NOTE FROM WOLF: Please go to the newest update thread BELOW for current postings:
This thread retained for reference and historical data.
Thank you – and thank you, Daughn, for these threads!
Our Coronavirus thread has grown substantially. Please consider this the update thread. This thread will run all week long (unless something dire happens and we need another one but not likely).
None of us want to spread bad information, and we don’t want to OVERreact and spread hysteria. The problem with this issue is, that as fast as the disease is spreading, so is the bad information. Thus, this thread. Perhaps we can sort fact from fiction within this forum.
Most of the reporting refers to various provinces of China (like our states). This map might be helpful as a reference.

World Health Organization Link:
American CDC Link:
The South China Morning Post is an outlet many of us follow. They are tracking the story closely. Here is their link:
Hat tip to Itswoot for the following link and idea:
This is the website for the military version of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Nothing here yet, or any other recent updates, on Coronavirus. Maybe worth checking on for research insights that they may come up with independent of the CDC.
Thanks for this, Daughn! I am partway into regaining my ability to administer the site properly. I appreciate these awesome battle posts!!!
No sweat, boss. Don’t want to overstep my bounds, but happy to help anytime.
I don’t think it’s possible to overstep bounds here! Authors have carte blanche, and questions of civility are “not my purview”, to borrow a phrase.

Have fun!!!
I am adding link to the old thread so all the info is availabel here.
Director, Johns Hopkins SPH Center for Health Security, working to protect people from epidemics & disasters. Inf diseases, pub health, research, policy.
His thread on preparation for a potential pandemic…
This is excellent.
Big takeaway point – At least 2 *named* top experts are cautioning that containment may not succeed.
Threadreader version:
Yes. Not doofus nobodies
,i>”Big takeaway point – At least 2 *named* top experts are cautioning that containment may not succeed.”
You already HAD the virus pass through LAX which is full of homeless people who LIVE THERE.
One of the largest homeless encampments is at LAX airport
Do not forget pan-handling and pick pocketing.
Not to mention Chicago O’Hare
(At least they are addressing the problem.)
and Seattle. (No mention of Sea Tac Airport.)
Seattle might have the worst homelessness problem in the country
Three busy international airports that have had the virus pass through and places with homeless problems…..
IF the hair-on-fire people are correct about how contagious this virus is, we will see the result in two weeks to a month, depending on whether or not it got passed on to a homeless carrier living in one of these airports.
Just got to your stats after speculating below on the possibilities!
Comments to this thread from doctors and disease research scientists are well worth monitoring!
Here is one:
Looks like Inglesby has either blocked or made replies invisible. How stingy at a time like this.
In regards the Ingelsby thread:
It seems to me there’s an awful lot of GLOBAL GOVERNANCE stuff in there —
Global coordinated approach to research on the virus / “rapid” development AND testing of MULTIPLE vaccines / MONEY is NON-LIMITED for these efforts — from WTO and UN, etc., etc.
Of course one can assume that a potential pandemic threat should be elevated to a planet-wide level of fight — BUT it smells like “UN control and coordination” to me.
And what exactly does “money is non-limited” translate to? — it means the United States taxpayers pony up the MAJORITY of the money.
Unless I missed something, there’s little to no discussion of what INDIVIDUAL people can do to prevent the spread of the virus (washing hands, staying away from crowds, etc.)
As usual, there is a $0r0$ connection.
Soros – Companies owned by Soros –
Agreed that the UN needs to be regarded with utmost suspicion. Smells like Korea conflict all over again – which was likewise a CHYYYNNAA TRAP. China controls tha badness which we are lured into fix by China, and fix has to be through UN which commies and Cabal control. “It’s a trap!”
Yet immediate fixes are all “big picture” – small fixes with individuals are subtle and need to minimize panic. My thinking is to do two bigger things. First, remember what Obama did right when finally pushed to deal with Ebola (his delay of which dealing with was a massive troll of the right). Take action as the experts recommend – over there. Second – prepare Americans in subtle ways to shelter in place if needed.
More thought later.
Glad to see POTUS offer help to Xi … if needed.
Yup. Keep it mostly bilat is how to keep the Coronavirus Cabal sidelined.
Yes, global control, emphasis on vaccines that must be distributed to all countries. And from there, everyone could be required to take the vaccine “for the good of all.” I don’t trust the vaccine makers or the vaccines. They can accomplish through them what the virus would have done. This is biological warfare. And it could be create a problem so you can accomplish your goals through its solution.
Agreed – I smell rats ALL OVER this thing.
Interesting article. It’s really incredible to me that Canada (and the US as well) allows Chinese nationals to work in such sensitive areas as labs that contain viruses that could cause pandemics. We and Canada and the West are being horribly naive and endangering us all.
We Lehman work ew. Y rom of manufacturing, tech, entertainment are being pirated
Sorry. Trying to type in car
Great article. WOW. This is a VERY deep dive on the ChiComs.
Johns Hopkins Inglesby retweeted:
Battle Beagle’s tweet was a thread and later he tweeted the whole document:
So, are those numbers WITH or WITHOUT intervention? Sanitation? etc.
Good questions – that would be hard to find – since sanitation and intervention is a matter of degrees and complex.
Unqualified opinion here but currently the Dow Futures are down 170 which really is not a lot at all at all. I will expect a bigger hit, but then given the current sanctions on China even after some have been lifted we sort of have an inoculation. Terrible way to think and prayers for the Chinese people and anyone else effected by this. Meanwhile China is going to also have to worry about an enraged populous if they are not careful and get blamed for this.
Yup. “Wet market” was really their only choice in a cause, wasn’t it?
Lab ==> Infects animals ==> Stolen ==> Sold at Wet market 20 miles away.
OR an accidental release.
They kept this more or less under wraps for 2 months. December 8th is 1st acknowledged victim reported to WHO on December 12th.
That was my guess.
We are all going to have to worry about keeping from the rest of the world. This is like the flu pandemic on steroids with air travel.
I hope FG&C can take some leave
Thanks for this! NEJM is trustworthy. This seems to be a B lineage of betacorona, with 85% similarty to bat SARS. The article mostly discusses identifying the virus, not treatments, other the a patient on a vent survived. Also, appears to be viral pneumonia, not a secondary bacterial pneumonia. Good to know. Will keep digging other sources for treatment recommendations. The most noticable thing on the xrays are the lesions. This was pointed out on the first set of films last month, and seems consistent.
Cruise lines responding to the coronavirus……….
Um, no.
The last place I would be is a cruise ship.
Cruise ships are massive incubators, that’s for sure, even with all the hand sanitizer they have around.
I could use one right now, though.
Wuhan Coronavirus: Should We Be Concerned?
Patriot Nurse makes a very **interesting** series of points about how “all of a sudden” there’s this new virus in Communist China, after months of pro-democracy pro-United States protests in Hong Kong, with the subsequent “losing face” for Beijing with the election of a pro-freedom legislature in Hong Kong..
Now the Communist Chinese government can do almost anything it wants to control the population — mass quarantines / stop all public movement and transportation / clamp down on social media and “spreading rumors”, etc.
Perfect way to put Hong Kong and the U.S. on notice that Beijing — and Communism — are still the masters of the Chinese people AND by extension a threat to the U.S.
True – they do need a reason to ‘clamp down’ on the people – that the world would accept – since that is what they normally do anyway…SMH
Agree – Patriot Nurse does bring some common sense to the table – why I like her –
Good video. She also bring up a good point about different environments as well.
Taiwan conserving masks by banning exports:
This past Friday, hubby ordered some masks, I think ebay. Yesterday they cancelled the order.
Maybe check construction supplies, paint supplies, sandblasting/auto repair, in case medical supplies run low. Lots of places use masks and gloves nowdays. Hope this helps!
And now for some comic relief from Gab, via Andrew Torba:
Chinese Coronavirus: What to Know & What to Do (2019-nCoV)
China is in serious trouble. Shutting down the country from doing business except for essential – medical and feeding the people.
OK – this is serious. This is what I was thinking WE would have to do for Ebola containment – basically have people shelter in place to minimize spread.
Good stuff. Trump is on top of it. THAT is the assurance we need.
That’s what makes me feel better as well is that Trump is on top of this.
Coronavirus Should Prompt State Of Emergency, NY Senator Says
NEW YORK CITY — New York Senator Charles Schumer demanded the government declare a public health emergency as the fifth confirmed case of the deadly coronavirus was found in the U.S.
They REALLY want to shut down all those massive Trump Rallies!!!
I’m starting to see SCUMMER’s motives and methods here.
Scummer is trying to do the same thing Pigliosi does in the “impeachment” by quietly restating the fact of CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS as assumed POLITICAL INVESTIGATIONS by making that a premise of her bullshit, rather than the declaration itself. It’s a subtle but effective GASLIGHTING technique.
Here, SCUMMER wants to shift thinking away from QUIET SMART ACTION (which Trump is doing, quietly, to solve problem and avoid panic) into DECLARATION OF A STATE OF EMERGENCY, which causes panic. Scummer is offering a usual Demmunist TWO-LOSER choice. Listen to him or oppose him, you lose.
NOTE in particular that the correct approach that Trump IS doing is EXACTLY what Obama did – except Obama delayed and ignored and acted like he wanted to do nothing, so that he could TROLL conservatives and CREATE SELECTIVE PANIC.
Trump has the opportunity to beat Scummer AND Obama on this, by doing a new right thing.
DHS and DHSWMD are hard at work protecting the US against the Coronavirus.
DHS considers nCoV Coronavirus 2019 a potential WMD – and is treating it as such!
We have got an excellent dedicated DHS Director in Chad Wolfe – who is dead serious about protecting our country and its citizens – just like our President is doing!!!
He is on top of the Coronavirus outbreak situation!
#DustinNemos #StopBitBurning #WWG1WGA
1.26.20 – Special Update – Coronavirus Epidemic and HOW TO PREPARE
Discussion by the techies over at Chiefio: Chinese Novel Coronavirus Outbreak – 2019-nCoV
Here is what I don’t understand. If this virus is similar to seasonal flu in its symptoms, and it the majority of people will recover with no treatment, why are the hospitals in China overrun with patients? Either the symptoms are severe enough for people to seek help, or people are afraid they need help when maybe they don’t, or they have been told to check in if they have symptoms in an effort to try to contain the virus.
With regular flu, the symptoms are uncomfortable, but not everyone goes to the hospital. So it seems the symptoms of this coronavirus might be more severe, especially if the mortality rate is higher. I guess I’m feeling we are not being given enough information to evaluate symptoms and the need for medical care. On the one hand, it’s *just* the flu; on the other, people are flocking to hospitals and dying.
I know that more people have died from seasonal flu than from this over the course of a season, but the deaths from this are happening in concentration.
Please keep in mind, Flu A and Flu B are also in full force right now. We have swab tests for those, but not corona. The only way I have seen so far to confirm corona is chest xray showing those lesions. Am betting not all the dead are being xrayed, so the numbers could possible be a combination of different viruses.
I have read that scientists have the “genetic code,” or something like that, for the virus, and that they have sent it to countries around the world so the virus can be identified throught testing. I don’t know what kind of testing they mean, but it didn’t seem like xrays.
In NEJM article, it does say they have isolated the genetic marker. It also states it was difficult using epithelial airway tissue, lung tissue, Ig and Im markers, and CT. All of these take time and are costly vs point of care swabs. They are working on a faster identification system, but other articles have said that may be 4 -6 month out. Just a personal opinion, but I don’t see China investing that kind of time or money to verify who has which type of virus. They will spend initially to identify the genome, but not for the average joe.
Tissue biopsy and blood tests like Ig and Im can take days; at least xray and CT are under an hour.
That would explain why we hear of suspected cases but it takes a while before they can confirm whether those people have the virus.
I’ve read ONLY CDC can verify Corona. Read that a number of times over the past few days.
Maybe it has changed.
A VERY over-simplified version of how viruses work, immune boosting, and what you can do NOW. This is esp helpful for at risk age groups, but good for everyone.
Those spikes you see on virus pics allow it to puncture your cell wall and use the inside of your cell for food. Immune boosters help strengthen your cell wall, among other things.
ELDERBERRY SYRUP – (Sambucus n.) Stregnthens your cell walls, and is shown to bind to flu viruses, preventing them from invading cells and replicating.
ASTRAGALUS – Helps increase the bodies production of interferon, and, reduces water retention.
ECHINACEA p. – Provides inulin, which improves white cells ability to fight in part by increasing properdin, increases and activates white cells, signals the body to release interferon.
VITAMIN C – Helps the red blood cells transport oxygen thru the body.
Your lymphatic system runs along (mostly) the same paths that your blood vessels use. However, your lymph systym doesn’t have a “pump” the way your blood vessels have your heart to move things along. Your lymphatic system helps with your blood system to drain out the debris from your dead cell walls, dead virus cell, and white cells, etc. Keeping your lymphatic system clear of debris us why you are told to drink lots of fluids when you get sick. That junk needs to be urinated out, to keep the lanes clear for more white cells to attack the virus. There are also simple excercises that “pump” your lymphatics. These are all online. If you catch a virus, there are more things to add that may help. So, if you get sick:
INCREASE YOUR IMMUNE BOOSTERS!!! like, every couple hours or so.
Drink LOT of fluids
Add STEROIDS to help reduce inflammation if necessary. This can be prescribed or LICORICE HERB (not the candy, sorry!) can be used.
NETTLES – Anti-histamine, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic. Is helpful with drying up runny noses, too!
DANDELION – A strong diuretic, has Vitamin C and potassium. (Most diuretics take out potassium along with the urine.)
For fever, Tylenol or Motrin. Some people don’t do fever control, as the higher temperatures help kill the virus, but I have seen seizures happen from this, so I think fever control is a good thing. Also, if your body is fight aches and fever, those are cells which can be helping fight the virus instead.
Again, very over-simplified, but some steps you can be taking NOW, and some herbs you can look into to see what may work for you and yours.
Of interest from CHIEFIO
Geographic distribution of cities across the globe receiving airline travellers from 18 high-risk cities in mainland China over a period of three months #coronavirus #2019nCoV Source:
WHY OH WHY – haven’t they closed the US to travel from China?
I think our people are ramping up to travel restrictions, which is smart. And then – so that we get 100% of Obama’s eventual scientific WIN on Ebola (which he got, when it was over), we have to allow people to travel TO THE EPIDEMIC to help stop it THERE. Very important. Obama did the right thing, scientifically, to stop Ebola – he just did the wrong thing (intentionally) by not reassuring people, and TROLLING the right with inaction until pressured.
To go with the above:
Also People without symptoms are infectious for FIVE DAYS and the virus lasts for FIVE DAYS on surfaces.
5 days in droplets, like saliva. Up to 14 days in mucus on a surface. They’ve manipulated this virus.
There could also be multiple strains, and that is then used in a strategy and hidden as “mutation”. E.g., ChiComs give themselves the lite version, but their agents deploy stronger forms here. That would be a very typical ChiCom strategy.
As the NEJM states, 85% similar to bat. 15% is a lot of wiggle room.
What is the latest on cCoV morphology?
Typo – nCoV
And just like that the stock market goes Dow 300 points…
The Left would love for the economy to tank before the election.
2886 cases – 5 in USA – 1:38 pm –
Very important to get and preserve ALL STAGES of virus samples chronologically, and particularly in the US, but also from China (our capture, not given by them). If the ChiComs are using a PHASED RELEASE STEALTH BIOWARFARE PLAN, then forensics will show the stepped deployment masquerading as mutation.
Notice how this would be a typical case of self-infliction HOAXING – which was TAUGHT to our SJWs by CHYYYNNAA. What’s ingenious is that they can back out at any time if they think we’re onto them. COUGH. Note the further immunological ingenuity. They hit themselves with what amounts to the COWPOX of the virus – many of them get it – then a vaccine under cover of the epidemic – they all get it – then they hit US with the SMALLPOX version of it, for which they’ve already proven both the cowpox version of the virus AND their own vaccine to give immunity. The total drama then becomes “communist virus theater”. The GENIUS of it is that it allows biowarfare to be carried out by FAKING an epidemic. Even the “biowarfare study accident” cover is strong enough to hide the ACTUAL BIOWARFARE.
Of course, only people who EXPECT such evil from communists will see the hand tip.
Communism and viruses are a BAD MIX. No ChiComs in labs.
Rather lengthy and minor weeds, but explains coronavirus in general, and starts with a small bit on nCOv.
She better watch herself.
Not seeing any media speculation yet … incredibly
… on how the lack of movement will emaciate supply chains.
Wuhan is like Memphis/Atlanta on the interior.
Whether you’re going to hell or heaven, you have to go through Atlanta first.
Travel ban is coming … followed by sudden get-the-hell out of China manufacturing.
Hey Globalist Manufacturers – Here’s a trigger:
Hehe – bing bing bing bing
They MIGHT be closed now, but doubtful they will come back after New Year.
Hong Kong closed their schools until Feb 17th.
Posted last week:
When will countries EXPEL Chinese for self-preservation?
Well, well, well:
Remember the high presence of Chinese in Mexico AND Mexico City already has a case of the China-virus.
January 23 2020 USA Today – LAX passenger from Mexico City receives medical treatment amid coronavirus fears
Wonder how investors-in-China might be panicking
… since their markets are closed for the Lunar New Year until next MONDAY!
(Now Xi has announced a 2-week extension before Factories reopen)
Anybody want to import products from China
… that workers might have sneezed with CoronaVirus?
FoxBusiness from CDC:
“Everyone in the city [of Wuhan] is required to stay put in an attempt to contain it”
… recognizing how well infected people self-quarantine.
“The CDC reiterated that the chances of getting the virus here in the States is ‘still low’.”
“They also answered a question about the possibility of getting the virus from PACKAGED GOODS that are imported from China.”
“They say that the virus doesn’t survive ‘well’ on ITEMS
… it ‘does better’ in HUMANS and ANIMALS.”
“But they DIDN’T rule out that possibility.”
“The number of CASES is DOUBLING almost DAILY.”
“The number of DEATHS is going up SLOWLY”
… at this early stage
… if you trust Chinese reporting
… after a Chinese nurse reported 90,000 cases vs the government’s 3,000.
Yep, as above, survives 5-8 days in saliva droplet, up to 14 days in mucous on surface. Will see if I can post journal link without copywrite issue.
Sidenote: Every container coming out of China is fumigated. It’s why new clothes SMELL the way they do, it’s the insecticide, folks.
Not sure it would be effective against this virus though.
Yes – virucidal activity is a different animal.
Modern Lysol (quaternary alkylammonium saccharinates) kills a long list of viruses on surfaces.
Aside from clothing and food, are there any guidelines for “country of origin” on other consumable products?
Relax, though … CDC says they should be able to BEGIN TESTING a vaccine in April.
Victims told not to worry:
Although there’s NO TREATMENT, you can take aspirin for the fever and drink fluids.
cautious about Aspirin with this!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, was Aspirin specifically recommended?
why I ask….
And there are specific illness for which aspirin is Not a harmless/good helper to the symptoms
Aspirin should not be given to children with viral illness
More on aspirin & spanish flu epidemic of 1918.
My greatgranfather passed away in that epidemic and change the course of our family history. Grandmother was just a toddler. made a big difference to many people’s lives as it took young and middle aged adults v. just the older, already ill and very young
Actually it was painkillers … IIRC Tylenol, etc.
Laudenham was very common in use then.
The “aspirin” was a throwback to military days … “take 2 aspirin and drive on, soldier”.
4PM news report, 106.1FM Talk Radio, Raleigh:
The CDC just updated:
110 suspected cases of the Wuhan Coronavirus spread over 26 states in the U.S. now being tested.
“We expect that there will be many more cases.”
Message to CDC: DUH.
Analyst Says Cases of Coronavirus Probably 10 Times Higher Than Official Number
Says it’s “a much bigger issue than people realize.”
Good news for those looking for a vacation get-away:
We can expect a real boom in air travel and cruises to mingle with boatloads of unvetted strangers.
As reported by a Chinese survivor of Tiananmen Square who investigated their SARS outbreak:
5 MILLION people had left Wuhan for their Lunar New Year
… to mingle-with-others-elsewhere
… before China quarantined the city.
Way to go, Xi!
Closed the gates after the horses had left the barn.
Sounding more and more intentional. They need to know that we can prove biowarfare if they try to sneak in a killer as a mutation.
MASSIVE Third-World Cities will be incapable of containing a CoronaVirus break-out.
The same countries that welcomed Chinese infiltration to run Belt & Road infrastructure projects.
Remember the recent reports of CHINESE apprehended crossing the Mexican Border?
We’ll literally see MILLIONS Mexicans and Central Americans fleeing north to evade any break-out
Guess how Demo☭rats’ opposition to the border wall will play in the 2020 election.
• ELIMINATE Border Patrol and ICE
Looks like Xi has inflicted a WMD on the Global Economy.
As others have noted, this could become Xi’s CHERNOBYL.
Will China and the Chinese people become GLOBAL PARIAHS?
How bout a Trump Team CLOSING ARGUMENT:
“This SCAMpeachment had NOTHING to do with Ukraine
… it was ONLY about Demo☭rats’ DEMANDS for OPEN BORDERS
… they’re trying to take out the ONLY President who’s worked TIRELESSLY to CONTROL our BORDERS
… against the INVASION of ILLEGAL ALIENS and now the CoronaVirus!”
“They’re IMPEACHING President Trump
… just as their SANCTUARY CITIES become CoronaVirus BREEDING GROUNDS
… KILLING OFF the CITIZEN SUCKERS who elected them!”
Their HOMELESS MILLIONS were bad enough with their needles, feces and disease.
Watch them become CoronaVirus CARRIERS
… with no way to detect them as they spread it for 2 weeks before symptoms appear!
LA and San Fran-feces will no longer have a druggie/homeless problem as the china-virus kills off most of the druggies.
WORSE (and I just checked) druggies think Horse and meth makes them immune to disease. In actuality they just do not feel the symptoms. Also they are NOT about to go to a hospital for help so in some ways they are worse off then the Chinese in cities.
This may be why San Fran-feces just activated their Crisis “Management” Center … which will no doubt Herd-the-Homeless to their final resting places.
This is the beginning of the ramp-up. First we say limit our travel there, then we limit it back.
At the risk of sounding like a cold hearted evil bitch this could be win win
Even if it derails the trade deal a total embargo on exports from China , worldwide would be ……not a bad start
And 2 they can’t feed their population, even if it’s diminished, so they have to import food. There could be extreme measures taken to offload stuff to China. They can pay by wire.
Goodbye deficit!
I’m really thinking this was pre-emptive for the SUPER CHINA HUSTLE to be exposed. I’m thinking that their economics were a far grander lie than even the “China Hustle” story. Then they see that Trump has actually rigged impeachment to blow up on the Chinacrats, and splatter back on China.
ANSWER – SELF-HOAXING. Anything to save The Party.
And even if it is an uncontrolled virus there we have better medical facilities and a better chance at quarantine
Check this out:

“Propaganda Photo of ‘Coronavirus Hospital’ Posted by Communist Chinese State Newspaper is Actually Alibaba Stock Photo”
Here’s the propaganda:
Here’s the source of the photo:
Here’s the article:
Here is more info on REAL hospital:
China Posts Video of ‘Hospital’ Trailers With Steel Bars on Windows, Locks on Outside
The video was tweeted out by a Chinese government official.
Lot of good and “not so good, but maybe funny” articles at
Such is the nature of the Communist totalitarian state.
Devoid of humanity, low value of human life.
Also allows China a reason for a preemptive crack down BEFORE the riots spread through out the country.
This is warped…Xi scores a twofer. Throttles down riots sparked by crappy economy AND Freedom seekers, such as Hong Kong.
I’m not putting it past them. Not at all.
Gives them a whole new batch of organ donors, too
ACK!!!!!!! Never thought about that one.
Wow. Although they will need to by immune.
Think they will let a little old thing like immunity get in the way?
True. If only 3-4% of the transplant patients die of the virus, it’s not a bad trade-off in many cases.
(“Bad” depending upon whether you’re the “original owner”, the ChiComs, or the new recipient, and the level of desperation of the latter.)
Update at 10pm on January 27th.
FOX news Shannon Bream, Mike Gallagher update.
100 cases suspected in the USA in 26 states being checked out.
Did you guys pick up on this earlier?
Dr Thayer interview?
Did NOT start on Dec 8th, it was Dec 1st.
Shut down border with Mongolia.
Looks like it did NOT start in fish market.
CCP party leadership in Wuhan has resigned.
And there is it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dr. Thayer just said this is affecting the legitimacy of the CCP and the “mandate of heaven”
about 15:30 minutes
Short video 3:47 explains Singapore government policy select groups returning from China. Essentially 14 days mandatory stay home.
Had the good fortune to live in Singapore 92-95. Great country. Aggressive government. further validated America is Number One;-)
Wuhan virus: 14 days leave of absence for those in Singapore schools, healthcare and eldercare who travelled to China
A 14-day leave of absence will be imposed for students and workers in schools, healthcare and eldercare, upon their return to Singapore from China – one of the measures by Singapore’s multi-ministry task force to curb the spread of the Wuhan virus.
* Video is about half way down page. Straits Times is Singapore’s main newspaper.
Wonder what the hell’s happening in North Korea??? All those workers (illegally) back and forth, we’ll probably hear absolutely nothing.
I heard DPRK closed THEIR border to the Chinese.
Good move!
Doesn’t Communist China have its tentacles in African countries — “trade agreements” / “students”, etc.?
WTH would there otherwise be a Chinese “student” in KENYA?
Some thoughts:
First, there are reports that millions of potentially-infected Chinese were traveling for the Lunar New Year holiday who would fit WITHIN the 10 – 14 day incubation period for Wuhan Coronavirus. (“The Jim Bohannon Show” on 680WPTF last night — he had an MD on who spoke about this possibility)
Second, the first KNOWN cases of the virus in Wuhan were reported over a MONTH ago to Chinese authorities.
Third. it is ENTIRELY possible that this Mayor Zhou knew what was going on EARLIER — that he informed Beijing — and that he was told to SHUT UP about it, to keep “potential panic” down.
Fourth, so NOW Mayor Zhou is coming forward because his hand was forced by information getting out anyway and because the citizenry is panicked (so Beijing’s clampdown on information didn’t work).
Fifth, it will be interesting to see how Beijing deals with Mayor Zhou now — exile / show trial and prison / show trial and execution. Could well be that Zhou will be sacrificed in order to “save face” for Beijing.
Good point, CV, I’m thinking you might be right on #3.
NOT GOOD THIRD CASE in Orange County CA</b.
EM says:
Watching a video now claiming 4 in Australia and Canada now at 4. (John Hopkins map shows 5 in Au.)
From EM (ChiefIO) Date of map is 1/26/2020
Forgot to add
“Note the LAX passenger arrived from Mexico City, so Mexico is likely to go up. May stop the migrant problem…” — EM Smith aka ChiefIO
More from Larry…
Larry Ledwick says:
27 January 2020 at 4:14 am
More good info from Larry.
HKU Med School head Gabriel Leung is meeting press with a mask on. He is going to announce new estimation of #nCoV2019 .
For those sick enough to go to the hospital ~14% death rate. This is close to the Lancet report of early cases, ~15%
Interesting hypothesis that this outbreak is older than suspected but was misdiagnosed as severe influenza and typical seasonal pneumonia etc.
Russia’s totalitarianism and China’s are just short of NKorea.
p.g.sharrow and E.M. Smith have an interesting discussion on how this could break the back of the Chinese Communist Party starting HERE. It depends on how lethal it is for older people. Totalitarian dictatorships are too ‘brittle’ to handle this type of stuff.
Larry’s screen shot from yesterday:
“mandate of heaven” = GONE.
It sure could. I’ll try to remember to read. So much going on – huh?
Larry Ledwick says:
27 January 2020 at 8:41 am
David A responds
(David is a bit of a pessimist BTW based on his comments over the years.)
M Simon says:
Responding to “A natural R0 of around 2.5 is all you need to run a nuclear reactor. All those prompt neutrons.”
And from E.M. Smith
“BBC reported 1/2 million medical staff dispatched to Hubai Provence. You don’t send that much staff for 2000 sick people.”
I Certainly Agree with EM and Wolfie SHUT DOWN TRAVEL FROM CHINA AND ISOLATE/TEST those already here.
“This is really an apples to watermelon comparison, given current numbers on 2019-nCov are early development of pandemic vs very old well reported historical out breaks, but gives some useful benchmark numbers for future reference. When official cases substantially exceed the SARS and MERS numbers (or 20 weeks down the road) it will be a bit more useful to revisit the comparable tallies.”
“Unfortunately my vacation time is over so will not be able to watch things quite as closely as I have when I was on personal leave, but at this point the outline of what is going on is pretty well documented and we just have to watch the tally to see what is going on.” (Dang! Larry is very good at this type of stuff. IIRC he worked at NORAD at one point.)
E.M.Smith says:
27 January 2020 at 7:21 pm
Growth outpacing predictions:

“Another chart comparing infection rate between 2019-nCoV and SARS.
Chart was outdated 3 hours after it was published.” — Larry
“Infectious disease outbreaks are not that unusual they simply quietly kill and then get forgotten if you don’t live in the region they ravage. Media has a short memory until it happens again.” — Larry
WOW – this is HUGE. Looks like BIOWARFARE.
There was a tweet, ostensibly from a UK “CDC” professional who claimed that the Coronavirus was indeed a bioweapon, set up so that a flu virus was host/vector of another virus which then did the damage (almost like a computer virus where the “prep vector” could lead to any of a number of payloads).
This tweet was pretty much dismissed as a fake/hyperbole/false flag. Now I wonder…
Another thing – with the ChiComs’ economy tanking, birth rate falling, and the ratio of child-bearing-age women to men being less than 1:2 (or something like that), could there be some “targeted culling” going on? The only other option would be a war…
It is hitting the older population. The kids get the sniffles and grandpa gets pneumonia and dies.
China has a major problem with an aging population.
Yeah, I thought you would be interested in that Wolfie.
Larry Ledwick says:
28 January 2020 at 5:55 pm
Up date as of today via Larry. Seems the quarantine in China was useless.
I found this on the for today, January 28, 2020

I will post it to the open thread for today also.
This is with the above …


File (hide): 84d5801aa3b46f8⋯.png (226.34 KB, 1562×1789, 1562:1789, AQ3.png) (h) (u)
File (hide): 2e14737b674a4cd⋯.jpg (172.95 KB, 274×816, 137:408, AQ1.jpg) (h) (u)
Fullsized image
Adding to Anon’s meme from (PB)
Check Charles Lieber’s students.
All Chinese Nationals.
All worked at Harvard.
We’re getting to one a day being exposed.
At what point do we kick them all out?
I don’t know but I’ll definitely take a number to kick those nasty butts

Love ya sweetie ..
Just FYI – Trump administration statement on coronavirus out today – strong and smart.
Airport scanning increased:
HHS – noon today:
Excellent opinions here on TRAVEL BANS……
Interesting: on the lead picture, the woman on the right looks like she’s about to cry…
Methinks this is no small disaster…
Pandora’s pandemic…
(I pray that it’s NOT)…
Corona virus.
Below video reportedly from Wuhan resident. Sobering. unfortunately zero factual details, like numbers ill, dead, indications problem spreading rapidly… Also guessing this person may actually be in Hong Kong…easy to smuggle out if Internet shut down. AND, whoever he is, re-education camps in his future. Almost twelve minute video at link below. Could not locate it on YT.
Me thinks, worth a listen. Subtitles in English.
One more Corona virus.
Singapore, IMO may be a good source for Corona virus information. Wikipedia, in part says Singapore is a flawed democracy. I say yea, the government wields a heavy hand. They error on safety, security and “what is best for all”. HONESTY is a hallmark in Singapore government, IMO. There are nearly six million residents with 50 square miles. AND they hugely dependent on manufacturing stuff to export, financial hub, etc.
Proximity to China a plus.
^^^ Above is in part what drives me to trust Singapore on Corona. Certainly can’t trust Chinese on anything, especially corona. AND, within USG, I really only trust President Trump. AND, he relies on USG, other countries and his instincts. The latter paramount.
Straits Times, Singapore largest newspaper link below. Lots of Corona news.
The health commission of China’s Hubei province said on Tuesday that 100 people had died from the virus as of Jan 27, according to an online statement, up from the previous toll of 76, with the number of confirmed cases in the province rising to 2,714.
Other fatalities have been reported elsewhere in China, including the first in Beijing, bringing the death toll to 106 so far, according to the People’s Daily. The state newspaper put the total number of confirmed cases in China at 4,515, though some experts suspect a much higher number.
The problem is the ‘death totals’ are way low because only those that are tested and test positive are counted. Many, esp. early on were listed as viral pneumonia.
This is A LOT WORSE in China than the numbers show.
Agree. death totals off. As are those infected. not wise in this realm. But guess, we can only hope for accurate numbers from modern countries…U.S., Japan, SK, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, some in Europe.
Mainly looking to see if trends develop AND learn moar about incubation, transmission, effective treatment.
We’ve got at least one in Bayern (Bavaria, guest student returning from China).
Because of the “influx” of “guests” from Africa and the Middle East, we’ve bolstered our facilities for dealing with tropical and infectious diseases. I just hope and pray that Merde-Kuh, et. al., have the backbone to enforce quarantines and travel restrictions.
We’ll see if there really is Coudenhove-Kalergi, population-trimming, or just blind incompetence at play here…
May GOD forgive and help us all…
More from Larry:

EM Smith (Chiefio)
At a 1.5X a day growth rate.
You get 1,000X in 17 days.
So Feb 15th – 5,000 cases.
About 4 March 5 million cases
About 21 March 5 billion cases.
The climax will come about 14 to 21 March.”
Pretty dire outlook. Increasing personal stocks this week.
IF above trajectory holds, baton down the hatches seems the personal answer. Keep grand kids home from school. Very minimal outings, if any. Essentially quarantine ourselves.
Of course, what is the actual impact is USA. AND moar specifically the actual impact in our specific areas we live. Incubation time. Moar transmission information. Treatment information.
Am I missing something significant. Guessing I am.
The 138 Chinese number on 1/28 seems on track with this, roughly.
Not intending to jump off a cliff…
Seems like an obvious step stopping ALL flights to / from China. Talking with twinkle sock AND Obrador to do the same. Customs at all border crossings to stop travelers that have been in China recently. Americans in, but screened and quarantined if appropriate.
Cargo ships arriving at our ports, no crew ashore. Figure out how to deal with cargo load adjusts and critical maintenance issues.
There are holes in the above, but it can be refined AND functional.
Agree!!! and POTUS…………He loves us…unlike Obummer..He would do anything…to protect American citizens!!!! serious.
Absolutely, President Trump will do what is right. He listens well. AND instinctively acts logically.
Also believe, the moar the US acts decisively with facts, China is moar apt to do what is right. China has sooo much to lose if they screw up on their end. The US does NOT need China.
Ya got that right Kalbo! And China crap…………I look now…for a while…But Made in China…SCREAMS—-I wanna screw you America! in my head!!
New screenshot from Larry.
Yup. British Airways gives cover on this now (see below).
British Airways cancels all direct flights to China
Trump has cover now. If he waits too long, Scummer will pounce, but Scummer will pounce no matter what, so best to play it sharp and smart no matter what.
Glad you got this one here. I was about to post it.
Anon wonders, “If this truly a concerning pandemic, then why aren’t they shutting down container shipping?”
Good question! It’s almost as if this is a Chinese psy-op!
Wow. Corona can live on a surface for 28 days? Have been wondering about that. Wonder if it is accurate. Seems a long time. Admittedly I know nothing about the subject.
Travel time, 14 days is about right in good weather and no stops between Chinese and US mainland ports.
AND, absolutely, hollywierd is my last thought and consideration when thinking Corona. Find it odd to invoke hollywierd.
The point about Hollyweird is that these wealthy and connected assholes would be the first to flee Los Angeles if there was any serious threat coming into Long Beach port from China.
Yep. Always thinking of themselves. I agree. Simply don’t give a shit about hollyweird. Guess the anon was referring to their self centered self importance. i’ll be quiet:-)
Remember – just because it’s a psy-op, doesn’t mean there aren’t real victims. BLOOD HOAXES are a communist and cabal specialty.
Using a real biological agent and then “doing things about it” was pioneered here in America. They used a HARMLESS agent – but it turned out years later that it was less harmless than people thought, once they examined the epidemiology with modern analysis, and there were a handful of unintentional victims. Don’t remember much more than that – it was in California and they allowed the wind-borne agent to come in from sea. Naval exercise, I think.
Don’t know what’s happening here, but it could be nasty. Stalinists and Maoists do weird calculations. If this epidemic could be engineered to hurt America more than China (see my prior posts on stealthy biowarfare under epidemic cover), then they might think it’s their “next resort” or “last resort” to save their plans for world domination and/or “saving socialism”.
I’ve yet to be convinced this is anything worse than the common flu (which has probably killed more Americans in the past week than the WuFlu and garnered zero headlines for it). The Wuhan international airport is still open, container shipping hasn’t been disrupted, and the President seems subtly sarcastic about it in his tweets. I’ll take it seriously when President Trump or Q sounds the alarms.
I’m beginning to think that you may be right, and part of that is my own case of something right now which I believe may be a normal coronavirus, based on symptoms.
At the very least, I think the PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATION aspects of whatever is going on are 90% of what we are perceiving.
What this is doing is essentially making us FOCUS intensely on “THE CRUD” as epidemic, which we’ve never done before as a society. That focus is all psychological, and it cannot be discounted – it’s significant.
This bug I’ve been having this last week is remarkably similar to the description of the coronavirus, only less malign than even weak flu WITH the shot (my latest reference on flu, from about 5 years ago – I always get the shot).
I’m thinking that people just don’t RECOGNIZE coronaviruses versus common cold rhinoviruses, and thus coronaviruses make a perfect psyop. Unfamiliarity with our own experience – the fact that it never had a NAME – provides gaslighting opportunity.
I believe that NORMAL coronaviruses may be what people in America commonly refer to as “crud” or “the crud”. They are not as serious as the flu, but last as long, and thus longer than most common colds.
This thing I got and mentioned earlier became noticeable on 1/24, when I became lightheaded and disoriented while walking the dog. I actually called my wife and she walked home with me, to make sure I didn’t faint. I presumably contacted it sometime around 1/19 to 1/21, during which time I had a fair amount of contact with others. After we got home, I began to feel the onset of VERY, VERY SLIGHT head cold and laryngeal symptoms, and decided to limit contact with elderly people that I normally have on weekends. The tendency toward faintness and lightheadedness went away in a day or two.
Fever was mild and extremely erratic – did not even feel the need to even take my temperature. A bit of warm-cold confusion from my normal thermals.
Note that this lightheadedness symptom is both real and not serious, thus perfect for DRAMA.
My WIFE caught it from me very quickly. She had the exact same stuff with a phase delay of maybe 2-3 days, so she almost certainly did not catch it from the same source.
The symptoms we both have remarkably sound like both the descriptions of “novel coronavirus” (kinda like saying “novel cold”) and what we have always called “the crud”.
– very mild dry cough
– very mild but very noticeable shortness of breath (I find myself breathing harder and faster on exertion)
– mild neck and head “tension headache”
– very mild eye, ear, nose, throat symptoms
– no real stuffiness, wet cough, etc. – DRY
ALL of this is vastly preferable to any kind of actual SINUS COLD, because it’s dry and mild.
Many people would go out and do their day-to-day with this stuff. It is my consciousness of it, and the fact that it is highly communicable, that is keeping me at home.
My suspicion is that I simply have a weaker NORMAL coronavirus, and that the PSYOP of attention to these things has made me aware of a NORMAL coronavirus, a.k.a. THE CRUD.
SO – I will remain scientifically skeptical until we get numbers from somebody other than Chinese communists.
The phenomenon we are observing may very well be in totality – and almost certainly in part – a demonstration of a primarily mass social psychological phenomenon – “disease new social awareness” – something like autism awareness and other manifestations of emerging mass intelligence. So even if it’s a DUD, it’s a very interesting one.
The question really is the virulence of the variant coming out of China, and we need non-Chinese non-Cabal non-“climate change-type” scientists (i.e., having normal skepticism) to look at things in REAL LIFE outside China, California, and certain other places that simply can’t be trusted.
Socialism breeds social errors. That is at least a FACTOR here, IMO.
Sorry to hear that you and your wife are under the weather. Hope you both heal quickly.
Thanks!!! We’re doing well. It’s mild, but it hangs on like crazy. It’s more of a PITA, because I know that I’m very infectious, but not very symptomatic.
Hoping to be better by the weekend!
QUESTION: Should we “feature” the coronavirus thread at the top of the site? Maybe after the Thursday Rally?
Please do roll this thread up periodically.
Ok, this is funny
Pretty funny. Who’d thought of indoor fishing?
Thank you so much – Volgarian!
This video update really is helpful to understand the exact extent of the threat and what is known as of 1/28.
Dr. Fauci is as impressive as Philbin – man, I could listen to him all day.
Secretary Azar is a real go-getter administrator – like Director Wolf of DHS – and I know PDJT is so glad he was appointed!
About Dr. Fauci –
We need to keep the info above the noise
Amen to that. This video helped me realize it’s not the movie kind of pandemic that is happening with this virus outbreak. Really do appreciate your posting it.
Fauci is a big deal – won the Medal of Freedom – and many other major prizes for his work.
Even has a quotes page –
An HIV researcher, I bet he is the one who has convinced PDJT that an AIDS vaccine/cure is possible.
Of course, HIV is 100% preventable.
…Chinese authorities revealed on Thursday morning that the number of recorded infections of the virus now exceed 7,700 thousand, with at least 170 people dead. 38 of the deaths occurred in the past 24 hours.
Slightly over 2% death rate.
Slightly over 20% of deaths previous 24 hours.
I need advice here.
Hoping Wolfie might weigh in.
Now that this has been declared an emergency, and we are moving.
Wondering if we need an new update thread?
Yes, I’d say after the rally for sure. We will have a lot of attention on the site for the rally – perfect to swap in the virus update thread.
Is it time for a new thread?
I do not think so.
If there is any OH MY! stuff, I and others are posting it on the open thread.
I’m thinking of moving this one to the top after the rally tonight. Or maybe THEN a new one.
This is the same cruise line that had the accident (Costa Concordia, IIRC).
Hmmmm, that’s interesting
llanfar says:
29 January 2020 at 4:02 am
From an online MD acquaintance of my cousin whom he interacted with for 20+ years.
Let me be really blunt here. PAY ATTENTION!
I’ll put this in terms of Trump’s earlier tweet.
“We are in very close communication with China concerning the virus.” YES WE ARE – both officially (full of PC lies) and unofficially (in direct contact with researchers and family members of researcher that are in this country.)
“Very few cases REPORTED in the USA, but strongly on watch.” Reported by the political CDC. They are SCUM – they will do anything not to create a panic. I know they lie specifically due to the “boots on ground” work my boss has done on ebola and SARS. “Officially” there are few confirmed nCoV cases publicized in the US. There are a whole bunch of people being investigated. There are even MORE secondary contacts. Case in point, in my own town we have an individual who came in on the same flight as the first positive in Washington state. NO ONE has officially contacted him or his family. (We are feeding him facts and recommendations at a distance.)
“We have offered China and President Xi any help that is necessary.” We have University links to several research facilities in China and directly with personnel there. The Fake News reports and the clinical reports we’ve received so far are dramatically different. There is a lot of high-quality information coming in directly to and from researchers. Chinese politics will “save face”. Researchers are saving lives and getting the technical information out.
“Our experts are extraordinary!” Absolutely! My boss has a 200+ IQ (tested). He has US patents out the ying-yang. He has spoken directly with the President in the past. His team is just as extraordinary. I am responsible for the medical health of that team (Don’t ask how this dumbass Emergency Physician got linked into this group – I just consider it a privilege to know these people that make a profound difference in the world EVERY DAY.)
^^^ Great info,
It’s not going very well in China…..
GOOD News: The evacuees from Wuhan China will under go a quarantine hold when they arrive in California.
Yes, that’s good. SMART. This will – if there are any cases – lead to early numbers from OUTSIDE CHINA on viral lethality.
Exactly what I was thinking Wolfie.
We will have those numbers (195 people) and also the numbers from that cruise liner Costa Crociere, off the coast of Italy, with almost 6,000 Passengers. Two are infected.
The problem is the Chinese LIE!
I heard it called “Winnie the Flu” today. That’s officially my new nickname for it.
I think Larry wrote this especially for you… Note: I have ‘known’ Larry for years and trust his intellect.
“…all you can do is wait and watch at this point, assuming you have taken care of obvious issues that would crop up if it goes ballistic in the rest of the world or your back yard.
This thread sums it up pretty much, most people have little understanding of and poor visualization of exponential growth and what it is capable of (as evidenced by some of the financial decisions we make every day)”
“We (those of us who watch such things) have known for 100 years that sooner or later the 1918 Spanish flu outbreak would be repeated under another name. It was just a matter of time.
Is this that repeat or the new small pox or another near miss like SARS MERS and Ebola?
This history of infections diseases exploding out of no where and cutting down the population in wholesale lots is well documented but most people are either ignorant of that history or although aware push it to the back of their mind because they don’t want to cope with the thought that a few thousand miles away a million people could die in a matter of days due an odd happenstance of probability and genetic drift.”
I consider it foolish to ignore a virus that target kills the old with compromised health. That would be me and Hubby.
I’m not skeptical because of “inability to comprehend exponential math.” I’m skeptical because I remember people were saying the exact same thing in 2009 over the Swine Flu. People in the truth communities were absolutely convinced that Hussein was going to forcibly vaccinate people for Swine Flu and send the refusers to the nearest FEMA camp. We’ve been here before—SARs, MERs, Swine Flu, Zika, ebola in America. I’ve yet to read anything convincing that Winnie the Flu won’t be more of the same fear-mongering.
Meanwhile, the international airport in Wuhan is still open, container shipping is normal, and POTUS is holding multiple rallies and practically goading the Chinese on Twitter. If this is truly a super serious pandemic, then it certainly doesn’t seem like it. I trust President Trump when he says, “it will all work out well.” POTUS and Q have more info on the matter than Larry (who I’m sure means well, but doesn’t have the resources of the US military).
With lethality numbers jumping between 2% and 6.8% just recently, I’m going to keep my CLIMATE CHANGE SKEPTICISM on 11.
Like the projection and reality table above.
Would like to see the same for NOT China. Then US numbers.
Other countries, continents OK.
I fully expect China to continue imploding. They lack honesty, guessing they lack the ability to be proactive and so many doubts about their capacity to manage on the medical scene. AND, how do they feed millions that are quarantined.
BUT, my guess is we’ll be OK. That doesn’t imply I have not increased my prepping stuff onhand.
One area I am surely clueless. Face mask needed. What type?
I personally like the pro painter masks with screw-in canisters for chemical exposure. Even old expired cartridges would work here. Pair with splash goggles and there is zero droplet path.
I used models like this, with the proper cartridges, to work in rooms that were essentially filled with tear gas. Air was fresh and odorless through the approved canisters. I used regular splash goggles instead of full face, but I may have sealed the vents. In any case, bothersome concentrations of lachrymators never reached my eyes.
Light duty paint cartridges would be more than enough, IMO.
Great info. Masks are the hole in my prep.
One of the problems is that we may not be factoring in asymptomatic cases.
How would one PSYOP with a normal coronavirus in a CLIMATE COMMIE WAY?
Easy. Do everything you can to make sure that asymptomatic and mild cases are simply not:
That will jack up the death numbers HUGELY. Indeed, if coronaviruses in general have a problem of high percentages of asymptomatic or low-symptomatic infections, they lend themselves toward psy-ops.
Once I put my mind to this, I can see that it’s even easier to lie about viruses than it is about climate. And the SCARE factor is huge.
Maintain healthy skepticism until NORMAL SKEPTICAL SCIENTISTS (not climate commie types) can analyze properly.
For those of us ‘At Risk’ (Over 60 with breathing problems) watching the situation closely and taking proactive measures, as you would for a hurricane just makes sense. It is not money you would not be spending anyway, it is just thinking forward to limit exposure.
1. Limit your exposure by shopping when the crowds are not around.
3. Stock the pantry/freezer (You have to eat anyway)
4. Make sure you have your paper supplies, alcohol, Clorox, and hand sanitizer already stocked.
5. Make sure your medicine cabinet is stocked and prescriptions filled.
6. it would not hurt to have gloves and masks on hand. (Only possible extra expense except I use them for painting anyway.)
7. IF the situation gets bad and I have to go out, I plan to use my rubber muck boots and use my big oil change pan with Chlorox and water to sanitize my boots before coming into the house. The house is already set-up with a laundry-room with shower a few steps inside the back door.
Vitamin C Protects Against Coronavirus
It is dealing with feeding 50 animals and possibly having to quarantine my cats that is going to be the real problem.
Excellent information. Thanks.
Larry again:
“This image clearly shows the infection rate exponent for 2019-nCoV is stable and protective actions so far have had very little if any effect on the spread of this virus.”
“Update: The infection rate R0 of #coronavirus 2019-ncov is estimated at 4.08 new infections per disease. This is very contagious. And the death rate is 6.77%.”
“If these numbers are correct there are a lot of unreported or mis-attributed deaths.”
Still a lot of “if” on that number. The values are jumping around way too much. Reason? BAD DENOMINATOR.
Episode 5, fantastic interview with a bio weapons researcher who worked at Level 4 Army Infectious Disease Unit.
He wrote “3 Seconds to Midnight”
Using vitamin C etc.
Excellent. I’ve noticed vitamin C helping hugely with the *likely normal coronavirus* I’m experiencing now. I’m a bit over a week into this thing. I’m sure there is some placebo effect, but using it erratically has given me corresponding relief of some symptoms. I think my wife has been taking it, too – she has the same thing (caught it from me).
Excellent! It’s TIME!!!
And I’ve got the sniffles

With a roll of the dice, hopefully it’s a “current” coronavirus that offers some immunity to the new one from China.
Feels more like just plain old rhino crud but
. I guess if I face plant on the ground we can worry
I hate sinus issues, so what I have is preferable, frankly.
Biggest tells to me are these (crud/flu versus cold)
dry versus wet
light-headed versus thick-headed
odd shortness of breath versus understandable difficulty with airways
tension headache versus sinus headache
Cruise ship passengers test negative for coronavirus following a lockdown
Two of the vessel’s patrons were cleared of having the virus and were instead diagnosed with H1N2, the Italian Ministry of Health said. The 6,000-passenger ship was forced into quarantine near Rome after the passengers became unwell.
Update – 9,776 cases confirmed world-wide – now 6 cases in USA.
At the last report from CDC/NIH, they said all the US cases had traveled to China.
Press Secretary:
Secretary Azar:
Whoa…Wuhan City is China’s test city for 5G.
“It is expected to be accessible to users at the Military World Games in 2019.
By 2020, 5G network will cover every corner of the city and be available at an affordable price.”
The Military World Games were held in late October 2019. If I’m understanding this correctly, there was an increased rollout of 5G in October, then WuFlu started showing up by December. Did everyone in Wuhan get their immune system nuked by 5G?
I’m still firmly in the “The WuGaloo is a Chinese psy-op,” but the 5G stuff is an interesting angle…
Pre-print of a study from China (OFFICIAL)
“Estimating the effective reproduction number of the 2019-nCoV in China”
Authors: Zhidong Cao (1), Qingpeng Zhang (1), Xin Lu, Dirk Pfeiffer, Zhongwei Jia, Hongbing Song, Daniel Dajun Zeng
Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Automation, Beijing, China (Z. Cao, D.D. Zeng)
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (Z. Cao, D.D. Zeng)
Shenzhen Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Institute (Longhua), Shenzhen (Z. Cao, D.D. Zeng)
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (Q. Zhang, D. Pfeiffer)
National University of Defense Technology, Changsha (X. Lu)
Peking University, Beijing (Z. Jia)
Chinese PLA Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing (H. Song)
Transmission of 2019-nCoV Infection from an Asymptomatic Contact in Germany
This is my biggest fear. The tiny tot carrier who does not understand hygiene yet.
In Japan too: ”Symptomless Japanese tested positive…” –
Now up to seven cases in the USA…
(From Johns Hopkins)
Update 249 dead in China
Article title: Coronavirus Contains “HIV Insertions”, Stoking Fears Over Artificially Created Bioweapon
Profile picture for user Tyler Durden
by Tyler Durden
Fri, 01/31/2020 – 17:35
An excerpt from the conclusion of the article:
…Until he realized something disturbing.
Oh my god. Indian scientists have just found HIV (AIDS) virus-like insertions in the 2019-nCov virus that are not found in any other coronavirus. They hint at the possibility that this Chinese virus was designed [“not fortuitous’]. Scary if true.
— Anand Ranganathan (@ARanganathan72) January 31, 2020
“Scary”… but relax, it’s just another ridiculous “conspiracy.”
Was reading a part of the Tom Clancy book, “Executive Orders”, which part of the plot gets into a weaponized ebola attack on the USA. I found this sentence in the story to be of interest as it relates to the altering of Coronaviris to weaponize it.
“Besides, there are ways to fortify a virus, as you know. You admit some cancer genes into the structure”
Clancy was a thorough researcher when writing on any subject.
A good tail twister. Hopefully they will bellow.
Good to see that you were able to respond here. I AutomattiKKK tries to screw with this viral response stuff, then they deserve whatever DOJ has coming for social[ist] media.
This makes sense – ZeroHedge was BANNED on Twitter. This must be why.
I would think that by hiding this info it i would make Twitter culpable in any deaths in the use of a “weapon of mass destruction”. IF it is proven to be the case.
They know they can get away with it. They have excuses – “reasonable doubt” – only if there are people at Twitter BRAVE ENOUGH to tell the truth when the time comes.
I saw how this works in Shallow State. They keep the “need to know” very small. REAL conspiracies minimized key knowledge distribution. Most people act on WRONG information that gives the right outcome. Just like the “Russian bots” thing. They can’t make all those people conspire for a nasty malignant purpose – so they deceive those who can be deceived. Just like I was in CA3. I was a true-believer, but I had other “qualities” that were needed for the ruse.
(I changed the square brackets to angle brackets to make the IF go to bold.)
Wolfie, do we need a new thread?
I watching the presser right now.
Yeah, that might allow a fresh start. Are you just getting up? I’m about to crash.
Yeah, just waking up, here.
You go to sleep, I got it.
Thanks, Daughn! Wife is gonna love you for it!
I wanted Brexit to get some love, but it’s time to get serious about this virus. THANK YOU again!!!
This study is being examined like crazy right now.
Noteworthy scientists concerned about these findings and examining the study.
Does not make sense for the RNA to be found normally in a coronavirus (“It would not happen naturally”)
So — it appears that the SEROCONVERSION PERIOD for HIV (when the virus becomes detectable in the bloodstream) is between 1 – 4 WEEKS. From there —
The period of time from seroconversion to the DEVELOPMENT of ANTIBODIES in the blood is anywhere from 1 – 3 MONTHS. From there —
The interval between HIV infection to the DIAGNOSIS of AIDS is anywhere between 9 MONTHS and 20 YEARS, with reports of “rapid onset” to AIDS between 3 – 5 years and also of people who DO NOT develop AIDS at all.
S0 — IF it is PROVEN that ANY presence of HIV (or HIV derivative) is in the Wuhan Coronavirus, that makes the possibility that ANY PERSON infected with Wuhan can not only have HIV themselves, but ALSO be carriers of HIV.
Remember the post I put on this thread a few days ago, about the Chiefio commenter who has an MD friend and is ALREADY following precautions in their own clinic?
The MD said that as of 7 FEBRUARY, all persons need to start wearing masks and gloves in public — create and use a “drop area” in their homes where all clothes worn outside are removed and dropped into the washing machine for HOTTEST WATER cleaning — HOT showers — avoid crowds — get in supplies — etc.
I would be terrified if the UN, WHO, CDC, or Obama administration were in charge. When it comes to public health, Trump appointees are old-school.
And the thing about old-school? It pisses people off, but it works.
Amen. You know who Obama made into his “Ebola czar”? A friggin’ DAMAGE CONTROL PR EXPERT with zero real crisis management or scientific background.
When people called him “Obola” and leftists complained, I gave them an EARFUL!!!
You mean his name ISN’T Obola?
(I’ve been calling him that consistently for years.)
Power to ya, bud! The only reason I stopped calling him Obola was that Ostalin and Otreason wanted their turns!!!
I did do “Oligula” a couple of times.
*screaming laughter*
Oh, I never thought of that one! LOL!!!
Olegabalus works, too – and not just for Obola!
Alas they are a benefit of a classical education.
Trump is now a war time President.
This is the website for the military version of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Nothing here yet, or any other recent updates, on Coronavirus. Maybe worth checking on for research insights that they may come up with independent of the CDC.
Good idea, Itswoot.
I’m going to put this link in the main thread to keep track of your comment. Thank you.
[…] […]
Coronavirus update – This morning – there are 11,374 confirmed cases – most in China – now 7 in USA of which all have traveled to China.
Wolfie, please unpin this one. New thread is up.

this has affected 27 countries & territories
12,024 cases worldwide reported cases..
259 deaths ….reported deaths…
…more info at the link.
[…] […]
The cities must be cleaned up. The virus would have a field day among these people.
Source is an NBC affiliate, but sharing just in case
NBC Bay Area
JUST IN: A man who recently traveled back to Boston from Wuhan, China, has been diagnosed as the first Massachusetts resident with the new coronavirus, and the eighth case confirmed in the U.S.
Massachusetts man has coronavirus, state health officials say; US cases rise to 8
I found this interesting from
Almost everyone gets a coronavirus infection at least once in their life, most likely as a young child. In the United States, coronaviruses are more common in the fall and winter, but anyone can come down with a coronavirus infection at any time.
Bird Flu is back on the menu.
“China reports outbreak of deadly bird flu among chickens in Hunan province, close to coronavirus epicentre of Wuhan”
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