We’ve never seen anything like this before. 24 hours before the rally!!!!!!!!
Have you ever been to Cape May/Wildwoods, NJ area? OMGosh, it’s beautiful!!!! Join us as we continue to explore the country via the President’s MAGA Rallies. This week, we visit one of the most scenic spots in all of America, Wildwood, NJ, which is in Cape May County, just a little south of Atlantic City, at the very end of the Garden State Parkway. It just happens to be home to Congressman Jefferson Van Drew, a Democrat who switched his vote and became a Republican during Shampeachment.
- We will update and add links as they become available.
- RSBN Link = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daKX0jht40M
- FOX10 Phoenix = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJg9wBPyKMNA5sRDnvzmkdg
- Golden State Times = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWXPkK02j6MHW-4xCJzgMuw
Let’s get oriented a little better on a map. If we look, as the crow flies, Wildwoods is directly east of Washington, DC. The President could take Marine One. This is “old turf” for Citizen Trump from his days of casinos in Atlantic City. He knows the area well AND he well knows how tax policy of Trenton failed Atlantic City.

Yeah, QTreepers could definitely live here, if it weren’t for the high taxes and a crazy governor in Trenton. We should plan to stay a while and explore. Cape May/Wildwoods is where the MIDDLE CLASS went for vacation. The rich from NYC went to the Hamptons. Yes, Wildwoods and Cape May area is perfectly indicative of President Trump and the Deplorables.

The President’s speech will be at the Wildwoods Convention Center. Surely, the local hotel owners are grateful for the business during the down winter months. To give you an idea how much Wildwoods depends on tourism, listen to this one. The State of NJ has a guideline, one liquor license for every 3K residents. Well, there’s only about 5200 living in Wildwood……. and there are 60 liquor licenses in an area about the size of one square mile. In the summertime, Wildwoods populations swells to about 250,000 vacationers.

It’s gonna be YUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The reaction for this rally is spiking already.
Supporters lining up: From local ABC outlet.
Yeah, over 100K requests for tickets, over a week before the event. Amazing.
The history of Wildwoods area and Cape May is uniquely American. The area began to develop as soon as the Garden State Parkway was finished in 1955. The 200+ hotels have a 50s-60s vibe which is only a few decades later than South Beach in Miami. In fact, Wildwoods looks like a time warp into old Vegas. Classic Kitsch.

Wildwoods was HOPPING and the place to be in the mid-late 50s. In fact, Bill Haley and the Comet first performed Rock Around the Clock, at Wildwoods. From Wikipedia —- “Rock Around the Clock“, often credited as the first rock and roll record, was first performed on Memorial Day weekend in 1954 at the HofBrau Hotel in Wildwood by Bill Haley & His Comets. The song’s status as one of the first rock and roll hits has given rise to the city’s claim as “the birthplace of rock and roll”.[26][27]
Wildwoods even has a Doo Woop museum with fabulous neon and signage from the period + and Acme Grocery stores. Again, from Wiki: A 1950s Doo Wop museum includes property from demolished motels such as neon signs and furniture.[33] Neo-Doo Wop buildings in the area feature a neon lit Wawa and a 1950s styled Acme Supermarket.[34]
Note, there is a town of Wildwood, which is only about one square mile. Wildwoods is a collection of about 4 communities and runs straight into Cape May. The two are only separated by a channel to an inner harbor.
See you at the RALLY!!!!!!!!!!!
I think the reason Trump is having this rally SO FAR SOUTH in NJ. . .
Is that he can maximize the signal (data) he get from NJ specifically.
This must be a VERY CRITICAL DATA POINT for Brad Parscale.
Sounds like he is going to be a VERY HAPPY MAN in 48 hours.
I love Parscale. Notice how DJT has some of the most brilliant, decent people on his teams? Guess that happens when dealing with people who have principles, virtues, and genuine goodness in them.
It’s also why the Democrats are filled and surrounded by the baser elements of society – without a moral compas, they fit right in with the bad and ugly.
Michael…I think the reason it’s in Wildwood when Convention Hall a few miles up the road in Atlantic City can easily hold 20,000) is it’s somewhat of a payback (cannot say QPQ!!) to Van Drew who changed political parties. That’s his territory and he needs to be re-elected.
On the other hand, look at the incredible number of ticket requests for this sleepy little summer resort town! AND, the crowds that were camping out for 2 days (!) To me that, in itself, is a very interesting component in this campaign.
Q drops from today explains it.
George Washington Used “Durham” Boats to Cross the Delaware During the American Revolution
28 Jan 2020 – 2:46:22 PM
Anons found the subtle hint dropped in the beginning.
Think Durham start.
Think ‘Q’ start.
You have more than you know.
Durham Boats Used to Cross the Delaware River in New Jersey – Same State as Tonight’s Rally
28 Jan 2020 – 3:20:07 PM
Do you believe in coincidences?
Where is the rally held tonight?
Enjoy the show!
Gonna be wild in the Wildwoods!! Split screens are gonna be a must as the schampeachment will likely be winding down as the rally ramps up!
Nods to Daughn. It’s going to be epic.
OMG that is too cute! Oh deer
The name is Deer.
John Deer
(and he gets John Deer letters all the time
(not one to FAWN about all the tourists…).
LOL that’s a good one!
Nara, Japan….deer in the city park
It may be beautiful in April, but we ain’t outta January yet.
I’m counting the hours until we’re out of January. At least it’s 5 pm here and not dark yet.
Their Doo-Wop Museum — https://www.doowopusa.org/ — has certain similarities to SoCal’s Googie — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Googie_architecture
Another place to visit is the Neon Museum, Las Vegas — https://www.neonmuseum.org/ .
Have you ever seen Ship’s restaurant, on La Cienega? (they had a couple of other sites, as well)… Crazy but interesting, great food, and toasters at every table that launched toast almost a foot upward when done… gone, but not forgotten… and their incredible Steak-A-Bob…. sigh…
Right here is a classic example of why people are sleeping outside for 2 nights…in New Jersey…in January. Respect….it can’t be bought, it can’t be faked. We are so lucky to have this man to lead this country
So amazing. We are blessed!
DURING 9/11 recovery – President Trump sent his restaurant people down to the site to feed the first responders for months!!! He has always contributed to the first responder support for injured, widows relief funds. NY cops and firemen LOVE Donald Trump!!!!!
I had no idea. Notice he’s not one to brag about this. He just does it.
Alot of people seem to have forgotten that fact about POTUS GA/FL
A lot of people don’t know or have never heard of this! Keep the info flowing
Amen Kea, we are the news.
More awesome sauce from Daughn
The map was very helpful to orient us.
It’s so nice that we don’t have sucky primaries this cycle, and POTUS can have these rallies from now till election day. I am interested to see the various locations that Brad & crew choose for the rallies.
At some point, I expect them to go directly into venues that are demographically more Hispanic and Black. This wouldn’t have been possible in last campaign, partly because Antifa was so well-funded, and Obama gave cops stand down orders everywhere. But Trump has support now in both communities, and I think he wants to engage those voters. What do you think?
Yes, to everything you said.
I believe there will plenty of minorities who will be ready to stand by and make sure no trouble comes to DJT rally folks.
This isn’t 2016 anymore!!!
(Obama has lost his hold…)
In this regard I believe Diamond & Silk should be given some credit. They were early riders on ‘The Trump Train’ and their support is still as strong as ever!
Absolutely!! It’s not just the women in the WH but those who helped him get there. Even Joy Villa had an impact with her first Trump dress at the Oscars. Very gutsy!
Alison, I think maybe W VA is a great place for a Rally.
Agreed. What the cabal did to the valley where my dad grew up is BEYOND a crime against humanity. EVERY chemical company exploited the place and its people. And those mountains are BEAUTIFUL where the land is undisturbed.
My dads people were from Duck West Virginia and Parkersburg
And let Stewart’s cater it…
C&O (and O-I) blood running through my veins!
New York Central, I understand for my dad.
In STL, Wabash for my mom.
C&O was an uncle on my mom’s side.
An old caving buddy was from Parkersburg. I have done a LOT of caving in W.Va. Just about every weekend for a couple of years when I lived in NY and about once a month when I lived in Boston.
Tons of caves in Parkersburg I lost an uncle in a mine when I was just a lil fella mining and jinsing
Damn I wasn’t finished lol but there ain’t much work in West Virginia other than the mines.
There’s a lot more now. Health care, and a lot of service and academic stuff. There’s a major effort to make “Wild, Wonderful, West Virginia” “Almost Heaven” again.
They’ve had decades of the young (say 30s-50s) leaving the area and state, making it a very odd demographic (how I hate that word), with very young families and the grandparents, with nothing in-between. Here’s hoping that they finish their recovery from the blight Øblowhole put on them.
Have to say, though, the elites basically raped the natural resources from WV. And ironically, their “fallout shelter”, Greenbrier, is in southern WV.
I’ll take Cass, and Green Bank (don’t care about WiFi anyway…).
The Black Forest (Schwarzwald) over here is VERY similar to WV. Just wish they had some Shay locos…
It’s not Cape May, but a similar throwback beach setting
It’s glorious. For 6 wonderful years, we kept a second home in Hull, MA.
All the five kids were young. The beach was just down the street, with Putt-putt golf, a carousel, ice cream, pizza, an enormous arcade, etc. Lots of family friendly restaurants and bars for the adults.
Those were PERFECT summers, treasured memories by the kids…. and me.
Life in America

Holy cow. Never been to Venice Beach, but those cars and the socks bring back flashbacks of childhood. 8 cylinder gas guzzlers that when you lifted the hood, you could see the ground.
And a Pinto, too.
I LOVED being able to pop the hood, climb INTO the engine compartment and sit on the wheel well to work on my old Chevy Truck. I had a Vega instead of the Pinto.
And then a Cutlass, 8 cylinder with a 5 spd. I loved that car.
My mother brought a 1964 Pontiac Lemans Convertible to my parents’ marriage in 1967. My dad is a retired aerospace engineer with a thing for cars. Before the mid-90s, he used to do all the maintenance. That Pontiac….seriously, even I knew how to change the oil, and I was about 10 when it was junked.
That’s another story altogether.
I thought that was a Pinto, wasn’t sure (looked too long). My sister had one, just like it. Could stop and turn on a dime. Really fun to speed along a (strip mall) parking lot, and do a 180° turn into the space out front (of a Winchell’s donut shop – only one cinnamon roll…
). Of course, if anyone was riding long, it wasn’t too much fun for them 
I had the stretch version, aka the Mustang II, which will live in infamy forevermore… Still, I drove the daylights out of it from SJ to LA in the 70s, and it survived (even the notorious “Grapevine” over the mountains couldn’t defeat it)… Still, I dreamed of a Porsche like many of my USC classmates (the rich kids… I was there on scholarship, and that didn’t cover transportation
We had a 1968 Dodge Dart that looked like a plucked chicken when you opened the hood (same care as the little old ladies had in “Groundhog Day”, right down to the color). BUT, it had a TON of power, and ran like the wind. Speaking of wind, it had a rear-window defroster that would blow-dry your hair… Funny car…
Mustang II…saw a lot of those in my childhood.
A cousin was in a Pinto and died in a single car accident. That was the last of Pintos in our family.
That’s sad, sorry to hear that…
The fuel tank “compromise” was a VERY bad design decision. The Mustang II had pretty much the same thing. Back in the “fuel shortage” (another FAKE CRISIS) days, they cut so many corners that they made many things unsafe. And nary a peep from Ralph Nader… (though a decade before he had savaged the Corvair…).
I had a Taurus SHO in the early 1990s. Incredible (Yamaha) engine – looked like a plate of Lasagne – ran like the wind.
Trouble was, the rest of the car was, erm, less than optimal, and the paint started to peel off. I couldn’t get ANY dealer to take in in trade; basically had to take a loss to get rid of it. Probably would have done better to pull the motor and sell that, and scrap the rest…sigh…
Bought a VW Passat wagon, VR6, moved over here, and it ran 200k miles with almost no problems, gave it to a friend here, went another 100k (then lost the timing chain [fear of that was why I gave rather than sold it]) and then he SOLD IT and I think it’s STILL somewhere over here driving along… He even drove it over the Alps into Italy a few times, with a trailer… but thank GOD, when it finally popped the timing chain, he was in the parking lot at the grocery store… talk about a minor miracle…
That car car was basically a truck, disguised as a station wagon…
Great land yacht there…
Need help here from the group.
Yesterday, there was a poll in Delaware on possible Presidential matchups.
Since Delaware is Biden’s home state, he came in 20 points ahead of Trump in what is a traditional blue state.
But wait.
Against Bernie, Warren, Bloom, Boot, Trump was either tied or ahead……….. in Delaware!
A blue state.
How wild is that?
Saw similar info. Apparently, Dem Chris Coons might be facing a primary – from the Left – if a Lefty wins, and DJT is already at 45% in Delaware, then strong chance the GOP guy wins the Senate race. They have a strong contender. I’ll come back and add info as I find it.
Thank you, Lady P.
Believe it or not, this was the first story on the local news on ABC this morning. Possibly because it will effect rush hour traffic.
The reporter said it might be a record breaker. It must kill them to have to report it.
Don’t you just love the red, white, and blue lights on the condo building in the background?
MAGArita! OMG– that is funny. How did I not see that before…Now I will never unsee it. Way to turn something Mexican in to something TOTALLY AMERICAN.
Make it a double. With salt

You got it!!!
And don’t forget lots of lime….
Heyyyyy, why not make it a pitcher, with some Nachos and Pico de gallo on the side?
And some Quesadillas, Chile Colorado, Refrito Frijoles, Carnitas, Flan… ahhh…
Now you’re talkin’

Quick, where’s michaelh ???
(we’re kinda short of good Tex-Mex over here, and my kitchen can’t handle the load/volume
Last night, I saw info last night indicating 175,00 requests. New Jersey territory is in the densely populated corridor – that number entirely believable – POTUS is going to be drawing from Maryland, NJ, NY, PA, etc.
But I’m going to leave this here – because if any of you still have Dem acquaintances or family that don’t get POTUS or US – they need to see this. Makes your blood boil – show these people – any regular Dems left that this is what CNN thinks of average Americans. Because you don’t have to be a Trump supporter to fall into the pool they think people like us belong.
It happened over the weekend, but seemed to explode yesterday. If you have any Democrat acquaintances who consider themselves regular Americans, hard-working and patriotic, but they still just don’t like or get DJT – share this with them.
This video is ALL OVER social media, and Fox’s “The Five” had a segment on it tonight.
Talk about cooking their own goose.
And, really, I want to know if Don Lemon can point to the Ozarks on a map.
I can’t wait to see some of their friends indicted. Will they be laughing then.
And I still want to see them find the Ozarks on a map. Never mind the lake, just the “mountains.”
I don’t think Don Lemonhead could even point to his own backside, even WITH a map.
These elitist shills are subhuman.
But they echo the idiots in Davos, in particular Klaus Schwab…
They’ll get their comeuppance…
A New Yoa-kah guy from Queens – coming to Joisey! Geeesss. Yous Guoiys gotta be kidding me.
Couldn’t resist.
The funniest thing, I’ve always appreciated my NYC roots – different era of course than today – but I’ve taken incredible pride in being, “a girl from Queens.” It’s why I understand Donald Trump.
Did I tell you all that my Virginia born and raised girl must have got my New York City genes? She met and married a New York fellow, and now lives in Astoria, Queens – where the Greeks still live!
So you get to go home to visit – how great is that?
I love going to Astoria, but it’s just so funny… my hubby is Alabama born and raised, and my twin boys are homebodies, though one is stuck in California right now. but daughter – she’s one of the both sided brain folks, ballet dancer and science minded. Got scholarship Boston Univ, met future hubby there, grad school at Columbia, and she’s never looked back. But she is still the same sweet, sweet girl. Very active in Christian life up there. Her church is amazing. Redeemer Church – a church intended especially for the young in the urban city.
You did a great job raising those kids!
I consider my hubby and I very fortunate.
New Yorkers are the best.
When I was transferred there, I felt an enormous sense of pride. And that’s coming from a Chicagoan.
Go CUBS! But I’ll admit I’ve worn a Yankee hat!
Got rings? I mean, more than one?
Oakland (and Philly) A’s fan here…we’ve got a few
(Despite having to play in the Oakland Mausoleum…) .. biggest foul territory in all of baseball…
Well, at least you’re not a Yankees fan. Or Dodgers for that matter.
Cardinal Nation Rules!!!!!!!
To paraphrase Gandalf: “Kirk Gibson, name him not”…
[I spent four years in “enemy territory”, aka Dodger land, at USC. Chavez Ravine was Mount Moria for an A’s (and sometimes Giants) fan]…
My Jersey girl wanted to skip work and go down there (with me of course) but once she saw the early line, she thought the better of it. But all her friends are talking about it. She’s more hardcore than me.
[…] via 20200128: MAGA/KAG Rally, Wildwood NJ. — The Q Tree […]
I’m going to leave this in the rally thread. Parscale is an incredible person, and his recent data analysis is important.
Read the article and be happy.
Parscale is awesome. By the way Chris Christie..are you watching? Jealous? You never got this.
I hope these people have food. They are going to be using up a lot of calories keeping warm.
Thank goodness, no precipitation in the forecast!
New Jersey people without food…gotta be kidding me! LOL. Can’t even begin to imagine the number of subs and pizza consumed these past two days. These people are pros at packing coolers for a day at the beach!
Out here, we know how to pack for parades and float trips. I assume it’s comparable.
Absolutely amazing! There will never be another time in the history of this country that we will see this again. We are living in historic times.
If it wasn’t for the videos and photos, I would not believe it. Wow.
Thank you, America!
Holy smokes- the line is incredible already….you know I’m taking notes on what to pack and when to show for the NH rally……mental note, must also bring extra cell charger.
Now you can see the point of going the day before and not trying to get in the day of the rally!
I’m going to be at Des Moines rally on Thursday with a group of deplorable–really some of the best people I know! We are leaving tomorrow to get in line for thursday pm rally. Coolers of food, blankets, chairs, beverages and extra phone chargers packed!!!!!!! Let me know if I am forgetting anything!
Have fun! Wave to us!!!
can’t wait to read your impressions!!! have a great time!
thanks you are so kind! I am so looking forward to it!
I’m so jealous! say hi to POTUS for us!!
If you’re buying over here (or maybe even in the states) the Intenso S10000 Powerbank is really good (according to my son, and Stiftung Warentest), light, and reliable. It comes in a smaller (S5000) version, but the 10K is good, even for tablets, and (sort of a stretch) notebooks. Probably about 15-20 Euros, same in Francs, I’d guess…
Conrad, MediaMarkt, Alternate, Amazon, etc. have them… about the same size as an iPhone (and they come in white, too)…
F&F had an update, having a ticket is pointless, 1st come, 1st inside. Found it interesting that since venue is on a beach they are using bulldozers to create and build dunes behind venue, for security purposes. No surprise backdoor attacks.
It is really nice there in the summer. Beautiful..right on the water. Great place to hang out.
From the pics that Daughn posted, I’ll have to add this place to my bucket list. It looks like a step back in time. I love places like that.
Might as well make a little cash off the intrusive media.
ohhhhhhhhhh, Smack!!!!!!!!!
Taking out the trash…faux news
Chuck, towed?
DP, I grew up in a predominately Mexican neighborhood (CA).
all my neighbors hated the “wetbacks”, yes, THEIR term, for exactly this reason.
They had relatives come, yes, but went to night school to learn English, and worked…eventually to become Citizens.
My grandfather’s parents were from Spain. Originally, they came here for work (my great-grandfather, Abuello, was skilled labor in the zinc industry) and had every intention of returning to Spain, so they were respectful, but didn’t assimilate outright.
Franco took over, and over night they were proud patriots.
This is the same story most Americans of Spanish descent tell. It’s the one large ethnicity many people don’t know came in the immigrant waves through Ellis Island. My mother’s Abuello’s family picture – the only one of the parents and all of their kids – is in the Ellis Island memorial. They all came through there.
Abuella not Abuello’s family is in Ellis Island. It took 10 years to get all 15 of them here.
Aerial view of crowds – courtesy of Fox 10 Phoenix!
Rally Watch Parties and more!
More on the amazing crowd…….paying attention Pelosi?
Doors are open!
Are you guys seeing this???????????
Whoopsie Daisy!
Diane got slapped.
Can’t think for yourself if you’re a Dem.
epic fail by Pelosi and Schiff. It will cost them dearly.
WHOA! What does the defense have on her?
Wanted to make a comment about the liquor licenses. Hopefully the laws changed since I was there, but as late as the mid-70’s (about the time of casino industry starting) those arcane laws were still in effect…no doubt due to protectionism and mobs. What Daughn didn’t mention is there was no ceiling on the price of a license…it was whatever the market was by the person who was lucky to have one.
) and then they would sit on it…like money in the bank.
A little Italian restaurant from the 60’s might have gotten a license (with the right connections…if you know what I mean
In most states, a new restaurant can get a liquor license for a few hundred dollars…might have to have a certain number of seats or other criteria. By the mid-70’s right down where the Rally is taking place…it might be a half-million. Talk about Art of the Deal! Definitely a case of who you knew and how much you were willing to slide under the table. This is why business owners/developers donated to every candidate…hedge your bets.
Another poster might have more up to date info about it now, but that’s a little Jersey Shore history.
Funny, I was in Pennsylvania with a group, and we went out to an Italian restaurant. A woman from California and I – from Missouri where we can get all kinds of booze at gas stations in the cities, anyway – wanted a glass of wine. The restaurant didn’t have a license, but the chef gave a bottle to the table. I wonder often that happens.
Some cities allowed you to bring a bottle of wine and a corkage fee was levied, but I seem to recall restrictions on even that. It’s been awhile. Of course, nice restaurants lose money when they can’t sell alcohol.
Problem with a chef/owner gifting a bottle…you have no choice of what you are drinking!
It was fine. It was a dry white.
LOL! Understatement! This rally is going to be incredible!!!
I hope there is thunderous applause for him inside and out .
Here’s what I’m talking about!!!! Tonight’s gonna be a Big NITE!!
Miss Marica…. that makes me thinks as soon as scampeachment is over…they are.
gil!!! I most certainly hope so!!!!!

Love the doubling effect on the header image!!!
I copied it from another post, and reposted.
Seems to be our logo for now!
My Jersey girl called and told me one of our friends waited all day in Wildwood and just got in!!
She just sent a pic of them holding Trump signs. You guys will like the new Women For Trump signs. Wish I knew how to post a private photo.
and RSBN is live now
The numbers noted at the end of the Obama Era are basically inflated, because he had 24/7 99% positive news’ coverage, which included covering up the negative truth about our economy, our military, terrorism threats, etc.
The numbers for President Trump are actually deflated because of the 24/7 negative coverage from the MSM – who intentionally hide/suppress the good news about what’s really happening for America under DJT.
God bless and keep you safe President Trump.
Mitch lost control of the caucus and they are going to vote to have witnesses. This thing is going to go on and on.
Scuse the F bomb! But he’s got a point!
This did not turn out the way I wanted. It tells me the Rs did not pay attention to the defense at all. Not 1 second.
Hey Ed—Vote is not til Friday….so……….anything can happen!!
Romney is the one we should be railing against. The GOPs who vote for witnesses are tearing apart the impeachment process whereby witnesses are in the House ONLY. Damn them to hell !
If the Senate is allowed to “reopen the case” for any reason, they usurp the power of the House……. and impeachment will go on forever, because there will always be MORE information.
No curbs to Legislative power over the Executive branch.
Fundamentally unconstitutional.
They just SHREDDED the Constitution. The House now has the POWER to vote No Confidence based on absolutely NOTHING!
We will never have another executive
every move will be micromanaged
Just think, we can impeach a female president for a bad outfit
It’s Mardi Gras for Trump Supporters
Are there beads?
“Russian Collusion”
They should call it “Impunchment”…
I have a feeling this rally is going to be one for the ages.
Is kellanne gonna be there?
New Jersey Rally……….
OAN with Jack Posobiec inside.
Those 14 electoral votes flipping is nothing to sneeze at!!!
Also indicative of other surprises!
Cross your fingers. It just might happen.
The DEM BASE is still stuck in SOVIET DEMORALIZATION mediated by the SOVIET DEM LEADERS.
And with every Rally…………….Their Jealous Soviet hearts…………..get smaller and smaller!
There’s a Grinch video that would be appropriate here.
Exactly DP!!
FYI…Lou Dobbs will be carrying rally LIVE!!!
My wife really likes Jon Voight. She finds his “fireside chats” about POTUS very compelling.
Joe Buck is one of the best all time movie performances (IMO).
Has the warm up act started yet? I have OAN on sports bar TV #1, but they’re still doing news, and the FOX live feed has…Queen. From the 70s.
overflow crowd outside!
Just joining in. Never get tired of watching our President make his rally entrance.
Love our Patriot President!!!!
Are we ready to crack open this rally??????????
Who brought drinks and snacks???????
I could use some snacks.
Where’s Michael????????????????
Concerned VA ??????????????
Sorry I was busy grating cheese. . .

Amish Breakfast Casserole
Oh my, Michael! That looks delicious.
Oh trust me… IT IS!!!
Here you go!
thanks GA!!
Wow Trump can really fill a stadium!
Bursting with hope and confidence!
That’s what I want to hear………………….. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good to see you TONA!
And you too!
Somethin scampeachy.
OAN is switching now.
OAN talking head just said even NJ Democrats will vote Trump in 2020. They’re in better shape.
Sugar with your sugar!
USA USA USA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG, whaatttttttt an entrance and a cheer goes up like none we’ve ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nothing like people from New Jersey.
And i’d gladly stand up next to you QTreepers and defend her still today.

Ain’t no doubt I love this land and You Guys
Unemployment rate in NJ is lowest of all time. More people working than ever before.
Almost 160 million in the USA, highest level in our history.
I love New Jersey and glad to be back in the garden state!
Employment is the lowest in all it’s time in this state!!!
TOmorrow we will replace Nafta with USMCA!!
Hello my sweet lil Marica punkin!!!!!!!!!!
Helloooooooooooo………Miss Daughn!!! SO good to be with ya’ll tonight!!!
Signing USMCA tomorrow, massive win for all workers.
New trade deal with China
250 billion coming in – gonna be so might.
Restoring USA industrial might.
He’s in fine form tonight.
His voice does NOT sound tired or labored. So, he rested.
Absolutely! VSG is looking and sounding great!
Rebuilt the military after years of devastating cuts
Fully rebuilt US military.
Mini din din!

They are WILD
ISIS is 100% defeated Al Bad Daddy is dead.
Give into temptations. The brownies are calling for you.
I’ll tell you a story about brownies as funeral desserts sometime.
We need snacks with horseradish!

“Women for Trump” behind him… literally and figuratively — look at their enthusiasm
Strike that killed #1 terrorist Soleimani
Stopped him cold.
Bad Daddy is DEAD!!!
WOW! This crowd is fired up.
So, it’s a rally, not a philosophical speech.
That’s what America needs.
These Joisy Trump supporters are HARDCORE!!! Their USA chants are YUGE!!!
OAN coverage is terrific.
Boos for Nervous
Bernie Sanders and Nancy opposed what we did
Roadside bombs, his weapon of choice
While we are creating jobs and killing terrorists, the do nothing Dems……. crazy hoaxes,,,,,, etc.
Buh bye.
Loving the mention of Melania!!!!!!!!!!!
Trying to overthrow the results of the last election!
Crushing win this November!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4 more years!!!
Made it in time for the rally, still gotta finish catching up….but geeeeezzzz this crowd in NJ is LIT.
They are Vol….
SERIOUS spirit!
Jersey is ON FIRE.
Four More years
Dad is mad
Win back the House, hold the Senate, and win the White House.
Which is worse, the impeachment hoax or Russian hoax.
Today he had the best polls since election
Best polls he ever had! Today.
Keep the White House!
Best Polls we ever had!
Sick and tired of the radical rage filled socialists!
Mass EXODUS!!!!
“The Democrat Party are really the Socialist Party and MAYBE WORSE!!!”
No, It is really the Commie Party.
Newest Republican member of the HOUSE Jeff Van Drew.
Here we go!!!
Enough of their Vile Hoaxes and scams!!
Honored— Jeff Van Drew …Newest Republican!!
Wow, Trump brought him out already.
Okay, VSG, bring him up on stage, babe.
They can’t win an election so they’re trying to steal an election.
I’ve gotten to know him really well over the last few weeks.
Dems want to raise your taxes
How did that work
Jeff has guts!!!!!!!!
He loves your strong military, and guns
WHOA – listen to that SECOND AMENDMENT cheering!!!
There we go.
Yes, the President in SOUTH JERSEY where there’s more noise in the room than anywhere else.
Don Lemmon doesn’t know how to read a map
That’s why he has GPS, right? Something else will do it for him.
OMG – this guy isn’t just MAGA – he is KAG KAG KAG!!!
He should have jumped ship sooner!!
Trump asked how he could help Jeff in South Jersey
Jeff asked for a rally in his district
No hesitiation
Keep south Jersey in the eyes of the world
USA is the greatest nation in the history of the world
Great exceptionalism – want to keep it that way.
restoring our economy, military, not allowing any other nation to take advantage of the USA.
Are we going to Keep America Great!!!!!!!!!!
NJ loves this.
So much LOVE for President Trump !!!!
Drew is doing GREAT !
175K people signed up fr the rally
All the Dems in all their races and rallies combined, multiplied by 10 wouldn’t come close to this number!!
Here we go……
Fake news
They’re FAKE! They’re FAKE!!!
Oh……….My Gosh!!!!!!!!!! Fox “Management” just told Lou they have to break away from Rally!!! SMH!! BRB
How did I forget that snake went to Fox? SMH………
Yup. HIS HAND IS SHOWING NOW. He waited until we forgot he was there.
YOU didn’t forget! LOL………but I did!
‘Memberin’ stuff I ain’t s’posed to ‘member done be muh superpower!
Well………..ONE of them, Wolfie!!!
It’s on OANN and CSPAN2. Also on FNC for now, maybe they didn’t want both channels showing it?? Tucker will probably interrupt anyway.
And Fox is going down…
Hey, I found Hunter Biden!
Get out and vote Republican!
June 2 get out and vote Republican. Get rid of these clowns.
Vote Jeff Van Drew.
Chris Christie is there!!!!!!!!!
Oh shit
Maybe we’ll go to the Meadowlands in the summer.
Kelly Anne Conway here comes our girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wanna be in south Jersey!! I wanna be with my friends!
Do again in the summer…should we?
Well I will be there….
I think New Jersey is Trump Country!!!
2 dead Terrorists!!!!! HAHA!!!!
Life is Great Everyone!!!
She killed it.
2 dead terrorists
2 trade deals
that’s two terms!!!
She looks fantastic too…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She really does!
How ’bout that bling?! Hi Sylvia glad you’re here
Love a rally!!!!! Smuchas, pR!!!!
7 million new jobs
average unemployment rate under Trump Admin is the lowest in US history
4 MORE YEARS chant goes up!
Winning the Trade War!
Republican Party is Respected
America is thriving like Never before!
Lowest unemployment in history!!!!
Ugh I can’t watch it because the puppy just had surgery today and she needs to take it easy. (She’s doing fine)
So keep the thread going everyone!!!
Oh……………kiss the baby for me……….poor thing. They are so droopy when they come out of anesthetic……
Awwwww Will do!
Yeah Poor thing. She’s kind of sleeping and looks so pitiful it just breaks your heart. Mom and I keep petting her head.
Makes one feel guilty having it done but sadly I needs to happen.
I know………tugs at the heartstrings for sure!!!! She’s lucky to have such a good dog mother!
Awww thanks,
we love her that’s for sure. Maybe I’ll post a photo of her someday!
Mom called the vet and said ‘so can we pick her up now’? The house is just not the same without a dog.
The vet techs kept loving on her as well while she was there.
But she’s in her bed sleeping next to her new toy!
Oh……..a new toy! Precious!!!! The house is quiet and empty without them, isn’t it? I’d love to see a photo!
Yup. She has so many toys but after surgery she had to get one more. She poked it a few times and knew it was for her.
Let me see if I can get a good photo of her in the next few days. I’ll see if I can post it! You can see the little wolf than.
She needs broth to start back to food.
And rest. All of our females were back to about normal in 48-72 hours.
Thanks for that tip! It’s been so long since the other dog had it done one kind of forgets.
She got at least 2 new toys out of it as well. You got to spoil them!
Yes, you do. Our Ying had hers 12 and a half years ago. She was lethargic, but okay. Her predecessor, T, came home and zonked out in a bean bag chair.
Awww. Yeah and one forgets how hard it is to get pain pills into a dog!
She come home and went to her little bed to sleep. She’s walking around a little but you can tell she not too happy.
Poor baby!
So happy to see KA get a little love…….she deserves it.
Specially with her HUBBY! YUCK!
Very sad……….
Lowest levels ever recorded
Women 65 yr lowest unemployment
In 3yrs 3.5 million people have JOINED the work force.
They left during OBama.
In 3 years!! 3.5 million have joined the work force!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!
Record for 25-34yr olds
blue collar BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!
I smell a marketing slogan in this.
Obama gets booed.
Under your Favorite President
And yes he is!!
Median Household Income
Bush–450 (8yers)
Obama 975 (8yrs)
Trump 10,000 (3 yrs)
“…Barack Hussein Obama…”
Coincidence ?
(gmta !)
Earnings for bottom 10% are rising faster than top 10%
bottom net worth is up 47% for bottom
Bush – $400 raise
Obama – 8yrs $975 gain
Trump – Under your favorite President – laughter – 3yrs, is almost 10K
New business applications are at a record high
10 million off welfare
Child tax credit – 40 million americans 2200USD – helps with childcare
#1 oil producer in the world
We don’t need anyone else.
Wages UP!
US #1 Producer of Oil and Natural gas in the WORLD!!!
Green New Deal BOOOOO
Close y’ factories……kill y’ cows……………..
#1 in Oil and Natural Gas Production in the WORLD!!!
Green New Deal
Pipelines are good
Dems want to shut it down
Tim Scott – South Carolina, incredible guy, had an idea he wanted to do, opportunity zones, 170 zones in Jersey
It’s HUGE in our area.
You know, this man is beyond amazing. This week alone he has been impeached, then saved the world, and it’s only TUESDAY!! And look at him, he looks great, not worried AT ALL. He really IS Batman!!
Yes… and he’s doing a Rally to raise OUR spirits
I’m old enough to remember Nixon, holed up in the WH gnawing at the child proof cap on his aspirin bottle trying to get it off, praying with somebody in the Oval, falling apart at the seams. And look at PDJT go! I think you’re right…………he IS Batman…….
I’ve known it from the helicopter ride in Iowa…..
Billions of dollars flowing into Opportunity Zones where investment was dead. NOT Government Dollars
not nice.
Billions of $’s flowing into opportunity ZONES all across these Jersey shores…
At long last, we have a President who puts America FIRST
America First!!!
We are defensless no more because at long last, you have a president who puts America first
USA lost 60K factories because of stupid trade deals and bad leadership in Bush/Obama
In 3yrs, we’ve added 12K, want to be where the action is.
2 new beautiful plants in NJ!
His Admin has added 12,000 new factories, they’re pouring back in
You have POTUS who puts America 1st!
Lost 60K manufacturing plants and factories und B and O!!!!
in 3 years we have over 12K!!!
New Factories pouring into the USA!!!
Love your visual aids Michael! Rally in Color!!

Sanctuary Cities BOOOOO
What the Hell is going on???
The crowd has the melodrama cues memorized. WOW. Fabulous house tonight!
they are on fire!!!!
No where else have they betrayed you more than on immigration
Sanctuary cities
they order them to be released
what the hell is going on
innocent Americans
Your states Dem leaders instituted dangerous predators into your communities.
Cumberland County
sexual assault of a child
he is now free and roaming
Thanks ICE
Thanking ICE to cheers.
I want to thank ICE for the Abuse they take and the incredible job they do!!!
(and I am sure they want to THANK HIM too!)
Stop Illegal Immigration!!!
No American should be harmed or hurt because Dem politicians have decided on sanctuary cities.
He’s going after them hard tonight!!
And I love it!
Middlese county, released a guy, went on to commit a triple murder
shield and shelter –
You have criminals on the street who should be in jail
taken the hell out of our country
thousand of MS13
brutal people.
Wow…look at the crowd OUTSIDE!
This has got to be a record!
WOW!! On the Jersey shore, outside, at night, in January!!
New Jersey is different.
That’s pretty true.
Who wants to be with ICE, gotta be tough, several raise their hands
he laughs
Jersey is tough
Lota tough people in New Jersey!!!!!

ICE Taking out MS-13!
Tell me, who else could turn a communist like Obrador, leader of Mexico, into an ally?
He is unstoppable. Brilliant.
Is he breaking from script or getting tongue tied?
tongue can’t keep up with his fast brain
IMO a teleprompter issue.
Build that WALL!!!!!!!!!!!
Build that Wall
Build that Wall
We have reduced illegal crossing by 75%
build that wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
27,000 Soldiers from Mexico protecting our Southern Border
This is better than HS pep rallies. Wow.
Build that Wall!
Just reached 100 miles of wall……….
Building that beautiful wall!
And there was great rejoicing!
Explaining the WALL – this is good
case after case
We are now building that wall
over 100 miles of wall
next year, 400 miles
following year, it will be complete
Hopefully they’re not going to have the house for long
Get rid of Nancy
Nervous Nancy
We are now building that beautiful WALL!! 100 miles of wall!! Next year we will have 400 miles–and shortly thereafter it will be complete!!
Almost every rally, 25% are DIMS
73,482 voters identified?
Dang, Michael, how do you get the graphics up so FAST?????? Rhetorical Q, admiring……
I cheat. I run two windows side by side, and put the rally up on the TV via RSBN stream
We’re gonna have a wonderful new Speaker, we’ll get rid of Nancy, Nervous Nancy
We can get a brand new Speaker–and get rid of Nanshee!!!
Has not been easy when the entire weight of a party
mexico is in fact, paying for the wall.
They’ve been good
It’s an advantage for them.
Won a critical SC victory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Supreme Court victory on immigration
enforce federal law, those seeking admission to the USA have to be able to support themselves, and not take advantage of our welfare programs
These people are CRAZY!
New court victory won, no more free-loading illegals!! They were killing our country.
No more abuse of tax payer funded programs!! SC decision
They’re crazy – take over healthcare like Bernie
Repub party will never let it happen
take away your doctors
we fought hard
new middle income tax cut
New middle income tax cut coming
Lose your private health insurance – Vote Bernie!
B E R N ! ! !
Sometime prior to the end of the year we R putting in for middleclass tax cut!!!
Pre-existing conditions, always will
stopping surprise medical billing, take effect in about 2 months
price other doctors
nobody believes I was able to do it but we did it.
lowering pharmacy bills
how are we doing
approving more generic drugs
2 months from now, no more surprise Medical Bililing
Transparent medical billing. Can see prices and comparison shop. Coming in a couple months
Unleashing innovations to cure diseases!
And cutting out middleman for Drugs!
Prohibiting hospitals from hiding pricing
Health Insurance options 60% cheaper
all kinds of new stuff
another new drug in 5 years??? brought time down from 12 to 5 yrs
We have accomplished more than any other POTUS in just 3 years!!!
And progresss on Alzheimers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is huge!!!
Cutting Burdensome Taxes!
Hope your back is better, Wheatie…….

Thanks, Syl.

Hope you’re feeling better too!
Doing good, thanks! (Finally)
Right to TRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!
Right to try
VA choice
telling the story
I have the greatest idea, I am so Smart
Veterans Choice!!
I have the greatest Idea!! I am so smart!!!
Send all those people to private doctors and we pay the bill!!!
I got it approved!!!!
VA CHOICE Approved!
Known about VA choice for 45 years but couldn’t ever get it approved
Back to Gerald Ford !
Reduced Opioid deaths substantially in 33 years!!!
Let go of 8,000 bad people from the VA…..That’s a frikin lot!!
Let go of more than 8000 bad people in the VA
WOWWWWWWw that is one heck of a statistic
Pathway to buy drugs from Canada.
The system is so bad.
We gotta get back the house.
Same drug, same factory, same company
Bad VA docs? You’re Fired!
The graphics have been great, michael!
BUY IT!! DO IT!! GO!!!!!!!!!!
Dems want to raid Medicare for Illegals
CLOWN governor from California?
……this clown governor of California………..
Who is watching on CSpan? They definitely are muting the crowd noise and trying to find all the tired attendees who look bored or disinterested.
Me. Fox crapped out and OANN is always a bit delayed.
benefits for illegals, we all have a heart but when people think they’re gonna get……. they come
clown in california – Newsom.
Late Term Abortion BOOOOO
Homeless in LA – Democrats don’t know what the hell they’re doing.
We are asking ALL AMERICANS to Join our MOVEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!
Cities run by Dems are a disaster cause they don’t know what the hell they are doing
Dems are the party of…………
Repubs are the party of…………..
all Americans to join our incredible movement
2016 – greatest election in history of our country
we have to do it again
giant tree, plant it but it needs time to grab on
I never told you abou Space Force, but we got it.
Big ideas
Big future together if we don’t blow it
I never told you about SPACE FORCE!!!!!!!!! But we got SPACE FORCE!!!!!!!!!
That was a great moment with Kellyanne!
Criminal Justice Reform
Bush tried Obama tried
I got it done.
After I got it done, news conferences thank all kinds of people I’ve never heard of.
You have to thank yourself cuz no one else will do it
School choice
191 new judges
I got it DONE!!!!!!—-USMCA!!!! Thank yourself! cuz no one else is gonna do it!
We have a great opportunity if we don’t blow it
191 Judges!!! +2 SC
School Choice!
Ft Dix and Maguire AFB
160 million
192 Federal judges
2 great Supremes!!
Making a FORTUNE on your 401ks!
Theme: VSG has done what others could not do. Love it!
We have no choice! There IS no choice! Only a FOOL votes for anybody else!!!
At stake is our survival of our nation
If we would have lost the last election
for years you were losing your ass on your 401K, now you’re making a fortune
If you want your children to inherit the blessing which others fought and died for, we have to win in 2020.
We must devote everything we have toward victory in 2020. For your children.
PLEASE! Let it be so!
Inheritance tax, no more taxes, if you love your children
(I could tell you horror stories about it)
Drain that SWAMP
No more estate tax, no more death tax.
MAGA and KAG all the way!
BAD people in the Swamp………………..
I Never even knew the SWAMP was this bad!! BAD PEOPLE !!!! tHOSE SWAMP CREATURES!!!
A lot of bad people in that Swamp. They call em Swamp Creatures, a lot of bad people.
Poverty to prosperity!
Drain the Swamp!
HUGE cheers!!!
I never knew the swamp was this bad….lotta bad swamp creatures. Step by step we are getting it done
Made in the U.S.A.!
The right to keep and bear arms, which is under seige.
And they take the roof off with cheers and USA
LOUD cheers!
Volgarian, THIS was Really Encouraging.
THEN he said, VA is trying to take your guns away; Ain’t gonna happen on my watch!!!
wow…wonder what this portends?
He will keep them within the boundaries of the Constitution.
RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS!!!!!! (which is under seige)
In VA they want to take the guns away…………never gonna happen not as long as I am President
2nd Amendment is under siege
Never gonna happen as long as I am President.
Bear Arms!!!
Virgina wants to take your guns. Never gonna happen as long as I’m President!!
Law enforcement
Sanctity of life
love our country, love our history
respect our flag!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Always Repect our Great FLAG!!!!
If Stephen Miller wrote this speech, he’s getting better and better.
Our children will be taught to respect our great American flag!
Our National Motto – IN GOD WE TRUST!!!
They’re tough, they smart, they’re great people, it’s called………. Jersey!
Ole Blue Eyes(Sinatra), he was a piece of work!!
VSGPDJT loves Jersey, that’s obvious. Wow. This was a B12 shot for people needed it.
Right here in Wildwood, NJ
are many of my good friends!
Old Blue eyes!!!!
We are taking back our country and returning power to you the American people!
Returning power to the American people.
You help and your devotion
Keep on working
Winning, winning, winning………
The American People!!!
Never be anything like what’s coming….
We are going to keep on working, keep on fighting, keep on WINNING WINNING WINNING!!!
Ladies and gentlemen of NJ, the best is yet to come
We will make America Great Again!!!!!!!!!!!
We are going to keep on WINNING!!
One Glorious NATion under GOD!
THE BEST IS YET TO COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That FLEW by………………..so exhilarating! I’m always a little sad when they end.
That was way too fast!!
Im surprised but I think hes holding back during scampeachment a bit.
THe best is yet to come.
Wrapping up.
WOW. Compact, rally, but packed a punch.
NJ needed that.
South Jersey strong!!!
Fantastic Ed, even better than you predicted… such enthusiasm !!!!!!!!!!!
You can’t Always Get want you Want!!! You get what YOU NEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow,,,,,,,,,, that was good!
So Thursday? Same MAGA time, Same MAGA Channel??
2 this week!!!! WOW!!!
and I will be at the one on Thursday! I’ll send photos!
husker – So Lucky!!!! Yes, please do a ground report for those of us in the Qtree bleachers…
Ow21— total ground report! Updates all day since we are going tomorrow evening! So excited to be the eyes and ears for the brilliant people of this awesome Q Tree!
Excellent! Post them from OUTSIDE – it’s VERY difficult to upload photos once you are inside. VERY difficult. Even TEXTS from inside are difficult.
Copy that…
We can feature the rally thread at the top so that it’s easy to post on from a mobile device.
just got word that we got VIP passes… not sure of what that means w regards to access behind the scenes as those are also part of our passes, but this should be really cool esp for photos. also man on the street interviews as I wont have to worry about waiting in line…
VIP Passes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
means I”ll have to be on my best behavior!
What are you wearing?
was going to wear my #buygreenland shirt, then we had made “Make Nebraska great again, build a wall and make Iowa pay for it!”, SO I was then going to wear that…But now,
either MAGA or 45….
Oh, gosh. I almost fell out of my chair on that one. Buy Greenland!
You can also make POWER PLANS. Those include spare phones, power packs, a power cord in case you get lucky, and also park your vehicle in CLOSE to the venue, and one person can go run for a charge, to grab food or drinks, or to return gear, umbrellas, etc. If you’ve got really good parking, you can even bring a honking big battery or power source in line with you, and return it later.
Be prepared for them to OPEN THE DOORS EARLY to let people in. Typical Trump effectiveness!
I’m a real rally pro – feel free to ask me any questions about rallies. I’ve been to so many, I’ve run into almost every conceivable logistical problem. Thought I would die of sunstroke at one (they let us in early), soaked with rain at another, and walked a MILE to get back to my ride from one of them. They’re all a joy!!!
OMGosh – this is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bless You and have a great time!!!!
thank you OW21. I will be thinking of everyone here and wishing you all were cheering right beside me.
We’ll all be cheering out here – all over the country – even all over the world!!!
Love your VIP passes. That usually means a special entrance and you don’t have to wait outside, once they open up the VIP entrance. You should also be eligible for preferred seating, such as behind the stage on television, or with other VIPs. Not sure about other perks, which may depend on the rally, but it has to be excellent.
I’ll keep you posted! We were so prepped for General admission w extra batteries, close parking and lodging, food, chairs, blankets… either way, a thrill to be there!
You can still go GA early and then when the VIP doors open they’ll let you know. Best of both worlds!!!
That is what we just this moment decided! So interested to see if the people we meet know where Ukraine is on a map
We wrote the book on Ukraine!
Yes you did! I reference your article all the time!
HAHAHAHA! Yes, there is a lot of fun in the line for a Trump rally. I have met some of the most amazing people at Trump rallies – particularly in the lines.
FYI – Usually about 20 minutes behind stage with Trump, pics, and a lot of cursing if he is in a good mood!
Wonderful, so happy for Huskerheart!
OMG!!! Hilarious!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!
Then I will for sure have to wear my #BuyGreenland shirt!
President Trump looks good! He has lost some weight.
Amazingly – he has not aged a bit during the last 3 years.
Fox 10 Phoenix is replaying the rally for those who got cut off on Lou Dobbs.
Fox 10 – NewsNow – is my favorite Trump rally channel – sound is good and picture is clear HD, never out of sync, never drops the stream – never breaks for any reason.
Plus – they are enthusiastic Trump supporters.
It looked like he did an ‘Air Q’ to the crowd as he was leaving.

Did anyone else see that?
Gotta look for some pictures and tweets!!!
I thought I saw that too!!
No, Catturd…it’s not just you.
We’ve noticed this too!
TIMES 1000!!!
Thank you to ALL who contributed!!!!!!!!!
Rest up,
We have USMCA tomorrow!
Daughn – if possible, we need to get that Thursday rally thread up on Wednesday afternoon because huskerheart is going to be IN LINE on Wednesday night and doing ground reports WITH PICTURES!!!
January 28, 2020 at 21:59 Edit
and I will be at the one on Thursday! I’ll send photos!
Liked by you and 2 other people
January 28, 2020 at 22:18 Edit
husker – So Lucky!!!! Yes, please do a ground report for those of us in the Qtree bleachers…
Liked by you
January 28, 2020 at 22:27 Edit
Ow21— total ground report! Updates all day since we are going tomorrow evening! So excited to be the eyes and ears for the brilliant people of this awesome Q Tree!
Liked by you
January 28, 2020 at 22:46 Edit
Excellent! Post them from OUTSIDE – it’s VERY difficult to upload photos once you are inside. VERY difficult. Even TEXTS from inside are difficult.
You got it!!!!!!!!!
another cleaner image, also on my imgur site….
“Blatant corruption”!!! OMG – it’s SO TRUE!!!
“Drain The Swamp” was like an INVESTMENT in a FOUR YEAR CD. It is going to pay off YUGELY in 2020.
There were crowds lining the streets, too…to cheer for the President’s motorcade.
New Jersey Data – amazing.
Hillrotten doesn’t stand a chance. Neither do any of the other Democrats.
Agree. I think the Dems are just desperate to hold onto downticket races. Based on what we just saw at the rally in New Jersey tonight, over a fourth of the folks were Democrats – that’s doom for them. If 10-15% real Democrats vote for POTUS, they’re going to give him what he asks – the Congressional and Senate seats.
Should be very, very interesting.
This is stunning data.
We seem to be averaging about 20% or better for Dems coming to our rally.
I’ve noticed that trend too. I bet Parscale is comparing it to whatever data he has from the rallies in 2016, and the rallies of POTUS’ early days in office. When 1/4 of the people attending or wanting to attend the rally isn’t coming from your normal voter base – I’d say it’s a Sea Change – one the Dems haven’t grasped.
Red wave landslide
I know it must make leftist heads explode when they hear this:
“The United States is now the number one producer of oil and natural gas anywhere in the world.”
VSG. The man is a VSG. Hell – he’s a VSG among VSGs!!!
thanks everyone for the comments on the rally and Daughn especially for the thread itself…and michael for those graphics and pics during the thread–what a multi tasker!!!