Please consider this the Monday Thread for Shampeachment!
FOX 10 Phoenix –
CSPAN – – also –
Golden State Times has the live-stream erroneously scheduled for 4pm – look for a correction before 1pm –

It’s time for our guys to take the field. Tired of the lies, twisting of facts, ignorance leftists, and those politicians with malintent and their pious media pundits.
The trolls are out in FULL FORCE. Fair warning. Report when necessary. If anyone needs help on Twitter, let us know, we can back each other up. Watch for the signs from OUR team in the media.

Love to all!!!!!!!!
Who’s ready for OFFENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????
Thank GOD this day has finally come!
Amen!!! I am ready to see some JUSTICE!!!!!
AND some arrests if that “leaked” Bolton transcript was from NSC.
Smells like another trap the D-Rats stepped in with both feet.
I didn’t know this post was going to exist when I composed
18th witness, the ICIG is a big deal, agreed.
ICIG Atkinson testimony, statement, whatever the lying D-Rats call it MUST see the light of day.
Look at this little tidbit….
In case you are wondering just WTH is happening…
The NYSlimes published an article Sunday by…who else?…Maggie Haberman…with this verbatim claim…
“President Trump told his national security adviser in August that he wanted to continue freezing $391 million in security assistance to Ukraine until officials there helped with investigations into Democrats including the Bidens, according to an unpublished manuscript by the former adviser, John R. Bolton.”
Now, if you want to know how this happened, who the leaker is, and why this happened, you have to read these two pieces by Sundance, IN ORDER…
“The timing, purpose and narrative engineering here are transparent in the extreme.
The NY Times attempts to frame the narrative around the need for John Bolton to testify in the Senate Impeachment Trial… all too transparent in motive. Timed to work around the House fraud; impeachment article construction without Judicial review for subpoenas; and timed to bolster House managers’ unconstitutional demand for Bolton as a Senate witness.
The House motive here, the forethought within the design, is very important now because it explains why they are vociferously demanding witnesses in the Senate. The House plan was always to work around the ability of the executive branch to go to court. The managers are now attempting to execute that plan, along with a manufactured political talking point, in the Senate trial.
The House crew intended for this to unfold exactly as it is happening.“
That manufactured talking point??
A: That Bolton claims in his book PDJT told him (Bolton) he wanted a quid pro quo from Ukraine re: opening an investigation into the Biden’s in exchange for the US aid.
What is fascinating here is that it is possible…as some have suggested here in the QTree…that Bolton is actually working WITH PDJT and running a sting op…that Bolton’s book makes no such claim, but they fed that line of crap into the NSC manuscript security review to flush out a mole.
In other words, the manuscript given to the NSC manuscript review process was a fake, and low and behold they caught a “resistance” spy/plant inside the NSC who was leaking info to the NYSlimes and who was subsequently PHYSICALLY ESCAOTED off the WH grounds on Jan. 17 and who is now under active security investigation (and we’re talking hard prison time here, too).
Which, if true, is an absolutely DELICIOUS possibility, because not only did they catch and identify the leaker, they also nail Maggie Haberman at the NYSlimes, too.
Enjoy the show.
Can Maggie Haterman go to jail on this?
They already have Maggie for RICO… the COUP period…
…was PHYSICALLY ESCORTED off the WH grounds on Jan. 17…
Potus and team already had him pegged. He stayed till they had no further use for him. They needed controlled leakers but once used. Think tissues. Useful for so many jobs but when snotty…binned
It would be funny if latter Bolton pops up and says “yeah that was my opinion, doesn’t amount to a hill of beans since I was out of loop”.
Regardless, Bolton’s not a duplicitous operator, nor buy-able IMO and would fully respect privileged communications with the President and this little affair has never been anything that would ever angst him.
Bolton’s highest loyalty is to himself and his image and importance.
He is another, like McMaster, Kelly, Nielsen, Bannon, Tillerson, etc., who did not jive with Trump policies and thought they were smarter than Trump.
Yep. This one smells like a canary trap.
Honestly, the more this fleshes out, the more I really do believe that The Plan called for using players who were betrayed somewhere along the line in roles where they could exact some perfectly legal revenge. John Bolton may well be one of them.
Nadless is off the field
Pobrecito….mi corazon esta sangrando para el…..
use google translate
Hope his wife is okay. She needs RBG’s doctor for pancreatic cancer.
She needs the MONEY to PAY for the special treatment.
“… researchers have gained knowledge of the human immune system through the growth of cancer immunotherapy. One of the most successful being that of CAR-T, better known as a drug made by genetically modifying an individuals T-Cell’s to destroy cancerous regions of the body, as reported by Newsweek.
“CAR-T cells have to be engineered for each patient individually, to take into account the fact that each person’s immune cells have their own molecular ‘signature’—making the therapy very expensive and laboursome,”
This is why the elite survive cancer and the serfs do not.
Not sure if you saw my reply the other day. Cost is between $250-$300K !!!
Family member died day before she was to receive transfusion of modified blood.
Well, … if we elect Bernie we’ll get Medicare for all. Then even the serfs will get the best medical care possible.
Oh yeah. Whatever ses en getting is not so much off market as not even in trials yet
so glad my coffee cup was empty…..
Ozzy, ya da funniest, bestest….
made my day!
Trump fired Bolton so that he *would* get called as a witness and be seen as hostile while Bolton is actually in Trumps court.
Please be true
Please be true
Please be true
The Lannister’s send their regards.
Wishful thinking?
What about the book – is Bolton going to throw his life, career, image away on a book making false accusations?
We don’t know if the “leaked” transcript is real. It may have been altered to catch a leaker.
My mistake – I thought the ‘book’ was already published/in print.
Yes, it could very well be a canary trap!
That would be so delicious.
The book is NOT yet published which makes this whole thing even MOAR interesting. If THAT is the big bombshell in Bolton’s book, no way would HE want it leaked ahead of time. There goes his marketing strategy of promising bombshells “if only” you buy his book.
I’m reading these posts a few hours later than written…now Senator Collins days that Bolton’s book statements (that NO ONE HAS SEEN, INCLUDING HER!) makes her think witness to need to be called! This blows my mind…
Is she that malleable that she changes her opinion every few hours?
I certainly would love to explain to her the ROLE of Senators…and it’s not to do the investigation for the House! Is that so difficult to comprehend?
No . Think doomed spy. He was only going to get one shot at feeding fake shit to misdirect the msm
I probably should have posted this when the Senate schiffshow first started.
What, exactly, is being tried in the Senate? Whether DJT did something wrong? Is that what you think?
Well, that is NOT what is being tried in the Senate.
The trial in the Senate has one, and only one, purpose – to try the issue of whether POTUS should be removed from office. Not whether he has done something. That is the House’s job. And because they didn’t give the president due process, they have not provided the Senate with sufficient information TO TRY THE IMPEACHMENT articles.
In other words, no Senator, under oath under the constitution, can legitimately vote to remove POTUS. DJT is entitled per the constitution to a unanimous vote of acquittal because what was presented was not complete.
6. The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.
7. Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.
Since the fed govt has only the powers and authority ceded to it by the States, there appears to be no authority by which the Senate can take evidence (add to the Articles of Impeachment).
We shall soon see just how “constitutional” this trial will be. Maybe the Senate parliamentarian will drive the wooden stake into the heart of this vampire production.
side note: conviction does not mandate removal from office. Removal is the upper limit, not the requirement. If it was required upon conviction, it would say so.
Great post!
“…because they didn’t give the president due process, they have not provided the Senate with sufficient information TO TRY THE IMPEACHMENT articles.”
This was by the Lawfare group’s design.
The dims took this course because they knew the courts would strike the House dims efforts down. They had to circumvent the courts in order to get the impeachment articles into the Senate where they NOW are demanding to bring new witness testimony and documents that the courts would have shot down duento former rules and precedents previously established in the other 2 impeachment’s proceedings (Clinton and the other POTUS whom I can’t in this moment recall who it was).
Stalinists abusing the process, as always.
Potus has let them run with their illegitimate charade because he’s going to turn in into their total anihlation
Except it has been evident, for a long time, that neither the Law, nor the Constitution is relevant.
No one is following the Law or enforcing it. Not the Justice Department, not the Supreme Court, not the FISA court, not the FIB, nor any other agency of government.
Absence of the rule of LAW is exactly what has been evident, since Inauguration day.
We keep observing that the laws the PUBLIC is aware of are being wantonly violated.
We keep observing that the agencies of government responsible for ENFORCING the laws which the public is aware of are AWOL, totally and completely 100% DERELICT in their duty and function.
And yet like a classic victim of abuse, we keep pointing out the same things, we keep appealing to the same ‘authority’, i.e., “the Law” to intervene, because we don’t know what else to do.
Clearly the “Law” is functionally irrelevant to these proceedings, in the same way that the “Law” has been functionally irrelevant since the beginning of the Trump presidency.
The “Law” is functionally irrelevant.
Clearly that includes the Constitution, it’s just more obvious now than it was before.
In the absence of any kind of enforcement, the “Law” is irrelevant.
What other conclusion can be supported by observable facts and evidence?
Everyone we pay to enforce the Law — millions of local, state and federal employees across the country — from the street cop in SDNY all the way up to AG Barr, and everyone in between — is derelict.
Maybe there is a good reason why they are all derelict in their duty. Maybe space aliens ripped a hole in the space-time continuum and inverted reality.
That would be an example of a good reason.
But how can the fact that they are all derelict in their duty be credibly disputed?
Agree . . . but when did traitorous Dimms and treacherous RINOs ever give one good flying crap about “can legitimately vote”?
Honestly, this smells like a trap that multiple levels of people fell into.
If Bolton really is on the VSG team, and he just played all those people…oh, this is getting good.
Guiliani says it is a trap……
“Source: Alexander Vindman’s Brother, Yevgeny, Clears Publications by NSC Officials”
Our government is so thoroughly corrupt it makes Keystone Cops look like a real-life documentary.
Following my “Rule of Government” = There are only 12 people who run DC, and when something goes wrong, ONE OF THEM is involved.
Thing that make us say, ………. DUH!
Impeachment sounds like Atlantic Council Pampleteering.
HOW can I get appointed to the Ukraine Independent Counsel investigation? I mean, I would be happy to make the coffee. I just want to be on the team!!!!!!!!!!!
maybe if you showed up with some of your blueberry muffins!
Article at American Thinker worth a read on the sneaky dims real strategy on Shampeachment.
I believe the Dems strategy has to be to win the Senate, but also keep the house–they know they can’t win the presidency. They could thwart POTUS’s plans/policies but also curtail the judicial armada he’s forming and prevent him from replacing Ruthie…
280 days until 2020 elections. GOP has a lot to do and we can help.
Go TIM!!!!
Senators weigh in on opening arguments from President Trump’s defense team
Kaine is such an idiot…
the House is supposed to investigate and form a compelling record of testimony to take to the Senate. the Senate is NOT supposed to continue that investigation but to determine if the material presented is compelling enough to convict.
He was interviewed on C-Span when President Trump’s lawyers had finished their presentation – I cut him off – he is a fool – however – they all said the same thing – as if they were reading from a script – all idiots, Pat!!! There is no do-over!!!
there IS a script…you cannot trust these idiots to speak off the cuff…they might reveal the truth! so the Dems are scripted…it’s why they all sound the same and repeat the same lies!
they have one brain among them!
LOL – ‘one brain among them’ – YUP
Pat – do they have those ‘scripts’ on speed dial?
there’s an APP for that!
Are you joshing me, Pat?
lol…since I don’t have a phone that uses apps I would have to say yes..but all you need are talking points in a text chain…like an email…tell them what to say and send it out en masse to the Dems…easy peasy lemon squeezy…LOL
propaganda for dummies!
Okey Dokey – not an APP person, either – just seems to me – all of a sudden – they all are saying the same thing – MSM folks, too – and GA/FL gave the hashtags, too – so must be mass informants – LOL
i really think they send out what they want them to say–don’t forget they believe if they repeat it often enough, a lie becomes the truth
Right – Kaine stepped right up to the mic – as soon as they were finished – could almost repeat what he would say – then – they all did the same thing – even MSM – Yucky, evil people! Someday – they will be very sorry for what they did – imho
Talking Points™
Sound Bites™
It all started with the corrupt devil Clintons.
SMH – evil people – all of them!!!
Kaine is one of those assholes I never “click” on or read. He has never uttered an original thought and certainly is a liar.
He snuck up on me, Kal – I was watching C-Span – when the President’s Team concluded – there he was – spewing hatred as fast as he could – * Sigh *
Surely wasn’t an intended dart at ya Duchess. Would never intentionally do that
Did not think so, Kal – no way, shape, and/or form – it just happened – you know!!!
Betcha that DemCom “script” was based on an email to a DemCom Senator — could well have been KAINE.
After all, he’s a big funds bundler for the Clintons.
Didn’t Kaine have some dream of being Hillary Clinton’s VP?
He is a ‘big bundler’ for sure – and yes – for Clinton – and yes – he had pipe dreams of being the witch’s soy boy.
I do not think Kaine was the only one who got the ‘script’, CV – others were spewing the same hate-filled rhetoric!
LIVESTREAMS – Trump Legal Defense – Part II – 1PM Eastern
FOX 10 Phoenix –
CSPAN – – also –
Golden State Times has the livestream erroneously scheduled for 4pm – look for a correction before 1pm –
Thank you Ga/Fl, I will include links at the top. You’re the best!
No – you are!
1. Martha Washington
2. Abigail Adams
3. Martha Jefferson Randolph
4. Dolly Madison
5. Elzabeth Monroe
6. Louisa Adams
7. Emily Donelson
8. Sarah Yorke Jackson
9 No one for Martin Van Buren
10. Sarah Angelica Singleton
11. Anna Harrison
12. Jane Irwin Harrison
13. Letitia Tyler
14. Priscilla Tyler
15. Julia Tyler
16. Sarah Childress Polk
17. Margaret Taylor
18. Abigail Fillmore
19. Jane Pierce
20. Harriet Lane
21. Mary Todd Lincoln
22. Eliza Johnson
23. Julia Grant
24. Lucy Hayes
25. Lucretia Garfield
26. Mary Arthur
27. Rose Cleveland
28. Frances Cleveland
29. Caroline Harrison
30. Mary Harrison
31. Ida McKinley
32. Edith Roosevelt
33. Helen Taft
34. Ellen Wilson
35. Margaret Wilson
36. Edith Wilson
37. Florence Harding
38. Grace Coolidge
39. Lou Hoover
40. Eleanor Roosevelt
41. Bess Truman
42. Mamie Eisenhower
43. Jacqueline Kennedy
44. Lady Bird Johnson
45. Pat Nixon
46. Betty Ford
47. Roslyn Carter
48. Nancy Reagan
49. Barbara Bush
50. Hillary Clinton
51. Laura Bush
52. Michelle Obama
53. Melania Trump
If John Bolton is called to testify and somehow the Senate overrules Presidential Exec Privilege, we all better hope these women listed above, and every subsequent first lady (or man) are geopolitical experts ON EVERY REGION, economic PhD’s, lawyers, health care experts, educational experts, and energy experts, environmental stewards, diplomats, the very best of negotiators, and the best of military planners……..
……. because THE FIRST LADY will be the only one left with whom the President of the USA can have a private conversation.
Be careful what we wish for…….
Our Lion is a big cat toying with his prey.
My take as well. He wouldn’t be mentioning, “link him to Whistleblower?” if he didn’t have the evidence. already.
Reminded myself yesterday about FISA warrants POTUS is allowed to have on people who are a threat to National Security. Schifty and gang fall into that kettle.
Just a quick reminder as we watch the Swamp Follies today….
January 20, 2017 – VSGPDJT inaugurated President of the United States
March 20, 2017 – David Rockefeller, founding member of just about every meddlesome council conspiracy people have been warning about for decades, passes away at 101
May 26, 2017 – Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor for Jimmy Carter and supposedly the one running the foreign relations arm of cabal operations, passes away at 89
The Democrats have been flailing and misfiring with half asked plans outside of election “magic” ever since.
These people are stupid.
I will really be glad when this Shampeachmint is shot down.
I continue to have this niggling fear, just poking at me, despite some recent statements to the contrary, that just enough uber RINOs in the Senate will show their true, corrupt, self-serving colors and vote with the Dimms.
Some combination of fear of exposure of their past and present corruption and the promise of future rewards and protection will be their motivation.
When PTrump makes it through this Shittshow, I don’t think it will be the end of the Dimm’s corrupt “lawfare”. They’ll have PTrump up for impeachment for eating chicken with his hands, chewing ice, and thinking about jaywalking. Although I do think, that when the next Shittshow Movie opens, even less people will come to the premier, and the McTurtle Movie Critic Review will have it tossed out of the theaters based on its failure to display any redeeming characteristics whatsoever.
I forgot to say that this niggling fear was for the addition of witnesses and additions documents . . . extending this process virtually forever.
I don’t think that anywhere near enough RINOs can be gathered to support a removal vote.
I just want this thing over and have the election concluded successfully for PTrump . . . with the House and the Senate ending up MAGA!
This video gave me hope – that God spoke to a man – many years ago – wherein ‘God Said No!’
Here is the title – will not post here – take up important space – but, it is easy to find – just scroll down
New Trump Impeachment Prophecy, From Trey Smith and Kim Clement: “Simple Stone”
We need a theme song for today.
Dragnet opening theme also comes to mind…..
Saturday’s theme – presenting the actual facts – fits Dragnet’s famous line too – “Just the facts, Ma’am.”
Dana Key, of Degarmo and Key, was a direct descendant of Francis Scott Key.
Gave me Goosebumples, woot!!!
Here we go……….
Four horsemen of the RINO apocalypse…..
– conquest, open borders, allowing invasion of terrorists, crime and drugs, human trafficking
– pestilence – open doors to disease
– famine – globalism loss jobs, industry and income for Americans,
– death – leading to death) they have no loyalty to our nation…they are traitors.
They are monstrously evil and should be removed from office!!!
then wouldn’t the BEST witnesses be the whistleblower and the IC IG???????
Collins is dumb as a doorknob and I do not say that lightly. Even I understand the constitution why does she not? She is an overeducated boob. Where are her constituency? Do they approve?
Romney is another boob. Wonder what Utah thinks or is his church political would not surprise me since most churches are these days.
The Mormon Church is one of the most political non-government bodies in the world.
They change their beliefs based on the laws of man. They went from polygamy to monogamy, just because the government told them they had to.
Not that I believe polygamy is ok, but if it was an actual “revelation” as they claim, and a sincere belief, then giving it up because the government told them to was purely political.
Witnesses? Dumb ass idea. But, RINOs, like D-Rats ARE maroons. Collins and her ilk may be stoopid enough to pursue the House’ responsibilities.
My opening witness list starts with:
– hussein
– Too Slow Joe
– Schitty
– ICIG Atkinson
– Where’s Hunter
– Ambassador Yankobitch
AND, Senate adopts twelve hour days, six days a week.
Ohhhhhhhh looky here, Hunter Biden is at the Waldorf Astoria, driving a Porsche.
I saw that. This guy is a real sleaze.
How much child support and for how long would selling this car buy?
Mitt is on board with the NYTimes – thanks, Utah!
From how many disgruntled former employees must we hear, Daughn?
Susan Collins issued a statement this morning – witnesses more likely.
Oh, great – then, they want to drag this thing on and on – I was hoping we could celebrate on Friday – * Sigh *
uh oh
I’m going to side with the idea that McConnell, who is very intent on maintaining Regular Rules of Order in the Senate, which would include the Senate’s role in conducting an Impeachment trial… well, I’m going to hold believing that he isn’t going to let the House, or their proxies set new precedent in the Senate, let alone violate the Constitution.
Breitbart checked it, apparently.
Yes, Vindman’s brother at NSC is the one to check publications.
i smell RATS
Who is with me:
We have a leak detector !!!
It wouldn’t surprise my that Trump suggested to let Vindman’s brother do the review?
Exactly, its not like they don’t know who works in that capacity…….
Enjoy the Show people
New! On store shelves now! Schitt & Nadless Peach Mint ice cream.
Ummm . . . Peach Mint . . . A delightful calf shit scours green (some of you know exactly what I’m talking about), and smelling like an Eric Swallwell fart. Wilted strips of bitter mint with brown, mushy chunks of putrescent peach that catch in your throat.
All the Dimms in the House and Senate leap to their feet shouting “Three scoops for me!”, while the general public, almost fatally nauseated, rushes toward MAGA! for fresh air and mental stability.
That was hideously well done!
“…calf shit scours green….”
OHHHHhhhh THE STENCH! (I have raised bottle calves.)
Just a feeling, but ATM every aspect of this thing sounds like Briar Patch.
I know an immediate dismissal is justified and desirable, but I want Tar Baby!
um…this isn’t about the tar baby thing…
but I’m not supposed to tell you that NYGuy said anything…
Oh, oh ….
he didn’t give specifics…he’s letting that up to you…just that we should congratulate you that you’re awesome….
I think he means I was smart enough to marry the Most Beautiful Woman In The World!
But that just makes me very lucky, not awesome!
you don’t need to share your news/accomplishment…if you are not inclined to.
so just congrats, and leave it at that…
now that the thread is isn’t “hot” I can relay what NYGuy shared about Tonawanda…apparently he received some sort of personal communication (tweet maybe) from POTUS about an awesome picture he took?????
Tar baby and all! Let it be so!
Odd ball here.
What I have never understood is, why isn’t US aid tied to proper behavior of the nation receiving aid. With full accountability. Don’t give two shits if politicians are involved or not.
What am I missing?
AND, it was OK for hussein, DOJ, FIB, IC to investigate politician candidate Trump.
But it is NOT OK to investigate obvious criminal behavior by too slow Joe, Where’s Hunter…?
this argument has made the rounds at our dinner table for years…we send them “aid” …do they send us an accounting of what they spent it on? these are taxpayers’ monies and as such there should be an accounting—these are not “gifts” but aid.
we would all be surprised at what has not been accountable!
iirc President Trump is first to ask for audits of many agencies… particularly Pentagon.
Mark Levin: Dems’ impeachment case has been an embarrassment
A plot to remove a US Ambassador?
This is stupid on it’s face.
There is no need for a plot.
All the President had to do was fire her. End of discussion.
No need for Lev “James Bond” Parnas.
i agree…they are elevating her position and importance in this matter. she is an employee who can be reassigned or fired at will…
Marie is a dirty girl.
Has much to hide.
And she’s not the fun type of dirty girl.
And when a new president is sworn in they are technically fired anyway UNLESS he/she ASKS them to stay on
Just another attempt by the traitorous Dimms to set the stage and control the narrative that the President interfered with the ambassador setting foreign policy and then plotted her removal. All part of the same ol’, same ol’ Alinsky playbook.
No Dem who says “Do the repubs want to hear the truth?” when calling for witnesses has any credibility.
Otherwise, the Dems would release the testimony of the ICIG Michael Atkinson.
Why did Schiff hide it?
agreed. he should be there at the top or close to it!
Obviously, if the vote goes for additional witnesses and documentation, hopefully short and very specifically limited, Deposition #18 will be on that non-negotiable list.
Bet that comes up in the ‘Presidential Rebuttal’ today – at least – I am hoping
Also posted on the open thread today:
Bolton’s book is due out March 17. The title is “The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir.” Publisher is Simon & Schuster, one of the big five.
This is Bolton’s third book. The first two are:
Surrender Is Not an Option: Defending America at the United Nations
How Barack Obama is Endangering our National Sovereignty: How Global Warming Hysteria Leads to Bad Science, Pandering Politicians and Misguided Policies That (Encounter Broadsides)
Just completed my daily call and sent daily email to my socialist D-rat seantors cathy masto and wacky jacky rosen.

Gave them an earful of stop the impeachment BS, shredit, no…..
masto and rosen operate in the spitten image of that vile POS harry reid. Spit!
Fully realize they don’t care what this American believes. Call and email daily.
Read somewhere earlier today, Chuck Toad, Meet the Worst of the Press, yesterday read a D-Rat lawmaker quote whining…
– It went something like, “No one is calling. No one is emailing. No one cares about impeachment.
Greg is in fire today… Daughn posted one of his Threads earlier, this one out just minutes ago… I highly recommend you read his Twitter threads at his account for lots of tidbits… esp. that Brennan IS the one responsible for push to impeach POTUS… reason, Durham has everything on him, resulting in a dthPlty mil trl and removing POTUS is ONLY way clear for him to avoid.
Click on 2nd or 3rd tweet below at timestamp for new THREAD…
Do keep Josh Hawley in your thoughts and prayers… have been impressed with him from the get-go
An interesting read on Ukrainium Funds were released as scheduled and how the Deep State tried to manipulate the truth and a referral to John Durham to investigate.
Well hello there, Plateau for Trump, thank you!
Great link!
Hère we go- opening prayer.
LMAO…just heard an really interesting “what if” and don’t know if it’s even possible…but here goes…
what if POTUS declassifies (if it’s needed to be) and releases Bolton’s manuscript…???
No can do. It does not belong to the US govt. Therefore, DJT has no authority over it.
Here we go. Very confident!
” Constitutional Issues ” – Constitutional – Historical – and Legal Issues – Sekulow
Oh Starr is subtle and wonderful.. The Age of Impeachment!
Starr very elegantly and eloquently calling this whole thing a HOAX!
This feels like a college graduation speech…..
I think it goes far deeper. Starr is making a very important point about the current proceedings, and he is doing it very persuasively.
I agree…
Oh absolutely – I was just enjoying the tone he was setting up it was nice to listen to
Me too!
This is what I’m worried about. Is the language something that the people on the fruited plain can grasp, or is it full of legalese and minute details that put the average TV watcher searching for the remote.
I just don’t know how many people are going to take the time to really listen to what is being said and digest it, even on video. Because the MSM is not going to tell them.
It was laid out in a way that it was like listening to an inspiring sermon on Sunday with a really good supporting illustrations of how the US constitution/government is set up and a reminder of history. It didn’t feel didactic or heavy- just important.
My two cents.
This is education for the American people – and maybe – some idiots in the House, too!
Starr is saying indirectly but very powerfully: the current proceedings are politically motivated, and highly destructive to our Constitutional Republic.
Oh Starr is wonderful, calling on the Senate to guide the nation back to sanity and stability. Very subtle and moving appeal.
Kenneth Starr is knocking it out of the park – an extremely skillful lawyer.
He is logical and objective, and uses logic and objectivity to be highly persuasive.
Thanks for updates. Can’t watch live for a few hours.
Starr is argument is intended for fair minded and rational people, a small audience, but one or two of the Demokkkrat senators may listen. I do not consider Mittens to be fair or rational because he is controlled and petty.
There is no NATIONAL CONSENSUS!!! Ken Starr
An amazing coincidence, we’re sure…
The Communist Twins, born in the USSR……………………..
notice Bolton is NOT commenting either way…trying to boost sales?????
I am biased… I have NEVER liked Bolton… he is one of the handful of people responsible for us attacking Iraq after 9/11… he is and has always been a Neacon…
Like McStain, Bolton answer to everything IS WAR.
Scum sucker he is.
That said, I believe the book leak is a trap set on D-Rats and MCM.
And, or part of the trap.
??? – please explain, Kal – Thanks!
Couple posts up… Bolton is a one trick pony…MIC, WAR.
That said, I believe the book leak is a trap on D-Rats, MCM and shared a NSC leaker.
Oh, I see – now, I understand your comment – Thanks!!!
It’s over on another thread, and IIRC, the first page of this one, at the bottom. The only outlet that had any preview information (not necessarily hard-copy) was the NYT, (“Wake-Up Maggie” Habermann), via the NSC (with one of the Vindictiveman brothers-in-slime as the “approver” of the, erm, leak).
Canary trap.
Same as the other reporter who got sent up for leaking…
Ooooooooh, Cuppa – not nice!!!
The Vindmans
Yes’m………………. Brennan’s puppets… some of them anyway.
Trying to imagine how the Demokkkrats will slime this brilliant and moving argument?
Easy! Ken Starr bad!
LOL … depressing, but true.
Chris sounded a bit nasty!
Well, Chris is still carrying water for the Cabal, indirectly… perhaps for Brennan directly. No wonder Mike Wallace never had a relationship with his son.
You think Mike Wallace wasn’t in the same boat?????? He was just as pink as Walter Cronkite.
No, I don’t think Mike Wallace or Cronkite were pink. That’s my two cents of course.
I saw that in real time and thought the same thing….testy for sure!
Chris is very rude to his co workers does he treat co workers who are men this rude also?
Every once in awhile, a man who is treated rudely is having a bad day and responds by punching the rude person in the nose. Blood gushing out of one’s nose has an amazing calming effect on bad attitudes.
” A Runaway House * – Constitution’s demand of fundamental fairness – Ken Starr
” An exit ramp provided by the Constitution ” – Ken Starr
Starr is doing an excellent job of historically and legally supporting the House’s mis-use of subpoenas and improper procedures from the House.
” These two articles come before this High Court dripping with fundamental violations ” – Ken Starr
* Liberty Under Law * – Ken Starr
Very Biblical concept – a great theme for a sermon series.
His presentation was excellent – filled with historical facts – and constitutional awareness!!!
Exactly, PR! Thanks for the clarification!!!
Respect for Starr!
Impressed am i – YES!!!
For someone who participated in the Clinton impeachment Starr looks pretty darn good…he aged much better than Slick Willy and Broom Hillary who are basically the same age…I guess evil ages a person.
It does.
Sekulow recapping Saturday.
6 facts laid out briefly and succinctly.
Look at the Dems celebrating with Congratulatory Pens!!!
Solemn and Prayerful, eh??
LOL – I cannot believe he said that!!!
What a clever and compelling point to make in the light of Starr’s words. The defense team is NOT using crude rhetoric.
This defense team is so well prepared. They have thought this out meticulously.
Absotutalutely, Tonawanda!
Purpura up now. He was good on Sat.
Pupura addressing ‘Burden Sharing’ and ‘Corruption’ –
Unseen has an impeachment twitter thread going. He’s given nicknames to POTUS’ warriors. Purpura is nicknamed, “Puma.”
Oh, neat – Thanks, lady!!!
I love Unseen’s nicknames. He’s got the dry Purpura as a cougar cat!
Judge Kenny (Ken Starr) and Professor Jay (jay Sekulow) – I think he’s nailed them well.
* Giggling * here
Lady P, I just read his thread before coming here. It was a great read !!
I check in on Unseen several times a day – especially when I need a moment of sanity. He’s a hoot.
Yes I love Unseen- he is a riot!!! His ‘Undertaker’ comments are gold….
He’s someone I’ve followed for a long time – great perspective with just the right sass.
Sass = verbal season salt.
Take that – you impatient Dims!!!
Ken, they used to go to the courts… when Obama appointed judges ruled by FIAT…
Since Mitch has confirmed so many of President Trump’s appointments, most of the courts are AGAIN ruling by the Law, by the CONSTITUTION… (imagine that)
Smackalackadowndown from PR!!!
Sure hope so – not sure which side of the fence this Post Turtle will fall – I am
the side of ‘survival’ and ‘legacy’
He better – if he is smart!
Please give McConnell credit.
Were he a RINO, derp state, or ne’er-do-well, he would not have held up (an against) during the Øbozo administration: with the DEMONicRATS in power, he could have let all of their nominated crooks and deals through.
Just because he isn’t a ball of fire doesn’t mean he lacks the spark of goodness and integrity. Remember, it was the Turtle that won the race…..
No, he didn’t, Cuppa – am proud of him for pushing those judicial votes through – I am
I’ve read in more than one place that The Turtle has a mean streak under that southern gentleman veneer. Never let a soft voice fool you into thinking that the person himself or herself is soft.
I’m with you. McConnell isn’t going to let them mess with the DUTY of the Senate. House had their chance, now the Senate WILL follow the Constitution.
Excellent insight!
Think how great our country would be if academia, media, bureaucracy, foreign service, legislatures, law enforcement etc etc had more grownups like the ones on VSG’s defense team.
POTUS has turned this Ship of State around… we’ll get there again… Tona…
Watching this team inspires even MORE respect for VSG, and I did not think that was possible.
I know Tona… same here.
I co-sign this sentiment Tonawanda!
awesome isnt it!
Good Going, VP Pence!!! Echoing two recurrent themes – same consistent themes every time!!!
Pupura is making mincemeat of the Dim Lies!!!
The timeline is good…
Calling out movement of goal posts by House Managers… Hammer meet Nail!
YES!!! These guys are brilliant!!! I am glad I skipped the House portion – I am getting it all here – LOL
Remember when momma used to cut up your food into kid bite-size pieces? That’s what is happening in the Senate. Considering a lot of senators are merely adult sized children (they know who they are) it is appropriate for Trump’s Thumpers to do the same.
Unfortunately, I agree – but, aren’t most of them lawyers?
Lawyers who don’t use their law degrees to practice law. Useless sheepskins. I think I’m a better lawyers than most of the attorneys I know simply because I read the entire opinions of cases we cite for authorities, not just the headnotes (summary). Plus, having a law degree does not make one a real lawyer. Maybe 25% of attorneys are real lawyers. Just ask Big T.
Flimsy – I agree – non-practicing lawyers.
Cougar cat, the Puma, is very stealthlike.
The Dem House people don’t have brains enough to fill these guys’ shoes.
No, not in the slightest!!! PT knows how to pick the best for the toughest jobs – He is a Macro Manager!!!
Why didn’t the House tell you of Dr. Hill’s testimony concerning a presidential meeting?
What the House Managers did not tell you – the Ukrainian officials changed the Inauguration Date from 05/16 to 05/20 – everyone was scrambling to make arrangements – Sec Perry led a delegation – the House Manager said the President instructed VP Pence NOT to go – that is not true!!!
BTW – the LARGEST delegation from any country!!!
I believe Romney (and likely protecting his son) is dirty and in deep trouble. Biden gets outed, so do the rest. That’s why Romney is desperate, – it isn’t just hatred toward Trump. Romney is scared…
He could get run out of office before his term is up.
Exactly Lady P.
From your keyboard to God’s eye, I pray.
Ukraine is in a better position to fight Russia than it was before President Trump took office!!!
Purpura does a great job.
I missed this statement from Ken Starr…………………
Lisa Mei got it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Conclusion of Pupura – Why the First Article of Impeachment FAILED!!!
This kind of presentation is helpful – and this is much closer to the way non-political junkies are going to consume what happens today in the Senate.
Very true, but it was wonderful that the defense team is not treating us like we are stupid idiots.
Chris Wallace tries to make a point that witnesses were called during Clinton impeachment.
Pavlich counters and says “not really”, all of them were interviewed/deposed whole matter investigated before the House sent to Senate.
(Pavlich mistakenly says the HOUSE did the investigating when it was really Ken Starr’s counsel”)
Chris turns on her and says NO, “get your facts straight”, they did call witnesses and makes point about House investigating versus Ken Starr.
Katie come back and says THE BIGGER POINT I WAS MAKING was that all of it was done before going to Senate and no new witnesses were added
No new information created.
What House is now asking for is the same thing as reopening the investigation and having the investigation done in the Senate – NOOOOOOOOOO it’s supposed to be done in the House.
SHE was right.
Wallace tried to split hairs between “House” and “Counsel’s investigation”
What she was saying is that ALL material/witnesses thoroughly investigated b/4 Senate. Not here.
What they’re asking for now is tantamount to reopening investigation/adding articles.
This is EXACTLY what Mitch said in BOTH his floor speeches before the ‘Tribunal’ began in the Senate.
He said the Senate was not going to do the House’s homework.
He described the process in a dot by dot procedure.
Of course the slime media didn’t cover it………………………
Chrissy, by the week, perhaps by the day is increasingly moar Faux nwws AND combative. Constantly interrupting guests if Chrissy doesn’t get the answer he wants…borderline demands his perspective.
Twit Wallace is such a feeble propagandist. What they have on him must be really slimy.
First break. How many hours are they going today- is it 8? If so- I’m going to catch up on things tomorrow as I will be going ni- ni in the next hour or so, I’ve got an early morning.
thanks for covering!!
I always enjoy everyone’s insights!!
McConnell said they were coming back after a DINNER break!
Ok I guess I won’t hear any more then tonight for me (it’s 21:11 here)
Wait – I reread that – that was a mistake then right? I read your comment with the context of my time (it being 21:18 and would be late dinner time but alright) haha
IIRC McConnell started the proceedings by saying that they would be back after a dinner break at 6 PM EST.
They have 22 hours left – but, I do not think they will take the whole time –
McConnell said – 6 PM for dinner – going right through until then.
5. President Trump hammered on looking into corruption with other countries
6. USAid was withheld from other countries
This is starting to feel like rehearsing Mass parts we’ve been singing for years. It’s the same thing over and over.
This Bolton crap is ridiculous.
And it’s all so indicative of the House’s sloppy case.
In the NYTimes article, we have an ALLEGATION of a book draft, which was sent to a NSC staffer, who told it to the NYTimes……..
Three times removed.
And the NYTimes has no transcript, no convo recording.
We’re playing telephone around a campfire and the Dems think this is good enough to remove a sitting President?
I heard it from a friend…who heard it from a friend, who heard it from another you’ve been messing around….
And what is amazing is how Demokkkrats like Schumer present the Bolton stuff as definitive inculpatory evidence. It is just pretend, pretend, pretend, knowing they will not be questioned by the media, but endorsed and promoted.
Indeed – Bolton’s manuscript and opinion is far beneath validity and weight of evidence in Transcript and testimony of Zelensky and Sondeman and others.
Assert, assert, assert, that’s all they have, not even pretending to make sense or to evaluate on a rational basis.
Not only that – they are and have been actively hiding/covering up facts.
Heck, at this point, if a manuscript was actually sent to the NSC, we have no idea if it was really what Bolton is going to send to the publisher or not.
This smells smells like some sort of trap. I’m not investing any vitriol on it just yet. I’m still not sure that Bolton isn’t the president’s shiny red ball punching bag du jour.
Bill Hemmer is supposed to be a pundit and know what he is talking about.
RE: Nixon claim of Presidential Privilege.
Nixon claimed everything he did, everything he touched, was privilege.
SCOTUS ruled 9-0 that criminal matters were not included.
President Trump is only contending his closest advisors, National Security people, would be the people whom he would pull the Exec Privilege card for. But we haven’t even reached that point.
Twit Wallace is pushing the Fake Narrative that Bolton has set back the defense team. How stupid does he think we are?
Okay, when I grow up, I want to be Jane Raskin.
She is defending Rudy very well
Interesting, talking about Giuliani. She’s presenting him as a shiny object by the Dimms. I wonder if the Rs are going to get Giuliani in to testify after all.
Yes, this is a puzzling approach.
Lindsey has said he wants him in Senate JC to testify
She’s describing the “Giuliani TRAP” !! He was checking out the Ukrainians very early. No wonder Giuliani is talking about the trap being sprung.
The Dimms are really stoopid and they should be shaking in their boots!
Rudy 4, Schifty 0

Ohhhhhhhhhhh Shitake
She is GREAT!!!!!!!!!!
Phibin covering THE LAW!!!
When it comes to Russian collusion, FISC court….. on and on.
It’s Rudy Guliani = 4
Schiff = ZERO
Rudy has been right ever time.
Impeachment Inquiry was unlawful and unconstitutional – Philbin
Unauthorized Subpoenas!
Philbin addressing the invalid subpoenas again.
Bolton’s manuscript & leak is TYPICAL Nasty the Pig’s WRAP-UP SMEAR.
1. Make accusation
2. Have the Fake News lap dogs report it
3. Point to the Fake News report as EVIDENCE.
The Gossip Monger, Eric Cinderella is the exact same method only using the rewritten whistleblower report instead of the Fake News as the middleman.
And, just like clockwork…Romney and Collins take the bait! They are SICK !
How refreshing to have adults take over and explain what a sham all of this is. I just hope that America is paying attention and that the Demonrats are irreparably damaged from this travesty (the media, too).
Philbin – “in the basement bunker” – House Managers selectively leaked to the Press – what they wanted
After the secret hearings – the same witnesses would put on in a public hearing where the President was excluded
Philbin pretty much recapping his talk on Sat.
House Managers claim they offered the President due process – not true
If the President did not comply with what the House Democrats wanted in the way of documents – then he had no rights – obnoxious of them – unconstitutional
Okay Philbin is an appellate lawyer type, fine points of the law.
He is arguing that when the Dems issued a subpoena to various trump admin members, they were illegal subpoenas because the House has not taken a vote yet.
It was only Nancy announcing an inquiry in a press conference.
A vote has ALWAYS been taken —- then right to due process is afforded the President, right to cross examine, right to call the President’s own witnesses in defense.
The Dems didn’t want to call a vote and THEN proceed, because they, in effect, wanted to keep the president locked out of the process.
Wildly unfair
I get better defense for a traffic ticket.
And the selective leaks coming from Schiff – smeared the President without allowing him to defend. If ANY ATTORNEY had done the same thing in a regular trial – like my traffic ticket – it would have been a criminal matter.
After the vote was taken by the House, there were no subpoenas. Along the way, other subpoenas were withdrawn because they were contested by the President, and those matters are working their way through the courts. AND the House is expected to lose.
ESPECIALLY on being subpoenaed when the accused has no right to defend themselves.
Great Summary, Daughn!!! THANKS!!!
ALSO, if the House had taken a vote, the rules of the House allowed for the Republicans to be able to call witnesses.
We never got a Bolton, Whistle Blower, Schiff staff member, ICIG PUBLIC testimony, any of the Bidens, the 7 Ukrainians willing to testify, the investigtor who originally gave Rudy the info, the state dept people going after Yovanovich, etc.
Talking about Schiff tainting the process because of his contact with the WB.
It cannot be allowed to stand.
Anyone who is accused must have a right to defend themselves.
Whatever this body accepts – could set precedence for future impeachments – the Senate should not be forced to do what the House failed to do!
I am most worried about the legal precedent that:
1. The accused has NO RIGHT TO COUNCIL.
2. The accused has NO RIGHT TO CALL WITNESSES.
Most assuredly – a huge concern for ALL of us!!!
For the President to defend his constitutional rights is an impeachable offense – did I get that right?
Yes, according to House Managers, particularly pencilneck…
Just wanted to make sure I heard Philbin right – Thanks, PR!
Yw Duchess
Ken Starr brought that up, too.
Good recall, Truths! Thanks!!!
Yeah, this is stupid.
House contends any time they demand documents, the Exec branch must comply.
Any objection, via court, any ask for the House to justify their subpoenas, is “Obstruction of Congress”
In fact, Schiff contends, if Trump even speculates about objecting to turning over ANY document, that, in itself, is obstruction of Congress.
The Exec branch and the Legislature are equal branches.
If there is an objection to turning over docs, we go to court.
If there was no vote from the House, then subpoenas are illegal.
We CANNOT have a system where info is demanded and the accused is not allowed to defend themselves.
It’s WRONG and not in accordance with our system.
the President DOES NOT WORK FOR CONGRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shall we take a walk down memory lane, and talk about the Obama regime and what it took to get documents from the IRS?
He’s going to re-iterate the legal reasons why the President didn’t comply with the so called subpoenas. Even though we were paying attention on Sat., this are really good points to hammer home today when hopefully more people are watching.
Problem #2 they wanted the info and testimony from President’s closest advisors.
despite at least 50yrs of precedent
All Presidents claim this privilege
Bush Reagan Bush Nixon Clinton Obama all assert the same thing, senior advisors are immune
the only person the President can talk to in a private conversation is his wife.
Philbin presents brilliant arguments against the House’s case and allegations.
All the President’s men are destroying the House’s farcical impeachment articles.
The House has no standing in law.
It’s clear as a bell.
As Purpura stated, the House Democrats’ ‘evidence’ would not hold up in court!!!
Notice how Philbin keeps reaching back——— he’s talking to Chief Justice Roberts.
House Managers suggested Executive Privilege was a distraction – Nadler said it was nonsense!!! Teehee
Well, Nadler et al have governed by FIAT for more than 8 years… they want to go on doing so !!!!!!!!!!!
Philbin said: No…No…No
There is no established law that this immunity has been set aside – still in litigation? Philbin
The trial in DC Court for the McGahn testimony, to try to get Doug to testify, was argued in front of the crazy judge who was an intern to Senator Patrick Leahy. She used to wear a green Mao hat, sometimes communist uniform, to work in the Senate…….. and Obama made her a federal judge.
She also allowed the House to have access to all the 6E grand jury info from the Mueller investigation, millions of docs, to endlessly investigate the President.
A three judge panel stepped in and blocked her ruling.
The case is working it’s way up through the courts.
Do you think it is possible for this issue to go to the Supreme Court?
Who could possible have more of a claim for Exec Privilege, than the President’s own lawyer.
These people are insane – and so was that judge!!!
A House rule CANNOT override a Constitutional privilege.
And yes, when the House goes wild and issues 80 subpoenas for agency members, then those employees need lawyers to protect their interests.
We can arrange for that and did.
It’s not fair for them to have NO legal representation.
Good points on having counsel at one’s side in legal or quasi-legal settings.
“pay a price” …………
hmmmm… sounds like cryin’ chuck’s “C_A can get you six ways from Sunday”
Rubber-Ducky-Chucky can’t even get his sayings right – it’s six ways TO Sunday… Though he probably doesn’t understand the reference, either…
You realize Philbin just quoted Lawrence Tribe in favor of Trump’s position.
Wow, talk about a big middle finger.
Thanks for point that out Daughn…
What is the importance on quoting Lawrence Tribe? I don’t follow?
Professor Tribe is a raging leftist. He is described as a constitutional authority but I never believed it even though he gets away with wearing that title.
To be quoted in support of President Trump will make his hemorrhoids burn.
Oh, wow! That is quite a burn! I love It even more. Thank you for explaining pgroup!
Back to executive privilege and using the Dims’ own words against them.
Rep. Lee Zeldin made good points during the recess.
I can’t find it all…but here is some of it.
Click for thread.
WOW… he used Schumer’s VOICE!
True then – True now – he said
Now talking about accommodation mechanism between the different branches.
The Obama Admin claimed privilege over ALL docs from Fast and Furious
Holder was held in contempt
Obama even claimed privilege extended to Holder.
Can you imagine what the Dems would say fo Trump claimed privilege over Barr?
Years later, 5yrs later, when Fast and Furious was finally litigated, mounds of info were released which Obama clearly had no privilege over.
He just flat denied to let anything go.
Denial by FIAT……………….. his MO
Resistance is Obstruction of Congress – Philbin
There is no power unchecked in the constitution.
From Philbin.
The Judiciary Committee NEVER got the full vote of the House for subpoenas………………
Great point.
When the constitution says the House shall solely have power of impeachment, that means it can’t happen anywhere else.
It does NOT mean the other constitutional rights of the Exec cease to exist like Kryptonite.
Or the laws of physics cease to exist on my stove when making grits.
Constitutional Kryptonite! LOL
“The House becomes Supreme”
Nanzi has said that the Speaker of the House is equivalent in POWER to POTUS
She’s even wrong in context.
BOTH the Speaker of the House AND the Senate Leader are equal to the President.
Honestly – it looks like the Democrats are still drunk on the brazen abuses of power they enjoyed under Øbastard.
Thank goodness for Mark Meadows.
Ahhhhaaa, he just mentioned Obama and Holder where Holder was held in contempt for failure to overturn docs.
And that didn’t lead to impeachment.
The President is remaining within the law, invoking the law
It also means the HOUSE has to follow the law.
House Manager say they do not have to go to the courts because the courts have no role in impeachment
They have no time for the courts – they have to impeach the President before the election – Yikes!!!
They did not have time – but, they come to this Chamber – and say the Senate must do things!
It is not the responsibility of this Chamber to do the work that has not been done! Philbin
Neither is Congress above the law!! So glad to hear that said
Same old Democrats – they only know how to run a few plays.
The house has sole power to conduct impeachment
yet not paramount power, usurping the other branches rights.
And in fact, the House IS respecting the right of the judiciary because they ARE taking the McGahn case to court.
The issued a subpoena to McGhan in April, didn’t file until August, heard in November, went to trial in January, appealed asap.
Why is the House respecting the judiciary in some cases and not others?
Withdrew Bolton subpoena 11 days later to moot the case.
House is supposed to do the investigating, and not have the Senate do the investigating for them. Philbin.
We forget the Clinton impeachment took 4 1/2yrs.
Finally, Philbin counters the stupid Dem narrative of “Only guilty people try to hide things”
Really?, says Philbin
Is that what we’re trying to claim in the USA?
It’s so absurd, ………… maybe someone should tell the bots on Twitter.
not true…sometimes they smash their phones or laptops and sometimes they use bleach bit…
The Democrats don’t have that kind of time, so they’re rushing through making all kinds of errors that the “professional” news people aren’t calling them on.
Sorry, got a bug up my backside on that yesterday at Mass.
Bless Miss Ronna – she always hits the nail square on the head!
One of the greatest issues for your discretion in this case – is how this case will affect the future – Philbin
Wow! Thanks, PR – you the Bestest!!!
Great closing
Obligation to the future
Will this chamber adopt a new method of impeachment, a new precedent to be followed forevermore, that the Senate would become an investigative body, that due process should be thrown out, that no future president will be safe,………. no more checks and balances……… they would all be gone.
He’s right.
Jane Raskin masterfully handled the Dem House whining allegations about Rudy Guiliani!
Raskin: Score is Guiliani 4 – Schiff 0!!!
Philbin quoting from Lyman Trumball or Turnball.
During Andrew Johnson’s Impeachment process.
From the Opinion of Hon. Lyman TRUMBULL
Parent Category: Andrew Johnson Impeachment Trial (1868)
Painful as it is to disagree with so many political associates and friends whose conscientious convictions have let them to a different result, I must, nevertheless, in the discharge of the high responsibility under which I act, be governed by what my reason and judgment tell me is the truth, and the justice and the law of this case. What law does this record show the President to have violated? is it the tenure of office act? I believe in the constitutionality of that act, and stand ready to punish its violators; but neither the removal of that faithful and efficient officer, Edwin M. Stanton, which I deeply regret, nor the ad interim designation of Lorenzo Thomas, were, as has been shown, forbidden by it. Is it the reconstruction acts? Whatever the facts may be, this record does not contain a particle of evidence of their violation. Is it the conspiracy act? No facts are shown to sustain such a charge, and the same may be said of the charge of a violation of the appropriation act of March 2d 1867; and these are all the laws alleged to have been violated. It is, however, charged that Andrew Johnson has violated the Constitution. The fact may be so, but where is the evidence of it to be found in this record? Others may, but I cannot find it. To convict and depose the Chief Magistrate of a great nation, when his guilt was not made palpable by the record, and for insufficient cause, would be fraught with far greater danger to the future of the country than can arise from leaving Mr. Johnson in office for the remaining months of his term, with powers curtailed and limited as they have been by recent legislation.
Once set the example of impeaching a President for what, when the excitement of the hour shall have subsided, will be regarded as insufficient causes, as several of those now alleged against the President were decided to be by the House of Representatives only a few months since, and no future President will be safe who happens to differ with a majority of the House and two thirds of the Senate on any measure deemed by them important, particularly if of a political character. Blinded by partisan zeal, with such an example before them, they will not scruple to remove out of the way any obstacle to the accomplishment of their purposes, and what then becomes of the checks and balances of the constitution, so carefully devised and so vital to its perpetuity? They are all gone. In view of the consequences likely to flow from the day’s proceedings, should they result in conviction on what my judgment tells me are insufficient charges and proofs, I tremble for the future of my country. I cannot be an instrument to produce such a result; and at the hazard of the ties even of friendship and affection and affection, till calmer times shall do justice to my motives, no alternative is left me but the inflexible discharge of duty.
TY for posting the whole speech. Skimmed a bit, and will look at it later. It looks like an excellent speech.
Most welcome, jam!!!
Asbestos in a ceiling tile.
Can’t touch this!!!!!!
Pump it!!!
Hahaha Daughn- I thought of MC Hammer too!!!! Great minds think alike!!
Pam Bondi is going after Burisma
here we go!!!!!!!!!!
Biden or Burisma mentioned over 400 times
but said there was nothing there.
It’s fiction.

Burisma Corruption!!
We have to talk about it.
Because the President raised a concern
THEY have to prove there is no basis for raising such a concern.
Here comes Blondie! Our Glamorous Former FL Attorney General.
I once watched her stop traffic in downtown Tallahassee!
It was the dead of winter and she was wearing a black overcoat with a black fur collar…. her beautifully styled blonde hair contrasted with the coat and showed off her big blue eyes…and she was stunning!
You Listening Sleepy???
The kids event, csponsored with Burisma
She’s killing them
She should be mentioning the timing.
Devon Archer came to visit Biden and three days later Hunter was appointed.
PULL JOHN KERRY into the corruption
Yessssssssssssssssssss there it is. Two days later!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go get em PAM!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s like I wrote thi myself!
Wow, the US govt wouldn’t co-sponsor a children’s event with Burisma as they were so corrupt!
The US Chamber of Commerce, who will take money from ANYONE, would not accept the application of Burisma.
It’s in the timeline.
Heh! Bondi is doing such a good job presenting the facts on Hunter Biden and Burisma, the Republican counsel will not need to call him as a witness!!!
Chris Hines wrote an e-mail to the State Department – telling them about his two buddies – Uh, oh!!!
Oh, Bondi is going for the jugular!!!
$83,333 per month for Hunter and Devon each!!! 17 months
How many Q Booms – (4)? Two to go…
Pam is Fabulouness!!!
and i like her outfit!
pick one…or ALL 3
Pam is doing a great job.
Honestly I had low hopes based on what I have read about Pam. Thankfully she is doing a great job.
Absolutely slaying Where’s Hunter, too slow Joe, D-Rats and MCM mantra, “there’s nothing there”, it’s been litigated….
Very relieved AND happy Pam is delivering!!!
If we’re going to have a female 007, let it be her!
Pam Bondi…
She’s leaving the DEMONicRATS (and “the kids”) Shaken AND Stirred…
Mykola Zlochevsky
case was shut
On the Ukraine wanted list for fraudddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
while paying Hunter Biden.
lots of “Z” people in Ukraine…how did Parnas keep them straight? /s
Maybe so – but, those who need to hear this are there listening – whether they want to listen or not!!!
NBC is, the other 2 are not. MF’rs
She ain’t missin’ a beat, is she ?!!!

1: Politics · Trending
Pam Bondi
17.1K Tweets
Good one, Miss Butterfly!!!
She’s trying to match the marble.
She wore burgundy before.
And the other board member was tied to Romney’s campaign!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The NJ Rally is gonna be …. (I don’t have words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I have the rally thread scheduled!
Just announced new case of Corona in….wait for it….New Jersey. Now what are the odds of that??
I’m going to lose my mind
She’s going after it all!
PDJT can quote it all continuously during the 2020 campaign!
Wow… Just wow
If she plays video with Biden saying “gonna be fired” ……………………
Oh yes, she did!!! Bravo! I think Pam is enjoying this immensely.
She did!
Pam, I could hug ya darlin’
Yep, they walked into again….WELL SON OF A BITCH!!

It’s not a smear if it’s the truth!
And Bondi’s name was never mentioned in the past weeks as the one to LIGHT UP THE SENATE
Ha! I knew the Biden video was coming…they should have put it on loop and let it play a few times.
Biggs has many tweets about today’s presentations – Check it out!!!
Tweets by RepAndyBiggsAZ
Who is speaking, Please – Thanks
Eric Herschmann
Oh, I did not recognize him as part of the Team! Thanks, Daughn!
He’s a fast talker.
Eric Herschmann, PT’s Attorney
Joe Biden, Ukraine must remove all appearances of corruption.
That’s (3) BOOMS, Daughn!
Circa 2015
Corporate Governance and legal compliance
Anticipated A. Schitt response:
1. “Everything the Trump gang said is self-serving lies!”
2. “Orange Man Bad! Orange Man Bad!” . . . ad infinitum
I stayed up way past my bedtime but this was so riveting!
Moving on the Kerry’s step son… heheheheh!
THIS is putting Pelosi and Romney on notice that their sons’ entanglements in Ukrainian Oil can be brought into this too.
Could that be the 4th BOOM?

They played the video again!!!
They need to get into Joe’s last trip to u’kraine January 2017, set Mykola free, and Burisma joined board of the Atlantic Council.
Exposing Biden’s hypocrisy big time.

Hi there Butterfly!!!! Nothing moar …..satisfying…than PAM BONDIS….SCORCHED EARTH!!!

Schiff’s “parody” of the phone comes up again!!
POTUS doesn’t need to be constrained by talking points….PDJT has no trouble speaking on any issue……
I’m loving me some Eric Herschmann
“As if any President is required t stick to the talking points” when talking to a world leader.
Eric Herschmann
“Schiff’s fictional mob boss interpretation of the Presidents call was devoid from reality”
“Schiff’s fictional mob boss interpretation…”
At the behest of Mafiosi Piglosi d’Alesandro Gambino….
(cue Godfather theme music)…..
This is the stuff I worry about. Americans stuck in an MSM echo chamber won’t know to go looking for Bondi’s presentation, and they will refuse to watch the networks that will present it.
Too bad. It’s in the Impeachment Record. Forever!
Hey no worries Deplorable Patriot- our PDJT has got this. The White House twitter feed has her points steadily on blast right now…..
NBC IS airing. Sperry not accurate. He’s been kinda weird the last few months.
Thank you.
This is supposed to be part of the Great Awakening and the people are just going to keep hitting the snooze bar unless this information is thrust in front of them.
Still, a good chunk of the population is at work, picking up kids from school, cooking dinner…
Do people still watch tv? A number of local news websites have links to the videos.
Or do most people stream this stuff now a days
I know a lot who watch TV and who are astonished I don’t.
True. People are shocked I don’t watch tv or have cable. Why should I?
If I want a show I’ll rent it or stream something
Oh, we have cable. I just don’t usually watch it.
If you don’t have cable or at least a dish, you can’t watch English Premier League. Other members of my family are into that.
I was at my one day a week job as a volunteer at out local Historical Society with my IPAD on Twitter’s C-Span feed and ear buds walking all over the building just listening even as i frequented the restroom. Piss on the networks!
Pathetic they are….
Fox 10 Phoenix is carrying the whole thing!
I’m watching cspan ATM…listened to Faux on Sirius all day
I listened on my computer while cooking. I do not have TV but get all news that I need hear from Rush and sometimes Hannity and Levin. It is all free on the Internet.
This is the best place to be
Why is @FoxNews forcing its viewers to find another network to watch @realDonaldTrump’s defense?
Romney is a CRIMINAL. He’s in on the Ukraine money laundering. Ryan is helping his massuh.
The drumbeat from Congress to the Obama Admin for them to provide lethal aid to Ukraine came from a Kerry staffer accepting Ukraine money from Zlochevsky and then passing it out to Senators/Congressmen
It’s alllllllll in the timeline.
But then OBAMA doesn’t do it. He doesn’t provide the aid. THAT is the D PARTY CON. They STRING PEOPLE ALONG and take their money but don’t come through. And THAT is their defense from accusations of bribery – they never come through OVER THE TABLE. No crime.
It’s just like Obama’s old law firm, did to the Keystone Pipeline companies.
Big T will get the scam! Check this out.
Trump hit Sidley Austin’s SCAM. Note also that Sidley Austin profited on the Obamacare website disaster as well, but I forgot the details.
Now something else…..
You see, on Keystone, there was no way to DOUBLE PROFIT. But on Ukraine aid, there actually was, and if we can FIND THE SECOND CRIME, these jokers ALL go to prison.
What am I saying?
Look at Libya. We were running weapons all over the place. Syria – same thing. Why not Ukraine?
WHY NOT UKRAINE, TOO? See how that works? On paper, over and over, Obama DOESN’T give them any lethal aid. Ukraine keeps begging with bucks – nothing happens in public. But UNDER THE HOOD, we dribble out secret military aid, just like to ISIS – enough to keep them coming back with more BRIBES TO DEMS.
Investigations done openly and candidly
Be careful what you wish for – Herschmann
House Mangers continue to circle the wagons to protect Biden – Herschmann
Biden is the key. Was the CIA sending illegal weapons to Ukraine under the table while Obama was saying no military aid publicly? If there was money involved, I’ll bet there was.
The Ukies weren’t paying these jokers all this money for nothing. They had to be getting something.
If it was all about money laundering – why would they care if the Ukraine had the weapons they needed to defend themselves?
Ukraine might have been paying for weapons – but – I believe they got nothing!
There’s a LOT of room between the amount of stuff the Ukrainians WANTED and NOTHING, and that room is FILLED WITH MONEY!!!

Gotta get a LITTLE of that money, Duchess! Come on! Nobody’s watching! Biden and Charlie the Tuna Ciaramella – just drop in and SIGN THE DEAL, and nobody will know!
“Here’s a few more shoulder-launched rockets, you guys in Ukraine have to keep it secret, you’re in on the secret, hush-hush, don’t worry that you’re guilty now – we’ll never tell a soul – here’s our little NDA – just do what we want from now on. And HERE’S HUNTER!!!”
And then the REAL pay-off for OZERO – the pro-Kremlin Ukies send the missiles to RUSSIA and CHINA for reverse engineering and THEIR CUT.
Oh, I know how they play these games.
Democrats and a SCORE – just don’t get in between ’em!
Exactly how Trump RILED THEM UP.
Oh, dear – what a mess! Remember Zero promising he would have more leverage after the election – these people are evil – they would do and/or say anything to get that money – Yikes!!!
And after they were outed today – Biden, Hunter, and Zero – everybody knows!!!
Bottom line, whether true or not, if the President BELIEVED there was a reason to look into Ukraine corruption in 2016 OR the Bidens, then the President had the right to call for an investigation
In fact, would have been negligent if he did not.
If we did not know about corruption in 2016 = it would happen again
If we did not know about the Biden corruption – and Biden was elected = then Biden would be compromised as president of the USA.
That’s the exact scenario they want
Toooooooooo intimidated to raise the issue with Joe Biden
his staff couldn’t talk to him about it/
No, that’s not the President we want
and that’s exactly the kind of investigation we want.
House Managers want one system for justice for Democrats – and another for everyone else – Herschmann
Zero and Mevedev….hot mike moment…played the tape!!!!
Someone is going to have to pull Hannity off the ceiling…he plays that clip all the time and now the president’s legal team just played it for the official record.
Well, in one way, the Democrats brought this on themselves by insisting on this Schiff show to begin with.
Not sympathetic today in the least.
this is incredible
Oh, my – the Hot Mic with Obama and Medevev – will transmit this into to Vlad – asked for space until after the election – wherein he would have more flexibility – exercising official power – missile defense can be solved – solved in a way that would be favorable to the Russian – for his own corrupt personal benefit!!!
Hey what do you think Nancy’s doing right now? Lol
She’s in Israel
I would LOVE to know what the hell she is doing.
She was just at the Grammys.
Hopefully, CHA – what if they bring up her son and Ukraine?
OMG, he’s brought in O-0.
BOOM # 4!!! Hey, Daughn!!!
Look at this.
They should lose their press credentials.
CUT the cable! CUT them off!!! No $$$ for leftist propaganda media!!!
NBC aired most of day, just checked again, they finally stopped.
Not very fair to POTUS, is it???
Oh my. Hitting obummer…
Yeah, it’s that bad.
It’s incestuous.
Oh, hey, no conflicts of interest there. (Does this REALLY need a /s?)
Dumb question, but how is that not corrupt? Unless the judge makes a decision to recuse is this just par around the country?
It is corrupt. No way possible the judge should have heard the case. Total conflict.
OMG, will this crap ever be cleaned out without a hot war?
Here’s Romney!!! Zero said Al Qaeda was not the most serious threat – not Russia –
Zero refused to provide lethal aid to Ukraine to defend itself from Russia!!!
My new theory is that these Obama Dems sent SECRET ILLEGAL MILITARY AID – just like DRUGS – and made money on it.
Their version of Iran Contra.
Strung the Ukies along in public – sayin’ “talk to the hand” – while the other hand is held out for CASH ON DELIVERY. CIA and those horse-turd treason-bots in the NSC would have been in on the scam, providing the weapons – probably State Department funds – THAT is their interest in keeping it all mum. THAT is how the Dems got a CUT.
[EDIT: weird – I think that “horse-turd” was supposed to be “House-tied” but then did some kind of laughing brain morph!]
Oh, ok – I see what you are saying – however – if they had any weapons – why couldn’t they defend themselves? What kind of weapons were these – slingshots?
But the Ukies DID defend themselves, almost certainly – although they would obviously have loved MOAR weapons.
If some of my sources were correct shortly after Crimea (there was a lot of argument about this), Vlad had further very specific territorial ambitions in Ukraine, that would have allowed him to provide more protection for ethnic Russians in Ukraine and elsewhere (COUGH). It turned out that Putin did NOT “go for it”, where some argued early that he was DEFINITELY planning those moves. I have reasons to trust those sources as knowledgeable and accurate on a lot of things, so I think SOMETHING made Putin blink. It may have been “off the record” weapons that Russian intelligence knew about.
I remember that ‘blink’ – wondered why – so that makes sense – I thought they were at a disadvantage – when – in reality – they were not – Hmmm…
Just a theory. I could just as easily state that our neocons were just plain wrong about Putin. I’m not 100% sold either way.
But I do think that the theory the Dems were slipping the Ukies some stuff under the table is very likely, because we’ve already shown that there was a lot of money coming back to Dems through Ukraine and it had to be for something solid and worth the cash. These Ukies are very experienced corruptos. They’re not gonna get flim-flammed like the Keystone backers were.
True – there was a lot going on – and it is possible they were getting ‘something’ for their trouble and/or payoffs –
As far as Putin is concerned – he did ‘pause’ I believe – perhaps – after Crimea – he did not want to cross Ukraine – and there are a lot of Russians in the Ukraine, too – there had to be a reason he stepped back – I am not certain – either – just think there was some reason for the ‘pause’ – it was hard to get any info from Ukraine – had a contact – and he suddenly disappeared – I feared for his life – and his wife was not well – dunno what happened to them – but the last I heard from him – there was a great deal of unrest and turmoil.
I like Eric herschmann
Now he’s talking about the “urgency”, but then the House went on vacation….
Good points on the URGENCY of impeachment before sitting on the articles….had to wait til after their vacations which couldn’t be cancelled despite the URGENCY
Don’t forget Wuhan Virus Theater!!!
Dems had to make sure everybody was ready for the curtain to go up!
Yeah it will ramp up now…..heard earlier there was another new case… New Jersey…..
Yeah, blaming the President for their own decision to withdraw subpoenas (CUZ THEY KNOW THEY WOULD LOSE)
But in their mind, THAT is impeachable.
The logic is fatally flawed.
Are we coming back for another session after dinner?
Supposed to.
45-minute break for dinner – just announced, GA/FL
So we have our evening’s entertainment courtesy of the President’s counsellors!
Yes, we do – it has been entertaining all afternoon – unbelievable!!!
just so you know, given the blackout of this Bondi clip, it’s all over The_Donald and Imgur…..
Herschmann throwing Nadler’s words back at him – I love it!!!
He was right then – and – it is equally true today!!!
The House Managers do not trust the American people to choose their President – Herschmann
The PENS again LOL…Nanzi stepped in a big pile with that little trick
Not time to get digs in about being impeached 4EVA cause we’ve got the majority and we can do it. Going into the things that MAYBE Americans like about the direction the country is going. He was good!!
45 min dinner break
Abuse of power = Nancy hiring Lawfare, untold millions, to hoist this farce on the American public.
Did you know she has her own attorneys to fight the USA DOJ for all attacks on Obamacare?
How is that legal?
Whaaaaat? Are we paying for that too? Nevermind, I’m sure we are
How is it legal for taxpayer dollars to be paid to lawyers, to fight our own DOJ?
That shoots my blood pressure up
It’s been said Nancy has so many lawyers working for the House, and such broad authority, it’s like a mini-DOJ.
That’s crazy.
She needs to be brought down a notch or two. She’s entirely “too big for her britches”
Lawyers are politicians and vice versa. They are swamp…. businessmen, doctors, etc are not, generally. It seems they just do things for themselves first, the country 2nd, and just enough to plead reelection.
Pork Normandy for dinner at our house!!!!!!!!!!!!
You guys are welcome!
Pork Normandy – pork medallions with apples or pears…. YUM!
Ohhh, it’s good.
Made the mortgage payment on that one.
AND found an 11lb pork loin, gorgeous, for $1.49/lb.
Mine calls for fine medallions, added sherry and apple cider.
Here’s one with medallions –
and one with mushrooms – and I’d definitely want a splash of sherry to set off the mushrooms.
I even add carmelized onions.
Serve with smashed potatoes or fettuchini.
Doing it tonight with wild rice.
Dang – just as I was thinking about an evening at the Bon Ton. Bread pudding for desert??
Don’t. Don’t do it. I want a Muffalata so badly.
found a recipe for King Cake – going to make my own this year. Only done it once before and it was good. Let’s hope I can repeat.
Go online to Haydel’s bakery ( in Harahan and just order one. The Muff I can help with, but we have to meet at Central Grocery, get a big Muff, split it, couple of Barques, then go “somewhere’ and get a bit silly! Just sayin’ …
I make my muffalettas from scratch, even the bread.
Pork Normandy sound good. Tonight I made Pork Schnitzel.:)
OK Senators – grab a baloney sandwich and some tater chips and come right back!
…and there’s plenty of baloney in Washington DC.
This would round it out and make my day!
That would be funny, Butterfly!!! LOL
OMG, Hannity would not be able to talk about anything else for a week

Marsha Blackburn channeling….
I have more due process for a traffic ticket.
Popping gum, chewing ice and incitement to jaywalk.
That’s all they’ve got? LOL
Omg…over on Cspan the media jackals interviewing Republicans are completely ignoring everything that was presented today and shouting the same old same old Demonrat talking points. Sickening!
The best part was when Barraso said Warren, Sanders, and Klobuchar were all leaning forward attentively listening to the Burisma/Biden info. Ammo against Biden. IOWA Caucuses folks!
Alrighty qtreepers : I’m officially going ‘ni-ni’
good luck with the night session! Catch you tomorrow, God willing.

We will keep the lights burning – and the commentary flowing – so you can come back and get up to speed, swiss – not worries there –
sleep well MA_kswiss… see you tomorrow !
Sweet dreams…………
We’ll be here!
Everywhere is wall to wall Bolton right now. Desperation in/on the air
That is desperation to the max, Vol – he’s got nothing!!!
What’s funny, it’s not even HIM, it’s THEM pushing the narrative. I kind of think it’s another
That’s a possibility – wonder what’s in that book – nah – don’t care –
If there was anything really damaging, they would have the abridged version in print and live on TEE VEE for the whole world to see
True – it is a nothing burger for sure!
Nadler is getting rolled over the coals today – played his own words back to him – LOL
Trump Team’s Eric Hershmann KILLED it.
OBAMA is now center-stage with EVIDENCE of ABUSE of POWER.
OBAMA is moving to the TOP of the Trump Team’s Witness List.
As for Witnesses, NO, it’s NOT “1-for-1 or 2-for-2”.
… It’s Trump gets SEVENTEEN Witnesses FIRST to even the SCORE.
… Then we can play Tit-for-Tat!
I like the way you play!!
Hey, BkR, I was confused by the time spent on Obama.
What’s the motive here?
There’s something I’m not seeing.
Agree on witnesses, if it goes to that, we get who we want and they get no one.
Whole thing about witnesses thought, it forever changes the process of impeachment.
Why have an investigation in the House if the Senate is merely going to redo it?
What if new witness lead to new charges? (not saying they will but we have to think about precedent we are establishing), then the Senate usurps the authority of the House.
If witnesses are added, the impeachment charade will neuter the President forevermore.
That’s the Demo☭rat objective:
• Neuter the Presidency
• Destroy Checks and Balances
• Nullify Citizen Votes with Illegals
^^^ Endless wars replaced by Endless Impeachment.
– Senate accomplishes NOTHING as they muddle through witnesses.
– Judge confirmations on hold.
By the way, have we heard from RBG lately?
Has Bolton said anything today?
– I know his agent or spokesperson said, “The manuscript ONLY went to NSC. Period.”
Yeah, I’ve been following the Presidents Tweets today. I don’t have that one. Well actually I have that one from 5 hrs ago and nothing after that. Funny though I remember quite a few that are missing right now.
I’m pretty sure they did the same with Melania’s tweets the other day.
Wonder if Jacks only messing with my feed.
No – he is messing with both of their accounts – some things show up hours later!
duchess, someone posted a link ^^^ to DOJ’s hiring for the purposes of looking into the silicon valley tyrants.
Could it be, unbeknownst to us, “they” have been messing with the President’s messaging before now, and that this is what got DOJ, via the President, off the dime?
I know I have lots of company in wondering how examining “them” was going to proceed, for proceed it must.
Twitter, in jacking POTUS tweets, HAS to be crossing an un-crossable line.
Agree – they are trying to stop him from sharing the truth with us – and this is what they are doing – makes me cranky, piper – we get first hand news from PT!!!
duchess…He knows this is so…so do the creeps.
I am confidant that he will tame this beast. one way or another.
So tired of this monkey-business, piper! I wish they could ‘fine’ them for every misstep – so much for each offense – know what I mean?
Looking forward to having Bolton testify that so MANY other witnesses perjured themselves.
… including the Ukrainian Leaders.
If and when he does, the DEFAMATION and SLANDER Lawsuit fur will begin to FLY.
Wait ,… just wait … hold on a sec … is this my guy (BlackKnightRides) from OT, that has found us??
OMG … where ya been? Great to see ya here … you just might recognize some familiar faces … just sayin’ …
This is the last in a thread of 22…some good info in there. I don’t know how to do that unroll thingy……
Sometimes the thread reader isn’t available yet. I usually do a search, when the thread is open, for “thread reader.” I didn’t see it for this one. Good thread!
Schiff on Fox 10 Phoenix (sound off – won’t bother to listen to his prevarications) looking desperate and red-eyed.
They are giving him a lot of time. Waste of time.
Double update on the brain cancer part on Marica’s Prayer site….just to let you know in case my posts will no longer make sense. But that’s not really unusual for me. LOL
Prayers up for you, Jane.

Hugs and love.
Thank you Wheatietoo.
If this was a Whodunnit, Trey Gowdy would be playing the part of Captain Obvious.
Really going out on a limb there, Trey.
Bold move.
After all, there’s at least a 0.000000000000000001% chance you could be wrong…
Here we go…
My Letter to Senator Alexander:
They keep showing your picture with Romney, Collins, and Murkowski on the TV. Bad Company that I would be embarrassed to be associated with. Especially after listening to Honorable Ken Starr on the Constitutional duty within the Chamber that you represent my interest and my grandchildren. I fear that if you go along with witnesses and set a new precedent it will cause a greater divide in this partisan political environment. I would not rule out anarchy, revolutions, martial law and civil war. Please retire to Tennessee with peace not war.
Waving again at Plateau for Trump.
I think we have a new person joining us.
Hey, everyone let’s wish a hearty welcome to Plateau for Trump!
(If you’ve been here all along and I missed it, my apologies). I’m loving the avatar.
Hellooooooo Plateau !!! Welcome to the wild and wooly Wolf Den

Another Tennessean?!! Yaaaaay! Welcome Plateau!!
Hola! Welcome.
I guess I lucked out in this fiasco. My senators are Josh Hawley and Roy Blunt. Blunt is a swamp creature, but he’s in the McConnell block with Barrasso and others who travel as a pack.
Robert Ray speaking now – on the proper nature of impeachment.
Wray is good.
Presidential authority! Which is what the Dems are really after.
“Legislative Tyranny” ……………… (No Crime)
Oohh THAT had to hurt !!
….. Many of those very same House Mgr. voted against providing the aid previously. Guess National Security only matters when it opposes POTUS policies. “Hypocrite” is such an insufficient word.
Robert Ray/Wray just blew it up. BOOM!
This is the last tweet I’m getting from the Presidents twitter, 6hrs old now. The one after that is 7hrs old, then older. Refresh doesn’t help. Before Pam came on there were a few with Patrick Philben talking to the Senate, they are gone. Others as well. They are desperate.
Twitter seems to have censored or stopped both the @realDonaldTrump and @POTUS accounts – but they do not dare censor the @whitehouse
This account is up and running:
Tweets by WhiteHouse
POTUS is streaming the event. It’s his pinned tweet.
Surely President would notice his tweets aren’t posting?? Or can twitter fu** with that too?? You are right; nothing has posted.
I think he’s on pause while they’re in session. Wait til it’s over, he’ll fire up.
darn, cause I would love a running commentary from him…
Get ready, it’s over now.
Deplorable Patriot @ January 27, 2020 at 17:35 Says:
“This is the stuff I worry about. Americans stuck in an MSM echo chamber won’t know to go looking for Bondi’s presentation……”
It is worse than that, I was watching the Golden State live stream. And going back and forth while cooking a turkey, carving it up for the freezer and making bone stock.
No problems going through the first three presidentations and then BOOM the skip COMPLETELY OVER BONDI’s PRESENTATION!!! SNARL…
Hope this helps, Gail – there will be individual videos later – I believe
Most welcome – Biggs is great at tweeting parts of the presentations –
I agree that the public isn’t going to see what they need to see, and the media is going to cover up the good stuff. But the bottom line for impeachment is whether the Senate votes to convict or not. It’s all about the senators right now. I don’t think they have the votes, of course, but that is really all that matters — acquitting Pres. Trump. The rest of the news we will have to get out like we do everything else — on blogs, on social media, through memes, in talking with people, etc. Plus, the Great Awakening is happening and more will be revealed in ways the media can’t cover up, in time.
Hey, Gail, now are you down to 2 turkeys? I can imagine how heavenly your house smelled today!

Use social media, and post testimony. Email it to your kids, grandkids, friends and neighbors. Spread it around as much as you can. It’s all we can do.
Ray points out the multiple and various charges the Democrats have tried, one after another, from bribery to obstruction of Congress, to employ in order to impeach President Trump.
Has anyone brought up the focus groups that determined which “crimes” would play best with the Democrat base?
likely did!
Ray has pretty much proved the House’s Impeachment and its articles are invalid, illegal and constitute partisan political treachery!!!
Ray: “The President’s only instruction to me – Do what is right.”
And here comes one of the few HONEST DEMOCRATS to DEFEND our POTUS!!
Dershowitz is up.
So brilliant – yet voted for Hillrotten!
And he’s been horribly treated by the Left. Ostracized, death threats, etc,. Wonder who he’ll vote for in 2020?? I personally think he’s been red pilled. It ain’t your Momma’s Democrat party anymore. Now they Cray-Cray!!

….voted for Hillrotten and defended OJ Simpson. He’s brilliant, but flawed.
Aren’t we all Georgia… ? Flawed, that is…
Oh man! And easily deceived. “The heart is wicked…” says the Bible. It takes constant surrender and repentance.
It’s hard to see honest and Democrat used together
He is in a class by himself
Masterful presentation by Derschowitz. He makes it look so easy….. all these examples and quotes selected from over the entire history of our country woven into solid legal arguments.
Derschowitz is multiplying Robert Ray’s argument (that the Democrat’s impeachment charges were insufficient for impeachment) to the highest power!
I hope the 4 horsemen are paying attention
Painful listening to Dershowitz. Hoping the lawyers in the Senate are entranced.
Dershowitz aside, the President’s Team has been, superb.
Looking forward to a grand summation tomorrow.
Boy Dershowitz is clear as mud.
Slow guy here is hearing…opinions with caveats, “outs”… Seanate needs guidance…not dithering.
BUT, BUT, BUT, he just slayed MadMax BS line that impeachment is whatever D-rats say impeachment is.
Dershowitz could complicate a 2 car funeral. His speaking style is loaded with prepositional phrases and extended sentences. Makes content clarity more difficult.
This is getting painful.
I am married to a professor and have learnend to tune out when needed. They love to talk and go into detail into every corner of the topic.
I find Dershowitz fascinating because it is a new topic for me. I feel I am in a lecture hall.
Dersch took ol’ Maxine to task because she said about Impeachment, ‘It’s whatever Congress says it is – There is no law.’
Derschowitz – “No one is above the law – not the President and not Congress.”
^^^ Most important lines by Dershowitz. IMO. Easily understood. Obvious. Factual.
Derschowitz and Ray both affirmed the Founders did not want the US President to serve at the pleasure of the legislature like the British Parliament system in which the President can be removed by the legislature’s ‘vote of no confidence.’
An extremely important point.
We know the Dems don’t care one bit about the Constitution, the Founders’ intent, or the law. They cater to low-info voters who only care about social justice and orange man bad and turning America into a socialist state. But I’m glad these erudite men and women have been given the opportunity to speak; it benefits us all, and we can use their words in our arguments.
Amen, T2!
I miss T3!!
So do I Butterfly !
Dersch moves on to the idea of ‘incapacity’ – was rejected by the Founders – as a means to remove the President – because it was not CRIMINAL.
The Founders wanted the criminal acts – treason, bribery, or high crimes – to be the only reasons to remove the President.
Blackstone was the Founders’ source of defining a high crime or misdemeanor – actual violation of law.
Dersch presentation has picked up> Seemingly moar lively. AND is clearer within the past fifteen minutes or so. Relevance clearer.
Clearly buttressing the case for President Trump acquittal.
I hope he got better. I turned it off. The other members of the team were really good. Sharp and to the point. Dershowitz is pretty clunky.
Dersch is doing well. Easy for this slug to follow and it is relevant to President Trump’s defense.
He found his mojo, so to speak.
Reading comments from some Trump Supporters’ twitter accounts…
He is being well rec’d…
I had to put dinner in and on the stove, so….
Dersch is animated and lively… Worth listening to.
Well worth weathering his first twenty minutes or so. Has turned into a great presentation. Me thinks.
Dersch is now naming all the Presidents who could be impeached under Democrats current standards…pretty much all of them.
He’s hammering, now, talking about their inappropriate accusations of quid pro quo (basically that it’s how business has always been done) and how maladministration is not grounds for impeachment.
Abuse of Power is a political weapon – Derschowitz
And Nanzi engaged in it… BIG TIME
Most definitely, PR!!!
Quid Pro Quo is not sufficient to constitute a high crime – it’s a traditional part of bargaining in foreign policy.
However – the conduct of the Biden family – enriching themselves because of their political power – IS certainly prosecutable.
If the Biden family is so liable, then I have a laundry list of politicians that need to be prosecuted including a few old family friends. They bought up land decades ago that they knew would eventually be bought by the federal government for an infrastructure project. They cashed in.
Follow the money!
The Bidens conduct is actually BRIBERY – an impeachable offense!!!!!
Bribery and very likely extortion – typical Demo-crap MO!
Just like Mick Mulvaney told them
AND, it should be!
Quid pro quo has always been used in dealing with enemies, adversaries AND “allies”. ONLY an idiot would not engage in Quid Pro Quo in dealing with other countries. IMO.
I want my POTUS to use Quid Pro Quo ON BEHALF of me and my country, not for himself like Joe would do
Hunter Biden just agreed to pay his baby mama child support.
He’s hoping his Daddy will get elected so the money will flow and flow and flow his way.
Where did he find the $$ ….thought he was broke??
It’s magic! I guess after he was photographed getting out of his $150,000 car, he opted for discretion.
Quick….check the campaign coffers!!
Better to pay than get audited!
Does this mean he doesn’t have to appear in court now?
Sounds like. She broke him.
That is what he had to avoid. Wonders who’s paying for the freight.
Harmeet on Ingraham saying this is a temporary move, it’s for retroactive cs back to 2018, current support and attorney fees.
Trying to stop from media reporting his income, still says no paycheck since May. He has a permanent agreement yet to reach. Stay tuned….
The feed I was watching just showed a FOX POLL
YES — 50%
NO — 44%
These people are stupid….he has ALREADY been impeached as Nanzi is so fond of reminding us. They need to go back to the basement
The Senate is not going to convict. I doubt the veracity of the poll. And FOX is going down the wrong path.
“…FOX is going down the wrong path.”
^^^ Intentionally AND with malice. Sort of like their MCM. Oops, redundant….faux news AND MCM. One in the same in nearly all ways.
Faux routinely puts up polls that are bogus in the sampling audience (Ds, Rs, Is…) and the question wording.
Faux is hugely disappointing to listen in on these days.
Unless it’s changed ( and I doubt it), the FOX polls are by a lesbian couple who are ardent anti-Trumpers…biased much? But, hey, a little thing like that wouldn’t make the FOX boys change.
That’s Paul Ryan’s poll. Happens every Sunday too.

Dersch believes in Climate Change? Good grief!
He’s making them look like fools for not knowing the law and the Constitutional basis for congressional powers. Obstruction of Congress and abuse of power are “standardless.” Bam! It’s impossible to know if a certain action would be deemed abusive or obstructive in the future. Pow!
“I’m sorry, House managers, you picked the wrong criteria.” Ouch! It’s so far from what the Founders had in mind; it would place Congress above the law. Kaboom!
Bigly K A B O O M !!!
(dunno how to increase font, bold….)
you can use this…
Thank you. Odds are ^^^ BOOM will appear in the near future
I turned it back on. We would have been better without Dershowitz. Unfortunately he was the speaker during prime time. He reminds me of some of my professors that made me sleepy during class.
Cippolone is awesome. Love this guy.
I guess we just see things differently. I thought Dershowitz was extremely effective and an asset to our side. He held my attention with no effort on my part.
Could be that your point of view is the prevailing one. I am just one voice.
Me too. Has to be a crime to Impeach. Dems got none.
If I signed up for this course in college – I would have elected to ‘drop’ after the first class –
Unlike President Trump’s other representatives – he is all over the place – not as organized – or succinct – imho
He’s older… and he’s a lifelong Democrat, going against his party, because they have gone against the Constitution. He’s a Constitutional Lawyer… and he is using what his experience has taught him is the best approach to the audience he is speaking to……………… 47 Democrat Senators
I understand, PR – he was just not as organized and succinct as the others – he was quoting all of his old constitutional buddies – sometimes it fit – other times – not so much –
I have had older, more experienced and knowledgeable profs – who were treasures – ask them anything – but, I found it hard to follow Dersch – he kept skipping back and forth – I could not tell what point he was trying to make – as NYGuy said – he started out slow – speeded up in the middle – and then slowed down again – his last remarks were most important – skip the middle stuff – and go to the conclusion.
I forgot he was predominantly speaking to Dim Senators because most of the Reps already knew this whole thing was bogus.
His criticism of Trump did not help, either – that was not necessary to make his point.
Good strong ending by Dersh
I was clapping!!!!!!
Gosh, it would have been wonderful to have him as a professor.
And he mentioned Laurence Tribe TWICE!
Man, with friends like Dershowitz, who needs enemies?
He’s supposed to be DEFENDING the President.
Instread, he’s saying the president is awful on all sorts of things (Dersh disagrees with him on LOTS of things), and he’s guilty of ALL KINDS of SINS (what sins?!?).
He’s is dragging the president’s character through the mud, but saying that even though Trump is SO AWFUL, his horrible policies and horrific SIN do not constitute a violation of LAW.
Thanks a lot, Al.
He has to appeal to both sides…even if it makes US cringe. Of course the spinners will see it differently, and the narrative will be Trump team against him….BUT it may draw in more just to see what he had to say.
They all think POTUS is awful and guilty of all kinds of horrible things, but Dersh was pointing out that even if these things were true (they are not), it does not constitute removal from office. I thought he did well with his ending
DJT is an innocent man, unjusty accused by traitors who are engaged in a COUP against the United States.
He deserves a lot better than saying he’s a horrible person guilty of all kinds of things, you just didn’t catch him this time.
This is the first thing I’ve watched on this farce, and it was shameful.
“He has to appeal to both sides…even if it makes US cringe.”
The president’s lawyers should ALL be appealing to the TRUTH, not to any particular ‘side’.
The TRUTH will not only set DJT free, but the TRUTH will also implicate all of the COUP participants.
Appeal to the TRUTH, before the entire nation, and the scum political-class won’t have any choice but to exonerate the president or risk being eviscerated by We the People.
Because the first order of this business is to keep him in the White House, and almost half of those senators are Dems who just MIGHT pay attention to someone like Dersh.
We KNOW already
“Because the first order of this business is to keep him in the White House, and almost half of those senators are Dems who just MIGHT pay attention to someone like Dersh.”
The Dems are going to vote to impeach, they are all PART of this fraud and ongoing COUP attempt.
There are no ‘men of honor’ in the Senate, on EITHER side.
This isn’t a patty-cake club, it’s a MURDER pit.
If the roles were reversed (as always!), the Dems would be charging in with RIGHTEOUS indignation, and not only defending the character of their leader, but EXPOSING the corrupt scum who unjustly accused their leader and perpetrated this fraud on the American People.
You know it, I know it, EVERYBODY knows it.
The president would do that too, because he FIGHTS.
But OUR side?
We’re chicken freakin’ little, afraid of our own shadow.
We make timid look bold by comparison.
This farce of a trial was our opportunity to DESTROY the enemy within.
Instead, we’re playing it like Mike Tyson vs. Pee-Wee Herman, and we’re going to run from Pee-Wee for 12 rounds and hope to win on points.
It’s pathetic.
The home team isn’t finished yet. Closing matters and is what most of them will retain
“and almost half of those senators are Dems who just MIGHT pay attention to someone like Dersh.”
I know you don’t believe any of theses criminals can be ‘persuaded’ by speech-making.
I know you can’t POSSIBLY believe that.
There is no one ‘in doubt’ or on the fence about what’s going on here.
This is a death-match, and you don’t win a death-match with begging and hoping your enemy might rethink his position to kill you.
Every time our side is involved in a ‘conflict’ of some kind, the most apparent and obvious thing is that OUR SIDE DOESN’T KNOW HOW TO WIN.
Our side doesn’t even understand the CONCEPTS involved.
Like trying to kick field goals in a BASEBALL game.
Manchin has been known to cross over. Alexander, Murkowski, and Collins need to be persuaded to NOT support witnesses to keep this going, and Dersh MIGHT make the difference with them.
The real criminals, and the ones with terminal TDS like Romney and Chuckles will definitely not be persuaded, and they don’t have the votes to remove….BUT a vote to go forward with muh witnesses, muh documents could change this country and the role of the POTUS in an ugly way.
That small handful of votes can make the difference on THAT issue, and maybe, just maybe, those few gleaned something from Dersh.
Go back and watch some of the other presentations, especially Pam Bondi…she all but went scorched earth. Ignore Dersh if you don’t agree with him. I never cared for him as a pundit, but he, as a Demoncrat, stood up today FOR POTUS and maybe a few ears were tuned in.
At the end of the day, he’s working FOR POTUS even if we don’t like his style of doing it. I want everyone on our side we can get, however we get them here.
President Trump has done NOTHING wrong.
To the contrary, the list of his achievements on behalf of our country is UNMATCHABLE.
And of what ‘SIN’ does he stand accused — even though it’s COMPLETELY irrelevant?
Clinton diddled an intern (adultery) and lied under oath, there are two sins right there.
Of what “sin” does Trump stand accused?!?
Trump should be getting EXONERATED and VINDICATED by his lawyers, they should not just be proving his innocence, but turning the tables and using this opportunity to prosecute the prosecutors!
But Dershowitz goes with claiming that the president is awful, a wicked sinner with dangerously wrong policies, but not so awful that he broke any law.
Thanks for nothing, Al.
I resented that. Derschowitz has three strikes against him – OJ Simpson, Hillrotten Clinton and Climate Change.
I forget exactly what the “sin” was (something like having wrong motivations?), but Dershowitz’s focus was not that Pres. Trump is a sinner; it was on the difference between a sin and an impeachable offense.
His audience is Dems who think Pres. Trump can do nothing right. He was showing them that, even if they think he’s done something wrong or that they don’t agree with — even if it’s a “sin” — that is not an impeachable offense. I thought it was a compelling argument and a bigger indictment of their partisanship and failure to apply Constitutional principles than just saying supportive things of Pres. Trump.
“but Dershowitz’s focus was not that Pres. Trump is a sinner; it was on the difference between a sin and an impeachable offense. ”
But he’s not even ACCUSED of any SIN!!!
Dershowitz just introduced that to slime the character of our president, for the fun of it, apparently!
Nobody even accused him of “sin”, but now he’s a vile sinner, whose sins — great, horrific and imaginary as they may be — are just not quite enough to justify overthrowing the Republic.
It would be like O.J. Simpon’s legal team saying “sure our client was a rapist and a pedophile, but he was no murderer!”
Except TRUMP is actually INNOCENT!
“His audience is Dems who think Pres. Trump can do nothing right. He was showing them that, even if they think he’s done something wrong or that they don’t agree with — even if it’s a “sin” — that is not an impeachable offense.”
We can’t possibly be so naive as to think that ANYONE, on either side of the Senate, is going to be persuaded by speech-making.
Please, people.
This isn’t high school.
These people destroy lives for FUN.
There is not a single filthy criminal in that chamber who is going to be persuaded by artful rhetoric or tugging on heart-strings — that’s not what ANY of this is about.
Fortunately — REALLY fortunately — it doesn’t MATTER if every criminal Democrat votes to impeach, because they don’t have enough votes.
The only people who matter are the criminal RINOs, like Romney, Murkowski, Collins and Alexander.
They all sold their souls a long time ago, so the only thing in doubt is who can exert more pressure on those four corrupt civil ‘servants’.
The speeches in the Senate chamber are only so much carnival barking.
But it WAS an opportunity to blow the lid off the whole Cabal while the WORLD was watching.
I guess we’re waiting for a BETTER opportunity to do that…
I have Jewish friends to whom his defense would be very effective. They reluctantly, but DID vote for Trump, and have been luke-warm supporters ready to abandon ship with the slightest provocation. One is a highly successful (real estate) lawyer so Alan’s presentation would resonate with him….because they can go with “he’s a wheeler dealer but unjustly being attacked” argument with a clear conscience.
Does this make sense? Maybe you have to know and understand the type of personalities….”it’s a complicated business, folks!”
Except your friends are not the ones who will be casting a vote for or against impeachment.
Hardened criminal psychopaths in our Senate will be casting that vote.
And none of these hardened, career criminal psychopaths are ‘on the fence’, about anything.
Not one of them is going to be persuaded by any rhetorical sleight of hand that plays to their own emotional biases (which psychopaths don’t have to begin with).
These are career criminals, and they all know the score.
That’s what makes his argument so effective. Dems can identify with what he’s saying — “orange man bad” — but they can’t impeach, based on that. The few areas of his disagreement with Pres. Trump that I heard were sandwiched between sound reasoning that shatters the Dems’ case. I thought he was great.
“That’s what makes his argument so effective. Dems can identify with what he’s saying — “orange man bad” — but they can’t impeach, based on that.”
It’s patronizing, even a 5-year old could see through it.
It’s treating the audience as if we’re all sub-grade morons.
How can it be effective if everyone besides Window-licking Wally can see right through it?
Is there not ONE MAN OF COURAGE who will simply STAND for the TRUTH in this *&^%ing country?!?
There were several of them today, some women too…but as you stated, all you saw was Dersh.
We just have different perspectives. I consider Dershowitz a man of courage. He is bucking the entire Dem establishment in doing what he’s doing. Today, he stated the truth that what the Dems’ actions are wrong and that their charges are not impeachable offenses. He was arguing against impeachment to a bunch of people who are rabidly in favor of it, no matter what.
I have to ask, how many liberals do you know? Because most of them act like they ARE five-years-old, and ARE sub-grade morons.
THEY are Dershowitz’s intended target, not you and me.
Bondi, Pam Bondi, Agent 007. She was for US.
“I have to ask, how many liberals do you know? Because most of them act like they ARE five-years-old, and ARE sub-grade morons.”
The liberals who you and I know are not relevant to the proceedings.
The only people who are relevant to the proceedings are the 100 Senators who will be voting to impeach or not to impeach.
Of those 100 Senators, 53 are Republicans, 45 are Communist Democrats, and 2 are just liars who like to be called “Independent” though both caucus with the Communists and one (Sanders) is openly Communist, but prefers to be called Socialist.
So it’s 53 vs. 47 going by numbers on each side, but we can’t count on 53 on our side, because there are LOTS of Republican traitors who would vote to impeach in a SECOND if they are sure the vote to impeach will be successful.
The COUP participants (Democrats AND Republicans) need 67 votes to remove the president.
So the game that is being played is behind the scenes, head-counting, horse-traitoring, vote-swapping, extortion, blackmail, threats of all kinds.
It is hopeless to think any of these criminals will change their vote based on intellectual or emotional appeal of a speech-maker. They would LOVE for us to believe that about them, but it’s ridiculous.
The only way a single Democrat votes NOT to impeach is if they know impeachment won’t succeed so they vote against it for their own political cover. If they believe they can take Trump out, there is not a single Democrat who wouldn’t do it.
Not even if Snow White, Bambi and Cinderella and Old Yeller gave the prettiest and heart-string tugging speech the world has ever heard.
“So the game that is being played is behind the scenes, head-counting, horse-traitoring, vote-swapping, extortion, blackmail, threats of all kinds.”
Exactly my point!
None of the testimony in the Senate this week is for the Senators! Everything happening with them is behind the scenes. We know this.
The testimony is for the American people. THIS is part of the Great Awakening. You and I, and the others here know SO much more than almost every other American. Dershowitz was for the low-info LIBERAL voters. ‘
I know you’re mad about the slam against the President by Dershowitz, but I have beloved family members who are persuadable (maybe) by this type of rhetoric. I pray so hard Dersh reaches them! They are so set on “Orange Man Bad,” they can’t even see the economy, the trade deals, the jobs. If the Dersh method works, great. I’m sure President Trump knew what he was going to say. If he can take it, I can too.
It was extraordinarily effective. He wasn’t speaking to us, he was speaking to the Dems.
Can’t impeach, just because you lost, you’re pissed, and jealous of the guy who won.
“It was extraordinarily effective. He wasn’t speaking to us, he was speaking to the Dems.”
You don’t seriously believe anyone can successfully appeal to the Democrats’ sense of conscience, or honor, or innate desire to do what is right.
You can’t possibly.
Nobody can believe that.
If that was remotely possible, it would never have gone this far in the first place.
For crying out loud, have people forgotten this is an attempted COUP?!?
I absolutely believe that.
You believe that anyone can successfully appeal to the Democrats’ — in the Senate — sense of conscience, or honor, or innate desire to do what is right?
I give up then.
Senators are nothing if not self-interested.
It’s in their best interest to NOT impeach Trump in this case because of the legal argument and how it annihilates precedent.
1. There would be no reason for a complete investigation in the house – if they only pass to the Senate.
2. If the president does not get due process, who can?
3. Cross the Rubicon where all it takes is an accusation for guilt and removal.
4. What happens if the Senate DOES agree to investigate more and finds new articles of impeachment. Is that unconstitutional? Would they have to be sent back to the House to be voted upon?
5. We all know privilege is precedent in law with SCOTUS. If they vote for witnesses, we’re looking at a protracted legal fight, Senate will be tied up for MONTHS if not YEARS, no regular business, because of this farce hoisted upon the Senate by the House.
6. The irresistible urge to slap the House, deemed as lesser than, for not doing their job and leaving them with a mess.
Yeah, he was talking to the Dems.
“It’s in their best interest to NOT impeach Trump in this case because of the legal argument and how it annihilates precedent.”
The people behind the entire COUP (Strzock, Page, McCabe, Ohr, Comey, Lynch, Kerry, Brennan, Clapper, Jarrett, Rice, Power, Clinton, Biden, Hussein and lots of others) also includes:
Diane Fienstein, Nancy Pelosi, Shifty Schiff, Schumer, Warner (all the traitors on the Senate Select Intelligence Committee) along with multiple Republicans (Romney for sure).
Many if not ALL of these criminals and traitors are up to their EYEBALLS in crimes so heinous that the death penalty would be lenient.
Pedophilia, sex-trafficking, drug-trafficking, murder, theft of BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars… not to mention the attempted OVERTHROW of the president of the United States… and that’s just the tip of the iceberg of domestic offenses.
On the international front we have treason, selling of office, pay-for-play, fraudulent charities and ‘foundations’ used exclusively for personal gain and selling influence and money laundering, overthrowing foreign governments (e.g., Libya), creating ISIS (and all the atrocities and mass-murders facilitated by them), corrupting foreign governments (e.g., Ukraine the Ukraine), etc.
And again, that’s just off the top of my head, not even scratching the surface of the monsters we’re talking about.
And none of the above includes the masterminds higher up the food chain, who really pull all the puppet strings.
Given ALL of that… considering that these monsters are fighting not just to retain their positions of power and influence by avoiding exposure, and the best way to accomplish that is by destroying Trump — but that these people, if exposed, will not just be ruined but prosecuted and given the death penalty…
What possible persuasive SPEECH could anyone give, that would make these monsters pause and say to themselves: “Hey, you know what… Dersh is right… even though successfully impeaching the president solves all my problems and saves my life, and retains all my wealth and power and influence and keeps all my horrific crimes a secret… even so, now that I think about it, it would be bad for the Republic, so… Imma gonna fall on my own sword and so is everyone else!
When we remember what is at stake for these psychopaths, we remember what their TRUE self-interest really is.
And there is nothing MORE truly in their self-interest than literal survival.
And the only way they survive is to eliminate Trump.
Which is the whole reason we’re at this point, the whole reason they have risked everything (including the Republic itself!) in this insane impeachment attempt, which is just ONE aspect of the ongoing attempted COUP.
In the history of the world, how many COUP plotters have had a change of heart at the last moment, and decided to sacrifice themselves and their own survival (not to mention their families’ survival) for the good of their country?
If we liken the Senate to a jury, this is NOT a legitimate or unbiased group of citizens.
This Senate Jury consists largely of jurors who are IN ON THE COUP!
And the reason they are IN on it is precisely because of SELF-INTEREST, i.e., to depose Trump by whatever means possible.
Has their self-interest in seeing Trump eliminated changed, since Day 1?
Will a single one of them be persuaded by a speech?
Against everything they have worked for up to this point, and resign themselves to their own personal destruction as a result?
Impeachment would not to justice to the individual – nor to the Constitution – Derschowitz – best thing he said
I love this guy – Pat Cipollone!!! He is going to make (3) Points –
Great day for Trump’s team. Minor critique..I would have gotten the most compelling speaker scheduled during prime time. Dershowitz didn’t grab me like the other speakers did.
Cipollone is very impressive!!!
Until tomorrow – 1pm!!!
Dunno about all y’al – but – I am exhausted – it was difficult to listen to only one presenter – Dershowitz – however – for the most part – the others were wonderful!!!l
The most important point Dershowitz made was his take down of what Bolton would bring to the table as witness. He is irrelevant.
Looks like that will be the takeaway. That’s not a bad takeaway.
I found his comments about Bolton to be redundant. It had already been established very convincingly that due to non compliance of the House with their own procedures, there was no authority to issue subpoenas. That would include Bolton, despite attempts to divert Constitutional procedures with additional conversation or evidence. His opinion would be inadmissible.
The other issue highlighted and was also appreciated in the precedent it could establish. Many of these issues of Constitutional interpretation rely to a large degree on experience gained from previous procedures. It was shown that because it was unprecedented to attempt to impeach a President and to have him removed from the upcoming election ballot on the basis of partisan feelings, to give it any further oxygen would be to set a ridiculous precedent whereby similar impeachments could be initiated anytime a party had a House majority and had their feelings hurt.
Ain’t she purdy??
That is excellent! This is how we get the word out about what happened today.
One of the most powerful and most revealing moments in today’s proceedings ….. There is Law!!!
5. Founders rejected British Parliamentary government – did NOT want the US President to serve at the pleasure of the legislature, to be removed by a vote of ‘no confidence.’
Unseen has done a great thread with good humor on the proceedings today. This is the thread reader.
The thread reader on his tweet stream for the hearings isn’t complete, so you might want to see the tweets in his timeline. He’s a riot. Nicknames for all our defense folks. Purpura is “Puma” – a Cougar. Someone named Eric has now become Rocky Balboa. Read it for pure joy.
UPDATE for Q Treeps.
We are growing a little bit, based on the activity of the Boss, President Trump, and the success of our other boss, Wolfie, our host.
Tomorrow, along with Daily thread, there will be several posts.
First and foremost is the FLEP Good News thread. (don’t miss out on the good news while we are distracted with Shampeachment or other things).
Other stuff if you get a chance:
A. The Tuesday Shampeachment Thread (starts at 1:00PM Eastern Time)
B. The Trump women are killing it for shampeachment, which includes the videos of Jane Raskin and Pam Bondi. Isolated video, easy to share from Golden State Times.
C. The background on Middle East Peace Plan, photos and videos from today + transcript, and the links for tomorrow’s big announcement. ((Announcement at NOON, Eastern time, White House)
No sense in working tomorrow, won’t get anything done.
We’ve NEVER had 6 threads going at one time before – everyone is absolved from making a mistake and posting in the wrong place. No worries.
Thank you to all who post and help. You guys are the best!
Thank you Daughn
Thank you Miss Daughn!! Will be in and out again tomorrow but will be listening as much as possible
Exciting stuff!!!
We’re approaching apex Trump.
Don’t know if this was posted here today…
But the entire day from K_ovfefe!!