. From the inverview I saw yesterday, he’s behind POTUS and thinks this is a sham. Rand’s recent tweet seems to indicate same sentiment. The only one who wavered thus far is Collins, when she voted with the Dems once last week. But that was before “Head on a Pike” pissed them all off.
Mike Lee was standing next to the President yesterday at the right to life rally.
Interesting, eh?
President announced he was giving a Medal of Honor to a noteworthy Tennessean, nominated by Lamar Alexander, and Lamar thanked the President.
Rand Paul sent out a tweet about 36 hours of wasted time (see beginning of thread).
Strange, eh?
One by one, President is ticking off the boxes.
…til you get to Romney.
You can’t spell “democrat” without the “hypocrite” in it.
Yeah, this is a total set up.
Let’s get all of it out there.
Good to come out now.
Even though Lev Parnas broke the law and NYTimes is promulgating illicitly obtained material.
I am watching the Impeachment Trail on demand (I knew this would be epic to watch and enjoy the adults enter the room, so we went out to the Alps and spent time in nature and are watching this as our ‘evening programming’ )
‘You didn’t hear this’ ‘Why didn’t they show you this?’ ‘Or this?’(x17 thousand times)
So far I’m LIKING it! Boom
Republicans are VERY angry about Schiff’s decision to reference that CBS “head on a pike” report. Murkowski says “that’s where he lost me.” Barrasso says “whatever gains he may have made, he lost all of it — plus some — tonight.”
Oh yeah, I’m sure they’re just livid about that kind of typical comment the devilrats make a hundred times a day. ‘Head on a pike’, ooooooohhh!
Save it for somebody who believes your lying bullshit.
And WHAT “gains” had they made with you up to that point, Senator slimeball Barrasso?!?
What credible evidence, of ANY wrongdoing, has been presented?
You people are WORSE than the devilrats.
Traitors always are.
That’s why captured enemy combatants are imprisoned, but traitors are executed.
hehe – we don’t need dessert this evening
Should the Senate Trial result in an acquittal, (as compared to outright dismissal) along with the decision, the DNC should be held for restitution. If the Mueller Report represented US $45M, it is reasonable to suggest that this sham has cost at least half that amount. In reality they should be made to pay the full costs of Mueller Report because their refusal to accept that report was the impetus to pursue this entire abuse.
It should also prompt an amendment to the impeachment process to ensure that no similar impeachment action might be undertaken in the future purely and clearly on the basis of political majority. The entire DNC should be charged with abusing the power of the House of Representatives.
Boss, WOLFIE! Check the spam bin, please. There’s one in there from a regular contributor you might consider setting free.