Watch Live from the White House:
Remember, we’re all on Wolfie’s Roller Coaster. We’re all here together. Right now we are picking up spead, and things are coming at us fast —– BIG THINGS. There’s simply no way any other President will be able to keep up this pace. The announcement will come at NOON, Eastern time.
- RSBN Link:
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- Golden State Times Link:

Bibi is at the White House, along with his political rival (who we have not seen?). The three men talked over the “Suggestion” as President Trump says, for a “Middle East Peace Plan”. The President acknowledged that at first the Palestinians might not like the plan, but in the end they will like it (offer they can’t refuse) and casually mentioned the Trump Admin cut off 300 million dollars of aid to the Palestinians. He added, “In the end, they’ll like it…. but let’s see what happens.” Note: The USA has had this kind of power all along, but it takes a guy like Trump to use it properly.
Let’s get to the background on what has happened at the White House thus far. We had the meet and greet with photos at the door. We had a wild presser in the Oval Office with Bibi:
And the two men spoke to the press for a while outside on the colonade.
The Wall Street Journal seems to like it.
Iran HATES the Plan, even though they have not seen it yet. No matter, we know Iran’s economy won’t last a year. We’ve moved on, ignoring Iran as their power is no longer important in the Middle East. Iran is out of gas.
And China claims the Palestinians don’t like it, even though they have not seen it. China has their own problems and the Palestinians are broke and tired. Rabid leftists hate it, even though they have not seen it ~ because they LOVE chaos and will never be satisfied.
Here, Reuters also reports on Bibi’s political rival, Ex-general Benny Gantz. He is at the White House, in a separate meeting? Have to separate the kids, I guess. Here he is……. he looks pretty tough.
They’re calling it “The Deal of the Century”. Let’s see what happens. Reaction is pouring in from everywhere. Arab pundits, China/Russia, all of Europe………. everyone is watching PDJT.
Transcript from Today: Emphasis is mine on Bibi’s “speech”.
Q Mr. President, what’s your response to the Bolton manuscript? And does this increase the chances he could be called to testify?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, I haven’t seen a manuscript, but I can tell you: Nothing was ever said to John Bolton. But I have not seen a manuscript. I guess he’s writing a book. I have not seen it.
Q Well, you know what the allegation is.
PRESIDENT TRUMP: We’ll talk inside.
Q Do you expect Prime Minister Netanyahu to implement the plan right away in the coming six weeks?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, I think he’s here for a reason. And, hopefully, that it will be “yes.” And peace in the Middle East has been long sought for many, many, many years and decades and centuries. And this is an opportunity; we’ll see what happens. Whatever it is, it is. But he’s here for a reason.
Q Would you give a green light for annexation of the Jordan Valley within the coming months?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: We’re going to see. We’re going to announce tomorrow at 12 o’clock. We’re going to show a plan that’s been worked on by everybody, and we’ll see whether or not it catches hold. If it does, that’d be great. And if doesn’t, we can live with it, too. But I think it might have a chance.

Q Do you expect Benny Gantz to agree to the plan?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Do I expect what?
Q Benny Gantz.
PRESIDENT TRUMP: He’s coming here today. He’ll be here also. And, as you know, they are two good competitors. They’re fighting it out.
I’ve been waiting now — this is my third election. We keep waiting, and waiting, and waiting. So, let’s go. What kind of a system is that? That’s a very strange system you have over there. Wouldn’t you say that?
Because we have been. We’ve been waiting — we’ve been talking about this for many months and we keep waiting for the election. So that system has to be looked at.

Q But what about the allegations that this is an interference with internal politics in Israel? The fact that —
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, I think what’s happening is — one of the reasons that Mr. Gantz is here is for that reason. He’s coming, too. So I’m going to speak to him right after this.
Q What is your message to the residents of Judea and Samaria at this point?
PRIME MINISTER NETANYAHU: May I — may I say something?
Q Yeah.
PRIME MINISTER NETANYAHU: I think — first of all, I’m very honored to be here with you —
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Thank you. It’s my honor.

PRIME MINISTER NETANYAHU: — here today, Mr. President. And I look forward to making history with you tomorrow. And I think we’ll talk about the plan; I’ll talk about the plan — of vision of peace, which is historic — the President has put forward tomorrow.
Today, I just want to say two words: Thank you. Thank you for everything you’ve done for Israel, everything you’ve done for Israel — for recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital; for moving your embassy there; for recognizing our sovereignty in the Golan Heights; for recognizing our rights in Judea and Samaria, the heartland of our biblical homeland; for the unprecedented security and intelligence cooperation between our two countries.
I think, Mr. President, that the list of your support for Israel, the things you’ve done for Israel since you’ve become President, is very long. But the bottom line is short: You have made our alliance stronger than ever. And I look forward, in the coming years, to make it even stronger with a historic defense treaty that will anchor our alliance for generations.
One last thing — one last thing, which I think is important: This is International Holocaust Remembrance Day. And on this day, I’m proud to stand here, as the Prime Minister of the one and only Jewish State, and thank you for confronting the most anti-Semitic regime on the planet. When you came into office, Iran was on the march. Because of your leadership, Iran is now on the run.
You’ve withdrawn from the dangerous nuclear — the nuclear deal. You slapped on tremendous sanctions. You have — two weeks ago, you’ve taken out the most dangerous terrorist on the planet. All those who seek peace, all those who want to fight terrorism should thank you, Mr. President, for your bold decisions and your bold actions.
And on behalf of the State of Israel, I want to thank you for everything you’ve done for Israel, for confronting Iran, and for your extraordinary decisions, your friendship, and your leadership.
That’s the end of my speech.
Q President Trump, last time, I asked you if you were for a two-state solution. Are you going to say, tomorrow, “two-state and a Palestinian State”?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: You’re going to see very, very quickly. We’re going to release a plan tomorrow at 12 o’clock. You’re going to see for yourself.
Okay. We’ll see you inside.

We all know Jared Kuschner has been working on this plan with dozens of leaders in the Middle East and within our Administration. With Iran on the run, and elections in Israel still up in the air, the timing might be perfect for this plan. Call it Freedom from Mueller, Impeachment going nowhere, winding up China Phase 1, USMCA deal, the power of our economy, the “the Power of the Orb”, the trip to Saudi, the great speech to the GCC, the coalition with Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, and Saudi, the sanctions against Iran, the death of Soleimani, call it whatever you want……….. It might work.
Let the doves of peace, fly…………..

Excellent synopsis found here:
So much winning!
I think I remember only two things that then-candidate Trump said could be difficult to deal with. One was DACA, and the other was the Middle East. He is making great progress. Not tired of winning!
I love Trump sporting the BLUE & WHITE TIE and the BLUE VEST + WHITE SHIRT look!
Great signalling, too
(Re-posting from Flep’s thread for viz)
Now POTUS is rubbing Iran’s nose in the dirt.
Even after living with it for 3 years I continue to be amazed at the many and various ways in which PDJT demonstrates what being an effective leader/President really is. The last one we had was Reagan, and that was over 30 YEARS ago.
Move the US embassy to Jerusalem? Done.
Bankrupt Iran? No problem.
Free N. Korea from China? Hold my beer.
Make China blink? Watch me.
The difference between PDJT and his predecessors is…
You’re right, FG&C.
Think back on the number of times President Trump had the courage to do something (which needed to be addressed for a generation or more) and the media announced, “end of the world”
The experts are consistently wrong.
I watched Bloomberg address a crowd in Tampa yesterday. I could have fit more people into my living room. Nonetheless, Bloomberg said, “I won’t wait 3 years to issue a Middle East Peace Plan”.
Last person to try it was Carter.
AND by waiting for the right timing, getting on board with Saudi, annihilating Iran’s economy, bolstering our military, the timing here……. is perfect.
It may not ever happen, yet we are as close as we have ever been.
As a full & complete Trumpster, I must say I’m excited about this.
However, as soon as the program/presentment is over tomorrow, I will be doing a deep dive into my Bible to see just how well the DJT Plan lines up with the God Plan. I hope it’s almost an exact match.
There was a Jewish state in 1922 – and immediately – to try to make peace with the Arab Muslims – Israel gave up 77% of that land – a Two State Solution in 1922.
Jewish Palestine was the land on the west of the Jordan river and Jewish Palestine was essentially the current nation of Jordan.
In 1967, Arabs attacked Jewish Palestine, when it dared to claim nationhood and call itself Israel.
Currently – Arabs are illegally occupying legal Israel in Gaza and West Bank and claim all of Israel as their legitimate land and do not want any Jewish state to exist. The Palestinian leaders are pretend victims, murderous terrorists, deceivers and provocateurs.
Again – there has been a 2 State Solution since 1922 – and any plan that involves Israel giving up more land is an unjustice and has historically proved to be futile!
In the past any Arab leader who signed a treaty with Israel was assassinated like Sadat. Time will tell.
I think, in 1922, the land set aside for a Jewish homeland was administered by Great Britain . . . the British Mandate. The Brits, however, gave up 77% of that land to Hashemite Arabs, ostensibly because the Hashemites had helped in winning WWI. They had helped, but no that significantly. The real reasons the Brits gave the land to the Hashemites was because the Brits knew there was oil in the land and figured the Hashemites would be easier than the Jews to deal with for access to that oil, especially since it was the Brits who gave the Hashemites the land.
Then when it came time to get serious about getting the Jew their homeland, the Brits, never really liking the Jews, decided that Arabs in the area also had a claim to the land, so they proposed to give half of that land to Arabs and half to the Jews. So, the Jews now are offered only 11 1/2% of the original land set aside for their homeland.
Above all, the Jews wanted a homeland, so they took the deal, but the Arabs wanted more and didn’t take the deal. When the Jews established their homeland formally as the state of Israel in May 1948, every Arab country around them attacked. Fortunately, the Jews, though undermanned with outdated and few weapons, successfully defended Israel . . . through toughness, innovation, strategy, tactics, much sacrifice . . . and the will of God.
Thanks for filling in my blanks. “through toughness, innovation, strategy, tactics, much sacrifice . . . and the will of God.” is still the way and means Israel continues to exist.
….superior brans, Uzis and Krav Maga also help.
*brains* not brans! (blush)
Jews have lived in Israel for over 3,000 years. I wouldn’t touch that subject if I were you.
I was just relating some history.
My personal belief is that as God has given it to the Jews, the Jews have the only God-given deed to land that exists. Roughly “I will establish your borders from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, and from the desert to the Euphrates River. I will give into your hands the people who live in the land, and you will drive them out before you.”
Of course! – I was just talking about recent political history. As you know I’m a supporter of Israel and I do not seek or need anyone’s permission for that.
If you are a supporter then why would you post something like that? That is not something I would ever post.
Correction: Jewish Palestine was the land on the west of the Jordan river and ARAB Palestine was essentially the current nation of Jordan.
ANother Outstanding Thread MQ!!!

What a time to be ALIVE for such a time as this!!
GODSPEED President Trump!!!
Benni Ganz on board w/plan, thanked POTUS for it yesterday. Bibi also supports.
Here we go, all hands on deck, we’re about to solve Peace in the Middle East.
Whatever happens, and we know this is the most difficult problem to face any President, we have to give the Boss credit for trying.
Waiting for the event…very excited
here we go!!!!!!!!!
What a huge day
The young people are ready
Peace transcends politics/
Imagine how Dershowitz feels today.
NEVER AGAIN will we repeat history’s darkest hour.
Met with President Abbas at the White House
I was not elected to do small things or shy away from big problems.
80 pages, heavy on detail
Realistic two state solution?
Endorsed by Gantz of Blue and White AND Bibi.
We have the support of both sides and almost all people in Israel.
We have a proposed map
Holy crap, this is big!!!!!!!!!!
I have goosebumps
Standing ovation as Trump thanks Bibi for his courage.
drawing the map
firm rejection of terrorism
Jerusalem remains undivided capital of Israel
Trump, joking
No return to the days of bus bombings and night club attacks
no compromise on security
this is hugeeeeeeee
the Jerusalem thing along with Golan Heights was so amazing.
Lot of spirit in this room
Have to do a lot for the Palestinians – have to be fair
opportunity for their own state
probably their last chance
we have great leaders on the field right now
yes, the Palestinians will go for this
huge ovation for Pompeo
mentions NPR reporter
Forging peace may be the most difficult challenge of all.

But I was not elected to do small things nor shy away from difficult problems.
USA will open an embassy in Palestinian capital in east Jerusalem.
No one forced to move
All Muslims
50 billion investment into Palestinian state
1 million jobs
poverty rate cut in half
gdp double to triple
no more handouts and foreign aid
TEACH them to fish…………..
POTUS always looks at this as an economic opportunity. A good life for all.
Ending incitement of hate towards Israel
Permanently halting financial compensation to terrorists
No more Hamas, no more compensation to terrorists
no more hatred of Israel
forming new country
commitment to help
Sent the letter to Abbas
deal open for 4 years
President Abbas, we will be there every step of the way to help
It will work, if they do this
54 leaders of the GCC —————- have t take care of the regions youth
yeah buddy, that trip to Saudi was important
Starting in SA, everything he’s done in ME has been building up to this.
POTUS is an Amazing VSG indeed!!
Message to Islam and Arab leaders on Saudi trip…
We have to take care of the region’s youth, they’re growing up with no hope
Iran is isolated
Soleimani is dead
Like I have always said, the key to peace there is the destruction of Iran’s power and reach. No cash, no dash.
Soleimani ran Hezbollah and another group closer to . pure hatredsrael.
It’s time to recognize Israel.
This is enormous.
over senseless causes.
He’s lined up other leaders in the region, massive support
Leaders all over world calling and supporting, all want to see it happen
Muslims visit Al Axa in Israel
Christians and Jews to visit sites described in the bible.
Other Ambassadors there
Jordan’s King Abdullah in charge of access for all
Thanking Oman, Bahrain, and UAE for incredible work with this
Obligation to humanity to get it done.
Wow – Trump the leader
Cyrus the Great
Biden watching….he knows the Jewish vote will bleed away from the Dem Party.
Bibi takes a drink
In Israel, we take a drink of water before a long voyage,……… this is a long voyage.
I’m gonnaa cry.
Thanks his wife and others, including Pompeo, Mnuchin, O’Brien, Kelly Craft, Kuschner, and Ivanka, good to see you both.
Ambassador David Freeman, Greenberg (he is one incredible guy), other members of the admin
People are wiping their eyes.
Ambassadors of UAE, Bahrain, Oman, what a sign it portends ot the future and the present.
Bibi thanking everyone. I see Ron de Santis.
This is a historic day (this is the speech of Bibi’s lifetime, the culmination of his entire career)
Wow, goosebumps.
Down the decades, down the centuries, on this day, YOU (Trump) became the first world leader to recognize territries central to our heritage.
Brilliant future.
Okay we’re going to need a transcript for this one.
May 14, 1948 chartered our future
Jan 28, 2020 POTUS charters brilliant future
People wildly underestimate Jared Kushner.
Right balance between Israels claims and security to Palestinian right for self-determination.
And we lost the feed for what Bibi is saying……….
no other network covering it.
“No other network covering it”….yeah, like it’s not an historic occurrence or anything.
WH has full ceremony.
found it on T_D.
Yes, I flipped.
I was so mad…couldn’t find another in the car with sound
President Trump is the Greatest Friend Israel has ever had in the White House!!

Bibi accepts conditions and will negotiate with Palestinians based on this plan.
Given all you’ve done.
I’m not surprised.
You’ve been the greatest friend to Israel we’ve ever had.
Standing ovation.
Netanyahu “You have been the greatest friend Israel has ever had in the White House.”
You know, not sure we realized the depth of disruption from Soleimani.
Now that he is gone, the pathway seems clear.
Kind of explains why the left had such a meltdown about him
Palestinians – he got Israel to agree to a two state solution.
Wow, imagine that.
Israel is the Jewish State.
^^^ Huge!
Permanent eastern border.
Hamas to be disarmed
Gaza to be de-militarized
4th – missed it
Jerusalem, under Israel sovereignty
Plan does not uproot anyone from their homes.
Innovative solutions, real estate ——– he;s smiling.
They can come up with things normal people don’t think about.
Palistinian problems must be resolved outside of Israel.
That was the fourth one I missed, thank you!
On your 6 MQ!!
“Jerusalem, under Israel sovereignty”
If so, that means the Temple can rebuilt.
I wonder what happens then?
Where is the Ark of the Covenant, and the contents (the Book of the Law, and Aaron’s staff, and the manna in the jar, saved as a memorial of the food eaten by the children of Israel during their 40 years in the desert).
How will the Levitical priesthood be restored, without accurate genealogical records to determine who is a direct descendant of the Tribe of Levi?
Where is the Altar, and the table, and the staves and other instruments overlaid with gold, originally constructed for the Temple?
If the location of these things is actually known by someone, and the Temple is restored, along with the Levitical priesthood, will the rest of the Old Law be restored, e.g., daily animal sacrifices and burnt offerings?
This is going to be fascinating.
Scott, I like your questions. I think a current generation has been looking into the answers since the 1980s. Of course, as you know, rumors are easy to start but sometimes the dominoes are already set up – behind the curtain.
“We’ll see how that works out.”
It helps when you have Real Estate people
they can think up all kinds of things!
May take a long time to get to this path,
to make peace
to abide by conditions
we are prepared to negotiate right way
Plan is too rich, too good, for the Palestinians to pass up.
Makes sense.
Puts Abbas on a bed of coals. He has to act.
It’s time.
The young people want and deserve it.
No need to fight, no more bloodshed.
Time for peace for our families.
And he’s teaching them to fish, develop their own economy, no more handouts.
Judahah, Sumeria valley
How can anyone reject $50Billion of investment??????? Talking to you Palestine!!
50 Billion of investment/
Build an economy and give the youth more opportunities.
And we know the money is not all coming from the USA.
Jason Greenblat (that’s the guy – the hero))
Harvey Berkowitz – stepped up
David Freidman, Ambassador
Mission of a lifetime
Jared Kuschner, without your wisdom, persistence, resolve, this day would have never come.
Jewish state owes Kushner and POTUS eternal debt of gratitude!
wow..I am in tears. Excited.
Well Jared, today, you have helped secure the future of the Jewish state, and we owe you an eternal debt of gratitude.
Standing ovation.
Jewish saying,
If not now, When?
If not us, Who?
omg he used the phrase..”if not now, when…” Very typical thing said by Jews.
I went from a very rural community in the PNW to “The Shore” on the East Coast. Never met a Jew until my sophomore year in college so was very naive about so many Jewish things.
I will say, though that “if not now, when” was a phrase I heard all my life growing up, especially from my dad who immigrated from Western Canada. The phrase was very apropos in his case because he developed lung cancer and died in his mid-60’s…for me, a lesson learned.
The phrase I liked the most (have no idea if it’s typical Jewish or not)….”wear it (enjoy it) in good health.” For example, if someone got a new piece of jewelry, or a new coat or car…it was always said. I was so taken with the phrase, I’ve used it since I since then.
Then there’s the old one that still makes me laugh…”what am I…chopped liver?” I’ll let NYGuy explain that one!
haha..just phrases…who knows where they come from
1948, Bengurin and Truman, seized the moment, and declared the Jewish state.
Same as today.
Many obstacles.
If not now, when?
If not us, who?
Opportunity of the century.
Blessed to have your friendship.
Greatest power on earth, the USA.
I’m crying.
They are playing “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong.
Noticed that immediately…curious if there was a special significance other than the hopeful words.
Playing Ray Charles, What a Wonderful World.
Now THAT is what I want my government to do.
LEAD the WORLD for peace and prosperity!
in PDJT’s world ..PEACE is the GRAND PRIZE
in it.. “EVERYBODY WINS ” !!!!! ..MOAR WINNING for ALL participants , across the board !!
I turned Tv OFF when networks switched to peach- mint
and came HERE
whut peachmint?
THIS !! .. is THE NEWS of the day
Ray Charles ‘what a wonderful world ‘ perfect.
Seriously,Don’t know how you do it Ms Daughn
Thank You !
Louis Armstrong sang It’s a WOnderful World. Trust me. It’s my mother’s favorite song.
You are correct DP You would know. Sorry I stand corrected … caught up in the excitement..
May the LORD GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob shine His Face upon this plan and move the peoples’ hearts to achieve peace, love, hope, freedom and prosperity for the future of the Middle East.
Pres Trump just made me love him even more. I need help. lol.
Happy for you Ed
Happy for us both
What a wonderful day.
Okay, now moving to the den of vipers in the Senate.
Snicker, snort! What a day and what a week for our dearly beloved President Trump!!!
and even a RALLY tonight!
Never, ever has been a President like DJT and never will be again!
I know Pence is so glad he said YES to PDJT!
Get ready, punkin, there’s another rally day after tomorrow in Des Moines Iowa!!!!!!!!
Here is the map
And from the PLO – of course.
The first map is 1922 Jewish Palestine – after 77% of the British Mandate for the Jewish people was given to the Arabs – Jordan is Arab Palestine.
Moving all the Muslims out of Jewish Palestine – aka Israel – will be the only lasting solution.
Gaza is the ancient land of the Philistines – it’s been a scourge upon the Jewish people – physically and spiritually – since the time of the 12 tribes of Israel.
Israel’s problems won’t end until they repent and turn from abortion and homosexuality.
No requirement for anyone to move in this Peace Plan. Cool.
I know – just my opinion.
History shows Islamists do not honor peace treaties and they claim all land for Islam. Not sure 80 billion will change that.
But imma thinking that’s where the carrots will be.
They don’t want their own country.
Don’t realize money from Iran is drying up.
Don’t want the 50 billion dollars.
Don’t want opportunities for their kids to have JOBS as opposed to being suicide bombers.
They just want to burn tires.
This reminds me of the Irish problem – between the Protestants and the Catholics and the IRA.
And like the North and South after the Civil War.
Hate dies slowly.
Will the Islamists let hate die?
‘Palestinians’ have been teaching their children to hate Jews for generations – it’s up to them now.
The new map looks like a means to assimilate, more than two separate nations.
Abbas rejected it and Hamas threatened Israel. Status quo.
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[…] GA/FL January 28, 2020 at 06:44 […]